Simple Machine Detailed Lesson Plan PDF
Simple Machine Detailed Lesson Plan PDF
Simple Machine Detailed Lesson Plan PDF
I. Objectives:
Given the necessary materials for an experiment, the pupils
should be able to:
1. Identify, define the three simple machines, and state the differences
and similarities in the use of simple machines.
2. Dissect a broken appliance or toy, and group according to category
of simple machines
I. Procedure:
Teacher Activity Students Activity
A. Pre-Instructional Activities
1. Review (through game) (Force)
Let us recall our past
lesson about force and Pulley. Group
yourselves into five(5) and each of
you should cooperate.
I will ask the 1st question,
and the first group that will give the
correct answer will be given a 1pt
and they will ask a question that will
be answered by the other groups.
The group that will ask a question will
be given a 3pts. The group that will Grp1
answer correctly will be given a 2pts. -Ma’am force is pushing or pulling
on an object we give its energy
What is a Force? and cause it to move, stop or
change direction
(question to the other groups)
-Sir Isaac Newton
(question to the other groups)
-All objects resist changes in their state of
-What is the law of acceleration.
-that heavier objects require more
force to move the same distance as
lighter objects.
(question to the other groups)
-that for every force there is a reaction
Last Question for the group force that is equal in size, but opposite in
(question to the other groups)
2. Motivation
- I will show you a picture, and tell me
what can you see?
Picture A Picture B
Picture C Picture D
-ma’am Picture C is a WAGON
-ma’am Picture D is a SCISSOR
-Yes ma’am
B. Presentation
4) Assessment
Given different examples of simple
machines, group it according to
category of simple machines. Lever,
Wheel and Axel, and Screws -Screws
-Wheel and Axle
-nails -Lever
-sharpener -Lever
-pencil -Lever
-bottle opener -Lever, Screws, Wheel and Axle
-nail cutter -Lever
-Can opener
-Spoon and fork
5) Evaluation (pen and paper) - when I wake up in the morning I use
-State 3 simple machines that you use toothbrush to brush my teeth. It is a
in your daily life. Identify and its
category of simple machine. Explain in
- I ride my bicycle in going to school. It is
2-3 sentences why simple machines a Wheel and Axle
are important.
- I use a bag which has a zipper for me to
access my school materials easily when I
need it. It is a Screw
6) Assignment:
I will give you a Rube Goldberg design
brief on the task that you and your
team members are to successfully
Go through the design process to help
you complete the task. Make sure and
choose a leader for your group. Also,
choose a recorder to keep notes as
you move through the process.
Develop 5-10 questions along the way
that can be answered before the
product can be manufactured. This is
a team effort. Everyone needs to be
involved. Keep portfolio. In this you
will have notes,stitches, ideas and
questions CAD drawings and anything
else for the completion of the task.
Prepared by:
Condenuevo, Von Aldrin
BEE II-I3 Student