Assignment#3-Vertebral Column
Assignment#3-Vertebral Column
Assignment#3-Vertebral Column
3. Agnathans is known for being jawless. Naturally, they are faced against jawed
vertebrates known as Gnathostomes for several reasons. The evolu=on of
jaws for Gnathostomes provided advantages in terms of feeding and
defending making it more efficient for food manipula=on and increasing its
chances of surviving longer. The presence of Jaws in Gnathostomes make
them a predator, crea=ng a wide op=ons of food therefore outcompe=ng
Agnathans for resources. Addi=onally, Gnathostomes developed specialized
gills with arches, enhancing oxygen intake from extrac=ng more oxygen from
water and also, improving their adaptability to diverse aqua=c environment.
Furthermore, the evolu=on of jaws and paired fins has significantly improved
their mobility in water, giving them an advantage or upper hand compared
to agnathans in escaping predators and naviga=ng environments. In
summary, with Gnathostomes having a jaw, specialized gills, and paired fins,
they have been more superior compared to agnathans who lacks the
characteris=cs and capabili=es of the Gnathostomes.
4. The operculum which is a protec=ve bony flap covering fish gills, plays an
important role in their respiratory system and their survival. The operculum
is significant in most fishes because it acts as a shield, protec=ng the gill
structures from any harm poten=ally caused by predators, strong water
currents or pressure, and possibly debris. Addi=onally, the operculum aids in
breathing. It opens and closes allowing water to pass over the gills but
regula=ng the volume of water passing through, ensuring an efficient
exchange of gas. Also, maintaining water balance is another cri=cal func=on
of the operculum as it curbs excessive water loss by the way of minimizing
evapora=on from the gills. In summary, the operculum is significant to most
fishes due to its func=ons and how it helps them survive and adapt in their
aqua=c environments.
6. The most intriguing animal for me was the horse. I just like how the horse
looks good outside and was amazed by its anatomical features. Characterized
by an elongated skull and specialized den==on, the horse’s anatomy means
a precise adapta=on to efficient grazing—a unique tool for naviga=ng diverse
vegeta=on. The evolu=onary story of horses seen in the design of their
skeleton, tells a fascina=ng story of adapta=on to different eras. Their spine
or vertebral column, a biomechanical marvel, supports its heavy weight and
enables their characteris=cs gallop. In addi=on to anatomical marvels, horses
embody an enduring partnership with humans, as their skeletal and cranial
features tell stories of companionship and coopera=on. Furthermore, the
adaptability of horses to different environments reflects a saga of flexibility
and versa=lity that offers valuable insights for us.
Anatomical adapta=ons including limbs, lungs, and ribs were brought about
by the shi` from aqua=c to terrestrial environments. Rep=les emerged as a
result of this crucial change, which set the stage for the later evolu=on of
mammals, including eutherian mammals. These last phases of vertebrate
evolu=on reveal how adap=ve modifica=ons have culminated,
demonstra=ng the adaptability and durability of vertebrates in a variety of
sebngs. Vertebrates, and humans most prominently, serve as outstanding
testaments to the complexity of life's ongoing adap=on on Earth through this
mul=faceted evolu=onary narra=ve.