Comparative Anatomy of The Larynx and Related Structures
Comparative Anatomy of The Larynx and Related Structures
Comparative Anatomy of The Larynx and Related Structures
Hideto SAIGUSA*1
Vocal impairment is a problem specific to humans that is not seen in other mammals. However, the internal
structure of the human larynx does not have any morphological characteristics peculiar to humans, even com-
pared to mammals or primates. The unique morphological features of the human larynx lie not in the internal
structure of the larynx, but in the fact that the larynx, hyoid bone, and lower jawbone move apart together and are
interlocked via the muscles, while pulled into a vertical position from the cranium. This positional relationship was
formed because humans stand upright on two legs, breathe through the diaphragm (particularly indrawn breath)
stably and with efficiency, and masticate efficiently using the lower jaw, formed by membranous ossification (a
characteristic of mammals).This enables the lower jaw to exert a pull on the larynx through the hyoid bone and
move freely up and down as well as regulate exhalations. The ultimate example of this is the singing voice. This
can be readily understood from the human growth period as well. At the same time, unstable standing posture,
breathing problems, and problems with mandibular movement can lead to vocal impairment.
Key words Comparative anatomy, Larynx, Standing upright, Respiration, Lower jawbone
*1 Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan (
This article is a revised English version of a paper originally published in the Journal of the Japan Medical Association (Vol.139, No.4, 2010,
pages 803–808).
exploring this, we will discuss the vocal impair- are unable to speak as they intend, for example
ments specific to humans. when their name is called in class, they see the
object of their unrequited love, or they stand at a
What Vocal Impairments Are Specific to podium, their voice quavers or becomes stuck in
Humans? the throat. Many people have also experienced
hoarseness after supporting one’s team at an
Malignant neoplasms and recurrent nerve athletic meet, or working too hard or campaign-
paralysis in the larynx can occur in animals as ing when one has a cold. We have all had the
well as humans, and can be recreated in labora- experience of being unable to speak with the rise
tory models. There have not been any reports and fall of the larynx after running 100 m until
of observations of vocal cords due to abnormal our breath has normalized or until we have
changes in animals’ vocalization, so it is impos- drunk a glass of water.
sible to determine whether animals can develop Moreover, there are not only functional vocal
vocal cord polyps, vocal cord nodules and poly- impairments that cause vocal abnormalities with-
poid vocal cords. However, animals’ voices do not out any vocal cord impairments, but there are
become hoarse as a result of excessive chirping or also strange disorders that puzzle doctors. This
howling. Neither do animals lose the ability to is a phenomenon not seen in animals. Human
vocalize when they are breathless from running. vocalization is not necessarily an integral part
The timbre of their voices changes in various of their feelings and physical actions. In other
circumstances, such as reproductive activities, words, vocalization is subject to emotions and
but they certainly do not lose the ability to say can cause stress and be forced, and can also be
even a single word due to nervousness when the impacted by unsteady breathing.
beloved appears before their eyes, nor do their
voices quaver or rise. Comparative Anatomy of the Larynx
Animals vocalize when they stick out or raise (Fig. 1)
the cervical region together with the lower jaw, or
as part of energetic physical expression, such as We find the primitive form of the larynx in the
movements of the tail or trunk. Vocal behavior Sarcopterygii of the Devonian period. Exposure
on its own is very unusual. In other words, ani- of the Sarcopterygii to a harsh environment in
mals’ vocalization is an integral part of the which the salt water dried up led to the formation
animal’s feelings and physical action, and is not of lung buds by the ventral side of the foregut.
compelled nor taken to the point of exhaustion, The sphincter deriving from the branchial arch
neither is it a reaction to the fetters of mental that closes the aperture serving as the lung’s
tension. entrance as if it were a drawstring bag was the
So how does human vocalization work? Every larynx’s archetype. This primitive larynx enabled
person has experienced a situation in which they the Sarcopterygii to accumulate air in the lungs.
In addition, simply accumulating this air without body. These air sacs are also connected.7
actively ventilating kept the lining of the lungs Meanwhile, in mammals, alveoli, which are
moist and enabled the Sarcopterygii to exchange the dead ends of the respiratory tree, are blind
gas in the lung buds at a leisurely pace. Of the ending, but a diaphragm exclusively for air intake
Dipnoi who still use the lungs formed in the was formed from the infrahyoid muscles, which
Sarcopterygii, over 90% of the lung fish native were the source of air intake during the age
to Africa and South America, which continue to of amphibians. Gas exchange takes place with
experience harsh dry seasons, breathe through the vertical movements of the diaphragm and
their lungs, and frequently rise to the surface the exhalation achieved by the elasticity of the
while exhaling air bubbles in order to draw lungs/thorax and the internal intercostal
air into their lungs.6 Their lungs extend from the muscles. This also means that mammals do not
side of the esophagus to the back, and there are have to wriggle their bodies to exhale, and can
dilator muscles in the larynx as well as sphincter exhale vigorously by constricting their abdomi-
muscles, enabling the fish to more actively draw nal muscles. In other words, the exhaled air
in air and store it. However, while the fish can became actively involved in the respiration pro-
draw in air, they exhale only by putting pressure cess, which had merely taken in air and stored
on the lungs through physical movement.7 it. As a result, the larynx that had stored air thus
At the same time, this function of taking air far now began to modurate exhalation. When
into the lungs through the larynx was further the exhalation flow is narrowed as a result of the
specialized in teleostean fish, which are differen- constriction of the glottis, the pressure on the
tiated by their avoidance of shallow waters and undersurface of the vocal cords rises, but when
their underwater habits, so that the lungs are the glottis completely closes, intrapleural pres-
separated from the foregut and used as an air sure and intraperitoneal pressure also heighten,
bladder.7,8 Amphibians who made it onto land which helps in bowel movement, urine, and child-
compensate for inadequate lung respiration by birth. Moreover, since the thorax becomes rigid
breathing externally through the skin and lining when intraperitoneal pressure rises due to the
of the mouth. The nostrils extend into the oral breath hold, the shoulders above the thorax also
cavity and the amphibians constrict the infra- become immobile, which stabilizes the upper
hyoid muscles, which are the parietal muscles extremity’s fulcrum and enhances the upper
in the neck region, while the mouth is still closed extremity’s efficiency of movement.3 Vocaliza-
to create negative pressure by moving the floor tion is one part of this regulation of respiration
of the oral cavity up and down. This produces using the vocal cords.
intake air and enables the amphibian to take in This historical background shows that the
air more actively.7 The start of air intake implies larynx was differentiated as a branchial organ
that the amphibian has acquired olfactory senses to store air in the lungs, and even during the bio-
in the air, and arytenoid cartilage and cricoid logical evolution resulting from the subsequent
cartilage are formed to stand in for specialized shift to land, the larynx was simply differentiated
sphincter muscles and dilator muscles so that the to take in air. However, in mammals, once the
accumulated air is not released due to the nega- diaphragm—the muscle dedicated to respiration
tive pressure and the amphibian can store air —was differentiated from the parietal muscles of
more actively.3 the neck region, the larynx became engaged in
The cartilages of the larynx and the intrinsic regulating respiration. This laid the groundwork
laryngeal muscles are even more differentiated in for vocal movement.
reptiles whose habitats are away from the water, However, as indicated by the regular move-
and in addition the thorax is formed and the rep- ments of the gills in fish, the branchial organ must
tiles breathe using the infrahyoid muscles and move continuously, keeping a steady rhythm. In
thoracic motion, but they merely store the air in other words, the primitive larynx that appeared
their lungs, and exhale by wriggling their bodies in the Devonian period have had a steady rhythm
left and right. Birds, the “most advanced reptiles,” and admirable congruence between the primitive
have the optimum morphology for holding in air, larynx derived from the gills and trunk move-
thanks to many air sacs branching off from the ment. As living organisms were subsequently
lungs that even penetrate bones throughout the specialized, breathing modes were specialized in
port the lower jawbone from the cranium also sit zygomaticomandibular muscles supports against
vertically10 (Fig. 3). The digastric muscle and the gravity the lower jawbone, which the articular
mylohyoid muscle suspend the front of the hyoid process only loosely ties to the cranium fossa. In
bone to the lower jawbone, while the posterior addition, the larynx is similarly independent of
belly of digastric muscle hangs the back of the movement in the neck region and inhalation, as
hyoid bone from the cranium. The thyrohyoid well as lower jaw movement. Subsequently, the
muscle suspends the front of the larynx from the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, which is surrounded
hyoid bone, and the stylopharyngeal muscle sus- by the thyroid cartilage and acquired for the first
pends the back of the larynx from the cranium. time by mammals, also began to move indepen-
Of the infrahyoid muscles, the sternohyoid mus- dently, but the thyroid cartilage was separated
cles adhere to the hyoid bone, and the sterno- particularly far from the cricoid cartilage and
thyoid muscles adhere to the thyroid cartilage, the cricothyroid muscle activity became efficient.
with the hyoid bone and larynx pulled down- Corresponding to this, the trachea extending
ward. However, these muscles are thin compared from below the larynx expands and contracts like
to those in other mammals and barely function a spring.
normally. This is an advantage for humans, who Once humans began to walk upright on two
are the only animal suffering from dysphagia as legs and the cervical region and the mouth
well as vocalization impairment, since the larynx cavity/nasal cavity sat at right angles to the
is impeded from elevating in an anterosuperior cranium, the larynx moved downward and the
direction during swallowing and swallowing pharyngeal cavity lengthened. It is often asserted
becomes difficult if the infrahyoid muscles are that this led to the birth of language.3,4 However,
working hard.11 the physical relationship of the lower jawbone,
The cranium itself, in which the lower jaw- hyoid bone, and larynx is almost vertical and
bone, hyoid bone, and larynx are suspended, is they are connected to each other in gorillas,
supported by the spine, which thickens as it which are partly bipedal. Accordingly, walking
descends, and its S-shaped curvature, as well as upright on two legs did not suddenly cause the
the vertical spine, made possible by the erector lower jawbone, hyoid bone, and larynx to sepa-
spinae muscles. Standing upright is reinforced rate in humans. The current physical relationship
by the righting reflex, which enables the two eye- of them was likely acquired by upright humans
balls positioned next to each other on the surface over millions of years.
of the face to always see straight ahead. As a This can be easily understood by the human’s
result, the lower jawbone is not involved in growth process. The larynx is just below the soft
movement in the neck region and inhalation, and palate after birth, but begins to descend when the
can move on its own. Vertical running of the infant begins to hold up his/her neck, is weaned
Fig. 4 The distance between the cricothyroid gaps and the changes in the height of the lower
border of thyroid cartilage when singing the vowel “a”
The distance between the cricothyroid gaps as an indicator of cricothyroid muscle activity and the height
of the lower border of thyroid cartilage as an indicator of the upper movement of the larynx were measured
with an ultrasonic waveprobe fixed on the neck. The vertical axis shows the actual result, and the position
of the thyroid cartilage at the pitch of the first sound is set at 0. As the sound becomes high, the distance
between the cricothyroid gaps narrows and the height of the lower border of thyroid cartilage rises.
and begins to eat food, and walks on two legs. By not simply lead to vocalization and language,
the age of ten or so, the larynx reaches the same but that standing, chewing, and diaphragmatic
level as an adult. In addition, as a person walks breathing led to the current shape of the larynx
upright, the unstable thorax is also rigid and inha- in humans.
lation becomes efficient as the diaphragm is used.
However, when the event that a person is Considering the Human Voice from
unable to keep his/her neck steady, keep his/her the Position of the Larynx
own trunk upright for some reason, or swallow
without chewing and depend on only tube feed- To sum up, the vertical suspension of the larynx
ing, the physical relationship of the lower jaw- from the cranium via the lower jawbone and
bone, hyoid bone, and larynx remain connected, hyoid bone in humans freed the human larynx
even as an adult. In other words, once a person from body wall movements, inhalation move-
walks upright, chews food and breaths efficiently ments, and lower jaw movements due to the
by primarily using the diaphragm, the lower jaw- infrahyoid muscles, and enabled true diversity
bone, hyoid bone, and larynx begin to separate of vocalization movements, which are stimulated
from each other. The songs that a young children by exhalation. However, this was only realized
sings are monotonous with a limited range, even for the first time when erect positions and respi-
if the child opens his/her mouth wide, but this ration stabilized, and these ensured free move-
range expands once the child reaches the third or ment of the lower jawbone. If these are upset,
fourth grade of elementary school. This is easily vocalization is easily impaired. Moreover, emo-
apparent when one recalls the impressive signing tional difficulties and coercion affect the muscles
at elementary school music festivals.12 Subse- derived from the body wall more than the
quently, as a person ages and it is more difficult to muscles derived from the branchia, which can
remain upright, which happens for men around have a negative impact on human vocalization
the age of 70, and the larynx drops as low as since this disturbs posture and respiration and
one vertebral body of the spine, which makes it induces tension in the infrahyoid muscles.
difficult to swallow. Figure 4 shows the distance between the cri-
This demonstrates that standing upright did cothyroid gaps and the changes in the height of
the lower border of thyroid cartilage when an occasionally moved up and down with intensity.
amateur singer and a professional singer sing The suprahyoid muscles, and occasionally the
scales using the vowel “a” at a high region. They infrahyoid muscles become involved, which con-
were instructed to keep their neck and mouth in strain the freedom of the lower jawbone via the
the same position. Singers with almost the same hyoid bone. Moreover, the resulting constraint
body type, height, and size of larynx were chosen. on the freedom of the thyroid cartilage, which
The distance between the cricothyroid gaps indi- is suspended from the hyoid bone, prevents the
cate the contraction of the cricothyroid muscle cricothyroid muscle from efficiently regulating
and the height of the lower border of the thyroid the vocal cord’s tension. The professional singer
cartilage indicates the change in the position had little fluctuation in the position of the hyoid
of the larynx. In general, as the note rises, the bone and the freedom of the lower jawbone
distance between the cricothyroid gaps narrows was maintained, so that the cricothyroid muscle
and the height of the lower border of the thyroid was able to efficiently regulate the vocal cord’s
cartilage rises, but the fluctuations in both param- tension. Indeed, singers are told not to move the
eters are greater as the note rises in the amateur position of the larynx in accordance with their
singer. In particular, the lower border of the thy- singing voice and to make sure that the transition
roid cartilage fell significantly, showing that the between vocal registers does not stand out.
trajectory as the note rises is not smooth. More-
over, the cricothyroid gaps did not narrow enough Conclusion
when high notes were sung, and the transition
point between vocal registers left a clear auditory A truly “good voice” is possible once a person
impression. Once the singer moved into higher stands upright, has stable respiration and is able
notes, the falsetto voice became a piercing shriek. to move the lower jawbone freely, in addition to
In contrast, the professional singer had few being able to modulate exhalation appropriately
fluctuations in both parameters, and the trajec- without forcing it and while constrained by emo-
tory was smooth. In addition, the cricothyroid tional tension to some extent. This can be acquired
gaps narrowed sufficiently when high notes were by a person’s growth and learning, and indeed
sung. In terms of the auditory impression, the singing is an extension of this. Actions that frus-
transitions between vocal registers were not trate this are the cause of problems unique to the
obvious. In the amateur singer, the position of the human voice.
larynx moved up as the musical interval rose, and
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