Originals One Act Rubric PDF

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Original One Act Script Rubric

School: ___________________________ Play: ______________________________

Student Author(s): ______________________________________________________________

Does the play succeed as a piece of drama (regardless of genre)? Does it contain clear conflict, dramatic action, and
suspense? Is the plot effective in the amount of time allotted to it? Are scenes of exposition, conflict, climax and
resolution handled skillfully by the writer? Does the play avoid cliché?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dramatically Occasionally effective Generally effective; Very effective; skilled Compelling; highly
ineffective good skill in writing writing throughout skilled writing

Are the characters interesting and believable in the writing? Do they have concrete goals which are strongly pursued?
Are actions consistent with character? Does the writer provide detailed character traits, wants, etc., which are useful to
actors in their portrayals? Do the characters as written seem highly individualized, as opposed to stereotyped?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Shallow, uninvolving Some characters Most characters Characters detailed, Characters compelling,
characters developed & motivated believable & active involving, motivated dynamic, & complex

Is the writer’s use of language appropriate to character, situation, & development of relationships? Is the dialogue
speakable not just readable—does it aid the actors rather than hinder them? Is the language active & colorful—does it
maintain interest, come alive in the space, & propel the play forward? Is the writing economical? Does the play sound
more alive than “written”?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dull, flat language Some good writing, but Language usually Interesting, believable Striking use of
sounds “written” appropriate; dialogue language throughout; language; dialogue is
often colorful & alive dialogue consistently dynamic and/or
strong sparkling

Does play create a theatrical experience, rather than a staged story? Does it show more than tell? Does writer explore
possibilities of stage and/or work well within its limitations? Does play work on an imaginative as well as literal level?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lacks Theatricality Some theatricality Many interesting Involving throughout Highly Imaginative
moments theatre

Total Effect
What is overall effect, essence, distinctive impression, condition actualized of complete piece? What is effect of
charisma, sparkle, magic? Did play hold audience’s interest to the end? Did it compare favorably with non-original

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Little effect Some effect Good effect Strong effect Magic

Respondent Name: ____________________ Theatre: ________ Track ______ Total points: ________

Day: ______________ Time: _______________

Last Updated: 1/13/2016

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