Qualifications of an Energy Efficiency Project. Eneray Efficiency Projects that
will realize eneray savings, as further defined under Section 8 ofthis Department
Circular, may qualify for registration. and be entiled tothe incentives provided for
Under RA 11834 or the CREATE Act, are as follows:
5.1 Retrofit project that involves the installation of equipment, devices, or
5.2 Modifications or expansions of an existing plant, facilty or establishment
that involves the instalation of equipment, devices, or system
53 Energy savings and project cost must meet the prescribed minimum
project boundary under Section 8 ofthis Department Circular.
5.4 Energy efficiency projects categorized as ESCO-Intiated, TPPD/Project
‘SPV, or SelfFinanced
5.5 Government Energy Efficiency Projects (GEEPs) must be endorsed and
duly approved by the Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Committee (AEECC) consistent with the Government Energy
‘Management Program (GEMP) Guidelines.
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13.4 Section 9s hereby amended to read:
Evaluation Criteria. Application to avail of fiscal incentives from BOI prior to the
‘endorsement by the DOE ~ EUMB, must have passed the folowing criteria
98.1 The energy efficiency project must have to meet the minimum project
boundary of 15% and a minimum Project Investment Cost of
PHP 10,000,000.00.
92 In coordination with BOI, the DOE shall predetermine the possible
incentives that can be availed by the project proponent,
93 An ESCO, certified andlor registered with the DOE, which invests and
Provides services under a contract with the owner of the plant, facility, or
establishment, regardless of the sector, may qualfy for DOE endorsement
tothe BO.
94 The anticipated savings, due to energy efficiency and conservation
‘measures to be installed/adopted will be evaluated by the technical staff,
without prejudice, in order to make an independent calculation to be used
{or counterchecking. In case of discrepancies between the calculation of
the applicant and that of the technical staf, the technical staff shall discuss
with the applicant the sources of the discrepancies so thal both parties
can agree on the calculated anticipated savings. The ESCO
representative andlor energy auctor (who made the energy audit report),
should be present during the discussions,
‘Dan tha Caines Tor Edoraament of Energy Ecianay Svalegs eeimanis oe Page 7078
Board of investments (803) for ica Incentives Y