Rice Milling: Poonam Dhankhar
Rice Milling: Poonam Dhankhar
Rice Milling: Poonam Dhankhar
ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
Vol. 04, Issue 05 (May. 2014), ||V4|| PP 34-42
Rice Milling
Poonam Dhankhar
M.Tech (Food tech), G.J .U.S & T, Hissar,
Abstract: - The Rice milling is the process that helps in removal of hulls and bran’s from paddy grains to
produce polished rice. Rice is rich in genetic diversity with thousands of varieties grown throughout the world.
Rice has been one of man's most important foods. Today, this unique grain helps sustain two-thirds of the
world's population. It is life for thousands of millions of people. It is deeply embedded in the cultural heritage of
their societies. About four-fifths of the world's rice are produced by small-scale farmers and are consumed
locally.Milling is the process wherein the rice grain is transformed into a form suitable for human consumption,
therefore, has to be done with utmost care to prevent breakage of the kernel and improve the recovery.the
present paper lucidly explains ricce milling process and its importance
Paddy or rice grain consists of husk and brown rice. Brown rice, in turn, contains bran which comprises the
outer layer and the edible portion. Rice milling is removal or separation of husk (dehusking) and bran to obtain
the edible portion for consumption. The process has to be accomplished with care to prevent excessive breakage
of the kernel and improve recovery of paddy or rice. The extent of recovery during milling depends on many
factors like variety of paddy, degree of milling required, the quality of equipments used, the operators, etc.
Milling is the process wherein the rice grain is transformed into a form suitable for human consumption,
therefore, has to be done with utmost care to prevent breakage of the kernel and improve the recovery.Brown
rice is milled further to create a more visually appealing white rice.After harvesting and drying, the paddy is
subjected to the primary milling operation which includes de-husking as well as the removal of bran layers
(polishing) before it is consumed. In this process the rice which is obtained after milling is called raw rice.An
other process through which rice is obtained after milling is called "Parboiling Rice." Nearly 60% of the total
rice produced in India is subjected to parboiling.Rice milling losses may be qualitative or quantitative in nature.
Quantitative or physical losses are manifested by low milling recovery while low head rice recovery or high
percentage of broken kernel reflects the qualitative loss in rice grains.
A rice milling system can be a simple one or two step process, or a multi stage process. In a one step
milling process, husk and bran removal are done in one pass and milled or white rice is produced directly out
of paddy. In a two step process, removing husk and removing bran are done separately, and brown rice is
produced as an intermediate product. In multistage milling, rice will undergo a number of different processing
steps. Depending on whether the the paddy is milled in the village for local consumption or for the marketing
rice milling systems can be classified into the categories village rice mills and commercial mills.
To understand the different objectives of rice milling, please review the following terminology.
7.1) Rough rice: Also called paddy rice. Rice as it comes from the field. Rice kernels are still encased in their
inedible, protective hull.
7.2) Brown rice, husked rice or cargo rice: The least processed form of rice. It has the outer hull removed, but
still retains the bran layers that give it a characteristic tan color and nut-like flavor. Brown rice is edible but
chewier texture than white rice. Cooking time of brown rice is longer than milled rice
7.3) Milled rice: Also called white rice, or rice after milling which includes removing all or part of the bran and
germ from the rough rice.
7.4) Milling recovery: Total milled riceobtained out of paddy; expressed as weight percentage of milled rice
(including brokens) obtained from a sample of paddy. The maximum milling recovery is 69-70% depending on
rice variety, but because of grain imperfections and the presence of unfilled grains, commercial millers are
happy when they achieve 65% milling recovery. Some village type rice mills have 55% or lower milling
7.5) Milling degree: A measure of the amount of bran removed from the brown rice
7.6) Head rice: Milled rice with length greater or equal to three quarters of the average length of the whole
kernel. It is often expressed on a % paddy or rough rice basis (on 14% Moisture content basis).
7.7) Head rice recovery: Weight percentage of head rice (excluding brokens) obtained from a sample of paddy.
Under controlled conditions head rice recovery can be as high as 84% of the total milled rice or 58% of the
paddy weight. Commercial rice mills turn out 55% head rice on average, whereas head rice recovery of village
type rice mills is in the order of 30%.
7.8) Whole kernel: A milled rice grain without any broken parts
7.9)Broken kernel: Also called brokens. Depending on the rice mill this can be only one fraction or it can
contain several fractions of different size:
• Large broken kernel: 50-75% of the whole kernel size
• Medium broken kernel: 25-50% of the whole kernel size
• Small broken kernel: less than 25% of the kernel size, can not pass through a sieve with 1.4mm diameter
• Chips: fragments of a kernel which pass through a sieve with 1.4mm diameter holes
7.10) Impurities: Materials in the rice that are not part of the milled rice kernel. May include stones, husk,
chaff, weed seeds, etc.
Modern rice milling processes consist of:
Function Stage
removing all impurities and unfilled grains from the paddy Pre-cleaning
removing the husk from the paddy Husking
separating the husk from the brown rice/unhusked paddy Husk aspiration
separating the unhusked paddy from the brown rice Paddy separation
separating small stones from the brown rice De-stoning
removing all or part of the branlayer and germ from the brown rice Whitening
improving the appearance of milled rice by removing remaining ran particles and by Polishing
polishing the exterior of the milled kernel
separating small impurities or chips from the milled rice Sifting
separating small and large brokens from the head rice Length grading
mix head rice with predetermined amount of brokens, as required by the customer Blending
preparing milled rice for transport to the customer Weighing and
9.2) Husking:-[15]
What is husking?
Husking or de-hulling is a process for removing the rice hull from the rough rice.
Common husking technologies
Three different husking technologies are commonly used: Steel husker, underrunner disk husker and rubber
roller husker. In order to separate the remaining unhusked paddy grains from from the brown rice fraction and
feed them back into the husker a paddy separator is used.
Husking efficiency
The performance of a husker can be expressed by the husking efficiency, which is the % of husked rice in total
grain flow. In a properly adjusted rubber roll husker, husking efficiencies can be as high as 95%, however
efficiencies are often lower. Besides machine adjustments, uniformity of grain thickness will affect the husking
efficiency. If a mixture of varieties is fed into the husker, or paddy grain that did not mature uniformly in the
field, husking efficiencies will be lower.
Steel husker[6]
The steel husker is in fact more than a husker since it also does the polishing. It is an adaptation of the
"Engleberg" coffee huller, modified for milling rice. In earlier days this type of rice mill was very popular in
most rice-growing countries. The "iron hullers", or "single pass mills" which all refer to the same mill are
notorious for breaking the paddy grain. The fine brokens are mixed with the bran and the ground rice hull.
The steel husker removes the husks and whitens the rice in one pass. Paddy rice is fed into the machine and
passes between a revolving steel shaft and a cylindrical shaped mesh screen. These machines are normally
powered by a 5 to 20 hp engine and are very simple to operate. They are relatively cheap.
Flow through the IRRI micro mill as an example for a steel husker cum mill.
Because of the high breakage, the total milled rice recovery is 53-55%, and head rice recovery is in the order of
30% of the milled rice.
• Very compact
• Easy to operate.
• Low cost and easy to maintain.
• Can mill small amount of paddy for individual farmers.
• Low cost of milling (handling and conveying equipment is minimal).
• Low milling efficiency.
• Produces high amount of cracked and broken rice.
• By-products - husk, bran and very small broken are often mixed
than the fixed roller. Rubber-roll hullers have an aspirator in the base of the machine to separate the hulls from
the brown rice. The roll diameter varies from 150 to 250 mm and the roller width from 60 to 250 mm. The
correct clearance is dependent on the varietal characteristics and the width and length of paddy. This method of
hulling can achieve hulling efficiencies of 85% to 90% with minimum broken or cracked grain. This type of
machine is now widely used in developed countries.
Performance: Capacity of the rubber roll husker vary, and depends on the size of the rubber rolls. As an
example, a 10-inch wide by 10-inch diameter roller has a rated milling capacity of 2.5 tons per hour of paddy.
In a properly adjusted rubber roll husker, husking efficiencies can be as high as 95%, however efficiencies are
often lower. Besides machine adjustments, uniformity of grain thickness will affect the husking efficiency. If a
mixture of varieties is fed into the husker, or paddy grain that did not mature uniformly in the field, husking
efficiencies will be lower.
• Reduced breakage of milled kernels.
• High hulling efficiency.
• By products are free from sand and silicon.
• Brown rice kernels are not scratched, higher quantity of bran compared to under runner disk husker.
• Machine can incorporate a husk separator.
• Compact in comparison to disc husker.
• Low vibration.
• Capital cost of machine is very high
• High wear rate of rubber rolls resulting in increases operating costs.
• Higher power consumption compared to disc huller.
• Maintenance cost high - more spares have to replace.
• Requires skilled operator.
• Life of machine is shorter than disc huller and steel huller
The de-stoner is an important component of the rice mill, particularly when rice is harvested
mechanically, or when rough rice is dried on open pavements. The grain gathers a lot of stones and mudball
during handling, which must be removed. The de-stoner is a simple vibrating deck and air blower that suspends
the grain from the stones. The stones are thrown off in one end and the brown rice in the other end.
or against each other. The amount of bran removed is normally between 8-10% of the total paddy weight but
this will vary according to the variety and degree of whiteness required.
The process used to whiten brown rice can be classified as either abrasive or friction.
11.1)Abrasive whitening:In this process the grain is whitened by the abrasive action of the rice kernel passing
between a moving abrasive surface and stationary screen. The hard rough surface is usually stone or a
carborundum type material. The abrasive process peels off the bran layers from the brown rice and applies less
pressure on the grain than a friction process and is therefore better suited for long grain varieties. Abrasive
polishers can be either vertical or horizontal in design. The vertical cone whitener is very common in many
Asian countries.
11.2) Friction whitening: In the friction whitener the grain kernels are forced against each other and a metal
screen by a steel-ribbed cylinder rotating inside a metal-plated cylinder. The frictional forces created between
individual rice grains and between the grains and the metal screen surface remove the bran layer from the grain.
Friction polishers are always horizontal in design and apply more pressure on the grain than an abrasive
For mills that produce premium or export quality rice, a mist polisher is employed to brush off remaining bran
dust and to create a characteristic gloss on the milled rice.
11.4)Removal of bran
In both the abrasive and friction whitener, provisions are made for a jet stream of air through the cylinder and
portholes to cool the grain, and blow off fine bran. This minimizes breakage and improves efficiency of
subsequent steps in the milling process.
In most rice-growing countries, milled rice is marketed in bags, and therefore bagging stations from an integral
part of the modern rice mill. The size of the bags depend on the requirements of the customer. In larger rice
mills that cater to supermarkets, milled rice is packaged in plastic bags of 2, 5, 10 and 20kg, and packaging is
fully mechanized.
12.1) Characteristics Considered for Grading of Milled Rice
• Dead rice, brokens and brewers percentages
• Defectives
• Foreign matter
• Presence of paddy
• Whiteness
• Chalkiness
• Moisture content
12.2) Objectives of establishing standards and grades
• To ensure only edible rice reaches the consumer.
• To improve post harvest practices so as to eliminate or reduce waste.
• To improve agronomic practices to increase farm yields.
• To improve processing practices for better milling recoveries and for market expansion.
• To protect consumers from price/quality manipulation.
12.3) Grades of Indian Rice
• Common variety: Short bold & long bold rice
• Fine variety: Medium slender rice
• Superfine variety: Long slender & short slender rice
12.4)Length graders:-[11]
The common length grader used in modern rice mills is the indented cylinder, also referred to as trieur.
It consists of a rotating cylinder with cavities (i.e. indents) inside and a catch trough with a screw conveyor. As
the indented cylinder rotates, grains are caught in the indents and lifted. Head rice falls on while broken grains
are elevated to the catch trough. The screw conveyor along the axis will convey the brokens outside the
cylinder. The entire cylinder is set at a slight angle. Length graders are usually used in series, with indents of
various sizes used for each grading step.
13) Sifters:-
Sifters or screen separators are used to separate small brokens, also referred to as brewers rice, from whole grain
and large brokens. Sifting will also remove germs and bran still present in the milled rice after whitening and
14)Blending station:-
Blending stations allow for mixing of head rice and brokens in the correct proportion, as specified by the grade
standards. For instance, premium grade rice in the Philippines allows for 95% head rice and 5% brokens.
[1] http://www.rice-trade.com/milling.html
[2] b/index.php/rice-millingwww.knowledgebank.irri.org/rk
[3] b/index.php/rice-millingwww.knowledgebank.irri.org/rk
[4] http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/rkb/index.php/rice-milling/commercial-rice-milling-systems/husking
[5] http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/rkb/index.php/rice-milling/commercial-rice-milling-systems/paddy-
[6] http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/rkb/index.php/rice-milling/commercial-rice-milling-
[7] http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/rkb/index.php/rice-milling/commercial-rice-milling-
[8] http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/rkb/index.php/rice-milling/commercial-rice-milling-systems/rice-
[9] http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/rkb/index.php/rice-milling/commercial-rice-milling-systems/grading-
[10] http://www.rice-trade.com/quality-grading.html
[11] Internationall rice research institute copyright papers
[12] http://mofpi.nic.in/EDII_AHMD/Cereal_Pulse/14%20Rice%20mill.pdf