Arts Department Drama Year 9 Unit 1: Mime and Movement
Arts Department Drama Year 9 Unit 1: Mime and Movement
Arts Department Drama Year 9 Unit 1: Mime and Movement
Criterion A (i) Demonstrate knowledge of the art form studied, including
concept, process, and the use of appropriate language.
(ii) Demonstrate knowledge of the role of the art form in original or
displaced context.
The performer showed splendid facial expressions. When he was talking to someone, he
was smiling and when he got pulled by the dog, his facial expression changed and when he
got splashed by mud while he was following the dog also changed into disgusted and sad.
His expressions didn’t stay the same, he had different expressions in different situations.
He also showed exaggerated action like when he got pulled by the dog, he made the action
larger like instead of just moving backward, his action made it look like he was struggling
like in real life.He made it more big so the audience would understand easier. Besides that,
he also showed precision like how his dog was. Overall, his performance was very good and
i could easily understand what it was about. The background music also made me
understand what’s going on. The background music was of a dog and from that, i could
easily understand that it was about his dog.
Achievement Level descriptor
0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
The student:
● demonstrates limited knowledge of the art form studied, including limited
use of appropriate language .
● demonstrates limited knowledge of the role of the art form in original or
displaced context
● demonstrates limited use of acquired knowledge to inform his or her
The student:
● demonstrates adequate knowledge of the art form studied, including
adequate use of appropriate language.
● demonstrates adequate knowledge of the role of the art form in original or
displaced context
● demonstrates adequate use of acquired knowledge to inform his or her
The student:
● demonstrates substantial knowledge of the art form studied, including
5–6 substantial use of appropriate language.
● demonstrates substantial knowledge of the role of the art form in original
or displaced context
● demonstrates substantial use of acquired knowledge to inform his or her
The student:
● demonstrates excellent knowledge of the art form studied, including
excellent use of appropriate language
7-8 ● demonstrates excellent knowledge of the role of the art form in original or
displaced context.
● demonstrates excellent use of acquired knowledge to inform his or her