A. D. E. G.: Departme
A. D. E. G.: Departme
A. D. E. G.: Departme
C.onEact ID :181D0047
Contract Name : Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of National Roads with Slips, Slope Collapse, and Landslide -
Primary Roads - Digos-Makar Rd - K1589 + 935 - K1589 + 987, K1589 + 997 - K1589 +
1065, K1589 + 1071 - K1589 + 1225, K1590 + 454 - K1590 + 560, K1590 + 658 - K1590 +
798, K1590 + 800 - K1591 + 040, K1591 + 062 - K1591 + 164
Location oftfte Contract: Davao del Sur
We hereby accept your bid for the above-stated Contract and, therefore, award the contract
to you, as the Bidder with the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid, at a Total Contract price
equivalent to SevenB Five l.lillion Six Hundred Eiohty Seven Thousand Seven
Hundred Sixtv Two Pesos and 56/1OO Onlv (P75,687,762.55).
You are therefore required, within ten (10) days from your receipt of this Notice of Award,
to submit to us the following documents as conditions for the signing of the Contract:
C.ontract ID :181D0047
Contract Name : Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of National Roads with Slips, Slope Collapse, and Landslide -
Primary Roads - Digos-Makar Rd - K1589 + 935 - K1589 + 987, K1589 + 997 - K1589 +
1065, K1589+ 1071 - K1589 + 1225, K1590 + 454 - K1590 + 560, K1590 + 658 - K1590 +
798, K1590 + 800 - K1591 + 040, K1591 + 062 - K1591 + 164
lncation ofthe ConEact: Davao del Sur
You are also required, within the said ten (10) calendar days, to formally sign the Contract
Your failure to comply with these requirements shall constitute a sufficient ground for the
cancellation of this award and the forfeiture of your Bid Security.
Managing Officer
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