2022-Mid-Term Test-Friday

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Name: Trần Hồng Phúc ; Student’s ID No: 4501751199


General instructions:
- Fill in the information given on the header of the test;
- Each question must be finished on a separate page;
- Remember to include LETTERHEAD for all the questions;
- Change .doc file into .pdf file before uploading.

Use the following information for all three questions below.
 Information of PT 2000 Fashion: PT 2000 Fashion, 153AB, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Ward
6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Phone: (+84) 28 39307900; Fax: (+84) 28
39307825; Email: sales@pt2000.com.vn; Website: www.pt2000.com ; Registered No.
37004321667. Representative: Thanh, Trinh (Ms.), sales manager.
 Information of Satex S.p.A.: Satex S.p.A, Via di Pietra Papa, 00146 Roma, Italy; Phone:
+39 (0)6 769910; Fax: +39 (0)6 6815473; Email: satexspa@satex.co.it ; Website:
www.satex.com ; Registered No. 632486. Representative: Domini Causio (Mr.), sales

 Question 1 (3,0 pts): You are the representative of PT 2000 Fashion. On July 15, 2021,
you designed an invoice (150721/DC2) for the order (PT100721) dated July 10, 2021
from Satex S.p.A.
(1) Details of the order:
T-shirt: TS-Nature-Blue (Cat. No. T1312): 150 items; TS-Forever-Black (Cat No.
T1267): 100 items; TS-Animal-Red (Cat. No. T1385): 170 items.
Sweater: SW-Birds-Brown (Cat. No. S2314): 150 items; SW-Pattern-Green (Cat. No.
S2729): 120 items;
Jacket: JA-Prosperity-White (Cat. No. J6139): 120 items; JA-Autumn-Orange (Cat.
No. J6197): 130 items; JA-Green Line-Yellow (Cat. No. J6109): 150
(2) Prices: CIF Genoa
T1312: US$ 13.50/item; T1267: US$ 15.20/item; T1385: US$ 12.70/item; S2314: US$
26.10/item; S2729: US$ 32.50/item; J6139: US$ 35.75/item; J6197: US$ 34.50/item;
J6009: US$ 33.25/item.

(3) Related fees: Insurance: 20% of the total value on net price; Freight: 15% of the total
value on net price; Related Inland freight: US$ 253.50; Terminal charges: US$
153.00; Loading on vessel: US$ 255.00
(4) Discounts: Trade discount: 15% off net price; Quantity discount: 7% off net price if
the total value is over US$ 15,000.00.
(5) Errors and omissions excepted.
 Question 2 (2,0 pts): You are the representative of PT 2000 Fashion. You are requested
to make an SOA in July, 2021 for Satex S.p.A, using the following information.
(1) During July 2021, Satex S.p.A made 3 orders, the value of which were indicated on
invoices: Invoice (050721/DC1): US$20,500.50 on 5 July 2021, Invoice (150721/DC2)
and Invoice (260721/DC3): US$24,500.00 on 26 July 2021.

(2) Satex S.p.A. paid to your company four times: Twice paid by cheque, including 12
July: US$12,500.00; 20 July: US$17,500.00; twice paid by cash, including 8 July:
US$5,000.00; 30 July: US$23,700.00.

(3) During the process of issuing invoice, your company made some mistakes, which
were corrected by issuing D/N and C/N as follows:

- On 16 July, the company increased the amount of invoice 150721/DC2 to

US$2,500.00 due to wrong calculation. (No 160721)

- On 28 July, the company deducted US$ 3,500.00 from the amount of invoice
260721/DC3 due to overcharge. (No 280721)

(4) The outstanding balance in June of Satex S.p.A.. was US$7,500.00.

(5) Glaston Potteries Ltd. can receive 3% discount off the SOA if pay in cash within 10

(6) Errors and omissions excepted.

 Question 3 (2,0 pts): Satex S.p.A. received the Statement of Account on 3 August 2021.
On 4 August 2021, as a representative of Satex S.p.A., you write a letter requesting more
time for payment.
Mention the information given below in your letter and add more information to make the
letter more persuasive.
(1) State the reason that you cannot clear the account on time  {State your own ideas}
(2) Promise to pay 50% of the outstanding balance on due date  State your own
method of payment}
(3) Request to pay 50% of the outstanding balance with 7% of interest for the amount of
late payment by remittance 40 days from the date of this letter.

Write your answers on the next page.

Question 1: Invoice
PT 2000 Fashion
153AB, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street
Ward 6, District 3
Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (+84) 28 39307900
Fax: (+84) 28 39307825
Email: sales@pt2000.com.vn
Website: www.pt2000.com

Bill to: Ship to: Invoice No #: 150721/DC2

Satex S.p.A Satex S.p.A Invoice Date: 15/07/2021
Via di Pietra Papa Via di Pietra Papa Your order number: PT100721
00146 Roma 00146 Roma
Italy Italy

Item description Cat. No Price $ Quantity Total

per item $
T-shirt, TS-Nature- T1312 13.50 150 2,025.00
T-shirt, TS-Forever- T1627 15.20 100 1,520.00
T-shirt, TS-Animal- T1385 12.70 170 2,159.00
Sweater, SW-Birds- S2314 26.10 150 3,915.00
Sweater, SW- S2729 32.50 120 3,900.00
Jacket, JA-
J6139 35.75 120 4,290.00
Jacket, JA- Autumn-
J6197 34.50 130 4,485.00
Jacket, JA-Green
Line-Yellow J6109 33.25 150 4,987.50

CIF 27,281.50 Subtotal: 27,281.50

Less Freight 2,957.78
Less Insurance 3,943.70
Less Related Inland Freight 253.50
Less terminal charges 153.00
Less loading on vessel 255.00
22% discount off net price 19,718.52 Less Disc. 4,338.07
Total 22,943.43

Question 2: Statement of Account

Tel: (+84) 28 39307900 153AB, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street
Fax: (+84) 28 39307825 Ward 6, District 3
Email: sales@pt2000.com.vn Ho Chi Minh City
Website: www.pt2000.com Vietnam
Registered No. 37004321667

31 July 2021
Satex S.p.A
Via di Pietra Papa
00146 Roma

Date Item Debit Credit Balance

2021 $ $ $ $
1 July Account Rendered 7,500.00
5 July Inv. 050721/DC1 20,500.50 28,000.50
8 July Cash 5,000.00 23,000.50
12 July Cheque 12,500.00 10,500.50
15 July Invoice 150721/DC2 22,943.43 33,443.93
16 July D/N 160721 2,500.00 35,943.93
20 July Cheque 17,500.00 18,443.93
26 July Inv. 260721/DC3 24,500.00 42,993.93
28 July C/N 280721 39,443.93
30 July Cash 15,743.93

E&OE, 3% cash discount if pay within 10 days.

Question 3: Delayed payment

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