Log Periodic Calculator by KM9O

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Log Periodic Calculations for Equations in the ARRL Antenna Book, 22nd Edition, Chapter 7

by Dennis Miller, KM9O

KM9O@arrl.net 9/12/2011

Welcome to the Log Periodic Design Calculator

This spreadsheet is based on formulas originally published by L B Cebik, W4RNL
Please refer to the ARRL Antenna Book, 22nd Edition, Chapter 7, for explanations of equations.

Enter Frequency and Variables

Four entries are required to begin designing a Log Periodic Antenna using this calculator.
On the "Enter Freq and Variables" sheet, enter the following in the Red Cells

1) Lowest frequency in MHz

Enter Lowest Frequency in MHz 50 MHz

2) Highest frequency in MHz

Enter Highest Frequency in MHz 432 MHz

3) Enter the variable τ

Enter τ (Eq 1) 0.87 Any number between 0.8 and 0.98

4) Enter the variable σ

Enter σ (Eq 2) 0.08 Any number between 0.03 and σopt (Cell B15

The variables τ and σ will determine L n

Boom Length and N Number of Elements.
Enter different values of these variables until a reasonable Boom Length and Number of Elements is comp

The example given upon opening this spreadsheet is a 11-foot, 19-element LPDA for 6 meters through the

Increasing τ to 0.9 from 0.87 will result in a 14-foot, 25-element LPDA, which is still practical.
But increasing τ to 0.98 from 0.87, while still within the designated range, results in a virtually unbuildable
(Try entering 0.98 in the τ cell)

Varying σ will create less of the same effect but both σ and τ need to be adjusted until a practical sized a
2) Element Lengths and Spacing
Results of the entries made on the first sheet are displayed on the "Element Lengths and Spacing" sheet.

In the opening 50-432MHz example, the first four element lengths are as follows:

1 (Eq 14) λlft Element #1
2 (Eq 16) ℓ2 Element #2
3 ℓ3
4 ℓ4

Element 1 has a Length (ft) of 9.84 ft

Element 2 has a Length (ft) of 9.64 ft with a D1-2 Spacing (ft) of 1.574 ft from Element #1

Element 3 has a Length (ft) of 9.45 ft with a D2-3 Spacing (ft) of 1.543 ft from Element #2

Element 4 has a Length (ft) of 9.26 ft with a D3-4 Spacing (ft) of 1.512 ft from Element #3

Remaining elements are designated ℓ for length and Dn-n+1, or D4-5, etc.

3) Feed Line Impedance

The following equations design the phase line.

Choose RO, the desired feed-point resistance, to give the lowest SWR for the intended balun transformatio
Enter R0 150

(Eq 20) Z0 442 phase line Z in ohms

(Eq 21) σ' 0.086 mean spacing factor

Enter Shortest ℓ length, which is the shortest element of the antenna, found on the "Element Lengths and
Enter Shortest ℓ length 0.80 in feet Shortest element length found on "Element L

Enter the diameter of the element.

Enter ℓ diameter 0.0208 in feet Diameter of element to be used - note that th
(Eq 22) ZAV 168 average impedance of the log-periodic dipole in ohms

With ZO determined, select a diameter of the conductor to be used for the phase line and enter the value in
Enter Diameter of Phase Line cell. The aformula assumes round conductors. In this example, the diamete
The results are determined in the Spacing of Conductors cell.
Enter Diameter, d, of conductors 0.0808 inches
(Eq 31B) S 0.04 inches Spacing of conductors in the phase line
Note: This result is for round conductors from
d Edition, Chapter 7

ions of equations.

s calculator.

ween 0.8 and 0.98

ween 0.03 and σopt (Cell B15)

Number of Elements is computed.

PDA for 6 meters through the weak-signal portion of the 70 cm band.

is still practical.
ults in a virtually unbuildable antenna.

usted until a practical sized antenna is achieved.

engths and Spacing" sheet.

Length (ft) Spacing (ft)

9.64 (Eq 17) D1-2 1.574 Distance from Element #1 in feet
9.45 (Eq 18) D2-3 1.543 Distance from Element #2 and 3 in feet
9.26 D3-4 1.512 Distance between Element #3 and 4 in feet

Element #1

Element #2

Element #3

intended balun transformation ratio (if any) and feed line impedance.

on the "Element Lengths and Spacing" worksheet

t length found on "Element Lengths and Spacing" worksheet

ment to be used - note that this value is in feet, not inches.

e log-periodic dipole in ohms

se line and enter the value in the

uctors in the phase line
is for round conductors from Eqn 31B which assumes S is at least 3d
nd 3 in feet
#3 and 4 in feet
Enter Freq and Variables

Log Periodic Calculations for Equations in the ARRL Antenna Book, 22nd Edition, Chapter 7
by Dennis Miller, KM9O
KM9O@arrl.net 9/12/2011

NOTE: Changing the equations in any of the calculated values may result in calculation errors. Th
it is suggested that a copy of the original be made before making any changes.

Enter in Red cells only.

Enter Lowest Frequency in MHz 50 MHz
Enter Highest Frequency in MHz 432 MHz
Enter τ (Eq 1) 0.87
Enter σ (Eq 2) 0.08

Calculated values
(Eq 3) σopt 0.16041
(Eq 5) B 8.64
(Eq 8) cot α 2.4615385
(Eq 9) Bar 1.42032
(Eq 10) BS 12.271565
(Eq 12) λmax 19.68

Element lengths and spacings provided on the "Element Lengths and Spacing" worksheet
Central feed line characteristic impedance provided on the "Feed Line Z" worksheet

Page 1
Enter Freq and Variables

na Book, 22nd Edition, Chapter 7

es may result in calculation errors. The spreadsheet is open for experimentation but
aking any changes.

τ = any value between 0.8 - 0.98

σ = any number between 0.03 and σopt calculated below

(Eq 11) Boom Length, Ln 11.123872 feet

(Eq 13) Number of elements, N 19
(Eq 15) Stub Length, Zt 2.46 inches
(N is rounded up if fractional value is ≤0.3) 19.004076

s and Spacing" worksheet

d Line Z" worksheet

Page 2
Element Lengths and Spacing

Log Periodic Calculations for Equations in the ARRL Antenna Book, 22nd Edition, Chapter 7
by Dennis Miller, KM9O
KM9O@arrl.net 9/12/2011

Element Lengths and Spacing in feet

NOTE: Changing the equations in any of the calculated values may result in calculation errors. Th
it is suggested that a copy of the original be made before making any changes.
Element Length (ft) Spacing (ft)
1 (Eq 14) λ lft
Element #1 9.84
2 (Eq 16) ℓ2 Element #2 8.56 (Eq 17) D1-2 1.57
3 ℓ3 7.45 (Eq 18) D2-3 1.37
4 ℓ4 6.48 D3-4 1.19
5 ℓ5 5.64 D4-5 1.04
6 ℓ6 4.90 D5-6 0.90
7 ℓ7 4.27 D6-7 0.78
8 ℓ8 3.71 D7-8 0.68
9 ℓ9 3.23 D8-9 0.59
10 ℓ10 2.81 D9-10 0.52
11 ℓ11 2.44 D10-11 0.45
12 ℓ12 2.13 D11-12 0.39
13 ℓ13 1.85 D12-13 0.34
14 ℓ14 1.61 D13-14 0.30
15 ℓ15 1.40 D14-15 0.26
16 ℓ16 1.22 D15-16 0.22
17 ℓ17 1.06 D16-17 0.19
18 ℓ18 0.92 D17-18 0.17
19 ℓ19 0.80 D18-19 0.15
20 ℓ20 0.70 D19-20 0.13
21 ℓ21 0.61 D20-21 0.11
22 ℓ22 0.53 D21-22 0.10
23 ℓ23 0.46 D22-23 0.08
24 ℓ24 0.40 D23-24 0.07
25 ℓ25 0.35 D24-25 0.06
26 ℓ26 0.30 D25-26 0.06
27 ℓ27 0.26 D26-27 0.05
28 ℓ28 0.23 D27-28 0.04
29 ℓ29 0.20 D28-29 0.04
30 ℓ30 0.17 D29-30 0.03

Page 3
Element Lengths and Spacing

31 ℓ31 0.15 D30-31 0.03

32 ℓ32 0.13 D31-32 0.02
33 ℓ33 0.11 D32-33 0.02
34 ℓ34 0.10 D33-34 0.02
35 ℓ35 0.09 D34-35 0.02
36 ℓ36 0.08 D35-36 0.01
37 ℓ37 0.07 D36-37 0.01
38 ℓ38 0.06 D37-38 0.01
39 ℓ39 0.05 D38-39 0.01
40 ℓ40 0.04 D39-40 0.01

Page 4
Element Lengths and Spacing

nd Edition, Chapter 7

ult in calculation errors. The spreadsheet is open for experimentation but

Distance from Element #1 in feet

Distance between Element #2 and 3 in feet
Distance between Element #3 and 4 in feet

Page 5
Feed Line Z

Log Periodic Calculations for Equations in the ARRL Antenna Book, Chapter 7
by Dennis Miller, KM9O
KM9O@arrl.net 9/12/2011

Feed Line Impedance

NOTE: Changing the equations in any of the calculated values may result in calculation errors. Th
it is suggested that a copy of the original be made before making any changes.

Enter value in Red cells only.

Enter R0 150 Desired feed point resistance in ohms
(Eq 20) Z0 442 phase line Z in ohms
(Eq 21) σ' 0.086 mean spacing factor
Enter Shortest ℓ length 0.80 in feet Shortest element length found on "El
Enter ℓ diameter 0.0208 in feet Diameter of element to be used - not
(Eq 22) ZAV 168 average impedance of the log-periodic dipole in o

Enter Diameter, d, of conductors 0.0808 inches

(Eq 31B) S 1.61 inches Spacing of conductors in the phase li
Note: This result is for round conduct

Wire Gauge Diameter in inches

# 10 AWG 0.1019
# 12 AWG 0.0808
# 14 AWG 0.0641
# 16 AWG 0.0508
# 18 AWG 0.0403
# 20 AWG 0.0320
# 22 AWG 0.0254

Page 6
Feed Line Z

n calculation errors. The spreadsheet is open for experimentation but

ance in ohms

ment length found on "Element Lengths and Spacing" worksheet

element to be used - note that this value is in feet, not inches.
e log-periodic dipole in ohms

onductors in the phase line

sult is for round conductors from Eq 31B which assumes S is at least 3 times d

Page 7

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