PSCO Alexis Dawn Wilson Redacted

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INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT CASE NUMBER Pittsburg County Sheriff Office 1210 N West Si, MeAlester OK 74501 (91) 429-5859 ts-0s71 ‘ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCY NAME Pittsburg County Sheriff Office AGENCY ORI# —_0K0510000 INCIDENT OCCURRED ON 09/15/2019 22:57 REPORTED ON 09/15/2019 2257 TYPE OF REPORT Arrest OFFICER ASSAULT NO CLEARED EXCEPTIONALLY Cleared -By Arrest CLEARANCE DATE 09/16/2019 REPORTING OFFICER _Badlge No: C-19 STITES- 0-19 STITES.MICAH TOTAL IMAGE INREPORT 4 ‘OFFENSE (SUMMARY) PARTY (SUMMARY) No | OFFENSE NO | NAME 1 | 130 Threats/intimidation 1 |ARRESTEE Moslester High Schoo! WILSON, ALEXIS DAWN 2 | OFFICER 6-15 JORDAN, MATTHEW 3 | OFFICER C-19 STITES, MICAH 4 [victim STATE OF OKLA, Page 1 of 8 INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT CASE NUMBER, Pittsburg County Sheriff Office 1210 N West St, McAlester OK 74501 (818) 425-5858 ts-0s71 SUSPECT / ARRESTEE Not TYPE —Arrestee NAME WILSON, ALEXIS DAWN SEX F RACE W Dos 07/16/2001 HoT 5Ft.7 In wet 157 HAIR. BRO EYES 8RO ETHNICITY Not Hispanic STATUS RESIDENT No SSN DLé ADDRESS MCALESTER, OK 74501 PHONE ARREST DATE ——_09/151201923:57 TYPE OF ARREST = On-View Avrost ARREST AGENCY — Pitsburg County Sheriff Office ARRESTING OFFICER 0-19 STITES, MICAH ARREST LOCATION MULTI CLEARANCE DWI ARREST No BOOKING NUMBER BOOKED / WHERE WEAPON CODE(S) Fille Shoigun LOCAL ARREST ID SEARCH OFFICER SEARCH JUVENILE SECTION PARENT NOTIFIED DATE / TIME NOTIFIED PERSON NOTIFIED NOTIFIED BY JUV. DISPOSITION VICTIM No 4 TYPE Individual VICTIM OF OFFENSE 18C NAME STATE OF OKLA SEX RACE Dos 11/16/1907 HoT wer HAIR EVES ETHNICITY STATUS RESIDENT No ssn oe ADDRESS PHONE ‘TYPE OF INJURY LOCATION OF INJURY OFFENDER /RELATIOSHIP WILSON, ALEXIS DAWN Page 2 of 8 INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT Pittsburg County Sheriff Office BION West St, MeAlestr OK 74501 (918) 425-5658 CASE NUMBER 19-0971 OFFENSE No 1 OFFENSE 130 - Threats/intimidation (OFFENDER OF OFFENSE WILSON, ALEXIS DAWN(18) VICTIM OF OFFENSE. STATE OF OKLA., (111-Victim was Otherwise Known) CHARGE FROM CHARGE DESCRIPITON Arrest CHARGE TYPE Statute Based Plans, attempts, conspires, or endeavors to perform an act of violence involving or intended to involve serious bodily harm or death of another person OFFENSE COMPLETED No SUSPECT OF USING MOTIVATE HATE BIAS OFFENSE LOCATION MeAlester High Schoo! GEO LOCATION Central PREMISE TYPENAME School PREMISE TYPE ‘School-CollegerUniversity APPLIES TO BREAKING & ENTERING ONLY METHOD OF ENTRY TIME OF ENTRY APPLIES TO STOLEN VEHICLE ONLY TYPE OF STOLEN VEHICLE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY WEAPON INVOLVED None #OF PREMISES ENTERED ‘TYPE OF STRUCTURE ‘AGGRAVATE ASSAULT / HOMICIDE CIRCUMSTANCES «riry ro noses ow SITUATION ‘CIRCUMSTANCES MURDER / NON-NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER ‘ADDITIONAL / JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE. Page 3 of 8 INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT Pittsburg County Sheriff Office 1210 N West St, McAlester OK 74501 (818) 425-5858 CASE NUMBER 19-0971 PROPERTY TYPE OF LOSS CODES {INONE: ‘3, COUNTERFEMTEDIFORGED 5. RECOVERED 7-STOLEN 2.BURNED 4, DESTROYEDIDAMAGED/VANDALIZED 6 SEZED No] GR | Quan [oesciption ‘Serial? | loss] Desc | Noe | est Vane] Recoverea ode | Code + | 730 | 1.00 [oteckin color AK-A7 with 6 magazines svroor7se | 0 | 80 ‘300.00 Z| 3c | 100 |bisckand coyote brown 12 gauge shotgun | wvosesses | o | 60 "20000 win siock sieeve for exra shells 3 [136 [1.00 [iphone x with purple caso o | 000.00 Page 4 of 8 INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT Pittsburg County Sheriff Office 1210 N West St, McAlester OK 74501 (818) 425-5858 CASE NUMBER 19-0971 NARRATIVE No: 1 - Officer: C-19 STITES, MICAH On 09/16/2019 1, Sergeant Stites with the Pittsburg County Sheriffs Office was contacted in reference to a threat that had been made towards McAlester High School. 1, Sergeant Stites made contact with a by telephone, _) stated that she had came into work at the Pizza Inn in McAlester to fill in for management. ‘advised that one of the waitresses came to her and stated to her that she was told about Alexis Wilson another waitresses there at the Pizza Inn stating threats towards McAlester High School. stated that she then pulled F8 who is a juvenile stated to her that Alexis Wilson had told FB that she had purchased a new AR-15 and was showing FB videos of her shooting the rifle and Stated that she was then told that she was going to shoot 400 people for fun and that there were so many people at her old school that she would like to do it. See attached statement of "provided in the report. 1, Sergeant Stites was provided with a written statement from FB, FB stated that earlier in the day Alexis telling her about how she liked guns and how she had just recently purchased a new AR style rifle and how Alexis stated that she had thought about killing 400 people. FB stated in her statement that she didn't think that Alexis was all there and wasn't sure if shew would actually do what she was claiming or not. Attached is a written statement of FB 1, Sergeant Stites was provided with statements from McAlester Police Officer W. Bedford who made contact with 's and FB. See Patrolman W. Bedford attached statement. Upon further information being gathered McAlester Police Department contacted the Sheriffs Office and stated that Alexis Wilson was not currently at work, Alexis had a address of ‘which is located in Pittsburg County. 1, Sergeant Stites and Deputy Jordan then proceeded to the address where Alexis was known to be living at. 1, Sergeant Stites and Deputy Jordan arrived and began knocking at the door when the back door of the residence opened and I began announcing as the Sheriffs Office. A short time later @ female came walking around the corner of the residence and identified as a Alexis Wilson, Alexis was then asked for her date of birth in which she provided and stated that she was 18 years old. 1, Sergeant Stites with Deputy Jordan as a witness then read Alexis her Miranda Warning in which Alexis then agreed that she would speak to us on the matter. I, Sergeant Stites began asking Alexis about what had happened at work at the Pizza Inn earlier in the day and Alexis began stating that she was just talking to a coworker about guns. When Alexis was asked about making a threat towards the McAlester High ‘School she stated that she didn’t mean the statement to sound the way it did and that she was just trying to teach her coworker to not be afraid of firearms. I, Sergeant Stites then asked Alexis if she had an AR-15 in which she stated that she had just purchased a new AK-47 in which was the rifle that was being spoke about earlier at work. Upon further speaking with Alexis I, Sergeant Stites asked Alexis why she would state that she wanted to go and shoot 400 People at the school where Alexis stated again that she made the statement however that she was friends with a individual that had made threats of this nature in the past and she was using it as an example so that they didn’t think she was like her friend in that way. Alexis stated that she had been to camp thunderbird recently and had completed the program, Alexis then stated that she attempted to come and enroll back into school but wasn't able to and stated that she tried to take night courses for her GED however wasn't able to take the classes due to them not having night courses and not being able to take day classes because of work. Alexis seemed to be upset about not being able to enroll back into McAlester High School but when asked if she was upset about the situation she stated that she wanted to complete her school however it didn’t upset her enough to do anything to the school. Alexis did state that in her past at school that she had some issues with being bullied in school however she stated that she was always good about just ignoring it and going on about her day. Alexis who was still under Miranda was asked about the situation again and continually agreed that she did make the comment however was stating that the comment wasn't meant to be taken the way that the comment was taken in the situation today but could not give myself or Deputy Jordan an explanation as to what she meant by the comment when she stated what she stated about the threats towards McAlester High School. I, Sergeant Stites then asked Alexis about the videos that she was showing her coworker earlier in the day of herself shooting the AK-47 and Alexis stated that she didn't show any videos however she did in fact show pictures of her holding her AK-47, Alexis then showed me the photos that she had shown her coworker earlier in the day on her Apple iPhone which showed Alexis holding the rifle in a stance as if she was firing the weapon Alexis also advised that she did have videos of her shooting the firearm in which Alexis volunteered to show the videos to myself and Deputy Jordan. 1, Sergeant Stites then advised Alexis that her phone was being taken as evidence for the time being. Deputy Jordan then stated to me that when I, Sergeant Stites told ‘Alexis that her phone was being taken for evidence purposes that Alexis stated to Deputy Jordan that she had some things on her phone that had to do with crime and committing crimes and things of that nature that could be located in her phone. Deputy Jordan advised that Alexis appeared to be nervous about what she was telling him about with what was on her phone however no evidence of what Alexis was claiming on her phone has been discovered at this time. I, Sergeant Stites have the phone in evidence and a search warrant will be completed on the cell phone in Page 5 of 8 INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT CASE NUMBER, Pittsburg County Sheriff Office caer TPI0N West St, MeAlester OK 74501 (918) 425-5858 NARRATIVE No: 1 - Officer: C-19 STITES, MICAH attempt to gather any information that may be on the phone. See attached Deputy Jordan's Narrative, 1, Sergeant Stites then made contact with Alexis Wilson's mother Sonya Smith, Sonya was advised of the situation and the reasoning behind the reasoning of us being at the residence. Sony who is the owner of the residence at 2 ' agreed to allow myself into the home and gave me permission to look around the residence. Sonya who was present during the search of the residence pointed where Alexis room was and stated that there was in fact 2 ‘AK-47 rifle in her room. Sonya stated that Alexis had been saving for the rifle and had just recently purchased the rifle but didn't think anything of it due to the fact that Alexis has always shot firearms and had hunted. Sonya then proceeded into Alexis room and pointed to where the AK-47 along with a 12 gauge shotgun was located in the room along with multiple Magazines to the AK-47 and rounds of ammunition I, Sergeant Stites took photographs of the firearms and then recovered the firearms as evidence. 1, Sergeant Stites then contacted McAlester Police Officer/School Resource Officer Busby for McAlester Public Schools and began speaking with him on the matter. Officer Busby began coordinating with myself and McAlester Public Schools to gather further information on Alexis and to notify the school of the situation at hand. School officials, advised that they had some previous violent issues with Alexis in the past since 2013 and angoing where she had been suspended for bringing a knife to school along with at a later date having swastika symbol's being on some of her personal belongings while being at schoo! I, Sergeant Stites then contacted district attorney Chuck Sullivan and advised him of the situation and DA Sullivan advised that with the information and situation that Alexis Wilson could be placed under arrest for Terroristic Threats towards McAlester High School. I, Sergeant Stites then advised Alexis of the situation and placed her into custody where Deputy Jordan transported Alexis Wilson to the Pittsburg County Criminal Justice center where she was booked under the charges of Terroristic Threats. All supporting documents and a probable cause affidavit along with triple I was completed on Alexis Wilson and sent to the District Attorneys Office. END OF STATEMENT Page 6 of 8 INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT CASE NUMBER, Pittsburg County Sheriff Office caer TPI0N West St, MeAlester OK 74501 (918) 425-5858 NARRATIVE No: 2 - Officer: C-15 JORDAN, MATTHEW (On September 15, 2019 I Deputy Matthew Jordan with the Pittsburg County Sheriffs Office was notified by Sat. Stites to assist with an investigation about threats being made toward Mcalester High School. Sgt. Stites informed me we would be going : and attempting to make contact with Alexis Wilson. Upon arriving at the residence we began knocking on the door and announcing our presence as the Sheriffs, Office. At this time a female walked from the west end of the residence who was then identified as Alexis Wilson. ‘Alexis Wilson was then read her Miranda warning and then agreed to speak with myself and Sgt. Stites. We then began talking to Alexis and asked her about an incident that occurred at work earlier in the day. I then asked Alexis if she had made any comments to @ co-worker about guns today and she stated that she dic. ‘Alexis then advised me that she was telling her co-worker that she recently purchased a new AK-47. Alexis then advised me that she told her co-worker that she could come to her residence and shoot with her. While speaking with ‘Alexis her voice and tone was very unsteady and nervous. While questioning Alexis she would hesitate numerous, times in attempt to say something and then begin talking about another topic. I then asked Alexis if she had made any comments to her co-worker about shooting up the school or people. Alexis then stated she never made that comment but then advised she said that she would never shoot up a school and that her co-worker must have taken what she said wrong. Alexis then advised me she told her co-worker that not everyone that owns a gun is a bad person and was trying to sway her co-workers opinions on guns. Alexis kept stating she never meant for her comment about guns to be taken in a bad way and I then asked her to elaborate and her comments and she could not. Alexis, was then asked numerous times if she could explain her comment and could not. I then asked Alexis if she had said something that she should not have said and she stated she was unsure and that she never meant for it to be taken in that way. Alexis then advised that she had completed Thunderbird camp recently and attempted to re-enroll in Mealester School but could not do to previous incidents. I then asked Alexis if this upset her and she seemed very upset that she was not allowed to go back to Mcalester and more along the lines of aggravated but she stated she was, Not. Alexis then agreed to show the pictures of her shooting to myself and Sgt. Stites after being asked from Sgt. Stites. Sgt. Stites then seized Alexis's phone for evidence in the case. As Sgt. Stites then walked about to place the phone away for evidence Alexis then became very anxious and nervous. Alexis then stated to me that she needed to tell me something that could possible be criminal, Alexis then stated to me that she had some disturbing and criminal like things on her phone. I asked Alexis if she could explain these more to me but she was unable to. Alexis also then stated to me that she used to be suicidal and border line homicidal to the people of Mcalester School because she was bullied. I asked Alexis if she had thought about hurting anyone at the school and she stated not recently but she has, in the past. Alexis was then taken into custody and transported to the Pittsburg County Jail for booking End of statement. Page 7 of 8 Pittsburg County Sheriff Office BION West St, MeAlestr OK 74501 (918) 425-5658 ts-0s71 @ INCIDENT / OFFENSE REPORT CASE NUMBER, SIGNATURE It is unlawful to falsely report a crime. Will you prosecute (yes/no) Report submitted to DA (yes/no) Officer intial / Signature Reported By Print Reported By Signature Date Reported By (2) Print Reported By (2) Signature Date Reported By (3) Print Reported By (3) Signature Date Victim / Witness Print Victim / Witness Signature Date Victim / Witness (2) Print Victim / Witness (2) Signature Date Reporting Officer Print Reporting Officer Signature Date Reviewed Officer Print Reviewed Officer Signature Date Page 8 of 8

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