ME6404 Thermal Engineering QB
ME6404 Thermal Engineering QB
ME6404 Thermal Engineering QB
UNIT 1 - GAS POWER CYCLE Otto, Diesel, Dual, Brayton cycles, Calculation of mean effective
pressure, and air standard efficiency - Comparison of cycles.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Define Air Standard Efficiency. BT-1 Remembering
2. Draw Brayton cycle in TS and PV planes. BT-3 Applying
Complete the Otto cycle process by its P-V and T-S planes and name all
3. BT-3 Applying
the processes.
4. What are the assumptions made in Air Standard Cycles? BT-1 Remembering
5. Write down the major differences between Otto and Diesel Cycle. BT-2 Understanding
6. Define mean Effective Pressure. Show that on p-v diagram. BT-2 Understanding
7. When compression ratio is kept constant, what is the effect of cut-off
BT-3 Applying
ratio on the efficiency of diesel cycle?
8. In an Otto cycle, compression ratio is 9. Estimate the air standard cycle
BT-5 Evaluating
9. Derive expression for mean effective pressure for diesel cycle? BT-4 Analysing
10. Point out the Diesel cycle on P-V and T-S planes and mention the four
BT-3 Applying
thermodynamic processes involved.
11. Consider a Diesel engine has a compression ratio of 14 and cut-off takes
BT-5 Evaluating
place at 6% of the stroke. Find the air standard efficiency.
12. Define Mean Effective Pressure? BT-1 Remembering
13. Describe with neat sketches of p-v and T-s dual cycle? BT-3 Applying
14. Name the factors that affect the air standard efficiency of diesel cycle. BT-1 Remembering
15. Define the terms compression ratio and cut-off ratio. BT-1 Remembering
Predict the effect of cut-off ratio on the efficiency of diesel cycle when
16. BT-2 Understanding
the compression ratio is kept constant?
For the same compression ratio and heat supplied, Identify the order of
17. BT-1 Remembering
decreasing air standard efficiency of Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles.
18. Express the Brayton cycle (Limited pressure cycle) on P-V and T-S
BT-2 Understanding
planes and mention the various processes.
19. A Carnot cycle works between the temperatures 300K and 700K.
Calculate the maximum work possible per Kg of air. BT-3 Applying
2. The minimum pressure and temperature in an Otto cycle are 100 kPa and
27o C. the amount of heat added to the air per cycle is 1500 kJ/kg.
Determine the pressure and temperatures at all points of the air
standard Otto cycle. BT-3 Applying
Also calculate the specific work and thermal efficiency of the
cycle for a compression ratio of 8:1.
Take for air: cv = 0.72 kJ/kg K and γ = 1.4
3. In a constant volume Otto cycle the pressure at the end of compression
is 15 times that at the start, the temperature of air at the beginning of
compression is 380 C and maximum temperature attained in the cycle is
19500 C. Analyse :
BT-4 Analysing
Compression ratio.
Thermal efficiency of the cycle.
Work done.
Take γ for air = 1.4.
4. An engine working on Otto cycle has a volume of 0.5 m3, pressure 1 bar
and temperature 270 C at the commencement of compression stroke. At
the end of compression stroke, the pressure is 10 bar. Heat added during
the constant volume process is 200 kJ. Evaluating :
Percentage clearance. BT-5 Evaluating
Air standard efficiency.
Mean effective pressure.
Power developed by the engine if the engine runs at 400 rpm, so
that there are 200 complete cycles per minutes.
5. Express mean effective pressure of an Otto cycle in terms of compression
BT-2 Understanding
6. An engine with 200 mm cylinder diameter and 300 mm stroke works on
theoretical Diesel cycle. The initial pressure and temperature of air used
are 1 bar and 270C. The cut-off is 8% of the stroke. Evaluate :
Pressure and temperatures at all salient points. BT-5 Evaluating
Theoretical air standard efficiency.
Mean effective pressure.
Power of the engine if the working cycles per minute are 380.
7. The swept volume of a diesel engine working on dual is 0.0053 m3 and
clearance volume is 0.00035 m3. The maximum pressure is 65 bars. Fuel
injection ends at 5 percent of the stroke. The temperature and pressure at BT-5 Evaluating
the compression are 800 C and 0.9 bar. Evaluate the air standard
efficiency of the cycle. Take γ for air = 1.4.
8. The compression ratio for a single–cylinder engine operating on dual
cycle is 9. The maximum pressure in the cylinder is limited to 60 bars.
The pressure and temperature of the air at the beginning of the cycle is 1
bar and 300 C. heat is added during constant pressure process up to 4
percent of the stroke. Assuming the cylinder diameter and stroke length
BT-4 Analysing
as 250 and 300 mm respectively, Analyse :
The air standard efficiency of the cycle.
The power developed is the number of working cycles are 3 per
Take for air cv = 0.71 kJ/kg K and cp = 1.0 kJ/kg K.
9. In an engine working on dual cycle, the temperature and pressure at the
BT-5 Evaluating
beginning of the cycle are 900 C and 1 bar respectively. The compression
ratio is 9. The maximum pressure is limited to 68 bars and total heat
supplied per kg of air is 1750 kJ. Determine :
Pressure and temperatures at all salient points
Air standard efficiency and MEP
10. The compression ratio and expansion ratio of an oil engine working on
the dual cycle are 9 and 5 respectively. The initial pressure and
temperature of the air are 1 bar and 300 C. The expansion and
compression follow the law PV1.25 = constant. Determine :
Pressure and temperatures at all salient points BT-1 Remembering
Mean effective pressure of the cycle.
Efficiency of the cycle.
Power of the engine if working cycles per second are 8.
Assume: cylinder bore = 250 mm and stroke length = 400 mm.
11. (a) A diesel engine has a compression ratio of 15 and heat addition at
constant pressure takes at 6 % of stroke. Find the air standard efficiency BT-2 Understanding
of the engine. Take γ for air as 1.4
(b)The compression ratio of a Dual cycle is 10. The temperature and
pressure at the beginning of the cycle are 1 bar and 27˚C. The maximum
pressure of the cycle is limited to 70 bar and heat supplied is limited to BT-2 Understanding
675 kJ/kg of air. Find the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
12. Derive an expression for Air Standard Efficiency and state the
BT-4 Analysing
assumption of an Otto Cycle.
13. Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine plant operating on Brayton
cycle at 101.325 kPa, 270C. The pressure ratio in the cycle is 6. Calculate
the maximum temperature in the cycle and the cycle efficiency. Assume Applying
WT = 2.5 WC, where WT and WC are the turbine and the compressor
work respectively. Take γ= 1.4.
14 Consider an air standard cycle in which the air enters the compressor at
1.0 bar and 200 C. the pressure of air leaving the compressor is 3.5 bar
and the temperature at turbine inlet is 6000 C. determine per kg of air:
Heat supplied to air and Heat rejected in the cooler BT-5 Evaluating
Work available at the shaft and the Efficiency of the cycle
Temperature of air leaving the turbine. For air γ = 1.4 and cp =
1.005 kJ/kg K.
2. A diesel engine operating on the air-standard Diesel cycle has six cylinders
of 100 mm bore and 120 mm stroke. The engine speed is 1800 rpm. At the
beginning of compression the pressure and temperature of air are 1.030bar
and 35˚C. If the clearance volume is 1/8th of the stroke volume, calculate
BT-2 Understanding
(i) the pressure and temperature at the salient points of the cycle (ii) the
compression ratio (iii) the efficiency of the cycle and (iv) the power output
if the air is heated to 1500˚C. Assume Cp and Cv of air to be 1.004 and
0.717 kJ / kg K respectively.
3. For an engine working on the ideal Dual cycle, the compression ratio is 10
and the maximum pressure is limited to 70 bar. If the heat supplied is 1680 BT-4 Analysing
kJ/kg, find the pressure and temperatures at the various salient points of
the cycle and the cycle efficiency. The pressure and temperature of air at
the commencement of compression are 1 bar and 100˚C respectively.
Assume Cp=1.004 kJ/kg K and Cv= 0.717 kJ/kg K for air.
UNIT II INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Classification - Components and their function. Valve
timing diagram and port timing diagram – actual and theoretical p-V diagram of four stroke and two stroke
engines. Simple and complete Carburetor. MPFI, Diesel pump and injector system. Battery and Magneto Ignition
System - Principles of Combustion and knocking in SI and CI Engines. Lubrication and Cooling systems.
Performance Calculation.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What are the advantages in MPFI System? BT-1 Remembering
2. What is Octane number in I.C. Engine? BT-1 Remembering
3. What is the antifreeze solutions used in water cooling systems? BT-1 Remembering
4. What is meant by motoring test? BT-1 Remembering
Show the valve overlapping period of a typical 4-stroke petrol engine
5. BT-3 Applying
on valve timing diagram.
6. Define the phenomenon Knocking in spark ignited engines. BT-2 Understanding
7. Write the important requirement of fuel injection system. BT-2 Understanding
8. State the purpose of thermostat in an engine cooling system. BT-2 Understanding
9. What are the function of a flywheel? BT-1 Remembering
What are the advantages of four stroke cycle engine over two stroke
10. BT-1 Remembering
cycle engines
11. What is a carburettor? State any two functions of carburettor. BT-4 Analysing
12. What is a unit Injection System? BT-1 Remembering
13. List the four stages of combustion in CI engine. BT-3 Applying
14. Draw the theoretical P-V diagram for four stroke engines. BT-6 Creating
15. Draw the theoretical P-V diagram for two stroke engines BT-6 Creating
16. Draw the actual P-V diagram for four stroke engines. BT-2 Understanding
17. Draw the actual P-V diagram for two stroke engines BT-2 Understanding
18. Define the term Brake Power. BT-1 Remembering
What are the advantages of four stroke cycle engines over two stroke
19. BT-5 Evaluating
20. Analyse the cause for ignition delay? BT-4 Analysing
PART-B (13 Marks)
1. Explain the typical Port timing diagram and the significance of each
BT-5 Evaluating
angle in the Port timing diagram in Two Stroke Engine
2. Describe with suitable sketches the following system of a modern
(i) Main Metering System
(ii) Idling System BT-1 Remembering
(iii) Economizer System
(iv) Acceleration Pump System
(v) Choke
3. Discuss the difference between theoretical and actual valve timing
BT-1 Remembering
diagram of a diesel engine.
4. Explain the working principle of diesel injector with a neat diagram. BT-2 Understanding
5. (a) Explain the phenomena of knocking in diesel engines. BT-2 Understanding
(b) What are the different factors which influence the knocking? BT-2 Understanding
6. Analyse the effect of Octane and Cetane number on the I.C. Engine Cycle
BT-6 Creating
and performance
7. (a) Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Battery ignition System. BT-1 Remembering
(b) Explain with neat sketch the working principle of Magneto ignition System. BT-1 Remembering
8. a. Explain any one lubrication system with a neat sketch. BT-2 Understanding
b. Explain the Bosch fuel Injector with neat sketch. BT-2 Understanding
9. A four stroke four cylinder gasoline engine has a bore of 60 mm and a
stroke of 100 mm. On test it develops a torque of 66.5 N-m when running
at 3000 rpm. If the clearance volume in each cylinder is 60 cc the relative BT-5 Evaluating
efficiency with respect to the BTE is 0.5 and the CV of the fuel is
42MJ/kg, determine the fuel consumption in kg/h and the BMEP.
10. Following data relate to 4-cylinder four stroke petrol engine. Air fuel
ratio by weight = 16: 1, calorific value of the fuel = 45200 kJ/kg,
mechanical efficiency = 82%, air-standard efficiency = 52%, relative
efficiency = 70%, volumetric efficiency = 78 %, stroke/bore ratio = 1.25, BT-5 Evaluating
suction conditions = 1 bar & 25oC, r.p.m. = 2400 and power at brakes
=72kW. Evaluating: (1) Compression ratio, (2) Indicated thermal
efficiency, (3) Brake specific fuel consumption, (4) Bore and Stroke.
11. Air consumption for a four-stroke petrol engine is measured by means of
a circular orifice of diameter 3.2 cm. The co-efficient of discharge for
the orifice is 0.62 and the pressure across the orifice is 150 mm of water.
The barometer reads 760 mm of Hg. Temperature of air in the room is
20oC. The piston displacement volume is 0.00178 m3. The compression
ratio is 6.5. The fuel consumption is 0.135 kg/min of calorific value BT-5 Evaluating
43900 kJ/kg. The brake power developed at 2500 r.p.m. is 28 kW.
Determine: (1) The volumetric efficiency on the basic of air alone. (2)
The air-fuel ratio. (3) The brake mean effective pressure. (4) The relative
efficiency on the brake thermal efficiency on the brake thermal
efficiency basis.
12. (a) Explain Normal and abnormal Combustion in SI engines. BT-4 Analysing
b. What are the factors affecting he flame speed of the engine. BT-4 Analysing
13. Write a note on Cooling system for an I.C. Engine in detail with relevant
BT-2 Understanding
sketches of various types.
14. a. Explain four stages of combustion in CI engines. BT-2 Understanding
b. What are the factors affecting Ignition Delay and Delay Period? BT-1 Remembering
PART-C (15 Marks)
UNIT IV AIR COMPRESSOR:Classification and working principle of various types of compressors, work of
compression with and without clearance, Volumetric efficiency, Isothermal efficiency and Isentropic efficiency of
reciprocating compressors, Multistage air compressor and inter cooling –work of multistage air compressor
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Generalize the role of intercooler used to reduce the power
consumption of compressor? BT - 6 Creating
4. Express a neat sketch describe any one type of rotary compressor. BT - 6 Creating
5. A single acting single stage compressor is belt driven from an electric
motor at 400 rpm. The cylinder diameter is 15 cm and the stroke is 17.5
cm. The air is compressed from 1 bar to 7 bar and the law of
compression PV1.3 = constant. Predict (find) the power of the motor, if BT - 2 Understanding
transmission efficiency is 97 % and the mechanical efficiency of the
compressor is 90%. Neglect clearance effects.
10. Explain the construction and working of Multi stage compressor and
discuss the perfect and imperfect inter cooling with neat a sketch. And
drive minimum work required for a two stage reciprocating air BT - 4 Analysing
12. Drive the work done for a single stage air compressor with and without
BT - 5 Evaluating
clearance volume.
13. Discuss with suitable sketches the working of two stage air compressor
with actual p-v Diagram. BT - 4 Analysing
1. A two cylinder single acting air compressor is to deliver 16kg of air per
minute at 7 bar form suction conditions 1 bar and 15oC. The clearance
may be taken as 4% of stroke volume and the index for both compression
and re-expansion as 1.3. The compressor is directly coupled to a four
cylinder four stroke petrol engine which runs at 2000rpm with a brake BT - 5 Evaluating
mean effective pressure of 5.5bar. Assuming a stroke-bore ration of 1.2
for both engine and compressor and a mechanical efficiency of 82% for
compressor, calculate the required cylinder dimensions.
7. a. Explain with a neat sketch the summer Air - Conditioning suitable for
BT - 4 Analysing
Chennai weather Conditions
b. Prepare a neat layout of summer Air Conditioner BT - 6 Creating
8. Explain the summer Air Conditioning system suitable for hot and humid
weather. BT - 4 Analyzing
11. A sling psychrometer reads 40OC DBT and 36OC WBT. Estimate the
humidity ratio, relative humidity, DPT, specific volume of air, density of
BT - 6 Creating
air, density of water vapour and enthalpy.
12. Saturated air at 21˚C is passed through a drier so that the final relative
humidity is 20%. The air is then passed through a cooler until its final
temperature is 21˚C without a change in specific humidity. Estimate (i) The
BT - 5 Evaluating
temperature of air after drying process, (ii) the heat rejected in cooling
process, (iii) the dew point temperature at the end of drying process.
13. 40 m3 of air per minute at 31˚C DBT and 18.5˚C WBT is passed over the
cooling coil whose surface temperature is 4.4˚C. The coil cooling capacity
is 3.56 tons of refrigeration under the given condition of air. Estimate DBT BT - 4 Analysing
and WBT of the air leaving the cooling coil.