Position and Competency Profile

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______ Revision Code: 00

Department of Education

Position Title Chief Education Supervisor Salary Grade 24

Parenthetical Title Chief Education Supervisor
Office Unit School Operations and Governance Division Effectivity Date
Reports to Schools Division Superintendent Page/s
Position Supervised EPS, SMME, SMN, HRD, PR OPEN
To provide strategic direction and technical inputs to the management of the schools division towards effective and efficient governance and operation of the schools and learning centers and in being
accountable for its organizational effectiveness

To lead and manage the work of the team that will help ensure that Schools Division have the resources, technical assistance and are able to implement sustainable programs and projects to help schools
establish and manage conducive learning environment and ensure learner readiness to learn.

A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Masters degree in Education or other relevant Masters degree
Experience 4 years of relevant experience involving management and supervision
Eligibility RA 1080 (Teacher)
Trainings 24 hours training in management and supervision
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

PLANS, PROGRAMS and PROJECTS  Policy recommendation on school and learning centers  Submit to the Schools division management, policy recommendations to improve the
governance and operation governance and operation of school and learning centres
 Plans and strategies towards efficient and effective governance  Recommend plans and strategies towards efficient and effective governance and operations of
and operations of schools and learning centers schools and learning centers.
 Concept Papers and Program proposals to respond to needs  Review and recommend for approval Concept Paper s, Program and Project Proposals to
related to special programs, governance and operation by respond to needs related to special programs, governance and operation by Schools and
Schools and Learning Centers. Learning Centers.
 Schools Division initiated programs related to providing  Recommend to management, Schools Division initiated programs related to providing education
education support to schools and learning centers support to schools and learning centers to respond to immediate needs of schools and learning
 Report on the progress implementation of planned programs centers.
 Report on progress implementation of Division planned  Present to management, status and progress reports of Schools Division initiated programs for
programs and projects and achievement of expected education management support and action.
outcomes of the Division Education Development Plan (DEDP)
 Report on Organizational Effectiveness of the Division
PARTNERS AND DONORS  Partners in education with MOA/MOU  Review and evaluate partnership proposals to strengthen education support services and
 Recommendations for localized policies/standards for recommend to the SDS, the signing of partnership agreements (MOA/MOU/Contracts) with
engaging partners donors and partners.
 Sustained relationships of partners for increased support to  Review and recommend to the SDS localized policies/standards for engaging educational
basic education partners that will protect DepED interest and values.
 Finalize and recommend approval for implementation initiatives to sustain relationships of
partners to maintain continuous support.
SCHOOL COMPLIANCE TO QUALITY  Complete portfolio of documents of schools requesting to  Reviews documents submitted by schools requesting to operate to check for completeness
STANDARDS (Public and Private) operate for submission to the regional office reviewed and before endorsement of SDS to the regional office.
endorsed to SDS.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT  Strategic Directions for the conduct of Action Research in the  Review research requirements arising from issues and challenges, M&E reports, etc and
Division recommend to the division management, the strategic directions for the conduct of Action
 Policy Recommendations based on results of Action Research Research in the Division
 Submit recommendations for policy issuances to support school governance based on results of
Action Research
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO  Consolidated needs of Schools and Learning Center related to  Ensure the provision of technical assistance to the schools by responding to the identified
SCHOOLS AND LEARNING CENTERS Governance and Operation needs of the schools and learning centers in relation to governance and operations
 TA plan and reports
 Policy recommendations based on TA Reports

Attitudes and Traits/ Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Advocacy Adaptability Planning Accountability
clarity -Understanding Others -Oral -Conceptual skills Accuracy Analytical Organizing Integrity/ Ethics
-Proactive -Interpersonal Communication/Speaking -Critical thinking Care and Concern Assertive Leading Vision/ Strategy
-Continuous self-improvement Sensitivity -Written Communication skills Cleanliness and Decisive Delegating Results Focus
-Time management -Rapport Building Skills -Analytical thinking Orderliness Diplomacy Coaching Judgment
-Stress management -Relationship Building -Technical Writing -Problem Solving Confidentiality Energy Managing Change Passion/ Optimism
-Management of personal -Working with teams -Presentation Skills -Strategic Thinking Courtesy Flexibility Performance Management Building teams
resources -Conflict management -Facilitating skills -Decision Making Cost-consciousness Honesty Program/ Project Management Cares for/ Develops
-Networking -Organizational -Judgment or Integrity Initiative others
-Partnership building Communication Discernment Persistence Organized
-Negotiating -Innovation and Quality Orientation Stress
-Influencing Creativity Results-orientation Tolerance
-Collaboration -Resourcefulness Safety Tenacity
-Organizational -Objectivity Consciousness
Sensitivity -Intellectual Service Orientation
-Organizational Versatility Work Standards
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Engineer III Salary Grade 19

Parenthetical Title Engineer III
Office Unit Education Facilities Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor (SGOD) Page/s
Position Supervised OPEN
Provide technical services for schools, learning centers, and the schools division office to have a physical environment that is conducive to effective teaching, learning and working by ensuring
access to adequate, structurally and physically safe buildings, grounds and facilities according to the requirements and standards of an education and work facility that is environmentally
sustainable, hazard free, gender sensitive and friendly to people with disability.
It also provides services to the following offices
 Schools Division Superintendent for the purpose of
- Providing updated report on the structural integrity of all school buildings and facilities
- Informing the Superintendent on how the school buildings are constructed, whether or not
- Standards and specifications of the DepEd are strictly followed
 Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) for the purpose of
- Ensuring the accurateness and correctness of technical documents submitted by the contractors
 Planning Office for the purpose of
- Providing accurate and updated data from the schools for the purpose of analyzing school needs
 Legal Office for the purpose of
- Providing a list of schools with or without titles
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelors degree in Engineering relevant to the job
Experience 2 years of relevant experience
Eligibility Eligibility RA 1080 (Engineer/Architect)
Trainings 8 hours of relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

Site Inspection  Assessment of School Site’s Safety and Security Condition  Conduct site inspection and appraisal through ocular inspection and
(including report after disaster) assessment against standards, in order to determine the topography and
availability of buildable space and volume of cut and fill to be included in
the program of work
 Conduct site inspection of areas affected by disasters to determine extent
 School Site appraisal report for the following: of damage and repair needed.
- New construction, and repair of  Prepare school site appraisal reports on
educational facilities - new construction, and repair of
- Preservation of heritage school educational facilities
buildings - preservation of heritage school
- Inventory of existing school Buildings
buildings - Inventory of existing school buildings
for planning and budgeting purposes.
BAC Procurement Activities  Evaluation of Accuracy of Contractor’s submission of:  Examine the accuracy of the technical documents to determine the lowest
- Technical documents bidder by calculating the amount of bids using the program of works and
- Program of works specifications.
 Conduct pre construction conference to all the contractors and school
heads to iron out problems that may arise in the implementation stage.
 Provide Technical Assistance to the School Heads in the procurement
process of School Based Repair and Maintenance Scheme by providing the
Program of Works as guide in the implementation.
 Conduct monitoring on the implementation of the SBRMS to recipient
schools through ocular inspection.
Construction  Pre Construction Conference Orientation with SHs and  Conduct “Pre-Construction Conference Orientation” with School Heads and
Contractors Contractors to inform them of the ------
 Material Testing Conducted and Reported  Conduct testing of delivered materials to check for adherence to standards
 Construction Progress Assessed and Reported and report to concerned parties to take corrective action as needed.
 Safety Compliance Assessed and Reported  Assess on a periodic basis the progress of construction work and report to
concerned parties to take corrective action as needed to ensure adherence
to program of works, quality standards, and time schedule for completion.
 Conduct ocular inspection of construction sites to assess compliance to
safety standards and report to concerned parties to take corrective action
as needed.
Facilities Repair  Program of Works  Prepare program of works for minor facilities repair to guide the activities
 Procurement Activities and procurement of materials and labor.
 Evaluation Report  Guide the procurement of materials and labor for the repair work to ensure
adherence to cost and quality requirements.
 Evaluate the repair work made and recommend payment upon completion
of work according to work and cost specifications.
Final Inspection  Punchlist  Conduct punchlist to projects with 95% status of accomplishment for
 Certificate of completion and acceptance rectification so that defects can be corrected before issuing the Certificate
 Documents for the turnover of the project of Completion and Turn Over.
 Issue “Certificate of Completion and Acceptance” on construction projects
that are finished and meet quality standards.
 Prepare the documents for the turnover of the project for signature of
concerned parties and filing for future reference.
Preservation of Heritage Buildings  Inventory of heritage buildings  Conduct appraisal and create an inventory of Heritage Buildings through
 Building Appraisal actual inspection to determine the status of structure for preservation and
 Preservation Initiatives and Accomplishment Reports required intervention of the Central Office for budgeting purposes.
 Document preservation initiatives and prepare progress and
accomplishment reports to inform management of utilization of resources
and additional requirements.
Demolition and Condemnation of  Building Appraisal  Appraise buildings identified for demolition and recommend demolition of
Education Building  Building inspection report such by submitting a “Building Inspection Report”.
 Demolition documents submitted to the SDS Office  Monitor the demolition work and ensure adherence to safety standards by
 Prepare and submit demolition documents to the SDS Office and keep a
copy in file for future reference.
School Mapping, Inventory of School  School and Vicinity Maps  Coordinate the drafting of School and Vicinity Maps with technical staff and
Buildings and Educational Facilities  Consolidated data on school inspection gathered from site check for accuracy to serve as reference for school improvement plans.
inspections  Consolidated data on school inspection gathered from site inspections and
 Updated data requested for planning and implementation ensure accurate encoding into the education data information system.
purposes  Gather updated data as requested for planning and implementation
 Needs of Schools vis Facilities purposes.
 Identify needs of schools with regard facilities and input into the technical
assistance plans of the SDO technical assistance teams.
School Titling  List of schools with or without title 
 Proofs of site ownership
 Reports on Status of Schools for School Titling
Files and Records  Data of educational facilities for DRRMC reference  Create and maintain a databank of all constructed, repaired, demolished,
 Copies of POW, inspection reports and Bidding Documents preserved buildings for inventory purposes and compiling all bidding
of all DepEd projects documents, orogram of works, inspection reports, deed of donations, Titles
 Copies of Deed of Donations, Acceptance of educational Certificate of Completion and Acceptance of projects implemented.
facilities  Maintain data on educational facilities for DRRMC reference
 Maintain copies of POW, inspection reports and Bidding Documents of all
DepEd projects
 Maintain duplicate copies of Deed of Donations, Acceptance of Educational
Facilities and other such documents needed for reference in future building
and construction and repair projects.

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Concept Attitude Aptitude Skills Knowledge Managem Leadership
Effectiveness) Effectiveness ual Skills ent

Self-Awareness and Personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Accuracy Attention to detail Ability to handle and Knowledge to handle Planning Integrity / Ethics
Clarity -Understanding -Oral -Conceptual skills Analytical Advocacy lead people and lead people Organizing Visioning /
Personal Effectiveness Others Communication/Speaki -Critical thinking Assertive Care and Leading Strategy
Proactivity Ability to calculate Knowledge in Delegating Results Focus
-Interpersonal ng skills Decisive Concern
Personal Leadership using the different Mathematical Coaching Judgment
Sensitivity -Written -Analytical thinking Deference to Cleanliness and field and areas of
Continuous Self-Improvement calculation Managing Passion /
-Rapport Building Communication Skills -Problem Solving authority Orderliness mathematics Optimism
Time Management Change
-Relationship Building -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Diplomacy Confidentiality Performan Building the
Stress Tolerance Knowledge in site
-Working with teams -Presentation Skills -Decision Making Energy Courtesy Ability to appraise appraisal and ce Team
Management of personal and analyze the Managem Cares
-Conflict management -Facilitating skills -Judgment or Flexibility Cost topographic analysis
resources topography of a ent For/Develops
-Networking -Organizational Discernment Honesty Consciousness
certain site Project Others
-Partnership building Communication -Innovation and Initiative Integrity Knowledge in
Managem Accountability
-Negotiating - Non-verbal Creativity Organized Persistence estimating and
Ability to estimate ent
Communication -Resourcefulness Quality designing
-Influencing Risk Taking from a given plan
-Collaboration - giving feedback -Objectivity Tenacity Orientation and design given the
standards and Knowledge in
-Organizational -Intellectual Reliability Results
specifications conducting seminars
Sensitivity Versatility Orientation and orientation activities
-Organizational - observation Service
Ability to handle
Understanding - logical thinking Orientation seminar or Knowledge in reading
Work Standards orientation activities structural plans and
Numeracy for a given purpose other structures

Ability to read Knowledge in

structural plans evaluating the structural
stability of buildings and
Ability to evaluate other structures
the stability of a
building Knowledge in dealing
with different kinds of
Proficient in the use people with different
of MS Excel types of personalities

Proficient in the use Knowledge in using

of MS Word surveying instruments

Basic literacy in Knowledge in

using MS calculating areas of land
Powerpoint using DMD and DPD
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Senior Education Program Specialist Salary Grade 19

Parenthetical Title School Management Monitoring and Evaluation
Office Unit SGOD Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised EPSII OPEN
To provide technical support in implementing quality management systems in the schools division office, the schools and learning centers and monitor adherence to standards and policies towards effective
and efficient delivery of quality basic education.

To lead districts and schools/learning centers in the implementation of an M&E system to monitor their progress
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent and completion of academic requirements for master's degree relevant to the job
Experience 2 years experience in education, research, development, implementation or other relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080
Career Service (Professional) Appropriate Eligibility for Second Level Position
Trainings 8 hours training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  Report on quality assurance processes on:  Prepare and submit report of findings on implementation of quality assurance processes on:
- School Planning  School Planning
- School Based Management  School Based Management
- Implementation of Programs & Projects  Implementation of Programs & Projects as basis for continuous improvement.
 Define the approach and methods to validate division (SDO)report on Schools Achievements
and Learning outcomes and submit report on findings.
 Validated division (SDO)reports on School  Monitor performance of the Schools Division along:
Achievements and Learning outcomes  TA to schools and LCs
 Equitable Distribution of educational resources to schools and LCs and submit reports to
 Monitoring reports on the performance of the Schools be able to identify areas for improvement.
Division along:  Prepare report/documents on best practices with regard school management and governance
- TA to schools and LCs for sharing and benchmarking purposes and inputs to recognition
- Equitable Distribution of educational
resources to schools and LCs
 Report/Documents on best practices for sharing and
benchmarking purposes
ASSESSMENT  M&E Report on the implementation of Division  Design the approach and methods for gathering data and prepare a report on the monitoring
assessment program aligned to national and evaluation result of the implementation of Division assessment program aligned to national
assessment framework assessment framework
 Report on Validated/Authenticated assessment  Validate/ authenticate assessment strategies and tools for utilization by schools, in classrooms
and learning centers and submit report to SDO management on its utilization and result of
strategies and tools for schools, classrooms and
LCs use utilization.
 Report on assessment results for tracking  Prepare and submit report on assessment results for tracking learner progress and for grading
progress and for grading purposes. purpose to establish validity and reliability of method.
 M&E Report on the conduct of national, regional Conduct monitoring and evaluation ofthe conduct of national, regional and division assessment
tests to identify issues and concerns arising and help improve the process.
and Division assessment
 Prepare and implement process for monitoring and evaluating the organizational effectiveness
 M&E Report on Organizational Effectiveness of
of the schools division office and submit a report to document process and recommendations for
the Division continuous improvement.
SCHOOL COMPLIANCE TO QUALITY  Information, Education and Advocacy Programs  Information, Education and Advocacy Programs and Materials to Accreditation Standards
STANDARDS (Public and Private) and Materials to Accreditation Standards  Validated documents of schools requesting permit to operate
 Validated documents of schools requesting  Complete portfolio of documents of schools requesting to operate for submission to the
permit to operate regional office.
 Complete portfolio of documents of schools
requesting to operate for submission to the
regional office.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT  Action research on factors contributing to  Conduct action research on factors contributing to successful implementation of programs and
successful implementation of programs and projects in schools to provide information for continuous improvement.
projects in schools
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO SCHOOLS AND  Reports on provision ofTA on:  Provide Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres by responding to the
LEARNING CENTER - Utilization of Assessment Result identified needs on the above areas
- Curriculum implementation and Localization
- SBM Installation in all schools
- Assessment of SBM Level of Practice
- SBM M&E implementation in schools
- Implementation of National and Regional
programs & projects
 Utilization of assessment and evaluation of
results of all programs and projects

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Attention to detail Adaptability Planning Accountability
clarity -Understanding -Oral -Conceptual skills Advocacy Analytical Organizing Integrity/ Ethics
-Proactive Others Communication/Speaking -Critical thinking Accuracy Assertive Leading
-Continuous self-improvement -Interpersonal -Written Communication skills Care and Concern Decisive Delegating
-Time management Sensitivity Skills -Analytical thinking Cleanliness and Diplomacy Coaching
-Stress management -Rapport Building -Technical Writing -Problem Solving Orderliness Energy Managing
-Management of personal -Relationship -Presentation Skills -Strategic Thinking Confidentiality Flexibility Change
resources Building -Facilitating skills -Decision Making Courtesy Honesty Program/
-Working with teams -Non-verbal -Judgment or Cost-consciousness Initiative Project
-Conflict communication Discernment Integrity Organized Management
management -Organizational -Innovation and Persistence Numeracy
-Networking Communication Creativity Quality Orientation Tenacity
-Partnership building -Resourcefulness Results-orientation
-Negotiating -Objectivity Safety
-Influencing Consciousness
-Collaboration Service Orientation
-Organizational Work Standards
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Senior Education Program Specialist Salary Grade 19

Parenthetical Title Social Mobilization and Networking
Office Unit SGOD Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised EPSII OPEN

To provide technical support in strengthening and sustaining relationships and collaboration of education partners and stakeholders, and mobilizing resources; and providing technical assistance to
support special programs and projects towards increasing access to and enhancing the delivery of quality basic education.
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent and completion of academic requirements for master's degree relevant to the job
Experience 2 years experience in education, research, development, implementation or other relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080
Career Service (Professional) Appropriate Eligibility for Second Level Position
Trainings 8 hours training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

RESOURCING (for Special Programs and  Advocacy campaign programs  Prepare and implement advocacy campaign programs to increase awareness of
Projects: e.g. Adopt a School Program, Funding  Analysis of partners stakeholders and gather resource support for basic education.
Resource for School-Based training for teachers)  Final Draft of Partnership proposals  Monitor progress and outcome of projects and partners to identify areas for continuous
 Final Draft of MOA/MOU improvement and sustaining partnerships and submit report to the SDS.
 Prepare final draft of partnership proposals for recommendation to the SDS.
 Prepare final draft of Memorandum of Agreement/ Understanding for recommendation to the
SUSTAINED PARTNERSHIPS  Finalized Updates to stakeholders  Finalize write up and provide updates to stakeholders on the status and progress of
 Report on Programs supported by Stakeholders programs and projects to provide feedback and generate continuous support.
(existing and New Ones)  Prepare and submit Report on Programssupported by Stakeholders (existing and New
 Final Report of Accomplishments of Programs Ones) to the management of the schools division as feedback on the progress and status of
supported by stakeholders the program as well as the resource requirements of school.
 Prepare and provide Final Report of Accomplishments of Programs supported by
stakeholders to provide feedback and generate continuous support
 Monitor and ensure implementation of policies, standards, and guidelines for outcomes-
focused resource mobilization to maintain the integrity and credibility of the schools division
to its partners and stakeholders.
 Design approach and method for monitoring implementation of programs and projects
focused on resource mobilization and submit report to management to provide feedback and
generate continuous support.
Implementation of policies, standards, and  Monitoring report with recommendations for 
guidelines for outcomes-focused resource improvement on the implementation of programs and
mobilization projects focused on resource mobilization
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT  Action research on utilization of educational resources  Conduct action research on factors contributing to successful participation and provision of
resources for school governance

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  Needs of Schools and Learning Center related to  Provide Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres by responding to the identified
resources and support from stakeholders needs of the schools and learning centers in relation to social mobilization and governance
 Interventions provided and operations
 Documentation Report on the status of accomplishmentof
Technical Assistance intervention
 Monitoring & Evaluation Tool
 Reports on Analyzed Monitoring Results
 Recommendations

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Attention to detail Adaptability Planning Accountability
clarity -Understanding -Oral -Conceptual skills Advocacy Analytical Organizing Integrity/ Ethics
-Proactive Others Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Accuracy Assertive Leading
-Continuous self-improvement -Interpersonal ing skills Care and Concern Decisive Delegating
-Time management Sensitivity -Written -Analytical thinking Confidentiality Deference to Coaching
-Stress management -Rapport Building Communication Skills -Problem Solving Courtesy Authority Managing
-Management of personal -Relationship -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Cost-consciousness Diplomacy Change
resources Building -Presentation Skills -Decision Making Integrity Energy Program/
-Working with teams -Facilitating skills -Judgment or Persistence Flexibility Project
-Conflict -Non-verbal Discernment Quality Orientation Honesty Management
management communication -Innovation and Results-orientation Initiative
-Networking -Organizational Creativity Safety Organized
-Partnership building Communication -Resourcefulness Consciousness Tenacity
-Negotiating -Objectivity Service Orientation
-Influencing -Intellectual Work Standards
-Collaboration Versatility
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Senior Education Program Specialist Salary Grade 19

Parenthetical Title Senior Education Program Specialist
Office Unit SGOD/Planning Unit Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised OPEN AFTER “FOR PLACEMENT”

To provide technical support and inputs in the preparation and updating of the school division’s 6-year strategic plan and annual work plans

To provide technical assistance in the preparation of the strategic and operational work plans of schools and learning centers, and of the units in the division office.
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent and completion of academic requirements for master's degree relevant to the job
Experience 2 years experience in education, research, development, implementation or other relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080
Career Service (Professional) Appropriate Eligibility for Second Level Position
Trainings 8 hours training
B. Preferred Qualifications: Basic knowledge in ICT
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

PLANNING FRAME, SYSTEMS, and PLANS  Inputs to the first draft of the School Division’s Strategic and
 Provide technical inputs and support to the crafting of the first draft of the School Division’s
Operational Plans (6-year DEDP and SDO annual work and
Strategic and Operational Plans (6-year DEDP and SDO annual work and financial plans)
financial plans) to facilitate the crafting of the plan for the Schools Division.
 Final Draft of Division Education development plan
 Prepare the final draft of the school division’s strategic plan (DEDP) based on output of the
 Annual Implementation Plan adjusted Division Planning Team for review of the Chief of Governance and Operation and approval
of the SDS.
 Monitoring and Evaluation Reports on Planning System
Implementation  Prepare the final draft of the Annual Implementation Plan and subsequent adjustments
based on the output of the Division Planning Team for review of the Chief Governance and
 Recommendations for policy formulation on matters relevant
Operation and approval of the SDS.
to education planning system, planning standards & criteria,
 Develop approach and method for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the
and planning processes based on action research
planning system at the Schools Division Office and in schools and learning centers towards
continuous improvement of the system.
 Assess reports and data gathered on the planning system and submit recommendations for
policy formulation on matters relevant to education planning system, planning standards
and criteria, and planning processes based on action research.
 Coordinate preparation by the Planning Team of the Annual Accomplishment Report
against plans of the schools division for submission to the management of the schools
BASIC EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM (E-  Descriptive and analytical report of processed basic  Prepare descriptive and analytical reports of processed basic education data and its
BEIS) MAINTENANCE AND REPORT GENERATION education data to be used in planning implications, to be used as basis for facts-based and data driven planning and decision
 Consolidated requirements of schools and learning making.
centers validated  Consolidate, analyze, and validate requirements of schools and learning centers as basis
for reliable and accurate resource allocation.
 Lead in designing, coordinating and implementing policy and planning research studies as
identified by M&E reports, TA reports, the management of the schools division, schools
and learning centers.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  TA reports on the needs of the SDO, schools and learning  Provide Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres by responding to the
centers with regard planning. identified needs in relation to planning and other matters on governance and operations
 TA interventions on identified needs of schools division,
schools, and learning centers with regard planning.

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Relationship -Listening -Learning to Learn Attention to detail Adaptability Planning Accountability
clarity Building -Oral -Conceptual skills Advocacy Analytical Organizing Integrity/ Ethics
-Proactive -Working with teams Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Accuracy Assertive Leading Vision/ Strategy
-Continuous self-improvement -Conflict ing skills Care and Concern Decisive Delegating Results Focus
-Time management management -Written -Analytical thinking Cleanliness and Diplomacy Coaching Judgment
-Stress Management -Networking Communication Skills -Problem Solving Orderliness Energy Managing Passion/
-Management of personal -Partnership building -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Confidentiality Flexibility Change Optimism
resources -Negotiating -Presentation Skills -Decision Making Courtesy Honesty Performance Building teams
-Influencing -Facilitating skills -Judgment or Cost-consciousness Initiative Management Cares for/
-Collaboration -Organizational Discernment Integrity Organized Program/ Develops others
-Organizational Communication -Innovation and Persistence Numeracy Project
Sensitivity Creativity Quality Orientation Tenacity Management
-Organizational -Resourcefulness Results-orientation
Understanding -Objectivity Safety
-Intellectual Consciousness
Versatility Service Orientation
Work Standards
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Senior Education Program Specialist Salary Grade 19

Parenthetical Title Senior Education Program Specialist
Office Unit SGOD/HRD Unit Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised OPEN
To provide technical support in the implementation of a strategic HRD plan, operationalize the HRD systems, develop its components to suit local situation, and provide technical assistance to the
schools division through the TA teams, in order to deliver quality and sustainable HRD services towards acquisition and development of competent personnel in the region.

To provide technical assistance in the preparation of the HR strategic and operational plans of schools and learning centers, and of the units in the division office
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor's degree in Education or its equivalent and completion of academic requirements for master's degree relevant to the job
Experience 2 years experience in education, research, development, implementation or other relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080
Career Service (Professional) Appropriate Eligibility for Second Level Position
Trainings 8 hours training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

HR STRATEGIC PLANS AND POLICIES  Recommendations for policy formulation along HRD  Review and analyze researches, M&E Reports and identify HRD related issues and findings and
programs and their implementation based on research submit recommendations for policy directions in the formulation on HRD programs and their
and benchmark study data .implementation.
 HR management and development needs assessment  Conduct an assessment of the human resource development situation and needs of the Schools
and situation analysis findings Division Office, schools and learning centers, to provide basis for HRD plans and programs.
 HRD Plans for the staff of the Schools Division Office  Coordinate the preparation of a Human Resource Development Plan for the Schools Division to
(SDO) and of School Heads in the Division. ensure the availability of competent personnel in the schools division when needed.
 Results of assessment of professional and  Determine professional and competency development needs of individual personnel in the
A. HR Development Plans competency development needs of employees schools division by implementing the system designed for such , in order to arrive at profiles on
 HR Development Plans (including professional and individual and group competency development needs.
career development plans of employees) Implement system for preparing HR Development Plans (including professional and career
development plans of employees) of personnel of the schools division.
B. HR Development Interventions  Calendar of Training and Development Programs  Determine the competency development needs of personnel in the Schools Division and identify
(Annual) including SDO initiated programs those which can be responded to by training.
 Training and development program designs and  Identify (internal and external) training providers (including NEAP-R), resource speakers and
packages facilitators, and prepare contract for design and conduct of training.
 Training and development programs conducted  Prepare a “Calendar of Training and Development Programs” offering to division personnel to help
 Career development programs them determine and schedule their attendance.
 Career Paths for teaching and non-teaching positions  Prepare training and development program designs and packages (may be from NEAP-R) to be
in the schools division office offered regularly to schools division personnel.
 Conduct training programs (including career development programs) regularly offered to schools
division personnel .
 Design Career Paths for teaching and non-teaching positions in the schools division office to guide
personnel in their career goals setting and development.
C. Scholarship and Professional  Sourcing of Scholarship programs  Build and maintain network of institutions providing opportunities for Scholarship Programs to get
Program Coordination  Candidate pool of scholars and final list of scholars updates on offerings
 Orientation of scholars  Disseminate to school division personnel opportunities for scholarships and accept applications.
 Tracking and follow through on the scholarship  Coordinate the screening and selection of applicants with SDO management to arrive at a final list
programs and scholars of scholars
 Coordinate with institutions confirmed scholars and documentary requirements to facilitate
availment of the scholarship
 Coordinate/ conduct orientation of scholar to ensure awareness of the conditions of the scholarship
and expectations of the agency from the scholar
 Coordinate and maintain communication and moral support to the scholar (before, during, and after
scholarship) to help them complete their scholarship.
 Monitor, evaluate and submit report on the status and progress of scholars, and the benefits of the
scholarship programs to the agency.
D. Training and Development Records  Operational TDIS : training and development records  Coordinate the installation and ensure continuous operation and maintenance of the TDIS
and reports and systems maintenance  Supervise encoding of training records in the TDIS to ensure accuracy
 Guide the generation of reports and analyze data and its implications in order to provide
management with information and feedback on the implementation of training and development n
the schools division.
E. SUCCESSION and EXIT  Succession Plan/ candidate pool for critical positions in  Coordinate the implementation of succession planning system in order to create a candidate pool
the SDO for critical positions in the SDO
 Leadership Development programs for high potential  Coordinate the implementation of Leadership Development programs for high potential employees
employees to build a pool of leaders in the SDO
 Retirement programs  Coordinate the implementation of retirement programs for employees due for retirement to prepare
 Exit Interview Reports them and the organization for the transition.
 Design and implement process for gathering data from resigning personnel to get feedback on
factors that helped or hindered employees in the performance of his/her work and implications
towards continuous improvement in the work climate and in the workplace.
EMPLOYEES WELFARE  Assessment of welfare needs of employees  Design and implement process for gathering data on welfare needs of employees.
 Programs to respond to the welfare needs of various  Propose, design, and implement (upon approval), programs to respond to the welfare needs of
employee groups various employee groups.
 Reward and recognition programs concept and  Review, propose and coordinate implementation of reward and recognition programs
guidelines  Conduct monitoring and evaluation of employee welfare programs and submits report on status,
 Monitoring of implementation of employee welfare progress, and impact to provide feedback to management.
programs  Conduct monitoring and evaluation of results of implementation of rewards and recognition
 Monitoring results of implementation of rewards and programs and submit report on status, progress, and impact in order to provide feedback to
recognition programs management
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  TA reports on the needs of the SDO, schools and  Provide Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres by responding to the identified
learning centers. needs in relation to HRD and other matters on governance and operations
 TA interventions on identified HRD needs of schools
division, schools, and learning centers

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Advocacy Adaptability Human Resource Planning Accountability
clarity -Understanding -Oral -Conceptual skills Care and Concern Analytical Management Organizing Integrity/ Ethics
-Proactive Others Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Cleanliness and Assertive Leading Vision/ Strategy
Human Resource
-Continuous self-improvement -Interpersonal ing skills Orderliness Decisive Development Delegating Results Focus
-Time management Sensitivity -Written -Analytical thinking Confidentiality Diplomacy Coaching Judgment
-Stress management -Rapport Building Communication Skills -Problem Solving Courtesy Energy Employee Welfare Managing Passion/
-Management of personal -Relationship -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Cost-consciousness Flexibility Change Optimism
Facilitating Group Process
resources Building -Presentation Skills -Innovation and Integrity Honesty Performance Building teams
-Working with teams -Facilitating skills Creativity Persistence Initiative Management Cares for/
-Collaboration -Non-verbal -Resourcefulness Quality Orientation Organized Program/ Develops others
-Organizational communication -Objectivity Results-orientation Tenacity Project
Sensitivity -Organizational Service Orientation Management
-Organizational Communication Work Standards
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Planning Officer III Salary Grade 18

Parenthetical Title Planning Officer III
Office Unit SGOD/Planning Unit Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised FOR PLACEMENT

To provide descriptive and summary statistics and information that will be utilized for planning, budgeting, report preparation and policy direction as well as, ensure basic education data quality and access by
intended users

To monitor and evaluate implementation of policies and guidelines related to planning and education and data management systems by the schools and learning centers.
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor’s Degree relevant to the job
Experience 2 years relevant experience
Eligibility Career Service (Professional) Second Level Eligibility
Trainings 8 hours relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications: Basic knowledge in ICT
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

PLANS AND BUDGET  Data and statistics for Division Education Development  Prepare analyzed data, statistics, and performance reports as inputs to the division’s strategic
Plan (DEDP)/Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) provided education plan (Division Education Development Plan) and operation plan (Annual
 Report on status of plan implementation prepared Implementation Plan)
 Initial Draft of Division Education Development Plan  Coordinate the preparation and submission of a status and progress report on plan
 Annual Implementation Plan updated implementation to inform management on action needed towards plan accomplishment.
 Annual Plan and Budget prepared and submitted  Coordinate the preparation of the initial draft of the strategic plan of the schools division
 Budget Accountability Reports (BAR) (DEDP) by the Division Planning Team.
 Assist in the preparation of the final draft of the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) and
 Annual Implementation Plan adjusted
subsequent adjustments based on the output of the Division Planning Team for review of the
 Annual Plan and Budget prepared and submitted Chief Governance and Operation and approval of the SDS.
 Division statistical reports validated and prepared
 Provide inputs on the budgetary requirements of the Annual Plan and in the preparation of the
 Critical resources, such as teachers, classrooms,
Budget Accountability Reports (BAR)
furniture and textbooks equitably distributed
together with the Budget Officer.
 Accomplishment Reports(physical and financial,
prepared together with Budget)  Recommend strategy for the equitable distribution of critical resources (e.g. teachers,
classrooms, furniture, textbooks) based on summary and consolidation of human, financial,
capital resource requirements of schools and learning centers (e.g. teachers, textbooks,
chairs, classrooms, etc) for management decision.
 Provide technical support to the Division Planning Team in the preparation of the Annual
Accomplishment Report of the schools division for submission to Regional Management.
BASIC EDUCATION INFORMATION SYSTEM  Processed basic education data to be used in planning  Review and analyze education data (e.g. performance indicators, resource requirements) and
(E-BEIS) MAINTENANCE AND REPORT  Consolidated requirements of schools and learning its implications to education management and operation as basis for setting targets, defining
GENERATION centers strategies, and selecting/ deigning programs.
 Data inputs for planning of resource allocations (Critical  Prepare a summary and consolidation of human, financial, capital resource requirements of
resources, such as teachers, classrooms, furniture and schools and learning centers (e.g. teachers, textbooks, chairs, classrooms, etc) as inputs to
textbooks) budgeting and resource mobilization.
 Division statistical reports validated  Validate statistical reports of Schools Division, schools and learning centers by checking
 Division basic education data/ information generated and historical records, related documents and triangulating with other data source, to ensure
provided to stakeholders accuracy of data.
 Timely, accurate and relevant basic education statistics  Generate data and reports on the School Division basic education data/ information and
disseminated to stakeholders provide to internal and external stakeholders
 Critical inputs served as bases for the management’s  Prepare reports related to planning as may be required by the Central and Regional Offices,
strategic and operational decisions and other partner organizations
 Division/ schools research prepared and implemented  Assist in designing, coordinating and implementing policy and planning research studies as
identified by M&E reports, TA reports, the management of the schools division, schools and
learning centers.
CAPABILITY BUILDING  Management of Schools Division Office, schools and  Design and implement training program for the management of Schools Division Office,
learning centers trained and capacitated to operate and schools and learning centers to capacitate or enable them to operate and utilize web – based
utilize web – based systems systems to generate information for planning and decision making.
 Provide continuing technical support to users of the web-based education information system
(eBEIS) by responding to their queries and coaching them on its maintenance and utilization.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  Data gathered on the needs of the SDO, schools and  Provide Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres by responding to the identified
learning centers with regard planning. needs in relation to planning and other matters on governance and operations
 Inputs and technical support to TA interventions on
identified needs of schools division ,schools, and learning
centers with regard planning.

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Relationship -Listening -Learning to Learn Attention to detail Adaptability Knows basic planning Planning (own Accountability
clarity Building -Oral -Conceptual skills Advocacy Analytical concepts and processes in work) Integrity/ Ethics
making operational plans
-Proactive -Working with teams Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Accuracy Assertive Organizing Vision/ Strategy
-Continuous self-improvement -Conflict ing skills Care and Concern Decisive Knows the agency’s Managing Results Focus
-Time management management -Written -Analytical thinking Confidentiality Diplomacy mandate, vision, mission, Change Judgment
-Stress management -Networking Communication Skills -Problem Solving Courtesy Energy thrusts and direction Program/
-Management of personal -Partnership building -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Cost-consciousness Flexibility Project
resources -Negotiating -Presentation Skills -Decision Making Integrity Honesty Management
-Influencing -Facilitating skills -Judgment or Persistence Initiative
-Collaboration -Organizational Discernment Quality Orientation Organized
-Organizational Communication -Innovation and Results-orientation Numeracy
Sensitivity Creativity Safety Tenacity
-Organizational -Resourcefulness Consciousness
Understanding -Objectivity Service Orientation
-Intellectual Work Standards
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Education Program Specialist II Salary Grade 16

Parenthetical Title Education Program Specialist II
Office Unit SGOD/HRD Unit Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised OPEN

To assist the Chief and Education Program Supervisors in maintaining systems and implementing its components in order to ensure delivery of quality and sustainable HRD services
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor's degree in Education or its Equivalent
Experience 2 years experience in education, research, development, implementation or other relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080
(Career Service (Professional) Appropriate Eligibility for Second Level Position
Trainings 4 hours relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

HR STRATEGIC PLANS AND POLICIES  Research and benchmark studies data  Gather data from reports, research findings and benchmark studies data as inputs to HRD
 HR Needs assessment and situation analysis data needs assessment and findings as basis for HRD plans and programs.
 Assist in preparing report on HR development needs and situation analysis to facilitate by
providing the facts and data gathered
 Assist in the preparation of a Human Resource Development Plan for the Schools Division to
ensure the availability of competent personnel in the schools division when needed.

A. Researches and Studies  Data gathered of professional and competency  Provide technical support in identifying professional and competency development needs of
development needs of employees individual personnel in the schools division, implementing the system designed for such , in
 Research inputs for curriculum of Programs for the order to arrive at profiles on individual and group competency development needs.
various job groups of the schools division  Provide technical support in implementing system for preparing HR Development Plans
(including professional and career development plans of employees) of personnel of the
schools division.

B. Training and Career Development  Training and career development manuals and handouts  Customize training and career development manuals and handouts packaging to make it
Materials and Logistical Support packaging applicable to the SDO situation and requirements.
 Training and development materials produced  Reproduce in print or electronic format training and development materials to be used as
 Training and development programs logistical support reference by participants.
 Prepare training venue and logistical requirements or coordinate venue arrangements to
ensure a physical environment conducive to learning.
C. Scholarship and Professional Program  Identified and screened scholars  Provide technical support in the screening and selection of applicants for scholarship by
Coordination  Registration of Participants in Courses gathering additional data and coordinating acquisition of supporting documents as basis for
 Participants Confirmation and Attendance coordinated final selection.
 Provide support in coordinating with institutions recommended scholars and documentary
requirements to facilitate attendance and availment of the scholarship.
 Provide support in the registration of scholars in courses as needed.
 Assist in monitoring, evaluating and submitting report on the status and progress of scholars,
and the benefits of the scholarship programs to the agency.
D. Training and Development Records  Operational TDIS : training and development records  Gather and encode data and maintain records on training participants and training and
encoding development activities using data capture tools and instruments designed for the system.
E. Employee Welfare   Assist in gathering data on welfare needs of employees.
 Provide technical support in proposal preparation, design, and implementation (upon approval)
of programs to respond to the welfare needs of various employee groups.
 Provide technical support in the review, proposal preparation and coordination of the
implementation of reward and recognition programs
 Provide technical support in the conduct of monitoring and evaluation of employee welfare
programs and submission of report on its status, progress, and impact in order to provide
feedback to management.
SUCCESSION and EXIT  Records and Documents on performance in Leadership  Generate TDIS Records and Documents on performance in Leadership and Development
and Development programs for high potential employees programs for high potential employees to be considered in the candidate pool
 Data gathered needed for Succession Plan/ candidate  Gather data needed in the identification of high potential employees targeted to be part of a
pool for critical positions in the SDO candidate pool for critical positions in the SDO
 Records on Candidate portfolio and documents  Collect records and documents of personnel in the candidate pool to create a portfolio for
 Information gathered from Exiting employees candidates to be used as reference in the selection process.
 Assist in coordinating the implementation of retirement programs for employees due for
retirement to prepare them and the organization for the transition.
 Gather data from resigning personnel to get feedback on factors that helped or hindered
employees in the performance of his/her work and implications towards continuous
improvement in the work climate and in the workplace.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  Data gathered on the needs of the SDO, schools and  Assist in providing Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres by responding to
learning centers with regard HRD. the identified needs in relation to HRD and other matters on governance and operations
 Inputs and technical support to TA interventions on
identified needs of schools division, schools, and
learning centers with regard HRD.

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Advocacy Adaptability Action Research Methods
clarity -Understanding -Oral -Conceptual skills Care and Concern Analytical
-Proactive Others Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Cleanliness and Assertive
-Continuous self-improvement -Interpersonal ing skills Orderliness Decisive
-Time management Sensitivity -Written -Analytical thinking Confidentiality Diplomacy
-Stress management -Rapport Building Communication Skills -Problem Solving Courtesy Energy
-Management of personal -Relationship -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Cost-consciousness Flexibility
resources Building -Presentation Skills -Innovation and Integrity Honesty
-Working with teams -Facilitating skills Creativity Persistence Initiative
-Collaboration -Non-verbal -Resourcefulness Quality Orientation Organized
-Organizational communication -Objectivity Results-orientation Tenacity
Sensitivity -Organizational Service Orientation
-Organizational Communication Work Standards
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Education Program Specialist II Salary Grade 16

Parenthetical Title Education Program Specialist II
Office Unit SGOD/School Management Monitory and Evaluation Unit Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised OPEN
To assist in providing technical support in implementing quality management systemsin the schools division office, the schools and learning centers and monitor adherence to standards and policies towards
effective and efficient delivery of quality basic education

To assist districts and schools/learning centers in the implementation of an M&E system to monitor their progress
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor's degree in Education or its Equivalent
Experience 2 years experience in education, research, development, implementation or other relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080
(Career Service (Professional) Appropriate Eligibility for Second Level Position
Trainings 4 hours relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  Data gathered and analyzed on quality assurance  Gather data and provide support in the preparation and submission of report of findings on
processes on: implementation of quality assurance processes on:
- School Planning  School Planning
- School Based Management  School Based Management
- Implementation ofPrograms & Projects  Implementation of Programs & Projects
as basis for continuous improvement.

 Assist in validating report on School Achievement and Learning Outcome by gathering data
 Validated reports on School Achievements and utilizing prescribed approach and method.
Learning outcomes
 Gather data as basis for M&E report on the performance of the Schools Division along:
 TA to schools and LCs
 Data gathered and analyzed on quarterly conduct of  Equitable Distribution of educational resources to schools and LCs
Division’s monitoring of plans and programs
 Monitoring reports on the performance of the Schools
Division along:  Gather data and prepare report/documents on best practices with regard school management
- TA to schools and LCs and governancefor sharing and benchmarking purposes.
- Equitable Distribution of educational resources to 
schools and LCs
 Report/Documents on best practices for sharing and
benchmarking purposes
ASSESSMENT  Data gathered for M&E Report on the implementation of  Gather data for M&E Report on the implementation of Division assessment program aligned to
Division assessment program aligned to national national assessment framework
assessment framework  Gather data to validate and authenticate assessment strategies and tools for schools,
 Data gathered for Report on Validated/Authenticated classrooms and LCs use
assessment strategies and tools for schools,  Gather data to assess result of tracking progress and for grading purposes.
classrooms and LCs use  Provide assistance and support in the monitoring and evaluation ofthe conduct of national,
 Data gathered for Report on assessment results for regional and division assessment tests to identify issues and concerns arising and help improve
tracking progress and for grading purposes. the process.
 Data gathered for M&E Report on the conduct of  Provide assistance in implementing a process for monitoring and evaluating the organizational
national, regional and Division assessment effectiveness of the schools division office and submit a report to document process and
 Data gathered for M&E Report on Organizational recommendations for continuous improvement.
Effectiveness of the Division

 Information, Education and Advocacy Programs and Materials to Accreditation Standards

 Validated documents of schools requesting permit to operate
 Complete portfolio of documents of schools requesting to operate for submission to the
regional office.

gathered and analyzed for action research on  Assist in the conduct of action research on factors contributing to successful implementation of
factors contributing to successful implementation of programs and projects in schools to provide information for continuous improvement.
programs and projects in schools
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO SCHOOLS  Data gathered for TA provision on:  Assist in the provision of Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres.
AND LEARNING CENTER - Utilization of Assessment Result
- Curriculum implementation and Localization
- SBM Installation in all schools
- Assessment of SBM Level of Practice
- SBM M&E implementation in schools
- Implementation of National and Regional programs
& projects
 Utilization of assessment and evaluation of results of all
programs and projects

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Attention to detail Adaptability
clarity -Understanding -Oral -Conceptual skills Advocacy Analytical
-Proactive Others Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Accuracy Assertive
-Continuous self-improvement -Interpersonal ing skills Care and Concern Decisive
-Time management Sensitivity -Written -Analytical thinking Cleanliness and Diplomacy
-Stress management -Rapport Building Communication Skills -Problem Solving Orderliness Energy
-Management of personal -Relationship -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Confidentiality Flexibility
resources Building -Presentation Skills -Decision Making Courtesy Honesty
-Working with teams -Facilitating skills -Judgment or Cost-consciousness Initiative
-Conflict -Non-verbal Discernment Integrity Organized
management communication -Innovation and Persistence Numeracy
-Networking -Organizational Creativity Quality Orientation Tenacity
-Partnership building Communication -Resourcefulness Results-orientation
-Negotiating -Objectivity Safety
-Influencing Consciousness
-Collaboration Service Orientation
-Organizational Work Standards
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Education Program Specialist II Salary Grade 16

Parenthetical Title Education Program Specialist II
Office Unit SGOD/Social Mobilization and Networking Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised OPEN

To assist in providing technical support to strengthening partnerships with both internal and external educational stakeholders and respond to the needs of the schools and learning centers for the
resources and capacity to implement sustainable programs and projects to enhance the delivery of quality basic education.
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelor's degree in Education or its Equivalent
Experience 2 years experience in education, research, development, implementation or other relevant experience
Eligibility RA 1080
(Career Service (Professional) Appropriate Eligibility for Second Level Position
Trainings 4 hours relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

RESOURCING  Advocacy campaign materials  Provide assistance and support in the preparation and implementation of advocacy campaign
 Data base of partners programs to increase awareness of stakeholders and gather resource support for basic
 Draft Partnership proposals education.
 Draft MOA/MOU  Provide assistance and support in monitoring progress and outcome of projects and partners
 Report on the status of accomplishment (with to identify areas for continuous improvement and sustaining partnerships
documents)  Assist in preparing draft for partnership proposals for recommendation to the SDS
 Assist in the drafting of Memorandum of Agreement/ Understanding for recommendation to the
SUSTAINED PARTNERSHIPS  Draft Updates to stakeholders  Draft write up on updates to stakeholders on the status and progress of programs and projects
 Data base of Programs supported by Stakeholders to provide feedback and generate continuous support.
(existing and New Ones)  Develop and maintain a data base of Programs supported by Stakeholders (existing and New
 Draft Report of Accomplishments Ones)
(with documents)of Programs supported by  Assist in preparing a Final Report of Accomplishments of Programs supported by stakeholders
stakeholders to provide feedback and generate continuous support
 Assist in monitoring implementation of programs and projects focused on resource mobilization
and submit report to management to provide feedback and generate continuous support.
Implementation of policies, standards, and  Monitoring report with recommendations for 
guidelines for outcomes-focused resource improvement on
mobilization  the implementation of programs
 and projects focused on resourcemobilization.
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT  Data gathered and analyzed for action research on  Assist in the conduct of action research on factors contributing to successful participation and
utilization of educational resources provision of resources for school governance.
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  Monitoring & Evaluation Tool  Assist in the provision of Technical Assistance to schools and learning centres by responding
 Monitoring Results Reports to the identified needs of the schools and learning centers in relation to social mobilization and
 Analyzed governance and operations
 Recommendations

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Attention to detail Adaptability
clarity -Understanding -Oral -Conceptual skills Advocacy Analytical
-Proactive Others Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Accuracy Assertive
-Continuous self-improvement -Interpersonal ing skills Care and Concern Decisive
-Time management Sensitivity -Written -Analytical thinking Confidentiality Deference to
-Stress management -Rapport Building Communication Skills -Problem Solving Courtesy Authority
-Management of personal -Relationship -Technical Writing -Strategic Thinking Cost-consciousness Diplomacy
resources Building -Presentation Skills -Decision Making Integrity Energy
-Working with teams -Facilitating skills -Judgment or Persistence Flexibility
-Conflict -Non-verbal Discernment Quality Orientation Honesty
management communication -Innovation and Results-orientation Initiative
-Networking -Organizational Creativity Safety Organized
-Partnership building Communication -Resourcefulness Consciousness Tenacity
-Negotiating -Objectivity Service Orientation
-Influencing -Intellectual Work Standards
-Collaboration Versatility
PCP No. ______ Revision Code: 00
Department of Education

Position Title Project Development Officer II Salary Grade 15

Parenthetical Title Project Development Officer II
Office Unit SGOD/Social Mobilization and Networking Effectivity Date
Reports to Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD Page/s
Position Supervised OPEN
To coordinate with the NDRRM (CO and RO), Local Government, and other government agencies to implement mandated measures, programs and projects, in Disaster and Risk Management (DRRM) to
the schools division so as to prepare and mitigate the effect of disaster on the delivery of basic education.

To provide technical assistance to schools management in identifying,assessing and reducing the risks of disaster to educational facilities, workers and learners and dealing with environmental and other
hazards that could trigger disaster.
A. CSC Prescribed Qualifications
Education Bachelors degree relevant to the job
Experience 1 year relevant experience
Eligibility Career Service Professional (Second Level Eligibility)
Trainings 4 hours of relevant training
B. Preferred Qualifications
Key Result Areas (KRAs) Major Outputs Duties and Responsbilities

PARTNERS AND LINKAGES (on DRRM)  Linkage with LGU  Provide assistance and support in the preparation and implementation of advocacy
 Linkage with National DRRM campaign programs to increase awareness of stakeholders and gather resource
 Linkage with government agencies support for basic education.
 Provide assistance and support in monitoring progress and outcome of projects and
partners to identify areas for continuous improvement and sustaining partnerships
 Assist in preparing draft for partnership proposals for recommendation to the SDS
 Assist in the drafting of Memorandum of Agreement/ Understanding for
recommendation to the SDS.


 Draft write up on updates to stakeholders on the status and progress of programs and
projects to provide feedback and generate continuous support.
 Develop and maintain a data base of Programs supported by Stakeholders (existing and
New Ones)
 Assist in preparing a Final Report of Accomplishments of Programs supported by
stakeholders to provide feedback and generate continuous support
 Assist in monitoring implementation of programs and projects focused on resource
mobilization and submit report to management to provide feedback and generate
continuous support.
POLICIES, SYSTEMS AND STANDARDS (FOR  Recommendation for localized policies/  Prepare draft recommendations for localized policies and standards on disaster
DRRM) standards on DRRM management and risk preparedness to increase relevance and applicability to the local
 Adapt National DRRM systems on disaster preparedness, response and mitigation to
agency situation, needs and requirements (e.g. prioritizing disaster beneficiaries, etc.)
 Draft , publish upon approval and distribute operations handbooks/ /manuals for critical
DRRM protocols and mechanics.
 Create and maintain DRRM database to provide information for management action and
PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS (FOR DRRM)  Needs Assessment  Draft and submit for approval, concept papers and program/project designs and
 Proposals proposals for programs/ projects for DRRM and climate change/ environmental risk
 Program Designs reduction.
 Work Plans  Facilitate and coordinate with stakeholders as needed, the development of work plans to
 Communication Plan implement DRRM programs and projects.
 Advocacy materials  Draft for approval and implement a communication plan and information, education
 Status and Progress Report advocacy activities for the specific program.
 Assessment Report  . Conduct monitoring and evaluation (together with QAD) on the status and progress of
health and nutrition programs and provide feedback to management and stakeholders to
obtain continuing support.
 Conduct assessment and evaluation of programs and projects (with QAD) and submit
evaluation reports to recommend sustaining, expanding or terminating special programs
or projects.
INFORMATION, EDUCATION & ADVOCACY (for  Policies, Procedures and Operating manuals 
DRRM)  Training programs

DRRM  Plan to facilitate fire safety and earthquake drill 

 Linkage with stakeholders for support (list of
 Implementation of the plan (e.g. fire safety, earthquake
drill) with documentation
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE  Map of needs (for DRRM and related Governance and  Prioritize and recommend to management interventions/programs to respond to DRRM
Operations programs/projects) needs of schools division offices.
 TA Plans (DRRM and Governance and Operations) for  Provide technical assistance to schools division offices in developing programs and
each school projects for DRRM in their respective schools division.
 Special programs/projects DRRM
 Increased partners to sponsor DRRM and Governance
and Operations programs/ projects
 Documentation Report on the status of accomplishment
Technical Assistance

Special Programs and Projects

 Monitoring & Evaluation Tool

 Reports on Analyzed Monitoring Results
 Recommendations

Attitudes and Traits/ Technical Management

Behavioral Competencies Aptitudes Competence Competence

Self-management (Personal Interpersonal Communication Thinking/Conceptual Attitude Aptitude Management Leadership

Effectiveness) Effectiveness Skills

-Self-awareness and personal -Building Trust -Listening -Learning to Learn Attention to detail Adaptability Planning
clarity -Rapport Building -Oral -Conceptual skills Advocacy Analytical Organizing
-Proactive -Relationship Communication/Speak -Critical thinking Accuracy Deference to Leading
-Continuous self-improvement Building ing skills Care and Concern Authority Delegating
-Time management -Working with teams -Written -Analytical thinking Courtesy Energy Coaching
-Stress management -Conflict Communication Skills -Problem Solving Cost-consciousness Honesty Program/
-Management of personal management -Presentation Skills -Srategic Thinking Integrity Initiative Project
resources -Networking -Organizational -Decision Making Persistence Organized Management
-Negotiating Communication -Innovation and Quality Orientation Numeracy
-Influencing Creativity Safety Sensitivity
-Collaboration -Resourcefulness Consciousness Tenacity
-Organizational -Objectivity Service Orientation
Sensitivity Work Standards

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