E4E Job Opening ToR VET Adviser
E4E Job Opening ToR VET Adviser
E4E Job Opening ToR VET Adviser
Contract-no: 81053993
Project/mandate no: 1406.02.2.0
Education for Employment in North Macedonia
E-mail: Kurt.Wuethrich@helvetas.org
1. Background
North Macedonia has one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe especially among
youth. Therefore, fighting unemployment is one of the highest national priorities. One of the
key factors for youth unemployment is that the education and training system does not
provide skills needed by the economy.
Switzerland has been providing support to North Macedonia since 1992. Employment and
Economic Development is one of the three domains of the Swiss cooperation programme in
the country. The overall objective of this domain is to contribute to inclusive employment and
growth. In its current cooperation strategy in North Macedonia Switzerland put a significant
emphasis on vocational skills development.
To contribute to this goal, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has
awarded HELVETAS with the mandate to implement the project Education for Employment
in North Macedonia (E4E@мк).
The overall goal of the project is: More young women and men obtain gainful employment
due to increased employability, as a result of the improved Vocational Skills Development
(VSD) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The project addresses the
mismatch between the skills provided through the formal and non-formal education and
training system and the needs of the economy, thus increasing employability. The project
has the following specific objectives:
1. Better performance of non-formal VSD: More under- and unemployed women and
men, including from vulnerable groups, make use of the improved non-formal
vocational training offer;
2. Labour market oriented formal VET through Public-Private Partnership: Secondary
school students benefit from more market-relevant formal vocational training, thanks
to effective public-private partnerships;
3. Improved framework conditions: Strengthened VSD-related institutions create more
favourable framework conditions for the provision of and access to market-oriented
and inclusive VSD.
The project’s main target group includes public and private VSD providers, VET schools,
companies, relevant institutions including the Vocational Education and Training Centre
(VETC) and the Adult Education Centre (AEC), the ministries responsible for formal VET and
non-formal VSD, authorities on local level and the Economic Chamber of Macedonia and its
related associations.
The primary beneficiaries are young women and men of all ethnic groups either in transition
from primary to secondary education or in transition from education to work, aged between
15 and 29 years. Within this group, special focus will be given to persons considered as
being vulnerable and facing additional barriers to accessing education and employment
opportunities: young women, Roma and persons with disabilities/difficulties.
E4E@мк / Terms of Reference 3
2. Secondary school students benefit from more 2.1. % of students and private sector actors assesses the quality
market-relevant formal VET, thanks to effective public- of secondary VET as improved in target regions and clusters
private partnerships
2.2 Key educational institutions are empowered to 2.2.1. Number of established processes to improve organizational
provide quality VET capacities related to PPP in VET
3. Strengthened VSD-related institutions create more 3.1 % of VSD providers and users assess provision of and access
favorable framework conditions for the provision of to VSD as more market oriented and inclusive
and access to market-oriented and inclusive VSD
3.1 Dialog among VSD-related decision makers 3.1.1. Number of new/updated policies and laws conducive to
including private institutions is enhanced through market-oriented and inclusive VSD, developed in a participatory
access to international best practice way by involving the private sector
3.1.2 Number and regularity of network meetings with
international participation
3. Expected deliverables
The Contractor:
Periodically gathers and processes international best practices in VET and updates
the MoES on this topic;
Continuously supports to the reactivation of existing or establishment of new
mechanisms, official committees and specific workgroups at various levels, aiming to
strengthen the exchange between the key stakeholders in VET;
Acts at the MoES as contact person for the involvement of the private sector in VET;
Expedites at the MoES the concept of dual VET as new training path in the VET
Supports the MoES in the process of implementing work-based learning in
companies with focus on the necessary guidelines;
Organizes the evaluation processes of five additional Regional VET Centers in North
Macedonia in cooperation with E4E@мк;
Contributes to the development or adaptation of the law on VET, the law on Adult
Education and the related under-law documents;
Ensures professional communication, between the MoES, E4E@мк, other donors
and private actors’ representatives;
E4E@мк / Terms of Reference 4
Assists the MoES and E4E@мк in their regular review, reporting and planning
Prepares and jointly discuss with E4E@мк short monthly feedback reports.
4. Minimum requirement
Education: Master’s degree in Economics, Education, Public Policy, Social Policy, Social or
Humanitarian Sciences or other related discipline.
Strong management, advisory and communication skills;
Results-oriented and able to deliver quality outputs under tight deadlines;
High ability to facilitate teams and networks;
Aptitude to share knowledge and support cpacity development processes;
Integrity, discretion and loyalty;
Cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
6. Accountability
For operational issues the Contactor is accountable to the MoES.
For administrative issues the Contractor is accountable to E4E@мк.
7. Logistics
Office space is provided by the MoES.
IT communication equipment is provided by E4E@мк.
Expenses are reimbursed by E4E@мк according to their internal regulations.