7. The lattice parameters of a crystal are in the ratio a:b:c = 0.52:1.00:0.48. If a plane with Miller
indices (121) cuts an intercept of 2.6Å along the x-axis, find the length of the intercepts along
y-and z-axis.
8. In a simple orthorhombic system two lattice points are connected through the translation
vector T=2a+3b+4c, where a=2Å, b=3Å and c=4Å. Determine the direction of the translation
9. (a) Draw (1 11), (121), and ( 210) planes in a cubic lattice. (b) Change the 3-index Miller
indices (210), (011), (246), (1 11), (121), and ( 210) into 4-index Miller-Bravias indices
10. The distance between (111) planes in a face centred crystal is 2Å. Determine the lattice
parameter and atomic diameter.
11. What do you mean by reciprocal lattice? What do you mean by primitive vectors in direct
space lattice and reciprocal lattice? Write down the expression for lattice translational vectors
in real space and reciprocal space?
12. Derive the alternative expression of Bragg’s law of X-ray diffraction in reciprocal space.
Explain the concept of Ewald sphere construction.
13. What do you mean by Brillouin Zone? Draw Wigner-Seitz unit cells for the following
lattices: (i) An oblique lattice in two dimensions, (ii) a bcc lattice and (iii) an fcc lattice in
three dimensions.
14. Prove that the reciprocal of the reciprocal lattice is just the original lattice.
15. Prove that the volume of a Bravais lattice primitive cell is V a1.(a2 a3 ) , where the ai are
(2 ) 3
three primittive vectors. And the volume of the primitive cell of the reciprocal cell is .
16. Show that the reciprocal lattice for a simple cubic structure is another simple cubic, i.e the
simple cubic structure is self reciprocal.
17. Show that the reciprocal lattice for a bcc lattice is an fcc structure.
18. Show that reciprocal lattice of fcc lattice is a bcc structure.
21. Show that the reciprocal lattice translational vector (Ghkl ) is perpendicular to the crystalline
plane (hkl).
22. Show that the length of reciprocal lattice translational vector (Ghkl ) is equal to 2π/dhkl, i.e.
(Ghkl ).
d hkl
23. Show that in a cubic crystal the direction [hkl] is a normal to the plane (hkl).
24. The primitive translation vectors of a hexagonal space lattice may be taken as
a a 3 ˆ a a 3 ˆ
A iˆ j , B iˆ j and C ckˆ . Determine the primitive translation
2 2 2 2
vectors of the reciprocal lattice. Show that the volume of the primitive cell in reciprocal space
is 3 a 2 c.
26. Considering the motion of an electron in 1-dimensional periodic potential in crystalline solid,
show that the solution of the electron is given by
P sin a 4 2 ma
cos a cos ka where P V0 b and a,V0, and b respectively are the
a h2
periodicity, height and width of the potential.
27. Prove that the Kronig-Penney potential with P<<1, the energy of the lowest band at k=0 is
h2 P .
4 2 ma
28. The potential of an electron in a one-dimensional arrangement of atoms is identical to that
used in the Krong-Penny model. If V0ab<<h2/4πm, prove that the energy band gap at k=π/a is
29. Draw E-k diagram, hence explain the concept of band-gap and Brillouin zone.
30. Draw the first three Brillouin zones for two-dimensional square lattice.
31. What do you mean by effective mass? Explain the concept of (+ve) and (-)ve effective mass.
1/ 3
Show that the radius of the Fermi sphere in k-space is given by k f 3 n .
a 3
32. Show that for the free electron model, the effective mass of an electron is equal to the free
electron mass.
33. The Fermi energy of copper is 7eV. Calculate (a) the Fermi momentum of an electron in
copper, (b) the de Broglie wavelength of the electron and (c) the Fermi velocity.