Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalambam - Mukkur Jeeyar
Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalambam - Mukkur Jeeyar
Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalambam - Mukkur Jeeyar
Introduction 1
. ïI lúmIn&is<hkravlMbStaeÇm!.
SrI lakshmInrsimha karAvalamba stotram
(Composed by HH, the 44th paTTam MukkUr SrImad azhagiya singar)
SrImad SrIvaN SaThakopa SrI VedAnta Desika yatIndra MahA Desikan's (HH
44th paTTam, MukkUr Azhagiya Singar) intense devotion to his nityAradhana
mUrti, Maalolan has been captured beautifully in the moving SrI LakshmI
nrsimha Prapatti and SrI LakshmI nrsimha karAvalamba stotram. SrImad
Azhagiya Singar's choice words for eulogizing Maalolan reveal his adoration for
Bhakta sulabha Prabhu who incarnated from the pillar in the darbhAr of VishNu
-dveshi HiraNyakaSipu to protect His SreshTa bhaktan, PrahlAdan and to
punish the offending HiraNyakaSipu decisively. Lord Narasimhan's main aim in
jumping out of the pillar at the court of asura king HiraNyakaSipu was to prove
that His bhaktAs words cannot become untrue (satyam vidhAtum nija bhrtya
bhAshitam). In Srimad BhAgavatam, the bhakta priya SrI nrsmha mUrti is said
to reside in Harivarsha kaNDam, where He is worshipped by PrahlAdan.
om namo bhagavate narasimhAya namastejastejase AvirAvirbhava
Your bhIjAksharam, kshraum, reside in our heart lotus !
In the next Srimad BhAgavata Slokam, PrahlAdan eulogizes SrI nrsimhan with a
eulogizes You will be subjected to any fears (nrsimha vibhayAya janA:
To remove the fear of one who is afraid, it is loka rIti to hold on to a strong
person's hand. If it is so in case of simple fears, seeking the hand of the
Protector of the world (jagat Rakshaka Swamy) to free oneself from tApa
trayam and to gain sadgati through karAvalambam is a surely winning strategy.
Srimad Azhagiya Singar adopts this strategy and eulogizes the Lord who is dear
to PrahlAdan and prays for the Lord to extend His hand to lift him up from the
whirlpool of samsAram and land him in the Lord's supreme abode.
. ïI>.
Slokam 1
lakshmInrsimha! mama dehi karAvalambam ||
Oh Lord, LakshmInrsimha! Extend Your hand for support and give me now the
joy of holding Your feet always and to sing Your glory. hE Mukunda, Who is the
ocean of auspicious qualities and enjoyed by all! Please extend to me your
(strong) arm for protection !
avalamba - of holding
dvandva - the pair of
sadA - always
mukunda - who is Mukunda, One who gives mukti (muktim dadAti iti mukunda:)
Right at the outset, Srimad Azhagiya Singar comes out with his request for the
extension of the Lord's sacred and powerful hand to lift him out of the
samsAric worries so that he can hold on to the lotus feet of the Lord:
The reason why aDiyEn is asking for holding on to Your lotus feet is that as
acyutan, You will not cast aside or abandon anyone who holds Your pAvana
pAdam as protection the acyuta tattvam, where the Lord stays as “nata
satyan” (meyyavarrku aDiyan) and rushes to the rescue of bhaktAs in distress
like PrahlAdan is reminded here. For additional details on acyuta tattvam,
please refer to the 18th e-book on acyuta Satakam in Ahobilavalli e-book series
the infinite, auspicious nAmAs of Yours.
lúmIsmet cturannéÔmuOyE>,
s<seVymancr[a<buj É´ÉaeGy
Oh Lord LakshmInrsimha! Whose Lotus Feet the devotees adore and the devAs
like Brahma and Siva worship, and Who is with Lakshmi and Whose glory is well
known from the tApanIya Upanishad, extend Your hand for support.
lakshmInrsimha - Oh LakshmInrsimha
samsevyamAna - is worshipped
dehi mama - give me
The anvaya kramam reveals the bhAkti bhAvam of the Maalola divya pAdukA
PrahlAdan is the greatest among the Lord's bhaktAs. The PrahlAda stuti
enshrined in Srimad BhAgavatam (Ahobilavalli series e-book # 74, at http:// has the moving prayer of the five year old bAla yogi,
PrahlAdan. One of the Slokams of this prayer is:
PrahlAdan seeks the bliss of eternal service to the Lord here and points out
that He alone is the world of the gross and the subtle and that there is nothing
that is comprehended by the mind or speech that is not Him.
Lord Narasimhan's glories (Vaibhavam) are sung by BrahmA, Rudran and others
(caturAnana rudra mukhyai: samsevyamAna caraNAmbhuja) and PrahlAdan
makes reference to this in his stuti (nrsimha virinci gItA:).
VedAnta deSikan in His kAmAsIkAshTaka Slokam passage:
Knowing this, aDiyEn seeks Your caraNAmbujam with a firm mind. asmat
AcAryan seeks the KarAvalambaNam of Maalolan for his rakshaNam.
Slokam 3
iv:[aeirit àitvdNtmpalySTv<
Oh LakshmInrsimha! You protected the son (PrahlAda) who when asked by his
father "My son, tell me what good learning you had today?", he replied that it
was the recounting of the nAmAs and attributes of VishNu. Oh Lord Nrsimha!
Extend Your hand to me for support.
tvam – You
apAlaya: - protected
nAma guNAnuvAda: – (the good I have learnt is) the recounting of nAmA and
the attributes of
vishNo: iti - of Lord VishNu
yat - which
sAdhu - good
The rest of the SlokAs describe the story of NarsimhAvatAram in brief.
In Srimad BhAgavatam, HiraNyakaSipu asks his son about the best among the
lessons that he learnt about that day: “prahlAda anUcyatAm tAta svadhItam
kincit uttamam”. The child PrahlAdan replied: “Amongst the best that I learnt
today is the uttama j~nAnam of worshipping Hari with nine kinds of Bhakti”:
--- tNmNye=xItmuÄmm!.
SravaNam kIrtanam vishNo: smaraNam pAda sevanam |
The great bhaktan enumerated the nine kinds of bhakti that pleases the Lord
3. Bhagavat smaraNam as demonsrated by him (PrahlAdan),
The child PrahlAdan summed up the BhagavannAma guNAnuvAdam as the best
that he had learnt (sAdhu paThitam) that day at school.
Slokam 4
s<r][ay ivinvitRtviûz´e,
É´ay daépirkiLptpÒtLp
hE LakshmInrsimha! Who created a couch of lotus for Your devotee, the son of
asura, who was thrown into the flaming fire, and deactivated the power of fire
to protect him, extend Your hand to me for support.
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmInrsimha
samrakshaNAya - to protect
vahniSakte - the power of fire.
PrahlAdan declared that Hari bhakti is the most important for one's ujjIvanam.
Even as a growing embryo in his mother's womb, PrahlAdan was blessed to hear
the upadesams of Sage Naarada. He developed Bhagavat bhakti through that
sAdhu satsangam. After birth, his bhakti grew further and developed asancala
bhakti for Hari. It was the janmAntara vAsanA that caused such intense bhakti
in PrahlAdan. His angry father did not understand this and flew in to a rage
over the answer given by his son to his question and decided to kill his son, who
praised and declared loyalty to his his (HiraNyan's) enemy Hari. HiraNyan
ordered his servants to throw PrahlAdan in to a raging fire (sandIpitAgni). The
Lord who is always near His dear bhaktAs created a soft and cool lotus couch
in the middle of the fire to receive the bhaktan. The fire did not harm
PrahlAdan meditating on his Lord; he walked out of the agni KuNDam
unscorched due to the Lord's intervention by warding off the power of the agni
(daitya Dimba samrakshaNAya vinivartita vahni Sakte). The fire had no power
over PrahlAdan. It was like the times when the fire set by the rakshasAs on
the tail of HanumAn did not harm him due to the power of SitA PirATTi's
Slokam 5
hE LakshmInrsimha! Who destroyed the crest jewel and the fangs of the
serpent which was directed to kill PrahlAda, who was not aware of the snake
bites on his body at all through constant remembrance of You, extend Your
hand to me for support.
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmInrsimha
tanum - of his body
HiraNyakaSipu vented his anger at his son in other ways and tried to destroy
him by stabbing him with tridents (SUlairAviddha:). That did not work since
they could not harm PrahlAdan. They felt like blunt and soft instruments. Next
the angry father commanded the elephants of the directions to crush his son
(diggajai: subahu mathita:). They pushed PrahlAdan down and stomped over him.
The feet of the powerful elephants did not affect PrahlAdan. Enraged asuran
sent very poisonous snakes to bite his son to kill him. The serpents attacked
him with their poisonous fangs (mahA sarpairdashTa:). PrahlAdan did not even
feel their bites because his mind was totally involved with dhyAnam of his Lord
(tvayi nyastAtmatvAt kimapi na nipIDAmabhajata).
Slokam 6
namam&ten pirpailtdETypuÇ,
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmInrsimha
vishapAna – with the drinking of poison
mother and pointed out that Hari is on his side and no harm would come his way
and the poison will turn in to medicine:
PrahlAdan consumed the food mixed with poison and the poison had no effect
on him. Our AcAryan describes the body of PrahlAdan protected by the ever
wakeful Lord as: “jAgarUka parirakshaNa prahlAda deha:”. The power of the
recitation of BhagavannAmAs neutralized the destructive power of the poison.
Slokam 7
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmInrsimha
samrushTa daitya pati - by the angry king of asuras, Hiranya kaSipu
anger. He was run
over but nothing ever
happened due to the
protection of the
Lord with His vicitra
viSesha bhakta
paripAlana dIksha.
PrahlAdan bounced
back as if nothing
ever happened to
him. The dik-gajams
saluted PrahlAdan
and went on their
way home.
Slokam 8
s<r][ay m&ÊÉUtxraixnaw,
lakshmInrsimha – hE LakshmInrsimha
patamAna - who was falling
consort, BhUmi devi to become
soft and protect His bhaktan
from any harm. PrahlAdan had a
soft landing and was unharmed
Slokam 9
hE LakshmInrsimha! Who was the cause of freeing the child PrahlAda when he
was bound by the king of asurAs due to his proclaimed enmity towards the glory
of Lord VishNu, extend Your hand to me in protection. By Your mercy, the
bound PrahlAdan came ashore when thrown in to the sea.
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmInrsimha
krpayA tavaiva - by Your mercy
The enraged HiraNyakaSipu was not giving up his attempts to have his son
killed. This time, he tied PrahlAdan with ropes and threw him in to the ocean.
VaruNa removed all the ropes and PrahlAdan floated back safely to the shore.
Slokam 10
#Tyu´vNtmsurat! pirr]is Sm
"Yes, Hari, Who is infinite, is present in all bodies, known by you also from long
time ago", from the asurA, extend Your hand to me in protection.
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmIinrsimha
sarvaSarIra - to whom everything is the body
vasati - abides
sarveshu - in all
vidita: - is known
purA - earlier
The troubled HiraNyakaSipu now began to worry that he may be killed by Hari,
whom PrahlAdan was identifying as his protector. The angry HiraNyan asked his
son: “Where is this Hari you are talking about as pervading this entire universe
(are kvAsau kvAsau sakala jagadAtmA haririti). Is Hari in this pillar in my
darbhAr hall”? PrahlAdan responded:
“Yes, my Hari is everywhere including this pillar that you point out - asau hari:
sarva SarIra: sarveshu vasati”. Maddened HiraNyakaSipu hit the pillar with his
fist and in that instant, Lord Narasimha jumped out of that pillar to fulfill His
avatAra kAryam.
Slokam 11
StMÉavtI[R iditpuÇivnazkairn!
hE LakshmInrsimha! Who came out of the pillar in front of all sages in order to
prove the words of Your devotee are true and killed the son of diti,
HiranyakaSipu, extend Your hand to me in protection.
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmInrsimha
ditiputra vinASakArin - and killed the son of diti, HiranyakaSipu
Slokam 12
s<r]is Sm zr[agtz»rSTv<
hE LakshmInrsimha! You, who always look after the welfare of those who take
refuge in You, saved the body of the sannyAsin bound by iron and placed in the
middle of burning logs of fire. Extend Your hand in support to me.
lakshmInrsimha - hE lakshmInrsimha
tvam – You
kAshTha madhyam - the middle of logs
pariveshTita - surrounded by
the body of a king to learn about the grahastAsrama dharmAs. The king with
the soul of Sankara inside returned to the kingdom and the wives of the king
along with the citizens of the country were very happy about the many
auspicious changes in the kingdom since the king returned from the forest. The
king's minister surmised that a great soul must have entered the dead body of
the king, They tried to burn the body of Adi Sankara so that his soul can not
re-enter the body which was hidden in a cave waiting for the return of Adi
SankarA's soul, which had transmigrated to the king's body for a short while to
learn about the life as a grahasta. The minister gave the order for Adi
Sankara's body to be burnt so that his soul can not reenter his body. When the
fire was beginning to reach his limbs from the pyre, the SishyAs rushed to the
scene and reminded the AcArya about the danger. Adi Sankara composed a
stotram named SrI LakshmI nrsimha karAvalamba stotram and begged Lord
Narasimha to give him His hand and lift him out of the samsAric ocean. Lord
Narasimhan responded quickly and quenched the enveloping fire and saved Adi
Sankara's body. For meaning and comments on Sri Adi Sankara’s SrI LakshmI
nrsimha karAvalamba stotram, please see Srihayagrivan series e-book that is
soon to be released at
Slokam 13
lakshmInrsimha - hE LakshmInrsimha
ya: - who
AvirbabhUvitha - manifested
iti tApanIya Srutyukta eva - just as it was said in the tApanIya Upanishad
nrsimha - Narasimha
kaliyuge - in Kaliyuga
Here Lord Narasimhan's avatAram in the caves of Ahobilam for the holding
and protection of the world and its beings is described along the lines of SrI
nrsimha tApanIya Upanishad and the Lord is requested by SrImad Azhagiya
Singar to bless him with KarAvalambam.
Slokam 14
To protect the beings of the world in kaliyuga, You travel to the villages and
cities with the AcAryAs selected by You; they are known for their parabhakti
to You. LakshmInrsimha! Extend Your hand in support to me.
paripAlanAya - to save
bhaktAn – devotees
yativarAn – sannyAsi-s
lakshmInrsimha – hE LakshmInrsimha
The tradition of SrI maTham, where Maalolan travels from village to village
with His ArAdhakAs and divya pAdukA sevakAs (Azhagiya Singar-s) in this Kali
yugam is referred to. The Lord is taken on sancArams across the length and
breadth of India to visit multitudes of villages and cities to bless His devotees
with samAsrayaNa-bharanyAsa anugrahams. The Lord is requested to extend
His hand to get a lift away from the samsAric ocean.
Slokam 15
StaeÇÂkar ingmaNtguéyRtINÔ>,
svRSy puÇxnxaNysm&iÏisÏ(E
Sanno bhavatviti nrsimha karAvalamba-
cakAra - composed
sarvasya - of all.
This is a Slokam containing the mudrA of the Kavi (nAmAngitam) and Phala
sruti. The composer of this stotram is SrI VedAnta deSika yatIndra mahA
deSikan, the 44th PaTTam MukkUr Srimad Azhagiya Singar, who would go on
later to build the Srirangam southern Raaja gopuram for Lord RanganAthan. He
prays to Maalolan to bless his devotees reciting this stotram with His
KarAvalambam and to bless them wealth and prosperity.
SrI laskhsmInrsimha karAvalamba stotram sampUrNam