Development of Manufacturing Execution Systems

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Industrial Cyber Physical Systems: A Survey for

Control-Engineering Tools
Mohammad Jbair, Bilal Ahmad, Mus’ab H. Ahmad, Robert Harrison
E-mail: {M.Jbair, B.Ahmad, M.Ahmad.8, Robert.Harrison}
WMG, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL, Coventry, West Midlands, UK

Abstract— Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) play significant

role in shaping smart manufacturing systems. CPS integrate II. BACKGROUND
computation with physical processes where behaviors are
represented in both cyber and physical parts of the system. In A. Smart Manufacturing Systems (SMS)
order to understand CPS in the context of smart Manufacturing systems have gone through many
manufacturing, an overview of CPS technologies, components, paradigmatic shifts due to many incentives such as changing
and relevant standards is presented. A detailed technical market conditions and technology trends. Manufacturing
review of the existing engineering tools and practices from
paradigms such as flexible, sustainable, digital, intelligent
major control vendors has been conducted. Furthermore,
and cloud manufacturing can be considered as the foundation
potential research areas have been identified in order to
enhance the tools functionalities and capabilities in supporting
of the prospective smart manufacturing paradigm. SMS
CPS development process. require convergence of the enabling technologies of these
manufacturing paradigms to shape the next generation of
Keywords—Cyber Physical Systems; Smart Manufacturing manufacturing systems with improved capabilities. SMS key
RAMI4.0; IoT Connectivity; Cyber Security capabilities are; productivity, agility, quality, and
sustainability [2] and SMS main features are: digitisation
and integration of manufacturing systems components,
connectivity and intelligence for decentralised control
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are computational, systems, supply chain management and value chain
heterogeneous systems provided with networking horizontal and vertical integration, energy and resource
capabilities via Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of efficiency, data analytics, and real time human interaction.
Service (IoS) which facilitate remote access, smart services,
and big data analytics over the Internet [1]. The initiatives, Manufacturing systems include three main dimensions:
such as Germany’s Industrie 4.0 and the US Industrial product, production system, and enterprise system. Each
Internet Consortium, exploits CPS to provide the technology dimension has its own lifecycle; Product lifecycle focuses on
concept, framework and guidelines. This is expected to be designing, planning, engineering and services for the
achieved by convergence of the virtual and physical systems. product. Production system lifecycle concerns on designing,
This desired convergence is expected to assist enterprises building, commissioning, operating and maintenance for
and production systems with improving horizontal and production systems. Enterprise lifecycle focuses on the
vertical integration of the entire value chain. supply chain management and the interaction between
stakeholders in the business. Traditionally, the automation
CPS have numerous potential applications areas such as pyramid architecture (ISA-95 standard) as shown in left side
smart cities, smart grids, healthcare, industrial of Fig.1 have been used to represent the interaction between
manufacturing, transportation, retail, public safety and control and enterprise systems. Many standards in this
networking. Depending on the application, CPS components context have been defined to address engineering practices
may vary, it can be a simple device, one system or it can be a and tools for both control and enterprise. For example, data
system of systems. Based on CPS components and exchange between tools addressed by MTConnect standard,
application requirements, connectivity and integration of controllers programming addressed by IEC 61131 and
value chain stakeholders also vary. Hence, different CPS IEC61499, industrial communication protocols and networks
require different engineering methods and tools. addressed by IEC62541, IEC61158, business applications
This paper presents a survey of the state-of-the-art data exchange explained by OAGIS, and automation systems
control-engineering tools that are currently used to design, cyber security standard is IEC62443 [2].
engineer and deploy industrial CPS. Section III conducts a The existing automation architecture, engineering
technical assessment for each tool to identify its capabilities practices and standards are resulting in a lack of seamless
and limitations. Finally, based on the findings from this integration, interoperability and reconfigurability of
survey, section IV presents potential areas for further manufacturing systems. To address this, a new distributed
research in order to have end-to-end solutions that can be model for SMS has been proposed [2], [3]. The production
deployed as industrial CPS. level components of ISA-95 architecture are converted to
smart entities. These entities to be equipped with
This research is sponsored by EPSRC, UK.

communication capabilities to easily interact with higher
manufacturing levels that act as distributed services as shown
in Fig.1 (right). The light blue squares represent the smart
entities, circles are the high-level functionalities, and the
lines are the two-way interactions.

Fig. 2. Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) [3]

explains the fundamental components for ICPS from control

perspective where smart distributed manufacturing
Fig. 1. ISA-95 architecture (left), and Smart Distributed Manufacturing
architecture (right) [2] architecture is considered.
1) Controllers: In SMS, Programmable Logic Controller
B. Industry 4.0 (I4.0) Reference Model (PLC) is considered as the technological backbone of the
I4.0 is an initiative intended to realise the idea of smart automation part. However, the PLC in the era of ICPS needs
factories. A number of working groups i.e. DKE, ZVEI and to include more functionalities and features [4] such as:
VDI/VDE, are working on pilot projects to create reference reconfigurable elements with plug-and-work capability,
model and standards for CPS engineering methods and overcome the storage limitation for data, provide production
workflow. Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 services over web services, networking capabilities, and
(RAMI4.0) has been proposed as DIN SPEC 91345 standard interoperability between heterogeneous control systems,
[3]. Fig.2 shows the three-dimensional model that represents compatible with open programming standard such as
the three-dimensional space of manufacturing systems: PLCopen XML.
1) The vertical axis shows the six layers of IT structure, The PLC as a component of ICPS must comply with
business layer defines the business models, legal framework RAMI 4.0, which requires three essential components:
and linking between different businesses. Functional layer physical object, administration shell, and resource manager.
acts as a decision-making layer, platform for horizontal The PLC is required to act as a device that contains a
integration of different functions, and runtime layer for program to achieve the automation task, as well as to
applications that support business processes. Information establish the communication link to information layer, via
layer is data collection layer, acts as runtime for pre- TCP/IP protocols e.g. OPC UA. Finally, PLC should contain
processing of events. Communication layer addresses data its program and process data as a virtual representation
transfer to information layer in both direction. Integration within the administration shell or the information layer.
layer represents information of assets in a computer- 2) Human Machine Interface (HMI): is the interface level
processing format, transition from real to digital world. Asset to monitor and control a given ICPS. Typically, a touch
layer represents the physical components of a factory, human screen HMI used in manufacturing systems. However, within
and passive connections of the assets. 2) The right horizontal SMS, HMI functionalities should be extended to include:
axis shows the factory hierarchy levels based on access to mass customisation of manufactured products,
IEC62264/IEC61512 standards. However, in order to automatic and flexible adaption to production lifecycle,
represent I4.0 environment, these functionalities have been adapting new features to coexistence with robotics,
expanded to add two more work-pieces indicated in the supporting IoT protocols, adapting the new smart services,
model as Product and Connected World via IoT and IoS. As human-in-the-loop interaction between both real-virtual
a result, I4.0 concerns from product which being produced worlds, and 3D visualisation of process [5].
up to connected services associated with this product,
production system and the enterprise. 3) The left horizontal 3) IoT connectivity: integration between operational
axis shows the lifecycle for SMS dimensions based on IEC infrastructure, such as PLC with IT infrastructure and higher
62890. It addresses the integration and digitalisation of enterprise network levels is a challenging task. However,
different stakeholders in the value stream. Furthermore, modern Information & Communication technology (ICT)
distinction between Types and Instances where Type is enhance IT/OT connectivity and ICPS performance. New
product designing and prototyping, and Instance is the actual concepts are introduced to achieve the IT/OT connectivity:
manufacturing for that product. 1) IoT to establish communications for smart devices at OT
level, 2) Internet of Service (IoS) to provide services such as
C. ICPS Components service oriented architecture (SoA), 3) OT and IT assets
compatibility to IoT protocols, 4) standards and reference
Based on RAMI 4.0 and smart manufacturing
models. When IT/OT connectivity is achieved, ICPS can
architecture, CPS components may vary. This section

connect in real time with cloud-based service, provide on- connections and state of operations. The combination of
demand network access to shared pool of configurable multiple components results in the model within the ICPS.
computing resources with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction [6]. Digital twin also provides process-planning capability,
where the envisioned product is being routed through
Academia and industry have provided solutions to different ICPS components. This application helps many
connect IT and OT infrastructures by three levels of services: important activities such as cycle time studies, resource
1) Software as a Service (SaaS), which is a set of software allocations, generating bill of processes, and operations in an
running on a set of hardware components and available to accurate and visualised 3D environment. The importance of
stakeholders in the value chain. SaaS is used to provide the process planning application lies in the ability to
smart services (e.g. predictive maintenance) for ICPS. investigate different scenarios, answering “what-if”
Development and management of SaaS is carried out by questions, and alerting the designer about possible
hardware provider or by factory internal staff. 2) Platform as unforeseen risks. All these powerful features can be
a Service (PaaS) which is a combination of hardware and conducted effectively in terms of time, cost and efforts [8].
software applications acting as a common set of
programming functions or databases, PaaS is a platform built III. ICPS CURRENT TECHNOLOGY AND PRACTICE
to provide services over the web to support the entire
lifecycle where services are available for all stakeholders Typical ICPS development goes through several phases;
over the Internet or the Intranet. An example of PaaS is design, planning, build, commissioning, integration,
Siemens MindShpere. 3) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is operation, maintenance, monitoring, and provision of smart
a complete delivery of hardware (server, storage and services to form a holistic ICPS lifecycle. The main aim is to
network) and related software as a service allowing users to have a common engineering platform, data models and
access on-demand. An example of IaaS is Amazon Web architectures to integrate all the aforementioned phases
Services Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Users in IaaS have seamlessly, as well as to achieve high degree of
to deploy and manage the software services. IaaS is flexible interoperability and end-to-end engineering solution.
in scaling of bandwidth and memory storage [6]. Systems interoperability aims at generating data in standard
format, such as AutomationML, in order to improve data
4) Cyber Security: ICPS in the context of SMS is exchange between stakeholders. As a result, a digital twin of
implemented with connectivity via IoT to cloud and big data the system can be created, and the cyber world can be
services. ICPS generate, process, and exchange large amount connected and kept aligned to the physical world [1].
of security-critical and privacy-sensitive data, which makes
them attractive targets and vulnerable to both cyber and A technical survey of the capabilities of several widely
physical attacks. Security and privacy must be one of the used commercial tools for engineering the fundamental, see
main considered factors in ICPS in both IT and OT domains. section II-C, and is presented in this section. The results of
Main cyber security characteristics to govern the ICPS are: the survey are summarised in Table I.
1) availability, integrity and confidentiality of assets and
data, 2) authentication and authorisation (access control) of A. Automatic Generation of PLC Code and HMI Screens
access levels for assets and data, 3) nonrepudiation protects Several engineering tools are currently used in industry
against individual’s false denial of having performed to automatically generate control codes. However, to
particular action, 4) auditability of data and security events generate the control software, each tool requires a specific
generated from the assets [7]. workflow. The workflow and functions of below tools are
Several standards have addressed cyber security within surveyed in this section. A summary of the workflow for
IT and OT domains. However, ICPS design, development, these tools is presented in Fig.3.
and operation have been outlined by RAMI4.0 in detail. 1 Siemens TIA Portal Openness and SiVArc.
Therefore, Two main standards can be used to perform cyber 2 Mitsubishi Adroit Process Suite (MAPS).
security risk analysis on RAMI4.0 model and address ICPS 3 Schneider Unity Application Generator (UAG).
cyber security threats and vulnerabilities and propose 4 Beckhoff TwinCAT automation interface.
countermeasures: 1) VDI/VDE 2182 standard, addresses IT 5 MATLAB Simulink PLC coder.
security along the whole lifecycle of industrial systems. 2)
IEC62443 is the international standard that addresses OT
security for Industrial Automation Control Systems (IACS).
5) Digital Twin: ICPS define the behaviour and
interaction between cyber and physical worlds. In order to
create this interaction and make ICPS digital twins, virtual
modelling and simulation methods have been utilised.
Virtual model represents engineering artefacts for the shop
floor systems, as well as its simulation mimics
manufacturing processes. Each system consists of
components, each component is represented by attributes Fig. 3. Control Engineering Tools Workflow (tool numbers indicated left)
such as mathematical model, geometric representations,

A technical assessment of these tools is conducted based This tool is used to generate PLC code only; it does not
on the following aspects: compliance to PLCopen, support auto generation of HMI screens. The generated code
AutomationML, IEC61499 programming standard, can be PLCopen XML. IEC 61499 is not supported.
integration between PLC and HMI. Automation Interface and TwinCAT3 tools do not support
any of AutomationML standard.
Siemens TIA Portal Openness and SiVArc: tools are
used for automatically generating the PLC hardware MATLAB Simulink PLC coder: tool within MATLAB
configurations, tags and software code based on IEC61131-3 package is used to generate PLC code from a Simulink
languages, and HMI screens [9]. model. By creating the Simulink blocks and check the model
performance, developer can generate PLC code for different
The generated code is Siemens TIA Portal specific target PLC vendors and then import the generated code into
format, this code cannot be exported as PLCopen XML vendor’s specific engineering tool. The currently supported
format. However, Siemens supports only PLCopen Motion target PLC tools are: PLCopen XML, B&R Automation
Control. TIA Portal openness and TIA Portal V15 do not Studio, Rockwell Automation RSlogix 5000, Siemens TIA
support IEC 61499 standard, which can be assumed as a Portal, and OMRON Sysmac Studio [14].
limitation. The tools accept AutomationML exported file
from EPLAN and generates the PLC hardware This tool is used to generate PLC code only; HMI is not
configurations, tags, topology and network accordingly, created. MATLAB Simulink PLC coder is generating code
which covers the AutomationML electrical, topology and with accordance to IEC 61131 standard and does not
networking data only. AutomationML Geometry and generate code based on IEC 61499 standard. AutomationML
kinematics are not included within the tool. standard is not included within the tool. However, some
studies in academia have proposed a specific tool to generate
Mitsubishi Adroit Process Suite (MAPS): tool has been the Simulink model from AutomationML file as per
introduced as a result of collaboration between Mitsubishi mentioned in [15].
Electric, Adroit Technologies and DesSoft companies.
MAPS tool aims to integrate PLC/HMI programming and
management features to have an integrated lifecycle project B. IoT Connectivity
tool. It generates PLC hardware and software as well as HMI Several commercial solutions are used for IoT
screens. Since MAPS is also aimed to integrate the connectivity in order to integrate OT with IT. This section
management level, MAPS can automatically generate project presents the used solutions and conduct assessment based on
reports, management screens in HMI, and MES data such as the following technical aspects: IoT communication
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) [10]. protocols supported by the supplier: OPCUA, MQTT, CoAP,
AMQP, DDS, IoT connectivity configurations auto
The generated PLC code is Mitsubishi GX Works PLC generation from design engineering tools as integrated tools,
engineering tool format and it cannot generate the same code and does the IoT infrastructure supports development toolkit
as PLCopen XML. However, Mitsubishi GX Works includes for developers to develop the required smart applications.
PLCopen Motion Control. Neither MAPS nor GX Works3
support IEC 61499 standard. MAPS does not support Siemens: offers platform for connectivity (PaaS), called
AutomationML as well. GX Works accepts EPLAN data MindSphere which enables shop floor devices to connect via
(electrical drawing) to declare the PLC hardware IoT to the cloud for further data analysis. The shop floor is
configurations with the default settings [11]. connected using IoT edge device called MindConnect (PC).
Then MindConnect connects to PaaS and its related SaaS
Schneider Unity Application Generator (UAG): tool is through Internet. Once the connection is established,
involved in process and control design for factories. The MindAccess offers a number of smart services such as: asset
UAG tool enables to design system process part that is management, dashboards, trends, and reports [16].
required in order to generate the control logic. PLC hardware
and software, HMI screens are automatically generated [12]. MindShpere supports OPC UA, MQTT only. The
connectivity configuration to PaaS is done manually, and the
The tool generates PLC code based on Unity Pro specific design tools do not generate this configuration. Siemens
format and does not use PLCopen XML. Unity Pro includes MindApp offers a toolkit library for the developers to
PLCopen Motion Control. UAG tool generates the code in develop different application services.
accordance with IEC 61131 programming software only.
IEC 61499 standard is not within UAG scope of delivery. Schneider Electric (SE): offers an open platform for
The tool does not use AutomationML standard as well, connectivity - PaaS, called EcoStruxure, which connects
which means UAG project cannot be imported/exported as shop floor components to cloud and its smart services. PLC
AutomationML file to another engineering tools. such as Modicon M251 and M580 support OPC UA protocol
directly from a built-in Ethernet interface. This direct
Beckhoff TwinCAT automation interface: tool is used for connection enables connectivity to EcoStruxure [17].
automatic creation and manipulation of TwinCAT3. The
interface is Visual Studio where developer can use EcoStruxure supports OPC UA only, in case of other
programming languages such as C++, windows PowerShell, protocol is required, an IoT gateway will be used. The
IronPython, or IEC61131-3 to develop PLC codes for the configurations for the connectivity will be carried out
shop floor machines, the output is an XML file that can be manually and design tools such as Unity Pro cannot auto
used for TwinCAT3 or any other engineering tool [13]. generate the connectivity configurations. EcoStruxure has

partnership with different suppliers such as Microsoft Azure, security characteristics for each control vendor from OT
which provide the smart application services for the plant, domain, and perform assessment based on the following
hence, toolkit is not provided by Schneider. technical aspects: hardware access protection, software
know-how protection, online code protection, OPC UA
Beckhoff: provides PC-based automation where PC’s communication integrity, and access control. Then one
Ethernet interface (PLC interface) provides OPC UA server common point explained cyber security characteristics for
and client communication to establish connectivity between the IT domain.
shop floor and cloud. PLC-level programmer is required to
manually program the OPC UA FBs. These FBs are Siemens: recent PLCs lunched by Siemens are S7-1200
PLCopen. Beckhoff supports other IoT Protocols such as and S7-1500, both have considered cyber security measures
MQTT or AMQP where cloud provider such as Microsoft or in terms of; built-in security configurations for OPC UA,
Amazon subscribes data from shop floor devices. Moreover, PLC online software code read/write access levels, PLC
Beckhoff has EK9160 IoT Bus Coupler, which connects software code blocks know-how protection, security
EtherCAT I/O’s with Microsoft Azure directly and without connection between PLC to HMI, and SNMP security logs
any additional programming (plug-and-play). CoAP and generations. These security measures supported by PLC
DDS protocols are not supported. Beckhoff does not have hardware and require configuration in TIA Portal tool [22].
IaaS and to develop the smart applications for the ICPS,
Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS) toolkit Mitsubishi: many security measures are supported by
can be used [18]. Mitsubishi MELSEC iQ-R PLC. These measures are:
hardware security key authentication protecting project data,
General Electric (GE): offer a platform for IT/OT software protection using read/write access levels, project
connectivity -PaaS, called PREDIX. Many PLCs used by GE FBs password protection, IP filtering for access control, OPC
such as PACSystems RX3i provide connectivity via Profinet UA security functions (i.e. certificate, encrypt and signature).
to field agent device. This device acts as IoT edge devices. All cyber security measures are configured manually [23].
Once shop floor devices are connected to field agent, then
this gateway device provides connectivity to PREDIX, Schneider Electric: SE shop floor automation devices
which in turn provides many smart services such as process such as PLC and HMI have built-in cyber security measures
optimisation, and asset management [19]. that can be configured and activated manually. Online PLC
code read/write access control, remote access control to PLC,
PREDIX supports OPC UA, MQTT, and DDS. It does Achilles1 level 2 certification, memory with error correction
not support CoAP and AMQP. The connectivity code are examples of these measures. UAG tool has the
configurations need to be done manually and design capability to track changes for audit trailing [24].
engineering tools cannot generate that configurations.
PREDIX has its own software development kit (SDK) which Beckhoff: many cyber security measures are included in
allow developers to program different applications. their PC (PLC) hardware and software. Hardware access
protection (USB blocking and BIOS password protection),
Bosch: offer PaaS called Bosch IoT Suite that enables the user access management for Windows users, user access
connectivity between OT and IT. It supports several authorisation for TwinCAT3 includes read/write PLC code,
industrial protocols such as OPC UA, MQTT, AMQP, and encryption (know-how protection) for FBs, communication
does not support CoAP and DDS protocols. It also offers a protocols protection (i.e. OPC UA), and communication
software development kit (SDK), which provides easy messages integrity and confidentiality [25].
developments for the smart services that act as SaaS over
Bosch cloud [20]. The connectivity configurations need to be General Electric: GE in their PLCs, such as RX3i, have
done manually and design engineering tools cannot generate introduced cyber security measures such as; online and
those configurations. offline code read/write access control, hardware key to
prevent any updates on code or firmware of the PLC, and
Rockwell Automation: offer software application called OPC UA encryption. GE controllers have met Achilles
Factory Talk Analytics. This software acts as SaaS for certifications criteria in terms of communication and denial
machine cloud applications. It is running on Microsoft Azure of service attacks [26].
that acts as PaaS. It analyses the data collected from different
Rockwell Automation: offer many cyber security
machines to provide a partnership for production between
machine builders and end users to analyse machine key measures in PLCs and HMIs such as: physical security –
performance indicators (KPIs), proactively predict potential controller key protection, read/write access control for online
malfunctions, and provide dashboards for all production code, know-how protection for PLC FBs, and firmware
system stakeholders [21]. All configurations required for the digital signature for the PLC [27].
IoT connectivity with Microsoft Azure need to be done IT cyber security: the majority of control vendors have
manually. Design engineering tools do not support auto introduced defence-in-depth approach that uses multi layers
configurations for that purpose. of defence to protect each IT industrial layer. ICPS assets
initially is divided into zones, each zone contains a number
C. Cyber Security of assets that have same functionality. The application of the
In ICPS, cyber security should be considered at both OT cyber security measures are deployed at each zone level.
and IT domains. This section presents the main cyber

Cyber security measures considered in IT domain, such as: TABLE I. SUMMARY FOR CONTROL VENDORS TOOLS
security policies and procedures of zone assets, security

awareness of staff, physical security by authorised people for


each zone, network security that includes network Assessment Criteria

infrastructure hardware and software, zone PCs hardening,

user access control and management, and remote access and
communication encryption. Automatic Generation of PLC Code and HMI Screens
PLC hardware generation 9 9 9
D. Digital Twin and Modelling PLC Tags generation 9 9 9 9
PLC Software library 9 9 9 9 9
This section presents several commercial engineering
PLC code generation 9 9 9 9 9
tools and conduct a technical assessment based on the
HMI screens generation 9 9 9
following criteria: real time simulation capabilities
Interoperability – Electrical
(Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL)), does the tool support VES tools e.g. EPLAN, 9 9
and DES, and is the VES and DES tools are integrated, can AutoCAD
the tool generate the control design part as a code for shop PLCopen XML 9 9
floor devices. IEC61499 programming
Siemens: Siemens PLM offer set of modelling tools to IoT Connectivity
create the digital twin for systems and their processes. NX 12
tool is used for machine VES and modelling in 3D formats, IoT Protocols - OPC UA 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
IoT Protocols - MQTT 9 9
define the kinematics between machine components, and the
IoT Protocols - AMQP
sequence of operations for the target machine. On the other IoT Protocols - CoAP
hand, Tecnomatix Process Simulate is used to model and
IoT Protocols - DDS
DES of the ICPS process in 3D visualisation, perform PaaS 9 9 9 9
process planning, examine what-if scenarios, analyse SaaS 9 9 9 9 9
operations time, and plan and assign the resources [28]. NX Software Development Kit 9 9 9
and Tecnomatix tools are integrated tools and the 3D Cyber Security
designed model can be used in both tools. Using NX, real OPC UA security controls 9 9 9 9 9 9
time simulation can be achieved, the tool is supporting OPC Online code protection 9 9 9 9 9 9
UA channel, which in return connects to ICPS shop floor
Know-how protection 9 9 9 9 9 9
devices and simulate them in real time.
Access control 9 9 9 9 9 9
Dassault Systems: offer virtual modelling toolset called Hardware security
9 9 9
DELMIA that is used to model and simulate the systems and protection
Software changes trailing 9 9
plan their processes and resources (VES and DES). The
Digital Twin and Modelling
toolset can simulate and visualise the machine in 3D model,
do robotic simulation, analyse and predict manufacturing Component-based
9 9 9
processes. Physical and cyber worlds can be connected modelling
within DELMIA to create the target ICPS digital twin [29]. VES modelling and
9 9 9
DELMIA is an integrated platform for both VES and DES. It DES modelling and
supports real time simulation with the physical process. With 9 9
DELMIA toolset, you cannot automatically generate the Real time simulation 9 9 9 9
control code for the ICPS.
WinMOD: is a virtual engineering tool for shop floor IV. DISCUSSION
systems (VES). It is mainly used to simulate and validate the ICPS are designed to adapt rapidly and reliably to market
control behaviours for systems operations. WinMOD has a demands. A number of control tools for deploying ICPS are
built-in capability to integrate many control vendors such as covered in this survey. However, the commercially available
Siemens or Rockwell. Furthermore, it has the capability to engineering tools still require more improvements on the
visualise the machine and material flow in 3D model [30]. functionalities and capabilities to implement targeted ICPS.
WinMOD supports real time simulation for the physical This section elaborates the finding from the survey to
world. It does not support DES and code generation for identify potential areas for further research:
control part.
1) ICPS standard architecture and framework: the ICPS
MATLAB: Simulink provides blocks for machine development and deployment practice vary from one vendor
design. By creating the model, user can simulate different to another, the architecture should be designed in a uniform
behaviours and modify model parameters for different structuring for cyber-physical elements. ICPS project phases
scenarios. Model response can be represented by 2D or 3D from design to deployment need to have one engineering
graphical display. Furthermore, the model can be connected platform tool. A standard framework needs to be addressed
in real time with PLC in order to check the output behaviour. by international standard authority (such as [31]) and to
In this case, Simulink plotted a real time PLC values. VES comply with this framework, commercial tools need to make
and DES is not part of MATLAB. a certification from trusted authority.

2) ICPS engineering tools interoperability: as per the VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
survey, each control vendor uses many tools to design and The authors gratefully acknowledge the support for this
deploy ICPS. The interoperability becomes a bottleneck, and work from UK EPSRC, through the Knowledge-Driven
standard way to integrate between the same vendor Configurable Manufacturing (KDCM) research project under
engineering tools became very difficult. Potential research in the Flexible and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Initiative.
how to create a standard platform for engineering tool, where
the design engineering data can generate all ICPS VII. REFERENCES
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