Maintenance Manual: Reduced Pressure Assembly Models 860 & 880V 2 / " - 10"

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I N S TA L L AT I O N , O P E R AT I O N , M A I N T E N A N C E

Maintenance Manual
Reduced Pressure Assembly
Models 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"


880V 880V
Standard Configuration Vertical Configuration

Vandalism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Features and Operating Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Troubleshooting Procedures and Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
General Service Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Service Procedures for Models 860 and 880V (21/2" - 10"). . . . . . . . 6
Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Freeze Protection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cut-a-Way View of Model 860 (21/2" - 10") (figure #6) . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cut-a-Way View of Relief Valve (21/2" - 10") (figure #7). . . . . . . . . . 10
Exploded View of 10" Disc (figure #9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cut-a-Way View of Model 880V (standard configuration) (figure #8) . . 11
Cut-a-Way View of 10" Disc (figure #10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Parts List for Models 860 and 880V (21/2" - 10") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
How To Order Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Kit Numbers for Models 860 and 880V (21/2" - 10") . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover

Read and understand this manual prior to installing,

operating or servicing this equipment.
MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

If the unit is installed where vandalism may be a problem, the assembly should be protected and secured. A chain can be looped through both
shutoff valve handwheels and locked in position to prevent tampering. Test cock valve handles can also be removed. On backflow prevention
assemblies installed in conjunction with fire sprinkler systems, a tamper switch can be placed on the OS&Y shutoff valves that will trigger an
alarm if an unauthorized closure should occur.
A protective enclosure can be installed over the unit to discourage vandals. If an enclosure is used, it should be installed so that adequate clear-
ance is available for maintenance and testing.
Consult local codes before installing any type of protective enclosure.

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Features and Operating Procedures

Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer
The FEBCO Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer Assembly consists of two independently operating, spring loaded check valves with a pres-
sure differential relief valve located between the two checks. The pressure drop across the first check valve is approximately 7.0psid with no
flow. The relief valve consists of a hydraulically balanced diaphragm with the high pressure side hydraulically connected to the upstream side of
the first check. The low pressure side is hydraulically connected to the reduced pressure zone, thus the relief valve remains closed during nor-
mal operation. The low pressure side of the diaphragm is spring loaded to force the relief valve open when the pressure drop across the first
check (and across the diaphragm) reduces to approximately 3.0psid. A complete assembly includes two shutoff valves and four test cocks.
Example sectional views below show typical components and flow passages with corresponding pressure readings (no flow conditions) at the
various locations within the assembly with 100psi line pressure.
NOTE: The 880V, when installed in the vertical orientation, must include vertical support under the second check body section. (See Figure #2.)

Model 860 (21/2"-10")

Figure #1
Inlet Shutoff Outlet Shutoff
Reduced Second
Pressure Check
First Check

93 92
Relief Valve

Model 880V (21/2"-10") Model 880V (21/2"-10")

Figure #2 Standard Configuration
Figure #3

First Check

93 PSI
Vertical support for PSI
second check 100

Installed in
vertical position
Inlet Shutoff Relief Outlet Shutoff

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Troubleshooting Guide
With Differential Pressure Gauge
Symptom #1 Reading: Problem:
Check Differential Across 2 to 3 psid Leak in #1 or #2 check valve
#1 Check Valve 6 to 8 psid and steady Malfunctioning pressure relief valve
2 to 7 psid and fluctuating Inlet pressure fluctuating

Symptom #2 Reading: Problem:

Check Differential Across 2 to 3 psid #1 check valve held open
#1 Check Valve 6 to 8 psid and steady Malfunctioning pressure relief valve

Without Differential Pressure Gauge

Symptom #1 and #2 Result: Problem:
A) Close Gate Valve #2 If discharge stops Leak in #2 check valve
If discharge does not stop Go to “B”

B) Open #4 test cock to produce a flow If discharge stops Leak in #1 check valve
greater than differential relief valve If discharge does not stop Malfunctioning pressure relief valve

Symptom #1 Cause: Solution:

Continuous discharge from relief valve A. Debris fouling #1 check valve Inspect and clean
during NO FLOW conditions (Discharge B. Outlet pressure higher than Inspect and clean
stops with water flow)
inlet pressure and debris
With this symptom, the pressure drop
across the #1 check valve would be fouling #2 check valve
2 to 3 psid. If a flow of water (more C. Spring stem not moving freely Inspect for dirt or other foreign material
than discharge) is created through D. Damaged seat or seat disc Inspect and replace
the valve, the pressure drop should E. Leakage at seal under the seat ring Inspect and replace seal
increase to approximately 7 PSI
F. Large diaphragm damaged and leaking. Inspect and replace if required

Symptom #2 Cause: Solution:

Intermittent discharge from relief A. Inlet line pressure variations Eliminate or reduce pressure variations
valve during NO FLOW conditions. causing relief valve to discharge by installing a soft seated, spring loaded
With the symptom, the pressure drop check on upstream side of device
across the #1 check valve would be B. Pressure surges (water hammer) causing Eliminate or reduce pressure surges
varying from about 2 to 7 psid relief valve to discharge as pressure wave
passes through the zone

Symptom #3 Cause: Solution:

Continuous discharge from relief valve A. Seat disc dislodged from cavity in Reposition disc in main stem cavity.
during FLOW and NO FLOW conditions the main stem (this can be caused by Repressurize system slowly
pressure surges during initial filling of
With this symptom, the pressure drop system lines)
across the #1 check valve would be B. Debris fouling the relief valve seat Inspect and clean
7 psid or more at all times C. Debris blocking the relief valve Inspect and clean
sensing passage
D. Dirt or scale jamming main stem Inspect and clean, or replace
E. Leakage at main stem, small Inspect and clean, or replace
diaphragm damaged and leaking.

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Troubleshooting Guide Continued

Symptom #4 Cause: Solution:
Relief valve does not open above A. Outlet gate valve not closed completely
2.0 psid during field testing B. Plugged low pressure hydraulic passage Inspect and clean
(from "ZONE" to inner diaphragm)
C. Improper alignment of internal parts Reassemble
during reassembly (causing high
resistance to movement)
D. Jammed main stem due to debris Clean
Check for debris blocking gate valve

Symptom #5 Cause: Solution:

First check pressure drop is low A. Debris fouling first check seat Inspect and clean
(less than 5 psid) during field testing B. Debris fouling second seat with Inspect and clean
C. Inlet pressure variations causing Eliminate pressure variations.
inaccurate gauge reading (see symptom 2A)
D. Disc does not move freely in arm. Inspect and clean if required
(Therefore, disc not parallel to
seat ring)
E. Damaged seat or seat disk Inspect and replace as required
F. Worn guide, bushing or stem Inspect and replace as required
G. Bearing not properly seated in cover Inspect and reassemble

Symptom #6 Cause: Solution:

Second check fails to hold back A. Outlet gate valve not closed completely Check for debris blocking gate valve
pressure during field testing B. Debris fouling second check seat Inspect for dirt or other foreign debris
C. Disc not moving freely in assembly Inspect and clean
D. Damaged seat or seat disk Inspect and replace if required
E. Worn guide, bushings or stem Inspect and replace if required
F. Bearing not properly seated in cover Inspect and replace if required
Inspect and reassemble

Note: If check valve seat disc has been severely cut at the seat ring diameter, the assembly is being subjected
to extremely high and repeated back pressure. Either thermal water expansion or water hammer are the
most likely causes.

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

General Service Procedures

1. FEBCO backflow prevention assemblies can be serviced with commonly available tools and are designed for ease of maintenance. The
assemblies are designed to be serviced in line, so the unit should not need to be removed from the line during servicing. NO special tools
2. The most common cause of check fouling and relief valve discharge is dirt and debris in the seating areas. The line should be flushed clean
of debris before installation of the assembly. To flush the line after installation of the assembly, slowly close the inlet shutoff valve, remove
the covers and spring assemblies of both check valves and open the inlet shutoff valve to allow sufficient flow of water through the assem-
bly to clear all sand, debris, etc. from the line. If debris in the water continues to cause fouling, a strainer may be installed upstream of the
assembly. (Check local codes.)
3. Rinse all parts with clean water before reassembly.
4. Carefully inspect diaphragms, seals and seating surfaces for damage or debris. If the check valve seat disc has been severely cut at the seat
ring diameter, the assembly has been subjected to extremely high and repeated back pressure. Either thermal water expansion or water
hammer are the most likely causes. If back pressure persists, consider installation of a pressure relief valve downstream of the assembly.
5. Use caution to avoid damaging any guiding surfaces while handling parts. Do not force parts together.
The o-ring seals used in FEBCO assemblies require only a small tightening force to insure a positive seal.
6. Test unit after servicing in accordance with the locally approved test method to ensure proper operation.
7. Refer to applicable parts list and cut-a-ways (See pages 10-15 for visual aid information).
8. Use only factory supplied lubricant or Dow Corning FS1292 (Fluorosilicone) grease.

Check Valve Disassembly

Spring Module Removal (See pages 10-11)
1. Slowly close outlet shutoff valve and inlet shutoff valve. Bleed residual pressure by opening #4, #3, and #2 test cocks.
2. Remove cover bolts, removing the two bolts last that are located next to the retainer pin. Remove cover.
Note: Spring module is positioned in the body by the cover. Spring module is captured.
3. Remove pivot bearing (item 13) from the upper spring retainer of the spring module. Inspect pivot bearing (item 13) and bearing socket (item
15). Small hole in bearing socket indicates replacement is required. Remove retaining clip (item 5.1) from groove on one end of the load pin
(item 7). Hold spring module with one hand while sliding out load pin (item 7) from arm (item 4). Lift out spring module and inspect for wear
or damage. Replace spring module if necessary .

Check Disk Removal (See pages 10-11)

1. Remove jam nut (item 16) and washer (item 17) from check disc stem threads. Lift the arm and remove the check disc (item 6). Inspect
sealing surface for debris or damage. Replace check disc if necessary.
Note: When jam nut (item 6) is tight, check disc is designed to “wobble.”

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Seat Ring Assembly Removal (See pages 10-11)

Note: Remove the seat ring assembly only if the seat ring (item 3) or arm (item 4) appear to be worn or damaged.
1. Remove locknuts (item 3.4) and washers (item 3.3). (See Figure #4 below.)
2. Remove seat ring assembly.
NOTE: When reassembling, tighten locknuts to 12 - 15 ft./lbs. If leaking occurs around bolt, further tighten until leaking stops. Do not over
3. Remove retaining clip (item 5) from one end of the swing pin (item 4.2). Hold arm (item 4) while sliding out swing pin (item 4.2). Inspect
bushings (item 4.1) and pin (item 4.2) for wear or damage. Replace if necessary. Inspect gasket (item 3.l) for debris and/or damage. Replace
if necessary.
Note: Reverse the procedure above to reassemble the components. Seat ring will only fit into body one way. Check alignment of seat ring if
studs don’t align with body holes. Gasket is also non-symmetric. Both seat ring and gasket have a notch that indicates non-symmetric
hold. Clean all parts thoroughly with clean water
before reassembly. Reassemble and bleed test
cocks #4 and #3. Repressurize the assembly
and test assembly in accordance with the locally
approved test method.

Relief Valve Removal (See pages 10-11)

1. Remove capscrews (item 24), washers (item 24.1) and
nuts (item 25) at base of relief valve body and hydraulic
sensing port. Remove relief valve seat ring (item 34) from
bottom of relief valve. Inspect seat ring (item 34), seat Seat Ring
Figure #4
disc (item 32), and guide (item 33) for debris, wear, or
damage. Replace as necessary. (See below.)

Relief Valve Seat Disc Replacement (See pages 10-11)

1. Separate relief valve from elbow and sensing line flange. Remove cover bolts (item 22) and cover (item 20).
2. Lift out diaphragm (item 37) and inspect for damage. Replace if necessary.
3. Grasp spring button (item 28) and pull out relief valve module.
4. Turn over relief valve assembly module so that guide (item 33) stem is facing up. Use tabs on guide (item 33) to loosen guide. Unscrew
guide and replace seat disc (item 32).
5. Reassemble in reverse order.

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Relief Valve Disassembly (See pages 10-11)

1. Remove o-ring (item 34.1) and RV seat ring (item 34) from the bottom of RV body.
2. Remove RV cover (item 20) from RV body by removing eight capscrews (item 22).
3. Remove diaphragm from RV body. Remove RV assembly module from RV body (item 21).
4. Loosen tabs on guide (item 33) and remove guide and seat disc (item 32), remove instruction label
(item 28.2) from center of button, covering flow screw (item 28.1).
5. Loosen flow screw (item 28.1). CAUTION spring is captured. Remove spring (item 29) from main guide
(item 31), remove flow washer (item 30) from top of diaphragm (item 37).
6. Remove stem (item 30) and stem washer (item 30.1), on end of stem, from diaphragm guide assembly.
7. Unscrew retainer from main guide (item 31) and remove slip ring (item 38.1) from retainer.
8. Remove small diaphragm (item 37) from main guide (item 31).

Relief Valve Assembly (See pages 10-11)

Note: Clean all parts thoroughly with clean water before reassembly.
1. Place small diaphragm (item 37) into main guide (item 31) with beaded side of flange pointed down.
2. Drop slip ring (item 38.1) into retainer (item 38) and screw retainer into main guide (item 31) as shown, being careful not to bind the dia-
phragm’s cup shape with your finger.
3. Place stem washer (item 32) on end of stem (item 30) and insert stem into diaphragm guide assembly. When the stem is fully inserted it
does not bottom out against diaphragm, so do the following: Press diaphragm against stem with your thumb and forefinger and slowly pull
the stem back out with the diaphragm. Place stem guide assembly on bench with diaphragm pointed up.
4. Place flow washer (item 39) on top of diaphragm (item 37) with slots facing up and with holes lining up.
Set spring (item 29) on main guide (item 31) and compress spring with button (item 28). With spring fully compressed insert and tighten
down flow screw (item 28.1), being careful not to twist button or assembly which will distort the diaphragm.
5. Stick instruction label (item 28.2) in center of button, covering flow screw (item 28.1). Install seat disc
(item 32) into stem (item 30) and install guide (item 33) to retain disc. Using tabs on guide, tighten until shoulder on guide contacts stem.
6. Lubricate o-ring (item 31.1) with supplied lubricant and install on main guide (item 31).
7. Install assembly into relief valve body (item 21). Place large diaphragm (item 27), with cap facing down,
into RV body and fold over stem assembly button. Pull diaphragm flange up onto RV body flange.
8. Assemble RV cover (item 20) to RV body using eight capscrews (item 22) and tighten to 120 inch-pound torque wrench limit.
9. Insert RV seat ring (item 34) into bottom of RV body (aligning it with guide (item 33) and install o-ring (item 34.1).
N-SHAPE (V) ONLY - Assemble complete relief valve assembly to valve body as shown with o-ring
(item 35) and back-up ring (item 35.1), using four capscrews (item 24), eight washers (item 24.1) and four nuts (item 25). Tighten to 120
inch-pounds torque wrench limit. Attach sensing line flange cover (item 36).
Do not over tighten.
IN-LINE ONLY - Assemble completed unit to valve body and elbow with gasket (item 26) install with screen facing valve body) using six
capscrews (item 24), twelve washers (item 24.1) and six nuts (item 25). Tighten to 120 inch-pounds torque wrench limit. Do not over

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

All mechanical devices should be inspected on a regular basis to ensure they are working correctly. The assembly should be tested at time
of initial installation, after servicing or maintenance, and at least annually thereafter. Acceptable test procedures are published by Foundation
for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California (USC), The American Water Works Association
(AWWA), The American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE Series 5000) and the Canadian Standards Association (CAN/CSA B64.10).
Please consult the regulatory authority in your area for more specific information.

Freeze Protection
The Reduced Pressure Backflow Prevention Assembly may be subject to damage if the internal water is allowed to freeze. It is suggested that
all assemblies be installed with resilient seated shutoffs so that a drip tight closure can be achieved to prevent refilling of the assembly after
the freeze protection procedure is performed. The unit must be protected from freezing using a heated enclosure, insulation using heat tape,
or other suitable means. If the system will be shut down during freezing weather, use the following procedure to drain internal passages. A
system should have a shutoff valve located upstream of freeze protection area, and a means for draining upstream of the #1 shutoff and down-
stream of the #2 shutoff valve.

Reduced Pressure Zone and Relief Valve

For more detailed instructions on freeze protection procedures request “Freeze Protection Instructions for RP Devices.”
1. Slowly close supply valve upstream of freeze protected area, open all test cocks on the backflow preventer. All water within the zone will
be drained to the lowest point of the relief valve discharge port (relief valve seat). A small amount of water will remain in the bottom of the
main valve body, but this is not sufficient to cause freeze damage. Leave test cocks and ball valves in half open, half closed position for the
2. All water on the inlet side, and within the zone, will be drained down to the #1 test cock on the Model 880 and 880V. All water will be
drained from the inlet side and the zone of the Model 860.
3. For sizes 21/2" - 10", remove both drain plugs from bottom of relief valve assembly. Replace when draining is complete.
4. Drain upstream of the #1 shutoff valve and downstream of the #2 shutoff valve.
5. Proceed to step 6 Ball Valve Shutoff Draining Procedure.

Ball Valve Shutoff Draining Procedure

6. If the assembly has been installed with ball valve shutoff valves, they
must also be properly drained to prevent freeze damage. After the drain-
ing procedure has been completed on the backflow prevention assembly,
position all ball valve shutoffs and test cocks in a half open/half closed
(45 degree) position. (see Figure #5)
7. Open the ball valve approximately 45 degrees, while draining the pipeline
and assembly, to allow water between the ball valve and valve body to
drain. Leave the ball valve in this position for the winter to prevent freeze
8. The ball valves must be fully closed before the system is repressurized.

Ball Valve 1/2" - 2"

Figure #5

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Model 860 Cut-A-Way

Figure #6

10" Model 860 includes clamp (item 70) not shown.

Relief Valve Cut-A-Way (21/2" - 10")

Figure #7

Relief Valve Exploded (21/2" - 10")

Figure #8

25 38


* Model 880, 880V only. 28

27 28.1


33 21

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Model 880V Cut-A-Way

Figure #9

880V Only 10" Disc Assembly

Figure #10

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Model 860/880V (21/2" - 10") Parts List

Item Description Quantity 21/2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10"

1 Body (860) 1 880-131 880-132 880-133 880-134 880-135 N/A

Body (880V) 1 880-193 880-194 880-188 880-189 880-190 880-191
1.1 Pipe Plug (860) 1 578-171-50 578-171-50 578-171-50 578-171-50 578-171-50 N/A
1.2 Bushing 1 571-161-54 571-161-54 571-161-54 571-161-54 571-161-54
2 Cover (860) 2 880-250 880-250 880-251 880-252 880-253 N/A
Cover 1st Check (880V) 1 880-192 880-192 880-175 880-176 880-177 880-178
2.1 O-Ring 2 39625579 39625579 396-261-79 396-269-79 396-276-79 396-279-79
2.2 Capscrew 16 51101614 51101614 511-017-14 511-019-18 511-020-18 511-020-20
2.3 Hex Nut 16 52101600 52101600 521-017-00 521-101-90 521-020-00 521-020-00
2.4 Expansion Pin 2 360-089 360-089 360-089 360-089 360-089 360-089
2.5 Cover 2nd Check (880V) 1 880-106 880-106 880-107 880-108 880-109 880-110
3 Seat Ring 2 110-071 110-071 110-072 101-259 110-074 101-261
3.1 Gasket 2 450-102 450-102 450-106 450-108 450-109 450-110
3.2 Socket Head Screw 8 517-514-10 517-514-10 517-514-10 517-514-10 517-514-10 517-514-12
3.4 Elastic Stop Nut 8 523-514-00 523-514-00 523-514-00 523-514-00 523-514-00 523-514-00
4 Arm 2 101-212 101-212 101-207 101-208 101-210 101-211
4.1 Bushing Swing Pin 4 500-338 500-338 500-338 500-388 500-338 500-337
4.2 Swing Pin 2 240-137 240-137 240-137 240-138 240-139 240-140
5 Retaining Clip 4 740-118 740-118 740-118 740-118 740-118 740-119
5.1 Hairpin Cotter 4 740-120 740-120 740-120 740-120 740-120 740-120
6 Check Disk (860) 2 402-014 402-014 402-006 402-007 402-008 N/A
Check Disk (880V) 2 402-030 402-030 402-031 402-032 402-008 N/A

Seat Disk (10"-880V) 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 400-145

6.1 Disk Holder (10"-880V) 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 190-029
6.2 Disk Retainer (10"-880V) 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 190-034
6.3 Capscrew (10"-880V) 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 511-515-05
7 Load Pin 2 240-130 240-130 240-130 240-131 240-131 240-132
8 Lwr Spring Retainer 2 101-203 101-203 101-203 101-204 101-204 101-205
9 Spring Stem 2 240-116 240-116 240-117 240-118 240-119 240-120
9.1 Elastic Stop Jam Nut 2 720-054 720-054 720-054 720-055 720-055 720-055
10 Spring 1st Check 2 630-154 630-154 630-155 630-156 630-157 630-158
10.1 nd
Spring 2 Check 2 630-162 630-162 630-163 630-151 630-164 630-165
10.2 Spring Shim 2nd Check (8") 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 500-354 N/A

11 Spring Guide 2 360-086 360-086 360-086 360-087 360-087 101-217

12 Upr Spring Retnr 2 101-216 101-216 101-216 101-206 101-206 101-221
12.1 Bushing-Spr. Stem 2 500-344 500-344 500-344 500-345 500-345 500-340
13 Pivot Bearing 2 101-218 101-218 101-218 101-219 101-219 101-220
14 Flange Gasket 2 780-365 780-366 780-367 780-368 780-369 780-370
15 Bearing Socket 2 500-335 500-335 500-335 500-336 500-336 500-336
16 Hex Jam Nut 2 524-515-00 524-515-00 524-515-00 524-517-00 524-517-00 511-517-06
17 Washer 2 360096 360-096 360-096 360-097 360-097 360-097
18 Flange Bolt () (8)511-019-22 (8)511-019-22 (12)511-019-22 (12)511-019-22 (12)511-019-22 (24)511-019-22
18.1 Flange Nut () (8)511-019-22 (8)511-019-22 (20)511-019-22 (20)511-019-22 (20)511-019-22 (24)511-019-22
18.2 Flange Stud 4 N/A N/A 513-019-26 513-019-26 513-019-26 N/A
20 R.V. Cover 1 110-012 110-012 110-012 110-012 110-012 110-012
20.1 Bleed Screw 2 519-513-03 519-513-03 519-513-03 519-513-03 519-513-03 519-513-03

Note: Many of the above items are only available as part of a repair kit.
MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Model 860/880V (21/2" - 10") Parts List (continued)

Item Description Quantity 21/2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10"

20.2 Gasket 2 340-078 340-078 340-078 340-078 340-078 340-078

21 R.V. Body 1 110-011 110-011 110-011 110-011 110-011 110-011
22 Cover Bolt 8 511-515-08 511-515-08 511-515-08 511-515-08 511-515-08 511-515-08
23 Elbow 1 880-154 880-154 880-154 880-154 880-154 880-154
24 RV Mtg Bolt 4 511-014-10 511-014-10 511-014-10 511-014-10 511-014-10 511-014-10
24.1 Washer - RV 4 360-090 360-090 360-090 360-090 360-090 360-090
24.2 Cap Screw 4 511-014-18 511-014-18 511-014-18 511-014-18 511-014-18 N/A
25 Nut 4 521-014-00 521-014-00 521-014-00 521-014-00 521-014-00 521-014-00
26 Gasket/Strainer 1 450-107 450-107 450-107 450-107 450-107 450-107
27 Lrg. Diaphragm 1 400-108 400-108 400-108 400-108 400-108 400-108
28 Button 1 300-118 300-118 300-118 300-118 300-118 300-118
28.1 Flow Screw 1 240-136 240-136 240-136 240-136 240-136 240-136
29 RV Spring 1 630-168 630-168 630-168 630-168 630-168 630-168
30 Stem - RV 1 500-399 500-399 500-399 500-399 500-399 500-399
31 Main Guide - RV 1 110-013 110-013 110-013 110-013 110-013 110-013
31.1 O-Ring - RV 1 396-230-79 396-230-79 396-230-79 396-230-79 396-230-79 396-230-79
32 Seat Disc - RV 1 400-123 400-123 400-123 400-123 400-123 400-123
33 Lower Guide 1 500-342 500-342 500-342 500-342 500-342 500-342
34 Seat Ring 1 110-015 110-015 110-015 110-015 110-015 110-015
34.1 O-Ring 1 396-229-79 396-229-79 396-229-79 396-229-79 396-229-79 396-229-79
35 O-Ring 2 396-233-79 396-233-79 396-233-79 396-233-79 396-233-79 396-233-79
35.1 Back-Up Ring 1 500-350 500-350 500-350 500-350 500-350 500-350
35.2 Extension 1 500-388 500-388 500-388 500-388 500-388 500-388
36 Adaptor Plate (880V) 1 101-252 101-252 101-252 101-252 101-252 101-252
37 Sm. Diaphragm 1 400-109 400-109 400-109 400-109 400-109 400-109
38 Retainer 1 110-014 110-014 110-014 110-014 110-014 110-014
38.1 Slip Ring 1 340-103 340-103 340-103 340-103 340-103 340-103
39 Flow Washer 1 500-387 500-387 500-387 500-387 500-387 500-387
40 Ball Valve 4 781-047 781-047 781-047 781-048 781-048 781-048
41 Nipple 1 571-181-45 571-181-45 781-181-45 571-181-53 571-181-56 571-181-56
41.1 Nipple (860) 2 571-181-43 571-181-43 571-181-43 571-181-53 571-181-53 N/A
41.2 Nipple (860) 1 571-181-44 571-181-44 571-181-44 571-181-55 571-181-55 N/A
42 Gate Valve (NRS) 2 781-005 781-006 781-007 781-008 781-009 781-010
Gate Valve (OSY) 2 780-891 780-893 781-895 780-897 780-899 780-901
43 Bulkhead Fitting (880V) 2 110-003 110-003 110-003 101-249 101-249 101-249
43.1 Bulkhead Fitting (880V) 1 101-237 101-237 101-237 101-249 101-249 101-249
45 Gasket (880V) 2 450-105 450-105 450-105 450-105 450-105 450-105
45.1 Gasket (880V) 1 450-104 450-104 450-104 450-105 450-105 450-105
47 Nut (880V) 2 101-251 101-251 101-251 101-251 101-251 101-251
47.1 Nut (880V) 1 101-250 101-250 101-250 N/A N/A N/A

50 Sensing Line (880V) 1 781-159 781-159 781-159 781-159 781-159 781-159

51 Street Elbow (880V) 2 200-830 200-830 200-830 200-830 200-830 200-830
60 Identification Plate 1 380-113 380-113 380-113 380-113 380-113 380-113
62 Drive Screw 1 781-224 781-224 781-244 781-224 781-224 781-224
70 Clamp 1 781-179 781-179 781-180 781-181 781-182 781-183

Note: Many of the above items are only available as part of a repair kit.
Bulkhead fittings are not furnished on the Model 860.
Item 70 used on 880V (21/2"-10") and 860 (10") only.
MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Repair Kits
How to order parts and repair kits.
1. Locate item number and kit number in this maintenance manual.
2. Verify the size of the valve the parts are to be used on.
3. Provide full model number located on I.D. plate.
4. Give kit number.
5. A serial number (located on the I.D. plate) will assist in ordering the proper kits.
6. Contact your local FEBCO Parts Distributor.

Kit Description 21/2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10"

CHECK REPLACEMENT KIT 860 (inlet) 905-543 905-543 905-546 905-550 905-554 905-554
Items 2.1, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4, 4.1, 4.2,13, 15, 16, 17
860 (outlet) 905-527 905-527 905-547 905-551 905-555 905-555
880V (inlet) 905-544 905-544 905-548 905-552 905-554 905-556
880V (outlet) 905-545 905-545 905-549 905-553 905-555 905-557
860/880V RP INLET SPRING MODULE 905-172 905-172 905-173 905-174 905-175 905-176 (880)
Items 2.1, 5.1, 7, 8, 9, 9.1, 10, 11, 12, 12.1
905-175 (860)
860/880V RP OUTLET SPRING MODULE 905-142 905-142 905-143 905-144 905-145 905-145 (860)
Items 2.1, 5.1, 7, 8, 9, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2*, 11, 12, 12.1
905-146 (880)
860 DISC ASSEMBLY 905-182 905-182 905-183 905-184 905-185 905-185
Items 2.1, 6, 16, 17

880V DISC ASSEMBLY 905-224 905-224 905-225 905-226 905-185 400-145

Items 6, 16, 17 - (10" - item 6 only)

SEAT RING / ARM ASSEMBLY 905-160 (860)

Items 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 5
905-157 905-157 905-158 905-159 905-160 905-161 (880)
860 RUBBER PARTS KIT (CHECKS AND RV) 905-187 905-187 905-188 905-189 905-190 905-190
Items 2.1, 3.1, 6, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 31.1, 32, 34.1, 35.1, 35.2, 45, 45.1

880V RUBBER KIT (CHECKS AND RV) 905-227 905-227 905-228 905-229 905-190 905-191
Items 2.1, 3.1, 6, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 31.1, 32, 34.1, 35, 35.1, 37, 45, 45.1

860 RELIEF VALVE REPAIR KIT 905-192 905-192 905-192 905-192 905-192 905-192
Items 26, 27, 28, 28.1, 29, 30, 31, 31.1, 32, 33, 34, 34.1, 37, 38, 38.1, 39

* 8" only

MAINTENANCE MANUAL MODELS 860 & 880V 21/2" – 10"

Repair Kits (continued)

Kit Description 2 /2"

3" 4" 6" 8" 10"

880V RELIEF VALVE INTERNAL ASSEMBLY KIT 905-320 905-320 905-320 905-320 905-320 905-320
Items 27, 28, 28.1, 29, 30, 31, 31.1, 32, 33, 34, 34.1, 37, 38, 38.1, 39

860 COVER ASSEMBLY BOTH CHECKS (TAPPED) 905376 905376 905377 905378 905379 905379
880V INLET CHECK ONLY 905-170 (860)
Items 2, 2.1, 15
905-167 905-167 905-168 905-169 905-170 905-171 (880)
880V COVER ASSEMBLY OUTLET CHECK ONLY 905-244 905-244 905-245 905-246 905-247 905-248
Items 2.1, 2.5, 15 (BLANK)
BULKHEAD FITTINGS ASSEMBLY COVER 905-275 905-275 905-275 - - -
Items 43.1, 45.1, 46.1, 47.1

BULKHEAD FITTINGS ASSEMBLY BODY 905-276 905-276 905-276 - - -

Items 43, 45, 46, 47


Items 43, 45, 46, 47


(N & V UNITS) EARLY PROD. 905-278 905-278 905-278 - - -
Items 44, 45.1, 46.1, 47.1


(N & V UNITS) EARLY PROD. - - - 905-279 905-279 905-279
Items 44, 45, 46, 47

860 RELIEF VALVE ASSEMBLY 905-294 905-294 905-294 905-294 905-294 905-294
Items 24, 24.1, 24.2, 25, 35.1, 35.2, 201

880V RELIEF VALVE ASSEMBLY 905-295 905-295 905-295 905-295 905-295 905-295
Items 24, 24.1, 25, 26, 35.1, 36, 50, 51, 201

860 CHECK RUBBER KIT 905-409 905-409 905-410 905-411 905-412 905-412
Items 2.1, 3.1, 6, 15, 16, 17, 26, 35.1, 35.2, 45, 45.1

880V CHECK RUBBER KIT 905-413 905-413 905-414 905-415 905-412 905-416
Items 2.1, 3.1, 6, 15, 16, 17, 26, 35, 35.1, 45, 45.1

860/880V Relief Valve Rubber Kit 905-316 905-316 905-316 905-316 905-316 905-316
Items 26, 27, 31.1, 32, 34.1, 37

Many of the above items are only available as part of a repair kit.
Note: Bulkhead fittings are not furnished on the Model 860.

A Division of Watts Water Technologies, Inc. USA: 4381 N. Brawley • Ste. 102 • Fresno, CA • 93722 • Tel. (559) 441-5300 • Fax: (559) 441-5301 •
Canada: 5435 North Service Rd. • Burlington, ONT. • L7L 5H7 • Tel. (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 •

IOM-F-860_880V 0823 © FEBCO, 2008

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