Practical Excel Exercise 2 - Checkbook
Practical Excel Exercise 2 - Checkbook
Practical Excel Exercise 2 - Checkbook
2. Modify column widths for columns A through F. Instead of selecting the best fit option indicate
precisely the column width desired. Follow the steps below.
3. Format the numbers to show dollars and cents for all entries in columns D, E, and G. Follow the
steps below.
Step 1: Click on the letter at the top of the column to be formatted. (The entire column should
turn dark.)
Step 2: Select the Format option in the Home tab.
Step 3: Select the Format Cells option.
Step 4: The NUMBER option automatically should be selected (if not, click on the tab labelled
Step 5: Under the Category label, select the option CURRENCY
Step 6: Under the Symbol label, select $ English (United States).
Step 7: Under the Negative Numbers label, select the format (1234.10), which is the third choice.
Step 8: Click on <OK>
4. Format column B to enter the date transactions. Follow the steps above but select the DATE as
the category option and 3/14/01 as the Type option which is the fourth choice.
1 Sure Balance Checkbook
3 Ck. # Date Item Description Debit Credit X Balance
4 1/30/12 January Paycheck $ 1,795.86 $ 1,795.86
5 100 2/1/12 Shell Oil Co. $ 42.64 $ 1,753.22
6 101 2/1/12 Pink Palace Enter. $ 87.34 $ 1,665.88
7 2/4/12 Cash (Auto Teller) $ 50.00 $ 1,615.88
8 102 2/6/12 Dr. D. J. Houston $ 75.00 $ 1,540.88
9 103 2/7/12 Rent $ 800.00 $ 740.88
10 2/10/12 Drug Sales $ 2,500.00 $ 3,240.88
11 104 2/11/12 Bail (Drug Arrest) $ 500.00 $ 2,740.88
12 105 2/12/12 Benny the Weasel $ 3,200.00 ($ 459.12)
13 2/14/12 Rainy Day Quarter Fund $ 500.00 $ 40.88