Counter Fort Retaining Wall

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Building:- Designed by:- Josef duncan

Element:- Weir with counterfort Date:- 9/17/2019

General Input: Fy= 410 N/mm2
fc'= 25 N/mm2 tw= 0.35 Active Soil
µ= 0.5 ɣs= 18 kN/m3 Level 5.00
qall= 150 KN/m2 Ka= 0.333
Cover= 50 mm level 1 LL 10 kN/m2 Level 4.50
ɣc= 24 N/mm2 H1= 5.00
Up-stream water
Hw= 1.00 ɣs= 18 H2= 4.50

a b c d
tb= 0.35 0.00
0.75 2.00

b= 3.10
Longitudinal direction

Toe tc= 0.25 d= 0.29
d e b/2
Heel Lc= 1

tc= 0.25
Counterfort fd
Transverse direction fa
Plan Elevation
1- Check Stability of Wall:
a- Check of Retaining Wall Overturning :
Calculation of ∑W & Stability Moment ∑M
Dist. From Moments Calculation of Earth Pressures P L , Pha, Phw &
Description of loads Loads W load to M@O Overturning Moment Mo
kN/m point O KNm/m
Weight of stem W1
39.06 0.925 36.1305
= = 14.99 KN/m
Weight of base slab
W2 26.04 1.55 40.362 =
ɣ = 60.69 KN/m
Weight of earth over
Heel slab W3 =
ɣ = 1.2662325 KN/m
149.4 1.75 261.45 2
Weight of = ∗ + ∗ − ∗
Counterfort W4 27.9 1.77 49.29
Weight of Earth over
toe slab W5
Mo= 114.77 KN.m/m
8.775 0.375 3.290625
∑W= 251.175 ∑M= 390.5231

Factor of safety = ∑M/Mo 3.40 >2.0, OK SAFE

a- Check of Retaining Wall Sliding:
Total Horizontal Forces Tending to slide the wall ∑ = + − = 74.41 KN/m
Sliding Resistance Force µ∑W = 125.5875 kN/m
Sliding Factor of safety µ∑W/∑Ph = 1.69 > 1.6, OK SAFE

c- Check of Weir Wall bearing Capacity:

finding eccentricity e, take moment @ point O
= 2.01 e= b/6=
-0.46 0.516666667

8.62 kN/m2 , = 60.00 KN/m2 , = 30.10

153.43 kN/m2 , = 43.65 KN/m2

Not Ok qct>qall

2-Internal Forces of Retaining Wall:

a-Toe Slab Moment and shear:
finding net stress on Toe slab
Fne = 18.40 Fna = -3.08 KN/m
Fnb = 31.95 KN/m
Mtoe Transverse max Ult. @b = 5.71 KN.m/m
K= 0.001864
la= 0.95
Z= 275.5 mm
A= 53.19061 mm2/m
QtTop Max Ult. @d dis. From b = 13.36 KN/m Vc= 0.49
v= 0.046063 Ok SAFE

b-Heel Slab Moment and Shear:

heel Slab bahaves as:
1- a cantilever from c to x with length Lc /2, supported by stem.
2- a continuous beam from point x to d in longitudinal
direction of Retaining walls upported by counterforts.

finding net stress on Heel Slab

= 60.00 KN/m2 Download
= 153.43 KN/m2 Download
= 68.18 KN/m2 Download

Mheel Transverse Ult. @c -ve = 117.28 KN.m/m

Mheel Transverse Ult. @d -ve = 15.34 KN.m/m
Mheel longitudnal Ult. @d +ve = -12.79 KN.m/m
Qheel max Transverse Ult. @d = 68.18 KN/m
Qheel max longitudnal Ult. @d = 115.0748 KN/m
use max. M use max. Q
K= 0.05578096 v= 0.24
la= 0.95 Vc = 1.33
Z= 275.5 mm Ok SAFE
A= 1092.93 mm2/m
C-Stem Slab Moment and Shear:
Stem Slab behaves as:
1- a cantilever from point c at heel top point z with length Lc/2, supported by heel slab.
2- a contnuous beam above point z in longitudinal direction of retaining wall supported by
counterforts slab.
@ = 78.03 @ = 42.03 @ = 3.33 KN/m2
Mstem vertical Ult. @cant -ve = 162.06 KN.m/m d /stream
Mstem longitudinal Ult. @z cant -ve = 7.80 KN.m/m d/stream
Mstem longitudinal Ult. @z +ve = 0.98 KN.m/m up stream
Qstem max cantilever Ult. @zc = 156.06 KN/m
Qstem max longitudinal Ult. @z = 84.06 KN/m
use max. M use max. Q
K = 0.05383651 v= 0.45
la= 0.95 Vc = 1.25
Z= 329.65 mm Ok SAFE
A= 1262.16 mm2/m

d-Counterfort Moment and Shear:

Counterfort Slab behaves as :
a Tee Beam its Flange (is heel & stem slabs) with effective depth dctf, subjected to
1- max. moment Mcfort@c at c point produced from horizontal earth pressure
2- max horizontal shearVHalcort@d at d point produced from horizontal earth pressure
stress fstem@c on stem slab multiplied by counterfort spacing.
3- max Vertical shear Vval cfort@d at d point produced from vertical net stress fnd

dctf = 1.84 hZ1 = 3.1 hZ2 = 1.55

@ = 5.54 KN.m/m
@ = 23.88 KN.m/m
@ = 305.20 KN.m/m
@ = 97.54 KN/m
@ = 191.79 KN/m

use max. M use max. Q

K = 0.06394958 v= 0.39
la = 0.92301881 Vc = 1.46
Z = 227.985645 mm Ok SAFE
A = 1098.39 mm2/m

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