Equality For All I: Julie Myka T. Calimpong Bsed Phys Cwts C29

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Julie Myka T.

Calimpong BSEd Phys CWTS C29


I believe that we all have a reason and a mission in life. We are all equally made
to fit in this world we live in. As a science enthusiast, I’ve been studying a different field
of science especially Biology as one of my favorites. I learned that the Human Body is
composed of the important body organs that plays a vital role in functioning our body as
a whole. I learned that we are made into different gender may it be a male and a female,
only. I understand very well that one is a male if he has a short hair, he dresses differently
than females, he stands as our boyfriend, a brother, and a father. Also, he had a different
private part than females. While, females can have short and/or long hair, can dresses
dress, wear sandals, make up, glamorous shoes and a ribbon tie in shades of pink and
violet. She also had a different body parts, physically than males; boobs and a vagina.
During my junior and senior high school years, I study under the STEM strand in a
hospital-college where I am exposed to the importance of Life sciences and clinical
laboratories. In our biology 1 & 2 and our pre-anatomy and physiology class, I had a
deeper understanding on human body and how it exists. I, you, we are made up of zillions
of cells that co-exist with the functions of our body organs. In which, I learned that
biological sex can be determined by the presence or absence of the Y chromosomes
essentially for the processing of our DNA that plays as our identity. There is also an
exception for it because there are disorders and illnesses that chromosomes may and
may not determines the biological gender of a person through determining just by its
physical body organs. In science, we call it as a “Disorders of Sex Development”.
According to World Health Organization, we can genetically determine a gender disorder.
WHO states that “...mutations or structural anomalies of the SRY region on the Y
chromosome resulting in XY gonadal dysgenesis, XX males, or XY females; defects of
androgen biosynthesis or androgen receptors, and others.” These are one of the reasons
why gender disorders truly exist; Turner syndrome, XXX females, XXY males, and
Hermaphroditism which are less common but still do exist at present in this modernized
world. This mean that it doesn’t really focus on the literal-social meaning of ‘gender’ is.
However, if we connect this to the trending topic where I believe we all must be aware of.
In the Philippines, last 2017 we have this Anti-discrimination law, where it states that “no
one shall suffer discrimination on the basis of age, ethnicity, race, gender orientation,
identity, and civil status.” Where in today's society, it is really a big deal in terms of
individuals’ judgment about gender, gender status, orientation and gender equality. The
presence of LGBTQ+ is one of the main focus of this law. LGBTQ+ Community in
accordance to Gay Center Organizations on the internet states that “LGBTQ+ defined
grouping of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, LGBT organizations; united by a culture
and social movements.” Nowadays, it is accepted, even legalized the same-sex marriage
is to many parts of the world; France, Germany, Mexico, Spain, and many more. This
highly influence of the social media movement that greatly affects the whole wide world.
Going back to the issue in the Philippines, it started the congress bill last 2000 that passed
on the 3rd reading of the House of the senate. SOGIE stands Sexual Orientation, Gender
Identity, and Gender Expression. This concludes on the Article III Section 4 the freedom
of expression and assembly, Section 8 the right to form unions and associations, and the
Anti-Discrimination Act of 2017; Republic Act No. 10911 where everyone in the
community are involved. May of this year, SOGIE BILL defined as “an Act. PROHIBITING
For me, it is a good idea to start of protecting our brothers and sisters who may be different
to us. However, with the question of will I agree to it or not is a difficult stand to make. I
am a person who accepts everybody else. I have a lot of Gays and lesbian friends ever
since and from the bottom of my heart, they’re the truest person I’ve met in my whole life.
I have a gay friend who knows his stand and value as a person, he wears what men wear,
he chooses his color preferences, he go to the Male Comfort rooms, he asserts himself
according to his biological gender same goes with my lesbian friends. When I questioned
them about their stand about SOGIE bill, it is a 50-50 decisions. Moreover, I believe we
are created with intelligent minds, we have different opinions about almost everything in
life. It may depend on the experiences, how she/he is treated and educated. For me, the
most important of this bill is to have the protection against discrimination not just for
LGBTQ+ but all of us, this includes the Gender Equality as the focus of this bill. I made it
to myself that in life, I am not alone living in this world with my own comforts and privacy.
This made me agree to it. Unfortunately, it somehow changes my mind as I’ve done some
research about the LGBTQ+ life of the ither countries; they’re too much liberated that it
caused chaos and authoritarian to others. Also, if this bill will be accepted in the
Philippines, I believe it may be a first step to its next goal which is the Same-sex Marriage
that I strongly disagree with. Yes, I may be a two-headed person here but I made myself
clear here that; I am not into accepting the SOGIE Bill in that stand. I a, not in the position
to say this but this is my opinion, and we all have our own perspectives in life. It is also
protected by the Law; Article III Sections 3,4 –7.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater
than he that sent him. - John 13:16 -

So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female
created he them.- Genesis 1:27

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