A Unified Framework For The Design of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems - Industrial Automation Example

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A Unified Framework for the Design of Distributed

Cyber-Physical Systems – Industrial Automation

Suraksha S. Setty, Humaa Yaqoob, Avinash Malik, Kevin I-Kai Wang, Zoran Salcic, Heejong Park, Udayanto Dwi Atmojo
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Auckland
{ssat034, hyaq414}@aucklanduni.ac.nz, {a.malik, kevin.wang, z.salcic}@auckland.ac.nz

Abstract—Modern manufacturing systems are best examples changing market requires systems to quickly adapt and
where networked embedded controllers and mechatronic devices customize by reconfiguring the existing system without
form the so-called distributed cyber physical systems (CPS). interfering too much with intricate details of the low-level
Design and deployment of such systems pose significant implementation details.
challenges to traditional PLC-based software design approaches. In
this paper, a unified framework for the design and deployment of In this paper, we introduce a model-based design
such systems based on a formal language, SystemJ, is presented. framework to design and implement distributed
The proposed framework supports implementing distributed CPS manufacturing automation system, including their control
at system level abstraction with correct by construction design. The part, as an example of a complex CPS. The framework
designed software components can easily interact with each other unifies modelling of target systems and automatic generation
and with web-based interface for modelling and validation via of control logic from specifications using SystemJ language
simulation and subsequently run on embedded controllers without [2] and provides seamless execution on distributed platforms.
any change, which simplifies the design and implementation The language is based on a formal Globally Asynchronous
process significantly. An ice-cream manufacturing system (ICMF) Locally Synchronous (GALS) Model of Computation (MoC)
example is presented to illustrate the proposed approach. [3] that results in correct by construction design and
programming methodology. The system functionality,
Keywords—distributed cyber physical systems; on-demand
including control logic, is described and customized at highly
manufacturing; SystemJ; industrial automation;
abstracted system specification level while also being
I. INTRODUCTION directly executable at any stage of the design process on the
development platform. The framework enables to build a
The web is quickly becoming an integral part of everyday simulation test-bench (model) of required details to check for
life as one of the top five forces shaping industry [1]. Both design accuracy and also to deploy the same design, without
customers and operators are increasingly demanding to have modifications, to the final embedded controllers of a physical
access to production systems while maintaining a hands-off manufacturing system.
approach to physical units. To keep up with this growing
demand, industrial systems are moving towards the paradigm By having the aforementioned capabilities, a designer is
of web/cloud-based distributed cyber-physical systems able (1) to quickly explore various design options for
(CPS). Such systems provide better accessibility and distributed manufacturing systems by implementing control
engagement between customers, operators and physical logic at system level abstraction and interacting with web-
manufacturing units and require production processes to be based simulation interfaces and (2) to easily describe
more flexible, adaptive, and customizable. behaviors that detect changes in system operation to adapt
control logic in order to deal with product/process
Today’s manufacturing industries are under increasing customization/faults. These features are demonstrated on an
pressures in meeting strict time-to-market. Manufacturing example of an industrial system, an automated ice-cream
systems are typically distributed with communicating manufacturing system (ICMF), and represent the major
embedded controllers that control physical mechatronic contributions of the paper. By using the presented
devices. Designers of such systems face problems when methodology and approach, major advantages of correct by
composing control behaviors of individual controllers and construction system design and applicability of formal
other software components that make the overall systems as analysis methods are achievable.
the systems: (1) are highly concurrent, (2) have continuous
interaction with their environment, (3) must be robust, and The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
(4) must be modular and (5) allow easy customization. summarizes major existing approaches for designing
Implementing such systems by using low-level software distributed CPS. Section III describes and illustrates the
abstraction, such as traditional programming languages or ICMF case study used in this paper, followed by the
ladder logics may distract system designers from seeing proposed design approach presented in section IV. Section V
broader system functionality and can lead to increasing demonstrates the implemented ICMF, while showcasing
development and validation time. Moreover, rapidly

978-1-4799-8389-6/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 996
system adaptability to meeting customer dem mands. Section
VI concludes the paper and outlines future worrks.
Traditionally, the design of industrial autommation systems
are driven by electrical engineers and the control logics
were specified in a circuit/relay-like fashion for the ease of (a)
implementation and understanding. Such appproach causes
difficulty in design verification and reusabilityy. International
standard IEC 61131-3 was revised in 2013 and specifies
four languages for programming PLCs ((Programmable
Logic Controller) namely ladder logics, structure text,
instruction list, and function block diagrram [4]. This
improves the reusability of software compoonents, but the
standard was not designed to target distribbuted systems,
which are today’s norm in manufacturing systems. New
international standard IEC 61499 was introduuced to provide (b)
better support for modelling and designinng distributed Fig. 1. (a) A subsection of the automateed ICMF that consists of a single
manufacturing systems [5]. However, mosst of the IEC loader (SL), dual loader (DL), processin
ng station (PS), and storage station
61499 implementations still lack formal MooC and heavily (SS). Photo eyes (PEs) are shown by red dots,
d and the direction of conveyor
movement is indicated. (b) FESTO modullar production system.
rely on the runtime environment [6].
Beyond the industrial automation, distribbuted CPS are A. Physical infrastructure
found in many application domains such as sm mart homes [7] The physical platform of the ICMF (depicted in Fig. 1)
and surveillance [8, 9]. Such systems commoonly use multi- [15] is a mixed pneumatic/mechaatronic system that consists
agent-based design paradigm in the implementation of of (1) a central conveyor netw work with two embedded
distributed CPS. Individual behaviors are aabstracted and controllers and (2) four additio onal process stations, each
implemented as autonomous agents, which inteeract with each with its own functionality and sepparate embedded controller.
other to achieve common collective goals. N
Numerous agent The conveyor network comprisess of four sections of track as
frameworks are developed and some popular oones are JADE highlighted in Fig. 1. These can be
b individually controlled in
(Java Agent Development Framework) [10], A AF-APL (Agent terms of their motion direction and
a stop/start functionality.
Factory Agent Programming Language) [111], and JAL The L-shape and Norm tracks are controlled with one
(JACK Agent Language) [12]. However, aggent execution embedded controller, while the Mid
M and End conveyors are
typically requires the accompanied Aggent Runtime controlled by the other controller..
Environment (ARE), which limits the portabiility of agents’
deployment. In addition, most existing agennt frameworks The single loader (SL) holds one type of work piece (i.e.
lack of any formal semantics and hence m making design one ice cream flavor in this ex xample), whereas the dual
verification more challenging [13, 14]. loader (DL) holds two types. Both h loader stations take part in
manufacturing process accordin ng to customers’ demands
In this paper, a unified framework targetinng the design of when an order is made, by placcing a work piece onto the
distributed CPS with ease of modelling, im mplementation, conveyor track. These pieces then n proceed to the processing
portability, validation and adaptability, is proposed and station (PS) for completion of the ice-cream, in sequence,
introduced via an example of a customized and adaptable where their presence is detected byb the photo-electric sensor
manufacturing automation system. (Photo Eye, PE) which can then signal the conveyor to halt
until the station completes its opeeration. The conveyors then
CREAM move the work piece to the storag ge station (SS). Again, a PE
MANUFACTURING SYSTEM determines the work piece presen nce and allows the station to
In this section, an ice-cream manufaccturing system pick and place the work piece on nto its storage racks where
(ICMF) is used as a motivating example to demonstrate a placement is monitored and tracked so that they are not
typical distributed CPS. Obviously, similar reeasoning would placed on top of an existing tub.
be applicable to other types of products. The ssystem requires The entire system is prototyp ped using FESTO Modular
the ability to handle acquisition of ice-cream oorders from the Production System (MPS) as show wn in Fig. 1(b) [15]. Instead
buyers, translation of the orders to the manufacturing of traditional PLCs, all controllerrs are implemented using a
process specification and the execution of the necessary standard BeagleBone Black (B BBB) embedded controller
process, including the orchestration of distribbuted software [16]. Each mechatronic station n, including conveyors as
and hardware components, resulting in the finnal product (set described earlier, is wired throug
gh a junction box, which is
of ordered ice-creams). The ICMF is a typiccal example of then connected to a purpose-built I/O cape directly into BBB.
manufacturing systems since the final prooduct (i.e. ice Each BBB is statically configuredd to a unique IP address and
cream) can have different compositions from m one order to can be accessed through a com mmon IP network. These
the other. physical connections are representted in Fig. 2.

2015 IEEE 10th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) 997
clock domain to be deployed on any JVM running on
distributed platform under assumption
a that physical
interfacing constraints are takeen into account. SystemJ
compilation/design flow is illustraated in Fig. 4. By default, in
first instance, clock domains will run on the development
computer JVM, where the firstt functional model of the
designed system is established. Su ubsequently, clock domains
Fig. 2. Each physical machine is controlled by an ARM-based can be grouped by virtually any criterion and deployed on
BeagleBone Black embedded controller. Multiple BeaglleBone controllers separate computers within a disttributed platform. The only
are inconnected over IP network with local PC or remote server.
Embedded Controllers
additional requirement is to define
d the communication
EC1 EC2 EC3 EC4 EC5 EC6 mechanisms between computerss which will be used for
C1 C2 SL DL PS SS actual implementation of channels declared for
communication between clock k domains on different
computers. This is provided viaa configuration files which
Ethernet specify the host computer for eacch clock domain, including
its IP address and underlying com mmunication protocol (e.g.
Internet TCP, UDP, CAN etc.). Howeveer, the overall system and
individual clock domain functionaality are independent on the
Master Controller
Local PC deevices communication interfaces beetween clock domains.
Configuration files also specify thhe physical implementation
Fig. 3. Network of connected devices of SystemJ interface signals by which
w clock domains interact
In addition to the embedded controllerss that directly with their environment.
interface and control mechatronic devices, tthere is also a SysJ Java
master controller, connected via the IP netw work, aimed to SysJ Program
Generated Java
Class file

oversee the overall system operation and enablle orchestration System

Configuration File SysJ RTS
of software components running on multipple embedded
controllers. IP network allows accessibility tto the Internet Physical
and remote devices/interfaces to establish connections for System
Implementation (on Environment)
functions such as remote order placement, IC CMF operation
monitoring and design simulation purposess. The overall
Fig. 4. Design flow of a SystemJ applicaation.
system infrastructure is shown in Fig. 3.
WORK <Link Type="Destination">
<Interface SubSystem="Ice Cream Controller"
The SystemJ language [2], made for the design of Class="systemj.desktop.TCP
reactive, concurrent and distributed systemss, is a logical Args=""/>
choice for the implementation of distributedd CPS. At the ...
same time it is a system-level design languagge with GALS </Link>
MoC and as such suitable for formal analysis and reasoning.
The ability to easily combine control-dominnated and data- <SubSystem Name="Main Controller
r" Local="true">
dominated specifications is ideal for industrrial automation <ClockDomain Name="ResourceMa
solutions where both types of modelling are necessary. <iChannel Name="job"
SystemJ provides an ideal mix of featurees for control- From="JobManagerCD.icJobOu
ut" />
<oSignal Name="workStartVa
dominated and reactive systems augmented by full use of Class="systemj.signals.net
Java programming language for specificationn of traditional Port="26001"/>
data abstractions, objects and algorithms.
Fig. 5. System configuration file excerpt
e showing interconnection
A SystemJ program consists of mutuallyy asynchronous interface, channel input and signal output declarations.
modules, clock domains, as the top level desiign abstraction. The modular and portable nature of SystemJ based
Within a clock domain, multiple reactionns execute in implementation means that the program/design functional
synchronous parallel, driven by the ticks of a common
model is invariable and independent on the platform it is run
logical clock. These reactions can pass infoormation using
on. As highlighted in Fig. 4, thee same specification can be
broadcasting of signals, whose values are aavailable to all
other reactions within the clock domain with thhe delay of one implemented on either the physical mechatronic devices or
logical tick. The clock domains can commuunicate to each the emulated model of the system m. An example of a system
other using message passing over point-to-ppoint channels configuration file is shown in Fig
g. 5. Interconnection section
synchronized using rendezvous (handshaking) mechanism. specifies available physical communication
c interfaces
linking clock domains running g on different computers.
A SystemJ compiler translates a program m to Java code Individual clock domains are alsoo listed in the configuration
which is then compiled by a Java compiler soo that programs file, along with their communicaation objects, i.e. channels
can execute on virtually any Java Virtual M
Machine (JVM). and signals.
The highly portable nature of the languagee enables each

998 2015 IEEE 10th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)
V. DISTRIBUTED CPS IMPLEMENTATTION receive customer orders from thee web interface and inform
The distributed nature of the hardwarre components customers of the job status, and the resource manager which
requires a similar approach in the softwaree specification. combines the information of the other
o three clock domains to
Each clock domain must be mapped on a sinngle computer. allocate jobs onto the physical mechatronic stations. The
This section demonstrates how the motivatinng example is individual clock domains pass information between each
implemented using the proposed SystemJ frramework. The other (as denoted by directed arrows)
a so that the entire
functionality of the ICMF requires robust and adaptive system is notified of component proceedings. For example,
handling of customers’ orders, adaptation of beehavior if work the resource manager, after deterrmining device status from
pieces are not available at all loading stationns and runtime the information received from thet remaining three master
dealing with the faults of conveyor system, jusst to name few. controller clock domains, allocatees a job to one of the loader
The control logic must then be able to effecctively manage stations by passing them the job innformation. Monitoring and
customized orders and possible faults withinn the physical dynamic decision making is also possible, where the master
platform and reconfigure the process in ordder to maintain controller can orchestrate any necessary changes to the
system operation. The distribution of mechaatronic stations overall system operation. For exammple, if the mid conveyor is
also introduces the need for reliable networrking. Internet- unavailable, system status clock k domain will inform the
based communication links between componnents must be resource manager. The resourcee manager can then pass
monitored so that any breakdowns can be quicckly diagnosed information to the diverter and L-shaped conveyor (Fig. 1(a))
and rectified. such that the work pieces are direected around the outer loop
until the mid conveyor can resume. Communications
while (true) { between clock domains of differen nt stations in the system are
//Wait for go command from sensors.
if(debug) {System.out.println("Awaiting specified using channels within n clock domains, allowing
toStorage");} information to be passed safely prroper handshaking.
//Start storing sequence
emit msb("high"); emit mid("high");
emit lsb("high");
emit vertical("high");
Fig. 6. The storage station clock domain awaits a signal (toStorage)
from the photo eyes on the conveyor network. Once receiived, it can start its
storing sequence and place the work piece on the rack.

A. Mechatronic Station Controller Fig. 7. System architecture of the motivaating case study.
Each mechatronic station has its own softw ware controller } || {
while (true){
implemented as a separate clock domain. T The role of the receive (vanillaUnavailabl
clock domain is to specify computations annd operational Resources.setVActive(false
behaviors in interaction between the contrroller and the }
} || {
mechatronic station using interface (inputt and output) while (true){
signals. For example, processing station opeeration can be receive (storeUnavailable);
triggered by a sensor device (such as a photto-eye) and the Resources.setSActive(false
communication between the processing stationn and sensor is
handled by the corresponding signal. Fig. 6 shoows an excerpt Fig. 8. Parallel reactions in the Reso
ource Manager to monitor device
availability. Channels (vanillaUnavailable, and storeUnavailable) are used
of the SystemJ control code of the storagge station that to determine station status. These chaannels guarentee communication
demonstrates the use of sensor input siggnal in await through handshaking protocols. Error! Reference
R source not found. then
statement to control the storage of a completedd product. shows how this is handled.

The event inputs and control outputs in SystemJ clock By using parallel reactions, the
t master controller clock
domains are all abstracted as signals. Therefore, an domains execute their operatiion while simultaneously
emulation of behavior can be easily develooped such that listening for any changes in the sy
ystem. This allows for quick
functionality can be tested, modified, and verrified on a soft detection of any changes in the phhysical platform and can be
platform before deploying onto physical devices. This used to adapt control behaviors accordingly.
a An example of
emulation can take many forms, from pure console based this parallel operation is shown in
n Error! Reference source
signal interaction to a graphical simulationn of the entire not found., where device availability of each station is
ICMF system. monitored in parallel. The excerrpt shows the single loader
and the storage stations’ availability
a status being
B. Support for Customized Manufacturing Prrocesses concurrently checked. Once the device
d has been deemed to
Fig. 7 shows the overall software system ccomposition of be ‘out’, i.e. disappeared from the network, the resource
the ICMF with each colored box indicating a separate manager can then set the correesponding attributes in the
SystemJ clock domain. The master controlleer (hosted on a master controller. Based on this information, other stations’
local PC) comprises of 4 clock domaains: network usage can be adapted to compen nsate for any losses in the
connectivity to monitor device availability, syystem status to system functionalities. For exam mple, if the single loader
monitor resource (work piece) availability, joob manager to

2015 IEEE 10th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA) 999
station becomes unavailable, any orders placed are diverted stocked quantities to ensure that orders are serviced,
to the dual loader. diverted or waitlisted promptly without significant system
Other aspects of process management such as orders, downtime. These faults are also handled by dedicated
and resource outages are managed in a similar manner, channels and made visible on the web interface for
where inputs are handled as and when they arrive without customers and operators alike.
periodically disrupting the main process. This allows for //If the order is for vanilla ice-cream
if(ic.isVanilla()) {
runtime adaptability and efficiency, as system functionality //If the vanilla loader is available, allocate
is only modified when required. if(Resources.getVActive() && !Resources.getVEmpty()){
emit workStart(ic);
C. Adaptive and Fault Tolerant Behaviors jobStarted = true;
jobHeld = false;
As remote control of distributed physical manufacturing ic.setOrderInProgress();
System.err.println("Job allocated to SL.");
systems occurs without significant human input, //Otherwise if dual loader available, allocate
implementation of automated adaptive and fault-tolerance } else if
mechanisms becomes crucial. This requires the system to emit workStartVanilla(ic);
continuously monitor devices for faults and ensure that the jobStarted = true;
factory process continues its operation without halt. Several jobHeld = false;
models of fault-tolerance have already been developed in System.err.println("Job allocated to DL.");
industries. The method chosen for this project is described }
in [17] as the “dynamic configuration of work distribution, Fig. 10. Resource Manager diverts vanilla orders to the dual loader if the
in which faulty units are avoided during work allocation and single loader is empty or inactive
work is transferred to redundant units”. In the ICMF, two A fault due to network disconnection is more difficult to
types of faults can be diagnosed and handled: 1) device deal with. If a computer loses its connection to the system,
unavailability and 2) a lack of resources. any statuses sent from it will not be received. Therefore, an
With the basic control logic verified and implemented on external unit that monitors the network connectivity is added
the physical platforms, additional fault-tolerance as another clock domain, which constantly checks station
mechanisms can be added with ease by providing status and connectivity using polling. By allocating this relatively
error information from mechatronic stations to the master intensive functionality in a separate clock domain allows
other operations to continue executing in parallel without
controller through dedictaed channels. The states of all
being blocked by unavailable devices. When a station is
mechatronic stations are processed by the master controller,
deemed to be disconnected, orders are again diverted to
or more specifically the system status clock domain. Once other available units, or for crucial components such as the
analysed, this information can be passed on to users through conveyor, the system is suspended until a reconnection
a web interface. The system state information is transferred signal from the conveyor is received.
to customers making them aware of potential delays to their
orders. Station failures that require actions are displayed to During the testing/simulation phase, faults can be
operators who may inform the master controller, via the web injected into the system through either hardware or software
interface, on the error resolution. means of triggering channels and internal signals. Hardware
faults include disconnecting Ethernet links, suspending
//Manage the state of stations movement, or exhausting station supplies. In software, the
} || {
//Vanilla Loader same faults can be simulated through manual setting of
Resources.setVEmpty(false); channels in order to verify equivalence of reaction to fault.
while(true) {
//Await empty signal from single loader D. Web Interface
receive singleLoaderEmpty;
//Communicate status to the web interface and The web interface was developed such that customers
//job allocation
and operators can place orders and/or monitor the state of the
emit singleIsEmpty(1); ICMF remotely. This implementation in Java makes use of
System.err.println("Vanilla loader empty."); the SystemJ constructs where Java code can be seamlessly
Fig. 9. Single loader station resource monitoring through the use of the integrated (wrapped) into clock domain functionality. This
singleLoaderEmpty channel allows information in the form of an order object to be
passed between Java classes and SystemJ clock domains, as
Faults resulting from a lack of resources (e.g. loading
a signal (i.e. icOrder in Fig. 11). The code excerpts in Fig. 11
station is empty) in a station are also addressed. Fig. 9
show a) the Java class that receives an order placed by the
shows the resource manager receiving information on the user through the web page, and sends it to the master
single loader station through the use of the channel controller and b) the Job Manager clock domain which
singleLoaderEmpty. The resource manager then diverts receives the order, and can process the information stored in
orders to redundant units where applicable. For example, the IceCreamData object to process the customer requests.
when the single loader becomes empty, the corresponding Similarly, information can be passed backward, from
ice cream flavor orders are diverted to the dual loader as SystemJ controllers to the web interface.
shown in Fig. 10. This requires constant monitoring of

1000 2015 IEEE 10th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)
The web page also provides an interfa face for status The ability of SystemJ clock domains
d to be deployed and
information to be passed to operators who m may not be on run on almost any platform with a JVM gives an interesting
site. A lack of resources or device unavailabiliity information opportunity for future Cloud d technologies. Software
is displayed to attract operator’s attention, andd the option to modules implemented as clock domains
d that do not need to
rectify the fault is provided in the form of a bbutton press, as run on a specific computer can be hosted in a Cloud. In
shown in Fig. 122. This information is then communicated addition, integration of the prop posed SystemJ framework
back to the embedded controllers via signal innterfaces which with the concept of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
can then resume, modify, or continue operationn as necessary. can further strengthen the accessiibility and reconfigurability
//JAVA of customized on-demand manufaacturing systems.
//Job send from web to SysJ CD.
SignalSender icOrder = new
SignalSender("", 20000); REFERENC
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1002 2015 IEEE 10th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)

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