Ricardo Ugarte, Carlos Bustos, Ignacio Moreno-Villoslada
Ricardo Ugarte, Carlos Bustos, Ignacio Moreno-Villoslada
Ricardo Ugarte, Carlos Bustos, Ignacio Moreno-Villoslada
, 56, Nº 2 (2011)
The isomerization reaction of 2-butenedioic acid in gas phase has been studied using Hartree-Fock (HF), Møller-Plesset to 2nd order (MP2) and BLYP, B3LYP
Density Functional Theory (DFT) levels of approximation. Potential energy surfaces (PES) of the singlet and triplet states of the molecule are constructed in order
to corroborate the hypothesis that the reaction proceeds by a non-adiabatic path. A total of ten stationary points (eight singlet and two triplet) were characterized
as energy minima or saddle points. Thermochemical analysis of the triplet conformers and singlet most stable structures yields a value of the ΔH° of activation for
isomerization that is in good agreement with the expected results.
1. INTRODUCTION 2. Methods
As is well known, substituted ethylenes exhibit cis-trans isomerism. For All ab initio Hartree-Fock (HF), Møller-Plesset (MP2) and Density
instance maleic acid transforms into fumaric acid at high temperatures (melting Functional Theory (DFT) calculations in vacuo were carried out with the
point); this transformation is often accompanied by partial descomposition. Gaussian 03 program package12 running on a Dell PowerEdge R805 server.
The isomerization also occurs by heating an aqueous solution of maleic acid in Potential energy surfaces (PES) are constructed by varying the dihedral
a sealed tube above 130° C, by catalyzing with various acids and salts at ≈ 100° angles Φ1 and Φ2 (see Figure 1). These angles determine the possible
C and as a result of bromine atoms.1-9 The first investigation on the temperature conformations of the molecule. Bear in mind that the dihedral angle Φ1 of
dependence of the isomerization kinetics for the maleic acid in the liquid state the bonded atoms C5-C1-C3-C6 is the angle between the planes C5-C1-C3 and
was performed by Hojendal.10 He found an activation energy of 15.8 kcal mol-1. C1-C3-C6. Viewed from the direction of C5, Φ1 is positive for clockwise and
Experimental results have supported the classification of cis-trans negative for anticlockwise rotations. The value Φ1 = 0° corresponds to the
isomerizations in two groups which involve rotation about ethylenic double planar-cis arrangement of the bonds C5-C1 and C3-C6 (maleic acid), while
bond. They are both first order reactions. The first group have an Arrhenius rate the value Φ1 = 180° corresponds to the planar-trans arrangement (fumaric
constant of ≈ 1011 exp (-45,000/RT), with a high frequency factor. 11 Phenyl- acid). The PES of the 2-butenedioic acid were calculated using a 19 x 19
substituted ethylenes (stilbene, methyl cinnamate) isomerizations belong to grid generated by rotating through Φ1 and Φ2 in 20° increments from -180 to
this group, and it is considered that the molecules remain in a singlet state +180°. At each point a complete geometry optimization was performed with Φ1
throughout the isomerization process. The second group, to which maleic acid and Φ2 frozen at their respective grid values. In order to obtain local minima,
isomerization belongs, have an Arrhenius rate constant of ≈ 104 exp (-25,000/ unconstrained geometry optimizations (full optimizations) were performed
RT). In this case, it is considered that the isomerization mechanism involves with a set of initial conformations chosen to lie close to the minima found on
changing from singlet state to triplet state, and then to singlet state; the low the PES. Conformational energy map (contour diagram) were drawn in order to
frequency factor is a result of the difficulty associated with these changes. In facilitate the analysis of the data and to suggest possible reaction paths.
chemical kinetics the word “adiabatic” has come to refer to a process in which
there is no change of quantum state. According to the so-called “adiabatic
hypothesis”, it is supposed that the electrons remain in equilibrium with the
particular nuclear configuration which occurs at a given moment, due to the
large speed of the electronic motions relative to those of the nuclei. There
are no electronic transitions (e.g. multiplicity changes) during the course of
the reaction and the whole process takes place on a single potential energy
surface. In consequence, the maleic acid isomerization will be referred as a
non-adiabatic reaction (singlet → triplet → singlet).
The aim of this paper is to justify the assumption that the interconversion
proceeds by a non-adiabatic path. That is, we will show that the possible
triplet structures of the transition state for the maleic acid → fumaric acid
interconversion have a lower energy than the corresponding singlet structures.
In order to find the most stable conformations of maleic and fumaric acids,
the potential energy surfaces (PES) at HF/6-31G(d) level for both electronic
states, singlet and triplet, are constructed. The most suitable conformers of the
aforementioned PES are chosen and geometry optimizations of these structures
at different levels of theory are performed. Thermodynamic functions of the
resulting isomerization reaction in gas phase are calculated and the value of the Figure 1. Dihedral angles Φ1 and Φ2 and definition of atom labels of
energy for the intramolecular hydrogen bond in maleic acid is estimated. As a 2-butenedioic acid. In the conformation shown here Φ1 = 0° (maleic acid); Φ2 =
consequence of the previous study, the potential energy surfaces at BLYP/STO- 180º ; Φ3 = 0°. Φ1 (C5-C1-C3-C6) ; Φ2 (O7-C5-C1-C3) ; Φ3 (C1-C3-C6-O9).
6G level for both singlet and triplet states are calculated; these potential energy
surfaces are superimposed and stationary points and low energy reaction paths
are localized. Our theoretical results are compared with experimental results.
In order to construct the preliminary potential energy surfaces, the From the standard enthalpy change of formation (ΔfHº) in gaseous phase of
Restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) and Unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) ab the acids,16 it can be inferred that the enthalpy difference for the isomerization
initio procedure with the standard 6-31G(d) basis set was employed. These reaction cis → trans is +0.86 kcal mol-1. This energy value indirectly
calculations are relatively inexpensive in computational terms and yield corroborates the stabilizing effect of the intramolecular hydrogen bonding
reasonable structural data. Vibrational frequency calculations were carried out in maleic acid (see Figure 1). In solid phase, the experimental isomerization
to confirm the nature of all stationary points: local minima had no negative enthalpy is approximately of -4.9 kcal mol-1, revealing that the preferred form
(imaginary) frequency, saddle points had exactly one negative frequency corresponds to the fumaric acid. The above, is a consequence of the larger
and second-order saddle points had exactly two negative frequencies. With number of intermolecular hydrogen bonds involved in the trans isomer with
the purpose of having theoretical results of the isomerization energies as respect to the cis isomer in solid phase.
close as possible to the experimental ones, the most relevant HF/6-31G(d) In order to compare with experimental results, we decided to submit some
optimized structures obtained from the singlet and triplet PES were used as of the previously obtained HF/6-31G(d) conformers, namely SI, SIV, TII and
the first estimate or starting point for calculations at different levels of theory: SV (see Figure 3), to geometry optimizations at different levels of theory. The
HF/6-31G(d,p), MP2/6-31G(d,p), DFT-B3LYP/6-31G(d,p),13 DFT-BLYP/6- justification of the choice of these structures is based on the following: the
31G(d,p) and DFT-BLYP/STO-6G. enthalpy difference of the SI → SV process can be compared to the previously
Following the indications provided by the preliminary calculations mentioned experimental gas phase value; TII conformer represent a minimum
(trial and error), the BLYP hybrid functional14,15 with the minimal STO- on the T-PES, and could be identified as hypothetical “activated complex”
6G basis set produces results which are closer to the experimental values. and finally, the energy difference between SI and SIV gives us an estimate of
In DFT calculations, BLYP can be invoked in Gaussian 03 using the the intramolecular hydrogen bond energy. According to this, a structural and
Iop(3/76), Iop(3/77), and Iop(3/78) statements. In this work, we utilized thermochemical analysis at 298.15 K and 1 atm was performed.
a user-defined model that contains the following keywords: # blyp/sto-6g
iop(3/76=1000005800) iop(3/77=0500004200) iop(3/78=0420004000). Thus,
we have considered 58% Hartree-Fock and 42% DFT exchange energies.
In order to obtain standard termochemical data (298.15 K, 1 atm), the
optimized structures at the different levels of theory were submitted to
frequency calculations. All thermodynamic quantities are evaluated under ideal
gas and rigid rotor-harmonic oscillator approximation. The dominant error in
the above approximation may be the failure of the harmonic approximation for
low-frequency vibrations which are rotational in nature. In our system, there are
some low-vibrational frequencies; in this case, it is often more appropriate to
compute the thermal component associated with these modes using a hindered
rotor approximation. In this work, we request to the Gaussian 03 program
the identification of internal rotation modes during the harmonic vibrational
analysis, in order to correct the thermodynamic functions. However, when the
calculation failed under this approximation, no hindered rotor approximation
was used. Associated errors are not significant and therefore do not invalidate
the analysis of results. The rotational and the translational contributions to the
thermal quantities are taken from the classical expressions. The vibrational
contributions are evaluated with the unscaled normal mode frequencies. The
relative energies account for the zero-point-vibrational energy correction.
As a consequence of the analysis of the obtained results, the potential
energy surfaces at BLYP/STO-6G level for both singlet and triplet states Figure 3. Relevant BLYP/STO-6G conformers of the 2-butenedioic acid.
were constructed. In order to obtain information about possible reaction paths S: Singlet; T: Triplet.
through a non-adiabatic process, we superimpose both PES and obtain another
combined PES containing the lowest value of the energy for each pair of Inspection of Table 1 reveals that the calculated BLYP/STO-6G enthalpy
dihedral angles. change (+0.80 kcal mol-1) for the cis → trans isomerization reaction (SI →
SV) approximates to the experimental value in gas phase. All methods of
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION calculation, except the BLYP/STO-6G, overestimate the energy gap between
SI and SV, and give negative enthalpy differences, which is qualitatively in
The HF/6-31G(d) conformational energy map (contour diagram) of disagreement with experiments. Apparently, and without regard of other
2-butenedioic acid is shown in Figure 2 for both the singlet and triplet electronic aspects, the intramolecular hydrogen bonding are badly reproduced by these
states. The molecular structures close to the value Φ1 = 0° represent the maleic calculations, in particular by Hartree-Fock method.
acid, while those close to the value Φ1 = 180° represent the fumaric acid. The
global minimum at singlet potential energy surface (S-PES) are located in [Φ1, Table 1. Relative enthalpy in kcal mol-1 of relevant conformers obtained
Φ2] = [180°, 180°]; at triplet PES (T-PES) in [Φ1, Φ2] = [± 90°, 180°]. Starting by several methods reported with respect to the SV conformer (fumaric acid).
from an analysis of these contour diagrams, full optimizations were performed Calculation Conformers
with a set of initial conformations chosen to lie close to the minima found on Method S I* SIV TII SV
the PES. Thus, different local minima (stable conformations) were found.
HF/6-31G(d) 6.56 9.77 32.81 0
HF/6-31G(d,p) 6.44 9.80 32.79 0
MP2/6-31G(d,p) 4.76 8.54 65.75 0
B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) 2.53 8.64 53.66 0
BLYP/6-31G(d,p) 5.37 8.92 42.18 0
BLYP/STO-6G -0.80 5.68 28.45 0
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 56, Nº 2 (2011)
31G(d,p) and MP2/6-31G(d,p) overestimate this difference (≈ +37, +51 and If we compare the structural parameters of chosen conformers obtained
+61 kcal mol-1). The BLYP/STO-6G value agrees with the expected results, with different approaches (see Table 2), one arrives to the conclusion that
which are found to be ≈ +25 kcal mol-1.11 the hydrogen bond in SI conformer, and the triplet state is better modeled by
The ΔH° difference between SI and SIV (SI → SIV) is underestimated by HF using BLYP/STO-6G. For example, in regard to the hydrogen bond, the O9-O12
method (≈ +3.3 kcal mol-1), BLYP/6-31G(d,p) (≈ +3.6 kcal mol-1) and MP2/6- and O12-H10 distances are smaller, the O9-H10 bond length is larger, and the
31G(d,p) (≈ +3.8 kcal mol-1). B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) yields a value of ≈ +6.1 kcal O9-H10-O12 angle is closer to 180°; in relation to the triplet state, C1=C3 bond
mol-1, while with BLYP/STO-6G the ΔH° difference is of ≈ +6.5 kcal mol- length is larger, so the spin-spin repulsion is decreased. On the other hand, the
, a reasonable value for a strong intramolecular hydrogen bond.17 Thus, the intrinsic repulsion between O(9) and O(12) in SIV is minimized as a result of
stabilization energy of the hydrogen bond allows maleic acid being as stable as the BLYP/STO-6G calculation and thus, the O9-O12 distance is smaller. Maleic
fumaric acid in gas phase. acid have planar ring structure in the crystalline state, with O9-O12 distance (246
pm) which indicates strong hydrogen bond.18,19 The planar structure of SI, SIV
and SV forms and the right Φ1 dihedral angle in TII is obtained by the various
calculation methods.
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 56, Nº 2 (2011)
Trends in the electronic charge distributions may provide some additional insight into the intramolecular hydrogen bond. Table 3 displays the computed
Mulliken charges20,21 of the atoms involved in the hydrogen bond interaction, i.e. H(10), O(9) and O(12). Substantial change are observed in going from HF/6-
31G(d) to BLYP/STO-6G, where the absolute values of the charges diminishes. Thus, the electrostatic interaction between the two oxygens is expected to be less
repulsive with BLYP/STO-6G. Besides, the decreasing of the charge points up the covalent character of the intramolecular hydrogen bond, which is indicative of
its strong nature.
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 56, Nº 2 (2011)
Figure 5. Superposition PES (left) and ST-PES (right) of 2-butenedioic acid. BLYP/STO-6G ΔEHF in kcal mol-1 with respect to the global minimum of S-PES.
Some important conformers obtained of the BLYP/STO-6G PES were at BLYP/STO-6G level and resembles to SI in the sense that also display an
submitted to a thermochemical analysis (298.15 K and 1 atm). BLYP/STO-6G intramolecular hidrogen bond (Φ3 ≈ 7°, O9-H10-O7 ≈ 173°, O9-O7 ≈ 253 pm). TI
results of these and of the previously studied structures, are shown in Table 4 and TII represent minima on the T-PES, and become saddle points in the ST-
and can be compared to the obtained with different levels of theory. The set of PES, clearly identified as hypothetical “activated complexes”.
conformers SI - SIV correspond to the maleic acid, while SV and SVI correspond In general, by using large basis set, Hartree-Fock method overestimate
to fumaric acid. SIIIa: [+2.0°, +26.0º] and SIIIb: [-2.0º, -26.0°] constitute a pair the enthalpy difference between the maleic and fumaric acid, while MP2 and
of mirror images or enantiomers (the same can be said for SIIa /SIIb, TIa /TIb, B3LYP overestimate the enthalpy difference between the triplet state and the
TIIa /TIIb, SVIIa /SVIIb, SVIIIa /SVIIIb). The SIII conformers could only be calculated most stable cis conformer.
Table 4. Dihedral anglesa, relative electronic energy (ΔEHF, ΔEB3LYP, ΔEBLYP), ΔG°, ΔH° and ΔS° of the 2-butenedioic acid conformers (C) obtained using
different methods. Relative energiesb and entropiesc are reported with respect to the SV conformer.
BLYP/STO-6G BLYP/6-31G(d,p)
SI* 0 180 -1.34 0.31 -0.80 -3,71 0 180 5.38 5.62 5.37 -0.84
SII ±1.2 ±65.5 4.34 3.52 4.32 2.69 ±0.6 75.9 6.70 5.92 6.48 1.88
±2.0 ±26.0 2.55 3.84 3.09 -2.51
SIV 0 180 6.19 6.41 5.68 -2.44 0 180 10.16 11.43 8.92 -8.42
TI ±89.8 ±179.2 33.01 27.74 28.72 3.29 ±90.8 179.0 44.49 40.93 42.06 3.82
TII ±90.1 0.3 32.68 27.10 28.45 4.54 ±89.9 ±0.3 44.60 40.67 42.18 5.08
SV 180 180 0 0 0 0 180 180 0 0 0 0
SVI 180 0 0.35 -0.04 0.38 1.40 180 0 0.56 0.09 0.54 1.50
SVII ±90.0 ±38.3 39.59 38.63 38.83 0.69 ±90.0 38.8 38.40 38.07 37.35 -2.40
SVIII ±90.0 158.3 40.08 39.53 39.30 -0.79 ±90.0 ±169.9 40.31 39.73 39.23 -1.69
MP2/6-31G(d,p) B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)
SI* 0 180 4.83 5.06 4.76 -0.99 0 180 2.66 -2.20 2.53 15.86
SII ±1.5 80.7 5.62 4.96 5.39 1.45 ±1.2 74.8 6.58 0.68 6.38 19.11
SIV 0 180 9.88 11.16 8.54 -8.76 0 180 9.24 3.81 8.64 16.20
TI ±84.4 177.6 66.49 64.34 65.52 3.93 ±91.6 179.2 56.24 47.66 54.02 21.33
TII ±84.6 ±1.4 66.69 64.19 65.75 5.24 ±90.3 0.0 55.85 46.96 53.66 22.47
SV 180 180 0 0 0 0 180 180 0 0 0 0
SVI* 180 0 0.62 0.18 0.50 1.10 180 0 0.60 -4.98 0.59 18.69
SVII ±90.0 41.7 36.29 36.08 35.29 -2.64 ±90.0 ±41.0 35.19 29.66 34.15 15.06
SVIII ±90.0 ±165.9 38.30 37.44 37.30 -0.45 ±90.0 170.0 37.19 31.01 36.10 17.07
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 56, Nº 2 (2011)
HF/6-31G(d) HF/6-31G(d,p)
SI* 0 180 6.48 6.74 6.56 -0.60 0 180 6.40 6.64 6.44 -0.67
SII ± 0.6 78.8 6.69 6.02 6.46 1.48 ±0.6 78.8 6.65 6.00 6.43 1.44
SIV 0 180 10.98 12.28 9.77 -8.42 0 180 11.01 12.31 9.80 -8.42
TI ±89.6 178.7 35.27 31.41 32.53 3.76 ±89.6 178.7 35.23 31.41 32.51 3.69
TII ±88.8 ± 0.7 35.57 31.31 32.81 5.03 ±88.8 ±0.6 35.55 31.30 32.79 5.00
SV 180 180 0 0 0 0 180 180 0 0 0 0
SVI* 180 0 0.50 0.132 0.40 0.90 180 0 0.50 0.134 0.40 0.88
SVII ±90.0 ±37.6 42.16 41.88 41.13 -2.52 ±90.0 ±37.5 42.15 41.86 41.11 -2.52
SVIII ±90.0 169.6 44.17 43.24 43.12 -0.40 ±90.0 170.4 44.16 43.21 43.09 -0.40
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 56, Nº 2 (2011)