Main objective of the project Innovation
For further details about the available Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the following
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Project Summary
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Please provide a short summary of your project. Please recall that this section (or part of it) may be
used by the European Commission, Executive Agency or National Agencies in their publications. It
will also feed the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
Be concise and clear and mention at least the following elements: context/background of project;
objectives of your project; number and profile of participants; description of activities; methodology to
be used in carrying out the project; a short description of the results and impact envisaged and finally
the potential longer term benefits. The summary will be publicly available in case your project is
In view of further publication on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, please also be aware that a
comprehensive public summary of project results will be requested at report stage(s). Final payment
provisions in the contract will be linked to the availability of such summary.
In recent years the usage of the technology is not for producing mostly for consumption.Especially in
21st century, there is a new generation who uses technology just for the social media or games.We
aim to grow a generation that produces technology rather than consuming it by spreading the
different dimension of technology and make awareness with our project. At the same time we aim to
improve the way that children can gain a scientific perspective on problem solving and educate a
creative and self-esteemed children who thinks analytically and never hesitates to try many times and
produce at last,to spread this improvement in local,regional and international sense.Coding training is
implemented officially in 12 countries curriculum in which Finland, England, Bulgaria, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, Belgium, Portugal and Poland. Also England declared ''Year of
Code'' in 2014.This is the part of initiative awareness of creation in teaching coding in European
Union.The biggest obstacle in coding training is the absence of qualified tutors in schools.
The applicant organization is Romania. Our project includes the partner countries Uludağ University,
Lithuania KBPVM, Spain and Turkey (LOHAL), Greece and Croatia organizations.The project
promotes collaboration between different educational organizations, university and civil society
institution. All the project participants are composed of professional persons. Each project partner is
choosen by consideration of their background and experiences.In the project each of the partner will
create their own materials by coding, at the end of the project all the project activities and results will
be exhibited at the projects' last LTT mobility. Also Lithuania KPBVM partner will create an e-book
which involves the whole project activities, intellectual outputs and results of the project.
Within international content all the project partners will exchange cultural, social and language
features. At the end of the project we are expecting innovative solutions. All the project activities will
be gathered in an e-book. We will disseminate the information we gained by sharing the activities and
by interaction with the different countries thus arise technology literacy at the level of knowledge. For
the 2020 EU targets in education, there will be intergration in language competences, social and
cultural and also using ICT effectively.
During the project the projects' involved partner countries will be trained at the three short-term joint
staff training events (on the total 63 teachers) in order to enrich their knowledge and experience in
the scope of coding training. Also the projects'involved schools students between the age 14-18 will
participate to two exchange pupils mobility (on the total 32 students and 16 accompanying teachers)
and share good samples and get new knowledge and experiences in coding.The intellectual outputs
of the project includes, Curriculum of Coding training which includes Educational Computer
Programme based on the Scratch programming language which will be a good sample to the
countries in which it isn't implemented officially in their education system will be prepared to
disseminate coding knowledge and to impelement easily online also we will prepare a policy paper
and we will submit as a proposal to decision makers, the second intellectual output is an Interactive
Education Tool which is created by coding,the childrens' parents can control their social media usage
to protect them from hazardous sites.We hope to get successful results with the project (CAT), the
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intellectual outputs of the project will be useful in different educational organizations and we expect to
draw attention on coding training and digital literacy on the useful way.
The project intellectual output, activities and results will be presented in multiplier event of the project
which will be organized by applicant country. All the project activities, results, e book, DVD,
intellectual outputs will be shared on the project website, eTwinning, Scientix EU webpage, Erasmus
project result, Erasmus Corner, School Education Gateway the project will be disseminated and
sustainable, it will be shared with all interested people and it will be free and accessible. On the long
term after the project ended the benefits will be in each organization, to improve new
teaching/learning strategies and methods in coding training and digital literacy, to enrich IT usage, to
raise tolerance towards EU values, to enhance cooperation with EU countries.
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Applicant Organisation
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Partner Organisations
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Discussing Arranging
1 Informing Project's 12 7270.00 EUR
Discussing Revising
2 12 7270.00 EUR
Project's Task
Revising Project's
3 Task and Writing Final 12 7270.00 EUR
Intellectual Outputs
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of
ID Output Title Category of Staff Workin
g Days
E-curriculum of coding-Educational
Teachers/Trainers/Researc 7180.00
O1 computer program based on the 80
hers EUR
Scratch programming language
Teachers/Trainers/Researc 7180.00
O2 Interactive Education Tool 80
hers EUR
Total 160
Multiplier Events
Local Foreign
Country of
ID Event Title Particip Particip Grant
ants ants
Total 75 14
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Grant for
Individual Linguistic
Travel al Costs Grant
ID Activity Type Support Support
Grant for (EUR)
Grant Grant
Short-term joint
5205.00 13356.00 18561.00
C1 staff training 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
Short-term joint
6735.00 13356.00 20091.00
C2 staff training 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
Short-term joint
5205.00 13356.00 18561.00
C3 staff training 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
6600.00 12432.00 19032.00
C4 exchanges of 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
groups of pupils
6600.00 12432.00 19032.00
C5 exchanges of 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR
groups of pupils
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Note that Transnational Project Meetings, Intellectual Outputs, Multiplier Events and Learning,
Teaching and Training activities will be listed in this table automatically once you have created them
in the dedicated section of the form.
E-curriculum of coding-Educational
3 Intellectual Output 01-2020 computer program based on the Scratch
programming language
Short-term exchanges
7 10-2020 ICT Skills
of groups of pupils
Transnational Projects
8 11-2020 Discussing Revising Project's Task
Short-term exchanges
9 12-2020 Coding Activities
of groups of pupils
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Participating Organisations
Please note that the PIC code is a unique identifier for the organisation within the whole Erasmus+
Programme. It should be requested only once per organisation and used in all applications for all
Erasmus+ actions and calls. Organisations that have previously registered for a PIC should not
register again. If an organisation needs to change some of the information linked to the PIC, this can
be done through the Participant Portal.
Applicant Organisation
PIC 945392265
Country Romania
P.O. Box
Postal Code
City Medgidia
Telephone +40241811195
School/Institute/Educational centre – General
Type of Organisation
education (secondary level)
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Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Gender Male
Position Headmaster
Telephone +40745029884
Preferred Contact No
Country Romania
P.O. Box
City Medigia
Contact Person
Gender Female
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Position Teacher
Telephone +40724582894
Country Romania
P.O. Box
City Medgidia
“Nicolae Balcescu” High School is a public secondary high school located in Medgidia, Constanta
County, Dobrudja, south-east Romania. It currently has 36,000 inhabitants, living in the old Carasu
Valley, between the Danube and the Black Sea, only 35 km away from Constanta. The natural
resources consist of limestone and kaolin sand deposits. The main economic activities are
agriculture, woodwork and cement industry. “Nicolae Balcescu” High School was founded in 1957.
As only theoretical high school in town it has many students coming here from the town outskirts and
nearby settlements intending to complete their education necessary to grant them admission to
university, especially students preparing their higher education studies in Information Technology,
Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry (Nature Sciences) and Humanities (Philology).
The high school building includes 18 classrooms, 5 laboratories (for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, IT,
Coding), 1 sports hall and 1 sport court, 1 library and reading room, 1 archive room and 1 room for
projects and partnerships). Our main topic is to provide education for active citizenship and
European cooperation. Thus, the teaching staff encourages student’s mobility, induce them the
necessity and motivation to learn a European language and to acquire the necessary skills for a
future European career. Most of our students are part of disfavored families from the rural and urban
area. Only few of the students’ family members work in town for large companies (Lafarge), most of
them commute to other areas (Constanta, Cernavoda) for work or are unemployed.
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What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What
are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project?
Mobility in an international project is a great social and personal opportunity for students from our
area. We aim to develop key skills proposed by our Romanian educational system: communication in
foreign languages, skills in math, science and technology, digital and IT skills, interpersonal
communication skills, initiative and cultural awareness.
Our educational staff and management actively promote partnerships with the local community,
NGOs and companies in order to achieve skills necessary to acquire the strategic targets identifies in
Europe 2020 Agenda.
“Nicola Bălcescu” High-School enjoys much success in all regional/national competitions of Biology,
Geography, Economy, Philosophy, and it has been having for 4 years an optional course in health
education which emphasizes on body hygiene and nutrition. Students and teachers organize
activities included in world programs like Yes Event conference, Global Education Week, as last year
when they had activities on sustainable development, or this year when the theme was healthy food
and food security.
The teachers involved in this project teach Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy and Modern
Languages, and also participated in international non-formal educational activities, like exchanges or
international training courses financed by the Council of Europe (Pestalozzi), on sustainable
Our goals: - Understanding and responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity -
Better understanding of practices, policies and systems in education, training or youth across
countries - new or improved practices to cater for the needs of disadvantaged groups and to deal
with differences in learning outcomes linked to the geographical and socioeconomic disparities -
Supporting teachers in dealing with diversified groups of learners. Our motivation for this project is to
collaborate with schools and partners from other fields (university and professional training center) to
gain professional experience in the field of coding.
Key persons are Prof. Marius Furtuna Head master of Nicolae Balcescu High school has particular
expertise in the field of youth and human resources emphasized the following positions held: Director
of High School Nicolae Balcescu Medgidia since 2012 School Inspector for Human Resource
Management, ISJ Constanta (2011-2012) Director I "Heart Sport" Club Medgidia 2012 (Junior
Achievement Romania) Director of Fulger Publishing House Project Coordinator of Student Company
(2010-2014) in partnership with Junior Achievement Romania
Member of the National Council of Experts in Educational Management Project Manager - Local
Agenda 21 Medgidia 2005 2012 Project Manager - Yes Event 2007 International Youth Conference
Project Manager - Eco-Generation Yours! in collaboration with the Environment Fund Romania
(2008-2012) Trainer Program Character First Trainers trainer, COR code 241205
Expert in accessing European funds HP Expert in Social Entrepreneurship Erasmus+ Project
Coordinator - "Enterprise! European Network for Youth Educational Tourism" (as Head master of
Nicolae Balcescu Medgidia Highschool Prof. Dana Andronache -- contact person Teacher of foreign
languages Board member of Nicolae Balcescu High School
Image adviser - Course Teacher House, Constanta 2006 YES EVENT Conference, 2017, Medgidia
Has your organisation participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus
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Year 2015
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
Partner Organisations
PIC 946215989
Country Lithuania
P.O. Box
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City Kaunas
Telephone +37037310519
School/Institute/Educational centre – Vocational
Type of Organisation
Training (secondary level)
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Gender Female
Position Headmaster
Telephone +37037310519
Preferred Contact No
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country Lithuania
P.O. Box
City Kaunas
Contact Person
Gender Female
Position Teacher
Telephone +37062026579
Country Lithuania
P.O. Box
City Kaunas
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Please briefly present the organisation/group (e.g. its type, scope of work, areas of activity and if
applicable, approximate number of paid/unpaid staff, learners and members of the group).
School was founded in year 2000, after joining Kaunas Vocational School of Household Services and
Business and Kaunas Tricot School info on institution which was established in 1966. The school is
located in Kaunas, the second largest city in Lithuania. Currently the school has over 760 students,
64 teachers and 50 administration staff. Our school is training institution which operates to provide
vocational and secondary education. The duration of the studies varies between 1,5 to 3 years: the
school system is based on two levels, depending on whether the students enter our school after
obtaining basic or secondary education. Study programs: trade consultants of industrial enterprises,
insurance consultants, providers of small business services, tailors, cutter-designers, real estate and
travel agents. There are three departments: gymnasium, household services and business.
Each student has choice of a study program according to his or her educational background and
personal priorities. We appreciate to become part and develop innovative, open-minded projects,
which prepare our students, while active individuals/citizens in community. The non-formal education
methods are applied in formal process and in real life.
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What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What
are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? Please explain how the
organisation brings an essential added value to the project.
The school is active participant in projects for staff or (and) students’ mobility, to develop
communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages; learning to learn; cultural
awareness and expression; social and civic competences since 2010.
In 2014-2015 implemented project “Business practice in EU”, that consisted of adapting theoretical
knowledge in the practice in UK and Malta. Participant of National conference "Emotional
intelligence". Development of emotional intelligence is effective method and could give many
advantages now and in future.Our organization staff is enthuastic to improve innovative teaching
methods and trace all the developments in education.
From autumn of 2015, after accrediting by Eurodesk and Eryica agiencies, confirmed agreement with
Lithuanian Youth Council to develop youth center.
In 2016 the organization has started to work successfully in Nordplus Junior program and implement
project “Let’s make a school radio” to learn how to create radio broadcasts at school using non-
formal education methods.
In 2016 implemented project “Circus pedagogy as a tool for youth work development” in consortium
with 11 countries. The school started to implement long-term KA2 projects about early school leaving
(“Early Warning, Early Solution”) 2016-2018 years, and intergenerational learning (“Grandpa, tell me
more”) 2016-2017 period.
In 2017 our school started to implement four more projects KA1 for qualification teachers and
students’ practices, 2 KA2 projects for digital integration into the classrooms and learning difficulties
and one funded by EU social fund for NEETs “Find Yourself”.
Sniega Marciukaitiene - head of the board, psychologist, very high level of emotional intelligence
person, 20 years’ experience in VET field as teacher, psychologist, board of member, master degree
of education. Participant in projects in Portugal, Greece, Spain from 2003 about strategy, sharing
and getting good experience in specific fields per education programs at school. Responsible for
strategic planning, policy of school. Participates in national meetings with ministries, discussions to
find tools, solutions for problems in education system.
Neringa Lenciauskaite - socially active, global citizen, passionate with education in the widest
meaning, project management professional, passionate about development, youth empowerment
and social issues globally, multinational work experience in the field of business, education, sports,
marketing and communications, accredited youth information and counselling worker by Eurodesk,
ERYICA, change maker in “Make Room India”. Has experience in evaluation of nationals and
internationals projects. Since 2014 prepared and implemented more than 20 projects.
Has your organisation participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
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EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Partner Organisations
PIC 997723959
Country Turkey
P.O. Box
Fax +902242940041
Type of Organisation Higher education institution (tertiary level)
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Gender Male
Department Rector
Position Rector
Telephone +905457102591
Preferred Contact No
Country Turkey
P.O. Box
City Bursa
Contact Person
Gender Male
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Telephone +905457102591
Country Turkey
P.O. Box
City Bursa
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Please briefly present the organisation/group (e.g. its type, scope of work, areas of activity and if
applicable, approximate number of paid/unpaid staff, learners and members of the group).
Established in 1975, Uludag Üniversitesi (Uludag University) is a non-profit public higher education
institution located in the large city of Bursa (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants).
Officially accredited and/or recognized by the YÖK - Yüksekögretim Kurulu (YÖK - Council of Higher
Education), Uludag Üniversitesi is a very large (uniRank enrollment range: over-45,000 students)
coeducational higher education institution. Uludag Üniversitesi offers courses and programs leading
to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees,
doctorate degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix
below for further details. This 43 years old higher-education institution has a selective admission
policy based on entrance examinations. Uludağ University, established in 1975 under the name of
Bursa University and took its current name in 1982, has been successfully continuing its educational
services ever since with its 13 faculties, 2 schools, 15 vocational schools, 1 conservatory, 4
institutes, 21 applied research centers and 5 departments under rectorate. Apart from these units;
there are also Faculty of Dentistry and Gemlik Necati Kurtuluş School of Maritime founded by law but
not functioning currently.
The mision of Uludağ University is to bring up contemporary students who identify themselves with
the cultural and historical values of the country by being respectable to the national values, have a
high personal responsibility, and free thought on the contemporary, secular, and democratic way led
by reason and science, and drawn by Atatürk .
The Rectorate, the institutes and most of the faculties are located on central campus in Görükle with
an area of 17 million m2 and 20 km away from the city center. Faculty of Theology is on Fethiye
Campus, School of Foreign Languages and Vocational School of Social Sciences are on Ali Osman
Sönmez campus. Faculty of Law, Gemlik Asım Kocabıyık Vocational School are on Gemlik
Sunğipek-Asım Kocabıyık campus in Gemlik; Faculty of Fine Arts is in Mudanya. The schools at
Mustafakemalpaşa, Karacabey, İnegöl, İznik, Yenişehir İbrahim Orhan, Orhangazi, Orhaneli, Keles,
Harmancık and Büyükorhan have been continuing their education where they are named after the
districts they were founded.
In the academic year 2018/2019, a total of 74,822 students are studying at Bursa Uludağ University.
Of these; 42,912 are undergraduate, 22,843 are associate degree, 73 are conservatory, 385 are
residency, 8604 are Masters and PhD students. As of December 2018, Bursa Uludağ University has
a total of 1175 professors.
Uludağ University undertakes the tasks of educating individuals who are equipped with
contemporary knowledge and who are skilled at doing research and solving problems. The university
also aims to produce, apply and spread academic knowledge, and intends to provide quality service
to the society.
The vision of Uludağ University is to produce universal knowledge, to contribute to society by
educating qualified students, by providing quality service and integrating with the industrial city,
Bursa. Also, it aims to be an institution whose members feel proud to be part of.
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What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What
are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? Please explain how the
organisation brings an essential added value to the project.
Our organization helps the youth to find a place in the society. We are recognized as a non-formal
education organization. Although we help the youth to take initiatives, to experiment actions that
increase their sense of responsibility, of citizenship and active participation in building up the society.
We offer them a space of possibilities, through what they can develop their autonomy, their identity
and involvement in it. We believe in the potential of each of them, regardless their backgrounds. Any
project is an ideal opportunity to open their mind, get to know and understand the meaning of cultural
diversity and interculturality by being involved in different kinds of activities. The daily tasks in Uludag
Universty EU Office are shared between an employee in the position of EVS coordinator and some
active volunteers. We work both on international and local projects. On one hand as a European
Voluntary Service sending, hosting and coordinating organization, and on the other hand by
supporting local projects held by young people.
Mostly Uludag University sends Erasmus students to abroad.
Uludag University has been participating in EVS since the year 2010. Each year around 125
volunteers are sent, and 26 projects is coordinated. Uludag University is very well experienced in
supporting and informing both outgoing and incoming volunteers and managing and coordinating the
EVS projects. In the same time, we are working with Erasmus Exchanges Programmes (Staff
Mobility, Student Mobility, Internship Mobility). We had training course, youth in action, democracy
projects. We have been youth exchanges, mobility of youth workers and KA1-2-3 projects. In
addition to all these, we have managed local and universal projects.
One of the directorate at the office is IT directorate which is responsible for coding, cyber bullying,
programming, robotics, and artificial intelligence projects, workshops and seminars to both university
students and high school students in Bursa. Every March at the R&D Days, a competition on robotics
and coding is organized among university students since 2012. Also, Turkish National Science
Foundation (TUBITAK) funds research competition for both secondary school students and high
school students on ten different fields, one of them is coding, and the event is hosted at Bursa
Uludag University for the last 3 years. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Baltaci Goktalay is the coordinator of these
events. Every May since 2005, Science Heroes Association (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği) organizes
Robotics Competition at Bursa Uludag University. Students from all grade levels attend to this event
with their robotics projects.
Bursa Uludag University Faculty of Education has been educating prospective teachers since 1982
and it is one of the mostly preferred among teacher education institutions in Turkey. Department of
Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) graduate computer education teachers,
also provides courses on coding, robotics, e-learning, web design, project management and
programming. Two key personel in this project work at CEIT department. In the extent of our
expertise in coding we aim to add our professional skills to the project CAT.
Mustafa ASLAN is the Coordinator of the National-International Grant Projects and Key Action 1-2-3
and Youth Trainer and the Coordinator of the Projects for Uludag University. He has been working
since 13 years on EU projects. He has very big experience EU Founded Projects. He managed many
EVS, is approved as EVS trainer by NA, Youth Exchange, LDV and Grundvig Projects. He has
economy graduate and Master’s Degree about European Union and psychology. At the same time,
he established NGO to give opportunities young people as being coordinator for projects.
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Sehnaz Baltaci Goktalay is at the Department of Computer Education and
Instructional Technologies at Faculty of Education, with expertise in e-learning education and
integration of online technologies in teacher education. She involved in EU Projects called
ED2.0Work (European Network for the Integration of Web2.0 in Education and Work) and VoiceS
(The Voice of the European TeacherS), and several national projects. She has conducted a series of
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studies dealing with e-learning, Web 2.0, entrepreneurship, and teacher education that were
presented in international conferences and published in different journals.
Neşe ERSES works as a lecturer at the Department of Computer Education and Instructional
Technologies at Faculty of Education, with expertise in coding, e-learning education, distance
education, educational e-learning material design and web design. She also works on e-learning
material design for hearing impaired individuals. Besides her academic profession, she attended
seminars and conferences in Turkey and abroad related to e-learning and programming.
Burak Korcuklu works as a research assistant at Computer Engineering
Has your organisation participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
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EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
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EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Partner Organisations
PIC 953952030
Country Spain
P.O. Box
Type of Organisation Small and medium sized enterprise
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
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Gender Female
Telephone +34687680571
Preferred Contact No
Country Spain
P.O. Box
Contact Person
Gender Male
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Telephone +34688927016
Country Spain
P.O. Box
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What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What
are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? Please explain how the
organisation brings an essential added value to the project.
Inercia Digital has been developing a serial of training programmes in order to address specific
needs of specialization in ICT for teachers and training programmes in coding and has promoted the
use of digital competences at the school for staff and students.
Inercia Digital is specialized in the implementation of learning management systems.Its mission is to
design the right solution in the field of educational technology for each of the training needs of its
This company helps in launching platforms to manage e-learning and blended learning
programmes,as well as to create virtual learning communities.In addition,Inercia Digital has
International and European experience ,inside and outside the Erasmus+Programme.It has worked
on managing the projects as well as devoloping them.In fact,lately it has specially dedicated its effort
on training educators ,teachers,investigators and other staff of education institutions.In this project
we will give professional training in coding and digital literacy with our expert personal.
The key persons of the project are:
Caridad Martínez Carrillo de Albornoz (Founding Shareholder), Lawyer (business speciality), Master
in Marketing and Expert in Communications 2.0, CEO at Inercia Digital.
Carlos Luna Huertas Research Coordinator, degree in Law, specialist in European community law,
working in digital entrepreneurship and digital open innovation.
Borja Vides Muñoz Head of Technology Development and Project Manager at Inercia Digital.
Computer Engineer specialized in networks and architecture. Experienced in Erasmus+ and previous
Ana María Rodríguez Santiago Project Coordinator at Inercia Digital. Degree in Business
Management and Tourism. Master in Economics, Finance and Computer Science. Experienced as a
professor in Economics on the University of Huelva.
Veronika Fričová Training Manager at Inercia Digital, graduated in Finance with the title of Engineer,
European experience within Erasmus+.
Has your organisation participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
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EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
Partner Organisations
PIC 947140496
Country Turkey
P.O. Box
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
City Adana
Telephone +903223441719
Fax +903223440662
School/Institute/Educational centre – General
Type of Organisation
education (secondary level)
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Gender Male
Position Headmaster
Telephone +5358862259
Preferred Contact No
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country Turkey
CEDEX 01230
Contact Person
Gender Female
Position Teacher
Telephone +5072340470
Country Turkey
CEDEX 01230
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Please briefly present the organisation/group (e.g. its type, scope of work, areas of activity and if
applicable, approximate number of paid/unpaid staff, learners and members of the group).
Our school was settled in 2007 - 2008 and has been consistently developed according to modern
education approach.It is located center of city and has many opportunity.Our school staff is dynamic
and volunteer to adopt different education styles.We have 40 teachers,600 students,1 director,2
assistance of director,5 school staff and 1 security.Our school is an academic high school.School
curriculum is consist of different sciences like maths,chemistry,biology,history,english so on.Our
school complex has many facilities.There are coding and 3D laboratory,conference hall,labaratories
for science,music,IT technology,robotic coding and a library in our school.Our school gives big
importance on new education approaches and styles.Every year we organize and join science project
exhibition which is organized by national science institute.We also involve to national and
international competitions every year.
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What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What
are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? Please explain how the
organisation brings an essential added value to the project.
Our school is interested in innovative educational methods so our teachers joined to many different
training in local international level.But in coding we don't have enough experienced staff only two
teachers had trainning on coding and they experienced in this field.We are trying to train the students
in coding with these two teachers and also get support from out of the school from other professional
teachers with an extra wage which students' parents make the payment.Our students are very
creative and successful,they are intersted in coding but for having insufficient experienced staff we
are not able to present this training to our all interested students.This project may lead to our
organization sufficiency for our teachers and the students who are interested in coding and also we
will have the opportunity to see implementations in international level.
We conducted many local and international projects.Our teachers joined many trainings.Our
education ministry has one of the biggest education project about technology named Fatih so our
school follow this project by using technology in lessons actively.Our teachers was trained on using
technology in lessons by our ministry.
Our school conducted Erasmus+ Ka2 stratetic partnership project number 2014-1-SK01-KA201-
000436_6 between 2014-2017 named “Never”.Our partners were
Italy,Slovakia,Portugal,Poland,Czech Republic.Project theme was tolerance.16 students,6 teachers
worked fort his projects.In this project our teachers and students prepared many teaching
materials,created web page,twinspace page,facebook page and used web 2 tools.We effort on
human rights issue at the same time our teachers improve their technology skill.
We conduct Erasmus+ Ka1 Teacher Training project number 2015-1-TR01-KA101-018670 in
2016.It was about digital classrooms with new education methods.In this project 3 teacher joined the
training on moodle in England, 4 teachers joined the training about web 2 tools in Norway, 2 teachers
joined the training about digital classrom technology in Spain, 2 teachers joined the training about
web 2 tools in Netherland.They improve their knowledge and skill about technology and they start to
use web 2 tools in their classes. We have 3D and coding workplace. The workplace is created by the
grant of national ministery. We train our students and make awareness to digital literacy. This project
will give us a chance to enrich our skills and gain professional support in the field of coding with
different type of partners. As key persons we are teachers which have been actively involved in
previous projects.We can speak English fluently and we have great skills of team work even if we
have different specialities.
ALP KARATAY: Headmaster,with large experience in European projects and expertise in school
management.As a teacher of Literature he is actively involved in the different sides of teaching and
Professional development.
PINAR GİRGİN:Teacher of English,with responsibility in developing and monitoring the school’s
national and international projects.She can actively use 3D printer, coding, web 2.0 tools,e twinnig
portal and has experiences on ICT, she is carrying out ka229.
BARIŞ BEKTAŞ: Teacher of History, European experience within Comenius mobility in 2013 in Italy
and involved in Erasmus+ mobillity Ka 101 and Ka 219 in 2015-2016.He can efficiently use ICT and
new experiences in teaching his subject.He can fluently use English language.2018-RO01-KA229-
049123_6 he is carrying out Innovative Technological Tools project..
Has your organisation participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
Partner Organisations
PIC 940547406
Country Greece
City Heraklion
Telephone +302810252495
Fax +302810254481
School/Institute/Educational centre – General
Type of Organisation
education (secondary level)
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Gender Male
Position Headmaster
Telephone +302810252495
Preferred Contact No
Country Greece
P.O. Box
City Heraklion
Contact Person
Gender Female
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Position Teacher
Telephone +306974325533
Country Greece
P.O. Box
City Heraklion
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Please briefly present the organisation/group (e.g. its type, scope of work, areas of activity and if
applicable, approximate number of paid/unpaid staff, learners and members of the group).
Our school is one of the best and historical high schools in the city of Heraklion Crete. The 4th high
school consists of a tutoring team of 52 teachers and 380 students in the age of 15-18. Our students
are both native and foreigners but they coexist in perfect harmony. They are always being motivated
to do their best and their progress is closely supervised. High standards are get by all our teachers.
The team is characterized by cohesion and determination in reaching all the set objectives, as the
members have worked together for many years to shape the young generation towards European
integration and to help them invest in their career development, to teach them teamwork, taking
responsibility and efficient intercultural communication. Our school community members (teaching
staff, administration, students and their families) are very proud to have accomplished the goals of
three European Programmes within the last four years: Erasmus+ KA 2 Strategic Partnership 2014-
2016 Title: Enterprise! The network of young students in tourism Erasmus+ KA 2 Strategic
Partnership 2015-2017 Title: Youth bridges to reach efficient European Citizenship Awareness
Comenius programme 2013—2015 Title: The world through my eyes through your Eyes and they
want to continue with the same pace. In addition, every year our school is involved with several
projects such as Environmental Education, Health Education, Arts and design, construction of
structures for experimental physics, International Masterclasses in Modern Physics, Implementation
of Modern Programming Languages, Application of Robotics .
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What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What
are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? Please explain how the
organisation brings an essential added value to the project.
Our school has a long history of experience in activities such as Erasmus+, Comenius, Leonardo da
Vinci and many others European programmes. Our teaching staff has always been interested in
programmes because we always wanted our students to have access to European standards and
experiences in foreign countries. We should mention that our school has received many prizes in
cultural contests dance , astronomy, physics , chemistry, maths and many other panhellenic
contests. Our students are eager to learn and do more. All the teachers that are involved in our
progress are willing and look forward to contribute in the programme. Our students shall become
spokespeople for their peers from other schools in order to share the experience gained and applied
in their training and education in an European way. By collaborating with the coordinating teachers
from the groups from the partner countries, the teachers of our school will enrich their professional
knowledge so they can participate in the formation of teenagers and their future careers. Everyone
will benefit from the results of the project because they offer a new perspective regarding the
opportunities of school entrepreneurship in Europe, promote local values and initiate an European
dialogue regarding the active citizenship and the national and European qualities.Charalambos
Katsidis, headmaster of the 4th High School, PhD in Physics, MSc in Telecommunications and MEd
in Education . He has worked for 11 years as Scientific Associate at the Department of Applied
Informatics and Multimedia, teaching Computer Science, Telecommunications and Digital
Communications. He has also worked for 8 years as adjunct Professor at the Department of
Materials Science & Technology at University of Crete. His research activity spans the fields of
Nanotechnology, Optics, Electromagnetic Radiation & Environment as well as Education. Selected
projects are: A. “Development of a rapid non-destructive method of qualitative control of multilayered
materials. Quantitative determination of physical properties, chemical composition and acquisition
and analysis of spectroscopic data in the infrared”. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Research
Committee Υ.Α . ΚΑ/679/96, ( 01/08/1997 – 31/07/1998 and 01/11/1998 – 28/02/1999 ). B.
«Measurements – Evaluation of the transmission of Electromagnetic Fields at extremely low
frequencies (ELF) from the high-voltage power lines of Crete, and of the power density of
Electromagnetic Fields in the range 30ΜHz – 3GHz at the antenna-parks of Crete (SURVEILLANT)
Technological Educational Institute of Crete. ENVIRONMENT - ARCHIMEDES ΙΙ (01/10/2005-
C. «Enhancement of Studies in Informatics, Department of Applied Informatics and Multimedia»
Technological Educational Institute of Crete. (2/1/2008 – 31/8/2008). D. «THALES-UNIVERSITY OF
CRETE- Nanophotonic Semiconductor Devices» Subject: Simulation of Nanophotonic
Semiconductor Devices. Department of Materials Science & Technology at University of Crete.
KA3574 (15/10/2013- 30/09/2015). He is a member of the Optical Society of America, he has 14
publications in peer reviewed scientific journals indexed in Scopus and ISI web of science
databases, 1 book chapter in NATO ASI series, 24 publications in panhellenic and international
conferences. The citations of his publications exceed the value of 300 indicating the quality of his
scientific research. He is also the author of University Lecture-notes: 'Introduction to Microelectronics'
(ETY-482). Department of Materials Science and Technology. University of Crete. He is a reviewer in
the following scientific journals: Physica B, OSA JOURNALS (Applied Optical, Journal of the Optical
Society of America A, Journal of the Optical Society of America B), AIP JOURNALS, SPIE Journal of
Nanophotonics, Canadian Journal of Physics. He has thus an outstanding experience in teaching
and scientific research, as well as an impressive entrepreneurial spirit which he is eager to induce to
the young generation. Andreas Lenakakis Andreas Lenakakis was born on 9/11/1959, studied
archeology and works as a philologist in public education. He is a PhD candidate at the Democritus
University of Thrace and since September 2017 he has served as Deputy Director at the 4th GEL of
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Heraklion. He deals with Cretan folklore and nomenclature. In 2010 he was honored for his
contribution to the study of Greek Language by the Academy of Athens with the Award of the Order
of Literature and Arts. He has published 10 books so far and about 25 studies in scientific journals
and conferences. European programs experience : 1997-1999: student exchange program with title
“Young People and leisure”. The program's topic was a research on adolescents' spare time through
student exchange with teenagers from Belgium, Spain and Greece. He has published 11 books of
folklore and onomatology interest. He has published 25 related articles in scientific magazines and
Has your organisation participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
Partner Organisations
PIC 944715011
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Address Istarska 3
Country Croatia
P.O. Box
City Osijek
Telephone +38531207277
School/Institute/Educational centre – Vocational
Type of Organisation
Training (secondary level)
Associated Persons
Legal Representative
Gender Male
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Position Headmaster
Telephone +38531207277
Preferred Contact No
Address Istarska 3
Country Croatia
P.O. Box
Contact Person
Gender Female
Position Teacher
Telephone +385953696660
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Address Istarska 3
Country Croatia
P.O. Box
In the technical school students are educated in four-year courses. After acquiring general education,
mathematical and information technology skills and the thorough knowledge of natural phenomena
and laws, students can continue their education in the field of technical scientific areas, primarily in
mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. Most teachers of technical
subjects who work at the school are our former students who found their workplace in our school
after graduation, among them is the school principal Ivan Adrić, BSc. ing.
Some of our former students are now famous prominent businessmen, university professors, PhDs,
athletes and artists. Generations of teachers and employees embeded their knowledge, patience and
dedication into their education . The common goal of education for all crafts is to enable students to
independently perform their activities.
The school has 63 employees. Theoretical teaching is performed by 36 teachers and practical
education by 7 teaching assistants. 489 students attend our school. The students are divided into 24
classes. The students are educated in a four-year technical courses and three-year industrial
technical courses. The four-year educational courses include a computer technician for mechanical
engineering, technician for vehicles and technician for energetics.
A three-year industrial occupations are CNC operator, assembler and interpreter cutting and
deformation assembler and interpreter and crafts courses are car mechanic, plumber, car body
mechanic, heating and air conditioning fitter and gas installer.
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this project? What
are the skills and/or expertise of key persons involved in this project? Please explain how the
organisation brings an essential added value to the project.
Every school year we organize an open-school day to allow all the primary school pupils to come to
our school and see what it has to offer and in that way motivate the students to maybe enroll our
school. During the open school day we organize many workshops (ICT, web design, robotics,
renewable energy). Many of the workshops also deal with sustainability. We want to show that we are
a school that engages in very versatile activities, some of which are playing national folklore
instruments, web design workshops, film – making workshops, photography workshops, ecology
We participated in two Comenius projects , three Erasmus+ KA1 projects and three KA2 projects.
Our teachers are mainly of younger age and are eager to learn more about using ICT tools in the
classroom. To prove that statement we can say that after a seven –day long ICT workshop in Nida,
Lithuania which was attended by three of our teachers, including myself we ment all that we learnt
there. We also presented the acquired knowledge during the staff meetings and are happy to say that
many of our teachers use the web tools we presented them.
Our educational system is currently undergoing a curricular reform which is aimed to encourage the
teachers to use ICT when teaching and because of that all our teachers have to participate in online
classroom courses from this January till June. Many of our teachers are skilled in using the ICT tools
during their lessons (Kahoot, Padlet, Popplet, Plotagon, Glogster, Blendspace, Thinglink…) and are
highly motivated to share their knowledge and acquire new skills. This project will give opportunity to
our organization to gain professional knowledge from universty partner and Spain partner.
Furthermore with school partners we will exchange good samples and practices.
Our informatics teachers are skilled in web-designig and our mechanical-engeeniring teachers use
autocad, CATIA and Solid Works on a daily basis. Ivan Adrić, principal, qualified in project
management Marina Hrnjak, English and German teacher, qualified in ICT, robotics and project
management Matko Boras, History teacher, qualified in ICT and project management
Mario Fridl, mechanichal engineer, qualified in ICT Filip Jukić, electrical engineer, qualified in ICT,
coding and web designing.
Has your organisation participated in a European Union granted project in the 3 years preceding this
Please indicate:
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2018
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2017
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
EU Programme Erasmus
Year 2016
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Project Description
If relevant, please select up to two additional priorities according to the objectives of your project.
HORIZONTAL: Supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences
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Our main objective is to open innovative practices in digital era and strenghthening of proffesional
staff in all participating organizations and institutions, raising the quality of innovative education to the
exploration of creavity in children. To increase the quality of the implementation of the cirruculum
improvement in this area will bring high level of knowledge about coding to the teachers. Our aim is
to improve the students digital literacy and using technology on the right way. Enhancing teachers
knowledge and experiences,students will enable the adaptation to the digital age and they will shape
their future proffessions. We will increase the quality of the implementation by trying to get the tutors'
knowledge about encoding and digital era to high levels. The tutorials from partner countries and the
community of methodical recommendations of the project will generate the development of coding
training. The project aims to expand the impact of coding knowledge which is a planned development
and innovative education.
The target group of the project; directly participate to the project are the projects involved
organizations, teachers and students between the age14 to 18, secondary level. Indirect participants
will be the students aged 14 and 18, teachers, parents relating to the around organizations in local,
national and international. The number of the participants who will benefit from the project will be
approximately 100 from each organization which will make about 800 people.
The second priority, supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key
competences.To the related project targets, teachers and students will gain high quality of skills and
competences using technological tools in education.The cooperation of different partner countries in
coding training to pupils will improve the tutors' quality of innovative education and competences.In
contrast to classical education system students will be active not passive and they will improve their
creating thinking and solving problems. All participants will enhance their sufficiency in group work
and use of information technology. Furthermore the participants in the project will extend their scopes
by means of the international aspect of the project.
The last priority is strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions, particularly in the field of
techonological literacy and creative thinking. With coding training teachers will enhance their usage
of technological tools and also the students will learn how to use technological literacy on the right
way and by means of it they will enhance their creative thinking and solving problems. Furthermore,
to raise awareness of parents and tutors about the importance of technological literacy and creative
thinking to pupils, tutors also develop their teaching strategies for next generations in the digital world
and they will appeal to the pupil's needs.
Project Description
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Please explain the context and the objectives of your project as well as the needs and target groups
to be addressed.Why should this project be carried out transnationally?
The project'' CAT'' intends to make awareness of the importances of coding training in education and
students intelligence improvement to enhance in the scope of productive and creative thinking by the
usage of technological literacy efficiently.
Primary objective of the project is to contribute to the innovative education and technological literacy
in the field of using the digital world on creative way. Enhancing awareness of the importance of
coding training for future professions. Developing tutors' competences and knowledge in the scope of
coding and help students to gain an innovative way to use technology. In need of robotic coding and
software in digital era, children who are talented and successful to take their attention in
technological subjects. Sufficiency of the teacher will have a great role in this field. Thus the teachers
in our organization need to gain new skills, competences and opportunities in the era of coding and
digital literacy. Thanks to our project, the teachers who involved to the project will improve their basic
skills and competences and this will contribute to smart growth of our organization. Also the students
who involved to the project mobility will enrich their skills and will have opportunity to exchange
different knowledge and implementation with each partner countries' students. The basic neccessity
of being a digital literacy the students will be able to think creatively, algoritmic and solving problem.
Special objectives are to provide cross-cultural interaction for pupils and educational staff. Keep up
with the skilfull usage of digital world. Contribute to the development of the international vision of our
organization and exchange good practices with other organizations. Not only exchange knowledge
but also compare improvement levels in coding training with other partner organizations. Improving
new strategies in teaching coding and contribute to the development of creative imagination and
insight of students, their confidence in their own forces. Enhancing the language competences using
English as a common language.
In the promotion of gifted children at schools appropriate offers are not widespread. Despite the
initiated turn around support measures for the development of new forms of learning to improve
students with an interest in technical and scientific context are not yet sufficiently implemented. An
interesting approach is the researcher on the discovery learning.These forms of learning children will
interest in technical and scientific contexts become active and discover and solve problems by trial
and error.It passes through the children independent and self-controlled various phases such as
observing, comparing, exploring,planning, experimentation and depending on the field of action.The
free task for the construction of materials with coding enables the children creative usage of industrial
materials to create their own materials.
New generations spend alot of time on computers playing games and waste time surfing on social
media thus learning how to use techonological literacy let them use technology efficiently and
improve their creative thinking.On the basis of our organization we aim to bring EU vision to the
teachers and students,to conceive the importance of cultural entegration,to ensure foreign language
improvement and to raise eagerness about learning cultural habits of the partner countries of the
project.The project aims to raise various of teaching strategy and method which implements in
Europe and due to integrate our project targets to the studies of 2020 objectives, our project should
be implemented on the international level. We are also in Industrial 4.00 era, we need to improve
ourselves in technology usage.
Our target group is involved partners' tutors and the students aged between 14-18 (schools). Indirect
participants are parents, the organizations around us, university staff, civil institutions, all the
participant countries of our project and their parents and organizations around them.They will expand
their knowledge and experiences in the process of the project in the dimensions of regional,national
and international.Participants of the project are tutors and pupils will get more innovative and creative
knowledge and competences in coding training.The children parents will attend to the workshops
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and will get knowledge about technological literacy and be aware of the tecnological usage on
efficient way.
The project fosters cooperation between different educational and civil organizations. International
purpose of this project will add new strategies to the coding training in all partners. Short term joint
staff training and the interchange of good practices will make the project participants be conscious of
different methods of coding training. International view of the project will give the opportunity to the
students to use information technology and hear different languages by means of Skype meetings.
What results are expected during the project and on its completion?
At the beginning of the project we expect to see the annual work plans of all participating
organizations and the activity curricula of the children that participate in the project. It will also
contribute to the support, assistance and dissemination of project activities and is expected to be
reflected at the local, regional and international level. The experience and achievements which will be
gained in the field of robotic coding, it will reach to the wide crowds with the dissemination activities.
During the project the participants will develop their adaptation in collective energy and enthusiasm,
improving the skill of communication on the foreign language by increasing the level of team work.
Additionally, cultural integration will be ensured especially by raising the personal competences of
project partners acquiring knowledge about each other. The participants will make improvements by
comparing the differences in the cultures. During the project activities, the number of the training
sessions which enables skills and competences in coding by the school staff and the students and
also the number of the Europass Mobility which is delivered are the expected results of the project.
An Erasmus Corner in each organizations and a common eTwinning project, facebook page, Scientix
EU and social media network will be expected to present by each partner country of the project.
At the end of the project it is expected to enable the participants to gain increasingly different
experiences with the help of the diversity of activities carried out with the coding training. Moreover
we anticipate that the most effective use of technology to enter to digital world will increase with
interactive activities on an international scale. Therefore awareness will be provided in the direction
of the activities carried out by coding training of digital tools which are used in daily life. The number
of students and teachers who involved to the project mobility activities are also expected result of the
project. All the participants of the project (teachers and students) and university of ULUDAĞ and
SPAIN Inercia Digital will be creative, problem solving, vulnerable to generate of science and
technology, will gain to cooperate good relations and also will get general knowledge and skills in
coding. They will be able to design robot and implement LEGO Education products. University of
ULUDAĞ and SPAIN will add professional value to our project and with their expert staffs they will
transfer their professional knowledge to the school partners. Two intellectual outputs and the e book
of the project will be the innovative result of the project.These innovative materials will reach the
large audience in local, national and international level with the dissemination of the project.
A video recording will be made throughout the whole project and this will reflect the stages of the
project so that the results and products of the project can be transfered more concrete and it will be
provided as an example to the project people in this field.The two intellectual outputs of the project
and e book will be an innovative sample to other organizations and they will be able to implement
these intellectual outputs in their organizations.The result of the of the project will be concrete and the
expected impact of the project will be successful on its completion.
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In what way is the project innovative and/or complementary to other projects already carried out by
the participating organisations?
The major object of intersectoral cooperation is exchanging expertise, specific knowledge and
practical experience in the field of coding. Particularly the partner countries and the whole
participants will improve their technology literacy with the synergy and the students will keep up to
digital age positive and conciously. Greece and Turkey partner (LOHAL) have already colloborated
in the field of ICT on eTwinning portal. They encourage and implement new methods and strategies
successfully to the students at the age of 14 -18.
Spain '' Inercia Digital '' an active partner in this project, seeking to foster training in innovative
education and in digital skills and the promotion of employment in Europe both for organizations and
entrepreneurs. Uludağ University has a proffessional technological department (coding )and they
have Erasmus+ experiences, with the collaboration with these universities all the partner countries
have proffessional knowledge and experiences in coding training. Both universities have a
proffesional staff dealing with innovative techonological tools and they have various Erasmus+
project experiences.
The innovativeness of the project is essentially we will improve new strategies and awareness to the
importance of coding education, awakening and reinforcing creavity and future employment in the
area of technology using in different fields as engineering artificial intelligent etc. With the help of the
project, teachers in partner countries will find the chance to compare the methods they use, and they
will be able to apply a common European approach to their teaching methods. The project is
innovative because is a shared and personal growing that wants to enhance the lives and
experiences of the students, while expanding their learning and promoting their development. Also
collaboration with Uludağ university and Spain (Inercia Digital) will open new perspective and
horizons to the teachers and the students in coding training due to the proffessional experiences and
backgrounds of Uludağ university and Spain (Inercia Digital) partners.
The intellectual outputs of the project e curriculum of coding-Educational computer program based
on the Scratch programming language and interactive educational tool and also e book will be a
concrete and innovative result of the project,furthermore these two intellectual outputs will make
awareness on digital literacy. E book will have the all activities which implemented in the LTT
activities and it will be uploaded to the project website every interested people can reach easily.
With the created intellectual output e curriculum the project partners will prepare a Policy Paper with
signing,the aim is to be a good sample for countries which they don't implement coding officially in
their education system and after the project completion the partners (only schools) will submit the
Policy Paper as a proposal to the authorities (ministry of education) in their country and if it will be
accepted by the authorities (decision makers) in each partner country this intellectual output (e
curriculum) will be implemented by the (formal or nonformal) organizations officially. This will be the
most effective result and dissemination of the project in local, regional, national and international
The project ''CAT'' the other innovativeness is also that the pupils will get the opportunity to be
witness to the activities and implementations in real time time via Skype and they will have the
chance to compare the activies with different countiries at international level. Furthermore the
children will directly monitor uploaded videos, photographs of the students from other schools in their
level of age by using IT technology, Skype, Scientix EU and eTwinning platform.
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How did you choose the project partners and what will they bring to the project? Does it involve
organisations that have never previously been involved in a Strategic Partnerships project?
We as a coordinator of the project choose our partners from School Education Gateway, eTwinning
portal and Facebook Erasmus+ partnership by considering the background and experiences of the
partner countries. Particularly we attach importance to the ability of providing needs and goals on our
selected partners.Therefore we enriched our training at the international level by exchanging and
spreading our own experiences in every aspect. By the way, our partners were included in our project
due to their past project experiences and knowledge of coding. Each partner country uses its own
strategies and methods, they deal with the same subject, but they implemented coding training from
the different angle. Thus, the main goal is to enrich the vertical collobration between different
educational organizations and civil institution; the goal is to connect different organizations'
implementations in coding training and get to know each other and cooperating closely.
Our Turkey (LOHAL) partner has previously experienced on Erasmus+ as a partner and the school
staff is interested in innovative technological tools in teaching learning activities and participates
competitions in local and national. Uludağ university has various Erasmus project experiences.
Croatia, Lithuania KPBVM and Greece partners have Erasmus project experiences and they are
carrying out projects. Spain partner has various experiences in Erasmus+ projects and gives
professional training in the field of coding. Also the leader of innovative education systems by means
of transfering and using.
All partner organizations are well integrated both locally and regionally in their own environment and
they all have established a cooperative network at every level. Thus this cooperation of the partners
will cause a high level of implementation and dissemination of the information. Greece and Turkey
partners ''LOHAL'' have already colloborated in the field of ICT on eTwinning portal. They encourage
and implement new methods and strategies successfully to the students at the age of 14-18.
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How will the tasks and responsibilities be distributed among the partners?
The project will be coordinated by Romania. Each project partner country will create a team for
coordinator at a local level, to disseminate project activities and the results of the project,to the
extend of pre-planned programs. Each partner team will have a leader who will be principal of the
school, and the team will have an administrative member who will cope with finances.
Each partner country will have specific responsibilities. Project duties and tasks are distributed all
together with the partner countries. Each partner country fill the project form themselves and
determined their duties and responsibilities. The project coordinator will write the project offer,
planning joint meetings, plans communication between partners; enlightining partners about the
project phases and improvements, organizing the skype meetings with the partners, participating in
performing intellectual output. Applicant will be responsible to organize conference about the project
title (CAT) at local and national. Applicant country will create project website platform and will be
controlled, updated and arranged by the coordinator. eTwinning and Science education platform,
project social club teachers will be created in (only schools) from each partner country. Before the
LTT activities host country will prepare predocumention, send an activity plan and invitation letter to
other partner countries. After the each project meetings and LTT activities newsletter will be sent
electronically to the organizations by the coordinator. All the partners participation the realization of
the intermediate reports will prepare after each project year. All partners will be responsible for
arranging campaigns and volunteering activities to make permanent awareness about the
importance of technology literacy and coding training. On facebook page where each patrner
schools' students will share information about the school subjects and daily life. Also the teachers will
share their activities which they use in their lessons in the field of coding. After the LTT activities each
partner country will arrange meeting in the local level to the teachers, students, school management,
parents and local authorities in order to present project activities which gained in the mobility and
make awareness. Also Croatia and Turkey (LOHAL) will be responsible of the project leaflets.
Romania is a leading partner, participating partners are Turkey partners 'LOHAL', Lithuania KPBVM,
Croatia, Greece, Uludağ University and Spain will participate in performing of intellectual output of
the project e-curriculum. The goal is that this e-curriculum can be used in the schools prepared into
the levels of the students for their needs and interests, is not officially using in their education
system.There is a need for this e curriculum and should be disseminate and it will be a good sample.
Romania leading partner; participating organizations are Uludağ University, Lithuania (KBPVM),
Spain, Turkey (LOHAL), Greece, Croatia partners will create an interactive educational tool as an
intellectual output and this will be a useful tool for the harmful usage of technology Lithuania KPBVM
partner will create an e-book which includes all the activities of each partner country and the
evaluations of the project. Romania will arrange exchange pupils and workshops for students and
teachers they will have the chance to create materials with coding by using their self confidience and
creavity, also exchange knowledge. Greece partner and Turkey partner (LOHAL) will be responsible
to create a project DVD which includes interviews,meeting activities, evaluations, monitoring
activities after every meetings and LTT activities. Uludağ University partner will write an article about
the project activities, intellectual outputs and the results of the project and subscribe it on the
university webpage to draw attension and make awareness to the technology literacy and coding
Spain partner will give proffesional training about coding to the teachers and will arrange a training
with proffessional trainers about Endisturial 4.00 tools and coding. The the coordinator country will be
responsible for arranging the multiplier event of the project and all the project partner will paticipate
to the event. Each partner country will be responsible to hand out the invitation cards of the event and
will advertise the event in local, national and international level.
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If relevant, please identify and explain the involvement of associated partners, not formally
participating in the project. Please explain how they will contribute to the implementation of specific
project tasks/activities or support the dissemination and sustainability of the project.
Indirect participants in all partner countries will appeal to the wider local community, decision-maker
in the Ministry of education, members of the community, university staff and university students and
teachers from other schools the children between 14 and over from each organization. They will all
participate to the presentation of the project meeting, conference and the number of participants who
will benefit from the project approximately 800 people. After each mobility the partner counties will
organize workshops, seminars, campaigns to the teachers and the students from other schools, local
community, parents in their cities to share the project activities and new knowledge and experiences
with them also parents will participate to these workshops to get knowledge and be more concious
about technology literacy and coding training.
The best practices in the field of coding within the enriched program to the children who are
participating in the activity and will reach their knowledge to the upper levels by testing them.
Children who involved to the mobility of LTT will create robots, drones and legomine under the
guidance of proffesional people, they will recognize the diversity of activities of partner organizations
and explore the differences and similitaries in different aspects.
Moreover they will meet in a video conference by using information communication technology thus
they will recognise the habits of partner countries. The information which is gained at the end of the
project will be disseminated to the surrounding schools, districts, parents and different organizations
via the e Twinning portal, Scientix EU webpage, web-site, facebook and an e-book. All the materials
which are produced by coding training will be exhibited to all of the environmental organizations.The
childrens'parents will attend to the workshops and meetings, conferences, seminars then we will
present them our project works and innovative solutions. Also the project Multiplier Event, the
university professional staff and the university students, experts, teachers, students from other
schools, parents and local authorities and local community will invited to the event and the projects'
intellectual outputs, project activities and the results will be shared with the participants of the
event.All the project activities, explanations, calenders, photos, DVD, e-book and short videos of the
participants in the project will be on the project web-site.
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Please briefly describe how you will select and involve participants in the different activities of your
The participants are selected from organizations with their background and experiences in coding.
Project leaders of the organizations are leaders with strong communication, competences and they
have the mastery about the project title. Each organizations' team will gather in a planned manner.
The teams of the organizations are composed of professionals who are dominant in the field, team-
oriented and productive.Besides being analytical,they do not have language problem.
Participants will contribute to all project activities by composing a project plan which identifies the
objectives as a first step of the project.Then they will develop the project plan and establish a way to
determine project plan and establish a way to determine project results in local, regional and
international field. All the partner countries will join to short term staff training, multiplier event,
transnational meetings and will take part in intellectual outputs, all the partners will translate the
intellectual outputs into their language and researching,analyzing, arranging and implementation.
Only school partners will join to short term exchange of pupils and do workshops and exchange
different knowledge and implemantations.
During the implementation phase of the project the participants will be able to observe the materials
that they produce like robots, drones, legomines etc.through coding. By this way participants will
bring more innovative and more developmental solutions on coding.
Web-site manager will be selected among the participants.Also facebook profile ,scientix eu
webpage and etwinning page will be created.
The children between 14-18 years old from each organization (schools) will be included in the project
The best practices in the field of coding within the enriched program to the children who are
participating in the activity and will reach their knowledge to the upper levels by testing them.
Children will create robots under the guidance of proffesional people, they will recognize the diversity
of activities of partner organizations and explore the differences and similitaries in our experience.
Moreover they will meet in a video conference by using information communication technology thus
they will recognise the habits of partner countries.The information which is gained at the end of the
project will be disseminated to the surrounding schools, districts, parents, universities and different
organizations via the etwinning portal, web-site, scientix eu webpage, facebook and an e book. All
the materials which are produced by coding training will be exhibited to all of the environmental
organizations.The childrens'parents will attend to the meetings then we will present them our project
works and innovative solutions. All the project activities, explanations, calenders, photos and short
videos of the participants will be on the project web-site, etwinning and scientix platform.
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Please describe what will be done in preparation by your organisation/group and by your
partners/group before the actual project activities take place, e.g. administrative arrangements,
communication about the activities, selection of the persons, coaches, involvement of stakeholders,
An agreement will be signed between the coordinator country Romania and their National Agency.
Each organization's staff will be selected with a questionnaire from those who has knowledge and
skills of coding, fluent English language and who are enthuastic. The students selection (school) will
be done by online questionnaire, we will search their eagerness and interest to participate to the
project.The selection will be transparent and all the teachers and the students will be able to
participate in this around. The project leaders are those with strong communication skills, leadership
skills in addition to their knowledge and application skills of coding. The project team will be
responsible for coordinating the project activities and also will arrange and execute the transnational
meetings and training courses for teachers and pupils. A meeting will be arranged in each
organization in order to introduce the project (CAT) to the staff and the school management, the
students and their parents. Each partner country will create an Erasmus+ billboard in their
organizations and they will all present the project. Each partner country (only for schools) will select
their eTwinning and scientix social club teachers who will be responsible for the scientix eu and
etwinning project of the project (CAT). A website will be set up to collect all the products of the
A network of participants for administrative regulations will be established and there will be a way to
manage the activities of the organizations and a way for the participants work in the financial plan. A
meeting will be organized in each partner country to introduce the project to the school staff, the
administrative staff, the students and the parents.
Communication between the partners will be done by email first then we will use Slack portal,
eTwinning, email, Facebook and Whatsapp group which is among the partners. While the project
development team was created, the people were formed from the ones who actively participated in
composing the project from beginning to the end of the project will be taken into account within the
transparent and democratic principles. On the web-site of each partner institutions starting of the
project will be announced and also on project website, Facebook Page and on eTwinning Portal.
Applicant partner will arrange a conference related to the project title at local and national level.
Before the LTT activities the host country will inform all the participants about the countries rules,
customs of that society, the way of their life of the inhabitants, geography, history and culture of that
country. All the partners will prepare presentations, images, videos, traditional musics for the
intercultural meetings in transnational meetings. An agenda will be sent to the partners which will
detail the specific activities along with a timetable for the duration of the project. This will show when
the visits are planned and will be agreed by all partners. Our proper project activities, materials and
outcomes will be shared with the community for Science Education Platform.
All agreements will be prepared and signed and all potential risks considered thus we will make sure
of that every participant has notable documents and has travel and health insurance , do
preparations to get European Health Insurance before the trip preparations. Approved budget will be
sent to all partners. With the first meeting in October in Romania the host country, the project's
organization will officially start. In the meeting the project coordinator will negotiate with the project
team dissemination, timetable, deadline of the activities, monitoring and evaluation, competences
acquring advice instructions, payment schedules and responsibilities for project partners.
First coordination meeting will be prapared by the project coordinator before the start of the project
and they will prepare the materilas and the most significant title of the meeting.There will be also a
Skype meeting before the first coordinating meeting with all partner countries.
Each partner country will enlighten, support and advertise the project in their organizations and in
local /national level.
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Grant per
Number of
Organisation Role organisation and per Grant
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Please provide detailed information about the project activities that you will carry out with the support
of the grant requested under the item 'Project Management and Implementation'
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all the partners will be in contact everytime.All the partners budget will be ensured by their national
agency and each partner is responsible to their national agency about the budget control.
The materials which emerge from workshop activities, e-book, questionnaires, posters, circulas,
reports, forms, the sheets for invitations and the other office materials will have expanses and all of
them will be used to disseminate project activities.
For project management a professional additional team will be established and will control the
delivery of the documents,also organize the reliable commmunication between the partners.
Project team will be composed of professional persons and during the project activities presentation
there will be a special project website and at the end of the project the intellectual outputs and results
will be free to everyone on the project website.
Three transnational project meetings will be done. Only two person from each partner country will
attend to the meetings.
In October 2019 the first coordination meeting will be done in Romania, the details of the project's
process, arranging schedules and deadlines, financial construction of the project, harmonization of
the activities, scrutinize the objectives in the field of coding will be defined.The meeting task plan will
be prepared and sent by the coordinator country to each partner country. All the partners will bring
the needed documents such as decision of the Project team by the manager and the responsible
teachers list of activity.
Second meeting will be in Greece in November 2020, we will analyze the results and evaluate the
teachers and the children activities at the local degrees, discussing executions and its critical stages,
according to the schedule of the project's activities and outputs, regulating all strategies ,activities
and dissemination that have to be done of the project.
Third and final coordination meeting will be in Romania in June 2021 we will share the results;
assessment of the whole projects' results, intellectual outputs;questionnaire, curriculum and social
media tracks of parents have become a sustainable in all partners institutions; discussing durability
and dissemination,scheme of the final report will be negotiated and prepared and conceded by all
partners. Project results will be apparent in all institution.
Please specify the funds requested to organise the planned Transnational Project Meetings.
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of
Country Starting
ID Leading Organisation Meeting Title Partici Grant
of Venue Period
Liceul Teoretic Nicolae Arranging 7270.00
1 Romania 10-2019 12
Balcescu Medgidia Informing EUR
Project's Tasks
2 4th GEL Herakliou Revising Greece 11-2020 12
Project's Task
Liceul Teoretic Nicolae Project's Task 7270.00
3 Romania 06-2021 12
Balcescu Medgidia and Writing EUR
Final Report
Total 36
Leading Organisation
Starting Period
Country of Venue
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of
the No. of
Sending per
Id Sending Participant Distance Band Grant
Organisation Partici
Organisatio s
Kauno buitiniu
575.00 1150.00
1 paslaugu ir verslo Lithuania 2 100 - 1999 km
575.00 1150.00
5 4th GEL Herakliou Greece 2 100 - 1999 km
575.00 1150.00
6 tehnicka skola Croatia 2 100 - 1999 km
Leading Organisation
Starting Period
Country of Venue
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Country of
the No. of
Sending per
Id Sending Participant Distance Band Grant
Organisation Partici
Organisatio s
Liceul Teoretic
575.00 1150.00
1 Nicolae Balcescu Romania 2 100 - 1999 km
Kauno buitiniu
575.00 1150.00
2 paslaugu ir verslo Lithuania 2 100 - 1999 km
575.00 1150.00
6 tehnicka skola Croatia 2 100 - 1999 km
Leading Organisation
Starting Period
Country of Venue
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of
the No. of
Sending per
Id Sending Participant Distance Band Grant
Organisation Partici
Organisatio s
Kauno buitiniu
575.00 1150.00
1 paslaugu ir verslo Lithuania 2 100 - 1999 km
575.00 1150.00
5 4th GEL Herakliou Greece 2 100 - 1999 km
575.00 1150.00
6 tehnicka skola Croatia 2 100 - 1999 km
Project Management
How will you ensure proper budget control and time management in your project?
The project coordinator will provide financial process that pursues the timeslice which is transparent.
In application form the project budget is planned under the Erasmus+ program's official guidelines.
Each partner organization will have financial team, monthly and quarterly, project coordinator will be
ensured about the bills and expenses by them. The project coordinator will create an excel chart of
the financial pay and can properly manage the budget of the project. Each partner will be paid by
their national agency in valid legislation in compliace with the adjust schemes and activities in the
project. If in need coordinator will arrange and alter the budget for the new needs of the project
activities.The financial responsible of the project will ensure a sound financial management based on
the principle of complaince, economy, efficiency, effectiveness, legality, opportunity and regularity
according to European National legislation.
The progress of the project will be monitored and arranged by the project coordinator and deadlines
will be controlled all the time. Coordinator will provide which all the activities and plans are done on
time. Partner organizations will arrange quarterly local meetings to search finished and planned
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How will the progress, quality and achievement of project activities be monitored? Please describe
the qualitative and quantitative indicators you will use. Please give information about the involved
staff, as well as the timing and frequency of the monitoring activities.
Qualitative: Analyses will be used quarterly to monitor the course and the efficiency of the project's
activities and results, as well as the quality of all project activities. Each partner countries' project
team staff will monitor every stage of the LTT and prepare a report to coordinator country. If
necessary, the analysis will be made more often, according to the specific requirements of the project
.Each team will prepare portfolio that observe and measuring the participants individual progress. All
the team will organize check-list for following the task. The proper project activities, materials and
outcomes will be shared with the community for Science Education Platform.
Quantitative: We will make a time-specific list of requirements which will be checked when they are
completed. The list of requirements are required to accomplish certain activities. Such as photo and
video documentation of project activities and the students product of materials. The list will be made
a period of two months.View of the project activities will take place at different stages.The content will
be assessed for a period of two months at all partner institutions and to be monitored as material and
spiritual monthly, before the plan is carried out.The project coordinator will be responsible for the
evaluation in each organization.In each partner country project leaders will submit monthly
reports,evaluations and quarterly evaluations to the project coordinator.
The next stage will be on etwinning portal and scientix eu webpage.The project will be carried out to
the etwinning portal and the Scientix EU platform with the project partners.Project leaders of partner
organizations and the project coordinator will monitor the activities on a monthly basis.Team leaders
will gather on the portal every month via video conference and they will coordinate events, dilemmas
and disputes.In the web-site, content will be evaluated on a monthly basis and this will reflect project
activities of each organization. Additionally, project leaders in each partner country will be
responsible for the success. The targets of the project will be phased and thus it will be monitored
progressivelly as well.
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
How will you evaluate to which extent the project reached its results and objectives? What indicators
will you use to measure the quality of the project's results?
Quantitative indicator will be used: At the beginning of the project we will implement questionnaire to
teachers' and students' to search their levels of knowledge about coding and at the end of the project
we will implement questionnaire in order to search which achievement did they get with the
interaction joint with the other project participants. Childrens' abilities to product new materials will be
examined at the beginning and at the end of the project. This is important for the dissemination of the
project results and for the promotion of encouraging children to learn coding at the early age.
Furthermore we will evaluate our performance with the number of visits made on the project web-site,
e twinning portal, scientix eu webpage, monitor the project activities and the objectives of the project.
We will also measure the number of the access to the webpage of the university and the impact of the
article which Uludağ University prepare and subscribe on their webpage about project activities and
results. Each team will prepare portfolio that observe and measuring the participants individual
progress. All the team will organize check-list for following the task. The proper project
activities,materials and outcomes will send webpage. All school partners will apply
for EUROPAEAN QUALITIY LABEL with our eTwinning project and eTwinning School Label.
The number of materials completed in the workshop activities and the spread of innovative ideas that
emerged will be measured.
The number of the meetings will be evaluated with the key stakeholders at local, regional and
international levels, families, local communities, managers and trainers of the other organizations.
Observation, interviews and questionnaires will be used to measure the quality. The impact results of
the project will be measured in a concrete way.
Qualitative indication will be used to measure the quality of the training meetings by questionnaire
after in each international activities completed, enrichment interactively of all the participants on their
own practices, araising ICT sufficiency, improving using English language, tutors' and pupils'
competences and knowledge about using coding and digital era, cultural interaction among the
partner countries.
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
What are your plans for handling risks which could happen during the project (e.g. delays, budget,
conflicts, etc.)?
The project coordinator will provide financial process that pursues the timeslice which is transparent.
In application form the project budget is planned under the Erasmus+ program's official guidelines.
Each partner organization will have financial team, monthly and quarterly, project coordinator will be
ensured about the bills and expenses by them.The project coordinator will create an excel chart of
the financial pay and can properly manage the budget of the project. Each partner will be paid by
their national agency in valid legislation in compliace with the adjust schemes and activities in the
project. If in need coordinator will arrange and alter the budget for the new needs of the project
activities. The financial responsible of the project will ensure a sound financial management based
on the principle of complaince, economy, efficiency, effectiveness, legality, opportunity and regularity
according to European National legislation. A partnership agreement will be signed at the first
meeting of the project,the allocated budget will be provided in instalment,for each activity planned
and specified in the application form, accomodation, transportation and subsistence of the
participants in the mobilities, dissemination and visibility and project management expenses.
The progress of the project will be monitored and arranged by the project coordinator and deadlines
will be controlled all the time. Coordinator will provide which all the activities and plans are done on
time. Partner organizations will arrange quarterly local meetings to search finished and planned
activities, for selecting target group, calendar activities, expected results, dissemination are priorities
in communicating with partners, in pre-writing application phase.
The project management will create a list of potential risks on the project implementation and will
analyze it and prevent to minimize and avoid that can be happen. The potential risks we indentified:
human resources, environmental, schedule, time management, financial, technology.
-Human resources: team members get ill, conflicts between key persons of the project, the teachers
and the students haven't neccessary skills and do their responsibilities,
-Schedule risks: if one partner fails to fulfil the tasks undertaken in project.
-Financial risks: expenses that may not be in accordance with imposed conditions.
If there will be a delay on budget payment all partner schools and institudes will assist and
participants pay their own expenses. It will be paid after the budget payment.
-Environmental risks: bad weather condition that makes the mobility impossible, social eveent such
as war, terrorism in the city where the mobility planned.
-Time management: failure to comply with deadlines or delay in the tasks.
The project team will search each risk event, high-medium-low occurrance to determine and develop
risk plan, to reduce the impact of an unexpected event. Also will create a risk avoidance lowering
technique and will develop an alternative strategy that has a high probability of success in consistent
time resources.
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Please explain how will the project activities lead to the achievement of the project objectives and
delivery of the planned results?
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Cooperation and communication will be in English.The coordinator of the project will contact regularly
to remind of deadlines and ensure all partners adhere to the agreed programme of the activities.
Communication will mostly take place via email, Slack portal, eTwinning portal, Facebook and
Whatsapp. Coordination will be ensured in regular and mutual meetings, live interviews, international
meetings and international learning events with the help of information communication technology.
Monthly reports that include both the content and the financial section will be forwarded to the leading
patner in the project. With the regular Skype the teachers can present their ideas, results of
implementing and project developments. The local community will get informed through the Erasmus
corner, seminars and school media information.
Have you used or do you plan to use eTwinning, School Education Gateway, EPALE or the
Erasmus+ Project Results Platform for preparation, implementation or follow-up of your project? If
yes, please describe how.
We use etwining portal, our Turkish(LOHAL) and Greece partners have already got project on
eTwining portal about ICT its' name is Innovative Technological Tools. We use eTwinning portal by
the way of communication with our partners.We will also create a project after the approval with
school partners to share all the activities and results of our project. Also we will use etwinning
platform for the social and cultural preprations of our participants before the LTT mobilities. During
the prepration of the project we used eTwinning portal, Erasmus+ corner and School Education
Gateway to find the project partner countries. We will use eTwinning portal, Scientix EU and School
Education Gateway to share the project activities and the process of the project regularly. After the
project ended we continue to use eTwinning, School Education Gateway, Scientix EU webpage and
Erasmus+ Project Results. We will share our proper activities, outcomes with local science and code
portals and the community for Science Education in Europe.
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Intellectual Outputs
Do you plan to include intellectual outputs in your project?
In case you plan to include Intellectual Outputs please describe them here.
E-curriculum of coding-
Educational computer 7180.
Liceul Teoretic Nicolae
O1 program based on the 01-2020 00
Balcescu Medgidia
Scratch programming EUR
O2 ULUDAG UNIVERSITESI Interactive Education Tool 03-2020 00
Total 0.00
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Output Title O1
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Output Description (including: elements of innovation, expected impact and transferability potential)
E-curriculum will lead us a way to implement coding training successfully. It will be a tool for
childrens' development and it will be arranged for the childrens' needs,interests and their level of
ages. E-curriculum will be a sample to the partner countries in which coding training is not
implemented officially in their education system. E-curriculum will be translated in to each partner
countries language. At the end of the project the prepared policy paper about coding training e-
curriculum will be hand out to and requested to the auothorities to each partner country. Before
preparing the e-curriculum we will do a deep searching in other countries curriculum who
implemented officially in their education system and we will discover the needs of the teachers and
the students and we will create an innovative e-curricullum which contains e-games,surveys and
quiz. The aim of the intellectual is to create a computer program / game in the Scratch programming
code, which can be used on any of the subjects taught at school (eg, History, Mathematics, English,
Physics, Geography).All the teachers will make connection between games with different subjects
from school curricula.Turkey(LOHAL), Greece, Croatia, Lithuania (KBPVM), Uludağ University,
Spain will make searching into their regional, national and local games.The programme will make
learning process more creative and attractive.The programme purpose is
Please describe the division of work, the tasks leading to the production of the intellectual output and
the applied methodology
Applicant partner Romania, participants are Lithuania KBPVM, Turkey''LOHAL'', Greece, Croatia,
Uludağ University and Spain partners will prepare the e-curriculum based on other partners studies
before and to their backgrounds and experiences. Each partner will define their strategies and
methodologies. With knowledge transfer and exchange, the result of the e-curriculum will be a very
big expected impact. Deep research will be done from each partner country. Uludağ University will do
a research from other universities and for the needs of the students it will be shaped. All the partner
countries will translate it to their language. Romania the coordinator country will prepare educational
computer programme based on the Scratch programming language.The other partner countries will
make the research. Educational Computer Programme will be assessed and perfected by the request
of all partner countries, at the second meeting, thus they can all implement into their curricula and
daily practice.
The educational program is designed for students 14 to 18 years old.
Basic assumptions:
1. The educational program is created as a quiz, survey and games in order to raise the greatest
interest among students into coding.
2. The application will use thematic modules divided into objects and departments.
3. Modules can be added or modified as needed.
4. Students will be involved in building modules, i.e. each student will be able to create their own quiz
or game with coding in which they will use knowledge of different subject according to curriculum.
5. The program can be used for revising lessons or when introducing new topic is introduced.
6. The program / game is to support teaching and facilitate the absorbtion of knowledge
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
will be done from the other countries experiences and we will get benefit from their usage.
The final form of the educational programme will distributed, made avalaible online, the programme
will be evaluated and introduced.The format will be useful it will be in all partner countries language
and will be disseminated easily because of languge diversity.
Media Internet
Social Media
Adminis Teacher
trative Manage s/Traine Technici
Id Organisation Grant
Support rs rs/Rese ans
Staff archers
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
EN 84 / 165
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
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Output Title O2
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Output Description (including: elements of innovation, expected impact and transferability potential)
Children use technology unconciously to protect them from hazardous sites and games parents need
to chase them thus with this tool we will create a system which controls childrens' technology use. It
also will be an innovative tool for education system to search and control harmful usage of
technology.In general parents suffer from the harmful usage of technology of their children and they
will be aware of it by this tool and can control their children. Children use technology unconsciously
and many times the parents are not aware of the harm that they can suffer by accessing some sites.
Thus, in order to protect them, parents need to be more informed, to be able to trace their children’s
activity on the net. We intend to develop an interactive educational tool which will be designed for
both parents and young people. It will present and simulate real-life situations which children can
come across on the internet, focusing on the potentially harmful types of sites and activities and the
consequences of accessing them. The tool will be presented to the parents and students as well, so
that they will know more about this issue. Because the tool will be made by students under adult
supervision, their perspective will certainly be one to take into consideration.
Please describe the division of work, the tasks leading to the production of the intellectual output and
the applied methodology
Uludağ University partner will be the activity leading partner and the other partner countries will
participate and they will translate the education tool into their language and they will help for
searching, sending information about their local and national datas which they detected about the
harmful usage of technology among the students. Uludağ University will arrange this material based
on coding programme. The task will be delivered by a group of 14-18 experienced students, under
the supervision of the IT teacher involved in the project who has an extensive experience in
coordinating students in different projects and competitions.
First, the students will be selected according to their competences and determination to take part in
such a project. Then, the group will try to identify the negative experiences their fellow students had
on the internet, through anonymous questionnaires, written with the help of the teachers involved in
the project. Thus, we can trace the type of potentially harmful sites they access, how frequently they
do it and the impact they feel. After that, the team will move on to the actual design of the tool, which
will involve writing a code for a game-type tool which will be both educational and interactive.
Once this stage is over, the next stage will be that of testing it inside our school, during 3-5 IT classes
and also in a teacher-parent meeting. The impact will be measured with questionnaires and
adjustments will be made if necessary. After that, all the partner schools will benefit of the tool and
they will be able to use it in their country.
Media Social Media
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Adminis Teacher
trative Manage s/Traine Technici
Id Organisation Grant
Support rs rs/Rese ans
Staff archers
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Working
Category of Staff Grant per Day Grant
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Multiplier Events
Do you plan to include Multiplier Events in your project?
Total 00
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Access to the digital age and technological literacy in a useful way by coding
Country of Venue
A final conference at the end of the project which will gather experts on coding education, so as to
submit all the project results to the extensive groups, furthermore to interchange practices and
experiences with other organizations in which implementing coding training.The Applicant partner will
present overall project, the workshops, the project website and the surveys implemented by each
partner country.The event will aim to raise the visibility of the project furthermore to boost other
stakeholders, schools, local community ,universities proffessional staff and the university students
and regional authorities.The event will be a collaborative presentation that each partner will present
its work.The project intellectual outputs will be presented to all participants and we believe that this
event will have multiplier effects on the participants.The project coordinator will prepare agenda of
the event which will be disseminated on eTwinning, the project website, Scientix EU webpage and
School Education Gateway. 75 persons will take part in (local participants), local participants will be
from local universities, schools and organizations which are studying in the field of technology and 2
participants from each partner organization.
Leading Organisation
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Participating Organisations
Grant Grant
Local Foreign per per
of the
ID Organisation Particip Particip Local Foreign Grant
ants ants Particip Particip
ant ant
Liceul Teoretic
100.00 200.00 7900.00
1 Nicolae Balcescu Romania 75 2
Kauno buitiniu
100.00 200.00 400.00
4 paslaugu ir verslo Lithuania 0 2
100.00 200.00 400.00
6 tehnicka skola Croatia 0 2
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KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
List of Activities
Do you plan to include transnational learning, teaching or training activities in your project?
In case you plan to include learning, teaching or training activities please encode them here.
No. of
Leading Startin of Acco
Activity Activity
ID Organisatio Field g Parti mpan Grant
Title Type
n Period cipan ying
ts Pers
Innovativ joint staff SCHO 12- 18561.
C1 Nicolae 18 0
e Tools training OLS 2019 00 EUR
Coding INERCIA joint staff SCHO 03- 20091.
C2 18 0
Training DIGITAL SL training OLS 2020 00 EUR
Century ULUDAG
joint staff SCHO 05- 18561.
C3 Technolo UNIVERSITE 18 0
training OLS 2020 00 EUR
gical SI
exchanges of SCHO 10- 19032.
C4 ICT Skills paslaugu ir 16 8
groups of OLS 2020 00 EUR
Coding exchanges of SCHO 12- 19032.
C5 tehnicka 16 8
Activities groups of OLS 2020 00 EUR
skola Osijek
00 EUR
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Activity Type
Activity Title
Innovative Tools
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Activity Description (including profile of participants per organisation, goals and results of the activity)
Partners of the project from Uludağ University, Croatia, Lithuania (KBPVM), Spain, Turkey (LOHAL)
and Greece will go to Romanian organization for 5 days.The arrival day will be on Sunday.Training
course for the teachers will organized by Romania school.Project group will view the schools'
methods, strategies, outputs in the field of coding, to interchange their substantial acquisition besides
the all period about materials, plans, legistative parctices, their targets, their culture and region in the
institution to comprehend how these activities execute into their instructional programme.The
teachers training course will provide knowledge and enhancing examples of good practice on
learning process in the European Community.The creative teaching methods will be used which is
based on cooperation and collaboration.
All the participants will share different experiences and knowledges.The course participants will get a
certificate of active participation from the host country organization.
The aim of the this training is to interchange good implements and examine the challenges and
critical points of all the period.There will be a role model activity with the support of a success person
will join to give lesson, talk or a seminar in LTT training activity.
Creative Schools: The grassroots revolution that’s transforming education
• Rethink the nature and purpose of education
• Understand the factors that motivate and shift human potential
• Appraise the role that creativity is playing in learning systems and organisations.
How drones can be used for teaching, learning and imagination
• Discuss emerging drone, 3D visualisation and big data technologies and the opportunities for
innovation and entrepreneurialism
• Be inspired by a range of humanitarian and environmental applications to education
• Discover a unique way of marrying literacy, communication, and STEM skills for educators and
Diversity, inclusion, and Safe Schools for the education workforce and our students
• Assess how to develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed now and for the jobs of the
• Understand how to build your school’s capacity to acknowledge and value diversity, provides equal
opportunities, and is inclusive of all differences
• Outline of unique and important aspects of the Safe Schools strategy
What now that the Digital Technologies curriculum has been implemented some states
• Get better understanding of how we got here, and where the Digital Technologies Curriculum is
• Learn how to teach coding in a way that encourages depth of understanding of the interplay
between different underlying concepts.
• The Digital Technologies curriculum has been shaped with key concepts in mind allowing a
contextual basis for kids to learn the skill of coding.
• Learn how to engage students at all ability levels with solving difficult problems and building real
thinking skills for the future we can’t imagine.
School on Blockchain
• Describe how the world’s first ‘school on the blockchain’ was created
• Analyse how the technology is empowering students and improving digital and financial literacy,
and student agency
• Outline practical advice on immutable and authentic reporting of entrepreneurism in coding
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Leading Organisation
Participating Organisations
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
Starting Period
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Groups of Participants
No. of
Sending No. of
Distance Duration Accompa
ID Organisation / Participa Grant
Band (days) nying
Country nts
Kauno buitiniu
500-1999 3051.00
3 paslaugu ir verslo 7 3 0
km EUR
mokykla / Lithuania
Lokman Hekim
500-1999 3051.00
4 Anadolu Lisesi / 7 3 0
km EUR
500-1999 3051.00
km EUR
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
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No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
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No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
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FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Budget
EN 109 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Type
Activity Title
Coding Training
EN 110 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Description (including profile of participants per organisation, goals and results of the activity)
Partners of the project from Romania, Uludağ University, Lithuania(KBPVM), Turkey (LOHAL),
Greece school will go to Spain ''Inercia Digital''institution for 5 days.Training course for the teachers
will be organized by Spain with two trainers with competencies in the field of coding.The arrival day
will be on Sunday.Project group will view the Spain institutions' methods, strategies, outputs in the
field of coding,to interchange their substantial acquisition besides the all period about materials,
plans, legistative parctices, their targets, their culture and region in the institution to comprehend how
these activities execute into their instructional programme.
The aim of the this training is to interchange good implements and examine the challenges and
critical points of all the period.All the partners will be proffesional on training students on coding.The
project partners will return to their countries on Saturday. The course participants will get a certificate
of active participation.There will be a role model activity with the support of a success person will join
to give lesson, talk or a seminer in LTT training activity.
Methods and schedule for evaluation: This training course will follow a Non Formal methodology in
every domain, in order to promote the interaction between teachers.
Different methods will be developed within the in-person sessions, giving special attention to the
Case method and the Interrogative one.
It will be useful to download the learning and supporting materials, to participate in debate forums, to
ask doubts, to complete the required tasks for evaluation, and to do the final theoretical
• Theoretical: The wide theoretical knowledge will be evaluated at the end of the course with a
questionnaire that will be done on the online platform. The theoretical evaluation is the 40% of the
final mark and it is compulsory in order to pass the course.
• Practice: This training course is based on to the Continuous Assessment. Therefore, the teachers
will participate on the debates and sessions planned. The participation and realization of the
sessions tasks will be the 60% of the final mark and it’s compulsory in order to pass the course. The
tutor will write every evaluation of the sessions on the online platform.
Objectives of the Course: The objective of the course is to help professionals and teachers
understand the fundamental ideas about computers and programming, and develop some basic
problem-solving and project design skills. It will also help teachers to integrate basic programming
instruments into their educational process in order to increase the students´ versatility when it comes
to creative ways in which they can approach real life problems.
Specific objectives of the Course:
• Familiarizing the participants with the fundamental principles of coding and how it can be used in
the educational process
• Familiarizing the participants with the Scratch Development Environment
• Familiarizing the participants with the benefits of learning basic problem-solving skills in Python
Competences of the Course:
Knowledge of the concept
Educative use and values of creating applications
Solving real problems using code
The course also includes this online activity that will be daily developed on the online platform.
Introduction to programming
What is coding? How can it help us? The environment and the basics
Activities on the online platform.
Reading the content of the topic discussed and completing the required task on the platform.
EN 111 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Leading Organisation
Participating Organisations
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
Starting Period
EN 112 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Groups of Participants
No. of
Sending No. of
Distance Duration Accompa
ID Organisation / Participa Grant
Band (days) nying
Country nts
Kauno buitiniu
2000- 3306.00
2 paslaugu ir verslo 7 3 0
2999 km EUR
mokykla / Lithuania
Liceul Teoretic
2000- 3306.00
3 Nicolae Balcescu 7 3 0
2999 km EUR
Medgidia / Romania
Lokman Hekim
3000- 3816.00
4 Anadolu Lisesi / 7 3 0
3999 km EUR
2000- 3306.00
2999 km EUR
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
EN 113 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 2000-2999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
EN 114 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 115 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
EN 116 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 2000-2999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
EN 117 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 118 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
EN 119 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
EN 120 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 121 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Budget
EN 122 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Type
Activity Title
EN 123 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Description (including profile of participants per organisation, goals and results of the activity)
Partners of the project from Romania, Lithuania (KBPVM), Spain, Turkey (LOHAL), Greece and
Croatia school will go to Turkey Uludağ university for 5 days.Training course for the teachers will be
organized by Uludag university with four trainers with competencies in the field of coding.The arrival
day will be on Sunday. Project group will view the Uludag Universitie's methods, strategies, outputs
in the field of coding to interchange their substantial acquisition besides the all period about
materials, plans, legistative parctices, their targets, their culture and region in the institution to
comprehend how these activities execute into their instructional programme.There will be a role
model activity with the support of a success person will join to give lesson, talk or a seminar in LTT
training activity.
The aim of the this training is to interchange good implements and examine the challenges and
critical points of all the period.All the partners will get proffesional training course on coding, Industry
4.0, Programming and Algorithm Course.The project partners will return to their countries on
Saturday. The course participants will get a certificate of active participation.
Turkey Uludag University
Programmaning and Algorithm Course
During the training course in Uludağ University, the main focus is going to be on the possible roles of
Industry 4.0 in our future World. Thanks to this versatile training course, the participants are going to
be active at every stage of the course regarding production, design, and real time 3D modelling. It will
also put emphasis on finding solutions for the real life problems of students through coding and 3d
Mindstorm Ev3 Robotics Programming
Fundementals of Mindstorm Ev3. Theoretical subjects lectured on the first day are going to be
practiced through real experiences. The basics of the interface of the program will be explained and
some motor tasks will be practised thanks to this interface. There will also be applications that can be
used in classes like Maths, Science, etc. Then we will be dwelling on the thematic tasks prepared by
Lego and the solutions for these tasks. Bursa, which proved itself at a worldwide level by entering the
list of Creative Cities Network in the field of gastronomy.
Mindstorm Ev3 Robotics Programming
In parallel with the fundementals, the rationale behind how sensors such as gyro sensor, ultrasonic
sensor, color sensor, and touch sensor will be lectured. Then, there will be exemplifications of how
these sensors are linked to the nature and where the very sensors are used in real life. In this sense,
the applicability of programming in real life will be discussed.
3D Design
Introduction course to 3D printers. It will be a course on the basics of 3D design through 3D printers.
Thus, the participants will be able to perceive the usage areas of 3D technology and that to what
extent 3D technology can reach. As a practice, the participants will create simple designs to print.
The focus here will be on the combining, dividing and redimensioning of some objects. The primary
objective here will be to perceive the working principles of the technological devices used in real life
and the basics of programming.
3D Design
At this stage of the training, the participants will begin to produce real models through 3D printers.
In conclusion, this training course will raise an awareness of Industrial Revolution 4.0, which has a
great potential to bring permanant changes for our future world. Thanks to the course, the
participants will take active roles by getting real experiences at all the stages of the course
Expected results of the training staff:
-The teachers will get knowledge and experience about different methods and strategies in Industrial
4.0, Programmaning and Algoritma, 3D Design, Mindstorm Ev3 Robotics Programming;
-Collobrating with each other and share good samples;
EN 124 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
-They will learn different cultures and get cross cultural experience, the end of the training course
participators will be able to:
-Recognize the design principles and the conceptual framwork of Industry 4.0.
-Practice Industry 4.0 in an enviroment that provides both physical and digital technologies
-Solve a specific problem and attain solution designing skills in order to reach a specific goal.
-Analyze robotics systems, sensor technologies, data exchanges, and production technologies.
-Combine, divide, and dimension specific figures virtually through 3D Design.
Leading Organisation
Participating Organisations
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
Starting Period
Groups of Participants
EN 125 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of
Sending No. of
Distance Duration Accompa
ID Organisation / Participa Grant
Band (days) nying
Country nts
Kauno buitiniu
500-1999 3051.00
3 paslaugu ir verslo 7 3 0
km EUR
mokykla / Lithuania
Liceul Teoretic
500-1999 3051.00
4 Nicolae Balcescu 7 3 0
km EUR
Medgidia / Romania
Lokman Hekim
500-1999 3051.00
5 Anadolu Lisesi / 7 3 0
km EUR
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
EN 126 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Grant per Participant 275.00 EUR
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
EN 127 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 2000-2999 km
No. of Participants 3
EN 128 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 129 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
EN 130 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Organisation / Country
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
EN 131 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 132 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
Activity Type
Duration (days)
EN 133 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 3
Individual Support
No. of Participants 3
EN 134 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Budget
EN 135 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Type
Activity Title
ICT Skills
EN 136 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Description (including profile of participants per organisation, goals and results of the activity)
Partners from Romania,Turkey(LOHAL), Greece and Croatia will visit Lithuania (KBPVM) for the
purpose of observing each participant materials which have done by students with coding.They all
will have the chance to make comparison, enhance their knowledge and enrich their practices. Also
all the participants of the project will have the chance to observe Lithuanian school's methods,
strategies, practices, legistative, curriculum, their expectations and targets as well as their culture
and region.
As a result they will comprehend how are these activities implemented into their instructional
programme. Lithuanian member will be the mentor of the workshop.They all will divided into groups.
Each group will have 5 students.The teachers will monitor the students.There will be a role model
activity with the support of a success person.
Arrivals of the groups of students and teachers from partner schools. Students will get know each
other and will be presented to their host families. Students and teachers will visit the school, compare
and contrasts the use of new technologies during the lessons. Discuss panel for the teachers about
using the IT technology while educational process. Comparing and contrasting using IT during the
lessons, discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of using modern technologies in
Visiting the multimedia museum using new technologies for raising historical knowledge. Students
and teachers are going to take part in educational game and workshop about the history of the region
with the use of IT technologies. They will get know with the example of practical use IT technology.
Meeting the local authorities representative in the council. During the meeting the multimedia
presentation will be shown. Students and teachers will get familiar with the region, its touristic value
and the main features. The purpose of the meeting is also dissemination of the project in local society
and local media. The article about the meeting in council will be published in local press and the city
workshop in school – using educational computer program based on the Scratch programming
language. The educational program is created as a quiz, survey or game in order to raise the
greatest interest among students. The application will use thematic modules divided into objects and
departments. Students will be involved in building modules, each student will be able to create their
own quiz or game in which they will use knowledge of different subject according to curriculum. The
teachers will be shown how the program can be used for revising lessons or when introducing new
topic is introduced. The quizes and surveys created during the workshop are the final results of the
project and they can be used by other students in partner schools.
Workshop in school about using Kahoot! application for creating quizzes. Kahoot! application is easy
to use by teachers and by students of different age. It raises the creativity and invention of the
students what makes them involved in the topic deeper. Quizzes created by Kahoot! can contain
multimedia files and they can be used for revising lessons and for introducing a new topic. The
competitive character of the quizzes and the visibility of the results increase the engagement and
attention of the students. During the workshop students will create the Kahoot! quizzes about their
countries and then they will be solved by other group from partner schools.
The participators of the integration meeting are going to be all the teachers and students from partner
and host schools taking part in the project, other teachers from the host school who are not involved
in the project, parents from host families and the representative of local authorities. The parents are
going to be involves in preparing the dishes and the organisation of the evening. By that way they will
be involved in the project and the educational process of their offsprings. The purpose of the evening
is the integration of the partners and the dissemination of the project in local society. The meeting will
be presented in local press and school website.
The evaluation meeting for teachers in school. Discuss panel about the actions and results of the
EN 137 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
project and measures needed to be taken. For students – game activities in the IT lab.
Departures of the groups.Expected results:
Teachers and students from partner schools are going to be familiarized with the program, and then
they will be able to enter the program in their schools. The coding program can be used during
lessons in various subjects, in order to revise and also to introduce new material. The program in the
accessible way will give students the ability to code and use it in practical situations.
The result of the workshop will be quizzes created by the student, which can then be used by other
students from partner schools, which will allow them to improve their coding skills.
Leading Organisation
Participating Organisations
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
Starting Period
Groups of Participants
EN 138 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of
Sending No. of
Distance Duration Accompa
ID Organisation / Participa Grant
Band (days) nying
Country nts
Liceul Teoretic
500-1999 4758.00
2 Nicolae Balcescu 7 4 2
km EUR
Medgidia / Romania
Lokman Hekim
500-1999 4758.00
3 Anadolu Lisesi / 7 4 2
km EUR
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
EN 139 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 6
Individual Support
No. of Participants 4
Activity Type
Duration (days)
EN 140 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 6
Individual Support
No. of Participants 4
EN 141 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 6
EN 142 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Individual Support
No. of Participants 4
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 143 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 6
Individual Support
No. of Participants 4
Activity Budget
EN 144 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Type
Activity Title
Coding Activities
Activity Description (including profile of participants per organisation, goals and results of the activity)
Partners from Romania, Lithunia(KBPVM),Turkey(LOHAL), Greece and will visit Croatia school for
the purpose of observing each participant materials which have done by students with coding.In each
partner country three students and two accompanying teachers will participate to the short term
exchange.They all will have the chance to make comparison, enhance their knowledge and enrich
their practices.Also all the participants of the project will have the chance to observe Croatia school's
methods, strategies, practices,l egistative, curriculum, their expectations and targets as well as their
culture and region.
As a result they will comprehend how are these activities implemented into their instructional
programme. Croatia member will be the mentor of the workshop.They all will divided into
groups.Each group will have 5 students.They will concrete materials by using coding.The producted
materials will be exhibited at the end of the project.The pupils will interact between other students,
promote active learning and improve their own learning.There will be a role model activity with the
support of a success person will join to give lesson, talk or a seminer in LTT training activity.
-Meeting at school
-Welcoming activities, ice-breakers, getting to know eachother
-Experience-sharing: Zero Robotics - our team of students took part in the final for the last two
consecutive years Zero Robotics is a robotics programming competition where the robots are
SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold Engage and Reorient Experimental Satellites) inside the
International Space Station.
The participants compete to win a technically challenging game by programming their strategies into
the SPHERES satellites. The game is motivated by a current problem of interest to DARPA, NASA
and MIT. Student software controls satellite speed, rotation, direction of travel, etc. Depending on the
game premise, the students must program their satellites to complete game objectives (navigate
obstacles, pick up virtual objects, etc.) while conserving resources (fuel, charge, etc.) and staying
within specified time and code-size limits.
-Visit to University in Croatia, presentation of robotics laboratory and presentation of robots built by
our students.
-Experience-sharing: presentation of our experience in different competitions and courses on coding,
to motivate and attract students, such as First Tech Challenge, Coder Dojo, We Speak Code;
-Discussions on how each partner can integrate these competitions in their school program
-Workshop at the science lab called Experimentarium, where students can experiment themselves all
kinds of things they learn at school in theory at their science classes
- A coding competition between students to evaluate their interest and motivation
- Closing session to round-up the discussions and feed-back
EN 145 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Leading Organisation
Participating Organisations
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
Starting Period
Groups of Participants
No. of
Sending No. of
Distance Duration Accompa
ID Organisation / Participa Grant
Band (days) nying
Country nts
Kauno buitiniu
500-1999 4758.00
2 paslaugu ir verslo 7 4 2
km EUR
mokykla / Lithuania
Liceul Teoretic
500-1999 4758.00
3 Nicolae Balcescu 7 4 2
km EUR
Medgidia / Romania
Lokman Hekim
500-1999 4758.00
4 Anadolu Lisesi / 7 4 2
km EUR
EN 146 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 6
EN 147 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Individual Support
No. of Participants 4
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 148 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 6
Individual Support
No. of Participants 4
EN 149 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Organisation / Country
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
Distance Band 500-1999 km
No. of Participants 6
Individual Support
EN 150 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 4
Activity Type
Duration (days)
Country of Venue
No. of Participants
Group Budget
EN 151 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
No. of Participants 6
Individual Support
No. of Participants 4
Activity Budget
Background Information
EN 152 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
What is the added value of these learning, teaching or training activities (including long-term
activities) with regards to the achievement of the project objectives?
The learning teaching training activities are related directly to the needs which will provide
opportunities for participants to meet different tutors from different European countries and gain
knowledge, skills and cultural competences.Learning/training activities will ensure opportunities for
the project partners to meet proffessional educational experts from different European countries and
to gain new experiences and skills this will contribute to enhance teaching tools. Short-term
exchanges of groups of pupils will give opportunities for the relationship between students from
different countries also their self-respect and self-confidence give the chance to enchance.
Every partner of the project will meet each other for occupational instruction and training to
interchange good executions and be aware of the implemented strategies of other counterpart
institutions. Teachers and pupils will have the chance to join Skype meetings by means of short-term
joint staff training.After the mobilities participant will receive from the host organization a certificate
and will get Europass. All the professions who included in the project will get the opportunity to
improve professionally in the area of coding.
How will you select, prepare and support participants and ensure their safety? Please describe the
practical arrangements including training, teaching or learning agreements, if applicable.
Please also describe the arrangements for recognition or validation of the learning outcomes of the
participants in learning, teaching or training activities. Will your project make use of European
instruments like Europass, ECVET, Youthpass, ECTS etc. or any national instruments/certificates?
Validation and recognition will encompass wide range of skills, knowledge and competences
provided during the mobility including language improvement and intercultural skills.All the
participants ,teachers-staff and students will be able to use Europass which is recognized by all over
Europe. Europass will give chance to the teachers and students to promote in their future profiency.
EN 153 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Special Costs
No. of
Country of the ants Description and Grant
ID Organisation
Organisation With Justification (EUR)
Exceptional Costs
EN 154 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
EN 155 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
What is the expected impact on the participants, participating organisations, target groups and other
relevant stakeholders?
The effect expected from the participants is to increase in all kinds of personal, professional, general
proficiency in all partner organization, information and technology professionals who are working in
the field of information to raise their level of knowledge.
Arise in the use of information communication technology competences and tools on eTwinning and
also increase in the level of awareness about cultures, traditions, religions, knowledge and
acceptance of associations with all other participants who are part of the project activities.
Having the knowledge of concepts in coding training plan in participants countries of the project and
arising the quality of education by international participation.
Having proffessional training with the support of university proffessional experts and getting high
quality of competences and skills in technology literacy.
Enriching the participants' own practices and the expansion of the diffusion network.
Provide local, regional and international visibility in the environment.
High quality of occupation and consequent expansion of the tendency and inclusion of children to
coding training.
Compare the methods and strategies in using technology literacy and coding training in Romania,
Lithuania, Greece, Croatia and Turkey embrace possitve results.
Found a culture of learning aiming at the realization of the need of life long learning.
More contacts at each level with the other stakeholders in surrounding and opening new horizons
more people internationally.
Expected effects on target groups are to increase the level of knowledge about technology literacy
with coding training in children aged 14 to 18, teachers and parents.
Developing their perspectives on how to solve problems with technological tools and to bring their
self-esteem to a higher level by providing analtical and cretive thinking also arising the popularity of
coding learning in children and their parents knowledge in coding training.Thus the parents have the
opportunity to follow the tarining activities more closely with their children and they will share their
free time more effeciently instead of using the social media or palaying computer games.In each
organization seminars for parents ( local / regional ) about technology literacy and coding training,
about stimulating home environment and parental engagement for child’s learning and cognitive,
social and emotional development enhance their conciousness.
Expected impacts on other related partners are development of intergenerational cooperation and
literacy skills in information technology. Enhancing the level of coding competence and knowledge
and using technology conciously.
The recognation of the project within the scope of dissemination activities and boosting the desire of
other organizations at the international level.
Reinforce the European dimension of education by means of the establishment of new methods of
cooperation, improvement of state relations and correct practices.
Comprehend and comprise to social, linguistic and cultural diversity.
Allowing the opportunity of the ability to use the practices of each coding practice in each country
with higher occupational impacts
and practices with the experience gained while working together.
Providing an opportunity for more application for international conferences and practices and
Expanding the international expert network and raising the level of the knowledge.
The expected impact will be significant that all needs will be met and the project will be intensely
EN 156 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
What is the desired impact of the project at the local, regional, national, European and/or
international levels?
EN 157 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
It is important to search out whether project is achieving its target, the impacts on the participants,
participating organizations, target groups and relevant partners will be evaluated with questionnaires
and informal meetings.Teachers will monitor the pupils creative and anlytical thinking by producing
the materials they have learnt by coding.The outcome of the impact will be subscribed on the
website. Questionnaires will be specific, evaluable, related with consider to the target concerned and
time limitation and it will measure the skills and competences which the teachers and students
enable in coding. Another way to measure the impact is to trace the number of people visitation to
project's eTwinning account, the project website and the facebook profile. We will measure the
number of visitation by questionnaire we put on eTwinning, project website and facebook. The
visitors will be requested to fill the form after visinting the portals. At a local level we will measure the
inclusion of children as institutions and organizations in coding training in the local and the propotion
of interest to our work with the number of local community attendance to the social gathering. We will
measure the impact of the article which subscribe on the two universities webpage through the
number of students or experts read it and access to the webpage.
At a regional level we will measure number of newly established institutions or organizations engaged
in international co-operation in institutions dealing with coding training of children in the region. We
will measure the number of teachers and students that involve to the project mobility and the number
of Europass mobility which will be delivered.Also the number of training sessions during the project
activities will be measured and what skills and competences teachers and students enable in coding.
The number of applications for activities will be measured in partner institutions.
At national level we will measure the design coding training curricula, the number of expert groups
that have influenced the making of neccessary changes.
The number of participation in national conferences and symposiums.
International level number of tourist visitations will be measured and contacts and cooperation with
international partners, experts, societies, institutions and establishments and the number of the
participants to the Multiplier Event of the project.
EN 158 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
You are requested to make plans for the dissemination of your project results. Please provide
answers to the questions below.
What will be the target groups of your dissemination activities inside and outside your partnership?
Please define in particular your target audience(s) at local/regional/national/EU level and motivate
your choice.
Each partner country will be responsbile for the dissemination and sustainibility of the project. School
partner's of the project will be responsible of eTwinning and Scientix portal to disseminate project
activities and results. Schools also will arrange workshops and meetings to other school's teachers,
students, parents, policy makers at local and national level to disseminate all project's stages.
University partner is responsible to disseminate every stage of the project activities in their official
page and they will subscribe an article about the project in their official page also will give
conferences and seminars to university students, teachers, authorities, policy makers to make
awareness in digital literacy. Spain partner will be responsible to disseminate project activities and
results in their official page and also arrange workshops and meetings to the local community,
teachers, students and authorities at local and national level. Within the partnership all the institutions
and organizations participating in the project activities, professional staff cooperated and exchanged
ideas, improved project solutions at the international level and correlative experience exchange will
be developed.
Other employees in institutions and organizations of participating partners who are not able to obtain
a grant and carry out part of the project activity in the course of the project will be presented at all
presantations and events.
Cooperation and observation will improve the quality of the work of the group and that prospers the
project results which are incorporated into their own practices and profession.
From the organizations involved in all project activities the children between the ages of 14 and 18
years and the teachers are our target group and also they are the ones we want to create permanent
effects at the international level. Moreover, the parents of the target group will consciously transfer
the project effect to their environment as an effective and useful technology literacy.
Apart from the partnership local communities will be included to promote the importance of coding
Meetings will be held nationally with the participants of conferences and symposiums in order to
evaluate the results of the project, identification of the information and reconition of the solutions.
Local communities will attend these meetings.
Each member will have their own network in the current network of partner countries in the project
and thus other expert staff who are not in the project can also communicate with the countries
outside the European Union and therefore they can reach out to enrich their methods and improve
their strategies. Also the project partner Turkey Uludağ Universities' proffessional staff will carry out
and disseminate the project activities, intellectual outputs and the results and share it with an article
which they subscribe on their official webpage.
The instructors in institutions that provide coding training will be able to directly tranfer the
experiences,labour and information they have gained to the students.
EN 159 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Which activities will you carry out in order to share the results of your project beyond your
The project activities and the project activities, results and intellectual outputs will be on the project
website and will be reached to those who are looking for information online. Also the project
activities, results and intellectual outputs will be on the project partners technical university webpage.
The links on the project website will be presented in all official pages of the project partners. The
project activities and the results will be disseminated throughout the participating countries and that
the information is provided to experts. The project activities results and the intellectual outputs will be
on partner countries printed and visual media, social media tools, each partner countries webpage,
on School Education Gateway, Erasmus+ Project Result portal, Scientix EU webpage and on
eTwinning portal.
Leaflets will be in English and in all partners' language.The neccessary information will be involved
such as the partners' profiles, project summary, objectives and activities and the leaflets will be hand
out in each partner country after the kick off the meeting. Newsletter of the project activities,
intellectual outputs and results will be sent via electronically by all partners at local, regional and
national to the organizations.
The images of the project events and goals will be presented in professional magazines and in the
local media with press releases. The broadcasts will reach local, regional and national audiences and
listeners. Project logo's, leaflets, photos, posters will be hand out in all partner countries. After the
LTT activities each partner country will arrange meeting in the local and regional level to the
teachers, students, school management, parents and local authorities in order to present project
activities which gained in the mobility. Also each partner country will create an Erasmus corner (wall
panel) and will hang the Project activities photos and knowledge about the activities.Thus this will
draw attention to other students, teachers, parents and guests. After the training mobility each
partner country will do workshops to the other schools teachers, students and the parents in order to
share the project activities. We will share our proper activities, outcomes with local science and code
portals and the community for Science Education in Europe.
On the eTwinning portal and Scientix EU platform with the robotic coding project with our project
partners we are expanding beyond our partnership.
Because countries that are not project members or members of the European Union will involve and
follow the project activities on eTwinning portal and Scientix EU platform. Each partner organization
has an existing network in local, regional and national level. For this reason the expansion will take
place through formal and informal networks. The project activities will be expanded between
professionals by participating in conferences, symposiums and training events organized by
institutions and organizations.
EN 160 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Who will be responsible for the dissemination activities within your partnership and which specific
expertise do they have in this area? What resources will you make available to allow for the proper
implementation of your dissemination plans?
Within the project each partnership will be responsible for the dissemination of the project activities.
Each countries' project team will arange meetings, workshops and seminars in local level. The
partner leaders have strong communication skills and specific management skills also has the ability
in language which is necessary for information communication technology competences and
networking. Romania will be responsible for creating leaflets. Croatia partner will be responsible for
project activities invitation, preparing, printing and distributing project's posters.Turkey (LOHAL) and
Greece partner will be responsible for the project DVD. Applicant partner will be responsible for the
prepration of the pre-last questionnaires of the project and each partner country will be responsible
for the implementation, evaluation and disseminating the results of the questionnaires.The project
partner Uludağ University will responsible to subscribe an article at the end of the project and also
during the project the university will share all the project stages on their webpage. Also Lithuania
KPBVM is responsible for the project e book. Each partner country will also responsible for projects
website, coordinator will be responsible on the way of loading, updating and introducing the project
activities.All the school partners will be responsible to disseminate all project stages on eTwining and
Scientix Portal.
The dissemination within the partnership will be made through telecommunication resources, project
Website, eTwinning portal, Webmail, Facebook Profile, School Education Gateway ,Scientix EU
webpage, Erasmus+ Project Results and Multiplier Event at international meeting.
Erasmus+ has an open access requirement for all materials developed through its projects. If your
project is producing intellectual outputs/tangible deliverables, please describe how you intend to
ensure free access for the public to a digital form of this material. If you intend to put any limitation on
the use of the open licence, please specify the reasons, extent and nature of this limitation.
The project will produce intellectual outputs. There will be a e curriculum includes Educational
computer program based on the Scratch programming language,tracing tool and the development of
competencies related to coding in a child and e book the peresentation of the project activities. The
activities and the projects intellectual outputs will also be included in the project website. All of the
project videos, records, plans, pictures and entries of the project activities will be exchanged on the
project website, Erasmus+ Project Results, eTwinning portal. Also it will be existed on-line as an
open educational resource, thus everybody can reach it unwaged.
How will you ensure that the project's results will remain available and will be used by others?
The project activities, results and the intellectual outputs of the project will be opened on the project
website and it will be easily and accessible. There will be transfer of knowledge that trained teachers
will try to implement the learned information in their own educational setting.Teachers will be able to
apply new motivating techniques and practical ideas.Their cooperation with colleagues from different
nationalities and foreign country will make them more prompt their students exchange ideas and
experiences with other students strenghtening thus the European dimension of the school.
Knowledge, experience and professional work will be expanded and integrated into the way in which
the results can be seen for a long time on this field.
Guides, event screens, all sorts of materials produced with coding, e-book and the photos and plans
of the events and their results will be published on the website and eTwinning portal, Scientix EU
platform and updated regularly.
EN 161 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
If relevant, please provide any other information you consider appropriate to give a full understanding
of your dissemination plan and its expected impact (e.g. how you have identified which results are
most relevant to disseminate; how you will ensure the involvement of all partners; how you see
synergies with other stakeholders, etc.)
The intellectual outputs of the project will be disseminated in the project website. The participitation
on the high level to the multiplier event of the project we will arrange it on the right time and condition,
on the place where it can be accessible and stage equipment is sufficient. The multiplier event will be
done by the host country in an expand way.
We will be in contact with children who are involved and interested in coding training to achieve the
expected effect and encourage further development by transfering our experiences to those who
teach this field. We will impove the competence of the children by creating guidelines and influence,
support all instructors in all member countries.
Information should be shared between the local community and the socities in order to influence their
children in a holistic manner.
We think that cooperation will have positive results in all partner institutions. Due to the institutional
involvement of the society and the masses, synergies will also emerge at the local,regional and
international level.
What are the activities and results that will be maintained after the end of the EU funding, and how
will you ensure the resources needed to sustain them?
The intellectual outputs of the project will be disseminated in the project website and on etwinning
portal. Our project will be updated regularly on project website and on etwinning portal by partner
countries, at the end of the project we continue to share all the activities implemented by partner
countries, thus we will ensure our project's sustainibility. The participitation on the high level to the
multiplier event of the project we will arrange it on the right time and condition, on the place where it
can be accessible and stage equipment is sufficient. The multiplier event will be done by the host
country in an expand way.
We will be in contact with children who are involved and interested in coding training to achieve the
expected effect and encourage further development by transfering our experiences to those who
teach this field. We will impove the competence of the children by creating guidelines and influence,
support all instructors in all member countries.
Information should be shared between the local community and the socities in order to influence their
children in a holistic manner.
We think that cooperation will have positive results in all partner institutions. Due to the institutional
involvement of the society and the masses, synergies will also emerge at the local, regional and
international level.
EN 162 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
The maximum number of all attachments is 11 and the maximum total size is 10240 KB.
Please download the Declaration on Honour, print it, have it signed by the legal representative and
File Size
File Name
Please download the Mandates, print them, have them signed by the legal representatives and attach.
File Size
File Name
Please attach any other relevant documents.
File Size
File Name
EN 163 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
Before submitting your application form to the National Agency, please make sure that:
It fulfils the eligibility criteria listed in the Programme Guide.
All relevant fields in the application form have been completed.
You have chosen the correct National Agency of the country in which your organisation is
established. Currently selected NA is: RO01 Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in
Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
EN 164 / 165
Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education
FormId KA201-0EAF4679 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00
EN 165 / 165