Metallic Materials Spec PDF
Metallic Materials Spec PDF
Metallic Materials Spec PDF
The 118 sections group materials by their chemical constituents. Thus, once a given material
has been found, the reader will be able to identify other metallic materials having similar
composition and mechanical properties, by looking at other entries within the same section.
In this edition the constituent elements have been sorted to appear in the same order.
It must be emphasized that this book does not attempt to give equivalent specifications,
but allows the reader to identify trade names and specifications where descriptive infor-
mation can be obtained. It must be appreciated that where alloys exist, there may be an
overlap between sections, and the reader should also look at adjacent sections. This occurs
particularly with Sections 44P, 44N2 and 44N3, where the overlap in analysis and the
information from the supplier can result in apparently similar materials appearing in
different sections.
Each of the 118 sections begins with a list of information on the physical properties of the
main constituent of the materials in the group (specific gravity, conductivity, expansion,
Along with the trade names and symbols, listed by section there is information on the
mechanical properties and chemical analysis of alloys in the groups. This information
enables the reader to identify a trade name, symbol or specification in line with the
properties required. Conversion tables and factors for all the common physical properties
listed can be found in the Appendices.
It should be noted that many trade names and specifications in the book are no longer
current, and the reader should therefore contact a reputable material supplier to ensure that
the specification or trade name chosen is stilI in fact available. Appendix I lists the names
and addresses of suppliers and associations mentioned in the book.
1. Aluminium AI
Physical properties
Atomic number 13
Atomic weight 26.97
Crystal structure Face centred cubic
Colour Tin-white
1.1 General notes on aluminium The present policy however, is to have a master speci-
fication related to the form of the material and in the main
Aluminium is available in commercial grades from 99.0% to these replaced individual specifications. Thus:
99.99% purity, with a well-defined series of alloys based on
the metal, which are found in all the normal forms of castings BS 1470 Sheet strip and plate - all alloys
and wrought products, and also as a fine powder used in BS 1471 Drawn tube - all alloys
paints and metal spraying. BS 1472 Forgings and forging stock - all alloys
The metal and its alloys are used because of their lightness, BS 1473 Rivet, bolt and screw stock for forging - all
corrosion resistance and strength. alloys
Aluminium alloys weigh approximately one-third as much BS 1474 Bar, extruded tube and sections - all alloys
as steel, have a much better corrosion resistance to atmos- BS 1475 Wire - all alloys
pheric conditions and depending on the alloys can be of a BS 1490 Castings - all alloys
comparable strength to low alloy steel.
Following are listed all known specifications and trade BS 1476 and BS 1477 have now been withdrawn and included
names covering aluminium and its alloys. These are grouped in BS 1470 and BS 1474 respectively.
in such a manner that all specifications for each well-defined The latest British Standard retains the same 'master speci-
alloy appear under the one heading, with a general note fications', but has replaced the detailed 'designation' with a
covering their properties, processing and uses. four-digit code in line with American and Australian
The first figure of four digits indicates the alloy group
1.2 Notes on specifications and trade according to the major alloying element. The simplified code
names is below:
An explanation of the different classifications and systems 1xxx aluminium 99% and better
used by the various bodies and companies whose alloys are 2xxx copper aluminium alloys
listed in the following pages may be of help in rapidly finding 3xxx manganese aluminium alloys
any desired material and in understanding the symbols. 4xxx silicon aluminium alloys
5xxx magnesium aluminium alloys
6xxx magnesium and silicon heat treatable aluminium
British Standards Institution (BS)
This body issues individual specifications covering a partic- 7xxx zinc aluminium alloys
ular alloy. 8xxx other elements
There is a coding system for casting using three digits but this TH Drawn after solution treatment, then aged
is rather complex and requires interpretation. The reader is (previously WDP)
advised to refer to the Aluminium Federation Handbook or TF Solution treated and aged (previously WP)
the relevant specification for detailed information.
The replaced "designations" are still in common use and In the above and in the following pages the term 'aged'
are included in this book. indicates artificial ageing. Room ageing is always described
With this the specification number was followed by the as such.
letters N or H, denoting non-heat-treatable (N) alloys, or In addition to the normal BS range, a series of aircraft
heat-treatable (H) alloys. Commercially pure aluminiums alloys are listed. These are individual specifications which
have no letter. have the prefix L. The range also includes magnesium alloys.
The form was next identified by the following code letters: As these are commonly known as BSL and L alloys, both
forms of identification are listed in the index, the L alloy
B Bolt and screw stock for forging being referred to the full BSL specification to avoid
C Clad sheet and strip confusion.
E Bars and sections
F Forgings and forging stock American Aluminum Association (AA)
G Wire
LM Casting This body does not issue mandatory specifications, but has
P Plate organized a four-figure system which is partly descriptive. It
PC Clad plate is often referred to as 'Commercial Designation'. In the
R Rivet stock following pages the system is referred to as 'designation used
S Sheet up to and including 0.252 in. thick, and by AA'. This alloy classification is now used by ASTM and
strip up to and including 0.192 in. thick SAE but not under AMS. There are five groups of alloys,
T Drawn tube identified by the first digit thus:
V Extruded round tube and hollow section
lxxx Pure aluminium
This was followed by a number with which the actual alloy is 2xxx Copper aluminium alloys
coded. Thus 1 is always 99.99%; aluminium lA is always 3xxx Manganese aluminium alloys
99.98%; aluminium 6 is always 5% magnesium-aluminium 4xxx Silicon aluminium alloys
alloy. 5xxx Magnesium aluminium alloys
In the index alloys are listed under their full title and also 6xxx Silicon magnesium aluminium alloys
in the abbreviated form, but only the full form is shown in the 7xxx Zinc aluminium alloys
classified sections. Thus high purity aluminium is shown 8xxx Other elements
under lA 99.98% aluminium, and under BS 1470 SIA
99.98% aluminium sheet, BS 1471 TlA 99.98% aluminium The remaining three digits signified by x are used to describe
tube, etc.; and 1.5% copper 1% magnesium 1% silicon the alloying elements. This is the system being used by UK
aluminium alloy is shown under H 11, and under BS 1472 and other countries.
HFll 1.5% copper 1% magnesium 1% silicon aluminium To date this system applies to wrought products and not to
alloy forging, etc. castings.
The abbreviated alloy forms will be encountered under There is a code for castings but it is complex, and not
other specification numbers than those listed above. They readily summarized.
are also sometimes incorporated into trade names.
The condition in which the material is supplied or used is
often coded and then added to the specification as a suffix. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
This practice has not been adhered to in the following This body issues several volumes of specifications at frequent
pages, as it is felt that the code is too arbitrary to be easily intervals. The non-ferrous alloys are prefixed by the letter B
memorized. Also the BS code is similar to, but differs in followed by a number which identifies the specification. In
detail from, the American code. Thus the condition has been some instances this will cover one material only, but more
added to the description wherever possible. commonly it will cover all alloys in one form. Thus B209 is
The code used by the BS range is as follows: the specification for sheet aluminium alloys and must be
followed by the four figures (designation used by AA), iden-
H8 Fully hardened by cold working (previously H) tifying the actual alloys.
H2 Cold worked by approximately one-quarter of The full specification then has the date of issue and in
possible amount, or fully cold worked then many instances the letter T signifying that the specification is
partially annealed to remove approximately still tentative. All. example of such a specification would be
three-quarters of the cold work (previously H4) ASTM B209 3003/61. This is for manganese aluminium alloy
H4 As H2 but cold worked to half possible sheet, the specification being issued in 1961. The full speci-
(previously HY2) fication appears only in the index, the year of issue being
H6 As H2 but cold worked to three-quarters omitted in the classified section of this book.
possible (previously HY-) Previous to 1961 ASTM used their own alloy designation.
M As cast; as rolled; as extruded This code is still used for casting alloys. Letters are given for
o Annealed up to two principal alloying elements, and then up to three
TB Solution treated only (may room age, depending figures code the amount of these elements. Letters following
on the alloy) (previously W) the figures denote slight variations of the same basic speci-
TE Precipitation treated (aged only) (previously P) fication. The alphabetical code used is:
A AI H Th Q Ag T5 Aged
B Bi K Zr R Cr T6 Solution treated and aged
C Cu L Li S Si 17 Solution treated and stabilized
D Cd M Mn T Sn T8 Solution treated, cold worked and aged
E Rare earths N Ni Y Sb 1'9 Solution treated, aged and cold worked
F Fe P Pb Z Zn TIO Aged and cold worked
G Mg W Solution treated - unstable condition
Thus ASTM B209 MIA58 is for manganese aluminium alloy In the above and in the following pages the term 'aged'
sheet, now ASTM B209 3003/61. In the following pages only indicates artificial ageing: room ageing is always described as
the alloy designation (i.e. MIA) is listed, and cross-referred such.
to the present designation (i.e. 3003). The ASTM casting There are now a number of variations on the above and
alloys still employ this system of classification. readers are advised to confirm their information by refe-
rence to the specification.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
This body issues specifications which are identical as far as UNS - Unified Numbering System
material content is concerned to ASTM. They use the prefix
S in lieu of ASTM (e.g. SB 125 would be identical to ASTM This system is described in ASTM E527.
BI25). It covers only metals and alloys which have a commercial
There are 18 series of numbers. These are listed at the start
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) of America of Section 44 in this book.
There is a single letter prefix followed by five digits.
This body issues specifications for general purpose wrought Any UNS number for aluminium or its alloys will be
and cast alloys which were identified by two or three figures,
headed 'A' from AOOOOI to A99999.
prefixed by SAE. The wrought alloys now use the AAA
In this book the the UNS number is given, in the index,
four-figure code prefixed AA. There is no attempt to code and refers the reader to the 'designation' used.
the casting alloys. Thus the reader who requires information on UNS
This society also issue a series of specifications for aircraft
A91035 will find in the index:
materials. Aerospace Material Specifications have four
figures prefixed by the letters AMS. The suffix letter indi-
UNS ' see designation for detail
cates the issue number.
1035 Section lA
Thus AMS 4006 is a manganese aluminium alloy. These
A91035 UNS designation for 1035
four figures bear no relationship to the AA code.
In Section lA the reader will find that 1035 is 99.35%
Temper designations used by American societies wrought - this being the designation used in the USA.
The condition in which the material is supplied or used has
been coded and this is in general use as a suffix to speci-
fications in America. This has not been used in the following Trade names and symbols
pages, as the condition is described in full. These generally include some means of identifying the com-
The code is as follows: pany, and often attempt to describe the alloy, either by
percentage or using one of the national alloy designations.
Type 1 Alloys strengthened only by cold work Wherever possible all the forms under which the alloy
Type 2 Alloys which respond to heat treatment might be used have been included in the following pages. It is
F As fabricated possible, however, that some have been omitted. If, there-
H Strain hardened - (cold worked), sub-divided as fore, the desired alloy cannot be found in the index, attempts
follows: should be made to add or subtract the firm's name as a prefix
HI Strain hardened (cold worked) only. A second to the symbol.
number defines the degree of cold work, up to
8, which is fully hard. Thus H14 is half hard,
H16 three-quarters hard.
German National Standards (DIN)
H2 Strain hardened (cold worked) and partly
annealed. A second number indicates the degree This body is analogous to the British Standards Institution
of cold work remaining after softening, up to 8, and like them has issued individual specifications covering
which is fully hard. Thus, for example, H24 is certain alloys used under particular conditions.
half hard. There are now two distinct systems of designations, one
H3 Strain hardened (cold worked) and stabilized. A using a descriptive code with chemical symbols and numbers,
second number indicates the degree of cold the second using numbers only, known as 'Werkstoff num-
work in the stabilized alloy, up to 8, which is ber'. Both systems of designation are contained in master
fully hard. Thus H34 is half hard. specifications of which there are four principal ones relating
o Annealed to aluminium.
T2 Annealed - castings only These are DIN 1712, high purity aluminium; DIN 1725,
T3 Solution treated and cold worked aluminium alloys; DIN 1732, welding wire and DIN 8512,
T4 Solution treated - room aged brazing and soldering fillers.
Examples of the methods of designation are first the This is in addition to a numeral code which is designed to suit
descriptive code: modern computing machines. All aluminium alloys are
included in the range 3.000 to 3.499; examples are:
AIMg7 7% magnesium aluminium alloy
AICuMg2 4.2% copper 1.6% magnesium 0.6% 3.3557 7% magnesium aluminium alloy
manganese aluminium alloy 3.1355 4.2% copper 1.6% magnesium 0.7% manganese
aluminium alloy
150 50 65 110 16
260 22 85 23 85
315 17 90 17 90
370 9.0 95 9.0 95
The above properties are typical of the following group, and mechanical properties but will invariably reduce corrosion
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible resistance and the ability to accept cold work.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be These materials are used as primary metals in ingot form
applicable. for alloying with other elements to produce the range of
alloys listed in other sections.
The wrought material is used for cladding and also for foils
for food wrapping such as 'silver paper'.
Many domestic articles are now manufactured in high
General metallurgical characteristics
purity aluminium for decorative purposes where low
The specifications listed in this section in general are 99% strength and attractive appearance is required.
aluminium upwards, to 99.999% aluminium. This covers These materials can be anodized and colour anodized to
wrought and cast materials. Very few castings are manufac- give an attractive range of colours with excellent corrosion
tured in high purity aluminium. Ingot material is covered by resistance.
these specifications. No heat treatment is possible with these materials. Where
High purity aluminium has excellent corrosion resistance some impurities exist the material will cold work and can be
and is capable of accepting cold work to a very high degree to softened by annealing. Welding requires the use of inert gas
give very thin foils. This is 'silver paper'. shielded techniques with great care being taken as alumin-
Also included are materials with up to 1% of alloying ium oxidizes readily.
elements such as zinc for cladding and other minute quanti- These materials are almost invariably difficult to machine,
ties of alloying elements which have little effect on the being too soft to give a good finish.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
IA 99.99% AI: Designation used by BS 1070 99.7% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
IB 99.5% AI: Designation used by BS and USA
IC 99.0% AI: Designation used by BS 1075 99.75% AI (min): Wrought; obsolete
IE 0.05% Cu 99.5% AI: For electrical purposes; 1080 99.8% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
designation used by BS and USA
IS 99.5% AI: Sheet and strip; Alcan 1085 99.85% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
2S 99.0% AI: Sheet; Alcan and USA
2S 99.0% AI: Sheet; Alcoa for BS alloy SIC 1090 99.9% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
2S 99.0% AI: Previous AA designation; now 1100 and USA
3.0185 98% AI with Cu and Cr: German Standard DIN 1712 1095 99.95% AI (min): Wrought; obsolete
3.0200 99.0% AI: German Standard DIN 1712 1100 99.0% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
3.0205 99.0% AI: German Standard DIN 1712 and USA
3.0250 99.5% AI: German Standard DIN 1712 1130 99.0% AI: Wrought; designation used by AA; no
3.0255 99.5% AI: Designation used in German Standard DIN ASTM specification
1712 1135 99.35% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
3.0256 99.5% AI: Wrought; German Standard DIN 1712 and USA
3.0257 99.5% AI: German Standard DIN 1712 1145 0.55% Si 99.45% AI + Fe: Foil for cladding; AA
3.0270 99.7% AI: Wrought; German Standard DIN 1712 designation; no ASTM alloy
3.0275 99.7% AI: Designation used in German Standard DIN 1145 99.45% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
1712 and USA
3.0280 99.8% AI: Wrought; German Standard DIN 1712 1170 99.7% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
3.0285 99.8% AI: German Standard DIN 1712 and USA
3.0305 99.85% AI: German Standard DIN 1712 1175 99.75% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
3.0385 99.99% AI: German Standard DIN 1712 and USA
3.040 99.99% AI: Wrought; German Standard DIN 1712 1180 99.8% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
3.4415 1% Zn AI alloy: Used for cladding; German Standard and USA
DIN 1725 1185 99.85% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
72S 1% Zn AI alloy: Used for cladding; previous AA and USA
designation; now 7072 1188 99.88% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
91E 0.04% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si AI: Designation used by and USA
BS 1193 99.93% AI (min): Wrought; obsolete; designation used
99.8 99.8% AI: Bar, tube, etc.; British Aluminium Co. for in the UK and USA
BSalloy IA 1199 99.99% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
100.1 99.0% AI (min): Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
and USA 1200 99.0% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
130.1 99.3% AI (min): Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
and USA 1230 0.1 % Cu 0.1% Zn AI: Used for cladding; designation
150.1 99.5% AI (min): Casting; designation used in the UK used by AA
and USA 1230 99.3% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
160.1 0.1 % Si (max) 0.2% Fe (max) AI: Casting and USA
170.1 99.7% AI: Casting; designation used in the UK and 1235 99.35% AI: Foil; AA designation; no ASTM alloy
USA 1235 99.35% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
990A 99.0% AI: Previous ASTM designation; now 1100 and USA
1030 99.3% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK 1250 99.5% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
and USA and USA
1035 99.35% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK 1260 99.6% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
and USA and USA
1040 99.4% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK 1285 99.85% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
and USA and USA
1045 99.45% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK 1345 99.45% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
and USA and USA
1050 99.5% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK 1350 99.45% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK
and USA and USA
1055 99.5% AI (min): Wrought; obsolete 8001 0.5% Fe 11% Ni AI: Wrought; designation used in the
1060 99.6% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK UK and USA
and USA 8013 0.3% Cr AI: Wrought; obsolete; designation used in
1065 99.65% AI (min): Wrought; designation used in the UK the UK and USA
and USA 8017 0.15% Cu 0.04% Mg 0.6% Fe AI: Wrought;
designation used in the UK and USA
8020 0.2% Cu 0.03% B0.5% Fe AI: Wrought; designation
used in the UK and USA
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 8040 0.2% Zr AI: Wrought; designation used in the UK and
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 8076 0.12% Mg AI: Wrought; designation used in the UK
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 and USA
Eion Elongation, % 8077 0.2% Mg 0.2% Fe 0.05% Zr AI: Wrought; designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 used in the UK and USA
8111 0.7% Si 0.6% Fe AI: Wrought; designation used in the
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa UK and USA
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 8112 0.7% Mg (max) 1% Fe (max) 1% Zn (max) AI:
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
8130 0.1 % Cu 0.6% Fe AI: Wrought; designation used in the ALCOA 051 99.5% AI 0.5% Cu+Si+Fe (max): Wrought; Alcoa;
UK and USA annealed
8176 0.1 % Si 0.6% Fe AI: Wrought; designation used in the UTS: 60 Elon: 25 %
UK and USA ALCOA 102 99.0% AI: Wrought; Alcoa; annealed
8177 0.1 % Si 0.3% Fe AI: Wrought; designation used in the UTS: 80 Elon: 28%
UK and USA ALMINAL3 0.1 % Cu 0.5% Si 0.1 % Mn AI: Wrought alloy; origin
A2 99.8% AI: Obsolete; Southern Forge; replaced by unknown
Impalco 030 ALMINTRODE 0.2% Si 0.2% Fe 99.6% AI: For electrodes; ESAB
A3 99.5% AI: Obsolete; Southern Forge; replaced by 96.10
Impalco 050 ALOLINE Hg free AI for anodes: Wilson Walton
A4 99% AI: Sheet, tube, bar, etc.; Southern Forge; ALUMT 99.0% AI: Bar; E Kaye for BS alloy IE
replaced by Impalco 102 ALUMOWELD Mild steel core wire coated with high conductivity
A4 99.00% AI: Ingot, billet, etc.; L'Aluminium Fran~ais aluminium; Copperweld Co.
A4 99.00% AI: Ingot; French Standard; part ofNFA AIZn I 1% Zn AI alloy: Previous German Standard
S7.101 designation
A4.5 0.1 % Cu AI: Wrought; French Standard AMS4000B 99.7% AI: Sheet; annealed
A5 99.5% AI: Ingot; French Standard; part of NFA S7.101 UTS: 80
A5 99.5% AI: Wrought; French Standard AMS4001 B 99.0% AI: Sheet; annealed
A5 99.5% AI: Ingot, billet, etc.; L'Aluminium Fran~is UTS: 80 Elon: 20%
A5B 99.5% AI: Low Si and Fe for foil production; AMS4003 B 99.0% AI: Sheet; I-hard
L'Aluminium Fran~ais UTS: 110 Elon: 2%
A5L 99.5% AI: For electrical conductors; L'Aluminium AMS 4062 C 99.0% AI: Seamless tube; I-hard; AMS for AA alloy
Fran~ais 1100
A 5.3 (E91100) 99.0% AI: Welding electrode; AWS designation AMS4011 99.45% Al
A7 99.70% AI: Ingot, billet, etc.; L'Aluminium Fran~ais AMS 4102 A 99.9% AI: Bar as rolled; AMS for AA alloy 1100
A7 99.70% AI: Ingot; French Standard; part of NFA AMS4180B 99.0% AI: Wire for spraying; cold drawn; AMS for AA
S7.101 alloy 1100
A8 99.80% AI: Ingot; French Standard; part of NFA AMS4208 99.35% AI
S7.101 AMS4209 99.35% AI
A8 99.8% AI: Ingot, billet, etc.; L'Aluminium Fran~is AMTROD 18.01 0.15% Fe 0.06% Zn AI: Welding wire; ESAB: for inert
A9 99.99% AI: Super purity, ingot, billet, etc.; gas; as welded
L'Aluminium Fran~s UTS: 70 Elon: 25%
AGGI 99.5% AI: Wrought; further information from ASTMB37 Aluminium for use in steel manufacture: Purity
Aluminium Zentrale denoted by grade symbol
AGG2 99.0% AI: Wrought; further information from ASTM B179/995 A 99.5% AI: Ingot; primary metal
Aluminium Zentrale ASTM BI84/AI2 99.5% AI (min): For electrode filler wire; may be flux
AU 99.0% AI: Sheet, tube, forgings, etc.; James Booth for coated
BS alloy IC ASTM B20911060 99.6% AI: Sheet; annealed
AL5 99.5% AI: Sheet, tube, forgings and plate; James UTS: 45 Elon: 25% Proof: 7
Booth for BS alloy IB ASTM B209/1060 99.6% AI: Sheet; cold rolled !·hard
AL99/99R 99.99% AI: For high reflectivity; previous German UTS: 60 Elon: 10% Proof: 4S
Standard designation ASTM B209/1100 99.0% AI: Sheet; annealed
ALCANGBIS 99.5% AI: Sheet, tube, red forgings, etc.; Alcan for BS UTS: 80 Elon: 30% Proof: 7
alloy IB ASTM B20911100 99.0% AI: Sheet; hard
ALCANGB2S 99.25% AI: Wire and bar; Alcan for BS alloy IC UTS: 140 Elon: 4%
ALCAN GB 99.7 99.7% AI: Sheet Alcan; annealed ASTM B209/1230 0.7% Si+Fe 99.3% AI: Sheet and plate
UTS: 80 EIon: 50% ASTM B209n072 0.7% Si+Fe 1.0% Zn Al alloy: Sheet and plate
ALCAN GB 99.8 99.8% AI: Alcan for BS alloy SIA ASTM B210/1060 99.6% AI: Tube; annealed
ALCAN GB 99.99 99.99% AI: Alcan for BS alloy SI UTS: 45 Proof: 7
ALCANGB 100 99.5% AI: Casting; Alcan; as cast ASTM B21011060 99.6% AI: Tube; cold drawn
DPN: 24 UTS: 8 Elon: 55% Proof: 30 UTS: 90 Proof: 70
ALCANGBBIS 99.5% AI: Wire for electrical purposes; Alcan for BS ASTM B2101II00 99.0% AI: Tube; annealed
alloy IE UTS: 90
ALCANGBCIS 99.5% AI: Wire for electrical purposes; Alcan for BS ASTM B210/ll00 99.0% AI: Tube; cold drawn
alloy IE UTS: 140
ALCOA 050 99.5% AI: Wrought; Alcoa; annealed ASTM B210n072 0.7% Si+Fe 1.0% Zn Al alloy: Tube
UTS: 75 Elon: 30% Proof: 30 ASTM B21111060 99.6% AI: Bar; annealed
UTS: 45 Elon: 25% Proof: 7
ASTM B21111060 99.6% AI: Bar; cold drawn
UTS: 90 Proof: 70
ASTM B21111100 99.0% AI: Bar; annealed
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 60 EIon: 25% Proof 7
ASTM B21111100 99.0% AI: Bar; cold drawn
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 140
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 ASTM B221/I06O 99.6% AI: Extruded bar, tube, etc.
EIoD Elongation, % ASTM B22111100 99.0% AI: Extruded bar; annealed
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 60 Elon: 25 % Proof: 7
ASTM B221n072 0.7% Si+Fe 1.0% Zn AI alloy: Extruded bar, etc.
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.102 kgfJmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa ASTM B233 1350 99.5% AI: Rod for electrical purposes; 61.5% lACS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM B23411 060 99.6% AI: Tube; cold drawn
UTS: 60 Proof: 4S
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B23417072 1.0% Zn AI alloy: Seamless drawn tube BS 1470 1050A 99.5% Al: Replaces IB designations; plate and sheet;
ASTM B23511060 99.6% AI: Tube; extruded annealed H4 condition
UTS: 60 Proof: IS UTS: 135 Elon: 6%
ASTM B23511100 99.0% AI: Tube; extruded annealed BS 1470 IOSOA 99.8% AI: Replaces IA designation; plate and sheet;
UTS: 90 H4 condition
ASTM B241/106O 99.6% AI: Pipe and tube UTS: 120 EIon: 7%
ASTM B241/11oo 1.0% Si+ Fe AI: Pipe and tube BS 1470 1200 99.0% AI: Replaces IC designation; plate and sheet;
ASTM B241n072 0.7% Si+Fe 1.0% Zn AI: Pipe and tube H4 condition
ASTM B24711100 99.0% AI: Forging; as forged UTS: 130 EIon S%
DPN: 20 UTS: 60 EIon: 25% Proof: IS BS 1470 SI 99.99% Al: Sheet and strip; annealed
ASTM B285 ERI060 99.6% AI: Electric welding rod; obsolete UTS: 60 Elon: 45 %
ASTM B285 ER1100 99.0% AI: Welding wire BS 1470 SI 99.99% Al: Sheet and strip; I-hard
ASTM B285 ERI260 99.6% AI: Welding wire UTS: 90 Elon: 12%
ASTM B307/11oo 99.0% AI: Coiled tube; annealed BS 1470 SI 99.99% Al: Sheet and strip; hard
UTS: 60 UTS: 90 EIon: 6%
ASTM B313/11oo 99.0% AI: Welded tube; cold rolled BS 1470 SIA 99.8% AI: Sheet and strip; annealed
UTS: 140 Elon: 4% UTS: 70 EIon: 3S%
ASTM B316/11oo 99.0% AI: For rivets; annealed BS 1470SIA 99.8% AI: Sheet and strip; I-hard
UTS: 90 UTS: 110 Elon: 8%
ASTM B327 GIC 0.9% Mg 95.0% (min) AI alloy: Hardener for Zn based BS 1470 SIA 99.8% AI: Sheet and strip; hard
die castings UTS: 120 Elon: S%
ASTM B345/106O 99.6% AI: Pipe; annealed BS 1470 SIB 99.5% AI: Sheet and strip; annealed
UTS: 45 Proof: 7 UTS: 90 Elon: 30%
ASTMB361 Weld fitments on AI and AI alloys; graded by AA code BS 1470 SIB 99.5% AI: Sheet and strip; I·hard
(see also other A sections) UTS: 110 Elon: 8%
ASTM B37311145 99.45% (min) Al alloy: Foil for capacitors BS 1470 SIB 99.5% AI: Sheet and strip; hard
ASTM B373/1235 99.35% (min) AI alloy: Foil for capacitors UTS: 120 Elon: S%
ASTM 8404/1100 99.6% (min) AI alloy: For condenser tubes; graded by BS 1470 SIC 99.0% AI: Sheet and strip; annealed
AA system (see also other A sections) UTS: 90 EIon: 30%
ASTMB544 99.5% AI: Rod for electrical conductivity; 61.5% lACS BS 1470 SIC 99.0% AI: Sheet and strip; i·hard
ASTMB547 Al alloy: Drawn and welded tube; alloys designated by UTS: 110 EIon: 12%
AAAnumber BS 1470 SIC 99.0% AI: Sheet and strip; I·hard
ASTMB566 Cu clad AI wire UTS: 120 EIon: 7%
ASTMB606 Zn coated steel-cored AI alloy: Conductors BS 1470 SIC 99.0% AI: Sheet and strip; f·hard
AWC099.5 99.5% AI: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co. UTS: 140 Elon: S%
AWC099.8 99.8% AI: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co. BS 1470 SIC 99.0% AI: Sheet and strip; hard
AWCOEP 0.05% Cu 0.5% Al: For electrical purposes; UTS: 140 Elon: 3%
Aluminium Wire and Cable Co. for BS alloy IE BS 1471 1050A 99.5% AI: Drawn tube; H4 condition
AWCOSP 99.9% AI: Wire; Aluminium Wire and Cable Co. for UTS: 9S
BS alloy IA BS 14711200 99.0% Al: Drawn tube; H4 condition
BA Hg free AI: For anodes; British Aluminium Co. UTS: 120
BA99 99.0% AI: Sheet, bar, forging, etc.; British Aluminium BS 1471 TlA 99.8% AI: Tube; annealed
Co. for BS alloy IC UTS: 70
BA 99.5 99.5% AI: Bar, tube, etc.; British Aluminium Co. for BS 1471 TlA 99.8% AI: Tube; hard
BS alloy IB UTS: 90
BA 99.8 99.8% AI: Sheet, bar, forging, etc.; British Aluminium BS 1471 TlB 99.5% AI: Tube; annealed
Co. for BS alloy IA BS 1471 TlB 99.5% AI: Tube; hard
BA 177 0.7% Si 0.7% Fe AI alloy: Sheet and strip; British BS 1471 TIC 99.0% AI: Tube; annealed
Aluminium Co.; I-hard BS 1471 TIC 99.0% AI: Tube; hard
BA 99.0% AI: Bar, tube, etc.; British Aluminium Co. for BS 1471 FIA 99.8% AI: For forging and bar; annealed
COMMERCIAL BS alloy IC UTS: 4S Elon: 30%
QUALITY BS 1472 1050A 99.5% AI: Forging; as forged
BA ELECTRICAL 0.05% Cu 99.5% AI: For electrical purposes; British UTS: 60 Elon 22%
PURITY Aluminium Co. for BS alloy EIE BS 1472 FIB 99.5% AI: For forging and bar; annealed
DPN: 22 UTS: 75 Elon: 47% Proof: 30 UTS: 60 Elon: 25%
BA SUPER 99.99% Al: Bar, tube, etc.; British Aluminium Co. BS 1472FIC 99.0% AI: For forging and bar; annealed
PURITY DPN: IS UTS: 45 Proof: 30 UTS: 60 Elon: 20%
BIRMETALI 99.5% AI: In wrought form; Birmetal BS 1473 1050A 99.5% AI: Bolt and screw stock
BIRMETAL2M 99.0% AI: In wrought form; Birmetal UTS: 60
BS215 99.5% AI: Wire for conductors; material conforms to BS 1473 RIB 0.5% Cu + Si + Fe + Mn + Zn (max) 99.5% Al:
BS 2627 GlE Roll and screw stock; cold rolled
BS359 98.0% AI: Ingot for remelting; replaced by BS 1490 UTS: 110
BS 360 99.0% Al: Ingot for remelting; replaced by BS 1490 BS 1473 RIC 99.0% AI: For rivets; I·hard
BS385 Pure AI tubes. Replaced by BS 1471 UTS:II0
BS386 Pure AI bar and sections. Replaced by BS 1476 BS 1474 1050A 99.5% AI: Bar and extruded tube
BS 1453 GI 99.9% AI: For filler rod for welding pure AI; BS alloy I UTS: 60 Eion 25%
BS 1453 GIA 99.8% AI: For filler rod for welding pure AI; BS alloy BS 14741200 99.0% AI: Bar and extruded tube
BS 1453 GIB 99.5% AI: For filler rod for welding pure AI; BS alloy BS 1474 VIA 99.8% AI: For tube; as drawn
IB UTS: 4S Elon: 30%
BS 1453GIC 99.0% AI: For filler rod for welding AI; BS alloy IC
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1474 V1B 99.5% AI: For tube; as drawn BS 28981350 99.5% AI: Bar and extruded tube; H2 condition
UTS: 60 Elon: 25% UTS: 8S Elon: 15%
BS 1474 VIC 99.0% AI: For tube; as drawn BS 2898 E1E 0.05% Cu 99.5% AI (max): Bar for electrical purposes;
UTS: 60 Elon: 20% i-hard
BS 1475 l080A 99.8% AI: Wire; H8 condition UTS: 70 Elon: 15%
UTS: 125 BS 2898 E91E 0.04% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: For electrical
BS 1475 l080A 99.5% AI: Wire; H8 condition purposes
UTS: 135 BS 2901 Gl 99.99% AI: Rod; for all types of welding
BS 1475 Gl 99.99% AI: Wire; hard drawn BS2901 G1A 99.8% AI: Rod; for all types of welding
UTS: 90 BS 2901 G1B 99.5% AI: Rod; for all types of welding
BS 1475 GlA 99.8% AI: Wire; annealed BS 2901 GlC 99.0% AI: Rod; for all types of welding
UTS: 70 BS 3313 SIC 99.0% AI: Foil for dairy product containers; I-hard
BS 1475 GlA 99.8% AI: Wire; hard drawn UTS: 120
UTS: 120 BS 3988 CIE 0.5% Cu (max) or 0.5% Cu+Si+Fe (max) AI:
BS 1475 G1B 99.5% AI: Wire; annealed Wrought; for electrical purposes
UTS: 90 UTS: 80 Elon: 25%
BS 1475 G1C 99.0% AI: Wire; annealed BS 43002 BTRS1 0.5% Mg AI alloy: For bright trim; annealed
UTS: 90 UTS: 120
BS 1475 GlC 99.0% AI: Wire; hard drawn BS 4300n NS41 0.9% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip; cold rolled
UTS: 140 UTS: 180 Elon: 3% Proof: 160
BS 1476 E1A 99.8% AI: Bar; as rolled BS 43009 NG41 0.9% Mg Al alloy: Wire; cold drawn
UTS: 45 Elon: 30% UTS: 180
BS 1476 E1B 99.5% AI: Bar; as rolled BS 6791 0.05% Cu 99.5% AI (max): For insulated cables order
UTS: 60 Elon: 25% as BS 2627 N68
BS 1476E1C 99.0% AI: Bar; as rolled BET9 Aluminium tube; obsolete
UTS: 60 Elon: 20% UTS: no
BS 1477 PIA 99.8% AI: Plate; I-hard CINDAL 0.2% Mg 0.3% Cr 0.12% Zn AI alloy: Origin unknown
UTS: no Elon: 8% DIN 1712 Chemical composition of high purity, aluminium
BS 1477 P1B 99.5% AI: Plate; I-hard products; German Standard
UTS: no Elon: 8% DIN 1725 Chemical composition of aluminium cast and wrought
BS 1477 PIC 99.0% AI: Plate; I-hard alloys; German Standard
UTS: no Elon: 7% DURALBRITE I 99.8% (min) AI extrusions: J Booth; hard drawn
BS 1490LMO 99.5% AI: Ingot UTS: 120
BS 1490LMOM 99.5% AI: Castings; as cast DURALBRITE 2 1.0% Mg 0.3% Mn AI extrusion: J Booth; hard drawn
BS 1616 A 99.5% AI: Welding rod; flux coated; wire to BS alloy UTS:210
IB DURALBRITE 3 0.7% Mg Al extrusion: J Booth; hard drawn
BS 1683 99.0% AI: Sheet or strip for wrapping cheese with a UTS: 210
protective coating DURALCOTE Pre-painted aluminium sheet: Alcan Booth
BS 2627 GlE 0.05% Cu 99.5% Al (max): Wire for electrical DURCILIUMT 0.05% Cu 99.5% AI: For electrical purposes; E Kaye
purposes; annealed; electrical conductivity 58% lACS for BS alloy IE
BS 2627 GIE 0.05% Cu 99.5% Al (max): Wire for electrical EAI 99.9% AI: Wrought; previous German Standard
purposes; i-hard; electrical conductivity 56% lACS designation
BS 2627 GlE 0.05% Cu 99.5% Al (max): Wire for electrical EA199.5 99.5% AI: Swiss designation
purposes; hard; electrical conductivity 56% lACS ERMAL99.0 99.0% AI: Sheet and strip; Enfield spec for BS 1470
BS 2791 99.5% AI: Wire for electrical conductors as BS 2627 SIC
GlE ERMAL99.5 99.5% AI: Sheet and strip; Enfield spec for BS 1470
BS 28971350 99.5% AI: replaces IE designation; plate and sheet; H4 SIB
condition ERMAL99.7 99.7% AI: Sheet and strip; Enfield; annealed
UTS: 120 Elon: 8% UTS: 75 Elon: 50%
BS 2897 DIE 0.05% Cu 99.5% AI (max): Strip for electrical HA 2.9900 99.00% AI: Ingot for re-melting; Canadian Standard
purposes; annealed HA2.9950 99.50% AI: Ingot for re-melting; Canadian Standard
UTS: 90 Elon: 25 % HA 2.9970 99.70% AI: Ingot for re-melting; Canadian Standard
BS 2897 DIE 0.05% Cu 99.5% AI (max): Strip for electrical HA 2.9980 99.80% AI: Ingot for re-melting; Canadian Standard
purposes; I-hard HA 2.9990 99.90% AI: Ingot for re-melting; Canadian Standard
UTS: no Elon: 38% HA 2.9999 99.99% AI: Ingot for re-melting; Canadian Standard
BS2897 DIE 0.05% Cu 99.5% Al (max): Strip for electrical HA 4.990 99.0% AI: Plate or sheet; Canadian Standard
purposes; hard HA 5.990C 99.0% AI: Bar etc.; Canadian Standard
UTS: 140 Elon: 3% HA6.990 99.0% AI: For rivets and brazing wire; Canadian
HA 7.995 99.5% AI: Tube; Canadian Standard
HAil 99.9999% AI: Ingot; Koch Light Ltd; high purity metal
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: HAI6A 99.999% AI: Ingot; Koch Light Ltd; high purity metal
HAI9 99.999% AI: Sheet; 2 mm thick; Koch Light Ltd; high
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number purity metal
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 HIDUMINIUM 1A 99.8% AI: Sheet, bar, forgings, etc.; High Duty Alloys
EIon Elongation, % for BS alloy IA
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 HIDUMINIUM IB 99.5% AI: Sheet, bar, forgings, etc.; High Duty Alloys
for BS alloy 1B
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04 Ibflin 2 =1 MPa HIDUMINIUM 1C 99.0% AI: Sheet, bar, forgings, etc.; High Duty Alloys
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. for BS alloy 1C
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HIDUMINIUM 100 Commercially pure AI: Sintered powder, bar and sheet; ROTOR 99.5% AI: Ingot; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.
High Duty Alloys ALUMINIUM 04
UTS: 3SO EIoII: 7% Proof: 210 SAE25 99.0% AI: Wrought annealed; now AA 1100
IMPALC0030 99.8% AI: Sheet, tube, bar, etc.; Imperial Aluminium UTS: 90 EIoII: 30%
Co. for BS alloy IA SAE25 99.0% AI: Wrought hard; now AA 1100
IMPALC0050 99.5% AI: Sheet, tube, wire, bar, etc.; Imperial UTS: 140 Elon: 4%
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy IB SAE28 0.1 % Cu 99.3% AI: Used only for cladding; analysis
IMPALC0051 99.5% AI: Wire and bar for electrical purposes; applies before cladding; now AA 1230
Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy IE SAE214 1% Zn AI alloy: Used for cladding; now 7072
IMPALCO 102 99.0% AI: Sheet, tube bar, etc.; Imperial Aluminium Soudalu AI 100 0.3% Si 0.2% Fe AI: Welding electrode; Soudometal
Co. for BS alloy 1C for welding AI
IMPALC0700 0.7% Zn Al alloy: Imperial Aluminium Co. UTS: 70 Elon 25% Proof 30
IMPALCOP3 99.8% AI: Sheet, strip and plate; Imperial Aluminium Soudoteg AI 99.5 0.05% Si 0.2% Fe AI: Welding electrode; Soudometal
Co. for BS alloy IA for inert gas welding
IMPALCOP5 99.5% AI: Sheet, strip, tube, bar, forgings and plate; UTS: 80 Elon: 35% Proof: 30
Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy IB Soudor G Al 99.5 0.05% Si 0.2% Fe AI: Welding electrode; Soudometal
IMPALCO P5E 99.5% AI: For wire and rod; high conductivity UTS: 80 Elon: 35% Proof: 30
aluminium; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy IE SS 40-20 99.8% AI: Billet ingot or casting; Swedish Standard
IMPALCOPIO 99.0% AI: For sheet, strip, tube, bar, forgings and SS 40-21 99.70% AI: Billet ingot or casting; Swedish Standard
plate; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy lC SS4O-22 99.50% AI: Billet ingot or casting; Swedish Standard
KYNALP5 99.5% AI: ICI obsolete; now Imperial Aluminium Co. SS 40-24 99.00% AI: Billet ingot or casting; Swedish Standard
KYNALPIO 99.0% AI: ICI obsolete; now Imperial Alluminium Co. SS 4005 99.7% AI: Sheet and strip; Swedish Standard; annealed
IA High purity AI: Sheet; obsolete DPN: 25 UTS: 70 Elon: 35 % Proof: 30
L16 99.0% AI: Sheet; i-hard SS4OO5 99.7% AI: Sheet and strip; Swedish Standard; cold
UTS: 120 Proof: 110 worked
L17 99.0% AI: Sheet; soft DPN: 45 UTS: 158 Elon: 3% Proof: 110
UTS: 90 SS 4007 99.5% AI: Sheet; strip and tube; Swedish Standard;
L30 98.0% AI: Casting annealed
L31 99.0% AI: Ingots; virgin metal for re-melting DPN: 25 UTS: 90 Elon: 30% Proof: 30
L32 Aluminium bars; obsolete SS4007 99.5% AI: Sheet, strip and tube; Swedish Standard;
L34 99.0% AI: Bar or section cold worked
UTS: 70 DPN: 45 UTS: 158 Elon: 3% Proof: 120
L36 99.0% AI: Wire or tube for rivets SS 4008 99.5% AI: Bar and tube; for electrical purposes;
UTS: 110 Swedish Standard; annealed
lA8 99.7% AI: Ingots; virgin metal for re-melting DPN: 25 UTS: 70 Elon: 30% Proof: 30
IA9 99.0% AI: Ingots; secondary metal for re-melting SS4OO8 99.5% AI: Bar and tube; for electrical purposes;
L54 99.0% AI: Tube; hydraulically tested cold drawn Swedish Standard; cold worked
L67 99.0% AI: Tube; hydraulically tested cold drawn DPN: 35 UTS: 120 Elon: 5% Proof: 70
UTS: no SS 4020 99.8% AI: Ingot; Swedish Standard; primary metal
L116 99.0% AI: Tube SS4021 99.7% AI: Ingot; Swedish Standard; primary metal
Metco 54NS AI metal spray deposit SS4022 99.5% AI: Ingot; Swedish Standard; primary metal
Metco 105 AI oxide: Spray deposit with traces of other oxides; SS 4023 99.3% AI: Ingot; Swedish Standard; primary metal
Metco SS 4024 99.0% AI: Ingot; Swedish Standard; primary metal
DPN:5SO STA 7 A2 99.8% AI: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470 SIA
Metco 105 NS AI oxide: Spray deposit with traces of other oxides; STA 7 A3 99.5% AI: Bar; replaced by BS 1476 EIB
Metco STA 7 A4B 99.0% AI: Bar; replaced by BS 1476 EIC
DPN: 550 STA 7 MC 99.0% AI: Tube; BS 1471 TIC
Metco 105 NS.1 AI oxide: Spray deposit with traces of other oxides; STA 7 A4D 99.0% AI: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470 SIC
Metco STA 7 ME 99.5% AI alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 14735 RIC
DPN: 5SO Star 99.2 99.0% AI; Star
Metco 105 SF AI oxide: Spray deposit; hard dense deposit; Metco Star 99.5 99.5% AI; Star
DPN: 9SO Star 99.5E 99.5% AI; Star
Metco Aluminium AI: Spray deposit; Metco Star 99.8 99.8% AI; Star
MG11A 1% Zn AI alloy: Previous ASTM designation; now 7072 Stub GlB 99.5% AI: For electric arc welding; Stubs
NF A57-101 Classification of pure AI: French Standard T9 AI: Tube; obsolete; as BS T9
NF A57-IOI-A4 99.0% AI: Ingot; French National Standard UNI 3021 APR04 0.4% Cr AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian
NF A57-IOI-A5 99.5% AI: Ingot; French National Standard Standard
NF A57-IOI-A7 99.7% AI: Ingot UNI3021 APT04 0.4% Ti AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian
NF A57-IOI-A8 99.8% AI: Ingot Standard
NORALS 99.0% AI: Sheet and tube; Northern Aluminium Co. UNI3567/66 99.0% AI: Italian Standard
for BS alloy IC UNI 3950 APO 99.00% AI: Ingot; Italian Standard
00 A 411b 1.0% Fe + Si 99% AI: Bar, US Federal; annealed UNI 3950 AP3 99.3% AI: Ingot; Italian Standard
UTS: 90 EIon: 25% UNI3950 AP5 99.5% AI: Ingot; Italian Standard
OOA561 99.0% AI: Sheet and strip; US Federal; annealed UNI 3950 AP7 99.70% AI: Ingot; Italian Standard
UTS: 70 EIon: 20% UNI 3950 AP8 99.80% AI: Ingot; Italian Standard
RAFFINAL 990 99.99% AI: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. UNI4507 99.5% AI: Italian Standard
REINALUMINIUM 99.0% AI: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. UNI4508 99.7% AI: Italian Standard
99.0 UNI4509 99.8% AI: Italian Standard
REINALUMINIUM 99.5% AI: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. UNI820 98-99.5% AI: Ingot; Italian Standard
99.5 WAI8 99.999% AI: Powder; Light Ltd; high purity metal
WWT783a 1.0% Fe + Si 99.0% AI (max): Tube; US Federal
150 75 47 156 12
200 55 50 114 15
260 36 60 69 25
315 25 60 35 55
The above properties are typical of the following group, and worked and annealed where necessary, and then cold
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible worked again.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be The specifications in this section are commonly used to
applicable. produce sheets corrugated or embossed for cladding other
This section has alloys where approximately 1% manga- structures. Hollowware where limited deep drawing is
nese is added to aluminium. This increases the mechanical required can be produced from these materials.
strength to a limited extent. Probably the most common use for this material is for
It has the considerable advantage, however, that these bodies of vehicles such as buses, trucks and underground
materials will accept cold work and can thus show a marked trains. Because of the good corrosion resistance these mate-
increase in mechanical strength with only a limited decrease rials are very often used in the unpainted condition.
in their corrosion resistance. Materials can be welded using inert gas shielding under
The materials are not heat treatable but can be cold much the same conditions as pure aluminium.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier. condition and remarks.
3S I 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Previous AA designation; now 3003 4S 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Previous AA designation;
3S 1.25% Mn AI alloy: Akan for BS alloy N3 now 3004
3.0515 1.25% Mn AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 3002 0.1 % Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation
3.0570 0.5% Si 1% Mn 0.8% Fe AI alloy: German Standard used in the UK and USA
3003 0.1 % Cu 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
in the UK and USA
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 3004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
in the UK and USA
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 3005 0.4% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' used in the UK and USA
Elon Elongation, % 3006 0.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' designation used in the UK and USA
3007 0.2% Cu 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
in the UK and USA
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 3009 1.6% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the
UK and USA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3010 0.2% Cu 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used ASTM B21013oo3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Tube; cold drawn
in the UK and USA UTS: 180 Proof: ISO
3011 0.2% Cu 1% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; designation used ASTM B21013004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Tube; annealed
in the UK and USA UTS: 190 Proof: 4S
3015 0.5% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM B21O/3004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Tube; cold drawn
used in the UK and USA UTS: 250 Proof: 190
3016 0.6% Mg 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM B21I13OO3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Bar; cold drawn
used in the UK and USA UTS: 180
3102 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the ASTM B22113oo3 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Extruded bar; annealed
UK and USA UTS: 70 EIoD: 25% Proof: IS
3104 0.1 % Cu 1% Mg 1.1 % Mn Al alloy: Wrought; ASTM B22113004 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Extruded bar, etc.
designation used in the UK and USA ASTM B234l3oo3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Tube; cold drawn
3105 0.5% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation UTS: ISO Proof: 120
used in the UK and USA ASTM B23513oo3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Extruded tube; annealed
3107 0.1% Cu 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; designation used UTS: 120 Elon: 25% Proof: 30
in the UK and USA ASTM B23513004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Extruded tube; annealed
3303 0.1 % Cu 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used UTS: 190 Proof: 4S
in the UK and USA ASTM B241/3OO3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Pipe; cold drawn
3307 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UTS: 180 Proof: ISO
UK and USA ASTM B247/3OO3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Forging: as forged
8006 0.7% Mn 1.5% Fe Al alloy: Wrought; designation used DPN: 2S UTS: 70 Elon: 25% Proof: IS
in the UK and USA ASTM B285 ER3004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Welding rod; obsolete
8007 0.7% Mn 1.6% Fe AI alloy: Wrought; designation used ASTM B307/3OO3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Coiled tube; annealed
in the UK and USA UTS: 110
8010 0.2% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.5% Fe AI alloy: ASTM B307/3004 1.0% Mg 1.3% Mn Al alloy: Drawn tube
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA ASTM B307/5OO5 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Drawn tube
8014 0.4% Mn 1.4% Fe Al alloy: Wrought; designation used ASTM B313/3OO3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Welded tube; cold rolled
in the UK and USA UTS: 180 Elon: 3%
A5.3 (E93003) 1.2% Mn AI alloy electrode: AWS designation ASTM B31813OO3 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Drawn coiled tubes; annealed
AA3OO3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; SAE designation; VTS: 120
formerly SAE 29 ASTM B31813004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Drawn coiled tube;
AA3004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; SAE designation; annealed
formerly SAE 20 UTS: 180
ALCANGB3S 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Alcan for BS alloy N3 ASTM B34513oo3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Pipe; annealed
ALCOA 190 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; I-hard H4 UTS: 70 Proof: IS
condition ASTM B34513004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Pipe; annealed
UTS: ISO Elon: 6% UTS: ISO Proof: 30
ALM 1% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; J Booth for BS alloy N3 ASTM B40413oo3 1.25% Mn Al alloy: Condenser tubes
ALMINTRODE 1.30% Mn 0.3% Fe 98.0% AI: For electrodes; ESAB AWC060 1.25% Mn AI alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co. for BS
96.20 alloy N3
AIMn 0.2% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; previous BA60 1.25% Mn AI: Sheet; British Aluminium Co. for BS
German Standard designation alloy N3
ALUMAL 1.25% Mn AI alloy: Origin unknown BIRMETAL3 1.0% Mn Al alloy: In wrought form; Birmetal
ALUMAN 100 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium BS 1453 N3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Welding rod for welding AI alloy N3
Co. type
ALUMAN 100 1.2% Mn All alloy: Star BS 14703103 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Replaces N3 designation; plate and
AMI 1.2% Mn All alloy: Wrought; L'Aluminium Fran~ais sheet; H4 condition
AMG05 0.4% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; French Standard VTS: ISO Elon S%
AMI 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard BS 1470 NS3 1% Mn Al alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
AMIG 1.0% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; French Standard VTS: 170 Elon: S%
AMS4006B 1.2% Mn AI: Sheet; annealed; AMS for AA alloy 3003 BS 1470 NS3 1% Mn AI alloy: For sheet and strip; hard
VTS: 120 Elon: 17% VTS: 170 Elon: 3%
AMS4008 C 1.2% Mn AI: Sheet; I-hard; AMS for AA alloy 3003 BS 1470 NS3 1% Mn Al alloy: For sheet and strip; annealed
VTS: 160 Elon: 3% VTS: 110 Elon: 30%
AMS4010 1.2% Mn AI: Foil; hard rolled; AMS for AA alloy 3003 BS 1470 NS3 1% Mn Al alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
VTS: 180 VTS: 120 Elon: 12%
AMS4065 B 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Tube; annealed; AMS for AA alloy BS 1470 NS3 1% Mn Al alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
3003 VTS: ISO Elon: 7%
UTS: 110 BS 14715083 1.2% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Drawn lube; H2 condition
AMS4067 B 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Tube; I-hard; AMS for AA alloy UTS: 310 Elon: S% Proof: 23S
3003 BS 1472 NF3 1% Mn AI alloy: For forgings and bar; annealed
VTS: 120 UTS: 90 Elon: 20% Proof: 4S
ASTM B20913oo3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; annealed BS 14753103 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Wire; H8 condition
VTS: 110 Elon: 23% Proof: 7 UTS: 17S
ASTM B20913oo3 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; cold rolled; I-hard BS 1475 NG3 1% Mn Al alloy: Wire; annealed
UTS: 180 Elon: 12% Proof: 30 VTS: 120
ASTM B20913004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and plate BS 1475 NG3 1% Mn Al alloy: Wire; hard drawn
ASTM B20913oo5 0.4% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and plate UTS: 170
ASTM B21013oo3 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Tube; annealed BS 1477 NP3 1% Mn AI: Plate; I-hard
UTS: 110 Proof: 2S UTS: ISO Elon: 7%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
BS2901 NG3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded arc QQ A 356b 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Bar; US Federal; annealed
welding UTS: 110 EIon: 25% Proof: 30
BS 3313 NS3 1% Mn AI alloy: Strip for dairy product containers; QQ A 359a 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; US Federal; annealed
i·hard UTS: 110 Elon: 22%
UTS: 150 SAE 20 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought hard; now AA
BS 430011 NJ3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Welded tube; as manufactured 3004
UTS: 180 Elon: 3% UTS: 2SO Elon: 3%
BS 4300/6 NS31 0.4% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip; cold SAE 20 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought annealed; now AA
rolled 3004
UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 190 SAE 29 1.3% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; annealed; now AA 3003
DIN 1732 S Al Mn 1.5% Mn Al alloy: Welding electrode UTS: 120 Elon: 25%
DTD213 Mn AI alloy: Replaced by BSL59 SAE 29 1.3% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; hard; now AA 3003
DTD653 Mn Al alloy: Replaced by BSL60 UTS: 180 Elon: 4%
ELM 15 1% Mn AI alloy: Strip; Elm Engineering SOUDALU Mn 2 0.4% Si 1.3% Mn 0.3% Fe AI alloy: Welding
HA4MCIO 0.15% Cu 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Plate; Canadian Standard electrode; Soudometal
HA7MCIO 0.1 % Cu 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Tube; Canadian Standard UTS: 150 Elon: 10% Proof: 80
HIDUMINIUM 11 1.25% Mn AI: For extrusions and tube; as rolled; High SS 4054 1.25% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip; Swedish Standard;
Duty Alloys annealed
DPN: 30 UTS: 110 Elon: 30% Proof: 70 DPN: 30 UTS: 120 Elon: 25% Proof: 45
ffiDUMINIUM 11 1.25% Mn AI: For extrusions and tube; i·hard; High SS 4054 1.25% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip; Swedish Standard;
Duty Alloys cold rolled
DPN: 45 UTS: 150 Elon: 7% Proof: 110 DPN: 60 UTS: 170 Elon: 3% Proof: 140
IMPALCOI90 0.15% Cu 0.6% Si 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and wire; STA7 AW 3C 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470 NS3
Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N3 STUBS 49 1.5% Mn AI alloy: For welding; Stubs
IMPALCO PAI9 1% Mn AI alloy: For sheet, strip and wire; Imperial DPN: 60 UTS: 175 Elon: 25% Proof: 100
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N3 TI 11 1.25% Mn AI: Sheet; British Aluminium Co. spec for
KYNALPAI9 1.25% Mn AI alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial BS 1470 NS3
Aluminium Co. UNI 3568 1.2% Mn Al alloy: For forging; Italian Standard
L59 1% Mn Al alloy: For sheet; i·hard UNI6361 1.0% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: For forging; Italian
UTS: 170 Elon: 5% Standard
L60 1% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip; i·hard V AI Mn 1 0.5% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Previous German Standard
UTS: 120 Elon: 12% designation
L61 1% Mn AI alloy: For sheet and strip; annealed W3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; replaced by IMPALCO 190;
UTS: 90 Elon: 30% Southern Forge
MIA 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Previous ASTM designation; now WW T 788A 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Tube; US Federal
MANGALAL 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; J Booth for BS alloy N3
MG11A 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Previous ASTM Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
designation; now 3004
N3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Designation used by BS DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
NG3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Designation used by BS UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
NJ3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Designation used by BS Elon Elongation, %
NP3 1.2% Mn AI alloy: Designation used by BS Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
NS3 1.2% Mn Al alloy: Designation used by BS
NS31 0.4% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; designation used by I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04lbf/in. 2=1 MPa
BS See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
NORAL3S 1.25% Mn AI; North Aluminium Co. for BS 1470 NS3
1C Aluminium-silicon and wrought cast alloys
Specific gravity 2.6-2.7
Density 2600-2700 kg/m3
Soliduslliquidus 525-625°C
Thermal conductivity 101-126 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 2{}-23 x 1O-6/ o c
Temperature Tensile strength When approximately 12% silicon is added to aluminium the
°C N/mm 2 melting point is reduced to approximately 500 °C. Most of
these alloys are therefore used for their casting characteris-
tics. They have excellent fluidity at casting temperatures and
100 240
thus give good reproducibility of any patterns.
150 210
200 180 The straightforward silicon-aluminium alloys have rela-
250 90 tively low strength but this can be increased to some extent
300 60 by alloying with copper and other elements.
Very few of these alloys can be heat treated to increase the
350 37
400 34 mechanical properties and the alloys have relatively low
mechanical strengths. Their corrosion resistance is also
markedly less than that of pure aluminium or alloys with
magnesium additions.
The above properties are chosen to show the typical values A limited number of wrought alloys are included with
for the alloys listed, and may not apply exactly to anyone these specifications, the most common being for welding
specification. It is possible that with certain specifications wire, brazing wire, etc.
some of the values may not be applicable. Thin walled castings can be produced and items such as
fuse boxes, electrical gear, etc. are commonly manufactured
from these materials.
General metallurical characteristics
Welding requires the use of inert gas.
The materials in this section cover castings and wrought The corrosion resistance can be increased either by ano-
material. Silicon reduces the melting point of aluminium. dizing or, to a lesser extent, by chromate treatment.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks Symboi Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.2131 1.2% Cu 0.4% Mg 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; German 3.2383 0.3% Mg 11l% Si 0.2% AI alloy: Casting; German
Standard; solution treated and aged Standard
DPN: 9S UTS: 230 Elon: 1% Proof: 200 3.2385 0.3% Cu 12% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725
3.2152 4% Cu 7% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 3.2572 0.6% Cu 12% Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: German Standard
3.2153 3% Cu 0.2% Mg 7% Si 0.4% Mn 1.2% Zn AI alloy: DIN 1725
Casting; German Standard DIN 1725 3.2573 3.7% Cu 9% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725
3.2245 0.2% Mg 5.25% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 3.2581 11.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; German Standard
1725 3.2582 0.1 % Cu 12% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725
3.2285 7.5% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 3.2583 2% Cu 12.5% Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting; German
3.2341 5% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 Standard DIN number not known
3.2371 0.4% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; German Standard 3.2585 0.3% Cu 1% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725
3.2381 0.4% Mg 1l.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; 13 II % Si AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS alloy LM 20
German Standard 32S 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si AI alloy: Previous AA
designation; now 4032 for pistons
43 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; AA designation for ASTM
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
alloy 85A or 85B
43 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS alloy LM 18
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 43S 5% Si AI alloy: Wire; Alcoa for BS alloy NW 21
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 43S 5% Si AI alloy: Previous AA designation; now 4043
Elon Elongation, % 123 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for BS alloy LM 18
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 12% Si AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for BS alloy LM 6
160S 12% Si 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for BS
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in. 2 =1 MPa
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 220 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; AA designation for
ASTM alloy G lOA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
305.0 1.2% Cu 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation used in 363.1 3% Cu 0.25% Mg 5.2% Si 3.7% Zn Al alloy: Ingot;
the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
305.2 1.2% Cu 5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the 364.0 0.3% Mg 8.5% Si 0.4% Cr 0.03% Be AI alloy: Casting;
UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
324.0 0.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 7.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; 364.2 0.3% Mg 8.5% Si 0.4% Cr 0.03% Be AI alloy: Ingot;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
324.1 0.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 7.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation 369.0 0.35% Cu 0.35% Mg 11.5% Si Al alloy: Casting;
used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
324.2 0.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 7.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation 369.1 0.35% Cu 0.35% Mg 11.5% Si Al alloy: Ingot;
used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
328.0 1.5% Cu 0.4% Mg 8% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation 380.0 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si 3% Zn (max) Al alloy: Casting;
used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
328.1 1.5% Cu 0.4% Mg 8% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation 380.2 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in
used in the UK and USA the UK and USA
336.0 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting; 383.0 2.5% Cu 10.5% Si 3% Zn (max) Al alloy: Casting;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
336.1 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni Al alloy: Ingot; 383.1 2.5% Cu 10.5% Si 3% Zn (max) Al alloy: Ingot;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
336.2 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni Al alloy: Ingot; 383.2 2.5% Cu 10.5% Si 0.1% Zn (max) Al alloy: Ingot;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
339.0 2.2% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Casting; 384.0 3.7% Cu 11% Si 3% Zn (max) Al alloy: Casting;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
339.1 2.2% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Ingot; 384.1 3.7% Cu 11% Si 3% Zn (max) AI alloy: Ingot;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
343.0 0.7% Cu 7.2% Si 1.7% Zn AI alloy: Casting; 384.2 3.7% Cu 11% Si 0.1% Zn (max) AI alloy: Ingot;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
343.1 0.7% Cu 7.2% Si 1.7% Zn AI alloy: Ingot; designation 385.0 3% Cu 12% Si 3% Zn (max) AI alloy: Casting;
used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
354.0 1.8% Cu 0.5% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation 385.1 3% Cu 12% Si 3% Zn (max) Al alloy: Ingot;
used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
354.1 1.8% Cu 0.5% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation 390.0 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 17% Si AI alloy: Casting;
used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
355.0 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation 390.2 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 17% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation
used in the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
355.1 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation 392.0 0.6% Cu 1% Mg 19% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation
used in the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
355.2 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation 392.1 0.6% Cu 1% Mg 19% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation
used in the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
356.0 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in 393.0 0.9% Cu 1% Mg 22% Si 0.2% Be 2.2% Ni 0.15% Ti
the UK and USA AI alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
356.1 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the 393.1 0.9% Cu 1% Mg 22% Si 0.2% Be 2.2% Ni 0.15% Ti
UK and USA AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and USA
356.2 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy; Ingot; designation used in the 393.2 0.9% Cu 1% Mg 22% Si 0.2% Be 2.2% Ni 0.15% Ti
UK and USA AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and USA
357.0 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in 408.2 9% Si 1% Fe Al alloy: Ingot for steel coating;
the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
359.0 0.6% Mg 9% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation used in 409.2 9.5% Si 1% Fe AI alloy: Ingot for steel coating;
the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
360.0 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in 411.2 11 % Si 1% Fe AI alloy: Ingot for steel coating;
the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
360.2 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in 413.0 12% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK
the UK and USA and USA
361.0 0.25% Cu 0.5% Mg 10% Si 0.25% Ni AI alloy: 413.2 12% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and
Casting; designation used in the UK and USA USA
361.1 0.25% Cu 0.5% Mg 10% Si 0.25% Ni Al alloy: Ingot; 435.2 3.5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK
designation used in the UK and USA and USA
363.0 3% Cu 0.25% Mg 5.2% Si 3.7% Zn Al alloy: Casting; 443.0 4.7% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK
designation used in the UK and USA and USA
443.1 4.7% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK
and USA
443.2 4.7% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: and USA
444.0 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK
DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number and USA
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 444.2 7% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and
Elon Elongation, % USA
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 445.2 7% Si 1% Fe AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the
UK and USA
1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04 Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa 4008 0.4% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. the UK and USA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
4043 5.3% Si Al alloy: Brazing rod; designation used in the AMS4185 A 12% Si Al alloy: Wire for brazmg; AMS for AA alloy
UK and USA 4047
4044 8.5% Si AI alloy: Brazing rod; designation used in the AMS4189 0.2% Mg 4.1 % Si Al alloy: Wrought
UK and USA AMS4190A 5% Si AI alloy: Wire for brazing; AMS for Al alloy
4045 10% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK 4043
and USA AMS4219 0.5% Mg 7% Si 0.05% Be 0.15% Ti AI alloy: Casting
4047 12% Si Al alloy: Brazing rod; designation used in the AMS4241 0.5% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting
UK and USA . AMS4248 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting
4104 1.5% Mg 10% Si 0.1 % Bi Al alloy: Wrought; AMS4261 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting
designation used in the UK and USA ANOOA-405 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Service; as cast
4145 4% Cu 10% Si Al alloy: Brazing rod; designation used UTS: 90 EIon: 3%
in the UK and USA ANTICORODAL 0.7% Mg 5% Si 0.2% Mn 0.1% Ti Al alloy: Casting;
4343 7.8% Si Al alloy: Brazing rod; designation used in the 5S1 Anglo-Swiss; solution treated and aged; obsolete
UK and USA DPN: 95 UTS: 280 EIon: 2% Proof: 250
4543 0.2% Mg 6% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in ANTICORODAL 34 0.4% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.15% Ti Si AI: Primary casting
the UK and USA metal; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.
4643 0.2% Mg 4% Si Al alloy: Welding rod; designation AP403 5.2% Si Al alloy: Casting; Australian specification
used in the UK and USA A-S4G 0.6% Mg 4.2% Si 45% Mn AI alloy: Casting;
A5.3 (E94043) 5.2% Si AI alloy: Welding electrode; AWS designation L'Aluminium Fran~ais
A5.8 (BAI Si 2) 7.5 % Si AI alloy: Welding electrode; AWS designation A-S4G 0.4% Mg 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; French Standard
A5.8 (BAI Si 3) 10.2% Si AI alloy: Welding electrode; AWS A-S5 5.2% Si AI alloy: Wire; French Standard
designation A-S7G 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; French Standard
A5.8 (BAI Si 4) 12% Si Al alloy: Welding electrode; AWS designation A-S7G 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium
A5.8 (BAI Si 5) 10% Si Al alloy: Welding electrode; AWS designation Fran~ais
A5.8 (BAI Si 7) 9.7% Si Al alloy: Welding electrode; AWS designation A-S9U3Y4 1.2% Cu 10.2% Si Al alloy: Casting; French Standard
A5.9 (BAI Si 11) 7.5% Si Al alloy: Welding electrode; AWS designation A-SlOG 0.25% Mg 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium
AC5 0.7% Mg 5% Si 0.2% Mn 0.1% Ti AI alloy: Anglo- Fran~is
Swiss A-SlOG 0.3% Mg 11.5 % Si 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Casting; French
AL2 12% Si Al alloy: Casting; Russian designation Standard
AL4 0.4% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Russian A-SIOUG 2.3% Cu 1.2% Mg 10% Si 0.5% Mn 1.0% Fe Al alloy:
designation Casting; L'Aluminium Fran~is
AU 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Russian A-SJ2 12% Si AI alloy: Wire; French Standard
designation A-SI2N2G 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 2.2% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
AL9 0.4% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian designation L'Aluminium Fran~s
AL26 1% Cu 1% Mg24% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Casting; A-SI2UN 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 1.0% Ni Al alloy: Wrought
Russian designation and cast; L'Aluminium Fran~is
AL30 1.2% Cu 1.2% Mg 11% Si Al alloy: Casting; Russian A-SI2UN 1.1 % Cu 1.2% Mg 11% Si AI alloy: Casting; French
designation Standard
ALAR 005 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy for A-SJ3 12.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium Fran~is
BS alloy LM 18 A-S22 22% Si AI master alloy; L'Aluminium Fran~s
ALAR 0012 12% Si Al alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy A-S22UNK 1.5% Cu 1.0% Mg 21 % Si 0.5% Mn 1.1 % Ni 1.0% Co
for BS alloy LM 20 AI alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium Fran~is
ALCANGB385 1% Cu 1% Mg 11% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Forging; AS 401 11.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Australian specification
solution treated and aged; Alcan AS 601 0.4% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; Australian
DPN: 105 UTS: 356 Elon: 9% Proof: 270 specification
ALCANGB 160 11.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Alcan for BS alloy LM 6 ASTMB26S5A 5% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; as cast
ALCANGB33S 5% Si Al alloy: Wire; Akan; annealed UTS: 110 Elon: 3% Proof: 22
UTS: 110 Elon: 40% Proof: 30 ASTMB26S5B 5% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sand casting; as cast
ALCANGB33S 5% Si AI alloy: Wire; Akan; hard UTS: 110 Elon: 3% Proof: 30
UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 170 ASTM B85 S5C 5% Si AI alloy: Die casting; as cast
ALCAN GB B33S 0.2% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Wire; Akan; solution treated VTS: 220 Elon: 9% Proof: 70
and aged ASTM B85 SI2A 12% Si AI alloy: Die casting; as cast
UTS: 180 Elon: 10% Proof: 156 UTS: 280 Elon: 3.5% Proof: 120
ALMINAL2 1% Cu 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; origin unknown ASTM B85 SI2B 12% Si 2% Fe Al alloy: Die casting; as cast
ALMINAL6 12% Si Al alloy: Casting; origin unknown UTS: 300 Elon: 2.5% Proof: 140
ALMINAL8 0.4% Mg 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; origin ASTM BI08 S5A 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; as cast
unknown UTS: 140 Elon: 2.5% Proof: 22
ALMINAL9 0.4% Mg 12.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; origin ASTM BI08 S5B 5% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Casting; as cast
unknown UTS: 140 Elon: 2% Proof: 30
ALMINALIO 10.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; origin unknown ASTM BI08 SC41 1.5% Cu 0.7% Mg 12% Si AI alloy: Chill cast; solution
ALMINAL20 3% Cu 0.2% Mg 9% Si I% Fe 0.5% Zn AI alloy: treated and aged; obsolete
Casting; origin unknown DPN: 100 UTS: 300 EIon: 1% Proof: 250
ALMINTRODE 11.0% Si 0.5% Fe AI: For electrodes; ESAB ASTM BI08 SC9IAI 0.6% Mg 9.0% Si AI alloy: Die casting
96.0 UTS: 170 Elon: 13 ASTM BI79 57A 7.0% Si AI alloy: Ingot
ALPAX 13% Si AI alloy: Casting; Light Alloy Ltd for BS alloy ASTM BI79 S5A 5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
LM6 ASTM BI79 S5B 5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
AMS4145E 1% Cu 1% Mg 11% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Forging; ASTM BI79 S5C 5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
solution treated and aged; AMS for AA 4032 ASTM BI79 SI2A-B 12% Si Al alloy: Ingot; Primary metal
AMS4181 0.4% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Wrought ASTM B179 SC94A 3.5% Cu 0.3% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Ingot
AMS 4184 B 4% Cu 10% Si AI alloy: Wire for brazing; AMS for AA ASTM BI79 SC7IA 0.5% Mg 7.0% Si AI alloy: Ingot
alloy 4145 ASTM BI79 SC9IA 0.6% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Ingot
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM BI84 AI43 5% Si AI alloy: For electrode filler wire; may be flux BS 1490 LM20M 12% Si AI alloy: Die casting; chill cast
coated UTS: 180 Elon: 5%
ASTM B247 4032 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Forging; BS 149OLM25 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; sand cast
solution treated and aged UTS: 230 Proof: 200
DPN: 115 UTS: 370 Elon: 5% Proof: 300 BS 1616 B 5% Si AI alloy: Welding rod flux coated wire to BS
ASTM B260 B Al 5% Si AI alloy: Brazing filler; melting range alloy NG 21
Si I 577-630·C BS 1942/1 3% Cu 12% Si AI alloy: For brazing; melting range
ASTM B260 B AI 7% Si Al alloy: Brazing filler; melting range 55(}-570 ·C
Si2 577-613 ·C BS 1942/2 12% Si Al alloy: Brazing filler BS alloy N2; melting
ASTM B260 B AI 4% Cu 10% Si Al alloy: Brazing filler; melting range range 56>-575·C
Si 3 521-584 ·C BS 1942/3 8% Si AI alloy: Brazing filler; melting range 56>-600 ·C
ASTM B260 B Al 12% Si AI alloy: Brazing filler; melting range BS 1942/4 5% Si AI alloy: Brazing filler BS alloy N21; melting
Si4 577-582·C range 565-625 ·C
ASTM B260 B Al 7.5% Si AI alloy: Braze metal; brazing range BS2901 NG2 12% Si AI alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded arc welding
Si 5 588-604 ·C BS 2901 NG21 5% Si AI alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded arc welding
ASTM B285 ER4043 5.2% Si Al alloy: Welding wire BS 4300116-8011 0.7% Si 0.8% Fe AI alloy: I-hard; H4 condition
ASTM B285 RS5B 5% Si Al alloy: Welding rod; obsolete UTS: 158 EIon: 4%
ASTMB285 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Welding wire CHROMET 10% Si AI alloy: Bearings for hard shafts; origin
RSC51A unknown
ASTMB285 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Welding wire COMALCOI60 12% Si 0.3% Fe Al alloy: Casting; Comalco for BS
RSG70A alloyLM6
AWC040 12% Si AI alloy: For welding wire; Aluminium Wire COMALCO 160S 12% Si 0.2% Fe 0.03% Na AI alloy: Casting; Comalco
Co. for BS alloy N2 for BS alloy LM6
AWC045 5% Si Al alloy: For welding wire; Aluminium Wire Co. CP601 0.2% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; Australian
for BS alloy N21 specification
AWC046 3.5% Cu 12% Si Al alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co. DEF30 Si Al alloy: For die-casting; covers BS alloys LM2 to
for welding LM6and LM24
B 443.0 5.2% Si AI alloy: Casting; ANSI specification DIN 1732 S AI Si12 12% Si AI alloy: Welding electrode
BA40 11% Si AI alloy: Casting; British Aluminium Co. for OS 15000 Al50I 11.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Danish specification
BSLM6 OS 15000 11.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Danish specification
BA45 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; British Aluminium Co. for BS DTD 135 Si Al casting alloy: Cancelled; obsolete
alloy LM 18 DTD324A 1% Cu 1% Mg 11% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Forging;
BIRMASIL SPEC 11 % Si 3% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Birmingham solution treated and aged
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LMI7 UTS: 300 EIon: 3%
BIRMASTIC 12% Si 3% Ni AI alloy: Origin unknown DTD5028 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si AI alloy: Sand casting
BIRMETALOO5 5% Si AI alloy: Wire; Birmabright for BS alloy N21 UTS: 220 EIon: 3% Proof: 180
BS 1354 NG2 12% Si Al alloy: Welding rod; for welding BS alloys GAISi5Cui 1% Cu 0.4% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; previous
H9, HIO, H2O, H30 and cast alloys German Standard designation
BS 1453 NG21 5% Si AI alloy: Welding rod; for welding BS alloys H9, GAISi5Mg 0.6% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; previous German
HIO, H2O, H30 and cast alloys Standard designation
BS 1475 NG2 12% Si Al alloy: Wire GAISi6Cu4 4% Cu 0.2% Mg 6% Si AI alloy: Casting; previous
BS 1475 NG21 5% Si AI alloy: Wire German Standard designation
BS 14754043A 5.2% Si AI alloy: Wire; welders electrode GAISi6Cu6 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; previous
BS 1475 4047A 12% Si Al alloy: Wire; welders electrode German Standard designation
BS 1490 LM2 1.5% Cu 10% Si AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast GAISi7Cu3 3% Cu 0.2% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; previous
UTS: 158 German Standard designation
BS 149OLM2M 1.5% Cu 10% Si Al alloy: For die castings; chill cast GAISi9(Cu) 1.5% Cu 9% Si Al alloy: Casting; previous German
UTS: 158 Standard designation
BS 149OLM6 11% Si AI alloy: Ingots; chill cast GAISilOMg 0.2% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; previous German
UTS: 180 Elon: 7% Standard designation
BS 149OLM6M 11 % Si AI alloy: For sand and die castings; chill cast GAl Si 10 Mg (Cu) 0.2% Cu 0.3% Mg 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; previous
UTS: 180 Elon: 7% German Standard designation
BS 1490 LM17 II% Si 3% Ni Al alloy: Casting; obsolete GAISil2 11% Si Al alloy: Casting; previous German Standard
BS 149OLM18 5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; chill cast designation
UTS: 140 Elon: 4% GAl Si 12 (Cu) 2% Cu 12.5% Si 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Casting; previous
BS 1490 LM18M 5% Si AI alloy: Sand or die casting; chill cast German Standard designation
UTS: 140 EIon: 4% GO AI Si6Cu3 3% Cu 6% Si 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Casting; previous
BS 149OLM20 12% Si AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast German Standard designation
UTS: 180 Elon: 5% GO AI Si 10 (Cu) 0.8% Cu 0.2% Mg 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; previous
German Standard designation
GO Al Si12. 12% Si AI alloy: Casting; previous German Standard
Note. The following'abbreviations and units are used in the tables: designation
GO AI Si 12 (Cu) 0.6% Cu 12% Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting; previous
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number German Standard designation
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 GOST 2685-63 AI2 11.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification
Eion Elongation, % GOST 2685-63 Al4 0.4% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Russian
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 specification
GOST 2685-63 Al4B 0.4% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Russian
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa specification
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. GOST 2685-63 AI8 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; Russian specification
GOST 2685-63 Al9 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST 2685·63 AI9 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification L253 11.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Spanish specification
GOST 2685-63 AI9B 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification L254 0.4% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Spanish
GOST 2685·63 Al25 0.9% Cu 1.2% Mg 12% Si 1.6% Ni Al alloy: Casting; specification
Russian specification L255 0.9% Cu 1.2% Mg 12% Si 1.6% Ni Al alloy: Casting;
GOST2685·63 Al27 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification Spanish specification
GOST 2685-63 AI 30 0.9% Cu 1.2% Mg 12% Si 1.6% Ni AI alloy: Casting; L256 0.4% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
Russian specification specification
GRINATAL 0.3% Mg 4.5% Si Al alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss L257 0.55% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
Aluminium Co. specification
GRINATAL350 0.3% Mg 4.0% Si Al alloy: Wrought; Anglo·Swiss LAC 112 A 1.5% Cu 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; obsolete; Air
Aluminium Co. Ministry specification similar to BS alloy LM2
H49-2 1.6% Cu 10% Si Al casting alloy: Australian LAISi 12 0.3% Cu 12% Si Al alloy: German Standard; DIN
specification number not known
H49-5 12% Si Al casting alloy: Australian specification LM2 1.5% Cu 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; Intal for BS alloy
H49-6 0.5% Mg 4.7% Si Al casting alloy: Australian LM2
specification LM2 1.5% Cu 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation used by
H49-7 0.4% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; BS
Australian specification LM6 II % Si AI alloy: Casting; Intal for BS alloy LM6
H 49-II 0.8% Cu 1.2% Mg 12% Si 1.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting; LM6 II % Si Al alloy: Casting
Australian specification LM17 II % Si 3% Ni Al alloy: Casting
H 49-14 5.2% Si Al alloy: Casting; Australian specification LM 18 5% Si Al alloy: Casting
H49-15 II.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Australian specification LM18 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Intal for BS alloys LM18
HA3S5 5.2% Si Al alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard LM20 12% Si Al alloy: Casting
HA3S12N 12.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard LM25 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting
HA3S12P 12.0% Si 0.8% Fe Al alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard METC052CNS 12% Si Al alloy: Spray deposit; Metco
HA3SG70N 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si 0.2% Fe Al alloy: Ingot; Canadian METC0601 NS Si Al with plastic: Spray deposit; Metco
Standard METCO SF AI Si Al alloy: Spray deposit; Metco
HA3SG70P 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Ingot; CanadianStandard MVC II % Si AI: Casting; AEI; chill cast
HA3SG71 0.5% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard UTS: 180
HA3SNI22 1.0% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian N2 12% Si Al alloy: Designation used by BS
Standard N21 5% Si AI alloy: Designation used by BS
HA8SG121 0.9% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 0.9% Ni AI alloy: Forging; NG2 12% Si Al alloy: Weld rod; designation by BS
Canadian Standard NG21 5% Si AI alloy: Weld rod; designation used by BS
HA9S5 5.2% Si AI alloy: Sand casting; Canadian Standard NBN436 AI Si 5 Mg 0.6% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Belgium
HA9S12N 12.0% Si Al alloy; Sand casting; Canadian Standard specification
HA9SG70N 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; Canadian NBN 436 Al Si 10 Mg 0.4% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting;
Standard Belgium specification
HA9SG71 0.5% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; Canadian NBN 436 Al Si 12 12% Si Al alloy: Casting; Belgium specification
Standard NORAL33S 5% Si AI alloy: Wire; Northern Aluminium Co. for BS
HA lOS5 5.2% Si Al alloy: Die casting; Canadian Standard alloy N21
HlDUMINIUM 00 1.5% Cu 10% Si Al alloy: Die castings; High Duty NORAL38S 1% Cu 1% Mg II% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Forging;
Alloys for BS alloy LM2 solution treated and aged; Northern Aluminium Co.
HlDUMINlUM 08 1% Cu 1% Mg 11% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Forging; UTS: 300 Elon: 3%
solution treated and aged; High Duty Alloys NORAL 123 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Northern Aluminium Co. for
HlDUMINlUM 10 II % Si Al alloy: For casting thin sections; High Duty BS alloyLM 18
Alloys for BS alloy LM6 NORAL 158 11 % Si 3% Ni Al alloy: Casting; Northern Aluminium
HlDUMINIUM 512 1% Cu 1% Mg 11% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Forging; Co. for BS alloy LM 17
solution treated and aged; High Duty Alloys NORALI60 11 % Si Al alloy: Casting; Northern Aluminium Co. for
IMPALC0450 12% Si Al alloy: Wire for brazing; Imperial Aluminium BS alloy LM20
Co. for BS alloy N2 NURAL 1761 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 17% Si 0.5% Cr 3.4% Ni Al alloy:
IMPALC0460 5% Si Al alloy: Wire for brazing; Imperial Aluminium Casting; Akan (Germany) for pistons
Co. for BS alloy N21 NURAL 1761P 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 16.8% Si 1.0% Ni AI alloy:
IMPALC0470 7.5% Si Al alloy: Wire for furnace brazing; Imperial Forgings; Alcan (Germany) for pistons
Aluminium Co. NURAL 1762 1.0% Cu 1.0%Mg 17.2% Si Al alloy: Akan
IMPALCO PA15 12% Si Al alloy: Wire for brazing; Imperial Aluminium (Germany)
Co. for BS alloy N2 NURAL2361 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 23% Si 0.5% Cr 1.0% Ni Al alloy:
IMPALCO PA16 5% Si AI alloy: Wire for brazing; Imperial Aluminium Castings; Akan (Germany) for pistons
Co. for BS alloy N21 NURAL3210 1.1 % Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 1.0% Ni 0.1 % Ti Al alloy:
lMPALCO PA17 7.5% Si Al alloy: For brazing; Imperial Aluminium Co. Casting; Alcan (Germany) for pistons
KYNALPA15 12% Si Al alloy: Wire for brazing; ICI; obsolete; now QQ A 591/1 12% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Federal
Imperial Aluminium Co. QQ A 591f2 12.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Federal
KYNALPA16 5% Si AI alloy: Wire for brazing; ICI; obsolete; now QQ A 591/3 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Federal
Imperial Aluminium Co. QQ A 591/8 5.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Federal
KYNALPA17 5% Si AI alloy: Wire for brazing; ICI; obsolete; now QQA596f1 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Federal; as cast
Imperial Aluminium Co. UTS: 120 Elon: 2.5%
L8 12% Si AI alloy: Casting; obsolete QQ A 601f2 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Federal; as cast
L33 II % Si AI alloy: Casting; chill cast UTS: 90 Elon: 3%
UTS: 180 EIon: 7% Proor: 70 SAE35 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; sand cast
L99 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; sand cast UTS: 110 Elon: 3% Proof: 30
UTS: 230 E10D: 2% Proor: 180 SAE 205 5% Si Al alloy: Welding wire; now AA4043
L252 11.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Spanish specification
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE206 7% Si AI alloy: Used only for cladding; analysis applies SS 4244 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; Swedish Standard; as
before cladding; now AA4343 cast
SAE 290 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si Al alloy: Solution treated and DPN: 90 UTSj 220 EIon: 2% Proof: 200
aged; now AA 4043 SS 4247 9% Si 0.5% Mn I% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Swedish
DPN: 115 VTS; ~ Elon: 5% Proof: 280 Standard; as cast
SAE 304 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; die cast; as cast DPN: 70
UTS: 200 Elon: 5% SS4253 0.3% Mg 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; Swedish Standard;
SAE 305 12% Si Al alloy: Casting; die cast; as cast as cast
VTS: 240 Elon: 3.5% DPN: 90 UTS; 220 Elon: 2% Proof: 200
SAl Si 5 5% Si Al alloy: Wrought; German Standard SS 4255 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; Swedish Standard; as cast
SAl Si 12 8% Si Al alloy: Wrought; German Standard DPN: 60
SC92A 1.8% Cu 0.5% Mg 9% Si Al alloy: Casting; ASTM SS 4260 12% Si 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Swedish Standard;
designation as cast
Sf I 13% Si 0.35% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss code DPN: 60
for Silafont I SS 4261 12% Si Al alloy: Casting; Swedish Standard; as cast
Sf2 0.45% Mg II % Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo- DPN: 60
Swiss code for Silafont 2 STA 7 AC2 1.5% Cu 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 1490
Sf 3 0.4% Mg 9% Si 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Anglo- LM2
Swiss code for Silafont 3 STA 7 AC6 11% Si AI alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 1490; LM6
Sf 4 1.2% Cu 0.65% Mg II % Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting; STA 7 AWl 5.0% Si Al alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 1473/5 NW21
Anglo-Swiss code for Silafont 4 STA 7 AW2C 12% Si Al alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 1473/5 NW2
Sf 5 0.3% Mg 9.5% Si 0.5% Co AI alloy: Casting; Anglo- STARSi 050 5.2% Si Al alloy; Star
Swiss code for Silafont 5 STAR Si 120 12% Si AI alloy; Star
Sf6 0.25% Mg 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss code STUBSNG21 5% Si AI alloy: For electric arc welding; Stubs
for Silafont 6 STUBS 4 High Si AI alloy: For brazing; melting range 580 'C;
Sf? 1.2% Cu 1% Mg 13% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Stubs
Anglo-Swiss code for Silafont 7 STUBS 48 12% Si Al alloy: For welding and brazing; Stubs
SF Aluminium 6% Si AI: Wire for metal spraying; as sprayed; Metco DPN: 60 UTS: 210 Elon: 30% Proof: 90
UTS: 240 UNI 3022 MAS6 6% Si Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian Standard
SILAFONTI 13% Si 0.35% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss; as UNI 3022 MA625 25% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian Standard
cast; obsolete UNI3048 0.8% Cu 13% Si 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Italian Standard
DPN: 55 VTS: 210 Elon: 7% Proof: 110 UNI3049 0.3% Mg 12% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Italian Standard
SILAFONT2 0.45% Mg 11 % Si 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Anglo- UNI3572 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 0.8% Ni Al alloy: For
Swiss; solution treated and aged; obsolete forging; Italian Standard
DPN: 90 UTS: 300 Elon: 2% Proof: 240 UNI4513 2.0% Cu 12% Si 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Italian
SILAFONT3 0.4% Mg 9% Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo- Standard
Swiss; solution treated and aged; obsolete UNI45I4 13% Si AI alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
DPN: 90 UTS: 270 Elon: 2% Proof: 220 UNI5074 0.4% Mg 9.0% Si 0.6% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Italian
SILAFONT4 1.2% Cu 0.65% Mg 11 % Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Standard
Anglo-Swiss; as cast; obsolete UNI5076 2.0% Cu 12% Si 0.7% Fe AI alloy: Casting Italian
DPN: 90 VTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 150 Standard
SILAFONT5 0.3% Mg 9.4% Si 0.5% Co Al alloy: Casting; Anglo- UNI5077 5.0% Si 0.8% Fe Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
Swiss; solution treated and aged; obsolete UNI5078 9.0% Si 0.7% Fe Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
DPN: 70 UTS: 270 Elon: 4% Proof: 220 UNI5079 13% Si 0.7% Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
SILAFONT6 0.25% Mg 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss as UNI6250 0.8% Cu 1.0% Mg 12.7% Si 2.2% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
cast; obsolete Italian Standard
DPN: 60 UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: ISO UNI6251 1.6% CuO.6% Mg21% SiO.7% Mn 1.5% NiO.8% Co
SILAFONT7 1.2% Cu 1% Mg 13% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Casting; AI alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
Anglo-Swiss; solution treated and aged; obsolete UNI7257 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Italian specification
DPN: 120 UTS: 250 Elon: 1% Proof: 210 V 1036 AlB BVI 5.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Dutch specification
SILAFONTI4 13% Si 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss V 1036 AlB BVII 11.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Dutch specification
Aluminium Co. V 1036 AlB BIX 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Dutch specification
SILAFONT74 1.2% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 1.0% Ni Al alloy: Ingot; V 1036 AlB BXI 0.4% Cu 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting: Dutch
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. specification
SILAFONT84 10% Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss WILMIL 13% Si AI alloy: Casting; W Mills Ltd for BS alloy
Aluminium Co. LM6
SONDALUSi5 5% Si 0.8% Fe Al alloy: Welding electrode;
UTS: 120 Elon: 15% Proof: 30 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SONDALU Si 12 11% Si 0.5% Fe Al alloy: Welding electrode;
Soudometal DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 180 Elon: 5% Proof: 30
SONDOR Cr Al Si 5 5% Si 0.2% Fe AI alloy: Welding electrode; Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 145 Elon: 14% Proof: 60
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
SONDOTIG Al Si 5 5% Si 0.2% Fe AI alloy: Welding electrode; for inert
gas welding; Soudometal See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
UTS: 145 Elon: 14% Proof: 60
1D Aluminium-magnesium wrought alloys
Specific gravity 2.65-2.7
Density 2650-2700 kglm 3
Solidus/liquidus 580-650°C
Thermal conductivity annealed 120-190 W/m °C
i-hard 138-147 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 23.8-24.3 x 1O- 6/ o
Electrical conductivity annealed 30-50% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance annealed 34-59 microhm mm
i-hard 40-55 microhm mm
hard 64 microhm mm
The above properties are included as a guide to the group of excellent corrosion resistance, particularly under marine
specifications as a whole. There is considerable variation conditions. The addition of copper, manganese and chro-
within the group, and as would be expected these properties mium strengthens the alloys and increases their ability to
vary in general with the magnesium percentage. accept cold work, but reduces their corrosion resistance.
Welding requires the use of inert gas techniques.
These alloys are commonly used for architectural pur-
poses where moderate strength but good corrosion resis-
tance is required. The alloys can be anodized and colour
General metallurgical properties anodized to give a range of colours with an attractive appear-
Magnesium in small quantities of less than 1%, added to ance. These alloys, particularly the higher magnesium
aluminium, gives excellent hot working properties and alloys, have the best marine corrosion resistance of any
therefore is useful in producing extrusions and forgings aluminium alloy.
where intricate shapes are required. Many alloys are now used on motor car and commercial
Alloys with 1% magnesium and up to 1% silicon have a vehicle trims and some use has been found in the chemical
specific characteristic and are listed and described in Section industry.
IE. These alloys are heat treatable. Because of the cold work characteristic of the lower mag-
The alloys in this section, i.e. the aluminium-magnesium nesium alloys, they are used for extrusions and the most
alloys, are not heat treatable except to remove cold work. common and intricate aluminium alloy extrusions are manu-
Additions of magnesium up to 7% or 8% give alloys with factured from these alloys.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.3308 0.5% Mg AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 3.3319 1% Mg AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725
3.3309 0.5% Mg AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 3.3329 2% Mg AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725
3.3318 0.8% Mg AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 3.3350 10% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; German Standard DIN
3.3315 0.9% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: German Standard DIN 1725; annealed
DPN: 30 UTS: 90 Elon: 20%
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 3.3525 2.0% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 German Standard DIN 1725
EloD Elongation, % 3.3527 2% Mg 1% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; German
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Standard DIN 1725
3.3535 3% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; German Standard
1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 = 145.04lbf/in 2 =1MPa
DIN 1725
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 3.3537 7% Mg 0.45% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; German
Standard DIN 1725
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.3547 4.4'% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: German 5205 0.8% Mg 0.08% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation
Standard used in the UK and USA
3.3555 5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; German Standard 5250 1.5% Mg 0.1 % Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation
DIN 1725; annealed used in the UK and USA
DPN: 55 UTS: 220 Elon: 17% Proof: 90 5252 2.6% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the
3.3557 7% Mg AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 UK and USA
3.3575 6.8% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; German 5254 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
50S 1.2% Mg AI alloy: Previous AA designation now 5050 5351 1.9% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the
52S 2% Mg AI: Sheet and tube; Alcoa for BS alloy N4 UK and USA
52S 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Previous AA designation 5352 2.6% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the
now 5052 UKand USA
56S 5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip; Alcoa for BS alloy N6 5356 5% Mg 0.15% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
56S 5% Mg 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Previous AA designation designation used in the UK and USA
now 5056 5357 1% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
1435 0.4% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the in the UK and USA
UK and USA 5451 2% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in
5005 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the the UK and USA
UK and USA 5454 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
5006 1% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used designation used in the UK and USA
in the UK and USA 5456 5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
5010 0.4% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation designation used in the UK and USA
used in the UK and USA 5457 1% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
5016 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation in the UK and USA
used in the UK and USA 5552 2.6% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the
5017 0.2% Cu 2% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 5554 2.7% Mg 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation
5034 1% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.5% Fe AI alloy: Wrought; obsolete; used in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 5556 5% Mg 0.15% Cr 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Wrought;
5039 0.15% Cu 3.8% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
obsolete; designation used in the UK and USA 5557 0.6% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation
5040 0.2% Cu 1.2% Mg 1% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; used in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 5652 2.6% Mg 0.2 Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in
5042 3.5% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation the UK and USA
used in the UK and USA 5654 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
5043 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.9% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 5657 0.8% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the
5050 1.6% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
UK and USA AGO.5 0.5% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; L' Aluminium Fran~ais
5051 2% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK AGO.6 0.8% Mg AI alloy: French Standard; Wrought
and USA AGO.6 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard
5052 2.6% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation used AG1 1.0% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; L' Aluminium Fran~ais
in the UK and USA AG1 1.4% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard
5056 5% Mg 0.1 % Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; AG2 2.2% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard
designation used in the UK and USA AG2 2.1 % Mg AI alloy: Wrought; L' Aluminium Fran~ais
5082 4.5% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the AG2M 2% Mg AI alloy: French Standard; Wrought
UK and USA AG2.5MC 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: French Standard;
5083 4.5% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; Wrought
designation used in the UK and USA AG3 3.1% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; L' Aluminium
5086 4% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; Fran~ais
designation used in the UK and USA AG3 3.2% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard
5151 1.8% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the AG4 4.2% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; L' Aluminium
UK and USA Fran~ais
5154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; designation used AG4MC 4.2% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard
in the UK and USA AG4.5 MC 4.4% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: French Standard;
5182 4.5% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the Wrought
UK and USA AG5 5.0% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; French Standard
5183 4.8% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; AG5 5.2% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; L' Aluminium
designation used in the UK and USA Fran~ais
AG7 7.0% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; L' Aluminium
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AGG4 Mg Mn AI alloy: Wrought; further information from
Aluminium Zentrale
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AGG50 1% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; further
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' information from Aluminium Zentrale
Elon Elongation, % AGG54 4% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; further information from
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' Aluminium Zentrale
AGG57 3% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; further
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa
information from Aluminium Zentrale
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AL8 10.2% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Russian designation
AL27 10% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Russian designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ALCANGB54S 3.5% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Alcan for BS alloy N5 AMS4017E 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr Al alloy: Sheet and plate; I-hard;
ALCANGB58S 7.2% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Alcan for BS alloy N7 AMS for AA alloy 5052
ALCAN GBA 56S 5% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Alcan for BS alloy N6 UTS: 250 Elon: 4%
ALCAN GBB 53S 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Alcan AMS4018 3.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet and plate;
VTS: 250 Elon: 6% Proof: 200 annealed; AMS for AA alloy 5154
ALCAN GBD 54S 4.2% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr Al alloy: Alcan for BS VTS: 240 Elon: 14% Proof: 70(0.2%)
alloy N5 AMS4019 3.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet plate; cold rolled;
ALCAN GBL 57S 1% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and strip; Alcan; for bright AMS for AA alloy 5154
anodizing trim VTS: 240 Elon: 8% Proof: 170
ALCAN GBM 57S 2% Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Alcan for BS alloy N4 AMS 4056 B 4.5% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Sheet;
ALCAN GBS 57S 0.6% Mg Al alloy: Bar and forging for bright annealed; AMS for AA alloy 5083
anodizing; Alcan for BT I AMS4057 A 4.5% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.15% Cr Al alloy: Sheet; !-hard;
ALCOA 510 2.0% Mg Al alloy; Wrought; Alcoa; I-hard; H4 AMS for AA alloy 5083
condition AMS4058 A 4.5% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; I-hard;
VTS: 225 Elon: 5% Proof: 170 AMS for AA alloy 5083
ALCOA 520 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; I-hard; H4 AMS 4059 B 4.5% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; I-hard;
condition AMS for AA alloy 5083
VTS: 300 Elon: 6% Proof: 220 AMS4069 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Seamless tube; annealed;
ALCOA 540 1.0% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; I-hard; H4 AMS for AA alloy 5052
condition AMS4070 F 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr Al alloy: Seamless tube; annealed;
UTS: 155 AMS for AA alloy 5052
ALCOA 550 0.5% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; I-hard; H4 AMS4071 F 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr Al alloy: Seamless tube; annealed
condition; for anodizing and drawn; AMS for AA alloy 5052
VTS: 150 AMS4114B 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Bar as rolled; AMS for
AIMgl 1% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; previous AA alloy 5052
German Standard designation AMS 4175 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
AIMg2 2% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; previous AMS 4176 5% Mg 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
German Standard designation AMS 4177 5% Mg 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
AIMg3 3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; previous AMS4178 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
German Standard designation AMS4182 A 5% MgO.12% Mn 0.12% Cr AI alloy: Wire; annealed;
AIMg3Si 3% Mg 0.6% Si 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; AMS for AA alloy 5056
previous German Standard designation AMS4348 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
AIMg5 5% Mg 0.4% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; previous AMS4349 5% Mg 0.15% Cr Al alloy: Wrought
German Standard designation AN WW C 561a/l 5.2% Mg Al alloy: Wire; US Service
AIMg7 7% Mg 0.4% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; previous ASTM BI99 AZSIA 7.5% Mg 0.7% Zn AI alloy: Die casting
German Standard designation ASTM B209/5OO5 1% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; annealed
Al MgMn 2% Mg 1% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; previous VTS: 110 Elon: 22%
German Standard designation ASTM B209/5OO5 1% Mg AI alloys: Sheet; cold rolled
ALMINAL4 0.15% Cu 1.8% Mg 0.6% Si 0.5% Mn 0.5% Cr AI UTS: 170 Elon: 3%
alloy: Wrought; origin unknown ASTM B209/5050 1.5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, annealed
ALMINAL5 0.15% Cu 3.0% Mg 0.6% Si 1.0% Mn 0.5% Cr AI: UTS: 12; Elon: 20% Proof: 22
Wrought; origin unknown ASTM B209/5050 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
ALMINAL6 0.15% Cu 4.5% Mg 0.6% Si 1.0% Mn Al alloy: UTS: 200 Elon: 3%
Wrought; origin unknown ASTM B209/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Sheet; annealed
AI R MgO.5 0.5% Mg AI alloy: For reflective uses; previous VTS: 180 Elon: 18% Proof: 45
German Standard designation ASTM B209/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
AIRMgl 1% Mg AI alloy: For reflective uses; previous German UTS: 280 Elon: 4%
Standard designation ASTM B209/5083 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Sheet; annealed
AIRMg2 2% Mg Al alloy: For reflective uses; previous German VTS: 310 Elon: 16% Proof: 100
Standard designation ASTM B209/5083 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; cold
ALUMAGNESE 1% Mg Al alloy: E Kaye; hard drawn rolled
toC UTS: 180 Elon: 5% UTS: 370 Elon: 6% Proof: 270
ALUMAGNESE 2% Mg Al alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy N4 ASTM B209/5086 4% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; annealed
20V VTS: 250 Elon: 18% Proof: 70
ALUMAGNESE 3.5% Mg AI alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy N5 ASTM B209/5086 4% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
35 B UTS: 340 Elon: 4% Proof: 250
ALUMAGNESE 45 4.5% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy N8 ASTM B209/5154 3.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Sheet; annealed
ALUMAGNESE 501 5% Mg AI alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy H6 VTS: 240 Elon: 18% Proof: 4S
ALUMAGNESE CS 1% Mg AI alloy: Tube; E Kaye; I-hard ASTM B209/5154 3.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 0.2 Ti AI alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
UTS: 210 Elon: 9% VTS: 310 Elon: S% Proof: 240
AMG3 3.5% Mg AI alloy: Russian designation ASTM B209/5155 4.2% Mg 0.4% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Sheet and plate
AMS4004 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Foil ASTM B209/5252 2.5% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and plate
AMS4005 5% MgO.I% Cr AI alloy ASTM B209/5254 3.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; annealed
AMS4015E 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet and plate; UTS: 240 Elon: 18% Proof: 4S
annealed; AMS for AA alloy 5052 ASTM B209/5254 3.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
UTS: 180 Elon: 17% UTS: 300 Elon: S% Proof: 240
AMS4016E 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr Al alloy: Sheet and plate; !-hard; ASTM B209/5257 0.4% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and plate
AMS for AA alloy 5052 ASTM B209/5454 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Sheet;
UTS: 220 Elon: 6% annealed
UTS: 240 Elon: 18% Proof: 60
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM 8209/5454 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Sheet; ASTM B22115454 2.8% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Extruded bar;
cold rolled cold drawn
UTS: 310 Elon: 10% Proof: ISO UTS: 210 Elon: 12% Proof: 60
ASTM 8209/5456 5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Sheet; ASTM 822115456 5% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Extruded bar; cold
annealed drawn
UTS: 340 Elon: 16% Proof: ISO UTS: 280 Elon: 12% Proof: 170
ASTM 8209/5456 5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% CrO.2% Ti Al alloy: Sheet; ASTM B22115652 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Extruded bar, etc.
i-hard ASTM B234/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube; cold drawn
UTS: 400 Elon: 9% Proof: 270 UTS: 220 Proof: 170
ASTM 8209/5457 1.0% Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Sheet and plate ASTM 8234/5454 2.8% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Tube; cold
ASTM 8209/5557 0.6% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and plate drawn
ASTM 8209/5652 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; annealed UTS: 270 Proof: 200
UTS: 200 Elon: 20% ASTM B23515052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube; extruded
ASTM 8209/5652 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr Al alloy: Sheet; cold rolled UTS: 220 Proof: 60
UTS: 280 Elon: 4% ASTM B23515154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube; annealed
ASTM 8209/5657 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and plate UTS: 220 Proof: 75
ASTM B210/5050 1.5% Mg AI alloy: Tube; annealed ASTM B23515254 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Extruded tube; annealed;
UTS: 140 Proof: 15 free of copper
ASTM B210/5050 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Tube; cold drawn UTS: 220 Proof: 75
UTS: 210 Proof: ISO ASTM B23515454 2.6% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Extruded tube;
ASTM B210/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube; annealed annealed
UTS: 170 Proof: 45 UTS: 240 Elon: 14% Proof: 75
ASTM B210/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube; cold drawn ASTM B23515456 5% MgO.7% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Extruded tube;
UTS: 270 Proof: 210 hard drawn
ASTM B210/5083 4.4% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube UTS: 310 Elon: 12% Proof: 120
ASTM 8210/5086 4% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Tube ASTM 823515652 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Extruded tube; annealed
ASTM B210/5154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Tube; annealed UTS: 220 Proof: 60
UTS: 200 Proof: 60 ASTM B24115052 2.5% Mg 0.45% SitFe 0.25% Cr AI: Pipe and tube
ASTM 821015154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Tube; cold drawn ASTM B24115083 4.5% MgO.7% Mn 0.15% Cr AI: Pipe and tube
UTS: 310 Proof: 220 ASTM 824115154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Pipe; cold drawn
ASTM B210/5254 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube; annealed UTS: 310 Proof: 220
UTS: 200 Proof: 60 ASTM B24115254 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Pipe; low copper; cold
ASTM B210/5254 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube; cold drawn drawn
UTS: 310 Proof: 220 UTS: 310 Proof: 220
ASTM 8210/5652 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube; annealed ASTM B24115454 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Pipe; annealed
UTS: 200 Proof: 45 UTS: 210 Elon: 12% Proof: 60
ASTM B210/5652 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube; cold drawn ASTM B241/5456 5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Cr At alloy: Pipe; annealed
UTS: 280 Proof: 210 UTS: 280 EIon: 12% Proof: 120
ASTM B2I1/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Bar; cold drawn ASTM B24115652 2.5% Mg 0.40% Si+Fe 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Pipe and
UTS: 270 tube
ASTM 821115056 5% Mg 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: 8ar; cold rolled ASTM 8247/5083 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Die and hand
UTS: 390 forgings
ASTM 821115154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Bar; cold drawn ASTM B247/5456 5.1% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Die and hand
UTS:310 forgings
ASTM B2I1/5254 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Bar; cold drawn ASTM 8285 ER5050 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Electric welding rod; obsolete
UTS: 310 ASTM B285 ER5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Welding rod; obsolete
ASTM B21115652 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Bar; cold drawn ASTM B285 ER5154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Welding wire
UTS: 270 ASTM B285 ER5183 4.8% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr Al alloy: Welding wire
ASTM B22115052 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Extruded bar, etc. ASTM B285 ER5254 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Welding wire; low Cu
ASTM 822115083 4.5% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Extruded bar; ASTM B285 ER5356 5% Mg 0.1 % Mn 0.1 % Cr 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Welding
cold drawn wire
UTS: 270 Elon: 12% Proof: 150 ASTM B285 ER5554 2.8% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1% CrO.l% Ti AI alloy: Welding
ASTM B221/5086 4% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Extruded bar; cold wire
drawn ASTM B285 ER5556 5.1% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr 0.1% Ti Al alloy: Welding
UTS: 240 Elon: 12% Proof: no wire
ASTM B22115154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Extruded bar; cold drawn ASTM B285 ER5652 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Welding wire
UTS: 200 Proof: 75 ASTM B307/5050 1.5% Mg AI alloy: Coiled tube; annealed
UTS: 120
ASTM B307/5052 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Drawn lube
ASTM B308l5083 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Section;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
UTS: 2SO Elon: 16% Proof: 90
ASTM B30815086 4% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Seclion; as rolled
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number or extruded
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, Nlmm'
UTS: 240 Elon: 12% Proof: no
Elon Elongation, % ASTM B30815454 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: Section;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, Nlmm' annealed
UTS: 210 Elon: 14% Proof: 60
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa
ASTM B308l5456 5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Section; annealed
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 280 Elon: 16% Proof: 120
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B313/5050 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Welded tube; cold rolled BA271 2.7% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: Sheet and strip;
UTS: 270 Elon: 4% British Aluminium Co.
ASTM B313/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Welded tube; cold rolled BA281 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn Al alloy: British Aluminium Co. for
VTS: 270 Elon: 4% BS alloy N8
ASTM B313/5086 4% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Welded tube; cold rolled BA284 4.0% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: Sheet and strip;
VTS: 330 Elon: 5% Proof: 250 British Aluminium Co.; I-hard
ASTM B313/5154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Welded tube; cold rolled UTS: 375
UTS: 4% Proof: 240 BA 5052 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; British Aluminium
ASTM B316/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Rivets; annealed Co.; I-hard; for transportation containers
VTS: 210 Elon: 5.5% Proof: 240
ASTM B316/5056 5% Mg 0.1 % Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Rivets; annealed BA SPlI 0.5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing;
UTS: 310 British Aluminium Co. for BT4
ASTM B316/5652 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Rivets; annealed BA SP12 1% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing;
UTS: 210 British Aluminium Co. for BT5
ASTM B31815OO5 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Drawn coiled tubes; annealed BB 1 1% Mg Al alloy: Tube; Birmabright; annealed
VTS: 120 DPN: 40 VTS: ISO Elon: 25% Proof: 60
ASTM B318/5050 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Drawn coiled tube; annealed BB 1 1% Mg Al alloy: Tube; Birmabright; hard
VTS: 140 DPN: 60 VTS: 220 Elon: 7% Proof: 180
ASTM B318/5052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Drawn coiled tube; BB I-X 1% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; Birmabright; annealed
annealed DPN: 30 UTS: 110 Elon: 27% Proof: 50
UTS: 220 BB I·X 1% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; Birmabright; I-hard
ASTM B34515050 1.4% Mg Al alloy: Pipe; annealed DPN: 45 UTS: 200 Elon: 4% Proof: 180
UTS: 110 Proof: 15 BB2 2% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and tube; Birmabright for BS
ASTM B34515052 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Pipe; annealed alloy N4
UTS: 170 Proof: 45 BB3 3% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; Birmabright for
ASTM B34515083 4.5% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Pipe; as drawn BS alloy N5
VTS: 270 Elon: 12% BB4 4.5% Mg 0.75% Mn Al alloy: Wrought form; Birmetal
ASTM B34515086 4% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Pipe; annealed for BS alloy N8
VTS: 240 Elon: 14% Proof: 75 BB 5 5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; Birmabright for
ASTM B34515154 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Pipe; annealed BS alloy N6
VTS: 200 Elon: 12% Proof: 60 BB5-X 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Birmabright for BS alloy
ASTM B34515456 5.1 % Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: Pipe; annealed N8
UTS: 280 Elon: 16% Proof: 120 BB7 7% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, strip, tube and forging;
ASTM B396/5805 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Electrical; wire Birmabright for BS alloy N7
ASTM B404/5052 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Condenser tubes BB 17 0.6% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing;
ASTM B404/5454 2.7% Mg 0.75% Mn 0.12% Cr Al alloy: Condenser Birmabright for BT 1
tubes BB 127 1.1 % MgAI alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing;
ASTMB531 0.7% Mg AI alloy: Rod for electrical purposes; 54% Birmabright for BTZ
lACS conductivity BS477 Al alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 1476
AWC007 7% Mg AI alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co. for BS BS532 Al alloy: Forgings; replaced by BS 1472
alloy N7 BS 1453 NOS 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Welding rod; for welding Al alloys
AWC021 2% Mg AI alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co. for BS N4 and N5 type
alloy N4 BS 1453 NG6 5% Mg Al alloy: Welding rod; for welding Al alloys,
AWC027 3% Mg Al alloy: For wire; Aluminium Wire Co. for BS cast and wrought with up to 5% Mg
N5 BS 14705083 4.4% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Plate and sheet;
AWC028 5% Mg AI alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co. for BS H4 condition; replaces N8 designation
alloy N6 VTS: 160 Elon: 4% Proof: 100
AWC0282 4.8% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.15% Cr Al alloy: Wire; BS 1470 5154A 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr + Mn AI alloy: Plate and sheet; H4
Aluminium Wire Co.; for welding condition; replaces N5 designation
AWC0283 5.2% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.15% Ti Al alloy: Wire; VTS: 365 Elon: 6% Proof: 270
Aluminium Wire Co.; for welding BS 14705251 2% Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Plate and sheet; H6
AWC0284 2.7% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.15% Ti Al alloy: Wire; condition; replaces N4 designation
Aluminium Wire Co.; for welding VTS: 2SO Elon: 5% Proof: 175
AWC0285 5.0% Mg 1.0% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.15% Ti AI alloy: BS 1470 NS4 2% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
Aluminium Wire Co.; for welding VTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 170
BA21 2% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and tube; British Aluminium BS 1470 NS4 2% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
Co. for BS alloy N4 UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 120
BA27 3% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; British BS 1470 NS4 2% Mg AI alloy: For sheet and strip; annealed
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N5 VTS: 180 Elon: 18%
BA28 5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; British BS 1470 NS5 3% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; annealed
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N6 VTS: 210 Elon: 18%
BA 211 1.1 % Mg Al alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing; BS 1470 NS5 3% Mg AI alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
British Aluminium Co. for BTZ VTS: 240 Elon: 8% Proof: ISO
BA 212 0.6% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing; BS 1470 NS5 3% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
British Aluminium Co. for BTl VTS: 270 Elon: 5% Proof: 210
BA 213 1.1 % Mg Al alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing; BS 1470 NS6 5% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; annealed
British Aluminium Co. for BTZ UTS: 2SO Elon: 18% Proof: 120
BA 218 2.0% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; British Aluminium Co. BS 1470 NS6 5% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; I-hard
BA 226 1.0% Mg AI alloy: Tube; British Aluminium Co. VTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: 210
BA 227 7% Mg Al alloy: Forgings; British Aluminium Co. for BS 1471 5154A 3.6% Mg AI alloy: drawn tube; H4 condition
BS alloy N7 UTS: 245 Elon: 4% Proof: 200
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1471 NT4 2% Mg Al alloy: Tube; I-hard BS 1474 NV6 5% Mg AI alloy: For tube; as drawn
UTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 170 UTS: 2SO Elon: 18% Proof: 120
BS 1471 NT4 2% Mg Al alloy: Tube; annealed BS 1474 NV8 4.5% Mg 0.75% Mn Al alloy: As drawn
UTS: 170 Elon: 18% UTS: 260 Elon: 16% Proof: 120
BS 1471 NT5 3% Mg AI alloy: Tube; annealed BS 1475 5056 5% Mg 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Wire; condition H4; welding
UTS: 210 Elon: 18% Proof: 110 electrode
BS 1471 NT5 3% Mg Al alloy: Tube; I-hard UTS: 340 Elon: 10%
UTS: 240 Elon: 5% Proof: 188 BS 1475 5154A 3.6% Mg AI alloy: Wire; welding electrode
BS 1471 NT6 5% Mg AI alloy: Tube; annealed BS 14755251 2% Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Wire; condition H8
UTS: 258 Elon: 18% Proof: 120 UTS: 260
BS 1471 NT6 5% Mg AI alloy: Tube; I-hard BS 1475 5556A 5.5% Mg 0.9% Mn AI alloy: Wire; welding electrode
UTS: 260 Elon: 5% Proof: 210 BS 1475 NG4 2% Mg Al alloy: Wire; annealed
BS 1471 NT8 4.5% Mg 0.75% Mn Al alloy: Tube; I-hard H4 UTS: 188
condition BS 1475 NG4 2% Mg Al alloy: Wire; hard drawn
UTS: 310 Elon: 5% Proof: 230 UTS: 258
BS 1472 5154A 3.5% Mg Al alloy: forging; as forged BS 1475 NG5 3.5% Mg AI alloy: Wire
UTS: 215 Elon: 16% Proof: 100 .BS 1475 NG6 5% Mg AI alloy: Wire; annealed
BS 1472 5251 2% Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: forging; as forged UTS: 260
UTS: 170 Elon: 16% Proof: 60 BS 1475 NG6 5% Mg Al alloy: Wire; I-hard
BS 1472 NF4 2% Mg Al alloy: For forgings and bar; annealed UTS: 330
UTS: 170 Elon: 18% Proof: 75 BS 1475 NG6 5% Mg Al alloy: Wire; hard
BS 1472 NF5 3% Mg Al alloy: For forgings and bar; annealed UTS: 370
UTS: 210 Elon: 18% Proof: 90 BS 1476 NE4 2% Mg Al alloy: Bar; as rolled
BS 1472 NF6 5% Mg Al alloy: For forgings and bar; annealed UTS: 170 Elon: 18%
UTS: 2SO Elon: 18% Proof: 120 BS 1476 NE5 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Bar; as rolled
BS 1472 NF7 7% Mg AI alloy: For forgings and bar; annealed UTS: 200 Elon: 18% Proof: 90
UTS: 300 Elon: 18% Proof: 120 BS 1476 NE6 5% Mg AI alloy: Bar; as rolled
BS 1472 NF8 4.5% Mg 0.75% Mn Al alloy: For forgings and bar; UTS: 258 Elon: 18% Proof: 120
annealed BS 1476 NE8 4.5% Mg 0.75% Mn Al alloy: Bar; annealed
UTS: 270 Elon: 15% Proof: 120 UTS: 2SO Elon: 16% Proof: 120
BS 1473 5056A 5% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Bolt and screw stock; H4 BS 1477 NP4 2% Mg Al alloy: Plate; as rolled
condition UTS: 188 Elon: 12%
UTS: 340 Proof: 240 BS 1477 NP6 5% Mg Al alloy: Plate; annealed
BS 1473 5154A 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Bolt and screw stock; annealed UTS: 2SO Elon: 20% Proof: 90
UTS: 200 BS 1477 NP8 4.5% Mg 0.75% Mn Al alloy: Plate; annealed
BS 1473 NB6 5.0% Mg 0.3% Mn+Cr Al alloy: Rivet and screw UTS: 160 Elon: 16% Proof: 120
stock; cold rolled BS 1616 C 5% Mg Al alloy: Welding rod flux coated wire to BS
UTS: 358 Proof: 240 alloy N6
BS 1473 NG7 7% Mg Al alloy: Welding rod; for welding AI cast and BS 2901 NG4 2.2% Mg AI alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded arc
wrought alloys with high Mg welding
BS 1473 NR5 3% Mg Al alloy: For rivets; annealed BS 2901 NG5 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Rod for all welding
UTS: 210 BS2901 NG6 5.0% Mg Al alloy: Rod for all welding
BS 1473 NR6 5% Mg Al alloy: For rivets; annealed BS 2901 NG7 7.0% Mg Al alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded arc
UTS: 240 welding
BS 1473 NR6 5% Mg AI alloy: For bolt stock; I-hard BS 290115056 A 5.0% Mg AI alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
UTS: 310 Proof: 220 BS 290115154 A 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
BS 14745083 4.5% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Bar and extruded BS 290 1/5183 4.8% Mg Al alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
tube; as drawn BS 2901/5356 5% Mg Al alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
UTS: 280 Elon: 12% Proof: 130 BS 2901/5554 2.5% Mg AI alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
BS 1474 5154A 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Bar and extruded lube; as drawn BS 2901/5556 A 5.5% Mg AI alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
UTS: 215 Elon: 16% Proof: 100 BS 4300/1 5251 2% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Longitudinal welded tube
BS 14745251 2.1 % Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Bar and extruded tube; as UTS: 245 Elon: 4% Proof: 220
drawn BS 4300/1 NJ4 2.2% Mg Al alloy: Longitudinal welded tube; as
UTS: 170 Elon: 16% Proof: 60 welded
BS 1474 NV4 2% Mg Al alloy: For tube; as drawn UTS: 240 Elon: 3% Proof: 220
UTS: 170 Elon: 18% BS 4300/1 NJ5 3.4% Mg Al alloy: Longitudinal welded tube; as
BS 1474 NV5 3% Mg Al alloy: For tube; as drawn welded
UTS: 210 Elon: 18% Proof: 90 UTS: 290 Elon: 5% Proof: 2SO
BS 4300/2 BTRS1 0.5% Mg AI alloy: For bright trim; I-hard condition
UTS: 158
BS 430012 BTRS2 0.09% Mg AI alloy: For bright trim; I-hard condition
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 170
BS 430012 BTRS2 1.0% Mg Al alloy: For bright trim; annealed
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 158
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, Nlmm' BS 4300/6 3105 0.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: replaces N31 designation;
Elon Elongation, % Plate and sheet; H4 condition
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' UTS: 188 Elon: 3% Proof: 145
BS 4300n 5005 0.8 Mg Al alloy: replaces N41 designation; Plate and
I N/mm';O.1 hbar;O.IOZ kgf/mm';0.06475 tonf/in.'; 145.04 Ibf/in.'; I MPa sheet; H4 condition
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 165 Elon: 4% Proof: 100
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 4300/7 NS41 0.8% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard H4 condition BT5 1% Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; hard;
VTS: 160 Elon: 4% Proof: 100 designation given by Aluminium Federation
BS 4300/85454 2.7% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Plate and sheet; UTS: 180
H4 condition DTD 175 Mg AI alloy: Obsolete
UTS: 300 Elon: 5% Proof: 200 DTD 180B 3% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; I-hard
BS 4300/8 NS51 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr AI alloy: Plate and sheet;. UTS: 250 Elon: 8% Proof: 170
I-hard H4 condition DTD 182B 7% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
VTS: 300 Elon: 5% Proof: 200 VTS: 330 Elon: 18%
BS 4300/9 NG41 0.8% Mg Al alloy: Wire; hard H8 condition DTD 186B 7% Mg Al alloy: Tube; I-hard
UTS: 180 UTS: 370 Elon: 5% Proof: 260
BS 4300/10 NT51 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr Al alloy: Drawn tube; DTD 190 Obsolete. No information available
I-hard H4 condition DTD297A 7% Mg AI alloy: Bar and forging; annealed
UTS: 300 Elon: 4% Proof: 220 UTS: 300 Elon: 18% Proof: 140
BS 4300/11 5454 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Forging; as DTD 303 5% Mg Al alloy: Wire as drawn; replaeed by L 58
forged VTS: 260
UTS: 270 Elon: 16% Proof: 90 DTD 310 2% Mg AI alloy: Replaced by L 56
BS 4300/11 NF51 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr AI alloy: Forging; as DTD440 2% Mg AI alloy: Tube; I-hard; cold drawn
forged VTS: 220
VTS: 270 Elon: 18% Proof: 80 DTD606A 2% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; I-hard; cold rolled
BS 4300/12 5454 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Bar and extruded UTS: 220 Elon: 15% Proof: 180
tube; as drawn DTD634A 2% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
UTS: 215 Elon: 16% Proof: 100 VTS: 180 Elon: 18%
BS 4300112 NE51 2.8% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr AI alloy: Bar, tube, etc.; DURALBRlTE 4 2.5% Mg Al alloy: Extrusion; Akan; hard drawn
as drawn VTS: 255
UTS: 250 Elon: 17% Proof: 90 ELM 8 2% Mg Al alloy: Strip and welded tube; Elm
BS 4300113 5554 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wire; welding clectrode Engineering
BS 4300113 NG52 2.8% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr AI alloy: Welding wire VTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 170
BS 4300/13 NG52 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.7% CrO.I% Ti Al alloy: Wire; ELM 10 2% Mg Al alloy: Strip and welded tube; Elm
for welding Engineering
BTl 0.6% Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; annealed; UTS: 260 Elon: 4% Proof: 220
designation given by Aluminium Federation ERMALNS4 2% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and strip; Enfield specification
UTS: 120 for BS 1470 NS4
BTl 0.6% Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; j-hard; GIA 1.5% Mg AI alloy: Previous ASTM designation, now
designation given by Aluminium Federation 5050
VTS: 140 GIB 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Previous ASTM designation, now
BTl 0.6% Mg AI alloy: For bright anodizing; I-hard; 5005
designation given by Aluminium Federation GM31A 2.8% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: Previous ASTM
VTS: ISO designation, now 5454
BTl 0.6% Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; hard; GM40A 4% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Previous ASTM
designation given by Aluminium Federation designation, now 5086
VTS: 170 GM41A 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Previous ASTM
BT2 1.1 % Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; annealed; designation, now 5083
designation given by Aluminium Federation GM50A 5% MgO.15% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Previous ASTM
VTS: 170 designation, now 5056
BT2 1.1 % Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; I-hard; GM51A 5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr Al alloy: Previous ASTM
designation given by Aluminium Federation designation, now 5456
UTS: 180 GR20A 0.1 % Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr AI alloy: Previous ASTM
BTZ 1.1 % Mg AI alloy: For bright anodizing; hard; designation, now 5052
designation given by Aluminium Federation GR20B 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr Al alloy: Previous ASTM
VTS: 200 designation, now 5652
BT4 0.5% Mg AI alloy: For bright anodizing; annealed; GR40A 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Previous ASTM
designation given by Aluminium Federation designation, now 5154
VTS: 90 GR40B 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Previous ASTM
BT4 0.5% Mg AI alloy: For bright anodizing; I-hard; designation, now 5254
designation given by Aluminium Federation HA4GM31N 2.7% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Plate; Canadian
VTS: 110 Standard
BT4 0.5% Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; I-hard; HA 4 GM41 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Plate; Canadian
designation given by Aluminium Federation Standard
VTS: 120 HA4GR20 2.6% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Plate; Canadian Standard
BT4 0.5% Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; hard; HA 5 GM41 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Bar, etc.;
designation given by Aluminium Federation Canadian Standard
VTS: IS; HA5GR20 2.6% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Bar, etc.; Canadian
BT5 1% Mg AI alloy: For bright anodizing; annealed; Standard
designation given by Aluminium Federation HA6GM50R 5.0% Mg 0.1 % Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: For rivets and
VTS: 120 brazing wire; Canadian Standard
BT5 1% Mg AI alloy: For bright anodizing; I-hard; HA 6 GSIIP 1.2% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: For rivets and brazing
designation given by Aluminium Federation wire; Canadian Standard
VTS: 140 HA 7GR20 2.5% Mg Al alloy: Tube; Canadian Standard
BT 5 1% Mg Al alloy: For bright anodizing; I-hard; HIDUMINIUM 05 5% Mg AI alloy: For tubes and extrusions; High Duty
designation given by Aluminium Federation Alloys for BS alloy N6
VTS: 170
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HIDUMINIUM 07 7% Mg AI alloy: For forgings and tubes; High Duty IMPALCO M32 10% Mg AI alloy: For sheet and strip; Hard; Imperial
Alloys for BS alloy N7 Aluminium Co.
HIDUMINIUM 12 1.3% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; High Duty Alloys; annealed UTS: 140 Elon: 12% Proof: no
UTS: ISO Elon: 25% Proof: SO IMPALCO M32 1% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed; Imperial
HIDUMINIUM 14 1% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Tube; High Duty Alloys; Aluminium Co. for high reflectivity
hard drawn UTS: 140 Elon: 20%
UTS: 210 Elon: 6% Proof: 170 IMPALCO M32 1% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; hard; Imperial
HIDUMINIUM 16 0.6% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing; Aluminium Co.
High Duty Alloys for BT I UTS: 180 Elon: 4% Proof: 140
HIDUMINIUM 17 l.l % Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing; IMPALCO M32X 1% Mg AI alloy: For sheet and strip; annealed;
High Duty Alloys for BT 2 Imperial Aluminium Co. Similar to M32
HIDUMINIUM 22 2% Mg AI alloy: For extrusions and tubes; High Duty UTS: 140 Elon: 20%
Alloys for BS alloy N4 IMPALCO M32X 1% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; Hard; Imperial
HIDUMINIUM 24 2.5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; High Duty Alloys; annealed Aluminium Co.
UTS: 200 Elon: 18% UTS: 140 Elon: 12% Proof: 120
HIDUMINIUM 33 3% Mg Al alloy: For extrusions and tubes; High Duty IMPALCO M32X 1% Mg Al alloy: For sheet and strip; hard; Imperial
Alloys for BS alloy N5 Aluminium Co.
HIDUMINIUM 35 4.5% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: High Duty Alloys for BS UTS: 180 Elon: 4% Proof: 140
alloy N8 IMPALCO M34 0.05% Cu 1% Mg AI alloy: For tube; hard; Imperial
IMPALCO 510 2% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, tube, bar, etc.; Imperial Aluminium Co.
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N4 DPN: 70 UTS: 210 Elon: 6% Proof: 180
IMPALCO 520 3.5% Mg 1% Mn AI alloy: Sheet, tube, bar, etc.; IMPALCO M34 0.05% Cu 1% Mg AI alloy: For tube; annealed;
Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N5 Imperial Aluminium Co.
IMPALCO 530 4.5% Mg 1% Mn AI alloy: Plate; Imperial Aluminium DPN: 36 UTS: 130 Elon: 22%
Co. for BS alloy N5/6 IMPALCO M35/1 2% Mg AI alloy: For sheet, strip, tube, wire, plate and
IMPALCO 531 4.4% Mg AI alloy: Plate, bar and forgings; Imperial sections; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N4
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N8 IMPALCO M35/2 0.1% Cu 3.5% Mg AI alloy: For sheet, strip, tube,
IMPALCO 540 1% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and bar; Imperial Aluminium wire, bar and sections; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS
Co.; annealed alloy N5
UTS: ISO IMPALCO M35/2 4% Mg 1% Mn AI alloy: For plate; Imperial
IMPALCO 540 1% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and bar; Imperial Aluminium Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N5/6
Co.; I-hard IMPALCO M36 5% Mg 1% Mn AI alloy: For sheet, strip, wire, bar, rod
UTS: 180 and sections; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N6
IMPALCO 540 1% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and bar; Imperial Aluminium KYNAL M35/1 2% Mg AI alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial
Co.; I-hard Aluminium Co.
UTS: 200 KYNAL M35/2 3% Mg Al alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial
IMPALCO 550 0.5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; Imperial Aluminium Co.; Aluminium Co.
annealed KYNAL M36 5% Mg Al alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial
UTS: 120 Aluminium Co.
IMPALCO 550 0.5% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; Imperial Aluminium Co.; KYNAL M37 7% Mg Al alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial
I-hard Aluminium Co.
UTS: 140 L44 2% Mg Al alloy: Bar; as rolled
IMPALCO 560 5% Mg 0.5% Cr AI alloy: Sheet and bar; Imperial UTS: 170 Elon: 18%
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N6 L46 Mg AI alloy: Obsolete
IMPALCO 570 7% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and bar; Imperial Aluminium L55 2% Mg AI alloy: Tube; I-hard; cold drawn
Co. for BS alloy N7 UTS: 220
IMPALCO 900 1% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Tube; Imperial Aluminium L56 2% Mg AI alloy: Tube; annealed
Co.; annealed UTS: 210
UTS: 120 Elon: 20% L58 5% Mg AI alloy: Wire; as drawn
IMPALCO 900 1% MgO.2% Mn Al alloy: Tube; Imperial Aluminium UTS: 260
Co.; I-hard LBO 2.25% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; annealed
UTS: 200 Elon: 6% Proof: ISO UTS: 180 Elon: 18%
IMPALCO 900 1% Mg 0.2% Mn Al alloy: Tube; Imperial Aluminium LSI 2.25% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; I-hard
Co.; hard UTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 170
UTS: 220 Elon: 4% Proof: 200 L82 3.5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; annealed
IMPALCO 901 1% Mg Al alloy: Tube; Imperial Aluminium Co.; as UTS: 210 Elon: 18%
drawn MG 2 2% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and tube; J Booth for BS alloy
UTS: 140 Elon: 25% Proof: 75 N4
IMPALCO M31 0.6% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip for bright anodizing; MG 3 3% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; J Booth for BS
Imperial Aluminium Co. for BTl alloy N5
MG 5 5% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; J Booth for BS
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: alloy N6
MG 5S 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr Al alloy: Tubeforgings; J
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Booth; annealed
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' UTS: 260 Elon: 16% Proof: 120
Elon Elongation, % MG 7 7% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, strip and tube forging; J Booth
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' for BS alloy N7
N4 2% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used by BS
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa N5 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used by BS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. N6 5% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used by BS
N7 7% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used by BS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
N8 4.5% Mg 0.75% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; designation PERALUMAN 500 5% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss
used by BS Aluminium Co.
N41 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; designation used by BS QQA315 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Bar; US Federal; annealed
N51 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; UTS: 180 EIon: 25% Proof: 75
designation used by BS QQA318 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr AI alloy: Plate; US Federal; cold
N52 2.8% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.12% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; rolled
designation used by BS UTS: 250 Elon: 2% Proof: 180
NORAL54S 3% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; Northern REFLECTAL 050 0.5% Mg AI alloy: For anodizing; Anglo-Swiss
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N5 Aluminium Co.
NORAL58S 7% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube forging; REFLECTAL 100 1.0% Mg Al alloy: For anodizing; Anglo-Swiss
Northern Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N7 Aluminium Co.
NORALA56S 5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; Northern SAE201 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; annealed; now
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N6 AA5652
NORALM57S 2% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and tube; Northern Aluminium UTS: 210 Elon: 19%
Co. for BS alloy N4 SAE 201 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; hard; now AA
P3G 3.1 % Mg 0.3% Si 0.2% Mn 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Casting; 5052
Anglo-Swiss code for Peraluman 3G UTS: 250 Elon: 4%
P5G 5.2% Mg 0.9% Si 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Casting; SAE 207 1.5% Mg AI alloy: Cold rolled; now AA 5050
Anglo-Swiss code for Peraluman 5G DPN: 63 UTS: 210 Elon: 6% Proof: 180
P9G 0.2% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.025% Be AI alloy: Casting; SAE 208 3.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Cold rolled; now AA 5154
Anglo-Swiss code for Peraluman 9G DPN: 80 UTS: 330 Elon: 10% Proof: 280
Pe 15 1.5% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss SAE 209 1% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; annealed; now
code for Peraluman 15 AA 5357
Pe30 2.8% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss UTS: 110 Elon: 20%
code for Peraluman 30 SAE251 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
Pe 40 4% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss code annealed; now AA 5454
for Peraluman 40 UTS: 260 Elon: 18% Proof: 60
Pe50 0.4% Cu 5.2% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; SAE 252 1% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; annealed; now
Anglo-Swiss code for Peraluman 50 AA 5457
PERALUMAN 3G 3.1% MgO.3% Si 0.2% Mn 0.1% Ti AI alloy: Casting; UTS: 140 Elon: 20%
Anglo-Swiss solution treated and aged; obsolete SOUDOTEG AI Mg 4.7% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Welding electrode for
DPN: 60 UTS: 210 Elon: 6% Proof: 140 inert gas welding; Soudometal
PERALUMAN 5G 5.2% Mg 0.9% Si 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Casting; UTS: 280 EIon: 20% Proof: 120
Anglo-Swiss as die cast; obsolete SOUDOTEGAI 5% Mg 0.1 % Ti 0.2% Fe AI alloy: Welding electrode
DPN: 70 UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 110 Mg5 for inert gas welding; Soudometal
PERALUMAN 9G 9.2% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.025% Be AI alloy: Casting; UTS: 240 Elon: 18% Proof: 90
Anglo-Swiss as die cast; obsolete SONDOR G AI Mg 4.7% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Welding electrode;
DPN: 70 UTS: 220 Elon: 2% Proof: 140 Soudometal
PERALUMAN 15 1.5% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss; UTS: 280 Elon: 20% Proof: 120
cold drawn; obsolete SONDORGAI 5% Mg 0.2% Fe AI alloy: Welding electrode;
DPN: 70 UTS: 220 Elon: 6% Proof: 210 Mg5 Soudometal
PERALUMAN 30 2.8% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss; UTS: 240 Elon: 18% Proof: 90
hard drawn; obsolete SS 4106 0.9% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip; Swedish Standard;
DPN: 85 VTS: 280 Elon: 9% Proof: 250 annealed
PERALUMAN 40 4% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss; cold DPN: 30 UTS: 110 Elon: 25% Proof: 4S
drawn; obsolete SS 4106 0.9% Mg AI alloy: Sheet and strip; Swedish Standard;
DPN: 90 VTS: 310 Elon: 9% Proof: 280 cold rolled
PERALUMAN 50 0.4% Cu 5.2% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; DPN: 60 UTS: 150 Elon: 3% Proof: 120
Anglo-Swiss; hard drawn; obsolete SS 4120 2.3% Mg AI alloy: Bar, sheet and strip; Swedish
DPN: 100 VTS: 360 Elon: 9% Proof: 300 Standard; annealed
PERALUMAN 100 0.8% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; DPN: 55 VTS: 180 Elon: 18% Proof: 45
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. SS 4120 2.3% Mg AI alloy: Bar, sheet and strip; Swedish
PERALUMAN 150 1.6% Mg 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Standard; cold worked
Aluminium Co. DPN: 85 VTS: 250 Elon: 3% Proof: 210
PERALUMAN 200 2% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss SS 4163 5% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Casting; Swedish Standard; as
Aluminium Co. cast
PERALUMAN 260 2.7% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; DPN: 60
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. STA 7 AW4A 2% Mg AI alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 1476 NE4
PERALUMAN 260 2.6% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; STA 7 AW4B 2% Mg AI alloy: Tube, replaced by BS 1471 NT4
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. STA 7 AW4C 2% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470 NS4
PERALUMAN 300 2.9% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss STA 7 AW5A 3% Mg AI alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 1476 NE5
Aluminium Co. STA 7 AW5B 3% Mg AI alloy: Tube; replaced by BS 1471 NT5
PERALUMAN 350 3.5% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium STA 7 AW5C 3% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470 NS5
Co. STA 7 AW6A 5% Mg AI alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 1476 NE6
PERALUMAN 400 4.0% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss STA 7 AW6B 5% Mg AI alloy: Tube; replaced by BS 1471 NT6
Aluminium Co. STA 7 AW6C 5% Mg AI alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470 NS6
PERALUMAN 460 4.3% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; STA 7 AW6D 5% Mg AI alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 1473-5 NR6
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. NV6NG6
PERALUMAN 460 4.5% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; STA 7 AW7A 7% Mg AI' alloy: Forging and bar; replaced by BS 1472
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. NF7
STA 7 AW7B 7% Mg AI alloy: Tube; replaced by BS 1471 NTI
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STA 7 AW7C 7% Mg Al alloy: Replaced by BS 1470 NS7 W4 2.2% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, bar, wire, etc.; Southern
STUBSNG6 5% Mg Al alloy: For electric arc welding; Stubs Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 510
STUBS NG61 5.3% Mg Al alloy: For electric arc welding; Stubs W5 3.5% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; Southern Forge;
TI05 5% Mg Al alloy: For tube; British Aluminium Co. for replaced by IMPALCO 520
BS alloy N6 W6 5% Mg 1% Mn Al alloy: Sheet, bar and wire; Southern
T/07 7% Mg Al alloy: Tube and forging; British Aluminium Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 560
Co. for BS alloy N7 WOlO 1% Mg Al alloy: Sheet, bar and forging; Southern
T/22 2% Mg Al alloy: Sheet and tube; British Aluminium Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 540
Co. for BS alloy N4 won 1% Mg Al alloy: Southern Forge; replaced by
T/33 3% Mg AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; British IMPALC0900
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy N5 WOl2 1% Mg Al alloy: Southern Forge; replaced by
UNI3573 1.5% Mg Al alloy: For forging; Italian Standard IMPALC0901
UNI3574 2.5% Mg Al alloy: For forging; Italian Standard WWT787 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube; US Federal;
UNI3575 3.5% Mg Al alloy: For forging; Italian Standard annealed
UNI3576 5.0% Mg Al alloy: For forging; Italian Standard UTS: 220 Proof: 120
UNI4510 0.9% Mg Al alloy: Sheet for decorative use; Italian
UNI4511 2.0% Mg AI alloy: For forging; Italian Standard
UNI4512 0.5% Mg Al alloy: For decorative use; Italian Standard Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
UNI5452 4.4% Mg Al alloy: For forging; Italian Standard
UNI5764 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Italian Standard DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UNI5784 0.8% Mg AI alloy: For forging; Italian Standard 'UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
UNI6360 0.1 % Cu 0.9% Mg Al alloy: For decorative purposes; Elon Elongation, %
Italian Standard Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
UNI7789 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: Italian Standard
UNI7790 4.4% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Italian Standard 1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonfJin 2 =145.04lbfJin. 2=1 MPa
UVAIMg 10% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; previous German Standard See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Electrical conductivity solution treated and aged 40-55% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance annealed 32-38 microhm mm
solution treated and aged 36-45 microhm mm
100 300 21
150 250 24
200 205 21
250 120 23
315 47 38
350 37 48
400 30 57
'The values shown apply to the 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn alloys. Other alloys have lower values above 150 0c.
The above properties are typical of the following speci- General metallurgical characteristics
fications, and may not apply exactly to anyone. It is possible
After the addition of between 0.5% and 1.0% magnesium
that some of the values are inapplicable.
and 0.5% and 1.0% silicon, with or without copper but
generally with some chromium, the mechanical properties of
aluminium alloys can be improved by heat treatment.
This heat treatment is a solution treat and age (precip- alloys have been heat treated but can be carried out prior to
itation hardening). The alloys listed all have good working heat treatment when little or no decrease in mechanical
properties and can be forged, extruded and drawn. When properties will be found.
heat treated there is a marked increase in tensile strength and These alloys find use for architectural purposes, for win-
yield strength with some reduction in elongation but there is dow glazing bars and supports. The structural members of
less reduction in corrosion resistance with these alloys in many transport vehicles such as railways, trucks, etc. are
relation to the increase in mechanical strength than for any manufactured in these alloys as are tubular furniture and
other range of aluminium alloys. similar items.
With the addition of small amounts of copper, chromium Their corrosion resistance can be improved dramatically
and manganese the mechanical properties can be enhanced. using anodizing and, to a lesser extent, by chromate
These materials can be welded using the inert gas shielded treatment.
method. This will affect the mechanical properties if the
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2EC 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: For electrical purposes; AA 6009 0.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy:
designation Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
3.0615 Mg Si Pb AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 6010 0.4% Cu 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Wrought;
3.2305 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: German Standard DIN designation used in the UK and USA
1725 6011 0.6% Cu 0.9% Mg 0.9% Si Al alloy: Wrought;
3.2315 0.7% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: German Standard designation used in the UK and USA
DIN 1725 6013 0.8% Cu 0.9% Mg 0.8% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy:
3.3205 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: German Standard DIN Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
1725 6017 0.1 % Cu 0.5% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Fe Al alloy:
3.3206 0.7% Mg 0.6% Si Al alloy: Wrought; German Standard Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
DIN 1725 6053 1.2% Mg 0.5% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Wrought;
3.3241 3% Mg 1% Si 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Ti Al alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
German Standard DIN 1725 6060 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
3.3243 3% Mg 0.7% Si 0.3% Mn 0.1% Ti Al alloy: Casting; in the UK and USA
German Standard DIN 1725 6061 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Wrought;
DPN: 60 VTS: 170 Elon: S% Proof: 7S designation used in the UK and USA
3.3245 3% Mg 0.6% Si 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Wrought; 6101 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
German Standard DIN 1725 by AA; no ASTM alloy listed
DPN: 4S UTS: 170 Elon: 17% Proof: 7S 6105 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
62S 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr Al alloy: Previous in the UK and USA
AA designation now 6062 6110 0.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 1.2% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy:
63S 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Wire; Alcoa for BS alloy Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
H9 6111 0.7% Mg 0.9% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
63S 0.8% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Previous AA designation in the UK and USA
now 6063 6151 0.6% Mg 0.9% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Wrought;
4009 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 6162 0.9% Mg 0.6% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
4011 0.5% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used in in the UK and USA
the UK and USA 6201 0.8% Mg 0.7% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
4013 0.1% Cu 0.1% Mg 4% Si 1% Bi Al alloy: Wrought; in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 6205 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
4032 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 6253 1.2% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI: Cladding alloy;
6003 1.2% Mg 0.6% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used designation used in the UK and USA
in the UK and USA 6261 0.2% Cu 0.9% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy; Obsolete;
6004 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA 6262 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr 0.5% Bi 0.5% Pb AI alloy:
6005 0.5% Mg 0.8% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used Wrought; free machining; designation used in the UK
in the UK and USA and USA
6006 0.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.4% Si 0.1 % Mn Al alloy: 6301 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA in the UK and USA
6007 0.7% Mg 1% Si 0.1% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy: Wrought; 6351 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Wrought;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
6463 0.1 % Cu 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Wrought;
designation used in the UK and USA
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 6563 0.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Designation used
by AA; no ASTM alloy listed
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 6763 0.1 % Cu 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Wrought;
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' designation used in the UK and USA
Elon Elongation, % 6961 0.6% Mg 0.35% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Wrought;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' designation used in the UK and USA
A51S 0.75% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Forgings; Alcoa
1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.0647S tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa
AC 0.8% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Anglo·Swiss code for
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Anticorodal
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AD3 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Russian AI MgSiPb 1% Mg 1.2% Si 0.8% Mn 0.2% Cr + Pb AI alloy:
designation Wrought; previous German Standard designation; free
AD31 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Russian designation machining
AGG51 0.4% Mg 0.55% Si Al alloy: Wrought; further ALMINAL9 0.15% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.3% Si AI alloy: Wrought; origin
information from Aluminium Zentrale unknown
AGS 0.8% Mg 0.8% Si AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard; ALMINAL 10 0.15% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.3% Si 1.0% Mn 0.5% Cr AI
part of NFA. 57. 350 alloy: Wrought; origin unknown
AGS50 0.5% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Wrought; L'Aluminium ALMINALII 1% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.8% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
Fran~ais origin unknown
AGS65 0.65% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Wrought; L'Aluminium AMS4009 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
Fran~ais AMS4025 D 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet;
AGSIL 0.7% Mg 0.6% Si Al alloy: Wrought; L'Aluminium annealed. AMS for AA alloy 6061
Fran~is AMS4026 D 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet;
AGSUC 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.15% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; AMS for AA alloy 6061; solution treated
French Standard AMS4027 E 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet;
ALCANGB50S 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Alcan for BS alloy HE9 AMS for AA alloy 6061; solution treated and aged
ALCANGB51S 0.7% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Alcan for BS alloy HEI9 AMS4043 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Plate;
ALCANGB65S 1% Mg 0.7% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Alcan for BS alloy AMS for AA alloy 6061
H2O AMS4053 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Solution
ALCAN GB B51S 0.7% Mg 1% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Alcan for BS alloy treated, stretched and aged; AMS for AA alloy 6061
H30 AMS4079 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Seamless
ALCAN GB C50S 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Bar and forging; Alcan for tube; annealed; AMS for AA alloy 6061
alloyBD AMS 4080 E 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Seamless
ALCAN GB D50S 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Alcan for BS 2898. E91E tube; annealed; AMS for AA alloy 6061
ALCAN GB D57S 0.3% Co 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Bar and forging; AMS4081 A 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Seamless
Alcan for BT6 tube; solution treated; AMS for AA alloy 6061
ALCOA 910 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; solution AMS4082 E 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Seamless
treated and aged tube; solution treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy
VTS: 250 Elon: 13% Proof: 230 6061
ALCOA 912 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; solution AMS4083 D 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Seamless
treated and aged tube; solution treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy
VTS: 240 Elon: 15% Proof: 210 6061
ALCOA 918 0.05% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si (max) AI alloy: Wrought; AMS4091 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Tube;
Alcoa; solution treated and aged 55% lACS; for solution treated; AMS for AA alloy 6062
electrical purposes AMS4092 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Tube;
VTS: 240 Elon: 16% Proof: 210 solution treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 6062
ALCOA 920 0.8% Mg 1.0% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; solution AMS4093 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Tube;
treated and aged solution treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 6062
VTS: 340 Elon: II % Proof: 300 AMS4113 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy
ALCOA 940 0.25% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; AMS4115 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Bar; as
solution treated and aged rolled; AMS for AA alloy 6061
UTS: 310 Elon: 12% Proof: 270 AMS4116 A 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Bar;
ALCOA 945 0.25% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; solution treated; AMS for AA alloy 6061
solution treated and aged AMS4117 A 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Bar;
VTS: 310 Elon: 12% Proof: 280 solution treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 6061
ALCOA 946 0.25% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.5% Pb 0.5% Bi AI alloy: AMS 4125 E 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Forgings; solution
Wrought; Alcoa; solution treated and aged; free treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 6151
machining AMS4127 B 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Forging;
VTS: 310 Elon: 14% Proof: 280 solution treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 6061
ALDREY 0.4% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss Aluminium AMS4128 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy
Co., for high electrical conductivity AMS4146 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Forging;
ALDREY051 0.4% Mg 0.6% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo·Swiss solution treated; AMS for AA alloy 6061
Aluminium Co. AMS 4150 C 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy:
ALDREY051 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy; Star Extrusion; solution treated and aged; AMS for AA
ALMASILIUM 1% Mg 2% Si AI alloy: Heat treatable; origin unknown alloy 6061
AI MgSiO.5 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Wrought; previous German AMS 4155 A 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy:
Standard designation Extrusion; solution treated and aged; AMS for AA
AI MgSi I 1% Mg 1.4% Si 0.4% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought; alloy 6062
previous German Standard designation AMS 4156 C 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Extrusion; solution treated
and aged; AMS for AA alloy 6063
AMS 4160 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Extrusion; annealed; AMS for AA alloy 6061
AMS4161 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Extrusion; solution treated; AMS for AA alloy 6061
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' AMS4172 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
Elon Elongation, % AMS4173 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' AMS 4312 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wrought
AMS4347 0.8% Cu 1% Mg 0.8% Si AI alloy: Wrought
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04 Ibf/in.'= 1 MPa ANTICORODAL 0.8% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. cold rolled; solution treated and aged; obsolete
DPN: 110 VTS: 340 Elon: 16% Proof: 300
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ANTICORODAL 0.35% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss ASTM B241/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Pipe;
041 Aluminium Co. solution treated and aged
ANT1CORODAL 0.9% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy; Star VTS: 260 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
090 ASTM B241/6062 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Pipe;
ANTICORODAL 0.8% Mg 1.0% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; solution treated and aged
110 Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. UTS: 260 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
ANTICORODAL 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy; Star ASTM B241/6063 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Pipe; solution treated and
850 aged
ANTICORODAL 0.45% Mg 0.55% Si AI alloy: Wrought; UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 170
990 Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. ASTM B241/6351 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Pipe; solution
ANTICORODAL 0.8% Mg 1.0% Si 1.2% Pb 0.3% Co AI alloy: treated and aged
Pb lOB Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.; free machining UTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
ASG 1.0% Mg 1.1% Si AI alloy: Wrought; L'Aluminium ASTM B247/6053 1.2% Mg 0.5% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Forging; solution
Fran~ais treated and aged
ASG 1.0% Mg 1.2% Si AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard DPN: 75 UTS: 240 Elon: 16% Proof: 200
ASGMO.7 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy; Wrought; French ASTM B247/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Forging;
Standard solution treated and aged
ASGM 1.0% Mg 1.1 % Si 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: DPN: 80 VTS: 260 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
Wrought; French Standard ASTM B247/6151 0.6% Mg 0.9% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Forging; solution
ASTM B209/6OO3 1.2% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Sheet and plate treated and aged
ASTM B209/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; DPN: 90 VTS: 300 Elon: 14% Proof: 250
annealed ASTM B308l6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Section;
UTS: 140 Elon: 18% Proof: 60 solution treated and aged
ASTM B209/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; VTS: 250 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
solution treated and aged ASTM B308/6062 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Section;
UTS: 280 Elon: 9% Proof: 220 solution treated and aged
ASTM B21O/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube; VTS: 250 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
solution treated and aged ASTM B308/6066 1% Cu 1.2% Mg 1.5% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Section;
UTS: 280 Proof: 240 solution treated and aged
ASTM B21O/5062 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Tube; UTS: 350 Elon: 8% Proof: 310
solution treated and aged ASTM B308/6351 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Section; solution
UTS: 280 Proof: 240 treated and aged
ASTM B21O/6063 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Tube; solution treated and VTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
aged ASTM B313/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Welded
UTS: 220 Proof: 180 tube; solution treated and aged
ASTM B21116061 0.2% Co 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Bar; UTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
solution treated and aged ASTM B31616053 1.2% Mg 0.7% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Rivets; annealed
VTS: 280 ASTM B31616061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Rivets;
ASTM B21116262 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si O. I% Cr 0.5% Bi 0.5% Pb AI alloy: annealed
Bar; free machining ASTMB317 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: For electrical purposes;
ASTM B22116061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Extruded solution treated and aged 55% lACS
bar; solution treated and aged UTS: 200 Proof: 170
UTS: 250 Elon: 10% Proof: 240 ASTM B317/6101 0.55% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Bar
ASTM B22116062 0.2% Co 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Extruded ASTM B345/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Pipe;
bar; solution treated and aged solution treated and aged
UTS: 250 Elon: 10% Proof: 240 UTS: 250 Elon: 8% Proof: 220
ASTM B221/6063 0.5% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Extruded bar; solution ASTM B345/6062 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Pipe;
treated and aged solution treated and aged
UTS: 200 Elon: 10% Proof: 170 UTS: 250 Elon: 8% Proof: 220
ASTM B221/6351 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Extruded bar; ASTM B345/6063 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Pipe; solution treated and
solution treated and aged aged
VTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 250 UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 170
ASTM B234/6061 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube; solution ASTM B345/6351 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Pipe; solution
treated and aged treated and aged
UTS: 280 Elon: 11% Proof: 240 VTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
ASTM B234/6062 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1% Cr AI alloy: Tube; ASTM B398/6201 0.75% Mg 0.7% Si AI alloy: Wire
solution treated and aged ASTM B404/6061 0.3% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy:
UTS: 280 Elon: 11% Proof: 240 Condenser tube
ASTM B235/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Extruded ASTM B429/6061 0.30% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy:
tube; solution treated and aged Extruded pipe and tube
UTS: 250 Elon: 10% Proof: 240 ASTM B429/6063 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Extruded pipe and tube
ASTM B235/6062 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Extruded AWC022 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy:
tube; solution treated and aged Aluminium Wire Co. for BS alloy H 20
UTS: 250 Elon: 10% Proof: 240 AWC024 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire
ASTM B235/6063 0.7% Mg 0.3% Si AI alloy: Extruded tube; solution Co. for BS alloy H9
treated and aged AWC025 0.75% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire Co.
UTS: 200 Elon: 10% Proof: 170 for BS alloy H10
ASTM B235/6351 1% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Extruded tube; AWCO SILMALEC 0.04% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: For electrical
solution treated and aged purposes; Aluminium Wire Co. for BS alloy E91E
UTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 250 BA22 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: British
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H20
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BA24 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Extrusion; British BS 1472 6063 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Forging; solution treated
Aluminium Co. for BS H9 and aged; British Aluminium Co.
BA25 0.75% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Sheet, strip, tube and UTS: ISS Elon: 10% Proof: 130
extrusion; British Aluminium Co. BS 1472 6082 1% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Forging; solution
BA241 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Bar and forging for bright treated and aged; British Aluminium Co.
anodizing; British Aluminium Co. for BT 3 UTS: 295 Elon: 8% Proof: 260
BA 251 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: British Aluminium Co. for BS BS 1472 HF9 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: For forging and bar;
alloy HI9 solution treated and aged
BASILMALEC 0.04% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: For electrical UTS: 180 Elon: 10% Proof: 140
purposes; British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy E91E BS 1472 HF30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: Forforging and bar;
BA SP 16 0.3% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Bar and f'nging; solution treated and aged
British Aluminium Co. for BT 6 UTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
BBOl9 0.7% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; BS 14736061 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Bolt and
Birmabright screw stock; solution treated; cold work and aged;
BIRMETALOl6 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Birmabright for British Aluminium Co.
BS alloy H20 UTS: 310 Proof: 245
BIRMETAL 055 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Birmabright for BS alloy BS 14736082 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Bolt and screw stock;
H9 solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co.
BIRMETAL 065 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Bar and forging for bright UTS: 300 Proof: 270
anodizing; Birmabright for BTI BS 1473 HB30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: For bolt stock;
BIRMETAL 069 1% Mg 1% Si alloy: Birmabright for BS alloy HI9 solution treated and aged
BIRMETAL 071 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Birmabright for BS UTS: 280 Proof: 240
alloy H30 BS 1473 HR30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: For rivets; solution
BS414 AI alloy: Sheet and strip; heat treated; replaced by BS treated room aged
1470 UTS: 200
BS 14706082 1% Mg 1.0% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Plate·sheet; BS 14746061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Bar and
solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co. extruded tube; solution treated and aged; British
UTS: 295 Elon: 8% Proof: 255 Aluminium Co.
BS 1470 HS 20 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet and UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: 240
strip; solution treated and aged BS 14746063 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Bar and extruded tube;
UTS: 260 Elon: 8% Proof: 220 solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co.
BS 1470 HS 30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn Al alloy: Sheet and strip; UTS: ISO Elon: 6% Proof: 130
solution treated and aged BS 1474 6063A 0.8% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Bar and extruded tube;
UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: 240 solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co.
BS 14716061 0.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Drawn tube; UTS: 230 Elon: 8% Proof: 190
solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co. BS 14746082 0.9% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Bar and extruded
UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 180 tube; solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co.
BS 14716063 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Drawn tube; solution UTS: 280 Elon: 5% Proof: 240
treated and aged; British Aluminium Co. BS 1474HV9 0.75% Mg 0.7% Si AI alloy: For tube; solution treated
UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 180 and aged
BS 14716082 0.9% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Drawn tube; UTS: 200 Elon: 12% Proof: 150
solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co. BS 1474 HVI9 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: For tube; solution treated and
UTS: 310 Elon: 9% Proof: 240 aged
BS 1471 HT9 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Tube; solution treated and UTS: 260 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
aged BS 1474 HV30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: For tube; solution
UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 170 treated and aged
BS 1471 HT19 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: For tube; solution treated and UTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
aged BS 14756061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Wire;
UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: 210 solution treated; cold work and aged; British
BS 1471 HT20 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Tube; Aluminium Co.
solution treated and aged UTS: 355
UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: 210 BS 1475 6063 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Wire; solution treated and
BS 1471 HTIO 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: Tube; solution aged; British Aluminium Co.
treated and aged UTS: 185
UTS: 300 Elon: 8% Proof: 220 BS 1475 HG9 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Wire; solution treated and
BS 1472 2031 2.3% Cu 0.9% MgO.9% Si 0.9% Fe 1% Ni Al alloy: drawn
Extruded; solution treated and aged; British UTS: 260
Aluminium Co. BS 1475 HG20 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.75% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Wire;
UTS: 38S Elon: 6% Proof: 200 solution treated and drawn
UTS: 350
BS 1475 HGJO 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: Wire; solution
Nole. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: treated and aged
UTS: 280
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS 1476 HE9 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar; solution treated and
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' aged
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 180 Elon: 12% Proof: ISO
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 1476 HEI9 1% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Bar; solution treated and aged
UTS: 260 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa BS 1476 HE20 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Bar;
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. solution treated and aged
UTS: 260 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1476 HE30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy; Bar; solution treated GS lIA 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Previous
and aged ASTM designation; now 6061
UTS: 2SO Elon: 10% Proof: 240 GS liB 1.2% Mg 0.7% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Previous ASTM
BS 1477 HP20 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Plate; solution designation; now 6053
treated and aged GS lIC 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Previous
UTS: 260 Elon: 8% Proof: 210 ASTM designation; now 6062
BS 1477 HP30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Plate; solution H9 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
treated and aged by BS
UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: 220 HI9 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation used by
BS 2898 610IA 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar and extruded tube; BS
solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co. H20 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
UTS: 200 Elon: 10% Proof: 170 designation used by BS
BS 3242 Mg Si AI wrought alloy: For electrical conductors; H 30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
electrical conductivity 52% lACS designation used by BS
BS 4300/4 0.6% Mg 0.3% Si AI alloy: For bright trim; solution HA4 GSlIN 0.25% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Plate;
treated and aged; bars and section Canadian Standard
UTS: 185 Elon: 10% Proof: 160 HA 5 GSIO 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar, etc.; Canadian
BS 4300/4 6463 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Bar and extruded tube; Standard
solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co. HA 5 GSlIN 0.3% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Bar, etc.;
UTS: 185 Elon: 10% Proof: 160 Canadian Standard
BS 4300/3 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: For bright trim; solution HA 5 GSlIT 0.2% Cu 0.9% Mg 0.5% Si 0.25% Mn AI alloy: Bar,
treated and aged; forging etc.; Canadian Standard
UTS: 185 Elon: 10% Proof: 160 HA 5 GSlIR 0.6% Mg 1.0% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Bar, etc.;
BT3 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: For bright anodizing; Canadian Standard
solution treated and aged; designation given by Al HA6GSlIN 0.3% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: For
industry rivets and brazing wire; Canadian Standard
UTS: ISO Elon: 12% Proof: ISO HA 7 GSIO 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Tube; Canadian Standard
BT6 0.3% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: For bright HA 7 GSlIN 0.2% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube;
anodizing; solution treated and aged; designation given Canadian Standard
by AI industry HA 7 GSlIT 0.2% Cu 0.8% Mg 0.5% Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Tube;
UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Canadian Standard
DTD 346 A 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip; HA 7 GSlIR 0.6% Mg 1.0% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Tube; Canadian
annealed Standard
UTS: 170 Elon: 18% HA8GSllN 0.2% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Forging;
DTD 372 B 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar; solution treated; Canadian Standard
suitable for welding HA8GSllP 0.7% Mg 0.8% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Forging; Canadian
UTS: 140 Elon: 17% Standard
DTD5080 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; solution HIDUMINIUM 18 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Bar and forging for bright
treated and aged; weldable anodizing; High Duty Alloys for BT 3
UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: 240 HIDUMINIUM 42 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: High Duty Alloys for BS alloy
DURALBRlTE 6 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Extrusion; Akan; solution HI9
treated and aged HIDUMINIUM 43 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy:
UTS: 190 Elon: 8% High Duty Alloys for BS alloy H2O
DURALF 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr Al alloy: Sheet HIDUMINIUM 44 0.75% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: For forgings, extrusions and
and tube forging; J Booth for BS alloy H20 tubes; High Duty Alloys
DURALH 0.75% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Sheet and tube forging; HIDUMINIUM 46 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: High Duty Alloys for BS
Akan for BS alloy H30 alloy H9
DURAL X 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.15% Mn Al alloy: Tube; Akan for IMPALC0910 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Tube, bar and forging;
BS alloy HI9 Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H9
DURCILIUME 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: For electrical purposes; E IMPALC0912 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar and forgings; high
Kaye; solution treated and aged; electrical conductivity purity 910; Imperial Aluminium Co.; solution treated
54% lACS and aged
DURCILlUMQ 0.3% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: E Kaye UTS: ISO Elon: 12% Proof: ISO
for BS alloy H20 IMPALC0918 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar; Imperial Aluminium
DURCILlUMR 1% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy Co. for BS 2898 E91E
HI9 IMPALC0920 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet and
DURCILIUMS 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy bar, etc.; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H30
H30 IMPALC0940 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet and bar, etc.;
DURCILlUMW 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy H9 Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H20
E Al MgSi 0.4% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Wrought; previous German IMPALC0945 1% MgO.6% Si 0.1% Cr (max) Al alloy: Bar; Imperial
Standard designation Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
ED 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss code for UTS: 2SO Elon: 10% Proof: 240
Extrudal IMPALC0946 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.5% Pb 0.5% Bi Al alloy: Bars and
EXTRUDAL 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss Aluminium forgings; Imperial Aluminium Co.; solutions treated
Co.; cold rolled; solution treated and aged and aged
DPN: 85 UTS: 260 Elon: 14% Proof: 210 DPN: 110 UTS: 330 Proof: 300
EXTRUDAL 050 0.6% Mg 0.6% Si AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss IMPALC0950 0.9% Mg 1% Si 0.1% Cr (max) AI: Bar and tube;
Aluminium Co. Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI9
EXTRUDAL 050 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Star IMPALCO M38 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar for electrical purposes;
GS lOA 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Previous ASTM Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS 2898 E91E
designation; now 6063
Symbol Nominal analysis. supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier. condition and remarks.
IMPALCO M39/1 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Imperial Aluminium Co. SIMGAL 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: For wire; Alcan for BS
for BS alloy H9 alloy H9
IMPALCO M39/2 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn 0.3% Cr AI alloy: Imperial SS 4104 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar and tube; Swedish
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H30 Standard; as rolled
IMPALCOM40 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Imperial DPN: 40 VTS: 140 Elon: 17% Proo/: 110
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H20 SS 4212 0.9% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Bar and forging;
IMPALCOM41 1% Mg 1% Si 0.4% Cr AI alloy: Strip, tube and bar; Swedish Standard; as forged
Imperial Aluminium Co. ; solution treated and aged DPN: 70 VTS: 200 Elon: 15% Proof: 90
. VTS: 280 Elon: 9% Proof: 220 STA 7 AW9A 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 1476
IMPALCOM42 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS HE9
alloy HI9 STA 7 AW9B 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 1476
IMPALCO 0.25% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.5% Pb 0.5% Bi AI alloy: HE9
SUPERSPEED 946 Imperial Aluminium Co.; free machining bar STA 7 AWIOA 0.7% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Forging and bar; replaced by
UTS: 270 Elon: 10% Proof: 225 BS 1472
KYNALC69 1% Cu 1% Mg AI alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial STA 7 AW lOB 0.7% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Forging and bar; replaced by
Aluminium Co.' BS 1472
KYNALM39/1 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial STA 7 AWIOC 0.7% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Tube; replaced by BS 1471
Aluminium Co. STA 7 AWIOD 0.7% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470
KYNALM39/2 0.7% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial STA 7 AWIOE 0.7% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 1470
Aluminium Co. STA 7 AWIOF 0.7% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 1473-5
LIII 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Bar TI03 1% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Forging; TI Aluminium;
LlI2 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Forging solution treated and aged
LIB 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip UTS: 370 Elon: 10% Proof: 300
LII4 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Tube TI40 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: TI Aluminium for BS alloy
LlI7 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube H9
LII8 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube as TI44 0.75% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Sheet, strip and tube; TI
LlI7; hydraulically tested Aluminium
NORALSOS 0.75% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Wire; Northern UNI3501 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Italian Standard
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H9 UNI3569 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: For forging; Italian
NORALSIS 0.75% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Sheet and tube forging; Standard
Northern Aluminium Co. UNI3570 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: For forging; Italian
NORAL62S 1% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: For tube forging; Standard
Northern Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged UNI3571 0.6% Mg 1.0% Si 0.3% Mn AI alloy: For forging;
VTS: 370 Elon: 6% Proo/: 310 Italian Standard
QQ A 327 0.3% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; UNI6170 0.25% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: For
US Federal; solution treated and aged forging; Italian Standard
UTS: 260 Elon: 9% Proof: 200 UNI6359 0.1 % Cu 0.5% Mg 0.45% Si AI alloy: For forging;
QQA331B 1.3% Mg 0.7% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Bar; US Federal; Italian Standard
Solution treated and aged VIVAL 1.0% Mg 0.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI rolling alloy: Origin
UTS: 210 Eloil: 14% Proof: ISO unknown
QQA334 1.3% Mg 0.7% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; US W9 0.6% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Southern Forge; replaced
Federal: solution treated and aged by IMPALCO 910
UTS: 220 Elon: 9% Proof: 170 WIO 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Southern Forge; replaced by
SAE 210 1.2% Mg 0.8% Si AI alloy: Wrought; used only for IMPALC0950
cladding; now 6003 W20 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Southern
SAE 211 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Solution Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 940
treated and aged; now 6062 W30 1% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Southern Forge;
DPN: 95 UTS: 300 Elon: 17% Proof: 270 replaced by IMPALCO 920
SAE212 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Solution treated and aged; W090 0.5% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Southern Forge; replaced
now 6062 by IMPALCO 912
DPN: 73 UTS: 220 Elon: 12% Proof: 200 WWT789 1.0% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% CrO.I% Ti AI alloy: Tube; US
SAE 213 0.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.3% Si AI alloy: Now 6951 Federal; solution treated and aged
SAE 253 0.7% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy: Wrought; solution treated VTS: 270 Elon: 9% Proof: 220
and aged; now 6463 WWT790 1.2% Mg 0.7% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Tube; US Federal;
VTS: ISO Elon: 10% Proof: 110 solution treated and aged
SAE280 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Forgings; solution
treated and aged; now 6151
UTS: 300 Elon: 14% Proof: 250
SAE 281 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Tube
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
and sheet forging; solution treated and aged; now 6061
Elon: 8% Proof: 240
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
SAE282 1.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy: Wrought;
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
solution treated and aged
Elon Elongation, %
UTS: 210 Elon: 10% Proof: 170
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
SG II B 1% Cu 1.1 % Mg 1.5% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Previous
ASTM designation; now 6066 I N/mm2 =O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04 IbfJin?=1 MPa
SIMALEC 0.04% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: For electrical
purposes; Aluminium Wire Co. and British Aluminium See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Co. for BS alloy E91E
1F Aluminium-copper wrought alloys
With magnesium, silicon, titanium, nickel and iron additions
Specific gravity 2.7-2.75
Density 2700-2750 kg/m3
Solidus/liquidus 530-640°C
Thermal conductivity 147-180 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 22-24 x 10- 6/ °C
Electrical conductivity solution treated and aged 34-41% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance solution treated and aged 41-51 microhm mm
100 410 18
150 370 20
200 330 20
250 270 17
300 150 18
350 75 45
400 45 60
'These are approximate values which might be expected from the medium alloyed specifications listed. Some of the 4%
copper highly alloyed specifications give better results.
These properties are chosen to be typical of the group of elements stabilize the materials, giving some high temper-
specifications as a whole. There is considerable variation ature properties in some instances.
within the group and in general the properties vary in pro- None of the alloys exhibit good corrosion resistance com-
portion to the copper content. pared with the manganese, magnesium alloys, or pure
These alloys are used where high strength, low weight,
General metallurgical characteristics
with reasonable corrosion resistance is required. They are
The specifications in this section have up to 5% copper. This relatively expensive and generally it is found that the alloys
is the original aluminium alloy where it was found that listed in Section IE find more commercial use than the alloys
mechanical properties would be enhanced to a marked listed in this section. Where the st~ength to weight ratio is
degree by solution treating and ageing (precipitation important, however, as in aircraft or in trucks which are used
treatment). over a long period of time, then these alloys can be
Many of these alloys come under the term 'Dural'. economical.
Additions of silicon and manganese improve the mechan- Welding requires the use of the inert gas shielded process.
ical strength with chromium being commonly added. The corrosion resistance can be improved by anodizing or
Many of these alloys are precipitation treated at room to a lesser extent by chromate treatment.
temperature and this is where the term 'ageing' originated. Brazing, using special fluxes and AIISi filler rods, is readily
After solution treating, which is quenching from about 500 accomplished, but the product will not have the strength of
°C such as could be involved with a casting technique, it was the parent metal.
found that after a period of time the mechanical properties of
the alloys had improved thus the term 'ageing' was used. Post-treatment. Where possible the parts should be re-solu-
In order to prevent this happening, it requires that if tion treated and re-aged. This will seldom be possible owing
solution treatment and ageing cannot be carried out imme- to the danger of distortion and incipient melting of the weld
diately then the solution. treatment is carried out and the area where the melting point has been reduced. The parts
components are held at below 0 °C where cold working can must always be re-aged at the correct temperature after
be carried out and then they can be allowed to age harden. welding or brazing. This re-age, as well as restoring the
This is very useful when riveting is required. mechanical properties as much as possible, reduces the
Additions of iron, nickel and titanium and grain refining stresses caused by welding.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.1190 5% Cu Al alloy: German Standard DIN number not 2034 4.6% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.1 % Zr Al alloy: Wrought;
known designation used in the UK and USA
3.1255 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si 0.9% Mn Al alloy: German 2036 2.6% Cu 0.5% Mg AI alloy; Wrought; designation used
Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.1305 2.5% Cu 0.4% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; German 2037 1.8% Cu 0.5% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.1325 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.6% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; 2038 1.3% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si Al alloy: Wrought;
German Standard DIN 1725 designation used in the UK and USA
3.1335 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; 2048 3.2% Cu 1.6% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
German Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.1355 4.3% Cu 1.3% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; 2090 2.7% Cu 2.2% Li AI alloy: Wrought; designation used
German Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.1365 4.3% Cu 1.5% Mg Al alloy: German Standard DIN 2091 2% Cu 1.6% Mg 2% Li Al alloy: Wrought; designation
1725 used in the UK and USA
3.1590 3.3% Cu Al alloy: German Standard; DIN number not 2117 2.7% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
known in the UK and USA
3.1645 4.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Mn 2% (Pb+Sn+ Bi+Sb+Cd) 2124 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
Al alloy: Wrought; German Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.1655 5.5 (u Al alloy: German Standard 2214 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si AI alloy: Wrought;
3.2131 2% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: German Standard DIN 1725 designation used in the UK and USA
liS 5.5% Cu AI alloy: Previous AA designation; now 2011 2218 4% Cu 1.6% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Wrought; designation
14S 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet used in the UK and USA
and forging; Alcoa for BS alloy Hl5 2219 6.3% Cu 0.15% Ti 0.1 % V0.15% Zr Al alloy:
14S 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Previous Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
AA designation; now 2014 2224 4.1 % Cu 1.6% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
17S 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Forgings; Alcoa in the UK and USA
for BS alloy H14 2319 6.2% Cu 0.15% Ti 0.1 % V 0.15% Zr Al alloy:
17S 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Previous AA Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
designation; now 2017 2324 4% Cu 1.6% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used
18S 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Forgings; Alcoa for in the UK and USA
BS alloy HI7 2419 6.2% Cu 0.08% Ti 0.1% V 0.15% Zr Al alloy:
185 4% Cu 0.8% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Previous AA Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
designation; now 2018 2519 5.8% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.08% Ti 0.1% V 0.15% Zr Al
24S 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Previous AA alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
designation; now 2024 2618 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.1 % Fe 1% Ni 0.08% Ti AI alloy:
25S 4.5% Cu 0.8% Si 0.9% Mn AI alloy: Previous AA Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA
designation; now 2025 A 17S 2.8% Cu 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Previous AA designation;
2004 6% Cu AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK now 2117
and USA A 17S 2.2% Cu 03% Mg Al alloy: Wire for rivets; Alcoa for
2008 1% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.6% Si AI alloy: Wrought; BS alloyH13
designation used in the UK and USA AK 4-1 1.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.2% Si 1.1 % Ni Al alloy: Russian
2011 5.5% Cu 0.4% Pb 0.4% Bi Al alloy: Wrought; designation
designation used in the UK and USA AK 8 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Russian
2014 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation
designation used in the UK and USA ALCAN GB 16S 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Alcan; solution treated;
2017 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Wrought; designation room aged
used in the UK and USA UTS: 300 Elon: 20% Proof: ISO
2018 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Wrought; designation ALCAN GB 17S 4.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Alcan for BS
used in the UK and USA alloy H14
2020 6.5% Cu 0.1% Cd 0.15% Ti 0.1% V Al alloy: ALCAN GB 195 4.25% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Forging; Alcan;
Wrought; obsolete; designation used in the UK and solution treated; room aged
USA UTS: 360 Elon: 15% Proof: 210
2021 6.5% Cu 0.1% Cd 0.15% Ti 0.1 % V Al alloy: ALCAN GB 245 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Alcan; solution
Obsolete; designation used in the UK and USA treated; room aged
2024 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; designation used DPN: 120 UTS: 450 Elon: 19% Proof: 300
in the UK and USA ALCAN GB 265 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% 5i 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Sheet and
2025 4.5% Cu 0.7% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used plate; Alcan
in the UK and USA ALCAN GB 285 5.2% Cu 0.5% Bi 0.5% Pb Al alloy: Free machining;
Alcan; solution treated and aged
UTS: 330 Elon: 17% Proof: 220
ALCAN GB 425 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.2% Ni 1% Fe Al alloy: Forging;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Alcan for B5 alloy HI8
ALCAN GB 625 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Alcan for
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number B5 alloy Hll
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' ALCAN GB BI95 2.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.2% Ni 1.1 % Fe 0.1 % Ti Al alloy:
Elon Elongation, % Alcan; solution treated and aged
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' UTS: 400 Elon: 11 % Proof: 390
ALCAN GB B265 4.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Alcan;
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonUin.'=145.04lbflin.'= 1 MPa solution treated and aged
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 145 UTS: 460 Elon: 10% Proof: 400
ALCAN GB D195 2.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.3% Ni Al alloy: Plate; Alcan
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ALCOA 660 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: AMS 4140 D 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Forging; solution
Wrought; Alcoa; solution treated and aged treated and aged; AMS for alloy 2018
VTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 400 AMS4142D 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.7% Si 2% Ni Al alloy: Forging; as
ALCOASOO 5.5% Cu 0.5% Pb 0.5% Bi AI alloy: Wrought; Alcoa; forged; AMS for alloy 2218
solution treated and aged; free machining AMS4143 6.1 % Cu 0.3% Mn 0.1 % V AI alloy
VTS: 380 Elon: 13% Proof: 300 AMS4152G 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Extrusions;
Al Cu MgO.5 2.5% Cu 0.4% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; previous solution treated; AMS for alloy 2024
German Standard designation AMS4153 B 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Extrusion;
AICuMgl 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; solution treated and aged; AMS for alloy 2014
previous German Standard designation AMS4162 6.2% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.15% Ti 0.1 % V AI alloy:
Al Cu Mg2 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; Wrought
previous German Standard designation AMS4163 6.2% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.15% Ti 0.1% V AI alloy:
Al Cu 4 Mg 1.5 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Swiss Wrought
designation AMS 4164 C 4.4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Extrusion; AMS
AICuMgPb 4.5% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Mn + Pb Al alloy: Wrought; for alloy 2024
previous German Standard designation; free machining AMS4165 C 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Extrusion; AMS
AICuSi Mn 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; for alloy 2024
previous German Standard designation AMS4191 A 6.3% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.2% Zn 0.15% Ti 0.1 % V Al
AI Cu4SiMn 4.2% Cu 0.5% MgO.7% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Swiss alloy: Welding rod; AMS for alloy 2319
designation AMS 4192 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Wrought
AI Cu6 Bi Pb 5.5% Cu Al alloy: Swiss designation AMS4193 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Wrought
ALDURALQ 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet AMS 4194 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Wrought
and strip; J Booth for BS alloy HI5 AMS 4195 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Wrought
ALMINAL 11 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Origin unknown AMS4221 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy
ALMINAL 15 4.0% Cu 0.6% Mg 1.5% Si 1.2% Mn 1.0% Fe AI alloy: AMS4313 6.2% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.05% Ti 0.1 % V Al alloy:
Wrought; origin unknown Wrought
AMS4007 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy AMS4314 4.3% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Wrought
AMS4014 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Plate; AMS4346 2.8% Cu 2.2% Li 0.1 % Zr AI alloy: Wrought
solution treated; cold rolled and aged AMS4351 2.8% Cu 2.2% Li 0.1% Zr AI alloy: Wrought
VTS: 450 Elon: 5: ANA 8 4.2% Cu 1.0% Si 1.0% Mn AI alloy: Forging; US
AMS 4028 A 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; Service; solution treated; room aged
AMS for alloy 2014; annealed UTS: 330 Elon: 12% Proof: 210
AMS4029 A 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; ANA 12.1 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; US
AMS for alloy 2014; solution treated and aged Service; solution treated and aged
AMS 4031 6.3% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.18% Zr 0.1 % V 0.06% Ti Al VTS: 440 Elon: 14% Proof: 250
alloy: Sheet; AMS for alloy 2219; annealed ANA 13 4.3% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; US
VTS: 200 Elon: 12% Proof: 120 Service; solution treated and aged
AMS4033 A 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Plate; AMS for VTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 240
alloy 2024; solution treated and stretched AN QQ W29812 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Wire; US
AMS4035 E 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; AMS for Service; solution treated and aged
alloy 2024; annealed VTS:420
AMS4037 F 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; AMS for ARDAL 2% Cu 1.5% Fe 0.6% Ni AI alloy: Origin unknown
2024; solution treated ASTM B20912024 4% Cu 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; annealed
AMS4066 6.2% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.08% Ti 0.1 % V Al alloy: VTS: 210 Elon: 10% Proof: 75
Wrought ASTM B209/2024 4% Cu 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Sheet; solution treated;
AMS4086F 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Seamless tube; room aged
solution treated; AMS for alloy 2024 VTS: 420 Elon: 6% Proof: 270
AMS 4087 C 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Seamless tube; ASTM B209/2219 6.3% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.06% Ti Al alloy: Sheet
annealed; AMS for alloy 2024 ASTM B21012024 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Tube; solution
AMS4088 E 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Seamless tube; treated and cold worked
solution treated; AMS for alloy 2024 UTS: 450 Proof: 280
AMS 4101 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy ASTM B21112011 5.5% Cu 0.4% Bi 0.4% Pb AI alloy: Bar; free
AMS 4112 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy machining
AMS4118C 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Bar; solution ASTM B21112014 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Bar;
treated; AMS for alloy 2017 solution treated and aged
AMS4119 A 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Bar; solution UTS: 460
treated and cold rolled; AMS for alloy 2024 ASTM B21112017 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Bar; solution
AMS4120F 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Bar; cold rolled; treated; room aged
solution treated; AMS for alloy 2024 UTS: 390
AMS4121 C 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.9% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Bar; ASTM B211/2024 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Bar; solution
cold rolled; solution treated and aged; AMS for alloy treated, room aged
2014 UTS: 440
AMS4130 G 4.5% Cu 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Forging; solution ASTM B2II12219 6.2% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.05% Ti AI alloy: Bar
treated and aged; AMS for alloy 2025 ASTM B22112014 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Extruded
AMS4132 A 2.3% Cu 1.6% Mg 1% Fe 1% Ni 1% Ti Al alloy: bar; solution treated and aged
Forging; solution treated and aged; AMS for alloy 2618 UTS: 420 Elon: 7% Proof: 370
AMS4133 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si Al alloy ASTM B22112024 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Extruded bar;
AMS4134 A 4.4% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Forging; solution treated; room aged
solution treated: AMS for alloy 2014 VTS: 400 Elon: 12% Proof: 280
AMS4135 J 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.9% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Forging; ASTM B22112219 6.2% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.05% Ti AI alloy: Extruded bar,
solution treated and aged; AMS for allOY 2014 etc.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B23512014 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Extruded AU4PB 4.3% Cu 1.0% Mg 1.2% Pb AI alloy: Wrought; free
tube; solution treated and aged machining; French Standard
UTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 420 AU4SG 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy:
ASTM B235/2024 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Extruded tube; Wrought; French Standard
solution treated; room aged AU4SG 4.4% Co 0.5% Mg 0.9% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy:
UTS: 450 Elon: 10% Proof: 350 Wrought; French Standard
ASTM B241/2014 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Pipe AU4SG 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy:
and tube Wrought; L'Aluminium Francais
ASTM B24112024 4.3% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Pipe and tube A U5PbBi 5.5% Cu AI alloy: Wire; French Standard
ASTM B241/2219 6.3% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.6% Ti AI alloy: Pipe and tube Av22 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss code
ASTM B24712014 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Forging; for Avional 22
solution treated and aged Av24 4.3% Cu l.l % Mg 0.8% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy:
DPN: 125 UTS: 400 Elon: 10% Proof: 390 Anglo-Swiss code for Avional 24
ASTM B247/2018 4% Cu 0.8% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Forging; solution AVIONAL22 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss
treated and aged Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged; obsolete
DPN: 100 UTS; 390 Elon: 10% Proof: 270 DPN: no UTS: 390 Eloo: 23% Proof: 270
ASTM B24712025 4.5% Cu 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Forging; solution AVIONAL24 4.3% Cu 1.1% MgO.8% Mn 0.1% Cr AI alloy:
treated and aged Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.; solution treated and
DPN: 100 UTS: 420 Elon: 16% Proof: 220 aged; obsolete
ASTM B247/2218 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Forging: solution DPN: 130 UTS: 480 Elon: 16% Proof: 330
treated and aged AVIONAL050 2.5% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss
DPN: 100 UTS: 390 Elon: 10% Proof: 270 Aluminium Co.
ASTM B285 ER2014 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Mn AI alloy: Electric welding AVIONAL 100 4.0% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
rod; obsolete Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.
ASTM B285 RC4A 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Welding wire AVIONAL Pb 118 4.7% Cu 1.0% Mg 0.7% Mn 1.0% Pb AI alloy:
ASTMB285 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Welding wire Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.; free machining
RCN42A AVIONAL 150 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.8% Mn 1.0% Cr Al alloy:
ASTM B30812014 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.9% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Section; Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.
solution treated and aged AVIONAL660 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Star
UTS: 420 Elon: 7% Proof: 370 AVIONAL662 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Star
ASTM B31612017 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Rivets; annealed AWC031 5% Cu Al alloy: Welding wire; Aluminium Wire Co.;
UTS: 240 as drawn
ASTM B31612024 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Rivets; annealed AWC0301 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Wire; Aluminium
UTS: 240 Wire Co. for BS alloy NI4
ASTM B316/2117 2.7% Cu 0.4% Mg AI alloy: River!; annealed AWC0304 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Wire for rivets;
UTS: 170 Aluminium Wire Co. for BS alloy N13
AU2G 2.4% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.8% Si AI alloy: Wrought; AWC0305 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Wire;
L'Aluminium Fran~ais Aluminium Wire Co. for BS alloy NI5
AU2G 2.5% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Wrought; French Standard AWC0308 5.5% Cu 0.5% Pb 0.5% Bi AI alloy: Bar etc.;
A U2GN 2.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 1.2% Fe l.l % Ni AI alloy: Aluminium Wire Co.; free machining
Wrought; L'Aluminium Fran~ais AWC0309 4.5% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Bar; Aluminium
AU2GN 2.2% Cu 1.6% Mg l.l % Ni l.l % Fe AI alloy: Wire Co.
Wrought; French Standard B 18S 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Previous AA
AU2N 2.2% Cu 0.9% Mg 0.9% Si 1.2% Ni l.l % Fe AI alloy: designation; now 2218
Tube; French Standard BA35 3.5% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.5% Sb 0.2% Sn AI alloy:
AU2N 2.1 % Cu 1.0% Mg 0.8% Si 1.0% Fe 0.1 % Ti 1.0% Ni Extrusion; British Aluminium Co.; as rolled
AI alloy: Wrought; L'Aluminium Fran~ais UTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proof: no
AU4G 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; BA301 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sheet, strip and
L'Aluminium Fran~ais tube; British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy NI4
AU4G 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; French BA 303 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet
Standard and tube; British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy NI5
AU4G 4.1 % Cu 0.7% Mg 0.6% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: BA 305 4.6% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.8% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: British
Wrought; French Standard Aluminium Co. for BS alloy NI5
AU4GI 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; BA 306 1.7% Cu 0.7% Mg 1% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: British
French Standard Aluminium Co. for BS alloy Nil
AU4GI 4.2% Cu 1.4% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought; BA307 2% Cu 0.9% Mg 0.8% Si 1% Ni 0.1% Ti AI alloy:
L'Aluminium Fran~ais British Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
AU4N 4.0% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni AI alloy: Wrought; UTS: 370 Elon: 8% Proof: 280
L'Aluminium Fran~ais BA 308 5.5% Cu 0.5% Pb 0.5% Bi AI alloy: Bar; British
Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged; free
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 300 Elon: 8% Proof: 240
BA 309 4.3% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.05% Pb AI alloy: Plate;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number British Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
Elon Elongation, % BA 352 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy NI4
BA353 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonflin,z= 145.04 Ibf/in 2 = I MPa and strip; British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy NI5
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BIRMETAL 161 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Birmabright for BS
alloy Hll
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BIRMETAL230 Cu Mg Al alloy: For rivets; Birmabright BS 1473 HBI5 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: For bolt
UTS: 270 stock; solution treated and aged
BIRMETAL 477 4% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Birmabright UTS: 420 Proof: 360
for BS alloy HI4 BS 1473 HRI5 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Forrivets;
BIRMETAL478 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Birmabright solution treated; room aged
for BS alloy HI5 UTS: 370
BMB473 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and strip; BS 1473 2014A 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Bolt and
Birmabright for BS alloy HI4 screw stock; solution treated; room aged
BMB551 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Forging; UTS: 38S
Birmabright for BS alloy Hl5 BS 1474 HVll 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: For tubes; solution
BMB761 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Forging; Birmabright; treated and aged
solution treated and aged UTS: 330 Elon: 8% Proof: 270
UTS: 370 Elon: 10% Proof: 300 BS 1474 HVI4 4% Cu 1% MgO.5% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: For tubes;
BRILLUM 1.5% Cu 2% Ni Al alloy: ICI; obsolete; now Imperial solution treated; room aged
Aluminium Co. UTS: 360 Elon: 12% Proof: 210
BS395 AI alloy (Duralumin): Sheet and strip; replaced by BS BS 1474 HVI5 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: For
1470 tubes; solution treated and aged
BS 396 AI alloy (Duralumin): Tube; replaced by BS 1471 UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 360
BS478 AI alloy bar (Y alloy): Replaced by BS 1476 BS 1474 2014A 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Bar and
BS533 Al alloy forging (Y alloy): Replaced by BS 1472 extruded tube; solution treated and aged
BS 1080 3% Cu 0.5% Mg AI alloy: Bar UTS: 380 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
UTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proof: 110 BS 1475 HG15 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Wire;
BS 1470 HSI4 4% Cu 1% Mg 0.75% Mn AI alloy: For sheet and strip; solution treated and aged
solution treated; room aged UTS:420
UTS: 370 Elon: 15% Proof: 120 BS 1475 2014A 4.5% Cu 0.6% MgO.7% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Wire;
BS 1470 HSI5 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: For sheet solution treated and aged; TF
and strip; solution treated; room aged UTS: 430
UTS: 370 Elon: 15% Proof: 220 BS 1476 HEll 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Bar; solution treated
BS 1470 2014A 4.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Plate and aged
Clad and sheet; solution treated and aged; replaces HI5 UTS: 370 Elon: 8% Proof: 300
designation; clad BS 1476HEI4 4% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Bar;
UTS: 430 Elon: 7% Proof: 375 solution treated; room aged
BS 1471 HTI4 4% Cu 1% Mg 0.75% Mn Al alloy: Tube UTS: 370 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
UTS: 390 Elon: 10% Proof: 270 BS 1476 HEI5 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Bar;
BS 1471 HTI5 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.75% Mn AI alloy: For tube solution treated and aged
UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 350 UTS: 450 EIon: 8% Proof: 390
BS 1471 2014A 4.5% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Drawn tube; BS 1477 HPI4 4% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Plate;
solution treat and aged; British Aluminium Co. solution treated and aged
UTS: 450 Elon: 6% Proof: 370 UTS: 370 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
BS 1472 HFII 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: For forging and bar; BS 1477 HPI5 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Plate;
solution treated and aged solution treated and aged
UTS: 360 Elon: 8% Proof: 280 UTS: 410 Elon: 8% Proof: 310
BS 1472 HFI2 2% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 1% Fe 1% Ni AI alloy: For BS 4300/5 FC I 5.5% Cu 0.5% Bi 0.5% Pb Al alloy: Bar; solution
forging and bar; solution treated and aged treated and aged; free machining
UTS: 370 Elon: 8% Proof: 280 UTS: 300 Elon: 6% Proof: 200
BS 1472 HFI4 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: For forging; BS 4300/5 201 5.5% Cu Al alloy: Bar and extruded tube; solution
solution treated; room aged treated and aged; British Aluminium Co.
UTS: 360 Elon: 15% Proof: 200 UTS: 300 Elon: 6% Proof: 230
BS 1472 HFI5 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: For BST4 Aluminium alloy: Tube; obsolete; see L 62
forging and bar; solution treated and aged CB60A 5.5% Cu Al alloy: Previous ASTM designation; now
UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 370 2011
BS 1472 HFI6 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.2% Si J.1 % Ni AI alloy: Forging; CG30A 2.5% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Previous ASTM
solution treated and aged designation; now 2117
UTS: 430 Elon: 5% Proof: 340 CG42A 4.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Previous ASTM
BS 1472 HF17 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: For forging; solution designation; now 2024
treated and aged CM41A 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Previous ASTM
UTS: 330 Elon: 8% designation; now 2017
BS 1472 HFI8 2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1% Ni I% Fe Al alloy: For forging CS41A 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Previous
and bar; solution treated and aged ASTM designation; now 2014
UTS: 360 Elon: 6% Proof: 2SO CONLOY 4.5% Cu Al alloy: Tube; Constrictor Ltd; obsolete
BS 1472 2014A 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: DPN: 75 UTS: 220 Proof: 170
Extrusion; solution treated and aged; British DI6 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Russian
Aluminium Co. designation
UTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 430 DI8 2.5% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Russian designation
BS 1472 2618A 2.3% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.2% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Forging; DECOLTALSoo 5.5% Cu 0.4% Si 0.4% Pb AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-
solution treated and aged; British Aluminium Co. Swiss Aluminium Co.; free machining
UTS: 430 Elon: 5% Proof: 340 DTD BOB 2% Cu 1% Mg 0.15% Ti Al alloy: Bar and forgings;
BS 1472 5083 4.5% Mg 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Cr AI alloy: Forging; as solution treated and aged
forged UTS: 370 Elon: 9% Proof: 300
UTS: 280 Elon: 12% Proof: 130
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DID 147 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Forgings; solution DID 5004 6% Cu 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Forging; solution treated
treated and aged; for bigh temperature use
UTS: 360 Elon: IS% Proof: 200 UTS: 360 Elon: 6% Proof: 210
DID 150A 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Forgings; solution DTD5010 4.2% Cu 0.7% MgO.7% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Plate;
treated and room aged solution treated and aged
UTS: 360 Elon: 15% Proof: 200 VTS: 390 Elon: 12% Proof: 240
DID 246 B 2% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 1% Ni 0.1% Ti AI alloy: DID 5014 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1% Fe 1% Ni Al alloy: Bar;
Forgings; solution treated and aged solution treated and aged
DPN: 85 VTS: 240 Elon: 16% Proof: lOS VTS: 390 Elon: 7% Proof: 300
DID 273 4% Cu 1.4% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Tube; solution DID 5020 A 4.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Plate;
treated solution treated and aged
UTS: 440 Elon: 7% Proof: 330 UTS: 390 Elon: 7% Proof: 330
DID 327 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Wire; solution treated DTD5030 4.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Plate;
UTS: 250 solution treated and room aged
DID 364 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si AI alloy: Forging UTS: 370 Elon: 12% Proof: 220
DID 410 2% Cu Mg Si Fe Ni AI alloy: Forging DID 5084 2.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 1.2% Fe 1.2% Ni AI alloy: Forging;
DPN: 100 UTS: 340 Elon: 6% Proof: 220 solution treated and aged; for high temperature use
DID 423 C 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Bar and forging; UTS: 370 Elon: 8% Proof: 280
solution treated and aged DTD5090 4.4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Plate; solution
UTS: 370 Elon: 10% Proof: 280 treated; room aged
DID 443 A 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Bar and forging; VTS: 400 Elon: 12% Proof: 270
solution treated; room aged DUBRAND 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Forging and tube;
VTS: 270 Elon: 15% Proof: 170 High Duty Alloys; see Hiduminium 01
DID 450 A 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Tube; solution DURALB 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sheet, tube and
treated; room aged forging; Alcan for BS alloy HI4
UTS: 250 Elon: 12% Proof: 170 DURALE 1.8% Cu 0.8% Mg 1% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Tube and
DID 460 A 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Tube; solution treated forging: Alcan for BS alloy HII
and aged DURALG 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.2% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet,
UTS: 370 Elon: 6% Proof: 310 tube and forging; Alcan; solution treated; room aged
DID 464 Cu Mn AI alloy: Replaced by BS alloy L63 UTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 270
DID 520 Cu Si AI alloy: Obsolete DURAll 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.8% Si 1% Ni 0.1 % Ti AI alloy:
DID546B 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; Forging; Alcan for BS alloy HI8
solution treated and aged DURALJJ 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.15% Si 1% Fe 1.1 % Ni AI alloy:
VTS: 400 Elon: 8% Proof: 310 Tube and forging; Alcan: solution treated and aged
DID603B 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; UTS: 390 Elon: 6% Proof: 300
solution treated; room aged DURALM 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Wire for rivets; Alcan
VTS: 390 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 DURALQ 4% Cu 1.4% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Tube; Alcan;
DID 646 B 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; solution treated
solution treated and aged VTS: 440 Elon: 7% Proof: 330
UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 340 DURALS 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet,
DID 706 4.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; tube and forging; Alcan for BS alloy HI5
solution treated and aged DURAL T 2% Cu 1% MgO.8% Si 1% NiO.I% Ti AI alloy:
UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 340 Forging; Alcan; solution treated and aged
DID 717 2% Cu 1.5% Mg I% Fe 1% Ni AI alloy: Forgings; VTS: 370 EIon: 8% Proof: 280
solution treated and aged; for high temperature use DURICILIUM F 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Tube; E
VTS: 390 Elon: 12% Proof: 240 Kaye for BS alloy HI4/15
DID 724 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.0% Fe 1.2% Ni 0.1% Ti AI alloy: DURICILIUM H 4% Cu 1% Mg 0.5% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: E Kaye for
Forging; solution treated and aged BS alloy HI4
UTS: 390 Elon: 10% Proof: 250 DURICILIUM K 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: E Kaye for
DID 731 A 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1% Ni I% Fe Al alloy: Forging; BS alloy HI5
solution treated and aged DURICILIUM M 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: E Kaye for BS alloy
VTS: 420 Elon: 6% Proof: 310 Hll
DTD 745 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg I% Fe 1% Ni AI alloy: Forging; FMA 5.5% Cu 0.5% Bi 0.5% Pb AI alloy: Extrusions; free
solution treated and aged machining; McKechnie; solution treated and aged
UTS: 400 Elon: 6% Proof: 300 DPN: 100 UTS: 330 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
DID 746 4.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; Hll 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation
solution treated and aged used by BS
UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 330 HI2 2% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si I% Fe 1% Ni AI alloy: Wrought;
designation used by BS
H 14 4% Cu 1% MgO.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
designation used by BS
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: H 15 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
designation used by BS
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number H 16 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.2% Si 1.1 % Ni AI alloy: Wrought;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' designation used by BS
Eion Elongation, % H17 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Wrought; designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' used by BS
HI8 2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1% Ni I% Fe AI alloy: Wrought;
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa designation used by BS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. HA4CG42 4.3% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet and plate;
Canadian Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HA5CB60 5.5% Cu Al alloy: Bar, etc.; Canadian Standard KYNALC67 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: ICI;
HA5CG42 4.3% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Bar, etc.; obsolete; now Imperial Aluminium Co.
Canadian Standard KYNAL Y88 2.6% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 1% Ni 0.1% Ti AI alloy: ICI:
HA5CS4IN 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Bar, obsolete; now Imperial Aluminium Co.
etc.; Canadian Standard KYNAL Y92 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: ICI: obsolete; now
HA6CG30 2.6% Cu 0.4% Mg Al alloy: For rivets and brazing Imperial Aluminium Co.
wire; Canadian Standard Ll 4% Cu Mg Mn Al alloy: For forgings; obsolete;
HA6CM41 4.0% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: For replaced by BSL 64
rivets and brazing wire; Canadian Standard L3 Al alloy: Sheet and coils; obsolete; no information
HA 7CG42 4.3% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Tube; Canadian available
Standard L24 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Y alloy; obsolete
HA8CN42 4.0% Cu 0.7% Mg 2.0% Ni Al alloy: Forging; L25 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Forging; solution
Canadian Standard treated and aged
HA8CS4IN 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Forging; UTS: 360 Elon: 15% Proof: 210
Canadian Standard L37 4% Cu 0.75% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: For wires and rivets;
HA8CS41P 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Forging; cold drawn; can be solution treated and aged
Canadian Standard UTS:370
HA8ZG62 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.5% Zn Al alloy: Forging; L39 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Forging;
Canadian Standard solution treated; room aged
HIDUMINIUM 01 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: For forgings and UTS: 370 Elon: 15% Proof: 220
tube. High Duty Alloys for BS alloy HI4 (DU L40 Cu Mg Si Al alloy: Obsolete; replaced by L 65
BRAND) L42 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.8% Si 1.2% Ni 1% Fe 0.1% Ti Al
HIDUMINIUM 02 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: For pistons and alloy: Forging; solution treated and aged
cylinder heads; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy H17 UTS: 370 Elon: 8% Proof: 250
(Yalloy) L43 Cu Mg Al alloy: Forgings; obsolete; replaced by L 65
HIDUMINIUM 03 1% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: For forgings and L45 Cu AI alloy: Forgings; obsolete; replaced by L 65
extrusions; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy H11 L57 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Wire; solution treated
HIDUMINIUM 55 2.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 0.3% Mn 0.7% Ni AI alloy: UTS: 250
For forgings; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy HI2 L62 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: For
HIDUMINIUM 66 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: For tubes; solution treated; room aged
forgings; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy HI5 UTS: 390 Proof: 270
HIDUMINIUM 72 4.5% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Plate; High Duty L63 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: For
Alloys; solution treated and aged tubes; solution treated and aged
UTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 250 UTS: 440 Proof: 340
IMPALC0660 4.1 % Cu 1% Mn AI alloy: Bar and forgings, etc.; L64 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: For
Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI5 bars and forgings; solution treated; room aged
IMPALC0690 1.5% Cu 1% Mg AIalloy: Bar and forgings; Imperial UTS: 340 Elon: 13% Proof: 210
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H11 L65 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: For
IMPALCOBOO 5.5% Cu 0.4% Pb 0.4% Bi Al alloy: Bar and tube; bars and forgings; solution treated and aged
Imperial Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged; UTS: 440 Elon: 8% Proof: 370
free machining L69 Cu Mg AI alloy: Wire; obsolete; replaced by L 86
UTS: 220 Elon: 11 % Proof: 300 L70 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: For
IMPALC0810 15% Cu 0.7% Mg 1% Si 1% Pb AI alloy: Bar and sheet and strip; solution treated; room aged
forgings; Imperial Aluminium Co.; solution treated and UTS: 370 Elon: 15% Proof: 240
aged; free machining L71 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: For
UTS: 270 Elon: 10% Proof: 220 sheet and strip; solution treated and aged
IMPALC0830 2.3% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Bar and UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 340
forging; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI2 L76 4.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Bar and
IMPALC0840 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.3% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Forging; forging; solution treated; room aged
Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI8 VTS: 360 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
IMPALC0860 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Forging; Imperial L77 4.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Bar and
Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged forging; solution treated and aged
UTS: 340 Elon: 15% Proof: 210 UTS: 440 Elon: 8% Proof: 370
IMPALCO 2024 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Plate; L83 2% Cu 1% Mg 0.9% Si 1% Ni 0.9% Fe Al alloy: Bar
Imperial Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged; and forging; solution treated and aged
temporary designation UTS: 390 Elon: 10% Proof: 270
UTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 250 L84 1.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Bar; solution
IMPALCOC66 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 1% Mn I% Fe Al alloy: Sheet, strip treated and aged
and rod; Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI5 UTS: 300 Elon: 15% Proof: 180
IMPALCOC69 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Imperial L85 1.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Bar and forging;
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy H11 solution treated and aged
IMPALCOC80 5.5% Cu 0.5% Pb AI alloy: For bar and section; UTS: 360 Elon: 10% Proof: 270
Imperial Aluminium Co.; free machining L86 2.5% Cu 0.4% Mg Al alloy: For gold forged rivets;
UTS: 280 Elon: 12% Proof: 210 cold drawn; can be solution treated and aged
KYNAL90 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: ICI: obsolete; now UTS: 250
Imperial Aluminium Co. L87 4.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Bar;
KYNALC65 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: ICI: obsolete; now solution treated and aged
Imperial Aluminium Co. UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 360
KYNALC66 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: ICI: Ll02 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Bar
obsolete; now Imperial Aluminium Co. Ll03 4.3% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Forging
Ll05 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Tube
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
L109 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Clad sheet and QQA355A 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Sheet; US
strip; clad with type 1050A Federal; Solution treated and aged
L110 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Clad sheet and VTS: 440 Elon: 15% Proof: 250
strip; clad with type 1050A QQA361 4.0% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; US
L119 5% Cu 0.25% Mn 1.5% Ni Al alloy: Casting; solution Federal; solution treated and aged
treated and aged UTS: 340 Elon: 14% Proof: ISO
UTS: 215 Elon: 1% Proof: 190 QQ A 36211 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Sheet; US
L154 4.2% Cu 1.5% Si AI alloy: Chill cast; solution treated Federal
and aged VTS: 370 Elon: 13% Proof: ISO
UTS: 265 Elon: 13% Proof: 165 QQ A 367b/l 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 1.0% Mn AI alloy: Forging; US
L155 4.2% Cu 1.25% Si AI alloy: Chill cast; Solution treated Federal; solution treated and aged
and aged DPN: 125 UTS: 450 Elon: 10% Proof: 300
UTS: 310 Elon: 9% Proof: 200 RR56 2% Cu 0.9% Mg 0.8% Si 1% Ni 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: For
L156 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Sheet forgings and extrusions; High Duty Alloys specification
and strip for DID l30B DID 410
L157 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy: Sheet RR57 6% Cu 0.25% Mn 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: For forging; High
and strip Duty Alloys; solution treated and aged
L158 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet DPN: 110 VTS: 370 Elon: 8% Proof: 220
and strip; close tolerance as L157 RR58 2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.2% Ni 0.1 % Ti Al alloy: For
L159 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet forging; High Duty Alloys for DID 717 DID 724
and strip; close tolerance as L157 RR59 2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.8% Si 1.2% Ni 0.1 % Ti AI alloy:
L163 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Clad; For forging; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy H18
sheet and strip; clad with 1050A RR 257 6% Cu 1% Ni 0.25% Co 0.25% Sb 0.2% Ti Al alloy:
L164 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Clad; High Duty Alloys; solution treated and aged
sheet and strip; clad with 1050A VTS: 340 Elon: 8% Proof: 220
L165 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Clad; RRSR 2.5% Cu 0.1% MgO.75% Ni 0.1% Ti Al alloy: For
sheet and strip; clad with 1050A forgings; High Duty Alloys; used for sealing rings
L166 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Clad; DPN: 70
sheet and strip; as L164; close tolerance SAE24 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Wrought;
L167 4.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Clad; solution treated; now 2024
sheet and strip; as L165; close tolerance VTS: 440 Elon: 12% Proof: 270
L168 4.3% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Bar SAE26 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Bar, wire, etc.;
ML2 5.5% Cu 0.4% Si 0.4% Pb 0.4% Bi AI alloy: Bar; solution treated; now 2017
AALCO; free machining; American equivalent 2011T3 UTS: 390 Elon: 16% Proof: 210
DPN: 95 VTS: 300 Elon: 10% Proof: 240 SAE 202 5.5% Cu 0.4% Pb 0.4% Bi AI alloy: For free
NORAL 16S 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Wire for rivets; Northern machining; solution treated, cold worked and aged;
Aluminium Co. now 2011
NORAL 17S 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sheet, strip and DPN: 100 VTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 300
tube; Northern Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI4 SAE 203 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 1% Ni AI alloy: Solution treated and
NORALI9S 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Forging; Northem stabilized; now 2218
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI7 DPN: 95 VTS: 330 Elon: 11 % Proof: 240
NORAL24S 4% Cu 1.4% Mg 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Tube; Northern SAE 204 2.6% Cu 0.4% Mg Al alloy: Wrought; now 2117
Aluminium Co.; solution treated SAE 260 4.5% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Bar and
VTS: 440 Elon: 7% Proof: 330 forging; solution treated and aged; now 2014
NORAL26S 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet VTS: 460 Elon: 10% Proof: 390
tube and forging; Northern Aluminium Co. for BS SAE 270 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Forgings; solution
alloy H15 treated and aged; now 2018
NORAL42S 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.8% Si 1% Ni 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: UTS: 390 Elon: 10% Proof: 270
Forgings; Northern Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI8 SS 4335 4.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.8% Mn 1.2% Pb Al alloy: Bar;
QQA351b 4.0% Cu 0.4% Mg Al alloy: Bar and forging; US Swedish Standard
Federal; solution treated; room aged DPN: 120 VTS: 420 Elon: 6% Proof: 300
VTS: 360 Elon: 12% Proof: 210 SS4338 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.9% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: Bar,
QQ A 353a 4.0% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; US forging, etc.; Swedish Standard; as rolled
Federal DPN: 130 VTS: 450 Elon: 8% Proof: 340
VTS: 370 Elon: 12% Proof: 200 STA 7 AW8 3.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.5% Sb 0.2% Sn Al alloy: Bar
QQ A 354a 4.1 % Cu 1.2% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Forging; US (free cutting); as rolled; free cutting; obsolete
Federal; solution treated and aged VTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proof: 105
UTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 270 STA 7 AW11A 1% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si AI alloy: Bar; replaced by BS
1476 HE11
STAAW11B 1% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Bar; replaced by BS
1476 HE 11
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: STA 7 AWI2 2.6% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 0.3% Mn 1% Fe 0.7% Ni AI
alloy: Forging; replaced by BS 1472 HF 12
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number STA 7 AWl3 2.2% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Wire; replaced by BS
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 1473·5
Elon Elongation, % STA 7 AWI4 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Wire; replaced by
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 1473-5 HR15
STA 7 AWI5A 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Forging and bar;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa replaced by BS alloy H14
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. STA 7 AWI5B 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Forging;
replaced by BS alloy H15
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STA 7 AWI5C 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Tube; UNI7256 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Italian specification
replaced by BS 1471 HT15 VAICu 5% Cu AI alloy: Previous Gennan Standard.
STA 7 AWI5D 4.4% Cu 0.6% MgO.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Tube; designation
replaced by BS 1471 HT15 VAICuMn I 3.3% Cu AI alloy: Previous Gennan Standard
STA 7 AWI5E 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Sheet; replaced by designation
BS 1470 HSI4 Wll 1.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Southern
STA 7 AWI5G 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Alalloy: Sheet; Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 690
replaced by BS 1470 HSI5 WI2 2.2% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 1% Fe 1% Ni Al alloy:
STA 7 AWI5H 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet; Southern Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 830
replaced by BS 1470 HSI5 WI7 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Southern Forge;
STA 7 AWI7B 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Forgings; replaced by replaced by IMPALCO 860
BS 1472 HFI7 WI8 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 1% Si I% Fe 1% Ni AI alloy:
STA 7 AWI8 2.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.8% Si I% Fe 1.2% Ni 0.1 % Ti AI Southern Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 840
alloy: Forging; replaced by BS 1472 HFI8 WI50 4% Cu 0.8% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Southern
TIOI 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Tube; British Forge; replacedby IMPALCO 660
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI4 WI52 1.5% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 1% Pb Al alloy: Free
TI04 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Sheet and strip; machining; Southern Forge; replaced by IMPALCO
British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HI4 810
TI53 3.5% Cu 0.7% Mg 0:5% Sb 0.2% Sn Al alloy: WWT785 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: Tube;
Extrusions; British Aluminium Co.; as rolled US Federal; solution treated and aged
VTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proor: 105 UTS: 420 Elon: 13% Proor: 270
TI 55 2.6% Cu 1% Mg 1% Si 0.3% Mn 0.7% Ni AI alloy: WWT786a 4.0% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Tube; US
Forgings; British Aluminium Co. ror BS alloy HI2 Federal; solution treated and aged
TI 56 2% Cu 1% MgO.8% Si 1% Ni 0.1% Ti AI alloy: UTS: 370 Elon: 13% Proor: 270
Forging; British Aluminium Co.; solution treated and Y ALLOY 4% Cu 5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: For pistons and
aged cylinder heads; High DUly Alloys; HIDUMINIUM 02
VTS: 400 Elon: 10% Proor: 320 ZIRKONAL 15% Cu 0.5% Si 0.8% Mn Ai alloy: Origin unknown
TI 66 4.4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn AI alloy: Sheet
and tube; British Aluminium Co. rOf BS alloy HIS
UNI 3022 MAC33 33% Cu AI alloy: Ingol; primary metal; Italian
UNI 3577 2.5% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.3% Si Al alloy: For forging;
Italian Standard
UNI3578 3.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Si 1.5% Fe 0.6% Ni Al alloy: Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
For forging; Italian Standard
UNI 3579 4.0% Cu 0.5% Mg 0:5% Mn AI alloy: For rorging; DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Italian Standard UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
UNI3581 4.4% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: For Eion Elongation, %
forging; Italian Standard Proor 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
UNI3583 4:5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy: For forging;
Italian Standard I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
UNI 6362 5:5% Cu 0.5% Pb 0:5% Bi AI alloy: For forging; See Appendix II ror other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Italian Standard; free machining
1G Aluminium-zinc wrought alloys
With copper, manganese, magnesium and chromium additions
Specific gravity 2.01-2.84
Density 2010-2840 kg/in. 3
Solidus/liquidus 477-629 °C
Thermal conductivity solution treated and aged 134 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 20-23.2 x 1O-6/ oc
Temperature Tensile strength alloys, the strength being obtained by thermal treatment, i.e.
°C N/mm 2 by solution treating and ageing (precipitation hardening).
The alloys have relatively poor corrosion resistance and
100 480-550 this limits, to a large extent, their use in normal industry.
150 330-370 These alloys do not accept cold work without becoming
200 150-200 brittle and this also limits their usefulness.
250 90 In the correctly heat treated condition these materials
300 60 have a yield and tensile strength comparable with that of
mild steel, with approximately one-third the weight of the
The above properties are chosen to be typical of the group of Welding is not advised on these materials without special-
ist advice.
specifications as a whole. There is some variation within the
group, and certain properties may not apply to some speci- These alloys are used in the main in the aircraft industry
fications. where considerable control is necessary regarding their poor
corrosion resistance. Items such as landing gear and many
major structural items on aircraft are manufactured from
these materials which are then carefully corrosion protected
General metallurgical properties
and subjected to frequent inspection.
The alloys listed in this section have up to 7% zinc, seldom The materials should be considered where the strength-to-
having less than 4% zinc. They also have approximately 3% weight ratio is important, and where corrosion is not a sig-
magnesium and can have reasonable quantities of copper nificant problem.
with titanium, manganese and chromium also present. If corrosion protection is required, this will generally be by
These have the highest tensile strength of any aluminium anodizing, often followed by painting.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.0001 5% Cu 2.5% Mg 5.5% Zn Al alloy: German Standard 3.4345 0.7% Cu 3.1% Mg 0.4% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.5% Zn Al
DIN 1725 alloy: German Standard DIN 1725
3.0002 4.5% Cu 2% Mg 3% Zn Al alloy: German Standard 3.4355 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.8% Zn AI alloy:
DIN 1725 German Standard DIN 1725
3.0120 4% Cu 1% Mg 1.5% Zn Al alloy: German Standard 3.4365 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: German
DIN 1725 Standard DIN 1725
3.4335 1.2% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.5% Zn Al alloy: 3.4375 1% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Cr 5% Zn AI alloy: German
German Standard Standard DIN 1725
75S 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5% Zn Al alloy: Tube;
Alcoa; solution treated and aged
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 450 Elon: 8% Proof: 400
75S 1.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Previous AA designation - now 7075
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 76S 1% Cu 2.7% Mg 5% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Alcoa; solution
Elon Elongation, % treated and aged
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' UTS: 500 Elon: 460
7001 0.2% Cu 3% Mg 7.5% Zn AI alloy: Wrought;
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.lOZ kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04Ibf/in 2 = I MPa
designation used in the UK and USA
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 7004 1.5% Mg 0.5% Mn 4.5% Zn Al alloy: Wrought;
designation used in the UK and USA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
7005 1.4% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.1 % Cr 4.5% Zn AI alloy: ALCAN74S 1.8% Mg 4.3% Zn AI alloy: Sheet, tube, bar, etc.;
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA Alcan; solution treated and aged; weldable
7008 1% Mg 0.2% Cr 5% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; designation UTS: 370 Eloo: 15% Proof: 300
used in the UK and USA ALCAN GB B75S 0.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.12% Cr 5.7% Zn AI
7010 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 6.3% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; alloy: Alcan; solution treated and aged
designation used in the UK and USA DPN: 170 UTS: 600 EIoo: 10% Proof: 5SO
7011 1.3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.1% Cr4.7% Zn AI alloy: ALCAN GB C75S 0.7% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.7% Mn 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Alcan;
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA solution treated and aged
7013 1.2% Mn 1.7% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used UTS: 590 EIoo: 11 % Proof: S40
in the UK and USA ALCANGBcnS 1.7% Cu 2.2% Mg 0.12% Mn 0.12% Cr 7.2% Zn Al
7016 0.6% Cu l.l % Mg 4.5% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; alloy: Alcan; solution treated and aged
designation used in the UK and USA DPN: 175 UTS: 610 Eloo: 10% Proof: 570
7021 1.6% Mg 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used ALCAN GB M75S 1.3% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.12% Cr 6% Zn AI
in the UK and USA alloy: Alcan
7029 0.7% Cu 1.7% Mg 4.7% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; DPN: 110 UTS: 2SO Elon: 12% Proof: ISO
designation used in the UK and USA AlZn Mg3 2.7% Mg 0.2% Cr 5% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; previous
7039 2.8% Mg 0.2% Cr 4% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; German Standard designation
designation used in the UK and USA Al Zn Mg Cu 0.5 0.8% Cu 3% Mg 0.2% Cr 4.5% Zn Al alloy: Wrought;
7046 1.3% Mg 7.1 % Zn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used previous German Standard designation
in the UK and USA AI Zn Mg Cu 1.5 1.8% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn Al alloy:
7049 2% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.18% Cr 7.7% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; previous German Standard designation
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS4024 A 0.6% Cu 3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.3% Zn AI alloy:
7050 2.3% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.2% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; Sheet; AMS for AA alloy 7079; solution treated and
designation used in the UK and USA aged
7070 1.5% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; designation used in the AMS4038 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Plate;
UK and USA AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated; cold worked
7072 1% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and aged
and USA AMS4044C 1.6% Cu 2% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Plate;
7075 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.23% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: AMS for AA alloy 7075; annealed
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS 4045 C 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Sheet;
7076 0.7% Cu 1.8% Mg 0.5% Mn 7.5% Zn Al alloy: AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated and aged
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS4050 2.2% Cu 2.2% Mg 6.2% Zn AI alloy
7079 0.6% Cu 3.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 4.2% Zn AI alloy: AMS4078 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS4084 1.7% Cu 2.2% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy
7090 1% Cu 2.5% Mg 1.5% Co 8% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; AMS4083 1.7% Cu 2.2% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy
designation used in the UK and USA AMS4089 1.5% Cu 2.2% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy:
7091 1.4% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.4% Co 6.4% Zn AI alloy: Wrought
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS4090 1.5% Cu 2.2% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy:
7104 0.7% Mg 4% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; obsolete Wrought
7108 5% Zn 0.2% Zr Al alloy: For cladding AMS4107 2.3% Cu 2.2% Mg 6.1 % Zn Al alloy
7116 0.8% Cu 4.7% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used AMS4108 2.3% Cu 2.2% Mg 6.1 % Zn AI alloy
in the UK and USA AMS411l 1.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 7.7% Zn AI alloy
7129 0.7% Cu 1.7% Mg 4.7% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; AMS4122C 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Bar;
designation used in the UK and USA AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated and aged
7146 1.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.17% Cr 7.7% Zn Al alloy: AMS4123 A 1.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Bar;
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS for AA alloy 7075; cold drawn
7149 1.5% Cu 2.5% MgO.17% Cr 7.7% Zn Al alloy: AMS 4124 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.22% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy
Wrougbt; designation used in the UKand USA AMS4126 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.22% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy
7150 2.2% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.4% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; AMS 4131 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.22% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy
designation used in the UK and USA AMS 4136 0.6% Cu 3.3% Mg 0.2% Cr 4.3% Zn AI alloy: Forging;
7175 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.22% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: AMS for AA alloy 7079; solution treated and aged
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS4137 A 0.7% Cu 1.:6% Mg 0.5% Mn 7.3% Zn Al alloy:
7178 2% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.25% Cr 6.8% Zn AI alloy: Forging; AMS for AA alloy 7076; solution treated and
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA aged
7179 0.6% Cu 3.2% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.15% Cr 4.2% Zn Al AMS 4138 0.6% Cu 3.3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.3% Zn Al
alloy: Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA alloy: Forging; AMS for AA alloy 7079; solution
7229 0.7% Cu 1.7% Mg 4.7% Zn Al alloy: Wrought; treated and aged
designation used in the UK and USA AMS4139F 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy:
7277 1.2% Cu 2% Mg 0.2% Cr 4% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; Forging; AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated and
designation used in tbe UK and USA aged
7472 1.3% Mg 1.6% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; designation used AMS4141 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.22% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy
in the UK and USA AMS4147 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy:
7475 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy: Wrought
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS4148 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2%Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy:
ALCOA 740 0.5% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.7% Zn AI alloy: Wrought
Wrought; Alcoa; solution treated and aged AMS4149 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy:
UTS: 5SO Elon: 8% Proof: 510 Wrought
ALCOA 760 1.0% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.5% Zn Al alloy: AMS 4154 F 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy:
Wrought; Alcoa; solution treated and aged Extrusion; AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated
UTS: 630 Elon: 7% Proof: 580 and aged
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 4158 A 2% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.3% Cr 6.8% Zn AI alloy: ASTM B209n039 2.8% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.2% Cr 4% Zn AI alloy: Plate and
Extrusion; AMS for AA alloy 7178; solution treated sheet
and aged ASTM B209n075 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Sheet;
AMS4166 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: annealed
Wrought VTS: 270 Elon: 10% Proof: 140
AMS4167 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: ASTM B209n075 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Sheet;
Wrought solution treated and aged
AMS4168 A 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: urS: 5JO Elon: 6% Proof: 470
Extrusion; AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated ASTM B21On075 1.6% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Tube
and aged ASTM B2I1n075 1.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Bar;
AMS4169B 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: solution treated and aged
Extrusion; AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated urS: 5JO
and aged ASTM B221n075 1.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy:
AMS4170 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Extruded bar; solution treated and aged
Extrusion; AMS for AA alloy 7075; solution treated VTS: 590 Elon: 7% Proof: 510
and aged ASTM B221ni179 0.6% Cu 3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 4% Zn AI alloy:
AMS 4171 A 0.6% Cu 3.3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.3% Zn Al Extruded bar; solution treated and aged
alloy: Extrusion; AMS for AA alloy 7079; solution VTS: S40 Elon: 7% Proof: 480
treated and aged ASTM B221nt78 2% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.3% Cr 7% Zn Al alloy: Extruded
AMS4174 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: bar; solution treated and aged
Wrought VTS: 600 Elon: 5% Proof: S40
AMS 4179 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 5.6% Zn 0.2% Cr Al alloy: ASTM B235n075 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn Al alloy:
Wrought Extruded tube; solution treated and aged
AMS4186 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: VTS: 590 Elon: 7% Proof: 510
Wrought ASTM B241n075 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Pipe
AMS4187 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: and tube
Wrought ASTM B241n079 0.6% Cu 3.3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.15% Cr 4.3% Zn Al
AMS4200 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 7.7% Zn AI alloy: alloy: Pipe and tube
Wrought ASTM B241nt78 2.0% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.3% Cr 6.8% Zn AI alloy: Pipe
AMS4201 2.3% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.1 % Zn Al alloy: Wrought and tube
AMS4202 1.7% Cu 2.3% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy: ASTM B247n075 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Forging;
Wrought solution treated and aged
AMS4203 1.7% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.2% Zn AI alloy: Wrought DPN: 135 VTS: 540 Elon: 10% Proof: 460
AMS4204 1.7% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.2% Zn Al alloy: Wrought ASTM B285/R 0.6% Mg 0.5% Cr 5.7% Zn 0.2% Ti Al alloy:
AMS4205 1.7% Cu2.3% Mg 6.2% Zn AI alloy: Wrought ZG61A Welding wire
AMS4207 1.5% Cu 2.2% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn Al alloy: ASTM B316n075 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Rivets;
Wrought annealed
AMS4247 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 7.7% Zn AI alloy: VTS: 270
Wrought ASTM B327 ZG71A 0.85% Mg 0.7% Zn Al alloy: Hardener for Zn base die
AMS4306 2.2% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.4% Zn AI alloy: Wrought casting
AMS4307 2.2% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.4% Zn AI alloy: Wrought AWC0701 1% Cu 3% Mg 6% Zn Al alloy: Wire; Aluminium Wire
AMS4310 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: Co.; solution treated and aged
Wrought VTS: 490 Elon: 7% Proof: 420
AMS4311 1.7% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: AZ3G2 2.2% Mg 0.2% Cr 3.5% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; French
Wrought Standard
AMS4320 1.5% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 7.7% Zn AI alloy: AZ4G 2.0% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr 3.0% Zn Al alloy:
Wrought Wrought; L' Aluminium Fran~ais
AMS4321 1.5% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 7.7% Zn AI alloy: AZ5G 1.2% Mg 0.8% Mn 0.15% Cr 4.5% Zn Al alloy:
Wrought Wrought; French Standard
AMS 4323 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy: AZ5GU 1.0% Cu 2.8% Mg 5.7% Zn AI alloy: Wrought;
Wrought L' Aluminium Fran~ais
AMS4333 2.3% Cu 2.3% Mg 6.1 % Zn Al alloy: Wrought AZ5GU 1.8% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy:
AMS4340 2.3% Cu 2.2% Mg 6.2% Zn Al alloy: Wrought Wrought; French Standard
AMS 4341 2.3% Cu 2.2% Mg 6.2% Zn AI alloy: Wrought AZ6G 2.0% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr 6.0% Zn AI alloy:
AMS4342 2.3% Cu 2.2% Mg 6.2% Zn Al alloy: Wrought Wrought; L' Aluminium Fran~ais
AMS4343 1.5% Cu 2.4% Mg 0.2% Cr 7.7% Zn Al alloy: AZSGU 2.0% Cu 2.0% Mg 0.3% Cr 7.2% Zn Al alloy:
Wrought Wrought: L' Aluminium Fran~ais
AMS4344 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: BA 703 0.3% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.1 % Cr 5.7% Zn Al
Wrought alloy: British Aluminium Co.; solution treated and
VTS: 490 Elon: 6% Proof: 420
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BA704 1.5% Cu 2.2% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.1 % Cr 7% Zn AI alloy:
British Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number VTS: 540 Elon: 5% Proof: 480
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' BA 705 0.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.7% Zn AI alloy: British
Elon Elongation, % Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' urS: 510 Elon: 6% Proof: 440
BA706 1% Cu 2.79% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.7% Zn Al alloy: British
1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. VTS: 540 Elon: 5% Proof: 460
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BA 707 1.3% Cu 2.9% Mg 0.4% Mn 0.1% Cr 5.7% Zn AI DTD5130 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 6.2% Zn 0.15% Zr AI alloy
alloy: British Aluminium Co.; solution treated and DTD 5636 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 6.2% Zn 0.15% Zr AI alloy
aged DURALUMIN KC 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 6% Zn 0.05% Pb AI alloy: Bar and
VTS: 480 Elon: 6% Proof: 400 forging; Akan; solution treated and aged
BBZ36 1% Cu 2.7% Mg 5% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Birmabright; UTS: 530 Elon: 5% Proof: 450
solution treated and aged DURALUMIN LC 0.5% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.1 % Cr 5.5% Zn 0.05% Pb AI
VTS: 510 Elon: 5% Proof: 460 alloy: Forgings; Akan; solution treated and aged
BIRMETAL 212 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.15% Cr 0.2% Zn AI alloy: In VTS: 520 Elon: 7% Proof: 440
wrought form; Birmetal for DID 5074 DURALK 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5% Zn AI alloy: Forgings
BIRMETAL Z36 3% Cu 5% Zn Mg AI alloy: Birmabright and tube; Akan; solution treated and aged
DPN: 170 VTS: 600 Proof: 520 VTS: 530 Elon: 5% Proof: 450
BMB 1306 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5% Zn AI alloy: DURALL 0.6% Cu 3% Mg 0.4% Mn 5.8% Zn AI alloy: Tube,
Birmabright; solution treated and aged forging and plate; Akan; solution treated and aged
VTS: 480 Elon: 5% Proof: 400 UTS: 480 Elon: 5% Proof: 400
BMB 2308 1% Cu 2.7% Mg 5% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Birmabright; DURICILIUM N Zn-containing AI alloy: For welded structure; E Kaye;
solution treated and aged solution treated
UTS: 530 Elon: 5% Proof: 460 UTS: 330 Eloo: 14% Proof: 220
BS918 Cu Zn AI alloy: Bars; obsolete DURICILIUM P 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 6.2% Zn AI alloy: E Kaye;
BS 4300/14-7020 1.2% Mg 0.3% Mn 4.5% Zn AI alloy: Sheet and plate; solution treated aod aged
solution treated and aged; TF UTS: 600 Eloo: 6% Proof: 530
VTS: 320 Elon: 10% Proof: 270 DURICILIUM X 1% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.5% Mo 5.5% Zn AI alloy: E Kaye;
BS 4300114 HSI7 1.2% Mg 0.5% Mn 4.2% Zn AI alloy: Sheet and plate; solution treated and aged
solution treated and aged; TF condition UTS: 600 Elon: 6% Proof: 530
VTS: 320 Elon: 10% Proof: 270 DURICILIUM Z 0.5% Cu 2.7% MgO.16% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy: E
BS 4300/15.7020 1.2% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.5% Zn AI alloy: Bar and Kaye; solution treated and aged
extruded tube; solution treated and aged TF UTS: 540 Eloo: 8% Proof: 480
UTS: 340 Elon: 10% Proof: 280 HA4ZG62 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Plate;
BS 4300/15 HEI7 1.2% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.5% Zn AI alloy: Bar and Canadian Standard
tube HA4ZG62 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Plate
DID 363 A 3% Cu 5% Zn Mg AI alloy: Extrusions (ALCLAD) clad with AI; Canadian Standard
UTS: 510 Elon: 5% Proof: 450 HA5 ZG62 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Bar,
DID 683 A Cu Mg Zn Mn AI alloy: For forgings; replaeed by DID etc.; Canadian Standard
5024 HA 7ZG62 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Tube;
DID 693 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.3% Zn AI alloy: Tube; Canadian Standard
solution treated and aged HIDUMINIUM 48 Zn Mg AI alloy: Wrought; High Duty Alloys
VTS: 450 Elon: 8% Proof: 400 UTS: 495 Elon: 12% Proof: 450
DID 5024 0.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.7% Zn AI alloy: HIDUMINIUM 78 0.5% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.1 % Mn 0.15% Cr 6% Zn AI
Forgings; solution treated and aged alloy: Bar and plate; High Duty Alloys; solution
UTS: 470 Elon: 7% Proof: 400 treated and aged .
DID 5034 0.5% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: UTS: 400 Elon: 6% Proof: 440
Forgings; solution treated and aged HIDUMINIUM 89 1.4% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.1% Mn 0.2% Cr 5.8% Zn AI
VTS: 470 Elon: 7% Proof: 400 alloy: Bar; High Duty Alloys; solution treated and aged
DID 5044 0.5% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Bar; UTS: 550 Elon: 5% Proof: 460
solution treated and aged IMPALC0740 0.4% Cu 3% Mg 5.7% Zn AI alloy: Bar and forgings;
UTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 450 Imperial Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
DID 5050B 0.9% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.16% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy: Plate; UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 440
solution treated and aged IMPALC0750 0.5% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.8% Zn AI alloy: Bar and
UTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 450 forgings; Imperial Aluminium Co.; solution treated and
DTD5054 0.5% Co 2.7% MgO.16% Cr 5.7% Zn AI alloy: Bar; aged
solution treated and aged UTS: 520 Elon: 7% Proof: 440
UTS: 520 Elon: 7% Proof: 450 IMPALC0760 1% Cu 2.8% Mg 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Imperial
DID 5064 1.1 % Cu 2.8% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
solution treated and aged VTS: S40 Elon: 5% Proof: 460
UTS: S40 Elon: 5% Proof: 450 IMPALC0770 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 6% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Imperial
DID 5074 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.16% Cr 6.2% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
solution treated and aged VTS: S40 Elon: 5% Proof: 460
VTS: S40 Elon: 5% Proof: 470 KYNALZ93 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 5.3% Zn AI alloy: ICI; obsolete;
DID 5094 0.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.5% Zn AI alloy: now Imperial Aluminium Co.
Forgings; solution treated and aged L88 1.8% Cu 2.6% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.8% Zn Al alloy: Sheet
VTS: 460 Elon: 8% Proof: 400 and strip; solution treated and aged; IF
DID 5104 A 0.5% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.8% Zn AI alloy: VTS: 480 Elon: 8% Proof: 420
Forgings L 160 1.8% Co 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Bar
DID 5110 1.8% Cu 2.6% Mg 0.15% Cr 5.8% Zn AI alloy: Clad as L 161 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Forging
designation 7075; clad with 7072 L 162 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Forging
DID 5114 0.5% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Bar NORALC77S 1% Cu 2.7% Mg 5% Zn AI alloy: Bar; Northern
DID5120B 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 6.2% Zn AI alloy: as designation Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
7010 VTS: 560 Elon: 5% Proof: 460
DTD5124 1.8% Cu 2.6% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6 Zn AI alloy: Bar NORALM75S 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5% Zn Al alloy: Forgings;
DID 5124 2.5% Cu 0.5% Mn 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Forging; similar Northern Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
to DID 5024 with improved stress corrosion resistance UTS: 490 Elon: 7% Proof: 420
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
PERUNAL 1.5% Cu 2.3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 6.2% Zn 0.1 % UNIDOR080 0.8% Mg 4.3% Zn AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss
Ti AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.; solution Aluminium Co.
treated and aged UNIDOR 100 1.2% Mg 0.4% Mn 0.2% Cr 4.2% Zn AI alloy:
DPN: ISO VTS: 600 Proof: 530 Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.
PERUNAL215 1.5% Cu 2.2% MgO.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 5.7% Zn 0.1% URAL I 4% Cu 1% Mg 1.5% Zn AI alloy: German Standard
Ti AI alloy: Wrought; Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. URAL III 4.5% Cu 2% Mg 3% Zn AI alloy: German Standard
Pu 1.5% Cu 2.3% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 6.2% Zn 0.1 % URAL IV 5% Cu 2.5% Mg 5.5% Zn AI alloy: German Standard
Ti AI alloy: Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.; code for V95 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy: Russian
Perunal designation
RR 77 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5% Zn AI alloy: For WI6 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 6% Zn AI alloy: Southern
forgings and tuhes; High Duty Alloys for DID 683, Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 770
DID 693 W26 1% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Southern
RR88 1% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5% Zn AI alloy: For Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 760
extrusions; High Duty Alloys for DID 363A WI60 0.5% Cu 2.8% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.8% Zn AI alloy:
SAE215 1.8% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Solution Southern Forge; replaced by IMPALCO 750
treated and aged; now 7075 W260 0.5% Cu 2.8% Mg 5.8% Zn AI alloy: Southern Forge;
UTS: 570 Elon: 7% Proof: 510 replaced by IMPALCO 740
STA 7 AWI6A 1.0% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5.3% Zn AI alloy: Bar; ZG62A 1.5% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn Al alloy:
solution treated and aged; obsolete Previous ASTM designation; now 7(115
VTS: 540 Elon: 5% Proof: 460 ZISIUM 2% Cu 15% Zn 0.5% Sn AI alloy: Forging; origin
TI77 0.4% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.5% Mn 5% Zn AI alloy: Tube; unknown
British Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
UTS: 450 Elon: 8% Proof: 400
Tl88 1% Cu 2.7% Mg 5% Zn Al alloy: Bar; British Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
UTS: 560 Elon: 5% Proof: 460 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UNI3735 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 5.8% Zn Al alloy: For forging; UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Italian Standard Elon Elongation, %
UNI3737 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 7.8% Zn AI alloy: For forging; Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Italian Standard
UNI3738 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 7.8% Zn AI alloy: For forging; 1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbfJin 2 =1 MPa
Italian Standard See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
UNI7791 1.2% Mg 0.3% Mn 4.5% Zn AI alloy: Italian Standard
1H Aluminium alloys clad with aluminium damage. Great care must be taken when working with clad
materials, either during production or in service, that this
This section covers the series of specifications, trade names, thin skin is not destroyed.
etc. where aluminium alloys are clad with pure aluminium or It must always be appreciated that corrosion can be more
aluminium alloy. serious when it is local than when it is general and where
There are two reasons for cladding, the first and most stressed areas are involved then the problem of stress corro-
important being to improve the corrosion resistance of the sion migh:l exist.
alloy itself. In general, where the mechanical properties are Some 1% zinc alloys are used to clad the wrought mate-
improved by the addition of alloy elements, the corrosion rials listed in Section 1G where high strength aluminium
resistance is decreased. This decrease in some instances, for alloys exist with zinc as the major alloying element.
example the zinc-aluminium alloys, can be quite dramatic. The second reason for cladding is to produce a film which
It will be obvious that only relatively simple shapes can will braze to a similar film. The high strength material there-
have the cladding carried out. Cladding is produced by form- fore has a cladding of an aluminium-silicon alloy which
ing the base material and then taking thin sheets of the reduces the melting point and thus allows it to be brazed
material for cladding and rolling the two materials together. without affecting the heat treatment or mechanical proper-
The shapes are therefore generally in sheet form, but extru- ties of the base material.
sions can be produced as can some sophisticated forgings. Considerable skill is necessary, firstly in the design, and
The materials will have the mechanical properties of the also in the application of brazing on these components.
base material with the corrosion resistance at the surface The materials in this section are used for architectural
improved. purposes, very often on components used in transport where
In general the material used is high purity aluminium, the pure aluminium skin obviates the need to paint. High
either 99.99% or 99.95% aluminium. production components where brazing is required are also
The clad skin is very thin and thus will be susceptible to included in this section.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
11 1.2% Mn AI sheet clad one side with 7.5% Al alloy: AMS404IG 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy clad with AI:
For brazing; SAE designation; formerly SAE 247 AMS for AA alloy 2024 clad with 1230
12 1.2% Mn AI sheet clad both sides with 7.5% Si Al AMS 4042 E 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy clad with AI:
alloy: For brazing; SAE designation; formerly SAE 248 AMS for AA alloy 2024 clad with Al
21 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy sheet clad one side with AMS4046 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy clad
7.5% Si Al alloy: SAE designation; formerly SAE 249 with Alone side: AMS for AA 7075 clad with AUZn
for brazing AMS4047B 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn Al a1l9Y Al clad
22 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si AI alloy clad both sides with 7.5% Si AlIZn roll tapered: AMS for AA alloy 7075 clad with
Al alloy: For brazing; SAE designation; formerly SAE AUZn
250 AMS4048C 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy clad
23 0.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.3% Si AI alloy sheet clad one side with AI, annealed with AUZn: AMS for AA alloy 7075
with 9% Si AI alloy: For brazing; SAE designation clad with AUZn
24 0.2% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.3% Si Al alloy sheet clad both AMS4049 C 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.25% Cr 5.6% Zn Al alloy clad
sides with 9% Si AI alloy: For brazing; SAE with AUZn: AMS for AA alloy 7075 clad with AUZn
designation AMS4051 A 2% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.3% Cr 6.8% Zn Al alloy clad with
ALCAN GB24S 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.7% Mn Al alloy clad with AI: AUZn: Annealed
ALCLAD Alcan; solution treated and room aged VTS: 240 Elon: 10%
UTS: 420 Elon: 18% Proof: 280 AMS 4052 A 2% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.3% Cr 6.8% Zn Al alloy clad with
ALCANGB26S 4.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy clad AUZn: Solution treated and aged
ALCLAD with AI: Alcan; solution treated and aged UTS: 570 Elon: 6% Proof: 490
UTS: 440 Elon: 10% Proof: 360 AMS4054 0.3% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.35% Si Al alloy clad with braze
ALCAN GBM75S 1.3% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.12% Cr 6% Zn Al alloy clad metal: Annealed and clad one side with Al alloy braze
ALCLAD with AI: Alcan; solution treated and aged metal
VTS: 510 Elon: 11 % Proof: 420 AMS4055 0.3% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.3% Si Al alloy clad with braze
ALCOA 460 5.0% Si Al alloy: Clad on Alcoa 190 sheet; for brazing metal: Annealed; clad both sides with Al alloy braze
ALCOA 470 7.5% Si Al alloy: Clad on Alcoa 190 sheet; for brazing metal
ALDURALB 4.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy clad with AI: J AMS4063 3003 alloy clad with 4343; Braze alloy
Booth; clad version of DURAL B AMS4064 3003 alloy clad with 4343: Braze alloy
ALDURALG 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr AI alloy clad AMS4077 2024 alloy clad with 99.3% Al
with AI: Sheet; J Booth; clad version of DURAL G AMS4094 Designation 2219 clad with alloy 7072
ALDURALJJ 2.3% Cu 1.5% MgO.15% Si 1% Fe 1.1% Ni Al alloy AMS4095 Alloy designation 2219 clad with alloy 7072
clad with AI: Sheet; J Booth; clad version of DURAL AMS4096 Alloy designation 2219 clad with alloy 7072
11 AMS4100 7475 alloy clad with 7072
ALDURALK 1.1% Cu 3% Mg 5.7% Zn Al alloy clad with 1% Zn AI AMS4196 1% Zn alloy 7075 clad with AI alloy
alloy: J Booth; clad version of DURAL K clad with 1% AMS4197 1% Zn alloy 7075 clad with AI alloy
ZnAI AMS4198 1% Zn alloy 7079 clad with AI alloy
ALDURALL 0.6% Cu 3% Mg 5.8% Zn AI alloy sheet clad with 1% AMS4199 1% Zn alloy 7079 clad with AI alloy
Zn AI alloy: J Booth; clad version of DURAL L clad AMS4243 1% Zn alloy 7050 clad with AI alloy
with 1% Zn Al alloy ASTM B209/2014 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 1% Si Al alloy sheet clad with AI:
ALDURALS 4.2% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy clad with CLAD Annealed and clad with ASTM 6003
AI: Sheet; J Booth; clad version of DURAL S UTS: 210 Elon: 16% Proof: 75
AMS4020 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy clad with ASTM B209/2014 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 1% Si AI alloy sheet clad with AI:
AUZn: AMS for alloy 6061 clad with 7072 CLAD Clad with ASTM 6003; solution treated and aged
AMS4021 B 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy clad with UTS: 4SO Elon: 4% Proof: 400
AUZn: AMS for alloy 6061 clad with 7072 annealed ASTM B209/2024 4% Cu 1.5% Mg AI alloy sheet clad with AI:
AMS 4022 C 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy clad with CLAD Annealed, clad with ASTM 1230
AUZn: AMS for alloy 6061 clad with 7072 solution UTS: 210 Elon: 10% Proof: 75
treated ASTM B209/2024 4% Cu 1.5% Mg Al alloy sheet clad with AI: Solution
AMS4023 C 0.25% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.25% Cr AI alloy clad with CLAD treated; room aged; clad with ASTM 1230
AUZn: AMS for alloy 6061 with 7072 solution treated UTS: 420 Elon: 6% Proof: 270
and aged ASTM B209/3OO3 1.2% Mn AI alloy sheet clad with AUZn: Annealed,
AMS 4034 A 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy clad with AI: CLAD clad with ASTM 7072
AMS for AA alloy 2024 clad with 1230 UTS: 110 Elon: 23% Proof: 75
AMS4036 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy clad with Alone ASTM B209/3OO3 1.2% Mn Al alloy sheet clad with AUZn: Cold rolled;
side: AMS for AA alloy 2024 clad with AI CLAD I·hard
AMS4039 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.6% Zn AI alloy clad with UTS: ISO Elon: 8% Proof: 90
AUZn: AMS for AA alloy 7075 clad with AUZn ASTM B20913004 3004 alloy sheet clad with 7072 alloy
AMS 4040 E 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy clad with AI: CLAD
AMS for AA alloy 2024 clad with 1230; annealed ASTM B209/5155 5155 alloy clad with alloy 7072
ASTM B209/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy sheet clad
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: CLAD with AlIZn: Annealed; clad with ASTM 7072
UTS: 120 Elon: 18% Proof: 60
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTM B209/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy sheet clad
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 CLAD with AlIZn: Solution treated and aged; clad with
Eion Elongation, % ASTM7072
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 280 EIon: 8% Proof: 240
ASTM B209n075 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy sheet
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin.2=145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa clad with AlIZn
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B210/3003 1.2% Mn Al alloy tube clad with AIIZn: Annealed; BS 1470 HCI5 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.6% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Sheet and
CLAD clad with ASTM 7012 strip coated with AI: solution treated and aged
UTS: 75 Proof: 15 UTS: 390 EIon: 8% Proof: 300
ASTM B210/3003 1.2% Mn Al alloy tube clad with AIIZn: Cold drawn; BS 1477 HPCI4 4% Cu 1% MgO.5% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy plate clad
CLAD clad with ASTM 7012 with AI: Solution treated; room aged; coated with AI
UTS: 170 Proof: 150 UTS: 360 Elon: 10% Proor: 210
ASTM B21115056 5% Mg 0.1% Cr AI alloy bar clad with AI: Cold drawn; BS 1477 HPCI5 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn AI alloy: Al clad
CLAD clad with ASTM 6253 plate; solution treated and aged; coated with AI
UTS: 340 UTS: 390 Elon: 8% Proof: 300
ASTM B234/3003 1.2% Mn Al tube coated with AIIZn: Cold drawn; clad CLAD CG 42A 4.2% Cu 1.5% Mg AI alloy clad with AI: Previous
ALCLAD with 7072 ASTM designation; now 2024; clad with 1230
UTS: 140 Proof: 110 CLADCS41A 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si Al alloy clad with SiIMg AI:
ASTM B235/3003 1.2% Mn Al alloy tube clad with AI/Zn: Annealed; Previous ASTM designation; now 2014; clad with 6003
ALCLAD clad with 7012 and extruded CLAD GM 50A 5% Mg 0.1 % Cr Al alloy clad with AIIZn alloy:
UTS: 100 Proof: 22 Previous ASTM designation; now 5056; clad with 6253
ASTM B24113003 1.3% Mn Al pipe and tube clad with ASTM B241nOn CLADGS llA 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr Al alloy clad with
ALCLAD AIIZn: Previous ASTM designation; now 6061; clad
ASTM B307/3003 1.2% Mn Al alloy coiled tube clad with AIIZn: with 7012
ALCLAD Annealed; clad with 7072 CLAD MIA 1.2% Mn AI alloy clad with AIIZn alloy: Previous
UTS: 90 ASTM designation; now 3003; clad with 7072
ASTM B307/5050 1.4% Mg Al alloy clad with 1.2% Mg 1.6% Zn Al CLADMG llA 1% Mg 1.2% Mn Al alloy clad with AIIZn alloy:
ALCLAD alloy: Drawn tube ' Previous ASTM designation; now 3004; clad with 7072
ASTM B313/3004 1% Mg 1.2% Mn Al alloy welded tube clad with AI: CLADZG62A 1.7% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 5.5% Zn Al alloy clad with
ALCLAD Cold rolled; clad with 7072 AIIZn alloy: Previous ASTM designation; now 7075;
UTS: 250 Elon: 4% clad with 7072
ASTM B345/3003 1.2% Mn Al alloy pipe clad with AIIZn: As drawn; clad DTD390 AI clad sheet: Replaced by DTD 610
ALCLAD with 7072 DTD610 4% Cu 1.5% Si I% Fe Al alloy clad with Al
UTS: 750 Prom: 30 DTD687B 1% Cu 3% Mg 0.2% Cr 5% Zn Al alloy sheet coated
ASTM B345/6061 0.2% Cu 1% Mg 0.6% Si 0.2% Cr AI alloy clad with with AI: Solution treated and aged; coated with 1% Zn
ALCLAD AIIZn: Pipe; solution treated and aged; clad with 7072 Al alloy
UTS: 220 Proof: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 8% Prom: 390
ASTM B404/3003 1.25% Mn 1.0% Zn Al alloy clad with Al alloy: DTD710B 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Mn Al sheet coated with
ALCLAD Condenser tubes AI: Solution treated; room aged; coated with Al
BA 351 4.1 % Cu 0.8% Mg 0.5% Si 0.7% Mn Al alloy clad with UTS: 370 Elon: 15% Proof: 220
AI: Plate; British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HCl4 DTD5040 4.4% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.7% Si 0.6% Mn Al alloy plate
BA 355 4.6% Cu 0.7% Mg 0.8% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy clad with clad with AI: Solution treated and aged; coated with AI
AI: British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HCI5 UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 330
BA 359 4.2% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn 0.05% Pb Al alloy clad DTD5060 1.5% Cu 2.7% Mg 0.8% Mn 5% Zn Al alloy coated
with AI: Plate; British Aluminium Co.; solution treated with AI: Solution treated and aged; coated with 1% Zn
and aged Al alloy
UTS: 400 Elon: 10% Proof: 240 UTS: 480 Elon: 6% Proof: 400
BA 751 1.3% Cu 2.9% Mg 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Cr 5.7% Zn Al DTD5070A 2.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 1.2% Ni 1% Fe AI alloy coated with
alloy: Clad; British Aluminium Co.; solution treated AI: Sheet; solution treated and aged; coated with 1%
and aged; clad with 1% Zn alloy ZnAI alloy
UTS: 460 Elon: 8% Proor: 390 UTS: 370 Elon: 6% Proor: 300
BA 757 1.3% Cu 2.9% MgO.4% Mn 0.1% Cr 5.7% Zn Al DTD5100 4.4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn Al alloy clad with AI:
alloy: Clad; British Aluminium Co.; solution treated Plate; solution treated; room aged; coated with AI
and aged; clad with 1% Zn alloy UTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
UTS: 460 Elon: 6% Proof: 390 HA4CG42 4.3% Cu 1.6% Mg 0.6% Mn AI plate clad with 99.7%
BIRMETAL477 4% Cu 1% MgO.5% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy clad with AI: ALCLAD AI: Canadian Standard
CLAD Birmabright for BS alloy HC 14 HA4CS4IN 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy plate
BIRMETAL 478 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si 1% Mn Al alloy clad with AI: ALCLAD clad with 1% Mg AI: Canadian Standard
CLAD Birmabright for BS alloy HCI5 HIDUMINIUM 04 4.2% Cu 0.8% Mg 0.5% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy clad with
BIRMETAL Z36 3% Cu 5% Zn Mg Al alloy clad with AI: Birmabright AI: Plate; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy HCI4
CLAD UTS: 480 Elon: 11 % Proor: 420 IMPALCO C66A 4% Cu 0.7% Mg 1% Mn Al alloy clad with AI: Sheet;
BS 1470 HCl4 4% Cu 1% MgO.75% Mn AI alloy: AI coated sheet Imperial Aluminium Co. for BS alloy HCl5
and strip; solution treated; room aged KYNAL-CORE 4% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy clad with AI: ICI:
UTS: 360 Elon: 15% Prom: 210 C65A obsolete; now Imperial Aluminium Co.
KYNAL-CORE Al clad form of KYNAL C66: ICI: obsolete; now
C66A Imperial Aluminium Co.
KYNAL-CORE Al clad version of KYNAL C67: ICI: obsolete; now
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: C67A Imperial Aluminium Co.
KYNAL-CORE Al clad version of KYNAL C67: ICI; obsolete; now
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number C68A Imperial Aluminium Co.
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' KYNAL-CORE Al clad form of KYNAL Z93; ICI; obsolete; now
Elon Elongation, % Z93A Imperial Aluminium Co.
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' L38 Cu Al alloy sheet clad with AI: Obsolete
L47 Cu Al alloy sheet clad with AI: Obsolete; replaced by
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa L73
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
L72 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy sheet SAE 249 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy clad one side with 7.5% Si
coated with AI: Solution treaied; room aged Al alloy: Alloy 6951 clad with 4343; now AA21
UTS: 370 Elon: 15% Proof: 220 SAE 250 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy sheet clad both sides with
L73 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.75% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy sheet 7.5% Si AI alloy: Alloy 6951 clad with 4343; now AA22
coated with AI: Solution treated and aged UN! 3736 1.6% Cu 2.5% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.15% Cr 5.8% Zn 0.1 %
UTS: 400 Elon: 8% Proof: 310 Ti AI alloy clad with 1.0% Zn AI: Italian Standard
SAE 240 4.5% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy clad with AI: UN( 3580 4.0% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy clad with AI:
Sheet; solution treated; SAE 24 clad with AI Italian Standard
UTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 250 UN( 3582 4.4% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.8% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy clad with
SAE 242 1% Mg 1.2% Mn AI alloy clad with AVZn alloy: Cold 1% Si Mg Mn alloy: UN13571; Italian Standard
rolled; AA alloy 3004 clad with 7072
UTS: 270 Elon: 5% Proor: 240
SAE 244 1% Mg 0.60% Si Al alloy clad with AVZn alloy: AA
alloy 6061; clad with 7072
SAE 245 1.2% Mn AI alloy clad with AVZn alloy: Cold rolled; Note. The following abbreviations and units :ire used in the tables:
AA alloy 3003 clad with 7072
UTS: 200 Elon: 4% Proof: 170 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
SAE 246 4.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 1% Mn 0.1% Cr Al alloy clad UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
with AI: AA alloy 2014 clad with 6003 Elon Elongation, %
SAE 247 7.5% Si 1.2% Mn Al sheet clad one side with AI: For Proof O. (% proof strength, N/mm 2
braling; alloy 3003 clad with 4343; now AAII
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
SAE 248 1.2% Mn AI sheet clad both sides with 7.5% Si Al
alloy: For bra2ing; alloy 3003 clad with 4343; now See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
The above properties are typical of the following group, and Many of the materials in this section give the best compro-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible mise of the aluminium alloys between strength and corrosion
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be resistance. They are difficult to cast, however, and problems
applicable. can be encountered.
The materials in this section contain aluminium with mag- Materials are used for marine purposes and also where
nesium from 4 to 10%, very often with some silicon and other decorative castings are required with reasonably intricate
minor elements added. shapes difficult or expensive to produce by forging or
In general these materials are not heat treatable. As the machining. Many of these castings are used in builders'
magnesium content increases so does the corrosion hardware such as rain-water castings, etc., and other archi-
resistance. tectural features.
There are some problems in casting the materials, particu- Welding requires considerable care and skill, using the
larly as the magnesium content is increased, and these ma- inert gas shielded technique.
terials should not be designed for use where thin wall castings
are required.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2.3561 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; German 535.0 6.8% Mg 0.1 % Mn 0.15% Ti AI alloy: Casting;
Standard designation used in the UK and USA
3.3261 4.8% Mg 1% Si 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Casting; German 535.2 6.8% Mg 0.1% Mn 0.15% Ti Al alloy: Ingot;
Standard DIN 1725 designation used in the UK and USA
DPN: 70 VTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 75 A 10 10% Mg AI master alloy: L'Aluminium Fran~ais
3.3282 7.5% Mg 0.7% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting; German AmT 3.0% Mg AI alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium Fran~ais
. Standard DIN 1725 AG4Z 4% Mg 1.2% Zn Al alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium
DPN: 70 UTS: 200 Elon: 2% Proof: 140 Fran~ais
3.3292 9% Mg 0.5% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting; German AG6 4.5% Mg 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Casting; French Standard
Standard DIN 1725 AG6 6.0% Mg AI alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium Fran~ais
DPN: 70 UTS: 220 Elon: 2% Proof: 140 AGIOY4 10.2% Mg Al alloy: Casting; French Standard
3.3591 10% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Casting; German AI 28 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Russian
Standard DIN 1725 designation
220 10% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS alloy LM 10 ALCAN GB 350 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Alcan for BS alloy LM 10
320 4% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Comalco; sand cast ALCAN GB B320 4% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Alcan for BS alloy
DPN: 60 UTS: ISO Elon: 4% Proof: 60 LM5
340 8% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Comalco; sand cast AMS4238 A 6.8% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; as cast
DPN: 70 UTS: 2SO Elon: 7% Proof: 110 AMS4239 6.8% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; annealed
350 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Comalco for BS alloy LM AMS4240 C 10% Mg AI alloy: Casting; solution treated
10 AN QQ A 366 8.0% Mg AI alloy: Die casting; US Service; as cast
511.0 4% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation used in UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 120
the UK and USA AN QQ A 392 10% Mg AI alloy: Casting; US Service; aged
511.1 4% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the VTS: 280 Elon: 12% Proof: 140
UK and USA AN QQ A 402 4.0% Mg Al alloy: Casting; US Service; as cast
511.2 4% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UTS: 110
UK and USA AP501 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Australian
512.0 4% Mg 1.8% Si AI alloy: Casting; obsolete; designation specification
used in the UK and USA AP 505 10.2% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Australian specification
512.2 4% Mg 1.8% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the ASTMB26G4A 4% Mg 0.35% Si AI alloy: Sand casting; as cast
UK and USA UTS: ISO Elon: 6% Proof: 45
513.0 4% Mg 1.8% Zn AI alloy: Casting; designation used in ASTM B26 GIOA 10% Mg AI alloy: Sand casting; solution treated
the UK and USA UTS: 280 Elon: 12% Proof: 140
513.2 4% Mg 1.8% Zn Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in ASTM B26 GM70B 7% Mg Al alloy: Sand casting
the UK and USA VTS: 240 Elon: 9% Proof: 110
514.0 4% Mg Al alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK ASTM B26 GS42A 4% Mg 2% Si AI alloy: Sand casting; as cast
and USA VTS: 110 Proof: 50
514.1 4% Mg Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and ASTMB85G8A 8% Mg AI alloy: Die casting; as cast
USA VTS: 320 Elon: 5% Proof: 180
514.2 4% Mg AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and ASTM BlOB GM42A 4% Mg 0.2% Cr AI alloy: Casting; as cast
USA UTS: 120 Elon: 1.5%
515.0 3.2% Mg 0.7% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; ASTM BlOB GM70B 7% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; lIS cast
designation used in the UK and USA UTS: 240 Elon: 8% Proof: no
515.2 3.2% Mg 0.7% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Ingot; designation ASTM BlOB GZ42A 4% Mg 2% Zn Al alloy: Casting; as cast
used in the UK and USA UTS: 140 Elon: 2.5% Proof: 75
516.0 3.2% Mg 0.7% Si 0.3% Mn 0.3% Ni AI alloy: Casting; ASTM BI79 G4A 4% Mg Al alloy: Ingot
designation used in the UK and USA ASTM BI79 G8A 8% Mg Al alloy: Ingot
516.1 3.2% Mg 0.7% Si 0.3% Mn 0.3% Ni AI alloy: Ingot; ASTM BI79 GIOA 10% Mg Al alloy: Ingot
designation used in the UK and USA ASTM B179 GM70B 7% Mg 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Ingot
518.0 8% Mg Al alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK ASTM BI79 GS42A 4% Mg 2% Si AI alloy: Ingot
and USA B 514.0 4.0% Mg 1.8% Si Al alloy: Investment casting;
518.1 8% Mg AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and American National Standard
USA BA28 5% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; British Aluminium
518.2 8% Mg Al alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK and Co. for BS alloy LM 5
USA BA29 10% Mg AI alloy: Casting; British Aluminium Co. for
520.0 10% Mg AI alloy: Casting; designation used in the UK BS alloy LM 10
and USA BB5 5% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Birmabright for BS
520.2 10% Mg AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the UK alloyLM 5
and USA BIRMABRIGHT 5% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Birmabright for BS
alloy LM 5
BS 1490LM5 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Ingot; chill cast
UTS: 170 Elon: 5%
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BS 149OLM5M 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: For sand and die castings;
chill cast
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 170 Elon: 5%
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS 1490 LMIO 10% Mg AI alloy: Ingots; chill cast
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 300 Elon: 12%
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 1490 LMIOW 10% Mg Al alloy: Sand or die castings; chill cast;
solution treated
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa
UTS: 300 Elon: 12%
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DSI 5000 A1252 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Danish
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DTD 165 A 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Castings; chill cast; as cast NBN 436 Al Mg II 10.2% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Belgium specification
VTS: 170 Elon: S% Proof: 7S NORAL350 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Northern Aluminium Co.
DTD300A 10.5% Mg Al alloy: Casting; chill cast; solution treated for BS alloy LM 10
VTS: 300 Elon: 12% Proof: 170 PERALUMAN 34 3.4% Mg 0.2% Mn 0.15% Ti Al alloy: Casting;
DTD5018 7.5% Mg 0.2% Mn 1.2% Zn Al alloy: Sand casting Anglo·Swiss Aluminium Co.
VTS: 280 Elon: S% Proof: 170 PERALUMAN 75 7.0% Mg 1.78% Si 0.4% Mn 0.4% Fe 0.15% Ti Al
GAIMg3 3% Mg Al alloy: Casting; previous German Standard alloy: Ingot; Anglo·Swiss Aluminium Co.
designation QQ A 59/7 8.0% Mg Al alloy: Die casting; US Federal; as cast
GAIMg3(Cu) 0.4% Cu 3% Mg Al alloy: Casting; previous German UTS: 210 Elon: 4% Proof: 120
Standard designation QQ A 59119 3.2% Mg Al alloy: die casting; US Federal; as cast
G AIMg5 0.2% Cu 5% Mg 1% Si Al alloy: Casting; previous VTS: 270 Elon: 10% Proof: 120
German Standard designation QQA60115 3.8% Mg AI alloy: Casting; US Federal; as cast
G AIMg 10 0.2% Cu 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; previous German VTS: 140
Standard designation SAE 320 4% Mg Al alloy: Casting; as cast; sand cast
GAIMg(Cu) 0.4% Cu 4% Mg AI alloy: Casting; previous German VTS: ISO Elon: 6% Proof: 4S
Standard designation SAE 324 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; sand cast; solution treated
GD AI Mg 8(Cu) 0.2% Cu 8% Mg 1% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting: VTS: 280 Elon: 12% Proof: ISO
previous German Standard designation STA 7 AC5 5.0% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; replaced by BS
GD Al Mg 9 9% Mg 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Casting; previous German 1490 LM 5
Standard designation STA 7 ACIO 10.5% Mg Al alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 1490 LM
GOST 2685·63 ALI3 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Russian 10
specification UNI3056 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
H494 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Australian UNI3057 7.0% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
specification UNI3058 5.0% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
H498 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Australian specification UNI3059 3.0% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
HA3G8 0.1 % Cu 8% Mg Al alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard UN15080 7.5% Mg 0.8% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
HA3GIO 10% Mg Al alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard VI036 AlB BXIV 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Dutch specification
HA3GS40 4% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard
HA9GIO 10% Mg Al alloy: Sand casting; Canadian Standard
HA9GS40 4.0% Mg 0.5% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; Canadian
HIDUMINIUM 90 10.5% Mg AI alloy: Casting; High Duty Alloys for BS
alloy LM 10 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
L53 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; chill cast; solution treated
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
VTS: 300 Elon: 12% Proof: 170
L231 VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Spanish specification
Elon Elongation, %
LM 10 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; INTAL for BS alloy LM 10
MG7 7% Mg 1.5% Fe Al alloy: For die casting; Birmabright; Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
as cast
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgfimm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbfiin.'=1 MPa
VTS: 220 Elon: 3.S %
NBN 436 Al Mg 6 5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Belgium See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
1 K Aluminium-silicon-magnesium cast alloys
Specific gravity 2.65-2.7
Density 2650--2700 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 525-650°C
Thermal conductivity 117-170 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 19-23 x 1O-6oc
Temperature Tensile strength Section IE. The materials in this section can generally be
°C N/mm 2 solution treated and aged to improve the mechanical proper-
ties but being castings will never have the same ductility as
100 320 the wrought materials.
150 300 The addition of higher quantities of silicon increases the
200 260 fluidity of the castings and thus gives good reproducibility.
250 150 By adding copper, nickel and other minor elements mechan-
300 90 ical strength can be improved.
350 50 The heat treatment of these materials is similar to that of
400 37 other heat treatable aluminium alloys, i.e. solution treat-
ment and ageing, and requires considerable control and
The above values are chosen to show the typical properties of These materials are used for items such as pump casings,
this group of alloys. It may be that none of the values applies crank cases, gear box cases, brackets and other components
to certain of the specifications listed. which are reasonably highly stressed, because they have
good mechanical strength with reasonable corrosion resis-
tance. The castability of these is not as good as the materials
General metallurgical characteristics
in Section 11 but is better than many other aluminium aIloys.
To some extent the materials in this section are comparable Included in this group are the alloys which are used to
as castings to the specifications, trade names, etc. found in manufacture internal combustion engine piston castings.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
135 0.3% Mg 7% Si 0.1 % Ti Al alloy; Casting; Comalco; 356 0.3% Mg 7% Si 0.2% Fe AI alloy; Casting;
solution treated and aged Binnabright; chill cast; solution treated and aged
DPN: 65 VTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 110 DPN: 80 UTS; 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 156
162 1% Cu 1.1 % Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting; 356 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy; Casting; AA designation for
Comalco for BS alloy LM13 ASTM alloy SG 70A
354 1.8% Cu 0.5% Mg 9% Si AI alloy; Casting; designation 356.0 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si AI alloy; Investment casting;
used in the USA American National Standard; ANSI
355 1.1% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy; Casting; Alcoa for 360 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Comalco; as cast
BS alloyLMI6 DPN: 85 UfS: 270 Elon: 3% Proof: 156
355 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; AA 357.0 0.5% Mg 7% Si AI alloy; Casting; designation used in
designation for ASTM alloy SC51A the USA
356 0.3% Mg 5.5% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa 357.1 0.5% Mg 7% Si AI alloy; Ingot; designation used in the
for BS alloy LM8 USA
358.0 0.5% Mg 8% Si 0.15% Ti AI alloy; Casting;
designation used in the USA
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables;
358.2 0.5% Mg 8% Si 0.15% Ti AI alloy; Ingot; designation
used in the USA
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 359.0 0.6% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in
UfS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
the USA
Eion Elongation, % 0.6% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2
the USA
A 132 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting; AA
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm2=0.06475 tonf/in?= 145.04lbf/in?= I MPa
designation for ASTM alloy SN 122A
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. A 132 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
Alcoa for BS alloy LM 13
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
A 356 0.3% Mg 7% Si 0.1 % Fe (max) Al alloy: Casting; ASTM B26 SG70A 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; solution treated
Birmabright; chill cast; solution treated and aged and aged
DPN: 85 UTS: 2SO Elon: 9% Proof: 180 UTS: 200 Elon: 3% Proof: 120
A 356.0 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si AI alloy: Investment casting; ASTM B85 SGl00A 0.5% Mg 10% Si AI alloy: Die casting; as cast
American National Standard; ANSI UTS: 320 E1on: 3.5% Proof: 150
A 360 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; AA designation ASTM B85 SGl00B 0.5% Mg 10% Si 2% Fe Al alloy: Die casting; as cast
for ASTM alloy SG IOOA Elon 2.5% Proof: 170
A 360 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Comaleo for BS ASTM BI08 SG51B 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting;
alloy LM9 solution treated and aged
A 03560 Unified number for alloy 356.0; ASTM system UTS: 270 Elon: 3% Proof: 200
A 13560 Unified number for alloy A 356.0; ASTM system ASTM BI08 SG70A 0.3% Mg 7% Si 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; solution
ALCANGB 125 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Alcan for treated and aged
BS alloyLM 16 UTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 140
ALCANGB 162 1% Cu 1% Mg 11.5% Si 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; ASTM BI08 SG70B 0.3% Mg 7% Si 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; solution
Alcan for BS alloy LM 13 treated and aged
ALCAN GB B116 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Alean for BS alloy UTS: 2SO Elon: 5% Proof: 170
LM8 ASTMB108 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting;
ALCAN GB C125 1.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Alean for SN122A solution treated and aged
BS alloyLM 16 VTS: 270
ALCAN GB D135 7% Si Mg AI alloy: Casting; Alean for BS alloy LM 25 ASTM B179 SC51B 1% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
ALPAXBETA 0.4% Mg 11% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Light ASTM B179 SC82A 1.5% Cu 0.4% Mg 8% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Ingot;
Alloys Ltd for BS alloy LM 9 primary metal
ALPAXGAMMA 0.4% Mg 11% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Light ASTM B179 SG70A 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal
Alloys Ltd for BS alloy LM 9 ASTM B179 SG70B 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
ALMELEC 0.7% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Source unknown ASTMB179 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
UTS:300 SGl00A-B
AMS4210F 1.2% Cu 1.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; AMS for ASTMB179 10% Cu 0.3% Mg 2% Si Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal
AA alloy 355 CGl00A
AMS 4212 E 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; solution BA41 0.4% Mg 11% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; British
treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 355 Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 9
AMS4214D 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution BA42 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
treated and stabilized; AMS for AA alloy 355 British Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 13
AMS4215B 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; premium BA451 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Bar; British Aluminium
grade; AMS for AA alloy 355 Co.; solution treated and aged
AMS4217D 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; solution treated and UTS: 180 Elon: 12% Proof: ISO
aged; AMS for AA alloy 356 BIRMIDAL 0.3% Mg 5.5% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting;
AMS4218B 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; premium grade AMS Birmabright for BS alloy LM 8
for AA alloy 356 BS 149OLM8 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast
AMS4260 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; investment; solution VTS: 270 Elon: 2%
treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 356 BS 149OLM8M 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si AI alloy: Sand and die casting; chill
AMS 4280 E 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution cast
treated and over-aged; AMS for AA alloy 355 VTS: 220 Elon: 3%
AMS4281 C 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution BS 149OLM8P 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si AI alloy: Sand and die casting; chill
treated and aged; AMS for AA alloy 355 cast and aged
AMS4284D 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution treated and UTS: 180 Elon: 2%
aged; AMS for AA alloy 356 BS 149OLM8W 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si Al alloy: Sand and die casting; chill
AMS4285 0.3% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Centri-cast; solution treated cast; solution treated and room aged
and aged; AMS for AA alloy 356 VTS: 220 Elon: 5%
AMS4286 A 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; aged; AMS for AA BS 1490 LM8WP 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si Al alloy: Sand and die casting; chill
alloy 356 cast; solution treated and aged
AMS4290 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; die cast VTS: 270 Elon: 2%
UTS: 280 Elon: 2% Proof: ISO BS 149OLM9 0.4% Mg 12% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast
AN QQA 376 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; US VTS: 280
Service BS 1490 LM9WP 0.4% Mg 12% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sand and die
UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 120 casting; chill cast; solution treated and aged
AN QQ A 386 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni Al alloy: Casting; UTS: 280
US Service; as cast BS 1490 LM13 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2% Ni AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast
VTS: 210 VTS: 270
AN QQ A 394 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Service; BS 1490 LM13WP 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2% Ni AI alloy: Sand or die
solution treated and aged piston casting; chill cast; solution treated and aged
UTS: 170 Elon: 3% Proof: 110 VTS: 270
ANTICORODAL 0.7% Mg 6.5% Si 0.3% Mn 0.15% Ti Al alloy: Casting; BS 149OLM16 1% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; chill cast
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. UTS: 270
ANTICORODAL 70 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si 0.1% Ti Al alloy: Casting; Anglo- BS 1490 LM16WP 1% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Sand and die casting;
Swiss Aluminium Co. chill cast; solution treated and aged
ANTICORODAL 71 0.45% Mg 7.2% Si Al alloy: Primary casting ingot; VTS: 270
Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. COMALCO 135 0.3% Mg 7% Si 0.2% Fe 0.1 % Ti Al alloy: Casting;
ASTM B26 SC82A 1.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 8% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; Comaleo alloy for SG 70A
solution treated and aged COMALCO 162 1% Cu 1.2% Mg 12% Si 0.3% Fe 2.5% Ni AI alloy:
VTS: 220 Elon: I% Proof: 140 Casting; Comaleo alloy for LM 13
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
COMALC0360 0.5% Mg 9.5% Si 0.9% Fe AI alloy: casting; Comalco NORALI25 1.1 % Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Northern
alloy for SG lOOB Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 16
DI2 7% Cu 0.3% Mg 5.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; NORALI61 0.4% Mg 11 % Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Northern
Birmabright; solution treated and aged; pistons Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 9
DPN: 132 UTS: 330 Proof: 300 NORAL 162 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni Al alloy: Casting;
DTD245 A 0.5% Mg 11.5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; chill Northern Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 13
cast; replaced by L75 NURAL25 1.5% Mg 5.5% Si 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Alcan
UTS: 280 Proof: 240 (Germany); general purpose alloy
DTD716A 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; chill cast QQ A 596/6 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; US
UTS: 160 Elon: 3% Proof: 88 Federal; aged
DTD 722 A 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; chill cast and aged UTS: 210 Elon: 1.5%
UTS: 188 Elon: 2% Proof: 130 QQ A 596/8 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Federal;
DTD727 A 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; chill cast; solution solution treated and aged
tt.eated UTS: 200 Elon: 3%
UTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 100 QQ A 596/9 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni Al alloy: Casting;
DTD735 A 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; chill cast; solution US Federal; aged
treated and aged UTS: 200
UTS: 270 Elon: 2% Proof: 210 QQ A 596110 1.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 12% Si AI alloy: Casting; US
DTD 5028 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Casting Federal; aged
HA9SC51N 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; UTS: 188
Canadian Standard QQ A 601/3 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Federal;
HA 9SC51P 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; solution treated and aged
Canadian Standard UTS: 200 Elon: 3%
HA 10 SC5IN 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si Al alloy: For die casting; QQ A 601/10 12% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; US
Canadian Standard Federal; aged
HA IOSC51P 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: For die casting; UTS: 200 Elon: 2%
Canadian Standard QQA601/11 1.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si 0.8% Ni Al alloy: Casting;
HA IOSG70N 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si Al alloy: For die casting; Canadian US Federal; aged
Standard UTS: 156
HA 10 SG70P 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si AI alloy: For die casting; Canadian QQA601/12 0.7% Co 1.0% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni Al alloy: Casting;
Standard US Federal; aged
HA IOSG71 0.5% Mg 7.0% Si AI alloy: For die casting; Canadian UTS: 200
Standard SAE 309 0.5% Mg 10% Si AI alloy: Casting; die'cast; as cast
HA IOSNI22 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: For die UTS: 300 Elon: 5%
casting; Canadian Standard SAE 321 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni Al alloy: Casting;
HIDUMINIUM 40 0.3% Mg 5% Si 0.4% Mn Al alloy: For sand and die solution treated and aged
casting; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy LM 8 UTS: 270
L75 0.4% Mg 12% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; chill cast; SAE 322 1.25% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; sand cast;
solution treated and aged solution treated and aged
UTS: 280 Proof: 240 UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 130
LM5 4.5% Mg 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; designation used SAE 323 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; sand cast; solution
byBS treated and aged
LM8 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; INTAL for BS UTS: 200 Elon: 3% Proof: 130
alloy LM 8 SAE 327 1.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 8% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting;
LM8 0.5% Mg 4.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation used solution treated and aged
byBS UTS: 220 Elon: 1% Proof: 140
LM9 0.4% Mg 12% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; SAE 328 1.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 12% Si 0.8% Mn Al alloy: Casting;
designation used by BS solution treated and aged
LM 10 10% Mg Al alloy: Casting; designation used by BS UTS: 288 Proof: 256
LM 13 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; SAE 336 0.3% Mg 7% Si Al alloy: Casting; solution treated and
designation used by BS aged
LM 13 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; UTS: 250 Elon: 5% Proof: 188
INTAL for BS alloy LM 13 SILAFONT30 0.3% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss
LMI6 1% Cu 5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation Aluminium Co.
used by BS SILAFONT54 0.3% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Primary ingot; Anglo·Swiss
LM 16 1% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; INTAL for Aluminium Co.
BS alloy LM 16 SILAFONT64 0.2% Mg 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss
LO-EX 1% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; BKL Aluminium Co.
for BS alloy LM 13 SILAFONT66 0.3% Mg 10% Si Al alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss
Aluminium Co.
STA 7 ACS 0.3% Mg 5.5% Si 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Casting; replaced
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: by BS 1490 LM8
STA 7 AC9 0.4% Mg 11% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; replaced
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number by BS 1490 LM9
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' STA 7 ACI3 1.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 2.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
Elon Elongation, % replaced by BS 1490 LM13
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' UNI3051 0.35% Mg 9% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Italian
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa UNI3054 0.65% Mg 4.5% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Italian
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note, The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
UNI3055 0.65% Mg 2.0% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Italian
Standard DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UNI3599 0.3% Mg 7.0% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Italian UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Standard Eion Elongation, %
UNI3600 1.3% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; Italian Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
0.4% Mg 11% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; WMills 1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04lbf/in. 2 =1 MPa
Ltd for BS alloy LM 9; obsolete See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
100 300
150 280 220
200 240 200
250 170 180
300 90 150
350 50 80
The above properties are chosen to be typical of the group The materials tend to be more brittle than other lower
as a whole. Certain alloys listed may have specific properties strength materials. The corrosion resistance is also relatively
which do not apply. low in many of these alloys and corrosion protection is there-
fore advised.
The materials in this group are quite complex with the Welding requires care and the use of the inert gas shielded
addition of alloying elements which are designed firstly to process.
improve the castability and secondly to improve the mechan- The castings can be anodized.
ical properties and in certain instances some physical proper- These materials are used similarly to those in Section lK,
ties. i.e. for gear boxes, sumps, electrical fittings, brackets etc.
The mechanical properties of the majority of alloys in this Some of the alloys in this section have reasonably good high
section can be increased by heat treatment but the improve- temperature properties and therefore can be used at ele-
ment is not as dramatic as in other heat treatable aluminium vated temperatures where heat is involved, i.e. up to approx-
alloys. imately 200-300 0c.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.1263 4.5% Cu 3% Si 2.5% Zn 0.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting; 208.2 4% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the
German Standard DIN 1725 UK and USA
3.1371 4.5% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; German 213.0 7% Cu 2% Si 2% Zn AI alloy: Ingot; designation used
Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.1841 4.5% Cu 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; German Standard 213.1 7% Cu 2% Si 2% Zn AI alloy: Ingot; designation used
DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.2151 4% Cu 0.2% Mg 6% Si 2% Zn AI alloy: Casting; 220.0 10% Cu 0.2% Mg AI alloy: Casting; designation used
German Standard DIN 1725 in the UK and USA
3.2161 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; German Standard 222.1 10% Cu 0.25% Mg AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in
113 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS the UK and USA
alloy LM I 224.0 5% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.1% V 0.1 % Zr AI alloy: Casting;
113 7% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: Casting; AA designation for designation used in the UK and USA
ASTM alloy CS 72A 224.2 5% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.1% V 0.1% Zr AI alloy: Ingot;
117 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for designation used in the UK and USA
BS alloy LM4 226 4.8% Cu 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for BS
122 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS alloy alloy LM 11
LMI2 238.0 10% Cu 4% Si 0.2% Mn 1% Zn AI alloy: Obsolete;
122 10% Cu 0.2% Mg AI alloy: Casting; AA designation designation used in the UK and USA
for ASTM alloy CG l00A 238.1 10% Cu 4% Si 0.2% Mn 1% Zn AI alloy: Ingot;
127 4.5% Cu 5% Si 0.3% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for obsolete; designation used in the UK and USA
BS alloy LM 22 238.2 10% Cu 4% Si 0.2% Mn AI alloy: Ingot; obsolete;
138 10% Cu 4% Si 0.3% Fe AI alloy: Casting; as cast designation used in the UK and USA
DPN: 100 UTS: 200 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 170 240.0 8% Cu 6% Mg 0.5% Si 0.5% Mn 0.5% Ni AI alloy:
142 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
alloy LM 14 240.1 8% Cu 6% Mg 0.5% Si 0.5% Mn 0.5% Ni AI alloy:
142 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; AA Ingot; designation used in the UK and USA
designation for ASTM alloy CN 42A 242.0 4% Cu 1.6% Mn 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; designation
143 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si 0.8% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Comalco used in the UK and USA
for BS alloy LM 24 242.1 4% Cu 1.5% Mn 2% Ni AI alloy: Ingot; designation
152 6% Cu 0.4% Mg 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; AA used in the UK and USA
designation for ASTM alloy CS 66A 242.2 4% Cu 1.5% Mn 2% Ni AI alloy: Ingot; designation
195 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS alloy LM 11 used in the UK and USA
201.0 4.6% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.8% Ag AI alloy: Casting; 243.0 4% Cu 2% Mg 0.3% Cr 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
201.2 4.6% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.8% Ag AI alloy: Casting; 243.1 4% Cu 2% Mg 0.3% Cr 2% Ni AI alloy: Ingot;
designation used in the UK and USA designation used in the UK and USA
202.0 4.6% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.4% Cr 0.8% Ag AI alloy: Casting; 295.0 4.5% Cu 1% Ti AI alloy: Casting; designation used in
obsolete; designation used in the UK and USA the UK and USA
202.2 4.6% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.4% Cr 0.8% Ag AI alloy: Casting; 295.1 4.5% Cu 1% Ti AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the
obsolete; designation used in the UK and USA UK and USA
203.0 5% Cu 1.5% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; designation 295.2 4.5% Cu 1% Ti AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the
used in the UK and USA UK and USA
203.2 5% Cu 1.5% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; designation 296.0 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in
used in the UK and USA the UK and USA
204.0 4.8% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; 296.1 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in
designation used in the UK and USA the UK and USA
204.2 4.5% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; 296.2 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in
designation used in the UK and USA the UK and USA
206.0 4.6% Cu 0.25% Mg AI alloy: Casting; designation used 308.0 4.5% Cu 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in
in the UK and USA the UK and USA
206.2 4.6% Cu 0.25% Mg AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in 308.1 4.5% Cu 5.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in
the UK and USA the UK and USA
208.0 4% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in the 308.2 4.5% Cu 5.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in
UK and USA the UK and USA
208.1 4% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the 319 3% Cu 4.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Alcoa for
UK and USA BS alloy LM 4
208.1 4% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the 319 4% Cu 6% Si AI alloy: Casting; AA designation for
UK and USA ASTM alloy SC 64B or SC 64C
319.0 3.5% Cu 6% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used in
the UK and USA
319.1 3.5% Cu 6% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UK and USA
319.2 3.5% Cu 6% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation used in the
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UK and USA
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 320 3% Cu 0.3% Mg 6.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation
Elon Elongation, % used in the UK and USA
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 320.1 3% Cu 0.3% Mg 6.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation
used in the UK and USA
1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.102 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in.2=145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa 1.5% Cu 0.4% Mg 8.0% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy:
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Investment casting; American National Standard;
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
332.0 3% Cu 1% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation ALUFONT3 4.5% Cu 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss
used in the UK and USA Aluminium Co.; solution treated and aged
332.1 3% Cu 1% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; designation DPN: lOS UTS: 340 Elon: 6% Proof: 220
used in the UK and USA ALUFONT42 4.7% Cu 0.25% Ti AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss
332.2 3% Cu 1% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation Aluminium Co.
used in the UK and USA ALUFONT47 4.7% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.25% Ti AI alloy: Casting;
333.0 3.5% Cu 1% Mg 9% Si Al alloy: Casting; designation Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co.
used in the UK and USA ALUMINAL 7 2.0% Cu 0.2% Mg 2.5% Si 1.0% Ni AI alloy: Casting:
333.1 3.5% Cu 1% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Ingot; designation origin unknown
used in the UK and USA AMS4220 D 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.2% Cr 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
339.0 2.2% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Casting; solution treated and over-aged; AMS for AA alloy 142
designation used in the UK and USA AMS4222 D 4% Cu 1.5% Mg Al alloy: Casting; solution treated and
355.0 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Investment over-aged; AMS for AA alloy 142
casting; American National Standard; ANSI AMS4223 4.5% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.6% Ag AI alloy: Casting
380 3.5% Cu 8% Si Al alloy: Casting; AA designation for AMS4224 4% Cu 2% MgO.3% Mn 0.3% Cr 2% Ni 0.1% Ti 0.1%
ASTM alloy SC 84B V Al Alloy: Casting; stabilized
384 3.5% Cu 11 % Si AI alloy: Casting; AA designation for AMS 4225 5% Cu 0.25% Mn 1.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting
ASTM alloy SC 114A AMS4226 5% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.2% Zr Al alloy: Casting
645 3.5% Cu 11 % Zn Al alloy: Casting; Alcoa for BS alloy AMS4227 A 8% Cu 6% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.5% Ni AI alloy: Casting
LM3 AMS4228 4.5% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Casting
6063 0.6% Mg 0.4% Si Al alloy: Wrought; designation used AMS 4229 4.5% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.3% Mn AI alloy: Casting
in the UK and USA AMS 4230 C 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; solution treated; AMS for
6066 1% Mg 1.3% Si 1% Mn Al alloy: Wrought; designation AAalloy 195
used in the UK and USA AMS4231 C 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; solution treated and aged;
6070 0.25% Cu 0.8% Mg 1.3% Si 0.8% Mn AI alloy: AMS for AA alloy 195
Wrought; designation used in the UK and USA AMS 4235 4.7% Cu 0.25% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.2% T.i Al alloy:
6101 0.5% Mg 0.5% Si AI alloy: Wrought; designation used Casting
in the UK and USA AMS4236 4.7% Cu 0.25% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.2% Ti AI alloy:
A 108 4.5% Cu 5.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; AA designation for Casting
ASTM alloy SC 64A AMS4237 4.6% Cu 0.25% Mg Al alloy: Casting
A 143 3% Cu 1% Mg 10% Si 0.4% Fe 1% Ni Al alloy: AMS4242 4.3% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.3% Mn Al alloy: Casting
Casting; Comalco; aged AMS4282 E 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution treated
DPN: lOS UTS: 240 Elon: I% Proof: 180 and aged
A 380 3.5% Cu 8% Si Al alloy: Casting; AA designation for AMS4283 D 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution treated
ASTM alloy SC 84A AMS4291 B 3.5% Cu 5% Si or 8.5% Si AI alloy: Die casting; as cast
A 33550 Unified number for alloy 055.0 ANA4 3.5% Cu 3.5% Si 1.0% Fe Al alloy: Casting; US
AERAL 3.5% Cu 1.8% Mg 0.6% Si 2.25% Cd Al alloy: Source Federal
unknown UTS: 110 Elon: I.5%
UTS: 450 ANA5 4.0% Cu 2.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Service; aged
AEROLITE 1.15% Cu 0.4% Mg 0.5% Si 0.1% Zn 1.0% Fe Al UTS: 170
alloy: Source unknown AN QQ A 379 4.0% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni Al alloy: Casting; US
AERON 4% Cu 1.0% Si Al alloy: Solution treated and aged; Service; solution treated and aged
source unknown UTS: 200
UTS: 370 AN QQA383 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Service; aged
Af3 4.5% Cu 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss code UTS: 200
for Alufont 3 ANQQA390 4.5% Cu 1.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Service
AI16V 4% Cu 0.2% Mg 6% Si 0.4% Mn Al alloy: Casting; UTS: 180
Russian designation ANQQA397 4.0% Cu 3.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Service
AI18V 10% Cu 0.3% Mg 2.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Russian UTS: 110 Elon: I.5%
designation ANQQA399 8.0% Cu 1.2% Si 1.5% Fe AI alloy: Casting; US
A175 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; American Service; as cast
name for BS alloy LM 22 UTS: 110
ALAR 308 3.5% Cu 8% Si AI alloy: Casting; American name for AP 303 3% Cu 5% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Australian
BS alloy LM 24 specification
ALCANGB 117 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Alcan for BS AP309 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Australian
alloy LM 4 specification
ALCAN GB218 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; Alcan for BS AS2U 1.5% Cu 0.1% Mg 2.1% Si 1.1% Ni 1.1% Fe AI alloy:
alloy LM 14 Casting; French Standard
ALCANGB226 4.5% Cu Al alloy: Casting; Alcan for BS alloy LM II AS2U 1.3% Cu 0.1 % Mg 2.3% Si 1.0% Fe AI alloy: Casting;
ALCAN GB AI43 3% Cu 1% Mg 9% Si Al alloy: Casting for pistons; L'Aluminium Fran~ais
Alcan for BS alloy LM 26 AS5U 3.2% Cu 5% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting; French
ALCAN GB B117 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Alcan for BS Standard
alloy LM 21 AS5U2 4% Cu 0.2% Mg 6% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting;
ALCAN GB C117 3.5% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Alcan for French Standard
BS alloy LM 22 A S5U3 3.2% Cu 0.1 % Mg 5.0% Si Al alloy: Casting;
ALDAL 4% Cu 0.5% Mg 0.6% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy; Source L'Aluminium Fran~ais
unknown A S9U3Y4 3.5% Cu 8.2% Si Al alloy: Casting; French Standard
UTS: 450 AS 307 1.5% Cu 10.2% Si Al alloy: Casting; Australian
ALFERIUM 2.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.3% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Source specification
unknown AS 313 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Australian
UTS: 450 specification
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMB26C4A 4.5% Cu 1.5% Si I% Fe 0.25% Ti AI alloy: Sand ASTM BI79 C4A 4.5% Cu 1% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
casting; solution treated and aged ASTMBI79 10% Cu 0.3% Mg 2% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
UTS: 210 Elon: 3% Proof: 120 CGlOOA
ASTM B26 CGlOOA 10% Cu 2% Si 1.5% Fe Al alloy: Sand casting; solution ASTM BI79 CN42A 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal
treated and aged ASTM B179 CS43A 4% Cu 3% Si Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal
UTS: 200 ASTM BI79 CS66A 6% Cu 0.3% Mg 5.5% Si Al alloy: Ingot; primary
ASTM B26 CN42A 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 1% Fe 2% Ni Al alloy: Sand casting; metal
solution treated and aged ASTM BI79 CS72A 7% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
UTS: 210 Proof: 120 ASTM BI79 CS76A 7% Cu 35% Si AI alloy: Ingot
ASTM B26 CS43A 4% Cu 3% Si 1.2% Fe AI alloy: Sand casting; as cast ASTM BI79 CSI04A 10% Cu 0.3% Mg 4% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
UTS: 110 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 60 ASTM BI79 SCSIA 1% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si 0.25% Cr Al alloy: Ingot;
ASTM B26 CS72A 7% Cu 3% Si 1.4% Fe 2.5% Zn AI alloy: Sand casting; primary metal
as cast; obsolete ASTM B179 SC64C 4% Cu 6% Si Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal
UTS: 120 Elon: 1% Proof: 60 ASTM BI79 3.5% Cu 8% Si 2.9% Zn (max) Al alloy: Ingot;
ASTMB26SCB 3% Cu 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; chill cast; solution SC84A-B primary metal
treated and aged ASTM BI79 SCI03A 2.5% Cu 1% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary
UTS: 300 Elon: 3% Proof: ISO metal
ASTM B26 SC51A 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; ASTM BI79 SC1l4A 4% Cu 11% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
solution treated and aged ASTM BI79 SCI22A 1.5% Cu 0.7% Mg 12% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary
UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 120 metal
ASTM B26 SC64D 4% Cu 6% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; solution treated ASTM BI79 SC649 4% Cu 6% Si AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal
and aged A U4NT 4.0% Cu 1.4% Mg AI alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium
VTS: 210 Elon: 2.5% Proof: 120 Fran~is
ASTM B26 CS74A 7.0% Cu 3.5% Si 1.4% Fe 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; AU5GT 4.8% Cu 0.25% Mg Al alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium
replaces CS72A Fran~ais
ASTM B85 SC84A 3.5% Cu 8% Si Al alloy: Die casting; as cast AUIOG 10% Cu 0.25% Mg Al alloy: Casting; L'Aluminium
UTS: 330 Elon: 3.5% Proof: ISO Fran~ais
ASTM B85 SC84B 3.5% Cu 8% Si 2% Fe AI alloy: Die casting; as cast A U4NT 4% Cu 1.4% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; French
UTS: 320 Elon: 2.5% Proof: ISO Standard
ASTM B85 SC1I4A 3.5% Cu II % Si Al alloy: Die casting; as cast A U4OT5 55% Cu 5% Ti Al master alloy: L'Aluminium Fran~is
UTS: 330 Elon: 2.5% Proof: ISO A U5GT 4.5% Cu Al alloy: Casting; French Standard
ASTM BI08 10% Cu 0.2% Mg 2% Si Al alloy: Casting; solution AU50 49% Cu AI master alloy: L'Aluminium Fran~ais
CGIOOA treated and aged A UI054 10% Cu 0.25% Mg 4.2% Si AI alloy: Casting;
UTS: 270 L'Aluminium Fran~ais
ASTM BlOB CN42A 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 0.7% Si 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; B132 1.5% Cu 1.0% Mg 12% Si 0.7% Mn AI alloy: Casting;
solution treated and aged AA designation for ASTM alloy SCI22A
VTS: 270 B 143 3% Cu 1.2% Mg 9.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Comalco;
ASTM BlOB CS42A 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution treated aged
and aged DPN: 103 UTS: 240 Elon: I% Proof: 170
UTS: 240 Elon: 2% Proof: 140 B 195 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; AA designation for
ASTM BI08 CS66A 6.5% Cu 0.4% Mg 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; aged ASTM alloy CS42A
VTS: 210 Proof: 170 BA32 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; British Aluminium Co. for
ASTM BlOB CS72A 7% Cu 2.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; as cast; obsolete BS alloy LM II
UTS: ISO Proof: 90 BA33 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy:; British
ASTM BI08 CSI04A 10% Cu 0.2% Mg 4% Si Al alloy: Casting; as cast Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 14
ASTM BI08 SC51A 1.2% Cu 0.8% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution BIRMALITE 10% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Castings; Birmabright for
treated and aged BS alloyLM 12
VTS: 250 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 150 BKL305 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Castings; BKL chill
ASTM BI08 SC64D 4% Cu 6% Si 0.2% Ti 0.3% Ni AI alloy: Casting; cast similar to BS alloy LM 4 with wider limits
solution treated and aged DPN: 85 UTS: 170 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 75
UTS: 270 Elon: 2% Proof: ISO BKL308 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; BKL for BS alloy
ASTM BI08 SC92A 2.0% Cu 0.5% Mg 9% Si Al alloy: Die casting LM24
ASTM BlOB SC94A 3.5% Cu 0.25% Mg 9% Si Al alloy: Die casting Bohn L4 3% Cu 1% Mg 9% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
ASTM BlOB SCI03A 3% Cu 1% Mg 9% Si AI alloy: Casting; aged American proprietary alloy
VTS: 210 DPN: lOS UTS: 210 Elon: 0% Proof: 200
ASTM BI08 SCI22A 1.5% Cu 0.7% Mg 12% Si 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; BS 361 7% Cu Al alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 1490
solution treated and aged BS362 12% Cu Al alloy: Casting; replaced by BS alloy LMI2
UTS: 280 Proof: 2SO BS363 Zn Cu AI alloy: Casting for crankcases; replaced by BS
BS702 Si Cu Al alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 1490
BS703 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Castings; Y
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: alloy; replaced
BS 1490LMI 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn Al alloy: Ingot; chill cast
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 150
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS 1490LMIM 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn Al alloy: Casting; as cast; chill
Elon Elongation, % cast
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 UTS: ISO
BS 1490 LM3 3% Cu 10% Zn AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast
I N/mm2~O.l hbar~O.I02 kgUmm2~0.06475tonUin.2~145.04lbf/in2~1 MPa
UTS: 140
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BS 149OLM3M 3% Cu 10% Zn AI alloy: For sand casting; chill cast
UTS: 140
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 149OLM4 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast COMALCO 117 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn 0.3% Fe AI alloy: Casting;
UTS: ISO Comalco for BS alloy LM 4
BS 149OLM4M 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: For sand and die COMALCO 127 4.5% Cu 5% Si 0.3% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for
casting; chill cast BS alloy LM 22
VTS: ISO COMALCO 138 10% Cu 4% Si 0.3% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for
BS 1490 LM4WP 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sand and die casting; ASTM alloy CS I04A
solution treated and aged COMALCOl43 3.5% Cu 8% Si 0.8% Fe AI alloy: Casting; Comalco for
UTS: 220 ASTM alloy LM 24
BS 1490 LM7 1.75% Cu 2% Si 1% Ni I% Fe AI alloy: Casting; chill COMALCO AI43 3% Cu 1% Mg 9.5% Si 0.5% Fe 1% Ni AI alloy:
cast Casting; Comalco
UTS: 180 Elon: 3% COMALCO BI43 3% Cu 1% Mg 9.5% Si 0.3% Fe AI alloy: Casting;
BS 1490 LMII 4.5% Cu 0.3% Ti AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast Comalco for ASTM alloy SC 103A
VTS: 300 Elon: 9% CQ51A 4.6% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.35% Mn AI alloy: Investment
BS 1490 LMIIWP 4.5% Cu 0.3% Ti AI alloy: For sand casting; chill cast; casting; designation used by ASTM
solution treated and aged D7 3% Cu 4.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting;
VTS: 300 Elon: 9% Birmabright for BS alloy LM4
BS 1490 LMI2 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast D8 3% Cu 4.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting;
VTS: 170 Birmabright for BS alloy LM 4
BS 1490 LMI2WP 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Die castings; chill cast; DS 15000 AI 101 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Danish
solution treated and aged specification
VTS: 270 DS 15000 AI 511 3% Cu 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Danish specification
BS 1490LMI4 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast DS 15000 AI 512 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Danish
VTS: 270 specification
BS 1490 LMI4WP 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Sand or die castings; DID 131 Cu AI alloy: Casting; obsolete; replaced by L52
chill cast; solution treated and aged DID I33C 1% Cu 2.5% Si 1% Ni 1% Fe 0.2% Ti AI alloy:
DPN: 120 VTS: 270 Casting; chill cast and aged
BS 149OLMI5 2% Cu 1% Mg 1.5% Si 1.5% Ni I% Fe AI alloy: UTS: 190 Elon: 3% Proof: 120
Casting; chill cast; solution treated and aged DID276A 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution
DPN: 12S UTS: 330 treated and aged; chill cast; replaced by L78
BS 1490LM21 4% Cu 6% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast VTS: 250 Proof: ISO
VTS: 170 Elon: 1% DID 287 1% Cu 0.5% Si 1% Ni 1% Fe 0.2% Ti AI alloy:
BS 1490 LM21M 4% Cu 6% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sand or die casting; Casting; chill cast and aged
chill cast VTS: 190 Elon: 3% Proof: 120
VTS: 170 Elon: 1% DID 298B 4.5% Cu 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; solution treated;
BS 1490 LM22 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Ingot; chill cast chill cast
VTS: 240 Elon: 8% UTS: 250 Elon: 13% Proof: 130
BS 1490 LM22W 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Die casting; chill cast; DID304B 4.5% Cu 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; solution treated
solution treated, room aged and aged; chill cast
UTS: 240 Elon: 8% VTS: 300 Elon: 9% Proof: ISO
BS 1490 LM23 1.5% Cu 2% Si 1% Fe 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Ingot; DID 36lB 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; solution treated and aged;
chill cast chill cast
VTS: ISO Elon: 3% VTS: 390 Elon: 4% Proof: 340
BS 1490 LM23P 1.5% Cu 2% Si I% Fe 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Sand DID 424A 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; as cast;
or die casting; chill cast and aged replaced by L79
VTS: ISO Elon: 3% VTS: ISO Elon: 2%
BS 1490 LM24 3.5% Cu 8% Si AI alloy: Ingots; chill cast DID 741A 4% Cu 2% Mg 0.7% Co 0.2% Nb AI alloy: Casting;
VTS: 170 Elon: 1.5% chill cast; solution treated and aged
BS 1490 LM24M 3.5% Cu 8% Si AI alloy: Die castings; as cast; chill cast UTS: 330 Proof: 240
VTS: 170 Elon: 1.5% DID 5018 7.7% Mg 1.2% Zn AI alloy: Casting
BS 1490 LM26 3.0% Cu 1.0% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; chill cast E QQ A 601113 4.0% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Federal; aged
DPN: 100 UTS: 210 Proof: 160 VTS: 170
BS 1490 LM27 2.0% Cu 7.0% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting; chill cast E QQ A 601114 3.5% Cu 3.0% Si 1.0% Fe AI alloy: Casting; US
UTS: 160 Elon: 2% Proof: 90 Federal
BS 1490 LM28 1.5% Cu 1.2% Mg 19% Si 1.2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; VTS: 110 Elon: 1.5%
chill cast G AICu4Ti 4.5% Cu 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; previous German
VTS: 190 Proof: 160 Standard designation
BS 1490 LM29 I.I % Cu I.I % Mg 23% Si I.I % Ni AI alloy: Casting; G AICu4Ti Mg 4.5% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; previous
chill cast German Standard designation
VTS: 190 Proof: 170 GAICu5Si3 5% Cu 3% Si AI alloy: Casting; previous German
BS 1490 LM30 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 17% Si AI alloy: Casting; chill cast Standard designation
VTS: 160 Proof: 160 GMNAloo 6% Cu 6% Si AI alloy: Casting; Comalco; as cast
CERALUMIN ASM 1.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 1% Si 0.8% Ni 0.1 % Nb AI alloy: DPN: 65 VTS: ISO Elon: 3% Proof: 75
Casting; J Stone; chill cast; solution treated and aged GOST 2685/63 AI I 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Russian
VTS: 300 Elon: 12% Proof: 170 specification
C 355.0 1.25% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Investment GOST 2685/63 AI 3 1.3% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian
casting; American National Standard; ANSI specification
CERALUMINB 1% Cu 0.1 % Mg 2.5% Si 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: GOST 2685/63 AI 3B 1.3% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian
Casting; J Stone for BS alloy LM 7 specification
CERALUMINC 1.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 0.75% Si 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: GOST 2685/63 AI 6 Cu Mg Si AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification
Casting; J Stone for BS alloy LM 15 GOST 2685/63 AI7 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification
GOST 2685/63 AI7B 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GaST 2685/63 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Russian HA9ZG6IN 0.6% Mg 0.5% Cr 0.2% Ti 5.8% Zn AI alloy: Sand
AI lOB specification casting; Canadian Standard
GaST 2685/63 AI 12 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Russian HA9ZG6IP 0.5% Cu 0.7% Mg 6.5% Zn AI alloy: Sand casting;
specification Canadian Standard
GaST 2685/63 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Russian HA 1OCS42 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si Al alloy: Die casting; Canadian
AI14B specification Standard
GaST 2685/63 Al 15 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Russian HA 10 SC53 3.0% Cu 5.0% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: For die casting;
specification Canadian Standard
GaST 2685/63 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Russian HIDUMINIUM 20 3% Cu 4.5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: For sand and die
AI16B specification casting; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy LM 4
GaST 2685/63 Cu Si Zn AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification HIDUMINIUM 80 4.5% Cu 0.15% Ti AI alloy: High strength sand casting;
AI18B High Duty Alloys for BS alloy LM II
GaST 2685/63 AI 19 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; Russian specification INTAL 7Q5 7.2% Cu 5.0% Si 5.5% Mn Al alloy: For die casting;
GaST 2685/63 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Russian Canadian Standard
AI20B specification L4 3% Cu 1% Mg 9% Si 1% Ni AI alloy: Casting;
GaST 2685/63 AI 21 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Russian Birmabright; chill cast for pistons
specification DPN: lOS UTS: 210 Proof: 200
H49--1 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Australian L35 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Ingot and
specification casting; chill cast; Y alloy
H49--3 3% Cu 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Australian UTS: 270 Proof: 210
specification L50 4% Cu 0.75% Mg 0.6% Mn AI alloy: For ingots;
H49--9 4.5% Cu Al alloy: Casting; Australian specification secondary metal for re-melting
H 49--10 10% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Australian L51 1% Cu 2.5% Si 0.9% Ni I % Fe 0.2% Ti Al alloy:
specification Casting; chill cast and aged
H 49--12 4.0% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni AI alloy: Casting; UTS: 190 Elon: 3% Proof: 120
Australian specification L52 2.5% Cu 1% Mg Ni Si Fe Al alloy: For sand or die
H 49--13 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si AI alloy: Casting; castings; chill cast
Australian specification UTS: 300 Proof: 250
H49--16 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Australian L78 1.25% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; chill cast
specification UTS: 290 Proof: 170
HA3C4 4.5% Cu 0.25% Si 0.1% Ti AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian L79 Cu Si AI alloy: Casting; obsolete
Standard L91 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; sand cast
HA3CG50 4.8% Cu 0.2% Mg 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian UTS: 220 Elon: 7% Proof: 160
Standard L92 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; sand cast
HA 3 CS42 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si 0.1 % Ti AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian UTS: 280 Elon: 4% Proof: 200
Standard L2lI 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
HA 3CS72 7.2% Cu 2.0% Si I% Fe AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian specification
Standard L212 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
HA3SC51N 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si 0.2% Fe AI alloy: Ingot; specification
Canadian Standard L213 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
HA 3SC51P 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 5.0% Si Al alloy: Ingot; Canadian specification
Standard L214 4.5% Cu Al alloy: Casting; Spanish specification
HA 3SC53 3.0% Cu 5.0% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian L215 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
Standard specification
HA 3 SC84N 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian Standard L216 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
HA 3SC84P 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si 0.8% Fe AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian specification
Standard L232 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
HA 3 SC84R 3.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 8.5% Si 1.0% Fe 1.0% Zn AI alloy: specification
Ingot; Canadian Standard L258 1.4% Cu 0.13% Mg 2,2% Si 1.2% Fe 1.3% Ni 0.12%
HA9 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Sand casting; Canadian Standard Ti AI alloy: Casting; Spanish specification
HA 9CG50 4.8% Cu 0.2% Mg AI alloy: Sand casting; Canadian L411 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn Al alloy: Casting; Spanish
Standard specification
HA 9CS42 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si Al alloy: Sand casting; Canadian L451 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting: Spanish
Standard specification
HA 9CS72 7.2% Cu 2.0% Si 1.2% Fe AI alloy: Sand casting; L452 4% Cu 6% Si 0.35% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
Canadian Standard specification
HA 9SC53 3.0% Cu 5.0% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Sand casting; L453 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Spanish
Canadian Standard specification
LAC 10 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; obsolete; Air
Ministry for BS 1490 LM 12
LAC J13B 3% Cu 10% Zn AI alloy: Casting; obsolete; Air
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Ministry for BS 1490 LM 3
LMI 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; INTAL for BS
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number alloy LM I
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' LM2 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; designation used
Elon Elongation, % byBS
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' LM3 3% Cu 10% Zn AI alloy: Casting; INTAL for BS alloy
I N/mm';O.1 hbar;0.102 kgf/mm';0.06475 tonf/in.';145.04lbflin 2 ;1 MPa LM4 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; designation
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. used by BS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
LM4 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; INTAL for QQ A 596/1 7.0% Cu 4.0% Si 1.2% Fe 2.5% Zn Al alloy: Casting;
BS alloy LM 4 US Federal
LM7 1.75% Cu 2% Si 1% Ni 1% Fe AI alloy: Casting; UTS: 140
designation used by BS QQ A 59613 4.0% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni Al alloy: Casting; US
LM 11 4.5% Cu 0.3% Ti AI alloy: Casting; designation used Federal; aged
by BS UTS: 200
LM 11 4.5% Cu 0.3% Ti Al alloy: Casting; INTAL for BS QQ A 596/4 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Federal; aged
alloy LM 11 UTS: 200
LM 12 10% Cu 0.3% Mg AI alloy: Casting; designation used QQ A 596/5 4.5% Cu 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; US Federal; as cast
LM 14 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; designation QQA601/4 4.5% Cu 1.2% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Federal; aged
used by BS UTS: 180
LM 14 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; INTAL for QQ A 60116 4.0% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni AI alloy: Casting; US
BS alloyLM 14 Federal; as cast
LM 15 2% Cu 1% Mg 1.5% Si 1.5% Ni AI alloy; Casting; UTS: ISO
designation used by BS QQ A 601/8 4.0% Cu 3.0% Si Al alloy: Casting; US Federal
LM21 4% Cu 6% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; designation UTS: 110 Elon: 1.5%
used by BS QQ A 60119 8.0% Cu 1.2% Si 1.5% Fe AI alloy: Casting; US
LM22 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; designation Federal; as cast
used by BS UTS: 110
LM23 1.5% Cu 2% Si 1% Fe 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: RR50 1% Cu 2.5% Si 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Sand and die
Casting; designation used by BS casting; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy LM 7
LM23 1.5% Cu 2% Si 1% Fe 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy: RR53B 1.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 0.75% Si 1% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy:
Casting; INTAL for BS alloy LM 23 Sand and die casting; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy
LM24 3.5% Cu 8% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation used by LM 15
BS RR250 5% Cu 0.25% Mn 1% Ni 0.2% Ti 0.25% Co 0.25% Sb
LM24 3.5% Cu 8% Si AI alloy: Casting; INTAL for BS alloy AI alloy: For sand casting; High Duty Alloys; for high
LM24 temperature use
LM26 3% Cu 1% Mg 9.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation DPN: 90 UTS: 210 Elon: 1% Proof: ISO
used by BS RR350 5% Cu 1.5% Ni 0.25% Co 0.25% Zr 0.25% Sb 0.2% Ti
LM27 2% Cu 0.4% Mg 7% Si AI alloy: Casting; designation Al alloy: Casting; High Duty Alloys; solution treated
used by BS and aged; for high temperature use
LM28 1.5% Cu 1.2% Mg 19% Si 1.2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; UTS: 240 Elon: 2% Proof: ISO
designation used by BS RRAC9A 1.2% Cu 0.5% Mg 1.3% Si 1.6% Ni 5% Sn AI alloy:
LM29 1.1 % Cu 1.1 % Mg 23% Si 1.1 % Ni AI alloy: Casting; Casting; aged; High Duty Alloys; used as a bearing
designation used by BS alloy
LM30 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mg 17% Si AI alloy: Casting; DPN: 80 Proof: ISO
designation used by BS SAE33 7% Cu 3% Si Al alloy: Casting; sand cast
MIRALITE 0.3% Si 4% Ni 0.4% Fe 0.04% Na 0.05% Pb Al alloy: UTS: 120 Proof: 70
Casting and wire; MIRALITE SAE34 10% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Casting; sand cast
NBN 436 2% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Belgium UTS: 200
AICu2NiMg specification SAE38 4.5% Cu 0.8% Si Al alloy: Casting; solution treated
NBN 436 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni Al alloy: Casting; Belgium and aged
AICu4Ni2Mg specification UTS: 240 Proof: 180
NBN 436 4.5% Cu 0.3% Ti Al alloy: Casting; Belgium SAE39 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; solution
AICu5MgTi specification treated and aged
NBN 436 AISi2Cu 1.4% Cu 0.1% Mg 2.2% Si 1.1% Fe 1.3% Ni Al alloy: UTS: 210 Proof: 120
Casting; Belgium specification SAE 300 6% Cu 0.5% Mg 6% Si Al alloy: Casting; die cast; aged
NBN 436 AISi5Cu 3% Cu 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Belgium specification DPN: 95 UTS: 210 Proof: 170
NBN 436 AISi9Cu3 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Belgium SAE 303 3.5% Cu 11 % Si AI alloy: Casting; die cast; as cast
specification UTS: 280 Elon: 2%
NORAL I17 3% Cu 4.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Northern SAE 306 3.5% Cu 8% Si AI alloy: Casting; die cast; as cast
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 4 UTS: 280 Elon: 3%
NORAL218 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Casting; Northern SAE 307 3.5% Cu 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; die cast; as cast
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 14 UTS: 2SO Elon: 2.5%
NORAL226 4.5% Cu Al alloy: Casting; Northern Aluminium Co. SAE 308 3.5% Cu 8% Si Al alloy: Casting; die cast; as cast
for BS alloy LM 11 UTS: 300 Elon: 2%
NORAL237 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Northern SAE 326 4% Cu 6% Si Al alloy: Casting; solution treated and
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 1 aged
NORAL252 10% Cu 0.3% Mg Al alloy: Casting; Northern UTS: 200 Elon: 2.5% Proof: 130
Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 12 SAE 329 4% Cu 6% Si Al alloy: Casting; solution treated and
NORALA111 1% Cu 0.1 % Mg 2.5% Si 1% Ni 0.2% Ti Al alloy: aged
Casting; Northern Aluminium Co. for BS alloy LM 7 UTS: 210 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 130
QQ A 59114 7.0% Cu 3.5% Si 2.0% Fe 1.5% Zn Al alloy: Casting; SAE 330 4.5% Cu 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; die cast; as cast
US Federal UTS: 150 Proof: 70
QQ A 59115 4.0% Cu 5.0% Si 2.0% Fe 1.0% Zn Al alloy: Casting; SAE331 4% Cu 9% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution treated and
US Federal aged
QQ A 591110 3.5% Cu 6.5% Si 1.2% Fe Al alloy: Casting; US UTS: 220
Federal SAE 332 3% Cu 1% Mg 9% Si 1% Ni Al alloy: Casting: aged
QQ A 591/11 3.5% Cu 6.5% Si 2.0% Fe 1.0% Zn Al alloy: Casting; UTS: 210
US Federal
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 334 2.3% Cu 1% Mg 12% Si AI alloy: Casting; aged UNI3042 10% Cu 0.25% Mg 1.0% Si 1.5% Ni 0.15% Ti AI alloy:
VTS: 210 Casting; Italian Standard
SAE 335 1.2% Cu 0.4% Mg 5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution UN13043 8% Cu Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
treated and aged UN13044 4.5% Cu Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
VTS: 270 Elon: 3% Proof: 200 UNI3045 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2.0% Ni Al alloy: Casting; Italian
SAE 380 4.5% Cu 2.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; solution treated Standard
and aged UN13046 3% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.7% Si 1.5% Fe 0.6% Ni 0.15% Ti
VTS: 220 Elon: 2% Proof: 140 Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
SAE 382 4.6% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.3% Mn 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting UNI3050 2.2% Cu 1.4% Mg 10% Si 1.0% Ni AI alloy: Italian
SAE 383 2.5% Cu 10% Si AI alloy: Casting Standard
SS 4230 3% Cu 6% Si 0.4% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Swedish UNI3052 4.0% Cu 5.5% Si AI alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
Standard; as cast UNI3601 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Italian Standard
DPN: 70 UNI3602 0.6% Mg 1.0% Fe 0.2% Ti 5.0% Zn AI alloy: Casting;
SS 4231 3.2% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Swedish Italian Standard
Standard; as cast UNI5075 3.5% Cu 8.5% Si 0.7% Fe Al alloy: Casting; Italian
DPN: 70 Standard
SS 4251 3.5% Cu 8% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; Swedish V 1036 AlB BXIll 4.5% Cu 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Dutch
Standard; as cast specification
DPN: 70 V 1036 AlB BXV 1.3% Cu 0.5% Mg 5% Si Al alloy: Casting; Dutch
SS 4252 3.5% Cu 8% Si 0.5% Mn 1% Fe AI alloy: Casting; specification
Swedish Standard; as cast V 1036 AlB BXVI 3% Cu 5% Si 0.5% Mn Al alloy: Casting; Dutch
DPN: 80 specification
SS 4254 3.0% Cu 9.0% Si 2.0% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Swedish VANALUIM 5% Cu 14% Zn 0.75% Fe 0.25% V Al alloy: Origin
Standard unknown
DPN: 85 vrs: 250 Elon: I% Proof: 180 VITAL 1% Cu 0.9% Si 1.2% Zn AI alloy: Origin unknown
STA 7 ACI 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; replaced by BS X-ALLOY 3.5% Cu 0.6% Mg 0.6% Si 1.25% Fe 0.6% Ni Al alloy:
1490LM I Origin unknown
STA 7 AC3 3.5% Cu 11 % Zn Al alloy: Casting; replaced by BS Y-ALLOY 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni AI alloy: Sand and die
1490 LM 3 castings; High Duty Alloys for BS alloy LM 14
STA 7 AC4 3% Cu 4.5% Si 0.5% Mn AI alloy: Casting; replaced by Z3 7% Cu 3% Si 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Birmabright for
BS 1490LM4 BS alloy LM I
STA 7 AC7 1% Cu 0.1 % Mg 2.5% Si 0.9% Ni 0.2% Ti AI alloy:
Casting; replaced by BS 1490 LM 7
STA 7 ACll 4.5% Cu AI alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 1490 LM 11 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
STA 7 ACI2 10% Cu 0.3% Mg I% Fe Al alloy: Casting; replaced by
BS 1490 LM 12 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
STA 7 ACI4 4% Cu 1.5% Mg 2% Ni Al alloy: Casting; replaced by vrs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
BS 1490 LM 14 Elon Elongation, %
STA 7 ACI5 1.5% Cu 0.8% Mg 0.7% Si 1% Fe 1% Ni 0.2% Ti Al Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 1490 LM 15
UN13040 12% Cu AI alloy: Primary metal; Italian Standard I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04 Ibf/in,z=1 MPa
UNI3041 10% Cu 0.3% Mg 1.0% Fe AI alloy: Primary metal; See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Italian Standard
The above properties are typical of the following group, and that with certain specifications some of the values may not be
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible applicable.
General metallurgical properties Welding is difficult and should not be attempted on high
This is a comparatively small range of alloys which are based integrity components. It requires the use of the inert gas
on 5-7% zinc, always with magnesium present. These are shielded process.
medium to high strength materials, reasonably low cost with There are very few alloys in this section which are used in
poor corrosion resistance. any great quantity in the United Kingdom. They are used in
They can be subjected to heat treatment to increase the the United States of America as general purpose aluminium
mechanical properties but this is not very dramatic and castings with reasonably good mechanical properties and low
generally the casting is used in the solution treatment condi- price with low, or not very good, corrosion resistance.
tion with an ageing operation added to improve the proper-
ties under many circumstances.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DSI 5000 AI621 0.6% Mg 5.2% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Danish SS 4438 0.6% Mg 0.4% Cr 5% Zn 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting:
specification Swedish Standard
DTD5008A 0.6% Mg 0.5% Cr 5% Zn 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting; DPN: 80
chill cast and aged TENZALOY 0.8% Cu 0.3% Mg 7.5% Zn AI alloy: Casting; AA
VTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: ISO designation for ASTM alloy ZC81A
FRONTIER 40E 0.60% Mg 0.5% Cr 5% Zn 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; TERNALLOY5 1.5% Mg 0.3% Cr 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; AA
chill cast; also known as 4OE; American alloy designation for ASTM alloy ZG32A
VTS: 240 Elon: 7% Proof: 170 TERNALLOY7 2% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr 4.2% Zn AI alloy: Casting;
GOST 2685/63 A124 0.6% Cu 0.5% Cr 5.3% Zn 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; AA designation for ASTM alloy ZG42A
Russian specification UI5 1% Mg 5% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss
H49-I7 0.6% Mg 5.2% Zn Al alloy: Casting; Australian Aluminium Co.
specification UNIFONT5 1% Mg 5% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-Swiss
HA3ZG61N 0.55% Mg 0.5% Cr 0.2% Ti 5.7% Zn AI alloy: Ingot; Aluminium Co.; room aged; obsolete
Canadian Standard DPN: 75 VTS: 240 Elon: 6% Proof: 170
HA3ZG61P 0.5% Cu 0.75% Mg 6.5% Zn AI alloy: Ingot; Canadian UNIFONT54 0.9% Mg 0.2% Cr 5.2% Zn AI alloy: Casting; Anglo-
Standard Swiss Aluminium Co.
L5 Cn Zn AI alloy: Casting; obsolete ZG71B 0.9% Mg 0.1 % Cr 7.0% Zn AI alloy: Investment
SAE 310 0.5% Mg 0.5% Cr 5.5% Zn AI alloy: Casting; sand cast casting; designation used by ASTM
and aged ZG81A 0.7% Cu 0.35% Mg 7.5% Zn AI alloy: Investment
UTS: 210 Elon: 3% Proof: ISO casting; designation used by ASTM
SAE 311 1.5% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr 3% Zn AI alloy: Casting; ZIMALUIM 7.5% Mg 11.5% Zn AI alloy: German origin
sand cast and aged
VTS: 200 Elon: 5% Proof: 110
SAE312 2% Mg 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr 4% Zn AI alloy: Casting;
solution treated and aged
UTS: 220 Elon: 1% Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SAE313 0.5% Cu 0.7% Mg 6.5% Zn 0.2% Ti Al alloy: Casting;
sand cast and aged DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
VTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 130 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
SAE314 0.5% Cu 0.3% Mg 6.5% Zn 0.2% Ti AI alloy: Casting; Elon Elongation, %
die cast; aged Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
VTS: 180 Elon: 7%
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
SAE 315 0.8% Cu 0.3% Mg 0.3% Cr 7.5% Zn AI alloy: Casting;
aged See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
VTS: 200 Elon: 5% Proof: ISO
1N Aluminium - miscellaneous alloys Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMIO 10% Mn Al master alloy: L'Aluminium Fram;ais SAE 780 1% Cu 1.5% Si 6% Sn Al alloy: Bearing metal; cast on
AMS4275B 1% Cu 1% Ni 6% Sn Al alloy: Casting for bearings; steel backing
AMS for SAE 770 SAE 781 4% Si I% Cd Al alloy: Bearing metal; cast on steel
AN20 20% Ni Al master alloy: L'Aluminium Fran~ais backing
A S9K7 9.5% Si 7% Co AI master alloy: L'Aluminium Fran~ais SAE 782 1.0% Cu 1.0% Ni 3.0% Cd AI alloy: For bearings
ASTM BI99 HK31A 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr AI alloy: Die casting bonded to steel backing
ASTM BI99 QE22A 2.2% Rare earth 0.7% Zr AI alloy: Die casting UNI 3022 MAF5 5% Fe AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian Standard
ASTM B327 18.0% Cu 0.8% Mg AI alloy: Hardener for Zn base; UN13022 MAFIO 10% Fe AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian
CGI81A die casting Standard
AT4 4% Ti Al master alloy: L'Aluminium Fran~ais UNI 3022 MAKIO 10% Co AI alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian
A Zr5 5.5% Zr Al master alloy: L'Aluminium Fran~is Standard
B 850.0 2.0% Cu 0.7% Mg 1.2% Ni 6.2% Sn AI alloy: UNI 3022 MAMIO 10% Mn Al alloy: primary metal; Italian Standard
Investment casting; American National Standard; UNI 3022 MAN 25 25% Ni Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian Standard
ANSI UNI 3022 MAR4 4% Cr Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian Standard
FERRO 0.1 % Cu 0.2% Si 0.04% C 50% Fe AI: Metal Alloys; UNI3022 MATI 3% Ti Al alloy: Ingot; primary metal; Italian Standard
ALUMINIUM primary metal UNI6252 1.0% Cu 6% Si 1.0% Ni 0.12% Ti AI alloy: Casting;
GALVALUME 1.5% Si 43% Zn AI alloy: For galvanizing sheet; Zinc Italian Standard
Development Association UNI6253 2% Mn 2% Ni 0.15% Ti AI alloy: Casting; Italian
HIDUMINIUM 29 1% Cu 6.5% Sn 0.8% Ni AI alloy: Casting; High Duty Standard
Alloys; chill cast; aged for bearings WOLFRAMIUM 0.3% Cu 1.4% Sb 0.2% Fe 0.1% Sn 0.4% W Al alloy:
DPN: 40 VTS: 140 Elon: 15% Proof: 50 Good corrosion resistance; origin unknown
L11 AI alloy: Casting; obsolete; no information available X 8081 1.0% Cu 20% Sn AI alloy: For bearings; Alcoa;
L27 AI alloy: Obsolete; no information available available in coil form
L28 Al alloy: Obsolete; no information available Z·ALLOY 6.5% Ni 0.5% Ti AI alloy: Used for hard shahs and
L29 AI alloy: Obsolete; no information available medium bearings; origin unknown
LAI Si Sn 3% Cu 11% Si 10% Sn + Cd + Ni Al alloy: ZICRAL 1.5% Cu 2.25% Mg 0.7% Si 0.4% Mn 0.4% Cr 8.0%
Designation used by German Standards Zn Al alloy: Wrought; origin unknown
MB7 1% Co 1% Mg 0.6% Bi 1.7% Ni 7% Sn AI alloy:
Casting; Birmabright; aged for bearings
VTS: 210 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 170 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
METCO 1018 NS Ti Al oxides: Spray deposit; mixed oxides; Metco
DPN: 540 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
METCO 101 NS Ti Al oxides: Spray deposit; mixed oxides; Metco UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mrn 2
DPN:600 Eion Elongation, %
METCO 101 SF Ti Al oxides: Spray deposit; Metco Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 950
NF A57 350 Classifications of Al alloys: Wrought; French Standard I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmrn2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
NF A57 650 Classification of Al alloy: Sheets; French Standard See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
SAEno 1% Cu 1% Ni 6% Sn Al alloy: For bearings
2. Antimony Sb
Physical properties
Atomic number 51
Atomic weight 121.76
Crystal structure Hexagonal
Colour Silver-white with bluish tinge
2.1 General notes on antimony Bearings. 3-20% antimony is added to both lead based and
tin based bearing alloys.
Antimony does not occur in the metallic state. It is generally Antimony forms intermetallic compounds with tin, which
purified from the sulphide ore (stibnite) by reduction with are cubic in shape and give hardness and strength to an
wrought iron, using common salt as the flux in a reverber- otherwise soft mat;rix.
atory furnace. Type metal. Antimony in small quantities added to certain
The pure metal is brittle with little strength and is a poor lead based alloys lowers the melting point, and reduces the
conductor of heat and electricity but a good light reflector. solidification contraction. This increases the casting fluidilty
Antimony, like arsenic and bismuth, is a metalloid having ensuring complete filling of intricate moulds while the lack of
many characteristics of the non-metals although not to quite contraction gives excellent reproduction of the pattern being
the same degree as arsenic. cast. Considerable quantities of these alloys were contin-
No commercial use is made of the primary metal and there uously used for newspaper type.
are no alloys with antimony as the basic ingredient. It is
however purified from its ore and is available under several Brittanic metal. This is basically 80% tin, 18% antimony,
names as a primary metal. 1.5% copper. It has good castability, is sonorous and retains
As an alloying element, antimony finds use as follows: its polish; hence it is used for bell castings and household
Lead alloys. 0.25-0.5% antimony has little effect on the
physical and mechanical properties of lead but improves its Pewter. Previously this was 80% tin, 20% lead, with anti-
castability. mony additions. Now it resembles Brittanic metal.
5-12% antimony added to lead gives a range of alloys with Ammunition. Up to 15% antimony has been added to lead
increased strength, corrosion resistance and hardness. These for bullets. This hardens the lead, making it brittle.
are used in electrical storage batteries, as electroplating
anodes, and vat linings. The name 'Regulus Metal' is applied Following are listed the specifications, trade names and
to these alloys, as well as to the commercially pure form of symbols used for the primary metal.
antimony. The alloys have a better creep strength than pure
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ANTIMONY High purity Sb metal: Impurities less than I p.p.m.; LONESTAR 99.7% Sb metal: US brand name for antimony regulus
Johnson Matthey; available as cast bar for MILA 10841 99.5% Sb metal: US Federal specification
semiconductors REGULUS Name given to commercially pure antimony: The same
ANTIMONY Sb metal: Blackwells; pure and commercial quality name is used for Pb/Sb alloys
metal RMM 99.3% Sb metal: US brand name for antimony regulus
ARSENIC- 10% As Sb alloy: Blackwells; primary metal TYNE 99.0% Mn Sb metal: Brand name for antimony regulus;
ANTIMONY further infonnation from The Lead Development
ASTM B237A 0.05% As 0.15% Pb Sb metal: Primary metal Association
ASTM B237 B O. I% As 0.2% Pb Sb metal: Primary metal WCC 99.848% Sb metal: Brand name for antimony regulus;
BRJOUDE 1.3% As 0.25% Pb 98.3% Sb metal: Brand name for further infonnation from The Lead Development
antimony regulus; further information from The Lead Association
Development Association
COOKSON'SC 99.6% Sb metal: Brand name for antimony metal;
further infonnation from The Lead Development
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
HALLETTS 98.5% Sb metal: Brand name for antimony regulus;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
further infonnation from The Lead Development
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
Eion Elongation, %
h Sb I 99.9999% Sb metal: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
h Sb 96 95.99% Sb 121: Stable isotope 121; Light Ltd
h Sb97 95.99% Sb 123: Stable isotope 123; Light Ltd
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
LA LUCETTE 99.35% Sb metal: Brand name for antimony metal;
further infonnation from The Lead Development See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
3. Arsenic As
Physical properties
Atomic number 33
Atomic weight 74.9
Crystal structure Rhombohedral
Colour Steel-grey
Specific gravity stable form 5.7
yellow 3.7
black 4.7
Density stable 5700 kglm 3
yellow 3700 kglm 3
black 4700 kglm 3
Melting point under pressure 814°C
Boiling point Sublimes above 450 °C at nor-
mal pressure
Specific heat 0.33 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity
Coefficient of linear expansion 4.7 X 1O- 6/°C
Latent heat of fusion 370.5 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization 416.9 Jig
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 4.2 barnslatom
Electrical conductivity 3.8% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 460 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0043/°C
Electrochemical equivalent 0.932 glAlh
Electrode potential
Magnetic susceptibility -0.31 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity
Tensile strength
3.1 General notes on arsenic Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
4. Barium Sa
Physical properties
Atomic number 56
Atomic weight 137.36
Crystal structure
Colour Yellowish white
4.1 General notes on barium Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
5. Beryllium Be
Physical properties
Atomic number 4
Atomic weight 9.02
Crystal structure
Colour Steel grey
5.1 General notes on beryllium do not apply, however, to metallic alloys where beryllium is
present in relatively small amounts in a stable form.
Pure beryllium metal can be worked at about 400 °C and is The largest amount of beryllium is used as an alloy with
available as extrusions, castings (vacuum cast) and powder copper, when it is present up to a maximum of2.8% and does
compacts, but it is not possible to cold work beryllium which not present any health hazards. These are the strongest
is relatively brittle. copper alloys known and form the subject of a separate
The metal has a low neutron capture cross-section which group, 'Copper-beryllium', Section 14D.
renders it useful in atomic energy equipment, where the high Alloys of beryllium and nickel, or iron, have age harden-
melting point, chemical stability and relatively high strength ing properties, but to date have found no commercial appli-
enhance this usefulness. The metal has a tensile strength of cation. When traces of beryllium are added to platinum there
3(){)-450 N/mm 2 at room temperature and about 150 N/mm 2 is a measurable increase in hardness.
at 600 0c. The elongation of the wrought material is about Some use has been found for beryllium as an alloy with
20% in the direction of working, but is very low in the aluminium for coating steel, when there is a reduction in the
transverse direction. The pure metal finds use as electrodes interface steeValuminium layer, with a consequent increase
in neon tubes as a component in neutron sources, and the in the coating ductility.
powder has been used to surface harden copper, nickel and There has also been a report that traces added to mag-
iron alloys. nesium improve the castability of the metal and refine the
The metal and its oxide are dangerous to health and very grain structure.
great care must be taken when handling. In addition many Apart from the uses in nuclear engineering, where all
soluble compounds can cause severe dermatitis. Because of concerned are familiar with the discipline necessary for
this, the use of the metal and many of its compounds is handling potentially dangerous materials, no practical use is
restricted to those establishments which comply with the made of beryllium because of the health hazard. As stated
necessary precautions to safeguard operators' health. These above, this does not exist with the beryllium--<:opper alloys.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 7900 Be metal: Bar; rod and shapes; primary metal SP lOOC 1.2% BeO Be powder: Brush Beryllium Co.
AMS7901 Be metal: Bar; rod and shapes SP 200C 2.0% BeO Be powder: Brush Beryllium Co.
AMS 79m Be metal: Plate and sheet SP 300c 3.0% BeO Be powder: Brush Beryllium Co.
BERYLLIUM Commercially pure metal: Blackwells; primary metal SR200 2.0% BeO Be sheet: QMV grade; Brush Beryllium
1400 4.2% BeO 92% (min) Be billet: QMV grade; Brush Co.; hot rolled
Beryllium Co.; for instruments UTS: 480 Elon: 5% Proof: 330
UTS: 330
N50A 1.0% BeO Be block: Brush Beryllium Co.
NlOOA 1.2% BeO Be block: Brush Beryllium Co.
N200A 2.0% BeO Be block: Brush Beryllium Co.
PBe 12 99.99% Be flakes: Light Ltd; high purity metal
QMV Trade name for commercial beryllium: Brush Beryllium
Co.; available in various forms and grades Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
S lOOC 1.2% BeO 98.5% (min) Be billet: QMV grade; Brush
Beryllium Co. DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS: 220 Elon: 1% Proof: ISO UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
S200c 2.0% BeO 98.0% (min) Be billet: QMV grade; Brush Eion Elongation, %
Beryllium Co. Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 270 Elon: 1% Proof: 200
S300C 3.0% BeO 97.4% (min) Be billet: QMV grade; Brush 1N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in?=145.04lbf/in. 2 =1 MPa
Beryllium Co. See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
UTS: 270 Elon: 1% Proof: 200
6. Bismuth Bi
Physical properties
Atomic number 83
Atomic weight 209.0
Crystal structure Rhombohedral
Colour White with reddish tinge
6.1 General notes on bismuth Bismuth alloys exist which expand on solidification,
remain dimensionally constant or contract very slightly. All
Bismuth is soft but quite brittle, being similar in many re- of these are used in engineering to fill pipes while bending, to
spects to antimony, arsenic and zinc. It has considerably hold intricate parts during machining, or as patterns to sim-
more metallic properties than either antimony or arsenic but ulate certain shrinkage characteristics.
is a very poor heat conductor and, like antimony, expands on Molten bismuth does not readily oxidize and it is this
solidification, this property being transferred to its alloys. property which enhances the fluidity of some alloys. This,
The pure metal can be extruded as a very fine wire which is with the low contraction rate, gives castings of a very high
used in high quality pyrometer and galvanometer suspen- definition, and it is thus used as type metal in good quality
sions, as well as hair lines in optical instruments. printing.
The bismuth alloys are characterized by their low melting Small quantities of bismuth added to austenitic stainless
point, low contraction rate and high fluidity. These low steel are reported to increase the machinability without
melting point alloys are used as fusible plugs or links which detracting from the corrosion resisting or mechanical pro-
melt when heat is applied, and are found in fire sprinkler perties, while some zinc alloys have also been produced with
systems, holding open fire doors, and other safety devices bismuth added for the same purpose.
which must automatically operate when the temperature
rises above a certain limit. Alloys melting from 60 °c
upwards are available.
6.1 BISMUTH 75
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B774·158 38% Pb 13% Sn 10% Cd Bi alloy: Melting point 70 'c MCP70 Sn Pb Cd Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting
ASTM B774-158/190 38% Ph 11% Sn 9.5% Cd Bi alloy: Melt range 7(}.88 'C point 70'C
ASTM B774-174 17% Sn 26% In Bi alloy: Melting point 79 'c DPN: 13 UTS: 2 Elon: 200% Proof: 1
ASTM B774-203 32% Pb 15.5% Sn Bi alloy: Melting point 95 'c MCP78 Sn In Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting point
ASTM B774-255 44.5% Pb Bi alloy: Melting point 124 'c 78'C
ASTM B774·281 45% Sn Bi alloy: Melting point 138 'c MCP92 Pb Cd Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting point
BISMANOL 20% Mn Bi alloy: Pressed powder for magnets; consult 92'C
PMA for further information MCP96 Sn Pb Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting point
BISMUTH Commercially pure Bi metal: Blackwells; primary metal 96'C
BISMUTH High purity Bi metal: Impurities 10 p.p.m.; Johnson DPN: 14 UTS: 2.5 Elon: 100% Proof: 1.5
Matthey; supplied as ingot or wire MCPloo Sn Pb Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting point
CERROBASE 44.5% Pb Bi alloy: Mining and Chemical Co. Co.; loo'C
melting point 124 'c MCPI03 Sn Cd Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting point
CERRO·CAST Bi base alloy: Melting range 140-170 'C; Mining & 103'C
Chemical Co. Co. MCPI24 Pb Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting point 124
CERRO·LOW 117 Bi base alloy: Melting point 47.5 'C; Mining & 'c
Chemical Co. Co. DPN: 14 UTS: 4 EIon: 80% Proof: 2
CERRO·LOW 136 Bi base alloy: Melting point 58 'C; Mining & Chemical MCP 137 Sn Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting point 137
Co. Co. 'c
CERRO·LOW 147 Bi base alloy: Melting range 61-{j5 'C; Mining & DPN: 21 UTS: 6 Elon: 70% Proof: 3.5
Chemical Co. Co. NEWTON 18.8% Sn 31.2% Pb Bi alloy: Information from Tin
CERROSAFE 37.5% Pb 11.3% Sn 8.5% Cd Bi alloy: Melting range Research Institute; melting range 96-97 'c
70-90 'C; Mining & Chemical Co. Products Ltd ONION 20% Sn 30% Pb Bi alloy: Information from Tin
CERROTRIC 42% Sn Bi alloy: Melting point 138.5 'C; Mining & Research Institute; melting range 96-100 'c
Chemical Co. Products Ltd ROSE 22% Sn 28% Pb Bi alloy: Information from Tin
CERROTRU 42% Sn 1% Pb Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co. Co; Research Institute; melting range 96-100 'c
melting range 134-135 'C; zero contraction on WOODS 12.5% Sn 25% Pb 12.5% Cd Bi alloy: Information
solidification from Tin Research Institute; melting range 70-72 'c
D'ARCET 25% Sn 25% Pb Bi alloy: Information from Tin
Research Institute; melting range 96-98 'c
GLANCE Bismuth sulphide ore
hBii 99.9999% Bi rod, 12 mm diameter: Light Ltd; high
purity metal
LICHTENBERG 20% Sn 30% Pb Bi alloy: Information from Tin
Research Institute; melting range 96-100 'c
LIPOWITZ 13.3% Sn 26.7% Pb 10% Cd Bi alloy: Information Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
from Tin Research Institute; melting range 70-73 'c
MALOTTE 34% Sn 20% Pb Bi alloy: Information from Tin DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Research Institute; melting range 96-123 'c UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
MCP47 Sn Pb Cd In Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting Eion Elongation, %
point 47 'c Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
DPN: 16 UTS: 3 Elon: 25% Proof: 2
MCP58 Sn Pb In Bi alloy: Mining & Chemical Co.; melting I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa
point 58 'C See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 15 UTS: 4 Elon: 17% Proof: 2.5
7. Boron B
Physical properties
Atomic number 5
Atomic weight 10.82
Crystal structure Monoclinic
Colour Yellow
Electrical conductivity
Specific resistance
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential
Magnetic susceptibility 0.69 X 10- 6
7.1 General notes on boron Small amounts of boron, up to 0.1 %, added to cast iron
inhibit graphite formation, thus increasing the possibility of
At present pure boron metal is a laboratory CUrIOSity, obtaining local surface hardening when desired.
although there are suggestions that it may find use in the Boron is added in amounts up to 3.0% to certain hard
nuclear industry as a neutron absorber. facing alloys as a fluxing agent. This melts above a certain
Traces of boron in steel (less than 0.003%) increase the temperature and acts as a bonding agent for the hat'd infus-
hardenability by an amount equal to 1% nickel 0.5% chro- ible particles.
mium or 0.25% molybdenum. Boron-containing steels are Like arsenic and silicon, boron is a metalloid with only
now commonly used where high strength, high quality welds feeble metallic properties. There are no alloys based on
are required. boron.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
8. Cadmium Cd
Physical properties
Atomic number 48
Atomic weight 112.4
Crystal structure Hexagonal
Colour White with blue tinge
8.1 General notes on cadmium shear strength. These are zinc/cadmium or silver/cadmium,
and are used for tipping high speed tools. There are also a
Approximately 60% of the world's supply of cadmium is few cadmium based alloys used for bearing materials.
used as electroplating anodes for deposition of a corrosion Cadmium is used as an alloying element with copper,
protection coating. Although much dearer than zinc, cad- when up to 1% cadmium is added to increase the tensile
mium plating is commonly used and is specified for aircraft strength with very little reduction in electrical conductivity.
use wherever steel has to be protected by plating. Zinc reacts These alloys are used for traction conductor wires and for
in contact with aluminium to produce a bubbly corrosive long span transmission conductor wires.
product. This does not occur with cadmium. It must not be With lead, cadmium forms an alloy which does not work
used in contact with food as it can be poisonous if ingested. harden, and has been used for cable sheathing purposes,
Cadmium oxide fumes are toxic and are a hazard if allowed where a harder coating than pure lead is required.
to accumulate during melting, welding or brazing. Low melting point alloys used for fusible links generally
Metallic cadmium is a neutron absorber and is used in rod have some cadmium content. Where alloys with cadmium
form, or in electroplated graphite rods as fission moderators are tested above their melting point for any reason, great
in atomic piles. care is necessary to prevent ingestion of cadmium fumes,
There are very few alloys based on cadmium, but a few which are now known to be extremely toxic.
brazing materials have been developed which have a high
78 . 8.1 CADMIUM
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ELMETSILNO Ag + Ni with Ag and Cd oxides: Sintered material; SAE 18 1.3% Ni Cd alloy: For bearings
Metro Cutanit Ltd; range of materials SAE 180 0.6% Cu 0.7% Ag Cd alloy: For bearings
hCdI 99.9999% Cd rod: 13 mm diameter; Light Ltd; high
purity metal
HT5 16.5% Zn 5% Ag Cd alloy: Braze metal; melting range
270-285 ·C; Sheffield Smelting Co. Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
DPN: 60 UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 150
LOI900 99.9% Cd: UNS designation DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
L 01950 99.95% Cd: UNS designation UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
LCdZn20 20% Zn Cd brazing alloy: Designation used by German Elon Elongation, %
Standard Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
LM5 Ag Cd base soft solder: Melting range 338-390 ·C;
Johnson Matthey; electrical conductivity 22.4% lACS I N/mm 2 =O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin 2 =1 MPa
UTS: 130 Elon: 2S % See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
QQA671 99.9% Cd: US Federal specification
9. Caesium Cs (cesium)
Physical properties
Atomic number 55
Atomic weight 132.91
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Silvery white
9.1 General notes on caesium When subjected to light, gamma radiation or X-rays it
emits electrons in proportion to the amount falling on it. The
Caesium salts used in the manufacture of electronic high sensitivity to light rays is very similar to the human eye.
vacuum valves result in the reduction of caesium from the Thus, in spite of the difficulty of using the metal, photo-
chloride salt by molten barium metal. This is a by-product of electric cell mechanisms are manufactured with caesium.
the high vacuum process required by modern electronic The metal is not radio-active.
equipment and is not a real source of the metal. As would be expected, there are no alloys based on cae-
Caesium is of interest in that it is the most basic element sium. To date no use has been made of the metal as an
known, and could be termed the most metallic element. The alloying element, but it has found some use as a catalyst in
metal reacts explosively with oxygen or water and thus finds the resin industry.
very little commercial use. No specifications or proprietary names could be found for
caesium metal.
10. Calcium Ca
Physical properties
Atomic number 20
Atomic weight 40.08
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour Yellowish white
11. Cerium Ce
Physical properties
Atomic number 58
Atomic weight 140.13
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour Steel grey
11.1 General notes on cerium bines with the last traces of oxygen in vacuum electronic
This is one of the elements forming the group known as 'rare Cerium alloyed with other rare earth metals is used as a
earth metals', which are not as rare as was at one time powerful reducing agent and catalyst in chemical
thought, but are by no means plentiful. In general they are engineering.
found together, and great difficulty is experienced in obtain- An interesting use of cerium is as an alloy with iron in
ing anyone element free from the remainder. The history of proportions of approximately 50% each, when it has peculiar
the group gives some indication of the difficulty in pur- pyrophoric qualities, giving off copious sparks when rubbed
ification, in that what at one time was thought to be one with a file. These alloys are used as 'flints' in cigarette light-
element turned out in fact to be a mixture of four of the rare ers and similar equipment. This use is now diminishing with
earth metals. the advent of the 'catalytic reaction' type equipment.
Cerium is one of the less rare metals in the group and Cerium is used as an alloying element with aluminium and
probably the most widely used, and for this reason has been magnesium, when it enhances the high temperature proper-
separated from the other 'rare earths' which are treated as ties, fatigue and creep strength.
one group in Section 35 of this book. The alloy mischmetall, 50% cerium, is used as a deoxidizer
Cerium metal is soft, being readily cut with a knife, oxi- in the steel industry, and has been found to give some grain
dizes rapidly in air, but does not burn spontaneously. It refinement. In small amounts cerium gives an improvement
reacts with water, releasing hydrogen but not violently. It in the hot working properties of austenitic steels and nickel
burns more intensely in air than does magnesium and this alloys.
affinity for oxygen is utilized as a 'getter' when cerium com-
82 11.1 CERIUM
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AUER 35% Fe 24% La 4% Yb 2% Er Ce alloy: Common WELSBACH 30% Fe 10% rare earth Ce alloy: Common name;
name; pyrophoric material pyrophoric material
CERIUM 99.5% Ce metal: Ingot, sheet, rod and wire; Johnson
CERIUM Ce metal: Blackwells, primary metal Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
hCe 16 99.9% Ce metal: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
h Ce 19 99.9% Ce metal: Foil; Light Ltd; high purity metal DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
h Ce 20a 99.9% Ce metal: Wire; 1 mm in diameter; Light Ltd; UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
high purity metal Elon Elongation, %
hCe 96 99.5% Ce 140 isotope: Light Ltd; stable isotopic form Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2
HUBER 15% Mg Ce alloy: Common name; pyrophoric material
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonUin. 2 =145.04lbUin. 2 =1 MPa
MISCHMETALL 40% La + Sa + Nd + Pr 10% Fe + Yb Ce alloy:
Obtained by electrolysis; common name See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
SENSITIVE 25% PI Ce alloy: Common name; pyrophoric material
12. Chromium Cr
Physical properties
Atomic number 24
Atomic weight 52.01
Crystal structure Rhombohedral
Colour Greyish white
12.1 General notes on chromium when grinding the deposit as this is very readily cracked and
softened. Because of this, hard chromium plating is being
Metallic chromium of 99% purity is available but is too replaced by metal deposit techniques using other alloyed
brittle for any practical purpose. Higher purity grades are materials which have good wear resistance and can better
generally only laboratory materials, but there are indications withstand shock loading. Chromium deposits, however,
that a more ductile and therefore useful metal may be avail- have certain high temperature wear resisting properties
able, which could have many potential uses. At present there which appear to be unique.
is no alloy system based on chromium but the metal is used Details of the use of chromium as an alloying element
for chromium plating and as an alloy addition, often with appear with the appropriate section on the base material.
startling results. Briefly these are as follows:
In electroplating, chromium is used for two distinct pur- Aluminium. Additions of chromium in the order of 0.3% are
poses. First, as a decorative finish it is always plated on top of made as grain refiners and to improve the corrosion resist-
nickel in the form of a very thin cracked deposit. As this is ance of some higher strength aluminium wrought alloys.
known to be porous, recent work would appear to indicate
that the microcracking produces the necessary small anode Copper. A chromium content of 0.5% in copper produces an
to large cathode ratio known to result in galvanic protection. age hardening alloy used for welding electrodes.
The coating is so thin that, unless the undercoat is highly Cobalt. Up to 25% chromium is found in the cobalt based
polished, the chromium will appear dull. The hard blue- alloys, where it forms a solid solution. If carbon is present
white colour of the deposited chromium is retained under all some of the chromium will form hard carbides, and there is
normal atmospheric conditions. The chrome is seldom or evidence to show that it is the surface layer of chromium
never the source of failure, which is caused by corrosion of oxide which gives these alloys their excellent high temper-
the base metal from a too thin, badly prepared, or porous ature oxidation and corrosion resistance.
nickel deposit.
Deposits of hard chrome for wear resistance purposes are Steel. Chromium has two attributes when alloyed in steel.
now common. Chromium has a low coefficient of friction First, it combines with carbon to form very hard chromium
and this is aided by the electroplated deposit having a micro- carbides. These considerably increase the hardenability of
cracked surface which retains a film of oil even under adverse the steel. The chromium content varies from as low as 0.5%
conditions. The deposit is plated directly on the base metal, to about 5%, and is often found in conjunction with other
and should not be less than 0.1 mm thick after grinding. carbide-forming elements such as vanadium, molybdenum
Electroplated chromium is very brittle and must not be sub- and tungsten. Most high speed tools have some chromium
jected to shock loads. Considerable care must also be taken added.
The second virtue of chromium is that it enhances corro- Nickel. Additions of up to 20% chromium to nickel give a
sion resistance and resistance to oxidation at temperature. range of materials with excellent high temperature proper-
Chromium alone in quan:t:ities from 10% up to 20% gives ties. The basic 80/20 nickel/chromium alloys now include
steels with very good corrosion resistance. When over 7% many complex elements. Details of these are given in the
nickel is added to steel with 17% and more chromium an specific sections.
austenitic stainless steel is formed. Detailed information on
the effects of chromium on steels appears in the sections
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
608 IS% Ni 2.0% Wchromium carbide: General Electric METCO 106 Cr oxide: Spray deposit; Metco
Co. DPN: 975
UTS: 240 Elon: 1.1 % Proof: 60 METCO 136CP Si and Cr oxides: Spray deposit; Metco
ASTM AS6O/S0/S0 0.1% C SO% Ni Cr alloy DPN: 800
ASTM AS6O/6O/40 0.1% C 40% Ni Cr alloy METCO 136F Si and Cr oxides: Spray deposit; Metco
CHROMIUM Cr metal: Fused powder; Blackwells; pure metal DPN: 1300
CHROMIUM 99 0.01% C 0.2% Fe 0.1% Al 0.1% Si 0.01% Cu Cr METC0430NS Ni Al matrix Cr C: Spray deposit; Metco
metal: Metal Alloys Ltd DPN: 460
CHROMIUM 99 0.08% C 0.03% N 0.001 % H Cr metal: Metal pCr23 99.0% Cr crystalline powder: Light Ltd
LOW GAS Alloys Ltd TOLOY60/40 0.1 % C 40% Ni Cr alloy: Casting; Wellman
CRONITE SO/SO 0.1 % C 48% Ni 2.0% WCr alloy: Casting; Cronite
Ltd; as cast; heat resistant
CRONITE 60/40 0.1 % C 40% Ni 2.0% WCr alloy: Casting; Cronite
Ltd; as cast; heat resistant
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
DPN: 350 UTS: 520 Elon: 1.0% Proof: 400
h Cr7a 99.999% Cr flake: Light Ltd; high purity metal
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
h Cr7b 99.999% Cr pellets: Light Ltd; high purity metal
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
h Cr8 99.999% Cr crystals (ex iodide): Light Ltd; high purity
Eion Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
hCr 12 99.99% Cr flake: Light Ltd; high purity metal
METC081NS Ni Cr matrix Cr C: Spray deposit; Metco
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm'=0.0647S tonf/in.'=14S.04 Ibf/in.'=1 MPa
METC083VF Ni Cr matrix Cr C: Spray deposit; Metco See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 540
13. Cobalt Co
Physical properties
Atomic number 27
Atomic weight 58.94
Crystal structure Close-packed hexagonal up to 417°C;
face-centred cubic up to melting point
Colour Silver-white with bluish tinge
13.1 General notes on cobalt Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
The above properties are typical of the following group, and solid solution, analogous in many ways to the nickel chrome
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible series. There is evidence that it is the chromium which
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be imparts the hot oxidation resistance.
Nickel. The presence of nickel increases the malleability with
the minimum effect on the remaining properties. Nickel also
General metallurgical characteristics
helps to take some ofthe refractory metals into solution, thus
These alloys are based on the solid solution of cobalt and aiding the hot strength, and is an essential element in certain
chromium. They have additions of nickel to improve the precipitation hardening alloys as it is a constituent in the
ductility, while carbon and carbide formers such as tungsten necessary intermetallic compounds.
and molybdenum are added to increase the hardness.
Some of the more complex alloys are capable of being age Molybdenum. This strengthens the solid solution matrix,
hardened to a limited extent in a manner analogous to the increasing the hot strength and also taking part in precip-
nickel chromium alloys. To date none of the cobalt materials itation age hardening.
produced has as marked age hardening properties as those in
the nickel series. Tungsten, niobium and tantalum. These act in a similar man-
The ductility of all the alloys is very low; hence little or no ner to molybdenum, generally being more active and in some
cold work can be carried out without causing undue brittle- cases more refractory.
ness often resulting in crumbling.
Cobalt alloys all have the ability to retain their hardness at Titanium. This is one of the elements which forms inter-
elevated temperatures and this with their corrosion resis- metallic compounds with nickel, allowing age hardening to
tance is the principal reason for their existence. This extreme take place.
difficulty in hot working results in few wrought products,
although there are notable exceptions. The alloys are Aluminium. This acts in a similar manner to titanium, again
generally used as castings, or as welded or sprayed coatings forming intermetallic compounds with nickel.
on more ductile materials. Zirconium and other refractory materials are added to
The cobalt alloys have excellent damping characteristics increase the hot strength or corrosion resistance under speci-
and this property can be of considerable value in high duty fic conditions.
rotating assemblies operating at elevated temperatures. The Carbon is present with carbide forming elements to give
magnetic properties of some cobalt alloys arise from the high the very hard carbides which give wear resistance. Depend-
anisotropy constant of cobalt which leads to magnetic pro- ing on the metal used, these can have a very high hardness
perties such as coercivity and magnetic energy. Cobalt also even at elevated temperatures. With the correct thermal
has the highest curie point. Thus, the alloys retain their treatment, some age hardening can be obtained with these
magnetism at a higher temperature than any other magnetic carbides but this is not as marked as with the intermetallic
materials. Alloyed with iron, cobalt increases the saturation compounds.
induction. Only a few of the magnetic alloys appear in the
following pages as cobalt is seldom the principal constituent. Boron. This is used in small amounts to improve the hot
These alloys appear under 20C and 44L. strength, and in large amounts (above 1%) to act as a fluxing
The effect of alloying elements are briefly as follows: agent in the sprayed or welded alloys to improve the bond to
the base metal.
Chromium. This is the principal element, forming a stable
Many cobalt alloys are applied by metal spray or weld The materials can be welded using sophisticated tech-
deposition. This allows the use of a higher ductile base niques and specialist advice is recommended.
material with the relevant surfaces being coated with corro- Cobalt alloys find use where high temperatures are
sion, abrasion resistant materials generally capable of with- involved with corrosive atmospheres. These include gas tur-
standing high temperatures. bine components, equipment in the petro-chemical industry
Techniques are now available for castings, sometimes with and other chemical engineering industries. Some alloys have
very fine dimensional limits using the complete range of specific uses in the nuclear industry.
cobalt alloys. These are expensive materials which are difficult to handle
In general the cobalt alloys are more or less unmachinable and it is only where high temperatures with corrosive atmos-
except with specialist techniques and cooling. The materials, pheres are involved that their cost and difficulty of handling
either as a casting or a surface coating, are not heat treatable are justified.
except to remove cold work. This requires elevated temper-
atures in the region of 700 0c.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
19 0.45% C 26% Cr 15% Ni 6% Mo 1% Ti Co alloy: AMS 5378 B 25% Cr 32% Ni 5.5% Mo Co alloy: Investment casting
Casting; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE year AMS 5380 C 26% Cr 15% Ni 6% Mo Co alloy: Investment casting
book AMS 5382 0.5% C 25.5% Co 10% Ni 7% W1.5% Fe Co alloy:
25 Ni 0.17% C 19% Cr 25% Ni 10% W I% Fe 1.5% Nb Castings
42.5% Co alloy: General Electric Co. AMS 5385 0.2% C 27% Cr 2.5% Ni 5.5% Mo 1.7% Fe Co alloy:
25 Ni& V 0.2% C 19% Cr 25% Ni 11 % W 1.2% Nb 3% V 2% Fe Castings
Co alloy: General Electric Co. AMS5385 C 27% Cr 2.8% Ni 5.5% Mo Co base: Investment casting
422 0.45% C 26% Cr 15% Ni 6% Mo I% Fe Co alloy: AMS5387 28% Cr 5% WCo alloy: Investment casting
American proprietary alloy listed in SAE year book AMS 5530 C 15.5% Cr 16% Mo 5.5% Fe 3.8% WCo alloy: Sheet
422/19 0.45% C 26% Cr 15% Ni 6% Mo I% Fe Co alloy: AMS 5534 0.37% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 4% Mo 4% W4% Nb 3.5%
Information from Cobalt Information Centre Fe Co alloy: Sheet
ABRASODUR 83 5.5% C 25.0% Cr 6.8% Nb 1.5% Ti 6.0% Fe Co alloy: AMS 5537 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W1.5% Fe Co alloy:
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for abrasive resistance Sheet
at higb temperatures AMS 5608 0.1% C22% Cr 22% Ni 14.5% W0.1% La Co alloy
AF94 0.12% C 15% Cr 10% Ni 5% Mo 10% W1% Nb 2% AMS 5758 0.025% C (max) 20% Cr 35% Ni 9.7% Mo Co alloy
Fe Co alloy: Allegheny Ludlum AMS5759 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W1.6% Fe Co alloy:
AIR RESIST 13 0.45% C 1.0% Ni 11.0% W2.0% Nb 3.5% AI 2.5% Fe Forgings
Co alloy: Origin unknown AMS 5759 B 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% WCo alloy: Bar and forging
AIR RESIST 213 Modified Air Resist 13 AMS 5765 0.37% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 4% Mo 4% W4% Nb 3.4%
AIR RESIST 215 Modified Air Resist 13 Fe Co alloy: Forgings
AISI670 0.12% C 19.8% Cr 9.9% Ni 15.2% W 1.6% Fe Co AMS 5772 0.1 % C 22% Cr 22% Ni 14.5% W0.1 % La Co alloy
alloy: Annealed AMS 5788 28% Cr 4.5% WCo alloy: For coating
UTS: 1050 Elon: 64% Proof: 450 AMS5789 0.5% C 25.5% Cr 10.5% Ni 7.5% WCo alloy
AISI671 0.4% C 19.6% Cr 20.3% Ni 10% Fe 4% Mo 4% W AMS57% 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% WCo alloy: Wire
4% Nb Co alloy: Solution treated and aged AMS5797 0.1 % C (max) 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W 1.6% Fe Co
UTS: 1000 Elon: 35% Proof: 370 alloy: Wire
ALLOY 6 1% C 30% Cr 1% Si 5% WCo alloy: Casting; AMS5801 0.1% C 22% Cr 22% Ni 14.5% W0.1% La Co alloy
Dewrance AMS 5833 0.15% C (max) 20% Cr 15.5% Ni 7% Mo 15% Fe Co
DPN: 394 UTS: 670 alloy
ALLOY 9 1.35% C 31% Cr 1% Si 8% WCo alloy: Casting; AMS 5834 0.15% C (max) 20% Cr 15.5% Ni 7% Mo 15% Fe Co
Dewrance alloy
DPN: 521 UTS: 470 AMS 5841 0.04% C (max) 19% Cr 33% Ni 7% Mo 3% Ti
ALLOY 63 26% Cr 2% C 20% W I% V Co alloy: Casting; 0.5% Nb 9% Fe Co alloy
Dewrance AMS 5842 0.04% C (max) 19% Cr 33% Ni 7% Mo 3% Ti
DPN: 500 UTS: 540 0.5% Nb 9% Fe Co alloy
ALTEMPS816 0.4% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 4% Mo 4% W4% Nb Co AMS 5843 0.04% C (max) 19% Cr 33% Ni 7% Mo 3% Ti
alloy: Allegheny Ludlum 0.5% Nb 9% Fe Co alloy
AMS4783 0.2% C 20% Cr 13% Ni 2.4% Mo 2.8% W20% Fe Co AMS5844 0.025% C (max) 20% Cr 35% Ni 9.7% Mo Co alloy
alloy AMS 5845 0.025% C (max) 20% Cr 35% Ni 9.7% Mo Co alloy
AMS 5373 1.1% C 29% Cr 1.5% Ni 0.7% Mo 4% W 1.5% Fe Co AMS 5875 0.15% C (max) 20% Cr 15.5% Ni 7% Mo 15% Fe Co
alloy: Castings alloy
AMS 5375 B 25% Cr 1.8% Ni 5% WCo alloy: Investment casting AMS5876 0.15% C (max) 20% Cr 15.5% Ni 7% Mo 15% Fe Co
AMS 7238 1.4% C 30% Cr 1.5% Ni 8.3% WCo alloy
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AMS 7468 0.4% C 18.5% Cr 10% Ni 15% WCo alloy
AMS 7475 0.04% C (max) 19% Cr 33% Ni 3% Ti 9% Fe Co alloy
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ANCI3 0.5% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7% WCo alloy: Investment
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' casting; designation used by BS
Eion Elongation, % ANCI4 0.2% C 27% Cr 2.5% Ni 5.5% Mo Co alloy:
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' Investment casting; designation used by BS
ARNAVAR 0.15% C 20% Cr 13% Ni 2% Mo 2.8% W28% Fe Co
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04 Ibf/in.'=1 MPa alloy: Origin unknown
See Appendix" for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AS 25 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 1.5% Mn 15% W3% Fe
(max) Co alloy: Origin unknown
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A4611671 0.37% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 4.0% Mo 4.0% W4.0% Nb CUNICO 11 24% Ni 35% Cu Co alloy: For magnets; US material
+ Ta 5.0% Fe Co alloy: Bar listed by PMA
ASTMA567/1 0.25% C 27% Cr 2.7% Ni 5.5% Mo 3% Fe Co alloy: DELCRO 1300K 0.1 % C 28% Cr 20% Fe 0.7% Si Co alloy: Deloro; for
Casting furnace equipment; origin unknown
ASTM A56712 0.5% C 25.5% Cr 10.5% Ni 7.5% W2% Fe Co alloy: DIN 17410 German Standard covering magnetic alloy
Casting DURATHERM 477 17.9% Cr 23% Ni 4% Mo Co alloy: Origin unknown
ASTM A639/671 0.37% C 20.0% Cr 20% Ni 4.0% Mo 4.0% W4.0% Nb DURATHERM 600 0.05% C (max) 12% Cr 4% Mo 2% Ti 8.7% Fe 4% W
+ Ta 5.0% Fe (max) Co alloy 30% Ni Co alloy: Origin unknown
ATGZ 0.4% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 4.0% Mo 5.0% Fe 4.0% W DURATHERM 700 0.05% C (max) 12% Cr 4% Mo 3.5% Ti 6.8% Fe 4%
4.0% Nb Co alloy: Imphy W30% Ni Co alloy: Origin unknown
BCOI 0.8% C 19% Cr 17% Ni 8% Si 4% W0.8% B Co alloy: DURATHERM 2602 0.05% C (max) 12% Cr4% Mo 1% Ti 10% Fe 4% W
Welding electrode 30% Ni Co alloy: Origin unknown
BS 3146 ANC13 0.5% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7% WCo alloy: Investment DYNAMET 20% Cr 13% Ni 2.5% W 17% Fe Co alloy: Wrought;
casting; as cast American proprietary alloy for springs
UTS: 630 Elon: 5% Proof: 400 DYNAVAR 20% Cr 13% Ni 2.5% W17% Fe Co alloy: Wrought;
BS 3146 ANCI4 0.2% C 27% Cr 2.5% Ni 5.5% Mo Co alloy: American proprietary alloy for springs
Investment casting; as cast ECoCrA 1.2% C 28.5% Cr 4.5% WCo alloy: Weld electrode;
UTS: 600 Elon: 5% Proof: 420 designation used by AWS
BS 353111-4 0.1 % C 20% Cr 15% W 10% Ni Co alloy: For lmplant ECoCrB 1.3% C 28.5% Cr 8% WCo alloy: Weld electrode
and surgery tools; wrought ECoCrC 2.3% C 28.5% Cr 12.5% WCo alloy: Weld electrode
VTS: 880 Elon: 39% . ECoCrE 0.25% C 26.5% Cr 3% Ni 5.5% Mo Co alloy: Weld
BS 3531113 29% Cr 6.0% Mo Co alloy: For implant and surgery electrode
tools; cast ELGILOY 0.15% C 20% Cr 15% Ni 7% Mo 16% Fe 0.04% Be Co
UTS: 650 Elon: 8% Proor: 450 alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE year
CM6 1% C 30% Cr 1% Si 5% WCo alloy: For hard facing; book
Dewrance; gas welding DPN: 702 VTS: 2460 Proor: 1510
CM9 1.3% C 31 % Cr 1% Si 8% WCo alloy: For hard ELGILOY 0.15% C 20% Cr 15% Ni 15% Fe 7.0% Mo 0.04% Be
facing; Dewrance; gas welding Co alloy: Strip; Gilby-Brunton; aged
CMIO 4.2% C 15% Cr 2% Ni 8% Mo 1.5% Si 1% V Co alloy: DPN: 700 UTS: 2550 Proor: 1600
For hard facing; Dewrance; gas welding EMS 242 1.2% C 30% Cr 2.25% Ni 4.5% W3% Fe Co alloy:
CM63 2% C 28% Cr 20% W I% V Co alloy: For hard facing; Origin unknown; for hard facing
Dewrance; gas welding DPN:440
CMI06 1% C 30% Cr 1% Si 5% WCo alloy: For hard facing; ESCO ALLOY 72 0.1% C 28% Cr 20% Fe 0.7% Si Co alloy: Eastern
Dewrance; electric welding Stainless Steel Co.; for furnace equipment
CM 110 4.25% C 16% Cr 2% Ni 8% Mo 1.5% Si 1% V Co ESSCALLOY L 605 0.1% C 1.5% Mn 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W3% Fe Co
alloy: For hard facing; Dewrance; electric welding alloy: Eastern Stainless Steel Co.
COBSTEL I 2.5% C 30% Cr 13% W I% Fe Co alloy: Electrode; F484 0.4% C25% Cr 5% Ni4% M04% W4% Nb 1% Be
Metrode 2% Fe Co alloy: Allegheny Ludlum
DPN:6OO G32 0.3% C 19% Cr 12% Ni 2% Mo 1.2% Nb 2.8% V
COBSTEL6 1% C 30% Cr 5.5% W 1% Fe Co alloy: Electrode; 13% Fe Co alloy: Bar and sheet; Jessop Saville;
Metrode solution treated and aged
DPN:500 DPN: 320 UTS: 1000 Elon: 8% Proor: 720
COBSTEL8 0.2% C 27% Cr 3% Ni 5% Mo 1% Fe Co alloy: G34 0.8% C 19% Cr 12.5% Ni 2% Mo 1.3% Nb 2.8% V Co
Electrode; Metrode alloy: Casting; Jessop Saville; as cast
DPN:458 DPN: 305 UTS: 600 Elon: 2.5% Proor: 400
COBSTEL 12 1.4% C 30% Cr 8% W 1% Fe Co alloy: Electrode; G34C 0.8% C 19% Cr 12% Ni 15% Fe 2% Mo 2.5% V
Metrode 1.3% Nb Co alloy: Casting; Jessop Saville
DPN: 550 G60 0.25% C 27% Cr 2.8% Ni 5.5% Mo Co alloy: Casting;
COBSTEL25 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W I% Fe Co alloy: Jessop Saville
Electrode; Metrode G65 0.45% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7% W2% Fe Co alloy:
DPN:400 Casting; Jessop Saville; as cast
COBSTEL50 0.2% C 28% Cr 0.5% Nb 20% Fe Co alloy: Electrode; UTS: 700 Elon: 17% Proor: 400
Metrode G75 0.45% C 21 % Cr II % W2% Nb Co alloy: Casting;
DPN: 350 Jessop Saville
CO-ELINVAR 10% Cr 30% Fe Co alloy: Details from Cobalt G87 0.10% C 21.0% Cr 10.0% Ni 15Jl% WCo alloy:
Information Centre Jessop Saville; scale or creep resistant
CROFORM 27% Cr 5% Mo Co alloy: For dental uses; details from G88 0.10% C 16.0% Cr 11.0% Ni 1.5% Mo 1.5% Nb Co
Cobalt Information Centre alloy: Jessop Saville; scale or creep resistant
DPN: 390 UTS: 700 Elon: 4% Proor: 510 GAUSSITI80 14% V Co alloy: Rolled strip; German alloy listed by
HA3 2.5% C 30% Cr 3% Ni 12% W3% Fe Co alloy: Code
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: for Haynes 3
HA4 0.6% C 30% Cr 14% W3% Fe Co alloy: Code for
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Haynes 4
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 HA6 1.0% C 30% Cr 3% Ni 4% W3% Fe Co alloy: Code
EIon Elongation, % for Haynes 6
Proor 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm 2 HA 12 1.3% C 30% Cr 8% Ni 8% W3% Fe Co alloy: Code
for Haynes 12
I N/mm 2 =O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibflin 2 =1 MPa HA 19 1.7% C 31% Cr 10% W3% Fe Co alloy: Code for
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Haynes 19
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HA 25 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W3% Fe Co alloy: Code HON1AL2 AI Ni Co alloy: For magnets; French alloy listed by
for Haynes 25 PMA
HA 36 0.4% C 18.5% Cr 10% Ni 15% W0.03% BCo alloy: HONIAL5 AI Ni Co alloy: For magnets; French alloy listed by
Code for Haynes 36 PMA
HA 98 M2 2.0% C 30% Cr 3.5% Ni 18% W 1% Mo 2% Fe Co HONIAL12 AI Ni Co alloy: For magnets; French alloy listed by
alloy: Code for Haynes 98 M2 PMA
HA 150 0.1 % C 28% Cr 20% Fe 0.7% Si Co alloy: Code for HR40 O. I% C 20% Cr 10% Ni 1.5% Mn 15% W3% Fe
Haynes 150 (max) Co alloy: BS Aerospace designation
HA 151 0.5% C 20% Cr 12.5% W0.05% B Co alloy: Code for HS21 0.25% C 27% Cr 3% Ni 5% Mo I% Fe Co alloy:
Haynes 151 Casting; American proprietary alloy; listed in SAE
HA 152 0.4% C20% Cr 1% Ni 11% W2% Nb & Ta Co alloy: yearbook
Code for Haynes 152 HS23 0.4% C 24% Cr 2% Ni 6% WCo alloy: Casting; listed
HA 302 0.85% C 21.5% Cr 10% W9% Ta 0.2% Zr Co alloy: by Cobalt Information Centre
Code for Haynes 302 HS23 0.4% C 24.0% Cr 2.0% Ni 5.0% W1.0% Fe Co alloy:
HAVAR 0.2% C 20% Cr 13% Ni 2% Mo 2.8% W0.04% Be Co Origin unknown
alloy: American proprietary alloy; consult SAE HS25 0.1% C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% WCo alloy: American
DPN: 650 VTS: 310 Proof: 1620 proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
HAYNES 3 2.5% C 30% Cr 3% Ni 12% W3% Fe Co alloy: DPN: 220 VTS: 1020 Elon: 65% Proof: 470
Casting; S Osborn; cutting tools; wear resistant parts HS27 0.4% C 25.0% Cr 3.2% Ni 6% WCo alloy: Casting;
DPN: 670 VTS: 540 Elon: 1% listed by Cobalt Information Centre
HAYNES 4 0.8% C 30% Cr 14% W8% Fe Co alloy: Casting; HS 30 0.45% C 26% Cr 15% Ni 6% Mo 1% Fe Co alloy:
S Osborn; abrasion and corrosion resistant American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
DPN:460 HS 31 0.5% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7.5% Mo 1.5% Fe Co alloy:
HAYNES 6 1% C 30% Cr 3% Ni 4% W3% Fe Co alloy: Casting; Casting; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
S Osborn; tough grades abrasion resistant yearbook
DPN: 460 VTS: 820 Elon: 1% UTS: 700 Elon: 11 % Proof: 500
HAYNES 6B 1% C 30% Cr 3% Ni 4% W3% Fe Co alloy: Bar; HS36 0.4% C 19% Cr 10% Ni 15% W1% Fe 0.03% B Co
S Osborn; abrasion and corrosion resistant alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
DPN: 450 UTS: 1040 Elon: 7% Proof: 600 yearbook
HAYNES 6K 1.6% C 31% Cr 3% Ni 4% W3% Fe Co alloy: Bar; DPN: 300 VTS: 700 Elon: 5% Proof: 600
S Osborn; abrasion and corrosion resistant HS 188 0.1% C 22% Cr 22% Ni 14.5% W0.1% La Co alloy:
DPN: 500 UTS: 1280 Elon: 3.5% Origin unknown
HAYNES 12 1.3% C 30% Cr 3% Ni 8% W3% Fe Co alloy: Casting; 1336 0.2% C 20% Cr 15% Ni 12% W 1% Nb Co alloy:
S Osborn; tough grade; abrasion resistant Listed by Cobalt Information Centre
DPN: 520 VTS: 740 ILLIUMD 0.2% C 27% Cr 4.5% Mo 1% W1% Fe Co alloy:
HAYNES 19 1.7% C 31% Cr 10% W3% Fe Co alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
S Osborn; cutting alloy; wear resistant ILLIUMH 0.1 % C 28% Cr 20% Fe 0.7% Si Co alloy: Listed in
DPN: 570 UTS: 750 Elon: 1% SAE yearbook
HAYNES 25 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W3% Fe Co alloy: ILLIUMX 0.8% C 28% Cr 1% Ni 15% W2% Fe Co alloy:
Wrought; S Osborn; solution treated; heat resistant; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
wear resistant J 1570 0.2% C 20% Cr 28% Ni 6% W4% Ti Co alloy:
UTS: 1000 Elon: 64% Proof: 450 Universal Cyclop
HAYNES 36 0.4% C 18.5% Cr 10% Ni 15% W0.03% B Co alloy: DPN: 385
Union Carbide casting J 1650 0.2% C 19% Cr 27% Ni 12% W3.8% Ti 2% Ta
HAYNES 98 M2 2% C 30% Cr 3.5% Ni 18% W1% Mo 2% Fe Co 0.02% B Co alloy: Universal Cyclop
alloy: Casting; S Osborn; cutting tools; wear resistant JETALLOY 209 0.02% C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W2% Ti Co alloy:
parts Quebec Metallurgical
DPN: 760 VTS: 660 JETALLOY 249 0.03% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7% WCo alloy: Quebec
HAYNES 150 0.1 % C 28% Cr 20% Fe 0.7% Si Co alloy: Union Metallurgical
Carbide; for furnace equipment JETALLOY 1570 0.2% C 20% Cr 30% Ni 6.5% W4% Ti Co alloy:
DPN: 250 VTS: 520 Elon: 8% Proof: 300 General Electric
HAYNES 151 0.5% C 20% Cr 12.5% W0.05% B Co alloy: Casting; KOERFLEX30 8% V 39% Fe Co alloy: Strip for magnets; German
Union Carbide alloy listed by PMA
HAYNES 152 0.4% C 20% Cr 1% Ni 11% W2% Nb & Ta Co alloy: KOERFLEX 200 8% V 39% Fe Co alloy: Wire and strip for magnets;
Union Carbide German alloy listed by PMA
DPN: 375 UTS: 820 Elon: 5% Proof: 600 KOERFLEX 300 8% V4% Cr 36% Fe Co alloy: Strip and wire for
HAYNES 302 0.85% C 21.5% Cr 10% W9% Ta 0.2% Zr Co alloy: magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
Union Carbide; turbine blade alloy KOERZITH 8% V 39% Fe Co alloy: Strip and wire for magnets;
HAYNES STAR J 2.5% C 32% Cr 2.5% Ni 17% W2% Fe Co alloy: German alloy listed by PMA
Union Carbide for metal cutting KOERZITT 4% Cr 36% Fe 0.8% V Co alloy: Permanent alloy;
DPN: 750 VTS: 480 details from Cobalt Information Centre
HDA 8151 0.5% C 20% Cr 12.5% W0.05% B Co alloy: Casting; L202 1.5% C 28.5% Cr 6.5% Ni 3.7% Mo 4.0% Nb Co
Union Carbide alloy: YEW
HE 1049 0.4% C 26% Cr 10% Ni 15% W3% Fe 0.4% B Co L210 0.9% C 31 % Cr 13.5% WCo alloy: YEW
alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy listed in L215 1.9% C 31% Cr 13.5% WCo alloy: YEW
SAE yearbook L216 2.5% C 31 % Cr 13.5% WCo alloy: YEW
HEV 4 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% WCo alloy: For valves; L218 1.4% C 31% Cr 0.2% Mo 8.5% WCo alloy: YEW
annealed; Designation used by SAE L219 1.2% C 25% Cr 4.5% WCo alloy: YEW
UTS: 1100 Elon: 65% Proof: 470 L225 0.25% C 27% Cr 6% Mo Co alloy: YEW
HIPERCO 50 0.01% C 0.05% Si 1.9% V49% Fe Co alloy:
Carpenter; for magnetic purposes
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
L251 0.4% C 19% Cr 10% Ni 15% W I% Fe 0.03% B Co NIVCO 10 0.05% C 22.5% Ni 1.8% Ti 0.2% All % Fe 1% Zr Co
alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy listed in alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
SAE yearbook yearbook
L605 0.1 % C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W3% Fe Co alloy: Used ONERALM47 1% C 28% Cr 6% Ni 10% Mo 0.3% Ti 3% Fe Co
by American Companies; consult SAE yearbook alloy: Casting; listed by Cobalt Information Centre
LODEX Fe Co sintered alloy: With lead for magnets; further ONERALS90 0.3% C 27% Cr 17% Ni 5% Mo Co alloy: Information
information from PMA from Cobalt Information Centre
M203 0.07% C 20% Cr 25% Ni 12% W2% Ti 0.7% AI P6 6.0% Ni 4.0% V45% Fe Co alloy: Rolled strip; US
1.5% Nb 1.6% Fe Co alloy: General Electric alloy listed by PMA for hysteresis motors
M204 0.07% C 18% Cr 25% Ni 12% W 1.6% Fe 1.2% Nb Co PERMENDUR 24 49% Fe 2% V Co alloy: More ductile than Permendur;
alloy: General Electric Telcon
M205 0.07% C 18% Cr 25% Ni 12% W2.75% Al 1.2% Nb PERMENDUR V 2% V 49% Fe Co alloy: Telcon; high permeability for
1.6% Fe Co alloy: General Electric high flux densities
MAGNETOFLEX 20% Ni Co alloy: Rolled strip; German alloy listed by R 30004 0.2% C 20% Cr 13% Ni 2.4% Mo 2.8% W23% Fe Co
20 PMA alloy: Designation used by UNS
MALCALLOY 13.5% AI Co alloy: For magnets; Japanese alloy listed R 30816 0.36% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 4% Mo 5% Fe 4% Nb + Ta
byPMA 4% WCo alloy: UNS designation
MAR-M918 0.05% C 20.0% Ni 7.5% TaO.I% Zr Co alloy: Martin R 30816 UNS designation for ASTM A639/671
UTS: 880 Elon: 48% Proof: 380 RCoCr A 1.1% C 29% Cr Co alloy: Weld electrode
METCO 18C Co alloy: Spray deposit; Metco RCoCrB 1.4% C 30% Cr 8.3% WCo alloy: Weld electrode
DPN: 550 RCoCrC 2.5% C 30% Cr 1.5% Ni 13% WCo alloy: Weld
METC045CNS Cr Ni WCo alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco electrode; designation used by AW
DPN:260 REFRACTALOY 70 0.05% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 8% Mo 4% W15% Fe Co
METCO 45VF NS Cr Ni WCo alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco alloy: American proprietary alloy; consult SAE
DPN:260 REMENDUR 2.5% V Fe Co alloy: For magnets; American alloy
METCO 68F NSI 17% Cr Mo Co alloy: Powder coating; Metco listed by PMA
DPN:460 REXWELD 33W 2.2% C 3% Cr 18% WCo alloy: For hard facing;
METC0439 50% WC Co: Spray deposit; Metco Crucible Steel Co.
DPN:460 DPN: 700
ML 1700 0.2% C 25% Cr 15% W0.4% B Co alloy: Casting; REXWELDA 1.0% C 28% Cr 4.5% WCo alloy: For hard facing;
American proprietary alloy; listed in SAE yearbook Crucible Steel Co.
MP35N ALLOY 0.02% C (max) 20% Cr 35% Ni 10% Mo Co alloy: DPN:400
Carpenters REXWELDB 1.5% C 28% Cr 7.5% WCo alloy: For hard facing;
UTS: 1560 Elon: 14% Proof: 1500 Crucible Steel Co.
NFWI Al Ni Co alloy: Casting for magnets; Japanese alloy DPN: 420
listed by PMA REXWELDC 2.5% C 30% Cr 12.5% WCo alloy: For hard facing;
NFW2 AI Ni Co alloy: Casting for magnets; Japanese alloy Crucible Steel Co.
listed by PMA DPN: 550
NFW3 Al Ni Co alloy: Casting for magnets; Japanese alloy REXWELDVT 0.3% C 27% Cr 3% Ni 5.5% Mo Co alloy: For hard
listed by PMA facing; Crucible Steel Co.
NFW4 AI Ni Co alloy: Casting for magnets; Japanese alloy DPN: 350
listed by PMA s-816 0.38% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 4% Mo 4% Nb 4% WCo
NFW5 AI Ni Co alloy: Casting for magnets; Japanese alloy alloy: Origin unknown
listed by PMA S816 0.38% C 20% Cr 20% Ni 3% Fe 4% Mo 4% W4% Nb
NFW6 AI Ni Co alloy: Casting for magnets; Japanese alloy Co alloy: Allegheny Ludlum
listed by PMA S 844 0.25% C 25% Cr 20% Ni 2% Mo 2% W2% Nb 3% Fe
NICKELVAC 0.12% C 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W 1.7% Mn Co alloy: Co alloy: Allegheny Ludlum
L. 605 Vanadium alloy; double vacuum cast SAE VF5 1.7% C 25% Cr 22% Ni 12% W2% Fe Co alloy: For
NICROBRAZ 210 0.4% C 19.0% Cr 0.8% B 17% Ni 8.0% Si 4.0% WCo hard facing
alloy: For brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range SL959 High C High Cr Co alloy: Casting; Swift Levrick
11 J(}-J 150 'C DPN: 450
NICROBRAZ 300 0.8% C 21.0% Cr 3.25% B 10.0% W 17.0% Ni Co SL970 0.4% C 24.5% Cr 5% WCo alloy: Swift Levrick
alloy: For brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range SM302 0.85% C 21.5% Cr 10% W9% Ta 0.2% Ti 0.005% B
1040-1120 'C I% Fe Co alloy: Martin Metal Co.
NIVAFLEX 0.03% C 18% Cr21% Ni4% M04% W 1% Ti SM 322 1.0% C 21.5% Cr 9% W4.5% Ta 0.7% Ti 2.2% Zr
0.3% Be Co alloy: Information from Cobalt 0.7% Fe Co alloy: Martin Metal Co.
Information Centre SOUDOKAY 2.7% C 28% Cr 13% W5% Fe Co alloy: Welding
STELKAY I-G electrode; Soudometal
DPN: 580
SOUDOKAY J.I % C 29% Cr 5% W5% Fe Co alloy: Welding
STELKAY6-G electrode; Soudometal
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN:400
SOUDOKAY 1.6% C 29% Cr 7.7% W5% Fe Co alloy: Welding
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number STELKAY 12-G electrode; Soudometal
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 470
Elon Elongation, % SOUDOKAY 0.2% C 26% Cr 2.5% Ni 4.9% Mo 5% Fe Co alloy:
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' STELKA Y21-G Welding electrode; Soudometal
DPN: 330
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa SOUDOSPRAY C Cr WCo alloy: Spray powder; Soudometal; grade 12
See Appendix)) for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 162-5 Stellite
DPN: 470
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr WCo alloy: Spray metal powder; Soudometal; SOUDOSTEL 1 C 2.4% C 31.9% Cr 2.2% Ni 0.2% Mo 12.2% W2.3%
166-1 deposits grade 6 Stellite Fe Co alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for
DPN:470 abrasion resistance at high temperature
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr WCo alloy: Spray metal powder; Soudometal; DPN: 560
166·2 deposits grade 6 Stellite SOUDOSTEL 6 AP 1.3% C 27.5% Cr 2.7% Ni 4.4% W2.7% Fe Co alloy:
DPN: 470 Welding electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion resistance
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr WCo alloy: Spray metal powder; Soudometal; at high temperature
166·3 deposits grade 6 Stellite DPN:450
DPN:470 SOUDOSTEL 6 C 1.2% C 27.2% Cr 2.7% Ni 4.6% W2.4% Fe Co alloy:
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr WCo alloy: Spray metal powder; Soudometal; Welding electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion resistance
166-5 deposits grade 6 Stellite at high temperature
DPN: 470 DPN:45O
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr WCo alloy: Spray metal powder; Soudometal; SOUDOSTEL 12 AP 1.6% C 30.7% Cr 2.7% Ni 8.6% W2.8% Fe Co alloy:
166-6 deposits grade 6 Stellite Welding electrode; Soudometal; for wear resistance
DPN:470 DPN: 500
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni WCo alloy: Spray metal; Soudometal; deposits SOUDOSTEL 12 C 1.6% C 30.8% Cr 2.4% Ni 8.5% W2.3% Fe Co alloy:
167-0 grade F cobalt alloy Welding electrode; Soudometal; for wear resistance
DPN:43O DPN: 500
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni W Co alloy: Spray metal; Soudometal; deposits SOUDOSTEL 12 HC 1.8% C 28.5% Cr 2.5% Ni 8.5% W2.3% Fe Co alloy:
167-1 grade F cobalt alloy Welding electrode; Soudometal; for wear resistance
DPN:43O DPN: 520
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni WCo alloy: Spray metal; Soudometal; deposits SOUDOSTEL 21 AP 0.27% C 27.9% Cr 2.8% Ni 5.3% Mo 2.4% Fe Co
167-2 grade F cobalt alloy alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for wear
DPN: 430 resistance at high temperature
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni WCo alloy: Spray metal; Soudometal; deposits DPN: 350
167-3 grade F cobalt alloy SOUDOSTEL 21 C 0.25% C 27.2% Cr 2.5% Ni 5.4% Mo 1.7% Fe Co
DPN: 430 alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for wear
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni WCo alloy: Spray metal; Soudometal; deposits resistance at high temperature
167-5 grade F cobalt alloy DPN: 350
DPN:43O SOUDOSTEL HR 1 2.2% C 27.8% Cr 0.1 % Ni 0.1 % Mo 12% W3% Fe Co
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni WCo alloy: Spray metal; Soudometal; deposits alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion
167·6 grade F cobalt alloy resistance at high temperature
DPN: 430 DPN: 600
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni Mo Co alloy: Spray metal; Soudometal; SOUDOSTEL HR 6 1.0% C 29.4% Cr 4.7% W1.8% Fe Co alloy: Welding
168·5 deposits type 21 Co alloy electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion resistance at high
DPN: 320 temperature
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; Soudometal; DPN:460
327-0 for powder deposits - variable W2C SOUDOSTEL HR 12 1.3% C 29.3% Cr 7.9% W2.6% Fe Co alloy: Welding
DPN:700 electrode; Soudometal; for wear resistance
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; Soudometal; DPN: 500
327-1 for powder deposits - variable W2C SOUDOSTEL HR 21 0.27% C 27.0% Cr 2.6% Ni 4.6% Mo 2.4% Fe Co
DPN:700 alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for wear
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; Soudometal; resistance at high temperature
327·2 for powder deposits - variable W2C DPN: 350
DPN: 700 SOUDOSTEL HR 25 0.05% C 20.5% Cr 9.8% Ni 16% W2% Fe Co alloy:
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; Soudometal; Welding electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion and
327-3 for powder deposits - variable W2C impact resistance
DPN: 700 DPN: 230
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; Soudometal; STAR J 2.5% C 32% Cr 2% N 17% Y' ~% ~e Co alloy:
327-5 for powder deposits - variable W2C Casting; S Osborn; cutting tools; wear resistant parts
DPN:700 DPN: 760
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; Soudometal; STELLITE 1 2.5% C 33% Cr 13% WCo alloy: Casting for hard
327-6 for powder deposits - variable W2C facing rods (oxyacetylene) and electrodes; Deloro
DPN: 700 DPN: 620 UTS: 600 Elon: 1%
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; STELLITE 3 2.4% C 30% Cr 13% WCo alloy: Casting; Deloro
328-0 Soudometal; for powder deposits - high W2C content DPN: 620 UTS: 600 Elon: 1%
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; STELLITE 4 1% C 31 % Cr 14% WCo alloy: Casting; Deloro
328-1 Soudometal; for powder deposits - high W2C content DPN: 490 UTS: 1000 Elon: 1% Proof: 600
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; STELLITE 6 1% C 26% Cr 5% WCo alloy: Casting for hard facing
328-2 Soudometal; for powder deposits - high W2C content rods (oxyacetylene) and electrodes; Deloro
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; DPN: 400 UTS: 880 Elon: 1% Proof: 530
328-3 Soudometal; for powder deposits - high W2C content STELLITE 7 0.4% C 26% Cr 6% WCo alloy: Casting; Deloro
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; DPN: 325 UTS: 900 Elon: 8% Proof: 450
328·5 Soudometal; for powder deposits - high W2C content STELLITE 8 0.2% C 30% Cr 6% Mo Co alloy: Casting; Deloro for
SOUDOSPRAY C Cr Ni B Co alloy: Powder with W2C; BS 31461ANC 14
328·6 Soudometal; for powder deposits - high W2C content DPN: 325 UTS: 900 Elon: 9% Proof: 470
SOUDOSTEL 1 AP 2.3% C 32.4% Cr 2.2% Ni 0.1% Mo 12.7% W STELLITE 12 1.8% C 29% Cr 9% WCo alloy: Casting for hard
3.0% Fe Co alloy: Electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion facing rods (oxyacetylene) and electrodes; Deloro
resistance at high temperature DPN: 510 UTS: 820 Elon: 1% Proof: 630
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STELLITE 12P 1.4% C 31.0% Cr 9.0% WCo alloy: Melting range TRIBALOY 100 35% Mo 10% Si Co alloy: Intermetallic material for
1260-1300 'C; Deloro Stellite wear resistant purposes; Du Pont
DPN: 470 VTS: 880 Elon: 1% TRIBALOY 400 28% Mo 8% Cr 2% Si Co alloy: Intermetallic material
STELLITE20 2.5% C 3% Cr 18% WCo alloy: Casting for hard for wear resistant purposes; suitable for hard facing; Du
facing rods (oxyacetylene) and electrodes; Deloro Pont
DPN: 660 VTS: 600 Elon: 1% TRIBALOY 800 28% Mo 17% Cr 3% Si Co alloy: Intermetallic material
STELLITE21 0.25% C 27% Cr 2.5% Ni 4.5% Mo 2% Fe 0.007% B for wear resistant purposes; suitable for hard facing; Du
Co alloy: Casting; Deloro Pont
STELLITE23 0.4% C 24% Cr 2% Ni 5% W2% Fe Co alloy: Deloro TRIBALOY T400 0.8% C 8% Cr 28% Mo 3% Ni + Fe Co alloy: For
STELLITE27 0.4% C 25% Cr 32% Ni 5.5% Mo Co alloy: Deloro valve facings; Du Pont
STELLITE 30 0.45% C 26% Cr 15% Ni 6% Mo Co alloy: Deloro UCAR25 0.07% C 20.0% Cr 10.0% Ni 0.5% Mo 1.5% Fe Co
STELLITE31 0.5% C 25.5% Cr 10.5% Ni 7.5% W Co alloy: Casting; alloy: Casting; Union Carbide
Deloro UCARFSX414 0.25% C 29.0% Cr 10.0% Ni 7.0% W Co alloy: Union
STELLITE 100 2% C 34% Cr 19% W Co alloy: Casting; Deloro Carbide
DPN: 850 VTS: 690 Elon: 1% UCAR M509 0.6% C 21.5% Cr 10.0% Ni 7.0% W Co alloy: Union
STELLITE 208 26.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 20% Fe alloy: Melting range Carbide
1400-1415 'C; Deloro Stellite UCARX45 0.25% C 25.5% Cr 10.5% Ni 7.0% W Co alloy: Union
DPN: 280 VTS: 571Elon: 12% Carbide
STELLITE 306 1.4% C 25.0% Cr 5.0% Ni 2.0% W6.0% Nb Co alloy: UMC050 0.1 % C 28% Cr 20% Fe 0.7% Si Co alloy: American
Melting range 1225-1305 'C; Deloro Stellite proprietary alloy; consult SAE yearbook
DPN: 360 VTS: 540 Elon: 8% 4310
STELLITE 506 1.6% C 35.0% Cr 7.5% W3.0% Fe Co alloy: Deloro UMC051 0.27% C 28% Cr 20% Fe 2% Nb 0.7% Si Co alloy:
Stellite American proprietary alloy; consult SAE yearbook
DPN:400 VTS: 630 Elon: 4% Proof: 460
STELLITEF 1.75% C 29% Cr 22% Ni 12% W Co alloy: Deloro UNITEMP L 605 0.1% C 1.5% Mn 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W3% Fe Co
STELLITE X 40 0.3% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7% WCo alloy: Casting; alloy: Universal Cyclops
Deloro for BS 3146/ANC 13 UNlTEMP S 816 0.38% C 1.5% Mn 20% Cr 20% Ni 4% Mo 4% W
DPN: 325 VTS: 1120 Elon: 10% Proof: 430 4% Nb Co alloy: Universal Cyclops
STUBS 701 C Cr Ni WCo alloy: Electrode; Stubs; for high UNS R3000I-R39999 Co metal and alloys: American Standard system;
temperature application unified number
DPN:600 V36 0.3% C 25% Cr 20% Ni 4% Mo 2% W2.2% Nb
STUBS 701 A C Cr Ni W Co alloy: Electrode; Stubs; for high 3% Fe Co alloy: Allegheny Ludlum
temperature application VELINVAR 31 % Fe 8.5% V Co alloy: Details from Cobalt
DPN:600 Information Centre
STUBS 706 C Cr W Co alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for tool VF2 1.2% C 28% Cr 3% Ni 4.5% W0.5% Mo 3% Fe Co
stud welding; high temperature application alloy: For hard facing; designation used by SAE
DPN: 450 VF5 1.7% C 25% Cr 22% Ni 12% W 2% Fe Co alloy: For
STUBS 706 A C Cr W Co alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for tool hard facing; designation used by SAE
stud welding; high temperature application VF6 2.5% C 30% Cr 1.5% Ni 0.5% Mo 13% W 3% Fe Co
DPN: 450 alloy: For valve facing; SAE designation
STUBS 712 C Si WCo alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for tool VF7 1.4% C 30% Cr 1.5% Ni 8.3% W 3% Fe Co alloy: For
steels; for corrosive and high temperature application valve facing; SAE designation
DPN: 550 VF8 0.8% C 8% Cr 28% Mo 3% Fe + Ni Co alloy: For
STUBS 712A C Si WCo alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for tool valve facing; SAE designation
steels; for corrosive and high temperature application VlCALLOY 38% Fe 10% V Co alloy: Magnet alloy strip; Telcon;
DPN: 550 annealed
SUPERMENDUR 49% Fe 2% V Co alloy: For magnets; Telcon; DPN: 200 VTS: 760
rectangular hysteresis loop VICALLOYI 38% Fe 10% V Co alloy: Permanent magnet; Telcon
TANTUNG 3% C 30% Cr 16% W 4.5% Nb or Ta 2% Mn 3% Fe VlCALLOY 11 35% Fe 13% V Co alloy: Permanent magnet; Telcon
Co alloy: Vasoloy; harder than Tantung G VIMETAL 0.05% C 9% Cr 17% Ni 5.5% Fe 4% W4% Mo 3%
DPN: 830 Nb 1.5% Ti Co alloy: Details from Cobalt Information
TANTUNGG 3.0% C 30% Cr 16% W 4.5% Nb or Ta 2% Mn 3% Fe Centre
Co alloy: Vasoloy; Ramet; cutting tools VITALLIUM 35% Cr 5% Mo Co alloy: American proprietary alloy
DPN:790 DPN: 388 VTS: 280 Elon: 4% Proof: 420
THERMELAST 0.03% C 12% Cr 26% Ni 13% Fe 4% W4% Mo 1% Ti VMA4 23.5% Cr 10% Ni 7% W 3.5% Ti Co alloy: Casting; BS
2602 0.2% Be Co alloy: Details from Cobalt Information designation; obsolete
Centre WAI-MET50 0.1% C28% Cr20% Fe 0.7% Si Co alloy: Wai-Met
alloys for furnace equipment
WALLEXI 2.2% C 30% Cr 12.5% W Co alloy: Castings and rods
for facing; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1270 'C; good
corrosion resistance; low friction
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 570
WALLEX INE 2.5% C 3.0% Fe 30% Cr 12.0% W Co alloy: Bronze
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number alloy metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1255 'C
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' WALLEX4 1.0% C 1.5% Si (max) 30.5% Cr 14.0% W Co alloy:
Eion Elongation, % Bronze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1260 'C
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' WALLEX6 1% C 29% Cr 4.5% W Co alloy: Castings and rods for
spraying; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1275 'C; heat
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa resistant; low friction
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 430 VTS: 810
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
WALLEX6NE 1.0% C 2.0% Fe (max) 31% Cr 5.5% NCo alloy: WIPTAM 0.1 % C 28.3% Cr 24.4% Ni Co alloy: For dental use;
Bronze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1285 'C details from Cobalt Information Centre
WALLEX7 0.2% C 27% Cr 5% Mo Co alloy: Welding electrode; VTS: 620 Elon: 52% Proof: 830
Wall Colmonoy X40 0.5% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7.5% W1.5% Fe Co alloy:
WALLEX7NE 0.3% C 3.0% Fe (max) 30% Cr 3.0% Ni 5.5% Mo Co American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
alloy: Bronze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point X40 0.45% C 25% Cr 10% Ni 7% WCo alloy: Casting;
126O'C Jessop Saville as G 65
WALLEX 12 1.0% C 1.25% Si 9.0% W29% Cr Co alloy: Bronze VTS: 730 Elon: 17% Proof: 400
metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1280 'C X50 0.75% C 22% Cr 20% Ni 12% W2.5% Fe Co alloy:
WALLEXI2NE 1.5% C 3.0% Fe (max) 30% Cr 8.5% WCo alloy: Casting: listed by Cobalt Information Centre
Bronze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1280 'C X63 0.4% C23% Cr 10% Ni 6% Mo 1% Fe Co alloy:
WALLEX42 Cr WCo alloy: For powder coating; Wall Colmonoy Casting; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
DPN:%O yearbook
WALLEX50 0.7% C 25% Cr 11% Ni 1% Fe 10% W3% BCo alloy: XSH 20.0% Cr 10.0% Ni 15.0% WCo alloy: Origin
Powder; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1110 'C; similar unknown
to Wallex 1
DPN: 550
WALLEXF 1.7% C 26% Cr 23% Ni 12% WCo alloy: Welding Nole. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
electrode; Wall Colmonoy
WF11 0.1 % C 1.5% Mn 20% Cr 10% Ni 15% W3% Fe Co DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
alloy: American proprietary alloy; consult SAE UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
yearbook. Eion Elongation, %
WF31 0.15% C 20% Cr 10% Ni 2.6% Mo 10% W1% Ti Co Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa
WI 52 0.4% C20% Cr 1% Ni 11% W2% Nb + Ta Co alloy: See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Wai·Met Alloy Co.
14. Copper Cu
Physical properties
Atomic number 27
Atomic weight 63.54
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour Reddish orange
100 205 50
200 172 48
300 150--151.5 46
400 108-130 42-48
The above are applicable to the specifications listed, but many general engineering uses. This copper is also cast into
may not be exactly applicable to anyone material. ingots and used as the primary metal for alloys.
Tough pitch arsenical copper. This has approximately 0.4%
General metallurgical characteristics arsenic in solid solution. The electrical and thermal conduc-
tivities are reduced, but the strength and corrosion resistance
Depending on its method of manufacture and in some
are improved, and these improvements are maintained up to
instances the source of the ore, there are several varieties of
approximately 300 0c.
commercially pure copper. Briefly these are as follows.
Oxygen-free copper. There are various forms of copper that
Cathode copper. This is the product of electrolytic refining
are either produced oxygen free or are subsequently de-
and is the raw material for many of the other forms listed
oxidized, as follows.
below. It can be remelted and cast, but apart from this finds
little use. It has relatively poor conductivity owing to the Oxygen-free high conductivity copper. This is difficult and
presence of minute quantities of impurities. expensive to produce. In America and Finland it is made by
remelting and pouring cathode copper under an inert
Tough pitch copper. This is copper with a controlled amount
atmosphere resulting in high conductivity copper which can
of oxygen present which improves the workability and con-
be brazed and welded. This material will accept a higher
ductivity of the metal. There are various forms of tough pitch
degree of cold work than any other form of copper.
Phosphorus de-oxidized copper. Phosphorus up to 0.05%
Electrolytic tough pitch copper. This is cathode copper re-
but not generally above 0.04% is used to de-oxidize copper.
melted and allowed to pick up oxygen in the process. The
This eases casting, working, brazing and welding problems,
product is used for all forms of electrical equipment, and also
but reduces the thermal and electrical conductivity, which
where good thermal conductivity is important.
falls to about 70% lACS. Higher phosphorus contents are
With oxygen controlled to 0.04% max the annealed
used in brazing filler rods.
wrought product has a conductivity of 100% lACS.
De-oxidized arsenical copper. This is phosphorus de-oxi-
Fire refined tough pitch copper. This is copper refined in a
dized copper with small quantities of arsenic added which
furnace and not electrolytically. As this is generally more
has little effect on the other properties but increases the
difficult and does not recover any precious metals which may
corrosion resistance and hot strength.
be present in the raw material, the type of ore and local
conditions largely control the use of the method. Pure copper will always be one of the above when found in
The final product is comparable with electrolytic tough industry and commerce. Also classified as copper are several
pitch copper with a conductivity in the wrought annealed alloys where the alloying element is less than 1%.
condition of 100% lACS or better. These elements are as follows.
Ordinary tough pitch copper. The oxygen content and other Silver. This has no effect on the conductivity but does raise
impurities are not as carefully controlled as with the above the annealing temperature required to remove cold work.
two types. The electrical and thermal conductivities are Thus cold worked copper with approximately 0.1 % silver
lower - thus it is not used for electrical purposes, but finds has to be heated to above 300 °C before it softens, whereas
ordinary copper tends to soften at 200 0c. This silver copper the copper is cleaned chemically and then treated with some
is used where cold worked material is to be soldered. Silver clear lacquer. Again advice is advised.
also improves the creep strength of copper. These materials are all difficult to machine in the soft or
less than fully hard condition. Some materials have additions
Cadmium. This has a similar effect to silver and in addition
such as sulphur or tellurium which improve the machinability
toughens the material and improves the fatigue strength.
but on the whole these are soft materials which tend to tear
Approximately 0.8% cadmium reduces the conductivity in
rather than machine.
the annealed state to 95% lACS. This material is used for
Copper finds many uses because it is one of the two
overhead contact wires for traction and for long span
coloured metals, the other being gold. With the advent of
anodizing of aluminium, however, where it is possible to
Tellurium and selenium. These also increase the softening produce colours of a very attractive nature similar to, or
temperature, in a similar manner to silver and cadmium. identical to, gold or copper, the use of copper has become
Their main use in copper, however, is to improve machin- less in this area.
ability. A good surface finish and dimensional stability is To take each of the types of copper in turn, cathode copper
obtained with annealed tellurium or selenium copper which is a primary metal used to produce the copper alloys.
has a conductivity above 90% lACS. Tough pitch copper is used for electrical purposes, con-
Sulphur. This has a similar effect to tellurium and is now ductor wires, etc. It is also used for roofing and similar areas
preferred by many users. where welding is not required.
Oxygen-free high conductivity copper is more expensive
All the above coppers are capable of accepting a consider- but is one of the few coppers which can be welded without
able amount of cold work, with the de-oxidized varieties the use of gas shielding.
superior in this context to the tough pitch varieties. De-oxidized copper is used for chemical purposes such as
Commercially pure copper cannot be heat treated except water pipes and for industrial and decorative purposes. It is
to remove cold work, which requires temperatures of be- used in food containers and for architectural purposes where
tween 300 and 400 °C before all evidence of cold work has appearance is important.
been removed. Copper is now being largely replaced as an electrical con-
No problems occur where copper has to be joined by ductor because of its cost except where joints are essential.
soldering or brazing but the type of commercially pure cop- Thus, where electricity is conducted at high voltages over
per will determine whether or not it can be welded. High considerable distances such as the grid system and in industry
conductivity coppers on the whole cannot be welded under where conductors can be assembled by professionals, then
normal circumstances as they have a very high affinity for aluminium has replaced copper almost completely.
oxygen. Under normal industrial conditions, however, and in dom-
The use of gas shielded welding is advisable when welding estic circumstances copper remains the principal conductor.
is essential but advice should be taken before attempting to The reason for this is that joints can be easily made whereas
weld any copper. with aluminium very specialized techniques are required in
Copper has a high corrosion resistance under most circum- order to prevent high resistance and thus loss of conductivity
stances. In normal atmospheres it forms a green patina which locally.
protects it from further corrosion. This is a complex com- The use of copper in the food industry for cookers, con-
pound which forms on the surface and is quite attractive. It is tainers, etc. has largely been replaced by austenitic stainless
now common practice if the copper colour is required that steel.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
IC High conductivity Cu: Langley Alloys 2.0181 99.0% Cu: German Standard
vrs: ISO Elon: 40% Proor: 30 2.1006 0.8% Sn Cu: German Standard
2.0050 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic; German Standard 2.1211 1.0% Ag Cu: German Standard
2.0060 0.03% Ag 99.95% Cu: German Standard 101 99.96% Cu: Oxygen-free; designation agreed by
2.0070 99.9% Cu: German Standard CDAA; not used
2.0080 99.9% Cu: German Standard 104 99.95% Cu: Ag alwayg,present; oxygen-free;
2.0090 99.9% Cu: German Standard designation agreed by CDAA; not used
2.0100 99.75% Cu: German Standard 105 99.95% Cu: Ag always present; oxygen-free;
2.0110 99.8% Cu: German Standard designation agreed by CDAA; not used
2.0120 99.5% Cu: German Standard 107 99.95% Cu: Ag always present; oxygen-free;
2.0150 0.4% As 99.25% Cu: German Standard designation agreed by CDAA; not used
2.0170 0.4% As 99.0% Cu: German Standard III om % P 0.4% S Cu bar: McKechnie; 95% lACS
DPN: 90 UTS: 320 Elon: 25%
121 0.01 % P 99.9% Cu: With Ag; designation agreed by
CDAA; not used
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
123 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: With Ag; designation agreed by
CDAA; not used
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
125 99.88% Cu: Fire refined; tough pitch; designation
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
agreed by CDAA; not used
Elon Elongation, %
127 99.88% Cu: Fire refined; tough pitch; with Ag;
Proor 0.1 % proor strength, N/mm 2
designation agreed by CDAA; not used
128 99.88% Cu: Fire refined; tough pitch; with Ag;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgffmm 2=0.06475 tonfJin 2 =145.04IbfJin.2=1 MPa
designation agreed by CDAA; not used
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 130 99.88% Cu: Fire refined; tough pitch; with Ag;
designation agreed by CDAA; not used
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
141 0.4% As 99.4% Cu: Arsenical tough pitch; designation ASTM BI2/120 99.9% Cu: Rods for staybolts; phosphorus
agreed by CDAA; not used de-oxidized; previously DLP
142 0.03% P 0.4% As 99.4% Cu: Designation agreed by ASTM BI21122 99.9% Cu: Rods for staybolts; phosphorus
CDAA; not used de-oxidized; previously DHP
164 0.3% Sn 0.7% Cd Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM BI2I125 99.9% Cu: Rods for staybolts; fire refined tough pitch;
agreed by CDAA; not used previously FRTP
165 0.6% Sn 0.8% Cd Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM BI2I141 0.3% As 99.88% Cu: Rods for staybolts; previously
agreed by CDAA; not used ATP
189 0.7% Sn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM BI21142 0.3% As 99.88% Cu: Rods for staybolts; previously
agreed by CDAA; not used DPA
ABS/B42 0.04% P (max) 99.9% Cu: Pipe; American Bureau of ASTM B42 0.04% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless pipe; as drawn
Shipping UTS: 260 Proof: 240
ALO I Low Zn Cu: Thomas Bolton; for singe plate ASTM B421102 99.9% Cu: Seamless pipe; previously OF
AMPCOLAY9O Cu: 92% lACS; Ampco ASTM B421120 99.9% Cu: Seamlcss pipe; phosphorus de-oxidized;
AMPCOLAY 900 99.9% Cu High conductivity: Ampco previously DLP
AMPCOLAY 901 99.9% Cu with Ag: 93% lACS; Ampco ASTM B421122 99.9% Cu: Seamless pipe; phosphorus de-oxidized;
AMPCOLAY 910 Cu: 90% lACS; Ampco previously DHP
AMS4500 D Cu: Sheet and strip; annealed ASTM B47 Cu: Wire for overhead trolleys
AMS4501 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free UTS: 310 Elon: 4%
AMS4602 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free ASTM B48 Cu: Rod; rectangular section for conductors
AMS4700 99.99% Cu: Oxygen-free; electrolytic Elon: 30%
AMS4701 B Cu: Wire; annealed ASTM B49 Cu: Rod; hot rolled for electrical purposes;
ANACOS 99.90% Cu: Wire; may be tinned; Fred Smith; hard conductivity 100% lACS
drawn or annealed ASTMB52A 14.0% P (min) Cu: Ingot
ANACOS Trace P 1% Cd Cu: Wire; may be tinned; Fred ASTMB52B 10% P (min) Cu: Ingot
CADMIUM Smith; hard drawn ASTM B68DHP 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; annealed
ANACOS SILVER Trace P 0.1 % Ag Cu: Wire; Fred Smith; hard drawn UTS: 200 Elon: 40%
ASTMBI Cu: Wire; hard drawn; mechanical properties vary with ASTMB68DLP 0.01% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; annealed
diameter UTS: 200 Elon: 40%
ASTM B2 Cu: Wire; medium hard drawn; mechanical properties ASTMB68OF 99.92% Cu: Seamless tube; annealed
vary with diameter UTS: 200 Elon: 40%
ASTMB3 Cu: Wire; annealed; 100% lACS ASTM B72A 99.75% Cu: For castings; high purity copper; fire
Elon: 25% refined
ASTMB4 99.9% Cu: Wire, bar, ingots, etc.; Lake Copper; covers ASTMB72B 0.3% Pb 0.1 % As Cu: For casting; fire refined copper
copper of low resistivity and high resistivity ASTM B75/102 99.95% Cu: Seamless tube; oxygen-free; previously OF
ASTMB5 99.5% Cu: Wire, bar, ingots, etc.; electrolytic refined ASTM B751120 0.01 % P 99.90% Cu: Seamless tube; previously DLP
high conductivity copper ASTM B75/122 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; previously DHP
ASTM BlIIlIO 99.88% Cu: Plate for fireboxes ASTM B751142 0.02% P 99.4% Cu: Seamless tube; previously DPA
ASTM B11/122 0.02% P 99.90% Cu: Plate for fireboxes ASTMB75 DHP 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; as drawn
ASTM B111125 99.88% Cu: Plate for fireboxes UTS: 240
ASTM BIII141 0.35% As 99.4% Cu: Plate for fireboxes ASTMB75DHP 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; cold drawn
ASTM B11/142 0.03% P 0.3% As Cu: Plate for fireboxes UTS: 320
ASTMBII ATP 0.2% As 99.4% Cu: Plate; tough pitch arsenical ASTMB75DLP 0.01% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; as drawn
copper; hot rolled UTS: 240
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% ASTMB75DLP 0.01 % P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; cold drawn
ASTMBII DHP 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: Phosphorized; hot rolled UTS: 330
UTS: 210 Elon: 30% ASTMB75 DPA 0.02% P 0.3% As 99.4% Cu: Seamless tube; as drawn
ASTMBII DPA 0.02% P 0.3% As 99.4% Cu: Phosphorized arsenical UTS: 240
copper; hot rolled ASTM B75 DPA 0.02% P 0.3% As 99.4% Cu: Seamless tube; cold
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% drawn
ASTM BII ETP 99.88% Cu: Plate; tough pitch copper UTS: 330
UTS: 200 Elon: 30% ASTMB75OF 99.2% Cu: Oxygen-free seamless tube; as drawn
ASTM BII FRTP 99.88% Cu: Plate; tough pitch copper UTS: 240
UTS: 200 Elon: 30% ASTMB75OF 99.2% Cu: Oxygen-free seamless tube; cold drawn
ASTMBI2 Cu: Rods for locomotive staybolts UTS: 330
ASTM BI2I102 99.9% Cu: Rods for staybolts; oxygen-free; previously ASTMB88 0.04% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; annealed
OF UTS: 200
ASTM BI2IlIO 99.9% Cu: Rods for staybolts; electrolytic tough pitch; ASTM Bill 0.4% As 99.4% Cu: Tube
previously ETP ASTM Bill 0.04% P (max) 99.9% Cu: Tube
ASTM BIiI/I02 99.5% Cu: Seamless tube; oxygen-free; previously OF
ASTM B111I120 0.01% P 99.90% Cu: Seamless tube; previously DLP
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTM BIII/122 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; phosphorus de-oxidized;
previously DHP
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTM BIIII142 0.2% As 99.4% Cu: Seamless tube; previously DPA
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 ASTMBII5 99.9% Cu: Electrolyic cathode copper
Elon Elongation, % ASTM BI24/12 99.9% Cu: Forging and bar; mechanical properties not
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 quoted
ASTM BI521102 99.95% Cu: Sheet and bar; oxygen-free
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa ASTM BI52/104 99.95% Cu: Sheet and bar; oxygen-free; silver bearing
See Appendix" for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM B1521105 99.95% Cu: Sheet and bar; oxygen-free; silver bearing
ASTM B152/107 99.95% Cu: Sheet and bar; oxygen-free
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B152/122 0.03% P 99.90% Cu: Sheet and bar; phosphorized; ASTM B359/102 99.95% Cu: Firmed tube
high residual phosphorus ASTM B359/120 99.9% Cu: Firmed tube
ASTM B152/123 99.90% Cu: Sheet and bar; phosphorized silver bearing ASTM B359/122 99.9% Cu: Firmed tube
ASTM BI52 ATP 0.25% As 99.4% Cu: Sheet, strip, plate and bar; ASTM B359/142 99.4% Cu: Firmed tube
annealed; arsenical tough pitch ASTM B360 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: Capillary tube
VTS: 270 VTS: 450
ASTM BI52 DHP 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: Strip, sheet, plate and bar; ASTM B370 99.88% (min) Cu: Sheet and strip for buildings
annealed; phosphorized copper ASTMB379 Cu billets: P de-oxidized; classified by P content
VTS: 270 ASTMB442 99.90% Cu: Chemically refined; conductivity 100%
ASTM BI52 DPS 0.04% P (max) 99.9% Cu: Sheet, strip, plate and bar; lACS
silver bearing; phosphorized ASTMB447 99.4% Cu (min): Welded tube; graded by Cu content
VTS: 270 ASTMB451 99.50% Cu (min): Foil strip, etc. for printed circuits
ASTM BI52 ETP 99.9% Cu: Sheet, strip, plate and bar; annealed; ASTM B465 0.01 % Zn 0.03% P 2.4% Fe Cu alloy: Plate and bar;
electrolytic; tough pitch conductivity 62% lACS
VTS: 270 ASTMB469 0.02% P 1.0% Fe 98.7% Cu (min): Tube for pressure
ASTM BI52 FRTP 99.88% Cu: Sheet, strip, plate and bar; annealed; fire application
refined; tough pitch VTS: 280 Elon: 18% Proof: ISO
VTS: 270 ASTM B623 Tough pitch fire refined copper. See designation
ASTM BI52 OF 99.92% Cu: Sheet, strip, plate and bar; annealed; ASTMB640 Specification for welded Cu and Cu alloy tubes:
oxygen·free Designation by UNS
VTS: 270 ASTM B641 Seamless and welded copper tube: See CDA
ASTM BI52 OFS 99.9% Cu: Sheet, strip, plate and bar; annealed; silver designation
bearing; oxygen-free ASTMB707 Copper pipe - seamless for water tubes: See UNS
VTS: 270 designation
ASTM BI52 STP 99.9% Cu: Sheet, strip, plate and bar; annealed; silver ASTMB716 Copper tube - welded for water: See UNS designation
bearing copper; tough pitch ASTM B743 Seamless copper tube: See UNS designation
VTS: 270 ASTM B747 CI5100 0.1 % Zr Cu: Sheet and strip
ASTM BI87 Cu: Bus bar rods and shapes for electrical use; B 37 Copper casting: High conductivity; Anti-attrition Co.
conductivity lACS 97.5% (min) Ltd
ASTM BI88 Cu: Pipe and tube; seamless for electrical use; BOLTOMET 103 Oxygen-free high conductivity copper: Thomas Bolton
conductivity lACS 97.5% (min) BOLTOMET 105 Electrolytically refined copper: Thomas Bolton for BS
ASTM B224 ATP Arsenical tough pitch Cu: Classification of Cu 1036
ASTM B224 CAST Casting Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET 107 Fire refined copper: Thomas Bolton for BS 1037
ASTM B224 CA TH Electrolytic cathode Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET 108 Anode copper: Thomas Bolton for BS 1038; withdrawn
ASTM B224 DHP Phosphorized Cu: High residual phosphorus; BOLTOMET 112 0.1 % Ag oxygen·free high conductivity copper:
classification of Cu Thomas Bolton
ASTM B224 DLP Phosphorized Cu: Low residual phosphorus; BOLTOMET 113 0.1 % Ag Cu: For electrical purposes; Thomas Bolton
classification of Cu for BS 1434
ASTM B224 DPA Phosphorized arsenical Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET 115 0.15% Ag Cu: For electrical conductors; hollow
ASTM B224 DPS Phosphorized silver bearing Cu: Classification of Cu section; Thomas Bolton
ASTM B224 DPTE Phosphorized tellurium bearing Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET 117 Calcium boride de-oxidized copper: Thomas Bolton;
ASTM B224 ETP Electrolytic tough pitch Cu: Classification of Cu suitable for brazing; withdrawn
ASTM B224 FRHC Fire refined high conductivity Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET 121 Phosphorus de-oxidized electrolytically refined copper:
ASTM B224 FRTP Fire refined tough pitch Cu: Classification of Cu Thomas Bolton for BS 1172; low bismuth
ASTMB224OF Oxygen-free Cu without residual de·oxidants: BOLTOMET 123 Phosphorus de·oxidized fire refined copper: Thomas
Classification of Cu Bolton for BS 1172
ASTM B224 OFP Oxygen·free phosphorus bearing Cu: Classification of BOLTOMET 152 Phosphorus de·oxidized arsenical copper: Thomas
Cu Bolton for BS 1174
ASTM B224 OFPTE Oxygen-free phosphorus and tellurium bearing Cu: BOLTOMET 154 Low arsenical copper: For printing rollers; Thomas
Classification of Cu Bolton
ASTM B224 OFS Oxygen-free silver bearing Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET156 Arsenical Cu: Thomas Bolton for BS 1173; withdrawn
ASTM B224 OFTE Oxygen-free tellurium bearing Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET 160 High phosphorus de-oxidized non·arsenical copper:
ASTM B224 SATP Silver bearing arsenical tough pitch Cu: Classification Wire; Thomas Bolton
ofCu BOLTOMET 162 0.03% P de-oxidized copper: Thomas Bolton
ASTM B224 STP Silver bearing tough pitch Cu: Classification of Cu BOLTOMET 170 Low Zn Cu: Thomas Bolton for singe plates;
ASTM B229 Standard copper and copper-clad steel wire composite withdrawn
conductors BOLTOMET 175 0.05% P de·oxidized copper: Thomas Bolton
ASTMB246 Cu: Wire; hard and medium; hard drawn; tin coated BOLTOMET206 0.6% Cd Cu: Thomas Bolton for BS 672
Elon: 1% BOLTOMET 208 0.8% Cd Cu: Thomas Bolton for BS 23
ASTM B260 B Cu 0.07% P 99.9% Cu: Braze filler; melting point 1080 'C BOLTOMET21O I% Cd Cu: For welding electrodes; Thomas Bolton
ASTM B260 B Cu I 99.90% (min) Cu: Brazing filler metal; braze range BOLTOMET302 0.4% Sn Cu: Wire; Thomas Bolton for armature wires
1093-1149 'C BOLTOMET304 1% Sn Cu: Wire; Thomas Bolton for armature wires
ASTMB260B 99.0% (min) Cu: Brazing filler metal; braze range BOLTOMET366 Mn Si de-oxidized Cu: Thomas Bolton for BS 2901 C7
Cu la 1093-1149 'C BOLTOMET820 Zr Cu alloy: For commutator bar; Thomas Bolton;
ASTM B280 99.92% Cu: Seamless tube withdrawn
ASTM B280 DHP 0.02% P 99.2% Cu: Seamless tube BOLTOMET 909 Te de·oxidized high conductivity Cu: Thomas Bolton;
ASTM B280 DLP 0.01% P 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube withdrawn
ASTM B301 0.5% Te Cu alloy: Bar; j·hard BOLTOMET952 Te tough pitch high conductivity Cu: Thomas Bolton;
VTS: 260 Elon: 12 % Proof: 200 free machining
ASTM B301 0.5% Te Cu alloy: Bar; hard BOROFIL Boron Cu alloy: Welding rod; IMI melting point
VTS: 300 Elon: 10% Proof: 260 1083 'C
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 23 Copper of high conductivity for trolley wires can be BS 899 CI06 Non-arsenical copper: Phosphorus de-oxidized; sheet;
99.9% Cu or 0.7% Cd Cu: As BS 2873 Cl08 hard
BS 24/5 99 .2% Cu: For railway fireboxes, tubes, etc.; BS 1173 VTS:300
or BS 1174 BS 899 CI07 Arsenical copper: Phosphorus de-oxidized; sheet and
BS 125 Hard drawn copper 0.7% Cd Cu: Wire for overhead strip; annealed
transmission UTS: 210 Elon: 35%
BS 198 Electrolytic copper: Wire, bar, cakes, slabs, etc.; BS 899 Cl07 Arsenical copper: Phosphorus de-oxidized; sheet and
replaced by BS 1035-40 strip; hard
BS 198 Electrolytic copper: Ingots and ingot bars; replaced by UTS: 300
BS 1035-40 BS 1035 99.9% Cu: Produced as cathodes by electrolysis; Ag is
BS200 Tough copper: Cakes and billets; replaced by BS counted as copper
1035-40 BS 1036 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic refined; tough pitch high
BS201 Fire copper: Cakes; replaced by BS 1035-40 conductivity copper
BS202 Electrolytic cathode copper: Replaced by BS 1035-40 BS 1037 99.9% Cu: Fire refined; tough pitch high conductivity
BS203 'Best Select' copper: Replaced by BS 1035-40 copper
BS 378 CI06 0.05% P Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized copper tube; as BS 1038 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch copper; electrical conductivity
drawn for condenser tubes, etc. not specified
BS 378 CI07 0.05% P 0.4% As Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized BS 1039 99.75% Cu: Tough pitch copper; electrical conductivity
arsenical copper tube; as drawn for condenser tubes, not specified
etc. BS 1040 99.5% Cu: Tough pitch copper; electrical conductivity
DPN: lOll not specified
BS518 Medium hard copper: Strip, bar and rod for electrical BS 1110 Cu: Sheet and strip; electrical; hard; replaced by BS
purposes; replaced by BS 1432-3 1432
BS659 P or P and As de-oxidized Cu: Tube; light drawn BS 1172 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized non-arsenical;
BS672 Cd Cu alloy: For electrical conductor wires; hard drawn electrical conductivity not specified
UTS: 530 Elon: 2% BS 1173 0.5% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch arsenical copper
BS 899 C101 Electrolytic tough pitch high conductivity copper: Sheet BS 1174 0.5% As 99.2% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized arsenical
and strip; annealed; electrical conductivity 99.25% copper
lACS BS 1400 HCCIC 99.9% Cu: Castings; high conductivity; electrical
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% conductivity 95% lACS
BS 899 C101 Electrolytic tough pitch high conductivity copper: Sheet VTS: ISO Elon: 2S %
and strip; hard; electrical conductivity 97% lACS BS 1400 HCC2C Cu: Castings; analysis not specified; electrical
VTS:300 conductivity 75% lACS
BS 899 CI02 Fire refined tough pitch high conductivity copper: Sheet VTS: 150 Elon 2S%
and strip; annealed; electrical conductivity 99.25% BS 1401 99.9% Cu: Phosphorus or arsenical de-oxidized; tube;
lACS solid drawn tube; analysis to BS 1172 or BS 1174
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% BS 1432 C101 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic refined tough pitch copper;
BS 899 CI02 Fire refined tough pitch high conductivity copper: Sheet sheet; annealed; electrical conductivity 99.25% lACS
and strip; hard; electrical conductivity 97% lACS VTS: 210 Elon: 35%
VTS: 300 BS 1432 CIOI 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic refined tough pitch copper;
BS 899 C103 Oxygen-free high conductivity copper: Sheet and strip; sheet; Hard; electrical conductivity 97% lACS
annealed; electrical conductivity 99.25% lACS UTS: 240 Elon: 12%
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% BS 1432 ClOI 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic refined tough pitch copper;
BS 899 C103 Oxygen-free high conductivity copper: Sheet and strip; Sheet; hard; electrical conductivity 97% lACS
hard; electrical conductivity 97% lACS VTS: 300
UTS: 300 BS 1432 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch copper; sheet;
BS 899 CI04 99.85% Cu: Non-arsenical tough pitch; sheet and strip; annealed; electrical conductivity 99.25% lACS
annealed VTS: 210 Elon: 35%
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% BS 1432 C102 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch copper; sheet;
BS 899 CI04 99.85% Cu: Non-arsenical tough pitch; sheet and strip; I-hard; electrical conductivity 99.25% lACS
hard UTS: 240 Elon: 12 %
UTS: 300 BS 1432 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch copper; sheet; hard;
BS 899 CI05 Tough pitch arsenical copper: Annealed electrical conductivity 97% lACS
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% VTS: 300
BS 899 C105 Tough pitch arsenical copper: Hard BS 1432 C103 99.9% Cu: Oxygen-free copper; sheet; annealed;
UTS: 300 99.25% lACS
BS 899 CI06 Non-arsenical copper: Phosphorus de-oxidized; sheet; UTS: 210 Elon: 35%
annealed BS 1432C103 99.9% Cu: Oxygen-free copper; sheet; I-hard; 97%
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% lACS
VTS: 240 Elon: 12%
BS 1432C103 99.9% Cu: Oxygen-free copper; sheet; hard; 97%
Note_ The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: lACS
VTS: 300
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS 1433 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch copper; bar; annealed
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 VTS: 210 Elon: 50%
Elon Elongation, % BS 1433 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch copper; bar; medium hard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 UTS: 240 Elon: 22%
BS 1433 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch copper; bar; hard
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin?=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa UTS: 280 Elon: 9%
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1434 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch copper; for electrical purposes; BS 2870 CI09 0.5% Te Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued
hard drawn; 97% lACS; for commutator bars BS 2871 CIOI 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic refined tough pitch; tube;
DPN: 82 VTS: 280 annealed
BS 1453 CI 1% Ag Cu alloy: Weld filler rod; for welding copper VTS: 210
BS 1541 CI06 0.06% P 99.85% Cu: Plate; annealed BS 2871 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch; tube; annealed
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% UTS: 210
BS 1845 CUI 99.9% Cu: For brazing; total impurities 0.03%; melting BS 2871 CI03 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free copper; tube; annealed
point 1085 'C UTS: 210
BS 1845 CU2 99.9% Cu: For brazing; total impurities 0.04%; melting BS 2871 CI04 99.8% Cu: Non-arsenical tougb pitch; tube;
point 1085 'C specification not issued
BS 1845 CU3 99.95% Cu: For brazing; total impurities 0.03%; BS 2871 CI05 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch copper; tube;
melting point 1085 'C specification not issued
BS 1845 CU4 99.85% Cu: For brazing; total impurities 0.05%; BS 2871 CI06 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized; tube;
melting point 1085 'C annealed
BS 1845 CU5 99.5% Cu: For brazing; total impurities 0.1%; melting UTS: 220
point 1085 'C BS 2871 CI07 0.05% P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Phosphorus arsellical;
BS 1845 CU6 99.85% Cu: For brazing; melting point 1085 'C tube; annealed
BS 1861 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free high conductivity copper VTS: 220
BS 1977 CIOI 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic tough pitch Cu; tube; annealed BS 2871 CI08 Cd Cu: Tube; specification not issued
Cu to BS 1036; 99.25% lACS BS 2871 CI09 0.5% Te Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued
UTS: 200 Elon: 40% BS 2872 CIOI 99.9% Cu: Forging electrolytic tough pitch Cu;
BS 1977 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch Cu; tube; annealed specification not issued
Cu to BS 1037; 99.25% lACS BS 2872 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch; forging;
VTS: 200 Elon: 40% specification not issued
BS 1977 CI02 99.9% Cu: Oxygen-free Cu; tube; annealed Cu to BS BS 2872 CI03 99.95% Cu: Forging; oxygen-free; high conductivity;
1861; 99.25% lACS specification not issued
VTS: 200 Elon: 40% BS 2872 CI04 99.85% Cu: Forging; tough pitch; specification not
BS 2027 99.8% Cu: Plate for general purposes; annealed issued
analysis to BS 1038, BS 1172-4 BS 2872 CI05 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Forging; tough pitch; specification
UTS: 200 Elon: 35% not issued
BS 2755/2 Cd Cu alloy: For overhead wires BS 2872 C106 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Forging; specification not issued
BS 2755 a High conductivity Cu: For overhead wires BS 2872 C107 0.06% P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Forging; specification not
BS 2870 CI01 99.9% Cu: Electrolyic tough pitch Cu; sheet; annealed issued
VTS: 200 Elon: 35% BS 2872C108 I% Cd Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
BS 2870 CIOI 99.9% Cu: Electrolyic tough pitch Cu; sheet; bard BS 2872 CI09 0.5% Te Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
VTS: 280 BS 2873 CI01 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic refined tough pitch wire;
BS 2870 C102 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch Cu; sheet; annealed annealed; electrical conductivity 97% lACS
UTS: 200 Elon: 35% Elon: 15%
BS 2870 C102 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch Cu; sheet; hard BS 2873 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch; wire; annealed;
UTS: 280 electrical conductivity 100% lACS
BS 2870 CI03 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free Cu; sheet; annealed Elon: 25%
VTS: 200 Elon: 35% BS 2873 C103 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free high conductivity; wire;
BS 2870 CI03 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free Cu; sheet; hard mechanical properties not quoted; annealed; electrical
UTS: 270 conductivity 100% lACS
BS 2870 C104 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; sheet; annealed BS 2873 CI04 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch; wire; specification not issued
VTS: 200 Elon: 35% BS 2873 CI05 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch; wire; specification not issued
BS 2870 C104 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; sheet; i-hard BS 2873 CI06 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized; wire; specification
VTS: 240 Elon: 10% not issued
BS 2870 CI04 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; sheet; hard BS 2873 CI07 99.2% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized; wire; specification
VTS: 280 not issued
BS 2870 C105 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch arsenical; sheet; BS 2873 CI08 1% Cd Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties not
annealed quoted; hard; electrical conductivity 80% lACS
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% BS 2873 CI09 0.5% Te Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 2870 CI05 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch arsenical; sheet; BS 2874 CI01 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic tough pitch high conductivity;
i-hard bar; annealed
UTS: 240 Elon: 10% UTS: 220 Elon: 40%
BS 2870 CI05 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch arsenical; sheet; hard BS 2874 CIOI 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic tough pitch high conductivity;
UTS: 280 bar; hard
BS 2870 C106 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized Cu; UTS: 320 Elon: 9%
sheet; annealed BS 2874 C102 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch high conductivity;
UTS: 200 Elon: 35% bar; annealed
BS 2870 C106 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized Cu: VTS: 220 Elon: 40%
sheet; hard BS 2874 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch high conductivity;
VTS: 280 bar; hard
BS 2870Cl07 0.1% P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized UTS: 320 Elon: 9%
arsenical Cu; sheet; annealed BS 2874 CI03 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free high conductivity; bar;
UTS: 200 Elon: 35% annealed
BS 2870C107 0.1 % P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized UTS: 220 Elon: 40%
Cu; sheet; hard BS 2874 CI03 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free high conductivity; bar; hard
VTS: 280 UTS: 320 Elon: 9%
BS 2870 CI08 1% Cd Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2874ClO4 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; bar; BS 4109 CI02 High purity copper: Fire refined tough pitch as BS 1036
specification not issued C102
BS 2874 CI05 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch arsenical; bar; BS 4393 High purity copper: Tin or tinllead coated
annealed BS 4577 AI/I 99.93% Cu: For resistance welding electrodes; as
VTS: 210 Elon: 40% drawn; conductivity 98% lACS
BS 2874 C106 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Bar; annealed DPN: 90 UTS: 260 Elon: 25%
VTS: 210 Elon: 40% BS 4577 AI/2 0.1 % Ni 1% Te Cu: For resistance welding electrodes;
BS 2874C106 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Bar; hard as drawn; conductivity 85% lACS
VTS: 220 Elon: 15% DPN: 90 VTS: 2SO Elon: 14%
BS 2874 C107 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Bar; annealed BS 4577 AI/3 1% Cd Cu: For resistance welding electrodes; as
UTS: 210 Elon: 40% drawn; conductivity 80% lACS
BS 2874 CI08 I% Cd Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued DPN: 90 UTS: 300 Elon: 14%
BS 2874 C109 0.4% Te Cu alloy: Bar; annealed BS 4577 A4/3 6% Ag Cu: For resistance welding electrodes; wrought;
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% conductivity 80% lACS
BS 2875 CI01 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic tough pitch; high conductivity; DPN: ISO VTS: 490 Elon: 9%
plate; annealed BS 4608 99.9% Cu: For electrical purposes; sheet and strip
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% BS 6360 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch high conductivity copper; as BS
BS 2875 CI01 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic tougb pitch; higb conductivity; 4109; as BS 1036 and BS 1037
plate; hard C7 98.5% Cu: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
VTS: 2SO Elon: 17% C8 99.4% Cu: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
BS 2875 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch; high conductivity; C24 97.9% Cu: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
plate; annealed C80 Copper sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% 8-11 % porosity
BS 2875 CI02 99.9% Cu: Fire refined tough pitch; high conductivity; UTS: 750 Elon: 3%
plate; hard C80 Sintered pure Cu: 9% porosity; specific gravity 8.1;
UTS: 250 Elon: 17% Durasint
BS 2875 CI03 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free high conductivity; plate; DPN: 40 VTS: 100 Elon: 3%
annealed ClOloo 99.99% Cu: Oxygen-free; electronic; CDA and UNS
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% designation; previous OFE
BS 2875 CI03 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free high conductivity; plate; hard C10200 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free; CDA and UNS designation;
UTS: 250 Elon: 17% previous OF
BS 2875 ClO4 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; plate; annealed CI0300 0.003% P 99.95% Cu: CDA and UNS designation;
VTS: 210 Elon: 35% previous OFXLP
BS 2875 C104 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; plate; hard CI0400 0.027% Ag 99.95% Cu: CDA and UNS designation;
UTS: 2SO Elon: 17% previous OFS
BS 2875 CI05 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch arsenical; plate; CI0500 0.034% Ag 99.95% Cu: CDA and UNS designation;
annealed previous OFS
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% C10700 0.085% Ag 99.95% Cu: CDA and UNS designation;
BS 2875 CI05 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch arsenical; plate; hard previous OFS
UTS: 2SO Elon: 17% CI0800 0.01 % P 99.95% Cu: CDA and UNS designation;
BS 2875 CI06 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized non- previous OFLP
arsenical; plate; annealed C10920 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation
UTS: 210 Elon: 35% C10930 0.04% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2875 C106 0.04% P 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized non- C10940 0.08% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation
arsenical; plate; annealed Cl1000 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch; CDA and UNS designation;
UTS: 250 Elon: 17% previous ETP
BS 2875 CI07 0.04% P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Arsenical; plate; CI1010 99.9% Cu: Remelted; high conductivity; CDA and
annealed UNS designation; previous RHC
UTS: 210 Elon 35% CI1020 99.9% Cu: Fire refined; high conductivity; CDA and
BS2875 C107 0.04% P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Arsenical; plate; hard UNS designation; previous FRHC
UTS: 270 Elon: 17% C11030 99.9% Cu: Chemically refined tough pitch; CDA and
BS 2875 CI08 I% Cd Cu alloy: Plate; electrical conductivity 80% UNS designation; previous CRTP
lACS Cllloo 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic; tough pitch; anneal resistant;
UTS: 280 Elon: 17% CDA and UNS designation
BS 2875 CI09 0.5% Te Cu: Plate; specification not issued cmoo 0.03% Ag 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch with Ag; CDA and
BS 2901 C7 0.2% Mn 0.3% Si 98.5% Cu: Rod for all welding types UNS designation; previous STP
BS 2901 C8 0.2% AI 0.2% Ti 99.4% Cu: Rod for all welding types C11400 0.034% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation;
BS 4109 CIOI Higb purity copper: Electrolytic tough pitch as BS 1036 previous STP
ClOI ClI500 0.055% Ag 99.9% Co: CDA and UNS designation;
previous STP
C11600 0.085% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: previous STP
C11700 0.04% P 0.01% B 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number designation
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 C11904 0.03% Ag 99.9% Co: CDA and UNS designation
Elon Elongation, % CI1905 0.034% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 CI1906 0.05% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation
CI1907 0.085% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa CI2000 0.008% P 99.9% Cu: Low recorded P; CDA and UNS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. designation; previous DLP
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
C12100 0.008% P O.ol5% Ag 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS CI5735 0.32% Al 0.32% 0 99.25% Cu: CDA and UNS
designation; previous DLP designation
C!2200 0.03% P 99.9% Cu: High recorded P; CDA and UNS C15760 0.6% AI 0.52% 098.77% Cu: CDA and UNS
designation; previous DHP designation
CI2210 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation C16200 I% Cd Cu: CDA and UNS designation; previous
C12220 0.05% P 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation cadmium copper
C12300 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation CI6210 I% Cd Cu: CDA and UNS designation; previous
C12500 0.012% Ag 0.003% Sb 99.88% Cu: Fire refined tough cadmium copper
pitch; CDA and UNS designation; previous FRTP CI6400 0.75% Cd 99.8% Cu: UNS designation; obsolete
C12700 0.027% Ag 0.012% As 0.003% Sb 99.88% Cu: Fire C16500 0.6% Sn 0.8% Cd Cu: CDA and UNS designation
refined tough pitch with Ag; CDA and UNS C18700 1.1 % Pb Cu: CDA and UNS designation
designation; previous FRSTP C18900 0.7% Sn 0.2% Si Cu: CDA and UNS designation
C12800 0.034% Ag 0.012% As 0.003% Sb 99.88% Cu: Fire C18980 1% Sn max Cu: CDA and UNS designation
refined tough pitch with Ag; CDA and UNS CI9200 0.02% P 1% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS designation
designation; previous FRSTP CI9210 0.03% P 0.1 % Fe Cu: CDA and UNS designation
C12900 0.054% Ag 0.012% As 0.003% Sb 99.88%Cu: Fire CI9220 0.07% Sn 0.05% P 0.2% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS
refined tough pitch with Ag; CDA and UNS designation
designation; previous FRSTP CI9250 0.3% Ni 0.3% Fe Cu: UNS designation; obsolete
C13000 0.085% Ag 0.012% As 0.003% Sb 99.88% Cu: Fire CI9260 0.6% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS designation
refined tough pitch with Ag; CDA and UNS CI9280 0.5% Sn 0.5% Zn 0.01 % P I% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS
designation; previous FRSTP designation
C14100 0.3% As 99.4% Cu: Tough pitch; CDA and UNS C19400 0.15% Sn 0.1 % P 2% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS
designation; obsolete designation
C14180 0.075% P 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation CI9410 0.7% Sn 0.15% Zn 0.03% P 2% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS
CI4181 0.002% P 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS designation designation
C14200 0.02% P 0.3% As 99.4% Cu: CDA and UNS CI9450 0.8% Sn 0.02% P 2.2% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS
designation; previous DPA designation
CI4210 0.03% P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: CDA and UNS C19500 0.4% Sn 2% P 1.5% Fe 1% Co Cu: CDA and UNS
designation designation
C14300 O.ol % Cd 99.9% Cu: Cd de-oxidized; CDA and UNS CI9520 2% Pb 1% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS designation
designation CI9600 0.3% P I% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS designation
C14310 0.02% Cd 99.9% Cu: Cd de-oxidized; CDA and UNS CI9700 0.3% P 1% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS designation
designation C19750 0.2% Sn 0.3% P 1% Fe Cu: CDA and UNS
CI4400 0.15% Sn 0.02% P 0.003% Sb Cu: CDA and UNS designation
designation C55180 5% P Cu: CDA and UNS designation
CI4410 0.12% Sn 0.05% Pb 0.01 % P 99.9% Cu: CDA and C55181 7.2% P Cu: CDA and UNS designation
UNS designation C55280 7% P 2% Ag Cu: CDA and UNS designation
CI4420 0.1 % Sn 0.04% Te 99.9% Cu: CDA and UNS C55281 6% P 5% Ag Cu: CDA and UNS designation
designation C55282 6.8% P5% Ag Cu: CDA and UNS designation
CI4430 0.3% Sn Cu: CDA and UNS designation C55283 7.2% P 6% Ag Cu: CDA and UNS designation
CI4440 0.01% Sn 99.96% Cu: CDA and UNS designation C55284 5% P 15% AgCu
C14500 O.ol% P 0.5% Te Cu: CDA and UNS designation C80100 99.95% Cu: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
CI4510 0.05% Pb 0.02% P 0.5% Te Cu: CDA and UNS CS0300 0.03% Ag (min) 99.95% Cu: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation designation
CI4520 0.01% P 0.5% Te Cu: CDA and UNS designation; CS0500 0.03% Ag (min) 99.75% Cu: Cast; CDA and UNS
previous DPTE designation
CI4530 0.01% Sn 0.004% P 0.02% Te Cu: CDA and UNS CS0700 0.02% B99.75% Cu: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
designation CS0900 0.03% Ag (min) 99.7% Cu: Cast; CDA and UNS
C14700 0.004% P 0.3% S Cu: CDA and UNS designation designation
CI4710 0.02% Sb 0.1% S Cu: CDA and UNS designation CSll00 99.7% Cu: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C14720 0.35% S 99.5% Cu: CDA and UNS designation CSl200 0.06% P 99.9% Cu: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
CI4730 99.8% Cu: Sulphur bearing; CDA and UNS CSl540 2.5% Ni 0.6% Si 0.8% Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation; obsolete designation
C15000 0.15% Zr 99.8% Cu: Zr copper; CDA and UNS CADMIUM 0.75% Cd Cu alloy: High tensile strength; used for
designation COPPER telephone wires; origin unknown
C15100 0.005% Al 99.82% Cu: CDA and UNS designation CATHODE Copper produced by electrolysis; low conductivity;
CI5150 0.02% Zr 99.9% Cu: Zr copper; CDA and UNS COPPER common name
designation CHILI BAR 1% S + usual impurities Cu: Crude; origin unknown
C15500 0.06% P 0.027% Ag 0.1 % Mg Cu: CDA and UNS COMBARLOY 0.1 % Ag Cu: For electrical purposes; Thomas Bolton
designation COPPER Cu metal: Ingots; granulated, powder, foil etc.;
C15600 0.07% P 0.25% Co 0.02% Mg Cu: CDA and UNS Blackwell; primary metal
designation COPPER High purity metal: Impurities 10 p.p.m.; Johnson
CI5710 0.1% AI 0.1% 0 99.71% Cu: CDA and UNS Matthey; supplied as ingot, powder, wire and sheet
designation COPPERWELD HM Mild steel copper·coated wire: Hard drawn steel; 40%
CI5715 0.15% AI 0.15% 0 99.6% Cu: CDA and UNS of wire is copper for electrical leads; Copperweld Steel
designation Co.
CI5720 0.2% AI 0.2% 099.5% Cu: CDA and UNS COPPERWELD LC Mild steel copper-coated wire: Annealed steel; 40% of
designation wire is copper for electrical leads; Copperweld Steel
C15725 0.25% Al 0.24% 099.4% Cu: CDA and UNS Co.
designation CuJal 99.9% Cu: Oxygen·free; French Standard; part of NFA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Cu/a2 99.9% Cu: French Standard; part ofNFA 53-100 IMII03 Tough pitch high conductivity copper: Electrolytic; IMI
Cu/a3 99.75% Cu: French Standard; part of NFA 53-100 for BS 125, BS 128, BS 1432, BS 1433
Culb 99.9% Cu: 0.03% 0: French Standard; part of NFA IMI121 99.8% Cu: Fire refined for rivets; IMI; withdrawn
53-100 IMll3l Phosphorus de-oxidized non-arsenical copper; IMI for
Cu/el 99.92% Cu: For conductors; French Standard; part of BS 1172
NFA53-100 IMI134 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; IMI for BS
Cu/c2 0.0003% 0 (max) 99.96% Cu: For conductors; French 1038, BS 1039
Standard; part ofNFA 53-100 IMI138 0.4% As Cu: Tough pitch; IMI
Cu/d 99.9% Cu cathode copper: French Standard; part of IMII46 0.4% As Cu: De-oxidized arsenical; IMI
NFA 53-100 IMI153 Ag Cu alloy: Brazing rod; IMI for BS alloy Cl
CUPRALrrn Series of copper-lithium alloys containing 1-10% Li IMI161 Boron Cu: Welding rod; IMI Borofil
CUPROMET 100 99.5% Cu electrode: Metrode IMI161 0.2% Al 0.2% Ti Cu alloy: Welding rod; IMI Nitrofil
Cu-Zr MASTER 12.5% Zr Co alloy: Origin unknown IMII66 I% Cd Cu alloy: Wire and bar; IMI for BS alloy C108
ALLOY IMI181 0.5% Te Cu: For free machining; IMI KUTERN;
DHP 0.05% P 99.9% Cu (min) de-oxidized electrical conductivity 90% lACS
DIN 1708 Covers high purity coppers IMI651 1% Sn Cu alloy: Wire and bar; IMI for PO bronze
DIN 1733 S Co Ag 1.0% AgCu DPN: 170 UTS: S40 Elon: 2% Proof: 480
DIN 1733 S Cu Sn 0.6% Sn Cu IMI981 High conductivity copper wire: Tinned; IMI wire for
DIN 1785 S B Cu 0.03% P 0.4% As Cu: Wrought either IMI 103 or IMI 100
DIN 1785 S D Cu 0.03% P Co: Wrought KUFIL 1% Ag Cu alloy: Welding rod; IMI BS alloy Cl;
DO 0.03% P 99.95% Cu: Extrusions; phosphorus de- melting range 1073-1078 'C
oxidized; McKechnie Bros for BS alloy CI06 KUTERN 0.5% Te Cu alloy: Rod and sections; IMI free
DONA 0.04% P 0.02% As 99.9% Cu: Non-arsenical; de- machining copper; IMI 181
oxidized; Birmingham Battery for BS 1172 LAKE COPPER Copper which originates on north peninsula of
DONA Phosphorus de-oxidized non-arsenical copper: IMll3l Michigan, USA: See ASTM B4
DOXA 0.04% P 0.35% As 99.5% Cu: Arsenical de-oxidized; MANGANIN 13% Mn Cu alloy: For resistors, etc.; Driver
Birmingham Battery for BS 1174 METC055 Cu with some oxide: Spray deposit; Metco
D10 fIJI 99.9% Cu: Strip; annealed; 0.05% Ag is optional METCO COPPER Low oxide Cu: Spray deposit; Metco
DPN: SS NFA 53-100 Classification of copper: French Standard
D1OflJ7 99.9% Cu: Strip; cold rolled and tempered; 0.05% Ag NITROFIL 0.3% Al 0.3% Ti Cu alloy: Filler rod; IMI; melting
is optional point 1080 'C; for arcon arc welding Cu
DPN: 9S OFE 99.99% Cu min: Oxygen-free electronic copper
D10631 99.8% Cu: Silver coated strip suitable for brazing OFLP 0.01 % P 99.95% Cu min: Oxygen-free low P
ECu 1% Al (max) 1% Si (max) Cu: weld electrode; OFXLP 0.007% P 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free extra low P
designation used by AWS PO Bronze 1% Sn Cu alloy: Traditional name; originally used for
EC 99.9% Cu: Extrusions; electrolytic tough pitch; telephone line wire
McKechnie Bros for BS alloy C101 00C501 99.9% Cu: Plate or sheet; US Federal
ELKALOY A Cd Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrode; Johnson Elon: 20%
Matthey; electrical conductivity 85% lACS 00W336 High conductivity Cu: Wire; US Federal; hard drawn
DPN: 90 VTS: 4S0 Elon: 20% Proof: 370 UTS: 430 Elon: 3%
ERMALW 0.1 % Ni 0.6% Te Cu alloy: Drawn bar; Enfield Rolling 00W341 High conductivity Cu: Wire; US Federal; annealed
Mills Ltd; electrode material for resistance welding UTS: 240 Elon: 28%
DPN: 100 VTS: 270 Elon: 16% Proof: 240 RWMA Class 1 Cd Cu alloy: Mallory Metallurgical code for Elkaloy A
ERMHSM 0.6% Te 0.03% 0 Cu alloy: Drawn bar; Enfield SAE71 99.9% Cu: Sheet and strip; i-hard; now SAE CA 116
Rolling Mills Ltd; commutator bars etc. UTS: 280
DPN: 90 UTS: 260 Elon: 20% Proof: 220 SAE71 99.9% Cu: Sheet and strip; extra hard; now SAE CA
ETP 99.9% Cu (min): Electrolytic tough pitch Cu 116
FRSTP 99.88% Cu (min): Fire refined tough pitch Cu with Ag VTS: 370
FRTP 99.88% Cu (min): Fire refined tough pitch Cu SAE75 99.9% Cu: Tube; light drawn; now SAE CA 122
hCu6a 99.998% Cu: Bars; Light Ltd; high purity metal VTS: 240
HC 99.95% Cu: Extrusions; fire refined tough pitch; SAE75 99.9% Cu: Tube; hard drawn; now SAE CA 122
McKechnie Bros for BS alloy Cl02 VTS:33O
HCOKOF Oxygen-free high conductivity copper: Thomas Bolton; SAE83 99.9% Cu: Wire; annealed; electrical conductivity
withdrawn 100% lACS; now SAE CA 110
HCOKOF High purity, high conductivity, oxygen-free Cu: UTS: 240 Elon: 30%
Outokumpu SAECA 102 99.95% Cu: Oxygen-free; suitable for welding
HSM/S 0.4% SCu alloy: Rod for free machining; Enfield SAECA 110 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic tough pitch; formerly SAE 71
specification for BS 2874 Cll1 and 83
IMllOO Oxygen-free high conductivity copper: IMI SAE CA 111 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic tough pitch with trace Cd;
formerly SAE 71
SAE CA 113 Trace Ag 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch; formerly SAE 71;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTM alloy STP
SAE CA 114 Trace Ag 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch; formerly SAE 71;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTM alloy STP; higher Ag than CA 113
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 SAECA I15 0.06% Ag Cu alloy: Wrought
Elon Elongation, % SAECA 116 Trace Ag 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch; formerly SAE 71;
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 ASTM alloy STP; higher Ag than CA 113 and CA 114
SAECA 120 0.008% P 99.9% Cu: De-oxidized; formerly SAE 75;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa ASTM alloy DLP
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. SAECA 122 0.02% P 99.9% Cu: De-oxidized; formerly SAE 75;
ASTM alloy DHP
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAECA 145 0.008% P 0.5% Te 99.5% Cu: Free machining; STA 7C2 0.1 % P 99.75% Cu: Phosphorus de-oxidized for driving
electrical conductivity lACS 93% bands; annealed
SAECA 147 0.3% S 99.7% Cu: Free machining; lACS 93% DPN: 58 UTS: 180 Elon: 40%
SAECA 150 0.12% Zr 99.88% Cu: For welding electrode STA 7 C3 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch high conductivity; sheet;
SAECA 162 I% Cd 99% Cu alloy annealed BS 899
SAECA 187 1% Pb Cu alloy: Free machining UTS: 200 Elon: 35%
SAECA 192 0.03% P 1% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought STA7C3 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch high conductivity; sheet; i·hard
SAE CA %2 10% Ni 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting UTS: 270
SC 0.3% S 99.7% Cu: Extrusions; free machining; STA 7C4 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch; tubes; annealed
McKechnie; as drawn; electrical conductivity lACS UTS: 210 Elon: 40%
95% STA 7 C5 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch; bars; annealed
DPN: 90 UTS: 240 Elon: 20% Proof: 158 UTS: 210 Elon: 40%
For SIS specifications see 5S STA 7 C5 99.9% Cu: Tough pitch; bars; I-hard
SOUDOCUIVRE 0.8% Sn 2.5% Mn Cu alloy: Welding electrode; DPN: 65 UTS: 270 Elon: 12%
Soudometal; for welding pure copper STA 7C6 99.9% Cu cathode copper: BS 1035
DPN: 50 UTS: 258 Elon: 35% STA 7 C7A 99.9% Cu: Electrolytic high conductivity; BS 1036
SOUDOGEN BE50 6% P Cu: Bronze metal; Soudometal STA 7C7B 99.9% Cu: Fire refined high conductivity; BS 1037
UTS: 250 STA 7C8A 99.85% Cu: Tough pitch non·arsenical; BS 1038
SOUDORGCu 0.8% Sn 0.2% Mn Cu: Welding electrode; Soudometal STA 7C8B 99.75% Cu: Tough pitch non-arsenical; BS 1039
UTS: 220 Elon: 30% STA 7C8C 99.5% Cu: Tough pitch non·arsenical; BS 1040
SOUDOTIGCu 0.8% Sn 0.2% Mn Cu: Welding electrode; Soudometal; STA7C9 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Tough pitch; now BS 1173
for inert gas welder STA 7 Cl0 0.1 % P 99.85% Cu: Phosphorus de·oxidized; now BS
UTS: 220 Elon: 30% 1172
SS 5010 99.9% Cu: Bar, sheet, forging, etc.; Swedish Standard; STA 7 CII 0.1 % P 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Now BS 1174
annealed; electrical conductivity 100% lACS STA 13 CI 99.75% Cu: Tough pitch for projectile driving bands
DPN: 50 UTS: 240 Elon: 50% Proof: 45 STA 13 C2 0.05% P 99.75% Cu: Phosphorus,de·oxidized for
SS 5010 99.9% Cu: Bar, sheet, forging, etc.; Swedish Standard; projectile driving bands
cold worked; electrical conductivity 100% lACS STP 99.9% Cu min: Tough pitch Cu with Ag
DPN: 70 UTS: 420 Elon: 30% Proof: 210 n 0.4% As 99.2% Cu: Seamless tube; i-hard
SS 5011 99.5% Cu: Bar and sheet; oxygen-free high UTS:300
conductivity; Swedish Standard; annealed; electrical T51 0.5% As 99.2% Cu: Seamless tube; as drawn
conductivity 100% lACS UTS: 240
DPN: 50 UTS: 200 Elon: 58% Proof: 45 TC 0.5% Te 99.5% Cu: Extrusions; free machining;
SS 5011 99.5% Cu: Bar and sheet; oxygen-free high McKechnie; electrical conductivity lACS 90%
conductivity; Swedish Standard; cold rolled; electrical DPN: 100 UTS: 280 Elon: 15% Proof: 220
conductivity 100% lACS TOUGH PITCH Pure copper with 0: High conductance; common name
DPN: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 12% Proof: 240 VDMMnBz2 0.3% Nimoy 1.9% Mn Cu alloy: YOM
SS 5013 99.8% Cu: Plate; fire refined; Swedish Standard; WHITE PINE 99.9% Cu Ag: American trade name
annealed LAKE COPPER
DPN: 6S UTS: 210 Elon: 58% Proof: 45 WWT799a 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; US Federal
SS 5013 99.8% Cu: Plate; fire refined; Swedish Standard; cold WWT799aIN 99.9% Cu: Seamless tube; US Federal
DPN: 100 UTS: 330 Elon: 12% Proof: 300
SS 5015 0.03% P 99.8% Cu: Plate and bar; fire refined; Swedish
Standard; annealed
DPN: 50 UTS: 200 Elon: 45% Proof: 45 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SS 5015 0.03% P 99.8% Cu: Plate and bar; fire refined; Swedish
Standard; cold rolled DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 85 UTS: 240 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
SS 5030 0.08% Ag 99.9% Cu: Extrusions; Swedish Standard; Elon Elongation, %
cold drawn Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mrn 2
DPN: 100 UTS: 280 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
SS 5053 Cd bearing Cu: Bar; Swedish Standard; cold drawn 1 N/mrn 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
UTS: 580 Proof: 420
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
STA 7CI 99.75% Cu: Tough pitch for driving bands; annealed
DPN: 50 UTS: 180 Elon: 40%
Hot strength
The above properties are typical of the following group, and de-oxidized with zinc. The result is a ductile readily worked
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible material of low mechanical strength. The electrical proper-
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be ties are not much affected, the conductivity being 75-95%
applicable. lACS. The alloy can be strengthened by cold work to a
limited extent.
General metallurgical characteristics
Gilding metal. Zinc content 5-20%. These alloys are used for
The majority of copper alloys are based on the copper zinc their pleasing reddish copper colour which becomes less
series. There are three groups, alpha, alpha plus beta, and coppery and more brassy as the zinc content increases. They
beta, depending on the zinc content. Each of these groups are all capable of being cold worked, the hardness increasing
has its own characteristics, which are modified first by the with zinc content.
zinc content and then by the addition of alloying elements to These alloys are not prone to the defect known as 'season
give increased strength and corrosion resistance. The alpha cracking' which affects most of the higher zinc brasses. This
brasses are listed in this section, while the alpha plus beta and cracking is caused by local corrosion attack at grain bound-
beta alloys are found in 14C. aries when cold worked brasses are stored in certain
The alpha group has up to 38% zinc present. At the higher atmospheres.
zinc contents depending on the heat treatment and other The electrical conductivity of 10% zinc gilding metal is as
alloying elements, some beta phase may be present. low as 43% lACS.
These alpha brasses are similar in many respects to copper
and are often used in lieu of copper where economy is Cartridge brass. Zinc content 28-32%. This is the most duc-
necessary or corrosion resistance and electrical properties tile and easily worked of the zinc copper alloys, finding use
are not of paramount importance, for example, in decorative where deep drawing operations are required. Interstage
articles and household goods. There are several groups of annealing is necessary between heavy deep draws and time
these alloys, as follows. and temperature must be carefully controlled to prevent
grain growth resulting in an orange peel surface finish. This
Cap copper. Zinc content 2-5%. This, in effect, is copper material is subject to season cracking and should always be
stress relieved after the final forming operation. The electri- cal and heat conductivity and price all fall as the zinc content
cal conductivity of these alloys is 27% lACS. rises. The ability to accept cold work rises to the 30% zinc
alloy, then drops with further increase in zinc.
Basis or common brass. Zinc content is 35-38%. This is the None of the alloys listed can have their mechanical proper-
cheapest zinc copper alloy, and is generally found only as ties improved by heat treatment. The effects of cold work
sheet. The ductility is reduced as the zinc contenf is can be eliminated at temperatures between 300 and 600 0c.
increased, owing to the formation of some beta phase. The Some care is required with heating these alloys as in an
material is generally used for shallow pressings for low duty oxidizing atmosphere de-zincification can occur which can
purposes. The corrosion resistance and electrical conductiv- seriously reduce the fatigue properties.
ity are relatively low. It is important, however, to remove the effect of cold work
on these materials in order to reduce the danger of season
cracking. This is an alternative name for stress corrosion and
Effect of alloying elements
can be serious in certain atmospheres, particularly where any
All of the above materials can have certain properties mod- cold work on the surface exists.
ified by the addition of alloying elements with little effect on Welding of these alloys is seldom required and special
the remaining properties. techniques and specialist advice are necessary.
Brazing and soldering present no problems.
Tin. The addition of up to 1% improves the corrosion resis- These alloys in general have reasonable corrosion resis-
tance. 'Admiralty Brass' is 'Cartridge Brass' with 1% tin tance although they do form a greenish patina under normal
added. This differs from 'Naval Brass' in the zinc content. atmospheric conditions. This can be readily removed.
They are not suitable, however, for use in marine atmos-
Lead. Small amounts of lead (up to 2%) are added to the pheres or where corrosive conditions exist. They are particu-
brasses to improve their machinability. The lead does not go larly prone to de-zincification under oxidizing conditions
into solution, but acts as a discontinuity giving built in lubri- and, as stated above, this can reduce the fatigue resistance
cation and smaller chips. There is a slight reduction in corro- and ability to withstand bending in addition to being
sion resistance and ductility. unsightly.
The materials on the whole have excellent deep drawing
Aluminium. This improves the resistance of brasses to sea properties. Considerable competition is being experienced
water, up to 2% aluminium being used. One part by weight from austenitic stainless steels which generally have better
of aluminium has the equivalent effect of six parts zinc, as far corrosion resistance and do not require cleaning to the same
as other properties are concerned. Thus aluminium brasses extent.
have approximately 22% zinc, 2% aluminium, but are equiv- These alloys, however, have an attractive colour and
alent for all practical purposes to the 30% zinc series. remain popular for many purposes.
In general it can be said that corrosion resistance, electri-
Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks.
2.0290 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 205 2% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
2.0291 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard CDAA; not used
2.0293 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 226 12.5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by
2.0295 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard CDAA
2.0470 1.0% Sn 28% Zn Cu alloy: German Standard 234 15% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
8M 1% Sn 0.2% Pb 35% Zn 4% All % Fe Cu alloy: CDAA; not used
Wrought; Langley Alloys 250 25% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
UTS: 540 Elon: 15% Proof: 270 CDAA; not used
20 2% Pb 35.5% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie 261 30% Zn 0.04% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
Bros; as drawn agreed by CDAA; not used
DPN: 120 UTS: 370 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 262 32% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
21 35% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; CDAA; not used
annealed 274 37% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
DPN: 90 UTS: 330 Elon: 45% Proof: 100 CDAA; not used
65 29% Zn 4.25% AI 0.75% Fe 0.75% Mn Cu alloy: 305 0.8% Sn 1.2% Pb 37% Zn 1.3% Mn Cu alloy:
Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; as extruded McKechnie
DPN: 130 UTS: 600 Elon: 15% Proof: 300 DPN: 130 UTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 250
193 5% Zn 2.2% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed 306 0.5% Sn 1.2% Pb 37% Zn 1.3% Mn Cu alloy:
by CDAA; not used McKechnie
DPN: 140 UTS: 520 Elon: 25% Proof: 280
310 0.5% Pb 8% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: by CDAA; not used
310 0.2% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Bros; annealed
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 90 UTS: 280 Elon: 50% Proof: 100
Elon Elongation, % 311 30% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' annealed
DPN: 90 UTS: 280 Elon: 60% Proof: 100
1 N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.041bflin.'=1 MPa 314 1.7% Pb 9.25% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. used byCDAA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
316 1.8% Pb 9% Zn 1.0% Ni Cu alloy: Wrought; 408 2.0% Sn 5% Zn Co alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
designation agreed by CDAA; not used by CDAA; not used
320 0.5% Sn 0.9% Pb 37% Zn 0.8% All % Mn Cu alloy: 409 0.7% Sn 5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
McKechnie; as drawn by CDAA; not used
DPN: 160 UTS: S40 Elon: 25% Proof: 300 410 2.5% Sn 5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
320 2% Pb 12% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
by CDAA; not used 411 0.5% Sn 7% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
323 0.6% Sn 1% Pb 37% Zn 1% AII% Mn Cu alloy: by CDAA; not used
McKechnie; extruded 413 1.0% Sn 7% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
DPN: 160 UTS: S40 Elon: 25% Proof: 270 by CDAA; not used
325 0.6% Pb 37% Zn 1.5% AI 2% Mn Co alloy: 415 2% Sn 6% Zn Co alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
McKechnie; as drawn by CDAA; not used
DPN: 190 UTS: 6SO Elon: 20% Proof: 400 420 1.7% Sn 8% Zn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
325 2.8% Pb 25% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation designation agreed by CDAA; not used
agreed by CDAA; not used 421 2.6% Sn 8% Zn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
328 37% Zn 1.7% AI 3% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy: McKechnie; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
as drawn 422 1% Sn 10% Zn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
DPN: 190 UTS: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 380 agreed by CDAA; not used
330 28% Zn 4% AI 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: McKechnie; 422 2% Pb 36% Zn 0.1 % As Cu alloy: McKechnie; resists
extruded de-zincification
DPN: 190 VTS: 690 Elon: 20% Proof: 380 DPN: 130 UTS: 380 Elon: 30%
332 1.7% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; designation used by 425 2% Sn 10% Zn 0.3% P Co alloy: Wrought; designation
CDAA agreed by CDAA; not used
335 0.5% Pb 37% Zn Co alloy: Wrought; designation used 430 2.2% Sn 12% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
byCDAA agreed by CDAA; not used
340 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by 432 0.5% Sn 14% Zn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
CDAA designation agreed by CDAA; not used
342 1.2% Sn 0.4% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy: McKechnie; Naval 434 0.8% Sn 15% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
brass agreed by CDAA; not used
DPN: 120 UTS: 380 Elon: 35% 435 1.0% Sn 18% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
344 0.7% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
agreed by CDAA; not used 436 0.4% Sn 18% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
347 1.5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
agreed by CDAA; not used 438 1.2% Sn 18% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
348 0.6% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
agreed by CDAA: not used 440 2.75% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy; McKechnie
353 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by 441 3.1% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy; McKechnie
CDAA 442 1.0% Sn 28% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
356 2.5% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation not agreed by CDAA; not used
usedbyCDAA 443 1.0% Sn 30% Zn 0.07% As Cu alloy: Wrought;
362 4.0% Pb 37% Zn Co alloy: Wrought; designation designation used by CDAA
agreed by CDAA; not used 444 1.0% Sn 30% Zn 0.07% Sb Cu alloy: Wrought;
365 0.8% Pb 38% Zn Co alloy: Wrought; designation used designation used by CDAA
byCDAA 445 1.0% Sn 30% Zn 0.06% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
366 0.7% Pb 38% Zn 0.07% As Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by CDAA
designation used by CDAA 448 2% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy; McKechnie
367 0.7% Pb 38% Zn 0.07% Sb Cu alloy: Wrought; 452 0.5% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy; McKechnie
designation used by CDAA 462 0.7% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
368 0.7% Pb 38% Zn 0.06% P Cu alloy: Wrought; agreed by CDAA; not used
designation used by CDAA 476 2% Sn 2% Pb 10% Zn 0.05% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
370 1.1% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used designation agreed by CDAA; not used
byCDAA 482 0.7% Sn 0.8% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought;
371 1.0% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation designation agreed by CDAA; not used
agreed by CDAA; not used 485 0.7% Sn 1.8% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought;
377 2.0% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: For forging; designation designation used by CDAA
used byCDAA 665 20% Zn 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
405 1.0% Sn 5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed agreed by CDAA; not used
by CDAA; not used 667 30% Zn 1.2% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
agreed by CDAA; not used
674 0.2% Sn 0.4% Pb 38% Zn 1.5% AI 3.0% Mn 1.0% Si
Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: used
675 1.0% Sn 38% Zn 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number designation used by CDAA
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' 676 1.0% Sn 0.7% Pb 38% Zn 0.4% Mn Cu alloy:
Elon Elongation, % Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' 685 12% Zn 4.0% Al 2.0% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought;
designation agreed by CDAA; not used
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonUin.'=145.04lbUin.'=1 MPa 687 20% Zn 2.1 % AI 0.7% As Co alloy: Wrought;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. designation used by CDAA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
862 23% Zn 5% AI 3% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; ASTMB3614 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring hard
designation used by CDAA UTS:680
863 26% Zn 6% AI 3% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; ASTM B3616 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; I·hard
designation used by CDAA UTS:370
864 39% Zn 1% AII% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; ASTMB36/6 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring hard
designation used by CDAA UTS: 730
ABSIB43 15% Zn Cu alloy: Piping; American Bureau of ASTM B3618 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; I-hard
Shipping UTS: 380
ABSTYPE2 1% Sn (max) 0.4% Pb (max) 39% Zn 0.7% AI 1.2% ASTM B3618 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring hard
Fe Cu alloy: Casting; American Bureau of Shipping UTS:660
UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 175 ASTMB43 15% Zn Cu alloy: Seamless pipe; annealed
ADMIRALTY 1% Sn 28% Zn Cu alloy: Common name; further ASTM BI05 5% Sn 10% Zn 3.5% Al 3% Si 1.5% Cd (max) Cu:
BRASS information from Copper Development Association Wire; mechanical and electrical properties depend on
AICHSMETAL 38% Zn 1.8% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; source unknown size, etc.
ALDURBRA 22% Zn 2% AI Co alloy: Wrought; C Clifford ASTM B11l1230 15% Zn Cu alloy: For condenser tubes
ALDURBRA 22% Zn 2% Al Cu alloy: Casting; C Clifford ASTM B11l/442 1% Sn 28% Zn Cu alloy: Seamless tube
DPN: 130 UTS: 590 Elon: 16% Proof: 300 ASTM BIlIl443 1% Sn 28% Zn 0.5% As Cu alloy: Seamless tube
ALUMBRO 22% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Strip and sheet; ASTM BIlIl444 1% Sn 28% Zn 0.05% Sb Cu alloy: Seamless tube
IMI; annealed ASTM B11l/445 1% Sn 28% Zn 0.05% P Cu alloy: Seamless tube
DPN: 100 UTS: 400 Elon: 60% Proof: 100 ASTM Bll1l687 20% Zn 2.1 % Al 0.05% As Cu alloy: For condenser
ALUMBRO 22% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Strip and sheet; tubes
IMI; I·hard ASTMB11l A 1% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube
DPN: 160 UTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 420 ASTMB11l Al 22% Zn 2% AI Cu alloy: Tube
ALUMINIUM 22% Zn 2% AI Cu alloy: Common name; further BRASS
BRASS information from the Copper Development Association ASTMB11l B 1% Sn 30% Zn 0.1 % As Cu alloy: Tube
AMERICAN 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; free cutting; common ASTMB11l C 1% Sn 30% Zo 0.1 % Sb Cu alloy: Tube
BRASS name for BS alloy CZI24 type; further information ASTMB11l D 1% Sn 30% Zn 0.1% PCu alloy: Tube
from the Copper Development Association ASTMB11l 0.3% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Tube
AMS4505 D 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed MUNTZ
AMS4507 C 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard ASTM B11l RED 15% Zn Cu alloy: Tube
AMS 4508 B 30% Zn Cu alloy: Laminated sheet BRASS
AMS4555 C 31 % Zn Cu alloy: Seamless tube; light annealed; ASTM Bll9 Cast Cu based alloys: Replaced by individual
similar to SAE 74C specifications
AMS4558 B 1.6% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy: Seamless tube; as drawn ASTMBI21 2.5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring
AMS46IO H 3% Pb 35.5% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; free cutting; I·hard hard; available in all degrees of hardness
AMS4611 C 0.8% Sn 38.5% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; Naval brass; I-hard UTS:620
AMS 4612 D 0.8% Sn 38.5% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; Naval brass; hard ASTMBI2111 0.5% Pb 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra hard;
drawn available in all degrees of hardness
AMS4614D 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; free machining UTS: 490
AMS47IO 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; tinned; annealed ASTMBI2112 0.5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring
AMS47IO 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought hard; available in all degrees of hardness
AMS4712 A 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; annealed UTS:620
AMS4713A 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; 1I8·hard ASTM BI2113 1.1 % Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring
AMS4862 B 24% Zn 5.2% A13% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: Casting hard; available in all degrees of hardness
ASTMBI6 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Rod; annealed UTS:620
UTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 10 ASTM BI2114 1.8% Pb 37% Zn Co alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring
ASTMBI6 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Rod; hard drawn hard; available in all degrees of hardness
UTS: 500 Elon: 4% Proof: 24 UTS: 620
ASTMBI9 30% Zn Cu alloy: Cartridge brass; annealed ASTM BI2115 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring
UTS: 330 Eloo: 45% hard; available in all degrees of hardness
ASTMBI9 30% Zn Cu alloy: Cartridge brass; hard UTS: 620
UTS: 530 ASTM BI24113 0.7% Sn 1.5% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Forging and bar;
ASTMBI9 30% Zn Cu alloy: Cartridge brass; extra spring hard mechanical properties not quoted
UTS: 760 ASTMB129 30% Zn Cu alloy: For cartridge cups; mechanical
ASTMB22E 25% Zn 5% AI 3% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; as properties not quoted
cast ASTMB130 10% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; I-hard
DPN: 223 UTS: 800 Elon: 12% Proof: 42 UTS: 320
ASTM B36/l 5% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; I-hard ASTMB130 10% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; extra spring hard
UTS: 300 UTS: 530
ASTMB36/1 5% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring hard ASTMB131 10% Zn Cu alloy: For pressings; for bullet jacket cups
UTS: 460 ASTM B134/1 5% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; I·hard
ASTM B3612 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; I-hard UTS: 300
UTS: 340 ASTM B134/1 5% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard
ASTMB36/2 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring hard UTS: 510
UTS: 530 ASTM B134/2 10% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; I-hard
ASTM B3613 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; I-hard UTS: 370
UTS: 340 ASTM B134/2 10% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard
ASTMB36/3 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring hard UTS:600
UTS:620 ASTM B134/3 15% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; I·hard
ASTMB36/4 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; I-hard UTS:420
UTS: 370
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMBI34/3 15% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard ASTMB453 Pb Zn Cu alloy: Rods; graded by CDAA system
UTS: 730 ASTMB505 Cu alloys: For continuous casting; graded by CDAA
ASTMBI34/4 20% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; Hard alloys; see also Sections 14G and 14K
UTS: SOO ASTM B508/411 0.5% Sn 9.5% Zn Cu alloy: Strip for flexible piping
ASTMBI34/4 20% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard ASTMB642 5% Zn Cu alloy: Welded tube
UTS: 870 ASTMB706 15% Zn 1% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Pipe and tube
ASTMBI34/6 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; !-hard B42HC 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Manganese
UTS: 530 Bronze Ltd for BS alloy CZI24
ASTMBI34/6 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard B 76 1.5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal Ltd
UTS: 890 BARRONIA 4.0% Sn 0.5% Pb 12.5% Zn Cu alloy: Common name
ASTMBI34n 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; !·hard BASIS BRASS 27% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; origin unknown
UTS: 530 BASIS QUALITY 23.5% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
ASTMBI34n 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard BRASS
UTS: 890 BATALBRA 22% Zn 2% AI 0.03% As Cu alloy: Tube; Birmingham
ASTMBI34/8 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; !·hard Battery for BS alloy CZ110
UTS: 530 BATNAVAL 1.2% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and plate;
ASTMBI34/8 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard Birmingham Battery for BS alloy CZ112
UTS:890 BATURNAL 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; Birmingham Battery
ASTM B135/1 15% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn for BS alloy CZ119
UTS:4OO BINDING BRASS 1.5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
ASTM B135/2 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn BOBIERE'S 37% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
ASTM B135/3 0.5% Pb 33% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn BOLTOMET 506 3% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton; cap copper
UTS:%O BOLTOMET 510 10% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton for BS 713
ASTM B135/4 1.5% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn BOLTOMET 514 15% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton for BS 712
UTS:%O BOLTOMET 516 20% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton for BS 711
ASTMB135n 10% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn BOLTOMET 518 30% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton for BS 267
UTS: 360 BOLTOMET 520 35% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton for BS 266 and BS 2786
ASTMB138A 1% Sn 39% Zn 1.5% Fe 0.1 % Mn Cu alloy: Bar; BOLTOMET 522 37% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton for BS 265
annealed BOLTOMET 570 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; T. Bolton
UTS: 390 Elon: 20% Proof: 140 BOLTOMET607 1.25% Pb 27% Zn Cu alloy: Rod; T. Bolton
ASTM B138 A 1% Sn 39% Zn 1.5% Fe 0.1 % Mn Cu alloy: Bar; hard BOLTOMET71O 1.25% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Naval brass; T. Bolton for
UTS: 530 Elon: 10% Proof: 360 BS 251, BS 409, BS 1541
ASTM B138 B 23% Zn 4.5% A13% Fe 3.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; BOLTOMET731 10% Zn Cu alloy: T. Bolton; commercial bronze
annealed; manganese bronze BROWN METAL 15% Zn Cu alloy: Common name
UTS: 620 Elon: 10% Proof: 330 BS 251 CZ112 1.25% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Naval brass and forgings;
ASTM B138 B 23% Zn 4.5% A13% Fe 3.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; hard; as rolled
manganese bronze UTS: 360 Elon: 20%
UTS: 820 Elon: 5% Proof: 480 BS 265 CZI08 37% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; cold rolled
ASTM BI40 A 2% Pb 15% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; annealed UTS: 360 Elon: 15%
UTS: 220 Elon: 15% Proof: 4SO BS 266 CZIO? 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
ASTM BI40 B 2% Pb 10% Zn 1% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; annealed DPN: 80 UTS: 270 Elon: 45%
UTS: 220 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 BS 266 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip !-hard
ASTM BI71 Condenser tube plates in copper alloys; covers various DPN: 75(min)UTS: 330 Elon: 35%
types; see also Section 14G BS 266 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
ASTM BI76 ZS331A 35% Zn 1% Si Cu alloy: Casting; die cast DPN: 110 UTS: 360 Elon: 20%
UTS: 400 Elon: 15% Proof: 130 BS 266 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; hard
ASTM B283 Cu alloy: Die forgings; various types; see also Section DPN: 135 UTS: 450 Elon: 3%
14G BS 267 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; cold rolled
ASTM B 291 29% Zn 1% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; !·hard DPN: 75 UTS: 270 Elon: 50%
UTS: 420 BS 378 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Arsenical brass tube; as
ASTM B 291 29% Zn 1% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra spring drawn; for condenser tubes, etc.
hard DPN: 150
UTS: 750 BS 378 CZllO 20% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Aluminium brass;
ASTM B 3591230 15% Zn Cu alloy: Finned tube as drawn; for condenser tubes, etc.
ASTM B 359/442 1.0% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Finned tube DPN: 150
ASTM B 359/443 1.0% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Finned tube BS 378 CZ111 1.2% Sn 28% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Tube; as drawn;
ASTM B 359/444 1.0% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Finned tube Admiralty brass for condenser tubes, etc.
ASTM B 359/445 1.0% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Finned tube DPN: 150
BS 711 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed 80/20 brass
DPN: 80 UTS: 250 Elon: 40%
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BS 711 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard 80/20 brass
DPN: 95 UTS: 330 Elon: 10%
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS 711 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; hard 80/20 brass
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, Nlmm' DPN: 120 UTS: 390 Elon: 5%
Elon Elongation, % BS 712 CZI02 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed 85/15 brass
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, Nlmm' DPN: 80 UTS: 240 Elon: 35%
BS 712 CZI02 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I·hard 85/15 brass
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonfJin.'=145.04IbfJin.'=1 MPa DPN: 95 UTS: 330 Elon: 7%
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BS 712 CZI02 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; hard 85/15 brass
DPN: 110 UTS: 360 Elon: 3%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 713 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed 90/10 brass BS 2785 CZ120 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; !·hard; for clocks and
DPN: 80 VTS: 240 Elon: 35% watches
BS 713 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard 90/10 brass DPN: 130 VTS: 510 Elon: 10%
DPN: 95 VTS: 300 Elon: 7% BS 2785 CZI20 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; extra hard; for clocks
BS 713 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; hard 90/10 brass and watches
DPN: 110 VTS: 350 Elon: 3% DPN: 180 VTS: 560 Elon: 5%
BS 885 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Tube; annealed 70/30 BS 2786 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; hard drawn
arsenical brass VTS:75O
UTS: 270 BS 2870 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
BS 885 CZllO 20% Zn 2% Al 0.04% As Cu alloy: Tube; annealed DPN: 80 UTS: 240 Elon: 35%
aluminium brass BS 2870 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; !·hard
VTS: 330 UTS: 900 Elon: 7%
BS920 Naval brass die casting; replaced by BS 1400 BS 2870 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
BS 1400 SCBI-C 2% Sn 3% Pb 21 % Zn Cu alloy: Casting; sand cast DPN: 105 VTS: 330 Elon: 3%
DPN: 50 VTS: 180 Elon: 30% Proof: 60 BS 2870 CZI02 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
BS 1400 SCB2-1 3.5% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Brass ingots; sand cast DPN: 80 UTS: 240 Elon: 35%
VTS: 170 Elon: 12% BS 2870 CZI02 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; !·hard
BS 1400 SCB2-C 3.5% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Brass castings; sand cast DPN: 90 VTS: 300 Elon: 7%
VTS: 170 Elon: 12% BS 2870 CZI02 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
BS 1400 SCB3·1 2.5% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Brass ingots; sand cast DPN: 105 VTS: 340 Elon: 3%
VTS: 180 Elon: 12% BS 2870 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
BS 1400 SCB3·C 2.5% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Brass castings; sand cast DPN: 80 VTS: 250 Elon: 40%
UTS: 180 Elon: 12% BS 2870 CZ103 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; !·hard
BS 1400 SCB5·C 1% Sn 12% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; brazeable sand cast DPN: 90 VTS: 330 Elon: 10%
DPN: 50 UTS: 200 Elon: 30% Proof: 60 BS 2870 CZ103 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
BS 1400 SCB6-1 15% Zn Cu alloy: Brass ingots; sand cast, brazeable DPN: 115 VTS: 370 Elon: 5%
VTS: 170 Elon: 20% BS 2870 CZI04 1% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued
BS 1400 SCB6-C 15% Zn Cu alloy: Brass castings; sand cast, brazeable BS 2870 CZI05 30% Zn 0.05% As Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not
VTS: 170 Elon: 20% issued
BS 1402 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; solid drawn and annealed; for BS 2870 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
gas installation work DPN: 80 VTS: 270 Elon: 50%
BS 1403 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; annealed and cold drawn; for BS 2870 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard
gas lighting DPN: 75 VTS: 330 Elon: 35%
BS 1464 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Tube; arsenical brass BS 2870 CZ106 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard
DPN: 95 DPN: 100 VTS: 340 Elon: 20%
BS 1464 CZ110 20% Zn 2% Al Cu alloy: Tube; aluminium brass BS 2870 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
DPN: 95 DPN: 120 VTS: 390 Elon: 3%
BS 1464 CZ11I \.2% Sn 28% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; Admiralty brass BS 2870 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
DPN: 95 DPN: 80 VTS: 270 Elon: 45%
BS 1541 CZ110 20% Zn \.8% Al 0.04% As Cu alloy: Plate; aluminium BS 2870 CZ107 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard
brass, as rolled DPN: 75 VTS: 320 Elon: 35%
VTS: 270 Elon: 40% BS 2870 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; !·hard
BS 1541 CZt12 1% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Naval brass; as rolled DPN: 100 UTS: 360 Elon: 20%
UTS: 340 Elon: 20% BS 2870 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
BS 1845 CZI 49% Zn Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range DPN: 130 UTS: 420 Elon: 3%
860-870·C BS 2870 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
BS 1845 CZ2 46% Zn Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range DPN: 165 VTS: 510
870-880·C BS 2870 CZI08 38% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; common brass; annealed
BS 1845 CZ3 40% Zn Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range DPN: 80 VTS: 270 Elon: 40%
885-890·C BS 2870 CZI08 38% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; Hard
BS 1845 CZ4 \.0% Sn 46% Zn Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range DPN: 75(mln)UTS: 330 Elon: 30%
860-870·C BS 2870 CZI08 38% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; !·hard
BS 1845 CZ5 1.0% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range DPN: 100 UTS: 360 Elon: 15%
880-890·C BS 2870 CZI08 38% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
BS 1845 CZ6 40% Zn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range DPN: 130 VTS: 420 Elon: 3%
875-895 ·C BS 2870 CZI08 38% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; common brass; extra hard
BS 1845 CZ7 40% Zn 0.1 % Mn 0.2% Si Cu alloy: For brazing; DPN: 165 VTS: 510
melting range 870-900 ·C BS 2870 CZ110 20% Zn 2% Al 0.05% As Cu alloy: Sheet; aluminium
BS 2785 CZ118 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; I-hard; for clocks and brass
watches BS 2870 CZ111 1.2% Sn 28% Zn 0.05% As Cu alloy: Sheet; Admiralty
DPN: 130 UTS: 370 Elon: 10% brass
BS 2785 CZI18 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; extra hard; for clocks BS 2870 CZ112 \.2% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed Naval brass
and watches UTS: 330 Elon: 25%
DPN: 180 VTS: 510 Elon: 3% BS 2870 CZt12 1.2% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard; Naval brass
BS 2785 CZ119 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; !·hard; for clocks and UTS: 390 Elon: 20%
watches BS 2870 CZ116 30% Zn 4.5% All % Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet;
DPN: 130 UTS: 390 Elon: 10% high tensile brass; specification not issued
BS 2785 CZI19 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; extra hard; for clocks BS 2870 CZ118 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; !·hard
and watches DPN: 120 UTS: 360 Elon: 10%
DPN: 180 UTS: 510 Elon: 3% BS 2870 CZ118 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
DPN: ISO VTS: 420 Elon: 5%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2870 CZ1l8 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard BS 2872 CZI24 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
DPN: 180 UTS: 510 Elon: 3% issued
BS 2870 CZ1l9 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard BS 2873 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
DPN: 120 UTS: 360 Elon: 10% BS 2873 CZIOZ 15% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
BS 2870 CZII9 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard UTS: 280 Elon: 30%
DPN: 150 VTS: 420 Elon: 5% BS 2873 CZIOZ 15% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; hard
BS 2870 CZ119 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard VTS: 580
DPN: 180 VTS: 510 Elon: 3% BS 2873 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
BS 2870 CZI24 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued VTS: 300 Elon: 35%
BS 2870 CZl25 4.0% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; etc.; cap copper BS 2873 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; hard
DPN: 75 UTS: 100 UTS: 600
BS 2871 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued BS 2873 CZI04 0.8% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
BS 2871 CZIOZ 15% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued issued
BS 2871 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued BS 2873 CZ105 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
BS 2871 CZI04 20% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued issued
BS 2871 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Tube; arsenical brass; BS 2873 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
annealed UTS: 300 Elon: 45%
UTS: 300 BS 2873 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; hard
BS 2871 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued UTS: 600
BS 2871 CZIO? 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued BS 2873 CZIO? 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
BS 2871 CZI08 38% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; common brass; specification UTS: 320 Elon: 40%
not issued BS 2873 CZIO? 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; extra hard
BS 2871 CZllO 20% Zn 2% Al 0.03% As Cu alloy: Tube; aluminium VTS: 700
brass; annealed BS 2873 CZIOS 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
UTS: 370 VTS: 320 Elon: 40%
BS 2871 CZlll 1% Sn 28% Zn 0.03% As Cu alloy: Tube; Admiralty BS 2873 CZIOS 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; extra hard
brass UTS: 680
BS 2871 CZII6 35% Zn 4.5% All % Mn Cu alloy: Tube; specification BS 2873 CZ1l0 20% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Wire; specification
not issued not issued
BS 2871 CZ1l8 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued BS 2873 CZIII 1.2% Sn 28% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Wire;
BS 2871 CZI19 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; annealed specification not issued
VTS: 330 BS 2873 CZII2 1.2% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
BS 2871 CZI24 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued issued
BS 2871 CZI26 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy BS 2873 CZII6 30% Zn 4.5% All % Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Wire;
BS 2871 CZI27 12% Zn 1% AI 1% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy specification not issued
BS 2872 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued BS 2873 CZI18 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 2872 CZIOZ 15% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued BS 2873 CZ1l9 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 2872 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued BS 2873 CZI24 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 2872 CZI04 1% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not BS 2874 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
issued BS 2874 CZIOZ 15% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
BS 2872 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Forging; specification not BS 2874 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
issued UTS: 300 Elon: 25 %
BS 2872 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued BS 2874 CZI04 0.7% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
BS 2872 CZIO? 35% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued UTS: 300 Elon: 25%
BS 2872 CZIOS 37% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued BS 2874 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Bar; specification not
BS 2872 CZllO 20% Zn 2% Al 0.04% As Cu alloy: Forging; issued
specification not issued BS 2874 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; annealed
BS 2872 CZlll 1.2% Sn 28% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Forging; UTS: 270 Elon: 50%
specification not issued BS 2874 CZIO? 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
BS 2872 czm 1.2% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; as forged BS 2874 CZI08 0.3% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
VTS: 330 Elon: 20% BS 2874 CZ1l0 20% Zn 2% Al 0.04% As Cu alloy: Bar; specification
BS 2872 CZI16 1% Pb 30% Zn 4.5% All % Mn Cu alloy: Forging; as not issued
forged BS 2874 CZ11l 1.2% Sn 28% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Bar
UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 270 BS 2874 CZ1l6 30% Zn 4.5% All % Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; as
BS 2872 CZII8 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not rolled
issued VTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
BS 2872 CZ1l9 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not BS 2874 CZ118 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
issued BS 2874 CZ1l9 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
UTS: 330 Elon: 25%
BS 2874 CZI24 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; annealed
VTS: 320 Elon: 15% Proof: 120
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BS 2874 CZI24 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; hard drawn
UTS: 530 Elon: 4% Proof: 220
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS 2874 CZ132 2.3% Pb 36% Zn 0.1 % As Cu alloy
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' BS 2875 CZIOI 10% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued
Elon Elongation, % BS 2875 CZIOZ 15% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' BS 2875 CZI03 20% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued
BS 2875 CZI04 1% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.1OZ kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa BS 2875 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Plate; annealed
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 270 Elon: 45%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2875 CZI05 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Plate; hard C 32510 0.5% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
UTS: 340 Elon: 22% C 33000 0.5% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2875 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; annealed C 33100 1% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
UTS: 270 Elon: 45% C33200 2% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy
BS 2875 CZI06 30% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; hard C33500 0.5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy
UTS: 340 Elon: 22% C33530 Q5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy
BS 2875 CZI07 35% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued C34000 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy
BS 2875 CZI08 38% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; hard C 34200 2% Pb 34% Zn Cu alloy
UTS: 370 Elon: 20% C 34400 0.7% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete
BS 2875 CZIIO 20% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Plate; annealed C 34500 2% Pb 34% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
UTS: 340 Elon: 20% C 34700 1.4% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete
BS 2875 CZIIO 20% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Plate; hard C 34800 0.6% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete
UTS: 390 Elon: 20% C 34900 0.4% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete
BS 2875 CZllI 1.2% Sn 28% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Plate; C 35000 1.8% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy
specification not issued C35300 2% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy
BS 2875 CZ112 1.2% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Plate C 35330 2.5% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy
BS 2875 CZII6 30% Zn 4.5% All % Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; C 35340 2% Pb 37% Zn 0.2% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
specification not issued designation
BS 2875 CZI24 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued C 35600 2.5% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2901 CI4 1.2% Sn 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Rod for inert gas C 36000 3% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
shielded arc welding C 36200 4% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy
BS 2901 Cl5 30% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Rod for inert gas C 36500 0.5% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy
shielded arc welding C 36600 0.5% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Arsenical
BS 312713 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tubing; I-hard drawn for bourdon C36700 0.5% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Antimonial; CDA and UNS
tubes designation
DPN: 120 C36800 0.5% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Phosphorized; CDA and
BS B11 20% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; used as brazing filler wire UNS designation
UTS: 300 Elon: 25% Proof: 60 C 37000 1% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C 14 1.2% Sn 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Welding rod; C 37100 1% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy
designation used by BS C37700 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C 15 30% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Welding rod; C40900 0.7% Sn 5% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete
designation used by BS C43800 1.2% Sn 18% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete
C20500 1.5% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C45450 0.3% Sn 0.2% Pb 35% Zn 0.3% AI Cu alloy: CDA and
C21000 5% Zn Cu alloy: Gilding metal; CDA and UNS UNS designation
designation C46200 0.7% Sn 35% Zn Cu alloy: Naval brass
C 22000 10% Zn Cu alloy: Commercial bronze; CDA and UNS C 46210 37% Zn Cu alloy
designation C47200 3.5% Sn 37% Zn Cu alloy: Brazing; UNS designation;
C22600 12% Zn Cu alloy: Jewellery bronze; CDA and UNS obsolete
designation C47600 2% Sn 2% Pb 10% Zn 0.1% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and
C23000 15% Zn Cu alloy: Red brass; CDA and UNS UNS designation
designation C47940 1.7% Sn 1.5% Pb 32% Zn 0.4% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and
C23030 16% Zn 0.2% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation UNS designation
C23400 18% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C 48510 1.2% Sn 1.7% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation;
C24000 20% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation obsolete
C24080 21 % Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C66400 11.5% Zn 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
C 25000 25% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C26000 30% Zn Cu alloy: Cartridge brass; CDA and UNS C66410 11.5% Zn 2% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
designation C66700 30% Zn 1% Mn Cu alloy
C 26100 32% Zn 0.03% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C66800 35% Zn 2.7% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy
C26130 32% Zn 0.06% ~s Cu alloy: CDA and UNS C66900 26% Zn 12% Mn Cu alloy
designation C68700 22% Zn 2% Al Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C26200 32% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C68800 22.5% Zn 3.4% AI Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
C26380 30% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C26800 34% Zn Cu alloy: Yellow brass; CDA and UNS C69000 22.5% Zn 3.4% AI Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
designation designation
C 27000 35% Zn Cu alloy: Yellow brass; CDA and UNS C69100 22% Zn 1% AII% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
designation designation
C27200 36% Zn Cu alloy: Yellow brass; CDA and UNS C69800 32% Zn 1% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
designation C83300 1.5% Sn 1.5% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C27400 37% Zn Cu alloy: Yellow brass; CDA and UNS UNS designation
designation C83400 10% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C28000 38% Zn Cu alloy: Muntz metal; CDA and UNS C83410 1.5% Sn 9% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation designation
C29800 50% Zn Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS designation C83420 3% Sn 9% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C31000 0.5% Pb 10% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete designation
C 31200 1% Pb 10% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C83450 3% Sn 2.5% Pb 6% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C31400 2% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C31600 2% Pb 9% Zn 1% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS C85200 1.2% Sn 2.7% Pb 23% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
designation UNS designation
C 32000 1.8% Pb 10% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C 85210 2% Sn 3.5% Pb 22% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C32500 2.7% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy: UNS designation; obsolete UNS designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
C 85300 30% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; UNS designation; obsolete DIN 17661 Copper zinc alloys; with additions; designations with
C 85310 1% Sn 3.5% Pb 23% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and prefix So Ms
UNS designation DTD253 A 10% Zn 1% AII% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Tube
C 85400 1.2% Sn 2.2% Pb 28% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UTS: 450
UNS designation DTD283 A 15% Zn 1% AII% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
C85500 39% Zn Cu alloy VTS: 370
C85600 38% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; UNS designation; obsolete DTD307 10% Zn 1.5% Mn 2% Si Cu alloy: Annealed; solid
C 85700 1.2% Sn 1.2% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy: Cast drawn tube
C 85710 1.7% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Cast UTS: 370
C85800 1% Sn 1% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy: Cast DTD318A 4% Sn 15% Zn 1% Fe Cu alloy: Tube; annealed; solid
C 86100 23% Zn 4% A13% Fe 3.2% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA drawn
and UNS designation UTS: 450
C 86200 23.5% Zn 4% Al 3% Fe 3.2% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; DTD319 12% Zn 1% AI 1% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Bars; as rolled
CDA and UNS designation VTS: 456 Elon: 20% Proof: 2SO
C 86300 23.5% Zn 6% A13% Fe 3.2% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; DTD 323 B 12% Zn 1% AII% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
CDA and UNS designation VTS: 400
C 86400 1% Sn 38% Zn 1% Al 1.2% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: DTD 337 4.0% Zn Cu alloy: Tube for radiators
Cast; CDA and UNS designation DTD387 4.0% Zn Cu alloy: Tube for radiators
C 86500 38% Zn 1% AI 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA DTD604 1% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tubes (Sn optional);
and UNS designation annealed; solid drawn
C 86700 1% Sn 34% Zn 2% Al 2% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; VTS: 300 Proof: 60
CDA and UNS designation DTD 627 1.8% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; not suitable for rivets
C86800 1% Sn 36% Zn 2% A12% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; DTD5009 15% Zn 1% AII% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Bar and wire;
CDA and UNS designation cold drawn for springs
C 87900 33% Zn 1% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS DTD 5019 15% Zn 1.0% AI 1.2% Ni 1.0% Si Cu alloy: Tube;
designation annealed
CAP COPPER 3.5% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; common name; further VTS: 450 Elon: 40%
information from Copper Development Association E48 Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie Bros;
CARO·BUHLER Pb Zn P Cu alloy: For bar and tube; Carobronze; free leaded variety of 311
machining E56 30% Zn As (trace) Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie
CARTRIDGE 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; common name Bros; resists de-zincification
BRASS E 78 10% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie Bros;
CHINESE ART 1% Sn 17.5% Pb 10% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown annealed
METAL DPN: 90 UTS: 256 Elon: 56% Proof: 90
CLOCK BRASS 2% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and sheet; American F7S 1.2% Sn 0.5% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions;
trade name McKechnie Bros; as drawn
COMMERCIAL 10% Zn Cu alloy: Common American name DPN: 115 UTS: 39 Elon: 30% Proof: 14
BRONZE F7SSTAR 1.2% Sn 37% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie
CON 0.5% Sn 0.5% Pb 34% Zn 1.5% AI 1.75% Ni 1% Fe Bros; lead-free variety of F 7S
2.75% Mn Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie Bros; as GCu65Zn 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
drawn German Standards
DPN: 156 UTS: 556 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 GMs65 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
CORRONIUM 5% Sn 15% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown German Standards
CSCSTAR 37.5% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; GB Cu65 Zn 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
annealed German Standards
DPN: 90 VTS: 320 Elon: 45% Proof: 100 GB Ms65 A 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
DIN 1709 G Ms 65 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy German Standards
DPN: 60 VTS: 200 Elon: 20% Proof: 75 GBMs65 B 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
DIN 1785 K Ms 63 35% Zn Cu alloy German Standards
DIN 1785 K Ms 72 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought GBMs65C 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
DIN 1785 So Ms 71 1% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought German Standards
DIN 1785 So Ms 76 20% Zn 2% Al Cu alloy: Wrought GILDING METAL 10% Zn Cu alloy: Common name; further information
DIN 8513 L Cu Zn 40 Zn Si Cu alloy: Welders rod from Copper Development Association
DIN 17656 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting HARDWARE 2% Pb 13% Zn Cu alloy: Rod; American trade name
DIN 17660 Specification covering a series of copper zinc alloys; HECORROS76 20% Zn 2% AI 0.03% As Cu alloy: YDM
designations prefixed Ms are included IMI210 10% Zn Cu alloy: Gilding metal; IMI for BS alloy
IMI212 12% Zn Cu alloy: Gilding metal; IMI
IMI215 15% Zn Cu alloy: Gilding metal; IMI for BS alloy
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
IMI220 20% Zn Cu alloy: Gilding metal; 1M! for BS alloy
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number IMI230 30% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; IMI for BS alloy CZI06
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 IMI237 37% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and wire; IMI for BS alloy
EIon Elongation, % CZI08
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm2 IMI239 37% Pb Zn Cu alloy: Wire; IMI
IMI276 30% Zn As Cu alloy: Bar
1 N/mm2 =O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin.2=145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa
IMI303 22% Zn 2% Al Cu alloy: Welding wire; IMI
See Appendix Il for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 'Alumbro'; withdrawn
IMI345 1% Sn 11% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; IMI
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
IMI432 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; IMI for BS alloy CZ119; QQ C5911A 1.5% Sn 4.2% Zn 1.5% Mn 3.0% Si Cu alloy: Sheet;
nipple wire US Federal
IMI433 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; IMI for BS alloy UTS: 370 Elon: 50% Proof: 120
CZI19 QQ C591a/O 2.2% Sn 4.0% Zn 2.0% Si Cu alloy: Bar; US Federal
IMI443 0.25% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Free machining; IMI VTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
IMMADIUMII 30% Zn Al Fe Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Ltd QQ S 5511C 0.3% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Btaze filler; US Federal;
IMMADIUMV 1% Pb 30% Zn 4.5% AII% Mn Cu alloy: Bar and melting range 899-960 °C
forging; Manganese Bronze Ltd for BS alloy CZI 16 QQ S 55110 0.2% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Braze filler; US Federal;
IMMADIUMVI 28% Zn Al Fe Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Ltd melting range 968-996 'C
JEWELRY 12.5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; used for Au plated parts; QQW3211A 0.1 % Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; US Federal; annealed
BRONZE traditional name VTS: 300
KMs63 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by QQW3211C 28% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; US Federal; hard drawn
German Standards VTS: 820
KMs72 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by REO BRASS 15% Zn Cu alloy: Common name
German Standards SIB 35% Zn 1.75% AI 3% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy: Extrusions;
KUNIFORM ZnJCu strip; fine grained; IMI; covers 60/40 to 90110 McKechnie Bros; as extruded
Cu/Zn alloys DPN: 130 VTS: 580 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
LBZ 1% Sn 2.4% Pb 35% Zn 0.4% AI 0.5% Fe 1.75% Mn SAE 70A 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie Bros; as drawn VTS: 370
DPN: 130 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 SAE 70A 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard
LED-O-LOY 2% Sn 2% Pb 9% Zn 0.05% P Cu alloy: Strip; UTS: 620
American trade name SAE 70B 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I·hard
LOW BRASS 20% Zn Cu alloy: Common American name VTS: 370
MANGANESE 30% Zn 4% A13% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Common SAE 70B 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard
BRONZE name; analysis varies considerably UTS: 620
METER BRONZE 0.6% Sn 7% Zn Cu alloy: American trade name SAE 70C 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
Ms56 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by VTS: 370
German Standards SAE70C 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard
Ms58 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by UTS: 600
German Standards SAE72 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; annealed
Ms60 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by UTS: 300 EJon: 25% Proof: 100
German Standards SAE 72 3% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; I-hard
Ms60 Pb 2.0% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used VTS: 360 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
by German Standards SAE 74B 0.8% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; as drawn
Ms63 37% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by UTS: 370
German Standards SAE 74B 0.8% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn
Ms 63 Pb 2.0% Pb 3.6% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used VTS: 460
by German Standards SAE 74C 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; as drawn
Ms67 33% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by UTS: 370
German Standards SAE 74C 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube: hard drawn
Ms72 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by VTS:460
German Standards SAE740 15% Zn Cu alloy: Tube: Light drawn
Ms80 20% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by VTS: 370
German Standards SAE 740 15% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn
Ms85 15% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by VTS:400
German Standards SAE 79A 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
Ms90 10% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by VTS: 340
German Standards SAE 79A 15% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard
MUNTZ 0.3% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Common name; lead not VTS: 530
always present; further information from the Copper SAE79B 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
Development Association VTS: 370
NEBALOY 37% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; American trade name SAE 79B 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard
NIPPLE 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; common name VTS: 600
QQ B60llA 0.3% Pb 15% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal SAESOA 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; I-hard
QQ B 601/B 0.5% Pb 15% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal VTS: 460
QQ B 611aJE 30% Zn Cu alloy: Plate or sheet; US Federal SAE80A 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; extra hard
QQ B 621/B 0.5% Sn 2.0% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US VTS: 800
Federal SAESOB 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; I-hard
UTS: 200 Elon: 20% VTS: 460
QQ B 6211C 1.5% Sn 3.0% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US SAESOB 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; extra hard
Federal VTS: 800
UTS: 220 EJon: 25% SAE 795 0.5% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: For bearings; wrought
QQ B 721a/B 30% Zn 4.0% Al 3.0% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: Bar and SAE 890 1.5% Pb 20% Zn Co alloy: Sintering; density 750 kglm 3
forging; US Federal SAE 891 1.5% Pb 20% Zn Cu alloy: Sintering; density 770 kglm3
UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 SAECA 210 5% Zn Cu alloy: Gilding metal
QQB 726/B 0.2% Pb 30% Zn 5% A13% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: SAE CA 220 10% Zn Cu alloy: Commercial bronze
Casting; US Federal 'manganese bronze' SAE CA 230 15% Zn Cu alloy: Red brass; formerly SAE 740 and
VTS: 620 Elon: 20% Proof: 300 SAE79A
QQB726/C 0.2% Pb 30% Zn 5% A13% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: SAECA240 20% Zn Cu alloy: Low brass; formerly SAE 79B
Casting; US Federal SAECA260 30% Zn Cu alloy: Cartridge brass; formerly SAE 70A,
UTS: 750 Elon: 12% Proof: 420 SAE 74C, SAE 80A
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
SAE CA 268 33.7% Zn Cu alloy: Yellow brass sheet, formerly SAE SS 5122 30% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish Standard; cold rolled
70C DPN: 140 UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 360
SAE CA 270 35% Zn Cu alloy: Rod and wire; formerly SAE 80B SS 5124 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish Standard; annealed
SAECA 330 0.5% Pb 33.5% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; formerly SAE 74B DPN: 75 VTS: 300 Elon: 45% Proof: 90
SAE CA 331 1% Pb 32.5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought SS 5124 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish Standard; cold rolled
SAE CA 342 2% Pb 33.5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought DPN: 140 VTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 340
SAE CA 345 2% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought SS 5140 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish Standard;
SAE CA 350 1% Pb 36.5% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought annealed
SAE CA 360 3% Pb 35.5% Zn Cu alloy: Formerly SAE 72 DPN: 75 VTS: 320 Elon: 45% Proof: 90
SAE CA 670 24.2% Zn 4.5% A13% Fe 3.7% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought SS 5140 1% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish Standard; cold
SAECA 673 2% Pb 33.7% Zn 2.7% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy: Wrought rolled
SAE CA 852 1% Sn 2% Pb 23% Zn Cu alloy: Casting DPN: ISO VTS: 440 Elon: 10% Proof: 360
SAE CA 854 1% Sn 2% Pb 28% Zn Cu alloy: Casting SS 5144 1% Sn 2% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Swedish
SAECA 858 1% Sn 1% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy: Casting Standard; as cast
SAECA 862 25% Zn 3% Fe 3.2% Mn 4% AI DPN: 50 VTS: 200 Elon: 20% Proof: 90
SAECA 863 25% Zn 6% Al 3% Fe 3.2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting SS 5150 36% Zn Cu alloy: Plate and bar; Swedish Standard;
SAECA 865 38% Zn 1% AI 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Casting annealed
SAE CA 872 1% Sn 5% Zn 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting DPN: 75 UTS: 360 Elon: 45% Proof: 100
SAE CA 874 1% Pb 14% Zn Cu alloy: Casting SS 5150 36% Zn Cu alloy: Plate and bar; Swedish Standard;
SAE CA 875 14% Zn Cu alloy: Casting cold rolled
SAE CA 878 14% Zn Cu alloy: Casting DPN: 160 VTS: 600 Elon: 10% Proof: 580
SAE CA 879 35% Zn Cu alloy: Casting SS 5202 3.5% Sn 3.5% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Swedish
SEVA 30% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: For tube; Yorkshire Imp Standard; as cast
Metals DPN: 70 VTS: 180 Elon: 15% Proof: 100
For SIS specifications see SS SS 5217 31 % Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish
So Ms 57 Al 2 37% Zn 2.0% Al 1.0% Ni 2.0% Mn Cu alloy: Standard; annealed
Wrought; designation used by German Standards DPN: 90 UTS: 390 Elon: 45% Proof: 170
So Ms 58 0.2% Sn 37% Zn 1.5% Ni I% Fe 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: SS 5220 1.1% Sn 28% Zn 0.04% As Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish
Wrought; designation used by German Standards Standard; annealed
So Ms 58 All 38% Zn 1.0% Al 1.0% Ni 2.0% Mn Cu alloy: DPN: 100 VTS: 360 Elon: 45% Proof: 170
Wrought; designation used by German Standards SS 5234 25% Zn 4.5% A12% Fe 3.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar and
So Ms 58 Pb 1.5% Pb 37% Zn 0.5% Al 0.2% Ni 0.4% Fe 1.0% Mn forging; Swedish Standard; hot rolled
Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by German DPN: 200 VTS: 6SO Elon: 10% Proof: 330
Standards SS 5236 2% Pb 30% Zn 2% AI 0.08% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
So Ms 59 37% Zn 1.0% Al 2.5% Ni 2.0% Mn Cu alloy: Swedish Standard; cold rolled
Wrought; designation used by German Standards DPN: 140 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
So Ms 60 0.8% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought SS 5238 1% Sn 0.8% Pb 34% Zn 0.8% All % Fe 2% Mn Cu
SoMs71 1% Sn 30% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by alloy: Bar and forging; Swedish Standard; cold rolled
German Standards DPN: 160 VTS: 510 Elon: 10% Proof: 340
So Ms 76 20% Zn 2% AI Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by STA 7CM4B 35% Zn 4.5% Al 0.7% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging
German Standards UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
SPINNING BRASS 1% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and sheet; American STA 7CM4C 1% Sn 0.2% Pb 35% Zn 4% AII% Fe Cu alloy: Bar
trade name and forging
SPRABRASSY 34% Zn Cu alloy: Wire for spraying; Metco Ltd UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
SPRABRASSY Zn Cu alloy: Spray deposit; Metco STA 7CSIA 5% Zn 2% Fe 1% Mn 4% Si Cu alloy: Bar; annealed
SPRABRONZE C 10% Zn Cu alloy: Wire for spraying; Metco Ltd UTS: 340 Elon: 45%
SS 5112 15% Zn Cu alloy: Plate and bar; Swedish Standard; STA 7CSIA 5% Zn 2% Fe 1% Mn 4% Si Cu alloy: Bar; cold
annealed worked
DPN: 70 UTS: 300 Elon: SO% Proof: 75 VTS: 530 Elon: 13%
SS 5112 15% Zn Cu alloy: Plate and bar; Swedish Standard; STA 7 CSIB 5% Zn 2% Fe 1% Mn 4% Si Cu alloy: Sheet; cold
cold rolled worked
DPN: 130 VTS: 400 Elon: 12% Proof: 300 UTS: 530 Elon: 20%
SS 5114 20% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish Standard; annealed STA 7 CSID 5% Zn 2% Fe 1% Mn 4% Si Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
DPN: 60 UTS: 300 Elon: SO% Proof: 75 UTS: 340 Elon: 45%
SS 5114 20% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish Standard; cold roiled STA 7 CS2 5% Zn 1% Mn 2.5% Si Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn
DPN: 110 VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 346 UTS: 530
SS 5122 30% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish Standard; annealed STA 7CXI 15% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; gilding metal
DPN: 70 UTS: 340 Elon: 55% Proof: 100 STA 7CX2 20% Zn Cu alloy: Casting
STA 7CZI 3.5% Zn Cu alloy: Strip; cap copper
DPN: 70
STA 7CZ2 10% Zn Cu alloy: SlIeet; gilding metal
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 70
STA 7 CZ3 22% Zn 2% Al Cu alloy: Tube; for condenser tubes
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number STA 7CZ4A 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' STA 7CZ4B 1.2% Sn 29% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
Eion Elongation, % VTS: 340
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' STA 7 CZ4B 1.2% Sn 29% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn
UTS: 450
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa STA 7CZS 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed; cartridge brass
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 70
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STA 7 CZ5 30% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; cold rolled; cartridge brass TAURUS XXIV 5% Sn 5% Pb 17% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown;
DPN: 130 centri-cast
STA 7 CZ6 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed DPN: 120 VTS: 340 Elon: 2% Proof: 270
DPN: 75 VTS: 270 Elon: 45% TAURUS XXX 2% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; sand cast
STA 7 CZ6 35% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; cold rolled DPN: 65 UTS: 200 Elon: 32%
DPN: 110 UTS: 420 Elon: 17% TUNGUM 10% Zn I % AI 1.2% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Casting;
STA 7 CZ7 37% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed Tungum Co.
DPN: 75 UTS: 270 Elon: 40% TUNGUM 10% Zn I% AI 1.2% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: Sheet, bar and
STA 7CZ7 37% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; cold rolled tube; Tungum Co.; as rolled
DPN: 110 VTS: 420 Elon: 17% UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
STA 7CZ8A 1.2% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Bar UZ29EI 1.0% Sn 28.0% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
VTS: 360 Elon: 20% VDMNAVAL 0.7% Sn 37% Zn Cu alloy: VDM
STA 7CZ8B 1.2% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; annealed BRASS
UTS: 340 Elon: 25 % VIALBRA 22% Zn 2% AI Cu alloy: Origin unknown
STA 7CZ8B 1.2% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; cold rolled WAS Cu alloy: Welding rod; Delta metal for BS 1724A
UTS: 390 Elon: 20% WHEEL BRASS 2% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
STA 7 CZllA 2.5% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; annealed WWT791/1 15% Zn Cu alloy: Seamless tube; US Federal
VTS: 300 Elon: 25% Proof: 120 WWT791/2 0.8% Pb 35% Zn Cu alloy: Seamless tube; US Federal
STA 17 3.5% Zn Cu alloy: Strip for shells and caps; cap copper YALE BRONZE 1% Sn 1% Pb 7.75% Zn Cu bronze; Used for nuts and
alloy bolts; origin unknown
DPN: 70 YELLOW BRASS 40% Zn Cu alloy: Common name; further information
STA 19 10% Zn Cu alloy: Strip for bullet envelopes; gilding from Copper Development Association
metal YELLOW INGOT 1% Sn 2'% Pb 32% Zn Cu alloy: Used for
DPN: 70 METAL plumber's filling; common name
STA51 30% Zn Cu alloy: Bar for vent tubes YORCALBRO 22% Zn 2% AI 0.04% As Cu alloy: Tube; Yorkshire
STUBS IMS Zn Si Cu alloy: For brazing and welding; Stubs; melting Imperial Metals Ltd
range 88(}-900 'C YR 1.5% Pb 37% Zn Co alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie
VTS: 480 Elon: 26% Bros; as drawn
STUBS IS Zn Si Cu alloy: Electrodes for brazing and welding; DPN: 125 UTS: 390 Elon: 27% Proof: 170
Stubs; melting range 86a-880 'C YS 2.75% Pb 36% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie
DPN: ISO UTS: 520 Elon: 17% Bros; as BS alloy CZ 124
STUBS2H Zn Ni Cu alloy: For hard surfacing; Stubs; good
coefficient of friction
STUBS2H M Zn Ni Cu alloy: For hard surfacing; Stubs; good
coefficient of friction
T8 Seamless brass tubes; annealed
TI8 Brass tube; hard drawn, seamless; obsolete; see BS 885 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
T47 30% Zn Cu alloy: Tube for radiators; as drawn
UTS: 290 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
T48 Brass tube for radiators; obsolete UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Eion Elongation, %
TAURUS XXII 28% Zn 5% AI 1.5% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; D
Brown; sand cast Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: ISO VTS: 600 Elon: 17% Proof: 300
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibf/in. 2=1 Mfa
TAURUS XXlll 30% Zn 5.5% AI 1.5% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
D Brown; sand cast See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 190 UTS: 760 Elon: 13% Proof: 420
14C Copper-zinc wrought and cast alloys
37-50 per cent zinc - alpha + beta and beta alloys
Specific gravity 8.4
Density 8400 kg/m l
Soliduslliquidus 890-920°C
Thermal conductivity 109 Wlm °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 21 x 1O- 6/°C
The above properties are typical of the following group, and tion in ductility. The alloy is termed Naval brass and is
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible distinct from Admiralty, which is an alpha brass.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be
Iron. This strengthens the alpha phase, giving a higher ten-
sile strength with little reduction in ductility. It is generally
added with aluminium and manganese.
General metallurgical characteristics
Aluminium. 1% aluminium has the same effect as about 6%
The alloys listed all have sufficient zinc - above 37% - to zinc on the structure of copper-zinc alloys. In addition it
ensure the presence of some beta phase in the alpha matrix. considerably enhances the corrosion resistance, particularly
This causes the alloys to be stronger than plain alpha brass to sea water and high temperature oxidation.
(up to 38% zinc) (Section 14B) but means that ductility is
Silicon. Small amounts of silicon are sometimes added to
reduced to such an extent that little or no cold forming or
60/40 brass to improve the initial castability prior to forging.
drawing can be carried out. The strength and lack of ductility
This also enhances the corrosion resistance. Other alloying
increase proportionately up to about 46% zinc, at which
elements are always present.
point beta only is present and then a third phase - gamma -
These alloys must not be confused with the silicon bronze
makes its appearance.
series which have different and distinct properties.
There will inevitably be some overlap between what are
classed as true alpha brasses and the alpha-beta group. The Manganese. The term 'manganese bronze' was for many
alpha brasses are listed in Section 14B. With copper at years applied to 60/40 brasses with any other alloying ele-
55-60% and alloying elements in addition to zinc, there is ments, if manganese was present. This is a misnomer as they
often sufficient overlap in the individual analysis for one are not true bronzes and manganese probably has the least
specification to be alpha or alpha-beta depending on the effect of any of the alloying elements. It does give some
actual analysis. strength to the alpha matrix but its main contribution is to
At 50% Zn only gamma is present and the alloys are so form an oxide during forging which in addition to enhancing
brittle as to be virtually useless. There is also a considerable the corrosion resistance has a pleasing brown colour.
drop in the corrosion resistance. Nickel. This strengthens the alpha phase and considerably
By far the largest and most important group is based on the improves the corrosion resistance.
60% copper, 40% zinc analysis - the 60/40 brasses. This is a
true alpha-beta brass, in that it has poor cold working pro- High tensile brasses. These are essentially 60/40 brasses with
perties but excellent hot working characteristics. Thus good up to 2% of aluminium, tin and nickel, and about 1% of iron
quality forgings, stampings, plates, bars and hot extrusions and manganese. Some have small amounts of lead added to
can be produced from this relatively inexpensive material improve machinability. Apart from the increase in tensile
which has good corrosion resistance with acceptable strength and corrosion resistance these materials have all the
strength, ductility and thermal and electrical properties. characteristics of alpha-beta brasses and are often incor-
Considerable modifications can be made to the basic alloy reclly termed 'manganese bronze'.
by additions of lead, tin, aluminium, silicon, manganese and
High zinc alloys. These are beta alloys and are generally too
nickel. In small quantities, generally replacing zinc, these
brittle for most practical purposes. They can be readily hot
metals do not affect the general metallurgy of the alloys but
worked but are prone to de-zincification and corrosion.
have the following effects.
Some use is made of them as brazing alloys owing to their
Lead. Up to 3.5% lead additions are made to improve relatively low melting range.
machinability. Bars with this amount of lead find consider-
The mechanical properties of these materials cannot be
able use in automachining when the lead acts as a lubricant
improved by any form of heat treatment. They can be cold
and also produces small chips which do not clog the tool.
worked but become quite brittle with a limited amount of
There is a reduction in the impact value and corrosion resis-
cold work and therefore require stress releasing or annealing
tance proportional to the lead content.
at frequent intervals if cold work is applied. Care must be
Tin. Up to 1% is added to improve the corrosion resistance. taken when softening as de-zincification can occur on some
This gives a slight increase in tensile strength with no reduc- alloys at a relatively low temperature.
At higher temperatures grain growth can occur along with Almost all these materials, particularly those containing
de-zincification which seriously affects the corrosion resis- some lead, have excellent machinability.
tance and fatigue strength of the materials. The materials in this group are used for hot stampings
These materials can only be welded under very specialized where they probably can produce the most economical high
conditions and expert advice is necessary. production materials where low strength is required. They
Brazing and soldering can be readily carried out with care are also excellent for extrusions and general engineering
being taken to remove the fluxes which can be very purposes, nuts, bolts, pipe fittings, etc.
corrosive. Some of the materials are used as brazing rods.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2.0340 40% Zn 0.8% Al Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 218 Sn Pb 40% Zn AI Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta
2.0341 40% Zn 0.3% Al Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard Metal Ltd; alloying elements varied to suit
2.0343 40% Zn 0.3% AI Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard requirements
2.0366 0.2% Sn 40% Zn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; German 280 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by
Standard CDAA
2.0531 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; German Standard 298 50% Zn Cu alloy: For brazing; designation agreed by
2.0590 1% Sn 40% Zn 1% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; CDAA; not used
German Standard 301 1% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal
2.0592 40% Zn 2% AI 1.5% Ni 1.5% Fe 2.5% Mn Cu alloy: 312 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros;
Casting; German Standard annealed
2.0596 40% Zn 4% Al 1.5% Ni 2% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: DPN: 100 VTS: 330 Elon: 40% Proof: 140
Casting; German Standard 380 2.0% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
2.0598 40% Zn 7% Al 1.5% Ni 3% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: agreed by CDAA; not used
Casting; designation used by German Standards 385 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by
4 3% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie Bros; CDAA
as drawn 457 I.7% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: McKechnie Bros
DPN: 140 VTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 200 462 2% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: McKechnie Bros
4M 40% Zn 5% A12% Ni 1% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: 463 2.2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: McKechnie Bros
Casting; Langley Alloys 465 0.7% Sn 40% Zn 0.07% As Cu alloy: Wrought;
4VH 3% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion code for Hidurit designation used by CDAA
11; McKechnie Bros; variant of 4 466 0.7% Sn 40% Zn 0.07% Sb Cu alloy: Wrought;
5 1% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal LId designation used by CDAA
5V 1% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal Ltd 466 4% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: McKechnie Bros
7M 0.7% Sn 1% Pb4O% Zn 1% AII% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu 467 0.7% Sn 40% Zn 0.06% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
alloy: Wrought; Langley Alloys; as Hidurit 15 designation used by CDAA
9M 5% Sn 40% Zn 2.5% AI 1% Ni 3% Mn Cu alloy: 467 2.2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: McKechnie Bros
Casting; Langley Alloys for Hidurit 12 470 0.8% Sn 40% Zn 0.01 % AI Cu alloy: Brazing rod;
10 1% Sn 1% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta designation agreed by CDAA; not used
Metal Ltd 472 3.5% Sn 50% Zn Cu brazing alloy: Designation agreed
11M 40% Zn 5% Al 1% Ni 4% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; by CDAA; not used
Langley Alloys; Hidurit 10 473 3% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: McKechnie Bros
31 40% Zn Sn Pb Fe AI Ni Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta 540 0.75% Sn 1.25% Pb 38.5% Zn 0.75% Fe 1.25% Mn Cu
Metal Ltd; alloying elements varied to suit alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie Bros; as drawn
requirements DPN: 130 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 210
37 Sn Pb 40% Zn AI Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta 671 0.7% Sn 0.2% Pb 40% Zn 0.2% Mn Cu alloy:
Metal Ltd; alloying elements varied to suit Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
requirements 677 0.8% Pb 40% Zn 2.0% Ni 1.0% Fe 0.2% Mn 0.4% As
51A 50% Zn Cu alloy: Bronze filler; melting range 860-870 Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not
'C; Langley Alloys used
51A 50% Zn Cu alloy: Brazing spelter; Delta Metal for BS 680 0.9% Sn 40% Zn 0.6% Ni 0.4% Mn Cu alloy:
I845C Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
601. 1% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal Ltd 681 0.9% Sn 40% Zn 0.4% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
115 3% Pb 41 % Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
as drawn 796 1.0% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni 2.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
DPN: 100 VTS: 360 Elon: 22% Proof: 170 designation agreed by CDAA; not used
210 2.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie 798 2.0% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni 2.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
Bros; as drawn designation agreed by CDAA; not used
DPN: 130 VTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: 200 850 41% Zn 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Braze filler rod; McKechnie
Bros; melting range 8~900 °C
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 912 0.5% Pb 40% Zn 1.5% AI 2.5% Mn 0.7% Si Cu alloy:
Bar and tube; Manganese Bronze Co.
AO 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Manganese Bronze
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Co.; for BS alloy CZI09
A 71 NB 1.2% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
Eion Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Manganese Bronze Co.; for BS alloy CZI12
ABS TYPE 3 1.0% Sn (max) 43% Zn 3.2% Ni 1.2% Fe 2.0% (max)
1 N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonfJin. 2=145.04lbfJin. 2=1 MPa Al Cu alloy: Casting; American Bureau of Shipping
VTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 225
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
AITCHMETAL 38% Zn 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: Obsolete; Blackwell
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS932 Brass gravity die casting; replaced by BS 1400 BS 2870 CZI15 1% Sn 1.2% Pb 40% Zn I% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
BS944/1 2% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Bars and forgings Sheet; high tensile brass soldering quality; specification
UTS: 300 Elon: 25% not issued
BS 1001 czm 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: BS 2870 CZI20 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; i-hard
Forgings; soldering quality; high tensile brass; as forged DPN: 120 Elon: 10%
VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 180 BS 2870 CZI20 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
BS 1002 High tensile brass; replaced by BS 1001 DPN: 150 UTS: 490 Elon: 5%
BS 1400 DCB1I1 40% Zn 0.4% Al Cu alloy: Brass ingots; chill cast; for BS 2870 CZI20 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
die casting DPN: 180 VTS: 560 Elon: 3%
VTS: 270 Elon: 25% BS 2870 CZI21 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued
BS 1400 DCBI C 40% Zn Cu alloy: Brass castings; chill cast; for die BS 2870 CZI22 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued
casting BS 2870 CZI23 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; as rolled
VTS: 270 Elon: 25% UTS: 360 Elon: 20%
BS 1400 DCB2I1 1% Sn 40% Zn 0.4% Al Cu alloy: Brass ingots; chill BS 2871 CZI09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Lead-free brass; specification not
cast; for die casting issued
UTS: 300 Elon: 20% BS 2871 CZ112 1.2% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; Naval brass;
BS 1400 DCB2 C 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Naval brass castings; chill specification not issued
cast; for die casting BS 2871 CZII3 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; Naval brass;
VTS: 300 Elon: 20% Proof: 100 specification not issued
BS 1400 DCB3/1 1.5% Pb 40% Zn 0.7% AI Cu alloy: Brass ingots; chill BS 2871 CZI14 0.7% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1.0% All% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu
cast; for die casting alloy: Tube; specification not issued
UTS: 290 Elon: 15% BS 2871 czm 1% Sn 1% Pb4O% Zn 1% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
BS 1400 DCB3 C 1.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Brass castings; chill cast; for Tube; specification not issued
die casting BS 2871 czm 0.7% Sn 40% Zn 2.5% AI I% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy:
UTS: 290 Elon: 15% Tube; specification not issued
BS 1400 HTBIIl 1.5% Sn 40% Zn 2.5% All % Ni 1.2% Fe 3% Mn Cu BS 2871 CZI20 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued
alloy: Ingots; chill cast BS 2871 CZI21 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued
UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 BS 2871 czm 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued
BS 1400 HTBI C 1.5% Sn 40% Zn 2.5% Al 1% Ni 1.2% Fe 3% Mn Cu BS 2871 CZI23 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not
alloy: Castings; chill cast issued
VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 BS 2872 CZI09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; as forged
BS 1400 HTB2I1 0.5% Sn 40% Zn 5% Al 2% Ni 1.2% Fe 3% Mn Cu UTS: 300 Elon: 30%
alloy: Ingots; sand cast BS 2872 CZ1I3 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 270 issued
BS 1400 HTB2 C 0.5% Sn 40% Zn 5% Al 2% Ni 1.2% Fe 3% Mn Cu BS 2872 CZ114 0.7% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn I% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
alloy: Castings; sand cast Forging
VTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 270 UTS: 450 Elon: 20%
BS 1400 HTB3/1 0.2% Sn 40% Zn 5% All % Ni 1.2% Fe 4% Mn Cu BS 2872 CZ115 1.0% Sn 1.0% Pb 35% Zn 1.0% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy:
alloy: Ingots; sand cast; beta brass Forging; as forged
UTS: 730 Elon: 12% Proof: 390 VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 180
BS 1400 HTB3 C 0.2% Sn 40% Zn 5% All % Ni 1.2% Fe 4% Mn Cu BS 2872 CZI20 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
alloy: Castings; sand cast; beta brass issued
VTS: 730 Elon: 12% Proof: 390 BS 2872 CZI21 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
BS 1453 C2 40% Zn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Weld filler rod for brazing issued
steel to copper or welding brasses BS 2872 CZI22 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; as forged
BS 1453 C4 40% Zn 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Weld filler rod for UTS: 300 Elon: 25 %
brazing of copper to cast iron steel and for welding BS 2872 CZI23 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Forging; as forged
brasses VTS: 300 Elon: 30%
BS 1541 CZI23 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled BS 2872 CZI28 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy
VTS: 330 Elon: 20% BS 2872 CZ129 1.3% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy
BS 1845/8 50% Zn Cu alloy: Braze filler; melting range BS 2873 CZI09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
860-870'C BS 2873 CZII3 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 1845/9 45% Zn Cu alloy: Braze filler; melling range BS 2873 CZl14 0.8% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn I % Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
87G-880'C Wire; specification not issued
BS 1845/10 40% Zn Cu alloy: Braze filler; melting range BS 2873 CZ1I5 1.0% Sn 1.0% Pb 35% Zn 1.0% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy:
88>-890'C Wire; specification not issued
BS 1845111 1% Sn 44% Zn Cu alloy: Braze filler; melting range BS 2873 CZ120 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
860-870'C BS 2873 CZI21 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 1845/12 1% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: Braze filler; melting range BS 2873 CZ122 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
88G-890'C BS 2873 CZ123 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
BS 1949 CZI09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Brass rods and forgings; as rolled issued
UTS: 310 Elon: 30% Proof: ISO BS 2874 CZI09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
BS 1949 CZI23 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Brass rod and forgings; as VTS: 310 Elon: 30% Proof: 150
rolled BS 2874 CZI12 1.2% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
VTS: 310 Elon: 30% VTS: 360 Elon: 20%
BS 2870 CZI09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued BS 2874 CZ1I3 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
BS 2870 CZIB 1.0% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not VTS: 360 Elon: 20%
issued BS 2874 CZl14 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn I% Al I% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu
BS 2870 CZ1I4 0.7% Sn 1% Pb4O% Zn 1% All% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
alloy: Sheet; high tensile brass; specification not issued VTS: 480 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2874 CZI15 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn I% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; C38600 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS designation
cold worked and stress relieved C46400 0.8% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
UTS: 480 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 C46420 1.2% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2874 CZI20 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued C46500 0.7% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: Arsenical; CDA and UNS
BS 2874 CZI21 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled designation
UTS: 340 Elon: 16% C46600 0.7% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: Antimonial; CDA and UNS
BS 2874 CZI22 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; hard drawn designation
UTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: 180 C46700 0.7% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: Phosphorized; CDA and
BS 2874 CZI23 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled UNS designation
UTS: 320 Elon: 30% C47000 0.7% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Braze and weld rod; CDA
BS 2874 CZI28 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy and UNS designation
BS 2874 CZI29 1.3% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy C48200 0.7% Sn 0.7% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
BS 2874 CZ130 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy designation
BS 2874 CZI31 1.7% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy C48500 0.7% Sn 1.8% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
BS 2874 czm 0.7% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy designation
BS 2874 CZ134 1.2% Sn 2% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy C 48600 1.2% Sn 1.7% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
BS 2874 czm 38% Zn 1.5% A12% Mn Cu alloy designation
BS 2874 CZ136 3% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy C49080 3.5% Sn 47% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2874 czm 1.7% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy C 67000 27% Zn 4.5% A13% Fe 3.2% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and
BS 2875 CZI09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued UNS designation
BS 2875 CZII3 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued C67130 1% Sn 1% Pb 31% Zn 0.7% AII% Ni 1% Mn Cu
BS 2875 CZ114 0.7% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1.0% AII% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
alloy: Plate; specification not issued C67300 2.0% Pb 35% Zn 2.7% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy: CDA and
BS 2875 CZI15 1% Sn 1% Pb4O% Zn 1% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: UNS designation
Plate; specification not issued C67400 36% Zn 1.2% Al 2.7% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy: CDA and
BS 2875 CZI21 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued UNS designation
BS 2875 CZI22 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued C 67410 40% Zn 1.8% AI 1.8% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy: CDA and
BS 2875 CZI23 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled UNS designation
UTS: 320 Elon: 20% C67500 39% Zn 1.2% Fe 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
BS 2901 C4 40% Zn 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Welding rod for designation
inert gas shielded arc welding C67620 1% Pb 40% Zn 0.8% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and
BSBI High tensile brass bar; obsolete UNS designation
BS BI2 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed C67700 0.7% Pb 38% Zn 2% Ni 1% Fe 0.2% Mn 0.6% As Cu
BS BI3 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; free machining alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS B20 Brass bar for hot stamping; obsolete C67800 39% Zn I% All % Fe 0.4% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and
C2B 1% Sn 40% Zn 0.5% Ni 0.5% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for UNS designation
welding; designation for BS 1453 C67810 40% Zn I% AI 1% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
C2C 1.0% Sn 40% Zn 0.5% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for welding; designation
designation for BS 1453 C67820 0.7% Sn 38% Zn 1% Al 0.8% Fe 1.2% Mn Cu alloy:
C4 40% Zn 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Welding rod; CDA and UNS designation
designation used by BS C68000 1% Sn 39% Zn 0.6% Ni 1% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and
C50 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal for UNS designation
BS249 C68100 1% Sn 39% Zn 1% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
C90 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; designation
Manganese Bronze Co.; Parsons C 90 C68200 39% Zn 0.8% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C92 Sn 40% Zn AI Fe Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze C68600 0.8% Sn 38% Zn 1% All % Fe Cu alloy: CDA and
Co.; Parsons C 92 UNS designation
C94 44% Zn Fe Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Co.; C79820 2.7% Sn 42% Zn 9.5% Ni Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS
architectural bronze designation
C28200 39% Zn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS designation CHANNEL 1% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
C 28580 50% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation BRONZE
C 37710 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CM2 Sn Pb 40% Zn AI Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta
C 37800 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Metal for BS 1002
C 38000 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CXI 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal
C38010 2.2% Pb 40% Zn 0.5% AI Cu alloy: CDA and UNS 01 1% Sn 1% Pb4O% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
designation Manganese Bronze Co.; for BS alloy CZ114
C38500 3% Pb 41 % Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation 07 40% Zn Cu alloy: Lead·free bars; Manganese Bronze
C 38510 3.5% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Co.; annealed
C 38590 2.7% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation UTS: 330 Elon: SO%
09 40% Zn Cu alloy: Free machining bar; Manganese
Bronze Co.; for small sections
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 370 Elon: 25%
DlL 1% Sn 1% Pb40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Manganese Bronze Co.; for BS alloy CZ 114
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DIN 1709 GO Ms 60 40% Zn 0.8% AI Cu alloy: Casting; die cast
Elon Elongation, % DPN: 100 UTS: 330 Elon: 4% Proof: ISO
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DIN 1709 GK Ms 60 40% Zn 0.8% AI Cu alloy: Casting
DIN 1709 1% Sn 40% Zn I% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
GSoMsF30 DPN: 85 UTS: 330 Elon: 25% Proof: 150
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DIN 1709 40% Zn 2% Al 1.5% Ni 1.5% Fe 2.5% Mn Cu alloy: H1DURIT 15 0.7% Sn 1% Pb4O% Zn 1% AII% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu
GSo MsF45 Casting alloy: Wrought; Langley Alloys for BS alloy CZII4
DPN: 130 VTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 180 HIGH TENSILE 40% Zn with Sn and AI Fe Mn Cu alloy: BS alloy
DIN 1709 40% Zn 4% AI 1.5% Ni 2% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: BRASS CZII4; further information from Copper Development
GSo MsF60 Casting Association
DPN: 160 UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proor: 300 IAT 1% Sn 0.5% Pb 40% Zn I% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
DIN 1709 40% Zn 7% Al 1.5% Ni 3% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZ114; low Pb
G So Ms F 75 Casting IMI246 45% Zn Cu alloy: Brazing rod; IMI for BS 1845/9;
DPN: 100 VTS: 360 Elon: 35% Proor: 90 melting range 870-880 °C
DIN 1733 Ms 60 0.2% Sn 40% Zn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Wrought IMI312 37% Zn 3% AII% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; IMI
DIN 1733 SSo Ms 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought DPN: 180 VTS: 630 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
DIN 17656 40% Zn 0.3% AI Cu alloy: Casting IMI330 1.2% Sn 0.3% Pb 39% Zn 0.5% AI 1% Fe 1.5% Mn
GBMs60A Cu alloy: Bar; IMI
E 1.5% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal Ltd DPN: 160 UTS: 540 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
E 22 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn I% Fe Cu alloy: T Bolton for IMI333 0.7% Sn 1.2% Pb 40% Zn 1.5% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
BS 1001 Bar; IMI and Manganese Bronze Co.
ED Sn Pb 40% Zn Al Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta DPN: 140 VTS: 480 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
Metal Ltd; alloying elements varied to suit IMI334 1.2% Pb 38% Zn 1.2% AI I% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
requirements Bar;IMI
EMBEESH Sn 40% Zn Al Fe Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Co. DPN: 170 VTS: 560 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
ETS 0.75% Sn 0.1% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; IMI360 1% Sn 37% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; IMI Naval brass:
McKechnie Bros; as drawn annealed
DPN: 120 VTS: 370 Elon: 25% Proof: 140 DPN: 100 VTS: 330 Elon: 56% Proor: 100
ETW 0.3% Sn 40% Zn 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Brazing filler rod; IMI365 1% Sn 39% Zn Cu alloy: Brazing rod; IMI for BS
McKechnie Bros; melting range 890-900 °C 1845/12; melting range 880-890 °C
F 58 1% Sn 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; IMI366 40% Zn Cu alloy: Small amount Sn; IMI 'Tobin Brass'
McKechnie Bros; as drawn for brazing high Cu brasses
DPN: 120 VTS: 370 Elon: 25% Proof: 140 IMI388 40% Zn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Brazing metal; silicon brass
FXY 1% Sn 2.25% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; for brazing sleel and Cu alloys; melting range 880-890
McKechnie Bros; as drawn °C;IMI
DPN: 120 UTS: 370 Elon: 22% Proof: 140 IMI442 2.6% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; IMI
GCu55ZnAI 40% Zn 2% AI 1.5% Ni 1.5% Fe 2.5% Mn Cu alloy: IMI452 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: IMI for BS 2873 CZ123;
Casting; designation used by German Standards melting range 883-890 °C
GCu 55 Zn AI2 40% Zn 4% AI 1.5% Ni 2% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: IMI453 0.7% Pb (max) 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; IMI
Casting; designation used by German Standards IMI456 0.7% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; IMI
G Cu 55 Zn AI4 40% Zn 7% Al 1.5% Ni 3% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: IMI467 2.2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Free machining bar for hot
Casting; designation used by German Standards stamping; IMI
GCu55ZnMn 1% Sn 40% Zn I% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; IMI469 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Free machining bar; IMI for
designation used by German Standards BS alloy CZI21
GSoMsF30 1% Sn 40% Zn I% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; IMMADIUMIV 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
designation used by German Standards Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZ115; soldering
GSo Ms F45 40% Zn 2% Al 1.5% Ni 1.5% Fe 2.5% Mn Cu alloy: quality
Casting; designation used by German Standards ITA Sn 40% Zn Al Fe Mn and Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze
GSoMsF60 40% Zn 4% Al 1.5% Ni 2% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Co.; Parsons ITA
Casting; designation used by German Standards K 0.75% Sn 1.25% Pb 38% Zn 0.25% Al 0.75% Fe
GSo MsF75 40% Zn 7% AI 1.5% Ni 3% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: 1.25% Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; as
Casting; designation used by German Standards drawn
GB 3.75% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie DPN: 140 VTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
Bros; as drawn KP 0.75% Sn 0.75% Pb 38% Zn 0.25% Al 0.25% Fe
DPN: 110 VTS: 370 Elon: 20% Proof: 170 1.25% Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; as
GB Cu 60 Zn 40% Zn 0.3% Al Cu alloy: Casting; designation used drawn
by German Standards DPN: 130 VTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
GBMs60A 40% Zn 0.3% Al Cu alloy: Casting; designation used KS 0.75% Pb 40% Zn 0.25% Fe 1.75% Mn Cu alloy:
by German Standards Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; as drawn
GB Ms60B 40% Zn 0.3% Al Cu alloy: Casting; designation used DPN: 100 VTS: 420 Elon: 30% Proof: 180
by German Standards KT 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal Ltd
GDCu60Zn 40% Zn 0.8% Al Cu alloy: Casting; die cast KZ 0.5% Sn 0.75% Pb 38.5% Zn 0.75% Al 0.75% Fe
GDMs60 40% Zn 0.8% Al Cu alloy: Casting; die cast 0.75% Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; as
GKCu60Zn 40% Zn 0.8% Al Cu alloy: Casting; designation used drawn
by German Standards DPN: 140 VTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
GK Ms60 40% Zn 0.8% AI Cu alloy: Casting; designation used MI Sn Pb 40% Zn AI Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta
by German Standards Metal Ltd for BS 1001
H 15 1.5% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal Co. MANGANESE 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
HECORROS 76 20% Zn 2% AI Cu alloy: Tube and pipe; VDM BRONZE DI Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZI14
HIDURITIO 40% Zn 5% AII% Ni 1% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: MANGANESE 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
Casting; Langley Alloys for BS alloy HTB3 BRONZEDIL Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZI14
HIDURITII 40% Zn 5% Al 2% Ni I% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: MANGANESE 1% Sn 0.5% Pb 40% Zn I% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
Casting; Langley Alloys for BS alloy HTB2 BRONZEIAT Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZ114; low Pb
HIDURITI2 1.5% Sn 40% Zn 2.5% AII% Ni 1% Fe 3% Mn Cu MANGANESE 1% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar;
alloy: Casting; Langley Alloys for BS alloy HTBI BRONZE IX Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZI14
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
MKDCI 0.5% Sn 2.5% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; SAE73 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; annealed;
McKechnie Bros; chill cast ASTMB21 A
DPN: 105 UTS: 340 Elon: 17% Proof: ISO UTS: 370 Elon: 40% Proof: 120
NAVAL BRASS 1.25% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Common name; further SAE 73 1% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; hard; ASTM
information from Copper Development Association B21A
NF2 Sn Pb 40% Zn Al Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta UTS: 4SO Elon: 25 % Proof: 240
Metal Ltd; alloying elements varied to suit SAE74 A 0.8% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Tube; as drawn; ASTM B
requirements 135/5
NIL 1% Sn 1% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta UTS: 370
Metal Ltd SAE88 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; as forged;
No. I HIGH 35% Zn 4.5% All % Ni 2% Fe 4% Mn Cu alloy: ASTM B 124/2
TENSILE BRASS Casting; Stone Manganese Marine for BS alloy HTB3 UTS: 370 Elon: 30%
No. 3 HIGH 35% Zn 5% Al 2% Ni 2% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: SAE430A 30% Zn 5% AI 3% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting
TENSILE BRASS Casting; Stone Manganese Marine for BS alloy HTB2 UTS: 6SO Elon: 20% Proof: 330
No. 4 HIGH 0.5% Sn 35% Zn 2% All % Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: SAE 430 B 30% Zn 5% A13% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting
TENSILE BRASS Casting; Stone Manganese Marine UTS: 810 Elon: 12% Proof: 420
No. 6 HIGH 1.5% Sn 2.5% Al 1.5% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: SAE CA 377 2% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Formerly SAE 88
TENSILE BRASS Casting; Stone Manganese Marine for BS alloy HTB I SAE CA 464 0.75% Sn 39.25% Zn Cu alloy: Naval brass; Formerly
NS 44% Zn 10% Ni 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Brazing filler rod; SAE73
McKechnie Bros; melting range 905-915 'C SAE CA 465 40% Zn 0.5% AI Cu alloy: Wrought
ORM Sn Pb 40% Zn Al Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta SAECA 466 40% Zn 0.5% Sb Cu alloy: Wrought
Metal Ltd; alloying elements varied to suit SAECA467 40% Zn 0.5% P Cu alloy: Wrought
requirements SAECA 674 36% Zn 1.2% Al 2.7% Mn 1% Si Cu alloy: Wrought
PARSONSC9O 1% Sn 1% Pb40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; SAE CA 675 1% Sn 38.8% Zn 1.4% Fe 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought
Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZI15 SB Sn Pb 40% Zn AI Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta
PARSONSC92 Sn 40% Zn Al Fe Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Co. Metal Ltd; alloying elements varied to suit
PARSONS ITA Sn 40% Zn Al Fe Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Co. requirements
PARSONS No I 1% Sn 1% Pb40% Zn 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy; Bar; SB 6 46% Zn 6% Ni Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Co.
STANDARD Manganese Bronze Co. for BS alloy CZ114; made from SCB4 1.2% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Designation used by IlS
virgin metal SIFBRONZE 39% Zn 0.25% Si Cu alloy: Brazing rod; Suffolk Iron
PARSONSSB 6 46% Zn 6% Ni Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Co. Foundry; melting point 850 'C
PL 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Delta Metal Ltd SILICON BRASS 40% Zn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Braze metal; IMI 388
PROPELLER 1% Sn 40% Zn 0.2% All % Fe 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: For SIS specifications see SS
BRASS Casting; further information from Copper SPRABRONZE TM 0.8% Sn 40% Zn 0.7% Fe 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Wire for
Development Association spraying; Metco Ltd; as sprayed
PW 0.75% Sn 40% Zn 0.3% Fe Cu alloy: Brazing filler rod; UTS: ISO
McKechnie Bros; melting range 885-895 'C SPRABRONZE TM 1% Sn O. I% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Spray deposit;
QQ B 6/laiA 2.0% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; US Metco
Federal DPN: 100
QQ B 611a/B 3.0% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; US SS 1.2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie
Federal Bros; as drawn
UT.s~ 340 Elan: 15% Proof: 120 DPN: 135 UTS: 390 Elon: 30% Proof: ISO
QQ B636 0.8% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; US Federal SS I 0.5% Pb 39.5% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie
UTS: 400 Elon: 28 % Proof: 200 Bros; annealed
QQ B 721a1A 1.0% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; US Federal DPN: 100 VTS: 370 Elon: 35% Proof: 220
UTS: 370 Elon: 22% Proof: 140 SS 5163 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish Standard;
QQ S 551/A 0.5% Pb 48% Zn Cu alloy: Brazing filler; US Federal annealed
QQ S 551/B 3.5% Sn 0.5% Pb 45% Zn Cu alloy: Brazing filler; US DPN: 90 VTS: 330 Elon: 40% Proof: 120
Federal; melting point 871 'C SS 5163 0.5% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish Standard;
S 3% Pb 40% Zn 0.3% Al Cu alloy: Extrusion; cold rolled
McKechnie Bros; as drawn DPN: 125 VTS: 370 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
DPN: 120 VTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: ISO SS 5165 1.2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate and bar; Swedish
SMs60 0.2% Sn 40% Zn 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; Standard; annealed
designation used by German Standards DPN: 80 UTS: 330 Elon: 35% Proof: 120
SSoMs 40% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by SS 5165 1.2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate and bar; Swedish
German Standards Standard; cold rolled
SAE43 40% Zn I% AI 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast DPN: 135 VTS: 370 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 170 SS 5168 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish Standard; cold
DPN: 140 UTS: 390 Elon: 12% Proof: 280
SS 5170 3% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Swedish
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Standard; annealed
DPN: 95 VTS: 390 Elon: 35% Proof: 140
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SS 5170 3% Pb 38% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Swedish
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 Standard; cold rolled
Eion Elongation, % DPN: 140 UTS: 4SO Elon: 15% Proof: 330
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 SS 5173 1% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; Swedish Standard;
as rolled
I N/mm 2;0.1 hbar;O.I02 kgflmm 2;0.06475 tonflin. 2;145.04lbflin. 2;1 MPa DPN: 95 UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: ISO
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conve~ion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 5272 0.8% Pb 40% Zn 0.8% Al Cu alloy: Extrusion; STA 7 CZIO 3% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; free machining
Swedish Standard; as rolled VTS: 370 Elon: 20%
DPN: 130 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 170 STA 7 CZIlB 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Sheet and strip
STA 7 CMI 1% Sn 38% Zn I% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled VTS: 370
BS 250, BS 1001 STA 7CZI4 40% Zn Cu alloy: Die casting; as cast
VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 220 UTS: 260 Elon: 25 %
STA 7 CMI 1% Sn 38% Zn I% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; cold STA 7 CZI5 1% Sn 38% Zn Cu alloy: Die casting; as cast
drawn; stress relieved UTS: 300 Elon: 20%
UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 STEREO 38% Zn 2% Fe Cu alloy: Blackwell; obsolete
STA 7 CM2 0.5% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Al 1% Fe 1% Mn Cu SUPERSTON 50 0.2% Pb 30% Zn 5% Al 1.5% Fe 2.2% Mn Cu alloy:
alloy: Bar and forging Casting; Stone Manganese for BS 207
VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 220 TAURUS XXI 1% Sn 40% Zn 0.5% AII% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy:
STA 7 CM3 0.5% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 2.5% Al I% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu Casting; D Brown; sand cast
alloy: Bar and forging DPN: 110 VTS: 480 Elon: 24% Proof: 200
VTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 TAURUS XXXI 1% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; sand cast
STA 7 CM4A 1% Sn 0.5% Pb 38% Zn 1.5% AII% Fe 1% Mn Cu DPN: 70 VTS: 290 Elon: 15%
alloy: Bar and forging TOBIN BRASS 40% Zn Cu alloy: With small addition Sn; IMI 366
VTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 TOBIN BRONZE 0.75% Sn 0.1 % Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusions;
STA 7 CM5 0.5% Sn 2% Ph 40% Zn 0.2% AI 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu common name for this alloy; further information from
alloy: Casting; as cast Copper Development Association
VTS: 300 Elon: 12% Proof: 120 TONUM 35% Zn 1.7% All % Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
STA 7 CM6 A and B 0.5% Sn 1% Pb 40% Zn 1% Al 0.7% Fe 2% Mn Cu Stone Manganese
alloy: Casting VTS: 520 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
VTS: 440 Elon: 17% Proof: 200 TURBISTON3 1% Sn 41 % Zn 0.25% All % Fe 0.2% Mn Cu alloy:
STA 7 CM7 A and B 0.2% Sn 0.2% Pb 40% Zn 4% AI 1.5% Fe 2% Mn Cu Casting; Stone Manganese
alloy: Casting DPN: 150 VTS: 510 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
VTS: 600 Elon: 14% Proof: 330 TURBISTONM 35% Zn 1.7% All % Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
STA 7 CX3 1% Sn 40% Zn 0.2% Al 1% Fe 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Stone Manganese
Casting; Admiralty Propeller brass UTS: 52 Elon: 20% Proof: 24(0.15%)
VTS: 500 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 UNI6896 39% Zn 1.0% AI 1.0% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy:
STA 7 CX4 1% Sn 40% Zn 0.8% AII% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; Italian Standard; high tensile brass
Casting DPN: 140 UTS: 480 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
UTS: 500 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 VICfOR BRONZE 39% Zn 1.5% Al 1.0% Fe 0.05% V Cu alloy: Origin
STA 7 CX4 1% Sn 40% Zn 0.8% Al I% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar unknown
and forging W 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros;
VTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 240 as drawn
STA 7 CX5 40% Zn 3% Al I% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Section; base DPN: 130 VTS: 40 Elon: 22% Proof: 20
fuse alloy WS 1.75% Pb 39% Zn Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie
UTS: 600 Elon: 15% Proof: 300 Bros; as drawn
STA 7 CX6 High tensile brass; no specific composition; as drawn DPN: 125 VTS: 39 Elon: 30% Proof: 18
UTS: 450 Elon: 28% Proof: 220 xx 50% Zn Cu alloy: Brazing filler rod; McKechnie Bros;
STA 7 CXI3 1% Pb 40% Zn 3% AI 2% Mn Cu alloy: Section; melting range 875-885 'C
leaded hase fuse metal
VTS: 600 Elon: 15% Proof: 300
STA 7 CZ9A 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Forging
VTS: 300 Elon: 25%
STA 7 CZ9B 2% Ph 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar
VTS: 300 Elon: 25%
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
STA 7 CZ9BI 1.5% Pb (max) 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar and forging
VTS: 300 Elon: 25%
DPN Hardncss, diamond pyramid number
STA 7 CZ9C 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; drawn and reeled
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 1
VTS: 300 Elon: 30% Proof: 180
Elon Elongation, %
STA 7 CZ9D 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; drawn and reeled up to
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 1
40 mm diameter
VTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 220 I N/mm 1=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 1 =0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04lbf/in. 1 =1 MPa
STA 7 CZ9E 2% Pb 40% Zn Cu alloy: Bar; drawn and reeled up to
25 mm diameter See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
VTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 260
140 Copper-beryllium wrought and cast alloys
Specific gravity 8.25
Density 8250 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 890--990 °C
Thermal conductivity solution treated 84 W/m °C
solution treated and aged 105 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 17 x 1O-6/ oC
Electrical conductivity solution treated 16-18% lACS
aged maximum hardness 20--25% lACS (copper 100%)
aged to maximum conductivity 32-38% lACS
Specific resistance solution treated 96-108 microhm mm
aged to maximum hardness 69--86 microhm mm
aged to maximum conductivity 46-54 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity (124-131) x 109 N/m 2
Impact - solution treated and aged 100 J
Fatigue strength (l08 cycles) ±220--270 N/mm 2
Hot strength
The above properties are typical of the following group, and electrical conductivity is required, ageing will be at the
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible higher end, 450--480 °C.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be The ageing operation is time and temperature dependent,
applicable. i.e. by holding the material at the same temperature for a
longer time the material will first increase in tensile strength
and hardness and then begin to soften. If the material is
General metallurgical characterIstics
correctly solution treated and is then held at the same tem-
The alloys listed have up to 2% beryllium, with additions of perature anywhere above approximately 300--350 °C, then it
cobalt or nickel. They all exhibit age hardening characteris- will gradually increase in tensile properties and decrease in
tics and give the best mechanical properties obtainable from ductility, and having reached a maximum will then decrease
any copper alloy. in tensile strength and improve in ductility. _
In the annealed condition two phases, alpha and gamma, The maximum electrical conductivity and tensile strength
are present and the alloy is reasonably ductile. On heating to is achieved by slightly over-ageing.
above about 750°C, depending on the beryllium content, the Beryllium and beryllium oxide are toxic but as long as they
gamma phase dissolves in the alpha and if quenched in water are contained as an alloy in beryllium copper then no prob-
will remain in solution - 'solution treated'. In this condition it lems exist. There are some health hazards where heat treat-
resembles pure copper, being soft, ductile and capable of ment or welding is involved in that beryllium oxide will form.
accepting a considerable amount of cold work. If, however, Welding does not present any technical problems which do
the alloy is then heated to 315-470 °C, the gamma phase not exist with other copper alloys. That is, because of the
agglomerates and precipitates out of solution. This causes high conductivity difficulty can exist in achieving a satis-
disturbance of the crystal lattice making the material less factory weld without pre-heating and normally fluxes are
ductile but giving a considerable increase in hardness. needed where gas welding, electric arc welding or brazing is
Moreover this increase in hardness can be additive to that required. These fluxes will invariably be aggressive and can
obtained from cold work. The electrical and thermal conduc- cause corrosion problems if not removed.
tivity is reduced as the hardness increases. Corrosion resis- It is recommended that anyone brazing or welding these
tance is also affected but not to such a marked degree. alloys should wear a mask or use good air extraction.
There are two basic ranges of alloys: those with less than There can also be a limited health hazard from dust when
1% beryllium, and those with about 2% beryllium. The these components are machined or ground; therefore any
cobalt or nickel content generally varies inversely with the grinding, etc., must be carried out with good extraction and
beryllium content, their presence increasing the response to the collected dust must be disposed of under controlled
thermal treatment. conditions.
The mechanical properties of beryllium coppers improve These materials probably have the highest mechanical
at sub-zero temperatures as low as -200 0c. This improve- strength of any non-ferrous alloy and in addition they have
ment is about 10% and includes ductility and impact much better electrical conductivity than the ferrous alloys of
strength. comparable strength.
In order to obtain the maximum mechanical properties They have the added advantage that they do not produce
from these materials, they must first be solution treated, sparks when ground or hit with a hammer and thus have
which requires a temperature of approximately 900 °C, and considerable advantages for safety where tools are used
then aged. The solution treatment will result in the material under hazardous conditions. Spanners, hammers, etc., used
being soft and ductile and the ageing will increase the where ammunition, petrol or gas are involved are generally
mechanical properties depending on the ageing temperature manufactured from beryllium copper alloys.
chosen. They also find considerable use as springs where electrical
For maximum mechanical strength the ageing is in the conductivity is involved, and draught excluders where doors
region of 450°C but, where a higher ductility or maximum open and shut are commonly manufactured from beryllium
copper alloys. They are also used for high strength corrosion tion, allowing extruding, forming, etc., and can then be
resistant tubing, dies for deep drawing of metals, and occa- subjected to controlled hardening to allow accurate machin-
sionally ornaments where the attractive bronze finish with ing in an efficient manner, and finally can be hardened, again
strength is required. by ageing, means that they have a considerable range of
As these materials can be produced in a very soft condi- possibilities in engineering.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3 1.8% Ni 0.4% Be Cu alloy: Brush Wellman mCr 2.7% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium
10 0.6% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Brush Beryllium Corporation
Co. 290 1.9% Be 0.4% Co Cu alloy: Brush Wellman
10C 0.6% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium AMPCOLOY83 1.7% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Ampco Metal
Co. AMPCOLOY84 Be Cu alloy: Ampco
IOCR 0.6% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium AMPCOLOY% 1.5% Ni 0.3% Be Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco Metal
Corporation AMS 4530 B 1.9% Be Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; solution treated
llCR 1% Ni 0.6% Be 2% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium AMS 4532 A 1.9% Be Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
Corporation AMS4650 D 1.9% Be Cu alloy: Bar and strip; solution treated
20C 2.1 % Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium AMS4651 0.2% (min) Ni 1.9% Be and Co Cu alloy
Co. AMS4725 A 1.9% Be Cu alloy: Wire; solution treated
20CR 2.2% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium AMS4890 A 0.3% Si 2% Be 0.4% Co Cu alloy: Investment casting;
Corporation heat treated
25 2% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Brush Beryllium ASTMBI94 0.6% Ni 1.9% Be + Co + Fe (max) Cu alloy: Sheet
Co. and bar; annealed
30CR 1.8% Ni 0.6% Be Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium VTS: 460
Corporation ASTMBI94 0.6% Ni 1.9% Be + Co + Fe (max) Cu alloy: Sheet
35 1.5% Ni 0.3% Be Cu alloy: Wrought; Brush Beryllium and bar; hard
Co. UTS: 820
35C 1.5% Ni 0.35% Be Cu alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium ASTMBI% 0.6% Ni 1.9% Be + Co + Fe (max) Cu alloy: Bar;
Co. annealed
50 0.4% Be 1.5% Co 1% Ag Cu alloy: Wrought; UTS: 460
Beryllium Corporation ASTMBI% 0.6% Ni 1.9% Be + Co + Fe (max) Cu alloy: Bar;
50C 0.5% Be 1.1 % Ag Cu alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium solution treated; hard drawn and aged
Co. UTS:1370
50CR 0.5% Be 1.5% Co 1% Ag Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium ASTMBI97 0.6% Ni 1.9% Be + Co + Fe (max) Cu alloy: Wire;
Corporation annealed
50P 0.5% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Powder; Brush Beryllium VTS: 460
Co.; for sintering ASTMBI97 0.6% Ni 1.9% Be + Co + Fe (max) Cu alloy: Wire;
70CR 0.9% Cr 0.15% Be Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium cold drawn; solution treated; cold drawn and aged
Corporation; for welding electrodes UTS: 1540
150P 1.5% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Powder; Brush Beryllium ASTM B441 0.55% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Bar; solution treated and
Co.; for sintering aged; conductivity 20% lACS
165 1.7% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Brush VTS: 800
Beryllium Co. ASTM a643 0.2% Ni + Co (max) 1.9% Be Cu alloy: Tube;
165C 1% Ni 0.6% Be 2% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Brush seamless
Beryllium Co. ASTM B768 C 17400 0.3% Be 0.2% Co Cu alloy: Strip
165CR 1.7% Be 0.2% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium UTS: 700 Elon: 8% Proof: 640
Co. ASTM B768 C 17410 0.3% Be 0.2% Co Cu alloy: Strip
174 0.3% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Brush Wellman VTS: 810 Elon: 9% Proof: 730
190 1.9% Be 0.4% Co Cu alloy: Brush Wellman BERALOY A 2% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Driver
200P 2.0% Be Cu alloy: Powder; Brush Beryllium Co.; for BERYDUR I% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Beryllium
sintering Corporation
245C 2.5% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium BERYLCO 4% Be Cu alloy: Ingot; Beryllium Corporation
Co. BERYLCO 0.55% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Beryllium
245Cr 2.5% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Beryllium Corporation; solution treated and aged
Corporation VTS: 1070 Proof: 756
mc 2.75% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium BERYLC025 1.9% Be 0.2% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Beryllium
Co. Corporation; cold worked; solution treated and aged
UTS: 1540 Proof: 1370
BERYLCO 33/25 2% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Beryllium Corporation;
same as alloy 25; free machining
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BERYLC050 0.4% Be 1.5% Co 1.0% Ag Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
Beryllium Corporation; solution treated and aged
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number VTS: 1070 Proof: 750
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BERYLCO 165 1.7% Be 0.2% Co Cu alloy: Strip and bar; Beryllium
Elon Elongation, % Corporation; cold worked; solution treated and aged
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 VTS: 1370 Proof: 1140
BERYLLIUM 2.5% Be Cu alloy: Common name
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa BRONZE
BERYLLOY 2.7% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Telcon Metals
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BRUSH 190 1.9% Be 0.2% Co or Ni Cu alloy: Wrought; Brush
Beryllium Co.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2870 CB10I 1.8% Be 0.3% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; solution C 81300 0.08% Be 0.8% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
treated and aged designation
DPN: 350 C81400 0.8% Cr 0.08% Be Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
BS 2870 CB101 1.8% Be 0.3% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; solution designation
treated and cold rolled; hard C81700 1% Ni 0.45% Be I% Co 1% Ag Cu alloy: Cast; CDA
DPN: 225 VTS: 680 Elon: 4% and UNS designation
BS 2870 CBIOI 1.8% Be 0.3% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; solution C 81800 0.45% Be 1.5% Co 1% Ag Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
treated; cold rolled and aged UNS designation
DPN: 350 C82000 0.6% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
BS 2870 CBIOI 1.8% Be 0.3% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; solution designation
treated; cold rolled and aged C82100 1% Ni 0.6% Be I% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
DPN: 350 designation
BS 2872 CBIOI 0.2% Ni 1.8% Be or Co Cu alloy: Forging; C82200 1.5% Ni 0.6% Be Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
specification not issued designation
BS 2873 CB 101 0.2% Ni 1.8% Be + Co Cu alloy: Wire; solution C82400 1.7% Be 0.3% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
treated and aged designation
VTS: 1050 C82500 0.3% Si 2% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
BS 2873 CB101 0.2% Ni 1.8% Be + Co Cu alloy: Wire; solution UNS designation
treated; cold drawn and aged C 82510 0.3% Si 2% Be I% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
VTS: 1200 designation
BS 2874 CBIOI 1.8% Be 0.2% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification nll! C82600 0.3% Si 2.35% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
issued UNS designation
BS 2875 CBIOI 1.8% Be 0.2% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification C82700 1.25% Ni 2.5% Be Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
not issued designation
BS 3127/2 1.8% Be 0.3% Co Cu alloy: Tube; solution treated for C82800 0.3% Si 2.6% Be 0.6% Co Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
bourdon tube UNS designation
DPN: 90 CABRA 170 1.7% Be 0.2% Co Cu alloy: Casting; tentative SAE
BS 3127/2 1.8% Be 0.3% Co Cu alloy: Tube; solution treated; designation
I-hard CDA 170 1.7% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Copper
DPN: 160 Development Association of America; tentative
BS 4577 A3/1 0.4% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: For resistance welding CDA !72 2% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Copper
electrodes; conductivity 45% lACS; wrought Development Association of America
DPN: ISO UTS: 620 Elon: 9% CDA 175 0.4% Be 1.5% Co 1% Ag Cu alloy: Wrought; Copper
BS 4577 A4/2 2.0% Be Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes; Development Association of America; tentative
wrought; conductivity 23% lACS CDA 176 0.5% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Wrought; Copper
DPN: 350 VTS: 1050 Elon: 2% Development Association of America; tentative
C 17000 0.2% Ni I. 7% Be + Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CU BE 50 0.5% Be Cu alloy: Strip and sheet; Tekon Metals;
designation solution treated and aged; electrical conductivity 50%
C !7200 0.2% Ni 1.9% Be + Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS lACS
designation DPN: 200 VTS: 760 Elon: 10%
C moo 0.2% Ni 1.9% Be + Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CU BE 50 0.5% Be Cu alloy: Strip and sheet; Tekon Metals;
designation solution treated; cold rolled and aged; electrical
C !7400 0.35% Be 0.3% Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS conductivity 50% lACS
designation DPN: 250 VTS: 800 Elon: 8%
C 17410 0.35% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CU BE 250 1.8% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; Tekon
designation Metals; annealed
C 17420 0.2% Be 0.3% Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS VTS: 460 Elon: 45% Proof: 170
designation CU BE 250 1.8% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; Tekon
C17500 0.6% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS Metals; solution treated and cold rolled
designation VTS: 900 Elon: 5% Proof: 720
C 17510 1.8% Ni 0.4% Be 0.3% Co Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CU BE 250 1.8% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; Tekon
designation Metals; solution treated; cold rolled and aged
C 17520 1% Ni 0.2% Be Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation VTS: 1300 Elon: 2% Proof: 1100
C 17600 0.35% Be 1.5% Co 1% Ag Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CU BE 275 2.5% Be 0.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Tekon; for high
designation strength moulds and dies
C moo 0.6% Be 2.5% Co 0.5% Te Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CUBELLOY 4.0% Be Cu master alloy: Imperial Smelting
designation Corporation; primary material
ERMNS 0.4% Be 2.25% Co Cu alloy: Bar or forging; Enfield
Rolling Mills Ltd; resistance weld electrodes; electrical
conductivity 50% lACS
DPN: 250 VTS: 810 Elon: 10% Proof: 700
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: IMI185 1.8% Be 0.3% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI;
previously KYCUBE 25
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number KYCUBE25 1.8% Be 0.3% Co + Ni Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' for BS alloy CBIOI
Elon Elongation, % KYCUBE25/1 2% Be 0.6% Co + Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Strip; IMI for BS
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' alloy CBIOI; withdrawn
M25 0.4% Pb 1.9% Be 0.4% Co Cu alloy: Brush Wellman
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04Ibflin.'= I MPa MALLORY53B 1.7% Be 0.25% Co Cu alloy: Casting; Mallory
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Metallurgical; American alloy
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MALLORY73 1.8% Be 0.1 % Co Cu alloy: Castings; Mallory RWMA Class 4 1.8% Be 0.1 % Co Cu alloy: Mallory Metallurgical code
Metallurgical; electrical conductivity 20% lACS for Mallory 73
DPN: 370 UTS: 750 Elon: 2% Proof: 670 SAE CAI70 I. 7% Be 0.3% Co Cu alloy: Strip
MALLORY 73 Be Co Cu alloy: For flash welding dies; Mallory SAECA 172 1.9% Be Cu alloy: Strip
Metallurgical for BS alloy CBIOI; electrical SAECA 175 0.5% Be 2.5% Co Cu alloy: Strip
conductivity 23% lACS SAECA 176 0.35% Be 1.5% Co Cu alloy: Bar
DPN: 370 VTS: 1120 Elon: 4% Proof: 1020
MALLORY 100 Be Co Cu alloy: Casting; Mallory Metallurgical;
electrical conductivity 45% lACS
DPN: 210 VTS: 600 Elon: 6% Proof: 530
MALLORY 100 Be Co Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes for
stainless steel; Mallory Metallurgical; electrical Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 200 UTS: 680 Elon: 10% Proof: 600
MALLORY 150 0.5% Be 1.5% Co l.l % Ag Cu alloy: Casting; Mallory VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
Metallurgical; welding electrodes; American alloy Elon Elongation, %
0.4% Be 2.3% Co Cu alloy: For resistance electrodes; Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
Johnson Matthey; conductivity 45% lACS
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.041bflin.'=1 MPa
DPN: 180 VTS: 690 Elon: 10%
RWMAClass3 Be Co Cu alloy: Mallory Metallurgical code for Mallory See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2.0837 30% Ni 1% Fe 0.2% Ti Cu alloy: German Standard ALLOY 400 Ni 2.5% Fe 0.2% C 30% Cu alloy: Carpenter; annealed
2.0882 30.0% Ni Cu alloy: German Standard UTS: 500 Elon: 53% Proof: 280
4F 2.7% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Langley ALLOY Cu Ni 90/10 10% Ni 1.4% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: VDM
Alloys ALLOY Cu Ni 70130 31% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: VDM
30 ALLOY 2.25% Ni Cu alloy: British Driver-Harris; electrical AMPCOLOY 521 30% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco
conductivity 30% lACS AMPCOLOY 522 30% Ni Cu alloy: Ampco
VTS: 300 AMPCOLOY 525 10% Ni 1.2% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco
60 ALLOY 6% Ni Cu alloy: For resistors; Driver AMPCOLOY 526 10% Ni I % Fe Cu alloy: Ampco
90 ALLOY 12% Ni Cu alloy: For resistors; Driver AMS4732 22.5% Ni Cu alloy
95 ALLOY 11 % Ni Cu alloy: Driver-Harris ANTIMONY 2% Ni 7.5% Sb Sn free Cu alloy: Common name
111 ALLOY Ni Cu alloy: Driver-Harris; electrical conductivity 55% ASTM Blll 31 % Ni Cu alloy: Tube
lACS 70/30 Cu Ni
UTS: 300 ASTM Bill 21 % Ni Cu alloy: Tube
180 ALLOY 22% Ni Cu alloy: For resistors; Driver 80/20 Cu Ni
190 0.2% P 1.1% Ni Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed ASTM Bill 10% Ni Cu alloy: Tube
by CDAA; not used 90/IOCu Ni
191 0.2% P 1.1% Ni Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed ASTM B11Jn04 5.2% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Seamless tube
by CDAA; not used ASTM B11 Jn06 10% Ni 1.4% Fe Cu alloy: Seamless tube
647 2.0% Ni 0.6% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTMBlllnJO 21 % Ni 0.8% Fe Cu alloy: Seamless tube
agreed by CDAA; not used ASTMB1l1nJ5 31 % Ni 0.5% Fe Cu alloy: Seamless tube
702 2.5% Ni 0.4% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTMB111nJ6 31 % Ni 5.2% Fe Cu alloy: Seamless tube
agreed by CDAA; not used ASTMBllln20 41 % Ni 2.0% Fe 1.2% Mn Cu alloy: Seamless tube
703 5.2% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM B12215 30% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; i-hard
agreed by CDAA; not used VTS: 390
704 1.0% Zn 5.5% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: ASTM BI22/5 30% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard
Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used VTS: 500
707 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM B122/6 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; i-hard
agreed by CDAA; not used UTS: 390
708 11.0% Ni 0.15% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation ASTM BI22/6 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard
agreed by CDAA; not used UTS: 590
709 1.0% Zn 15% Ni 0.6% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; ASTM Bl7ln06 10% Ni 1.2% Fe Cu alloy: Rolled plate
designation agreed by CDAA; not used ASTMBl7lnJ5 31 % Ni 0.55% Fe Cu alloy: Rolled plate
720 42% Ni 2.0% Fe 1.2% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; ASTMB225 29% Ni Cu alloy: Welding electrode
designation agreed by CDAA; not used ECuNi VTS: 340
964 30% Ni Cu alloy: Designation used by CDAA ASTMB259 1% Sn 1% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Welding rod
ADNIC 1% Sn 29% Ni 1.3% Mn Cu alloy: Origin unknown RCuNi VTS:34O
ADVANCE 44% Ni 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: British Driver-Harris ASTMB358A 30% Ni Cu alloy: Ingot; primary metal
UTS: 450 ASTMB358B 50% Ni Cu alloy: Ingot; primary metal
ASTMB360B 30% Ni 0.9% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 210
ASTMB369A 10% Ni 1.2% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 300 Elon: 20% Proof: 170
ASTM B402J70/30 31 % Ni 0.6% Fe Cu alloy: Plate and sheet
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTM B402I90/1O 10% Ni 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: Plate and sheet
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' ASTM B411 1.9% Ni 0.6% Si Cu alloy: Rod and bar
Elon Elongation, % ASTMB412 1.9% Ni 0.6% Si Cu alloy: Wire
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' ASTMB422 1.9% Ni 0.6% Si Cu alloy: Sheet and strip
ASTM B433nO/30 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1.2% Mn 0.5% Si 1.0% Nb Cu alloy:
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa Casting
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM B433/90/10 10% Ni 1.3% Fe 1.2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting
ASTMB466 Ni Cu alloy: Pipe and tube; graded by CDAA system
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B467 Ni Cu alloy: Welded pipe and tube; graded by CDAA BS 2871 CNI05 25% Ni 0.4% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not
system issued
ASTM B492 20% Ni 1.0% Fe 0.8% Mn 0.4% Si Cu alloy: Casting BS 2871 CN106 30% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued
for tailshaft sleeves BS 2871 CN107 30% Ni 0.75% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
ASTM B740 6% Sn 9% Ni Cu alloy: Stock VTS: 420
Cu 9 Ni 6 Sn BS 2871 CN 108 30% Ni 2% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy
ASTMB740 8% Sn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Stock BS 2872 CNIOI 5.5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Forging;
Cu 15 Ni 8 Sn specification not issued
B 47 Ni Cu alloy: Casting; Anti Attrition Ltd for electrical BS 2872 CN 102 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Forging;
slip rings specification not issued
VTS: 240 Elon: 25% BS 2872 CN103 15% Ni 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
B 68 Ni Cu alloy: Casting for food containers; Anti Attrition issued
Ltd BS 2872 CN104 20% Ni 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
DPN: 60 VTS: 210 Elon: 10% issued
BATNICKON 5 5% Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Tube, sheet, etc.; Birmingham BS 2872 CN105 25% Ni 0.4% Mn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
Battery issued
BATNICKON 10 10% Ni Fe Cu alloy: Tube, sheet, etc.; Birmingham BS 2872 CN106 30% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
Battery BS 2872 CN107 30% Ni 1% Mn Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
BATNICKON 30 30% Ni Fe Cu alloy: Sheet, tube, etc.; Birmingham issued
Battery BS 2873 CNIOI 5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.6% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; specification
BS 374 CNI03 15% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet, annealed not issued
VTS: 260 Elon: 36% BS 2873 CN I02 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.8% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; specification
BS 374 CNI04 20% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet, annealed not issued
UTS: 300 Elon: 36% BS 2873 CN103 15% Ni 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
BS 374 CNI05 25.0% Ni 0.25% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet, annealed issued
VTS: 330 Eron: 33% BS 2873 CN I04 20% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
BS 374 CNI06 30.0% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet, annealed issued
VTS: 360 Elon: 33% BS 2873 CNI05 25% Ni 0.4% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
BS 378 CNI02 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.75% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; as drawn issued
for condenser tubes, etc. BS 2873 CN106 30% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
DPN: 150 BS 2873 CNI07 31 % Ni 0.8% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; specification
BS 378 CNI07 30% Ni 0.75% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; as drawn for not issued
condenser tubes, etc. BS 2874 CNIOI 5.5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.6% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; specification
DPN: 150 not issued
BS 1400 CNI 31 % Ni 0.7% Fe 1.8% Cr Cu alloy: Casting BS 2874 CNI02 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; specification
BS 1400CN2 30% Ni 1.2% Fe 1.3% Nb + Ta Cu alloy: Casting not issued
BS 1464 CNI07 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Tube BS 2874 CNI03 15% Ni 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not
DPN: 120 issued
BS 1541 CNIOI 5.5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.6% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled BS 2874 CNI04 20% Ni 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not
VTS: 220 Elon: 30% issued
BS 1541 CNI02 10.5% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.75% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled BS 2874 CNI05 25% Ni 0.4% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; specification not
VTS: 260 Elon: 30% issued
BS 1541 CNI04 20% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled BS 2874 CNI06 30% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
VTS: 250 Elon 30% BS 2874 CNI07 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; specification
BS 1541 CNI06 30% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled not issued
VTS: 300 Elon 30% BS 2875 CNIOI 5.5% Ni 1% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled
BS 1541 CNI07 30% Ni 0.6% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled UTS: 220 Elon: 30%
VTS: 300 Elon 30% BS 2875 CNI02 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled
BS 1845 C28 9.5% Ni 0.3% Si Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range UTS: 260 Elon: 30%
920-980'C BS 2875 CNI03 15% Ni 0.2% Mil Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2870 CNIOI 5.5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; as rolled issued
VTS: 220 Elon 35% BS 2875 CNI04 20% Ni 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; as rolled
BS 2870 CN102 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet DPN: 250 Elon: 30%
BS 2870 CN103 15% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed BS 2875 CNI05 25% Ni 0.25% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
VTS: 260 Elon 35% issued
BS 2870 CNI04 20% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed BS 2875 CNI06 30% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled
VTS: 300 Elon 35% UTS: 300 Elon: 30%
BS 2870 CN105 25% Ni 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed BS 2875 CNI07 30% Ni 0.8% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled
VTS: 330 Elon 30% VTS: 300 Elon: 30%
BS 2870 CNI06 30% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed BS 2901 CI6 0.3% Al 10% Ni Cu alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded
VTS: 360 Elon 30% arc welding; obsolete
BS 2870 CN I07 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; specification BS 2901 CI7 20% Ni 0.3% Ti Cu alloy: Rod for all welding
not issued BS 2901 CI8 0.3% AI 30% Ni Cu alloy: Rod for all welding
BS 2871 CNIOI 5.5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; annealed BS 2901 CI9 0.3% AI 5.5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.5% Cu alloy: Rod for all
VTS: 300 welding
BS 2871 CN102 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; annealed BS 4577 A3/2 2.5% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: For resistance welding
VTS: 330 electrodes; wrought; conductivity 38% lACS
BS 2871 CN103 15% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not DPN: 200 VTS: 6SO Elon: 14%
issued BS 4577 Mil 0.2% P 0.1 % Ni Cu alloy: For resistance welding
BS 2871 CNI04 20% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; specification not electrodes; wrought; conductivity 50% lACS
issued DPN: 130 UTS: 400 Elon: 20%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
C 16 11.0% Ni 1.6% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc C96600 31% Ni 1% Fe 0.7% Be Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
welding designation
C 18 30% Ni 0.7% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc C96700 31% Ni 0.8% Fe 1% Be Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
welding designation
CI9000 1.1 % Ni Cu: CDA and UNS designation C 96800 10% Ni 0.4% Mn 0.2% Nb Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
C 19010 1.4% Ni Cu: CDA and UNS designation designation
CI9020 0.5% Sn 2.2% Ni Cu: CDA and UNS designation C99400 3% Zn 1.5% AI 2.2% Ni 2% Fe 1.2% Si Cu alloy:
C 19100 0.2% P 1.2% Ni Cu: CDA and UNS designation Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C64700 1.8% Ni 0.6% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C99500 1.5% Zn 1.5% AI 4.5% Ni 4% Fe 1.5% Si Cu alloy:
C 64710 0.4% Zn 3.2% Ni 0.8% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS Cast; CDA and UNS designation
designation CB CUFRON 44% Ni 3% Mn Cu alloy: Carpenter; annealed;
C64720 0.3% Zn 2% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS constant resistance alloy
designation UTS: 410 Elon: 25%
C 70100 3.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CBCUFRON 45% Ni Cu alloy: Carpenter; cold worked constant
C 70200 2.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation resistance alloy
C 70250 3.2% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation VTS: 790 Elon: 25%
C 70300 5.2% Ni Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS designation CBXCUFRON 44% Ni 3% Mn Cu alloy: Carpenter; annealed;
C70320 3.2% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation constant resistance alloy
C70400 5.5% Ni 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation UTS: 415 Elon: 25%
C70440 5.2% Ni 1.4% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CONSTANTAN 45% Ni 55% Cu alloy: Electrical conductivity 3.5%
C70500 6.8% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation lACS; A Heckford Ltd
C70600 10% Ni 1.4% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Cu Ni 10 Fe 10% Ni Cu alloy: Wrought and cast; Inco; annealed
C 70610 10.5% Ni 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS DPN: 90 VTS: 310 Elon: 40% Proof: 140
designation Cu Ni 10 Fe Mn 10% Ni with Fe Mn Cu alloy: Wrought and cast; Inco;
C70690 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation annealed
C70700 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation DPN: 100 VTS: 310 Elon: 30% Proof: 140
C 70800 11.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Cu Ni 30 Fe 30% Ni with Fe Cu alloy: Wrought and cast; Inco;
C70900 15% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation annealed
C71000 21 % Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation DPN: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 45% Proof: 150
C71100 23% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Cu Ni 30 Fe 2 Mn 2 30% Ni with Fe and Mn Cu alloy: Wrought and cast;
C71110 22.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Inco; annealed
C11300 25% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation DPN: 110 UTS: 460 Elon: 45% Proof: 190
C71500 31 % Ni 0.8% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Cu Ni 30 Fe Mn 30% Ni with Fe and Mn Cu alloy: Wrought and cast;
C 71580 31% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Inco; annealed
C71581 31 % Ni 0.6% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation DPN: 100 UTS: 430 Elon: 35% Proof: 220
C 71590 31 % Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CUNIC01 21 % Ni 29% Co Cu alloy: For magnets; American
C71630 31 % Ni 0.8% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation material listed by PMA
C71640 30.5% Ni 2% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CUNlFE 1 20% Ni 20% Fe Cu alloy: For magnets; American
C71700 30.5% Ni 0.8% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS material listed by PMA
designation CUNIFE 11 20% Ni 27.5% Fe 2.5% Co Cu alloy: For magnets;
C 71900 30.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation American material listed by PMA
C72I50 44.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CUNIFER 10 10% Ni 1.4% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: YOM
C72200 16.5% Ni 0.7% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CUNIFER30 31 % Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: YOM
designation CUNIFER302 31 % Ni 1.8% Fe 1.7% Mn Cu alloy: YOM
C72400 2% Al 13% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CUNIFER B 7030 30.5% Ni 1% Fe 0.05% C (max) Cu alloy: Strip; YOM
C72420 1.5% Al 15% Ni 1% Fe 4.5% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and CUNIFER S 7030 30.5% Ni 1% Fe 0.05% C (max) 0.3% Ti Cu alloy:
UNS designation Welding rod; YOM
C72500 2% Sn 9.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CUNIFER S 9010 10% Ni 1% Fe 0.05% C (max) Cu alloy: Welding rod;
C72600 4% Sn 4% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation YOM
C72700 6% Sn 9% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CUPRO NICKEL Series of copper-nickel alloys containing 15-17% Ni:
C72800 8% Sn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Common name
C72900 8% Sn 15% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CUPRON 45% Ni Cu alloy: Brunton for use up to 500 'C;
C72950 5% Sn 21 % Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation electrical conductivity 4% lACS
C96200 10% Ni 1.4% Fe 0.7% Nb Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CUPRONET NIO 11% Ni 1.7% Fe Cu alloy: Electrode; Metrode
designation CUPRONET N30 31 % Ni 0.6% Fe Cu alloy: Electrode; Metrode
C96300 20% Ni 1.2% Fe 1% Mn 1% Nb Cu alloy: CDA and DGS 320 30% Ni Cu alloy: Admiralty specification for alloy CN3
UNS designation DGS 8454 30% Ni Cu alloy: Admiralty specification for alloy CN3
C96400 30% Ni 1.2% Fe 1% Nb Cu alloy: CDA and UNS DIN 1733 10.8% Ni 1.3% Fe 0.004% C Cu alloy: Welding
designation EI Cu Ni IOMn electrode
DIN 1733 30% Ni 1% Fe 0.2% Ti Cu alloy: Wrought
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DIN 1785 16% Ni 1% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought
Cu Ni 10 Fe
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DIN 1785 21 % Ni 0.8% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, Nlmm2 Cu Ni 20 Fe
Elon Elongation, % DIN 1785 31 % Ni 0.8% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, Nlmm 2 Cu Ni 30 Fe
DTD498 2.7% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Bar and forging; as rolled or
1 Nlmm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04IbfJin. 2 =1MPa forged
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 570 Elon: 15% Proof: 400
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DTD504 2.7% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Bar; cold rolled; solution KUNIFER30 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 0.8% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; IMI
treated and aged alloy obtained from Yorkshire Imperial Metals
OPN: 200 VTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 560 OPN: 100 VTS: 440 Elon: 45% Proof: 140
E Cu Ni 31 % Ni 0.5% Fe 1.7% Mn Cu alloy: Welding KUNIFER30A 30% Ni 2% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; IMI
electrode; designation used by AWS OPN: 110 VTS: 650 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
ERM3A 0.2% P 1% Ni Cu alloy: Bar, forging and casting; KUNIFER30T 30% Ni 0.5% Fe 0.7% Mn 0.4% Ti Cu alloy: Welding
Enfield; as drawn; electrical conductivity 60% lACS rod; IMI
OPN: 160 VTS: 320 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 LOHM 6% Ni Cu alloy: British Driver-Harris; electrical
FERRY 45% Ni Cu alloy: For electrical resistance; H Wiggin; conductivity 18% lACS
annealed; electrical resistance 49 microhm/cm; non- UTS: 520
magnetic MAGNETOFLEX 20% Ni Cu alloy: Strip for magnets; German alloy
OPN: 156 VTS: 480 Elon: 47% Proof: 370 12 listed by PMA
FIVEOHM Ni Mn Cu alloy: Specific electrical resistance 5 MANGANIN 4% Ni 12% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; British Driver-Harris
microhm/cm/cm VTS: 4SO
HAl 30 ALLOY 2% Ni Cu alloy: Harrison Alloys MIDOHM 23% Ni Cu alloy: British Driver-Harris
HAl 60 ALLOY 6% Ni Cu alloy: Harrison Alloys VTS: 520
HAl 90 ALLOY II % Ni Cu alloy: Harrison Alloys MONEL 450 31 % Ni Cu alloy: INCA
HAl 180 ALLOY 24% Ni Cu alloy: Harrison Alloys VTS: 380 Elon: 46 % Proof: 160
HAl-EN 45% Ni Cu alloy: For thermocouples; Harrison Alloys; NEN 6033/Cu Ni 10 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; Dutch
specific resistance 49.9 microhm/cm specification; annealed
HAl-II ALLOY 1% Ni Cu alloy: For thermocouples; Harrison Alloys; OPN: 85 VTS: 320 Elon: 42% Proof: 120
specific resistance 4.2 microhm/cm NEWLOY 1% Sn 35% Ni Cu alloy: Harrison Fischer
HAI-JN 45% Ni Cu alloy: For thcrmocouples; Harrison Alloys; NF A51 102 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Tubc; French
specific resistance 49.9 microhm/cm Cu Ni 10 Fe I Mn Standard; annealed
HAl-TN 45% Ni Cu alloy: For thermocouples; Harrison Alloys; OPN: 95 UTS: 320 Elon: 40% Proof: 150
specific resistance 49.9 microhm/cm NF A51 102 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; French
HECNUM 45% Ni Cu alloy: Electrical conductivity 5.5% lACS; A Cu Ni 30 Mn I Fe Standard; annealed
Heckford Ltd; low temperature coefficient of electrical OPN: 105 UTS: 420 Elon: 42% Proof: 180
resistance PERMET 21 % Ni 29% Co Cu alloy: For magnets; American alloy
OPN: 155 UTS: 480 Elon: 38% Proof: 220 listed by PMA
HIDURAL5 2.7% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Langley REGENT 20% Ni Cu alloy: A Heckford; electrical conductivity
Alloys; annealed 6.5% lACS
VTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 450 OPN: 128 UTS: 330 Elon: 39%
HIDURALS 2.7% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Forging; Langley Alloys; SAECA 706 10% Ni 1.3% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought
cold drawn SAECA 710 20% Ni I% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought
VTS: 730 Elon: 20 % Proof: 640 SAE CA 715 1% Zn (max) 30% Ni 1% Mn (max) Cu alloy:
HIDURAL5 2.5% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Langley Alloys Wrought
HIDURAX 3.0% AI 14.5% Ni 1.7% Fe 0.3% Mn Cu alloy: For SIS specifications see SS
SPECIAL I3A Langley; aged SPECIAL 42% Ni Cu alloy: British Driver-Harris; thermocouples
OPN: 2SO VTS: 860 Elon: 14% Proof: 700 ADVANCE
HIDURAX 1.7% AI 17.5% Ni 4.5% Mn Cu alloy: Langley; SS 5667 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish
SPECIAL 19A aged; improved properties can be obtained by cold Standard; annealed
working OPN: 80 UTS: 300 EIon: 35% Proof: ISO
OPN: 240 UTS: 790 Elon: 25% Proof: 490 SS 5682 30% Ni I% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; Swedish
HIDURON 102 10% Ni Cu alloy: Langley Bronze Standard; annealed
HIDURON 102 10% Ni 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: Langley Alloys OPN: 100 VTS: 320 Elon: 32% Proof: 170
HIDURON 107 30% Ni Cu alloy: Langley Bronze STA 7 CXlI 2.5% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Bar; solution treated; cold
HIDURON 107 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Langley Alloys worked and aged
HIDURON 501 12% AI Ni Fe Mn Cu alloy: Cast; Langley Alloys VTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 560
VTS: 4SO Elon: 35% Proof: 220 STA CXlI 2.5% Ni 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Bar; solution treated and
IMI842 20% Ni Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI; annealed aged
OPN: 90 UTS: 330 Elon: 50% Proof: 110 UTS: 570 Elon: 15% Proof: 400
IMI842 20% Ni Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI; cold drawn STABlLOHM 43 Ni Mn Cu alloy: Wire for resistors; Johnson Matthey
OPN: 160 VTS: 530 Elon: 8% Proof: 480 STUBS 387 30.8% Ni 0.6% Fe 0.08% C 0.3% Ti Cu alloy: Welders
IMI849 30% Ni Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI electrode; Stubs
IS 2283NSIO 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; Indian UTS: 390 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
Standard; annealed STUBS 389 10.8% Ni 1.3% Fe 0.004% C Cu alloy: Welders
OPN: 85 VTS: 320 Elon: 42% Proof: 120 electrode; Stubs
KUNIFER5 5.5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Tube, plate and VTS: 320 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
sheet; ICI and Yorkshire Imperial Metals; resistant to TAURUS 1.5% Sn 4% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; centri-cast
corrosion and erosion OPN: 80 UTS: 290 Elon: 35% Proof: ISO
OPN: 70 VTS: 290 Elon: 47% Proof: 110 TAURUS XXVI 11 % Sn 7% Pb 38% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown;
KUNIFER5T 5% Ni 1.2% Fe 0.5% Mn 0.3% Ti Cu alloy: Welding centri-cast
rod; IMI OPN: 170 VTS: 340 Elon: 3% Proof: 180
KUNIFER 10 10% Ni 2% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet and tube; ICI TELCALLOYI 5% Ni Cu alloy: For electrical resistance; Telcon;
and Yorkshire Imperial Mctals; corrosion resistant annealed; electrical conductivity 18% lACS
OPN: 100 UTS: 320 Elon: 47% Proof: ISO UTS: 240
KUNIFER lOT 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn 0.3% Ti Cu alloy: Welding TELCALLOY 1.5 10% Ni Cu alloy: For electrical resistance; Telcon;
rod;IMI annealed; electrical conductivity 12% lACS
KUNlFER30 31 % Ni 0.6% Fe 0.8% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; Yorkshire UTS: 260
Imperial Metals
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
TELCALLOY2 15% Ni Cu alloy: For electrical resistance; Telcon; VSM 10803/Cu 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; Swiss
annealed; electrical conductivity 8.5% lACS Ni 30 Fe Mn Standard; annealed
UTS: 300 DPN: 105 UTS: 420 Elon: 42% Proof: 180
TELCALLOY2 Ni Cu alloy: Wire for heaters; specific resistance 20 WYMDALOY 20% Ni 20% Mn Cu alloy: Good corrosion resistance
microhm/em; Telcon Ltd and high resistance to wear; origin unknown
TELCALLOY 3 25% Ni Cu alloy: For electrical resistance; Telcon; YORCORON 30% Ni 2% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; Yorkshire
annealed; electrical conductivity 5.5% lACS Imperial Metals
UTS: 370 DPN: 70 UTS: 290 Elon: 47% Proof: 110
TELCALLOY3 Ni Cu alloy: For resistance wire; Telcon; specific YORCORON 3/3 30% Ni 3% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Yorkshire Imperial
resistance 30 microhm/em Metals; annealed
TELCALLOY 4 Ni Cu alloy: For electrical resistance; Telcon DPN: 125 UTS: 450 Elon: 35% Proof: 190
TELCONSTAN Ni Cu alloy: For electrical resistance; Telcon; electrical
conductivity 3.5% lACS; constant electrical resistivity
over normal temperature range; annealed
UTS: 400
TENOHM Ni Mn Cu alloy: Specific electrical resistance 10
microhm/em/em; origin unknown
UN 30 31.0% Ni 0.5% Fe Cu alloy: Origin unknown Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
UNI6785 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; Italian
Standard; annealed DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 85 UTS: 320 Elon: 40% Proof: 150 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
UN16786 30% Ni 0.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; Italian Elon Elongation, %
specification; annealed Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 105 UTS: 420 Elon: 42% Proof: 180
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 = I MPa
VSM 10803/Cu 10% Ni 1.5% Fe 0.7% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet; Swiss
Ni 10 Fe Mn Standard; annealed See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 85 UTS: 320 Elon: 42% Proof: 120
Hot strength
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2A Zn Ni Cu alloy: Nickel silver; welding rod; Delta Metal 784 1.2% Pb 30% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
for BS1724C designation agreed by CDAA; not used
370 2% Pb 42% Zn 9.5% Ni Cu alloy: McKechnie 786 1.5% Pb 30% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
DPN: 140 VTS: 580 Elon: 25% designation agreed by CDAA; not used
732 4.5% Zn 21 % Ni 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; 788 1.7% Pb 24% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
designation agreed by CDAA; not used designation agreed by CDAA; not used
735 10% Zn 18% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; 790 2.0% Pb 20% Zn 12% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
designation agreed by CDAA; not used designation agreed by CDAA; not used
736 12% Zn 15% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; 792 1.0% Pb 22% Zn 12% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
designation agreed by CDAA; not used designation agreed by CDAA; not used
740 18% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; 794 1.0% Pb 15% Zn 18.5% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy:
designation agreed by CDAA; not used Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
745 25% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; ALBATRA METAL 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: May contain 1.25% Pb
designation agreed by CDAA ALFENIDE 30% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Origin unknown
754 21 % Zn 15% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; METAL
designation agreed by CDAA AMBRAC(I) 5% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: For corrosion resistance;
757 23% Zn 12% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; origin unknown
designation agreed by CDAA AMBRAC(2) 5% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; origin unknown
762 18% Zn 12% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; ASTM B30/10 A 2% Sn 9% Pb 20% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast;
designation agreed by CDAA; not used leaded nickel silver
764 12% Zn 17% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; UTS: 200 Elon: 8%
designation agreed by CDAA; not used ASTM B30/11 A 4% Sn 4% Pb 8% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast;
766 30% Zn 12% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; leaded nickel silver
designation agreed by CDAA; not used UTS: 260 Elon: 10%
767 28% Zn 15% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; ASTM B30/1l B 5% Sn 1.5% Pb 2% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Ingot; as
designation agreed by CDAA; not used cast; leaded nickel silver
773 40% Zn 0.2% P 10% Ni 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; UTS: 340 Elon: 12%
designation agreed by CDAA; not used ASTMBI22/I 10% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; {-hard
774 40% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed VTS: 450
by CDAA; not used ASTM B12211 10% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
776 0.2% Pb 42% Zn 13% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; UTS: 600
designation agreed by CDAA; not used ASTM B12212 7% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard
782 2.0% Pb 23% Zn 8% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; VTS: 450
designation agreed by CDAA; not used ASTM BI2212 17% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard
VTS: 720
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTM B12213 24% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; I·hard
VTS: 460
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTM BI22/3 24% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' VTS: 740
Elon Elongation, % ASTM BI22/4 27% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; I·hard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' VTS: 560
ASTM BI22/4 27% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard
I N/mm':O.l hbar:O.l02 kgflmm':0.06475 tonflin.':145.04lbflin.':1 MPa UTS: 830
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM B12217 5% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard
VTS: 420
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B122!7 5% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard BS 790 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
UTS: 630 DPN: 105
ASTM B12218 29% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; i-hard BS 790 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard rolled
VTS: 530 DPN: 195
ASTM B12218 29% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard BS 790 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
UTS: 840 DPN: 110
ASTM B12219 20% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; Hard BS 790 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard rolled
UTS: 440 DPN: 200
ASTM B12219 20% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard BS 790 NSI08 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
VTS: 620 DPN:1I0
ASTM BI24/14 45% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Forging and bar; mechanical BS 790 NS108 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard rolled
properties not part of specification DPN: 205
ASTM BI49/10 A 2% Sn 9% P1l20% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Casting BS 790 NS109 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 75 DPN: lIS
ASTM BI49111 A 4% Sn 4% Pb 8% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Casting BS 790 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard rolled
UTS: 200 Elon: 8% Proof: 110 DPN: 210
ASTM B149/11 B 5% Sn 1.5% Pb 2% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Casting BS 790 NSllO 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Strip; annealed
VTS: 330 Elon: 15% Proof: 140 DPN:lIS
ASTMBI51 A 17% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; hard BS 790 NS110 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Strip; extra hard rolled
VTS: 560 DPN: 210
ASTMBI51 B 27% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; hard BS 1453 C5 40% Zn 10% Ni 0.4% Si Cu alloy: Filler rod; for
VTS: 600 brazing mild steel cast iron
ASTMB151 BI 22% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; hard BS 1453 C6 40% Zn 15% Ni 0.3% Si Cu alloy: Filler rod; for
VTS: 600 brazing cast iron
ASTMBI51 C 1% Pb 19% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; hard BS 1824 NSI04 25% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Strip; annealed
VTS: 560 DPN: lIS
ASTM BI51 D 23% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; hard BS 1824 NSI04 25% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Strip; cold rolled
UTS: 600 DPN: 220
ASTMBI51 E 25% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; hard BS 1824 NSI07 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Strip; annealed
UTS: 600 DPN: lIS
ASTMB206A 17% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; hard BS 1824 NSI07 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Strip; cold rolled
VTS: 750 DPN: 220
ASTMB206B 27% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard BS 2870 NSIOI 2% Pb 45% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet;
UTS: 950 specification not issued
ASTMB206BI 22% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard BS 2870 NS102 2% Pb 42% Zn 14% Ni 2% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet;
VTS: 950 specification not issued
ASTM B206C 19% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; I-hard BS 2870 NSI03 25% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
VTS: 570 DPN: 100
ASTM B206 D 23% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard BS 2870 NSI03 25% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
UTS: 950 DPN: 185
ASTMB206E 25% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard BS 2870 NSI04 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
UTS: 950 DPN: 100
ASTMB260 40% Zn 0.2% P 10% Ni 0.2% Si Cu alloy: Braze filler; BS 2870 NSI04 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
RBCuZnD melting range 92(}-931 'C DPN: 190
ASTM B292 A 5% Sn 2% Zn 5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; as cast BS 2870 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
VTS: 320 Elon: 25% Proof: 120 DPN: 105
ASTMB292A 5% Sn 2% Zn 5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; heat treated BS 2870 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
VTS: 540 Elon: 5% Proof: 340 DPN: 195
ASTMB292B 5% Sn 1% Pb 2% Zn 5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; as cast BS 2870 NS106 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
VTS: 180 Elon: 20% Proof: 120 DPN: 110
AWA Zn Ni Cu alloy: Nickel silver welding rod; Delta BS 2870 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
BS 790 NSI03 28% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed DPN: 200
DPN: 100 BS 2870 NSI07 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; soft
BS 790 NS103 28% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard DPN: 100
DPN: 185 BS 2870 NSI07 24% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
BS 790 NSI04 26% Zn 12.0% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed DPN: 220
DPN: 100 BS 2870 NS108 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
BS 790 NSI04 26% Zn 12.0% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard DPN: 110
DPN: 190 BS 2870 NSI08 16% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard
DPN: 140
BS 2870 NSI08 16% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 175
BS 2870 NS108 16% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 205
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS 2870 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed
Elon Elongation, % DPN: 115
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 2870 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2= 145.04Ibf/in 2 = 1MPa BS 2870 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; hard
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 180
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2870 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard BS 2873 NSIIO 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties
DPN: 210 not quoted
BS 2870 NSIIO 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet BS 2873 NSIII 1.5% Pb 30% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; specification
BS 2870 NSIII 1.5% Pb 30% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued
not issued BS 2873 NS112 0.8% Pb 24% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical
BS 2870 NS112 0.7% Pb 24% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet properties not quoted
BS 2870 NS113 0.6% Pb 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Sheet BS 2873 NS113 0.6% Pb 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical
BS 2871 NSIOI 2.0% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; properties not quoted
specification not issued BS 2874 NSIOI 2% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; as
BS 2871 NSI02 2.0% Pb 40% Zn 14% Ni 2% Mn Cu alloy: Tube; rolled
specification not issued UTS: 450 Elon: 10%
BS 2871 NSI03 28% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not BS 2874 NSI02 2% Pb 40% Zn 14% Ni 2% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
issued UTS: 490 Elon: 10%
BS 2871 NSI04 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not BS 2874 NSI03 38% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
issued BS 2874 NSI04 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
BS 2871 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not BS 2874 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
issued BS 2874 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
BS 2871 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not BS 2874 NSI07 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
issued BS 2874 NSI08 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
BS 2871 NSI07 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not BS 2874 NSI09 17% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
issued BS 2874 NSIIO 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
BS 2871 NSI08 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not BS 2874 NS111 1.5% Pb 30% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar
issued BS 2874 NS112 0.8% Pb 24% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Bar
BS 2871 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not BS 2874 NS113 0.6% Pb 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar
issued BS 2875 NSIOI 2% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Plate;
BS 2871 NSIIO 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Tube; specification not specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSI02 2% Pb 40% Zn 14% Ni 2% Mn Cu alloy: Plate;
BS 2872 NSIOI 2.0% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; as forged specification not issued
UTS: 450 Elon: 10% BS 2875 NSI03 28% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NSI02 2.0% Pb 40% Zn 14% Ni 2% Mn Cu alloy: Forging; issued
specification not issued BS 2875 NSI04 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NS103 28% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NS104 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NS105 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSI07 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSI08 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NSI07 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NSI08 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSIIO 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not
BS 2872 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NS111 1.5% Pb 30% Zn 10% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Plate;
BS 2872 NSIIO 12% Zn 30% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; specification not specification not issued
issued BS 2875 NSII2 0.7% Pb 24% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification
BS 2872 NS111 1.5% Pb 30% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; not issued
specification not issued BS 2875 NS113 0.6% Pb 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification
BS 2872 NS112 0.7% Pb 24% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; not issued
specification not issued BSTJ Zn Ni Cu alloy: Seamless Ni brass tube; obsolete
BS 2872 NSI13 0.5% Pb 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Forging; C63 2% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
specification not issued Manganese Bronze for BS alloy NS 101; Parsons C 63
BS 2873 NS101 2% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; C73150 12% Zn 5.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
specification not issued C73200 4.5% Zn 21% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2873 NSI02 2% Pb 40% Zn 14% Ni 2% Mn Cu alloy: Wire; C73500 12% Zn 17% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
specification not issued C73800 18% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2873 NS103 28% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties C74000 19% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
not quoted C74300 27% Zn 8% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2873 NSI04 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties C74500 25% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
not quoted C75200 17% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2873 NSI05 25% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties C75400 20% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
not quoted C75700 23% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2873 NSI06 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; specification not C75720 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
issued C75900 21 % Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2873 NS107 25% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties C76000 30% Zn 8% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
not quoted C76100 30% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2873 NSI08 20% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties C76200 30% Zn 12.2% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
not quoted designation
BS 2873 NSI09 17% Zn 25% Ni Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties C76300 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
not quoted
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
C76390 13.5% Zn 24.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS NICKELOID Trade name for nickel silver: Barker and Allen Ltd
designation PARSONS C63 2% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
C76400 23% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Manganese Bronze for BS alloy NS 101
06600 32% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation PARSONS SS 15 2.2% Pb 40% Zn 14% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
C76700 29% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Manganese Bronze for BS alloy NS 102
C77000 27% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation QQ N 321/A 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and plate; US Federal
C77010 27% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation QQ N 321/B 1.0% Pb 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and sheet; US
C77300 42% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Federal
C77310 42% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation SAE CA 752 17% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wrought
C77400 44% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation SAE CA 770 27% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Wrought
C77600 44% Zn 13% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation SCIMITARS 18% Zn Ni Cu alloy: Barker and Allen Ltd.
C78200 27% Zn 8% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation SILMET Trade name for nickel silver: Barker and Allen Ltd
C78800 26% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation For SIS specifications see SS
C79000 24% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation SLIDEX 12% Zn Cu alloy: Wire and strip; Jones and Rooke
C79200 25% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation SPEDEX Trade name for nickel silver: Barker and Allen Ltd
C79300 30% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation SS 15 2.2% Pb 40% Zn 14% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
C79600 1% Pb 43% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS Manganese Bronze for BS alloy NS 102; Parsons SS 15
designation SS 5243 24% Zn 12% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Plate and bar;
C79620 1.5% Pb 42% Zn 9.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS Swedish Standard; annealed
designation DPN: 90 VTS: 370 Elon: 40% ProoC: 150
C79800 2% Pb 40% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS SS 5243 24% Zn 12% Ni 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: Plate and bar;
designation Swedish Standard; cold rolled
C79810 2.7% Pb 40% Zn 9.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS DPN: 190 VTS: 690 Elon: 5% ProoC: 480
designation SS 5246 16% Zn 18% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish
C79900 1.2% Pb 43% Zn 7.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS Standard; annealed
designation DPN: 95 UTS: 400 Elon: 35% Proof: 170
C97300 2.2% Sn 9.5% Pb 19% Zn 12.5% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; SS 5246 16% Zn 18% Ni 0.5% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; Swedish
CDA and UNS designation Standard; cold rolled
C97400 3% Sn 5% Pb 16% Zn 16.2% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA DPN: 150 UTS: 630 Elon: 17% ProoC: 550
and UNS designation SWM 1.5% Pb 44% Zn 8.5% Ni Cu alloy: Extrusions;
C97600 4% Sn 4% Pb 6% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and McKechnie; as extruded
UNS designation DPN: 130 VTS: 530 Elon: 20% ProoC: 240
C97800 4.7% Sn 1.7% Pb 2.5% Zn 25.5% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; VICTOR METAL 35% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Good machinability; origin
CDA and UNS designation unknown
CHROMAX 12% Zn 3% Al 15.2% Ni 3% Cr Cu alloy: Origin WESSELS ALLOY 15% Zn 25% Ni 1% Ag Cu alloy: Origin unknown
BRONZE unknown WHITE BENEDICT 1% Sn 45% Pb 18% Zn 16.5% Ni Cu alloy: Origin
DIN 8513 L Zn Ni Cu alloy: Welders rod METAL unknown
L Cu Ni 10 Zn 42 WINNS BRONZE 0.75% Pb 32% Zn 2.2% Ni 0.25% Fe Cu alloy: Origin
IMI511 28% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and wire; IMI unknown
IMI512 26% Zn 12% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and wire; IMI WM 2% Pb 41 % Zn 9.5% Ni Cu alloy: Extrusion;
IMI513 23% Zn 15% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and wire; IMI McKechnie; as drawn
IMI514 20% Zn 18% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and wire; IMI DPN: 150 VTS: 530 Elon: 20% ProoC: 260
IMI515 18% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Bar and wire; IMI WMI1 2% Pb 37% Zn 11 % Ni Cu alloy: Extrusion;
IMI525 40% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; IMI; annealed McKechnie; as extruded
DPN: 120 UTS: 450 Elon: 25% ProoC: 200 DPN: 130 UTS: 530 Elon: 20% ProoC: 240
IMI530 20% Zn 1.7% A16% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; IMI; heat WMW 1.5% Pb 43% Zn 8% Ni Cu alloy: Extrusion;
treated McKechnie; as drawn
DPN: 200 VTS: 560 Elon: 20% ProoC: 330 DPN: 150 UTS: 530 Elon: 20% ProoC: 260
IMI551 2% Pb 38% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; IMI; nickel WOLFRAM BRASS 22% Zn 14% Ni 4% W Cu alloy: Origin unknown
brass; Cree machining ZODIAC 16% Zn 20% Ni Cu alloy: Electrical resistance alloy;
DPN: 140 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% ProoC: 220 origin unknown
IN 732X 30% Ni 2.8% Cr Cu alloy: International Nickel Co.;
DPN: 150 ProoC: 340 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
KUNIAL BRASS 20% Zn 2% AI 6% Ni Cu alloy: Bar; sheet and wire;
IMI; solution treated; cold rolled and tempered for DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
springs VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
DPN: 270 UTS: 810 Elon Elongation, %
NICKEL BRASS 38% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Common name; further ProoC O. 1% proof strength, N/mm'
information from Copper Development Association
NICKEL SILVER 25% Zn 10% Ni Cu alloy: Common name for BS alloys 1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
NS 103 to NS 110; further information from Copper See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Development Association
14G Copper-aluminium wrought and cast alloys
With iron, manganese, nickel, tin and lead - aluminium bronze
Hot strength
Lead. This is also added to improve machinability. It reduces
Temperature Tensile strength to some extent the ductility and corrosion resistance.
°C N/mm
All these alloys maintain their properties at relatively high
temperatures - up to 300-400 °C - being the best copper
95 600 alloys for this purpose.
205 500 The corrosion resistance is also excellent at these
315 500 temperatures.
425 260 The lower aluminium alloys can be readily cold and hot
540 140 worked, while alloys with 9% or more of aluminium are not
always suitable for cold working but are readily hot worked.
The structure of these high aluminium alloys above approxi-
The above properties are typical of the following group, and mately 550°C is alpha plus beta. The beta, however, may
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible break down to the brittle 'gamma two' phase below 550 dc.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be This can be prevented by rapid cooling from above 550 DC,
applicable. when the beta phase will remain.
A limited number of the alloys in this group, those with
General metallurgical characteristics between 7 and 11 % aluminium, have a duplex structure and
can have their properties improved by heat treatment. The
These alloys with up to 11 % aluminium all have excellent
heat treatment involved is quite complex and technical
corrosion resistance, including good oxidation resistance at
advice should always be sought before specifying these ma-
elevated temperature as a result of the formation of a thin
terials in the heat treated condition. The increase in mechan-
surface layer of aluminium oxide.
ical properties is quite slight and requires very careful
There are two basic series of alloys.
The rest of the materials in this group cannot accept very
Up to 5% aluminium. These have an alpha structure.
much cold work without becoming brittle and thus require
interstage annealing which will be carried out between 300
With 7-11% aluminium. These have an alpha structure, with
and 650°C.
a second phase, beta, present at room temperature. The
Casting of these alloys is extremely difficult because of the
latter increases the strength but decreases the ductility. A
formation of aluminium oxide which results in the formation
third phase, 'gamma two' may be present if the alloys are
of 'hot shuts'. This precludes the use of any normal casting
cooled very slowly and this further decreases the ductility.
technique where splashing can occur and requires special
All the alloys generally have one or more of the following techniques.
elements. The same difficulties apply when welding in that the alumi-
nium oxide tends to form a film and prevents good fusion
Iron. This strengthens the alpha phase with little effect on unless great care is taken, either using aggressive fluxes or
the corrosion resistance up to 2% iron. It also helps to refine inert gas.
the structure of high aluminium alloys. Where fluxes are used it is essential that they are properly
removed following brazing or welding to prevent corrosion
Manganese. Small quantities are used to de-sulphurize dur- in service.
ing casting. Larger quantities help to strengthen the alloy, Because of the aluminium oxide (alumina) which exists on
and also may improve the corrosion resistance. the surface of these materials, they can present considerable
problems in that they are abrasive and can cause consider-
Nickel. This strengthens the alpha phase, improves the cor- able wear if any rubbing or moving contact exists between
rosion resistance and like iron inhibits the formation of the them and other materials. There is evidence that they can
undesirable 'gamma two' phase. cause wear on carburized and nitrided surfaces.
They have excellent corrosion resistance under marine The materials in this group are competing to a large extent
conditions and are probably the most flexible materials with austenitic stainless steels but under marine conditions
where strength, wear resistance and corrosion resistance are and where stress corrosion is involved they probably have
involved under marine conditions. considerable advantages. However there are more difficul-
They therefore find use in gears, pumps, impellors, con- ties in producing and working them than with austenitic
trol rods, shafts, nuts and bolts, turbine blades, compressor stainless steel.
blades, acid handling equipment - particularly where marine
conditions and reasonably high strength are involved.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
lA 9% A13% Fe + Ni (max) Cu alloy: Bar and forging; 41A 7% Al 2% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; Langley Alloys code
Langley Alloy for BS alloy CA103 for Hidurax 7
2.0917 6% AI 0.4% Ni 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; German 42A 7% A12% Si Cu alloy: Langley Alloy code for Hidurax
Standard 7
2.0928 9.5% Al Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 75 11.5% A15% Ni 5% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Extrusion;
2.0929 9% AI Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard McKechnie Bros; as extruded
2.0940 10% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard DPN: 250 UTS: 860 Elon: 8% Proof: 450
2.0941 10% AI 3.0% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 160 9.5% Al Cu alloy: Extrusions; McKechnie Bros; as
2.0962 8% Al 1.5% Ni 6% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; German drawn
Standard DPN: 150 VTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
2.0966 9.5% AI 5.5% Ni 2.0% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: German 164 9.3% AI 1.5% Ni 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: Extrusions;
Standard McKechnie Bros; as drawn
2.0970 8% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; German DPN: 170 VTS: 580 Elon: 18% Proof: 300
Standard 164 9.5% A12% Ni 2% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
2.0971 9% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; German Manganese Bronze Ltd; as Al Bronze 184
Standard 197 9.5% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
2.0975 9% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; German Manganese Bronze Ltd; as Al Bronze 197
Standard 197 10% Al 4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Extrusion;
2.0980 10% A16% Ni 6% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; German McKechnie Bros; as drawn
Standard DPN: 220 VTS: 750 Elon: 15% Proof: 420
2A 9% Al Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Langley Alloys code 606 5.5% Al Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
for Hidurax 5 CDAA; not used
3A 9.5% AI 2% Ni 2% Fe Cu alloy: Forging; Langley 607 1.8% Zn 2.6% Al Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
Alloys code for Hidurax 2 agreed by CDAA; not used
4A 9.5% AI 2% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Langley Alloys code 608 5.8% Al 0.3% As Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
for Hidurax 2 agreed by CDAA; not used
6A 10% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging; 610 8% Al Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
Langley Alloys code for Hidurax 1 CDAA; not used
7A 10% AI 4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Langley 612 8% Al Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by
Alloys code for Hidurax 1 CDAA; not used
lOA 10% A15% Ni 5% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Bar and 613 0.4% Sn 7% Al 3.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought;
forging; Langley Alloys designation agreed by CDAA; not used
UTS: 750 Elon: 20% Proof: 450 614 7% AI 3.0% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
12A 10% Al 4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Langley designation used by CDAA
Alloys code for Hidurax 616 1.0% Zn 9% AI 1.0% Ni 4.0% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
17A Al Cu alloy: Langley Alloys code for Hidurax Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
18A II % A14% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Langley 618 10% Al 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
Alloys agreed by CDAA; not used
UTS: 740 Elon: 15% Proof: 400 620 10% Al 3.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
21A 10% A15% Ni 3% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; Langley agreed by CDAA; not used
Alloys 622 II % Al 4.0% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
UTS: 600 Elon: 10% Proof: 300 agreed by CDAA; not used
24A 5% Al Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Langley Alloys code 626 10.3% Al 3.8% Ni 3.0% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy:
for Hidurax 6 Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used
26A 10% A15% Ni 2% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; 628 9.5% AI 5.5% Ni 2.2% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought;
Langley Alloys designation agreed by CDAA; not used
36A 10% Al 4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Langley Alloys 634 8.8% AI Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; as
code for Hidurax drawn
DPN: 150 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 220
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 639 7.2% Al 0.2% Ni 2.2% Si Cu alloy: Wrought;
designation agreed by CDAA; not used
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 642 1.0% Zn 8% Al 4.0% Fe 2% Si Cu alloy: Wrought;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 designation agreed by CDAA; not used
Eion Elongation, % 705 7.0% Al 0.15% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 agreed by CDAA; not used
764 9% Al 1.2% Ni I % Fe Cu alloy: McKechnie; as drawn
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa DPN: 180 VTS: 510 Elon: 25% Proof: 310
768 9.8% Al 4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: McKechnie; as
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 240 VTS: 785 Elon: 15% Proof: 560
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
775 6% Al 2.2% Si Cu alloy: McKechnie; as drawn AMPCOLAY 495 8% Al 2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Forging;
DPN: 210 UTS: 520 Elon: 25% Proof: 425 Ampco
778 6.8% Al 1.7% Si Cu alloy: McKechnie; as drawn AMPCOLAY 570 10% Al 15% Ni 0.7% Fe 1.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting;
DPN: 190 VTS: 640 Elon: 25% Proof: 420 Ampco
781 9% Al 4.2% Ni 4.2% Fe Cu alloy: McKechnie; as AMPCOLAY Al 9% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco
drawn AMPCOLAYB2 10% AI 1% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco
DPN: 240 VTS: 740 Elon: 21 % Proof: 490 AMPCOLAYB2 8% All % Ni 4% Fe 1% Mn 2% Si Cu alloy:
952 9% A13% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by (wrought) Wrought; Ampco
CDAA AMPCOLAYC3 11 % Al 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco
953 10% Al 1% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by AMPCOLAYD4 II % Al 4% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco
CDAA AMPCOLAYE5 8% Al 1% Ni 4% Fe 1% Mn 2% Si Cu alloy: Wrought;
954 11 % AI 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by Ampco
CDAA AMS4630 E 8.5% Al Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
955 11 % A14% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation AMS 4631 C 7.5% Al 2% Si Cu alloy: Bar and forging
used by CDAA AMS 4632C 8.5% AI Cu alloy: Bar; hard drawn
AB 1.5% Pb 9.8% Al Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie AMS 4635 B 10% Al 3% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging
Bros; as drawn AMS 4640C 10.5% A15% Ni 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging
DPN: 200 UTS: 550 Elon: 15% Proof: 260 AMS 4870B 11 % Al 3.6% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; chill cast; as cast
ABSTYPE4 10% Al 4.2% Ni 4.0% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; American AMS 4871 B 11 % Al 3.6% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; chill cast; heat
Bureau of Shipping treated
VTS: 600 Elon: 15% Proof: 245 AMS4872 B 11 % Al 3.6% Fe Cu alloy: Sand casting; as cast
ABSTYPE5 7.8% Al 2.2% Ni 3.0% Fe 12.5% Mn Cu alloy: AMS4873 A 11 % AI 3.6% Fe Cu alloy: Sand casting; heat treated
Casting; American Bureau of Shipping AMS4880 10.5% AI 5% Ni 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Centri·easting; heat
VTS: 635 Elon: 20% Proof: 280 treated
AETERNA614 7.2% Al 2.6% Fe (max) 0.4% Mn Cu alloy YDM AMS4881 11 % A15% Ni 5.2% Fe Co alloy casting
AETERNA630 9.8% Al 4.7% Ni 2.8% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy YDM ANB 16 8.0% Al 5.0% Ni 2.2% Si Cu alloy: Bar; US Service
ALI 9.4% Al Cu alloy: Wrought; Delta Metal UTS: 600 Elon: 17% Proof: 200
AL BRONZE 184 9.5% Al 2% Ni 2% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging; ANQQB672 11% AI 5.0% Ni 5.0% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; US
Manganese Bronze Ltd; as DID 164 Service
DPN: 170 UTS: 550 Elon: 17% Proof: 260 UTS: 580 Elon: 3%
AL BRONZE 197 9.5% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging; ASTMB30/9A 9% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
Manganese Bronze Ltd; as DTD 197 UTS: 460 Elon: 20%
DPN: 220 VTS: 720 Elon: 15% Proof: 400 ASTM B30/9 B 10% All % Fe Cu alloy: Ingot; heat treated
Al Bz 5 5% AI 0.3% As Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used UTS: 580 EIon: 12%
by German Standards ASTM B3019C 11% Al 4% Fe Cu alloy: Ingot; heat treated
Alloy D 7.2% Al 2.8% Fe 0.4% Mn (max) Cu alloy YDM UTS: 660 Elon: 6%
AlloyE 9.8% Al 4.7% Ni 2.7% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy YDM ASTM B3019D 11 % Al 4% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Ingot; heat treated
AMPC08 0.25% Sn 6.5% Al 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; Ampco UTS: 800 Elon: 5%
UTS: 570 Elon: 35% Proof: 310 ASTM B111/608 5.5% Al Cu alloy: Seamless tube
AMPCO 12 8.9% AI 2.9% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco ASTM B111/687 2.2% Al Co alloy: Seamless tube
DPN: 130 UTS: 550 Elon: 37% Proof: 220 ASTMB1I1 6% Al Cu alloy: Tube
AMPCO 15 9.3% AI 3.1 % Fe Cu alloy: Extrusion; Ampco Al BRONZE
DPN: 180 UTS: 670 Elon: 25% Proof: 330 ASTM BI24/11 A 8% Al 1% Ni 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Forging and bar;
AMPCO 16 10.1% Al 3.3% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco mechanical properties not quoted
DPN: 160 VTS: 650 Elon: 23% Proof: 230 ASTM BI24/11 B 10% Al 5% Ni 3% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Forging and
AMPCO 18 10.5% AI 3.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought and cast; Ampco bar; mechanical properties not quoted
DPN: 190 VTS: 720 Elon: 15% Proof: 270 ASTM B148/9 A 9% A13% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; as east
AMPCO 18/13 10.5% AI3.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco DPN: 110 VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 170
DPN: 175 VTS: 700 Elon: 20% Proof: 250 ASTM BI48/9 B 10% Al 1% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; heat treated
AMPCO 18/22 10.5% AI 3.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco DPN: 160 VTS: 580 Elon: 12% Proof: 260
DPN: 225 VTS: 750 Elon: 9% Proof: 380 ASTM B148/9 C 11% A14% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; heat treated
AMPCO 18/23 10.5% AI3.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco DPN: 190 VTS: 660 Elon: 6% Proof: 330
DPN: 205 VTS: 750 Elon: 15% Proof: 380 ASTM B148/9 D 11% A14% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; heat treated
AMPC020 11.3% Al 3.8% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco DPN: 200 UTS: 800 Elon: 5% Proof: 420
DPN: 220 VTS: 630 Elon: 6% Proof: 270 ASTMBI50/l 8% A11% Ni 4% Fe 1% Mn 2% Si Cu alloy: Bar
AMPC020/13 11.3% Al 3.8% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco VTS: 530 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
DPN: 205 VTS: 610 Elon: 8% Proof: 240 ASTM B150/2 10% AI 5% Ni 3% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar
AMPC021 13.1% Al 4.4% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought and cast; Ampco UTS: 690 Elon: 6% Proof: 330
DPN: 290 VTS: 610 Elon: 2% Proof: 390 ASTM B150/3 7% AI 2% Fe Cu alloy: Bar
AMPC022 14.1% AI 4.7% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
DPN: 330 VTS: 580 Elon: 0.5% Proof: 490 ASTM B150/614 7.0% AI 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Rod; previously alloy No 3
AMPC024 AI Cu alloy: For dies; Ampco ASTM B150/630 10.0% Al 4.7% Ni 3.0% Fe Cu alloy: Rod; previously
DPN: 350 alloy No 2
AMPC025 AI Cu alloy: For dies; Ampco ASTM BI50/642 8.5% Al 1.0% Ni (max) 4.0% Fe (max) Cu alloy: Rod;
DPN:360 previous alloy No I
AMPCOLAY45 10% Al 5% Ni 3% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; ASTM B169/612 8% Al Cu alloy: AI bronze; sheet and bar
Ampco ASTM B169/612 7% Al 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: AI bronze; sheet and bar
AMPCOLAY 405 8% All % Ni 4% Fe 1% Mn 2% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; ASTM BI69 A 5.5% AI Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed
Ampco UTS: 330 Elon: 40% Proof: 110
AMPCOLA Y483 AI Ni Fe Cu alloy: Ampco ASTM BI69 A 5.5% AI Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; hard drawn
VTS: 360 Elon: 30% Proof: 120
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMBI69C 8% Al Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed BS 1400 CMA2 I 1% Sn 8.75% Al 3% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy:
UTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: ISO Ingots; chill cast
ASTMBI69C 8% AI Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; hard drawn UTS: 730 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
UTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: 170 BS 1400 CMA2 C 1% Sn 8.75% A13% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy:
ASTM BI69D 7% Al 2% Fe Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed Castings; sand cast
VTS: 510 Elon: 33% Proof: 240 VTS: 730 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
ASTMBI69D 7% A12% Fe Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; hard drawn BS 1464 CA 102 7% Al Cu tube; aluminium bronze; Ni Fe and Mn may
VTS: 580 Elon: 32% Proof: 330 be present to a total of 2.5%
ASTM BI71/464 0.75% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Rolled plate DPN: 120
ASTM B171/614 2.5% Sn 7% Al 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Rolled plate BS 1541 CAI02 7% AI Cu alloy: Plate; aluminium bronze; as rolled; Ni
ASTM B171/628 10.5% AI 5.5% Ni 2.5% Fe 1.2% Mn Cu alloy: plate Fe and Mn may be present up to 2.5%
ASTMB225 7% Al Cu alloy: Welding electrode VTS: 450 Elon: 35%
ECuAIAI VTS: 390 BS 1541 CAI05 10.0% Al 5.0% Ni 2.5% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Plate;
ASTM B225 10% Al Cu alloy: Welding electrode as rolled
ECuAIA2 VTS: 420 VTS: 580 Elon: 12%
ASTMB225 II % AI 4% Fe Cu alloy: Welding electrode BS 1541 CAI06 7% A13% Fe Cu alloy: Plate; as rollcd
ECuAIB UTS:460 VTS: 450 Elon: 35 %
ASTM B259 10% AI Cu alloy: Welding rod BS 1867 7% A12% Ni + Fe + Mn (max) Cu alloy: Tube;
RCuAIA2 UTS:45O annealed
ASTMB259 11 % A14% Fe Cu alloy: Welding rod VTS: 400 Elon: 50%
RCuAIB UTS:470 BS 2032 CA103 9% A13% Fe + Ni (max) Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
ASTM B359/608 5.5% Al Cu alloy: Finned tube annealed
ASTM B359/687 2.2% Al Cu alloy: Finned tube VTS: 510 Elon: 15% Proof: 180
B 29 9.5% Al 2.5% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; Anti- BS 2033 CAI04 10% AI 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging; as
Attrition for BS alloy AB I rolled or forged
B 31 0.5% Zn 9.5% Al 5.5% Ni 4.5% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: UTS: 690 Elon: 15% Proof: 370
Casting; Anti-Attrition for BS alloy AB2 BS 2870 CA101 5% Al Cu alloy: Sheet; as rolled; aluminium bronze
BATTERIUM 9% Al 1% Ni Cu alloy: Batterium Metal Ltd UTS: 330 Elon: 40%
DPN: 168 VTS: 730 Elon: 48% BS 2870 CAI02 7% Al Cu alloy: Sheet; Ni, Fe and Mn up to 2.5%;
BOLTOMET803 9.25% Al Cu alloy: T Bolton for BS alloy CA 103 aluminium bronze; specification not issued
BOLTOMET807 9.5% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: T Bolton for BS alloy BS 2870 CAI03 9% A13% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not
CAI04 issued
BS 378 CAI02 7% Al 2.5% Fe + Mn Cu alloy: Tubes; as drawn for BS 2870 CA I04 10% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not
condenser tubes 150 issued
BS 1031 Aluminium bronze ingots and castings; replaced by BS BS 2870 CA105 10% A15% Ni 2.5% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Shcct;
1400 specification not issued
BS 1032 Aluminium bronze ingots and castings; replaced by BS BS 2870 CAI06 7% A13% Fe Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued
1400 BS 2871 CAIOI 5% Al Cu alloy: Tube; aluminium bronze; annealed
BS 1072 Al bronze ingots and castings; high tensile; replaced by VTS: 390
BSI400 BS 2871 CA102 7% AI 2.5% Ni + Fe + Mn Cu alloy: Tube; aluminium
BS 1073 Al bronze ingots and castings; high tensile; replaced by bronze; annealed
BSI400 VTS: 420
BS 1400ABI C 9.5% Al 2% Fe Cu alloy: Aluminium bronze castings; BS 2871 CA103 9% A13% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Tube; aluminium bronze;
chill cast specification not issued
VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 200 BS 2871 CAI04 10% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Tube; aluminium
BS 14OOAB21 9.5% A15% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Aluminium bronze bronze; specification not issued
ingots; chill cast BS 2872 CAIOI 5% Al Cu alloy: Forging; specification not issued
UTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 BS 2872 CAI02 7% Al 2.5% Ni + Fe + Mn (max) Cu alloy: Forging:
BS 14OOAB2 C 9.5% AI 5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Aluminium bronze specification not issued
castings; chill cast BS 2872 CAI03 9% Al 3% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Forging; as forged
VTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 VTS: 510 Elon: 25% Proof: 220
BS 1400 AB3 6.2% Al 0.6% Fe 2.2% Si Cu alloy casting BS 2872 CAI04 10% AI 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Forging; as forged
BS 1400CMAI 1% Sn 8% AI 3% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Ingots; VTS: 690 Elon: 15% Proof: 370
chill cast BS 2872 CA105 10% AI 5% Ni 2.5% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Forging;
VTS: 650 Elon: 30% Proof: 300 specification not issued
BS 1400CMAIC 1% Sn 8% Al 3% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: BS 2872 CAI06 7% Al 3.0% Fe Cu alloy: Forging; as forged
Castings; chill cast VTS: 520 Elon: 35% Proof: 210
VTS: 650 Elon: 30% Proof: 300 BS 2873 CAIOI 5% Al Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 2873 CA102 7% AI2.5% Ni + Fe + Mn (max) Cu alloy: Wire;
specification not issued
BS 2873 CA103 9% A13% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: issued
BS 2873 CAI04 10% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number issued
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS 2873 CAI05 10% Al 5.0% Ni 2.5% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wire;
Elon Elongation, % specification not issued
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 2873 CAI06 7% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
BS 2874 CA101 5% AI Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2= 145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa BS 2874 CAI02 7% AI2.5% Ni + Fe + Mn (max) Cu alloy: Bar;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. specification not issued
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2874 CA103 9.0% Al 3% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: bar; annealed C63230 9% A14. 7% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
VTS: 510 Elon: 15% Proof: ISO designation
BS 2874 CAI04 10% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled C63280 9% Al 4.7% Ni 4% Fe 2.5% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and
VTS: 600 Elon: 15% Proof: 330 UNS designation
BS 2874 CAI05 10% A15% Ni 2.5% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Bar; C63300 6.2% Al 1.7% Ni 4% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and
specification not issued UNS designation
BS 2874 CAI06 7% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Bar; annealed C63380 7.7% AI 2.2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and
VTS: 510 Elon: 35% Proof: 210 UNS designation
BS 2874 CA107 6.2% Al 2.2% Si Cu alloy C63400 3% AI 0.3% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2875 CA101 5% AI Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued C63600 3.5% All % Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2875 CAI02 7% AI2.5% Fe + Mn + Ni Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled C63800 2.8% Al 1.8% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
VTS: 450 Elon: 35% C64110 1.5% Pb 9.5% AI Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2875 CAI03 9% Al 3% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Plate; specification not C64200 7% Al 2% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designatipn
issued C64210 6.8% Al 1.7% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
BS 2875 CAI04 10% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Plate; specification not C64250 6.5% AI 1.8% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
issued C64400 4% Al 4.8% Ni 1% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
BS 2875 CA105 10% A15% Ni 2.5% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Plate; as designation
rolled C95200 9% Al 3.2% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
VTS: 5SO Elon: 12% designation
BS 2875 CAI06 7% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled C95210 9% AI 0.5% Ni 3.2% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
VTS: 450 Elon: 35% UNS designation
BS 2901 CI2 7% A12% Fe + Ni + Mn Cu alloy: Rod for all welding C95220 10% Al 2% Ni 3.2% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
BS 2901 C13 10% Al Cu alloy: Rod for all welding designation
BS 2901 C20 9% Al 5% Ni 2% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Rod for gas and C95300 10% All % Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
electric welding designation
BS 4577 A4/4 10% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: For resistance welding C95400 10.7% AII% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
electrodes; wrought; conductivity 10% lACS designation
DPN: 190 VTS: 700 Elon: 13% C95410 10.7% A12% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
CI2 7.0% Al Cu alloy: rod for gas shielded arc welding designation
CI2 Fe 7.5% AI 3.0% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc C95420 11.2% Al 3.7% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
welding designation
C13 10% All % Ni 1.2% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for gas shielded C95500 10.7% Al 4.2% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
arc welding UNS designation
C20 9.0% Al 4.5% Ni 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for gas C95510 10% A15% Ni 2.7% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
shielded arc welding designation
C22 8.0% Al 2.0% Ni 3.0% Fe 13.0% Mn Cu alloy: Rod C95520 11 % AI 5.1 % Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
for gas shielded arc welding designation
C23 6.2% Al 0.6% Fe 2.0% Si Cu alloy: Rod for gas C95600 7% Al 0.2% Ni 2% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
shielded arc welding designation
C26 9.0% AI 5.0% Ni 4.0% Fe Cu alloy: Rod for gas C95700 7.7% Al 2.2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA
shielded arc welding and UNS designation
C60600 5.5% Al Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C95710 7.7% AI 2.2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA
C60700 1.8% Sn 2.5% Al Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation and UNS designation
C60800 5.7% Al Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C95800 9% Al 4.5% Ni 4% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA
C6lOoo 7.2% Al Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation and UNS designation
C61300 0.3% Sn 6.7% AI 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS C95810 9% AI4.5% Ni 4% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA
designation and UNS designation
C61400 7% AI 2.2% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C95900 12.7% A14% Fe Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C61500 7% AI 2% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C61550 6% A12% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C99300 11% AI 15.5% Ni 0.8% Fe 1.5% Co Cu alloy: Cast;
C61800 10.2% All % Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CDA and UNS designation
C61900 9.2% AI 3.7% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C99350 8.5% Zn 10% AI 15.2% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C62200 11.5% AI 3.6% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS UNS designation
designation CROTORITE AI bronze casting; Manganese Bronze Ltd for DTD 160
C62300 9.2% Al 3% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation DTD 174
C62400 10.7% AI 3.2% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CROTORlTE IV 10% Al + Ni + Mn Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Ltd
designation CROTORITEV 9% A13% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
C62500 13% AI 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Manganese Bronze Ltd for BS alloy CAI03; low Fe
C62580 12.5% A14% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CROTORITEZ 9% AI 3% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
C62581 13.5% A14% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation Manganese Bronze Ltd for BS alloy CZI03
C62582 14.5% A14% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation CuAI5 5% Al Cu alloy: German designation
C62730 9.2% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CuAI8 8% Al Cu alloy: German designation
designation Cu AI8Fe 7.7% AI 2.8% Fe Cu alloy: German Standard
C63000 10% Al 4.7% Ni 3% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CuAI9Mn 8.7% Al 2.2% Mn Cu alloy: German designation
designation Cu AllONi 9.5% Al 5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: German designation
C63010 10.2% A15% Ni 2.7% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS Cu AI 10 Ni 5 Fe 4 9.8% AI4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: German Standard
designation Cu AlII Ni 11.5% A16% Ni 6% Fe Cu alloy: German designation
C63020 11% Al 5% Ni 4.7% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS CuAI15 5% Al Cu alloy: German Standard
designation CuAI17 7% Al Cu alloy: German Standard
C63200 9.2% AI 4.4% Ni 4% Fe 1.8% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and CuAI18 8% Al Cu alloy: German Standard
UNS designation DGS 129 6.2% Al 0.6% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty specification
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nontinal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DGS 348 9. I% At 5% Ni 4.2% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty DIN 17665 11.5% A16% Ni 6% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought
specification Co AI II Ni
DGS 357 AI Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty specification for alloy DNCM38 9% AI 5% Ni 4.5% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
DGS361A 9.4% AI 4.7% Ni 4.7% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty Admiralty specification for BS alloy AB2 C; further
specification ,information from the Copper Development Association
DGS 1043 9.2% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty DID 160 9.5% AI Cu alloy: Bar; tempered and quenched; for
specification valve seats
DGS 1043 9.2% Al 4.7% Ni 4.7% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty DPN: ISO urs: 530
specification DID 164 A 9.5% At 2% Ni 2% Fe Cu alloy: Forgings; tempered
DGS 1043 10% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty specification urs: 560 Elon: 17% Proof: 270
DGS 1044 6.2% Al 0.1% Ni 0.6% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty DID 174 A 8% Al 3% Ni 2% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting
specification UTS: 480 Elon: 20%
DGS 1044 6.2% Al 0.6% Fe 2.2% Si Cu alloy: Admiralty DID 197 A 9.5% AI 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging; as
specification rolled or forged
DGS 8451 9% Al 3% Fe + Ni Cu alloy: Bar and forging; UTS: 650 Elon: 15% Proof: 330
Admiralty for BS alloy CAI03; heat treated; further DID 412 10% AI 4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
information from the Copper Development Association urs: 600 Elon: 12% Proof: 240
DPN: ISO urs: 5SO Elon: 35 Proof: 280 E86 7% AI 2% Si Cu alloy: Extrusion; McKechnie Bros; as
DGS 8452A 10% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Admiralty specification drawn
DGS 8453 7% A12% Si Cu alloy: Admiralty specification DPN: ISO urs: 580 Elon: 35% Proof: 300
DIN 1714 9.5% Al 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought ECuAIA2 7.5% Al Cu alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by
Cu Al 10 Fe AWS
DIN 1714 9.5% AI 5.0% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought ECuAIC 10% AI 4.2% Fe Cu alloy: Weld electrode; designation
Cu AllONi used by AWS
DIN 1714 9.5 % Al Cu alloy: Casting ECuAID 11.5% A15% Fe Cu alloy: Weld electrode; designation
GAl Bz9 DPN: 110 urs: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 170 used by AWS
DIN 1714 10% A13% Fe Cu alloy: Casting ECuAIE 13% A15% Fe Cu alloy: Weld electrode; designation
GFeA1BzF50 DPN: 135 urs: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 used by AWS
DIN 1714 8% AI 6% Mn 1.5% Cu alloy: Casting ECuMnNiAI 6.5% Al 1.7% Ni 4% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Weld
GMnAIBzF42 DPN: 120 urs: 510 Elon: 26% Proof: 220 electrode
DIN 1714 8% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting ECu NiAI 7.5% Al 5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Weld electrode;
GNiAIBzF50 DPN: ISO urs: 580 EIon: 25% Proof: 240 designation used by AWS
DIN 1714 9% AI 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting E in C No. C 106 9% A15% Ni 4.5% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
G Ni At BzF60 DPN: 170 UTS: 630 Elon: 18% Proof: 330 Admiralty for BS alloy AB2 C; further information
DIN 1714 10% Al 6% Ni 6% Fe Cu alloy: Casting from the Copper Development Association
GNiAIBzF68 DPN: 190 UTS: 750 Elon: 8% Proof: 370 GCuAI8Mn 8% Al 1.5% Ni 6% Mn Co Alloy: Casting; designation
DIN 1714 9% Al 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting used by German Standards
GZ Ni AI Bz F70 DPN: 180 urs: 7SO Elon: 16% Proof: 360 GCuAI9 9.5% At Co alloy: Casting; designation used by
DIN 1733 S At Bz 6 6% Al 0.4% Ni 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought German Standards
DIN 1733 S At Bz 8 8% AI 0.4% Ni 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought GCu At9 Ni 8% A15% Ni 5% Fe Co alloy: Casting; designation
DIN 1785 Al Bz 5 5% AI 0.3% As Cu alloy: Wrought used by German Standards
DIN 8555 E31 300 Al Fe eu welding electrode GCuAllOFe 9.5% At 3% Fe Co alloy: German Standard
DIN 17656 9% Al Cu alloy: Casting GCu Al 10 Fe 10% A13% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
GB AIBz9 German Standards
DIN 17656 10% Al 3.0% Fe Cu alloy: Casting GCuAllONi 9% A15% Ni 5% Fe Co alloy: Casting; designation
GB Fe Al Bz used by German Standards
DIN 17656 9% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting GCuAIIONi 10.8% AI 4.2% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: German Standard
GB NiAIBz GCuAI II Ni 10% AI 6% Ni 6% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation
DIN 17665 Cu Al 5 5% Al Cu alloy: Wrought used by German Standards
DIN 17665 Cu AI8 8% Al Cu alloy: Wrought GFeAIBzF50 10% At 3% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
DIN 17665 7.2% Al 2.7% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought German Standards
CuAI8Fe GBCoAI9 9% AI Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by German
DIN 17665 9% AI 2% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought Standards
CuAI9Mn GB Co AI9 Ni 9% A15% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation
DIN 17665 9.5% AI 4% Ni + Fe Mn Cu alloy: Wrought used by German Standards
Cu AI 10 Fe GB Cu Al 10 Fe 10% AI 3.0% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
DIN 17665 9.7% A15% Ni 5% Fe Co alloy: Wrought German Standards
Cu AllONi GZCo AI 10Ni 9% At 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; designation
used by German Standards
HEUSLER ALLOY 15% At 30% Mn Cu alloy: Magnetic alloy; further
information from Permanent Magnet Association
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: HIDURAL 7 Zn AI Cu alloy: Wrought; composition not supplied;
Langley Alloys
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 145 UTS: 570 EIon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 HlDURAXI 10% At 4.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Langley
Elon Elongation, % Alloys for BS alloy AB 2
Proof O. 1% proof strength, N/mm 2 HIDURAX I 10% At 5% Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Bar and forging;
Langley Alloys for BS alloy CA I04
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin.2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa HIDURAX2 9.5% At 2% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Langley Alloys for
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BS alloy AB 1
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks.
HIDURAX2 9.5% A12% Ni 2% Fe Cu alloy: Forging; Langley NARITE 14% All % Ni 5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting for deep
Alloys drawing dies; N CAshton; 120 tons/in.' compression
VTS: 690 Elon: 22% Proof: 330 strength
HIDURAX3 10% AI Cu alloy: For casting; Langley Alloys; for NIKALIUM 9% A15% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting for marine
corrosion resistance turbines; Manganese Bronze Ltd for BS alloy AB2 C
DPN: 130 VTS: 540 Elon: 25% Proof: 230 No.4 9.5% A15% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Stone
HIDURAX4 AI Cu alloy: Composition not supplied; Langley Alloys; ALUMINIUM Manganese Marine for BS alloy AB2
DPN: 2SO VTS: 820 Elon: 8% Proof: 540 No.6 9% All % Ni 2% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
HIDURAX4 AI Cu alloy: Composition not supplied; Langley Alloys; ALUMINIUM Stone Manganese Marine for BS alloy ABI
wrought BRONZE
DPN: 270 VTS: 800 Elon: 7% Proof: 490 NOVOSTON 8% AI 2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Forging; Stone
HIDURAX5 9% AI Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Langley Alloys Manganese Marine; as forged
VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 250 DPN: 200 VTS: 750 Elon: 28% Proof: 400
HIDURAX6 5% AI Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Langley Alloys 00B666A 5.0% AI Cu alloy: Sheet; US Federal
VTS: 390 Elon: 60% Proof: 150 VTS: 370 Elon: 27% Proof: 140
HIDURAX7 7% A12% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; Langley Alloys 00B666B 8% AI 5.0% Ni 2.2% Si Cu alloy: Bar and forging; US
HIDURON 130 14.5% Ni with AI Fe and Mn Cu alloy: Langley Alloy Federal
DPN: 230 UTS: 880 Elon: 12% Proof: 680 VTS: 530 Elon: 17% Proof: 210
HIDURON 191 AI Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; Langley Alloys; similar to BS 00B671 A 0.5% Sn 10% AI 3.5% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
2033 US Federal
VTS: 490 Elon: 32% Proof: 300 VTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 150
HOLFOSABI 9.5% AI 2.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; J Holroyd; as cast 00B671 B 10% AI I% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal
DPN: 130 UTS: 5SO Elon: 20% Proof: 200 DPN: 170 VTS: 530 Elon: 12% Proof 240
HOLFOSAB2 10% AI 5.5% Ni 4.5% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; J Holroyd; 00 B 671 C 0.5% Sn 10% AI 5% Ni 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; US
as cast Federal
DPN: 165 VTS: 660 Elon: 15% Proof: 250 DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 12% Proof: 220
HOLFOSHTBI 36% Zn I% AI I% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; J 00B671 D 5% Ni 10% 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal
Holroyd; as cast VTS: 600 Elon: 6% Proof: 300
DPN: 115 VTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 220 RESISCO 7% AI Cu alloy: Tube; Yorkshire Imperial Metals Ltd
HOLFOSHTB2 33% Zn 3.5% AI 1.5% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; J SAl Bz6 6% AI 0.4% Ni 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
Holroyd; as cast designation used by German Standards
DPN: 135 VTS: 590 Elon: 15% Proof: 280 SAl Bz 8 8% AI 0.4% Ni 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought;
HOLFOSHTB3 30% Zn 5% AI 2% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; J designation used by German Standards
Holroyd; as cast SAE68 A 9% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
DPN: 185 VTS: 750 Elon: 12% Proof: 420 VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 170
IMI581 AI Mn Cu alloy: Resistance wire; IMI; Kuthern 41 SAE68B 10% AI I% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
IMI756 5% AI Cu alloy: Welding rod and wire; IMI UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 170
IMI757 7% AI Cu alloy: Welding rod and wire; IMI SAE68B 10% AI I% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; solution treated and
IMI764 10% AI Cu alloy: Bar; as drawn; IMI aged
DPN: 160 VTS: 560 Elon: 20% Proof: 330 VTS: 580 Elon: 12% Proof: 260
INCRAMET 800 10% AI 15% Ni 0.7% Fe 1.5% Co Cu alloy: Casting; SAE 710 7% A12% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought
Copper Development Association; for bottle moulds SAE70I A 5% AI Cu alloy: Bar and forging; properties not
VTS: 660 specificd
INOXYDA 10% AI 4.5% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; information SAE70I B 10% AI 1% Ni 4% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar and
from International Nickel forging
KUMANAL 2% AI 10% Mn Cu alloy: Hard drawn wire and strip; UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 240
IMI; electrical conductivity 4.5% lACS; heating SAE 701 C 10% AI 5% Ni 3% Fe 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Bar and
elements forging
VTS: 670 Elon: 10% VTS: 690 Elon: 12% Proof: 330
KUTHERM41 AI Mn Cu alloy: Wire; IMI; electrical conductivity SAECA608 5% AI Cu alloy: Wrought
4.5% lACS; withdrawn SAE CA 614 7% A12% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; formerly SAE 701 D
Marinel 14.5% Ni 4.5% Mn with AI Fc + Cr Cu alloy: Langley SAECA617 8.5% AI 1.5% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; formerly SAE
Alloys 701 B
DPN: 280 VTS: 900 Elon: 12% Proof: 7SO SAECA618 10% AI I% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought
MEIGH METAL 9% A15% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; Meigh Casting SAECA 623 9% A13% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; formerly SAE 701 B
Co. for BS alloy AB2 C SAECA624 10.7% AI 3% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; formerly SAE
Met Bronze A6MN 6.5% A12% Ni 4% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Electrode 701 B
Metrode SAECA 630 10% AI 5% Ni 3% Fe Cu alloy: Wrought; formerly
Met Bronze A8N 7.5% A15% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Electrode Metrode SAE 701 C
Met Bronze A8N 7.5% A15% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Electrode Metrode SAECA 637 7.5% AI 1.7% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; formerly SAE 701
Metco 51 10% AI Cu spray deposit Metco B
DPN: 120 SAECA 642 7% AI 2% Si Cu alloy: Wrought
Metc051FNS 10% AI Cu spray deposit Metco SAE CA 952 9% AI 3.2% Fe Cu alloy: Casting
DPN: 160 SAE CA 953 10% AI 1.2% Fe Cu alloy: Casting
Metco 605 NS 10% AI Cu with plastic spray deposit Metco SAECA 954 10.7% AI 2.5% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting
Metco 610 NS 10% Al Cu with plastic spray deposit Metco SAECA 955 10.7% A14% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting
Metco Sprabronze AAIO% AI Cu spray deposit Metco SAE CA 958 9% AI 4.5% Ni 4% Fe Cu alloy: Casting
DPN: 160 SILVA BRONZE AI Cu wrought alloy: IMI; for fire back boilers
DPN: 100 VTS: 400 Elon: 75% Proof: 90
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Soudobronze 101 7.5% AI G.5% Fe 0.5% Mn 0.5% Si Cu alloy: Welding Stubs A3444 9.0% Al 4.5% Ni 3.5% Fe 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Welding
electrode; Soudometal for surface deposits rod; Stubs for joining AI bronzes containing N
DPN: 125 DPN: 200 VTS: 620 Elon: 12% Proof: 400
Soudobronze 201 9.6% AI 0.9% Mn 1.6% Si Cu alloy: Welding SUPERSTON 1% Sn 8% AI 3% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy:
electrode; Soudometal for surface deposits Casting; Phosphor Bronze Ltd for BS alloys CMA I C
DPN: 225 andCMA2C
Soudobronze 301 11 % All % Mn 1.6% Si Cu alloy: Welding electrode; SUPERSTON 10 4% A12% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Sheet and
Soudometal for surface deposits plate; Stone Manganese Marine; as rolled
DPN: 2SO UTS: 420 Elon: 62% Proof: 200
Soudobronze MnS 5.6% AI 2.6% Ni 3.2% Fe 12.5% Mn Cu alloy: SUPERSTON 40 8% A12% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; Stone
Welding electrode; Soudometal for welding AI bronze Manganese Marine; as cast
DPN: 155 DPN: ISO VTS: 690 Elon: 27% Proof: 300
Soudor G Cu AI8 8% AI 0.4% Fe Cu alloy: Welding electrode; SUPERSTON 40 8% AI 2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Forging; Stone
Soudometal Manganese Marine; as forged
VTS: 430 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 DPN: 200 UTS: 750 Elon: 28% Proof: 400
Soudoteg Cu AI 8 8% AI 0.4% Fe Cu alloy: Welders electrical; SUPERSTON 60 9% AI 2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; Stone
Soudometal for inert gas welding Manganese Marine; as cast
VTS: 430 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 DPN: 220 VTS: 758 Elon: 14% Proof: 400
SPRABRONZE AA 9% All % Fe Cu alloy: Wire for spraying; Metco Ltd; SUPERSTON 60 9% AI 2% Ni 3% Fe 12% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; Stone
as sprayed Manganese Marine; as forged
DPN: 146 VTS: 200 DPN: 250 VTS: 830 Elon: 15% Proof: 458
STA 7 CAl 5% AI Cu alloy: Bar and sheet SUPERSTON 70 7.5% AI 2.5% Ni 3% Fe 15% Mn Cu alloy: Casting;
VTS: 300 Elon: 25% Stone Manganese Marine; as cast
STA 7 CA2 0.1% Pb 9.5% AI Cu alloy: Bar DPN: 200 VTS: 660 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
DPN: 150 UTS: 530 SUPERTRODE 8% A12% Ni 3% Fe 13% Mn Cu alloy: Welding rod;
STA 7 CA3 10% A12% Ni 1% Mn 1% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; as cast Stone Manganese Marine; as welded
VTS: 480 Elon: 20% DPN: ISO UTS: 680 Elon: 25% Proof: 370
STA 7 CA4 10% Al 4.5% Ni 4% Fe 3% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; sand TAURUS XX 9.5% AI 5% Ni 4% Fe 1% Mn Cu alloy: Casting; D
and die cast Brown; centri-cast
UTS: 600 Elon: 12% DPN: 155 UTS: 630 Elon: 14% Proof: 330
STA 7 CAS 10% A15% Ni 5% Fe 2% Mn Cu alloy: Bar and U·A lONM 9.5% AI 5.5% Ni 2.2% Fe 1.2% Mn Cu alloy: Origin
forging unknown
DPN: 200 UTS: 660 Elon: 15% VULCAN METAL 0.4% Sn 1% AI 1.5% Ni 4.4% Fe 1% Si 0.7% Cr Cu
STA 7 CXIO 10% A13% Ni 3% Fe Cu alloy: Casting; die cast ailoy: Origin unknown
DPN: 190 XANTAL 0.05% Zn 9.5% AI 0.2% Ni 0.2% Fe Cu alloy: Cast
Stubs 34 9% AI Cu alloy: Welding rod; Stubs for facing and and wrought; origin unknown
welding bronze, cast iron
DPN: 130 UTS: 450 Elon: 30%
Stubs 34 N AI bronze welding rod; Stubs for welding and facing Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
bronze, cast iron
DPN: 230 VTS: 680 Elon: 20% DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Stubs 343 AI Fe Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs for wear VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
resistance Elon Elongation, %
DPN:300 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Stubs A34 9.0% AI Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs for joining
AI bronze and for low friction coating 1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin 2 =1 MPa
DPN: 130 UTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 185 See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
None of the materials in this group can have their proper- Gold alloys. These have specific electrical properties and
ties improved by heat treatment. Using considerable skill also have the ability to withstand considerable corrosion at
and expertise it is possible to improve the mechanical pro- high temperatures. The largest use of these materials is in the
perties of a braze by 'peening'. In this technique a skilled field of high temperature fuses to protect furnace heat treat-
man uses either a small hammer or a round-nosed punch and ment equipment. They do not oxidize and thus have a per-
the mechanical properties of the weld are improved by work manent electrical resistivity but melt at a sharp point when a
hardening. This technique is not advised unless considerable specific temperature is achieved, thus cutting off the current
skill and advice are available. and protecting the equipment.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
22 MS Zn Ni Cu alloy electrodes for brazing and welding stubs ARGO-BOND 23% Zn Ag Cd Co alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
for use on Zn Ni Cu alloy: melting range 890-920 'c Matthey; melting range 616-735 'c
UTS: ~ Elon: 27% ARGO-SWIFf 29% Zn Ag Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
279 Ni Mn Pd Cu brazing alloy: Melting range IIJ6(}-1105 'C; Matthey; melting range 607-700 'c
Engelhard Industries; electrical conductivity 3% lACS ASTM B260 B Au I 37% Au Cu alloy: Braze metal; temperature range
DPN: 135 UTS: 600 Elon: 35% 1016-1093 'c
ARGO BRAZE 25 33% Zn 2% Ni 2% Mn 25% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; ASTM B260 B Au 3 3% Ni 34.5% Au Cu alloy: Braze metal; temperature
Johnson Matthey for tungsten carbide range 103~ 1090 'C
ARGO BRAZE 27 20% Zn 5% Ni 9% Mn 27% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; ASTM B260 B Cu I 99.9% (min) Cu: Braze metal; temperature range
Johnson Matthey for tungsten carbide 1093--1149 'c
ASTMB260 99.0% (min) Cu: Braze metal; temperature range
BCulA 1093--1149 'c
ASTM B260 B Cu 2 86.5% (min) Cu: Braze metal; brazing range
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 1~1150'C
ASTMB260 37.5% Au Cu alloy: Braze filler; melting range
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BCuAu I 955-990'C
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 ASTMB260 5% P Cu alloy: Brazing filler; melting range
Elon Elongation, % BCuPI 706-890'C
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 ASTMB260 7% P Cu alloy: Brazing filler; melting range
BCuP2 706-805'C
I N/mm2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonfJin. 2=145.04lbfJin?=1 MPa ASTMB260 6% P 6% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing filler; melting
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BCuP3 range~'C
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMB260 7% P 6% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing filler; melting DIN 1734 L Ag 27 20% Zn 5% Ni 8% Mn 27% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal;
BCuP4 range 640-719 'C working temperature 840 'C
ASTM B260 5% P 15% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing filler; melting DIN 1734 20% Zn 30% Ag 5% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal;
BCu P5 range 64<415 'C LAg 30 Cd 5 working temperature 770 'C
B6 16% Zn Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; DIN 1734 20% Zn 30% Ag 12% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal;
melting range 790-830 'C LAg30Cd 12 working temperature 700 'C
B·BRONZE 3% Ni 0.03% B Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson DIN 1734 L Ag 38 3% Sn 25% Zn 38% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal;
Matthey; melting range 1080-1100 'C working temperature 800 'C
BS 1845/6 5% P 14% Ag Cu alloy: Braze filler; melting range ERMSC65 6% Ag 0.03% 0 Cu alloy: Forgings; Enfield Rolling
625-78O'C Mills Ltd; resistance weld electrodes
BS 1845n 7% P Cu alloy: Braze filler; melting range 705-800 'C DPN: 140 UTS: 440 Elon: 12% Proof: 340
BS 1845 Au 3 37.5% Au Cu alloy: For brazing metal; melting range FBRONZE 38.5% Zn 2% Mn 2% Co Cu alloy: Braze metal;
980-1000 'C Johnson Matthey; melting range 890-910 'C
BS 1845 Au 4 30% Au Cu alloy: For braze metal; melting range GBRONZE 2.5% Ni 0.6% Si Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
995-1020'C Matthey; melting range 1090-1100 'C
BS 1845 Cp I 4.6% P 14.5% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; melting range HI2 Zn Ag Cu alloy: For brazing; silver solder; Sheffield
645-700 'C Smelting Co.; melting point 780 'C; electrical
BS 1845 Cp 2 6.5% P 2.0% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; melting range conductivity 8.9% lACS
645-74O'C DPN: 106 UTS: 260 Elon: 30% Proof: 190
BS 1845 Cp 3 7.7% P Cu alloy: Braze metal; melting range HBRONZE 9% Ni 39% Mn Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
705-8OO'C Matthey; melting range 880-920 'C
BS 1845 Pd 8 18% Pd Cu alloy: For brazing metal; melting range JMMBBRONZE Cu alloy: For brazing stainless steel; molybdenum or
1080-1090 'C tungsten; Johnson Matthey
BS 1845 Pd 12 15% Ni 10% Mn 20% Pd Cu alloy: For brazing metal; L3 38% Zn 10% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Sheffield
melting range 1060-1110 'C Smelting; melting range 840-855 'C
BS 1845 Pd 13 20% Ni 15% Mn 30% Pd Cu alloy: For brazing metal; DPN: 178 UTS: 530 Elon: 7% Proof: 480
melting range 1070-1090 'C L7 35% Zn 14% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Sheffield
C4 24% Zn Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; Smelting; melting range 810-835 'C
melting range 740-780 'C DPN: 174 UTS: 5SO Elon: 3% Proof: 500
CBRONZE 2.5% Ni 11 % Mn Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson LX 13 30% Zn 20% Ag 10% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal;
Matthey; melting range 965-995 'C Sheffield Smelting; melting range 718-773 'C
COLMONOYI5 7.0% P Cu alloy: Bronze metal; Wall Colmonoy; DPN: III UTS: 370 Elon: 9% Proof: 300
melting point 795 'C LX 18 27.5% Zn 25% Ag 17.5% Cd Co alloy: Braze metal:
COPPER-FLO 7.4% P Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; Sheffield Smelting; melting range 605-710 'C
melting range 714-810 'C DPN: 116 UTS: 370 Elon: 14% Proof: 300
CPNM2 Ni Mn Pd Cu brazing alloy: Melting range MI 34% Zn 31% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Sheffield
1060-1105 'C; Englehard Industries; electrical Smelting; melting range 714-755 'C
conductivity 3% lACS DPN: 112 UTS: 480 Elon: 5% Proof: 4SO
DPN: 135 UTS: 600 Elon: 35% MAITABRAZE 12 31% Zn 12% Ag 7% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal;
D3 33% Zn Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; Johnson Matthey; melting range 620-820 'C
melting range 700-740 'C MAITABRAZE 45 18% Zn 20% Cd 17% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal;
DBRONZE 10% Mn 4% Co Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Johnson Matthey; melting range 620-635 'C
Matthey; melting range 980-1030 'C METALFLO 25% Zn 25% Ag 17% Cd Co alloy: Braze metal;
DIN 1734 L Ag 8 37% Zn 8% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; brazing Johnson Matthey; melting range 605-720 'C
temperature 860 'C METASIL 25% Zn 20% Ag 15% Cd Co alloy: Braze metal;
DIN 1734 L Ag 12 35% Zn 12% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing metal; working Johnson Matthey; melting range 605-760 'C
temperature 830 'C MICROBRAZ 5025 5% P 38% Ni 7% Cr Co alloy: Braze filler; Wall
DIN 1734 30% Zn 12% Ag 7% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; Colmonoy; melting range 1065-1150 'C
LAg 12 Cd working temperature 800 'C MICROBRAZ 5027 26.5% P 4.9% Cr Cu alloy: Braze metal; Wall
DIN 1734 L Ag 15 35% Zn 15% Ag 10% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; Colmonoy; melting range 1065-1150 'C
working temperature 770 'C MX4 Zn Ag Cu alloy: For brazing; silver solder; Sheffield
DIN 1734 3% P 15% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; working Smelting; melting range 608-<i65 'C; electrical
LAg 15 P temperature 710 'C conductivity 26% lACS
DIN 1734 L Ag 20 30% Zn 20% Ag 15% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; DPN: 103 UTS: 240 Elon: 15% Proof: ISO
working temperature 750 'C NICORO 3.0% Ni 35% Au Cu alloy: For brazing; melting range
DIN 1734 LAg 25 30% Zn 25% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; working 1000-1030 'C, Wesgo
temperature 780 'C OROBRAZE 998 37.5% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
DIN 1734 20% Zn 25% Ag 15% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; melting range 980-998 'C
LAg25 Cd working temperature 730 'C OROBRAZE 1018 30% Au Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
melting range 996-1018 'C
PALLABRAZE 15% Pb Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: melting range 856-880 'C
PALLABRAZE 810 5% Pd Ag Co alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number melting range 807-810 'C
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 PALLABRAZE 840 10% Pd Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
Elon Elongation, % melting range 830-840 'C
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 PALLABRAZE 850 10% Pd Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
melting range 824-850 'C
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa PALLABRAZE 880 15% Pd Ag Cu alloy: For brazing; Johnson Matthey;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. melting range 856-880 'C
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
PALLABRAZE 900 20% Pd Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; SIL·FOS 6 7.2% P 6% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
melting range 87&-900 °C Matthey; melting range 644-718 °c
PALLABRAZE 950 25% Pd Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; SILVER-FLO 5 4.0% Zn 5% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
melting range 901-950 °C Matthey; melting range 830-S70 °c
PALLABRAZE 1090 18% Pd Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; SILVER-FLO 12 4.0% Zn 12% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
melting range 1080-1090 °C Matthey; melting range ~3O °c
PHOSPHALLOY 5% P 15% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Sheffield SILVER-FLO 20 36% Zn 20% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
No1 Smelting; melting range 625-780 °C Matthey; melting range 776-815 °c
PHOSPHALLOY 6.5% P 2% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Sheffield SILVER-FLO 25 34% Zn 25% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
N02 Smelting; melting range 690-835 °C Matthey; melting range 7Q0-800 °c
DPN: 130 UTS: 420 Elon: 5% Proof: 240 SOUDEN BE 55 6% P 5% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Soudometal
QQ S 56113 5.0% P 15% Ag Cu alloy: Solder; US Federal UTS: 250
SB26OBCu2 See ASTM B260 B Cu 2 SOUDOGEN BE 5 6.5% P 2% Ag Cu alloy: Bronze metal; Soudometal
SILBERLOT8 37% Zn 8% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; designation UTS: 250 Elon 5%
used by German Standards SOUDOGEN BE 300 25% Zn 15% Co 20% Ag Cu alloy: Bronze metal;
SILBERLOT 12 35% Zn 12% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; designation Soudometal
used by German Standards STAN·FOS 7% Sn 6.7% P Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
SILBERLOT 12 Cd 30% Zn 12% Ag 7% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; Matthey; melting range 640-{)8O °C
designation used by German Standards STUBS 6 Zn Ni Ag Cu alloy: Brazing electrode; Stubs for joining
SILBERLOT 15 35% Zn 15% Ag 10% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; steel SG iron and Ni alloy; melting range 890-920°C
designation used by German Standards UTS: 880 Elon: 29%
SILBERLOT 15 P 3% P 15% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; designation used STUBS 6M Zn Ni Ag Cu alloy: Electrode for brazing; Stubs for
by German Standards brazing steel SG iron, Ni alloys; melting range
SILBERLOT 20 30% Zn 20% Ag 15% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; 890-920°C
designation used by German Standards UTS: 880 Elon: 29%
SILBERLOT 25 30% Zn 25% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; designation STUBS 7 Zn 18% Ag 44% Cu alloy: For brazing; Stubs; high
used by German Standards zinc silver solder melting range 784--815 °C
SILBERLOT 25 Cd 20% Zn 25% Ag 15% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; DPN: 130 UTS: 470
designation used by German Standards STUBS7M Zn 18% Ag 44% Cu alloy: For brazing; Stubs; high
SILBERLOT 27 20% Zn 5% Ni 8% Mn 27% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; zinc silver solder melting range 784-815 °C
designation used by German St.andards DPN: 130 UTS: 470
SILBERLOT 20% Zn 30% Ag 5% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; STUBS 22 Zn Ni Cu alloy: For brazing and welding; Stubs for
30Cd5 designation used by German Standards joining Zn Ni Cu alloys
SILBERLOT 20% Zn 30% Ag 12% Cd Cu alloy: Braze metal; UTS: 6IiO Elon: 29%
30 Cd 12 designation used by German Standards STUBS 22M Zn Ni Cu alloy: For brazing and welding; Stubs for Zn
SILBERLOT 38 3% Sn 25% Zn 38% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Ni Cu alloy
designation used by German Standards UTS: 6IiO Elon: 29%
SILBRALLOY 2% P Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; STUBS35R 7.0% P 0.5% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing rod; Stubs for
melting range 63~94 °C; for brazing copper and alloys electrical joints; 10% lACS; melting range 650-710 °C
DPN: 195 UTS: 530 Elon: 5% STUBS35S 7.0% P 0.5% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing rod; Stubs for
SILBRAZE 41 % Zn 0.3% Si 1% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; electrical joints; 10% lACS; melting range 650-710 °C
Sheffield Smelting; melting range 886-893°C STUBS 36 6.0% P 2.0% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing rod; Stubs for
DPN: 115 UTS: 480 Elon: 43% Proof: 210 electrical joints; 9% lACS; melting range 645-740 °C
SILFLOO 7.0% P Cu alloy: Brazing rod for high electrical STUBS 38 Ag Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; MP 1070 for
conductivity joints; 98% lACS; All·State; brazing welding de-oxidized copper
range 710-790 °C THESSCO Trade name for brazing and soldering material;
SILFL05 6.0% P 5.0% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing rod; All-State; high Sheffield
electrical conductivity; 98% lACS; brazing range
SILFLO 15 5.0% P 15.0% Ag Cu alloy: Brazing rod; All·State; Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
brazing range 7Q0..830 °C; high electrical conductivity;
98% lACS DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
SIL-FOS 4.6% P 14.5% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Matthey; melting range 644-SOO °C Eion Elongation, %
15% P Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal for copper and its Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
alloys; Johnson Matthey; melting range 625-780 °C
I N/mrn2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmrn2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
DPN: 187 UTS: 690 Elon: 10%
SIL-FOS5 6% P5% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
melting range ~15 °C
14J Copper sintered alloys
With iron, tungsten and tungsten carbide
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS4805 B 10% Sn Cu alloy sinter: Oil impregnated cr oolQ..N 10% Sn 0.25% C (max) Cu sinter alloy: USA
BIO Iron-<opper sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd; designation
17-22% porosity; withdrawn cr oolQ..R 10% Sn 0.25% C (max) Cu sinter alloy: USA
UTS: 220 EIon: 1.5% designation
BIO Bronze sinter: Firth Oeveland; specific gravity DURASINT Sintered metal for friction; origin unknown
6.8-7.2; as sintered ELKONITE I W3 WCu alloy: For arc resistant contacts; Mallory
DPN: 115 UTS: 130 EIoa: 4% Metallurgical; conductivity 41 % lACS
B 15 lron-<opper sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd; DPN: 140
17-22% porosity; withdrawn ELKONITE 3 W 3 W Cu alloy: For arc resistant contacts; Mallory
UTS: 240 Elon: 1.5% Metallurgical; conductivity 33% lACS
B 20 Bronze sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity 8.0-8.4; DPN: 160
as sintered ELKONITE 10 W3 WCu alloy: For welding electrodes; Mallory
DPN: 90 UTS: 320 Elon: 40% Metallurgical
BM78 lron-<oppeHarbon sintered material: Sintered ELKONITE 20 K 3 W C Cu alloy: For riveting and welding electrodes:
Products Ltd; 18-22% porosity Mallory Metallurgical; electrical conductivity 22%
UTS: 2SO Elon: 10% lACS
C 10 Cu sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity 7.0-7.4; as DPN: 300 UTS: 530
sintered ELKONITE 20 W3 WCu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes; Mallory
DPN: 115 UTS: 160 Elon: 13% Metallurgical; electrical conductivity 28% lACS
DPN: 230 UTS: 630
ELKONITE 30 W3 W Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes; Mallory
Metallurgical; electrical conductivity 28% lACS
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 240 UTS: 65
ELKONITE 100 M WCu sintered alloy: For hot riveting electrodes;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Mallory Metallurgical; conductivity 30% lACS
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 DPN: 170 UTS: 3S
Elon Elongation, % ELKONITE 100 W WCu sintered alloy: For resistance brazing electrodes;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Mallory Metallurgical; conductivity 30% lACS
DPN: 5SO UTS: 22
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa FC 3ns lron-<opper sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 22-28% porosity
UTS: 20 EIon: 1.5%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
FC75 lron-ropper sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd; RWMA CLASS 13 Mallory Metallurgical code for Elkonite 100 W
22-28% porosity S60 Iron-earbon sintered material: Bearings; Sintered
VTS: 21 Elon: 1.5% Products Ltd; 25-30% porosity; withdrawn
FC75/1 Iron-ropper-earbon sintered material: Sintered UTS:9
Products Ltd; 22-23% porosity SAE 890 0.1 % Sn 1.5% Pb 0.2% Fe Cu sintered material:
UTS: 24 Elon: 1.5% Density 7.2-7.7
FCSO Iron-ropper sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd; UTS:9
1S-22% porosity SAE891 0.1 % Sn 1.5% Pb 0.2% Fe Cu sintered material:
UTS: 24 Elon: 1.5% Density 7.7 (min)
FC 85/1 Iron-ropper--(:arbon sintered material: Sintered UTS: 10
Products Ltd; 15-20% porosity SILVER·FLO 302 2% Sn 32% Zn 30% Ag Cu alloy: Braze metal;
UTS: 28 Elon: 1.5% Johnson Mallhey; melting range 665-755·C
FEC90 Iron-ropper sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd; SINT A50 10% Sn 0.25% C (max) Cu sintered alloy: German
4-8% porosity; withdrawn designation
UTS: 34 Elon: 5.5% SPARKOMITE 10 WCu sintered tube: For spark erosion electrodes; as
FGC75 lron-ropper--(:arbon sintered material: Sintered Elkonite 10 W3; Mallory Metallurgical
Products Ltd; 22-23% porosity; now FC75/1 SX20 Fe Cu with C sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity
UTS: 24 Elon: 1.5% 7.1-7.6; hardened and tempered; file hard
FGC85 lron--(:opper--(:arbon sintered material: Sintered UTS: 700 Elon: 5%
Products Ltd; 15-20% porosity; now FC85/1 U3 WCu contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical
UTS: 28 Elon: 1.5% conductivity 28% lACS
FU ElO·58 10% Sn 0.25% C (max) Cu sintered alloy: French DPN:240
designation U4 WCu contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical
FU EI0-62 10% Sn 0.25% C (max) Cu sintered alloy: French conductivity 35% lACS
designation DPN: 220
FXIO Fe Cu sinter: Firth Qeveland; specific gravity 7.1-7.6; U8 WCu contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical
as sintered conductivity 40% lACS
DPN: 140 VTS: 400 Elon: 4% DPN: 180
H 75 IroR--(:opper--(:arbon sintered material: Sintered WOLFRAM 10% WCu alloy: Origin unknown
Products Ltd; 15-20% porosity; withdrawn BRONZE
UTS: 22 Elon: 1% ZIO Brass sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity 7.2-7.6;
MALLORY 1000 WCu alloy: Sintered; Mallory Metallurgical; electrical as sintered
conductivity 14% lACS; 'No Chat' DPN: 115 UTS: 160 Elon: 11 %
DPN: 270 UTS: 75 Elon: 2.5%
MALLORY WCu alloy: Sintered; Mallory Metallurgical; electrical
NO·CHAT conductivity 14% lACS; Mallory 1000
DPN: 270 UTS: 75 Elon: 2.5%
MBOL·I 10% Sn 0.25% C (max) Cu alloy: Sintered bearing;
Gilite; 27% porosity min Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
MBOL-2 10% Sn 0.25% C (max) Cu alloy: Sintered bearing;
Gilite; 22% porosity min DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
NO·CHAT WCu alloy: Sintered; Mallory Metallurgical; electrical UTS Ultimate tensile stfength, N/mm 2
conductivity 14% lACS Elon Elongation, %
DPN: 270 VTS: 75 Elon: 2.5% Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
POROSINT Bronze sintered metal filters: Sintered Products Ltd
Sintered metal for filters: origin unknown I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
RWMA CLASS 12 WCu alloy: For riveting and welding electrodes; See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Mallory Metallurgical code for Elkonite 20 W3
14K Copper-tin wrought and cast alloys
With additions of phosphorus, lead and zinc -
bronze and 'phosphor bronze'
Specific gravity 8.92
Density 8920 kglm 3
Solidus/liquidus 1050°C
Thermal conductivity 75.4 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 18 x 1O- 6/ oC
Hot strength
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2.0921 8% Sn 0.4% Ni 1.0% Mn Cu alloy: Wrought; German 505 1.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
Standard by CDAA; not used
2.1021 7% Sn 0.2% Pb Cu alloy: German Standard 507 1.8% Sn 0.04% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
2.1050 10% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German agreed by CDAA; not used
Standard 508 3.0% Sn 0.04% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
2.1051 10% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard agreed by CDAA; not used
2.1052 12% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German 509 3.1 % Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed
Standard by CDAA; not used
2.1053 12% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wrought; German Standard 518 5% Sn 0.3% P 0.01 % Al Cu alloy: Wrought;
2.1056 14% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German designation agreed by CDAA; not used
Standard 524 10% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used
2.1057 14% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard byCDAA
2.1086 10.5% Sn 1.0% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German 532 4.7% Sn 3.2% Pb 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
Standard designation agreed by CDAA; not used
2.1087 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: CastiiJg; German Standard 534 5% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation
2.1090 7% Sn 6% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German agreed by CDAA; not used
Standard 546 4.0% Sn 4% Pb 3.0% Zn 0.4% P Cu alloy: Wrought;
DPN: 80 UTS: 260 Elon: 19% Proof: 120 designation agreed by CDAA; not used
2.1091 7% Sn 6% Pb 4.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German 836 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
Standard usedbyCDAA
2.1096 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German 838 4% Sn 6% Pb 7% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
Standard used byCDAA
DPN: 70 UTS: 250 Elon: 18% Proof: 110 842 5% Sn 2% Pb 13% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
2.1097 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; German used by CDAA
Standard 844 3% Sn 7% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
2.1166 3% Sn 26% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; German used by CDAA
Standard 848 3% Sn 6% Pb 15% Zn Cu alloy: Casting designation
2.1170 10% Sn 5% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; German used by CDAA
Standard 903 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
2.1171 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard CDAA
2.1176 10% Sn 10% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; German 905 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
Standard CDAA
2.1177 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 907 11% Sn 1.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
2.1182 8% Sn 15% Pb 1.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; German CDAA
Standard 910 15% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by CDAA
2.1183 8% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 913 19% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by CDAA
2.1188 5% Sn 20% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; German 915 10% Sn 2.5% Pb 3.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting;
Standard designation used by CDAA
2.1189 4.5% Sn 21 % Pb Cu alloy: Casting; German Standard 922 6% Sn 2% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
419 5% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed used by CDAA
by CDAA; not used 923 8% Sn 1% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
502 1.2% Sn 0.04% P Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used used by CDAA
byCDAA 925 11% Sn 1% Pb 1.5% P 1.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting;
designation used by CDAA
927 10% Sn 2% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 928 16% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 932 7% Sn 7% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 used byCDAA
Elon Elongation, % 934 8% Sn 8% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 CDAA
935 5% Sn 9% Pb 1% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in.2=1 MPa used byCDAA
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 937 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
938 7% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by ASTMB22B 16% Sn 0.25% Pb 1% P Co alloy: Casting; deformation
CDAA limit of 120 N/mm 2 ; minimum specified
939 6% Sn 16% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by ASTMB22C 10% Sn 9.5% PbO.1% P 1% Ni Co alloy: Casting
CDAA ASTMB22D 10% Sn 0.3% Pb 2.5% Zn 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; as
940 13% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by cast
CDAA UTS: UiO Elon: 20% Proof: 100
941 5% Sn 20% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by ASTMB3011 A 10% Sn 2% Zn Co alloy: Ingot 'G' Bronze; as cast
CDAA UTS: UiO Elon: 20%
943 5% Sn 25% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by ASTMB30/1 B 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot 'G' Bronze; as cast
CDAA UTS: UiO Elon: 20%
947 5% Sn 2% Zn 5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation ASTM B30/2 A 6% Sn 1.5% Pb 4.5% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot Navy 'M'; as
used by CDAA cast
948 5% Sn 1% Pb 2% Zn 5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; UTS: 240 Elon: 30%
designation used by CDAA ASTM B3012B 8.5% Sn 0.5% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot 'Navy PC'; as
A25 Bronze welding rod; high tensile; low fuming; Delta cast
Metals UTS: 240 EIon: 18%
AAPHOS 10% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; Anti ASTMB3013A 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
Attrition for BS alloy PB 1 UTS: 220 Elon: 22%
ACID BRONZE Range of leaded nickel-copper-tin bronzes 9% Sn 9.5% ASTMB30/3B 7% Sn 7% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
Pb 0.75% Ni Cu alloy: Common name UTS: 200 Elon: 12%
ADMIRALTY 10% Sn 2% Zn Co alloy: Common name ASTMB3013C 5% Sn 9% Pb 1% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
GUNMETAL UTS: 170 Elon: 8%
ALLEN'S METAL 5% Sn 40% Pb Cu alloy ASTMB30/3D 7% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
AMOLCfC2 10% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.5% P Cu alloy: Continuous cast; UTS: 170 Elon: 10%
Eyre Smelting for BS alloy PB I; free machining ASTM B30/4 A 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
DPN: 75 UTS: 280 Elon: 25% UTS: 210 EIon: 22%
AMPCOLOY31 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco ASTMB30/4B 4% Sn 6% Pb 7% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
AMPCOLOY32 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco UTS: 200 Elon: 15%
AMPCOLOY35 7% Sn 7% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco ASTM B30/5 A 3% Sn 7% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
AMPCOLOY38 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Castiug; Ampco UTS: 200 Elon: 18%
AMPCOLOY 54 Sn P Cu alloy: For gears; Ampco ASTMB30/5B 2.5% Sn 6.5% Pb 15% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
AMPCOLOY71 6% Sn 1.5% Pb 4.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting UTS: 170 EIon: 15%
AMPCOLOY72 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco ASTM B30/6 A 1% Sn 3% Pb 24% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
AMPCOLOY74 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco UTS: 240 Elon: 25%
AMPCOLOY79 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco ASTMB30/6B 1% Sn 3% Pb 29% Zn Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast
AMPCOLOY 711 11% Sn 0.5% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Casting; Ampco UTS: 200 Elon: 20%
AMPCOLOY 712 Sn P Cu alloy: For gears; Ampco ASTMB61 6% Sn 1.5% Pb 4% Zn 1% Ni (max) Cu alloy: Casting;
AMPCOLOY 715 Sn P Cu alloy: For gears; Ampco as cast
AMS4510C 5% Sn P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; hard drawn UTS: 220 Elon: 22% Proof: 90
AMS4520E 4% Sn 3% Zn Cu alloy: Strip ASTMB62 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn 1% Ni (max) Cu alloy: Casting;
AMS4625D 5% Sn P Cu alloy: Bar and tube; I-hard as cast
AMS 4720 B 5% Sn P Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard UTS: 200 Elon: 20% Proof: 75
AMS4824 1.2% Sn 24% Pb Cu alloy: Casting ASTM B66IHARD 7.5% Sn 13% Pb Cu alloy: Casting for
AMS4827 10% Sn 9.5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting BRONZE locomotives
AMS4840A 5.5% Sn 24.5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting ASTM B66I 7% Sn 19% Pb Cu alloy: Casting for locomotives
AMS4842 A 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting MEDIUM
AMS4845D 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting BRONZE
AMS4846 A 11% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting ASTM B66IPHOS 8% Sn 10.5% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Casting for
AMS4855 B 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting BRONZE locomotives
AMS7320 16% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting ASTM B66ISOFT 5% Sn 25% Pb Cu alloy: Casting for locomotives
AMS7322 19% Sn 1% P (max) Cu alloy: Casting BRONZE
ARIEL BRONZE 10% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; Eyre ASTM Blooll 4.6% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Plate and sheet; as rolled or
Smelting for BS alloy PB 1 annealed
ARTIC BRONZE Series of leaded bearing bronzes; grain structure DPN: 130 UTS: 420 Elon: 10%
produced by rapid cooling in (chill cast) metal moulds; ASTMBI03/A 4.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed
origin unknown UTS: 360
ASTMB22A 19% Sn 0.25% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; deformation limit ASTMBI03A 4.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring
of 170 N/mm 2; minimum specified hard
ASTMBI03 B 4.5% Sn 3% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 370
ASTM BI03B 4.5% Sn 3% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number spring hard
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 UTS:750
Elon Elongation, % ASTMBI03BI 4.2% Sn 1% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 annealed
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa ASTMBI03BI 4.2% Sn 1% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. spring hard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
ASTMBI03C 8% Sn 0.2% P Co alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed ASTMBI59D 10% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wire; hard
UTS:420 UTS: 1080
ASTMBI03C 8% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring ASTM BI76 Z 30 A 1.5% Sn 1.5% Pb 30% Zn Co alloy: Casting; die cast
hard UTS: 330 EIon: 10% ProoC: 150
UTS: 810 ASTM B22S E Cu 1% Sn 98% Cu alloy: Welding electrode
ASTMBI03D 10% Sn 0.2% P Co alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed UTS: 170
UTS:39O ASTMB225 1.5% Sn 3% Si Cu alloy: Welding electrode
ASTMBI03D 10% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; extra spring ECuSi UTS: 340
bard ASTMB225 5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Welding electrode
UTS: 930 ECuSnA UTS: Z40
ASTMB139A 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; annealed ASTMB225 8% Sn 0.3% P Co alloy: Welding electrode
UTS: 370 ECuSnC UTS: 260
ASTMB139A 4% Sn 0.3% P Co alloy: Bar; spring hard ASTM B259 R Cu 1% Sn 98% Cu alloy: Welding rod
UTS: 730 Elon: 5% UTS: 150
ASTMB139Bl 4% Sn 1% Pb 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; hard ASTMB259 5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Welding rod
UTS: 370 EIon: 12% RCuSnA UTS: 220
ASTMB139B2 4% Sn 4% Pb 3% Zn 0.4% P Cu alloy: Bar; hard ASTM B4271908 12% Sn Cu alloy: Casting for gears
UTS: 370 Elon: 12% DPN: 95 UTS: 350 Elon: 12%
ASTMB139C 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; annealed ASTM B4271915 10% Sn 2.7% Pb 3.2% Ni Cu alloy: Castings for gears
UTS: 420 DPN: 75 UTS:310 Elon: 8% Proof: 170
ASTMB139C 8% Sn 0.3% P Co alloy: Bar; hard ASTM B427/916 10.2% Sn 1.75% NiCu alloy: Castings for gears
UTS: 460 Elon: 10% DPN: 65 UTS:320 EIon: 10% ProoC: 180
ASTMB139D 10% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; annealed ASTM B4271917 12% Sn 1.75% Ni Cu alloy: Casting for gears
UTS: 480 DPN: 85 UTS:320 Elon: 12% Proof: 280
ASTMB139D 10% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; hard ASTM B5081505 1.3% Sn Cu alloy: Strip for flexible piping
UTS: 560 Elon: 10% ATLASCTCI 10% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.5% P Cu alloy: Continuous cast;
ASTM B143/1 A 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast Eyre Smelting for BS alloy PB I
UTS: 260 Elon: 20% ProoC: 100 DPN:95 UTS: 360 EIon: 17%
ASTM B143/1 B 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast BI High Sn Cu alloy: Casting for high duty bearings;
UTS: 260 EIon: 20% Proof: 100 Anti-Attrition
ASTM B143/2 A 6% Sn 1.5% Pb 4.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast DPN: 103 UTS: Z40 EIon: 2%
UTS: 220 EIon: 22% Proof: 90 B2 Sn Cu alloy: Casting for thrust bearings; Anti-Attrition
ASTM B143/2 B 8% Sn 1% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast DPN: 120 UTS: Z40 EIon: 1%
UTS: 240 Elon: 18% ProoC: 90 B6 Sn Cu alloy: Casting for unlined bearings; Anti-
ASTM BI4413 A 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; as cast Attrition
UTS: 170 Elon: 8% ProoC: 60 DPN: 95 UTS:220 EIon: 10%
ASTM BI44/3 B 7% Sn 7% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast B9 10% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; Anti-
UTS: 200 Elon: 12% ProoC: 75 Attrition for BS alloy PB I
ASTM BI4413 C 5% Sn 9% Pb 1% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast B13 Sn P Cu alloy: Casting for rolting mill bearings;
UTS: 170 EIon: 8% ProoC: 60 Anti-Attrition
ASTM BI4413 D 7% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; as cast DPN:92 UTS: 220 EIon: 6%
UTS: 170 Elon: 10% Proof: 75 B 14 12% Sn 0.15% P Co alloy: Casting for worm wheels;
ASTM BI4413 E 5% Sn 25% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; as cast Anti-Attrition for BS alloy PB 2
UTS: 140 Elon: 7% B 18 Sn Co alloy: Casting; electrical bronze; Anti-Attrition;
ASTM BI45/4 A 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting for good conductivity fittings
VTS: 200 Elon: 20% ProoC: 75 DPN: 75 VTS: 260 Elon: 30%
ASTM B145/4 B 4% Sn 6% Pb 7% Zn Cu alloy: Casting B 20 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting;
UTS: 200 Elon: 15% Proof: 60 Anti-Attrition for BS alloy LG 2
ASTM B145/5 A 3% Sn 7% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: Casting B 32 5% Sn 20% Pb 1% ZnO.l% P2% NiCo alloy:
UTS: 200 Elon: 18% Proof: 60 Casting; Anti-Attrition for BS alloy LB 5
ASTM B145/5 B 3% Sn 6% Pb 15% Zn Cu alloy: Casting B38 Sn Cu alloy: Brazing metal; Anti-Attrition
UTS: 170 Elon: 15% Proof: 60 B 39 10% Sn 1.5% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Anti-
ASTM BI46/6 A 1% Sn 3% Pb 24% Zn Cu alloy: Casting Attrition for BS alloy G 1
VTS: 240 Elon: 25% Proof: 60 B40 8% Sn 1.5% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Anti-
ASTM BI46/6 B 1% Sn 3% Pb 29% Zn Cu alloy: Casting Attrition for BS alloy G2
UTS: 200 EIon: 20% Proof: 60 B45 Sn Pb Cu alloy: Casting; gunmetal; Anti-Attrition
ASTM BI46/6 C 1% Sn 1% Pb 37% Zn Cu alloy: Casting DPN: 60 UTS: 120 Elon: 14%
UTS: 260 Elon: 15% ProoC: 75 B60 Copper-tin sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
ASTMB147n A 0.7% Sn 0.7% Pb 35% Zn 0.7% AI 1% Fe 0.2% Mn 30-33% porosity
Cu alloy: Casting UTS: 70 EIon: 2.5%
UTS: 420 Elon: 15% Proof: 120 B 65 Copper-tin sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
ASTMBI59A 5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wire; annealed 25-30% porosity
UTS: 330 UTS: 750 EIon: 2.5%
ASTMB159A 5% Sn 0.3% P Co alloy: Wire; hard B 70 Copper-tin sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
UTS: 880 22-25% porosity
ASTMBI59C 8% Sn 0.3% P Co alloy: Wire; annealed UTS: 90 EIon: 3%
UTS:400 B80 Copper-tin sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
ASTMBl59C 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wire; hard 10...15% porosity
UTS: 1000 UTS: 100 Elon: 4%
ASTMBI59D 10% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
VTS: 480
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
B80 Sintered bronze: 22% porosity; specific gravity 7.1; BOLTOMET 312 3.5% Sn 0.07% P Cu alloy: Rod; hard; Thomas Bolton
Durasint DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 460
DPN: 50 UTS: 140 Elon: 5% BOLTOMET312 3.5% Sn 0.07% P Cu alloy: Strip; hard; Thomas Bolton
B80/1 Sintered graphite bronze: 18% porosity; specific gravity DPN: 220 UTS: 700 Elon: 3% Proof: 600
710; Durasint BOLTOMET 317 5% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Rod and strip; annealed;
DPN: 60 UTS: 140 Elon: 6% Thomas Bolton
B 85 Sintered bronze: 7% porosity; specific gravity 8.2; DPN: 80 UTS: 330 Elon: 60% Proof: 120
Durasint BOLTOMET317 5% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Rod; hard; Thomas Bolton
DPN: 70 UTS: 350 Elon: 8% DPN: 210 UTS: 590 Elon: 20% Proof: 460
B 85/P Copper-tin sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd; BOLTOMET 317 5% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Strip; hard; Thomas Bolton
4-8% porosity; withdrawn DPN: 225 UTS: 730 Elon: 3% Proof: 630
UTS: 180 Elon: 20% BOLTOMET319 6.25% Sn 0.1% P Cu alloy: Bar; hard drawn; Thomas
B90IP Copper-tin sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd; Bolton
1-3% porosity; withdrawn DPN: 170 UTS: 5SO Elon: 19% Proof: 470
UTS: 300 Elon: 35% BOLTOMET 320 6.3% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Strip; annealed; Thomas
BOHTBRONZE 11.5% Sn 0.7% P Cu alloy: Casting; spuncast; I Bolton
Holroyd; heat treated version of BO Bronze DPN: 82 UTS: 340 Elon: 68% Proof: 120
DPN: 95 UTS: 320 Elon: 20% Proof: 170 BOLTOMET320 6.3% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Strip; hard; used for
BEARING 11% Sn 0.2% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; origin unknown springs; Thomas Bolton
BRONZE DPN: 241 UTS: 780 Elon: 3% Proof: 690
BELL METAL 22.5% Sn Cu alloy: Used for bells or as bearing bronze; BOLTOMET327 6.8% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Wire; hard; Thomas Bolton
origin unknown for BS 384
BOBRONZE 11.5% Sn 0.7% P Cu alloy: Casting; spuncast; I UTS: 830
Holroyd for BS alloy PB I and PB 2; as cast BOLTOMET338 7.8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: For rod and strip; annealed;
DPN: 100 UTS: 290 Elon: 3% Proof: 210 Thomas Bolton
BOLTOMETIO 5% Sn Cu alloy: Previous name for Bolt 317; Thomas DPN: 90 UTS: 370 Elon: 75% Proof: 140
Bolton; withdrawn BOLTOMET 338 7.8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: For rod; hard; Thomas
BOLTOMET11 6% Sn Cu alloy: Previous name for Bolt 320; Thomas Bolton
Bolton; withdrawn DPN: 232 UTS: 660 Elon: 20% Proof: 510
BOLTOMETI2 3% Sn Cu alloy: Previous name for Bolt 312; Thomas BOLTOMET 338 7.8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: For strip; hard; Thomas
Bolton; withdrawn Bolton
BOLTOMET15 8% Sn Cu alloy: Previous name for Bolt 338; Thomas DPN: 243 UTS: 800 Elon: 4% Proof: 700
Bolton; withdrawn BOLTOMET 349 10% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Strip; annealed; Thomas
BOLTOMETI6 7% Sn Cu alloy: Previous name for Bolt 327; Thomas Bolton
Bolton; withdrawn DPN: 97 UTS: 420 Elon: 70% Proof: ISO
BOLTOMET58 Sn Pb Cu alloy: Previous name for Bolt 445; Thomas BOLTOMET349 10% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Strip; hard; Thomas Bolton
Bolton; withdrawn DPN: 248 urS: 820 Elon: 4% Proof: 730
BOLTOMET305 1% Sn Cu alloy: Strip; hard; for flexible tubing; BOLTOMET356 2.0% Sn 0.05% P Cu alloy: Strip; hard; Thomas Bolton
Thomas Bolton DPN: 167 UTS: SOO Elon: 4% Proof: 470
DPN: 145 UTS: 48 Elon: 8% BOLTOMET 445 5% Sn 1% Pb 0.15% P Cu alloy: Rod; annealed; free
BOLTOMET307 1.2% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Rod and strip; annealed; machining; Thomas Bolton
Thomas Bolton DPN: 8S UTS: 330 Elon: 55% Proof: 140
DPN: 65 UTS: 260 Elon: SO% Proof: 75 BOLTOMET445 5% Sn 1% Pb 0.15% P Cu alloy: Rod; hard; free
BOLTOMET 307 1.2% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Rod; hard; Thomas Bolton machining; Thomas Bolton
DPN: 140 UTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: 360 DPN: 160 UTS: SOO Elon: 17% Proof: 360
BOLTOMET307 1.2% Sn 0.03% P Cu alloy: Wire and strip; Thomas BRONZE 44 8% Sn 15% P Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Murex Ltd
Bolton BRONZE 66 8% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Murex
DPN: 182 UTS: 560 Elon: 3% Proof: 480 Ltd
BOLTOMET309 2.5% Sn 0.04% P Cu alloy: Rod and strip: annealed; BRONZETRODE 7.40% Sn 0.20% P 0.50% Mn Cu alloy:
Thomas Bolton 94.15 Electrodes; ESAB
DPN: 75 UTS: 300 Elon: 50% Proof: 90 UTS: 463 Elon: 28%
BOLTOMET309 2.5% Sn 0.04% P Cu alloy: Hard; Thomas Bolton BS99 5% Sn 2% Pb 8% Zn Cu alloy: Covers all forms of
DPN: 157 UTS: 4SO Elon: 21 % Proof: 390 screwed fillings
BOLTOMET 309 2.5% Sn 0.04% P Cu alloy: Strip; hard; Thomas Bolton UTS: 180 Elon: 15%
DPN: 200 UTS: 600 Elon: 4% Proof: 5SO BS352 Phosphor bronze turbine blading; obsolete
BOLTOMET 312 3.5% Sn 0.07% P Cu alloy: Rod and strip; annealed; BS 369 PBI02 5% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze bar; as
Thomas Bolton rolled
DPN: 70 UTS: 300 Elon: 55% Proof: 90 UTS: 4SO Elon: 20% Proof: 330
BS 382/3 Bronze; gunmetal; ingots and castings; replaced by BS
BS384 5.7% Sn 0.02% Pb (max) 0.2% P Cu alloy: Phosphor
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: bronze wire; cold drawn for general engineering
UTS: 830
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS407 PBIOI 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 80 UTS: 290 Elon: 40%
Eion Elongation, % BS407 PBI01 4% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 100 UTS: 330 Elon: 30% Proof: 100
BS 407 PBIOI 4% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard
1N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2 =0.06475tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa DPN: ISO UTS: 4SO Elon: 8% Proof: 290
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BS 407 PBIOI 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; cold rolled
DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 4% Proof: 370
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 407 PBIOI 4% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard BS 1400 LBIII 9% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze ingot; sand cast
DPN: 190 UTS: 600 Proof: 450 UTS: 170 Elon: 4%
BS407 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed BS 1400LBI C 9% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze casting; chill cast
DPN:85 UTS: 300 Elon:45% UTS: 200 Elon: 3% Proof: 120
BS407 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; l-hard BS 1400 LB2I1 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze ingot; sand cast
DPN: 110 UTS:340 Elon: 35% Proof: 120 UTS: 180 Elon: 5%
BS407 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; !·hard BS 1400 LB2 C 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze casting; chill
DPN: 160 UTS:480 Elon: 10% Proof: 330 cast
BS407 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; hard UTS: 210 Elon: 3% Proof: 140
DPN: 180 UTS: S80 Elon:4% Proof: 420 BS 1400 LB3/1 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze ingot; sand cast
BS407 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard UTS: 180 Elon: 5%
DPN: 210 UTS:640 Proof: 480 BS 1400 LB3 C 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze casting; chill cast
BS407 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; spring hard; VTS: 200 Elon: 3% Proof: 140
up to 15 cm wide 0.056 cm thick BS 1400 LB4/1 5% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze ingot; sand c.ast
DPN: 220 UTS: ISO Elon:8%
BS 407 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Co alloy: Sheet and strip; extra spring BS 1400 LB4 C 5% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze casting; chill cast
hard; up to 15 cm wide 0.056 em thick UTS:200 Elon: 5% Proof: 75
DPN: 240 BS 1400 LB5/1 5% Sn 21 % Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze ingot; sand cast
BS 407 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; hard VTS: ISO Elon: 6%
DPN: 200 UTS:600 Elon: 6% Proof: 4SO BS 1400 LB5 C 5% Sn 21 % Pb Cu alloy: Lead bronze casting; chill cast
BS407 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Co alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard UTS: 170 Elon:6% Proof: 75
DPN:215 UTS: 690 Proof: 530 BS 1400 LGIII 3% Sn 5% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: Lead gunmetal ingot;
BS407 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed sand cast
DPN:9O UTS: 330 Elon: 50% UTS: 170 Elon: 12%
BS 407 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; I-hard BS 1400LGI C 3% Sn 4.5% Pb 8.5% Zn Cu alloy: Lead gunmetal
DPN: 115 UTS:370 Elon: 40% Proof: 180 casting; sand cast
BS 407 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; l-hard UTS: 170 Elon: 12%
DPN: 170 VTS: 520 Elon: 12% Proof: 360 BS 1400 LG2I1 5% Sn 5% Pb 5.5% Zn Cu alloy: Lead gunmetal ingot;
BS421 Phosphor bronze castings; replaced by BS 1400 sand cast
BS897 Leaded gunmetal casting; replaced by BS 1400 UTS: 200 Elon: 15%
BS898 Leaded gunmetal casting; replaced by BS 1400 BS 1400 LG2 C 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Lead gunmetal casting;
BS960 Leaded bronze casting and ingot; replaced by BS 1400 chill cast
BS961 Leaded bronze casting and ingot; replaced by BS 1400 UTS: 200 Elon:7% Proof: 100
BS962 Leaded bronze casting and ingot; replaced by BS 1400 BS 1400 LG3/1 7% Sn 2% Pb 4.5% Zn Cu alloy: Lead gunmetal
BS963 Leaded bronze casting and ingot; replaced by BS 1400 bronze ingot; sand cast
BS964 Leaded bronze casting and ingot; replaced by BS 1400 UTS: 210 Elon: 12%
BS965 Leaded bronze casting and ingot; replaced by BS 1400 BS 1400 LG3 C 7% Sn 2% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Lead gunmetal bronze
BS 1021 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 casting; chill cast
BS 1022 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 VTS: 220 Elon:5% Proof: 110
BS 1023 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 BS 1400 LG4/1 7% Sn 3% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Lead gunmetal bronze
BS 1024 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 ingot; sand cast
BS 1025 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 VTS: 240 Elon: 18%
BS 1026 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 BS 1400 LPBIII 7.5% Sn 3.5% Pb 0.4% P Cu alloy: Ingot; sand cast;
BS 1027 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 leaded phosphor bronze
BS 1028 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 UTS: 180 Elon: 3%
BS 1058 Phosphor bronze: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS BS 1400 LPBI C 7.5% Sn 3.5% Pb 0.3% P Cu alloy: Casting; chill cast;
1400 leaded phosphor bronze
BS 1059 Phosphor bronze: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS VTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 120
1400 BS 1400 PB 111 10% Sn 0.6% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze casting;
BS1060 Phosphor bronze: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS sand cast
1400 UTS: 210 Elon: 3%
BS 1061 Phosphor bronze: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS BS 1400 PB1 C 10% Sn 0.5% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze casting;
1400 chill cast
BS 1158 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 VTS:300 Elon: 2% Proof: 170
BS 1159 Copper alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced by BS 1400 BS 1400 PB211 12% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze ingot; sand
BS 1400 Gill 10% Sn 2.25% Zn Cu alloy: Gunmetal ingot; sand cast cast
VTS: 240 Elon: 15% VTS: 210 Elon:5%
BS 1400 GI C 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Gunmetal casting; chill cast BS 1400 PB2 C 12% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze casting;
UTS: 220 Elon:3% Proof: 120 chill cast
BS 1400 G2I1 8% Sn 4.25% Zn Cu alloy: Gunmetal ingot; sand cast UTS: 240 Elon: 3% Proof: 170
VTS: 240 Elon: 15% BS 1400 PB311 9.5% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze ingot;
BS 14OOG2C 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Gunmetal casting; chill cast sand cast
VTS: 210 Elon: 3% Proof: 120 VTS: 220 Elon: 7%
BS 1400 0311 7% Sn 2.5% Zn 5.5% Ni Cu alloy: Ni gunmetal ingot; BS 1400 PB3 C 9.5% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze casting;
sand cast chill cast
VTS: 270 Elon: 18% UTS: 220 Elon:7% Proof: 120
BS 1400G3 C 7% Sn 0.4% Pb 2.2% Zn 5.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; BS 1400 PB4/1 9.5% Sn 0.6% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze ingot; sand
sand cast; as cast cast
UTS: 270 Elon: 18% Proof: 140 VTS: 180 Elon: 3%
BS 14OOG3 WP 7% Sn 0.4% Pb 2.2% Zn 5.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting
DPN: 160 UTS: 420 Elon: 3% Proof: 270
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1400 PB4 C 9.5% Sn 0.5% P Cu alloy: Phosphor bronze casting; BS 2871 PBIOI 3.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Tube; specification not
chill cast issued
UTS: 240 Elon: 2% Proof: 140 BS 2871 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
BS 1400 SCBlIl 2.5% Sn 3.5% Pb 25% Zn Cu alloy: Brass ingot; sand UTS:320
cast BS 2871 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Tube; specification not issued
UTS: 170 Elan: 20% BS 2871 PBI04 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
BS 1400 SCBI C 2.5% Sn 3.5% Pb 25% Zn Cu alloy: Brass casting; sand UTS: 360
cast BS 2872 PBIOI 3.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
UTS: 170 Elon: 20% issued
BS 1400 SCB41l 1.2% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Naval brass ingot; sand cast BS 2872 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
UTS: 160 Elon: 20% issued
BS 1400 SCB4 C 1.2% Sn 40% Zn Cu alloy: Naval brass casting; sand BS 2872 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
cast issued
UTS: 160 Elon: 20% Proof: 4SO BS 2872 PBI04 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Forging; specification not
BS 1400 SCB5/1 1.5% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: Brass ingot; sand cast for issued
brazed parts in contact with salt water BS 2873 PBIOI 3.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wire; specification not
UTS: 180 Elan: 20% issued
BS 1400 SCB5 C 1.5% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: Brass casting; sand cast for BS 2873 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
brazed parts in contact with salt water UTS: 330 Elon: 40%
UTS: 180 Elan: 20% BS 2873 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wire; extra hard
BS 2061 5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Spring washers; specification is UTS:83O
for spring washers BS 2873 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
DPN:200 UTS: 260 Elon: 45%
BS 2870 PB101 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet; hard BS 2873 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wire; extra hard
DPN: 170 UTS: 520 Elon: 4% Proof: 340 UTS: 880
BS 2870 PBI01 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard BS 2873 PBI04 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wire; specification not issued
DPN: 190 UTS: 600 Proof: 450 BS 2874 PBI01 3.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
BS 2870 PBIOI 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed BS 2874 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
DPN: 80 UTS: 290 Elon: 40% UTS: 370 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
BS 2870 PBIOI 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet; l-hard BS 2874 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Bar; specification not issued
DPN: 100 UTS: 330 Elon: 30% Proof: 100 BS 2874 PB104 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; as rolled
BS 2870 PB WI 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard UTS: 450 Elon: 20%
DPN: 140 UTS: 440 Elon: 8% Proof: 240 BS 2875 PBIOI 3.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled
BS 2870 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed UTS: 290 EIon: 35%
DPN: 85 UTS: 300 Elon: 45% BS 2875 PB101 3.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Plate; hard
BS 2870 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; l-hard UTS: 400 Elon: 15%
DPN: 110 UTS: 340 Elon: 35% Proof: 120 BS 2875 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Plate; annealed
BS 2870 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard UTS: 300 EIon: 40%
DPN: ISO UTS: 460 Elan: 10% Proof: 300 BS 2875 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Plate; hard
BS 2870 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; hard UTS: 400 Elon: 15%
DPN: 170 UTS: 530 Elon: 4% Proof: 370 BS 2875 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued
BS 2870 PBI02 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alia)': Sheet; extra hard BS 2875 PBI04 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Plate; specification not issued
DPN: 210 UTS: 630 BS 2901 CIO 5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Rod for all forms of welding
BS 2870 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard BS 2901 C11 7% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Rod for all forms of welding
DPN: 215 UTS: 680 Proof: 530 BS 3127/5 5% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Tube; l-hard; drawn for
BS 2870 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; spring hard bourdon tubes
DPN: 230 DPN: 130
BS 2870 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; extra hard BSB8 10% Sn 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; chill cast for
DPN: 240 (min) bearings
BS 2870 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; annealed UTS: 240 Elon: 3%
DPN: 90 UTS: 340 Elon: 50% BS T52 5.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Tube; hard drawn
BS 2870 PBI03 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; l-hard UTS:360
DPN: 115 UTS: 370 Elon: 40% Proof: 180 C10 5.0% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc
BS 2870 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard welding
DPN: 160 UTS: 480 Elon: 12% Proof: 300 C11 6.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc
BS 2870 PB103 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet; hard welding
DPN: 180 UTS: 580 Elan: 6% Proof: 400 C25 5.0% Sn 1.4% Ni 0.6% Si Cu alloy: Rod for gas
BS 2870 PB I04 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet; specification not issued shielded arc welding.
CI8990 2% Sn 0.15% Cr Cu: CDA and UNS designation
C40400 0.5% Sn 2.5% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C40500 1% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: C40800 2% Sn 3% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C41000 2.4% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number C41100 0.5% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 C41300 1% Sn 8% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Elon Elongation, % C41500 2% Sn 9% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 C41900 5% Sn 3% Zn Cu alloy: absolute UNS designation
C42000 1.7% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm2=0.06475tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa C42100 2.7% Sn 10% Zn 0.2% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. designation
C42200 1% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
C42500 2.2% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C90810 12% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C43000 2.2% Sn 10% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C90900 13% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C43200 0.5% Sn 12% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C9looo 15% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C43400 0.8% Sn 12% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C91100 16% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C43500 1% Sn 18% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C9l3oo 19% Sn Cu alloy; Cast; CDA and UNS designation
C43600 0.3% Sn 18% Zn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C91600 10% Sn 1.8% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C44300 1% Sn 27% Zn Cu alloy: Arsenical; CDA and UNS designation
designation C91700 12% Sn 1.8% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C44400 1% Sn 27% Zn Cu alloy: Antimonial; CDA and UNS designation
designation C92200 6% Sn 1.5% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C44500 1% Sn 27% Zn Cu alloy: Phosphorized; CDA and designation
UNS designation C92300 8.2% Sn 0.7% Pb 3.5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C50loo 0.7% Sn 0.03 P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation UNS designation
C50200 1.2% Sn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C92310 8% Sn 1% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C50500 1.2% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C50700 1.7% Sn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C92400 10% Sn 1.7% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C50710 2% Sn 0.3% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation UNS designation
C50715 2% Sn 0.03% P 0.1% Fe Cu alloy: CDA and UNS C92410 7% Sn 3% Pb 2.2% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation designation
C50800 3% Sn 0.05% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C92500 11% Sn 1.2% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C50900 3.2% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C51000 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C92600 10% Sn 1.2% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
CSlIoo 4.2% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation UNS designation
C51800 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C92610 10% Sn 1% Pb 2.2% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C51900 6% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation UNS designation
C52100 8% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C92700 10% Sn 1.7% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C52400 10% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C52600 2.7% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS designation C92710 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C52900 8% Sn 0.25% P 1.5% Mn Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS designation
designation C92800 16% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C53200 4.7% Sn 3.2% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
designation C92810 13% Sn 5% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C53400 4.5% Sn 1% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
designation C92900 10% Sn 2.6% Pb 3.2% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C54400 4% Sn 4% Pb 3.2% Zn 0.3% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
UNS designation C93100 7.5% Sn 3.5% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C54600 4% Sn 4% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS UNS designation
designation C93200 7% Sn 7% Pb 2.5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C54800 5% Sn 5% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
designation C93400 8% Sn 8% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C64900 1.4% Sn 1% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation designation
C83500 6% Sn 4.5% Pb 1.7% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and C93500 5.2% Sn 9% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
UNS designation designation
C83520 4% Sn 4% Pb 2.5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS C93600 7% Sn 12% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation designation
C83600 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS C93700 10% Sn 9.5% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation designation
C83800 4% Sn 6% Pb 7% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS C93720 4% Sn 8% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation designation
C83810 2.7% Sn 5% Pb 8.5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and C93800 7% Sn 14.5% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
UNS designation designation
C84200 5% Sn 2.5% Pb 13% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and C93900 6% Sn 10% Pb 1.5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
UNS designation UNS designation
C84400 3% Sn 7% Pb 8.5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS C94000 13% Sn 15% Pb 0.7% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
designation UNS designation
C84410 3.7% Sn 8% Pb 8.5% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and C94100 5.5% Sn 20% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
UNS designation designation
C84500 3% Sn 6.7% Pb 12% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and C94200 3.5% Sn 3.5% Pb 3% Zn (max) Cu alloy: casting;
UNS designation obsolete; UNS designation
C84800 2.5% Sn 6.2% Pb 15% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and C94300 5.2% Sn 23% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
UNS designation designation
C90200 7% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation C94310 2.2% Sn 30% Pb 0.7% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
C90250 10% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation UNS designation
C90300 8.2% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS C94320 5.5% Sn 28% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
designation designation
C90500 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS C94330 3.5% Sn 23% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and
designation UNS designation
C90700 11% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation C94400 8% Sn 10.5% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C90710 11% Sn 1% P Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation
designation C94500 7% Sn 19% Pb 1% Zn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS
C90800 12% Sn Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
C94700 5.2% Sn 1.7% Zn 5.2% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and DIN 1716 5% Sn 20% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting
UNS designation G Sn Pb Bz 20 DPN: 55 VTS: 200 Elon: 10% Proof: 90
C94800 5.2% Sn 0.7% Pb 1.7% Zn 5.2% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; DIN 1733 S Cu AI 8 9% Al Cu alloy: Welding electrode
CDA and UNS designation DIN 1733 S Cu Sn 13 12% Sn 0.25% P (max) Cu alloy: Welding electrode
C94900 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn 5% Ni Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and DIN 1733 S Cu Sn 13 Sn Cu welding electrode
UNS designation DIN 1733 S Sn Bz 6 7% Sn 0.2% Pb Cu alloy
C98200 1.4% Sn 24% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS DIN 1733 12% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Wrought
designation S Sn Bz 12
C98400 0.5% Sn 30% Pb 1.5% Ag Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and DIN 1785 1.7% Sn Cu alloy: Wrought
UNS designation K Sn Bz 2
C98600 0.5% Sn 35% Pb 1.5% Ag Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and DIN 17656 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting
UNS designation GB Rg 10
C98800 0.25% Sn 40% Pb 5.5% Ag Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and DIN 17656 14% Sn Cu alloy: Casting
UNS designation GB Sn Bz 14
C98820 1.25% Sn 42% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS DIN 17656 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting
designation GB Sn Pb Bz 5
C98840 1.25% Sn 46% Pb Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS DIN 17656 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting
designation GB Sn Pb Bz 10
CAROBRONZE 8.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar; Carobronze; cold DTD265 A 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar and tube; hard drawn; for
drawn bushes
DPN: 145 VTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 370 DPN: 120 VTS: 4SO Elon: 20%
CHINESE BRONZE 22% Sn Cu alloy: Origin unknown DTD318A 4.0% Sn 15% Zn 1.0% Fe Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
CITOBRONZE A5 6.5% Sn 0.1% P 1.4% Mn Cu alloy: Welding electrode VTS: 4SO
Soudometal for welding bronze and cladding steel DTD459 15% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting lead bronze; sand or
DPN: lOS chill cast; for bearings
CITOBRONZE A8 8.5% Sn 0.1 % P 1.2% Mn Cu alloy: Welding electrode ECuSnA 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Weld electrode; designation
Soudometal for welding bronze used by AWS
CITOBRONZE AA 7.9% Sn 0.1% P Cu alloy: Welding electrode; ECuSnC 8% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Weld electrode; designation
Soudometal for welding bronze used by AWS
DPN: lOS ENCON Sn Cu alloy: Continuously cast; Enfield alloys for BS
COGWHEEL II Sn P Cu alloy: Casting; Phosphor Bronze Ltd; chill cast 1400
DPN: 100 UTS: 290 Elon: 7% Proof: ISO ESCOTCCI 10% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; Eyre
COGWHEEL VII Sn 1.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; Phosphor Bronze Ltd; Smelting for BS alloy PB I
chill cast ESCOTCC2 7% Sn 3.5% Pb 2% Zn 0.3% P 1% Ni Cu alloy:
DPN: 125 VTS: 340 Elon: 3% Proof: ISO Casting; Eyre Smelting Co. for BS alloy LPB I
COGWHEEL VIII High Sn P Cu alloy: Casting; Phosphor Bronze Ltd; GCuPb5Sn 10% Sn 5% Pb 1% Ni Co alloy: Casting; designation
chill cast; for bushes used by German Standards
DPN: 140 UTS: 340 Elon: 2% Proof: 220 G Cu Pb 10 Sn 10% Sn 10% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation
COGWHEEL XI Sn 8% Pb P Cu alloy: Casting; Phosphor Bronze Ltd; used by German Standards
chill cast; bearings G Cu Pb 15 Sn 8% Sn 15% Pb 1.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation
DPN: 100 UTS: 270 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 170 used by German Standards
COINAGE 4% Sn 1% Zn Cu alloy: Wrought tin bronze used GCuPb20Sn 5% Sn 20% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation
BRONZE for coins; origin unknown used by German Standards
CUSILAY 1.5% Sn 0.85% Fe 2% Si Cu alloy: Origin unknown GCuPb25 3% Sn 26% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation
DIN 1705 10% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting used by German Standards
GSnBzlO GCuSn5ZnPb 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
nIN1705 14% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Co alloy: Casting used by German Standards
G Sn Bz 14 GCuSn7ZnPb 7% Sn 6% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
DIN 1705 Rg5 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting used by German Standards
DIN 1705 Rg7 7% Sn 6% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting GCuSn 10 10% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Co alloy: Casting;
DIN 1705 Rg 10 10.5% Sn 1.0% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting designation used by German Standards
DIN 1716 3% Sn 26% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting GCu Sn 10Zn 10.5% Sn 1.0% Pb 2% Zn Co alloy: Casting;
G Pb Bz25 DPN: 30 designation used by German Standards
DIN 1716 10% Sn 5% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting GCuSn 12 12% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
GSnPbBz5 DPN: 85 UTS: 220 Elon: 18% Proof: 120 designation used by German Standards
DIN 1716 10% Sn 10% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting GCu Sn 14 14% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Co alloy: Casting;
GSnPbBzlO DPN: 75 UTS: 220 Elon: 14% Proof: 100 designation used by German Standards
DIN 1716 8% Sn 15% Pb 1.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting GIBRONZE 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting continuous cast;
GSnPbBzl5 DPN: 70 VTS: 210 Elon: 12% Proof: 100 J Holroyd for BS alloy G1
DPN: lOS UTS: 360 Elon: 25% Proof: 170
GPbBz25 3% Sn 26% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: used by German Standards
G Sn Bz 10 10% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number designation used by German Standards
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 G Sn Bz 12 12% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Co alloy: Casting;
Elon Elongation, % designation used by German Standards
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 G Sn Bz 14 14% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Co alloy: Casting;
designation used by German St~ards
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04lbf/in. 2 =1 MPa GSnPbBz5 10% Sn 5% Pb 1% Ni Co alloy: Casting; designation
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. used by German Standards
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GSn PbBz 10 10% Sn 10% Pb 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation GZRg7 7% Sn 6% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation
used by German Standards used by German Standards
G Sn Pb Bz 15 8% Sn 15% Pb 1.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation GZRglO 10.5% Sn 1.0% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
used by German Standards designation used by German Standards
GSn PbBz20 5% Sn 20% Pb 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; designation GZSn Bz 12 12% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
used by German Standards designation used by German Standards
GBCu Pb5 Sn 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by HOLFOSBO 11.5% Sn 0.7% P Co alloy: Casting; Holroyd
German Standards DPN: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 5% Proof: 210
GBCu Pb IOSn 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by HOLFOSBOHT 11.5% Sn 0.7% P Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd; heat
German Standards treated
GBCu Pb 15 Sn 8% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by DPN: 90 UTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 170
German Standards HOLFOSGl 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
GB Cu Pb20 Sn 4.5% Sn 21 % Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by centrifugally cast
German Standards DPN: 95 UTS: 300 Elon: 10% Proof: 170
GB Cu Sn 5 Zn Pb 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation HOLFOSG2 8% Sn 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd; centrifugally
used by German Standards cast
GB Cu Sn 7 Zn Pb 7% Sn 6% Pb 4.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation DPN: 90 UTS: 240 Elon: 9% Proof: 140
used by German Standards HOLFOSG3 7% Sn 2.2% Zn 0.5% P (max) 5.5% Ni Cu alloy:
GB CuSn 10 10% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by German Casting; Holroyd; centrifugally cast; as cast
Standards DPN: 95 UTS: 300 Elon: 14% Proof: 150
GBCu Sn 10Zn 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by HOLFOSG3WP 7% Sn 2.2% Zn 0.5% P (max) 5.5% Ni Cu alloy:
German Standards Holroyd; centrifugally cast; heat treated
GB Cu Sn 12 12% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by German DPN: 180 UTS:420 Elon: 3% Proof: 270
Standards HOLFOSJHI7 14% Sn 1.3% P Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd
GB CuSn 14 14% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by German DPN: 140 UTS:340 Elon: 1.0% Proof: 270
Standards HOLFOSLBI 9% Sn 15% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
GBRg5 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation centrifugally cast
used by German Standards DPN: 70 UTS: 210 Elon: 7% Proof: 140
GBRg7 7% Sn 6% Pb 4.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation HOLFOSLB2 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
used by German Standards centrifugally cast
GB Rg 10 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by DPN:90 UTS: 240 Elon:8% Proof: 170
German Standards HOLFOSLB3 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
GB Sn Bz 10 10% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by German centrifugally cast
Standards DPN: 95 UTS: 250 Elon: 12% Proof: 210
GBSn Bz 12 12% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by German HOLFOSLB4 5% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
Standards centrifugally cast
GBSn Bz 14 14% Sn Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by German DPN:70 UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 140
Standards HOLFOSLB5 5% Sn 20% Pb Co alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
GB Sn Pb Bz 5 10% Sn 5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by centrifugally cast
German Standards DPN:70 UTS: 170 Elon:7% Proof: 140
GB Sn PbBz 10 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by HOLFOSLGI 3% Sn 5% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
German Standards centrifugally cast
GB Sn Pb Bz IS 8% Sn 15% Pb Co alloy: Casting; designation used by DPN:70 UTS: 220 Elon: 35% Proof: 120
German Standards HOLFOSLG2 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
GB Sn Pb Bz 20 4.5% Sn 21 % Pb Cu alloy: Casting; designation used by centrifugally cast
German Standards DPN: 75 UTS: 210 Elon: 15% Proof: 140
GCCu Sn 12 12% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Co alloy: Casting; HOLFOSLG3 7% Sn 2% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
designation used by German Standards centrifugally cast
GCCuSn5ZnPb 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation DPN:80 UTS: 240 Elon: 12% Proof: 170
used by German Standards HOLFOSLG4 7% Sn 3% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
GC Cu Sn 7 Zn Pb 7% Sn 6% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation centiifugally cast
used by German Standards DPN:70 UTS: 250 Elon: 15% Proof: 140
GCCu Sn 10 Zn 10.5% Sn 1.0% Pb 2.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; HOLFOS LG773 7% Sn 7% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
designation used by German Standards centrifugally cast
GCRg5 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation DPN:8S UTS:300 Elon: 15% Proof: 140
used by German Standards HOLFOSLPBI 7.5% Sn 4% Pb 0.3% P (min) Cu alloy: Casting;
GCRg7 7% Sn 6% Pb 4% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation J Holroyd; centrifugally cast
used by German Standards DPN: 85 UTS: 270 Elon: 20% Proof: 170
GCRg 10 10.5% Sn 1.0% Pb 2.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; HOLFOSPBI 10% Sn 0.5% P (min) Co alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
designation used by German Standards centrifugally cast
GCSn Bz 12 12% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; DPN: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 10% Proof: 210
designation used by German Standards HOLFOSPB2 11.5% Sn 0.15% P (min) Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
GZCu Sn 5 Zn Pb 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation centrifugally cast
used by German Standards DPN: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 8% Proof: 180
GZCu Sn 10 Zn 10.5% Sn 1.0% Pb 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; HOLFOSPB3 9.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Casting; Holroyd;
designation used by German Standards centrifugally cast
GZCu Sn 12 12% Sn 1.0% Pb 0.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; DPN: 95 UTS: 270 EIon: 9% Proof: 180
designation used by German Standards HOLFOS 11.5% Sn 0.7% P Cu alloy: Casting; spuncast;
GZRg5 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; designation SPUNCAST J Holroyd; alternative name for BO BRONZE
used by German Standards
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HOLFOSWW 11.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Casting; chill cast; No.4 PHOSPHOR 7% Sn 3% Pb 2% Zn 0.3% P 1% Ni Cu alloy:
J Holroyd for BS alloy PB 2 BRONZE Casting; Stone Manganese Marine for BS alloy LPB1
DPN: 90 VTS: 270 Elon: 5% Proof: 170 NOlL 20% Sn Cu alloy: Obsolete; consult the Copper
IMI657 5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI for BS Development Association
alloy PB 102 DPN: 158
IMI659 7% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI for BS OUNCE METAL 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn 1% Ni (max) Cu alloy: Casting;
alloy PB 103 common name; refer to Copper Development
IMl660 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Bar and wire; IMI Association for further information
IMI661 8% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Strip and wire; IMI for BS PHOSPHOR 10% Sn with up to 0.5% P Cu alloy: Covered by
alloy PB 104; withdrawn BRONZE BS alloys PB 1-4
JH 17 14% Sn 1.3% P Cu alloy: Casting; spuncast; J Holroyd PROMET6 5.5% Sn 14% Pb 1.5% Ni Cu alloy: Bearings mould;
DPN: 140 UTS: 320 Elon: I% Proof: 270 origin unknown
K Sn Bz2 1.7% Sn Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by DPN: 60
German Standards 00 B 691/1 6.0% Sn 1.5% Pb 4.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US
MEJ:BRONZE PT8 8% Sn 0.1 % P Cu alloy: Electrode; Metrode Federal
NBN 267121122 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian UTS: 220 Elon: 22%
Br Sn 5 Zn 5 Pb 5 specification 00 B 69112 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal
NBN 267121/22 7% Sn 4% Pb 3% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian VTS: 200 Elon: 20%
BrSn7Zn3Pb4 specification OOB 691/3 5% Sn 2.5% Pb 13% Zn 0.7% Ni Cu alloy: Casting;
NBN 267121/22 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian US Federal
Br Sn 10 Zn 2 specification VTS: 170 Elon: 15%
NBN267121m 11.5% Sn 0.7% P Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian 00 B 691/6 8% Sn 4.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal
Br Sn 10 specification UTS: 220 Elon: 22 %
NBN267121m 10% Sn 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian 00 B 691/11 3.0% Sn 7% Pb 8% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal
Br Sn 10 specification VTS: 200 Elon: 13%
NBN 267121/22 11.5% Sn 0.15% P Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian 00 B691b/5 8% Sn 4.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; US Federal
BrSn 12 specification UTS: 270 Elon: 20%
NBN267121m 11.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian 00B746/A 4.0% Sn Cu alloy: Bar and forging; US Federal
BiSn 12 specification UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
NBN.267121123 9.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian 00 C 591a/B 2.2% Sn 1.2% Zn 1.5% Si Cu alloy: Rod; US Federal
Br Sn 9 P specification UTS: 520 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
NBN 267/23 9% Sn 1.5% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian 00W401 3.5% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Wire; US Federal; hard
Br Pb 15 Sn 8 specification drawn for springs
NBN267/23 5% Sn 20% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian UTS: 750 Elon: 5%
Br Pb 24Sn 5 specification SAE40 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
NBN 267/23 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Belgian VTS: 200 Elon: 20%
Br Sn 10 Pb 10 specification SAE41 1.5% Sn 2.5% Pb 30% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
NF A53 012 Classification of bronze alloy; French Standard UTS: 200 Elon: 20%
NF A53607 General specification covering range of bronze alloys; SAE48 30% Pb Cu alloy: For bearings; as cast
French Standard SAE49 24% Pb Cu alloy: For bearings; as cast
NF A53 707 Classification of bronze alloys; French Standard SAE62 10% Sn 0.3% Pb 2% Zn 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; as
No.1 GUNMETAL 10% Sn 1.5% Pb 2% Zn 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; cast
Stone Manganese Marine for BS alloy G1 UTS: 270 Elon: 20%
No. 1 LEADED 10% Sn 10% Pb Cu alloy: Casting; Stone Manganese SAE63 10% Sn 2% Pb 0.2% P 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
BRONZE Marine; as AMS 4842 UTS: 240 Elon: 10%
No.1 PHOSPHOR 12% Sn 0.5% Pb 0.15% P Cu alloy: Casting; Stone SAE64 10% Sn 9% Pb 0.25% P 0.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; as
BRONZE Manganese Marine; for BS alloy PB2 cast
No.2 GUNMETAL 7% Sn 2% Pb 4% Zn 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; Stone UTS: 170 EIon: 8%
Manganese Marine; as BS alloy LG3 SAE65 11% Sn 0.5% Pb 0.2% P Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
No. 2 LEADED 9% Sn 15% Pb 1% Zn 0.1% P2% Ni Cu alloy: UTS: 240 Elon: 10%
BRONZE Casting; Stone Manganese Marine for BS alloy LBI SAE66 5% Sn 9% Pb 0.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; as cast
No.2 PHOSPHOR 10% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; Stone UTS: 170 Elon: 8%
BRONZE Manganese Marine for BS alloy PB1 SAE67 6% Sn 16% Pb 0.7% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; semi-plastic
No.3 GUNMETAL 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn 2% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; Stone bronze; as cast
Manganese Marine for BS alloy LG2 UTS: 120 Elon: 10%
·No. 3 PHOSPHOR 9% Sn 0.25% Pb 0.3% P Cu alloy: Casting; Stone SAE77 A 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip, annealed
BRONZE Manganese Marine for BS alloy PB3 UTS: 340
No. 4 LEADED 5% Sn 9% Pb 0.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; Stone SAE77 A 4% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard
BRONZE Manganese Marine; as SAE 66 UTS:600
SAE 77C 8% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
Note, The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SAE 77C 8% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Sheet and strip; extra hard
UTS: 750
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SAE81 4% Sn 0.25% P Cu alloy: Bar and wire; hard drawn
uts Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 830 Elon: 3.5%
Eion Elongation, % SAE480 35% Pb Cu alloy: For bearings; as cast
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 SAE 481 40% Pb Cu alloy: For bearings; as cast
SAE482 5.0% Sn 28% Pb Cu alloy: For bearings
1N/mm2 =O.l hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa SAE484 3.0% Sn 42% Pb Cu alloy: For bearings
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STA 7CXI2 6.0% Sn 2.0% Zn 0.3% P 2.0% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; TAURUS XIV 7% Sn 2% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown;
as cast sand cast
UTS: 300 Elon: 20% Proof: 158 DPN: 60 UTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proof: 100
STA 7 CZI2 2.0% Sn 3.0% Pb 35% Zn 1.0% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; TAURUS XVI 9% Sn 0.25% P 0.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown;
as cast sand cast
UTS: 170 Elon: 20% DPN: 75 UTS: 330 Elon: 25% Proof: 180
STA 7 CZ13 1.0% Sn 3.0% Pb 35% Zn 1.0% Ni 1.0% Fe Cu alloy: TAURUS XXXIII 9.5% Sn 2% Zn 1.5% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown;
Casting; as cast sand cast
UTS: 180 EIon: 12% DPN: as UTS: 300 Elon: 12% Proof: 180
STUBS 32 Sn Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for welding TELFOS 5% Sn Cu alloy: Bar; free machining quality; C Clifford
bronze and surface coating steel/cast iron UE3Z9 3.0% Sn 8.2% Zn 0.2% P (max) Cu alloy: Designation
DPN: 75 UTS: 340 EIon: 34% for French Standards
STUBS32W Sn Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for welding UE5P 5.0% Sn 0.3% P (max) Cu alloy: Designation used by
bronze and surface coating steel/cast iron French Standards
DPN: 100 UTS: 290 Elon: 20% UE5Pb 5Z5 5.0% Sn 5.0% Pb 5.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
STUBS 39 Sn Mn Si Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for designation used by French Standards
welding pure copper UE5Z4 4.0% Sn 4.0% Zn 0.2% P (max) Cu alloy: Designation
DPN: 60 UTS: 200 Elon: 35% used by French Standards
STUBS39W Sn Mn Si Cu alloy: Welding rod; Stubs; for welding UE 7Z5Pb4 7.2% Sn 3.9% Pb 5.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
pure copper designation used by French Standards
DPN: 60 VTS: 200 Elon: 35% UE8Z2 8.5% Sn 2.0% Pb (max) 2.5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
STUBS 320 Sn Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; welding designation for French Standards
bronzes, surfacing steel and cast iron UE9P 8.2% Sn 0.35% P (max) Cu alloy: Designation used by
DPN: 100 UTS: 260 Elon: 25% French Standards
STUBS A 320 12% Sn Cu alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for joining UE 10Zl 9.5% Sn 0.2% Pb (max) 0.2% Zn (max) Cu alloy:
bronze and facing steel, cast iron Casting; designation used by French Standards
DPN: 100 UTS: 295 Elon: 25% Proof: 160 UE12P 11.5% Sn 1.0% Pb (max) 0.2% Zn (max) Cu alloy:
SUPER-HOLFOS 11.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Casting; centri-cast; J Casting; designation used by French Standards
WW Holroyd for BS alloy PB 2 UEI2Z1 11.5% Sn 1.5% Pb (max) 0.2% Zn (max) Cu alloy:
DPN: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 6% Proof: 180 Casting; designation used by French Standards
T52 5.5% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Tube; see BS T52 UEI4 13.5% Sn 1.0% Pb (max) 1.0% Zn (max) Cu alloy:
TAURUS 10.5% Sn 0.25% P 0.7% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; Casting; designation used by French Standards
D Brown; centri·cast UEI6 16.0% Sn 1.0% Pb (max) 1.0% Zn (max) Cu alloy:
DPN: 75 UTS: 270 Elon: 22% Proof: 170 Casting; designation used by French Standards
TAURUS I 12% Sn 0.3% P Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; centri-cast UEI8 18.0% Sn 1.0% Pb (max) 0.5% Zn (max) Cu alloy:
DPN: 90 UTS: 280 Elon: 5% Proof: 210 Casting; designation used by French Standards
TAURUS II 10% Sn 0.2% P Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; sand cast UEPbZ 4.5% Sn (max) 5.0% Pb 5.0% Zn Cu alloy: Casting;
DPN: 70 UTS: 270 EIon: 15% Proof: 120 designation used by French Standards
TAURUS III 14% Sn 0.5% P Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; sand cast VALVE BRONZE 6% Sn 4.5% Pb 6% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
DPN: 100 UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 180 VALVE METAL 3% Sn 7% Pb 9% Zn Cu alloy: Origin unknown
TAURUS IV 10.5% Sn 0.25% P 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; VALVIT 9% Sn Cu alloy: For bearings; origin unknown
sand cast YORCASTON 12% Sn Cu alloy: Tube; Yorkshire Imperial Metals Ltd
DPN: 80 UTS: 270 Elon: 20% Proof: 170
TAURUS VI 10% Sn 2% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown; sand cast
DPN: 60 UTS: 270 Elon: 15% Proof: 140
TAURUS VII 12% Sn 5% Pb 0.3% P 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting;
D Brown; sand cast
DPN: 75 UTS: 220 Elon: 6% Proof: 180 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
TAURUS VIII 10% Sn 3% Pb 0.25% P 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting;
D Brown; sand cast DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 70 UTS: 240 Elon: 9% Proof: 170 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mrn 2
10% Sn 11.5% Pb 0.25% P 1% Ni Cu alloy: Casting; Elon Elongation, %
D Brown; sand cast Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mrn 2
DPN: 70 UTS: 220 Elon: 8% Proof: 170
1 N/mrn 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmrn2 =0.06475tonfJin.2=145.04lbfJin. 2 =1 MPa
TAURUS XI 5% Sn 5% Pb 5% Zn Cu alloy: Casting; D Brown;
sand cast See Appendix II for other abbreviations and convel1iion tables.
DPN: 58 UTS: 220 Elon: 20% Proof: 90
14L Copper-chromium wrought and cast alloys
Specific gravity 8.94
Density 8940 kg/m3
Solidus/liquidus 1073-1081°C
Thermal conductivity solution treated and aged 306 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 17.7 x 1O-6/oc
Electrical conductivity aged 80% lACS (copper 100%)
solution treated 45% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance aged 22 microhm mm
solution treated 39 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity 110 X 109 N/m2
Impact Can be expected to be low
Fatigue strength (l08 cycles) ±190 N/mm 2
Hot strength The alloys retain their strength up
to 350°C
The above properties are typical of the following group and used on many components but it will certainly enhance the
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible mechanical strength of the material and, where maximum
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be hardness or strength is required with the other properties,
applicable. then this is an advantage.
It is unusual to have these materials welded although
brazing can be carried out quite simply provided the surface
General metallurgical characteristics
oxide is removed mechanically and active fluxes are
The specifications listed have approximately 0.5% chro- removed. They will need considerable pre-heating as they
mium added to pure copper. The resulting intermetallics can have reasonably good thermal conductivity and good electri-
be dissolved in the copper by heating to the solution treat- cal conductivity.
ment temperature and then quenching, when the material is No corrosion protection will be required on these alloys
very soft and ductile but suffers a drop in conductivity. After under normal circumstances. Painting or electroplating can
ageing at a low temperature, there is an increase in hardness be used where necessary.
and conductivity with a decrease in ductility. These proper- The principal use of these materials is in resistance welding
ties are maintained in service up to 350°C at least, which electrodes. Their high electrical conductivity along with their
gives chromium-eopper an advantage over work hardened good heat conductivity and reasonably high strength makes
copper alloys when hardness at high temperatures is them ideal for this purpose. Resistance electrodes are
necessary. required to conduct electricity into the component involved,
These materials are difficult to cold work and therefore to withstand reasonably high temperatures when the weld
only a limited amount of annealing is required. takes place and to have sufficient strength not to 'mushroom'
The majority of materials in this group can be solution when the pressure is applied.
treated whereby the chromium is taken into solution and They also find use as switch contacts, rotors in electric
with a subsequent ageing operation some hardening is motors, and in some cases cylinder heads where high
achieved. strength and good corrosion resistance at high temperature
It is doubtful whether this relatively expensive technique is are required.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2H 1% Cr 0.1% Zr Cu alloy: Langley Alloys; hard rolled; BOLTOMET 818 Cr Mg Cu alloy: For machined products; Thomas
bar Bolton
4H 1% Cr 0.1% Zr Cu alloy: Langley Alloys; cold formed BS 4577 A2I1 1% Cr Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes;
182 1.0% Cr Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by wrought; conductivity 78% lACS
CDAA; not used DPN: 120 UTS: 380 Elon: 15%
185 0.7% Cr Cu alloy: Wrought; designation agreed by BS 4577 A212 1% Cr 0.1 % Zr Cu alloy: Resistance welding
CDAA; not used electrodes; wrought; conductivity 75% lACS
BOLTOMET 814 Cr Cu alloy: For commutator bars; T Bolton DPN: 130 UTS: 380 EIon: 15%
C18000 2.5% Ni 0.5% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C18030 0.1 % Sn 0.15% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: designation
C18040 0.25% Sn 0.3% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number designation
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 C18050 0.1 % Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Eion Elongation, % CI8070 0.05% Si 0.25% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
Proof 0.1 % proof strengtb, N/mm 2 designation
CI8090 1% Sn 1% Ni 0.7% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin?=145.04lbflin?=1 MPa designation
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. C18100 0.6% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C18135 0.4% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CI8150 1% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation MALLORY 3 Cr Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes for mild
CI8200 1% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation steel; Mallory Metallurgical; electrical conductivity
CI8400 0.8% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation 80% lACS
CI8500 0.7% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation DPN: 140 UTS: 510 EIon: 15% Proof: 460
CI8550 0.12% Sn 0.8% Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS MALLORY 328 Cr Zr Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes for
designation light alloys; Mallory Metallurgical; electrical
C81500 1% Cr Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS designation conductivity 80% lACS
CHROMIUM 0.5% Cr Co alloy: Solution treated; used for cylinder DPN: 140 UTS: 510 EIon: 15% Proof: 460
COPPER heads and resistance welding electrodes; common name MALLORY 328 Cr Zr Cu alloy: Casting; Mallory Metallurgical;
CUPALOY 0.5% Cr 0.1 % Ag Co alloy: Origin unknown electrical conductivity 75% lACS
CUPROCHROM 1.8% Cr Cu alloy: For electronic grids. Driver DPN: 120 UTS: 330 Elon: 15% Proof: 240
DTD354 2% Sn 2% Fe 1.5% Cr Cu alloy: Bar and tube; MATIHEY3 1% Cr Cu alloy: For resistance welding electrodes;
chromium bronze; as drawn for valve guides Johnson Matthey; conductivity 80% lACS
UTS: 330 EIon: 25% DPN: 120 UTS: 520 EIon: 15%
ERMCCS 0.6% Cr Cu alloy: Drawn bar; Enfield Rolling Mills MATIHEY328 1% Cr 0.1 % Zr Cu alloy: For resistance welding
Ltd; welding electrodes, switchgear, etc.; electrical electrodes; Johnson Matthey; conductivity 75% lACS
conductivity 85% lACS DPN: 140 UTS: 520 EJon: 15%
DPN: ISO UTS: 480 Elon: 25% Proof: 400 RWMACLASS2 Cr Cu alloy: Mallory Metallurgical code for Mallory 3
ERMCCS/Mg 0.6% Cr 0.03% Mg Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Enfield; and 328
80% lACS; as drawn SAECAI84 0.8% Cr Cu alloy: For welding electrodes
DPN: ISO UTS: 480 EIon: 25% Proof: 400 VERILITE 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 1.0% Co Co alloy: Origin unknown
ERMCCS/Z 0.6% Cr 0.15% Zr Cu alloy: Bar and forging; Enfield
for switchgear; lACS 80%; as drawn
HIDURAL6 Cr Co alloy: For resistance electrodes; Langley Alloys;
80% lACS
DPN: 100 UTS: 490 Proof: 330
HIDURAL640 Cr Zr Cu alloy: For resistance electrodes; Langley Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Alloys; 80% lACS
DPN: 100 UTS: 490 Proof: 330 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
IMI171 0.5% Cr Co alloy: For electrode tips; IMI; KUMIUM UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
KUMIUM 0.7% Cr Co alloy: Bar; solution treated and cold EIon Elongation, %
rolled; IMI; resistance weld electrodes switch contacts Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2
UTS: 490 EIoII: 12% Proof: 400
1N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2=0.06475tonfJin. 2=145.04lbffm. 2=1 MPa
MALLORY 3 Cr Cu alloy: Casting; Mallory Metallurgical;
conductivity 75% lACS See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 120 UTS: 330 EIon: 15% Proof: 270
14M Copper-silicon wrought and cast alloys
With manganese, zinc and iron additions - silicon brass and bronze
Specific gravity 8.52
Density 8520 kglm3
Solidus/liquidus 1020°C
Thermal conductivity 32.7 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 18 x 1O-6oC
Electrical conductivity annealed 6.6% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance annealed 257 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity 103 x 109 N/m 2
Impact 20°C 89J
30°C 100 J
50°C 98J
80°C 94J
115°C 87 J
Fatigue strength (30 x 107 cycles) cold drawn ±220 N/mm2
annealed ± 120 N/mm2
Hot strength
20 360 66
100 330 59
200 300 54
300 270 52
The above properties are typical of the following group and improved by thermal treatment. They are difficult to cold
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible work but, where cold working does exist without any prob-
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be lems, then this can be removed at temperatures as low as 300
applicable. °C but may require temperatures up to 550°C.
Like the aluminium copper alloys these materials form a
General metallurgIcal characterIstIcs
silicon oxide at the surface when heat treated and this makes
Silicon added to copper acts as a de-oxidizer and also them difficult to braze or weld without the use of very active
enhances the strength and corrosion resistance, especially to fluxes. At the same time this is one of their advantages in
acids. The fluidity of the molten metal is increased, which corrosion resistance.
helps to give sound castings and makes welding easier. There It is not advised to weld or braze these materials and if it is
is a large increase in the electrical resistance, allowing the use essential then specific advice should be taken.
of these alloys for resistance welding purposes where good Corrosion protection is not normally required on these
corrosion resistance is an advantage. materials.
Manganese up to about 1% is generally present with all the These alloys find many uses in the marine industry for
straight silicon bronzes, acting as a de-sulphurizer and aiding components such as nails, bolts, nuts, etc. Paper-making
the corrosion resistance. When zinc is present up to about equipment also makes use of silicon bronzes and brasses and
15% the alloys are known as silicon brasses. These alloys in some cases they are used as bearings. Some bells are made
have excellent casting characteristics and can be readily cold from these materials but this is not as common as with the
worked; they are not affected by season cracking which can standard bronzes.
be troublesome with high copper-zinc alloys, the actual Engineering makes use of the materials for acid storage
cracking taking place during storage. The zinc-free alloys tanks, piping, pickling crates and general handling
maintain their mechanical properties including ductility at equipment.
temperatures down to -100 °C. Many of these uses are being replaced by type 316 austen-
The mechanical properties of these materials cannot be itic stainless steel.
661 0.6% Pb 1.5% Zn 1.5% Mn 3.2% Si Co alloy: ASTM B99 A 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
Wrought; designation agreed by CDAA; not used UTS: 440 Elon: 47%
10% Zn 1.2% Si Co anoy: Wrought; designation ASTMB99A 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard
agreed by COAA; not used UTS: ')SO Elon: 4%
694 0.2% Pb 20% Zn 4.0% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; ASTMB99B 1.4% Si Cu alloy: Wire; annealed
designation agreed by COAA; not used UTS: 290 Elon: 40%
697 1.0% Pb 20% Zn 3.0% Si Co alloy: Wrought; ASTMB99B 1.4% Si Cu alloy: Wire; spring hard
designation agreed by COAA; not used UTS: 7SO Elon: 6%
AMS4615C 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Bar; hard drawn ASTMBI24n 3% Si Cu alloy: Forging and bar; mechanical properties
AMS4616B . 28% Zn 1.5% Fe 3.2% Si Co alloy: Bar; forging and not quoted
tube ASTMBI76 15% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Casting; die cast
AMS4665A 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Seamless tube; annealed ZS 144 A UTS: 630 Elon: 25% Proof: 340
ARGOFIL 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si Co alloy: Wire; IMI; finer rod for ASTM B198112 A 1% Sn 5% Zn 1.5% A14% Si Cu alloy: Casting; sand
we,lding copper cast
ASTM B 30112 A 0.5% Sn 3% Zn 1% Al 1.5% Fe 1% Mn 3% Si Cu UTS: 300 Elon: 20% Proof: 100
alloy: Ingot; as cast ASTM BI98/13 A 1% Pb 14% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: Casting; sand cast
UTS: 320 Elon: 20% UTS: 330 Elon: 18% Proof: 120
ASTM B 30113 A 0.5% Pb 14% Zn 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast ASTM BI98/13 B 14% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Casting; sand cast
UTS: 340 Elon: 18% UTS: 420 Elon: 16% Proof: ISO
ASTM B 30/13 B 14% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Ingot; as cast ASTMB259 1% Sn 1% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: Welding rod
UTS: 420 Elon: 16% RCuSiA UTS:340
ASTMB53A 11 % Si Cu alloy: Ingot ASTMB259 1% Sn 1% Zn 1.5% Si Cu alloy: Welding rod
ASTMB53B 20% Si Cu alloy: Ingot R CuSiB UTS: 220
ASTMB53C 30% Si Cu alloy: Ingot ASTM B315/615 1.4% Si Cu alloy: Pipe
ASTMB96A 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Plate and sheet; annealed ASTM B315/655 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Pipe
UTS: 400 Elon: 40% Proof: 100 ASTM B315/658 0.9% Mn 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Pipe
ASTMB96C 2.5% Si Cu alloy: Plate and sheet; annealed ASTMB315A 1% Mn 3.2% Si Co alloy: Pipe
UTS: 400 Elon: 40% Proof: 100 ASTMB315A7 1.2% Mn 3.1% Si Cu alloy: Pipe
ASTMB97 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Sheet. strip and bar; annealed ASTMB371 A 15% Zn 4% Si Co alloy: Rod; annealed
UTS:400 UTS: 560 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
ASTMB97 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Sheet; strip and bar; spring hard ASTMB371 B 20% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: Rod; annealed
UTS: 810 UTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 210
ASTMB97B 1.4% Si Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed BOLTOMET968 3% Si Cu alloy: T Bolton
UTS: 290 BS 1029 Silicon bronze ingots and casting; replaced within
ASTMB97B 1.4% Si Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; spring hard BS1400
UTS: 5SO BS 1030 Silicon bronze ingots and casting; replaced within
ASTMB97C 2.5% Si Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; annealed BSI400
UTS:400 BS 1541 CS101 1% Mn 3% Si Co alloy: Plate; as rolled
ASTMB97C 2.5% Si Cu alloy: Sheet and bar; spring hard UTS: 340 Elon: 45%
UTS: 810 BSI866 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Tube; solid drawn; annealed
ASTM B981651 1.5% Zn (max) 1.4% Si Cu alloy: Rod; previously UTS: 370 Elon: SO%
alloy B BS 1948 CS101 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Rods and sections; annealed
ASTM B981655 1.5% Mn (max) 3.3% Si Cu alloy: Rod; previously UTS: 360 Elon: SO%
alloy A BS 2870 CSIOI 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Sheet; as rolled; silicon bronze
ASTM B981661 0.4% Pb 1.5% Mn (max) 3.1% Si Cu alloy: Rod; UTS: 360 Elon: SO%
previously alloy D BS 2871 CSIOI 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Tube; annealed
ASTMB98A 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Bar; annealed UTS: 420
UTS: 360 Elon: 35% Proof: 90 BS 2872 CSIOI 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Forging; as forged
ASTMB98A 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Bar; extra hard VTS: 330 Elon: SO%
UTS: 730 Elon: 7% Proof: 390 BS 2873 CSIOI 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Wire; mechanical properties
ASTMB98B 1.4% Si Cu alloy: Bar; annealed not quoted
UTS: 270 Elon: 30% Proof: 75 BS 2874 CSIOI 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Bar; annealed
ASTMB98B 1.4%Si Cu alloy: Bar; extra hard VTS: 360 Elon: SO%
UTS: 580 Elon: 8% Proof: 330 BS 2875 CS101 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Plate; as rolled
ASTMB98D 0.6% Pb 3.1% Si Cu alloy: Bar; annealed UTS: 340 Elon: 45%
UTS: 360 Elon: 35% Proof: 90 BS 2901 C9 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Rod for all forms of welding
ASTMB98D 0.6% Pb 3.1% Si Cu alloy: Bar; extra hard C9 3.0% Si Cu alloy: Rod for gas shielded arc welding
UTS: 730 Elon: 7% Proof: 390 C65100 1.5% Zn 1.8% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C65300 2.3% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C65400 1.5% Sn 3% Si 0.1 % Cr Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: C65500 3.2% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C65600 3.2% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number C65620 2% Zn 1.5% Fe 3.2% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
UTS Ultimate tensile strength. N/mm 2 designation
Elon Elongation. % C65800 3.2% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm 2 C66loo 0.6% Pb 3.2% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C69400 15% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonfJin,z=145.041bfJin. 2=1 MPa C69430 15% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. C69440 15% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C69450 15% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
C69700 1% Pb 18% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS EVERDURD 1% Mn 4% Si Cu alloy: Ingot; IMI
designation HlDUREL6 1% Cr 0.1% Zr Cu alloy: Langley Alloys
C69710 1% Pb 18% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS HlDUREL640 1% Cr 0.1% Zr Cu alloy: Langley Alloys
designation HOLFOS JHR42 2% Zn 1.5% Fe 0.5% Mn 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Casting;
C69720 1% Pb 18% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS J Holroyd; as cast
designation DPN: 110 UTS: 340 Elon: 18% Proof: 200
C69730 1% Pb 18% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: CDA and UNS IMI176 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si Cu alloy: Welding rod; IMI;
designation Argofil
C87200 5% Zn 3% Si Cu alloy: Obsolete; UNS designation IMI705 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Sheet and wire; IMI; Everdur
C87300 1.2% Mn 4% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS A
designation JB33A 10% Zn 1.5% Si Cu alloy: Proprietary name; consult
C87400 14% Zn 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS Copper Development Association for further details
designation JHR42 2% Zn 1.7% Fe 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Casting; J Holroyd
C87410 14% Zn 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS forDTD 355
designation DPN: 165 UTS: 340 EIon: 15% Proof: 200
C87420 14% Zn 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS MALLORY 53 Ni Si Cu alloy: For welding electrodes; Mallory
designation Metallurgical
C87430 14% Zn 3.2% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS PMG 2% Zn 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Casting; Vickers Armstrong;
designation DTD355
C87500 14% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS QQB746/A 0.3% P 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Plate and sheet; US Federal
designation UTS: 690 Elon: 2.5 %
C87510 14% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS QQ C593 0.5% Zn 2.5% Fe 3.0% Si Cu alloy: Casting; US
designation Federal
C87520 14% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS UTS: 300 Elon: 15%
designation SCuSi 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Wrought; designation used by
C87530 14% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS German Standards
designation SA4 8% (Si + AI) Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Ltd
C87600 5.5% Zn 4.5% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS SAECA655 3% Si Cu alloy: Wrought
designation SAE CA 655 1.5% Fe 3% Si + Mn + Zn (max) Cu alloy: Wrought
C87610 4% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS SILICON BRONZE 8% (Si + AI) Cu alloy: Manganese Bronze Ltd
designation SA4
C87800 14% Zn 4% Si Cu alloy: Cast; CDA and UNS STA 7CSIC 5.0% Zn 2.0% Fe 1.0% Mn 4.0% Si Cu alloy: Casting;
designation as cast
DIN 1733 S Cu Si 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Wrought UTS: 300 Elon: 15%
DTD263 10% Zn 1.5% Si Cu alloy: Silicon brass; annealed
UTS: 420 Elon: 30%
DTD267 10% Zn 1.5% Si Cu alloy: Sheet; I-hard; cold rolled
UTS: 360 Elon: 20% Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
DTD355 2% Zn 1.7% Fe 3.5% Si Cu alloy: Casting
UTS: 300 Elon: 12% DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
ECuSi 3% Si Cu alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
AWS Elon Elongation, %
EVERDUR 1% Mn 4% Si Cu alloy: Casting; IMI; corrosion Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
resistant; withdrawn
EVERDURA 1% Mn 3% Si Cu alloy: Bar, sheet, wire and rod; IMI; 1 N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonflin. 2 =145.04lbfJin. 2=1 MPa
corrosion resistant with high ductility See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
UTS: 340 Elon: 70%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS4764 9.5% Ni 38% Mn Cu alloy C69950 9.5% Ni 38% Mn Cu alloy: Incramute; CDA and UNS
C69900 2% Al 44% Mn Cu alloy: Incramute; CDA and UNS designation
designation C69950 9.5% Ni 38% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C69900 2% AI 44% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation C72400 2% A113% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
C69910 4% Zn 1.2% Fe 30% Mn Cu alloy: Incramute; CDA C72420 1.5% AI 15% Ni 4.5% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS
and UNS designation designation
C69910 0.6% AI 1.2% Fe 30% Mn Cu alloy: CDA and UNS C72500 2.2% Sn 9.5% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
designation C72600 4% Sn 4% Ni Cu alloy: CDA and UNS designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
15.1 General notes on gallium Gallium alloys are available with very low melting points.
Two eutectic alloys exist with sharp melting points.
Gallium is one of those elements which appear very sparingly 82% Ga 12% Sn 6% Zn Melting point 17°C
in nature, and yet whose occurrence is widespread. Most 76% Ga 24% In Melting point 15.7 °C
coal has a minute percentage of the element which can be
recovered from the flue dust when large quantities of coal are Again, these materials attack other metals at elevated
burned. temperatures; otherwise they would probably find consider-
The metal is soft and readily cut, but is also reasonably able use as transfer liquids.
brittle. It has a brilliant lustre when first cut, then oxidizes Like antimony and bismuth, gallium expands on solid-
rapidly. It resembles aluminium and indium in many ification. With the low melting points of the element and
respects. some of its alloys, this can be a serious disadvantage, causing
The long temperature range of the liquid phase, from strain on the container in the same manner as water freezing
30-2000 °C, makes this a potentially interesting material. and fracturing its pipe.
Unfortunately, liquid gallium, even at reasonably low tem- Some use has been made of gallium in vapour arc lamps,
peratures, is corrosive to most other metals. The metals usually in conjunction with cadmium, but also with mercury.
tantalum and tungsten resist this attack, as do quartz, gra- There are reports that additions of gallium to magnesium
phite and alumina. Using quartz capillary tubes gallium ther- and some magnesium-tin alloys markedly increase the cor-
mometers have been produced that are capable of measuring rosion resistance.
accurately temperatures up to 1200 °C. The high cost of extraction and purification and the corro-
sive attack on other metals will probably prevent any wider
use of this metal and its alloys.
16. Germanium Ge
Physical properties
Atomic number 32
Atomic weight 72.6
Crystal structure Cubic
Colour Greyish white
16.1 General notes on germanium The high cost and scarcity of germanium tend to persuade
potential users to alternative materials.
Germanium is a metalloid, having some non-metallic charac- By far the largest use of germanium is in the electronics
teristics, but not as marked as in silicon, or boron. It is a very industry where its electrical rectification properties have
brittle material, quite stable in air up to red heat. been found to be extremely useful.
Until the unusual electrical properties became known ger- The voltage range of germanium covers the gap between
manium had very little use. There are no commercial alloys silicon and selenium rectifiers, but by far the largest use of
based on the metal, but additions to aluminium copper alloys the metal is as 'transistors'. These are germanium crystals,
('Duralumin') increases their strength and hot working which rectify radio signals using considerably less power in
properties. the process than conventional valves. In addition they are
When added to tin an alloy with considerably greater very much smaller and more robust, and constitute the core
hardness and some reduction in ductility is obtained. Gold of modern electronic devices which can operate for long
with 13% germanium forms a eutectic alloy melting at 356°C periods on minute power supplies, the transistor radio set
which finds some use as a special purpose solder. being a good example.
17. Gold Au
Physical properties
Atomic number 79
Atomic weight 197.2
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour Yellow
Specific gravity 19.32
Density 19320 kg/m 3
Melting point 1063°C
Boiling point 2960 °C
Specific heat 0.1323 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity 301 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 14.4 x 1O- 6/°C
Latent heat of fusion 66.2 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization 1738 Jig
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 99 barnslatom
17.1 General notes on gold does not oxidize or readily corrode, has no need for abrasive
cleaning and can therefore be very thin.
Along with copper, gold is the only truly coloured metal, There are also a limited number of chemical engineering
being pale yellow in the massive state, and red or even purple and laboratory uses for gold, notably in the man-made fibre
when finely divided. industry. Some gold alloy brazing materials are used where
The ability of gold to resist oxidation and chemical attack, excellent joint conductivity under oxidizing conditions is
together with its attractive colour, has made it popular as a necessary. Gold leaf is still used on articles such as presenta-
means of decoration and a standard of value since the dawn tion leather books and for outdoor decorations, such as
of history. name signs. The high malleability and almost complete
One major use of gold is in international currency and as absence of cold working, coupled with the high density
such most of it is securely loeked in underground vaults in the allows gold to be rolled or beaten into intricate shapes, or
financial centres of the world. very thin foils - leaf gold.
Considerable quantities are still used for ornamental pur- Addition of platinum and palladium to gold can give the
poses, often being added as fine powder to pottery glazes and alloys age hardening characteristics. The temperatures
glass ware. required are in the region of 300-400 °C, the most popular
Industrially, gold has only limited uses owing to its artif- uses being for personal ornaments and dental fillings.
icially high cost and low strength. The 'car~t' applied to gold is not the weight measure used
The ability to resist oxidation over a large range of temper- for precious stones, but a proportional measure giving the
atures and its high electrical conductivity are now finding use percentage of gold present. Twenty-four carat gold is pure
in the electrical and electronic industries. For these purposes metal; 12 carat gold is 50% gold alloyed with other metals,
very thin electroplated deposits are used. A thin deposit of generally copper with palladium, nickel or silver to give
nickel between the gold and copper base metal prevents some increase in hardness.
diffusion of the gold into copper. Gold plating for purely Following are listed the known specifications and trade
decorative purposes is also increasing. Modem techniques names with gold as the main constituent.
are increasing the hardness of the plated deposit, which, as it
174 17.1 GOLD
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
9ct No. 90 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting 14/450 Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries;
Co.; melting range 88(hll95 'c melting range 620-755 'c
DPN: no 14ct No. 144 Gold alloy: Green colour; Sbeffield Smelting Co.;
9ct No. 91 Gold alloy: Yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.; melting range 950-975 'c
melting range 855-870 'c DPN: 90
DPN: no 14ct No. 145 Gold alloy: Red colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.; melting
9ct No. 92 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting range 885-895 'c
Co.; melting range 920-940 'c DPN: no
DPN: no 14ct No. 146 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting
9ct No. 93 Gold alloy: Yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.; Co.; melting range 840-880 'C
melting range 870-890 'c DPN:90
DPN: 190 14ct No. 147 Gold alloy: Green colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
9ct No. 94 Gold alloy: Yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.; melting range 920-935 'c
melting range 835-860 'c DPN: no
DPN: no 14ct No. 148 Gold alloy: Yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
9ct No. 95 Gold alloy: Yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.; melting range 830-855 'C; age hardenable
melting range 860-880 'C; age hardenable DPN: 190
DPN: no 14ct No. 149 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting
9ct No. 97 Gold alloy: Red colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.; melting Co.; melting range 810-838 'c
range 940-955 'c DPN: 90
DPN: no 14ct S 143 (medium) 58.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
9ct No. 98 Gold alloy: Low zinc; red colour; Sheffield Smelting melting range 830-835 'c
Co.; melting range 925-945 'c 14ct S 145 (hard) 58.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
DPN: 90 melting range 835-870 'c
9ct No. 99 Gold alloy: Yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.; 14ct S 146 (easy) 58.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
melting range 820-840 'c melting range 720-740 'c
DPN: 190 14ct S 147 (easy) 58.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
9ct No. 910 Gold alloy: Greenish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting melting range 700-720 'c
Co.; melting range 895-920 'C; age hardenable 14ct W 142 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co.
DPN: 90 DPN: 140
9ct No. 911 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting 14ct W 143 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co.
Co.; melting range 845-870 'C; age hardenable DPN:6O
DPN: no 15ct S 151 (easy) 62.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
9ct No. 912 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting melting range 720-750 'c
Co.; melting range 910-935 'C 161550 Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries;
DPN: no melting range 767-783 'c
9ct S 91 (easy) 37.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.; 181650 Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries;
melting range 610-Ml0 'c melting range 785-798 'c
9ct S 92 (medium) 37.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.; 18ct No. 185 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting
melting range 700-710 'c Co.; melting range 890-915 'C; age hardenable
9ct S 93 (hard) 37.5% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.; DPN: 150
melting range 740-760 'c 18ct No. 186 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting
9ct W91 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. Co.; melting range 900-920 'c
DPN: 140 DPN: 150
9ct W93 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. 18ct No. 187 Gold alloy: Yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
DPN: 8S melting range 885-905 'c
9ct W94 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. DPN: no
DPN:6O 18ct No. 188 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow colour; Sheffield Smelting
9ct W95 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. Co.; melting range 890-910 'C
DPN: 8S DPN: 150
9ct W96 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. 18ct S 181 (hard) 75% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
DPN: 8S melting range 885-905 'C
9ct W97 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. 18ct S 185 (easy) 75% Au alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
DPN: 8S melting range 660-765 'C
9ct W98 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. 18ct S 186 (medium) 75% Au alloy: For soldering, Sheffield Smelting Co.;
DPN:6O melting range 65(h'lOO 'c
9ct W99 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co. 18ct W 181 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co.
18ct W 182 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co.
DPN: 226
18ct W 183 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 140
18ct W 184 Gold alloy: Reddish yellow; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number melting range 920-935 'c
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 150
EIon Elongation, % 18ct W 184 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co.
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 140
18ct W 185 Gold alloy: White; Sheffield Smelting Co.
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
DPN: 60
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 201750 Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries;
melting range 707-fJ22 'c
17.1 GOLD 175
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
221800 Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries; BS 3384 A 65% Au (min) dental solder
melting range 722-1145 'c BS 3384 B 53% Au (min) dental solder
22ct No. 223 Gold alloy: Deep yellow; Sheffield Smelting Co.; BS 4425 Au alloy used for dental casting graded by mechanical
melting range 890-910 'c properties
DPN: 90 CHICAGO 4 Gold alloy used in dentistry: High Pt; Engelhard
424 Cu Au brazing alloy: Melting point 889 'C; Engelhard Industries; annealed; melting range 890-940 'c
Industries; electrical conductivity 15% lACS DPN: ISO UTS: 5SO Elon: 30% Proof: 340
DPN: 250 UTS: 4SO Elon: 17% CHICAGO 4 Gold alloy used in dentistry: High Pt; Engelhard
429 Cu Au brazing alloy: Melting range 905-915 'C; Industries; age hardened; melting range 890-940 'c
Engelhard Industries; electrical conductivity 15% lACS DPN: 235 UTS: 780 Elon: 5% Proof: 660
DPN: 112 UTS: 400 Elon: 38% COINAGE GOLD 0.15% Ag Au alloy: 22 carat; balance Cu
441 Ni Au brazing alloy: Melting point 950 'C; Engelhard CORODENT 71 % Au + Pt for dental purposes: Mallory
Industries Metallurgical; melting range 935-995 'C; hardened
DPN: 245 UTS: 690 Elon: 5% DPN: 192 Elon: 17%
450 (fine) Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries; DENTECON 63% Au + Pt for dental purposes: Mallory
melting range 620-755 'c Metallurgical; melting range 885-945 'C; hardened
550 (fine) Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries; DPN: 266 Elon: 12%
melting range 767-783 'c DENTORMAT 76% Au + Pt for dental purposes: Mallory
625R Cu Ag Au alloy: For sliding contacts; conductivity 14% Metallurgical; melting range 880-925 'C; hardened
lACS; Johnson Matthey DPN: 252 Elon: 8%
DPN: 95 DORDENT 72.5% Au + Pt for dental purposes: Mallory
650 (fine) Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries; Metallurgical; melting range 870-920 'C; hardened
melting range 785-798 'c DPN: 298 Elon: 2.5%
750 (fine) Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries; GOLD High purity metal: Impurities less than 5 p.p.m.;
melting range 707-4'>22 'c Mallory Metallurgical; supplied as sponge rod sheet and
800 (fine) Au based solder for dental use: Engelhard Industries; wire
melting range 722-1145 'c h Au 3 99.9999% Au sponge: Light Lab Ltd; high purity metal
AMERICAN GOLD 90% Au 10% Cu standard coinage alloy of the USA h Au 8 99.999% Au powder: Light Lab Ltd; high purity metal
AMS 4784 25% Ni 25% Pd Au alloy: Braze metal JMC 625 Cu Ag Au alloy: For wiping contacts; Mallory
AMS 4785 36% Ni 34% Pd Au alloy: Braze metal Metallurgical
AMS 4786 22% Ni 8% Pd Au: Braze alloy JMC625 R Cu Ag alloy: For wiping contacts; Mallory
AMS 4787 28% Ni Au alloy: Braze metal Metallurgical
AMS 7731 99.95% Au: Refined gold JMM 625 Cu Ag Au alloy: For sliding contacts; conductivity 12%
ANORMAT 78.3% Au + Pt for dental purposes: Mallory lACS; Johnson Matthey
Metallurgical; melting range 915-917 'C; hardened DPN: 175
DPN: 165 Elon: 26% NIORO 18% Ni Au alloy: For brazing; melting point 950 'C;
ASTM B2601B Au2 20% Cu Au brazing filler metal: Brazing temperature Wesgo
range 890-982 'c NICOR08O 2.0% Ni 16% Cu Au alloy: For brazing; melting range
ASTM B26O/8 Au4 18.5% Ni Au brazing filler metal: Brazing temperature 910-925 'C; Wesgo
range 91~1OO4 'c ORO BRAZE Cu Fe 80% Au alloy: Brazing metal; Mallory
ASTM B260 20% Cu Au alloy: Braze filler; melting range 880-887 'c Metallurgical; melting range 908-910 'c
BCu Au2 ORO BRAZE 910 Cu Fe 80% Au alloy: For brazing; Mallory
AUBEL 92% (min) Au for dental purposes: Mallory Metallurgical; melting range 908-910 'c
Metallurgical; melting range 970-995 'c ORO BRAZE 940 Cu 62.5% Au alloy: Brazing metal; Mallory
DPN: 67 Elon: SO% Metallurgical; melting range 930-940 'c
AUDENWIRE 75% Au + Pt alloy: Wire for dental purposes; Mallory ORO BRAZE 950 17.5% Ni Au alloy: Bearing metal; Mallory
Metallurgical; melting range 965-1000 'C; hardened Metallurgical; melting point 950 'c
DPN: 339 ORO BRAZE 990 25% Ni Au alloy: Bearing metal; Mallory
AUMET 83.3% Au + Pt for dental purposes: Mallory Metallurgical; melting range 950-990 'c
Metallurgical; melting range 1000-1085 'c ORO BRAZE 1040 30% Ag Au alloy: For brazing; Mallory Metallurgical;
DPN: 71 Elon: 47% melting range 1030-1040 'c
BAKER 4 Gold alloy used in dentistry: With Pt and Pd; ORO CAST Gold alloy: Used in dentistry; with Pt metals;
Engelhard Industries; annealed; melting range 850-910 Engelhard Industries; annealed; melting range 850-910
'c 'c
DPN: 130 UTS: 480 Elon: 25% Proof: 370 DPN: 142 UTS: 510 Elon: 25% Proof: 330
BAKER 4 Gold alloy used in dentistry: With Pt and Pd; ORO CAST Gold alloy: Used in dentistry; with Pt metals;
Engelhard Industries; age hardened Engelhard Industries; age hardened; melting range
DPN: 228 UTS: 8SO Elon: 4% Proof: 600 850-91O'C
BINORMAT 78.3% Au + Pt for dental purposes: Mallory DPN: 229 UTS: 800 Elon: 6% Proof: 770
Metallurgical; melting range 925-945 'c PALNIRO I 25% Pd 25% Ni Au alloy: For brazing; melting range
DPN: 100 Elon: 42% 1102-1121 'C; Wesgo
BORAWIRE 61 % Au + PI alloy: Wire for dental purposes; Mallory PALORO 8.0% Pd Au alloy: For brazing; melting range 1200-
Metallurgical; melting range 1080-1180 'C; hardened 1240 'C; Wesgo
DPN: 296 PLATINUM Au based solder with Pd and PI for dental use:
BS 1845 Au I 19% Cu 1% Fe Au alloy: For braze metal; melting COLOUR SOLDER Engelhard Industries; melting range 832-4'>60 'c
range 905-910 'c P00560 4.2% Ag 33% Cu 6.7% Zn Au alloy: UNS designation
BS 1845 Au 2 37.5% Cu Au alloy: For braze metal; melting range P00580 3.5% Ag 31 % Cu 7% Zn Au alloy: UNS designation
930-94O'C QA Wire Gold based Pt and Pd alloy: Engelhard Industries
BS 1845 Au 5 17.5% Ni Au alloy: For braze metal; melting point 950 SILCORO 60 20% Cu 20% Ag Au alloy: For brazing; melting range
'c 835-845 'C; Wesgo
BS 1845 Au 6 25% Ni Au alloy: For braze metal; melting point 950 'c
176 17.1 GOLD
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SILCORO 75 20% Cu 5.0% Ag Au alloy: For brazing; melting range UNIGOLD Gold alloy used in dentistry: With Pt and Pd;
885-895 'C; Wesgo Engelhard Industries; annealed; melting range 85(}...890
SUPER ORALIUM Gold alloy used in dentistry: With Pt and Pd; white 'C
colour; Engelhard Industries; annealed; melting range DPN: 142 UTS: 460 Elon: 8% Proof: 320
92:>-975 'c UNIGOLD Gold alloy used in dentistry: With Pt and Pd;
DPN: 175 UTS: 530 Elon: 27% Proof: 390 Engelhard Industries; age hardened
SUPER ORALIUM Gold alloy used in dentistry: With Pt and Pd; white DPN: 229 UTS: 890 Elon: 1% Proof: 780
colour; Engelhard Industries; age hardened; melting WHITE GOLD 12% Ni 15% Zn Au alloy: Origin unknown
range 92:>-975 'c SOLDER
DPN: 220 UTS: 830 Elon: 2% Proof: 790
TRUCAST HARD Gold alloy used in industry: Contains Pt; Engelhard
Industries; annealed; melting range 900-950 'C
DPN: 127 UTS: 400 Elon: 24% Proof: 210 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
TRUCAST HARD Gold alloy used in dentistry: Contains Pt; Engelhard
Industries; age hardened; melting range 900-950 'C DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 159 UTS: 480 Elon: 8% Proof: 320 VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
TRUCAST MEDIUMGold alloy used in dentistry: Pt free; Engelhard Elon Elongation, %
Industries; melting range 92(}"'955 'c Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 90 UTS: 340 Elon: 31 % Proof: 170
TRUCAST SOFT Gold alloy used in dentistry: Pt free; Engelhard 1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2 =0.06475tonf/in. 2=145.04lbf/in. 2 =I MPa
Industries; melting range 940-970 'C See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 59 UTS: 250 Elon: 33% Proof: 100
17A. Hafnium Ha
Physical properties
Atomic number 72
Atomic weight 178.5
Crystal structure
Colour Silver
17A.1 General notes on hafnium Hafnium has good mechanical properties and high corro-
sion resistance. It can be successfully alloyed with other
Hafnium is a metal very similar to zirconium and is invariably metals such as iron, titanium, niobium and tantalum. It is an
found with zirconium. It is found in the USA, principally in extremely rare element, however, and because of its scarcity
Florida, and in Australia and Brazil. Some is found also in finds very few uses.
Africa and India. A mixture of 4 parts of tantalum carbide to 1 part hafnium
The metal is quite hard, silver in colour, looking like carbide is the most refractory substance known, having a
stainless steel. It is used to fabricate nuclear reactor control melting point of 4215 K (3940 0c).
rods but apart from this has no other use. There are no hafnium alloys.
18. Indium In
Physical properties
Atomic number 49
Atomic weight 114.82
Crystal structure Face-centred tetragonal
Colour Silver-white
18.1 General notes on indium more generally applied as a very thin top coat on lead, silver
or cadmium bearings. This is then diffused into the substrate
The compounds of indium occur in small quantities widely coating by a heat treatment and imparts corrosion resistance
scattered throughout the world. To date no deposits large and improved frictional properties. Some modern cars use
enough to warrant extraction of the metal are known, but thin steel shell bearings coated with lead bronze, indium
certain tin, lead and zinc ores contain appreciable quantities. plated.
The purified metal is very soft and ductile, being readily When indium is added to the lead-tin-bismuth alloy -
cut with a knife. The surface does not oxidize in air at room Woods Metal- the melting point can be reduced to as low as
temperature and indium can be easily welded to itself with- 48°C. This alloy is used in dentistry and plastic surgery.
out heat and with very little pressure. Small additions of indium strengthen gold and platinum
The only known use for the metal is as a sealing material alloys without detracting too much from their other
for high vacuum equipment under sterile conditions and no properties.
alloys are known with indium as the base metal. Indium and its compounds are now finding some use as
The largest quantity is electrodeposited, some for its semiconductors in the electronics industry.
attractive lustre and good wearing properties. However, it is Following are listed the known suppliers.
19. Iridium Ir
Physical properties
Atomic number 77
Atomic weight 192.1
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour Grey
19.1 General notes on iridium superior electrical performance to tungsten contacts. The
natively occurring alloy 'osmiridium' is still used for tipping
Iridium invariably occurs in association with platinum, often pen nibs. Until recently this alloy was used exclusively for
being found as the native platinum/osmium/iridium alloy this purpose, a typical analysis being 35% osmium, 30%
'osmiridium' . iridium, remainder platinum, rhodium and ruthenium. It is
Metal of 99.9% purity is obtained as a by-product in the now largely superseded by ruthenium sintered powder. The
preparation of platinum. This can be hot worked at white alloys of iridium and platinum, with and without osmium and
heat to bars or hollow shapes required for laboratory use. At rhodium, are used to a great extent in jewellery as mounts for
room temperature it is hard and brittle, readily crumbling to precious stones. The 10% iridium/platinum alloy was used to
a coarse powder if cold worked to any great extent. Iridium is manufacture the standard metre, the standard pound weight
the densest known element. and the standard kilogram; the majority of sub-standards use
The pure metal has excellent chemical resistance to the a similar type of alloy. This is indicative of the high degree of
extent of not being attacked by aquaregia. This property stability attributed to these alloys.
accounts for the limited use made of the metal which would One of the isotopes of iridium - Ir 192 - is radioactive and
be increased but for the extreme difficulty of working and increasing use is being made of this as a source of non-
shaping. destructive testing.
Platinum is hardened by the addition of iridium, with little In general this is a scarcely used, expensive material with a
reduction in ductility up to 20% alloy content. Above this number of potentially useful applications limited by price
figure the material loses its ductility. These platinum-iri- and the difficulty of working the metal.
dium alloys are used for laboratory ware and electrical con- Following are listed the known iridium suppliers with their
tacts where hammering action at high speeds occurs. Under identifying symbols.
certain conditions of alternating current these materials have
180 19.1 IRIDIUM
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier. condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM 8671 - 99.8 99.8% Ir PLATINIRIDIUM Pt Os Rh Pd 1r alloy: Up to 75% 1r; rare naturally
ASTM 8671 - 99.9 99.9% Ir occurring alloy
h Ir 8 99.999% Ir sponge: Light Ltd; high purity metal
IRIDIUM 99.9% Ir wire: International Nickel; cold drawn
DPN: 625 VTS: 2000 Elon: 2%
IRIDIUM 99.9% Ir wire and rod: International Nickel; annealed
at 1000 'C for 30 min
DPN: 500 VTS: 1020 Elon: 15% Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
IRIDIUM 99.9% Ir wire and rod: International Nickel; annealed
at 1Z00 'C for 30 min DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number
DPN: 350 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
High purity metal: Impurities less than 10 p.p.m.; Elon Elongation, %
Mallory Metallurgical; supplied as sponge Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
IRIDOSIUM 10% Pt 1.5% Rh 27% Os 6% Ru Ir alloy: Naturally
I N/mm 2:0.1 hbar:O.I02 kgf/mm 2:0.06475 tonUin. 2:I45.04lbUin.2:1 MPa
OSMIRIDIUM 30% Os Ir alloy: Naturally occurring; details from See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
International Nickel; for pen nib tips. etc.
20. Iron Fe
Physical properties
Atomic number 26
Atomic weight 55.85
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic up to 950 °C
Face-centred cubic up to 1425 °C
Colour Greyish white
20.1 General notes on iron contact with stringers of slag, was produced by this method.
This material has now almost all been replaced by mild steel
In this book iron, iron alloys and cast iron appear in this which is made using considerably less human sweat and
section, divorced from the carbon/iron alloys - steel- which muscle. For some uses, such as chains, wrought iron was
appear later in Section 44. specified until quite recently.
Iron followed copper in the service of man and in certain High purity iron is very much a laboratory material and
parts of the world, notably India, it is possible that iron tools has no real commercial applications. When highly purified,
and ornaments were in fact in use before bronze. iron has considerable resistance to corrosion. A metallurgi-
The ores of iron are found in many areas, often in highly cal enigma is the 'Delhi Pillar' which is a large structure of
concentrated pockets, and there is little doubt that the first pure iron standing unprotected for centuries in the open air
iron was accidentally produced when ore was used as fire- with no visible evidence of corrosion.
bricks or fireplace material. It is this ease of reduction from The 'pure' iron normally used tarnishes in the atmosphere,
the ore coupled with large ore deposits which has made iron rapidly forming a scale of complex iron oxides which is only
the principal tool in man's struggle to civilize and improve his loosely adherent and is then readily removed, allowing the
lot. fresh surface to form new scale and repeat the process.
All the industrial countries have or had large iron ore Industrially iron in the cast form finds considerable use.
deposits, many of which are becoming exhausted. Large Further details of wrought and cast iron are given in the
deposits are available in some of the world's hinterlands, subsequent sections..
such as within Alaska, Australia and North Canada, which Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, often with other
can be mined and shipped economically using modern alloying elements. These materials are dealt with in Section
machinery and techniques. 44.
A limited amount of native iron is found, notably one There is also a range of highly alloyed heat resistant iron
twenty-five ton lump in Greenland, but no commercial quan- alloys. These are dealt with under nickel-iron, nickel,
tities have been discovered. Meteorites almost always con- chrome-iron, etc., in Section 44, but Section 20C is devoted
tain native iron alloyed with nickel, cobalt and other metals. to the iron-nickel alloys which have been developed for their
Until the end of the last century a considerable quantity of specific magnetic properties.
wrought iron was made. Iron of a very high purity, albeit in
20A Iron - commercially pure
Specific gravity 7.5-7.8
Density 7500-7800 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 1520-1530°C
Thermal conductivity 17-38 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 10.2-11.9 x 10- 6/ °C
The above properties are typical of the following group, and The materials in this section can be welded and brazed
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible without much problem.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be It should be noted, however, that wrought iron is very
applicable. similar to a book. If the outer cover of the book has a fillet
weld attached to it, then this will only attach itself to the
cover of the book and any load applied to the cover will tend
to open the book at a very low load. Fillet welding should
General metallurgical characteristics
therefore not be attempted on any of the materials in this
Iron is a relatively soft ductile material which has few indus- group without specific advice and trials being carried out.
trial applications as it cannot compete economically with The same comments apply to brazing because of the
materials such as mild steel. lamella nature of wrought iron.
Very high purity iron, which is exceedingly difficult to Corrosion protection is not normally required on these
produce and of academic interest only, has excellent corro- components or on any components made from this material
sion resistance. All other grades tarnish and corrode rapidly. as wrought iron has an excellent history of good corrosion
Apart from wrought iron, the specifications listed are resistance.
generally the primary materials and laboratory use. Very little wrought iron is now used in industry. Its princi-
The majority of materials in this section cannot have their pal use was in the form of chains and similar material where
mechanical properties improved either by thermal treatment the lack of cold work meant that it did not need annealing
or cold working. after a period of time whereas normal mild steel chain and
High quality pure iron does not harden during cold work at similar materials cold work during use when they are over-
room temperature and thus is capable of accepting consider- loaded and require to be softened periodically and then
able amounts of cold work without any increase in hardness. re-proof tested.
Where minute quantities of impurities are present, however, Most of the materials in this group have been replaced
hardening will occur and annealing or softening will require a either with austenitic type cast iron which is in many cases an
temperature of at least 300°C and probably as high as 500- alternative substitute or austenitic stainless steel, copper or
600 °C. copper alloys.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
00 Iron 0.025% C 0.1% Si 0.12% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar ARMCO IRON Purest form of commercial iron: Soft iron containing
Allen; Code 687 less than 0.1% impurities; trade name
A GRADE Low carbon iron: Low Moor for DTD 5092; DTD 5102 ARMICO 0.03% C 0.005% Si 0.15% Ni 0.2% Cu steel: Strip;
ALFENOL Fe alloy containing 16% AI Bairds
ALFER Fe alloy containing 11I13% AI ASTMA42 0.09% (max) Mn wrought iron plate
ALSIFER Master alloy: 20% AI 40% Fe 40% Si ASTMA84 0.06% Mn wrought iron for staybolts
ALSIMIN Ferrosilicon aluminium alloy: 45% Si 15% AI iron UTS: 340 Elon: 30%
AMS7706 Fe: Commercially pure plate, sheet, bar, etc.; annealed ASTM A207 Wrought iron: Bars and shapes; 0.09% Mn (max)
AMS7707 Fe: Commercially pure plate, sheet, bar, etc.; as rolled ASTM A382 Wrought iron: For heat exchanger and condenser tubes
BEST YORKSHIRE 0.06% Mn 0.16% P wrought iron: General name for BS
BGRADE Low carbon iron: Low Moor for DID 5102
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BS48 Wrought iron: Replaced by BS 51
BS51A 0.1 % Mn (max) wrought iron: Bar and plate; as rolled
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 330 Elon: 25%
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' BS51 B 0.15% Mn (max) wrought iron: Bar and plate; as rolled
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 330 Elon: 23%
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' BS51C Wrought iron: Analysis not specified; as rolled
UTS: 330 Elon: 19%
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonfJin.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa BS 601/1 Low C steel: Strip for magnetic purposes; non-oriented;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. graded by magnetic properties
UTS: 330 Elon: 25% Proof: 170
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 601/2 Low C steel: Strip for magnetic purposes; oriented; h Fe l1a 99.998% Fe rod 5 mm diameter: Light Ltd; high purity
graded by magnetic properties metal
BS762 0.075% Mn wrought iron bars HIPERM (SUPER) Low carbon iron: Obsolete; Low Moor for DTD 5092
UTS: 330 Elon: 25% Proof: 170 and DTD 5201
BS858 0.06% Mn 0.16% P wrought iron: 'Best Yorkshire' IRON Fe powder: Electrolytic; Blackwells; pure metal
wrought iron IRON High purity metal: Impurities less than 10 p.p.m.;
UTS: 330 Elon: 21 % Proof: 170 Mallory Metallurgical; supplied as sponge, rod, wire
CODE 687 0.025% C 0.1 % Si 0.12% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar and sheet
Allen; 00 Iron KB90 Sintered Fe: High impact strength; specific gravity 7.25;
DTD 330 Soft iron: Replaced by DTD 5092 and DTD 5102 Durasint
DTD5092 Soft iron: Sheet, bar and forging; annealed; magnetic DPN: 120 UTS: 430 Elon: 12%
properties quoted in specification KB 90/3/4 Sintered Fe: High impact strength; specific gravity 7.25;
DTD 5102 Soft iron: Sheet, bar and forging; annealed; magnetic Durasint
properties included in specification DPN: 240 UTS: 620 Elon: 2%
EIO Fe high purity sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity PERMETPFI 100% Fe: For magnets; origin unknown
6.6-7.0; as sintered SIO 5% Cu Fe with C sintered products: Firth Cleveland;
DPN: 100 UTS: 190 Elon: 7% hardened and tempered
E20 Fe high purity sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity VTS: 500 Elon: 0.5%
7.1-7.5; as sintered S20 Fe sinter with C: Firth Cleveland; hardened and
DPN: 130 UTS: 250 Elon: 12% tempered
FlO Fe sintered products: Specific gravity 5.7--6.1; Firth VTS: 470 Elon: 0.5%
Cleveland; as sintered S30 3.0% Cu Fe with C sinter: Firth Cleveland; hardened
UTS: 120 Elon: 2% and tempered
F20 Fe sintered products: Specific gravity 6.1--6.5; Firth VTS: 500 Elon: 0.5%
Cleveland; as sintered S40 Cu P Fe with C sinter: Firth Cleveland; hardened and
UTS: 160 Elon: 6% tempered; file hard
F30 3% Cu Fe sintered products: Specific gravity 6.1--6.5; UTS: 500 Elon: 0.8%
Firth Cleveland; as sintered SKFREMKO 0.02% C 0.12% Mn iron: Origin unknown
UTS: 240 Elon: 1% TRAN·CORA5 Low carbon steel: Strip for audio transformers; Armco;
F40 5.0% Cu Fe sintered products: Specific gravity 6.1--6.5; hot rolled
Firth Cleveland; as sintered DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
UTS: 250 Elon: 1% TRAN-CORA6 Low carbon steel: Strip for audio transformers; Armco;
F50 10% Cu Fe sintered products: Specific gravity 6.1--6.5; hot rolled
Firth Cleveland; as sintered DPN: 180 UTS: 480 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
VTS: 270 Elon: 1% TRAN-COR M 14 Low carbon steel: Strip for transformers; Armco; hot
F70 Iron: Sintered material; bearings; Sintered Products rolled
Ltd; 23-28% porosity DPN: 200 UTS: 490 Elon: 2% Proof: 450
UTS: 90 Elon: 1.5% TRAN-COR M 15 Low carbon steel: Strip for transformers; Armco; hot
F80 Iron: Sintered material; bearings; Sintered Products rolled
Ltd, 15-22% porosity DPN: 200 UTS: 490 Elon: 2% Proof: 450
UTS: 100 Elon: 2.5% TRAN-COR M 17 Low carbon steel: Strip for transformers; Armco; hot
FE 85 High purity iron: Sintered material; for high magnetic rolled
permeability; Sintered Products Ltd; 12-14% porosity DPN: 190 VTS: 490 Elon: 3% Proof: 440
UTS: 200 Elon: 14% TRAN-COR M 19 Low carbon steel: Strip for transformers; Armco; hot
FE 90 High purity iron: Sintered material for high magnetic rolled
permeability; Sintered Products Ltd; 4-8% porosity DPN: 175 VTS: 460 Elon: 11% Proof: 390
VTS: 220 Elon: 26% TRAN-COR M 22 Low carbon steel: Strip for transformers; Armco; hot
FERROCOR 216 Electrical steel: For fractional horse power motors; rolled
Richard Thomas & Baldwins DPN: 171 VTS: 460 Elon: 12% Proof: 370
FERROCOR 253 Electrical steel: For fractional horse power motors; TRAN-COR M 27 Low carbon steel: Strip for transformers; Armco; hot
Richard Thomas & Baldwins rolled
FERROCOR 320 Electrical steel: For fractional horse power motors; DPN: 160 UTS: 420 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
Richard Thomas & Baldwins TRAN-COR M 36 Low carbon steel: Strip for magnetos; Armco; hot
FERROSIL 100 Low C iron: Strip for magnetic purposes; Richard rolled
Thomas & Baldwins for BS 601/1 VTS: 330 Elon: 26% Proof: 210
FERROSIL 107 Low C iron: Strip for magnetic purposes; Richard TRAN-COR M 43 Low carbon steel: Strip for electric motors; Armco; hot
Thomas & Baldwins for BS 601/1 rolled
FERROSIL 146 Low C iron: Strip for magnetic purposes; Richard VTS: 270 Elon: 29% Proof: 150
Thomas & Baldwins for BS 601/1 WFe 18 99.9% Fe powder: Light Ltd; made from iron carbonyl
FERROSIL 170 Low C iron: Strip for magnetic purposes; Richard
Thomas & Baldwins for BS 601/1
FERROSIL 187 Low C iron: Strip for magnetic purposes; Richard Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Thomas & Baldwins for BS 601/1
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
FERROSIL 216 Low C iron: Strip for magnetic purposes; Richard
Thomas & Baldwins for BS 60111
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, Nlmm'
FERROSIL CR253 Low C iron: Strip for magnetic purposes; Richard Elon Elongation, %
Thomas & Baldwins for BS 601/1 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, Nlmm'
FERROVACE 0.007% C Fe high purity iron: Crucible Steel Co.; for
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in 2 = 145.04 Ibf/in. '= I MPa
magnetic purposes
HAI-JP 99.5% Fe for thermocouples: Harrison Alloys; specific See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
resis!ance 10 microhm cm
184 . 20B IRON - CAST
20B Iron - cast
Specific gravity 7.2-7.4
Density 7200-7400 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 1150--1450 °C
Thermal conductivity 46-63 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 10--17 x 1O-6/ o c
The above figures are intended to show typical values and do white iron castings are first produced and then annealed in an
not apply exactly to anyone specification. As with all casting oxidizing atmosphere. This results in a gradual migration of
materials wide variations will be found, many of which are the carbon from the centre of the casting to the skin where it
considerably outside the above listed ranges. is oxidized and removed from the metal. In this process
therefore the annealed casting has a low carbon content -
sometimes less than 1% with thin sections. The rest of the
General metallurgical characteristics
carbon is present partly in nodular form as free graphite and
Cast iron can be described as an alloy of iron and carbon. partly combined, the latter appearing as pearlite in the
The normal accepted minimum carbon content is 1.5%; matrix. The final structure and properties depend on the
however, roost cast irons have carbon in the range 2.5-3.5%. time and temperature of the heat treatment and also on the
Commercial cast irons are not simply alloys of iron and original composition of the metal. This material is seldom
carbon, but invariably have some silicon, manganese, phos- used now as the long term anneal makes it expensive.
phorus and sulphur present. These elements affect
Blackheart malleable cast iron. The Blackheart process diff-
the carbon solubility and give rise to various types of cast iron
ers from the Whiteheart process in that the anneal is carried
dependent on the form in which the carbon is present.
out in a neutral or slightly carburizing atmosphere; conse-
Alloying elements may be added to give special effects and
quently the carbon content of the metal is not appreciably
various thermal treatments can be applied. The types, alloy-
reduced. The carbon in the final casting approaches that of
ing contents and thermal treatments overlap to such an
grey cast iron. In the annealing process however, it is depo-
extent that it is not considered possible or desirable to split
sited in a finely divided form (temper carbon) giving a pro-
the various cast irons into separate groups.
duct with properties more resembling steel than normal grey
The fact that these materials are cast in small batches,
cast iron.
varying in some degree from each other, makes cast iron
rather unique among metallic materials. Control of the low Modern malleabilizing techniques have substantially
alloy irons is usually by mechanical properties only, the improved these processes. Malleable cast iron is used for
founder using his skills to vary the composition according to many engineering components and is particularly suitable
size, sectional thickness and surface required on the finished when something stronger and tougher than grey cast iron is
casting. required, but where cheapness is essential,. Compared with
Briefly the types of cast iron are as follows: other irons malleable cast iron shows less corrosion resis-
tance but its other properties make it suitable for compo-
Grey cast iron. This is the most common type, being used for
nents subject to shock.
general purpose castings where low cost is the prime factor.
There is a certain restriction in the size of malleable cast-
This material is easily produced, gives excellent reproduc-
ings - generally above 100 Ib the process becomes uneco-
tion and allows considerable flexibility in casting design. It is
nomical as the time at temperature to convert the carbon is
the cheapest metallic material used. The structure is usually
excessive. The relationship between surface area and roass is
a mixture of pearlite and ferrite with flakes of carbon in the
the important factor in the economics of the process.
form of graphite. The proportion of pearlite and ferrite
It should be noted that the term 'malleable' is now being
present is controlled by alloying elements, notably silicon,
used for spheroidal graphite irons, particularly in America.
and also by the rate of cooling from liquid to solid state, a
fully pearIitic structure generally giving the best tensile and Nodular or spheroidal graphite cast irons. These cover a
transverse properties of the unalloyed grey cast irons. The range of cast irons in which the graphite present is in spheroi-
ferritic grades have slightly better ductility. dal form instead of the flake in ordinary cast iron. The
change can be caused by various treatments (usually
White cast irons. These contain no free carbon as graphite in
patented) of molten cast iron in the ladle prior to pouring.
the 'as cast' condition and are therefore very hard and brittle
This controls the manner in which the carbon forms during
with limited use. When alloyed with nickel, chromium or
solidification. The brittleness of normal grey cast iron is
molybdenum a tough, hard abrasion resistant iron is
partly due to the edges of the graphite flakes forming easy
cleavage paths, thus giving areas of weakness. When the
Whiteheart malleable cast iron. In the Whiteheart process graphite is in the nodular form, this weakness is eliminated
20B IRON - CAST . 185
and a material is obtained of greater strength plus ductility. purposes is highly undesirable. It does aid the fluidity of the
There can also be a dramatic improvement in impact molten metal however. Phosphorus is present in most pig
strength. The structure of nodular iron can be pearlitic or irons and remains as a residual element unless special fluxing
ferritic or combinations of both. The pearlitic type as cast has techniques are used for its removal.
high strength with relatively low elongation but can be heat Depending on the matrix of the cast iron involved this can
treated to produce a ferritic type with somewhat lower have its properties improved in a similar manner to steel by
strength but much greater elongation. Under certain condi- heat treatment. It is strongly advised, however, that no
tions the ferritic type can be produced 'as cast' but this is not attempt is made to have any heat treatment carried out on
usual. any cast iron without the advice of a competent metallurgist
Acicular cast irons. The term 'acicular' means 'needle-like' who is knowledgeable in the problems which can be involved
and describes the ferritic structure which forms in grey cast with cast iron.
It is extremely easy, by the misuse of heat treatment or
iron during the change from austenite into pearlite and gra-
phite on cooling. This can only be produced on unalloyed carrying out heat treatment without knowing exactly the
iron by quenching from between 480 and 260 °C. This is composition of the material being heat treated, to produce a
glass-like component. This can have disastrous results in
impracticable with castings made in sand and it is necessary
to retard the rate of transformation by the addition of alloy-
It is also possible to take a material with a reasonable
ing elements such as nickel and molybdenum.
mechanical strength and reduce this mechanical strength but
Tensile strengths in the range 380-540 N/mm 2 are obtained
from acicular iron with flake graphite. By over-alloying and improve the ductility and impact strength; however, this also
tempering, tensile strength of 630 N/mm 2 can be obtained. could result in failure in service.
Impact resistance of acicular iron is about twice that of high Surface hardening of cast iron can be accomplished but
duty iron with a pearlite matrix and resistance to wear is also this again requires skilled advice and very tight controls. This
better owing to higher initial hardness and the fact that can be achieved either by flame hardening which is difficult
acicular irons have work hardening properties. to control, or by induction hardening which can be scientif-
Most cast irons are covered by the preceding types. The ically controlled. This can produce a component with a very
properties of each are dependent on various elements, some hard glass-like surface, for example, on a lathe bed with the
of which are normally present because of their presence in underlying material having the properties of cast iron.
It must be appreciated that the underlying materials will
the pig iron used to produce the metal. Other alloying ele-
ments may be added to produce specific results. Briefly the themselves be brittle and therefore considerable care is
effects of these elements are as follows. required.
There are a limited number of techniques where welding
Silicon. This is a graphite former, helping to convert the iron can be carried out but this requires very specialist equip-
carbide-cementite in white cast iron to graphite or aiding the ment, high skills and highly controlled conditions.
formation of ferrite in grey cast iron. It also helps the fluidity Much of the welding carried out on cast iron is in fact a
at casting and very few irons are produced with less than 2% form of brazing. Provided the temperature of about 700°C is
silicon. Irons with up to 5% silicon generally with nickel and not exceeded then a join can be satisfactorily obtained with
chromium have good oxidation resistance, while higher sil- cast iron. There are many welding rods which are in fact
icon irons - 15-20% - although brittle and virtually un- brazing rods and with the correct flux high quality joins can
machinably hard, have excellent resistance to sulphuric and be achieved. Again, however, it must be appreciated that the
nitric acids of all concentrations and temperatures. temperature of approximately 700°C maximum should
never be exceeded without the considerable danger that a
Chromium. This is a carbide former and thus tends to reduce
very brittle structure is produced.
the amount of graphite present. The carbides formed are
very hard and brittle, increasing the hardness and harden- Brazing with copper alloys is commonly carried out and
ability of cast iron. Chromium also forms an adherent oxide again it must be appreciated that a maximum temperature of
film and when present above about 5% has an appreciable 700-750 °C is all that is permitted to prevent the formation of
effect on the corrosion resistance. a very hard brittle heat affected zone. Pre-heating is
As with steel, 18% chromium when present with 8% generally necessary with most high quality brazes.
nickel gives an austenite structure which has excellent corro- Cast irons in the 'as cast' state have an excellent corrosion
sion resistance. Cast irons never have a truly single phase resistance. The oxide produced at casting is adherent and is
structure owing to their high carbon content; thus these almost non-corrosive. Once this is machined however, cast
austenitic irons are not stainless in the sense that applies to iron will have a corrosion resistance typical of that of mild
18/8 austenitic steels. steel.
The austenitic cast irons have better corrosion resistance
Nickel. This is a ferrite strengthener which encourages the but this is not comparable to those of austenitic stainless
formation of graphite and more than any other single ele- steel.
ment improves the toughness of cast irons. As stated above, Uses of cast iron can be divided into their types.
when present in sufficient quantity with chromium, austen- Grey cast iron is a general purpose material. It is used for
itic corrosion resistant irons are formed. drain pipes, machine tool castings and low load components
Molybdenum. This is a carbide former which considerably such as brackets where strength is not important. A limited
increases the hardenability of cast iron. All hardenable irons number of gears and shafts are made in this material because
with any appreciable sectional thickness will have some of the excellent surface lubrication given by the graphite.
molybdenum present, generally with nickel to improve the These gears and shafts, however, will not withstand impact
ductility. or high mechanical loads.
Grey cast iron has an almost unique property in that it will
Phosphorus. This forms a hard brittle phase which for most damp vibrations. The graphite has the ability to absorb
186 20B IRON - CAST
mechanical vibrations and grey cast iron is therefore a silent increasing use in engineering. They are used for crankshafts,
material. It has this property along with certain magnesium camshafts and many other rotating parts. They are used for
castings and is used on machine tools, etc., very often for this high duty gears where the strength of the tooth is essential
reason. rather than the self-lubricating properties. They are compet-
ing with carburized steel components under many
Malleable cast iron is still used to a limited extent where high
production small, almost minute, components can be cast in
grey iron and with a relatively simple heat treatment can be Austenitic cast irons are used for marine purposes, pump
transformed into a ductile material. These components will bodies, general engineering where corrosio\!l is present.
generally have an intricate shape which would be expensive They are finding increasing use in the petro-chemical indus-
to machine. try where complicated shapes can be manufactured in a
casting much more economically than in austenitic stainless
White cast iron is an extremely brittle material and is used for
steel which then requires to be machined.
wear resistant parts such as on dredger buckets, excavator
It must, however, be appreciated that the corrosion resis-
grabs, crusher jaws, etc. It must invariably be supported with
tance of austenitic cast iron will never be comparable to that
a more ductile material, generally a steel.
of austenitic steel such as Type 316.
Nodular or spheroidal graphite cast irons are finding an ever
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier. condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and rema'ks.
0707 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitidferritic structure; AMS 5331 0.42% C 0.8% Cr 1.8% Ni 0.35% Mo: Sand cast iron
designation used by Danish Standards AMS 5333 0.15% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Ni 0.2% Mo: Investment cast
DPN: 230 UTS: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 350 iron
0708 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure; AMS5334A 0.3% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Ni 0.2% Mo: Investment cast
designation used by Danish Standards iron
DPN: 265 UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400 AMS 5335A 0.3% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Ni 0.2% Mo: Sand cast iron
0715 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic matrix; AMS 5336 0.3% C 0.95% Cr 0.2% Mo: Investment cast iron
designation used by Danish Standards AMS 5338 0.4% C 0.95% Cr 0.2% Mo: Investment cast iron
DPN: 165 VTS: 400 Elon: 17% Proof: 250 ASTMA43 Pig iron for foundry use; various grades by analysis
0716 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic matrix; ASTMA47 Malleable cast iron: Composition not specified
designation used by Danish Standards VTS: 370 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
DPN: 165 VTS: 400 Elon: 17% Proof: 250 ASTMA48 Grey iron castings: Suffix number indicates tensile
0727 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitidferritic structure; strength in p.s.i. x 1000
designation used by Danish Standards ASTM A53 Spheroidal cast iron with ferritic matrix
DPN: 205 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310 Trr 60/40/18 DPN: 160 UTS: 36 Elon: 17% Proof: 22
38(l-17 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard ASTMA53 Spheroidal cast iron with mainly ferritic matrix
4O(l-12 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard Trr 65/45/12 DPN: 170 UTS: 40 Elon: 12% Proof: 27
45(l-5 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard ASTMA53 Spheroidal cast iron with ferritic/pearlitic matrix
50(l-2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard Trr 80/55/06 VTS: 48 Elon: 7% Proof: 33
6O(l-2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard ASTMA53 Spheroidal cast iron with pearlitic structure
70(l-2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard Trr 100nO/03 VTS: 65 Elon: 2% Proof: 42
SO(l-2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard ASTM A53 Spheroidal cast iron with pearIitic matrix
900-2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Bulgaria Standard Trr 120190/02 VTS: 72 Elon: 2% Proof: 45
A 32/101 General standard for flake cast iron: Grey; French ASTMAI26A Grey cast iron: Min tensile 145 N/mm'
Standard; see designation for details ASTMAI26B Grey cast iron: Min tensile 215 N/mm'
A 32/101 HOD Fine ground flake graphite cast iron: French Standard ASTMAI59 Grey cast iron: For automotive use; graded in same
DPN: 250 VTS: 400 manner as SAE alloys
A 32/201 General standard for nodular graphite cast iron: French ASTMAI97 Malleable iron: Free of primary graphite
Standard; see designation for details VTS: 280 Elon: 5% Proof: 200
AMS 5310 B Pearlitic malleable cast iron: Hardened and tempered ASTMA220 Malleable pearlitic cast iron: Graded in same manner as
AMS 5315 Nodular ductile cast iron SAE alloys
VTS: 420 ASTMA276 Grey iron castings: For temperatures up to 300 ·C;
AMS 5316 Nodular ductile cast iron classified by tensile properties
VTS: 580 ASTMA278 Grey cast iron: Graded by strength
AMS 5328 0.3% C 0.8% Cr 1.8% Ni 0.35% Mo: Investment cast ASTMA319/1 4.1 % C grey cast iron
iron ASTM A319/11 3.8% C grey cast iron
AMS 5329 0.3% C 0.8% Cr 1.8% Ni 0.35% Mo: Sand cast iron ASTM A319/111 3.5% C grey cast iron
AMS 5330 0.42% C 0.8% Cr 1.8% Ni 0.35% Mo: Investment cast ASTM A398 Welding rods for cast iron: Classified according to
iron analysis; ASTM system
ASTMA436/1 3.0% C (max) 15% Ni 6.5% Cu 2.2% Cr cast iron:
Austenitic grey
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
ASTM A436/1b 3.0% C (max) 15% Ni 6.5% Cu 3.0% Cr cast iron:
Austenitic grey
DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number ASTM A436/2 3.0% C (max) 20% Ni 32.2% Cr cast iron: Austenitic
VTS Ultimate tensile strength. N/mm' grey
Elon Elongation. % ASTM A436/2b 3.0% C 20% Ni 4.5% Cr cast iron: Austenitic grey
Proof 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm' ASTM A436/3 2.6% C (max) 30% Ni 3.0% Cr cast iron: Austenitic
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04lbf/in.'= I MPa
ASTM A436/4 2.6% C (max) 5.5% Si 30.5% Ni 5.0% Cr cast iron:
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Austenitic grey
ASTM A436/5 2.4% C (max) 35% Ni cast iron: Austenitic grey
20B IRON - CAST . 187
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A43616 3.0% C (max) 20% Ni 4.5% Cu 1.5% Cr cast iron: ASTM A602 M7002 Spheroidal graphite malleable iron: Casting; hardened
Austenitic grey and tempered
ASTMA439D2 3.0% C (max) 20% Ni 2.2% Cr iron: Casting DPN: 250 UTS: 63 EIon: 2% Proof: 50
austenitic; ductile ASTM A602 M8501 Spheroidal graphite malleable iron: Casting; hardened
ASTM A439 D2B 3.0% C (max) 20% Ni 3.3% Cr iron: Casting and tempered
austenitic; ductile DPN: 28S UTS: 74 EIon: 1% Proof: 60
ASTM A439 D2C 2.9% C (max) 22.5% Ni iron: Casting austenitic; ASTMA667 Specification covering dual metal grey and white cast
ductile iron cylinder
ASTMA439D3 2.6% C (max) 30% Ni 3.0% Cr iron: Casting ASTMA716 Ductile iron: Pipe for culverts
austenitic; ductile UTS: 410 Elon: 10% Proof: 290
ASTM A439 D3A 2.6% C (max) 30% Ni 1.2% Cr iron: Casting ASTMA746 Spheroidal graphite (ductile) iron for sewer pipes
austenitic; ductile ASTMA746 Ductile iron for gravity sewer pipes; grade 00-42-10
ASTMA439D4 2.6% C (max) 30% Ni 5.0% Cr iron: Casting UTS: 415 Elon: 10% Proof: 290
austenitic; ductile ASTMA748 Chilled white-grey cast iron for rolls: These rolls have a
ASTM A439 D5 2.4% C (max) 35% Ni iron: Casting austenitic; ductile chilled surface; grey core
ASTM A439 D5B 2.4% C (max) 35% Ni 2.5% Cr iron: Casting ASTM A823 ACA Hake graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix
austenitic; ductile DPN: 175 UTS: 207
ASTMA445 3.0% C (max) 2.5% Si 0.08% P cast iron: Ferritic; ASTM A823 ACB Hake graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix
ductile DPN: 175 UTS: 175
ASTMA447 0.2% C 12% Ni 25.5% Cr iron: Casting for high ASTM A823 ACC Hake graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix
temperature use DPN: 175 UTS: 140
ASTMA448 0.55% C 35% Ni 15.5% Cr iron: Casting for high ASTM A823 ASA Hake graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix
temperature use; previously ASTM B207 DPN: 180 UTS: 205
ASTMA476 3.0% C (min) 3.0% Si 0.08% P 0.05% S cast iron: ASTM A823 ASB Hake graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix
Ductile DPN: 180 UTS: 175
ASTMA518 0.9% C 14.5% Si cast iron: Corrosion resistant ASTM A823 ASC Hake graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix
ASTMA53211 3% C (total) 4% Ni 1.5% Cr white cast iron: Abrasion DPN: 180 UTS: 138
resistant; three grades varying slightly in analysis ASTM A823 ASS Hake graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix
ASTM A532(ID) 8.5% Cr 5.5% Ni white cast iron DPN: 170 UTS: 124
ASTM A53211l 3% C (total) 16% Cr 3% Mo white cast iron: Abrasion ASTM A823 N-CA Hake graphite cast iron: 15% Pearlite
resistant; two grades varying slightly in analysis DPN: 200 UTS: 205
ASTM A532(IlA) 12% Cr 0.75% Mo white cast iron ASTM A823 N-CB Hake graphite cast iron: 15% Pearlite at centre
ASTM A532(IlB) 16% Cr 2% Mo white cast iron DPN: 200 UTS: 170
ASTM A532(1lC) 16% Cr 3% Mo white cast iron ASTM A823 N-CC Hake graphite cast iron: 40% Pearlite/ferritic matrix
ASTM A532(IID) 20.5% Cr white cast iron DPN: 200 UTS: 140
ASTM A532(IIE) 20.5% Cr 1.5% Mo white cast iron ASTM A823 N-SA Hake graphite cast iron: 20% Pearlite
ASTM A5321111 2.8% C (total) 26% C white cast iron: Abrasion DPN: 195 UTS: 20S
resistant; two grades varying slightly in analysis ASTM A823 N-SB Hake graphite cast iron: 20% Pearlite
ASTM A532(IIIA) 25.5% Cr white cast iron DPN: 195 UTS: 175
ASTM A536 60/40/18 Nodular graphite cast iron ASTM A823 N-SC Hake graphite cast iron: 50% Pearlite at centre
UTS: 414 Elon: 18% Proof: 276 DPN: 195 UTS: 140
ASTM A536 65/45/12 Nodular graphite cast iron ASTM A823 N-SS Hake graphite cast iron: 50% Pearlite at centre
UTS: 450 Elon: 12% Proof: 310 DPN: 170 VTS: 125
ASTM A536 80/55/06 Nodular graphite cast iron AWS A5-15(RCI) 3.3% C 2.8% Si 0.5% P Fe: Welding rod
UTS: 550 Elon: 6% Proof: 380 AWS A5-15(RCI·A) 3.3% C 0.3% Ni 2.2% Si 0.3% P Fe: Welding rod
ASTM A536 80/60/03 Nodular graphite cast iron AWS A5-15(RCI'B) 3.5% C 3.5% Si 0.5% Mg Fe: Welding rod
UTS: 550 Elon: 3% Proof: 410 BS 309 W2214 Whiteheart malleable cast iron
ASTMA536 Nodular graphite cast iron VTS: 300 Elon: 4%
lOOnO/03 UTS: 690 Elon: 3% Proof: 480 BS 309 W24/8 Whiteheart malleable cast iron
ASTMA536 Nodular graphite cast iron VTS: 360 Elon: 8%
120/90/02 VTS: 825 Elon: 2% Proof: 620 BS 310 BI8/6 Malleable Blackheart iron: Casting
ASTM A567 HH90 0.9% C 26% Cr 12.5% Ni Fe alloy: Casting UTS: 270 Elon: 6% Proof: 170
ASTM A567 HI50C 0.5% C 28% Cr 16% Ni 1.0% Nb + Ta 0.1 % Fe alloy: BS 310 B20/10 Malleable Blackheart iron: Casting
Casting UTS: 300 Elon: 10% Proof: 80
ASTM A567 HT50C 0.5% C 14% Cr 35% Ni 1.0% Nb + Ta Fe alloy: BS 310 B22114 Malleable Blackheart iron: Casting
Casting VTS: 330 Elon: 14% Proof: 200
ASTMA571 2.5% C 2.0% Si 4.2% Mn 23% Ni Fe alloy: Casting; BS321 A Grey cast iron: General purpose; as cast
ductile iron UTS: 320
ASTM A602 M3210 Spheroidal graphite malleable iron: Casting; annealed BS 321 C Grey cast iron: General purpose; as cast
DPN: 156 UTS: 35 Elon: 10% Proof: 22 UTS: 140
ASTM A602 M4504 Spheroidal graphite malleable iron: Casting; hardened BS 821 (High) Iron castings: For gears and gear blanks; as cast
and tempered DPN: 220 UTS: 300
DPN: 185 UTS: 45 Elon: 4% Proof: 32 BS 821 (Medium) Iron castings: For gears and gear blanks; stress relieved
ASTM A602 M5003 Spheroidal graphite malleable iron: Casting; hardened DPN: 200 UTS: 220
and tempered BS 821 (Ordinary) Iron castings: For gears and gear blanks; as cast
DPN: 210 UTS: 53 Elon: 3% Proof: 38 DPN: 160 UTS: 170
ASTM A602 M5503 Spheroidal graphite malleable iron: Casting; hardened BS 1452110 Grey iron castings
and tempered DPN: 200 UTS: 156
DPN: 210 UTS: 53 Elon: 3% Proof: 39 BS 1452112 Grey iron castings
DPN: 200 UTS: 180
188 20B IRON - CAST
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1452114 Grey iron castings BS 3468 AUS202 B3% C 2.5% Si 3% Cr 20% Ni cast iron: Austenitic
DPN: 200 ms: 210 structure with spheroidized graphite
BS 1452117 Grey iron castings DPN: 255 ms: 360 Elon: 6% Proof: 220
DPN: 210 ms: 240 BS 3468 AUS203 3% C 2.5% Si 0.5% Cr 22% Ni cast iron: Austenitic
BS 1452120 Grey iron castings structure with spheroidized graphite; good impact
DPN: 210 ms: 300 strength
BS 1452123 Grey iron castings DPN: 170 ms: 360 Elon: 20% Proof: 220
DPN: 210 ms: 340 BS 3468 AUS204 3% C 5% Si 2% Cr 20% Ni cast iron: Austenitic
BS 1452126 Grey iron castings structure; spheroidized graphite
DPN: 260 ms: 390 DPN: 230 ms: 360 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
BS 1453 BI 3.3% C 3.2% Si 1.5% P (max) low S: Weld filler rod; BS 3468 AUS205 2.5% C 2.0% Si 3% Cr 30% Ni cast iron: Austenitic
for welding cast iron structure; spheroidized graphite
BS 1453 B2 3.3% C 2.2% Si 1.5% Plow S: Weld filler rod; for DPN: 201 ms: 360 Elon: 7% Proof: 220
welding cast iron; harder deposit than BI BS 5001 3.5% C 1.8% Si 1.0% Mn 1.0% P 0.12% S cast iron:
BS 1453 B3 3.2% C 2.2% Si 1.5% Ni: Weld filler rod; for welding Piston rings
Ni bearing and high strength cast irons ms: 240
BS 1591 0.8% C 15% Si 1.0% Mn 1.0% P 0.1 % S cast iron: BS 5022 Malleable iron: Castings for automobiles; withdrawn
Annealed; for acid resistant purposes BS 5024 Cast iron: For air cooled and jacketed cylinders for
BS 2789/1 Cast iron: Replaced by BS alloys SNG 32/2 and SNG automobiles; withdrawn
32n BS 5025 Cast iron: For sand cast pistons and valve guides for
BS 27892 A Cast iron: Replaced by BS alloy SNG 27/12 automobiles; withdrawn
BS 2789/2 B Cast iron: Replaced by BS alloy SNG 24/17 BS 5026 Cast iron: For flywheels for automobiles; withdrawn
BS 2789 SNG24/17 Spheroidal cast iron: With ferritic matrix BSK6 3.5% C (max) 1.8% Si 0.12% S 1.0% P cast iron:
DPN: 160 ms: 360 Elon: 17% Proof: 220 Combined carbon 0.7%; for piston rings
BS 2789 SNG27/12 Spheroidal cast iron: With mainly ferritic matrix BS K11 3.5% C 2.0% Si 1.0% Mn 0.12% S 1.0% P cast iron:
DPN: 170 VTS: 400 Elon: 12% Proof: 270 Combined carbon 0.7%
BS 2789 SNG32n Spheroidal cast iron: With ferritic/pearlitic matrix ms: 200
VTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 330 CI MATCH COMP 2.5% C 0.5% Mn 4% Si Fe alloy electrode: Metrode;
BS 2789 SNG3712 Spheroidal cast iron: With pearlitic matrix FeC for welding cast iron
VTS: 560 Elon: 2% Proof: 370 CIMATCH 2% C 2% Cr 2% Si 20% Ni Fe alloy electrode:
BS 2789 SNG42/2 Spheroidal cast iron: With pearlitic structure Sg20 Ni Metrode; for welding cast iron
VTS: 650 Elon: 2% Proof: 420 CAUSAL METAL Austenitic grey cast iron: Corrosion resistance
BS 2789 SNG4712 Spheroidal cast iron: With pearlitic matrix comparable to nickel; origin unknown
ms: 720 Elon: 2% Proof: 450 CB Cast iron: For chemical corrosion resistance;
BS 3333 P28/6 Pearlitic malleable cast iron Meehanite; as cast for salt water and acid resistance
ms: 420 Elon: 6% Proof: 270 DPN: 190 UTS: 300
BS 3333 P33/4 Pearlitic malleable cast iron CB3 Cast iron: For use with concentrated sulphuric acid;
ms: 500 Elon: 4% Proof: 300 Meehanite; as cast; suitable for up to 100% at 95 'C
BS 3468 AUS101 A 3% C 2% Si 2% Cr 15% Ni 6% Cu cast iron: DPN: 200 ms: 300
Austenitic structure; high expansion CC Cast iron: Excellent corrosion resistance; Meehanite; as
DPN: 212 VTS: 140 Elon: 2% cast for salt water resistance, etc.
BS 3468 AUS101 B 3% C 2% Si 3% Cr 15% Ni 6% Cu cast iron: DPN: 190 ms: 300
Austenitic structure; high expansion CRI Aake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
DPN: 248 VTS: 180 CR2 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
BS 3468 AUS102 A 3% C 2% Si 2% Cr 20% Ni cast iron: Austenitic CR3 Aake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
structure; high expansion CR4 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
DPN: 212 ms: 140 Elon: 2% CR5 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
BS 3468 AUS102 B 3% C 2% Si 3% Cr 20% Ni cast iron: Austenitic CR6 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
structure; high expansion CR7 Aake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
DPN: 248 VTS: 180 CR8 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
BS 3468 AUSI04 2% C 5% Si 3.5% Cr 10% Ni cast iron: Austenitic CR9 Aake graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
structure; for heat resistance CRS Austenitic nodular graphite cast iron: Corrosion
DPN: 248 ms: 180 Elon: 2% resistance; Meehanite
BS 3468 AUS105 2.5% C 1.5% Si 3% Cr 30% Ni cast iron: Austenitic DPN: 250 VTS: 380 Elon: 20%
structure; corrosion resistance CRSI Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
DPN: 212 ms: 170 CRS2 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
BS 3468 AUS202 A 3% C 2.5% Si 2% Cr 20% Ni cast iron: Austenitic CRS3 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
structure with spheroidized graphite CRS4 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
DPN: 201 VTS: 360 Elon: 8% Proof: 220 CRS5 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
CRS6 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
CRS7 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
CRS8 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
CRS9 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number CRS 10 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
ms Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 CRS 11 Nodular graphite austenitic cast iron: Meehanite
Eion Elongation, % D 14.5% Si Fe casting: Duriron Co.; symbol for Duriron
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 D51 14.5% Si 4.5% Cr Fe casting: Duriron Co.; symbol for
Durichlor 51
I N/mm2 =O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04 ibf/in. 2=1 MPa
D4018 Ductile SG cast iron: Ferritic matrix; SAE J434
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 170
20B IRON - CAST 189
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
D4512 Ductile SG cast iron: Ferritic pearlitic matrix; SAE FCI5 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
J434 by Portuguese Standards
DPN: 185 DPN: 170 UTS: ISO
D5506 Ductile SG cast iron: Ferritic pearlitic matrix; SAE FCI5 GRADE 2 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by
J434 Japanese Standards
DPN: 220 UTS: 150
D7oo3 Ductile SG cast iron: Pearlitic matrix; SAE J434 FC20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN: 270 by Portuguese Standards
DIN 1691 General standard for flake cast iron: Grey; German DPN: 195 UTS: 225
Standard; see designation for details FC20 GRADE 3 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by
DIN 1691 GG40 Fine ground flake graphite cast iron: German Standard Japanese Standards
DPN: 250 VTS: 400 UTS: 200
DIN 1693 General standard for nodular cast iron: German FC25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
Standard; see designation for details by Portuguese Standards
DIN 1693 GGG38 Spheroidal cast iron with ferritic matrix DPN: 200 VTS: 250
DPN: 160 VTS: 360 Elon: 17% Proof: 220 FC25 GRADE 4 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by
DIN 1693 GGG42 Spheroidal cast iron with mainly ferritic matrix Japanese Standards
DPN: 170 VTS: 400 Elon: 12% Proof: 270 UTS: 250
DIN 1693 GGG45 Spheroidal cast iron with ferriticlpearlitic matrix FC30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
UTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 330 by Portuguese Standards
DIN 1693 GGG50 Spheroidal cast iron with ferriticlpearlitic matrix DPN: 210 VTS: 300
VTS: 480 Elon: 7% Proof: 330 FC 30 GRADE 5 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by
DIN 1693 GGG60 Spheroidal cast iron with pearIitic matrix Japanese Standards
UTS: 560 Elon: 2% Proof: 370 UTS: 300
DIN 1693 GGG70 Spheroidal cast iron with pearlitic matrix FC35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
UTS: 270 Elon: 2% Proof: 450 by Portuguese Standards
DQ&T Ductile SG cast iron: Quenched and tempered; DPN: 220 VTS: 3SO
martensitic matrix; SAE J434 FC35 GRADE 6 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by
DRICO 3.2% C 1.5% Si cast iron: Origin unknown Japanese Standards
DS 11/301 General standard for flake cast iron: Grey; Danish VTS: 350
Standard; see designation for details FC40 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DS 11/301 GG40 Fine ground flake graphite cast iron: Danish Standard by Portuguese Standards
DPN: 250 VTS: 400 DPN: 250 UTS: 400
DS 11/303 General Standard for nodular graphite cast iron: FC 150 Fine grained flake cast iron: Romania Standard
Danish Standard; see designation for details FC200 Fine grained flake cast iron: Romania Standard
DTD233 A 3.5% C total 0.7% C combined 2% Si 0.5% Cr 0.7% FC250 Fine grained flake cast iron: Romania Standard
Mo cast iron: For piston rings; centri-cast pots FC275 Compacted graphite cast iron: Meehanite; for high
DPN: 275 temperature use
DTD413 3.4% C total 0.7% C combined 2% Si 1% Mo cast DPN: 150 UTS: 275 Elon: 2% Proof: 220
iron: For piston rings FC300 Fine grained flake cast iron: Romania Standard
DTD462 1.7% C total 30% Cr 1.5% Si 1% Mn cast iron: FC350 Fine grained flake cast iron: Romania Standard
Centri-cast; for piston rings; annealed FC400 Fine grained flake cast iron: Romania Standard
DPN: 300 FCD40 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Japanese Standard
DTD485 A 2.9% C total 2% C combined 1% Cr 0.9% Mn 8% Mo FCD45 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Japanese Standard
cast iron: Centri-cast; for piston rings; annealed FCD50 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Japanese Standard
DPN: 280 FCD60 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Japanese Standard
DTD614 1.8% C total 1.8% Si 16% Cr 0.1 % Sand P cast iron FCD70 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Japanese Standard
DPN: 300 FE 15 Si 0.8% C 15% Si Fe alloy electrode: Metrode for welding
DTD719 1.7% C total 14% Cr 0.4% Mo cast iron: Centri-cast; cast iron
for rings and liners; annealed FG 10 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DURATLASGM 3.3% C 0.5% Si 0.5% Mn 2% Cr 4.8% Ni 0.5% Mo by Spanish Standards
cast iron: Firth Brown DPN: 170 UTS: 150
DPN: 500 FG 15 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DURICHLOR 51 0.9% C 14.5% Si 4.5% Mn iron alloy: Duriron Co.; by Spanish Standards
excellent corrosion resistance DPN: 170 VTS: ISO
DURIRON 0.9% C 1.5% Mn 14.5% Si iron alloy: Duriron Co.; FG 15D Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
excellent corrosion resistance by French Standards
ELVERITECG 2.5% Cr 4% Ni 1% Mo white cast iron: Origin DPN: 170 VTS: 150
unknown; see ASTM A 532-1 FG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
ELVER1TEK 2.5% Cr 4% Ni 1% Mo white cast iron: Origin by Spanish Standards
unknown; see ASTM A 532-1 DPN: 195 VTS: 225
ELVERITE I 9% Cr6% Ni 1% Mo white cast iron: Origin unknown; FG 20D Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
see ASTM A 532-1 by French Standards
F30000 UNS for ductile cast iron: Heat treated; classified by DPN: 190 VTS: 200
hardness FG20D Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
F47001 2.2% Cr 6% Cu 15% Ni cast iron; UNS designation by French Standards
F 47002 2.2% Cr 20% Cu 15% Ni cast iron; UNS designation DPN: 195 VTS: 225
FC 10 GRADE 1 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by FG 25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
Japanese Standards by Spanish Standards
VTS: 150 DPN: 200 VTS: 250
190 20B IRON - CAST
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
FG25D Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used FGG25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
by French Standards by Belgian Standard
DPN: 205 UTS: 275 DPN: 205 UTS: 275
FG30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used FGGJO Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
by Spanish Standards by Belgian Standard
DPN: 210 UTS: 300 DPN: 210 UTS: 300
FG30D Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used FGG35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
by French Standards by Belgian Standard
DPN: 210 UTS: 300 DPN: 220 UTS: 3SO
FG35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used FGG40 Fine grained cast iron: Belgian Standard
by Spanish Standards FGN70.3 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Romanian Standard
DPN: 220 UTS: 350 FGS 38.15 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic matrix;
FG35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used designation used by French Standard
by Spanish Standards DPN: 165 UTS: 400 Elon: 17% Proof: 250
DPN: 250 UTS: 400 FGS 42.12 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic matrix;
FG35D Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used designation used by French Standard
by French Standards DPN: 200 UTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 2SO
DPN: 220 UTS: 3SO FGS 50.7 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
FG40D Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: French Standard designation used by French Standard
DPN: 250 UTS: 400 DPN: 205 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310
FGE 38.17 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic structure; FGS 60.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
designation used by Spanish Standard designation used by French Standard
DPN: 180 UTS: 380 Elon: 17% Proof: 230 DPN: 230 UTS: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 3SO
FGE42.12 Nodular graphite cast iron: Ferritic structure; FGS 70.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
designation used by Spanish Standard designation used by French Standard
DPN: 200 UTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 250 DPN: 265 UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400
FGE50.7 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure; FGS 370.17 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: French Standard
designation used by Spanish Standard FGS 400.12 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: French Standard
DPN: 205 UTS: SOO Elon: 7% Proof: 310 FGS 500.7 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: French Standard
FGE60.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure; FGS600.3 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: French Standard
designation used by Spanish Standard FGS 700.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: French Standard
DPN: 235 UTS: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 350 FGS 800.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: French Standard
FGE 70.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure; FNG 1 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
designation used by Spanish Standard designation used by Belgian Standard
DPN: 265 UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400 DPN: 205 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310
FGE80.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure; FNG 38.17 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic matrix;
designation used by Spanish Standard designation used by Belgian Standard
DPN: 300 UTS: 800 Elon: 2% Proof: 460 DPN: 165 UTS: 400 Elon: 17% Proof: 2SO
FGE 370.17 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Portuguese Standard FNG42.12 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic matrix;
FGE4oo.12 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Portuguese Standard designation used by Belgian Standard
FGE 500.7 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Portuguese Standard DPN: 200 UTS: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 250
FGE600.3 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Portuguese Standard FNG 50.7 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
FGE 700.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Portuguese Standard designation used by Belgian Standard
FGE 800.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Portuguese Standard DPN: 205 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310
FGG Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Belgian Standard FNG 60.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
DPN: 250 UTS: 400 designation used by Belgian Standard
FGG 10 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used DPN: 230 UTS: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 350
by Belgian Standard FNG 70.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
FGG15 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used designation used by Belgian Standard
by Belgian Standard DPN: 265 UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400
DPN: 170 UTS: 150 FNG 80.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
FGG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used designation used by Belgian Standard
by Belgian Standard DPN: 300 UTS: 800 Elon: 2% Proof: 460
DPN: 190 UTS: 200 FT15D Fine grained flake cast iron: French Standard
FGG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used FT20D Fine grained flake cast iron: French Standard
by Belgian Standard FT25 D Fine grained flake cast iron: French Standard
DPN: 195 UTS: 225 FT30D Fine grained flake cast iron: French Standard
FT35D Fine grained flake cast iron: French Standard
FT40D Fine grained flake cast iron: French Standard
GIO Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
by Italian Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
G 15 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
by Italian Standard
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Eion Elongation, %
G 20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
by Italian Standard
DPN: 195 UTS: 225
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04 ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa
G25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. by Italian Standard
DPN: 200 UTS: 2SO
20B IRON - CAST 191
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks,
G 30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used GG 15 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
by Italian Standard by German Standards
DPN: 210 UTS: 300 DPN: 170 UTS: ISO
G 35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used GG 15 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
by Italian Standard by Dutch Standards
DPN: 250 UTS: 400 DPN: 170 UTS: 150
GI800 Flake graphite grey cast iron: SAE designation in J 859 GG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN: 190 UTS: 124 by Danish Standards
G2000 Grey cast iron: SAE designation.; .as cast; formerly SAE DPN: 190 UTS: 200
110 GG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN: 187 UTS: 120 by German Standards
G 2500 Flake graphite grey cast iron: SAE designation in J 859 DPN: 190 UTS: 200
DPN: 200 UTS: 173 GG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
G3000 3.4% total C 2% Si grey cast iron: SAE designation; as by Austrian Standards
cast; formerly SAE III DPN: 195 UTS: 225
DPN: 200 UTS: 200 GG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
G 3500 3.5% total C 1.5% Si grey cast iron: SAE designation; by Danish Standards
as cast; formerly SAE 120 DPN: 195 UTS: 225
DPN: 210 UTS: 220 GG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
G4000 3.4% total C 1.5% Si grey cast iron: SAE designation; by German Standards
as cast; formerly SAE 121 DPN: 195 UTS: 225
DPN: 230 UTS: 270 GG20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
G 4500 Grey cast iron: SAE designation; as cast; formerly SAE by Dutch Standards
122 DPN: 195 UTS: 225
DPN: 235 UTS: 300 GG25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GA Cast iron: Can be hardened and tempered; Meehanite; by Austrian Standards
as cast DPN: 205 UTS: 275
DPN: 220 UTS: 330 GG25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GA 350 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Meehanite; by Danish Standards
previously grade GA DPN: 205 UTS: 275
DPN: 220 UTS: 3SO GG25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GB Cast iron: Meehanite; as cast by Dutch Standards
DPN: 210 UTS: 300 DPN: 205 UTS: 275
GB300 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Meehanite; GG25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
previously grade GB by German Standards
DPN: 210 UTS: 300 DPN: 205 UTS: 275
GC Cast iron: Meehanite; as cast GG30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN: 195 UTS: 270 by Dutch Standards
GC275 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Previously grade DPN: 210 UTS: 300
GC GG30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN: 205 UTS: 275 by German Standards
GD Cast iron: Meehanite; as cast DPN: 210 UTS: 300
DPN: 185 UTS: 240 GG30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GD250 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Previously grade by Austrian Standards
GD DPN: 210 UTS: 300
DPN: 200 UTS: 250 GG30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GE Cast iron: Meehanite; as cast by Danish Standards
DPN: 170 UTS: 200 DPN: 210 UTS: 300
GE200 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Meehanite; GG35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
previously grade GE by Dutch Standards
DPN: 190 UTS: 200 DPN: 220 UTS: 3SO
GE 225 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Meehanite; GG35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
previously grade GE by Austrian Standards
DPN: 195 UTS: 225 DPN: 220 UTS: 3SO
GF Whiteheart cast iron: Britannia; spheroidized GG35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
UTS: 480 Elon: 10% Proof: 300 by Danish Standards
GF 150 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Meehanite DPN: 220 UTS: 3SO
DPN: 170 UTS: ISO GG35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GG 10 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used by German Standards
by Austrian Standards DPN: 220 UTS: 3SO
GGIO Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used GG40 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Danish Standard
by Danish Standards DPN: 2SO UTS: 400
GGIO Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used GGFt 15 Fine grain flake graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard
by German Standards GG Ft 20 Fine grain flake graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard
GGI5 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used GGFt25 Fine grain flake graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard
by Austrian Standards GGFt30 Fine grain flake graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard
DPN: 170 UTS: 150 GGG 35.3 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic; designation
GGI5 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used used by German Standards
by Danish Standards DPN: 145 UTS: 3SO Elon: 24% Proof: 220
DPN: 170 UTS: ISO GGG38 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Ferritic matrix; German
192 20B IRON - CAST
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GGG40 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic graphite; GOV40 Spheroidal graphite case iron: Hungarian Standard
designation used by German Standards GOV45 Spheroidal graphite case iron: Hungarian Standard
DPN: 165 ms: 400 Elon: 17% Proof: 250 GOV50 Spheroidal graphite case iron: Hungarian Standard
GGG 40.3 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic; designation GOV60 Spheroidal graphite case iron: Hungarian Standard
used by German Standards GOV70 Spheroidal graphite case iron: Hungarian Standard
DPN: 150 UTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 250 GRAIN 21.80 0.08% C 1.3% Mn 0.4% Si Fe: Powder for welding;
GGG42 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic matrix; Esab; for submerged arc; properties of deposit varies
designation used by German Standards with flux used
GGG45 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Ferriticlpearlitic matrix; GRAIN 21.81 0.03% C 0.8% Mn 25% Ni Fe: Powder for welding;
designation used by German Standards Esab; for submerged arc; properties of deposit vary
GGG50 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure; with flux
designation used by German Standards GRP38 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic matrix;
DPN: 205 urs: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310 designation used by Finnish Standards
GGG60 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure; DPN: 165 urs: 400 Elon: 17% Proof: 250
designation used by German Standards GRP40 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic matrix;
DPN: 230 urs: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 310 designation used by Finnish Standards
GGG70 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure; DPN: 200 urs: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 250
designation used by German Standards GRP50 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
DPN: 265 urs: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400 designation used by Finnish Standards
GGG80 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure.: DPN: 205 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310
designation used by German Standards GRP60 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
DPN: 300 urs: 800 Elon: 2% Proof: 460 designation used by Finnish Standards
GGG400 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Austrian Standard DPN: 230 ms: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 350
GGG400K Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Austrian Standard GRP70 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
GGG500 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Austrian Standard designation used by Finnish Standards
GGG600 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Austrian Standard DPN: 265 UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400
GGG700 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Austrian Standard GRP340 Spheroidal graphite: Cast iron; Finnish Standard
GGGFGS38 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard GRP370 Spheroidal graphite: Cast iron; Finnish Standard
GGGFGS42 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard GRP400 Spheroidal graphite: Cast iron; Finnish Standard
GGGFGS50 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard GRP 500 Spheroidal graphite: Cast iron; Finnish Standard
GGGFGS60 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard GRP600 Spheroidal graphite: Cast iron; Finnish Standard
GGGFGS70 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swiss Standard GRP700 Spheroidal graphite: Cast iron; Finnish Standard
GGL Ni Cu Cr flake cast iron: Austenitic; German Standard GRPSOO Spheroidal graphite: Cast iron; Finnish Standard
GM Cast iron: Can be hardened and tempered; Meehanite; GRS 10 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
as cast by Finnish Standards
DPN: 230 urs: 360 GRSI5 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GM400 Fine grained grey cast iron: Meehanite; previously by Finnish Standards
grade GM DPN: 170 urs: 150
DPN: 250 urs: 400 GRS20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
GN38 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic matrix; by Finnish Standards
designation used by Dutch Standards DPN: 195 urs: 225
DPN: 165 urs: 400 Elon: 17% Proof: 250 GRS25 Fine grained flake cast iron: Finnish Standard
GN42 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic matrix; GRS30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
designation used by Dutch Standards by Finnish Standards
DPN: 200 ms: 420 Elon: 12% Proof: 250 DPN: 210 ms: 300
GN 50 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure; GRS35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
designation used by Dutch Standards by Finnish Standards
DPN: 205 ms: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310 DPN: 220 ms: 350
GN60 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure; GRS40 Fine grained flake cast iron: Finnish Standard
designation used by Dutch Standards GS 370.17 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic structure;
DPN: 230 urs: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 310 designation used by Italian Standards
GN70 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure; DPN: ISO ms: 370 Elon: 17% Proof: 230
designation used by Dutch Standards GS400.12 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic structure;
DPN: 265 UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400 designation used by Italian Standards
GOST1412 General standard for grey cast iron: Russian standard; DPN: 200 ms: 400 Elon: 12% Proof: 250
see designation for details GS 500.7 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
GOST 7293/54 Nodular graphite cast iron: Specification for Russian designation used by Italian Standards
Standard; details under designation DPN: 205 urs: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310
GOV38 Spheroidal graphite case iron: Hungarian Standard GS 600.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
designation used by Italian Standards
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
DPN: 230 ms: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 350
GS 700.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structur.",
designation used by Italian Standards
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 265 ms: 700 E'on: 2% Proof: 400
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' GS800 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
Elon Elongation, % designation used by Italian Standards
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DPN: 300 urs: 800 Elon: 2% Proof: 460
H 11-52 General standard for flake cast iron: Grey; Finnish
I N/mm':O.1 hbar:0.102 kgf/mm':0.06475 tonf/in.':145.04Ibf1in.':1 MPa
Standards; see designation for details
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. H II-52 GRS40 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Finnish Standard
DPN: 250 ms: 400
20B IRON - CAST 193
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HA Cast iron: For use up to 650 'c for burner parts, etc.; M3191 Flake graphite cast iron: Austrian Standard; covers
Meehanite; as cast various grades
DPN: 220 UTS: 330 M3191 GG35 Fine grained cast iron: Flake graphite; Austrian
HAYES Modified grey cast iron: Hayes Standard
COMPACfED UTS: 420 Elon: 3% DPN: 2SO VTS: 400
IRON M3193 General standard for nodular graphite cast iron:
HAYES Grey cast iron to BS 1452120 Hayes Austrian Standard; see designation for details
HYDRAULIC VTS: 312 Elon: 0% M3210 Malleable cast iron: Nodular iron; SAE designation in
IRON J 158
HAYES Spheroidal graphite cast iron to BS 2789 DPN: 160 VTS: 345 Elon: 10% Proof: 225
HYDRAULIC UTS: 500 Elon: 7% M4504 Malleable cast iron: Nodular iron; SAE designation in
HB Cast iron: For use up to 700 'C; abrasion resistance for DPN: 190 VTS: 4SO Elon: 4% Proof: 310
furnace equipment trays, etc.; Meehanite; as cast M5003 Malleable cast iron: Nodular iron; SAE designation in
DPN: 300 VTS: 240 J 158
HC Cast iron: For use up to 700 'C; abrasion resistance for DPN: 205 VTS: 520 Elon: 3% Proof: 345
oil refinery trays, valves, etc.; Meehanite; as cast M 5503 Malleable cast iron: Nodular iron; SAE designation in
DPN: 300 VTS: 240 J 158
HD Cast iron: For use up to 620 'C; for oil refinery DPN: 205 VTS: 520 Elon: 3% Proof: 380
equipment; Meehanite; as cast M7002 Malleable cast iron: Nodular iron; SAE designation in
DPN: 200 VTS: 220 J 158
HE Cast iron: For intermittent temperature service for DPN: 2SO UTS: 620 Elon: 2% Proof: 480
ingot moulds, etc.; Meehanite; as cast M8501 Malleable cast iron: Nodular iron; SAE designation in
DPN: 170 UTS: 210 J 158
HR Cast iron: For use up to 850 'C; abrasion resisting for DPN: 285 UTS: 725 Elon: I% Proof: 590
furnace and burner equipment; Meehanite; as cast MIL Spec 1·24137(B) 2% Cr 20% Ni cast iron
DPN: 450 VTS: 240 MIL Spec 1·24137(C) 0.5% Cr (max) 21.5% Ni cast iron
HRI Cast iron: For use up to 790 'C; abrasion resisting for MNC 706 Swedish Standard; summary of spheroidal graphite cast
oil refinery parts; Meehanite; as cast; similar to HR irons
DPN: 4SO VTS: 240 MNC 707 E Specification covering several grades of Blackheart
HS Nodular graphite cast iron: Heat resistant for use up to malleable cast iron; Swedish Standard
900 'C; Meehanite MNC 1205 General standard for flake graphite cast iron: Grey;
DPN: 200 VTS: 400 Swedish Standard; see SIS for details
HSV Modular graphite cast iron: Meehanite for high MSZ 8280 66 C 81 General standard for flake cast iron: Hungarian
temperature cast Standard; see designation for details
DPN: 240 vis: 650 Eion 2% Proof: 345 MSZ 8277 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron:
INCANITEI Cast iron: Incanite Hungarian Standard
DPN: 190 VTS: 210 N3 3% C (max) 0.85% Mn 2.2% Si 2.1 % Cr 20% Ni cast
INCANlTE2 Cast iron: Incanite iron: For furnace fittings; Wellman
DPN: 210 UTS: 300 NBN 830.01 General specification for flake cast iron: Grey; Belgian
INCANlTE3 Cast iron: Incanite for BS alloys 20 and 23 (BS 1452) Standard; see designation for details
DPN: 225 UTS: 330 NBN 830.01 FGG40 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Belgian Standard
INCANlTE4 Cast iron: Close grained; Incanite DPN: 2SO UTS: 400
DPN: 225 UTS: 300 NBN 830.02 General standard for nodular graphite cast iron:
INCANITE5 Cast iron: Incanite Belgian Standard; see designation for details
DPN: 200 UTS: 340 NEN 6002 A General standard used for flake cast iron: Grey; Dutch
INCANITE6 Cast iron: Incanite Standard; see designation for details
DPN: 225 UTS: 390 NEN 6002 D General standard for nodular graphite cast iron: Dutch
INCANITE HRA Haematite type cast iron: Incanite; for Al and Zn Standard; see designation for details
melting pots, etc. NFA 32.101 General standard for fine grain flake cast iron: French
DPN: 190 VTS: 210 Standard; see designation for details
INCANITE HRB Heat resistant cast iron: Superior to grade HRA; NFA 32.201 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron:
Incanite French Standard
DPN: 210 UTS: 330 Ni HARD 3.3% CO.7% Si 2.5% Cr4.l% NiO.4% P white cast
JIS G5501 General standard for grey cast iron: Japanese Standard; iron: Impact 30 J; International Nickel
see designation for details UTS: 550
JIS G5502 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron: Ni HARD 1 2.5% Cr 4% Ni 1% Mn (max) white cast iron:
Japanese Standard International Nickel; ASTM A532/1
JUS CJ 2020 General standard for fine grain flake cast iron: Ni HARD 2 2.5% Cr 4% Ni 1% Mn (max) white cast iron:
Yugoslavian Standard; see designation for details International Nickel; ASTM A53211
JUS CJ 2022 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron: Ni HARD 3 1.2% Cr 3% Ni 1% Mn (max) white cast iron:
Yugoslavian Standard; see designation for details International Nickel; ASTM A532/1
KC Cast iron: For use with strong alkalis; Meehanite; as Ni HARD 4 9% Cr 6% Ni 1% Mn (max) white cast iron:
cast International Nickel; ASTM A532/1
LNC20.2 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: French Standard Ni HARD 4 3% C 6% Ni 8% Cr martensitic white iron: High
DPN: 215 UTS: 170 Elon: 2% impact strength; International Nickel
L NC30.3 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: French Standard DPN: 560
DPN: 215 UTS: 190 Elon: 2% Ni·RESIST 1 2.0% C 1.7% Si 15% Ni 6% Cu 2% Cr austenitic cast
LNUC 15.6.2 Flake graphite austenitic cast iron: French Standard iron: High corrosion resistance; International Nickel
DPN: 210 UTS: 170 Elon: 2% DPN: ISO UTS: 190 Elon: 2%
194 208 IRON - CAST
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis. supplier. condition and remarks.
Ni-RESIST IB 2.0% C 1.9% Si 15% Ni 6% Cu 3% Cr austenitic cast NS722 General standard for flake graphite cast iron: Grey;
iron: High corrosion resistance; International Nickel NOIwegian Standard; see designation for details
DPN: 180 UTS: 220 NS 11301 Norwegian Standard for nodular graphite cast iron: See
Ni-RESIST2 2.0% C 1.9% Si 20% Ni 2% Cr austenitic cast iron: For designation for details
steam service; International Nickel NS 11338 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic structure;
DPN: 145 UTS: 190 designation used by Norwegian Standards
Ni-RESIST 2B 2.0% C 1.9% Si 20% Ni 5% Cr austenitic cast iron: For DPN: 180 UTS: 370 Elon: 17% Proof: 230
high temperature use; International Nickel NS 11342 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic structure;
DPN: 210 UTS: 220 designation used by Norwegian Standards
Ni·RESIST3 2.0% C 1.5% Si 30% Ni 3% Cr austenitic cast iron: DPN: 180 UTS: 380 Elon: 15% Proof: 230
Low expansion; International Nickel NS 11350 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitidferritic structure;
DPN: 140 UTS: 22 designation used by Norwegian Standards
Ni-RESIST4 2.0% C 5.0% Si 31 % Ni 5% Cr austenitic cast iron: DPN: 265 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310
Use with foodstuff; International Nickel NS 11360 NOdular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure;
DPN: 180 UTS: 220 designation used by Norwegian Standards
Ni·RESIST5 2.0% C 1% Si 35% Ni austenitic cast iron: High shock DPN: 235 UTS: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 356
resistance; International Nickel NS 11370 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
DPN: 115 UTS: 160 designation used by Norwegian Standards
Ni·RESIST D 2 2.0% C 20% Ni 2% Cr austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal DPN: 265 UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400
graphite; high expansion; International Nickel OVI5 Fine grained flake cast iron: Hungarian Standard
DPN: 170 UTS: 450 Elon: 14% Proof: 240 OV20 Fine grained flake cast iron: Hungarian Standard
Ni-RESIST D 2B 2.0% C 20% Ni 3% Cr austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal OV25 Fine grained flake cast iron: Hungarian Standard
graphite; high corrosion resistance; International Nickel OV30 Fine grained flake cast iron: Hungarian Standard
DPN: 180 UTS: 470 Elon: Il % Proof: 240 OV35 Fine grained flake cast iron: Hungarian Standard
Ni·RESIST D 2C 2.0% C 22% Ni austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal OV40 Fine grained flake cast iron: Hungarian Standard
graphite; high ductility PC 400 Compacted graphite cast iron: Meehanite; for high
DPN: 156 UTS: 440 EIon: 30% Proof: 230 temperature use
Ni·RESIST D 2M 2.0% C 4% Mn 22% Ni austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal DPN: 225 UTS: 400 Elon: 1% Proof: 330
graphite; low temperature ductility; International PNH 82123 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron:
Nickel Polish Standard; see designation for details
DPN: 145 UTS: 460 Elon: 40% Proof: 210 PNH 83101 General standard for fine grain flake cast iron: Polish
Ni·RESIST D 3 2.0% C 30% Ni 3% Cr austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal Standard; see designation for details
graphite; shock resistant; International Nickel Rool General standard for flake graphite cast iron: Grey;
DPN: 170 UTS: 420 Elon: II % Proof: 240 Portuguese Standard; see designation for details
Ni·RESIST D 3A 2.0% C 30% Ni 5% Cr austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal SAE 110 3.5% C 0.7% Mn 2.5% Si 0.15% S 0.25% P grey cast
graphite; wear resistant; International Nickel iron: As cast
DPN: 160 UTS: 410 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 DPN: 187 UTS: 120
Ni·RESIST D 4 2.0% C 5% Si 30% Ni 5% Cr austenitic cast iron: SAE 111 3.3% C 0.8% Mn 2.2% Si 0.\5% S 0.2% P grey cast
Spheroidal graphite; high corrosion resistance; iron: As cast
International Nickel DPN: 200 UTS: 180
DPN: 205 UTS: 470 Elon: 3% Proof: 280 SAE 113 3.4% C 0.8% Mn 1.5% Si 0.14% S 0.2% P grey cast
Ni·RESIST D 5 2.0% C 35% Ni austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal iron: Alloying elements permitted
graphite; low expansion; International Nickel DPN: 200 UTS: 180
DPN: ISS UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 230 SAE 114 3.4% C 0.8% Mn 1.5% Si O. J4% S 0.2% P grey cast
Ni·RESIST D 5B 2.0% C 35% Ni 3% Cr austenitic cast iron: Spheroidal iron: Alloying elements permitted
graphite; low expansion; International Nickel DPN: 230 UTS: 180
DPN: 165 UTS: 410 Elon: 8% Proof: 270 SAE 120 3.3% C 0.8% Mn 2% Si 0.15% S 0.15% P grey cast
NITRON 3.2% C 1.5% Si 0.12% S 0.03% P (max) cast iron: iron: As cast
Origin unknown DPN: 210 UTS: 240
NL38 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard SAE 12J 3.2% C 0.8% Mn 2% Si 0.J5% S 0.J2% P grey cast
NL42 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard iron: As cast
NL50 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard DPN: 220 UTS: 270
NL60 Spheroidal graphite east iron: Yugoslavian Standard SAE J22 3.1% C 0.9% Mn 2% Si 0.15% S 0.1 % P grey cast
NL 70 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard iron: As cast
NMX 0.5% C 5% Mr 5% Cr 13% Ni 0.3% V 2% Cu Fe DPN: 230 UTS: 300
electrode: Metrode; for welding cast iron SAE 32510 Primary graphite free malleable cast iron: Annealed
NP 1759 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron: UTS: 340 Elon: 10% Proof: 210
Portuguese Standard SAE 35013 Primary graphite free malleable cast iron: Annealed
UTS: 370 Elon: 18% Proof: 220
SAE 35018 Malleable cast iron
UTS: 370 Elon: 18% Proof: 220
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SAE 43010 Pearlitic malleable cast iron: Hardened and tempered
DPN: 180 UTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 290
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SAE 48005 Pearlitic malleable cast iron: Hardened and tempered
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 200 UTS: 500 Elon: 5% Proof: 320
Eion Elongation, % SAE 53004 Pearlitic malleable iron: Casting; hardened and
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 tempered
DPN: 200 UTS: 580 Elon: 4% Proof: 370
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa Pearlitic malleable iron: Casting; hardened and
SAE 60003
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. tempered
DPN: 220 UTS: 580 Elon: 3% Proof: 420
20B IRON - CAST 195
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 70002 Pearlitic malleable iron: Casting; hardened and SFF Cast iron: Ferritic matrix structure; Meehanite; as cast
tempered for BS alloy 24/17 (BS 2789)
DPN:UiO UTS: 600 Elon: 2% Proof: 500 DPN: 160 UTS: 370 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
SAE D4018 Nodular graphite cast iron: Ferritic structure SFF350 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic; Meehanite;
DPN: 170 UTS:415 Elon: 18% Proof: 275 previously SFF
SAE D4512 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure DPN: 145 UTS: 350 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
DPN: 185 UTS: 450 Elon: 12% Proof: 310 SFF 400 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic; Meehanite;
SAE D5506 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure previously SFF
DPN: 225 UTS: 556 Elon: 6% Proof: 380 DPN: 156 UTS:400 Elon: 20% Proof: 256
SAE D7oo3 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure SFP 500 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure;
DPN: 270 UTS: 690 Elon: 3% Proof: 480 Meehanite; previously grade SPF
SAEG 2000 Grey cast iron: As cast DPN:20S UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 310
DPN: 187 UTS: 120 SFSH 1152 General standard for fine grained flake cast iron:
SAE G3000 3.4% C (total) 2.0% Si 0.12% S 0.15% P grey cast Finnish Standard; see designation for details
iron: As cast SFT Cast iron: Ferritic; nodular graphite structure;
DPN:200 UTS: 200 Meehanite; as cast; for use at temperatures up to 900
SAE G 3500 3.5% C (total) 1.6% Si 0.12% S 0.15% P grey cast 'C
iron: As cast DPN: 235 UTS: 370 Elon: 2% Proof: 300
DPN: 220 UTS: 220 SG38 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic matrix;
SAEG 4000 3.4% C (total) 1.6% Si 0.12% S 0.15% Pgrey cast designation used by Austrian Standards
iron: As cast DPN: 165 UTS:400 Elon: 17% Proof: 256
DPN: 220 UTS: 270 SG42 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ftrritic matrix;
SAEG4500 Grey cast iron: As cast designation used by Austrian Standards
DPN: 256 UTS: 290 DPN: 200 UTS:420 Elon: 12% Proof: 356
SAE 1158 Specification for malleable cast iron: Graded by SG50 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure:
strength designation used by Austrian Standards
SAE J434 Specification for ductile cast iron: Spheroidal graphite DPN: 205 UTS:500 Elon:7% Proof: 310
SG iron; graded by strength SG60 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure;
SAE J434 B Nodular graphite cast iron: Covers various grades designation used by Austrian Standards
SAE J859 Specification for flake graphite grey cast iron: Graded DPN:230 UTS: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 350
by strength SG70 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
SANDHOLME GA Cast iron: Hardened and tempered after machining; designation used by Austrian Standards
Sandholme DPN:26S UTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400
SC Cast iron: For use up to 900 'C; Meehanite; as cast; SH Cast iron: Nodular graphite type; Meehanite; hardened
furnace equipment and tempered for rotating parts, etc.
DPN: 300 UTS: 180 DPN: 356 UTS: 910 Elon: 2% Proof: 600
SC 12-28 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by SHSOO Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
Russian Standards Meehanite; previously grade SM
UTS: 156 DPN:300 UTS:800 Elon: 2% Proof: 460
SC 15-32 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by SH1000 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure;
Russian Standards Meehanite
UTS: 150 UTS: 1000 Elon: 1%
SC 21-40 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by SHH Nodular graphite cast iron: For abrasive resistance;
Russian Standards hardened and tempered; Meehanite
UTS: 225 DPN:320 UTS: 1000
SC28-48 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by SHN Nodular graphite cast iron: For crankshafts, etc.;
Russian Standards normalized; Meehanite
UTS: 275 DPN: 270 UTS:700 Elon: 3% Proof: 500
SC 32-52 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by SJ Gl5 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
Russian Standards by Norwegian Standards
UTS: 300 DPN: 170 UTS: 156
SC 36-56 Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by SJ G20 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
Russian Standards by Norwegian Standards
UTS: 350 DPN: 195 UTS: 225
SC 40-(,() Fine grained grey cast iron: Designation used by SJ G25 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
Russian Standards by Norwegian Standards
UTS:400 DPN: 195 UTS: 225
SD 51 14.5% Si 4.5% Cr Fe casting: Duriron Co.; symbol for SJG30 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
Superchlor by Norwegian Standards
SF Cast iron: Ferritic matrix structure; Meehanite; as cast DPN: 210 UTS:300
for BS alloy 27/12 (BS 2789) SJ G35 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN: 170 UTS: 390 Elon: 15% Proof: 290 by Norwegian Standards
SF 400 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic matrix; DPN: 220 UTS: 356
Meehanite SJG40 Fine grained flake graphite cast iron: Designation used
DPN: 165 UTS:400 Elon: 17% Proof: 256 by Norwegian Standards
SF 420.12 Nodular graphite cast iron: Meehanite DPN: 250 UTS:400
DPN: 160 UTS:420 Elon: 12% Proof: UiO SL 15 Fine grained flake cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard
SFA42~12 Nodular graphite cast iron: Mainly ferritic matrix; SL20 Fine grained flake cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard
Meehanite; previously grade SF SL25 Fine grained flake cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard
DPN:200 UTS:420 Elon: 12% Proof: 256 SL30 Fine grained flake cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard
SL35 Fine grained flake cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard
196 20B IRON - CAST
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SL40 Fine grained flake cast iron: Yugoslavian Standard SS 14-0862 Pearlitic malleable iron: Swedish Standard
SN22 Spheroidal graphite SG cast iron: Austenitic; French DPN: 260 UTS: 700 Elon: 3% Proof: 530
Standard; impact 20 J SS 14-0864 Pearlitic malleable iron: Swedish Standard
DPN: 170 UTS: 370 Elon: 20% Proof: 170 DPN: 290 UTS: 800 Elon: 2% Proof: 600
S NC20.2 Spheroidal graphite SG cast iron: Austenitic; French SS 0100 Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
Standard; impact 13 J SS 0110 Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
DPN: 200 UTS: 370 Elon: 7% Proof: 210 DPN: ISO
S NC30.3 Spheroidal graphite SG cast iron: Austenitic; French ssom Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
Standard DPN: 190
DPN: 200 UTS: 370 Elon: 7% Proof: 210 SSOl20 Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
S NM 23.4 Spheroidal graphite SG cast iron: Austenitic; French DPN: 210
Standard; impact 24 J SSOl25 Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
DPN: ISO UTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 210 DPN:230
SOUDOFONTE GS 3.5% C 3.5% Si iron alloy: Soudometal; for welding SS0130 Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
cast iron DPN:2S0
DPN:200 SS 0135 Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
SP Pearlitic nodular cast iron: Meehanite; as cast for BS DPN:260
alloy 37(2 (BS 2789) SS 0140 Grey cast iron: As cast; Swedish Standard
DPN: 220 UTS: 5SO Elon: 2% Proof: 390 SS0212 Grey cast iron: Swedish Standard
SP700 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic structure; DPN: 170
Meehanite SS 0215 Grey cast iron: Swedish Standard
DPN: 265 VTS: 700 Elon: 2% Proof: 400 DPN: 175
SPF Pearlitic nodular cast iron: Meehanite; as cast for BS SS 0217 Grey cast iron: Swedish Standard
alloy 32fl (BS 2789) DPN: 190
DPN: 200 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 330 SS 0219 Grey cast iron: Swedish Standard
SPF 600 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure; DPN: 210
Meehanite; previously SP grade SS0221 Grey cast iron: Swedish Standard
DPN: 230 UTS: 600 Elon: 3% Proof: 356 DPN: 230
SS 08-1002 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard; SS 0223 Grey cast iron: Swedish Standard
replaced by SS 08-1500 DPN:2S0
SS 08-1400 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard SS 0707 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: As cast; Swedish
DPN: 149 UTS: 300 EIon: 6% Standard
SS 08-1500 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard DPN:260
DPN: 130 UTS: 320 Elon: 12% Proof~ 190 SS 0717 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swedish Standard
SS 08-5200 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard DPN: 156 UTS: 400 Elon: 18% Proof: 2SO
DPN: 160 UTS: 400 EIon: 7% Proof: 240 SS0727 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swedish Standard
SS08-54OO Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard DPN: 200 UTS: 500 Elon: 7% Proof: 356
DPN: 190 UTS: 500 EIoo: 5% Proof: 300 SS 0732 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swedish Standard
SS 08-5403 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedisb Standard; DPN: 230 UTS: 600 Elon: 5% Proof: 400
replaced by SS 08-5400 SS 0737 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Swedish Standard
SS 08-5600 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard DPN: 245 UTS: 700 Elon: 3% Proof: 456
DPN: 220 UTS: 600 Elon: 4% Proof: 380 SS OSlO Blackheart malleable cast iron: Annealed; Swedish
SS 08-5603 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard; Standard
replaced by SS 08-5600 DPN: 140
SS 0!Hi203 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard SS OS54 Cast iron: Pearlitic malleable iron; Swedish Standard
DPN: 260 UTS: 700 Elon: 3% Proof: 530 DPN: 135 UTS: 500 Elon: 5% Proof: 300
SS 0!Hi403 Blackheart malleable cast iron: Swedish Standard SS 0856 Cast iron: Pearlitic malleable iron; Swedish Standard
DPN: 280 UTS: 800 Elon: 2% Proof: 600 DPN: 220 UTS: 600 Elon: 4% Proof: 360
SS 14-0814 Blackheart malleable iron: Swedish Standard STA8 Grey iron casting: Replaced by BS 1452/17
DPN: 149 VTS: 300 Elon: 5% STA9 Grey iron casting: Replaced by BS 1452120
SS 14-0815 Blackheart malleable iron: Swedish Standard STA25 0.8% C 15% Si cast iron: Replaced by BS 1591
DPN: 127 UTS: 320 Elon: 12% Proof: 190 STAS 568 General standard for fine grain flake cast iron:
SS 14-0852 Pearlitic malleable iron: Swedish Standard Romanian Standard; see designation for details
DPN: 155 UTS: 400 Elon: 7% Proof: 240 STAS 6071 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron:
SS 14-0854 Pearlitic malleable iron: Swedish Standard Romanian Standard
DPN: 190 UTS: 500 Elon: 5% Proof: 300 SUPERCHLOR 0.9% C 1.5% Mn 14.5% Si 4.5% Cr iron alloy:
SS 14-0856 Pearlitic malleable iron: Swedish Standard Duriron Co.; excellent corrosion resistance
DPN: 220 UTS: 600 Elon: 4% Proof: 380 TENSOLAI Pearlitic cast iron: Gloucester Foundry
DPN: ISO UTS: 456 Elon: 8% Proof: 300
TENSOLAII Pearlitic cast iron: Gloucester Foundry
DPN: 200 UTS: 530 Elon: 6% Proof: 330
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
TENSOLAIII Pearlitic cast iron: Gloucester Foundry
DPN: 245 UTS: 690 EIon: 3% Proof: 420
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UNE 36-111 General standard for flake graphite cast irons: Grey;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Spanish Standard; see designation for details
Eion Elongation, % UNE 36-1IS-73 Nodular graphite cast iron: Grey; Spanish Standard;
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 details given under designation
UN15007 General standard for flake graphite cast iron: Grey;
I N/mm2 =O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmrn2 =0.06475 tonfJin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
Italian Standard; see designation for de:ails
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UNII4544 Nodular graphite cast iron: Italian Standard; details
given under designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
VAM20 20% Cr 1.5% Ni (max) 1.5% Mo 1.2% Cu (max) white WBC Cast iron: Suitable for chill casting; Meehanite; as cast;
cast iron: See ASTM A 532/11 for crusher jaws, mill liners, etc.
VAM27 24% Cr 1.5% Ni (max) 1.5% Mo (max) 1.2% Cu DPN: 550 VTS: 300
(max) white cast iron: See ASTM A 532/11 WBC Cast iron: Suitable for chill casting; Meehanite; stress
VCh 15 Fine grained flake cast iron: Bulgarian Standard relieved; for rope and wire guides; truck wheels, etc.
VCh20 Fine grained flake cast iron: Bulgarian Standard DPN: 550 VTS: 210
VCh25 Fine grained flake cast iron: Bulgarian Standard WH Cast iron: Wear resisting; Meehanite; as cast; for gravel
VCh30 Fine grained flake cast iron: Bulgarian Standard pipes, sand blast tables, etc.
VCh 35 Fine grained flake cast iron: Bulgarian Standard DPN: 600 VTS: 270
VCh 38.17 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard WSH Nodular graphite cast iron: For abrasive resistance;
VCh 42.12 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard hardened and tempered to give martensitic structure;
VCh 45.0 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure; Meehanite
designation used by Russian Standards DPN: 600 VTS: 1200
DPN: 225 UTS: 440 Proof: 350 WSHI Nodular graphite cast iron: Meehanite; for wear
VCh 45.5 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure; resistance
designation used by Russian Standards DPN: 500 VTS: 600
DPN: 185 VTS: 440 Elon: 5% Proof: 320 WSH2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Meehanite; for wear
VCh 50.1.5 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure; resistance
designation used by Russian Standards DPN: 670 UTS: 300
DPN: 225 VTS: 490 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 372 Z115 Fine grained flake cast iron: Polish Standard
VCh 50.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard Z 120 Fine grained flake cast iron: Polish Standard
VCh 50.7 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard Z 125 Fine grained flake cast iron: Polish Standard
VCh60.2 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearlitic/ferritic structure; Z 130 Fine grained flake cast iron: Polish Standard
designation used by Russian Standards Z135 Fine grained flake cast iron: Polish Standard
DPN: 235 VTS: 585 Elon: 2% Proof: 410 ZI40 Fine grained flake cast iron: Polish Standard
VCh 60.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard Zs 3817 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Polish Standard
VCh 70.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard Zs4012 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Polish Standard
VCh 80.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard Zs4505 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Polish Standard
VCh 100.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Russian Standard Zs 5002 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Polish Standard
VCR 40-10 Nodular graphite cast iron: Pearliticlferritic structure; Zs 6002 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Polish Standard
designation used by Russian Standards Zs 8002 Spheroidal graphite east iron: Polish Standard
DPN: 180 VTS: 390 Elon: 10% Proof: 290 Zs 9002 Spheroidal graphite cast iron: Polish Standard
VSM 10693 General standard for spheroidal graphite cast iron:
Swiss Standard
VSM 10691 General standard for fine grain flake cast iron: Swiss Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Standard; see designation for details
W2214 Whiteheart malleable cast iron: Designation used by BS DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
W24/8 Whiteheart malleable cast iron: Designation used by BS VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
WA Cast iron with good wear resistance: Meehanite; as Elon Elongation, %
cast; for gears, brake drums, etc. Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 300 VTS: 340
WB Cast iron: Wear resisting; Meehanite; as cast; for mill I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
liners, sand blast nozzles, etc. See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 450 VTS: 300
The above properties have been chosen to show typical to anyone specification. It is possible that with some speci-
values for the specifications listed and may not apply exactly fications the values may not be applicable.
General metallurgical characteristics This is a very complex technique and should never be
attempted without specific advice from physicists and
Iron of a very high purity has been shown to have magnetic
properties considerably better than commercially pure iron.
Advice can be obtained from the Permanent Magnet
This is seldom economically desirable and is briefly discussed
Association when necessary.
in Section 20A.
Certain of these materials can change from being magnetic
Iron-silicon alloys with a low carbon content also have
to being completely non-magnetic at specific temperatures
useful magnetic properties; they are treated as steels and are
and this is one reason for their use. By heat treatment the
discussed in Section 44B1.
temperature at which the change takes place can be altered
With additions of nickel the magnetic properties of iron
and thus the use of the materials can be changed dramat-
first fall, until at about 30% nickel the alloys are completely
ically. It is most important that the correct advice is obtained
non-magnetic at room temperature. With further additions
before any attempt is made to heat treat for magnetic pur-
of nickel, a series of magnetically useful alloys is available at
poses. No other reason for heat treating could ever be
50% iron/nickel. With 85% nickel a third series of useful
involved with these materials.
alloys exist which are discussed briefly in Section 27E.
These materials should not be welded under any circum-
Apart from their magnetic and low expansion properties,
stances. Any joining should be achieved by the use of adhe-
the alloys listed have no significance. It is of interest that this
sives or low temperature brazing or soldering, or pinning.
property is sometimes useful in the negative sense, being
These materials are invariably used for magnetic and elec-
absent, and some of the alloys listed can be made either
tronic purposes. They are used as chokes, inductances,
magnetic or non-magnetic by a relatively small temperature
transformer cores, and as screening materials to prevent high
frequency interference. Many of the alloys are highly spe-
The magnetic properties are also considerably influenced
cialized and it is recommended that further information is
by the direction of rolling or cold working, this being known
obtained from the suppliers or, if in doubt, from the Perma-
as 'grain orienting', and by the addition of chromium up to
nent Magnet Association.
about 6%.
Any thermal treatment carried out on these materials will
be to alter the magnetic properties of the material as cast.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.3921 0.8% Cr 48% Ni Fe alloy: German Standard ALCHROMEDK 21 % Cr 4.5% AI Fe alloy: Carpenter; for heating
1.3926 46% Ni Fe alloy: German Standard elements
1.3927 46% Ni Fe alloy: German Standard UTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 440
2.4472 45% Fe Ni alloy: German Standard ALNI 30.0% Ni 12.5% AI 4.0% Cu 0.5% Ti Fe magnetic
2.4480 0.8% Cr 47% Fe Ni alloy: German Standard (high coercivity) alloy: Coercivity 680 oersteds; information from PMA
2.4486 6.0% Cr 46% Fe Ni alloy: German Standard ALNICO 16.4% Ni 9.2% AI 5.0% Cu 12.3% Co Fe alloy: For
22.3 ALLOY 0.1 % C 3.1 % Cr 22% Ni Fe alloy: Carpenter; high (high remanence) magnets; remanence 8000 gauss; information from
expansion coefficient PMA
42 ALLOY 0.05% C (max) 41 % Ni Fe alloy: Carpenter; low ALNICO 3 26% Ni 12% AI Fe alloy: For magnets; Simonds
expansion coefficient AMS5221 0.06% C (max) 0.5% AI 5.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 42% Ni Fe
142 ALLOY 41 % Ni Fe alloy: Driver Harris; expansion coefficient alloy: Precipitation hardening
5.3 x 10-6 ; electrical conductivity 2.5% lACS AMS5223 A 5.2% Cr 42% Ni 2.3% Ti 0.5% AI Fe alloy: Strip; 10%
UTS: 800 cold reduced
146 ALLOY 46% Ni Fe alloy: Driver Harris AMS 5225 0.06% C (max) 0.5% AI 5.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 42% Ni Fe
UTS: 800 alloy: Precipitation hardening
152 ALLOY 49% Fe Ni alloy: Driver Harris; glass metal seals AMS5225 A 5.2% Cr 42% Ni 2.3% Ti 0.5% AI Fe alloy: Strip; 50%
UTS: 480 cold reduced
193 ALLOY 2.7% Cr 32% Ni Fe alloy: Driver Harris; heavy duty AMS 5392 G 2.1 % Cr 15% Ni 6% Cu Fe alloy: Sand casting
rheostats; withdrawn AMS5393 B 2% Cr 20% Ni Fe alloy: Sand casting
426 ALLOY 0.08% C (max) 6% Cr 42% Ni Fe alloy: Darwin AMS5394 2% Cr 20% Ni Fe alloy: Sand casting
AC HT 0.5% C 15.5% Cr 35% Ni Fe alloy: Origin unknown AMS5395 22% Ni Fe alloy: Nodular casting
ADR 40% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy AMS7701 Ni Fe alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
AFNOR 23.15 NK 38 38% Ni 1.5% Co 1.5% Ti 3% Nb Fe alloy: French AMS 7702 Ni Fe alloy: Sheet and strip; i·hard
specification AMS7705 Ni Fe alloy: Bar and forging
ALCHROME 750 15% Cr 4% AI Fe alloy: Carpenter AMS 7717 Ni Fe alloy: Sheet and strip; for magnetic purposes;
UTS: 620 Elon: 20% Proof: 480 forming quality
ALCHROMED 15% Cr 5.5% AI Fe alloy: For heating elements; Driver AMS 7718 Ni Fe alloy: Bar, forging, etc.; magnetic alloy
AMS 7719 Ni Fe alloy: Sheet and strip; for magnetic purposes;
stamping quality
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AMS 7726 A 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Wire; low expansion alloy;
for glass sealing
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AMS 7727 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Bar and forging; low
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' expansion; for glass sealing
Eion Elongation, % AMS7728 A 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Sheet and strip; low
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' expansion; for glass sealing
AMS7734 0.1 % C (max) 42.5% Ni Fe alloy
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa ASC 35% Ni 10% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASCA 28% Ni 18% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy
AUDIOLLOY 48% Ni Fe alloy: Origin unknown
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 933/4 Ni Fe alloy: Sheet for magnetic purposes; composition INCOLOY903 38% Ni 15% Co 1.4% Ti 3% Nb Fe alloy: Inco;
not part of specification solution treated and aged
BS 2857 36% Ni Fe alloy: Strip for laminations UTS: 1300 Elon: 14% Proof: 1100
BS2857 B 50% Fe Ni alloy: Strip for laminations INCOLOY907 38% Ni 13% Co 4.7% Nb 1.5% Ti Fe alloy: Inco
BS 2857 C 35% Ni Fe alloy: For transformer laminations INCOLOY909 0.01% C 38% Ni 13% Co 4.7% Nb 1.5% Ti Fe alloy:
BS 2857 D 36% Ni Fe alloy: For transformer laminations Inco
BS 3127/9 0.06% C 5.2% Cr 42% Ni 0.5% AI 2,3% Ti Fe alloy: INVAR 0.1 % C 0.2% Si 0.5% Mn 36% Ni Fe alloy: Latrobe
Tubing; annealed; for bourdon tubes Steel Co.; annealed; low expansion; also Telcon
DPN: 1~ DPN: 131 UTS: 4SO EIon: 40% Proof: 220
BS 3127/9 0.06% C 5.2% Cr 42% Ni 0.5% AI 2,3% Ti Fe alloy: INVAR36 36% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Telcon; annealed;
Tubing; lightly cold worked; for bourdon tubes expansion 2.0 x 15-6/ 'C up to 100 'C
DPN:200 DPN: 140 UTS: 480 EIon: 30% Proof: ~
CASTEES SG Ni Fe welding electrode: Phillips; for cast iron INVAR42 42% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Telcon; annealed;
CERAMIC 25% Co 27% Ni Fe alloy: For ceramic metal seal expansion 4.5 x 10- / 'C up to 300 'C
SEALING ALLOY DPN: 145 UTS: S20 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
COLUMNAR 14.5% Ni 7.0% AI 28.5% Co 3.0% Cu 4.0% Ti IRWARFM 0.1 % Co 36% Ni 0.15% Se Fe alloy: Latrobe; low
HYCOMAX 11 2.0% Nb 0.2% S Fe alloy: For magnets; Swift Levick expansion alloy; free machining
COMET 2.7% Cr 32% Ni Fe alloy: Driver Harris; heavy duty IRWAR 36% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy
rheostats; withdrawn STANDARD
UTS:600 K 94100 0.05% C (max) 41 % Ni Fe alloy: Designation used by
DlLVERPO 29% Ni 21.8% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy UNS
DlLVER PI 29% Ni 18% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy K94600 0.05% C (max) 46% Ni Fe alloy: Designation used by
DIN 17745 Ni 48 46% Ni Fe alloy UNS
DIN 17745 Ni 49 0.8% Cr 48% Ni Fe alloy K 94760 0.07% C (max) 5.6% Cr 42% Ni Fe alloy: Designation
DIN 17745 Ni Fe 45 45% Fe Ni alloy used by UNS
DIN 17745 0.8% Cr 47% Fe Ni alloy K 94800 0.05% C (max) 48% Ni Fe alloy: Designation used by
NiFe48Cr UNS
DUMET 0.1% C (max) 42% Ni Fe alloy: Sealing KOERZIT 120K 26.0% Ni 13.0% AI 4.0% Co 3.0% Cu 1.0% Ti Fe
EIO 0.06% C 0.2% Si 0.2% Mn 3.6% Ni Fe alloy: Jessop; alloy: For magnets; German alloy
controlled expansion alloy KOERZIT 120R 22.0% Ni 12.0% AI 3.0% Co 3.0% Co 0.5% Ti Fe
EHCALLOY 14.0% Ni 7,3% AI 34.0% Co 4.5% Co 5.5% Ti Fe alloy: For magnets; German alloy
alloy: For magnets; origin unknown KOERZIT16O 21.0% Ni 10.0% AI 17.0% Co 3.0% Cu 1.0% Ti Fe
ELINVAR 9% Cr 35% Ni Fe alloy: Telcon; annealed; expansion 6 alloy: For magnets; German alloy
x 10-6 KOERZITI90 21.0% Ni 10.0% AI 17.0% Co 1.0% Ti 1.0% Ti Fe
UTS:690 alloy: For magnets; German alloy
ELINVAR 9% Cr 35% Ni Fe alloy: Telcon; cold drawn KOERZIT220 15.0% Ni 7.0% AI 28.0% Co 5.0% Cu 8.0% Ti Fe
DPN: 1540 alloy: For magnets; German alloy
ER Ni Fe Mn Ci 0.5% C (max) 12% Mn 40% Ni Fe welding electrode: KOERZIT350 15.0% Ni 7.0% AI 30.0% Co 4.0% Cu 5.0% Ti Fe
Designation used by AWS alloy: For magnets; German alloy
GILGRID 45% Fe 10% Mo Ni alloy: Wire for electronic use; KOERZIT 400K 15.0% Ni 9.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu 1.0% Ti Fe
Gilbey-Brunton alloy: For magnets; German alloy
GLASS SEALING 0.05% C 28% Cr 0.5% Ni Fe alloy: Carpenter; low KOERZIT450 15.0% Ni 7.0% A1JO.O% Co 4.0% Cu 5.0% Ti Fe
27 expansion coefficient alloy: For magnets; German alloy
GLASS SEALING 0.05% C (max) 4.1 % Ni alloy: Carpenter; low KOERZIT5oo 15.0% Ni 9.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
42 expansion coefficient magnets; German alloy
GLASS SEALING 0.05% C (max) 5.7% Cr 42% Ni Fe alloy: Carpenter; KOERZIT600 15.0% Ni 9.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
42.6 low expansion coefficient magnets; German alloy
HAl 36 ALLOY 36% Ni Fe alloy: Harrison Alloy LEGA42 42% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Driver Harris
HAl 42 ALLOY 42% Ni Fe alloy: Harrison Alloy LEGA46 46% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Driver Harris
HAl 49 ALLOY 49% Ni Fe alloy: Harrison Alloy MAGLOY1 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
HAl 373 ALLOY 29% Ni 27% Co Fe alloy: Harrison Alloy magnets; origin unknown
HAl P6 ALLOY· 6% Ni 45% Co Fe alloy: Harrison Alloy MAGLOY2 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu 1.2% Ti Fe
HCR 50% Fe Ni alloy: Strip; Telcon; annealed; has alloy: For magnets; origin unknown
rectangular hysteresis loop MAGLOY5 18.0% Ni 10.0% AI 13.0% Co 6.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
DPN: 110 UTS: 370 magnets; origin unknown
HIGH 0.02% C 0.35% Si 48% Ni Fe alloy: Carpenter; MAGLOY7 21.0% Ni 9.0% AI 20.0% Co Fe alloy: For magnets;
PERMEABILITY annealed origin unknown
49 UTS: SOO Elon: 45 % Proof: 150 MAGLOY8 17.0% Ni 7.0% AI 30.0% Co 5.0% Ti Fe alloy: For
HIPERNIK 50% Ni Fe alloy: Strip; Westinghouse Electric; for magnets; origin unknown
magnetic laminations MAGLOY 10 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
HYREM 50% Ni Fe alloy: for magnetic purposes; Telcon magnets; origin unknown
RADIOMETAL MAGLOY1oo 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
HYRHO Ni Fe alloy: High resistivity with high saturation magnets; origin unknown
RADIOMETAL Dux density; Telcon; cold rolled N42 42% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy
DPN: 2SO UTS: 700 N501 50% Ni 1% Cr. Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy
HYRHO 50% Ni Fe alloy: With higher resistivity than NIALCOI 25.0% Ni 12.0% AI 2.0% Co 4.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
RADIOMETAL Radiometal; Telcon magnets; French alloy
IN 568 2.5% Ni 2.5% Si Fe alloy: International Nickel Co. NIALCOIF 25.0% Ni 12.0% AI 2.0% Co 4.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
INCOLOY805 0.12% C 7.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 36% Ni Fe alloy: For magnets; French alloy
springs; Huntington; low temperature coefficient of NIALCOII 25.0% Ni 10.0% AI 4.0% Co 4.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
modulus of elasticity magnets; French alloy
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NIALCO III 20.0% Ni 10.0% AI 12.0% Co 4.0% Cu Fe alloy: For NS42 42% Ni Fe alloy: Swift Levick; low expansion
magnets; French alloy DPN: 143 UTS: 520 Elon: 46% Proof: 210
NIALCO IIIF 20.0% Ni 10.0% AI 12.0% Co 4.0% Cu Fe alloy: For NS49 49% Ni Fe alloy: Swift Levick; low expansion
magnets; French alloy DPN: 143 UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 270
NIALCOIV 20.0% Ni 8.0% AI 10.0% Co 6.0% Cu Fe alloy: For OERSTIT 120R 22.0% Ni 12.0% AI 3.0% Co 3.0% Cu 0.5% Ti Fe
magnets; French alloy alloys: For magnets; German alloy
NIALCOIVF 20.0% Ni 8.0% AI 10.0% Co 6.0% Cu Fe alloy: For ORTHOMUMETAL Soft magnetic material: Telcon
magnets; French alloy PERMALLOY'B' 46% Ni Fe alloy: Sheet, bar, forging, etc.; Standard
NIALCOV 21.0% Ni 10.0% AI 17.0% Co 3.0% Cu 1.0% Ti Fe Telephones; high values of flux density
alloy: For magnets; French alloy PERMALLOY'D' 36% Ni Fe alloy: Standard Telephones; electrical
NICOSEAL 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; Carpenter conductivity 1.8% lACS
NICOSEL 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; Firth Brown R2800 Ni Fe alloy: Telcon; hard rolled; Curie point 150 ·C
NIKO Ni Co Fe alloy: Swift Levick; low expansion DPN: 170
DPN: 170 UTS: 510 Elon 41 % Proof: 360 RADIO METAL 36 36% Ni Fe alloy: Induction melted castings; Telcon;
NILGR042 42% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Darwins; coefficient annealed; similar to Mumetal, but cheaper; see Section
of expansion 6 x 1O- /·c up to 350 ·C
UTS: 550 Elon: 42% Proof: 390 DPN: 110 UTS: 520
NlL036 36% Ni Fe alloy: Wrought; expansion 1.5 x 10- 6; H RADIO METAL 36 36% Ni Fe alloy: Induction melted castings; Telcon;
Wiggin; electrical conductivity 2% lACS hard rolled
NlL040 40% Ni Fe alloy: Wrought; expansion 4.1 x 10-6 ; H DPN: 290 UTS: 970
Wiggin; specification Res. 680 microhmlmm: electrical RADIO METAL 50 50% Fe Ni alloy: Sheet and bar; Telcon; annealed; high
conductivity 2.5% lACS initial permeability
NlL042 42% Ni Fe alloy: Wrought; expansion 5.3 x 10-6 ; H DPN: 100 UTS: 400
Wiggin; electrical conductivity 2.75% lACS RADIO METAL 50 50% Fe Ni alloy: Sheet and bar; Telcon; hard rolled
NlL048 48% Ni Fe alloy: Wrought; expansion 8.5 x 10-6 ; n DPN: 250 UTS: 750
Wiggin; electrical conductivity 3.5% lACS RECO 100 24.0% Ni 14.0% AI Fe alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy
NlL050 50% Ni Fe alloy: Wrought; expansion 9.3 x 10- 6 ; H RECO 120 26.0% Ni 13.0% AI 4.0% Co 3.0% Cu 1.0% Ti Fe
Wiggin; electrical conductivity 3.5% lACS alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy
NILO 475 47% Ni 5% Cr Fe alloy: Wrought; expansion 8.2 x REtO 140 24.0% Ni 10.0% AI 5.0% Co 7.0% Cu 0.8% Ti Fe
10-6 ; H Wiggin; electrical conductivity 2% lACS alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy
NlLOK 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Wrought; expansion 6 x RECO 160 18.5% Ni 10.0% AI 13.0% Co 7.5% Cu 1.9% Ti Fe
10-6 ; H Wiggin; electrical conductivity 3.5% lACS alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy
NlLOK45 32.5% Ni 13.0% Co Fe alloy: For glass seals; RECO 170 24.0% Ni 9.5% AI 10.0% Co 6.0% Cu 5.0% Ti Fe
International Nickel Co. alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy
NlLO P59 50% Ni Fe alloy: For glass seals; International Nickel REC0220 15.0% Ni 7.0% AI 26.0% Co 5.0% Cu 7.0% Ti Fe
Co. alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy
NlLOMAG471 47.0% Ni 3.0% Mo Fe alloy: Strip made by powder RODAR 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: For glass/metal seal; Driver
metallurgy; International Nickel Co. SANBOLD NA 35 35% Ni Fe alloy: Strip; Sanderson; electrical
NILVAR 36% Ni Fe alloy: Expansion I x 10-6 ; Driver Harris; conductivity 1.8% lACS
electrical conductivity 2% lACS SANBOLD NA 47 47% Ni Fe alloy: Strip for transformers, etc.;
UTS: 530 Sanderson; electrical conductivity 3% lACS
NIPERMAG 12.0% AI 30.0% Ni 0.4% Ti Fe alloy: For magnets; SATMUMETAL Soft magnetic alloy: 0.025 oersteds coercivity; Telcon
origin unknown SUPER RADIO 50% Fe Ni alloy: Similar to Radio metal 50 Ni
DPN:450 METALSO alloy; Telcon; annealed; initial permeability 3 times
NI-ROD55 1.5% C 45% Fe Ni alloy: Welding rod; Huntington; for Radio metal 50
welding high phosphorus cast irons DPN: 110 UTS: 420
NIROMET42 42% Ni Fe alloy: For glass/metal seal; Driver SUPER RADIO 50% Fe Ni alloy: Similar to Radio metal 50 Ni
NIROMET46 46% Ni Fe alloy: For glass/metal seal; Driver METALSO alloy; Telcon; hard rolled
NI-SPAN-C 0.02% C 5.4% Cr 2.4% Ti 42% Ni Fe alloy: Bar and DPN: 250 UTS: 750
sheet; Huntington; now NI-SPAN-C 902 SUPER 14.0% Ni 8.0% Al 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy:
NI-SPAN-C 902 0.02% C 5.4% Cr 2.4% Ti 42% Ni Fe alloy: Bar and UGIMAX600 For magnets; French alloy
sheet; Huntington; age hardening SUPER 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy:
NI-SPAN-C 902 0.06% C (max) 5.5% Cr 42% Ni 0.5% AI Fe alloy: UGIMAX800 For magnets; French alloy
Inco; annealed TELCOSEALI 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: For use with borosilicate
UTS 690 Elon: 45% Proof: 310 glass; Telcon; expansion 5.3 x 10- 6 ; electrical
No. 4 ALLOY 5.5% Cr 42% Ni Fe alloy: British Driver Harris; glass conductivity 3. 75% lACS; annealed
metal seals for soft glasses DPN: ISO UTS: 480 Elon: 30%
NS 36 36% Ni Fe alloy: Swift Levick; low expansion TELCOSEALII 42% Ni Fe alloy: For use with lead borosilicate glass;
DPN: 135 UTS: 450 Elon: 42% Proof: 240 Telcon; expansion 5.8 x 10-6 ; electrical conductivity
3% lACS; annealed
DPN: 125 UTS: 530 Elon: 27%
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: TELCOSEAL III 6% Cr 42% Ni Fe alloy: For use with lead glass;
Telcon; expansion 8.7 x 10-6 ; electrical conductivity
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 1.8% lACS; annealed
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 120 UTS: 550 Elon: 35%
Elon Elongation, % TELCOSEAL V 25% Co Fe alloy: For use with soft lead glass; Telcon;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' 6
expansion 10.6 x 10- ; electrical conductivity 2.5%
lACS; annealed
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475tonflin.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
DPN: 150
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
TELCOSEAL VI 49% Ni Fe alloy: For use with soft leadllime glass; TOPHETD 20% Cr 36% Ni Fe alloy: For heating elements; Driver
Telcon; expansion 9.1 x 10-6; electrical conductivity UGIMAX600 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
4.2% lACS; annealed magnets; French alloy
DPN: 120 UTS: 480 Elon: 30% UGIMAXBOO 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
THERLO 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Driver Harris; glass/metal magnets; French alloy
seals UNS L05OO1-L05999 Lead based alloys: American Standard system; unified
UTS: S40 numbers
TICONAL 190 21.0% Ni 12.0% Al 14.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For VACODIL36 36% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; German proprietary
magnets; Dutch alloy alloy
TICONAL 360 15.0% Ni 8.5% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu 1.5% Ti Fe VACODIL42 42% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; German proprietary
alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy alloy
TICONAL 400 14.0% Ni 8.5% Al 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For VACODIL46 46% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; German proprietary
magnets; Dutch alloy alloy
TICONAL 450 14.5% Ni 7.5% AI 34.0% Co 4.5% Cu 5.0% Ti Fe VACON 10 28% Ni 18% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; German
alloy: For magnets; Dutch alloy proprietary alloy
TICONAL 500 14.0% Ni 8.5% Al 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For VACON 12 28% Ni 18% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; German
magnets; Dutch alloy proprietary alloy
TICONAL 600 14.0% Ni 8.5% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For VACON20 28% Ni 21 % Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; German
magnets; Dutch alloy proprietary alloy
TICONAL 600 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For VACON70 28% Ni 23% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; German
magnets; French alloy proprietary alloy
TICONAL 650 14.0% Ni 8.5% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For VACOVIT485 48% Ni 5% Cr Fe alloy: Low expansion; German
magnets; Dutch alloy proprietary alloy
TICONAL 700 14.0% Ni 8.0% Al 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For VACOVIT501 49% Ni 1% Cr Fe alloy: Low expansion; German
magnets; French alloy proprietary alloy
TICONAL 750 14.0% Ni 8.0% Al 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For ZERALOY 31 % Ni 5% Co Fe alloy: Low expansion; Swift Levick
magnets; French alloy
TICONAL 750 14.0% Ni 8.5% Al 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
magnets; Dutch alloy
TICONAL BOO 14.0% Ni 8.0% Al 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
magnets; French alloy Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
TICONAL 1500 15.0% Ni 7.0% AI 35.0% Co 4.0% Cu 5.0% Ti Fe
alloy: For magnets; French alloy
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
TICONAL 1500F 15.0% Ni 7.0% AI 35.0% Co 4.0% Cu 5.0% Ti Fe
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
alloy: For magnets; French alloy
Eion Elongation, %
TICONAL 1800 15.0% Ni 7.0% AI 35.0% Co 4.0% Cu 5.0% Ti Fe
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
alloy: For magnets; French alloy
TICONAL C 13.9% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu 0.8% Nb Fe 1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2=1 MPa
alloy: For magnets; origin unknown
TICONAL FRITTE 14.0% Ni 8.0% AI 24.0% Co 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
magnets; French alloy
21. Lead Pb
Physical properties
Atomic number 82
Atomic weight 207.21
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour Blue-grey
21.1 General notes on lead now threatening other uses of lead, which suffers from the
disadvantage of being the heaviest metal in common use.
Lead occurs in deposits widespread throughout the world This added to its low strength and very low creep properties
and it is of note that this metal, which has been used for means that it almost always has to be supported by other
plumbing since Roman times at least, makes up only 0.002% metals. Additions of antimony to lead increase the strength
of the earth's crust. Lithium, which is looked on as a rare without affecting its chemical resistance to any great extent,
metal, is present as 0.004%. Lead ores, however, tend to be but make it more difficult to weld or solder.
found in concentrated pockets which makes their mining A range of bearing metals exists with lead as the main
more economical than lithium, which is evenly distributed. constituent. Here the lead is used as a soft matrix supporting
The excellent ductility of lead which has a complete the hard intermetallic compounds of antimony, copper, tin
absence of cold working properties has made this a favourite and cadmium. These alloys are used for high bearing loads,
material. This is further enhanced by its excellent corrosion and can stand reasonably high temperatures. Lead bearings
resistance and the ease with which it can be cold forge do not however have good fatigue strength and must not be
welded. used where reciprocating loads are involved unless special
The Romans had lead water pipes and used lead as a precautions are taken. A number of different alloys have
roofing material. Lead pipes are now being replaced by been developed which cater for conditions varying from
copper, aluminium and plastic tubing, as these have thinner lightly loaded slow moving, up to such purposes as bearings
wall sections for the same strength and do not suffer creep on stone crushing equipment.
failure at normal temperatures. The use of lead for sheathing It is strongly advised that use is made of the detailed
electric cables is also largely being replaced with aluminium information available from the sources listed for these very
and plastic. Lead will be attacked corrosively by soft or special purpose alloys.
neutral water which contains carbon dioxide. This can cause Lead is also used as a base for soldering and some fusible
a health hazard when lead pipe is used. alloys.
The largest modern use of lead and its alloys is in the As an alloying element lead has many uses. It is more
lead/sulphuric acid electrical storage battery or 'accumula- economical than tin and has many similar properties, being
tor'. No other material can supply the necessary electrical, present in many tin based bearing alloys and almost all tin
chemical and corrosion resistant properties as economically based solders and fusible alloys.
as lead. Lead is added to steel, aluminium and copper alloys up to
The chemical industry still uses quantities of lead in con- 0.3% to improve machinability. It does not dissolve in any of
tact with acids and chromium electroplating equipment. This these materials and thus has little effect on their properties,
is being reduced by the use of titanium. but does form a discontinuity which prevents long curling
Some of the newer plastics, stainless steel and titanium are cuttings. It will reduce the ductility, however. The soft lead
also acts to some extent as a built~in solid lubricant, but there Lead oxide as a base for paints has been used for many
remains doubt as to the extent of the practical advantage of years, and there are modern 'paints' chemically producing an
this property. adherent deposit of metallic lead on steel which show con-
Lead sheeting has been the standard protection until siderable promise. Metallic lead and most of its compounds
recent years against X-rays and radioactivity. are toxic, and thus cannot be used in contact with foodstuffs
Lead and its alloys have no natural resonant frequencies, or on such articles as children's toys.
and it is thus a 'silent' metal. Lead also gives off toxic fumes when heated. This results
The corrosion resistant and bearing properties of lead in a health hazard to welders, scrap merchants, demolishers
when applied as an electroplated deposit are now being etc.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2.3010 99.99% Pb: German Standard ALLULOY No.2 Lead base white metal: Capping metal; Anti-Attrition;
2.3020 99.985% Pb: Gennan Standard as A 122
2.3021 0.06% Cu 99.9% Pb: Chemical grade; Gennan AMS4750A 45% Sn Pb alloy: Solder
Standard AMS4755A 5.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder
2.3030 99.94% Pb: German Standard AMS 4756 1.5% Ag 1% Sn Pb alloy: Solder
2.3040 99.9% Pb: For chemical use; German Standard AMS 7720 6.5% Sb 0.5% Sn Pb alloy: Casting
2.3075 0.1% Cu 99.75% Pb: Gennan Standard AMS7721 6.5% Sb 0.5% Sn Pb alloy: Sheet and extrusion
2.3085 98.5% Pb: Gennan Standard ANTIMONIAL 30% Sb Pb: Used in chemical plants battery
2.3131 0.005% Sn and Sb Pb: German Standard LEAD plates; common name
2.3132 0.12% Sb 0.005% Sn Pb: German Standard ARSENIC-LEAD 25% As Pb alloy: Blackwells; primary metal
2.3137 0.8% Sb 0.005% Sn Pb: German Standard ASTM B23/7 10% Sn 15% Sb 0.5% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal;
2.3138 2.5% Sn Pb alloy: German Standard melting point 240 'C; compressive strength 100 N/mm'
2.3139 0.04% Te 0.005% Sn and Sb Pb: Gennan Standard DPN: 22
2.3201 0.7% Sb 1.2% As Pb alloy: German Standard ASTM B23/8 5% Sn 15% Sb 0.5% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal;
2.3202 0.25% Sb Pb alloy: Gennan Standard melting point 237 'C; compressive strength 100 N/mm'
2.3203 3% Sb 1.5% As Pb alloy: Gennan Standard DPN: 20
2.3205 6% Sb Pb alloy: Gennan Standard ASTM B23113 6% Sn 10% Sb 0.5% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal
2.3208 8% Sb Pb alloy: Gennan Standard ASTM B23/15 1% Sn 16% Sb 0.6% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal;
2.3212 12% Sb Pb alloy: German Standard melting point 248 'c
2.3229 8.8% Sb Pb alloy: German Standard DPN:21
2.3299 8.8% Sb Pb alloy: German Standard ASTM B29 99.85-99.94% Pb pig: Specification covers 4 grades
A I BABBITI Pb base bearing metal: Medium duty; Magnolia ASTM B3211/5 S 1% Sn 1.5% Ag Pb solder: Melting point 309 'c
Anti-Friction Metal Co. ASTM B32/2A 2% Sn Pb solder
DPN: 26 UTS: 66 ASTM B32/2 B 2% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb solder
A5 Ag Pb base soft solder: Mallory Metallurgical; electrical ASTM B321215 S 2.5% Ag Pb solder: Melting point 304 'c
conductivity 7.2% lACS; melting range 304-370 'c ASTM B3215 A 5% Sn Pb solder: Melting range 27{}-312 'c
UTS: 37 Elon: 35% ASTM B3215 B 5% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 27{}-312 'c
A 25 Ag Pb base soft solder: Mallory Metallurgical; electrical ASTM B32110 B 10% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 268-299 'c
conductivity 7.2% lACS; melting point 304 'c ASTM B32115 B 15% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 227-288 'c
UTS: 37 Elon: 35% ASTM B32/20 B 20% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-277 'c
A36 Lead base white metal: For railway waggons; Anti- ASTM B32120 C 20% Sn 1% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-277 'c
Attrition ASTM B32125 A 25% Sn Pb: Solder; melting range 183-266 'c
DPN: 25 ASTM B32/25 B 25% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-266 'c
A 105 Lead base white metal: For gland packing; soft; ASTM B32125 C 25% Sn 1.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-266 'c
Anti-Attrition ASTM B32130 A 30% Sn Pb: Solder; melting range 183-255 'C
A 110 Lead base white metal: For heavy duty and eccentric .ASTM B32130 B 30% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-255 'c
bearings; Anti-Attrition ASTM B32130 C 30% Sn 1.6% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-255 'c
A 122 Lead base white metal: Capping metal; Anti-Attrition ASTM B32135 A 35% Sn Pb: Solder; melting range 183-247 'c
A 205 Lead base white metal: For gland packing; hard; ASTM B32135 B 35% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-247 'c
Anti-Attrition ASTM B32135 C 35% Sn 1.8% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-247 'c
A 210 Lead base white metal: For railway waggons; Anti- ASTM B32140 A 40% Sn Pb: Solder; melting range 183-238 'c
Attrition ASTM B32140 B 40% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-238 'c
DPN: 32 ASTM B32140 C 40% Sn 2% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-238 'c
ALLULOY No. I Lead base white metal: For heavy duty and eccentric ASTM B32145 A 45% Sn Pb: Solder; melting range 183-227 'c
bearings; Anti-Attrition; as A 110 ASTM B32145 B 45% Sn 0.3% Sb Pb: Solder; melting range 183-227 'c
ASTM BI02 YIOA 10% Sb Pb alloy: Bearing metal
ASTM BI02 YTI55A 5% Sn 15% Sb Pb alloy: Bearing metal
ASTM B325 For refined secondary Pb; two listed; soft; Cu free and
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Cu bearing with 0.04% Cu
AUTO A 16% Sb 1% Cu Pb alloy; Bearing metal; Stone
DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number Manganese
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' BABBITI Sn Cu Sb Pb white metal bearing alloys: Further
Eion Elongation. % information from Lead Development Association
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' BABBITI No.6 Pb base bearing metal: For general engineering; Eyre
Smelting; liquidus 272 'c
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04Ibf/in.'= I MPa
DPN: 20 UTS: 45 Elon: 3%
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BAHNMETAL 0.6% Na 0.7% Ca 0.05% Ni Pb: Bearing metal;
German origin
204 21.1 LEAD
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 219 C 40% Sn 2.2% Pb alloy: Solder; melting range 185- 227 CRUSHER Pb base hardened bearing metal for dusty conditions:
·C Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co.
BS 219 D 30% Sn 1.5% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range DIN 1707 LPB 98.5 98.5% Pb alloy
185-248 ·C DIN 1707 LSn 8 8% Sn 0.5% Sb Pb alloy
BS 219 G 40% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range DIN 1707 LSn 25 25% Sn 1.7% Sb Pb alloy
18}-234 ·C DIN 1707 LSn 30 30% Sn 2.0% Sb Pb alloy
BS219 H 35% Sn 0.3% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range DIN 1707 LSn 33 33% Sn 2.2% Sb Pb alloy
18}-255 ·C DIN 1707 LSn 35 35% Sn 2.3% Sb Pb alloy
BS 219 J 30% Sb 0.3% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range DIN 1707 LSn 40 40% Sn 2.7% Sb Pb alloy
18}-255 ·C DIN 1719 Pb specification covers various grades pure lead
BS 219 L 32% Sn 1.8% Sb Pb alloy: Solder, melting range DIN 1741 Sb Pb 46 2% Cu 40% Sn 12% Sb Pb alloy
185-243 ·C DPN: 17 lITS: 60 Elon: 4%
BS 219M 45% Sn 2.5% Sb Pb alloY,: Solder; melting range DIN 1741 Sb Pb 59 3% Cu 25% Sn 13% Sb Pb alloy
185-215 ·C DPN: 18 VTS: 60 Elon: 3%
BS 219 N 18% Sn 1% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range 185-275 DIN 1741 Sb Pb 85 5% Sn 10% Sb Pb alloy
·C DPN: 18 VTS: 60 Elon: 8%
BS 219 R 45% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder, melting range DIN 1741 Sb Pb 87 13% Sb Pb alloy
18}-224 ·C DPN: 14 UTS: 45 Elon: 10%
BS219V 20% Sn 0.2% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range DIN 1741 Sb Pb 97 3% Sb Pballoy
18}-276·C DPN: 9 UTS: 45 Elon: 20%
BS 219/1S 1.2% Sn 0.1 % Sb (max) 1.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; DIN 16512 Pb Sn 3 3.0% Sn 4% Sb Pb alloy
melting range 309-31O·C Sb4
BS 219/5S 5% Sn 0.1 % Sb (max) 1.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; DIN 16512 Pb Sn 3 3% Sn 12% Sb Pb alloy: Typemetal
melting range 296-301 ·C Sb 12
BS 334 A 99.99% Pb chemical lead: Primary material DIN 16512 Pb Sn 4 4% Sn 15% Sb Pb alloy
BS 334 B Chemical Pb containing protective elements: Primary Sb 15
material 0.005% Bi (max) DIN 16512 Pb Sn 5 5% Sn 12% Sb Pb alloy
BS 335/2 7% Sb Pb alloy: Casting; corrosion resistant for lining Sb 12
tanks; 'Regulus Metal' DIN 16512 Pb Sn 5 5.5% Sn 29% Sb Pb alloy
DPN: 15 VTS: 40 Sb28
BS 335/3 9% Sb Pb alloy: Casting; 'Regulus Metal'; corrosion DIN 16512 Pb Sn 9 9% Sn 17% Sb Pb alloy
resistant; wear resistant Sb 17
DPN: 16 VTS: 45 DIN 16512 Pb 15% Sn 4.5% Sb Pb alloy
BS 335/4 11 % Sb Pb alloy: Casting; 'Regulus metal'; corrosion Sn IS Sb 4
resistant; machinable DIN 16512 V Pb 5% Sn 28% Sb Pb alloy
DPN: 17 VTS: 57 Sn5Sb28
BS 335/5 12% Sb (min) Pb alloy: Casting; 'Regulus Metal'; DIN 16512 V Pb 30% Sn 6% Sb Pb alloy
corrosion resistant; machinable Sn 30 Sb 6
DNP: 19 VTS: 60 DIN 17640 Specification covering grades of lead
BS 602/1 99.8% Pb: Pipe DIN 17641 Pb and Pb alloys: Specification covers several analyses
BS 602/2 99.5% Pb: Pipe DISPLAY 17% Sb 8% Sr Pb alloy: Origin unknown
BS 602/3 0.05% Te Pb: Pipe MONOTYPE
BS643 5% Sn 15% Sb Pb alloy: Used for capping wire ropes ALLOY
BS801 99.8% Pb: For cable sheathing DTD 685 1.5% Ag 1.2% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
BS 801 B 0.9% Sb Pb alloy: For sheathing 309-313 ·C
BS801 D 0.25% Cd 0.5% Sb Pb alloy: For sheathing DURASTICA 1 Cu Pb Sn base bearing for reciprocating engines: Eyre
BS 801 E 0.4% Sn 0.2% Sb Pb alloy: For sheathing Smelting; melting range 186-350·C
BS 1085 0.004% Ag 0.004% Cu Pb: Pipe DPN: 31 UTS: 90 Elon: 3%
BS 1178 99.9% Pb alloy: Sheet and strip for building ELECTRO TYPE 3% Sn 3% Sb Pb alloy: White metal; further
BS 3332/7 12% Sn 13% Sb 1% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal information from Lead Development Association
BS 3332/8 5% Sn 15% Sb Pb alloy: Bearing metal E QQ S 571/R 2.5% Ag Pb alloy solder: US Federal; melting point
BULLET ALLOY 0.75% Sb 99.2% Pb: Origin unknown 304·C
CAPSULE METAL 8% Sn Pb alloy: Origin unknown ESD 32 10.0% Co 18.0% Fe Pb alloy: Origin unknown
CERROBASE Bi Pb alloy: Casting for pattern metal; Mining & ESD 42 10.0% Co 18.0% Fe Pb alloy: Origin unknown
Chemical Ltd; can be cast into paper moulds etc.; FLOWER BRAND Pb base graphite impregnated bearing metal: Magnolia
melting point 124 ·C Anti-Friction Metal Co.; constant load and speed
COMSOL Ag Sn Pb base soft solder: Mallory Metallurgical; DPN: 25.5 VTS: 66
electrical conductivity 8% lACS; melting point 296·C FRARY METAL 1% Ba 0.8% Ca Pb alloy: Origin unknown
VTS: 37 Elon: 40% HOYT3M Pb base bearing metal: Hoyt
HOYT 4 A Pb base bearing metal: Hoyt
HOYT30 30% Sn Pb solder: Contains up to 1.7% Sb; melting
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
range 18}-255 ·C; Hoyt
HOYT 32 32% Sn 1.8% Sb Pb solder: Melting range 185-243 ·C;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Hoyt
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 HOYT 35 35% Sn Pb solder: Melting range 18}-255 ·C; Hoyt
Eion Elongation, % HOYT 40 40% Sn Pb solder: Slow setting; may contain Sb;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 melting range 18}-234 ·C; Hoyt
HOYT 142 Sn Pb base bearing metal: Hoyt
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
HOYT 155 Sn Pb base bearing metal: Hoyt
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. HOYT STAR Pb base bearing metal: Hoyt
h Pb I 99.9999% Pb: Rod; Light Ltd; high purity metal
21.1 LEAD 205
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
h Pb2 99.9999% Pb: Shot; Light Ltd; high purity metal L 50725 0.05% Cu 0.04% Ca Pb alloy: Sheathing; UNS
h Pb4b 99.9999% Pb: Sheet I mm thick; Light Ltd; high purity designation
metal L50728 0.5% Sn 0.04% Ca Pb alloy: Battery grids; UNS
h Pb 73a 99.99% Pb single crystal 6.35 mm diameter x 25 mm: designation
Light Ltd L50730 0.5% Ag 0.06% Ca Pb alloy: For anodes; UNS
IBIS Sn Pb base bearing metal for general purpose: designation
Phosphor Bronze Ltd; available in various grades L 50735 0.06% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS designation
INTERTYPE 3% Sn 12% Pb alloy: White metal; further information L50736 0.2% Sn 0.065% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
METAL from Lead Development Association designation
KbPb 0.005% Sb and Sn Pb: Designation used by German L 50737 0.5% Sn 0.065% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
Standard designation
Kb Pb Sb 0.12% Sn 0.005% Sn Pb: Designation used by German L50740 0.7% Sn 0.065% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
Standard designation
Kb Pb Sn 2.5 2.5% Sn Pb alloy: Designation used by German LS0745 1% Sn 0.065% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
Standard designation
Kb Pb Te 0.04 0.04% Te 0.005% Sn and Sb Pb: Designation used by LS0750 1.3% Sn 0.065% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
German Standard designation
L 05120 5% Sn 9% Sb Pb alloy: Babbit Metal; UNS designation LS0755 1.5% Sn 0.065% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
L50001 99.9999% Pb: Zone refined; UNS designation designation
L 50005 99.999% Pb: Refined soft; UNS designation L50760 0.07% Ca Pb metal: For battery grids; UNS designation
L 50010 99.99% Pb: Refined soft; UNS designation L50765 0.7% Sn 0.07% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
L5OO20 99.985% Pb: Refined soft; UNS designation designation
L50025 99.97% Pb: UNS designation L50770 0.1 % Ca Pb metal: For battery grids; UNS designation
L5OO35 99.95% Pb (min): UNS designation LS0775 0.3% Sn 0.1 % Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
L 50040 99.94% Pb (min): UNS designation designation
L50042 99.94% Pb: Corroding lead; UNS designation L50780 0.5% Sn 0.1 % Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
L 50045 99.94% Pb: Common lead; UNS designation designation
L5OO50 99.9% Pb: Grade A lead; UNS designation L50790 1% Sn 0.1% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
L50060 99.85% Pb (min): Type III lead; UNS designation designation
L50065 99.7% Pb (min): Grade C lead; UNS designation L 50795 0.3% Sn 0.12% Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
L 50070 99.5% Pb (min): Grade B lead; UNS designation designation
L 50080 95% Pb (min): Grade B lead; UNS designation L 50800 0.3% Sn 0.21 % Ca Pb alloy: For battery grids; UNS
L 50090 Pb not specified: Grade B lead; UNS designation designation
LSOIOI 99.8% Pb 0.2% Ag: Cable sheathing; UNS designation L50810 0.02% AI 0.04% Li 0.7% Ca 0.6% Na Pb alloy:
LS0110 99.5% Pb 0.5% Ag: UNS designation Bearing metal; UNS designation
LSOll3 2.5% Sn 0.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation L 50820 0.02% AI 0.04% Li 0.7% Ca 0.2% Na 0.4% Ba Pb
LSOll5 0.75% Ag Pb: Anode alloy; UNS designation alloy: Bearing metal; UNS designation
LSOl20 1% Ag Pb: Anode alloy; UNS designation L 50840 1% Ca Pb metal: UNS designation
LSOl21 1% Sn 1% Ag Pb: Solder; UNS designation L 50850 2% Ca Pb metal: UNS designation
LSOl22 I% As 1% Ag Pb: Anode alloy; UNS designation L50880 6% Ca Pb alloy: UNS designation
L50131 1% Sn 1.5% Ag Pb: Solder; UNS designation L50940 17% Cd Pb metal: Eutectic alloy; UNS designation
LS0132 1% Sn 1.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation L51110 0.05% Cu Pb metal: Copperized lead; UNS designation
LS0134 5% Sn 1.5% Ag Pb alloy: UNS designation L 51121 99.9% Pb: UNS designation
L 50140 2% Ag Pb alloy: For cathodic protection; UNS LS1123 99.85% Pb (min): Grade D; UNS designation
designation L51124 99.82% Pb (min): UNS designation
L 50150 2.5% Ag Pb alloy: UNS designation L51125 99.9% Pb: UNS designation
L50151 2.5% Ag Pb alloy: UNS designation LS1180 3% Sn 45% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing; UNS designation
L50152 2% Sn 2.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation L51510 2.3% Ag 4.8% In Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation
L 50170 5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation L 51511 5% In Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L50172 5% Ag 5% In Pb alloy: UNS designation L51512 2.5% Ag 5% In Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 50180 5.5% Ag Pb alloy: UNS designation L 51530 19% In Pb alloy: UNS designation
L 50310 0.1 % Sn 0.15% As 0.1 % Bi Pb alloy: For sheathing; L 51532 20% In Pb alloy: UNS designation
UNS designation LSI535 25% In Pb alloy: UNS designation
L 50510 0.05% Ba Pb alloy: UNS designation LSI540 40% In Pb alloy: UNS designation
L 50520 1% Sn 0.05% Ba Pb alloy: UNS designation LSI550 50% In Pb alloy: UNS designation
LS0521 1.5% Sn 0.05% Ba Pb alloy: UNS designation LSI705 0.01% Li 99.9% Pb: UNS designation
L 50522 2% Sn 0.05% Ba Pb alloy: UNS designation L 51708 0.02% Li 99.9% Pb: UNS designation
L 50530 1% Sn 0.1 % Ba Pb alloy: UNS designation L 51710 0.03% Li 99.9% Pb: UNS designation
L 50535 2% Sn 0.1 % Ba Pb alloy: UNS designation LS1720 0.06% Li 99.9% Pb: UNS designation
L 50540 0.4% Ba 0.8% Ca Pb alloy: Frary metal; UNS L 51740 0.02% Li 0.35% Sn 99.6% Pb: UNS designation
designation LSI748 0.04% Li 0.7% Sn 99.2% Pb: UNS designation
L 50541 1% Ba 0.5% Ca Pb alloy: UNS designation L52515 0.015% As 0.2% Sb 99.8% Pb: For cable sheathing;
L 50542 1.2% Ba 0.8% Ca Pb alloy: UNS designation UNS designation
LS0543 2% Ba 0.8% Ca Pb alloy: UNS designation L 52525 0.03% As 0.3% Sb 0.03% Te Pb: For cable sheathing;
L 50710 0.008% Ca Pb metal: UNS designation UNS designation
L50712 0.025% Ca Pb metal: UNS designation L52540 0.25% Cd 0.5% Sb 99.2% Pb: For cable sheathing;
LS0713 0.3% Sn 0.025% Ca Pb alloy: Sheathing; UNS UNS designation
designation L52550 0.04% Cu 0.6% Sb 0.04% Te Pb: For cable sheathing;
L50720 0.03% Ca Pb metal: UNS designation UNS designation
L50722 0.06% Cu 0.03% Ca Pb alloy: UNS designation L 52560 0.75% Sb 99.2% Pb: Bullet alloy; UNS designation
L 52605 1% Sb 99% Pb: UNS designation
206 21.1 LEAD
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
L52615 0.1 % As 1% Sb 0.3% Sn Pb alloy: Die casting; UNS L 53575 15% Sb 8% Sn Pb alloy: Stereotype alloy; UNS
designation designation
L52620 1.4% Cd 1.5% Sb 97% Pb: Battery alloy; UNS L53580 15% Sb 10% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
designation L 53585 0.4% As 15% Sb 10% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
L52625 0.45% As 1.65% Sb 98% Pb: Shot alloy; UNS L 53620 1% As 16% Sb 1% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
designation L53650 17% Sb 8% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
L52725 2.5% Sb 97.5% Pb: Bullet alloy; UNS designation L 53655 17% Sb 9% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
L52760 0.18% As 0.07% Cu 2.7% Sb 0.2% Sn Pb alloy: UNS L53685 19% Sb 9% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
designation L53710 1.5% Cu 20% Sb 20% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
L52765 0.3% As 0.07% Cu 2.7% Sb 0.3% Sn Pb alloy: UNS L53730 2.5% Sn 2.5% Sb 95% Pb: Electrotype metal; UNS
designation designation
L52805 3% Sb 97% Pb: UNS designation L53740 24% Sb 9% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
L52810 0.15% As 3% Sb 0.3% Sn Pb: Battery alloy; UNS L53750 24% Sb 12% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
designation L53780 1.5% Cu 25% Sb 13% Sn Pb alloy: Typemetal; UNS
L52860 3.5% Sb 4.1 % Sn Pb: Bearing alloy; UNS designation designation
L52901 4% Sb Pb alloy: UNS designation L53790 28% Sb 5% Sn Pb alloy: Typemetal; UNS designation
L52910 4% Sb 1% Sn Pb: UNS designation L53795 29% Sb 5.5% Sn Pb alloy: Typemetal; UNS
L52915 4% Sb 3% Sn Pb: Type metal; UNS designation designation
L53020 5% Sb 5% Sn Pb: Bullet alloy; UNS designation L54030 0.07% Cd 0.2% Sn Pb: For cable sheaths; UNS
L 53105 6% Sb Pb alloy: UNS designation designation
L 53120 0.4% As 6% Sb Pb: Anode alloy; UNS designation L54050 0.15% Cd 0.4% Sn Pb: For cable sheaths; UNS
L 53122 0.4% As 6% Sb Pb: Sheet; UNS designation designation
L 53125 0.6% As 6% Sb Pb: Pipe; heat resistant; UNS L54210 2% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
designation L54211 0.3% Sb 2% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53130 0.6% As 6% Sb 0.6% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L 54250 5% Sb 2.6% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53235 1.25% As 8% Sb Pb: Hard shot alloy; UNS designation L 54280 5% Sb 3% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53238 2% As 8% Sb Pb: Hard shot alloy; UNS designation L 54310 3% Sb 4% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation
L 53260 8% Sb 3% Sn Pb: For spin casting; UNS designation L54320 5% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53265 8% Sb 4% Sn Pb: Typemetal; UNS designation L 54321 0.3% Sb 5% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53305 9% Sb Pb alloy: UNS designation L54322 5% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53320 9% Sb 5% Sn Pb: White metal bearings; UNS L54360 0.5% As 4% Sb 5% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
designation L 54370 7% Sn Pb alloy: For plating bearings; UNS designation
L53340 10% Sb Pb alloy: For die casting; UNS designation L 54410 0.3% Sb 8% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation
L53343 10% Sb 6% Sn Pb alloy: Bearings; UNS designation L 54510 10% Sn Pb alloy: For plating bearings; UNS
L53345 10% Sb 6% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation designation
L53346 10% Sb 6% Sn Pb: Beams alloy; UNS designation L54520 0.3% Sb 10% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53405 11 % Sb Pb alloy: UNS designation L54525 2% Ag 10% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53420 11 % Sb 3% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54530 0.5% As 4% Sb 10% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53425 11 % Sb 5% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54540 0.4% Sb 12% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53452 12% Sb 3% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54555 2.5% Sb 14.5% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53455 12% Sb 4% Sn Pb alloy: Eutectic; UNS designation L54560 0.3% Sb 15% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53456 12% Sb 5% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54570 2.5% Sb 15% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53460 12% Sb 6% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54580 4.5% Sb 15% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53465 12.5% Sb 10% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54610 1.5% Sb 19.5% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53470 0.4% As 12.7% Sb 0.7% Sn Pb alloy: cr Metal; UNS L54710 20% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
designation L54711 0.3% Sb 20% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53480 3% As 12.7% Sb 0.7% Sn Pb alloy: Babbitt; UNS L 54712 1% Sb 20% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
designation L54713 1.2% Sb 22% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53505 1% As 13% Sb 1% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54715 3% Sb 23% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53510 13% Sb 6.5% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54720 25% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53530 14% Sb 6% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54721 0.3% Sb 25% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 53550 15% Sb Pb alloy: UNS designation L54722 1.2% Sb 25% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation
L53555 15% Sb 2% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation L54727 3% Cu 13% Sb 25% Sn Pb: Bearing alloy; UNS
L 53558 15% Sb 4% Sn Pb alloy: UNS designation designation
L53560 15% Sb 5% Sn Pb alloy: Die casting; UNS designation L54750 3% Ag 27% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation
L53565 15% Sb 5% Sn Pb alloy: Bearing metal; UNS L54755 21 % Bi 27% Sn Pb: Fusible alloy
designation L54805 1.5 Sb 28% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L53570 15% Sb 7% Sn Pb alloy: Monotype alloy; UNS L54810 28.5% Bi 28.5% Sn Pb: Fusible alloy; UNS designation
designation L 54815 1% Sb 29.5% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation
L54820 30% Sn Pb; Solder; UNS designation
L 54821 0.3% Sb 30% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
L 54822 1.6% Sb 30% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation
L 54827 6% Sb 30% Sn Pb: Typemetal; UNS designation
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
L 54829 20% Bi 30% Sn Pb alloy: Fusible metal; UNS
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Elon Elongation, %
L 54830 30.8% Bi 31 % Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
L 54832 1.8% Sb 31.5% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation
L54833 3% Sb 32% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
L54835 33.3% Bi 33.3% Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. designation
L54840 32% Bi 34% Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS designation
21.1 LEAD 207
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
L 54850 35% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation PLUMBERS 33.3% Sn Pb alloy: Further information from Lead
L 54851 0.3% Sb 35% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation SOLDER Development Association
L 54852 1.8% Sb 35% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; UNS designation PM 99.97% Pb: Refined lead; Platt Metals Ltd
L54855 3% Ag 35.5% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQC40 99.7% Pb: US Federal specification
L 54860 21 % Bi 36% Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS designation QQLI71 99.9% Pb: US Federal specification
L 54865 21 % Bi 37% Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS designation QQ L 171 (Grade C) 99.9% Pb: US Federal specification
L54905 1.7% Sb 38.2% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQL201 99.5% Pb: Remelted lead; US Federal specification
L 54910 12.6% Bi 40% Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS designation QQ L201 A 99.9% Pb: Sheet; US Federal specification
LS4915 40% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQL201 B 99.5% Pb: Sheet; US Federal specification
L 54916 0.3% Sb 40% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S571 (Ag 2.5) 2.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; US Federal specification
L54918 2% Sb 40% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S 571 (Ag 5.5) 5.5% Ag Pb alloy: Solder; US Federal specification
LS4925 2% Cu 12% Sb 40% Sn Pb: Bearing metal; UNS QQ S 571 (Pb 65) 0.3% Sb 35% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
designation QQ S 571 (Pb 70) 0.3% Sb 30% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
LS4930 4% Bi 40% Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS designation QQ S 571 (Pb 80) 0.3% Sb 20% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
L 54935 14% Bi 43% Sn Pb: Fusible metal; UNS designation QQ S 571 (Sn 5) 5% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
L 54940 1.7% Sb 43.2% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S571 (Sn 20) 1% Sb 20% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
LS4945 1% Ag 44% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S 571 (Sn 30) 1.6% Sb 30% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
L 54950 45% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S 571 (Sn 35) 1.8% Sb 35% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
L 54951 0.3% Sb 45% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S 571 (Sn 40) 0.3% Sb 40% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
L 54955 2.5% Sb 45% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S 571 (Sn 50) 0.3% Sb 50% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification
L55005 48% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQS571 B 40% Sn Pb alloy: Solder; US Federal specification
LS5030 50% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation QQ S57I D 0.45% Sb 40% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification;
LS5031 0.3% Sb 50% Sn Pb: Solder; UNS designation melting range 182-238 'C
L55210 0.3% Sn 0.06% Sr Pb: Battery alloy; UNS designation QQ S 571 D Ag 1.5 1.5% Ag 1.0% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification;
L 55260 0.03% AI 0.2% Sr Pb: Battery alloy; UNS designation melting point 309 'C
L 55290 2% Sr Pb alloy: UNS designation QQ S 571 D Ag 2.5 2.5% Ag Pb: Solder; US Federal specification; melting
LANSTON 19% Sb 9% Sn Pb alloy: Origin unknown point 304 'C
STANDARD QQ S 571 D Ag 5.5 5.5% Ag Pb: Solder; US Federal specification; melting
LEAD Pb: Powder, stick, sheet, wire, foil, etc.; Blackwell; range 304-366 'C
pure metal QQ S 571 D Pb 65 0.45% Sb 37% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification;
LEAD 6 A 6% Sb Pb alloy: Wire for spraying; Metco Ltd melting range 182-246 'C
LINOTYPE METAL 3% Sn 12% Sb Pb alloy: White metal; further QQ S571d Pb 70 0.45% Sb 31% Sn 70% Pb: Solder; US Federal
information from Lead Development Association specification; melting range 182-254 'C
LINOTYPE METAL II % Sb 4% Sn Pb alloy: Common name QQ S 571 D Pb 80 0.45% Sb 20% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification;
LOCO Pb base hardened bearing metal for dusty conditions: melting range 182-277 'C
Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co. QQS57IDSn5 5.0% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification; melting
DPN: 36 range 270-313 'C
LYMANS ALLOY 5% Sb 5% Sn Pb alloy: Origin unknown 'QQ S 571 D Sn 10 10% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal specification; melting
MAGNOLIA Pb base bearing metal: Further information from the range 269-299 'C
METAL Lead Development Association QQ S 571 D Sn 20 1.0% Sb 20.5% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal
MALTEXXNol 8.7% Sn 16.7% Sb Pb alloy: Bearing metal; Stone specification; melting range 182-277 'C
Manganese QQ S 571 D Sn 30 1.6% Sb 30.5% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal
MALTEX X No I A 4% Sn 14% Sb 1% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal; Stone specification; melting range 182-254 'C
Manganese; as BS 3332/8 QQ S 571 D Sn 35 1.8% Sb 35.5% Sn Pb: Solder; US Federal
MALTEX X No 7 40% Sn 16% Sb 1% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal; Stone specification; melting range 182-246 'C
Manganese QQT390 5% Sn 9% Sb Pb alloy: US Federal specification
MARINE I 4% Sn 14% Sb 1% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal; Stone RAILWAY A 40% Sn 16% Sb 1% Cu Pb alloy: Bearing metal; Stone
Manganese; as BS 3332/8 Manganese
MARINE II 22.5% Sn 7.7% Sb Pb alloy: Bearing metal; Stone REGULUS METAL 6-12% Sb Pb alloy: Casting; see BS 335
Manganese RM I METAL Pb base hardened bearing metal for heavy duty
MASCOT Sn Pb base melting metal for general use: Eyre conditions: Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co.
Smelting; melting range 240-300 'C RPb 0.7% Sb 1.2% As Pb alloy: Designation used by
DPN: 23 UTS: 66 Elon: 2% German Standards
MONOTYPE 15% Sb 7% Sn Pb alloy: Common name RULES 15% Sb 10% Sn Pb alloy: Origin unknown
MONOTYPE 9% Sn 17% Sb Pb alloy: White metal; further ALLOY
METAL information from Lead Development Association SAEIA 45% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
Pb5 Ag Sn Pb alloy: For brazing; Johnson Matthey 182-227'C
PbSb5 6% Sb Pb alloy: Designation used by German SAEIB 43% Sn 1.7% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
Standards 185-223 'C
PbSb8 8% Sb Pb alloy: Designation used by German SAE2A 40% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
Standards 182-223 'C
PbSb9 8.8% Sb Pb alloy: Designation used by German SAE2B 38% Sn 1.7% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
Standards 185-232 'C
Pb Sb 9X 8.8% Sb Pb alloy: Designation used by German SAE3A 30% Sn 0.5% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
Standards 182-254 'C
Pb Sb 12 12.5% Sb Pb alloy: Designation used by German SAE3B 30% Sn 1.0% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
Standards 185-250'C
PLASTIC METAL Pb base bearing metal: Further information from Lead SAE4A 25% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range
Development Association 182-266'C
208 21.1 LEAD
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE4B 25% Sn 1.5% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range STEREOTYPE 15% Sb 8% Sn Pb alloy: Common name
185-260'C ALLOY
SAE5 A 20% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range SX25 0.25% Cu 2.5% Ag Pb alloy: Soft solder; Sheffield
182-279 'C Smelting; melting range 302-305 'C
SAE5 B 20% Sn 1.5% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range DPN: 8.0 VTS: 37 Elon: 45% Proof: 23
185-266'C TANDEMHDL Pb base bearing metal: For shock loads; Eyre Smelting;
SAE6A 15% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range liquidus 350 'C
224-290'C DPN: 34 UTS: 90 Elon: 1%
SAE6B 15% Sn 2.7% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range TANDEMRM Pb base bearing metal: For shock loads; Eyre Smelting;
224-290'C liquidus 350 'C
SAE7 A 50% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range DPN: 31 VTS: 85 Elon: 3%
182-216'C TANDEMSC Pb base bearing metal: For low speed high duty; Eyre
SAE8A 35% Sn 0.4% Sb (max) Pb alloy: Solder; melting range Smelting; liquidus 300 'C
182-245 'C DPN: 27 UTS: 75 Elon: 2%
SAE9B 2.7% Sn 5.2% Sb Pb alloy: Solder; melting range UNS L5OOI-L5999 Lead based alloys: American Standard System
240-290'C VPbSn5Sb28 5% Sn 28% Sb Pb alloy: Designation used by German
SAE 13 6% Sn 10% Sb Pb alloy: For bearings Standards
SAE 14 10% Sn 15% Sb Pb alloy: For bearings V PbSn30Sb6 30% Sn 6% Sb Pb alloy: Designation used by German
SAE 15 1% Sn 15% Sb Pb alloy: For bearings Standards
SAE 16 4.5% Sn 3.5% Sb Pb alloy: For bearings; cast on a WEWATSON Sn Pb base bearing metal: For heavy duty purposes;
sintered matrix BRAND Eyre Smelting; melting range 240-370 'C
SAE 19 10% Sn Pb alloy: For bearings; this alloy is DPN: 30 UTS: 67 Elon: 1%
electroplated onto Cu or Ag based bearings
SAE 190 7% Sn Pb alloy: For bearings; this alloy is electroplated
onto Cu or Ag based bearings
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SAE 485 3% Sn 46% Cu Pb alloy: For bearings; cast onto steel
or sintered backing
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
SHOT ALLOY 0.5% As 1.6% Sb Pb alloy: Origin unknown
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
SPRABABBITT L 0.25% Cu 10% Sn 13% Sb Pb alloy: Wire for spraying;
Elon Elongation, %
Metco Ltd; obsolete
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
STA 7LBI Pb base bearing metal: Obsolete
STA 7LB2 Pb base bearing metal: Obsolete; 'Magnolia Metal'
I N/mm2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04 Ibf/in. 2=1 MPa
STA 7TB2A Pb base bearing metal: Obsolete; 'Babbit'
STEREOTYPE 6% Sn 16% Sb Pb alloy: White metal; further See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
information from Lead Development Association
22. Lithium Li
PhysicaL properties
Atomic number 3
Atomic weight 6.94
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Silver-white
22.1 General notes on lithium oxide, but even more important is the ability of lithium to
combine with oxygen in water vapour. This is one of the
Lithium occurs generally in combination with aluminium as more troublesome components of atmospheric gas at heat
the complex double oxide or fluoride. Approximately treatment temperatures and the reaction has the secondary
0.004% of the earth's crust is composed of lithium, which is effect of releasing hydrogen to enrich the reducing proper-
twice the amount of lead, but as it is more evenly distributed ties of the resultant gas. The more efficient use of hydrogen
mining is less economical. and cracked ammonia furnace atmospheres has to a lesser
The metal is softer than lead, can be cut with a knife and extent reduced the need for lithium enriched atmospheres.
tarnishes rapidly in moist air. It reacts vigorously with water, Lithium metal is used in chemical engineering as a catalyst
liberating hydrogen, and thus must be contained out of con- in the production of some synthetic rubbers and forms the
tact with air. base for a series of metallic greases which have exceptional
Lithium is the lightest known metal, having a specific viscosity stability over a range of temperatures.
gravity one fifth that of aluminium and half that of water. There are no commercial alloys based on lithium but in
The low melting point and high specific heat - almost that small amounts up to 1% lithium has a wide field of applica-
of water - and high boiling point make lithium an obvious tion. When added to lead based bearing metals and certain
choice as a heat exchange medium. Some use is being made zinc base sheet metal alloys there is a considerable increase
of lithium in preference to sodium and potassium in nuclear in hardness. The aluminium-zinc cast and wrought alloys are
submarine reactors, but the corrosive nature of the liquid strengthened by 0.5% lithium and magnesium alloys have
metal necessitates expensive containers, such as tantalum. their corrosion resistance increased with no drop in strength.
Liquid lithium at 200 DC attacks most common metals and When added to solder and braze materials lithium
glass or porcelain. improves the wetting properties with in some instances
Alloys of lithium with silver or copper are used as deoxi- improvement in shear strength. This increase in the ability to
dizers for copper and silver and their alloys, while the alloy wet means enhanced brazing on materials such as chromium
with calcium is a powerful scavenging agent for oxygen. The and tungsten.
affinity of lithium for oxygen has also been used in heat The metal lithium has many useful and interesting proper-
treatment atmospheres, where the metal is added to the ties, although its lack of stability in air precludes its use as the
burnt town gas. Any free oxygen is converted to lithium main constituent in normal engineering alloys.
210 22.1 LITHIUM
Symbol Nominal analysis. supplier. condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
ASTM B357 99.9% Li metal in ingot form
L06990 99.99% Li: UNS designation DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
LITHIUM Li metal: Blackwells; pure metal UTS Ultimate tensile strength. N/mm'
WLi 16 99.98% Li: Ingot; Ligbt Ltd; high purity metal Elon Elongation. %
WLi20 99.9% Li: Wire 3 mm diameter; Light Ltd Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
23.1 General notes on magnesium Pure magnesium is not often used commercially but there
is a well defined range of alloys, some of which can have their
Magnesium is found generally as the carbonate, the double mechanical properties enhanced by thermal treatment.
carbonate with calcium, the sulphate, chloride and silicate, Details of these materials are given in the following sections.
and is the third most common metal. The ores are wide- Magnesium is also used as an alloying element, particu-
spread throughout the world and are all more or less soluble larly with aluminium where it has the effect of increasing
in water. There is therefore a tendency for them to be dis- strength when cold worked, without detracting from the
solved by rivers and streams, and to concentrate in the corrosion resistance. It has a similar though less marked
oceans w~ere they form the salt in sea water. effect on zinc alloys.
Magnesium is a modern metal which owes its place in the There are also heat treatable aluminium-magnesium
table of usefulness almost exclusively to the aircraft industry. alloys, particularly with silicon, where the magnesium forms
The use of higher temperatures and stresses in this industry is intermetallic compounds which take part ill the hardening
to some extent lessening its popularity. The high tonnage process.
requirements, however, caused modern plants to be built
and reduced the price of magnesium to that of a competitive 23.2 Magnesium - note on specifications
material where weight-saving is of prime importance.
The affinity of magnesium for oxygen is a considerable An explanation of the different methods of classification and
disadvantage from the corrosion point of view, necessitating designation used with magnesium base materials may be of
complex corrosion resisting procedures and first quality assistance in identifying these alloys rapidly. This being a
paint films. Because of this property the metal is used for comparatively modern metal, there are as yet relatively few
such purposes as metal de-oxidizing and as an oxygen 'getter' specifications and trade names in existence. There are also
in thermionic valves. The well known property of burning in very few basic suppliers and these are almost all American or
air to give a very white bright light is still used for flares, Canadian, with the result that the same alloy appears more
fireworks and photographic flashes. It forms the base of most or less under the same name or symbol to a much greater
incendiary devices. extent than with the older metals, or even aluminium.
Magnesium has gained the reputation that it corrodes
dangerously rapidly, which is unfortunate. While there is no
British Standards Institution (BS)
doubt that severe corrosion can occur with magnesium and
its alloys this is not as bad as with steel but can be more The specifications issued to date are almost all based on the
spectacular and it is probably easier to protect magnesium system of classifying by form - sheet, bar, etc. - with the
permanently than steel. Alkalis and hydrofluoric acid have different alloys given a designation, which identifies the
no effect on magnesium. analysis. A letter is used to confirm the form.
These specifications are: tive at that time. The issue year and other suffix information
is not always shown in this book.
BS 2970 Castings - no identifying letter used
BS 3370 Strip - identifying letter'S'
BS 3371 Tube - identifying letter 'T' Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
BS 3372 Forging - identifying letter 'F' This body issues a series of specifications with the prefix SAE
BS 3373 Bar - identifying letter 'E' followed by two or three digits, the first of which is always 5.
BS 3374 Plate - identifying letter 'F' There has been no attempt to make these figures describe or
code the alloy content.
The alloy designation is prefixed by the letters MAG fol- This body also issues a series of Aerospace Material Speci-
lowed by figures which identify the alloy. Each alloy appears fictions prefixed with the letters AMS using four digits. A
three times in the index of this book, for example: suffix letter denotes the issue number. Again, no effort has
(a) The full title BS 3370 MAG S111- been made to code the analysis or form using these figures.
Aluminium-zinc-magnesium alloy
strip Unified Numbering System (UNS)
(b) also MAG 111-
This system is described in ASTM E527.
Aluminium-zinc-magnesium alloy
It covers only metals and alloys which have a commercial
(c) and 111 - Aluminium-zinc-magnesium
standing, with a few exceptions where the UNS specification
is unique.
There are 18 series of numbers. These are listed at the start
The two last entries are always referred to the BS range, of Section 44 in this book.
where the necessary information will be found under the full There is a single letter prefix followed by five digits.
title. The British Standard designation for the alloys uses the Any UNS number for magnesium or its alloys will be
letters preceding the figures and this is the correct form headed 'M' from MDOOOI to M20000.
which appears in other specifications than those listed above.
One exception is the aircraft material specifications which
use the letter 'L' as prefix followed by three digits. Alumi- German Standards (DIN)
nium and its alloys use the same prefix followed by two This uses two distinct systems, the first of which has a letter
digits. and figure code descriptive of the form and analysis of the
alloy. These are contained in a master specification generally
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) covering the form - i.e. sheet, bar, etc. - and prefixed by the
letters DIN.
This body issues separate specifications covering different The second and newer system uses numbers only, the first
forms and materials. Each specification is identified by the of which is always 3 (in common with aluminium alloys)
letters ASTM followed by 'B' indicating a non-ferrous speci- followed by a period and then four other digits, the first two
fication, then a number. The specification is then subdivided classifying the alloy, the second two indicating the quantity
by analysis, each of which is identified by a letter and figure of alloying element. This system was devised to suit modern
code which is almost universally used for magnesium alloys. accounting machines and computers and is included in the
This uses two or more letters to indicate the alloys content, DIN specification, along with original descriptive method.
for example: 'A' for aluminium, 'z' for zinc, 'M' for magne- In this book the DIN specification is given and the mew
sium, followed by a two or three digit number identifying the figure code. The descriptive designation is indexed and
actual alloy. There is no attempt to make the numbers give referred to the DIN range in the appropriate section.
the percentage alloying elements or other information. Examples are:
In this book the alloys are always given their full speci-
fication number and the designation is also listed in the index DIN 1729 Mg Mn 2 1.7% Mn Mg alloy
as these alloys tend to be called by this rather than their full Mg Mn 2 1.7% Mn Mg alloy: Designation used
title. The index entry refers to the appropriate section where by German Standards
the full title appears. 3.5200 1.7% Mn Mg alloy: German Standard
Examples would be:
ASTM B93 AZ 63 A/61 6% Al 3% Zn Mg alloy ingot - Trade names and specifications
issued in 1961 These very often use the same code or one based on the same
AZ 63A 6% Al 3% Zn Mg alloy - this is the system as that attributed to ASTM.
commonly used designation. While every effort has been made to include all possible
alternative names, it is suggested that if the material cannot
The full title should always be followed by two figures, be identified immediately, the manufacturer's name or ini-
giving the year of issue, for example, 61 indicates 1961. The tials should be added or substituted to or from the symbol
letter 'T' following indicates that the specification was tenta- requiring identification.
The above properties have been chosen to show typical Where it is used it will require corrosion protection and
values for the specifications listed and may not apply exactly specific advice should be obtained in this area.
to anyone specification. It is possible that with some speci- Under dry conditions the corrosion resistance is reason-
fications the values may not be applicable. ably satisfactory. Where any humidity at temperature is
involved, however, or any corrosive atmosphere, then corro-
sion will occur very rapidly and quite dramatically under
General metallurgical characteristics
some circumstances.
Magnesium is the lightest metal commonly used in the sevice Machinability of pure magnesium is very good and it is one
of mankind, the comparative figures being magnesium 1, of the few advantages of the metal. Considerable care,
aluminium 1.6, steel 4.4, copper 4.9 and titanium 2.5. Com- however, is required in that the metal in fine form will ignite
mercially pure magnesium however has few properties which very readily, this being either in the form of ribbon or dust.
make it an attractive engineering material. It has poor cast- The materials in this section are generally confined to
ing characteristics, low strength and does not work harden to primary metal but one specific use is as flares which are still
any appreciable extent, while the corrosion resisting proper- used for lighting purposes under outdoor conditions, or for
ties of the pure metal are only slightly superior to that of the emergencies. Magnesium lights readily and burns with a
alloys. fierce very white intense light.
Commercially pure magnesium has very limited uses in
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.5002 99.95% Mg: German Standard ASTM B92'999O B 99.9% Mg: Ingot; low iron
3.5003 99.8% Mg: German Standard ASTM B92'9995 A 99.95% Mg: Ingot
ASTM B92'998O A 99.8% Mg: Ingot BS L120 99.5% Mg: Ingot; primary metal
ASTM B92'999O A 99.9% Mg: Ingot DIN 17800 H 99.8% Mg
DIN 17800 H 99.95% Mg
Mg 99.95
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: HG 2·9990 99.9% Mg: Primary metal; Domal
HG 2-9995 99.95% Mg: Primary metal; Domal
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number HG 2-9997 99.97% Mg: Primary metal; Domal
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' HG2-9999 99.99% Mg: High purity metal; Domal
Elon Elongation, % H Mg 11a 99.99% Mg: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' MAGNESIUM Mg: Ingot, stick, cubes, ribbon, wire, etc.; Blackwells;
primary metal
1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa MELPURE 99.9% Mg: Ingot; MEL primary metal
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. SS4602 99.95% Mg: Ingot; Swedish Standard; primary metal
SS4604 99.8% Mg: Ingot; Swedish Standard; primary metal
238 Magnesium alloys
With zinc, aluminium, manganese, zirconium, rare earths or thorium
Specific gravity 1.8
Density 1800 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 600-630°C
Thermal conductivity 63-142 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 2fr27 x 10- 6/ °C
Temperature Tensile strength only slightly soluble in magnesium and is thus always present
°C N/mm 2 in very small quantities.
Aluminium and manganese form compounds with zirco-
20 210 nium which are insoluble in magnesium and can thus be used
100 180 to harden by precipitation treatment. Zirconium improves
200 140 the workability of wrought products. Up to about 0.7%
300 75 zirconium is generally used.
400 45
Rare earth metals. These strengthen magnesium and improve
the high temperature properties. The rare earths also reduce
The above properties have been chosen to show typical the tendency of cracking in the zirconium-zinc-magnesium
values for the specifications listed and may not apply exactly alloys.
to anyone specification. It is possible that with some speci- There is also an improvement in the castability , notably in
fications the values may not be applicable. freedom from porosity, when the rare earth elements, espe-
cially cerium, are present. This is sufficient to warrant the
use of these expensive alloys in some cases where the hot
General metallurgical characteristics strength is not required.
Magnesium is the lightest metal in general engineering use,
being approximately two-thirds the weight of aluminium. Thorium. This has a very similar effect to the rare earths in
The low strength coupled with its low corrosion resistance that it improves the creep strength and other high temper-
means that very few uses are found for the pure metal. ature properties, improves the castability and, in addition,
The addition of certain alloying elements has the effect of enhances the fatigue strength. Less than 2% thorium is used
considerably increasing the strength with some improvement for alloying properties.
in corrosion resistance. Briefly these elements and their
effects are as follows: Silver. This has recently been used added to rare earth and
zirconium alloys of magnesium and results in considerable
Zinc. This was the earliest used alloying element and acts as a age hardening properties of castings. Although to date silver
hardening agent helping to refine the grain. Magnesium is not used in wrought alloys there are indications that this
alloys containing more than about 1% zinc are however very series of silver-rare earth-zirconium alloys could be the basis
prone to weld cracking. Zinc is never the sole alloying ele- of magnesium alloys of comparable strength to some alumi-
ment, generally being used with aluminium and zirconium. nium alloys.
Up to 6% zinc is commonly used in magnesium alloys.
All magnesium alloys have good damping characteristics,
Aluminium. This hardens the alloy with some grain refine- but are rather more notch sensitive than other common low
ment but gives a long freezing range leading to casting poros- strength engineering materials. This, coupled with their high
ity in many cases. There are some intermetallic compounds galvanic corrosion characteristics, makes the correct design
formed which can give age hardening properties. Up to 10% of magnesium articles of prime importance. This should
aluminium is commonly used. always include generous radii, an absence of pockets to
collect moisture and no intimate contact with other metals.
Manganese. This has little effect on the strength ofthe alloys, Joins must always be carefully sited away from areas of
but improves the corrosion resistance. There is a tendency to possible stress concentration.
coarsen the grain size thus reducing the fatigue strength. Up There are a limited number of magnesium alloys which can
to 2% manganese is used alone, with considerably less in be solution treated and aged.
conjunction with aluminium and zinc. Where magnesium is cold worked for any reason it must be
softened using a temperature of approximately 300 0c.
Zirconium. This has a profound effect, grain refining the cast Specialist advice should always be obtained.
structure with consequent increase in strength. Zirconium is Welding of magnesium can be carried out but generally
requires the use of inert gas and specialist advice should be Where magnesium fires exist water must not be used as the
obtained. fire can result in the production of hydrogen which will
Magnesium has a history of having serious problems with obviously feed the fire. The fire must therefore be extin-
corrosion and to a large extent this poor corrosion resistance guished using dry powder or inert gases.
is inhibiting the expansion of the use of magnesium alloys in The advantages of magnesium alloys are their excellent
industry. machinability, their lightness and their ability to absorb
There are techniques for protecting the materials but these vibrations and thus be silent metals. These are largely out-
tend to be quite complex, difficult to control and therefore weighed by the disadvantages of poor corrosion resistance
are expensive. and accident prone-ness regarding fire hazards.
There is also the problem that magnesium and its alloys Magnesium is still used to some extent in aircraft but is
can be quite flammable. In finely divided form they can in being replaced in many instances by titanium. The motor
fact be explosive. industry still makes some use of magnesium but there is no
Any machining of magnesium requires particular care to indication that this will increase.
make certain that the turnings, drillings and dust are care- Considerable quantities of magnesium are still used as
fully stored and precautions taken at a high standard. Any anodes in the corrosion protection of steel.
grinding or polishing requires specialist equipment.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.5101 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; A 2855 8% Al 0.4% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Forging; MEL
German Standard DPN: 70 UTS: 300 Elon: 1I % Proof: 180
3.5103 2.3% Zn 0.6% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; AM60A 6% AI Mg alloy: Casting
German Standard AM 503 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet, bar and tube; MEL;
3.5104 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; German Standard weldable; good corrosion resistance
3.5161 5.5% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; German UTS: 240 Elon: 7% Proof: 120
Standard AM 503 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet and tube; Birmabright for BS
DPN: 60 UTS: 2SO Elon: 5% Proof: 180 alloy 101
3.5200 1.8% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; German Standard AM 503 S 0.7% Mn Mg alloy: MEL for nuclear engineering
DPN: 40 UTS: 180 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 140 AMS 4350 F 6% Al 1% Zn Mg alloy: Extrusions; as extruded; AMS
3.5312 3% All % Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; German for AS1M alloy AZ 61 A
Standard AMS4352 A 5.5% Zn Zr Mg alloy: Extrusion; aged; AMS for
DPN: 45 UTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proof: ISO ASTM alloy ZK 60 A
3.5612 6% AI 1% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; German AMS 4358 A 6% AI 1% Zn Mg alloy: Forging; as forged; AMS for
Standard AS1M alloy AZ 61 X
DPN: 55 UTS: 240 Elon: 6% Proof: 170 AMS 4360 C 8.5% AI 0.5% Zn Mg alloy: Forging; aged; AMS for
3.5632 6% Al 3% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; German AS1M alloy AZ 80 A
Standard AMS4362 5% Zn Mg alloy: Forging; aged; AMS for AS1M alloy
DPN: 60 UTS: ISO Elon: 5% Proof: 90 ZK60A
3.5812 8% Al 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; German AMS 4363 0.8% Mn 2% Th Mg alloy: Wrought
Standard AMS 4375 3% AI 1% Zn Mg alloy: Casting
DPN: 60 UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 120 AMS4375 D 3% AI 1% Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed; AMS for
3.5812 8% Al 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; AS1M alloy AZ 31 B
German Standard AMS 4376 A 3% Al 1% Zn Mg alloy: Plate; AMS for AS1M alloy
3.5912 9% AI 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; German AZ31B
Standard AMS43nB 3% AI 1% Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; AMS specification for
DPN: 65 UTS: 210 Elon: 3% Proof: 140 ASTM alloy AZ 31 B
3.5912 8% AI 0.9% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; AMS4382 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Casting
German Standard AMS4383 0.8% Mn 2% Th Mg alloy: Wrought
3.5922 8.5% AI 1.5% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; German AMS4384 B 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed; AMS for
Standard ASTM alloy HK 31 A
DPN: 65 VTS: 200 Elon: 2% Proof: 120 AMS4385 C 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet; AMS for AS1M
3.6104 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; alloy HK 31 A
German Standard AMS4386 1.2% Al 14% Li Mg alloy: Casting
3.6204 2.3% Zn 0.6% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; AMS4387 2.3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Extrusion; as extruded
German Standard AMS 4388 3% Th 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Extrusion; as extruded
A8 8% AI 0.5% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; MEL; AMS4389 A 3% Th 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Extrusion; aged
solution treated; ductile; shock resistant AMS4390 B 2% Th 0.8% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet; cold rolled; AMS for
VTS: 220 Elon: 8% Proof: 75 AS1M alloy HM 21 A
AMS4395 A 9% A12% Zn Mg alloy: Welding wire; AMS for
AS1M alloy AZ 92 A
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AMS4396 2.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 3.3% Ce Mg alloy: Welding wire;
AMS for AS1M alloy EZ 33 A
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AMS4397 1.2% AI 14% Li Mg alloy: Casting
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 AMS4418 A 2.5% Ag 2% Dy 1% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting;
Elon Elongation, % solution treated and aged; AMS for AS1M alloy
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 QE222 A
AMS 4419 2.5% Ag 1.2% Th 0.8% Zr 1% rare earth Mg alloy:
1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2 =0.06475tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa Casting
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AMS4420 H 6% A13% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; sand cast; AMS for
AS1M alloy AZ 63 A
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 4422 J 6% A13% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution treated; ASTM B80 AZ 81 A 7.5% AI 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution
AMS for ASTM alloy AZ 63 A treated
AMS4424 F 6% AI 3% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution treated UTS: 220 Elon: 7% Proof: 60
and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy AZ 63 A ASTM B80 AZ 91 C 9% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution
AMS4425 6% Zn 0.8% Zr 2.7% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting treated and aged
AMS4434 F 9% AI 2% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution treated UTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 90
and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy AZ 92 A ASTM B80 AZ 92 A 9% AI 2% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution treated
AMS4437 8.7% AI 0.1 % Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution and aged
treated and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy AZ 91 C UTS: 220 Elon: 1% Proof: 100
AMS4437 B 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting ASTM B80 EK 30 A 3% rare earth 0.2% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution
AMS4438 5.7% Zn 1.8% Th Mg alloy: Sand casting; aged; AMS treated and aged
for ASTM alloy ZH 62 A UTS: 120 Elon: 2% Proof: 75
AMS4439 4.2% Zn 0.8% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting ASTM B80 EK 41 A 4% rare earth 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution
AMS4440A 0.7% Zr 3.5% Ce Mg alloy: Sand casting; aged; AMS treated and aged
for ASTM alloy EK 41 A UTS: 140 Elon: 1% Proof: 90
AMS4441 A 0.7% Zr 3.5% Ce Mg alloy: Sand ~asting; solution ASTM B80 EZ 33 A 2.6% Zn 3.2% rare earth 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sand
treated and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy EK 41 A casting; aged
AMS4442 A 2.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 3.3% Ce Mg alloy: Sand casting; UTS: 120 Elon: 2% Proof: 75
aged; AMS for ASTM alloy EZ 33 A ASTM B80 HK 31 A 3.2% Th 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution
AMS 4442 B 2.3% Zn 0.6% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting treated and aged
AMS 4443 A 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; aged; AMS UTS: 180 Elon: 4% Proof: 75
for ASTM alloy ZK 51 A ASTM B80 HZ 32 A 2% Zn 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; aged
AMS4443 B 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting UTS: 180 Elon: 4% Proof: 75
AMS4444 6% Zn 1% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; aged; AMS for ASTM B80 KIA 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; as cast
ASTM alloy ZK 61 A UTS: 156 Elon: 14%
AMS4445 A 3.3% Th 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution ASTM B80 QE 22 A 2.2% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting;
treated and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy HK 31 A solution treated and aged
AMS4446 8.8% Al 0.2% Mn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting UTS: 240 Elon: 2% Proof: 170
AMS4447 2.1% Zn 3.3% Th 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; ASTM B80 ZE 41 A 4.2% Zn 1.2% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sand
aged; AMS for ASTM alloy HZ 32 A casting; aged
AMS4452 8.6% AI Mg alloy: Casting UTS: 180 Elon: 2.5% Proof: 120
AMS4453 9% A12% Zn Mg alloy: Investment casting; solution ASTM B80 ZH 62 A 5.8% Zn 2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; aged
treated and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy AZ 92 A UTS: 240 Elon: 5% Proof: 156
AMS4455 10% AI Mg alloy: Investment casting; solution treated ASTM B80 ZK 51 A 5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; aged
and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy AM 100 A V1S: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 120
AMS4483 10% Al Mg alloy: Permanent mould castings; solution ASTM B80 ZK 61 A 6% Zn 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution
treated and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy AM 100 A treated and aged
AMS4484 9% Al 2% Zr Mg alloy: Casting UTS: 270 Elon: 5% Proof: 170
AMS4484 E 9% Al 2% Zn Mg alloy: Permanent mould casting; ASTM B90 AZ 31 B 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed
solution treated and aged; AMS for ASTM alloy UTS: 200 Elon: 10%
AZ92A ASTM B90 AZ 31 B 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
AMS4490D 9% Al 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: Die casting; as cast; AMS V1S: 240 Elon: 6% Proof: 140
for ASTM alloy AZ 91 ASTM B90 AZ 31 B 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Forging; as forged
ANMI6 9% Al 1.0% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; US Service UTS: 220 Elon: 6% Proof: 120
ANQQM561lA 9.0% AI 2.0% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; US Service; as ASTM B90 HK 31 A 3.2% Th 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed
cast V1S: 200 Elon: 12% Proof: 90
UTS: 140 Elon: 4% Proof: 35 ASTM B90 HK 31 A 3.2% Th 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
ANQQM56/1C 9.0% Al 2.0% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; US Service; as UTS: 220 Elon: 4% Proof: 170
cast ASTM B90 HM 21 A 0.8% Al 2% Th Mg alloy: Sheet; solution treated; cold
V1S: 120 Proof: 35 worked and aged
AS41 A 4.5% Al 0.35% Mn Mg alloy: Casting UTS: 200 Elon: 6% Proof: 100
ASTMB80 10% AI Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution treated and ASTM B90 ZE 10 A 0.2% rare earth 1% Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed
AM 100 A aged UTS: 200 Elon: 14% Proof: 100
V1S: 240 Proof: 100 ASTM B90 ZE 10 A 0.2% rare earth 1% Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; cold rolled
ASTM B80 AZ 63 A 6% A13% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution treated UTS: 220 Elon: 4% Proof: 140
and aged ASTM B91 AZ 61 A 6.5% AII% Zn Mg alloy: Forging; as forged
V1S: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 90 UTS: 250 Elon: 6% Proof: 140
ASTM B91 AZ 80 A 8.5% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Forging; aged
UTS: 290 Elon: 2% Proof: 180
ASTM B91 TA 54 A 3.5% Al Mg alloy: Forging; as forged
V1S: 280 Elon: 7% Proof: 140
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTM B91 ZK 60 A 5.5% Zn Mg alloy: Forging; aged
V1S: 290 Elon: 7% Proof: 170
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTMB93 10% AI Mg alloy: Ingot
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 AM 100 A
Elon Elongation, % ASTM B93 AZ 63 A 6% Al 3% Zn Mg alloy: Ingot
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 ASTM B93 AZ 81 A 7.6% Al 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: Ingot
ASTM B93 AZ 91 A 9% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Ingot
I N/mm2 =O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04 ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa
ASTM B93 AZ 91 B 9% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Ingot
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM B93 AZ 91 C 9% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Ingot
ASTM B93 AZ 92 A 9% A12% Zn Mg alloy: Ingot
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B94 AZ 91 A 9% AI 0.6% Zn 0.1 % Cu Mg alloy: Die casting; as cast AZ31X 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Rod, tube and forging; Domal
DPN: 63 UTS: 240 Elon: 3% Proof: 170 UTS: 220 Elon: 8% Proof: 120
ASTM B94 AZ 91 B 9% AI 0.6% Zn 0.3% Cu Mg alloy: Die casting; as cast AZ61 6% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; previous
DPN: 63 UTS: 240 Elon: 3% Proof: 170 German designation
ASTMBI07 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Bar; as drawn AZ6lX 6.2% Al 1.1% Zn Mg alloy: Rod, tube and forging;
AZ31 B UTS: 220 Elon: 7% Proof: ISO Domal
ASTMBl07 3% All% Zn Mg alloy: Bar; as drawn UTS: 250 Elon: 7% Proof: 120
AZ31C UTS: 220 Elon: 7% Proof: ISO AZ63 6% A13% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; previous
ASTMBl07 6.5% Al 1% Zn Mg alloy: Bar; as drawn German designation
AZ6lA UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: ISO AZ80X 9% AI 6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; Domal; as cast
ASTMBI07 8.5% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Bar; solution treated UTS: ISO Elon: 3%
AZ80A UTS: 330 Elon: 4% Proof: 220 AZ80X 9% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; Domal; solution
ASTM BI07 M I A 1.2% Mn Mg alloy: Bar; as drawn treated, room aged
UTS: 210 Elon: 2% UTS: 220 Elon: 7%
ASTMBI07 5.5% Zn 0.45% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; solution treated AZ80X 9% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Bar and forging; Domal; as
ZK60A UTS: 320 Elon: 4% Proof: 250 forged
ASTMBI99 9% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated UTS: 300 Elon: 6% Proof: 180
AM9lC and aged AZ80X 9% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Bar and forging; Domal;
UTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 90 aged
ASTMBI99 9% A12% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated UTS: 330 Elon: 3% Proof: 220
AM92A and aged AZ81 8% AI 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; previous
UTS: 220 Proof: 100 German designation
ASTMBl99 10% Al Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated and aged AZ91 9% Al 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; previous
AM 100 A UTS: 220 Elon: 2% Proof: 100 German designation
ASTMBI99 4% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; solution AZ91 9.5% Al 0.5% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; MEL;
EK41A treated and aged solution treated and aged; for pressure die casting
UTS: ISO Elon: I% Proof: 90 UTS: 220 Elon: 2% Proof: 100
ASTMBI99 2.5% Zn 3% rare earth 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; AZ91 E 8.7% Al 0.2% Mn 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting;
EZ33A aged designation used in the UK and USA
UTS: 140 Elon: 2% Proof: 90 AZ91X 9.5% AI 0.4% Zn 0.3% Mn 0.0015% Be Mg alloy:
ASTMB2l7 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn Casting; MEL; as cast; for die casting
AZ3l B UTS: 210 Elon: 8% Proof: 90 UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 100
ASTMB217 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn AZ91X 8.7% Al 0.8% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; Domal;
AZ3lC UTS: 210 Elon: 8% Proof: 90 as cast; die cast
ASTMB217 6.5% Al 1% Zn Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn UTS: 140
AZ6lA UTS: 240 Elon: 7% Proof: 90 AZ91 X 8.7% Al 0.8% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; Domal;
ASTM B2l7 M I A 1.2% Mn Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn solution treated and aged; die cast
UTS: 180 Elon: 2% UTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 90
ASTMB2l7 5% Zn 0.4% Zr Mg alloy: Tube; solution treated AZ92 8.5% Al 1.5% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
ZK60A and aged previous German designation
UTS: 320 Elon: 4% Proof: 250 AZ855 8% AI 0.4% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Forging; MEL; for
ASTM B260 B Mg I 9% Al 2% Zn Mg alloy: Braze filler highly stressed forgings
ASTM B260 B Mg 2 12% Al 5% Zn Mg alloy: Brazing filler metal; braze UTS: 300 Elon: 10% Proof: 180
temperature range 582--ii10 'C AZM 6% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Bar and forging;
ASTMB260 12% Al 5% Zn 0.005% Be Mg alloy: Brazing filler MEL and Birmetal for BS alloy 121
BMg2a metal; braze temperature range 582--ii1O 'C BIRMAG Free machining magnesium alloy with properties similar
ASTMB403 10% AI 0.10% (min) Mn Mg alloy: Investment casting to Birmetal alloy AZM
AM 100 A BMgI 9% All % Mn 2% Zn 0.0006% Be Mg: Weld
ASTMB403 7.5% Al 0.13% (min) Mn 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: electrode; designation used by AWS
AZ81A Investment casting BS 1272/80 Mg alloy: Ingot and casting; replaced BS 2970
ASTMB403 8.8% AI 0.13% (min) Mn 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: BS 1453 DI 10% AI 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Weld filler rod for welding
AZ91C Investment casting Mg alloys
ASTMB403 8.5% Al 0.10% (min) Mn 2.0% Zn Mg alloy: BS 1453 D2 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Weld filler rod for welding Mg
AZ92A Investment casting alloys
ASTMB403 2.5% Zn 0.75% Zr 3.5% rare earth Mg alloy: BS 2901 D1 9.5% Al Mg alloy: Welding rod for inert gas shielded
EZ33A Investment casting arc welding
ASTMB403 0.7% Zr 3.5% Th Mg alloy: Investment casting BS 2901 D2 1.2% Mn Mg alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded arc
HK31A welding
ASTM B403 K I A 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Investment casting BS 2901 D3 7% AI 0.25% Mn Mg alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded
ASTMB403 0.7% Zr 2.5% Ag 2.2% rare earth Mg alloy: arc welding
QE22A Investment casting BS 2901 D4 3% Al 1% Zn 0.4% Mn Mg alloy: Rod for inert gas
ASTMB403 6.0% Zn 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Investment casting shielded arc welding
ZK61A BS 2901 D5 1% Zn 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Rod for inert gas shielded
AZ21X 1.7% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Rod, bar and forging; arc welding
Domal BS 2901 D6 2.5% Zn 2.0% Cd 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Rod for inert gas
UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 90 shielded arc welding
AZ31 3% All % Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; previous BS 2901 D7 4.0% Zn 1.2% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Rod for
German designation inert gas shielded arc welding
AZ31 3% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet and tube; BS 2901 D8 3.2% rare earth 2% Zn 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Rod for
MEL and Birmetal for BS alloy III inert gas shielded arc welding
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2970 MAG I M 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; BS 3371 MAG Tl21 6% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn
as cast UTS: 2SO Elon: 7% Proof: ISO
UTS: 186 Elon: 4% Proof: 7S BS 3371 MAG Tl41 1% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn
BS 2970 MAG I W 8% Al 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; UTS: 240 Elon: 4% Proof: ISO
solution treated BS 3372 MAG FIOI 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Forgings; as forged
UTS: 220 EIon: 10% Proof: 70 UTS: 200 Elon: 5% Proof: 90
BS 2970 MAG 2 M 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.4% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;.chill cast; BS 3372 MAG FI21 6% AI 1.2% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Forging; as forged
high purity UTS: 280 Elon: 8% Proof: ISO
UTS: 186 EIon: 4% Proof: 7S BS 3372 MAG FI51 3.25% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Forging; as forged
BS 2970 MAG 2 W 8% Al 0.7% Zn 0.4% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; UTS: 2SO Elon: 8% Proof: 170
solution treated; high purity BS 3373 MAG EIOI 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Bar; as extruded
UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 70 UTS: 210 Elon: 3% Proof: 100
BS 2970 MAG 3 M 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill BS 3373 MAG EIlI 3% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Bar; as extruded
cast; as cast UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 140
VTS: 170 Elon: 2% Proof: 90 BS 3373 MAG EI21 6% All % Zn 0.25% Mn Mg alloy: Bar; as extruded
BS 2970 MAG 3 W 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill UTS: 240 EJon: 9% Proof: ISO
cast; solution treated BS 3373 MAG EI41 1% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; as extruded
UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 75 UTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proof: ISO
BS 2970 MAG 3 WP 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill BS 3373 MAG EI51 3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; as extruded
cast; solution treated and aged VTS: 290 EJon: 10% Proof: 200
UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 110 BS 3373 MAG EI61 5% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; as extruded,
BS 2970 MAG 4 M 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; as cast straightened and heat treated
UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 8% Proof: 210
BS 2970 MAG 4 P 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; aged BS 3374 MAG PIOI 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Plate; as rolled and flattened
UTS: 240 Elon: 7% Proof: 130 UTS: 186 Elon: S% Proof: 60
BS 2970 MAG 5 M 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; BS 3374 MAG PilI 3% AI 1% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Plate; as rolled and
chill cast; as cast flattened
UTS: 186 ElOn: 4% Proof: 100 VTS: 210 Elon: 10% Proof: 100
BS 2970 MAG 5 P 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; BS 3374 MAG PI41 1% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Plate; as rolled and flattened
chill cast; aged UTS: 210 Elon: 8% Proof: 100
UTS: 210 Elon: 4% Proof: 120 BS 3374 MAG PI51 3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Plate; as rolled and flattened
BS2970MAG 6 2.3% Zn 0.6% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; UTS: 220 Elon: 8% Proof: 120
chill cast; as cast or aged BSL See L121-L515 for details
UTS: ISO Elon: 3% Proof: 90 C 8% AII% Zn 0.15% Mn Mgalloy: Casting; MEL;
BS 2970 MAG 7 M 8% AI 0.9% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; solution treated and aged
as cast UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 90
UTS: 170 Elon: 2% Proof: 75 DIN 1729 3% AI 1% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought
BS 2970 MAG 7 W 8% AI 0.9% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; MgAI3Zn DPN: 45 UTS: 240 Elon: 10% Proof: ISO
solution treated DIN 1729 6% All % Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought
UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 70 MgAI6Zn DPN: 55 UTS: 240 Elon: 6% Proof: 170
BS 2970 MAG 7 WP 8% AI 0.9% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; DIN 1729 8.5% AI 0.6% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought
solution treated and aged MgAI8Zn DPN: 60 UTS: 2SO EJon: 6% Proof: 186
UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 90 DIN 1729 Mg Mn 2 1.8% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought
BS 3370 MAG 131 2.2% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting DPN: 40 UTS: 186 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 140
BS 3370 MAG SIOI 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Strip; as rolled DIN 1729 5.5% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought
UTS: 200 Elon: 5% Proof: 60 MgZn6Zr DPN: 60 UTS: 250 EJon: S% Proof: 186
BS 3370 MAG S111 3% All % Zn 0.5% Mn Mg alloy: Strip; annealed DIN 1729G 6% A13% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting
UTS: 220 Elon: 12% Proof: 100 MgAI6Zn3 DPN: 60 UTS: ISO Elon: 5% Proof: 90
BS 3370 MAG SI41 1% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Strip; as rolled DIN 1729G 8% AI 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting
VTS: 240 EJon: 8% Proof: ISO MgAI8Zn I DPN: 60 VTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 120
BS 3370 MAG SI51 3% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Strip; as rolled DIN 1729G 9% AI 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting
VTS: 250 Elon: 8% Proof: 170 MgAI9Znl DPN: 65 VTS: 210 Elon: 3% Proof: 140
BS 3371 MAG TlOI 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn DIN 1729G 8.5% AI 1.2% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting
VTS: 220 Elon: 4% Proof: 100 MgAI9Zn2 DPN: 65 UTS: 200 Elon: 2% Proof: 120
BS 3371 MAG TIll 3% Al 1% Zn 0.5% Mn Mg alloy: Tube; as drawn OOMALAZ21X 1.7% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Rod, bar and forging;
UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 140 Oomal
UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 90
OOMAL AZ 31X 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Rod, tube and forging; Oomal
UTS: 220 Elon: 8% Proof: 120
OOMAL AZ 61X 6.2% AJ 1.1 % Zn Mg alloy: Rod, tube and forging;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
UTS: 2SO Elon: 7% Proof: 120
OOMAL AZ SOX 9% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Bar and forging; Oomal; as
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 300 Elon: 6% Proof: 186
Eion Elongation, %
OOMAL AZ SOX 9% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Bar and forging; Oomal;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 aged
UTS: 330 Elon: 3% Proof: 220
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin 1 =145.04lbf/in 1 =1 MPa
OOMAL K 1 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; Oomal; as cast; high
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. damping capacity
VTS: 140 Elon: 15% Proof: 450
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DTD88C 6% Al 1% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Forgings DTD5035 2.5% Ag 2.5% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting;
VTS: 270 Elon: 8% Proof: 150 chill cast; solution treated and aged
DTD 118B 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed UTS: 240 Elon: 2% Proof: 170
VTS: 200 Elon: 5% Proof: 60 DTD5041 5.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; stress released
DTD 140C 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; as cast UTS: 300 Elon: 8% Proof: 210
VTS: 90 Elon: 3% DTD5051 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Plate; annealed
DTD 142 A 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Bar; as rolled UTS: 200 Elon: 5% Proof: 60
VTS: 220 Elon: 4% Proof: 120 DTD5055 0.8% Zr 2.2% rare earth 2.5% Ag Mg alloy: Casting
DTD 259 A 7% AI 1.5% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Bar DTD5061 3% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Plate; as rolled
UTS: 250 Elon: 10% Proof: 170 UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 120
DTD 348 A 6% All% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Tube DTD5071 1.3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Plate; as rolled; weldable
UTS: 258 Elon: 8% UTS: 220 Elon: 12% Proof: 120
DTD619 3% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Forging; as forged DTD5081 3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Plate; as rolled
VTS: 290 Elon: 8% Proof: 200 UTS: 258 Elon: 10% Proof: 170
DTD622 A 3% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; as rolled and stress DTD5091 2.0% Mg 1.0% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
released DTD5101 0.2% Zn 1.0% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet and strip; I·hard
VTS: 290 Elon: 10% Proof: 200 DTD51l1 0.6% Zn 0.7% Zr 0.8% Th Mg alloy: Wrought
DTD 626 B 3% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet; as rolled ELEKTRON MCZ 0.7% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Origin unknown
VTS: 258 Elon: 8% Proof: 170 ELEKTRON Z5Z 0.7% Zr 4.5% Zn Mg alloy: Origin unknown
DTD684 8% AI 0.8% Zn 0.4% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; annealed ELEKTRON ZCM 0.5% Mn 2.8% Cr 6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; origin
for corrosion resistance purposes unknown
UTS: 188 Elon: 4% Proof: 75 ELEKTRONZZ 0.7% Zr 3.0% Zn Mg alloy: Origin unknown
DTD690 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.4% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; solution ERAZ6IA 6.5% All % Zn 0.0005% Be Mg alloy: Weld electrode;
treated; chill cast designation used by AWS
UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 70 F3 3% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought;
DTD708 2.5% Zn 3% rare earth 1% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; chill commercial; French designation
cast; aged FlO 10% Al 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
UTS: 158 Elon: 3% Proof: 100 commercial; French designation
DTD711 A 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast FT 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
VTS: 220 Elon: 7% commercial; French designation
DTD718 0.5% Zn 3% rare earth 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; GA3Z1 3% All % Zn 0.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; French
chill cast and aged specification
VTS: 150 Elon: 3% Proof: 100 GA6Z1 6% Al 1.2% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; French
DTD721 A 4% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; stress specification
released GA9 8% Al 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; French
VTS: 240 Elon: 7% Proof: 200 specification
DTD728 0.7% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast and GA9Z1 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; French
aged specification
UTS: 150 Elon: 3% Proof: 100 GAg25TR 2.5% Ag 2.5% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting;
DTD729 3% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Forging French specification
VTS: 250 Elon: 8% Proof: 170 GM2 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; French specification
DTD 732 A 3% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed GMgAI6Zn3 6% A13% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; designation
VTS: 220 Elon: 12% Proof: 100 used by German Standards
DTD737 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Tube GZ4TR 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting;
UTS: 220 Elon: 4% French specification
DTD738 4.2% Zn 1.5% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; GZ5Zr 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; French
chill cast specification
VTS: 188 Elon: 4% Proof: 100 GDMgAI Zn I 8% Al 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
DTD 742 A 3% Al 1% Zn 0.5% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet; cold rolled; designation used by German Standards
I·hard GDMgAI9Zn I 9% Al 0.8% Zr 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
VTS: 240 Elon: 8% Proof: 150 designation used by German Standards
DTD748 4.2% Zn 0.6% Zr 1.5% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; GO MgAI9Zn 2 8.5% Al 1.5% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
chill cast and stress released designation used by German Standards
VTS: 210 Elon: 4% Proof: 120 GKMgAI8Zn I 8% AI 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
DTD749 7% Al 1.5% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Bar designation used by German Standards
VTS: 210 Elon: 8% Proof: 140 GKMgAI9Zn I 9% Al 0.8% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
DTD5001 A 1.2% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet; as rolled designation used by German Standards
VTS: 240 Elon: 8% Proof: 158 GKMgAI9Zn2 8.5% AI 1.5% Zn 0.2% Mn Mg alloy: Casting;
DTD 5005 2.2% Zn 3% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast designation used by German Standards
and stress released HK31 3% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; Domal; solution
VTS: 180 Elon: 5% Proof: 75 treated and aged
DTD5011 1.3% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; stress released UTS: 18 Elon: 4% Proof: 75
VTS: 258 Elon: 10% Proof: 170 HZ 32 2% Zn 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; Domal;
DTD5015 5.5% Zn 1.8% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; chill aged
cast; stress released UTS: 188 Elon: 4% Proof: 75
UTS: 258 Elon: 5% Proof: 140 HZ32A 2% Zn 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting
DTD5021 1.3% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Tube; stress released KI 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; Domal; as cast; high
UTS: 240 Elon: 5% Proof: 170 damping capacity
DTD 5025 2.5% Ag 1.6% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting UTS: 140 Elon: 15% Proof: 45
DTD 5031 5.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; stress released KIA 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting
VTS: 290 Elon: 10% Proof: 200
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Ll21 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; MAGNOXA 12 I% AI 0.01 % Be Mg alloy: MEL; for nuclear purposes
as cast; designation used by British Standards MAGNUMINIUM 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Tube, forgings and extrusions;
UTS: ISO Elon: 4% Proof: 7.5 133 High Duty Alloys for BS alloy MAG 10,1
Ll22 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill cast; UTS: 210 Elon: 4% Proof: 120
solution treated; designation used by British Standards MAGNUMINIUM 0.65% Mn Mg alloy: Bar and forgings; High Duty
UTS: 220 Elon: 10% Proof: 60 133 X Alloys; as drawn or forged
Ll23 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill UTS: 240 Elon: 5% Proof: 120
cast; as cast; designation used by British Standards MAGNUMINIUM 6% All % Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Bar and forging;
UTS: 170 Elon: 2% Proof: 90 266 High Duty Alloys'for BS alloy MAG 121
Ll24 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill UTS: 270 Elon: 10% Proof: 140
cast; solution treated; designation used by British MGC42 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; AECMA
Standards MGC43 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting;
UTS: 210 Elon: 5% Proof: 75 AECMA
Ll25 10% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; chill MGC51 2.5% Ag 2.5% rare earth 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting;
cast; solution treated and aged; designation used by AECMA
British Standards MGC61 8% AI 0.7% Zr 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; AECMA
UTS: 210 Elon: 2% Proof: 100 MGC91 2.3% Zn 0.6% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting;
Ll26 2% Zn 0.8% Zr 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; origin unknown
designation used by British Standards MGP43 3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; AECMA
Ll27 4.5% Zn 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; designation used MGP62 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; AECMA
by British Standards MGP63 6% AI 1% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; AECMA
Ll28 4".2% Zn 0.8% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; MILM8916 3% Th Mg alloy: Wrought; military specification USA
designation used by British Standards MILM8917 0.8% Mn 2% Th Mg alloy: Wrought; military
LS03 6% All % Zn Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used by specification USA
British Standards MILM 2(/,)75 0.6% Zr 3.2% Th Mg alloy: Wrought; military
LS04 3.2% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used specification USA
by British Standards MIL M45207 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; military specification USA
L505 3.2% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used MIL M46037 1.2% Zn 0.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Wrought; military
by British Standards specification USA
L508 1.2% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used MILM46062 9% AI 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; military
by British Standards specification USA
LSI2 6% AI 1.2% Zn Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used MILM46062B 10% Al 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; military
by British Standards specification USA
L513 6% AI 1% Zn Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used by MILR 6944 6.5% AI 1.2% Zn Mg alloy: Wrought; military
British Standards specification USA
L514 3.2% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used MNC46E Swedish Standard; summary of magnesium and
by British Standards magnesium alloy ingots and castings
L515 1.2% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; designation used MSRA 0.6% Zr 2.5% Ag 1.7% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting;
by British Standards MEL; solution treated and aged
MI 6% All % Zn 0.25% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; UTS: 220 Elon: 4% Proof: ISO
commercial designation; French MSRB 0.6% Zr 2.5% Ag 2.5% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting;
M2 1.8% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; previous German MEL; solution treated and aged; weldable; used up to
designation 250'C
MAGI 8% AI Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc welding; UTS: 220 Elon: 2% Proof: 170
designation for BS 2901 MTZ 0.7% Zr 3% Th Mg alloy: Casting: MEL; solution
MAG 3 10% AI 0.5% Zn Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc treated and aged; weldable; used up to 350 'C
welding; designation for BS 2901 UTS: 200 Elon: 5% Proof: 75
MAG5 4% Zn Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc welding; QE22 0.5% Cu 1.5% Ag 0.7% Zr 2.2% rare earth Mg alloy:
designation for BS 2901 Casting; designation used in USA
MAG6 2% Zn 3% rare earth Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded QE22A 2.2% rare earth 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Casting
arc welding; designation for BS 2901 QH21 0.25% Ag 0.8% Zr 1% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting;
MAG8 2% Zn 3% Th Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc designation used in USA
welding; designation for BS 2901 QH21A 2.5% Ag 1.2% Th 0.8% Zr 1% rare earth Mg alloy:
MAG9 5.5% Zn 2% Th Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc Casting; designation used in USA
welding; designation for BS 2901 QQM31 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Wrought; military
MAGIll 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc specification USA
welding; designation for BS 2901 QQM31B 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; US Federal specification
MAG 141 1% Zn Mg alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc welding; QQM38 9% .'\1 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; military
designation for BS 2901 specification USA
QQM40 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Wrought; military
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: QQM40B 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; US Federal specification
QQM44 3% All % Zn 0.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; US
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number military specification
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' QQM54 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; US Federal specification
Elon Elongation, % QQM55 10% Al Mg alloy: Casting; military specification
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' QQM56 6% AI 3% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; military specification
QQM56B 8% AI 0.7% Zn 0.3% Mn Mg alloy: Casting; US
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04lbf1in.'= I MPa Federal specification
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
RZ5 4% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.2% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting; SAE 532 8.5% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: As forged; ASTM alloy
MEL; weldable AZ80A
VTS: 200 Elon:4% Proof: 120 UTS: 290 Elon: 5% Proof: 170
SAE50 6% A13% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; ASTM alloy SAE 533 1.2'h> Mn Mg alloy: Forging; as forged; ASTM alloy
AZ 63 A; solution treated and aged MIA
UTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 90 UTS: 200 Elon: 3% Proof: 90
SAE51 1.2% Mn Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed; ASTM alloy SAE 534 1.2% Zn 0.19% rare earth Mg alloy: Wrought;
MIA annealed
UTS: 2SO Elon: 12% UTS: 210 Elon: 5%
SAE52 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Extrusion; ASTM alloy SAE 534 1.2% Zn 0.19% rare earth Mg alloy: Wrought; i-hard
AZ 31 B; as extruded UTS: 220 Elon: 4%
UTS: 210 Elon: 7% Proof: 120 SS 4635 9% Al 0.4% Mn 0.5% Zn 0.001 % Be Mg alloy:
SAE53 3.5% A15% Sn Mg alloy: As forged; ASIM alloy Casting; Swedish Standard; as cast
TA54A SS 4637 8% Al 0.4% Mn 0.5% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; Swedish
VTS: 240 Elon: 7% Proof: 140 Standard
SAE 500 9% A12% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; ASTM alloy SS 4640 8% Al 0.2% Mn 1.2% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; Swedish
AZ 92 A; solution treated and aged Standard
UTS: 220 Elon: 1% Proof: 100 T2 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; commercial designation;
SAE501 9% Al 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: Die casting; low Cu content; French
as cast; ASTM alloy AZ 91 A TZ6 5.5% Zn 0.7% Zr 1.3% Th Mg alloy: Casting; MEL;
VTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 140 aged; weldable
SAE 50lA 9% Al 0.7% Zn 0.3% Cu Mg alloy: Die casting; as VTS: 270 Elon: 8% Proof: 150
cast; ASTM alloy AZ 91 B WWT825 3% All % Zn 0.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; US
UTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 140 military specification
SAE 502 10% Al Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated and aged; WWT825 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Wrought; US military
ASTM alloy AM 100 A specification
UTS: 220 Proof: 100 WWT825B 1.5% Mn Mg alloy: Wrought; US Federal specification
SAE 503 9% AI 2% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated and Z52 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; MEL; aged
aged; ASTM alloy AZ 92 A VTS: 240 Elon: 7% Proof: 140
VTS: 220 Proof: 100 ZA 0.55% Zr Mg alloy: MEL for nuclear engineering
SAE 504 8.7% Al 0.8% Zn Mg alloy: Sand casting; solution ZC63 2.7% Cu 0.5% Mn 6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting;
treated and aged; ASTM alloy AZ 91 C designation used in USA
UTS: 220 Elon: 3% Proof: 90 ZCM630 0.5% Mn 2.8% Cu 6% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; origin
SAE 505 7.5% Al 0.7% Zn Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated unknown
UTS: 220 Elon: 7% Proof: 45 ZE41 A 4.2% Zn 1.2% rare earth 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Casting
SAE 506 2.5% Zn 3% rare earth 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; ZE63A 6% Zn 2.6% rare earth 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Casting
aged ZH62 5.8% Zn 1.8% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; Domal;
VTS: 120 Elon: 2% Proof: 75 aged
SAE 507 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated UTS: 240 Elon: 4% Proof: ISO
and aged ZK60 5.5% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Bar and forging; Domal;
UTS: 180 Elon: 4% Proof: 75 aged
SAE 507 3.2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Wrought; annealed VTS: 320 Elon: 4% Proof: 240
VTS: 200 Elon: 12% Proof: 90 ZK60 5.5% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; Domal; solution
SAE 508 5.7% Zn 2% Th 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; aged treated and aged
VTS: 220 Elon: 4% Proof: 140 UTS: 270 Elon: 5% Proof: 170
SAE 509 4.5% Zn 0.7% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; aged ZK60 5.5% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Previous German
VTS: 220 Elon: 5% Proof: 120 designation
SAE 510 3% All % Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; annealed ZK61 5.5% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Bar and forging; Domal;
VTS: 270 Elon: 12% aged
SAE 510 3% Al 1% Zn Mg alloy: Sheet; cold rolled VTS: 320 Elon: 4% Proof: 240
VTS: 270 Elon:4% Proof: 200 ZK61 5.5% Zn 0.5% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; Domal; solution
SAE 513 6% Zn 0.8% Zr Mg alloy: Casting; solution treated and treated and aged
aged UTS: 270 Elon: 5% Proof: 170
VTS: 290 Elon: 5% Proof: 170 ZRE I 2.2% Zn 0.6% Zr 2.7% rare earth Mg alloy: Casting;
SAE 520 7% All % Zn Mg alloy: Extrusion; ASTM alloy MEL; annealed; weldable; creep resistant to 250 'C
AZ 61 A; as extruded UTS: 150 Elon: 4% Proof: 75
UTS: 2SO Elon: 8% Proof: 170 ZTI 2.2% Zn 0.7% Zr 3% Th Mg alloy: Casting; MEL;
SAE 522 1.2% Mn Mg alloy: Extrusion; ASTM alloy MIA; as aged; weldable; used up to 350 'C
extruded VTS: 200 Elon: 7% Proof: 70
UTS: 200 Elon: 2% ZTY 0.5% Zn 0.6% Zr 0.75% Th Mg alloy: Sheet and
SAE 523 9% Al 0.6% Zn Mg alloy: Extrusion; ASTM alloy forgings; MEL; as wrought; weldable
AZ80A; aged UTS: 200 Elon: 9% Proof: 100
UTS: 320 Elon: 4% Proof: 200 ZWI 1.2% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet, bar and tube;
SAE 524 5% Zn Mg alloy: Extrusion; ASTM alloy ZK 60 A; as Birmabright for BS alloy 141
extruded ZWI 1.3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet, plate and tube;
VTS: 320 Elon: 4% Proof: 2SO MEL; as wrought; weldable
SAE 531 6.5% AI 1% Zn Mg alloy: As forged; ASTM alloy UTS: 220 Elon: 8% Proof: 140
AZ61A ZW3 3% Zn 0.75% Zr Mg alloy: Bar and forging; High Duty
UTS: 2SO Elon: 6% Proof: 140 Alloys for BS alloy MAG 151
ZW3 3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet, bar and forging;
Birmabright for BS alloy lSI
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
ZW3 3% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Sheet, plate and forging;
MEL; as wrought; weldable DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS: 270 Elon: 8% Proof: 180 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
ZW6 5.5% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Bar; Birmabright for BS Elon Elongation, %
alloy 161 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
ZW6 5.5% Zn 0.6% Zr Mg alloy: Extrusion; MEL; aged;
not weldable 1 N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04lbf/in. 2=1 MPa
UTS: 300 Elon: 8% Proof: 210 See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
24. Manganese Mn
Physical properties
Atomic number 25
Atomic weight 54.93
Crystal structure Cubic - complex - other structures
also known
Colour White-grey
24.1 General notes on manganese former in carbon steels and with small amounts of molyb-
denum present gives air hardening steels.
Native manganese does not exist, but several oxides and When above about 12% manganese is present the steel
hydrated oxides are found in various parts of the world, becomes austenitic, but is unstable and readily converted to
particularly in the USSR. martensite by cold working.
High purity manganese metal is hard and brittle, and Manganese also de-sulphurizes copper alloys and when
under certain circumstances has a yellowish tinge. The added to brasses imparts a pleasant colour and improves the
freshly fractured or cut surfaces tarnish slowly when left in corrosion resistance with some increase in strength. Higher
air. manganese-<:opper alloys can have a very low coefficient of
Manganese has no known use, nor does it form the base of expansion.
many useful alloys. Two which have been produced are a Additions of manganese to nickel give alloys with a special
braze metal with cobalt and nickel which has been used to temperature coefficient of resistance.
braze stainless steel under certain circumstances and an alloy Aluminium with approximately 2% manganese has a cor·
with copper, nickel and aluminium produced because of its rosion resistance almost equal to that of the pure metal, with
high damping characteristics. an increase in strength which can be considerably increased
Neither of these alloys is in common use and very little by cold work. Manganese also adds to the strength of the
information is available. more complex age hardening alloys.
Manganese, however, is widely used as an alloying ele- Magnesium has its corrosion resistance improved with
ment. The most common use is as a de-oxidizer and de- additions of small quantities of manganese.
sulphurizer in the manufacture of steel. Iron oxide and sul- Manganese oxide dust can be a health hazard under cer-
phide are brittle refractory materials which tear the plastic tain conditions. There is no evidence that any of the alloys
steel during rolling or forging. With manganese present with manganese has ever been dangerous, even when being
these are converted to manganese oxide and sulphide, both ground or emery dressed.
of which are plastic at the working temperature of steel. Manganese is one of the more useful metallurgical ele-
Up to approximately 1% manganese can be present in ments, which makes itself felt over a wide range of alloys
steel without affecting its properties, except as described without forming any useful alloys in its own right. Following
above. With austenitic steels there is generally 3-5% manga- are listed the specifications and trade names of manganese
nese present. Additional manganese acts first as a pearlite and its alloys.
224 24.1 MANGANESE
Symbol Nominal analysis. supplier. condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS4780 16% Ni 16% Co 0.8% B Mn alloy: Braze metal MANGANESE 0.1 % C 1.2% Fe 0.8% Si 0.8% AI 0.1 % Cu Mn metal:
ASTM A601 A 99.9% Mn metal: Regular grade; electrolytic 96-97 Metal Alloys; primary metal
ASTM A601 B 99.9% Mn metal: Intermediate hydrogen; electrolytic SONOSTON 4% AI 2.5% Ni 30% Cu Mn alloy: Casting; Stone
ASTM A60l C 99.9% Mn metal: Low hydrogen; electrolytic Manganese Marine; high damping capacity
ASTMA601 D 94.5% Mn metal 4.5% N: Electrolytic UTS: S30 Elon: 20% Proof: 220
ASTMA601 E 93.5% Mn metal 6.0% N: Electrolytic
ASTMA601 F 99.9% Mn metal: Powder
0.08% C (max) 30.0% Si 0.05% P (max) 5% Fe Mn: Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Ferro-manganese silicon
FERRO- 0.1 % C 3% Si 0.4% P 20% Fe Mn: Metal Alloys; DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number
MANGANESE primary metal
vrs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
FERRO- 0.08% C 2% Si 0.08% P 20% Fe Mn low P: Metal Elon Elongation, %
Alloys; primary metal Proof 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm'
h Mn II 99.99% Mn flake: Light Ltd; high purity metal
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa
MANGANESE Mn metal: Carbon free; Blackwells; primary metal
MANGANESE 0.1% C 2.8% Fe 1% Si 1% AI 0.1% Cu Mn metal: See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
94-95 Metal Alloys; primary metal
25. Mercury Hg
Physical properties
Atomic number 80
Atomic weight 200.61
Crystal structure Rhombohedral
Colour White
25.1 General notes on mercury being the only common metals which are not dissolved. At
one time use was made of this as a standard method of
A limited amount of native mercury occurs trapped in the purification for gold, but it has been almost completely
ore, which is composed of sulphides called cinnabar, found replaced by the cyanide process.
in areas of extinct volcanoes. The most famous deposit is in Tin amalgam has been used for silvering mirrors, and
Spain where mercury has been mined and refined since 400 amalgams of gold, copper and zinc are still used in dentistry.
Be. Deposits are found all down the western spine of the Zinc amalgam is used in dry batteries. The action only
American continent, but none are as rich or extensive as in takes place when a circuit is completed; thus they find use in
the Spanish mines. devices which operate at infrequent intervals where normal
It is the only metal remaining liquid at normal temper- batteries would require changing to prevent corrosion.
atures, solidifying at -39°C, when it is ductile, malleable Mercury is also used in vacuum rectifier equipment, and
and soft enough to cut with a knife. some use is now being made of the metal in lieu of steam to
The pure metal is used in laboratory type apparatus such drive power turbines.
as thermometers, and barometers, and has some industrial Most mercury is still used in chemical compounds for
use as a gas sealing medium. It has always had a certain drugs, although a considerable amount is made into mercury
fascination for its 'quicksilver' qualities. Note should be fulminate for explosive detonators and railway fog warning
taken that the metal itself and some of its compounds can be devices.
a serious health hazard. Some mercury is used as the electrolyte for the production
Mercury can be used as a solvent for many metals includ- of chlorine and caustic soda.
ing all the precious metal elements, nickel, cobalt and iron
26. Molybdenum Mo
Physical properties
Atomic number 42
Atomic weight 95.95
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Dull silver
26.1 General notes on molybdenum medium, for example oil in place of water or air instead of
Molybdenum is generally found as the sulphide ore molyb- Molybdenum also reduces the danger of 'temper' or 'blue'
denite which occurs in local concentrations but is one of the brittleness which is a condition affecting plain carbon or
rarer metal elements in the earth's crust. The largest and best nickel and chromium low alloy steels tempered in the range
known deposit is in Colorado, USA, where a mountain is 300--500 DC.
gradually being removed to recover molybdenum ore con- Molybdenum in higher quantities up to 5% is present in
taining approximately ten pounds metallic material per ton almost all high speed tool steels, where hot hardness is
of mountainside. necessary. The fact that molybdenum forms stable hard car-
Until recently molybdenum was available only as powder bides with available carbon accounts for these qualities and
and powder compacts. It is now possible to cast the metal the increased creep strength of nickel chromium molyb-
using the electric arc principle under high vacuum or inert denum steel. Molybdenum has a similar effect to tungsten
gas. Ingots up to one ton are produced capable of being and vanadium but is generally more economic.
forged and rolled. When added to austenitic stainless steel molybdenum con-
When heated above 500°C it is necessary to exclude air siderably enhances the resistance of the metal to corrosive
from molybdenum to prevent formation of the oxide which acids and marine atmospheres. The martensitic stainless
does not form a protective coating. The rate of oxide forma- steels have their hot strength and corrosion resistance
tion is proportional to temperature and is very rapid above improved.
1000 dc. Hot working can be carried out in air after heating in Molybdenum is added to cast iron to increase the strength
vacuum or inert atmosphere at about 1000 dc. Nitrogen rich and heat resistance.
atmospheres cause a brittle nitrided layer to form, but salt Molybdenum itself has a very low coefficient of friction
baths have been successfully used. which can be a problem at forging but is useful for preventing
At present the largest use of molybdenum is as an alloying hot frettage where this is a problem. This property is also
element in steel. The hardenability of plain carbon and low present in the disulphide compound, and considerable use is
alloy steel is increased with as little asO.2% ofthe metal. This made now of molybdenum disulphide as an additive to lubri-
means that larger sections can be hardened or the same size cating oils and greases.
of section can be hardened with a more gentle quenching
26A Molybdenum - all alloys
Specific gravity 10
Density 10 000 kg/m3
Solidus/liquidus 2500-2600°C
Thermal conductivity Variable depending on alloy
Coefficient of linear expansion Variable depending on alloy
The above properties are typical of the following group, and by heat treatment. Their surfaces can be carburized or
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible nitrided, however, in a similar manner to steels.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be Any cold work will be removed at a temperature of about
applicable. 800°C. It is possible to add sulphur to the surface of molyb-
denum giving a very low friction molybdenum disulphide.
Welding is difficult and requires either very careful control
General metallurgical characteristics
with inert gas shielding or preferably electron beam welding
Molybdenum and its alloys are characterized by the ease of under high vacuum.
working and fabrication at room temperature with excellent Machining of the alloys should present no problem.
mechanical properties at elevated temperatures, but very These alloys are extremely expensive and as they are not
poor resistance to hot oxidation. The material is now avail- oxidation resistant at high temperatures they find little use,
able in most forms and in several alloys although the pure although they have excellent hot strength.
metal is still the most common. Where the use is under controlled atmospheres or vacuum
Additions of small percentages of titanium and zirconium such as in valves or in controlled atmosphere furnaces, then
increase the creep strength, and raise the temperature these alloys find uses as support grids, furnace elements and
required to remove cold work. general furniture for inside furnaces.
Molybdenum metal has a very low coefficient of friction Some of the alloys find use as high temperature parts in jet
which causes considerable difficulty when forging. The pro- engines and space rocket motors.
perty, however, can be useful to prevent frettage, or exces- If a satisfactory technique can be devised to ensure the
sive wear. surface protection against oxidation at high temperatures,
The properties of molybdenum alloys cannot be improved then use of molybdenum alloys will undoubtedly increase.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 78 CD 0.5% Ti 0.08% Zr Mo arc cast alloy: Forging; stress AMS7813 0.5% Ti Mo arc cast alloy: Bar; stress relieved
relieved; interim AMS AMS7817 0.03% C 0.47% Ti 0.09% Zr Mo alloy
AMS5662 B 19% Cr 5% Nb + Ta 3% Mo 1% Ti 19% Fe Mo alloy AMS 7819 0.5% Ti 0.09% Zr Mo arc cast alloy: Bar; stress
DPN: 330 UTS: 1450 Proof: 1110 relieved
AMS 5663 B 19% Cr 5% Nb + Ta 3% Mo 1% Ti 19% Fe Mo alloy AMS7819 0.02% C 0.47% Ti 0.09% Zr Mo alloy
DPN: 330 UTS: 1450 Proof: 1110 CMXFB30W 1 0.02% C 30% WMo billets for forging: Climax
AMS5664 A 19% Cr 5% Nb + Ta 3% Mo 1% Ti 19% Fe Mo alloy DPN:200
DPN: 330 UTS: 1450 Proof: 1110 CMXFBTZMI 0.03% C 0.5% Ti 0.08% Zr Mo alloy: Forging; Climax;
AMS7800 Mo-sintered alloy: Sheet and strip; stress relieved annealed
AMS7801 Mo arc cast alloy: Sheet and strip; stress relieved DPN: 200
AMS7805 Mo arc cast alloy: Rods; stress relieved CMXSI 0.03% C Mo alloy: Sheet; produced by vacuum arc
AMS7806 Mo·sintered alloy: Powder and forgings; stress relieved casting; Climax; stress relieved
AMS7807 Mo arc cast alloy: Forgings; stress relieved UTS: 740 Elon: 11 % Proof: 640
AMS 7811 A 0.5% Ti Mo arc cast alloy: Sheet and strip; stress CMXSTZM 1 0.02% C 0.5% Ti 0.1 % Zr 99.25% Mo metal: Sheet;
relieved Climax
UTS: 1000 Elon: 7% Proof: 830
CMXWBLC 1 0.005% C Mo alloy: Bar; produced by vacuum arc
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
casting; Climax; stress relieved
DPN: 230 UTS: 420 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
CMXWBTI 0.03% C 0.5% Ti Mo alloy: Bar; wrought; Climax;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
stress relieved
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DPN: 260 UTS: 480 Elon: 12% Proof: 240
CMXWBTZMI 0.06% C 0.5% Ti 0.08% Zr Mo alloy: Bar; Climax;
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa stress relieved
DPN: 270 UTS: 560 Elon: 15% Proof: 320
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CMXWBTZM2 0.02% C 0.5% Ti 0.1 % Zr Mo alloy: Bar; Climax; as R03601 0.04% C (max) 99.9% Mo sealing alloy: Designation
rolled and stress relieved used by UNS
DPN: 270 UTS: 760 Elon: 10% Proof: 600 R03602 0.005% C (max) 99.9% Mo sealing alloy
ELKONITE 100 M Mo for rivetting and welding electrodes: Mallory S Mo 1000 Mo metal: Fansteel Metallurgical
Metallurgical; electrical conductivity 30% lACS SPRABOND 99% Mo (min): Wire for spraying; Metco; as sprayed
DPN: 190 UTS: 530 DPN: 382 VTS: 45
LMOLLA 99.99% Mo rod: 5 mm diameter; Light Ltd; high purity TZMl 0.02% C 0.5% Ti 0.1 % Zr 99.25% Mo metal: Climax;
metal designation used for this specific analysis
METC063 NS Pure Mo: Spray deposit; Metco UNS R3001-R3999 Mo metal and alloys: American Standards system
METC064 Mo: Spray deposit; Metco
METC0350 C Fe Mo alloy: Casting deposit; Metco
DPN:460 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
METC0350C C Fe Mo alloy: Casting deposit; Metco
DPN:460 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
METC0501 Fe Ni Co Mo alloy: Spray deposit; Metco UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
DPN: 570 Eion Elongation, %
METC0505 Mo alloy: Deposit; self fluxing; Metco Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
DPN: 420
MOLYBDENUM Mo powder: Wire, rod, sheet, etc.; Blackwells; pure I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04 ibflin.'=l MPa
metal See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
MTC 0.5% Ti Mo alloy: Climax
27. Nickel Ni
Physical properties
Atomic number 28
Atomic weight 58.69
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour White
20 450 47
150 440 44.5
250 440 45
370 360 61.5
480 220 66
The above properties have been chosen to show typical Nickel has excellent corrosion resistance and is not
values for the specification listed and may not apply exactly attacked by many acids even at elevated temperatures. An
to anyone specification. It is possible that with some speci- adherent oxide film is formed on the surface which success-
fications the values may not be applicable. fully protects the metal from further oxidation even at very
high temperatures.
Nickel has special electrical and magnetic properties
General metallurgIcal characteristics
caused by the peculiar configuration of its outer shell of
The largest single use for pure nickel is as anodes for electro- electrons and resembles iron and cobalt in this respect.
plating. These are generally cast with a controlled amount of These three metals, iron, nickel and cobalt, are the only
oxide to produce a fine grain and are known as 'de-polarized ferromagnetic metals.
anodes'. These dissolve more evenly, and thus more eco- The adherent oxide which is self healing on nickel makes
nomically, than the high purity wrought nickel. Some use is brazing and certain forms of welding difficult. Specialist
now made of electrolytic nickel which has a sulphur content advice should therefore be sought.
giving the same effect at lower cost. Nickel has excellent corrosion resistance, many acids
Some of the materials listed are primary metals used in having little or no effect upon it. This property makes it
many industries as their source of nickel. Depending on the useful over a wide range of activities but its high cost pre-
method of manufacture the nickels listed will have no conta- cludes it from becoming a very popular metal.
minants or will have oxygen, carbon, sulphur, or cobalt Austenitic stainless steels are largely replacing nickel in
present in small amounts. many of the uses which it at one time had such as for lab-
With oxygen and carbon the cold working properties and oratory equipment, spatulas, crucibles, balance weights, etc.
weldability of nickel are adversely affected, while sulphur Much of the nickel used is as an electro-deposit beneath
affects the corrosion resistance and weldability. Cobalt in chromium. All chromium plating for decorative purposes
small amounts has no serious effect on the properties of has an underlay of nickel which is very much thicker than the
nickel. chromium.
The properties of nickel cannot be improved by any form Electroless nickel is now being commonly used because it
of heat treatment. Nickel does cold work and where this can be hardened and still retains good corrosion resistance,
must be removed it is necessary to go above 1000 °C. With thus giving the rather unusual combination of excellent cor-
oxygen and carbon absent nickel can accept a considerable rosion resistance and good abrasion resistance.
amount of cold work, which increases the hardness without it Nickel in massive form sometimes finds use for its mag-
becoming too brittle. Thin sheets can be produced with netic properties but it is an unusual metal to be found in
interstage annealing. industry.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.4876 0.4% Ti Ni: German Standard AT NICKEL 0.4% Fe 0.25% Cu 0.15% C 0.01 % S 99% Ni:
2.4050 99.8% Ni: German Standard Wrought; H Wiggin; cold rolled; sheet, bar and plate
2.4051 0.02% Mg 99.8% Ni anode: German Standard DPN: 200 Elon: 10% Proof: 30
2.4052 0.05% Mg 99.7% Ni anode: German Standard BALLAST NICKEL 99.8% Ni (min): For current limiting controls; Driver-
2.4053 0.07% Mg 99.7% Ni anode: German Standard Harris
2.4056 0.2% Si 99.6% Ni anode: German Standard BS 375 A 0.1 % C 99.5% Ni: Refined metal; primary metal
2.4060 99.6% Ni: German Standard BS558 98.5% Ni: For anodes; anodes for nickel plating
2.4062 0.4% Fe 99.4% Ni: German Standard BS 1525 Nickel and nickel alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 3072 and
2.4066 99.2% Ni: German Standard BS 3073
2.4068 0.02% C 99.0% Ni: German Standard BS 1526 Nickel and nickel alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 3072 and
2.4106 0.8% Mn 98% Ni: German Standard BS 3073
99 ALLOY 99.8% Ni: Driver-Harris BS 1527 Nickel and nickel alloy: Sheet; replaced by BS 3072 and
UTS: 530 BS 3073
200 ALLOY 0.25% Fe (max) 0.35% Mn (max) 0.07% C (max) Ni BS 1528 Nickel and nickel alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 3076
and Co: Carpenter; high points Ni BS 1529 Nickel and nickel alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 3076
201 ALLOY 0.25% Fe (max) 0.35% Mn (max) 0.02% C (max) Ni BS 1530 Nickel and nickel alloy: Bar; replaced by BS 3076
and Co: Carpenter; high points Ni BS 1531 Nickel and nickel alloy: Tube; replaced by BS 3074
205 ALLOY 0.03% Ti 0.35% Mn (max) 0.07% C (max) 0.06% Mg BS 1532 Nickel and nickel alloy: Tube; replaced by BS 3074
Ni: Carpenter; for magnetic purposes BS 1533 Nickel and nickel alloy: Tube; replaced by BS 3074
A Nickel 0.06% C 99.5% Ni: Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington; now BS 1534 Nickel and nickel alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 3075
Nickel 200 BS 1535 Nickel and nickel alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 3075
A Nickel 99.0% Ni (min): For electrical leads; H Wiggin; BS 1536 Nickel and nickel alloy: Wire; replaced by BS 3075
annealed; electrical conductivity 20% lACS BS 2901 NA32 3% Ti Ni alloy: Rod; for gas shielded arc welding
DPN: 95 UTS: 370 Elon: 45% Proof: 100 BS 2901 NA32 3% Ti Ni alloy: Rod for all forms of welding
ACTIVENi 0.2% Si Mg Ni: For thermionic valves; British Driver- BS 3072 NAll 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Sheet; annealed
Harris UTS: 390 Elon: 35 % Proof: 90
ALLOY 200 0.1% C (max) 99.2% Ni: VDM BS 3072 NAI2 0.02% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Sheet; annealed
ALLOY 201 0.02% C (max) 99.0% Ni: VDM UTS: J60 Elon: 35 % Proof: 90
ALLOY 205 0.02% C (max) 99.6% Ni: VDM BS 3073 NAll 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Strip; annealed
AMPC0501 Nickel: Cast; Ampco DPN: 100 UTS: 390 Elon: 35% Proof: 90
DPN: 130 BS 3074 NAll 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Tube; annealed
AMPCOLAY 502 Nickel: Wrought; Ampco for A Nickel UTS: 360 Elon: 40% Proof: 90
AMS 5865 0.02% C (max) 2.2% Th oxide Ni BS 3074 NAll 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Tube; cold drawn
AMS 5890 0.02% C (max) 2.2% Th oxide Ni UTS: 390 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
ANS A5 15 E Ni Ci 0.6% C Ni: Welding electrode BS 3074 NAI2 0.02% C (max) 99% Ni: Tube; annealed
ASTMA636 0.5% Fe (max) 0.9% Cu (max) 1.3% Co (max) 75% UTS: J40 Elon: 40% Proof: 75
Ni: Sinter for alloying BS 3074 NAI2 0.02% C (max) 99% Ni: Tube; cold drawn
ASTM B39 A Shot 0.9% Fe 0.75% C 0.07% S 97.7% Ni: Shot; virgin UTS: 400 Elon: 15% Proof: 210
metal BS 3075 NAll 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Wire; annealed
ASTMB39 0.6% Fe 0.1 % C 0.02% S 99.5% Ni: Virgin metal UTS: J40 Elon: 25%
Electrolytic BS 3076 NAll 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Rod and section;
ASTM B39 Ingot 98.5% Ni: Virgin metal annealed
ASTM B39 X Shot 0.6% Fe 0.25% C 0.05% S 98.9% Ni: Shot; virgin UTS: 390 Elon: 35% Proof: 90
metal BS3076 NAll 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Rod and section; cold
ASTMBI60 0.4% Fe 0.2% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.15% C Ni: Bar; annealed drawn
UTS: 370 Elon: 40% Proof: 75 UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: J40
ASTMBI61 0.4% Fe 0.25% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.15% C Ni: Tube; BS 3076 NAI2 0.02% C (max) 99% Ni: Bar and section; annealed
annealed UTS: 330 Elon: 35% Proof: 60
UTS: 370 Elon: 40% Proof: 90 BS 3076 NAI2 0.02% C (max) 99% Ni: Bar and section; cold drawn
ASTMBI62 0.4% Fe 0.25% Cu 0.3% Mn 0.15% C Ni: Sheet and UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 300
strip; hard BS 3975 NAil 0.15% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Wire; cold drawn
UTS: 670 Elon: 2% Proof: 480 UTS: 480
ASTM B304 ER Ni 3 0.15% C 93.0% Ni (min): Welding electrode; previous CARBONIZED 99% Ni (min): For anode plates; Driver-Harris
designation ERN 61 NICKEL
ASTM B304 R Ni 2 0.15% C 97.0% Ni (min): Welding electrode; previous CASTEES N Ni core welding electrode; Philips; for welding cast iron
designation RN 41 CATHODE 99.5% Ni (min): For electronic valve cathodes;
AT NICKEL 0.4% Fe 0.25% Cu 0.15% C 0.01 % S 99% Ni: NICKEL Driver-Harris
Wrought; H Wiggin; annealed; sheet, bar and plate CI CAVITY FILL Ni 2% Fe 0.8% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for cast
DPN: 100 UTS: 370 EIon: 40% Proof: 20 iron
CI LOW CON Ni 2% Fe 0.8% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for cast
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: CI SOFT FLOW Ni 2% Fe 0.8% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Metrode;
for cast iron
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number CI-NI 1.0% C 97.0% Ni: Electrode; Metrode; for general
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 repair welding
Elon Elongation, % CORNES 11 99% Ni (min): Philip Comes
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 CORNES 12 0.02% C (max) 99% Ni (min): Philip Comes
CZ 100 3% Fe (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 1% C (max) Ni: Casting;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04lbf/in.2=1 MPa
US designation
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. CZ 100 1.25% Cu (max) 1% C (max) Ni: Casting; US
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DIN 1701 C Ni 98.5 0.5% C 0.01 % S 98.5% Ni NICKEL 220 0.02% Ti 0.06% C 0.04% Mg 99.5% Ni: Bar and tube;
DIN 1701 C Ni 99.5 0.13% C 0.001 % S 99.5% Ni Huntington
DIN 1701 C Ni 99.8 0.08% C 0.0005% S 99.8% Ni NICKEL 222 0.07% Mg 99.5% Ni (min): Tube and strip; H Wiggin;
DIN 1701 E Ni 99.5 0.1 % C 0.02% S 99.5% Ni for electronic use
DIN 1701 E Ni 99.8 0.1 % C 0.01 % S 99.8% Ni NICKEL 222 0.05% Mg Ni: Inco; for electronic use
DIN 1701 M Ni 99.5 0.1% CO.02% S99.5% Ni NICKEL 225 0.02% Ti 0.06% C 0.04% Mg 99.5% Ni: Bar and tube;
DIN 1701 WNi 99 0.1 % C 0.015% S 99.0% Ni Huntington
DIN 1702 High purity Ni for anodes NICKEL 230 0.003% Ti 0.09% C 0.06% Mg 99.5% Ni: Sheet;
DIN 17740 LC Ni 99 0.02% C 99.0% Ni Huntington
DIN 17740 Ni 99.8 99.8%Ni NICKEL 233 0.003% Ti 0.09% C 0.07% Mg 99.5% Ni: Sheet and
DIN 17741 Ni Mn I 0.8% Mn 98% Ni tube; Huntington
DURANICKEL 0.5% Ti 4.5% AI Ni alloy: High carbon bar; H Wiggin; NICKEL 270 0.02% C 99.97% Ni: Bar, sheet and tube; Huntington
for springs and dies; acid resistant NI-ROD 3% Fe 1% C Ni alloy welding electrode: Huntington;
DPN: 295 Elon: 28% welding cast iron, etc.
DURANICKEL Ni with additions: Driver-Harris; melting point 1435 'C NIVACP 0.007% C Ni; high purity metal: Crucible Steel;
ENil 0.2% Ti 0.1% C (max) Ni: Weld electrode; designation annealed; for electrical purposes
used by AWS UTS: 270 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
GFANICKEL Low carbon 99.0% Ni (min): For anodes; H Wiggin NIVACP 0.007% C Ni; high purity metal: Crucible Steel; cold
GRADE A High purity nickel: For thermionic valves; British rolled
Driver-Harris UTS: 600 Elon: 5% Proof: 580
hNi8 99.999% Ni: Sponge; Light Ltd; high purity metal NORMALNi High purity Ni for thermionic valves: British Driver-
h Ni 15 99.995% Ni: Wire I mm diameter; Light Ltd Harris; purity between that of passive and active Ni
HAl Ni 200 99% Ni (min): Harrison Alloy PA22 NICKEL 0.07% Mg 99.5% Ni (min): Tube and strip; H Wiggin;
HAl Ni 201 99% Ni (min): Harrison Alloy electronic use; now Nickel 222
HAINi 205 99% Ni (min): Harrison Alloy PA23 NICKEL 0.05% Mg 99.5% Ni (min): Tube and strip; H Wiggin;
HAl Ni 211 4.5% Mn Ni alloys: Harrison Alloy electronic use
HAl Ni 233 99% Ni (min): Harrison Alloy PASSIVENi High purity Ni for thermionic valves: British Driver-
HAl Ni 233 C 99% Ni: Carbonized; for anode plates; Harrison Alloy Harris
HAl Ni 499 C 99.8% Ni: Carbonized; for anode plates; Harrison PERMANICKEL Ni with additions: Driver-Harris
Alloy PERMANICKEL 0.5% Ti 0.25% C 0.35% Mg 98.6% Ni strip:
HGNICKEL 0.06% C 99.0% Ni (min): Wire; H Wiggin; for 300 Huntington; annealed
electronic use UTS: 800 Elon: 41 % Proof: 300
HPM 0.02% C 99.97% Ni: Bar and sheet; H Wiggin; now SOUDOFONTE BI 0.6% C Ni: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for
Nickel 270 welding cast iron
METC056CNS High purity Ni: Powder deposit; casting; Metco DTN: 160
DPN: 85 SOUDOFONTE BI2 1.6% C Ni: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for
METC056FNS High purity Ni: For coating deposit; Metco welding cast iron
DPN: 85 DTN: 160
METCO NICKEL 99% Ni (min): Sprayed deposit; Metco SOUDOFONTE B24 0.6% C Ni: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for
DPN: 110 welding cast iron
MNSNICKEL High carbon 2.0% Mn Ni alloy: Rod and wire; H DTN: 155
Wiggin; improved machinability SOUDOR G Ni Ti 3.2% Ti 0.01 % C Ni: Welding electrode; Soudometal
N220C 0.04% Mg 99% Ni (min): Commercially pure Ni UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
Ni99.8 Mg 0.02% Mg 99.8% Ni: Anode; designation used by SOUDOTIG Ni Ti 3.2% Ti 0.01 % C Ni: Welding electrode; Soudometal;
German Standards for inert gas welding
NICKEL High purity metal: Impurities less than 15 p.p.m.; UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
Mallory Metallurgical; supplied as sponge, rod, wire STUBS 8 98% Ni: Welding electrode; Stubs; for welding cast iron
and sheet DTN: 175 UTS: 490 Elon: 30%
NICKEL Ni: Cubes, sticks, powder and wire; Blackwells; pure STUBS8NC 98% Ni: Welding electrode; Stubs; for welding cast iron
metal DTN: 175 UTS: 490 Elon: 30%
NICKEL 2 0.05% C 97% Ni: Welding electrode; Metrode STUBS 80Ni 2% Ti 0.014% C Ni: Welding electrode; Stubs; for
NICKEL 41 0.06% C 99.5% Ni: Filler rod; Huntington; for welding nickel
oxyacetylene welding of nickel UTS: 450 Elon: 30% Proof: 300
NICKEL 61 3% Ti 0.06% C 96% Ni: Filler rod; Huntington; inert VDM LC NICKEL 0.02% C (max) 99.2% Ni: Tube, sheet, etc.; VDM
gas shield welding of nickel 99.2
NICKEL 131 3% Ti 0.5% AI 0.25% C Ni alloy: Filler rod; YOM LC NICKEL 0.02% C (max) 99.6% Ni: Tube, sheet, etc.; YOM
Huntington; metal arc welding of nickel 99.6
NICKEL 141 2.2% Ti 0.25% Al 0.05% C Ni alloy: Filler rod; YOM NICKEL 99.2 0.1% C99.2% Ni: Tube, sheet, etc.; YOM
Huntington; for welding nickel and steel YOM NICKEL 2.5% Ti 0.05% C (max) Ni: Strip for welding; YOM
NICKEL 200 0.06% C 99.5% Ni: Bar, sheet, forgings, etc.; B 9604
Huntington; annealed VDMNICKEL 2.5% Ti 0.05% C (max) Ni: Filler weld rod; YOM
UTS: 450 Elon: 47 % Proof: 120 S9604
NICKELZOI 0.01% C 99.5% Ni: Bar, sheet, forging, etc.; X 10NiCr 0.35% Al + Ti Ni: German Standard
Huntington Z-NICKEL 0.2% Fe 0.2% Si 0.02% Cu 0.2% Mn age hardening Ni
NICKEL 205 0.02% Ti 0.06% C 0.04% Mg 99.5% Ni: Bar, sheet, alloy: Rod or strip; electrical conductivity 12% lACS;
etc.; Huntington origin unknown
NICKELZ13 High carbon 2.0% Mn Ni alloy: Bar and wire; H UTS: 690
Wiggin; improved machinability
278 Nickel~hromium wrought and cast non-ageing alloys
With iron and other non-ageing elements present
Specific gravity 8.37
Density 8370 kglm 3
Solidus/liquidus 1380-1430°C
Thermal conductivity 20.9 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 12.2 x 10- 6/ °C
20 780 44
200 740 40
300 740 40
500 720 37
600 520 29
700 340 29
800 200 85
900 100 80
1000 75 100
The above properties are included as a guide to the group of strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures. The
specifications as a whole. There is considerable variation creep strength of these materials is slightly superior to that of
within the group and some of these properties may not be the austenitic steels but does not compare with that ofthe age
applicable to all the specifications. hardening nickel chromium materials.
The properties of the alloys in this section cannot be
improved by thermal treatment. They do, however, accept a
General mehlllurgical characterIstIcs
considerable amount of cold work with an increase in tensile
Chromium strengthens the nickel matrix and by forming a strength and a reduction in ductility. This cold work can be
stable, very adherent oxide considerably increases the hot removed by holding at a temperature of above 1000 °C for
corrosion resistance. quite a short time.
The chromium dissolves in the nickel forming a solid solu- Joining by welding requires the use of inert gas shielding or
tion stable at room, as well as elevated temperatures. There very active corrosive fluxes which are not recommended.
are no phase changes and no intermetallic compounds to The materials are difficult to machine, partly because they
cause precipitation hardening to any measurable extent in are inherently tough but also because of their cold working
the alloys listed. properties.
Iron reduces the corrosion resistance and hot strength, but Specialist advice is usually required but in general it is
has some desirable electrical and magnetic properties, and necessary to make certain that the tool remains below the
is, of course, much cheaper than nickel. surface, cuts and does not rub.
The presence of carbon increases the strength but can The principal use for these materials is where hot oxide
cause trouble, as some of the chromium carbides precipitate resistance is required. Their hot strength is not particularly
under certain conditions, resulting in local brittleness. Addi- high nor is their creep resistance but they have this excellent
tions of many elements cause formation of intermetallic ability to withstand oxidation at temperature. This makes
compounds which can be precipitation age hardened. These them useful for furnace elements, heating elements in elec-
alloys are described and listed in the groups following this tric fires, jigs and fixtures associated with heat treatment and
section. The elements boron and silicon are often present as combustion equipment.
fluxing agents in those alloys which are applied by metal Springs for high temperature use where the load is low are
spraying or used as brazing materials. Tungsten carbide may also commonly made in these materials.
also be present to strengthen and harden the alloy. Like all Quite often the materials are sprayed or welded onto base
nickel alloys those listed are readily hardened by cold work materials which have a higher mechanical strength but less
and this is accompanied by a reduction in ductility. oxidation resistance.
The alloys listed all have excellent corrosion and acid The materials are expensive, however.
resistance, are relatively easily welded, and maintain their
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMB295 15% Cr 11% Fe 3% Nb 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Welding BS 1845 NI8 19% Cr 1O.2%·Si 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: For braze
E3N 12 electrode metal; melting range 108()"'1135 'C
UTS: 580 BS 2901 NA34 20% Cr Ni alloy: Rod for all forms of welding
ASTMB295 17% Cr 4% Fe 3% Nb 1% Mn 0.15% C Ni alloy: BS 2901 NA35 20% Cr 3% Fe Ni alloy: Rod for gas shielded ar.c
E4N 12 Welding electrode welding
ASTMB295 17.5% Cr (min) 3% Nb Ni alloy: Welding rod; previous BS2901 NA40 21 % Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 2% Co Ni alloy: Rod for gas
E Ni Cr I designation E 4 N 12 shielded arc welding
ASTMB295 15% Cr 10% Fe 3% Nb Ni alloy: Welding rod; BS 2901 NA43 21 % Cr 5% Fe 9% Mo Ni alloy: Rod for gas shielded
ENiCrFel previous designation E 3 N12 arc welding
ASTMB295 15% Cr 9% Fe 1.7% Mo 2% Nb 2% Mn Ni alloy: BS 2901 NA45 16% Cr 3% Fe 16% Mo 2% Co Ni alloy: Rod for gas
E Ni CrFe 2 Welding rod shielded arc welding
ASTMB295 15% Cr 8% Fe 1.5% Nb 7% Mn Ni alloy: Welding rod BS 3072 NA14 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Sheet; annealed
E Ni Cr Fe 3 DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 170
ASTMB304 20% Cr 1.5% Nb 3.0% Mn Ni alloy: Welding rod BS 3073 NAI4 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Strip; annealed
ER Ni Cr3 DPN: 180 UTS: 530 I<:lon: 30% Proof: 180
ASTMB304 17% Cr 8% Fe 2.5% Nb Ni alloy: Welding rod; BS 3074 NA14 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Tube; annealed
ER Ni CrFe 5 previous designation ERN 62 UTS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 200
ASTMB304 16% Cr 8% Fe 3% Ti 2.3% Mn Ni alloy: Welding rod BS 3075 NA14 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Wire; annealed
ERNiCrFe6 UTS: 530 Elon: 22%
ASTMB304 20% Cr 2% Fe 0.3% Ti 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Welding BS 3075 NAI4 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Wire; cold drawn
ERN6N electrode UTS:770
ASTMB304 16% Cr 8% Fe 2% Nb 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Welding BS 3076 NAI4 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Bar and section; annealed
ERN 62 electrode UTS: 530 Elon: 32% Proof: 150
ASTM B304 RN 42
16% Cr 8% Fe 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Welding electrode BS 3076 NAI4 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Bar and section; cold drawn
ASTMB304 17% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Welding rod; previous UTS: 700 Elon: 7% Proof: 530
RNiCrFe4 designation RN 42 BS 3076 NAI7 18% Cr 40% Fe 2.2% Si 1.2% Mn Ni alloy: Rod
ASTMB344 19% Cr 45% Fe 1% Mn Ni alloy: For resistance wire BS 3146 ANC5C 15% Cr 25% Fe Ni alloy: Investment casting; as cast
ASTMB344/1 20% Cr I% Fe 2.5% Mn Ni alloy: For resistance wire BS 3146 ANC8 20% Cr 0.4% Ti 0.8% AI 0.1% C Ni alloy: Investment
ASTM B344/2 16% Cr 23% Fe 1% Mn Ni alloy: For resistance wire casting; as cast
ATGF 15.0% Cr 7.0% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 1.0% Nb Ni alloy: UTS: 400 Elon: 5%
Origin unknown CALOMIC 15% Cr 20% Fe Ni alloy: Casting; electrical resistance
AURIGA XXXII 20% Cr 35% Fe 0.5% C Ni alloy: Casting; D Brown and heating purposes; Telcon Metals
BLAWKNOX 22H 26.5% Cr 22% Fe 0.47% C 5% WNi alloy: Casting; UTS: 760
for furnace fillings, etc.; Wellman CALOMIC 15% Cr 20% Fe Ni alloy: Wrought; electrical resistance
BRIGHTRAY 35 20.0% Cr 0.3% AI 0.1 % C (max) 0.1 % Ti 35.0% Ni Fe up to 1000 'C; Telcon Metals; annealed; specific
alloy: H Wiggin; electrical resistance alloy resistance 1100 microhm mm
UTS: 600 UTS: 760
BRIGHTRAYB 16% Cr 25% Fe 0.2% Cu 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Wrought; H CALORlTE 12% Cr 15% Fe 8% Mn Ni alloy: Heat resistant series;
Wiggin; annealed; for use up to 950 'C origin unknown
DPN: 184 UTS: 680 CHLORIMET2 3.0% Fe 31.5% Mo 0.07% C Ni alloy: Casting; Duriron
BRIGHTRAYC 19% Cr 1.6% Si 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Wrought; H Wiggin; Co.
annealed; for usc up to 1150 'C UTS: 506 Elon: 20% Proof: 323
DPN: 196 UTS: 740 CHLORIMET3 19% Cr 19% Mo 0.07% C (max) Ni alloy: Casting;
BRIGHTRAYH 19% Cr 0.5% Fe 1% Si 3.5% Al 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Duriron Co.
Wrought; H Wiggin; annealed; for use up to 1200 'C UTS: 500 Elon: 2S% Proof: 320
DPN: 200 UTS: 760 CHLORIMET3 13% Cr 5% Fe 3% B0.7% C WC Ni alloy: Origin
BRIGHTRAYS 20% Cr 1% Fe 0.4% Ti 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Wrought; H unknown
Wiggin; annealed; for use up to 1150 'C CHROMELA 20% Cr Ni alloy: Wire for thermocouples; source
DPN: 196 UTS: 730 unknown
BS 1648 H 20% Cr 35% Fe 3.0% Si 0.5% C Ni alloy: Casting; as CHROMELP 10% Cr Ni alloy: Wire for thermocouples; source
cast; contained in BS 3100 unknown
BS 1648 K 15% Cr 20% Fe 3.0% Si 0.75% C Ni alloy: Casting; as CHRONITE 13.5% Cr 10% Fe 0.4% Si 1% All % Mn Ni alloy:
cast; contained in BS 3100 Heat and corrosion resistant; used for burners and
BS 1845 N13 7% Cr 3% Fe 3% B4% Si Ni alloy: For brazing; certain types of valves; origin unknown
melting range 955-1000 'C CM53 7% Cr 3% Fe 3% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: For hard facing;
BS 1845 N16 15% Cr 4% Fe 3.2% B 4% Si 0.75% C Ni alloy: For Dewrance; gas welding
braze metal; melting range 1000-1060 'C CM55 11% Cr 4% Fe 2% B4% Si Ni alloy: For hard facing;
BS 1845 N17 15% Cr 4% Fe 3.2% B 4% Si 0.06% C (max) Ni alloy: Dewrance; gas welding
For braze metal; melting range IOHI...I070 'C CM56 16% Cr 4% Fe 3.5% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: For hard
facing; Dewrance; gas welding
COLMONOY4 10% Cr 2.5% Fe 2% B 0.4% C Ni alloy: Rod for
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: spraying; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1110 'C; low
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 370
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' COLMONOY4 10% Cr 2.5% Fe 2% B0.4% C Ni alloy: Casting; Wall
Elon Elongation, % Colmonoy; melting point 1110 'C; low friction
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' DPN:370
COLMONOY5 11.5% Cr 4.2% Fe 2.5% B 0.6% C Ni alloy: Casting;
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1070 'C; low friction
See Appendix" for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN:480
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
COLMONOY5 11.5% Cr 4.2% Fe 2.5% B 0.6% C Ni alloy: Rod for DELOROSF60 15% Cr 4.5% Fe 3% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: Casting;
hard facing; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1070 ·C; Deloro
low friction DPN: 758
DPN: 480 DIN 1736 20% Cr 3% Fe 2% Mo 2.3% Nb 0.05% C (max) Ni
COLMONOY6 13% Cr 5% Fe 3% B 0.7% C Ni alloy: Rod for hard SNiCrl9ND alloy: Welding electrode
facing; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1040 ·C; low DIN 17470 20% Cr Ni alloy
frict·ion Ni Cr 80/20
DPN: 670 DIN 17742 10% Cr Ni alloy
COLMONOY6 13% Cr 5% Fe 3% B 0.7% C Ni alloy: Castings; Wall NiCrlO
Colmonoy; melting point 1040 ·C; low friction DIN 17742 16% Cr 15% Fe 7% Mo Ni alloy
DPN: 670 NiCr 15 FeMo
COLMONOY8 26% Cr 1% Fe 3.5% B 0.9% C Ni alloy: Powder for DTD328 15% Cr 10% Fe 1% Mn 0.2% C (max) Ni alloy: Sheet
spraying; Wall Colmonoy; melting point lOBO ·C; low UTS: 458
friction DTD703B 20% Cr 0.5% Ti 0.1% C Ni alloy: Sheet; annealed
DPN:640 UTS: 758 Elon: 30% Proof: 300
COLMONOY20 5% Cr 3.5% Fe 1% B 0.25% C Ni alloy: Casting; Wall DTD 5047 16.5% Cr 35% Fe 3.2% Mo Ni alloy: Sheet and strip;
Colmonoy; melting point 1220 ·C; good wear resistance weldable; heat resistant
DPN: 220 DTD 5057 18% Cr 7.0% Mo 14% Co Ni alloy: Sheet and strip;
COLMONOY21 5% Cr 2% Fe 1.2% B 0.25% C Ni alloy: Powder for weldable; heat resistant
spraying; Wall Colmonoy; for repairing moulds DURCO CY40 15.5% Cr 11.0% Fe (max) 0.4% C (max) Ni alloy:
DPN: 285 Casting; Duriron Co.
COLMONOY29 Ni base alloy for powder coating: Colmonoy UTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 195
DPN: 270 E320 20% Cr 40% Fe 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu 0.07% C (max) Ni
COLMONOY41 10.0% Cr 2.7% Fe 2.0% B 2.7% Si 0.45% C Ni alloy: alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Bronze powder; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1105·C E320 LR 20% Cr 38% Fe 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu 0.03% C (max) Ni
COLMONOY45 10% Cr 3.5% Fe 2.2% B 0.5% C Ni alloy: Powder for alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
spraying; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1085·C ENiCr3T 20% Cr 2.5% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
DPN: 420 electrode; designation used by AWS
COLMONOY56 13% Cr 4.5% Fe 2.7% B 0.7% C Ni alloy: Rods for ENiCrA 12% Cr 3% Fe 2.5% B 0.45% C Ni alloy: Weld
metal spraying; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1050 ·C; electrode; designation used by AWS
low friction corrosion resistance ENiCrB 14% Cr 4% Fe 3% B 0.6% C Ni alloy: Weld electrode;
DPN: 580 designation used by AWS
COLMONOY56 13% Cr 1.5% Fe 2.7% B 0.7% C Ni alloy: Casting; ENiCrC 15% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.5% B 0.75% C Ni alloy: Weld
Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1050 ·C; low friction electrode; designation used by AWS
DPN: 580 ENi CrFe I 15% Cr 3.2% Nb 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
COLMONOY60 14.0% Cr 4.3% Fe 1.75% Mo 3.0% B 3.71% Si 1.7% electrode; designation used by AWS
Cu 0.7% C Ni alloy: Bronze powder; Wall Colmonoy; E Ni Cr Fe 2 15% Cr 1.5% Mo 2.2% Nb 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy:
melting point 1040 ·C Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
COLMONOY61 14.0% Cr 4.6% Fe 3.0% B 3.7% Si 0.7% C Ni alloy: ENiCrFe3 15% Cr 1.7% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
Bronze powder; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1025·C electrode; designation used by AWS
COLMONOY62 14.0% Cr 4.6% Fe 3.0% B 3.7% Si 0.7% C Ni alloy: ENi CrFe4 15% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.2% Nb 0.2% C (max) Ni alloy:
Bronze powder; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1025 ·C Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
COLMONOY72 13.0% Cr 3.5% Fe 3.5% Si 0.7% C 12.0% W Ni alloy: ENiCrMo1 23% Cr 9% Mo 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Weld electrode;
Bronze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 106O·C designation used by AWS
COLMONOY75 13% Cr 5% Fe 3% B 0.7% C WC Ni alloy: Powder for ENiCrMo4 15.5% Cr 5.5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C (max) 3.7% W
spraying; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1040 ·C; wear Ni alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
resistant E Ni CrMo 6 14% Cr 7% Mo 1.5% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
DPN:660 electrode; designation used by AWS
CORNES 14 15.5% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Philip Comes ENiCrMo7 16% Cr 15.5% Mo 0.015% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
CORNES 15 H 21 % Cr Fe + Al + Ti Ni alloy: Philip Comes electrode; designation used by AWS
CORNES 16 21.5% Cr Mo + Ti + Cu + Fe Ni alloy: Philip Comes E Ni Cr Mo 9 22% Cr 7% Mo 2% Cu 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
CORNES 17 18% Cr Fe + Si Ni alloy: Philip Comes electrode; designation used by AWS
CORNES 80/20 20% Cr Ni alloy with Ti: Philip Comes ENiCrMo 12 21.5% Cr 9.3% Mo 2% Nb 0.03% C (max) Ni alloy:
CORNES6Ol 23% Cr 14% Fe Si + Al + Ti + C Ni alloy: Philip Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Comes ENiFeCr2T 19% Cr 25% Fe 3% Mo 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
CORNES625 21.5% Cr 9% Mo Ni alloy: Philip Comes electrode; designation used by AWS
CORRONEL 230 35% Cr Ni alloy: Bar and sheet; H Wiggin; pickling ENiMo3 7% Cr 5.5% Fe 25% Mo 0.12% C (max) Ni alloy:
and chemical plant Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
CRONIX70E 30% Cr 1.2% Si 0.07% C (max) Ni alloy: VDM ERNil 2.7% Ti 0.15% C (max) 93.0% Ni (min): Weld
CRONIX80E 20% Cr 1.2% Si 0.07% C (max) Ni alloy: VDM electrode; designation used by AWS
CUSTOM AGE 625 20% Cr 5% Fe 8.5% Mo 1.3% Ti 3.3% Nb 0.01 % C Ni ERNiCI 4% Fe (max) 4% Cu (max) 1% C (max) Ni: Weld
alloy: Carpenter electrode; designation used by AWS
CY40 15.5% Cr 1.0% Fe 0.4% C (max) Ni alloy: Casting; US ERNi Cr3 20% Cr 2.5% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
designation electrode; designation used by AWS
DELOROSF40 7.5% Cr 1.5% Fe 1.5% B 4% Si Ni alloy: Casting; ER Ni CrFe6 15.5% Cr 3% Ti 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
Deloro electrode; designation used by AWS
DPN: 380 ER Ni CrFe 7 15.5% Cr 0.7% All % Nb 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy:
DELOROSF50 10% Cr 4% Fe 1.5% B 4% Si Ni alloy: Casting; Deloro Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
DPN: 558 ERNiCrMol 22% Cr 9% Mo 0.1 % C (max) 12.5% Co Ni alloy:
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ERNi CrMo 1 22% Cr 19.5% Fe 6.5% Mo 2% Cu 0.05% C (max) Ni HASX 22% Cr 21 % Fe 9% Mo 0.08% C 0.7% W 1.5% Co Ni
alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastellas X
ERNiCrMo3 22% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Weld HASTELLOY D 1% Fe 10% Si 4% Cu 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Casting;
electrode; designation used by AWS Haynes Stellite
ERNiCrM07 15.5% Cr 15% Mo 0.015% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld HEATING 14% Cr 23% Fe 0.2% Cu 0.5% Zr Ni alloy:
electrode; designation used by AWS . ELEMENTS Origin unknown
ERNiCrMo8 24.5% Cr 6% Mo 1.2% Ti 1% Cu 0.03% C (max) Ni HR5 19.5% Cr 5% Fe (max) 0.12% C 5% Co (max) Ni
alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS alloy: BS Aerospace designation
ER Ni FeCr 1 21.5% Cr 30% Fe 3% Mo 2.2% Cu 0.05% C (max) Ni HS28W 26% Cr 20% Fe 2% Mo 1% AI 0.45% C 3% W Ni
alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS alloy: Thomson L'Hospied
ER Ni Fe Cr2 19% Cr 20% Fe 3% Mo 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld DPN: 180 urS: 570 Elon: 5% Proof: 370
electrode; designation used by AWS HW 12% Cr 23% Fe 0.55% C Ni alloy: Casting;
ERAHR5 20% Cr 20% Fe Ni alloy: Casting; Hadfields Huntington; aged
specification for BS 1648 K urS: 580 Elon: 4% Proof: 340
urS: 740 EIon: 12% Proof: 330 HX 17% Cr 20% Fe 0.55% C Ni alloy: Casting; Thomson
FOREMOST HR3 22% Cr 15% Fe 0.2% C Ni alloy: Casting; Swift L"Hospied
Levick; annealed DPN: 172 UTS: 450 Elon: 10% Proor: 258
DPN: 350 urS: 810 Elon: 20% Proof: 610 INCOLOY65 21.0% Cr 30% Fe 1.7% Cu 0.03% C Ni alloy: H
FOREMOST HR4 20% Cr 3% Ti 1.0% Al 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Casting; Swift Wiggin; for gas shielded arc welding of Incoloy 825
Levick; annealed INCOLOY 135 29.0% Cr 26.0% Fe 3.2% Mo 1.8% Cu 0.05% C Ni
DPN: 300 urS: 780 Elon: 44% Proor: 330 alloy: H Wiggin; electrode for metal arc welding of
G63 15.5% Cr 0.1% C Ni alloy: Jessop; scale or creep Incoloy 825
resistant INCONEL 15% Cr 7% Fe 0.04% C Ni alloy: International Nickel
GLI 15% Cr 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: Vallruna INCONEL 15% Cr 10% Fe Ni alloy: H Wiggin; furnace
HAl 64 ALLOY 2% Cr 2% Mn Ni alloy: For spark plugs; Harrison equipment; acid resistant
Alloy INCONEL 15.8% Cr 7.2% Fe 0.04% C Ni alloy: Huntington; now
HAI66ALLOY 16% Cr 2% Fe Ni alloy: For spark plugs; Harrison InconeI6OO;·lnconel used as trade name
Alloy INCONEL42 16% Cr 7.2% Fe 0.04% C Ni alloy: Filler; Huntington;
HAl 600 ALLOY 16% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Harrison Alloy for gas welding Inconel 600 and Incoloy 800
HAIEP 10% Cr Ni alloy: For thermocouples; Harrison Alloy; INCONEL62 16% Cr 7.5% Fe 2.3% Nb 0.04% C Ni alloy: Filler;
specific resistance 70.6 microhm/cm Huntington; electric welding of Inconel6OO and lncoloy
HAIKP 10% Cr Ni alloy: For thermocouples; Harrison Alloy; 800
specific resistance 70.5 microhm/cm INCONEL 112 21.5% Cr 4.0% Fe 9.0% Mo 3.6% Nb + Ta 0.05% C
HAl Ni Cr60 16% Cr 24% Fe Ni alloy: For resistance heating wear; Ni alloy: H Wiggin; electrode for metal arc welding of
Harrison Alloy Inconel625
HAl NiCr70 30% Cr Ni alloy: For resistance heating wear; Harrison INCONEL132 14% Cr 8.5% Fe 2% NbO.05% CO.1% Co Ni alloy:
Alloy Filler; Huntington; electric welding of Inconel6OO
HAl NiCrBO 20% Cr Ni alloy: For resistance heating wear; Harrison INCONEL 182 14% Cr 7.5% Fe 2% Nb 7.5% Mn 0.05% C 0.1 % Co
Alloy Ni alloy: Filler; Huntington; welding Inconel6OO to
HAINP 14% Cr 1.5% Si Ni alloy: For thermocouples; Harrison steel
Alloy; specific resistance 97.2 microhm/em INCONEL6OO 16% Cr 8% Fe 0.7% Cu 0.2% C Ni alloy: Wrought; H
HASB 5% Fe 28% Mo 0.04% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; Wiggin; annealed
for welding Hastellas B DPN: 180 urS: 620
HASB2L 1% Fe 28% Mo 0.02% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; INCONEL6OO 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Wrought; H Wiggin; annealed;
for welding Hastellas B tensile strength at BOO 'C 10 tonslin. 2
HAS C276 15% Cr 5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C 4% W Ni: Electrode; DPN: 180 UTS: 600 Elon: 42% Proor: 240
Metrode; for welding C276 alloy INCONEL600 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Wrought; H Wiggin; cold
HASCH 15% Cr 5% Fe 16% Mo 0.2% C 4% W Ni alloy: drawn
Electrode; Metrode DPN: 280 UTS: 810 Elon: 12% Proor: 760
HASG 22% Cr 10% Fe 6% Mo 2% Nb 2% Cu 0.04% C 0.5% INCONEL600 15.8% Cr 7.2% Fe 0.04% C Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.;
W Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastellas Huntington; annealed; Inconel602 was lnconel 600
G DPN: 150 UTS: 660 Elon: 45% Proor: 358
HASG3 22% Cr 10% Fe 7% Mo 2% Cu 0.02% C 1% W4% Co INCONEL600 15.8% Cr 7.2% Fe 0.04% C Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.;
Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastellas G3 Huntington; cold drawn; Inconel604 was Inconel6OO
HASN 7% Cr 4% Fe 16% Mo 0.04% C Ni alloy: Electrode; DPN: 258 UTS: 910 Elon: 25% Proof: 680
Metrode; for welding Hastellas N INCONEL601 22.0% Cr 15% Fe 1.5% Al 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: H
HASW 5% Cr 5% Fe 25% Mo 0.04% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Wiggin; heat and corrosion resistance
Metrode; for welding Hastellas W DPN: 70 urS: 690 Elon: 58% Proor: 560
INCONEL601 23.0% Cr 17.0% Fe 1.2% AI Ni alloy: For hot
oxidation resistance; Huntington
DPN: 120 urS: 600 Elon: 58% Proor: 2SO
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: INCONEL602 See Inconel 600
INCONEL604 15.8% Cr7.2% Fe 2% Nb 0.04% C Ni alloy: Bar,
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number sheet, etc.; Huntington; previously 1nconel6OO
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 INCONEL61O 15.5% Cr 9.0% Fe 1.0% Nb 0.5% Cu 0.2% C Ni alloy:
Elon Elongation, % Huntington
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 INCONEL690 29% Cr 9% Fe 0.05% C (max) Ni alloy
INCONEL 705 15.5% Cr 8.0% Fe 5.5% Si 0.5% Cu 0.3% C Ni alloy:
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonflin"=145.04Ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. INCONEL 706 16% Cr 38% Fe 1.7% Ti 3% Nb 0.06% C (max) Ni
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
INCONEL 20.0% Cr 3.0% Fe (max) 2.5% Nb 3.0% Mn Ni alloy: NACE MR 01.75 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 5% Nb 0.05% C (max) Ni alloy:
FILLER 82 Filler rod; Inco NACE specification
INCONEL 15.5% Cr 8.0% Fe 2.2% Mn 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy: NC20T 20% Cr Ni alloy with Ti: French Standard
FILLER 92 Filler rod; Inco NCFI 15.5% Cr 8.0% Fe 0.5% Cu (max) 0.15% C (max) Ni
INCONEL FM62 15.5% Cr 8% Fe 2.2% Nb 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy alloy: Japanese Standard designation; Inconel6OO
INCONEL FM82 20% Cr2.5% Nb3% Mn 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy NH 17% Cr 35% Fe 1% Si 1% Mn Ni: Ingot; primary
INCONEL FM92 15.5% Cr 8% Fe (max) 3% Ti 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy metal; H Wiggin; for addition to cast iron
KH70 29.5% Cr 5.0% Fe 0.07% C Ni alloy: Russian Standard Ni Cr 15 Fe 15% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Designation used by German
designation Standards
KH70IU 29.5% Cr 1.0% Fe (mall) O. I% C (max) Ni alloy: Ni Cr60/15 15% Cr 21 % Fe Ni alloy: Designation used by German
Russian Standard designation Standards
KROMORE 15% Cr Ni alloy: Driver-Harris; as Nichrome III; Ni Cr70/30 30% Cr 1.2% Si 0.07% C (max) Ni alloy: YOM
withdrawn Ni Cr 80/20 20% Cr 1.2% Si 0.07% C (max) Ni alloy: YOM
LESCALLOY 600 15% Cr 7% Fe 0.07% C Ni alloy: Latrobe; for nuclear NICHROME Low C 15% Cr 20% Fe Ni alloy: For resistance
reactor parts elements; British Driver-Harris; annealed
MANAURITE 50W 28% Cr 5% W Ni alloy: Pompey UTS: 170
UTS: 550 Proof: 260 NICHROME II 18% Cr 14% Fe Ni alloy: British Driver-Harris;
MANAURlTE 60 15% Cr 25% Fe Ni alloy: Pompey withdrawn
UTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 240 NICHROME III 15% Cr Ni alloy: British Driver-Harris; as Kromore;
MAXHETE5 14.5% Cr 20% Fe 0.2% C Ni alloy: Edgar Allen; heat withdrawn
treatment equipment NICHROME IV 20% Cr Ni alloy: British Driver-Harris; withdrawn
MAXHETE8 19.5% Cr 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Edgar Allen; electrical NICHROME V 20% Cr Ni alloy: British Driver-Harris; use up to
resistance elements 1150·C
METCO 12C 10% Cr 2.5% Fe 2.5% B 2.5% Si 0.15% C Ni alloy: UTS: 870
Powder for spraying; Metco Ltd NICHROME V 20% Cr Ni alloy: For electrical resistance; British
DPN:310 Driver-Harris; annealed
METCO 14E Cr B Ni alloy: Spray deposit; Metco UTS: 170
DPN:550 NICKEL FILLER 61 2.7% Ti 1.5% AI 1.0% Mn 0.15% C (max) 0.03%
METCO 15C 17% Cr 4% Fe 3.5% B 4% Si 1% C Ni alloy: Powder P (mall) Ni: Filler wire for overlaying steel; H Wiggin
for spraying; Metco Ltd NICKELVAC N 15.5% Cr 8% Fe 0.07% C Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys
DPN:802 Ltd; double vacuum cast
METCO 15E Cr B Ni alloy: Spray deposit; Metco NICRAL Z 16% Cr 2% Fe Ni alloy: Imphy
DPN:630 DPN: 145 UTS: 630 Elon: 35% Proof: 270
METCO 15F Cr B Ni alloy: Spray deposit; fme grained; Metco NICREX 3 15% Cr 25% Fe 0.8% Nb 0.07% C Ni alloy: Welding
DPN:670 electrode; Murex
METC019E Cr B Ni alloy: Spray deposit; Metco UTS: 600 Elon: 35 %
DPN:670 NICREX 4 18% Cr 1.8% Nb 0.2% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode;
METC031C 11 % Cr 2.5% Fe 2.5% B 2.5% Si 0.5% C 35% WC Ni Murex
alloy: Powder for spraying; Metco Ltd; tungsten UTS: 650 Elon: 30%
carbide in Ni alloy matrix NICROBODY 5007 11.2% Cr 0.06% Co 8% P Ni alloy: Braze filler; Wall
DPN:86S Colmonoy; melting range 101O-1120·C
METC043C 20% Cr Ni alloy: Powder for spraying; Metco Ltd NICROBRAZ 30 19% Cr 10% Si 0.1% C Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall
DPN: 189 Colmonoy; melting range 1080-1130·C
METC044 Cr Ni alloy: Powder casting; Metco NICROBRAZ 35 9.5% Si 9.5% Mn 19.5% C Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall
DPN: 170 Colmonoy; melting range 1135-1160 ·C
METCO XP 1150 14.5% Cr 3.5% Fe 3.0% B 3.5% Si 0.5% C Ni alloy: NICROBRAZ 50 13% Cr 0.1% C 10% P Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall
For metal spray; Metco Ltd Colmonoy; melting point 89O·C
METCOLOY33 15% Cr 25% Fe Ni alloy: Wire for spraying; Metco Ltd NICROBRAZ 51 25% Cr 10% P Ni alloy: Bronze metal; Wall
MIL-N-6840 15.8% Cr 7.2% Fe 0.04% C Ni alloy Colmonoy; melting range 980-1095 ·C
N75 20% Cr 5% Fe 0.4% Ti Ni alloy: H Wiggin NICROBRAZ 120 13.5% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.5% B 4.5% Si 0.8% C Ni alloy:
N06008 30% Cr 1.2% Si 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: Designation Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; as 'Standard' but coarser
used by UNS mesh powder
N06009 20% Cr 1.2% Si 1.2% Nb 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: NICROBRAZ 125 14.0% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.0% B 0.7% C Ni alloy: For
Designation used by UNS brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 970-1040 ·C
N 06333 25.5% Cr 17% Fe 3.2% MoO.1% C 3.2% W 3.2% Co NICROBRAZ 150 15% Cr 2.5% B 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall
Ni alloy: UNS designation Colmonoy; melting point 1050 ·C
N 06621 19.5% Cr 5% Fe (max) 0.1 % C 5% Co (max) Ni alloy: NICROBRAZ 160 10% Cr 2.5% Fe 2% B 2.5% Si 0.45% C Ni alloy:
Designation used by UNS Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range
N 06625 21.5% Cr 5% Fe (max) 9% Mo 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy: 970-1160 ·C
UNS designation NICROBRAZ 170 11.5% Cr 3.7% Fe 2.5% B 3.25% Si 0.55% C 16% W
N 08421 21% Cr 30% Fe 5.7% Mo 1.7% Cu 0.025% C (max) Ni Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range
alloy: designation used by UNS 980-1100 ·C
N 08825 21 % Cr 3% Mo 1% Ti 2.2% Cu 0.05% C (max) Ni NICROBRAZ 180 5% Cr 3.5% Fe 1% B 3% Si 0.2% C Ni alloy: Braze
alloy: UNS designation metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 97O-1180·C
N 09911 12.5% Cr 38% Fe 5.7% Mo 0.015% B 0.04% C Ni NICROBRAZ 200 3% Fe 3.2% B 4.5% Si 7% C 6% W Ni alloy: Braze
alloy: designation used by UNS metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 975-1040·C
N 09925 21.5% Cr 37% Fe 3% Mo 2% Ti 2.2% Cu 0.03% NICROBRAZ 3001 11.5% Cr 6.0% Si Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall
C (max) Ni alloy: designation used by UNS Colmonoy; melting range 1220-1235 ·C
Na22H 27% Cr 17% Fe 0.5% C Ni alloy: American NICROBRAZ 3002 15.0% Cr 8.0% Si Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall
proprietary alloy listed in SAE year book Colmonoy; melting range 1180-1200 ·C
Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks.
NICROBRAZ 3003 17% Cr 0.1 % B 9.5% Si Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall NICROCOAT 700 13% Cr 5% AI 10% boride oxide Ni alloy: Powder;
Colmonoy; melting range 1150-1180 'C Wall Colmonoy; for coating
NICROBRAZ 3004 11.5% Cr 0.4% B 7.0% Si Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall NICROFER 3220 H 21 % Cr Fe + Al + Ti Ni alloy: Philip Comes
Colmonoy; melting range 1160-1180 'C NICROFER 3718 18% Cr Fe + 5i Ni alloy: Philip Comes
NICROBRAZ 3005 13.0% Cr 0.35% B8.0% Si Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall NICROFER 4221 21 % Cr Fe + Mo + Ti + Cu Ni alloy: Philip Comes
Colmonoy; melting range 1160-1180 'C NICROFER 6020 h 21.5% Cr 9% Mo Ni alloy: Philip Comes
NICROBRAZ 5007 11.2% Cr 0.6% Co 8% P Ni alloy: Braze filler; Wall Mo
Colmonoy; melting range 1010-1120 'C NICROFER 6023 23% Cr 14% Fe + Si + Al + Ti Ni alloy: Philip
NICROBRAZ LC 13% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.5% B 4.5% Si 0.06% C Ni alloy: Comes
Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range NICROFER 6023 H 23% Cr 14% Fe 0.4% Ti 11.3% AI 0.1 % C (max) Ni
970-1080 'C alloy: YOM
NICROBRAZ LM 6.5% Cr 2.5% Fe 3% B 4.5% Si 0.06% C Ni alloy: NICROFER 6030 28.5% Cr 9% Fe 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: YOM
Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range NICROFER 7216 15.5% Cr 8% Fe Ni alloy: Philip Comes
970-1000 'C NICROFER 7216 16% Cr 8.5% Fe 0.07% C (max) Ni alloy: YOM
NICROBRAZ LMOI 3.0% Cr 1.3% Fe 1.9% B 3.0% Si Ni alloy: For NICROFER 7216 H 16% Cr 8.5% Fe 0.2% Ti 0.3% C Ni alloy: YOM
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1090-1155 'C NICROFER 7520 20% Cr Ni + Ti alloy: Philip Comes
NICROBRAZ LM02 2.25% Cr 1.0% Fe 1.7% B 2.75% Si Ni alloy: For NICROFER 7520 20.5% Cr 0.5% Fe (max) 0.4% Ti 0.1% C Ni alloy:
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1090-1155 'C YOM
NICROBRAZ LM03 2.5% Cr 1.1 % Fe 1.8% B 3.0% Si Ni alloy: For NICROFER B 7020 20% Cr 3% Fe (max) 2.5% Nb 3.2% Mn 0.05%
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1090-1155 'C C (max) Ni alloy: Strip; YOM
NICROBRAZ LM04 2.3% Cr 1.2% Fe 1.8% B 3.0% Si Ni alloy: For NICROFER S 7020 20% Cr 3% Fe (max) 0.05% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld;
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1090-1160 'C red; YOM
NICROBRAZ LMOS 2.7% Cr 1.2% Fe 1.8% B 3.0% Si Ni alloy: For NICROTUNG 12.0% Cr 4.0% Ti 4.0% Al 0.1 % C 10.0% Co 8.0% W
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1090-1160 'C Ni alloy: Origin unknown
NICROBRAZ LM06 2.3% Cr 1.0% Fe 1.5% B 2.4% Si Ni alloy: For NIKROTHAL 60 15% Cr 25% Fe Ni alloy: Kanthal A B; for heating
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1090-1160 'C elements
NICROBRAZ LM07 5.6% Cr 2.4% Fe 2.5% B 3.5% Si Ni alloy: For NIKROTHAL 80 20% Cr Ni alloy: Kanthal A B; for heating elements
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1120-1160 'C NIMOCAST75 20.0% Cr 50% Fe 0.4% Ti 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Casting; H
NICROBRAZ LM083.8% Cr 1.7% Fe 2.2% B 3.5% Si Ni alloy: For Wiggin
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 1090-1155 'C NIMOCAST 257 20.0% Cr 5.0% Fe 1.6% Ti 0.08% C 16.0% Co Ni
NICROBRAZ 13.5% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.5% B 4.5% Si 0.8% C Ni alloy: Casting; H Wiggin
(STANDARD) alloy: Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range NIMOCAST 258 10.0% Cr 2.0% Fe 5.0% Mo 3.7% Ti 4.8% AI 0.2% C
980-1040 'C 20.0% Co Ni alloy: Casting; H Wiggin
NICROBRAZ WG 11.5% Cr 3.5% Fe 3% B 3.5% Si 0.06% C Ni alloy: NIMOCAST258 10.0% Cr 2.0% Fe 5.0% Mo 3.7% Ti 4.8% AI 0.2% C
Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 970-1090 20.0% Co Ni alloy: Casting; H Wiggin
'C; obsolete NIMOCAST PD16 6.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 6.0% Al 0.13% C Ni alloy: Casting;
NICROCOAT 7% Cr 3% Fe Ni alloy: Powder; with additive; Wall H Wiggin; for turbine blades
Colmonoy; for coating NIMOCAST PEIO 20.0% Cr 6.0% Mo 6.5% Nb 0.02% C 1.0% Co 2.5%
NICROCOAT 1 13.5% Cr Ni alloy: Powder; with additive; Wall W Ni alloy: Casting; H Wiggin
Colmonoy; for coating NIMONIC75 20.0% Cr 5% Fe 0.4% Ti Ni alloy: H Wiggin;
NfCROCOAT 3 13% Cr Ni alloy: Powder; with additive; Wall annealed; tensile strength at 750 'C 220 N/mm 2
Colmonoy; for coaling DPN: 200 UTS: 730 Elon: 44% Proof: 340
NICROCOAT 4 15% Cr Ni alloy: Powder; with additive; Wall NIMONIC75 20% Cr 5% Fe 0.4% Ti Ni alloy: H Wiggin; cold rolled
Colmonoy; for coating DPN:300
NICROCOAT 6 7% Cr 6% WNi alloy: Powder; with additive; Wall NIMROD 182 15% Cr 8% Fe 2% Nb 8% Mn 0.05% C Ni alloy:
Colmonoy; for coating Electrode; Metrode
NICROCOAT 8 10% Cr Ni alloy: Powder; with additive; Wall NIMROD 182 K5 15% Cr 8% Fe 2% Nb 8% Mn 0.05% C Ni alloy:
Colmonoy; for coating Electrode; Metrode; for positional welding
NICROCOAT 9 19% Cr 10% 5i Ni alloy: Powder; with additive; Wall NIMROD 625 21 % Cr 1% Fe 9% Mo 4% Nb 0.04% C Ni alloy:
Colmonoy; for coating Electrode; Metrode
NICROCOAT 610 13.5% Cr 10% Ti boride Ni alloy: Powder; Wall NIMROD 625 KS 21% Cr 1% Fe 9% Mo 4% NbO.04% C Ni alloy:
Colmonoy; for coating Electrode; Metrode; for positional welding
NICROCOAT 620 18% Cr 5% Si 8.5% Ti boride Ni alloy: Powder; Wall NIMRODAKS 15% Cr 8% Fe 2% Mo 2% Nb 3% Mn 0.05% C Ni
Colmonoy; for coating alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for positional welding
NICROCOAT 621 18.5% Cr 7.3% 5i 4.5% Ti silicide Ni alloy: Powder; NIMRODAB 15% Cr 8% Fe 2% Mo 2% Nb 3% Mn 0.05% C Ni
Wall Colmonoy; for coating alloy: Electrode; Metrode
NICROCOAT 630 17% Cr 5.3% Si 6.5% Ti 6.5% TiN silicide Ni alloy: PER 1 20.0% Cr 0.4% Ti 5.0% Co Ni alloy: Origin unknown
Powder; Wall Colmonoy; for coating PER 2 22.0% Cr 4.0% Ti 5.0% Co Ni alloy: Origin unknown
PER2B 20.0% Cr 2.0% Ti 20.0% Co Ni alloy: Origin unknown
PER2U 20.0% Cr 5.0% Fe 2.0% Ti 1.0% AI 20.0% Co Ni
alloy: Origin unknown
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: PER2V 19.0% Cr 2.0% Ti 1.5% Al 2.0% Co Ni alloy: Origin
unknown .
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number PER 13 13.0% Cr 4.0% Mo 6.0% AI Ni alloy: Origin unknown
UT5 Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' PlREKS60 20% Cr 20% Fe Ni alloy: Casting; Darwins; heat
Elon Elongation, % treatment equipment
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 PIREKS 60113 20% Cr 20% Fe Ni alloy: Rod or wire; Darwins;
electrical resistors; heating elements
1N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04Ibffm. 2 =1 MPa PYROMET88 16% Cr 3% Ti 0.03% C Ni alloy: Carpenter
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 1120 Elon: 12% Proof: 720
PYROMET600 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Carpenter
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
PYROMET ALLOY 15% Cr 0.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 1% Nb + Ta 0.08% C (max) TOLOY65 17% Cr 20% Fe 0.55% C Ni alloy: Casting; Thomson
X 750 Ni alloy: Carpenter L'Hospied
UTS: 1110 Elon: 22% Proor: 630 DPN: 172 UTS: 450 Elon: 10% Proor: 250
PYROMIC 20% Cr Ni alloy: For electrical resistance up to 1150 TOLOY65 HX 17% Cr 18% Fe 0.55% C Ni alloy: Casting for furnace
'C; Telcon Metals; annealed fillings, etc.; Wellman
VTS: 770 TOPHETJO 30% Cr Ni alloy: For heating elements; Driver-Harris
QQ c.m 3% Fe 23% Cu 3% Mn Ni alloy: Casting; 2.0% C + Si; TOPHET A 20% Cr Ni alloy: For heating elements and resistance
US Federal wire; Driver-Harris
UTS: 456 Elon: 25% Proor: 180 TOPHETA 20% Cr Ni alloy: Strip for furnace elements; Gilbey-
R870G 20.0% Cr 15% Fe 0.2% C Ni alloy: Casting; scaling Brunton
temperature 1050 'C; Fagerston TOPHETC 16% Cr 24% Fe Ni alloy: Strip for furnace elements;
RA 333 25% Cr 20% Fe 3.0% Mo 0.08% C 3.5% W 3.5% Co Gilbey-Brunton
Ni alloy: Simonds TOPHETC 15% Cr Ni alloy: For heating elements and resistance
RNC30 25% Cr 30% Fe Ni alloy: For electrical resistance; wire; Driver-Harris
Imphy TPM 16% Cr 3.1 % Ti 0.05% C Ni alloy: Origin unknown
RNC-CARBIMPHY 20% Cr 35% Fe Ni alloy: For electrical resistance; UCAR 75 19.5% Cr 0.1% C Ni alloy: Union Carbide
Imphy; for use in carburizing atmospheres UCAR600 15.5% Cr 2.2% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Union
RNC-SUPERIMPHY 20% Cr Ni alloy: For electrical resistance; Imphy Carbide
SAE 70334 12% Cr 25% Fe 0.5% Mo 0.5% C Ni alloy: Casting UCAR601 23.0% Cr 1.35% Al 0.05% C Ni alloy: Union Carbide
SAE 70335 17% Cr 22% Fe 0.5% Mo 0.5% C Ni alloy: Casting VALRAY I 20% Cr Ni alloy: With C Mn and Si for facing valves; H
SAE VF 1 20% Cr 1% Fe 0.2% C Ni alloy: For hard facing Wiggin
SANICRO 70 16% Cr 10% Fe 0.03% C (max) Ni alloy: Sandvik VFI 20% Cr 1% Fe 0.2% C Ni alloy: For hard facing;
SANICRO 71 16% Cr 9% Fe 0.04% C Ni alloy: For tube; Sandvik designation used by SAE
DPN: 160 VTS: 560 Elon: 30% Proor: 230 VIKROI 13.5% Cr 24.5% Fe 0.7% C Ni alloy: Casting; Firth
SANICR071 16% Cr 0.05% C 10% Co Ni alloy: Sandvik Vickers
SF 40 7.5% Cr 1.5% Fe 1.5% B 4% Si Ni alloy: Deloro VIKRO 11 20.0% Cr 35% Fe 0.4% C Ni alloy: Casting; Firth
SF50 10% Cr 4% Fe 1.5% B 4% Si Ni alloy: Deloro Vickers
SF 60 15% Cr 4.5% Fe 3% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: Deloro VMA5 20% Cr 6% Mo 2% Ti 20% Co Ni alloy: Investment
SIMALLOY 600 16% Cr 8% Fe 0.15% C Ni alloy: Simonds casting; BS designation; obsolete
SOUDONELBS 15.5% Cr 8% Fe 1.7% Mo 1.7% Nb 2.7% Mn 0.08% ( VMAM 13% Cr 4% Mo 6% A12% Nb Ni alloy: Investment
Ni alloy: Electrode; Soudometal; for welding high Ni casting; BS designation; obsolete
steel; impact 50 J at -200 'C VMA6B 13% Cr 4% Mo 6% A12% Nb Ni alloy: Investment
UTS: 656 Elon: 32% Proor: 410 casting; BS designation; obsolete
SOUDORGNi 20% Cr 2.7% B 3% Mn 0.01% C 0.4% tiN Ni alloy: VMA6C 13% Cr 4% Mo 6% Al 2% Nb Ni alloy: Investment
Cr3 Welding electrode; Soudometal casting; BS designation; obsolete
UTS: S60 Elon: 30% Proor: 400 VMA7A 15% Cr 10% Fe 5% Mo 2% Ti 3.5% AI Ni alloy:
SOUDOTIG 625 23.3% CrO.8% Fe 9.1% Mo 0.2% Ti 3.4% NbO.OI% Investment casting; BS designation; obsolete
C Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert VMA7B 15% Cr 10% Fe 5% Mo 2% Ti 3.5% Al Ni alloy:
gas welding Investment casting; BS designation; obsolete
UTS: 830 Elon: 30% Proof: 415 VMA8 15% Cr 8% Mo 3.6% Ti 4.2% AI Ni alloy: Investment
SOUDOTIGNi 20.5% Cr I% Fe 0.4% Ti 2.7% Nb 0.015% C Ni alloy: casting; BS designation; obsolete
Cr3 Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding; VMA9 18% Cr 3% Ti 3% AI 18% Co Ni alloy: Investment
impact at - 200 'C 80 J casting; BS designation; obsolete
UTS: 560 Elon: 30% Proor: 400 VMA 10 14.5% Cr 4% Mo 3.5% Ti 4.5% AI 15% Co Ni alloy:
STUBS 068 HH 20% Cr 3.0% Fe 2% Mo 2.3% Nb + Ta 5.5% Mn Investment casting; BS designation; obsolete
0.05% C (max) Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; VMA 11 15% Cr 4.5% Mo 2.4% Ti 4.4% AI 22% Co Ni alloy:
nuclear; chemical industry; welding Investment casting; BS designation; obsolete
VTS: 656 Elon: 30% Proof: 390 VMAI2 9.5% Cr 3% Mo 4.7% Ti 5.5% All% V 15% Co Ni
STUBS 4221 25.8% Cr 20% Fe 3.5% Mo 1.6% Cu 0.04% C Ni alloy: Investment casting; BS designation; obsolete
alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs VMA 13 19% Cr 18.7% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% A15% Nb Ni
DPN: 156 UTS: 540 Elon: 30% Proof: 340 alloy: Investment casting; BS designation; obsolete
STUBS 6222 Mo 21.5% Cr 2.0% Fe 8.8% Mo 3.5% Nb + Ta 0.02% C VMAI4 9% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.5% Ti 5.5% AI 1.5% Ta 10% Co
Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for heat resistant 1.0% W Ni alloy: Investment casting; BS designation;
properties obsolete
VTS: 760 Elon: 30% Proof: 450 VMAI5 9% Cr 1.5% Ti 5.5% Al 2.5% Ta 10% Co 1.5% Ha Ni
STUBS 7015 16% Cr 6.5% Fe 2.5% Nb + Ta 6% Mn 0.03% C Ni alloy: Investment casting; BS designation; obsolete
alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs VMA 1M 16% Cr 1.7% Mo 3.5% Ti 3.5% All% Nb 1.7% Ta
DPN: 170 UTS: 620 Elon: 35% Proor: 380 2.5% W 8.5% Co Ni alloy: Investment casting; BS
STUBS 7015 Mo 15.7% Cr 6.2% Fe 1% Mo 1.7% Nb + Ta 3% Mn designation; obsolete
0.02% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs VMA 16B 16% Cr 1.7% Mo 3.5% Ti 3.5% All % Nb 1.7% Ta
DPN: 170 UTS: 620 Elon: 35% Proor: 380 2.5% W 8.5% Co Ni alloy: Investment casting; BS
TI 10% Cr Ni alloy: Thermocouple; British Driver-Harris designation; obsolete
UTS: 656 WAUKESHA 88 12.5% Cr 2% Fe (max) 2.7% Mo 4% Bi 0.05%
TOLOY50 26% Cr 20% Fe 2% Mo 1% AI 0.45% C 3.0% WNi C (max) 4% Sn Ni alloy: Casting; Dewramet; non-
alloy: Thomson L'Hospied galling
DPN: 180 UTS: 570 Elon: 5% Proof: 370 DPN: ISO UTS: 310 Elon: 7% Proor: 262
TOLOY50/50 50% Cr 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Casting; Wellman; WE 132 14.5% Cr 10% Fe (max) 3.2% Nb 0.08% C (max) Ni
superheater tube supports, etc. alloy
27C Nickel-chromium wrought and cast ageing alloys
With titanium, molybdenum, aluminium and cobalt
Specific gravity 8.1
Density 8100 kglm 3
Solidus/liquidus 1340-1390 °C
Thermal conductivity 113 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 11.7 x 1O- 6/ o c
20 1210 33
200 1170 32
400 1080 32
500 1050 32
600 1030 18
700 810 10
800 550 15
900 220 31
1000 60 87
* The hot strength figures quoted are average. Tensile strengths of 170 N/mm 2 at 1000 °C are possible with some of these alloys.
All the above properties are included as a guide to the group and aged. In addition they can be cold worked to increase the
of specifications as a whole. There is considerable variation mechanical strength to a considerable extent with a reduc-
within the group and some of these properties may not be tion in ductility.
applicable to all the specifications. To remove the cold working the material must be
annealed to above 1000 0c.
Solution treatment and ageing requires skill and informa-
General metallurgical characteristics
tion should be sought before attempting these treatments.
These alloys are based on the 80/20 nickeUchromium mate- The materials can be welded using the inert gas tech-
rials described and listed in Section 27B with the addition of niques. Specialist advice should be obtained, and it should be
elements which form intermetallic compounds with each noted that any welding will affect the mechanical properties
other and chromium. These take part in the metallurgical of components which have been aged.
reactions necessary to impart age hardening. The principal The materials listed are difficult to machine as they are
effect is to increase tensile properties at high temperatures, extremely tough, and with their cold working facility this can
the most important of which is the creep strength. Most of result in considerable tool wear. It is important that the tools
the alloys listed have excellent high temperature oxidation are made to cut below the surface and remain below the
and corrosion resistance, although some of the more highly surface. Surface rubbing results in severe cold work and lack
alloyed materials with the better creep strength have poorer of machinability.
hot corrosion resistance. These materials are used for turbine blades in gas and
They are all expensive, on the whole difficult to work and steam turbines, combustion equipment which requires high
are only used when their high temperature, high strength strength, internal combustion engine exhaust valves and
properties are essential. chemical plant where high temperatures are used.
These materials are all capable of being solution treated The principal characteristic used with these materials is
the high creep strength.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 1/360 10% Cr 4.5% Fe 5% Mo 0.3% B 6% Al 0.1 % C 2%
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Nb Ni alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy listed
Eion Elongation, % in SAE yearbook
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 IC901 13% Cr 40% Fe 6% Mo 3% Ti 0.07% C alloy: Bofors;
age hardened
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin 2 =1 MPa DPN: 340 UTS: 1020 Elon: 12% Proof: 670
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 2.4537 15.5% Cr 6.0% Fe 16.0% Mo 0.02% C(max) 3.7% W
2.5% Co 0.35% V Ni alloy
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2.4602 16% Cr 6% Fe 17% Mo 4% W Ni alloy: German AISI687 15% Cr 0.5% Fe 5.25% Mo 0.03% B 3.5% Ti 4.2% AI
Standard 0.07% C 18.5% Co Ni alloy: Solution treated; double
2.4605 22% Cr 25% Fe 7% Mo 2.0% Nb Ni alloy: German aged
Standard UTS: 1470 Elon: 17% Proof: 760
2.4634 14.7% Cr 5% Mo 0.008% B 1.2% Ti 4.7% AI 0.15% C AISI688 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% Al 0.8% Nb Ni alloy:
20% Co Ni alloy: German Standard Solution treated; double aged
2.4662 16.5% Cr 35% Fe 3.2% Mo 1.7% AI 0.06% C 2% UTS: 1130 Elon: 24% Proof: 650
Co (max) Ni alloy: German Standard A1S1689 20% Cr 10% Mo 0.005% B 2.6% Ti 1% AI 0.15% C
2.4665 21.5% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 0.1% C 0.7% W 1.5% Co Ni 10% Co Ni alloy: Solution treated and aged
alloy: German Standard UTS: 1220 Elon: 16% Proof: 880
2.4858 22% Cr 35% Fe 3% Mo 2% Cu 0.05% C Ni alloy: AISI690 18% Cr 18% Fe 3.2% Mo 2.7% Ti 0.2% AI 0.03% C
German Standard 20% Cr Ni alloy: Solution treated; double aged
2.4889 15% Cr 15% Fe 7% Mo Ni alloy: German Standard UTS: 1020 EIon: 19% Proof: 6SO
2.4952 19.5% Cr 2.2% Ti 1.4% AI 0.06% C Ni alloy: German ALLOY 49 30')< Cr 5% Fe 2.5% C 14% W Ni alloy: Casting;
Standard Oewrance
2.4969 19.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 0.13% C (max) 18% Co Ni DPN: 395 UTS: 770
alloy: German Standard ALLOY 80 16% Cr 5% Fe 17% Mo 0.15% C 5% WNi alloy:
691NCONELX 15% Cr 6.8% Fe 2.4% Ti 0.8% Al 0.8% Nb 0.04% C Casting; Oewrance
Ni alloy: Filler; Huntington; now Incone169 DPN: 265 UTS: S40
7l3C 12.5% Cr 4.2% Mo 0.8% Ti 6.1 % Al 2.2% Nb + Ta ALLOY 81 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% Mo 0.12% C Ni alloy: Casting;
0.12% C Ni alloy: International Nickel Co.; vacuum Oewrance
melted DPN: 235 UTS: 540
UTS: 860 Elon: 8% Proof: 750 ALLOY 333 25% Cr 17% Fe 3% Mo 0.04% C 3% W 3% Co Ni
7l3C 12.5% Cr 4.2% Mo 0.12% B 0.8% Ti 6.1 % AI 2.2% alloy: YOM
Nb 0.12% C 0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: Union Carbide ALLOY 617 21.5% Cr 0.4% Ti 1% AI 0.07% C 11.5% Co Ni alloy:
7l3LC 12% Cr 4.5% Mo 0.01 % B0.7% Ti 6.0% AI2.3% Nb VOM
0.05% C 0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: Union Carbide ALLOY 625 H 22% Cr 4% Fe (max) 9% Mo 3.8% Nb 0.07% C Ni
713LC 12% Cr 4.5% Mo 0.6% Ti 5.9% AI 2.0% Nb + Ta alloy: YOM
0.05% C Ni alloy: International Nickel Co.; as cast ALLOY7l3C 12.5% Cr 1.0% Fe 4.5% Mo 0.012% B 0.6% Ti 6.0%
UTS: 910 Elon: 15% Proof: 760 Al 2.0% Nb 0.12% CO.I% Zr Ni alloy: Information
718 19% Cr 18% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% A15% Nb + Ta from SAE handbook
0.08% C Ni alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated ALLOY X 21.5% Cr 9% Fe 9% Mo 0.07% C 0.8% W 0.7% Co Ni
and aged alloy: YOM
UTS: 1380 Proof: 1100 ALLVAC 500ZB 19% Cr 4% Mo 0.006% B 3% Ti 3% Al 0.08% C 17%
738 16.0% Cr 1.75% Mo 0.01 % B 3.4% Ti 3.4% Al 0.9% Co 0.06% Zr Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys; double
Nb 0.17% C 8.5% Co 2.6% W 1.75% Ta 0.1 % Zr Ni vacuum cast
alloy: Union Carbide ALLVAC718 19% Cr 20% Fe 3% Mo 0.004% B 1% Ti 0.5% AI
AF 1753 16.2% Cr 9.5% Fe 1.6% Mo 3.2% Ti 1.9% Al 0.25% 5.1 % Nb + Ta 0.05% C Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys;
C 7.2% Co 8.4% W0.06% Zr Ni alloy: Information double vacuum cast
from SAE handbook ALLVAC GMR 235 15.5% Cr 10% Fe 5.5% Mo 2.5% Ti 2% Al 0.12% C
AF2-IDA 12% Cr 3% Mo 0.015% B 4.5% Al 0.32% C Ni alloy: Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys; double vacuum cast
Origin unknown ALLVACM252 19% Cr 9.7% Mo 0.06% B 2.6% Ti 1.1% AI 0.14% C
AISI664 15% Cr 30% Fe 4% Mo 0.01 % B 3% Ti 1% AI 0.06% 10.2% Co Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys; double vacuum
C 3.6% W Ni alloy: Solution treated and aged cast
UTS: 1470 Elon: 15% Proof: 1020 ALLVACR41 19% Cr 9.7% Mo 0.006% B 3.2% Ti 1.5% AI 0.08% C
AISI680 21.5% Cr 18.5% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 0.6% W 1.5% Co 11 % Co Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys; double vacuum
Ni alloy: Solution treated; has slight ageing properties cast
UTS: 830 Elon: 52% Proof: 270 ALLVAC 19.5% Cr 4.25% Mo 0.006% B 3% Ti 1.4% AI 0.08%
AISI681 12.5% Cr 37% Fe 6% Mo 0.015% B 2.5% Ti 0.2% Al WASPALOY C 14% Co 0.06% Zr Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys;
0.05% C Ni alloy: Solution treated; double aged double vacuum cast
UTS: 1220 Elon: 17% Proof: 740 AMO57 BX 16.5% Cr 9% Fe 1.5% Mo 3% Ti 2% Al 7.5% Co
AISI682 12.5% Cr 37% Fe 5.7% Mo 0.015% B 2.8% Ti 0.2% 8.5% W Ni alloy: Bar and forging; interim AMS
AI 0.05% C Ni alloy: Solution treated; double aged AMPCOLAY 561 20% Cr 30% Fe 3% Mo Ni alloy: Ampco for Ni 0
UTS: 1220 Elon: 17% Proof: 740 NEL
AISI683 19% Cr 1.8% Fe 10% Mo 3. I% Ti 1.5% Al 0.09% C AMS 5383 19% Cr 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% A15% Nb 0.08% C (max)
11% Co Ni alloy: Solution treated and aged Ni alloy
UTS: 1470 EIon: 14% Proof: 1020 AMS 5384 18% Cr 2% Fe 4% Mo 3% Ti 3% Al 18% Co Ni alloy:
AISI684 17.5% Cr 0.5% Fe 4.2% Mo 0.005% B 3% Ti 3% Al Casting; solution treated and aged; vacuum melted
0.1 % C 18.5% Co Ni alloy: Solution treated; double AMS5388 16% Cr 5.7% Fe 17% Mo 0.07% C 1.2% Co 4% W
aged 0.3% V Ni alloy: Castings
UTS: 1250 Elon: 16% Proof: 800 AMS5389 15% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 3.5% W 2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni
AISI685 19.7% Cr 0.7% Fe 4.45% Mo 0.005% B 3% Ti 1.4% alloy: Castings
Al 0.07% C 13.5% Co Ni alloy: Solution treated; AMS5390 22% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 0.1% C 1.5% Co 0.6% W Ni
double aged alloy: Castings
UTS: 1380 Elon: 25% Proof: 800 AMS5391 12.5% Cr 1% Fe 4.5% Mo 6% AI 2% Nb 0.12% C Ni
AISI686 15% Cr 10% Fe 5% Mo 2.5% Ti 2% AI 0.12% C Ni alloy: Castings
alloy: Solution treated and aged AMS 5396 1% Cr 2% Fe 28% Mo 2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni alloy:
UTS: 1220 Elon: 21 % Proof: 830 Castings
AMS5397 10% Cr 3% Mo 4.7% Ti 5.5% AI 0.18% C 15% Co Ni
alloy: Castings
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 5399 19% Cr 9.7% Mo 3.2% Ti 1.6% AI 0.12% C (max) Ni AMS 5599 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.6% Nb 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy
alloy AMS5660 12.5% Cr 34% Fe 6% Mo 2.7% Ti 0.15% Al 0.05%
AMS 5401 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy C (max) Ni alloy: Forgings
AMS 5402 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy AMS 5660 A 12.5% Cr 34% Fe 6% Mo 2.5% Ti Ni alloy: Bar and
AMS 5404 12.7% Cr 2% Mo 4% Ti 3.5% AI 0.12% C 9% Co 4% forging; vacuum melted
Ta 4.2% W0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: Casting AMS5661 12.5% Cr 34% Fe 5.8% Mo 3% Ti Ni alloy: Bar and
AMS 5405 9% Cr 2% Ti 1% Nb 0.15% C 10% Co 12.5% W forging; vacuum melted
0.05% Zr Ni alloy: Casting AMS5661 12.5% Cr 34% Fe 5.8% Mo 2.9% Ti 0.05% C (max) Ni
AMS5406 9% Cr 2% Ti 1% Nb 0.15% C 10% Co 12.5% W alloy: Forgings
0.05% Zr Ni alloy: Casting AMS5666 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.6% Nb 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy
AMS5407 9% Cr2% Ti 1% NbO.15% C 10% Co 12.5% W AMS5667 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 0.8% Nb 0.04% C
0.05% Zr Ni alloy: Casting Ni alloy: Forgings
AMS 5509 15% Cr 28% Fe 4% Mo 3% Ti 1% A14% WNi alloy: AMS5668 D 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.7% All % Nb + Ta Ni
Sheet and strip; vacuum melted alloy: Bar
AMS 5530 15% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 3.5% W2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni AMS5669 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 0.8% Nb + Ta 0.04%
alloy: Sheet C Ni alloy
AMS 5536 22% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 1.5% Co 0.6% WNi AMS 5671 15.5% Cr2.5% Ti 0.7% All% NbO.08% C (max) Ni
alloy: Sheet alloy
AMS 5536 C 22% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 1.5% Co 0.6% WNi alloy: AMS 5675 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 3% Ti 2.3% Mn Ni alloy: Welding
Sheet wire; cold drawn
AMS 5541 15% Cr 6% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.6% Ai 0.04% C Ni alloy: AMS 5698 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% Nb 0.04% C (max) Ni
Sheet alloy: Wire
AMS5541 A 15.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 0.7% AI Fe Ni alloy: Sheet AMS 5699 B 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.7% All % Nb + Ta Ni
AMS5542 C 15.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 0.7% All% Nb + Ta Fe Ni alloy: alloy: Wire; spring temper
Sheet AMS5704 19.5% Cr 4.2% Mo 3% Ti 1.4% AI 0.06% C 0.Q7% Zr
AMS 5544 19.5% Cr 4.3% Mo 3% Ti 1.4% AI 13.5% Co Ni alloy: 13.5% Co Ni alloy
Sheet; annealed; vacuum melted AMS5706 19.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% AI 13.5% Co Ni alloy:
AMS 5545 19% Cr 10% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% All! % Co Ni alloy: Bar and forging; solution treated; vacuum melted
Sheet; solution treated; vacuum melted AMS5707 A 19.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% AI 13.5% Co Ni alloy:
AMS 5550 15.6% Cr 0.7% Ti 3.4% AI 0.1% Cu 0.04% C Ni alloy: Bar and forging; stabilized and aged
Sheet AMS5708 19.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% AI 13.5% Co Ni alloy:
AMS 5550A 15.5% Cr 0.7% Ti 3.25% AI Ni alloy: Sheet Bar and forging; solution treated
AMS 5551 19% Cr 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% AI 10% Co Ni alloy: AMS 5709 19.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% Al 13.5% Co Ni alloy:
Sheet; solution treated; vacuum melted Bar and forging; solution treated, stabilized and aged
AMS5581 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.6% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy AMS5711 15.7% Cr 15.5% Mo 0.3% Al 0.02% C (max) 0.05%
AMS 5582 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.7% All% Nb + Ta Ni La Ni alloy
alloy: Seamless tube AMS 5712 19% Cr 10% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% All! % Co Ni alloy: Bar
AMS 5583 15.5% Cr 6.5% Fe 2.5% Ti 1% Nb 0.08% C (max) Ni and forging; solution treated; vacuum melted
alloy AMS 5713 19% Cr 10% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% All! % Co Ni alloy: Bar
AMS5586 19.5% Cr 4.2% Mo 3% Ti 0.06% C 0.08% Zr 13.5% and forging; solution treated and aged; vacuum melted
Co Ni alloy AMS 5714 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 2.3% Ti 0.7% AI 0.08% C (max) Ni
AMS 5587 21.7% Cr 18.5% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 0.8% W1.5% Co alloy
Nialloy AMS5715 23% Cr 16% Fe 1.5% Al 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy
AMS 5588 21.7% Cr 18.5% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 0.8% W1.5% Co AMS 5717 25% Cr 30% Fe 3.2% Mo 3.2% Co 3.2% WNi alloy:
Nialloy Bar and forging
AMS 5589 19% Cr 10% Fe 3% Mo 0.9% Ti 0.6% Al 5.2% Nb AMS5746 15% Cr 30% Fe 4% Mo 1% A14% WNi alloy: Bar
0.08% C (max) Ni alloy and forging; vacuum melted
AMS5590 19% Cr 10% Fe 3% Mo 0.9% Ti 0.6% AI 5.2% Nb AMS5747 15.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 0.7% All% Nb 0.08% C (max) Ni
0.08% C (max) Ni alloy alloy
AMS 5593 25% Cr 17% Fe 0.04% C (max) 3% Co 3% WNi AMS5750 15% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 3.5% W2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni
alloy: Sheet alloy: Forgings
AMS5596 19% Cr 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% A15% Nb + Ta Ni alloy: AMS5751 18% Cr 4% Fe 4% Mo 3% Ti 3% AI 17% Co Ni alloy:
Sheet; annealed; vacuum melted Bar and forging; solution treated; stabilized and aged
AMS 5597 19% Cr 10% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% AI5.2% Nb AMS 5753 18% Cr 4% Mo 3% Ti 3% AI 17% Co Ni alloy: Bar
0.08% C (max) Ni alloy and forging; solution treated; vacuum melted
AMS5598 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 0.8% Nb + Ta 0.04% AMS5754D 22% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 1.5% Co 0.6% WNi alloy:
CNi alloy Bar and forging
AMS 5755 5% Cr 5% Fe 24% Mo 0.06% C 1.2% Co 0.6% V Ni
alloy: Forgings
AMS5756 19% Cr 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% AI 10% Co Ni alloy: Bar
and forging; solution treated; vacuum melted
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AMS 5757 19% Cr 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% Al 10% Co Ni alloy: Bar
and forging; solution treated and aged; vacuum melted
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AMS5778 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.7% All % Nb + Ta Ni
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 alloy: Electrode
Elon Elongation, % AMS5779 15% Cr 2% Ti 0.6% AI Nb + Ta Ni alloy: Coated
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 electrode
AMS5786 5% Cr 24.5% Mo 0.06% C (max) 1.25% Co Ni alloy:
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.102 kgflmm2=0.06475tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa Wire
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AMS 5787 4.5% Cr 5.5% Fe 24% Mo Ni alloy: Coated electrode
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 5798 22% Cr 18.5% Fe 9% Mo 1.5% Co 0.6% W Ni alloy: ASTM B295 E3NIB 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% MoO.1% C2% Co Ni alloy:
Wire Welding rod; as welded; as E4NIB
AMS 5799 22% Cr 18.5% Fe 9% Mo 1.5% Co 0.6% W Ni alloy: UTS: 830
Coated electrode ASIM B295 E3NIC 15% Cr 5% Fe 17% Mo 0.12% C 2% Co 4% W Ni
AMS 5800 A 19% Cr 10% Mo 3.2% Ii 1.5% Alii % Co Ni alloy: alloy: Welding electrode; as welded; as E4NIC
Welding wire; vacuum melted UTS: 656
AMS 5828 19.5% Cr 4.3% Mo 3% Ii 4% Al 13.5% Co Ni alloy: ASTM B295 E3NI9 15% Cr 11% Fe 2% Ii 3% Nb 0.2% C Ni alloy:
Welding wire; vacuum melted Welding electrode; age hardened
AMS 5829 19.5% Cr 2.4% Ii 1.4% Al 0.13% C (max) 18% Co Ni UTS: 830
alloy ASTM B295 E4NIB 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% Mo 0.1 % C 2% Co Ni alloy:
AMS 5832 19% Cr 10% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ii 0.6% AI 5.2% Nb Welding rod; as welded; as E3NIB
0.08% C (max) Ni alloy UTS: 830
AMS 5837 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.6% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy ASTM B295 E4NIC 15% Cr 5% Fe 17% Mo 0.12% C 2% Co 4% W Ni
AMS 5838 15.7% Cr 15.5% Mo 0.3% Al 0.02% C (max) 0.05% alloy: Welding electrode; as welded; as E3NIC
La Ni alloy VIS: 656
AMS 5846 15% Cr 5% Mo 3.2% Ii 4% Al 0.06% C 18.5% Co Ni ASIM B304 ERN7B 1% Cr 6% Fe 28% Mo 0.08% C 2.5% Co 0.4% V Ni
alloy alloy: Welding electrode
AMS 5851 15% Cr 5% Mo 3.5% Ii 4% Al 0.04% C 17% Co Ni ASIM B304 ERN7C 15% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 0.08% C 2.5% Co 3.5% W Ni
alloy alloy: Welding electrode
AMS 5852 15% Cr 5% Mo 3.5% Ii 4% Al 0.04% C 17% Co Ni ASTM B304 ERN7W 5% Cr 6% Fe 24% Mo 0.12% C 2.5% Co 0.6% V Ni
alloy alloy: Welding electrode
AMS 5855 12% Cr 3% Mo 3% Ii 4.6% Al 0.32% C 6% W 1.5% ASIM B304 ERN69 16% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ii I% All % Nb 0.08% C Ni
Ia 0.1 % Zr 10% Co Ni alloy alloy: Welding electrode
AMS 5856 12% Cr 3% Mo 3% Ii 4.6% Al 0.32% C 6% W 1.5% ASIM B322 Ni Mo 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% Mo 2.5% Co 0.4% V Ni alloy:
Ia 0.1 % Zr 10% Co Ni alloy Casting; annealed
AMS 5872 20% Cr 5.8% Mo 2.6% Al + Ii 0.06% C 20% Co Ni UTS: 530 Elon: 6% Proof: 320
alloy ASTM B322 16% Cr 6% Fe 17% Mo 4.5% W2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni
AMS 5881 12% Cr 3% Mo 3% Ii 4.6% Al 0.32% C 6% W 1.5% Ni Mo Cr alloy: Casting; annealed
Ia 0.1 % Zr 10% Co Ni alloy UTS: 530 Elon: 4% Proof: 320
AMS 5882 15% Cr 5% Mo 3.5% Ii 4% AI 0.04% C 17% Co Ni ASTM B333 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% Mo 2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni alloy:
alloy Sheet; hot rolled and annealed
AMS 5886 20% Cr 5.8% Mo 2.6% AI + Ii 0.06% C 20% Co Ni UTS: 810 Elon: 45% Proof: 340
alloy ASIM B334 15% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 4% W 2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni
AMS 7237 22% Cr 18.5% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 0.6% W 1.7% Co Ni alloy: Sheet; hot rolled and annealed
alloy UTS: 810 Elon: 40% Proof: 340
AMS 7246 7% Fe 2.5% Ii 0.7% AII% Nb 0.08% C 15.5% Co Ni ASTM B335 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% Mo 2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni alloy: Rod;
alloy annealed
AMS 7469 19% Cr 9.7% Mo 3.1% Ii 1.4% AI 0.12% C (max) UTS: 810 Elon: 32% Proof: 320
11 % Co Ni alloy ASTM B336 15% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 3.5% W 2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni
AMS 7471 19.5% Cr 4.2% Mo 3% Ii 0.07% C 0.08% Zr 13.5% alloy: Rod; annealed
Co Ni alloy UTS: 790 Elon: 22% Proof: 320
AMS 7490 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.6% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy ASIM B637 Ni alloy: Bar and forging; graded by UNS
ASTM A46I1684 17.5% Cr 4.0% Fe 4.0% Mo 0.008% B 2.7% Ii 2.8% ASTM B637/80 A 19.5% Cr 3.0% Fe (max) 2.0% Ii 1.2% AIO.I%
Al 0.15% C (max) 16.5% Co Ni alloy: Bar C (max) Ni alloy
ASIM A4611685 19.5% Cr 2% Fe 4.2% Mo 0.008% B 3.0% Ii 1.4% AI ASTM B637/684 17.5% Cr 4.0% Fe 4.0% Mo 0.008% B 2.8% Ii 3.0%
0.06% C 13.5% Co Ni alloy: Bar Al 0.15% C (max) 17.5% Co Ni alloy
ASIM A46MiS8 15.5% Cr7.0% Fe 2.5% Ii 0.7% Al 1.0% Nb + Ia ASTM B637/685 19.0% Cr 2.0% Fe 4.2% Mo 0.008% B 3.0% Ii 1.4%
0.08% C (max) 1.0% Co (max) Ni alloy: Bar Al 0.07% C 13.0% Co 0.09% Zn Ni alloy
ASTM A4611689 19% Cr 5% Fe 9.7% Mo 0.008% B 2.5% Ii 1.0% AI ASIM B637/688 15.5% Cr 7.0% Fe 2.5% Ii 0.8% Al 0.08% C (max)
0.15% C 10% Co Ni alloy: Bar 1.0% Co (max) 1.0% Ia Ni alloy
ASTM A567/4 16.5% Cr 5.7% Fe 0.3% Nb + IaO.12% C (max) ASTM B637/689 19.0% Cr 5.0% Fe 9.7% Mo 2.5% Ii 1.0% Al 0.5%
2.0% Co 17% W 4.5% V Ni alloy: Casting Mn (max) 0.15% C 10.0% Co Ni alloy
ASTM A567/5 21.7% Cr 18.5% Fe 9% Mo 0.2% C (max) 1.7% Co ASTM B637nJ8 19.0% Cr 20% Fe 3.0% Mo 0.8% Ii 0.5% A15.1 %
0.7% W Ni alloy: Casting; as AISI 680 Nb + Ia 0.08% C (max) 1.0% Co (max) Ni alloy
ASTM A567/6 V 19% Cr 2% Fe 4.0% Mo 3% Ii 3% AI 0.1 % C (max) VIS: 965 Elon: 30% Proof: 556
18% Co Ni alloy: Casting; as AISI 684 ASTM B670 19% Cr 3% Mo 0.8% Ii 0.6% AI5.2% Nb 0.08%
ASTM A567n V 13% Cr 4.5% Mo 0.7% Ii 6% AI 2.5% Nb + Ia C (max) Ni alloy: Plate and sheet; Precipitation and
0.14% C 0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: Casting aged
ASTM A567/8 15.5% Cr 10% Fe 5.2% Mo 2.0% Ii 3% Al 0.15% C UTS: 1240 Elon: 10% Proof: 1035
Ni alloy: Casting ASIROLOY 15% Cr 5.2% Mo 0.03% B 3.5% Ii 4.4% Al 0.06% C
ASTM A56719 V 15.5% Cr 10% Fe 5.2% Mo 2.0% Ii 3.0% Al 0.15% C 15% Co Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in
Ni alloy: Casting SAE yearbook
ASTM A567/1O V 15.5% Cr 4.2% Fe 5.2% Mo 2.5% Ii 3.6% Al 0.15% ASIROLOY M 15% Cr 5.2% Mo 3.5% Ii 4% Al 0.04% C Ni alloy:
C Ni alloy: Casting Origin unknown
ASTM A670 18% Cr 20% Fe 3% Mo I% Ii 0.6% AI 5% Nb + Ia AIG R 20% Cr4% Fe 0.4% Ii 0.11% C4% Co Ni alloy:
0.08% C Ni alloy: Precipitation hardened Imphy
UTS: 1240 Elon: 12% Proof: 1030 UTS: 770 Elon: 40 % Proof: 330
ASTM B260 B Ni 7 13% Cr 10% P Ni alloy: Brazing filler metal; braze AIG S3 20% Cr 5.0% Fe 2.0% Ii 1.2% AI 0.1 % C Ni alloy:
temperature range 927-1038·C Imphy; solution treated and aged
UTS: 1000 Elon: 15% Proof: 590
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ATGS4 20% Cr 2.0% Fe 2.2% Ti 1.2% Al 0.12% C 20% Co Ni CORRONEL 230 36% Cr 5% Fe 1% Ti 0.5% AI 1% Cu 0.08% C Ni
alloy: Imphy; solution treated and aged alloy: Wrought; H Wiggin; annealed
VTS: 1060 Elon: 15% Proof: 700 DPN: 250 VTS: 800
BP87 20% Cr 0.5% Ti 2.5% Nh 3% Mn 0.02% C Ni alloy: CRONITE 17% Cr 25% Fe 0.3% Mo 0.7% C 1.0% W0.2% Co Ni
Filler; Huntington; now Inconel 82 alloy: Casting; Cronite; as cast
BS 2901 NA 36 20% Cr 3% Ti 18% Co Ni alloy: Rod; for gas shielded DPN: 195 VTS: 580 Elon: 5% Proof: 300
arc welding CRUCIBLE 718 19% Cr 18% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.06% A15% Nb + Ta
BS 2901 NA 37 18% Cr 7% Mo 2% Ti 14% Co Ni alloy: Rod; for gas 0.08% C Ni alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated
shielded arc welding and aged
BS 2901 NA 38 20% Cr 6% Mo 20% Co Ni alloy: Rod; for gas shielded UTS: 1300 Proof: 1120
arc welding CRUCIBLE M252 19% Cr 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% Al 0.15% C 10% Co Ni
BS 2901 NA 39 16% Cr 8% Fe 3% Ti Ni alloy: Rod; for gas shielded alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated and aged;
arc welding AISI689
BS 2901 NA 42 16.5% Cr 44% Fe 3% Mo 2% Co Ni alloy: Rod; for UTS: 1150 Elon: 16% Proof: 740
gas shielded arc welding CRUCIBLE X750 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 0.8% Nb + Ta 0.04%
BS 3076 NA 16 21 % Cr 32% Fe 3.0% Mo 0.9% Ti 2.2% Cu Ni alloy: C Ni alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; double solution treated
Rod and aged; AISI 688
BS3146 ANC9 20% Cr 2.8% Ti 1.4% Al 0.8% C Ni alloy: Investment VTS: 1150 Elon: 23% Proof: 800
casting; solution treated and aged D979 15% Cr 27% Fe 4% Mo om % B 3% Ti 1% AI 0.05%
VTS: 570 Elon: 5% Proof: 400 C 4% W Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in
BS 3146 ANCIO 20% Cr 1.2% Al 0.1 % C 17% Co Ni alloy: Investment SAE yearbook
casting; solution treated and aged DARWIN 55 23% Cr 10% Fe 4% Mo 5% Cu 0.2% C 2% W Ni
VTS: 570 Elon: 5% Proof: 400 alloy: Casting; Darwin; acid resistant
BS 3146 ANCII 21 % Cr 10% Mo 0.32% C 10% Co Ni alloy: DARWIN 654A 20% Fe 20% Mo 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Casting;
Investment casting; as cast Darwin; acid resistant; not oxidizing acids
UTS: 400 Elon: 5% DARWIN 655B Low carhon 8% Fe 27% Mo Ni alloy: Casting; Darwin;
BS 3146 ANCI2 21 % Cr 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.8% Al 0.1 % C (max) 1.0% acid resistant; not oxidizing acids
Co Ni alloy: Investment casting; as cast DARWIN 656C Low carbon 14% Cr 6% Fe 17% Mo 5% W Ni alloy:
VTS: 500 Elon: 5% Casting; Darwin; acid resistant
BS 3146 ANCI6 17% Cr 6% Fe 17% Mo 0.1 % C 4.5% W Ni alloy: DCM 15% Cr 5% Fe 5.2% Mo 0.08% B 3.5% Ti 4.6% Al
Investment casting; as cast 0.08% C Ni alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy
UTS: 420 Elon: 5% Proof: 220 listed in SAE yearbook
BS 3976 NAI9 19% Cr 2.2% Ti 1.3% Al 18% Co Ni alloy: Rod DELOROB 5% Fe 29% Mo 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Casting; Deloro
C242 21.5% Cr 10.5% Mo 10% Co Ni alloy: Casting; H DPN: 270 VTS: 600 Elon: 10% Proof: 360
Wiggin; see Nimonic 242 DELOROC 17% Cr 6% Fe 17% Mo 0.1 % C 5% W Ni alloy:
C263 20% Cr 5.9% Mo 2.2% Ti 0.5% Al 20% Co Ni alloy: Casting; Deloro
Forging; H Wiggin; for use up to 850·C DPN: 275 VTS: 600 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
C276 15.0% Cr 5.5% Fe 16.0% Mo 4.0% W2.0% Co Ni DIN 17742 22% Cr 25% Fe 7% Mo 2.0% Nb Ni alloy
alloy: Climax Moly Ni Cr22 Mo
C 1023 15.5% Cr 8.3% Mo 0.006% B 3.6% Ti 4.1 % Al 0.15% DIN 17742 16% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 4% W Ni alloy
C 9.75% Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide Ni Mo 16Cr
CG27 l3.i% Cr 35% Fe 5.5% Mo 2.5% Ti 1.5% Al 0.04% C DTD725 19% Cr 2% Ti 1% AI 0.1 % C (max) 2% Co (max) Ni
Ni alloy: Origin unknown alloy: Forging; solution treated and aged; NBO material
CM40 29% Cr 2.5% C 10% Co 14% W Ni alloy: For hard DPN:250
facing; Dewrance; gas welding DTD736 19% Cr 5% Fe 2.2% Ti 1% AI 0.1 % C 2% Co (max)
COLMONOY70 11.5% Cr 3.7% Fe 2.5% B 0.5% C 16% W Ni alloy: Ni alloy: Forging; solution treated and aged; NBOA
Casting; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1120 ·C; resists material
high temperature fretlage and corrosion DPN: 250
DPN: 580 DTD747A 20% Cr 5% Fe 2.2% Ti 1.3% AI 0.1% C 17% Co Ni
COLMONOY70 11.5% Cr 3.7% Fe 2.5% B 0.5% C 16% W Ni alloy: alloy: Forging; solution treated and aged; N90
Rod for hard facing; Wall Colmonoy; melting point DPN: 250
1120 ·C; resists high temperature fretlage and corrosion DTD5007 14.5% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.2% Ti 4.7% AI 0.2% C 20% Co
DPN: 580 Ni alloy: Tensile strength 110 N/mm' at 940 ·C; NII5
CORNESC276 16% Cr 5.5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C 0.35% V 4% W Ni DPN:3OO
alloy: Philip Comes DTD5017 15% Cr 4.0% Mo 4.0% Ti 5.0% AI 0.2% C 15% Co Ni
CORRONEL 220 3% Fe 29% Mo 0.2% Cu 0.8% Mn 0.05% C 2% V Ni alloy: Tensile strength 110 N/mm' at 980 ·C; NII5
alloy: H Wiggin; acid resistant DPN:330
UTS: 1060 Elon: 37% Proof: 550 DTD 5027 20% Cr 2.2% Ti 1.3% AI 0.13% C 17% Co Ni alloy
sheet: Tensile strength 140 N/mm' at 870 ·C; solution
treated and aged; N90
DPN: 230 UTS: 1070 Elon: 20% Proof: 630
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DTD 5067 15% Cr 3.5% Mo 3.8% Ti 4.8% Al 15% Co Ni alloy:
Vacuum melted
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DTD 5077 19.5% Cr 2.25% Ti 1.4% AI Ni alloy: Wrought; for
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' studs, nuts, etc.
Elon Elongation, % DTD 5087 19.5% Cr 1.5% Al 0.13% C (max) 18% Co Ni alloy:
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' Wire
ENiCrMo I 22% Cr 20% Fe 6.5% Mo 2% Cu 0.05% C (max) Ni
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa alloy: Weld electrode; designation used hy AWS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ENi CrM02 21.5% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 0.11 % C 1.7% Co 0.8% W
Ni alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HEV3 15% Cr 2.5% Ti 0.7% AI 0.05% C 0.7% Co Ni alloy: IN 722 15% Cr 6.5% Fe 2.4% Ti 0.6% AI 0.04% C Ni alloy:
For valves; designation used by SAE; annealed Union Carbide
UTS: 1110 Elon: 25% Proof: 630 IN 738 16.0% Cr 1.7% Mo 3.4% Ti 3.4% AI 0.9% Nb 0.17%
HEV5 20% Cr 5% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.1 % AI 0.05% C 2% Co Ni C 8.5% Co 2.6% W 1.7% Ta Ni alloy: International
alloy: For valves; designation used by SAE; annealed Nickel Co.; vacuum cast
UTS: 1140 Elon: 39% Proof: 630 UTS: 1120 Elon: 5% Proof: 970
HEV6 20% Cr 2.5% Ti 1.1% Al 0.05% C 18% Co Ni alloy: INCO See also Incoloy
For valves; designation used by SAE; annealed INC0276 15% Cr 16% Mo 0.01 % C (max) 3.7% W2.5%
UTS: 1220 Elon: 40% Proof: 740 Co (max) Ni alloy: Inco
HEV8 22.7% Cr 13% Fe 2% Mo 2.3% Ti 1.3% Al 0.04% C UTS: 790 EloJl: SO% Proof: 415
Ni alloy for valves; SAE designation INC0700 15% Cr 4% Fe 3% Mo 2.2% Ti 3% A12% MnO.1% C
HRI 19.5% Cr 2.2% Ti 0.07% C Ni alloy: BS Aerospace 29% Co Ni alloy: Inco
designation INC0739 15% Cr 0.5% Fe 1.7% Ti 2.7% Al 0.07% C Ni alloy:
HR2 19.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 1.5% Al 0.13% C (max) 18% Co Ni Inco
alloy: BS Aerospace designation INC0901 12.8% Cr 35% Fe 5.6% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.05% C Ni alloy:
HR3 14.7% CrO.OO6% B 1.2% Ti 4.7% AI 0.15% C 20% Inco
Co Ni alloy: BS Aerospace designation INCOG3 22% Cr 19% Fe 7% Mo 2% Cu 0.015% C (max) 1.5%
HR4 15% Cr 4% Mo 0.06% B 4% Ti 0.16% C 14% Co Ni W (max) 5% Co (max) Ni alloy: Inco; annealed
alloy: BS Aerospace designation UTS: 690 Elon: 50% Proof: 320
HR6 21.5% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 0.7% W 1.5% Co Ni INCOHX 22% Cr 19% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 1.5% Co 0.8% W Ni
alloy: BS Aerospace designation alloy: Inco
HR 10 20% Cr 5.8% Mo 2.6% AI + Ti 0.06% C 20% Co Ni INCOWELDA 16% Cr 6.7% Fe 3% Ti 2.2% Mn 0.03% C Ni alloy:
alloy: BS Aerospace designation Filler; Huntington; now Inconel92
HR53 12.5% Cr 5.7% Mo 0.015% B 3% Ti 0.04% C Ni alloy: INCOLOY See also lnco
BS Aerospace designation INCOLOY804 29.3% Cr 25% Fe 0.4% Ti 0.25% Al 0.06% C Ni alloy:
HR55 16.5% Cr 35% Fe 3.2% Mo 1.7% AI 0.06% C 2% Wrought; Huntington; resists carburization and sulphur
Co (max) Ni alloy: BS Aerospace designation penetration
HX 17% Cr II % Fe 0.5% Mo 0.55% C Ni alloy: Casting; INCOLOY807 20% Cr 30% Fe 0.4% Ti 0.3% AI 0.08% C 8.0% Co Ni
Huntington; aged alloy: H Wiggin; for high temperature use
UTS: 510 EIon: 9% Proof: 290 DPN: 225 UTS: 660
HYC 15% Cr 5% Fe 16% Mo 0.8% Mn 0.1% C 4% W Ni INCOLOY825 21.5% Cr 30% Fe 3% Mo 0.9% Ti 0.03% C Ni alloy:
alloy: Electrode; Murex; for hard facing Bar and sheet; Huntington; annealed
DPN:300 UTS: 6SO Elon: SO% Proof: 220
IC901 13% Cr 37% Fe 6% Mo 3.0% Ti 0.05% C Ni alloy: INCOLOY825 22% Cr 35% Fe 3.0% Mo 2.0% Cu 0.05% C Ni alloy:
Bofors; solution treated and aged Wrought; H Wiggin; annealed
DPN: 320 UTS: 1050 Elon: 12% Proof: 700 DPN: ISO UTS: 640
ILLlUM98 28% Cr 1% Fe 8.5% Mo 5.5% Cu 0.05% C Ni alloy: INCOLOY901 13% Cr 37% Fe 5.5% Mo 2.9% Ti 0.1 % C Ni alloy: H
American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook Wiggin; solution treated and aged
ILLIUM B 28% Cr 8.5% Mo 0.2% B 4.5% Si 5% Cu 0.05% C Ni DPN: 302 UTS: 1120 Elon: 12% Proof: 740
alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE INCOLOY901 13.5% Cr 34% Fe 6.2% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.05% C Ni alloy:
yearbook Bar and sheet; Huntington; age hardened
ILLlUMG 22.5% Cr 6.5% Fe 6.5% Mo 6.5% Cu 0.2% C Ni alloy: INCOLOY 9OIMod 12.5% Cr 34.0% Fe 5.8% Mo 0.015% B 2.9% Ti
American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook 0.05% C Ni alloy
ILLIUM R 22% Cr I% Fe 4% Mo 3% Cu 0.07% C Ni alloy: INCOLOY925 21 % Cr 28% Fe 3% Mo 2% Ti 0.3% AI 0.01 % C Ni
American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook alloy: Inco; solution treated and aged
IN 100 10% Cr I% Fe 3% Mo 0.015% B 5% Ti 5.5% AI UTS: 1200 Elon: 24% Proof: 810
0.18% C 15% Co 0.05% Zr Ni alloy: Casting; INCONEL69 15% Cr 6.8% Fe 2.4% Ti 0.8% Al 0.8% Nb 0.04% C
American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook Ni alloy: Filler; Huntington; inert gas arc welding of
IN 102 15% Cr 7.0% Fe 2.9% Mo 0.5% Ti 0.5% Al 2.9% Inconel X750
Nb + Ta 0.06% C 3.0% W Ni alloy: International INCONEL82 20% Cr 1% Fe 0.5% Ti 2.5% Nb 3% Mn 0.02% C Ni
Nickel Co.; hot worked alloy: Filler; Huntington; inert gas welding of Inconel
VTS: 910 Elon: 50% Proof: 460 and steel
IN 162 10.0% Cr 4.0% Mo 0.9% Ti 6.4% AI 1.0% Nb 0.12% INCONEL92 16.5% Cr 6.7% Fe 3.1% Ti 2.2% Mn 0.03% C Ni
C 2.0% W2.0% Ta Ni alloy: International Nickel Co.; alloy: Filler; Huntington; inert gas arc welding of
vacuum cast austenitic steels
VTS: 950 Elon: 6% Proof: 190 INCONEL617 22% Cr 9% Mo 1.2% AI 0.1 % C 12.5% Co Ni alloy:
IN 713 13% Cr 4.2% Mo 0.7% Ti 6% Al 2.2% Nb 0.1 % Zr Inco
0.012 C Ni alloy: Origin unknown INCONEL625 22% Cr 3% Fe 9% Mo 4% Nb 0.05% C Ni alloy: Bar,
sheet, etc.; Huntington; annealed
UTS: 1000 Elon: 42% Proof: 600
INCONEL 700 15% Cr 3.7% Mo 2.2% Ti 3% Al 0.12% C 28% Co Ni
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: alloy: Bar; Huntington; age hardened
UTS: 1210 Elon: 25% Proof: 760
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number INCONEL 702 15.6% Cr 0.7% Ti 3.4% Al 0.04% C Ni alloy: Bar,
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 sheet, etc.; Huntington
Elon Elongation, % INCONEL 718 19% Cr 18% Fe 3% Mo 0.8% Ti 0.6% A15% Nb
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 0.04% C Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.; H Wiggin; age
I N/mm 2 =O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in.'= I MPa VTS: 1520 Elon: 23% Proof: 1300
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. INCONEL 721 16% Cr 7.2% Fe 3% Ti 2.2% Mn 0.04% C Ni alloy:
Bar; Huntington
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
INCONEL 722 15% Cr 6.5% Fe 2.4% Ti 0.6% AI 0.04% C Ni alloy: M21 5.7% Cr2.0% Mo 6.0% AI 1.5% Nb 0.13% C 11.0%
Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington; age hardened W0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: International Nickel Co.; vacuum
UTS: 1210 Elon: 31 % Proof: 690 cast
INCONEL 751 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.2% AI 1% Nb 0.04% C Ni UTS: 800 Elon: 5.5 % Proof: 760
alloy: Bar; Huntington M22 5.7% Cr 2.0% Mo 6.3% Al 0.13% C 11.0% W 3.0%
INCONEL 21% Cr 1.0% Fe 8.7% Mo 1.3% Ti 3.2% Nb 0.03% Ta 0.6% Zr Ni alloy: International Nickel Co.; vacuum
ALLOY 725 C (max) Ni alloy cast
INCONEL FM69 15.5% Cr 6.5% Fe 2.3% Ti 1% Nb 0.08% C (max) Ni UTS: 740 Elon: 5.5% Proof: 690
alloy M22B 5.7% Cr 2.0% Mo 6.3% AI 0.13% C 11.0% W3.0%
INCONELM 16% Cr 7.2% Fe 3% Ti 2.2% Mn 0.04% C Ni alloy: Ta 0.5% Zr Ni alloy: International Nickel Co.; vacuum
Huntington; now Inconel 721 cast
INCONELM 15% Cr 6.5% Fe 2.4% Ti 0.6% AI 0.04% C Ni alloy: UTS: 800 Elon: 4% Proof: 720
Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington; now Inconel722 M252 19% Cr 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% AI 0.15% C 10% Co Ni
INCONEL MA 754 20% Cr I % Fe 0.3% AI 0.05% C 0.6% Mo Ni alloy: alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated and aged-
Inco AISI689
INCONELW 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.6% AI 0.04% C Ni alloy: UTS: 1140 Elon: 16% Proof: 740
Inco M252 19% Cr 9.7% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% AI 0.12% C 10% Co Ni
INCONELX 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 1% All% Nb 0.04% C Ni alloy: Origin unknown
alloy: Inco M313 30% Cr 1.7% Ti 0.9% AI 0.06% C (max) 0.05% Zr Ni
INCONELX 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% Al 0.8% Nb 0.04% C alloy: International Nickel Co.; solution treated and
Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington; now Inconel aged
X750 DPN: 245 UTS: 1130 Elon: 30% Proof: 420
INCONEL X550 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti I% All % Nb 0.04% C Ni M600 19% Cr 13% Fe 7% Mo 2.3% Ti 1.1% AI 0.08% C Ni
alloy: Inco alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
INCONEL X550 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.2% All % Nb 0.04% C Ni yearbook
alloy: Bar; Huntington; now Inconel751 MACHINETRODE 30.0% Cu 0.8% Mn 0.6% C 2.4% Mn Ni alloy:
INCONEL X750 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 0.8% Nb 0.04% C 92.78 Electrode; Esab
Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington; age hardened DPN: 150
UTS: 1170 Elon: 22% Proof: 650 MAR M 200 9% Cr 2% Ti 5% AI 1% Nb 0.15% C 12.5% W 10%
J 1500 20% Cr 10% Mo 3% Ti 1% AI 0.15% C 10% Co Ni Co Ni alloy: Casting; Martin Metals Ltd
alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE UTS: 1000 Elon: 6% Proof: 830
yearbook MAR M 246 9% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.02% B 1.5% Ti 5.5% AI 0.15% C
K42B 18% Cr 13% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.2% AI 0.05% C 22% Co Ni 10% Co 10% W 1.5% Ta Ni alloy: Martin Metals Ltd
alloy: Westinghouse VTS: 900 Elon: 4% Proof: 780
KARMA 20% Cr 5% Fe + AI Ni alloy: For electrical resistors; MARM421 Cr Ni alloy: For creep resistance; Martin Metals Ltd;
British Driver-Harris for turbine blades
KH70MVTIUB 17.5% Cr 5.0% Fe (max) 5.0% Mo 2.5% Ti 1.3% AI MCI02 20% Cr 6.0% Mo 6.6% Nb + Ta 0.04% C 2.5% W Ni
0.9% Nb 0.12% C (max) 2.7% W Ni alloy: Russian alloy: International Nickel Co.; solution treated and
Standard designation aged
KH70VMTlU 18.5% Cr 4.0% Fe (max) 4.5% Mo 2.6% Ti 1.2% AI VTS: 690 Elon: 5% Proof: 620
0.08% C (max) 4.5% W Ni alloy: Russian Standard MCI02 20.0% Cr 3.0% Fe 6.0% Mo 0.25% Si 6.6% Nb 0.3%
designation Mn 0.04% C 2.5% WNi alloy: Union Carbide
KH7TrlUR 20.5% Cr 4.0% Fe (max) 2.5% Ti 0.7% AI 0.06% METCO 16C 16% Cr 2.5% Fe 3% Mo 4% B 4% Si 3% Cu 0.5% C
C (max) Ni alloy: Russian Standard designation Ni alloy: Powder for spraying; Metco Ltd
KHSOTBIU 16.5% Cr 3.0% Fe (max) 2.1 % Ti 0.7% AI 1.2% Nb DPN: 765
0.08% C (max) Ni a1ioy: Russian Standard designation METCOl7F 17% Cr 3% Fe 2% Mo 3% B 4% Si 2% Cu 0.5% C Ni
KHN60V 25% Cr 4.0% Fe (max) 0.45% Ti 0.5% AI (max) 0.1 % alloy: Powder for spraying; Metco Ltd; as sprayed
C (max) Ni alloy: Russian Standard designation DPN: 425
L306 20% Cr 3% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 0.1 % C (max) Ni METC0440 Cr Fe Mo AI Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco
alloy: YEW DPN: 160
L335 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% All % Nb 0.08% MIL-N·7786 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 0.8% Nb 0.04% C
C (max) Ni alloy: YEW Nialloy
LANGALLOY4R 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% Mo 0.12% C 0.5% V 2.5% Co Ni MIL·N-18088 15% Cr 6% Fe 16% Mo 3.5% W2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni
alloy: Casting; Langley; Hastelloy B type alloy
DPN: 220 UTS: 550 Elon: 8% Proof: 360 MIL-R-5031 1% Cr 5% Fe 28% Mo 2.5% Co 0.3% V Ni alloy
LANGALLOY5R 16% Cr 5% Fe 17% Mo 0.12% C 4% W2.5% Co Ni MONELR405 2.5% Fe (max) 30% Cu 0.3% C (max) Ni alloy: Inco;
alloy: Casting; Langley; Hastelloy C type annealed
DPN: 200 UTS: 480 Elon: 9% Proof: 340 UTS: 550 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
LANGALLOY7R 23% Cr 5% Fe 6% Mo 3% Si 6% Cu 0.08% C 2% W MP35N 20% Cr 10% Mo 35% Co Ni alloy: Climax
Ni alloy: Langley Molybdenum
DPN: 200 UTS: 440 Elon: 8% Proof: 330 MUMETAL 14% Fe 4% Mo 5% Cu Ni alloy: Sheet and rod;
LESCALLOY 718 19% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.9% Ti 5.2% Nb + Ta 0.8% AI Telcon; annealed; high permeability low hysteresis
VAC-ARC Ni alloy: Latrobe Steel; solution treated and aged DPN: 110 VTS: 530
DPN: 370 UTS: 800 Elon: 54% Proof: 450 MUMETAL 14% Fe 4% Mo 5% Cu Ni alloy: Sheet and rod;
LESCALLOY D979 15% Cr 30% Fe 4% Mo 3% Ti 1.0% AI 0.04% C 4% Telcon; hard rolled; magnetic properties are reduced
W Ni alloy: Latrobe; for turbine discs DPN: 290 VTS: 900
LESCALLOY X750 15.5% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.9% Nb + Ta 0.04% C Ni MUMETAL40 14% Fe 4% Mo 5% Cu Ni alloy: Sheet and rod;
alloy: Latrobe Telcon; annealed; high permeability
DPN: 110 VTS: S40
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier. condition and remaJ1ks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MUMETAL40 14% Fe 4% Mo 5% Cu Ni alloy: Sheet and rod; NICROFER B 6020 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.05% C (max) Ni alloy:
Telcon; hard rolled; permeability reduced VOM
DPN: 290 UTS: 900 NICROFER S 4225 25% Cr 30% Fe (max) 5.5% Mo 2.2% Cu 0.02%
MUMETAL40CT Similar to Mumetal40; vacuum melted material; C (max) Ni alloy: Weld rod; VDM
Telcon NICROFER S 4722 22% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 0.01 % CO.7% W2.2% Co Ni
MUMETAL60 77% Ni alloy with minimum initial permeability Gf alloy: Weld rod; VDM
60 000; Telcon NICROFER S 5520 22% Cr 9% Mo 1.2% AJ 0.1 % C (max) 12% Co Ni
N 07718 19% Cr 18% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% AI 5% Nb + Ta alloy: Weld rod; VDM
0.08% C (max) Ni alloy: UNS designation NICROFER S 5621 21% Cr 3% Fe 13.5% Mo 0.008% C (max) 0.2% V 3%
NA 19 19.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 0.13% C (max) 18% Co Ni W Ni alloy: Weld rod; VDM
alloy: BS 3072-6 NICROFER S 5716 15.5% Cr 5.5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C (max) 4.2% W
NA20 19.5% Cr 2.5% Ti 1.4% AI 0.07% C Ni alloy Ni alloy: Weld rod
NA21 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy NICROFER S 6020 21.5% Cr 9% Mo 0.05% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld rod;
NA22H(c) 27% Cr 16% Fe 0.5% C 6% W Ni alloy: Blaw-Knox VDM
NB 5% Fe 28% Mo 0.04% C Ni alloy: Wrought; Japanese NICROFER S 6616 16% Cr 15.5% Mo 0.5% Ti 0.015% C (max) Ni alloy:
alloy Weld rod; VDM
NC 15% Cr 5% Fe 13% Mo 0.05% C 4% W Ni alloy: NICROTUNG 12% Cr 0.05% B 4% Ti 4% AI 0.1 % C 10% Co 8% W
Wrought; Japanese alloy 0.05% Zr Ni alloy: Casting; American proprietary alloy
NI3021 14.8% Cr 5% Mo 4.8% AI 0.15% C 20% Co Ni alloy: listed in SAE yearbook
Designation used by UNS NIMOCAST 80 20% Cr 5.0% Fe 2.0% Ti 1.0% AI 0.1% C 2.0% Co Ni
NiCrM04 15.5% Cr 6.5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: alloy: Casting; H Wiggin; cast variety of N80A
Weld electrode; designation used by ANS NIMOCAST 90 20% Cr 5.0% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 0.13% C 18% Co Ni
NIONEL65 21% Cr 30% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ti 1.7% Cu 0.03% C Ni alloy: Casting; H Wiggin; cast variety of N90
alloy: Filler; Huntington; inert gas arc welding of NIMOCAST 258 10.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 3.5% Ti 4.8% AI 0.2% C 20.0%
Incoloy 825 Co Ni alloy: Casting; H Wiggin
NIONEL 135 19% Cr 31 % Fe 5.5% Mo 1% Nb 1.8% Cu 0.05% C Ni NIMOCAST 713 13.4% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.0% Ti 6.2% AI 2.3% Nb Ni
alloy: Filler; Huntington; electric welding of alloy: Casting; H Wiggin; for cast blading used up to
Incoloy 825 1000 'C
NIONEL825 21 % Cr 34% Fe 3% Mo 2% Cu Ni alloy: Wrought; H NIMOCAST 7l3LC As 713 with 0.05% C
Wiggin DPN: 370 UTS: 820
UTS: 640 Elon: 30% Proof: 220 NIMOCAST PEIO 20% Cr 6.0% Mo 6.5% Nb 2.5% W Ni alloy: Casting;
NIONEL825 21.5% Cr 30% Fe 3% Mo 0.9% Ti 0.03% C Ni alloy: H Wiggin; for use up to 850 'C
Bar and sheet; Huntington; now Incoloy 825 NIMOCAST PK24 10% Cr 3.0% Mo 5.2% Ti 5.5% AI 15% Co Ni alloy:
NICKELVAC700 15% Cr 3.7% Mo 2.5% Ti 3.2% AI 0.13% C 29% Co Casting; H Wiggin; vacuum melted; for use up to
Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys; double vacuum melted lOoo'C
NICKELVAC 901 12.5% Cr 35% Fe 6.1 % Mo 0.15% B 3% Ti 0.06% C NIMOCAST PK24 9.5% Cr 3.0% Mo 4.7% Ti 5.5% AI 0.17% C 15.0%
Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys; double vacuum melted Co 1.0% V Ni alloy: H Wiggin; for use up to 1000 'C
NICKELVACW 15.5% Cr 8% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.75% AI 0.06% C Ni alloy: NIMOLOY PK37 18.5% Cr 4.0% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.0% AI 0.1 % C 18.5% Co
Vanadium Alloys; double vacuum cast Ni alloy: H Wiggin; abrasion and thermal shock
NICKELVACX 15.5% Cr6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.7% AII% Nb 0.06% C resistant
Ni alloy: Vanadium Alloys; double vacuum cast NIMONIC80A 20% Cr 5% Fe 2% Ti 1% AI 0.1% C2% CoNi alloy:
NICROFER 4626 25% Cr 17% Fe 3% Mo 0.04% C 3% W 3% Co Ni H Wiggin; solution treated and aged; tensile strength
Mo W alloy: VOM 600 N/mm' at 750 'C
NICROFER 4722 Co 21.5% Cr 9% Fe 9% Mo 0.07% C 0.8% W 0.7% Co Ni DPN: 300 UTS: 1070 Elon: 40% Proof: 600
alloy: VOM NIMONIC 81 30% Cr 1.8% Ti 0.9% AI 0.05% C (max) 1.0% Co Ni
NICROFER 5120 20% Cr 5.8% Mo 1.8% Ti 0.5% AI 0.06% C 20% Co alloy: H Wiggin; for turbine components
Co Ti Ni alloy: VOM DPN: 230 UTS: 1050
NICROFER 5219 Nb 18.5% Cr 18.5% Fe 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.5% Al 5.1% Nb NIMONIC 90 20% Cr 5% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 0.13% C 18% Co Ni
0.05% C Ni alloy: VOM alloy: H Wiggin; solution treated and aged; tensile
NICROFER 5520 Co 21.5% Cr 0.4% Ti I% AI 0.07% C 11.5% Co Ni alloy: strength 700 N/mm' at 750 'C
VDM DPN: 300 UTS: 1210 Elon: 33% Proof: 756
NICROFER 5716 16% Cr 5.5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C 0.35% V4% W Ni NIMONIC 93 19.5% Cr 2% Fe 0.3% Mo 3% Ti 1.5% AI 17% Co Ni
hMoW alloy: Philip Comes alloy: For turbine blades; H Wiggin
NICROFER 6022 22% Cr 4% Fe (max) 9% Mo 3.8% Nb 0.07% C Ni NIMONIC 95 19.5% Cr 5.0% Fe 0.15% C 18.0% Co Ni alloy: H
hMo alloy: VOM Wiggin
NICROFER 7016 15.5% Cr 2.6% Ti 0.7% All % Nb 0.05% C Ni alloy: NIMONIC 100 11.0% Cr 2.0% Fe 5.0% Mo 1.5% Ti 5.0% AI 0.3% C
TiNb VOM 20.5% Co Ni alloy: H Wiggin
NICROFER 7520 Ti 20% Cr 2.3% Ti 1.4% AI 0.06% C Ni alloy: VOM NIMONIC 100 19.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.5% Ti 5.0% AI 0.3% C 20% Co
Ni alloy: H Wiggin
NIMONIC 105 14% Cr 1% Fe 1.2% Ti 4.5% AI 0.2% C 20% Co Ni
alloy: H Wiggin; double solution treated and aged
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 370 UTS: 990 Elon: 7% Proof: 760
NIMONIC 115 15% Cr 3.5% Mo 4% Ti 5% AI 0.15% C 15% Co Ni
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number alloy: H Wiggin; double solution treated; tensile
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' strength 1000 N/mm' at 800 'C
Elon Elongation, % DPN: 400 UTS: 1210 Elon: 27% Proof: 800
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' NIMONIC 118 15% Cr 3.5% Mo 4% Ti 5% AI 0.15% C 15% Co Ni
alloy: Wrought; vacuum cast; H Wiggin; improved high
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa temperature strength over NI15
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 400 UTS: 1210 Elon: 27% Proof: 800
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NIMONICI20 12.5% Cr 5.7% Mo 2.5% Ti 4.5% AI 0.04% C 10.0% PYROMET 19% Cr 5% Fe 9.5% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% AI 0.15% C 10%
Co Ni alloy: H Wiggin; for gas turbine blades ALLOYM252 Co Ni alloy: Carpenter
UTS: 1150 UTS: 1200 Elon: 25% Proof: 760
NIMONIC242 21.5% Cr 10.5% Mo 10% Co Ni alloy: Casting; H PYROTOOL7 19% Cr 20% Fe 3% Mo 0.6% AI 0.05% C + Ni + Co
Wiggin; for cast turbine engine blades alloy: Carpenter
NIMONIC263 20% Cr 6% Mo 2.2% Ti 0.5% AI 20% Co Ni alloy: H PYROTOOLEX 14% Cr 37% Fe 6% Mo 3% Ti 0.05% C 4% Co Ni
Wiggin alloy: Carpenter
DPN: 320 VTS: 650 Elon: 45% Proof: 400 PYROTOOLM 19% Cr 2% Fe 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% AI 0.12% C 10%
NIMONIC901 12.5% Cr 42% Fe 2.7% Ti Ni alloy: H Wiggin; for Co Ni alloy: Carpenter
turbine discs and blades PYROTOOLW 19.5% Cr 1% Fe 4.2% Mo 3% Ti 1.2% AI 0.05% C
DPN: 360 VTS: 780 Elon: 20% Proof: 580 13% Co Ni alloy: Carpenter
NIMONIC942 12.5% Cr 6.0% Mo 3.7% Ti 0.6% AI 0.03% C 1.0% R 235 15% Cr 10.0% Fe 5.5% Mo 2.5% Ti 2.0% AI 0.12% C
Co Ni alloy: H Wiggin; for compressor blades, etc. 1.1 % Co Ni alloy: Information from SAE handbook
NIMONICAPI 15% Cr 5% Mo 0.025% B 3.5% Ti 4% AI 0.02% C REFRACTALOY 26 18% Cr 18% Fe 3% Mo 2.8% Ti 0.2% AI 0.05% C
17% Co Ni alloy: Inco 20% Co Ni alloy: Westinghouse
NIMONIC PE II 18% Cr 35% Fe 5% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI Ni alloy: RENE 41 19% Cr 10% Mo 0.01 % B 3% Ti 1.5% AI 0.09% C
Forging; H Wiggin; vacuum cast material for use up to 11% Co Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in
6OO'C SAE yearbook
NIMONIC PE 13 22% Cr 18% Fe 9.0% Mo 1.5% Co 0.6% W Ni alloy: RENE 41 19% Cr 9.7% Mo 3.2% Ti 1.6% Al 0.12% C (max)
Sheet; H Wiggin; for furnace parts 11% Co Ni alloy
NIMONIC PE 16 16.5% Cr 35% Fe 3.2% Mo 1.2% Ti 1.2% AI Ni alloy: REXWELD66 16% Cr 6% Fe 17% Mo 0.15% C 4.5% WNi alloy: For
Forging; H Wiggin; vacuum cast material for use up to hard facing; Crucible Steel Co.; work hardened and
750'C aged
NIMONIC PK 25 18.0% Cr 4.0% Mo 2.9% Ti 0.07% C 2.7% CI17.5% SAEHEV2 16% Cr 3% Ti 0.05% C 0.5% Co Ni alloy: For exhaust
Co Ni alloy: H Wiggin; creep resistant valves; annealed
VTS: 1360 VTS: 1110 Elon: 25% Proof: 640
NIMONIC PK 31 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 2.3% Ti 0.4% Al 5.0% Nb 14% Co SAEHEV3 15% Cr 2.5% Ti 0.7% AI 0.05% C 0.7% Co Ni alloy:
Ni alloy: Forging; H Wiggin; gas turbine discs For valves; annealed
NIMONIC PK 33 19% Cr 7.0% Mo 2.0% Ti 2.0% AI 14% Co Ni alloy: VTS: 1180 Elon: 25% Proof: 640
Forging; H Wiggin; vacuum processed for use up to SAEHEV 5 20% Cr 5% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.1 % AI 0.05% C 2% Co Ni
950'C alloy: For valves; annealed
PE 10 20% Cr 6.0% Mo 6.5% Nb 2.5% W Ni alloy: Casting; VTS: 1140 Elon: 39% Proof: 640
H Wiggin; see Nimocast PEIO SAEHEV6 20% Cr 2.5% Ti 1.1% AI 0.06% C 18% Co Ni alloy:
PE II 18% Cr 35% Fe 5.0% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI Ni alloy: For valves; annealed
Forging; H Wiggin; see Nimonic PE II VTS: 1210 Elon: 40% Proof: 740
PE 13 22% Cr 18% Fe 9.0% Mo 0.6% W 1.5% Co Ni alloy: SAE VF3 29% Cr 6% Fe 2.4% C 10% Co 15% W Ni alloy: For
Sheet; H Wiggin; for furnace parts hard facing
PE 16 16.5% Cr 34.15% Fe 3.25% Mo 0.003% B 1.25% Ti SAE VF4 26% Cr 4% Fe 2.0% C 0.5% Co 8.5% W Ni alloy: For
1.25% AI 0.06% C 0.04% Zr Ni alloy: Union Carbide hard facing
PERMALLOYC 13% Fe 4% Mo 5% Cu Ni alloy: Standard Telephones; SEL I 15.0% Cr 4.4% Mo 0.015% B 2.4% Ti 4.5% AI 0.08%
where high initial permeability required C 22.0% Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide
PK24 10% Cr 3.0% Mo 5.2% Ti 5.5% AI 15% Co Ni alloy: SIMALLOY 750 16% Cr 7.0% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.7% AI 1.0% Nb 0.08% C
Casting; H Wiggin; see Nimocast PK24 Ni alloy: Simonds
PK 31 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 2.3% Ti 0.4% AI 5.0% Nb 14% Co SUPER 14% Fe 4% Mo 4% Cu Ni alloy: Telcon; annealed;
Ni alloy: Forging; H Wiggin; see Nimonic PK 31 MUMETAL 50 better permeability than Mumetal
PK 33 19% Cr 7.0% Mo 2.0% Ti 2.0% AI 14% Co Ni alloy: DPN: 110 VTS: 540
Forging; H Wiggin; see Nimonic PK 33 SUPER 14% Fe 4% Mo 4% Cu Ni alloy: Telcon; hard rolled
PK 42 15% Cr 6% Mo 3.2% Ti 4% AI 0.15% C 19% Co Ni MUMETAL50 DPN: 290 UTS: 910
alloy: Forging; H Wiggin SUPER 14% Fe 4% Mo 5% Co Ni alloy: Telcon; annealed;
PYROMET31 22.5% Cr 15% Fe 2% Mo 2.5% Ti 1.3% AI 0.9% Cu MUMETAL 100 better permeability than Mumetal
0.45% C Ni alloy DPN: 110 VTS: S40
PYROMETBOA 20% Cr 0.7% Fe 2.3% Ti 1.2% AI 0.06% C 1% Co Ni SUPER 14% Fe 4% Mo 5% Co Ni alloy: Telcon; hard rolled
alloy: Carpenter MUMETALloo DPN: 290 VTS: 910
VTS: 1000 Elon: 39% Proof: 620 SUPER Similar to Mumetal; now referred to as Mumetal60;
PYROMET751 15% Cr 6.7% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.2% All% Nb 0.04% C Ni MUMETALCo Telcon
alloy: Carpenter TICONIUM 23% Cr 6% Fe 6% Mo 0.01 % C 31 % Co Ni alloy:
VTS: 1200 .Elon: 20% Proof: 750 Westinghouse
PYROMET 22.5% Cr 15% Fe 2% Mo 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 1% Nb TRW 1800 13% Cr 0.07% B 0.6% Ti 6% AI 0.09% C 9% W
ALLOY 31 0.04% C Ni alloy: Carpenter 0.07% Zr I% V Ni alloy: Casting; American
VTS: 1250 Elon: 25% Proof: 770 proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
PYROMET 19% Cr 5% Fe 9.5% Mo 3.2% Ti 1.5% AI 0.1 % C UCAR16 16.5% Cr 3.0% Fe 3.2% Mo 1.2% Ti 1.2% AI 0.05%
ALLOY 41 11 % Co Ni alloy: Carpenter C Ni alloy: Union Carbide
VTS: 1420 Elon: 14% Proof: 1050 UCAR80 19% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.5% Ti 1.2% AI 0.08% C 2% Co Ni
PYROMET 16.4% Cr 6.5% Fe 3% Ti 0.03% C Ni alloy: Carpenter alloy: Union Carbide; solution treated and aged
ALLOY 88 VTS: 760 Elon: 15% Proof: S40
PYROMET 19.5% Cr 2.4% Ti 1.4% AI 0.07% C 18% Co Ni alloy: UCAR90 20% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.8% Ti 1.2% AI 0.08% C 17% Co
ALLOY 90 Carpenter Ni alloy: Union Carbide; solution treated and aged
VTS: 1200 Elon: 33% Proof: 800 VTS: 740 Proof: 540
PYROMET 14% Cr 0.0% Fe 6% Mo 3% Ti 1% AI 0.1% C (max) UCAR 625 22.0% Cr 3.0% Fe 9.0% Mo 0.2% Ti 0.2% AI 4.0%
ALLOY 860 4% Co Ni alloy: Carpenter Nb 0.05% C Ni alloy: Union Carbide
VTS: 1240 Elon: 21 % Proof: 800
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
UCAR 700 15.0% Cr 0.7% Fe 3.7% Mo 2.1% Ti 3.0% Al 0.12% UCAR X 22.0% Cr 9.0% Mo 0.1 % C 1.5% Co 0.6% W Ni alloy:
C 28.5% Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide Union Carbide
UCAR702 15.5% Cr 0.4% Fe 0.7% Ti 3.5% Al 0.04% C Ni alloy: UOIMET 200 12.5% Cr 42% Fe 2.7% Ti Ni alloy: For turbine discs
Union Carbide and blades; American proprietary alloy
UCAR 713C 13% Cr 4.7% Mo 0.7% Ti 6% A12% Nb + Ta 0.12% DPN: 360 UTS: 780 Elon: 20% Proof: 580
C I% Co 0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: Union Carbide; as cast; UOIMET 500 19% Cr 4% Fe 4% Mo 0.01 % B 3% Ti 3% Al 0.08% C
AMS5391 19% Co Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in
UTS: 910 Elon: 5% Proof: 770 SAE yearbook
UCAR 713LC 12.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 0.6% Ti 6.0% Al 2.0% Nb 0.05% UOIMET 500 17.5% Cr 4% Mo 2.8% Ti 3% AI 0.15% C (max)
C Ni alloy: Union Carbide 14.5% Co Ni alloy
UCAR 718 19% Cr 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% Al 5.2% Nb + Ta 0.08% UOIMET 600 17.5% Cr 4% Fe 4% Mo 0.04% B 2.8% Ti 4.2% Al
C 1% Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide; wrought; solution 0.1 % C 16.5% Co Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy
treated and aged listed in SAE yearbook
UTS: 1300 Elon: 15% Proof: 1070 UOIMET700 15% Cr 1% Fe 5% Mo 0.1% B 3.5% Ti 4.2% AI
UCAR 718 19% Cr 3% Mo 1% Ti 0.6% AI 5.2% Nb + Ta 0.08% 0.15% C 18% Co Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy
C 1% Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide; vacuum cast; listed in SAE yearbook
solution treated and aged UNITEMP AF 1753 16% Cr 10% Fe 1.6% Mo 0.008% B 3.2% Ti 2% AI
UTS: 1070 Eron: 25% Proof: 770 0.2% C 7% Co 8.4% W0.06% Zr Ni alloy: American
UCAR901 13.5% Cr 6.2% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.2% Al 0.05% C 35% Fe proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
Ni alloy: Union Carbide UNS N07718 UNS designation for ASTM A670nI8
UCARC130 21.5% Cr 0.5% Fe 6.0% Mo 2.1 % Ti 0.05% C 20.0% VACUMELTROL 4119% Cr 5% Fe 9.7% Mo 0.007% B 3.15% Ti 1.5% Al
Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide 0.1 % C 11% Co Ni alloy: Carpenter
UCARCI023 15.5% Cr 8.3% Mo 3.6% Ti 4.1% AI 0.15% C 9.7% VF 3 29% Cr 6% Fe 2.4% C 10% Co 15% W Ni alloy: For
Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide hard facing; designation used by SAE
UCAR GMR 235 J5% Cr 5.2% Mo 0.07% B 2% Ti 3% Al 0.15% C Ni VF 4 26% Cr 4% Fe 2% C 0.5% Co 8.5% W Ni alloy: For
alloy: Union Carbide; as cast hard facing; designation used by SAE
UTS: 760 Elon: 4% Proof: 660 VMA 2 5.7% Cr2% M06% Al 11% W Ni alloy: Investoral
UCAR GMR 235D J6% Cr 5% Mo 0.07% B 2.5% Ti 3.7% AI 0.15% C Ni casting; BS designation; obsolete
alloy: Union Carbide; vacuum cast VMA 3 21 % Cr 10% Mo 2.5% Ti 1% AI Ni alloy: Investoral
UTS: 760 Elon: 3% Proof: 720 casting; BS designation; obsolete
UCAR 15% Cr 5% Mo 2.5% Ti 2% AI 0.16% C 2.5% Co Ni WASPALOY 19% Cr 1% Fe 4.3% Mo 0.005% B 3% Ti 1.3% Al
HASTELLOY alloy: Sheet; Union Carbide; solution treated and aged 0.7% C 14% Co Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy
R235 UTS: 1210 Elon: 21 % Proof: 820 listed in SAE yearbook; contact H Wiggin
UCARINIOO 10% Cr 3% Mo 5% Ti 5.5% AI 0.17% C J5% Co Ni WASPALOYMOD 19% Cr 1% Fe 7% M02.5% Ti 1.2% Al 0.05% C
alloy: Union Carbide; vacuum cast; as cast 11.5% Co Ni alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in
UTS: 1070 Elon: 9% Proof: 870 SAE yearbook; contact H Wiggin
UCARIN731 9.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 4.6% Ti 5.5% AI 0.18% C 10.0% X 750 15% Cr 7% Fe 2.5% Ti 0.8% AI 0.8% Nb + Ta 0.04%
Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide C Ni alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; double solution treated
UCARIN792 12.7% Cr 2.0% Mo 4.2% Ti 3.2% Al 0.2% C 9.0% Co and aged; AISI 688
4.0% W Ni alloy: Union Carbide UTS: 1140 Elon: 23% Proof: 890
UCARM21 5.7% Cr2.0% Mo 0.02% B 6.0% Al 1.5% Nb 0.21% Z 15 CNS 25-20 16% Cr 5.5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C 4% W0.35% V Ni
C 11.0% W0.12% Zr Ni alloy: Vacuum cast; Union alloy: French Standard
UCARR41 19% Cr 10% Mo 0.008% B 3.1% Ti 1.5% AI 0.1% C
11% Co Ni alloy: Sheet and bar; Union Carbide;
solution treated and aged
UTS: 1540 Elon: 14% Proof: 1110
UCAR U500 19.0% Cr 4.0% Fe 4.0% Mo 3.0% Ti 3.0% AI 0.08%
C 18.0% Co Ni alloy: Union Carbide
UCAR U520 19.0% Cr 6.0% Mo 3.0% Ti 2.0% Al 0.05% C 12.0%
Co 1.0% W Ni alloy: Union Carbide
UCAR U700 15.0% Cr 5.2% Mo 3.5% Ti 4.2% AI 0.15% C 18.5% Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Cr Ni alloy: Union Carbide
UCAR U710 18.0% Cr 3.2% Mo 5.0% Ti 2.5% Al 0.07% C 15.0% DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Co 1.5% W Ni alloy: Union Carbide UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
UCAR U722 15.5% Cr 2.4% Ti 0.7% AI 0.08% C (max) Ni alloy: Elon Elongation, %
Union Carbide Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
UCAR 19% Cr 4.2% Mo 3% Ti 1.2% Al 0.08% C 14% Co
WASPALLOY 0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: Sheet; Union Carbide; solution I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibf/in. 2=1 MPa
treated See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
UTS: 1070 Elon: 25% Proof: 580
270 Nickel4:opper wrought and cast alloys
Specific gravity 8.83
Density 8830 kg/m3
Solidus/liquidus 130~1350°C
Thermal conductivity 26 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (2~loo 0c) 13.6 x 1O-6/°C
20 530 48
100 530 48
300 520 49
400 450 50
500 340 30
600 240 30
700 140 40
800 75 50
900 50 54
980 34 60
The above properties have been chosen to show typical corrosion resistance, or as an additive along with manganese
values for the specifications listed and may not apply exactly and silicon to improve mechanical properties.
to anyone specification. It is possible that with some speci- With titanium and aluminium additions intermetallic com-
fications the values may not be applicable. pounds are formed which impart some age hardening pro-
perties at the expense of corrosion resistance.
Like all nickel alloys these materials harden considerably
General metallurgical characteristics
when cold worked, increasing the tensile properties and
Nickel and copper form a complete series of solid solutions. decreasing the ductility. It is possible to apply a controlled
In the alloys listed the copper is dissolved in the nickel amount of cold work to these alloys and then to use them in
matrix, and this solution persists at room temperature. Thus service. It is also possible to apply excessive cold work and
one phase only is present, resulting in excellent corrosion then a controlled amount of annealing but in both instances
resistance over a wide range of temperatures. The copper specialist advice is advised.
improves the electrical and thermal conductivity over other A limited number of the alloys can be solution treated and
nickel alloys and also increases the ease of brazing. aged and this is indicated in the specification.
Some of these alloys have been in existence for many These alloys have magnificent marine corrosion resistance
years, as there are naturally occurring nickel/copper ores and more than reasonably good temperature, particularly
which on reduction give a 70/30 nickel/copper alloy. The fact oxidation, resistance and therefore find use on all types of
that this is readily worked, easily machined and has good marine equipment where temperatures are involved.
heat and corrosion resistance ensured it a ready market. This They are therefore used with combustion equipment,
alloy was probably the first material which allowed designers direct heated boilers, fire-boxes, etc.
to start using the power available when high temperatures In many of the applications, however, they are now being
were harnessed. Iron may also be present in many of the replaced with some of the more sophisticated austenitic
alloys listed, either as an impurity with adverse affects on stainless steels.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 2.4360 2.0% Fe 31 % Cu Ni alloy: German Standard
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' 2.4374 1.5% Fe 0.8% Ti 3.0% Al 30% Cu Ni alloy: German
Elon Elongation, % Standard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' 2.4375 2% Fe 1% Ti 3% Al 30% Cu 0.25% C Ni alloy
44 KMONEL 0.5% Ti 2.8% Al 29.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: Filler;
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonflin.'= 145.04 Ibf/in. '= I MPa Huntington; now Monel 44
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 64 K MONEL 0.5% Ti 2.8% Al 29.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: Filler;
Huntington; now Monel 64
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
134KMONEL 0.3% Ti 2% Al 27% Cu 2.5% Mn 0.25% C Ni alloy: ASTM B295 E3NlO 1% Ti 1.5% Al 30% Cu 4% Mn 0.4% C Ni alloy:
Filler; Huntington; now Monel 134 Welding electrode
400 2% Fe 31% Cu 2.0% Mn Ni alloy: International Nickel UTS: 540
Co.; cold drawn rod ASTM B295 E3NI4 2% Fe 3% Al 35% Cu 4% Mn 0.4% C Ni alloy:
DPN: 220 UTS: 790 Elon: 20% Proof: 570 Welding electrode; age hardened
ALLOY 82 9% Si 3% Cu 0.12% C Ni alloy: Casting; Dewrance UTS: 740
DPN: 270 UTS: 680 ASTM B295 E4NlO 2% Fe 1% Ti 3% Nb 30% Cu 2% Mn 0.15% C Ni
ALLOY 400 1.2% Fe 31 % Cu 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: YOM; alloy: Welding electrode
Nicorros ASTM B295 3% Nb (max) 30% Cu 4% Mn 0.15% C (max) Ni
ALLOYK500 1.2% Fe 0.4% Ti 3% Al 30% Cu 0.15% C (max) Ni ENiCul alloy: Welding rod; previous designation E4NlO
alloy: VDM; Nicorros Al ASTMB295 2.5% Nb (max) 30% Cu 6% Mn 0.15% C (max) Ni
ALLOY R405 31 % Cu 0.3% C (max) Ni alloy: YOM; Nicorros S E Ni Cu2 alloy: Welding rod
AMPCOLAY 551 1% Fe 0.5% Ti 2.8% Al 29.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: ASTMB295 30% Cu 4.0% Mn 0.4% C (max) Ni alloy: Welding
Wrought; Ampco for K Monel E Ni Cu4 rod; previous designation E3NlO
AMPCOLAY 552 30% Cu Ni alloy: Wrought; Ampco for Monel ASTMB304 28% Cu Ni alloy: Welding electrode; previous
AMPCOLAY 553 3% Fe 3.7% Si 32% Cu 1% Mn 0.12% C Ni alloy: ERNiCu7 designation ERN60
Casting; Ampco for S Monel ASTM B304 ERN60 2% Fe 1% Si 2% Ti 30% Cu 1% Mn 0.15% C Ni alloy:
AMPCOLAY 557 3% Fe 2.7% Si 32% Cu 1% Mn 0.12% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode
Casting; Ampco for H Monel ASTM B304 ERN64 2% Fe 1% Si 7% Ti 3% AI 30% Cu 0.25% C Ni alloy:
AMPCOLAY 558 30% Cu Ni alloy: Weldable; Ampco for Monel Welding electrode
AMPCOLAY 559 30% Cu Ni alloy: Cast; Ampco for Monel ASTMB304 30% Cu Ni alloy: Welding electrode; previous
AMS 4544 B 30% Cu Ni alloy: Sheet; annealed RNiCu5 designation RN40
AMS4574 B 30% Cu Ni alloy: Seamless tube; annealed ASTM B304 RN40 2% Fe 30% Cu 2% Mn 0.3% C Ni alloy: Welding
AMS4575 44% Cu 0.3% C (max) Ni alloy electrode
AMS 4674 C 30% Cu 0.04% S Ni alloy: Bar and forging; free ASTM B304 RN43 1% Si 30% Cu 0.3% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode
machining AWS A 515 30% Cu Ni alloy: Welding electrode
AMS4675 30% Cu Ni alloy: Bar and forging ENiCuB
AMS4675 B 30% Cu Ni alloy: Brazed tube; annealed BS 1537 Cu Ni alloy: Casting; replaced by BS 3071
AMS4676 0.6% Ti 3% Al 30% Cu Ni alloy: Bar and forging; K BS 2901 NA33 2% Fe 2.2% Ti 1.2% Al 25% Cu Ni alloy: Rod for all
Monel forms of welding
AMS4677 3% AI 30% Cu 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy BS 3071 NAI 1% Si 30% Cu 1% Mn Ni alloy: Casting; as cast
AMS4730C 30% Cu Ni alloy: Wire; annealed; AMS for 400 Monel UTS: 420 Elon: 16% Proof: 150
AMS 4731 2.5% Fe (max) 31 % Cu Ni alloy BS 3071 NA2 2.7% Si 30% Cu 1% Mn Ni alloy: Casting; as cast
AMS4892 4% Si 30% Cu Ni alloy: Casting; as cast UTS: 540 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
AMS4893 4% Si 30% Cu Ni alloy: Casting; heat treated BS 3071 NA3 4% Si 30% Cu 1% Mn Ni alloy: Casting; as cast
AMS 7233 37% Cu 0.3% C (max) Ni alloy: Monel 400 DPN: 250 UTS: 610
AMS7234 34% Cu 0.3% C (max) Ni alloy: Monel K405 BS 3072 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Annealed
ASTMBI27 2% Fe 30% Cu Ni alloy: Plate, sheet and strip; UTS: 450 Elon: 33% Proof: 150
annealed BS 3073 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Strip; annealed
UTS: 580 Elon: 35% Proof: 180 DPN: 130 UTS: 450 Elon: 33% Proof: 150
ASTMBI27 2% Fe 30% Cu Ni alloy: Plate, sheet and strip; hard BS 3074 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Annealed
UTS: 740 Elon: 2% Proof: 640 UTS: 460 Elon: 35% Proof: 180
ASTM BI64 A 2.5% Fe 33% Cu 2% Mn Ni alloy: Rod and bar; BS 3074 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Tube; cold drawn
annealed; low sulphur UTS: 580 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
UTS: 480 Elon: 35% Proof: 150 BS 3075 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Wire; annealed
ASTM BI64 A 2.5% Fe 33% Cu 2% Mn Ni alloy: Rod and bar; cold UTS: 450 Elon: 22%
drawn; low sulphur BS 3075 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Wire; cold drawn
UTS: 760 Elon: 8% Proof: 610 UTS: 730
ASTMBI64B 2.5% Fe 33% Cu 2% Mn Ni alloy: Bar and rod; BS 3076 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Bar and section; annealed
annealed (0.02...j).06% S) UTS: 450 Elon: 35% Proof: 100
UTS: 480 Elon: 35% Proof: 150 BS 3076 NAI3 32% Cu Ni alloy: Bar and section; cold drawn
ASTMBI64B 2.5% Fe 33% Cu 2% Mn Ni alloy: Bar and rod; cold UTS: 600 Elon: 14% Proof: 450
drawn (0.02...j).06% S) BS 3076 NAI8 0.7% Ti 3% Al 30% Cu Ni alloy: Rod
UTS: 680 Elon: 8% Proof: 340 BS 3127/4 1% Ti 3% AI 30% Cu Ni alloy: Tube; solution treated
ASTMBI65 2.5% Fe 33% Cu 2% Mn 0.024% S (max) Ni alloy: for bourdon tubes
Pipe; annealed DPN: 190
UTS: 540 Elon: 35% Proof: 180 BS 3127/4 1% Ti 3% Al 30% Cu Ni alloy: Tube; solution treated
and cold worked for bourdon tubes
DPN: 250
BS 3146 ANCI8A 1.0% Si 30% Cu 0.2% C Ni alloy: Investment casting;
as cast
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 300 Elon: 15% Proof: 100
BS 3146 ANCI8B 2.7% Si 30% Cu 0.1% C Ni alloy: Investment casting;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number as cast
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
Elon Elongation, % BS 3146 ANCI8C 4% Si 30% Cu 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Investment casting; as
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 cast
UTS: 580 Proof: 480
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04 Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa CALMALLOY 2% Fe 29% Cu Ni alloy: Used for temperature
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. compensation shunts; origin unknown
CASTEES M Cu Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Philip; for cast iwn
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CI SOFT FLOW 2% Fe 32% Cu 0.6% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; M3>-1 3.5% Fe (max) 30% Cu 0.35% C (max) Ni alloy:
NiCu for cast iron Casting; US designation
CaPEL 45% Cu Ni alloy: Origin unknown M3>-2 3.5% Fe (max) 30.5% Cu 0.35% C (max) Ni alloy:
CaRNES 13 27% Cu Ni alloy: Philip Comes Casting; US designation
CORNES 18 37% Cu + Al + Ti Ni alloy: Philip Comes METC057NS Cu Ni alloy: For coating; Metco
CORRONEL 26% Cu 4% Mn Ni alloy: Origin unknown DPN: 125
DIN 17743 1.5% Fe 0.8% Ti 3% Al 30% Cu Ni alloy METC058NS Fe Cu In Ni alloy: For coating; Metco
Ni Cu 30 Al DPN: 125
DIN 17743 2.0% Fe 31% Cu Ni alloy METCOMOREL Cu Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco
Ni Cu 30 Fe DPN: 100
DID lOB 2.5% Fe 35% Cu Ni alloy: Sheet MONEL 40 1.3% Fe 31 % Cu 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Filler rod;
UTS: 450 Proof: 100 Huntington; oxyacetylene welding of Monel 400
DID 192 2.5% Fe 35% Cu Ni alloy: Bar and forging; annealed MONEL 43 40% Cu 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Filler rod; Huntington;
VTS: 540 Elon: 30% oxyacetylene welding of Monel 402 and 403
DID 196 32% Cu 1.5% Mn Ni alloy: Bar; annealed MONEL 44 0.5% Ti 2.8% Al 29.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: Filler
UTS: S40 Elon: 35% rod; Huntington; oxyacetylene welding of Monel K 500
DID 200 A 2.5% Fe 35% Cu Ni alloy: Bar and strip; cold rolled MONEL 60 2.2% Ti 30.5% Cu 0.03% C Ni alloy: Filler;
and tempered Huntington; inert gas shielded welding of Monel 400
VTS: 680 Elon: 14% Proof: 450 MONEL 64 0.5% Ti 2.8% AI 29.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: Filler;
DID 204 A 2% Fe 31 % Cu Ni alloy: Bar and tube; annealed Huntington; inert gas shielded welding of Monel K 500
VTS: 560 MONEL 130 0.3% Ti 1% AI 27% Cu 2.5% Mn 0.15% C Ni alloy:
DID 232 1.5% Fe 28% Cu 1.5% Mn 23% Zn Ni alloy: Sheet; Filler; Huntington; for welding Monel 400
cold rolled MONEL 134 0.3% Ti 2% AI 27% Cu 2.5% Mn 0.25% C Ni alloy:
VTS: 870 Elon: 12% Proof: 690 Filler; Huntington; for welding Monel K 500
DID 237 30% Cu 23% Zn Ni alloy: Sheet and strip; softened MONEL 140 0.7% Ti 0.3% AI 26% Cu 1.2% Mn 0.05% C 1.5% Nb
VTS: 540 Elon: 25% Proof: 220 Ni alloy: Filler; Huntington; for welding Monel 400 to
DID 268 2% Fe 30% Cu 2% Mn 23% Zn Ni alloy: Bar and wire; steel
annealed MONEL 180 0.7% Ti 0.3% Al 28% Cu 5% Mn 0.03% C 1.5% Nb
UTS: S40 Ni alloy: Filler; Huntington; for welding Monel alloys
DID 477 2% Fe 30% Cu 1.5% Mn Ni alloy: Tube; annealed; MONEL 400 1.3% Fe 31.5% Cu 0.12% C Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, tube,
solid drawn etc.; Huntington; annealed
UTS: 490 UTS: S50 Elon: 48% Proof: 200
DID 487 2% Fe 3% AI 30% Cu 2% Mn Ni alloy: Bar; annealed MONEL 400 3% Fe 1% Si 32% Cu 1% Mn 0.3% C Ni alloy:
and cold drawn to size; for cold headed bolts Casting; H Wiggins; as cast
VTS: 810 Elon: 20% Proof: 690 DPN: 120 UTS: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
E Ni Cu7 35% Cu 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld electrode; MONEL 400 2.5% Fe 32% Cu 2% Mn 0.3% C Ni alloy: Wrought; H
designation used by ANS Wiggin; annealed
ENiCuA 4.5% Fe 40% Cu 0.45% C Ni alloy: Weld electrode; DPN: 140 UTS: 550 Elon: 40% Proof: 220
designation used by ANS MONEL 400 2.5% Fe 32% Cu 2% Mn 0.3% C Ni alloy: Wrought; H
ENiCuB 4.5% Fe 30% Cu 0.4% C Ni alloy: Weld electrode; Wiggin; cold rolled
designation used by ANS DPN: 200 UTS: 760 Elon: 7% Proof: 690
EGI 31 % Cu 0.3% C (max) Ni alloy: Vallruna MONEL 401 53% Cu 0.03% C 0.5% Co Ni alloy: Strip; Huntington
EG2 0.5% Ti 3% AI 30% Cu Ni alloy: Vallruna MONEL 402 40% Cu 0.12% C Ni alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; Huntington
ER Ni Cu 7 35% Cu 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld electrode; MONEL 403 40% Cu 1.8% Mn 0.12% C Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.;
designation used by ANS Huntington
HMONEL 3% Fe 2.7% Si 32% Cu 1% Mn 0.12% C Ni alloy: MONEL 404 0.02% Al 44% Cu 0.06% C Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.;
Casting; H Wiggin; now Monel 506 Huntington
HAl 400 ALLOY 32% Cu Ni alloy: Harrison Alloys MONEL 406 1.3% Fe 13% Cu 0.12% C Ni alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.;
HAICuNi 102 45% Cu Ni alloy: Harrison Alloys Huntington
HAl Cu Ni 103 45% Cu Ni alloy: Harrison Alloys MONEL 414 2.5% Fe 32% Cu 1.0% Mn 0.4% C Ni alloy: Rod and
HAl Cu Ni 104 45% Cu Ni alloy: Harrison Alloys wire; H Wiggin; free machining variety of Monel 400
JAE 30% Cu Ni alloy with high temperature coefficient of MONEL 501 0.5% Ti 2.8% AI 29.5% Cu 0.23% C Ni alloy: Bar;
magnetism: H Wiggin; Curie point 70-75 'C Huntington
DPN: 110 VTS: 420 Elon: 52% Proof: 140 MONELS02 3% Al 34% Cu Ni alloy: Monel 502
K 500 2% Fe 1% Si 1% Ti 3% Al 30% Cu 1.5% Mn 0.25% C MONEL 505 3% Fe 3.7% Si 32% Cu 1% Mn 0.12% C Ni alloy:
Ni alloy: Wrought; H Wiggin; annealed; can be age Casting; H Wiggin; as cast
hardened DPN: 240 UTS: 630 Proof: 630
DPN: 170 UTS: 680 MONELS06 3% Fe 2.7% Si 32% Cu 1% Mn 0.12% C Ni alloy:
KMONEL I% Fe 0.5% Ti 2.8% AI 29.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: Casting; H Wiggin; as cast
Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington; now Monel K500 DPN: 200 VTS: 56 Elon: 12% Proof: 32
KRMONEL 0.5% Ti 2.8% Al 29.5% Cu 0.23% C Ni alloy: Bar; MONELCandC 2.5% Fe 32% Cu 1.0% Mn 0.4% C Ni alloy: For
Huntington; now Monel 501 machining; H Wiggin; as Monel 400; higher carbon
LANGALLOY IN 1.5% Fe 1.8% Si 28.5% Cu 1% Mn Ni alloy: Langley MONELFM60 35.5% Cu Ni alloy: Weld filler metal
DPN: 120 UTS: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 180 MONELK405 1.3% Fe 31.5% Cu 0.18% C Ni alloy: Bar; Huntington
LANGALLOY2N 3% Fe 3% Si 30% Cu Ni alloy: Casting; Langley for BS MONELK5oo 2% Fe 1% Si 1% Ti 3% Al3O% Cu 1.5% Mn 0.25% C
alloy NA2 Ni alloy: Wrought; H Wiggin; annealed; can be age
LANGALLOY 5N 3% Fe 4% Si 30% Cu Ni alloy: Casting; Langley for BS hardened
alloy NA3 DPN: 170 UTS: 69
LCMONEL 1.3% Fe 13% Cu 0.12% C Ni alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; MONELK5oo I% Fe 0.5% Ti 2.8% Al 19.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy:
Huntington; now Monel 506 Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington; age hardened
DPN: 275 UTS: 107 Elon: 25% Proof: 76
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MONELK500 1% Fe 0.5% Ti 2.8% AI 29.5% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: SOUDOFONTE Mo 30% Cu Ni: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for
Huntington; cold drawn and aged welding cast iron
DPN: 300 VTS: 121 Elon: 20% DPN: 160
NCCPIG 9% Cr 8% Fe 0.5% Si 25% Cu 0.5% Mn Ni alloy: SOUDONEL F 1.5% Fe 0.6% Ti 31 % Cu 3.5% Mn 0.06% C Ni alloy:
Ingot; H Wiggin; for addition to cast iron Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding CulNi
NICORROS 1.7% Fe 31 % Cu 1.2% Mn 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: alloys
VDM VTS: 510 Elon: 43% Proof: 320
VTS: 470 Elon: 30% Proof: 180 SOUDOR Cr Ni Cu 7 2.2% Ti 28.5% Cu 3% Mn 0.02% C Ni alloy: Welding
NICORROS 27% Cu Ni alloy: Philip Comes electrode; Soudometal
NICORROSAI 1.2% Fe 0.4% Ti 3% AI 30% Cu 0.15% C (max) Ni VTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
alloy: VDM SOUDOTIG Ni Cu 7 0.2% Fe 2.2% Ti 28.5% Cu 0.02% C Ni alloy:
UTS: 1120 Elon: 25% Proof: 790 Electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding
NICORROSAI 27% Cu + Al + Ti Ni alloy: Philip Comes UTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
NICORROS B 6530 2.2% Ti 31% Cu 3% Mn 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: STUBS 80 MON 1% Fe 29.5% Cu 3% Mn 0.025% C Ni: Welding
Strip; VDM electrode; Stubs; welding NilCu materials
NICORROSS 31% Cu 0.3% C (max) Ni alloy: VDM UTS: 480 Elon: 35% Proof: 280
VTS: 582 Elon: 28% Proof: 520
NICORROS S 6530 2.2% Ti 31 % Cu 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld rod;
NO 4402 31 % Cu 0.04% C (max) Ni alloy: Designation used by
PLATNAM 0.5% Fe 0.3% Al 33% Cu 13% Sn Ni alloy: Note. Thc following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Hopkinsons; for valve discs and seats up to 600 'C
QQN281 2.5% Fe 31 % Cu Ni alloy: US Federal specification DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
RMONEL VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
1.3% Fe 31.5% Cu 0.18% C Ni alloy: Bar; Huntington;
Elon Elongation, %
Monel 405
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2
SMONEL 3% Fe 3.7% Si 32% Cu 1% Mn 0.12% C Ni alloy:
Casting; H Wiggin; now Monel 505
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.102 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
SOUDOFONTE K 46% Fe 7.0% Cu 1.1 % C Ni: Welding electrode;
Soudometal See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 200
Impact Variable
Fatigue strength ±21O N/mm 2
Hot strength
General metallurgical characteristics
Temperature Tensile strength
°C N/mm2 The alloys of nickel and iron have special magnetic proper-
ties and, on the whole, this is the sole reason for their
95 580 existence. As nickel is added to iron the magnetic properties
205 550 first increase and then decrease; the iron/nickel alloys and
310 550 properties are discussed in Section 20C. Included in Section
485 520 20C are the series of alloys varying between 45% and 55%
540 500 nickel. For clarity no attempt has been made to include any
of these alloys in the present group although all those above
50% nickel are technically members of Section 27E.
The above properties have been chosen to show typical Most of the alloys listed here contain between 70% and
values for the specifications listed and may not apply exactly 80% nickel, the remainder being principally iron.
to any specification. It is possible that with some speci- Chromium improves the hot corrosion resistance and
fications the values may not be applicable. strength and also increases the electrical resistance. The
copper and molybdenum additions are usually to stabilize require highly specialist advice and usually specialist
some magnetic property. equipment.
For none of these alloys are mechanical properties The principal reason for using these materials is for their
improved by any form of heat treatment. magnetic properties where they are used for magnetic
Like all nickel alloys they work harden considerably and shields, electrical resistors and other electronic, magnetic
this work hardening can be removed by annealing at a tem- and telecommunication purposes.
perature above 1000 0c. Some are used for their oxidation resistance at high
There are some very specialist heat treatment operations temperatures.
wh,ich alter the magnetic properties of these alloys but they
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2.4500-2.4519 2.0% Cr 16% Fe 5% Cu Ni alloy: German Standard ENiCrMoB 27% Cr 22% Fe 8.5% Mo 2.7% C 12% Co 3% W: Ni
numbers alloy; weld electrode; designation used by ANS
2.454(}-2.4559 16% Fe 4% Mo Ni alloy: German Standard numbers E Ni Fe CI 37% Fe 2% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld electrode;
2.4867 15% Cr 20% Fe Ni alloy: German Standard designation used by ANS
141 ALLOY 30% Fe Ni alloy: British Driver-Harris; ballast ENi FeCIA 8% Fe (max) 2.5% Al 2% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
resistance; withdrawn electrode; designation used by ANS
ACIHU 19% Cr 38% Fe 0.5% C Ni alloy: Origin unknown E Ni Fe Mn CI 45% Fe 12% Mn 2% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld electrode;
ACI HU 50 19% Cr 38% Fe 0.5% C Ni alloy: Origin unknown designation used by ANS
ACIHW50 12% Cr 26% Fe 0.5% C Ni alloy: Origin unknown ENiFeDCI 42% Fe 4% Mn 2% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld electrode;
AMS5605 16% Cr 39% Fe 1.7% Ti 2.9% Nb 0.06% C (max) Ni designation used by ANS
alloy FIXAMPER 28% Fe Ni alloy: Imphy
AMS 5606 16% Cr 39% Fe 1.7% Ti 2.9% Nb 0.06% C (max) Ni GLASS SEALING 5249.5% Fe om % C Ni alloy: Carpenter; low expansion
alloy coefficient
AMS 5633 13.2% Cr 30% Fe 5.5% Mo 2.5% Ti 1.5% Al 0.8% Nb HAl 52 ALLOY 48% Fe Ni alloy: Harrison Alloys
0.06% C Ni alloy HAl 380 ALLOY 30% Fe Ni alloy: Harrison Alloys
AMS5634 13.2% Cr 30% Fe 5.5% Mo 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 0.8% Nb HIPERNOM 16% Fe 4.5% Mo 0.05% C Ni alloy: Westinghouse; for
0.06% C Ni alloy magnetic shielding
AMS5701 16% Cr 39% Fe 1.7% Ti 2.9% Nb 0.06% C (max) Ni HIPERNOM 15% Fe 4.2% Mo 0.35% Si 0.02% C Ni alloy:
alloy ALLOY Carpenter; for magnetic properties
AMS 5702 16% Cr 39% Fe 1.7% Ti 2.9% Nb 0.06% C (max) Ni HYMuSO 25% Fe 4.2% Mo 0.35% Si 0.02% C Ni alloy:
alloy Carpenter; annealed; high magnetic permeability
AMS 5703 16% Cr 39% Fe 1.7% Ti 2.9% Nb 0.06% C (max) Ni VTS: SSO Elon: 60% Proof: 170
alloy HY Mu 800 15% Fe 5% Mo 0.15% Si 0.01 % C Ni alloy: Carpenter
AWS A 515 46% Fe 0.8% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode HYMu800A 15% Fe 5% Mo 0.3% AI 20 3 0.005% C (max) Ni alloy:
E Ni Fe CI Carpenter; magnetic properties with good wear
BALCO Fe Ni alloy: Gilbey Brunton; high temperature resistance
coefficient of resistance HYTEMCO 30% Fe Ni alloy: British Driver-Harris; ballast
BS 2857 A 24% Fe Ni alloy: Strip for laminations resistance
BS2901 NA41 22% Cr 27% Fe 3% Mo 2% Cu Ni alloy: Rod for gas VTS: S20
shielded arc welding KONEL 10% Fe 17% Co Ti Ni alloy: Tensile strength 450
CI METNiFe 45% Fe 1.3% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for SG N/mm at 600 ·C; source unknown
SANBOLD NA76 24% Fe Ni alloy: Strip for magnetic shielding, etc.; STUBS 88 Fe Cu Mn Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; for build
Sanderson; electrical conductivity 2.8% lACS up of grey cast iron
SOUDOFONTE C 46% Fe 0.8% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode; DPN: 175 VTS: 490 Elon: 20%
Soudometal; for welding cast iron VACOVIT511 1% Cr 49% Fe Ni alloy: Low expansion; German
DPN: 190 proprietary alloy
SOUDOFONTE D 46% Fe 1.9% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode; VACOVIT540 46% Fe Ni alloy: Low expansion; German proprietary
Soudometal; for welding cast iron alloy
DPN: ISO VACUMET 15% Fe 5% Mo 0.15% Si 0.0% C Ni alloy: Carpenter;
SOUDOFONTE F 49% Fe 1. 7% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode; HY Mu 800 for magnetic properties
Soudometal; for welding cast iron
DPN: 200
STUBS 8 FNN Fe Ni alloy: Welding rod; Stubs; for welding SG cast
DPN: ISO UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
STUBS 8 Nifer Fe Ni alloy: Welding electrode with Si Mn and Cu;
Stubs; for welding nodular and ductile cast iron DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 220 UTS: 540 Elon: 23% VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
STUBS 8 S Fe Si Cu Mn Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Stubs; Elon Elongation, %
surface of grey cast iron Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 175 VTS: 490 Elon: 20%
1N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in,z= I MPa
STUBS 86 FN Fe Ni alloy: Welding rod; Stubs; for welding grey
nodular and SG cast iron See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: ISO VTS: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 340
2.4108 1.0% Mn 0.2% C Ni alloy: German Standard ALLOY 718 18.5% Cr 18.5% Fe 3% Mo 0.8% Ti 0.6% AI 5% Nb
2.4110 2.0% Mn Ni alloy: German Standard 0.05% C Ni alloy: VDM; Nicrofer 5219 Nb
2.4116 5.0% Mn Ni alloy: German Standard ALLOY 825 21% Cr 32% Fe 2.7% Mo 0.8% Ti 2.2% Cu 0.02%
2.4122 1.0% Si 1.5% A13% Mn Ni alloy: German Standard C (max) Ni alloy: VDM; Nicrofer 4221
2.4128 0.5% Ti 4.5% AI Ni alloy: German Standard ALLOY 825 h Mo 21 % Cr 29.5% Fe 6% Mo 0.8% Ti 2.2% Cu 0.02%
2.4132 2.0% Be Ni alloy: German Standard C (max) Ni alloy: VDM; Nicrofer 4221 L Mo
2.4400-2.4419 II % Fe 3.0% Mo 14% Cu Ni alloy: German Standard ALLOYB2 1% Cr (max) 28% Mo 0.01 % C (max) Ni alloy: Origin
2.4520-2.4539 16% Fe 4.0% Mo 5.0% Cu Ni alloy: German Standard unknown
2.4600 5% Fe 28% Mo Ni alloy: German Standard ALLOYC4 16% Cr 2% Fe (max) 16% Mo 0.3% Ti 0.008%
25.35.4 CW Co 25.0% Cr 15.0% Fe 0.5% C 5.0% W 15.0% Co Ni C (max) Ni alloy: Origin unknown
alloy: Electrode; Metrode ALLOYC22 21 % Cr 3% Fe 13.5% Mo 0.008% C (max) 0.2% V 3%
25.50 COW Nb Zr 25.0% Cr 3.0% Fe 2.0% Nb 0.5% C 9.0% W 12.0% WNi alloy: VDM; Nicrofer 5621 L Mu W
Co 0.1 % Zr Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode ALLOYG 22% Cr 19.5% Fe 2% Nb 2% Cu 0.03% C (max) 6.5%
26.35 COW Nb 26.0% Cr 12.0% Fe 1% Nb 0.5% C 5.0% W15.0% Co Cr Ni alloy: VDM; Nicrofer 4520 L Mo
Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode ALLOYG3 22.5% Cr 19% Fe 7% Mo 0.3% Nb 2% Cu 0.01 %
28.37.4 Cu B 27.0% Cr 31.0% Fe 4.0% Mo 0.5% C 2.0% Co Ni C (max) Ni alloy: YOM; Nicrofer 4823 L Mo
alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for welding Incoloy 825 AMS4778 A 3% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: Braze metal
50.50 Nb 48% Cr 1.5% Nb 0.06% C Ni alloy: Electrode; AMS4779 1.8% B3.5% Si Ni alloy: Braze metal
Metrode AMS4782 19% Cr 10.2% Si 0.1% C (max) Ni alloy: Braze metal
DPN: 350 AMS 5607 7% Cr 16.5% Mo 0.06% C Ni alloy
133 ALLOY 3.0% Si Ni alloy: Drivcr-Harris; withdrawn AMS 5771 7% Cr 16.5% Mo 0.06% C Ni alloy
UTS: 910 AMS 5873 15.7% Cr 15.5% Mo 0.3% AI 0.02% C (max) 0.05%
200C 2.0% Be Ni alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium Co. La Ni alloy
211 ALLOY 0.75% Fe (max) 4.7% Mn 0.2% C (max) Ni alloy: AMS 7232 15.5% Cr 8% Fe 0.15% C (max) Ni alloy
Carpenter ARC 164 22% Fe 18% Mo Ni alloy: Imphy
220C 2.2% Be Ni alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium Co. ARSENIC-NICKEL 40% As Ni alloy: B1ackwells; Primary metal
260C 2.6% Be Ni alloy: Casting; Brush Beryllium Co. ASTM A494 Ni Mo 5.0% Fe 28% Mo 0.12% C (max) 2.5% Co 0.5% V Ni
288 Pd Ni brazing alloy: Melting point 1237 'C; Engelhard alloy: Casting
Industries ASTMA494 16% Cr 6.0% Fe 17% Mo 0.12% C (max) 4.5% W
DPN: 224 UTS: 760 Elon: 30% NiMoCr 2.5% Co Ni alloy: Casting
318 Pd Mn Ni brazing alloy: Melting point 1120 'C; ASTM B260 B Ni 3 3.15% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: Brazing metal; temperature
Engelhard Industries; electrical conductivity 9% lACS range 1010-1177 'C
DPN: 330 UTS: 800 Elon: 31 % ASTM B260 B Ni 4 1.6% B 3.5% Si Ni alloy: Brazing metal; temperature
420CR 1.8% Be 1.7% Ti Ni alloy: Casting; Beryllium range 1010-1177 'C
Corporation ASTM B260 B Ni 6 11 % P Ni alloy: Brazing metal; braze temperature
2307 20% Cr 3% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 0.3% C 18% Co Ni range 927-1030 'C
alloy: YEW ASTM B295 E Ni 1 3% Ti O. I% C (max) Ni alloy: Welding rod; previous
ABRASODUR 53 29.0% Cr 8.5% Fe 4.2% Mo 0.8% Ti 6.9% Nb 3.6% C designation E4Nll
8.3% WNi alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; ASTMB295 5.5% Fe 28% Mo 2% Co Ni alloy: Welding rod;
abrasion resistance with good impact ENiMol previous designation E3N1B and E4N1B
DPN:600 ASTM B295 15.5% Cr 3.5% Fe 16.5% Mo 2% Co 3.7% WNi alloy:
AFNOR 15% Cr 7.5% Fe 2% Nb 0.03% C Ni alloy: Welding ENiM02 Welding rod; previous designation E3NIC and E4N1C
81-347 EF2070 electrode; French Standard ASTM B295 4% Cr 5.5% Fe 25% Mo 2% Co Ni alloy: Welding rod
Ni Cr Fe BI10 ENiM03
20BH ASTM B295 E3N11 1.0% Si 3.0% Ti 1.0% AI 0.7% C Ni alloy: Welding
ALLOY I 15% Mg Ni alloy: Ingot; H Wiggin; for cast iron electrode
additions UTS: 370
ALLOY 1M 15% Mg 0.8% Mischmetal Ni alloy: Ingot; H Wiggin; ASTM B295 E4NI1 1.0% Si 3.0% Ti 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Welding electrode
for cast iron additions ASTM B304 5% Fe 28% Mo 2% Co 0.4% V Ni alloy: Welding
ALLOY 2 27% Si 18% Mg Ni alloy: Ingot; H Wiggin; for cast iron ER Ni M04 electrode; previous designation ERN7B
additions ASTMB304 5% Fe 16% Mo 2% Co 3.5% W0.2% V Ni alloy:
ALLOY600L 16% Cr 8% Fe 0.2% Ti 0.025% C (max) Ni alloy: ERNiM05 Welding electrode; previous designation ERN7C
Origin unknown ASTM B304 ERN61 1.0% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.5% AI 1.0% Mn 0.15% C Ni alloy:
ALLOY 601 23% Cr 14% Fe 0.2% Ti 1.3% Al 0.05% C Ni alloy Welding electrode
ALLOY 625 3% Fe 22% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.025% C (max) 9% Mo Ni ASTM B304 RN41 1.0% Si 0.2% Cu 0.15% C Ni alloy: Welding electrode
alloy: Origin unknown BNi I 14% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.2% B 4.5% Si 0.75% C Ni alloy:
ALLOY 690 28% Cr 9% Fe 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: Origin Braze metal; designation used by ANS
unknown BNilA 14% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.2% B 4.5% Si 0.06% C (max) Ni
alloy: Braze metal; designation used by ANS
BNi2 7% Cr 3% Fe 3.2% B 4.5% Si 0.06% C Ni alloy: Braze
metal; designation used by ANS
Note, The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: B Ni3 3.2% B 4.5% Si 0.06% C (max) Ni alloy: Braze metal;
designation used by ANS
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BNi4 1.8% B 3.5% Si 0.06% C (max) Ni alloy: Braze metal;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' designation used by ANS
Elon Elongation, % BNi5 19% Cr 10.2% Si 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Braze metal;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' designation used by ANS
BNi6 0.01% C (max) 11% P Ni alloy: Braze metal;
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa designation used by ANS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BNi7 14% Cr 0.08% C (max) 10% P Ni alloy: Braze metal;
designation used by ANS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BNi8 7% Si 22% Mn 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Braze metal; COLMONOY44 12% Cr 2.7% Fe 2.5% B 2.5% Si 0.45% C Ni alloy
designation used by ANS COLMONOY46 15% Cr 4.2% Fe 3.2% B 4.5% Si 0.7% C Ni alloy
BNi9 15% Cr 3.7% B 0.06% C (max) Ni alloy: Braze metal; COLMONOY52 Cr B Si Ni alloy: Powder coating; Colmonoy
designation used by ANS DPN: 520
B Ni 10 11.5% Cr 3.5% Fe 2.5% B 3.5% Si 0.5% C 16% W Ni COLMONOY53 Cr B Si Ni alloy: Powder coating; Colmonoy
alloy: Braze metal; designation used by ANS DPN: 520
B Ni 11 10.2% Cr 3.2% Fe 3.75% Si 0.4% C 12% W Ni alloy: COLMONOY62 Cr B Si Ni alloy: Powder; for spray coating; Colmonoy
Braze metal; designation used by ANS DPN:600
BS 1845 Nll II % P Ni alloy: For brazing; melting point 875 'C COLMONOY63 Cr B Si Ni alloy: Powder for coating; Colmonoy
BS 1845 NI2 13% Cr 10% P Ni alloy: For brazing; melting point 890 DPN: 600
'C COLMONOY69 Cr Mo B Si Cu Ni alloy: Powder for spray coating;
BS 1845 NI4 3% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: For braze metal; melting range Colmonoy
960-104O'C COMET 95 15.7% Cr 5.5% Fe 15.5% Mo 0.03% C 3.7% W Ni
BS 1845 NI5 1.7% B 3.5% Si Ni alloy: For braze metal; melting alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; oxidation
range 980-1070 'C corrosion resistance at high temperatures
BS 1845 PDll 31% Mn 21% Pd Ni alloy: For braze metal; melting DPN: 200
point 1120 'C COMET 95 Co 15.3% Cr 2.2% Fe 15.6% Mo 0.03% C 3.9% W4.0%
BS 2901 NA44 1% Cr 4% Fe 28% Mo 1% Co Ni alloy: Rod for gas Co Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for
shielded arc welding oxidation resistance at high temperatures
BS 3146 ANC 15 5% Fe 27% Mo 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Investment casting; DPN: 200
as cast COMET 97 4.6% Fe 27% Mo 0.015% C 0.2% V Ni alloy: Welding
UTS: 4(iO Elon: 10% Proor: 220 electrode; Soudometal; for severe corrosion conditions
BS 3146 ANC 17 9.5% Si 3.0% Cu 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Investment casting; DPN: 200
as cast; sulphuric acid resistant CRI 0.6% Cr 2.75% Be 0.5% C Ni alloy: Casting; Beryllium
CANICKEL 4.0% Co Ni alloy: Strip; H Wiggin; for Corporation
magnetostriction CR2 0.6% Cr 2.7% Be 0.9% C Ni alloy: Casting; Beryllium
CATHODE ALLOY 2% and 4% W Ni alloy: For electronic valve cathodes; Corporation
Driver-Harris CWI2M 17.5% Cr 7% Fe 18% Mo 0.12% C (max) 5% W2%
CINEX 2.4% Fe 0.1 % Mn 0.7% C Ni alloy: Welding rod; Co Ni alloy: US designation
Murex; for cast iron CWI2M 17.7% Cr 7% Fe 18% Mo 0.12% C (max) 5% W Ni
CM52 3.0% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: For hard facing; Dewrance; alloy: Casting; US designation
gas welding D979 15% Cr 4.2% Mo 3% Ti 1% Al 0.08% C (max) 4.2%
COBANIC 45% Co Ni alloy: For valve filaments; Driver-Harris W Ni alloy: Origin unknown
COLMONOY22 1.0% Fe 1.35% B 3.5% Si 0.15% C Ni alloy: Powder; DNICKEL 4.5% Mn 0.1% C Ni alloy: Bar and sheet; Huntington;
Wall Colmonoy; for metal spraying; melting point now Nickel 211
105'C DELOR040G 7.5% Cr 5.0% Fe 1.2% B 4.0% Si Ni alloy: Melting
COLMONOY23 1.0% Fe 1.25% B 2.3% Si 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Powder; range 985--1180 'C; DeltJro Stellite
Wall Colmonoy; for metal spraying; melting point UTS: 400 Elon: 1%
1065 'C DELOR045 7.5% Cr 1.5% Fe 1.5% B 4.0% Si Ni alloy: Melting
COLMONOY 23A 1.0% Fe 1.2% B 2.3% Si 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Bronze range 995--1150 'C; Deloro Stellite
metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1065 'C DPN:380
COLMONOY24 1.0% Fe 1.2% B 2.3% Si 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Bronze DELOR050 10% Cr 4.0% Fe 1.5% B 4.0% Si Ni alloy: Melting
metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1065 'c range 975--1065 'C; Deloro Stellite
COLMONOY25 5.0% Cr 2.0% Fe 1.25% B 4.0% Si 0.25% C Ni alloy: DPN: 550
Powder; Wall Colmonoy; for metal spraying; melting DELOR06O 15% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.0% B 4.5% Si Ni alloy: Melting
point 1220 'C range 965--1005 'C; Deloro Stellite
COLMONOY26 1.0% Fe 1.35% B 3.5% Si 0.12% C Ni alloy: Powder; DPN:75O
Wall Colmonoy; for metal spraying; melting point DELORO PW22 1.2% Cr 1.3% B 2.5% Si Ni alloy: Melting range
1050'C 940-1260 'C; Deloro Stellite
COLMONOY27 1.0% Fe 1.25% B 2.3% Si 0.1% C Ni alloy: Powder; DPN: 225
Wall Colmonoy; for metal spraying; melting point DIN 17741 0.5% Ti 4.5% Al Ni alloy
1065 'c NiAI4Ti
COLMONOY28 1.25% B 2.3% Si 0.08% C Ni alloy: Powder; Wall DIN 17741 1.0% Si 1.5% AI 3.0% Mn Ni alloy
Colmonoy; for metal spraying; melting point NiMn3AI
1065 'c DIN 17745 11 % Fe 3.0% Mo 14% Cu Ni alloy
COLMONOY42 Cr B Si Ni alloy: Powder coating; Colmonoy NiCu 14 Fe Mo
DPN:420 DURANICKEL 0.5% Ti 4.5% AI Ni alloy: Bar (high carbon); H
COLMONOY43 Cr B Si Ni alloy: Powder coating; Colmonoy Wiggin; for springs, dies; acid resistant
DPN: 420 DPN: 295 UTS: 1250 Elon: 28%
DURANICKEL 301 0.5% Ti 4.5% AI 0.15% C Ni alloy: Bar and sheet;
Huntington; age hardened
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 1350 Elon: 28% Proof: 920
ENiCI 8% Fe (max) 2.5% Cu (max) 2% C (max) Ni alloy:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Weld electrode; designation used by ANS
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 ENiCIA 8% Fe (max) 2% Al 2% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
Elon Elongation, % electrode; designation used by ANS
Proor 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 ENiM07 28% Mo 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld electrode;
designation used by ANS
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin?=1 MPa ENICKEL 2.0% Mn Ni alloy: Driver-Harris; International Nickel
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Co.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ENICKEL 2% Mn O. I% N Ni alloy: Tube and sheet; Huntington; INCOLOY FM65 21 % Cr 22% Fe (min) 3% Mo 1% Ti 2.2% Cu 0.05%
now Nickel 212 C (max) Ni alloy: Weld rod
EATONITE 29% Cr 6.5% Fe 2.4% C 15% W10% Co Ni alloy: For INCOMAGI 15% Mg Ni alloy: For cast iron additions; International
valves; origin unknown Nickel Co.
EATONITE3 29% Cr 8% Fe 5.5% Mo 1.8% C Ni alloy: For valve INCOMAGILC 16% Mg low carbon Ni alloy: For de-oxidation
facing; origin unknown purposes; International Nickel Co.
EATONITE5 29% Cr 8% Fe 8.5% Mo 2.2% C Ni alloy: For valve INCOMAGIM 15% Mg 0.8% Mischmetall Ni alloy: For cast iron
facing; origin unknown additions; International Nickel Co. (formerly alloy 1M)
ERNiMo I 6% Fe (max) 30% Mo 0.12% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld INCOMAG2M 15% Mg 30% Se 0.8% Mischmetall Ni alloy: For cast
electrode; designation used by ANS iron additions; International Nickel Co.
ER NiM02 7% Cr 5% Fe (max) 17.5% Mo 0.06% C Ni alloy: INCOMAG3 4.5% Mg Ni alloy: For cast iron additions; fumeless;
Weld electrode; designation used by ANS International Nickel Co.
ERNi M03 5% Cr 5.5% Fe 25.5% Mo 0.12% C (max) Ni alloy: INCOMAG4 3.4% Fe 4.2% Mg Ni alloy: For cast iron additions;
Weld electrode; designation used by ANS reduced fume; International Nickel Co.
ERNiM07 28% Mo 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld electrode; INCOMAGZ 15% Mg 30% Se Ni alloy: For cast iron additions;
designation used by ANS International Nickel Co. (formerly Alloy Z)
FNICKEL 1.5% Fe 5.5% Si 0.2% Cu 0.5% C 0.6% S Ni: Primary INCONEL MA754 21 % Cr 0.5% Ti 0.3% Al 0.05% C 0.6% Yoxide Ni
metal; H Wiggin; supplied as shot or ingot alloy
HAl 63 ALLOY 1% Si 4% Mn Ni alloy: For spark plugs; Harrison INOR 8 7% Cr 5.0% Fe 16% Mo 0.01 % B 0.06% C 0.5% Co
Alloys Ni alloy: Alternative name for Hastelloy N
HAl Ni 634 4% W Ni alloy: Harrison Alloys KH75MBTIU 20.5% Cr 8.0% Fe (max) 19.5% Mo 0.5% Ti 0.5% Al
HAI-KN 5% Mn + Si + AI + Co Ni alloy: For thermocouples; 1.1 % Nb 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Russian Standard
Harrison Alloys; specific resistance 29.4 microhm/cm designation
HAI-NN 4.5% Si Ni alloy: For thermocouples; Harrison Alloys; KH78T 20.5% Cr 6.0% Fe (max) 0.2% Ti 0.12% C (max) Ni
specific resistance 35.7 microhm/cm alloy: Russian Standard designation
HASCH 15% Cr 5% Fe 16% Mo 0.2% C 4% W Ni alloy: KH601U 16.5% Cr 26% Fe 3.2% Al 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy:
Electrode; Metrode Russian Standard designation
HASB 4.5% Fe 28.0% Mo 0.04% C 0.4% V Ni alloy: L307 20% Cr 3% Fe 2.5% Ti 1.5% Al 0.3% C (max) 18%
Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastelloy B type Co Ni alloy: YEW
alloys L311 12.5% Cr 36% Fe 5.7% Mo 2.9% Ti 0.1% C (max) Ni
HASB I% Fe 28% Mo 0.04% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; alloy: YEW
work hardens; resists acid attack L317 15% Cr 1% Fe 5% Mo 1.2% Ti 4.5% Al 0.2% C (max)
HASC 15.0% Cr 4.5% Fe 16.0% Mo 0.09% C 4.0% W0.1% 20% Co Ni alloy: YEW
V Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastelloy L326 19% Cr 1% Fe 6% M03% Ti2% AI 0.05% C 1% W
C type alloys 12% Co Ni alloy: YEW
HASC 15% Cr 5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C 4% WNi alloy: LANGALLOY2R 1.0% Fe 1.0% Si 1.0% Mn 0.7% C Ni alloy: Casting;
Electrode; Metrode Langley Alloys
DPN: 350 DPN: 110 VTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 180
HASC4 17% Cr 2% Fe 16% Mo 0.01% C Ni alloy: Electrode; M21 5.7% Cr 2.0% Mo 0.02% B 6.0% Al 1.5% Nb 0.13%
Metrode; for welding Hastelloy C4 C 11% W0.12% Zr Ni alloy: Union Carbide
HASD 9% Si 3% Cu 0.05% C Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; M22 5.7% Cr 0.75% Fe 2.0% MoO.6% Si 6.3% Al 0.13% C
for Hastelloy D welding 11.0% W3.0% Ta 0.6% Zr Ni alloy: Union Carbide
HASF 22.0% Cr 22.2% Fe 6.0% Mo 2.0% Nb 0.07% C Ni MI628 10% Fe 25% Mo Ni alloy: Imphy
alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastelloy F type MAGNO 4.5% Mn Ni alloy: Driver-Harris
alloys VTS:670
HASG 22.0% Cr 19% Fe 6.0% Mo 2.0% Cu 0.06% C 0.5% W MANGNOL 5% Mn Ni alloy: For valve grid wire; Driver-Harris
Ni alloy: Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastelloy E MANGONIC2 2.0% Mn Ni alloy: H Wiggin; for filament wires
type alloys MANGONIC3 3.0% Mn Ni alloy: For electrical leads; magnetic; H
HASN 7.0% Cr 4.0% Fe 16.0% Mo 0.04% C Ni alloy: Wiggin; annealed; electrical conductivity 12% lACS
Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastelloy N type DPN: 140 VTS: 540 Elon: 56% Proof: 158
alloys MANGONIC5 5.0% Mn Ni alloy: H Wiggin; filament wire
HASS 15.5% Cr 15.5% Mo 0.04% C Ni alloy: Electrode; MARM432 Ni alloy: Casting for creep property; Martin
Metrode; for welding Hastelloy S type alloys MAR·M·ALLOY 9% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.5% Ti 5.5% AI 0.15% C 9.5% Co
HASTELLOY 5 16.2% Cr 14.7% Mo 0.4% Al 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy HfModified 1.5% Ta 10% W1.7% Hf Ni alloy: Martin
HASTELLOY C4 16% Cr 16% Mo 0.015% C (max) Ni alloy METC031 CNS 35% WC Cr Co Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco
HASTELLOY C276 15.5% Cr 5.5% Fe 16.0% Mo 0.02% C 3.8% W Ni DPN: 1500
alloy: Casting; Inco METC036C 35% WC Cr Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco
HASTELLOY G-2 24.5% Cr 15% Fe 6% Mo 1% Cu 0.03% C (max) Ni DPN: 1500
alloy METC0404NS Al Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco
HASTELLOY G·3 19.5% Cr 4.2% Mo 3% Ti 0.07% C 13.5% Co Ni alloy DPN: 140
HASW 5.0% Cr 5.0% Fe 25.0% Mo 0.06% C 0.4% V Ni alloy: METC0405 Al Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco; good bond
Electrode; Metrode; for welding Hastelloy Wtype strength
alloys DPN:245
HPWNICKEL 3.5% W Ni alloy: Made by powder metallurgy METC0405NS Al Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco
IN 504 3.0% Mo 10% Si 5.7% Ti 2.5% Cu Ni alloy: DPN: 140
International Nickel Co. METC0443NS Cr AI Ni alloy: Comfort sprayed deposit; Metco
INCOCAL 10 0.6% Si 0.3% C 5.5% Ca Ni alloy: Primary metal DPN: 180
INCOLOY904 50.0% Fe 1.6% Ti 0.02% C 14.5% Co Ni alloy: H METC0451 Ni Al intermetallic Ni alloy: For spray deposition;
Wiggin; low coefficient of expansion Metco
VTS: 920 DPN: 280
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
METCO 470 AW Cr Fe Ni alloy: Sprayed deposit; Metco NICROFER 21 % Cr 29% Fe 6% Mo 0.8% Ti 2.2% Cu 0.02%
DPN: 190 4221 h Mo C (max) Ni alloy: VDM
MODIFIED HILO 20% Co Ni alloy: For valve filaments; Driver-Harris UTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
MP35N 20% Cr 10% Mo 35% Co Ni alloy: Latrobe NICROFER 22% Cr 19.5% Fe 6.5% Mo 2% Nb 2% Cu 0.03%
MULTIPHASE 4520 h Mo C (max) Ni alloy: YDM
MP-159 19% Cr 7% Mo 3% Ti 0.2% AI 0.5% Nb 0.04% UTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
C (max) 36% Co Ni alloy: Origin unknown NICROFER 22.5% Cr 19% Fe 7% Mo 0.3% Nb 2% Cu 0.01 %
NI2M 6% Fe (max) 30.5% Mo 0.12% C (max) Ni alloy: 4823 h Mo C (max) Ni alloy: YDM
Casting; US designation UTS: 640 Elon: 55% Proor: 290
N 19907 40% Fe 1.6% Ti 4.8% Nb 0.06% C (max) 14% Co Ni NICROFER 18.5% Cr 18.5% Fe 3% Mo 0.8% Ti 0.6% A15% Nb
alloy: Designation used by UNS 5219 Nb 0.05% C Ni alloy: VDM
NI9909 40% Fe 4.8% Nb 0.06% C (max) 14% Co Ni alloy: UTS: 1240 Elon: 12% Proof: 1030
Designation used by UNS NICROFER 21 % Cr 3% Fe 13.5% Mo 0.008% C (max) 0.2% Y 3%
NiM030 5% Fe 28% Mo Ni alloy: Designation used by German 5621 hMo W W Ni alloy: VDM
Standards VTS: 780 Elon: 55% Proof: 380
NICKEL 204 0.06% C 4.5% Co Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.; NICROFER 15.7% Cr 16% Mo 0.01% C (max) 0.2% Y 3.7% W
Huntington 5716h MoW 2% Co Ni alloy: VDM
NICKEL211 4.5% Mn 0.1% C Ni alloy: Bar, sheet, etc.; Huntington NICROFER 22% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.025% C (max) Ni alloy:
NICKEL211 5.0% Mn Ni alloy: H Wiggin; previously Mangonic 5 6020 h Mo VDM
NICKEL 212 2.0% Mn 0.1 % C Ni alloy: Tube and strip; Huntington NICROFER 6023 23% Cr 14% Fe 0.2% Ti 1.3% Al 0.05% C Ni alloy:
NICKEL 212 2.0% Mn Ni alloy: H Wiggin; previously Mangonic 2 YDM
NICKEL 215 5.0% Mn Ni alloy: Wire; International Nickel Co. NICROFER 6030 28.5% Cr 9% Fe 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: VDM
NICKEL 229 0.03% AI 2.0% W0.05% Mg Ni: Made by powder NICROFER 16% Cr 2% Fe 16% Mo 0.3% Ti 0.008% C (max) Ni
metallurgy; International Nickel Co. 6616 h Mo alloy: VDM
NICROBRAZ 10 0.1 % C 1% P Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; NICROFER 7216 LC 16% Cr 8.5% Fe 0.2% Ti 0.025% C (max) Ni alloy:
melting point 880 'C VDM
NICROBRAZ 60 8% Si 17% Mn 0.1% C Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall NILOMAG771 14.0% Fe 4.0% Mo 5.0% Cu Ni alloy: Wire or strip
Colmonoy; melting range 1010-1030 'C made by powder metallurgy; International Nickel Co.
NICROBRAZ 65 7.0% Si 4.5% Cu 23% Mn Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall NIMAXC 15% Cr 5% Fe 16% Mo 0.02% C 4% W Ni alloy:
Colmonoy; melting range 9&0-1010 'C Electrode; Metrode
NICROBRAZ 130 3.0% B 4.5% Si 0.06% C Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall DPN: 350
Colmonoy; melting range 9&0-1040 'C NIMAXCH 15% Cr 5% Fe 16% Mo 0.2% C 4% W Ni alloy:
NICROBRAZ 135 1.8% B 3.5% Si Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall Colmonoy; Electrode; Metrode
melting range 990-1057 'C NIMOCAST 242 22.0% Cr 10.5% Mo 0.35% C 10.0% Co Ni alloy: H
NICROBRAZ I7I 10.0% Cr 3.5% Fe 2.5% B 3.5% Si 0.4% C 12.0% W Wiggin; high thermal shock resistance
Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting range NIMOCAST 263 20.0% Cr 5.8% Mo 2.2% Ti 0.06% C 20.0% Co Ni
970-1095'C alloy
NICROBRAZ 220 4% Cr 1.0% B 45% Mn Ni alloy: Braze metal; Wall DPN: 195 UTS: 1000
Colmonoy; melting range 995-1080 'C NIMOFER 1% Cr (max) 28% Mo 0.02% C (max) Ni alloy: Weld
NICROBRAZ 230 3.5% Cr 10% B 2.5% Si 35% Mn Ni alloy: Braze rod; VDM
metal; Wall Colmonoy; melting range 9SO-I065 'C NIMOFER 6928 1% Cr (max) 2% Fe (max) 28.5% Mo 0.01 % C (max)
NICROBRAZ 1351 1.5% B 3.0% Si Ni alloy: For brazing; Wall Colmonoy; Nialloy: VDM
melting range 1090-1180 'C NIMROD 625 21% Cr 1% Fe 9% M04% Nb 0.04% C Ni alloy:
NICROBRAZ 5040 5.0% Cr 0.6% Fe 2.1 % Si 4.0% P 1.2% N Ni alloy: For Electrode; Metrode
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1010-1150 'C Ni-Zr MASTER 5% Fe 7.5% Si 10% Al 27.5% Zr Ni alloy: Origin
NICROBRAZ 5060 8.0% Cr 0.4% Fe 0.8% B 1.4% Si 6.0% P Ni alloy: For ALLOY unknown
brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting point 1010-1120 'C NMP Pd Mn Ni brazing alloy: Melting point 1120 'C;
NICROBRAZ 5075 10.0% Cr 0.25% Fe 0.5% B 0.9% Si 7.5% P Ni alloy: Engelhard Industries; electrical conductivity 9% lACS
For brazing; Wall Colmonoy; melting point DPN: 330 UTS: 780 Elon: 7%
980-109O'C PA 10 4.0% W 0.05% Mg Ni alloy: Tube and strip; H Wiggin
NICROCOAT2 4.5% Si Ni alloy: Powder with additions; Wall obsolete
Colmonoy; for coating PERMAGRID 4% Ti 0.3% Mg Ni alloy: For valve grid wire; Driver
NICROCOAT7 3.5% Si Ni alloy: Powder with additions; Wall PYROMET ALLOY 15% Cr 7.5% Fe 3% Mo 0.5% Ti 0.4% A13% Nb
Colmonoy; for coating 102 0.08% C (max) 3% W Ni alloy: Carpenter
NICROFER 4221 21% Cr 33% Fe 2.7% Mo 0.8% Ti 2.2% Cu 0.02% PYROMET ALLOY 22% Cr 5% Fe 9% Mo 3.5% Nb + Ta 0.1 % C (max)
C (max) Ni alloy: VDM 625 Ni alloy: Carpenter
UTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 2SO UTS: 1000 Elon: 35% Proof: 550
PYROMET ALLOY 22% Cr 18% Fe 9% Mo 0.1 % C 0.8% W 1.5% Co Ni
680 alloy: Carpenter
UTS: 790 Elon: 50% Proor: 320
PYROMET ALLOY 19% Cr 22% Fe 3% Mo 0.004% B 1% Ti 0.5% Al
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 718 0.1 % C (max) Ni alloy: Carpenter
UTS: 1450 Elon: 22% Proof: 1200
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number R63 1.0% Si 4.0% Mn Ni alloy: Driver-Harris; spark plug
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 electrodes
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 490
Proor 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 RNiCrA 11 % Cr 2.25% Fe 2.5% B 2.2% Si 0.45% C Ni alloy:
Weld metal; designation used by ANS
I N/mm 2 ;0.1 hbar;O.l02 kgf/mm2 ;0.06475tonflin. 2 ;145.04Ibflin. 2 ;1 MPa
RNiCrB 13% Cr 4% Fe 3% B 4% Si 0.6% C Ni alloy: Weld
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. metal; designation used by ANS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
R Ni Cr C 15% Cr 4.5% Fe 3.5% B 4.5% Si 0.7% C Ni alloy: TRlBALOY 700 15% Cr 32% Mo 3% Si Ni alloy: Intermetallic material
Weld metal; designation used by ANS for wear resistant purposes; suitable for hard facing; Du
RA 333 25% Cr 18% Fe 0.05% C 3% W3% Co Ni alloy: pont
Origin unknown VF9 29% Cr 8% Fe 5.5% Mo 1.8% C Ni alloy: For valve
REXWELD 64 13% Cr 3% B 3.0% Si 0.6% C Ni alloy: For hard facing; SAE designation
facing; Crucible Steel Co. VFlO 29% Cr 8% Fe 8.5% Mo 2.2% C Ni alloy: For valve
DPN:62O facing; SAE designation
SOUDER G625 22.3% CrO.8% Fe 9.1% Mo 0.2% Ti 3.4% Nb 0.01% W5 4.0% Si 0.3% Mn Ni alloy: Wire and strip; H Wiggin;
C Ni alloy: Welding electrode; Soudometal for spark plug electrodes
UTS: 830 Elon: 30% Proof: 415 DPN: 130 UTS: 550 Elon: 56% Proof: ISO
SOUDOKAY TOOL 16% Cr 2.5% Fe 16.5% Mo 0.03% C 4.5% W Ni alloy: W6 2.0% Si 0.5% Mn Ni alloy: Wire and strip; H Wiggin;
ALLOY CO Welding electrode; Soudometal for spark plug electrodes
DPN: 190 DPN: 120 UTS: 530 Elon: 57% Proof: 140
SOUDONEL 15% Cr 7.5% Fe 2% Nb 7% Mn 0.03% C Ni alloy: W7 1.0% Si 2.75% Mn Ni alloy: Wire and strip; H Wiggin;
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding high Ni for spark plug electrodes
steel; impact at -200 'C 80 J DPN: 120 UTS: 530 EIon: 57% Proof: 140
VTS: 635 Elon: 40% Proof: 375 W9 1.0% Si 4.5% Mn Ni alloy: Wire and strip; H Wiggin;
SOUDONEL 625 22% Cr 4.5% Fe 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.06% C Ni alloy: for spark plug electrodes
Welding electrode; Soudometal; impact at -200 'C 45 J W9 1.0% Si 4.5% Mn with Zr additions Ni alloy: For spark
VTS: 760 Elon: 32% Proof: 490 plug electrodes; H Wiggin
SOUDONEL D 15% Cr9% Fe 6.5% Mo 1.1% Nb 3.7% Mn 0.07% C X-782 26% Cr 2% C 8.7% W Ni alloy
1.2% W Ni alloy: Electrode; impact at -200 'C 60 J XEVH 19% Cr 2% Fe 4.3% Mo 3% Ti 0.05% C 13% Co Ni
UTS: 680 Elon: 40% Proof: 410 alloy: For valves; SAE
SOUDONEL G 22% Cr 1.6% Fe 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 0.03% C Ni alloy: XEVI 19% Cr 19% Fe 1% Ti 5% Nb + Ta 0.04% C Ni alloy:
Welding electrode; Soudometal; impact at-200 'C 55 J For valves; SAE
UTS: 730 Elon: 40% Proof: 500
SOUDONEL S4648 20% Cr 3% Fe 2.4% Nb 3.5% Mn 0.03% C Ni alloy:
Welding electrode; Soudometal; impact at -200 'C Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
VTS: 675 Elon: 45% Proof: 400 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
SOUDOSTEL 60 35.5% Cr 0.5% Fe 0.8% B 0.9% C 10.5% W Ni alloy: UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
Welding electrode; Soudometal Eion Elongation, %
DPN:400 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
SYLVALOY 3% Si Ni alloy: For valve filament; Driver-Harris
T2 5% AI + Mn + Si Ni alloy: Thermocouple; Driver- 1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgfimm'=0.06475 tonfiin.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa
Harris See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
VTS: S60
28. Niobium Nb (also called columbium, Cb)
Physical properties
Atomic number 41
Atomic weight 92.91
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Steel grey
28.1 NIOBIUM . 265
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS7850 Nb: Sheet, strip and foil; Columbium SU 16 0.08% C 11 % W3% Mo 2% Hf Nb alloy: IMI;
AMS 7851 0.03% C (max) 10% W2.5% Zr Nb alloy solution treated; cold worked and aged
AMS7852 0.03% C (max) 10% W2.5% Zr Nb alloy UTS: 530 Elon: 22 % Proof: 440
AMS7855 0.03% C (max) 10% W2.5% Zr Nb alloy SU 31 0.12% C 17% W3.5% Hf Nb alloy: IMI; heat treated
AMS7857 0.015% C (max) 10% Hf Nb alloy VTS: ~ Elon: 30% Proof: 340
COLUMBIUM Ferro columbium, free of carbon: Blackwells; primary WNbl8 99.9% Nb: Powder; Light Ltd
metal; also called niobium
nNb 16 99.9% Nb: Rod; 500 p.p.m. Ta; Light Ltd; high purity
metal Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
nNb73 99.99% Nb metal: Single crystal; Light Ltd
NIOBIUM 99.6% Nb: Powder, granules and electrodes; DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Kennametal; columbium UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
PLATINUM 70% Zr 39.5% Ta Nb alloy: Origin unknown Eion Elongation, %
SUBSTITUTE Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
R04295 0.015% C (max) 10% Hf 1% Ti Nb alloy: Ingot; UNS
designation I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa
SU 13 0.12% C 17% W3.5% Hf Nb alloy: IMI; heat treated See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
VTS: ~ Elon: 30% Proof: 340
29. Osmium as
Physical properties
Atomic number 76
Atomic weight 190.2
Crystal structure Close-packed hexagonal
Colour Blue/white
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number hOs 18 99.97% Os: Powder; Light Ltd; high purity metal
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 OSMIUM High purity metal: Impurities 10 p.p.m.; Mallory
Elon Elongation, % Metallurgical; supplied as sponge; platinum group
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 metal
30. Palladium Pd
Physical properties
Atomic number 46
Atomic weight 106.4
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour White
268 30.1 PALLADIUM
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
226 ALLOY 30% Ag 10% Au 14% Cu 10% PI Pd alloy: Origin JMC77 40% Cu Pd alloy: For wiping contacts; Mallory
unknown Metallurgical; age hardened
267 40% Ag Pd alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical DPN:3SO
conductivity 4.1 % lACS JMM77 Cu Pd alloy: For sliding contacts; 4.6% lACS
DPN: 95 conductivity; Johnson Matthey
278 40% Cu Pd alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical DPN: 210
conductivity 4.9% lACS P03590 40% Cu Pd alloy: Obsolete; designation used by UNS
DPN: 145 P 03990 99.07% Pd (min) alloy: Obsolete: designation used by
AMS7735 30% Ag 10% Au 14% Cu 10% Pt Pd alloy UNS
BS 1845 PD14 40% Ni Pd alloy: For brazing metal; melting point PALAURAL 34% Au + PI Pd alloy: For dental purposes; Mallory
1235 'c Metallurgical; melting range 945-990 'C; hardened
BVPdl 0.005% C (max) 35% Co Pd braze alloy: designation DPN: 258
used by AWS PALCO 35% Co Pd alloy: For brazing; melting range 1230-1235
h Pd 15 99.9% Pd: Wire; 0.5 mm diameter, Light Ltd 'C; Wesgo
h Pd73 99.99% Pd single crystals 12 mm x 25 mm: Light Ltd PALINEY No.7 30% Ag 10% Au 14% Cu 10% PI Pd alloy: Origin
PALLACAST Palladium alloy: Used in dentistry; with Au and Ag;
Engelhard Industries; annealed, melting range
920-1025 'c
DPN: 172 UTS: 4(jO Elon: 15% Proof: 330
PALLACAST Palladium alloy: Used in dentistry; with Au and Ag;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Engelhard Industries; age hardened, melting range
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 920-1025 'c
DPN: 249 UTS: 850 Elon: 2% Proof: 770
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
PALLADIUM Chemically pure Pd: Engelhard Industries
Elon Elongation, %
PALLADIUM High purity metal: Impurities 10 p.p.m.; Mallory
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Metallurgical; supplied as sponge and wire
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonfJin. 2=145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa PNI 40% Ni Pd brazing alloy: Melting point 1237 'C;
Engelhard Industries
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. WALLOY 30% Ag 10% Au 14% Cu 10% PI Pd alloy: Origin
31. Platinum Pt
Physical properties
Atomic number 78
Atomic weight 195.09
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour White
would not be used where high conductivity is important as ature metals where for some reason welding is undesirable.
platinum has a reasonably high resistance. Platinum, with its excellent corrosion resistance, high
A large amount of platinum is now used as a catalyst in the melting point and temperature resistance coupled with good
chemical industry and oil refining. Almost all high octane ductility and weldability, makes this one of the more useful
modern petrols owe their economical production to plati- metals in the service of mankind. Only its scarcity, difficulty
num catalysts. of purification and resultant high price keep this material
Some platinum alloys are used as high temperature braz- from general use.
ing materials for joining nickel alloy and other high temper-
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
51 30% Ir PI alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical 115 Platinum: Commercially pure Pt; Engelhard; electrical
conductivity 5.3% lACS conductivity 15% lACS
DPN:28S DPN: 60
52 25% Ir Pt alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical 450 Au Ag Pt alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
conductivity 5.4% lACS conductivity 10.2% lACS
DPN:240 DPN: 60
53 20% Ir Pt alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical h Pt 10 99.999% Pt: Wire; 0.5 mm diameter; Light Ltd; high
conductivity 5.7% lACS purity metal
DPN: 200 h Pt 71 99.9999% PI single crystals 3 mm x 25 mm: Light Ltd
55 10% Ir Pt alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical IRRU Ir Ru Pt alloy: For sliding contacts; electrical
conductivity 7.0% lACS conductivity 4.4% lACS; Johnson Matthey
DPN: 120 DPN: 310
102 10% Ru Pt alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical OERSTIT 900 CP 22% Co Pt alloy: For magnets; German alloy listed by
conductivity 4.1 % lACS PMA
DPN: 200 OSMIRIDIUM 30% Ir 35% Os Rh Pt alloy: Natively occurring
103 5% Ru Pt alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical material
conductivity 5.5% lACS P 04840 15% Ir Pt alloy: Obsolete; designation used by UNS
DPN: 125 PALLABRAZE 123740% Ni 60% Pd alloy: Brazing metal; Johnson
Matthey; melting point 1237 'C
PERMANIT 900 CP 22% Co Pt alloy: For magnets; Austrian alloy listed by
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
PGS Au Ag Pt alloy: Engelhard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
PLACO 23% Co Pt alloy: For magnets; German alloy; listed by
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
Elon Elongation, %
PLACOVAR 23% Co Pt alloy: For magnets; American proprietary
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
alloy; consult SAE
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa PLATINAX II Co Pt alloy: For extremely powerful magnets; Johnson
Matthey; coercive force 4800 oersted
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. PLATINUM High purity metal: Impurities less than 5 p.p.m.;
Johnson Matthey; supplied as sponge, wire and sheet
32. Plutonium Pu
Physical properties
Atomic number 94
Atomic weight 239
Crystal structure Monoclinic
Colour Yellow/white
Specific gravity 19
Density 19000 kg/m 3
33. Potassium K
Physical properties
Atomic number 19
Atomic weight 39.096
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Silver white
DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number WK16 99.97% K metal: Light Ltd; high purity metal
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Elon Elongation. %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
34. Radium Ra
Physical properties
Atomic number 88
Atomic weight 226.05
Crystal structure
Colour Brilliant white
Electrical conductivity
Specific resistance
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential
Magnetic susceptibility
35. The rare earth elements
Cerium Ce, Dysprosium Dy, Erbium Er, Europium Eu, being other rare earth metals of the first group with metallic
Gadolinium Gd, Holmium Ho, Lutetium Lu, Neodymium impurities.
Nd, Praseodymium Pr, Promethium Pm, Samarium Sm, The pure metals can only be separated from each other by
Terbium Tb, Thulium Tm, Ytterbium Yb. very complicated and delicate chemical and physical means
and apart from cerium there appears to be very little require-
Americium Am, Berkelium Bk, Californium Cf, Curium
ment for them in the pure state.
Cm, Einsteinium Es, Fermium Fm, Mendelevium Md, Nep-
tunium Np, Plutonium Pu, Protactinium Pa, Thorium Th, They are very useful laboratory research materials in that
they can be used to illustrate the relationships of elements to
Uranium U.
each other within the atomic table of elements.
Lanthanum La, Scandium Sc, Yttrium Y. The uses of cerium have been discussed elsewhere, the
They fall into two well-defined groups, the first occurring uses of the remaining elements being few.
Probably the most important use is as grain refiners and
naturally in reasonably large quantities, the second being
radioactive and very largely man-made short life elements. strengtheners of magnesium alloys, where no attempt is
A third group resemble the rare earths to such an extent that made to separate the metals and they are always referred to
as 'rare earths'.
they are always classified together.
Four of the metals listed as rare earths are discussed and Other uses are as cores for carbon arcs in the preparation
of special optical glass, and some uses are now being found in
listed separately as some use has been found for them in
nuclear engineering as control rod elements.
industry; these are, cerium in the first group and thorium,
The metals in the second group are all radioactive and
plutonium and uranium in the second group.
three, plutonium, thorium and uranium, are the subject of
The metals in the first group all occur in monazite sand and
separate sections in this book. The remaining elements in
are so much alike that it is only in recent years that it has been
this group are mostly man-made, or discovered during the
appreciated that more than two or three elements were
present. Monazite sand also contains thorium compounds recent researches into nuclear fission. They are all unstable
elements as the result of the radioactivity, and apart from
and is a principal source of this metal, the rare earths
nuclear engineering they serve no useful purpose.
generally being a byproduct in its extraction. The extraction
The three elements in the last group are generally found
and reduction is a complex process, resulting in an alloy
with the first group of rare earth metals in monazite sand.
'Mischmetal' which is about 50% cerium, the remainder
They have no practical significance.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
E 00000 99.0% Ac: Commercial grade actinium; UNS E21500 I% Au mixed rare earth alloy: UNS designation
designation E23l30 2.5% Mg I% Fe 31% La 11.5% Nd 4% Pr Ce alloy:
EOlOOO 99.0% Ce: Commercial grade actinium; UNS UNS designation
designation E 23310 2.5% Mg 10% Fe mixed rare earth alloy: UNS
EOI401 30% Co Ce alloy: UNS designation designation
E21000 38% La 12% Nd 4% Pr Ce alloy: Mischmetal; UNS E 23311 2% Mg 22% Fe mixed rare earth alloy: UNS
designation designation
E2I100 2.5% Mg 32% La 11.7% Nd 3.9% Pr Ce alloy: E 23312 6% Mg 23% Fe mixed rare earth alloy: UNS
Mischmetal; UNS designation designation
E 21101 5% Mg 31% La 11.4% Nd 3.9% Pr Ce alloy: E 28531 5% Ca 14% Fe 36% Si 14% La 5.5% Nd 2% Pr Ce
Mischmetal; UNS designation alloy: UNS designation
E2I102 10% Mg 29% La 11 % Nd 3.5% Pr Ce alloy: E 31000 20% La 19% Nd 6% Pr 4% Sm 2% Gd 2% Y Ce alloy:
Mischmetal; UNS designation UNS designation
E 21103 20% Mg 26% La 9.5% Nd 3.5% Pr Ce alloy: E46006 99% Dy (min) commercial grade dysprosium: UNS
Mischmetal; UNS designation designation
E21200 I% AI mixed rare earth alloy: UNS designation E48000 99% Er (min) commercial grade erbium: UNS
E 21201 20% Al mixed rare earth alloy: UNS designation designation
E2I300 I% Fe 32.5% La 12% Nd 4% Pr Ce alloy: Mischmetal; E52000 99% Gd (min) commercial grade gadolinium: UNS
UNS designation designation
E 21301 5% Fe mixed rare earth alloy: UNS designation E56000 99% Ho (min) commercial grade holmium: UNS
E2I302 25% Fe mixed rare earth alloy: UNS designation designation
E58000 99% La (min) commercial grade lanthanum: UNS
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
E58401 25% Co La alloy: UNS designation
E 68000 99% Lu (min) commercial grade lutetium: UNS
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
E 69006 99% Nd (min) commercial grade neodymium: UNS
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
E 74000 99% Pr (min) commercial grade praseodymium: UNS
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa designation
E 74401 28% Co Pr alloy: UNS designation
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. E 78000 99% Pm (min) commercial grade promethium: UNS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
E 79000 99% Sm (min) commercial grade samarium: UNS h Pr20 99.9% Pro Wire; I mm diameter; Light Ltd; high purity
designation metal
E 79401 40% Co Sm alloy: UNS designation h Sc 16 99.95% Sc: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
E 83000 99% Sc commercial grade scandium: UNS designation hSc20 99.9% Sc: Wire; I mm diameter; Light Ltd
E 85000 99% Th commercial grade terbium: UNS designation hSm 16 99.7% Sm: Ingot; Light Ltd
E 87000 99% Tm commercial grade thulium: UNS designation hSm 19 99.9% Sm: Foil; Light Ltd
E 88000 99% Yb commercial grade ytterbium: UNS designation h Th 16 99.6% Th: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
E 90000 99% Y commercial grade yttrium: UNS designation h Th74 99.9% Th: Single crystal 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm; Light
E 90401 36% Co Y alloy: UNS designation Ltd
E 90501 5% Cr Y alloy: UNS designation hTm 16 99.9% Tm: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
h Dy 16 99.9% Dy: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal hTm20 99.9% Tm: Wire I mm diameter; Light Ltd
dysprosium h Y 16 99.9% Y: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
h Dy 20a 99.9% Dy: Wire I mm diameter; Light Ltd; high purity h Y20 99.9% Y: Wire; I mm diameter; Light Ltd
metal dysprosium h Yb 16 99.9% Yb: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
h Dy74 99.9% Dy: Single crystals 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm; h Yb20 99.9% Yb: Wire; I mm diameter; Light Ltd; high
Light Ltd; dysprosium purity metal
hEr 16 99.9% Er: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity erbium NEODYMIUM Nd metal: Blackwells; pure metal
hEr 20a 99.9% Er: Wire I mm diameter; Light Ltd; high purity
metal erbium
h Eu 16 99.9% Eu: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity europium
h Eu 20b 99.9% Eu: Wire I mm thick; Light Ltd; high purity Note, The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
h Gd 16 99.9% Gd: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity gadolinium DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
h Gd 20a 99.9% Gd: Wire I mm diameter; Light Ltd; gadolinium UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
h Gd 74 99.9% Gd: Single crystals 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm each; Elon Elongation, %
Light Ltd: gadolinium Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
h Lu 16 99.9% Lu: Ingot; Light Ltd; lutetium
h Nd 16 99.9% Nd in lumps: Light Ltd; high purity metal 1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475tonfJin.'=145.04lbfJin.'=1 MPa
h Nd20 99.9% Nd: Wire; I mm diameter; Light Ltd See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
h Pr 16 99.9% Pr: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal
36. Rhenium Re
Physical properties
Atomic number 75
Atomic weight 186.22
Crystal structure Close-packed hexagonal
Colour Silver-white
36.1 RHENIUM 277
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
RHENIUM High purity Re metal: Impurities 10 p.p.m.; Johnson
Matthey; supplied as powder and button DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
RHENIUM Re pure metal: Blackwells UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
39. Ruthenium Ru
Physical properties
Atomic number 44
Atomic weight 101.7
Crystal structure Close-packed hexagonal
Colour White
40. Selenium Sa
Physical properties
Atomic number 34
Atomic weight 78.96
Crystal structure Two allotropic forms
Colour Steel grey
40.1 SELENIUM 283
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
ARQ 99.99% Se: In shot form; common name for selenium
for rectifiers DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DDQ 99.95% Se: In shot form; common name for selenium UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
for rectifiers Elon Elongation, %
h Se 2 99.999% Se pellets: Light Ltd; high purity metal Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
SELENIUM Se metal; Blackwells; pure metal
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
41. Silicon Si
Physical properties
Atomic number 14
Atomic weight 28.06
Crystal structure Tetrahedral cubic-amorphous
High silicon irons have excellent acid resistance, particu- Silicon in higher quantities imparts considerable acid resis-
larly to sulphuric acid. tance, particularly to the oxidizing acids. A process analo-
gous to carburizing has been developed - known as
Steel. Silicon is present in most steels up to 0.35% as it is one
s!l!conizing .or 'Ihrigizing'. With this the parts are packed in
of the most commonly used de-oxidizing agents. In these
slhcon carbIde and chlorine gas is passed over them at 1000
proportions silicon has no effect on the physical or mechan-
oC..This gives a silicon 'case' of up to 0.075% deep if desired,
ical properties of steel. Between 1% and 2% silicon steels
whIch has good acid resistance with reasonably good wear.
?ave excellent hardenability and fat,igue strength, thus find-
The process is best suited to plain carbon steel or malleable
mg use as leaf and coil springs, very often alloyed with
cast iron.
manganese and chromium.
Athough silicon cannot truly be classed as a metal it has
Very low carbon steels with 2-4% silicon have special
enough use to metallurgists to warrant the brief note given.
hysteresis properties which make them suitable for trans-
former cores and other electrical and electronic uses.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
15% MANGANESE 15% Mn Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; 1340 10% Au Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
SILVER melting range 951-960 'c conductivity 48% lACS
120 20% Ni Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical DPN: 29
conductivity 72% lACS 1379 Cu Ag alloy: Standard silver; Engelhard; annealed;
DPN: 50 electrical conductivity 90% lACS
179 28% Cu Ag alloy: Melting point 779 'C; Engelhard; DPN: 56
annealed; electrical conductivity 80% lACS 1380 Cu Ag alloy: Coin silver; Engelhard; annealed;
DPN: 88 electrical conductivity 86% lACS
718 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 970-1010 'C; DPN:62
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 36% lACS 1386 20% Cu Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
DPN: 50 VTS: 210 Elon: 28% conductivity 82% lACS
719 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 1080-1090 'C; DPN: 85
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 11 % lACS 1396 50% Cu Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
DPN: 85 UTS: 330 Elon: 30% conductivity 82% lACS
722 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 807-810 'C; DPN: 95
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 45% lACS 1438 30% Ni Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
DPN: 90 VTS: 440 Elon: 23% conductivity 62% lACS
723 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 824-852 'C; DPN: 55
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 30% lACS 1439 40% Ni Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
DPN: 75 VTS: 460 Elon: 22% conductivity 55% lACS
724 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 850-900 'C; DPN: 60
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 18% lACS 1464 Cd Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
DPN: 120 UTS: 450 Elon: 20% conductivity 82% lACS
725 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 901-950 'C; DPN: 60
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 12% lACS 1465 Cd Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
DPN: 185 UTS: 500 Elon: 15% conductivity 72.0% lACS
748 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 876-898 'C; DPN: 70
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 15% lACS 1845/4 Cu Zn 61 % Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
DPN: 140 UTS: 490 Elon: 25% BS 18454; melting range 690-737 'c
lt03 Cd Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical 184515 Cu Zn 43% Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
conductivity 35% lACS BS 1845·5; melting range 69S-788 'c
DPN: 40 2601 Pd Mn Ag brazing alloy: Melting range l000-lt20 'C;
lt44 Fe Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical Engelhard; electrical conductivity 19% lACS
conductivity 90% lACS DPN: 95 UTS: 270 Elon: 11%
DPN: 6S 2602 Pd Mn Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 1180-1200 'C;
1322 5% Pd Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical Engelhard; electrical conductivity 10% lACS
conductivity 45% lACS DPN: 130 UTS: 480 Elon: 25%
DPN: 33 2949 Cd Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical
1323 10% Pd Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical conductivity 69.0% lACS
conductivity 30% lACS DPN: 70
DPN: 40 AB 49 TRI-FOIL 20% Zn 0.5% Ni 2% Mn 28% Cu Ag alloy: Braze
1325 20% Pd Ag alloy: Engelhard; annealed; electrical metal; Johnson Matthey; for brazing tungsten carbide
conductivity 17% lACS AgiCu EUTECTIC 29% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
DPN: 55 melting point 778 'C
AMS4765 2% Ni 42% Ni Ag alloy: Braze metal
AMS4766 A 15% Mn Ag alloy: Braze metal
AMS4767 7.2% Cu 0.2% Li Ag alloy: Braze metal
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
AMS4768 26% Cu 21 % Zn 18% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal
AMS4769 15% Cu 16% Zn 24% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 15.5% Cu 16.5% Zn 18% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal
AMS4770 B
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
AMS4771 15.5% Cu 15.5% Zn 3% Ni 16% Cd Ag alloy: Braze
EIon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 40% Cu 5% Zn 1% Ni Ag alloy: Braze metal
AMS4772 A
AMS4773 30% Cu 10% Sn Ag alloy: Braze metal
1 N/mm2 =O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
AMS4774 28.5% Cu 6% Sn 2.5% Ni Ag alloy: Braze metal
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ARGO·BRAZE 40 28% Zn 2% Ni 30% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal;
Johnson Matthey; for tungsten carbide
288 . 42.1 SILVER
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis. supplier. condition and remarks.
ARGO-BRAZE 23% Zn 7% Mn 4% Ni 16% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; BAg5 30% Cu 25% Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
49H Johnson Matthey; for tungsten carbide AWS
ARGO-BRAZE 50 Cu Zn Cd Ni Mn 50% Ag alloy: For brazing; Johnson BAg6 34% Cu 16% Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
Matthey; melting range 63!Hi88 'C AWS
ARGO-BRAZE 56 14.5% In 2.5% Ni 27% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; BAg7 22% Cu 17% Zn 5% Sn Ag: Braze metal; designation
Johnson Matthey; melting range 600-711 'C used by AWS
ARGO-FLO Cu Zn Cd 39% Ag alloy: Brazing metal; Johnson BAg8 37% Cu Ag: Braze metal; designation used by AWS
Matthey; melting range 605-651 'C BAg8a 37% Cu 0.4% Li Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
ASTM B260 Ag 7 22% Cu 16% Zn 5% Sn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting AWS
range 617-650 'C BAg9 20% Cu 15% Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
ASTM B260 Ag 18 30% Cu 10% Sn Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting range AWS
71S-843 'C BAg 10 20% Cu 10% Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
ASTM B260 Ag 19 8.7% Cu 0.22% Li Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting AWS
range 877-982 'C BAg 13 41% Cu 5% Zn 1% Ni Ag: Braze metal; designation
ASTM B260 B Ag 1 15% Cu 17% Zn 24% Cd Ag alloy: Braze filler; used by AWS
melting range 604-617 'C BAg 18 30% Cu 10% Sn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
ASTMB260B 15% Cu 16% Zn 18% Cd Ag alloy: Braze filler; AWS
AglA melting range 626-635 'C BAgl9 7% Cu 0.2% Li Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
ASTM B260 B Ag 2 26% Cu 20% Zn 18% Cd Ag alloy: Braze filler; AWS
melting range 605-700 'C BAg20 38% Cu 32% Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by
ASTM B260 B Ag 3 15% Cu 15% Zn 16% Cd 3% Ni Ag alloy: Braze filler; AWS
melting range 631-686 'C BAg21 28.5% Cu 6% Sn 2.5% Ni Ag: Braze metal;
ASTM B260 B Ag 4 30% Cu 29% Zn 2% Ni Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting designation used by AWS
range 670-776 'C B Ag22 16% Cu 22% Zn 7.5% Mn 4.5% Ni Ag: Braze metal;
ASTM B260 B Ag 5 30% Cu 25% Zn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range designation used by AWS
675-741 'C B Ag23 15% Mn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by AWS
ASTM B260 B Ag 6 32% Cu 15% Zn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range BAg24 20% Cu 28% Zn 2% Ni Ag: Braze metal; designation
686-775 'C used by AWS
ASTM B260 BAg 8 28% Cu Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting point 780 'C B Ag25 40% Cu 35% Zn 5% Mn Ag: Braze metal; designation
ASTMB260B 27.7% Cu 0.22% Li Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting used by AWS
Ag8A range 760-870 'C BAg26 38% Cu 32.5% Zn 2% Mn 2% Ni Ag: Braze metal;
ASTM B260 BAg 9 20% Cu 14% Zn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range designation used by AWS
692-717 'C B Ag28 30% Cd 28% Zn 2% Sn Ag: Braze metal; designation
ASTM B260 B Ag 10 20% Cu 10% Zn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range used by AWS
120-750 'C BAg33 17.5% Cd 30% Cu 27% Zn Ag: Braze metal;
ASTM B260 B Ag 11 22% Cu 3% Zn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range designation used by AWS
737-787 'C BAg34 32% Cu 28% Zn 2% Sn Ag: Braze metal; designation
ASTM B260 B Ag 13 40% Cu 5% Zn 1% Ni Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting used by AWS
range 855-970 'C BAZAR METAL 9% Ni Ag alloy: Sheet and wire; origin unknown
ASTMB260B 15% Mn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range BS 1561 99.99% Ag: For anodes; cast or rolled; annealed
AgMn 960-970'C BS 1845/3 15% Cu 16% Zn 19% Cd Ag alloy: Braze filler;
ASTM FI06 TB Ag 99.95% Ag (min) melting range 620-640 'C
BAAg27 13.5% Cd 35% Cu 26% Zn Ag: Braze metal; BS 1845/4 28% Cu 10% Zn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range
designation used by AWS 690-735 'C
BAgl 24% Cd 15% Cu 16% Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation BS 1845/5 37% Cu 19% Zn Ag alloy: Braze filler; melting range
used by AWS 700-775 'C
BAg la 18% Cd 15.5% Cu 23% Zn Ag: Braze metal; BS 1845 Ag 1 15% Cu 16% Zn 19% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
designation used by AWS melting range 620-640 'C
BAg2 18% Cd 26% Cu 21 % Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation BS 1845 Ag2 17% Cu 16% Zn 25% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
used by AWS melting range 610-620 'C
BAg2a 20% Cd 27% Cu 23.5% Zn Ag: Braze metal; BS 1845 Ag3 20% Cu 21% Zn 20% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
designation used by AWS melting range 605-650 'C
BAg3 16% Cd 15.5% Cu 15.5% Zn 3% Ni Ag: Braze metal; BS 1845 Ag4 28.5% Cu 10% Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting
designation used by AWS range 690-735 'C
BAg4 30% Cu 28% Zn 2% Ni Ag: Braze metal; designation BS 1845 Ag5 37% Cu 19.5% Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting
used by AWS range 700-775 'C
BS 1845 Ag6 30% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting range
BS 1845 Ag7 28% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; melting point 780 'C
BS 1845 Ag 8 99.99% Ag: For brazing; melting range 960 'C
BS 1845 Pd 1 26.5% Cu 5.0% Pd Ag alloy: For braze metal; melting
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: range 805-810 'C
BS 1845 Pd 2 31.5% Cu 10% Pd Ag alloy: For braze metal; melting
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number range 825-850 'C
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS 1845 Pd 3 22.5% Cu 10% Pd Ag alloy: For braze metal; melting
Elon Elongation, % range 830-860 'C
Proor 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 1845 Pd 4 20% Cu 15% Pd Ag alloy: For braze metal; melting
range 875-900 'C
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm =0.06475 tonf/in.2=145.04lbflin. =1 MPa BS 1845 Pd 5 28% Cu 20% Pd Ag alloy: For braze metal; melting
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. range 875-900 'C
42.1 SILVER . 289
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1845 Pd 6 21 % Cu 25% Pd Ag alloy: For braze metal; melting EASY·FLO 16% Zn 19% Cd 15% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal;
range 9O()...950 'c TRI·FOILC Johnson Matthey: for tungsten carbide
BS 1845 Pd 7 5% Pd Ag alloy: For braze metal; melting range ELKONITE 20S WAg alloy: For arc resistant contacts; Johnson
97()...1010 'c Matthey; conductivity 43% lACS
BS 1845 Pd 9 20% Pd 5% Mn Ag alloy: For brazing metal; melting DPN: 220
range 1000-1120 'c ELKONITE 35S WAg alloy: For arc resistant contacts; Johnson
BS 1845 Pd 10 33% Pd 3% Mn Ag alloy: For brazing metal; melting Matthey; conductivity 52% lACS
range 118()...1200 'c DPN: 140
BVAgO 99.95% Ag (min): Braze rod; designation used by AWS ELKONITE 50S WAg alloy: For arc resistant contacts; Johnson
B VAg8 28% Cu Ag: Braze metal; designation used by AWS Matthey; conductivity 61 % lACS
B V Ag8a 29% Cu 0.5% Ni Ag: Braze metal; designation used by DPN: 115
AWS ELKONITE D54 Cd Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
B V Ag 18 30% Cu 10% Sn Ag: Braze metal; designation used by conductivity 82% lACS
AWS ELKONlTE D54L Cd Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
B V Ag29 25% Cu 14.5% Zn Ag: Braze metal; designation used conductivity 82% lACS
byAWS ELKONlTE D54X Cd Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
B V Ag30 27% Cu 5% Pd Ag: Braze metal; designation used by conductivity 82% lACS
AWS ELKONITE D55X Cd Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
BV Ag31 32% Cu 10% Pd Ag: Braze metal; designation used by conductivity 75% lACS
AWS ELKONlTE D56 Ni Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
B V Ag32 21 % Cu 25% Pd Ag: Braze metal; designation used by conductivity 72% lACS
AWS ELKONlTE D5811 I% graphite Ag alloy: For sliding contacts; Johnson
B VAgC 49% Cu Ag: Braze metal; designation used by AWS Matthey; conductivity 96% lACS
COIN SILVER 10% Cu Ag alloy: American origin ELKONlTE D5812 2% graphite Ag alloy: For sliding contacts; Johnson
CUSIL 28% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting point 780 'C; Matthey; conductivity 87% lACS
Wesgo ELKONlTE D510 Ni Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
CUSIL 20% Cu Ag alloy: Free of trapped carbon; melting conductivity 87% lACS
DECARBONIZED point 780 'C; brazing alloy; Wesgo ELKONITE D520 Ni Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
CUSIL VT 20% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting point 780 'C; conductivity 57% lACS
Wesgo ELKONlTE GI3 WAg alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
DlMPALLOY Silver solder sheet with flux: Sheffield Smelting; conductivity 57% lACS
available as MX 18, MX 12 and MX 8 DPN: 110
DIN 1734 LAg 44 25% Zn 32% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; working ELKONlTE G14 WAg alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
temperature 730 'c conductivity 48% lACS
DIN 1734 LAg 45 15% Zn 20% Cd 19% Cu Ag alloy: Bronze metal; DPN: 200
working temperature 620 'c ELKONlTE G17 Mo Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
DIN 1734 L Ag 49 25% Zn 18% Cu 5% Mn 3% Ni Ag alloy: Braze metal; conductivity 48% lACS
working temperature 690 'c DPN: 180
DIN 1734 L Ag 50 15% Zn 5% Cd 32% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; ELKONlTE Gl8 Mo Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Matthey;
working temperature 700 'c conductivity 52% lACS
DIN 1735 L 15% Zn 20% Cu 15% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal; DPN: 150
Ag 50 Cd working temperature 650 'c EUTECTIC ALLOY 29% Co Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey;
DIN 1735 L Ag 60 12% Zn 28% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; working melting point 778 'c
temperature 710 'c G4 WAg contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical
DIN 1735 L 10% Zn 25% Cu 2% Sn 2% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal; conductivity 43% lACS
Ag 60 Cd working temperature 680 'c DPN: 225
DIN 1735 L Ag 67 8% Zn 25% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; working G6CuZn 67% Ag alloy: Braze metal for silver; Johnson
temperature 730 'c Matthey; melting range 705-723 'C; white colour
DIN 1735 L 10% Zn 12% Cu 10% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal; G7 W Ag contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical
Ag67 Cd working temperature 710 'c conductivity 50% lACS
DIN 1735 L Ag 75 2% Zn 24% Co Ag alloy: Braze metal; working DPN: 16S
temperature 770 'c G9 WAg contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical
DIN 1735 L Ag 83 2% Zn 15% Co Ag alloy: Braze metal; working conductivity 55% lACS
temperature 830 'C DPN: 140
DIN ARGO-FLO 21 % Zn 20% Cd 19% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal GC15 Graphite Ag contact material: Sheffield Smelting;
EASY·FLO 16% Zn 19% Cd 15% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; electrical conductivity 85% lACS
Johnson Matthey; melting range 62()...630 'c DPN: 64
EASY·FLO 1 Zn Cd Cu 50% Ag alloy: Brazing metal; Johnson GDIO Cadmium oxide Ag sintered contact material: Sheffield
Matthey; melting range 62()...630 'C; electrical Smelting; electrical conductivity 82% lACS
conductivity 22% lACS DPN: 60
DPN: 131 UTS: 450 Elon: 35% GD25 Cadmium oxide Ag oxidized contact material: Sheffield
EASY·FL02 Zn Cd Cu 42% Ag alloy: Brazing metal; Johnson Smelting; electrical conductivity 82% lACS
Matthey; melting range 608-{)17 'C; electrical DPN: 60
conductivity 20% lACS GD35 Cadmium oxide Ag contact material: Sheffield
DPN: 135 UTS: 450 Elon: 30% Smelting; electrical conductivity 75% lACS
EASY-FLO 3 Zn Cd 3% Ni Cu 50% Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson DPN:65
Matthey; melting range 634-656 'C; for brazing carbide GNI Ni Ag contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical
tips conductivity 66% lACS
DPN: 135 UTS: 470 DPN: 90
EASY·FL03 15% Zn 16% Cd 18% Cu 3% Ni Ag alloy: Braze
metal; Johnson Matthey; melting range 634-{i56 'C
290 . 42.1 SILVER
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
H 12 28% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Sheffield Smelting; MATIHEY GI3 50% WC Ag alloy: Sinter for contacts; 57% lACS
melting point TI8 'c conductivity; Johnson Malthey
DPN: 106 UTS: 390 Elon: 30% Proof: 290 DPN: 110
hAg I 99.9999% Ag rod: 12 mm diameter; Light Ltd; high MATIIBRAZE 34 Cu Zn Cd 34% Ag alloy: For brazing; Johnson
purity metal Malthey; melting range 612~ 'c
h Ag96 99.0% Ag: Isotope 109; Light Ltd MELT·ESI MX 12 16.5% Cu 18% Zn 23.5% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
HAROSILVER 3% Cu Ag alloy: Used for contacts; common name Sheffield Smelting; melting range 608-{)21 'C; electrical
HWIOC WC Ag contact material: Sheffield Smelting; electrical conductivity 26% lACS; now THESSCO
conductivity 60% lACS DPN: 135 VTS: 420 Elon: 27% Proof: 250
DPN: 130 MELT·ESI MX 18 15% Cu 15% Zn 22% Cd Ag alloy: Braze filler;
IN IS 15% In 24% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Sheffield Smelting; melting range 630-640 'C; electrical
Malthey; melting range 630-705 'c conductivity 23.8% lACS; now THESSCO
IRCUSIL 10 10% In 27% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting range DPN: 115 VTS: 420 Elon: 43% Proof: 300
685-730 'C; Wesgo MELT·ESI MX 18 15.5% Cu 15.5% Zn 18% Cd 3% Ni Ag alley: Braze
IRCUSIL IS 14.5% In 24% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting range PLUS metal; Sheffield Smelting; melting range 64O-{i6() 'C;
630-705 'C; Wesgo electrical conductivity 17.2% lACS; now THESSCO
JMC 1715 Mg Ni Ag alloy: For electrical spring contact; Johnson DPN: 145 UTS: 450 Elon: 35% Proof: 300
Malthey; electrical conductivity 55% lACS MELT·ESI No 2 16.5% Cu 18% Zn 23.5% Cd Ag alloy: Filler metal;
DPN: 145 UTS: 400 Elon: 14% Proof: 340 Sheffield Smelting; melting range 608-{)21 'c
JMM77 Pd Pt Au Ag alloy: For contacts; Johnson Malthey; age DPN: 135 VTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 250
hardened MXO 25% Cu 25% Zn 20% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
DPN: 320 VTS: 1100 Elon: 7% Proof: 1000 Sheffield Smelting; melting range 605-680 'C; electrical
JMM 1715 Ni Mg Ag alloy: For contacts; 60% lACS conductivity; conductivity 27.2% lACS
Johnson Malthey DPN: 114 UTS: 340 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
DPN: 145 MX5 26% Cu 21 % Zn 18% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
MATIHEY50S 50% WAg alloy: Sinter for contacts; 61 % lACS Sheffield Smelting; melting range 608-{)65 'c
conductivity; Johnson Malthey DPN: 103 UTS: 360 Elon: 15% Proof: 220
DPN:1I5 MX8 20% Cu 19% Zn 23% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
MATIHEY 55X 15% Cd 0 Ag alloy: For contacts; 75% lACS Sheffield Smelting; melting range 606-Q48 'C; electrical
conductivity; Johnson Malthey conductivity 25.9% lACS
DPN: 60 DPN: 121 UTS: 420 Elon: 24% Proof: 240
MATIHEY 3045 45% WC Ag alloy: Sinter for contacts; 62% lACS MXI2 16.5% Cu 18% Zn 23.5% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
conductivity; Johnson Malthey Sheffield Smelting; see MELT·ESI MX 12; electrical
DPN:'I5 conductivity 26.0% lACS
MATIHEY 054 10% Cd 0 Ag alloy: For contacts; 82% lACS MXI8 15% Cu 15% Zn 22% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal;
conductivity; Johnson Malthey Sheffield Smelting; see MELT-ESI MX 18
DPN: 50 MX 18 PLUS 15.5% Cu 15.5% Zn 18% Cd 3% Ni Ag alloy: Braze
MATIHEY 054X 10% Cd 0 Ag alloy: For contacts; 82% lACS metal; Sheffield Smelting; see MELT-ESI MX 18
conductivity; Johnson Malthey PLUS
DPN: 58 NICUSIL3 0.7% Ni 28% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting range
MATIHEY055 15% Cd 0 Ag alloy: For contacts; 72% lACS 780-795 'C; Wesgo
conductivity; Johnson Malthey P07505 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 24
DPN: 55 P07507 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag C
MATIHEY056 30% Ni Ag alloy: For contacts; 72% lACS P07540 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 13
conductivity; Johnson Malthey P07547 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag 32
DPN: 68 P07560 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 13
MATIHEY058 1% C (graphite) Ag: For contacts; 96% lACS P07563 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 7
conductivity; Johnson Malthey P07587 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag 31
DPN:40 P07600 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 18
MATIHEY058 2% C (graphite) Ag: For contacts; 86% lACS P07607 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag 18
conductivity; Johnson Malthey P07627 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag 29
DPN: 40 P07630 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 21
MATIHEY 0510 10% Ni Ag alloy: For contacts; 87% lACS P07650 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 9
conductivity; Johnson Malthey P07687 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag 30
DPN: 40 POTIOO UNS for AWS designation B Ag 10
MATIHEY 0520 20% Ni Ag alloy: For contacts; 82% lACS; Johnson P07720 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 8
Malthey P0n23 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 8a
DPN: 48 P0n27 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag 8
P0n28 UNS for AWS designation B V Ag Sa
P07850 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 23
P07900 UNS for ASTM B 617
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: P07925 UNS for AWS designation B Ag 19
P 07931 7.2% Cu Ag alloy: Sterling Standard; designation used
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number byUNS
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 P07932 7% Cu Ag alloy: Sterling Silversmith
Elon Elongation, % PALCUSIL5 5.0% Pd 27% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting range
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 807-810 'C; Wesgo
PALCUSIL 10 10% Pd 32% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting range
I N/mm2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04 Ibflin?= I MPa 824-852 'C; Wesgo
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. PALCUSIL 15 15% Pd 20% Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting range
850-900 'C; Wesgo
42.1 SILVER 291
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
PALCUSIL25 25% Pd 21 % Cu Ag alloy: For brazing; melting range SILVER FLO 55 22% Zn 21 % Cu 2% Sn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
900-950 'C; Wesgo Johnson Matthey; melting range 63Q.4iO 'c
PALLABRAZE 5% Pd Ag alloy: Brazing metal; Johnson Matthey; SILVER FLO 56 17% Zn 22% Cu 5% Sn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
1010 melting range 970-1010 'c Johnson Matthey; melting range 63Q.4iO 'c
PALLABRAZE 30% Pd Ag alloy: For brazing; Johnson Matthey; SILVER FLO 60 14% Zn 26% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson
1225 melting range 1150-1225 'c Matthey; melting range 695-730 'c
00561/4 15% Cu 18% Cd 15% Zn Ag alloy: Solder; US SILVER FLO 452 25% Zn 2.3% Sn 27.7% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal;
Federal; melting range 600-634 'c Johnson Matthey; melting range 640-680 'c
SCP I Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 807-810 'C; SILVER SOLDER Cu Zn Ag brazing alloys: Covered by BS 1845/3/4 and
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 45% lACS 5; common name
DPN: 90 VTS: 440 Elon: 23% SILVERSMITHS 7% Cu Ag alloy: Sterling Silver; common name
SCP2 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 824-852 'C; GRANGE
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 30% lACS SIX EIGHTY 65% Ag alloy: For dental amalgams; Johnson Matthey
DPN: 75 VTS: %0 Elon: 22% ALLOY
SCP 3 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 850-900 'C; SOUDOGEN BE I 20% Cu 20% Cd 20% Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 18% lACS Soudometal
DPN: 120 UTS: 450 Elon: 20% SOUDOGEN BE 2 28% Cu 21 % Cd 20% Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
SCP4 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 901-950 'C; Soudometal
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 12% lACS SOUDOGEN BE 3 40% Cu 15% Cd 25% Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
DPN: 185 VTS: 440 Elon: 15% Soudometal
SCP 5 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 970-1010 'C; SOUDOGEN BE 15 23.5% Cu 4.5% Sn 17% Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 36% lACS Soudometal
DPN: 50 VTS: 210 Elon: 28% UTS: 440
SCP6 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 1080-1090 'C; SOUDOGEN 19% Cu 20% Cd 21 % Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 11% lACS BE 100 Soudometal
DPN: 85 VTS: 330 Elon: 30% SOUDOGEN 28% Cu 21 % Cd 21 % Zn Ag alloy: Braze metal;
SCP7 Cu Pd Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 876-890 'C; BE 200 Soudometal
Engelhard; electrical conductivity 15% lACS SPM I Pd Mn Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 1000-1120 'C:
DPN: 140 VTS: 480 Elon: 25% Engelhard; electrical conductivity 19% lACS
SILBERLOT 44 25% Zn 32% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; designation DPN: 95 UTS: 270 Elon: 11 %
used by German Standards SPMI 33% Pd 5% Mn Ag alloy: For brazing; International
SILBERLOT 45 15% Zn 20% Cd 19% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Nickel; melting range 1000-1115 'c
designation used by German Standards SPM2 33% Pd 3% Mn Ag alloy: For brazing; International
SILBERLOT 49 25% Zn 18% Cu 5% Mn 3% Ni Ag alloy: Braze metal; Nickel; melting range 1180-1200 'c
designation used by German Standards SPM2 Pd Mn Ag brazing alloy: Melting range 1180-1200 'C:
SILBERLOT 50 15% Zn 5% Cd 32% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Engelhard; electrical conductivity 10% lACS
designation used by German Standards DPN: 130 VTS: 480 Elon: 25%
SILBERLOT 50 Cd 15% Zn 20% Cu 15% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal; STANDARD Alternative name for Sterling Silver
designation used by German Standards SILVER
SILBERLOT 60 12% Zn 28% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; designation STERLING 7.5% Cu Ag alloy: Hall marked alloy of British
used by German Standards Commonwealth and USA; common name
SILBERLOT 60 Cd 10% Zn 25% Cu 2% Sn 2% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal; STUBS 3 21 % Cd 19% Cu 20% Zn Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs;
designation used by German Standards silver solder; melting range 595-630 'c
SILBERLOT 67 8% Zn 25% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; designation DPN: 140 VTS: 545
used by German Standards STUBS 3M 21 % Cd 19% Cu 20% Zn Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs;
SILBERLOT 67 Cd 10% Zn 12% Cu 10% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal; silver solder; melting range 595-630 'c
designation used by German Standards DPN: 140 VTS: 545
SILBERLOT 75 2% Zn 24% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; designation STUBS 31 28% Cu 22% Cd 20% Cd Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs;
used by German Standards silver solder; melting range 607-685 'c
SILBERLOT 83 2% Zn 15% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; designation DPN: 140 UTS: 545
used by German Standards STUBS 31M 28% Cu 22% Cd 20% Cd Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs;
SILMANAL 9.0% Mn 4.0% AI Ag alloy: For magnets; American silver solder; melting range 607-685 'c
alloy listed by PMA; cold rolled DPN: 140 UTS: 545
SILVER Ag powder: Blackwells; pure metal STUBS 306 21.0% Cu 2.5% Sn 25% Zn Ag alloy: For brazing;
SILVER High purity metal: Impurities 10 p.p.m.; Johnson Stubs; Cd free silver solder; melting range 63Q.4iO 'c
Matthey; supplied as crystals DPN: 130 UTS: 420
SILVER COPPER 28% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Matthey; STUBS 306M 21.0% Cu 2.5% Sn 25% Zn Ag alloy: For brazing;
EUTECTIC melting point 778 'c Stubs; Cd free; silver solder; melting range 63Q.4iO 'c
SILVER FLO 33 33.5% Zn 33% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson DPN: 130 VTS: 420
Matthey; melting range 700-740 'c STUBS 570 K Sn Ag alloy: Brazing rod; Stubs; used for food
SILVER FLO 34 27% Zn 37% Cu 2.2% Sn Ag alloy: Braze metal; purposes; melting range 220 'c
Johnson Matthey; melting range 630-730 'c STUBS 3033 33% Cu 33% Zn Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs; silver
SILVER FLO 38 29% Zn 31% Cu 2% Sn Ag alloy: Braze metal; solder; melting range 700-740 'c
Johnson Matthey; melting range 660-720 'c DPN: 130 UTS: 542
SILVER FLO 40 28% Zn 30% Cu 2% Sn Ag alloy: Braze metal; STUBS 3033 M 33% Cu 33% Zn Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs; silver
Johnson Matthey; melting range 650-710 'c solder; melting range 700-740 'c
SILVER FLO 43 20% Zn 37% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson DPN: 130 UTS: 542
Matthey; melting range 690-775 'c STUBS 3040 30% Cu 28% Zn 2% Sn Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs;
SILVER FLO 44 26% Zn 30% Cu Ag alloy: Braze metal; Johnson Cd free silver solder, melting range 650-710 'c
Matthey; melting range 675-735 'c DPN: 130 UTS: 400
292 . 42.1 SILVER
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
STUBS 3040 M 30% Cu 28% Zn 2% Sn Ag alloy: For brazing; Stubs;
Cd free silver solder, melting range 650-710 °c DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 130 UTS: 400 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
THESSCOD Sn 70% Ag: Dental amalgam alloy; Sheffield Elon Elongation, %
Smelting Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
THESSCOM Sn 68% Ag: Dental amalgam alloy; Sheffield
Smelting 1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
THESSCO MX12 16.5% Cu 18% Zn 23.5% Cd Ag alloy: Braze metal; See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Sheffield Smelting; melting range 608-621 °C;
previously MELT-ES1
DPN: 135 UTS: 430 Elon: 27% Proof: 240
THESSCO MX18 15% Cu 15% Zn 22% Cd Ag alloy: Braze filler;
Sheffield Smelting; melting range 630-640 °C;
previously MELT·ESI
DPN: 115 UTS: 430 Elon: 43% Proof: 300
THESSCO MXI8 15.5% Cu 15.5% Zn 18% Cd 3% Ni Ag alloy: Braze
PLUS metal; Sheffield Smelting; melting range 64O--«iO °C;
previously MELT·ESI
DPN: 145 UTS: 450 Elon: 35% Proof: 300
43. Sodium Na
Physical properties
Atomic number 11
Atomic weight 22.997
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Silver-white
294 43.1 SODIUM
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SODIUM Na metal: Blackwells; pure metal
wNa 11 99.95% Na: In ampoules; Light Ltd; high purity metal DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
wNa 16 99.98% Na: In lump form; Light Ltd; high purity metal VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2
Anneal. This term is often used to denote any method of Cyanide. This is an alternative method of surface hardening
thermal treatment involving softening but should be applied to carburizing and makes use of molten sodium cyanide salt
only when recrystallization has occurred and the material is as the heating medium and source of carbon and nitrogen.
fully softened. This can only happen when the steel has been Cyanides are compounds of carbon and nitrogen and,
taken above the 'upper critical' point by about 30-50 °C for depending on the temperatures used, can carburize or
long enough to dissolve all carbides and then cooled very nitride. With temperatures in the region of 880-920 °C a
slowly. carburized case results, whereas temperatures of 500-550 °C
The classical anneal requires that the parts remain in the give a case which is mostly nitride. Intermediate temper-
furnace during cooling, resulting in complete equilibrium atures result in a true cyanide case partly carburized, partly
and the softest possible condition. This is seldom carried out nitrided.
as it is not an economical treatment, the cooling generally The cyanide salt bath method is probably the cheapest
being in an insulated pot, in a box packed in sand or in some means of surface hardening, but suffers from the disad-
other refractory material. vantage that all soluble cyanides are extremely poisonous.
The ferritic structure cannot dissolve carbides, whereas Apart from the obvious health hazard for operators there
these are taken into solution in austenite and at the same can be considerable trouble and expense with effluent dis-
time there is a variation in volume in the change from ferrite posal, and this generally makes the carbo-nitride process
to austenite. This 'recrystallization', as it is called, com- more economical.
pletely eliminates all trace of previous thermal treatment,
Cyclic anneal. This is a combination of full anneal and sub-
giving a fresh start. The slow cool from the critical temper-
critical anneal, in that the parts are heated to above the
ature maintains equilibrium conditions at all times, allowing
'upper critical' temperature to dissolve the carbides, and
the iron carbide to return to its natural position, resulting in a
then cooled to just above the 'lower critical' temperature,
completely stress-free structure.
when the carbides are precipitated in the form of spheres.
For many purposes the subcritical anneal described later
With many of the highly alloyed steels more than one cycle is
results in a satisfactory softness, but it must be noted does
required to ensure that all carbides are first dissolved, then
not cause recrystallization of the grains which is generally
precipitated as small spheres. This process is used because
necessary if further heavy cold work is to be carried out. The
the resultant structure is the best for machining high carbon
rate of cooling is less critical for low carbon low alloy steels
steels and is sometimes called spheroidize or spheroidal
but must be very slow for higher carbon and alloyed steels.
Carburize. This process makes use of the fact that steel Flame hardening. This makes use of the high temperature of
held at a temperature in an atmosphere containing carbon the oxy-acetylene flame. This, when played on the surface of
will absorb this at the surface until 0.8% carbon is attained. steel, will rapidly raise the surface to above the critical tem-
The carbon also diffuses in from the surface giving in effect a perature and thus can be used as a means of locally hardening
higher carbon steel around a lower carbon core. the surface. In all respects, this technique is identical to
As the percentage of carbon virtually decides the hardness induction hardening.
and ductility of steel it is possible using this process to com- It suffers from the disadvantage that it is difficult to control
bine high surface hardness - and low ductility, with low core accurately the temperature of the oxy-acetylene flame.
hardness - and high ductility. The process uses two basic
methods. Harden. This requires that parts are taken to just above the
First in 'pack carburizing' the parts are surrounded by 'upper critical' point for a sufficient length of time to dissolve
activated charcoal inside closed boxes and heated to about all the carbides. The changes in structure at the 'critical
920-950 °C. This requires little special equipment but it is points' take the carbon into solution and result in a volume
slow and dirty. change with the atoms migrating from the centre of each iron
The second method is 'gas carburizing' where a carbon- molecule to the faces of the cube.
rich atmosphere is used inside special furnaces. The temper- In the hardening process the steel is 'quenched' using
ature used is in the region of 920-950 °C, the time required brine, water, oil or air as the quenching medium, dependent
being much shorter than with the pack method, as there is no on the 'hardenability' of the steel. As the steel cools the
box and large mass of charcoal to be heated. Special furnaces structure attempts to revert to that of ferrite, but the iron
and equipment are essential, but this process is more eco- carbide is held in a form of supersaturated solution. This
nomical, rapid and cleaner than 'pack carburizing'. For thin results in an unstable, strained structure called 'martensite'
or shallow case depths carbo-nitride is commonly used. which is the hardest structure obtainable with steel. The
hardness is directly proportional to the carbon content, while
Carbo-nitride. This is an alternative method of surface har- alloying elements decide the rate of cooling required to give
dening to carburizing or to cyanide hardening. It makes use full hardness in addition to having a considerable effect on
of a blended gas which is basically very similar to that in gas tempering. Full hardening can only be accomplished when
carburizing, with ammonia being added to give the necessary all the carbides have been taken into solution and the cooling
active nitrogen. rate is sufficient to give the fully martensitic structure. Too
Carbo-nitriding can be carried out over a range of temper- rapid a quench gives 100% martensite but results in dis-
atures which coincide with the hardening temperatures of tortion and cracking. It is also possible with certain steels to
low alloy, low carbon steels. This can therefore be used for retain austenite and thus prevent full hardening. In addition
direct hardening without the danger of grain growth which to distortion at the quench there can also be dimensional
occurs with carburizing. changes in service as the austenite changes to martensite. As
Carbo-nitriding is generally found to be more economical a general rule martensite is too brittle for practical purposes
than carburizing for shallow case depths and is probably the and must be 'tempered'.
most economical of the diffusion-type surface hardening There are means of obtaining the desired tempered struc-
techniques. ture other than hardening and tempering such as 'martem-
pering', 'austempering' or 'delayed quench hardening', all of itation of the intermetallic compounds takes place, causing
which make use of the same principle as outlined above, but strain.
require very critical control of times and temperatures and
Spheroidize - or Spheroidal anneal. See cyclic anneal.
are related to the mass of the part being treated. Technical
advice should always be obtained before attempting any of Stress relieve. This is another term which can mean anything
these treatments. from a full anneal to a 200 °C short term de-embrittlement
treatment after electroplating, depending on the
Induction hardening. This makes use of the induction heat-
ing technique to raise the surface temperature of steel
Stress relieving treatment should not alter the metallur-
rapidly to above the critical temperature necessary for har-
gical condition of the material and ideally should be at as
dening. This heating is so rapid that the surface will be at the
high a temperature as possible without causing any metal-
required temperature while the core or centre remains at
lurgical change. Because of the range involved the actual
ambient. On removing the source of heat, quenching can
temperature and time required should always be specified,
take place and this will be extremely efficient as the heat will
or the reason for stress relieving clearly stated.
dissipate towards the core as well as from the outer surface.
The degree of stress relieving achieved is directly propor-
Induction hardening is very similar to flame hardening and
tional to the temperature used and can often result in dis-
is generally confined to medium carbon steels such as 0.4%
tortion; thus it should be carried out before machining if fine
carbon. With alloy steels of high hardenability, there can be
limits are involved. This distortion is caused by the locked-up
problems in the demarcation between case and core being
stresses becoming greater than the yield strength of the steel,
too rapid for good results.
as this drops with rise in temperature. It can sometimes be
The advantage of induction hardening over flame harden-
minimized by reducing the rate of heating.
ing is that the temperature and the area to be heated can be
controlled accurately, with reproductibility of results. Subcritical anneal. For this process the steel is heated to just
This is the most economical method of producing surface below the 'lower critical' point. At this temperature none of
hardened components. the carbides are taken into solution and no change from
ferrite to austenite takes place. Most cold working stresses
Nitride. The compound of iron and nitrogen, iron nitride, is
are released at the same time, but as the steel has not been
very hard and retains its hardness to relatively high temper-
recrystallized it is not in a suitable condition to accept further
atures, although its formation takes place at about 500 °C,
heavy cold work.
with an actual increase in volume.
This subcritical anneal is very often referred to as 'anneal',
The process requires special furnaces and equipment using
'soften', 'stress relief or 'fully temper'. It is used after nor-
ammonia, which is a compound of hydrogen and nitrogen, as
malizing air hardening steels and for softening all steels after
the source of nitrogen. It is a slow process requiring special
carburizing or cold working when they have to be machined
steels and is the most expensive of the commonly applied
prior to further thermal treatment.
surface hardening treatments. It has the considerable advan-
tage, however, that no quenching is involved and the process Temper. After hardening, steel should be 100% martensite
temperature causes no distortion. There is a growth of about and depending on the carbon content will be hard and brittle.
0.01 mm during a 6O-hour nitriding cycle which gives a case By tempering at 120°C some increase in ductility with no
depth of about 0.3 mm. It is difficult to measure the nitrided reduction in hardness is obtained. No hardened steel should
case. be used without being tempered at 120 °C minimum.
As the tempering temperature is increased from this figure
Normalize. This is similar in many respects to the anneal in
so the hardness drops and the ductility increases up to the
that the temperature used is about 30--50 °C above the 'upper
'lower critical' point when maximum ductility with almost
critical' for sufficient time to take all the carbon into solution
full softening is achieved. This is caused by the iron carbide,
and allow recrystallization to take place. The parts are then
which was trapped in solution in iron and thus held in an
cooled in air, which can result in a degree of hardness pro-
unnatural state, migrating to its natural position as a separate
portional to the carbon content and alloying elements, as
phase as the increasing temperature increases the mobility of
alloying has the effect of slowing the speed with which the
the iron atoms and releases the iron carbide.
iron carbide can return to equilibrium.
The steel changes in structure from <¥ martensite to a fully
Normalizing results in complete recrystallization, thus
tempered spheroidized structure which is soft and ductile at
eliminating any heterogeneous grain structure from previous
all times. Microscopic examination clearly shows the pre-
hot or cold work. All unequal stresses are removed although
sence of these constituents and tells the metallurgist whether
the reS.l:llt is seldom completely strain free for there will
or not the steel has been correctly treated.
always be some air hardening except in low carbon mild
Only steels which are transformed to 100% martensite and
then tempered back to the desired structure give the full
Precipitation treat. See age. mechanical properties. 'Slack' quenching followed by a low
temperature temper may give the same hardness figures as a
Solution treat. With ferrous metallurgy this term applies only
correctly quenched and tempered steel, but not the same
to a limited number of materials which are so highly alloyed
proof strength and ductility. The same comments apply to
that they remain austenitic at room temperature, but have
steel which has not been taken above the 'upper critical'
intermetallic compounds present which are soluble in the
temperature prior to quenching.
austenitic matrix.
The solution treatment generally requires a temperature
in excess of 1000 °C which dissolves the intermetallic com- 44.2 Notes on specifications and trade
pounds, these being kept in solution by quenching when the names
steel is in the softest condition.
The steel is then hardened by ageing, when some precip- As would be expected, there have been a large number of
attempts to evolve a standard method of steel classification. A indicates that no impact properties are specified.
These fall into three categories: (a) by analysis, (b) by B indicates that impact properties are specified at
mechanical properties, (c) by use. In general, the methods room temperature.
based on properties and use are related to specific industries C indicates that impact properties are specified at
and as such are difficult to describe, but there are many O°C.
based on analysis. The following short notes may be of D indicates that impact properties are specified at
assistance in identifying more rapidly specifications which a temperature below zero, which is given in the
fall into this category. specification.
E indicates that this is a low temperature impact
steel with through thickness tensile properties.
British Standards Institution (BS)
This body has produced a large number of different speci- BS 970 Engineering Steels
fications, ranging from the single analysis special purpose to
complex methods of classification involving analysis and use. The specification BS 970 was amended in 1970 to eliminate
Many of the older single purpose specifications have now the use of En- as a: designation and replace this with a
been replaced by these classified specifications. designation for plain and low alloy steels, and a separate type
For engineering purposes the designation used was En of designation for stainless steels.
followed by a number which made no attempt to be descrip- This was updated in 1983 using the same type of designa-
tive, although in general the lower numbers denoted low tion. Briefly, this is for plain carbon and low alloy steels.
carbon mild steels. The number may be followed by a letter There are three figures which identify the specification. This
indicating a slight difference in analysis. Each En designa- is followed by a letter - A, H or M - and then two figures.
tion detailed analysis range, mechanical properties, condi- The first three figures are unique for a specification and are
tion and other necessary information. BS 971 has been issued based on the chemical analysis. The letters are as follows:
as a commentary on the steels in BS 970 and is recommended A indicates that the material is specified by the
to those who require further details on why specific steels are chemical analysis.
used. The En series has now been replaced with a code and H indicates that the material is specified by its
BS 970 has been re-issued. Readers are advised to consult hardenability.
British Standard PD 6431 'New designation system for alloy M indicates that it is specified by its mechanical
steel' for further information. properties.
There is also a three number designation system used by
BS for steels employed in the chemical industry. These are The final two figures indicate the carbon content. Thus, 15
classified according to the form within one specification and indicates 0.15% carbon, 30 indicates 0.3% carbon.
include mechanical properties and condition. The stainless steels are designated by three figures, either
For example: a 300 series or a 400 series. The 300 series is used for austen-
itic type stainless steels and follows the general US speci-
BS 1501 Steel plate section and bar for the chemical, fication, Le. Type 316 in the US is identical to BS 970316.
petroleum and allied industries After the three figures there is a letter with two figures. This
BS 1503 Steel forgings for these industries will give specific requirements within the general
BS 1504 Steel castings for these industries specification.
BS 1506 Steel bolting materials for these industries The 400 series are designations used for 12% chromium
Within these specifications covering form appears the ana- ferritidmartensitic type stainless steels.
lysis designated by the three digits. A few examples of these In this book the index for BS 970 states: see designation for
are: details. All the designations are listed in the index, with the
section where they will be found.
620 0.15% carbon 0.6% chromium 0.6% The En specifications show the designation now used
molybdenum steel wherever possible.
621 0.15% carbon 1.0% chromium 0.5% The examples listed are not intended to be a complete list
molybdenum steel the reader is advised to contact the British Standards Institu-
845 18% chromium 10% nickel 2.5% molybdenum tion for further details.
steel The British Standards Institution have also issued designa-
Full details of this number system are given in the appen- tions headed CLA which are attempts to classify the dif-
dix to BS 1501. ferent materials according to analysis for specific purposes.
These designations are used within other specifications These are not always material specifications as such, but
covering materials for other industries or different material have all been included in this book for reference purposes.
forms. There is a series of aircraft steel specifications also issued,
which should correctly be called British Standards S ... but
are very commonly referred to as BS S ... and have been
BS 4360 Structural Steels - Weldable included in this book under both titles - BS S ... and S ... ,
the latter always being referred to the former in the interests
This specification covers a series of steels, all of which are of clarity.
The strength and impact properties are designated by two
figures and a letter. The two figures give the ultimate tensile American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Society of
strength in hectobars. 1 hbar is equal to 10 N/mm 2 ; thus a 40 Automotive Engineers (SAE)
hbar steel has a nominal UTS of 400 N/mm 2 • This is followed These bodies have devised a number code which classifies
by a letter A, B, C, D or E. and describes the steel alloys. In general the same code is
used by both bodies sometimes with minor variations, for T Tungsten steel
example, in the prefix letter indicating the method of manu- H Hot work steel
facture used by AISI but not SAE. D Cold work steel- high carbon and chrome
The code is based on four digits for plain carbon and low 0 Cold work steel- oil hardening
alloy steels, the first two describing the steel, the second two W Water hardening steel
indicating the percentage of carbon present. These codes are very often included in the trade name of US
Briefly the code is as follows: proprietary tool steel.
IOxx Plain carbon steel - thus 1050 would be a 0.5% In this book the steels are indexed and classified under the
carbon steel. B 1025 would be a 0.2% plain numerical code, as it has been found that the steels are now
carbon steel made by the acid Bessemer process. known by this form. These codes are becoming accepted in
Ibex Free machining plain carbon steel- sulphur the UK. Many UK tool steel manufacturers now use the tool
additions steel classification system.
12xx Free machining plain carbon steel - sulphur and
phosphorus additions
12Lxx Leaded steels with 0.3% sulphur - free cutting
13xx Manganese 1.75% American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
40xx Molybdenum 0.20 or 0.25% This body issues individual specifications which always have
4lxx Chromium 0.50, 0.80 or 0.95%; molybdenum ASTM as the prefix, followed by the letter A, denoting a
0.12,0.20 or 0.30% ferrous material, then a number identifying the actual speci-
43xx Nickel 1.83%, chromium 0.50 or 0.80%; fication, which may be followed by letters or numbers sub-
molybdenum 0.25% dividing the material by analysis. The AISI code is
44xx Molybdenum 0.53% sometimes used for this purpose. Finally the year of origin is
46xx Nickel 0.85 or 1.83%, molybdenum 0.20 or given. A letter T after this denotes a tentative specification.
0.25% In general each specification covers a steel in a specific form
47xx Nickel 1.05%, chromium 0.45%, molybdenum or for a special purpose rather than by analysis.
0.20 or 0.35% In this book, year and suffix figures are omitted.
48xx Nickel 3.50%, molybdenum 0.25%
50xx Chromium 0.40%
51xx Chromium 0.80, 0.88, 0.93, 0.95 or 1.00%
52xx Carbon 1.04%, chromium 1.03 or 1.45% German Standards (DIN)
61xx Chromium 0.60 or 0.95%, vanadium 0.13 or
There are two systems used at present by the German Speci-
0.15% (min)
fications. Both systems have a general specification, usually
86xx Nickel 0.55%, chromium 0.50%, molybdenum
by form carrying a DIN number which is then subdivided.
The original method was descriptive, using the chemical
87xx Nickel 0.55%, chromium 0.50%, molybdenum
0.25% symbols and numbers in an attempt to describe the alloy
88xx Nickel 0.55%, chromium 0.50%, molybdenum concerned. The latest method consists of numbers only and
was devised to suit modern machinery, particularly com-
puters. There is one significant figure which classifies the
92xx Silicon 2.00%
50Bxx metal and after the decimal point there are four figures, the
Chromium 0.28 or 0.50% with boron
first two of which are used to identify the alloy, the last two
5IBxx Chromium 0.80%
the quantity. These are called Werkstoff numbers. Most
81Bxx Nickel 0.30%, chromium 0.45%, molybdenum
steels are covered by the significant figure 1, but some have
0.12% with boron
94Bxx no significant figure before the decimal point. Examples are:
Nickel 0.45%, chromium 0.40%, molybdenum
0.12% with boron DIN 17221 67SiCr5 0.65% carbon, 1.3% silicon, 0.5%
chromium spring steel
With the stainless varieties of steel the AISI use a three
DIN 17221-7103 0.65% carbon, 1.3% silicon, 0.5%
digit code which is also used by SAE but in their case pre-
ceded by the figures 50. chromium spring steel
DIN 17155-15M03 0.18% carbon, 0.3% molybdenum
The three digit code is as follows:
steel for boiler plate
2xx Chromium nickel manganese - non-hardenable, DIN 17155-1.5415 0.18% carbon, 0.3% molybdenum
austenitic steel for boiler plate
3xx Chromium nickel- non-hardenable, austenitic
4xx In this book the full DIN specification is given once, using
Chromium - hardenable and non-hardenable
the descriptive form, and the descriptive designation and the
martensitic and ferritic, depending on carbon
Werkstoff number are indexed and classified separately.
5xx Examples of the entries would be:
Chromium - low chromium heat-resisting. This
last group are not stainless and appear with the DIN 1722167SiCr5 0.65% carbon, 1.3% silicon, 0.5%
low chromium steels in this book. chromium spring steel
67 Si Cr 5 0.65% carbon, 1.3% silicon, 0.5%
There is also an AISI code for tool steels, which has a letter
chromium steel - designation used by
prefix followed by two digits. The letter identifies the type of
German Standards
steel, examples being
0.7103 0.65% carbon, 1.3% silicon, 0.5%
A Air hardening steel chromium steel - German Standard
M Molybdenum steel Thus three separate entries appear for each steel.
300 . 44A1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT
Classification system used In this book The decision to include steels with a single alloying ele-
All steels appear in Section 44 divided into groups based on ment as separate groups was taken because it is believed that
analysis, with each basic material given a letter of the alpha- in general an alloying element alone has a more marked
bet. It is obvious that all carbon contents cannot sensibly be effect on a steel than when a number of alloying elements are
included in one group, and this has been sub-divided and present. It also helps to indicate clearly what each alloy
identified by a number. Thus plain carbon steels are divided element does to steel.
into four sections 44A1, 44A2, 44A3 and 44A4, according to The problem of residual elements has not been resolved,
principally because there is often no clear indication given by
the carbon content. A slight overlap has been allowed to
cope with variations in tolerance, which might otherwise the supplier whether or not certain elements are desirable, or
tend to separate materials which should be grouped will merely be accepted up to a certain limit. Every effort has
together. been made to be consistent, but examples will no doubt be
found of low alloy steels wrongly grouped.
100 400 34
200 450 27
300 480 23
400 370 37
500 300 38
600 190 48
700 100 56
800 60 65
900 35 75
The above properties are typical of the following group and ment or by heat stresses during hardening or subsequent
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible grinding if the carburizing is not correctly controlled.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be Some of the materials listed have elements added to
applicable. improve machinability. The most common are sulphur, lead
and tellurium, all of which act as chip breakers and are
reputed to supply some lubricating properties.
General metallurgical characteristics
This group includes the steels which are the first choice for
These steels have too little carbon for any great increase in weldability because of the low hardenability.
hardness to be produced by thermal treatment. Depending These steels are not capable of being hardened to any
on the method of manufacture and the care with which appreciable extent but the mechanical properties of many of
undesirable impurities have been removed, they will exhibit the steels in this group can be improved to some extent by
a high degree of ductility with little work hardening at the water quenching. This requires that the steels are taken to a
lower carbon range. The cheaper steels, with varying carbon temperature not much below 900 °C and then quenched in
and higher phosphorus, sulphur and oxygen content, can water. The quench must be efficient - either the water must
become relatively brittle and unsuitable for cold working. be agitated or the components mechanically moved. It has
The steels are seldom used in the hardened and tempered been found that brine is more efficient than water.
condition but are commonly normalized. They can, It will be obvious that the cross or ruling section will be
however, be carburized to give a high carbon surface which is critical with regard to the ability of the quench to remove the
then hardenable. Without alloying elements this case hard- heat from the component. Thus, it is seldom possible for
ened layer can be rather brittle and there may be a tendency components with sections larger than 10-15 mm.
for it to separate from the soft ductile core and to fail by While this is a disadvantage if good mechanical properties
spalling or exfoliation. This can be caused by bending move- are required, it is a considerable advantage with welding
44A1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 301
where undesirable hardenability results in brittleness in heat The machinability of these materials is relatively poor,
affected zones. resulting in a torn surface. This can be improved by firstly
It must be appreciated that 'tramp' elements such as chro- keeping high speeds and constant tool pressure. Where
mium, and to a lesser extent vanadium, molybdenum, etc., necessary free machining steels containing sulphur, sele-
will increase the hardenability of these steels. Chromium as nium, tellurium or lead can be specified.
low as 0.1 % and vanadium, or molybdenum, as low as 0.05% Low quality steels with high quantities of sulphur and
can have quite dramatic effects on the hardenability. phosphorus will have better machinability than good quality
Where controlled welding is essential then readers are steels which are clean and free of oxides and slag inclusions.
advised to make use of the carbon equivalent. The formula is The materials in this group are by far the most common
carbon equivalent (CE) = used in engineering. The uses include car bodies, ships,
modern domestic appliances such as fridges, etc. The vast
C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu majority of structural steels used in civil engineering are
6 5 15 included in this group although some will also be in 44A2.
These are by far the most economical materials used in
The critical value for welding is in the region of 0.7%.
engineering. They will therefore invariably be the first
Brazing and soldering do not present problems but any
choice and only their disadvantages in low strength, poor
fluxes used must be carefully removed to prevent corrosion.
corrosion resistance, etc. will preclude their use. Many of
Oxides known as rust form on the surface and are loosely
these steels can be carburized.
adherent. This results in pitting and scaling. There are now
They are now finding competition from stainless steels and
proven techniques for preventing this corrosion. The extent
aluminium alloys.
of the corrosion resistance will depend on the procedure
chosen and ensuring that this is correctly carried out.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
oSTEEL 0.1% C (max) 0.15% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Castings; 0.0515 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
Edgar Allen; Code No 602 Steel German Standard
0.0040 0.12% C 0.3% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: German 0.0516 0.1% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.08% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
Standard German Standard
0.0041 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.06% S 0.07% P 0.0517 0.1% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% S and P steel: German
steel: German Standard Standard
0.0042 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel: 0.0518 0.1% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1% Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0043 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel: 0.0524 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.08% Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0044 0.1 % C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.08% Si 0.05% S and P steel: 0.0525 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.08% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0105 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.06% S 0.07% P steel: 0.0572 0.16% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0115 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: 0.0612 0.21 % C 0.45% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0133 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German 1.0022 0.13% C 0.3% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: German
Standard Standard
0.0402 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.15% Si 0.05% S and P steel: 1.0061 0.17% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0403 0.1% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.15% SiO.05% Sand P 1.0100 0.17% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
steel: German Standard Standard
0.0404 0.1% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.15% Si 0.05% Sand P 1.0102 0.17% C (max) 0.05% S and P steel: German Standard
steel: German Standard 1.0103 0.17% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
0.0415 0.12% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: 1.0104 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.0106 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
0.0433 0.12% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.15% Si 0.04% Sand P 1.0110 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
steel: German Standard Standard
0.0510 0.1 % C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% S and P steel: 1.0112 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German
German Standard Standard
0.0511 0.1 % C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel: 1.0116 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.0122 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German
1.0123 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Standard
1.0301 0.09% C 0.35% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number German Standard
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 1.0305 0.17% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
Elon Elongation, % German Standard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 1.0308 0.18% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
1.0309 0.17% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibf/in. 2=1 MPa German Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 1.0318 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: German
1.0322 0.07% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.0323 0.09% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Sand P steel: German 1.0736 0.08% C 0.35% Ssteel: German Standard; free
Standard machining
1.0325 0.1 % C 0.03% S and P steel: German Standard 1.0737 0.08% C 0.35% S 0.2% Pb steel: German Standard;
1.0328 0.1 % C 0.06% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German free machining
Standard 1.0831 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
1.0329 0.1 % C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Si 0.025% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.0832 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
1.0330 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% S and P steel: German German Standard
Standard 1.0833 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
1.0331 0.1 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.1% Si 0.05% S and P steel: 1.0841 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.1121 0.09% C 0.4% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
1.0333 0.1 % C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% S and P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.1141 0.16% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
1.0334 0.1 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% S and P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.1144 0.16% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% S and P steel:
1.0336 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.08% Si 0.03% S and P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.1151 0.21 % C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
1.0337 0.1 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.08% Si 0.03% Sand P German Standard
steel: German Standard 1.5034 0.1 % C 1.0% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Welding rod;
1.0338 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.5035 0.1 % C 1.0% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Welding rod;
1.0356 0.16% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P German Standard
steel: German Standard 1.5063 0.13% C 1.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Welding rod;
1.0401 0.16% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.5064 0.13% C 1.6% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Welding rod;
1.0402 0.2% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.5074 0.16% C 2.0% Mn 0.02% S and P steel: Sheet and
1.0405 0.22% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P strip; German Standard
steel: German Standard 1.5083 0.21 % C 1.7% Mn 0.03% S and P steel: Welding rod;
1.0418 0.22% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% S and P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.5086 0.13% C 2.0% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Welding rod;
1.0437 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.5098 0.13% C 3.0% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Welding rod;
1.0439 0.13% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Si 0.025% Sand P steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.5331 0.17% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Ti 0.1% AI steel: Welding
1.0448 0.13% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: rod; German Standard
German Standard 1.5340 0.17% C 1.1 % Mn 0.1 % AI 0.25% Zr steel: Welding
1.0456 0.22% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% S and P steel: rod; German Standard
German Standard 1.5417 0.2% C 1.1 % Mn steel: Seamless tube; German
1.0580 0.18% C 1.4% Mn steel: German Standard Standard
1.0581 0.18% C 1.4% Mn steel: German Standard 1B 0.08% C 0.25% Mn steel: Sandvik for SS 1160
1.0611 0.21% C 0.45% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: ICR 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.03% S 0.025% P steel:
German Standard Designation in BS 1449
1.0711 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.25% S 0.05% P steel: ICS 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.03% S 0.025% P steel:
German Standard; free machining Designation in BS 1449
1.0713 0.13% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.23% S 0.07% P steel: !DT 0.06% C 0.15% Mn 0.04% Si steel: Sandvik for
German Standard; free machining SS 1150
1.0716 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.25% S 0.05% P 0.2% Pb !DTR 0.04% C 0.15% Mn 0.04% Si steel: Sandvik
steel: German Standard; free machining IHR 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.030% S 0.025% P steel:
1.0719 0.13% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.23% S 0.03% P steel: Designation in BS 1449
German Standard; free machining IHS 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.030% S 0.025% P steel:
1.0721 0.09% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.22% S 0.07% P steel: Designation in BS 1449
German Standard; free machining 2CR 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.035% S 0.03% P steel:
1.0723 0.16% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.22% S 0.07% P steel: Designation in BS 1449
German Standard; free machining 2CS 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.035% S 0.03% P steel:
1.0724 0.2% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.2% S 0.07% P steel: Designation in BS 1449
German Standard; free machining 2HR 0.08% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.035% S 0.03% P steel:
Designation in BS 1449
2HS 0.08% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.035% S 0.03% P steel:
Designation in BS 1449
2LS 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Si steel: Sandvik for
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SS 1265, 1350
2S 0.1% CO.5% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Sandvik for
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SS 1233/34
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 2SE 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.15% Si 0.03% Cu (max) steel:
Eion Elongation, % Sandvik
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 3BS 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Sandvik for SS 1300
3BSX 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.15% Si steel (S and P lower than
1 N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.102 kgflmm2=0.06475tonfJin. 2=145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
3BS): Sandvik
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 3CR 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% S 0.04% P steel:
Designation in BS 1449
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3CS 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% S 0.04% P steel: 15HS 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.06% P steel:
Designation in BS 1449 Designation in BS 1449
3HR 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% S 0.04% P steel: 15 S 20 0.15% CO.7% Mn 0.2% S 0.07% P steel: Designation
Designation in BS 1449 used by German Standards; free machining; carburizing
3HS 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% S 0.04% P steel: 17MnTi6 0.17% C 1.4% Mn 0.22% Ti 0.25% Si 0.1 % AI steel:
Designation in BS 1449 Designation used by German Standards
3L7 0.1 % CO.7% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik 17MnZr4 0.17% C 1.1% Mn 0.5% Si 0.1% AI 0.25% Zrsteel:
3LS 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Sandvik for SS Designation used by German Standards
1345 21 Mn6 0.22% C 1.7% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Designation used by
4CR 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standards
Designation in BS 1449 22S20 0.21 % C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ssteel: Designation used by
4CS 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standards; free machining; carburizing
Designation in BS 1449 25CB 0.25% C 0.75% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Electrode; Metrode;
4HR 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: weld deposit hardenable
Designation in BS 1449 DPN: 375
4HS 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: 25MS 0.25% C 0.8% Mn steel: Electrode; Metrode
Designation in BS 1449 JODAK 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn + Cr (max) steel: High yield
4L7 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik for SS 1434/35 for construction; Redheugh for BS 4360-55C
4LM 0.2% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik UTS: 600 Elon: 18% Proof: 430
4LS 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik for SS 1357, 34/20 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
1410 designation used by British Standards
9S 20 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.2% S 0.1% Psteel: 34/20CR 0.5% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
Designation used by German Standards; free machining Designation in BS 1449
9S27 0.12% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.25% S 0.1 % P steel: 34/20CS 0.5% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
Designation used by German Standards; free machining Designation in BS 1449
9 S Mn 23 0.13% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.23% Ssteel: Designation 34/20 HR 0.5% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
used by German Standards; free machining Designation in BS 1449
9 S Mn 28 0.14% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.28% S steel: Designation 34/20 HS 0.5% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
used by German Standards; free machining Designation in BS 1449
9SMn36 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.38% Ssteel: Designation 035AHK 0.25% C steel: Sheet coated; SAE J1392 grade;
used by German Standards; free machining strength given by figures; type by letters
9SMnPb23 0.13% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.23% S 0.2% Pb steel: 37120 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
Designation used by German Standards; free machining designation used by British Standards
9SMnPb28 0.14% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.28% S 0.2% Pb steel: 37/23 CR 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
Designation used by German Standards; free machining Designation in BS 1449
9SMnPb36 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.38% S 0.2% Pb steel: 37/23 CS 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
Designation used by German Standards; free machining Designation in BS 1449
9 S Pb 23 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.22% S 0.05% P 0.2% Pb 37/23 HR 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
steel: German Standard; free machining Designation in BS 1449
IOMI 0.1 % C 0.9% Mn steel: Pompey 37/23 HS 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
UTS: 390 EIon: 25% Proof: 210 Designation in BS 1449
10S20 0.1% CO.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.22% S 0.07% P steel: 40130 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
German Standard; free machining designation used by British Standards
11 Mn4 0.11 % C 1.1% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Designation used by O4OAo.t 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
German Standards replaces En 2
11 Mn4AI 0.11% C 1.0% Mn 0.1 % Si steel: Designation used by 040 A 10 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
German Standards replaces En 2
12.40 0.1 % C 2.0% Mn steel: Wire; copper coated; Esab; for 040 A 12 0.12% C 0.4% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
use with submerged arc welding; as welded replaces En 2
DPN: 170 UTS: 600 Elon: 24% Proof: 450 040 A 22 0.22% C steel: Designation in BS 970; obsolete
12Mn6 0.12% C 1.5% Mn steel: Designation used by German O4OAHK 0.25% C steel: Sheet-coated; SAE T1392 grade;
Standards strength given by figures; type by letters
12Mn6AI 0.12% C 1.6% Mn 0.18% Si steel: Designation used by 40EE 0.16% C (max) steel: Normalized; weldable;
German Standards designation for BS 4360
12Mn8AI 0.12% C 2.0% Mn 0.1% Si steel: Designation used by UTS: 420 EIon: 25%
German Standards 4OFJO 0.12% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
12L13 0.13% C (max) 0.3% S 0.1% P 0.25% Pb steel: designation used by British Standards
Designation used in the UK and USA 42A 0.22% C 1.3% Mn steel: High strength; SAE J 1442
12L14 0.15% C (max) 0.3% S 0.08% P 0.25% Pb steel: 43/25 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
Designation used in the UK and USA designation used by British Standards
13 Mn 12 0.13% C 3.0% Mn 0.22% Si steel: Designation used by 43/25 HR 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% S and P steel:
German Standards Designation in BS 1449
14Mn4 0.14% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S and P steel: Designation 43/25 HS 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel:
used by German Standards Designation in BS 1449
14HR 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% S and P steel: 43/35 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
Designation in BS 1449 designation used by British Standards
14HS 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% S and P steel: 43EE 0.16% C (max) steel: Normalized; weldable;
Designation in BS 1449 designation for BS 4360
15HR 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: UTS: SIlO EIon: 23%
Designation in BS 1449 43F35 0.12% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
designation used by British Standards
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
045 AIO 0.1 % C0.8% Mn steel: For case hardeners; designation 055 MI5 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) steel: Designation in
in BS 970; replaces En 2 BS970
045AHK 0.25% C steel: Sheet-coated; SAE T1392 grade; 60A 0.25% C steel: High strength; SAE J 1442
strength given by figures; type by letters 060 AIO 0.1 % C 0.6% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
45FG 0.18% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: obsolete
HOAG; Al killed 060 AI2 0.12% C 0.6% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
045 MIO 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn steel: For case hardeners; replaces En 2
designation in BS 970; replaces En 2 O6OA15 0.15% C 0.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
46/40 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate; replaces En 2
designation used by British Standards O6OA17 0.17% C 0.6% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
46F4O 0.12% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate; replaces En 2
designation used by British Standards O6OA20 0.2% C 0.6% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970; replaces
48.04 0.07% C 1.2% Mn 0.4% Si steel: For electrodes; Esab En2
UTS: 5SO Elon: 27% Proof: 460 O6OA22 0.22% C 0.6% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
48.14 0.07% C 0.85% Mn 0.4% Si steel: For electrodes; Esab obselete
UTS: 520 Elon: 28% Proof: 420 60F 0.25% C steel: High strength; SAE J 1442
50/35 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Sheet and plate; 6OF55 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
designation used by British Standards designation used by British Standards
50/35 HR 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: 68F62 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
Designation in BS 1449 designation used by British Standards
50/35 HS 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: 70F 1l.18% C steel: High strength; SAE J 1442
Designation in BS 1449 73.08 0.08% C 0.8% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.4% Cu steel: For
50A 0.22% C steel: High strength; SAE J 1442 electrodes; Esab standard
050 A04 0.04% C 0.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970; UTS: 590 Elon: 28% Proof: 490
obsolete 73.68 0.06% CO.7% Mn 2.4% Ni 0.3% Si om %S om % P
050 AIO 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970; steel: For electrodes; Esab
replaces En 2 UTS: 600 Elon: 28% Proof: 500
050 AI2 0.12% C 0.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970; 75F70 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
replaces En 2 designation used by British Standards
050 AI5 0.15% C 0.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970; OSOAI5 0.15% C 0.8% Mn steel: For case hardening;
replaces En 2 designation in BS 970
050 A20 0.2% C 0.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970; OSOAI7 0.17% C 0.8% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
replaces En 2 obsolete
050 A22 0.22% C 0.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970; 080 A20 0.2% C 0.8% Mn steel: For case hardening;
replaces En 2 designation in BS 970
50DD 0.18% C (max) steel: Normalized; weldable; with Nb 080 A22 0.22% C 0.8% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
and V; designation for BS 4360 replaces En 2
UTS: S60 Elon: 20% OSOA25 0.25% C 0.8% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
50EE 0.18% C (max) steel: Normalized; weldable; with Nb replaces En 2
and V; designation for BS 4360 80F 0.18% C steel: High strength; SAE J 1442
UTS: 560 Elon: 20% OSOMI5 0.15% C 0.8% Mn steel: For case hardening;
50F 0.22% C steel: High strength; SAE J 1442 designation in BS 970
50F 0.16% C (max) steel: Quench and tempered; weldable 120MI9 0.19% C 1.2% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
with Nb and V; designation for BS 4360 replaces En 14
UTS: 560 Elon: 20% 125AI5 0.15% C 1.2% Mn steel: For carburizing; designation
50F45 0.12% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and plate; in BS 970
designation used by British Standards 130MI5 0.15% C 1.2% Mn steel: For case hardening;
50FK 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% S and P (max) steel: designation in BS 970
HOAG; Al killed 150MI9 0.19% C 1.5% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970;
50W 0.22% C steel: High strength; SAE J 1442 replaces En 14
53.05 0.08% C 0.8% Mn 0.4% Si steel: For electrodes; Esab 170 H2O 0.2% C 1% Mn steel: Designation in BS 970
UTS: 570 Elon: 27% Proof: 470 170M 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Pompey
53.35 0.08% C 1.0% Mn 0.5% Si steel: For electrodes; Esab 210 AI5 0.15% C 1.1% Mn steel: For case hardening;
UTS: S40 Elon: 30% Proof: 432 designation in BS 970
55 F 0.16% C (max) steel: Quench and tempered; weldable 214 AI5 0.15% C 1.3% Mn steel: For case hardening;
with Nb and V; designation for BS 4360 designation in BS 970
UTS: 610 Elon: 19% 214 MI5 0.15% C 1.4% Mn steel: For case hardening;
55FK 0.2% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: designation in BS 970
HOAG; AJ killed 220 M07 0.15% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.25% Ssteel: Free
machining; designation in BS 970; replaces En I
230M07 0.15% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.3% S steel: Free
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: machining; designation in BS 970; replaces En I
240 M07 0.07% C steel: Designation in BS 970; obsolete
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 240M07 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.4% S steel: Designation in
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS 970; obsolete
EIon Elongation, % 338 0.05% C 0.1 % Mn steel: For carburizing; S Osborn
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 130
1005 0.06% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
I N/mm2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin.2= 145.04 ibflin.2= I MPa
Designation used in the UK and USA
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 1006 0.08% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
Designation used in the UK and USA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1008 0.1 % C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation A7 C not specified 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; Armco; for
used in the UK and USA structural use
1009 0.15% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: UTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
Designation used in the UK and USA A7 0.12% C (max) steel: Designation for BS 1453
1010 0.1 % C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A15 0.1 % C 1.2% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Welding rod;
in the UK and USA; obsolete designation used by British Standards
1011 0.11 % C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A15 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Cu (max) steel: Welding
in the UK and USA; obsolete electrode; designation for BS 2901
1012 0.12% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A 17 0.15% C 1.1% Mn 0.5% Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
in the UK and USA Welding rod; designation used by British Standards
1013 0.13% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A17 0.12% C (max) steel: Welding electrode; designation
in the UK and USA for BS 2901
1015 0.15% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A18 0.12% C (max) steel: Welding electrode; designation
in the UK and USA forBS 2901
1016 0.16% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A19 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Al steel: For welding electrodes;
in the UK and USA designation for BS 2901
1017 0.17% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A36 0.26% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate;
in the UK and USA Armco; for structural use
1018 0.18% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used UTS: 540 Elon: 23% Proof: 220
in the UK and USA A 50/1 C not specified 0.05% S (max) 0.07% P (max) steel:
1019 0.19% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used Plate; French Standard designation
in the UK and USA UTS: 550 Proof: 290
1020 0.2% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A 50/2 C not quoted 0.045% S and P (max) steel: Plate;
in the UK and USA French Standard designation
1021 0.21 % C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A52 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Belgian
in the UK and USA specification
1022 0.22% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A52HS 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Belgian
in the UK and USA specification
1023 0.23% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used All3 C not specified 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; Armco;
in the UK and USA covers three grades A, B and C
1108 0.1% C 0.1% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation used UTS: 450 Elon: 27% Proof: ISO
in the UK and USA Al31 0.22% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate;
1109 0.1 % C 0.1% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation used Armco; cold flanging quality
in the UK and USA UTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 210
1110 0.1% C 0.1% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation used A 283 C not specified 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; Armco; in
in the UK and USA four grades A, B, C and D
1116 0.16% C 0.2% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation UTS: 500 Elon: 26% Proof: 210
used in the UK and USA A 299 0.3% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Plate;
1117 0.17% CO.! % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation Armco; boilers and pressure vessels
used in the UK and USA UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
1118 0.18% C 0.1 % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation A 373 0.26% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate;
used in the UK and USA Armco; for welded structures
1119 0.19% C 0.3% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation UTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 210
used in the UK and USA A 442 0.23% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate;
1123 0.23% C 0.8% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation Armco; boilers and pressure vessels
used in the UK and USA UTS: 490 Elon: 26% Proof: 210
1211 0.13% C (max) 0.2% S 0.1 % P steel: Designation used ASt2 0.1% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.15% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
in the UK and USA German Standard
1212 0.13% C (max) 0.2% S 0.1 % P steel: Designation used A St 3 0.1 % C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
in the UK and USA German Standard
1213 0.13% C (max) 0.28% S 0.1 % P steel: Designation ASt4 0.1 % C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.08% Si 0.035% S and P
used in the UK and USA steel: German Standard
1215 0.09% C (max) 0.3% S 0.07% P steel: Designation A St 35/8 0.17% C (max) 0.05% S and P steel: German Standard
used in the UK and USA A St45/8 0.22% C (max) 0.05% S and P steel: Designation used
1309 0.07% C (max) 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% by German Standards
P (max) steel: French Standard designation ABS 0.22% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate;
1513 0.13% C 1.2% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK Armco; cold flanging quality
and USA UTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 210
1518 0.18% C 1.2% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK ABS/A 0.25% C (max) 0.6% Mn (min) 0.04% Sand P (max)
and USA steel: For ships' hulls; American Bureau of Shipping
1522 0.22% C 1.2% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK UTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 240
and USA ABS/AH32 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% Ni (max) 0.25%
1524 0.22% C 1.5% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK Cr (max) 0.08% Mo (max) 0.1 % V (max) 0.05%
and USA Nb (max) 0.35% Cu (max) steel: For ships' hulls;
AO 0.12% C 0.5% Mn steel: Cogne American Bureau of Shipping
Al 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) steel: Cogne UTS: 530 Elon: 19% Proof: 320
Al 0.19% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop ABS/AH36 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr
Al 0.1% C (max) steel: Designation for BS 1453 0.08% Mo (max) 0.1% V (max) 0.05% Nb (max)
A2 0.21 % C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) steel: Cogne 0.35% Cu (max) steel: For ships' hulls; American
A2 0.15% C (max) steel: Designation for BS 1453 Bureau of Shipping
A7 0.12% C 0.3% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop UTS: 560 Elon: 20% Proof: 360
306 . 44AI STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05--0.2 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ABSIB 0.21 % C (max) 0.85% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: ABS/GB 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.27% Cu steel: Plate;
For ships' hulls; American Bureau of Shipping for intermediate temperature service
VTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 240 VTS: 380 Elon: 25% Proof: 190
ABS/CS 0.16% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: ABS/GC 0.28% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.27% Cu steel: Plate;
For ships' hulls; American Bureau of Shipping for intermediate temperature service
UTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 250 UTS: 430 Elon: 23% Proof: 210
ABSID 0.23% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) steel: Plate; American ABS/GI flash butt welded steel chain: American Bureau of
Bureau of Shipping Shipping
VTS: 440 Elon: 23% Proof: 210 UTS: 360 Elon: 30%
ABSID 0.21% C (max) 1.05% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: ABSIH 0.12% C 0.42% Mn steel: Tube; American Bureau of
For ships' hulls; American Bureau of Shipping; impact Shipping
27 J at -20'C ABS/J 0.27% C (max) 0.93% Mn (max) steel: Tube;
UTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 250 American Bureau of Shipping
ABSID 0.12% C 0.42% Mn steel: Tube; American Bureau of ABSIK 0.18% C (max) 0.7% Mn steel: Plate; American
Shipping Bureau of Shipping
ABSIDH32 0.18% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.04% Ni (max) 0.25% UTS: 430 Elon: 23% Proof: 210
Cr (max) 0.08% Mo (max) 0.1 % V (max) 0.05% ABSIL 0.23% C (max) 0.75% Mn steel: Plate; American
Nb (max) 0.35% Cu (max) steel: For ships' hulls; Bureau of Shipping
American Bureau of Shipping; impact 34 J at - 20 'C UTS: 460 Elon: 24% Proof: 225
UTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 320 ABSIM 0.27% C (max) 1.0% Mn steel: Plate; American
ABSlDH36 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.25% Bureau of Shipping
Cr (max) 0.08% Mo (max) 0.1% V (max) 0.05% UTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 24S
Nb (max) 0.35% Cu (max) steel: For ships' hulls; ABSIN 0.29% C (max) 1.0% Mn steel: Plate; American
American Bureau of Shipping; impact 34 J at -20 'C Bureau of Shipping
UTS: 560 Elon: 20% Proof: 360 UTS: 550 Elon: 18% Proof: 270
ABSIDS 0.16% C 1.15% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For ACIBAR 0.1% C 1% Mn 0.06% Si 0.3% S 0.04% Psteel:
ships' hulls; American Bureau of Shipping Workington Iron & Steel; free machining; hot rolled
UTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 240 UTS: 420 Elon: 40%
ABSIE 0.18% C (max) 1.05% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: ACIBAR 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.06% Si 0.3% S 0.04% P steel:
For ships' hulls; American Bureau of Shipping; impact Workington Iron & Steel; free machining; bright drawn
27 J at -4O'C UTS: 600 Elon: 16%
VTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 240 ACIBEL 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.06% Si 0.3% S0.04% P 0.2% Pb
ABSlEH32 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% Ni (max) 0.25% steel: Workington Iron & Steel; free machining; hot
Cr (max) 0.08% Mo (max) 0.1 % V (max) 0.05% rolled
Nb (max) 0.35% Cu (max) steel: For ships' hulls; UTS: 420 Elon: 40%
American Bureau of Shipping; impact 34 J at -40 'C ACIBEL 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.06% Si 0.03% S0.04% P 0.2% Pb
UTS: 550 Elon: 20% Proof: 320 steel: Workington Iron & Steel; free machining; bright
ABSlEH36 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.25% drawn
Cr (max) 0.08% Mo (max) 0.1 % V (max) 0.05% UTS: 600 Elon: 16%
Nb (max) 0.35% Cu (max) steel: For ships' hulls; ACIBOND 0.16% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% AI 0.25% Cu 0.016% B
American Bureau of Shipping; impact 34 J at -40 'C steel: Workington Iron & Steel
UTS: 560 Elon: 20% Proof: 360 AF No 3 81.309 0.06% C 0.5% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Welders electrode;
ABS/G 0.12% C 0.42% Mn steel: Tube; American Bureau of E43 1/0 RR130 32 French Standard
Shipping AF No 3 81.309 0.09% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Welders electrode;
ABS/G2A flash butt welded or drop forged steel chain: American E51 3/2 ARI60 31 French specification
Bureau of Shipping AF No 3 E43 'li2 RII 0.07% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Welders electrode;
UTS: 570 Elon: 22% French specification
ABS/G2B Cast steel chain: American Bureau of Shipping AFNOR 81.309 0.08% C 0.65% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Welders electrode;
UTS: 500 Elon: 22% E43'2J2R12 French Standard
ABS/G3A flash butt welded or drop forged steel chain: American AFNOR 81.309 0.05% C 0.5% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Welders electrode;
Bureau of Shipping; impact 8 J at 0 'C E432/2 RRZ French specification
UTS: 700 Elon: 17% AFNOR 81.309 0.07% C 0.65% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Welders electrode;
ABS/G3B Cast steel chain: American Bureau of Shipping; impact E43'2J2 RR 15032 French specification
8 J at 0 'C AFNOR 81.309 0.12% C 0.55% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Welders electrode;
UTS: 700 Elon: 17% E43 3/2 CIO French specification
ABS/GA 0.17% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.25% Cu steel: Plate; AFNOR 81.309 0.1% C 0.55% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Welders electrode;
for intermediate temperature E43 3/3 AR150 32 French specification
UTS: 330 Elon: 27 % Proof: 170 AGPV9 0.12% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Ssteel: Pompey; free
AISI 12 L14 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.3% S 0.07% P 0.3% Pb
steel: Free machining
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AISllOO6 0.08% C 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
AISIl008 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AISIIOO9 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 AISIIOIO 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
Elon Elongation, % AISII012 0.12% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% S and P steel
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 AISII015 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% S and P steel
AISII016 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.04% S and P steel
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonfJin. 2=145.04IbfJin. 2=1 MPa AISII017 0.18% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% S and P steel
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AISlI018 0.18% C 0.8% Mn 0.04% S and P steel
AISII019 0.18% C 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
44A 1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 307
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AISII020 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel AMS5069 0.18% C steel: Bars, forging and tube; AMS for SAE
AISII021 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel 1018
AISII022 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel AMS5681 0.05% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% CrO.7% Nbsteel: Wire
AISII108 0.1 % C 0.7% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting AMS 7225 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn steel
AISl1109 0.1 % C 0.8% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting AMS74% 0.25% C (max) 1% Mn steel
AISl1110 0.1% C 0.4% Mn 0.1% SO.04% P steel: Free ANQQS646 I 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: US Service; as
machining rolled
AISIIlIl 0.13% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.12% S 0.1 % P steel: Acid UTS: 300 Elon: 22% Proof: 220
Bessemer AN QQW435/3 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire; US
AISIIlI2 0.13% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.2% S 0.1% P steel: Free Service; zinc coated; annealed
machining UTS: 370
AISIIIl3 0.13% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% S 0.1 % P steel: Free cutting AN S 11 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire; US
AISI 1115 0.15% C 0.8% Mn O. I% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting Service
AISI1116 0.16% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% S 0.04% P steel: Free UTS: 300 Elon: 22% Proof: 220
machining ANSCOL50 0.18% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.015% Nb steel: Interlake
AISII1I7 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting Steel Co.
AISI 1Il8 0.17% C 1.5% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting API5A H40 C not specified 0.06% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel:
AISII119 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting For casing, tube and drill pipe
AISI1120 0.2% C 0.9% Mn O. I% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 280
AISI121I 0.13% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.12% S 0.1% P steel: Free API 5A J55 C not specified 0.06% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel:
machining For casing, tube and drill pipe
AISI1212 0.13% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.2% SO. I% P steel: Free UTS: 520 Elon: 20% Proof: 380
machining APl5A K55 C not specified 0.06% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel:
AISII2l3 0.13% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.3% S 0.1 % P steel: Free For casing, tube and drill pipe
machining UTS: 650 Elon: 20% Proof: 380
AISI1215 0.09% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% S 0.07% P steel: Free API 5A N80 C not specified 0.06% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel:
machining For casing, tube and drill pipe
AISI1320 0.2% C 1.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Obsolete UTS: 700 Elon: 20% Proof: 550
ALDUR45/60 0.21% C 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Voest API5LA 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
ALDUR50 0.21 % C 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Voest P (max) steel: Line pipe; seamless or welded
ALDUR50165 0.23% C 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Voest UTS: 335 Elon: 25% Proof: 245
ALDUR55 0.22% C 1.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Voest API5LA2511 0.21 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.06% S (max) 0.045%
ALDUR55/63 0.23% C 1.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Voest P (max) steel: Line pipe; seamless or welded
ALDUR 58 0.23% C 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02%0 Cu UTS: 310 Elon: 25*MB Proof: 175
steel: Voest API 5L A25/2 0.21 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.06% S (max) 0.08%
ALDUR58172 0.23% C 1.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Voest P (max) steel: Line pipe; seamless or welded
ALFORT 0.22% C 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Austrian UTS: 310 Elon: 25% Proof: 175
specification API 5L B 0.27% C (max) 1.15% Mn (max) 0.05% S (max)
ALFREEZEI 0.17% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: 0.04% P (max) steel: Line pipe; seamless or welded
Appleby-Frodingham UTS: 410 Elon: 25% Proof: 245
ALFREEZE II 0.17% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) with N API 5L SA 0.21 % C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
additions steel: Appleby-Frodingham P (max) steel: Spiral weld line pipe
ALFRIG5UV 0.18% C 1.1% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Austrian UTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 210
specification API5LSB 0.26% C (max) 1.15% Mn (max) 0.05% S (max)
ALGO-LOY 1315 0.15% C 1.3% Mn 0.4% Cu steel: Algoma 0.04% P (max) steel: Spiral weld line pipe
ALUMOWELD Aluminium covered steel wire: Copperweld steel; used UTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 242
for overhead lines API 5L X70 0.23% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) steel: High test line
AMS 5010 D 0.13% C 0.2% S 0.1 % P steel: Bar; AMS for SAE 1Il2 pipe; seamless or welded
AMS5022 F 0.17% C 1.2% Mn steel: Bar and forging; free cutting; UTS: 565 Elon: 20% Proof: 483
AMS specification for SAE 1Il7 AQUACIDOX 0.1 I% C 0.4% Mn 0.3% Si (max) 0.05% Sand P 0.3%
AMS5030 A 0.06% C (max) steel: Wire for welding Cu steel: Tube; STD Services (see Resistco)
AMS 5031 0.12% C steel-coated welding electrode ARCTIC A 0.15% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: South Durham
AMS5032 A 0.2% C steel: Wire; annealed; AMS for SAE 1020 ARCTICB 0.22% C 1.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: South
AMS5036 D 0.1% C (max) steel: Sheet and strip; AI coated Durham
AMS 5040 E 0.15% C (max) steel: Sheet and strip; for deep ARCTICC 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
forming; cold rolled; AMS for SAE 1010 South Durham
AMS5041 0.08% C (max) steel: Sheet and strip; for deep ARCTICD 0.14% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.1 % Nb 0.045% S (max)
drawing; cold rolled; AMS for SAE 1006 0.035% P (max) steel: South Durham
AMS 5042 E 0.15% C (max) steel: For deep forming; cold rolled; ARMCO HS No 4R 0.25% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Armco
AMS for SAE 1010 ARMCO HS No 4S 0.25% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Armco
AMS 5044 C 0.15% C (max) steel: Ill-hard; AMS for SAE 1010 ARMCO HSN07 0.13% CO.7% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Armco
AMS5045 B 0.20% C steel: Ill-hard; AMS for SAE 1020 ASTM A53EGA 0.25% C steel pipe: Resistance welder
AMS 5046 0.2% C steel: Type 1020 UTS: 330 Elon: 18% Proof: 200
AMS5047 Low C steel AI killed: For forming; AMS for SAE 1010 ASTM A53EGB 0.3% C steel pipe: Resistance welder
AMS 5050E 0.15% C (max) steel: Annealed; AMS for SAE 1010 UTS: 330 Elon: 18% Proof: 200
AMS 5053 B 0.13% C (max) steel: Tube; welded; annealed; AMS ASTMA53 F Mild steel pipe: Furnace welder
for SAE 1010 UTS: 310 Proof: 190
AMS5060 B 0.15% C steel: Bar, forgings and tube; AMS for SAE ASTMA53SGA 0.25% C steel pipe: Seamless
1015 UTS: 330 Proof: 200
AMS506IA 0.18% C steel: For bars and wire ASTM A53SGB 0.3% C steel pipe: Seamless
UTS: 330 Proof: 200
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A67 0.08% (min) C 0.11 % (max) P 0.20% (min) Cu: When ASTMA424 0.04% C 0.2% Mn 0.04% S 0.015% P steel: Sheet for
specified steel for tie plates porcelain enamelling; graded by C content
ASTM Al09/4 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cu (optional) cold rolled ASTM A425 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Strip;
steel: Strip; annealed and final light rolled Cu may be present; commercial quality
UTS: 330 Elon: 32% ASTM A441 0.25% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel: For
ASTM AI09/5 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cu (optional) cold rolled structural purposes
steel: Strip; annealed ASTM A442 0.23% C 0.85% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:: Plate
VTS: 300 Elon: 39% for pressure vessels
ASTM A1l3 C not specified 0.05% S 0.07% P steel: For locomotives ASTMA489 C not specified 0.13% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For
VTS: 370 Elon: 26% Proof: ISO eyebolts
ASTM Al20 Mild steel pipe: Welded or seamless; galvanized; for VTS: 450 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
gardeners' use ASTM A502l1 0.19% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cu (optional) steel: For
ASTM Al35 C not specified 0.06% S 0.05% Pelectric resistance structural rivets
welded steel: Pipe ASTM A50212 0.24% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu (optional) steel: For
ASTMAI61 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.5% Sand P steel: Steel tubes structural rivets
(low carbon) ASTMA5J2 Cold drawn plain carbon steel: Tubing; bull welded;
ASTM Al78A 0.12% C 0.4% Mn 0.06% S 0.05% P electric resistance graded according to AISI system
welded steel: Boiler tubes ASTMA513 Resistance welded steel tubing; plain carbon and low
VTS: 420 Elon: 30% Proof: 260 alloy; graded according to AISI system
ASTMAI79 0.12% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold drawn ASTM A523 A 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe for
tube for condenser high pressure; seamlcss or electric resistance welded
ASTM AI92 0.12% C 0.45% Mn steel: For boiler tubes ASTM A524 0.21 % C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel:
ASTM AJ94/1 0.15% C (min) steel: For bolts Seamless pipe for process piping; in grades I and II
ASTM A214 0.18% C (max) 0.45% Mn steel: Welded tubes ASTM A529 0.27% C 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P 0.2% Cu (optional)
ASTM A226 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Tube; electric structural steel
resistance welded UTS: 410 Elon: 19% Proof: 300
ASTM A233 Mild steel welding electrodes classified by coating ASTM A537 0.24% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.04% Si steel: Plate
ASTM A235 C not specified 0.9% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: ASTMA539 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Electric
Forgings; normalized and tempered resistance welded coiled tube
VTS: 5SO Elon: 21 % Proof: 270 ASTMA548 Mild steel wire for screws; graded by AISI system
ASTM A237 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Forgings; ASTMA549 Mild steel wire for wood screws; graded by AISI system
normalized and tempered ASTM A556A2 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube;
UTS: 630 Elon: 21 % Proof: 420 seamless; cold drawn
ASTM A251 Mild steel welding rods classified by strength of deposit VTS: 330 Elon: 35% Proof: ISO
ASTM A254 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn 0.05% Sand P copper brazed steel: ASTM A558 ELB 0.1% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Si steel: Electrode
Tube ASTM A558 EL8K 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Electrode
ASTM A263 Stainless steel clad mild steel sheet ASTM A558 EL12 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Si steel: Electrode
ASTM A264 Austenitic stainless clad mild steel sheet ASTM A558 EM5K 0.06% C 1.2% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Electrode
ASTM A265 Nickel and nickel alloy clad mild steel sheet ASTM A558 EMI2 0.11% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% Si steel: Electrode
ASTM A283 A Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate for structures; as ASTM A558 EMI2K 0.11% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Electrode
rolled ASTM A558 EMl3K 0.13% C 1.2% Mn 0.55% Si steel: Electrode
UTS: 340 Elon: 27% Proof: 170 ASTM A558 EM 15K 0.15% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Electrode
ASTM A283 B Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate for structures; as ASTM A558 ENI4 0.14% C 2.0% Mn 0.05% Si steel: Electrode
rolled ASTM A559 E60S1 0.13% C 0.35% Si steel: Electrode
VTS: 370 Elon: 25% Proof: ISO ASTM A559 E60S2 0.06% C 0.2% Ti 0.55% Si 0.1 % Zr steel: Electrode
ASTM A283C Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate for structures; as ASTM A559 E60S3 0.12% C 1.2% Mn 0.55% Si steel: Electrode
rolled ASTM A559 E70S4 0.11 % C 0.75% Si steel: Electrode
VTS: 420 Elon: 23% Proof: 200 ASTM A559 E70S5 0.13% C 0.45% Si steel: Electrode
ASTMA283D Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate for structures; as ASTM A559 E70S6 0.11 % C 1.6% Mn 1.0% Si steel: Electrode
rolled ASTM A559 E70T Low carbon welding electrodes; composite; graded by
UTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 220 composition
ASTM A285 A 0.15% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate ASTMA562 0.12% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.45% Ti 0.3% Si 0.15%
ASTM A285 B 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate Cu (max) steel: Plate for glass or metallic coating
ASTMA285C 0.25% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate ASTM A569 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Strip;
ASTM A366 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Sheet; Cu may be present
cold rolled ASTM A572 0.21 % C (max) steel: For structural use; may contain V
ASTMA415 0.15% C 0.4% Mn steel: Sheet; may contain Cu; hot orNb
rolled ASTMA573 0.24% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Plate of
improved toughness
ASTMA575 Mild and medium carbon hot rolled steel bar; graded
by AISI system
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTM A576 Plain carbon hot rolled steel bars; graded by AISI
system (see also 44A2 and 44A3)
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTMA587 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.02%
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' AI (min) steel: Pipe; electric welded
Elon Elongation, % VTS: 331 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' ASTM A589 Low C 0.06% S (max) 0.05% P (max) steel: Pipe;
seamless for water pipes
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa VTS: 330 Elon: 35% Proof: 210
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM A589B Low C 0.06% S (max) 0.05% P (max) steel: Pipe
VTS: 310 Elon: 30% Proof: 170
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A591 Mild steel zinc coated sheet; cold rolled ASTM A623 0 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) steel: Sheet; tin plated
ASTM A594, 59411 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.02% AI (max) steel: ASTM A623 L 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.12% N +
For magnetic purposes Cr + Mo (max) steel: Sheet: tin plated
ASTM A59412 0.1 % C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.02% AI (max) steel: ASTM A623MC 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) steel: Sheet; tin plated
For magnetic purposes ASTM A623 MR 0.13% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) steel: Sheet; tin plated
ASTM A594/3 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.02% AI (max) steel: ASTMA633A 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: For structures;
For magnetic purposes normalized
ASTM A594/4 0.06% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.015% AI (max) VTS: 500 Elon: 19% Proof: 290
steel: For magnetic purposes ASTM A633 B 0.18% C (max) 1.15% Mn 0.1 % V (max) steel: For
ASTMA595 A 0.2% C 0.4% Mn steel: Tube tapered for structural structures; normalized
purposes VTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
VTS: 450 Proof: 380 ASTM A633C 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.03% Nb steel: For
ASTM A595 B 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Tapered structures; normalized
tube VTS: 520 Elon: 20% Proof: 320
VTS: 480 Proof: 410 ASTMA633 D 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2%
ASTM A599 Mild steel electro tin plated sheet; cold rolled Cr (max) steel: For structures; normalized
ASTM A603 Mild steel wire rope; zinc coated VTS: 520 Elon: 20% Proof: 320
ASTMA606/2 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.06% S (max) alloy ASTM A635 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.18% Cu (optional) steel:
steel: Sheet with twice corrosion resistance of plain Sheet
carbon steel; normalized ASTM A640 Steel wire zinc coated for support cables
VTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 310 ASTMA641 Steel wire hot dip zinc coated; annealed
ASTM A606/4 0.26% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.06% S (max) alloy VTS: 500
steel: Sheet with four times corrosion resistance of plain ASTM A641 Steel wire hot dip zinc coated; medium drawn
carbon steel; normalized VTS: 580
VTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 310 ASTMA641 Steel wire hot dip zinc coated; hard drawn
ASTM A607/45 0.26% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.005% Vor 0.004% VTS: 650
Nb steel: Sheet ASTM A643A 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Castings for pressure
VTS: 410 Elon: 23% Proof: 320 vessels
ASTM A607/50 0.27% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.005% Vor 0.004% VTS: 485 Elon: 22% Proof: 275
Nb steel: Sheet ASTM A650 0.1% C (max) 0.035% S (max) 0.025% P (max)
VTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 345 0.5% (max) steel: Sheet; galvanized for deep drawing
ASTM A607/55 0.29% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.005% V or 0.004% ASTMA650 Low carbon steel plate; double reduced
Nb steel: Sheet ASTM A656/2 0.15% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.2% Ti 0.01 %
VTS: 480 Elon: 19% Proof: 380 AI (min) steel: For structures
ASTM A607/60 0.3% C (max) 1.55% Mn (max) 0.005% Vor 0.004% VTS: 720 Elon: 12% Proof: 550
Nb steel: Sheet ASTMA657 Steel plate or strip; cold rolled and chromium plated
UTS: 520 Elon: 17% Proof: 415 ASTM A659 0.2% C steel: Strip and sheet; hot rolled; graded by
ASTM A607/65 0.3% C (max) 1.55% Mn (max) 0.005% Vor 0.004% AISI number
Nb steel: Sheet ASTM A660 WCA 0.25% C (max) 0.7% Mn steel: Pipe; centrifugally cast;
VTS: 550 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 high temperature use
ASTM A607l70 0.3% C (max) 1.7% Mn (max) 0.005% Vor 0.004% VTS: 414 Elon: 24% Proof: 207
Nb steel: Sheet ASTM A660 WCB 0.3% C (max) 1.0% Mn steel: Pipe; centrifugally cast;
VTS: 590 Elon: 14% Proof: 485 high temperature use
ASTMA611 A 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) steel: Cold rolled sheet VTS: 483 Elon: 22% Proof: 207
VTS: 290 Elon: 26% Proof: 170 ASTM A660 WCC 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Pipe; centrifugally cast;
ASTM A61l 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.2% Band high temperature use
A,B, Cand E Cu (max) steel: Cold rolled sheet VTS: 483 Elon: 22% Proof: 276
ASTMA61l B 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) steel: Cold rolled sheet ASTMA662A 0.17% C (max) 1.1% Mn steel: Plate for low
VTS: 310 Elon: 24% Proof: 205 temperature use; 27 J impact at -75 'C
ASTMA61l C 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) steel: Cold rolled sheet VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 275
VTS: 330 Elon: 22% Proof: 230 ASTM A662 B 0.22% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Plate for low
ASTMA611 0 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) steel: Cold rolled sheet temperature use; 20 J impact at - 50 'C
VTS: 360 Elon: 20% Proof: 275 VTS: 520 Elon: 20% Proof: 275
ASTMA611 0 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) ASTMA663 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Hot rolled
0.2% Cu (max) steel: Cold rolled sheet bars; graded by tensile strength
ASTMA611 E 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) steel: Cold rolled sheet ASTM A668 A·F C not specified 1.1 % Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
UTS: 570 Proof: 550 steel: For general use
ASTM A615/40 Plain carbon 0.05% P (max) steel: For concrete ASTMA668 C not specified 1.1 % Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
reinforcement; deformed AH·FH steel: For general use
VTS: 483 Elon: 10% Proof: 276 ASTM A668 G·N C and Mn not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For
ASTM A615/60 Plain carbon 0.05% P (max) steel: For concrete general use
reinforcement; deformed ASTMA668 C and Mn not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For
VTS: 621 Elon: 8% Proof: 414 GH·NH general use
ASTMA619 0.1% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.035% S (max) ASTMA675 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Bars;
0.025% P (max) steel: Sheet for deep drawing graded by tensile strength
ASTMA620 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.035% S (max) ASTMA678A 0.16% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Plate for structures;
0.025% P (max) steel: Sheet for deep drawing hardened and tempered
ASTMA621 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.035% S (max) VTS: 520 Elon: 22% Proof: 345
0.025% P (max) steel: Sheet for deep drawing ASTM A678B 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn steel: Plate for structures;
ASTMA622 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.035% S (max) hardened and tempered
0.025% P (max) steel: Sheet for deep drawing VTS: 600 Elon: 22% Proof: 414
310 44A 1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis. supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A678C 0.22% C 1.3% Mn steel: Plate for structures; hardened ASTM A769-45 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Shapes for
and tempered structural use
UTS: 700 Elon: 19% Proof: 480 UTS: 415 Elon: 19% Proof: 310
ASTM A707 Ll/l 0.23% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Aanges for low ASTM A769-45 W 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Shapes for
temperature use; impact 41 J at - 30 'C structural use
UTS: 290 Elon: 22% UTS: 450 Elon: 19% Proof: 310
ASTM A707 Ll/2 0.23% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) steel: Flanges for low ASTM A769-50 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) with trace element
temperature use; impact 54 J at -30 'C stcel: Shapes for structural use
UTS: 360 Elon: 25% UTS: 450 Elon: 17% Proof: 345
ASTM A707 LV3 0.23% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) steel: Flanges for low ASTM A769-50 W 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) with trace element
temperature use; impact 68 J at - 30 'C steel: Shapes for structural use
UTS: 415 Elon: 23% UTS: 485 Elon: 17% Proof: 345
ASTM A707 Ll/4 0.23% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) steel: Aanges for low ASTM A769-60 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) with trace element
temperature use; impact 68 J at - 30 'C steel: Shapes for structural use
UTS: 515 Elon: 20% UTS: 520 Elon: 17% Proof: 415
ASTM A709/50 W 0.2% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) with grain refining ASTM A769-80 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) with trace element
elements steel: For bridges steel: Shapes for structural use
UTS: 485 Elon: 20% Proof: 345 UTS: 620 Elon: 17% Proof: 550
ASTM A709/100 0.15% C 1.0% Mn with grain refining elements steel: ASTM A782/1 0.2% CO. 7% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % Zr steel platc: For
For bridges pressure vessels; quenched and tempered
UTS: 800 Elon: 17% Proof: 635 UTS: 730 Elon: 18% Proof: 550
ASTM A7091l00 W 0.15% C 1.0% Mn with grain refining elements steel: ASTM A782/2 0.2% CO.7% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1% Zr steel plate: For
For bridges pressure vessels; quenched and tempered
UTS: 800 Elon: 17% Proof: 635 UTS: 800 Elon: 17% Proof: 620
ASTM A7141l 0.26% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.18% Cu (min) steel: ASTM A78213 0.2% C 0.7% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1% Zr steel plate: For
Pipe; welded or seamless pressure vessels; quenched and tempered
UTS: 463 Elon: 22 % Proof: 345 UTS: 860 Elon: 16% Proof: 690
ASTM A715 0.15% C (max) 1.65% Mn (max) steel: Sheet; low ASTM A787 0.1 % C steel: Resistance welded tube; Al or Zn coated
alloy; high formability; fine grained; graded by alloy MT 1010
content and tensile properties ASTM A787 0.15% C steel: Resistance welded tube; Al or Zn
ASTM A724A 0.22% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: For welded pressure MT 1015 coated
vessels ASTM A787 0.2% C steel: Resistance welded tube; AI or Zn coated
UTS: 700 Elon: 19% Proof: 485 MT 1020
ASTMA727 0.28% C (max) 1.1 % Mn steel: Forging for pipe fittings ASTM A787 0.15% C steel: Resistance welded tube; Al or Zn
for notch toughness MTX 1015 coated
UTS: 500 Elon: 22% Proof: 250 ASTMA787 0.2% C steel: Resistance welded tube; Al or Zn coated
ASTMA730A 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn steel: Forging for railway MTX 1020
use ASTM A794 0.2% C steel: Cold rolled; graded by AISI system 1015
ASTMA730B 0.2% C 0.45% Mn steel: Forging for railway use to 1023
ASTM A73'lJI A 0.2% C 0.4% Mn steel: Investment casting; annealed ASTM A795 A 0.25% C 1% Mn steel pipe: Galvanized
UTS: 410 Elon: 35% Proof: 280 ASTMA795B 0.3% C 1.2% Mn steel pipe: Galvanized
ASTM A733 A53 Mild steel; welded or seamless; pipe nipples ASTMA795 E Analysis not specified; electric resistance welded
ASTM A733 AI20 Welded or seamless; pipe nipples galvanized steel pipe
ASTM A737B 0.22% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.05% Nb (max) steel: Plate ASTM A795 F C not specified; furnace welded galvanized steel pipe
for pressure vessels ASTM A795S Analysis not specified; seamless galvanized steel pipe
ASTM A741 Mild steel wire rope; zinc coated for guard rails ASTM A805 0.25% C (max) steel: Aat wire; cold rolled
ASTMA749 General requirements for hot rolled strip: May have ASTM A808 0.12% C (max) 0.1 % V (max) 0.15% Nb + V (max)
some alloy content steel: 60 J impact at -45 'C
ASTM A766 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% PO.2% Pb steel: For UTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 320
pressure containers; free machining ASTM A812/65 0.23% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.1 % Nb + V steel: For
UTS: 415 Elon: 18% Proof: 200 pressure vessels
ASTM A769 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: For welded steel UTS: 585 Proof: 450
strength; resistance welded ASTM A812180 0.23% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.1 % Nb + V steel: For
ASTM A769-36 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Shapes for pressure vessels
structural use UTS: 690 Proof: 550
UTS: 365 Elon: 22 % Proof: 250 ASTM A812 G 65 0.23% C (max) 0.1 % Nb steel: Sheet; for pressure
ASTM A769-40 0.2% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Shapes for vessels; weldable
structural use UTS: 450 Proof: 585
UTS: 380 Elon: 21 % Proof: 275 ASTM A812 G 65 0.23% C (max) O. I% Nb steel: Sheet; for welded
pressure vessels
UTS: 620 Elon: 10% Proof: 450
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTM A812 G 65 0.23% C (max) 0.3% Cr (max) 0.1% Nb + V steel:
Sheet; hot rolled
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTM A812 G 80 0.23% C (max) 0.1 % Nb steel: Sheet; for pressure
UTS Ultimate tensile strength. N/mm 2 vessels; weldable
Elon Elongation. % UTS: 550 Proof: 690
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 ASTM A812 G 80 0.23% C (max) 0.1 % Nb steel: Sheet; for welded
pressure vessels
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2= 145.04lbf/in.2= I MPa UTS: 670 Elon: 9% Proof: 550
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM A812 G 80 0.23% C (max) 0.3% Cr (max) 0.1% Nb + V steel:
Sheet; hot rolled
44A1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 311
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A822 0.18% C (max) 0.45% Mn steel: Cold drawn tube AWS A5-20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; flux cured; AWS
VTS: 310 Elon: 35% Proof: 170 (E6XTl3) designation
ASTMA827 Carbon steel for forgings; graded by AISI system AWX45 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Alan Wood
ASTM A836 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.9% Ti steel: Forgings; AWX50 0.5% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Alan Wood
for glass lined vessels AWX55 0.16% C 0.55% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Alan Wood
ASTM A841 0.2% C (max) 0.25% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max) 0.08% BO 0.1 % C (max) steel: Breda
Mo (max) steel: Plate; for pressure vessels Bl 0.15% C (max) steel: Breda
ASTM A847 0.2% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) 0.2% Cu (min) steel: B2 0.2% C (max) steel: Breda
Tube; cold formed; for enhanced corrosion resistance B4 0.2% C steel: As rolled; Bofors
ASTMA850-1 0.27% C (max) 0.2% Cu (max) steel: Bar DPN: 130 VTS: 45 Elon: 24% Proof: 24
VTS: 520 Elon: 18% Proof: 345 B4V 0.15% C 0.7% Mn steel: For case hardening; Bofors; as
ASTM A850-2 0.27% C (max) steel: Bar rolled
VTS: 520 Elon: 18% Proof: 345 DPN: 160
ASTMA851 Austenitic steel: Induction welded tubes for B303 0.15% C 0.7% Mn steel: Fagersta
condensers; see designation for steel type BH36 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% S (max) 0.03% P (max)
ASTMA853 Carbon steel wire; analysis not specified; supplied in steel: Rheinstahl
various conditions BS 14 Low C 0.05% S (max) 0.05% P steel: Structural;
ASTMA853 0.1 % C steel: Wire for general use; steel grades AISI pressure parts for marine boilers
1006 to 1020 VTS: 42 Elon: 24%
ASTM A858 0.2% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) 1% Ni + Cr + Mo BS 241111 Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: For loco axles; hardened
+ Cu (max) steel: Tube for low temperature use; 27 J and tempered
impact at -45 'C VTS: 50 Elon: 25% Proof: 24
VTS: 485 Elon: 22% Proof: 250 BS 24/112 Low C 0.05% Sand Psteel: For loco axles; hardened
ASTMA860 0.2% C (max) 1% Ni + Cr + Mo + Cu (max) steel: and tempered
For butt weld fittings; graded by yield strength and VTS: 56 Proof: 27
production method BS 24/113 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: For wagon axles; hardened
ASTMA865 C not specified; 0.25% S 0.14% P steel: For pipe joints and tempered
ASTM B227 Hard drawn copper clad steel wire for electrical VTS: 56 Proof: 27
purposes BS 24/3 A 9 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: For railway spring buckles;
ASTM B228 Copper clad steel conductor wire; concentric lag as rolled
AURIGA IA 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: VTS: 39 Elon: 22%
Casting; D Brown; high magnetic permeability BS 24/3 A 10 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: For railway spring buckles;
VTS: 39 Elon: 22% as rolled
AURIGA IB 0.17% C 0.5% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: VTS: 42 Elon: 22%8
Casting; D Brown; high magnetic permeability BS 24/3 A 11 Low C 0.06% Sand Psteel: For railway spring buckles;
VTS: 44 Elon: 22% as rolled
AURIGA VIA 0.22% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting; D VTS: 53 Elon: 20%
Brown; normalized and tempered BS 24/4 A 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging for
VTS: 60 Elon: 18% railway use; carburized parts
AUTROD 12.10 0.1 % C 1.0% Mn steel: Weld metal; Esab; copper VTS: 39 Elon: 28%
coated for submerged arc welding; flux can be used to BS 24/4 B 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging for
modify analysis of deposit railway use; boiler forgings
AUTROD 12.30 0.1 % C 1.3% Mn steel: Copper coated welding rod; VTS: 46 Elon: 26%
Esab; for submerged arc welding; properties of the BS 24/4 E 0.16% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Forging for
weld metal can be modified with different fluxes railway use
AUTROD 12.51 0.1 % C 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Copper coated wire; VTS: 40 Elon: 28%
Esab; for carbon dioxide or gas shielded welding; as BS 24/4 F 0.21 % C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Forging for
welded railway use
VTS: 580 Elon: 25% Proof: 430 VTS: 45 Elon: 26%
AUTROD 13.42 0.12% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Si 0.01 % Sand P (max) steel: BS 24/5/611 0.16% C (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; as BS alloy
Esab; welding rod; weld deposit; 50 J impact at - 20 'C 611; for railway use
VTS: 550 Elon: 27% Proof: 440 BS 24/5/612 Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate; as BS alloy 612; for
AW 10 0.18% C 0.75% Mn 0.02% Nb 0.25% Cu steel: Alan railway use
Wood BS 24/5/613 Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Bar; as BS alloy 613; for
AW55 0.16% C 0.55% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Alan Wood railway use
AWAC Mild steel AI coated conductivity wire: Copperweld Co BS 29122126 Low C 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Forging; marine
AWS A5-20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; obsolete; AWS designation forgings; welding quality
(E6XTl) VTS: 36 Elon: 33%
AWSA5-20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; obsolete; AWS designation BS 29128/32 Low C 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Forging; marine
(E6XT4) forgings
AWSA5·20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; obsolete; AWS designation VTS: 45 Elon: 28%
(E6XT5) BS 29/32/36 Low C 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Forging; marine
AWSA5-20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; obsolete; AWS designation forgings
(E6XT6) VTS: 51 Elon: 25%
AWS A5-20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; obsolete; AWS designation BS 29/36/40 Low C 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Forging; marine
(E6XTI) forgings
AWSA5-20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; obsolete; AWS designation VTS: 58 Elon: 22%
(E6XT8) BS 32/3 Low C free machining steel; withdrawn owing to low
AWSA5-20 Mild steel: Weld electrode; obsolete; AWS designation resistance to shock
(E6XTlI) BS 32/4 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.25% S 0.07% P steel: Free machining
bar; replaced by BS 970 En IA
312 . 44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 32'5 0.1 % C 1.2% Mn 0.45% S 0.06% P steel: Free BS 1449CS17 0.17% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Strip; as BS
machining bar; replaced by BS 970 En IB alloy En 2C
BS 75 Wrought steels for automobiles; replaced by BS 970 BS 1449 CS22 0.22% C 0.05% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Strip; as BS
BS400 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: For alloy En 2C
gas cylinders BS 1449HRI 0.09% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Extra deep
BS401 0.2% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: For drawing (killed) sheet; as BS 970 En 2A/I
gas cylinders VTS: 320 Elon: 34%
BS64012 0.12% C 0.05% Mn 0.04% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 1449HR2 0.09% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Extra deep
Electrode drawing sheet; as BS 970 En 2A/I
BS 640/3 0.1 % C 0.04% Mn 0.04% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: UTS: 320 ElolI: 34%
Electrode BS 1449HR3 0.1 % C 0.5% Mil 0.04% Sand P steel: Deep drawing
BS 725 Hot rolled mild steel strip; replaced by BS 1449 sheet; as BS 970 En 2A
BS782 Electrodes for metal arc welding; replaced by BS 639 UTS: 330 Elon: 31 %
and BS 2549 BS 1449 HR4 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Drawing
BS 806 A Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless pipe; cold drawn quality sheet; as BS 970 En 2
and annealed UTS: 290
VTS: 390 BS 1449 HRll 0.08% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Extra deep
BS 806 B Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless pipe; as drawn drawing (killed) plate; as BS 970 En 2A/I
UTS: 390 UTS: 320 Elon: 34%
BS 806 C Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless pipe; as drawn BS 1449HR12 0.09% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Extra deep
UTS: 370 drawing plate; as BS 970 En 2A/I
BS 806 D Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Hydraulic lap welded; as VTS: 320 Elon: 34%
welded BS 1449 HR13 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Deep drawing
VTS: 370 quality plate; as BS 970 En 2A
BS 806 E Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Roll lap welded pipe; as UTS: 320 Elon: 31 %
welded BS 1449HR14 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Flanging or
UTS: 370 drawing quality plate; as BS 970 En 2A
BS 806 F Low C steel: Welded pipe VTS: 270
BS847 Cold rolled mild strip; replaced by BS 1449 BS 1449HR15 0.2% CO.9% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Commercial
BS970 See designation for details quality plate; as BS 970 En 2
BS971 Commentary on steels contained in BS 970 (En series) VTS: 270
BS 980 CDSI 0.2% C 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Cold drawn tube; BS 1449 HSI 0.07% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Sheet and
annealed plate
VTS: 370 Proof: 170 VTS: 270 Elon: 34%
BS 980 CDS2 0.2% C 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Cold drawn tube; as BS 1449 HS2 0.08% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Sheet and
drawn and tempered plate
VTS: 420 Proof:~ UTS: 270 Elon: 34%
BS 980 CDS3 0.18% C 0.6% Mn steel: Cold drawn tube; as drawn BS 1449 HS3 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Sheet and plate
and tempered UTS: 270 Elon: 30%
VTS:420 Proof:~ BS 1449HS4A 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet and
BS 980 CDS4 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.07% Ssteel: Cold drawn tube; as plate
drawn and tempered UTS: 270 Elon: 25%
VTS: 420 Proof:~ BS 1449 HS4B 0.13% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet and
BS 1052 Low C 0.06% S 0.06% P steel: Wire; annealed plate
VTS: 390 UTS: 270
BS 1052 Low C 0.06% S0.06% P steel: Wire; hard drawn BS 1449 HSI2 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet and
UTS: 690 plate
BS 1387 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: For steel tubes and sockets VTS: 300 Elon: 25 % Proof: 170
VTS: 390 BS 1449 HSI7 0.17% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet and
BS 1449 CSI 0.07% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; plate
extra deep drawing; quality as BS alloy En 2A/I VTS: 340 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
BS 1449CS2 0.08% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; BS 1449 HS20 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet
extra deep drawing; quality as BS alloy En 2A/I VTS: 370 Elon: 18% Proof: 340
BS 1449CS3 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Strip; BS 1449 HS22 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet and
deep drawing; quality as BS alloy En 2A plate
BS 1449 CS4 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Strip; as VTS: 390 Elon: 20% Proof: 220
BS alloy En 2 BS 1449 HS23 0.22% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet and
BS 1449 CSI2 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Strip; as BS plate
alloy En 2B VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
BS 1449 NHRI2 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Extra deep
drawing quality plate
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: VTS: 290 Elon: 26%
BS 1449 NHR13 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Deep drawing
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number quality plate
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 300 Elon: 23%
Elon Elongation, % BS 1449 NHRI4 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Flanging
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 quality plate
VTS: 300 Elon: 22 %
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa BS 1449 NHRI5 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Commercial
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. quality plate
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 313
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1449 NHR21 0.18% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate BS 1654 Mild steel tubes; replaced by BS 3059
VTS: 390 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 BS 1678 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube
'R'S 1449 NHR22 0.18% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate BS 1730 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube
UTS: 440 Elon: 18% Proof: 210 BS 1775 CDSll Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; cold drawn
BS 1449 NHR23 0.18% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate and annealed
UTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 240 VTS: 300 Proof: 170
BS 1449 NHR25 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Plate BS 1775 CDS13 Low C 0.06% Sand P seamless tube; cold drawn and
VTS: 530 Elon: 14% Proof: 340 annealed
BS 1453 Al 0.1 % C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Ni steel: For welding filler rod VTS: 330 Proof: 200
to give butt weld of 309 N/mm 2 tensile BS 1775 CDS16 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; cold drawn
BS 1453 A2 0.15% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: For welding filler rod and annealed
to give butt weld of 420 N/mm 2 tensile VTS: 400 Proof: 240
BS 1456 A 0.21 % C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 1775 CDS20 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; cold drawn
Castings; hardened and tempered; contained in BS and annealed
3100 VTS: 530 Proof: 300
VTS: 610 Elon: 18% BS 1775 CDS23 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; cold drawn
BS 15011101 C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Plate and bar and annealed
UTS: 420 Elon: 20% VTS: 480 Proof: 340
BS 15011151 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate and bar; normalized BS 1775 CDS24 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; cold drawn
VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 220 or cold drawn and tempered
BS 15011151 A 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate and bar; normalized UTS: 420 Proof: 360
VTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 180 BS 1775 CDS28 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; cold drawn
BS 15011151 B 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate and bar; normalized or cold dra,m and tempered
VTS: 390 Elon: 23% Proof: 210 VTS: 530 Proof: 420
BS 15011161 A 0.2% C 0.50% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P BS 1775 CDS35 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; cold drawn
steel (silicon killed): Plate and bar; normalized or cold drawn and tempered
VTS: 360 Elon: 25% Proof: 180 UTS: 630 Proof: 530
BS 15011161 B 0.2% C 0.50% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P BS 1775 CEWll Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
steel (silicon killed): Plate and bar; normalized cold drawn after welding; then annealed
VTS: 390 Elon: 23 % Proof: 200 VTS: 300 Proof: 170
BS 15011161 C 0.2% C 0.50% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P BS 1775 CEW16 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
steel (silicon killed): Plate and bar; normalized cold drawn after welding; then annealed
VTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 220 VTS: 370 Proof: 240
BS 15011221 0.2% C 1.50% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate BS 1775 CEW23 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
and bar; normalized cold drawn after welding; then annealed
VTS: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 240 VTS: 480 Proof: 340
BS 1506/111 0.2% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: Bar; as BS 1775 CEW24 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
rolled cold drawn after welding
VTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 220 VTS: 420 Proof: 360
BS 1507/101 C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless pipes; as BS 1775 CEW28 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically w.elded tube;
rolled cold drawn after welding
VTS: 360 Elon: 30% VTS: 530 Proof: 420
BS 1507/131 C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Lap welded pipes BS 1775 EFW16 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electric fusion welded
VTS: 370 Elon: 30% tube; as welded
BS 1507/151 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless pipes; as VTS: 390 Proof: 240
rolled BS 1775 ERWll Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
VTS: 370 Elon: 30% as welded
BS 1507/171 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold drawn VTS: 300 Proof: 170
seamless pipes; annealed after drawing BS 1775 ERW16 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
UTS: 370 Elon: 31% as welded
BS 1507/181 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Lap welded pipes VTS: 370 Proof: 240
VTS: 360 BS 1775 ERW20 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
BS 15081151 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; as as welded
rolled VTS: 450 Proof: 300
VTS: 360 Elon: 29% BS 1775 ERW23 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically welded tube;
BS 15081171 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold drawn tube; as welded
annealed after drawing VTS: 480 Proof: 340
VTS: 370 Elon: 30% BS 1775 HFSll Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; as drawn
BS 1617 A 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: VTS: 300 Proof: 170
Casting; annealed; high magnetic permeability BS 1775 HFS13 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; as drawn
VTS: 420 Elon: 22 % VTS: 330 Proof: 200
BS 1617 B 0.25% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: BS 1775 HFS16 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; as drawn
Casting; annealed; high magnetic permeability VTS: 400 Proof: 240
UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 200 BS 1775 HFS20 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; as drawn
BS 1627 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube VTS: 550 Proof: 300
BS 1627 0.15% C 0.50% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold BS 1775 HFS23 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; as drawn
drawn tubes; annealed VTS: 480 Proof: 340
VTS: 300 Elon: 32% BS 1775 HFWI3 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Welded tube; as welded
BS 1633 L 0.18% C (max) 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For land VTS: 330 Proof: 200
boilers BS 1775 HFWI6 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Welded tube; as welded
VTS: 580 Elon: 21 % VTS: 400 Proof: 240
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1n5HFW23 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Welded tube; as welded BS 3141 CIAI 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Classification
UTS:480 Proof: 340 system used by British Standards; discontinued
BS 1n5HLWI6 Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Hydraulically lap welded BS 3141 CZAI 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel:
tube; as welded Classification system used by British Standards;
UTS: 390 Proof: 240 discontinued
BS 1775 OAWll Low C 0.06% Sand P steel: Oxy·acetylene welded BS 3141 C2BI 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
tube; as welded system used by British Standards; discontinued
UTS: 300 Proof: 170 BS 3141 C2EI 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 1882 99.0% Ni mild steel to BS alloy 151-154 or 157 sheet system used by British Standards; discontinued
BS 2762 NDI 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.06% S 0.05% P steel: Plate; BS 3141 CZFI 0.12% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
notch ductile for bridges, etc. system used by British Standards; discontinued
UTS: 456 Elon: 22% Proof: 220 BS 3141 CZGI 0.12% C 1.3% Mn 0.05% S and P steel: Classification
BS 2762 NDII 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.06% S 0.05% P steel: Plate; notch system used by British Standards; discontinued
ductile for bridges, etc. BS3141 CZKI 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
UTS:456 Elon: 22% Proof: 220 system used by British Standards; discontinued
BS 2762 ND1lI 0.17% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 3141 CZLl 0.15% C 1.1 % Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
Plate; notch ductile for bridges, etc. system used by British Standards; discontinued
UTS: 456 Elon: 22% Proof: 210 BS 3141 C3AI 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 2762 NDIV 0.17% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: system used by British Standards; discontinued
Plate; notch ductile for bridges, etc. BS 3141 C3BI 0.2% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
UTS:456 Elon: 22% Proof: 210 system used by British Standards; discontinued
BS 277213 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Castings for BS 3141 CF2CI 0.1% C 1% Mn 0.25% S 0.07% P steel: Free cutting;
colliery winding gear; hardened and tempered classification system used by British Standards;
DPN: 156 UTS: 480 Elon: 25% Proof: 300 discontinued
BS 2858 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% Si 0.05% Sand P BS 3141 CF20l 0.1 % C 1.2% Mn 0.5% S 0.06% P steel: Free cutting;
steel: Plate for galvanizing pots classification system used by British Standards;
BS 2901 AI5 0.1 % C 1.2% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Rod for gas and discontinued
electric welding BS 3141 CF2HI 0.14% C 1.1 % Mn 0.12% S 0.05% P steel: Free
BS 2901 AI7 0.15% C 1.1 % Mn 0.5% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Rod cutting; classification system used by British Standards;
for gas and electric welding discontinued
BS 305911 Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube for boilers; seamless; BS 3141 CF2JI 0.16%C 1.2% Mn 0.14% S 0.06% P steel: Free
hot finished cutting; classification system used by British Standards;
UTS: 360 discontinued
BS 305912 Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube for boilers; cold BS 3141 CF3DI 0.2% C 1.1 % Mn 0.14% S 0.06% P steel: Free cutting;
drawn; seamless classification system used by British Standards;
UTS: 360 discontinued
BS 3059/3 Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube for boilers; BS 3141 CF3EI 0.2% C 1.1 % Mn 0.14% S 0.05% P steel: Free cutting;
electrically welded and normalized classification system used by British Standards;
UTS: 360 discontinued
BS 3059/4 Low C 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube for boilers; BS 3458 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For chain
electrically welded from strip, then cold drawn slings; hardened and tempered
UTS: 360 DPN: 250
BS 3100 A4 0.2% C 1.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Casting BS3601 BW C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Butt welded pipe;
UTS: 600 Elon: 16% Proof: 320 available in grade 22
BS 3100 ALl 0.2% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: UTS: 390
Casting for low temperature use; 20 J impact at -40 'C BS 3601 CDS C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless pipe;
UTS: 430 Elon: 22% Proof: 230 cold drawn; available in grades 22, 27 and 35
BS3100 AMI 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.8% Cr + Mo + Ni UTS: 400
+ Cu (max) steel: Casting with high magnetic BS3601 EFW C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Electric fusion
permeability welded pipe; available in grade 26
UTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: 185 UTS: 420
BS 3100 AM2 0.25% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.8% Cr + Mo + Ni BS3601 ERW C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrical
+ Cu (max) steel: Casting with high magnetic resistance welded pipes; available in grades 22 and 27
permeability UTS: 370
UTS: 456 Elon: 22% Proof: 215 BS 3601 HFS C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Seamless pipe; hot
BS3100AWI 0.14% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr + Mo + Ni + Cu (max) finished; available in grades 22, 27 and 35
steel: Casting for case hardening UTS: 400
UTS: 460 Elon: 12% BS3601 HLW C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Hydraulic welded
pipes; available in grade 26
UTS: 420
BS 3601 SFW C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Spiral seam fusion
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: welded pipe available in grade 26
UTS: 420
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS 3602 CDS 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Seamless pipe; cold drawn; available in grades 23, 27
Elon Elongation, % and 35
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' UTS: 420 Proof: 240
BS3602 EFW Analysis not quoted; electric fusion welded steel pipes
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04 ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa 0.22% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Electric resistance
BS3602 ERW
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. welded pipes; available in grades 23 and 27
UTS: 420 Proof: 210
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 315
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 3602 HFS 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BST4KP2 0.22% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr + Ni + Cu (max) 0.05%
Seamless tube; hot finished; available in grades 23, 27 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
and 35 Cl 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn steel: Siau
VTS: 420 Proof: 240 C2 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: Siau
BS 4360/40 A 0.27% C 0.06% Sand P steel: As rolled; weldable C8 UNI 4365 0.08% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Italian
UTS: 420 Elon: 22% Standard
BS 4360140 B 0.25% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% S and P steel: As rolled; C9115 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Designation
weldable used by German Standards
UTS: 420 Elon: 22% C9122 0.21 % C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Designation
BS 4360140 C 0.22% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: As rolled; used by German Standards
weldable CIO O. I% C 0.3% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: Designation
UTS: 420 Elon: 22 % used by German Standards
BS 4360/40 D 0.19% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Normalized; C 10 UN14365 0.09% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
weldable; with Nb Italian Standard
UTS: 420 Elon: 22% C 15 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For
BS 4360140 E 0.19% C 1.6% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: carburizing; designation used by German Standards
Normalized; weldable C 15 UNI 4365 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
UTS: 420 Elon: 22% Italian Standard; for bolts
BS 4360/43 D 0.19% C 1.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Normalized; C20 0.2% C 0.6% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation;
weldable; with Nh normalized
UTS: 500 Elon: 23% DPN: ISO VTS: 520 Elon: 24% Proof: 240
BS4360/43 E 0.19% C 1.6% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: C20 UNI 4365 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.4% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Italian
Normalized; weldable Standard; for bolts
UTS: 500 Elon: 23 % C 21 UNI 4365 0.2% C 0.45% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Italian
BS 4449 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For concrete Standard; for bolts
reinforcement; as rolled; high yield C22 0.21 % C 0.4% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: Designation
UTS: 410 Elon: 14% used by German Standards
BS 4449 0.25% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: For concrete C23 0.1 % C 0.7% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
reinforcement; as rolled; mild steel CASONA 0.1 % C (max) 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: For
UTS: 250 Elon: 22% carburizing; Hall and Pickles; obsolete
BS 4461 0.25% C (max) 0.06% Sand P (max) steel: For CD 28 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Fagersta
concrete reinforcement; cold rolled UTS: 390 Elon: 30%
UTS: 440 Elon: 13% CD 32 0.14% CO.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Fagersta
BSS3 Low carbon steel: Sheet; 28 ton ninge suitable for UTS: 440 EIon: 28%
welding; replaced by BS S510 CD 40 0.17% C 0.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Fagersta
BSSI3 0.1 % C steel: For carburizing; replaced UTS: 460 Elon: 25%
BS S14 0.14% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Bar CELLOCITO PL2 0.12% C 0.55% Mn 0.2% Si: Soudametal; mild steel;
and forging; hlank carburized; hardened and tempered welding lor pipelines and ducts
UTS: 480 Elon: 20% UTS: 530 Elon: 26% Proof: 435
BS S32 Low carbon mild steel: Wire for welding; obsolete CHAR-PAC 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
BSS84 Low carbon steel: Sheet; for welding; obsolete (see BS US Steel Corp
S5II) CHMS 0.14% C 0.7% Mn steel: For case hardening; ESC for
BS S91 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: BS alloy En 32
Normalized; for bearing shells CODE 602 0.1% C (max) 0.15% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Casting;
DPN: 140 Edgar Allen; 0 steel
BS S92 0.22% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: CODE 605 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Casting; Edgar
Hardened and tempered; suitable for welding Allen; T steel
DPN: 210 VTS: 760 Elon: 17% Proof: 460 COILEX 0.08% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Welding electrode;
BSS112 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Si 0.14% S 0.05% P 0.2% Pb Murex
steel: Cold drawn; free machining VTS: 420 Elon: 38% Proof: 330
VTS: 690 Elon: 15% COILEXF 0.08% C 0.4% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Welding electrode;
BS S510 0.21 % C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; Murex
normalized; suitable for welding VTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 440
VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 COLCLAD 12 Cr 0.08% C (max) 0.5% Ni 12% Cr stainless steel:
BS S511 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Colvilles Stainless to BS alloy En56A
Sheet; annealed; suitable for welding COLCLAD 13/Cr/AI 0.08% C (max) 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.2% AI stainless
UTS: 330 Elon: 25% steel on mild steel: Colvilles stainless BS alloy 713
BS S512 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: COLCLAD 1818 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr stainless steel on mild
Tinned sheet; tin to be 99.5% pure and not less than steel: Colvilles stainless to BS alloy En58A
0.Q15 mm thick COLCLAD 1818 ELC 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr stainless steel on mild
BS S514 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; steel: Colvilles stainless to BS alloy SOIC
hardened and tempered COLCLAD 1818 Nb 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.9% Nb stainless steel
UTS: 840 Elon: 12% Proof: 600 on mild steel: Colvilles stainless to BS alloy En58
BS S515 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; COLCLAD 1818 Ti 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti stainless steel
annealed; suitable for welding on mild steel: Colvilles stainless to BS alloy En58B
DPN: 170 VTS: 450 Elon: 20% COLCLAD 18110/2 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo stainless
BS T6 0.18% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: ELC steel on mild steel: Colvilles
Tube; as drawn and tempered, weldable COLCLAD 18110/2 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.9% Nb
VTS: 450 Proof: 420 Nb stainless steel on mild steel: Colvilles stainless to BS
BS T26 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube; Y,-hard alloy 845
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
COLCLAD 18/10/2 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.5% Ti CORROSTITE 0.11 % C 0.4% Mn 0.3% Si (max) 0.05% Sand P 0.3%
Ti stainless steel on mild steel: Colvilles stainless to BS Cu steel: Tube; SID Service (see Rcsistco)
alloy En 58H Cq IS 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
COLCLAD 18/10/3 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo stainless steel German Standards
ELC on mild steel: Colvilles Cq 22 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
COLCLAD 18/10/3 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo 0.9% Nb stainless German Standards
Nb steel on mild steel: Colvilles stainless to BS alloy En CREUSELSO 38 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn (max) Al killed steel:
581 Creusot
COLCLAD 0.2% C 16% Cr 0.07% Cu 8% Fe Ni alloy on mild CREUSELSO 42 0.24% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.03% Sand P (max)
INCONEL steel: Colvilles; Inconel on mild steel steel: Creusot
COLCLAD 0.02% C (max) 0.1 % Ti (max) 0.2% Cu Ni on mild CR042 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: For case hardening;
NICKEL steel: Colvilles; Ni to BS alloy 1872 -low carbon Bofors
COLCLAD 0.15% C (max) 0.1% Ti (max) 0.2% Cu Ni on mild DPN: 220
NICKEL steel; Colvilles; Ni to BS alloy 1872 CR053 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case
COLORCOAT Strip steel (also stainless, etc.) with a range of plastic or hardening; Bofors; annealed
paint coatings; British Steel DPN: 220
COLTUF26 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Cu I 0.1% C (max) 0.5% Mn steel: Siau
Plate; Colvilles CUPREX 0.07% C 0.35% Mn 0.5% Cu steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 390 Elon: 26% Proof: 240 Murex
COLTUF28 0.16% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: VTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 440
Plate; Colvilles 01 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Pompey
VTS: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 240 DIS 0.1 % CO.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.2% S steel: Pompey; free
COLTUF32 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.3% Si steel: Plate; machining
Colvilles o ISS 0.1% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.15% S steel: Pompey; free
VTS: 540 Elon: 22% Proof: 330 machining
COMETB 0.07% C 0.65% Mn 0.35% Si mild steel: Welding rod; 02 0.2% C 0.6% Mn steel: Pompey
Soudametal; horizontal welding of plate D2K 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% Si 0.35% Ssteel: Pompey; free
VTS: 550 Elon: 26% Proof: 480 machining
COMET J 50 0.06% C 1.0% Mn 0.4% Si mild steel: Welders rod; D2Mn 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Pompey
Soudametal; for repair welding D2S 0.2% CO. 75% Mn 0.25% Si 0.15% S steel: Pompey;
VTS: 550 Elon: 30% Proof: 460 free machining
COMET J SON 0.06% C 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si mild steel: Welding rod; D2SS 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Pompey
Soudametal DCI 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
VTS: 550 Elon: 32% Proof: 440 DEEPEX 0.15% C 0.35% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
COMETR 12 Analysis not supplied: Mild steel; welding electrode; DEF13BI Mild steel: No properties or specifications listed
Soudametal; for deep penetration welds DEF 13 B2 Mild steel: Covers BS 970 En 3A 3C 4, etc.
COMETT 0.06% C 0.5% Mn 0.4% Si mild steel: Welding rod; VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 220
Soudametal; flexible position welding DEF 13 B6 Carbon case hardening steel: Covers BS 970 En 32, etc.
VTS: 550 Elon: 22% Proof: 495 VTS 480 Elon: 20%
COMET V 0.08% C 0.6% Mn 0.35% Si mild steel: Welding rod; DEF 13 B6 B Carbon manganese case hardening steel: Covers BS 970
Soudametal; welding of pipework, etc. En 201
VTS: 540 Elon: 26% Proof: 48 VTS: 600 Elon: 20%
COMETW 0.01 % C 0.55% Mn 0.2% Si mild steel: Welding rod; DILLINAL 54 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
Soudametal; horizontal welding of sheet German proprietary specification; Al killed
VTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 420 DILLINAL 54T 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
CONLOI 0.16% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate; German proprietary specification; AI killed
Consett; normalized; suitable for welding; Al killed DILLINAL56 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.04% Sand P (max)
VTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 240 steel: German proprietary specification; AI killed
CONLO 1 0.16% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: DILLINAL 56T 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.12% V steel:
Consett German proprietary specification; AI killed
CONLO 11 0.16% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Consett DIN 1613 St 35 13K 0.09% C 0.4% Mn steel: For chains
CONLO 11 0.16% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand Psteel: Plate; DIN 1624 St 0 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: Cold
Consett; normalized; suitable for welding; Si killed rolled strip
VTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 240 DIN 1624 St I 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.06% S 0.07% P steel: Cold
CON·PAC 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.25% Cu steel: US Steel rolled strip
Corp. DIN 1624 St 2 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold
COPPERWELD Copper covered steel wire: Copperweld Steel Co.; for rolled strip
electronic uses DIN 1624 St 3 0.1% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Cold rolled strip
DIN 1624 St 4 0.1 % C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.035% S 0.03% P steel: Cold
rolled strip
DIN 162642/2 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.06% P (max) steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Pipe; German Standard
VTS: 460 Proof: 260
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DIN 162652/3 0.22% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' steel: Pipe; German Standard
Elon Elongation, % VTS: 560 Proof: 360
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DIN 1626 St 33 Analysis not specified: Steel pipe; German Standard
VTS: 410
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04Ibf/in.'= 1 MPa DIN 1626 St 34/2 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe;
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. German Standard
VTS: 400 Proof: 240
44A1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 317
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DIN 1626 St 37 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel: DIN 17100 RST 37/2 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max)
Pipe; German Standard steel: Plate; German specification
VTS: 400 Proof: 240 VTS: 410 Proof: 230
DIN 1626 St 37/2 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.06% P (max) steel: DIN 17100 RST 46/7 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.05% P (max) steel:
Pipe; German Standard Plate; German specification
VTS: 410 Proof: 260 VTS: 490 Proof: 280
DIN 1626 St 42 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel: DIN 17100 St 33/1 Chemical analysis not specified: Steel for plate;
Pipe; German Standard German specification
VTS: 460 Proof: 260 VTS: 410 Proof: 190
DIN 1629 St 00 Analysis not specified: Steel tube; German Standard DIN 17100 St 33/2 C not specified 0.05% S (max) 0.06% P (max) 0.007%
DIN 1629 St 35 0.18% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; N (max) steel: Plate; German specification
German Standard VTS: 410 Proof: 190
VTS: 400 Proof: 240 DIN 17100 St 37/3 0.17% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) 0.009%
DIN 1629 St 35/4 0.17% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Plate; German specification
steel: Pipe; German Standard VTS: 410 Proof: 230
VTS: 400 Proof: 240 DIN 17100 St 46/3 2% C (max) 0.045% S (max) 0.045% P (max) steel:
DIN 1629 St 45 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Plate; German specification
German Standard VTS: 490 Proof: 280
VTS: 500 Proof: 260 DIN 17100 St 50/1 0.2% C 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel: Plate;
DIN 1629 St 45/4 0.22% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) German standard
steel: Pipe; German Standard VTS: 550 Proof: 290
VTS: 500 Proof: 260 DIN 17100 St 52/3 0.21 % C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.045% P (max)
DIN 1629 St 52 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.045% (max) steel: Plate; German specification
steel: Pipe; German Standard UTS: 570 Proof: 350
VTS: 570 Proof: 360 DIN 17100 USt 34/1 0.17% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel:
DIN 1629 St 52/4 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) Plate; German specification
steel: Pipe; German Standard VTS: 380 Proof: 200
VTS: 570 Proof: 360 DIN 17100 USt 34/2 0.15% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max)
DIN 1651 9 S 20 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.2% S 0.1% P steel: Free steel: Plate; German specification
machining VTS: 380 Proof: 200
DIN 1651 9 S 27 0.12% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.25% S 0.1 % P steel: Free DIN 17100 USt 37/1 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.07% P (max) steel:
machining Plate; German specification
DIN 1651 9 S Mn 23 0.13% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.23% S steel: Free VTS: 410 Proof: 230
machining DIN 17100 USt 37/2 0.19% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max)
DIN 1651 9 S Mn 28 0.14% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.28% Ssteel: Free steel: Plate; German specification
machining VTS: 410 Proof: 230
DPN: 160 VTS: 460 DIN 17100 USt 42/1 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel:
DIN 1651 9 S Mn 36 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.38% Ssteel: Free Plate; German specification
machining; German Standard VTS: 460 Proof: 250
DPN: 170 VTS: 480 DIN 17110 MR St 34 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For r,i':ets
DIN 1651 0.13% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.23% S 0.2% Pb steel: Free DIN 17110 MR St 44 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: For rivets
9SMnPb23 machining DIN 17110 MU St 34 0.1 % C (max) 0.25% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For
DIN 1651 0.14% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.28% S 0.2% Pb steel: Free rivets
9 S Mn Pb 28 machining DIN 17110 Q St 34 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For rivets
DPN: 160 VTS: 460 DIN 17110 TU St 34 0.08% C (max) 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: For rivets
DIN 1651 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.38% S 0.2% Pb steel: Free DIN 17155 17 Mn 4 0.17% C 0.1 % Mn 0.3% Cr (max) 0.05% Sand
9 S Mn Pb 36 machining P (max) steel: Plate; German Standard
DPN: 170 VTS: 480 VTS: 520 Proof: 280
DIN 1651 10 S 20 0.09% CO. 7% Mn 0.2% S 0.07% P steel: Free cutting; DIN 17155 19 Mn 5 0.2% C 1.1% Mn 0.3% Cr (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
carburizing steel: Plate; German Standard
DIN 1651 15 S 20 0.15% CO. 7% Mn 0.2% S 0.07% P steel: Free VTS: 570 Proof: 320
machining; carburizing DIN 17155 Gd 1 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate; for boiler
DIN 1651 22 S 20 0.21 % C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ssteel: Free machining; for DIN 17155 Gd 11 0.23% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For boiler plate
carburizing DIN 17155 HII 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.3% Cr (max) 0.05% S
DIN 1654 C 9 15 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For screws and P (max): German Standard
DIN 1654 C 9 22 0.21 % C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For screws VTS: 440 Proof: 250
DIN 2440 Plain carbon steel: Tubes for screwing; German DIN 17155 HI 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.3% Cr (max) 0.05%
Standard Sand P (max) steel: Plate; German Standard
DIN 2441 Plain carbon steel: Tubes for screwing; German VTS: 400 Proof: 220
Standard DIN 17155 HM 0.22% C (max) 0.55% Mn (max) 0.3% Cr (max)
DIN 2442 Plain carbon steel: Tubes for screwing; German 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; German Standard
Standard DIN 17172 RRSt 34/7 0.17% C 0.35% Mn (max) 0.045% Sand P steel: Pipe;
DIN 17100 RST 34/1 0.17% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel: German Standard
Plate; German specification VTS: 390 Proof: 210
VTS: 380 Proof: 200 DIN 17172 RRSt 38/7 0.22% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
DIN 17100 RST 34/2 0.15% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.007% P (max) steel: steel: Pipe; German Standard
Plate; German specification VTS: 420 Proof: 250
VTS: 380 Proof: 200 DIN 17172 RSt 34/7 0.17% C 0.35% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe;
DIN 17100 RST 37/1 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.07% P (max) steel: German Standard
Plate; German specification VTS: 390 Proof: 210
VTS: 410 Proof: 230
318 . 44A1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DIN 17172 RSt 3817 0.22% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) DOFASCOLOY M 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Dominion
steel: Pipe; German Standard DRAGONITE Low carbon electric-galvanized sheet and plate: Steel
UTS: 430 Proof: 250 Co. of Wales for BS alloy En 2
DIN 17172 St43n 0.22% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: DTD720A 0.15% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% S 0.04% P steel: Softened
Pipe; German Standard and cold drawn; for rivets
UTS: 490 Proof: 300 UTS: S40 Elon: 27%
DIN 17172 St 47/7 0.22% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: DTD5199 C steel: Casting; investment cast
Pipe; German Standard UTS: 500
UTS: 490 Proof: 300 DTD 5209 C Mn steel: Casting; investment cast
DIN 17172 St 53n 0.22% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: UTS: 620
Pipe; German Standard DUCOLQT122 0.17% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel:
UTS: 580 Proof: 370 Colvilles
DIN 17172 USt 34n 0.17% C 0.35% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; DUNELT3 0.1 % C 0.06% Sand P steel: Dunford; normalized
German Standard UTS: 340 Elon: 30%
VTS: 390 Proof: 210 DUNELT4 0.3% C 1% Mn 0.15% S 0.06% P steel: Free
DIN 17172 USt 3817 0.2% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) machining; Dunford; hardened and tempered
steel: Pipe; German Standard UTS: 600 Elon: 15%
UTS: 430 Proof: 2SO DUNELT5 0.15% C 1.2% Mn 0.15% S 0.06% Psteel: Free
DIN 17175 14 Mn 4 0.14% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube machining; Dunford; hardened and tempered
DIN 17175 St35/8 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube VTS: 560 Elon: 15%
DIN 17175 St 35/8 0.17% C 0.4% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: DUNELT7 0.15% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% S 0.04% P steel: Free
Pipe; Japanese Standard; for high temperature machining; Dunford; cold drawn
VTS: 400 Proof: 240 VTS: 600 Elon: 15%
DIN 17175 St45/8 0.22% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For seamless tube DUNELT14 0.14% C 0.06% Sand P steel: For case hardening;
DIN 17200 CIO 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For Dunford for BS alloy En32
structures; German Standard DUNELT21 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Dunford; cold
DIN 17200 Cl5 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For drawn
structures; German Standard VTS: 420 Elon: 17%
DIN 17200 C22 0.21 % C 0.45% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For DUNELT39 0.22% C 1.5% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Dunford; for
structures; German Standard BS alloy En 14A
DIN 17200 CK 10 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For E7XTl 0.17% C (max) steel: Weld electrode; designation used
structures; German Standard byAWS
DIN 17200 CK 15 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For E7 XTZ Mild steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
structures; German Standard E7XD Mild steel;Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
DIN 17200 CK 22 0.22% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For E7XT4 1.8% Al (max) mild steel: Weld electrode; designation
structures; German Standard used by AWS
DIN 17200 CM 15 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For E7 XT5 0.18% C (max) steel: Weld electrode; designation used
structures; German Standard byAWS
DIN 17210 C 10 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For E7XT6 1.8% Al mild steel: Electrode; designation used by
carburizing AWS
DIN 17210 C 15 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: Bar; for E7XT7 1.8% AI mild steel: Electrode; designation used by
carburizing AWS
DIN 17210 CK 10 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: For E7XT8 1.8% Al mild steel: Electrode; designation used by
carburizing AWS
DIN 17210 CK 15 0.15% C 0.3% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: Bar; for E7XTSNi1 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni 1.8% Al steel: Weld electrode;
carburizing designation used by AWS
DISCUS Mild steel eorrugated sheet: Galvanized; RTB for BS E7XT9 1.18% (max) mild steel: Electrode; designation used by
3083 AWS
DOFASCOLOY 0.25% C 1.2% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Dominion E 7 XTlO Mild steel: Electrode; designation used by AWS
45W E7 XTlI 1.8% Al mild steel: Electrode; designation used by
DOFASCOLOY 0.25% C 1.25% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Dominion AWS
50W E 7 XTl2 1.15% C (max) mild steel: Electrode; designation used
DOFASCOLOY 0.25% C 1.25% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Dominion byAWS
55 W E 7 XTl4 Mild steel: Electrode; designation used by AWS
DOFASCOLOY 0.25% C 1.25% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Dominion E900 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn steel: VEN
(J.JW E920 0.15% C 0.4% Mn steel: VEN
DOFASCOLOY 0.25% C 1.25% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Dominion E 7014 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel:
lOOW Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
E7015 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel:
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
E 7016 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
E 7018 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 E7024 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel:
Elon Elongation, % Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 E7027 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel:
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 = l45.04Ibf/in 2 = I MPa E7028 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel:
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 319
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
E 7048 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.3% Mo (max) steel: En 7 0.2% C 0.15% S 0.06% P steel: Free cutting;
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS designation used in BS 970; cold drawn; obsolete
EF 206 0.2% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: German UTS: 600 Elon: 15%
proprietory specification; Al killed En 32A 0.15% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For carburizing;
EG 7 X T1 0.2% Cr (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.35% Mo (max) steel: designation used in BS 970; obsolete
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS En 32B 0.15% C 0.07% S 0.05% P steel: For carburizing;
EG 7 X 1'2 1.4% Mn 0.8% Ni steel: Weld electrode; designation designation used in BS 970; obsolete
used by AWS En 32C 0.14% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For carburizing;
EG XX S5 0.13% C 0.9% AI steel: Weld electrode; designation designation used in BS 970; obsolete
used by AWS En 32M 0.15% C 0.12% S 0.05% P steel: For carburizing;
EH 10 K EW 0.1 % C steel: Weld electrode; designation used by designation used in BS 970; obsolete
AWS En 201 0.18% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For case
EH 14 0.15% C steel: Weld electrode; designation used by hauJening; designation used in BS 970; obsolete
AWS En 202 0.18% C (max) 0.15% S 0.05% P steel: For case
EL 8 0.1 % C (max) steel: Weld electrode: designation used hardening; designation used in BS 970; obsolete
byAWS ENELECSK Mild steel: Copper coated; welding wire; Philip
EL 8K 0.1 % C (max) 0.2% Si steel: Weld electrode; UTS: 530 Elon: 27% Proof: 425
designation used by AWS ENROX 0.08% C 0.6% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philip
EL 12 0.12% C steel: Weld electrode: designation used by ER 70 S4 0.13% C 0.75% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation
AWS used by AWS
EL 12N 0.1 % C steel: Weld electrode: designation used by ER 70 S6 0.13% C 1% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation used
EL GA 31 0.06% C 0.07% Mn steel: Electrode: Metrode ER 70 S7 0.13% C 0.65% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation
EL GA MAYETA 11 0.06% C 0.085% Mn steel: Electrode: Metrode used by AWS
EL GA P 43 0.06% C 0.5% Mn steel: Electrode: Metrode ERA 60 0.18% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P carburizing steel:
EL GA P 44 0.08% C 0.5% Mn steel: Electrode: Metrode Hadfields for BS alloy En 201
EL GA P 47 0.07% C 1.4% Mn steel: Electrode: Metrode ERA60M 0.18% C 1.2% Mn 0.15% S0.05% P steel: Free
EL GA P 51 0.06% C 0.9% Mn steel: Electrode: Metrode machining; carburizing; Hadfields for BS alloy En 202
ELECTROID IRON 0.02% C 0.08% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.05% V0.12% Si 0.03% EX·TEN 42 0.21% CO.9% Mn 0.02% VO.OI% Nb optional steel:
AI Fe alloy: Carpenter; for magnetic purposes US Steel Corp.
EM 12 EW 0.1 % C steel: Weld electrode; designation used by FAGERSTA 1150 0.07% C (max) 0.25% Mn steel: For deep drawing;
AWS Fagersta
EM 12 K EW 0.1 % C 0.2% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation used FAGERSTA 1160 0.08% C (max) 0.25% Mn steel: For deep drawing;
byAWS Fagersta
EM 12 KN 0.1 % C 0.2% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation used FAGERSTA 1265 0.1 % C 0.35% Mn steel: For carburizing; Fagersta;
byAWS weldable
EM 13 K EW 0.1 % C 0.5% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation used FAGERSTA 1357 0.2% C 0.6% Mn steel: For carburizing; Fagersta;
byAWS weldable
EM 14 K 0.12% C 0.1 % Ti 0.5% Si steel: Weld electrode; FASTEX5 0.06% C 0.6% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
designation used by AWS UTS: 540 Elon: 29% Proof: ~
EM 15 K EW 0.15% C 0.2% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation FASTEX7 0.08% C 0.06% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Welding electrode;
used by AWS Murex
En IA 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.25% S 0.07% P steel: Free UTS: 540 Elon: 25 % Proof: 480
machining; designation in B 9970; replaced by 220 M07 FASTEX 100 0.07% C 0.4% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
UTS: 420 Elon: 14% UTS: 420 Elon: 35% Proof: 330
En 1B 0.1 % C 1.2% Mn 0.4% S 0.06% P steel: Designation FB50 0.2% C (max) \.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
used in BS 970; replaced by 240 M07 German proprietory specification; Al killed
UTS: 370 Elon: 12 % FCCH 0.14% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Si steel: For carburizing;
En 2 0.2% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Cold forming; Firth Brown; for BS 970 En32A
designation used in BS 970; annealed; replaced by 050 Fe 33 C not specified 0.07% S (max) 0.07% P (max) steel:
A20 Designation used by Italian Standards
UTS: 300 Elon: 28% Fe 34A C not specified 0.065% Sand P steel: Designation used
En2A 0.12% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold forming; by Italian Standards
designation used in BS 970; annealed; replaced by 040 Fe 34B 0.2% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel:
AI2 Designation used by Italian Standards
UTS: 300 Elon: 28% Fe34C 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Designation
En 2A/I 0.1 % C (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: Cold forming; used by Italian Standards
designation used in BS 970; annealed; replaced by 040 Fe 37A 0.25% C (max) 0.075% S (max) 0.065% P (max) steel:
AI2 Designation used by Italian Standards
UTS: 300 Elon: 28% Fe37B 0.25% C (max) 0.055% P (max) 0.055% (max) steel:
En2B 0.15% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold forming; Designation used by Italian Standards
designation used in BS 970; annealed; replaced by 040 Fe 37C 0.23% C 0.055% S (max) 0.05% P (max) steel:
AI2 Designation used by Italian Standards
UTS: 300 Elon: 28% Fe 37D 0.22% C 0.045% S (max) 0.045% P (max) steel:
En2C 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold forming; designation Designation used by Italian Standards
used in BS 970; annealed; replaced by 040 AI2 Fe42A 0.28% C (max) 0.075% S (max) 0.065% P (max) steel:
UTS: 300 Elon: 28% Designation used by Italian Standards
En2D 0.22% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Cold forming; UTS: ~ Elon: 23% Proof: 245
designation used in BS 970; annealed; replaced by 050
UTS: 300 Elon: 28 %
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Fe 42B 0.24% C (max) 0.055% S (max) 0.055% P (max) FNB 40B 0.26% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.1% Nb 0.035% Sand
0.011 % N (max) steel: Designation used by Italian P (max) steel: Fuji
Standards FORTREX30 0.07% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Welding electrode;
UTS: 460 Elon: 23% Proof: 245 Murex
Fe 42C 0.22% C (max) 0.055% S (max) 0.05% P (max) 0.01 % VTS: 500 Elon: 35% Proof: 440
N (max) steel: Designation used by Italian Standards FORTREX35 0.08% C 0.7% Mn 0.5% Si steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 460 Elon: 23% Proof: 245 Murex
Fe 420 0.22% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: VTS: 510 Elon: 34% Proof: 460
Designation used by Italian Standards FORTREX35A 0.075% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 460 Elon: 23% Proof: 245 Murex
Fe 44A 0.28% C (max) 0.065% Sand P (max) steel: VTS: 480 Elon: 35 % Proof: 440
Designation used by Italian Standards FTW52 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel:
Fe 44B 0.24% C (max) 0.055% Sand P (max) steel: Fuji
Designation used by Italian Standards FTW55 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel:
Fe 44C 0.24% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Fuji
Designation used by Italian Standards FTW58 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel:
Fe 44D 0.22% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Fuji
Designation used by Italian Standards G 3101173/5534 C not specified 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: For plate;
Fe 50 C not specified 0.06% S 0.045% P steel: Designation Japanese specification
used by Italian Standards VTS: 3.90 Proof: 200
VTS: 550 Elon: 18% Proof: 295 GALVALUNE Mild steel sheet coated with Galvalune
Fe 52B 0.26% C (max) 0.055% Sand P steel: Designation used SHEET
by Italian Standards GALVAMATT 0.2% C steel: Baldwins Ltd
Fe 52C 0.24% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: GENEX 0.02% C 0.1 % Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
Designation used by Italian Standards GLX45W 0.16% C 0.68% Mn 0.025% Nb steel: National Steel
Fe 520 0.23% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Co.
Designation used by Italian Standards GLX50W 0.16% C 0.68% Mn 0.025% Nb steel: National Steel
Fe 60 C not specified 0.06% S (max) 0.045% P (max) steel: Co.
Designation used by Italian Standards GLX55 0.16% C 0.68% Mn 0.025% Nb steel: National Steel
VTS: 640 Elon: 15% Proof: 335 Co.
Fe 70 C not specified 0.06% S (max) 0.055% P (max) steel: GLX55 0.22% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: National
Designation used by Italian Standards Steel Co.
VTS: 750 EIon: 10% Proof: 36S GLX60W 0.16% C 0.68% Mn 0.025% Nb steel: National Steel
FEMAX 33.80 0.080% C 0.80% Mn 0.50% Sc steel: For electrodes; Co.
Esab GLX65 0.24% C 1.35% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: National Steel Co.
VTS: 556 EIon: 26% Proof: 479 GLX70 0.26% C 1.35% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: National Steel Co.
FERALSIN 52 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: GOST 380 2SPZ 0.12% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
Belgian specification; Al killed 0.3% Cu + Cr + Ni (max) steel: Plate; Russian
FERALSIN 58 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) National specification
steel: Belgian specification; Al killed GOST 380 BST 25 P 0.18% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
FERROARC RI55 0.09% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% Si mild steel: Welding rod; P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National specification
Soudametal; horizontal welding of plate GOST 380 BSTI PS 0.12% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
VTS: 540 Elon: 27% Proof: 460 steel: Plate; Russian National specification
FERROARC RI60 0.05% C 1.1 % Mn 0.3% Si mild steel: Welding rod; GOST 380 BSTI PS2 0.12% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
Soudametal 0.3% Cu + Cr + Ni (max) steel: Plate; Russian
VTS: 580 EIon: 28% Proof: 500 National specification
FILLETRODE 43.33 0.060% C 0.7% Mn 0.40% Si steel: For electrodes; GOST 380 BST3 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
Esab GPS P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National specification
VTS: 556 EIon: 27% Proof: 479 UTS: 440
FLT2A 0.11% C 1.06% Mn 0.12% Cu steel: Fuji; AI killed GOST 380 BST3 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
FLT2B 0.11 % C 1.16% Mn 0.01 % P 0.12% Cu and Ssteel: GPS2 P (max) 0.3% Cr + Ni + Cu (max) steel: Plate;
Fuji; AI killed Russian National specification
FNB 36A 0.23% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.1 % Nb 0.035% Sand VTS: 420 Proof: 240
P (max) steel: Fuji GOST 380 BSn 0.18% C 0.45% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
FNB 36B 0.23% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.1 % Nb 0.035% Sand KP2 0.3% Cu + Cr + Ni (max) steel: Plate; Russian
P (max) steel: Fuji National specification
FNB40A 0.26% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.1 % Nb 0.035% Sand GOST 380 BSD PS 0.18% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
P (max) steel: Fuji steel: Plate; Russian National specification
GOST 380 BSD SP 0.18% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
steel: Plate; Russian National specification
GOST380BSD 0.18% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.3%
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SPZ Cr + Ni + Cu (max) steel: Plate; Russian National
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number GOST 380 BST4 KP 0.22% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.4% P (max) steel:
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Plate; Russian Standard
EIon Elongation, % GOST 380 BST4 PS 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' steel: Plate; Russian Standard
GOST 380 BST4 0.22% C 0.55% Mn 0.3% Cr + Cu (max) 0.05%
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgUmm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04IbUin.'=1 MPa PS2 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. specification
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 321
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
OOST 380 BST4 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr + Ni + Cu (max) 0.05% OOST 380 VST3 PS4 0.22% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max)
SP2 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Plate; Russian National
OOST 380 BST5 0.26% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.4% P (max) steel: specification
OPS Plate; Russian Standard VTS: 420 Proof: 240
OOST 380 STO 0.23% C (max) 0.06% S (max) 0.07% P (max) steel: OOST 380 VSTI PS5 0.22% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max)
Plate; Russian National specification 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
VTS: 310 National specification
OOST 380 STl KP 0.09% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Plate; VTS: 420 Proof: 250
Russian National specification OOST 380 VST3 PS6 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
VTS: 370 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National
OOST 380 STl KP2 0.09% C 0.35% P (max) 0.3% Cu + Cr + Ni (max) specification
steel: Plate; Russian National specification VTS: 430 Proof: 250
VTS: 370 OOST 380 VSTI SP 0.22% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
OOST 380 STl PS 0.09% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P (max) steel: P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National specification
Plate; Russian National specification VTS: 420
VTS: 370 OOST 380 VST3 SP2 0.22% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max)
OOST 380 STl PS2 0.09% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P 0.3% Cu Cr Ni 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
steel: Plate; Russian National specification National specification
VTS: 370 VTS: 420 Proof: 240
OOST 380 STl SP 0.09% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) OOST 380 VST3 SP3 0.22% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max)
steel: Plate; Russian National specification 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
VTS: 370 National specification
OOST 380 ST2 KP 0.12% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) OOST 380 VSTI SP4 0.22% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max)
steel: Plate 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
OOST 380 ST2 KP2 0.12% C 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) National specification
0.03% Cu Cr Ni (max) steel: Plate; Russian National VTS: 420 Proof: 240
specification OOST 380 VSTI SP5 0.22% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
VTS: 370 P (max) 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) steel: Plate; Russian
OOST 380 VST2 KP 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% National specification
P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National specification VTS: 420 Proof: 240
VTS: 350 OOST 380 VST3 SP6 0.22% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max)
OOST 380 VST2 PS 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
steel: Plate; Russian National specification National specification
UTS: 390 VTS: 420 Proof: 250
OOST 380 VST2 PS2 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% OOST 380 VST4 PS2 0.27% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
P (max) 0.3% Cu Cr Ni (max) steel: Plate; Russian S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
National specification VTS: 480 Proof: 260
VTS: 390 Proof: 220 OOST 380 VST4 PS3 0.27% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
OOST 380 VST2 SP2 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
P (max) 0.3% Cu Cr Ni (max) steel: Plate; Russian VTS: 480 Proof: 270
National specification OOST 380 VST4 SP 0.27% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
VTS: 390 Proof: 220 P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
OOST 380 VSTI 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05% VTS: 480 Proof: 270
CPS3 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National OOST 380 VST4 SP3 0.27% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
specification S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
VTS: 440 Proof: 240 specification
OOST 380 VST3 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05% VTS: 480 Proof: 270
EPS4 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National OOST 380 VST25 P 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
specification P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National specification
VTS: 420 Proof: 240 VTS: 390
OOST 380 VST3 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05% OOST 550 10 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr + Ni (max) 0.035% Sand
EPS5 S (max) 0:04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard
specification VTS: 360 Proof: 220
VTS: 420 Proof: 240 OOST 5501002 0.12% C 1.4% Mn 0.025% Cr + Ni (max) 0.035% S
OOST 380 VSTI 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05% and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard
EPS6 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National VTS: 480 Proof: 270
specification OOST 550 20 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr + Ni (max) 0.04% Sand
VTS: 420 Proof: 240 P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard
OOST 380 VSTI PS 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% VTS: 440 Proof: 260
P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National specification OOST 613 E C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe;
VTS: 430 Russian Standard
OOST 380 VSTI PS2 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.03% Cr Ni Cu (max) VTS: 750 Proof: 5SO
0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Plate; Russian National OOST 631 D C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipes;
specification Russian Standard
VTS: 430 Proof: 240 VTS: 650 Proof: 380
OOST 380 VSTI PS3 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05% OOST 631 K C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe;
S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian National Russian Standard
specification VTS: 700 Proof: 500
VTS: 430 Proof: 250 OOST 631 L C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe;
Russian Standard
VTS: 800 Proof: 650
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST631 M C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; GOST 4543118 G2 0.18% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel:
Russian Standard Russian Standard
VTS: 900 Proof: 750 GOST 4543118 G2S 0.18% C 1.9% Mn 0.3% Sand P (max) steel: Russian
GOST632S C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Standard
Russian Standard GOST 4543/19 G 0.19% C 0.95% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel:
VTS: 550 Proof: 320 Russian Standard
GOST633 D C not specified 0.045% Sand P steel: Pipc; Russian GOST 4543127 SG 0.27% C 1.2% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) steel: Russian
Standard Standard
VTS: 650 Proof: 380 GOST 5005/15 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S
GOST 1050/05 KP 0.06% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.25% Ni 0.1% Cr and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian VTS: 480 Proof: 380
Standard GOST 5005120 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% Sand
GOST 1050/08 0.08% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.0% Cr (max) P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian VTS: 500 Proof: 400
Standard GOST 5058109 G2 0.12% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04%
GOST 1050/08 KP 0.08% C 0.4% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.1 % Cr (max) S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian GOST 5058109 G2S 0.12% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
Standard S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
GOST 1050/10 0.1% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) VTS: 450 Proof: 290
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian GOST 5058110 G2S1 0.12% C (max) 1.45% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max)
Standard 0.05% S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
GOST 1050/10 KP 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) Standard
0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian UTS: 500 Proof: 350
Standard GOST 5058/12 GS 0.12% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04%
GOST 1050/15 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard GOST 5058114 G 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.03% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.0035%
GOST 1050/15 G 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S P (max) 0.004% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard UTS: 400 Proof: 290
GOST 1050/15 KP 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.025% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S GOST 5058114 G2 0.16% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04%
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
GOST 1050/20 0.2% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S GOST 5058/14 0.13% C 1.1 % Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04%
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard KHGS S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
GOST 1050/20 G 0.2% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S VTS: 500 Proof: 350
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard GOST 5058/16 GS 0.15% C 1.1 % Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
GOST 1050/20 KP 0.2% C 0.35% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard VTS: 440 Proof: 270
GOST 1060/10 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) GOST 5058/17 OS 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04%
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Tube; Russian Standard S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
VTS: 350 VTS: 500 Proof: 340
GOST3262 Steel pipe for water and gas: Russian Standard GOST 5058/18 G2 0.17% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04% S
GOST 4543/09 CZS 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: 0.035% P steel: Plate; Russian Standard
Russian Standard UTS: 520 Proof: 360
GOST 4543/09 G2 0.12% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: GOST 5058119 G 0.19% C 0.95% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04%
Russian Standard S (max) 0.55% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
GOST 4543/10 02S1 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: VTS: 480 Proof: 320
Russian Standard GOST 5520112 K 0.12% C 0.55% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04% S
GOST 4543/12 GS 0.12% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: and P steel: Plate; Russian Standard
Russian Standard VTS: 410 Proof: 220
GOST 4543/14 G 0.14% C 0.85% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: GOST 552011 5 K 0.16% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04% Sand
Russian Standard P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
GOST 4543/14 G2 0.14% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: UTS: 440 Proof: 220
Russian Standard GOST 5520118 K 0.18% C 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04% S
GOST 4543/15 GF 0.15% C 1.05% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: and P steel: Plate; Russian Standard
Russian Standard UTS: 500 Proof: 270
GOST 4543/16 ES 0.16% C 1.05% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: GOST 5520/69/16 K 0.16% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.3% Sand
Russian Standard P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
GOST 4543/17 GS 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: VTS: 460 Proof: 250
Russian Standard GOST 5520/69/20 K 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.04% Sand
P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
UTS: 470 Proof: 240
GOST 5654110 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 360 Proof: 220
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 GOST 5654120 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max)
Elon Elongation, % 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 seamless
UTS: 440 Proof: 260
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2=1 MPa GOST8467D C not specified 0.045% Sand P steel: Pipe; Russian
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Standard
UTS:650 Proof: 380
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 323
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST 8696/IO/G2SD 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) GOST 10705 MST2 0.13% C 0.4% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max)
0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
welded GOST 10705 MSTJ 0.18% C 0.45% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.45% P (max)
VTS: 500 Proof: 350 steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
GOST 8696 MST2KP 0.11 % C 0.35% Mn 0.005% S (max) 0.045% P (max) GOST 10705 MST4 0.22% C 0.55% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max)
steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
UTS: 340 Proof: 220 GOST 10706109 G2 0.12% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni and Cu (max)
GOST 8696 MSTI 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.08% 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded welded
UTS: 380 Proof: 240 UTS: 460 Proof: 310
GOST 8696 MSTI 0.18% C 0.5% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max) GOST 10706114 G 0.14% C 0.85% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni and Cu (max)
steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
VTS: 380 Proof: 240 welded
GOST 8696 MSTIKP 0.18% C 0.45% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max) UTS: 460 Proof: 290
steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded GOST 10706114 G2 0.16% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni and Cu (max) 0.04% S
VTS: 380 Proof: 240 and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard
GOST 8731/10 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) UTS: 480 Proof: 340
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; GOST 10706115 G2S 0.15% C 1.1 % Mn 0.3% Cr Ni and Cu (max) 0.04% S
seamless and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
VTS: 340 Proof: 210 VTS: 500 Proof: 350
GOST 8731/IO/G2 0.13% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max) GOST 10706118 G2S 0.18% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni and Cu (max) 0.04% S
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
seamless VTS: 600 Proof: 400
VTS: 480 Proof: 270 GOST 10706/19 G 0.19% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni and Cu (max) 0.04% S
GOST 8731120 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max) and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; UTS: 470 Proof: 300
seamless GOST 107061102 SR 0.12% C (max) 1.45% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max)
VTS: 420 Proof: 250 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.22% Cu steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST8731 0.22% C 0.55% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max) Standard; welded
BMST4SP steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless VTS: 500 Proof: 350
VTS: 420 Proof: 250 GOST 10802115 GS 0.15% C 1.1 % Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% Sand
GOST 8733/10 0.12% CO.55% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; UTS: 500 Proof: 300
seamless GOST 10802120 0.13% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
VTS: 340 Proof: 210 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard
GOST 8733/10 G2 0.12% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) UTS: 410 Proof: 250
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; GOST 11017120 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max)
seamless steel: Plate; Russian Standard; seamless
UTS: 430 Proof: 250 UTS: 400
GOST 8733120 0.20% C 0.55% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) GOST 12132108 0.08% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.1 % Cr (max)
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
seamless welded
VTS: 420 Proof: 250 UTS: 320
GOST 10705/08 0.08% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.1 % Cr (max) GOST 12132110 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
welded welded
VTS: 340 Proof: 320 VTS: 340
GOST 10705110 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) GOST 12132120 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% Sand
0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
welded VTS: 420
VTS: 340 GOST 14162108 0.08% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.1 % Cr (max)
GOST 10705/15 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Capillary tube; Russian
0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; Standard
welded VTS: 320
VTS: 380 GOST 14162110 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
GOST 10705/20 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Capillary tube; Russian
0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; Standard
welded UTS: 340
VTS: 400 GOSTVST4 PS 0.27% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04%
GOST 10705 BKSTJ 0.18% C 0.55% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max) P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded UTS: 480
UTS: 380 GOST VST4 SP2 0.27% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
GOST 10705 BKST4 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max) S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded VTS: 460 Proof: 260
UTS:400 HI 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.3% Cr (max) 0.05% S and
GOST 10705 BSTJ 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.06% S (max) 0.08% P steel: Designation used by German Standards
P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded HIV 0.26% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: German Standards
VTS:38O HECLA 26 0.15% C steel: Casting; high permeability; Hadfields
GOST 10705 BST4 0.14% C 0.45% Mn 0.06% S (max) 0.08% P (max) for BS 1617 A and B
steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded VTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
UTS: 440
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HECLA 35 0.2% C 0.5% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloys En 2C, HSB 50S 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02%
En2D,En3A,En3C,En4 AI steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr
HECLA 46 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.5% Sand P: Carburizing steel; HTP52W 0.18% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.3% Cu steel: Kawasaki
Hadfields for BS alloy En32A Iron and Steel Co.
HECLA CH 31 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: For HTP57W 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % Cr 0.03% Cu steel:
carburizing; Hadfields for BS alloy En32B Kawasaki Iron and Steel Co.
HEDEXO 0.2% C 1% Mn 0.06% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for HYPLUS 0.2% C (max) 1% Mn 1.6% Cr + Mn (max): Appleby
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed Frodingham; weldable
VTS: 530 VTS: 540 Elon: 21 % Proof: 330
HERMEES 0.09% C 0.8% Mn steel: Welders electrode; Philip HYPLUS 23 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.1 % Nb 0.5% Si 0.05%S and
HIBIL36 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn O. I% Nb 0.04% Sand P steel: Appleby Frodingham; weldable
P (max) steel: Nippon Kokan VTS: 550 Elon: 20% Proof: 350
HIBIL TYPE A 0.13% C (max) 1.05% Mn 0.05% Nb 0.35% Sand HYPLUS 29 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.2% V 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand
P (max) steel: Nippon Kokan P steel: Appleby Frodingham; weldable
HIBIL TYPEB 0.15% C (max) 1.18% Mn 0.05% Nb steel: Nippon VTS: 1000 Elon: 20% Proof: 700
Kokan HYPLUS 111 0.22% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Nb steel: Appleby
HIBIL TYPEC 0.15% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.05% Nb steel: Nippon Frodingham
Kokan HYPRESS 26·32 0.07% C steel: Origin unknown
HICON 0.16% C (max) 1.45% Mn 0.05% Nb 0.04% Sand IH 50 0.22% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: IH Wisconsin Steel
P (max) steel: Nippon Kokan INI 0.17% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.01% Sand P steel: Yawata
HICON36 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.1 % Nb 0.04% Sand IN4 0.08% C (max) 0.68% Mn 0.005% S0.01 % P steel:
P (max) steel: Nippon Kokan Yawata
HICON40 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.1 % Nb 0.035% Sand IN 5 0.09% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.008% S0.015% P steel:
P (max) steel: Nippon Kokan Yawata
HI-F 0.12% C 0.75% Mn 0.015% Nb 0.2% Cu steel: IN6 0.11% C 0.78% Mn 0.006% S 0.015% P steel: Yawata
McLouth Steel Corp. IN 10 0.09% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.07% AI steel: Yawata
HI-KILLED 0.25% C 1.3% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Inland Steel Co. INA 0.1% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.01% S and P steel: Yawata
HI-YIELD 45 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.025% Nb steel: Granite City INB 0.13% C 1.4% Mn 0.015% Sand P steel: Yawata
Steel Co. IRONEX2 0.06% C 0.5% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
HI-YIELD 50 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Granite City Steel VTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 440
Co. IRONEX5 0.06% C 0.5% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
HI-YIELD 55 0.25% C 1.35% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Granite City Steel VTS: 480 Elon: 30% Proof: 450
Co. IRONEX7 0.065% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Welding electrode;
HI-YIELD 60 0.25% C 1.35% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Granite City Steel Murex
Co. VTS: 510 Elon: 28% Proof: 480
HMS35 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.25% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Krupp J SG4051 S20C 0.2% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For
HMS 35/Z 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: structures; Japanese Standard
Krupp J SG4106 S Mn 21 0.21% C 1.35% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel:
HMS40 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.25% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Japanese Standard
Krupp JALTEN2 0.15% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cu steel: Jones and
HMS411Z 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Laughlin
Krupp JALTEN3 0.25% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Jones and
HMS45 0.22% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Laughlin
Krupp JALTEN3R 0.25% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Jones and
HMS45/Z 0.17% C 0.55% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Laughlin
Krupp JALTEN 3S 0.25% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Jones and
HSA 1 0.17% C 1.3% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Toto Steel Laughlin
HSB 0.23% C 1.3% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) 0.2% Cu 11S B2351 STPSI 0.2% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe;
steel: Yawata Japanese Standard
HSB40 0.18% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% VTS: 450 Proof: ISO
AI steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr 11S B2351 STPS2 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.2%
HSB 40S 0.18% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
AI (max) steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr UTS: 450 Proof: ISO
HSB45 0.18% C (max) 0.85% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% 11S C8305 0.1 % C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
AI (max) steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr Conduit tube; Japanese Standard
HSB 45S 0.18% C (max) 0.85% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% UTS: 280
AI (max) steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr 11S G3101 SS41 C not specified 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Plate;
HSB50 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% National specification; Japanese
AI (max) stcel: Phoenix Rheinrohr VTS: 455 Proof: 240
11S G3101 SS50 C not specified 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Plate;
Japanese Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 560 Proof: 280
JIS G3103 SB35 0.21% C 0.8% Mn (max) 0.04% S (max) 0.035%
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 3SO Proof: 190
Elon Elongation, % 11S G3103 SB42 0.25% C 0.8% Mn (max) 0.04% S (max) 0.035%
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard
UTS: 460 Proof: 230
1N/mm 2:0.1 hbar:O.l02 kgf/mm 2:0.06475 tonf/in 2 :145.04Ibflin 2 :1 MPa 11S G3103 SB46 0.3% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.04% S (max) 0.035%
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard
UTS: 500 Proof: 250
44A 1 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 325
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
JIS G3103 SG30 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: JIS GJI26 SLA24A 0.15% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
Plate; Japanese Standard Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized
UTS: 450 VTS: 460 Proof: 220
JIS G3103 SP49 0.35% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.04% S (max) 1IS G3126 SLA24B 0.15% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized
UTS: 540 Proof: 270 VTS: 450 Proof: 220
JIS GJI06 B 0.19% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: 1IS G3126 SLA33A 0.16% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
Plate; Japanese Standard Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized
VTS: 560 Proof: 320 VTS: 510 Proof: 330
1IS G3106 SM41A 0.24% C 2.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; 1IS GJ126 SLA33B 0.16% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
Japanese National Standard Plate; Japanese Standard; hardened and tempered
VTS: 460 Proof: 250 UTS: 510 Proof: 330
JIS G3106 SM4IB 0.21% C 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; JIS G3126 SLA37 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
Japanese National Standard Plate; Japanese Standard; hardened and tempered
VTS: 460 Proof: 240 VTS: 560 Proof: 370
1IS G3106 SM41C 0.18% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) JIS G3444 STKJO C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube; Japanese
steel: Plate Standard
VTS: 460 Proof: 220 VTS: 300
JIS G3106 SM50C 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) JIS G3444 STK41 0.25% C 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard VTS: 410 Proof: 240
VTS: S60 Proof: 320 1IS GJ444 STK50 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
1IS G3106 SM50Y 8.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
A and B steel: Plate; Japanese Standard VTS: 500 Proof: 400
VTS: 560 Proof: 360 JIS G3444 STK51 0.3% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe;
JIS G3106 SM53 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) Japanese Standard
Band C steel: Plate; Japanese Standard VTS: 510 Proof: 360
VTS: 490 Proof: 360 1IS G3444 STK55 0.23% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel:
1IS G3106 SM58 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
Plate; Japanese Standard; hardened; tempered VTS: 550 Proof: 400
VTS: 650 Proof: 460 JIS G3445 STKMllA 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
1IS G3lI4 SMA41 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.25% Cr 0.04% Sand Pipe; Japanese Standard
A, Band C P 0.3% Cu steel: Plate; Japanese Standard VTS: 300
VTS: 460 Proof: 240 1IS G3445 STKM12A 0.2% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
1IS G3 II5 SPV24 0.19% C 1.4% Mn (max) 0.04% S (max) 0.035% Pipe; Japanese Standard
P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard UTS: 400 Proof: 280
VTS: 450 Proof: 230 1IS G3445 STKM12B 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
1IS G3115 SPV32 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% S (max) Pipe; Japanese Standard
0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard UTS: 400 Proof: 280
VTS: 560 Proof: 310 1IS G3445 STKM12C 0.2% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe;
1IS G31 15 SPV36 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.04% S (max) 0.035% P Japanese Standard
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard UTS: 480 Proof: 360
UTS: 590 Proof: 340 JIS G3445 STKMI3A 0.25% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe;
1IS G3II5 SPV46 0.18% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.04% S (max) Japanese Standard
0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard; UTS: 380 Proof: 220
hardened and tempered 1IS G3445 STKMI3B 0.25% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
VTS: 630 Proof: 440 Pipe; Japanese Standard
1IS G3lI5 SPV50 0.18% C (max) 0.04% S (max) 0.025% P (max) steel: UTS: 450 Proof: 310
Plate; Japanese Standard; hardened and tempered 1IS G3445 0.25% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
VTS: 670 Proof: 420 STKMI3C Pipe; Japanese Standard
JIS G3lI6 SG26 0.2% C (max) 0.3% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) VTS: 520 Proof: 390
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard 1IS G3445 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
VTS: 410 STKMI8A steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
JIS G3116 SGJO 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) VTS: 450 Proof: 280
steel: Plate 1IS GJ445 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
VTS: 450 Proof: 300 STKM18B steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
1IS GJII6 SG33 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) VTS: 500 Proof: 320
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard 1IS G3445 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
VTS: 500 Proof: 270 STKM18C steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
1IS G3116 SG37 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) UTS: S20 Proof: 390
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard 1IS G3452 SGP C not quoted 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Tube;
VTS: 550 Proof: 370 Japanese Standard
1IS G31 18 SGV42 0.25% C 1.0% Mn 0.04% S (max) 0.035% P (max) UTS: 300
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard 1IS G3454 STPG38 0.25% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
UTS: 460 Proof: 230 Pipe; Japanese Standard
JIS G3lI8 SGV46 0.29% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.04% S (max) 0.035% VTS: 380 Proof: 220
P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard 1IS G3455 STS35 0.11 % C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.2%
UTS: 500 Proof: 250 Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
1IS G3118 SGV49 0.31 % C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.04% S (max) 0.035% UTS: 350 Proof: 180
P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard JIS G3455 STS38 0.25% C (max) 0.5% Mn steel: Pipe; Japanese
VTS: 540 Proof: 270 Standard
VTS: 380 Proof: 220
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
JIS G3456 STPTI8 0.25% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.2% JLX W55 Jones and Loughlin
Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard JLXW60 0.2% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Jones and
UTS: 380 Proof: 220 Loughlin
JIS G3457 STPY41 C not quoted 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; JOUVENCEL Low carbon decarburized steel sheet; non-ageing;
Japanese Standard Esperance Longdoz
VTS: 410 Proof: 230 VTS: 310 Elon: 41 % Proof: 200
JIS G3460 STPL39 0.25% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand P JS 2 0.22% C 1.5% Mn 0,5% Si steel: Casting; Jopling
0.02% Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard DPN: 180 VTS: 620 Elon: 18%
VTS: 390 Proof: 210 K02006 0.2% C (max) steel: Weld electrode; UNS designation
JIS G3461 STB30 0.2% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; K02802 0.28% C (max) 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P stcel: UNS
Japanese Standard designation
VTS: 300 K03016 0.03% C (max) 0.75% Mn steel: Casting; designation
JIS G3461 STB33 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P 0.2% Cu (max) used by UNS
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard KAISERALOY 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Kaiser Steel
UTS: 330 Proof: 180 45CB Corp.
JIS G3461 STB35 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P 0.2% Cu steel: KAISERALOY 0.27% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Kaiser Steel
Pipe; Japanese Standard 50MM Corp.
VTS: 330 Proof: 180 KAISERALOY 0.24% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Kaiser Steel
JIS G3461 STB42 0.32% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.2% 55CB Corp.
Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard KAISERALOY 0.26% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.01% Nb steel: Kaiser Steel
VTS: 420 Proof: 260 60CB Corp.
JIS G3464 STBL39 0.25% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand KEA 581 Low C free cutting steel: Kayser Ellison
P (max) 0.2% Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard KF 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max): Alloy
UTS: 390 Proof: 210 content controlled; DNV
JIS G3465 STMC55 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Tube for KFI 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P case hardening steel:
drilling; Japanese Standard Kirkstall for BS alloy En32A
VTS: 550 KFIA 0.16% C 1.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P case hardening steel:
JIS G3465 STMC65 C not specified 0.04% S and P (max) steel: Tube for Kirkstall for BS alloy En201
drilling; Japanese Standard KF3 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P case hardening steel:
UTS: 650 Kirkstall for BS alloy En32B
JIS G3465 STMR60 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Tube for KF4 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for BS
drilling; Japanese Standard alloy En3
VTS: 600 Proof: 380 KF23 0.1% C 0.8% Mn 0.1% Si 0.25% S 0.07% P steel: Free
JIS G3465 STMR70 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Tube for machining; Kirkstall for BS alloy EnlA
drilling; Japanese Standard KF39 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.2% S 0.06% P case hardening steel:
VTS: 700 Proof: 450 Free machining; Kirkstall; case hardened and tempered
JIS G3465 STMR80 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Tube for VTS: 530 Elon: 22% Proof: 370
drilling; Japanese Standard KF39C 0.15% C 1% Mn 0.12% S 0.05% P case hardening
UTS: 800 Proof: 530 steel: Free machining; Kirkstall for BS alloy En32M
JIS G3466 STKR41 0.25% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; KF39E 0.15% C 1.4% Mn 0.23% S 0.05% P case hardening
Japanese Standard steel: Free machining; Kirkstall; case hardened and
VTS: 410 Proof: 250 tempered
JIS G3466 STKR50 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) UTS: 580 Elon: 20%
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard KF39E11 0.14% C 1.4% Mn 0.14% S 0.05% P case hardening
UTS: 500 Proof: 330 steel: Free machining; Kirkstall for BS alloy En202
JIS G4051 S9CK 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: For KF60 O. 1% C 1.2% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.5% S 0.06% P steel: Free
structures; Japanese Standard machining; Kirkstall for BS alloy EnIB
JIS G4051 SIOC 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For KHB36 0.22% C (max) 1.55% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel:
structures; Japanese Standard German proprietor's specification
JIS G4051 SI2C 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: For KIRKASE 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.2% S 0.06% P case hardening steel:
structures; Japanese Standard Free machining; Kirkstall for KF 39
JIS G4051 SI5C 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For KORA2 0.16% C 0.8% Mn 0.12% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
structures; Japanese Standard Sanderson for BS alloy En32B
JIS G4051 SI7C 0.17% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For KP2 0.1 % C 1% Mn 0.25% S 0.07% P free cutting steel:
structures; Japanese Standard Kiveton Park for BS alloy Enl
JLX W45 0.2% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Jones and KP3 0.15% C 0.8% Mn steel: For carburizing; Kiveton Park
Loughlin for BS alloy En32
JLX W50 0.21 % C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.01 % Nb steel: Jones and KP19 0.2% C 1% Mn 0.15% S 0.06% P steel: For case
Loughlin hardening; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En7
KUTIWELL 0.14% C 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For case
hardening; Swift Levick for BS alloy En32
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: LI 0.22% C 1% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting; Jessop
L St 45/8 0.22% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Designation used
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number by German Standards
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' LANTERN 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For case
Elon Elongation, % hardening; Toledo for BS alloys En32A and En32B
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' LOWHEES 0.08% C 1.3% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
LT75N 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn steel: Lukens
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa LT75QT 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn steel: Lukens
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. LUKENS 45 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Lukens
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
LUKENS 50 0.2% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: MNC815 List of reinforcing steels: Swedish Standard; individual
Lukens specification listed
LUKENS 55 0.22% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: MNC815E Specification covering steels for reinforcing: Swedish
Lukens Standard
LUKENS 60 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: MNC831 Summary of pressure vessel steel tubing; Swedish
Lukens Standard
LUKENS 80 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.3% MNC832 Summary of pressure vessel steel for gas cylinders;
Cu steel: Lukens Swedish Standard
LUKENS 80 0.21 % C 1.5% Mn 0.035% Sand P 0.3% Cu steel: MNC840 Summary of steels for screws, nuts and rivets; Swedish
American proprietary steel; consult SAE for further Standard
information MNC845 Summary of free cutting steels; Swedish Standard
Proof: 5SO MNC851 Summary of case hardening steels; Swedish Standard
LUKENS 440 0.28% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.2% MNC915 General specification for cold rolled sheet
Cu steel: Lukens MNC916 General specification for structural steels: Swedish
M4 0.21 % C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop Standard
M 113 C not specified 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; Armco as MNC920 Summary of cold rolled steel strip; Swedish Standard
AII3 MONARC 0.09% C 0.45% Mn steel: Welders electrode; Philips
UTS: 450 Elon: 27% Proof: ISO MONEMELI Low carbon decarburized steel: Sheet; non-ageing;
MStO 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: German Esperance Longdoz; for direct one coat enamelling
Standard MONEMEL2 Low carbon decarburized steel: Sheet; non-ageing;
MSt 34/2 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard Esperance Longdoz; for direct one coat enamelling and
MSt34/3 0.17% C 0.05% S steel: German Standard extra deep drawing
MSt 37/2 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard MRStl 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.15% Si 0.06% Sand P
MSt 37/3 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard steel: German Standard
MSt 42/2 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard MRSt2 0.1% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
MSt 42/3 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard German Standard
MSt 52/3 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard MRSt3 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
MI-F 0.12% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.015% Nb 0.22% Cu steel: German Standard
Mclouth MRSt3 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Designation
MANGEAR 0.12% C 1.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% S 0.04% P: Steel used by German Standards
Peach & Tozer; also known as Phoenix Mangear MRSt4 0.1 % C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.08% Si 0.035% Sand P
DPN: 160 UTS: 500 Elon: 37% Proof: 480 steel: German Standard
MANITOBA 0.18% C steel: Casting; free machining; Bonds Foundry MR St 34/2 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
MAN-TEN 0.25% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: US Steel MR St 37/2 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
Corp. MR St 42/2 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
MAN-TEN A440 0.28% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: US Steel MRSt44 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation
Corp. used by German Standards
MARINER 0.28% C 1.1 % Mn 0.2% Cu steel: US Steel Corp. MSV 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn steel: Pompey
MAX FINE GRAIN 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.2% Cu 0.1 % Zr steel: MSVBIW 0.2% C 1.1 % Mn 0.5% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
National Steel Krupp; up to 0.3% Cr may be present
MAX HIGH MARG 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.22% Cu steel: National Steel MSVD 0.2% C 0.5% Mn steel: Pompey
MAXELOY 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Crucible Steel MUSt I 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: German
Co. Standard
MBK8 0.07% C 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel: MUSt2 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German
German Standard Standard
MBK8AI 0.07% C 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% S and PAl steel: MUSt3 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: German
German Standard Standard
MBK 10 0.1 % C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Si 0.025% Sand P steel: MUSt4 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German
German Standard Standard
MBK 13 0.13% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Si 0.025% Sand P steel: MU St 34 0.1 % C (max) 0.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel:
German Standard Designation used by German Standards
MEDMn A440 0.28% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Cu steel: Bethlehem MU St 34/2 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
Steel Co. MU St 37/2 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
METC091 Mild steel: Powder coating; Metco MU St 42/2 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
DPN:280 MUK8 0.07% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German
MIL S 645 0.15% C steel: Weld electrode; US Federal Standard
specifications MUKIO 0.1 % C 0.6% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German
MIL S 780.9 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Mn steel: Bethlehem Steel Co. Standard
MIL S 12505.3 0.14% C (max) 0.95% Mn with Ni, Mo and Cu steel: MURAWIREWI 0.06% C 1.5% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% P steel: Welding
Bethlehem Steel Co. electrode; Murex; copper coated
MIL S 12505.6 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cu steel: Bethlehem UTS: 480 EIon: 34% Proof: 390
Steel Co. MURAWIREW2 0.06% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Welding electrode;
MILDEES 0.07% C 0.5% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips Murex
MILDTRODE 46.00 0.080% C 0.45% Mn 0.20% Si steel: For electrodes; UTS: 440 Elon: 37% Proof: 330
Esab N54 0.17% C 1.5% Mn steel
UTS: 494 Elon: 25% Proof: 401 DPN: 157 UTS: 5SO Elon: 21 %
MNC810 0.19% C 0.17% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.35% Cu: Structural NF A35 501/A33 C not specified steel: Plate; French national
steels; Swedish Standard specification
UTS: 400 Elon: 24% Proof: 230 UTS: 370 Proof: ISO
MNC811 Summary of structural steel tubing; Swedish Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NF A35 501/A3312 C not specified 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; NF A35 5011E2412 0.18% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max)
French national specification steel: Plate; French national specification
UTS: 370 Proof: 170 UTS: 410 Proof: 220
NF A35 501lA34/1 C not specified 0.05% S (max) 0.06% P (max) steel: NF A35 5011E24/3 0.16% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Plate;
Plate; French national specification French national specification
UTS: 370 Proof: 160 UTS: 410 Proof: 210
NF A35 501lA34/2 C not specified 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max) NF A35 5011E2414 0.16% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% AI (max)
steel: Plate; French national specification steel: Plate; French national specification
UTS: 380 Proof: ISO UTS: 410 Proof: 220
NF A35 501/A37/1 0.18% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.06% P (max) steel: NF A35 5011E26/1 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.06% P (max)
Plate; French national specification steel: Plate; French Standard
UTS: 410 Proof: 240 UTS: ~ Proof: 250
NF A35 501/A3712 0.18% C (max) 0.05% Sand P 0.007% N (max) steel: NF A35 5011E26/2 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max)
Plate; French national specification steel: Plate; French Standard
NF A35 50llA37/3 0.16% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; UTS: ~ Proof: 240
French national specification NF A35 5011E26/3 0.18% C (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Plate;
UTS: 410 Proof: 210 French Standard
NF A35 50llA37/4 0.16% C (max) 0.04% Sand P 0.02% Al (max) steel: UTS: ~ Proof: 230
Plate; French national specification NF A35 5011E26/4 0.18% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% AI steel:
UTS: 410 Proof: 210 Plate; French Standard
NF A35 501lA4211 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.06% P (max) steel: UTS: ~ Proof: 240
Plate; French Standard NF A35 50llE30/2 0.24% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
UTS: ~ Proof: 250 steel: Plate; French Standard
NF A35 501lA4212 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) UTS: 520 Proof: 2SO
0.007% N (max) steel: Plate; French Standard NF A35 50llE30/3 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.045% Sand P (max)
UTS: ~ Proof: 240 steel: Plate; French Standard
NF A35 501lA4213 0.18% C (max) 0.045% Sand P steel: Plate; French UTS: 520 Proof: 270
Standard NF A35 50llE30/4 0.2% C (max) 1.30% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
UTS: ~ Proof: 230 0.02% AI (max) steel: Plate; French Standard
NF A35 501/A4214 0.18% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.02% AI steel: UTS: 520 Proof: 270
Plate; French Standard NF A35 501lE36/2 0.24% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
UTS: ~ Proof: 230 steel: Plate; French specification
NF A35 50llA4712 0.24% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) UTS: 570 Proof: 330
steel: Plate; French Standard NF A35 5011E36/3 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.045% Sand P (max)
UTS: 520 Proof: 250 steel: Plate; French specification
NF A35 5OIIA47/3 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) UTS: 570 Proof: 340
steel: Plate; French Standard NF A35 5011E36/4 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
UTS: 520 Proof:· 270 steel: Plate; French specification
NF A35 5OIIA47/4 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) UTS: 570 Proof: 340
0.02% AI (max) steel: Plate; Fr.ench Standard NF A35 50llE3712 0.18% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max)
UTS: 520 Proof: 270 steel: Plate; French specification
NF A35 501lA5212 0.24% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) UTS: 410 Proof: 220
steel: Plate; French Standard NF A35 551120M5 0.19% C 1.35% Mn steel: Plate; French Standard
UTS: 570 Proof: 330 NF A35 5511X12 0.13% C 0.45% Mn steel: For structures; French
NF A35 501/A5213 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.045% Sand P (max) Standard
steel: Plate; French specification NF A35 5511XCIO 0.09% C 0.045% Mn steel: For structures; French
UTS: 570 Proof: 340 Standard
NF A35 501lA5214 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) NF A35 5511XCI8 0.18% C 0.5% Mn steel: For structures; French
steel: Plate; French specification Standard
UTS: 570 Proof: 340 NF A35 561112MF4 0.12% C (max) 1% Mn 0.2% S steel: Free machining;
NF A35 501lA6011 C not specified 0.05% S (max) 0.07% P (max) steel: hardened and tempered ; French Standard
Plate; French Standard UTS: 880 Elon: II % Proof: 570
UTS: 660 Proof: 340 NF A35 5611S250 0.14% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.28% S steel: Free
NF A35 501lA60/2 C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; machining; French Standard
French Standard UTS: 400 Elon: 23%
UTS: 660 Proof: 320 NF A35 5611S250 Pb 0.14% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.28% S 0.23% Pb steel:
NF A35 50llE24/1 0.18% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.06% P (max) steel: Free machining; French Standard
Plate; French national specification UTS: 400 Elon: 23%
UTS: 410 Proof: 240 NF A35 5611S300 0.15% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.35% S steel: Free
machining; French Standard
UTS: 420 Elan: 21 %
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: NF A35 5611S3OO Pb 0.15% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.35% S 0.25% Pb steel:
Free machining; French Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 420 Elon: 21 %
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 NF A35 56211OF2 0.11 % C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% S steel: Free
Elon Elongation, % machining; hardened and tempered; French Standard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 660 Elon: 14% Proof: 370
NF A35 562110 0.11 % C 0.6% Mn 0.2% S 0.25% Pb steel: Free
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 = 145.04Ibf1in 2 = I MPa Pb F2 machining; hardened and tempered; French Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 660 Elon: 14% Proof: 390
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 329
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NF A35 562120F2 0.18% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.2% S steel: Free NF A36 2081A52FPI 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
machining; hardened and tempered; French Standard steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized
UTS: 620 Elon: 17% Proof: 390 UTS: 570 Proof: 340
NF A35 562135MF4 0.35% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.2% S steel: Free NII.5IL 0.06% C 0.5% Mn steel: Electrode; Metrode
machining; hardened and tempered; French Standard NK Hiten 50 0.18% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
UTS: 890 Elon: 10% Proof: 690 Nippon Kokan
NF A36 205/A37CI 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) NK Hiten55 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
steel: Plate; French Standard Nippon Kokan
UTS: 410 Proof: 220 NVI·O 0.2% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A37C2 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 410 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
UTS: 410 Proof: 220 NVI-I 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A37PI 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 410 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
UTS: 410 Proof: 220 NV 1-2 0.14% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A37PZ 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
Plate; French Standard UTS: 410 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
UTS: 410 Proof: 220 NV2·0 0.2% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A42CI 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS: %0 Proof: 240 NV2-1 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A42C2 0.18% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS: %0 Proof: 250 NV2-2 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A42PI 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS: %0 Proof: 240 NV2-2 0.14% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A42P2 0.18% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS: %0 Proof: 250 NV2·4 0.14% C (max) 0.11% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max)
NF A36 205/A48CI 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 450 Elon: 20 % Proof: 260
UTS: 520 Proof: 280 NV3-0 0.2% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A48C2 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 0.3% Cr Ni (max) N (max) sleel: Designation used by DNV
0.035% S and P steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS: 520 Proof: 280 NV3·1 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A48PI 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS: 520 Proof: 280 NV3-2 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 205/A48PZ 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.2% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
Cr (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; French UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
Standard NV 4-0 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
UTS: 520 Proof: 280 0.009% N (max) steel: Designati\ln used by DNV
NF A36 205/A52CI 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; UTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
French Standard NV4-1 0.16% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
UTS: 570 Proof: 340 0.009% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
NF A36 205/A52C2 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.2% UTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
Cr (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; French NV4-2 0.16% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
Standard 0.009% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
UTS: 570 Proof: 340 UTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
NF A36 205/A52PI 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: NV4-3 0.15% C (max) 1.7% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max)
Plate; French Standard 0.009% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
UTS: 570 Proof: 340 UTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
NF A36 205/A52P2 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.2% NV4-4 0.15% C (max) 1.7% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand P (max)
Cr (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; French 0.009% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
Standard UTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
UTS: 570 Proof: 340 NV5-0 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 208lA42FPI 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized UTS: 510 Elon: 19% Proof: 280
UTS: 440 Proof: 240 NV5·1 0.18% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 208IA42FP2 0.18% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized UTS: 510 Elon: 19% Proof: 280
UTS: %0 Proof: 240 NV 5-2 0.16% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009%
NF A36 2081A48FPI 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized UTS: 510 Elon: 19% Proof: 280
UTS: 530 Proof: 280 NV6-0 0.23% C (max) 1.15% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max)
NF A36 208lA48FPZ 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.2% 0.009% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
Cr (max) 0.05 V (max) 0.1 % Cu (max) steel: Plate; UTS: 570 Elon: 18% Proof: 320
French Standard; normalized NV6-1 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.009%
UTS: 520 Proof: 280 N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV
UTS: 570 Elon: 18% Proof: 320
330 . 44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NV6-2 0.18% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) OX 522 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.04% Nb 0.015% Al steel:
0.009% N (max) steel: Designation used by DNV Plate; Srensk·Stal; graded by impact
UTS: 570 Elon: 18% Proof: 320 UTS: 500 Elon: 22% Proof: 330
NVA C not specified 2.5% Mn (min) 0.05% Sand P (max) OX 522A 0.18% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.025% Nb 0.009% N steel:
steel: Plate for ships' hulls; DNV Oxelsund
NVA27 Analysis as NVA; designation used by DNV OX 525B 0.18% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.025% Nb 0.009% N steel:
VTS: 470 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 Oxelsund
NVA32 Analysis as NVA; designation used by DNV OX 542 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.05% Nb 0.015% Al steel:
VTS: 520 Elon: 22% Proof: 320 Plate; Srensk·Stal; graded by impact
NVA36 Analysis as NVA; designation used by DNV UTS: 510 Elon: 22% Proof: 370
UTS: 550 Elon: 21 % Proof: 360 P30 0.06% C 0.5% Mn steel: Electrode; Metrode; replaced
NVA40 Analysis as NVA; designation used by DNV by ELGA P43
UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 400 P 151 0.15% C 0.8% Mn steel: For case hardening; Carrs
NVC 0.21 % C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: P282 0.1 % C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: For case hardening;
Plate for ships' hulls; fine grained steel with AI; Carrs
normalized; DNV PAC 0.09% C 0.4% Mn steel: Pompey
NVD 0.21 % C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: PAC I 0.12% C 0.4% Mn steel: Pompey
Plate for ships' hulls; DNV PAC 2 0.15% C 0.6% Mn steel: Pompey
NVD27 Analysis as NVD; designation used by DNV PAR·TEN 0.12% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.07% Cu steel: US Steel
UTS: 470 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 Corp.
NVD32 Analysis as NVD; designation used by DNV PENETRODE 29.10 0.080% C 0.65% Mn 0.06% Si steel: For electrodes;
UTS: 520 Elon: 22% Proof: 320 Esab
NVD36 Analysis as NVD; designation used by DNV VTS: 479 Elon: 28% Proof: 355
UTS: 550 Elon: 21 % Proof: 360 PENETRODE 29.10 0.08% C 0.65% Mn 0.06% Si steel: For electrodes;
NVD40 Analysis as NVD; designation used by DNV Esab; as welded
UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 400 VTS: 480 Elon: 28% Proof: 355
NVE 0.18% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: PG 605 0.15% C 1.25% Mn 0.12% S 0.05% P steel: Free
Plate for ships' hulls; normalized; DNV cutting; Park Gate; as rolled
NVE27 Analysis as NVE; designation used by DNV VTS: 450 Elon: 30%
UTS: 470 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 PGF I 0.1 % C 1.2% Mn 0.35% S 0.09% P steel: Free cutting;
NVE32 Analysis as NVE; designation used by DNV Park Gate; as rolled
UTS: 520 Elon: 22% Proof: 320 VTS: 390 Elon: 30%
NVE36 Analysis as NVE; designation used by DNV PGF 4 0.12% C 1% Mn 0.25% S 0.07% P steel: Free cutting;
UTS: 550 Elon: 21 % Proof: 360 Park Gate; as rolled
NVE40 Analysis as NVE; designation used by DNV VTS: 340 Elon: 26%
VTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 400 PGF 5 0.12% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% S 0.06% P steel: Free cutting;
NVKI C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For chains; Park Gate; as rolled
normalized; designation used by DNV VTS: 340 Elon: 24%
VTS: 320 Elon: 30% PHILIPS 23C 0.1 % C 0.7% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
NVK2 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For chains; VTS: 550 Elon: 28% Proof: 390
normalized; designation used by DNV PHILIPS 27 0.08% C 0.9% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
VTS: 550 Elon: 22% Proof: 300 UTS: 550 Elon: 26% Proof: 420
NVK3 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For chains; PHILIPS 27P 0.07% C 1.2% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips;
hardened and tempered; designation used by DNV low hydrogen rod
Vl'S: 700 Elon: 17% Proof: 400 VTS: 570 Elon: 28% Proof: 480
NVRI·I 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: PHILIPS 35S 0.07% C 0.9% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
Designation used by DNV VTS: S40 Elon: 26% Proof: 420
NVR 1-2 0.17% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.2% Cr (max) 0.05% Sand PHILIPS 36S 0.08% C 0.8% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
P (max) steel: Designation used by DNV VTS: 540 Elon: 26% Proof: 420
NVR 1-3 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cr (max) 0.05% Sand PHILIPS 46 0.09% C 0.5% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
P (max) steel: Designation used by DNV UTS: 510 Elon: 26% Proof: 450
NVR 1·4 0.2% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.2% Cr (max) 0.05% Sand PHILIPS 48 0.09% C 0.45% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
P (max) steel: Designation used by DNV VTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 415
NVW 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: PHILIPS 55C (55) 0.09% C 1% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
Plate for ships' hulls; DNV VTS: 540 Elon: 28% Proof: 420
ORELLOY 440 0.19% C 1.3% Mn 0.35% Cu steel: Oregon PHILIPS 56S 0.08% C 1% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
OX 520A 0.18% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.025% Nb 0.009% N steel: VTS: 550 Elon: 26% Proof: 420
Oxelsund PHILIPS 68 0.09% C 0.42% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
VTS: 520 Elon: 22% Proof: 440
PHILIPS 78 0.08% C 0.6% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
VTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 420
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: PHILIPS CI6 0.1 % C 1% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
VTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 420
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number PHILIPS C33 M 0.09% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Welding electrode;
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Philips
Elon Elongation, % VTS: 530 Elon: 28% Proof: 440
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 PHILIPS ENROX 0.08% C 0.6% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
UTS: 520 Elon: 27% Proof: 460
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2=1 MPa PHILIPS HERMEES 0.09% C 0.8% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. VTS: 530 Elon: 29% Proof: 470
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 331
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
PHILIPS LOWHEES 0.08% C 1.3% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips R St13/03 O. I% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
UTS: 530 Elon: 29% Proof: 450 German Standard
PHILIPS MILDEES 0.07% C 0.5% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips R St13/04 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
UTS: 470 Elon: 31 % Proor: 410 German Standard
PHILIPS MONARC 0.09% C 0.45% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips R St13/05 0.1% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1% Si 0.04% Sand Psteel:
UTS: 480 Elon: 31 % Proor: 400 German Standard
PHILIPS 0.08% C 0.4% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips RSt 14 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
QUEENARC UTS: 450 Elon: 31 % Proor: 380 German Standard
PHOENIX 1 0.2% CO.7% Mn 0.06% S 0.06% P steel: Steel Peaeh R St14/04 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
and Tozer German Standard
UTS: 530 Elon: 20% R St 14/05 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
PHOENIX 2 0.2% CO.7% Mn 0.06% S 0.06% P steel: Steel Peach German Standard
and Tozer RSt 34 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
UTS: 420 Elon: 17% R St 3412 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
PHOENIX 4 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.25% S 0.1% P: Free R St 37 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
machining steel; Steel Peach and Tozer Standard
UTS: 420 Elon: 14% R St3712 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
PHOENIX 0.12% C 1.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% S 0.04% P steel: R St 37/202 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
MANGEAR Steel Peach and Tozer; for lifting chains R St37/203 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
DPN: 160 VTS: 500 Elon: 37% Proor: 380 R St37/204 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
PITT·TEN2 0.15% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.035% Cu steel: Pittsburgh R St37/205 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
Steel RSt42 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
PITT·TEN X45W 0.15% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Nb steel: Pittsburgh Steel Standard
PITT-TEN X50W 0.15% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Nb steel: Pittsburgh Steel R St 42/2 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
PITT·TEN X55W 0.15% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Nb steel: Pittsburgh Steel R St 421202 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
PITT-TEN X60W 0.15% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Nb steel: Pittsburgh Steel R St 42/203 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
PLANEMEL Low carbon decarburized steel: Sheet; non-ageing; R St 421204 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
Esperance Longdoz; for vitreous enamel R St 421205 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
PLASTICS 0.1 % C (max) 0.4% Mn 1% Si steel: Edgar Allen REPUBLICM1 0.25% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Republic
PM5 0.18% C 1.0% Mn 0.14% Si steel: Pompey REPUBLICM2 0.25% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Republic
PM6 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Pompey Steel Co.
POSITRODE 46.28 0.080% C 0.45% Mn 0.10% Si steel: For electrodes; RESISTCO 0.11 % C 0.4% Mn 0.3% Si (max) 0.05% Sand P 0.3%
Esab Cu steel: Tube; STD Service; for boiler feed tubes
VTS: 479 Elon: 28% Proor: 386 VTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proor: 180
PRlMAFlXE 0.07% C 0.5% Mn 0.35% Si mild steel: Welders rod; RG45 0.08% C (max) steel: Weld electrode; designation used
Soudametal; for contaminated sheet mild weld byANS
UTS: 550 Elon: 26% Proor: 480 RG60 0.15% C (max) steel: Weld electrode; designation used
PRIMEX 0.04% C 0.5% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex byANS
UTS: 440 Elon: 33% Proor: 420 RG65 C not specified steel: Weld electrode; designation used
PZ6000 Mild steel: Wire welding electrode; Cu coated; Philips byANS
UTS: 550 Elon: 27% Proor: 425 RIO 214 0.08% C 5% Ni 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Bofors
PZ6008 Mild steel: Welding wire; Philips DPN: 260 VTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proor: 420
UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proor: 425 RIVER ACE 60 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
PZ6101S 0.09% C 1.4% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Wire for welding; Kawasaki Iron and Steel Co.
Philips; flux cored S 70 lroJH;arbon sintered material: Sintered Products;
UTS: 530 Elon: 28% Proor: 480 23-28% porosity
PZ6120S 0.08% C 1.4% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Wire for welding; VTS: 120 Elon: 1%
Philips; flux cored SSt 2 0.1 % C 0.35% Mn 0.15% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
UTS: 520 Elon: 26% Proof: 420 German Standard
Q9100A 0.2% C 1.5% Mn steel: SAE 368a SSt 3 0.1 % C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
Q9100B 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.0005% B steel: SAE 368a German Standard
Q9110A 0.21 % C 1.5% Mn steel: SAE 368a S St4 0.1 % C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.08% Si 0.035% Sand P
Q980 0.2% C 1.3% Mn steel: SAE J 368a steel: German Standard
Q980A 0.2% C 1.3% Mn steel: SAE J 368a SAE 12L14 0.15% C (max) 1% Mn 0.3% S 0.05% P steel: Free
Q980B 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.0005% B steel: J 368a cutting
Q990A 0.2% C 1.3% Mn steel: SAE J 368a SAE 0022 0.2% C 0.7% Mn 0.6% Si 0.05% Sand P cast steel:
Q990B 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.0005% B steel: SAE J 368a Suitable for carburizing
QSt34 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Designation SAE 080 0.05% C (max) 0.05% Sand P cast steel: Annealed
used by German Standards DPN: 163 VTS: 560 Elon: 18% Proor: 270
Q St 34/2 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard SAE 850 0.2% C Fe: Sinter for bearings; density 5900 kglm3
Q St 34/3 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard SAE 853 0.2% C Fe: Sinter for mechanical parts; density 6300
Q St 37/2 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard kglm 3
Q St 37/3 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard SAE 870 0.2% C 20% Cu Fe alloy: Sinter; density 7100 kglm 3
QSt 4212 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard SAE 950 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.05% S 0.15% P steel:
QSt 4213 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard General specification covering weldable steels; as rolled
Q St5213 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proor: 320
QUEENARC 0.08% C 0.4% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips SAE 1005 0.06% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar,
RSt 13 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.04% Sand P steel: etc.
German Standard
332 . 44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 1006 0.08% C 0.3% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Hot rolled SAE 1020 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
as AISI CI006 drawn
DPN: 86 UTS: 300 Elon: 30% Proof: 150 DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 15% Proof: 360
SAE 1006 0.08% C 0.3% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Cold drawn SAE 1021 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar
DPN: 95 UTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 440 SAE 1022 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAE 1008 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S0.04% P steel: Hot rolled as rolled as AISI CI022
AlSI ClOO8 DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 23% Proof: 220
DPN: 86 VTS: 300 Elon: 30% Proof: 150 SAE 1022 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 1008 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Cold drawn drawn
SAE 1009 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Hot rolled DPN: 137 UTS: 500 Elon: 15% Proof: 400
as AISI CIOO9 SAE 1023 0.22% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
DPN: 86 VTS: 300 Elon: 30% Proof: 150 rolled as AISI CI023
SAE 1009 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Cold drawn DPN: III VTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
DPN: 95 VTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 440 SAE 1023 0.22% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 1010 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Hot rolled as drawn
AISI CIOIO DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 15% Proof: 370
DPN: 95 VTS: 330 Elon: 28% Proof: 170 SAE 1108 0.1 % C 0.7% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
SAE 1010 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Cold drawn hot rolled as AISI C1108
DPN: 105 VTS: 370 Elon: 20% Proof: 300 DPN: 101 VTS: 340 Elon: 30% Proof: ISO
SAE 1012 0.12% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Hot rolled SAE 1108 0.1 % C 0.7% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
as AISI CI012 cold drawn
DPN: 95 UTS: 330 Elon: 28% Proof: ISO DPN: 121 VTS: 390 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
SAE 1012 0.12% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Cold drawn SAE 1109 0.1 % C 0.8% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
DPN: 105 UTS: 370 Elon: 19% Proof: 320 hot rolled as AISI Bl109
SAE 1013 0.13% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. DPN: 101 VTS: 340 Elon: 30% Proof: ISO
SAE 1015 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Hot rolled SAE 1109 0.1 % C 0.8% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
as AISI CI015 cold drawn
DPN: 101 UTS: 340 Elon: 28% Proof: ISO DPN: 121 VTS: 390 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
SAE 1015 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Cold drawn SAE 1110 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free
DPN: III VTS: 390 Elon: 18% Proof: 330 machining
SAE 1016 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot SAE 1111 0.13% C 0.8% Mn 0.12% S 0.1% P steel: Free cutting;
rolled as AISI CI016 hot rolled as AISI B1112
DPN: III VTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 DPN: 121 VTS: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 220
SAE 1016 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold SAE 1111 0.13% C 0.8% Mn 0.12% S 0.1% P steel: Free cutting;
drawn cold drawn
DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 18% Proof: 360 DPN: 131 UTS: 480 Elon: 10% Proof: 390
SAE 1017 0.18% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot SAElll2 0.13% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% S 0.1% P steel: Free cutting;
rolled as AISI CI017 hot rolled as AISI B1111
DPN: 105 VTS: 370 Elon: 26% Proof: 200 DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 220
SAE 1017 0.18% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; Cold SAE 1112 0.13% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% S 0.1% P steel: Free cutting;
drawn cold drawn
DPN: 116 VTS: 420 Elon: 18% Proof: 340 DPN: 137 VTS: 4SO Elon: 10% Proof: 400
SAE 1018 0.18% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot SAE 1113 0.13% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% S 0.1 % P steel: Free cutting;
rolled as AISI CI018 hot rolled as AISI B1113
DPN: 116 VTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 210 DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 220
SAE 1018 0.18% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold SAE 1113 0.13% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% S 0.1% P steel: Free cutting;
drawn cold drawn
DPN: 126 VTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 370 DPN: 137 VTS: 480 Elon: 10% Proof: 400
SAE 1019 0.18% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot SAE 1115 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
rolled as AISI CI019 hot rolled as AISI C1115
DPN: 116 VTS: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 210 DPN: III VTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
SAE 1019 0.18% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold SAE 1115 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
drawn cold drawn
DPN: 131 VTS: 460 Elon: 15% Proof: 390 DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 20% Proof: 360
SAE 1020 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot SAE 1116 0.16% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% S 0.04% P steel: Free
rolled as AISI CI020 machining
DPN: III VTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 SAElll7 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
hot rolled as AISI Cl117
DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 23% Proof: 220
SAE 1117 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
cold drawn
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 137 VTS: 520 Elon: 15% Proof: 400
SAE 1118 0.17% C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number hot rolled as AISI C1118
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 131 VTS: 460 Elon: 23% Proof: 240
Elon Elongation, % SAE 1118 0.17% C 1.5% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' cold drawn
DPN: 143 VTS: 510 Elon: 15% Proof: 440
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa SAE 1119 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. hot rolled as AISI C1119
DPN: 121 VTS: 440 Elon: 23% Proof: 220
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 1119 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% S 0.04% P steel: Free CUlling; SMRSt4 0.1 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.07% Si 0.03% Sand P
cold drawn steel: German Standard
DPN: 137 UTS: 500 Elon: 15% Proof: 400 SMU St2 0.1 % C 0.45% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German
SAE 1120 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free CUlling; Standard
hot rolled as AISI C1120 SMU St3 0.1 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: German
DPN: 121 UTS: 440 Elon: 23% Proof: 220 Standard
SAE 1120 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free CUlling; SMUSt4 0.1 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German
cold drawn Standard
DPN: 137 UTS: 500 Elon: 15% Proof: 400 SOUDAIR 0.12% C 1.6% Mn 1.2% AI steel: Welding electrode;
SAE 1215 0.09% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% S 0.06% P steel: Free Soudometal
machining UTS: 590 Elon: 22% Proof: 490
SAE 1320 0.2% C 1.7% Mn 0.04% Sand Psteel: Obsolete SOUDITIGGI 0.07% C 1.1 % Mn steel: Welding electrode;
SAEI513 0.13% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: For bar Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SAE 1518 0.18% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. VTS: 525 Elon: 30% Proof: 390
SAE 1522 0.22% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. SOUDITIGG3 0.08% C 1.6% Mn steel: Welding electrode;
SAE 12413 0.13% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% S 0.1% P steel: Free Soudometal; for inert gas welding
machining UTS: 620 Elon: 30% Proof: 490
SAE J 178 0.9% C 0.4% Mn steel: Cold drawn; music wire SOUDOFIL I 0.07% C 1.5% Mn 0.9% Si steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 2350 Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SAE J 435-0022 0.17% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Casting VTS: 550 Elon: 22 % Proof: 420
SAE J 435-0025 0.25% C (max) 0.75% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: SOUDOFIL2 0.07% C 1.4% Mn 0.8% Si steel: Welding electrode;
Casting Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SAN BOLD 3 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Sanderson; for BS UTS: 550 Elon: 22% Proof: 420
alloy En 3A SOUDOKAY 0.09% C 0.9% Mn steel: Welding electrode;
SB 36F 0.15% C 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: German Soudometal
proprietor's specification; AI killed DPN: 170
SB 36FT 0.15% C 1.25% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: SOUDOKAY BU-CI 0.06% C 1% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Welding electrode;
German proprietor's specification; AI killed Soudometal; low hydrogen welding rod
SB 38F 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: DPN: 220 UTS: 560 Elon: 24% Proof: 450
German proprietor's specification; AI killed SOUDORECORD 0.05% C 0.5% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Soudometal; mild
SB 38FT 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: steel; welding rod
German proprietor's specification UTS: 550 Elon: 24 % Proof: 480
SB 39FT 0.16% C 1.3% Mn 0.03% V0.02% AI (max) 0.03% TI SOUNDOTENAX 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: Cockerill-Ougree
steel: German proprietor's specification 52
SB40F 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: SOUNDOTENAX 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.42% Ni 0.32% Cr 0.22% Mo steel:
German proprietor's specification; AI killed 56 Cockerill-Ougree
SB40FT 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: SOUNDOTENAX 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo steel:
German proprietor's specification; AI killed 66 Cockerill-Ougree
SB 42FT 0.16% C 1.3% Mn 0.1% V0.035% Sand P (max) SP25 Sintered Ni alloy steel similar to SP 24; Durasint
steel: German proprietor's specification; AI killed DPN: 210 VTS: 410 Elon: 2%
SCH 1 0.14% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: SP26 Sintered Ni alloy steel similar to SP 20; Durasint
Spencer; for BS alloy En32 DPN: 210 UTS: 550 Elon: 2%
SE 90 Iron"""arbon sintered materials; Sintered Products; SPEARB8 0.06% C 0.4% Mn 0.1 % Si steel: Spear and Jackson;
4-8% porosity obsolete
VTS: 390 Elon: 15% SPELTAFAST Mild steel: Sheet; galvanized; RTB for BS 2989
SELCO 53 0.22% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: SPRASTEEL 10 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire for
Italian proprietor's specification spraying; Metco; as spraycd
SELCO 53V 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel DPN: 189 UTS: 200
SH 13-54 0.15% C 1.0% Mn 0.015% S 0.02% P 0.4% Cu steel: SPRASTEEL 10 0.1 % C steel: Powder coating; Metco
Fuji DPN: 190
SH 13-60 0.18% C 1.05% Mn steel: Fuji SPRASTEEL 25 0.23% C 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire for
SHEF-LO TEMP 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn steel: Armco spraying; Metco; as sprayed
SHEF-SUPER LO 0.2% C (max) 1.1 % Mn steel: Armco DPN: 189 VTS: 220
TEMP SPRASTEEL 25 0.23% C steel: Powder coating; Metco
SILICON CORE 0.03% C 1% Si Fe alloy: Carpenter; for magnetic DPN: 205
IRON A purposes SS 1111 0.08% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Swedish
SILICON CORE 0.04% C (max) 1% Si Fe alloy: Carpenter; for Standard; for drawn wire
IRON A·FM magnetic purposes VTS: 590
For SIS specifications see SS SS 1140 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet;
SKF 017 0.17% C 0.7% Mn steel: Carburizing; SKF commercial grade; Swedish Standard
SKF21T2 0.18% C 1.4% Mn hollow steel: Bar SS 1142 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand Psteel: Sheet for
DPN: 170 VTS: 570 Elon: 23% Proof: 360 pressing; Swedish Standard
SKFCEAX 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: For springs; SS 1142 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel:
SKF Sheet; cold rolled
SKFTERMEK Steel: Free machining; bar; SKF SS 1145 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Sheet; for deep
SMOOTHTRODE 0.07% C 0.68% Mn 0.4% Si steel: For electrodes; Esab drawing; Swedish Standard
43.23 UTS: 556 Elon: 26% Proof: 279 SS 1146 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Sheet; for deep
SMRSt 2 0.1 % C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.05% Sand P steel: drawing; Swedish Standard
German Standard SS 1146 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel:
SMR St 3 0.1% C (max) 0.45% Mn 0.1% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Sheet; cold rolled; Swedish Standard
German Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
SS 1147 0.08% C (max) 0.45% Mn (max) 0.03% Sand P steel: SS 1311 0.13% C 0.5% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: For
Sheet; cold rolled; Swedish Standard reinforcing; Swedish Standard
SS 1147 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Sheet; for extra Elon: 20% Proof: 220
deep drawing; Swedish Standard SS 1312 0.12% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S and P 0.09% Nstructural
SS 1148 0.1 % C 0.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Cold rolled; for steel: Swedish Standard; as rolled
extra deep drawing; Swedish Standard UTS: 390 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
SS 1150 0.07% C 0.3% Mn 0.06% Si 0.03% Sand P 0.1 % Cu SS 1313 0.12% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P 0.009% N structural
steel: Strip; Swedish Standard; annealed steel: Swedish Standard; as rolled
DPN: 95 UTS: 370 UTS: 390 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
SS 1150 0.07% C 0.3% Mn 0.06% Si 0.03% Sand P 0.1 % Cu SS 1316 0.15% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P steel:
steel: Strip; Swedish Standard; cold rolled Plate; for cold rolling; Swedish Standard
DPN: 130 UTS: 370 SS 1331 0.15% C 0.2% Cr (max) 0.03% V (max) 0.01 %
SS 1151 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: Nb (max) 0.3% Cu (max) steel: Swedish Standard;
Sheet; for hot dip galvanizing; Swedish Standard pressurized
UTS: 500 SS 1350 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Swedish Steel;
SS 1151 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For normalized
cold rolled sheet; Swedish Standard DPN: 120 UTS: 400 Elon: 27% Proof: 210
UTS: 500 SS 1350-6 0.15% steel: Bar; Swedish Standard; work hardened
SS 1152 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: DPN: 135 UTS: 420 Elon: 10% Proof: 360
Sheet for galvanizing; Swedish Standard SS 1357 0.2% C 0.35% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; Swedish
SS 1157 0.08% C (max) 0.45% Mn (max) 0.03% Sand P steel: Standard; annealed
Sheet for galvanizing; Swedish Standard DPN: 135 UTS: 460
SS 1160 0.08% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% S (max) 0.03% SS 1357 0.2% C 0.35% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; Swedish
P (max) steel: Swedish Standard Standard; cold rolled 225 740
DPN: 100 UTS: 300 Elon: 35% SS 1360 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet;
SS 1160 0.08% C (max) 0.35% Mn (max) 0.04% S 0.03% P Swedish Standard
steel: For cold rolled strip; Swedish Standard UTS: 360 Elon: 18% Proof: 280
SS 1211 0.12% C 0.4% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Swedish SS 1370 0.15% C 0.7% Mn 0.03% S and P steel: Swedish
Standard; for drawn wire Standard
UTS: 500 SS 1386 Steel: Bar for reinforcing; Swedish Standard; included
SS 1232 0.13% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P 0.009% N inMNC815
steel: Swedish Standard SS 1387 Steel: For reinforcing; Swedish Standard included in
UTS: 360 Elon: 25% MNC815
SS 1232 0.13% C (max) 0.2% Cr (max) 0.03% V (max) 0.01% SS 1411 0.17% C 0.7% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: For
Nb (max) steel: Swedish Standard; tube reinforcing; Swedish Standard
SS 1250 0.12% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Strip; Eron: 20% Proof: 260
Swedish Standard; for cold rolling SS 1412 0.2% C 0.3% Cr (max) 0.4% Cu steel: Structural;
SS 1265 0.1 % C 0.35% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; Swedish Swedish Standard
Standard; annealed SS 1413 0.18% C 0.3% Cr (max) 0.4% Cu steel: Structural;
DPN: 115 UTS: 340 Swedish Standard
SS 1265 0.1 % C steel: Case hardening; possible Swedish SS 1414 0.18% C 0.3% Cr (max) 0.4% Cu steel: Structural;
Standard Swedish Standard
SS 1265 0.1 % C 0.35% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; Swedish SS 1426 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P steel:
Standard; cold rolled Sheet for cold rolling; Swedish Standard
DPN: 210 UTS: 640 SS 1430 0.18% C (max) 0.25% Cr (max) 0.03% V (max) 0.01%
SS 1270 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; Nb (max) steel: Swedish Standard; tube
Swedish Standard; galvanized SS 1434 0.22% C (max) 0.25% Cr (max) 0.03% V (max) 0.01 %
UTS: 330 Elon: 18% Proof: 250 Nb (max) steel: Swedish Standard; tube
SS 1305 0.18% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Swedish SS 1435 0.22% C (max) 0.25% Cr (max) 0.03% V (max) 0.01%
Standard; annealed Nb (max) steel: Swedish Standard; tube
UTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 210 SS 1450 0.22% C 0.7% Mn steel: Swedish Standard; general
SS 1305 0.25% C (max) 0.3% Cu steel: Casting; Swedish engineering
Standard DPN: 135 UTS: 480 Elon: 24% Proof: 230
SS 1306 0.18% C (max) 0.3% Cr (max) steel: Casting; Swedish SS 1912 0.09% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% S 0.08% P steel: Free
Standard machining; Swedish Standard; cold rolled
SS 1311 0.14% C 0.5% Mn 0.06% Sand P structural steel: UTS: 440
Swedish Standard; as rolled SS 1914 0.11% C 1.1% Mn 0.3% S 0.25% Pb steel: Free
UTS: 390 Elon: 24% Proof: 220 machining; Swedish Standard
SS 1922 0.16% C 1% Mn 0.15% S 0.05% P steel: Free
machining; Swedish Standard; cold rolled
UTS: 760
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SS 1926 0.15% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% S 0.25% Pb steel: Free
machining; Swedish Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SS 2032 Steel: For reinforcing; Swedish Standard; included in
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 MNC815
Elon Elongation, % SS 2101 0.2% C (max) 0.25% Cr (max) 0.03% V (max) 0.01 %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Nb (max) steel: Swedish Standard; tube
SS 2106 0.18% C 1.4% Mn 0.035% S (max) 0.035% P (max):
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 400 Elon: 21 %
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 2106 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.02% N (max) steel: SS 3402 0.09% C 1.4% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized Standard
UTS: 510 Elon: 22% Proof: 350 SS 3403 0.09% C 1.4% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
SS 2107 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.035% S (max) 0.035% Standard
P (max): For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard SS 3404 0.09% C 1.8% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
UTS: 400 Elon: 22% Standard
SS 2107 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.02% N (max) steel: SS 3405 0.09% C 1.8% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized Standard
VTS: 510 Elon: 22% Proof: 350 SS 3406 0.09% C 1.8% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
SS 2116 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn (max) 0.03% Sand P (max) Standard
0.02% N (max) steel: For pressure vessels; Swedish SS 3421 0.09% C 1.4% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
Standard Standard
SS21l7 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn (max) 0.035% Sand P (max) SS 3422 0.09% C 1.4% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
0.02% N (max) steel: For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard
Standard SS 3423 0.09% C 1.4% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
SS 2121 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Standard
Sheet; Swedish Standard; galvanized SS 3424 0.09% C 1.8% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
VTS: 400 Elon: 16% Proof: 320 Standard
SS 2122 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% S 0.05% P stcel: Plate; SS 3425 0.09% C 1.8% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
Swedish Standard Standard
VTS: 390 Elon: 14% SS 3426 0.09% C 1.8% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish
SS 2122 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Standard
Plate; Swedish Standard; galvanized SS 8001 0.2% C sintered iron: Swedish Standard
VTS: 430 Elon: 14% Proof: 350 SS 8020 0.2% C (max) 0.35% P sintered steel: Swedish
SS 2122 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; Standard
Swedish Standard St 10 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel:
VTS: 430 Elon: 14% Proof: 350 German Standard
SS 2127 0.15% C 1% Cr steel: Swedish Standard St 10/01 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel:
SS 2132 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.02% German Standard
N (max) steel: For structures; Swedish Standard St 10/02 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel:
SS2133 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.02% German Standard
N steel: For structures; Swedish Standard St 10/03 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel:
SS 2134 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.02% German Standard
Nsteel: For structures; Swedish Standard St 3412 0.17% C (max) 0.05% S and P steel: German Standard
SS 2135 0.2% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.02% St 34/3 0.17% C 0.05% Sand P0.01 % N steel: German
N steel: For structures; Swedish Standard Standard
SS 2136 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: St 35 0.18% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standar.d
Sheet for cold rolling; Swedish Standard St 35/4 0.17% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
SS 2136 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; German Standard
Swedish Standard St 35/13 K 0.09% C 0.4% Mn steel: Designation used by German
UTS: 400 Elon: 16% Proof: 320 Standards
SS 2137 Plain carbon steel: For reinforcing St 37 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
VTS: 1000 Elon: 3% Proof: 800 Standard
SS 2142 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.02% St3712 0.2% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard
N steel: For structures; Swedish Standard St 37/3 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
SS 2143 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.035% Sand P 0.02% N St42 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
steel: For structures; Swedish Standard Standard
SS 2144 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.02% St4212 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
N steel: For structures; Swedish Standard St4213 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
SS 2145 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.02% St45 0.25% C (max) 0.3% Cr 0.05% Sand P steel: German
N steel: For structures; Swedish Standard Standard
SS 2146 0.2% C (max) 1.8% Mn steel: Swedish Standard St 45/4 0.22% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
SS 2164 Steel: For reinforcing; Swedish Standard; included in German Standard
MNC815 St 52 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.5% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
SS 2165 0.24% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P German Standard
steel: For reinforcing; Swedish Standard St 5213 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
Elon: 15% Proof: 370 St 5214 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
SS 2167 Steel: For reinforcing; Swedish Standard; included in German Standard
MNC815 St 521302 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
SS 2168 0.28% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P STA 5 VIA 0.1 % C steel: Free machining; replaced by BS alloy
steel: For reinforcing; Swedish Standard EnlA
Elon: 12 % Proof: 590 STA5 VIB 0.2% C steel: Semi-free cutting; replaced by BS alloy
SS 2172-04 0.2% C (max) steel: For case hardening; Swedish En7A
Standard; normalized STA5 V2 0.2% C steel: Cold drawn; replaced by BS alloy En2
UTS: 500 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320 STA5 V2A 0.12% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En2A
SS 2172-21 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.05% Si steel: Casting; STA5V2N1 0.1 % C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En2A11
Swedish Standard; normalized STA5 V2B 0.15% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En2B
UTS: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 300 STA5V2C 0.2% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En2C
SS 3401 0.09% C 1.4% Mn steel: Weld electrode; Swedish STA5V2D 0.22% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En2D
Standard STA 5 V3 0.2% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En3A
STA 5 VI5 0.15% C (max) steel: Replaced by BS alloy En32C
336 . 44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STA 5 V1511 0.15% C (max) steel: Replaced by BS alloy En32C T708 0.09% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% S 0.05% P steel: Free
STA5VI5/A 0.18% C (max) steel: Replaced by BS alloy En201 machining; Fagersta
STA5 V15AJI 0.18% C steel: Obsolete VTS: 390 Elon: 28%
STA5V15AM 0.18% C (max) steel: Free cutting; replaced by BS T709 0.09% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% S 0.05% P steel: Free
alloy En202 machining; Fagersta
STA 38 B Low carbon killed steel: For drawn shell bodies UTS: 390 Elon: 28%
STCI 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: T7I5 0.15% C 0.9% Mn 0.25% Si 0.15% S 0.05% P steel:
Spencer; normalized Free machining; Fagersta
DPN: 150 VTS: 450 Elon: 25% VTS: 460 Elon: 25%
STELCO C845 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.005% Nb 0.2% Cu steel: Steel Co. T725 0.25% C 0.9% Mn 0.25% Si 0.15% S 0.05% P steel:
of Canada Free machining; Fagersta
STELCO C850 0.2% C 1.2% M,n n.005% Nb 0.2% Cu steel: Steel Co. VTS: 530 Elon: 22%
of Canada TPW 0.06% C 0.5% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
STELCOC855 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.005% Nb 0.2% Cu steel: Steel Co. TStO 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel:
of Canada German Standards
STELCOC860 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.005% Nb 0.2% Cu steel: Steel Co. TSt 10 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel:
of Canada German Standards
STELCOLOYG 0.12% CO.75% Mn 0.45% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.45% Cu TSt 10/01 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel:
steel: Steel Co. of Canada German Standards
STELCOLOYS 0.15% C 1.35% Mn 0.3% Ni 0.32% Cr 0.02% V 0.3% T St 10/02 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel:
Cu steel: Steel Co. of Canada German Standards
STELVET/TE G PVC on one side of hot dip galvanized steel: British T StlO/03 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel:
Steel German Standards
STELVETITE R PVC on both sides of zinc-plated steel: British Steel TENAPSO 0.07% C 0.35% Mn 0.2% Si 0.35% Cu steel: Pompey
STELVETITE Z Coloured PVC on one side of zinc-plated sieel: British TENASOUDO 50 0.07% C 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si mild steel: Welding rod;
Steel Soudametal; for repair welds
STUBS 5 Low C Si Fe welders electrode; Stubs; for welding grey VTS: 580 Elon: 26% Proof: 485
cast iron TENSITRODE 0.08% C 1% Mn 0.6% Si steel: For electrodes; Esab
DPN: 185 UTS: 340 48.30 VTS: 589 Elon: 28% Proof: 494
STUBS 610 Mild steel: Welding electrode; Stubs TENSITRODE 0.08% C 1.5% Mn 0.60% Si steel: For electrodes; Esab
UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 450 55.00 VTS: ~2 Elon: 28% Proof: 570
STUBS 611 Mild steel: Welding electrode; Stubs TGS 0.2% C 1.3% Mn steel: Carpenter
UTS: 510 Elon: 25% Proof: 450 THERMOFIXE Analysis not supplied: Mild steel; welding rod;
STUBS 612 Mild steel: Welding eleetrode; Stubs Soudametal; for free heating
VTS: 540 Elon: 25% Proof: 420 TOLEDO 15 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Toledo for BS
STUBS 614 Mild steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; low hydrogen alloy En2
electrode TOLEDO 20 0.2% C 1% Mn 0.06% S and P steel: Toledo for BS
VTS: 550 Elon: 32% Proof: 410 alloy En3 En3A and En3B
STUBS Al Mild steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; general purpose TONCAN 0.03% C 0.07% Mo 0.45% Cu steel: Corrosion
STUBSA15 0.12% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.2% Al 0.4% Cu (max) resistant; no further information
steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; suitable for TIG TISt 35 0.16% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
welding German Standard
STUBSAI8 0.12% C 1.2% Mn 0.03% Sand P mild steel: TISt41 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
Electrode; Stubs; for CO,-argon welding German Standard
VTS: 524 Elon: 30% Proof: 400 TI St 45 0.22% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
SUPAVIT Mild steel: Sheet decarburized for vitreous enamelling; German Standard
Richard Thomas and Baldwins TUStl 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel:
SUPER TUFCOR 0.15% C 0.9% Mn steel: Jonas; core properties; German Standard
hardened and tempered TUSt2 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German
DPN: 170 VTS: 580 Elon: 20% Standard
SUPERCOUPE Analysis not supplied: Mild steel; welding electrode; TU St 34 0.08% C 0.25% Mn 0.06% S 0.08% P steel:
Soudametal; cutting and gouging Designation used by German Standards
SUPERCOUPE A Analysis not supplied: Mild steel; welding electrode; TU St37 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
Soudametal; gouging and cutting Standard
SUPERELSO 60 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Crusot TU St 37/02 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
SUPERTOUGH B20 0.2% C 1.5% Mn steel: ESC for BS alloy En14A Standard
T 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar TU St 37/03 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
Allen; Code No 605 steel Standard
TU St 37/04 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
TU St37/05 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Standard
TUBROD 15.10 0.06% C 1.7% Mn 0.9% Si steel: Tubular welding rod;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Esab; as welded
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' VTS: 675 Elon: 24% Proof: 575
Elon Elongation, % TUFCOR 0.15% CO.7% Mn steel: Jonas; core properties;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' hardened and tempered
DPN: 148 UTS: 480 Elon: 20%
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04 ibflin.'=1 MPa TYPEM Mild steel: Multiwire AI-coated wire; Copperweld Co.
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. TYPE XX 0.02% C 0.1% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
VTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 370
44Al STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.05-0.2 PER CENT . 337
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
U St 12 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German UNI 5335 Fe 33 0.06% S 0.08% P steel: Plate; hot rolled; Italian
Standard Standard
U St 12103 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German UTS: 350 Elon: 17%
Standard UNI 5335 Fe 34 0.17% C steel: Plate; hot rolled; graded by Sand P
U St 12104 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German content; Italian Standard
Standard UTS: 360 Elon: 27% Proof: 180
U St 12105 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German UNI 5335 Fe 37 0.2% C steel: Plate; hot rolled; graded by Sand P
Standard content; Italian Standard
U St 13 0.1% C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: German UTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
Standard UNI 5335 Fe 42 0.21 % C steel: Plate; hot rolled; graded by Sand P
U St 13/03 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: German content; Italian Standard
Standard UTS: 440 Elon: 22% Proof: 230
U St 13104 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand Psteel: German UNI 5335 Fe 50 C not specified steel: Plate; hot rolled; graded by
Standard Sand P content; Italian Standard
U St 13/05 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: German ms: 540 Elon: 19% Proof: 280
Standard UNION 32 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.05% AI 0.25% Cu steel:
USt 14 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German Dortmund-Horder
Standard UNION 36 0.22% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel:
U St 14/04 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German Dortmund-Horder; AI killed
Standard UNION 40 0.24% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
U St 14/05 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: German Dortmund-Horder; AI killed
Standard UNION 45 0.24% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.15% Ti 0.04% Sand
U St 34/2 0.17% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard P (max) steel: Dortmund-Horder; Al killed
U St 37 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German UNIONHB36 0.22% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel:
Standard Dortmund-Horder; Al killed
U St 37/2 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard UNIONQ38 0.2% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
U St 37/202 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard Dortmund·Horder
U St 37/203 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard UNIONQ42 0.22% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
U St 37/204 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard Dortmund-Horder
U St 37/205 0.2% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard UNITRODE 48.00 0.080% C 0.70% Mn 0.60% Si steel: For electrodes;
U St42 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard Esab
U St 4212 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard ms: 525 Elon: 30% Proof: 417
U St 421202 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard VELVARCTWO 0.08% C 0.6% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Philips
U St 421203 0.25% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard ms: 475 Elon: 24% Proof: 390
U St 421204 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard VERS1TRODE 0.08% C 0.045% Mn 0.15% Si steel: For electrodes;
U St 421205 0.25% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard 46.58 Esab
UHB3 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.15% Si 0.03% Sand P UTS: 510 Elon: 28% Proof: 401
steel: Tube; Uddelholm VODEX 0.06% C 0.4% Mn steel: Welding electrode; Murex
UTS: 370 Elon: 30% Proof: 210 UTS: 500 Elon: 33% Proof: 450
UHB4M10 0.22% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Tube; W6 0.11 % C steel: Welding electrode; Cu covered; Armco;
Uddelholm as welded
ms: 450 Elon: 30% Proof: 240 UTS: 530 Elon: 27% Proof: 450
ULTRAMILD 0.04% C 0.3% Si steel: Electrode; Metrode W61 0.11% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Welding electrode;
UMS45 0.22% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: Cu covered; Armco; as welded
Krupp UTS: 620 Elon: 25% Proof: S40
UNBREAKABLE 0.14% C 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For case WELCON2H 0.18% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
hardening; Swift Levick for BS alloy En32 Japan Steel Works
UNI743 Replaced by UNI 5334 WELCON 50 0.18% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
UNI815 Replaced by UNI 5335 Japan Steel Works
UNI2952 Replaced by UNI 5331 WEL-TEN 50 0.18% C 1.3% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
UNI2953 Replaced by UNI 5331 Yawata
UNI4365 Italian Standard covering: Plain carbon and low alloy WEL-TEN55 0.18% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
steels for bolts Yawata
UNI 5331 C 10 0.1% C 0.5% Mn steel: For carburizing WUSt12 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German
UNI 5331 C 16 0.15% C 0.5% Mn steel: For carburizing Standard
UNI 5334 Fe 33 C not specified: Hot rolled steel: Section WU St 12103 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German
UTS: 40 Elon: 17% Standard
UNI 5334 Fe 34 0.17% C: Hot rolled steel: Section; graded by Sand P WU St 12104 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German
content; Italian Standard Standard
UTS: 380 Elon: 28% Proof: 180 WU St 12105 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German
UNI 5334 Fe 37 0.2% C: Hot rolled steel: Section; graded by Sand P Standard
content; Italian Standard WU St 37/2 0.2% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard
UTS: 400 Elon: 26% Proof: 210 WU St 37/202 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German
UNI 5334 Fe 42 0.2% C: Hot rolled steel: Section; graded by Sand P Standard
content; Italian Standard WU St 37/203 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German
UTS: 460 Elon: 23% Proof: 220 Standard
UNI 5334 Fe 50 C not specified: Hot rolled steel: Section; graded by WU St 37/204 0.2% C (max) 0.06% P 0.05% S steel: German
S and P content; Italian Standard Standard
UTS: 550 Elon: 19% Proof: 300 WU St 371205 0.2% C (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German
XC18S 0.15% C 0.7% Mn steel: Carburizing; AFNOR
338 . 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
XL CUT 0.09% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% Ssteel: British Steel; YO·MANB 0.25% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Youngstown
free machining Steel Co.
XL CUT 0.09% C (max) 0.97% Mn 0.3% S 0.05% P (max) Z908 0.08% C 1.2% Mn 0.35% S 0.08% P steel: Free
steel: British Steel; free cutting machining; YEW
XL CUT Pb 0.09% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% S 0.15% Pb (min) Z952 0.08% C 1.2% Mn 0.35% S 0.23% Pb steel: Free
steel: British Steel; free machining machining; YEW
XL CUT Pb 0.09% C (max) 0.97% Mn 0.3% S 0.06% P (max) ZINCGRIP Mild steel: Sheet; Zn coated; Armco
0.15% Ph (min) steel: British Steel; free machining ZINCROMETAL Mild steel sheet coated with zinc-rich paint; weldable;
XL CUT SPb 0.08% C (max) 0.97% Mn 0.3% S 0.09% P (max) Dacral
0.2% Pb (min) 0.008% N steel: British Steel; free ZINTEX Mild steel: Sheet; zinc coated; Origin unknown
XL CUT SPb 0.08% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.3% S 0.2% Pb (min) steel:
British Steel; free machining
Y 12 0.17% C (max) 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035%
P (max) French Standard
YAW-TEN 50 0.16% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.3% Ti 0.25% Cu steel:
Yawata Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
YB TEN 0.12% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel:
Youngstown Steel Co. DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
YEO 40 0.22% C 1.3% Mn 0.1% Ti steel: Yamata UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
YND 33 1.05% Mn 0.1 % Cr 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Elon Elongation, %
Yamata Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
YOLOY 50W 0.17% CO.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel:
1 N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa
Youngstown Steel Co.
YOLOY M, G and A 0.25% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Youngstown See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Steel Co.
200 450 37
300 450 39
400 420 38
500 200 38
650 210 45
The above properties are typical of the following group and by the presence of impurities which tend to increase the
may not apply to anyone specification. It is possible that with hardness while decreasing the ductility by a disproportional
certain specifications some of the values may not be amount. All the steels listed have some silicon and manga-
applicable. nese, these being added as de-oxidizing and de-sulphurizing
elements during manufacture. The quantities present have
no significant effect on the properties.
General metallurgical characteristics
The quality of the steels can be roughly assessed from the
The steels in this group are all hardenable by thermal treat- phosphorus and sulphur contents, as both these elements
ment and cold work. The degree of hardenability is directly should be as low as possible, although some steels have high
proportional to the carbon content, modified to some extent sulphur, lead or tellurium additions to aid machinability, but
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT . 339
this is not normally required on these medium carbon No technical problems exist with any of these steels
materials. regarding welding, brazing or soldering but as stated above,
Some of the lower carbon steels are used in the carburized if the carbon equivalent is high, then pre-heating and con-
condition. trolled heat input is essential to prevent heat affected zone
Small additions of copper have been made to certain of the cracking.
alloys listed to improve the atmospheric corrosion resistance These materials have similar corrosion resistance to those
and the tensile properties. Many of the steels will have in Section 44Al.That is, they produce a loose oxide which
residual elements present which could have an adverse effect falls off under very little stress allowing further corrosion to
on welding as they tend to increase the hardenability. take place. The fact that the materials are sometimes used
The properties of the steels in this group can be improved under reasonable stress means that corrosion pitting could
to a measurable degree by thermal treatment. This requires have a serious effect on the fracture toughness and the
that they should be taken to almost 900°C and quenched. fatigue resistance.
The quench will almost invariably be with water but with There are now well defined and proven techniques for
some of the higher carbon steels, particularly those with carrying out corrosion protection on these steels. This
residual elements, oil may be necessary to prevent cracking. requires expert advice.
Where thicker sections, above 15-20 mm, are involved it The machinability of these materials can be reasonable but
will be essential to quench in water. many have sulphur, tellurium, selenium or lead added to
Along with the advantages in being able to harden by improve machinability. This will give some reduction in
thermal treatment are the disadvantages that because of the impact and ductility.
increased hardenability these steels are prone to cracking at The material should always be machined in the normalized
welding. or hardened and tempered condition. Machining in the 'as
The presence of tramp elements, such as chromium, forged' or 'as rolled' condition can result in considerable
molybdenum and vanadium, can cause problems with weld- variations and local tearing and also dimensional changes
ing. Where the material is to have its mechanical properties during service.
improved by thermal treatment then these tramp elements These steels are general purpose engineering and the first
are a considerable advantage, whereas when the materials choice for low price medium strength components such as
are to be welded they can cause problems resulting in heat boilers, sections for buildings under high stress, roof trusses,
affected zone cracking. lifting equipment, gears, springs and low static and moving
It is now common practice that the carbon equivalent (CE) parts in all forms of engines particularly where the section is
is included in the material specification at a controlled level. quite small. Pipelines, pylons, rails and sheeting which form
This will seldom be above 0.7% for materials in this group. part of stress components are all made using these steels.
The carbon equivalent formula is The materials in this group find considerable competition
from low alloy steels and from materials such as higher
CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu alloyed aluminium where stress is involved with corrosion
6 5 15
and also, in many cases, stainless steel and some copper
It is recommended that materials in this section are alloys.
received in the normalized condition prior to machining. Some materials in this group can be carburized.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.0652 0.36% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: 1.0507 0.36% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: German
German Standard Standard
0.0967 0.38% CO.7% Mn 1.5% Si steel: For springs; German 1.0509 0.36% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
Standard German Standard
0.0968 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; German 1.0530 0.3% C 0.05% S0.08% P steel: German Standard
Standard 1.0532 0.3% C 0.05% S0.06% P steel: German Standard
1.0130 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German 1.0540 0.4% C 0.05% S0.08% P steel: German Standard
Standard 1.0542 0.4% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard
1.0132 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S0.06% P steel: German 1.0651 0.36% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel:
Standard German Standard
1.0136 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard 1.0726 0.38% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.2% S0.07% P steel: Free
1.0142 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German machining; German Standard
Standard 1.0727 0.46% CO. 7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.2% S0.07% P steel: Free
1.0143 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard machining; German Standard
1.0903 0.51 % C 0.65% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For
springs; German Standard
Note. Tbe following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 1.0970 0.38% C 0.65% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For
springs; German Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 1.1165 0.31% C 1.4% Mn steel: German Standard
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' 1.1174 0.36% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
Elon Elongation, % German Standard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' 1.1181 0.36% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
German Standard
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa
1.1183 0.36% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. German Standard
340 . 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.1191 0.46% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: 55 EE 0.16% C (max) steel: Normalized, weldable with Nb
German Standard and V; designation for BS 4360
1.1193 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: vrs: 610 Elon: 19%
German Standard 55 Si 8 0.55% C 0.85% Mn 2.0% Si steel: Italian Standards
1.1194 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: designation
German Standard DPN: 250 vrs: 1550 Elon: 5% Proof: 1250
1.1730 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: 60/55 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Sheet and plate;
German Standards designation designation in BS 1449
1.5038 0.4% C 1.0% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: Forging; O6OA25 0.25% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
German Standard 060A27 0.27% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
1.5066 0.3% C 1.3% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.03% Sand P steel: O6OA30 0.3% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
Forging; German Standard 060A32 0.32% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
1.5067 0.36% C 1.3% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: Forging; 060A35 0.35% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
German Standard 060A37 0.37% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
1.5120 0.38% C 1.1 % Mn 0.8% Si steel: Forging; German 060A40 0.4% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
Standard O6OA42 0.42% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
1.5121 0.46% C 1.1% Mn 0.8% Si steel: Forging; German O6OA45 0.45% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
Standard O6OA47 0.47% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
1.5122 0.37% C 1.2% Mn 1.2% Si steel: For springs; German 070M20 0.2% C 0.7% Mn steel: BS 970
Standard 070M26 0.26% C 0.7% Mn steel
6LM 0.3% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik 080A27 0.27% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
7L 0.35% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Sandvik for SS 1550 080A30 0.3% C 0.8% Mn steel
8LM 0.4% C 1.3% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik for SS 2120 080A32 0.32% C 0.8% Mn steel
9L 0.45% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik for SS 1650, 080A35 0.35% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
1660 080A37 0.37% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
9L7 0.45% C 0.75% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Sandvik 080A40 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
9LM 0.45% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sandvik 080A42 0.42% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
30NCD 12 0.3% C 2.9% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Italian 080H36 0.36% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
UNI4365 Standard; for bolts 080H41 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
35 S 20 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% S 0.05% P steel: Free 080M30 0.3% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
machining; designation used by German Standards 080M36 0.36% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
36Mn 5 0.36% C 1.4% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Designation used by 080M40 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel
German Standards 120M28 0.28% C 1.2% Mn steel: BS 970
37 CB 0.37% C 0.8% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Electrode; Metrode 120M36 0.36% C 1.2% Mn steel: BS 970
37MS 0.37% C 0.8% Mn steel: Electrode; Metrode 135M44 0.44% C 1.3% Mn steel: BS 970
38 Mn Si 4 0.38% C 1.1 % Mn 0.8% Si steel: Designation used by 150M28 0.28% C 1.5% Mn steel: BS 970
German Standards 150M36 0.30% C 1.5% Mn steel: BS 970
38 NCD 4 0.38% C 0.8% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Italian 150M40 0.4% C 1.6% Mn steel: BS 970
UNI4365 Standard; for bolts 212A37 0.37% C 1.2% Mn steel: BS 970
38 Si 6 0.38% C 0.6% Mn 1.5% Si steel: Designation used by 212A42 0.42% C 1.2% Mn steel: BS 970
German Standards 212M36 0.36% C 1.2% Mn steel: BS 970
38 Si 8 0.38% C 0.7% Mn 1.5% Si steel: Designation used by 212M44 0.44% C 1.2% Mn 0.18% Ssteel: BS 970; obsolete
German Standards 216A42 0.42% C 1.3% Mn steel: BS 970
40 NCD 7 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Italian 216M28 0.28% C 1.3% Mn steel: BS 970
UNI4365 Standard; for bolts 216M36 0.36% C 1.5% Mn 0.18% S steel: Free machining;
42 Mn V7 0.42% C 1.8% Mn 0.1 % V 0.25% Si steel: Designation BS970
used by German Standards 216M44 0.44% C 1.3% Mn steel: BS 970
45MS 0.45% C 0.8% Mn steel: Electrode; Metrode 225M36 0.36% C 1.2% Mn steel: BS 970
45 S 20 0.46% CO. 7% Mn 0.2% S 0.05% P steel: Free 226M44 0.44% C 1.5% Mn 0.26% Ssteel: Free machining;
machining; designation used by German Standards BS970
46Si 7 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si steel: Designation used by 1022 0.22% C 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Designation
German Standards used by AISI
50/45 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Sheet and plate; 1025 0.25% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
designation in BS 1449 in the UK and USA
50 Si 7 0.49% C 0.6% Mn 1.75% Si steel: Italian Standards 1026 0.26% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
designation in the UK and USA
DPN: 250 vrs: 1450 Elon: 7% Proof: 1150 1029 0.29% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Designation
used by AISI
1030 0.3% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
in the UK and USA
1033 0.33% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: in the UK and USA
1034 0.34% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number in the UK and USA
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 1035 0.35% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
Elon Elongation, % in the UK and USA
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 1037 0.37% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
in the UK and USA
I N/mm2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
1038 0.38% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. in the UK and USA
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT . 341
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1039 0.39% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used 1548 0.48% C 1.2% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK
in the UK and USA and USA
1040 0.4% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used 155,] 0.51 % C 1% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK and
in the UK and USA USA
1042 0.42% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used 1552 0.52% C 1.3% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK
in the UK and USA and USA
1043 0.43% C 0.04% Sand P (lnax) steel: Designation used 2321 0.45% C steel: French Standards designation
in the UK and USA 9255 0.55% C 2% Si steel: Designation used in the UK and
1044 0.47% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Designation USA
used by AISI 9260 0.6% C 2% Si steel: Designation used in the UK and
1045 0.44% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used USA
in the UK and USA 9262 0.62% C 2% Si steel: Designation used in the UK and
1046 0.46% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used USA
in the UK and USA A2 0.23% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
1049 0.49% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A3 0.32% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
in the UK and USA A3 0.32% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: Cogne
1050 0.5% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used A4 0.42% C (max) 0.9% Mn steel: Cogne
in the UK and USA A4 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
1105 0.65% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French A5 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
Standards, designation A5 0.52% C (max) 0.9% Mn steel: Cogne
1132 0.32% C 0.1 % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation A6 0.45% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
used in the UK and USA A 16 0.27% C 1.4% Mn 0.4% Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
1137 0.37% C 0.1 % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation Welding rod; designation used by British Standards
used in the UK and USA A 16 0.27% C steel: Welding electrode; designation for BS
1139 0.39% C 1.5% Mn 0.17% S 0.04% P steel: Free 2901
machining; designation used by AISI A201 A 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.35% Sand P steel: Plate;
1140 0.4% C 0.1 % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation used Armco; flange and firebox grades
in the UK and USA UTS: 450 Elon: 28% Proof: 200
1141 0.41% C 0.1% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation A 201 B 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Plate;
used in the UK and USA Armco; flange and firebox quality
1144 0.44% C 0.3% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
used in the UK and USA A212A 0.3% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.35% Sand P steel: Plate;
1145 0.45% C 0.1 % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation Armco; flange and firebox quality
used in the UK and USA UTS: 540 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
1146 0.46% C 0.1 % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation A212B 0.32% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.35% Sand P steel: Plate;
used in the UK and USA Armco; flange and firebox quality
1151 0.51% C 0.1 % S 0.04% P (max) steel: Designation UTS: 600 Elon: 22% Proof: 240
used in the UK and USA A 285 0.24% C 0.8% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: Plate;
1306 0.55% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max) Armco; flange and firebox quality in three grades A, B
steel: French Standards designation andC
1307 0.45% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max) UTS: 340 Elon: 30% Proof: ISO
steel: French Standards designation A 455 0.33% C 1.0% Mn 0.1% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate;
1308 0.38% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max) Armco
steel: French Standards designation UTS: 5SO Elon: 16% Proof: 220
1330 0.3% C 1.7% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AMn 0.25% C Mn steel: Casting; Firth Brown; normalized;
and USA tempered
1335 0.35% C 1.7% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK DPN: 170 UTS: 550 Elon: 25% Proof: 340
and USA ABSIF 0.3% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) steel: Plate; American
1340 0.4% C 1.7% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK Bureau of Shipping
and USA UTS: 500 Elon: 19% Pfoof: 245
1345 0.45% C 1.7% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK ABSIF 0.35% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) steel: Tube; American
and USA Bureau of Shipping
1524 0.24% C 1.5% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK ABS/G 0.33% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) steel: Plate; American
and USA Bureau of Shipping
1525 0.25% C 1% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK and UTS: 5SO Elon: 17% Proof: 270
USA AISII023 0.22% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
1526 0.26% C 1.2% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AISl1024 0.23% C 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
and USA AISII025 0.25% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
1527 0.27% C 1.4% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AISI1026 0.26% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
and USA AISII027 0.25% C 1.3% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
1533 0.33% C 1.4% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AISI1029 0.29% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel
and USA AISl1030 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
1534 0.34% C 1.3% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AISII033 0.33% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
and USA AISII035 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
1536 0.36% C 1.3% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AISII036 0.34% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
and USA AISII037 0.35% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
1541 0.4% C 1.5% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AISII038 0.38% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
and USA AISII039 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
1547 0.47% C 1.5% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK AISII040 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
and USA AISI1041 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
AISI1042 0.43% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
342 . 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier. condition and remarks.
AISII043 0.43% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel API 5L X42 0.29% C (max) 1.25% Mn (max) 0.05% S (max)
AISII045 0.46% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel 0.04% P (max) steel: High test line pipe; seamless and
AISII046 0.46% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel welded
AISII126 0.26% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting UTS: 415 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
AISI1132 0.31% C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting API5LX46 0.30% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) 0.05% S (max)
AISI1137 0.36% C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting 0.04% P (max) steel: High test line pipe; seamless and
AISI1138 0.37% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting welded
AISI1139 0.39% C 1.5% Mn O. 17% S 0.04% P steel: Frec UTS: 435 Elon: 20% Proof: 315
machining API5LX52 0.30% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) 0.05% S (max)
AISII140 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting 0.04% P (max) steel: High test line pipe; seamless and
AISI1141 0.41% C 1.5% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting welded
AISIl144 0.44% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting UTS: 470 Elon: 20% Proof: 360
AISII145 0.45% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting API 5L X56 0.26% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) with Nb, V or Ti
AISll146 0.46% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting steel: High test line pipe; seamless or welded
AISI1330 0.3% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel UTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 385
AIS! 1335 0.35% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel API 5L X60 0.26% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) with Nb, V or Ti
AISII340 0.4% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel steel: High test line pipe; seamless or welded
AISI1345 0.4% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel UTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 415
AM4 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop for BS alloy API5LX65 0.26% C (max) 1.4% Mn with Nb and V steel: High
En 15 test line pipe; seamless or welded
AMS 5020 0.35% C 0.1 % S steel: Free machining UTS: 540 Elon: 20% Proof: 445
AMS 5024C 0.37% C 1.5% Mn stcel: Bar and forging; free cutting; API5LU X80 0.26% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) with other elements as
AMS for SAE 1137 agreed stcel: Ultra-high test line pipe
AMS5062 A 0.25% C (max) steel: For bar, forging, tube, etc. UTS: 690 Elon: 20% Proof: 550
AMS 5070 B 0.22% C steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE 1022 API 5LU XIOO 0.26% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) with other elements as
UTS: 370 agreed steel: Ultra-higb test line pipe
AMS5075 A 0.25% C steel: Seamless tube; AMS for SAE 1025 UTS: 830 Elon: 20% Proof: 690
UTS: 370 ASTM 122 0.25% C (max) steel: French specification
AMS5077 A 0.25% C steel: Welded tube; AMS for SAE 1025 ASTM A27/60/30 0.3% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting
UTS: 370 ASTM A27/65135 0.3% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting
AMS 5080 A 0.35% C steel: Bar, forging and tube; AMS for SAE ASTM A27n0136 0.35% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting
1035 ASTM A27n0/40 0.25% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting
AMS 5082 0.35% C steel: Seamless tube; AMS for SAE 1035 ASTMA27NI 0.25% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting
UTS: 650 ASTMA27N2 0.35% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting
ANQQW429/1 Plain carbon steel: Wire; US Service ASTM A27 U60130 0.25% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Casting
UTS: 1830 ASTM A31 A C not specified 0.4% Mn 0.06% S (max) 0.05%
ANS4 0.35% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: US Service P (max) steel: For rivets
ANT4/1 0.25% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube; welded; UTS: 350 Elon: 27% Proof: 160
US Service ASTMA31 B 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 0.06% S (max) 0.05% P (max) steel:
UTS: 300 Elon: 22 % Proof: 210 For rivets
AN WWT84611 0.25% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; UTS: 440 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
US Service ASTMA36 0.30% C 1.0% Mn 0.10% Si steel: Plate and barlor
UTS: 300 Elon: 22 % Proof: 210 structural use
API5A C75/1 0.5% C (max) 1.9% Mn (max) 0.5% Cr + Ni + ASTM AI05/1 0.35% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: For flanges;
Cu (max) 0.2% Mo steel: Casing and tubing; normalized
normalized and tempered ASTMAI06A 0.25% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Pipe
UTS: 655 Elon: 20% Proof: 515 ASTM AI06B 0.3% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Pipe
API 5A C7512 0.4% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: Casing and tubing; ASTM AI06C 0.35% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Pipe
hardened and tempered ASTMAI08 Carbon steel: Bars and shafting; cold finished; graded
UTS: 655 Elon: 20% Proof: 515 to A!SI code
API 5A C75/3 0.42% C 0.85% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Casing ASTMAI09/1 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cu (optional) cold rolled
and tubing; normalized and tempered steel: Strip; hard
UTS: 655 Elon: 20% Proof: 515 UTS: 640 Elon: 3%
API 5A C95 0.45% C 1.9% Mn steel: Casing and tubing; hardened ASTM AI0912 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cu (optional) cold rolled
and tempered steel: Strip; Hard
UTS: 730 Elon: 20% Proof: 655 UTS: 450 Elon: 10%
API5LS Spiral weld line pipe; See API designation for grades ASTMAI09/3 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Cu (optional) cold rolled
steel: Strip; Hard
UTS: 370 Elon: 20%
ASTM AI31 C not specified 0.05% (max) S 0.04% (max) P steel:
A For ships
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTMAl31 0.21 % C 0.95% Mn 0.05% (max) S 0.04% (max) P
B steel: For ships
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTMAl31 0.23% C 0.75% Mn 0.05% (max) S 0.04% (max) P
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 C steel: For ships
Eion Elongation, % ASTM AI39 A C not specified 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Arc
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 welded; pipe
UTS: 330 Elon: 35% Proof: 200
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475tonf/in. 2 =145.04IbfJin. 2 =1 MPa ASTM A139B 0.3% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.4% Sand P steel: Arc
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. welded; pipe
UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT . 343
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMAI48 Steel: Casting; high strength; graded by mechanical ASTM A352 LCB 0.3% C 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Normalized and
properties tempered for low temperature service
ASTMAI78C 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% P 0.06% Ssteel: Electric UTS: 440 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
resistance welded boiler tubes ASTMA35611 0.35% C (max) steel: Casting for turbines
ASTMAI81/1 0.35% C (max) 0.9% Mn steel: For pipe flanges ASTMA372 0.30% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.27% Si steel:
VTS: 440 Elon: 22% Proof: 220 Class I Forging for pressure vessels
ASTMAI83 0.30% C (min) steel: For bolts ASTM A372 0.40% C (max) 1.29% Mn (max) 0.27% Si steel:
ASTMAI94/2 0.4% C (min) steel: For bolts Class II Forging for pressure vessels
ASTMA210AI 0.27% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.1 % Si steel: Seamless tube ASTMA372 0.48% C (max) 1.65% Mn (max) 0.27% Si steel:
ASTM A210C 0.35% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.1 % Si steel: Seamless tube Class III Forging for pressure vessels
ASTM A216 WCA 0.25% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting for ASTMA372 0.4% C 0.7% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.3% Si
high temperature service Class VII steel: For pressure vessels
ASTM A216 WCB 0.3% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting for high ASTMA374 0.22% C (max) 1.2% Mn steel: Sheet and strip; cold
temperature service rolled
ASTM A216 WCC 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting for ASTM A375 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn steel: Sheet and strip; hot
high temperature service rolled
ASTM A217 WCI 0.25% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Casting ASTMA381 0.32% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For high
ASTMA242 0.25% C 1.25% Mn 0.05% Ssteel: For structural use; pressure pipe; mechanical properties vary with grades
as rolled ASTMA413 0.33% C (max) 1% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For chains
VTS: 480 Elon: 19% Proof: 340 ASTM A414 0.25% C steel: Sheet of firebox quality; various grades
ASTM A266/1 and 2 0.35% C (max) 0.6% Mn steel: For drawn forging according to C content
ASTMA266/3 0.5% C (max) 0.65% Mn steel: For drawn forging ASTMA433 0.2% C 0.25% Pb free machining steel: For pressure
ASTMA284A 0.22% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; vessels; graded according to C content
as rolled ASTMA440 0.3% C (max) 0.3% Si 0.06% Sand P 0.2% Cu steel:
VTS: 330 Elon: 28% Proof: ISO For structural purposes
ASTM A284B 0.3% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; ASTM A449 0.42% C 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For studs;
as rolled hardened and tempered
VTS: 370 Elon: 27% Proof: ISO DPN: 230
ASTMA284C 0.33% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; ASTMA454 0.3% C 1% Mn steel: For conveyor chain; classified by
as rolled tensile properties
UTS: 420 Elon: 25 % Proof: 200 ASTM A455 0.3% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plates
ASTMA284D 0.35% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate; for pressure vessels; graded by carbon content
as rolled ASTM A465 LI 0.3% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% Sand P 0.2% Pb steel:
VTS: 420 Elon: 24% Proof: 220 For pipe flanges; as forged
ASTM A290A 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging; VTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
hardened and tempered ASTMA465LII 0.3% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% Sand P 0.2% Pb steel:
DPN: 160 VTS: SSO Elon: 20% Proof: 270 For pipe flanges; normalized
ASTM A290B 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging; VTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
hardened and tempered ASTM A465 LIII 0.35% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% Sand P 0.2% Pb
DPN: 160 VTS: SSO Elon: 20% Proof: 270 steel: For pipe flanges; as forged
ASTMA290CI 0.45% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging; VTS: 460 Elon: 28% Proof: 240
hardened and tempered ASTM A465 L1V 0.35% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% Sand P 0.2% Pb
DPN: 170 VTS: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 300 steel: For pipe flanges; normalized
ASTM A29111 0.4% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging; UTS: 460 Elon: 22% Proof: 240
hardened and tempered ASTM A466 0.25% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Chain; weldless
VTS: 610 Elon: 19% Proof: 340 ASTM A467 0.33% C (max) 1% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Machine
ASTM A291/2 0.42% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging; hardened and and coil chain
tempered ASTM A47011 0.45% C (max) 0.03% Vsteel: For rotors; vacuum
VTS: 680 Elon: 20% Proof: 480 treated
ASTMA299 0.3% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate ASTM A486 Steel: Casting for bridges; classified by tensile
for pressure vessels properties
ASTM A306/45 Plain carbon steel: Bar; as rolled ASTM A487/3 N 0.35% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.4% Mo steel: Casting for
VTS: 330 Elon: 33% Proof: ISO pressure; normalized; 3Q grade is hardened and
ASTM A306/50 Plain carbon steel: Bar; as rolled tempered
VTS: 370 Elon: 30% Proof: 170 ASTMA490 0.45% C 0.04% Sand P steel: For bolts
ASTM A306/55 Plain carbon steel: As rolled ASTMA500 0.26% C (max) 0.04% Sand P 0.2% Cu steel: For
VTS: 370 Elon: 26% Proof: ISO structural tubing; cold formed
ASTM A306/60 Plain carbon steel: As rolled ASTMA501 0.26% C (max) 0.04% Sand P 0.2% Cu steel: For
VTS: 440 Elon: 22% Proof: 200 structural tubing; cold formed
ASTM A306/65 Plain carbon steel: As rolled ASTMA515 0.25% C steel: Plate for fusion welded pressure vessels;
VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 graded by tensile strength
ASTMA325 0.3% C 0.5% Mn steel: Hardened and tempered ASTM A516 0.24% C steel: Plate for fusion welded pressure vessels;
VTS: 710 Elon: 14% Proof: 530 graded by tensile strength
ASTMA333/1 0.3% C 0.7% Mn steel: Pipe for low temperature use ASTM A519 Seamless steel mechanical tubing: Low and medium
ASTM A333/6 0.3% C 0.7% Mn steel: Pipe for low temperature use carbon or alloy steel; graded according to AISI system
ASTM A350 LFI 0.3% C (max) 1% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For low ASTM A523 B 0.26% C (max) l.l % Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe for
temperature use high pressure; seamless or electric resistance welded
VTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 ASTM A54111 0.35% C (max) 0.06% V steel: Forging
ASTM A350 LF2 0.3% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: ASTM A556 B2 0.27% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel:
Fer low temperature use Seamless tube; cold drawn
VTS: 460 Elon: 22% Proof: 240 VTS: 420 Elon: 30% Proof: 260
344 . 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks.
ASTMA556C2 0.3% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: ASTM A73212 A 0.3% C 0.8% Mn steel: Investment casting; annealed
Seamless tube; cold drawn UTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 310
UTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 280 ASTM A73212 Q 0.3% C 0.8% Mn steel: Investment casting; hardened
ASTMA557 Electric welded steel tubes; see ASTM A556 for and tempered
analysis etc. of grades UTS: 590 Elon: 10% Proof: 415
ASTMA563 0.35% C steel: For nuts; different grades indicate type ASTM A732/3 A 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel: Investment casting; annealed
of steel and heat treatment UTS: 515 Elon: 25% Proof: 330
ASTMA570 0.25% C steel: Sheet and strip; graded by Mn content ASTM A732/3 Q 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel: Investment casting; hardened
ASTMA573no 0.27% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si steel of improved and tempered
toughness UTS: 690 Elon: 10% Proof: 620
ASTMA612 0.3% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: ASTMA738 0.24% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) steel: Plate for
Plate for pressure vessels pressure use; 27 J impact at -45 'C; hardened and
UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 345 tempered
ASTMA61811 0.26% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) steel: Tube; seamless UTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 310
or welded for structure ASTM A757-AIQ 0.3% C 1% Ni + Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max) steel:
UTS: 20% Proof: 345 Casting; quench and temper; 17 J impact at - 50 'c
ASTM A649/2 0.5% C (max) 0.7% Mn steel: For rolls; corrugated UTS: 450 Elon: 24 % Proof: 240
ASTM A649/4 0.35% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: For rolls; corrugated ASTM A757-A2Q 0.25% C 1% Ni + Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max) steel:
ASTMA680 Cold rolled carbon steel: Strip; see ASTM A682 for Casting; quench and temper; 20 J impact at -50 'c
analysis; see also 44A3 and 44A4 UTS: 485 Elon: 22% Proof: 275
ASTMA694 0.3% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) steel: For pipe flanges ASTM A757-AIQ 0.3% C 1% Mn 0.025% Sand P steel: Casting; for low
and fillings; graded by yield strength temperature use
ASTMA695 A C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Bar; graded ASTM A757-A2Q 0.25% C 1.2% Mn 0.025% Sand P steel: Casting; for
by yield strength low temperature use
ASTMA695 B 0.35% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: ASTMA759 0.75% C 0.03% Sand P steel: For crane rails
Bar; graded by yield strength ASTM A767 Analysis not specified steel: Reinforcement bars for
ASTM A695 C C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Bar; graded concrete; galvanized
by yield strength ASTMA775 Analysis not specified steel: Reinforcement bars for
ASTMA695D C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) 0.2% Pb steel: concrete; epoxy-coated
Bar; graded by yield strength ASTMA779 Analysis not specified steel: Seven wire for concrete;
ASTMA6%B 0.32% C (max) 1.04% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) reinforcement for pre-stressed concrete
steel: Bar for pressure use ASTM A821 0.7% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For pre-stressed
UTS: 415 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 concrete; hard drawn
ASTM A696C 0.32% C (max) 1.04% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: UTS: 210
Bar for pressure use ASTMA857 0.25% C (max) steel: For sheet piling
UTS: 485 Elon: 18% Proof: 275 AURIGA I 0.25% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
ASTM A707 L2/1 0.33% C (max) 1.4% Mn steel: Aanges for low Casting; D Brown
temperature use; 41 J impact at -46 'c UTS: 460 Elon: 22%
UTS: 290 Elon: 22% AURIGA III 0.42% C 0.8% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
ASTM A707 L212 0.33% C (max) 1.4% Mn steel: Aanges for low Casting; D Brown
temperature use; 54 J impact at -46 'c UTS: 630 Elon: 12%
UTS: 360 Elon: 25% AURIGA IlIA 0.35% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
ASTM A707 L2/3 0.33% C (max) 1.4% Mn steel: Aanges for low Casting; D Brown
temperature use; 68 J impact at -46 'c UTS: 580 Elon: 15%
UTS: 415 Elon: 23% AURIGA VIB 0.29% C 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Casting; D
ASTM A707 L2/4 0.33% C (max) 1.4% Mn steel: Aanges for low Brown; hardened and tempered
temperature use; 68 J impact at -46 'C UTS: 760 Elon: 15%
UTS: 515 Elon: 20% B3 0.3% C (max) steel: Breda
ASTM A709/36 0.26% C 1.0% Mn with grain refining elements steel: B3Mn 0.32% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
For bridges B4 0.4% C (max) steel: Breda
UTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 250 B5 0.5% C (max) steel: Breda
ASTM A709/50 0.23% C (max) 1.35% Mn (max) with grain refining B7 0.35% C steel: As rolled; Bofors
elements steel: For bridges DPN: 160 UTS: 540 Elon: 22% Proof: 250
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 345 B9S 0.45% C steel: Bofors
ASTMA7JJ Steel for forging; graded by AISI designation DPN: 190 UTS: 660 Elon: 16%
ASTMA722 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Bar; for B 103 0.46% C 0.8% Mn steel: Fagersta; normalized
prestressed concrete DPN: 200 UTS: 630 Elon: 18%
UTS: 435 Proof: 810 B805 0.4% C 1.3% Mn steel: Fagersta
BMETAL 0.25% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen;
code 603 steel
BS 15/1 0.25% C 0.06% S 0.06% P steel: General purpose
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
structural steel
UTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS 15/2 0.25% C 0.06% S 0.06% P 0.3% Cu steel: General
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
purpose structural steel
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 15/3 0.25% C 0.06% S 0.06% P 0.4% Cu steel: General
purpose structural steel
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibf/in. 2=1 MPa
UTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT . 345
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 24/214 Medium C 0.05% Sand P steel: For loco tyres; BS 980 ERW2 0.3% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Tube
hardened and tempered BS980 ERW3 0.4% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Tube
UTS: 1120 Elon: 9% BS 1045 0.4% C (max) \.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
BS 24/215 Medium C 0.06% Sand P steel: For wagon tyres; For gas cylinders; normalized
hardened and tempered VTS: 670 Elon: 15% Proof: 390
UTS: 1120 Elon: 8% BS 1144 Cold rolled and twisted mild steel: Bar; for concrete
BS 24/3AJ3 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For wagon springs; as reinforcing
BS alloy En 46 VTS: 450 Elon: 13% Proof: 370
BS 24/3AJ4 0.4% C 0.8% Mn \.7% Si steel: For wagon springs; as BS 1287 0.44% C 0.7% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For gas
BS alloy En 46 cylinders
BS24/4C 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.1% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 1414B 0.35% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For
Forging; for railway use in couplings etc. valves
VTS: 540 Elon: 24% BS 1449-10 0.21% C 0.7% Mn steel: Sheet and plate
BS24/40 0.42% C 0.7% Mn 0.1% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 1449-20 0.2% C \.5% Mn steel: Sheet and plate
Forging; for railway use in couplings etc. BS 1449-30 0.3% C 0.7 Mn steel: Sheet and plate
UTS: 630 Elon: 18% BS 1449HR5A 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P rimming steel:
BS 3211 0.4% C 0.7% Mn 0.06% S 0.06% P steel: Bar; replaced Sheet; as BS 970 En 20A
by BS 970 En 6A VTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
BS3212 0.25% C 1% Mn 0.06% S 0.06% P steel: Bar; replaced BS 1449 HR5B 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P balanced steel:
by BS 970 En 3B Sheet; as BS 970 En 20B
BS47A 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.15% Si 0.075% Sand P steel: For VTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
railway fishplates BS 1449HR5C 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; killed
BS47B 0.36% C 0.8% Mn 0.15% Si 0.075% Sand P steel: For VTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
railway fishplates BS 1449HR6A 0.27% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P rimming steel: Sheet
BS53 Cold drawn weldless steel tubes for boilers; replaced by VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
BS 3059 BS 1449HR6B 0.27% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P balanced steel: Sheet
BS 165 Hard drawn steel: Wire for reinforcement; replaced by VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
BS 785 BS 1449HR6C 0.27% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; killed
BS399 0.44% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
.gas cylinders BS 1449 HRI6A 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P rimming steel: Plate
BS494 Cold drawn mild steel: Tube for boilers; replaced by BS VTS: 400 Elon: 28% Proof: 220
3059 BS 1449 HRI6B 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P balanced steel: Plate
BS548 0.3% C (max) 0.05% S 0.05% P structural steel: As VTS: 400 Elon: 28% Proof: 220
rolled BS 1449 HRI6C 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate; killed
UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 320 VTS: 400 Elon: 28 % Proof: 220
BS 592 A 0.25% C (max) \.0% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: BS 1449HR17A 0.27% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P rimming steel: Plate
Casting; contained in BS 3100 BS 1449 HRI7B 0.27% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P balanced steel: Plate
VTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 210 BS 1449 HRI7C 0.27% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate; killed
BS 592 B 0.35% C (max) \.0% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: BS 1449 HS30 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet
Casting; contained in BS 3100 VTS: 480 Elon: 18% Proof: 270
VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 BS 1449 HS40 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet
BS 592 C 0.45% C (max) \.0% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: UTS: 530 Elon: 16% Proof: 280
Casting; contained in BS 3100 BS 1449 NHR24 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet
UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 UTS: 520 Elon: 15% Proof: 270
BS 640/1 0.37% CO.9% Mn 0.1 % Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 1453 A3 0.27% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Si steel: For welding filler rod;
Electrodes to give butt weld strength of 480 Nlmm'
BS785 0.3% C (max) 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: For concrete BS 1456 B 0.3% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
reinforcement; high tensile form (C content near top Casting; normalized or hardened and tempered;
limit) contained in BS 3100
VTS: 610 Elon: 16% Proof: 330 VTS: 610 Elon: 15%
BS 785 0.3% C (max) 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: For concrete BS 1458 Composition to suit mechanical properties 0.05% Sand
reinforcement; medium tensile form (higher C than P steel: Casting; normalized or hardened and
mild steel) tempered; contained in BS 3100
VTS: 540 Elon: 16% Proof: 240 DPN: 230 VTS: 610 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
BS970 See designation for details BS 1459 Composition to suit mechanical properties 0.05% Sand
BS 980 COS5 0.3% C 0.7% Mn steel: Tube; cold drawn; annealed P steel: Casting; normalized or hardened and
VTS: 390 Proof: 240 tempered; contained in BS 3100
BS 980 COS6 0.3% C 0.6% Mn steel: Tube; cold drawn; as drawn DPN: 280 VTS: 610 Elon: 12% Proof: 580
and tempered BS 1503/161 A and B 0.25% C 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Forging;
VTS: 530 Proof: 420 normalized
BS 980 COS7 0.45% C 0.6% Mn steel: Tube; cold drawn; annealed VTS: 420 Proof: 200
VTS: 500 Proof: 330 BS 1503/161 C 0.3% C \.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
BS 980 COS9 0.25% C 1.5% Mn steel: Tube; cold drawn; annealed Forging; normalized
UTS: 450 Proof: 270 VTS: 530 Proof: 240
BS 980 COSIO 0.25% C 1.5% Mn steel: Tube; cold drawn; as drawn BS 1503/221 0.23% C \.5% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
and tempered Forging; normalized
VTS: 610 Proof: 450 VTS: 540 Proof: 240
BS980 CEW3 0.3% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Tube; cold drawn; electric BS 15041101 A C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Casting;
welded normalized
BS980 CEW4 0.3% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Tube; cold drawn; electric VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
346 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1504/101 B C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Casting; BS 1717 CDS1D6 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube;
normalized as drawn
UTS: %0 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 UTS: 530 Proof: 420
BS 1504/101 C C not specified 0.06% Sand P steel: Casting; BS 1717 CDS106 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube;
normalized after annealing or brazing
UTS: 560 Elon: 15% Proof: 240 UTS: 420 Proof: 270
BS 15041161 A 0.25% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.5% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 1717 CDSIO? 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube;
Casting; normalized annealed
UTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 210 VTS: SOO Proof: 330
BS 1504/161 B 0.3% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.5% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 1717 CDS10? 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube;
Casting; normalized normalized
VTS: %0 Elon: 22% Proof: 240 UTS: 580 Proof: 420
BS 1560 B 0.35% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For pipe flanges BS 1717 CDSI08 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube;
BS 1570 B 0.35% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For valves as drawn
BS 1633 A 0.28% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: VTS: 690 Proof: 580
For land boilers; normalized BS 1717 CDS108 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube;
UTS: 390 Elon: 30% after welding, brazing or annealing
BS 1633 B 0.28% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: UTS: 500 Proof: 330
For land boilers; normalized BS 1717 CEWI01 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
UTS: 420 Elon: 28% welded tube; cold drawn strip; annealed after welding
BS 1633 C 0.28% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: VTS: 300 Proof: 170
For land boilers; normalized BS 1717 CEWI02 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
VTS: 450 Elon: 26% welded tube; cold drawn strip prior to welding
BS 1633 D 0.28% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: UTS: 420 Proof: 360
For land boilers; normalized BS 1717 CEW102 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
VTS: 480 Elon: 23% welded tube; after annealing or brazing
BS 1633 E 0.32% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: UTS: 300 Proof: 170
For land boilers; normalized BS 1717 CEWI03 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
UTS: 5SO Elon: 22% welded tube; cold drawn strip, annealed after welding
BS 1663 0.3% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For electrically VTS: 360 Proof: 210
welded chain BS 1717 CEW104 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
BS 1717 CDS 101 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; annealed welded tube; cold drawn strip prior to welding
VTS: 300 Proof: 160 VTS: 480 Proof: 390
BS 1717 CDSI01 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; BS 1717 CEW104 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
normalized welded tube; after annealing or brazing
VTS: 360 Proof: 210 VTS: 360 Proof: 210
BS 1717 CDSI02 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; as drawn BS 1717 ERWIOI 0.1 % C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
UTS: 420 Proof: 360 welded tube; as welded
BS 1717 CDS102 0.2% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; after VTS: 300 Proof: 170
welding, brazing or annealing BS 1717 ERWI02 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
VTS: 300 Proof: 170 welded tube; as welded
BS 1717 CDS103 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; UTS: 370 Proof: 220
annealed BS 1717 ERWI02 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
VTS: 360 Proof: 210 welded tube; annealed or brazed
BS 1717 CDS103 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; VTS: 300 Proof: 170
normalized BS 1717 ERWI03 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
VTS: 420 Proof: 270 welded tube; as welded
BS 1717 CDS104 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; UTS: 450 Proof: 300
as drawn BS 1717 ERWI03 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Electrically
VTS: 480 Proof: 390 welded tube; annealed or brazed
BS 1717 CDSI04 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; UTS: 370 Proof: 220
after welding, brazing or annealing BS 2763 C not specified 0.050% Sand P steel: Wire for rope;
VTS: 360 Proof: 210 specification covers bright and galvanized; tensile
BS 1717 CDSI05 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; strength varies with diameter
annealed BS 277212 0.27% C 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For colliery
VTS: 420 Proof: 270 winding equipment; hardened and tempered
BS 1717 CDS105 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Seamless tube; BS 2901 A 16 0.27% C 1.4% Mn 0.4% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Rod
normalized for gas and electric welding
VTS: 480 Proof: 330 BS 3059/5 0.25% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube for boilers;
seamless; hot finished
UTS: 480
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BA 3059/6 0.25% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube for boilers;
seamless; cold drawn
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number VTS: 480
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' BS 3083 Mild steel: Sheet; galvanized and corrugated
Elon Elongation, % BS 3100 Steel: Casting for general engineering purposes,
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' covering a range of BS specifications
BS 3100 Al 0.25% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.8% Cr + Mo +
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa Ni + Cu (max) 0.06% Sand P (max) steel: Casting
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. VTS: 430 Elon: 22 % Proof: 230
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT . 347
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 3100 A2 0.35% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.06% Sand P (max) BS 3141 CF4HI 0.35% C 1.1 % Mn 0.18% S0.06% P steel: Free
steel: Casting cutting; classification system used by BS; discontinued
VTS: 490 Elon: 18% Proof: 260 BS 3141 CF4MI 0.37% C 1.1% Mn 0.18% S0.06% P steel: Free
BS 3100 A3 0.45% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.06% Sand P (max) cutting; classification system used by BS; discontinued
steel: Casting BS 3141 CF5BI 0.4% C 1.1% Mn 0.18% S 0.06% P steel: Free cutting;
VTS: 540 Elon: 14% Proof: 295 classification system used by BS; discontinued
BS 3100 A5 0.3% C 1.4% Mn 0.015% Sand P (max) steel: Casting BS 3141 CF5EI 0.4% C 1.1% Mn 0.18% S 0.06% P steel: Free cutting;
VTS: 700 Elon: 13% Proof: 370 classification system used by BS; discontinued
BS 3100 A6 0.3% C 1.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Casting BS 3141 CF5HI 0.42% C 1.2% Mn 0.18% S0.06% P steel: Free
UTS: 800 Elon: 13% Proof: 495 cutting; classification system used by BS; discontinued
BS3100 AW2 0.45% C 1.0% Mn (max) 0.8% Cr + Mo + Ni + BS 3146 CLA3 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Investment
Cu (max) steel: Casting for surface hardening casting; hardened and tempered
UTS: 620 Elon: 12% Proof: 325 DPN: 220 UTS: 690 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
BS 3100AW3 0.55% C 1.0% Mn (max) 0.8% Cr + Mo +Ni + BS3146CLA4 C not specified 0.05% Sand P steel: Investment
Cu (max) steel: Casting for surface hardening casting; hardened and tempered
VTS: 690 Elon: 8% Proof: 370 DPN: 275 UTS: 920 Elon: 12% &-oof: SllO
BS 3100 BTl C not specified 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Casting for BS 3146 CLA5A C not specified 0.02% S0.025% P steel: Investment
high tensile use casting; hardened and tempered
UTS: 750 Elon: 11% Proof: 495 DPN: 300 UTS: 920 Elon: 12% Proof: 670
BS 3100 B1'2 C not specified 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Casting BS 3146 CLA5B C not specified 0.02% S0.025% P steel: Investment
VTS: 925 Elon: 8% Proof: 58S casting; hardened and tempered
BS 3100 BTI C not specified 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: Casting DPN: 360 UTS: 1140 Elon: 7% Proof: 91.
UTS: 1080 Elon: 6% Proof: 695 BS 370611 0.25% C 0.06% Sand P steel: As rolled
BS 3127/8 0.35% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube; lightly UTS: 420 Elon: 20%
cold worked; for bourdon tubes BS 3706/2 0.25% C 0.06% Sand P 0.3% Cu steel: As rolled
DPN: 170 UTS: 420 Elon: 20%
BS3141 C3C1 0.28% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 370613 0.25% C 0.06% Sand P 0.45% eu steel: As rolled
Classification system used by BS; discontinued UTS: 420 Elon: 20%
BS 3141 C3E1 0.25% C 0.5% Mn 0.06% S and" steel: Classification BS 3740 Mild steel plate clad with stainless may be 13% Cr or
system used by BS; discontinued one of the 1818 CrlNi type
BS3141 C3GI 0.25% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification BS 4360/43 A 0.3% C 0.06% Sand P steel: As rolled; weldable
system used by BS; discontinued UTS: 500 Elon: 22%
BS3141 C3HI 0.28% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification BS 4360/43AI 0.3% C 0.06% Sand P steel: As rolled; weldable
system used by BS; discontinued UTS: 300 Elon: 22%
BS3141 C4AI 0.32% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: BS4360/43 B 0.26% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: As rolled;
Classification system used by BS; discontinued weldable
BS 3141 C4BI 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification VTS: 500 Elon: 22%
system used by BS; discontinued BS4360/43 C 0.22% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: As rolled;
BS 3141 C4CI 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification weldable
system used by BS; discontinued VTS: 500 Elon: 22%
BS 3141 C4D1 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification BS 4360/50 A 0.27% C 1.7% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet; as
system used by BS; discontinued rolled; weldable
BS 3141 C4EI 0.32% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification UTS: 560 Elon: 20%
system used by BS; discontinued BS4360/50 B 0.24% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Sheet; as
BS 3141 C4FI 0.32% C 1% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification rolled; weldable; with Nb
used by BS; discontinued UTS: S60 Elon: 20%
BS 3141 C4G1 0.36% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification BS 4360/50 C 0.24% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Weldable; with
system used by BS; discontinued Nb
BS 3141 C4J1 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification VTS: 560 Elon: 20%
system used by BS; discontinued BS 4360/50 D 0.22% C 1.6% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
8S3141 C4KI 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification Normalized; weldable; with Nb
system used by BS; discontinued UTS: 560 Elon: 20%
BS 3141 C4L1 0.37% C 1% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification BS 4360/55 C 0.26% C 1.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate; as
system used by BS; discontinued rolled; weldable; with Nb
BS 3141 C5AI 0.41 % C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification VTS: 610 Elon: 17% Proof: 440
system used by BS; discontinued BS 4360/55 E 0.26% C 1.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate;
BS 3141 C5CI 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification normalized; with Nb
system used by BS; discontinued UTS: 610 Elon: 17% Proof: 440
BS 3141 C5DI 0.4% C 1% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification BS 5006 Cold worked steel: Bar and strip for automobiles;
system used by BS; discontinued withdrawn; replaced by BS 1449 and BS 2453
BS 3141 C5FI 0.42% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification BS 5009 Steel: Tube for automobiles; withdrawn; replaced by
system used by BS; discontinued BS980
BS 3141 C5G1 0.42% C 1% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification BS 5010 Steel: For laminated springs for automobiles;
system used by BS; discontinued withdrawn; replaced by BS 970
BS 3141 C5Jl 0.45% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification BS 5028 Steel: Castings (No I and 2 grades) for automobiles;
system used by BS; discontinued withdrawn
BS 3141 C5Kl 0.45% C 1.1% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification For BS S specifications see S
system used by BS; discontinued C3 0.32% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: Origin unknown
BS 3141 C5L1 0.47% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification C4 0.42% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: Origin unknown
system used by BS; discontinued C5 0.5% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: Origin unknown
348 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
C30 0.3% C 0.7% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation; Cq 35 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
normalized German Standard
DPN: 200 UTS: 620 Elon: 21 % Proof: 280 Cq45 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
C30 UNI 4365 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.4% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Italian German Standard
Standard; for bolts 03 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
C35 0.35% C 0.7% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation; D3S 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Pompey
normalized 04 0.4% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
DPN: 210 UTS: 620 Elon: 19% Proof: 300 D4Mn 0.4% C 1.3% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
C35 UNI 4365 0.35% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: 048 0.48% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
Italian Standard; for bolts o METAL 0.45% C 0.85% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar
C40 0.4% C 0.7% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation; Allen; code 606
normalized DEF 13 B3 Carbon and carbon manganese steel: Covers BS alloys
DPN: 240 VIS: 670 Elon: 17% Proof: 340 En 5, 6, 8 and includes En 14
C40 UNI 4365 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.4% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Italian UTS: 550 Elon: 15% Proof: 240
Standard; for bolts DEF13 B3A Carbon and low alloy hardened and tempered steel:
C45 0.45% C 8.7% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation; Covers BS alloy En 5, 8, 15 and includes En 12 and 14
normalized UTS: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 370
DPN: 235 VIS: 720 Elon: 16% Proof: 370 DEF 13 B3B Carbon and low alloy hardened and tempered steel:
C45 0.46% C 0.7% Mn steel: Italian Standard Covers BS alloys En 5 and 8 and includes En 15, 17,29
DPN: 200 VIS: 1300 Elon: 8% Proof: 1000 and 100
C45W3 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: UTS: 670 Elon: 20% Proof: 450
German Standards designation DIN 1629 St 55 0.36% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe;
C50 0.5% C 0.75% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation German Standard
DPN: 245 UTS: 750 Elon: 15% Proof: 400 VIS: 600 Proof: 300
CI40 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Si 0.02% Sand P steel: SHD DIN 1629 St 55/4 0.36% C (max) 0.4% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P (max)
drills, etc. steel: Pipe; German Standard
CMETAL 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; UTS: 600 Proof: 300
code 604 DIN 1651 35 S 20 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% S 0.05% P steel: Free
CASE 1280 0.28% C 1.1 % Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: machining
Plate; Armco; pressure vessels DIN 1651 45 S 20 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% S 0.05% P steel: Free
VIS: 560 Elon: 22% Proof: 240 machining
CCU 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.9% Cu steel: Casting; DIN 1654 C9/35 0.36% C 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For screws
Edgar Allen; code 642 DIN 1654 C9/45 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For screws
CEAX 0.45% C 0.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: Bars; SKF DIN 17100 RSt 42/1 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel:
Cf35 0.36% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Plate; German specification
German Standard UTS: 460 Proof: '250
Cf43 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: DIN 17100 RSt4212 0.23% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.05% P (max) steel:
German Standard Plate; German specification
Cf53 0.36% CO.7% Mn steel: German Standard UTS: 460 Proof: 250
CMNI 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Firth Brown DIN 17100 St 50/2 0.3% C 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Plate
CMN2 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Firth Brown for BS UTS: 550 Proof: 290
alloy En 15 and En 15A DIN J7l 00 St 60/1 0.35% C 0.05% S (max) 0.08% P (max) steel: Plate;
CODE 603 0.25% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; German Standard
Bmetal VIS: 660 Proof: 330
CODE 604 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.22% Si steel: Casting; Edgar DIN 17100 St 60/2 0.4% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate; German Standard
Allen; C metal VIS: 660 Proof: 330
CODE 606 0.45% C 0.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; DIN 17100 UST 42/2 0.25% C (max) 0.05% S (max) 0.05% P (max) steel:
o metal Plate; German specification
CODE 609 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; VIS: 460 Proof: 250
'Retort' DIN 17155 HIV 0.26% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For boiler plate
CODE 610 0.25% C 1.4% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; MT 'P' DIN 17155 HIV 0.26% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 0.3% Cr (max) 0.05%
steel Sand P (max) steel: Plate; German Standard
CODE 611 0.37% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; UTS: 520 Proof: 280
'Malle Ladle' DIN 17155 HIVA 0.26% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For boiler plate
CODE 626 0.3% C 1.4% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; MT'R' DIN 17155 HIVL 0.26% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: For boiler plate
CODE 642 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.9% Cu steel: Casting; DIN 17200 28 Mn 6 0.28% C 1.5% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
Edgar Allen; code 642 German Standard
CPV 0.2% V steel: Balfour Darwin; three ranges of carbon DIN 1720030 Mn 5 0.3% C 1.4% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: Forging
DIN 17200 0.37% C 1.2% Mn 1.2% Si steel: Forging
DIN 17200 40 Mn 4 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DIN 17200 40 Mn 4 0.4% C 0.95% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel:
German Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DIN 17200 C 35 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' structures; German Standard
Elon Elongation, % DIN 17200 C 45 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' structures; German Standard
DIN 17220 C 45 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= l45.04lbf/in. '= I MPa DIN 17200 CK 35 0.36% C 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DIN 17200 CK 35 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For
structures; German Standard
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT . 349
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DIN 17200 CK 45 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For En8A 0.36% C 0.06% Sand P steel
structures; German Standard En8B 0.38% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
DIN 17200 CK 45 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel 970; replaced by 080A35
DIN 17200 CM 35 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For En8C 0.4% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
structures; German Standard 970; replaced by 08OA40
DIN 17200 CM 45 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For En8D 0.43% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
structures; German Standard 970; replaced by 08OA42
DIN 17221 38 Si 6 0.38% C 0.7% Mn 1.5% Si steel: For springs En 8E 0.37% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
DIN 17221 38 Si 7 0.38% C 0.65% Mn 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: For 970; replaced by 08OA37
springs; German Standard; heat treated En8K 0.4% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
DIN 17221 46 Si 7 0.46% C 0.6% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs 970; replaced by 08OA40
DISQUEE 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 1.75% Si steel: Pompey En 8M 0.4% C 0.16% S 0.07% P steel: Free machining;
DISQUEH 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 1.75% Si steel: Pompey designation used in BS 970; replaced by 212M36
DMS 0.35% C 1.2% Mn 1.2% Si steel: Pompey En 15 0.35% C steel: Designation used in BS 970; replaced by
DOUBLE EXTRA 1.0% C tool steel: Balfour Darwin 150M36
DTD503A 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Tube; En 15A 0.35% C steel: Designation used in BS 970; replaced by
annealed 150M36
UTS: 370 En 15B 0.37% C steel: Designation used in BS 970; replaced by
DTD666 C not specified 0.02% S 0.025% P steel: Casting; 120M36
casting to be X·rayed Enl6A 0.27% C steel: Designation used in BS 970; replaced by
DPN: 269 UTS: 910 Elon: 12% Proof: 630 605A27
DTD705 C not specified 0.02% S 0.025% P steel: Casting; En 16B 0.32% C steel: Designation used in BS 970; replaced by
casting to be X·rayed 605A32
DPN: 340 UTS: 1210 Elon: 7% Proof: 910 Enl6C 0.37% C steel: Designation used in BS 970; replaced by
DTD5032 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Swaged; 605A37
blued if necessary at 350 'C En 46 0.4% C 1.7% Si steel: For springs; designation used in
UTS: 910 Elon: 10% BS 970; obsolete
DTD 5072 C not specified 0.02% S 0.025% P steel: Casting; ERA 51 0.35% C 1.5% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 15
hardened, tempered and X·rayed and En 15A
DPN: 370 UTS: 1210 Elon: 7% Proof: 910 ERA 53 0.37% C 1.2% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 15B
DUCOLHT 0.3% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Plate and ETG 0.44% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Ssteel: Free machining; Von
section; Colvilles alloy for BS 548 Moos; cold roller
UTS: 560 Elon: 18% Proof: 330 DPN: 280 UTS: 960 Elon: 7% Proof: 865
DUNELT 0.4% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Dunford for BS alloy ETG88 0.44% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% S steel: Free machining; Von
En8 Moos; low internal stress
DUNELT40 0.35% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Dunford for DPN: 250 UTS: 810 Elon: 10% Proof: 685
BS alloy En 15A F114 0.46% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si steel: YEW
DUNELT41 0.38% C 1.2% Mn 0.15% S 0.06% P steel: Free FAGERSTA B805 0.4% C 1.3% Mn steel: Fagersta
machining; Dunford; hardened and tempered FAGERSTA 1660 0.45% C 0.6% Mn steel: Fagersta
DPN: 250 UTS: 720 Elon: 15% FF3 0.35% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Pompey
E5M 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey UTS: 780 Elon: 12% Proof: 530
En 3 0.25% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used FF3H 0.37% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
in BS 970; obsolete UTS: 740 Elon: 10% Proof: 450
En3A 0.2% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS FF4 0.42% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
970; obsolete UTS: 920 Elon: 9% Proof: 600
En 3B 0.25% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Cold drawn; FF38 0.38% CO.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
designation used in BS 970; obsolete FUJI CON SUPER 0.33% C 1.2% Mn 0.015% Sand P steel: Fuji
En4 0.3% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Normalized; GOST380 0.33% C 0.65% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
designation used in BS 970; obsolete BST5 PS steel: Plate; Russian Standard
En4A 0.3% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Cold drawn; GOST380 0.33% C 0.65% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
designation used in BS 970; obsolete BST5 SP steel: Plate; Russian Standard
En5 0.3% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Hardened and tempered; GOST380 0.33% C 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 08OA30 BST5SP2 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
En5A 0.27% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Hardened and tempered; GOST380 0.42% C 0.65% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 080A27 BST6 PS steel: Plate; Russian Standard
En5C 0.32% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Hardened and tempered; GOST380 0.33% C 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 080A32 BST6 PS2 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
En5D 0.3% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Hardened and tempered; GOST380 0.42% C 0.65% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max)
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 080A30 BST6 SP steel: Plate; Russian Standard
En5K 0.3% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Hardened and tempered; GOST380 0.42% C 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 080A30 BST6 SP2 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
En6 0.4% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used GOST380 0.3% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P steel:
in BS 970; obsolete VST5 GPS Plate; Russian Standard
En6A 0.4% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used UTS: 480
in BS 970; obsolete GOST380 0.3% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.05%
En6B 0.4% C (max) 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used VST5 GPS2 S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard
in BS 970; obsolete GOST380 0.37% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P
En6K 0.35% C (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Designation used VST5 PS steel: Plate; Russian Standard
in BS 970; obsolete UTS: 570
En 8 0.4% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
970; replaced by 08OM40
350 . 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GaST380 0.37% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) GaST 8731135 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max)
VST5 PS2 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Plate; Russian Standard 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
UTS: 570 Proof: 280 seamless
GaST380 0.37% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.04% S 0.05% P steel: UTS: 520 Proof: 300
VST5SP Plate; Russian Standard GaST 8731145 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.25% Cr (max)
UTS: 570 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
GaST380 0.37% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) seamless
VST5SPZ 0.05% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian UTS: ~ Proof: 330
Standard GaST8731 0.32% C 0.65% Mn 0.055% S (max) 0.045% P (max)
UTS: 570 Proof: 280 BMST5SP steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GaST 1050/25 0.26% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S UTS: 500 Proof: 270
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard GaST 8733/35 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
GaST 1050/25 G 0.26% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard seamless
GaST 1050/30 0.3% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S UTS: 520 Proof: 300
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard GaST 8733/45 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
GaST 1050/30 G 0.3% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard seamless
GaST 1050135 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S UTS: ~ Proof: 330
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard GaST 10706124 G 0.24% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr + Ni and Cu (max) 0.04%
GaST 1050/35 G 0.35% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard UTS: 490 Proof: 330
GaST 1050/40 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S GaST 10706125 0.24% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr + Ni and Cu (max) 0.04%
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard G2S Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
GaST 1050140 G 0.4% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S UTS: ~ Proof: 400
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard GaST 12132135 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S
GaST 1050/45 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard UTS: 520
GaST 1050/45 G 0.45% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S GaST 12132145 0.45% C 0.05% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S
and P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard and P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
GaST 2052/50 S2 0.51 % C 0.75% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% S UTS:~
and P (max) steel: Bar; Russian Standard HARDFLEX9 0.45% C steel: Strip; Sandvik; supplied hardened and
GaST 2052155 SG 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% Sand tempered
P (max) steel: Bar; Russian Standard UTS: 900 Proof: 750
GaST 2052155 SG 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.3% Cr (max) HARDFLEXll 0.55% C steel: Strip; Sandvik; supplied hardened and
0.04% Sand P (max) 0.25% Cu (max) steel: For tempered
springs; Russian Standard UTS: 1000 Proof: 850
GaST 4543/25 G2S 0.25% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: HECLA 37 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloys En 8
Russian Standard and En 8A, Band C
GaST 4543/35 G2 0.35% C 1.6% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) steel: Russian HECLA 37M 0.4% C 1.1% Mn 0.15% S steel: Free machining;
Standard Hadfields for BS alloy En 8M
GaST 4543/35 GS 0.34% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) steel: HECLA 40 0.3% C 0.8% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloys En 5
Russian Standard and En 5A, B, C and K
GaST 4543/35 SG 0.35% C 1.25% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) steel: Russian HEDEXI 0.27% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
Standard forging; Kiveton Park; annealed
GaST 4543/36 G2S 0.36% C 1.65% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) steel: Russian UTS: 530
Standard HEDEXIA 0.32% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
GaST 4543/40 G2 0.4% C 1.6% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) steel: Russian forging; Kivelon Park; annealed
Standard UTS: 530
GaST 4543/45 G2 0.45% C 1.6% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) steel: Russian HEDEXIB 0.37% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
Standard forging; Kiveton Park; annealed
GaST 7909136 Cr 2S 0.36% C 0.4% Ni (max) 0.3% Cr (max) 0.045% UTS:560
S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard HEDEX2 0.42% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
UTS: 700 Proof: 500 forging; Kivelon Park; annealed
GaST 8467/36 G2S 0.36% C 1.65% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.3% Cr (max) UTS: 610
0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard HEDEX3 0.38% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
UTS: 700 Proof: 500 forging; Kiveton Park; annealed
UTS: 560
HEDEX 12 0.22% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed
UTS: 550
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: HEDEX 13 0.37% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 560
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 HI STRENGTH C 0.24% C 1.3% Mn 0.05% Nb steel: Armco; weldable;
Elon Elongation, % in 4 grades
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 530 Elon: 15 % Proof: 420
HI-MAN 0.3% C 1.3% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Inland Steel Co.
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa Medium carbon hot rolled deformed steel: Section;
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Park Gate; for concrete reinforcing
Proof: 280
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT . 351
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HITENSPEED 45 0.38% C 1.3% Mn 0.26% S 0.04% P (max) steel: JIS G4051 S45C 0.45% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For
Hardened and tempered structures; Japanese Standard
UTS: 700 Elon: 12% Proof: 500 J1S G4106 S Mn I 0.33% C 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: Japanese
HITENSPEED 45A 0.42% C 1.3% Mn 0.26% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Standard
Hardened and tempered J1S G4106 S Mn 2 0.38% C 1.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel:
UTS: 700 Elon: 12% Proof: S40 Japanese Standard
HMS55 0.35% C 0.55% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: J1S G4106 S Mn 3 0.43% C 1.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel:
Krupp Japanese Standard
HMS65 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: JS 3 0.45% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting;
Krupp Jopling
HTC 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel: ESC for BS alloy En 8 DPN: 170 UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 240
J1S 4051/28 C 0.28% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For JS 12 0.3% C 1.5% Mn steel: Casting; Jopling
structures; Japanese Standard DPN: 230 UTS: 760 Elon: 15%
J1S 03101 SS55 0.3% C 1.6% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: JS 16 0.35% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting;
Plate; Japanese Standard Jopling
UTS: 550 Proof: 410 DPN: 160 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
J1S G3106 SM50A 0.21% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) K945 0.45% CO.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: YEW
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard K02603 0.26% C (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: UNS designation
UTS: 560 Proof: 330 K03500 0.35% C (max) 0.04% Sand P steel: Casting;
JIS G3445 0.3% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: designation used by UNS
STKMI4A Pipe; Japanese Standard K12810 0.28% C (max) 0.2% Cu (min) steel: Designation used
UTS: 420 Proof: 2SO byUNS
J1S G3445 0.3% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; KF4A 0.22% C 1.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall;
STKMI4B Japanese Standard hardened and tempered
UTS: 510 Proof: 360 UTS: 640 Elon: 20% Proof: 4SO
J1S G3445 0.3% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: KF5 0.22% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
STKMI4C Pipe; Japanese Standard BS alloy En 4A
UTS: 560 Proof: 420 KF8 0.38% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
JIS 03445 0.3% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; Japanese BS alloy En 8
STKMI5A Standard KF9 0.42% C 1.2% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
UTS: 480 Proof: 280 BS alloy En 8K
J1S G3445 0.3% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; KF 10 0.44% C 0.7% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
STKMI5C Japanese Standard BS alloy En 8K
UTS: 590 Proof: 440 KFIOA 0.48% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
J1S 03445 0.4% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; Japanese BS alloy En 43A
STKMI6A Standard KF40 0.36% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
UTS: 520 Proof: 330 BS alloy En 15
JIS G3445 0.4% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; KF40A 0.28% C 1.5% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
STKMI6C Japanese Standard BS alloy En 14B
UTS: 630 Proof: 470 KF51 0.4% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si 0.17% S 0.06% P steel: Free
JIS G3454 STPG42 0.3% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; machining; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 8M
Japanese Standard KF 59 0.25% C 1.2% Mn 0.25% Si 0.14% S 0.06% P steel:
UTS: 420 Proof: 2SO Free machining; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 7
J1S G3455 STS42 0.3% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P 0.2% KF63 0.38% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.2% S 0.06% P steel: Free
Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard machining; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 15 AM
J1S 03455 ST549 0.33% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P 0.2% Cu KF63A 0.44% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.3% S 0.05% P steel: Free
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard machining; Kirkstall
UTS: 490 Proof: 280 KF64 0.3% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Si 0.16% S 0.05% P steel: Free
J1S G3456 STPT42 0.3% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.2% machining; Kirkstall; hardened and tempered
Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard UTS: 610 Elon: 17% Proof: 530
UTS: 420 Proof: 2SO KP4 0.3% C 1% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kiveton Park for
J1S G3456 STPT49 0.33% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) 0.2% BS alloy En 4
Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard KP5 0.3% C 0.9% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kiveton Park
UTS: 490 Proof: 280 for BS alloy En 5
J1S G4051 S22C 0.22% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For KP6 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: KivelOn Park
structures; Japanese Standard for BS alloy En 8
J1S G4051 S25C 0.25% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For KP20 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kiveton Park
structures; Japanese Standard for BS alloy En 15
J1S G4051 S30C 0.3% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For KP21 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kiveton Park
structures; Japanese Standard for BS alloy En 14
J1S G4051 S33C 0.33% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For L2 0.28% C 1% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting; Jessop; grade
structures; Japanese Standard B
J1S G4051 S35C 0.35% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For L3 0.37% C 1% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting; Jessop; grade
structures; Japanese Standard C
J1S G4051 S38C 0.38% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For M3 0.46% C 1.6% Mn 0.22% Si steel: Jessop
structures; Japanese Standard MSt50/2 0.3% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard
J1S G4051 S40C 0.4% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For MSt60/2 0.4% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard
structures; Japanese Standard MACHINERY 30 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Atlas;
JIS G4051 543C 0.43% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For as AISl1030
structures; Japanese Standard MACHINERY 40 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Atlas;
as AISII040
352 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MAlTELADLE 0.37% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; NF A35 571141S7 0.41 % C 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Bar;
code 611 French Standard
MBV 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.4% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Krupp NF A35 571/46S7 0.46% C 0.65% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Bar:
MBV/m 0.36% C 1.35% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: French Standard
Krupp; up to 0.3% Cr may be present NF A35 571150S7 0.5% C 0.65% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Bar;
MBVlw 0.3% C 1.35% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: French Standard
Krupp; up to 0.3% Cr may be present NF A35 571151S7 0.51 % C 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr (max) 0.035% Sand
MEL-TROL TGS 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Carpenter P (max) steel: Bar; French Standard
Mil S 43 0.32% C 1.3% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Casting; US Federal NV9 0.39% C steel: For valves; SAE designation
specification OCM6 0.35% C 1.5% Mn steel: W Marrison for BS alloy En
Mil S 3289 0.3% C 0.04% Sand P steel: US Federal specification 15
Mil S 15083-70-36 0.35% C 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Casting; US Philips 250 0.3% C 1% Mn 0.8% Si steel: Welding electrode;
Federal specification Philips
Mil S 15083-80-40 0.5% C 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Casting; US DPN:260
Federal specification QBRAND 0.4% C 0.8% Mn steel: For cars; die'inserts, wedges,
Mil S 18591-1040 0.4% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Casting; US etc.
Federal specification UTS: 650
Mil S 22141-1040 0.4% C 0.025% Sand P (max) stecl: Casting; US QQW409a Low and medium carbon steel: Wire for cold heating;
Federal specification US Federal specification covering a range of AISI
Mil S 22141-1050 0.5% C 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: Casting; US alloys
Federal specification QQW414a Carbon steel: Wire; for book binding; US Federal
Mil S 22698(C) 0.27% C 0.04% Sand P steel: US Federal specification specification
Mil S 81591-1050 0.5% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Casting; US QQW418a Carbon steel: Wire; for concrete reinforcing; US
Federal specification Federal specification; cold drawn
MNcno Swedisb Standard; summary of steel castings RETORT 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.6% Si steel: Casting; Edgar Allen;
MNC852 General standard for SS range of steels for bardening code 609
and tempering; Swedish Standard RS 0.45% C 0.6% Mn 1.7% Si steel: Pompey
MNC854 Swedish Standard; summary of steel for induction and RS I 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 1.8% Si steel: Pompey
flame hardening SI A 0.2% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Bar;
MNC870 Covers spring steels of various types; Swedish cold drawn; BS aircraft standard
Standard; includes detailed specifications UTS: 530 Elon: 12%
MS34 0.38% C 1.05% Mn 0.8% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: SI B 0.3% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% S and P steel: Bar;
Krupp cold drawn; BS aircraft standard
MS43 0.46% C 1.05% Mn 0.8% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: UTS: 530 Elon: 12%
Krupp SIC 0.35% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Bar;
MSBV 0.37% C 1.25% Mn 1.25% Si 0.035% S and P steel: cold drawn; BS aircraft standard
Krupp UTS: 530 Elon: 12%
MSV3 0.3% C 0.75% Mn steel: Pompey S3F 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
MT'P' 0.25% C 1.4% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; code S4F 0.4% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
610 S4M 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Pompey
MT'R' 0.3% C 1.4% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; code 626 S4S 0.4% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
N82 0.4% C 1.3% Mn steel: Bofors; hardened and S6 0.4% C steel: Normalized; replaced by BS S93
tempered S20 Steel: Sheet; tinned; replaced by BS S512
DPN: 230 VTS: 730 Elon: 17% Proof: 480 S21 0.25% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
N91 0.45% C 0.8% Mn steel: For surface hardening; Cold drawn; BS aircraft standard
Bofors; normalized; hardened by flame or induction VTS: 420 Elon: 17%
heating S23 Medium carbon steel: Replaced; BS aircraft standard
DPN: 200 VTS: 670 Elon: 18% Proof: 300 S24 Bright steel: Bar for keys; replaced; BS aircraft
NF A35 551135 M5 0.36% C 1.2% Mn steel: French Standard standard
NF A35 5511XC25 0.26% C 0.55% Mn steel: For structures; French S26 Medium carbon steel: Forgings; 600 N/mm 2 ; replaced;
Standard BS aircraft standard
NF A35 5511XC32 0.32% C 0.65% Mn steel: For structures; French S27 Medium carbon steel: Bar; 600 N/mm 2 ; replaced; BS
Standard aircraft standard
NF A35 5511XC38 0.38% C 0.65% Mn steel: For structures; French S31 Steel: Wire for forging bolts; replaced; BS aircraft
Standard standard
NF A35 551/XC42 0.42% C 0.65% Mn steel: For structures; French S71 0.3% C steel: Normalized; obsolete; BS aircraft
Standard standard
S76 0.4% C steel: Hardened and tempered; obsolete; BS
aircraft standard
S77 0.3% C steel: Hardened and tempered; obsolete; BS
aircraft standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: S93 0.4% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% S and P steel:
Normalized; BS aircraft standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: ISO VTS: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 SI05 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire
Elon Elongation, % for forged bolts; hardened and tempered after forging;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS aircraft standard
UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 660
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.041bf/in.2=1 MPa
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT 353
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condit,j"u and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
S113 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P 0.2% Pb SAE 1033 0.33% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
steel: Hardened and tempered; Pb content optional; BS rolled
aircraft standard DPN: 143 VTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
DPN: 230 VTS: 760 Elon: 15% SAE 1033 0.33% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
S116 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Bar; drawn
hardened and tempered; BS aircraft standard DPN: 163 VTS: 580 Elon: 12% Proof: 480
DPN: 280 VTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 660 SAE 1035 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
S516 0.45% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet; rolled
hardened and tempered; BS aircraft standard DPN: 143 VTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
VTS: 920 Elon: 8% Proof: 760 SAE 1035 0.35% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 003C 0.3% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.6% Si 0.05% Sand P cast drawn
steel: Hardened and tempered; weldable DPN: 163 VTS: 580 Elon: 12% Proof: 480
DPN: 131 VTS: 450 Elon: 24% Proof: 220 SAE 1036 0.34% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAE 0025 0.25% C 0.7% Mn 0.8% Si steel: Casting; as cast; rolled
suitable for welding DPN: 163 VTS: 610 Elon: 16% Proof: 320
DPN: 187 VTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 200 SAE 1036 0.34% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 0035 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.6% Si 0.05% Sand P investment drawn
cast steel: Hardened and tempered DPN: 187 VTS: 660 Elon: 12% Proof: 540
VTS: 480 Elon: 22% Proof: 210 SAE 1037 0.35% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAE 0050 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P cast steel: rolled
Hardened and tempered DPN: 143 VTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
DPN: 200 VTS: 730 Elon: 10% Proof: 480 SAE 1037 0.35% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAE 090 C not specified 0.05% Sand P cast steel: Hardened and rolled
tempered DPN: 143 VTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
DPN: 190 VTS: 670 Elon: 20% Proof: 420 SAE 1037 0.35% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 0105 C not specified 0.05% Sand P cast steel: Hardened and drawn
tempered DPN: 167 VTS: 600 Elon: 12% Proof: 480
DPN: 220 VTS: 760 Elon: 17% Proof: 610 SAE 1038 0.38% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAEOl20 C not specified 0.05% Sand Pcast steel: Hardened and rolled
tempered DPN: 149 VTS: 550 Elon: 18% Proof: 300
DPN: 250 VTS: 890 Elon: 14% Proof: 740 SAE 1038 0.38% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 0150 C not specified 0.05% Sand P cast steel: Hardened and drawn
tempered DPN: 163 VTS: 610 Elon: 12% Proof: 500
DPN:310 VTS: 1070 Elon: 9% Proof: 910 SAE 1039 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAE 0175 C not specified 0.05% Sand P cast steel: Hardened and rolled
tempered DPN: 156 VTS: 580 Elon: 16% Proof: 300
DPN:360 VTS: 1300 Elon:6% Proof: 1070 SAE 1039 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 851 0.4% Fe sinter: For bearings; density 5900 kg/m 3 drawn
SAE861 0.3% C 4.0% Cu Fe sintered metal: Specific density DPN: 179 VTS: 630 Elon: 12% Proof: 530
5.8-ti.2 SAEI040 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
VTS: 150 rolled
SAE 862 0.25% C 9.0% Cu Fe alloy sinter: For bearings; density DPN: 149 VTS: 550 Elon: 18% Proof: 300
6000 kg/m3 SAE 1040 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 863 0.25% C 22% Cu Fe alloy sinter: For bearings; density drawn
6000 kg/m3 DPN: 170 VTS: 630 Elon: 12% Proof: 550
SAE 1024 0.23% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot SAE 1041 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
rolled as AISI C1024 rolled
DPN: 149 VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 300 DPN: 187 VTS:660 Elon: 15% Proof: 360
SAE 1024 0.23% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold SAE 1041 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
drawn drawn
DPN: 163 VTS: 600 Elon: 12% Proof: 580 DPN: 207 VTS: 750 Elon: 10% Proof: 630
SAE 1025 0.25% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot SAE 1042 0.43% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
rolled as AISI CI025 rolled
DPN: 116 VTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 210 DPN: 163 VTS: 580 Elon: 16% Proof: 300
SAE 1025 0.25% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold SAE 1042 0.43% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
drawn drawn
DPN: 126 VTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 370 DPN: 179 VTS: 650 Elon: 12% Proof: 550
SAE 1026 0.26% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: As AISI C1026 SAE 1043 0.43% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAE 1027 0.25% C 1.3% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot rolled
rolled DPN: 163 VTS: 600 Elon: 16% Proof: 320
DPN: 149 VTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 300 SAE 1043 0.43% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
SAE 1027 0.25% C 1.3% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold drawn
drawn DPN: 179 VTS: 660 Elon: 12% Proof: 560
DPN: 163 VTS: 610 Elon: 12% Proof: 500 SAE 1045 0.46% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
SAE 1029 0.29% C 0.75% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. rolled
SAE 1030 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot DPN: 163 VTS: 600 Elon: 16% Proof: 320
rolled SAE 1045 0.46% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
DPN:137 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 drawn
SAE 1030 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold DPN: 179 VTS:660 Elon: 12% Proof: 560
drawn SAE 1046 0.46% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
DPN: 149 VTS: 550 Elon: 12% Proof: 450 rolled
354 44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25-0.45 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE1046 0.46% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P sleel: Bar; cold SAEI527 0.27% C 1.3% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc.
drawn SAE 1541 0.41% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc.
SAE 1126 0.26% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; SAEJ 113-1 0.6% C 1% Mn steel: Wire for springs
cold drawn UTS:1720
SAE 1126 0.26% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; SAE J 113-2 0.62% C 1% Mn steel: Wire for springs
hot rolled UTS: 1800
SAE 1132 0.31 % C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; SAE J 435-0050 0.45% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Casting
cold drawn SAENVI 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: For hardening and
SAE 1132 0.31% C 1.5% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; tempering and for flame and induction hardening; as
hot rolled SAE 1041
SAE 1137 0.36% C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; SAENV2 0.47% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: For inlet valves; as
cold drawn SAE 1047
SAE 1137 0.36% C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; SANBOLD 8 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si sleel: Sanderson for BS alloy
hot rolled En 8
SAE 1138 0.37% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; DPN: 200 UTS: 750 Elon: 14% Proof: 400
cold drawn SANBOLD 15 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sanderson for BS
SAE 1138 0.37% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting; alloy En IS
hot rolled SANBOLD52 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sanderson; replaced
SAE 1139 0.39% C 1.5% Mn 0.18% S 0.04% P steel: Free by Sanbold 15
cutting; cold drawn SANBOLD 3890 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sanderson; replaced
SAE 1140 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P free cutting steel: by Sanbold 8
Hot rolled SIMANCON 0.23% C 1.6% Mn 0.6% Si 0.045% Sand P 0.04% Nb
DPN: 156 UTS: 580 Elon: 16% Proof: 300 steel: Plate; for welding; normalized; Consett
SAE 1140 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P free cutting steel: UTS: 600 Elon: 22% Proof: 390
Cold drawn For SIS specifications see SS
DPN: 170 UTS: 640 Elon: 12% Proof: 530 SK 42 0.27% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
SAE 1141 0.41 % C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P free cutting steel: Phoenix
Hot rolled SPEAR 412 0.35% C 1.3% Mn 0.5% Ni steel: Spear and Jackson
DPN: 187 UTS: 680 Elon: 15% Proof: 360 for BS alloy En 12
SAE 1141 0.41 % C 1.5% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P free cutting steel: Sprasleel LS Medium carbon steel: Sprayed deposit; Metco
Cold drawn DPN:240
DPN: 212 UTS: 770 Elon: 10% Proof: 630 SS 1410 0.25% C 0.9% Mn 0.02% Si structural steel: Swedish
SAE 1144 0.44% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% S 0.4% P free cutting steel: Standard
Hot rolled UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
DPN: 197 UTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 370 SS 1412 0.2% C 0.3% Cr (max) 0.4% Cu (max) steel:
SAE 1144 0.44% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% S 0.4% P free cutting steel: Structural purposes; Swedish Standard
Cold drawn SS 1450 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Bar, forging,
SAE 1145 0.45% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P free cutting steel: etc.; Swedish Standard; normalized
Hot rolled DPN: 130 UTS: 450 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
DPN: 170 UTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 320 SS 1450-0 0.25% C steel: Swedish Standard; as rolled; suffix
SAE 1145 0.45% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P free cutting steel: indicates condition
Cold drawn DPN: 135 UTS: 420 Elon: 24% Proof: 220
DPN: 187 UTS: 680 Elon: 12% Proof: 580 SS 1505 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Swedish
SAE 1146 0.46% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P free cutting steel: Standard; annealed
Hot rolled UTS: 460 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
DPN: 170 UTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 320 SS 1510 0.3% C 1.2% Mn structural steel: Swedish Standard; as
SAE 1146 0.46% C 0.9% Mn 0.1 % S 0.04% P free cutting steel: rolled
Cold drawn UTS: 580 Elon: 20 % Proof: 330
DPN: 187 UTS: 680 Elon: 12% Proof: 580 SS 1550 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P sleel: Bar, forging,
SAE 1330 0.3% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Mechanical properties elc.; Swedish Standard; normalized
not specified DPN: 160 UTS: 530 Elon: 22% Proof: 240
SAE 1335 0.35% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Mechanical SS 1550-06 0.35% C steel: Bar; Swedish Standard; work hardened
properties not specified DPN: 165 UTS: 530 Elon: 8% Proof: 450
SAE 1340 0.4% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Mechanical properties SS 1572 0.35% C steel: For flame and induction hardening;
not specified mechanical properties not specified; Swedish Standard
SAE 1345 0.45% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Mechanical SS 1572 0.35% C steel: Swedish Standard; hardened and
properties not specified tempered
SAE 1524 0.24% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. UTS: 600 Elon: 19% Proof: 370
SAE 1525 0.25% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. SS 1606 0.23% C 1.6% Mn 0.6% Si 0.045% Sand P steel:
Swedish Standard; casting
DPN: 20S UTS: 650 Elon: 10% Proof: 300
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SS 1650 0.45% C 20.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Plate, bar and
forging; Swedish Standard; normalized
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 190 UTS: 630 Elon: 18% Proof: 300
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 SS 1655 0.52% C 0.7% Mn steel: Swedish Standard; general
Eion Elongation, % engineering
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 230 UTS: 760 Elon: 12% Proof: 350
SS 1660 0.44% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; Swedish
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa Standard; annealed
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 155 UTS: 650
44A2 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.25--0.45 PER CENT . 355
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 1660 0.44% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; Swedish STC3 0.35% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
Standard; cold rolled Spencer; normalized
DPN: 255 VTS: 760 DPN: 150 VTS: 530 Elon: 25%
SS 1672 0.45% C 0.8% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: For flame STC4 0.4% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
hardening; Swedish Standard; annealed Spencer; normalized
DPN: 200 DPN: 170 VTS: 620 Elon: 20%
SS 1672 0.46% C steel: Swedish Standard; hardened and STRENLITE 50 0.33% C 1.65% Mn steel: Steel Co. of Canada
tempered STRENLITE 440 0.27% C 1.4% Mn 0.2% Cu steel: Steel Co. of Canada
VTS: 700 Elon: 16% Proof: 420 SUPERTOUGH 0.35% C 1.5% Mn steel: ESC for BS alloy En 15
SS 1674 0.52% C steel: Swedish Standard B 35
VTS: 740 Elon: 13% Proof: 510 TI 0.4% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
SS 1674 0.52% C steel: Swedish Standard; hardened and Tube; hardened and tempered
tempered VTS: 530
VTS: 740 Elon: 13% Proof: 510 T5 Medium carbon steel: Tube; obsolete
SS 1757 Reinforcing steel: Cold rolled T14 Medium carbon steel: Tube for axles; tempered;
VTS: 1000 Elon: 2.5% obsolete
SS 1940 0.26% C 1% Mn 0.15% S 0.05% P free machining TIl Carbon steel: Tube; annealed; obsolete
steel: Swedish Standard; normalized T35 0.25% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
VTS: 480 Tube; hardened and tempered; weldable
SS 1957 0.38% C 1% Mn 0.15% S 0.05% P free machining VTS: 530 Proof: 450
steel: Swedish Standard; normalized T45 0.25% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
VTS: 530 Tube; hardened and tempered; weldable
SS 2120 0.41% C 1.2% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Bar and VTS: 670 Proof: 610
forging; Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered T54 0.25% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube;
DPN: 290 VTS: 1030 Elon: 8% Proof: 680 as drawn and tempered; weldable
SS 2120 0.41 % C 1.2% Mn steel: Swedish Standard; hardened UTS: 530 Proof: 450
and tempered T735 0.35% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% Si 0.15% S 0.05% P steel:
UTS: 700 Elon: 12% Proof: 450 Fagersta; free machining
SS 2128 0.4% C 1.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For gas UTS: 580 Elon: 20%
cylinders; Swedish Standard; as forged TOLEDO 30 0.3% C 1% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Toledo for BS
DPN: 220 VTS: 750 Elon: 15% Proof: 420 alloy En 5
SS 2165 0.25% C 1.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Swedish TOLEDO 40 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Toledo for BS
Standard; included in MNC 815 alloy En 6A
SS 2168 0.25% C 1.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Swedish TOWER 50 0.33% C 1.2% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Algoma
Standard; reinforced steel; included in MNC 815 TOWER 55 0.33% C 1.65% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel:
SS 2168 0.28% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.05% Sand P steel: Algoma
For reinforcing UMS55 0.35% C 0.55% Mn 0.25% Si 0.045% Sand P steel:
Elon: 12% Proof: 590 Krupp
SS BOlO 0.4% C sintered iron: Swedish Standard UMS65 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Si 0.045% Sand P steel:
SS B051 0.4% C 2.0% Cu sintered steel Krupp
St 50 0.3% C 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German Standard V 732 0.26% C 2.5% Mn steel: YEW
St 5012 0.3% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard V 762 0.37% C 1.3% Mn steel: YEW
St 501202 0.3% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard V 930 0.31% C 1.4% Mn steel: YEW
St 501203 0.3% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard V 935 0.30% CO.7% Mn steel: YEW
St 55 0.36% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard V 945 0.45% C 0.7% Mn steel: YEW
St 5514 0.35% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: VIGILANT 0.55% C 0.7% Mn steel: Origin unknown
German Standard WI C not specified 0.04% Sand P galvanized steel: Wire;
St60 0.4% C 0.05% S 0.08% P steel: German Standard high tensile wire
St6012 0.4% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard W2 C not specified 0.04% Sand P galvanized steel: Wire
St 601202 0.4% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard W3 0.45% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire
St 601203 0.4% C 0.05% S 0.06% P steel: German Standard VTS: 840 Elon: 10%
STA5V4 0.3% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 5 W8 0.45% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Tie
STA 5 V411 0.3% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 5A rods
STA5V412 0.4% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 8A UTS: 840 Elon: 10%
STA5V4I3 0.3% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 5A W9 C not specified 0.04% Sand P galvanized steel: Wire
STA 5 V414 0.3% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 5C WHC 0.58% C 0.5% Mn steel: Origin unknown
STA5 V4A 0.4% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 8K WLM Plain carbon steel 0.1~.55% C : W Marrison
STA5 V4N1 0.4% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 8B WARRANTED
STA 5 V4A12 0.4% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 8D Y 35 0.35% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max)
STA 5 V4A13 0.4% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 8C steel: French Standards designation
STA5V4AM 0.35% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% Si 0.15% S 0.05% P En 8M Y 45 0.45% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max)
STA 5 V7 0.35% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 15 steel: French Standards designation
STA28 Medium carbon steel: Strip; mainspring quality; Y 45S7 0.45% C 0.6% Mn steel: French Standard
hardened and tempered Y55 0.55% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max)
STA30 Medium carbon steel: For rifle barrels, etc. steel: French Standards designation
STA 36 A Medium carbon steel: Forging for shell bodies; Y 55S7 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.4% Cr (max) steel: French
hardened and tempered Standards designation
STC2 0.3% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: Z908 0.08% C 1.2% Mn 0.35% S 0.08% P steel: Free
Spencer; normalized machining; YEW
DPN: ISO VTS: 6SO Elon: 25% Z912 0.3% C 1.6% Mn 0.2% S 0.05% P 0.15% S steel: Free
machining; YEW
356 . 44A3 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.5-0.8 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Z952 0.08% C 1.2% Mn 0.35% S 0.23% Pb steel: Free
machining; YEW DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Z986 0.46% CO.7% Mn steel; YEW UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
200 800 21
300 840 17.5
400 660 27
500 460 35
600 300 41
The above properties are typical of the following group, and The steels in this group should only be welded after obtain-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible ing technical advice. They will be prone to heat affected zone
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be cracking, and will require pre-heating and careful control of
applicable. the heat input.
These steels do not have any improved corrosion protec-
General metallurgical characteristics tion over steels with a lower carbon content. The fact that
they can be hardened and thus be subjected to stresses in
This group is the medium high carbon range capable of 1500 service means that corrosion pitting can be extremely
N/mm 2 tensile, provided a low ductility can be accepted. The dangerous in producing stress raisers to cause impact and
steels are available in all the normal forms of sheet, bar, fatigue failure.
tube, forgings and castings, but thin section sheet and tubing The carbon equivalent CE can be used to evaluate poten-
are not normally available as the materials cold work and tial welding problems. The formula is
require frequent anneals to prevent embrittlement. They are
reasonably hardenable but not under still air conditions. CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu
Almost without exception the materials listed are used in the 6 5 15
normalized, hardened and tempered, or cold drawn A carbon equivalent higher than 0.7% indicates the possibil-
condition. ity of problems during welding.
These steels are hardenable by thermal treatment. They Many of these steels will be hardened and tempered to
require a temperature above 800 °C for hardening and, above the critical strength of 60 tons per square inch which
where sections are thin, i.e. less than 10 mm, may require oil requires that following any electroplating operation they
quenching. Technical advice should be obtained where high must be de-embrittled to prevent hydrogen embrittlement.
integrity or high cost items are involved. This requires a temperature of 200-250 °C for a minimum of
The steels in this group, and some of the steels in Group 2 hours.
44A2, are ideal for induction hardening or where necessary In general these materials will machine well.
flame hardening. Readers are strongly advised to obtain The materials in this group are used for springs, collets,
specialist advice before any ofthese techniques is attempted. fixtures, mandrils, shear blades of all kinds and general
44A3 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.5-0.8 PER CENT . 357
engineering purposes where medium high hardness is appreciated that as the thickness of section increases then the
required but little or no shock resistance will exist. possibility of obtaining a correct thermal treatment becomes
These materials must never be used under conditions less and thus the yield or proof strength might be difficuLt to
where high strength, high impact is involved. It must also be achieve.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and .remarks.
0.0073 0.75% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 1.1210 0.53% C 0.5% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0722 0.48% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 1.1213 0.53% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0740 0.53% C 0.5% Mn 0.035% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 1.1221 0.61 % C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0761 0.68% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 1.1231 0.68% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0763 0.74% C 0.45% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 1.1248 0.75% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
German Standard German Standard
0.0931 0.6% C 1.0% Mn 1.2% Si steel: For springs; German 1.1249 0.72% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel:
Standard German Standard
0.0969 0.51% C 0.3% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; German 1.1740 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: German
Standard Standards designation
0.0970 0.56% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; German 46MnSi4 0.48% C 1.1 % Mn 0.8% Si: Designation used by
Standard German Standards
0.0971 0.64% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; German 50Mn 7 0.5% C 1.8% Mn steel: German Standard
Standard 50 Mn Si 4 0.5% C 1.1 % Mn 0.8% Si steel: Designation used by
0.1210 0.53% C 0.5% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: German Standards
German Standard 53MnSi4 0.54% C 1.0% Mn 0.9% Si steel: Designation used by
0.1221 0.61 % C 7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: German Standards
German Standard 55 Si 7 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si spring steel: German
0.1231 0.68% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: Standard
German Standard 60 Si 7 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 2% Si spring steel: German Standard
0.1248 0.75% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: 060A52 0.52% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
German Standard 060A57 0.57% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
0.5028 0.65% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; German 060A62 0.62% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
Standard O6OA67 0.67% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
0.5029 0.71% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; German 060A72 0.72% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
Standard 060A78 0.78% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
0.70 Li Pja 0.7% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Fagersta 060A81 0.81 % C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970
1.0505 0.53% C 0.55% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: 070M55 0.55% C 0.7% Mn steel: BS 970
German Standard 080A47 0.47% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
1.0601 0.61 % CO. 7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 080A52 0.52% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
German Standard 080A57 0.57% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
1.0603 0.68% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 080A62 0.62% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
German Standard 080A67 0.69% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
1.0605 0.75% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 080A72 0.72% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
German Standard 080A78 0.78% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete
1.0632 0.5% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard 080M46 0.46% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
1.0728 0.62% CO. 7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.2% S 0.07% P steel: 080M50 0.5% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
German Standard 080M55 0.55% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970
1.0751 0.61% C 0.7% Mn 0.25% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: 1046 0.46% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Designation
German Standard used by AISI
1.0902 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si spring steel: German 1047 0.47% C 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Designation
Standard used by AISI
1.0904 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si spring steel: German 1053 0.53% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
Standard in the UK and USA
1.0906 0.65% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si spring steel: German 1055 0.55% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
Standard in the UK and USA
1.0909 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 2% Si spring steel: German Standard 1059 0.59% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
1.0913 0.5% C 1.8% Mn steel: German Standard in the UK and USA
1060 0.6% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
in the UK and USA
Note, The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 1064 0.64% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
in the UK and USA
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 1065 0.65% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 in the UK and USA
Elon Elongation, % 1069 0.69% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 in the UK and USA
1070 0.7% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
1 N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibflin 2 =1 MPa in the UK and USA
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 1074 0.74% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
in the UK and USA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1104 0.75% C 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French Standards ASTM A25 Class A 0.57% C 0.67% Mn (max) steel: For steel wheels for
designation electrical service
1164 0.75% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French ASTM A25 Class B 0.62% C 0.67% Mn steel: For steel wheels for electrical
Standards designation service
1165 0.65% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French ASTM A25 Class C 0.72% C 0.67% Mn steel: For steel wheels for electrical
Standards designation service
1204 0.75% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: ASTM A25 Class V 0.72% C 0.67% Mn steel: for steel wheels for electrical
French Standards designation service
1304 0.75% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max) ASTM A227 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel:
steel: French Standards designation Spring wire; hard drawn; actual tensile varies with
1305 0.65% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max) diameter
steel: French Standards designation urs: 1550
1553 0.53% C 1% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK and ASTMA228 0.85% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Spring
USA wire; cold drawn; piano wire
1561 0.61 % C 0.9% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK UTS:3400
and USA ASTM A229 A 0.6% C 1.0% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: Spring
1566 0.66% C 0.9% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK wire; hardened and tempered
and USA urs: 1840
1570 0.7% C 1% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK and ASTM A229B 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: Spring
USA wire; hardened and tempered
1572 0.72% C 1.1% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK UTS: 1840
and USA ASTM A230 0.65% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Spring
1580 0.8% C 1% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK and wire; hardened and tempered for valve springs
USA urs: 1550
A6 0.62% C (max) 0.9% Mn steel: Cogne ASTM A241 0.58% C steel: For tie plates
A 32 STEEL 0.55% C 0.8% Mn steel: ESC for BS alloy En 9 ASTM A290C2 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For.ging;
A STEEL 0.5% C 0.8% Mn steel: ECS for BS alloy En 43A hardened and tempered
ABRADUR2 0.7% C 1.0% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Pompey DPN: 170 urs: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
ACIBRADE 0.68% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: ASTM A306nO Plain carbon steel: As rolled
Workington Iron & Steel; hot rolled urs: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 220
AISII048 0.48% C 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel ASTM A306n5 Plain carbon steel: As rolled
AISII049 0.49% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel urs: 550 Elon: 18% Proof: 240
AISI1050 0.51% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel ASTM A306180 Plain carbon steel: As rolled
AISI1051 0.51 % C 1.0% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel UTS: 550 Elon: 17% Proof: 270
AISI1052 0.52% C 1.3% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel ASTMA321 0.55% C 0.8% Mn steel: Hardened and tempered
AISI1052 0.51 % C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel UTS: 630 EIon: 18% Proof: 450
AISI1053 0.53% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel ASTMA407 0.57% C 0.9% Mn steel: Wire for coil springs;
AISI1055 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel upholstery springs
AISII060 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel ASTM A417 0.62% C 0.9% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire for
AISII064 0.63% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel upholstery springs
AISII065 0.65% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel ASTMA421 U5% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire
AISII070 0.7% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel for pre-stressed concrete
AISI1074 0.75% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel ASTMA504 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For wheels
AISI1078 0.78% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel ASTMA551 0.7% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Tyres
AISII080 0.82% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel graded by C content
AISI1151 0.51% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting ASTM A583 0.7% C steel: Castings for railway wheels; classified by
AMS 5085 0.50% C steel: Sheet and strip; AMS for SAE alloy use
1050 ASTM A631 0.7% C 0.7% Mn: Cast steel wheels for railway service;
AMS 5110 A 0.8% C steel: Music wire; commercial quality; AMS for classified by use
SAE alloy 1080 ASTMA648/1 0.55% C 0.8% Mn steel: Wire; hard drawn for
AMS 5115 B 0.7% C steel: Spring wire; AMS for SAE alloy 1070 reinforcing
AMS5120D 0.75% C steel: Spring and strip; annealed; AMS for UTS: 1300
SAE alloy 1074 ASTM A648/11 0.65% C 0.8% Mn steel: Wire; hard drawn for
AMS7240 0.6% C 0.75% Mn steel reinforcing
AQUATOUGH 70 0.7% C 0.3% Mn steel: Clyde Alloy urs: 1500
DPN: 750 ASTM A648JIII 0.7% C 0.8% Mn steel: Wire; hard drawn for
ASTMAI 0.68% C 0.8% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Rails reinforcing
ASTM A21 0.48% C 0.75% Mn steel: Axles for railway use ASTM A679 0.7% C 0.8% Mn steel: Wire; hard drawn
ASTM A680 Medium high carbon steel: Strip; cold rolled for springs
ASTMA682 Cold rolled carbon steel: Strip; coded b)' AISI type; see
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: also Sections 44AI, 44A2 and 44A4
ASTMA682 Medium high carbon steel: Strip; cold rolled; graded by
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AISI system
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 ASTMA684 Medium high carbon steel: Strip for springs
Elon Elongation, % ASTMA713 High carbon steel: For springs; graded by AISI
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mrn 2 designation
ASTMA713 Medium high carbon steel: Wire for springs; graded to
1N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibflin.2=1 MPa AISI system
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
44A3 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.5-0.8 PER CENT . 359
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMA729 0.6% C (max) 1.5% Mn steel: For railway axles; BS 1449 HS60 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet
hardened and tempered BS 1449 HS70 0.7% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet
UTS: 690 Elon: 20% Proof: 450 BS 1449 HSSO 0.8% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet
ASTM A730C, 0.47% C 0.75% Mn steel: Forgings for railway use BS 1449-40 0.4% C 0.7% Mn steel: Sheet and plate
D and E BS 1449-50 0.5% C 0.7% Mn steel: Sheet and plate
ASTMA730F 0.52% C 0.75% Mn steel: Forgings for railway use BS 1449-60 0.6% C 0.7% Mn steel: Sheet and plate
ASTMA730G C not specified 0.75% Mn steel: Forgings for railway BS 1449-70 0.7% C 0.7% Mn steel: Sheet and plate
and H use BS 1449·80 0.8% C 0.7% Mn steel: Sheet and plate
ASTM A732/4 A 0.5% C 0.8% Mn steel: Investment casting; annealed BS 1506/162 0.6% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
UTS: 620 Elon: 20% Proof: 345 Bar; normalized
ASTM A732/4 Q 0.5% C 0.8% Mn steel: Investment casting; hardened UTS: 760 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
and tempered BS 1760 A 0.45% C 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% Sand P steel:
UTS: 860 Elon: 5% Proof: 680 Casting for surface hardening; contained in BS 3100
ASTMA759 0.75% C 0.8% Mn steel: For crane rails; may be UTS: 610 Elon: 12% Proof: 300
supplied heat treated BS 1760 B 0.6% C 1.0% Mn 0.6% Si 0.06% Sand P steel: Casting
ASTM A764 0.65% C steel: Wire for springs; drawn and galvanized for surface hardening; contained in BS 3100
ASTM B606 0.65% C 1.0% Mn steel: Wire; galvanized; for core UTS: 670 Elon: 10% Proof: 330
wire on AI electrical conductors BS 2453 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For
ATERCLIFFE Plain carbon tool steels 0.6%-1.5% C: Sanderson; spokes; may be zinc coated
carbon content specified by a temper no. UTS: 1070
AURIGA V 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: BS 2691 0.8% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire
Casting; D Brown for concrete; cold drawn and stress released
UTS: 670 Elon: 10% UTS: 1680 Proof: 1380
AW5 0.55% C 0.6% Mn steel: ESC; spanners, pliers, etc. BS 2803 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Wire; ground;
DPN: 690 different grades define slight difference
AW8 0.8% C 0.8% Mn steel: ESC; picks, hammers, etc. UTS: 1540
DPN: 690 BS 3111/1 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire;
B1 0.55% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop for BS alloy annealed and drawn; for cold forged bolts
En 9 UTS: 610
B6 0.6% C (max) steel: Breda BS3141 CMI 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
BIO 0.5% C steel: Normalized; Bofors system used by BS; discontinued
DPN: 190 UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 300 BS 3141 C6B1 0.5% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification
B 12 0.6% C steel: Normalized; Bofors; obsolete system used by BS; discontinued
DPN: 220 UTS: 720 Elon: 15% Proof: 330 BS 3141 C6C1 0.5% C 1.1% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification
B 14 0.7% C steel: Normalized; Bofors system used by BS; discontinued
DPN: 230 UTS: 770 Elon: 13% Proof: 370 BS 3141 C6E1 0.5% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
BS9 0.55% C 1.0% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: For bull head system used by BS; discontinued
rails BS 3141 C6F1 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 11 0.55% C 1.0% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: For flat system used by BS; discontinued
bottom rails BS 3141 C6G1 0.52% C 0.9% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 24/3 Al 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For wagon springs; as system used by BS; discontinued
BS alloy En 45 BS3141 C6G1 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 24/3 A2 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For wagon springs; as system used by BS; discontinued
BS alloy En 45 BS3141 C6H1 0.55% C 1.1 % Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 24/3 A5 0.77% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: For wagon springs; as system used by BS; discontinued
BS alloy En 42 BS3141 C7A1 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 24/3 A6 0.77% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: For wagon springs; as system used by BS; discontinued
BS alloy En 42 BS 3141 C7B1 0.62% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
BS 24/3 A7 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: For wagon springs; as system used by BS; discontinued
BS alloy En 43 BS 3141 C7C1 0.65% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire;
BS 24/3 A8 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: For wagon springs; as classification system used by BS; discontinued
BS alloy En 43 BSS25 High carbon steel: Bar; replaced
BS 24/3 BB 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 1.8% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For BSS70 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
springs; as BS alloy En 45 Normalized
BS 24/3 BC 0.6% C 0.6% Mn 1.9% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For DPN: 230 UTS: 760 Elon: 15%
springs; as BS alloy En 45A BSS79 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel:
BS 224/1 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: For die Hardened and tempered
blocks; hardened and tempered DPN: 280 UTS: 920 Elon: 13%
DPN: 250 BS sm 0.8% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: For
BS970 See designation for details springs; hardened and tempered
BS9SO CDS 8 0.5% C 0.6% Mn steel: Cold drawn tube; as drawn and DPN: 450
tempered BS S517 0.47% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet;
UTS: 690 Proof: 580 hardened and tempered
BS 1408 0.7% C 1% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Cold drawn; UTS: 1210 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000
composition complies with BS 970 En 49A, B, C and D BSW6 C not specified 0.04% Sand P steel: Galvanized wire
UTS: 1550 for balloon cables
BS 1429 0.6%-1.0% C steel: Wire for springs; annealed; UTS: 2310
covered by BS alloys En 42, En 44, En 45, En 47 and BULL HEAD RAIL 0.55% C 1% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: See BS 9
En 50 BULLS HEAD 0.6% C (min) steel: Marsh Brothers; applies to a range
BS 1429 En 42C 0.75% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs of plain C steels
BS 1449 HS50 0.5% C 0.8% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: Sheet C6 0.6% C (max) 0.8% Mn steel: Siau
360 . 44A3 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.5-0.8 PER CENT
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
C45W 0.51 % C 0.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: DIN 17200 CM 60 0.6% C 0.75% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For
German Standard structures; German Standard
C53 0.53% C 0.5% Mn 0.35% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: DIN 17221 51 S 7 0.51% C 0.6% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs
German Standard DIN 17221 55 S 7 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs
C60 0.6% C 0.75% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation; DIN 17221 60 Si 0.6% C 1.0% Mn 1.2% Si steel: For springs
normalized Mn5
DPN: 260 urs: 820 Elon: 12% Proof: 450 DIN 17221 65 Si 7 0.65% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs
C60 0.61% C 0.7% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation DIN 17221 66 Si 7 0.66% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs
DPN: 230 urs: 1450 Elon: 6% Proof: 1050 DIN 17222 0.6% C 1.0% Mn 1.2% Si steel: For springs
C60W 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: German 60 Si Mn 5
Standard DIN 17222 65 Si 7 0.65% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs
C6OW3 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: German DIN 17222 66 Si 7 0.66% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs
Standards designation DIN 1722271 Si 7 0.71% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs
C70 0.69% C 0.7% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation DIN 17222 C67 0.68% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: For springs
DPN: 250 UTS: 1450 Elon: 5% Proof: 1050 DIN 17222 C75 0.75% C 0.7% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For springs
C75 0.75% C 0.55% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation DIN 17222 M75 0.75% C 0.4% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For springs
DPN: 265 urs: 1450 Elon: 5% Proof: 1050 DIN 17222 MK75 0.75% C 0.5% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: For springs
C90 0.9% C 0.55% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation DTD5A 0.75% C 1% Mn 0.04% S 0.04% P steel: For springs;
DPN: 270 urs: 1500 Elon: 4% Proof: 1100 hard drawn and tempered
CI75 0.75% C 0.3% Mn 0.25% Si 0.02% Sand P steel: urs: 1680
Drills, etc.; SHD DTD215A 0.7% C 0.5% Mn 0.03% S 0.03% P steel: Wire; cold
C255 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.25% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: drawn and tempered; not for valve springs
Drills, etc.; SHD urs: 1550
CD 60 0.5% C 0.8% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Fagersta DTD 239 A 0.8% C 1% Mn 0.045% S 0.04% P steel: For springs;
UTS: 760 Elon: 18% hardened and tempered; not for valve springs
cno 0.71% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: UTS: 1380
German Standard DUNELT53 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Dunford for
CK53 0.53% C 0.5% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: BS alloy En 9
German Standard E7 0.7% C 0.3% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Pompey
CK60 0.61% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Designation E8FX 0.8% C 0.3% Mn 0.12% Si steel: Pompey
used by German Standards En 9 0.55% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
CK67 0.67% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: 970; obsolete
German Standard En9K 0.55% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
COLORADO Plain carbon tool steels 0.6%-1.5% C: Sanderson; 970; obsolete
carbon content specified by temper no. En 42 0.8% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
COMMON 0.55% CO. 7% Mn steel: Origin unknown used in BS 970; obsolete
HARDENING En42A 0.85% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
CRESCENT 6 0.65% C steel: Spencer used in BS 970; obsolete
D5 0.55% CO. 7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey En42B 0.65% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
D6 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey used in BS 970; obsolete
D7 0.7% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey En 43 0.58% C 0.05% Sand Psteel: For springs; designation
D8 0.8% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey used in BS 970; replaced by 080 A 50
DIN 1651 60 S 20 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.2% S 0.05% P steel: Free En 43A 0.5% C 0.06% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
machining used in BS 970; replaced by 080 A 50
DIN 17100 St 70/2 0.5% C 0.05% Sand P (max) 0.007% N (max) steel: En43B 0.48% C 0.06% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
Plate; German Standard used in BS 970; replaced by 080 M47
UTS: 770 Proof: 360 En43C 0.52% C 0.06% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
DIN 17200 C 55 0.55% CO. 75% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For used in BS 970; replaced by 080 M52
structures; German Standard En43D 0.62% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
DIN 17200 C 60 0.6% C 0.75% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For 970; replaced by 080 A 62
structures; German Standard En43E 0.67% C 0.06% Sand P steel: Designation used in BS
DIN 17200 C60 0.61% C 0.7% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel 970; replaced by 080 A 67 .
DIN 17200 CK 55 0.55% C 0.75% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For En43F 0.5% C 0.05% Sand P steel: Obsolete
structures; German Standard En45 0.6% C 1.75% Si steel: For springs; designation used in
DIN 17200 CK 60 0.6% C 0.75% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For BS 970; obsolete
structures; German Standard En45A 0.6% C 1.8% Si steel: For springs; designation used in
DIN 17200 CK 60 0.61% C 0.7% Mn 0.4% Sand P steel BS 970; obsolete
DIN 17200 CM 55 0.55% C 0.75% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For En 49 0.6% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
structures; German Standard used in BS 970
En49A 0.6% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
used in BS 970
Note. rhe following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: En49B 0.65% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
used in BS 970
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number En49C 0.7% C 0.04% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' used in BS 970
Elon Elongation, % En49D 0.75% C 0.04% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' used in BS 970
EXTRA C as specified 0.25% Mn steel: For tools; Braebum
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'= 145.04Ibflin.'= I MPa Floo 0.52% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si steel: YEW
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. FlO5 0.64% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si steel: YEW
FlO8 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 2.0% Si steel: YEW
44A3 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.5-0.8 PER CENT . 361
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
FIIO 0.56% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si steel: YEW HECLA 42 0.8% C 0.65% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 42
F180 0.5% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Si steel: YEW HECLA DI7 0.55% CO. 7% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 9
F200 0.67% C 0.5% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: YEW HECLA S55 0.55% C 0.85% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloys En
FABIS Plain carbon tool steels 0.6%-1.5% C: Sanderson; 45, En 45A and En 46
carbon content specified by temper no. HEDEX 11 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Wire for
FAGERSTA 1680 0.6% C 0.3% Mn steel: Fagersta forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 9
FAGERSTA 1773 0.75% C 0.3% Mn steel: Fagersta HEDEX26 0.62% C 1% Mn steel: Wire for forging; Kiveton Park;
FAGERSTA 1778 0.7% C 0.6% Mn steel: For springs; Fagersta annealed
FAGERSTA 1779 0.85% C 0.5% Mn steel: For springs; Fagersta VTS: 670
FLAT BOTIOM 0.55% C 1% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: See BS II HMS75 0.53% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
GOST 1050/50 0.5% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: For structures: HMS80 0.6% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
Russian Standard Krupp
GOST 1050/50 G 0.5% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% ICSWI 0.8% C steel: For castings; Inman
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard JEM No.5 0.8% C steel: Jonas
GOST 1050/55 0.55% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% JEMNo.6 0.65% C steel: Jonas
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard JlS G405 S48C 0.48% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For
GOST 1050/60 0.6% C 0.75% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% structures; Japanese Standard
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard JlS G3445 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pipe; Japanese
GOST 1050/60 G 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% STKM 17A Standard
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard VTS: 560 Proof: 350
GOST 1050/65 0.65% C 0.75% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% JlS G3445 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe;
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard STKM 17 C Japanese Standard
GOST 1050/65 G 0.65% C 1.05% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% VTS: 660 Proof: 490
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard JlS G4051 S50C 0.5% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For
GOST 1050170 0.7% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% structures; Japanese Standard
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard JIS G4051 S53G 0.53% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For
GOST 1050170 G 0.7% C 1.05% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% structures; Japanese Standard
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard JIS G4051 S55C 0.55% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For
GOST 1050175 0.75% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% structures; Japanese Standard
Sand P (max) steel: For structures; Russian Standard JlS G4051 S58C 0.58% C 0.75% Mn 0.03% Sand P (max) steel: For
GOST 1050/80 0.8% C 0.75% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: For structures; structures; Japanese Standard
Russian Standard JlS G4801 SUP7 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For
GOST 2052155 S2 0.55% C 0.75% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% springs; Japanese Standard
Sand P (max) steel: Russian Standard K950 0.51 % C 0.6% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: YEW
GOST 2052/60 S2A 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.3% Cr (max) K960 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: YEW
0.03% Sand P (max) 0.25% Cu (max) steel: For K05003 0.5% C (max) 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Casting;
springs; Russian Standard designation used by UNS
GOST 2052/60 SG 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 0.4% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% Sand K05800 0.6% C 0.2% Cr (min) 0.05% P (max) steel: Casting;
P (max) steel: Bar; Russian Standard designation used by UNS
GOST 2052/60 SG 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.04% Sand KF lOB 0.52% C 0.8% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
P (max) 0.25% Cu steel: For springs; Russian Standard BS alloy En 9
GOST 2052/60 SGA 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) 0.03% Sand KFlOC 0.58% C 0.7% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall for
P (max) steel: Bar; Russian Standard BS alloy En 9
GOST 2052/60 SGA 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.3% Cr (max) KFlOD 0.63% C 0.7% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kirkstall;
0.03% Sand P (max) 0.25% Cu (max) steel: For hardened and tempered
springs; Russian Standard VTS: 910 Elon: 12% Proof: 760
GOST 2052/62 S2A 0.62% C 0.85% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.3% Cr (max) KP7 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Kiveton Park
0.03% Sand P (max) 0.25% Cu (max) steel: For for BS alloy En 9
springs; Russian Standard KP8 0.75% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Kiveton Park
GOST 2052/65 0.65% C 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) for BS alloy En 42
steel: Bar; Russian Standard KP25 0.5% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; Kiveton
GOST 2052/65 G 0.65% C 1.05% Mn 0.4% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% Park for BS alloy En 45
Sand P (max) steel: Bar; Russian Standard L7 0.7% C steel: Pompey
GOST 2052170 0.7% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% LC60 0.65% C steel: Water quenched; Low Moor; obsolete
Sand P steel: Bar; Russian Standard DPN: 790
GOST 2052170 S3A 0.7% C 0.75% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) 0.03% Sand LC80 0.8% C steel: Water quenched; Low Moor; obsolete
P (max) steel: Bar; Russian Standard DPN: 790
GOST 2052175 0.75% C 0.65% Mn 0.3% Cr and Ni (max) 0.045% LRT 0.5% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Pompey
Sand P (max) 0.25% Cu (max) steel: For springs; M75 0.75% C 0.4% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: Designation
Russian Standard used by German Standards
GOST 4543/50 G2 0.5% C 1.6% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) steel: Russian MC7 0.75% C 0.3% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Pompey
Standard MIL W21425·1 0.65% C 1% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Casting;
HARDFLEX 13M 0.75% C steel: Strip; Sandvik; supplied hardened and designation used by UNS
tempered MK75 0.75% C 0.5% Mn 0.035% Sand P steel: Designation
VTS: 1300 Proof: 1100 used by German Standards
HDBI 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Huntsman; large press MR6 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
dies MS45 0.5% C 1.05% Mn 0.8% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
HECLA 18 0.65% C 0.4% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 42E Krupp
HECLA 36 0.85% CO.7% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 420 MS50 0.53% C 1.05% Mn 0.9% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
HECLA 41 0.55% C 0.7% Mn steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 9 Krupp
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NF A35 351/XC55 0.55% C 0.65% Mn steel: For structures; French SAE865 B 0.8% C 4.0% Cu Fe: Sintered material; specific gravity
Standard 6.H.5
NF A35 50IIA70/2 C not specified 0.045% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; VTS: 210
French Standard SAE 866 A 0.8% C 8.5% Cu Fe: Sintered material; porosity 18%;
NF A35 5511XC48 0.48% C 0.65% Mn steel: For structures; French specific gravity 5.7~.l
Standard UTS: 160
NF A35 551IXC65 0.65% C 0.75% Mn steel: For structures; French SAE866B 0.8% C 8.5% Cu Fe: Sintered material; specific gravity
Standard 6.H.5
NF A35 5511XC70 0.7% C 0.75% Mn steel: For structures; French UTS: 230
Standard SAE867 A 0.8% C 20% Cu Fe: Sintered material; porosity 18%;
NF A35 5511XC80 0.8% C 0.65% Mn steel: For structures; French specific gravity 5. 7~.l
Standard UTS: 330
NF A35 571156S7 0.56% C 0.75% Mn 0.45% Cr (max) 0.035% Sand SAE867 B 0.8% C 20% Cu Fe: Sintered material; specific gravity
P (max) steel: For springs; French Standard 6.H.5
NF A35 571/6OS7 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.05% Sand P (max) steel: Bar; UTS: 210
French Standard SAE1044 0.47% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Mechanical
NF A35 571161S7 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.45% Cr (max) 0.035% Sand properties not quoted
P (max) steel: For springs; French Standard SAE 1047 0.47% C 1.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Mechanical
No.7 TEMPER 0.7% C 0.2% Mn steel: Picks, screw-drivers, etc.; ESC properties not quoted
DPN: 630 SAEI048 0.48% C 1.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Mechanical
No.8 TEMPER 0.8% C 0.2% Mn steel: Rock drills, etc.; ESC properties not quoted
DPN: 630 SAE 1049 0.49% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
P256 0.5% C 0.7% Mn steel: Chisels, drifts, etc.: Carr's rolled
DPN: 580 DPN: 179 UTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 330
PEGASES 0.5% C 0.5% Mn 0.08% Si steel: Pompey SAE 1049 0.49% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
QQ W46lf Carbon steel: Wire; round; US Federal specification drawn
RS2 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 1.7% Si steel: Pompey DPN: 197 UTS: 740 Elon: 10% Proof: 450
RS3 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Si steel: Pompey SAE 1050 0.51 % C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
RS4 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 1.85% Si steel: Pompey rolled
S6F 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Pompey DPN: 179 UTS: 660 Elon: 15% Proof: 340
S7F 0.65% CO.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey SAE 1050 0.51% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; cold
S8 0.8% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey drawn
S 25 High carbon steel: BS aircraft standard DPN: 197 UTS: 740 Elon: 10% Proof: 610
S65 0.65% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey SAE 1051 0.51 % C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc.
S 70 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: BS aircraft SAE 1052 0.51 % C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
standard rolled
S 75 0.75% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey DPN: 217 VTS: 770 Elon: 12% Proof: 420
S79 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: BS aircraft SAE 1053 0.53% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc.
standard SAE 1055 0.55% C 0.3% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
S 145 0.55% C 0.7% Mn 1.7% Si steel: For springs; Bofors; rolled
hardened and tempered DPN: 192 UTS: 530 Elon: 12% Proof: 360
DPN: 450 VTS: 1550 Elon: 7% Proof: 1150 SAEI060 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
S 310 0.55% C 30.8% Mn 21.7% Si steel: Fagersta rolled
DPN: 610 DPN: 201 UTS: 560 Elon: 12% Proof: 370
sm 0.8% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: BS aircraft SAE 1061 0.61% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc.
standard SAE1064 0.63% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
S 517 0.47% C 1.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel. BS aircraft rolled
standard DPN: 201 UTS: 560 Elon: 12% Proof: 370
SAE 864 A 10.8% C 21.5% Cu Fe: Sintered material; porosity SAE 1065 0.65% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
18%; specific gravity 5.7~.1 rolled
VTS: 140 DPN: 207 VTS: 730 Elon: 12% Proof: 390
SAE864 B 0.8% C 1.5% Cu Fe: Sintered material; specific gravity SAE 1066 0.66% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc.
6.1~.5 SAE 1069 0.69% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc.
VTS: 180 SAE 1070 0.7% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, hot
SAE865 A 0.8% C 4.0% Cu Fe: Sintered material: porosity 18%; rolled
specific gravity 5.7~.1 DPN: 212 UTS: 750 Elon: 12% Proof: 390
VTS: 160 SAE 1072 0.72% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar
SAE 1074 0.75% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
DPN: 217 UTS: 770 Elon: 12% Proof: 400
SAE 1078 0.78% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: rolled
DPN: 207 UTS: 730 Elon: 12% Proof: 390
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SAE lOBO 0.8% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 rolled
Elon Elongation, % DPN: 229 UTS: 820 Elon: 10% Proof: 440
Proof O.! % proof strength, N/mm 2 SAE 1151 0.51% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free cutting;
2 2 2 2 hot rolled
I N/mm =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm =0.06475 tonf/in. = 145.04Ibf/in. = 1 MPa DPN: 187 VTS: 670 Elon: 15% Proof: 340
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
44A3 STEEL - PLAIN CARBON 0.5-0.8 PER CENT . 363
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 1151 0.51% C 0.9% Mn 0.1% S 0.04% P steel: Free CUlling; SS 1665 0.55% C 0.4% Mn 0.3% Sand Psteel: Strip; cold
cold drawn rolled; Swedish Standard
DPN: 207 UTS: 750 Elon: 10% Proof: 630 DPN: 260 UTS: 780
SAE 1548 0.48% C 1.2% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. SS 1672 0.47% C steel: For flame and induction hardening;
SAE 1551 0.51% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. Swedish Standard; as rolled
SAE 1552 0.52% C 1.35% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. DPN: 200 UTS: 650 Elon: 16% Proor: 300
SAE 1561 0.61% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. SS 1674 0.52% C steel: Sheet and plate ror hardening and
SAE 1566 0.66% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. tempering; Swedish Standard
SAE 1572 0.72% C J.15% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar, etc. VTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 440
SAE J 172 0.67% C 0.7% Mn steel: Wire for springs SS 1674 0.52% C steel: For induction or flame hardening;
UTS: 1700 Swedish Standard
SAE J 271 0.85% C 0.8% Mn steel: Wire for springs SS 1678 0.61 % C steel: Swedish Standard; hardened and
VTS: 1900 tempered
SANBOLD9 0.53% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Sanderson for BS VTS: 850 Elon: 11% Proof: 580
alloy En 9 SS 1678 0.61 % C 0.75% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel:
SANBOLD42 0.8% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sanderson for BS alloy Swedish Standard
En 42 SS 1770 0.7% C 0.6% Mn 0.035% S and P steel: Hardened and
SANBOLD43 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Sanderson for BS alloy tempered; Swedish Standard
En 43 UTS: 1320
SANBOLD45 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si steel: Sanderson for BS SS 1774 0.65% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Si 0.035% Sand P spring
alloy En 45 steel
SANBOLD50 0.55% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Sanderson; replaced SS 1778 0.7% C 0.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: S.trip.; annealed;
by Sanbold 9 Swedish Standard
SANBOLD59 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Sanderson; replaced DPN: 170 UTS: 600
by Sanbold 43 SS 1778 0.7% C 0.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Cold rolled;
SANBOLD60 0.8% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Sanderson; replaced Swedish Standard
by Sanbold 42 DPN: 270 VTS: 820
SANBOLD 8058 0.55% C 0.9% Mn 1.7% Si steel: Sanderson; replaced SS 1778 0.75% C 0.65% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; cold
by Sanbold 45 rolled
SH4 0.48% C 0.7% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Pompey DPN: 210 UTS: 650 Elon: 20% Proo£: 440
SH5 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Pompey SS 1973 0.5% C 1% Mn 0.15% S 0.05% P steel: Free
SiMn 0.57% C 0.8% Mn 1.8% Si steel: For springs; ESC for machining; normalized; Swedish Standard
BS alloy En 45 and En 45A UTS: 630
For SIS specifications see SS SS 2090 0.56% C 0.8% Mn 0.3% Cr (max) 1.75% Si steel: For
SK 6 0.75% C 0.5% Mn (max) 0.2% Cr and Ni (max) steel: springs
Japanese Standards designation DPN: 400 UTS: 1300
SK 7 0.65% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Cr and Ni (max) steel: SS 8011 0.75% C sintered steel: Swedish Standard
Japanese Standards designation SSM 0.54% C 0.65% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
SKC3 0.77% C 0.5% Mn (max) 0.2% Cr (max) 0.25% St 7012 0.5% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
V (max) steel: For hollow drills; Japanese Standards St 701202 0.5% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
designation St 701203 0.5% C 0.05% Sand P steel: German Standard
SKF 511 0.7% C 0.9% Mn steel: SKF STBRAND 0.7% C steel: Carr
SK067 0.7% C steel: SKF STA3 0.75% C steel: Wire; hard drawn; replaced by BS alloy
SMN 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 1.8% Si steel: Punches, chisels, etc.; En49D
Huntsman STA4 0.7% C steel: Wire; hard drawn; replaced by BS alloy
DPN: 610 En49C
SOUDOKAY 089.0 3.5% C 0.3% Mn 2.0% Si steel: Welding electrode; STA 5 V4B 0.52% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43A
Soudometal STA 5 V4B/i 0.52% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43B
DPN: 350 STA 5 V4B/2 0.52% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43C
SOUDOKAY GS-O 3.1% C 0.3% Mn 3.0% Si steel: Welding electrode; STA 5 V5 0.55% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 9K
Soudometal STA 5 V5A 0.5% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43D
DPN:450 STA 5 V5A11 0.5% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43D
SPEAR 50 0.52% C steel: Spear and Jackson; hardened and STA 5 V5A/2 0.5% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43E
tempered STA 5 V22B 0.5% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43
DPN: 240 UTS: 780 STA 5 V22B/l 0.5% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43
SPEAR 75 0.7% C steel: For press tools; Spear and Jackson STA 5 V22B/2 0.5% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 43
SPECIAL C not specified 0.25% Mn steel: For tools; Braebum STA 5 V23 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 1.8% Si steel: Replaced by BS alloy
SPRASTEEL 80 0.8% C steel powder coating: Metco En 45
DPN: 380 STA 5 V23A 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 1.8% Si steel: Replaced by BS alloy
SS 1606 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Annealed; En 45
Swedish Standard STA41 0.5% C steel: Strip; hardened and tempered; ror
VTS: 630 Elon: 10% Proor: 300 springs
SS 1655 0.55% C 0.65% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Swedish STANDARD C not specified 0.25% Mn steel: For tools; Braebum
Standard STC5 0.5% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si 0.06% Sand P steel:
SS 1655/00 0.55% C steel: Swedish Standard; as rolled or forged; Spencer; normalized
suffix indicates condition DPN: 240 VTS: 720 Elon: 18%
DPN: 225 UTS: 700 Elon: 12% Proor: 340 STC6 0.55% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel:
SS 1665 0.55% C 0.4% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; Spencer; normalized
annealed; Swedish Standard DPN: 240 VTS: 690 Elon: 18%
DPN: 165 VTS: 400 Til 0.72% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Jessop
T12 0.81% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Jessop
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
T21 0.72% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop W6 C not specified 0.4% S and P steel: Galvanized wire;
T22 0.8% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop designation used by British Standards
T31 0.72% C 0.27% Mn 0.27% Si steel: Jessop W21 0.6% C steel: Welding electrode; Cu covered; Armco;
T32 0.8% C 0.27% Mn 0.27% Si steel: Jessop for hard surfacing
T750 0.5% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% Si 0.15% S 0.05% P steel: WLMBEST 0.7% C 0.35% Sand P steel: Temper grade varies with
Fagersta; free machining carbon content; WMarrison
TEMPER No.2 0.6% C steel: Scissors, knives, auger bits, etc.; WTSO.75% 0.75% C 0.35% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Centres, vice jaws
Sanderson etc.; Marsh Brothers
TEMPER No.2! 0.7% C steel: Crowbars, hammers, stone bits, etc.; XBP 0.6% C 1% Mn 0.3% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Toledo
Sanderson for BS alloy En 49
TEMPER No.3 0.8% C steel: Punches, shear blades, stone bits, etc.; XC 65 0.67% CO.7% Mn steel: AFNOR
Sanderson Y65 0.65% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max)
TOLEDO 55 0.55% C 0.6% Mn 0.06% Sand P steel: Toledo for BS steel: French Standards designation
al10y En 9 Y65V 0.65% C 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French Standards
U7 0.7% C 0.3% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max) designation
steel: Russian Standards designation Y75 0.75% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P (max)
U7A 0.7% C 0.25% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) steel: French Standards designation
steel: Russian Standards designation Y75V 0.75% C 0.25% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French
U8A 0.8% C 0.25% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max) Standards designation
steel: Russian Standards designation
UHB 11 0.5% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Ssteel: Uddelholm
UMS75 0.53% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Si 0.045% Sand P steel:
UMS80 0.6% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: Note. The fol1owing abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
V 953 0.53% C 0.6% Mn steel: YEW DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
V%O 0.61 % C 0.8% Mn steel: YEW UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
VSMD 0.65% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Hammers, rock dril1s, Elon Elongation, %
etc.; Vulcan Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
VSS 0.66% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Springs; Vulcan
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.102 kgffmm2 =0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04Ibflin 2 =1 MPa
VSSM 0.57% C 1% Mn 1.5% Si steel: Heavy duty vehicle
springs; Vulcan See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
The above properties are typical of the following group, and The steels are relatively easily hardened and only in very
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible special cases are they used in anything except the hardened
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be and tempered or cold drawn condition.
applicable. There may be residual elements present, very small quan-
tities of which have considerable effect on the hardenability.
Where air hardening is undesirable it is advisable that the
General metallurgical characteristics
supplier be informed of this fact when ordering.
The steels in this group are all hyper-eutectic, i.e. there is no All these steels can be thermally treated by exposure to a
free ferrite present at any time. This means that very little temperature between 750 and 800°C.
cold work can be accomplished without cracking or fractur- Where the sections are thin, i.e. less than 10 mm, or where
ing the parts and this limits the forms available to forging and there is any change in section, these steels should not be
relatively heavy section sheet and bar. Cold drawn wire is water quenched.
available when the carbon is at the lower end of the range. It is essential that these steels are obtained in the normal-
ized condition and all rough machining is carried out prior to It must also be appreciated that the majority of these
any thermal treatment. materials will have tensile strength above that which it is
Welding of these materials is not advised and if it is essen- desirable to electroplate. This could result in hydrogen
tial then expert advice must be obtained. Where welding is to embrittlement and specialist advice should be obtained prior
be carried out it is essential that a test certificate is obtained to any electroplating.
to identify the carbon equivalent CEo The formula for this is Many of the materials in this group will have competition
from low alloy steels or from steels in Section 44M1, i.e. 12%
CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu chromium stainless steel.
6 5 ~
Uses for the materials in this group include cutting tools.
A carbon equivalent above 0.7% gives problems during Many press tools and fixtures not subjected to impact or heat
welding. can also be produced in these materials.
The materials in this section have no protection against Hard-wearing parts not subjected to shock, such as shear
corrosion pitting. The fact that many of these steels are used blades, scissors, many springs and knives, are included in this
as springs or spring-like structures means that they are sub- section. In all cases, however, it must be appreciated that
jected to fatigue and fatigue failure commonly commences where any corrosion is involved, as must occur in the case of
from stress raisers which could be corrosion pitting. many knives, then the materials in this group would not be
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.0783 0.84% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.05% Sand P steel: 1075 0.75% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
German Standard in the UK and USA
0.1274 1.0% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: 1078 0.78% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
German Standard in the UK and USA
J.l264 0.8% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si 0.025% Sand P steel: 1080 0.80% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
German Standard in the UK and USA
J.l274 1.0% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.035% Sand P steel: 1084 0.84% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
German Standard in the UK and USA
J.l525 0.08% C 0.17% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: 1085 0.85% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
German Standards designation in the UK and USA
J.l545 1.05% C 0.17% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: 1086 0.86% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
German Standards designation in the UK and USA
J.l830 0.85% C 0.6% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: 1090 0.9% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
German Standards designation in the UK and USA
1.2002 1.0% C 0.5% Mn steel: German Standard 1095 0.95% C 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: Designation used
02 0.9% C 1.6% Mn steel: Designation used by AISI in the UK and USA
16 0.8% C steel: Fagersta 1101 1.2% C 0.12% Mn 0.02% Sand P steel: French
17 1% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Sandvik for SS 1870 Standards designation
and SS 1880 1102 1.05% C 0.02% Sand P steel: French Standards
17 AP 1% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.2% Pb steel: Sandvik; designation
annealed; free machining 1103 0.9% C 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French Standards
VTS: 660 designation
20 1.0% C steel: Fagersta 1161 1.2% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French
20 J.l5% C 0.35% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Sandvik for SS Standards designation
1885 1162 1.05% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French
20 P J.l5% C 0.35% Mn 0.2% Pb steel: Sandvik; free Standards designation
machining 1163 0.9% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French
24 1.2% C steel: Fagersta Standards designation
40D 35 1.0% C 0.45% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Fagersta 1200 1.35% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel:
44D35 J.l % C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Fagersta French Standards designation
48 D 35 1.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Fagersta 1201 1.2% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: French
DPN:400 Standards designation
050 A 86 0.80% C 0.5% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete 1202 1.05% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel:
060 A 86 0.86% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete French Standards designation
060 A 99 0.99% C 0.6% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete 1203 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: French
080 A 83 0.83% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete Standards designation
080 A 86 0.86% C 0.8% Mn steel: BS 970; obsolete 1303 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.2% S 0.3% P steel: French
Standards designation
1590 0.9% C 1% Mn steel: Designation used in the UK and
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AISI1084 0.86% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
AISI1086 0.86% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AISII090 0.91 % C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 AISII095 0.95% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel
Elon Elongation, % AMS 5112E 0.9% C steel: Music and spring wire; best quality;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 AMS for SAE 1090
AMS5121B 0.95% C steel: Spring and strip; annealed; AMS for
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475tonf/in 2 =145.04lbflin?=1 MPa SAE 1095
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AMS 5122B 0.95% C steel: Spring and strip; rolled; AMS for SAE
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS5132C 0.95% C steel: Bar; AMS for SAE 1095 BS 3141 C9CI 0.85% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Classification
AMS7304 1% C 0.4% Mn steel system used by BS; discontinued
AN QQ A!(H)JI 1.0% C 0.4% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Strip; US BS3141 C9Dt 0.85% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire;
Service classification system used by BS; discontinued
AN QQ W441/3 0.85% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Wire; BS 3141 ClIAI 1% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire;
US Service; music wire classification system used by BS; discontinued
UTS: 2000 BS 3141 ClIBI 1.0% C 0.5% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire;
ANS5 1.0% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: US Service classification system used by BS; discontinued
AQUATOUGHloo 0.95% C 0.3% Mn steel: Clyde Alloy BS 3141 CI2AI 1.I % C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire;
DPN: 770 classification system used by BS; discontinued
ASTMA68 1.0% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Bars for springs BS 3141 C13AI 1.I % C 0.3% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire;
ASTMA679 0.8% C 0.7% Mn steel: Wire; hard drawn for springs classification system used by BS; discontinued
UTS:2000 C80WI 0.8% C 0.17% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: German
ASTMB770 Sand castings; copper beryllium alloy; general Standards designation
specification; designation hy UNS C85W 0.86% C 0.6% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max): German
ATLAS ALPHA 8 0.8% C 0.25% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Atlas; as AISltype Standard
WI C85WS 0.85% C 0.6% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel:
ATLASXlO 1.05% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Atlas; as AISI type German Standards designation
WI C 100 1.0% C 0.42% Mn steel: Italian Standards designation
ATLASXI2 1.2% C 0.25% Mn 0.20% Si steel: Atlas; as AISI type DPN: 270 VTS: 1450 Elon: 4% Proof: 110
WI C lO5WI 1.05% CO. 17% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel:
ATLASXX-95 0.95% C 0.3% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Atlas; as AISI type German Standards designation
WI C 1105 1.05% C 0.4% Mn 0.25% Si 0.02% Sand P steel:
B 15T 0.75% C stecl: Bofors; obsolete Drills, etc.; SHD
DPN: 820 CARBON 1.05% C 0.2% Mn 0.08% Cr 0.2% Si steel: Latrobe
B 15V 0.8% C steel: Bofon;; ohsolete CARP 0.9% C steel: For tools; Carp
B20V 1.0% C steel: Bofon; CARP 1.15% C steel: For tools; Carp
B24V 1.2% C steel: Bofon; CELFOR 1.0% C steel: Shear blades, dies, etc.; Sanderwn
DPN: 850 DPN: 950
B28V 1.4% C steel: Bofon; CHISEL STEEL 0.9% C steel: For cold chisels and punches; origin
DPN: 850 unknown
BC 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown CHQ Plain C die steel: Analysis vanes; Firth Sterling
BELLB and P 0.6%-1.2% C steel: John Vessey; a range of steels COH 0.9% C 1.7% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Spencer; collets,
based on C content gauges, etc.
BEST 0.9% C tool sheet: Balfour Darwin DPN: 750
WARRANTED COLUMBIA 1.06% C steel: Columbia; AISI type WI
BLACK LABEL 1.0% C tool steel: Jessop ELECTREX
BLUE LABEL 1.0% C steel: Origin unknown COLUMBIA 1.06% C steel: Columbia; AISI type WI
BLUE LABEL 0.98% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si tool sheet: Huntsman EXTRA
DPN: 630 COLUMBIA 0.95% C steel: Columbia; AISI type WI
BS 2413Ba 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; as EXTRA
BS alloy En 44 HEADERDIE
BS 970 See designation for details COLUMBIA 1.06% C steel: Columhia; AISI type WI
BS 1407 1.I % C 0.3% Mn 0.5% Cr (optional) 0.3% Si steel: STANDARD
Supplied ground; 'Silver Steel' CONQUEROR 1.0% C steel: C content and hardness varies; origin
BS 1423 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 0.5% Cr (optional) 0.3% Si steel: TEMP 1-6 unknown
For springs; hardened and tempered CRESCENT 1.1% C steel: Spencer
DPN: 780 CRESCENT I 1.3% C steel: Spencer
BS 1429 En 44B 0.95% C 0.6% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Bar CRESCENT 3 1.0% C steel: Spencer
BS 1449 HS90 0.9% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Sheet CRESCENT 4 0.85% C steel: Spencer
BS 1449 HSloo 1.0% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: Sheet CRESCENT 5 0.75% C steel: Spencer
BS3141 C9AI 0.8% C 0.5% Mn 0.05% Sand P steel: Wire; CRUSCA 0.8% CO.3% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Crucihle Steel Co.;
classification system used hy BS; discontinued for drills
BS 3141 C9BI 0.8% C 0.8% Mn 0.04% Sand Psteel: Wire; DC 0.8% C 0.35% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
classification system used by BS; discontinued DIN 17222 M85 0.85% C 0.4% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For springs
DIN 17222 MKlOl 1.0% C 0.4% Mn 0.045% Sand P steel: For springs
DOH 0.9% C 1.7% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Spencer; collets,
gauges, etc.
DPN: 750
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DTD5B 0.8% C 0.5% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Wire; cold
drawn and tempered
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid numher VTS: 1550
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DTD 488 1.0% C 1.0% Mn 0.05% S 0.05% P steel: Strip;
Elon Elongation, % hardened and tempered
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' VTS: 1840 Proof: 1620
E tIC 1.2% C 0.45% Mn steel: Pompey
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2= 145.04Ihflin.2= I MPa ECLIPSECHD 1.0% C steel: Origin unknown
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and convmion tables. En42D 0.85% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation
used in BS 970; ohsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
En 44 1% C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation LC 110 1.1 % C steel: Hardened and tempered; water
used in BS 970 quenched; Low Moor; obsolete
En 44A 1.1 % C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation DPN: 800
used in BS 970 LC 120 1.2% C steel: Hardened and tempered; water
En 44C 1.1 % C 0.05% Sand P steel: For springs; designation quenched; Low Moor; obsolete
used in BS 970 DPN: 800
EXTRA 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown LC 140 1.4% C steel: Hardened and tempered; water
FAGERSTA 16 0.8% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Fagersta quenched; Low Moor; obsolete
FAGERSTA20 1.0% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Fagersta DPN: 800
DPN: 730 LT20 0.9% C 2.0% Mn steel: Non-shrinking tool steel; Low
FAGERSTA24 1.2% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Fagersta Moor
DPN: 800 DPN:800
FAGERSTA 1870 1.0% C 0.5% Mn steel: For springs; Fagersta MIL W8957 0.87% C 0.32% Mn 0.02% Sand P (max) steel:
FAGERSTA 1884 1.2% C 0.3% Mn steel: For springs and cutting tools; Casting; designation used by UNS
Fagersta MOTOR BRAND 1.0% C steel: Supplied as ground flat stock, Carrs
FILE 1.2% C 0.3% Mn 0.18% Si 0.05% Sand Psteel: Also MT 1.7% C 8.0% AI steel: Casting or forging for magnets;
produced with up to 3% Cr additions; Toledo Japanese alloy listed by PMA
G 10950 UNS designation for type 1095 steel MUSIC WIRE 1% C steel: Cold drawn; common name; also piano
GAUGE STEEL 1.0% C steel: Hardened and ground; general trade wire
term No.1 HARDENITE 1.0% C steel: For tools; origin unknown
GENUINE STUBS 1.1 % C 0.35% Mn 0.2% Si 0.045% Sand P steel: For No.2 HARDENITE 0.9% C tool steel: Origin unknown
BS 1407; Peter Stubs No.3 HARDENITE 0.9% C tool steel: Origin unknown
GOST 1050/85 0.85% C 0.65% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For No. 9 TEMPER 0.9% C 0.2% Mn steel: Reamers and dies; ESC
structures; Russian Standard DPN: 750
GOST 2052/60 S2 0.61 % C 0.85% Mn 0.4% Ni (max) 0.3% Cr (max) No. 10 TEMPER 1.0% C 0.2% Mn steel: Hand chisels, axes, etc.; ESC
0.04% Sand P (max) 0.25% Cu (max) steel: For DPN: 750
springs; Russian Standard No. 11 SPECIAL 1.05% C 0.2% Mn steel: Carpenter
GOST 2052/85 0.85% C 0.65% Mn 0.13% Cr and Ni (max) 0.04% No. 11 TEMPER 1.1% C 0.2% Mn steel: Knives, reamers, etc.; ESC
Sand P (max) 0.25% Cu (max) steel: For springs; DPN: 750
Russian Standard No. 12 TEMPER 1.2% C 0.2% Mn steel: Woodmaking tools, razors,
GRAPH AI 1.5% C 0.3% Mn 0.2% Si 0.15% AI stcel: Free etc.; ESC
graphite; Timken; mandrels, dies, etc. DPN: 750
DPN:850 No. 14 TEMPER 1.4% C 0.2% Mn steel: Razors and surgical
GREEN LABEL 1.2% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Carpenter; for drill rod instruments; ESC
GREEN LABEL 0.8% C 0.25% Mn tool steel: Huntsman DPN: 750
DPN: 650 NOLL SPECIAL 1.05% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: As AISI WI;
GS6 0.9% C 2% Mn steel: Cutting tools; Osborn; obsolete Carpenter
H9DOUBLE 0.9% C 0.4% Mn 0.4% Si steel: Carpenter for AISI NONYAR 0.92% C 1.75% Mn steel: Firth Brown
HEADER type WI NSS 3 1% C 2% Mn steel: Press tools, jig brushes, etc.;
HECLA 34 1.0% C 0.6% Mn steel: Hadfield for BS alloys En 44B, Balfour
C, D and E DPN:660
HMI 0.9% C 1.6% Mn tool steel: Origin unknown OTTOWA 0.8% C 0.2% Mn 0.15% Si 0.08% Sand P steel: Tube;
HYFORM 1.0% C steel: Origin unknown Atlas; for hollow rock drills
ICS 1.0% C steel: Origin unknown PI 10.1 % C steel: For moulds; designation used by AISI
INMALLOY 0.6% C 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Inman; shock PIANO WIRE 1% C steel: Cold drawn; common name; also music
resistant wire
lSI 0.45% C 1.25% Cr 2% Wstcel: Inman; shock resistant QQW428 High carbon steel: Wire for springs; US Federal
JEM No.1 1.4% C steel: Jonas specification
JEMNo.2 1.2% C steel: Jonas QQW432 Carbon steel: Wire; US Federal specification
JEMNo.3 1.1 % C steel: Jonas QQW470 0.85% C 0.4% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: Wire;
JEMNo.4 0.9% C steel: Jonas US Federal specification; cold drawn; music wire
JIS G4801 54P3 0.82% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: For UTS: 2280
springs; Japanese Standard RCS 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown
JIS G4801 84P4 1.0% C 0.45% Mn 0.035% Sand P (max) steel: RED LABEL 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si tool steel: Huntsman
Japanese Standard DPN: 750
K980 0.8% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P steel: YEW REMOUNT 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown
K985 0.86% C 0.6% Mn 0.025% Sand P steel: YEW S90 0.9% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Pompey
K990 1.05% C 0.2% Mn 0.02% Sand P steel: YEW SAE 852 0.8% C Fe: Sinter for mechanical parts; density 5900
KE 1006 1.0% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Coining dies, etc.; kglm3
Kayser Ellison SAE 855 0.8% C Fe: Sinter for mechanical parts; density 6300
DPN: 910 kglm3
KEA 108 1.0% C 0.5% Mn steel: Sanderson Kayser SAE 872 0.8% C 20% Cu Fe alloy: Sinter; density 7100 kglm3
KP9 0.86% C (min) steel: Kiveton Park SAE 1084 0.86% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
LII 1.1% C steel: Pompey rolled
Ll2 1.2% C steel: Pompey DPN: 241 UTS: 900 Elon: 10% Proof: 460
L 13 1.3% C steel: Pompey SAE 1085 0.86% C 0.9% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
LCloo 0.9% C steel: Hardened and tempered; water rolled
quenched; Low Moor; obsolete DPN: 248 UTS: 910 Elon: 10% Proof: 480
DPN: 800 SAE 1086 0.86% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot
DPN: 229 UTS: 830 Elon: 10% Proof: 440
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAEI090 0.91% C 0.8% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot STENTOR 0.9% C 1.6% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Carpenter for AISI 02
rolled STERLING 1.0% C steel: Firth Sterling
DPN: 248 VTS: 910 Elon: 10% Proof: 480 STUBS 1.1% C 0.35% Mn 0.2% Si 0.45% Sand P steel: As
SAE 1095 0.95% C 0.4% Mn 0.05% S 0.04% P steel: Bar; hot rolled; supplied centreless ground; Peter Stubs
rolled DPN: 220 UTS: 760 Elon: 32% Proof: 580
DPN: 248 VTS: 900 Elon: 10% Proof: 460 T13 0.9% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Jessop
SAE W1U8 0.8% C tool steel TI4 1% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Jessop
SAE WlO9 0.9% C tool steel TI5 1.15% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Jessop
SAE WllO 1.0% C tool steel T16 1.3% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Jessop
SAE Wl12 1.2% C tool steel T23 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
SANBOLD 44 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Si steel: For BS alloy En 44; T24 1% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
Sanderson T25 1.15% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
SILVER STEEL 1.1% C 0.35% Mn 0.2% Si 0.04% Sand P steel: T26 1.3% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
Common name; as rolled; supplied centreless ground; T27 1.4% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Jessop
BSI407 T33 0.9% C 0.27% Mn 0.27% Si steel: Jessop
SK I 1.45% C 0.5% Mn (max) 0.2% Cr and Ni (max) steel: T34 1.0% C 0.27% Mn 0.27% Si steel: Jessop
Japanese Standards designation T35 1.15% C 0.27% Mn 0.27% Si steel: Jessop
SK2 1.2% C 0.5% Mn (max) 0.2% Cr and Ni (max) steel: T36 1.3% C 0.27% Mn 0.27% Si steel: Jessop
Japanese Standards designation T37 1.4% C 0.27% Mn 0.27% Si steel: Jessop
SK 3 1.05% C 0.5% Mn (max) 0.2% Cr and Ni (max) steel: TQUALITY 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown
Japanese Standards designation TD 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown
SK4 0.95% C 0.5% Mn (max) 0.2% Cr and Ni (max) steel: TEMPER No. 3'/2 0.9% C steel: Shear blades, knives, chisels, etc.;
Japanese Standards designation Sanderson
SK5 0.85% C 0.5% Mn (max) 0.2% Cr and Ni (max) steel: TEMPER No. 4 1.0% C steel: Knives, wood tools, chisels, etc.;
Japanese Standards designation Sanderson
SKF715 0.85% C 0.8% Mn steel: SKF TEMPER No. 4'n 1.1% C steel: Knives, chisels, wood tools, etc.;
SOD 0.9% C 1.6% Mn steel: Braebum; AISI type 02 Sanderson
SPEARMD4 1.0% C 0.2% Mn 0.2% Si 0.03% Sand P steel: TEMPER No. 5 1.2% C steel: Chisels, knives, wood tools, etc.;
Spear and Jackson; for coin dies Sanderson
SPEAR No. 2 1.0% C steel: Spear and Jackson TEMPER No. 5'n 1.3% C steel: Knives, granite drills, etc.; Sanderson
SPEAR No.3 0.85% C steel: Spear and Jackson TEMPER No. 6 1.4% C steel: Scrapers, surgical tools, etc.; Sanderson
SPRASTEEL 80 0.8% C 0.7% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Wire for TM 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown
spraying; Metco; as sprayed TMS 0.92% C 1.75% Mn steel: Firth Brown
DPN: 352 VTS: 180 TREBLE EXTRA 1.0% C steel: Origin unknown
SS 1774 0.8% C 0.6% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Swedish Standard; TREBLE EXTRA 0.7%-1.4% C range of steels: Firth Brown
included in MNC 870 U8 0.8% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max)
SS 1870 1.0% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; cold steel: Russian Standards designation
rolled; Swedish Standard U9 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max)
DPN: 620 UTS: 2000 steel: Russian Standards designation
SS 1870 1.0% C 0.45% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; cold U9A 0.9% C 0.22% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
rolled; hardened; Swedish Standard steel: Russian Standards designation
DPN: 600 UTS: 2000 UIO 1.0% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max)
SS 1870 0.95% C 0.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; steel: Russian Standards designation
annealed; Swedish Standard U lOA 1.0% C 0.22% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
DPN: 185 VTS: 630 steel: Russian Standards designation
SS 1870 0.95% C 0.5% Mn 0.03% Sand P steel: Strip; cold Ull 1.1 % C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max)
rolled; Swedish Standard steel: Russian Standards designation
DPN: 280 UTS: 850 U llA 1.1 % C 0.22% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
SS 1880 1.0% C 0.3% Mn 0.025% Sand P steel: steel: Russian Standards designation
Bar and forging; annealed; Swedish Standard U 12 1.2% C 0.25% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max)
DPN: 195 steel: Russian Standards designation
SS 1885 1.2% C 0.3% Mn steel: Annealed; Swedish Standard UI2A 1.2% C 0.22% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
DPN: 195 steel: Russian Standards designation
STA5N22A 0.8% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 42 Ul3 1.3% C0.25% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max)
STA5N22NI 0.8% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 42 steel: Russian Standards designation
STA5N22N2 0.8% C steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 42 U l3A 1.3% C 0.22% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
STA27 1.0% C steel: Free cutting; for pinions, etc. steel: Russian Standards designation
U85 0.85% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max)
steel: Russian Standards designation
UBRAND 0.7%-1.7% C range of steel: Firth Brown
UGA 0.85% C 0.52% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.15% Cr (max)
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: steel: Russian Standards designation
UHB 1.0% C steel: For springs; Uddelholm
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UHB20 1.04% C 0.25% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Uddelholm; for type
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' WI
Elon Elongation, % VEDAS 0.8%-1.2% C steel: Available in four grades depending
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' on C content; Hall and Pickles; obsolete
VEDAS 1.0% C steel: Origin unknown
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgtlmm'=0.06475 tontlin.'=145.04 Ibtlin.'=1 MPa VHRD 1.0% C tool steel: Origin unknown
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. VIZOR 0.8%-1.2% C steel: Available in four grades depending
on C content; Hall and Pickles; obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
VIZOR 1.0% Csteel: Origin unknown Y 105 1.05% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel:
WI 1.0% C steel: C varies over wide limits; designation French Standards designation
used by AISI Y 120 1.2% C 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French Standards
WI 1.0% Csteel: Osborn designation
W 110 1.0% C steel: For tools; designation used by SAE Y 120 1.2% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: French
WII2 1.2% C steel: For tools; designation used by SAE Standards designation
WLM9015 0.9% C 1.8% Mn steel: Press tools and shear blades; Y 135 1.35% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel:
WMarrison French Standards designation
DPN:720 YELLOW LABEL 0.9% C 0.03% Sand P steel: T Turton
WLMSPECIAL 0.7%-1.3% C 0.03% Sand P steel: Temper grade
varies with C content; WMarrison
WORTLE PLATE 2.5% Csteel: Used in the manufacture of wire drawing Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
dies; origin unknown
WTSI% 1.0% C 0.35% Mn 0.15% Si steel: Blanking DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
tools and shear blades; Marsh Brothers UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Elon Elongation, %
Y90 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.02% S0.03% P steel: French
Standards designation Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Y90V 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.025% Sand P (max) steel: French
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2=0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa
Standards designation
Y 105 1.05% C 0.02% Sand P (max) steel: French Standards See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
The above properties are typical of the following group, and preferentially oriented, thus improving the magnetic proper-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible ties in one direction.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be Materials in this group are almost always sheet and many
applicable. are used for specific magnetic purposes. Annealing is at a
temperature just below 1000 °C and under most conditions
requires firstly a controlled atmosphere and secondly highly
General metallurgical characteristics
controlled heating and cooling curves in order to obtain the
This is a completely ferritic material sometimes known as necessary properties. Specialist advice is essential when any
silicon iron and would be more correctly shown with the pure of these materials is thermally treated.
irons. The materials, however, are generally known as 'sil- No problems exist with welding provided normal protec-
icon steels' and are conveniently listed here. tion is taken although with the higher silicon materials
There is insufficient carbon present for any thermal har- specialist advice should be sought.
dening, but the silicon gives some increase in strength with a Low silicon does not give any corrosion protection and the
tendency to brittleness and causes the material to work har- materials must therefore be oiled or protected by lacquer.
den. Silicon also improves the corrosion resistance. Very Where the materials are machined there is a problem with
often Swedish iron is used to manufacture the steels listed as the abrasive properties of silicon oxide (silica), which is
this has a minimum of residual elements and is inherently low present in these materials, and tool wear will be found.
in sulphur and phosphorus. These materials are seldom machined, however.
The materials have peculiar electrical and magnetic pro- The most common use for these materials is laminations in
perties which are the reason for their existence, the only all types of transformers including those in loudspeakers.
useful form being thin sheet. This is to allow the grains to be
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
IS IS 0.05% C (max) 1.4% Si 0.1% Cu steel: Sandvik TRANSIL86 4% Si hot rolled steel: For transformers; electrical
IS 35 0.05% C (max) 0.15% Mn 3.5% Si steel: Sandvik resistivity 590 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
AMS 7711 1.5% Si steel: Sheet and strip for electrical purposes 60111
AMS 7712 2.5% Si steel: Sheet and strip for electrical purposes DPN: 255 VTS: 560 Elon: 9% Proof: 450
AMS 7714 3% Si steel: Sheet and strip for electrical purposes TRANSIL92 3.9% Si hot rolled steel: For transformers; electrical
AMS 7715 4.25% Si steel: Sheet and strip for electrical purposes resistivity 580 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
BS933/3 Si steel: Sheet for magnetic purposes; composition not 60111
part of specification DPN: 250 VTS: 560 Elon: 11 % Proof: 450
LOSIL 17 2.3% Si hot rolled dynamo steel: Electrical resistivity TRANSIL 100 3.6% Si hot rolled transformer steel: Electrical
400 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS 60111 resistivity 550 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
DPN: 175 VTS: 460 Elon: 19% Proof: 320 60111
LOSIL 17C 2.3% Si hot rolled and annealed dynamo steel: DPN: 235 VTS: 560 Elon: 13% Proof: 420
Electrical resistivity 400 microhm mm; Steel Co. of TRANSIL 107 3.4% Si hot rolled transformer steel: Electrical
Wales resistivity 520 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
DPN: 175 VTS: 460 Elon: 22% Proof: 320 60111
LOSIL 19 1.7% Si hot rolled dynamo steel: Electrical resistivity DPN: 225 VTS: 540 Elon: 14% Proof: 400
330 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales TRANSIL 115 3.2% Si hot rolled transformer steel: Electrical
DPN: 150 VTS: 420 Elon: 21 % Proof: 270 resistivity 500 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
LOSIL 19C 1.7% Si hot rolled and annealed dynamo steel: 60111
Electrical resistivity 330 microhm mm; Steel Co. of DPN: 215 UTS: 530 EIon: 15% Proof: 390
Wales UNISIL46 3.1 % Si cold reduced steel: For transformers; electrical
DPN: 150 VTS: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 270 resistivity 480 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
LOSIL22 1.3% Si hot rolled dynamo steel: Electrical resistivity 601111
280 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS 60111 DPN: 165 VTS: 360 Elon: 13% Proof: 300
DPN: 130 VTS: 390 Elon: 22% Proof: 240 UNISIL51 3.1 % Si cold reduced steel: For transformers; electrical
LOSIL22C 1.3% Si hot rolled and annealed dynamo steel: resistivity 480 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
Electrical resistivity 220 microhm mm; Steel Co. of 601/11
Wales DPN: 165 VTS: 360 Elon: 13% Proof: 300
DPN: 105 VTS: 340 Elon: 28% Proof: 200 UNISIL56 3.1 % Si cold reduced steel: For transformers; electrical
LOSIL25 0.4% Si hot rolled dynamo steel: Electrical resistivity resistivity 480 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
170 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS 60111 601111
DPN: 90 VTS: 320 Elon: 25% Proof: 170 DPN: 165 UTS: 360 Elon: 13% Proof: 300
LOSIL25C 0.4% Si hot rolled and annealed dynamo steel: UNISIL62 3.1 % Si cold reduced steel: For transformers; electrical
Electrical resistivity 170 microhm mm; Steel Co. of resistivity 480 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
Wales 601111
DPN: 90 VTS: 320 Elon: 31 % Proof: 170 DPN: 165 VTS: 360 Elon: 13% Proof: 300
M6W Low C Si steel: Strip; grain oriented; Armco
M7W Low C Si steel: Strip; grain oriented; Armco
M7X Low C Si steel: Strip; grain oriented; Armco
M8X Low C Si steel: Strip; grain oriented; Armco
SILICON CORE 0.03% C 0.15% Mn 1% Si Fe alloy: Carpenter
SILICON CORE 0.03% C 2.5% Si Fe alloy: Carpenter; for magnetic
IRONB purposes
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SILICON CORE 0.03% C 4% Si Fe alloy: Carpenter; for magnetic
IRONC purposes
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
TRANSIL 74 4.2% Si hot rolled steel: For transformers; electrical
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
resistivity 620 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 265 UTS: S60 Elon: 4% Proof: 460
TRANSIL80 4.1 % Si hot rolled steel: For transformers; electrical
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbf/in. 2=1 MPa
resistivity 610 microhm mm; Steel Co. of Wales; BS
60111 See Appendix If for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 260 VTS: 560 Elon: 6% Proof: 460
4482 Steel - medium carbon with silicon
Specific gravity 7.86
Density 7860 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 1460-1500 °C
Thermal conductivity 41.9 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 10 X 1O-6/ oc
Electrical conductivity 10% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 250 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity
Impact 40 J
Fatigue strength
Hot strength
The above properties are typical of the following group, and dom used as the sole alloying element, generally being pre-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible sent with chromium and very often vanadium.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be When thermal treatments are required such as hardening,
applicable. normalizing or annealing, then temperatures very little
below 1000 °C are required.
These steels tend to de-carburize very readily and thus
General metallurgical characteristics
care must be taken to use controlled atmospheres, salt baths
Silicon raises the temperatures required for all thermal treat- or machining following thermal treatment.
ments and is a graphite former, thus reducing the carbon Prior to any welding or brazing it is strongly advised that
available for hardening and aiding de-carburization. Practi- technical advice is obtained.
cally without exception all steels have some silicon added as The increase in corrosion resistance given by the silicon
it is a very efficient and cheap de-oxidizer, the product of content of these steels is not sufficient to allow them to be
which has little effect on ductility if trapped in the steel. classified as stainless but, provided they are lightly oiled or
When less than 0.5% silicon is present it is not classified as greased, satisfactory results are generally obtained.
an alloying element as it has no appreciable effect on the Use of these steels is confined generally to low duty springs
mechanical properties. Above this figure there is some of the leaf type and some tool steels.
increase in corrosion resistance and fatigue strength It must be appreciated that tramp elements such as chro-
although not to such a marked degree as with other alloying mium, vanadium and molybdenum will dramatically
elements. increase the hardenability, and where any critical compo-
There is a process analogous to carburizing which absorbs nents are used, test certificates should be obtained to ensure
silicon into the steel surface, converting all the carbon to that these elements are at an acceptable level.
graphite and giving a high silicon layer which has excellent The majority of high silicon steels have other elements
resistance to many acids. such as chromium, molybdenum or vanadium added as part
The silicon steels all have fairly good fatigue strength with of the specification and thus appear in the 44K series of
the very great advantage that notches for any reason have a steels.
minimum effect on reducing this fatigue strength. It is sel-
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AISI9250 0.5% C 2% Si steel: Obsolete SILF 0.4% C 2.2% Cr 3.9% Si steel: For valves; origin
AISI9255 0.55% C 2.0% Si steel unknown
AISI9260 0.6% C 2.0% Si steel
ASTMA59 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 2% Si steel: Bars for springs;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
obsolete; see A552
CRDSILICO 0.55% C 2% Si 0.8% Mn steel: Shear blades; C Denton
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: S40
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
S4 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 2.0% Si steel: Designation used by
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
SAE 9250 0.5% C 2% Si steel: Obsolete
SAE 9255 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 2% Si steel: Mechanical properties
! N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04 Ibf/in.2=! MPa
not speeified
SAE 9260 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 2% Si steel: Mechanical properties See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
not speeified
44C Steel - low and medium carbon with boron
Specific gravity 7.86
Density 7860 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 1490-1520°C
Thermal conductivity 50.2 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 11 x 1O- 6/ oc
Electrical conductivity 8-10% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 180-250 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity 90 x 109 N/m 2
Impact 54 J
Fatigue strength (no. of cycles)
Hot strength
100 420 34
200 450 27
300 470 23
400 370 37
500 300 38
600 200 48
700 100 56
800 60 65
900 35 75
The properties above are typical of the following group and The presence of this alloying element is often not noticed
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible or is ignored because of the very small amounts present in
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be steel. Boron has an influence on the metallurgy of steel much
applicable. greater than might be expected from the very low percen-
tages of boron which are normally present. It is generally
present at less than 0.01 % and very often in the region of
General metallurgical characteristics 0.001 % and still has some influence on the hardenability.
Boron in very small amounts has a startling affect on the Boron has no appreciable affect on the critical change
hardenability of steel. For example low carbon sheet ma- points for thermal treatment. These steels are therefore
terial which would not air harden in plain carbon steel will be thermally treated at the same temperature as if no boron
fully air hardenable with the addition of 0.0015% boron. were present.
Similar differences are found with thicker sections which can The steels are generally specified where welding is being
be successfully oil hardened where previously water quench- carried out and controlled hardenability in the weld is neces-
ing only achieved a degree of surface hardening. Boron also sary. These steels can be welded using all the normal produc-
enhances the hardenability of other alloying elements and, in tion welding techniques.
the United States of America at least, the element is being Very often the heat input is carefully controlled to give the
used as a very economical substitute for some of the more desired degree of hardenability. These steels are quite com-
expensive elements. monly tempered following welding to obtain the necessary
Larger quantities of boron result in brittle, unworkable ductility in the heat affected zone.
steels. Boron is found where high quality welding is required on
The beneficial effects of boron are only apparent with low sheet metal compon.ents. Welded structures such as pipes,
and medium carbon steels, there being no real increase in much of the canware on aircraft engines, and other high duty
hardenability above 0.6% carbon. There are no steels components have controlled quantities of boron.
recorded with boron as the sole alloying element but it is The majority of boron steels have molybdenum present
found in conjunction with vanadium, molybdenum and chro- and very often other alloying elements. They will therefore,
mium. There is no improvement in corrosion resistance but be found in Sections 44G1 and 44Kl.
the reduction of alloying elements often improves the When boron is present in greater quantities it can act as a
machinability. fluxing agent but this will not be found with low carbon
The weldability of boron steels is one of the principal steels.
reasons for their use in this country at present.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
15 B 21 0.2% C 1% Mn steel: With B; designation used in the 170H 41 0.41% C 1% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970
UK and USA 173 H 16 0.16% C 1.2% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970
15 B 35 0.35% C 1% Mn steel: With B; designation used in the 174 H 20 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970
UK and USA 175 H 23 0.23% C 1.4% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970
15 B 37 0.37% C 1.2% Mn steel: With B; designation used in 185 H 40 0.4% C 0.25% Cr 0.12% Mo 0.003% B steel: BS 970
the UK and USA
15 B41 0.41% C 1.5% Mn steel: With B; designation used in Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
the UK and USA
15 B48 0.48% C 1.2% Mn steel: With B; designation used in
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
the UK and USA
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
15 B 62 0.6% C 1.2% Mn steel: With B; designation used in the
Elon Elongation, %
UK and USA
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
170H 15 0.15% C 1% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970
170 H 20 0.2% C 1% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970 1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonfJin 2 =145.04 ibfJin.'=1 MPa
170 H 36 0.36% C 1% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970
170H 41 0.41% C 1% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970 See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
170 H 36 0.36% C 1% Mn 0.003% B steel: BS 970
The above properties are typical of the following group, and limited amount of cold work with a resultant drop in ductil-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible ity. This property is very often used to advantage but where it
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be is a disadvantage then annealing will be required. This will be
applicable. at a temperature in the region of 750 0c.
The low manganese steels can accept thermal treatment in
the normal manner with manganese lowering the critical
General metallurgical characteristics temperatures. Welding should not be attempted with these
Manganese is present in almost all steels but is not acknow- materials without obtaining technical advice.
ledged as an alloying element unless present above approxi- The properties of steels with manganese content above
mately 2%. It is essentially a de-oxidizer and desulphurizer approximately 15% cannot be improved by thermal treat-
which is popular because any manganese oxide or sulphide ments. These steels will be non-magnetic.
trapped in the steel instead of the slag is more ductile than Because of their tendency to cold work the materials in the
the steel itself. This means that all hot and cold working group can be difficult to machine. As with other materials of
operations can take place without refractory oxides or sul- this type it is essential that the cutting tool stays below the
phides tearing cavities in the more ductile steel. surface and that rubbing does not occur.
Manganese also lowers the critical thermal treatment tem- The materials in this group are plain carbon manganese
peratures. With more than about 15% manganese the critical steels and are used for chisels, picks, low cost drills, taps,
thermal treatment temperature is below room temperature, etc., and occasionally shear blades and for other duties
thus forming an austenitic, non-thermally-treatable steel. where cold working improves the mechanical strength. Items
Manganese also strengthens steel and this is particularly such as rail crossings subjected to considerable wear are
the case with higher carbon steels where 2-5% manganese commonly made from these steels. It must always be noted
gives a steel which is toughened and hardened by cold work. that, as the mechanical strength increases, the ductility
The presence of silicon aids this toughening process. becomes less; thus these steels will not accept impact.
The steels in this group are very prone to cold working. Other manganese steels of a more complex nature will be
That is, their mechanical properties are increased by a found in Section 44P.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.3401 1.2% C 12.5% Mn steel: German Standard HARDTRODE 86.08 1.l0% C 13.0% Mn steel: For electrodes; Esab
1.3402 l.l % C 14.0% Mn 0.4% Si steel: German Standard IMPERIAL 1.15% C 12.5% Mn steel: Chisels; Edgar Allen
1.3405 0.9% C 17.5% Mn 0.8% Si steel: German Standard MANGANESE
1.3802 1.2% C 12.5% Mn steel: German Standard JS 14 1.2% C 11.0% Mn steel: Casting; Jopling; for wear
13 Mn R 0.9% C 13.0% Mn steel: Electrode; Metrode; for hard resistance
facing; work hardens from 200 to 500 DPN DPN: 230
17 Mn MoR 0.9% C 17.0% Mn 1.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode; MANG 18 1.5% C 17.5% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; Code
for hard facing; work hardens from 200 to 500 DPN 633
ABRADURMI4 1.2% C 13% Mn 0.35% Si steel: Pompey; wear NN3 l.l % C 13% Mn steel: Bofors
resistant; annealed ORDMn5 l.l % C 12% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; Code 631
DPN: 200 VTS: 1070 Elon: 55% Proof: 360 RED DIAMOND 0.45% C 1.75% Mn steel: Plate for wear; Redheugh
ABRADUR MI4N 1.2% C 13.5% Mn 2.7% Ni 0.7% Si steel: Pompey; DPN: 270 VTS: 940 Elon: 15% Proof: 550
wear resistant SS 2183 1.2% C 12.5% Mn steel: Casting; Swedish Standard
AM 1.25% Mn austenitic steel: Casting; Wokingham TITAN 1.2% C 13% Mn steel: Chisel steel; Osborn
DPN: 229 DPN: 210 VTS: 940 Elon: 50% Proof: 340
ASTMAI28A 1.2% C 11.0% Mn steel: Casting TITAN 1.2% C 13.0% Mn steel: Cold work; Osborn
ASTM A128 BI 1.0% C 12.5% Mn steel: Casting MANGANESE
ASTM A128B2 l.l % C 12.5% Mn steel: Casting TRM45 0.4% C 15% Mn 5% Ni steel: Colt Ind.; hot rolled
ASTM AI28 B3 1.2% C 12.5% Mn steel: Casting DPN: 171 VTS: 830 Elon: 70% Proof: 260
ASTM AI28B4 1.28% C 12.5% Mn steel: Casting TUBROD 15.60 1.0% C 13% Mn steel: Tubular weld rod; Esab; for
ASTM AI28C 1.2% C 12.5% Mn 2.0% Cr steel: Casting wear resistance; cold worked
ASTM AI28D 1.0% C 12.5% Mn 1.0% Mo steel: Casting DPN: 520
ASTM AI28EI 1.0% C 12.5% Mn 1.0% Mo steel: Casting TUMBLERS 1% C 12% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; Code 634
ASTM A128 E2 1.2% C 12.5% Mn 2.0% Mo stcel: Casting VSMANG 1.15% C 12% Mn 0.3% Si steel: Cold working steel;
AURIGA X 1.2% C 12% Mn steel: Casting; D Brown; austenitic; Vulcan
cold working DPN: 200
AURIGA XI 0.8% C 12% Mn 3.5% Ni steel: Casting; D Brown; X 90Mn 18 0.9% C 17.5% Mn 0.8% Si steel: Designation used by
normalized; austenitic; cold working German Standards
AURIGA XII 1.2% C 12% Mn 1.7% Cr steel: Casting; D Brown; X 110 Mn 14 1.1% C 14.0% Mn 0.45% Si steel: Designation used by
austenitic; cold working German Standards
BS 1457 1.2% C 11.0% Mn steel: Casting; annealed; contained X 120 Mn 12 1.2% C 12.5% Mn steel: Designation used by German
in BS 3100 Standards
CODE 630 1.3% C 14% Mn 1.6% Cr steel: Casting; Edgar Allen;
CODE 631 1.1 % C 12% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; 'Ord Mn
CODE 633 1.5% C 17.5% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; 'Mang Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
CODE 634 1% C 12% Mn steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; 'Tumblers' DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
CRUCIBLE 13% Mn 1.2% C 13.0% Mn 0.2% Si steel: Annealed; Crucible UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
Steel Elon Elongation, %
DPN: ISO VTS: 940 Elon: 55% Proof: 360 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Cr·X 120 Mn 12 1.2% C 12.5% Mn steel: German Standard
DURALOY 1.3% C 14% Mn 1.6% Cr steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; 1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.lOZ kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa
Code 630
13% Mn steel: Casting; annealed; Firth Brown See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 220
44E1 Steel - low carbon with chromium
0.1-0.35% carbon, up to 9% chromium
Specific gravity 7.84
Density 7840 kglm 3
Solidus/liquidus 1470--1510 °C
Thermal conductivity 50.2 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 11 x 1O- 6/ oc
Electrical conductivity 8--10% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 180--250 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity
Impact 40--60 J (can be much lower)
Fatigue strength (no. of cycles)
Hot strength
200 480 38
425 400 36
480 340 38
625 210 55
The above properties are typical of the following group, and tions. These improve the corrosion resistance and reportedly
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible help the adhesion of paint.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be Larger quantities of chromium are present in all stainless
applicable. steels which are described in Sections 44M and 44N.
Most steels in this group will cold work more readily than
plain carbon steels and thus will require inter-stage anneal-
ing on many occasions. This will be at a temperature in the
General metallurgical characteristics
region of 850°C.
Chromium forms stable carbides with available carbon, the Chromium raises the critical temperatures for thermal
carbon combining with chromium in preference to iron. treatment and increases the hardenability by quite a marked
These carbides are harder than iron carbide and more slug- degree. Chromium steels are susceptible to the problem of
gish in their metallurgical reactions; thus a longer time at 'temper brittleness' and should never be tempered or heated
temperature is necessary to allow solution to take place and at a temperature between approximately 300 and 600 0c.
the quenching rate can be slower. Within this temperature range carbide precipitation takes
As they are inherently harder the unhardened steel is place at the grain boundary with resultant brittleness.
harder than an equivalent plain carbon steel. Chromium in These steels should not be welded without particular care
fact is the most efficient of the common hardening elements. and advice is essential. The steels have an appreciable
Chromium also imparts corrosion resistance as any chro- amount of hardenability and in addition to this there is the
mium at the steel surface becomes oxidized and this problem of temper brittleness.
improves the resistance to rusting. Unlike rust it is a stable The carbon equivalent (CE) should always be identified.
very adherent oxide which inhibits further oxidation. Corro- The formula is
sion resistance is proportional to the chromium content but
none of the steels listed can be classed as stainless or corro- CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu
sion resistant although they do not rust as readily as plain 6 5 15
carbon steel. A figure above 0.7% indicates that problems may exist.
Being a carbide former, chromium aids carburization and The lower chromiuJr. steels are used for pressure vessels,
some of the lower carbon steels listed were developed for structural steels, and low duty engineering purposes. In
carburizing steels. The case formed tends to be brittle, and as general, however, chromium carbon steels have been
the core is relatively soft these steels should not be used for replaced by alloy steels where nickel and molybdenum are
high duty purposes. present along with the chromium.
Many chrome steels become brittle and notch sensitive at The higher chromium steels are often used for plastic
sub-zero temperatures. moulds and dies and for some fixtures where they are used
Some of the steels have small amounts of copper addi- under controlled conditions and no impact is involved.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.7033 0.33% C 1.0% Cr steel: German Standard 21 Mn Cr 5 0.2% C 1.2% Cr steel: For tools; German Standards
1.0345 0.16% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard designation
1.0408 0.25% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard 30MnCrTi4 0.3% C l.l % Mn 0.9% Cr 0.25% Ti steel: Designation
1.0425 0.2% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard used by DIN
1.0435 0.22% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard 34CrAI6 0.33% C 0.8% Mn 1.4% Cr 1.0% AI steel: Designation
1.0445 0.26% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard used by DIN
1.0501 0.36% C 0.5% Cr steel: German Standard 523 AI4 0.14% C 0.45% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
1.0844 0.17% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: For boiler plate; 523 MI5 0.15% C 0.45% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS 970
German Standard 527 A17 0.17% C 0.85% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS 970
1.0845 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Boiler plate; German 527 MI7 0.17% C 0.85% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS 970
Standard 527 M20 0.2% C 0.75% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
1.0916 0.17% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: For boiler plate; 530 A30 0.3% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
German Standard 530 A32 0.32% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
1.0935 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Boiler plate; German 530 A36 0.36% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
Standard 530 A40 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
1.2162 0.21 % C 1.2% Cr tool steel: German Standards 530 H30 0.3% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
designation 530 H32 0.32% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
1.4712 0.12% C (max) 6.0% Cr 2.2% Si steel: Heat resistant; 530 H36 0.36% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
German Standard 530 H40 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
1.4713 0.12% C (max) 6.5% Cr 0.8% AI steel: Heat resistant; 590 AI5 0.15% C 1.05% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS 970
German Standard 590 H17 0.17% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970
1.4716 0.1 % C (max) 9% Cr steel: Heat resistant; German 590 M17 0.17% C 0.95% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS 970
Standard 605 M36 0.36% C 0.27% Cr steel: BS 970
1.4903 0.1 % C (max) 8% Cr 5.5% Al steel: High thermal 608 M38 0.38% C 0.47% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
conductivity; German Standard 0708 Si AI 0.07% C 6.5% Cr 0.8% Si 0.8% AI steel: NYBY;
1.5053 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Forging; German annealed
Standard DPN: ISS VTS: 280 Elon: 20% Proof: 160
1.7015 0.15% C 0.7% Cr steel: For carburizing; German 5015 0.15% C 0.4% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK
Standard and USA
1.7033 0.35% C l.l % Cr steel: Cold drawn for bolts; German 5115 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used by
Standard AISI
1.7034 0.38% C l.l % Cr steel: German Standard 5115 0.15% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK
1.7071 0.18% C 2.4% Cr steel: For high pressure; German and USA
Standard 5117 0.17% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK
1.7083 0.1 % C 2.8% Cr steel: For high pressure; German and USA
Standard 5120 0.2% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and
1.7147 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 1.2% Cr steel: For carburizing; USA
German Standard 5130 0.3% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and
1.8401 0.3% C l.l % Mn 0.9% Cr 0.25% Ti 0.1 % AI steel: USA
Welding rod; German Standard 5132 0.32% C 0.9% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK
1.8504 0.33% C 1.4% Cr 1.0% AI steel: For nitriding; German and USA
Standard 5135 0.35% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and
1.8506 0.33% C 1.2% Cr 1.0% Al steel: For nitriding; German USA
Standard A 202 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.45% Cr steel: Plate; Armco; for
3 LC2 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.65% Cr steel: Sandvik pressure tanks
3MC2 0.15% C 1.2% Mn 1% Cr steel: Sandvik VTS: 630 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
6LMC 0.3% C 1.4% Mn 0.035% Cr steel: Sandvik ACM Cr steel: For magnets; Holzer; further information
10 Cr II 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 2.9% Cr steel: Designation used by from Permanent Magnet Association
DIN AISI5015 0.15% C 0.4% Cr steel
16Cr9 0.16% C 0.4% Mn 2.4% Cr steel: Designation used by AISI5117 0.17% C 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
DIN AISI5120 0.20% C 0.8% Cr steel
16MC5 0.16% C 0.95% Cr steel: For carburizing; AFNOR AISI5130 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.9% Cr steel
17 Mn Cr 5 0.16% C 1% Cr steel: For carburizing; German AISI5132 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.9% Cr steel
Standard AISI5135 0.35% C 0.7% Mn 0.9% Cr steel
19Mn 5 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Designation used by APS 10 0.12% C 2.0% Cr 0.9% Al steel: Pompey
DIN VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
20 Mn 5 0.2% C l.l % Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Designation used by APS IOC 0.12% C 2.5% Cr 0.4% AI steel: Pompey
DIN VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
APS20 0.12% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% Al steel: Pompey
VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
APS 20C 0.12% C 4.0% Cr 0.4% AI steel: Pompey
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
APS30 0.1 % C 6.5% Cr 1.3% AI steel: Pompey
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' ASN 151 0.22% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Cu steel: Australian
Elon Elongation, % Iron & Steel Co.; normalized
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' ASTM A202A 0.17% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.45% Cr 0.8% Si steel: For
pressure vessels
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in =1 MPa ASTM A202 B 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.8% Si steel: For
See Appcndix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. pressure vessels
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A588 Cr 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn (max) 0.7% Cr 0.4% Cu steel: DIN 17200 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.15% Cr steel: German Standard
For structures 20 Mn Cr 5
UTS: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320 DIN 17200 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.15% Cr steel: German Standard
ASTMA588D 0.15% C 0.7% Cr 0.1 % Zr steel: For structures 20MnCrS5
VTS: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320 DIN 17200 34 Cr 4 0.39% C 0.75% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: German Standard
ATLANTESHT 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.5% Cu steel: South DIN 17200 34 Cr S 4 0.34% C 0.75% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: German Standard
Durham DIN 17210 15 Cr 3 0.15% C 0.6% Cr steel: For carburizing
BS681 Carbon chromium steel: Replaced by BS 970 DIN 17210 0.16% C 1.1% Mn 1% Cr steel: For carburizing
BS968 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: Normalized 16 Mn Cr 5
VTS: 530 Elon: 23% Proof: 340 DIN 17210 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.1% Cr steel: For carburizing
BS970 See designation for details 20 Mn Cr 5
BS 1956 A 0.5% CO.7% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Casting; abrasion DIN 17470 Cr A18/50.1 % C (max) 8.0% Cr 5.5% Al steel: For conducting
resisting; normalized or hardened and tempered; heat
contained in BS 3100 DK3 0.32% C 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN: 207 VTS: 690 Elon: 10% VTS: 9SO Elon: 9% Proof: 820
BS 1956 B 0.5% CO.7% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Casting; abrasion DK3E 0.32% C 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
resisting; normalized or hardened and tempered; DK35E 0.35% C 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
contained in BS 3100 DUKTEN 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 3.5% Ni steel: German
DPN: 293 proprietor's specification
BS 3551/A 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Cr steel: For shackles; DURAPSO 0.19% C 0.4% Cr 0.4% Cu steel: Pompey
hardened and tempered DURAPS03 0.2% C 0.4% Cr 0.5% Cu steel: Pompey
DPN: 275 E401 0.2% C 1.2% Cr steel: YEW
BS SI9 Chromium steel: Forgings for valves; replaced E410 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 0.9% Cr steel: YEW
BSSII5 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Wire for forged bolts; hardened E525 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.6% Cr steel: YEW
and tempered after forging E 4111 0.17% C 1.2% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: YEW
VTS: 910 Elon: 18% Proof: 660 EFe I 0.12% C 1.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation
Bssm 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Bar and forging; hardened and used by AWS
tempered E Fe2 0.2% C 2.8% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation
DPN: 280 UTS: 910 Elon: 18% Proof: 660 used by AWS
CIK 0.12% C 0.9% Cr steel: Pompey ECNi I 0.12% C (max) 0.9% Ni steel: Weld electrode;
CIMK 0.16% C 1.2% Mn 0.9% Cr steel: Pompey designation used by AWS
VTS: 1150 Elon: 37% Proof: 770 ECNi IN 0.12% C (max) 0.9% Ni steel: Weld electrode;
C2K 0.16% C 0.9% Cr steel: Pompey designation used by AWS
UTS: 980 Elon: 8% Proof: 770 En 18A 0.3% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in BS 970;
C2MK 0.2% C 1.3% Cr steel: Pompey replaced by 530 A30
C35 0.36% C 0.5% Cr steel: German Standard En 18 B 0.32% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in BS 970;
CA30 0.34% C 1.35% Cr 0.95% AI steel: For nitriding; replaced by 530 A32
Krupp En 18C 0.36% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in BS 970;
CA30A 0.34% C 1.15% Cr 0.95% Al steel: For nitriding; replaced by 530 A36
Krupp En 206 0.15% C 0.4% Cr steel: For carburizing; designation
CBV 0.15% C 0.65% Cr 0.25% Si steel: Krupp used in BS 970; replaced by 523 AI4
CBVI 0.34% C 1.05% Cr steel: Krupp En 207 0.18% C 0.7% Cr steel: For carburizing; designation
CHROMADOR 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.3% Cu steel: Dorman used in BS 970; replaced by 527 AI9
Long Ltd; as rolled; resists corrosion EXXT8KG 0.15% C (max) 0.8% Ni steel: Weld electrode;
DPN: ISO VTS: 660 Elon: 17% Proof: 360 designation used by AWS
CMBV/h 0.2% C 1.15% Cr 0.25% Si steel: Krupp FI28 0.6% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: YEW
CMBV/w 0.16% C 0.95% Cr 0.25% Si steel: Krupp FDK3 0.33% C 0.9% Cr steel: Pompey
CONICRO 0.23% C (max) 0.95% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.4% Cu steel: VTS: 950 Elon: II % Proof: 740
Consett GOST 550 KH5 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 5.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
COR-TEN A 0.12% C (max) 1% Cr 0.49% Cu steel: Appleby; Russian Standard
Frodingham; weldable VTS: 400 Proof: 220
VTS: 570 Elon: 22% Proof: 330 GOST 4543/14 0.14% C 1.1 % Mn 0.3% Ni (max) 0.65% Cr 0.3%
COR-TEN B 0.14% C 0.5% Cr 0.06% V 0.3% Cu steel: Appleby; KHCr Cu (max) steel: Russian Standard
Frodingham GOST 4543/15 KH 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.85% Cr steel: Russian Standard
VTS: 300 Elon: 21 % Proof: 210 GOST 4543/15 KHA 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.85% Cr steel: Russian Standard
D3K 0.32% C 0.4% Cr steel: Pompey GOST 4543/15 KHR 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.85% Cr 0.0035% B steel:
DIN 165434 Cr 4 0.34% C 1.1 % Cr steel: For cold forged bolts Russian Standard
DIN 8555 EI400 Mn Cr steel: Welding electrode GOST 4543/15 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.85% Cr 0.0035% B: Russian
DIN 17110 17 Mn 4 0.17% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: For boiler plate KHRA Standard
DIN 17155 17 Mn 4 0.17% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: For boiler plate GOST 4543/18 KHG 0.18% C 1.1 % Mn 1.05% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17155 19 Mn 4 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Boiler plate GOST 4543/18 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 1.15% Cr 0.09% Ti steel: Russian
DIN 17155 H 0.2% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: For boiler plate KHGT Standard
DIN 17155 HI 0.16% C (max) 0.4% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Plate GOST 4543/20 KH 0.2% C 0.65% Mn 0.85% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17155 H lIa 0.2% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: For boiler plate GOST 4543/20 0.22% C 1.7% Mn 0.3% Ni (max) 1.1% Cr 0.3%
DIN 17155 H 111 0.22% C 0.3% Cr steel: Seamless tube KHG2C Cu (max) 0.1 % Zr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17200 15 Cr 3 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.55% Cr steel: German Standard GOST 4543/20 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17200 0.16% C 1.15% Mn 0.9% Cr steel: German Standard KHGR
16MnCr5 GOST 4543/20 0.2% C 0.95% Mn 0.95% Cr stcel: Russian Standard
DIN 17200 0.16% C 1.15% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: German Standard KHGSA
16 Mn Cr S 5 GOST 4543/25 0.25% C 0.95% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST 4543/30 KH 0.3% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard KF30A 0.18% C 0.7% Cr steel: Case hardening; Kirkstall for
GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.95% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard BS alloy En 207
KHGS LS55 0.12% C 6% Cr 0.55% Mo: Low Moor; obsolete
GOST 4543/30 0.28% C 0.95% Mn 1.15% Cr steel: Russian Standard DPN: 220 urs: 480 Elon: 23% Proof: 400
KHGT MIOO 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.1 % Cr steel: YEW
GOST 4543/33 KHS 0.33% C 0.45% Mn 1.45% Cr steel: Russian Standard MAFERITE6 C not quoted 6% Cr steel: Pompey
GOST 4543/35 KH 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard DPN: 200
GOST 4543/35 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard MAFERITE8 C not quoted 8% Cr steel: Pompey
GOST 5632 KH5 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 5.25% Cr steel: Plate; MANOIR APSIO 0.12% C 2.0% Cr 0.65% AI steel: Pompey; normalized
Russian Standard; annealed UTS: 550 Elon: 14% Proof: 340
UTS: 400 Proof: 170 MANOIR APS20 0.12% C 4.0% Cr 0.65% Al steel: Pompey; normalized
GOST 5632 KH5 0.15% C (max) 5.2% Cr steel: Russian Standard UTS: 550 Elon: 14% Proof: 340
GOST 5632 KH6 SI4 0.15% C (max) 6.2% Cr 0.9% Al steel: Russian MANOIR APS25 0.12% C 0.9% Ni 4.0% Cr 0.9% AI steel: Pompey;
Standard normalized
GOST 8731120 KH 0.2% C 0.65% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.85% Cr steel: UTS: 870 Elon: 8% Proof: 670
Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless MANOIR APS30 0.12% C 7.0% Cr 1.0% Si 1.5% Al steel: Pompey;
UTS: 440 normalized
GOST 8733/15 KH 0.16% C 0.95% Mn 0.85% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian UTS: 600 Elon: 10% Proof: 300
Standard; seamless MIL S12505.4 0.14% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.1% Zr steel:
UTS: 420 Bethlehem
GOST 8733120 KH 0.2% C 0.65% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.85% Cr steel: MnCr 0.17% C 0.3% Cr steel: Pompey
Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless NF A35 551116MC5 0.16% C 1.15% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: French Standard
UTS: 440 NF A35 551120MCS 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.15% Cr steel: French Standard
GOST 12132/15 KH 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.85% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian NF A35 551/32C 0.32% C 0.75% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: French Standard
Standard; welded P5 0.1 % C 2.25% Cr steel: Designation used by AISI
UTS: 420 PLMN2 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 1% Cr steel: For case hardening;
GOST 12132/30 0.3% C 0.95% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.95% Cr steel: ESC for plastic moulds
KHGSA Pipe; Russian Standard; welded PM 12 0.18% C 1.2% Mn 0.15% Cr steel: Pompey
UTS: 500 PS58 0.18% C 0.55% Cr steel: SAE; potential specification
HI60 0.12% C (max) 6.8% Cr 0.75% Al steel: YEW; heat PS 59 0.2% C 0.8% Cr steel: SAE; potential specification
resistant PS61 0.25% C 0.8% Cr steel: SAE; potential specification
HARDTRODE 83.28 0.10% C 0.750% Mn 3.50% Cr steel: For electrodes; PS63 0.34% C 0.55% Cr 0.0004% B steel: SAE; potential
Esab specification
DPN: 320 PS64 0.18% C 0.8% Cr steel: SAE; potential specification
HECLA 207 0.18% C 0.7% Mn 0.7% Cr steel: Case hardening; PS65 0.23% C 0.8% Cr steel: SAE; potential specification
Hadfields for BS alloy En 207 SAE 5015 0.15% C 0.4% Cr steel
HECLA 260 0.15% C 0.4% Mn 0.4% Cr steel: Case hardening; SAE5115 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical
Hadfields for BS alloy En 206 properties not specified
HEDEX25 0.18% C 0.7% Cr steel: Wire for forging; Kiveton Park SAE 5117 0.17% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical
for BS alloy En 207 properties not specified
HSCR 0.12% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.4% Cu steel: SAE 5120 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical properties
Patent Shop Steel Co. not specified
HT2 0.09% C 0.35% Mn 5% Cr 2% Si steel: Sandvik SAE 5130 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.9% Cr steel: Mechanical properties
HTS 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Cu steel: not specified
Patent Shop Steel Co. SAE 5132 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 0.9% Cr steel: Mechanical
HYPLUS I 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr 1.6% properties not specified
Mn + Cr (max) steel: Appleby-Frodingham SAE 5135 0.35% C 0.7% Mn 0.9% Cr steel: Mechanical
IDROTUB 52 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Italian properties not specified
proprietor's specification SAMSON EXTRA 0.1% C 2.3% Cr steel: Carpenter; for AISI type P5
JIS G4I06 S Cr 2 0.3% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: Japanese Standard For SIS specifications see SS
JIS G4I06 S Cr 3 0.35% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: Japanese Standard SKF 234 0.16% C 0.95% Cr steel: For carburizing; SKF
JIS G4I06 S Cr 21 0.15% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: Japanese Standard SOUDER GA 250 0.3% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Ti steel: Welding electrode;
JIS G4I06 S Cr 22 0.22% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: Japanese Standard Soudometal; for hard surfacing
JIS G4106 S Mn C 21 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: Japanese Standard DPN: 245
KF 18 0.3% C 1% Cr steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy En 18 SOUDODER 400 0.25% C 2.7% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
KF 18 A 0.32% C 1% Cr steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy En 18 Soudometal; for build up of rollers, etc.
KF 18 B 0.37% C 1% Cr steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy En 18 DPN:400
SOUDOKAY 242.0 0.14% C 2.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
DPN: 400
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SOUDOKAY 252.0 0.2% C 1.8% Mn 3.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 470
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 SS 1225 0.08% C 0.1 % Cr 0.2% Cu 0.009% Nsteel: For chains;
Elon Elongation, % Swedish Standard; normalized
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 340 Elon: 30%
SS 1232 0.13% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.3% Cu steel: Swedish
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
Standard; for pressure vessels
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 370 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nomi'lal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 1232E 0.13% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.3% Cu steel: Swedish SS 2103E 0.15% C 1.3% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.3% Cu steel: Swedish
Standard; for pressure vessels Standard; for pressure vessels; normalized
UTS: 390 Elon: 18% Proof: 290 VTS: 550 Elon: 21 % Proof: 300
SS 1233 0.17% C 0.2% Cr 0.3% Cu 0.009% N steel: Bar; SS 2108 0.2% C 1.4% Mn 0.1 % Cr 0.2% Cu 0.009% N steel:
Swedish Standard; as rolled For chains; Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered
VTS: 370 Elon: 25% DPN: 180 VTS: 660 Elon: 18%
SS 1234 0.17% C 0.2% Cr 0.3% Cu 0.009% N steel: Bar; SS 2127 0.16% C 1% Cr steel: For carburizing; Swedish
Swedish Standard; as rolled Standard
VTS: 370 Elon: 25% SS 2130 0.27% C 0.2% Cr 0.002% B steel: Swedish Standard
SS 1306 0.18% C (max) 1% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.3% Cu steel: SS 2131 0.27% C 0.4% Cr 0.002% B steel: Swedish Standard
Swedish Standard; annealed SS 2172 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N
UTS: 390 Elon: 25% Proof: 210 structural steel: Swedish Standard; as rolled
SS 1330 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N steel: UTS: 530 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized SS2173 0.14% C 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N
UTS: 390 Elon: 26% Proof: 220 structural steel: Swedish Standard; normalized
SS 1330E 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.3% Cu steel: Swedish UTS: 530 Elon: I~% Proof: 320
Standard; for pressure vessels SS 2174 0.14% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% Cr 0.3% Cu 0.009% N
VTS: 420 Elon: 26% Proof: 210 structural steel: Swedish Standard; normalized
SS 1331 0.11% C 0.7% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N steel: UTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 320
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized STUBS 710 C Cr steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; for hard facing
VTS: 390 EIon: 26% Proof: 220 DPN: 650
SS 1332 0.1% CO.7% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N steel: STUBS 711 C Cr Si steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; for hard facing
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized DPN:600
VTS: 390 Elon: 26% Proof: 220 T91 0.1 % C 8.7% Cr 1% Mo 0.08% Nb steel: US
SS 1411 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.4% Cu structural steel: designation
Swedish Standard; as rolled THIRTY OAK 0.22% C 1.0% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% Si 1.6% Mn +
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 Cr (max) steel: Round Oak Steel; weldable; may have
SS 1430 0.15% C 0.9% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu·0.009% N steel: 0:5%Cu
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized UTS: 630 Elon: 17% Proof: 450
UTS: 450 Elon: 24% Proof: 240 THIRTY OAK I 0.22% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.08% Nb steel:
SS 1430E 0.18% C 0.7% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.30% Cu (max) steel: Round Oak Steel
Swedish Standard; for pressure vessels THIRTYOAK2 0.22% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.08% Nb steel:
VTS: 470 Elon: 24% Proof: 260 Round Oak Steel
SS 1431 0.12% C 1% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N steel: TUBROD 15.40 0.09% C 2.0% Mn 3.8% Cr steel: Tubular welding rod;
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized Esab; for use with submerged arc; properties vary with
VTS: 450 Elon: 24% Proof: 240 flux chased; as welded
SS 1432 0.12% C 1% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N steel: DPN: 380
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized WLM4060 0.3% C 1% Cr steel: @-900N/m' tensile; W
VTS: 450 Elon: 24% Proof: 240 Marrison; analysis varies over wide range
SS 1432E 0.14% C 1.1 % Mn 0.25% Cr (max) 0.3% Cu steel: X7AL 0.12% C (max) 7% Cr 0.75% AI steel: Valbruna
Swedish Standard; for pressure vessels X8Cr9 0.1% C (max) 1.5% Mn 9.0% Cr 1.5% Si steel:
VTS: 470 Elon: 24% Proof: 250 Designation used by German Standards
SS 1434 0.22% C (max) 0.2% Cr 0.3% Cu 0.009% Nsteel: For X 10 Cr AI7 0.12% C (max) 6.5% Cr 0.7% AI steel: Designation
pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; hot rolled used by German Standards
DPN: ISO VTS: 450 Elon: 26% Proof: 240 X IOCrSi6 0.12% C (max) 6.0% Cr 2.2% Si steel: Designation
SS 1435 0.22% C (max) 0.2% Cr 0.3% Cu 0.009% N steel: For used by German Standards
pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; hot rolled
UTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 240
SS 1435E 0.22% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) 0.30% Cu (max)
steel: Swedish Standard; for pressure vessels
VTS: 500 Elon: 21 % Proof: 260
SS 2101 0.18% C 1% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% Nsteel:
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized
VTS: 510 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SS 210IE 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.25% Cr (max) 0.3% Cu (max)
steel: Swedish Standard; for pressure vessels DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS: 550 Elon: 21 % Proof: 300
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
SS 2102 0.14% C 1.6% Mn 0.25% CrO.4% Cu 0.009% N steel: Elon Elongation, %
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
UTS: 510 Elon: 18% Proof: 320
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475tonf/in-'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
SS 2103 0.14% C 1.6% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Cu 0.009% N steel:
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
VTS: 510 Elon: 18% Proof: 320
The above properties are typical of the following group, and The steels become brittle when subjected to compara-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible tively little cold work.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be Steels in this group require considerable skill and care in
applicable. any thermal treatments. Because of the carbon and chro-
mium content, the steels have considerable hardenability
and very little ductility. Cracking can readily occur during
General metallurgical characteristics
both the heating and cooling cycles. Chromium raises the
Chromium has a twin effect on steel, the principal effect, temperature for critical thermal treatment and thus there is
with the steels listed, being to act as a carbide former. This the considerable danger of grain growth which increases the
improves the hardenability, thus allowing deeper hardening brittleness; thus quench cracking can occur.
with less drastic quenching media. The carbides slow down The defect known as 'temper brittleness' exists with these
the metallurgical reactions and retain their hardness at steels and they must not be tempered or heated for any
higher temperatures, the steels also being harder even in the appreciable time between 300 and 600 0c. This results in
annealed condition as the chromium carbides are harder precipitation of chromium carbides at grain boundaries with
than iron carbide. resultant brittleness. They should therefore be tempered
The second effect of chromium on steel is to improve the above 600 °C and quenched after tempering, or tempered
corrosion resistance. This is achieved by the formation of an below 300°C.
adherent stable oxide on the surface. There is never suffi- The steels must not be welded without obtaining compe-
cient chromium present to make the steels listed stainless or tent technical advice. The heat affected zone will be prone to
even corrosion resistant, but they have better resistance than cracking and in addition there is the danger of temper brittle-
plain carbon steels, in proportion to'the chromium present. ness in the heat affected zone and the adjacent material.
These steels are capable of a very high hardness, but like These materials are used where abrasion resistance is
many plain carbon single alloy steels with a carbide former required, but brittleness can be accepted. Thus cutting tools,
they are notch sensitive with a tendency to brittleness, parti- dies for plastic and metal forming, shear blades, knives and
cularly at low temperatures. needles are made from these steels. All these uses can be
Some of the listed steels have up to 3.0% silicon additions fulfilled with medium carbon alloy steels where ni.ckel and
which improve the fatigue and corrosion resistance, thus molybdenum are present. These increase ductility and elim-
giving economical spring steels. inate temper brittleness.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.7035 0.41 % C 1.0% Cr steel: German Standard 1.0961 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: For springs; German
0.7103 0.67% C 0.5% Cr 1.3% Si steel: For springs; German Standard
Standard 1.2101 0.62% C 0.6% Cr steel: German Standard
1.0503 0.46% C 0.5% Cr steel: German Standard 1.2721 0.5% C 1.1% Cr tool steel: German Standards
1.0958 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 1.7% Si spring steel: German designation
Standard 1.4704 0.45% C 2.7% Cr 4.0% Si steel: For valves; German
1.0960 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 1.7% Si spring steel: German Standard
Standard 1.4718 0.45% C 9% Cr 3.0% Si steel: For valves; German
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 1.7035 0.41 % C 1.1% Cr steel: For cold forged bolts; German
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 1.8403 0.5% C 1.1 % Mn 0.9% Cr 0.2% Ii 0.1 % Al steel:
VIS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Welding rod; German Standard
Elan Elongation, % 1.8404 0.6% CO.9% Mn 0.9% Cr 0.2% Ii 0.1% Al steel:
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Welding rod; German Standard
4KHS 0.4% C 1.45% Cr steel: Russian Standards designation
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgfimm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2= 145.04Ibf/in 2 = 1MPa 6KHS 0.65% C 1.15% Cr steel: Russian Standards
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. designation
7KH3 0.67% C 3.5% Cr steel: Russian Standards designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
5LC 0.5% C 0.12% Cr 1.7% Si steel: Pompey 9254 0.55% C 0.7% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Designation used by
6LC 0.55% C 0.25% Cr 1.8% Si steel: Pompey German Standards
6LCK 0.6% C 0.35% Cr 1.85% Si steel: Pompey 9254 0.54% C 0.7% Cr 1.4% Si steel: Designation used in
12C 0.65% C 0.15% Cr steel: Sandvik the UK and USA
34 Cr AI S5 0.33% C 1.2% Cr 1.0% AI steel: Designation used by AB75 0.6% C 0.25% Cr 2.0% Si tool steel: Balfour; chisels.
German Standards dies, etc.
35 Cr Mn 5 0.35% C 0.95% Mn 1.15% Cr steel: Italian Standards DPN:S40
designation; as rolled ABRADURSK 0.64% C 0.8% Cr 1.7% Si steel: Pompey
DPN: 230 DPN:660
37 Cr4 0.38% C 1.1 % Cr steel: Designation used by German ABRASODURII 0.5% C 9.5% Cr 2.0% Si: Welding electrode;
Standards Soudometal; for hard facing
4OCr4 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: Italian Standards DPN: 520
designation; as rolled ADAMANT 0.52% C Cr steel: Casting; Firth Brown; normalized
DPN: 230 and tempered
41 Cr4 0.41% C 1.1% Cr steel: Designation used by German DPN: 210
Standards AISI50 B44 0.44% C 0.5% Cr 0.0005% B steel
50 B40 0.4% C 0.5% Cr 0.004% B steel: Designation used in AISI 50 B46 0.46% C 0.3% Cr 0.0005% B steel
the UK and USA AISI 50 B50 0.5% C 0.5% Cr 0.0005% B steel
50 B44 0.44% C 0.5% Cr 0.004% B steel: Designation used in AISI 50 B60 0.6% C 0.5% Cr 0.0005% B steel
the UK and USA AISI 51 B60 0.6% C 0.8% Cr 0.0005% B steel
50 B46 0.46% C 0.25% Cr 0.004% B steel: Designation used in AISI5045 0.45% C 0.6% Cr steel: Obsolete
the UK and USA AISI5046 0.46% C 0.3% Cr steel
50 B50 0.5% C 0.5% Cr 0.004% B steel: Designation used in AISI5140 0.4% C 0.8% Cr steel
the UK and USA AISI5145 0.45% C 0.8% Cr steel
50 B60 0.6% C 0.5% Cr 0.004% B steel: Designation used in AISI5147 0.47% C 1% Cr steel
the UK and USA AISI5150 0.5% C 0.8% Cr steel
50 Mn CrTi 4 0.5% C 1.1 % Mn 0.9% Cr 0.25% Ti steel: Designation AISI5152 0.52% C 1% Cr steel
used by German Standards AISI5155 0.55% C 0.8% Cr steel
50 Ni Cr 13 0.5% C 1.1 % Cr steel: For tools; German Standards AISI5160 0.6% C 0.8% Cr steel
designation AISI9261 0.6% C 0.2% Cr 2% Si steel
51 B60 0.6% C 0.8% Cr 0.0005% B (min) steel: Designation AISI9262 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 2.0% Si steel
used in the UK and USA ANTICHOC2 0.48% C 0.12% Cr 1.7% Si steel: Pompey
54 Si Cr6 0.5% C 0.6% Cr 1.5% Si steel: German Standard ASTM MOl 0.55% C 0.6% Cr 1.5% Si steel: For springs; cold
60 Mn CrTi 4 0.6% C 0.9% Cr 0.25% Ti steel: Designation used by drawn and tcmpered
German Standards AURIGA VII 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 1% Cr 0.4% Sand P steel: Casting;
6OSC7 0.55% C 0.65% Cr steel: AFNOR D Brown; normalized and tempered
60 Si Cr 7 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 1.7% Si spring steel: German VTS: 680 Elon: 10% Proof: 370
Standard B904 0.85% C 0.2% Cr steel: YEW
60SiCr8 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: Italian Standards B 908 0.75% C 0.2% Cr steel: YEW
designation BCTA 0.6% C 0.65% Cr steel: ESC; hot stamping dies
DP:,\,: 250 VTS: 1600 Elon: 5% Proof: 1350 DPN:460
65 Si Cr7 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 1.7% Si spring steel; German BCTB 0.6% C 0.6% Cr steel: ESC; BS 970 En II
Standard BS970 See designation for details
67 Si Cr 5 0.67% C 0.5% Cr 1.3% Si steel: Designation used by BS 1453 A5 0.4% C 1% Mn 1% Cr 0.5% Si: Weld filler rod for the
German Standards repair of wearing surfaces; railway points
526 M60 0.6% C 0.65% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete BS3100 BW2 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Casting for abrasion
527 A60 0.6% C 0.8% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete resistance
530 H32 0.32% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970 BS 3100 BW3 0.5% C 0.7% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Casting for abrasion
530 H36 0.36% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970 resistance
530 H40 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970 BS3111/3 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Wire; annealed and drawn; for
530 M40 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: BS 970 cold forged bolts
606 M36 0.36% C 0.27% Cr steel: BS 970 VTS: 680
685 A57 0.57% C 0.75% Cr steel: For springs; BS 970 BS 3146 CLAI2A 0.5% C 1% Cr steel: Investment casting; hardened and
685 H57 0.57% C 0.75% Cr steel: For springs; BS 970 tempered; for abrasion resistance
1234 0.75% C 0.25% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards DPN: 207 VTS: 680 Elon: 10%
designation BS 3146 CLAI2B 0.5% C 1% Cr steel: Investment casting; hardened and
2323 0.6% C 0.6% Cr steel: French Standards designation tempered; for abrasion resistance
5060 0.6% C 0.5% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and DPN: 293
USA C35 0.36% C 0.5% Cr steel: German Standard
5140 0.4% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and CA30 0.34% C 1.35% Cr 0.95% AI steel: For nitriding;
USA Krupp
5145 0.45% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK CA30A 0.34% C 1.15% Cr 0.95% AI steel: For nitriding;
and USA Krupp
5147 0.49% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and CBV2 0.37% C 1.05% Cr steel: Krupp
USA CBV2h 0.36% C 1.5% Cr steel: Krupp
5150 0.5% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and CBV/Z 0.41% C 1.05% Cr steel: Krupp
USA CCR2 0.6% C 0.6% Cr steel: Huntsman; picks, axes, chisels,
5155 0.55% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK etc.
and USA DPN: 600
5160 0.6% C 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and CCR 350 0.7% C 3.5% Cr steel: Origin unknown
USA CHISEL STEEL 0.35% C 1.5% Cr steel: Origin unknown
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CL60 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.6% Cr steel: Origin unknown En 48 0.5% C 1.2% Cr steel: Designation used in BS 970
CMN 0.65% C 12% Mn 0.4% Ni 2.5% Cr steel: American En 52 0.45% C 8% Cr steel: For valves; designation used in
proprietary alloy listed in SAE Yearbook BS 970; replaced by 401 545
CODE 620 0.5% C 0.8% Cr steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; as En 53 0.6% C6.2% Cr steel: For valves; designationused in
CromaxF BS 970; obsolete
CPI 0.43% C 1.4% Cr 1% Si tool steel: Osborn; chisels; F300 0.56% C 0.9% Mn 0.8% Cr steel: YEW
shock resisting; obsolete F550 0.5% C 1.1 % Cr steel: YEW
DPN: 600 FAGERSTA BI26 0.6% C 1.7% Mn 0.2% Cr steel: For diaphragms;
CPG 0.5% C 1.25% Cr 1% Si steel: Jonas; chisels, hammers, Fagersta .
etc. FAGERSTA CI82 0.9% C 0.4% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: For wood saws;
DPN:600 Fagersta
CR 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: ESC for BS alloy En 18 FAGERSTA C261 0.4% C 0.5% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: Bar; Fagersta
CROMANSIL 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.7% Si steel: Origin FAGERSTA C525 0.75% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: For springs; Fagersta
unknown FDK4 0.38% C 0.9% Cr steel: Pompey
CROMAXF 0.5% C 0.9% Cr steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; for wear VTS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 760
resistance; Code 620 FF4H 0.48% C 0.17% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN: 250 UTS: 870 Elon: 8% Proof: 610
DEF 13 B5A Alloy steel: Hardened and tempered; covers En 18; F1RTHAG 0.45% C 0.95% Cr steel: Firth Brown for BS alloy En
also includes En 15,21,22,100, etc. 18
UTS: 760 Elon: 20% Proof: 550 GOST 2052160 0.6% C 0.55% Mn 0.85% Cr steel: Bar; Russian
DIN 165441 Cr 4 0.41% C 1.1% Cr steel: For cold forged bolts S2KHA Standard
DIN 8555 E6-60 Medium C Cr steel: Welding electrode GOST 2052170 0.7% C 0.5% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: Bar; Russian Standard
DIN 8555 EIO-60 Medium C Cr steel: Welding electrode S2KHA
DIN 8555 SG6·60 0.45% C 9.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.95% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17200 37 Cr 4 0.37% C 0.75% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: German Standard KHGSA
DIN 17200 41 Cr 4 0.41% C 1.1% Cr steel: Forging; German Standard GOST 4543/35 0.36% C 1.7% Mn 0.55% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17200 46 Cr 2 0.46% C 0.65% Mn 0.27% Cr 0.0005% B (max) steel: KHG2
Gennan Standard GOST 4543/35 0.35% C 0.95% Mn 1.25% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17200 0.34% C 0.75% Mn 1.15% Cr 1.0% Al steel: German KHGSA
34CrAIS5 Standard GOST 4543/38 0.38% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Bar; Russian
DIN 17200 0.37% C 0.75% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: German Standard KHA Standard
37 Cr S 4 GOST 4543/38 0.38% C 0.35% Mn 1.65% Cr 0.65% AI steel: Russian
DIN 17200 0.38% C 0.6% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: Gennan Standard KHIU Standard
38 Cr2 GOST 4543/38 0.38% C 0.45% Mn 1.45% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17221 55 Cr 3 0.55% C 0.85% Mn 0.75% Cr 0.3% Cu (max) steel: KHS
For springs; German Standard GOST 4543/40 KH 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DIN 17221 60 Si Cr 7 0.6% C 0.85% Mn 0.3% Cr steel: For springs; Gennan GOST 4543/40 0.4% C 1.1% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Russian Standard
Standard KHG
DIN 17221 67 Si Cr 5 0.67% C 0.5% Cr 1.3% Si steel: For springs; Gennan GOST 4543/40 0.4% C 0.85% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.0035% Bsteel: Russian
Standard KHGR Standard
DIN 1722267 Si Cr 5 0.67% C 0.5% Cr 1.3% Si steel: For springs; Gennan GOST 4543140 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.0035% Bsteel: Russian
Standard KHR Standard
DIN 1722567 Si Cr 5 0.67% C 0.5% Cr 1.3% Si steel: For springs; Gennan GOST 4543/40 0.4% C 0.45% Mn 1.45% Cr steel: Russian Standard
Standard KHS
DK4 0.38% C 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey GOST 4543/45 KH 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard
VTS: 1070 Elon: 8% Proof: 870 GOST 4543/45 KHC 0.46% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.5% AI (max) 0.2% Zr
DK6 0.6% C 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey steel: Russian Standard
DUNELT33 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy En 18 GOST 4543/50 KH 0.5% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard
DUNELT83 0.45% C 8% Cr 3.5% Si steel: For valves; Dunford for GOST 5632/4 0.4% C 9.0% Cr steel: Russian Standard
BS alloy En 52 KH9S2
En 11 0.6% CO.7% Cr steel: Designation used in BS 970; GOST 5632/4 0.4% C 9.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian Standard
replaced by 526 NM60 KH952
En 18 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in BS 970; GOST 7909/30 0.31% C 0.25% Ni (max) 0.95% Cr steel: Pipe;
replaced by 530 M40 KHGS Russian Standard
En 18D 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Designation used in BS 970; UTS: 1100 Proof: 850
replaced by 530 M40 GOST 7909/40 KH 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
VTS: 1000 Proof: 800
GOST 8467/30 0.31% C 0.95% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.95% Cr steel:
KHGS Pipe; Russian Standard
VTS: 1100 Proof: 850
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: GOST 8467/40 KH 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.95% Cr steel:
Pipe; Russian Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number VTS: 1000 Proof: 800
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' GOST 8731130 0.31 % C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.9% Cr steel: Pipe;
Elon Elongation, % KHGSA Russian Standard; seamless
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DPN: 700
GOST 8731140 KH 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 0.2% Ni (max) 0.9% Cr steel: Pipe;
1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04Ibf1in 2 = I MPa Russian Standard; seamless
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. VTS: 670
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST 8733/30 0.31% C 0.95% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian No.6 HARDENITE 1.0% C 1.0% Mn 1.35% Cr steel: For tools; origin
KHGSA Standard; seamless unknown
VTS: 500 NV6 0.5% C 0.8% Cr steel: For valves; SAE 5150
GOST 8733/40 KH 0.4% C 0.05% Mn 0.95% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian NVG 0.5% C 0.8% Cr steel: For inlet valves; designation
Standard; seamless used by SAE
VTS: 630 OCM9 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: WMarrison for BS alloy En 18
H3 0.6% C 2% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Jessop for BS alloy En 53 P609 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 1% Cr steel: Carrs; pressure dies for
H 18 0.45% C 8.5% Cr 3.3% Si steel: Jessop specification casting Zn Pb Sn base alloys
for BS alloy En 52 DPN:400
H 23 0.48% C 1.3% Cr steel: Jessop PHILIPS 600 0.65% C 2.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Philips
H28 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy En 18 DPN:600
H 30 0.6% C 0.65% Cr steel: Jessop PN 0.42% C 0.45% Mn 0.45% Cr steel: Origin unknown
H700 0.46% C 9.0% Cr 3.0% Si steel: YEW; for valves RMK 0.45% C 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
HECLA 104 0.6% C 0.65% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 11 RMKS 0.45% C 1.5% Cr steel: Pompey
HECLA 105 0.5% C 1.2% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 48 RS3K 0.6% C 0.4% Cr 1.8% Si steel: Pompey
HECLA 120 0.45% C 8% Cr 3.5% Si steel: Hadfields for BS alloy RS4K 0.65% C 0.8% Cr 1.7% Si steel: Pompey
En52 RSMK 0.6% C 0.5% Cr steel: Pompey
HECLA 148 0.65% C 3.5% Cr steel: Origin unknown S4K 0.45% C 0.5% Cr steel: Pompey
HECLA 166 0.6% C 6.2% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Hadfields for BS 970 SAE 50 B40 0.4% C 0.5% Cr steel with B
En 53 SAE 50 B44 0.44% C 0.5% Cr 0.0005% B steel
HECLA 198 0.55% C 0.75% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Hadfields for BS SAE 50 B46 0.46% C 0.3% Cr 0.0005% B steel
alloy En 48A SAE 50 B50 0.5% C 0.5% Cr 0.0005% B steel
HEDEX4 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Wire for forging; Kiveton Park for SAE 50 B60 0.6% C 0.8% Cr 0.0005% B steel
BS alloy En 18 SAE 51 B60 0.6% C 0.8% Cr 0.0005% B steel
HEDEX29 0.4% C 0.8% Cr steel: Wire for forging; Kiveton Park; SAE 5045 0.45% C 0.7% Cr steel: Obsolete
annealed SAE5046 0.46% C 0.3% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
VTS: 610 specified
HIV 0.26% C (max) 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard SAE 5060 0.6% C 0.5% Cr steel
HNV2 0.4% C 2.2% Cr 3.9% Si steel: For inlet valves; SAE 5140 0.4% C 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
designation used by SAE specified
HNV3 0.45% C 8.5% Cr 3.3% Si steel: For valves; SAE 5145 0.45% C 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
designation used by SAE specified
JIS G4106 S Cr 4 0.4% C 0.7% Mn 1.02% Cr steel: Japanese Standard SAE 5147 0.47% C 1% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
JIS G4106 S Cr 5 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: Japanese Standard specified
JIS G4106 S Mn C 3 0.43% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: Japanese Standard SAE 5150 0.5% C 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
JIS G4106 SUPIO 0.5% C 0.85% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.15% V (max) steel: specified
Japanese Standard SAE 5152 0.52% C 1% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
JIS G4801 SUP9 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr steel: For springs; specified
Japanese Standard SAE 5155 0.55% C 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
JIS G4801 SUPlI 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr steel: For springs; specified
Japanese Standard SAE 5160 0.6% C 0.8% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
K200 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: YEW specified
K240 0.92% C 1.2% Cr steel: YEW SAE 9254 0.55% C 0.7% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Mechanical properties
K 245 0.62% C l.! % Mn 0.6% Cr steel: YEW not specified
KFI8C 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy En 18 SAE 9261 0.6% C 0.2% Cr 2.0% Si steel: Mechanical properties
KFI8D 0.45% C 1% Cr steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy En 18 not specified
KP32 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 18 SAE 9262 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 2.0% Si steel: Mechanical properties
L5 0.42% C 1.45% Mn 0.85% Cr steel: Casting; Jessop not specified
LT36 0.45% C 1.5% Cr steel: Low Moor; obsolete SAEHNV2 0.4% C 2.2% Cr 3.9% Si steel: For inlet valves
DPN: 540 SAEHNV3 0.45% C 8.5% Cr 3.3% Si steel: For valves
LV 52 0.45% C 8% Cr 3.5% Si steel: For valves; Low Moor; UTS: 980 Elon: 22% Proof: 740
obsolete SAE J 157 0.55% CO.7% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Wire for springs
DPN: 320 DPN:600 UTS:2000
MONARCH 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 0.7% Cr steel: For tools; origin SAENVG 0.5% C 0.8% Cr steel: For inlet valves as SAE 5150
GENERAL unknown SANBOLD 11 0.6% C 0.65% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy En 11
UTILITY SANBOLDI8 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy En 18
MSC40 0.43% C 0.5% Cr steel: Krupp SANBOLD54 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Sanderson; replaced by Sanbold
MSC50 0.5% C 0.7% Cr steel: Krupp 18
MYO 0.55% C 0.95% Cr steel: Origin unknown SCRI 0.47% C 1.4% Cr 1% Si steel: Huntsman; shear blades,
NF A35 551/38C2 0.38% C 0.75% Mn 0.45% Cr steel: French Standard punches, etc.
NF A35 551/38C4 0.38% C 0.75% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: French Standard DPN:600
NF A35 551/42C2 0.43% C 0.75% Mn 0.45% Cr steel: French Standard SiLl 0.45% C 8.5% Cr 3.3% Si steel: For valves; origin
NF A35 551/42C4 0.42% C 0.75% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: French Standard unknown
NF A35 551/10006 0.98% C 0.3% Mn 0.3% Ni (max) 1.5% CrO.I% SIL2 0.55% C 8% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.5% Si steel: For valves;
Mo (max) steel: French Standard origin unknown
NF A35 571/45C4 0.45% C 0.75% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Bar; French SIL No. 1 0.4% C 8.5% Cr 3.2% Si steel: Carpenter
Standard VALVE STEEL DPN: 270 VTS: 920 Elon: 22% Proof: 560
NF A35 571/6OSC7 0.6% C 0.75% Mn 0.52% Cr steel: For bars; French For SIS specifications see SS
Standard SKF 606 0.65% C 0.8% Cr steel: SKF
NITA 0.53% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% All.! % Ac steel: Origin SKF 677 0.55% C 0.65% Cr steel: SKF
Symbol Nominal analysis. supplicr. condition and rcmarks. Symbol Nominal analysis. supplier, condition and rcmarks.
SLY 0.45% C 8.3% Cr 3.4% Si steel: Firtb Brown for BS SUH I 0.45% C 8.5% Cr 32% Si steel: Heat resisting;
alloy En 52 Japanese Standards designation
DPN: 285 VIS: 1070 Elon: 15% TR3KD 0.38% CO. 9% Cr steel: Pompey
SOUDODUR 600 0.65% C 2.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; TR4 0.45% C 0.15% Cr steel: Pompey
Soudometal; for bard facing wear resistant parts TR5 0.52% C 0.15% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN: 650 TRIPLE SIX 0.6% C 0.6% Cr steel: John Vessey
SOUDOKAY A 12-0 0.45% C 9% Cr 2.7% Si steel: Welding electmde; DPN: 700
Soudometal TRK 0.42% C 0.15% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN:600 V 500 0.4% C 1.1% Cr steel: YEW
SOUDOR GA 350 0.7% C 2.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Ti steel: Welding VALS 0.45% C 9% Cr 3% Si steel: Valbruna
electrode; Soudometal; for hard surfaces VALVEX518D 0.45% C 8% Cr 3.5% Si steel: For valves; Swift Levick
DPN: 350 for BS alloy En 52
SOUDOR GA 500 1.0% C 2.0% Mn 2.0% Cr 0.2% Ti steel: Welding VIM-VAR 52100 1% C 1.4% Cr steel: Carpenters
electrode; Soudometal; for hard facings DPN: 450 VIS: 1630 Proof: 1560
DPN: 520 VIPER 666 0.6% C 0.6% Cr steel: Hall and Pickles; lathe centres,
SOUDOR GA 600 0.45% C 9.0% Cr 3.0% Si steel: Welding electrode; leather cutlers, etc.; obsolete
Soudometal; for hard facings DPN:600
DPN:600 VSIC 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Vulcan
SPKS 0.45% C 9.0% Cr steel: Pompey VIS: 1070
SS 2085 0.55% C 0.3% Cr I. 7% Si steel: Bar and forging; VS50 0.45% C 8.5% Cr 3.5% Si steel: Darwins for BS alloy
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered En 52
DPN: 480 VIS: 1380 Elon: 5% Proof: 1260 VSCS 0.55% C 0.8% Cr steel: Vulcan; heavy duty vehicle
SS 2090 0.55% C 0.3% Cr 1.7% Si steel: Bar and forging; springs
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered DPN:440
DPN: 480 VIS: 1380 Elon: 5% Proof: 1260 Y6OSC7 0.6% C 0.8% Mn 0.6% Cr steel: French Standards
SS 2230 0.51 % C 1.0% Cr 0.15% V steel: For springs; Swedish designation
Standard Y75V 0.75% C 0.25% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards
SS 2245 0.41 % C 1.0% Cr steel: Swedish Standard designation
DPN: 255 VIS: 920 Z45CS9 0.45% C 0.8% Mn (max) 8.0% Cr steel: French
SS 2253 0.55% C 0.75% Cr steel: For springs; Swedish Standard Standards designation
SS 2254 0.6% C 0.75% Cr steel: For springs; Swedish Standard
STA5V24 0.45% C 8.5% Cr 3.5% Si steel: Replaced by BS alloy
En 52
STA5 V9C 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 18
STA 5 V9C!2 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 18C
STA 5 V9C13 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 18D
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
STA 5 V9Cl4 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 18A
STA 5 V9C/a 0.4% C 1.0% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 18B
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
STUBS 67S C Si Cr steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; for hard
VIS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
STUBS 400 Mn Cr Si Fe alloy: Rod; Stubs; for hard surfaces
DPN: 450 I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgUmm2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2= 145.04lbUin.2= I MPa
STUBS 670 C Cr Si steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; for hard
facings See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.2002 1.2% C 0.4% Cr steel: German Standard 10 K 2 1.0% C 1.45% Cr steel: Pompey
1.2067 1.15% C 1.5% Cr steel: German Standards designation IlKH 1.1 % C 0.55% Cr steel: Russian Standards designation
1.2067 1% C 1.4% Cr steel: German Standard 13KH 1.32% C 0.45% Mn 0.55% Cr steel: Russian Standards
1.3501 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: For bearings; German Standard designation
1.3503 1.02% C 0.35% Mn 1.5% Cr steel: For bearings; 14SiCI 0.75% C 0.35% Cr steel: Sandvik
German Standard 17C 1.0% C 0.15% Cr steel: Sandvik; annealed
1.3503 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: For ball bearings; German VTS: 660
Standard 17CI 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Sandvik
1.3505 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: For ball bearings; German 21C 1.25% C 0.15% Cr steel: Sandvik; annealed
Standard VTS: 690
1.3520 1.0% C 1.5% Cr 1.1 % Mn steel: For ball races; 22C 1.3% C 0.15% Cr steel: Sandvik
German Standard 22CI 1.25% C 0.45% Cr steel: Sandvik; annealed
1.7131 1.6% C 1.1 % Mn 1.0% Cr steel: German Standard VTS: 720
1.7176 0.55% C 0.85% Mn 0.85% Cr 0.3% Cu (max) steel: 41 Cr4 0.41% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: For bearings;
For springs; German Standard German Standard
1.7305 0.41% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr steel:For bearings; 67 Si Cr 5 0.67% C 0.5% Cr 1.3% Si steel: Designation used by
German Standard German Standards
1.8405 0.7% C2.0% Mn 1% CrO.2% Ti 0.1% Al steel: 70MnCrTi8 0.7% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Ti steel: Designation used by
Welding rod; German Standard German Standards
1.8425 1.1 % C 2.0% Mn 1.8% Cr 0.2% Ti 0.1 % Al steel: 73/3.5% Cr 1.0% C 3.5% Cr steel: For magnets; Simonds
Welding rod; German Standard 90CrSi5 0.9% C 1.2% Cr steel: German Standard
8KH3 0.8% C 3.5% Cr steel: Russian Standards designation 100C6 1% C 1.5% Cr steel: AFNOR
9KHS 0.9% C 1.1 % Cr steel: Russian Standards designation 100 Cr 6 1.15% C 1.5% Cr steel: German Standards designation
100Cr 6 (W3) 1.0% C 1.55% Cr steel: Designation used by German
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 100 Cr Mn 6 (W4) 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used by German
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 105 Cr 2 (WI) 1.05% C 0.5% Cr steel: Designation used by German
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Standards
Elon Elongation, % 105 Cr 4 (W2) 1.05% C 1.1 % Cr steel: Designation used by German
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Standards
105 Cr 6 1.02% C 0.3% Mn 1.5% Cr steel: For bearings;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 = 145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa German Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 110 Mn CrTi 8 1.1 % C 1.8% Cr 0.25% Ti steel: Designation used by
German Standards
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
150 1.0% C 1.45% Cr steel: F Parkin; ball races, collets, BRUNSWICK V 981 1.0% C 1.4% Cr steel: John Vessey
etc. DPN:800
DPN: 870 BS970 See designation for details
180 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: F Parkin; reamers, taps, etc. C46 1.3% C 0.5% Cr steel: Fagersta
DPN: 820 DPN: 910
534 A99 0.95% C 1.4% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete C71 0.9% C 1.0% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Fagersta
535 A99 0.99% C 1.4% Cr steel: BS 970 DPN: 750
1230 1.35% C 0.3% Mn 0.35% Cr steel: French Standards C75W 0.75% C 0.2% Cr steel: German Standard
designation C87WS 0.85% C 0.2% Cr steel: German Standard
1231 1.2% C 0.2% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards C 182 0.9% C 0.5% Cr steel: Fagersta
designation DPN: 800
1232 1.05% C 0.2% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards C52S 0.75% C 0.3% Cr 1.3% Si steel: Fagersta
designation CH4 1.25% C 0.7% Cr steel: Forez
1233 0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards CH5 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Forez
designation CNS NON SHRINK 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: T Turton
50100 1% C 0.5% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and CODE 623 0.72% C 2.0% Cr steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; Cromax
S1\00 1·% C 1.4% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and Cr030 0.9% C 3.3% Cr steel: Forging; for magnets; German
USA Standard included in DIN 17410
52\00 1% C 1.4% Cr steel: Designation used in the UK and Cr 035 0.9% C 1.0% Mn 5.0% Cr steel: Forging; for magnets;
USA German Standard included in DIN 17410
ADAMANTGR 0.77% C Cr steel: Casting; Firth Brown; normalized CRC 1.0% C 1.45% Cr steel: ESC for BS alloy En 31
DPN:300 CROMAXN 0.73% C 2.0% Cr steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; for wear
AFNOR looCb 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: French Standard resistant parts
AGS 1.05% C 1.3% Cr steel: Sheet; Balfour; templates, DPN: 250
bushes, etc. DCCM 1.05% C 1.3% Cr tool steel: For cold work; Balfour
DPN:770 Darwin
AISI E50loo 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel DTD 5022 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel
AISI E51100 1.0% C 1.00% Cr steel DPN: 750
AISI E52100 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel DUNELT90 1.0% C 1.2% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy En 31
AMS6440D 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE E 10 1.0% C 0.13% Cr steel: Pompey
52\00 EFe3 0.65% C 6% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used
AMS644IB 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Seamless tube; AMS for SAE byAWS
52\00 E Fe4 1.5% C 4% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used
AMS6442B 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE byANS
50100 EH4 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% Si stecl: Forging; for magnets;
AMS 6443B 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: For ball bearings; vacuum Polish alloy listed by PMA
melted; AMS for SAE 51100 EKh 1.0% C 3.3% Cr steel: For magnets; Russian alloy
AMS6444B 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: For ball bearings; vacuum listed by PMA
melted; AMS for SAE 52100 En 31 1% C 1.3% Cr steel: For bearings; designation used in
AMS6445A 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: For ball bearings; vacuum BS 970; replaced by 535 A99
melted; AMS for SAE S1\oo FAGERSTA C250 1.2% C 0.35% Mn 0.17% Cr steel: Bar; Fagersta
AMS6446 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE FAGERSTA NI64 0.8% C 0.4% Mn 2.0% Cr steel: For wood saws;
S1\00 Fagersta
AMS6447 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE GOST 801 SHKH6 1.1 % C 0.3% Mn 0.3% Ni (max) 0.55% Cr steel: For
52\00 bearings; Russian Standard
AMS6449 1% C 1% Crsteel GOST 801 SHKH9 1.05% C 0.3% Mn 0.3% Ni (max) 1.05% Cr steel: For
ASTMA485/1 1.0% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Si steel: High bearings; Russian Standard
hardenability GOST 801 SHKHI5 1.0% C 0.3% Mn 0.3% Ni (max) 1.5% Cr steel: For
ASTM A485/2 0.97% C 1.3% Mn 1.6% Cr 0.7% Si steel: High bearings; Russian Standard
hardenability GOST801 1.0% C 1.05% Mn 0.3% Ni (max) 1.5% Cr steel: For
ASTM A732/15 A 1.0% C 1.45% Cr steel: Investment casting; annealed SHKHI5SG bearings; Russian Standard
DPN:240 GOST4543 0.3% C 0.65% Mn 1.15% Cr 0.0035% B steel: Russian
ATLASQ 1.2% C 0.5% Cr steel: Atlas; as AISI type W5 Standard
B4CR 1.0% C 1.4% Cr steel: ESC; bushes, taps, etc. H2 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Jessops
DPN: 850 DPN: 800
BRI 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: Jonas; press tools H 17 1.0% C 6.0% Cr steel:.For magnets; Jessops
DPN: 720 H44 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Jessops
DPN: 850
H63 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Jessops
H64 0.97% C 1.0% Cr steel: Jessops
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: HAO 1.0% C 6.0% Cr steel: For magnets; Belgian alloy
listed byPMA
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number HECLA 108 1.0% C 1.3% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 31
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 HEDEX 18 1.0% C 1.3% Cr steel: Wire for forgings; Kiveton Park
Elon Elongation, % for BS alloy En 31
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 HEDEX41 1.0% C 0.32% Cr steel: Wire for forgings; Kiveton
Park; annealed
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonflin 2 =145.04lbf/in. 2=1 MPa UTS: 630
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. HRS 1.0% C 1.3% Cr steel: Jonas; press tools
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HRS 1.0% C 1.4% Cr steel: Osborn; dies, balls, rollers, SAE 50100 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
races; obsolete specified
OPN: 720 SAE 51100 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
ID2 0.9% C 1.7% Mn 0.25% Cr steel: Inman specified
JCNS 0.9% C IJ% Mn 0.4% Cr steel: Jonas SAE 52100 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
JIS G4805 SUJI 1.0% C 0.3% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.08% Mo (max) steel: For specified
bearings; Japanese Standard SANBOLD31 1.1 % C 1.3% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy En 31
JIS G4805 sun 1.05% C 0.5% Mn (max) 1.45% Cr 0.08% Mo (max) SANBOLD 57 1.1 % C 1.3% Cr steel: Sanderson; replaced by Sanbold
steel: For bearings; Japanese Standard 31
1IS G4805 SUB 1.02% C 1.0% Mn 1.1 % Cr 0.08% Mo (max) steel: For For SIS specifications see SS
bearings; Japanese Standard SK SILVER STEEL 1.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.4% Cr steel: Sanderson Kayser
KE4L 1.0% C 0.2% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison; for ball SK SILVER STEEL 1.2% C 0.4% Cr steel: Sanderson Kayser
bearings; needles, etc. SKC 11 0.97% C 0.5% Mn (max) 1.2% Cr 0.4% Mo (max)
KE 160 1.2% C 0.4% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison; taps, 0.25% V (max) steel: For roller drills; Japanese
punches, etc. Standard designation
KE839 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison; taps, dies, SKFI 1% C 1% Crsteel
thread rolls, etc. SKF2 0.9% C 1.5% Cr steel
OPN: 870 SKF3 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Bar for bearings; Japanese
KH 1.02% C 1.45% Cr steel: Russian Standards Standard designation
designation SKF707 1.05% C 0.5% Cr steel: SKF
KP24 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 31 SKF801 0.97% C 0.5% Cr steel: SKF
KR6 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Pompey SKF802 1.05% C 0.85% Cr steel: SKF
LI 1.0% C 1.25% Cr steel: Designation used by AISI SKF831 1% C 1% Crsteel: SKF; as SKF 1
LESCALLOY 52100 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: For bearings; Latrobe; as AISI SKF832 0.9% C 1.5% Cr steel: SKF; as SKF 2
52100 SKF837 1% C 1.55% Cr steel: SKF
LK 1.4% C 0.7% Cr steel: Pompey SKS8 1.45% C 0.35% Cr steel: Japanese Standards
LT2 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Low Moor; obsolete designation
OPN 870 SKS93 1.05% C 0.95% Mn 0.4% Cr steel: Japanese Standards
LT22 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Low Moor; obsolete designation
OPN 770 SKS94 0.95% C 0.9% Mn 0.4% Cr steel: Japanese Standards
MCHROME 1.0% C 0.15% Ni 1.45% Cr O. I% Mo 0.15% Cu steel: designation
REGENT Latrobe SKS95 0.85% C 0.9% Mn 0.4% Cr steel: Japanese Standards
MARSHMN 0.9% C 0.25% Cr steel: Marsh Brothers; gauges, taps, designation
etc. SL934 1.1 % C 1.25% Cr steel: Swift Levick; press, dies,
MIC 0.95% C 0.35% Cr steel: ESC; symbol for 'Microlim' punches, etc.
OPN: 770 SOUDODUR 600R 0.9% C 2.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Soudometal;
MIC2 0.95% C 0.35% Cr steel: Origin unknown for hard facing; wear resistant parts
MICROLIM 0.95% C 0.3% Cr steel: ESC; punches, rivets, dies, etc. OPN: 650
OPN: 770 SOUDOKAY 1.7% C 7% Cr 1% Mo 5% Ti steel: Welding electrode;
MIL S 980 1% C 1.45% Cr steel: US military specification 258Ti Cr 0 Soudometal
MN 0.9% C 0.25% Cr steel: Marsh Brothers; gauges, taps, OPN:600
etc. SOUDOKAY 795.0 2.2% C 9.5% Cr 0.9% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
Mn Cr 0.6% C 0.8% Cr steel: ESC; springs Soudometal
NF A35-565/l00C2 1.02% C 0.3% Mn 0.5% Cr steel: For bearings; French OPN:460
Standard SPEARCRH 0.75% C 0.4% Cr steel: Origin unknown
NF A35-565/looC6 1.02% C 0.3% Mn 1.5% Cr 0.1 % Mo (max) steel: For SPEARGFS 0.95% C 0.5% Cr steel: Origin unknown
bearings; French Standard SR 1855 1.0% C 1.0% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Bofors
NSC 1.0% C 1.4% Cr steel: Huntsman; centres, small dies, OPN: 850
reamers, etc. SS 2092 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: Swedish Standard; annealed
OPN: 800 OPN:240
NSCD 0.9% C 0.3% Cr steel: Huntsman; slitters, gauges, SS 2258 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Swedish Standard; annealed
reamers, etc. OPN: 210
OPN: 720 SS 2912 E 0.6% C 0.65% Mn 0.5% Cr (max) 0.3% Cu steel:
NSCT 1.0% C 1.4% Cr steel: Huntsman; ball races, press Swedish Standard; for pressure vessels
tools, taps, etc. UTS: 490 Elon: 23% Proof: 270
OPN: 800 STA 5 VI4 1.1 % C 1.3% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 31
P280 0.6% C 0.6% Cr steel: Carrs; hot press, dies, etc. SUJ2 1.0% C 1.45% Cr steel: Japanese Standards
OPN:45O designation
P704 0.95% C 0.5% Cr steel: Carrs; vice jaws, punches, etc. TI040 1.0% C 0.25% Cr steel: Origin unknown
OPN: 630 TERFLING2 0.6% C 0.7% Cr steel: Uddeholm; for type S4
P720 1.0% C 1.3% Cr steel: Carrs; centres, ball bearings, TOLEDOBR 1.1% C 1.3% Cr steel: Toledo for BS alloy En 31
etc. VAMPIRE 0.9% C 0.3% Cr steel: Hall and Pickles; press tools,
OPN: 730 gauges, etc.; obsolete
PRESTO 1.0% C 1.4% Cr steel: Carpenter; for AISI type L1 OPN:800
Rloo 1.0% C 0.3% Mn 1.5% Cr steel: YEW VANSTAR 1.0% C 5.0% Cr steel: Pompey
RED DIAMOND II 1.1% C 0.6% Mn 1.5% Cr steel: For wear; Redheugh VIPER 1.0% C 1.0% Cr steel: Hall and Pickles; gauges, ball
OPN: 295 UTS: 1020 Elon: 10% Proof: 870 bearings, etc.; obsolete
REGENT VAC·ARC 1.0% C 1.5% Cr steel: Latrobe; for SAE 52100 OPN:800
OPN:800 VSCM 0.9% C 1.0% Cr steel: Vulcan; press tools; milling
S 135 1% C 1.4% Cr steel: BS designation for aerospace steel cutters, etc.
S 136 1% C 1.4% Cr steel: BS designation for aerospace steel OPN: 720
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
W3 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Designation used by AISI; Y 105V 1.05% C 0.2% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards
obsolete designation
W4 1.0% C 0.25% Cr steel: Carbon varies over wide limits; Y 120V 1.20% C 0.2% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards
designation used by AISI designation
W5 1.1% C 0.5% Cr steel: Designation used by AISI Y I35C 1.35% C 0.3% Mn 0.35% Cr steel: French Standards
WATERDIE 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Columbia; AISI type W5 designation
EXTRA Y I35V 1.35% C 0.2% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards
WATERDIE 1.0% C 0.5% Cr steel: Columbia; AIS! type W5 designation
STANDARD Y 2120 C 1.2% C 0.4% Cr steel: French Standard
WLM 1015 1.0% C 1.4% Cr steel: WMarTison; for ball races
X 45 Cr Si 9 0.45% C 9.0% Cr 3.0% Si steel: Designation used by
German Standards Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
X 45 Cr Si 9/3 0.45% C 9.0% Cr 3.0% Si steel: Designation used by
German Standards DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
X 45 Si Cr 4 0.45% C 2.7% Cr 4.0% Si steel: Designation used by VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
German Standards Elon Elongation, %
0.9% C 0.5% Cr steel: ESC; mandrels, punches, etc. Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 750
0.9% C 0.25% Mn 0.32% Cr steel: French Standards 1N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
designation See Appendix" for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Y 100 C6 1.05% C 1.4% Cr steel: French Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.5613 0.24% C 1.2% Ni steel: Forging; German Standard A203E 0.23% C 3.5% Ni steel: Plate; Armco; for low
1.5622 0.14% C 1.4% Ni steel: For low temperature use; temperature use
German Standard UTS: 580 Elon: 23% Proof: 270
1.5633 0.24% C 2.1 % Ni steel: Forging; German Standard A 440 0.28% C 1.4% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.2% Cu steel: Armco
1.5680 0.2% C (max) 4.7% Ni steel: German Standard UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
1.6215 0.09% C 1.1 % Mn 0.4% Ni steel: Welding rod; AFNOR 81.340 0.03% C 3.5% Ni steel: Welding electrode; Federal
German Standard E 146 3 Ni B26T specification
1.6216 0.17% C 0.8% Ni steel: Welding rod; German AISI2317 0.17% C 3% Ni steel
Standard AISI2330 0.3% C 3.5% Ni steel: Obsolete
INi 0.1% C 1% Mn 0.9% Ni steel: Electrode; Metrode AISI2512 0.12% C 5% Ni steel; Obsolete
2Ni 0.1 % C 1% Mn 2.3% Ni steel: Electrode; Metrode AISI2515 0.15% C 5% Ni steel
2NiB 0.07% C 2.4% Ni steel: Electrode; Metrode; for low AISI2517 0.17% C 5% Ni steel
temperature toughness ALFRIGNi3 0.15% C 1.5% Mn 3.5% Ni steel: Austrian
2NiB 0.07% C 2.5% Ni steel: Electrode: Metrode; for low specification
temperature use ALLOY 36 0.03% C (max) 36% Ni steel; YDM
2.2D8 0.2% C 0.75% Mn 2.2% Ni steel: Creusot-Loire AMS 6242C 0.17% C 5% Ni steel; Bar and forging; AMS for SAE
3NiB 0.07% C 3.3% Ni steel: Electrode; Metrode; for low 2517
temperature toughness AN OOS 676/1 0.25% C 1.75% Mn 0.2% Ni steel: US Service
3NiB 0.05% C 2.3% Ni steel: Electrode; Metrode; for low VTS: 4IiO Elon: 15% Proof: 370
temperature use AN 00 S 689/1 0.3% C 3.5% Ni steel: US Service; normalized and
3NS 0.3% C 3% Ni steel: ESC for BS alloy En 21 tempered
3.5D8 0.19% C 0.75% Mn 3.5% Ni steel: Creusot-Loire DPN: 230 UTS: 840 Elon: 17% Proof: 740
5NSR 0.15% C 5% Ni steel: For case hardening; Jonas; core ARMCO HS No. I 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.6% Cu steel:
propenies Armco
DPN: 321 UTS: 1000 Elon: 13% ARMCO HS No.2 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.6% Cu steel;
8CN2 0.08% C 2.0% Ni steel: Pompey Armco
9Mn Ni 4 0.09% C 1.1 % Mn 0.45% Ni steel: Designation used by ASTMA203A 0.2% C 0.75% Mn 2.25% Ni steel; Plate for pressure
German Standards vessels
ION9 0.1 % C 9.0% Ni steel; Pompey ASTM A203 B 0.25% CO.75% Mn 2.25% Ni steel: Plate for pressure
VTS: 610 Elon: 22% Proof: 390 vessels
12 Nil9 0.2% C (max) 0.45% Ni steel; Designation used by ASTMA203D 0.2% C 0.75% Mn 3.5% Ni steel: Plate for pressure
German Standards vessels
14 N3 0.15% C 3.45% Ni steel; Pompey ASTM A203 E 0.21% C 0.75% Mn 3.5% Ni steel; Plate for pressure
VTS: 4IiO Elon: 25% Proof: 270 vessels
14Ni6 0.14% C 1.4% Ni steel; Designation used by German ASTM A316 E8016C 0.12% C Ni steel: Welding electrodes; code varies with
Standards analysis
17 Mn Ni4 0.17% C 0.7% Ni steel: Designation used by German ASTMA316 0.12% C 2.4% Ni steel: Electrodes for arc welding
Standards E8016CI
150 MI9 0.25% C 0.4% Ni steel: Designation used in BS970 ASTMA316 0.12% C 3.4% Ni steel: Electrodes for arc welding
A203A 0.2% C 2.2% Ni steel; Plate; Armco; for low E8016C2
temperature use ASTMA316 0.12% C 2.4% Ni steel: Electrodes for arc welding
VTS: 670 Elon: 24% Proof: 220 E8018CI
A 203B 0.24% C 2.2% Ni steel; Plate; Armco; for low ASTMA316 0.12% C 3.4% Ni steel; Electrodes for arc welding
temperature use E8018C2
VTS: 610 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 ASTM A320 LIO 0.18% C 3.5% Ni steel; Normalized
A203D 0.2% C 3.5% Ni steel; Plate; Armco; for low UTS: 4IiO Elon: 25% Proof: 270
temperature use ASTM A333/3 0.18% C 3.5% Ni steel: Pipe for low temperature use
UTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 220 ASTM A333n 0.19% C 2.2% Ni steel; Pipe for low temperature use
ASTMA333/8 0.13% C 9.0% Ni steel; Pipe for low temperature use
ASTM A350 LF3 0.2% C (max) 3.5% Ni steel: For low temperature use
UTS: 4IiO Elon: 25% Proof: 270
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables;
ASTM A352 IC3 0.15% C 3.5% Ni steel: Normalized and tempered for
low temperature service
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS: 440 Elon: 24% Proof: 270
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
ASTM A352 LC2 0.25% C 2.5% Ni steel: Normalized and tempered for
Elon Elongation, %
low temperature service
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 440 Elon: 24% Proof: 270
ASTM A352 LC3 0.15% C (max) 0.65% Mn 3.5% Ni steel; Casting for
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04lbflin.2= I MPa
low temperature use
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM A353 A and B 0.13% C 9.0% Ni steel: Normalized and tempered
VTS: 630 Elon: 21 % Proof: 420
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A453/660 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 1.45% Cr 1.2% Mo 2.1% Ti ASTM A757·B4Q 0.15% C 4.5% Ni 1% Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max)
0.3% Al steel: For bolts steel: Casting; quench and temper; impact 20 J at -115
ASTMA522 0.13% C (max) 9.0% Ni steel: For valve fitting; low 'C
temperature service UTS: 48S Elon: 24% Proof: 275
ASTM A553 0.13% C (max) 9.0% Ni steel: Plate for pressure ASTMA844 0.13% C (max) 9% Ni steel: Plate for pressure vessel;
vessels impact 27 J at - 200 'C .
UTS: 750 Elan: 20% Proof: 580 UTS: 720 Elon: 20% Proof: 585
ASTM A588 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.6% Ni steel: For structures AURIGA XVII 0.15% C 3.5% Ni steel: Casting; D Brown; nonnaJized
UTS: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320 and tempered for sub·zero use
ASTMA658 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 36.0% Ni 0.5% UTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 270
Cr (max) steel: Plate for pressure vessels AUSTEN 56 0.23% C 1.6% Mn 0.6% Ni steel: Australian Iron and
UTS: 500 Elan: 30% Proof: 240 Steel Co.
ASTMA690 0.22% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.52% Ni steel: For marine Band WNi 57 0.2% C 3.5% Ni steel: Tube; Babcock and Wilcox
piles (USA)
UTS: 485 Elan: 18% Proof: 345 BS970 See designation for details
ASTM A707 L7/1 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 3.4% Ni steel: Flanges; BS 15011503 0.15% C 3.50% Ni steel: Plate and bar; normalized
for low temperature use; impact 41 J at -73 'C UTS: 440 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
UTS: 290 Elan: 22% BS 15011509 0.1 % C (max) 9.0% Ni 0.2% AI (min) steel: Plate;
ASTM A707 L7/2 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 3.4% Ni steel: Flanges hardened and tempered for pressure vessels; Charpy
for low temperature use; impact 54 J at -73 'C impact 47 J at 160 'C
UTS: 360 Elan: 25% UTS: 700 Elon: 18% Proof: 530
ASTM A707 L7/3 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 3.4% Ni steel: Flanges BS 15011510 0.1 % C (max) 9.2% Ni 0.02% AI (min) steel: Plate;
for low temperature use; impact 68 J at -73 'C hardened and tempered for pressure vessels; Charpy
UTS: 415 Elon: 23% impact 47 J at 160 'C
ASTM A707 L7/4 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 3.4% Ni steel: Flanges UTS: 700 Elon: 18% Proof: 600
for low temperature use; impact 68 J at -73 'C BS 1503/503 0.15% C 3.5% Ni steel: Forging; normalized and
UTS: 515 Elan: 20% tempered
ASTM A714/5 E or S 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn 1.9% Ni 1.0% Cu steel: Pipe; UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
welded or seamless BS 15041503 0.15% C (max) 3.5% Ni steel: Casting; normalized and
UTS: 448 Proof: 317 tempered
ASTM A714/5 F 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn 1.9% Ni 1.0% Cu steel: Pipe; UTS: 440 Elan: 25% Proof: 240
welded or seamless BS 2493/1 Ni B 0.1 % C (max) 1% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
UTS: 379 Elon: 27% BS 2493/1 Ni C 0.15% C (max) 1% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
ASTM A732111 Q 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Investment casting; BS 2493/1 Ni LB 0.07% C (max) 1% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
hardened and tempered BS 2493/2 Ni B 0.1 % C (max) 2.5 % Ni steel: For welding electrodes
UTS: 830 Elon: 10% Proof: 690 BS 2493/2 Ni C 0.15% C (max) 2.5% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
ASTM A757·B2N 0.25% C 2.5% Ni 1% Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max) BS 2493/2 Ni LB 0.07% C (max) 1% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
steel: Casting; normalized and tempered; impact 20 J at BS 2493/3 Ni B 0.1 % C (max) 3.5% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
-75'C BS 2493/3 Ni LB 0.07% C (max) 3.5% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
UTS: 485 Elon: 25% Proof: 275 BS 2493IMn Ni B 0.1 % C (max) 1.5% Ni steel: For welding electrodes
ASTM A757-B2Q 0.25% C 2.5% Ni 1% Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max) BS 3100 BL2 0.12% C (max) 3.5% Ni steel: Casting for low
steel: Casting; quench and temper; impact 20 J at -75 temperature use; impact 20 J at -60 'C
'C UTS: 460 Elan: 20% Proof: 280
UTS: 485 Elon: 25% Proof: 275 BS 3146 CIAIO 0.15% C 3% Ni steel: Investment casting; for case
ASTM A757-B3N 0.25% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max) hardening; refined and hardened core properties
steel: Casting; normalized and tempered; impact 20 J at UTS: 670 Elan: 18%
-100 'C BSN3 0.3% C 3% Ni steel: Toledo for BS alloy En 21
UTS: 48S Elon: 25% Proof: 275 CASALLOY 0.1 % C 1.0% Ni steel: For case hardening; Clyde
ASTM A757·B3Q 0.25% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max) Alloy; annealed
steel: Casting; quench and temper; impact 20 J at -100 DPN: 180
'C CH3N 0.13% C 3.1 % Ni steel: For case hardening; ESC for
UTS: 485 Elon: 25% Proof: 275 BS alloy En 33
ASTM A757·B4N 0.15% C 4.5% Ni 1% Cr + Mo + V + Cu (max) CMNI 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Si steel: Firth Brown for BS
steel: Casting; normalized and tempered; impact 20 J at alloy En 14A and B
-115 'C CRYONIC5 0.13% C 5% Ni 0.27% Mo 0.1 % V steel: Armco Steel;
UTS: 485 Elon: 24% Proof: 275 for low temperature use
UTS: 69 Elan: 20% Proof: 45
DOFASCOLOY 0.18% C 1.0% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cu steel: Dominion
DOFASCOLOY 2 0.15% C 1.0% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cu steel: Dominion
DUCOLQT131 0.2% C 1.6% Mn 0.5% Ni steel: Colvilles; Al killed
EO 0.12% C 3% Ni steel: Jessop for BS alloy En 33
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: EIA 0.3% C 3% Ni steel: Jessop for BS alloy En 21
E4 0.11 % C 4.8% Ni steel: Jessop for BS alloy En 37
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number E7 XT8Ni 2 0.12% C (max) 2.2% Ni 1.8% Al (max) steel: Weld
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' electrode; designation used by AWS
Elan Elongation, % E8XTI Ni I 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni 1.8% Al steel: Weld electrode;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' designation used by AWS
E8XT5Nii 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni 1.8% AI steel: Weld electrode;
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa designation used by AWS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. E8XT5 Ni 2 0.12% C (max) 2.2% Ni steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
E 10 XTi K7 0.15% C (max) 2.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ELGA P62MR 0.06% C 1.2% Mn 0.9% Ni steel: Electrode; Metrode
designation used by AWS En 14B 0.25% C 0.4% Ni steel: Designation used in BS 970;
EBOCNi I 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni steel: Weld electrode; replaced by 150 M19
designation used by AWS ERBOSNi I 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni 0.6% Si steel: Weld electrode;
EBOCNi3 0.12% C (max) 3.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode designation used by AWS
E 7015 CIL 0.05% C (max) 2.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ERBOS Ni 2 0.12% C (max) 2.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
E 7015 C2L 0.05% C (max) 3.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ERBOSNi 3 0.12% C (max) 3.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
E 7016 C1L 0.05% C (max) 2.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ER 100 S-2 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni 0.5% Cu steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
E 7016 C2L 0.05% C (max) 3.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; FLT2C 0.1 % C 0.56% Mn 2.5% Ni 0.1 % Cu steel: Fuji
designation used by AWS FLT2D 0.07% C 0.5% Mn 3.5% Ni 0.14% Cu steel: Fuji
E 7018 C1L 0.05% C (max) 2.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; FN30 0.3% C 3% Ni steel: Firth Brown
designation used by AWS UTS: 840 Elon: 20%
E 7018 C2L 0.05% C (max) 3.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; HARDY NICKEL 0.08% C 2.0% Ni 0.2% Si steel: Atlas; for low duty
designation used by AWS IRON sub-zero parts
E8015 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni 0.4% Si steel: Weld electrode; DPN: 120 UTS: 340 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
designation used by AWS IN 787B 0.06% C (max) 1.3% Ni 0.02% Nb (min) 1.15% Cu
E8016CI 0.12% C (max) 2.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; steel: International Nickel Co.; solution treated and
designation used by AWS aged; impact 170 J at -60 'C
E 8016C2 0.12% C (max) 3.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; UTS: 630 Elon: 26% Proof: 550
designation used by AWS J1S G3460 0.18% C (max) 0.45% Mn 3.6% Ni 0.02% Cu (max)
E 8016C3 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni steel: Weld electrode; steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
designation used by AWS UTS: 460 Proof: 250
E 8018 CI 0.12% C (max) 2.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; J1S G3464 STBL46 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Mn 3.6% Ni steel: Pipe; Japanese
designation used by AWS Standard
E 8018 C2 0.12% C (max) 3.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; UTS: 460 Proof: 250
designation used by AWS K 11268 0.12% C (max) 0.75% Ni 0.17% AI 1% Cu steel:
E 8018 C3 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni steel: Weld electrode; Designation used by UNS
designation used by AWS KF 13 0.32% C 3% Ni steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy En 21
EGXXT3 0.1 % C (max) 0.9% Ni steel: Weld electrode; KFI5/3 0.12% C 3.2% Ni case hardening steel: Kirkstall for BS
designation used by AWS alloy En 33
ENil 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni steel: Weld electrode; KOERZITI20 27% Ni 13% AI steel: For magnets; German alloy
designation used by AWS listed by PMA
ENilK 0.18% C (max) 1% Ni steel: Weld electrode; KP 11 Low C 2% Ni steel: For case hardening; Kiveton Park
designation used by AWS LT3N 0.12% C 3.5% Ni steel: For low temperature use; ESC;
ENilKN 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni steel: Weld electrode; normalized and tempered
designation used by AWS UTS: 480 Elon: 24% Proof: 270
ENi2 0.12% C (max) 2.5% Ni steel: Weld electrode; LT9N 0.1 % C 9% Ni steel: For low temperature use; ESC;
designation used by AWS normalized and tempered
ENi2N 0.12% C (max) 2.5% Ni steel: Weld electrode; UTS: 670 Elon: 22% Proof: 450
designation used by AWS. MAXELOY4 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.2% Cu steel:
ENiN 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni steel: Weld electrode; Crucible Steel Co.
designation used by AWS MIL S 12505.1 0.23% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.45% Cu steel:
EXXTl K2 0.15% C (max) 1.5% Ni steel: Weld electrode; Bethlehem Steel Co.
designation used by AWS N 1/57 0.2% C 3.5% Ni steel: Tube; Babcock and Wilcox
EXXTl N2 0.12% C (max) 2.2% Ni steel: Weld electrode; (USA)
designation used by AWS N3CH 0.14% C 3.1% Ni steel: For carburizing; Firth Brown
EXXT5K2 0.15% C (max) 1.5% Ni steel: Weld electrode; for BS 970 En 33
designation used by AWS N5CH 0.1 % C 5.0% Ni steel: For carburizing; Firth Brown for
EXXT5Ni3 0.12% C (max) 3.2% Ni steel: Weld electrode; BS 970 En 37
designation used by AWS NBVI 0.24% C 1.15% Ni steel: Krupp
E7 XX T4 K2 0.15% C (max) 1.5% Ni 1.8% AI steel: Weld NBVllh 0.34% C 1.35% Ni steel: Krupp
electrode; designation used by AWS NBV2/w 0.14% C 1.5% Ni steel: Krupp
ECFI 0.12% C (max) 1.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; NBV5/w 0.12% C 5.0% Ni steel: Krupp
designation used by AWS NF A36 20812.25Ni 0.15% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 2.0% Ni steel: Plate;
ECFI N 0.12% C (max) 1.3% Ni steel: Weld electrode; French Standard; normalized
designation used by AWS UTS: 500 Proof: 270
ECF4 0.17% C (max) 0.6% Ni steel: Weld electrode; NF A36 208/3.5Ni 0.15% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 3.5% Ni steel: Plate;
designation used by AWS French Standard
ECF4N 0.17% C (max) 0.6% Ni steel: Weld electrode; UTS: 500 Proof: 270
designation used by AWS NF A36 208/9Ni 0.1 % C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 9.0% Ni steel: Plate;
ECNi2 0.12% C 2.5% Ni steel: Weld electrode; designation French Standard
used by AWS UTS: 700 Proof: 600
ECNi2N 0.12% C 2.5% Ni steel: Weld electrode; designation NiCuCb 0.06% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.02% Nb (min)
used by AWS 1.15% Cu steel: International Nickel Co.; age hardened
ECNi3 0.12% C (max) 3.2% Ni steel: Weld electrode; Elon: 29%
designation used by AWS NiCuTi 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.05% Ti 0.2% Cu
ECNi3N 0.12% C (max) 3.2% Ni steel: Weld electrode; steel: Jones and Laughlin
designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NICLOY 0.2% C 3.5% Ni steel: Tube; Babcock and Wilcox SAE 2517 0.17% C 0.5% Mn 5% Ni steel: Mechanical properties
(USA) not specified
NICLOY5 0.14% C 5.0% Ni steel: Tube; Babcock and Wilcox SANBOLD 14 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni steel: Sanderson for En
(USA) 14B
NICLOY9 0.12% C 9% Ni 0.3% Cu steel: Tube; Babcock and SANBOLD51 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni steel: Sanderson; replaced
Wilcox (USA) by Sanbold 14
NICUAGE 0.06% C 0.5% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.02% Nb 1.15% Cu SHEF-TEN 0.28% C 1.4% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.2% Cu steel: Armco
steel: Strip, bar, section and tube, International Nickel UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
Co.; normalized; aged SL2N26 0.17% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) 2.2% Ni steel: Plate;
DPN: 215 UTS: 640 Elon: 22% Proof: 590 Japanese Standard; draft specification
NICUAGE I 0.06% C 0.85% Ni 0.02% Nb 1.1% Cu steel: Inco; age UTS: 500 Proof: 260
hardened SL3N26 0.15% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) 3.5% Ni steel: Plate;
DPN: 235 UTS: 690 Elon: 23% Proof: 640 Japanese Standard; draft specification
NICUAGE TYLER 0.06% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.02% Nb (min) UTS: 500 Proof: 260
1.2% Cu steel: Information from Inco; age hardened; SL 3N45 0.15% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) 3.5% Ni steel: Plate;
impact 50 J at -20 'C French Standard; draft; hardened and tempered
DPN: 230 VTS: 690 Elon: 23% Proof: 620 VTS: 620 Proof: 450
NKR 0.3% C 3% Ni steel: Jonas SL9N53 0.12% C (max) 9.0% Ni steel: Plate; Japanese
VTS: 920 Elon: 20% Proof: 760 Standard; draft; normalized; tempered
NMS 0.23% C 1.6% Mn 0.6% Ni steel: Australian Iron and UTS: 770 Proof: 530
Steel Co. SL9N60 0.12% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 9.0% Ni steel: Plate;
NSR 0.15% C 3% Ni steel: For case hardening; Jonas; core Japanese Standard; draft; hardened and tempcred
properties VTS: 770 Proof: 600
DPN: 207 VTS: 690 Elon: 18% SN 5 Nickel steel sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
NV20.0 0.1 % C (max) 0.55% Mn 3.25% Ni (min) steel: 1(}-15% porosity
Designation used by DNV VTS: 400 Elon: 5%
VTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 350 SN 10 Nickel steel sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
NV 20.00 0.1% C (max) 0.55% Mn 2.25% Ni (min) steel: 1(}-15% porosity
Designation used by DNV VTS: 630 Elon: 3%
VTS: 400 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320 SN 15 Nickel steel sintered material: Sintered Products Ltd;
NV20.1 0.1 % C (max) 0.55% Mn 4.75% Ni (min) steel: 1(}-15% porosity
Designation used by DNV VTS: 840 Elon: 2%
VTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 400 SOUDERGWT 0.1 % C 0.9% Ni 0.4% Cu steel: Welding electrode;
NV20.2 0.08% C (max) 0.55% Mn 9.0% Ni (min) steel: Soudometal; for inert gas welding
Designation used by DNV UTS: 570 Elon: 24% Proof: 440
UTS: 650 Elon: 20% Proof: 450 SPEAR 433 0.12% C 3.0% Ni steel: Spear and Jackson as BS alloy
NVR20.0 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 3.25% Ni (min) steel: En 33
Designation used by DNV SPEAR 521 0.3% C 3.2% Ni steel: Spear and Jackson as BS alloy
NVR20.00 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.25% Ni (min) steel: En 21
Designation used by DNV SS 8110 0.2% C (max) 3.0% Ni 1.0% Cu steel: Sintered
NVR20.1 0.1% C (max) 0.55% Mn 4.75% Ni (min) steel: SUPER TOUGH B25 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni steel: ESC for BS alloy En
Designation used by DNV 14
NVR20.2 0.08% C (max) 0.6% Mn 8.6% Ni (min) steel: TENASOUDO 0.04% C 0.7% Mn 3.5% Ni: Welding electrode;
Designation used by DNV Ni 3 S Soudometal; welding low alloy steel
P 153 0.12% C 3% Ni steel: For case hardening; Carrs VTS: 570 Elon: 26% Proof: 480
PERNIFER36 0.03% C 36% Ni steel: YOM TUBROD 14.18 0.1 % C 0.8% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.6% Al steel: Welding
PHILIPS 75 0.06% C 0.5% Mn 2.2% Ni steel: Welding electrode; wire; Esab; obsolete
Philips; low hydrogen rod TUBROD 15.18 0.08% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.4% Si steel: Tubular
VTS: 580 Elon: 24% Proof: 440 weld rod; Esab; for hard facing; as weldcd
PIIT-TEN I 0.12% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.8% Cu steel: VTS: 625 Elon: 25 % Proof: 470
Pittsburgh Steel VS3N 0.1 % C 3% Ni steel: For carburizing; Vulcan
PPT 0.2% C 4.0% Ni 1.2% AI steel: Origin unknown VTS: 690
S4 Nickel steel: Sheet; obsolete VS5N 0.1 % C 5% Ni steel: For carburizing; Vulcan
S8 3.0% Ni steel: Hardened and tempered; replaced VTS: 1070
S9 3.0% Ni steel: Forging; hardened and tempered; VS 15M 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni steel: Vulcan
replaced VS 35N 0.35% C 3.5% Ni steel: Vulcan
510 3.0% Ni steel: Bar and forging; hardened and VTS: 760
tempered; replaced YND37 0.14% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.7% Ni steel: Yamata
SI5 0.12% C 3.0% Ni steel: For carburizing; blank YOLOYS 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 1.9% Ni 1.0% Cu steel:
carburized; hardened and tempered Youngstown Steel Co.
VTS: 670 Elon: 18%
S17 5% Ni steel: For carburizing; replaced Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
S46 Nickel alloy steel: Strip; obsolete
S67 Low carbon 5% Ni steel: For carburizing; obsolete DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
S83 Low carbon 5% Ni steel: For carburizing; obsolete VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
SAE 2317 0.17% C 3.5% Ni steel: Obsolete Elon Elongation, %
SAE 2330 0.3% C 3.5% Ni steel: Obsolete Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
SAE 2512 0.12% C 5% Ni steel: Obsolete
SAE 2515 0.15% C 5% Ni steel: Mechanical properties not I N/mm'=O.l hbar=0.102 kgUmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04lbf/in.'= I MPa
specified See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
44F2 Steel - medium carbon with nickel
0.4% carbon minimum
Specific gravity 7.8
Density 7800 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 1450--1500 °C
Thermal conductivity 50 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 11 x 1O- 6/ oc
Electrical conductivity 6-9% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 230--270 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity
Impact -102J
Fatigue strength ±539 N/mm 2
Hot strength
The above properties are typical of the following group, and to be annealed to remove this embrittling effect. Full anneal-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible ing is at the same temperature as hardening and normalizing,
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be in the region of 800°C. The majority of the steels in this
applicable. group have considerable tolerance to the thermal treatment
Welding presents no serious problems with steels with
General metallurgical characteristics
lower amounts of carbon but as the amount of carbon
Nickel additions in steel lower the critical change points, in increases then problems can be encountered.
proportion to the nickel content. This means that parts do The carbon equivalent (CE) formula can supply useful
not require to be taken to as high a temperature as with plain information. This is as follows:
carbon steels. Nickel also toughens the ferrite, resulting in
better mechanical properties even in the normalized or CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu
6 5 15
annealed conditions. There is some increase in corrosion
resistance, again proportional to the nickel content, but this Values above 0.7% can indicate problems.
is never sufficient in the steels listed to be noticeable. Nickel has little effect on the hardenability of steel but
The one time scarcity and high cost of nickel resulted in with a higher proportion of nickel, above 3%, some effect
research that culminated in the use of low nickel, chromium does exist and specialist advice should be sought.
and molybdenum steels in lieu of the 4% nickel series and Some of the steels with lower amounts of carbon arc used
this use has remained long after the scarcity disappeared. for structural steels but in the main they arc used for
There is still considerable use of the low nickel steels which engineering purposes, shafts and components such as pneu-
show a degree of toughness in the normalized condition, and matic tools which are subjected to impact loading.
also nickel bearing steels for good impact properties at low These steels have excellent impact resistance and tough-
temperatures. ness with excellent low temperature impact properties when
These steels with the higher carbon content become brittle an appreciable amount of nickel is present.
when cold worked to any great extent and therefore require
AINi 120 27.5% Ni 13% Al 2.5% Cu steel: Casting for magnets; LE 0.4% C 3.20% Ni tool steel: Osborn; chisel steel;
German Standard obsolete
ALNI 28% Ni 0.5% Ti 12% AI 0.4% Cu steel: Casting for DPN:600
magnets; PMA LT226 0.4% C 3.2% Ni steel: Low Moor; obsolete
ALNII 24.5% Ni 12.5% A16% Cu steel: For magnets; casting; DPN:600
Jessops MANOIR 15N4 0.15% C 3.8% Ni steel: Pompey
ALNICO 3 26% Ni 12% AI 2.0% Cu steel: Casting for magnets; UTS: 550 EJon: 18% Proof: 320
American alloy; information from PMA MARSHN3 0.4% C 3.2% Ni steel: Marsh Brothers; chisels
AM4Ni 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni steel: Jessop for BS alloy En MAXMITH 0.4% C 3.25% Ni steel: Edgar Allen; blacksmiths'
12 tools, chisels, etc.
ASTMA320L9 0.4% C 3.5% Ni steel: Hardened and tempered N3 0.4% C 3.2% Ni steel: Marsh Brothers; chisels
UTS: 880 Elon: 16% Proof: 720 NIO Ni steel sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity 6.6-7.0;
ASTM A352 LC2 0.25% C (max) 0.65% Mn 2.5% Ni steel: Casting for hardened and tempered; file hard
low temperature use UTS: 700 Ehm.: 0.8%
BS970 See designation for details N 20 Ni steel sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity 6.S-7.2;
BS 980 CDS 14 0.4% C 3% Ni steel: Cold drawn tube; hardened and hardened and tempered; file hard
tempered UTS: 1010 Elon: 2%
UTS: 690 Proof: 580 N 30 Ni steel sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity 6.7-7.1;
BSN I 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni steel: Toledo for BS alloy hardened and tempered; file hard
En 12 UTS: 890 Elon: 1%
BSN 35 0.4% C 3.5% Ni steel: Toledo NiAIO 22% Ni 10% Al steel: Casting for magnets; Belgian
CHISEL STEEL 0.4% C 3% Ni steel: Origin unknown alloy listed by PMA
CL 15 0.4% C 0.5% Mn 3.25% Ni steel: Origin unknown NiAll 30% Ni 12% Al Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; Belgian
DIN 17200 41 Cr 4 0.41 % C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Cr steel: German Standard alloy listed PMA
DIN 17200 41 Cr S 4 0.41 % C 0.65% Mn 0.05% Cr steel: German Standard NIPERMAG 30.0% Ni 0.4% Ti 12.0% Al Fe alloy: For magnets;
DMA3 26% Ni 12% AI 2.0% Cu steel: For magnets; Japanese origin unknown
alloy listed by PMA ONI 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni steel: W Marrison for BS
DUNELT26 0.4% C 0.7% Ni steel: Dunford for BS alloy En 12 alloy En 12
EI 0.4% C 3.5% Ni steel: Jessop S4 Nickel steel: Sheet; obsolete; BS designation for S4
En 10 0.55% C 0.7% Ni steel: Designation used in BS 970; S50 Ni Mn steel sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity
obsolete 6.4-<i.8; hardened and tempered; file hard
En 12 0.4% C 0.8% Ni steel: Designation used in BS 970; UTS: 700 Elon: 0.8%
obsolete SAE 2340 0.4% C 3.5% Ni steel: Obsolete
En 12B 0.37% C 0.8% Ni steel: Designation used in BS 970; SAE 2345 0.45% C 3.5% Ni steel: Obsolete
replaced by 503 A37 SANBOLD 12 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 1% Ni steel: Sanderson for BS alloy
En 12C 0.42% C 0.8% Ni steel: Designation used in BS 970; En 12
replaced by 503 A42 SANBOLD39 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 1.0% Ni steel: Sanderson; replaced
EXPANDAL 0.6% C 5.7% Mn 10% Ni steel: Latrobe; high by Sanbold 12
expansion steel SPEARD3 0.4% C 0.5% Mn 3.25% Ni steel: Origin unknown
GOST 2052160 0.6% C 0.55% Mn 1.55% Ni 0.3% Cr (max) steel: STA5N/5/1 0.55% C 0.65% Ni steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 10
S2N2A Russian Standard T3N 0.4% C 3.2% Ni steel:. ESC; punches, etc.
HDB2 0.6% C 1.25% Ni steel: Huntsman; large press dies
HECLA 10 0.55% C 0.65% Ni steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 10
HECLA 1I5 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni steel: Hadfields for BS alloy Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
En 12
HEDEX24 0.4% C 0.8% Ni steel: Wire for forgings; Kiveton Park DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
HTCN 0.4% C 0.75% Ni steel: ESC for BS alloy En 12 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
KFI2A 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy Elon Elongation, %
En 12 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
KOERZIT90 21 % Ni 12% Al steel: For magnets; German alloy
listed by PMA I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04lbf/in.'= I MPa
KP 10 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni steel: Kiveton Park for BS See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
alloy En 12
44F3 Steel - low carbon, high nickel - maraging
with molybdenum, cobalt, aluminium and titanium
Specific gravity 8.05
Density 8050 kg/m 3
Thermal conductivity
Coefficient of linear expansion 10 x 1O- 6/ oC
Electrical conductivity aged 4% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance aged 400 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity 186 x 109 N/m 2
Fatigue strength ±900 N/mm 2
Hot strength
400 1400 18
500 1300 20
550 1000 22
The above properties are typical of the following group, and These steels are still at the development stage but the high
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible strength, excellent notch strength and weldability indicate a
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be large number of potential uses.
applicable. Because of the very low carbon content in the steels in this
group they can generally accept a high degree of cold work
without any serious increase in brittleness.
General metallurgical characteristics
The thermal treatment of these steels requires specialist
These steels have over 15% nickel, with titanium, generally advice. They are expensive materials and have been formu-
some cobalt, molybdenum and aluminium. The carbon, lated to give the highest tensile strength to ductility ratio of
phosphorus and sulphur are all held at low levels. any steels. They must be treated correctly, however, in order
They are modern steels developed by the International to achieve the correct properties.
Nickel Company and are not yet in general use. The same comments apply to welding. No technical prob-
The materials have very high tensile and proof strength, of lems exist regarding the production of a weld but this weld
the order of 2000 N/mm 2 with good elongation at 10--15% could seriously affect the mechanical properties in the heat
and unique notch resistance for any material of comparable affected zone unless the welding is very carefully controlled.
strength. Wherever possible welding should be carried out prior to the
The metallurgy depends on a complex precipitation reac- thermal treatment.
tion caused by intermetallic compounds of nickel, cobalt, These steels are difficult to machine because of their
titanium or aluminium hardening a fully martensitic struc- toughness in the soft condition and after full ageing have high
ture. This martensite is very ductile owing to the low carbon hardness and therefore will cause severe tool wear.
and high nickel. The steels are martensitic in the annealed It is possible to age partially for best machinability results
condition but can accept considerable cold work which can and then to age fully after machining.
be used to enhance the final mechanical properties by sub- These steels were developed because of their high strength
sequent ageing. They have no outstanding corrosion resis- to ductility ratio and, where rotating parts occur, uses are
tance, being only slightly better than normal alloy steels. being found.
Their excellent notch resistance, however, considerably To date, however, there is no indication that these steels
reduces the danger normally associated with rust in high are finding common use in general engineering.
strength steels.
18 Ni 1400 18.0% Ni 3.0% Mo 8.5% Co 0.2% Ti 0.1 % AI steel: ALMAR 181300 0.03% C 18.5% Ni 5% Mo 9% Co 0.7% Ti 0.1 % AI
Maraging; 1nco 0.02% Zr steel: Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated
Proof: 1400 and aged; maraging
18 Ni 1700 18.0% Ni 5.0% Mo 8.0% Co 0.4% Ti 0.01 % AI steel: DPN: 610 VTS: 2200 Elon: II % Proof: 2100
Maraging; 1nco ALMAR20 0.03% C 19.5% Ni 1.5% Ti 0.5% Nb 0.2% AI 0.02%
Proof: 1700 Zr steel: Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged;
18 Ni 1900 18.0% Ni 5.0% Mo 9.0% Co 0.6% Ti O.oJ % AI steel: maraging
Maraging; Inco VTS: 1900 Elon: 8% Proof: 1700
Proof: 1900 ALMAR25 0.03% C 25.5% Ni 1.5% Ti 0.5% Nb 0.2% AI 0.02%
18 Ni 2400 17.5% Ni 3.75% Mo 12.5% Co 1.8% Ti 0.15% AI Zr steel: Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged;
steel: Maraging; Inco maraging
Proof: 2400 UTS: 2000 Elon: 8% Proof: 1850
18 Ni MA Low C 18.0% Ni 4.0% Mo 8.0% Co 0.25% Ti steel: AMS5337 0.03% C (max) 18.5% Ni 5% Mo 9% Co 0.65% Ti
Electrode; Metrode; maraging; aged 0.1 % AI steel: Casting
DPN: 570 AMS5339 0.03% C (max) 16.8% Ni 4.6% Mo 10.2% Co 0.35%
18 Ni MA 0.02% C 18% Ni 4% Mo 8% Co Ti steel: Electrode; Ti steel: Casting
Metrode; for maraging steel AMS6501 0.03% C 18% Ni 4.8% Mo 7.7% Co 0.45% Ti 0.1% AI
DPN:390 steel
18 Ni MP 0.02% C 18% Ni 4% Mo 8% Co Ti steel: Electrode; AMS6512 0.03% C 18% Ni 4.8% Mo 7.7% Co 0.45% Ti 0.1% AI
Metrode; for maraging steel steel
DPN: 390 AMS6514 0.03% C (max) 18.5% Ni 4.9% Mo 8.7% Co 0.65% Ti
2500.02% C 18.3% Ni 5.0% Mo 8.0% Co 0.4% Ti 0.1% AI steel: 0.1% AI steel
Maraging; information from Climax Molybdenum AMS6520 0.03% C (max) 18% Ni 4.8% Mo 7.7% Co 0.45% Ti
3000.02% C 18.3% Ni 5.0% Mo 9.0% Co 0.65% Ti 0.1 % AI steel: 0.1% Al steel
Maraging; information from Climax Molybdenum AMS6521 0.03% C (max) 18.5% Ni 4.9% Mo 8.7% Co 0.65% Ti
648A 0.02% C 18% Ni 3.2% Mo 8.5% Co 0.2% Ti 0.1 % AI 0.1 % AI steel
steel: Firth Brown; maraging ASTMA538A 0.03% C 18% Ni 4.2% Mo 7.7% Co 0.2% Ti steel:
DPN: 138 Maraging
648B 0.02% C 18% Ni 4.8% Mo 7.7% Co 0.4% Ti 0.1% AI VTS: 1440 Elon: 8% Proof: 1380
steel: Firth Brown; maraging ASTMA538B 0.03% C 18% Ni 4.8% Mo 7.7% Co 0.4% Ti steel:
VTS: 1700 Elon: 12% Proof: 1600 Maraging
648C 0.02% C 18% Ni 5.0% Mt' 9.0% Co 0.6% Ti 0.1 % Al VTS: 1650 Elon: 6% Proof: 1600
steel: Firth Brown; maraging ASTM A538C 0.03% C 18.5% Ni 4.9% Mo 8.7% Co 0.7% Ti steel:
VTS: 2000 Elon: 12% Proof: 1900 Maraging
AU8 NiCoMo (250) 0.02% C 18% Ni 5% Mo 7% Co 0.4% Ti 0.1 % Al VTS: 1880 Elon: 6% Proof: 1700
steel: Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged; ASTMA579n5 0.03% C 12% Ni 5.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.17% Ti 0.4% AI
maraging steel: Forging; maraging
DPN: 500 VTS: 1700 Elon: 12% Proof: 1600 UTS: 1300 Elon: 14% Proof: 1250
AU8 NiCoMo (300) 0.02% C 18% Ni 5% Mo 9% Co 0.6% Ti 0.1 % AI CFS 1.1 % C 0.1 % Ni 0.5% Cr steel: Latrobe
steel: Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged; DID 5212 18% Ni Co Mo steel: Maraging; double vacuum melted
maraging VTS: 1800
VTS: 2200 Elon: 14% Proof: 2100 DID 5232 18% Ni Co Mo steel: Maraging; vacuum melted
AL20 Ni (250) 0.02% C 20% Ni 1.4% Ti 0.5% Nb 0.2% AI steel: VTS: 1800
Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged; EFe7 2.2% C 6% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used
maraging byAWS
DPN: 630 UTS: 2300 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 2200 FE PA95 0.03% C 18.0% Ni 4.9% Mo 8.0% Co 0.4% Ti steel:
AL25 Ni (250) 0.02% C 25% Ni 1.4% Ti 0.5% Nb 0.2% AI steel: Maraging; origin unknown
Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged; G 140 0.02% C 18.0% Ni 4.8% Mo 8.0% Co 0.4% Ti steel:
maraging Jessop
VTS: 2400 Elon: 2% Proof: 2200 INCOMS250 0.03% C (max) 19% Ni 3% Mo 1.4% Ti 0.1% AI Fe
ALMAR 181200 0.03% C 18% Ni 32% Mo 8.5% Co 0.2% Ti 0.02% Zr alloy: 1nco; solution test and aged
steel: Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged; VTS: 1830 Elon: 12% Proof: 1750
maraging MAR 100 0.02% C 16.75% Ni 4.65% Mo 10.3% Co 0.37% Ti
UTS: 1550 Elon: 15% Proof: 1500 0.11% AI Fe alloy: Union Carbide
ALMAR 181250 0.03% C 18% Ni 5% Mo 8% Co 0.4% Ti 0.1 % AI MARAGE200 0.03% C 18.0% Ni 3.2% Mo 8.5% Co 0.1 % Ti steel
0.02% Zr steel: Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated MARAGE250 0.03% C (max) 18.0% Ni 4.9% Mo 7.7% Co 0.4% Ti
and aged; maraging 0.08% AI steel
DPN: 580 VTS: 2000 Elon: 12% Proof: 1850 MARAGE300 0.03% C (max) 18.5% Ni 5.0% Mo 9.0% Co 0.6% Ti
0.08% AI steel
MARVAC18 0.03% C 18% Ni 5.0% Mo 7.5% Co 0.4% Ti 0.1 % Al
steel: Latrobe Steel; maraged
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: VTS: 1900 Elon: 11 % Proof: 1700
MARVAC18A 0.03% C 18% Ni 5.0% Mo 9.0% Co 0.6% Ti 0.1 % AI
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number steel: Latrobe Steel; maraged
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' VTS: 2100 Elon: 10% Proof: 2000
Elon Elongation, % MARVAC18LT 0.03% C 18% Ni 4.5% Mo 8.0% Co 0.2% Ti 0.1 % AI
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' steel: Latrobe Steel; maraged
UTS: 11 % Proof: 1650
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa MARVAC200 0.02% C 18% Ni 4.25% Mo 7.5% Co 0.2% Ti 0.1% AI
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. steel: Latrobe; maraging
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MARVAC250 0.02% C 18% Ni 5.0% Mo 8.0% Co 0.4% Ti 0.1 % Al ULTIMATE 110 0.01% C 17.5% Ni 4.8% Mo 8.0% V with Ti and Al
steel: Latrobe; maraging steel: For die casting aluminium; Jessop; maraging
MARVAC300 0.02% C 18% Ni 5.0% Mo 9.0% Co 0.6% Ti 0.1% AI DPN:6OO
steel: Latrobe; maraging VASCOMAX 250 0.03% C (max) 18% Ni 5% Mo 7% Co 4% Ti 1% AI
NiMARK I 0.3% C (max) 18.5% Ni 4.9% Mo 7.5% Co 0.4% Ti steel: Vanadium Alloys; solution treated and aged;
0.1 % Al steel: Carpenter; maraging maraging steel
Ni MARK 250 0.03% C 4.8% Mo7.5% Co 0.4% Ti 0.003% B 0.1% DPN: 540 UTS: 1900 Elon: 10% Proof: 1700
Al steel: Carpenter VASCOMAX 300 0.03% C 18% Ni 5% Mo 9% Co 6% Ti I% Al steel:
DPN: 510 VTS: 1760 Elon: 12% Proof: 1720 CVM Vanadium Alloys; solution treated and aged; maraged
Ni MARK 300 0.03% C (max) 18.5% Ni 4.9% Mo 8.5% Co 0.7% Ti DPN: 610 UTS: 2200 Elon: 11 % Proof: 2000
0.1 % Al steel: Carpenter; maraging VMA-B 10% Co 18% Ni 4.5% Mo steel: Investment casting; BS
PYROMET 0.03% C 37.5% Ni 16% Co 1.7% Ti 3% Nb + Ta designation; obsolete
ALLOYCTX-I steel: Carpenter; solution treated and aged VMAI-A 10% Co 18% Ni 4.5% Mo steel: Investment casting; BS
VTS: 1500 Elon: 16% Proof: 1300 designation; obsolete
PYROMET 0.06% C (max) 38% Ni 13% Co 1.5% Ti 4.8% X 3 Ni Co Mo 18-8-5 0.03% C 18.5% Ni 5.3% Mo 9% Co 0.6% Ti 0.1 % Al
ALLOYCTX-3 Nb + Ta steel: Carpenter; solution treated and aged steel: German Standard
VTS: 1180 Elon: 14% Proof: 830
TELMAR90 0.01 % C 18% Ni 3.2% Mo 8.5% Co 0.2% Ti steel:
Maraging; Telcon
DPN: 450 VTS: 1500 Elon: 11 % Proof: 1420
TELMAR 110 0.01% C 18% Ni 4.8% Mo 7.7% Co 0.4% Ti steel: Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Maraging; Telcon
DPN: 520 VTS: 1800 Elon: 12% Proof: 1700
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
TELMAR 125 0.01 % C 18.5% Ni 4.9% Mo 9.0% Co 0.6% Ti steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Maraging; Telcon
Elon Elongation, %
DPN: 560 VTS: 1900 Elon: 12% Proof: 1850
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
THYROTHERM 0.02% C (max) 12% Ni 8% Mo 8% Co 0.5% Ti 0.05%
2799 AI steel: Thyssen 1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
DPN: 600 Proof: 2413
UCAR 0.01% C 18.0% Ni 5.0% Mo 8.0% Co 0.5% Ti See Appendix n for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
MARAGING 110 0.1 % AI maraging steel: Union Carbide
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.2 Moon 0.22% C 1.1 % Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Creusot·Loire 4027 0.27% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
1.3 M06n 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Creusot-Loire and USA
1.5415 0.16% C 0.3% Mo steel: For boiler plate; German 4028 0.28% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
Standard and USA
1.5416 0.15% C 0.3% Mo steel: German Standard 4032 0.32% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
1.5424 0.12% C 0.5% Mo 0.2% Cu steel: Welding rod; and USA
German Standard 4037 0.37% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
1.5425 0.1 % C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding rod: German Standard and USA
1.5426 0.15% C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding rod; German 4042 0.42% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
Standard and USA
1.5427 0.13% C 2.0% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Welding rod; 4047 0.47% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
German Standard and USA
1.5428 0.15% C 3.0% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Welding rod; 4063 0.63% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
German Standard and USA
3Mo 0.15% C 0.35% Mo steel: Sandvik 4419 0.19% C 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
3Mol 0.13% C 0.45% Mo steel: Sandvik and USA
9 Mn M04/5 0.09% C 1.0% Mn 0.5% Mo 0.22% Cu steel: 4422 0.22% C 0.4% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
Designation used by German Standards and USA
13 Mn Mo 3/5 0.12% C 0.5% Mo 0.22% Cu steel: Designation used 4427 0.27% C 0.4% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
by German Standards and USA
13 Mn M0615 0.14% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used by 4520 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK
German Standards and USA
13 Mn Mo 8/5 0.13% C 2.0% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used b}' 10013 0.1 % C 1% Mo 0.45% Si steel: Weld electrode; USA
German Standards designation; military specification
13 Mn Mo 12/5 0.14% C 3.0% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used by A30 0.12% C (max) 0.55% Mo steel: For welding
German Standards electrodes; designation for BS 2901
15M03 0.15% C 0.3% Mo steel: Designation used by German A31 0.14% C (max) 0.5% Mo steel: For welding electrodes;
Standards designation used for BS 2901
18MM 0.18% C 1.3% Mn 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode A204A 0.23% C 0.5% Mo steel: Plate; Armco; pressure vessels
20Mn M04 0.2% C 1.1 % Mn 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by used at high temperature
German Standards UTS: 480 Elon: 24% Proof: 240
20M03 0.15% C 0.3% Mo steel: Designation used by German A204B 0.25% C 0.5% Mo steel: Plate; Armco: pressure vessels
Standards used at high temperature
30MM 0.3% C 1.3% Mn 0.25% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode UTS: 530 Elon: 23% Proof: 270
605 A 32 0.32% C 0.27% Mo steel: BS 970 A204C 0.26% C 0.5% Mo steel: Plate; Armco; pressure vessels
605 A 37 0.37% C 0.27% Mo steel: BS 970 used at high temperature
605 H 32 0.32% C 0.27% Mo steel: BS 970 UTS: 640 Elon: 22% Proof: 300
605 H 37 0.37% C 0.27% Mo steel: BS 970 AMnMo 0.25% C Mn Mo steel: Casting; Firth Brown;
605 M30 0.3% C 0.27% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete normalized and tempered
605 M 36 0.36% C 0.27% Mo steel: BS 970 DPN: 200 UTS: 700 Elon: 17% Proof: 450
4012 0.12% C 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK ABSIH 0.22% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.5% Mo steel: Plate;
and USA American Bureau of Shipping
4023 0.23% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK UTS: 500 Elon: 19% Proof: 260
and USA ABS/I 0.23% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Plate;
4024 0.24% C 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK American Bureau of Shipping
and USA UTS: 550 Elon: 17% Proof: 280
ABS/J 0.25% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.52% Mo steel: Plate;
American Bureau of Shipping
UTS: 580 Elon: 16% Proof: 305
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ABS/K 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Tube; American
Bureau of Shipping
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ABSIL 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Tube; American
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Bureau of Shipping
Elon Elongation, % ABSIM 0.14% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Tube;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 American Bureau of Shipping
ABSIN 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Tube;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 = I MPa
American Bureau of Shipping
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ABSIO 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Tube;
American Bureau of Shipping
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ABS/P 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.0% Mo steel: Tube; ASTM A335 PIS 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mo 1.4% Si steel: Seamless pipe
American Bureau of Shipping ASTM A336 FI 0.25% C 0.5% Mo: Seamless drum forging
AFNOR 81-345 0.06% C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; French VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proor: 270
ECMoB20 specification ASTM A352 LCI 0.25% C 0.55% Mo steel: Normalized and tempered
AFNOR 81-345 0.08% C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; French for low temperature service
ECMoR22 specification VTS: 440 Elon: 24% Proor: 220
AISI4012 0.12% C 0.2% Mo steel ASTM A356!2 0.25% C 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; normalized and
AISl4023 0.23% C 0.25% Mo steel tempered; for turbines
AISI4024 0.22% C 0.25% Mo steel VTS: 440 Elon: 22% Proof: 220
AISI4027 0.27% C 0.25% Mo steel ASTM A356/3 0.25% C 1.0% Mo steel: Casting; normalized and
AISI4028 0.27% C 0.25% Mo steel tempered; for turbines
AISI4032 0.32% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Mo steel VTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
AISI4037 0.37% C 0.25% Mo steel ASTM A369 FPI 0.15% C 0.5% Mo steel: For forged and bored pipe
AISI4419 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel ASTM A426 CPI 0.15% C 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
AISI4422 0.22% C 0.4% Mo steel ASTM A426 CPI5 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
AISI4427 0.27% C 0.4% Mo steel ASTM A48712 N 0.3% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.2% Mo steel: Casting for
AISI4520 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Obsolete pressure; normalized; 2Q grade is quenched and
AMS6300 0.37% C 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS for tempered
SAE 4037 ASTM A514J 0.17% C 0.56% Mo 0.003% B steel: Plate
AMS6386 0.16% C 0.62% Mo 0.003% B steel ASTM A5]4 K 0.15% C 0.50% Mo 0.003% B steel: Plate
AN S 911 0.37% C 0.25% Mo steel: US Service; hardened and ASTM A5I7C 0.15% C 0.25% Mo 0.003% B steel: Boiler plate
tempered ASTM A5]7 J 0.]7% C 0.58% Mo 0.003% B steel: Boiler plate
DPN: 230 VTS: 840 Elon: 17% Proor: 740 ASTM A517K 0.15% C 0.5% Mo 0.003% B steel: Boiler plate
ASTMAI6ITI 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.5% Mo 0.05% Sand P steel: Tube ASTMA533A 0.25% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.52% Mo steel: Plate
ASTMA204 A 0.22% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for pressure ASTM A588E 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn (max) 0.17% Mo 0.65% Cu
vessels steel: For structures
ASTM A204B 0.23% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for pressure VTS: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320
vessels ASTM A692 0.22% C 0.7% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Pipe; seamless for
ASTM A204C 0.24% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for pressure pressure use
vessels VTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
ASTMA209TI 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Seamless tube ASTMA699/1 0.06% C (max) 1.7% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.06% Nb steel
ASTM A209 TIA 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Seamless tube VTS: 700 Elon: 12% Proof: 485
ASTM A209 TIB 0.14% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Seamless ASTMA699/2 0.06% C (max) 1.7% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.06% Nb steel
tube VTS: 700 Elon: 12% Proof: 515
ASTM A250TI 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Electric welded ASTM A699/3 0.06% C (max) 1.7% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.06% Nb steel
tube VTS: 680 Elon: 12% Proor: 485
ASTM A250 TIA 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Electric welded tube ASTM A699/4 0.06% C (max) 1.7% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.06% Nb steel
ASTM A250 TIB 0.14% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Electric VTS: 680 Elon: 12% Proof: 515
welded tube ASTM A707 L611 0.09% C (max) ].8% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.07% Nb steel:
ASTM A295 FI 0.25% C 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless drum forgings; Aanges for low temperature use; impact 41 J at -62 'C
normalized and tempered UTS: 290 Elon: 22%
VTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 ASTM A707 L6/2 0.09% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.07% Nb steel:
ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.6% Mn 0.52% Mo 0.4% Si steel: Electrodes Aanges for low temperature use; impact 54 J at -62 'C
E70lOAl for arc welding VTS: 360 Elon: 25%
ASTM A316 0.12% C 0.6% Mn 0.52% Mo 0.4% Si steel: Electrodes ASTM A707 L6/2 0.09% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.07% Nb steel:
E7011AI for arc welding Aanges for low temperature use; impact 68 J at -62 'C
ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.9% Mn 0.52% Mo 0.6% Si steel: Electrodes VTS: 415 Elon: 23%
E7015AI for arc welding ASTM A707 L6/3 0.09% C (max) 1.8% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.07% Nb steel:
ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.9% Mn 0.52% Mo 0.6% SI steel: Electrodes Aanges for low temperature use; impact 68 J at -62 'C
E7016AI for arc welding VTS: 515 Elon: 20%
ASTMA316 0.]2% C 0.9% Mn 0.52% Mo 0.8% Si steel: Electrodes ASTM A732/6 N 0.35% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.4% Mo steel: Investment
E7018AI for arc welding casting; normalized and tempered
ASTM A316 O. ]2% C 0.6% Mn 0.52% Mo 0.4% Si steel: Electrodes VTS: 620 Elon: 20 % Proof: 415
E7020AI for arc welding ASTM A735 0.08% C 1.5% Mn 0.35% Mo 0.08% Nb steel: Plate for
ASTMA316 O. ]2% C 0.52% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc welding pressure vessels
E7027AI ASTM A737C 0.24% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V steel: Plate for
ASTMA316 0.12% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Welding electrode; pressure vessels
E9015/8DI code varies with analysis AURIGA VIII LT 0.18% C 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; D Brown;
ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.35% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc welding normalized and tempered for sub-zero use
E9015DI VTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.35% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc welding AUTROD ]2.24 0.1 % C 1.0% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Welding wire; Esab;
E9018Dl copper coated; used for submerged arc welding
ASTMA316 0.15% C 1.8% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Welding electrodes; BEARCOMO O. ]6% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Mo 0.5% Cu steel: Plate;
Eloo15/8D2 code varies with analysis Consett; normalized; suitable for welding; creep
ASTMA316 0.15% C 0.35% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc welding resisting
Elool5D2 UTS: 460 Elon: 22% Proof: 300
ASTMA316 0.15% C 0.35% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc welding BS806M 0.17% C 0.55% Mo steel: Seamless pipe; cold drawn
Elool6D2 and normalized
ASTM A316 0.15% C 0.35% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc welding VTS: 480
Elool8D2 BS970 See designation for details
ASTMA335PI 0.15% C 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 9SO CDS11 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Mo steel: Cold drawn tube; as CELLOCITO PL S2 0.13% C 0.60% Mn 0.55% Mo 0.20% Si steel:
drawn and tempered; can be welded then heat treated Soudometal; welding of high strength steel
VTS: 700 Proof: 580 UTS: 625 Elon: 20% Proof: 535
,RS 1398 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; normalized; contained CODE 629 0.21 % C 0.25% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; MT
in BS 3100 Mo'P'
VTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 CODE 641 0.3% C 0.25% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; MT Mo
BS 1453 A6 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mo steel: Weld filler rod 'R'
BS 15011240 0.15% C 0.5% Mo steel: Plate and bar; normalized CODE 644 0.25% C 0.6% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar Allen
VTS: 400 Elon: 22% Proof: 210 CS5 0.57% C 0.5% Mo tool steel: ASTM designation
BS 15011261 0.13% C 0.5% Mo 0.003% B steel: Plate; normalized; DIN 17155 15 Mo 3 0.16% C 0.6% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Plate; German
for pressure vessels Standard
UTS: 600 Elon: 16% Proof: 430 VTS: 500 Proof: 270
BS 15031240 A 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Forging; normalized DIN 17155 15 Mo 3 0.15% C 0.3% Mo steel: For boiler plate
VTS: 450 Proof: 210 DIN 17175 15 Mo 3 0.15% C 0.7% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: For boiler plate
BS 15031240 B 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Forging; normalized DID 740 0.13% C 0.5% Mn 0.5% Mo 0.003% B steel: Tube;
UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 normalized and tempered; weldable
BS 15041240 0.2% C 0.6% Mo steel: Casting; normalized VTS: 610 Proof: 450
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 DID 5062 0.13% C 0.5% Mo 0.003% B steel: Sheet; normalized;
BS 1506/240 0.3% C 0.5% Mo steel: Bar; hardened and tempered weldable
VTS: 610 Elon: 22% Proof: 370 VTS: 610 Elon: 12% Proof: 420
BS 1507/240 0.20% C 0.5% Mo steel: Pipe; normalized DTD5202 0.5% Mo B steel: Wrought
VTS: 460 Elon: 20% VTS: 600
BS 1507/240 A 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe; normalized DUNELT50 0.32% C 1.6% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Dunford for BS
UTS: 450 Elon: 25% alloy En 16
BS 15071240 B 0.25% C 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe; normalized DUNELT51 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.45% Mo steel: Dunford for BS
UTS: 460 Elon: 25% alloy En 17
BS 15081240 0.17% C 0.6% Mo steel: Tube; normalized E7XT5AI 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
UTS: 450 Elon: 22 % designation used by AWS
BS 1652 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; replaced by BS 3059 E8XTlAI 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
BS 1717 CDSI09 0.26% C 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube; as drawn designation used by AWS
VTS: 690 Proof: 610 E8XT5KI 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
BS 1717 CDSI09 0.26% C 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube; after welding, designation used by AWS
brazing or annealing E9XTlDI 0.12% C (max) 0.4% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
VTS: 550 Proof: 370 designation used by AWS
BS 2493 A 0.12% C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode E9XTl D3 0.12% C (max) 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
BS 2943/2 Mn Mo B 0.1 % C 0.35% Mo steel: For welding electrodes designation used by AWS
BS 2943/Mn Mo B 0.1 % C 0.35% Mo steel: For welding electrodes E9XT5D2 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
BS 2943/Mo B 0.1 % C 0.6% Mo steel: For welding electrodes designation used by AWS
BS 2943/Mo C 0.1 % C 0.6% Mo steel: For welding electrodes E lOOT5 D2 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
BS 3100 BI 0.2% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.55% Mo 0.8% Cr + Ni + designation used by AWS
Cu (max) steel: Casting for high temperature use E 7010 Al 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electr-ode;
UTS: 460 Elon: 18% Proof: 260 designation used by AWS
BS 3100 BLI 0.2% C (max) 0.55% Mo steel: Casting for low E 7011 Al 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
temperature use; impact 20 J at - 50 'C designation used by AWS
UTS: 460 Elon: 18% Proof: 260 E 7015 AI 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
BS SI02 0.35% C 0.3% Mo steel: Hire for forged bolts; designation used by AWS
hardened and tempered after forging E 7016 AI 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
UTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 660 designation used by AWS
BS S114 0.34% C 0.3% Mo steel: Hardened and tempered E 7018 AI 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DPN: 280 UTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 660 designation used by AWS
CMo 0.1% C 1% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode E 7020 Al 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
CMo 15 0.15% C 0.6% Mo steel: ESC; normalized designation used by AWS
UTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 E 7027 Al 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
CMo25 0.25% C 0.55% Mo steel: ESC designation used by AWS
UTS: 610 Elon: 22% Proof: 370 E S016 D3 0.12% C (max) 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
CELLOCITO PL S2 0.13% C 0.6% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Welding electrode; designation used by AWS
Soudometal; for welding alloy steel E S018 D3 0.12% C (max) 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
UTS: 625 Elon: 20% Proof: 535 designation used by AWS
E9015 Dl 0.12% C (max) 0.25% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS
E 9016 A 0.12% C (max) 0.45% Mo 0.3% Si steel: Weld
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: electrode; designation used by AWS
E9018DI 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number designation used by AWS
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' E 10015 D2 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
Elon Elongation, % designation used by AWS
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' E 10016 D2 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS
I N/mm';O.1 hbar;0.102 kgf/mm';0.06475tonf/in.';145.041bf/in.';1 MPa E 10018 D2 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
EA I 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation JALLOY No. I 0.16% C 1.15% Mn 0.15% Mo 0.2% Cu steel: Jones
used by AWS and Laughlin
EAIN 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation JALLOYNo.3 0.28% C 1.5% Mo steel: Jones and Laughlin
used by AWS JALLOY S90 0.15% C 1.25% Mn 0.25% Mo 0.003% B steel: Jones
EA2 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation and Laughlin
used by AWS JALLOY S 100 0.15% C 1.25% Mn 0.25% Mo 0.003% B steel: Jones
EA2N 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation and Laughlin
used by AWS JALLOY S 110 0.15% C 1.35% Mn 0.25% Mo steel: Jones and
EA3 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation Laughlin
used by AWS JALLOY S 340 0.15% C 1.3% Mn 0.25% Mo steel: Jones and Laughlin
EA3K 0.1 % C 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation JALTEN I 0.15% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.05% V 0.3% Cu steel:
used by AWS Jones and Laughlin
EA3KN 0.1 % C 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation JlS 03103 SB46M 0.25% C (max) 0.9% Mn (max) 0.5% Mo steel: Plate;
used by AWS Japanese Standard
EA3N 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation urs: 500 Proof: 250
used by AWS JlS 03103 SB49M 0.27% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Plate;
EA4 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation Japanese Standard
used by AWS UTS: 540 Proof: 270
EA4N 0.12% C 0.55% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation JlS 03103 SB56M 0.27% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate;
used by AWS Japanese Standard
EB2 0.12% C 0.55% Mo 0.2% Si steel: Weld electrode; UTS: 630 Proof: 350
designation used by AWS JlS 03119 SBVIA 0.25% C (max) 1.1% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate:
ECAI 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; Japanese Standard
designation used by AWS urs: 600 Proof: 320
ECAIN 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; JlS 03119 SBVIB 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate:
designation used by AWS Japanese Standard
ECA2 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; UTS: 630 Proof: 350
designation used by AWS JlS 03120 SQVIA 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate;
ECA2N 0.12% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; Japanese Standard
designation used by AWS urs: 630 Proof: 350
ECA3 0.15% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; JlS 03120 SQVIB 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate;
designation used by AWS Japanese Standard
ECA3N 0.15% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; urs: 720 Proof: 490
designation used by AWS JlS 03458 STPAI2 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Pipe; Japanese
ECA4 0.15% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; Standard
designation used by AWS urs: 390 Proof: 210
ECA4N 0.15% C (max) 0.52% Mo steel: Weld electrode; JlS 03462 STBAI2 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Pipe; Japanese
designation used by AWS Standard
EH 10 Mo EW 0.1 % C 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation UTS: 390 Proof: 210
used by AWS JlS 03462 STBA13 0.2% C 0.55% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Pipe; Japanese
En 16 0.3% C 0.3% Mo steel: Designation used in BS 970; Standard
replaced by 605 M36 UTS: 420 Proof: 2IO
En 17 0.35% C 0.4% Mo steel: Designation used in BS 970; JS 6 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; Jopling; for use up to
replaced by 608 M38 425'C
ERA 59 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Hadfields for BS DPN: 180 urs: 450 Rlon: 20% Proof: 240
alloy En 16 JS 81 0.32% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Casting; Jopling
ERA 156 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.45% Mo steel: Hadfields for BS DPN: 230 urs: 760 Rlon: 15% Proof: 480
alloy En 17 K 10614 0.06% C (max) 0.3% Mo 0.06% Nb steel: Casting;
ESSHETE D4C 0.12% C 0.5% Mo steel: Samuel Fox; weldable designation used by UNS
UTS: 450 K 12220 0.22% C (max) 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used by
FASTEX 100M 0.07% C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; Murex UNS
UTS: 450 Rlon: 30% Proof: 360 K 13020 0.3% C (max) 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used by
FORTIWELD 0.16% C (max) 0.6% Mo 0.005% B steel: United Steel UNS
Co.; normalized; suitable for welding KAISALOY 70MB 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.6% Mo 0.001 % B steel:
urs: 600 Rlon: 16% Proof: 440 Kaiser Steel Corp.
00ST4543 0.38% C 0.95% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.65% Cr steel: Russian KF 46 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Kirkstall for BS
38KHON Standard alloy En 16
00ST4543 0.38% C 0.55% Mn 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% AI steel: KF 46A 0.34% C 1.5% Mn 0.45% Mo steel: Kirkstall for BS
38KHMlUA Russian Standard alloy En 17
OOST 4543 0.38% C 0.3% Mn 1.65% Cr 0.15% V 0.3% W 0.5% KP 14 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Kiveton Park for BS
38KHVFlUA Al steel: Russian Standard alloy En 16
00ST4543 0.38% C 0.3% Mn 1.65% Cr 0.15% V 0.3% W 0.5% M1 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.27% Mo steel: Jessop for BS alloy
38KHVFU Al steel: Russian Standard En 16
JALLOY AR 280 0.28% C 1.5% Mn 0.15% Mo 0.2% Cu 0.0005% B M2 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.45% Mo steel: Jessop for BS alloy
steel: Jones and Laughlin En 17
JALLOY AR 320 0.28% C 1.5% Mn 0.15% Mo 0.2% Cu 0.0005% B MANOIR PFO 0.15% C 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey; hardened and
steel: Jones and Laughlin tempered
JALLOY AR 360 0.28% C 1.5% Mn 0.15% Mo 0.2% Cu 0.0005% B urs: 450 Rlon: 24% Proof: 260
steel: Jones and Laughlin MAXEL 1B 0.18% C 0.1 % Mo 0.08% S 0.04% P steel: Free
JALLOY AR 400 0.28% C 1.5% Mn 0.15% Mo 0.2% Cu 0.0005% B machining; Crucible Steel Co.; may be carburized
steel: Jones and Laughlin DPN: 156 urs: 480 Rlon: 30% Proof: 330
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MIL S 12504 Mn Mo 0.72% C 1% Mo steel: US military specification SAE 4427 0.27% C 0.4% Mo steel: Mechanical propertics not
MM 01 0.32% C 1.6% Mn 0.27% Mo steel: Firth Brown for BS quoted
alloy En 16 SANBOLD 16 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson for BS
MM02 0.33% C 1.6% Mn 0.4% Mo steel: Firth Brown for BS alloy En 16
alloy En 17 SANBOLD 17 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Mo steel: Sanderson for BS
MnMo 0.1 % C 1.8% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode alloy En 17
MoB 0.07% C 0.8% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode; SANBOLD53 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Mo steel: Sanderson; replaced
for BS 2493 by Sanbold 17
MoB 0.05% C 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode SANBOLD74 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson; replaced
MOLEX 0.06% C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; Murex by Sanbold 16
VTS: 460 Elon: 33% Proof: 440 SMM 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Spencer for BS alloy
MOLYTERM5 0.06% C 0.8% Mn 0.5% Mo: Welding electrode; En 17
Soudametal; welding electrode ' SOUDORGMo 0.1 % C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 540 Elon: 26% Proof: 450 Soudometal; for inert gas welding
MOLYTERM Ti 5 0.08% C 0.6% Mn 0.5% Mo: Welding electrode; VTS: 580 Elon: 22% Proof: 430
Soudametal; for welding creep strength steels SOUDOTIG Mo 0.1 % C 1.1 % Mn 0.45% Mo steel: Wclding electrod(>~
VTS: 570 Elon: 24% Proof: 470 Soudometal; for inert gas welding
MOLYTRODE 74.56 0.08% C 0.06% Mn 0.6% Mo steel: For electrodes; VTS: 630 Elon: 22% Proof: 470
Esab SOUDOTIGMo 0.1 % C 0.45% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 55(i Elon: 28% Proof: 463 Soudometal
MT'R' 0.3% C 1.4% Mn 0.25% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar VTS: 700 Elon: 22% Proof: 470
Allen; code 641 SOUPERSOUDO 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 0.35% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
MTMo'P' 0.21% C 1.4% Mn 0.25% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar Soudometal; build up of worn steel
Allen; code 629 DPN: 200
NV7-1 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.35% Mo steel: Designation SPEAR 416 0.37% C 1.5% Mn 0.25% Mo steel: Spear and Jackson
used by DNV for BS alloy En 16
VTS: 440 Elon: 22% Proof: 280 SS 2912 0.2% C 0.35% Mo steel: For pressure vessel tubes;
NV7-2 0.18% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.55% Mo steel: Designation Swedish Standard; as drawn
used by DNV VTS: 480 Elon: 22% Proof: 190
VTS: 440 Elon: 22% Proof: 300 STA5 V9A 0.32% C 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
NVR7·1 0.2% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.32% Mo steel: Designation alloy En 16
used by DNV STA5 V9A/I 0.32% C 1.5% Mn 0.27% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
OCM7 0.35% C 1.6% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: WMarrison for BS alloy En 1M
alloy En 16 STA5 V9B 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.45% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
OX 1002 0.2% C (max) 1.7% Mn 0.7% Mo 0.005% B steel: alloy En 17
Plate; Svenskt Stal; graded by impact STA5 V9B/I 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.45% Mo steel: Obsolete
UTS: 980 Elon: 14% Proof: 890 STUBS 62 C Si Mn Mo steel: Welding electrode; Stubs
PFO 0.24% C 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey DPN: 200 VTS: 68S Elon: 33% Proof: 490
PFOA 0.12% C 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey SUPERTOUGH C40 0.35% C 1.6% Mn 0.28% Mo steel: ESC for BS alloy
PHILIPS KV 2 0.07% C 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; Philips En 16
VTS: 600 Elon: 26% Proof: 500 SUPERTOUGH 0.35% C 1.6% Mn 0.45% Mo steel: ESC for BS alloy
REYNOLDS 531 0.26% C 1.5% Mn 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; Reynolds; C40M En 17
suitable for brazing UHBSTATO21 0.18% C 0.3% Mo steel: Tube; Uddelholm; normalized
UTS: 690 Elon: 10% Proof: 610 VTS: 480 Elon: 30% Proof: 270
REYNOLDS 753 0.26% C 0.2% Mo steel: Origin unknown; for bicycle VSMM 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.35% Mo steel: Vulcan
frames VTS:840
REYNOLDS5313L 0.26% C 0.2% Mo steel: Origin unknown; for bicycle W7 0.11% C 0.6% Mo steel: Welding electrode; Cu
frames covered; Armco; as welded
SAE 4012 0.12% C 0.2% Mo steel VTS: 680 Elon: 22% Proof: 580
SAE 4G23 0.23% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
SAE 4024 0.22% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SAE 4027 0.27% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
SAE4028 0.28% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
SAE4032 0.32% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
I N/mm 2 =O.l hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa
SAE4037 0.37% C 0.25% Mo steel
SAE 4419 0.2% C 0.5% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
44G2 Steel - medium and high carbon with molybdenum
0.4% carbon minimum, 0.7% molybdenum maximum
Specific gravity 7.8
Density 7800 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 1470--1510 °C
Thermal conductivity 56 W/M °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 11 x 1O- 6/ oc
Electrical conductivity 8-10% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 180--250 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity
Impact 50 J - lower impact figures can be
Fatigue strength (no. of cycles)
Hot strength
200 460 35
425 400 35
480 330 40
650 210 50
The above properties are typical of the following group and Thermal treatments to fully anneal, harden and normalize
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible will be carried out in the region of 800°C.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be While molybdenum increases the hardenability of steel
applicable. there is seldom sufficient molybdenum present in the steels
listed to cause problems either at hardening or at welding.
The carbon equivalent (CE) formula gives a useful indica-
General metallurgical characteristics
tion of the hardenability. The formula is:
Carbon will always combine with molybdenum in preference
to iron; thus the molybdenum content of these steels is CE = C + Mn + Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cr
always present as the carbide. This increases the creep 6 5 15
strength and helps the steels to retain their hardness at higher A value above 0.7% indicates appreciable hardenability and
temperatures. The stability of the carbides increases the thus possible weld problems.
hardenability and gives an inherent fine grained structure The fact that molybdenum produces very stable carbides,
which improves the toughness of the correctly thermally which do not diffuse, gives toughness and inhibits any ten-
treated parts. There is no apparent difference in corrosion dency to brittleness from carbide precipitation.
resistance between these and plain carbon steels. In many Where high integrity components are involved, advice
respects molybdenum has the same effect as tungsten but less should be sought prior to any thermal treatment to increase
is required to achieve the same result. the mechanical properties or before any welding operation.
MolybdeFliW>1tl steels are noted for their lack of notch sensi- The steels in this section are used for cutting tools, press
tivity in the hardened condition, being superior to chromium tools and fixtures. Shear blades and similar components are
steels in this respect. also manufactured. Taps, dies, drills and cutting tools, where
These materials are almost invariably used hardened and relatively low production is required, are economically
tempered, seldom or never in the cold worked condition. manufactured.
Because of the medium to high carbon content of these All these steels are competing with the steels found in
steels they do not have the capability of accepting cold work Sections 44K2 and 44K3, i.e. where alloy steels containing
without becoming brittle. Where they are cold worked there- molybdenum plus chromium, nickel and vanadium exist.
fore, annealing may be required.
AISI4042 0.42% C 0.25% Mo steel MAXEL2B 0.4% C 0.1 % Mo 0.08% S steel: Free machining;
AISI4047 0.47% C 0.25% Mo steel Crucible Steel Co.
AISI4053 0.53% C 0.25% Mo steel DPN: 220 VTS: 760 Elon: 18% Proof: 390
AISI4063 0.63% C 0.25% Mo steel MONARKI 0.5% C 0.45% Mo steel: Atlas; as AISI type S2
AISI4068 0.68% C 0.25% Mo steel S60 Ni Mo steel sinter: Firth Cleveland; specific gravity
AISI A4068 0.68% C 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete 6.4-6.8; hardened and tempered; ftle hard
ASTM A194/4 0.45% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Mo steel: For bolts UTS: 780 Elon: 0.5%
ASTM AI94n 0.42% C 0.9% Mn 0.2% Mo steel: For bolts SAE06 1.45% C 0.25% Mo steel: Oil hardening
ATLASCM 0.4% C 0.15% Mo steel: Atlas; hardened and tempered SAE06 1.5% C 0.25% Mo tool steel
DPN: 230 VTS: 760 Elon: 23% Proof: 610 SAE 4042 0.42% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
ATLAS SHAFTING 0.4% C 0.15% Mo steel: Bar; Atlas; normalized; specified
centreless ground SAE 4047 0.47% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
VTS: 660 specified
BS3I1112 0.4% C 0.3% Mo steel: Wire; annealed and drawn SAE 4053 0.53% C 0.25% Mo sted: Mechanical properties not
UTS: 670 specified
CRD515 0.5% C 0.5% Mo 1.0% Si steel: C Denton; shear SAE 4063 0.63% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
blades; obsolete specified
DPN:S40 SAE 4068 0.68% C 0.25% Mo steel: Mechanical properties not
E356 1.5% C 0.45% Mo steel: Fagersta specified
GRAPH Mo 1.45% C 1.0% Mn 0.25% Mo 1.25% Si steel: Free SIMONDS 864 0.9% C 0.25% Mo steel: Simonds; AISI type 02
graphite; Timken; tools for wear resistance SMO 0.55% C 0.35% Mo 1.7% Si steel: Huntsman; chisels,
DPN: 425 VTS: 1200 Elon: 10% Proof: 1100 shear blades, collets, etc.
GRAY DIAMOND 1.45% C 0.25% Mo 1.1 % Si steel: Latrobe; free DPN: 670
graphite SOLAR 0.5% C 0.4% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Carpenter
HEDEX6 0.4% C 0.3% Mo steel: Wire for forging; Kiveton Park; SOLAR 0.5% C 0.4% Mn 0.5% Mo 1.0% Si steel.: Carpenter;
annealed for AISI type S2
VTS: 580 TG 1.5% C 0.3% Mo 1.0% Si graphitic tool steel: Osborn;
HEDEX22 0.42% C 0.25% Mo steel: Wire for forging; Kiveton brushes, gauges, etc.; self-lubricating steel; obsolete
Park; annealed DPN:600
VTS: 640 TRITON 0.5% C 0.6% Mo steel: Braeburn; AISI type S2
JALLOY No. 3AR 0.55% C 1.5% Mn 0.15% Mo steel: Jones and Laughlin
JALLOYNo.7 0.55% C 1.5% Mn 0.15% Mo steel: Jones and Laughlin
KF 57 0.38% C 1.6% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.2% S 0.05% P steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Free machining; Kirkstall
UTS: 920 Elon: 16% Proof: 660
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
LT38 0.6% C 0.25% Mo 2.0% Si steel: Low Moor; obsolete
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
DPN: 670
Elon Elongation, %
LTG 1.45% C 0.25% Mo 1.0% Si steel: Low Moor; obsolete
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2
MIC8 1.4% C 0.25% Mo 1.0% Si steel: Taps, punches, rolls,
etc., ESC
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.lOZ kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=I45.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
Mil 0.63% C 0.25% Mo steel: Round Oak See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
MI2 0.67% C 0.25% Mo steel: Round Oak
The above properties are typical of the following group and General metallurgical characteristics
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible
Tungsten combines with the carbon in steel to form very hard
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be
carbides which retain their hardness above red heat. These
tungsten carbides form in preference to iron carbide; thus all
available tungsten exists as the carbide. This inhibits grain anneal, hardening and normalizing will require tempera-
growth and by slowing down the metallurgical reactions tures in the region of 750-800 DC.
increases the hardenability. These steels all have high hardenability and will be
Fine grained steels tend to be less notch sensitive and less extremely brittle in the 'as quenched' condition.
brittle than course grained, very hard steels. Tungsten is Advice should be sought prior to any thermal treatment on
therefore useful in that while it increases the hardenability by these materials where critical parts are involved.
almost the same amount as chromium, it has a controlling The same comments apply to welding where it could be
effect on the grain size which tends to make the steels expected that cracking in the heat affected zone would take
tougher and less notch sensitive. The intrinsically hard car- place unless very careful precautions are taken. Advice must
bide particles ensure that these steels are never very soft and always be sought prior to any welding of components which
it is their hot hardness properties which find the greatest use. have important uses in service.
There are comparatively few steels containing tungsten only As will be seen, there are very few steels in this category,
as it is generally present with chromium, molybdenum or i.e. with tungsten as the only alloying element. They are used
vanadium. for cutting tools, press tools and fixtures, and also shear
Where any appreciable amount of tungsten is present, blades.
none of these steels can accept cold work without becoming Tungsten is mostly used with other alloying elements.
extremely brittle. The thermal treatments such as full
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AK 0.7% C 7% Wsteel: For tools; Osborn; obsolete K·W 1.3% C 0.3% Mn 3.5% Wsteel: Carpenter
DPN: 950 LT5 1.1 % C 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; Low Moor; obsolete
BRUNSWICK V104 1.2% C 2.0% Wsteel: John Vessey; chisels, punches DPN: 850
DPN: 540 LTI3 1.7% C 7% Wsteel: For tools; Low Moor; obsolete
BRUNSWICK V105 0.3% C 9% Wsteel: John Vessey; hot work dies DPN: 950
DPN: 620 MEL·TROL K·W 1.3% C 3.5% Wsteel: Carpenter for AISI type F3
BRUNSWICK V4I4 0.4% C 14% Wsteel: John Vessey SAEHNV7 0.5% C 14% W3.5% Si steel: For inlet valves
DPN: 540 SPEAR No. I 1.0% C Wsteel: Spear and Jackson; for hand tools
BSS68 High tungsten steel: Obsolete SUPERDRAW 1.3% C 2.25% Wsteel: Edgar Allen; cold drawing dies
FI 1.0% C 1.25% Wsteel: Designation used by AISI DPN: 950
F2 1.25% C 3.5% Wsteel: Designation used by AISI TDB 1.4% C 5% Wsteel: Jonas; dies
FCW5 1.35% C 5% Wsteel: Firth Brown DPN: 670
HALLAMITE C not specified 14% Wsteel: For tools; HaUamshire T60601 UNS designation for type FI tool steel
HALLAMITIER C not specified 18% Wsteel: For tools; HaUarnshire T60602 UNS designation for type F2 tool steel
HALLAMITIEST C not specified 22% Wsteel: For tools; Hallamshire TDC 1.2% C 1.25% Wsteel: Firth Brown
INTRA 1.2% C 1.5% Wsteel: Jonas; taps, reamers, etc.
DPN: 670
JO 1.15% C 1.4% Wtool steel: Osborn; taps, reamers,
small tools; obsolete
DPN: 850
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
KE62I 1.05% C 0.4% Wsteel: Kayser Ellison; taps, punches,
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
KE637 1.0% C 1.7% Mn 0.25% Wsteel: Kayser Ellison;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
gauges, etc.
Elon Elongation, %
DPN: 850
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
KAO 1.3% C 3.0% Wsteel: For tools; Huntsman; cold
drawing dies
I N/mm 2=0.! hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa
DPN: 790
KAOX 1.3% C 5% Wsteel: Huntsman; cold drawing dies See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 790
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.2833 1.05% C 1.15% V steel: German Standard 12W1 1.1% C 0.2% V steel: Pompey
1.2838 1.4% C 3.4% V steel: German Standard 15VDT 0.8% C 0.1 % Vsteel: Sandvik
1.5213 0.2% C 1.4% Mn 0.1% V steel: For seamless drums; 17VDT 1.0% C 0.1 % V steel: Sandvik
German Standard 20Mn V6 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.12% V steel: Designation used by
1.5223 0.41 % C 1.7% Mn 0.1 % V steel: Forging; German German Standards
Standard 42 Mn V7 0.41% C 1.7% Mn 0.1% V steel: Designation used by
02 0.9% C 1.7% Mn 0.15% Vsteel: For cold work; German Standards
Osborn 9OMV8 0.9% C 2.0% Mn 0.2% V steel: French Standards
06S 0.95% C 0.25% V steel: Cans; centres, cold heading designation
dies, etc. 145 V33 1.45% C 3.3% V steel: German Standards designation
DPN:756 280 M01 0.42% C 0.12% V 0.035% AI (max) steel: BS 970
1162 1.05% C 0.15% V steel: French Standards designation
1163 0.9% C 0.15% V steel: French Standards designation
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 2211 0.9% C 2.0% Mn 0.2% V steel: French Standards
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 9257 1.0% C 0.25% V tool steel: Origin unknown
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 A 441 0.22% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% V 0.2% Cu steel: Armco
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 480 EIon: 22% Proof: 320
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 A 540 0.8% C 0.1 % V steel: Fagersta
2 2 2 DPN:636
1N/mm =0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm =0.06475 tonfJin?=145.04lbfJin. =1 MPa
A575 0.73% C 0.18% V steel: SHD; drills
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ARMCO HS No.3 0.1 % C 0.6% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel: Armco
Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks.
ARMCO HS No.5 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.2% V 0.02% Nb 0.2% Cu AWV65 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.02% V 0.015% B steel:
steel: Armco Alan Wood
ARMCO HS No.6 0.17% C 0.7% Mn 0.02% Nb steel: Armco B 188 0.8% C 2.1 % Mn 0.1 % Vsteel: Fagersta
ASTM A225 A 0.18% C 1.45% Mn 0.12% Vsteel: Normalized DPN: 790
UTS: 510 Elon: 22% BC3V 1.4% C 3.5% Vsteel: Origin unknown
ASTM A225 B 0.2% C 1.45% Mn 0.12% Vsteel: Normalized BC8V 0.82% C 0.18% Vsteel: ESC; rock drills, punches, etc.
UTS: 550 Elon: 21 % DPN: 730
ASTM A292 I 0.45% C 0.1 % Vsteel: For generator motors; hardened BC IOV 1.0% C 0.2% Vsteel: ESC: twist drills, dental burrs
and tempered; obsolete; see A 469 DPN: 730
UTS: 530 Elon: 24% Proof: 270 BH36S 0.16% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V0.025% Sand
ASTMA293/1 0.45% C 0.1 % Vsteel: For turbine rotors; hardened P (max) steel: Rheinstahl
and tempered BH39 0.17% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.17% Vsteel: Rheinstahl
UTS: 530 Elon: 24% Proof: 270 BH 395 0.16% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.17% Vsteel: Rheinstahl
ASTMA356/1 0.35% C 0.03% Vsteel: Casting; normalized and BLUE and WHITE 0.97% C 0.5% Vsteel: For tools; Huntsman
tempered LABEL DPN: 7SO
UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 ClIO 0.2% C 0.1 % Vsteel
ASTM A469/1 0.45% C 0.2% Vsteel: For rotors; vacuum treated CBN45 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.01% V 0.01% Nb steel: Algoma
ASTMA487IN 0.3% C (max) 0.1 % Vsteel: Casting for pressure; CBN50 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.01 % V 0.01 % Nb steel: Algoma
normalized; IQ grade is quenched and tempered CBN55 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.01 % V0.01 % Nb steel: Algoma
ASTMA508/1 0.35% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.05% V (max) steel: For CLAY-LOY 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.02% V0.02% Nb steel: Phoenix
pressure vessels; vacuum treated Steel Corp.
ASTM A618/11 0.26% C (max) 1.3% Mn (max) 0.01 % V (min) 0.18% CNN600221C 0.2% C 1.25% Mn 0.01 % V 0.01 % Nb steel: Algoma
Cu steel: Tube; heat formed welded or seamless COLDIE 0.87% C 0.25% Mn 0.2% Vsteel: Braebum
UTS: 483 Elon: 22% Proof: 345 CONSUMET 0.04% C 0.1 % V 0.25% Si Fe alloy: Carpenter; for
ASTM A618/111 0.27% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.01 % V (min) steel: ELECTRICAL magnetic purposes
Seamless and welded tube for structures IRON
UTS: 448 Elon: 19% Proof: 345 CRD90C 0.9% C 0.25% Vsteel: C Denton; shear blades;
ASTM A633E 0.22% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.08% V 0.02% Nsteel: For obsolete
structures; normalized DPN: 690
UTS: 590 Elon: 20% Proof: 415 CRD IOOC 1.0% C 0.25% Vsteel: C Denton; shear blades;
ASTM A656/1 0.18% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.1% V0.02% obsolete
AI (min) 0.01 % Nsteel: For structures DPN: 690
UTS: 720 Elon: 12% Proof: 5SO CRD 120C 1.15% C 0.25% Vsteel: C Denton; shear blades
ASTM A707 L3/1 0.25% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V0.18% Cu (min) DPN: 690
steel: Flanges for low temperature use; impact 41 J at DIAMOND I 1.3% C 0.25% Vsteel: Spencer
-46'C DIAMOND 2 1.1% C 0.25% Vsteel: Spencer
UTS: 290 Elon: 22% DIAMOND 3 1.0% C 0.25% Vsteel: Spencer
ASTM A707 L3/2 0.25% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V0.18% Cu (min) DIAMOND 4 0.85% C 0.25% Vsteel: Spencer
steel: Flanges for low temperature use; impact 54 J at DIAMOND 5 0.75% C 0.25% Vsteel: Spencer
-46'C DIAMOND 6 0.65% C 0.25% Vsteel: Spencer
UTS: 360 Elon: 25 % DIN 17200 0.41 % C 1.8% Mn 0.1 % Vsteel: Forging
ASTM A707 L3/3 0.25% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V 0.18% Cu (min) 42Mn V7
steel: Flanges for low temperature use; impact 68 J at DOFASCOLOY MY 0.22% C 1.2% Mn 0.02% V0.2% Cu steel: Dominion
-46'C DOUBLE EXTRA 1.0% C 0.25% Vsteel: Origin unknown
UTS: 415 Elon: 23% DOUBLE 1.0% C 0.25% V tool steel: Origin unknown
ASTM A707 L3/4 0.25% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V0.18% Cu (min) CONQUEROR
steel: Flanges for low temperature usc; impact 68 J at VANADIUM
-46'C DP5 1.0% C 0.25% V tool steel: Osborn; cutting tools, cold
UTS: 515 Elon: 20% forming dies; obsolete
ASTM A71412 0.26% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.01 % V 0.18% Cu (min) DPN: 750
steel: Pipe; welded or seamless EX-TEN 45 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.01% V or 0.01 % Nb steel: US
UTS: 463 Elon: 22% Proof: 345 Steel Corp.
ASTMA714/3 0.27% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.01 % V0.18% EX-TEN 50 0.22% C 1.35% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: US
Cu (min) steel: Pipe; welded or seamless Steel Corp.
UTS: 448 Elon: 20% Proof: 345 EX-TEN 55 0.24% C 1.35% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: US
ASTM A732 SN 0.3% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.1% Vsteel: Investment Steel Corp.
casting; normalized and tempered EX·TEN60 0.25% C 1.35% Mn 0.02% V or 0.01 % Nb steel: US
UTS: 590 Elon: 22% Proof: 380 Steel Corp.
ASTMA737 A 0.22% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.1 % V (max) steel: Plate for EX-TEN 65 0.26% C 1.35% Mn 0.02% Vor 0.01% Nb steel: US
pressure vessels Steel Corp.
ATLAS 1.05% C 0.2% Vsteel: Atlas; as AISI type W2 EX-TEN 70 0.26% C 1.35% Mn 0.02% Vor 0.01 % Nb steel: US
SPECIAL 10 Steel Corp.
AW441 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel: EXTRA TOUGH 0.9% C 0.15% Vsteel: Schoeller·Bleckmann
Alan Wood HARD V DPN: 730
AWV50 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.015% B steel: F 1.0% C 0.3% Vsteel: Russian Standards designation
Alan Wood FB 50AK 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V 0.03% Sand P (max)
AWV55 0.22% C (max) 1.15% Mn 0.02% V 0.015% B steel: 0.015% Nsteel: German proprietor's specification; Al
Alan Wood killed
AWV60 0.22% C (max) 1.15% Mn 0.02% V 0.015% B steel: FMP035 1.05% C 0.35% Vsteel: F Parkin; as tool steel W2
Alan Wood FTW60 0.15% C (max) 1.23% Mn 0.08% V0.005% S0.01 % P
steel: Fuji
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GLS 441 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.2% Cu 0.02% N steel: National LTl 1.0% C 0.25% V steel: Low Moor; obsolete
Steel Co. DPN: 850
GOST 5058/15 GF 0.15% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Cr Ni Cu (max) 0.075% V MEL-TROL 0.1 % C 0.2% Mn 0.1 % V steel: Carpenter for AISI
steel: Plate; Russian Standard MIRROMOLD type PI
VTS: 520 Proof: 360 MIL S 12505/5 0.23% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.4% Cu steel:
GS 10 Mn 7 0.08% C I.7% Mn 0.06% V 0.04% Nb cast steel: Bethlehem
Thyssen; precipitation hardened MIL S 16113-1 0.18% C (max) 0.02% V (min) 0.005% Ti (min) steel:
HECLA 28 1.0% C 0.25% V steel: Origin unknown US military specification
HI STRENGTH B 0.22% C 1.2% Mn 0.2% V 0.2% Cu steel: Armco MIL S 16m-II 0.18% C (max) 0.08% V (min) steel: US military
VTS: 480 Elon: 22% Proof: 320 specification
HI YIELD 42 0.21 % C 0.9% Mn 0.02% Vsteel: Granitility Steel Co. MIL S 24412 0.12% C (max) 0.02% V (min) steel: US military
IH 65 0.22% C 1.65% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb 0.2% Cu specification
steel: I H Wisconsin Steel MLX45 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.02% V or 0.005% Nb steel:
IHX45 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb stcel: I H McLouth
Wisconsin Steel MLX50 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.02% V or 0.005% Nb steel:
IHX50 0.22% C 1.1% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: I H Mclouth
Wisconsin Steel MLX55 0.24% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.02% V or 0.005% Nb steel:
IHX55 0.24% C 1.4% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: I H McLouth
Wisconsin MLX60 0.26% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.2% V or 0.005% Nb steel:
IHX60 0.26% C 1.55% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: I H Mclouth
Wisconsin MNV 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel:
IHX65 0.22% C 1.6% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: I H Lukens
Wisconsin MNV A441 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel:
IHX70 0.26% C 1.65% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: I H Bethlehem
Wisconsin NORESCO EXTRA 0.9% C 0.15% V steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
INX42 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0,01% V or 0.01% Nb steel: Inland TOUGH HARD V DPN: 730
Steel Co. ORELLOY 441 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel: Oregon
INX45 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: Inland PI21 0.6% C 0.1 % V steel: Bofors
Steel Co. DPN: 800
INX50 0.22% C 1.25% Mn 0.01% Vor 0.01% Nb steel: P17l 0.85% C 0.1 % V steel: Bofors
Inland Steel Co. DPN: 800
INX55 0.24% C 1.4% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: Inland PI81 0.9% C 0.1 % V stcel: Bofors; obsolete
Steel Co. DPN: 800
INX60 0.26% C 1.65% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: PZII 1.05% C 0.1 % V steel: Obsolete; Bofors
Inland Steel Co. DPN: 850
INX65 0.26% C 1.65% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: PINK LABEL 0.9% C 0.2% V steel: T Turton
Inland Steel Co. PM 15 0.14% C 1.5% Mn 0.07% V steel: Pompey
INX70 0.26% C 1.65% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: PM 15E 0.14% C 1.5% Mn 0.07% V steel: Pompey
Inland Steel Co. RENOWN 1.0% C 0.2% V steel: Latrobe
J 4V 0.9% C 0.25% Vsteel: Jonas; cold swaging dies REPUBLIC A441 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0,2% Cu steel:
DPN: 570 Republic Steel Co.
JLX42 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: REPUBLIC X42W 0.22% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel:
Jones & Laughlan Republic Steel Co.
JLX65 0.26% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: REPUBLIC X45W 0.2% CO.75% Mn 0.01% VorO.OI% Nbsteel:
Jones & Laughlan Republic Steel Co.
JLX70 0.26% C (max) 1.65% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel: REPUBLIC X50W 0.2% CO.75% Mn 0.01% Vor 0.01% Nbsteel:
Jones & Laughlan Republic Steel Co.
K 11805 0.18% C (max) 0.02% V (min) steel: Designation used REPUBLIC X60W 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel:
byUNS Republic Steel Co.
KAISALOY 42CV 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.01% Vor 0.01% Nb steel: REPUBLIC X65W 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel:
Kaiser Steel Corp. Republic Steel Co.
KAISALOY 50MV 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel: REPUBLIC X65W 0.26% C 1.5% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel:
Kaiser Steel Corp. Republic Steel Co.
KE 1006 1% C 0.15% V steel: For coining dies; Kayser Ellison REPUBLIC X70W 0.26% C 1.65% Mn 0.01 % V or 0.01 % Nb steel:
DPN: 910 Republic Steel Co.
KE A205 1.4% C 3.4% V steel: Kayser Ellison; dies, cold SAE W209 0.9% C 0.2% V steel: For tools
heading punches SAE W210 1.0% C 0.2% V steel: For tools
DPN: 910 SAE W310 1.0% C 0.4% V steel: For tools
SB39F 0.16% C 1.3% Mn 0.03% V 0.03% Ti 0.035% Sand
P (max) steel: German proprietor's specification
SB42F 0.16% C 1.3% Mn 0.1 % V 0.035% Sand P (max)
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: steel: German proprietor's specification; Al killed
SHEFFIELD HIGH 0.22% C (max) 1.20% Mn 0.02% V 0.2% Cu steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number STRENGTHB Armco
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' SILVANSTAR 1.0% C with V steel: Firth Sterling
Elon Elongation, % SIX STAR 1.0% C 0.2% Mn 0.15% V 0.2% Si steel: For tools;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' VANADIUM Jessop
SKA45 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V steel: Phoenix
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa SKA50 0.26% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.02% Vsteel: Phoenix
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. SKS43 1.05% C 0.17% V steel: Japanese Standards
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and lemarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SKS44 0.85% C 0.17% V steel: Japanese Standards V90V 0.9% C 0.15% V steel: French Standards designation
designation VANADIUM 1.06% C 0.2% V steel: Columbia; AISI type W2
SPECIAL 1.0% C 0.25% Vsteel: For tools; origin unknown EXTRA
CONQUEROR VANADIUM 1.06% C 0.2% V steel: Columbia; AISI type W2
SPECIAL V Cas speeified 0.25% Mn 0.2% V steel: For tools; VANQUISH 0.95% C 0.25% V steel: Hall and Pickles; obsolete
Braeburn DPN: 670
SS 2900 0.8% C 0.1 % V steel: Swedish Standard; annealed VS4 1.05% C 0.25% V steel: Edgar Allen; dies, hammers,
DPN: 195 etc.
STELCO 0.22% C 1.2% Mn 0.02% V0.2% Nb 0.2% Cu steel: W2 1.0% C 0.25% V steel: Carbon varies over wide limits;
VANADIUM Steel Co. of Canada designation used by AISI
STERLING V 1.0% C with V steel: Firth Sterling W2 1.0% C 0.2% V steel: Osborn
TCR 0.8% C 0.3% V steel: Swift Levick; chisels, punches Y 1105V 1.05% C 0.15% V steel: French Standard
TOWER 60 0.33% C 1.65% Mn 0.05% Vsteel: Algoma Y 105V 1.05% C 0.15% V steel: French Standards designation
TRI-STEEL 0.2% C 1.25% Mn 0.02% Cu steel: Inland Steel YEO 36 0.18% C 1.3% Mn 0.1% V steel: Yamata
TRI-TEN 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.02% Cu steel: YOLOY A 242 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V0.2% Cu steel:
US Steel Co. Youngstown Steel
UHB 19Va 0.9% C 0.07% V steel: Uddelholm for type W2
V 42 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V steel: Bethlehem
Steel Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
V 45 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V steel: Bethlehem
V 50 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V0.015% N steel: DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Bethlehem UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
V 55 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V0.015% N steel: Elon Elongation, %
Bethlehem Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
V60 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V 0.015% N steel:
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
Bethlehem Steel
V65 0.22% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.02% V steel: Bethlehem See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
100 800 24
200 800 23
300 800 23
400 750 25
500 640 24
600 500 26
650 370 29
The properties above are typical of the following group and General metallurgical characteristics
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible
These steels are tougher, more hardenable and have better
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be
fatigue strength and, to some extent, corrosion resistance
than the plain carbon or single alloy steels.
At least two of the alloying elements are present in all ~ommonly used with chromium where it considerably
steels listed, while some steels have all the elements present, improves the fatigue strength because of its grain refining
the majority having some chromium. Some of the steels are property, thus overcoming the tendency of chromium to give
designed specially for carburizing and all the steels can be large grains.
carburized. Tungsten and vanadium should not be present,
Copper, boron and aluminium. These are sometimes also
however, as there is no technical advantage and with the very
present in these steels. The copper enhances the corrosion
hard carbide formed there is a danger of the case being too
resistance and there are claims that its presence improves the
hard and brittle.
adhesion of paint films. Boron improves the hardenability to
One characteristic of alloy steel is that it is inherently fine
a much greater extent than any other element and also
grained, particularly with vanadium present. This improves
increases this function in other alloying elements. It reduces
the fatigue strength and allows a greater laxity of temper-
the range of temperatures for successful heat treatment.
atures during thermal treatment.
Aluminium is a powerful de-oxidizer, but the refractory
Very briefly the effect of each alloying element is as
nature of the oxide formed reduces the usefulness for this
purpose. Small amounts of aluminium added to the de-
Chromium. This is a carbide former which aids carburization oxidizer steel increases the ability of these steels to nitride,
and slows down the metallurgical reactions, thus increasing and has some grain refining properties.
hardenability. Chromium improves the properties of steel at
All steels listed will almost always be used in the hardened
high temperatures, including oxidation resistance. It has a
and tempered or surface hardened condition.
tendency to promote grain growth, and as it raises the critical
The majority of these steels cannot accept any appreciable
temperatures, there is a tendency for chromium to produce
cold work without becoming brittle.
large grained brittle steels.
The temperatures for thermal treatment, either full
Nickel. This strengthens and toughens the ferritic matrix of anneal, hardening or normalizing, are in the region of 850-
steel, improving the impact strength, particularly at low 900°C.
temperatures. Some 10% nickel steels have been specially These steels will all have an appreciable hardenability and
developed for very low temperature application. the reader is advised to examine the carbon equivalent be-
Nickel added to carburized steels gives a tough ductile fore having any sophisticated thermal treatment or welding
core supporting a hard but not brittle case. of high integrity components carried out.
Nickel lowers the temperatures required for heat treat- The carbon equivalent (CE) formula is:
ment and widens the range of suitable thermal treatment
temperatures, thus giving more flexibility. CE = Car bon + Mil, 6
+ Cr + Mo + V + Ni + Cu
15 15
Molybdenum. This is a carbide former, the resultant car- Any value above 0.7% indicates an appreciable harden-
bides being well distributed, small and very stable. Thus it ability and thus possible weld cracking unless precautions are
gives fine grained steels, improves the hot strength and creep taken. The higher the carbon equivalent, the greater is the
strength, increases the depth of hardness achieved and hardenability of the steel. This means that the high carbon
improves the fatigue strength. equivalent steels will respond well to thermal treatment and
In addition molybdenum added to nickel and nickel chro- a decision can be made, taking into account the ruling section
mium steels eliminates temper brittleness. This is a brittle and the general size of the component, whether or not water,
condition obtained when some steels are tempered in the oil or even air hardening would be possible.
range 25(}...450 °C and is caused by carbide precipitation. The The same comments apply to welding where the carbon
molybdenum carbides inhibit this tendency by stabilizing the equivalent can be used to decide the amount of pre-heating
carbides. and the heat input during the welding operation.
Tungsten. This forms very hard stable carbides and acts in Specialist advice should always be requested where high
many ways as molybdenum does. More tungsten is required integrity components are involved, either for thermal treat-
to give the same effect as very little molybdenum. The use is ment or welding.
generally confined to tool steels where large quantities of The steels in this group find a wide variety of uses includ-
very hard carbides are required. ing hot working tools, forming dies and equipment used in
casting. Punches, shears, drills, cutting tools for non-ferrous
Vanadium. This is a powerful de-oxidizer in addition to parts, and high duty structural steel will all be found in this
being a carbide former almost as powerful as molybdenum. group, as will gears and shafts which require carburizing.
The carbides are always very small and evenly distributed There are a limited number of steels in this section which can
throughout the mass, making vanadium the best grain refin- be nitrided. The vast majority of high tensile studs, bolts,
ing element. This prevents agglomeration of these and other nuts, etc., used in automobiles and aircraft engineering will
carbides during long term thermal treatment. Vanadium also also be found here.
forms nitrides and is present in most nitriding steels. It is
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.5% FO 0.2% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: 1.6592 0.28% C 2.0% Ni 1.2% Cr0.35% Mo 0.1% Vsteel:
Creusot-Loire Forging; German Standard
0.5467 0.3% C 2.4% Cr 0.6% V 4.2% Wsteel: For springs; 1.6604 0.3% C 2.1% Ni 2.1% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: German
German Standard Standard
1CrMo 0.1 % C 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode 1.6761 0.28% C 1.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Forging;
1CrMoB 0.07% C 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode German Standard
for BS 2493 1.7205 0.14% C 0.8% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Bar; German
1 NiB 0.05% C 1% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode Standard
1 NiCuB 0.06% C 0.7% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.6% Cu steel: Electrode; 1.7207 0.18% C 0.7% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: German Standard
Metrode 1.7214 0.25% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; German
1 NiMoB 0.09% C 1% Ni 0.4% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode Standard
1.1% FO 0.17% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: 1.7218 0.25% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; German
Creusot·Loire Standard
1.2%FO 0.17% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: 1.7220 0.34% C 0.6% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging;
Creusot·Loire German Standard
1.2312 0.33% C 1.6% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: German Standard 1.7242 0.17% C 0.4% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Forging;
1.2330 0.35% C 1.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: German Standard German Standard
1.2344 0.38% C 1.3% Ni 5.25% Cr 1% Vsteel: German 1.7251 0.23% C 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For seamless
Standard drums; German Standard
1.2365 0.3% C 3% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: German 1.7254 0.25% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: German Standard
Standard 1.7258 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For high
1.2567 0.3% C 2.4% Cr 0.6% V4.3% Wsteel: German temperature fasteners; German Standard
Standards designation 1.7273 0.24% C 0.8% Ni 2.4% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For high
1.2581 0.3% C 2.7% Cr 0.4% V8.5% Wsteel: German pressures; German Standard
Standard 1.7281 0.16% C 2.2% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: For high pressures;
1.2735 0.14% C 3.5% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: German Standard German Standard
1.2764 0.19% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.4% W tool 1.7283 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 2.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For high
steel: German Standards designation pressures; German Standard
1.2766 0.32% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: German 1.7307 0.17% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel: Welding
Standard rod; German Standard
1.3344 1.2% C 4.1 % Cr 5.0% Mo 3.0% V 6.3% Wsteel: For 1.7324 0.2% C 0.4% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Welding rod;
tools; German Standards designation German Standard
1.5404 0.21 % C 0.3% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: 1.7334 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: For carburizing;
Forging; German Standard German Standard
1.5406 0.18% C 0.3% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.35% V steel: 1.7335 0.14% C 0.8% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: For boiler plate;
Forging; German Standard German Standard
1.5419 0.21 % C 0.5% MnO.3% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Forging; 1.7337 0.16% C 0.4% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Forging;
German Standard German Standard
1.5620 0.34% C 1.3% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Forging; German 1.7345 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding rod; German
Standard Standard
1.5919 0.17% C 1.6% Ni 1.6% Cr steel: For carburizing; 1.7346 0.12% C 1.1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding rod;
German Standard German Standard
1.5920 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr steel: For carburizing; 1.7350 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Forging;
German Standard German Standard
1.5924 0.15% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: For carburizing; 1.7356 0.1% C (max) 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mosteel: Welding rod;
German Standard German Standard
1.5934 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr steel: For carburizing; 1.7361 0.32% C 0.6% Ni 3.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: German
German Standard Standard
1.6001 0.24% C 0.7% Ni 2.2% Cr steel: For pressure vessels; 1.7362 0.15% C 5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: For high pressure;
German Standard German Standard
1.6511 0.36% C 1.1 % Ni 1.1% Cr 0.20% Mo steel: Forging; 1.7373 0.15% C (max) 6.0% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Welding rod;
German Standard German Standard
1.6513 0.28% C 1.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Forging; 1.7380 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: German
German Standard Standard
1.6582 0.34% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; 1.7384 0.1 % C (max) 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Welding rod;
German Standard German Standard
1.6590 0.3% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Forging; 1.7394 0.1 % C (max) 9.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Welding rod;
German Standard German Standard
1.7513 0.22% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Vsteel: German Standard
1.7704 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: Forging;
German Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 1.7707 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
Forging; German Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 1.7708 0.16% C 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: German
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Standard
Elon Elongation, % 1.7709 0.14% C 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: German
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' Standard
1.7710 0.24% C 1.3% Cr 0.22% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: German
1N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 1.7733 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
For high temperature fasteners; German Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.7766 0.17% C 2.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% V steel: For high 5CrMoB 0.07% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Metrode
pressures; German Standard 6 F4 0.2% C 3.1% Ni 0.15% Cr (max) 3.4% Mo 0.1 % V
1.7779 0.2% C 3.2% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.5% V steel: For high steel: Carpenter
pressures; German Standard 6 N 3C2 Mo 0.3% C 3.3% Ni 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Sandvik for
1.8070 0.21 % C 0.6% Ni 1.3% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% Vsteel: For SS 2534
high temperature fasteners; German Standard 6N4C2 0.3% C 4.3% Ni 1.3% Cr steel: Sandvik
1.8212 0.21 % C 2.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.8% V 0.4% W steel: For 7C2Mo 0.35% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sandvik
pressure vessels; German Standard 7Cr M07/5 0.1 % C (max) 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Designation
1.8507 0.33% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% AI steel: For used by German Standards
nitriding; German Standard 7CrMo 12/10 0.1 % C (max) 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation
1.8514 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% V steel: For used by German Standards
nitriding; German Standard 7CrMo B 0.07% C 7.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
1.8519 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% V steel: For 7CrMo B 0.05% C 7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Electrode
nitriding; German Standard 07 NCMB 0.07% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.16% Mo steel: Electrode;
1.8544 0.32% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % AI steel: For Metrode
nitriding; German Standard 9Cr Mo 4/5 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used by
1.8550 0.33% C 1.0% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% AI steel: German Standards
For nitriding; German Standard 9CrMoB 0.07% C 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
2CrMo 0.1 % C 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode 9CrMo L B 0.05% C 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Electrode.; Metrode
2CrMoB 0.07% C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode 9GMo 0.08% C 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
2CrMoBG 0.06% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode lOC2M 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
2CrMoBX 0.06% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode lOCNK I 0.09% C 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pompey
2CrMoCB 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode 10 CNK 3 0.09% C 2.7% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey
2N3CI 0.12% C 0.55% Mn 3% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Sandvik for lOCNK 32 0.09% C 3.0% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey
SS 2514 10 Cr Mo 9/10 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation
2Ni MoB 0.05% C 2.8% Ni 0.6% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode used by German Standards
2.2% FO 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: 10 NCI2 0.1 % C 3.0% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: French Standards
Creusot-Loire designation
3%FO 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: 10 NCMB 0.1 % C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.16% Mo steel: Electrode;
Creusot·Loire Metrode
3GMoB 0.07% C 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode 11 Cr Mo 4/5 0.12% C 1.1 % Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Designation used by
3 KH2V8F 0.35% C 2.35% Cr 0.35% V 8.2% W steel: Russian German Standards
Standards designation 12CMV 0.12% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Electrode;
03 NCMB 0.03% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.16% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
Metrode 12CNK3 0.14% C 2.7% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey
3 Ni Cr Mo B 0.04% C 4% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Electrode; 12 Cr Mo 19/5 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Designation
Metrode used by German Standards
3NiMoB 0.04% C 3.3% Ni 0.6% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode 12CrMoV B 0.07% C 12.0% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: Electrode;
3NiMoLB 0.04% C 3.2% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode; Metrode
for low temperature use 12KHIMF 0.11 % C 0.55% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.22% V steel:
4KH2V5FM 0.35% C 2.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.8% V 5.0% W steel: Russian Standards designation
Russian Standards designation 12MKH 0.13% C 0.55% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% MO steel: Russian
4NHD 0.35% C 4% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.35% V 5.7% W steel: For Standards designation
tools; Huntsman; hot stamping dies 12NCD6 0.12% C 1.4% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Pompey
DPN: 530 12 NCMB 0.12% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.16% Mo steel: Metrode
4WHD 0.35% C 1.2% Cr 0.25% V 4% W steel: Huntsman; 12 S 0.3% C 3% Cr 0.25% V8.5% W steel: Carrs; hot
pressure die casting dies, etc. work, punches, dies, etc.
DPN: 500 DPN:460
4.5% DO 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 4.0% Ni 0.5% Cr 13 Cr M04/4 0.14% C 0.8% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Designation used by
0.4% Mo steel: Creusot-Loire German Standards
5C2Mo 0.25% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sandvik for SS 2225 13 Cr Mo V 4/2 0.14% C 1% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Designation
5CrMo 0.1 % C 5.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode used by German Standards
5CrMo 10 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: ESC; annealed for BS 14 CNK 3 0.14% C 3.45% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey
15011625 14CNK4 0.14% C 4.25% Ni 0.65% Cr steel: Pompey
VTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 14 CNK 32 0.13% C 3.0% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey
5 Cr Mo 22 0.22% C 0.45% Mn 5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: ESC for 14 NKD 2 0.14% C 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
BS 1506/625 15CrM03 0.14% C 0.8% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Designation used by
VTS: 670 Elon: 19% Proof: 580 German Standards
15 Cr M06 0.15% C 1.5% Cr 1.5% Si steel: For carburizing;
designation used by German Standards
15 Cr Ni 6 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.8% Crsteel: Carburizing; German
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Standard
15 N3CM 0.15% C 3% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Electrode;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Metrode
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 15 N 4CM 0.15% C 4% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode;
EJon Elongation, % Metrode
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 15 NCMB 0.15% C 1.0% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.16% Mo steel: Electrode;
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbf/in.2=1 MPa 15 Ni Cr 14 0.15% C 3.5% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: German Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 15NKD 0.14% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey
16CNKI 0.16% C 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
16CrMo4 0.16% C 0.4% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: 22 Cr V 4 0.22% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Designation used by
Designation used by German Standards German Standards
16 Cr Mo4/4 0.17% C 0.4% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.45% Mo steel: 22Mo4 0.22% C 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Designation used by
Designation used by German Standards German Standards
16Cr Mo9/3 0.16% C 2.2% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Designation used by 22NCM 0.2% C 0.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode;
German Standards Metrode
16Cr Mo V 4/2 0.16% C 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Designation 22NKD 0.22% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey
used by German Standards 24C3M 0.24% C 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
16NC6 0.16% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Carburizing; AFNOR 24 Cr Mo 5 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel:
16 NCK 3 0.16% C 2.75% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Pompey Designation used by German Standards
17/22 AS 0.30% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Timken; 24 Cr Mo 10 0.24% C 0.8% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel:
hardened and tempered; for high temperature use Designation used by German Standards
DPN: 415 VIS: 1550 Elon: 15% Proof: 1300 24Cr Mo V 5/2 0.24% C 1.3% Cr 0.22% Mo 0.25% Vsteel:
17/22 AV 0.27% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.8% Vsteel: Timken; Designation used by German Standards
hardened and tempered; for high temperature use 24 Cr Ni 9 0.24% C 0.7% Ni 2.2% Cr steel: Designation used by
DPN: 444 VIS: 1550 Elon: 14% Proof: 1380 German Standards
17CNK 0.17% C 0.6% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Pompey 24Ni 4 0.24% C 1.2% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Designation used by
17CrMoVIO 0.18% C 2.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: German Standards
Designation used by German Standards 24 Ni8 0.24% C 2.1 % Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Designation used by
17 Cr Mo V 16/10 0.17% C 1.0% Ni 4.0% CrO.l2% Vsteel: Designation German Standards
used by German Standards 24S 0.24% C 2.5% Ni 3% Cr 8.5% Wsteel: Carrs; hot
17ND2 0.17% C 2.0% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey extrusion and press dies, etc.
17ND3 0.17% C 3.5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey DPN: 500
18CrMo3 0.18% C 0.7% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Designation used by 25CrMo4 0.25% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used by
German Standards German Standards
18 Cr Ni8 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr carburizing steel: 25 Cr Mo4 0.24% C 0.65% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Italian
Designation used by German Standards Standards designation; as rolled
18KH3MV 0.18% C 0.4% Mn 2.75% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.07% V 0.65% DPN: 210
Wsteel: Russian Standards designation 25KHIMF 0.18% C 0.55% Mn 1.65% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.22% Vsteel:
18MoV8/4 0.18% C 0.3% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.35% Vsteel: Russian Standards designation
Designation used by German Standards 25 KH2MF 0.25% C 0.55% Mn 2.3% Cr 1.05% Mo 0.32% V steel:
18NCD4 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Carburizing; Russian Standards designation
AFNOR 25 NCDII 0.26% C 0.5% Mn 0.27% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Origin
18NCD 14 0.17% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% CrO.2% Mo steel: unknown
Carburizing; AFNOR 25 NKI 0.25% C 1.55% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
18 Ni CrMo 14 0.17% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: 25S 0.25% C 4.25% Ni 1.5% Cr 6.7% Wsteel: Carrs; hot
Carburizing; German Standard extrusion and press dies, etc.
20CD2 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Carburizing; AFNOR DPN: 525
20Cr Mo9 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 2.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Designation 27 Cr Mo Ni 0.27% C 0.6% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Electrode;
used by German Standards Metrode
20 Cr Mo V 13/5 0.2% C 3.2% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: Designation 27 CrMoNi I 0.27% C 1.0% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Electrode;
used by German Standards Metrode
20 DN32.12 0.2% C 3.0% Ni 3.2% Mo steel: French Standards 27 Cr Mo Ni 2 0.27% C 2.0% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Electrode;
designation Metrode
20KH3MVF 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 3.0% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.7% V 0.45% 27NCM 0.27% C 0.6% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Electrode;
Wsteel: Russian Standards designation Metrode
20NC6 0.21 % C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Carburizing; AFNOR 28C3M 0.28% C 3% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
20 NCD 2 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Carburizing; 28 F 0.1 % C 0.3% Mn 5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: For
AFNOR case hardening; Carrs
20 NCD 7 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: 28 Ni Cr Mo 4 0.28% C 1.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel:
Carburizing; AFNOR Designation used by German Standards
20ND 2K 0.19% C 1.7% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey 28 Ni Cr Mo 4/4 0.28% C 1.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.45% Mo steel:
20NiCrMo2 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Carburizing; Designation used by German Standards
German Standard 28 Ni Cr Mo 7/4 0.28% C 2.0% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.11% Vsteel:
20 Ni Cr Mo4 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Carburizing; Designation used by German Standards
German Standard 28 NKD 3 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 1.55% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Pompey
20 Ni Cr Mo 7 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: 30CM 0.3% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
Carburizing; German Standard 30CrMoV9 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% Vsteel:
20NK I 0.2% C 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey Forging; designation used by German Standards
20NK 3 0.2% C 2.75% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey 30 Cr Ni Mo8 0.3% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr steel: Designation used by
20NXD 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey German Standards
21 CrMo3 0.22% C 0.9% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by 30 DCV28 0.3% C 2.8% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V steel: French
German Standards Standards designation
21 Cr Mo V 5/11 0.21 % C 0.6% Ni 1.3% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: 30DKCV28 0.3% C 2.8% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V 2.5% Co steel:
Designation used by German Standards French Standards designation
21 CrVMoW 12 0.22% C 2.9% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.8% V 0.4% Wsteel: 30N4CM 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Electrode;
Designation used by German Standards Metrode
21 Mo V 5/3 0.21 % C 0.3% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: 30NCD2 0.3% C 0.8% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.4% Cr steel: Origin
Designation used by German Standards unknown
22 Cr Mo4/4 0.23% C 0.6% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.45% Mo steel:
Designation used by German Standards
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
30 NCD16 0.3% C 0.45% Mn 4.0% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: 94 B 30 0.3% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.004% B steel:
For low temperature use; origin unknown Designation used in the UK and USA
VTS: 1200 Elon: II % Proof: 900 94 B40 0.4% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.004% B steel:
30NK3 0.3% C 2.7% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pompey Designation used in the UK and USA
30NKD 2 0.3% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Pompey 158 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Carpenter
30NKD3 0.3% C 3.0% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Pompey 227 0.3% C 3.2% Cr 0.35% V9% W steel: Balfour; hot
30NKDE 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey dies for forging and casting
30 W Cr V 17/9 0.3% C 2.3% Cr 0.6% V4.2% W steel: Designation DPN: S20
used by German Standards 293 0.36% C 3.25% Cr 0.35% V 9% W steel: For hot
31CM 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode work; Balfour; for tools; non-ferrous casting die
31CrMoV9 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: Designation punches
used by German Standards DPN: S70
32 Cr Mo 12 0.32% C 0.6% Ni 3.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Designation 505 0.32% C 0.3% Mn 2.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% V 9% W
used by German Standards steel: F Parkin; hot forming; extrusion and forging dies
32CrMoB 0.32% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode DPN: S40
32 NDCl8.12 0.32% C 4.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: French 635 A 14 0.14% C 0.95% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.1% Mo (max) steel: For
Standards designation case hardening; BS 970
34CrAIM05 0.33% C 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% AI steel: Designation 635 H 15 0.15% C 1% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS
used by German Standards 970
34Cr AI Ni 7 0.33% C 1.0% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% AI steel: 635 M 15 0.15% C 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For case hardening;
Designation used by German Standards BS970
34 Cr M04 0.34% C 0.6% Ni \.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation 637 A 16 0.16% C 1% Ni 0.85% CrO.I% Mo (max) steel: For
used by German Standards case hardening; BS 970
34CrNiM06 0.34% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation 637 H 17 0.17% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS
used by German Standards 970
34Ni5 0.34% C 1.4% Ni 0.6% Cr (max) steel: Designation 637 M 17 0.17% C 1% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: For case hardening;
used by German Standards BS970
35 CP 0.35% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey 640 A 35 0.35% C 1.3% Ni 0.65% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
35NK I 0.35% C 1.45% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey 640 H 35 0.35% C 1.3% Ni 0.65% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
35NKD I 0.35% C \.15% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Pompey 653 M 31 0.31 % C 3% Ni 1% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
35 NKD2 0.35% C 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Pompey 655 A 12 0.12% C 3.3% Ni 0.85% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
36Cr Ni M04 0.36% C \.I % Ni \.I % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation 655 H 13 0.13% C 3.3% Ni 0.85% Cr steel: For case hardening;
used by German Standards BS970
36 Cr Ni Mo 6 0.34% C 1.6% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation 655 M 13 0.13% C 3.3% Ni 0.85% Cr steel: For case hardening;
used by German Standards BS970
40FK 0.16% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: 659 A 15 0.15% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
HOAG; AI killed 659H 15 0.15% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
43 BV 12 0.12% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.03% Vsteel: 659 M 15 0.15% C 4.1% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
Designation used by SAE; obsolete 665 A 17 0.17% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
43 BV 14 0.14% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.03% V steel: 665 A 19 0.19% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
Designation used by SAE; obsolete 665 A 22 0.22% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
46B 12 0.12% C 0.6% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo 0.3% Si B steel: 665 A 22 0.22% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
Designation used by SAE 665 A 24 0.24% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
58S 0.35% C 5% Cr 2% Mo 0.25% V 1.2% W 1% Si steel: 665 A 24 0.24% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
Carrs; hot extrusion dies, shears, etc. 665 H 17 0.17% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
74S 0.3% C 2.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.6% V 4.25% W steel: 665 H 20 0.2% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
Carrs; hot extrusion dies, hot shears. etc. BS970
DPN:~ 665 H 23 0.23% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
75.75 0.050% C 1.40% Mn 1.80% Ni 0.350% Cr 0.40% Mo BS970
steel: For electrode: Esab 665 M 17 0.17% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case
UTS: 800 EJon: 18% Proof: 730 hardening; BS 970
SOHLES 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 4.0% Ni 0.5% Cr 665 M20 0.2% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
0.4% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel: Creusot-Loire BS970
94 B 15 0.15% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.0005% B (min) 665 M23 0.2% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
steel: Designation used in the UK and USA BS970
94 B 17 0.17% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1% Mo 0.004% B steel: 708 A 25 0.25% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
Designation used in the UK and USA 708 A 30 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
708 A 37 0.37% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
708 A 40 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
708H 20 0.2% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case hardening
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 708H 37 0.37% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
709 A 37 0.37% C 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: BS 970
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 709 A 40 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: BS 970
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 720 M32 0.32% C 3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: BS 970
Eion Elongation, % 722 M24 0.24% C 3.2% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: BS 970
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 785 M 19 0.19% C 0.55% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete
796 0.3% C 1.5% Cr 0.3% V 6.3% Wsteel: F Parkin; hot
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.lOZ kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2=1 MPa punches and dies
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN:SOO
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
805 A 15 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970; 950 A 0.15% C 1.3% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength
obsolete steel
805 A 17 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case 950B 0.22% C 1.3% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength
hardening; BS 970 steel
805 A 20 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case 950C 0.25% C 1.6% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength
hardening; BS 970 steel
805 A 22 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case 950D 0.15% C 1% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength
hardening; BS 970 steel
805 A 24 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970; 950 X 0.23% C 1.3% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength
obsolete .steel
805 H 17 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For 955 X 0.25% C 1.3% Mn steel: With Nb or V; SAE high
carburizing; BS 970 strength steel
805 H 20 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For 960 X 0.26% C 1.45% Mn steel: With Nb or V; SAE high
carburizing; BS 970 strength steel
805 H 22 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For 965 X 0.26% C 1.4% Mn steel: With Nb or V; SAE high
carburizing; BS 970 strength steel
805 H 25 0.25% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970; 970 X 0.26% C 1.6% Mn steel: With Nb or V; SAE high
obsolete strength steel
805 M 17 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case 980 X 0.26% C 1.6% Mn steel: With Nb or V; SAE high
hardening; BS 970 strength steel
805 M20 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case 1418 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For tools;
hardening; BS 970 Osborn; plastic dies
805 M22 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case DPN: S70 UTS: ISS
hardening; BS 970 1433 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Case hardening;
805 M25 0.25% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970; obsolete Osborn
808 H 17 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: For case DPN:340
hardening; BS 970 2504 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 4.0% Ni 0.5% Cr
815 A 16 0.16% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: BS 970; 0.4% Mo 0.1 % V steel: Creusot-Loire
obsolete 2831 0.08% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V steel: French
815 H 17 0.17% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For case Standards designation
hardening; BS 970 2881 0.1% C 1.5% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: French Standards
815M 17 0.17% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For case designation
hardening; BS 970 2882 0.1 % C 3.0% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: French Standards
820 A 16 0.16% C 1.75% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: BS 970; designation
obsolete 3115 0.15% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Designation used by
820 H 17 0.17% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For case AISI; obsolete
hardening; BS 970 3120 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Designation used by
822 A 17 0.17% C 2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970; AISI
obsolete 3130 0.3% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Designation used by
822 H 17 0.17% C 2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case AISI
hardening; BS 970 3215 0.15% C 1.7% Ni I% Crsteel: Designation used by
822 M 17 0.17% C 2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case AISI; obsolete
hardening; BS 970 3220 0.2% C 1.7% Ni I% Cr steel: Designation used by
823 M 30 0.31 % C 2% Ni 2% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: BS 970; AISI; obsolete
obsolete 3230 0.30% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Designation used by
826 M31 0.31% C 2.5% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: BS 970 AISI; obsolete
830 M31 0.31% C 3% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: BS 970; 3310 0.1 % C 3% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used by
obsolete AISI
832 H 13 0.13% C 3.3% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: For case 3310 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used in the
hardening; BS 970 UK and USA
832 M 13 0.13% C 3.3% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case 3312 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used by
hardening; BS 970 AISI; obsolete
835 A 15 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.27% Mo steel 3316 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used by
835 H 15 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case AISI
hardening; BS 970 3325 0.25% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used by
835 M 15 0.15% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: For case AIS1; obsolete
hardening; BS 970 3335 0.35% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used by
905 M 31 0.31 % C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % Al steel: For AISI; obsolete
nitriding; BS 970; obsolete 3382 0.35% C 4.0% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % V steel:
0908Mo 0.07% C 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: NYBY annealed French Standards designation
DPN: 190 UTS: 280 Elon: 20% Proof: 160 3383 0.32% C 4.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: French
942 X 0.21% C 1.3% Mn steel: With Nb or W; SAE high Standards designation
strength steel 3415 0.15% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used by
945 A 0.15% C 1% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength AISI; obsolete
steel 3436 0.35% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used by
945C 0.23% C 1.4% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength AISI; obsolete
steel 3451 0.3% C 2.8% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V steel: French
945 M 38 0.38% C 0.75% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970 Standards designation
945 X 0.22% C 1.3% Mn steel: Low alloy; SAE high strength 3455 0.2% C 3.0% Ni 3.2% Mo steel: French Standards
steel designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
3543 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% V 9.0% Wsteel: French 6135 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Designation used by
Standards designation AISI; obsolete
4118 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Designation used in 8115 0.15% C 0.3% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: Designation
the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
4119 0.19% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by 8615 @.I5% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation
AISI used in the UK and USA
4120 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in 8617 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation
the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
4121 0.2% C 0.55% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in 8620 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation
the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
4125 0.25% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by 8622 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation
AISI; obsolete used in the UK and USA
4130 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in the 8625 0.25% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation
UK and USA used in the UK and USA
4135 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in 8720 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation
the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
4320 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation 8735 0.35% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel:
used in the UK and USA Designation used in the UK and USA
4330 0.3% C 1.8% Ni 0.82% Cr 0.41 % Mo 0.07% V steel 8740 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation
4335 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.72% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% V steel used in the UK and USA
4337 0.37% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: 8742 0.42% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel:
Designation used in the UK and USA Designation used in the UK and USA
4615 0.15% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in 8822 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.35% Mo steel:
the UK and USA Designation used in the UK and USA
4617 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by 9310 0.1% C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: Designation
AISI used in the UK and USA
4617 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in 10018Ni 0.15% C (max) 1.7% Ni 1% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% Si
the UK and USA steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
4620 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in 11015 0.10% C (max) 2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% Si
the UK and USA steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
4621 0.21 % C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in 11015 0.1 % C (max) 2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% Si steel:
the UK and USA Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
4626 0.26% C 0.9% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in 14018 HT 0.1 % C (max) 8% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
the UK and USA electrode; designation used by AWS
4715 0.15% C 0.9% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Designation 14018MI 0.1 % C (max) 3.4% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Weld
used in the UK and USA electrode; designation used by ANS
4718 0.18% C 1% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation A3 0.28% C 0.25% Ni 0.25% Cr steel: Designation for BS
used in the UK and USA 1453
4720 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation A4 0.3% C 3% Ni 3% Cr steel: Designation for BS 1453
used in the UK and USA A6 0.15% C (max) 0.2% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.55% Mo steel:
4812 0.12% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by Designation for BS 1453
AISI A32 0.12% C (max) 1.3% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Designation
4815 0.15% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in for BS 1453
the UK and USA A32 0.12% C (max) 1.3% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: For welding
4817 0.17% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in electrodes; designation for BS 2901
the UK and USA A 33 0.12% C (max) 2.4% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For welding
4820 0.2% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in electrodes; designation used by BS
the UK and USA A34 0.12% C (max) 5.5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: For welding
6115 0.15% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Designation used by electrodes; designation for BS 2901
AISI; obsolete A35 0.1 % C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 9.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
611.8 0.18% C 0.6% Cr 0.12% V steel: Designation used in For welding electrodes, designation for BS 2901
the UK and USA A 242 0.12% CO.7% Ni 0.6% CrO.l% Mo 0.4% Cu steel:
6120 0.2% C 0.8% Cr 0.1 % V (min) steel: Designation used Armco
in the UK and USA UTS: 500 Elon: 22% Proof: 330
6125 0.25% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Designation used by A 325 0.25% C 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: SHD; drills, etc.
AISI; obsolete A 330 0.28% C 0.3% Ni 2.1% CrO.3% Mosteel: SHD; drills,
6130 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Designation used by etc.
AISI; obsolete A 387 A 0.2% CO.7% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Plate; Annco; for
high temperature and slightly corrosive use
VTS: 520 Elon: 24% Proof: 270
A 387 B 0.17% C 1.0% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Plate; Annco; for
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
high temperature and slightly corrosive use
VTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 240
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number A387C 0.17% C 1.25% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Plate; Anneo; for
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 high temperature and slightly corrosive use
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 500 Elon: 24% Proof: 240
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 A387D 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate; Annco; for
high temperature and slightly corrosive use
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2 =0.06475tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
UTS: 520 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
A 387 E 0.15% C 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate; Armco; for AISI3135 0.35% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel
high temperature and slightly corrosive use AISI3316 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Obsolete
VTS: 520 Elon: 28% Proof: 200 AISI4118 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.12% Mo steel
A 420 0.2% C 1.75% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: SHD; AISI4119 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
drills AISI4125 0.25% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
A 1000 0.32% C 2.5% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Edgar AISI4130 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
Allen; hardened and tempered AISI4137 0.37% C 1% Mn 0.2% Mo steel
VTS: 2000 Elon: 20% Proof: 1380 AISI4317 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
A WDYNALLOY I 0.15% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.1 % Mo 0.45% Cu AISI4320 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
steel: Alan Wood AISI4330 0.3% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.07% V steel
AW 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.15% Mo 0.45% AISI4335 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.72% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% V steel
DYNALLOY 50 Cu steel: Alan Wood AISI4337 0.37% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
AB213 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 1% Cr 1.75% Wsteel: Balfour; AISI4608 0.08% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete
chisels, punches, etc. AISI4615 0.15% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel
DPN: 570 AISI4620 0.2% C 0.5% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel
ADIC 0.37% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.0% V 1.0% Si steel: For AISI4620 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
tools; hot work; Balfour; Al and Mg die casting AISI4621 0.21 % C 0.8% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel
moulds, etc. AISI4626 0.26% C 0.8% Ni 0.2% Mo steel
DPN: 570 AISI4718 0.18% C 1% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.35% Mo steel
ADS 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.5% V steel: Inman; for AISI4720 0.2% C 1.0% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
aluminium die casting AISI4815 0.15% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel
AEI/M 0.12% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For case AISI4817 0.12% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
hardening; Swift Levick for BS alloy En 39B AISI4820 0.2% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel
AF 1410 0.15% C 10% Ni 2% Cr 1% Mo steel AISI6117 0.17% CO.8% CrO.l% V steel
AFC77 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 14% Cr 5% Mo 0.2% V steel AISI6118 0.18% C 0.6% Cr 0.12% V steel
AFNOR 81·340 0.05% C 1% Ni 0.1% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: Welding AISI6120 0.2% C 0.8% Cr 0.1% V steel
EY 50.1 Ni Mo B electrode; French Standard AISI8615 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
11026 BN AISI8617 0.17% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
AFNOR 81·340 0.05% C 1% Ni 0.15% Cr 0.26% Mo steel: Welding AISI8620 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
EY 55.1 Ni Cr Mo electrode; French Standard AISI8622 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
B 11026 TBN AISI8625 0.25% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
AFNOR 81·340 EY 0.09% C 2% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Welding AISI8627 0.27% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
692 Mn 2 Ni Cr Mo electrode; French Standard AISI8630 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
B 11026 TBH AISI8632 0.32% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete
AFNOR 81·345 0.05% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; AISI8635 0.35% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
EC 0.5 Cr Mo B 20 French Standard AISI8637 0.37% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
AFNOR 81·345 0.06% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; AISI8715 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
EC I Cr Mo B 20 French Standard AISI8717 0.17% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
AFNOR 81·345 0.08% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; AISI8719 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
EC I Cr Mo R 22 French Standard AISI8720 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
AFNOR 81·345 0.09% C 2.4% Cr 1% Mo steel: Welding electrode; AISI8735 0.35% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
EC 2 Cr Mo B French Standard AISI8822 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.35% Mo steel
11020 AISI9310 0.1 % C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel
AFNOR 81·345 0.04% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; AISI9315 0.15% C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr O. I% Mo steel: Obsolete
EC5 CrMoB 20 Frcnch Standard AISI9317 0.17% C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: Obsolete
AFNOR 81·345 0.1 % C 9.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Welding electrode; AISI9437 0.37% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete
EC9 Cr Mo B 20 French Standard ALCODIE 0.36% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 1.3% Wsteel:
AGTVAC·ARC 0.1 % C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.12% Mo steel: For Columbia; AISI type HI2
carburizing; Latrobe Steel ALDECOR 0.15% C (max) 2% Ni 1% Cr 0.2% Mo 1% Cu steel:
AHT28 0.3% C 4.0% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Atlas; Source unknown
hardened and tempered ALGO·COR·TEN 0.14% C 1.1% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.15% V 0.3% Cu steel:
DPN: 375 VTS: 1380 Elon: 12% Proof: 1180 Algoma
AIS 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Australian ALGO·LOY 1317 0.22% C 1.6% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.05% Mo 0.2% Cu steel:
Iron and Steel Co. Algoma
AISI94 BI7 0.17% C 0.45% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.0005% B steel ALGOMA 0.12% C 1.6% Mn 3.4% Ni 0.4% Mo 0.02% V steel:
AISI94 B30 0.3% C 0.45% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.0005% B (min) Algoma
steel ALGOMA 90 0.12% C 1.6% Mn 3.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.02% V steel:
AISI501 0.1 % C (min) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel Algoma
AISI502 O. I% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel ALGOTUF50 0.2% C 1.1% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.02% V steel: Algoma
AISI602 0.3% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% V steel: Hardened ALLOY 53 0.1% C 2% Ni 1% Cr 3.25% Mo 0.1% V2% Cu steel:
and tempered Carpenter
DPN: 350 UTS: 1210 Elon: 18% Proof: 1000 ALLOY MOULD 0.32% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sanderson
AISI603 0.27% C 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.85% V steel: Hardened Kayser
and tempered AMI 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.5% V 1.35% Wsteel:
DPN: 444 UTS: 1550 Elon: 14% Proof: 1300 Edgar Allen; brass forging dies and inserts
AISI604 0.2% C 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1 % V steel: Normalized and DPN: 550
tempered AMI SPECIAL 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.5% V 1.35% Wsteel:
UTS: 1000 Proof: 840 Edgar Allen; also known as AMI
AISI3115 0.15% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Obsolete AMS5027 0.3% C 0.65% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.08% V steel:
AISI3120 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Obsolete Welding wire
AISI3I30 0.3% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS5028 0.37% C 0.65% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.08% Vsteel: AMS6302 A 0.3% C 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Bar and
Welding wire forging
AMS5029 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: AMS6303 0.27% C 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.85% Vsteel: Bar and
Welding wire forging
AMS 5333 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Casting AMS6308 0.1% C2% Ni 1% Cr 3.2% MoO.l% V 2% Cu steel
AMS5502 A 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sheet and strip; AMS AMS6320 E 0.35% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and
for SAE 51501 + Mo forging; AMS for SAE 8735
AMS5602 A 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS AMS 6330 A 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Bar and forging;
for SAE 51501 AMS for SAE 3135
AMS5680 0.07% C (max) II % Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.8% Si AMS6348 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Type 4130
steel: Weld electrode AMS6349 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Type 4140
AMS5790 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 20% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.4% Si AMS 6350 C 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet and strip;
steel: Weld electrode annealed; AMS for SAE 4130
AMS6231 B 0.3% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; AMS AMS6352 B 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet and strip;
for SAE 8630 annealed; AMS for SAE 4135
AMS6250 E 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Bar and forging, etc.; AMS 6354 0.15% C 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1% Zr steel: Sheet and
AMS for SAE 3310 strip
AMS 6255 0.19% C 1.4% Cr 1% Mo 0.08% AI steel AMS6355 F 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet and
AMS6256 0.13% C 3% Ni 1% Cr 4.5% Mo 0.4% V 0.8% AI steel strip; AMS for SAE 8630
AMS6260 F 0.1 % C 3.25% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: Bar, AMS6356 0.32% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet and strip
forging, etc.; AMS for SAE 9310 AMS6357 C 0.35% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Sheet and
AMS6263 C 0.15% C 3.25% Ni 1.2% CrO.l% Mo steel: Bar, strip; AMS for SAE 8735
forging, etc.; AMS for SAE 9315 AMS6360 D 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube;
AMS6264 C 0.17% C 3.25% Ni 1.2% CrO.l% Mo steel: Bar, normalized; AMS for SAE 4130
forging, etc.; AMS for SAE 9317 AMS6361 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube;
AMS6265 B 0.1 % C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Bar, forging, hardened and tempered
etc.; AMS for SAE 9310; premium quality; vacuum VTS:920
melted AMS6362 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube;
AMS6266 B 0.11 % C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo Bsteel: Bar and hardened and tempered
forging; AMS for SAE 43BVI2 VTS: 1100
AMS6267 0.1 % C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Bar and AMS6365 C 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube;
forging; AMS for SAE 9310; premium quality normalized; AMS for SAE 4135
AMS 6270 F 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and AMS 6370 E 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS
forging; AMS for SAE 8615 for SAE 4130
AMS6272 D 0.17% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and AMS6371 C 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; AMS for SAE
forging; AMS for SAE 8617 4130
AMS6274 F 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and AMS 6372 C 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; AMS for SAE
forging; AMS for SAE 8620 4135
AMS6275 A 0.17% C 0.45% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo Bsteel: Bar and AMS6373 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Type 4130
forging; AMS for SAE 94B17 AMS6374 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tyre 4130
AMS6276 B 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and AMS6385 0.3% C 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% V steel: Sheet and
forging; AMS for SAE 8620; premium quality strip
AMS6277 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and AMS6386 0.18% CO.65% Cr 0.22% Mo 0.1% Zrsteel
forging; AMS for SAE 8620 AMS6395 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Type 4140
AMS6280D 0.3% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and AMS6407 A 0.3% C 2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Bar and
forging; AMS for SAE 8630 forging
AMS6281 0.3% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Type 8630 AMS6409 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Type 4340
AMS6282 C 0.35% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Tube; AMS6411 0.3% C 1.8% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.42% Mo 0.08% Vsteel
AMS for SAE 8735 AMS6412 E 0.37% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and
AMS6290C 0.15% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and forging; forging; AMS for SAE 4337
AMS for SAE 4615 AMS 6413 C 0.37% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Tube;
AMS 6292 C 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE 4337
AMS for SAE 4617 AMS 6418 B 0.25% C 1.8% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 1.5% Si steel: Bar
AMS6294 C 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and forging; and forging
AMS for SAE 4620 AMS6421 0.37% C 0.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo Bsteel: Bar and
AMS6299 0.2% C 1.7% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE 98B37
forging; AMS for SAE 4320 AMS6427 C 0.3% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.07% Vsteel: Bar
AMS6302 0.3% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Forgings and forging
AMS6428 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
Bar and forging
AMS6429 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Bar and forging; vacuum melted
AMS6430 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Bar and forging; special grade
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' AMS6433 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
Eion Elongation, % Sheet and strip; special grade
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' AMS6434 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
Sheet and strip
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa AMS 6435 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Sheet and strip; vacuum melted
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS6436 0.22% C 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.8% V steel: Sheet and ANT33/1 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Welded tube:
strip US Service; annealed
AMS6437 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: Sheet UTS: 630
AMS6457 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Welding wire ANWWT85011 0.3% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube; US
AMS6458 0.3% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V steel: Wire Service; normalized
AMS 6458 B 0.3% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V steel: Welding wire; UTS: 630 EIon: 12% Proof: 460
vacuum melted ANWWT852 0.35% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube; US
AMS6459 0.2% C 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1% V steel Service
AMS6460 0.15% C 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.7% Si 0.1 % Zr steel: UTS: 700
Welding wire ANCI 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr steel: Firth Brown for BS
AMS6461 B 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% V steel: Welding wire; AMS for alloy En 30A
SAE 6130 ANCM 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Firth
AMS6462B 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% V steel: Welding wire; AMS for Brown for BS alloy En 30B
SAE6130 APS 10 M 0.12% C 2.0% Cr 0.1 % Mo 1.0% AI steel: Pompey
AMS6464 0.1% C 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Coated welding UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
electrode APS IOM4 0.12% C 2.0% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.35% Al steel: Pompey
AMS6466 0.1 % C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding wire; UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
cold drawn APS20M 0.12% C4.0% Cr 0.12% MoO.9% Al steel: Pompey
AMS6467 0.1 % C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Coated welding UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
electrode APS25 0.15% CO.7% Ni 4.0% CrO.7% Al steel: Pompey
AMS6475 B 0.25% C 3.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.25% Al steel: UTS: 820 Elon: IS% Proof: S80
Bar and forging; nitriding steel ARCOL360 0.13% C 1.35% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Colvilles;
AMS6485 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: Forgings abrasion resisting
AMS6528 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel DPN: 320
AMS6530 D 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless ARMOUR PLATE 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 2.75% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Plate;
tube; normalized; AMS for SAE 8630 common name
AMS6535 C 0.35% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Seamless AR075 0.4% C 1.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 1.1 % Al steel: For nitriding;
tube; normalized; AMS for SAE 8735 Bofors; hardened and tempered
AMS6546 0.27% C 8% Ni 0.42% Cr 0.42% Mo 0.08% V 4% Co DPN: 280 UTS: 920 Elon: IS% Proof: 620
steel ASTM A5412 0.27% C (max) 0.7% Ni 0.35% Cr 0.62% Mo 0.06% V
AMS 6550 D 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Welded tube; steel: Forging
normalized; AMS for SAE 8630 ASTMAI82FI 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: For pipe fittings
AMS 7464 0.38% C 3.3% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.5% V steel: Type H 10 ASTMAI82F5 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For
AMS7496 0.25% C 1.8% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo steel pipe fittings
ANIA 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr steel: W Marrison for BS ASTM AI82 F5a 0.25% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For
anoy En 30A pipe fittings
ANIB 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: W Marrison ASTM AI82F7 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.8% Si
for BS alloy En 30B steel: For pipe fittings
AN 00 S684a 0.3% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: US Service; ASTMAI82F9 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 9% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.7% Si
normalized and tempered steel: For pipe fittings
DPN: 230 UTS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 740 ASTM Al82 FlI 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% Si steel:
AN 00S685/4 0.3% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Strip and plate; US For pipe fittings
Service ASTM AI82 FI2 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 1% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.4% Si steel: For
UTS: 690 Elon: 18% Proof: 480 pipe fittings
AN 00 S686/1 0.35% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Strip and plate; US ASTM AI82 F21 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mn 3% CrO.9% Mo steel: For
Service; annealed pipe fittings
UTS: 620 ASTM AI82 F22 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.2% Cr 0.95% Mo steel:
AN S 12/2 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Strip; US For pipe fittings
Service; annealed ASTMAI93 B5 0.1 % C 1% Mn 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For bolts, etc.;
UTS: 620 hardened and tempered
AN S l3a 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: US Service UTS: 730 Elon: 16% Proof: S60
AN S 14a 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: US Service; ASTM AI94/3 0.1% C (min) 0.5% Mo 5% Crsteel: For bolts
normalized and tempered ASTM AI99 Db 0.15% C (max) 2.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Condenser
DPN: 230 UTS: 840 Elon: 16% Proof: 740 tube
AN S 15a 0.35% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: US ASTMAI99T4 0.15% C (max) 2.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% Si steel:
Service; hardened and tempered Condenser tube
DPN: 230 UTS: 840 Elon: 16% Proof: 740 ASTM AI99T5 0.15% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Condenser
AN S 22/1 0.35% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Strip; US tube
Service; annealed ASTMAI99T7 0.15% C (max) 7.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Condenser
UTS: 620 tube
ANTJ 0.3% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; welded; US ASTMAI99T9 0.15% C (max) 9% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Condenser tube
Service; annealed ASTMAI99T11 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Condenser
UTS:.640 lube
AN T 15/2 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless ASTM AI99 TIl 0.15% C 3.0% Cr 0.95% Mo steel: Condenser tube
tube; US Service; normalized ASTM AI99 TI2 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Condenser tube
UTS: 630 Elon: 12% Proof: 460 ASTMA200 Alloy steel still tube; grades as in ASTM AI99
AN T22/2 0.35% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Seamless ASTM A217C5 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 5.2% Cr 0.55% Mo steel:
tube; US Service; annealed Casting
UTS: 749 ASTM A217 CI2 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 9% Cr l.l % Mo steel: Casting
ASTM A2J7 WC4 0.2% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.55% Mo
steel: Casting
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM All7 WC5 0.2% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.7% Cr 1.1% Mo ASTM A295 F22 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Seamless drum
steel: Castings forging; normalized and tempered
ASTM A217 WC6 0.2% C (max) 0.65% Mn 1.2% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: vrs: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 270
Castings ASTM A295 F31 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 0.3% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: Seamless
ASTM A217 WC9 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Mn 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: drum forging; normalized and tempered
Castings vrs: 700 Elon: 18% Proof: 500
ASTM A290 0 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; hardened and ASTM A295 F32 0.35% C 0.7% Ni 3.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % V steel:
tempered Seamless drum forging; normalized and tempered
DPN: 223 VTS: 760 Elon: 18% Proof: 530 vrs: 740 Elon: 18% Proof: 420
ASTM A290 02 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; hardened and ASTM A298 E502 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding rod annealed
tempered after welding, for plain carbon steels
DPN: 245 UTS: 840 Elon: 15% Proof: 760 UTS: 400 Elon: 20%
ASTM A290 E 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Forging; ASTMA302A 0.21 % C 1.1 % Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for pressure
hardened and tempered vessels
DPN: 302 VTS: 980 Elon: 16% Proof: 760 ASTM A302B 0.22% C 1.3% Mn 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for pressure
ASTM A290 F 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Forging: vessels
hardened and tempered ASTM A302C 0.22% C 1.3% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for
DPN: 302 vrs: 1070 Elon: 13% Proof: 840 pressure vessels
ASTM A290 G 0.35% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Forging; ASTMA3020 0.22% C 1.3% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for
hardened and tempered pressure vessels
DPN: 341 vrs: 1210 Elon: 11 % Proof: 1000 ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.7% Mn 0.05% Mo steel: Welding
ASTM A29212 0.3% C 2% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % V steel: For E7000Al electrodes; code varies with analysis
generator rotors; hardened and tempered; obsolete ASTM A316 1.0% Mn (min) 0.05% Ni (min) 0.3% Cr (min) 0.2%
vrs: 530 Elon: 22 % Proof: 370 E7020G Mo (min) 0.1 % V (min) 0.8% Si (min) steel:
ASTM A29213 0.3% C 2% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel: For Electrodes for arc welding
generator rotors; hardened and tempered; obsolete ASTMA316 0.1 % C and Mo steel: Electrodes; code varies with
vrs: 640 Elon: 20% Proof: 500 E8015/18B analysis
ASTM A29214 0.35% C2.5% Ni 0.7% CrO.2% MoO.l% V steel: For ASTM A316 0.05% C 1.25% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
generator rotors; hardened and tempered; obsolete ESOI5B2L welding
UTS: 760 Elon: 18% Proof: 580 ASTMA316 0.050/; C 2.0% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
ASTM A29215 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % V steel: For E8015B4L welding
generator rotors; hardened and tempered; obsolete ASTM A316 0.12% C 0.52% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
vrs: 840 Elon: 16% Proof: 640 E8016Bl welding
ASTM A29312 0.3% C 2% Ni 0.7% CrO.25% Mo 0.1% V steel: For ASTMA316 0.12% C 1.25% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
turbine rotors; hardened and tempered E8016B2 welding
vrs: 580 Elon: 22 % Proof: 370 ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.95% Ni 0.15% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.05% V steel:
ASTM A293/3 0.3% C 2% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.25% MoO.l% V steel: For E8016C3 Electrodes for arc welding
turbine rotors; hardened and tempered ASTM A316 0.12% C 1.25% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
vrs: 700 Elon: 20% Proof: 500 E8018B2 welding
ASTM A293/4 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% CrO.25% Mo 0.1% V steel: ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.95% Ni 0.15% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.05% V steel:
For turbine rotors; hardened and tempered E8018C3 Electrodes for arc welding
vrs: 760 Elon: 18% Proof: 580 ASTMA316 0.12% C 2.25% Cr 1.05% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
ASTM Al93/5 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.03% V steel: E9015B3 welding
For turbine rotors; hardened and tempered ASTMA316 0.05% C 2.25% Cr 1.05% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
UTS: 880 Elon: 17% Proof: 700 E9015B3L welding
ASTM A293/6 0.37% C 1% Mn 0.05% Ni 1% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.25% V ASTMA316 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr Mo steel: Welding electrodes; code
steel: For turbine rotors; hardened and tempered E9016l8B3 varies with analysis
vrs: 780 Elon: 16% Proof: 620 ASTMA316 0.12% C 2.25% Cr 1.05% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
ASTM A294 C 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% CrO.2% Mo 0.1% V steel: For E9016B3 welding
turbine wheels ASTMA316 0.12% C 0.25% Cr 1.05% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc
ASTM A295 F2 0.15% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless drum E9018B3 welding
forging; normalized and tempered ASTM A316 0.10% C 1.6% Ni 0.15% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.05% V steel:
vrs: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 270 E9018M Electrodes for arc welding
ASTM A295 F5 0.15% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless drum ASTMA316 0.1 % C 1% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.3% Mo steel: Welding
forging; normalized and tempered E9018M electrodes
UTS: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 270 ASTMA316 0.10% C 1.75% Ni 0.35% Cr 0.37% Mo 0.05% Vsteel:
ASTM A295 F5A 0.25% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless drum ElOOl8M Electrodes for arc welding
forging; normalized and tempered ASTMA316 0.1% C 1.2% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.3% Mo steel: Welding
vrs: 580 Elon: 19% Proof: 340 ElOOl8M electrodes
ASTMA3l6 0.10% C 1.9% Ni 0.40% CrO.42% Mo 0.05% V steel:
ElI018M Electrodes for arc welding
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: ASTMA316 0.10% C 2.0% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.42% Mo 0.05% V steel:
E12018M Electrodes for arc welding
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTMA316 C not specified 1.0% Mn (min) 0.5% Ni (min) 0.3%
vrs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' EXXIOG Cr (min) 0.2% Mo (min) 0.1 % V (min) 0.8% Si (min)
Elon Elongation, % steel: Electrodes for arc welding
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' ASTM A316 C not specified 1.0% Mn (min) 0.5% Ni (min) 0.3%
EXXIIG Cr (min) 0.2% Mo (min) 0.1 % V (min) 0.8% Si (min)
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa steel: Electrodes for arc welding
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMA316 C not specified 1.0% Mn (min) 0.5% Ni (min) 0.3% ASTMA357 0.15% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Plate; annealed
EXX13G Cr (min) 0.2% Mo (min) 0.1 % V (min) 0.8% Si (min) VTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
steel: Electrodes for arc welding ASTM A369 FPl 0.15% C 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For forged or bored
ASTMA316 C not specified 1.0% Mn (min) 0.5% Ni (min) 0.3% pipe
EXX15G Cr (min) 0.2% Mo (min) 0.1 % V (min) 0.8% Si (min) ASTM A369 FP3b 0.15% C (max) 2.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For forged or
steel: Electrodes for arc welding bored pipe
ASTMA316 C not specified 1.0% Mn (min) 0.5% Ni (min) 0.3% ASTM A369 FP5 0.15% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For forged or
EXX16G Cr (min) 0.2% Mo (min) 0.1 % V (min) 0.8% Si (min) bored pipe
steel: Electrodes for arc welding ASTM A369 FP7 0.15% C (max) 7.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For forged or
ASTMA316 C not specified 1.0% Mn (min) 0.5% Ni (min) 0.3% bored pipe
EXX18G Cr (min) 0.2% Mo (min) 0.1 % V (min) 0.8% Si (min) ASTM A369 FP9 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For forged or
steel: Electrodes for arc welding bored pipe
ASTM A333/4 0.1 % C 0.7% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Al 0.6% Cu ASTM A369 FPll 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For forged or
steel: Pipe for low temperature use bored pipe
ASTM A335 P2 0.15% C 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe ASTM A369 FP12 0.15% C (max) 1.1 % Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For forged or
ASTM A335 P5 0.15% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe bored pipe
ASTM A335 P5b 0.15% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe ASTM A369 FP21 0.15% C (max) 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For forged or
ASTM A335 P5c 0.12% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe bored pipe
ASTM A335 P7 0.15% C (max) 7.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe ASTM A369 FP22 0.15% C (max) 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For forged or
ASTMA335 P9 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Seamless pipe bored pipe
ASTM A335 Pll 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe ASTMA372 VI 0.18% C (max) 0.30% Mn 2.7% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.30% Mo
ASTM A335 P12 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe 0.25% Si steel: Forging for pressure vessels
ASTM A335 P21 0.15% C (max) 3.0% Cr 0.95% Mo steel: Seamless ASTMA387 A 0.21 % C (max) 0.65% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Plate for
pipe pressure vessels; normalized and tempered
ASTM A335 P22 0.15% C (max) 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Seamless pipe VTS: 550 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
ASTM A336 F2 0.15% C 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless drum ASTMA387B 0.17% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for
forging pressure vessels; normalized and tempered
VTS: 460 Elon: 18% Proof: 270 VTS: 510 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
ASTM A336 F5 0.15% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless ASTMA387C 0.17% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Plate for
drum forging pressure vessels; normalized and tempered
VTS: 400 Elon: 19% Proof: 240 ASTMA387D 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate for
ASTM A336 F5a 0.25% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pressure vessels; normalized and tempered
drum forging VTS: 600 Elon: 18% Proof: 300
UTS: 540 Elon: 19% Proof: 330 ASTM A387 E 0.15% C (max) 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate for
ASTM A336 F22 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Seamless pressure vessels; normalized and tempered
drum forging ASTM A389 C23 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Casting
VTS: 460 Elon: 18% Proof: 270 for high temperature use
ASTM A336 F31 0.35% C (max) 2.5% Ni 0.4% Mo 0.15% V (max) VTS: 460 Elon: 18% Proof: 270
steel: Seamless drum forging ASTM A389 C24 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Casting
VTS: 630 Elon: 18% Proof: 330 for high temperature use
ASTM A336 F32 0.35% C (max) 3.3% Ni 3.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % V VTS: 540 Elon: 15% Proof: 330
steel: Seamless drum forging ASTM A404 F24 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: For
VTS: 670 Elon: 18% Proof: 400 high temperature use; flanges, etc.
ASTM A350 LF4 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.2% Al 0.5% Cu ASTM A405 P24 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: For
steel: For low temperature use high temperature use; seamless pipe
VTS: 400 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 ASTMA410 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Al 0.5% Cu
ASTM A355C 0.23% C 3.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% Al steel: steel: Plate for pressure vessels
Hardened and tempered ASTMA423/I 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Ni 0.65% Cr steel: Welded tube
DPN: 250 ASTM A423/2 0.15% C (max) 0.75% Ni 0.1% Mo steel: Welded tube
ASTMA356/4 0.2% C 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Casting; normalized ASTM A426 CP2 0.15% C 0.65% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
and tempered ASTM A426 CP5 0.15% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
VTS: 620 Elon: 16% Proof: 400 ASTM A426 CP5b 0.15% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
ASTM A356/5 0.25% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; normalized ASTM A426 CP7 0.15% C (max) 7.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
and tempered ASTM A426 CP9 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Cast pipe
VTS: 460 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 ASTM A426 CPll 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
ASTM A356/6 .0.2% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; normalized ASTM A426 CP12 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cast pipe
and tempered ASTM A426 CP21 0.15% C (max) 3.0% Cr 0.95% Mo steel: Cast pipe
VTS: 460 Elon: 22% Proof: 300 ASTM A426 CP22 0.15% C (max) 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Cast pipe
ASTM A35617 0.2% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Casting; ASTMA469/2 0.25% C 2.5% Ni 0.5% Cr (max) 0.3% Mo 0.03% V
normalized and tempered steel: For rotors; vacuum treated
VTS: 460 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 ASTM A487/4 N 0.3% C (max) 0.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
ASTM A356/8 0.25% C 1.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting; normalized Casting for pressure; normalized; 4Q grade is hardened
and tempered and tempered
VTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 330 ASTM A487/5 N 0.3% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo
ASTM A356/9 0.2% C 1.2% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Casting; steel: Casting for pressure; normalized; 5Q grade is
normalized and tempered hardened and tempered
VTS: 640 Elon: 15% Proof: 400 ASTM A48717 Q 0.2% C (max) 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.08% V
ASTM A356/1O 0.2% C 2.4% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting; normalized 0.004% Bsteel: Casting for pressure; hardened and
and tempered tempered
VTS: 580 Elon: 20% Proof: 360
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A487/8 N 0.2% C (max) 2.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting for ASTM A54115 0.15% C 1.25% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Forging
pressure; normalized; 8Q grade is hardened and ASTMA541/6 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Forging
tempered ASTMA541n 0.23% C (max) 3.2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.03% V
ASTM A48719 N 0.33% C (max) 0.9% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Casting for steel: Forging
pressure; normalized; 9Q grade is hardened and ASTMA54118 0.23% C (max) 3.2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1% V
tempered steel: Forging
ASTM A487/1O N 0.3% C (max) 1.7% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: ASTMA542 0.15% C (max) 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate
Casting for pressure; normalized; IOQ grade is ASTMA543 0.23% C (max) 3.2% Ni 1.75% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
hardened and tempered Plate; Ni content varies with thickness
ASTM A508/2 0.27% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.35% Cr 0.6% Mo UTS: 780 Elon: 14% Proof: 650
0.05% V steel: For pressure vessels; vacuum treated ASTMA574 0.33% C (min) 0.04% Sand P steel: For cap screws;
ASTM A50813 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.52% Mo 0.05% may contain Cr Ni Mo or V to ensure mechanical
V (max) steel: For pressure vessels; vacuum treated properties are obtained
ASTM A50814 0.23% C (max) 3.3% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.03% ASTM A579/11 0.25% C 3.0% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.05% Nb steel:
V (max) steel: For pressure vessels; vacuum treated Forging
ASTM A508/5 0.23% C (max) 3.3% Ni 1.7% CrO.05% Mo 0.1% V ASTM A579/12 0.12% C (max) 5.0% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% V
steel: For pressure vessels; vacuum treated steel: Forging
ASTM A514 A 0.17% C 0.65% CrO.22% Mo 0.0025% B (max) 0.1% ASTM A579/13 0.3% C 0.95% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.07% Vsteel: Forging
Zr steel: For plate ASTM A579/31 0.25% C 1.8% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Forging
ASTM A514 B 0.14% C 0.52% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.05% V 0.02% Ti ASTMA588A 0.14% C 1.1% Mn 0.52% Cr 0.06% V 0.32% Cu steel:
0.001 % B steel: For plate For structures
ASTM A514 C 0.15% C 0.25% Mo 0.003% B steel: Plate urs: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320
ASTM A514 D 0.17% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.08% Ti 0.03% Cu ASTMA588B 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.32% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.05% V
0.003% B steel: Plate 0.3% Cu steel: For structures
ASTM A514 E 0.16% C 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% Ti 0.3% Cu 0.003% UTS: 440 Elon: 320
B steel: Plate ASTM A588C 0.15% C (max) 1.1 % Mn 0.4% Cr 0.06% V 0.35% Cu
ASTM A514 F 0.15% C 0.85% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.005% V0.3% steel: For structures
Cu 0.004% B steel: Plate UTS: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320
ASTM A514 G 0.18% C 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.0025% B (max) 0.1 % Zr ASTM A588F 0.15% C 0.75% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.15% Mo 0.05% V0.7%
steel: Plate Cu steel: For structures
ASTM A514 H 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 0.48% CrO.25% Mo 0.05% V UTS: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320
0.001 % B steel: Plate ASTMA588H 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Mn (max) 0.45% Ni 0.16% Cr
ASTM A517 A 0.18% C 0.65% CrO.23% Mo 0.0025% B (max) 0.1% 0.06% V0.27% Cu steel: For structures
Zr steel: Boiler plate UTS: 440 Elon: 21 % Proof: 320
ASTM A517 B 0.15% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.005% V 0.02% Ti ASTM A592A 0.18% C 1.0% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % Zr steel:
0.001 % B steel: Boiler plate For pressure vessels
ASTM A517 D 0.17% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.07% Ti 0.3% Cu 0.003% UTS: 850 Elon: 18% Proof: 650
B steel: Boiler plate ASTM A592E 0.17% C 0.5% Mn 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% Ti 0.25%
ASTM A5l7 E 0.16% C 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% Ti 0.3% Cu 0.003% Cu 0.003% B steel: For pressure vessels
B steel: Boiler plate UTS: 850 Elon: 18% Proof: 650
ASTM A517 F 0.15% C 0.9% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.05% V0.4% Cu ASTM A592F 0.15% C 1.0% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.05%
0.004% B steel: Boiler plate Vsteel: For pressure vessels
ASTM A5l7 G 0.18% C 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.0025% B 0.1% Zr steel: UTS: 850 Elon: 18% Proof: 650
Boiler plate ASTM A595C 0.15% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.7% Ni (max) 1.0% Cr
ASTM A517 H 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% CrO.25% MoO.05% V 0.4% Cu steel: Tapered tube
0.0005% B steel: Boiler plate urs: 480 Proof: 410
ASTM A533 B 0.25% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.52% Mo steel: ASTM A597 CH 13 0.36% C 5.2% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% V steel: Cast; for
Plate tools
ASTM A533 C 0.25% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.52% Mo steel: ASTM A643 B 0.25% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.5% Mo steel:
Plate Casting for pressure vessels
ASTM A534 carburizing steels; graded by AlSI system; see also urs: 650 Elon: 22 % Proof: 345
Section 44A I ASTMA643CI 0.2% C (max) 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting for
ASTM A535 steels for ball and roller bearings; graded by AISI pressure vessels
system; see Sections 44K2 and 44K3 UTS: 690 Elon: 20% Proof: 380
ASTM A54113 0.2% C 1.3% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.52% Mo 0.06% Vsteel: ASTMA643C2 0.2% C (max) 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting for
Forging pressure vessels
ASTM A54114 0.18% C (max) 0.25% Ni (max) 0: 15% Cr (max) 0.1 % urs: 750 Elon: 18% Proof: 515
V steel: Forging ASTM A643C3 0.2% C (max) 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting for
pressure vessels
UTS: 830 Elon: 15% Proof: 585
ASTM A643 DI 0.2% C (max) 3.2% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Casting for pressure vessels
UTS: 830 Elon: 15% Proof: 585
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTMA643 D2 0.2% C (max) 3.2% Ni 1.7% CrO.5% Mo steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Casting for pressure vessels
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 900 Elon: 13% Proof: 690
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 ASTMA645 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Mn 5.0% Ni 0.25% Mo 0.1 % AJ
steel: For pressure vessels; impact 22 J at -170 'C
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04 Ibf/in. 2=1 MPa UTS: 720 Elon: 20% Proof: 450
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ASTM A646/1lll 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% V steel
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A649/3 0.35% C (max) 0.55% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: for ASTM A723/3 0.4% C (max) 1.4% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V (max) steel:
rollers; eorrugated For pressure application
ASTMA687/1 0.36% C 1.1% Mn 0.22% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.08% Mo steel: ASTM A732n 0 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Investment
For bolts; studs; impact 20 J at -20 'C casting; hardened and tempered
VTS: 1034 Elon: 15% Proof: 724 VTS: 1000 Elon: 7% Proof: 800
ASTM A687/11 0.4% C 0.9% Mn 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo stcel: For bolts ASTM A732/8 0 0.4% C 0.8% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Investment
and studs; impact 20 J at - 30 'C casting; hardened and tempered
VTS: 1034 Elon: 15% Proof: 724 VTS: 1240 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000
ASTMA706 0.3% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) Cr + Ni + V + Mo at ASTM A732/9 0 0.3% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Investmcnt
controlled (max) to give C equivalent (CE) casting; hardened and tempered
0.55% (max) VTS: 1030 Elon: 7% Proof: 795
VTS: 550 Elon: 14% Proof: 500 ASTM A732/10 0 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Investment
ASTM A7W 44/2 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.21 % Mo steel: casting; hardened and tempered
Flanges for low temperature use; impact 41 J at -62 'C VTS: 1240 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000
VTS: 360 Elon: 25 % ASTM A732/13 0 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Investment
ASTM A7WlA/I 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.21 % Mo steel: casting; hardened and tempered
Flanges for low tempcrature use; impact 41 J at -62 'C VTS: 720 Elon: 10% Proof: 590
UTS: 290 Elon: 22% ASTM A732/14 0 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Investment
ASTM A707 lAI3 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.21% Mo steel: casting; hardened and tempered
Flanges for low temperature use; impact 68 J at -62 'C VTS: 1030 Elon: 7% Proof: 790
VTS: 415 Elon: 23% ASTM A734 A 0.14% C (max) 0.6% Mn 1.1 % Ni 1.0% Cr 0.3% Mo
ASTM A7WlAI4 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.21 % Mo steel: steel: Plate for pressure vessels; hardened and
Flanges for low temperature use; impact 68 J at -62 'C tempered
VTS: SIS Elon: 20% VTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 450
ASTM A707 L511 0.09% C (max) 0.8% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.02% ASTM A734 B 0.19% C (max) 1.6% Mn (max) 0.3% Cr (max) 0.13%
Nb (min) 1.1 % Cu steel: Flanges for low temperature V stcel: Plate for pressure vessels; hardened and
use; impact 41 J at -62 'C tempered
VTS: 290 Elon: 22% VTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 450
ASTM A7W L5/2 0.09% C (max) 0.8% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% ASTM A736 0.09% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% 1.10
Nb (min) 1.1% Cu steel: Flanges for low temperature 0.02% Nb (min) 1.1% Cu steel: Plate for pressure use
use; impact 64 J at -62 'C ASTM A739·B 11 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bar
VTS: 360 Elon: 25% VTS: 520 Elon: 18% Proof: 310
ASTM A7W L5/3 0.09% C (max) 0.8% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.02% ASTM A739-B 22 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Bar
Nb (min) 1.1 % Cu steel: Flanges for low temperature UTS: 630 Elon: 18% Proof: 310
use; impact 68 J at -62 'C ASTM A757 CI 0 0.25% C 1.75% Ni 0.2% Mo 1% cr + V + Cu (max)
VTS: 415 Elon: 23% steel: Casting; quench and temper; impact 20 J at -50
ASTM A7W L5/4 0.09% C (max) 0.8% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.02% 'C
Nb (min) 1.1% Cu steel: Flanges for low temperature VTS: SIS Elon: 22% Proof: 380
use; impact 68 J at -62 'C ASTM A757 01 NI 0.2% C 1% Ni + V + Cu (max) 2.3% Cr 1% Mo
VTS: SIS Elon: 20% steel: Casting; normalize and temper; impact not part
ASTM A7W L811 0.22% C (max) 0.3% Mn 3.2% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.5% Mo of specification
0.04% V steel: Flanges for low temperature use; impact UTS: 585 Elon: 20% Proof: 380
41 J at -73 'C ASTM A757 D1 NI 0.2% C 2.3% Cr 1% Mo steel: Casting; for low
VTS: 290 Elon: 22% temperature use
ASTM A7W L812 0.22% C (max) 0.3% Mn 3.2% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.5% Mo ASTM A757 01 N2 0.2% C 2.3% Cr 1% Mo steel: Casting; for low
0.04% V steel: Flanges for low temperature use; impact temperature use
54J at -73'C ASTM A757 D1 N2 0.2% C 1% Ni + V + Cu (max) 2.3% Cr 1% Mo
VTS: 360 Elon: 25% steel: Casting; normalize and temper; impact not part
ASTM A7W L813 0.22% C (max) 0.3% Mn 3.2% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.5% Mo of specification
0.04% V steel: Flanges for low temperature use; impact VTS: 655 Elon: 18% Proof: 520
68J at -73 'C ASTM A757 01 N3 0.2% C 2.3% Cr 1% Mosteel: Casting; forlow
VTS: 415 Elon: 23% temperature use
ASTM A7W L8I4 0.22% C (max) 0.3% Mn 3.2% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.5% Mo ASTM A757 01 N3 0.2% C 1% Ni + V + Cu (max) 2.3% Cr 1% Mo
0.04% V steel: Flanges for low temperature use; impact steel: Casting; normalize and temper; impact not part
68J at -73'C of specification
VTS: SIS Elon: 20% VTS: 725 Elon: IS % Proof: 590
ASTMA710A 0.07% C (max) 0.85% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.02% ASTM A757 01 01 0.2% C 1% Ni + V + Cu (max) 2.3% Cr 1% Mo
Nb (max) steel steel: Casting; quench and temper; impact not part of
ASTMA710B 0.06% C (max) 1.3% Ni 0.02% Nb (min) 1.1% Cu specification
steel UTS: 585 Elon: 20% Proof: 380
ASTMA714/6 0.18% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.3% Cr (max) ASTM A757 0101 0.2% C2.3% Cr 1% Mosteel: Casting; for low
E&S 0.15% Mo 0.6% Cu steel: Pipe; welded or seamless temperature use
UTS: 448 Proof: 317 ASTM A75701 02 0.2% C 1% Ni + V + Cu (max) 2.3% Cr 1% Mo
ASTMA7144 0.13% C (max) 0.35% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.3% Cu steel: steel: Casting; quench and temper; impact not part of
Pipe; welded or seamless specification
VTS: 400 Proof: 248 UTS: 655 Elon: 18% Proof: 520
ASTM A72311 0)5% C (max) 1.4% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V (max) steel: ASTM A757 0102 0.2% C2.3% Cr 1% Mo steel: Casting; for low
For pressure applications temperature use
ASTM A72312 0.4% C (max) 1.4% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V (max) steel:
For pressure applications
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A757 01 Q3 0.2% C 1% Ni + V + Cu (max) 2.3% Cr 1% Mo ASTMA859/1 0.07% C (max) 0.8% Ni 0.7% CrO.2% Mo 1.1% Cu
steel: Casting; quench and temper; impact not part of steel: For pressure vessels
specification UTS: 510 Elon: 20% Proof: 380
VTS: 725 Elon: 15% Proof: 590 ASTM A859/2 0.07% C (max) 0.8% Ni 0.7% CrO.2% Mo 1.1% Cu
ASTM A757 01 Q3 0.2% C2.3% Cr 1% Mo steel: Casting; for low steel: For pressure vessels
temperature use UTS: 580 Elon: 20% Proof: 450
ASTM A757 EI Q 0.22% C 3% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% ASTMA871 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Ni 0.9% Cr (max) 0.2% Mo 1%
V + Cu (max) steel: Casting; quench and temper; Cu steel: Plate
impact 40 J at -75 'C ASTMB432 Mild or low alloy steel plate clad with Cu or copper
UTS: 620 Elon: 22% Proof: 450 alloy
ASTM A757 E2 N 0.2% C 3.5% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% ATLANTESMT 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.06% Cu
V + Cu (max) steel: Casting; quench and temper; steel: South Ourham
impact 40 J at -75 'C AURIGA VIll 0.2% C 0.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.4% Si steel: Casting; 0
UTS: 725 Elon: 15% Proof: 590 Brown; normalized and tempered for high temperature
ASTM A757 E2 N 0.2% C 3.1% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; for use
low temperature use UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
ASTM A757 E2 Q 0.2% C 3.5% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% AURIGA VIllB 0.18% C 0.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V0.3% Si steel:
V + Cu (max) steel: Casting; quench and temper; Casting; 0 Brown; normalized and tempered for high
impact 40 J at -75 'C temperature use
UTS: 620 Elon: 18% Proof: 485 VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
ASTM A757 E3 N 0.2% C 3.1% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; for AURIGA VIllC 0.15% C 2.25% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% Si steel: Casting; 0
low temperature use Brown; normalized and tempered for high temperature
ASTM A757 EQ I 0.22% C 3% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; for use
low temperature use UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
ASTM A757 EQ 2 0.2% C 3.1% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; for AURIGA IX 0.32% C 0.8% Mn 1% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel:
low temperature use Casting; 0 Brown; hardened and tempered
ASTM A765·1 0.3% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 0.4% Cr (max) 0.2% UTS: 920 Elon: 12 % Proof: 700
Mo (max) steel: For pressure vessels AURIGAIXB 0.32% C 0.7% Mn 1.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.4% Mo steel:
UTS: 500 Elon: 25 % Proof: 200 Casting; 0 Brown; hardened and tempered
ASTM A765-11 0.3% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 0.4% Cr (max) 0.2% UTS: 1110 Elon: 10% Proof: 780
Mo (max) steel: For pressure vessels AURIGA XV 0.25% C 3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.4% Si steel: Casting; 0
UTS: 530 Elon: 22% Proof: 250 Brown; hardened and tempered for high temperature
ASTM A765·111 0.3% C (max) 3.5% Ni 0.2% Cr (max) 0.06% Mo use
steel: For pressure vessels; impact 20 J (min) at -100 UTS: 620 Elon: 18% Proof: 360
'C AURIGA XVI 0.3% C 0.7% Mn 2% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo steel:
UTS: 530 Elon: 22% Proof: 260 Casting; 0 Brown; hardened and tempered
ASTMA782-1 0.22% C 0.7% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % Zr steel: Plate; for UTS: 1110 Elon: 10% Proof: 780
pressure vessels AURIGA XXI 0.15% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% Si steel: Casting; D
UTS: 740 Elon: 18% Proof: 550 Brown; hardened and tempered for high temperature
ASTMA782·2 0.22% C 0.7% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1% Zr steel: Plate; for use
pressure vessels UTS: 620 Elon: 18% Proof: 400
UTS: 810 Elon: 17% Proof: 620 AURIGA XXII 0.15% C9% Cr 1% Mo 0.8% Si steel: Casting; 0
ASTM A782-3 0.22% C 0.7% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1% Zr steel: Plate; for Brown; hardened and tempered for high temperature
pressure vessels use
UTS: 840 Elon: 16% Proof: 690 UTS: 620 Elon: 18% Proof: 400
ASTMA816 0.12% C 0.52% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Electrodes for arc AURIGA XXXIV 0.3% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.4% Mo steel:
E8018BI welding Casting; 0 Brown; hardened and tempered
ASTMA832 0.12% C 3% Cr 1% Mo 0.22% V0.03% Ti 0.002% B UTS: 1110 Elon: 10% Proof: 780
steel: Plate; for pressure vessels AUTROO 13/12 0.1 % C 1.3% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.6% Si steel:
UTS: 670 Elon: 18% Proof: 415 Welding wire; copper coated; Esab; for gas shielded
ASTMA832 0.13% C 3% Cr 1% Mo 0.21 % V steel: For pressure welding; as welded
vessels UTS: 630 Elon: 26% Proof: 530
UTS: 620 Elon: 18% Proof: 415 AZ 0.3% C 3.2% Cr 0.25% V 8.5% Wsteel: For hot dies;
ASTM A841 0.2% C (max) 0.2% Ni (max) 0.2% Cr (max) steel: SOsborn; tools; extrusion dies, rivet dies; now H31
For pressure vessels AZN 0.25% C2.2% Ni 3% Cr 0.25% V8.5% Wsteel: For
UTS: 520 Elon: 18% Proof: 330 hot dies; tools; S Osborn; now H21N
ASTMA852 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 0.5% Cr 0.08% V0.3% BandWWL2 0.15% C 9.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and
Cu steel: Plate Wilcox (USA)
UTS: 700 Elon: 19% Proof: 48S B6L 0.05% C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS
B45CH 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.12% Mo steel: For
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: carburizing; Firth Brown for BS 970 En 361
B55CH 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.12% Mo steel: For
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number carburizing; Firth Brown for BS 970 En 362
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 B65CH 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.12% Mo steel: For
Elon Elongation, % carburizing; Firth Brown for BS 970 En 363
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BCD 37 0.37% C 1.6% Cr 0.3% V2.0% Wsteel: Carcs; chisels
2 2 2
BCH 0.18% C (max) 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Toledo for BS
I N/mm 2:0.l hbar:O.l02 kgf/mm :0.06475 tonf/in. :145.04Ibf/in :1 MPa alloy En 36
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BCMF 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Toledo for
BS alloys En 25 and 26
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BCMO 0.3% C 3.25% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Toledo for BS 1501/271 0.14% C 1.2% Mn 0.55% Cr 0.23% Mo 0.1 % V steel:
BS alloy En 27 Plate; normalized and tempered; for pressure vessels
BCN 0.3% C 3.25% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Toledo for BS alloy UTS: 650 Elon: 16% Proof: 400
En 23 BS 1501/281 0.13% C 1.1% MnO.9% Ni 0.55% CrO.24% MoO.1%
BCN (Mo) 0.3% C 3.25% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.06% Mo steel: Toledo for Vsteel: Plate; normalized and tempered; for pressure
BS alloy En 23 vessels
BENUM 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Origin UTS: 650 Elon: 16% Proof: 400
unknown BS 15011282 0.14% C 1.1% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.1 %
BH43 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.18% Vsteel: V steel: Plate; normalized and tempered; for pressure
Rheinstahl vessels
BH43S 0.17% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.18% V steel: UTS: 660 Elon: 18% Proof: 420
Rheinstahl BS 15011620/27 0.12% C 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Plate; normalized
BH 47 0.19% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.2% V steel: and tempered; for pressure vessels
Rheinstahl UTS: 480 Elon: 21 % Proof: 300
BH47S 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.2% V steel: BS 15011620/31 0.15% C 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Plate; normalized
Rheinstahl and tempered; for pressure vessels
BH51 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.22% V steel: UTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
Rheinstahl BS 1501l620A 0.15% C 0.65% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Plate and bar;
BH51 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.65% Ni 0.16% V steel: normalized
German proprietor's steel UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 220
BH51S 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.22% V steel: BS 1501l620B 0.15% C 0.9% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Plate and bar;
Rheinstahl normalized
BH57V 0.16% C 1.3% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.16% V steel: UTS: 440 Elon: 20% Proof: 220
Rheinstahl; Al killed BS 15011621 0.12% C 1.2% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Plate
BH57VT 0.16% C 1.3% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.16% V steel: UTS: 520 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
Rheinstahl; Al killed BS 1501162213 I 0.13% C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate; normalized
BH65V 0.18% C 1.5% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.18% V steel: and tempered; for pressure vessels
Rheinstahl; Al killed UTS: 550 Elon: 18% Proof: 290
BH65VT 0.18% C 1.5% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.18% V steel: BS 15011622145 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate: normalized
Rheinstahl; Al killed and tempered; for pressure vessels
BL30 0.25% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.7% Mo 0.2% V steel: UTS: 760 Elon: 15% Proof: 570
Pompey BS 15011625 0.15% C 5.0% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Plate and bar;
BRUNSWICK V108 0.35% C 5% Cr + Mo + V steel: John Vessey; hot annealed
work tools UTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 210
DPN: 425 BS 1503/620 0.20% C 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Forging; normalized
BRUNSWICK 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: John Vessey; and tempered
V/llOICNA stamping dies, shear blades, etc. UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
DPN: 400 BS 1503/622 0.15% C 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Forging; normalized
BS 24/5/614 0.23% C (max) 1.5% Mn Ni Cr steel: Plate and bar for and tempered
railway use UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
BS682 3% Ni Cr case hardening steel: Obsolete BS 15031623 0.2% C 3% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Normalized and
BS 806 P 0.15% C 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe; cold tempered
drawn and normalized UTS: 670 Elon: 23 % Proof: 420
UTS: 500 BS 1503/625 0.25% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Forgings; hardened
BS 806 Q 0.15% C 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe; hot and tempered
drawn and normalized UTS: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 440
UTS: 500 BS 1504/621 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
BS970 See designation for details normalized and tempered
BS 980 COS12 0.25% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Cold drawn tube; as UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
drawn and tempered; can be welded and heat treated BS 1504/623 0.25% C (max) 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
UTS: 700 Proof: 580 hardened and tempered
BS 980 COS13 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Cold drawn tube; UTS: 700 Elon: 18% Proof: 360
hardened and tempered BS 15041625 0.2% C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
UTS: 700 Proof: 580 hardened and tempered
BS 980 CDS16 0.25% C 4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Cold drawn UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 400
tube; hardened and tempered BS 1504/629 0.2% C (max) 9% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting;
UTS: 1210 Elon: 7% Proof: 1070 hardened and tempered
BS 980 COS17 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Cold drawn UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 400
tube; hardened and tempered BS 1505/622 0.18% C (max) 2.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting;
UTS: 1380 Elon: 5% Proof: 1140 normalized and tempered
BS 1453 A4 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Weld filler rod; for welds UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
to be hardened and tempered BS 1506/625 0.3% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bar; hardened
BS 1461 0.25% C (max) 3.0% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Casting; and tempered
hardened and tempered; contained in BS 3100 UTS: 700 Elon: 19% Proof: 580
UTS: 700 Elon: 18% Proof: 400 BS 15061661 0.3% C 1.0% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.25% V steel: Bar;
BS 1462 0.2% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Casting; normalized and tempered
hardened and tempered; contained in BS 3100 UTS: 840 Elon: 16% Proof: 720
UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 400 BS 1507/621 0.15% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Seamless pipe;
BS 1463 0.2% C (max) 9.0% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Casting; normalized
hardened and tempered; contained in BS 3100 UTS: 450 Elon: 24%
UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 400
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1507/623 0.15% C 3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pipe; normalized BS 3059/10 0.12% C 0.3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
UTS: 4SO Elon: 22% Tube; cold drawn; seamless; normalized
BS 15071625 0.15% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pipe; normalized VTS: 440
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% BS 3059111 0.1% CO.3% Ni 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube;
BS 15081621 0.15% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; normalized seamless; hot finished; normalized
VTS: 450 Elon: 22% UTS:460
BS 15081622 0.15% C 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Tube; normalized BS3059/12 0.1 % C 0.3% Ni 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Tube;
UTS: 400 Elon: 20% seamless; cold drawn and normalized
BS 15081625 0.15% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; normalized UTS: 460
UTS: 4SO E1on: 18% BS 3100 B2 0.2% C (max) 0.7% Mn 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
BS 1628 A 0.15% C 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Cold drawn tube; Casting for high temperature use
annealed UTS: 480 Elon: 17% Proof: 280
UTS: 400 Elon: 27% BS 3100 B3 0.18% C (max) 0.6% Mn 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
BS 1628 B 0.15% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cold drawn tube; Casting for high temperature use
annealed UTS: 540 Elon: 17% Proof: 325
VTS: 400 Elon: 27% BS 3100 B4 0.25% C (max) 0.5% Mn 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
BS 1653 Cr Mo steel: Tube; replaced by BS 3059 Casting for high temperature use
BS 1717 CDSIIO 0.26% C 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Seamless tube; as VTS: 620 Elon: 13% Proof: 370
drawn BS 3100 B5 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
VTS: 700 Proof: 370 Casting for high temperature use
BS 1717 CDSIIO 0.26% C 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Seamless tube; after VTS: 620 Elon: 13% Proof: 420
welding, brazing or annealing BS 3100 B6 0.2% C (max) 0.5% Mn 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
VTS: 5SO Proof: 370 Casting for high temperature use
BS 2493/1 Cr Mo B 0.1% C (max) 1.3% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For welding VTS: 620 Elon: 13% Proof: 420
electrodes BS 3100 B7 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 0.4% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% V steel:
BS 2493/1 Cr Mo LB 0.05% C (max) 1.5% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For welding Casting for high temperature use
electrodes UTS: 510 Elon: 17% Proof: 300
BS 2493/1 Cr Mo R 0.1 % C (max) 1.3% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For welding BS3100BWI 0.16% C 0.45% Mn 3.3% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
electrodes Casting for case hardening
BS 2493/1 Ni Mo B 0.1% C (max) 1.5% Ni 0.35% Mo steel: For welding UTS: 1000 Elon: 7%
electrodes BS 3100 BW4 0.6% C 0.7% Mn 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting for
BS 2493/1 Ni Mo C 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Ni 0.4% Mo steel: For welding abrasion resistance
electrodes BS 3111/4 0.35% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Wire; annealed and
BS 2493/2 Cr Mo B 0.1% C (max) 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: For welding drawn; for cold forged bolts
electrodes UTS: 700
BS 2493/2 Cr Mo LB 0.05% C (max) 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: For welding BS 3127/6 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; annealed; for
electrodes bourdon tubes
BS 2493/2 Cr Mo R 0.1 % C (max) 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: For welding DPN: 165
electrodes BS 3146 CLAIA 0.25% C 1% Mn low Ni Cr Mo Co steel: Investment
BS 2493/2 Ni Cr Mo B0.1 % C (max) 2.0% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: For casting; hardened and tempered
welding electrodes DPN: ISO UTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 210
BS 2493/2 Ni Mo B 0.1% C (max) 2.0% Ni 0.35% Mo steel: For welding BS 3146 CLAIB 0.35% C 1% Mn low Ni Cr Mo Cu steel: Investment
electrodes casting; hardened and tempered
BS 2493/5 Cr Mo B 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For welding electrodes DPN: 160 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 210
BS 2493n Cr Mo B 0.1 % C 7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For welding electrodes BS 3146 CLA2A 0.21 % C 1.5% Mn low Ni Cr Mo Cu steel: Investment
BS 2493/9 Cr Mo B 0.1 % C (max) 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: For welding casting; hardened and tempered
electrodes DPN: 175 UTS: 530 Elon: 18%
BS 2493 B 0.1 % C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode BS 3146 CLA2B 0.29% C 1.5% Mn low Ni Cr Mo Cu steel: Investment
BS 2493 C 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Welding electrode casting; hardened and tempered
BS 2493 D 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode DPN: 220 UTS: 700 Elon: 15%
BS 3059n 0.15% C (max) 0.3% Ni 0.5% Mo 0.3% Cu steel: BS3146CLA6 0.2% C 0.6% Mo low Ni Cr steel: Investment casting;
Tube; seamless; hot finished and normalized normalized
VTS: 440 DPN: ISO UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
BS 3059/8 0.15% C (max) 0.3% Ni 0.5% Mo 0.3% Cu steel: BS 3146 CLA7 0.25% C 3% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Investment casting;
Tube; cold drawn; seamless; normalized hardened and tempered
UTS: 440 DPN: 200 UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 360
BS 3059/9 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Cu BS 3146 CLA9 0.15% C low Ni Cr Mo Co steel: Investment casting
steel: Tube; hot finished; seamless; normalized for case hardening; refined and hardened core
UTS: 440 UTS: 480 Elon: 20%
BS 3146 CLAB 0.25% C 3.2% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Investment casting;
hardened and tempered; for nitriding
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 260 UTS: 840 Elon: 12% Proof: 580
BS 3551 C 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For shackles;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number hardened and tempered
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 270
Elon Elongation, % BSSI6 Nickel chrome steel: For carburizing; replaced
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS S28 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Bar and
forging; hardened and tempered
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonffin.2= 145.04lbf/in.2= 1 MPa DPN: 444 UTS: 15SO Elon: 12% Proof: 1030
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS S82 0.15% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For CBS 600 0.22% C 1.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For case hardening;
carburizing; blank carburized; hardened and tempered Timkin; for bearings at high temperature
VTS: 1300 Elon: 10% DPN: 330 VTS: 1210 Elon: 17% Proof: 920
tiS S99 Low C 5% Ni case hardening steel: Obsolete; see BS CBVO 0.34% C 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Krupp
S107 CBVO/3R 0.32% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Krupp
BS S96 0.32% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Hardened CBVO/M 0.25% C 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo sted: Krupp
and tempered CBvorrM 0.24% C 1.05% Cr 025% Mo steel: Krupp
DPN: 280 VTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 670 CBVOV 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: Krupp
BSS97 0.32% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Hardened CBVOV/N 0.31 % C 0.2% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.15% V steel: For
and tempercd nitriding; Krupp
DPN: 320 VTS: 1070 Elon: 16% Proof: 820 CH5 0.37% C 5% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.6% V steel: Marsh
BS S103 0.35% C 1.2% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Wire for forged bolts; Brothers; hot forging dies, etc.
hardened and tempered after forging CH 12 0.35% C 5.2% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% Co tool steel: ASTM
VTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 670 designation
BS SI06 0.24% C 3.2% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: For nitriding; CH 13 0.36% C 5.2% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% V tool steel: ASTM
hardened and tempered designation
DPN: 290 VTS: 1000 Elon: 17% Proof: 700 CH45D 0.15% C 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For case hardening;
BS SI07 0.13% C 3.3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For ESC for BS alloy En 351
carburizing; blank carburized; hardened and tcmpered CH55B 0.16% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For case hardening;
VTS: 1070 Elon: 12% ESC for BS alloy En 352
BS S120 0.32% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Hardened CH65B 0.17% C 1.3% Ni 1% Cr steel: For case hardening;
and tempered ESC for BS alloy En 353
DPN: 450 VTS: 1550 Elon: 12% :Proof: 1030 CH65J 0.16% C 1.5% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case
BS S122 0.35% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Bar; hardened and hardening; ESC
tempercd UTS: 1000 Elon 13%
VTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 650 CH75B 0.18% C 1.8% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For case
BS S518 0.25% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet; hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 354
hardened and tempered; weldable CH85A 0.18% C 2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case
UTS: 840 Elon: 12% Proof: 610 hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 355
BS S519 0.25% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet; CH361 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: For case
hardened and tempered; weldable hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 361
UTS: 1210 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000 CH362 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: For case
BS STA 5 V20 0.3% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 1% Al steel: Replaced by hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 362
BS 970 En 41 CH 363 0.25% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: For case
BST2 0.25% C 4.0% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 363
hardened and tempered CHD 0.33% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 1.5% W tool steel:
VTS: 1450 Elon: 7% Proof: 1210 WSpencer
BS T53 0.25% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; CHD3 0.34% C 5% Cr 1.6% Mo 0.4% V 1.3% W 1% Si tool
hardened and tempered; weldable steel: Huntsman; hot punches, shear, etc.
VTS: 700 DPN: 500
BST56 0.25% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; CHIPPEWA 0.3% C 3.0% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Tube;
hardened and tempered; weldable Atlas; for detachable rock drill bits
UTS: 530 Proof: 450 CHNC55 0.15% C 3.2% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: For case
BS T57 0.25% C 4.0% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 36A
hardened and tempered CHNC65 0.15% C 3.2% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: For case
VTS: 1210 Elon: 10% Proof: 1000 hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 36 Band C
BST59 0.25% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; hardened and CHNM45 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
tempered; weldable ESC for BS alloy En 34
VTS: 760 Proof: 700 CHNM55 0.22% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
BST60 0.25% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; ESC for BS alloy En 35
hardened and tempered; weldable CHROMETI 0.06% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode;
VTS: 1210 Elon: 10% Proof: 1120 for creep resistance
BSS 1462 0.2% C 5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Jessop CHROMETIL 0.04% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode;
BVR 20hIW 0.28% C 1.15% Ni 1.15% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Krupp for creep resistance
BVR20T 0.28% C 1.15% Ni 1.15% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Krupp CHROMET2 0.06% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
BYR1 0.28% C 1.95% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Krupp CHROMET2L 0.04% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
C5 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% Wsteel: Turton Bros CHROMET5 0.05% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
C642 0.25% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Fagersta CHROMET9 0.05% C 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
C643 0.34% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Fagersta CHROMET9MV 0.09% C 8.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V Nb steel: Electrode;
CA2 1% C 5.2% Cr 1.2% Mo tool steel: ASTM designation Metrode
CAN030 0.34% C 1.0% Ni 1.65% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.95% AI steel: CHROMOLOY 0.2% C 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel: American
For nitriding; Krupp proprietary alloy listed in SAE Yearbook
CA030 0.34% C 1.15% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.95% Al steel: For CHROMOTRODE 0.07% C 0.8% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For
nitriding; Krupp 76112 electrodes; Esab
CARPENTER 345 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.25% Wsteel: Carpenter UTS: 710 Elon: 26% Proof: 602
for AISI type HI2 CHROMOTRODE 0.07% CO.9% Mn 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For
CARPENTER 345 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.25% W tool steel: 76/19 electrodes; Esab
Carpenter for AISI type HI2 UTS: 726 Elon: 21 % Proof: 618
CASCADE 0.2% C 4.1 % Ni 0.25% Cr 0.2% V 1.2% Al steel: CHROMOTRODE 0.07% C 0.9% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For
Latrobe; solution treated and aged; type P21 76/22 electrodes; Esab
DPN: 230 VTS: 1300 Elon: 16% Proof: 1180 VTS: 726 Elon: 22% Proof: 618
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CHROMOTRODE 0.07% C 0.9% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For CNBV 3/W 0.14% C 2.5% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Krupp
76/28 electrodes; Esab standard CNBV4/W 0.14% C 3.5% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Krupp
VIS: 772 Elon: 22% Proof: 679 CNBV5/W 0.14% C 4.5% Ni 1.1% Cr steel: Krupp
CHRO-MOW 0.3% C 5% Cr 1.35% Mo 1.25% W1% Si steel: Used CNBVO 0.36% C 1.05% Ni 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Krupp
for die holders; forging tools and extrusion punches; CNBVOI 0.34% C 1.55% Ni 1.55% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Krupp
origin unknown CNBVOII1 0.17% C 1.55% Ni 1.65% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Krupp
CHROMVA-W 0.18% C 2.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% V 0.05% Wsteel: CNBV02 0.3% C 1.95% Ni 1.95% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Krupp
Firth Brown; for use at temperatures up to 580 'C CND 0.1 % C 1.0% Ni 0.15% Mo steel: Pompey
VIS: 920 Elon: 15% Proof: 700 CNKDI 0.16% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Pompey;
CKDI 0.12% C 1.0% Ni 0.25% Cr steel: Pompey hardened and tempered
CKD2 0.18% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey VIS: 1030 Elon: 9% Proof: 740
VIS: 1150 Elon: 7% Proof: 860 CNKD2 0.18% C 1.3% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey;
CL222 0.35% C 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% Wsteel: For tools; hardened and tempered
origin unknown UTS: 1360 Elon: 7% Proof: 920
CL444 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 1.5% Wsteel: CNKD3 0.16% C 3.2% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey;
Origin unknown hardened and tempered
CLW 0.3% C 3.3% Cr 0.5% V 9% Wsteel: Casting; VIS: 1360 Elon: 8% Proof: 990
Latrobe; for precision casting of forging dies COl 0.92% CO. 7% Cr 0.5% Wtool steel: ASTM
DPN: 572 designation
CMt 0.07% C 5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Huntsman; for CODE 107 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
case hardened dies for Zn casting Edgar Allen; 'A 100'
CM70 0.18% C 1.2% Mn 0.6% Ni + Cr + Mo steel: For CODE 617 0.2% C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar
carburizing; Steel Peech and Tozer; core properties; Allen
hardened and tempered CODE 625 0.22% C 3.1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar
VIS: 1070 Elon: 22% Proof: 760 Allen; 'Cr Mo 329'
CM80F 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 0.8% Cr + Mo + Cu 0.004% B COLUMBUS 0.26% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Origin unknown; for
steel: Steel Peech and Tozer; can be carburized RECORD bicycle frames
VIS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 920 COMET J56LH 0.05% C 0.9% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.1 % Cr 0.08% Mo:
CM90F 0.22% C 1.5% Mn 0.8% Ni + Cr + Mo 0.004% B Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding low alloy
steel; Steel Peech and Tozer steel
CMV 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.9% V 1% Si steel: VIS: 600 Elon: 28% Proof: 510
Sanderson; forging dies, etc. COMET J 66 ELH 0.05% C 1.2% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.15% Cr 0.26% Mo:
DPN: 570 Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding low alloy
CMW 0.35% C 0.3% Mn 5% Cr 1.2% W1% Si steel: steel
Sanderson; forging dies UTS: 655 Elon: 25% Proof: 580
DPN: 560 COMET J 76 ELH 0.04% C 1.4% Mn 2.1% Ni 0.35% Cr 0.4% Mo:
CNt 0.15% C 3.1% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: For case hardening; Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding low alloy
WMarrison for BS alloy En 33 steel
CN2 0.18% C 3.4% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: For case hardening; UTS: 770 Elon: 20% Proof: 690
WMarrison for BS alloy En 36 COMPAX 0.13% C 3.7% Ni 1.4% Cr steel: Uddelholm for type
CN3A 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: For case hardening; PG
WMarrison for BS alloy En 39A CORTEN50 0.12% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.65% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Cu
CN3B 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For case steel
hardening; WMarrison for BS alloy En 39B CP30 0.3% C 0.7% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: ESC
CN5 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case VIS: 1000 Elon: 16% Proof: 800
hardening; WMarrison for BS alloy En 320 Cr Mo 18 0.18% C 0.4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
CN9 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: For case Casting; Wolsingham
hardening; WMarrison for as alloy En 351 VIS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
CN 10 0.22% C 1.1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: For case Cr Mo 23 0.22% C 0.4% Ni 3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
hardening; WMarrison for BS alloy En 352 Casting; Wolsingham
CN 11 0.22% C 1.3% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For case DPN: 190 UTS: 700 Elon: 18% Proof: 360
hardening; WMarrison for as alloy En 353 Cr M033 0.32% C 0.4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
CN 12 0.22% C 1.8% Ni 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case Casting; Wolsingham
hardening; WMarrison for BS alloy En 354 VIS: 610
CN 13 0.2% C 2.0% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case Cr Mo 329 0.22% C 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar
hardening; WMarrison for BS alloy En 355 Allen; Code 625
CNBN IIW 0.15% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Krupp CRDHYKROM 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: Origin
CNBV2IW 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr steel: Krupp unknown
CNBV2V/W 0.18% C 1.8% Ni 2.0% CrO.I% V steel: Krupp CRDHYKROMB 0.35% C 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V steel: Origin
CRDSPECIAL 0.3% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% V 1% Si steel: C Denton;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: HOT DIE hot shear blades; obsolete
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number CRD9% W 0.3% C 3.5% Cr 0.1 % V9% Wsteel: C Denton; hot
VIS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 shear blades; obsolete
Elon Elongation, % DPN:460
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 CREUSABRO 32 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.3% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% Cu steel:
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa CREUSABRO 32 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.3% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% Cu steel:
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. For abrasion resistance; Creusot-Loire
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CREUSELSO 32 0.2% C 1.2% Mn 1.3% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Creusot· CUP-TEN 50 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.1 % V
Loire 0.35% Cu steel: Nippon·Kokan
CREUSELSO 42 0.2% C 1.6% Mn 0.7% Cr + Ni + Mo + Cu steel: CUP-TEN 53 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.35% MoO.I% V
Creusot-Loire 0.35% Cu steel: Nippon-Kokan
CREUSELSO 47 0.18% C (max) 1.7% Mn (max) 0.5% Ni 0.07% V CVM 0.36% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 1.0% Si steel: ESC;
steel: Creusot-Loire Extrusion, forging and die casting dies
CRM3 0.3% C 3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Firth Brown for BS DPN: 500
alloy En 29B CVM2 0.36% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 1.4% W2.0% Si
CR042 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For steel: ESC; hot working dies
carburizing; Bofors; hardened and tempered; core DPN: 460
properties CVM5 0.32% C 5.0% Cr 1.6% Mo 0.3% V 1.5% Wsteel:
DPN: 300 VTS: 1000 Elon: 12% Proof: 500 Origin unknown
CR053 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: For D66 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.3% V 9.0% Wsteel: Fagersta
carburizing; Bofors; hardened and tcmpered; core DPN: 550
properties D230 0.23% C 1.3% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.3% V steel: YEW
DPN: 360 VTS: 1200 Elon: 11 % Proof: 600 D320 0.1 % C 2.4% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: YEW
CRO 684 BOVAC 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Bofors; D330 0.14% C 1.0% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: YEW
vacuum melted DEF 13 B4 Weldable structural steel covers BS 968; BS alloy En
CR0861 0.35% C 1.4% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bofors; 14A, etc.
hardened and tempered VTS: 480 Elon: 14% Proof: 290
DPN: 300 VTS: 1000 Elon: 14% Proof: 700 DEF 13 B6C Alloy case hardening steel covers BS alloy En 34; also
CRO 7146 0.32% C 0.8% Ni 2.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Bofors includes En 351, etc.
CRODI 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.3% V 1.2% Wsteel: VTS: 700 Elon: 18%
Atlas as AISI type HI2 DEF 13 B6D Alloy case hardening steel covers BS alloy En 35; also
CROLOY! 0.15% C 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and includes En 36, En 325, etc.
Wilcox (USA) VTS: 840 Elon: 15%
CROLOY I 0.15% C 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and DEF13 B6E Alloy case hardening steel covers BS alloy En 36; also
Wilcox (USA) includes En 353, etc.
CROLOY Il 0.15% C 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and VTS: 1000 Elon: 12%
Wilcox (USA) DEF13 B6F Alloy case hardening steel covers BS alloy En 354
CROLOY Jl 0.15% C 1.75% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and VTS: 1140 Elon: 12%
Wilcox (USA) DEF 13 B6G Alloy case hardening steel covers BS alloy En 39A, En
CROLOY2 0.15% C 2.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and 39B; also includes En 355, etc.
Wilcox (USA) VTS: 1300 Elon: 12%
CROLOY21 0.15% C 2.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and DIE TOUGH 10 MS 0.1% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
Wilcox (USA) DIE TOUGH 15 C 0.1 % C 1.4% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Electrode;
CROLOY2! 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and Metrode
Wilcox (USA) DIE TOUGH 25 C 0.1 % C 1.6% Ni 1% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Electrode;
CROLOY3 0.15% C 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and Metrode
Wilcox (USA) DIE TOUGH 35 C 0.1 % C 2.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode;
CROLOY5 0.15% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and Metrode
Wilcox (USA) DIE TOUGH 40 C 0.15% C 2.5% Ni 2% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Electrode;
CROLOY 5Si 0.15% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% Si steel: Tube; Metrode
Babcock and Wilcox (USA) DIN 8555 Ni Cr steel: Welding electrode
CROLOY 5Ti 0.12% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% Ti steel: Tube; E7·250K
Babcock and Wilcox (USA) DIN 8556 E 18.8 Ni Cr steel: Welding electrode
CROLOY7 0.15% C 7.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and Mn6R26
Wilcox (USA) DIN 8556 E 22.12.3 Ni Cr Mo steel: Welding electrode
CROLOY9M 0.15% C 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and R 26.120
Wilcox (USA) DIN 8556 E 29.9 Ni Cr Mo: Welding electrode
CROLOY9!Mo 0.15% C 9.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and MPR26.160
Wilcox (USA) DIN 17155 0.14% C 0.6% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Plate;
CROMODIE 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% V 1.0% Si steel: Firth 13 Cr M04/4 German Standard; normalized and tempered
Brown VTS: 510 Proof: 300
CROMODIEW 0.31% C 5% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.2% V 1.1% W0.9% Si DIN 17155 0.14% C 0.8% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: For boiler plate;
steel: Firth Brown 13 Cr M04/4 German Standard
CROVAN 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.9% V steel: Atlas; as DIN 17175 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: German
AISI H13 10 Cr Mo 9/10 Standard
CTHV 0.3% C 3.4% Cr 0.35% V 8.5% Wsteel: Marsh DIN 17175 0.14% C 0.8% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: For boiler plate;
Brothers; hot forging dies, etc. 13 Cr M04/4 German Standard
CTM 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% V 2.5% W DIN 17200 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 1.6% Ni 1.6% Cr steel: German
steel: Swift Levick; hot dies 15 Cr Ni 6 Standard
CTU 0.37% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.0% V 1.7% W1.0% Si DIN 17200 0.17% C 0.5% Mn 1.55% Ni 1.65% Cr 0.3% Mo steel:
steel: For tools; Marsh Brothers; hot work dies 17CrM06 German Standard
CuNi Mo 0.21% C (max) 0.95% Mn 1.4% Ni 0.25% Mo 0.65% DIN 17200 0.18% C 0.5% Mn 1.95% Ni 1.95% Cr steel: German
Cu steel: US Steel Corp. 18CrNi8 Standard
CUP-TEN 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.22% Mo 0.35% DIN 17200 0.2% C 0.75% Mn 0.4% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: German
Cu steel: Nippon-Kokan 20 Mo Cr4 Standard
CUP-TEN 6 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.1 % V DIN 17200 0.2% C 0.75% Mn 0.41 % Cr 0.45% Mo steel: German
0.35% Cu steel: Nippon-Kokan 20 Mo Cr S4 Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DIN 17200 0.25% C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: DR 44 0.2% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For case hardening;
25 Cr M04' German Standard Bofors; annealed
DIN 17200 0.25% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; German DPN: 220
25 Cr M04 Standard DRO 86 BOVAC 0.35% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bofors;
DIN 17200 0.25% C 0.75% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: German vacuum melted
25 Mo Cr4 Standard DTD 713 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube;
DIN 17200 0.25% C 0.75% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: German hardened and tempered
25 MoCrS4 Standard UTS: 1140 Elon: 14%
DIN 17200 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% V steel: DTD 723 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube;
30 Cr Mo V9 Forging; German Standard hardened and tempered
DIN 17200 0.3% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Forging; UTS: 1380 Elon: 12%
30Cr Ni M08 German Standard DID 730 0.35% C 3% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: For nitriding;
DIN 17200 0.3% C 0.45% Mn 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: hardened and tempered
30 Cr Ni Mo 8 German Standard DPN: 400 UTS: 1380 Elon: 12% Proof: 1070
DIN 17200 0.31% C 0.55% Mn 3.0% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.2% V steel: DID 5002 0.15% C 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For case hardening;
31 Cr Mo 12 German Standard blank carburized
DIN 17200 0.32% C 0.55% Mn 3.0% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: German UTS: 700 Elon: 18%
31 Cr Mo 12 Standard DTD 5082 0.22% C 0.2% Mn 1% Cr steel: Bar and forging;
DIN 17200 0.34% C 0.6% Mn 1.15% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% Al steel: hardened and tempered; weldable
34 Cr Al M05 German Standard DPN: 360 UTS: 1140 Elon: 10% Proof: 840
DIN 17200 0.34% C 0.55% Mn 1.0% Ni 1.65% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% DID 5112 0.32% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet; hardened and
34Cr Al Ni 7 Al steel: German Standard tempered
DIN 17200 0.33% C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: UTS: 1210 Elon: 4% Proof: 1040
34CrM04 German Standard DID 5123 0.32% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging and bar;
DIN 17200 0.34% C 0.4% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; hardened and tempered
34 Cr M04 German Standard UTS: 1140 Elon: 4% Proof: 920
DIN 17200 0.33% C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: DTD 5132 0.32% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; hardened and
34 Cr Mo S4 German Standard tempered
DIN 17200 0.34% C 0.55% Mn 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: UTS: 1210 Elon: 4%
34 Cr Ni Mo 6 German Standard DID 5142 0.32% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; hardened and
DIN 17200 0.34% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; tempered
34 Cr Ni M06 German Standard UTS: 1210 Elon: 4%
DIN 17200 0.36% C 1.1 % Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: German DTD 5152 0.32% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Wire for welding filler;
36Cr Ni M04 Standard hardened and tempered; supplied annealed and copper
DIN 17200 0.39% C 0.55% Mn 3.25% Cr 0.95% Mo 0.2% V steel: coated
39Cr Mo V German Standard DPN:380
DIN 17210 0.15% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: For carburizing DID 5219 1% Cr Mo steel: Casting; investment cast
15 Cr Ni6 UTS: 800
DIN 17210 0.17% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr steel: For carburizing DID 5229 3% Cr Mo steel: Casting; investment cast
18CrNi8 UTS: 710
DIN 17225 0.3% C 2.3% Cr 0.6% V4.2% Wsteel: For DID 5239 3% Ni steel: Casting for case hardening; investment
30WCrV Inl9 springs cast
DIN 17240 0.21 % C 0.6% Ni 1.3% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% V steel: For UTS: 700
21 Cr Mo V 5/11
high temperature fasteners DTD 5249 3% Cr Mo steel: Casting for nitriding; investment cast
DIN 17240 0.24% C 0.6% Nil.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For high UTS: 920
24 Cr M05 temperature fasteners DUCOL OTI8 0.17% C (max) 0.5% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel:
DIN 17240 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.2% V steel: Colvilles
For high temperature fasteners
24 Cr Mo V 5/5 DUCOL 0135 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 1.2% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo
DNV 0.35% C 3.25% Cr 0.4% V9.5% Wsteel: Simonds; 0.12% V steel: Colvilles
AISltype H21 DUCOL OT342 0.17% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo
DOFASCOLOY P 0.16% C 0.6% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Cu steel: 0.1 % V steel: Colvilles
Dominion DUCOL OT445A 0.17% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.04% V
DOUBLE GRIFFIN 0.35% C 3.5% Ni 1.7% Cr steel: Balfour; chisels, steel: Colvilles
wedges, etc. DUCOL W21 0.23% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.25% Ni 0.5% Cr steel:
DPN:4OO Plate and section; Colvilles; Cu may be present up to
DR 34 0.15% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For case hardening; 0.5%
Bofors; annealed UTS: 510 Elon: 23% Proof: 330
DPN: 200 DUCOL W23 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.25% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: Plate
and section; Colvilles alloy for BS 968; 0.5% Cu
optional; 1.6% Mn + Cr (max)
UTS: 480 Elon: 23% Proof: 340
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DUCOL W23D 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.25% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.5% Cu:
With grain refining elements; Colvilles
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DUCOL W24 0.22% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.25% Ni 0.5% Cr steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Plate and section; Colvilles alloy for BS 968; 0.5% Cu
Elon Elongation, % optional; 1.6% Cr + Mn (max)
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' UTS: 480 Elon: 22% Proof: 330
DUCOL W25 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.25% Ni 0.5% Cr steel:
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa Plate; Colvilles; 0.5% Cu optional; 1.6% Mn +
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Cr (max)
UTS: 510 Elon: 23% Proof: 360
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DUCOLW25D 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.25% Ni 0.5% Cr: With grain E 8015 B2 L 0.05% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
refining elements; Colvilles electrode; designation used by AWS
DUCOLW30 0.17% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.7% CrO.28% Mo 0.1% V E SOl5 B2 L 0.05% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
steel: Plate; Colvilles; weldable electrode; designation used by AWS
UTS: 610 Elon: 17% Proof: 450 E 8015 B4 L 0.05% C (max) 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DUNELTIO 0.32% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy designation used by AWS
En21 E8016BI 0.1 % C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DUNELT 15 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: For case hardening; designation used by AWS
Dunford for BS alloy En 38 E 8016 B2 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DUNELT 16 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 1% Cr steel: For carburizing; designation used by AWS
Dunford for BS alloy En 36 E 8016 B5 0.1 % C 0.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.45% Si steel: Weld
DUNELTI7 0.12% C 5.0% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: For case hardening; electrode; designation used by AWS
Dunford for BS alloy En 37 E 8018 BI 0.1% C 0.5% CrO.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DUNELT 18 0.13% C 5.0% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case designation used by AWS
hardening; Dunford for BS alloy En 38 E 8018 B2 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DUNELT20 0.18% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening; designation used by AWS
Dunford for BS alloy En 34 E 8018 B2 L 0.05% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
DUNELT55 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy electrode; designation used by AWS
En 23 E8018 NM 0.1% C (max) 1% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DUNELT60 0.34% C 3.3% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Dunford; hardened designation used by AWS
and tempered E8018 W 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.6% Si 0.5% Cu
DPN: 300 UTS: 1040 Elon: 17% steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
DUNELT64A 0.32% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Dunford; E 9015 B3 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrooe;
hardened and tempered designation used by AWS
DPN: 350 UTS: 1000 Elon: 14% E 9015 B3L 0.05% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld
DUNELT64A 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Dunford; electrode; designation used by AWS
hardened and tempered E 9016 B3 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld electrode;
DPN: 375 UTS: 1070 Elon: 12% designation used by AWS
DUNELT65 0.27% C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V steel: E 9018 B3 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld electrode;
Dunford for BS alloy En 27 designation used by AWS
DUNELT67 0.25% C 0.4% Ni (max) 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For E 9018 B3L 0.05% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld
nitriding; Dunford for BS alloy En 40B electrode; designation used by AWS
DUNELT82M 0.16% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For case E 11018 M 0.1 % C (max) 2% Ni 0.4% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
hardening; Dunford for BS alloy En S82 designation used by AWS
DUNELT 128 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.3% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy E 12018M 0.1 % C (max) 2.2% Ni 1% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Weld
En30A electrode; designation used by AWS
DUNELTI29 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Dunford for E 12018MI 0.1 % C (max) 3.4% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Weld
BS alloy En 30B electrode; designation used by AWS
DUREHETE 1050 0.2% C 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.7% V steel: For use at high ENi4 0.15% C 1.8% Ni 0.2% Mo 0.2% Si steel: Weld
temperature; Samuel Fox; capable of operating up to electrode; designation used by AWS
500'C ENi4N 0.15% C 1.8% Ni 0.2% Mo 0.2% Si steel: Weld
UTS: 860 Elon: 22% Proof: 770 electrode; designation used by AWS
DUREHETE 1055 0.2% C 1.1% CrO.95% MoO.7% VO.I% Ti steel: E xxx Tl B3 0.05% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld
Samuel Fox; tempered electrode; designation used by AWS
UTS: 840 Elon: 13% Proof: 720 E xxx Tl K3 0.15% C (max) 1.8% Ni 0.45% Mo steel: Weld
DUROTERM8R 0.15% C 2.7% CrO.7% V4.3% Wsteel: Welding electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; Soudometal; for cladding E xxx T5 K3 0.15% C (max) 1.8% Ni 0.45% Mo steel: Weld
DPN: 500 electrode; designation used by AWS
E4Mo 0.12% C 5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Jessop for BS alloy En EI xx T5 K4 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Weld
38 electrode; designation used by AWS
E6 0.17% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Jessop for BS alloy E6xT5B8L 0.05% C (max) 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
En 34 designation used by AWS
E9 0.24% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Jessop for BS alloy E7Cr 0.05% C (max) 7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
En 35 designation used by AWS
Ell 0.19% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Jessop E8xTl BI 0.1 % C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
E200 0.14% CO.5% Mn 3.5% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: YEW designation used by AWS
E204 0.13% C 4.5% Ni 1.1 % Cr steel: YEW E8xTl BI L 0.05% C (max) 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
E220 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr steel: YEW electrode; designation used by AWS
E230 0.15% C 1.6% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: YEW E8xTlB2 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
E502 0.05% C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS E8xTl B2H 0.12% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
E502 L 0.05% C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS E8xTl B2L 0.05% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
E502T 0.1 % C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS E8xTl W 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.5% Cu steel:
E505 0.05% C (max) 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS E8xT5B2 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
E50ST 0.1% C (max) 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS E8xT5B2L 0.05% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
E 7018W 0.12% C (max) 0.3% Ni 0.22% Cr 0.5% Si 0.45% Cu electrode; designation used by AWS
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
E9xTl B3 H 0.12% C 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECM2 0.1 % C (max) I. 7% Ni 0.45% Mo steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
E9 x Tl B3 L 0.05% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Weld ECM2N 0.1 % C (max) 1.7% Ni 0.45% Mo steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
E9xT5B3 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECM3 0.1 % C (max) 2.2% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
Ell xTl K4 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Weld ECM3N 0.1 % C (max) 2.2% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EI2xTl K5 0.17% C 1.2% Ni 0.5% Cr0.35% Mo steel: Weld ECM4 0.1 % C (max) 2.4% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
E80 B2 L 0.05% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld ECM4N 0.1 % C (max) 2.4% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
E80C B2 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; EC XX T4 0.12% C (max) 1.7% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
E90C B3 0.1 % C 2.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB I 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EB I 0.1 % C (max) 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld ECBIN 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EBIN 0.1 % C (max) 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld ECB2 0.15% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB2H 0.3% C 1.25% Cr 0.52% Mo 0.25% V steel: Weld ECB2H 0.2% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB2HN 0.3% C 1.25% Cr 0.52% Mo 0.25% V steel: Weld ECB2HN 0.2% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB2N 0.1 % C 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB2N 0.15% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB 3 0.1 % C 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB3 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EB3N 0.1 % C 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB3N 0.15% C (max) 2.2% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EB5 0.2% C 0.55% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB4 0.12% C (max) 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB5N 0.2% C 0.55% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB4N 0.12% C (max) 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB6H 0.35% C 5.5% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB5 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB6HN 0.35% C 5.5% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB5N 0.18% C (max) 0.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode:
designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EB8N 0.1 % C (max) 9.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB6H 0.1 % C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EB 82 0.12% C (max) 1% Ni 0.4% Mo steel: Weld electrode; ECB6HN 0.1 % C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EC 502 0.12% C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld ECB6N 0.12% C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EC505 0.1% C 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode ECLIPSELDC 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% Vsteel: Origin
ECF2 0.17% C (max) 1.75% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.52% Mo steel: unknown
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS ECO/m 0.23% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Krupp
ECF2N 0.17% C (max) 1.75% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: EEEE 0.28% C 0.3% Ni 2.15% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Crucible
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS Steel Co. for drills
ECF3 0.17% C (max) 0.9% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld EFI 0.12% C 1.3% Ni 0.4% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
ECF3N 0.17% C (max) 0.9% Ni 0.52% Mo steel: Weld EFIN 0.1 % C 1.2% Ni 0.35% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
ECF5 0.17% C (max) 2.4% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld EF2 0.14% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
ECF6 0.14% C (max) 1.8% Ni 0.3% Mo steel: Weld EF2N 0.14% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
ECF6N 0.14% C (max) 1.8% Ni 0.3% Mo steel: Weld EF3 0.14% C 0.8% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
EF3N 0.14% C 0.8% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
designation used by AWS
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: EF4 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Weld
clectrode; designation used by AWS
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number EF4N 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Weld
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' electrode; designation used by AWS
Elon Elongation, % EF5 0.13% C 2.5% Ni 0.35% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Weld
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' electrode; designation used by AWS
EF6 0.11 % C 2% Ni 0.32% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04Ibf/in.'= I MPa electrode; designation used by AWS
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. EF6N 0.11 % C 2% Ni 0.32% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
EHWI 0.25% C 4.0% Cr 0.5% V 15% W steel: Latrobe; type En lOOC 0.37% C 0.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation
H25 used in BS 970; replaced by 945 A40
EM3 0.1 % C (max) 2.3% Ni 0.45% Mo steel: Weld En 111 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Designation used in
electrode BS 970; replaced by 640 M40
EM3N 0.1 % C (max) 2.3% Ni 0.45% Mo steel: Weld En 111A 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Designation used in
electrode; designation used by AWS BS 970; replaced by 640 A35
EM4 0.1 % C (max) 2.4% Ni 0.42% Mo steel: Weld En 320 0.17% C 2% Ni 2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For carburizing;
electrode designation used in BS 970; obsolete
EM4N 0.1 % C (max) 2.4% Ni 0.42% Mo steel: Weld En 325 0.2% C 1.75% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For
electrode; designation used by AWS carburizing; designation used in BS 970; obsolete
EM 70 S-5 0.13% C 0.62% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Weld electrode; EOOm 0.25% C 0.45% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Krupp
designation used by AWS EOOm 0.2% C 0.4% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Krupp
EM 8440 0.4% C 0.25% Ni 2% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.25% Cu steel: For ERI 0.32% C 3% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V tool steel: Balfour;
valves; origin unknown die casting brass, etc.
En 13 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in DPN: 550
BS970 ER 70 S-2 0.07% C (max) 0.1% Ti 0.1% Al 0.1% Zr steel: Weld
Enl4A 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr steel: Designation used in electrode; designation used by AWS
BS 970; replaced by 150 MI9 ER 80 S B2 0.1 % C 1.35% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
En 20 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Designation used in BS designation used by AWS
970; obsolete ER 80S B2 L 0.05% C (max) 1.35% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld
En 21 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Designation used in BS electrode; designation used by AWS
970; obsolete ER 90 S B3 0.1 % C 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
En 23 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Designation used in BS designation used by AWS
970; replaced by 635 M31 ER 90S B3 L 0.05% C (max) 2.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
En 25 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Designation designation used by AWS
used in BS 970; replaced by 826 M31 ER 100 S-I 0.08% C (max) 1.6% Ni 0.4% Mo steel: Weld
En 27 0.3% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Designation electrode; designation used by AWS
used in BS 970; replaced by 830 M31 ER 110 S-I 0.1 % C (max) 2.3% Ni 0.42% Mo steel: Weld
En 28 0.3% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Designation electrode; designation used by AWS
used in BS 970; obsolete ER 120 S-I 0.1 % C (max) 2.4% Ni 0.42% Mo steel: Weld
En 29 0.25% C 0.4% Ni 3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Designation electrode; designation used by AWS
used in BS 970 ERA 164 0.2% C 1.6% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Hadfields
En 30A 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Designation used in for BS alloy En 14A and B
BS 970; see 835 M30 ERA 165 0.2% C 1.6% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Hadfields
En30B 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Designation for BS alloy En 13
used in BS 970; replaced by 835 M30 ESSHETECML 0.12% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Creep resisting;
En 33 0.12% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: For carburizing; Samuel Fox; weldable
designation used in BS 970; obsolete UTS: 510
En 34 0.17% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For carburizing; ESSHETE CRM 2 0.15% C (max) 2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Samuel Fox;
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 665 MJ7 normalized and tempered; high temperature use
En 35 0.25% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For carburizing; UTS: 630 Elon: 30% Proof: 550
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 665 M23 ESSHETE CRM 5 0.12% C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Samuel Fox;
En 35A 0.22% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For carburizing; annealed; not easily welded
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 665 A22 VTS: 450 Elon: 41 %
En 35B 0.25% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For carburizing; ESSHETEMV 0.15% C 0.3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: Creep
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 665 A24 resisting; Samuel Fox; weldable
En 36 0.18% C (max) 3.5% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: For UTS: 610
carburizing; designation used in BS 970; replaced by ETADI 0.3% C 3.8% Ni 1.35% Cr 0.5% V steel: Pompey;
655 M13 hardened and tempered
En 37 0.16% C (max) 5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: For carburizing; VTS: 1610 Elon: 6% Proof: 1300
designation used in BS 970; obsolete ETAD3 0.35% C 3.85% Ni 1.85% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey;
En 38 0.16% C (max) 5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: For carburizing; hardened and tempered
designation used in BS 970; obsolete VTS: 1630 Elon: 6% Proof: 1300
En39A 0.15% C 4.25% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: For carburizing; ETANO 0.35% C 3.75% Ni 1.7% Cr steel: Pompey; hardened
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 659 MI5 and tempered
En 39B 0.15% C 4.25% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For UTS: 1680 Elon: 6% Proof: 1300
carburizing; designation used in BS 970; replaced by EW 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.27% Si 0.5% Cu
835 MI5 steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En40A 0.15% C 0.4% Ni 3% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For nitriding; EWS 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.27% Si 0.5% Cu
designation used in BS 970; obsolete steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En40B 0.25% C 0.4% Ni 3% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For nitriding; EWT2 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.5% Cu steel:
designation used in BS 970; obsolete Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En 41 0.25% C 0.4% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo I % Al steel: For EWT3 0.12% C (max) 2% Ni 0.5% Mo 0.3% Si steel: Weld
nitriding; designation used in BS 970; obsolete electrode; designation used by AWS
En 51 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: For valves; designation EWT4 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.5% Cu steel:
used in BS 970 Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En lOOA 0.27% C 0.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation EX 22 0.15% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For
used in BS 970; obsolete carburizing; SAE designation replacing 8615
En lOOB 0.32% C 0.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation EX 23 0.17% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For
used in BS 970; obsolete carburizing; SAE designation replacing 8617
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
EX 24 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For fmp505 0.32% C 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 9.2% W steel: F Parkin; as
carburizing; SAE designation replacing 8620 tool steel H 21
EX 25 0.22% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For fmp 507 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V 9.0% W
carburizing; SAE designation replacing 8622 steel: F Parkin
EX 26 0.25% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For fmp513 0.35% C 5.25% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.35% V 1.25% Wsteel:
carburizing; SAE designation for 8625 F Parkin; as tool steel H 12
EX 27 0.27% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For FNCR 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Firth Brown for BS
carburizing; SAE designation for 8627 alloy En III
EX 28 0.18% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: FOREMOST A 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% V 9.0% Wsteel: Swift Levick;
For carburizing; SAE designation replacing 4718 hot dies
EX 29 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: FORMITE2 0.33% C 3.3% Cr 0.5% V 9.2% W steel: Columbia;
For carburizing; SAE designation replacing 4320 AISltype H21
EX 30 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: FORTREX45 0.06% C 1.5% Ni 0.4% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
For carburizing; SAE designation replacing 4865 Murex
EX31 0.17% C 0.8% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: UTS: 680 Elon: 27%
For carburizing; SAE designation replacing 4817 FORTREX55 0.07% C 1.1 % Mn 2% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.4% Mo steel:
EX 32 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Welding electrode; Murex
For carburizing; SAE designation replacing 4820 VTS: 820 Elon: 24% Proof: 670
EX 55 0.17% C 0.9% Mn 1.85% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.72% Mo steel: G8 0.27% C 3% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Jessop
For carburizing; SAE temporary designation G11 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Jessop for BS
EX 56 0.1% CO.9% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.5% CrO.72% Mo steel: alloy En 25
For carburizing; SAE temporary designation GI5 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy
EXDI 0.3% C 3.7% Ni 1.5% Cr 5.5% Mo 5.5% W steel: For En36A
tools; Balfour: hot extrusion dies for non-ferrous metal, GI6 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Jessop for
etc. BS alloy En 39B
DPN:480 G27 0.37% C 0.4% Ni 3% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Jessop
F9 0.2% C 2% Cr 0.25% V 2.4% Wsteel: Jessop for BS alloy En 40C
F45CH 0.15% C 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For carburizing; Firth G27 0.30% C 3.3% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Jessop for
Brown for BS 970 En 351 BS alloy En 27 and En 28
F55CH 0.18% C 1.0% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For carburizing; Firth G28 0.12% C 1.3% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: Jessop
Brown for BS 970 En 352 G36 0.2% C 1.7% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.23% Mo steel: Jessop
F65CH 0.18% C 1.3% Ni 1.0% Mo steel: For carburizing; G45 0.35% C 1% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy En
Firth Brown for BS 970 En 353 111
F75CH 0.18% C 1.75% Ni 1.0% CrO.15% Mo steel: For G46 0.15% C 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy
carburizing; Firth Brown for BS 970 En 354 En 351
F85CH 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For G47 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy En
carburizing; Firth Brown for BS 970 En 355 352
F543 0.09% C 4.8% Ni 3.9% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Firth Brown G48 0.2% C 1.25% Ni 1% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel: Jessop for
FAGERSTA K353 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For case BS alloy En 353
hardening; Fagersta G49 0.2% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Jessop for BS
FAGERSTA NI04 0.1 % C 0.4% Mn 2.1% Ni steel: For case hardening; alloy En 354
Fagersta G50 0.2% C 1.5% Cr 2% Mo steel: Jessop for BS alloy En
FB60 0.18% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.18% V 0.015% N 355
steel: German proprietor's standard; AI killed G51 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel: Jessop for
FB60AK 0.18% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.18% VO.015% N BS alloy En 361
steel: German proprietor's specification; AI killed G52 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.11% Mo steel: Jessop for
FB 70 0.2% C (max) 1.5% MnO.7% Ni 0.18% V 0.015% N BS alloy En 362
steel: Mannesmann; AI killed G 53 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.11% Mo steel: Jessop for
FB 70AK 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.18% V 0.015% N BS alloy En 363
steel: Mannesmann; AI killed G86 0.10% C 6.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 11.0% W 1.5% Nb 8.0%
FB 80 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.18% V 0.02% N AI: Jessop; scale or creep resistant
steel: Mannesmann; AI killed G 110 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Toledo for
FBBOAK 0.22% C (max) 1.6% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.22% V 0.02% N BS alloy En 30A (no Mo) and En 30B
steel: Mannesmann; AI killed GEARITE 0.31 % C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Swift Levick for BS
FIRTHOB 0.09% C 1.25% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: Firth Brown for alloy En 30
plastic moulds GEARMAC 0.31% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Swift Levick
FKD3 0.35% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey for BS alloy En 25
VTS: 1140 Elon; 10% Proof: 950 GI SPECIAL 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Jessop
GK3 0.35% C 2.0% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% V steel: For
carburizing; Firth Brown
GK5 0.25% C 2.0% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% V steel: For
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: carburizing; Firth Brown
GK7 0.18% C 2.0% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: For
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number carburizing; Firth Brown
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 GO 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy En 23
Eion Elongation, % GOST 550/12 KHM 0.16% C (max) 0.55% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.47% Mo steel:
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Pipe; Russian Standard
VTS: 420 Proof: 250
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
GOST 550 KH5M 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 5.0% Cr 0.55% Mo
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. steel: Pipe; Russian Standard
VTS: 400 Proof: 220
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST 550 KH5YF 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% V GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.45% Mn 3.0% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Russian
0.55% Wsteel: Pipe; Russian Standard KHN3A Standard
UTS: 400 Proof: 220 GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.45% Mn 1.45% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.65% W steel:
GOST 4543/12 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 3.4% Ni 1.4% Cr steel: Russian KHNVA Russian Standard
KH2NGA Standard GOST 4543/35 KHM 0.36% C 0.55% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.20% Mo steel: Russian
GOST 4543/12 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 1.7% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Russian Standard
KHN2 Standard GOST 4543/38 0.38% C 0.45% Mn 1.45% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.65% W steel:
GOST 4543/12 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 3.0% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Russian KHNVA Russian Standard
KHN3 Standard GOS"f-4543138 0.38% C 0.4% Mn 1.1% Cr 0.65% W steel: Russian
GOST 4543113 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 1.9% Ni 0.35% Cr steel: Russian KHVA Standard
N2KHA Standard GOST 4543/45 KHN 0.45% C 0.65% Mn 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Russian
GOST 4543/15 KHF 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.15% V steel: Russian Standard
Standard GOST 5058/10 0.12% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Cu
GOST 4543/15 KHM 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.47% Mo steel: Russian KHSND steel: Plate; Russian Standard; hardened and tempered
Standard UTS: S40 Proof: 400
GOST 4543/15 NM 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 1.7% Ni 0.3% Cr (max) 0.25% Mo GOST 50587T5 0.15% C 0.6% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.3% Cu steel:
steel: Russian Standard KHSND Plate; Russian Standard; hardened and tempered
GOST 4543/15 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 1.6% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.1 % W steel: UTS: 600 Proof: 500
KH2GN2T Russian Standard GOST 563211 KH11 0.15% C 10.7% Cr 0.7% MoO.3% Vsteel: Plate;
GOST 4543/15 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 1.6% Ni 1.6% Cr steel: Russian MF Russian Standard
KH2GN2TA Standard GOST5632/1 0.12% C 7.7% Cr 0.4% V0.8% W steel: Russian
GOST 4543/15 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 1.6% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.003% V 0.1% KH8VF Standard
KH2GN2TRA W steel: Russian Standard GOST 5632 KH5M 0.15% C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Russian
GOST 4543/15 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 1.6% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.1 % W steel: Standard
KHGNT Russian Standard GOST 5632 KH5VF 0.15% C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.5% V 0.5% W steel:
GOST 4543/15 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 1.6% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.1 % W steel: Russian Standard
KHGNTA Russian Standard GOST 5632 KH6SIU 0.15% C (max) 6.2% Cr 0.9% AI steel: Plate; Russian
GOST 4543/16 0.16% C 0.45% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.95% Cr steel: Russian Standard
KHSN Standard GOST 5632 KH6SM 0.15% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) 5.75% Cr0.55% Mo
GOST 4543/18 0.17% C 0.4% Mn 4.2% Ni 1.5% Cr 1.0% W steel: steel: Plate; Russian Standard; annealed
KH2N4VA Russian Standard UTS: 580 Proof: 310
GOST 4543/18 0.18% C 0.95% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.55% Cr steel: Russian GOST 5632 KH 17 0.14% C (max) 4.0% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.2% Nsteel:
KHGN Standard G9AN4 Russian Standard
GOST 4543/18 0.18% C 0.75% Mn 0.95% Ni 0.95% Cr 0.0035% V GOST 5632 KHCSM 0.15% C (max) 6.2% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Russian
SNRA steel: Russian Standard Standard
GOST 4543120 KHF 0.2% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.15% V steel: Russian GOST 8731112 0.13% C 0.45% Mn 1.7% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Pipe;
Standard KHN2 Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 4543120 KHN 0.2% C 0.6% Mn 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Russian UTS: 500 Proof: 400
Standard GOST 8731115 KHM 0.14% C 0.5% Mn 0.9% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pipe;
GOST 4543/20 NM 0.21% C 0.55% Mn 1.7% Ni 0.3% Cr (max) 0.25% Russian Standard; seamless
Mo steel: Russian Standard UTS: 440 Proof: 230
GOST 4543/20 0.19% C 0.45% Mn 3.4% Ni 1.4% Cr steel: Russian GOST 8731130 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
KH2NGA Standard KHMA Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 4543/20 0.2% C 0.85% Mn 0.95% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.0035% V UTS: 600 Proof: 400
KHGNR steel: Russian Standard GOST 8733/15 KH 0.14% C 0.55% Mn 0.95% CrO.5% Mo steel: Pipe;
GOST 4543/20 0.2% C 0.45% Mn 3.0% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Russian Russian Standard; seamless
KHN3A Standard UTS: 440 Proof: 230
GOST 4543120 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 4.0% Ni 0.95% Cr 0.22% B steel: GOST 10802112 K2 0.1% C 0.55% Mn 2.3% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.27% V0.25%
KHN4FA Russian Standard MFB Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 4543/20 0.2% C 0.75% Mn 0.95% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.0025% B steel: UTS: 420 Proof: 210
KHNR Russian Standard GOST 10802112 0.11 % C 0.55% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.22% V steel:
GOST 4543/25 0.25% C 0.95% Mn 1.1% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.1 % Wsteel: KH1MF Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
KH2GNTA Russian Standard UTS: 500 Proof: 260
GOST 4543/25 0.25% C 0.4% Mn 4.2% Ni 1.5% Cr 1.0% Wsteel: GOST 10802112 0.11 % C 0.55% Mn 1.75% Cr 0.61 % Mo 0.27% V
KH2N4VA Russian Standard KH2MFSR 0.65% Nb 0.25% Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST 4543/30 KHM 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Russian Standard; seamless
Standard UTS: 480 Proof: 260
GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.95% Mn 1.6% Ni 1.55% Cr steel: Russian GOST 10802115 0.13% C 0.55% Mn 1.25% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.27% V 0.2%
KH2GN2 Standard KH1ME Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 4543/30 0.30% C 0.45% Mn 1.6% Ni 1.8% Cr 1.4% Wsteel: UTS: 620 Proof: 350
KH2NVA Russian Standard GOST 10802115 0.14% C 0.55% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.47% Mo steel: Pipe;
GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.45% Mn 1.6% Ni 1.8% Cr 1.4% W0.21 % B KHM Russian Standard; seamless
KH2NVFA steel: Russian Standard UTS: 450 Proof: 240
GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.75% Mn 0.45% Ni 1.1% Cr steel: Russian GOST 12132/30 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 0.25% Ni (max) 0.95% Cr 0.2% Mo
KHGNA Standard KHMA steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; welded
GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 1.15% Mn 1.2% Ni 1.05% Cr steel: Russian UTS:6OO
KHGSNA Standard GPS 1 0.15% C 4% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For case
GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Russian hardening; Jonas; core properties
KHMA Standard DPN: 415 UTS: 1300 Elon: 12%
GOST 4543/30 0.3% C 0.45% Mn 2.2% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.65% W0.2%
KHN2VFA Bsteel: Russian Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GPS2 0.15% C 3% Ni 1% Cr steel: For case hardening; HCRS3 0.13% C 0.9% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: ESC; normalized and
Jonas; core properties tempered BS alloy 620
DPN: 341 VIS: 1070 Elon: 13% VIS: 440 Elon: 19% Proof: 220
GPS3 0.15% C 2.75% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For case hardening; HCRS4 0.13% C 2.25% Cr 1% Mo steel: ESC; good creep
Jonas; core properties resistance
DPN: 269 VIS: 840 Elon: 18% HD3 0.32% C 3.5% Cr 0.3% V 9% W steel: T Turton
GS 10 Mn M07/4 0.08% C 1.7% Mn 0.4% Mo 0.06% V 0.04% Nb steel: HD3M 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: Origin
Cast; Ihyssen; precipitation hardened unknown
DPN: 155 VIS: 530 Elon: 13% Proof: 405 HD 10 0.35% C 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 4.2% Wstcel: Spencer;
H5DM 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 4.0% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % V forging dies, casting dies, etc.
steel: Creusot-Loire DPN: 400
H11 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: For tools; HD12 0.35% C 2% Ni 2.3% Cr 0.25% V 10% Wsteel:
designation used by AISI Turton Bros
H 12 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 1.5% Wsteel: For HDS 0.28% C 3.2% Cr 0.3% V 9.5% W steel: Jessop; die
tools; designation used by AISI for casting Cu
H 12 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.6% Mo 0.25% V 1.4% Wsteel: DPN:400
For hot work; Osborn HDZ 0.3% C 3.4% Cr 0.35% V 8.4% Wsteel: Origin
H13 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% V steel: For tools; unknown
designation used by AISI HECLA 66 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Case hardening;
H14 0.28% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Jessop Hadfields for BS alloy En 33
H 19 0.2% C 5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Jessop HECLA 67 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni1.2% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy
H20 0.35% C 2.0% Cr 9.0% Wsteel: For tools; designation En30A
used by AISI HECLA67B 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Hadfields for
H21 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V 9% Wsteel: For tools; BS alloy En 30B
designation used by AISI HECLA 73 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Hadficlds for BS alloy
H21 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.3% V 8.8% Wsteel: For hot work; En 21
Osborn HECLA 78 0.16% C 5% Ni 0.3% Cr case hardening steel:
H21N 0.25% C 2.3% Ni 3.0% Cr 0.3% V 8.8% Wsteel: For Hadfields for BS alloy En 37
hot work; Osborn HECLA 98 0.35% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy
H22 0.35% C 2.0% Cr 11.0% W steel: For tools; En 111 and En 111A
designation used by A!S! HECLA 116 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Hadfields for
H 22 0.2% C 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Jessop BS alloy En 23 and En 27
H25 0.25% C 4.0% Cr 15.0% Wsteel: For tools; HECLA 138 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Hadfields for
designation used by A!S! BS alloy En 25
H 32 0.24% C 0.3% Ni 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Jessop for HECLA 142 0.3% C 3.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Hadfields
BS alloy En 40B for BS alloy En 28
H40 0.20% C 0.3% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.75% V steel: HECLA 143 0.15% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Case hardening;
Jessop; creep resisting Hadfields for BS alloy En 36A
DPN: 300 VIS: 990 Elon: 20% Proof: 840 HECLA 143B 0.15% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Case
H50 0.37% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.1 % V 1.1% Si steel: Jessop hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 36C
DPN: 450 HECLA 146 0.16% C 4% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Case hardening;
H51 0.2% C 0.6% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Jessop Hadfields for BS alloy En 39A
H57 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Jessop HECLA 146B 0.16% C 4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Case
H65 0.12% C 1.02% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Jessop hardening; Hadfields
H 600/2 0.3% C 4.5% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V 1.3% Si steel: HECLA 149C 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V 9.0% Wsteel: For tools;
Electrode; Metrode; hardenable deposit origin unknown
DPN:600 HECLA 151 0.16% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Case hardening;
HA 0.2% C 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Casting; Huntingdon; Hadfields for BS alloy En 34
aged HECLA 151B 0.24% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Case hardening;
VIS: 770 Elon: 21 % Proof: 570 Hadfields for BS alloy En 35
HARDIRADE 85/58 0.35% C 10% Mn 1.5% Cr 0.8% V 8.0% W2.0% Co HECLA 153 0.25% C 0.7% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Hadfields for BS
steel: For electrodes; Esab alloy En 20A
DPN:480 HECLA 163 0.16% C 5% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Case
HCM 5 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: For nitriding; Firth hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 38
Brown for BS 970 En 40B HECLA 174 0.35% C 5.0% Mo 0.4% V steel: Origin unknown
HCM 7 0.2% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: For nitriding; Firth HECLA 177 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: Origin
Brown for BS 970 En 40A unknown
HCRS 0.25% CO. 75% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: ESC for BS alloy HECLA 181 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Case
En 20A hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 351
HECLA 182 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.1 % Mo stcel: Case
hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 352
Note. The following abbreviations and units are uscd in the tables: HECLA 183 0.2% C 1.25% Ni 1% Cr 0.12% Mo stecl: Case
hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 353
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number HECLA 184 0.2% C 1.75% Ni 1% CrO.15% Mo steel: Case
VIS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 354
Elon Elongation, % HECLA 185 0.2% C 2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Case
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 355
HECLA 191 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Case
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04 Ibf/in 2 = 1 MPa hardening; Hadfields
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. HECLA 192 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Case
hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 362
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HECLA 193 0.24% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: Case HOTFORMNo 1 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.45% V 1.4% Wsteel:
hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 363 Vanadium Alloys Ltd
HECLA 196 0.3% C 0.4% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % Al steel: DPN:600
Nitriding; Hadfields for BS alloy En 41 A and En 41 B HOTFORMN02 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.45% V steel: Vanadium
HECLA 197 0.22% C 1.7% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Case Alloys Ltd
hardening; Hadfields for BS alloy En 325 DPN:600
HECLA 317 0.15% C 0.4% Ni 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Nitriding; HOV 0.3% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% W 1% Si steel: Jonas;
Hadfields for BS alloy En 40 A, En 40 B, En 29 A and gravity dies for Al casting
En29B DPN: 550
HEDEX 7 0.3% C 1.2% Ni 0.55% Cr steel: Wire for forging; HOWARD A 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: Simmonds;
Kiveton Park for BS alloy En III AISI type H II
HEDEX 16 0.12% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr (max) steel: Wire for forging; HOWARD B 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V 1.5% Wsteel:
Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 33 Simmonds; AISI type H 12
HEDEX 17 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Wire for HOWARDC 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% V steel: Simmonds;
forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 351 AISI type H 13
HEDEX 19 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 9.25% Mo steel: Wire for HP 0.32% C 3.2% Cr 9% W0.45% V steel: For tools;
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed Hunstman; for hot work
UTS: 580 DPN: 560
HEDEX 20 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Wire for forging; HR33 0.12% C 3.0% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: For case hardening;
KivelOn Park for BS alloy En 30A Bofors; annealed
HEDEX 21 0.35% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Wire for DPN: 200
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed HSB51 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.45% Ni 0.1% V 0.35% Cu
UTS: 610 steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr
HEDEX 23 0.27% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Wire for HSB 51S 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.45% Ni 0.1 % V0.35% Cu
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed steel
UTS: 610 HSB 52 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.2% V0.45% Cu
HEDEX 27 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Wire for steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed HSB 52S 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.12% V 0.45% Cu
UTS: S80 steel
HEDEX 28 0.17% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% CrO.2% Mo steel: Wire for HSB55C 0.12% C 1.2% Mn 0.65% Ni 0.15% V0.6% Cu steel:
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed Phoenix Rheinrohr
UTS: 540 HSB 77V 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 1.2% Ni 0.5% CrO.3% Mo
HEDEX 30 0.17% C 1.7% Ni 0.3% Cr (max) 0.25% Mo steel: 0.1 % V steel: Phoenix Rheinrohr
Wire for forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 34 HSMIW9A 0.3% C 2.8% Cr 0.35% V9.5% Wdie steel: ESC; for
HEDEX 31 0.12% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Wire for forging; hot work
Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 36B DPN: 460
HEDEX 32 0.3% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Wire for forging; HTI 0.09% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% Si steel: Sandvik
Kiveton Park; annealed HT3 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sandvik
UTS: 580 HT5 0.13% C 1% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Sandvik for SS 2216
HEDEX 34 0.31% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Wire for HT7 0.1 % C 9% Cr 1% Mo steel: Sandvik
forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 25 HT8 0.1 % C 2.3% Cr 1% Mo steel: Sandvik for SS 2218
HEDEX 38 0.16% C 4.2% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Wire for HT5l 0.12% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sandvik
forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 39B HWI 0.3% C 3.5% Cr 0.5% V 9% Wsteel: For tools;
HEDEX 39 0.18% C (max) 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Wire for Darwin; dies, die inserts
forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 36 DPN: 480
HEDEX 40 0.27% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Wire for HW2N 0.28% C 2.25% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V 2.1 %
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed Wsteel: Origin unknown
UTS: 580 HW4 0.3% C 3% Ni 2.8% Cr 0.25% V9% Wsteel: For
HEDEX 43 0.15% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Wire for tools; Darwin; dies punches
forging; Kiveton Park; annealed DPN: 480
UTS: 540 HW5 0.3% C 5% Cr 2% Mo 0.25% V 1% W 1% Si steel:
HEDEX 46 0.37% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Wire for forging; For tools; Darwin; dies
Kiveton Park; annealed DPN: 480
UTS: S80 HW6NV 0.33% C 3.7% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.27% V 5.5% Wsteel:
HI 440 0.12% C 0.7% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.18% Mo 0.9% Cu steel: ESC; hot forging dies, punches, etc.
fnland Steel Co. DPN: 470
HI-STEEL 0.12% C 0.75% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.18% Mo 0.9% Cu steel: HWDI 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 1.4% H steel:
Inland Steel Co. Firth Sterling
HI STRENGTH A 0.12% C 0.7% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.1% Mo 0.4% Cu steel: HWT7 0.3% C 3.7% Ni 1.5% Cr 5.5% Wsteel: For tools;
Armco; weldable origin unknown
UTS: 500 Elon: 22 % Proof: 330 HY80ARMCO 0.18% C 0.25% Mn 2.7% Ni 1.4% CrO.6% Mo 0.03%
HI TUFMOLD 0.35% C 1.2% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Jessop V0.25% Cu steel: Armco
HI Z80 0.18% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo HY 100 0.2% C 0.25% Mn 2.9% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.6% Mo steel:
0.07% V 0.2% Cu 0.004% Bsteel: Fuji Armco
HK 5 0.25% C 2.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.5% V0.6% Al steel: HY 140 0.12% C (max) 5.0% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% V
Firth Brown for nitriding 0.15% Cu (max) steel: Origin unknown
HOT DIE No 5 0.32% C 3.25% Cr 0.35% V9.5% Wsteel: Edgar HY 150 0.18% C 0.5% Mn 3.75% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 %
Allen; hot extrusion dies, etc. Vsteel: Armco
DPN: 500 HYDRAE 0.3% C 3.5% Cr 0.35% V 8.5% Wsteel: Hall and
Pickles; hot extrusion of copper alloys; obsolete
DPN: 550
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HYDRAM 0.35% C 4% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 4% Wsteel: Hall 112545 0.25% C (max) 0.7% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: Castings; UNS
and Pickles; die casting dies for AI, etc.; obsolete designation
DPN: 500 JAVELIN 0.26% C 0.15% Ni 3.2% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Tube;
HYDRAZ 0.26% C 2.5% Ni 3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% V 8.5% W Atlas; for detachable rock drill bits
steel: Hall and Pickles; forging dies; obsolete JC20 0.3% C 2.75% Cr 0.4% V 10% Wsteel: Jonas;
DPN: 500 extrusion dies for non-ferrous metals
HYKRO 0.28% C 3.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: ESC; nitriding steel; DPN: 500
BS alloy En 40 A and En 40 B JC20N 0.3% C 2.25% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.25% V 10% W steel:
UTS: 1430 Elon: 17% Proof: 1140 Jonas; extrusion dies for non-ferrous metals
HYKROMA 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V steel: C Denton; DPN: 560
extrusion dies, casting dies, etc.; obsolete 1H2 0.3% C 3% Cr 0.55% Mo nitriding steel: S Osborn;
DPN: 610 obsolete
HYKROMB 0.35% C 3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V steel: C Denton; UTS: 920
drop forging dies, etc.; obsolete JIS G31J4 0.19% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.8% Cr 0.5% Cu
DPN: 550 SMA50A, Band C with Ni Mo Nb or Vsteel: Plate; Japanese Standard
HY-TUF 0.25% C 1.3% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 1.5% Si UTS: 560 Proof: 360
steel: Crucible Steel Co. JlS G3114 SMA58 0.19% C (max) 1.4% Mn (max) 0.75% Cr 0.5% Cu
UTS: 1680 Elon: 14% Proof: 1380 with Ni Mo V etc. steel: Plate; Japanese Standard;
IBD 0.32% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.35% Mo steel:.Inman; can hardened and tempered
be nitrided UTS: 650 Proof: 460
IDROTUB56 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Italian JlS 03119 SBV3 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.5% Mo steel:
proprietory specification Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized
IDROTUB58T 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.35% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.22% Mo UTS: 630 Proof: 350
steel: Italian proprietory specification JIS 03120 SQV2A 0.25% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.55% Mo steel:
IDROTUB62T 0.16% C (max) 1.3% Mn 0.25% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.22% Mo Plate; Japanese Standard; bardened and tempered
0.11 % V steel: Italian proprietory specification UTS: 630 Proof: 350
IMPACTO 0.16% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For carburizing; JlS 03120 SQV2B 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.5% Mo steel:
Atlas Plate; Japanese Standard; hardened and tempered
IN12 0.14% C (max) 0.8% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.35% Mo UTS: 720 Proof: 490
0.07% Vsteel: Yawata JIS G3120 SQV3A 0.25% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.5% Mo steel:
IN7P!1 0.04% C 0.5% Mn 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.05% Plate; Japanese Standard; hardened and tempered
Nb 1.2% Cu steel: Solution treated and aged; UTS: 630 Proof: 350
information from Climax Machy JIS 03120 SQV3B 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.5% Mo steel:
UTS: 615 Elon: 30% Proof: 540 Plate; Japanese Standard; hardened and tempered
IN 787A 0.07% C (max) 0.85% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.02% UTS: 730 Proof: 490
Nb (min) 1.2% Cu steel: International Nickel Co.; JIS 03125 SPAH 0.12% C (max) 0.35% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.5% Cu steel:
solution treated and aged; impact 176 J at -60 °C Plate; Japanese Standard
UTS: 630 Elon: 26 % Proof: 550 UTS: 500 Proof: 360
INKOMO 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sanderson; JIS G3179 SBV2 0.25% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.5% Mo steel:
hardened and tempered Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized
DPN: 320 UTS: 1000 Elon: 14% Proof: 780 UTS: 630 Proof: 350
IR34 0.13% C 3.5% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: For case hardening; JIS G3441 STK3A 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
Bofors; annealed; obsolete Japanese Standard
DPN: 220 UTS: 700
IR 74 0.3% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Bofors; hardened and JIS 03441 STK3B 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
tempered; obsolete Japanese Standard
DPN: 300 UTS: 1000 Elon: 15% Proof: 530 UTS: 560 Proof: 400
IR0743 0.35% C 3.4% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Bofors JIS G3441 STK3C 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
DPN: 475 EUT: 1500 Elon: 7% Japanese Standard
ISHIURATA 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Origin unknown for UTS: 670 Proof: 500
bicycle frames JIS G3441 STK3D 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
J7 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.25% V 2.5% Wsteel: Jessop Japanese Standard
J 12 0.26% C 3% Ni 2.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V 10% W UTS: 880 Proof: 700
steel: Jessop; dies for casting Cu JIS G3441 STK3E 0.35% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
DPN:400 Japanese Standard
J 21 0.21 % C 3.2% Cr 4.2% Mo 1.1% W steel: Jessop UTS: 1050 Proof: 950
J23 0.35% C 2.5% Cr 4.2% Mo I% V 1.8% W steel: JIS G3441 STKSIA 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
Jessop Japanese Standard
UTS: 670
JIS G3441 STKSIB 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
Japanese Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 560 Proof: 400
JIS G3441 STKSIC 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Japanese Standard
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' UTS: 630 Proof: 500
Elon Elongation, % JIS 03441 STKSID 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' Japanese Standard
UTS: 880 Proof: 700
I N/mm'~O.1 hbar~O.I02 kgf/mm'~0.06475tonf/in.'~145.04Ibf!in.'~1 MPa JIS G3441 STKSIE 0.3% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pipe;
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Japanese Standard
UTS: 1050 Proof: 950
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
JIS G3441 STKS2A 0.3% C 0.75% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: JIS G4106 SCM22 0.21 % CO. 7% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Japanese
Pipe; Japanese Standard Standard
VTS: 670 JIS G4106 SCM23 0.2% C 0.85% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Japanese
JIS G3441 STKS2B 0.3% C 0.75% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Standard
Pipe; Japanese Standard JIS G4106 SCM24 0.23% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Japanese
UTS: S60 Proof: 400 Standard
JIS G3441 STKS2C 0.3% C 0.75% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: JIS G4106 SNCZ 0.31% C 0.5% Mn 2.75% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Japanese
Pipe; Japanese Standard Standard
UTS: 630 Proof: 500 JIS G4106 SNCZ1 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 2.25% Ni 0.35% Cr steel: Japanese
JIS G3441 STKS2D 0.3% C 0.75% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Standard
Pipe; Japanese Standard JIS G4106 SNCZ2 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 3.25% Ni 1.85% Cr steel: Japanese
VTS: 880 Proof: 700 Standard
JIS G3441 STKS2E 0.3% C 0.75% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: JIS G4106 SNCM1 0.31 % C 0.75% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.22% Mo steel:
Pipe; Japanese Standard Japanese Standard
UTS: 1050 Proof: 950 JIS G4106 SNCM2 0.25% C 0.5% Mn 3.25% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.22% Mo
JIS G3441 STKS4A 0.34% C 0.85% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Japanese Standard
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard JIS G4106 SNCM5 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 3.0% Ni 3.0% Cr 0.6% Mo steel:
VTS: 700 Japanese Standard
JIS G3441 STKS4B 0.34% C 0.85% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.25% Mo JIS G4106 SNCM21 0.21 % C 0.85% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel:
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard Japanese Standard
VTS: 560 Proof: 400 JIS G4106 SNCM22 0.15% C 0.55% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel:
JIS G3441 STKS4C 0.34% C 0.85% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.25% Mo Japanese Standard
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard JIS G4106 SNCM25 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 4.25% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.22% Mo
VTS: 670 Proof: 500 steel: Japanese Standard
JIS G3441 STKS4D 0.34% C 0.85% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.25% Mo JIS G4106 SNCM26 0.17% C 1.0% Mn 3.0% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard Japanese Standard
UTS: 880 Proof: 700 JIS G4109 SCMV1 0.21 % C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
JIS G3441 STKS4E 0.34% C 0.85% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.25% Mo Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized and tempered
steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard VTS: S60 Proof: 320
UTS: 1050 Proof: 95 JIS G4109 SCMV2 0.17% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.5% Mo steel:
JIS G3458 STPA22 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.55% Cu Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized and tempered
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Plate; Japanese Standard UTS: S30 Proof: 280
UTS: 420 Proof: 210 1IS G4109 SCMV3 0.17% C (max) 0.5% Mn 1.25% CrO.55% Mo steel:
JIS G3458 STPA23 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 1.25% Cr 0.55% Mo Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized and tempered
0.035% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard UTS: 600 Proof: 320
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 JIS G4109 SCMV4 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
JIS G3458 STPA24 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized and tempered
0.03% Sand P (max) steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard UTS: 610 Proof: 320
UTS: 420 Proof: 210 JIS G4109 SCMV5 0.15% C (max) 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Plate;
JIS G3458 STPA25 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Japanese Standard; normalized and tempered
Pipe; Japanese Standard UTS: 610 Proof: 320
UTS: 420 Proof: 210 JIS G4109 SCMV6 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
JIS G3458 STPA26 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 9% Cr 1% Mosteel: Pipe; Plate; Japanese Standard; normalized and tempered
Japanese Standard UTS: 610 Proof: 320
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 10 0.37% C 3.2% Cr 0.3% V 9.5% W steel: Jessop
JIS G3462 STBA22 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: JOSpl 0.27% C 3.2% Cr 0.3% V 9.5% W steel: Jessop
Pipe; Japanese Standard JS I 0.25% C (max) 1.0% Mn 1% Cu + Ni + Cr + Mo
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 (max) 0.6% Si steel: Casting; Jopling; weldable
JIS G3462 STBA23 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 1.25% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: DPN: 130 UTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 2:10
Pipe; Japanese Standard JS 18 0.25% C (max) 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.4% Cu
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 steel: Casting; Jopling; for magnetic properties
JIS G3462 STBA24 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: DPN: 140 UTS: 440 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
Pipe; Japanese Standard JS 4 0.15% C (max) 0.4% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.4% Cu
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 steel: Casting; Jopling; for magnetic properties
JIS G3462 STBA25 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Pipe; DPN: 110 VTS: 420 Elon: 22%
Japanese Standard JS 9 0.35% C (max) 1.0% Ni (max) 1.0% Cr (max) 0.6%
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 Mo (max) steel: Casting; Jopling
JIS G3462 STBA25 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 5.0% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: DPN: 230 UTS: 760 Elon: IS% Proof: 480
Pipe; Japanese Standard JS 10 0.35% C (max) 1.0% Ni (max) 1.0% Cr (max) 0.6%
UTS: 420 Proof: 210 Mo (max) steel: Casting; Jopling
JIS G3462 STBA26 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pipe; DPN: 27S UTS: 920 Elon: 12% Proof: S80
Japanese Standard JS 40 0.2% C (max) 0.4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.4%
UTS: 420 Proof: 210 Cu (max) steel: Casting; Jopling; for use up to 54 'C
JIS G4106 SCMl 0.32% C 0.45% Mn 1.2% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Japanese DPN: 160 UTS: 460 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
Standard K 18 0.32% C 5% Cr 1.7% Mo 1.4% W steel: Jessop
JIS G4106 SCM2 0.31% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Japanese DPN: 440
Standard K291 0.13% C 3.0% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Fagersta
JIS G4106 SCM3 0.36% C 0.7% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Japanese K336 0.18% C 3.0% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Fagersta
Standard K 353 0.15% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Fagersta
JIS G4106 SCM21 0.16% CO.7% Mn 1.05% CrO.22% Mosteel: Japanese K 354 0.2% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Fagersta
Standard K825 0.36% C 1.4% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Fagersta
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
KI2103 0.25% C 0.35% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Designation used by KE897 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Kayser
UNS Ellison; hardened and tempered
KI2125 0.23% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: B treatcd DPN: 470 VTS: 1680 Elon: 12%
K13262 0.32% C (max) 0.7% Ni (min) 0.4% Cr (min) 0.15% KEA145 0.35% C 5.5% Cr 1.3% Mo 1% V 1% Si steel: Kayser
Mo (min) steel: Designation used by UNS Ellison; for plastic extrusion dies
K22094 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Cr 0.55% Mo stecl: Designation DPN: 402
used by UNS KEA220 0.35% C 1.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sanderson Kayser
K23505 0.35% C 0.62% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.6% Cu stcel: KFI5A 0.14% C 3.4% Ni 1% Cr steel: Case hardening;
Designation uscd by UNS Kirkstall for BS alloy En 36A
K23578 0.35% C (max) 2.5% Ni (min) 0.25% Mo (min) 0.1 % KF 15B 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Case
V stcel: Designation used by UNS hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 36C
K23579 0.35% C (max) 2.5% Ni (min) 0.25% Mo (min) 0.03% KF 15C 0.16% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Case
V (min) steel: Designation used by UNS hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 39B
K27705 0.37% C (max) 1% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: KFI6 0.32% C 3.2% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy
Designation used by UNS En 23
K42570 0.25% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: KF 19 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Kirkstall for
Designation uscd by UNS BS alloy En 30B
K43170 0.31 % C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo stecl: Designation used by KF28 0.32% C 3.2% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Kirkstall for
UNS BS alloy En 27
K91890 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 5% Cr 3% Mo 0.27% Ti stcel: KF28B 0.32% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Kirkstall for
Designation used by UNS BS alloy En 25
KAISALOY 45FG 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.1 % Mo KF31B 0.19% C 1.7% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Case
0.02% V 0.005% Ti 0.3% Cu steel: Kaiser Steel Corp. hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 325
KAISALOY SOCR 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo KF38A 0.35% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy
0.02% V 0.005% Ti 0.35% Cu steel: Kaiser Steel Corp. En 111
KAISALOY No.1 0.2% C (max) 1.25% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo KF42 0.17% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Case hardening;
0.02% V 0.25% Al 0.35% Cu steel: Kaiser Steel Corp. Kirkstall for BS alloy En 34
KAISALOY No.2 0.12% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.1 % Mo KF42A 0.22% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Case hardening;
0.02% V 0.005% Ti 0.3% Cu steel: Kaiser Steel Co. Kirkstall for BS alloy En 35
KD2 0.25% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey KF50A 0.2% C 1.6% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Kirkslall
UTS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 870 for BS alloy En 13
KD2SE 0.25% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey KF70 0.2% C (max) 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Case
VTS: 990 Elon: II % Proof: 760 hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 351
KD3 0.35% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey KF71 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Case
VTS: 1150 Elon: 9% Proof: 990 hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 352
KE41 0.12% C 4.2% Ni 1.35% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case KF72 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 1% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel: Case
hardening; Kayser Ellison; hardened and tempered; hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 353
core propenies KF73 0.2% C (max) 1.7% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Case
DPN: 375 UTS: 1300 Elon: 15% hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 354
KE 169 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case KF74 0.2% C (max) 2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Case
hardening; Kayser Ellison; hardened and tempered; hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 355
core properties KF75 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel: Case
DPN: 302 VTS: 1000 Elon: 16% hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 361
KE287 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case KF76 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.11% Mo steel: Case
hardening; Kayser Ellison; hardened and tempered; hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 362
core properties KF77 0.24% C 0.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel: Case
DPN: 235 VTS: 790 Elon: 22% hardening; Kirkstall for BS alloy En 363
KE339 0.25% C 2.2% Ni 3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.5% V 9.5% W KH5M 0.15% C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: Russian
0.4% Co 0.7% Si steel: Kayser Ellison; for hot working Standards designation
copper KH5VF 0.15% C (max) 5.2% Cr 0.5% V 0.5% W steel:
DPN:470 Russian Standards designation
KE 339 0.28% C 2.2% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.15% V 9.5% W steel: KG 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07%
Sanderson Kayser V 0.3% Cu steel: Kawasaki Iron and Steel Co.
KE 660 0.12% C 4.7% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For case KP 12 0.12% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Case hardening;
hardening; Kayser Ellison; hardened and tempered; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 33
core properties KP 13 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Kiveton Park
DPN: 311 UTS: 1020 Elon: 16% for BS alloy En 21
KE805 0.35% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Kayser KP 17 0.3% C 3.25% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Kiveton
Ellison; hardened and tempered Park for BS alloy En 23
DPN: 350 UTS: 1150 Elon: 17% Proof: 1030 KP23 0.3% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Kiveton Park
for BS alloy En 27
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: KP31 0.18% C (max) 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For case
hardening; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 36
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number KP 35 0.16% C 4% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: For case hardening;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 39
Elon Elongation, % KP36 0.3% C 4.22% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Kivetoo
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' Park for BS alloy En 30B
KP 37 0.2% C 1.7% Ni 2.25% Mo steel: For case hardening;
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonfJin. 2 =145.04lbfJin. 2 =1 MPa Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 34
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
KR 35 0.13% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: For case hardening; MM030 0.3% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel:
Bofors; annealed Casting; Wolsingham
DPN:240 DPN: 225 VTS: 760 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
KR 75 0.35% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Bofors; hardened and MI20 0.14% C3.5% NiO.7% Crsteel: YEW
tempered M 130 0.19% C 4.1% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
DPN: 340 VTS: 1160 Elon: 12% Proof: 870 MI88 0.06% C (max) 1.7% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Cu steel: Weld
KVI See Philips KV I electrode; designation used by AWS
KV3 See Philips KV 3 M210 0.33% C 1.6% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: YEW
KV4 See Philips KV 4 MANOIR PFI 0.15% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey
KV5 See Philips KV 5 VTS: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 280
KV7 See Philips KV 7 MANOIRPF2 0.15% C 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey
UN 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For case hardening; VTS: 5SO Elon: 16% Proof: 320
Swift Levick for BS alloy En 34 MANOIRPF5 0.15% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey
L 197 0.36% C 1.4% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Fagersta; VTS: 600 Elon: 18% Proof: 260
hardened and tempered MANOIRPF6 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pompey
DPN: 400 VTS: 1360 Elon: 5% Proof: 1160 VTS: 500 Elon: 15% Proof: 240
L536 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Fagersta MANOIR PFI5 0.2% C 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Pompey
LARPORT 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Hall and VTS: 6SO Elon: 16% Proof: 400
Pickles; plastic dies and moulds; hardened and MANOlR PFV55 0.15% C 2.0% Cr 0.35% Mo + V + Al steel: Pompey
tempered; obsolete VTS: 550 Elon: 15% Proof: 280
VTS: 1140 Elon: 20% Proof: 1020 MANOIRPMI7 0.12% C with Mo and V steel: Pompey
LCHD 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 9.0% W0.4% Co steel: Origin VTS: 600 Elon: 16% Proof: 420
unknown MANOIRPM35 0.17% C with Cr Mo and V steel: Pompey
LESCALLOY 4330 0.3% C 1.8% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.07% V steel: VTS: 1100 Elon: 8% Proof: 800
+V Latrobe MANOIR Cr V Wsteel: For carburizing; Pompey
LESCALLOY 4335 0.35% C 1.85% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% V steel: ABRADlER 600
+V Latrobe MARSHCH5 0.37% C 5% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.6% Vsteel: Marsh
LESCALLOY 9310 0.1 % C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.12% Mo steel: Latrobe; for Brothers; hot forging dies, etc.
carburizing MARSHCTHY 0.3% C 3.4% Cr 0.35% V 8.5% Wsteel: Marsh
LESCALLOY BG31 0.12% C 2.8% Ni 1.5% Cr 5.0% Mo steel: Latrobe; for Brothers; hot forging dies, etc.
carburizing MAX HIGH 0.15% C (max) 0.75% Mn 0.55% Cr 0.2% Mo@.2%
LESCALLOY UT19 0.16% C 4.25% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Latrobe; TENSILE Cu 0.07% Zr steel: National Steel
for carburizing MAXINIUM 0.32% C 5.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 5% Wsteel: Edgar Allen;
LESCOHW114 0.3% C 1.65% Ni 2.75% Cr 9.75% Wsteel: Latrobe; die casting moulds
for hot working DPN: 570
LHG 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: For case hardening; MAXNAP 0.3% C 1.05% Cr 0.2% V steel: Edgar Allen; rivet
Swift Levick for BS alloy En 36 hammers, lathe centres, etc.
LK5 0.3% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % Al steel: For nitriding; DPN: 540
Firth Brown for En 41A MAXTRESS 0.35% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Jonas
LK 7 0.2% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % AI steel: For nitriding; VTS: 1380 Elon: 13% Proof: 1300
Firth Brown MAYARI R 0.12% C (max) 0.75% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.7% CrO.l% Zr
LKP 0.24% C 3.5% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 1.0% Al steel: steel: Bethlehem Steel Co.
Firth Brown; for nitriding MCHT 0.25% C 1.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Pompey
LOYCONN 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo MCL 0.3% C 3.7% Cr 6.25% Mo 0.75% V 1.0% Wsteel:
0.12% V steel: Consett; normalized Latrobe; hot work
VTS: 610 Elon: 16% Proof: 360 DPN:4SO
LOYCONQT 0.15% C (max) 1.2% Mn 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo MCN 0.33% C 3% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For hot work
0.12% V steel: Consett; hardened and tempered tools; Osborn; stamping dies; casting dies, etc.;
VTS: 770 Elon: 18% Proof: 710 obsolete
LPD 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.6% Mo 0.3% V 1.3% W1% Si steel: DPN: 350
Casting; Latrobe; steel for precision casting of forging MCV 24 0.27% C 0.75% CrO.I% V steel: Krupp
dies MEL·TROL 0.1 % C 5.0% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.25% V steel: Carpenter;
DPN: 550 SUPER SAMSON for AISI type P4
LT39 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.0% V steel: For tools; MEL-TROL TK 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V9.0% Wsteel: Carpenter
Low Moor MET-HARD 250 1.7% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
LT41W 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.6% Mo 0.25% V 1.5% W1.0% Si DPN: 2SO
steel: Low Moor; for hot work tools; obsolete MET·HARD 350 0.15% C 3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V steel: Electrode;
DPN: 550 Metrode
LT43 0.3% C 3.2% Cr 0.2% V 9% Wsteel: Low Moor; for DPN: 350
hot work tools; obsolete MET-HARD 400HW 0.1 % C 4.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% V 1.2% Wsteel:
DPN: 620 Electrode; Metrode
LT45 0.25% C 2.5% Ni 3% Cr 0.25% V 8.5% Wsteel: Low MET-HARD 450 0.2% C 3% Cr 1% Mo + V + Nb steel: Electrode,
Moor; for hot work tools; obsolete Metrode
DPN: 630 DPN: 450
LT 52 0.35% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Low MET-HARD 450HW 0.3% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.8% Wsteel: Electrode;
Moor; die steel; obsolete Metrode
DPN: 580 MET-HARD 500HW 0.25% C 2.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.6% V 4.5% Wsteel:
LT 53 0.12% C 4% Ni 1.25% Cr steel: Low Moor; carburizing Electrode; Metrode
die steel; obsolete MET-HARD 530HW 0.3% C 1.5% Cr 8% W2% Co 0.8% Nb steel:
LTFORGlNG 0.33% C 3.5% Cr 0.5% V 9.5% Wsteel: Firth Sterling Electrode; Metrode
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MET·HARD 550HW 0.25% C 4.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.3% V 3% W steel: MOLYCROM55 0.04% C 0.7% Mn 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo: Welding
Electrode; Metrode electrode; Soudometal; for welding creep strength
MET-HARD H13 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 1% V steel: Electrode; steels
Metrode urs: 480 Elon: 30% Proof: 250
DPN:6OO MOLYCROM91 0.09% C 0.8% Mn 9.4% Cr 1.0% Mo: Welding
MIL-S 12504 0.57% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: US military electrode; Soudometal; for weldingcreep strength
MnCrMo specification oxidation resistant steels
MIL·S 1250512 0.12% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.75% Cr0.35% Cu UTS: 600 Elon: 35% Proof: 325
steel: Bethlehem Steel Co. MOLYCROM TI 15 0.08% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo: Welding
MIL-S 15083- 0.2% C (max) 2.8% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: electrode; Soudometal; for welding creep strength
100-70 Casting; US Federal specification stcels
MIL-S 15464-1 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting UTS: 620 Elon: 23% Proof: 530
MIL-S 15464-2 0.18% C (max) 2.3% Cr 1% Mo steel: Casting; US MONARCHDW8 0.3% C 2.75% Cr 0.45% V 7.7% W tool steel: Origin
Federal specification unknown
MIL-S 15464-3 0.18% C (max) 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.15% V steel: MONARCHNCG 0.35% C 4.0% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Origin
Casting; US Federal specification unknown
MIL-S 21925 0.2% C (max) 3% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: US MONARCH 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.6% Mo tool steel: Origin
military specification SPECIAL TAN unknown
MIL-S 46047 0.42% C 1.1% Cr 0.62% Mo 0.25% V steel: US MOSTAR 0.32% C 5.0% Cr 1.15% Mo 0.35% V 1.2% W steel:
military specification Pompey
MK2 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% V 8.8% Wsteel: Origin MOULD STEEL 0.35% C 1.65% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sanderson Kayser
unknown MOV 0.18% C 0.6% Mo 0.3% V steel: ESC; creep resisting;
ML50 0.13% C 0.48% Mn 0.61 % Ni 0.4% Cr 0.01 % Mo for steam turbines
0.2% Cu steel: Origin unknown MOVA 0.2% C 0.3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.7% Mo 0,.25% V steel:
ML60 0.13% C 0.9% Mn 0.68% Ni 0.51% CrO.OI% Mo Firth Brown; for use at temperatures up to 550 'C
0.3% Cu steel: Origin unknown UTS: 840 Elon: 15% Proof: 610
ML 70 0.16% C 0.95% Mn 0.73% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.01% Mo MTA2 0.35% C 3.75% Ni 1.7% Cr steel: Pompey
0.3% Cu steel: Origin unknown MTA3 0.35% C 4.0% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey
MNC831 General standard for SS range of pressure vessel steel MTR 0.13% C 0.8% Mn 1.4% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.08%
tubes; Swedish Standard V 0.25% Cu steel: Imphy
MNC832 General standard for SS range of seamless gas pressure MVW 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 1.75.%-Cr 0.5$ Me 0.5% V 0.5%
vessels; Swedish Standard Wsteel: Swift Levick; for hot dies
MNC853 General standard for SS range of alloyed steels NI 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Jessop
intended for heat treatment; Swedish Standard N2 0.22% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Jessop
Mol8 0.18% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.3% Cu steel: N2MCH 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For carburizing;
Casting; Wolsingham Firth Brown for BS 970 En 34
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 N3 0.17% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Jessop
MODALS 0.3% C 2.1 % Ni 2.1 % Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Pompey N3CCH 0.12% C 3.3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel:-For carbuming; Firth
MOHD 0.36% C 3.5% Cr 6% Mo 0.75% V 1% W tool steel: Brown for BS 970 En 36A and En 36B
Huntsman; hot work dies N3CMCH 0.12% C 3.3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For
DPN:6OO carburizing; Firth Brown for BS 970 En 36
MOHD 0.36% C 3.5% Cr 6.0% Mo 0.75% V 1.0% W steel: N3MCH 0.24% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: For carburizing;
Origin unknown Firth Brown for BS 970 En 35
MOLYCROM05 0.05% C 0.8% Mn 0.55% Cr 0.55% Mo: Welding N4CCH 0.14% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr steel: For carbuming;
electrode; Soudometal; for welding creep strength Firth Brown for BS 970 En 39A
steels N4CMCH 0.14% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For
UTS: 610 Elon: 24% Proof: 520 carburizing; Firth Brown for BS 970 En 39B
MOLYCROM 15 0.06% C 0.8% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo: Welding N5MCH 0.12% C 5.1 % Ni 0.2% Mo steel: For carburizing;
electrode; Soudometal; for welding creep strength Firth Brown for BS 970 En 38
steels NI2 0.12% C 3.5% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
urs: 610 Elon: 22% Proof: 520 Casting; Wolsingham
MOLYCROM21 0.06% C 0.8% Mn 2.4% Cr 1.0% Mo: Welding rod; urs: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
Soudometal; for welding creep strength steels NAXTRA 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.0025% B
UTS: 670 Elon: 22% Proof: 570 steel: National Steel
MOLYCROM21 0.09% C 0.6% Mn 2.4% Cr 1.0% Mo: Welding N A XTRA 55 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.07% Zr
STC electrode; Soudometal; for welding creep strength steel: Hoag
steels N AXTRA60 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.07% Zr
urs: 600 Elon: 24% Proof: 510 steel: Hoag
N A XTRA 65 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.07 Zr
steel: Hoag
N AXTRA 70 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.07% Zr
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: steel: Hoag
N AXTRA 75 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.07% Zr
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number steel: Hoag
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' N A XTRA SO 0.2% C (max) 0.85% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.05% Zr
Elon Elongation, % steel: National Steel
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' N A XTRA 93 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: National
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: National
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Steel
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NATIONALLOY 14 0.35% C 3.5% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.12% Y steel: NF A36 2061 0.18% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% MoO.04%
Source unknown 15C0205 Y (max) steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized and
NAX 9115-AC 0.13% C 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel tempered
NBYOC I/W 0.17% C 1.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Krupp UTS: 510 Proof: 270
NCMI 0.34% C 1.5% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Huntsman NF A36 2061 0.18% C (max) 1.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.04%
DPN:600 15C0405 Y (max) steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized and
NCM2 0.35% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Huntsman, tempered
punches, collets, moulds, etc. UTS: 510 Proof: 300
DPN:560 NF A36 20611503 0.18% C (max) 0.65% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.04% Y (max)
NCM3 0.35% C 3.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Huntsman, steel: Plate; French Standard
punches, collets, moulds, etc. UTS: 490 Proof: 260
DPN: 550 NF A36 2061 O. [8% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.08% Y
NCM3 0.3% C 2.4% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Firth Brown 15MDY405 (max) steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized and
for BS alloy En 25 tempered
NCM4 0.35% C 4% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Huntsman, UTS: 570 Proof: 350
dies, punches, moulds, etc. NF A36 2061 0.2% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.3% Cr (max) 0.5% Mo
DPN: 550 18MD405 0.04% Y (max) steel: Plate; French Standard;
NCM6 0.3% C 3.25% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Firth Brown normalized and tempered
for BS alloy En 27 UTS: 570 Proof: 350
NCM30 0.3% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.3% Cu steel: NF A36 208!0.5NiA 0.14% C (max) 0.5% Ni 0.2% Cr (max) 0.1 %
Casting; Wolsingham Mo (max) 0.05% Y (max) steel: Plate; French
DPN: 230 UTS: 760 Elan: 15% Proof: 480 Standard
NCM40 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.3% Cu steel: UTS: 460 Proof: 270
Casting; Wolsingham NF A36 208!I.5Ni 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 1.5% Ni 0.2%
NCMSPEC[AL 0.32% C 4.2% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Swift Levick Cr (max) 0.1% Mo (max) 0.05% Y (max) steel: Plate;
for BS alloy En 30B French Standard
NCMo 0.25% C Cr Mo steel: Casting; Firth Brown; hardened UTS: 550 Proof: 340
and tempered NF A36 208I5Ni 0.1 % C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 5.0% Ni 0.2% Cr (max)
DPN: 2SO UTS: 840 Elan: 17% Proof: 610 0.1 % Mo (max) 0.05% Y (max) steel: Plate; French
NCR2 0.3% C 3.25% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Firth Brown for BS Standard
alloy En 23 UTS: 550 Proof: 380
NE 8150 0.5% C 0.3% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For valves; NF A36 2081 A52FP2 0.2% C (max) 0.1% Mn (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 0.2%
origin unknown Cr (max) 0.1% Mo (max) 0.05% Y (max) steel: Plate;
NF A35 551116N06 0.15% C 0.75% Mn 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: French French Standard; normalized
Standard UTS: 570 Proof: 340
NF A35 5511 0.18% C 0.75% Mn 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: NH 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Obsolete; S
18NCOG French Standard Osborn; replaced by RABI
NF A35 551120NC6 0.18% C 0.7% Mn 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: French NHP 0.26% C 2.5% Ni 3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Y 9% W
Standard steel: For tools; Huntsman; forging dies; for nimortic
NF A35 551120NCD2 0.2% C 0.75% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: alloys
French Standard DPN:460
NF A35 551125CD4 0.26% C 0.75% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: French NIMO 0.26% C (max) 0.3% Mn 3.0% Ni 0.6% Mo steel:
Standard Isaacson
NF A35 5511 0.3% C 0.65% Mn 1.65% Cr 0.32% Mo 1.15% AI NiCr 322 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wrought;
3OCAD6/12 steel; French Standard Belgian national specification
NF A35 551130C04 0.31% C 0.75% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: French NiCr 342 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Wrought; Belgian
Standard national specification
NF A35 551/30COl2 0.31% C 0.55% Mn 3.0% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: French NiCrMo 335 0.3% C 3.3% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Wrought:
Standard Belgian national specification
NF A35 551/30CN08 0.3% C 0.45% Mn 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: NiCrMo342 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wrought;
French Standard Belgian national specification
NF A35 551135C04 0.36% C 0.75% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: French NiCrMo415 0.3% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.28% Mo steel: Wrought;
Standard Belgian national specification
NF A35 551135NC6 0.35% C 0.75% Mn 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: French NICUAGEI 0.06% C 0.85% Ni 0.02% Nb 1.15% Cu steel:
Standard International Nickel Co.; aged weldable
NF A35 551135NCD6 0.34% C 0.75% Mn 1.4% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: DPN: 230 UTS: 700 Elan: 23% Proof: 640
French Standard NICUAGE I 0.04% C 0.8% Ni 0.02% Nb (min) 1.1 % Cu steel: Age
NF A35 5651 0.15% C 0.5% Mn 3.25% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.22% Mo (max) hardening; for use in high strength structural work;
16NC013 steel: For hearings: French Standard International Nickel Co.
NF A35 565/18NC04 0.101% C 0.65% Mn 1.1 % Ni 0.42% Cr 0.22% Mo DPN: 230 UTS: 680 Elan: 23% Proof: 650
steel: For bearings; French Standard NIT-KD 0.25% C 3.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Pompey
NF A35 565120NCD2 0.2% C 0.8% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: NITRAL4 0.34% C 1.65% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.9% AI steel: Pompey
For hearings; French Standard NITRALLOY5 0.3% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1% Al steel: ESC; BS
NF A35 565120NC07 0.19% C 0.55% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: alloy En 41A; nitriding steel
For bearings; French Standard NITRALLOY LK7 0.2% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % AI steel: For nitriding;
NF A36 2061 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.04% Firth Brown
IOC091O Y (max) steel: Plate; French Standard; normalized and NKHlTEN60A 0.18% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.1 % V steel:
tempered Nippon Kokan
UTS: 570 Proof: 300 NKHlTEN60B 0.16% C (max) 1.35% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.3% Mo
0.15% Cu steel: Nippon Kokan
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NKHITEN70 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.6% Mo OCM5 0.2% C. 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr steel: W
0.22% Cu steel: Nippon Kokan Marrison for BS alloy En 14
NKHITEN80 0.18% C (max) 1.0% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.6% Mo ON3 0.3% C 3.1 % Ni 0.3% Cr steel: W Marrison for BS
0.1 % V 0.3% Cu 0.006% B steel: Nippon Kokan alloy En 21
NKHITEN 100 0.18% C (max) 0.9% Mn 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo ON5 0.3% C 3.1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: W Marrison
HW90 0.15% V 0.3% Cu steel: Nippon Kokan for BS alloy En 23
NO. 158 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Carpenterfor AISI ON7 0.3% C 2.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: W Marrison
type P6 for BS alloy En 25
NOl58 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Carpenter ON9 0.3% C 3.4% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: W Marrison
N0345 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.25% Wsteel: Carpenter for BS alloy En 27
NORESCONSW 0.3% C 1.3% Cr 0.35% Mo 4.25% W steel: Schoeller· ON 10 0.35% C 4% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: W Marrison
Bleckmann for BS alloy En 28
UTS: 1530 ON 12 0.35% C 1.3% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: W Marrison for BS
NORESCO 0.15% C 3.6% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: For case hardening; alloy En 111
PARFORCE Schoeller·Bleckmann; for plastic moulds ORELLOY242 0.22% C 0.5% Mn 0.45% Ni 0.86% Cr 0.4% Cu steel:
SPECIAL 10 Oregon
NORESCOSG 0.26% C 2.75% Cr 0.15% V 9% W steel: Schoeller· OSBORN 501 0.2% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Osborn; previously PY
Bleckmann grade
UTS: 1500 OX602 0.2% C (max) 1.7% Mn 0.09% V steel: Plate; Svenskt
NORESCOSGW 0.23% C 1.5% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.15%Mo 0.15% V 9.5% Stal; graded by impact
Wsteel: Schoeller·Bleckmann UTS: 650 Elon: 18% Proof: 490
UTS: 1500 OX702 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.45% Cr + Mo + V (max)
NORESCOWCD 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.35% V 1.2% W 1% Si 0.005% B steel: Plate; Svenskt Stal; graded by impact
steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann UTS: 770 Elon: 18% Proof: 600
UTS: 1550 OX812 0.2% C (max) 1.7% Mn 0.37% Cr + Mo + V 0.005%
NORESCO WCD 2 0.33% C 5% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.5% V 1% Si steel: B steel: Plate; Svenskt Stal; graded by impact
Schoeller-Bleckmann UTS: 810 Elon: 16% Proof: 620
UTS: 1500 OXI222BM 0.25% C (max) 1.7% Mn 1.5% Ni 1% Mo 0.1% V
NSW 0.3% C 1.3% Cr 0.35% Mo 4.25% W steel: Schoeller- 0.01 % Al 0.005% B steel: Plate; Svenskt Stal
Bleckmann UTS: 1200 Elon: 10% Proof: 1100
UTS: 1500 P2 0.07% C 2.0% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.5% Co steel:
N-TUPCRI96 0.13% C 5.5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Nippon Steel Corp.; Designation used by AISI
information from Climax Molybdenum P3 0.11% C (max) 1.25% NiO.55% Cr tool steel:
UTS: 760 Elon: 22% Proof: 600 Designation used by AISI
NV2 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.6% Mo 0.2% V 1.5% W 1% Si tool P4 0.07% C 5.0% Cr 0.75% Mo steel: Designation used by
steel: For hot working; S Osborn; dies, shears, blades, AISI
punches, etc.; obsolete P20 0.35% C 1.25% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Designation used by
NV7·3 0.18% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: P21 0.2% C 4.1 % Ni 0.25% Cr 0.2% V steel: For tools;
Designation used by DNV listed in ASTM A6811977
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 280 P21 0.2% C 4.1% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.2% V steel: For tools;
NVR 7-2 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.9% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: designation used by AISI
Designation used by DNV P 155 0.15% C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr steel: For case hardening;
NVR 7-3 0.15% C (max) 0.45% Mn 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Carrs
Designation used by DNV P 157 0.15% C 4.25% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: For case hardening;
035XHK 0.25% C steel sheet with alloy elements; SAE J1392 Carrs
grade; strength given by figures; type by letters P 158 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Carpenter
040XHK 0.25% C steel sheet with alloy elements: Coated; SAE P 552 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Carrs;
J 1392 grade; strength given by figures; type by letters gears, shafts, bolts, etc.; can be case hardened
045XHK 0.25% C steel sheet with alloy elements: Coated; SAE UTS: 1300
J 1392 grade; strength given by figures; type by letters P 558 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Carrs;
050XHK 0.25% C steel sheet with alloy elements: Coated; SAE crankshafts, gears, spindles, etc.
J 1392 grade; strength given by figures; type by letters DPN: 350 UTS: 1070
060XHK 0.25% C steel sheet with alloy elements: Coated; SAE P 564 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Carrs; crankshafts,
J 1392 grade; strength given by figures; type by letters bolts, spindles, etc.
070XHK 0.25% C steel sheet with alloy elements: Coated; SAE DPN: 350 UTS: 1000
J 1392 grade; strength given by figures; type by letters P612 0.3% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo I% Al steel: For nitriding;
080XHK 0.25% C steel sheet with alloy elements: Coated; SAE Carrs
J 1392 grade; strength given by figures; type by letters UTS: 610
P 615 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 3% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: For nitriding;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UTS: 1000
PARFORCE 0.15% C 3.6% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: For case hardening;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SPECIAL 10 Schoeller-Bleckmann; for plastic moulds
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' PCS 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.25% V 1.4% W 1% Si
Elon Elongation, % steel: T Turton
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' PDX 0.28% C 2.25% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V 2.25%
H steel: For tools; Balfour Darwin
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa PFI 0.15% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. PF2 0.12% C 1.1% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey
PF2M 0.1% C 1.1% CrO.5% Mosteel: Pompey
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
PF 5 0.12% C 4.4% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey Pro No I 0.3% C 0.85% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Origin unknown;
PF5K 0.08% C 5.0% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Pompey for bicycle frames
PF6 0.12% C 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pompey Pro No 2 0.3% C 0.85% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Origin unknown;
PF 15 0.15% C 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Pompey for bicycle frames
PFDV 0.13% C 1.35% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% V steel: Pompey Pro No 3 0.3% C 0.85% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Origin unknown.;
PFV 55 0.12% C 2.0% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.08% V 0.4% AI ~teel: for bicycle frames
Pompey PSIO 0.21 % C 0.3% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.07% Mo steel: SAE
PHILIPS 35S 0.17% C 0.44% Ni 0.1% CrO.02% Mo 0.01% V steel: potential specification
Welding electrode; Philips PSIS 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential
PHILIPS 88 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Ni 0.1% Cr (max) 0.4% Mo specification
steel: Welding electrode; Philips PSI6 0.22% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential
VTS: 670 Elon: 23% Proof: 500 specification
PHILIPS 98 0.1% C (max) 1.6% Ni 0.15% Cr (max) 0.35% PSI7 0.25% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential
Mo (max) steel: Welding electrode; Philips specification
VTS: 670 Elon: 26% Proof: 580 PSI8 0.27% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential
PHILIPS 108 0.1 % C (max) 1.8% Ni 0.35% Cr (max) 0.35% specification
Mo (max) steel: Welding electrode; Philips PSI9 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.11 % Mo 0.0004% B steel: SAE
VTS: 720 Elon: 24% Proof: 660 potential specification
PHILIPS 118 0.1 % C (max) 2.0% Ni 0.4% Cr (max) 0.3% Mo steel: PS20 0.15% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential
Welding electrode; Philips specification
VTS: 790 Elon: 20% Proof: 710 PS20 0.17% CO.5% CrO.17% Mo steel: SAE potential
PHILIPS 400 0.12% C 2.6% Cr 0.9% Mo steel: Welding electrode; specification
Philips PS24 0.2% C 0.55% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: SAE potential
PHILIPS KVI 0.07% C 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode; specification
Philips PS30 0.15% C 0.8% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: SAE
VTS: 600 Elon: 22% Proof: 500 potential specification
PHILIPS KV3 0.05% C (max) 22% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Welding PS31 0.17% C 0.8% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: SAE
electrode: Philips potential specification
VTS: 640 Elon: 23% Proof: 520 PS32 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.52% Mo steel: SAE
PHILIPS KV4 0.05% C (max) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding potential specification
electrode: Philips PS33 0.2% C 0.2% Ni (min) 0.2% Cr (min) 0.0)% Mo (min)
VTS: 640 Elon: 22% Proof: 540 steel: SAE potential specification
PHILIPS KV5 0.05% C (max) 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding PS34 0.3% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential
electrode; Philips specification
VTS: 590 Elon: 25% Proof: 490 PS54 0.22% C 0.55% Cr 0.05% Mo (min) steel: SAE
PHILIPS KV7 0.06% C 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Welding electrode; potential specification
Philips PS55 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.55% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: SAE
VTS: 590 Elon: 27% Proof: 440 potential specification
PLASMOLD 0.35% C 4.3% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Firth PS56 0.1% C 1.8% Ni 0.55% CrO.7% Mo steel: SAE
Brown; for plastic dies potential specification
PLASTIFORM 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Clyde Alloy PS66 0.18% C 1.8% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: SAE
DPN: 550 potential specification
PLMN5 0.1 % C 5% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.2% V steel: ESC for plastic PX 80 PLUS 0.2% 0.7% Cr 0.9% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.0025% B steel: Phoenix
moulds; case hardened PX 90 PHIS 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.0025% B steel:
PLMC/3 0.16% C 4.2% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: ESC for Phoenix
plastic moulds; case hardened PX 100 PHIS 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.0025% B steel:
PM 17 0.14% C 1.55% Mn 0.12% Mo 0.Q7 V steel: Pompey Phoenix
PM 18 0.18% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% PX 110 PHIS 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.0025% B steel:
Cu steel: Casting; Wolsingham Phoenix
VTS: 480 Elon: 20% PX360 PHIS 0.2% C 0.9% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.0025% B steel:
PM 23 0.23% C 1.4% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% CrO.15% Mo 0.3% Phoenix
Cu steel: Casting; Wolsingham PY 8720 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey
VTS: 610 Elon: 20% PYROTOUGH 0.35% C 2.75% Cr 0.25% V 0.5% Wsteel: Clyde
PM 24 0.19% C 0.4% MoO.I% V steel: Pompey Alloy
PM 30 0.3% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% DPN:460
Cu steel: Casting; Wolsingham PYROWEAR 0.1% C2% Ni 1% Cr 3.2% MoO.I% V 2% Cu steel:
VTS: 760 Elon: 17% ALLOY 53 Carpenter; for carburizing
PM 35 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% PZ6042 0.12% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel wire: For welding;
Cu steel: Casting; Wolsingham Philips
VTS:610 Elon: 17% VTS: 600 Elon: 21 % Proof: 510
PM 35 0.18% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.07% V steel: Pompey PZ6043 0.1 % C 2.4% Cr 1% Mo steel wire: For welding;
PM 38 0.28% CO.8% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1% V steel: Philips
Pompey VTS: 6SO Elon: 23% Proof: 510
PNUSNAPWH 0.35% C 1% Cr 1.8% Wsteel: Firth Brown; punches, PZ 6044 0.1% C 5.9% Cr 0.5% Mo steel wire: For welding;
shears Philips
PREMO 0.05% C 3.9% CrO.5% Mo 0.1% Vsteel: Uddelholm VTS: 600 Elon: 22% Proof: 540
for type P 4 PZ6047 0.12% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel wire: For
PRESSURDIE/2 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.45% Mo 0.3% V 1.2% Wsteel: welding; Philips
Braebum; AISI type HI2 VTS: 740 Elon: 20% Proof: 620
PREXI 0.15% C 1.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Uddelholm
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
R9030 0.35% C 2.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For hot ROP 5462 0.24% C 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bofors; hardened
work tools; Balfour; moulding dies; piercing punches and tempered
DPN: 550 DPN: 260 UTS: 820 Elon: 20% Proof: 700
RlOO 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Weld ROPT 0.2% C 3.0% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.8% V0.5% Wsteel:
electrode; designation used by AWS Bofors; obsolete
RABI 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: S Osborn; RS2 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Toledo for BS alloy
mould steel; hardened and tempered En 34 and En 35
DPN: 500 RS3 0.12% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Toledo for BS alloy En
RBD 0.3% C 3% Cr 0.5% V 10% Wsteel: Firth Brown 33
RBD-E 0.22% C 2.2% Ni 2.2% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.2% V 10% W RT27 0.35% C 3.5% Ni 1.0% CrO.2% V 5.5% Wsteel:
steel: Firth Brown Bofors; obsolete
RED 0.25% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For wear; DPN: 350
DIAMOND20H Redheugh RT45 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.3% V 10% Wsteel: Bofors;
DPN: 260 UTS: 820 Elon: 18% Proof: 630 obsolete
RED 0.25% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For wear; DPN: 450
DIAMOND20S Redheugh S133 0.16% C 0.9% Ni 0.6% Cr steel for carburizing: BS
DPN: 220 UTS: 710 Elon: 25% Proof: 600 designation for aerospace steel
RED INDIAN 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% V4.5% W0.5% Co S134 0.4% C 3.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: BS designation
steel: Atlas; as AISI type HI4 for aerospace steel
REPUBLIC 50 0.15% C (max) 0.7% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.3% CrO.I% Mo S138 0.4% C 3.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: BS designation for
0.7% Cu steel: Republic Steel aerospace steel
REPUBLIC 65 0.15% C 1.0% Mn 1.2% Ni 0.25% Mo 1.1 % Cu steel: S139 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.27% Mo steel: BS
Republic Steel designation for aerospace steel
REPUBLIC 70 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.25% Mo 1.2% Cu SI40 0.32% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: BS
steel: Republic Steel designation for aerospace steel
RHB65 0.2% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.18% Vsteel: SI42 0.25% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS designation for
German proprietor's specification aerospace steel
RIVER ACE 70 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.4% Mo SI46 0.38% C 4% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Vacuum
0.08% V 0.4% Cu 0.005% B steel: Kawasaki Iron and melted; BS designation for aerospace steel
Steel Co. SI47 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For bolts;
RIVER ACE KO 0.18% C (max) 1.0% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.6% Mo BS designation for aerospace steel
0.08% V0.5% Cu 0.006% B steel: Kawasaki Iwn and SI48 0.38% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For bolts; BS
Steel Co. designation for aerospace steel
R0211 0.12% C 2.5% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Bofors; normalized SI49 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For bolts;
and tempered BS designation for aerospace steel
DPN: 190 UTS: 610 Elon: 26% Proof: 460 SI53 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: BS
R0346 0.16% C 1.0% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Bofors; hardened designation for aerospace steel
and tempered SI54 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: BS
DPN: 240 UTS: 770 Elon: 20% Proof: 680 designation for aerospace steel
R0651 0.3% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bofors SI55 0.41 % C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.08% V 1.7% Si
DPN: 325 UTS: 1100 Elon: 11 % steel: BS designation for aerospace steel
R0653 0.25% C I.l % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bofors; hardened SI56 0.16% C 4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Carburizing;
and tempered BS designation for aerospace steel
DPN: 300 UTS: 990 Elon: 13% Proor: 700 SI57 0.15% C 3.2% Ni 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Carburizing;
R0663 0.28% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Bofors BS designation for aerospace steel
R0752 0.35% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bofors; hardened SI58 0.25% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For bolts; BS
and tempered designation for aerospace steel
DPN: 280 UTS: 820 Elon: 14% Proof: 580 S534 0.25% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Weldable
RO 4154 0.25% C 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bofors; hardened S535 0.25% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Weldable
and tempered SABEX 0.3% C 1.7% Ni 2.2% Cr 0.1 % V steel: Sanderson; hot
DPN: 260 UTS: 840 Elon: 20% Proof: 710 shear blades, casting dies
RO 7155 0.35% C 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bofors; hardened DPN: 610
and tempered SAE43 BVI2 0.12% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.03% V steel:
DPN: 350 UTS: 1140 Elon: 12% Proof: 890 Obsolete
ROP 10 0.08% C 3.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.2% V steel: For SAE43 BVI4 0.14% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.03% V steel:
carburizing; Bofors Obsolete
ROP63 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: For SAE46 BI2 0.12% C 1.85% Ni 0.25% Mo steel
nitriding; Bofors; hardened and tempered; obsolete SAE 94 BI5 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 0.35% Cr 0.1 I% Mo steel with B
DPN: 320 UTS: 1030 Elon: 12% Proof: 820 SAE 94 BI7 0.17% C 0.45% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.0005% B steel
SAE 94 B30 0.3% C0.45% Ni 0.4% CrO.I% MoO.0005% B (min)
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SAE 3115 0.15% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Obsolete
SAE 3120 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Obsolete
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SAE 3130 0.3% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' SAE 3135 0.35% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel
Elon Elongation, % SAE 3215 0.15% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Obsolete
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' SAE 3220 0.2% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Obsolete
SAE 3230 0.3% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Obsolete
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin-'=145.04 Ibf/in.'=1 MPa SAE 3240 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Obsolete
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. SAE 3310 0.1 % C 3% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: As AISI3310
SAE 3312 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 3316 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 1.6% Cr steel: Obsolete SANBOLD25 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sanderson
SAE 3325 0.25% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Obsolete for BS alloy En 25
SAE 3335 10.35% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Obsolete SANBOLD 30 0.32% C 4.2% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson
SAE 3415 0.15% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete for BS alloy En 30
SAE3435 0.35% C 3.0% Ni 0.8% Cr steel SANBOLD33 0.12% C 3.25% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS
SAE 3436 0.35% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete alloy En 33
SAE4118 0.2% C 0.5% Cr 0.12% Mo steel SANBOLD34 0.18% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Sanderson for BS
SAE4119 0.19% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel alloy En 34
SAE 4125 0.25% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete SANBOLD36 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS
SAE 4130 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel alloy En 36A, B or C; C varied to suit
SAE 4135 0.35% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SANBOLD37 0.16% C 5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy
SAE 4137 0.37% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel En 37
SAE4317 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete SANBOLD 38 0.16% C 5% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sanderson for
SAE 4320 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel BS alloy En 38
SAE4337 0.37% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel SANBOLD 39 0.16% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sanderson
SAE 4608 0.08% C 1.5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel for BS alloy En 39
SAE 4615 0.15% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel SANBOLD56 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sanderson,
SAE 4617 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel replaced by Sanbold 25
SAE 4620 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel SANBOLD58 0.18% C 1.7% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Sanderson; replaced
SAE 4621 0.21 % C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel by Sanbold 34
SAE 4626 0.26% C 0.8% Ni 0.2% Mo steel SANBOLD68 0.16% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sanderson;
SAE 4718 0.18% C 1% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.35% Mo steeI replaced by Sanbold 39
SAE4720 0.2% C 0.1% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SANBOLD69 0.16% C 5% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sanderson;
SAE 4812 0.12% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel replaced by Sanbold 38
SAE 4815 0.15% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel SANBOLD77 0.32% C 4.2% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson;
SAE 4817 0.17% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel replaced by Sanbold 30
SAE4820 0.2% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Mo steel SANBOLD 101 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Sanderson; replaced
SAE 6115 0.15% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Obsolete by Sanbold 36
SAE 6117 0.17% C 0.8% Cr 0.1 % V steel SANBOLD N2832 0.12% C 3.25% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson; replaced
SAE 6118 0.18% C 0.6% Cr 0.12% V steel by Sanbold 33
SAE6120 0.2% CO.8% CrO.I% V steel SANBOLD N 3603 0.16% C 5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson; replaced by
SAE 6125 0.25% C 1% CrO.15% V steel: Obsolete Sanbold 37
SAE6130 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Obsolete SANBOLD N 5366 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson; replaced by
SAE 6135 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Obsolete Sanbold 21
SAE8115 0.15% C 0.3% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel SANBOLD NK 8055 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sanderson;
SAE 8615 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel replaced by Sanbold 23
SAE 8617 0.17% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SB46F 0.15% C 1.2% Mn 0.45% Ni 0.2% V 0.35% Cu steel:
SAE 8620 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel German proprietor's specification
SAE 8622 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SB 46FT 0.15% C 1.2% Mn 0.45% Ni 0.2% V 0.35% Cu steel:
SAE 8625 0.25% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel German proprietor's specification
SAE 8627 0.27% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SCORPION 0.3% C 3.4% Ni 1.3% Cr steel: T Turton
SAE 8630 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SD20 0.35% C 1.7% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Balfour; collets,
SAE 8632 0.32% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete gears, etc.
SAE 8635 0.35% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel DPN: 550
SAE 8637 0.37% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SENECA 0.35% C 3.2% Cr 0.4% V 9.5% Wsteel: Atlas; as
SAE 8715 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel AISI type H 21
SAE 8717 0.17% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete SG 0.26% C 2.75% Cr 0.15% V 9% Wsteel: Schoeller-
SAE8719 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete Bleckmann
SAE 8720 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel UTS: 1420
SAE 8735 0.35% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete SGW 0.23% C 1.5% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.15% V 9.5%
SAE 8822 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.35% Mo steel Wsteel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
SAE 9310 0.1 % C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1 % V steel UTS: 1420
SAE 9315 0.15% C 3.2% Ni 1.2% CrO.I% Mo steel SGWI 0.35% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Jonas
SAE 9317 0.17% C 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel UTS: 1060 Elon: 16% Proof: 1000
SAE 9437 0.37% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete SGW2 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Jonas; hardened and
SAE 51501 0.1 % C (min) 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel tempered
SAE 51502 0.1% C5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel UTS: 1300 Elon: 13% Proof 1140
SAE 60502 0.25% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting SGW3 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Jonas; hardened and
SAE 70502 0.25% C (max) 5.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting tempered
SAE H11 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: For tools UTS: 1210 Elon: 13% Proof: 1070
SAEHI2 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 1.5% H steel: For SHEFFIELD 0.12% C 0.4% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.6% CrO.l% Mo 0.4%
tools HIGH Cu 0.03% Ti steel: Armco
SAE H13 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% V steel: For tools STRENGTH A
SAE H21 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V 9% Wsteel: For tools SHEF-LO-TEMP 0.18% C 0.2% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.07% Mo 0.2% Cu steel:
SAE 11392 Specification of steel sheet: Coated; listed by grades Armco; for low temperature use; hardened and
SAE X4620 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel tempered
SANBOLD 21 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy UTS: 580 Elon: 23% Proof: 340
En21 SHEF-SUPER-LO-T 0.16% C 0.23% Ni 0.18% Cr 0.07 Mo 0.2% Cu steel:
SANBOLD23 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sanderson for EMP Armco; for low temperature use; hardened and
BS alloy En 23; Mo optional tempered
UTS: 670 Elon: 23% Proof: 390
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SHNC 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr steel: ESC; for BS alloy SOUDOKAY 0.15% C 0.45% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
En 30A BVO Soudometal
For SIS specifications see SS DPN: 300
SKC31 0.18% C 0.9% Mn 3.0% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: SOUDORG65 0.06% C 1.3% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % V steel:
For hollow drills; Japanese Standards designation Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SKD2 0.18% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey UTS: 750 Elon: 19% Proof: 700
SKD4 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.4% V 5.5% Wsteel: Japanese SOUDORG 0.1 % C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
Standards designation CrMol Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SKD5 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.4% V 9.5% Wsteel: Japanese UTS: 520 Elon: 25% Proof: 350
Standards designation SOUDORG 0.08% C 2.7% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
SKF 126 0.2% C 0.1 % Mn 0.5% Cr steel: Carburizing; SKF CrM02 Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SKF 145 0.16% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Carburizing; SKF UTS: 560 Elon: 22% Proof: 300
SKF 146 0.21 % C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Carburizing; SKF SOUDOTIG 0.1 % C 1.1 % Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
SKF 152 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Carburizing; CrMol Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SKF UTS: 650 Elon: 22% Proof: 510
SKF 153 0.2% C 1% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Carburizing; SOUDOTIG 0.07% C 2.7% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
SKF CrMo2 Soudometal; for inert gas welding
SKF 157 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: UTS: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 450
Carburizing; SKF SOUDOTIG 0.06% C 5.8% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
SKF255 0.17% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Cr Mo55 Soudometal; for inert gas welding
Carborizing; SKF UTS: 600 Elon: 18% Proof: 400
SLS03M 0.25% C 2.5% Ni 2.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% V 9.0% W SP 10 Sintered alloy steel: Good wear resistance; specific
steel: Swift Levick; hot dies gravity 6.0; 22% porosity; Durasint
SL598 0.25% C 4.0% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.3% V 6.0% Wsteel: Swift DPN: 190 UTS: 440 Elon: 1%
Levick; hot dies SP20 Sintered Ni alloy steel: Machinable; specific gravity 6.7;
SL853 0.35% C 5.25% Cr 4.5% W0.5% Co steel: Swift porosity 15%; Durasint
Levick; for hot dies DPN: 260 UTS: 520 Elon: 1%
SL942 0.35% C 2.5% Cr 4.3% Mo 1.0% V 2.0% Wsteel: SP22 Sintered Ni Mo steel: Specific gravity 6.9; Durasint
Swift Levick; for hot dies DPN: 300 UTS: 720 Elon: 1%
SMA 58 See JIS 03114 SMA58 SP24 Sintered Ni alloy steel: Good wear resistance; can be
SN 3 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: Spencer for BS alloy carbo·nitrided; specific gravity 6.8; 13% porosity
En 21 DPN: 12S UTS: 390 Elon: 4%
SN 51! sintered Ni alloy steel: High impact strength; can be SPEAR 451 0.14% C 0.75% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: Spear and Jackson;
hardened; Durasint; specific gravity 6.6; 16% porosity as BS alloy En 351
DPN: 160 UTS: 470 Elon: 6% SPEAR 524 0.32% C 1.5% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Spear and
SNCI 0.3% C 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Spencer for BS alloy Jackson for BS alloy En 24
En 23 SPEAR 525 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Spear and
SNC3G 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo (optional) steel: Jackson; as BS alloy En 25
Spencer for BS alloy En 30 SPEAR 536 0.12% C 3.0% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Spear and Jackson; as
SNCH6 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: For case hardening; BS alloy En 36
Spencer for BS alloy En 36 SPEAR 552 0.17% C 1.0% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Spear and Jackson; as
SNCH9 0.16% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo (optional) steel: BS alloy En 352
Spencer for BS alloy En 39 SPEAR 653 0.18% C 1.25% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel: Spear and
SNCM 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Spencer for Jackson; as BS alloy En 353
BS alloy En 25 SPEAR 855 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Spear and
SNCM26 0.32% C 3.7% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo sleel: Spencer for Jackson; as BS alloy En 355
BS alloy En 27 and En 28 SPEAR 1030 0.32% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Spear and
SNH3 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: For case hardening; Jackson; as BS alloy 30B
Spencer for BS alloy En 33 SPEAR BI 0.32% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Spear and
SNH5 0.14% C 4.8% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: For carburizing; Jackson
Spencer for BS alloy En 37 SPEARB4 0.32% C 0.6% Mn 2.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% V steel:
SOMER 0.35% C 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Somers Origin unknown
SUPAMOLD SPEARD5 0.35% C 5.7% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% V steel: Spear and
SOMPLAS30 0.32% C 4.3% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Somers Jackson; for aluminium die casting moulds
SOUDODURMR 0.03% C 18.0% Ni 4.2% Mo 11.3% Co 0.2% Ti steel SPEARD7 0.32% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V 1.5% Wsteel:
welding electrode: Soudometal; can be heat treated Spear and Jackson; for extrusion dies
DPN:400 SPEARD9 0.3% C 3.2% Cr 0.3% V 9.5% Wsteel: Spear and
SOUDOKAY 0.3% C 6% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W steel: Welding Jackson; for hot work
258LO electrode; Soudometal SPEARDX 0.28% C 2.2% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% V 2.2%
DPN: 470 W steel: Origin unknown
SPECIALBB 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V 9.0% W steel: For tools;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: origin unknown
SPECIALBB 0.28% C 3.2% Cr 0.3% V 9.5% Wsteel: Jessop; dies
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number for casting Cu
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 DPN:400
Elon Elongation, % SPECIALHDS 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V 9.0% W steel: For tools;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 origin unknown
SPENARD 0.32% C 4.1 % Ni 1.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Spencer
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin.2=145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
SPRASTEEL LS 0.04% C 2% Mn 4% Ni 1.5% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: Wire
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. for spraying; Metco; as sprayed
DPN: 261 UTS: 220
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
SS 100 0.16% C 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% Ti 0.3% Cu 0.003% SS 8100 0.2% C (max) 1.75% Ni 0.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel:
B steel: Armco; hardened and tempered Sintered
VTS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 740 SSG 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Jonas; hardened and
SS 2092 1.0% CO. 75% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Swedish Standard; tempered
cold water tool steel VTS: 1430 Elon: 15% Proof: 1300
DPN:240 SSS 100 0.16% C 0.55% Mn 1.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.06% V 0.07%
SS 2203 0.1 % C 9% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Fagersta Ti 0.3% Cu steel: Armco
SS 2203E 0.15% C 0.45% Mn 0.85% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.25% Cu SSS 100A 0.17% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.07% Ti 0.3% Cu 0.003%
steel: Swedish Standard; for pressure vessels; B steel: Armco; hardened and tempered
normalized and annealed VTS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 740
VTS: 650 Elon: 18% Proof: 390 SSS 100A 0.17% C 0.55% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.06% V 0.06%
SS 2216 0.15% C 0.9% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For pressure vcssels; Ti 0.3% Cu steel: Armco
Swedish Standard; as forged SSS 110 0.16% C 0.55% Mn 1.8% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.06% V0.06%
VTS: 500 Elon: 22% Proof: 300 Ti 0.3% Cu steel; Armco
SS 2218 0.15% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: For pressure vessels; SSS 321 0.19% C 0.55% Mn 1.4% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1% Ti 0.4%
Swedish Standard; as forged Cu 0.0015% B steel: Armco
VTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 250 SSS 360 0.19% C 0.5% Mn 1.4% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % Ti 0.3%
SS 2218E 0.11 % C 0.5% Mn 2.2% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.25% Cu steel: Cu 0.0015% B steel: Armco
Swedish Standard; for pressure vessels; normalized and STA 5 V6 0.2% C 0.3% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy
annealed En 14
VTS: 550 Elon: 18% Proof: 265 STA5V6A 0.2% C 0.3% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy
SS 2223 0.18% C 1% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Casting; Swedish Enl4A
Standard; normalized and annealed STA5 V6B 0.2% C 0.3% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: Obsolete
DPN: 160 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 STA 5 V8 0.20% C 0.6% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
SS 2224 0.18% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Casting; Swedish alloy En 13
Standard; normalized and annealed STA 5 V9E 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Replaced by BS
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 alloy En 111
SS 2225 0.25% C 0.25% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar, plate STA 5 V9E/l 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Replaced by BS
and forging; Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered alloy En III
DPN: 350 VTS: 1070 Elon: 8% Proof 860 STA 5 V11 0.31% C 0.7% Cr 0.6% Mo 2.5% Ni steel: Replaced by
SS 2225 0.25% C 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Swedish Standard; BS alloy En 25
hardened and tempered STA 5 VI3 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy
VTS: 780 Elon: 14% Proof: 600 En 30A
SS 2233 0.3% C 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For gas cylinders; STA5 VI3A 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered En 30B
DPN: 280 VTS: 930 Elon: 13% Proof: 720 STA5 VI6A 0.17% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
SS 2234 0.33% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and forging; alloy En 34
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered STA 5 V16A1l 0.17% C 1.7% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete
DPN: 280 VTS: 840 Elon: 12% Proof: 700 STA5 V16B 0.24% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
SS 2240 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For nitriding; alloy En 35
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered STA5 VI6B/l 0.24% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
DPN: 370 VTS: 1210 Elon: 12% Proof: 880 alloy En 35A
SS 2310 1.5% C 0.45% Mn 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.85% V steel: STA 5 VI6B/2 0.24% C 1.75% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Replaced by BS
Swedish Standard; cold water tool steel alloy En 35B
DPN:260 STA5 VI7 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.25% Cr steel: Replaced by BS
SS 2317 0.23% C 0.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% V 0.045% alloy En 33
B steel: Swedish Standard STA 5 VI7/1 0.12% C 3.2% Ni 0.25% Cr steel: Obsolete
DPN: 260 VTS: 910 Elon: 16% Proof: 640 STA 5 VI8 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy
SS 2506 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For En36A
construction; Swedish Standard STA5 V18A 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy
DPN: 320 UTS: 100 Elon: 10% Proof: 550 En 36B
SS 2511 0.15% C 1.5% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: Bar and forging; STA 5 VI9 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy
Swedish Standard En39A
SS 2512 0.2% C 1.5% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: Bar and forging; STA 5 V19/1 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Obsolete
Swedish Standard STA 5 V20A 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% AI steel:
SS 2514 0.12% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Bar and forging; Replaced by BS alloy En 41
Swedish Standard STA 5 V20B 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% Al steel:
SS 2515 0.17% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Bar and forging; Replaced by BS alloy En 41
Swedish Standard STA 5 V20C 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% Al steel:
SS 2523 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.12% Mo steel: Swedish Replaced by BS alloy En 41
Standard; annealed STA5 V20D 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% Al stccl:
DPN: 220 VTS: 110 Elon: 8% Proof: 75 Obsolete
SS 2534 0.31 % C 3.2% Ni 1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and STA39 0.25% C 0.4% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: Suitable for welding
forging; Swedish Standard STA40 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Weldable
SS 2730 0.3% C 3% Cr 0.3% V 9% Wsteel: Swedish Standard; STAGMOLD 0.32% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For tools;
annealed for cold working; Edgar Allen
DPN: 250 STA VI8i1 0.16% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
SS 2782 1% C 0.3% Mn 4.0% Cr 8.5% Mo 2% V 2.7% W STUBS 81 Low alloy structured steel: Welding electrode; Stubs;
0.03% Sand P steel: Swedish Standard; high speed tool for welding poor quality cast iron
steel DPN: 330 VTS: 360
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STUBS 651 C Cr Ni Mo steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; for alloy TENASOUDO 105 0.08% C 0.8% Mn 2.8% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.8% Mo steel:
steel welds Welding electrode; Soudometal; for buttering or high
DPN: 245 VTS: 741 Elon: 22% impact building
SUPER AW 23 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: ESC; DPN:300
punches, etc. TENSITRODE 75.55 0.07% C 0.6% Mn 1.6% Ni 0.5% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel:
DPN: 500 For electrodes; Esab standard
SUPERCHNC 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For case UTS: 726 Elon: 23% Proof: 618
hardening; ESC for BS alloy En 39B TENSITRODE 75.650.07% CO.9% Mn 1.6% Ni 0.75% Mo 0.25% Vsteel:
SUPERELSO 0.18% C (max) 0.9% Mn 1.5% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo For electrodes; Esab
steel: Creusot-Loire VTS: 726 Elon: 23% Proof: 618
SUPERELSO 70 0.18% C (max) 1.1% Mn (max) 1.7% Ni 1.0% Cr THERMENOL 0.05% C 3.3% Mo 0.3% V 16% Al steel: American
0.4% Mo 0.01 % Vsteel: Creusot-Loire proprietary alloy listed in SAE Yearbook
SUPERELSO 600 0.09% C 1.1% Mn 0.8% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: TI 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.06%
Creusot-Loire V 0.35% Cu 0.004% Bsteel: Rheinstahl
SUPERMOLD 0.3% C 1.7% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Latrobe; dies and TI 0.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07%
mould; type no V0.3% Cu steel: Lukens Steel Co.
DPN:340 T1TYPEA 0.17% C 0.8% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.06% V 0.02%
SUPER 0.23% CO.5% CrO.25% Mo 0.1% V 2.0% Al steel: Ti 0.003% Bsteel: Rheinstahl
NITRALLOY Latrobe; for nitriding TITYPEA 0.15% C 0.85% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.05% V 0.02%
SUPER NOVEX 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Jonas Ti steel: Lukens Steel Co.
DPN: 320 VTS: 1050 Elon: 18% Proof: 920 TITYPEB 0.16% C 1.1% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo
SUPER SAMSON 0.1% C 5.0% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Carpenter 0.05% V0.3% Cu steel: Lukens Steel Co.
for AISI type P4 T-K 0.35% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V 9% Wsteel: Carpenter
SUPERSHNC 0.3% C 4.25% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: ESC for TOBA 0.37% C 1% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: T Turton
BS alloy En 30B TUBROD 15.42 0.15% C 2.0% Mn 0.5% Ni 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
SUPERTOUGH CZO 0.18% C 1.6% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: ESC for Tubular weld rod; Esab for hard facing; as welded
BS alloy En 13 DPN: 430
SUPERVITAC Free machining grade of steel by Creusot-Loire TUBROD 15.50 0.3% C 2.5% Mn 5.0% Cr 0.8% Mo steel: Tubular
SUPERVlTUS 980 0.2% C 0.15% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.15% Nsteel: Origin weld rod; Esab; for hard facing; as welded
unknown; for bicycle frames DPN:S20
SUPER VNCA 0.3% C 3% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: ESC for BS TUREX9 0.3% C 2.4% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: Pompey
alloy En 23 TY 0.28% C 4% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.25% V5% Wsteel: For
SUPREXA 0.08% C 0.9% Mn 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding tools; S Osborn; for hot extrusions dies, punches, etc.
electrode; Murex DPN: 500
UTS: 750 Elon: 24% Proof: 640 UHBSTAT023 0.15% C 0.9% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Tube; Uddclholm;
SUPREXB 0.08% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Welding electrode; normalized
Murex VTS: 500 Elon: 28 % Proof: 290
VTS: 7Sf1 Elon: 22% Proof: 660 UHBSTAT028 0.15% C 2.25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube; Uddelholm;
SUPREXC 0.08% C 4.5% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Welding electrode; normalized
Murex VTS: 480 Elon: 28% Proof: 250
VTS: 750 Elon: 23% Proof: 660 UHB UDDC02 0.13% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Uddelholm; annealed
SUPREXM 0.07% C 0.05% Cr 0.05% Mo steel: Welding electrode; DPN: ISfI VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
Murex UHBUDDCO3 0.06% C 3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Uddelholm; annealed
VTS: 640 Elon: 30% Proof: 560 DPN: ISO VTS: 440 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
SUPRIMPACTO 0.12% C 3.7% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: For carburizing; Atlas UHBUDDCO9 0.1 % C 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube; Uddelholm;
SV WKH5M 0.12% C (max) 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For welding normalized
wire; Russian Standards designation VTS: 610 Elon: 25% Proof: 370
SVL 0.3% C 4% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo stecl: Jessop UNI5331 12 Ni 0.12% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: For carburizing;
TALLOY A 0.33% C 3.5% Cr 0.5% V 9.2% Wsteel: Braeburn; Cr3 Italian Standard
AISI type H21 UNI 5331 16 Cr 0.15% C 1.0% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: For carburizing;
TALLOYC 0.25% C 4.0% Cr 0.5% V 15% Wsteel: Braeburn Ni4 Italian Standard
T91 0.1% C 8.7% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V0.08% Nb steel: US UNI5331 16 Ni 0.14% C 2.7% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: For carburizing;
specification; steel for nuclear use Cr 11 Italian Standard
TANGE 0.3% C 0.8% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Origin unknown; for UNI 5331 16 Ni Cr 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For
CHAMPION bicycle frames M02 carburizing; Italian Standard
TENASOUDO 75 0.08% C 1.5% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: UNI5331 16 Ni Cr 0.16% C 3.0% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: For
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for tough hard facing Mol2 carburizing; Italian Standard
DPN: 230 UNI 5331 18 Ni Cr 0.18% C 1.3% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For
M05 carburizing; Italian Standard
UNI 5331 18 Ni Cr 0.18% C 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For
M07 carburizing; Italian Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: UNI 5331 20 Cr 0.2% C 1.0% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: For carburizing; Italian
Ni4 Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UNI 5331 20 Ni Cr 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 M02 carburizing; Italian Standard
Elon Elongation, % V 110 0.32% C 3.3% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: YEW
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 V 145 0.3% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: YEW
V 155 0.34% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa V 165 0.36% C 1.1 % Ni 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. V214 0.31% C 3.5% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: YEW
V 330 0.34% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
V 340 0.26% C 1.1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: YEW WC 33 0.34% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all
V 350 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: YEW max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham
V810 0.34% C 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.95% Al steel: YEW UTS: 5SO Elon: 20% Proof: 250
V 820 0.34% C 1.0% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.95% Al steel: WC 181 0.18% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all
YEW max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham
VALANDI 0.28% C 3.0% Cr 0.3% V 9.4% Wsteel: Uddelholm UTS: 450 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
for type H21 WC 182 0.18% CO.4% Ni 0.25% CrO.15% MoO.3% Cu (all
VANACHROM 0.35% C 5.5% Cr 1.35% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: Swift max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham
Levick; for hot dies UTS: 440 Elon: 24 % Proof: 240
VCNI5 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: Wrought; Austrian WCD 0.35% C 5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.35% V 1.2% W1% Si
national specification steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
VCN 25w(g) 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wrought; UTS: 1550
Austrian national specification WCD 2 0.33% C 5% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.5% V 1% Si steel:
VCN 35h 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Wrought; Schoeller·Bleckmann
Austrian national specification UTS: 1420
VCN 35w(e) 0.3% C 3.2% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wrought; WELCON 2H.S 0.12% CO.9% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.5% CrO.5% Mo steel:
Austrian national specification Japan Steel Works
VCN 45(d) 0.3% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Wrought; Austrian WELCON 2H.U 0.12% C 0.9% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.8% CrO.7% Mo 0.32%
national specification Cu steel: Japan Steel Works
VlBRACV30 0.3% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: ESC for BS WEL·MONIX 0.15% C (max) 1.4% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.14% Vsteel:
alloy En 25 German proprietory specification
VITUS 181 0.2% CO.15% CrO.I% MoO.15% Nsteel: Origin WEL-TEN 60 0.16% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.4% CrO.15% V
unknown; for bicycle frames steel
VMC 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: Origin WEL-TEN 60H 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.15% Ti with V
unknown steel: Yawata
VMC(H) 0.33% C 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: Origin WEL·TEN 62 0.18% C (max) 1.2% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.12% V
unknown steel: Yawata
VNCA 0.23% C 3% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: ESC for BS alloy En WEL·TEN 80 0.18% C (max) 0.9% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo
23 0.1% V 0.3% Cu 0.006% Bsteel: Yawata
VS3NC 0.35% C 3% Ni 1% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Vulcan WEL·TEN looW 0.18% C (max) 0.9% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo
UTS: 920 0.1 % V 0.3% Cu steel: Yawata
VS4NC 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Vulcan WL 2 0.15% C 9.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Tube; Babcock and
UTS: 920 Wilcox (USA)
VS351 0.1 % C 3.5% Ni 1% Cr steel: For carburizing; Vulcan; WLM 77 0.35% C 0.8% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: WMarrison;
hardened and tempered; core properties chisels, shears
UTS: 1140 WLM 1030 0.3% C 3.5% Cr 10% Wsteel: WMarrison; hot dies
VSlNC 0.35% C 1.25% Ni 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Vulcan DPN: 550
UTS: 920 WLM 1530 0.18% C 3% Ni 1% Cr steel: For case hardening; W
VSHD 0.3% C 3% Cr 0.5% V 10% Wsteel: Vulcan; hot dies Marrison; analysis varies over wide limits
DPN:440 WLM 3033 0.3% C 3.4% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: WMarrison;
VWMC 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% Vsteel: Origin hardened and tempered
unknown DPN: 320 UTS: 1000 Elon: 16% Proof: 800
W9B 0.22% C 2.7% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.3% V 9.5% W WLM 3042 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr steel: Mo optional; W
steel: Origin unknown Marrison; hardened and tempered
WIOO 0.29% C 2.7% Cr 0.4% V8.5% Wsteel: YEW DPN: 444 UTS: 1550 Elon: 10% Proof: 1300
W105 0.32% C 2.4% Cr 0.6% V4.3% Wsteel: YEW WLM 4053 0.35% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: WMarrison; chisels,
W320 0.31% C 2.9% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: YEW punches
W53116 0.05% C 2.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; UNS X 7 Cr Mo 611 0.15% C (max) 6.0% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Designation
designation used by German Standards
W53315 0.1 % C (max) 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; X 7 Cr Mo 1011 0.1 % C (max) 9.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation
designation used by UNS used by German Standards
W53315 0.1 % C (max) 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; X 19 Ni Cr M04 0.19% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.4% Wsteel: For
UNS designation tools; German Standards designation
W53316 0.1% C (max) 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; X 30 WCr V 53 0.3% C 2.4% Cr 0.6% V 4.3% Wsteel: German
designation used by UNS Standards designation
W53416 0.05% C (max) 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; X 32 Cr Mo V 33 0.32% C 3.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: German
UNS designation Standards designation
WCIO 0.1 % C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all X4620 0.2% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham SAE; obsolete
UTS: 390 Elon: 22% Proof: 186 X30W Cr V93 0.3% C 2.7% Cr 0.4% V8.6% Wsteel: German
WCI8 0.18% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all Standard
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham XAR 15 0.15% CO.9% Mn 0.6% CrO.22% MoO.I% Zr steel:
UTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 210 Republic Steel
WC23 0.23% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all XAR 30 0.3% C (max) 0.8% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.21 % Mo 0.1 % Zr
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham steel: Republic Steel
UTS: 486 Elon: 20% Proof: 220 Y 10 N66 0.1 % C 1.5% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: French Standards
WC28 0.28% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all designation
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham Y35 NCDI6 0.35% C 4.0% Ni 1.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel:
UTS: 520 Elon: 20% Proof: 240 French Standards designation
Y35 NCDI6 (3) 0.32% C 4.1% Ni 1.2% CrO.2% Mo steel: French
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
YDI 0.25% C 2.25% Cr 9.5% Wsteel: Jonas; hot extrusion Z8CDV5 0.08% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: French
dies Standard. designation
DPN: 400 Z30WCV9 0.3% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% V9.0% Wsteel: French
YDC 0.3% C 2.25% Cr 0.35% V 8.5% Wsteel: Jonas; hot Standards designation
extrusion dies
DPN: S20
YND58 0.14% C (max) 0.7% Mn 2.3% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.5% Mo
steel: Yamata Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
YOLOY 0.15% C (max) 0.75% Mn 1.7% Ni 0.1% V steel:
Youngstoun Steel Co. DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
YOLOYEHS 0.18% C (max) 1.0% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.4% Mo UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
0.4% Cu steel: Youngstoun Steel Co. Elan Elongation, %
YOLOYHS 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn 1.0% Ni 0.2% Mo 0.75% Cu Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
steel: Youngstoun Steel Co.
YWA 0.28% C 3.4% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.25% V 5.8% Wsteel: I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
Edgar Allen; extrusion dies, mandrels, etc. See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
The above properties are typical of the following group and point; thus even in the fully hardened condition there should
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible never be sufficient free cementite present to make the ma-
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be terial too brittle. At least two of the alloying elements are
applicable. present in all the steels with chromium present in the major-
ity, while a few steels have all five alloying elements present.
Some of the lower carbon steels listed can be carburized
General metallurgical characteristics
but in general the core hardness is too high for general
These steels have a high enough carbon content to ensure a engineering applications. Many of these steels can be nitride
minimum strength of about 9000 N/mm 2 when fully hardened, but generally this requires a special formulation
tempered. with some aluminium which speeds up the process.
The top limit of the carbon present is around the eutectoid The effect of each alloying element is described under the
section where the single alloy steels are listed. When two or Tungsten has similar properties to molybdenum but larger
more of these elements are present the combined ,effect is the quantities are usually required to achieve the same effect.
sum total of the individual effects.
Briefly the elements affect the steels as follows. Vanadium. This forms very small carbides and also
influences other carbide formers to produce tiny particles
Chromium. This is a carbide former, with the carbides being which in turn ensures a fine grain steel. Thus vanadium has a
harder and more stable than iron carbides. Carbon will com- considerable effect on improving the fatigue strength and is
bine with chromium in preference to iron; thus all the chro- very often used with chromium to achieve this purpose. The
mium is generally present as carbide. presence of vanadium aids the nitriding process by prevent-
Chromium increases the hardenability of steel in that ing the agglomeration of carbide particles. Vanadium has
larger sections can be through hardened, or less drastic oil little effect on the temperatures at which the metallurgical
quenching can be used in place of water quenching, com- changes take place, but slows down these reactions, thus
pared with plain carbon steels. There is a tendency, improving the hardenability.
however, for chromium steels to be notch sensitive. Chro- None of these elements in the quantities used has any
mium also increases the corrosion resistance, although none appreciable effect on the corrosion resistance although these
of the steels listed can be classed as stainless. The higher alloy steels will always have slightly better resistance than
chromium stainless steels are listed and described in Sections plain carbon steels.
44M and 44N. Chromium raises the critical temperatures for The alloying elements actually used depend on whether
steel thermal treatment but slows down the speed at which maximum hardness or maximum ductility is required, with
the metallurgical reactions take place. the economy of the final product the deciding factor.
These steels do not accept cold work without becoming
Nickel. This strengthens the ferritic matrix of the steel, hard and brittle. They therefore require annealing as an
imparting toughness rather than hardness and increasing the interstage operation.
fatigue strength. Nickel lowers the critical heat treatment Full annealing, hardening and normalizing require tem-
temperatures and widens the range required for successful peratures in the region of 750-850 °C depending on the alloy
treatment. It also improves the ductility of steel at low tem- content.
peratures. A range of 10% nickel steels have been developed Where high integrity parts are involved technical advice
with good ductility at the temperatures required for liquid air must be obtained. All these steels have considerable harden-
and other low temperature uses. ability and thus can be brittle if not correctly treated. Any
The range of 4% nickel steels has largely been replaced rapid change in section can result in quench cracking. Hold-
with the more economical chromium, molybdenum, 1% ing at temperature for too long, or taking to too high a
nickel steels which have equal fatigue strength and ductility, temperature, will invariably result in a brittle material.
with better tensile properties. None of the materials in this group can be welded without
very careful control. This requires that technical expertise
Molybdenum. This is a carbide former, the resultant molyb- should be obtained. Unless correctly treated cracking can
denum carbide being inherently small grained and evenly occur during welding or more seriously brittleness resulting
distributed. This ensures that the steels are fine grained, in failure during service.
which improves the fatigue strength. These stable carbides These materials are all relatively expensive and should
slow down the metallurgical reactions, ensuring deeper har- only be used when their specific properties are required.
dening, greater hardenability and the elimination of temper That is, they will have a controlled hardness with ductility
brittleness. This is a defect caused by the undesirable precip- and are therefore used for components such as gears, shafts,
itation of carbides during tempering between 250 and 500°C couplings, springs, high tensile studs, bolts and nuts which
which occurs with chromium/nickel steels. As carbon always are required for engineering use. Some of the materials have
combines with the molybdenum in preference to other car- sufficient alloy content and carbon to be used for cutting
bide formers including chromium and stays in solution, this tools and many are used for press tools, jigs, fixtures, and
obviates carbide precipitation. Vanadium and tungsten have hand-tools of all types.
similar effects. These materials, in the correctly hardened condition, have
good abrasion resistant properties.
Tungsten. This is a carbide former which results in very hard, Many of these steels can be nitrided, but this must always
rather massive tungsten carbide particles. Generally tung- be stated on the order, as nitriding requires special
sten is used with chromium and vanadium which aid the conditions.
distribution and prevent agglomeration of the carbides. A small number of the lower carbon alloys can be
0.8159 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.1 % V steel: German Standard 5KHNM 0.55% C 1.6% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Russian
0.8161 0.58% C 1.0'10 Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: For springs; German Standards designation
Standard 5KHNV 0.55% C 1.6% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Russian
0.8239 0.65% C 3.7% Cr 0.85% Mo 0.7% V 8.5% Wsteel: Standards designation
For springs; German Standard 5KHV2S 0.5% C 1.15% Cr 2.25% Wsteel: Russian Standards
1.1232 0.38% C 5.3% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.4% V steel: German designation
Standards designation 7KHF 0.68% C 0.55% Cr 0.22% Vsteel: Russian Standards
1.2241 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% V steel: German Standard designation
1.2323 0.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% V steel: German 8MC2Mo 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sandvik for SS 2244
Standard 8NIC2 0.4% C 1.3% Ni 0.85% Cr steel: Sandvik for SS 2530
1.2343 0.53% C 8.3% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.2% Wsteel: German 11.11 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: Origin
Standard unknown
1.2344 0.38% C 5.2% Cr 1.35% Mo 1.0% V steel: German 14HD 0.4% C 3.5% Cr 0.5% V 14% Wsteel: For tools;
Standard Huntsman; cutting tools; extrusion dies
1.2344 0.4% C 5.3% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: German DPN: 630
Standards designation 17r22A 0.45% C 1.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% V steel: Timken;
1.2345 0.5% C 5% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.4% Vsteel: German hardened and tempered for high temperature use
Standard DPN: 415 VTS: 1550 Elon: 13% Proof: 1380
1.2367 0.4% C 5% Cr 3% Mo 0.5% V steel: German Standard 18D 0.5% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools;
1.2541 0.35% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: German origin unknown
Standards designation 18HD 0.5% C 4% Cr I% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
1.2542 0.45% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: German Huntsman; cutting tools; Cu extrusion dies
Standards designation DPN: 700
1.2547 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V2.25% Wsteel: German 30 Ni CrMo 12 0.3% C 0.65% Mn 2.9% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.45% Mo steel:
Standard Italian Standards designation; as rolled
1.2550 0.6% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: German DPN: 260
Standards designation 30 S 0.45% C 1.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.3% V 2.2% Si steel:
1.2631 0.53% C 8.3% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.2% Wsteel: German Carrs
Standard DPN: 520
1.2711 0.54% C 1.7% Ni 0.7% CrO.3% Mo 0.1% V steel: For 31 S 0.5% C 3.2% Cr 1.4% Mo steel: Carrs
tools; German Standards designation DPN: 500
1.2713 0.55% C 1.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.1% V steel: 34 Cr Ni Mo 8(e.f.) 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.28% Mo steel: Wrought;
Russian Standards designation Austrian national specification
1.2714 0.55% C 1.7% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V steel: 35 NC5 UN! 4365 0.36% C 1.2% Ni 0.9% Cr steel: Italian Standard; for
German Standards designation bolts
1.2721 0.50% C 3.3% Ni 1.1 % Cr steel: Fortools; German 35 NC9 UNI 4365 0.36% C 2.3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Italian Standard; for
Standards designation bolts
1.2767 0.45% C 4.1 % Ni 1.4% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.5% Wsteel: 35 Ni Cr Mo 15 0.34% C 0.5% Mn 3.7% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.3% Mo steel:
For tools; German Standards designation Italian Standards designation; as rolled
1.7225 0.42% C 0.6% Ni (max) 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: DPN: 275
Forging; German Standard 35 Ni Cr<J 0.35% C 0.65% Mn 2.2% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Italian
1.7228 0.5% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging; German Standards designation
Standard DPN:240
1.7561 0.42% C 1.6% Cr 0.1 % V steel: German Standard 35WCrV7 0.35% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: German
1.7701 0.52% C 0.9% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1% V steel: Standards designation
For springs; German Standard 37 S 0.4% C 4.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 2.2% V 4.2% Wsteel:
1.8154 0.52% C 1.1 % Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: For springs; German Carrs
Standard 38 CD4 UNI 4365 0.38% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Italian Standard; for
1.8159 0.5% C 0.85% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.15% V steel: For bolts
springs; German Standard 38CM 0.4% C 1.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
2CV 0.45% C 2% Cr 0.3% V 2% Si steel: T Turton 38Ni Cr M04 0.38% C 0.85% Mn 0.85% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.2% Mo
4KH8V2 0.4% C 7.5% Cr 2.5% Wsteel: Russian Standards steel: Italian Standards designation; as rolled
designation DPN:240
4KHV2S 0.4% C 1.15% Cr 2.25% Wsteel: Russian Standards 40 Cr M04 0.4% C 0.85% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Italian
designation Standard designation; as rolled
5/317 0.5% C 1.75% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Carpenter DPN: 245
5KHNGM 0.55% C 0.75% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Russian Standards 4ON2CM 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Electrode;
designation Metrode
40 Ni CrM07 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 1.75% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.25% Mo
steel: Italian Standards designation; as rolled
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tahles: 40NKD 0.4% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey
42CrM04 0.42% C 0.6% Ni (max) 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Designation used by German Standards
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 42 Cr V 6 0.42% C 1.5% Cr 0.1 % V steel: Designation used by
Elon Elongation, % German Standards
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 45CM 0.45% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
45CMV 0.45% C 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo 0.25% V steel: Electrode;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04lbflin 2 =1 MPa Metrode
See Appendix \I for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 45 CP 0.42% C 0.95% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
45 Cr 5 Ni 5 0.45% C 4.5% Ni 5.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; 361 0.52% C 1.1 % Cr 0.3% V 1.9% Wsteel: For hot work
hardenable deposit tools; Balfour; forging dies, punches, etc.
DPN:400 DPN:460
45 Cr Mo V 6·7 0.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% V steel: Designation 399 0.5% C 1.3% Cr 0.2% V 2.3% W steel: F Parkin;
used by German Standards trimming dies, chisels, etc.
45WCrV7 0.45% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: German DPN:600
Standards designation 525A58 0.58% C 0.8% Cr 0.1 % Mo (max) steel: For springs;
48CrMoV67 0.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: German 8S970
Standard 525A60 0.6% C 0.9% Cr 0.06% Mo (max) steel: For springs;
50Cr M04 0.5% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used by BS970
German Standards 525A61 0.61% C 0.95% Cr 1% Mo steel: For springs; BS 970
50CR V4 0.5% C 1.1 % Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: Designation used by 525H60 0.6% C 0.9% Cr 0.06% Mo (max) steel: For springs;
German Standards BS 970
50 Cr V4 0.5% C 0.8% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Italian 528 0.4% C 4.2% Cr 2.2% V 4.2% W4.2% Co tool steel:
Standards designation Jessop; forging dies for copper alloys
DPN: 2SO UTS: 1550 Elon: 6% Proof: ISO 640M4O 0.4% C 1.3% Ni 0.65% Cr steel: BS 970; obsolete
50 Ni Cr 13 0.5% C 3.3% Ni 1.1 % Cr steel: For tools; German 704A60 0.6% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For springs; BS 970
Standards designation 704H60 0.6% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For springs; BS 970
50WCV20 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V 2.2% Wsteel: French 705A60 0.6% C 0.9% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For springs; 8S 970
Standard 705H60 0.6% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For springs; BS 970
52 Si Cr Ni5 0.53% C 0.8% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.05% Cr 1.4% Si steel: 708A42 0.42% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: 8S 970
Italian Standards designation 708A47 0.47% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
DPN: 260 VTS: 700 Elon: 5% Proof: 1350 708H37 0.37% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
53 S 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.4% Mo I% V 1% Si steel: Can be 708H42 0.42% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: 8S 970
nitrided; Carrs; hot extrusion dies, mandrels, puncbes, 708H45 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
etc. 708M4O 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970
DPN: 530 709A42 0.42% C 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: 8S 970
54NiCrMoV6 0.54% C 1.7% Ni 0.7% CrO.3% Mo 0.1% V tool steel: 709M4O 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: BS 970
German Standards designation 735A51 0.51 % C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: For springs; BS 970
55 Ni CrMo V6 0.55% C 1.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.1% V steel: 735A54 0.54% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: For springs; BS 970
German Standards designation 735H51 0.51 % C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: For springs; BS 970
55 Ni NCDV7 0.55% C 1.75% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V steel: 805H60 0.6% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For springs;
French Standards designation BS970
55 WCZO 0.55% C 1.0% Cr 2.0% W steel: French Standards 816M4O 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: BS 970;
designation obsolete
56 Ni CrMo V7 0.55% C 1.7% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V steel: 8I7A37 0.37% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: BS 970
Germand Standards designation 817A42 0.42% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: BS 970
58 Cr V 4 0.58% C 1.1 % Cr 0.1 % V steel: Designation used by 817M4O 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.27% Mo steel: BS 970
German Standards 826M4O 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: BS 970
6OWCrV7 0.6% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: German 925A60 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For springs; BS 970
Standards designation 945A4O 0.4% C 0.75% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: BS 970;
65 S 0.38% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: Carrs obsolete
65 W M034-8 0.65% C 3.7% Cr 0.85% Mo 0.7% V 8.5% Wsteel: 1213 0.45% C 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: French Standards
Designation used by German Standards designation
81840 0.4% C 0.35% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1% Mo 8 steel: 1413 0.38% C 1.6% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo tool steel:
Designation used by AISI S Osborn; plastic dies, zinc die cast dies; obsolete
81845 0.45% C 0.3% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: DPN: 580
Designation used in the UK and USA 1850 0.57% C 0.35% Mn 4% Cr 0.7% V 18% Wsteel:
82S 0.33% C 3% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.9% V 3% Co steel: Carrs F Parkin; hot dies; can be used at higher hardness
86830 0.3% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation DPN: 500
used in the UK and USA 2321 0.38% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.5% V steel: French
86845 0.45% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.0005% 8 steel: Standards designation
Designation used by AISI 2331 0.42% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: French Standards
86 845 0.45% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.004% 8 steel: designation
Designation used in the UK and USA 2332 0.5% C 1.0% Cr 0.15% V steel: French Standards
l85H4O 0.4% C 0.2% Cr 0.12% Mo 0.003% 8 steel: BS 970 designation
25IA58 0.58% CO.2% CrO.I% Mo (max) steel: For springs; 2341 0.55% C 1.0% Cr 2.0% W steel: French Standards
BS970 designation
251A60 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 0.12% Mo (max) steel: For springs; 3140 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Designation used in the
8S970 UK and USA
251H60 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 0.12% Mo steel: For springs; BS 970 3145 0.40% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used by
300M 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.08% V steel: AISI; obsolete
American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook 3150 0.5% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used by
328 0.4% C 5.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.5% V I% Si steel: F AISI; obsolete
Parkin; AI dies, cast moulds, etc. 3240 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Designation used by
DPN:440 AISI; obsolete
348 0.4% C 4% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: F Parkin; shear 3245 0.45% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Designation used by
blades, press dies AISI; obsolete
DPN: 700 3250 0.5% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Designation used by
AISI; obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3340 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Designation used by 9763 0.63% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation
AISI; obsolete used by AISI; obsolete
3381 0.55% C 1.75% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: 9840 0.4% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation
French Standards designation used in the UK and USA
3432 0.38% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.5% V 1.25% Wsteel: 9850 0.5% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation
French Standards designation used in the UK and USA
3450 0.5% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used by 71360 0.6% C 3.5% Cr 14% W steel: Designation used by
AISI; obsolete AISI; obsolete
3541 0.4% C 4.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% Wsteel: French 71660 0.6% C 3.5% Cr 16% Wsteel: Designation used by
Standards designation AISI; obsolete
3548 0.65% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: A5 0.4% C 1% Cr steel: Designation for BS 1453
French Standards designation A6 0.7% C 2.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For tools;
4137 0.37% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in designation used by AISI
the UK and USA A8 0.55% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 1.25% W steel: For tools;
4140 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in the designation used by AISI
UK and USA A9 0.5% C 1.5% Ni 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: For
4142 0.42% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in tools; designation used by AISI
the UK and USA AI3 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.15% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Edgar
4145 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in Allen; hardened and tempered
the UK and USA DPN: 500 UTS: 1620 Elon: 11 % Proof: 1500
4147 0.47% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in A 442 0.42% C 3% Ni 0.35% Cr 0.27% Mo steel: SHD;
the UK and USA ~rills, etc.
4150 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation used in the ABRAZO 0.47% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Plate;
UK and USA Colvilles; abrasion resisting
4161 0.61 % C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Designation used in DPN: 230
the UK and USA ACP 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Toledo for BS alloy En
4337 0.37% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: 47
Designation used by AISI ADSHB 0.35% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% V tool steel: For hot
4340 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation working; Inman
used in the UK and USA AIRMO 0.7% C 1.0% Cr 1.35% Mo steel: Firth Sterling
4620 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by AISI81 B45 0.45% C 0.3% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.0005% B steel
AISI; obsolete AISI86 B45 0.45% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
4640 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used by AISI601 0.46% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: Hardened and
AISI tempered
6140 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Designation used by VTS: 920 Elon: 29% Proof: 760
AISI; obsolete AISI6IO 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: Hardened and
6150 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V (min) steel: Designation used tempered
in the UK and USA VTS: 2150 Elon: 7% Proof: 1920
7260 0.6% C 0.8% Cr 1.8% Wsteel: Designation used by AISI3140 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel
AISI; obsolete AISI3141 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
8627 0.27% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI3145 0.45% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
used in the UK and USA AISI3150 0.5% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
8630 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI3240 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 1% Crsteel: Obsolete
used in the UK and USA AISI4140 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
8637 0.37% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI4142 0.42% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
used in the UK and USA AISI4145 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
8640 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI4147 0.47% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
used in the UK and USA AISI4150 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
8642 0.42% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI4161 0.61 % C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel
used in the UK and USA AISI4340 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
8645 0.45% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI4340 0.40% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
used in the UK and USA AISI4640 0.40% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
8650 0.5% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI6145 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel
used in the UK and USA AISI6150 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel
8655 0.55% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI8640 0.4% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
used in the UK and USA AISI8641 0.4% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
8660 0.6% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation AISI8642 0.42% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
used in the UK and USA AISI8645 0.45% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
AISI8647 0.47% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete
AISI8650 0.5% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
AISI8653 0.53% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AISI8655 0.55% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
AISI8660 0.6% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AISI8740 0.4% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' AISI8742 0.42% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
Elon Elongation, % AISI8745 0.45% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' AISI8750 0.5% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
AISI9440 0.4% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa AISI9442 0.42% C 0.4% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AISI9445 0.45% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1% Mo steel: Obsolete
AISI9447 0.47% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AISI9747 0.47% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete AMS 6416 0.45% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.07% V 1.6% Si
AISI9763 0.63% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete steel: Bar and forging
AISI9840 0.4% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel AMS 6419 0.42% C 1.8% Ni 0.82% Cr 0.52% Mo steel
AISI9845 0.45% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete AMS6422 B 0.4% C 0.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo Bsteel: Bar and
AISI9850 0.5% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel forging; AMS for SAE 98 B40
AISI HII 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% V steel: Similar to AISI AMS6423 0.42% C 0.7% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.5% Mo Bsteel: Bar and
610 forging
ALHD 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 1% V 1% Si steel: Jonas; AMS6424 0.52% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
gravity dies for Al casting AMS6431 0.45% C 0.5% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1% V steel:
DPN:620 Forgings
ALLOY 10 0.6% C 0.4% Mo 0.25% V 1.8% Si steel: Braeburn AMS 6432 0.47% C 0.55% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1 % V steel
ALZ 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: Origin AMS6437 A 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% V steel: Sheet and strip
unknown AMS6438 0.47% C 0.55% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel
AM3 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.35% Mo 1.1% V 1% Si steel: Edgar AMS6439 0.47% C 0.55% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel
Allen; for AI die casting moulds AMS6445 B 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Sheet and strip for
DPN:600 springs; annealed; AMS for SAE 6150
AMS641 0.42% C 1.8% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.4% Mo steel AMS6448 B 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Bar and forging; AMS
AMS 6304 B 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: for SAE 6150
Bar and forging; AMS for alloy 17/22A AMS6450 B 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Wire for springs;
AMS 6305 0.46% C 1% Cr 0.52% Mo 0.3% Vsteel annealed; AMS for SAE 6150
AMS6307 0.45% C 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: Forgings AMS6454 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
AMS6312A 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS 6455 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V (min) steel
AMS for SAE 4640 AMS6470 E 0.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.35% Mo 1.1% AI steel:
AMS 6317 B 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and forging; Bar and forging; nitriding steel
hardened and tempered; AMS for SAE 4640 AMS6471 0.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.35% Mo 1.1% Al steel: For
UTS:920 nitrjding
AMS6321 0.4% C 0.3% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo Bsteel: Bar and AMS6472 0.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.35% Mo 1.1% Al steel: For
forging; AMS for SAE 81 B40 nilriding
AMS 6322E 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and AMS6485 A 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: Bar and forging
forging; AMS for SAE 8740 AMS6487 B 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% V steel:
AMS6323 C 0.4% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Tube; AMS for SAE Bar and forging; vacuum melted; premium quality
8740 AMS6488 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% Vsteel:
AMS 6324 B 0.4% C 0.7% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and Bar and forging; premium quality
forging; AMS for SAE 8740 AMS6529 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
AMS6325 C 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and AMS 7301 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V (min) steel
forging; hardened and tempered; AMS for SAE 8740 AMS 7452 0.4% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
UTS: 760 AMS7454 0.46% C 1% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.3% V steel
AMS 6327 C 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and AMS7455 0.45% C 0.55% Ni 1% Cr 0.3% Vsteel
forging; hardened and tempered; AMS for SAE 8740 AMS 7459 0.45% C 0.55% Ni 1% Cr 0.3% Vsteel
UTS: 920 ANQQS690/1 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: US Service;
AMS 6328 D 0.5% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and normalized and tempered
forging; AMS for SAE 8750 DPN: 230
AMS 6342 C 0.4% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and ANQQ S752a 0.38% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: US Service;
forging; AMS for SAE 9840 hardened and tempered
AMS6351 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sheet and strip; DPN: 230 UTS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 740
spheroidized; AMS for SAE 4130 ANQQ S756a 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: US
AMS 6358 A 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Sheet Service; hardened and tempered
and strip; AMS for SAE 8740 UTS: 1070 Elon: 16% Proof: 870
AMS6359 A 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Sheet and AN S 16a 0.41 % C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: US
strip; AMS for SAE 4340 Service; hardened and tempered
AMS6378 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar; drawn and DPN: 230 UTS: 840 Elon: 16% Proof: 740
tempered; AMS for SAE 4140 ANTICHOCH 0.45% C 1.1% Cr 0.15% V 1.9% W steel: Pompey
Proof: 920 ANTICHOCIX 0.6% C 0.37% Cr 0.1% V 1.6% Si steel: Pompey
AMS6379 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar; drawn and ARDH02 0.45% C 1.3% Cr 0.3% V2.3% Wsteel: Spencer
tempered; AMS for SAE 4150 ASJMA752 General requirements for wire rod and alloy covers
Proof: 1210 from carbon and alloy steel
AMS6381 A 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; AMS for SAE ASTMA60 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: Bar for springs; obsolete
4140 ASTM AI93 B7 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For bolts, etc.;
AMS6382 E 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS hardened and tempered
for SAE4140 UTS: 890 Elon: 16% Proof: 700
AMS6390 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Seamless tube; AMS for ASTM AI93 BI4 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: For bolts;
SAE 4140; special quality hardened and tempered
AMS6396 0.52% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel UTS: 920 Elon: 16% Proof: 760
AMS6406 0.44% C 2% Cr 5% Mo 0.05% V 1.6% Si steel: Sheet ASTM AI93 BI6 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: For bolts;
and strip hardened and tempered
AMS6408 0.4% C 5.2% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% Vsteel: Type HI3 UTS: 840 Elon: 17% Proof: 700
AMS6414 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and ASTMA231 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Spring wire; supplied
forging; AMS for SAE 4340 annealed or cold drawn
AMS6415 F 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Bar and ASTM A232 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Spring wire; cold
forging; AMS for SAE 4340 drawn and tempered
UTS: 1900
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A29113 0.45% C 3% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.1 % V steel: ASTM A372 0.42% C 1.0% Cr 0.20% Mo steel: Forging for pressure
Forging; hardened and tempered Class V Type E vessels
UTS: 760 Elon: 19% Proof: 580 ASTMA391 0.3% C (max) 0.04% Sand P (max) steel: For chain;
ASTM A29114 0.4% C 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % V steel: alloying elements will be present
Forging; hardened and tempered ASTM A46913 0.27% C 2.5% Ni 0.5% Cr (max) 0.35% Mo steel: For
UTS: 840 Elon: 14% Proof: 700 rotors, vacuum treated
ASTM A29115 0.4% C 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1% Vsteel: ASTMA469/4 0.27% C 3.0% Ni 0.5% Cr (max) 0.3% Mo steel: For
Forging; hardened and tempered rotors; vacuum treated
UTS: 100 Elon: 14% Proof: 760 ASTM A469/5 0.3% C 3.0% Ni 0.5% Cr (max) 0.45% Mo steel: For
ASTM A29116 0.4% C 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % V steel: rotors, vacuum treated
Forging; hardened and tempered ASTMA469/6 0.28% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.1% V steel:
UTS: 1070 Elon: 13% Proof: 840 For rotors; vacuum treated
ASTM A291n 0.45% C 1.6% Ni 0.6% CrO.2% Mo 0.1% V steel: ASTM A47012 0.25% C (max) 2.5% Ni 0.75% Cr (max) 0.25%
Forging; hardened and tempered Mo (min) steel: For turbine rotors; vacuum treated
DPN: 80 VTS: 1000 Elon: 12% ASTM A47013 and 4 0.28% C (max) 2.5% Ni 0.75% Cr (max) 0.25%
ASTM A294 A 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For turbine wheels Mo (min) steel: For turbine rotors; vacuum treated
ASTM A294 B 0.45% C 2.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For turbine ASTM A470/5, 0.28% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.1 % V steel:
wheels 6 and 7 For turbine rotors; vacuum treated
ASTM A295 F30 0.45% C 0.5% Mo 0.2% V steel: Seamless drum ASTMA470/8 0.3% C 0.7% Ni 1.2% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.25% V steel: For
forging; normalized and tempered turbine rotors; vacuum treated
VTS: 580 Elon: 21 % Proof: 340 ASTMA471 0.4% C (max) 3.0% Ni 2.0% Cr (max) 0.5% Mo
ASTM A320 L7 0.43% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Hardened and 0.05% V steel: For turbine discs; vacuum treated;
tempered grades I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
VTS: 860 Elon: 16% Proof: 730 ASTMA471n 0.31% CO.5% Ni (max) 1.1% Cr 1.2% MoO.25% V
ASTM A320 L43 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Hardened steel: For turbine discs; vacuum treated
and tempered ASTMA487GN 0.38% C (max) 1.5% Mn 0.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.35% Mo
VTS: 860 Elon: 16% Proof: 730 steel: Castings for pressure; normalized; 6Q grade is
ASTMA331 Specification covering alloy steel bars; AIS1 hardened and tempered
designations are used to define the alloys ASTM A540 B21 0.4% C 1.0% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.3% V steel: For bolts
ASTM A33218650 0.5% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Mo steel: For springs; obsolete ASTM A540 B22 0.4% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For bolts
ASTM A33218655 0.55% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For springs; ASTM A540 B23 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For bolts
obsolete ASTM A540 B24 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: For bolts
ASTM A33218660 0.6% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For springs; ASTM A579121 0.35% C 1.85% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V steel:
obsolete Forging
ASTM A336 F30 0.45% C (max) 0.45% Cr 0.27% V steel: Seamless ASTM A579122 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% V steel:
drum forgings Forging
UTS: 540 Elon: 21 % Proof: 330 ASTM A579123 0.47% C 0.6% Ni 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.11% V steel:
ASTM A354 Alloy steel with 0.04% Sand P steel: For bolts and Forging
nuts; analysis not part of specification; grades vary with ASTM A579/32 0.42% C 1.85% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.42% Mo 1.6% Si steel:
mechanical properties Forging
ASTMA355A 0.41% C 1.6% Cr 0.4% Mo 1.0% AI steel: Hardened ASTM A579138 0.43% C 2.1 % Cr 0.5% Mo 0.05% V 1.5% Si steel:
and tempered Forging
DPN: 250 ASTM A579/41 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% V steel: Forging
ASTM A355 B 0.35% C 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% Si 1.0% AI steel: ASTM A597 CS5 0.6% C 0.35% Cr (max) 0.5% Mo 0.35% V (max)
Hardened and tempered 2.0% Si steel: Cast; for tools
DPN: 250 ASTM A628 Steel plate for security purposes to resist drilling;
ASTMA355 D 0.35% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% AI steel: Hardened composition by agreement
and tempered ASTMA646 See Nit 135
DPN: 250 ASTM A646/98 0.43% C 0.75% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.03% Vsteel
ASTMA372 0.45% C 1.60% Mn 0.22% Mo 0.27% Si steel: Forging BV40
Class IV for pressure vessels ASTM A649/1 A 0.42% C 1.0% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For rolls; corrugated
ASTMA372 0.30% C 0.55% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.27% Si 0.2% Mo steel: ASTM A649/1 B 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For rolls:
Class V Type A Forging for pressure vessels corrugated
ASTMA372 0.35% C 0.85% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.27% Si steel: ASTM A732112 Q 0.5% C 0.95% Cr 0.15% V (min) steel: Investment
Class V Type B Forging for pressure vessels casting; hardened and tempered
ASTMA372 0.30% C 0.55% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.20% Mo steel: For UTS: 1300 Elon: 4% Proof: 1170
Class V Type C pressure vessels ASTRA 0.55% C 1.0% Cr 2.0% W steel: Origin unknown
ASTMA372 0.35% C 0.55% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.20% Mo steel: Forging AT 0.45% C 3.0% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: For cold work;
Class V Type D for pressure vessels Osborn
AUSTENITE 0.6% C 4% Cr 0.5% V 14% Wsteel: Inman; cutting
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AWCW 0.63% C 4% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.7% V 14% Wsteel: For
tools; ESC; shear blades, punches, etc.
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 790
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BARTO 0.5% C 1.75% Ni 1% Cr steel: Carpenter
Elon Elongation, % BCC 0.5% C 1.2% Cr 0.25% V 2.25% W 1% Si steel: Carrs;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 snaps, drifts, etc.
DPN: 580
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in,z= 145.04Ibflin,z= I MPa BCD 48 0.5% C 1.6% Cr 0.3% V 2% W steel: Carrs; chisels,
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. snaps, etc.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BESTEM C not specified 3.0% Ni Cr Mo steel: Origin unknown BSS69 Medium carbon 3.5% Ni steel: Obsolete; see BS S94,
BKM 0.4% C 4.25% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Jonas; bakelite S95 and S96
moulds, etc. BSSBI Medium carbon chrome nickel steel: 1070 N/mm'
DPN: 460 tensile; obsolete; replaced by BS/S97
BRAKE OlE 0.5% C 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Atlas; hardened and BSS86 Medium carbon chrome nickel steel: Sheet; obsolete;
tempered see BS S514
DPN: 330 UTS: 1140 Elon: 13% Proof: 1070 BSS87 Medium carbon chrome nickel steel: Sheet; obsolete
BRUNSWICK Medium C 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr + Mo steel: John Vessey; BS S88 Medium carbon chrome nickel steel: Sheet; obsolete;
V 109 stamping dies see BS S517
DPN:440 BSS94 0.4% C 0.7% N: 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Hardened
BRUNSWICK 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1% Wsteel: John Vessey and tempered
V 114 DPN: 424 DPN: 280 UTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 670
BRUNSWICK Medium C 3% Cr 0.8% Wsteel: John Vessey BSS95 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Hardened
V 130 DPN: 820 and tempered
BS 224/2 0.6% C 1.2% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: For die blocks; DPN: 280 UTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 670
hardened and tempered BSS98 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Hardened
DPN: 250 and tempered
BS 22415 0.55% C 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For die DPN: 360 UTS: 1210 Elon: 14% Proof: 1000
blocks; hardened and tempered BSS99 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Hardened
DPN:300 and tempered
BS970 See designation for details DPN: 390 UTS: 1300 Elon: 14% Proof: 1070
BS 980 COSI5 0.55% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Cold drawn tube; BS SI18 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Hardened
hardened and tempered and tempered
UTS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 760 DPN: 280 UTS: 920 Elon: 18% Proof: 670
BS 1506/621 A 0.4% C 1.1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Bar; hardened and BSS1l9 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Hardened
tempered and tempered
UTS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 700 DPN: 320 UTS: 1070 Elon: 16% Proof: 820
BS 15061621 B 0.4% C 1.3% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Bar; hardened and BS T50 0.5% C (max) 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube;
tempered hardened and tempered
UTS: 920 Elon: 17% Proof: 740 UTS: 760 Proof: 700
BS 3111/5 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wire; annealed and BUSTER ALLOY 0.52% C 1.35% Cr 0.25% V 2.25% Wsteel: Columbia;
drawn; for cold forged bolts AISI type SI
UTS: 730 BandW-WLI 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube;
BS 311116 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Wire; Babcock and Wilcox (USA)
annealed and drawn; for cold forged bolts C5 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: For tools; hot forging; Turton
UTS: 730 Bloo; can be used cast
BS 3146 CLAIC 0.45% C 1% Mn low Ni Cr Mo Cu steel: Investment C 108 0.45% C 3.0% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Fagersta
casting; hardened and tempered DPN: 620
DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 250 C320 0.45% C 3.1 % Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel: Fagersta
BS 3146CLA8 0.4% C low Cr Mo Cu steel: Investment casting; C330 0.39% C 5.3% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V 1.0% Si: Fagersta
normalized and tempered DPN: 570
BS 3146 CLAl2C 0.6% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Investment casting; C345 0.42% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Fagersta
hardened and tempered; for abrasion resistance C424 0.5% C 1.0% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Fagersta
DPN: 341 CARPENTER 5/317 0.5% C 1.75% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Carpenter
BS 3551 B 0.4% C 1.3% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For CARPENTER 481 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.4% Mo 1.9% Si steel:
shackles; hardened and tempered For tools; Carpenter for AISI S5
DPN: 270 CARPENTER 883 0.37% C 5.25% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.0% V 1.0% Si steel:
BS 5005 Wrought steels: For automobiles; withdrawn; replaced For tools; Carpenter for AISI H13
by BS 970 CBVO/h 0.5% C 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Krupp
BS 5007 Sheet steels: For automobiles; withdrawn; replaced by CBVOh 0.42% C 1.05% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Krupp
BS 1449 CCS 0.4% C 5.25% Cr 4.25% W 1.15% Si steel: For tools;
BS 5008 Valve steels: For automobiles; withdrawn; replaced by origin unknown
BS970 CCV 0.4% C 1.25% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Origin unknown
BS 91561C 0.6% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting; normalized CCW 0.52% C 1.2% Cr 2.3% Wsteel: Firth Brown; chisels,
or hardened and tempered; in BS 3100 punches
DPN: 341 COS 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.35% Mo 0.7% V 1% Si steel: T
BS N35 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Toledo for BS alloy En Turton
22 CDS 2 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.35% Mo 1.1% V 1% Si steel: T
BSS2 Medium carbon alloy steel: 850 N/mm' range; replaced Turton
by BS S94, S95 and S96 COV 0.39% C 0.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% V steel: For tools
BSSll Nickel chromium steel: 900 N/mm' range; replaced by CEC SMOOTHCUT 0.58% C 0.3% Cr 0.25% Vsteel: Free cutting;
BS S94, S95 and S96 Columbia; AISI type S4S
BSSI2 Alloy steel: Bar and forging; high tensile; replaced CHOI 0.38% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo I% V 1% Si steel:
BSSI8 Alloy steel: 1300 N/mm' tensile range; replaced Huntsman; for nitrided dies for Al and Mg casting
BS S33 Medium carbon alloy steel: 900 N/mm' tensile; obsolete DPN: 550
BSS34 Medium carbon alloy steel: Bar; hardened and CH02 0.4% C 5% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% V 5% W 1% Si steel:
tempered; obsolete Huntsman; dies for AI and brass casting
BSS40 Medium carbon alloy steel: Strip; high tensile; obsolete DPN: 540
BSS43 Medium carbon alloy steel: Strip; obsolete CHIMO 0.55% C 0.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V2.0% Si steel:
BSS65 Medium carbon nickel chrome steel: Replaced by Firth Sterling
BS/S97 CHISEL STEEL Low alloy WCr steel: Origin unknown
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CHROMETOUGH 0.55% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V steel: Clyde Alloy CR50 0.5% C 0.4% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
DPN: 600 Casting; Wolsingham
CHROME 0.55% C 0.16% Ni 7.5% Cr 7.4% Wsteel: Latrobe; for DPN: 207 UTS: 700 Elon: 10%
TUNGSTEN hot working CR83 0.4% C 1.3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Bofors; obsolete
CHW 0.5% C 2.8% Cr 0.5% V 15.1 % W steel: Latrobe; DPN: 260 UTS: 840 Elon: 15% Proof: S80
casting and forging dies for brass; type H24 CR501 0.5% C 0.4% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
DPN: 570 Casting; Wolsingham
CL40X 0.55% C 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Origin DPN:293
unknown CrMolFMo 0.5% C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar Allen;
CL99 0.4% C 4.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Origin Code 639 steel
unknown CrMo'P' 0.45% C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar
CL224 0.55% C 1.5% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Origin Allen; Code 628 steel
unknown CRD23 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Origin unknown
CL225 0.5% C 1.25% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Origin CRD24 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: C Denton;
unknown shear blades; obsolete
CLARITE EW 50 0.53% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: Columbia; DPN: 5SO
AISltype H26 CRD NICHROMA 0.45% C 3% Ni 0.65% Cr 1% Si steel: C Denton; shear
CLOSELOY Medium C Ni Cr Mo steel: Armstrong Whitworth; blades; obsolete
range of steels with varying C DPN: 550
CMN 0.52% C 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Marsh CRDNTCS 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.25% V steel: C Denton; shear blades;
Brothers; forging dies obsolete
CMVM 0.5% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% V steel: Huntsman; chisels, DPN: SSO
screwdrivers; dies, etc. CRMI 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Firth Brown for BS
DPN: 500 alloy En 19 and 19A
CODE 628 0.45% C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar CRM2 0.4% C 1.3% Cr 0.8% Mo steel: Firth Brown for BS
Allen; Cr Mo 'P' steel alloy En 20B
CODE 638 0.48% C 4.2% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.7% Si steel: CrMOO0 0.6% C 0.4% Ni l.l % Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% Cu steel:
Casting; Edgar Allen; 'YCW STEM' Casting; Wolsingham
CODE 639 0.5% C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar Allen; DPN: 341
Cr Mo/F Mo steel CRO 684 BOVAC 0.3% C 0.6% Ni 1.7% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Bofors;
COLLET STEEL 0.6% C 0.4% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Crucible vacuum de-gassed for plastic moulds; hardened and
Steel Co. tempered
DPN: 570 DPN: 300 UTS: 900 Elon: 18% Proof: 7SO
COLMONOY 155 0.5% C 1.5% Mn 2.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.1 % Si iron CROMAX 0.53% C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting; Edgar
alloy: Bronze metal; Wall Colomony; melting point CrMoFMo Allen; for wear resistance
1450'C DPN:2S0
COMET 258S 0.3% C 5.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.4% Wsteel: Welding CROMOL 0.4% C l.l % Cr 0.3% Mo steel: ESC for BS alloy En
electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion resistance 19
DPN: 530 CROWN 0.4% C 1.3% Cr 0.15% V 2.3% Wsteel: Jessop
COMMANDO 0.5% C 1.4% Cr 0.2% V 2.1 % Wsteel: Simonds; AISI DPN: 620
type SI CRY 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% V spring steel: ESC for BS alloy
CONQUEROR LC 0.45% C 3.0% Cr 15% W steel: For tools; origin En 47
unknown erci 0.45% C 1.25% Cr 2% Wsteel; Marsh Brothers;
CONSUMET 0.5% C 0.1 % Ni 4.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.0% V steel: chisels, caulking irons, etc.
Carpenter for bearings CfH 0.43% C 0.25% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Marsh Brothers; hot
CP2 0.53% C 1.4% Cr 0.2% V 2% W steel; For tools; forging dies, etc.
S Osborn; shock and fatigue resistant tools; obsolete CV4 0.45% C 2.3% Cr 0.3% V steel: Origin unknown
DPN: 570 CV40h 0.42% C 1.5% Cr 0.1% V steel: Krupp
CP30 C not specified 1.5% Cr 0.75% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: BSC CV50 0.5% C 1.05% Cr 0.1 % V steel: Krupp
Cyclop; armour plate CV58 0.58% C 1.05% Cr 0.1% V steel: Krupp
CP40 0.4% C 0.7% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: ESC CV Punch and Die 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.25% V steel: T Turton
UTS: 1070 Elon: 15% Proof: 880 CVHD 0.6% C 0.7% Cr 0.2% V steel; Huntsman; dies for
CP 50 C not specified 1.5% Cr 0.75% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: BSC zinc, casting, extrusion dies, etc.
Cyclop; armour plate DPN: 335
CR43 0.43% C 0.4% Ni 1% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu steel: CVM3 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo l.l % V 1.0% Si die steel:
Casting; Wolsingham ESC; forging dies, blanks, etc.
DPN: 200 UTS: 610 Elon: 12% DPN: SSO
CVM4 0.58% C 5.0% Cr 1.35% Mo l.l % V steel: Origin
CVM6 0.38% C 5.0% Cr 1.75% Mo 0.95% V 2.0% W steel:
Origin unkown
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: D6A 0.46% C 0.5% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo steel: American
proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number D6AC 0.46% C 0.5% Ni 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' unkown
Elon Elongation, % D6AC 0.5% C 0.6% Ni 1.05% Cr 1.01% Mo 0.1 % V steel
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' D249 0.48% C 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% V 2.2% W
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475tonflin.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa DPN: 5SO
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. D421 0.45% C 1.3% Cr 0.3% V 2.3% Wsteel: Spencer
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
D444 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 4.2% Cr 4.2% Mo 2.2% Vsteel: DM3 0.42% C 1.5% Cr 0.35% V 3.5% Wsteel: T Turton
Fagersta RC51 DOUBLE FLYGO High C 18% Wsteel: For tools; high speed air
DAMASCUS 0.55% C 0.25% Cr 0.3% V 2.0% Si steel: Latrobe hardening; Turton Bros
DART 0.41% C 3.3% Cr 2.4% Mo 0.35% Vsteel: Latrobe; DOUBLE ZEBRA 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson; chisels,
for hot working drifts, etc.
DEF 13B5B Alloy steel: Hardened and tempered; covers En 19 and DPN: 610
includes En 16, 18,22, 100, etc. DR086BOVAC 0.35% C 1.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bofors;
UIS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 630 vacuum de-gassed; for plastic moulds; hardened and
DEF 13B5C Alloy steel: Hardened and tempered; covers En 19 and tempered
includes En 16, 100, etc. DPN: 300 UTS: 900 Elon: 18% Proof: 750
UTS: 920 Elon: 17% Proof: 710 DRO 1133 0.55% C 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Bofors; dies
DEF 13B5D Alloy steel: Hardened and tempered; covers En 19 and DPN:400
includes En 16, 17,24, etc. DTD4C 0.4'5% C 1.25% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Springs for engine
UTS: 1000 Elon: 16% Proof: 760 valves
DEF 13B5E Alloy steel: Hardened and tempered; covers En 24, 110 UTS: 1550
and includes En 19, etc. DTD87B 0.4% C 0.4% Ni 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo I% Al steel: For
UTS: 1070 Elon: 14% Proof: 840 bar and forging; suitable for nitriding
DEF 13B5F Alloy steel: Hardened and tempered; covers En 24, 25, DPN: 286 UTS: 920 Elon: 17% Proof: 640
etc. DTD 167 A 0.4% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; hardened and
UTS: 1140 Elon: 14% Proof: 900 tempered
DEF 13B5G Alloy steel: Hardened and tempered; covers En 24, 26, DPN: 200 UTS: 700 Proof: 610
etc. DTD5012 0.4% C 3.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Air hardened
UTS: 121 Elon: 14% Proof: 99 and tempered
DIN 50CR V4 0.5% CO.85% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: For DPN: 444 UTS: 1550 Elon: 12% Proof: 1040
springs; German Standard DTD5042 0.42% C 1.75% Ni 1.25% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel:
DIN 16541 0.42% C 0.6% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging Bar; hardened and tempered
42 Cr M04 DPN: 385 UTS: 1300 Elon: 12% Proof: 1070
DIN 1654/42 Cr V6 0.42% C 1.5% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: For bolts DTD 5052 0.42% C 1.75% Ni 1.25% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
DIN 8555 E3 Cr Mo steel: Welding electrode Plate; hardened and tempered
40T DPN: 380 UTS: 1300 Elon: 12% Proof: 1070
DIN 8555 E3 Cr Mo steel: Welding electrode DTD 5162 High tensile steel: For bolts; high metallurgical quality
50T UTS:900
DIN 8555 E3 Cr Mo steel: Welding electrode DTD5172 Low alloy steel: Castings; hardened and tempered
55T DPN: 265 UTS: 920 Elon: 12% Proof: 670
DIN 8555 E4 Cr Mo V Wsteel: Welding electrode DTD 5192 Ni Cr Mo Vsteel: Wrought; vacuum remelted
60ST UTS: 1900
DIN 8555 E21 Cr Wsteel: Welding electrode DTD5222 5% Cr Mo Vsteel: Vacuum melted; steel for bolts
7022 UTS: 1800
DIN 8555 E23- Cr Ni Mo Wsteel: Welding electrode DUNELT34 0.38% C 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Dunford for BS alloy
200 (45K) ZCKT En 19
DIN 172001 0.36% C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Ni 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo DUNELT36 0.42% C 1.2% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Dunford for BS alloy
36 Cr Ni Mo 4 steel: German Standard En50
Din 172001 0.42% C 0.6% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging DUNELT69 0.4% C 0.3% Cr (max) 3.5% Ni steel: Dunford for BS
42 Cr M04 alloy En 22
DIN 172001 0.41% CO.65% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: DUNELTlOO 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr steel: Dunford;
42 Cr M04 German Standard hardened and tempered
DIN 172001 0.42% C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: DPN: 280 UTS: 920 Elon: 18%
42Cr MoS 4 ·German Standard DUNELT101 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Dunford for
DIN 172001 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Forging BS alloy En 24
50CrM04 DUREHETE 900 0.4% C 1.25% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Samuel Fox; for use
DIN 172001 0.5% C 0.65% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: German up to 500'C
50CrM04 Standard UTS: 1010 Elon: 22% Proof: 930
DIN 172001 0.51 % C 0.9% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: German DUREHETE 950 0.4% C 0.7% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.25% Vsteel: Samuel Fox;
50Cr V4 Standard for use up to 500 'C
DIN 172211 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: For springs UTS: 980 Elon: 25% Proof: 920
50 Cr V 4 DUROTERM 12R 0.35% C 8.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
DIN 17221/ 0.52% CO.9% Mn 1.05% CrO.2% Mo 0.1% Vsteel: Soudometal; for build up of hot work tools
51 CrMo V 4 For springs; German Standard DPN: 580
D1N17221! 0.58% C 1.1% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: For springs; German DUX4 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 2.25% Wsteel: ESC; shear blades,
58 Cr V 4 Standard punches, etc.
DIN 17222/ 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: For springs; German DPN:600
50 Cr V 4 Standard DYCASTI 0.4% C5.4% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.5% V steel: Latrobe; hot
DIN 17222/ 0.58% C 1.1% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: For springs; German punches, etc.; type H II
58 Cr V 4 Standard DPN: 430
DIN 172251 0.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: For springs; DYNAFLEX 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.5% V 0.9% Si steel:
45CrMoV6n German Standard VAC-ARC Latrobe steel; hardened and tempered
DIN 172251 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.1% Vsteel: For springs; German UTS: 2000 Elon: 8% Proof: 1550
50 Cr V 4 Standard E 0.65% C 3.75% Cr 0.5% V 14% Wsteel: S Osborn;
DIN 172251 0.65% C 3.7% Cr 0.85% Mo 0.7% V8.5% Wsteel: obsolete
65 WM034/8 For springs; German Standard DPN: 790
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
E50 0.5% C 3% Cr 0.5% V 14% W tool steel: For hot EXTENDO·DIE 0.4% C 6% Cr 1.9% Mo 0.8% V steel: Carpenter
working; S Osborn; for dies, inserts, covers, etc.; FI 0.44% C 1.25% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Jessop
obsolete F2 0.6% C 0.7% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Jessop
E4340 0.40% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: F5 0.44% C 1.3% Cr 0.12% V 2.3% Wsteel: Jessop
Designation used by AISI F7 0.5% CO.7% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.12% V 1.2% Wsteel:
E Fe 5 0.8% C (max) 2.2% Cr steel: Weld electrode; Jessop
designation used by AWS DPN: 620
E Fe5C 0.4% C 4% Cr 7% Mo I% V 1.7% W steel: Weld FlO 0.55% C 0.35% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V steel: Shock
electrode; obsolete resistant; Jessop
ECHO 0.65% C 4% Cr 0.6% V 14.5% W steel: John Vessey DPN:640
ECONO 0.4% C 3.75% Cr 5.7% Mo 0.7% V 1.0% W steel: F500 0.52% C 1.0% Mn I. I% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.1 % V steel:
Braeburn YEW
ELECfERN 0.55% C 1.5% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.28% Mo steel: Origin F550 0.51% C 1.0% Mn 1.1% CrO.I% Vsteel: YEW
unknown FCV 0.4% C 2.5% V steel: Jonas; dies for casting Al
ELECfRlTE5 0.6% C 4.1 % Cr 1.1 % V 18% Wsteel: Latrobe; hot DPN: 441
work; type H26 FAGERSTA D234 1.1% C 0.4% Mn 0.6% Cr 1.9% W steel: For saw
ELECfRITE7 0.68% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.4% Wsteel: blades; Fagersta
Latrobe; hot work; type H42 FAGERSTA K825 0.36% C 0.7% Mn 1.4% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
En 19 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Designation used in Fagersta; for valves
BS 970; replaced by 709 M40 FALCON 4 0.45% C 1.5% Cr 0.25% V steel: Atlas; as AISI type
En 19A 0.4% C 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in SI
BS 970; replaced by 708 M40 FALCON 6 0.55% C 1.5% Cr 0.25% V 2.0% W steel: Atlas; as
En 19B 0.39% C 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in AISI type SI
BS 970; replaced by 708 A37 FIREDIE 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.5% V steel: Columbia;
Enl9C 0.42% C 1.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Designation used in AISI type Hl1
BS 970; replaced by 708 A42 FIREDIE 13 0.4% C 5.2% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: Columbia;
En 22 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Designation used in BS AISI type H13
970; obsolete FIREDIE 13 0.4% C 5.2% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: Columbia;
En 24 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Designation SMOOTHCUT AISI type HI3 S; free cutting
used in BS 970; replaced by 817 M40 FIREX 0.4% C 4.25% Ni 1.2% Cr tool steel: Darwin; chisels,
En 26 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Designation shear blades, etc.
used in BS 970; replaced by 826 M40 DPN: 620
En40C 0.4% C 0.4% Ni 3% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: For FKD4 0.42% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey
nitriding; designation used in BS 970; replaced by 897 UTS: 1250 Elon: 9% Proof: UNO
M39 fmp328 0.4% C 5.2% Cr 1.35% Mo 0.4% V steel: F Parkin; as
En41A 0.31% C 0.4% Ni 1.5% CrO.2% Mo 1% AI steel: For tool steel Hl1
nitriding; designation used in BS 970; replaced by 905 fmp329 0.4% C 5.25% Cr 1.35% Mo 1.0% V steel: F Parkin;
M31 as tool steel H13
En4IB 0.39% C 9.4% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo I% Al steel: For fmp348 0.43% C 4.0% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: F Parkin
nitriding; designation used in BS 970; replaced by 905 fmp399 0.5% C 1.45% Cr 0.2% V 2.2% W steel: F Parkin; as
M39 tool steel SI
En 47 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: For springs; designation fmp682 0.6% C 4.0% Cr 8.25% Mo 2.0% V steel; F Parkin; as
used in BS 970; replaced by 897 M39 tool steel H43
En 50 0.45% C 1.25% Cr 0.15% V steel: For valve springs; fmp 1850 0.55% C4.1% Cr 1% Mo 0.7% V 18% Wsteel: F
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 897 M39 Parkin; as tool steel H26
En 100 0.4% C 0.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation FN 35 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.25% Cr steel: Firth Brown for BS
used in BS 970; replaced by 945 M38 alloy En 22
En lOOD 0.42% C 0.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation FOREMOST 257 Medium C Ni Cr Mo steel: Swift Levick for hot dies
used in BS 970; obsolete DPN:300
En 110 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Designation FOREMOST 0.45% C 1.7% Cr 0.25% V 2% W steel: Swift Levick;
used in BS 970; replaced by 816 M40 PNEUMATIC punches, shears
En 160 0.4% C 1.75% Ni 0.3% Mo steel: Designation used in FORMDIE 0.51 % C 1.5% Ni 5.2% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.05% V steel:
BS 970; obsolete SMOOTHCUT Free cutting; Columbia; AISI type A9S
En 160A 0.4% C 1.75% Ni 0.3% Mo steel: Obsolete FORMlTE3 0.51 % C 3.0% Cr 0.5% V 15% Wsteel: Columbia;
ERA 171 0.4% C 0.4% Ni 3% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V nitriding steel: AISI type H24
Hadfields for BS alloy En 40C G5Spi 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.27% Mo steel: Jessop for
ETAD 0.4% C 4.6% Ni 2.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey BS alloy En 24
ETAD2 0.35% C 4.0% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Pompey G7 0.5% C 1.7% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Jessop
G12 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Jessop for
BS alloy En 26
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: GI4A 0.42% C 3.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Jessop
GI4C 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Jessop
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number G20 0.4% C 1.3% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Jessop for BS alloy En 100
Elon Elongation, % 026 0.4% C 1.4% Ni 1.1% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Jessop for
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS alloy En 110
033 0.4% C 1.37% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Jessop
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa G 105 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Toledo for
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BS alloy En 24; also produced with lower Mo to alloy
En 110
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GEAROL 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Swift Levick H600.1 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 3.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Electrode;
for BS aHoy En 24 Metrode; hardenable deposit
GJ2 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% V steel: For tools; S Osborn; DPN:OOO
punches, spanners, tool holders; obsolete H750 0.6% C 1.5% Mn 5.0% Cr 5.0% Mo steel: Electrode;
DPN: 620 Metrode; hardenable deposit
GOST 2052/50 0.5% C 0.75% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Bar; DPN: 700
KHFA Russian Standard HARDEES350 0.3% C 2.7% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
GOST2052150 0.5% CO.75% Mn 0.95% CrO.15% V 0.4% Cu (max): Philips; for hard facing
KHFA Russian Standard DPN: 570
GOST2052/50 0.51 % CO.9% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.2% V steel: Bar; HARDEES800 0.6% C 5% Cr 3.7% Mo 0.2% B steel: Welding
KHGFA Russian Standard electrode; Philips
GOST2052/50 0.52% CO.9% Mn 1.1% CrO.2% V0.25% Cu (max) DPN:800
KHGFA steel: For springs; Russian Standard HARDTEM 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Somers; die steel
GOST 2052160 0.6% C 0.55% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.15% V steel: Bar; HAVOC 0.5% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V steel: Simonds; AISI type S2
S2KHFA Russian Standard HCM3 0.4% C 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.25% V steel: Firth Brown
GOST 2052/65 S2VA 0.65% C 0.85% Mn 0.3% Cr (max) 1.0% Wsteel: Bar; for BS 970 En 40C
Russian Standard HCRS2 0.4% C 1.25% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: ESC for BS aUoy En
GOST 4543/38 0.38% C 0.4% Mn 3.2% Ni 1.35% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.15% 20B
KHN3MFA B steel: Russian Standard HCRS5 0.4% C 1.25% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.25% V steel: ESC;
GOST 4543/38 0.38% C 0.35% Mn 3.0% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.65% Wsteel: hardened and tempered
KHN3VA Russian Standard UTS: 840 Elon: 16% Proof: 720
GOST 4543/38 0.38% C 0.4% Mn 3.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.65% W0.15% HD2 0.4% C 3.35% Cr 0.25% V2.4% Wsteel: Spencer;
KHN3VFA B steel: Russian Standard forging dies and inserts
GOST 4543/40 KHN 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Russian DPN:400
Standard HD3 Wsteel: For tools; hot forging; Turton Bros
GOST 4543/40 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.15% V steel: Russian HD12 10% Wsteel: For tools; hot forging; Turton Bros
KHFA Standard HDB3 0.5% C 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Huntsman; long run
GOST 4543/40 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: press dies
KHNMA Russian Standard HDB5 0.5% C 1.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Huntsman;
GOST 4543/40 0.4% C 0.65% Mn 1.45% Ni 0.75% Cr 1.0% Wsteel: long run press dies
KHNVA Russian Standard HECLA 70 0.4% C 3.2% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS aHoy
GOST 4543/50 KHN 0.5% C 0.65% Mn 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Russian En 22
Standard HECLA 76 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Hadfields for BS aHoy
GOST 563214 0.4% C 9.7% Cr 0.8% Mo steel: Russian Standard En 47, En 50
KHIOS2M HECLA 100 0.4% C 1.2% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
GOST5632/4 0.4% C 9.7% Cr 0.8% Mo steel: Plate; Russian Hadfields for BS aHoy En 100, En 100 A, B, C and D
KHIOS2M Standard HECLA 110 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Hadfields
GRANE2 0.55% C 3.0% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm for type for BS aHoy En 19 and En 19A
L6 HECLA 135 0.6% C 2.0% Ni 2.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Origin
GV 0.5% C 3.0% Ni 1% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: For unknown
tools; S Osborn; shears, punches, dies; obsolete HECLA 139 0.55% C 1.75% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Origin
DPN: 630 unknown
HIO 0.41% C 3.3% Cr 2.4% Mo 0.35% V steel: HECLA 157 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Hadfields for BS aHoy
Designation used by AISI En 19 and En 19A
HI3 0.39% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: For hot HECLA I60C 0.38% C 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V 3.6% Wsteel:
work; Osborn Origin unknown
H 14 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 5.0% W tool steel: Designation used HEDEX8 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel; Wire for
by AlSI forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 110
HIS 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 5.0% Mo steel: Designation used by HEDEX9 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wire for forging;
AISl; obsolete Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 19
H 16 0.55% C 7.0% Cr 7.0% Wsteel: For tools; designation HEDEX 10 0.4% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Wire for
used by AlSI forging; Kiveton Park; annealed
H24 0.45% C 3.0% Cr 15.0% Wsteel: For tools; UTS:640
designation used by AlSI HEDEX 15 0.4% C 0.55% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel; Wire for
H24 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Jessop for BS aHoy En forging; Kiveton Park; annealed
19 UTS: 650
H24 0.52% C 4.1 % Cr 0.45% V 14.5% Wsteel: For hot HEDEX33 0.45% C 1.2% Cr 0.15% V steel: Wire for forging;
work; Osborn Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 50
H26 0.5% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools, HEDEX47 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wire for
designation used by AlSI forging; Kiveton Park for BS aHoy En 24
H31 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Jessop for BS aHoy En HI SHOCK 60 0.7% C 0.5% Ni 1% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.15% V2.5% Cu
20B steel: Carpenter
H41 0.65% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% Wsteel: For HNVI 0.55% C 0.8% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.5% Si steel: For inlet
tools; designation used by AlSI valves; designation used by SAE
H42 0.6% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V6.0% Wsteel: For HNV4 0.45% C 1% Ni 7% Cr 3.3% Si steel: For inlet valves;
tools; designation used by AlSI designation used by SAE
H43 0.55% C 40% Cr 8.0% Mo 2.0% Vsteel: For tools; HR 119 0.55% C 3.0% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Bofors
designation used by AlSI DPN:400
H55 0.55% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% Vsteel: Jessop HRO 1243 0.55% C 3.0% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Bofors; dies
H 56 0.55% C 1% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.05% V with S steel: DPN:440
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HW7 0.45% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V 3.7% W0.5% Co JL 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.4% V 1.0% Si tool steel:
steel: Atlas; for hot working For tools; hot working; S Osborn; hot extrusion dies,
DPN:400 etc.; obsolete
HWD2 0.38% C 5.25% Cr 1.35% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: Firth DPN:46O
Sterling JS 0.5% C 1.4% Cr 0.25% V 2.5% Wsteel: Firth Sterling
HWD3 0.4% C 5.25% Cr 1.25% Mo 1.05% V steel: Firth JS 5 0.42% C 0.4% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.4% Cu steel
Sterling casting: Jopling; for induction hardening
HWD(Mod) 0.55% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 1.4% W steel: DPN: 200 UTS: 620 Elon: 12% Proof: 300
Firth Sterling JS 13 0.52% C 0.4% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.4% Cu steel
HYBLADE 0.55% C 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Origin casting: Jopling
unknown DPN: 230 UTS: 700 Elon: 10% Proof: 330
HYDIE 0.37% C 3% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Somers; die JS 26 0.5% C 0.4% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.4% Cu steel
steel casting: Jopling
HYDRAHD 0.4% C 4% Cr 0.7% V 14% Wsteel: Hall and Pickles; DPN: 200 UTS: 620 Elon: 12% Proof: 300
forging dies; obsolete KI9 0.4% C 1.5% Cr 0.55% Mo 0.3% V 3.5% Wsteel:
DPN:630 Jessop
HYDRAVK 0.4% C 4.75% Cr 1.2% Mo 1% V steel: Hall and K300 0.53% C 8.3% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.2% Wsteel: YEW
Pickles; dies for casting AI; extrusion dies, etc.; K 306 0.51% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Vsteel: YEW
obsolete K450 0.47% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: YEW
DPN:550 K455 0.63% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: YEW
HYKROV 0.4% C 3% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.2% V steel: ESC; nitriding K600 0.45% C 4.0% Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: YEW
steel K605 0.52% C 3.1 % Ni 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
UTS: 1380 Elon: 10% Proof: 1070 K 24535 0.45% C (max) 2.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.2% Mo (min) steel:
HY-TEN 0.5% C 1% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.08% S steel: Designation used by UNS
Wheelock Lovejoy and Co; for machinability KAISALOY No.3 0.35% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% CrO.I% Mo 0.05%
HYTUF 0.37% C 5.3% Cr 1.4% Mo I% Vsteel: Somers V 0.005% Ti 0.35% Cu steel: Kaiser Steel Co.
IDEOR 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.15% V 2% W 1.0% Si tool steel: KD4 0.4% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey
Shock resisting: Darwin; chisels, shear blades, etc. UTS: 1250 Elon: 8% Proof: 1070
DPN: 650 KE241 0.55% C 8.5% Cr 2% W 3% Si steel: Kayser Ellison;
IMPAX 0.36% C 1.4% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Uddelholm valves
IVORESCOWM 0.38% C 2.1 % Cr 4.25% Mo 0.32% V 1.05% Si steel: KE275 0.4% C 3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.5% V 9.5% Wsteel: Kayser
EXTRA Schoeller-Bleckman Ellison for hot working copper
UTS: 1550 DPN: 530
J 27 0.42% C 3.2% Cr 0.25% V 13% Wsteel: Jessop KE355 0.43% C 4.2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Kayser
JAYSEE 0.45% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% W steel: Jonas; chisels, Ellison; hardened and tempered for plastic dies
hammers, etc. DPN: 460 UTS: 1680
DPN: 530 KE396 0.6% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Kayser Ellison;
JG3 0.5% C 1% Mn 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: For tools; S for punches, shear blades
Osborn; chisels; obsolete DPN: 700
JlS G4106 SCM4 0.4% C 0.75% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Japanese KE8% 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Kayser Ellison;
Standard hardened and tempered
JlS G4106 SCM5 0.45% C 0.72% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: DPN: 430 UTS: 1500 Elon: 10% Proof: 133
Japanese Standard KE960 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V 2.2% W steel: Kayser Ellison;
JIS G4106 SNCI 0.36% C 0.65% Mn 1.25% Ni 0.7% Cr steel: Japanese shear blades, screwdriver bits
Standard DPN: 670
JIS G4106 SNC3 0.36% C 0.5% Mn 3.25% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Japanese KE 1029 0.55% C 6.2% Cr 0.25% W 1.4% Si steel: Kayser
Standard Ellison; for valves
JlS G4106 SNCMI 0.45% C 0.6% Mn (max) 0.3% Ni (max) 1.5% Cr KEA227 0.5% C 1.2% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sanderson
0.22% Mo 1.0% Al steel: Japanese Standard Kayser
JIS G4106 SNCM6 0.4% C 0.85% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.22% Mo KELOCK 0.75% C 4.1% Cr 1.1% V 18% W steel: Sanderson
steel: Japanese Standard Kayser
JlS G4106 SNCM7 0.45% C 0.85% Mn 0.55% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.22% Mo KF26 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Kirkstall for
steel: Japanese Standard BS alloy En 24
JIS G4106 SNCM8 0.4% C 0.75% Mn 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: KF26A 0.4% C 1.4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Kirkstall for
Japanese Standard BS alloy En 110
JIS G4801 SUP10 0.5% C 0.8% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: For springs; KF28C 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Kirkstall for
Japanese Standard BS alloy En 26
KF48 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Kirkstall for BS alloy
En 19
KF53 0.42% C 0.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Kirkstall for
BS alloy En 20B
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
KF56 0.42% C 1.4% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
Kirkstall for BS alloy En 100
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number KHNSV 0.55% C 1.0% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.55% Wsteel: Russian
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Standards designation
Eion Elongation, % KLAH 0.55% C 1.75% Cr 1.75% W 1% Si steel: Jonas;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 chisels, punches. etc.
DPN: 700
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04 ibflin. 2=1 MPa
KP 16 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Kiveton Park for BS
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. alloy En 22
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
KP22 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Kiveton Park MANOIR RSI 0.45% C 0.7% Mn 1.8% Si steel: Pompey
for BS alloy En 24 VTS: 1320 Elon: 4% Proof: 1150
KP26 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Kiveton Park for BS MANOIR 0.5% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Cr steel: Pompey
alloy En 47 ABRADUR 240 VTS: 1200 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000
KP33 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Kiveton Park for BS MANOIR 0.6% C 0.8% Cr \.6% Si steel: Pompey
alloy En 19 ABRADUR 300 VTS: 1500 Elon: 3% Proof: 1300
KP34 0.4% C 1.4% Mn 0.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: MANOIR 0.3% C 1.8% Ni \.0% Cr 35% Mo steel: Pompey
Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 100 ABRADUR 400 VTS: 1500 Elon: 5% Proof: 1150
L94 0.6% C 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Fagersta MANOIR 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Pompey
DPN: 730 ABRADUR 500 VTS: 1600 Elon: 5% Proof: 1300
L97 0.55% C 3.0% Ni \.0% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Fagersta MANOIR 0.5% C 1.5% Mn 1.5% Cr + Mo + V + Ni steel:
DPN: 600 ABRADUR PM38 Pompey
LANARK 0.55% C 0.16% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.28% V 1.9% Si steel: VTS: 1650 Elon: 4% Proof: 1300
Latrobe; for coldwork MARSHCMN 0.52% C 1.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Marsh
LCKD 0.6% C 0.12% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey Brothers; forging dies
LESCALLOY 0.3% C 8.5% Ni \.0% Cr \.0% Mo 0.1 % V4.0% Co MARSHCTCI 0.45% C 1.25% Cr 2% Wsteel: Marsh Brothers;
HP9·4-30 steel: Latrobe chisels, caulking irons, etc.
LESCALLOY 0.45% C 0.6% Ni 1.1 % Cr \.0% Mo 0.12% V steel: MARSHCTH 0.43% C 0.25% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Marsh Brothers; hot
LADISHD6AC Latrobe steel; hardened and tempered forging dies, etc.
VAC·ARC VTS: 1680 Elon: 7% Proof: 1300 MARSHNC 0.45% C 3.7% Ni 1.1% Cr steel: Marsh Brothers;
LESCALLOY 300M 0.42% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.07% Vsteel: chisels
Latrobe MARSHNCI 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr steel: Marsh Brothers; collets
LESCALLOY 4340 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Latrobe MAS 0.52% C 2.0% Ni \.0% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V steel:
LESCALLOY UTl8 0.4% C 3.2% Cr 0.95% Mo 0.2% V steel: Latrobe Pompey
LK I 0.5% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1% AI steel: For nitriding; MAX CHIP 0.42% C 4.1 % Ni \.05% Cr 1.7% Si steel: Edgar Allen
Firth Brown MAXEL3! 0.5% C \.25% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.18% Mo 0.08% S steel:
LK3 0.4% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1% AI steel: For nitriding; Free machining; Crucible Steel Co.
Firth Brown for En 41B DPN: 250 VTS: 880 Elon: 22% Proof: 370
LNCM 0.4% C 1.3% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: ESC for BS MC 0.4% C 1% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: Jonas
alloy En 110 VTS: 1000 Elon: 17% Proof: 840
LOMINIUM 0.47% C \. 75% Cr 0.2% V steel: Edgar Allen; for Zn MCH 0.5% C 3.7% Cr 6.2% Mo 0.75% V 1.0% Wsteel:
die casting moulds Latrobe; hot work
DPN:600 DPN: 550
LOW CARBON 0.6% C 3.75% Cr 8.7% Mo 1.0% V 1.7% Wsteel: MCV 0.5% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.25% Mo steel:
TATMO Latrobe; for hot working Sanderson; has additions of B, Ti, Zr and V
LOW CARBON 0.6% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 2.0% V steel: Latrobe; for DPN: 255 VTS: 800 Elon: 23% Proof: 770
TNW hot working MET-HARD 450HW 0.3% C 5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.8% Wsteel: Electrode;
LS 0.5% C 3.2% Cr \.7% Mo steel: Braebum Metrode
LT8 0.45% C 3.0% Ni 0.5% Cr steel: Low Moor DPN: 520
LT9 0.5% C 1.0% Mn 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Low Moor MET-HARD 650 0.5% C 8% Cr 1% Mo 0.7% V steel: Electrode;
DPN:600 Metrode
LT31 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V2% W1.0% Si steel: Low DPN: 650
Moor; for hot work tools; obsolete MET·HARD 650M 0.5% C 4.5% Cr 6% Mo + Ni Vsteel: Electrode;
DPN: 790 Metrode
LT41 0.4% C 4.7% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.4% V 1.0% Si steel: Low UPN: 656
Moor; for hot work tools; obsolete MGR 0.55% C 5.0% Cr 1.2% Mo \.2% Wsteel: Latrobe;
DPN: 630 punch and dies; type A8
LT42 0.4% C 5% Cr 0.4% Mo 4% W \.0% Si steel: Low DPN: 630
Moor; for hot work and tools; obsolete MINERVAHC 0.53% C \.8% Cr 0.2% V 1.9% Wsteel: Edgar Allen;
DPN: 550 punches, shear blades
LT47 0.5% C 3% Cr 0.5% V 14% Wsteel: Low Moor; for MINERVALC 0.43% C 1.8% Cr 0.2% V 1.9% Wsteel: Edgar Allen;
hot work tools; obsolete chisels, punches, shear blades
9PN: 670 MNC851 General standard for SS range of case hardening steels;
LT51 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo stcel: Low Moor; Swedish Standard
die steel; obsolete MOHD 0.36% C 3.5% Cr 6.0% Mo 0.75% V \.0% Wsteel:
DPN: 550 For tools; Huntsman; extrusion dies
LUNDIE 0.4% C 5.25% Cr 4.75% Wsteel: Latrobe; for hot DPN:600
working MOHICAN 6 0.62% C 3.7% Cr 8.7% Mo 1.0% V 1.7% Wsteel:
LV 52 Mo 0.5% C 7.5% Mo 1.5% Si steel: Low Moor; valve steel; Atlas; as AISI type H51
obsolete MOLITEHW60 0.63% C 4.0% Cr 8.2% Mo 1.9% Vsteel: Columbia;
DPN: 320 AISI type H43
M200 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 1.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW MONARCH BLA 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: For tools;
MM038 0.38% C 1.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% origin unknown
Cu steel: Casting; Wolsingham MONARCH NCV 0.4% C 4.2% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Origin
DPN: 375 VTS: 920 Elon: 12% Proof: 580 unknown
MALLOY 0.6% C 1.1% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Origin unknown MONARK2 0.6% C 0.3% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Atlas; as AISI S5
MANOFORTI60 0.3% C 2% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Pompey MUSHET 0.65% C 3.7% Cr 0.5% V 14.0% Wsteel: For tools;
VTS: 1600 Elon: 8% Proof: 1250 origin unknown
MANOFORT 180 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Pompey N4 0.42% C \.7% Ni 1.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel:
VTS: 1700 Elon: 5% Proof: 1400 Jessop
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NA 0.6% C 0.3% Mo 0.2% V 2% Si steel: For tools; S No 481 0.55% C 0.25% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Carpenter; for AISI
Osborn; punches, picks, shear blades; obsolete type S5
DPN: 620 No 481 0.5% C 0.25% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Carpenter
NARVE 0.65% C 1.1 % Cr 0.57% Mo steel: Uddelholm No 882 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.35% Mo 0.4% V steel: Carpenter
NAT 0.32% C 5.0% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.4% V 1.0% Si tool steel: No 883 0.37% C 5.2% Cr 1.3% Mo 1% V steel: Carpenter
Balfour Darwin NORESCOSPK 0.45% C 2.35% Cr 0.3% V steel: Schoeller·Bleckmann
NC 0.45% C 3. 7% Ni 1.1% Cr steel: Marsh Brothers; UTS:1210
chisels NORESCO WAW 0.45% C 1.5% CrO.5% Mo 0.9% V 0.5% Wsteel:
NCI 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr steel: Marsh Brothers; collets, Schoeller-Bleckmann
etc. VTS: 1380
NCMO 0.38% C 1.4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Firth NORESCO 0.4% C 4.25% Ni 1.4% Cr 1.% Wsteel: Schoeller·
Brown for BS alloy EN 110 PARFORCE Bleckmann; for large plastic dies
NCMI 0.4% C 1.6% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Firth Brown SPECIAL 2 VTS: 1000
for BS alloy En 24 NORESCO 0.45% C 1.05% Cr 2% W1% Si steel: Schoeller-
NCM4 0.4% C 2.4% Ni 0.65% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Firth TYRANT EXTRA Bleckmann
Brown for BS alloy En 26 DPN: 500
NCMS 0.6% C 0.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For springs; NTC 0.4% C 0.4% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: For tools; Huntsman;
ESC punches, chisels, etc.
NCMV 0.42% C 1.75% Ni 1.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: DPN: 550
ESC; nitriding, fatigue resistant NUSHANK 0.43% C 3.0% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Tube;
VTS: 1840 Elon: 8% Proof: 1550 Atlas; for detachable rock drill bits
NF 0.38% C 1.6% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: S Osborn; NV3 0.5% C 0.3% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For inlet
for moulds; hardened and tempered valves; designation used by SAE
DPN: 500 NV4 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For inlet valvcs;
NF A35 551142CD4 0.42% C 0.75% Mn 0.95% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: French designation used by SAE
Standard NV 5 0.45% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For inlet
NF A35 551150CV4 0.5% C 0.85% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.15% V steel: French valves; designation used by SAE
Standard NV7 0.4% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For valves; SAE 4140
NF A35 571145SCD6 0.46% C 0.65% Mn 0.62% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: Bar; NV8 0.4% C 0.25% Ni 2.1 % Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: For valves;
French Standard SAE designation
NF A35 571150CV4 0.5% C 0.85% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.15% V steel: For springs; NYBLADE 0.48% C 3% Ni 0.65% Cr 1.1 % Si steel: Sanderscn;
French Standard chisels, picks, shear blades, etc.
NiCrSiYCW 0.48% C 4.2% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.7% Si steel: DPN:600
STEM Casting; Edgar Allen; code 638 steel NZ2 0.55% C 1.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For hot
NIT 135 0.41% C 1.55% Cr0.35% Mo 1.1% Al steel work tools; S Osborn; forging dies, die holders, etc.;
NITRAL 0.42% C 1.65% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Pompey obsolete
NITRALLOY3 0.4% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % AI steel: ESC for BS DPN: 302
alloy En 41 B nitriding steel OCMIO 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: WMarrison for BS
NITRALLOY LK1 0.5% C 1.6% CrO.2% Mo 1.1% AI steel: For nitriding; alloy En 19
Firth Brown OK 0.4% C 1.3% Cr 0.15% V 2.3% Wsteel: Jessop
NITRALLOY LK3 0.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1 % Al steel: For nitriding; DPN: 620
Firth Brown OK CROWN 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V2.0% Wsteel:
NITRALLOY LK5 0.3% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.1% Al steel: For nitriding; Origin unknown
Firth Brown ON2 0.4% C 0.8% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: WMarrison
NITRALLOYN 0.25% C 3.5% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.1 % AI steel: for BS alloy En 100
Latrobe; nitriding steel ON4 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: WMarrison for BS
NITRALLOY 0.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.35% Mo 1.1 % Al steel: Latrobe; for alloy En 22
N135 Mod nitriding ON6 0.4% C 1.6% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: WMarrison
NITRIDING STEEL 0.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.35% Mo 1.1 % Al steel: For for BS alloy En 24
nitriding; Crucible Steel Co. ON8 0.4% C 2.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: WMarrison
DPN: 320 VTS: 1140 Elon: 17% Proof: 1000 for BS alloy En 26
NMCM 0.4% C 1.3% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: ON 11 0.4% C 1.4% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: W Marrison
Firth Brown for BS alloy En 100 for BS alloy En 110
No.1 MONARCH 0.65% C 4.0% Cr 0.6% V 14.0% Wsteel: For tools; OOC 0.6% C 1.1% Cr 0.3% V 1.9% Wsteel: For tools;
origin unknown origin unknown
No 5 ELECTERN 0.55% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Somers ORLEANS 0.55% C 0.25% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Simonds;
No 5·317 0.5% C 1.75% Ni 1% Crsteel: Carpenter AISI type S5
DPN: 500 ORVAR2 0.37% C 5.3% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: Uddelholm;
No 408 0.5% C 3% Ni 0.75% Cr steel: Carpenter for type H13
P 553 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Carrs;
crankshafts, gears, etc.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 370 VTS: 920
P 576 0.43% C 4.1 % Ni 1.4% Cr 0.8% Mo steel: Carrs
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number P602 0.4% C 1.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Carrs; pressure dies
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' for Zn Pb and Sn base castings
Elon Elongation, % DPN:460
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' P614 0.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 1% Al steel: For nitriding;
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04 Ibf/in.'=1 MPa VTS: 760
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
P618 0.4% C 0.3% Ni 3% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: For RED DIAMOND 21 0.4% C 1.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: For wear; Redheugh
nitriding; Carrs DPN: 375 UTS: 1300 Elon: 10% Proof: 1100
UTS: 1380 RED DIAMOND 22 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.25% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Redheugh
PARFORCE 0.4% C 4.25% Ni 1.4% Cr 1% Wsteel: Schoeller- DPN: 325 VIS: 1180 Elon: 15% Proof: 1070
SPECIAL2 Bleckmann; for large plastic dies REGIN3 0.5% C 1.2% Cr 0.2% V 2.5% Wsteel: Uddelholm for
VTS: 1000 type SI
PAX 2 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V 2.2% Wsteel: Sanderson; RKV 0.5% C 1.0% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Pompey
shear blades, punches R0952 0.4% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bofors;
DPN: 700 hardened and tempered
PAX NON-BREAK 0.4% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V 2.2% W steel: Sanderson; DPN: 290 VIS: 990 Elon: 12% Proof: 700
chisels, dies, punches, etc. R08155 0.4% C 3.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For dies; Bofors;
DPN: 570 annealed
PCSK 0.52% C 1.5% Cr 0.04% Mo 0.2% V 2.0% W steel: DPN: 230
Origin unknown ROPI9 0.4% C 5.3% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: Bofors
PENUMO 0.45% C 1.25% Cr 2.0% Wsteel: For tools; origin DPN: 450
unknown ROP 9653 0.45% C 1.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% V steel: Bofors
PLMBII 0.55% C 1.6% Ni 0.75% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: ESC; DPN: 500
plastic moulds; short runs RP 1152 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: For springs; Bofors;
VIS: 950 hardened and tempered
PLM B/2 0.42% C 2.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: ESC plastic DPN: 460 VIS: 1620 Elon: 7% Proof: 1210
moulds; short runs RSKD 0.45% C 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey
VIS: 1100 RT0712 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V 2.5% W steel:
PLMCII 0.42% C 2.6% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: ESC; plastic Bofors; obsolete
moulds DPN:640
DPN: 500 RT0912 0.5% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V 2.5% Wsteel:
PLM C/2 0.4% C 4.2% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: ESC; plastic Bofors
moulds DPN: 500
DPN: 550 SI 0.52% C 1.4% Cr 0.2% V 2.2% W steel: For cold
PN I 0.5% C 0.4% Mo 0.23% V 1.6% Si steel: ESC; rivet work;Osbom
snaps, air hammer tools, etc. SI 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V 2% W steel:
DPN: 630 Designation used by SAE
PNEUTOUGH 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.25% V 2.25% Wsteel: Clyde Alloy S2 0.5% C 0.5% Mo 0.25% V 1.0% Si steel: For tools;
DPN: 570 designation used by SAE
PNUSNAPOH 0.43% C 1% Cr 1.8% W 1% Si steel: Firth Brown; S3 0.5% C 0.75% Cr 1.0% Wsteel: Designation used by
shear blades SAE; obsolete
PREGA 0.45% C 3.0% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Uddelholm S4 0.55% C 0.25% Cr 0.2% V steel: Designation used by
PRESSURDIE 0.5% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 2.0% V steel: Braeburn AISI
PRESSURDIE/I 0.38% C 5.0% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% V 5.0% W steel: S5 0.55% C 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V 2.0% Si steel: For
Braeburn; AISI type H 14 tools; designation used by SAE
PRESSURDIE/3 0.39% C 5.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.0% V steel: Braeburn; S6 0.45% C 1.4% Mn 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.2% Si steel:
AISI type H 13 Designation used by SAE
PRESSURDIEl3L 0.39% C 5.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.4% Vsteel: Braeburn; S7 0.5% C 3.2% Cr 1.4% Mo steel: Designation used by
PRESSURDIEl5 0.38% C 3.5% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.0% V 1.2% Wsteel: S7 0.5% C 3.25% Cr 1.4% Mo steel: Carpenter
Braeburn S 131 0.62% C 4.5% Mn 13% Ni 3.5% Cr steel: BS
PRESSURDIEIl6 0.5% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.2% V 1.25% W steel: designation for aerospace steel
Braeburn; AISI type A8 SI32 0.4% C 3.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: BS designation
PS 36 0.4% C 0.55% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential for aerospace steel
specification SAE 81 B45 0.45% C 0.3% Ni 0.45% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.0005% B steel
PS 38 0.45% C 0.55% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential SAE 86 B45 0.45% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.0005% B steel
specification SAE 94 B40 0.40% C 0.45% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.11 % Mo steel
PS 39 0.51% C 0.55% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential SAE 3140 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel
specification SAE 3145 0.45% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
PS40 0.55% C 0.55% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: SAE potential SAE 3150 0.5% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
specification SAE 3245 0.45% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Obsolete
PS67 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: SAE potential SAE 3250 0.5% C 1.7% Ni 1% Cr steel: Obsolete
specification SAE 3340 0.40% C 3.5% Ni 1.5% Cr steel: Obsolete
PW 0.4% C 5% Cr 0.4% Mo 4.0% W 1% Si steel: For hot SAE 3450 0.5% C 3% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete
working tools; S Osborn; hot dies, punches, mandrels, SAE 4140 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
etc.; obsolete SAE 4142 0.42% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
DPN:460 SAE 4145 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
PYRODIE 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.3% Mo 1% V 1% Si steel: Clyde SAE 4147 0.47% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
Alloy SAE 4150 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel
DPN: 500 SAE 4161 0.61 % C 0.8% Cr 0.3% Mo steel
PYROMET882 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% V steel: Carpenter for SAE 4340 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel
AISI type H II SAE 4620 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete
00 W405a Alloy steel: Wire; US Federal Specification; covers a SAE 4640 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 0.25% Mo steel
range of steels prefixed FS with AISI code following SAE 6140 0.4% C 1% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Obsolete
OOW412 Alloy steel: Wire for springs; US Federal Specification; SAE 6145 0.45% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Obsolete
covers several analyses SAE 6150 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel
RABI 0.3% C 4.1 % Ni 1.3% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Osborn SAE 7260 0.6% C 0.8% Cr 1.8% Wsteel: Obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 8640 0.4% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel SHC 1 0.44% C 3% Ni 0.65% Cr 1% Si steel: Firth Brown: for
SAE 8641 0.40% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel (S higher chisels and punches
than 8640) SHEARTOUGH 0.45% C 2.25% Ni 1.15% Cr 0.2% V steel: Clyde
SAE 8642 0.42% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel Alloy
SAE8645 0.45% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel DPN: 550
SAE 8647 0.47% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete SILICO ALLOY 0.58% C 0.3% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.95% Si steel: Columbia;
SAE 8650 0.5% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel AISI type S5
SAE 8653 0.53% C 0.6% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.2% Mo steel 'SILMO 0.55% C 0.35% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V 2.0% Si steel:
SAE 8655 0.55% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel Jessop; shock resistant
SAE 8740 0.4% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel For SIS specifications see SS
SAE 8742 0.42% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel SKC 24 0.38% C 0.65% Mn 3.0% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.22% Mo steel:
SAE 8745 0.45% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete For hollow drills; Japanese Standards designation
SAE 8750 0.5% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel SKD 6 0.37% C 5.2% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.4% Vsteel: Japanese
SAE 9440 0.4% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete Standards designation
SAE9442 0.42% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete SKD 61 0.37% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 1.0% V steel: Japanese
SAE 9445 0.45% C 0.4% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete Standards designation
SAE9447 0.47% C 0.5% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Obsolete SKD 62 0.38% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.4% V 1.25% Wsteel:
SAE 9747 0.47% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete Japanese Standards designation
SAE 9763 0.63% C 0.5% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Obsolete SKF 327A 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Hardened and
SAE 9840 0.4% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel tempered
SAE 9845 0.45% C 1% Ni 0.3% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Obsolete VTS: 930 Proof: 720
SAE 9850 0.5% C 1% Ni 0.8% Cr 25% Mo steel SKF661 0.5% C 0.95% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: SKF
SAE 71360 0.6% C 3.5% Cr 14% Wsteel: Obsolete SKF663 0.52% C 1% CrO.15% V steel: SKF
SAE 71660 0.6% C 3.5% Cr 16% Wsteel: Obsolete SKS4 0.5% C 0.75% Cr 0.75% Wsteel: Japanese Standards
SAE E 4340 0.4% C 1.75% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo steel designation
SAEHNV 1 0.55% C 0.8% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.5% Si steel: For inlet SKS41 0.4% C 1.25% Cr 3.0% Wsteel: Japanese Standards
valves designation
SAEHNV 4 0.45% C 1% Ni 7% Cr 3.3% Si steel: For inlet valves SKTZ 0.55% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.2% V steel: Japanese
SAE J132 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V (min) steel: For springs Standards designation
DPN: 450 SKT3 0.55% C 0.42% Ni 1.05% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V (max)
SAE NV3 0.5% C 0.3% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: For inlet steel: Japanese Standards designation
valves SKT4 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 1.7% Ni 0.85% Cr 0.35% Mo
SAENV 4 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.6% Cr steel: For inlet valves; as 0.2% V (max) steel: Japanese Standards designation
SAE 3140 SKTS 0.55% C 0.8% Mn 1.25% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.22% V steel:
SAENV5 0.45% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For inlet Japanese Standards designation
valves; as SAE 8645 SKT6 0.75% C 0.8% Mn 2.75% Ni 0.95% Cr 0.42% Mo
SAES 1 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V2% Wsteel 0.2% V (max) steel: Japanese Standards designation
SAES2 0.5% C 0.5% Mo 0.25% V steel: For tools SL823 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.4% V steel: Swift Levick;
SAES5 0.5% C 0.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V steel: For tools for hot dies
SAE X 3140 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Obsolete SL866 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% V 1.0% Wsteel:
SANBOLD 19 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson for BS Swift Levick for hot dies
alloy En 19 SL%2 0.4% C 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.35% V 3.5% Wsteel:
SANBOLD22 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy Swift Levick for hot dies
En 22 SL983 Medium C 2% Cr Mo steel: Swift Levick
SANBOLD24 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson DPN: 400
for BS alloy En 24 SM 0.58% C 0.25% Cr 0.35% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Forez
SANBOLD66 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: Sanderson; replaced by SN3Y, 0.4% C 3.5% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: Spencer for BS alloy
Sanbold 22 En 22
SANBOLD 155 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson; replaced SNC4G 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Spencer for
by Sanbold 19 BS alloy En 24
SANBOLD CVS 0.5% C 1% Cr 0.15% V steel: Sanderson for BS alloy SOMDIE 0.48% C 1.0% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.07% V stcet
En 47 origin unknown
SANBOLD NK 2833 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sanderson; SOMDIE SPECIAL 0.5% C 3.2% Cr 1.4% Mo steel: Origin unknown
replaced by Sanbold 24 SOUDOKAY 258.0 0.45% C 6% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% Wsteel: Welding
SBM 0.58% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% V steel: Origin unknown electrode; Soudometal
SEARCHER 0.45% C 1% Cr 2% Wsteel: Hall and Pickles; chisels, DPN:600
wedges, shear blades, etc.; obsolete SPARTAN 5 0.5% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: Atlas; as AISI
DPN: 620 type H26
SEARCHER Al 0.63% C 0.4% Cr 1.6% Wsteel: Origin unknown SPEAR 419 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Spear and Jackson for
BS alloy En 19
SPEAR 500 0.4% C 0.45% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Spear and Jackson
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: for BS alloy En 100
SPEAR 510 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Spear and
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Jackson for BS alloy En 110
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' SPEAR 626 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Spear and
Elon Elongation, % Jackson; as BS alloy En 26
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' SPEARAHC 0.5% C 1.5% Cr 2.0% Wsteel: Spear and Jackson
SPEARCV 0.78% C 0.45% Cr 0.15% V steel: Origin unknown
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa SPEARDI 0.5% C 0.8% Cr 0.25% V steel: For zinc die casting
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. mould; Spear and Jackson; hardened and tempered
VTS: 870
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SPEAR D2 0.5% C 2.5% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: Origin unknown STAG 14 0.67% C 3.5% Cr 0.37% V 15.0% Wsteel: For tools;
SPEAR EXM 0.73% C 1.5% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: Origin unknown origin unknown
SPEAR LEAPFROG 0.65% C 3.75% Cr 0.6% V 14.0% Wsteel: For tools; STAGC 0.45% C 2.5% Cr 0.35% Vsteel: Edgar Allen
origin unknown STAMINAL 0.55% C 2.7% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.13% Vsteel:
SPECIAL ARDHO 0.4% C 3.0% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Spencer; chisels, Latrobe; dies, punches and stamps
punches, etc. DPN:600
SPECIAL HW No.3 0.37% C 3.1% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.25% V 11.25% Wsteel: STUBS 73 G2 C Mn Cr Mo Si steel: Electrode; Stubs; for welding tool
Origin unknown steel; high temperature application
SPECIAL 0.5% C 1.2% Cr 2.2% Wsteel: Swift Levick; hot dies DPN: 500
WOLFRAM STUBS 73 G3 C Mn Cr Mo Si steel: Electrode; Stubs; for welding tool
SPECIFICATION 55 0.68% C 0.65% Ni 0.7% CrO.2% Mo steel: Crucible steel; high temperature application
Steel Co.; for saw blades, etc. DPN: 500
SPEEDICUT 14 0.6% C 3.5% Cr 0.6% V 14% Wsteel: Firth Brown STUBS 73 G4 C Mn Cr Mo Si steel: Electrode; Stubs; for welding tool
SPK 0.45% C 2.35% Cr 0.3% Vsteel: Schoeller-Bleckmann steel; high temperature application
VTS:l2l0 DPN: 450
SPKD 0.4% C 10.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pompey STUBS 700 C Ni Cr Mo Wsteel: Electrode; Stubs; for abrasion and
SPS 0.5% C 0.9% Cr 0.2% V 2% W0.9% Si steel: For impact resistance
tools; Huntsman; chisels, shear blades, punches, etc. DPN: 300 VTS: 620
DPN:600 STUBS A675 0.45% C 9.5% Cr 3.0% Si steel: Electrode; Stubs; for
SPS 245 0.4% C 1.25% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Atlas; hard facing
hardened and tempered DPN:600
DPN: 340 UTS: 1140 Elan: 16% Proof: 1070 SUPER Si Mn 0.57% C 0.8% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.8% Si steel:
SRO 0.45% C 9% Cr 0.3% Mo 2.8% Si steel: Bofors; For springs; ESC
obsolete SUPER TOUGH D 0.4% C 1.3% Mn 0.75% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel:
SS 14-2216 E 0.4% C 0.6% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% Cu steel: ESC for BS alloy En 100
For pressure vessels; Swedish Standard; normalized and T20810 UNS designation for HIO type tool steel
annealed T 20811 UNS designation for H11 type tool steel
VTS: 500 Elon: 19% Proof: 290 T-ALLOY 0.38% C 3.5% Cr 0.4% V 10.5% Wsteel: Braeburn;
SS 2230 0.52% C 0.9% Mn I.1 % Cr 0.15% V 0.22% Si steel: AISI type H22
For springs T-ALLOY-B 0.5% C 3.0% Cr 0.5% V 15% Wsteel: Braeburn; AISI
DPN: 400 VTS: 1300 type H 24
SS 2234 0.33% C 0.65% Mn 0.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: TH 0.38% C 2.1 % Cr 0.15% Vsteel: For hot work tools; S
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered Osborn; casting dies; obsolete
VTS: 1080 Elan: 10% Proof: 880 DPN:400
SS 2242 0.38% C 5.5% Cr 1.4% Mo I% V 1% Si steel: Swedish THERMODIE 0.55% C 2.1% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.8% Mo steel: Origin
Standard; hardened and tempered unknown
DPN: 410 VTS: 1380 Elon: 8% Proof: 1070 THERMOWEAR 0.6% C 4% Cr 2.5% Mo I% V 0.1 % Ti 1.5% Nb steel:
SS 2244 0.42% C I.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Bar and forging; Carpenter
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered TITANIC 141 0.6% C 0.3% Mo 0.2% V2% Si steel: S Osborn; name
DPN: 350 VTS: 1140 Elan: 10% Proof: 880 for NA; obsolete
SS 2244 0.42% C 0.75% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.22% Mo steel: TM 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: Forez
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered TPC 0.45% C 1.2% Cr 0.15% Vsteel: Toledo for BS alloy
VTS: 1080 Elan: 10% Proof: 880 En 50
SS 2541 0.35% C 1.4% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Swedish TRKD 0.42% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Pompey
Standard TRNKD 0.4% C 0.5% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey
SS 2550 0.55% C 3% Ni 1% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: TYRANT EXTRA 0.45% C 1.05% Cr 2% W 1% Si steel: Schoeller-
Bar and forging; Swedish Standard; annealed Bleckmann
DPN: 260 DPN: 550
SS 2710 0.5% C 1.2% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% V2.5% Wsteel: UCX2 0.4% C I.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo 0.15% V 1.0% Co steel:
Swedish Standard; annealed American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
DPN: 245 ULTIMO 4 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Atlas;
SS 2940 0.41 % C 1.7% Cr 0.25% Mo I.1 % Al steel; For hardened and tempered
nitriding; Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered DPN: 375 VTS: 1300 Elon: 15% Proof: 1250
DPN: 270 VTS: 920 Elon: 15% Proof: 630 ULTIMO 6 0.55% C 1.6% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.75% Mo steel: Atlas;
SS 8101 0.4% C 1.7% Ni 0.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: Sintered forging die inserts, etc.
SS 8102 0.6% C 1.75% Ni 0.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: Sintered DPN:400
SSC 0.58% C 1.05% Cr 0.3% V steel: Origin unknown V 130 0.4% C 1.4% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: YEW
STA 5N9D 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Replaced by BS alloy V310 0.5% C 1.1% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
En 19 V 320 0.4% C I.1 % Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
STA 51V9D/I 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Replaced by BS alloy VA 0.63% C 2% Ni 2% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For hot work
En 19B tools; S Osborn; obsolete
STA 51V9D/2 0.4% C 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Replaced by BS alloy DPN: 400
Enl9C VAGS 0.4% C 1.5% Ni I.1 % Cr 0.3% Mo steel: ESC for BS
STA5NIO 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Replaced by alloy En 24
BS alloy En 24 VALSM 0.4% C 10% Cr 1% Mo 2.5% Si steel: Valbruna
STA5NI2 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Replaced by VDC 0.4% C 5% Cr 1.2% Mo 1% V 1% Si steel: Casting;
BS alloy En 26 Latrobe; for precision casting of forging dies
STA 5N21A 0.4% C 0.3% Ni 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: DPN: 550
Replaced by BS alloy En 40 VERSATILE 0.4% C 1.5% Ni 1% Cr steel: Hall and Pickles;
STA5N21B 0.4% C 0.3% Ni 3.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: swaging tools, etc.; obsoletc
Repl8ced hy BS alloy En 40 VTS: 1150 Elan: 17% Proof: 1080
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
VIADUCfl5 0.4% C 1.1% Cr 0.3% V 1.9% Wsteel: Balfour; WLM 1214 0.4% C 1% Cr 2% W1.3% Si steel: WMarrison;
chisels, caulking tools, etc. chisels, punches
DPN: 550 WMEXTRA 0.38% C 2.1 % Cr 4.25% Mo 0.32% V 1.05% Si steel:
VIBRACV45 0.4% C 2.5% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: ESC for BS Schoeller-Bleckmann
alloy En 26 VTS: 1550
VIBRO 0.5% C 1.4% Cr 0.25% V 2.1% Wsteel: Braebum; WZ 0.4% C 3.0% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.25% V 11.0% Wsteel:
AISI type SI Origin unknown
VINCOHOT 0.5% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: Braeburn; AISI X38CrMo V 51 0.38% C 5.3% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.4% V steel: German
WORK H26 Standards designation
VISCOUNT 20 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.0% V steel: With X40CrMoV51 0.4% C 5.3% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.0% V steel: Gennan
sulphides; Latrobe; free machining fonn of VDC; type Standards designation
H13 X45 NiCr M04 0.45% C 4.1% Ni 1.4% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.5% Wsteel: For
DPN: 650 tools; Gennan Standards designation
VISCOUNT 44 0.4% C 5.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: With X3140 0.4% C 1.2% Ni 0.8% Cr steel: Designation used by
sulphides; Latrobe; free machining fonn of VDC; type AISI; obsolete
H13 X40Cr Mo V 53 0.4% C 5% Cr 3% Mo 0.5% V steel: German Standard
DPN:650 X 50 Cr Mo 51 0.5% C 5% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.4% Vsteel: German
VS35V 0.45% C 1.5% Cr 0.35% Vsteel: Vulcan Standard
VTS: 1070 X 50 Cr Mo W911 0.53% C 8.3% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.2% Wsteel: German
VSCV 0.55% C 1% Cr 0.25% V steel: Vulcan; vehicle springs Standard
DPN:460 XDH 0.55% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: Firth Sterling
VSNT 0.45% C 0.4% Cr 0.6% Wsteel: Vulcan; chisels, XDL 0.48% C 3.5% Cr 0.75% V 14% Wsteel: Firth Sterling
punches, etc. XL CHISEL 0.55% C 1.35% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.25% V 2.0% Wsteel:
DPN: 560 Latrobe; tool steel
W300 0.36% C 5.0% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.4% Vsteel: YEW XP 180 0.5% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 2.0% V steel: Braebum; as
W302 0.39% C 5.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: YEW Pressurdie 7
W303 0.39% C 5.0% Cr 2.9% Mo 0.6% Vsteel: YEW Y42CD4 0.42% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: French Standards
W321 0.39% C 2.9% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V steel: YEW designation
W326 0.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: YEW Y45SCD6 0.45% C 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: French Standards
W500 0.55% C 1.7% Ni 1.1 % Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V steel designation
W501 0.55% C 1.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.1 % V steel: Y 50CV4 0.5% C 1.1 % Cr 0.2% V steel: French Standard
YEW Y 50CV4 0.5% C 1.0% Cr 0.15% V steel: French Standards
WAW 0.45% C 1.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.9% V0.5% Wsteel: designation
Schoeller-Bleckmann YCWSTEM 0.48% C 4.2% Ni 0.6% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.7% Si steel:
VTS: 1380 Casting; Edgar Allen; code 638 steel
WC38 0.38% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all Z38CDVS 0.38% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.5% V steel: French
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham Standards designation
DPN: 163 UTS: 580 Elon: 15% Proof: 270 Z38CDV5 0.38% C 5.2% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.0% V steel: French
WC43 0.42% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all Standard
max) steel: casting; Casting; Wolsingham Z38CDWV5 0.38% C 5.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.5% V 1.25% Wsteel:
DPN: 175 VTS: 610 Elon: 12% Proof: 300 French Standards designation
WC48 0.48% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% V0.3% Cu (all Z40CSDIO 0.4% C 0.8% Mn (max) 10.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham French Standards designation
DPN: 185 UTS: 630 Elon: 12% Proof: 300 Z40WCV5 0.4% C 4.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% V 5.0% Wsteel:
WC53 0.53% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% V 0.3% Cu (all French Standards designation
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham Z65WDCV60S 0.65% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel:
DPN: 190 UTS: 700 Eron: 10% Proof: 330 French Standards designation
WC58 0.58% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.3% Cu (all
max) steel: Casting; Wolsingham
DPN: 200 VTS: 700 Elon: 10% Proof: 330 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
WC63 0.63% C 0.4% Ni 0.25% CrO.15% MoO.3% Cu (all
max) steel: Casting: Wolsingham DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 210 VTS: 700 Elon: 10% Proof: 330 VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
WCPS 0.48% C 0.7% Ni 1.5% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.15% V 1.2% W Elon Elongation, %
tool steel: Huntsman; chisels, shear blades, punches, Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
DPN: 670 I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa
WLI 0.4% C 1.8% Ni 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Tube; See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Babcock and Wilcox (USA)
44K3 Steel - high carbon alloys
nickel, molybdenum, tungsten or vanadium
Specific gravity 7.87
Density 7870 kg/m J
Solidus/liquidus 1450-1550°C
Thermal conductivity 50 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 11 x 1O-<;/oC
The above properties are typical of the following group and Molybdenum. This is a carbide former, the resultant molyb-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible denum carbide being inherently small grained and evenly
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be distributed. This ensures that the steels are fine grained, thus
applicable. improving the fatigue strength. These stable carbides slow
down the metallurgical reactions, ensuring deeper harden-
ing, great hardenability and the elimination of temper
General metallurgical characteristics brittleness. They also help to prevent agglomeration of the
carbides and grain growth with prolonged high temperature
These are all very hard brittle materials which have been
treatments. As carbon always combines with the molyb-
developed for their high hardness. This is only achieved after
denum in preference to other carbide formers, including
hardening and tempering and they are thus only used in this
iron, and stays in solution, this obviates carbide precip-
condition. This hardness persists at fairly high temperatures
itation. Vanadium and tungsten have similar effects.
depending on the amount of alloying carried out.
None of the alloying elements enhances the corrosion
Tungsten. This is a carbide former which results in very hard,
resistance to any great extent whereas the high hardness and
rather massive tungsten carbide particles. Generally tung-
low ductility reduce the notch sensitivity, thus making the
sten is used with chromium and vanadium which aid the
presence of corrosion pitting particularly dangerous.
distribution and prevent agglomeration of the carbides.
All the alloys have sufficient carbon present to ensure the
Molybdenum has similar properties to tungsten with
presence at all times of free cementite which is inherently
generally less required to give the same results. Tungsten
hard even in the annealed state.
was the first element to be used in quantity in high carbon
Each steel has at least two of the listed alloying elements
steels to improve the hot hardness.
and many have all five present. The effect of each element is
as described in the single alloy steel bearing that name, and
Vanadium. This forms very small carbides and also
when two or more elements are present the effect is additive.
influences other carbide formers to produce tiny particles
Briefly the effects of the alloying elements are as follows.
which in turn ensure a fine grain steel. Thus vanadium has a
considerable effect on improving the fatigue strength and is
Chromium. This is a carbide former, with the carbides being
very often associated with chromium for this purpose. Vana-
harder and more stable than iron carbides. Chromium
dium has little effect on the temperatures at which the metal-
increases the hardenability of steel in that larger sections can
lurgical changes take place, but slows down these reactions,
be through hardened, or less drastic oil or air quenching can
thus improving the hardenability.
be used in place of water, compared with plain or lower alloy
carbon steels. Chromium also increases the corrosion resis- The steels listed here may have slightly better corrosion
tance although none of the steels listed can be classed as resistance than plain carbon steels but cannot be classified as
stainless. The higher chromium stainless steels are listed and stainless. Also the effect of corrosion pitting on the rather
described in separate sections. Chromium raises the critical notch sensitive materials is much more serious than on more
temperatures for steel thermal treatment and slows down the ductile steels.
speed at which the metallurgical reactions take place it has a The choice of elements in the steels is a complex process,
tendency to promote grain growth. balancing hardness, hot hardness, ductility and workability
with the overriding factor that the final product must be
Nickel. This strengthens the ferrite matrix of the steel, economically saleable.
imparting toughness rather than hardness, and increases the These steels will accept no cold work and therefore this
fatigue strength. Nickel lowers the critical thermal treatment should not be attempted.
temperatures and widens the range required for successful The materials all have a high hardenability and many of
treatment. It also improves the ductility of steel at low tem- the materials are hard with low ductility even in the annealed
peratures. Nickel is seldom an important constituent in the condition. The majority of the materials in this group will
steels listed as hardness and abrasion resistance are their harden in air and certainly water quenching will seldom or
prime requirements, and nickel has less effect on these high never be required and will probably cause cracking.
carbon steels than on the lower carbon varieties. With the variation in carbon content and alloy content of
the steels in this group it is necessary to obtain expert advice properties and low ductility; thus surface cracking could
for each specification before attempting heat treatment. On result in failure in service.
all the parts before quenching it is essential that changes of The materials will be used for cutting tools of all types, i.e.
section have good radii to prevent cracking even when air milling,, tapping, broaching, etc. High quality hand-
cooling is involved. tools of all types, such as spanners, will also be found in this
Because of their very high hardenability welding is not group, as will forging dies, both hot and cold work. The
advised under any circumstances. Where it is essential then materials are used in certain engineering applications where
expert advice should be obtained and followed to the letter. wear and temperature use coincide, e.g. high duty ball and
Brazing can be safely carried out on many of these ma- roller bearings.
terials but again advice should be obtained. Rock drills and chisels will also be found in this group but
Many of these materials will only be used in the fully these very often compete with the carbide cutting tools.
hardened condition and this will require grinding where a Some of the materials in this group are used as tips either
good finish and engineering tolerances are involved. Great mechanically joined to a tougher backing material or brazed.
care must be taken in the grinding operation as these ma- This can apply to cutting tools but also crushing jaws and
terials are extremely prone to grinding cracking. The steels such-like components.
in this group will almost invariably have very low impact
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
OKX 0.9% C0.8% Cr 0.12% Vsteel; Pompey 1.3346 0.8% C 3.9% Cr 8.5% Mo 1.1 % V 1.5% Wsteel: For
01 0.9% C0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Designation used by tools; German Standards designation
AISI 1.3348 1% C 3.8% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.1 % V 1.8% Wsteel:
02 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: For German Standards designation
tools; designation used by SAE 1.3355 0.75% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: German Standards
06105/04/02 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V6.0% Wsteel: For designation
tools; French Standards designation 2AS 0.82% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 6.2% Wsteel: Forez
06/05104/04 1.3% C 4.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 4.0% V5.5% Wsteel: For 3AS 0.76% C 4.2% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: Forez
tools; French Standards designation 4AS 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.4% V 18% Wsteel: Forez
07 1.2% C0.75% Cr 1.75% Wsteel: Designation used by 5/612 quality 0.83% C 4.2% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V6.4% Wsteel: T
AISI Turton
08/04/02/02 0.85% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.8% V6.2% Wsteel: For 5CC 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 5.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.5% Vsteel: ESC;
tools; French Standards designation shear blades, punches, etc.
09B 1% C 1% Mn 0.6% Cr 1% Wsteel: Carrs Ltd; shear DPN: 750
blades, rivet dies, etc. 615/2 0.85% C 4% Cr 2% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Darwins;
DPN:756 reamers, punches, etc.
1.2063 1.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: German Standard 8KH4V4Fl(P4) 0.8% C4.5% Cr 1.2% V4.5% Wsteel: Russian
1.2210 1.15% CO.7% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: German Standards Standards designation
designation 8KHF 0.75% C 0.55% Cr 0.22% Vsteel: Russian Standards
1.2235 0.8% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: German Standard designation
1.2327 0.88% C2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel: German 8N2 4% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools;
Standard Vanadium Alloys Ltd; Ml type; AIS1 code MIA
1.2363 1.0% C 5.25% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: German 9KH 0.87% C 1.52% Cr 0.5% V 1.25% Wsteel: Russian
Standard Standards designation
1.2510 1% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V0.5% Wsteel: German 9KH5F 0.92% C 5.0% Cr 0.22% V 1.0% Wsteel: Russian
Standard Standards designation
1.2516 1.2% C0.2% Cr 0.1 % V 1% Wsteel: German 9KH5VF 0.9% C0.25% Mn 5.0% Cr 0.22% V 1.0% Wsteel:
Standard Russian Standards designation
1.2552 0.8% C 1.1% Cr 0.3% V 1.2% Wsteel: German 9KHF 0.85% C 0.55% Cr 0.22% Vsteel: Russian Standards
Standards designation designation
1.2703 0.7% C 0.4% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard 9KHVG 0.9% C 1.1% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.1 % V0.65% Wsteel:
1.2770 0.85% C 0.8% Ni 0.1 % Vsteel: German Standard Russian Standards designation
1.2842 0.9% C 2% Mn 0.4% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: German IOKD 1.0% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey
Standard 12KV 1.15% C 0.9% Cr 0.12% Vsteel: Pompey
1.3333 0.99% C 4.0% Cr 2.65% Mo 2.35% V2.85% Wsteel: 12 W12Cl 0.75% C 0.25% Mn 0.4% Cr 5.8% Wsteel: Sandvik
For tools; German Standards designation 14NC 0.8% C0.35% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.15% Cr steel: Sandvik;
1.3342 1.0% C 4.1% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V6.3% Wsteel: For annealed
tools; German Standards designation UTS: 660
1.3343 0.88% C 4.1 % Cr 5.0% Mo 1.85% V6.3% Wsteel: 16Cl V 0.9% C0.55% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: Sandvik
For tools; German Standards designation 20WIV 1.15% C 0.25% Cr 0.1 % V0.6% Wsteel: Sandvik
21 T 10 1.25% C 0.35% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.1 % V 1.7% Wsteel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Sandvik
21110 P 1.25% C 0.3% Mn 0.25% Cr 0.1 % V 1.7% W0.2% Pb
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number steel: Sandvik
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 32 B 1.0% C0.7% Mn 5.25% Cr 1.15% Mo 0.3% Vsteel:
Elon Elongation, % Carrs; coining tools, swaging rolls, etc.
Proor 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 680
66 HS 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wtool steel: Bethlehem Steel
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibflin 2 =1 MPa Co.; M2 type; AIS1 code M2E
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
67 S 1.4% C 0.5% Cr 3.25% Wsteel: Carrs; extrusion dies 2133 0.8% C 1.0% Ni 0.35% Cr steel: French Standards
etc. designation
DPN: 800 2141 1.0% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 1.0% Wsteel: French
70H 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: For tools; origin Standards designation
unknown 2142 1.1% C 0.3% Mn 0.75% Cr 2.0% Wsteel: French
74 Ni Cr 2 0.7% C 0.4% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: German Standard Standards designation
80 DCV 42.16 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 4.25% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: French 2212 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: French Standards
Standards designation designation
80WCrV8 0.8% C 1.1 % Cr 0.3% V 1.2% Wsteel: German 2231 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: German
Standards designation Standards designation
85 Ni V 4 0.85% C 2% Mn 0.4% Cr 0.1 % V steel: German 3551 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 4.25% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: French
Standard Standards designation
86Cr Mo V7 0.88% C 2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V steel: German 4151 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 2.0% V 12.0% Wsteel: For
Standard tools; French Standards designation
90 MCW5 0.9% C 1.25% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: French 4161 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 3.5% V 12.0% Wsteel: For tools;
Standards designation French Standards designation
90 MCW V5 0.95% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V0.5% Wsteel: French 4201 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools;
Standard French Standards designation
90MnCrV8 0.9% C2.0% Mn 0.4% CrO.I% V steel: German 4203 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 18.0% Mo 2.0% V steel: For tools;
Standard French Standards designation
9OMnV8 0.9% C 2.0% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.1% V steel: German 4301 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: For
Standards designation tools; French Standards deisgnation
100 Mn Cr W4 1.2% C 0.2% Cr 0.1% V 1% Wsteel: German 4361 1.3% C 4.2% Cr 4.5% Mo 4.0% V6.2% Wsteel: For
Standard tools; French Standards designation
100C3 1.0% C 0.75% Cr 0.15% V steel: French Standards 4441 0.85% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.2% Wstcel: For
designation tools; French Standards deisgnation
100CD7 0.97% C 1.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: AFNOR 6542 MOLY 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V6.0% Wsteel: For
100 Cr Mo 6 0.97% C 1.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: German Standard tools; origin unknown
100WCIO 1.0% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 1.0% Wsteel: French A2 1.0% C 5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.4% V steel: For tools;
Standards designation designation used by AISI
1I0WCZO 1.1% C 0.3% Mn 0.75% Cr 2.0% Wsteel: French A2 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.05% Mo 1.3% V steel: For cold
Standards designation work; Osborn
115 CrY 3 1.15% CO.7% CrO.l% V steel: German Standards A3 1.25% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.0% V steel: For tools;
designation designation used by AISI
120WV4 1.2% C 0.2% Cr 0.1 % V 1% Wsteel: German A4 1.0% C 2.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For tools;
Standard designation used by AISI
140C3 1.4% C 0.75% Cr 0.15% V steel: French Standards A5 1.0% C 3.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For tools;
designation designation used by AISI
140SMD4 1.4% C 1.0% Mn 0.3% Mo steel: French Standards A7 2.25% C 5.2% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.7% V 1.0% Wsteel: For
designation tools; designation used by AISI
145 Cr 6 1.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.1% V steel: German Standard A7 2.3% C 5.3% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.7% V 1.0% Wsteel: For
175 0.85% C 1.9% Mn 0.15% Cr 0.3% V steel: F Parkin; cold work; Osborn
reamers, gauges, etc. A7W 2.25% C 5.25% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.7% V 1.0% Wsteel:
DPN: 830 Simonds; AISI type A7
200 0.9% C 1.3% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: F Parkin; AIO 1.35% C 1.8% Mn 1.8% Ni 1.5% Mo 1.2% Si steel:
chisels, gauges, etc. For tools; designation used by AISI
DPN: 850 A 395 0.95% C 1.1 % Cr 0.25% Mo steel: SHD; drills
212 1.3% C 0.75% Cr 1% Wsteel: F Parkin; forming dies, ABC III 0.8% C 3.8% Cr 9% Mo 1.2% V 1.7% Wsteel: Origin
gauges, etc. unknown
DPN: 850 ABRASODUR 16 4.3% C 9.7% Cr 1.8% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
300 1.5% C 0.3% Mn 0.8% Cr 5.5% Wsteel: F Parkin; Soudometal; for hard facing
cold draw dies, marble cutting tools, etc. DPN: 650
DPN: 800 ADAMANTHP 0.85% C Cr Mo steel: Casting; Firth Brown;
321 0.25% C 0.5% Mn 0.75% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V 2.3% hardened and tempered
Wsteel: F Parkin; taps and dies, etc. DPN: 370
DPN: 870 ADAMANT XL 1.25% C Cr Mo steel: Casting; Firth Brown;
562 0.8% C 4.25% Cr 2% V 6.5% Wsteel: F Parkin; hardened and tempered
cutting tools, form tools DPN: 400
DPN: 800 ADAMANT XTRA 0.77% C Cr Mo steel: Casting; Firth Brown:
562 0.85% C 4.75% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: hardened and tempered
Spear and Jackson DPN: 330
599 0.68% C 4.2% Cr 0.7% V 14% Wsteel: F Parkin; taps, AH CHROME DIE 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.4% V steel: Origin
dies, etc. unknown
DPN: 800 AIRQUE 1.0% C 5.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Braeburn;
622 0.75% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: F Parkin; cutting AISI type A2
tools AIRQUE4 1.0% C 2.5% Mn 1.1 % Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Braeburn
DPN: 800 AIRQUE SPECIAL 0.8% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.25% V steel: Braeburn;
2131 1.0% C 0.75% Cr 0.15% V steel: French Standards AISI type A2
designation AIRQUEV 1.25% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 1.0% V steel: Braeburn;
2132 1.4% C 0.75% Cr 0.15% V steel: French Standards AISI type A3
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AIRTRUE 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.25% V steel: Simonds; AXL 0.7% C 4.5% Cr 1.2% V 18% Wsteel: Fagersta
AISltype A2 DPN: 750
AIRVAN 1.0% C 5.25% Cr 1.15% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Firth BI 1.12% C 0.27% Cr 0.2% V 1.0% Wsteel: Russian
Sterling Standards designation
AISI611 0.84% C 4.2% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V 6.3% Wsteel: B 2/2 (3) 2.8% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 4.5% Vsteel: Latrobe
Hardened and tempered: for cutting tools B6 4% Cr I% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Universal
VTS: 780 Elon: 21 % Proof: 370 Cyclops; AISI code TID
AISI612 0.87% C 4% Cr 8.2% Mo 1.9% V steel: Cutting tools B9 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Universal
DPN: 910 Cyclops; AISI code TID
AISI613 0.8% C 4% Cr 4.25% Mo I% V steel: Hardened and B400 0.8% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V steel: YEW
tempered B 412 0.85% C 0.4% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW
DPN: 870 UTS: 2760 Elon: 2% Proof: 2420 B530 0.75% C 2.4% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: YEW
ALLOY B 1.25% C 0.3% Mn 1.1 % Cr 0.25% V4.5% W0.3% Si B 535 0.7% C 0.4% Ni 0.3% Cr steel: YEW
steel: Jessop BADGER 0.94% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Latrobe; punches and
AMS5626A 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Bar forging dies; type 01
AMS 6426 0.85% C 1% Cr 0.57% Mo steel DPN: 740
AMS6490 0.8% C 4% Cr 4.2% Mo I% Vsteel: Forgings BESTEM High C 3% Ni Mo steel: For dies; Somers
AMS6490A 0.8% C 4% Cr 4.2% Mo I % Vsteel: Bar and forging; BFD 1.2% C 0.6% Cr 0.2% V 1.65% Wsteel: Simonds;
vacuum melted; premium quality M50 AISI type 07
AMS6491 0.82% C 4% Cr 4.2% Mo 1% V steel: For bearings BLUE CHIP 0.73% C 4.0% Cr 1.15% V 18% \V steel: Firth Sterling
AN2 0.78% C 4.25% Cr 1% V 22% Wsteel: Osborn; BOLSTER STEEL 0.5% C 1.2% Mn 0.65% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Sanderson
obsolete Kayser
DPN: 872 BP4 1.25% C 0.15% V 3% Wsteel: Osborn; cold draw dies;
ARDENT 1.5% C 0.5% Cr 4% Wsteel: Hall and Pickles; cold burnishing tools; obsolete
drawing dies; obsolete DPN: 950
DPN: 750 BR3 2.8% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 4.5% V steel: Latrobe
ARK SUPERIOR 0.8% C 4.25% Cr 1.3% V 18% Wsteel: Jessop BR 3 DIE STEEL 2.8% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 4.5% Vsteel: Latrobe;
DPN: 750 abrasion resistant
ARK SUPERIOR 0.73% C 4.2% Cr 1.4% V22.0% Wsteel: For tools; DPN: 700
EXTRA origin unknown BRAEBURN M7 4% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel: For tools;
ARK TRIUMPH 0.67% C 0.3% Mn 3.7% Cr 0.6% V 13% W0.3% Si Braeburn; AISI code M71
steel: Jessop BRAEFOUR 1.27% C 4.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 4.0% V5.5% Wsteel:
ARK 1.23% C 4.5% Cr 3.7% V 13% Wsteel: Jessop Braeburn; AISltype M4
TRIUMPHANT BRAEMOW 0.84% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.5% Wsteel:
ARLEY 1.4% C 3% Cr + Wsteel: John Vessey; extrusion dies Braeburn; AISI type M2
DPN: 870 BRAEMOW2 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Braeburn;
ARNE 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.1 % V0.5% Wsteel: Uddelholm; AISI code M21
for type 01 BRAEMOW 0.66% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.7% V 6.5% W
ASP23 1.3% C 4.2% Cr 5% Mo 3. I% V6.4% Wsteel: SPECIAL steel: Braeburn
Speedsteel BRAEVAN 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V6% Wsteel: For tools;
ASTM A48513 1.02% C 0.8% Mn 1.3% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.25% Si steel: Braeburn; AISI code M31
High hardenabilily BRAEVAN/I 1.02% C 4.0% Cr 5.7% Mo 2.5% V 6.2% Wsteel:
ASTMA485/4 1.02% C 1.2% Mn 1.3% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.3% Si steel: Braeburn; AISI type M3
High hardenability BRAEVANI2 1.15% C 4.0% Cr 5.5% Mo 3.3% V 5.7% Wsteel:
ASTM A597 0.92% C 1.2% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.3% V (max) 0.5% W Braeburn; AISltype M3
steel: For cast tools BRUNSWICK VI50 1.1 % C 0.8% W + Cr steel: John Vessey
ASTM A597 CA2 1.0% C 5.2% Mo 0.3% V steel: For cast tools DPN: 770
ASTM A600 High speed tool steel specification analysis given under BRUNSWICK V888 1.0% C 5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: John Vessey
grade AISI systcm DPN: 750
ATLASM3/2 4% Cr 6% Mo 3% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Atlas BSS 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 9% Mo 1.3% V 2% Wsteel:
Steels Ltd; AISI code M3/2 Huntsman; thread rolling dies; cutting tools
ATLAS M4 4% Cr 4.5% Mo 4% V 5.5% Wsteel: For tools; Atlas DPN: 870
Steels Ltd; AISI code M4Z C253 1.0% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Fagersta
ATLAS XXX 1.3% C 0.35% Cr 3.7% Wsleel: Atlas; as AISI type F2 DPN: 750
AW 0.7% C 4% Cr I % V 14% Wsteel: ESC; cutting tools C254 1.0% C 1.2% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Fagersta
DPN: 910 DPN: 750
AW4V 1.2% C 4.2% Cr 4% V 13.8% Wsteel: ESC; cutting, C550 1.0% C 5.2% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.21 % Vsteel: Fagersla
punches DPN:680
DPN: 910 CAPITAL 305 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 8.7% Mo 1.1 % V 1.7% Wsteel: For
lools; Balfour Darwin
CAPITAL 395 1.2% C 4.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 4.0% V 5.5% Wsteel: For
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: tools; Balfour Darwin
CAPITAL 562 0.83% C 4.25% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V 6.4% Wsteel: For
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number tools; Balfour; reamers, twist drills, etc.
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 850
Elon Elongation, % CARBON COLD 0.93% C 0.05% Cr 1.18% V steel: Latrobe; for cold
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' HEADER work
CARPENTER 10 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V steel: For tools; Carpenler Steel
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04Ibflin.'= I MPa STAR Co.; AISI code MIOK
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CARPENTER 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V 6% W steel: For tools; CRVI444 1.2% C 4.4% Cr 3.7% V 13.7% Wsteel: Huntsman;
SUPER SPEED Carpenter Steel Co.; AISI code M3K cutting tools
CARRSBLUE 0.7% C steel: For tools; Carrs CVI8 0.7% C4.2% Cr 1.3% V 18% Wsteel: Huntsman;
LABEL cutting tools
CARVITE 4% Cr 4% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Columbia Tool DPN: 870
Steel Co.; AISI code T9H CV22 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.4% V 22% Wsteel: Huntsman;
CASTLE 6/612 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.2% Mo 2.0% V6.0% Wsteel: For cutting tools
tools; origin unknown DPN: 910
CASTLE 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools; CV 1842 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: Huntsman;
SUPERIOR origin unknown cutting tools
COD 1.9% C 0.6% Cr 6% Wsteel: Firth Brown DPN: 870
CENTURY 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 2.0% V 0.8% Wsteel: CY 0.78% C 4.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.25% V 18% Wsteel: For
Braeburn tools; Osborn; obsolete
CHD4 0.6% C 0.3% Mn 3.7% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.4% V0.3% Si DPN: 910
steel: Huntsman; hot blanking, shears, etc. CYC 1814/1 0.75% C 4% Cr I% V 18% Wsteel: Marsh Brothers;
DPN: 530 cutting tools
CL45 0.8% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% V steel: Origin unknown CYCLONE4V 1.3% C 4.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 4.0% V5.5% Wsteel: For
CL6S2 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: For tools; origin unknown
tools; origin unknown CYCLONE 56 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 15% Mo 2% V6.5% Wsteel: For
CLARITE 4% Cr I% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Columbia Tool tools; ESC; cutting tools and drills
Steel Co.; AISI code T1H DPN: 870
CLYDALL 18 0.8% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Clyde Alloy CYCLONE 56CW 0.78% C 4.2% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6.5% Wsteel: For
DPN: 800 tools; ESC; blanking dies, thread rolling dies
CLYDMO 0.83% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.8% V 6.2% Wsteel: Clyde DPN: 870
Alloy CYCLONE 92 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% Wsteel: For
DPN: 800 tools; origin unknown
CMC 0.9% C 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Origin CYCLONE 92CW 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% Wsteel: For
unknown tools; origin unknown
COL-GRAPH 1.45% C 0.2% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Columbia; AISI D61 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.1% V 0.5% Wsteel:
type 06 Fagersta
COLUMBIA 1.06% C 0.2% Cr 0.05% Vsteel: Columbia; AISI type DPN: 750
SPECIAL WI D416 1.4% C 1.6% Cr 0.5% V 5.5% Wsteel: Fagersta
CONQUEROR 14 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 2.0% V 14.0% Wsteel: For tools; DPN:800
origin unknown D 522 0.9% C4%Cr4.5% Mo 1.8% V 1% Wsteel:
CORONA 2 0.8% C 0.25% Mn 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6.5% Wsteel: Fagersta; obsolete
Sandvik D921 0.7% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Fagersta; obsolete
CP 30 C not specified 1.5% Cr Mo steel: For armour plate; D941 0.85% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: Fagersta;
British Steel Armour Products obsolete
CP 50 C not specified 1.5% Cr Mo steel: For armour plate; D941 0.82% C4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V6.5% Wsteel:
British Steel Armour Products Fagersta
CRD 18 0.7% C 4.2% Cr 0.75% V 18% Wsteel: C Denton; DPN: 870
shear blades; obsolete D943 0.8% C 3.8% Cr 9.0% Mo 1.2% V 1.7% Wsteel:
DPN: 580 Fagersta
CRD22 0.78% C 4.5% Cr 1.7% V22% Wsteel: C Denton: DPN: 750
drills, taps, etc.; obsolete D 953 0.95% C 4.0% Cr 2.6% Mo 2.3% V2.8% Wsteel:
CRD 652 0.85% C 4.5% Cr 5.3% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: C Fagersta
Denton; punches, saws, etc.; obsolete DPN: 680
CRD DIAMOND 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% CrO.I% VO.5% Wsteel: C D954 1.0% C4.1% Cr 8.8% Mo 2.0% V 2.0% Wsteel:
YELLOW Denton; blanking dies, gauges, etc.; obsolete Fagersta
DPN: 540 DPN: 750
CRMI 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 5% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 0.2% Si D960 0.9% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V steel: Fagersta; obsolete
steel: For tools; Huntsman; cold punches, shear blades, DBL2 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools;
etc. Allegheny-Ludlum; AISI code M2G
DPN: 770 DBL2! 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V 6% Wsteel: For tools;
CRM2 0.6% C 0.6% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.25% Si steel: Allegheny-Ludlum; AISI code M3G
Huntsman; rivet tools, arbors, wrenches, etc. DBL3 4% Cr 6% Mo 3% V 6% Wsteel: For tools;
DPN: 650 Allegheny-Ludlum; AISI code M3G
CROMODIE HC 1.0% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.25% V steel: Firth DCM 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 5% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V steel: Jonas,
Brown shear, blades, etc.
CROMODIE HCV 2.4% C 5.25% Cr 1.15% Mo 4.1 % V steel: Firth DPN: 600
Brown DOUBLE 0.9% C 0.95% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Crucible Steel Co.;
CRO-MO-LOY 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% V steel: Atlas; as DIAMOND for drills
AISI type A2 DOUBLE FLYGO 0.73% C4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Turton Bros
CROWN(4)SUPERB 0.75% C 0.95% Cr 0.18% V steel: Latrobe DOUBLE MUSHET 0.75% C 4.25% Cr 1.25% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools;
CRP 0.93% C 1.0% Cr O. 15% V steel: Origin unknown origin unknown
CRY 14 0.68% C 3.75% Cr 0.65% V 14% Wsteel: Huntsman; DOUBLE MUSKET 0.75% C 4.25% Cr 1.25% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
cutting tools Osborn; obsolete
DPN: 870 DOUBLE 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: Origin
MUSKETND unknown
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DOUBLE SPECIAL 1.4% C 0.8% Cr 5% Wsteel: Sanderson; turning tools ELECTRITE 1.28% C 4.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 4.0% V 5.5% Wsteel:
for cast iron copper, etc. STARK Latrobe; cutting tools; type M4
DPN: 720 DPN: 850
DUREX 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 1% V 18.5% W tool steel: Darwin; ELECTRITE 4% Cr 8% Mo I% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe
cold heading dies, etc. TATMO Steel Co.; AISI code MIF
DUROTERM 20R 1.0% C 4.6% Cr 9.4% Mo 2.1 % V2.1 % Wsteel: ELECTRITE 1.0% C 3.7% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.0% V 1.7% Wsteel:
Welding electrode; Soudotherm; for hard facing; for TATMOV Latrobe; cutting tools; type M7
use at high temperatures ELECTRlTE 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 8.5% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% Wsteel:
DPN: 620 TATMOXL Latrobe; cutting tools; type MI
DUX 12 1.2% C 0.75% Cr 1.4% Wsteel: ESC; drills, taps, ELECTRITE TNW 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% Vsteel: For tools; Latrobe Steel
dental burrs, etc. Co.; AISI code M10F
DPN: 750 ELECTRITE 0.87% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 1.9% Vsteel: Latrobe;
EFe5A 0.8% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.7% V 6% Wsteel: Weld TNWXL cutting tools; type M10
electrode; designation used by AWS; obsolete ELECTRITEU 4% Cr 2% V 14% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe Steel
E Fe6 0.8% C 4% Cr 8% Mo I% V 1% Wsteel: Weld Co.; AISI code TIB
electrode; designation used by AWS ELECTRlTE 4% Cr 3% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe Steel
ECHO 0.82% C 4.1 % Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V6.4% Wsteel: John VANADIUM Co.; AISI code TIF
MOLYBDENUM Vessey ER Fe C6 0.7% C 4% Cr 7% Mo 1% V 1.7% Wsteel: Weld
ECLIPSE 103 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: Origin electrode; designation used by AWS
unknown ESA 1.45% C 0.5% Cr 0.25% V 4.0% Wsteel: Latrobe
EF 10 1.0% C 0.1 % Cr 0.03% Mo 0.03% Vsteel: Pompey ETA 0.9% C 0.15% V 0.5% Wsteel: Origin unknown
EGALIT 0.85% C 2.1 % Mn 0.07% Cr 0.16% V steel: Pompey EV5 0.75% C 0.5% Cr 6.0% Wsteel: For magnets; Russian
EL e.78% C 4.2% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; alloy listed by PMA
Osborn; obsolete EVM 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Vanadium
DPN: 850 Alloys: AISI code T2A
ELECTEM 1.5% Ni Cr Mo steel: For dies, Somers EW6 0.7% C 0.5% Cr 6.0% Wsteel: For magnets; Polish
ELECTRIDE 1.2% C 4.1 % Cr 6.0% Mo 3.2% V 6.0% Wsteel: alloy listed by PMA
CRUSADER XL Latrobe; cutting tools; M3 type 2 EXL-DIE 0.95% C 0.5% Cr 0.1% V steel: Columbia; AISI type
DPN: 850 01
ELECTRITE I 4% Cr I% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe Steel EXTRA DOUBLE 0.76% C 4.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.8% V 18.2% Wsteel:
Co.; AISI code TlF MUSHET For tools; origin unknown
ELECTRITE 19 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe Steel EXTRA SUPER 0.79% C 4.5% Cr 1.4% V 22.0% Wsteel: For tools;
Co.; AISI code T2F origin unknown
ELECTRlTE 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V 6% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe EXTRA TRIPLE 1.55% C 0.55% Cr 5.5% Wsteel: For tools; origin
CORSAIR Steel Co.; AISI code M3F CONQUEROR unknown
ELECTRITE 1.02% C 4.0% Cr 6.0% Mo 2.4% V 6.1 % Wsteel: EXTRA TRIPLE 1.7% C 0.2% Cr 6% Wsteel: For tools; Balfour; tube
CORSAIR XL Latrobe; cutting tools; M3 Type I GRIFFIN drawing, dies, etc.
DPN: 850 DPN: 850
ELECTRITE 4% Cr 6% Mo 3% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe EXTRA 0.7% C 4% Cr 1.25% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
CRUSADER Steel Co.; AISI code M3F VANADIUM Vulcan; cutting tools
ELECTRITE 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools; Latrobe DPN: 850
DOUBLE 6 Steel Co.; AISI code M2F E-Z-DlE V 2.23% C 5.25% Cr 1.1% Mo 4.8% V 1.1% Wsteel:
ELECTRITE 0.85% C 4.1 % Cr 5.0% Mo 1.8% V 6.3% Wsteel: Columbia; AISI type A7
DOUBLE 6 M2XL Latrobe; cutting tools E-Z-DlE 1.0% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.2% V steel: Columbia:
DPN: 800 SMOOTHCUT AISI type A2S; free cutting
ELECTRITE MVI 0.8% C 4.1% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.8% V0.15% Wsteel: FI 1.23% C 0.45% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% V 1.35% Wsteel:
Latrobe; for tools Designation used by AISI
ELECTRITE MV2 0.88% C 4.1 % Cr 4.5% Mo 1.8% V 1.1% Wsteel: F3 1.25% C 0.75% Cr 3.5% Wsteel: Designation used by
Latrobe; for tools AI51
ELECTRITE 0.75% C 4.1% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.1% V 18% Wsteel: F4 0.95% C 1% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 0.2% Si steel: Jessop
No.IXL Latrobe; cutting tools; type Tl with sulphides FAGERSTA D941 0.82% C 0.3% Mn 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.5% W
DPN: 800 steel: For saw blades; Fagersta
ELECTRITE No.7 0.68% C 4.25% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.4% Wsteel: FAGERSTA D953 0.95% C 0.3% Mn 4.0% Cr 2.6% Mo 2.3% V2.8% W
Latrobe; cutting tools; type H42 steel: Fagersta
ELECTRITE No. 19 0.85% C 4.1 % Cr 0.6% Mo 2.1 % V 18% Wsteel: FAVORIT 0.9% C 0.2% Cr 0.15% V steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
Latrobe; cutting tools; type T2 DPN: S40
FHS 18 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools;
origin unknown
FLASHKUT 0.95% C 3.7% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.18% Vsteel: Origin
FMP 0.95% C 1.25% Mn 0.55% Cr 0.15% V 0.5% Wsteel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: F Parkin
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number fmp 200 0.95% C 0.5% Cr 0.17% V0.5% Wsteel: F Parkin: as
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 tool steel 01
Eion Elongation, % fmp 379 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% V steel: F Parkin; as
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 tool steel A2
fmp 470 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.5% V2.0% Wsteel: F
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04 ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. fmp 501 0.8% C 3.9% Cr 9.0% Mo 1.2% V2.0% Wsteel: F
Parkin; as tool steel M1
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
imp 504 1.3% C 4.4% Cr 4.6% Mo 4.0% V 5.7% Wsteel: F HEDERVAN 1.4% CO.15% CrO.I% M03.5% V steel: Latrobe;
Parkin; as tool steel M4 punches, dies, etc.
imp 562 0.82% C 4.1 % Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.2% Wsteel: F DPN: 820
Parkin; as tool steel M2 HI WEAR 64 1.5% C 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.0% Wsteel: Carpenter
imp 563 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.3% V 6.0% Wsteel: F DPN: 870
Parkin; as tool steel M3/1 Hl·Mo 4% Cr 8% Mo I% V 1.5% W steel: For tools; Firth
imp 599 0.7% C 4.2% Cr 0.8% V 14.0% W steel: F Parkin Sterling Inc; AISI code MIB
fmp 842 0.84% C 4.2% Cr 1.0% Mo 2.2% V 18.5% W steel: F HORSEMAN 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W steel: For tools;
Parkin; as TI tool steel SUPER origin unknown
fmp 922 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.0% V 1.7% Wsteel: F HRW 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 1.5% Cr 0.5% W steel: Jonas; press
Parkin tools
imp 948 0.88% C 3.0% Cr 8.25% Mo 2.0% V steel: F Parkin; DPN: 720
as tool steel M10 HS 22 0.75% C 5% Cr 2% V 22% Wsteel: For tools; Darwin;
FOUR STAR 1.3% C 4.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 4% V 5.5% W steel: form cutters, etc.
Carpenter HSP41 0.7% C 3.7% Cr 0.75% V 14.5% Wsteel: For tools,
FRAMDIE l.l % C 1.35% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Columbia; AISltype origin unknown
L7 HURCO 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools;
FS M2'12 1.02% C 4.0% Cr 6.1 % Mo 2.5% V 6.1 % W steel: EXCELLENT origin unknown
Firth Sterling HUSKY 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 22% Wsteel:
FS MIO 0.87% C 4.0% Cr 8.2% Mo 2.0% Vsteel: Firth Hall and Pickles; cutting tools; obsolete
Sterling DPN: 800
FURIOUS 1.25% C 1.2% Cr 0.25% V 4.5% Wsteel: Hall and HVHiMo 4% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% W steel: For tools; Firth
Pickles: broaches, taps, punches, etc.; obsolete Sterling Inc; AISI code M7B
DPN: 750 HY BLUE CHIP 4% Cr 2% V 18% W steel: For tools; Firth Sterling
G23 0.62% C 0.6% Mn 2% Ni 2% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.2% Si Inc; AISI code TIB
steel: Jessop HYDRA 0.65% C 4% Cr 0.5% V 15% W steel:
G24 3.0% C 13% Ni 4.5% Cr 4.5% Cu steel: Casting; Hall and Pickles, drills, taps, reamers, etc.; obsolete
Jessop HYDRA HUSKY 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 22% W steel:
G25 0.7% C 0.3% Mn 0.45% Ni 0.2% Cr 0.2% Si steel: Hall and Pickles; cutting tools; obsolete
Jessop DPN:800
GFS 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% W steel: Origin unknown HYDRA VANTAGE 1.25% C 4.5% Cr 4% V 13.5% Wsteel: Hall and
GOAHED 0.7% C 4.3% Cr 1.3% V 18% W steel: John Vessey Pickles; taps, reamers, etc.; obsolete
GRAPH-AIR 1.35% C 1.8% Ni 1.5% Mo steel: Free graphite; DPN: 800
Timken; tools to withstand wear HYKRO C not specified 3% Cr Mo steel: For armour plate;
UTS: 1950 Proof: 1620 British Steel Armour Products
GRAPH-TUNG 1.5% C 0.5% Mo 2.8% W steel: Free graphite; HYPEAK 14 0.8% C 4% Cr 1% V 14% Wsteel: Swift Levick;
Timken; dies and tools to withstand wear cutting tools
DPN: 800 HYPEAK 101 0.8% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6.5% W steel: Swift
GS8 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.5% W steel: For tools; Levick; cutting tools
Osborn; taps, dies, broaches, etc.; obsolete HYPEAK202 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.2% V 18% Wsteel: Swift
DPN: 772 Levick; cutting tools
H4 0.9% C 1.8% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Jessop lAS 1.2% C 0.75% Cr 1.75% W steel: Origin unknown
DPN: 800 IDI 1.3% C 1.3% Mn l.l % Cr 0.5% W steel: Inman
H4SPECIAL 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V steel: IMPERIAL 1.4% C 0.75% Cr 4.5% W steel: Edgar Allen; cutting
Origin unknown tools
H4 Spl 0.9% C 2% Mn 0.35% Cr 0.35% W 0.2% Si steel: INMOLYTEM2 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: For
Jessop tools; Inman
H7 2.3% C 5.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo 4.5% V steel: Jessop; INVARD 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 0.5% Wsteel: Firth Sterling
refractory moulds INVINCIBLE 18 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W steel: For tools;
DPN: 730 origin unknown
H 15 0.8% C 0.5% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% Si steel: INVINCIBLE 22 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.25% V 22.0% W steel: For tools;
Jessop origin unknown
H33 1.0% C 0.3% Mn 6.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.4% Si steel: JI 0.67% C 0.3% Mn 3.7% Cr 0.6% V 13.2% W0.3% Si
Jessop steel: Jessop
DPN: 750 J13 1.23% C 4.5% Cr 3.7% V 13% W steel: Jessop
H62 1.0% C l.l % Mn 0.3% Ni 0.4% Cr 0.35% V 0.2% Si J 24 0.8% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V 3.4% Wwith S steel:
steel: Jessop High speed; Jessop; cutting tools
H M HIGH SPEED 4% Cr 8% Mo I% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; DPN: 850
Bethlehem Steel; AISI code MIE J 30 0.75% C 0.3% Mn 4.2% Cr 1.1 % V 18% W0.3% Si
HRV 1.0% C 1.5% Cr 0.25% V steel: Osborn; cutting tools steel: Jessop
DPN: 850 J 34 0.8% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V 6.5% W steel: Jessop
HARDTRODE 85.65 0.9% C 1.3% Mn 4.5% Cr 7.5% Mo 1.6% V 2.0% W DPN: 750
steel: For electrodes; Esab J 35 0.81 % C 4% Cr 8.8% Mo l.l % V 1.6% W steel:
DPN: 700 Jessop
HECLA 15 0.9% C 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V steel: Origin 138 0.8% C 4% Cr 0.75% Mo 2% V 18% Wsteel: Jessop
unknown J 39 0.77% C 0.3% Mn 4.2% Cr 1.5% V 21% W0.3% Si
HECLA 114 0.7% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Origin steel: Jessop
unknown J40 0.78% C 4.2% Cr 0.6% Mo 2.0% V 9.0% W steel:
HECLA 175 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.4% V steel: For tools; Jessop; high speed
origin unknown J 41 0.85% C 4.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 3.0% V 11.5% W steel:
Jessop; high speed
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
JA3 0.97% C 5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Osborn; dies, KE595 1.25% C 0.8% Mn 1.2% Cr 1.2% Wsteel: Kayser
cold forming tools, etc.; obsolete Ellison; taps, dies, etc.
DPN: 770 DPN: 910
JIS G4805 SUJ4 1.02% C 0.5% Mn (max) 1.45% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: KE672 1.1 % C 1.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Kayser Ellison; press
For bearings; Japanese Standard tools
JIS G4805 SUJ5 1.02% C 1.0% Mn 1.05% Cr 0.17% Mo steel: For DPN: 870
bearings; Japanese Standard KE 708 1.4% C 0.35% Mn 0.6% Cr 1.5% Wsteel: Kayser
K4 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Jessop Ellison; punches, taps, etc.
DPN: 800 KE DIAMOND 10 1.5% C 0.4% Mn 0.6% Cr 5.7% Wsteel: Kayscr
K4 SPECIAL 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Origin unknown Ellison; cutting tools
K4 Spl 0.92% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Jessop; carbon and DPN:%O
alloy tools KEA 162 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 5.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel:
K6 1.25% C 0.3% Mn 0.3% Cr 1.3% W0.2% Si steel: Kayser Ellison; cutting tools
Jessop DPN: 850
K6Spi 1.4% C 0.3% Mn 0.3% Cr 1.5% W0.2% Si steel: KEEWATIN 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 0.5% Wsteel: Atlas; as AISI
Jessop type 01
K8 HP 0.9% C 0.9% Mn 1.1 % Cr 1.5% W0.2% Si steel: KELOCK237 0.75% C 4.1% Cr 1.1% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools;
Jessop Sanderson Kayser
K9 1.0% C 0.8% Mn 0.75% Cr 0.4% Wsteel: Edgar KELOCK 795 0.7% C 4% Cr 0.6% V 14% Wsteel: Kayser Ellison;
Allen; dies, gauges, etc. cutting tools, shear blades
DPN: 750 KELOCK 1014 0.75% C 6% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.4% V 14% Wsteel:
K 10 Spl 1.6% C 0.3% Mn 0.6% Cr 5.5% W0.3% Si steel: Kayser Ellison; cutting tools
Jessop KELOCKAI57 0.8% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: Kayser
K15 1.25% C 0.3% Mn 1.1% Cr 0.25% V 4.5% W0.3% Si Ellison; cutting tools
steel: Jessop KELOCKAI82 0.8% C 3.9% Cr 8.5% Mo 1.15% Wsteel: For tools;
KI6 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% V0.5% W0.2% Si Sanderson Kayser
steel: Jessop KELOCKA229 1.05% C 3.7% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.1% V 1.5% Wsteel: For
K17 0.7% C 0.2% Mn 0.4% Cr 6% W0.5% Co 0.15% Si tools; Sanderson Kayser
steel: For magnets; Jessop KH6VF 1.1 % C 6.2% Cr 0.55% V 13.0% Wsteel: Russian
K 20 1.5% C 1.1% Mn 0.6% Cr 0.7% W0.2% Si steel: Standards designation
Jessop KHV5 1.35% C 0.55% Cr 0.22% V0.45% Wsteel: Russian
K21 1.05% C 0.5% Mn 1% Cr 0.6% W0.2% Si steel: Standards designation
Jessop KHVG 1.0% C 1.0% Mn 1.05% Cr 1.4% Wsteel: Russian
K 305 0.98% C 5.1 % Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% V steel: YEW Standards designation
K 310 0.88% C 2.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V steel: YEW KHVSG 1.0% C 0.85% Cr 0.1 % V 0.85% Wsteel: Russian
K405 1.2% C 0.2% Cr 0.1 % V 1.0% Wsteel: YEW Standards designation
K451 0.8% CO. 7% C: 0.4% Mo 0.1 % V 2.6% Wsteel: KISKI 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V0.6% Wsteel: Braeburn;
YEW AISI type 01
K460 0.95% CO.5% CrO.I% VO.5% Wsteel: YEW KK 1.1 % C 1.4% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Atlas
K465 1.05% (-1.0% Cr 1.1% Wsteel: YEW DPN: 520
K505 1.45% C 1.4% Cr 0.1% V steel: YEW KK3 0.83% C 4.2% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6.5% Wsteel: For
K510 1.18% C 0.7% Cr 0.1 % V steel: YEW tools; Osborn; obsolete
K 614 0.68% C 0.7% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: YEW DPN: 850
K630 0.85% C 0.8% Ni 0.1 % V steel: YEW KMI 0.8% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Wsteel: Speedsteel
K720 0.9% C 0.4% Cr 0.1 % V steel: YEW KM2 0.85% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: Speedsteel
K942 0.9% C 4% Cr 3% Mo 2% V6.3% Wsteel: Speedsteel KM3.1 1% C4% Cr 5% Mo 2.4% V 6% Wsteel: Speedsteel
K950 0.9% C 3.7% Cr 5% Mo 1.2% V 1.8% Wsteel: KM3.2 1.2% C 4% Cr 5.6% Mo 3.2% V 6% Wsteel:
Speedsteel Speedsteel
KABC 111 0.8% C 3.8% Cr 9% Mo 1.2% V 1.7% Wsteel: KM4 1.3% C 4.3% Cr 4.5% Mo 4% V 6% Wsteel:
Speedsteel Speedsteel
KAOC 1.3% C 0.5% Mn 1% Cr 3% W0.3% Si steel: For KM7 1% C 4% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel: Speedsteel
tools; Huntsman; taps, reamers, etc. KMIO 0.9% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V steel: Speedsteel
DPN: 750 KM50 0.8% C 4.1 % Cr 4.2% Mo 1% V steel: Speedsteel
KBT21 0.73% C 4% Cr 0.6% V 14.2% Wsteel: Speedsteel KM52 0.9% C 4% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.8% V 1% Wsteel:
KE 127 0.95% C 0.4% Mn 0.4% Cr 0.15% V steel: Kayser Speedsteel
Ellison; ball and roller bearings KONCOR 1.1 % C 5.2% Cr 1.1% Mo 4% V 1% Si steel: Latrobe;
KE226 1.0% C 0.5% Cr 2.1 % Wsteel: Kayser Ellison; precision casting of forging dies
piercing punches, etc. DPN: 610
DPN: 950 KSA 0.9% C 1.8% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Jessop
KSA 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% Vsteel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Origin unknown
KTI 0.7% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Speedsteel
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number L2 0.8% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% V steel: Carbon varies over
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' wide limits; designation used by AISI
Elon Elongation, % L3 1.0% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V steel: Designation used by
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' AlSI
L3 1.0% C 1.4% Cr 0.25% V steel: For cold work; Osborn
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgfimm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa L4 1.0% C 0.6% Mn 1.5% Cr 0.25% Vsteel: Designation
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. used by AISI; obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
L5 1.0% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: M4 1.3% C 4% Cr 4.5% Mo 4% V5.5% Wsteel: For
Designation used by AISI; obsolete tools; designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded
L6 0.7% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Designation by a suffix letter
used by AISI M7 1.0% C 4% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel: For
L7 1.0% C 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Designation used by tools; designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded
AISI by a suffix letter; (higher C than MI)
LESCO HS29XL 0.08% C 4.1 % Cr 5.05% Mo 1.8% V6.3% Wsteel: M8 0.8% C 5.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.5% V5.0% W 1.2% Nb
Latrobe; tools; contains sulphides steel: Designation used by AISI; obsolete
LF 1.25% C 1.15% Cr 0.25% V4.5% Wsteel: For tools; MIO 0.9% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V steel: For tools;
Osborn; broaches, reamers, taps, obsolete designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
DPN: 850 suffix letter
LHS 14 0.7% C 3.5% Cr 0.5% V 14% Wsteel: For tools; Low M50 0.8% C 4.1% Cr 4.25% Mo 1.1% V steel: Latrobe
Moor; obsolete M52 0.88% C 4.1 % Cr 4.5% Mo 1.8% V 1.1% Wsteel:
DPN: 850 Designation used by AISI; for tools
LHS 18 0.75% C 4% Cr 1.2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Low MANGDIE 0.95% C 1.25% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% V0.5% Wsteel:
Moor; obsolete Clyde Alloy
DPN: 870 DPN: 750
LHS 22 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 1.2% V22% Wsteel: For tools; Low MANOIR 0.7% C 1.0% Mn 0.04% Sand P steel: Pompey
Moor; obsolete ABRADUR220 UTS: 770 Elon: 7% Proof: 500
DPN: 910 MARSH 0.75% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Marsh Brothers;
LHS 652 0.8% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V6% Wsteel: For tools; CYCI841 cutting tools
Low Moor; obsolete MAXIMUM 18 0.75% C 4.2% Cr 1.1% V 18% Wsteel: Firth Brown
DPN: 870 MC2 0.8% C 3.75% Cr 8.7% Mo 1.1% V 1.7% Wsteel: For
LMW High C 4% Cr 8% Mo I % V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; tools; Osborn; obsolete
Allegheny Ludlum; AISI code MIG DPN: 850
LMW-V High C 4% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel: For MCMO 0.7% C 2% Mn 1% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: For tools;
tools; Allegheny Ludlum; AISI code M7G Huntsman; blanking dies, punches, etc.
LOCKPORT High C 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wtool steel: Simonds; AISI DPN: 720
SPECIAL code TIN MCT 0.95% C 1.1 % Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Firth Brown
LT 12 1.25% C 0.15% V 3% Wsteel: Low Moor; for tools; MEL·TROL 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V6.2% Wsteel:
obsolete SPEED STAR Carpenter; for AISI type M2
DPN: 950 MEL-TROL 0.7% C 2.2% Mn 1.0% Cr 1.35% Mo steel: For tools;
LT22V 1.0% C 1.5% Cr 0.2% V steel: Low Moor; non- VEGA-FM Carpenter; for AlSI A6
shrinking; tools; obsolete MEL·TROL 484FM 1.0% C 5.2% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Carpenter for
DPN: 800 AISI type A2; contains sulphides
LT23 0.9% C 1.25% Mn 0.5% Cr 5% Wsteel: Low Moor; MEL-TROLHI 0.68% C 0.5% Ni 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.15% V2.5% Cu
non-shrinking; tools; obsolete SHOCK 60 steel: For tools; Carpenter
DPN:800 MEL·TROLHI 0.7% C 0.5% Ni 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.15% V 2.5% Cu
LT24 1.0% C 1% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.7% Wsteel: Low Moor; SHOCK 60 steel: Carpenter
non-shrinking; obsolete MEL-TROLHI 1.5% C 0.9% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.0% Wsteel: Carpenter
DPN: 850 WEAR 64 DPN: 750
LT40 1.0% C 5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Low Moor; MEL-TROLSTAR 0.7% C 4.0% Cr l.l % V 18.2% Wsteel: Carpenterfor
obsolete ZENITH AISI type Tl
DPN: 770 MEL·TROL VEGA 0.7% C 2.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 1.35% Mo 0.3% Si steel:
LTAH 0.7% C 2% Mn 1% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.35% Si steel: For tools; Carpenter for AISI A6
Sanderson; forming dies. shear blades, etc. MERMAID 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.4% V 18% Wsteel: Spear &
DPN: 680 Jackson
LTTS 1.15% C 0.3% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.25% V 1.3% W0.3% Si MET·HARD 750TS 0.7% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 2% Wsteel: Metrode;
steel: For tools; Huntsman; centres, hacksaw blades. obsolete
etc. DPN: 750
DPN: 720 MIC3 0.95% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: ESC; taps.
LXX 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Allegheny punches. reamers, etc.
Ludlum; AISI code TlG DPN: 750
Ml 0.8% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; MIC4 0.95% C 1.25% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 0.5% Wsteel:
designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a ESC; taps, dies, reamers, etc.
suffix letter DPN: 800
Ml 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 8.75% Mo 1.1% V 1.8% Wsteel: MIC9 1.0% CO.8% Mn 0.7% Cr 0.4% Wsteel: ESC; small
Osborn punches, form tools, etc.
M2 0.85% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools; DPN: 750
designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a ML 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Allegheny
suffix letter Ludlum; AISI code TIG
M2 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.3% Wsteel: MOCUT 4% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools;
Osborn Braeburn; AISI code Mil
M3/l 1.05% C 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V6% Wsteel: For tools; MOCARB 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.5% Wsteel:
designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a Braeburn
suffix letter MOGUL 4% Cr 8% Mo I% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; Jessop;
M3/2 1.2% C 4% Cr 6% Mo 3% V6% Wsteel: For tools; AISI code MIW
designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a MOHICAN 8 4% Cr 8% Mo I% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; Atlas
suffix letter steel Ltd; AISI code MIZ
MOUTE 0.85% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools;
Columbia Tool Steel Co; AIS1 code M2H
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MOUTE I 0.82% C 4.0% Cr 8.5% Mo 1.1 % V 1.6% Wsteel: MUSTANG 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools; AISI code
Columbia; AISI type MI M2W
MOUTE3 1.0% C 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V6% Wsteel: For tools; MUSTANG M3/l 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V 6% Wsteel: For tools; Jessop;
Columbia Tool Steel Co; AISI code M3H AISI code M3W
MOUTE3 1.03% C 4.0% Cr 6.2% Mo 2.5% V 6.2% Wsteel: MUSTANG M312 4% Cr 6% Mo 3% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Jessop;
SMOOTHCUT Columbia; AISI type M3S/I; free machining AISI code M3W
MOUTE4 1.28% C 4.5% Cr 4.5% Mo 4.0% V 5.5% Wsteel: MV-I-VAC-ARC 0.8% C 4.1% Cr4.25% Mo 1.1% V steel: Latrobe; ball
Columbia races
MOLVA 0.82% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 1.9% V steel: Simonds; DPN: 750
AISI type MIO NATRONA 0.88% C 4.0% Cr 4.0% Mo 1.75% V0.5% Wsteel:
MOLVA T 0.82% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.%% V6.0% Wsteel: Braeburn
Simonds; AISI type M2 NCMIHC 0.6% C 0.45% Mn 0.5% Ni 0.9% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.25%
MOLVATC 1.2% C 4.0% Cr 6.25% Mo 2.8% V 6.25% Wsteel: Si steel: Huntsman; thread rolling dies, forming tools,
Simonds; AISI type M3 etc.
MOLYCUT562 0.8% C4.1% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V6.4% Wsteel: Firth DPN:720
Brown ND 0.75% C 4.25% Cr 1.25% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
MONARCH 0.75% C 7.5% Cr 1.3% V22.0% Wsteel: For tools; Osborn 'Double Mushet'; obsolete
origin unknown DPN: 850
MONARCH 652 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V6.0% Wsteel: For NDS 0.75% C 1.7% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Latrobe
tools; origin unknown NEATRO 4% Cr 4.5% Mo 4% V 5.5% Wsteel: For tools;
MONARCHOHB 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: For tools; origin Vanadium Alloys; AISI code MI4A
unknown NEW CAPITAL 0.7% C 3.7% Cr 0.75% V 14.5% Wsteel: For tools;
MONARCHPCS 0.8% C 0.5% Ni 1.25% Cr 1.9% Wsteel: For tools; Balfour; punches, dies, etc.
origin unknown DPN: 850
MONARCH TAN 0.7% C 1.5% Ni 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For tools; NEWHALL 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.15% V 0.7% Wsteel:
origin unknown Sanderson; centres, collets, etc.
MOTEMP 0.88% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 2.0% Vsteel: Braeburn; DPN: 750
AISI type MIO NF A35 565/IOOCD7 1.02% C 0.3% Mn 1.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: For
MO-TEMPMIO 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% Vsteel: For tools; Braeburn; AISI bearings; French Standard
code MIO No.4 HARDENlTE 1.4% C 0.4% Cr 0.4% Mo 3.6% V steel: For tools;
MOTOR 0.75% C 4.25% Cr 1.2% V 18% Wsteel: Carn; boring VAN origin unknown
MAXIMUM tools; chisels No.7 HARDENITE 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: For tools; origin
DPN: 910 unknown
MOTOR MAGNUS 0.8% C 4.25% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6.5% Wsteel: Carrs; No.8 HARDENITE 0.85% C 1.35% Cr 0.2% V 1.0% Wsteel: For tools;
form tools, gear cutters, etc. origin unknown
DPN: 910 No. 10 HARDENITE 1.2% C 3.0% Cr 1.0% Wsteel: For tools; origin
MOTOR SPECIAL 0.7% C 4% Cr 0.25% V 14% Wsteel: Carrs; twist unknown
drills, reamers, etc. No 484 1% C 5.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Carpenter
DPN: 850 No 610 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% V steel: Carpenter
MOTUF 1.0% C 3.7% Cr8.7% Mo 2.1% V 1.7% Wsteel: NORESCO 88 HP 0.74% C 4.25% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Schoeller-
Braeburn; AISI type M7 Bleckmann
MOTUNG 4% Cr 8% Mo I% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; DPN: 870
Universal Cyclops; AISI code MID NORESCO 99 HP 0.74% C 4.25% Cr 0.9% Mo 1.15% V 18.5% Wsteel:
MOTUNG652 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools; Universal Schoeller-Bleckmann
Cyclops; AISI code M2D DPN: 910
MOTUNGCV 4% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel: For tools; NORESCODHS 0.84% C 4.25% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V 6.25% Wsteel:
Universal Cyclops; AISI code M7D Schoeller-Bleckmann
MOVAN 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V steel: For tools; Universal DPN: 870
Cyclops; AISI code MIOD NORESCO 0.9% C 0.2% Cr 0.15% V steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
MOW 562 0.83% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: Huntsman; FAVORIT DPN: 540
cutting tools NORVAR 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V steel:
MUSHETHIGH 1.25% C 4.6% Cr 3.7% V 13.0% Wsteel: For tools; Origin unknown
VANADIUM origin unknown NOVO 0.7% C 4% Cr 0.5% V 14% Wsteel: Jonas cutting
MUSHETM 0.83% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.5% Wsteel: For tools
tools; origin unknown DPN: 850
MUSHET MOLYB. 0.8% C 3.7% Cr 8.7% Mo 1.1% V 1.7% Wsteel: For NOVO 6/612 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: For
tools; origin unknown tools; origin unknown
MUSKETMKK 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: For NOVO 912 0.75% C 3.75% Cr 9.0% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% Wtool
tools; origin unknown steel: Jonas; type MI
NOVOC 0.75% C 6.2% CrO.7% Mo 1.25% V 13.5% Wsteel:
Jonas; cutting or parting off tools
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 870
NOVO SUPERIOR 0.75% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Jonas; cutting
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number tools
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 850
Elon Elongation, % NOVO 0.85% C 4% Cr 5.25% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: Jonas;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' SUPERIOR 6/6/2 cutting tools
DPN: 910
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa NOVO SUPERIOR 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 1.25% V 21% Wsteel: Jonas; cutting
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. SS form tools
DPN: 910
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NOVOTCV 1.5% C 5.0% Cr 5.0% V 11% Wtool steel: Jonas REX4V 4% Cr 4% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible Steel
NRO 146 0.7% C 2. I% Mn 1.0% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.1 % S steel: Co.; AISI code T9X
Bofors; annealed; for tools REX 939 4% Cr 3% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible Steel
DPN:240 Co.; AISI code TIX
NUTHERM 0.7% C 1.0% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: Atlas; AISI type A6 REXAA 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: For tools: Crucibile Steel
OHD 1.0% C 1.6% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: For tools; origin Co.; AISI code TlX
unknown REX CHAMPION 4% Cr 2% V 14% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible Steel
OJ 0.93% C 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 0.5% Wsteel: For cold Co.; AISI code T7X
work; Osborn REXM2 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible
OJLDIE 1.05% C 1.6% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Free cutting; Steel Co.; AISI code M2X
SMOOTHCUT Columbia; AISI type 03S REXM31l 4% Cr 6% Mo 2.4% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible
P9E5 1.45% C4.1% Cr4.6% V 9.7% Wsteel: For tools; Steel Co.; AISI code M3X
Russian Standards designation REXM312 4% Cr 6% Mo 3% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible
PIO 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.2% V 18% Wsteel: Bofors; cutting Steel Co.; AISI code M3X
tools; obsolete REXM7 4% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel: For tools;
DPN: 850 Crucible Steel Co.; AISI code M7X
P 14F4 1.25% C 4.3% Cr 3.7% V 1.37% Wsteel: For tools; REX SUPER VAN 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible Steel
Russian Standards designation Co.; AISI code TIX
P860H 1.0% C 1% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% V 1% Wsteel: T Turton REXTMO 4% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible
PGT 1.15% C 0.8% Mn 0.75% Cr 1.5% Wsteel: Jonas; Steel Co.; AISI code MIX
taps, dies, etc. REXVM 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V steel: For tools; Crucible Steel
DPN: 630 Co.; AISI code M10X
PILGER ROLL 1.1 % C Cr Mo steel: Casting; Firth Brown; hardened RIGOR 1.0% C 5.3% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.2% V steel: Uddelholm
STEEL and tempered for type A2
DPN:340 ROLLO 1.25% C 2.9% Cr 6.0% Wsteel: Origin unknown
PITHO 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.15% V 0.7% Wsteel: ROP21 1.0% C 5.5% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Bofors
Sanderson; alternative name to Newhall DPN:800
DPN: 750 RSD 1% C 5.2% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.2% V steel: For tools;
PLUTOCRAT 0.8% C 4.25% Cr 0.5% Mo 1% V 22% Wsteel: Carrs; Balfour and Darwin
reamers, heavy duty drills, etc. RT 1733 0.9% C 0.6% Cr 0.1 % V 0.6% Wsteel: Bofors
DPN: 910 DPN: 800
P02 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.5'% W steel: RV 1.0% C 1.4% Cr 0.25% Vsteel: Obsolete; S Osborn;
Bofors; obsolete replaced by L3
DPN: 850 RW2 1.25% C 4.5% Cr 3.75% V 13% Wsteel: For tools; S
P03 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.5% Wsteel: Osborn; obsolete
Bofors; obsolete DPN: 870
DPN: 850 S 2-9.1 0.83% C 3.8% Cr 8.8% Mo 1.3% V 1.8% Wsteel:
P07 1.0% C 3.8% Cr 9.0% Mo 2.0% V 1.8% Wsteel: German Standard
Bofors; high speed steel as type M7 S2-9.2 1% C 3.8% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.1% V 1.8% Wsteel:
PP 1.0% C 1% Mn 0.8% Cr 0.8% Wsteel: Osborn; German Standard
cutting tools; obsolete S 3-3.2 1.0% C 4.2% Cr 2.65% Mo 2.3% V2.85% Wsteel:
DPN: 800 For tools; German Standards designation
PRN2 1.05% C 1.3% Mn 1.3% Cr steel: Balfour; blanking S6-5.2 0.88% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.85% V 6.3% Wsteel:
tools, gauges, etc. For tools; German Standards designation
DPN:660 S 6-5.3 1.22% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.3% Wsteel: For
PYRO-VAN 0.75% C 5.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo 2.5% V steel: Latrobe: hot tools; German Standards designation
work S 18-0.1 0.76% C 4.3% Cr 1% V 1.8% Wsteel: German
DPN: 470 Standard
QV 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 14.5% Wsteel: S Osborn; S200 0.75% C 4.3% Cr 1.1% V 18.0% Wtool steel: YEW
high speed steel S400 1.0% C 3.8% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.1 % V 1.8% Wtool steel:
QV/E 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 14.5% Wsteel: Obsolete; S YEW
Osborn; replaced by QV S401 0.83% C 3.8% Cr 8.8% Mo 1.3% V 1.8% Wtool steel:
R9 0.9% C 4.1% Cr 2.3% V 9.2% Wsteel: For tools; YEW
Russian Standards designation S 600 0.9% C 4.3% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.4% W tool steel:
R 12 0.85% C 3.4% Cr 1.7% V 12.5% Wsteel: For tools; YEW
Russian Standards designation S607 1.2% C 4.1 % Cr 5.0% Mo 2.9% V 6.4% Wtool steel:
R 18 0.75% C 4.1% Cr 1.2% V 17.7% Wsteel: For tools; YEW
Russian Standards designation S610 1.0% C 4.3% Cr 2.7% Mo 2.4% V 2.9% Wtool steel:
R 18F2 0.9% C4.1% Cr2.1% V 17.7% Wsteel: Fortools; YEW
Russian Standards designation SABEN 652 0.81 % C 4.1 % Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6.5% Wsteel:
RFe5A 0.85% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.7% V6% Wsteel: Weld Sanderson; cutting tools
rod; designation used by AWS DPN: 770
RFe 5B 0.7% C 4% Cr 7.2% Mo 1.7% V6% Wsteel: Weld SABEN EXTRA 0.75% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Sanderson; cutting
rod; designation used by AWS tools
RDS 0.7% C 1.75% Ni 1.0% Cr steel: Carpenter; for AISI DPN: 770
type L6 SABENHC 1.25% C 4.5% Cr 0.3% Mo 3.7% V 13.5% Wsteel:
RED CUT 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Vanadium Sanderson; cutting tools
SUPERIOR Alloys; AISI code TlA DPN: 800
RED STREAK 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Simonds; AfSI SABENKERAU 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.5% V 22% Wsteel:
code TIN Sanderson; cutting tools
DPN: 800
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAEOI 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% V0.5% Wsteel: For SKF562 0.68% C 0.5% Cr 0.18% Vsteel: SKF
tools SKF822 1.05% C 1.3% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: SKF
SAE02 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% V steel: For SKH2 0.77% C 4.1 % Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools;
tools Japanese Standards designation
SAE 16 0.7% C 0.8% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% V steel SKH9 0.85% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V6.1 % Wsteel: For
SAE 17 1.0% C 1.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel tools; Japanese Standards designation
SAE 6195 0.95% C 1% CrO.15% V steel: Obsolete SKH52 1.05% C 4.2% Cr 5.5% Mo 2.4% V 6.2% Wsteel: For
SAE 8660 0.6% C 0.6% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel tools; Japanese Standards designation
SAEA2 1.0% C 5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.4% V steel: For tools SKH53 1.2% C 4.3% Cr 5.5% Mo 3.1% V 6.2% Wsteel: For
SAEMI 0.8% C 4% Cr 9% Mo 1.1 % V 1.7% Wsteel: For tools tools; Japanese Standards designation
SAEM2 0.85% C 4.2% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6.2% Wsteel: For SKH54 1.32% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 4.2% V 5.9% Wsteel: For
tools tools; Japanese Standards designation
SAEM3 1.1 % C 4.2% Cr 6% Mo 2.7% V 6% Wsteel: For tools SKS I 1.35% C 0.75% Cr 0.2% V4.5% Wsteel: For tools;
SAEM4 1.2% C 4.5% Cr 5% Mo 4.2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools Japanese Standards designation
SAETI 0.7% C 4.2% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: For tools SKS 2 1.05% C 0.8% Cr 0.2% V (max) 1.25% Wsteel: For
SAETI 0.8% C 4.1% Cr 0.8% Mo 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Japanese Standards designation
tools SKS 2 1.05% C 0.8% Cr 0.2% V (max) 1.25% Wsteel:
SC 6-5-2 1.0% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.85% V 6.3% Wsteel: For Japanese Standards designation
tools; German Standards designation SKS 3 0.95% C 0.75% Cr 0.75% Wsteel: Japanese Standards
SCV 1.0% C 1.0% Cr 0.2% V steel: Sanderson; cutting dies, designation
blanking tools, etc. SKS5 0.8% C 1.0% Ni 0.32% Cr steel: Japanese Standards
DPN: 540 designation
SCV3 0.95% C 1.1 % Cr 0.25% V steel: Spencer; ball races, SKS7 1.15% C 0.35% Cr 0.2% V (max) 2.25% Wsteel:
gauges, etc. Japanese Standards designation
SCV5 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 0.95% Mo 0.25% V steel: For tools; SKS 11 1.25% C 0.35% Cr 3.5% Wsteel: For tools; Japanese
WSpencer Standards designation
SE4AS 0.82% C 4.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.7% V 18.2% Wsteel: SKS 21 1.05% C 0.35% Cr 0.8% Wsteel: For tools; Japanese
Forez Standards designation
SEARCHER AI 0.63% C 0.4% Cr 1.6% W 1.12% Si steel: SKS 31 1.0% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Cr 1.25% Wsteel: Japanese
Hall and Pickles; wedges, shear blades, obsolete Standards designation
DPN: 750 SKS42 0.8% C 0.38% Cr 0.22% V 2.0% Wsteel: Japanese
SELECTBFM 1.0% C 5.25% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Latrobe; Standards designation
contains sulphides; AISI type A2 die steel SKS 51 0.8% C 1.6% Ni 0.35% Cr steel: For tools; Japanese
DPN:600 Standards designation
SEVEN STAR 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel: SL 173 1.0% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Swift Levick;
Carpenter punches
SHOCKTOUGH High C 1.2% Cr + Ni 2% Wsteel: John Vessey; press SL874 1.4% C 0.5% Cr 4.0% Wsteel: Swift Levick; shears,
tools, punches punches
DPN: 580 SL954 1.2% C 1.5% Cr 1.25% Wsteel: Swift Levick; press
SILVANlTE 1.3% C 4.0% Cr 0.5% V 8.0% Wsteel: Columbia; dies, punches
AISI type F8 SNSC 0.9% C 1% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.2% V0.5% W0.28% Si
For SIS specifications see SS steel: For tools; Huntsman; taps. shear blades, etc.
SIW 0.67% C 0.6% Cr 1.3% W1.15% Si steel: Balfour; DPN: 720
chisels, coal cutter blades SOMDIE 1% Cr 1% Ni 0.5% Mo steel: For dies; Somers
DPN: 580 SOUDOKA Y D20.0 1.2% C 4.5% Cr 8% Mo 2.7% Nb steel: Welding
SIXIX 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Atlas electrode; Soudometal
Steels Ltd; AISI code M2Z DPN: 620
SIXIX-fm 0.84% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V6.5% W0.12% S SPARTAN 7 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Atlas Steels Ltd;
steel: Atlas; as AISI type M2; free machining AISI code TlZ
SKD 12 1.0% C 0.5% Ni (max) 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.35% V SPEAR 35 0.8% C 2.5% Ni 0.2% Cr steel: Origin unknown
steel: Japanese Standards designation SPEAR 562 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V6.0% Wsteel: For
SKF3 1.0% C 0.3% Mn 1.5% Ni 0.35% Mo steel: For tools; origin unknown
bearings; SKF Ltd SPEAR MERMAID 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: Origin
SKF24 1.0% C 1.8% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Tube; SKF Ltd unknown
SKF25 1.0% C 1.8% Cr 0.35% Mo steel: Tube; SKF Ltd SPEARPS 1.05% C 1.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Spear & Jackson
SKF26 0.97% C 1.8% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: SKF SPECIAL ECHO 0.73% C 4.3% Cr 1.3% V 18.2% Wsteel: John Vessey
SKF27 0.97% C 1.95% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: SKF SPECIALHS 4% Cr I% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Bethlehem Steel
SKF28 0.97% C 1.95% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: SKF Co.; AISI code TIE
SPEED STAR Carpenter for AISI type M2
SPEED STAR 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% Wsteel: For tools; Carpenter
Steel Co.; AISI code M2K
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SPEEDICUT 0.73% C 4.2% Cr 1.4% V 22.0% Wsteel: For tools;
MAX 22 origin unknown
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SPEEDICUT 0.75% C 4.2% Cr 1.1 % V 18% Wsteel: Firth Brown
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' MAXIMUM 18
Elon Elongation, % SPM 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Jonas;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' punches; blanking and forming tools
DPN: 610
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04lbflin.'= 1 MPa SS 2140 0.9% C 1.2% Mn 0.5% Cr O. I% V 0.5% Wsteel:
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Swedish Standard: annealed
DPN: 220
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 2260 1.0% C 5.2% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Swedish SUPREMUS 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Jessop; AISI
Standard; annealed EXTRA codeTIW
DPN: 240 Tl 0.7% C 4% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
SS 2722 0.82% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6.5% Wsteel: Swedish designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
Standard; annealed suffix letter
DPN: 260 Tl 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.1% V 18.0% Wsteel: Osborn
SS 2724 0.88% C 4% Cr 3.2% Mo 2.1 % V 6.5% Wsteel: T2 0.8% C 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
Swedish Standard; annealed designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
DPN:260 suffix letter
STAGMO 0.85% C 4.75% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: Edgar T3 1.05% C 4.0% Cr 3.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: Designation
Allen; cutting tools used by AISI; obsolete
STAG MO 562 0.85% C 4.75% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: Edgar T7 0.75% C 4% Cr 2% V 14% Wsteel: For tools;
Allen; also known as Stag Mo designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
STAG SPECIAL 0.7% C 5% Cr 1.5% V 19% Wsteel: Edgar Allen suffix letter
STAR BLUE CHIP 4% Cr 2% V 14% Wsteel: For tools; Firth Sterling; T9 1.2% C 4% Cr 4% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
AISI code TIX designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
STAR 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.5% V 5% W1.2% Nb steel: For suffix letter
COLUMBRIUM tools; Carpenter Steel Co.; AISI code M8K TlO 0.9% C 0.5% V 2% Wsteel: Turton Bros
STAR MAX 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; TBS 600 0.98% C 1.5% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Timken; for bearings
Carpenter Steel Co.; AISI code M1K at high temperature
STAR M068 1.02% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.4% Wsteel: DPN: 800
Firth Sterling TBS 1000 0.8% C 1.1% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.1 % V steel: Timken;
STAR MO M2 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Firth bearings for high temperature use
Sterling; AISI code M2B DPN: 700
STAR ZENITH 4% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Carpenter Steel TCA2 0.65% C 1.5% Cr 0.25% V 2.5% Wsteel: T Turton
Co.; AISI code T1K TDBC 1.4% C 0.3% Mn 0.7% Cr 5% Wsteel: Jonas; dies
STM 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% Wsteel: For tools; DPN: 720
Simonds; AISI code MIN TEENAX 0.9% C 0.5% Cr 0.15% V0.5% Wsteel: Simonds;
STUBS 69C Mn Cr Mo V WSi steel: Electrode; Stubs; for tool steel AISI type 01
welding TEN STAR 0.85% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% Vsteel: Carpenter
DPN: 600 TM6 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel: For tools; Crucible
STUBS 75 C Cr Wsteel: Electrode; Stubs; for severe abrasion Steel Co.; AISI code M2P
resistance TMS 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.3% Mo 0.2% V steel: Origin
DPN: 700 unknown
STUBS 713 C Cr Mo V W Nb steel: Electrode; Stubs; for hard TOH 0.9% C 1.3% Mn 0.4% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Balfour;
facing; high temperature application blanking dies, etc.
DPN: 650 DPN: 6SO
STYR 0.78% C 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.4% V 21.5% Wsteel: TPM 0.9% C 1.4% Mn 0.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Jonas; fine
For tools; ESC; symbol for SUPER TYR grained grade of SPM
DPN: 910 DPN: 660
SUPER 0.7% C 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: TRIPLE 1.25% C 0.75% Cr 3.5% Wsteel: For tools; origin
AUSTENITE Inman; cutting tools CONQUEROR unknown
SUPER 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools; TRIPLE 1.25% C 1.15% Cr 0.3% V4.25% Wsteel: Spencer;
AUSTENITE TI Inman CRESCENT cutting tools, broaches, etc.
SUPER DOUBLE 0.78% C 4.25% Cr 1.0% V22.5% Wsteel: For tools; DPN: 780
MUSHET origin unknown TRIPLE GRIFFIN 1.3% C 0.3% Cr 2.7% Wsteel: For tools; Balfour;
SUPER ECLIPSE 1.0% C 1.0% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Origin unknown tube drawing dies etc.
SUPER HS 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Vulcan Crucible DPN: 850
Steel Co.; AISI code TIP TRIUMPH SUPER 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: Origin
SUPER HYDRA 0.75% C 4.25% Cr 1.1% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; unknown
Hall and Pickles TRIUMPH SUPERB 0.8% C 4.25% Cr 1.3% V 18% Wsteel: Jessop
DPN: 770 DPN: 750
SUPER MONARCH 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: For tools; TROJAN 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Atlas Steels Ltd;
origin unknown AISI code TIZ
SUPER RAPID 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.2% V 19.0% Wsteel: For tools; TRS 1.2% C 1.15% Cr 0.25% V 4.5% Wsteel: Jonas; taps;
origin unknown reamers, etc.
SUPER RAPID 0.7% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: Origin DPN: 650
unknown TUNGSTEN 1.25% C 0.75% Cr 3.5% Wsteel: For tools; origin
SUPERSi Mn 0.57% C 0.8% Mn 0.3% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.8% Si steel: DIAMOND unknown
For springs; ESC TUNGSTEN SPUR 0.67% C 3.8% Cr 0.7% V 14% Wsteel: T Turton
SUPER SPECIAL 0.7% C 4.4% Cr 1.4% V 21% Wsteel: John Vessey TWIN VAN 4% Cr 2% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Braeburn; AISI
ECHO code TIl
SUPER TYR 0.78% C 4.5% CrO.5% Mo 1.4% V 21.5% Wsteel: UHB 25 0.7% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% Wsteel: Speedsteel
ESC; cutting tools UHB29 0.85% C 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% Wsteel:
DPN: 910 Uddelholm; obsolete
SUPERIOR 5 1.35% C 6.2% Cr 1.1 % Mo 6.2% Vsteel: Braeburn UHB431 0.8% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Wsteel:
SUPERIOR SPUR 0.72% C 4% Cr 0.3% Mo 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: T Uddelholm; obsolete
Turton UHB432 0.9% C 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V steel: Uddelholm;
SUPREMUS 4% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: For tools; Jessop; AISI obsolete
code T1W UHB 433 1% C 4.2% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.7% Wsteel:
Uddelholm; obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Z80WCDV 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 2.0% V 12.0% Wsteel: For Z 130WCV 12104/04 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 3.5% V 12.0% Wsteel: For tools;
12/0402102 tools; French Standards designation French Standards designation
Z 80WCV 18/04/01 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18% Wsteel: For tools;
French Standards designation
Z85DCWV 0.85% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.8% V 6.2% Wsteel: For Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
tools; French Standards designation
Z 85WCV 18/04/2 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 2.0% V 18.0% Wsteel: for tools; DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
French Standards designation VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Z85WDCV 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Wsteel: For Elon Elongation, %
tools; French Standards designation Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Z IOOCDV 5 1.0% C 5.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V steel: German
Standards designation 1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa
ZIOOCDV5 1.0% C 5.3% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.2% V steel: French See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
The above properties are typical of the following group, and Cobalt is similar in many respects to nickel, but as well as
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible strengthening the ferrite, appears to stabilize the carbides
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be and maintains their properties to much higher temperatures,
applicable. while at the same time giving these high carbon steels a
degree of toughness not obtainable by other means.
The other alloying elements found in these steels have the
General metallurgical characteristics
same effect as that described in Section 44K3.
Cobalt is probably unique in that it is never present alone but The materials in this group cannot accept cold work with-
always as an addition to already highly alloyed steels. Like out becoming brittle and hard. It is therefore essential that
nickel and silicon, it does not form carbides but dissolves in these materials are hot worked.
the ferritic matrix. Where full annealing, hardening or normalizing is
Nickel, iron and cobalt are the only common ferromag- required this will be at a temperature above 900 °C and in
netic elements and considerable advances have been made in some cases as high as 1200 0c. These operations should
recent years with complex cobalt alloys which have excellent ideally be carried out in controlled atmospheres as cobalt is
magnetic, high temperature and permeability characteris- readily oxidized and lost from the surface.
tics. These alloys are briefly discussed in Section 13A. Many of the materials in this group are thermally treated
Additions of up to 30% cobalt to ferrous alloys also con- for magnetic purposes and it is essential that expert advice is
siderably improve certain magnetic properties and many of obtained.
the materials listed have been developed for this reason. Welding either requires specialist equipment such as Flash
Among the valuable properties given by cobalt are the Butt Weld or very specialist advice. It is very seldom that
stability of magnets for use at high temperatures and under these materials will require welding but some of them can be
more arduous conditions than normal. applied as hard facings.
Apart from magnets, cobalt is added in quantities of up to Specialist advice must always be obtained.
10% to alloy steels; it imbues them with unique hot strength These materials are readily machined in the soft condition
properties and results in less galling and pick up under fric- but after hardening will require grinding. This must be care-
tion conditions. These are all comparatively new materials fully carried out to prevent grinding abuse resulting in sur-
and much of the metallurgy remains to be explained. face cracking.
They are used for cutting tools where arduous conditions Many of the materials in this group have been developed
exist such as interrupted cuts. They have the ability to accept for their magnetic properties.
impact loads much better than the steels without cobalt.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.2886 0.16% C 10% Cr 5.1% Mo 0.5% V 10% Co steel: 178 Co 0.95% C 0.6% Mn 5% Cr 4% W35.5% Co steel: For
German Standard magnets; Sandvik
1.3202 1.42% C 4.2% Cr 0.85% Mo 3.7% V 12.0% W5.0% 333 1.55% C 4.7% Cr 5.0% V 12.5% W5.0% Co steel:
Co steel: For tools; German Standards designation Forez
1.3207 1.27% C 4.1 % Cr 4.0% Mo 3.25% V 10.2% W 10.5% 444 1.55% C 4.75% Cr 5.0% V 19.5% W 14.5% Co steel:
Co steel: For tools; German Standards designation Forez
1.3215 1.5% C 4.8% Cr 5% V 12.5% W 5% Co steel: German 455 0.78% C 4.2% Cr 0.4% Mo 1.3% V 18.5% W5.5% Co
Standard steel: F Parkin; cutting tools
1.3243 0.92% C 4.1% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.85% V 6.3% W5.0% Co DPN: 820
steel: For tools; German Standards designation 808 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 1% Mo 1.6% V 19% W 10.5% Co
1.3246 1.1% C 4.1 % Cr 3.8% Mo 1.85% V 6.8% W 5.0% Co stcel: F Parkin; cutting tools
steel: For tools; German Standards designation DPN: 850
1.3247 1.05% C 3.7% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.1% V 1.5% W8.0% Co 3500/37% Co 0.75% C 3.8% Cr 5.0% W38% Co steel: For magnets;
steel: German Standard Simonds
1.3255 0.75% C 4.2% Cr 0.6% Mo 1.1% V 18.5% W 5.5% Co 4171 1.3% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% V 12.0% W 5.0% Co steel: For
steel: For tools; German Standard tools; French Standards designation
1.3265 0.75% C 5.0% Cr 0.6% Mo 1.7% V 18.5% W9.5% Co 4175 1.65% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% V 12.0% W 10.0% Co steel:
steel: For tools; German Standard For tools; French Standards designation
2 Co 4 Cr 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 0.5% W2.0% Co steel: For magnets; 4271 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: For
PMA tools; French Standards designation
3% Co 1.0% CO.5% Mn 9% Cr 1.2% Mo 3% CoO.1% Si 4275 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.6% V 18.0% W 10.0% Co steel: For
steel: For magnets; Jessop tools; French Standards designation
03P 1.5% C 4.6% Cr 5% V 12.5% W 5% Co steel: Carrs 4371 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% W 5.0% Co
DPN: 650 steel: For tools; French Standards designation
06/05105/04/01 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% W 5.0% Co 4373 1.5% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 5.0% V 6.5% W5.0% Co
steel: For tools; French Standards designation steel: For tools; French Standards designation
6% Co 1.0% C 0.5% Mn 9% Cr 1.2% Mo 6% Co O. I% Si 4375 1.75% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 5.0% V 6.5% W 10.0% Co
steel: For magnets; Jessop steel: For tools; French Standards designation
07/05105/05/04 1.5% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 5.0% V 6.5% W5.0% Co 4475 1.1 % C 4.0% Cr 9.0% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% W 8.0% Co
steel: For tools; French Standards designation steel: For tools; French Standards designation
8-N-2 COBALT 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.2% V 2% W 5% Co steel: For tools; 13743 24.5% Ni 11 % Co 11.5% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
Vanadium Alloys; AISI code M30A German Standards alloy for Alnico 160 listed in DIN
08S 1.4% C 14% Cr 0.8% Mo 3% Co steel: Carts; punches, 17410
dies, etc. 13745 20% Ni 16% Co 11 % AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
DPN: 710 German Standards alloy for Alnico 190 listed in DIN
09/0810410210 I 1.1% C 4.0% Cr 9.0% Mo 1.0% V 1.5% W8.0% Co 17410
steel: For tools; French Standards designation 13756 15% Ni 27% Co 7% Ti 7% AI 4% Cu steel: For
9% Co 1.0% CO.5% Mn 9% Cr 1.2% Mo 9% CoO.1% Si magnets; German Standards alloy for Alnico 220 listed
steel: For magnets; Jessop in DIN 17410
10/07105/05/04 1.75% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 5.0% V 6.5% W 10.0% Co 13758 15% Ni 30% Co 5% Ti 7% A14% Cu steel: For
steel: For tools; French Standards designation magnets; German Standards alloy for Alnico 350 listed
15% Co 1.0% C 0.5% Mn 9% Cr 1.2% Mo 15% Co 0.1 % Si in DIN 17410
steel: For magnets; Jessop 13760 15.5% Ni 24% Co 9% AI 4% Cu steel: For magnets;
17 Co 0.7% C 2.5% Cr 8.0% W 17% Co steel: For magnets; German Standard for Alnico 400 listed in DIN 17410
American alloy listed by PMA 13761 15% Ni 24% Co 8.5% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
30 DCKY/28 0.32% C 3.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.35% V 3.0% Co steel: German Standard for Alnico 500 listed in DIN 17410
French Standard ACMITE 4% Cr I% V 18% W 5% Co steel: Fortools; Columbia
35% Co 0.9% C 0.5% Mn 6% Cr 4% W 35% Co O. 1% Si steel: Tool Steel Co.; AISI code T4H
For magnets; Jessop AFC77 0.15% C 14.5% Cr 5% Mo 0.35% V 13% Co steel:
81/18.5% Co 0.75% C 3.7% Cr 5.0% W 18.5% Co steel: For Crucible
magnets; Simonds AISI661 0.12% C 19.8% Ni 20.7% Cr 2.9% Mo 2.3% W 19%
83/3% Co 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 3.2% Co steel: For magnets; Simonds Co 1.1% Nb Fe alloy: Solution treated and aged
UTS: 840 Elon: 43% Proof: 370
AJ 2 0.76% C 4% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.8% V 18% W2.25% Co
steel: For tools; Osborn; obsolete
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
DPN: 820
ALCOMAX I 11 % Ni 25% Co 1.5% Ti 7.5% AI 3.0% Cu steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Casting; PMA; anisotropic
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
ALCOMAX II 11.5% Ni 24% Co 8.0% Al 4.5% Cu steel: Casting;
Elon Elongation, %
PMA; anisotropic
Proof O. I% proof strength, N/mm 2
ALCOMAX II 11 % Ni 21 % Co 9% A14% Cu steel: For magnets
(casting); Jessop; remanence 13 ()()() gauss; coercivity
I N/mm 2=0. I hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 = 145.041bf/in. 2= 1 MPa
580 oersted
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ALCOMAX II Sc 11.5% Ni 24% Co 8.0% AI 4.5% Cu steel: Casting;
PMA; anisotropic; semicolumnar
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ALCOMAX II Sc II % Ni 21 % Co 9% A14% Cu steel: Casting; Crystal ALNIC04A 28.0% Ni 5.0% Co 12.0% Al Fe alloy: For magnets;
oriented magnet; Jessops; remanence 13 700 gauss; origin unknown
coercivity 600 oersted ALNIC04B 27.0% Ni 5.0% Co 12.0% AI Fe alloy: For magnets;
ALCOMAX 1II 13.5% Ni 24% Co 0.8% Nb 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu steel: origin unknown
Casting; PMA; anisotropic ALNICO 5 14.5% Ni 24% Co 8% Al 3.0% Cu steel: For magnets;
ALCOMAX 1II 13.5% Ni 24% Co 0.7% Nb 8% AI 3% Cu steel: Cast Simonds
magnets; Jessops; remanancc 12600 gauss; coercivity ALNICO 5/7 1.45% Ni 24% Co 8% Al 3.0% Cu steel: For magnets;
650 oersted Simonds
ALCOMAX III Sc 13.5% Ni 24% Co 0.8% Nb 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu steel: ALNIC05A 15.0% Ni 24.0% Co 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
Casting; PMA; anisotropic; semicolumnar magnets; origin unknown
ALCOMAX III Sc 13.5% Ni 24% Co 0.7% Nb 8% Al 3% Cu steel: Cast ALNICO 5A,B,D 14.5% Ni 24.0% Co 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
crystal oriented magnet; Jessop; remanence 13 200 and G magnets; origin unknown
gauss; coercivity 700 oersted ALNIC05AB 14.5% Ni 24.0% Co 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
ALCOMAXIV 1.35% Ni 24% Co 2.5% Nb 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu steel: magnets; origin unknown
Casting; PMA; anisotropic ALNIC05B 14.0% Ni 24.0% Co 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
ALCOMAXIV 13% Ni 24% Co 2.5% Nb 8% A13% Cu steel: Cast magnets; origin unknown
magnets; Jessops; remanence II 500 gauss; coercivity ALNlC05B,D 14.0% Ni 24.0% Co 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
750 oersted andG magnets; origin unknown
ALCOMAX IV Sc 13% Ni 24% Co 2.5% Nb 8% A13% Cu steel: Crystal ALNlC05DG 14% Ni 24.0% Co 8% AI 3.0% Cu steel: For magnets;
oriented cast magnet; Jessops; remanence 12200 gauss; columnar form; anisotropic; American Alloy; consult
coercivity 780 oersted PMA
ALCONIT AN 16 Ni Co Ti Al Cu steel: Casting for magnets; Von Roll; ALNIC05E 15% Ni 22.5% Co 0.45% Ti 8% Al 3.6% Cu steel: For
further information from PMA magnets; Simonds
ALCONIT ANO Ni Co Ti AI Cu steel: Casting for magnets; Von Roll; ALNICO 6 15% Ni 24% Co 1.25% Ti 8% Al 3.4% Cu steel: For
further information from PMA magnets; Simonds
ALLOY 8 2.3% C 6% Ni 16% Cr 20% Co Fe alloy: Casting; ALNIC06A 17.0% Ni 23.0% Co 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For
Dewrance magnets; origin unknown
DPN: 501 UTS: 800 ALNIC06B 16.0% Ni 24.0% Co 1.0% Ti 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe
ALLOY 15 3.75% C 4% Ni 16% Cr 6.5% Mo 20% Co 1.5% Si Fe alloy: For magnets; origin unknown
alloy: Casting; Dewrance ALNICO 7 20% Ni 23.5% Co 5.0% Ti 8.5% Al 3.0% Cu steel: For
DPN:680 UTS: 610 magnets; Simonds
ALLOY 18 2.5% C 15% Ni 25% Cr 8% Mo 25% Co Fe alloy: ALNICO 7 18.0% Ni 24.0% Co 5.0% Ti 8.5% Al 3.25% Cu Fe
Casting; Dewrance alloy: For magnets; origin unknown
DPN: 400 mS:680 ALNICO 8 15% Ni 35% Co 5.0% Ti 7.5% Al 4.0% Cu steel: For
ALNICO 18% Ni 12% Co 0.5% Ti 10% AI 5.0% Cu steel: magnets; Simonds
Casting for magnets; PMA ALNIC08A 14.0% Ni 38.0% Co 8.0% Ti 7.5% Al 3.0% Cu Fe
ALNICO I 22% Ni 5.0% Co 0.35% Ti 12% Al steel: For magnets; alloy: For magnets; origin unknown
Simonds ALNIC08B 15% Ni 35% Co 5% Ti 7% A14% Cu steel: For
ALNICO I 18% Ni 12.5% Co 0.7% Ti 10% Al 6.5% Cu steel: magnets; American alloy listed by PMA
Casting for magnets; Jessop; remanence 7250 gauss; ALNICO 9 15.0% Ni 35.0% Co 5.0% Ti 7.0% AI 4.0% Cu Fe
coercivity 500 oersted alloy: For magnets; origin unknown
ALNICO 1A 22.5% Ni 5.0% Co 12.0% AI Fe steel: For magnets; ALNICO 12 18% Ni 35% Co 8.0% Ti 6.0% Al steel: For magnets;
origin unknown American alloy; consult PMA; anisotropic
ALNICO IB 21.0% Ni 5.0% Co 12.0% AI 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For ALNICO 160 24.5% Ni 11% Co 11.5% AI 3.0% Cu steel: For
magnets; origin unknown magnets; German Standard
ALNICO 1C 20.0% Ni 5.0% Co 12% AI 12.0% Cu Fe alloy: For ALNICO 190 20% Ni 16% Co 11 % A13% Cu steel: For magnets;
magnets; origin unknown German alloy list~d by PMA
ALNICO II 16% Ni 12% Co 0.7% Ti 9% Al 6% Cu steel: Casting ALNICO 220 15% Ni 27% Co 7% Ti 7% A14% Cu steel: For
for magnets; Jessops; remanence 6200 gauss; coercivity magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
480 oersted ALNICO 300 18% Ni 20% Co 10% Al 4% Cu steel: For magnets;
ALNICO 2 17% Ni 12.5% Co 0.45% Ti 10% Al 6.0% Cu steel: German alloy listed by PMA
For magnets; Simonds ALNICO 350 15% Ni 30% Co 5% Ti 7% A14% Cu steel: For
ALNICO 2A 18.0% Ni 13.0% Co 10.0% Al 5.0% Cu Fe alloy: For magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
magnets; origin unknown ALNICO 400 15.5% Ni 24% Co 9.0% Al 4.0% Cu steel: For
ALNIC02B 19.0% Ni 13.0% Co 10.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For magnets; German Standard; anisotropic
magnets; origin unknown ALNICO 450 15% Ni 34% Co 5% Ti 7% A14% Cu steel: For
ALNlC02C 21 % Ni 12.5% Co 0.3% Ti 10% A16% Cu steel: For magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
magnets; Simonds ALNICO 500 15% Ni 24% Co 8.5% A13% Cu steel: For magnets;
ALNlC02H 19.0% Ni 14.5% Co 10.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For German alloy listed by PMA
magnets; origin unknown ALNICO 580 15% Ni 24% Co 8.5% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
ALNICO III 20% Ni 12% Co 0.7% Ti 10% A16% Cu steel: Casting German alloy listed by PMA
for magnets; Jessops; remanence 6500 gauss; coercivity ALNICO 700 15% Ni 24% Co 8.5% Al 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
620 oersted German alloy listed by PMA
ALNIC03A 26.0% Ni 12.0% Al 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For magnets; AM 367 0.02% C 3.4% Ni 15.2% Cr 2.0% Mo 15.5% Co 0.3%
origin unknown Ti steel: Allegheny Ludlum
ALNIC03B 25.0% Ni 12.0% AI 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For magnets; AMS 5376B 21% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W20% Co 1% Nb + Ti Fe
origin unknown alloy: Casting
ALNIC03C 24.0% Ni 12.0% AI3.0% Cu Fe alloy: For magnets; AMS5531 20% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 2% W20% Co 0.7% Nb + Ti
origin unknown Fe alloy: Sheet
ALNICO 4 25% Ni 5.0% Co 0.4% Ti 12% Al steel: For magnets; AMS 5532 B 20% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 2% W20% Co 1% Nb Fe
Simonds alloy: Sheet
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS5533 A 20% Ni 20% Cr 4% Mo 4% W20% Co 4% Nb Fe ASTMA646 0.31 % C 7.5% Ni 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.1 % V 4.5% Co
aHoy: Sheet HP9/4/30 steel
AMS 5585 20% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 2% W20% Co 1% Nb + Ti B7 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; Universal
Fe aHoy: Welded tube Cyclops; AISI code T4D
AMS 5748 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 14% Cr 5% Mo 0.2% V 13.5% Co B8 4% Cr 2% V 14% W5% Co steel: For tools; Universal
steel Cyclops; AISI code T8D
AMS5761 0.03% C (max) 15.2% Cr 2.75% Mo 20% Co steel BIO 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools; Universal
AMS 5768 0.15% C 20% Ni 21% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W20% Co 1% Cyclops; AISI code T5D
Nb steel: Forgings BCC 1.4% C 0.35% Mn 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.3% V 2.7% Co
AMS5768 E 20% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 2% W20% Co 1% Nb + Ti 0.35% Si steel: For tools; Huntsman; shear blades;
Fe aHoy: Bar and forging; solution treated and aged intricate punches, etc.
AMS 5769 20% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 2% W20% Co 1% Nb + Ti DPN: 750
Fe aHoy: Bar; solution treated BONDED 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 20% W 12% Co steel: For tools;
AMS 5770 0.4% C 20% Ni 21 % Cr 4% Mo 4% W20% Co 4% Nb CARBIDE Braebum; AISI code T61
steel: Forgings BONDED 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools;
AMS 5770B 20% Ni 20% Cr 4% Mo 4% W20% Co 4% Nb + Ti CARBIDEJr Braeburn; AISI code T51
Fe aHoy: Bar; solution treated and aged BONDED 0.75% C 4.25% Cr 0.7% Mo 2.0% V 18.5% W7.6%
AMS 5794 A 20% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 2% W20% Co 1% Nb + Ti CARBIDE Sr Co steel: Braeburn
Fe aHoy: Welding wire BRAEBURN M33 0.9% C 3.75% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.15% V 1.75% W8.25%
AMS 5795 B 20% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 2% W20% Co 1% Nb + Ti Co steel: Braeburn
Fe aHoy: Coated electrode BRAEBURN Tl5 1.5% C 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 4.7% V 13JI% W4.5% Co
AMS 5874 0.1% C20% Ni 21% Cr4% M04% W 18.8% Co steel: Braeburn
0.07% La 0.2% Nsteel BRAECUT 1.5% C 4.25% Cr 6.25% Mo 2.2% V5.2% W12% Co
AMS6463 0.01% C (max) 18.5% Ni 5.2% Mo 8.5% Co 0.72% Ti steel: Braeburn
steel: Weld electrode BRAEMAX 1.1% C 3. 7% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.1% V 1.5% W8.0% Co
AMS6465 0.12% C 10% Ni 2% Cr 1% Mo 0.06% V8% Co steel steel: Braeburn
AMS6468 0.15% C 10% Ni 1% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.08% V 4% Co BRAETUF 1.1 % C 4.0% Cr 6.7% Mo 2.0% V5.0% W7.25% Co
steel steel: Braeburn
AMS 6522 0.15% C 10% Ni 2% Cr 1% Mo 14% Co steel BU8 0.78% C 4.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18% W8.25%
AMS 6523 0.2% C 9% Ni 0.75% Cr 1% Mo 0.09% V4.5% Co Co steel: For tools; Osborn; obsolete
steel DPN: 850
AMS 6524 0.31% C 7.7% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.09% V4.5% Co BV 10 0.78% C 4.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18% W 10% Co
steel steel: For tools; Osborn; obsolete
AMS 6525 0.2% C 9% Ni 0.75% Cr 1% Mo 0.09% V4.5% Co DPN: 850
steel C445 0.3% C 2.8% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V 2.8% Co steel: For
AMS6526 0.31% C 7.7% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.09% V4.5% Co tools; Fagersta
steel DPN:460
AMS6527 0.15% C 10% Ni 2% Cr 1% Mo 14% Co steel CALDUR 0.27% C 10.5% Cr 7.0% W4.0% Co steel: Uddelholm
AMS 6543 0.12% C 10% Ni 2% Cr 1% Mo 8% Co steel CALMAX 0.28% C 11.5% Cr 0.5% V7.5% W9.5% Co steel:
AMS6544 0.15% C 10% Ni 2% Cr 1% Mo 14% Co steel Uddelholm
ANSEMAX 14% Ni 24% Co 8% A13% Cu steel: For magnets; CAPITAL 398 0.82% C 4.15% Cr 5% Mo 1.9% V6.4% W5% Co
Italian aHoy; listed by PMA steel: for tools; Balfour; reamers, toolbits, etc.
ARK 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: DPN: 950
SUPERLATIVE Origin unknown CCMIO 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.6% V 20% W10.5% Co steel:
ASP 30 1.3% C 4.2% Cr 5% Mo 3% V 6.4% W8.5% Co steel: Huntsman; cutting tools (used as tips)
Speedsteel DPN: 850
ASP 60 2.3% C 4.2% Cr 7% Mo 6.5% V6.5% W10.5% Co CCMP 15 0.8% C 4.7% Cr 1.6% V 22% W15% Co steel:
steel: Speedsteel Huntsman; cutting tools (used as tips)
ASTM A579/81 0.27% C 8.0% Ni 0.5% Cr 0.45% Mo 0.09% V 4.0% DPN:800
Co steel: Forging CIRCLEC 0.77% C 4.5% Cr 1.0% Mo 2.0% V 18.5% W9.ll%Co
ASTM A579/82 0.31% C 7.7% Ni 1.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.09% V4.5% Co steel: Firth Sterling
steel: Forging CIRCLEH 1.28% C 4.2% Cr 5.1% Mo 1.6% V8.25% W5.4% Co
ASTM A579/83 0.45% C 7.7% Ni 0.27% Cr 0.27% Mo 0.09% V 4.0% steel: Firth Sterling
Co steel: Forging CIRCLEM 4% Cr 5% Mo 6% W8% Co tool steel: Firth Sterling:
ASTMA605 0.2% C 0.3% Mn 9.0% Ni 0.72% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.08% AISI code M36B
V4.8% Co steel: For pressure vessels CIRCLET 15 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 5.0% V 12.5% W5.0% Co steel:
VTS: 1430 Elon: 14% Proof: 1200 Firth Sterling
ASTMA646 0.2% C 9.0% Ni 0.75% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.09% V4.5% Co CLYDALLS 0.78% C 4% Cr 1.3% V 18.5% W5.5% Co steel: For
HP9/4/20 steel SPECIAL tools; Clyde Alloy
CLYDALL 12 0.78% C 4% Cr 1.35% V 22% W 12% Co steel: For
Note. The foHowing abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SPECIAL tools; Clyde Alloy
DPN: 790
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number CM5 0.8% C 4.6% Cr 1.5% V 18% W5.7% Co steel:
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Huntsman; cutting tools
Elon Elongation, % DPN: 910
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' CM 18 2.5% C 15% Ni 25% Cr 8% Mo 25% Co Fe alloy: For
hardfacing gas welding; Dewrance
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa CM32 1.25% C 23% Cr 8% Mo 10% Co Fe aHoy: For
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. hardfacing; Dewrance; gas welding
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CM 118 2.5% C 15% Ni 25% Cr 8% Mo 25% Co Fe alloy: For CYCLONE MC 6V 1.25% C 4.3% Cr 5.5% Mo 2.8% V 7% W6% Co tool
hardfacing; Dewrance; electric welding steel: ESC: cutting tools
CM 132 1.25% C 23% Cr 8% Mo 10% Co Fe alloy: For DPN: 910
hardfacing; Dewrance; electric welding CYCLONE MC 33 0.9% C 4.0% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.15% V 1.5% W8.0% Co
CM 1255 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co steel: steel: For tools; origin unknown
Huntsman; cutting tools CYCLONE MC 42 1.05% C 4.0% Cr 9.8% Mo 1.1 % V 1.5% W8.3% Co
DPN: 910 steel: For tools; origin unknown
Co 040 1.0% C 4.0% Cr 0.7% W2.0% Co steel: For magnets; CYCLONE MC 98 0.9% C 3.7% Cr 8.7% Mo 2% V 1.6% W8.2% Co
German Standard; included in DIN 17410 steel: ESC: cutting tools
Co 050 1.0% C 8.5% Cr 1.3% Mo 6.5% Co steel: For DPN: 910
magnets; German Standard; included in DIN 17410 CYCLONE 15% C 4.7% Cr 5% V 12.5% W5% Co steel: ESC;
Co 060 1.0% C 8.5% Cr 1.6% Mo 11% Co steel: For magnets; SUPERCUT cutting tools
German Standard; included in DIN 17410 DPN: 910
Co 070 1.0% C 9% Cr 1.6% Mo 16% Co steel: For magnets; D444 0.4% C 4.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 2.2% V4.2% W4.2% Co
German Standard; included in DIN 17410 steel: Fagersta
Co 090 0.9% C 5.0% Cr 0.4% Mo 5.0% W31 % Co steel: For D946 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% W5% Co steel: Fagersta;
magnets; German Standard; included in DIN 17410 obsolete
COALNI 25.5% Ni 4% Co 11.5% A14% Cu steel: For magnets; D948 1% C 4.1% Cr 9.8% Mo 1.1% V 1.5% Wsteel:
Italian alloy listed by PMA Fagersta; obsolete
COALNIMAX 14% Ni 24% Co 8% A13% Cu steel: For magnets; DARWIN 505 0.7% C 4.5% Cr 1% V 18.5% W5% Co steel: For
Italian alloy listed by PMA tools; Darwin; milling cutters, etc.
COBALT 0.74% C 4.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.0% V 18% W5.0% Co DARWIN 1366 0.73% C 4.5% Cr 2% V20% W12% Co steel: For
steel: Braeburn; AISI type T4 tools; Darwin; hobs, borers, etc.
COBITE 0.81% C 4.2% Cr 0.6% Mo 2.0% V 18.5% W8.7% Co DGCYCLONE 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.4% V 18.5% W5.7% Co steel:
steel: Columbia; AISI type T5 ESC; cutting tools, drills, etc.
CODEP 0.12% C 10.5% Cr 4.7% Mo 6.0% Co 1.25% Cu steel: DPN: 910
American proprietary alloy DGC 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.4% V 18.5% W5.7% Co steel: For
COLUMAX 13.5% Ni 24% Co 2.0% Nb 8% AI 3.0% Cu steel: For tools; ESC symbol for DG cyclone
magnets; PMA; columnar crystal form of Alcomax III DPN: 910
COMO 0.82% C 4.0% Cr 8.5% Mo 1.2% V 1.5% W5.0% Co DMAI 14% Ni 24% Co 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu steel: For magnets;
steel: Braeburn; AISI type M30 Japanese alloy listed by PMA
COMO 12% Co 17% Mo steel (probably): Japanese alloy listed DMA2 14% Ni 24% Co 2.0% Ti 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu steel: For
byPMA magnets; Japanese alloy listed by PMA
COMOKUT 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; DMA4 22% Ni 5.0% Co 12% Al steel: For magnets; Japanese
Bethlehem Steel Co.; AISI code T4E alloy listed by PMA
COMOL 12% Co 17% Mo steel: For magnets; American alloy DOUBLE ECHO 0.83% C 4.4% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.6% V 18% W10% Co
listed by PMA COBALT steel: John Vessey
CONGO 0.78% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.4% V4.0% W 12% Co DOUBLE RAPID 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel:
steel: Braeburn; AISI type M6 Origin unknown
CONGO 0.1 % C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 0.75% V4.0% W23.5% Co DOUBLE RAPID 0.8% C 4.75% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.45% V 19.0% W6.25%
HOT·WORK steel: Braeburn Co steel: For tools; origin unknown
COVAN 1.5% C 5% Cr 5% V 12.5% W5% Co steel: DOUBLE SEVEN 1.25% C 0.3% Mn 12.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 2.75% Co steel:
Hall and Pickles; cutting tools; obsolete Edgar Allen; punches, dies, etc.
DPN: 820 DPN: 730
CRD206 0.78% C 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 2% V 19% W5% Co DOUBLE SUPER 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.7% V 18% W5% Co steel:
steel: C Denton; drills and cutters; obsolete HYDRA Hall and Pickles; cutting tools; obsolete
CRD339 1.25% C 4.0% Cr 3.5% V 8.5% W8.5% Co steel: For DPN: 820
tools; origin unknown ECHO COBALT 0.83% C 4.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.4% V 18% W5.2% Co
CRD2212 0.8% C 5.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 2.0% V 21 % W10% Co steel: John Vessey
steel: C Denton; cutting tools; obsolete ECHO SPECIAL 1.5% C 5% Cr 13% W5% Co steel: John Vessey
CRDTVC 1.5% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% V 12.0% W5.0% Co steel: For VANADIUM
tools; origin unknown ECHO SUPERCUT 1.08% C 3.7% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.15% V 1.5% W8% Co
CROMOCO 0.27% C 0.7% Ni 11.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 1% V 0.5% W steel: John Vessey
10% Co steel: Bethlehem Steel ECLIPSE H5 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 2.0% V 18.0% W8.0% Co steel:
CX 0.8% C 4.4% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.6% V 18.5% W 10% Co Origin unknown
steel: For tools; ESC symbol for Cyclone Extra EHK3 1.0% C 6.0% Cr 2.0% Co steel: Forging for magnets;
DPN: 910 Polish alloy listed by PMA
CY 0.7% C 4.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.25% V 18% Wsteel: For EK5 1.0% C 6.0% Cr 6.0% Co steel: For magnets; Russian
tools; Osborn; obsolete alloy listed by PMA
DPN: 910 EK6 1.0% C 6.0% Cr 6.0% Co steel: Forging for magnets;
CYC5%Co 0.7% C 4.5% Cr 1% Mo 1.5% V 18% W5% Co steel: Polish alloy listed by PMA
Marsh Brothers; cutting tools EK 15 1.0% C 8.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 15% Co steel: For magnets;
CYC275 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.2% V 20% W10% Co Russian alloy listed by PMA
steel: Marsh Brothers; cutting tools ELECTRITE Co 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.5% V 4% W 12% Co steel: For tools;
CYCLONE EXTRA 0.8% C 4.4% Cr 1% Mo 1.6% V 18.5% W10% Co Latrobe; AISI code M6F
steel: For tools; ESC; cutting tools ELECTRITE Co 9 0.9% C4.1% Cr 5.2% Mo 1.9% V 5.7% W9.0% Co
DPN:910 steel: Latrobe; cutting tools; type M36
CYCLONEMC6 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% W5.0% Co steel: For ELECTRITE 0.73% C 4.1% CrO.7% Mo 1.1% V 18% W5.0% Co
tools; origin unknown COBALT steel: Latrobe; cutting tools; type T4
ELECTRlTE 1.26% C 3.7% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.0% V 1.8% W8.2% Co
DYNACUT steel: Latrobe; cutting tools; Type M43
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ELECfRITE 4% Cr 12% W5% Co steel: For tools; Latrobe; AISI fmp928 0.9% C 4.0% Cr 8.5% Mo 2.0% V2.0% W8.0% Co
DYNAVAN code Tl5F steel: F Parkin; as tool steel M34
ELECfRITE 4..7% Cr 0.5% Mo 4.7% V 12.5% W5.0% Co 1.57% fmp 929 1.25% C 3.7% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.0% V 1.8% W8.2% Co
DYNAVAN XL 0 steel: Latrobe; cutting tools; type Tl5 steel: F Parkin; as tool steel M43
ELECfRITE 0.87% C 3.7% Cr9.5% Mo 1.1% V 1.7% W5.0% Co fmp 933 1.3% C4.2% Cr 3.7% Mo 3.5% V9.2% W 10.0% Co
KELVAN steel: Latrobe steel: F Parkin
ELECfRITE 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.2% V2% W5% Co steel: For tools; FS 2.5 4% Cr 2% V 14% W5% Co steel: For tools; Firth
LACOMO Latrobe; AISI code M30F Sterling; AISI code T8
ELECfRITE 0.85% C 4.1% CrO.8% Mo 1.9% V 18.7% W9.0% Co FSM34 0.9% C 4.0% Cr 8.0% Mo 2.0% V2.0% W8.0% Co
SUPER steel: Latrobe; cutting tools; type T5 steel: Firth Sterling
ELECfRITE 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools; Latrobe; FV 535 0.07% C0.3% Ni 10.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.2% V6% Co
SUPER COBALT T5 type; AISI code TSF 0.5% Nb steel: Firth Vickers
ELECfRITE 0.9% C4.0% Cr 8.7% Mo 2.0% V 1.5% W8.5% Co GECALLOY General name for magnetic powders; Salford Electric
TATMO steel: Latrobe; cutting tools; type M34 GOLD STAR 4% Cr 2% V 14% W5% Co steel: For tools;
ELECfRITE 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V2% W8% Co steel: For tools; Carpenter; AISI code T8K
TATMO COBALT Latrobe; M34; AISI code M34F GREY CUT 4.5% Cr 1.5% V20% W 12% Co steel: For tools;
ELECfRITE UB 4% Cr 2% V 14% W5% Co steel: For tools; Latrobe; COBALT Vanadium Alloys; AISI code TM
AISI code T8F GZ6 0.8% C4.8% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18% W5% Co
ELECfRITE 4.5% Cr 1.5% V20% W 12% Co steel: For tools; steel: For tools; Osborn
ULTRA Latrobe; AISI code T6F DPN:850
ELECfRITE 1.5% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 4.7% V6.3% W5.0% Co H lOA 0.37% C 3.0% Cr 2.75% Mo 0.45% V 3.0% Co steel:
ULTRAVAN steel: Latrobe; cutting tools; type MI5 Osborn
EMK 10 1.0% C6.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 10% Co steel: For magnets; H 19 0.4% C 4.25% Cr 2.0% V4.2% W4.25% Co steel: For
Polish alloy listed by PMA tools; designation used by AISI
EMK 15 1.0% C9% Cr 1.5% Mo 15% Co steel: Polish alloy H 19 0.39% C4.3% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.2% V4.25% W4.3% Co
listed by PMA steel: For hot work; Osborn
ERC03 0.32% C 3% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V3.0% Co steel: For H43 0.9% C0.5% Mn 4% Cr 0.5% W2% Co 0.15% Si
tools; Balfour Darwin steel: For magnets; Jessop
EWK30 0.75% C 6.0% Cr 6.0% W30% Co steel: For magnets; H61 0.32% C 0.37% Mn 2.75% Cr 2.75% Mo 0.2% V2.7%
Polish alloy listed by PMA Co 0.35% Si steel: Jessop
EXTRA NAP 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.25% V20% W 10% Co HAl 1.0% C 6.0% Cr 3.0% Co steel: For magnets; Belgian
SUPERIOR steel: For tools; Vulcan; cutting tools alloy listed by PMA
DPN: 910 HA2 1.0% C 8.0% Cr 12% Co steel: For magnets; Belgian
EXTRA 0.72% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 18.5% W3.7% Co steel: For alloy listed by PMA
SUPERIOR SPUR tools; T Turton HA3 1.0% C 10% Cr 15% Co steel: For magnets; Belgian
EXTRA TRIPLE 0.78% C45% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18.25% W alloy listed by PMA
MUSHET 8.25% Co steel: For tools; origin unknown HA4 0.7% C 6.0% Cr 35% Co steel: For magnets; Belgian
F ALLOY 0.06% C 0.4% Mn 28% Ni 17.5% Co steel: Darwins alloy listed by PMA
FHS 20/5 0.8% C4.5% Cr 1.5% V20.0% W5.0% Co steel: For HAYNES 56 0.25% C 13% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 1% W 11% Co 1%
tools; origin unknown Nb Fe alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
FHS 20/10 0.83% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V20.0% W10.0% Co steel: yearbook
Origin unknown HAYNES 93 3% C 17% Cr 16% Mo 6% Co steel: Osborn; abrasion
fmp455 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.3% V 18.5% W5.0% Co and corrosion resistant
steel: F Parkin; as tool steel T4 DPN: 850
fmp 526 1.1% C4.2% Cr 3.7% M02.0% V6.7% W5.0% Co HD3MX 0.33% C 3.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.9% V 1.0% W3.0% Co
steel: F Parkin; as tool steel M41 steel: For tools; origin unknown
fmp 530 0.8% C4.0% Cr 8.2% Mo 1.25% V2.0% W5.0% Co HEVI 0.1 % C20% Ni 21.3% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W20% Co
steel: F Parkin; as tool steel M30 steel: Designation used by SAE; annealed
fmp 536 1.5% C4.0% Cr 3.5% Mo 5.0% V6.5% W5.0% Co UTS: 800 Elon: 63% Proof: 370
steel: F Parkin; as tool steel MI5 HIPERC027 0.8% Mn 0.7% Ni 0.7% Cr 27% Co steel: For
fmp 542 1.05% C 3.7% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.1% V 1.5% W8.0% Co magnets; Westinghouse
steel: F Parkin; as tool steel M42 HIPERC050 2% V49% Co iron alloy: For magnets; Westinghouse
fmp 555C 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 1.0% Mo 5.0% V 12.7% W5.0% Co HP94-25 0.27% C 8% Ni 0.52% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.1 % V4% Co
steel: F Parkin; as Tl5 tool steel steel
fmp 808 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.6% V 18.5% W10% Co HP9-4-30 See ASTM A646
steel: F Parkin; as tool steel T6 HS95 0.15% C 20% Ni 21% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W20% Co 1%
fmp 828 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.0% Mo 2.0% V 18.5% W8.0% Co Nb Fe alloy: Union Carbide
steel: F Parkin; as T5 tool steel HSP 15/17 1.3% C 4.2% Cr 3.0% Mo 3.5% V9.0% W8.0% Co
steel: For tools; origin unknown
HV5 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 5.0% V 12.5% W5.0% Co
steel: Spencer
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: HYCOMAXI 21 % Ni 20% Co 9% Al 1.6% Cu Fe alloy: Casting;
PMA; anisotropic
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number HYCOMAXII 15% Ni 29% Co 4% Ti 2% Nb 7.0% A14% Cu Fe
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 alloy: PMA; cast for magnets
Elon Elongation, % HYCOMAXIII 15% Ni 34% Co 5% Ti 7% A14% Cu Fe alloy: For
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 magnets; PMA; cast and sintered
HYCOMAXIV 14% Ni 38% Co 8% Ti 7.5% AI 3% Cu steel: For
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa magnets; cast PMA
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
HYDRA COVAN 1.5% C 5.0% Cr 12.5% W5.0% Co steel: KOERZIT VS 55 14% Ni 38% Co 8% Ti 7.5% Al 3% Cu steel: For
Hall and Pickles; cutting tools magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
DPN: 820 KOVA 57 1.3% C 4.2% Cr 3.0% Mo 3.5% V 9.0% W8.5% Co
HYDRA MULT1CO 0.85% C 4.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.5% V 22% W11% Co steel: Origin unknown
steel: Hall and Pickles; cutting tools KOVAR 0.4% Mn 29% Ni 17% Co Fe alloy: Westinghouse; low
DPN: 790 expansion alloy
HYNICOU 20% Ni 20% Co 4.0% Ti 0.8% Nb 8% Al 4.0% Cu Fe LEDA 0.75% C 4% Mo 1.4% V 18% W5.2% Co steel: For
alloy: Casting; PMA tools; Firth Brown
HYPEAK 5 V 5 1.45% C 5% Cr 5% V 13% W5% Co steel: Swift LHS 2C 0.75% C 4% Cr 0.3% Mo 1.8% V 18.25% W2% Co
Levick; cutting tools steel: For tools; Low Moor; obsolete
HYPEAK 303 0.75% C 4% Cr 0.25% Mo 1.25% V 18% W5.5% Co DPN: 8S0
steel: Swift Levick; cutting tools LHS 5C 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18.25% W5%
INDALLOY 17% Mo 12% Co Fe alloy: Material for magnets; Co steel: For tools; Low Moor; obsolete
American material listed by PMA DPN: 910
INMANITE 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1% Mo 1.5% V 20% W5% Co steel: LHS 8C 0.75% C 4.25% Cr 0.75% Mo 18.25% W1.25% Co
Inman; cutting tools steel: For tools; Low Moor; obsolete
lNMARITET4 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: For DPN:910
tools; Inman LHS IOC 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.25% V 19% W 10% Co
J5 0.82% C 0.3% Mn 4.2% Cr 1.6% V 18.5% W5% Co steel: For tools; Low Moor; obsolete
0.3% Si steel: Jessop; cutting tools DPN:9SO
J 26 0.81 % C 4.2% Cr 1.6% V20% W10% Co steel: For LHS 227 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 3% Mo 6.5% W5% Co steel: For
tools; Jessop tools; Low Moor; obsolete
J36 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 5% V 12.5% W5% Co steel: For DPN: 97S
tools; Jessop LHS 235 1.3% C 4% Cr 3.2% Mo 3% V9% W9.5% Co steel:
DPN: 720 For tools; Low Moor; obsolete
J 37 1.3% C 4.5% Cr 4% Mo 3.5% V9.5% W 10% Co DPN: 97S
steel: For tools; Jessop LT 49 0.4% C 4.2% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.2% V4.2% W4.2% Co
DPN: 720 steel: Low Moor; for hot work tools; obsolete
J 42 1.0% C 3.8% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.1 % V 1.5% W8% Co DPN: S72
steel: Jessop; high speed cutting tools LV 0.75% C 4% Cr 0.7% Mo 1% V 20% W10% Co steel:
DPN: 97S Osborn; obsolete
JETHETE 7210 0.1 % C 12% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.2% V7% Co 0.015% B DPN:8SO
steel: S. Fox M6 4% Cr 5% Mo 1.5% V4% W 12% Co steel: For tools;
KMAT 11 0.73% C 3.8% Cr 5% Mo 1% V 1% W7% Co steel: designation used by AISI: the supplier is coded by a
Speedsteel suffix letter
K945 0.9% C 3.7% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.2% V 1.8% W2.5% Co M 15 4% Cr 3.5% Mo 5% V6.5% W5% Co steel: For tools;
steel: Speedsteel designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
K91313 0.32% C 7.5% Ni 1% Cr 1% Mo 0.1% V4.5% Co suffix letter
steel: Designation used by UNS M 15 1.55% C 4.7% Cr 3.0% Mo 5.0% V6.5% W5.0% Co
KEA 218 0.32% C 3.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.35% V 3.0% Co steel: steel: Osborn
For tools; Sanderson Kayser M30 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.2% V2% W5% Co steel: For tools;
KELOCK873 0.7% C 4.2% Cr 0.7% Mo 1% V 18.2% W5% Co designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
steel: Kayser Ellison; cutting tools suffix letter
KELOCK 1021 0.7% C 4.2% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.4% V 18.2% W10.5% Co M33 0.9% C 4.0% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.15% V 1.5% W8.0% Co
steel: Kayser Ellison; cutting tools steel: For tools; designation used by AISI
KELOCKA 72 0.87% C 4.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 1% V 18.7% W5.5% Co M 34 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V 8% Co steel: For tools;
steel: Kayser Ellison; cutting tools designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
KERAU WUMDA 0.75% C 4% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.25% V 18% W5.5% Co suffix letter
steel: Sanderson; now Saben Wunda M35 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% W5% Co steel: For tools;
DPN: 790 designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
KING COBALT 4.5% Cr 1.5% V20% W 12% Co steel: For tools; suffix letter
Jessop; AISI code T6W M 36 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% W8% Co steel: For tools;
KM35 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% W5% Co steel: Speedsteel designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
KM42 1% C 4.1 % Cr 9.8% Mo 1.1 % V 1.5% Wsteel: suffix letter
Speedsteel M40 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.5% V8% Co steel with boron: For
KOERZIT 130 25% Ni 5.0% Co 12% Al 4.0% Cu steel: Casting for tools; designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded
magnets; German alloy listed by PMA by a suffix letter
KOERZIT 160 21% Ni 14% Co 13% A13% Cu steel: For magnets; M41 1.1% C 4.2% Cr 3.8% Mo 2.0% V6.8% W5.2% Co
German alloy listed by PMA steel: For tools; AISI designation
KOERZIT 190 20% Ni 16% Co 9% Al 3.0% Cu steel: For magnets; M42 1.07% C 4.1 % Cr 9.8% Mo 1.1% V 1.5% W8.3% Co
German alloy listed by PMA steel: Osborn
KOERZIT250 17% Ni 26% Co 7.0% Ti 8.0% AI 4.0% Cu Fe alloy: M43 1.2% C 3.7% Cr 8.0% Mo 1.6% V2.7% W8.25% Co
Casting; German alloy listed by PMA steel: For tools; designation used by AISI
KOERZIT300 17% Ni 20% Co 9% A13% Cu steel: For magnets; M44 1.15% C 4.2% Cr 6.5% Mo 2.0% V5.3% W 11.8% Co
German alloy listed by PMA steel: For tools; AISI designation
KOERZIT400 14% Ni 24% Co 8% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets; M~ I~C~Q~~~V~W~Co
German alloy listed by PMA steel: For tools; AISI designation
KOERZIT580 14% Ni 24% Co 8% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets; M47 1.1% C3.7% Cr9.7% Mo 1.2% V 1.5% W5.0% Co
German alloy listed by PMA steel: For tools; AISI designation
KOERZIT700 14% Ni 24% Co 8% Al 3% Cu steel: For magnets; MAGLOY I Ni Co Al Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence
German alloy listed by PMA 12 700 gauss; Preformations Ltd
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MAGLOY5 Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence Ni AI Co 6 20% Ni 12% Co 10% AI 6.0% Cu Fe alloy: Casting for
7700 gauss; Preformations Ltd magnets; Belgian alloy listed by PMA
MAGLOY6 Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence NICOLLOY 15 0.4% C 1.25% Mn 10% Ni 19% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% V
6200 gauss; Preformations Ltd 1.5% W 15% Co steel: Swift Levick; for hot dies
MAGLOY7 Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence NIPIGON 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools; Atlas;
9500 gauss; Preformations Ltd AISI code T5Z
MAGLOY8A Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence NORESCO K5 0.74% C 4.25% CrO.65% Mo 1.4% V 18.5% W4.5%
9000 gauss; Preformations Ltd Co steel: For tools; Schoeller-Bleckmann
MAGLOY8B Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence DPN: 850
8500 gauss; Preformations Ltd NORESCO KlO 0.68% C 4.25% Cr 0.6% Mo 18.5% W10% Co steel:
MAGLOY 10 Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence For tools; Schoeller-Bleckmann
12 900 gauss; Preformations Ltd DPN: 830
MAGLOY 15 Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence NORESCO KI2M 1.25% C 4.25% Cr 5.5% Mo 2.8% V7% W12.5% Co
11 600 gauss; Preformations Ltd steel: For tools; Schoeller-Bleckmann
MAGLOY 100 Ni Co AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; remanence DPN: 910
13 400 gauss; Preformations Ltd NORESCO WU 0.3% C 2.7% Cr 0.15% Mo 0.25% V 10% W2.2% Co
MAGNACUT 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 1.25% V 18.0% W10.0% Co steel: steel: For tools; Schoeller-Bleckmann
For tools; origin unknown urs: 1000
MAGN1CO 14% Ni 24% Co 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu Fe alloy: Casting; NORESCO WVC 0.4% C 4.2% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.2% V4.2% W4.2% Co
Russian alloy listed by PMA steel: For tools; Schoeller-Bleckmann
MARSH 0.7% C 4.5% Cr 1% Mo 1.5% V 18% W5% Co steel: urs: 1000
CYC5% Co Marsh Brothers; cutting tools NOVA MAX 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 1.25% V 18% W5% Co steel:
MARSH CYC 275 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.2% V20% W 10% Co Jonas; cutting tools
steel: Marsh Brothers; cutting tools DPN: 850
MAXITE 4% Cr 2% V 14% W5% Co steel: For tools; NOVA V 1.45% C 4.75% Cr 5.0% V 14.0% W5.0% Co steel:
Columbia; AISI code T8H For tools; Jonas; type Tl5
MS6 6.0% Co steel: For magnets; Swiss alloy listed by PMA NOVA VHC 1.05% C 3.75% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.2% V 1.75% W8.0%
MS 15 15% Co steel: For magnets; Swiss alloy listed by PMA Co steel: For tools; Jonas; type M42
MS35 35% Co steel: For magnets; Swiss alloy listed by PMA NOVO 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 1.25% V 18% W 10% Co steel: For
MULTICO 0.85% C 4.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.5% V 22% W 11% Co ENORMOUS tools; Jonas
steel: Hall and Pickles; cutting tools DPN: 850
DPN: 790 NOVO SUPERB 1.25% C 4.25% Cr 3.75% Mo 3.2% V 10.5% W 10%
MULTIMET 0.1% C20% Ni 21% Cr3% M02% W20% Co 1.0% Co steel: Jonas; cutting tools
Nb iron alloy: Wrought; Osborn; solution treated; heat DPN: 950
resistant alloy NOX IS4 15.0% Ni 12.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.0% W 10.0% Co Fe
UTS: 800 Elon: 49% Proof: 370 alloy: Origin unknown
MUSKET 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 5.0% V 12.5% W5.0% Co steel: For OERSTIT 14% Ni 24% Co 8% AI 3% Cu Fe alloy: International
HIGHVCo tools; origin unknown Nickel Co.; magnetic alloy
MUSKET SPECIAL 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 3.0% Mo 5.0% V 6.5% W5.0% Co OERSTIT t20R 22% Ni 3% Co 0.5% Ti 12% AI 3% Cu steel: For
steel: For tools; origin unknown magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
MUSKET 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 3.0% Mo 5.0% V6.5% W5.0% Co OERSTIT 160 21% Ni 17% Co 1% Ti 10% A13% Cu steel: For
SPECIAL VG steel: For tools; origin unknown magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
N 153 0.3% C 15% Ni 17% Cr2% W 12% Co 1% Nb Fe OERSTIT 190 21% Ni 17% Co 0.5% Ti 10% A13% Cu steel: For
alloy: Union Carbide magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
N 155 0.15% C 20% Ni 21% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W20% Co 1% OERSTIT 220 15% Ni 28% Co 8% Ti 7% AI 5% Cu steel: For
Nb Fe alloy: Union Carbide magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
N 156 0.3% C 33% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo 2% W24% Co 1% Nb OERSTIT 300 17% Ni 22% Co 2% Ti 9% A13% Cu steel: For
Fe alloy: Union Carbide magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
NAP SUPERIOR 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.25% V 20% W5% Co OERSTIT 350 15% Ni 30% Co 5% Ti 7% A14% Cu steel: For
steel: For tools; Vulcan; cutting tools magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
DPN: 910 OERSTIT 400K 15% Ni 24% Co 1% Ti 9% A13% Cu steel: For
NEWKS 17.7% Ni 27.2% Co 6.7% Ti 3.7% AI Fe alloy: For magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
magnets; origin unknown OERSTIT 400R 14% Ni 24% Co 9% A13% Cu steel: For magnets;
NiAIC02 28% Ni 6.0% Co 10% AI Fe alloy: Casting for Gcrman alloy listed by PMA
magnets; Belgian alloy listed by PMA OERSTIT 450 15% Ni 32% Co 5% Ti 7% A14% Cu steel: For
NiAIC02B 26% Ni 8.0% Co 12% AI Fe alloy: Casting for magnets; German alloy listed by PMA
magnets; Belgian alloy listed by PMA OERSTIT 500 15% Ni 24% Co 8% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
German alloy listed by PMA
OERSTIT 600 15% Ni 24% Co 8% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
German alloy listed by PMA
OERSTIT 700 15% Ni 24% Co 8% AI 3% Cu steel: For magnets;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: German alloy listed by PMA
P3 0.1 % C 0.6% Cr 1.25% Co steel: For tools; designation
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number used by AISI
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' P6 0.1 % C 1.5% Cr 3.5% Co steel: For tools; designation
Elon Elongation, % used by AISI
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' P 15 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.5% V 18% W2.0% Co
steel: Bofors; cutting tools
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf1in 2 =1 MPa DPN:840
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. P 21 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 4.0% Co steel: For tools; designation
used by AISI
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
PANTHER 5 4% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co steel: For tools; RC32 1.25% C 23% Cr 8.0% Mo 10% Co Fe alloy: Casting;
Allegheny Ludlum; AISI code Tl5G Dewrance
PANTHER 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; DPN: 460 VTS: 810
SPECIAL Allegheny Ludlum; AISI code T4G REC02A 20% Ni 20% Co 6.5% Ti 7.0% AI 7.0% Cu Fe alloy:
PB 2 1.5% C 4.75% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co steel: For Casting for magnets; Belgian alloy listed by PMA
tools; Osborn; obsolete REC03A 20% Ni 14% Co 0.5% Ti 9.5% Al 6.0% Cu Fe alloy:
DPN: 910 Casting for magnets; Belgian alloy listed by PMA
PBD 0.35% C 1% Cr 0.5% Mo 5% W4% Co steel: Jonas; RED CHIP 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; Firth
dies for casting Cu Sterling; AISI code T4B
DPN: 570 RED CUT COBALT 4% Cr I% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools;
PDCO 0.3% C 2.5% Cr 10% W2% Co steel: Jonas; dies for Vanadium Alloys; AISI code T4A
casting Cu and also hot press dies RED CUT 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools;
DPN: 547 COBALTB Vanadium Alloys; AISI code T5A
PERMANIT Prefix for Austrian alloys using same grade numbers as RED SABRE 4% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co tool steel: Bethlehem
Oerstit; listed by PMA Steel; AISI code Tl5E
PERMETPF2 3.0% Co Fe alloy: For magnets; origin unknown REMALLOY 17% Mo 12% Co Fe alloy: For magnets; American
PLUTO 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.25% V 18% W10% Co alloy listed by PMA
PARAMOUNT steel: Carrs; turning tools REMALLOY17 17% Mo 12% Co steel: For magnets; Simonds
DPN: 950 REMALLOY20 20% Mo 12% Co steel: For magnets; Simonds
PLUTO 1.3% C 4. 1% Cr 3% Mo 3% V 9% W9.5% Co steel: REX 95 4% Cr 2% V 14% W5% Co steel: For tools; Crucible
PEERLESS Carts Steel: AISI code T8X
PLUTO 0.8% C 4.8% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.25% V 18% W5% Co REX 440 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 20% W12% Co steel: For tools;
PERFECTUM steel: For tools; Carrs; milling cutters, reamers, etc. Crucible Steel; AISI code T6X
DPN: 820 REXAAA 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; Crucible
PLUTO PLUS 1.1% C 3.7% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.2% V 1.5% W8% Co Steel; AISI code T4X
steel: Carts REXM25 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% W5% Co steel: For tools;
PLUTO PREMIER 1.5% C 4.5% Cr 3% Mo 5% V 6.3% W5% Co steel: Crucible Steel; AISI code M35X
Carrs; cutting tools; broaches REX SUPER CUT 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools; Crucible
DPN: 950 Steel; AISI code T5X
P041 1.1 % C 4.3% Cr 3.8% Mo 2.0% V6.8% W5.0% Co REXTM05 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.2% V2% W5% Co steel: For tools;
steel: Bofors Crucible Steel; AISI code M30X
POWHATAN 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; Atlas S 6-5-2-5 0.92% C 4.2% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.85% V6.3% W4.7% Co
Steels Ltd; AISI code T4Z steel: For tools; German Standards designation
PRESSURDIE C 0.38% C 4.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 2.2% V4.2% W4.2% Co S 7-4-2-5 1.10% C 4.2% Cr 3.8% Mo 1.85% V 6.8% W5.0% Co
steel: Braeburn; AISI type H19 steel: For tools; German Standards designation
PURPLE LABEL 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; Jessop; S 10-4-3-10 1.28% C 4.2% Cr 4.0% Mo 3.2% V 10.2% W 10.5%
AISI code T4W Co steel: For tools; German Standards designation
PURPLE LABEL 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools; Jessop; S 12-1-4-5 1.4% C 4.2% Cr 0.85% Mo 3.7% V 12.0% W5.0% Co
EXTRA T5 type; AISI code T5W steel: For tools; German Standards designation
PYROMETCTX-I 0.03% C 37.7% Ni 0.2% Cr (max) 16% Co S 18·1·2-5 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 0.65% Mo 1.6% V 17.8% W5.0% Co
3% Nb + Ta steel: Carpenter steel: For tools; German Standards designation
vrs: 1480 Elon: 16% Proof: 1300 S 497 4% C 20% Ni 14% Cr 4% Mo 4% W 19% Co 4% Nb
PYROMETXI2 0.12% C 10.5% Cr 4.7% Mo 6.0% Co 1.2% Cu 0.08% Fe alloy: Allegheny Ludlum
N steel: Carpenter S 590 0.4% C 20% Ni 20% Cr 4% W20% Co 4% Nb Fe
PYROMETX15 0.03% C (max) 15.2% Cr 2.7% Mo 20% Co steel: alloy: Allegheny Ludlum
Carpenter S 2-10-1·8 1.1 % C 4% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.2% V 1.5% W7.8% Co
05 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.7% V 18% W5.0% Co steel: German Standard
steel: Bofors; obsolete S 12·0-5-5 1.5% C 4.8% Cr 5% V 12.5% W5% Co steel: German
DPN:850 Standard
010 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.7% V 18% W10% Co S 18·1·2-10 0.76% C 4.3% Cr 0.6% Mo 1.5% V 18% W9.5% Co
steel: Bofors; obsolete steel: German Standard
DPN: 850 S 300 0.76% C 4.3% Cr 0.6% Mo 1.5% V 18.0% W9.5% Co
ORO 45 0.3% C 2.8% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% V 2.8% Co steel: tool steel: YEW
Bofors S 305 0.81 % C 4.3% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.5% V 18.0% W4.8% Co
DPN:400 tool steel: YEW
OXI 1.1% C 4.3% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.6% V6.5% W5.3% Co S 307 1.5% C 4.8% Cr 5.0% V 12.5% W5.0 Co tool steel:
steel: Bofors; high speed steel similar to type M35 YEW
OX2 1.1 % C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.5% V 6.5% W10% Co S500 1.1 % C 3.9% Cr 9.4% Mo 1.2% V 1.5% W7.8% Co
steel: Bofors; cutting tools; obsolete tool steel: YEW
DPN: 850 S 700 1.25% C 4.3% Cr 3.8% Mo 3.2% V 9.8% W10.4% Co
R9K5 0.95% C 4.1% Cr 2.3% V 9.7% W5.5% Co steel: For tool steel: YEW
tools; Russian Standards designation S 705 0.9% C 4.3% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V 6.4% W4.8% Co
R 9KIO 0.95% C 4.1% Cr 2.3% V9.7% W10.0% Co steel: For tool steel: YEW
tools; Russian Standards designation SABENTENCO 0.75% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.7% V 18% W9.5% Co
R IOK5F5 1.5% C 4.5% Cr 4.6% V 10.7% W 5.5% Co steel: For steel: Sanderson
tools; Russian Standards designation DPN:790
R 18K5F2 0.9% C 4.1% Cr 2.1% V 17.7% W5.5% Co steel: For SABEN WUNDA 0.75% C 4% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.25% V 18% W5.5% Co
tools; Russian Standards designation steel: Sanderson; cutting tools
R 30155 0.1% C 20% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W20% Co 1% DPN: 790
Nb + Ta Fe alloy: UNS designation used by ASTM SABRE 4% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co steel: For tools; Atlas
Steel Ltd; AISI code Tl5Z
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAEHEV I 0.1% C 20% Ni 21.3% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.5% W20% Co SS 2750 0.7% C 4.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.2% V 18% W0.6% Co
steel: Annealed steel: Swedish Standard; annealed
SAET4 0.75% C 4% Cr 0.8% Mo 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: DPN: 265
For tools SS 2754 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.6% V 18% W5.5% Co
SAET5 0.8% C 4% Cr 0.8% Mo 2.1 % V 18.5% W8% Co steel: Swedish Standard; annealed
steel: For tools DPN: 290
SAETB 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 0.8% Mo 2% V 13% W5% Co steel: SS 2756 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1% Mo 1.6% V 18% W10% Co
For tools steel: Swedish Standard; annealed
SC 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V21.5% W 12% Co tool steel: DPN: 310
ESC; code for Super Cyclone STAG EXTRA 0.8% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% V 19% W6% Co steel:
DPN: 910 SPECIAL Edgar Allen
SERMALLOY AI 14% Ni 3.8% Co 8% Ti 7.5% AI 3% Cu steel: For STAG MAJOR 0.8% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% V 21% W11.5% Co
magnets; French alloy listed hy PMA steel: Edgar Allen
SERMALLOY A2 12% Ni 24% Co 0.2% Si 7.5% AI 2% Cu steel: For STAGVANCO 1.5% C 5% Cr 0.5% Mo 5% V 17.5% W9% Co steel:
magnets; French alloy listed by PMA Edgar Allen
SKH3 0.77% C 4.2% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: For STAR BORON 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.5% V 8% Co B steel: For tools;
tools; Japanese Standards designation Carpenter; M40 type; AISI code M40K
SKH4A 0.77% C 4.1 % Cr 1.25% V 18.0% W9.5% Co steel: STAR Mo M 2/5 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% W5% Co steel: For tools;
For tools; Japanese Standards designation Firth Sterling; N 135 type AISI code M35B
SKH4B 0.77% C 4.2% Cr 1.25% V 19.0% W15.0% Co steel: SUPER CAPITAL 1.3% C 4.25% Cr 3% Mo 3.5% V 9% W8.5% Co
For tools; Japanese Standards designation steel: For tools; Balfour, reamers. hobs
SKH5 0.3% C 4.2% Cr 1.25% V 18.5% W 16.5% Co steel: DPN: 97S
For tools; Japanese Standards designation SUPER COBALT 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools; Simonds;
SKH 10 1.52% C 12.5% Cr 4.2% Mo 5.0% V 12.5% W4.7% T5 type AISI code T5N
Co steel: For tools; Japanese Standards designation SUPER CYCLONE 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 21.5% W12% Co steel: For
SKH 55 0.85% C 4.2% Cr 5.2% Mo 2.0% V6.2% W5.0% Co tools; ESC; cutting tools
steel: For tools; Japanese Standards designation DPN: 910
SKH56 0.85% C 4.1 % Cr 5.5% Mo 2.0% V 6.1 % W8.0% Co SUPER DBL 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V 6% W8% Co steel: For tools;
steel: For tools; Japanese Standards designation Allegheny Ludlum; M36 type AISI code M36G
SKH57 1.2% C 4.2% Cr 3.5% Mo 3.3% V 10.0% W10.0% Co SUPER 18% W5% Co steel (C not specified): For tools;
steel: For tools; Japanese Standards designation HALLAMITE Hallams
SL972 0.1 % C 3.5% Cr 5.0% Mo 0.5% V 4.0% W25% Co SUPER Hi-Mo 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.2% V2% W5% Co steel: For tools;
steel: Swift Levick; for hot dies Firth Sterling; M30 type AISI code M30B
SL977 0.25% C 12% Cr 0.5% V 8.0% W 10% Co steel: Swift SUPER INMANITE 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1% Mo 1.5% V 22% W 10% Co
Levick; for hot dies steel: Inman; cutting tools
SO 12/21 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.0% V 20.0% W 10.0% SUPER 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: For
Co steel: Origin unknown INVINCIBLE 5 tools; origin unknown
SOBV 0.78% C 4.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18% W 10% Co SUPER 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 2.0% V 18.0% W8.0% Co steel: For
steel: For tools; Osborn; obsolete INVINCIBLE tools; origin unknown
SOUDOKAY 4.5% C 20.7% Cr 5.2% Mo 8.8% Co steel: Welding ADVANCE 10
A46.0 electrode; Soudometal SUPER 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 2.0% V 14.0% W5.0% Co steel: For
DPN: 640 INVINCIBLE TB tools; origin unknown
SOVB 0.78% C4.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18.75% W SUPERLEDA 0.78% C 4.8% Cr 1% Mo 18.8% W2% V9.3% Co
10.25% Co steel: For tools; origin unknown steel: Firth Brown
SPEAR DOUBLE 1.5% C 4.5% Cr 4.0% Mo 4.8% V 9.0% W7.5% Co SUPERLMW 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.2% V 2% W5% Co steel: For tools;
CENTURY steel: Origin unknown Allegheny Ludlum; M30 type AISI code M30G
SPEAR SUPERIOR 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 20.0% W 12.0% Co steel: SUPER Mo CHIP 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.5% V 8% Co B steel: For tools; Firth
Origin unknown Sterling; M40 type AISI code M40B
SPEAR TRIPLE 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: SUPER MOTUNG 4% Cr 8% Mo 1.2% V2% W5% Co steel: For tools;
MERMAID Origin unknown Universal Cyclops; M30 type AISI code M30D
SPEED1CUT LEDA 0.75% C4% CrO.7% Mo 1.4% V 18% W5.2% Co SUPER MOTUNG 4% Cr 8% Mo 2% V 2% W8% Co steel: For tools;
steel: Firth Brown SPECIAL Universal Cyclops; M34 type AISI code M34D
SPEEDICUT 0.78% C 4.8% Cr 1% Mo 2% V 18.8% W9.3% Co SUPER PANTHER 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools;
SUPERLEDA steel: Firth Brown Allegheny Ludlum; T5 type AISI code T5G
SPEEDICUT 1.5% C 4.5% Cr 5% V 12.2% W4.7% Co steel: Firth SUPERSTAR 1.08% C 3.7% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.1% V 1.5% W8% Co
VANLEDA Brown steel: Carpenter
SS 2733 0.88% C 0.3% Mn 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.9% V6.5% W SUPER UNICUT 4% Cr 3.5% Mo 5% V 6.5% W5% Co steel: For tools;
5.0% Co steel: For cutting tools; Swedish Standard Universal Cyclops; AISI code MI5D
SUPER-SUPER 0.73% C 4.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.1% V 18.0% W4.7% Co
MONARCH steel: For tools; origin unknown
T4 0.75% C 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
suffix leiter
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number T4 0.73% C 4.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.1 % V 18.0% W4.7% Co
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' steel: Osborn
Elon Elongation, % T5 0.8% C 4% Cr 2% V 18% W8% Co steel: For tools;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a
suffix leiter
I N/mm'=O.1 bbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonfJin.'=145.04lbfJin.'=1 MPa f6 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V20% W12% Co steel: For
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. tools; designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded
by a suffix leiter
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
T6 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.5% V 20.5% W11.5% Co ULTRA 0.85% C 4.25% Cr 1.2% V 18.5% W5% Co steel: For
steel: Osborn CAPITAL + 1 tools; Balfour; reamers, screwing, etc.
T8 0.75% C 4% Cr 2% V 14% W5% Co steel: For tools; DPN: 910
designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a ULTRA 0.76% C 4.25% Cr 1.5% V 20% W 10% Co steel: For
suffix letter CAPITAL + 2 tools; Balfour; cutting tools for hard material
T15 1.5% C 4% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co steel: For tools; DPN: 830
designation used by AISI; the supplier is coded by a VANC05 1.5% C 5% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co steel: For tools;
suffix letter Darwin; broaches
TEM02C 1% C 4.2% Cr 4.8% Mo 2% V 6% W2% Co steel: VANLEDA 1.5% C 4.5% Cr 5.0% V 12.2% W4.7% Co steel: For
Speedsteel tools; Firth Brown
lHREE CASTLES 0.75% C 4.5% Cr 1.25% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: VASCO SUPREME 4% Cr 5% V 12% W5% Co steel: For tools;
For tools; origin unknown Vanadium Alloys; AISI code T15A
TICONALC 14% Ni 24% Co 1.0% Nb 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu steel: VASCO 4% Cr 3.5% Mo 5% V 6.5% W5% Co steel: For tools;
Casting; Mullard alloy listed by PMA SUPREME A Vanadium Alloys; AISI code M15A
TICONALD 14% Ni 24% Co 1.0% Ti 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu steel: VCI2 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.8% V 20% W12% Co
Casting; Mullard alloy listed by PMA steel: W Spencer; cutting tools
TICONALE 14% Ni 24% Co 1.5% Ti 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu steel: DPN: 800
Casting; Mullard alloy listed by PMA VELOS42 1.05% C 4.0% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.2% V 1.6% W8.5% Co
TlCONALF 14% Ni 24% Co 0.5% Ti 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu steel: steel: WSpencer
Casting; Mullard alloy listed by PMA VF 0.4% C 4.2% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.2% V4.2% W4.2% Co
TICONALG 14% Ni 24% Co 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu steel: Casting; steel: For tools; Osborn; for hot working; obsolete
Mullard alloy listed by PMA DPN: 550
TICONALGX 14% Ni 24% Co 8.0% AI 3.0% Cu steel: Casting VG 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 3% Mo 5% V 6.5% W5% Co steel:
Mullard alloy listed by PMA; columnar crystal form For tools; Osborn; obsolete
TlCONALH 14% Ni 24% Co 2.5% Nb 8.0% Al steel: Casting; DPN: 950
Mullard alloy listed by PMA VS 10 High C tool steel with 10.0% Co high speed: Turton
TlCONALL 14.5% Ni 19.5% Co 0.8% Si 7.0% Al 1.5% Cu steel: Bros
Casting; Mullard alloy listed by PMA VS35 0.6% C 2% Cr 6% W35% Co steel: For magnets;
TICONALS 14% Ni 24% Co 8.0% Al 3.0% Cu steel: Sintered; Vulcan
Mullard alloy listed by PMA W705 0.16% C 10.0% Cr 5.1 % Mo 0.5% V 10.0% Co steel:
TICONALX 15% Ni 34% Co 5.0% Ti 7.0% Al steel: Casting YEW
Mullard alloy listed by PMA W720 0.03% C 18.5% Ni 5.3% Mo 9.0% Co 0.6% Ti 0.1%
TREBLE SUPER 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 20.0% W12.0% Co steel: For Al steel: YEW
MONARCH tools; origin unknown W725 0.03% C 18.0% Ni 4.2% Mo 12.3% Co 1.65% Ti
TRIPLE5C 1.5% C 5% Cr 5% V 13% W5% Co steel: For tools; F 0.15% Al steel: YEW
Parkin WE 1.35% C 4% Cr 3% Mo 3% V 9% W9% Co steel: For
DPN: 910 tools; Osborn; obsolete
TRIPLE 5 1.5% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% V 12.0% W5.0% Co steel: For DPN: 1000
MONARCH tools; origin unknown WKE 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.4% V 18.5% W5.5% Co
TRIPLE FLYGO 0.73% C 18% Cr 1% Mo 1% V 5% Co steel: For tools; steel: Fagersta; milling cutters
Turton Bros WKE4 1.25% C 4.1% Cr 3.1% Mo 3.1% V 9.0% W9.0% Co
TRIPLE MERMAID 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 18% W5.5% Co steel: For steel: For tools; Fagersta
tools; Spear and Jackson DPN: 670
TRIPLE MUSHET 0.8% C 4.8% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.25% V 18.2% W5.0% WKE44 1.2% C 4.8% Cr 3.2% Mo 3.3% V7.3% W5.3% Co
Co steel: For tools; origin unknown steel: Fagersta; parting off tools, milling cutters
TRIPLE MUSKET 0.75% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: WKE45 1.4% C 4.2% Cr 3.5% Mo 3.9% V 9.0% W12.5% Co
GZ Origin unknown steel: For tools; Fagersta
TRIPLE SPUR 0.82% C 4.5% Cr 1% Mo 1.7% V20% W 11% Co DPN: 850
steel: For tools; T Turton WKE45 1.4% C 4.2% Cr 3.5% Mo 3.4% V 8.5% W10.5% Co
TRIPLE VELOS 0.8% C 4.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.15% V 18% W5.0% Co steel: Speedsteel
steel: Spencer; cutting tools WKE46 0.82% C 5.0% Mn 1.9% V 6.5% W5.0% Co 4.0% Si
TRIUMPH 0.8% C 4.7% Cr 1.6% V 18.5% W5.7% Co steel: For steel: Fagersta
SUPERB 1000 tools; Jessop DPN: 790
DPN: 730 WKE48 1% C 4% Cr 9.8% Mo 1.1 % V 1.5% Co steel:
TRIUMPH 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.5% V 20.0% W12.0% Co steel: Fagersta; obsolete
SUPERB Origin unknown WKEExtra 0.8% C 4.5% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.4% V 18.5% W10.0% Co
DOUBLE steel: For tools; Fagersta
TRIUMPH 0.8% C 4.7% Cr 1.6% V 20% W10% Co steel: For DPN: 671
SUPERB tools; Jessop WLM 1020 0.8% C 4% Cr 1.25% V20% W10% Co steel: W
DOUBLE 1000 DPN: 730 Marrison; cutting tools
TTQ 0.8% C 4.7% Cr 1.6% V 20% W10% Co steel: For WLM5018 0.8% C 4% Cr 1.25% V 18% W5% Co steel: W
tools; Jessop Marrison; cutting tools
DPN: 730 WOLFRAM 4% Cr 1% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; Vulcan;
TUNCO 4% Cr I% V 18% W5% Co steel: For tools; Simonds; COBALT AISI code T4P
AISI code T4N WU 0.3% C 2.7% Cr 0.15% MoO.25% V 10% W2.2% Co
TWO SPUR 0.78% C 4.5% CrO.7% Mo 1.7% V21% W6% Co steel: For tools; Schoeller·Bleckmann
steel: For tools; T Turton VTS: 1550
UHB424 4% Cr 5% Mo 2% V6% W5% Co steel: Uddelholm; WVCo 1.5% C 4.7% Cr 12.5% W5% Co steel: For tools; ESC
obsolete symbol for Cyclone Supercut
UHB442 1% C 4% Cr 9.8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Wsteel: DPN: 910
Uddelholm; obsolete
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
WVC 0.4% C 4.2% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.2% V4.2% W4.2% Co Z150WKCV 1.3% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% V 12.0% W5.0% Co steel: For
steel: For tools; Schoeller-Bleckmann 12-05105-04 tools; French Standards designation
UTS: 1550 Z165WKCV 1.65% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% V 12.0% W 10.0% Co steel:
X15CrCoMo 0.16% C 10% Cr 5% Mo 0.5% V 10% Co steel: For tools; French Standards designation
10.10.5 German Standard Z 175KWDCV 1.75% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 5.0% V6.5% W10.0% Co
XERG 0.45 3% Cr 2.9% Mo 0.9% V 0.9% W2.9% Co steel: W steel: For tools; French Standards designation
YCM2B 15% Ni 24% Co 1.25% Ti 8% Al 3.4% Cu steel: For
magnets; Japanese alloy listed by PMA
YMDC 0.35% C 3% Ni 1.5% Cr 5% W0.5% Co 1% Si steel:
For tools; Jonas; hot extrusion dies
DPN: 580
ZSOWKCV 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.0% V 18.0% W5.0% Co steel: For Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
18-5/04-01 tools; French Standards designation
Z80WKCV 0.8% C 4.0% Cr 1.6% V 18.0% W10.0% Co steel: For DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
18-10/04-02 tools; French Standards designation UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
Z85WDKCV 0.85% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% V6.0% W5.0% Co Elon Elongation, %
steel: For tools; French Standards designation Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Z 1l0DKCWV 1.1% C 3.8% Cr 9.5% Mo 1.15% V 1.5% W8.0% Co
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.0647510nf/in. 2=145.04Ibflin 2 =1 MPa
steel: For tools; French Standards designation
Z150WDKCV 1.5% C 4.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 5.0% V6.5% W5.0% Co See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
steel: For tools; French Standards designation
450 760 60
500 700 68
600 450 81
650 370 85
The above properties are typical of the following group and which normally form. None of the steels are truly stainless as
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible they will corrode if used outdoors in damp climates.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be As the carbon content is decreased the corrosion resis-
applicable. tance improves, until with the carbon content held below
that which allows hardening the corrosion resistance is
General metallurgical characteristics excellent.
There are actually two distinct groups of .steel under this
These steels have a minimum of about 11 % chromium, heading as the low carbon or ferritic high chrome steels are
sufficient to ensure that the surface is always protected with a different in many respects from the medium carbon marten-
film of chromium oxide, which is firmly adherent and suc- sitic high chrome steels. It was found impossible, however,
cessfully prevents the formation of the loose iron oxides to make the division on analysis alone as the same steel can
be ferritic or martensitic depending on the thermal Expert advice should be obtained when these materials
treatment. have to be thermally treated.
The very low carbon steels are always ferritic, being non- No technical problems exist when welding the lower car-
heat treatable, but from 0.1 % carbon the steels are almost bon steels. With carbon above approximately 0.15% pre-
always used in the hardened and tempered martensitic heating is required. Advice should be obtained before weld-
condition. ing. The use of inert gas welding is recommended. With the
The lower carbon steels very seldom have any alloy con- higher carbon steels there will be a great danger of cracking
tent apart from chromium. The general effect of the alloying in the heat affected zone and specialist advice must always be
elements in the higher carbon steels is to improve the creep obtained prior to welding these materials.
and other hot strength properties. The alloy elements are The corrosion resistance of these materials is not as good
usually carbide formers which help to prevent grain growth, as those found in Sections 44N. The corrosion resistance in
stabilize the structure and generally slow down all the metal- this instance is by the formation of the adherent chromium
lurgical reactions. Nickel up to about 2% is sometimes pre- oxide which is self-healing. That is, as it is removed in a
sent to improve the fatigue strength and low temperature normal atmosphere it will re-form. It is thus necessary to
properties which are poor in general with these steels. design components so that all the surfaces are in contact with
The low carbon steels in this group will accept cold work- the atmosphere. Lap joints should not be used and the
ing to some extent but as the carbon increases the ability to components should not be used in circumstances where the
accept cold work decreases and the steels become very hard surfaces are covered and can be abraded.
and brittle with slight amounts of cold work. Once corrosion commences the corrosion products will
Many of these steels are used in the annealed condition tend to trap the corroding material and thus corrosion can
where corrosion resistance is of more importance than propagate rapidly. It is therefore advisable that components
strength. in these materials should be kept clean.
Full annealing, hardening and normalizing will all require The uses for the materials in this group include cutlery,
temperatures close to, or above, 1000°C. Most of the steels particularly knives, golf clubs, steam turbine blading, com-
in this group will be oil quenched. Some of the higher carbon pressor blades in gas turbines, motor car trims, household
steels will give a satisfactory hardness with air quenching. ornaments of all types, steel tubing and sheet for medium
It must be noted that these steels are prone to temper corrosion conditions but not for marine or food uses, and
brittleness. They should not therefore be held at tempera- architectural uses for inside trim or outside use in rural
tures between 300 and 600 °C for any appreciable length of conditions but not marine or industrial.
time. This means that tempering should be carried out above These materials should always be identified as being mag-
600 °C and this is one occasion where material should be netic stainless steels or basic 12% chromium steels to dif-
quenched following the tempering operation. Temper brit- ferentiate them from the 18/8 austenitic non-magnetic
tleness is the result of precipitation of chromium carbides at stainless steels found in Sections 44N1 to 44N2.
the grain boundaries.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.000 0.25% C 3% Ni 29% Cr steel: Casting; D Brown 1.4009 0.1 % C (max) 14.5% Cr steel: Welding rod; German
VTS: 370 Standard
0.4021 0.19% C 13% Cr steel: German Standard 1.4015 0.1% C (max) 17.5% Cr steel: Forging; German
1.400 0.08% C (max) 13.0% Cr steel: German Standard Standard
1.2082 0.25% C 3% Ni 29% Cr steel: Casting; D Brown 1.4016 0.1 % C (max) 16.5% Cr steel: Forging; German
VTS: 370 Standard
1.2083 0.43% C 13.5% Cr steel: German Standard 1.4021 0.19% C 13% Cr steel: For springs; German Standard
1.2316 0.38% C 0.8% Ni 1.6% Cr 1% Mo steel 1.4024 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Forging; German Standard
1.2625 0.38% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% V 12.0% Wsteel: For tools; 1.4034 0.41% C 13% Cr steel: For bearings; German Standard
German Standard 1.4044 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: German Standard
1.3811 0.15% C (max) 25% Cr steel: Bar; German Standard 1.4057 0.2% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Forging; German
1.3827 0.1% C (max) 17% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Forging; German Standard
Standard 1.4084 0.1 % C (max) 28% Cr steel: German Standard
1.4000 0.08% C (max) 13% Cr steel: German Standard 1.4104 0.13% C 16% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% S steel: German
1.4001 0.08% C (max) 14% Cr steel: German Standard Standard; free machining
1.4002 0.08% C (max) 13.0% Cr 0.2% AI steel: German 1.4113 0.07% C (max) 17.0% Cr 1.05% Mo steel: German
Standard Standard
1.4006 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Forging; German Standard 1.4116 0.46% C 14.4% Cr 0.12% V steel: German Standard
1.4007 0.35% C 14% Cr steel: Welding rod; German Standard 1.4119 0.15% C 13% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: German Standard
1.4120 0.2% C 1.0% Ni 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: German
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 1.4122 0.38% C 1.0% Ni 16% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: German
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 1.4137 0.1 % C (max) 2.0% Ni 30% Cr 2.1 % Mo steel:
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' German Standard
Elon Elongation, % 1.4502 0.1% C (max) 17.5% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Forging;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' German Standard
1.4510 0.1 % C (max) 17% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Forging; German
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04Ibf/in.'= 1MPa
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 1.4511 0.1 % C (max) 17.5% Cr 1.2% Nb steel: Forging;
German Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.4523 0.1 % C (max) 17% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.8% Ti steel: 2C27 0.08% C 13.5% Cr steel: Sandvik
German Standard 2C34 0.12% C 17.2% Cr steel: Sandvik
1.4525 0.1% C (max) 1.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.6% Ti 2KH12VMBFR 0.18% C 12.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V 0.5% W0.3% Nb
steel: German Standard steel: Russian Standards designation
1.4722 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Forging; German 2R 27 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Bofors; obsolete
Standard 2R29 0.09% C 17.5% Cr steel: Bofors; obsolete
1.4723 0.12% C (max) 1.0% Ni 14.5% Cr steel: Forging; 2R47 0.21 % C 13% Cr steel: Bofors
German Standard 2R 57 0.3% C 0.5% Ni 13% Cr steel: Bofors; obsolete
1.4724 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr 1.0% Al steel: Forging; 2R 77 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Bofors
German Standard 2R 107 0.55% C 14% Cr steel: Bofors; hardened and
1.4741 0.12% C (max) 18% Cr steel: Forging; German tempered; obsolete
Standard DPN: 325 UTS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 870
1.4742 0.12% C (max) 18% Cr 1.0% Al steel: Forging; 2RL2 0.1 % C 13.5% Cr 0.2% Ssteel: Free machining;
German Standard Bofors; hardened and tempered; obsolete
1.4749 0.18% C 27% Cr steel: German Standard DPN: 210 UTS: 700 Elon: 25% Proof: 530
1.4762 0.12% C (max) 24% Cr 1.5% Al steel: Forging; 2RL3 0.12% C 16.5% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.2% Ssteel: Free
German Standard machining; Bofors; annealed
1.4765 25% Cr 5% Al steel: German Standard DPN: 185 VTS: 620 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
1.4767 20% Cr 5% AI steel: German Standard 2RL 14 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 13.5% Cr 0.2% S steel: Free
1.4772 0.12% C (max) 29% Cr steel: Forging; German machining; Bofors; hardened and tempered
Standard DPN: 315 VTS: 750 Elon: 14% Proof: 680
1.4773 0.1 % C (max) 30% Cr steel: Forging; German 2RM2 0.05% C 5.5% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Bofors; hardened
Standard and tempered; suitable for welding
1.4774 0.1 % C (max) 29% Cr 4.5% Al steel: Heat conductor; DPN: 265 VTS: 800 Elon: 15% Proof: 600
German Standard 2RMO 0.05% C 6% Ni 13% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Weldable;
1.4820 0.15% C (max) 4.5% Ni 26% Cr steel: Forging; Bofors; hardened and tempered
German Standard DPN: 290 VTS: 810 Elon: 15% Proof: 600
1.4821 0.2% C 4.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Forging; German 2R026 0.1 % C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bofors;
Standard hardened and tempered
1.4905 0.1 % C (max) 20% Cr 4.5% AI steel: Heat conductor; DPN: 220 VTS: 720 Elon: 22% Proof: S80
German Standard 2R027 0.1 % C 13.5% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Bofors
1.4920 0.17% C 11.5% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.3% V steel: German 2R046 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Bofors;
Standard obsolete
1.4922 0.20% C 11.5% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% Vsteel: German 3C 27 Mo 2 0.1% C 13% Cr 1% Mo steel: Sandvik
Standard 3RE6O 0.03% C (max) 4.7% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
1.4924 0.22% C 11 % Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% Vsleel: German Tube; Sandvik; weldable
Standard UTS: 836 Elon: 44 % Proof: 420
1.4934 0.22% CO.5% Ni 11% Cr 1.0% MoO.3% VO.5% W 3RE 60 0.03% C (max) 4.7% Ni 18.5% Cr2.7% Mo steel:
steel: German Standard Sandvik; ferritic; austenitic; weldable
1.4935 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 11.5% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.0% V 0.5% W DPN: 260 VTS: 820 Elon: 22% Proof: 500
steel: German Standard 4C27 0.2% C 12.5% Cr steel: Sandvik
1.4994 0.45% C 5.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: German 4C27A 0.22% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.2% S steel:
Standard Sandvik
1C27 0.08% C 13.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube 4C54 0.18% C 27% Cr steel: Sandvik
DPN: 160 VTS: 520 Elon: 13% Proof: 350 4N 2C 36 0.25% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Sandvik
lC36 0.12% C 17% Cr sleel: Sandvik 6C27 0.32% C 14% Cr steel: Sandvik
IC 342 0.08% C 16.7% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Sandvik 6C283 0.28% C 14% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.25% Cu steel: Sandvik
ICN 0.2% C 1% Ni 14% Cr steel: Inman; for plastic 7C27 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Sandvik
extrusion dies 7C 27 M02 0.35% C 13.5% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: Sandvik
IKH11MF 0.15% C 10.7% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.32% Vsteel: Russian 10 RE 20 0.08% C 5% Ni 26.3% Cr steel: Sandik
Standards designation 10 RE 21 0.08% C (max) 5% Ni 26.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel:
1KHI2N2VMF 0.13% C 1.65% Ni 11.5% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.22% V 1.8% Sandvik
Wsteel: Russian Standards designation IOC27 0.5% C 14% Cr steel: Sandvik
IKH12V2MF 0.13% C 12.0% Cr 0.75% Mo 0.22% V 2.0% Wsteel: II Cr9Mn B 0.4% C 9.0% Mn 11.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode;
Russian Standards designation work hardens from 200 to 400 DPN
IKHI2VNMF 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V 0.9% W 12Cr 0.1 % C 12.5% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
steel: Russian Standards designation 12Cr 152 0.12% C 2.5% Ni 12% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.3% V Nsteel:
2 Cr 120 Mo 8 Co 0.2% C 12.3% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.3% V2% Co steel: Electrode; Metrode
Origin unknown 12Cr Mo V 0.2% C 11.5% Cr J% Mo 0.3% V0.5% Wsteel:
Electrode; Metrode
12 Cr Mo VB 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% W
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: steel: Electrode; Metrode
12 Cr MOB 0.07% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
DPN Hardness. diamond pyramid number 13.2R 0.06% C 2.0% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' 13.2R 0.08% C 2% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
Elon Elongation. % 13.4 Mo LB 0.026% C 4.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Electrode;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' Metrode
13.4 Mo LR 0.04% C 3.5% Ni 13.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Electrode;
1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa Metrode
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 1.3.4 Mo LR 0.026% C 4.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Electrode;
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
I3.4LB 0.04% C 3.5% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode 422M 0.85% C 12% Cr 2.25% Mo 0.5% V 1.7% Wsteel:
13 BMP 0.06% C 12% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
13 RMP 0.06% C 12% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode 430 FR SOLENOID 0.06% C 17.5% Cr 0.3% Mo 1.25% Si steel: For
I3BMP 0.07% C 13.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode QUALITY magnetic purposes in corrosive conditions; Carpenter
I3RMP 0.07% C 13.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode 430 S17 0.08% C (max) 17% Cr: BS 970 designation
15-15LC 0.03% C 15.3% Mn 1% Ni 16.3% Cr 1% Mo 0.5% Cu 430 SOLENOID 0.06% C 17.5% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.5% Si steel: For
0.4% N steel: Carpenter QUALITY magnetic purposes in corrosive conditions; Carpenter
DPN: 210 VTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proor: 425 431 S29 0.16% C 2.5% Ni 16.5% Cr steel: BS 970 designation
17 BMP 0.07% C 17.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode 434 0.12% C 17% Cr 1% Mo steel: Designation used in the
17RMP 0.08% C 17% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode UK and USA
18.2 18.0% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Resists chlorides; has good 436 0.12% C 17% Cr 1% Mo 0.6% Nb steel: Designation
low temperature impact; Climax Molybdenum used in the UK and USA
18.2 0.025% C (max) 18.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 1% Ti steel: 439 0.07% C (max) 18% Cr 0.48% Ti steel: Designation
Designation used in the UK and USA used in the UK and USA
18Cr2Mo 0.025% C 18.5% Cr 2% Mo 0.7% Nb + Ti steel: 441 S29 0.16% C 2.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.6% Mo (max) steel: BS
Designation used in the UK and USA 970; obsolete
20RMP 0.07% C 20.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; resists 510 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Soderfors
scaling up to 950 'C 511 0.21 % C 13% Cr steel: Soderfors
23C27 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Sandvik 512 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Soderfors
25-4.4 0.025% C (max) 4% Ni 26.5% Cr 4% Mo 1% Ti steel: 522 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Soderfors
Designation used in the UK and USA 525 0.25% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Soderfors
26.3.3 0.03% C (max) 2.2% Ni 26.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.2% 636 0.22% C 0.7% Ni 13% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.35% V 1.0% W
Ti (min) steel: Designation used in the UK and USA steel: Carpenter for AlSl type 422
28RMP 0.07% C 28.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; resists 739 0.21 % C 13% Cr steel: Avesta
scaling up to 1000 'C 739H 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Avesta
29.4 0.01% C (max) 29% Cr 3.9% Mo steel: Designation 762 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 11 % Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.6% W
used in the UK and USA steel: BS designation
29.4.2 0.01 % C (max) 2.1 % Ni 29% Cr 3.9% Mo steel: 831 0.12% C 21 % Cr steel: Avesta
Designation used in the UK and USA 1408 0.07% C 13.0% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Nyby; annealed
29.4C 0.03% C (max) 29% Cr 4% Mo 0.2% Ti (min) steel: DPN: 190 VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
Designation used in the UK and USA 1410 0.12% C 13.0% Cr steel: Nyby
29 Cr4Mo 0.01 % C (max) 29% Cr 4% Mo steel: Designation used 1410 Mo 0.08% C 14.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Nyby; annealed
in the UK and USA DPN: 200 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
29 Cr 4 Mo 2 Ni 0.01 % C 2.2% Ni 29% Cr 3.8% Mo steel: Designation 1415 0.15% C 13.0% Cr steel: Nyby
used iii the UK and USA 1415Mo 0.14% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Nyby; annealed
40 Cr Mn Mo S8.6 0.4% C 1.9% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: German Standard DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
45 Cr 13 0.45% C 13.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; 1435 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Nyby
hardenable corrosion resistant deposit 1706 0.05% C 17.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed
DPN: 550 DPN: 180 UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
45 Cr 25 0.45% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; 1708 0.07% C 17.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed
Metrode; for repair welding of castings DPN: 200 VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
DPN:300 1708 Mo 0.07% C 17.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Nyby; annealed
56R 0.08% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 1% W steel: Origin DPN: 200 UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proor: 290
unknown 1708 Mo Nb 0.07% C 17.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.9% Nb steel: Nyby;
56TS 0.2% C 11 % Cr steel: Origin unknown annealed
249H 0.25% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Avesta DPN: 200 VTS: 480 Elon 20% Proof: 290
249T 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Avesta 1708 Mo Ti 0.07% C 17.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.5% Ti steel: Nyby;
300 Cr 15 Mn 6 3.0% C 6.0% Mn 15.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel: Electrode; annealed
Metrode; for hard facing DPN: 200 VTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
DPN: 550 1708 Nb 0.07% C 17.0% Cr 0.9% Nb steel: Nyby; annealed
393 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Avesta DPN: 180 VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proor: 290
403 S17 0.08% C (max) 13% Cr steel: BS 970 1708 Ti 0.07% C 17.0% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Nyby; annealed
409 0.08% C 11.1% Cr 0.46% Ti steel: Designation used in DPN: 180 VTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
the UK and USA 1710 Si 0.10% C 17.0% Cr 2.2% Si steel: Nyby; annealed
410 S21 0.12% C 12.5% Cr steel: BS 970 designation DPN: 230 VTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 330
416 S21 0.12% C 12.5% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% Ssteel: For 2013 0.2% C 13.0% Cr steel: F Parkin; plastic moulds
machining; BS 970 designation 2205 0.06% C (max) 4.2% Ni 14% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.2%
416 S29 0.17% C 12.5% CrO.6% Mo 0.2% S steel: For Nb + Ta 3.2% Cu steel: Casting; designation used in
machining; BS 970 designation the UK and USA
416 S37 0.24% C 13% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% Ssteel: For 2520 0.20% C 0.15% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed
machining; BS 970 designation DPN: 230 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
416 S41 0.12% C 12.5% Cr 0.2% Se 0.6% Mo steel: For 2731 0.7% C 15.0% Cr steel: For tools; French Standards
machining; BS 970 designation designation
419 0.25% C 11.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 2.5% Wsteel: American 2732 0.4% C 14.0% Cr steel: For tools; French Standards
proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook designation
420 S29 0.18% C 12.5% Cr steel: BS 970 designation 2733 0.3% C 13.0% Cr steel: For tools; French Standards
420 S37 0.24% C 13% Cr steel: BS 970 designation designation
420 S45 0.32% C 13% Cr stcel: BS 970; obsolete 4379 0.3% C 13.0% Cr steel: Sanderson; 'Non-Stain'
422 0.2% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V 1.0% Wsteel: DPN: 277 VTS: 940 Elon: 20% Proof: 800
Hardened and tempered; designation used by AISI AC254 0.24% C 1% Ni 12% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.25% V 1% W
DPN: 320 UTS: 1050 Elon: 18% Proof: 920 0.2% B steel: Origin unknown
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AFNOR 81 347 EF 0.03% C 22% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 1.6% Fe Ni alloy: A1S1619 0.3% C 11.4% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Hardened
2070 Ni Cr Fe Mo Welding electrode; French Standard and tempered
B20BH UTS: 1000 Elon: 18% Proof: 700
AFNOR 81 347 EF 0.06% C 22% Cr 9% Mo 3.5% Nb 4.5% Fe Ni alloy: AK2MV 0.2% CO.1% Ni 11.2% Cr 2.4% Mo 0.25% V steel:
2070 Ni Cr Fe Mo Welding electrode; French Standard Origin unknown
B 150-26 BH AL419 0.2% C 1.2% Ni 1.2% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% Y 3% W
AH 0.2% C 19% Cr steel: Annealed; furnace equipment; steel: Hardened and tempered; designation used by
Osborn ASTM
UTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 450 DPN: 330 UTS: 1210 Elon: 15% Proof: 1000
A1S1403 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered AL29-4.2 Low C 29% Cr 2% Ni 4% Mo steel: Allegheny Ludlum
DPN: 400 UTS: 1500 Elon: 2% Proof: 1350 DPN: 220 UTS: 660 Elon: 22% Proof: 588
AIS1405 0.08% C 12.5% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Annealed AL29-4C Low C 28.5% Cr 3.7% Mo Ti stabilized steel:
DPN: 188 UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 210 Allegheny Ludlum
AISI410 0.15% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered DPN: 200 UTS: 620 Elon: 25% Proof: 520
DPN: 400 UTS: 1500 Elon: 2% Proof: 1350 ALCRESS 20% Cr 7% Al Fe alloy: Source unknown
AISI414 0.1 % C 2% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Hardened and ALKROTHAL 15% Cr 4.3% AI Fe alloy: Kanthal AB for heating
tempered element
DPN: 440 UTS: 1550 Elon: 2% Proof: 1350 ALUCHROMW 0.04% C 14.5% Cr 4.2% Al steel: YOM
AISI416 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered ALUCROMO 0.04% C 22.5% Cr 0.4% Si 5.2% AI steel: YOM
DPN: 280 UTS: 1030 Elon: 15% Proof: 840 AMS5340 4.2% Ni 14% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.25% Nb 3.2% Cu + Ti
AISI 416 PLUS X 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.15% S (min) steel steel: Investment casting
AISI 416 Se 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Free cutting AMS 5342 4% Ni 16% Cr 3.1% Cu steel: Investment casting;
AISI418 0.15% C 13% Cr 3% Wsteel: Hardened and tempered solution treated and aged
DPN: 400 UTS: 1500 Elon: 10% Proof: 1350 UTS: 950
AISI420 0.35% C 13% Cr steel AMS 5343 4% Ni 16% Cr 3% Cu steel: Investment casting;
DPN: 550 UTS: 1840 Elon: 2% Proof: 1610 solution treated and aged
AISI420F 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered UTS:1l10
DPN: 500 UTS: 1620 Elon: 5% Proof: 1350 AMS5344 4% Ni 16% Cr 3% Cu steel: Investment casting;
AISI430 0.12% C (max) 16% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered solution treated and aged
DPN: 500 UTS: 1100 Elon: 3% Proof: 888 UTS: 1350
AISI430 F 0.12% C (max) 16% Cr 0.15% Ssteel: Hardened and AMS 5349 13% Cr 0.25% S steel: Investment casting
tempered AMS 5350 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel
DPN: 300 UTS: 1100 Elon: 2% Proof: 880 AMS53500 12.5% Cr steel: Investment casting
AISI 430 FSe 0.12% C 16% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Free machining AMS5351 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Casting
AISI431 0.2% C (max) 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Hardened and AMS5351 B 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Sand casting; AMS for SAE
tempered 60410
DPN: 440 UTS: 1588 Elon: 10% Proof: 1380 AMS 5353 1.8% Ni 16% Cr steel: Investment casting
AISI434 0.12% C 17.0% Cr 1% Mo steel: Sheet, strip and wire AMS 5354 0.15% C 2% Ni 13% Cr 0.15% Mo 3% W0.15% Cu
DPN: 164 UTS: 530 Elon: 23% Proof: 370 steel: Castings
AISI 440 A 0.7% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Hardened and AMS5354 B 2% Ni 13% Cr 3% Wsteel: Investment casting
tempered AMS 5355 A 4% Ni 16% Cr 3% Cu steel: Investment casting
DPN: 550 UTS: 1920 Elon: 2% Proof: 1700 AMS 5359 4% Ni 15% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Sand casting
AISI 440 B 0.8% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel AMS5368 4% Ni 15% Cr 2.3% Mo 1.0% N steel: Investment
AISI442 0.2% C (max) 20% Cr steel: Annealed casting
DPN: 200 UTS: 588 Elon: 20% Proof: 300 AMS 5372 2% Ni 15.8% Cr steel: Sand casting
AISI446 0.25% C (max) 0.25% Ni 26% Cr steel: Annealed AMS 5398 A 4% Ni 16% Cr 3% Cu Fe steel: Sand casting
DPN: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 300 AMS 5503 0.2% C 17% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; AMS for SAE
AISI614 0.12% C 12.2% Cr steel: Annealed 51431
UTS: 620 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 AMS 5504 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sheet
AISI614 0.12% C 12.2% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered AMS5504 0 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; AMS for
DPN: 255 UTS: 888 Elon: 21 % Proof: 760 SAE 51410
AISI615 0.17% C 2% Ni 13% Cr 0.2% Mo 2.9% Wsteel: AMS 5505 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; ferrite
Hardened and tempered controlled; AMS for SAE 51410
UTS: 1140 Elon: 16% Proof: 1000 AMS 5505 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Sheet
AISI616 0.23% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% Y 1% Wsteel: AMS5506 A 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; AMS for SAE
Hardened and tempered 51420
UTS: 1070 Elon: 20% Proof: 880 AMS 5508 0.15% C 2% Ni 13% CrO.I% Mo 3% Wsteel: Sheet
AMS5508 A 2% Ni 13% Cr 3% Wsteel: Sheet and strip
AMS 5573 0.05% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
AMS5591 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Tubing
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AMS 55910 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Seamless tube; AMS for SAE
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AMS5609 0.15% C 12.5% Cr 0.12% Nb steel: Tubing; ferrite
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 controlled; AMS for SAE 51410
Elon Elongation, % AMS5610 E 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Bar and forgings; free
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 machining; AMS for SAE 51416F
AMS 5611 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr 0.1% Nb steel
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in-'=145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa AMS5612 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Bar or tube; ferrite
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. controlled; AMS for SAE 51410
AMS 5612 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Forgings
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 5613 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Forgings ARMCO 13-(,35 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.2% S steel: Armco; free machining
AMS 5613 E 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Bar or tube; AMS for SAE ARMCO 1612 0.2% C 2.0% Ni 16% Cr steel: Armco
51410 ARMCO 17 0.12% C 16% Cr steel: Armco
AMS5614 0.15% C 12% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bar and forging; ARMCO 17-(,60 0.65% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Armco
AMS for SAE 51410 + Mo ARMCO 27 0.35% C 25% Cr 0.25% N steel: Armco
AMS 5615 B 0.1 % C 2% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS ARW 0.1 % C 13.5% Cr steel: Bar and sheet; hardened and
for SAE 51414 tempered; Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS5616 0.15% C 2% Ni 13% Cr 0.15% Mo 3% Wsteel: DPN: 200 VTS: 640 Elon: 18% Proof: 440
Forgings ARWA 0.08% C (max) 13% Cr AI steel: Annealed; Schoeller-
AMS 5616 D 13% C 2% Ni 3% Wsteel: Bar and forging Bleckmann
AMS5620 D 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Bar and forging; free DPN: ISO VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
machining; AMS for SAE 51420F ARWB 0.1 % C 14% Cr steel: Annealed; Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS 5621 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS for SAE DPN: 160 VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
51420 ARWD 0.08% C (max) 17% Cr 1.7% Mo steel: For welding;
AMS 5627 0.2% C 17% Cr steel: Bar and forging annealed; Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS 5628 B 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS for DPN: 160 UTS: 550 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
SAE 51431 ARWDN 0.08% C (max) 17% Cr 1.7% Mo Nb steel: Annealed;
AMS 5631 0.7% C 17% Cr 0.75% Mo steel: Bar and forging; Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS for SAE 51440A DPN: 160 VTS: 550 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
AMS 5655 0.2% C 0.7% Ni 12.5% Cr 1% Mo 1% Wsteel: ARWDT 0.08% C (max) 17% Cr 1.7% Mo Ti steel: Annealed;
Forgings Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS 5710 B 0.8% C 1.3% Ni 20% Cr 2.3% Si steel: Bar and forging DPN: 160 VTS: 550 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
AMS 5719 0.12% C 2.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.32% V 0.03% ARWF 0.08% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered;
Nsteel Schoeller-Bteckmann
AMS 5776 0.12% C 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Wire; AMS for DPN: 200 VTS: 650 Elon: 18% Proof: 440
SAE 51410 ARWK 0.08% C 16% Cr steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS 5777 12.5% Cr steel: Coated electrode; AMS for SAE 51410 DPN: ISO VTS: 510 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
AMS5817 0.15% C 2% Ni 13% Cr 0.15% Mo 3% Wsteel: Wire ARWKIN 0.08% C (max) 18% Cr Nb steel: For welding;
AMS 5817 A 2% Ni 13% Cr 3% Wsteel: Welding wire annealed; Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS5821 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Tubing DPN: ISO VTS: 510 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
AMS 5821 A 12.5% Cr steel: Welding wire; special grade; AMS for ARWKT 0.08% C (max) 18% Cr Ti steel: For welding;
SAE 51410 annealed; Schoeller-Bleckmann
AMS 5822 0.12% C 2.7% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.32% V 1.7% DPN: ISO VTS: 510 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
Co steel: Weld electrode ARZ 0.2% C 13.5% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered;
AMS 5823 0.12% C 2.7% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.32% V 1.7% Schoeller-Bleckmann
Co steel: Weld electrode DPN: 260 VTS: 840 Elon: 14% Proof: 530
AMS 7207 0.15% C (min) 13% Cr steel: Type 420 ASM 123 0.3% C 13% Cr 1.25% Mo steel: Sambre & Meuse
AMS 7445 0.67% C 17% Cr steel: Type 440A ASTM A1761403 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Plate
AMS 7470 0.17% C2% Ni 13% Cr 3% Wsted: Weld electrode DPN: 202 UTS: 480 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
AMS 7493 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel ASTM A1761405 0.08% C 13% Cr 1% Si steel: Plate
ANOR1NOX 35 AM 0.25% C 13% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Anor DPN: 202 VTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: ISO
AN QQ S7701211 0.17% C 2.0% Ni 16.5% Cr steel: US SeIVice; ASTM A176/410 0.15% C 0.7% Ni 12% Cr steel: Plate
hardened and tempered DPN: 202 VTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
VTS: 1210 Elon: 13% Proof: 940 ASTM A176/41O S 0.08% C 0.6% Ni 12% Cr steel: Plate
AN QQ S77012111 0.17% C 2.0% Ni 16.5% Cr steel: US Smiee; DPN: 202 UTS: 420 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
hardened and tempered ASTM A176/430 ·@.12% C 0.7% Ni 16% Cr steel: Plate
VTS: 780 Elon: 15% Proof: 610 DPN: 202 VTS: 450 Elon: 22 % Proof: 200
ANTlN1T KW 10M 0.1% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mosteel: Gebruder B~hler ASTM A176/442 0.35% C 20% Cr steel: Plate
ANTlN1T KW 15M 0.15% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Gebruder Bohler DPN: 202 VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
ANTlN1T KW 20M 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Gebruder Bohler ASTM AI76/446 0.2% C 0.25% Ni 25% Cr steel: Plate
ARD3 0.38% C 0.6% Ni 17% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Hardened DPN: 217 VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
and tempered; Schoeller-Bleckmann ASTM AI82 F6 0.12% C (max) 1.0% Mn 12% Cr steel: For pipe
DPN: 260 VTS: 870 Elon: 14% Proof: 580 fittings
ARH 0.40% C 14.5% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; ASTM A193 B6 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: For bolts, etc.; hardened and
Schoeller-Bleckmann tempered as A!S! 41Q-416
DPN: 400 VTS: 1280 Elon: 6% Proof: 1110 VTS: 800 Elon: 15% Proof: 610
ARHTOUGH 0.22% C 0.4% Ni 14% Cr steel: Hardened and ASTM A194/6 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr steel: For bolts
tempered Schoeller-Bleckmann ASTM A240/405 0.08% C 13% Cr 0.2% AI steel: For pressure vessels
DPN: 240 VTS: 800 Elon: 15% Proof: 460 ASTM A240/41O 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
ARKS 0.13% C 0.5% Ni 17% Cr Ssteel: Free machining; ASTM A240/41O S 0.08% C 12.5% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
hardened and tempered; Schoeller-Bleckmann ASTM A240/430 A 0.12% C 15% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
DPN: 230 VTS: 760 Elon: 12% Proof: 450 ASTM A240/430 B 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
ARL 0.22% C 1.4% Ni 17% Cr steel: Hardened and ASTM A268 TP329 0.2% C 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Tube
tempered; Scholler·Bleckmann ASTM A268 TP405 0.08% C 12% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Tube
DPN: 260 VTS: 840 Elon: 14% Proof: 580 ASTM A268 TP410 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Tube
ARMCO 12 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Armco ASTM A268 TP430 0.12% C 16% Cr steel: Tube
ARMCO 1212 0.15% C 2.0% Ni 12% Cr steel: Armco ASTM A268 TP433 0.2% C 21 % Cr 1% Cu steel: Tube
ARMCO 12Al 0.03% C 12% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Armco ASTM A268 TP466 0.2% C 16% Cr 0.2% Ni steel: Tube
ARMCOl2FM 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.07% S or Se or Mo steel: Armco; ASTM A276/403 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Bar
free machining ASTM A276/405 0.08% C 13% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Bar
ARMCO 12T 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Armco ASTM A2761410 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Bar
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A276/414 0.15% C 2% Ni 12% Cr steel: Bar ASTM A651 TP430 0.1% C 17.7% Cr 0.75% Ti (max) 0.15% Al (max)
ASTM A276/416 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Bar Ti steel: Tube for water
ASTM A276/416 Se 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Bar; free machining ASTM A651 TP434 0.12% C 17.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Tube for water
ASTM A276/420 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Bar ASTM A651 TPXM8 0.07% C 18.0% Cr 1.1% Ti 0.15% Al (max) steel:
ASTM A276/430 0.12% C 16% Cr steel: Bar Tube for water
ASTM A276/430 F 0.12% C 16% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Bar ASTMA731 0.01 % C (max) 26.2% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Pipe; welded
ASTM A2761 0.12% C 16% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Bar TPXM27 and seamless
430 FSe UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 275
ASTM A276/431 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Bar ASTMA731 0.06% C (max) 26.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.6% Ti steel:
ASTM A276/440 A 0.7% C 7% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Bar TPXM33 Pipe; welded and seamless
ASTM A276/440 B 0.8% C 7% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Bar UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 275
ASTM A276/446 0.2% C 0.2% Ni 25% Cr steel: Bar ASTM A757 E3N 0.06% C 4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Casting;
ASTM A295 F6 0.12% C 1% Mn 12% Cr steel: Seamless drum Normalized impact at -75 'C 27 J
forgings; normalized and tempered ASTM A768 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Ni 12% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel:
UTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 300 For turbine rotors and shafts; vacuum melted
ASTM A296 CA15 0.3% C 12% Cr steel: Casting; annealed UTS: 700 Elon: 16% Proof: 480
UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 440 ASTM A791 Ferritic stainless steel: Tube; see designation for alloys
ASTM A296 CA40 0.2% C 12% Cr steel: Casting; annealed ASTMA803 Ferritic stainless steel: Tube for heaters; see
UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 440 designation for alloys
ASTM A296 CB30 0.3% C 20% Cr steel: Casting; annealed ASTM A815 0.05% C (max) 4.5% Ni 12.7% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Pipe
UTS: 440 Proof: 200 S41500 fitting
ASTM A296 CC50 0.50% C 28% Cr steel: Casting; annealed ASTMA815 0.01 % C (max) 26% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.1 % Nb steel: Pipe
UTS: 360 WP27 fitting
ASTMA297HC 0.5% C 28% Cr steel: Casting; as cast ASTM A815 0.06% C (max) 26% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.8% Ti steel: Pipe
UTS:360 WP33 fitting
ASTMA297HD 0.5% C 5% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; as cast ASTM A8l5 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Pipe fitting
UTS: 500 Elon: 8% Proof: 240 WP410
ASTM A298 E410 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Welding rod; annealed after ASTM A815 0.12% C (max) 15% Cr steel: Pipe fitting
welding chromium stainless steels WP429
UTS: 460 Elon: 20% ASTMA815 0.12% C (max) 17% Cr steel: Pipe fitting
ASTM A298 E430 0.1 % C 17% Cr steel: Welding rod; annealed after WP430
welding chromium stainless steels ASTM A815 0.1 % C (max) 17.5% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Pipe fitting
UTS: 460 Elon: 20% WP430Ti
ASTMA336F6 0.12% C (max) 12.0% Cr steel: Seamless drum forgings ASTMA815 0.2% C (max) 26.5% Cr 0.2% Nsteel: Pipe fitting
UTS: 5710 Elon: 8% Proof: 360 WP446
ASTM A351 CAI5 0.15% C 1.0% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel AURIGA XX11l 0.15% C 1% Ni 12% Cr 0.3% Mo 1% Si steel: Casting;
ASTMA437 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.25% V 1.0% FCG hardened and tempered; D Brown
Wsteel: For high temperature bolts UTS: 700 Elon: 12% Proof: 440
ASTMA565 Martensitic steel: Forging; grades 615,616 and 619 AUSTINOX F 0.1 % C 0.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% S steel:
available Pompey
ASTM A579/51 0.15% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Forging UTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 240
ASTM A579/52 0.2% C 1.0% Ni 12.2% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.25% V 1.0% W AVESTA 393 S 0.08% C 14.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Avesta
steel: Forging AVESTA 739C 0.14% C 14.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Avesta
ASTM A579/53 0.2% C (max) 2.0% Ni 16% Cr steel: Forging AVESTA 739 SG 0.12% C 1.1% Ni 13.0% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Avesta;
ASTM A579/61 0.07% C (max) 4.0% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.3% V4.0% Ti casting
steei: Forging AVESTA 739 SH 0.20% C 14.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Avesta
ASTM A5811416 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.15% S (min) steel: Wire; B3422C 0.10% C 17.0% Cr 2.2% Si steel: French Standard
free machining DPN: 230 UTS: 530 Elon: 15% Proof: 330
ASTM A5811416 Se 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.15% Se (min) steel: Wire; B 3423C 0.20% C 0.15% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: French Standard
free machining DPN: 230 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
ASTM A5811430 F 0.12% C (max) 16% Cr 0.15% S (min) steel: Wire; B2056420S45 0.3% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: For springs
free machining BREARLEY A 0.15% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; Brown
ASTM A581!430 F 0.12% C (max) 16% Cr 0.15% Se (min) steel: Wire; Bayley for BS alloy En 56A
Se free machining BREARLEYC 0.12% C (max) 17% Cr steel: Bar, billets, etc.; Brown
ASTM A581!XM6 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.15% S (min) steel: Bayley for BS alloy En 60
Wire; free machining BS970 See designation for detail
ASTM A651 TP409 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Cr 0.75% Ti (max) steel: Tube BS 980 CDS 18 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Tube; annealed; cold drawn
for water UTS: 420 Proof: 270
ASTM A651 TP430 0.12% C 17.0% Crsteel: Tube BS 1449/403 S17 0.08% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Plate and sheet;
DPN: 170 UTS: 430 Elon: 20% Proof: 250
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BS 1449/405 SI7 0.08% C (max) 13% Cr 0.2% Al steel: Plate and sheet;
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 170 UTS: 430 Elon: 20% Proof: 250
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS 1449/410 S21 0.1 % C 12% Cr steel: Plate and sheet; hardened and
Elon Elongation, % tempered
Proof 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm 2 DPN: 183 UTS: 620 Elon: 18% Proof: 380
BS 15011713 0.08% C 12% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Plate; annealed
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475tonf/in. 2=145.04lbf/in. 2=1 MPa UTS: 400 Elon: 21 % Proof: ISO
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1502/713 0.08% C 12.5% Cr 0.2% Al steel: Forging; hardened CA6NM 0.06% C 4% Ni 13.0% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Casting:
and tempered hardened and tempered; information from Climax
DPN: ~ UTS: 610 Elon: 20% Proof: 420 Molybdenum
BS 1504/713 0.18% C 12% Cr steel: Casting; hardened and UTS: 84 Elon: 24% Proof: 70
tempered CA 15 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Ni (max) 12.2% Cr 0.5%
UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 440 Mo (max) steel: Casting; information from Department
BS 15061713 0.12% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Bar; hardened and of Mines, Canada
tempered CA 15 0.3% C 12% Cr steel: Casting; designation used by
UTS: 5SO Elon: 25% Proof: 370 ASTM
BS 1554 En 56B 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Wire; hardened and tempered CA 15 0.15% C 1% Ni 12.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% Si steel:
UTS: 610 Casting; aged; Huntington
BS 1554 En 57B 0.25% C 17.5% Cr steel: Wire; hardened and tempered DPN: 390 UTS: 1420 Elon: 7% Proof: 1070
UTS: 920 CA 15M 0.15% C (max) 12.7% CrO.17% Mo steel: Casting;
BS 1630 A 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Casting; hardened and designation used in the UK and USA
tempered; contained in BS 3100 CA 15M 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr 0.7% Mosteel: Casting;
DPN: ISO UTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 360 designation used in the UK and USA
BS 1630 B 0.16% C 12.5% Cr steel: Casting; hardened and CA25MWV 0.24% C 0.7% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.25% V 1% W
tempered; contained in BS 3100 steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
DPN: 200 UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 440 CA40 0.2% C 12% Cr steel: Casting; designation used by
BS 1630C 0.25% C 12.5% Cr steel: Casting; hardened and ASTM
tempered; contained in BS 3100 CA40 0.3% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; aged;
DPN: 225 UTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 Huntington
BS 1648 A 0.25% C (max) 14% Cr steel: Casting; as cast; DPN: 470 UTS: 1630 Elon: 1% Proof: 1210
contained in BS 3100 CA40F 0.3% C 12.7% Cr 0.3% S steel: Casting; designation
BS 2056 En 56A 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Wire for springs; as used in the UK and USA; free machining
drawn CA28MWV 0.24% CO.7% Ni 11.7% Cr 1% MoO.25% V 1% W
UTS: 700 steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
BS 2056 En 56B 0.16% C 13% Cr steel: Wire for springs; as drawn CARPENTER 636 0.22% C 0.7% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 1% Wsteel:
UTS: 700 Carpenter
BS 2056 En 56C 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Wire for springs; as drawn CARPENTER A46 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 12% CrO.7% Mo 0.3% V0.4%
UTS: 760 Nb + Ta steel: Carpenter
BS 2056 En 56D 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Wire for springs; as drawn CB 30 0.3% C 2% Ni 20% Cr steel: Casting; aged;
UTS: 840 Huntington
BS 2056 En 57 0.25% C (max) 2% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for springs; DPN: 195 UTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 370
as drawn CB 30 0.3% C 20% Cr steel: Casting; designation used by
BS 2493112 Cr Mo B 0.23% C (max) 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo, 0.5% V CC50 0.5% C 28% Cr steel: Casting; designation used by
steel: For welding electrodes ASTM
BS 2493/12 0.23% C (max) 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.5% V steel: For CC50 0.5% C 4% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; as cast;
CrMoVB welding electrodes Huntington
BS 2493112 0.28% C (max) 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.5% V 1% DPN: 210 UTS: 720 Elon: 18% Proof: 420
CrMoWVB Wsteel: For welding electrodes CD2 1.5% C 12% Cr 1% Mo tool steel: ASTM designation
BS 2926113 0.08% C (max) 12% Cr steel: For welding electrodes CEKAS MI51 0.15% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Kuhbler and Son
BS 292611314 Mo 0.06% C (max) 4.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For CEKASM152 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Kuhbler and Son
welding electrodes CHROMEXI 0.07% C 13.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Murex
BS 2926117 0.1 % C (max) 16% Cr steel: For welding electrodes UTS: 640 Elon: 32%
BS 2926128 0.1 % C (max) 29% Cr steel: For welding electrodes CHROMEX2 0.07% C 18% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Murex
BS 31001410 C21 0.15% C (max) 1.25% Cr steel: Casting UTS: 570 Elon: 25%
BS 31001420 C24 0.25% C (max) 14.0% Cr steel: Casting CHROMEX3 0.1 % C 30% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Murex
BS 31001420 C29 0.2% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Casting UTS: 570 Elon: 25%
BS 31001425 Cl1 0.1 % C 3.8% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Casting CHROMIMPHY 0.1 % C 12% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.25% V 0.4% Nb steel:
BS 3146 ANC1A 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Investment casting; hardened A2100 Imphy
and tempered CHROMIMPHY 0.17% C 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Imphy
DPN: ISO UTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 360 A2200
BS 3146 ANCIB 0.18% C 12% Cr steel: Investment casting; hardened CHROMIMPHY 0.08% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V 1% Wsteel: Imphy
and tempered A3100
DPN: 200 UTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 440 CHROMIMPHY 0.22% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 1% Wsteel: Imphy
BS 3146 ANCIC 0.25% C 12% Cr steel: Investment casting; hardened A3200
and tempered CHROMODUR 22 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Krupp
DPN: 220 UTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 CHROMODUR 33 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% W
BS 3146 ANC2 0.2% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: investment casting; steel: Krupp
hardened and tempered CHROMODUR 11 0.18% C 0.3% Ni 12% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Krupp
DPN: 280 UTS: 840 Elon: 10% Proof: 700 CMVWII 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 12.5% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% V0.5% W
BS 6105 F1 0.12% C 0.2% Ni 16.5% Cr steel: For fasteners steel: Origin unknown
BS 6323 LW12 0.06% C 12% Cr 0.2% Ti steel: Tube CMWll 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 12.5% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% V steel:
BS6323 LWI9 0.08% C 11 % Cr 0.3% Ti steel: Tube Origin unknown
BVf130 0.2% C 12% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Bochumer Verein COBALT 0.2% C 12.2% Cr 0.2% V 3% W5% Co steel:
BVfl30V 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Origin ASCOLOY American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
unknown COMET41OH 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 12.5% Cr welding electrode:
BVf 130V50 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.5% Wsteel: Origin Soudometal for welding 410 type steel
unknown UTS: 680 Elon: 18% Proof: 490
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
COMET41ONM 0.06% C 4.5% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.5% Mo welding CRUCIBLE 416 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.6% Mo or Zr steel: Hardened and
electrode: Soudometal for welding martensitic stainless tempered; Crucible Steel Co.
steel DPN: 300 UTS: 1070 EIon: 20% Proof: 920
UTS: 960 Elon: 18% Proof: 800 CRUCIBLE 420 0.15% C (min) 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered;
CONSUMET 355 0.12% C 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.9% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Crucible Steel Co.
Carpenter DPN: 350 UTS: 1170 Elon: 15% Proof: 1000
CORNIX I 0.2% C 13% Cr 15% Mo steel: Rochling CRUCIBLE 422 0.23% C 0.7% Ni 13% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V 1% Wsteel:
CORNIX 2 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% V steel: Crucible Steel Co.
Origin unknown CRUCIBLE 430 0.12% C 16% Cr stcel: Annealed; Crucible Steel Co.
CORRESIST 13 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pose·Marre DPN: 160 UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 290
HMo CRUCIBLE 431 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered;
Cr Al 20/5 0.1 % C 20% Cr 4.5% Al steel: Designation used by Crucible Steel Co.
German Standards DPN: 400 UTS: 1380 Elon: 20% Proof: 1070
Cr Al 2515 25% Cr 5% AI steel: Designation used by German CRUCIBLE 440A 0.7% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Crucible Steel Co.
Standards UTS: 610
Cr Al 30/5 0.1 % C (max) 30% Cr 4.5% AI steel: Designation used CRUCIBLE 440B 0.8% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Crucible Steel Co.
by German Standards DPN:640
CRH 4117 0.1 % C 0.6% Ni 13% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Tokushu CRUCIBLE 442 0.2% C 21 % Cr steel: Annealed; Crucible Steel Co.
Seiko Co. DPN: 175 UTS: 570 EIon: 22% Proof: 370
CRO 13Mo 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 13% Cr steel: Officine Metallurgiche CRUCIBLE 446 0.2% C 25% Cr 0.25% N steel: Annealed; Crucible
CROLOY 12 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr steel: Babcock and Wilcox Steel Co.
(USA) DPN: 180 UTS: 580 EIon: 20% Proof: 370
CROLOY 12AI 0.08% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Babcock and CTXlD 0.08% C (max) 17% Cr 1.7% Mo 1% Nb steel:
Wilcox (USA) Valbruna
CROLOY 18 0.12% C 0.5% Ni 16% Cr steel: Babcock and Wilcox CUTLERY 0.15% C (min) 13% Cr steel: Bar; billet; Brown Bayley
(USA) for BS alloy En 56D
CROLOY22 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 21 % Cr 1.0% Cu steel: Babcock and D 12 Symbol of Durco CAI5; Duriron Co.
Wilcox (USA) D8512 0.2% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Grusstahlwerk
CROLOY27 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 27% Cr steel: Babcock and Wilcox D8514 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 11% CrO.6% Mo 0.6% V steel:
(USA) Origin unknown
CROLOY 27/4/1 0.2% C 4% Ni 25% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Babcock and D8518 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% Vsteel:
Wilcox (USA) Origin unknown
CROMFER 0.015% C (max) 3.7% Ni 28% Cr 2.1% Mo steel: D8518W 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.5% W
2803 Mo VDM steel: Origin unknown
CROMIMPHYI 0.8% C 0.5% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Imphy DARWIN 168 0.75% C 17% Cr steel: Surgical instruments, dies,
bisMo rollers, etc.; Darwin
CROMIMPHY 33 0.3% C 1.0% Ni 12% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Imphy DPN:640
CROMIMPHY 0.08% C 13.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Imphy DAUPHINOX 0.25% C 13% Cr 0.8% Mo stecl: Bonpertius
A8Mo TPMo UTS: 275 Proof: 535
CROMIMPHY 0.15% C (max) 13.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Imphy DlEHARDLC 0.8% C 12% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% V steel: Firth Brown
AIOMo DlLVERO 25% Cr Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy
CROMIMPHY 0.18% C 13.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Imphy DlLVERT 20% Cr Fe alloy: Low expansion; Imphy
AI5Mo DIN 17224 0.19% C 13% Cr steel: For springs; German Standard
CROMIMPHY 0.25% C (max) 13.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Imphy X20 Cr 13
AI8Mo DIN 17440 0.07% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 17% Cr 1.0% Mo
CROMIMPHY 0.22% C 12.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Imphy X6CrMo17 0.05% S (max) 0.045% P (max) steel: Plate; German
A20Mo Standard; annealed
CROMIMPHY 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Imphy DIN 17440 0.08% C (max) 1.30% Cr steel: Plate; German
AlOO7Mo X7Cr 13 Standard; annealed
CROMO·N 0.23% C 0.7% Ni 10% Cr 1.2% Mo I% V0.4% W UTS: 610 Proof: 225
steel: Bethlehem Steel DIN 17440 0.08% C 1.0% Mn (max) 13% Cr 0.03% S (max)
CRUCIBLE 26·1 0.06% C (max) 0.5% Ni 26.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.6% Ti X7 Cr Al 13 0.045% P (max) 0.2% AI steel: Plate; German
0.2% Cu (max) steel: Crucible Steel Co. Standard; annealed
UTS: 530 EIon: 30% Proof: 375 UTS: 560 Proof: 255
CRUCIBLE 401 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; DIN 17440 0.10% C (max) 16.5% Cr steel: Plate; German
Crucible Steel Co. X8 Cr 17 Standard; anncaled
DPN: 250 UTS: 1070 Elon: 20% Proof: 920 UTS: 600 Proof: 275
CRUCIBLE 403 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; DIN 17440 0.1 % C (max) 17.0% Cr 1.2% Nb steel: Plate; German
Crucible Steel Co. X8CrNb17 Standard; annealed
DPN: 200 UTS: 1000 EIon: 20% Proof: 760 UTS: 510 Proof: 275
DIN 17440 0.1 % C (max) 17.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Plate; German
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: X8CrTi 17 Standard; annealed
UTS: 485 Proof: 275
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DIN 17440 0.1% C 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; German Standard;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' XIO Cr 13 annealed
EIon Elongation, % UTS: 610 Proof: 300
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DIN 17440 0.13% C 16.5% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Plate; German
X12 CrMoS17 Standard; annealed
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa UTS: 700 Proof: 310
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DIN 17440 0.14% C 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; German Standard; E410 NiMoT 0.06% C (max) 4.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
XI5 Cr 13 annealed Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
VTS: 760 E410 Ni Mo Ti T 0.03% C (max) 4% Ni 11.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Weld
DIN 17440 0.2% C 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; German Standard; electrode; designation used by AWS
X20 Cr 13 annealed E410T 0.12% C 11.7% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation
VTS: 760 used by AWS
DIN 17440 0.19% C 1.0% Mn (max) 2% Ni 19% Cr 0.03% E42016 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
X22 Cr Ni 17 S (max) 0.045% P (max) steel: Plate; German E430 0.1 % C (max) 16.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode;
Standard; annealed designation used by AWS
DPN: 969 E430T 0.1 % C (max) 16.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode;
DIN 17440 0.45% C 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; German Standard; designation used by AWS
X40 Cr 13 annealed EI747 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 11.2% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.3% V steel:
VTS: 810 Russian specification
DIN 17440 0.46% C 14.4% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.12% Vsteel: Plate; EI755 0.13% C 0.3% Ni 10.9% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.1 % V2% W
X48Cr Mo VI5 German Standard; annealed steel: Russian specification
VTS: 920 EI756 0.12% C 0.7% Ni 11.2% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.25% V 2% W
DIN 17470 0.1% C (max) 20% Cr 4.5% Al steel: Heat conductor: steel: Russian specification
Cr AI 20/5 German Standard EI757 0.12% C 0.7% Ni 11.2% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.25% V 4% W
DIN 17470 25% Cr 5% Al steel: Heat resisting; German Standard steel: Russian specification
Cr AI 25/5 EI802 0.15% C 0.7% Ni 12% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V0.9% W
DIN 17470 0.1 % C (max) 29% Cr 4.5% AI steel: Heat conductor; steel: Russian specification
Cr Al 30/5 German Standard EI961 0.13% C 1.6% Ni 11.2% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.2% V 1.7% W
ON 0.18% C 1.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Osborn; obsolete steel: Russian specification
VTS: 840 Elon: 20% Proof: 610 E1993 0.2% C 0.1 % Ni 12% Cr 0.4% Mo 0.3% V 0.6% W
DN5 0.17% C 1.5% Ni 17% Crsteel: Osborn steel: Russian specification
VTS: 840 Elon: 20% Proof: 610 EC26.1 0.01 % C (max) 26.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld
DNH 0.22% C 1.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Valve seats, etc.; electrode; designation used by AWS
Osborn; obsolete EC410 0.12% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode;
VTS: 840 Elon: 20% Proof: 610 designation used by AWS
DOMINIAL 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Kind and Co EC410Ni Mo 0.06% C (max) 4.5% Ni 11.7% CrO.5% Mo steel:
RM 13Mo Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
DOUBLE TWELVE 0.32% C 12% Cr 1% V 12% Wsteel: Pressure die EC420 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used
casting moulds; Edgar Allen byAWS
DPN: 450 EC430 0.1 % C (max) 16.2% Cr steel: Weld electrode;
DSC 0.35% C 13.5% Cr steel: Darwin designation used by AWS
DPN: 610 EDI2 0.2% C 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Origin
DTD97B 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Tube; annealed unknown
VTS 420 Proof: 270 EDI2G 0.18% C (max) 0.7% Ni 11 % Cr 1% Mo 0.3% Vsteel:
DTD 161A 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Annealed Origin unknown
UTS: 530 EDI2W 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% Wsteel: Origin
DTD203B 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Tube; hardened and tempered unknown
VTS: 920 Proof: 760 EK 0.3% C 31% Cr steel: Annealed; static furnace
DTD271 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Strip; hardened and tempered equipment; Osborn
VTS: 1550 Proof: 1210 VTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
DTD326A 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Wire for springs; hardened and En56A 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Designation used in BS970;
tempered; not engine valve springs replaced by 41OS21
VTS: 1420 En56AM 0.12% C 13% Cr 0.12% S steel: Designation used in
DTD 525 0.3% C 12% Cr 0.7% S 0.5% P steel: Hardened and BS970; replaced by 416S21
tempered; free machining En 56B 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Designation used in BS970;
DPN: 240 VTS: 760 Elon: 15% Proof: 420 replaced by 420S29
DTD715 0.25% C 2% Ni 18% Cr 0.3% S steel: Hardened and En 56BM 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.17% S steel: Designation used in
tempered; free cutting BS970; replaced by 416S37
DPN: 270 VTS: 920 Elon: 15% En 56C 0.22% C 13% Cr steel: Designation used in BS970.;
DTD 5046 12% Cr Mo V steel: Sheet and strip replaced by 420S37
VTS: 1020 En56D 0.28% C 13% Cr steel: Designation used in BS970;
DTD 5065 12% Cr steel: For bolts, studs, etc.; heat resisting replaced by 420S45
VTS: 1100 En 57 0.25% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Designation used in
DUNELT61 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy En 56A BS970; replaced by 431S29
DUNELT62 0.22% C 12% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy En 56B En 59 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 20% Cr steel: For valves; designation
DUNELT63 0.25% C 1% Ni 18% Cr steel: Dunford for BS alloy En used in BS970; replaced by 443S65
57 En 60 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Designation used in BS970;
DURCOCAI5 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Ni (max) 12.5% Cr 0.5% replaced by 430S15
Mo (max) steel: Casting; Duriron Co. En 61 0.12% C 21 % Cr steel: Obsolete
VTS: 630 Elon: 18% Proof: 460 ENDUROFC 0.13% C 0.4% Ni 12.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Fiat
E409T 0.1% C (max) 12% Cr 1% Ti steel: Weld electrode; ENGINEERING 0.15% C (min) 13% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; Brown
designation used by AWS Bayley for BS alloy En56C
E410 0.12% C (max) 12.2% Cr steel: Weld electrode; EP65 0.23% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 1% Mo 1% V 1% Wsteel:
designation used by AWS Russian specification
E410Ni Mo 0.06% C (max) 4.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: ER410Ni Mo 0.04% C 4% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Electrode;
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS Metrode
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ER420 0.32% C 13% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation Fl20 0.07% C 21 % Cr steel: Firth Vickers
used by AWS VTS: 486 Elon: 30%
ER446 LR 0.015% C (max) 26.2% Cr steel: Weld electrode; FITi 0.06% C (max) 1.0% Ni (max) 11.5% Cr 0.5% Ti
designation used by AWS steel: Firth Vickers
ER505 0.1 % C (max) 9.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld electrode; FLUGINOX5l 0.05% C 12.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% Al steel: Ugine
designation used by AWS FLUGINOX60 0.25% C 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Ugine
ERA HR4 29% Cr steel: Casting; Hadfields for BS 1648B FLUGINOX62 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V 1% Wsteel:
ERA HR4 HARD High C 29% Cr steel: Casting; Hadfields for BS 1648C Uginc
EVI 0.45% C 4.8% Ni 23% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: For exhaust FLUGlNOX65 0.22% C 11% Cr 1% Mo steel: Ugine
valves; designation used by SAE FNZ 0.25% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Firth Vickers
VTS: 920 Elon: 3% DPN: 386 VTS: 1300 Elon: 15% Proof: 1140
EV2 0.4% C 3.8% Ni 24% Cr 1.4% Mo steel: For exhaust FOREMOST 14 Cr 0.12-0.35% C 13% Cr range of steels: Swift Levick for
valves; designation used by SAE BS alloys En 56 A, Band C
VTS: 1070 Elon: 3% FOREMOST 467 0.25% C 1% Ni 18% Cr steel: Swift Levick for BS alloy
EXD5 0.3% C 12% Cr 1.1 % V 12% Wsteel: Extrusion dies En 57
for brass, etc.; Balfour FOREMOST HR 2 0.2% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Casting; annealed; Swift
DPN: 395 Levick
FI 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Ugine DPN: 150 VTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 340
F 15 0.12% C 13% Cr 0.75% S steel: Free machining; Ugine FOREMOST IRON 0.12% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Hardened and
F 17 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Ugine tempered; Swift Levick
FAGERSTA RlOO 0.05% C 14.5% Cr steel: Fagersta DPN: 170 VTS: 600 Elon: 30%
FAGERSTA R290 0.05% C 17.5% Cr steel: For oil burners; Fagersta FV 403 0.12% C 12% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; Firth
FAGERSTA R700 0.2% C 13.5% Cr steel: For cUlling tools; Fagersta Vickers
FAGERSTA R710 0.3% C 13.5% Cr steel: For cUlling tools; Fagersta DPN: 172 VTS: 570 Elon: 33% Proof: 360
FAGERSTA R720 0.4% C 13.5% Cr steel: For cUlling tools; Fagersta FV 406 0.1 % C 13% Cr 4.25% Al steel: High electrical
FAGERSTA R730 0.5% C 13.5% Cr steel: For cUlling tools; Fagersta resistance; 1350 microhm mm at 600 'C; Firth Vickers
FAGERSTA R740 0.3% C 0.4% Ni 14.0% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: For cUlling VTS: 610 Elon: 25% Proof: 450
tools; Fagersta FV 410 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: hardened and tempered; Firth
FAL 0.1 % C 13% Cr 4.2% AI steel: High electrical Vickers
resistance; Firth Vickers DPN: 172 VTS: 570 Elon: 33% Proof: 360
VTS: 610 Elon: 25% Proof: 450 FV 420 0.25% C 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; Firth
FAS 0.43% C 11.5% Cr steel: Firth Vickers Vickers
DPN: 240 VTS: 760 Elon: 20% Proof: 530 DPN: 450 VTS: 1500 Elon: 18% Proof: 1350
FCI 0.1 % C 13% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Free machining; Firth FV 430 0.06% C 16.5% Cr steel: Firth Vickers
Vickers DPN: 170 VTS: 530 Elon: 32% Proof: 330
DPN: 186 VTS: 630 Elon: 28% Proof: 420 FV 431 0.16% C 2.5% Ni 16% Cr steel: Firth Vickers
FCS 0.2% C 0.4% Mn 13% Cr 0.23% S steel: Free DPN: 386 VTS: 1300 Elon: 15% Proof: 1140
machining; Firth Vickers FV 440B 0.8% C 16.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Firth Vickers
DPN: 220 VTS: 600 Elon: 25% Proof: 440 DPN:600
FECRALLOY 0.03% C (max) 18.5% Cr 4.6% Al 0.2% Y steel: FV 446 0.09% C 1.8% Ni 29% Cr steel: Firth Vickers
Resistalloy Ltd; oxidation resistant; annealed DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 25%
VTS: 510 Elon: 23% Proof: 375 FV448 0.1% CO.75% Ni 11% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Firth Vickers
FG 0.25% C 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; Firth VTS: 940 Elon: 17% Proof: 800
Vickers FV 507 0.12% C 10.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.15% V 0.4% Nb steel:
DPN: 450 VTS: 1500 Elon: 18% Proof: 1350 Casting; Firth Vickers; ferrite stainless steel; hardened
FG(L) 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; Firth and tempered
Vickers DPN: 300 VTS: 970 Elon: 12% Proof: 820
DPN: 450 VTS: 1500 Elon: 18% Proof: 1350 FV 535 0.07% C 0.3% Ni 10.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 6% Co steel:
FH 0.25% C 13% Cr steel: Firth Vickers Creep resistant; Firth Vickers
FHM 0.8% C 16.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Firth Vickers VTS: 1020 Elon: 18% Proof: 880
DPN:600 FV 566 0.12% C 2.3% Ni 11.5% Cr 1.4% Mo 0.15% V 0.3%
FI 0.12% C 0.7% Ni 12% Cr steel: Hardened and Nb steel: Firth Vickers
tempered; Firth Vickers FV607 0.15% C 0.6% Ni II % Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% V steel:
DPN: 172 VTS: 570 Elon: 33% Proof: 360 Hardened and tempered; Firth Vickers
FI17 0.08% C 2.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Hardened and VTS: 986 Elon: 23% Proof: 820
tempered; Firth Vickers; sheet FY 702 0.03% C 2.5% Ni 15.7% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.5% Nb steel:
DPN: 175 UTS: 840 Elon: 28% Proof: 360 Firth Vickers
FVFl 0.08% C 13% Cr steel: For turbine blades; Firth
VTS: 610 Elon: 33% Proof: 390
FX 0.1 % C 21 % Cr steel: Annealed; furnace and domestic
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: equipment; Osborn
VTS: 450 Elon: 30% Proof: 300
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number G85 0.06% C 20.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 13.5% W3.0% Ti 1.5%
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 AI steel: Jessop; scale or creep resistant
Elon Elongation, % G 4301 Secll 0.15% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Japanese Standard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 G 4301 Secl4 0.15% C (min) 13% Cr steel: Japanese Standard
G 4301 Sec/5 0.12% C 16% Cr steel: Japanese Standard
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in 2 =1 MPa GALA 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy BSIS61
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GALAHADA 0.12% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Wrought; Hadfields for GOST 563212 0.25% C 0.8% Mn 2.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Plate;
BS alloy En 56A KHI7N2 Russian Standard
VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 360 GOST 5632/3 KH 13 0.3% C 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian Standard;
GALAHADAFC 0.12% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.75% Ssteel: Free annealed
machining; Hadfields for BS alloy En 56AM VTS: 550
GALAHADB 0.16% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Wrought; Hadfields for GOST 5632/3 0.3% C 7.2% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Russian Standard
BS alloy En 56B KH13N7S2
VTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 440 GOST 563214 KHI3 0.4% C 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian Standard;
GALAHADBFC 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.75% Ssteel: Free annealed
machining; Hadfields for BS alloy En 56BM UTS: 520
GALAHADC 0.21% C 1% Ni 13% Crsteel: Wrought; Hadfields for GOST 5632115 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.22% V
BS alloy En 56C KHI2VMF 0.9% Wsteel: Plate; Russian Standard
VTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 GOST 5632 KH13N3 0.11% C 2.6% Ni 13.5% Cr steel: Plate; Russian
GALAHADCFC 0.21 % C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.75% Ssteel: Free Standard
machining; Hadfields for BS alloy En 56CM GOST 5632 KHI4 0.15% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) 14.0% Cr steel: Plate;
GALAHADD 0.3% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En Russian Standard
56D GOST 5632 0.12% C (max) 1.25% Ni 14.0% Cr steel: Plate;
GALAHADDFC 0.3% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.75% Ssteel: Free KHI4GI4N Russian Standard
machining; Hadfields for BS alloy En 56DM GOST5632 0.1 % C (max) 3.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
GALAHADE 0.25% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy KHI4Gl4N13T Russian Standard
En 57 GOST 5632 KH17 0.12% C (max) 17.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian
GALAHADF 0.12% C 0.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Hadfields for BS alloy Standard; annealed
En 60 VTS: 450 Proof: 280
GASC 0.5% C 14% Cr steel: Jonas; plastic moulds GOST 5632 0.15% C (max) 0.6% Ni (max) 17.0% Cr 0.45% N
DPN: 480 KHI7AGI4 steel: Russian Standard
GASD 0.35% C 14% Cr steel: Jonas; plastic moulds GOST 5632 0.15% C (max) 17.0% Cr 0.35% N steel: Plate;
DPN:460 KHI7AGI4 Russian Standard
GILBRUNIO 0.12% C (max) 13.0% Cr steel: Wire; Gilly Brunton; GOST'5632 0.12% C (max) 4.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 0.2% N steel:
annealed KHI7G9AN4 Russian Standard
VTS: 500 Elon: 33% Proof: 310 GOST 5632 KHI7H2 0.14% C 0.8% Mn (max) 2% Ni 19% Cr 0.025%
GILBRUN Cr 17 0.07% C 17.0% Cr steel: Wire; Gilly Brunton S (max) 0.03% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard;
VTS: 540 Elon: 33% Proof: 340 solution treated
GILBRUN Cr 20 0.07% C (max) 20.0% Cr steel: Wire; Gilly Brunton VTS: 1100 Proof: 800
VTS: 540 Elon: 33% Proof: 340 GOST5632 0.15% C (max) 0.5% Mn (max) 18.5% Cr 0.85% AI
GOST 5632/0 KH2 0.08% C (max) 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.45% Ti steel: KHI8SIU steel: Plate; Russian Standard; annealed
N5T Plate; Russian Standard UTS: 500 Proof: 300
GOST 5632/0 KHI3 0.08% C (max) 0.6% Mn (max) 12% Cr 0.025% GOST 5632 KH2ST 0.15% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 25% Cr 0.8% Ti
S (max) 0.03% P (max): Russian Standard; annealed 0.025% S (max) 0.035% P steel: Plate; Russian
steel plate Standard
VTS: 400 VTS: 450 Proof: 300
GOST 563210 0.08% C (max) 17.0% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Plate; Russian GOST 5632 KH28 0.15% C (max) 29.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian
KHI7T Standard; annealed Standard
GOST 5632/1 KHII 0.16% C 10.7% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.32% Wsteel: Russian GOST 5632 0.15% C 1.3% Ni 26.5% Cr 0.2% N steel: Plate;
MF Standard KH28AN Russian Standard
GOST 563211 0.13% C 1.7% Ni 11.2% Cr0.42% Mo 0.2% V 1.8% GOST 9940/0 KHI3 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
KHI2N2VMF Wsteel: Plate; Russian Standard Standard; seamless
GOST 563211 0.1 % C 13.0% Cr 1.4% AI steel: Russian Standard VTS: 380
KHI2SIU GOST9940/O 0.08% C (max) 17.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST 563211 0.9% C 13.0% Cr 1.4% AI steel: Plate; Russian KHI7T Standard; seamless
KHI2SIU Standard GOST 9940/1 KHI3 0.12% C 0.6% Mn (max) 13.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
GOST5632/1 0.13% C 12.0% Cr 0.75% Mo 0.2% V 2.0% Wsteel: Russian Standard; seamless
KHI2V2MF Plate; Russian Standard UTS: 400
GOST 563211 0.15% C 0.6% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.25% V0.9% GOST9940/1 KHI7 0.12% C (max) 17.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
KHI2VNMF Wsteel: Plate; Russian Standard Standard; seamless
GOST5632/1 0.12% C 2.7% Ni 13.5% Cr steel: Russian Standard UTS: 450
KH13N3 GOST 9940 KH28 0.15% C (max) 28.5% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST 563211 KHl3 0.12% C 0.6% Mn (max) 13% Cr 0.025% S (max) Standard; seamless
0.03% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard; UTS: 450
annealed GOST 9940 KH28 T 0.15% C (max) 25.5% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Pipe; Russian
VTS: 550 Proof: 280 Standard; seamless
GOST5632/1 0.14% C 2.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Russian Standard VTS: 450
KH17N2 GOST994110 KHI3 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST 563211 0.12% C 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Plate; Standard; seamless
KH21N5T Russian Standard VTS: 380
GOST 563212 0.18% C 12.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V 0.6% W0.3% Nb GOST9941/0 0.08% C (max) 17.0% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Pipe; Russian
KHI2VMBMR 0.003% B steel: Plate; Russian Standard KHI7T Standard; seamless
GOST 5632/2 KHI3 0.2% C 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian Standard; GOST994111 KHI3 0.12% C 13.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
annealed seamless
VTS: 500 Proof: 250 VTS: 408
GOST 563212 0.22% C 4.2% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian
KH13N4G9 Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST9941 KHI7 0.12% C (max) 17.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian HARDTRODE 84.42 0.12% C 0.3% Mn 13.0% Cr steel: For electrodes;
Standard; seamless Esab
VIS: 450 DPN:460
GOST 9941 KH25T 0.15% C (max) 25.5% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Pipe; Russian HARDIRODE 84.52 0.25% C 0.3% Mn 13.0% Cr steel: For electrodes;
Standard; seamless Esab
VTS: 450 DPN: 500
GOST 10498/1 0.12% C 13% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Pipe; Russian HC 0.5% C 4% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting
KH13S2M2 Standard; seamless Huntington; aged
VTS: 550 VIS: 820 Elon: 18% Proof: 530
GOST 10802/1 0.13% C 0.65% Mn 11.0% Cr 0.75% Mo 0.2% V 2.0% HC30 0.3% C 4% Ni (max) 28% Cr steel: Casting;
KHlIB2MF W0.32% Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; designation used in the UK and USA
seamless HCA 0.3% C 12% Cr 0.7% V 12% Wsteel: Braeburn; AISI
VIS: 600 Proof: 400 type H23
GOST 14162/1 KH13 0.12% C 0.6% Mn (max) 13.0% Cr steel: Capillary HD 0.5% C 5.5% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
tube; Russian Standard Huntington; as cast
GOST 14162/2 KHl3 0.2% C 13.0% Cr steel: Capillary tube; Russian VIS: 610 Elon: 16% Proof: 330
Standard HD50 0.5% C 5.5% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; designation
GQ 0.85% C 17% Cr steel: Osborn; ball races, gears, etc.; used in the UK and USA
obsolete HECLA HGT4 0.16% C 11.2% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V0.02% B steel:
VIS: 760 Elon: 20% Proof: 370 Hadfields
GREEK ASCOLOY 0.17% C 2.0% Ni 13% Cr 3.0% Wsteel: Firth Sterling; HECLASNS 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 19% Cr 2% Si steel: Hadfields for BS
hardened and tempered alloy En 59
VIS: 1000 Elon: 20% Proof: 760 HEDEX5 0.12% C (max) 17% Cr steel: Wire for forging;
GREEK ASCOLOY 0.17% C 2% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo 3% Wsteel: Kiveton Park; annealed
Carpenter VIS: 630
GX 5 Cr Ni 13.4 0.07% C 3.7% Ni 13.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; HNV6 0.8% C 1.3% Ni 20% Cr 2.3% Si steel: For valves;
designation used by Swiss Standards designation used by SAE
GX 5 Cr Ni 13.4 0.07% C 4.2% Ni 12.7% CrO.7% Mo (max) steel: HNV8 0.23% C 0.8% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 1% W
Casting; designation used by German Standards steel: For valves; SAE designation
VIS: 850 Elon: 10% Proof: 580 HRM2MI 0.15% C 13.0% Cr 1.15% Mo steel: Henricot
H23 0.3% C 12.0% Cr 12.0% Wsteel: Designation used by HRM2M2 0.20% C 13.0% Cr 1.15% Mo steel: Henrico!
AISI HT9 0.2% C 0.55% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.1 % Mo 0.3% V 0.5% W
H 29 0.8% C 0.4% Mn 1.4% Ni 20% Cr 2% Si steel: Jessop steel: Sandvik
for BS alloy En 59 HWT AQUALLOY 0.07% C (max) 18% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Origin unknown
H46 0.16% C 0.6% Ni 11.5% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.3% V steel: HWX 0.36% C 5.8% Ni 13.5% Cr 0.65% V2.8% Wsteel: for
Jessop hot working; origin unknown
H 53 0.08% C 0.7% Ni 10% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.4% V0.5% W HYFLOW420R 0.14% C 12% Cr steel: Wear resistant; British Steel
6.5% Co 0.4% Nb steel: Jessop; high creep strength Armour Products
H 59 0.07% C 3% Ni II% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% Vsteel: Jessop HYFORM409 Oxidation resistant stainless steel: British Steel
VIS: 1070 Elon: 20% Proof: 1000 Stainless
H 100 0.1% C (max) 23.8% Cr 1.45% Al steel: YEW; heat ICN 0.2% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Ni 14.0% Cr steel: Origin
resistant unknown
H 102 0.12% C (max) 26.8% Cr 0.1 % N steel: YEW; heat IMMUNIT 0.1 % C 0.45% Ni 12.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Bochum
resistant RIO/l3 Mo Ni
H 120 0.12% C (max) 18% Cr 1.05% AI steel: YEW; heat IMMUNIT 0.15% C 13.0% Cr 0.30% Mo steel: Bochum
resistant R12/13 Mo A
H 140 0.12% C (max) 12.5% Cr 0.95% Al steel: YEW; heat IMMUNIT 0.15% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Bochum
resistant R15/13 Mo
H 300 0.13% C 4.0% Ni 24.8% Cr steel: YEW; heat resistant IMMUNIT 0.2% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Bochum
H304 0.2% C 4.0% Ni 25% CrO.1% N steel: YEW; heat R20113 Mo
resistant IMMUNIT 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% Wsteel: Origin
HAl Fe Cr AI15 15% Cr 4.5% AI Fe alloy for resistance heating weld: R2213 unknown
Harrison Alloy IMPERIALCT 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Edgar Allen for BS alloy En 56D
HAl Fe Cr Al 20 15% Cr 5% Al Fe alloy for resistance heating weld: IMPERIALEQ 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Edgar Allen for BS alloy En 56C
Harrison Alloy IMPERIALRI 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Edgar Allen
HAl Fe Cr AI 25 23% Cr 5.5% Al Fe alloy for resistance heating weld: IMPERIAL RlO 0.06% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Edgar Allen
Harrison Alloy IMPERIAL S80 0.25% C 1.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Edgar Allen for BS
HARDlNOX3 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Pompey alloy En 57
HARDINOX4 0.4% C 13% Cr steel: Pompey INCOLOY HA 956 20% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% Ti 4.5% Al Fe alloy: Inco
INOFOI 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Forez
INOF02 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Forez
Note. Ihe following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: INOF04 0.1 % C 17% Cr steel: Forez
INOF04S 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Forez
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number INOF05 0.18% C 1.5% Ni 16% Cr steel: Forez
VIS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 INOXI 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Pompey
Elon Elongation, % INOXIF 0.12% C 13% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% S steel: Pompey; free
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 machining
VIS: 760 Elon: 15% Proof: 580
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2=0.06475tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa INOX2 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 13% Cr steel: Pompey
See Appendix" for other abbreviations and conversion tables. INOX3 0.3% C 0.4% Ni 13% Cr steel: Pompey
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
INOX 16 0.08% C 0.4% Ni 17% Cr steel: Pompey 1IS G4304 SUS434 0.12% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.6% Ni (max) 17%
VTS: 480 Elon: 17% Proof: 240 Cr 1.0% Mn 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel:
INOX 17T 0.1 % C 16% Cr steel: Pompey Plate; Japanese Standard; annealed
INOX430F 0.1% C 0.4% Ni 17% Cr steel: Pompey VTS: 460 Proof: 210
VTS: 530 Elon: 21 % Proof: 330 1IS G4312 SUH446 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 2.5% Cr steel: Plate; Japanese
INOX431 0.15% C 2.25% Ni 16% Cr steel: Pompey; hardened Standard; solution treated
and tempered VTS: 570 Proof: 210
VTS: 870 Elon: 14% Proof: 730 K20L 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Zapp
INOXESCO 13 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 13% CrO.6% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: K92801 0.12% C (max) 28% Cr steel: Designation used by
Origin unknown UNS
INVENTOR 0.15% C (min) 13% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; Brown KALKOS 0.3% C 12% Cr 1.0% V 12% Wsteel: Latrobe;
Hayley for BS alloy En 56B extrusion and forging dies for brass; type H23
IOXKM 0.11% C 12.75% Cr 0.50% Mo steel: Nazionale Cogne DPN: 390
IRRUBIGO I Mo 0.15% C 13.0% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Schmidt and KANTHALAI 0.06% C 23% Cr 2.0% Co 5.5% AI Fe alloy: Kanthal
Clemens AB; for furnace elements
IRRUBIGO 2 Mo 0.18% C 13.0% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Schmidt and DPN: 230 VTS: 770 Elon: 20% Proof: 550
Clemens KANTHALAF 22% Cr 6% AI Fe alloy: Kanthal AB; for heating
JRALLOY I 0.15% C (max) 13% CrO.7% Ti 4% Al steel: elements
Carpenter; for electrical resistance KANTHAL APM 22% Cr 5.8% AI Fe alloy: Kanthal AB; for heating
JRALLOY2 0.15% C (max) 13% CrO.7% Ti 3.5% AI steel: elements
Carpenter; for electrical resistance KANTHALD 0.1 % C 22% Cr 2.0% Co 5.7% AI Fe alloy: Kanthal
J R ALLOY 3 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.7% Ti 3% AI steel: AB; for furnace elements
Carpenter; for electrical resistance DPN: 200 VTS: 700 Elon: 20% Proof: 550
JETHETE 0.14% C 2.4% Ni 12.0% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.35% V0.05% KARONI 40/13 Mo 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Kabel
Nsteel: Origin unknown KE 15 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison; hardened and
JETHETE MI40 0.08% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Samuel Fox tempered for plastic dies
JETHETE M151 0.1 % C 1.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: VTS: 760
Samuel Fox; weldable KE25 0.25% C 13% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison for BS alloy En
VTS: 930 Elon: 10% Proof: 786 56C
JETHETE MI52 0.1 % C 2.5% Ni 12% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: KE35 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison
Samuel Fox; creep resisting; weldable KE40A 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: For free cutting agent; Kayser
VTS: 1040 Elon: 20% Proof: 786 Ellison for BS alloy En 56AM
JETHETE MI53 0.15% C 2% Ni 12% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Samuel Fox; KE43 0.17% C 1.75% Ni 17% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison for BS
creep resistant; weldable alloy En 57
UTS: 840 Elon: 24% Proof: 610 KEA28 0.45% C 1% Ni 13.75% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison;
JETHETE MI54 0.1 % C 2.5% Ni 12.0% Cr 17.5% Mo 0.37% Vsteel: hardened and tempered for plastic dies
Samuel Fox; hardened and tempered DPN: 560
VTS: 650 Elon: 11 % Proof: 570 KEA 138 0.35% C 12% Cr 1.05% V 12% Wsteel: Kayser Ellison
JETHETE MI60 0.2% C 1.25% Ni 12% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.4% V 0.7% Nb for hot hobbing
steel: Samuel Fox; creep resistant KEA203 0.85% C 17.5% Cr 0.55% Mo steel: Kayser Ellison
VTS: 1Il0 Elon: 20% Proof: 870 KEA 505 0.17% C 1.75% Ni 17.0% Cr with Se steel: Free
JETHETE MI90 0.13% C 2.7% Ni 12% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.3% V 1.5% Co machining; Kayser Ellison
steel: Samuel Fox KEA508 0.25% C 13.0% Cr with Se: Free machining; Kayser
1IS G3446 SUS410 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Tube for structural; Ellison
Japanese Standard KK BREARLEY 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Bar, billet, etc,;
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 56AM
1IS G3446 SUS430 0.15% C (max) 17.0% Cr steel: Tube for structural; KK ENGINEERING 0.21% C 13% Cr with Se Zr or Mo steel: Bar, billet,
Japanese Standard etc.; Brown Bayley for BS En 56CM
VTS: 420 Proof: 256 KK TWOSCORE 0.25% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Brown Bayley; free
1IS G3463 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Pipe; Japanese cutting form of BS alloy En 57
SUS410TB Standard KORROSIL2M 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Klockner-Werke
VTS: 420 Proof: 210 KPI 0.13% C 12.2% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: USSR
1IS 03463 0.12% C (max) 17.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Japanese KP27 0.25% C (max) 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Kiveton Park for
SUS430TB Standard BS alloy En 57
UTS: 420 Proof: 210 KP28 0.25% C 13% Cr steel: Kiveton Park for BS alloy En
JISG4304 SUS403 0.15% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.6% Ni 12% Cr steel: 56C
Plate; Japanese Standard; annealed KP29 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Kiveton Park for BS
UTS: 450 Proof: 210 alloy En 56A
JIS G4304 SUS405 0.08% C (max) 1.0% Mn (max) 0.6% Ni (max) 13% KV7 0.12% C 0.7% Ni 11.2% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.25% V 4% W
Cr 0.03% S0.04% P (max) 0.2% AI steel: Plate; steel: Russian specification
Japanese Standard; annealed LANGALLOY 6V 0.08% C 0.6% Ni 12% Cr 0.2% Al steel: Langley
VTS: 420 Proof: 186 Alloys
1IS G4304 SUS410 0.15% C 12.5% Cr steel: Plate; Japanese Standard; LANGALLOY SOV 0.2% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Langley Alloys
annealed UTS: 870 Elon: 16% Proof: 656
VTS: 450 Proof: 210 LAPELLOY 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 11.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.25% Vsteel:
JIS G4304 SUS429 0.12% C (max) 15.00% Cr steel: Plate; Japanese Latrobe Steel: hardened and tempered
Standard; annealed DPN: 231 UTS: 1070 E10n: 15% Proof: 840
UTS: 460 Proof: 210 LAPELLOYC 0.22% C 11.5% Cr 2.75% Mo 2% Cu steel: Latrobe
1IS G4304 SUS430 0.12% C (max) 17.0% Cr steel: Plate; Japanese Steel
Standard; annealed
VTS: 460 Proof: 210
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
LESCALLOY 5616 0.18% C 2.0% Ni 13% Cr 3.0% Wsteel: Latrobe Steel MARKER EDI2G 0.18% C (max) 0.7% Ni 11% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel:
hardened and tempered Origin unknown
DPN: 321 VTS: 1030 Elon: 17% Proof: 880 MARKER EDl2W 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.5% Wsteel: Origin
LINCO 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 11.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.25% V steel: unknown
Latrobe Steel; hardened and tempered MARKER EPI2 0.2% C 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Origin
DPN: 331 UTS: 1070 Elon: 15% Proof: 840 unknown
LOWSCORE 0.2% C 20% Cr steel: Bar, billets, etc.; Brown Bayley MARKERSI4M 0.18% C 13% Cr 1.15% Mo steel: Schmidt and
for BS alloy En 61 Clemens
LSI 0.08% C 13% Cr steel: Low Moor for BS/S61; MAXHETE3 0.2% C (max) 28% Cr steel: Edgar Allen; furnace
annealed; obsolete equipment
LS 16 0.1% C 17% Cr steel: Low Moor for BS alloy En 60; MB 0.08% C 15% Cr steel: Osborn; annealed for cutlery;
obsolete obsolete
LS22 0.1 % C 21 % Cr steel: Low Moor for BS alloy En 61; UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 450
obsolete MB2 0.1 % C 17% Cr steel: Osborn; annealed; cutlery,
LS61 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Low Moor for BS/S61; obsoletc motor trim; obsolete
LS 62 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Low Moor for BS/S62; obsolete UTS: 600 Elon: 32% Proof: 370
LS 80 0.18% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Low Moor for BS S80; MEL-TROL H46 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% V 0.06% N
ohsoletc steel: Carpenter
LSCUT 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Low Moor; for cutlcry; ohsolcte MEL-TROL 0.35% C 13.0% Cr steel: Carpenter
DPN: 480 VTS: 1550 Elon: 3% Proof: 1330 STAINLESS 2
LSCUTIHC 0.4% C 13% Cr steel: For cutlery; Low Moor; high METC042C 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Wire for spraying; coarser
carbon LS Cut; obsolete grade than 42F; Metco
VTS: 650 DPN: 360
LT54 0.1 % C (max) 13% Cr stcel: Low Moor; can hc METC042F 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Powder for spraying;
carhurizcd for die steel: obsolete Metco; finer grade than 42C
LT55 0.25% C 13% Cr steel: Low Moor; die steel; obsolete DPN: 420
DPN:480 METC0463 Cr Fe stainless steel: Spray deposit; Metco
LV 19 0.85% C 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.5% V steel: Low Moor; DPN: 270
valve steel; obsolete METC0465 Cr Fe stainless steel: Spray deposit; Metco
DPN: 340 DPN: 270
LV 20 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 20% Cr 2.0% Si steel: Low Moor; METCOLOY2 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Wire for spraying; Metco.; as
valve steel; obsolete sprayed
DPN:340 DPN: 284 UTS: 270
LV 24 0.45% C 4.7% Ni 24% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Low Moor; MET-MAX 25.5 O. I% C 5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrude
valve steel; obsolete MIDVAC422 0.25% CO.9% Ni 12% CrO.9% MoO.2% V 1% W
MIOFIRTH Martensitic stainless steel sinter: Firth Cleveland; steel: Origin unknown
CLEVELAND specific gravity 6.4-6.8 hardened and tempered MIL-S-16993 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel
VTS: 590 Elon: 1% MIL-S-81591 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr steel: Casting; type 420; US
MI52 0.1% C 2.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.3% V steel Federal specification
M300 0.38% C 0.8% Ni 16.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: YEW MINOX 10 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Pompey; hardened and tempered
M310 0.43% C 13.5% Cr steel: YEW DPN: 380 UTS: 1200 Elon: 6% Proof: 1000
MAFERITE 14 14% Cr steel: Pompey MINOXI5 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pompey; castings
UTS: 2000 MINOX20 0.2% C 14% Cr steel: Pompey; hardened and tempered
MAFERITE 17 17% Cr steel: Pompey UTS: 1500 Elon: 4% Proof: 1200
UTS:2400 MINOX30 0.3% C 14% Cr steel: Pompey; hardened and tempered
MAFERITE20 20% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pompey UTS: 1800 Elon: 4% Proof: 1400
VTS: 2500 MINOX 1610 0.1 % C 16% Cr steel: Pompey
MAFERlTE25 25% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Pompey DPN: 170 VTS: 520 Proof: 280
VTS: 2500 MINOX 1620 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Pompey; hardened and
MAFERITE 25A 25% Cr 1.5% Si 1.5% AI steel: Pompey tempered
MAFERITE 28N 4% Ni 28% Cr steel: Pompey VTS: 1300 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000
MAFERITE30 30% Cr steel: Pompey MINOX 1820 0.15% C 1.0% Ni 19% Cr steel: Pompey; annealed
VTS: 2500 DPN: 190 VTS: 550 Proof: 300
MAFERITE 30P 30% Cr + Mo steel: Pompey MNC900 General standard for SS range of stainless steels;
MALURECHER FI2 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Origin Swedish Standard
unknown MOLY ASCOLOY 0.08% C 13% Cr 2% Mo steel: American proprietary
MANNESMANN- 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 1.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Origin alloy listed in SAE yearbook
STAHL FI2 unknown MOSITLOWC 4% Ni 25% Cr 4% Mo Ti stabilized steel: Origin
MTSI 0.18% C 11.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Deutsche
MTS5 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Origin unknown
MTS6 0.17% C 0.6% Ni 11.5% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.25% V steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Origin unknown
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 N23 0.32% C 14% Cr steel: Vulcan; hardened and
Elon Elongation, % tempered
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 UTS: 1140 EIon: 33%
Nl00 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: YEW
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in.2=145.04lbflin 2 =1 MPa NI04 0.06% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: YEW
See Appendix II for other abhreviations and conversion tables. NI06 0.07% C (max) 14.3% Cr steel: YEW
NI08 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: YEW
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
N200 0.08% C (max) 16.5% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: YEW NVR7-4 0.12% C 0.45% Mn 9.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
N310 0.13% C 16.5% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: YEW Designation used by DNV
N315 0.14% C 12.5% Crsteel: YEW NVR 7·5 0.22% C (max) 0.6% Mn 0.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.0% Mo
N320 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: YEW steel: Designation used by DNV
N350 0.17% C 1.8% Ni 16.5% Cr steel: YEW NYBY 141OMo 0.08% C 14.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Nyby
N400 0.05% C (max) 4.1 % Ni 13.1 % Cr 0.4% Mo steel: NYBY 1415Mo 0.14% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mosteel: Nyby
YEW OSBORN 405 0.08% C 14% Cr steel: Osborn; previously RPA grade
N404 0.05% C (max) 5.3% Ni 15.4% Cr 0.9% Mo steel: OSBORN 410 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Osborn; previously RP grade
YEW OSBORN 420C 0.18% C 13% Cr steel: Osborn; previously SA grade
N530 0.33% C 13.5% Cr steel: YEW OSBORN 420D 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Osborn; previous PH grade
N540 0.43% C 13.5% Cr steel: YEW OSBORN 430AL 0.12% C (max) 18% Cr 1.0% AI steel: Osborn;
NC2(Mo) 0.85% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Bar and forging; previously MBA grade
Brown Bayley OSBORN 431 0.18% C (max) 1.7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Osborn;
NEUTROTHERM 0.2% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Bohler previously DN grade
KW20M OSBORN440B 0.6% C 17% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Osborn; previously
NF A35 5721Z6C13 0.08% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 12.5% Cr steel: French GQ grade
Standard P4 0.18% C 27.0% Cr steel: Sandvik
NF A35 5721Z6CA13 0.08% C 12.5% Cr 0.2% AI steel: French Standard P 12 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Ugine
NF A35 5721ZSC17 0.10% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 17.0% Cr steel: French P 1000 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy En 56
Standard P 1001 0.16% C 13% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy En 56
NF A35 5721 0.1% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 17.0% Cr 1.1% Mo P 1002 0.21 % C 13% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy En 56
ZSCDI710I steel: French Standard P 1003 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy En 56
NF A35 5721 0.12% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 17.0% Cr 0.6% P 1008 0.35% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Plastic moulds and dies;
ZIOCF17 Mo (max) steel: French Standard Carrs
NF A35 5721Z12C13 0.11 % C 0.5% Ni (max) 12.5% Cr steel: French P 1009 0.18% C 2.1 % Ni 17% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy En
Standard 56
NF A35 5721 0.15% C (max) 13.0% Cr 0.6% Mo (max) steel: P 557 0.08% C (max) 18% Cr 2% Mo steel: SAE potential
ZI2CF13 French Standard specification
NF A35 5721Z20C13 0.20% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr steel: French PANTEG430 0.06% C 17% Cr steel: Sheet
Standard VTS: 540 Elon: 25%
NF A35 5721Z30C13 0.3% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr stcel: French PARALLOYM2 0.2% C (max) 1.3% Cr steel: APV Paramount
Standard PARALLOYM3 0.3% C (max) 13% Cr steel: APV Paramount
NF A35 572/Z40CI4 0.4% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.5% Cr steel: French PARALLOY MI5 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr steel: APV Paramount
Standard PARALLOYML 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: APV Paramount
NF A35 5721 1.05% C 0.5% Ni (max) 17.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) PARALLOY MPH 0.08% C (max) 4% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Cu steel: APV
ZIOOCDI7 steel: French Standard Paramount
NF A35 573/Z6C13 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Plate; French Standard PARALLOY MPH2 0.08% C (max) 4% Ni 1.4% Cr 2% Mo 2.5% Cu steel:
VTS: 480 Proof: 270 APV Paramount
NF A35 573/Z6CA13 0.08% C 12.5% Cr 0.25% AI steel: Plate; French PHEINROHR 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% Wsteel: Origin
Standard MVI2 unknown
NF A35 573/ZSCI7 0.1% C (max) 17.0% Crsteel: Plate; French Standard PHEINROHR 0.2% C 0.4% Ni II % Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Origin
VTS: 500 Proof: 250 MVWI2 unknown
NF A35 5731 0.1% C 1.0% Mn 0.5% Ni (max) 17% Cr 1.0% Mo PHENIXHD32 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 12.75% Cr 0.15% Mo steel: Schoeller-
ZSCDI710I 0.05% S 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; French Standard Bleckmann
VTS: 600 Proof: 290 PHENIX HD 301 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 12.75% Cr 1.15% Mo steel:
NF A35 573/Z12C13 0.12% C 12.5% Cr steel: Plate; French Standard Schoeller·Bleckmann
VTS: 700 Proof: 430 PHENIXHD40 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% Vsteel:
NICRALS 25% C 2.0% Si steel: Imphy Schoeller-Bleckmann
DPN: 190 VTS: 600 Elon: 20% Proof: 400 PHENIXHD50 0.5% C 0.6% Ni 12% Cr 1.1 % Mo 0.3% V 0.5% W
NIROSTA VK5M 0.20% C 13.0% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Krupp steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
NIROSTA VK7M 0.15% C 13.0% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Krupp PKH 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Bar; RTB for BS alloy En 56D
NON STAIN 0.3% C 1.0% Mn 0.5% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Sanderson PKI 0.06% C 17% Cr steel: RTB for BS alloy En 60
NOVO 18/2 0.15% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Jonas PKL 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Bar; RTB for BS alloy En 56A
DPN: 255 VTS: 840 Elon: 25% Proof: 630 PKM 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Bar; RTB for BS alloy En 56C
NOVO AS I 0.1% C 14% Cr steel: Jonas; hardened and tempered PKN 0.15% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Bar; RTB for BS alloy
DPN: 200 VTS: 610 Elon: 30% Proof: 480 En 57
NOVO AS 20 0.1 % C 19% Cr steel: Jonas; annealed PROJECT 70- 0.08% C (max) 18% Cr 2% Mo 0.2% S steel:
DPN: 160 VTS: 570 182FM Carpenter; free machining
NOVO ASFC 0.1 % C 14% Cr 0.35% S steel: Jonas; free cutting PUROMMo 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Hagener
NOVO GAS 0.3% C 14% Cr steel: Jonas PUROM Mo2 0.15% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Hagener
DPN: 207 VTS: 700 Elon: 23% Proof: 530 PYRISTA 0.09% C 1.8% Ni 29% Cr steel: Firth Vickers
NOVOGBS 0.2% C 14% Cr steel: Jonas DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 25%
DPN: 217 VTS: 720 Elon: 26% Proof: 530 PYROMET350 0.08% C 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel:
NOVO NOX Tl31 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Sudwestfalen Carpenter
NOVO NOX TIl3l 0.15% C 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Sudwestfalen PYROMET355 0.1 % C 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel:
NOVOTHERM 0.2% C 30% Cr 0.75% Mo steel: Jonas Carpenter
NSTMI 0.1 % C 0.50% Ni 13.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Japan PYROMET 0.06% C 20% Cr 1% Co 2.3% Ti 1.25% AI steel:
Metal Industries ALLOY BOA Carpenter
NSTM2 0.15% C 0.50% Ni (max) 12.3% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: PYROMET 0.04% C 15% Cr 2.5% Ti 1% Nb 1.2% AI steel:
Japan Metal Industries ALLOY751 Carpenter
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
00 S 763/6 0.15% C 0.5% Ni 13% Cr 0.6% Mo Sand Se steel: US R740 0.3% C 0.4% Ni 14% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Hardened and
Service specification tempered; Fagersta
DPN: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 DPN: 300 UTS: 920 Elon: 9% Proof: 740
00S-763 0.12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel R THERM 2012 Mo 0.2% C 12% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Bochum
RI 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Jessop R THERM2012 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% W
UTS: 720 Elon: 29% Proof: 510 MoWV steel: Origin unknown
R2 0.2% C 0.75% Ni 13% Cr steel: Jessop RCA 33 30% Cr 5.0% AI Fe alloy: Imphy
UTS: 670 Elon: 21 % Proof: 690 RCA 44 20% Cr 5.0% AI Fe alloy: Imphy
R4 0.07% C 4% Ni 25% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Japanese steel RE39 0.2% C 2% Ni 17% Cr steel: Bofors; hardened and
R4 0.16% C 2.2% Ni 16.25% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy tempered
En 57; austenitic DPN: 290 UTS: 820 Elon: 14% Proof: 630
R 12 0.1 % C 1.25% Ni 27% Cr steel: Jessop REMANIT 1520 Mo 0.2% C 12.5% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Deutsche
R 15 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.23% S steel: Free machining; RESOURCE 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Plastic moulds; Hall and Pickles;
Jessop for BS alloy En 56 BM obsolete
R 19 0.3% C 13% Cr 0.2% S steel: Free machining; Jessop DPN: 610
R 26 0.1% C 13% Cr 0.22% S steel: Free cutting; Jessop for RFK 0.20% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Friedr Lohmann
BS alloy En 56AM RHM5 0.30% C 13.0% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Tokushu Seiko
R 29 0.1 % C 21 % Cr steel: Jessop RHM7 0.17% C 0.6% Mn 0.7% Ni 12.0% Cr 1.10% Mo steel:
R34 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy En 56D Tokushu Seiko
R50 0.08% C 4.25% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: Jessop; RHM8 0.14% C 0.5% Mn 0.6% Ni 12.0% Cr 1.1% Mosteel:
corrosion resistant steel Tokushu Seiko
R55 0.10% C 4.25% Ni 15% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Jessop; RHM9 0.2% C (max) 1.0% Ni 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
corrosion resistant steel Tokushu Seiko
R 100 0.06% C 14.5% Cr steel: Annealed; Fagersta RHMIO 0.13% C 0.6% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr 0.45% Mo steel:
UTS: 620 Elon: 25% Proof: 390 Tokushu Seiko
R 110 0.1 % C 13.5% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; RHM11 0.15% C 0.5% Ni (max) 12.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
Fagersta Tokusho Seiko
DPN: 220 UTS: 740 Elon: 14% Proof: 530 RHM37 0.13% C 0.6% Ni (max) 12.25% Cr 0.45% Mo steel:
R 120G 0.12% C 13.0% Cr steel: Casting; Fagersta Tokushu Seiko
R 140 0.1 % C 1.1 % Ni 13.5% Cr steel: Hardened and RHMV4 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 11.7% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel:
tempered; Fagersta Origin unknown
DPN: 220 UTS: 740 Elon: 14% Proof: 530 RHMWI 0.22% C 0.7% Ni 11.7% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 1% W
R 140G 0.12% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting; Fagersta steel: Origin unknown
R200 0.09% C 17.5% Cr steel: Annealed; Fagersta RHMW2 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel:
DPN: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 23% Proof: 240 Origin unknown
R 220 0.17% C 2% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Hardened and RNOMo 0.15% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr 1.2% Mo steel:
tempered; Fagersta Rochling-Buderus
DPN: 260 UTS: 820 Elon: 14% Proof: 630 RNOMoV 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel:
R290 0.06% C 17.5% Cr steel: Annealed; Fagersta Origin unknown
DPN: 200 UTS: 420 Elon: 23% Proof: 240 RNOMoWV 0.22% C 0.8% Ni 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% W
R600G 0.25% C (max) 24% Cr steel: Casting; scaling steel: Origin unknown
temperature 1070 'C; Fagersta RNOD 0.15% CO.6% Ni 11% CrO.7% Mo 0.3% V steel:
R620 0.1 % C 4.3% Ni 28% Cr steel: Annealed; Fagersta Origin unknown
DPN: 260 UTS: 620 Elon: 20% Proof: 370 RNOM 3.20% C 0.3% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr 1.2% Mo steel:
R640 0.1 % C 5.3% Ni 26% Cr 1.6% Mo steel: Annealed; Rochling-Buderus
Fagersta ROP43 0.2% C 0.6% Ni 12% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% Vsteel:
DPN: 260 UTS: 620 Elon: 20% Proof: 400 Bofors; hardened and tempered
R 700 0.2% C 13.5% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; DPN: 280 UTS: 750 Elon: 15% Proof: 590
Fagersta ROP46 0.2% C 12% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.4% V 0.2% Nb steel:
DPN: 270 UTS: 870 Elon: 15% Proof: 690 Bofors; hardened and tempered
R 710 0.3% C 13.5% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; DPN: 290 UTS: 950 Elon: 16% Proof: 800
Fagersta ROSTODURR3 0.20% C 13.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Hoffmann
DPN: 300 UTS: 920 Elon: 9% Proof: 740 ROSTODURR7 0.15% C 13.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Hoffmann
R 720 0.4% C 13.5% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; RP 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Plastic dies; Osborn
Fagersta RPI 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Annealed; turbine blades etc.;
DPN: 300 UTS: 920 Elon: 9% Proof: 740 Osborn
R 730 0.58% C 13.5% Cr steel: Fagersta UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 450
DPN: 630 RPA 0.08% C 13% Cr steel: Annealed; golf clubs; rivets;
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 450
RRJ 11 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Fagersta
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: RRM20 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Fagersta
RRM22 0.25% C 2.0% Ni 17% Cr steel: Fagersta
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number RRS 70 0.21 % C 13% Cr steel: Fagersta
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' RRS71 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Fagersta
Elon Elongation, % RS (4) 0.42% C 13% Cr steel: Hard wearing parts with
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' medium corrosion resistance; Osborn
UTS: 700 Elon: 30% Proof: 300
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.041bf/in.'= I MPa RS(A) 0.17% C 13% Cr steel: Scissors and knives; Osborn
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 700 Elon: 30% Proof: 580
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
RS(B) 0.22% C 13% Cr steel: Osborn SAE 51430 F Se 0.12% C 16% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Free machining;
VTS: 740 Elon: 25% Proof: 610 mechanical properties not quoted
RS(C) 0.32% C 13% Cr steel: Osborn SAE 51431 0.2% C (max) 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Mechanical
VTS: 700 Elon: 30% Proof: 300 properties not specified
RT46 0.3% C 12% Cr 0.5% V 12% Wsteel: Bofors; obsolete SAE 51434 0.12% C 16% Cr 1% Mo steel: Mechanical properties
DPN: 380 not quoted
SIR 0.1 % C 25% Cr steel: Bofors; annealed SAE 51436 0.12% C 16% Cr 1% Mo 0.5% Nb steel: Mechanical
S61 0.12% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered properties not quoted
DPN: 180 VTS: 610 Elon: 22% Proof: 330 SAE 51439 0.07% C (max) 0.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: SAE for AISI
S62 0.22% C 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered 439
DPN: 220 UTS: 760 Elon: 17% Proof: 480 SAE 51439 LL 0.014% C (max) 0.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: SAE for AISI
S80 0.17% C 2% Ni 16.5% Cr steel: Hardened and 439LL
tempered SAE 51440 A 0.7% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Mechanical properties
DPN: 280 VTS: 920 Elon: 12% Proof: 620 not specified
S124 0.2% C 13% Cr 0.3% S steel: Hardened and tempered: SAE 51440 B 0.85% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Mechanical properties
free machining not specified
DPN: 230 VTS: 770 Elon: 15% Proof: 420 SAE 51442 0.2% C (max) 20% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not
sm 0.16% C 2.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: BS Aerospace specified
specification SAE 51446 0.25% C (max) 1% Ni 26% Cr steel: Mechanical
S 141 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: BS Aerospace specification properties not specified
S141 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel SAE 51499 0.08% C 0.5% Ni 11% Cr 0.7% Nb steel: Mechanical
S150 0.1 % C 1% Ni 10% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V0.25% Nb properties not quoted
0.05% N steel SAE 60326 0.07% C 4.2% Ni 16% Cr 2.8% Cu steel: Casting
S151 0.1% C 1% Ni 10% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V 0.25% Nb SAE 60328 0.04% C 5.2% Ni 26% Cr 2% Mo 3% Cu steel: Casting
0.05% N steel SAE 60410 0.15% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
S152 0.08% C 0.6% Ni 10% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.2% V6% Co ASTM alloy CA 15
0.3% Nb 0.02% N steel SAE 60420 0.3% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; ASTM
S159 0.1 % C 2.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.3% V steel alloy CA 40
S 159 0.1% C 2.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.3% V steel: BS SAE 60442 0.3% C 2% Ni 20% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM alloy CB
Aerospace specification 30
S410 Sintered martensitic stainless steel SG 6.9; Durasint SAE 60446 0.5% C 4% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM alloy CC
DPN: 170 VTS: 500 Elon: 7% 50
S538 0.1 % C 2.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.3% V0.2% N SAE 70446 0.5% C (max) 4% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
steel ASTM alloy HC
S 41500 0.05% C (max) 4.5% Ni 12.7% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: SAEEV I 0.45% C 4.8% Ni 23% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: For exhaust
UNS designation valves
S 42100 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% Wsteel: UNS VTS: 920 Elon: 3%
designation SAEEV2 0.4% C 3.8% Ni 24% Cr 1.4% Mo steel: For exhaust
S 44100 0.03% C (max) 18.5% Cr 0.35% Ti 0.5% Nb steel: valves
Designation used by UNS VTS: 1070 Elon: 3%
S SI 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Uddelholm SAEHNV6 0.8% C 1.3% Ni 20% Cr 2.3% Si steel: For valves
S S2 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Uddelholm VTS: 1140 Elon: 15% Proof: 800
S S6 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Uddelholm SANBRON BB 0.25% C 13% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy En 56C
SS22 0.25% C 17% Cr Ni steel: Uddelholm orD
SS31 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Uddelholm SANBRONDD 0.25% C 1.7% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy
SAE 51403 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not En 57
quoted SC40 0.4% C 12% Cr steel: Valves, pump spindles; Balfour
SAE 51405 0.08% C 12.5% Cr 0.2% Al steel: Mechanical DPN: 630
properties not quoted SC45 0.75% C 17% Cr steel: Plastic and rubber dies, etc.;
SAE 51409 0.08% C 11.25% Cr 0.75% Ti (max) steel: Non· Balfour
hardenable DPN:660
SAE 51410 0.15% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Mechanical properties SC 140 Mo 0.14% C 14.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Stavanger
not specified SEA·CURE Low C 27.5% Cr 1.2% Ni 3.5% Mo Ti stabilized steel:
SAE 51414 0.1 % C 2% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Mechanical properties Origin unknown
not specified DPN: 210 UTS: 620 Elon: 32% Proof: 520
SAE 51416 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.6% Zr or Mo steel SEC I 0.15% C (max) 12% Cr steel: Designation used by
SAE 51416 F 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.07% S or Se steel: Free Japanese Standards
machining; mechanical properties not specified SEC 4 0.15% C (min) 13% Cr steel: Designation used by
SAE 51416 Se 0.15% C 13% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Free cutting; Japanese Standards
mechanical properties not quoted SEC5 0.12% C 16% Cr steel: Designation used by Japanese
SAE 51420 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not Standards
specified SF 10 0.12% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Annealed; Samuel Fox
SAE 51420 F 0.35% C 13% Cr 0.07% S or Se steel: Mechanical VTS: 550 Elon: 25%
properties not specified SF IOELC 0.03% C (max) 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Weldable; Samuel
SAE 51420 F Se 0.35% C 13% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Mechanical Fox
properties not quoted SF 11 0.15% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: hardened and tempered;
SAE 51429 0.12% C (max) 15% Cr steel: SAE for AISI 429 Samuel Fox
SAE 51430 0.12% C (max) 16% Cr steel: Mechanical properties VTS: 720 Elon: 30%
not specified SFI2 0.20% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Hardened and
SAE 51430 F 0.12% C (max) 16% Cr 0.07% S or Se steel: Free tempered; Samuel Fox
machining VTS: 740 Elon: 28%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SFI3 0.3% C 1% Ni 13% Cr steel: Annealed; Samuel Fox SR264 Low C 26% Cr 4% Mo Nb stabilized steel: Origin
VTS: 540 Elon: 26% unknown
SF 14 0.4% C 1% Ni 14% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; SR02 0.45% C 13% Cr 1.0% Mo 2.8% Si steel: Bofors;
Samuel Fox obsolete
UTS: 750 Elon: 26% SSI 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Uddelholm
SF 15 0.7% C 1% Ni 14% Crsteel: Hardened and tempered; SS2 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Uddelholm
Samuel Fox SS6 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Uddelholm
VTS: 780 Elon: 25 % S S22 0.25% C 17% Cr Ni steel: Uddelholm
SF 17 0.1 % C 17% Cr steel: Annealed; Samuel Fox S S31 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Uddelholm
VTS: 510 Elon: 27% SS 14-2383 0.14% C 1.5% Mn 0.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Stainless;
SF 18 0.2% C 2% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Hardened and free cutting; Swedish Standard
tempered; Samuel Fox DPN: 240 VTS: 735 Elon: 12% Proof: 440
UTS: 900 Elon: 24% SS 2102 0.21% C 1.9% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Swedish Standard
SF610 0.12% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.2% Zr steel: Free DPN: 270 VTS: 1000 Elon: 12% Proof: 640
machining; Samuel Fox SS 2301 0.08% C 0.2% Ni 14% Cr steel: Wrought; annealed;
UTS: S40 Elon: 25% Proof: 360 Swedish Standard
SF611 0.15% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.2% Zr steel: Free DPN: 210 UTS: 420 Elon: 16% Proof: 210
machining; Samuel Fox SS 2302 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Swedish Standard; included in
VTS: 730 Elon: 30% Proof: 580 MNC900
SF612 0.21 % C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.2% Zr steel: Free DPN: 200
machining; Samuel Fox SS 2302 0.12% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr steel: For
VTS: 740 Elon: 28% Proof: 600 construction; Swedish Standard; hardened and
SF 613 0.27% C 1% Ni 13% Cr 0.2% Zr steel: Free tempered
machining; Samuel Fox VTS: 700 Elon: 16% Proof: 410
VTS: 540 Elon: 26% Proof: 270 SS 2302 0.12% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr steel: Swedish
SFG 0.08% C 14% Cr steel: Samuel Fox Standard; hardened and tempered
VTS: 530 Elon: 31 % UTS: 670 Elon: 16% Proof: 390
SIC HMo 0.12% C 13% Cr 1.I % Mo steel: Stavanger SS 2303 0.2% C 12% Cr steel: Annealed; Swedish Standard
SIL 746 0.7% C 6.3% Mn 2% Ni 21 % Cr steel: For valves DPN: 230 UTS: 770
For SIS specifications see SS SS 2303 0.2% C 12% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered;
SK 20 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Swedish Standard
Origin unknown DPN:300
SK20W 0.2% C 0.4% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.5% W SS 2303 0.22% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr steel: Swedish
steel: Origin unknown Standard; hardened and tempered
SL440A 0.7% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Hardened and VTS: 980 Elon: 14% Proof: 690
tempered; Swift Levick SS 2303 0.22% C 1.0% Ni (max) 13.0% Cr steel: Swedish
DPN:600 Standard
SL440B 0.85% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Hardened and VTS: 1000 Elon: 14% Proof: 690
tempered; Swift Levick SS 2304 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Plate, bar, forging, etc.;
DPN: 600 annealed; Swedish Standard
SOLEIL4 0.14% C 14.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Firminy DPN: 240 UTS: 820
SOLEIL B2 0.08% C 0.6% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire SS 2304 0.35% C 13% Cr steel: Plate, bar, forging, elc.;
SOLEIL B3 0.08% C 0.6% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire hardened and tempered; Swedish Standard
SOLEILB4 0.12% C 0.75% Ni 17.2% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire DPN: 5SO UTS: 1500 Proof: 1070
SOLEIL TI 0.2% CO.5% Ni 11% CrO.7% Mo 0.3% V steel: SS 2317 0.23% C 0.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% V 0.05% B
Origin unknown steel: Bar or forging; Swedish Standard; hardened and
SOLEIL T2 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 11% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.6% W tempered
steel: Origin unknown VTS: 870 Elon: 16% Proof: 640
SOUDORG4IO 0.06% C 12.5% Cr steel: For welding electrode; SS 2320 0.1% C (max) 17% Cr steel: Swedish Standard
Soudometal; for inert gas welding included in MNC 900
VTS: 650 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 DPN: 200
SOUDORG430 0.065% C 17.7% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SS 2321 0.25% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Annealed; Swedish
Soudometal; for inert gas welding Standard
UTS: S40 Elon: 20% Proof: 340 DPN: 270
SPEAR B2 O. I% C 13.5% Cr steel: Spear and Jackson SS 2321 0.21% C 1.9% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: For construction;
SPECIAL 0.2% C 0.8% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V 1% W steel: Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered
GENCO Latrobe UTS: 1000 Elon: 12% Proof: 640
SPW 0.25% C 13.0% Cr steel: Origin unknown SS 2322 0.25% C 24% Cr steel: Annealed; Swedish Standard
DPN: 210 VTS: 820
SS 2323 0.12% C 4% Ni 25% Cr steel: Plate, bar and forging;
annealed; Swedish Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 260 VTS: 920
SS 2324 0.1 % C 4.5% Ni 25% Cr 1.3% Mo stecl: Plate, bar,
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number etc.; annealed; Swedish Standard
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 260 VTS: 820 Elon: 20% Proof: 400
Elon Elongation, % SS 2325 0.08% C 0.2% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.8% Mo steel: Annealed
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DPN: 180 VTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 330
SS 2326 0.025% C (max) 0.5% Ni (max) 18.0% Cr 2.2% Mo
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'= 145.04Ibf/in.'= I MPa 0.06% Ti steel: Swedish Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 210 VTS: 550 Elon: 25% Proof: 340
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 2326 0.02% C (max) 18% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.2% Ti (min) steel: TEMPEST 0.16% C 1.8% Ni 17% Cr steel: Glass moulds and
Swedish Standard inserts; Hall & Pickles
SS 2380 0.12% C 13.0% Cr 0.22% S steel: Free machining; VTS: 1130 Elon: 20% Proof: 920
Swedish Standard; hardened and tempered TENELON 0.12% C (max) 15.2% Mn 17.8% Cr steel
DPN: 223 UTS: 590 Elon: 12% Proof: 410 TRIM RITE 0.2% C 0.7% Ni 14% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Carpenter
SS 2382 0.03% C (max) 18% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Ti steel: TRUBRITE B41 Low C 17% Cr steel: Arthur Lee
Swedish Standard TRUBR[TE B42 Low C 20% Cr steel: Arthur Lee
SS 2382 0.03% C 18% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.6% Ti 0.2% S 2% Cu TRUBR[TE C72 Low C 12% Cr steel: Hardenable; Arthur Lee
steel: Swedish Standard; free machining TRUBR[TE C74 Low C 12% Cr steel: For cutlery; Arthur Lee
SS 2382 0.03% C + N 18% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Swedish TRUBRlTE C76 12% Cr steel: For cutlery; Arthur Lee
Standard TUBROD 15.23 0.3% C 0.5% Mn 13.0% Cr steel: Tubular welding rod;
SS 2383 0.14% C 17% Cr 0.2% S steel: Free machining; Esab; for hard facing; as welded
Swedish Standard DPN: 525
STA 5 V25 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 56C TUBROD 15.70 0.06% C 0.5% Mn 13.0% Cr steel: Tubular weld rod
STA5V25A 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 56D for submerged arc welding; corrosion resistant; Esab
STA 5 V25B 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 56A DPN: 330 VTS: 900
STA5 V25B/1 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 56A TUBROD 15.73 0.3% C 0.4% Mn 13.0% Cr steel: Tubular welding rod
STA5 V25B/2 0.16% C 13% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy En 56B for submerged arc welding; Esab; corrosion resistant;
STA5V25M 0.25% C (average) 13% Cr steel: Free machining as welded
grade; replaced by BS alloy En 56 appropriate M DPN: 520
STA5V28 0.2% C 2% Ni 18% Cr steel: Replaced by En 57 TURBOTHERM 0.15% C 12% Cr 1.1 % Mo steel: Bohler
STA[NLESS 16 0.27% C 13.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Uddelhoim 15M
STAINLESS 51 0.1 % C 1.0% Ni 14% Cr steel: Uddelholm TURBOTHERM 0.2% C 12% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Bohler
STA[NLESS 851 0.2% C 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Uddelholm 20M
STRA1NTRODE 0.05% C 0.5% Mn 13.5% Cr steel: For electrodes; TURBOTHERM 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Bohler
6815 Esab standard 20MV
UTS:880 TURBOTHERM 0.2% C 11.5% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V steel: Bohler
STUBS 66 0.08% C 13.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; low 20MVNb
hydrogen rod for heat resistant Cr steels TURBOTHERM 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.3% Wsteel: Bohler
DPN: 350 UTS: 810 Elon: 2% Proof: 700 20MVW
SUH3 0.4% C 11.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Heat resisting; TWOSCORE 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; Brown
Japanese Standards designation Bayley for BS alloy En 57
SUH600 0.17% C 11.5% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Heat resisting; U 12 0.17% C 13% Cr steel: Ugine
Japanese Standard UDDC012 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 0.5% Wsteel:
SUH616 0.22% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.25% V 1.0% Wsteel: Uddelholm
Heat resisting; Japanese Standards designation UHB STA[NLESS 1 0.1 % C 13.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed
SV06KH 14 0.08% C (max) 0.5% Mn 14.0% Cr steel: For welding; DPN: 160 VTS: 480 Elon: 18% Proof: 290
Russian Standards designation UHB STAINLESS 2 0.09% C 17.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm: annealed
SV08KH 14GT 0.1 % C (max) 1.1 % Mn 14.0% Cr 0.8% Ii steel: For DPN: 156 VTS: 490 Elon: 23% Proof: 330
welding wire; Russian Standards designation UHB STA[NLESS 5 0.25% C 25% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed
SV IOKH llMFN 0.12% CO.75% Ni 11.2% CrO.75% Mo 0.32% V steel: DPN: 170 UTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
For welding wire; Russian Standards designation UHB STAINLESS 6 0.33% C 13.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm; hardened and
SV 10KH llVMFN 0.1% C 0.5% Mn 1.0% Ni 11.2% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.3% V tempered
1.2% Wsteel: For welding wire; Russian Standards DPN: 256 VTS: 820 Elon: 11 % Proof: 630
designation UHB 0.06% C 13.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed
SV IOKH 13 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 13.0% Cr steel: For welding wire; STAINLESS 21 DPN: 140 VTS: 440 Elon: 25% Proof: 256
Russian Standards designation UHB 0.2% C 1.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Uddelholm; hardened
SV IOKH lIT 0.12% C (max) 0.7% Mn (max) 17.0% Cr 0.5% STAINLESS 22 and tempered
Ti (max) steel: For welding wire; Russian Standards DPN: 260 UTS: 820 Elon: 11 % Proof: 580
designation UHB 0.22% C 0.7% Ni 13.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm;
SV 13KH25T 0.15% C (max) 0.8% Mn (max) 24.5% Cr 0.5% STA[NLESS 31 hardened and tempered
Ti (max) steel: For welding wire; Russian Standards DPN: 220 VTS: 710 Elon: 15% Proof: 540
designation UHB 0.13% C 13.5% Cr steel: Free cutting; Uddelholm;
SV 120KH 13 0.12% C 0.5% Mn 13.0% Cr steel: For welding wire; STAINLESS 41 hardened and tempered
Russian Standards designation DPN: 200 vrs: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
T 550 0.23% CO.7% Ni 11.8% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.3% V steel: UHB 0.1 % C 13.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Uddelholm;
VEW; creep resisting STA[NLESS 51 hardened and tempered
T552 0.11% C 2.5% Ni 11.4% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.3% V steel: DPN: [90 VTS: 656 Elon: 15% Proof: 500
YEW; creep resisting UHB 0.12% C 17% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Free cutting;
T558 0.2% C 0.7% Ni 12% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V steel: STA[NLESS 72 Uddelholm; annealed
YEW; creep resisting DPN: 150 UTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
T560 0.17% C 0.5% Ni 11.1% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.3% V 0.28% UHB 0.35% C 13.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Uddelholm;
Nb 0.005% B 0.05% N steel: YEW; creep resisting STAINLESS 716 hardened and tempered
T608 0.13% C 0.5% Ni 11.9% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: YEW; DPN: 250 DTS: 820 Elon: 11 % Proof: 630
creep resisting UHB 0.06% C 12% Cr steel: Uddelholm
T650 0.21 % C 0.4% Ni 12.3% Cr steel: YEW; creep STA[NLESS 721
resisting UHB UDDCo 12 0.23% C 0.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V 0.5% W
T655 0.14% C 0.4% Ni 11.6% Cr steel: YEW; creep steel: Tube; Uddelholm; hardened and tempered
resisting VTS: 760 Elon: 20% Proof: 480
UN[ 3992 X43 CS8 0.42% C 8.7% Cr steel: For valves; Italian Standard
UNI4047 0.16% C (max) 2.0% Ni 19% Cr steel: Italian Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
UNI 4047 X8 CA13 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Cr 0.2% At steel: Italian VAL2W 0.2% C 12.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 1% Wsteel:
Standard Valbruna
UNI4047 X12 C17 0.12% C (max) 17% Cr steel: Italian Standard VAL 3 0.38% C 16.5% Cr l.l % Mo steel: Valbruna
UNI 4047 X12 CA12 0.12% C (max) 12% Cr 1.2% Al steel: Italian Standard VAL4 0.2% C (max) 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: Valbruna
UNI 4047 X12 CA23 0.12% C (max) 23% Cr 1.6% Al steel: Italian Standard VAL4S 0.15% C (max) 2% Ni 19% Cr steel: Valbruna
UNI 4047 X15 C13 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Italian Standard VAL 12 0.15% C (max) 13% CrO.15% Ssteel: Valbruna
UNI 4047 X15 CF13 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.6% Mo (max) steel: Italian VALVIC857 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 20% Cr 2.1 % Si Steel: For valves;
Standard Swift Levick
UNI 4047 X20 C13 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Italian Standard DPN: SOO UTS: 1620
UNI 4047 X20 CN16 0.2% C (max) 2.0% Ni 16% Cr steel: Italian Standard VH217 0.21 % C 13% Cr steel: Wykmanshyttan
UNI 4047 X25 C 26 0.25% C (max) 25.5% Cr steel: Italian Standard VH273 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Wykmanshyttan
UNI 4047 X32 C13 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Italian Standard VH417 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Wykmanshyttan
UNI 4047 X40 C14 0.4% C 14% Cr steel: Italian Standard VH620 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: Wykmanshyttan
UNI S115 Replaced by UNI 3992 and UNI 4047: Italian Standard VH626 0.25% C 2.0% Ni 17% Cr steel: Wykmanshyttan
UNILOY l409TB 0..12% C 0.4% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Cyclop VIRGO 2.0 0.2% C 13% Cr 1% Mo steel: Origin unknown
UNILOY 1420 WM 0.2% C 0.7% Ni 12.2% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 1% W VIRGO 3 0.25% C (max) 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Origin
steel: Origin unknown unknown
UNILOY 1430 MV 0.3% C 0.3% Ni 1l.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.25% V steel: VIRG03S 0.15% C (max) 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Origin
Origin unknown unknown
USS 12MoV 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Origin VIRGO 4 0.15% C (max) 1% Ni 13% Cr 1% Mo steel: Origin
unknown unknown
V3M 0.27% C 13% Cr steel: Krupps VIRGO 6 0.12% C (max) 13% Cr 0.45% Mo steel: Origin
V5M 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: Krupps unknown
V 13F 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Krupps VIRGO 7 0.22% C 0.5% Ni 1l.5% Cr l.l % Mo 0.3% V steel:
V 13F AI 0.08% C 13% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Krupps Origin unknown
V13FB 0.08% C 14% Cr steel: Krupps VIRGO 8 0.2% C 0.5% Ni II % Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% V 0.2% Nb
V 13F Supra 0.08% C 13% Cr steel: Krupps steel: Origin unknown
V 17F 0.1 % C 16.5% Cr steel: Krupps VIRG08S 0.08% C (max) 1.2% Ni 11.5% CrO.5% MoO.l% V
V 17F Extra 0.1 % C 17% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Krupps 0.2% Nb steel: Origin unknown
V 17FXExtra 0.1 % C 17% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Krupps VIRGO 10 0.14% C 14% Cr 1% Mo steel: Origin unknown
V274M 0.1 % C (max) 4.5% Ni 27.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: VIS II 0.25% C 0.6% Ni 10.8% Cr l.l % Mo 0.4% V 0.4% W
Valbruna steel: Origin unknown
V2KG 0.2% C II % Cr steel: Origin unknown VK5M 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Origin unknown
V254 0.2% C (max) 4% Ni 25% Cr steel: Valbruna VK l7F 0.07% C 17% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Krupps
VACCUTHERM 0.15% C 11.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Origin unknown VS17 0.1 % C 17% Cr steel: Annealed; Vulcan
5.32 UTS: 840 Elon: 33%
VACClffHERM 0.2% C 11.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Origin unknown VSS61 0.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Hardened and tempered; Vulcan
5.32H UTS: 950 EIon: 30%
VACCUTHERM 0.25% C 11.5% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Origin VS S80 0.2% C 1.5% Ni 16% Cr steel: Hardened and
5.34 unknown tempered; Vulcan
VACCUTHERM 0.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V0.5% Wsteel: Origin UTS: 1280 Elon: 24%
5.36 unknown W12 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Cu coated;
VACCUTIIERM 0.18% C 0.6% Ni 1l.5% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V steel: Armco
5.40H Origin unknown WIRONIT720 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Origin unknown
VALIA 0.12% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Valbruna WCRloo 0.7% C 14% Cr 20% W3.5% B steel: Rod for facing
VALIAL 0.08% C (max) 13% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Valbruna cutting tools, etc.; melting point 1200 'C; Wall
VALlB 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Valbruna Colmonoy
VAL IMP 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Valbruna DPN: 950
VALlP 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Cr steel: Valbruna WEARTRODE 84.580.7% C 0.7% Mn 10.0% Cr steel: For electrodes; Esab
VALlW 0.2% C 0.7% Ni 12.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.2% V 1% W DPN:63S
steel: Origin unknown WESTFALIA RF 5 0.2% C 13% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Origin unknown
VAL2A 0.2% C 13% Cr steel: Valbruna WH602 0.08% C 14.5% Cr 1% Mo steel: Origin unknown
VAL2B 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Valbruna WH608 0.25% C 14% Cr 1% Mo steel: Origin unknown
VAL2BZ 0.3% C 13% Cr steel: Valbruna X 3 Cr Mo Ti 17 0.1% C 17.0% Cr 1.75% Mo 0.8% Ti steel:
VAL2C 0.4% C 14% Cr steel: Valbruna Designation used by German Standards
VAL2D 0.45% C 14% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% V steel: Valbruna X6 Cr 13 0.08% C (max) 0.06% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Italian
VAL2MV 0.21 % C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel: Standard
Valbruna X6CrMo 17 0.07% C (max) 17.0% Cr 1.05% Mo steel: German
X6CrMo17 0.07% C (max) 17.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation
used by German Standards
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: X7 Cr 14 0.08% C (max) 14.0% Cr steel: Designation used by
German Standards
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number X 7 Cr Al 13 0.08% C (max) 13.0% Cr 0.2% At steel: German
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Standard
Elon Elongation, % X7Cr Al 13 0.08% C (max) 13.0% Cr 0.2% AI steel: Designation
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 used by German Standards
X8 Cr 13 0.07% C 13% Cr 0.2% Al steel
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin.2=1 MPa DPN: 190 UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. X8Cr 14 0.1 % C (max) 14.5% Cr steel: Designation used by
German Standards
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
X8 Cr 15 0.12% C (max) 14.5% Cr steel: Designation used by X40Cr 13 0.4% C 13.0% Cr steel: Designation used by German
German Standards Standards
X8Cr 17 0.1 % C (max) 16.5% Cr steel: Designation used by X45 CrMo VIS 0.44% C 14.2% Cr 0.52% Mo 0.12% V steel:
German Standards Designation used by German Standards
X8 Cr 18 0.1% C (max) 17.5% Cr steel: Designation used by X45 CrMo V15 0.45% C 14.4% Cr 0.13% Vsteel: German Standard
German Standards X45 Cr Ni Mo 23/5 0.45% C 5.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
X8 Cr28 0.1 % C (max) 28.0% Cr steel: Designation used by Designation used by German Standards
German Standards XSOCrNiSi20 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.25% Si steel: Designation
X8Cr30 0.1% C (max) 2.0% Ni 30% Cr steel: Designation used used by German Standards
by German Standards XB 0.78% C 1.5% Ni 19% Cr 2% Si steel: Firth Vickers
X8CrMo302 0.1% C (max) 2.0% Ni 30.0% Cr 2.25% Mo 2.0% Si DPN: 300 UTS: 970 Elon: 15%
12% Nsteel: Designation used by German Standards XB 0.8% C 17% Cr steel: Bar and forging; Brown Bayley
X8 Cr Mo Ti 18 0.1% C (max) 17.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.6% Ti steel: for BS alloy En 59
Designation used by German Standards X13RG 0.3% C 1% Ni 12% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Origin
X8CrNb 17 0.1 % C (max) 17.5% Cr 1.3% Nb steel: Designation unknown
used by German Standards X17 AL 0.12% C (max) 18% Cr 1% AI steel: Valbruna
X8CrTi 17 0.1 % C (max) 17.0% Cr 1.0% Ti steel: Designation X17C 0.12% C (max) 17% Cr steel: Valbruna
used by German Standards XI7Z 0.12% C (max) 17% Cr 0.15% Ssteel: Valbruna
X8CrTi 18 0.1 % C (max) 17.5% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Designation X36 Cr Mo 17 0.38% C 0.8% Ni 16% Cr 1% Mo steel: German
used by German Standards Standard
X 10 C18 0.07% C 17.0% Cr steel: ltalian Standard X42Cr13 0.43% C 13.5% Cr steel: German Standard
DPN: 200 UTS: 180 Elon: 10% Proof: 290 XM8 0.07% C 0.5% Ni (max) 18.0% Cr 0.6% Nb (min)
X IOCr 13 0.1 % C 13.0% Cr steel: Designation used by German 0.15% Al (max) steel: Designation used by ASTM
Standards XM27 om % C (max) 26.0% Cr 0.1 % Mo steel: Designation
X 10 Cr 25 0.15% C (max) 25.0% Cr steel: Designation used by used by ASTM
German Standards XM30 0.18% C 12.5% Cr 0.2% Nb steel: Designation used by
X IOCr Al 13 0.12% C (max) 13.0% Cr 1.0% Al steel: Designation ASTM
used by German Standards XM33 0.06% C (max) 26% Cr 1% Mo 0.4% Ti steel:
XlOCrAI18 0.12% C (max) 18.0% Cr 1.0% AI steel: Designation Designation used in the UK and USA
used by German Standards Z6C13 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: French National Standard
X IOCr AI 24 0.12% C (max) 24.0% Cr 1.5% AI steel: Designation Z6C13 0.08% C (max) 0.6% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: French
used by German Standards National Standard
X lOCrSi 13 0.12% C (max) 13.0% Cr 2.1 %Si steel: Designation Z6C13 Al 0.07% C 13% Cr 0.2% AI steel: French National
used by German Standards Standard
X10 Cr Si 18 0.12% C (max) 18.0% Cr 2.1 % Si steel: Designation DPN: 190 UTS: 420 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
used by German Standards Z6CA13 0.08% C (max) 0.6% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: French
X lOCrSi 29 0.12% C (max) 29.0% Cr steel: Designation used by National Standard
German Standards Z6CND13/04M 0.08% C 3.0% Ni 12.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Casting;
X12C17 0.07% C 17.0% Cr steel: ltalian Standard designation used by French Standards
DPN: 200 UTS: 180 Elon: 20% Proof: 290 Z 6CNDNb17112 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
X 12CrMoS 17 0.15% C 16.5% Cr 0.25% Mo 0.2% S steel: French National Standard
Designation used by German Standards Z8C17 0.12% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: French National
XIS Cr 13 0.15% C 13.0% Cr steel: Designation used by German Standard
Standards DPN: 200 UTS: 1130 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
X15 Cr Mo 1211 0.15% C 11.5% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Designation used by Z8C17 0.12% C (max) 0.75% Ni 17.2% Cr steel: French
German Standards National Standard
XIS CrMo 13 0.15% C 13.0% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Designation used by Z8CD17/01 0.05% C 17% Cr 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; French
German Standards Standard
X20C28 0.2% C25.0% Cr 0.15% N steel: ltalian Standard UTS: 600 Proof: 290
DPN: 230 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 330 Z 10 C13 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: French National Standard
X20Cr13 0.19% C 13% Cr steel: Designation used by German Z 10 C17 0.07% C 17.0% Cr steel: French National Standard
Standards DPN: 200 UTS: 180 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
X20CrMo 13 0.2% C 13.0% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Designation used by Z 10 C18 0.12% C 17% Cr steel: French National Standard
German Standards DPN: 200 UTS: 180 Elon: 20% Proof: 290
X20CrMoW 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V0.5% W Z 12 C13 0.15% C 12% Cr steel: French National Standard
V 12/1 steel: German Standard Z 12C18 0.12% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: French National
X 20 Cr Ni Si 25/4 0.2% C 4.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Designation used by Standard
German Standards Z 15 C27 0.2% C 25% Cr 0.2% Nsteel: French National
X22 Cr Mo V 1211 0.22% C 0.6% Ni 11.5% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: Standard
Designation used by German Standards DPN: 230 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
X22CrMoW 0.2% C 0.5% Ni 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.3% V0.5% W Z 15 CN1612 0.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr steel: French National Standard
V1211 steel: Designation used by German Standards Z20CI3 0.12% C 13% Cr steel: French National Standard
X22 Cr Ni 17 0.2% C 2.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Designation used by Z20 C25 0.2% C 25% Cr 0.15% Nsteel: French National
German Standards Standard
X25C26 0.2% C 25.0% Cr 0.15% Nsteel: ltalian Standard DPN: 230 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 330
DPN: 230 UTS: 480 Elon: 20% Proof: 330 Z20 C25 0.07% C 4% Ni 27% Cr steel: French Standard;
X35 Cr 14 0.35% C 14.0% Cr steel: Designation used by German annealed
Standards DPN: 260 UTS: 630 Elon: 20% Proof: 370
X35CrMo17 0.38% C 16.5% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Designation used by Z20CN25/05 0.07% C4% Ni 27% Cr steel: French Standard;
German Standards annealed
DPN: 260 UTS: 630 Elon: 20% Proof: 370
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Z30C13 0.15% C 13% Cr steel: French National Standard
Z30C13 0.3% C 13.0% Cr steel: French Standards designation DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Z 70 C14 0.4% C 14.0% Cr steel: French Standards designation UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Z 70C15 0.7% C 15.0% Cr steel: French Standards designation Eion Elongation, %
Z 80 CSN20/02 0.8% C 0.8% Mn (max) 1.3% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
French Standards designation
1 Nlmm 2;0.1 hbar;O.l02 kgflmm2;0.06475tonf/in. 2;145.04lbf/in.';1 MPa
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
The above properties are typical of the following group, and These steels are subject to temper brittleness unless
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible specially formulated. This is the result of precipitation of
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be chromium carbides at the grain boundaries when the compo-
applicable. nents are held for any length of time at between 300 and 600
°C. Tempering should therefore be carried out either above
600 °C followed by water quenching or below 300 0c.
General metallurgical characteristics
Welding on these steels should not be carried out but,
These steels are very hard with a tendency to brittleness even where essential, specialist advice must be obtained and great
in the annealed condition. The high chromium content care taken to follow this advice.
ensures a degree of corrosion resistance but this does not Brazing presents no problems apart from temper brittle-
equal that of the lower carbon high chrome steels owing to ness unless rapidly cooled after brazing.
the presence of the carbides. Additions of titanium and These steels have excellent corrosion resistance in oxidiz-
molybdenum ensure grain refinement, improve the hot ing conditions. The chromium oxide, which is adherent and
strength characteristics and raise the tempering tempera- forms at the surface in oxidizing conditions immediately the
ture. The corrosion resistance of these steels is improved by surface is abraded, prevents further corrosion. It is therefore
hardening and tempering and they are almost always used in essential that these materials are used in conditions where
this condition. the oxide can re-form immediately.
These steels cannot accept cold work without becoming Corrosion products, once formed, can absorb the corro-
extremely hard and brittle. They are therefore unworkable sive media and corrosion can then be very rapid. These
in the cold. materials have a low notch sensitivity initially and any
Full annealing, hardening and normalizing will require further notches can result in fracture.
temperatures just below or above 1000 0c. The materials in this group are used for plastic dies and
Most of the materials in this group will air harden except moulds, forging dies, shear blades or cutting equipment
where large masses or volumes are involved, where oil where corrosive material is involved. Many of the steels in
quenching will be necessary. These steels have extremely this group can retain their hardness under high temperature
high hardenability and cracking or fracture will occur unless conditions with corrosive materials.
the hardening operation is correctly controlled. Any rapid They are also used for forging dies, surgical equipment,
change of section must be very carefully examined. cutlery, particularly knives, and ball and roller bearings.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supp~er, condition and remarks.
1.2080 2.0% C 12.0% Cr steel: German Standards designation 3OOCrl2MoW 3.0% C 12.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 2.0% Wsteel: Electrode;
1.2080 2.1 % C 12.5% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: German Standards Metrode; for hard facing
designation DPN: S56
1.2080 2% C 12.5% Cr 0.2% V steel: German Standards 336 1.5% C 0.3% Mn 12% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.6% V steel: F
designation Parkin; thread roll dies, gauges, etc.
1.2086 2.9% C 12% Cr steel: German Standards designation DPN:630
1.2379 1.5% C 11.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 1% V steel: German 338 2.0% C 13% Cr steel: Plastic moulds, press tools, etc.;
Standards designation FParkin
1.2419 1.05% C 1.0% Cr 1.2% Wsteel: German Standards DPN:800
designation 350 Cr 20 3.5% C 1.0% Mn 20.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode;
1.2436 2.0% C 12.0% Cr 0.7% Wsteel: German Standards for hard facing
designation DPN: 620
1.2601 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.3% V steel: German 476 1.5% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Blanking dies,
Standards designation plastic moulds; Sanderson
1.4112 0.9% C 18% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.1% V steel: German 476 SPECIAL 2.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.2% V steel: Blanking dies
Standards designation and punches etc.; Sanderson
1.4721 2.1 % C 12% Cr steel: For valves; German Standards DPN: 756
designation 2233 2.0% C 12.0% Cr steel: French Standards designation
1.4747 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 20% Cr steel: For valves; German 2234 2.0% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.2% V steel: French
Standards designation Standards designation
ICW 2.0% C 13% Cr steel: Inman 2235 1.6% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.4% V steel: French
I R3 2.3% C 11.75% Cr 0.25% V steel: Thread roll dies, Standards designation
punches, etc; Osborn 2236 1.8% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.5% V 3.0% Co steel:
DPN:S40 French Standards designation
2RO 189 1.0% C 17% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Bofors; hardened and 2237 2.3% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.0% V steel: French
tempered Standards designation
DPN: 356 UTS: 1070 Elon: 8% Proof: 820 A6 1.5% C 11.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.3% V steel: T Turton
14 Cr4 Mo 1% C 14.5% Cr 4.0% Mo 0.12% V steel: Proprietary All 2.0% C 13% Cr 0.2% Mo 0.2% V steel: T Turton
alloy; information from SAE handbook A22 1.5% C 0.6% Ni 14% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.2% V steel: T
14S 2% C 0.5% Ni 14% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% V steel: Thread Turton
rolls, press tools, etc.; Cam ABRASODUR 33 2.3% C 29.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
DPN:660 Soudometal; for abrasion resistance
18 C283 1.05% C 14% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.5% Co 0.2% Cu steel: DPN:456
Sandvik ABRASODUR 35 3.6% C 32.6% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
23S 2% C 13% Cr 0.3% Mo steel: Plastic moulds, shear Soudometal; for abrasion resistance
blades, etc.; Carrs DPN:6OO
DPN: 700 ABRASODUR 38 5.1 % C 32.6% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
25.5IC 1.0% C 5.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; Soudometal; for abrasion resistance
for cavitation resistance DPN:600
69S 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.25% V steel: Press tools, ABRASODUR 5.3% C 30% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Soudometal;
thread rolls, etc.; Cam 38AT for build up of high Mn steel
DPN:660 DPN:620
88S 1.05% C 17% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Cam ABRASODUR 39 5.7% C 31.0% Cr steel: For welding electrode;
DPN:6OO Soudometal; for abrasion resistance
100 Cr29 1.0% C 29.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; hard DPN:640
corrosion resistant deposit ABRASODUR 40 3.9% C 21.1 % Cr 6.4% Nb steel: Welding electrode;
105 WCr6 1.06% C 1.0% Cr 1.2% Wsteel: German Standards Soudometal; for hard facing
designation DPN:S8O
120 Cr 25 1.2% C 1.0% Mn 1.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; ABRASODUR 43 6.8% C 24.0% Cr 7.0% Nb steel: Welding electrode;
Metrode; for repair welding of castings Soudometal; for hard facing
DPN: 630 DPN: S80
140 Cr 29 1.4% C 29.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; for hard ABRASODUR 45 5.8% C 21.5% Cr 5.9% Mo 1.1 % V 2.3% W6.0% Nb
facing steel: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion
DPN:640 resistance at high temperature
150 Cr25 1.5% C 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; for hard DPN: 700
facing ABRASODUR 6.5% C 20% Cr 6.0% Mo 1.0% V2.5% W6.0% Nb
DPN:640 45AT steel: Welding electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion
resistance at high temperature
DPN: 700
ABRASODUR 46 5.4% C 21.5% Cr 6.3% Mo 10.5% Co steel: Welding
electrode; Soudometal; for abrasion resistance at high
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: temperature
DPN: 690
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AISI440C 1.1% C 17% CrO.7% Mo steel
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 600 UTS: 2000 Elon: I% Proof: 1840
Elon Elongation, % AIS1440 F 1.0% C 17% Cr 0.07% Se steel: Free machining
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 DPN:.6OO UTS: 2000 Elon: 1% Proof: 1840
AISI617 1.1% C 17.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Annealed
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa DPN: 230 UTS: 760 Elon: 14% Proof: 450
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
AISI617 1.1% C 17.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Hardened and AVS 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 20% Cr 2% Si steel: Valbruna
tempered BCD 2% C 0.3% Mn 12% Cr 0.3% V0.3% Si steel: For
DPN: S80 VTS: 2000 Elon: 2% Proof: 1920 tools; Huntsman; plastic mould dies, shear blades, etc.
AISI618 1.05% C 14.5% Cr 4% Mo steel: Hardened and DPN:770
tempered for ball bearings, etc. BCHV 1.8% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: For tools;
DPN: 820 light stamping dies, shear blades, etc.; Huntsman
ALLOY I 4% C 6% Ni 16% Cr 0.5% V Fe alloy: Casting; DPN:750
Dewrance BCRS 1.0% C 13% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: For tools;
DPN: SOO VTS: S30 dies, shear blades, etc.; Huntsman
ALLOY 4 4% C 6% Ni 16% Cr 0.5% V4.5% Si Fe alloy: DPN:800
Casting; Dewrance BCW 2.0% C 12% Cr 1% Wsteel: For tools; plastic mould
DPN: 750 UTS: SOO dies; Huntsman
ALLOY 10 Mod 4.2% C 2% Ni 16% Cr 8% Mo 1% V 1.5% Si Fe alloy: DPN: 770
Casting; Dewrance BKV 2.2% C 12.5% Cr 0.25% Vsteel: Origin unknown
DPN: 870 UTS: 360 BR4FM 2.3% C 12.5% Cr 1.1% Mo 4.0% Vsteel: Latrobe; die
ALLOY 19 1.25% C 32% Cr 2% Cu Fe alloy: Casting; Dewrance steel; type D7
DPN: 370 VTS: 800 DPN:830
ALLOYC 2.3% C 13% Cr steel: Jessop BRUNSWICK VI06 2.0% C 13% Cr + Mo steel: Plastic moulds, shear
DPN:870 blades; John Vessey
ALLOYCWPS 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown DPN: 720
AMS 5352 1.1% C 17.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Castings BS 64818 1.0% C (max) 27% Cr steel: Casting; as cast; contained
AMS 5352 A 1.0% C 17% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Investment casting in BS 3100
AMS5618 1% C 17% Cr steel: Type 440C BS 16481C 1.5% C27% Cr steel: Casting; as cast; contained in BS
AMS5630 1.1% C 17.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Forgings 3100
AMS 5630 C 1.1% C 17% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bar and forging; AMS BS 3100/452 C11 1.0% C (max) 4.0% Ni (max) 27.0% Cr 1.5%
for SAE 51440 C Mo (max) steel: Casting
AMS5632 1% C 17% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% Ssteel: Type 440F BS 3100/452 CI2 1.5% C (max) 4.0% Ni (max) 27.0% Cr 1.5%
AMS5632 1% C 17% Cr 0.15% Se (min) steel: Type 440 FSe Mo (max) steel: Casting
AMS5632 B 1.0% C 17% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Bar and forging; free C12 1.8% C 12.5% Cr 0.5% Vsteel: Origin unknown
machining; AMS for SAE 51440 F C265 1.6% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.8% Vsteel: Fagersta
AMS5749 1.15% C 14.5% Cr 4% Mo 1.2% Vsteel: For bearings DPN:680
AMS5880 1% C 17% Cr steel: Type 440C CCM 1.75% C 13.5% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: For dies; Swift
AMS5900 1.1% C 14.2% Cr 2.1 % Mo 1.2% V0.3% Nb steel: Levick
For bearings CCM 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.85% Mo 0.9% Vsteel: Simonds;
AMS7445 0.85% C 17% Cr steel: Type 440 B AISltypeD2
ARH8 1.05% C 16% Cr 0.8% Mo Co steel: Hardened and CD 2.1 % C 12.5% Cr steel: Plastic moulding, dies, etc.;
tempered; Schoeller·Bleckmann ESC
DPN:770 DPN:870
ARMCO 17C8O 0.85% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Armco CDVI 2.25% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown
ARMCO 17 C 100 1.0% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Armco CDV2 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown
ARMCOl7Cloo 1.0% C 17% Cr 30.2% Se steel: Armco CDV4 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.8% Vsteel: For tools;
FM origin unknown
ARS 2.35% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.0% Vsteel: Simonds; CDW 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown
AISI type B7 CHIPPER KNIFE 0.81 % C 11.5% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Latrobe
ASTMA 756 1% C0.7% Ni (max) 17% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For CHROMEFM Latrobe; die steel; type D5
bearings DPN: 770
ASTM A276/440 C 1.1% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Bar CMD 2.0% C 12% Cr 0.25% V steel: Turton Bros
ASTM A457/650 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 16.2% Cr 6.2% Mo steel: CMX·AlBIC 0.9% C 17% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Valbruna
Plate CMX·BM 0.9% C 18% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.1 % Vsteel: Valbruna
ASTM A597 CD2 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.7% V0.9% Co cast COBALT 1.5% C 12.25% Cr 0.85% Mo 3.1% Co steel:
steel: For tools COBALTCROM 1.4% C 13% Cr 0.75% Mo 3% Co steel: Blanking dies,
ASTM A597 CD5 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 0.4% V3.0% Co cast shear blades, etc.; Darwin
steel: For tools DPN: 680
AT2 2.2% C 12% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Braebum; COLMONOYI 1.0% C 13% Cr 3% B steel: Rod for facing; abrasion
AISI type D4 SPECIAL resistant; melting point 1350 ·C; Wall Colmonoy
ATMODIE 1.55% C 11.9% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% V steel: Columbia; DPN:800
AISIlypeD2 CRB·7ALLOY 1.1% C 14% Cr 2% Mo 1% V0.2% Co steel:
ATMODIE 1.55% C 11.9% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% Vsteel: Columbia; Carpenter
SMOOTHCUT AISltype D2S; free machining DPN:700
CRDDlAMOND 2.2% C 12.5% Cr steel: C Denton
CRDDlAMOND 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Blanking
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: RED tools, gauges; C Denton
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number CROMOVAN 1.5% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: Firth Sterling
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 CROSS PIPES 1.5% C 11% Cr 2% Co steel: Press tools and forging
Elon Elongation, % dies; John Vessey
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN:720
CROSTAR 2.0% C 12.5% Cr 0.1 % Vsteel: Pompey
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2=0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa CRUCIBLE 440 BM 1.0% C 18% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.15% Vsteel: Crucible
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Steel Co.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
CRUCIBLE 440 C 1.1% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Crucible Steel Co. E Fe Cr Bl 2% C 28% Cr 4% Mo (max) steel: Weld electrode;
DPN:660 designation used by AWS
C-XB VALVE 0.8% C 1.3% Ni 20% Cr steel: Carpenter E Fe Cr B2 3% C 27% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.7% Si steel: Weld electrode;
STEEL DPN: 295 UTS: 940 Elon: 8.5% Proor: 840 designation used by AWS
D1 1.0% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation used by E FeCr B3 4.2% C 27% Cr 3.2% Mo 1.7% Si steel: Weld
AISI electrode; designation used by AWS
D2 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation used by E Fe CrCI 5% C 25% Cr 6% Mo 1% V 5.5% Nh steel: Weld
AISI electrode; designation used by AWS
D2 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.9% V steel: For cold E Fe Cr C2 6% C 23% Cr 6% Mo 4% W 1.2% Si steel: Weld
work; Osborn electrode; designation used by AWS
D3 2.25% C 12.0% Cr steel: Designation used by AISI EFeCrC3 5% C 17% Cr 6% Mo steel: Weld electrode;
D3 2.2% C 12.5% Cr 0.25% V steel: S Osborn; cold work designation used by AWS
steel; hardened and tempered EFeCrC4 5.7% C 13% Cr 5.5% Ti 1% Si steel: Weld electrode;
DPN: 700 designation used by AWS
D4 2.25% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation used by ECLIPSE91A 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown
AISI FASTWORK 1.5% C 12.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 0.25% V tool steel:
D5 1.5% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.8% V 3% Co steel: For Balfour Darwin
tools; designation used by AISI fmp336 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% V steel: F Parkin; as
D6 1.5% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation used by tool steel D2
AISI; obsolete fmp338 2.05% C 13.0% Cr steel: F Parkin; as tool steel D3
D7 2.35% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.0% V steel: Designation FNS 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.85% V steel: Atlas; as
used by AISI AISI type D2
D20 1.5% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: John Vessey FNSfm 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.85% V0.12% S steel:
DPN:770 Atlas; as AISI type D2; free machining
D65 2.0% C 13% Cr 1.2% Wsteel: Fagersta GOST 5632/9 KH18 0.95% C 0.7% Mn (max) 18% Cr 0.025% S (max)
DPN:800 0.03% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard;
D 165 2.1 % C 13% Cr 4.0% V 1.4% Wsteel: Fagersta annealed
DPN: 740 UTS: 700
DELCROME SOV 2.75% C 27% Cr 0.75% V Fe alloy: Melting range GSN 1.5% C 11.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% V steel: Broaches,
1375-1400 ·C; Delcro Steltite ring gauges, etc.; S Osborn
DPN:580 DPN: 740
DELCROME 450 0.2% C 12.0% Cr Fe alloy: Delcro Steltite GSN 2.1 % C 13.0% Cr steel: Latrobe; die steel; type D3
DPN:450 DPN:830
DELCROMEC 3.7% C 21% Cr Fe alloy: Casting; Deloro GSN + Mo 2.2% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.5% V steel: Latrobe
DPN:610 H5 1.5% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 1% V steel: Jessop
DELCROMER 3.0% C 6.0% Mn 30% Cr Fe alloy: Delcro Steltite H9 2.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Jessop
DPN: 580 H 9 (alloy C) 2.1 % C 12.7% Cr steel: Jessop; carbon and alloy tool
DELFERB 3.2% C 18% Cr 16% Mo 2.0% V 6.0% Co Fe alloy: steels
Melting point 1178 ·C; Delcro Stellite H42 1.6% C 13% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% V steel: Jessop
DPN: 820 DPN:770
DELFOR 2.5% C 13.5% Cr 9% Mo 5.5% W16.5% Co 2.5% Fe H 142 1.6% C 13% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% V with Ssteel: For
alloy: Casting; Deloro tools; Jessop
DPN: 610 UTS: 440 Elon: 1% DPN: 730
DlEHARDHCD 2.1 % C 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Firth Brown HAMPDEN 2.1% CO.5% Ni 12% Crsteel: Carpenter
DlEHARD 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.9% V steel: Firth Brown HAYNES 90 2.7% C 27% Cr steel: Abrasion and corrosion resistant;
DOMINATOR 1.9% C 12.5% Cr steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann DPN:740
DPN:640 HECLA 125 2.25% C 12.0% Cr steel: Origin unknown
DOMINATOR VM 1.55% C 11.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 1% V steel: Schoeller- HECLA 159 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown
Bleckmann HFC 2.1% C 12% Cr steel: Press tools, extruding dies, etc.;
DPN: 740 Marsh Bros
DOMINATORZ 1.9% C 11.5% Cr 2% Wsteel: Schoeller-Bleckmann ICS 2.0% C 13.0% Cr steel: Inman
DPN: 740 ICW 2.25% C 12.0% Cr steel: Origin unknown
DOUBLE SIX 1.9% C 0.3% Mn 12.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% V steel: ICWPLUSD3 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For dies; Inman
Punches, dies, etc.; Edgar Allen IR 2.2% C 12.5% Cr 0.25% V steel: Obsolete; S Osborn;
DPN: 750 replaced by D3
DRS 16 0.8% C 1.5% Ni 21% Cr steel: Bofors; obsolete IU 1.9% C 12.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 0.3% V steel: S Osborn;
DT 2.2% C 13% Cr steel: Forez cold work steel; hardened and tempered
DTva 1.55% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.8% V 0.4% Co steel: DPN: 700
Forez JJ 1.4% C 0.5% Ni 14% Cr 0.7% Mo 3.25% Co steel:
EFeCrAI 4% C 22% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used Shear blades, etc.; S. Osborn
byAWS DPN:740
EFeCr A2 4% C 26% Cr 2% Mo steel: Weld electrode; K 100 2.0% C 11.5% Cr steel: VEW
designation used by AWS K 102 2.9% C 12.0% Cr steel: VEW
E FeCr A3 3.5% C 17% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used K 105 1.6% C 11.5% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V 0.5% Wsteel:
EFeCr A4 3.5% C 35% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used K 107 2.1% C 11.5% CrO.7% Wsteel: VEW
byAWS K 110 1.5% C 11.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.0% V steel: VEW
EFeCrA5 3% C 8.2% Cr 1.6% Ti steel: Weld electrode; K700 1.23% C 12.5% Cr steel: VEW
designation used by AWS KE200 1.4% C 13% Cr 0.6% Mo 3.5% Co steel: Press tools;
Kayser Ellison
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
KE954 1.4% C 13% Cr 0.6% Mo 3.5% Co steel: For valves; MET-HARD 1050 4.5% C 28% Cr 12 Mo + Nb + V + Wsteel:
Kayser El1ison Electrode; Metrode
KE961 1.5% C 12.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: For plastic dies; DPN: 1000
Kayser El1ison MONARCH HCR 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: For tools; origin
DPN: 6(iO unknown
KE970 2.0% C 13.5% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Press tools and dies; N555 0.6% C 14.1 % Cr 0.6% Mo steel: YEW
Kayser Ellison N685 0.9% C 17.5% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: YEW
DPN:872 N690 1.07% C 17.0% Cr 1.1% Mosteel: YEW
KE 1036 0.9% C 13% Cr steel: Kayser El1ison NEOR 2.0% C 13% Cr steel: Press tools, lathe centres, etc.;
KEA 180 1.55% C 12% Cr 0.9% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Hot shear Darwin
blades; Kayser El1ison DPN: 700
DPN: 7SO NN 2.25% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Atlas; as
KEA 1801476 1.55% C 12.0% Cr 0.85% Mo 0.3% V steel: Sanderson AISI type D4
Kayser NONWAIR 2.2% C 13% Cr steel: Clyde Alloy
KEA207 1.05% C 17.0% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Kayser Ellison DPN: 770
KEA476 1.55% C 12% Cr 0.85% Mo 0.28% Vsteel: Sanderson NORESCO 1.9% C 12.5% Cr steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann
KH12 12.2% C 12.2% Cr steel: French Standards designation NORESCO 1.55% C 11.5% Cr 0.8% Mo I% Vsteel: Schoeller·
KH 12Ft 1.32% C 11.7% Cr 0.8% Vsteel: Russian Standards DOMINATOR VMBleckmann
designation DPN: 720
KHI2M 1.55% C 11.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.22% Vsteel: Russian NORESCO 1.9% C 11.5% Cr 2% Wsteel: Schoeller·Bleckmann
Standards designation DOMINATORZ DPN: 740
KKK 2.0% C 0.8% Ni 12.5% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Spencer; NRM 1.7% C 11.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% V steel: Press tools;
press tools; drawing dies Jonas
DPN:640 DPN: 740
KMV 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown NRW 2.2% C 12.5% Cr steel: Press tools; Jonas
LESCALLOY 1.15% C 14.5% Cr 4.0% Mo 1.2% Vsteel: Latrobe; DPN: 770
BG42 for bearings OHIO DIE 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.8% Vsteel: Vanadium
LESCALLOY 0.85% C 4.15% Cr 5.0% Mo 1.85% V6.3% Wsteel: Alloys
BG66 Latrobe DPN:7SO
LESCO BC42 VAC 1.15% C 14.5% Cr 4.0% Mo 1.2% Vsteel: Latrobe OLYMPICFM 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 0.75% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: Latrobe;
ARC Steel; for bearings die steel; type D2
DPN:400 DPN:800
LONGWAIR 2.2% C 13% Cr steel: For tools; BSC (Clyde Alloy); QQ S763/10 1.0% C0.5% Ni 16% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: US
previously Nonwear Federal; annealed
LT25 2.0% C 12% Cr steel: Low Moor R5 1.05% C 17% Cr steel: Jessop
DPN:640 R680G 2.5% C 27.0% Cr steel: Casting; scaling temperature
LT27 2.3% C 11.75% Cr 0.25% Vsteel: Low Moor 1070 'C; Fagersta
LT33 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.75% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Low Moor R 770 0.95% C 13.5% Cr steel: Fagersta
DPN:720 DPN: 6(iO
LT35 1.9% C 12.5% Cr 0.75% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Low Moor REXWELD54 4.0% C4% Ni 30% Cr Fe alloy: For hard facing;
MAFERlTE 30C 1.2% C 30% Cr steel: Pompey Crucible Steel Co.
MARSHHFC 2.1 % C 12% Cr steel: Press tools, extruding dies, etc.; ROP57 1.55% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% Vsteel: Bofors
Marsh Bros DPN: 760
MCHD 2.0% C 13% Cr steel: Plastic moulds; John Vessey RT60 2.0% C 13% Cr 1.2% Wsteel: Bofors
MEL-TROL 610FM 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% Vsteel with DPN: 760
sulphides: Carpenter for AISI type D 2 RVM 1.55% C 11.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Clyde
MEL-TROL 2.1 % C0.5% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Carpenter for type D3 Alloy
MET·HARD 850 3% C 25% Cr 1.5% Mo + Nb + V + Wsteel: SAE51440C 1.1% C 17% CrO.7% Mosteel: Mechanical properties
Electrode; Metrode not specified
DPN:800 SAE 51440 F 1.1% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.07% S or Se steel:
MET·HARD950 4% C 34% Cr 2.5% Mo + Nb + V + Wsteel: Mechanical properties not specified
Electrode; Metrode SAE 51440 F Se 1.1 % C 17% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Mechanical properties
DPN:900 not specified; free machining
SAED2 1.5% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.8% V0.6% Co steel
SAED3 2.2% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.8% V0.7% Wsteel
SAED5 1.5% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 0.8% V3% Co steel
SAED7 2.2% C 12% Cr 1% Mo 4% Vsteel
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SC 13 2.0% C 13% Cr 0.2% V0.3% Si steel: Blanking dies,
hobs, etc.; Balfour
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 740
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 SC25 1.6% C 13% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: Blanking dies,
Eion Elongation, % etc.; Balfour
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 DPN: 620
SC26 1.8% C 12% Cr 0.3% Si steel: Mandrels, forming
I N/mm 2 =O.l hbar=O.lOZ kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibflin.2=1 MPa punches, etc.; Balfour
See Appendix" for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 630
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SC 38 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.1% Vsteel: Blanking dies, SUPERIOR 2 1.4% C0.5% Ni 12.5% Cr 0.8% Mo 3.5% Co steel:
shear blades, etc.; Balfour Braeburn; AISI type D5
DPN: 660 SUPERIOR 3 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.8% Vsteel: Braeburn;
SIL XB 0.8% C 1.3% Ni 20% Cr 2.3% Si steel: For valves; AISI type D2
origin unknown SUPERIOR 4 1.0% C 12% Cr 0.8% V0.7% Vsteel: Braeburn
SIMONDS 168 0.9% C 12% Cr 0.75% Mo steel: Simonds; AISltype SUPERWEAR 2.0% C 13% Cr 0.5% Co steel: John Vessey
SIMONDS 12225 2.1 % C 13% Cr steel: Simonds; AISltype D3 SVERKER3 2.05% C 12.7% Cr 1.25% Wsteel: Uddelholm for type
For SIS specifications see SS D6
SKD I 2.1 % C 13.5% Cr 0.3% V (max) steel: Japanese SVERKER21 1.55% C 1\.8% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% Vsteel: Uddelholm
Standards designation for type D2
SKD2 2.0% C0.5% Ni (max) 13.5% Cr 3.0% Wsteel: TRIPLE DIE 2.2% C 12% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.0% Vsteel: Firth Sterling
Japanese Standards designation UHB STAINLESS 0.95% C 13.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm; hardened and
SKD II 1.55% C 12.0% Cr \.0% Mo 0.35% Vsteel: Japanese AEB tempered
Standards designation DPN: 390 UTS: 1250 Elon: 3% Proof: 9SO
SL440 B 0.85% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Swift Levick; UNI3992 0.8% C 19.5% Cr steel: For valves
hardened and tempered X8OCSN20
DPN: 600 VASCO 7152 1.7% C 17.4% Cr steel: Vanadium Alloys
SL440 C 1.1% C 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Swift Levick; hardened DPN:660
and tempered VESUVIUS \.0% C 0.3% Ni 29.0% Cr steel: Firth Vickers
DPN:600 VITAL 2.0% C 13% Cr steel: Blanking dies, thread rolls; Hall
SL951 High C high Cr Ni WCo steel: Casting; Swift Levick and Pickles
DPN: 400 DPN: 740
SL958 High C high Cr Ni WCo steel: Casting; Swift Levick VITAL X 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.25% Vsteel: Press tools,
DPN:400 punches, etc.; Hall and Pickles
SOLAR ECLIPSE 2.25% C 12.0% Cr steel: Origin unknown DPN:680
SONCOLD 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Designation VS I3C 2.0% C 13% Cr 0.25% Vsteel: Rolling dies, gauges,
unknown etc.; Vulcan
SOUDOKA Y 240-0 3.5% C 15% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Soudometal DPN: 720
DPN: 510 WALLEX 2.5% C 1.7% Mn 12% Cr 6% Mo steel: Rod for facing;
SOUDOKA Y 255.0 4.5% C27% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Soudometal abrasion, impact, corrosion resistant; melting point
DPN:650 1180 'C; Wall Colmonoy
SOUDOKA Y 410.0 0.085% C 13% Cr steel: Welding electrode; DPN: 720
Soudometal WCD 1.3% C 13% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: John Vessey
DPN:460 DPN:800
SOUDOKA Y 420.0 0.5% C 13% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Welding electrode; WCRIOO 0.75% C 14% Cr 20% W3.5% B Fe alloy: For hard
Soudometal facing; melting point 1200 'C; Wall Colmonoy
DPN: 580 WEARCLAD40 4.5% C 25% Cr 0.6% B steel: For armour plate;
SOUDOKAY A40.0 4% C 21 % Cr 6% Nb steel: Welding electrode; British Steel Armour products
Soudometal WEARCLAD43 5.5% C 23% Cr 7% Nb steel: For armour plate; British
DPN:600 Steel Armour products
SOUDOKA Y A43.0 5.5% C 22% Cr 7% Nb steel: Welding electrode; WEARCLAD45 5.5% C 20% Cr 6.5% Mo I% V 1.8% W6% Nb steel:
Soudometal For armour plate; British Steel Armour products
DPN: 660 WLM2014 2.0% C 14% Cr steel: Press tools; WMattison
SOUDOKA Y A45.0 5.5% C22% Cr 7% Mo 2% W7% Nb steel: Welding DPN: 740
electrode; Soudometal WLM2014 2.0% C 14% Cr 1.5% Wsteel: Press tools; W
DPN:660 SPECIAL Mattison
SPEARDI2 2.0% C 13% Cr steel: Spear & Jackson DPN:740
SPEARDI3 1.9% C 13.5% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: Spear & Jackson WLM3141 1.4% C 14% Cr 0.7% Mo 3% Co steel: Plastic moulds
SPEARDI4 1.3% C 13% Cr 1.5% Mo 2.7% Co steel: Spear & and dies; WMattison
Jackson DPN:680
SPEARDI6 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown WPS 2.3% C 0.4% Mn 13% Cr steel: Jessop
SPECIALK 2.25% C 12.0% Cr steel: Origin unknown DPN:870
SS 2183 1.2% C 12.5% Cr steel: Swedish Standard X90CrMo V 18 0.9% C 18.0% Cr 1.1% Mo 0.10% Vsteel:
SS 2310 1.5% C 12% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.9% Vsteel: Swedish Designation used by German Standard
Standard; annealed X 155 Cr V Mo 12.1 1.5% C 11.5% Cr 0.7% Mo 1% Vsteel: German
DPN: UiO Standard
SS 2312 2.0% C 12.5% Cr 1.2% Wsteel: Swedish Standard; X 165 Cr Mo V 12 1.6% C 11.5% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% V0.5% Wsteel:
annealed German Standard
DPN: 280 X 165 Cr Mo V 12 1.65% C 12.0% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.1 % V0.5% Wsteel:
STA 5 V24A 0.8% C 1.4% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Replaced by BS alloy German Standards designation
En 59 X210Cr 12 2.1% C 11.5% Cr steel: Designation used by German
SUH4 0.8% C 1.4% Ni 19.7% Cr steel: Heat resisting; Standard
Japanese Standards designation X210 Cr 12 2.0% C 12.0% Cr steel: German Standards designation
SUPERCI2 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Origin unknown X210 CrW 12 2.0% C 12.0% Cr 0.7% Wsteel: German Standards
SUPER HICRO D5 1.5% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 3.0% Co steel: For dies; designation
Inman X290 Cr 12 2.9% C 12% Cr steel: German Standards
SUPERDIE 2.13% C 11.6% Cr 0.8% Wsteel: Columbia; A1SI type Z I60CDVI2 1.55% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.3% Vsteel: French
D3 Standards designation
SUPERIOR I 2.15% C 12% Cr 0.6% Vsteel: Braeburn; AISI type ZI6OCDVI2 1.6% C 12.0% Cr 0.88% Mo 0.4% Vsteel: French
D3 Standards designation
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Z 180CKDI203 1.8% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.5% V3.0% Co steel:
French Standards designation DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Z2ooC12 2.1 % C 12.5% Cr 0.2% Vsteel: French Standards UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
designation Elon Elongation, %
Z 2ooCI2 2.0% C 12.0% Cr steel: French Standards designation Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2
Z2ooCDI2 2.0% C 12.0% Cr 0.8% Mo 0.2% Vsteel: French
Standards designation 1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04lbfJin.2=1 MPa
Z 230CDVI2·04 2.3% C 12.0% Cr 1.0% Mo 4.0% Vsteel: French See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Standards designation
650 580 40
700 450 45
800 330 45
900 170 58
The above properties are typical of the following group, and The presence of carbon, however, c·an cause the appear-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible ance of a second phase of martensite or chromium carbide,
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be either of which can considerably reduce the corrosion resis-
applicable. tance. The presence of martensite after cold working can
generally be accepted and design allowance can be made for
the reduction in corrosion resistance. The chromium car-
General metallurgical characteristics
bides, however, contribute little to the mechanical proper-
When 18% chromium and 8% nickel are added to steel the ties and, as the corrosion resistance is drastically reduced at
effect is so to depress the critical change points that the grain boundaries, it can have a serious effect on the fatigue
austenitic or gamma phase is present at room temperature. strength as well. This is known as 'weld decay'.
This is a single phase solid solution and like all single phase By the addition of carbide stabilizing elements such as
materials has excellent corrosion resistance. niobium or titanium which combine with carbon in prefer-
In this group are all the truly stainless as distinct from ence to chromium and remain in solution, the problem of
corrosion resistant steels. The fact that they are non-mag- carbide precipitation at grain boundaries is eliminated.
netic is a rapid but not very precise means of identification, These steels are said to be 'weld stabilized' and are also
as cold work can cause the steels to become slightly suitable for use at high temperatures.
magnetic. The low carbon steels generally have better ductility and
Since these materials are single phase, they cannot be corrosion resistance with lower tensile properties, but are all
hardened by thermal treatment, but their strength can be weldable as there are very few carbides present to be
improved by cold working, when they can become magnetic precipitated.
as some austenite is transformed to martensite. The carbon Many of the steels listed have considerably more chro-
content of these steels is important in that, the higher the mium and nickel than the 18/8 steels. This generally
carbon, the harder they can be made by cold work. improves their hot oxidation resistance and ability to with-
stand temperature shock without very much improving the such as tungsten will become more brittle as the cold work
creep strength. increases.
Other elements are added to these alloys for specific pur- The mechanical properties of these steels cannot be
poses as follows: improved by any form of thermal treatment. Where cold
work has to be removed for any reason, this requires a
Manganese. This is almost always present up to about 2.5% temperature of approximately 1050 °C and should be fol-
as a de-oxidizing and de-sulphurizing agent. No attempt is lowed by a rapid cooling to prevent carbide precipitation.
made to list this element in the alloy descriptions of this These steels can be readily welded using the inert gas
group, and when it is present in greater amounts the alloys technique. It should be noted that the materials have a high
are listed and discussed in Section 44P. coefficient of linear expansion and this can result in centre-
line cracking of the weld in some circumstances. Technical
Molybdenum. This considerably enhances the acid resis- advice should be obtained where high integrity welds are
tance without affecting the weldability. It also confers some required. Other forms of welding such as resistance welding
strength and can actually be used to prevent carbide precip- and brazing present no problems.
itation, thus making the higher carbon versions weldable. The corrosion resistance of these steels results from the
Because of the high cost and scarcity of molybdenum its use fact that they are single phase metals; thus no inherent
is confined to improving the acid resistance at present. galvanic corrosion takes place. They also have the self-heal-
ing adherent chromium oxide. They must always be used in
Tungsten. This stabilizes the carbides, preventing their pre- oxidizing conditions. These steels are more prone to stress
cipitation during welding or heat cycling. Tungsten also corrosion, crevice corrosion and weld decay corrosion.
increases the strength and acid resistance. It is seldom found Advice should be obtained at the design stage.
by itself, being generally associated with molybdenum. Many of these materials are difficult to machine because of
their softness which results in tearing rather than cutting.
Titanium. This forms very stable carbides which are taken High speed cutting is essential.
into solution in the austenitic matrix and are not readily Grinding of these materials is very difficult as the grinding
precipitated, thus preventing the formation of a second wheels become 'loaded' and this results in glazing of the
phase. Carbon combines with titanium in preference to iron surface.
or chromium, thus preventing the formation of these Some of the alloys listed have additions of sulphur, tellu-
carbides. rium, lead, etc. to improve the machinability. This will
Sufficient titanium must always be present to combine reduce the ductility to some extent and can result in prob-
with all the carbon and most specifications are written calling lems during welding.
for a minimum of eight times as much titanium as carbon. The materials in this group in many cases have replaced
These are known as titanium stabilized weldable austenitic copper alloys where corrosion resistance is required.
steels. There is some indication that these can present some Chemical plant, the food and drink industry, the aero-
difficulty when brazing or melt spraying is involved. space and marine industries, all make use of these materials
in large quantities. The transport of chemicals, food and
Niobium (columbium). This is the only element with two drink is generally carried out in stainless steel tanks where
names and different symbols. Niobium is the common the stainless steel is of the austenitic type. Laboratory equip-
European form, and throughout this book use of this and the ment such as beakers, pans for balances, etc. and sinks are
symbol Nb has been standardized. Columbium (Cb) is the commonly manufactured in these materials. Household
American version. goods such as sinks, the trim on cookers, microwave ovens,
The element acts in an analogous manner to titanium, etc. are very often austenitic stainless steel. The trim on cars
forming stable carbides which are not readily precipitated is sometimes of this material but more often is the 12%
from solid solutions. Tantalum and niobium are always chromium type found in Section 44Ml.
found together and are difficult to separate. As tantalum acts A great amount of this material is now being used for
in an identical manner to niobium the sum total of these ornamental purposes such as cutlery, and other equipment
elements is generally accepted. This should be ten times the used in restaurants and as tableware. Knives and cutters etc.
carbon content to prevent carbide precipitation. are now made from 12% chrome steels in the hardened
Tellurium, lead and sulphur are sometimes present to condition.
improve the machinability but there is some reduction in the The higher alloyed materials, i.e. is the higher nickel
corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. chromium materials found in this group, have excellent high
temperature oxidation resistance and can be used for furnace
The majority of these steels will accept appreciable
equipment, etc.
amounts of cold work which will increase the tensile proper-
These materials should always be referred to as austenitic
ties while reducing the ductility but in many cases this is an
stainless steels. They are non-magnetic except in the highly
acceptable technique to increase the mechanical properties.
cold worked condition. This differentiates them from the
This will reduce the corrosion resistance to some extent.
materials in Sections 44Ml and 44M2.
Steels with appreciable amounts of carbon and elements
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.4401 0.07% C (max) 11% Ni 17% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: 1.4541 0.1 % C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Forging;
German Standard German Standard
1.0WVAR 1.8% C 15.7% Ni 27.8% Cr 9.8% WFe alloy: Origin 1.4550 0.1 % C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Forging;
unknown; for hard facing German Standard
DPN: 450 1.4551 0.1 % C (max) 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.5% Nb steel: Forging;
1.2779 0.05% C 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 2% Ti steel: German Standard
German Standard 1.4554 0.1 % C (max) 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.5% Nb steel: Welding
1.4300 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: German Standard rod; German Standard
1.4301 0.07% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: German 1.4558 0.03% C (max) 34% Ni 22% Cr with Ti and AI steel:
Standard German Standard
1.4302 0.06% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Forging; 1.4570 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.4% Mo steel:
German Standard German Standard
1.4303 0.07% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: German 1.4571 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr2.2% MoO.6% Ti
Standard steel: German Standard
1.4304 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: German Standard 1.4573 0.1% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% MoO.6% Ti
1.4305 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% S steel: German steel: German Standard
Standard; free machining 1.4577 0.06% C (max) 25.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.4% Ti
1.4306 0.03% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: German steel: German Standard
Standard 1.4580 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr2.3% Mo 1.0% Nb
1.4307 0.1 % C (max) 13% Ni 12% Cr steel: German Standard steel: German Standard
1.4310 0.15% C (max) 7.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: German 1.4581 0.1 % C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.3% Nb
Standard steel: German Standard
1.4311 0.03% C (max) 10.2% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.18% N steel: 1.4583 0.1% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.5% Cr2.7% Mo 1.0% Nb
German Standard steel: German Standard
1.4314 0.07% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: German 1.4584 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.7% Mo 1.3% Nb
Standard steel: German Standard
1.4324 0.15% C (max) 7.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: German 1.4587 0.1 % C (max) 25.0% Ni 26.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.3% Nb
Standard steel: German Standard
1.4401 0.07% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: 1.4589 0.07% C (max) 13.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 4.7% Mo 1.0% Nb
German Standard steel: German Standard
1.4402 0.06% C (max) 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: 1.4828 0.2% C (max) 12% Ni 20% Cr steel: Forging; German
German Standard Standard
1.4404 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: 1.4829 0.15% C (max) 11.0% Ni 22.0% Cr steel: German
German Standard Standard
1.4406 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.18% 1.4833 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: German
Nsteel: German Standard Standard
1.4417 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 17% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: 1.4841 0.2% C (max) 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel:
German Standard German Standard
1.4429 0.03% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.18% 1.4842 0.15% C (max) 20% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: German
N steel: German Standard Standard
1.4435 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: 1.4843 0.2% C (max) 19.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: German
German Standard Standard
1.4436 0.07% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: 1.4844 0.2% C (max) 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel:
German Standard German Standard
1.4438 0.03% C (max) 13.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: 1.4845 0.15% C (max) 21.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: German
German Standard Standard
1.4447 0.06% C 13.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 4.7% Mo steel: German 1.4854 0.15% C (max) 20% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: German
Standard Standard
1.4449 0.07% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: 1.4860 0.2% C (max) 30.0% Ni 21.0% Cr Fe steel: German
German Standard Standard
1.4460 0.08% C 5% Ni 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: German 1.4876 @.07%C31% Ni 21% Crwith Ti and Al steel: German
Standard Standard
1.4505 0.07% C (max) 20% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.7% Nb 1.4878 0.15% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Forging;
2.0% Cu steel: German Standard German Standard
1.4507 0.08% C (max) 21.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.9% Nb 1.4919 0.055% C (max) 13% Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo steel:
2.0% Cu steel: German Standard German Standard
1.4539 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo with Cu 1.4943 0.45% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.0% W2.5% Si steel:
steel: German Standard German Standard
1.4944 0.08% C (max) 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% V
2.1 % Ti steel: German Standard
1.4954 0.08% C (max) 25% Ni 14% Cr 0.4% V 2.0% Ti steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: German Standard
1.4961 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 16% Cr Nb steel: German
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Standard
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 1.4970 0.1 % C 15% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo with Ti and B steel:
Elon Elongation, % German Standard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 1.4984 0.1% C (max) 16.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 1.0% Nb
+ Ta steel: German Standard
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonUin. 2=145.04lbUin. 2=1 MPa 1.4986 0.07% C 16.7% Ni 16.8% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.8% Nb 0.7%
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. B steel: German Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.6903 0.1% C (max) 10% Ni 18% CrO.5% Ti steel: For low 8R80 0.08% C 13.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Nb steel:
temperature use; German Standard Sandvik for SS 2365
1.6905 0.1% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: For low 8R81 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.8% Nb
temperature use; German Standard steel: Sandvik
IKH2SN25TR 0.1 % C 25.5% Ni 24.5% Cr 1.3% Ti 0.01 % B (max) IORI3 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik
steel: Russian Standard designation IORS2 0.08% C 9% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Sandvik for
IR2 0.16% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik SS 2340
2R 0.2% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Sandvik 10R53 0.08% C II % Ni 17% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Sandvik
2RI 0.16% C (max) 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Sandvik IORESI 0.08% C 5% Ni 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Sandvik
2R2A 0.16% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% S steel: Sandvik; free IIRSO 0.09% C 8% Ni 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Sandvik
machining IIRSI 0.09% C 8% Ni 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Sandvik
2RI2 0.02% C (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik 12112 EL 0.05% C 13% Ni 12% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed
2RI6 0.02% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.4% Cr steel: Sandvik DPN: 1/iO UTS: 480 Elon: 55% Proof: 180
2REIO 0.02% C (max) 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Sandvik 12RIO 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik for SS 2331
2RE69 0.02% C (max) 22% Ni 25% Cr 2.1 % Mo steel: 12RIO HV 0.1 % C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for springs;
Sandvik Sandvik; vacuum melted
2RK6S 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: UTS:2400
Sandvik 12RII 0.1% C 7.7% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik for SS 2331
3KHI9N9MVBT 0.32% C9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 1.25% W 12R72 0.1 % C 15% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Sandvik;
0.35% Ti 0.35% Nb steel: Russian Standard stabilized with Ti with B
designation 15/35 0.1 % C 35% Ni 15% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless for
3RI2 0.03% C (max) II % Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Sandvik AISl330
3RI6 0.03% C (max) 19.4% Cr 10.5% Mo steel: Sandvik; 15.35.2 CB 0.2% C 35.0% Ni 15.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
annealed ISRAIO 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% S steel: Free
UTS: 700 cutting; Sandvik for SS 2346
3RI7 0.03% C (max) 9.7% Ni 20.6% Cr steel: Sandvik 15REIO 0.12% C 22% Ni 23% Cr steel: Sandvik for SS 2361
3RI9 0.03% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik ISREIO 0.12% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Sandvik
3RS4 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: ISREII 0.12% C 21 % Ni 25.5% Cr steel: Sandvik
Sandvik ISREI2 0.12% C 21 % Ni 25.5% Cr steel: Sandvik
3R60 0.03% C (max) 13.6% Ni 17% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: 16112 UMoR 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel:
Sandvik Nyby; annealed; nuclear reactor quality
3R61 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: DPN: 180 UTS:480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
Sandvik 16113 L Nb 0.07% C 13% Ni 16% Cr 0.7% Nb steel: Nyby;
3R62 0.03% C 13% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Sandvik annealed
3R63 0.03% C (max) 12.2% Ni 17.8% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: DPN: 190 UTS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 210
Sandvik 16114 L Mo Nb V 0.07% C 16% Ni 16% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.7% V0.7% Nb
3R64 0.03% C 14.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Sandvik steel: Nyby; annealed
3R6S 0.03% C (max) 14.5% Ni 18% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: DPN: 190 UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 220
Sandvik 16116 L Mo Nb 0.07% C 1.8% Mn 16% Ni 16% Cr 0.7% Nb steel:
4 Mo Var 1.7% C 9.7% Ni 30% Cr 4.3% Mo Fe alloy: Origin Nyby; annealed
unknown; for hard facing DPN: 190 UTS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 220
DPN: 420 16125/6 0.08% C 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo 0.15% N steel:
5RIO 0.05% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
SR60 0.05% C (max) 13% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: 17112 UL 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Nyby;
Sandvik annealed
SRASO 0.05% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: DPN: 1/iO UTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
Sandvik; free machining with S 17/12ULR 0.03% C (max) 0.05% Ni 17.0% Cr 0.05% Co 0.25%
6RI0 0.06% C (max) 9% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Sandvik for SS Cu steel: Nyby; annealed; nuclear reactor quality
2333 DPN: 1/iO UTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
6R4O 0.06% C (max) 10% Ni 17% Cr steel: Sandvik; 17/14Cu Mo 0.12% C 14% Ni 16% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.25% Ti 0.5% Nb
stabilized with Nb 3% Cu steel: Armco
6R5S 0.06% C (max) 11% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: 17.8.2 RCF 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Electrode;
Sandvik for SS 2341 Metrode; creep resisting; ferritic content 3-8%
6R60 0.06% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: 17.8.2 RCF 0.07% C 9% Ni 17% Cr 2% Mo steel: Electrode;
Sandvik for SS 2343 Metrode
6R64 0.06% C (max) 14% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: MN 0.06% C 4.0% Mn 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.0% Mo steel:
Sandvik Electrode; Metrode
7 Mo Var 1.9% C 14% Ni 28% Cr 6.8% Mo Fe alloy: Origin 17.17.4 LR 0.04% C 17.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 4.0% Mo steel:
unknown; for hard facing Electrode; Metrode
DPN:400 17.38.4 CB 0.4% C 38.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
7R60 0.05% C 13% Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Sandvik 17.38.4 CR 0.4% C 38.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
7REIO 0.05% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Sandvik 1818 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless;
7REI2 0.07% C (max) 21 % Ni 25.5% Cr steel: Sandvik annealed
8R30 0.08% C 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Sandvik UTS:700 Elon: 50% Proof: 300
for SS 2337 1818 0.10% C 8.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed
8R4O 0.08% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.8% Nbsteel: DPN: 180 UTS: 480 EIon: 45% Proof: ISO
Sandvik for SS 2338 1818 EL 0.05% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Nyby;
8R41 0.08% C 13% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Sandvik annealed
8R42 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Sandvik DPN: 180 UTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
8R70 0.08% C 12.4% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Ti steel:
Sandvik for 55 2344
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
18/8EMo 0.05% C 10.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 1.6% Mo steel: Nyby; 18/12LMoNB 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.7% (max) Nb
annealed steel: Nyby; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200 DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 220
18/8FM 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% S or Se steel: Eastern 18/12LMoT 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.35% Ti (max)
Stainless; annealed; free machining steel: Nyby; annealed
VTS: 630 Elon: 40% Proof: 270 DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
18/8L 0.07% C9Jl% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed 18/12Mo 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Eastern
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 Stainless; annealed
18/8 LNb 0.03% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.3% Nb (max) UTS: 600 Elon: 49% Proof: 240
steel: Nyby; annealed 18/12 MoL 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Eastern
DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210 Stainless; annealed
18/8LNbR 0.03% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.3% Nb (max) VTS: 570 Elon: 46% Proof: 240
steel: Nyby; annealed; nuclear reactor quality 18/12 UMo 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel:
DPN: 190 UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210 Nyby; annealed
18/8LT 0.07% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.35% Ti steel: Nyby; DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
annealed 18/13 EMo 0.05% C 14.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo sleel: Nyby;
DPN: 190 UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 180 annealed
18/8 Si 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Eastern DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
Stainless; annealed; for AISI 302B 18/14EMo 0.05% C 14.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Nyby;
VTS: 700 Elon: 45% Proof: 330 annealed
18/8 UL 0.03% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Nyby; DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
annealed 18114 UMo 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
DPN: 180 VTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 Nyby; annealed
18/8 ULR 0.03% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Nyby; DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
annealed; nuclear reactor quality 18/15 EMo 0.05% C 15.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: Nyby;
DPN: 180 VTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 annealed
18/8 UMo 0.03% C 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 1.6% Mosteel: Nyby; DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
annealed 18115 UMo 0.03% C (max) 15.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 4.5% Mo steel:
DPN: 180 VTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 Nyby; annealed
18/10Cb 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb + Ta steel: Eastern DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
Stainless; annealed 18.18.3 Cu LR 0.04% C 18.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 1.0% Cu steel:
VTS: 630 Elon: 45 % Proof: 320 Electrode; Metrode
18110EMo 0.05% C 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Nyby; 18.20.2 Cu Nb 0.09% C 20.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 1.0% Nb 2.0%
annealed Cu steel: Electrode; Metrode
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 210 19/9 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless;
18/1OLMoNb 0.07% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.7% (max) Nb annealed
steel: Nyby; annealed VTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proof: 330
DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 220 19/9DL 0.3% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W0.2% Ti
18/1OLMoT 0.07% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.35% Ti (max) 0.4% Nb + Ta 0.5% Cu steel: Eastern Stainless;
steel: Nyby; annealed annealed
DPN: 190 UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210 VTS: 700 Elon: 30% Proof: 330
18/10Ti 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Eastern 19/9DL 0.3% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.25% Mo 1.2% W0.3% Ti
Stainless; annealed 0.4% Nb steel: Universal Cyclops
VTS: 610 Elon: 48% Proof: 240 19/9DX 0.3% C 9% Ni 19.2% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.2% W0.5% Ti
18/1OUMo 0.03% C 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Nyby; steel: Universal Cyclops
annealed 1919 L 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Eastern
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 Stainless; annealed
18/11 EL 0.05% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed VTS: 570 Eron: 52% Proof: 240
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 19/9 WMo 0.1% C9% Ni 19% CrO.4% Mo 1.3% WO.4% Ti
18/12 0.12% C 12% Ni 18% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless 0.4% Nb steel: Universal Cyclops
VTS: 570 Elon: 47% Proof: 240 19/9WX 0.1 % C 8.5% Ni 20% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% W0.2% Ti
18/12 EMo 0.05% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Nyby; 1.3% Nb sleel: American proprietary alloy listed in
annealed SAE yearbook
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 210 19/12Mo 0.08% C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Eastern
18112 LMo 0.07% C 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mosteel: Nyby; Stainless; annealed
annealed VTS: 630 Elon: 45% Proof: 330
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 210 19/12 MoL 0.03% C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Eastern
Stainless; annealed
VTS: 610 Elon: 48% Proof: 290
19.9.1 R 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
19.9B 0.05% C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Metrode
19.9 LB 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 19.0%Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 19.9 L.HE 0.02% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 19.9LRMP 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
Elon Elongation, % 19.9NbB 0.06% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 0.8% Nb steel:
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Electrode; Metrode
19.9 NbLR 0.04% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 0.7% Nb steel:
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa Electrode; Metrode
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. 19.9 NbR 0.06% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Electrode;
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
19.9R 0.05% C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Electrode; 20M04 0.03% C (max) 37% Ni 23% Cr 4% Mo 0.2% Nb 1%
Metrode Cu steel: Carpenter
19.12.3 B 0.06% C 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: 20M06 0.03% C (max) 35% Ni 24% Cr 6% Mo 3% Cu steel:
Electrode; Metrode Carpenter
19.12.3 ELRCF 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: UTS: 640 Elon: 50% Proof: 310
Electrode; Metrode; ferrite controlled 21.26.5 CuNbR 0.04% C 26.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 0.8% Nb 1.5%
19.12.3 LR 0.03% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Cu steel: Electrode; Metrode
Electrode; Metrode; ferrite content 7-10% 21·12 N Valve 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 21 % Cr 0.2% N steel: Carpenter
19.12.3 LRCF 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: DPN: 240 UTS: 850 Elon: 40% Proof: 520
Electrode; Metrode; ferrite content 1.5% (max) 21·12 Valve Steel 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 21% Cr steel: Carpenter
19.12.3 LRCF2 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: DPN: 190 UTS: 670 Elon: 50% Proof: 360
Electrode; Metrode; ferrite content 2% (max) 22 Cr 13 Ni 5 n 0.06% C (max) 5% Mn 12% Ni 22% Cr 2.2% Mo
19.12.3 LRNF 0.03% C (max) 15.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: 0.2% V 0.2% Nb 0.3% N steel: Carpenter
Electrode; Metrode; ferrite content 0.5% (max) UTS: 830 Elon: 45% Proof: 4SO
19.12.3 NbR 0.06% C 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.8% Nb steel: 22A 0.04% C 22% Ni 20% Cr 2% Mo 1.5% Cu steel:
Electrode; Metrode Japanese alloy; Japanese Metal Industry
19.12.3 NLB 0.04% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.2% N steel: 23/14 L 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed
Electrode; Metrode DPN: 190 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
19.12.3 R 0.06% C 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: 23/14 LNb 0.07% C 14.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 0.7% (max) Nb steel:
Electrode; Metrode Nyby; annealed
19.12.3 RMP 0.06% C 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: DPN: 200 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Electrode; Metrode 23.12.2 LR 0.03% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
19.12.3 ULRCF 0.025% C (max) 14.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
Electrode; Metrode 23.12.2 NbR 0.06% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Nb steel:
19.13.4 ELRCF 0.03% C (max) 15.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 4.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
Electrode; Metrode; ferrite content 1-5% 23.12.2 R 0.06% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
19.13.4 LRCF 0.03% C 15.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 4.0% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
Electrode; Metrode; ferrite content 1-5% 23.12LR 0.03% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
19.13.4 R 0.06% C 12.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 4.0% Mo steel: 23.12 NbLR 0.03% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Electrode;
Electrode; Metrode Metrode
19.13.4 LRCF 0.03% C 15% Ni 18.5% Cr 4% Mo steel: Electrode; 23.12 NbR 0.06% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Electrode;
Metrode Metrode
19.15.3 Mn RNF 0.03% C 16% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo N steel: Electrode; 23.12 R 0.06% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Electrode;
Metrode Metrode; ferrite content 15%
19.15.3 MnBNF 0.03% C 3.0% Mn 15.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: 23.12WR 0.1 % C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 3.0% Wsteel: Electrode;
Electrode; Metrode; nil ferrite content Metrode
19.15.3 MnRNF 0.03% C 3.0% Mn 15.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: 23.35.4CR 0.4% C 35.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
Electrode; Metrode; nil ferrite content 24.14.2CWR 0.25% C 14.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 3.0% Wsteel: Electrode;
20/10 0.08% C 11 % Ni 20% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless for Metrode
A1S1308 24.24.3 CNB 0.3% C 24.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 1.7% Nb steel: Electrode;
20112 L 0.07% C 11.0% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed Metrode
DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 50% Proof: 210 25/12 0.08% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless;
20/12Si 0.12% C 12.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel: Nyby; annealed
annealed UTS: 620 Elon: 45% Proof: 330
DPN: 190 UTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 290 25/20 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless;
20/25 N6 0.03% C 0.7% Mn 25% Ni 20.0% Cr 0.3% Ti 0.6% Si annealed
Fe alloy: Union Carbide UTS: 620 Elon: 43% Proof: 330
20/25 Ti 0.03% C 0.7% Mn 25% Ni 20.0% Cr 0.3% Ti 0.6% Si 25/20 Si 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Eastern
Fe alloy: Union Carbide Stainless; for AISI 314
20.9.3 B 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Electrode; 25/21 L 0.07% C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed
Metrode; ferrite content 20% DPN: 190 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
20.9.3 R 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Electrode; 25/21 Si 0.12% C 21.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel: Nyby;
Metrode; ferrite content 20% annealed
20.9.3 RMP 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Electrode; DPN: 200 UTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Metrode; ferrite content 20% 25/24 EMo 0.05% C 25.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Nyby;
20.10.3 CB 0.3% C 10.0% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; annealed
for welding stainless steel castings DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
20.15.3 CB 0.3% C 15.0% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode 25.5.1 C 1.0% C 5.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode;
20.15.3 CR 0.3% C 15.0% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode for resistance to cavitation
20.23.3 CuNb 0.07% C 23.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 1.0% Nb 3.0% DPN:380
Cu steel: Electrode; Metrode 25.6.2 CuLR 0.03% C 6.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 3.0% Cu steel:
20.25.4 NbR 0.04% C 25.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: Electrode; Metrode; for wear resistance
Electrode; Metrode 25.6.2 CuR 0.06% C 6.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 3.0% Cu steel:
20.29.3 CuNbB 0.06% C 25.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 0.8% Nb 3.0% Electrode; Metrode; for corrosion and wear resistance
Cu steel: Electrode; Metrode DPN:2S0
20.32 NbB 0.1 % C 32.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 1.1 % Nb steel: Electrode; 25.6.3 CuR 0.06% C 6.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.0% Cu steel:
Metrode; for welding Incoloy 800 Electrode; Metrode
20.34.3 CuNbB 0.06% C 34.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.8% Nb 3.0% 25.12.4CR 0.4% C 12.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
Cu steel: Electrode; Metrode 25.20.2 CB 0.2% C 1.5% Mn 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode;
20Cb3 0.06% C (max) 34% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.5% Nb Metrode
3.5% Cu and Ta steel: Carpenter
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
25.20.3 CB 0.3% C 1.5% Mn 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; 304 LN 0.035% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr 0.13% N steel:
Metrode Designation used in the UK and USA
25.20 B 0.17% C 5.0% Mn 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: 304 NILSTAIN 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Driver
Electrode; Metrode 304 Sl1 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: BS 970
25.20 HB 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; 304 S12 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: BS 970;
Metrode obsolete
25.20 HR 0.4% C 1.5% Mn 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Electrode; 304 SI5 0.06% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18.7% Cr steel
Metrode 304 S31 0.07% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel
25.20 MoB 0.1 % C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Electrode; 305 NILSTAIN 0.12% C (max) 11.5% Ni 18% Crsteel: Driver
Metrode 308 S92 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Welding
25.20 NbB 0.1 % C 5.0% Mn 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: electrode; designation for BS 2901
Electrode; Metrode 308 S93 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Welding
25.20 SUPER R 0.1 % C 20% Ni 26% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode electrode; designation for BS 2901
25.25.2 Nb 0.07% C 25.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2. I% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: 308 S96 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Welding
Electrode; Metrode electrode; designation for BS 2901
26.33.4 CNbR 0.4% C 33.0% Ni 26.0% Cr 1.5% Nb steel: Electrode; 309Cb 0.08% C (max) 14% Ni 23% Cr 0.8% Nb steel:
Metrode Designation used in the UK and USA
27/4L 0.07% C 4.0% Ni 27.0% Cr steel: Nyby; annealed 309 NILSTAIN 0.2% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23'% Cr steel: Driver
DPN: 260 VTS: 580 Elon: 20% Proof: 370 309 S 0.08% C (max) 14% Ni 23% Cr steel: Designation used
27/5 LMo 0.07% C 5.0% Ni 27.0% Cr 1.6% Mo steel: Nyby; in the UK and USA
annealed 309 S92 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Welding
DPN: 260 UTS: 630 Elon: 20% Proof: 400 electrode; designation for BS 2901
28.6.4 CB 0.4% C 6.0% Ni 28.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode 309 S94 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Welding
29.9R 0.09% C 9.0% Ni 29.0% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode; electrode; designation for BS 2901
ferrite content 30-35% 310 NILSTAIN 0.25% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Driver
29.9% SUPER R 0.12% C 9% Ni 30% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; 310 S24 0.15% C (max) 20.5% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: BS 970;
Metrode obsolete
DPN: 275 310 S31 0.15% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: BS 970
30A 0.04% C 30% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu steel: 310 S94 0.11 % C 21 % Ni 27% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
Japanese alloy designation for BS 2901
248SV 0.03% C 5.0% Ni 16% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Weldable; 310 S98 0.4% C 21% Ni 27% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
Avesta designation for BS 2901
254 EM 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Avesta 311 S94 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr 1.2% Nb steel:
VTS: 650 Elon: 40% Proof: 300 Welding eleetrode; designation for BS 2901
254 SLX 0.02% C 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: 312 S94 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 30% Cr steel: Welding
Avesta electrode; designation for BS 2901
VTS: 590 Elon: 40% Proof: 270 313 S94 0.1% C21% Ni 27% Cr 1.2% Nbsteel: Welding
302HQ-FM 0.06% C (max) 10% Ni 17.5% Cr O. I% S 2% Cu steel: electrode; designation for BS 2901
Carpenter 314 NILSTAIN 0.25% C (max) 20.5% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: Driver
302 NILSTAIN 0.15% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel for springs: Driver 315 S16 0.07% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
302 S25 0.12% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: BS 970; BS 970; obsolete
obsolete 316 ELC NILSTAIN 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Driver
302 S31 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: BS 970 316 LN 0.035% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.13% N
303Cu 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 3.2% Cu steel: steel: Designation used in the UK and USA
Designation used in the UK and USA 316 NILSTAIN 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Driver
303MA 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% CrO.6% Mo 0.2% S 0.17% 316 Sl1 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
Pb steel: Designation used in the UK and USA BS970
303 Pb 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% S 0.18% Pb steel: 316 S12 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
Designation used in the UK and USA BS 970; obsolete
303 PLUS X 0.15% C (max) 8.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% S (min) steel: 316 S13 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
Designation used in the UK and USA BS970
303 S21 0.12% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% Ssteel: Free 316 S16 0.07% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
machining: BS 970; obsolete BS 970; obsolete
303 S31 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1% Mo (max) 0.2% S 316S31 0.07% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
steel: BS 970 BS970
303 S41 0.12% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel 316 S33 0.07% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
303 S42 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1% Mo (max) 0.2% Se BS970
steel: BS 970 316 S92 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
304 ELC NILSTAIN 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Driver Welding electrode; designation for BS 2901
316 S93 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo steel: Welding
electrode; designation for BS 2901
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 316 S96 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
Welding electrode; designation for BS 2901
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 317 NILSTAIN 0.08% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Driver
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 317 S12 0.03% C (max) 15.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
Elon Elongation, % BS 970; obsolete
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2 317 SI6 0.08% C (max) 15.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
BS 970; obsolete
1N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa 317 S96 0.08% C (max) 14% Ni 19.5% Cr 3% Mo steel:
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Welding electrode; designation for BS 2901
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
318 S96 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.0% Nb 832SY 0.05% C 10% Ni 17% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Avesta
steel: Welding electrode; designation for BS 2901 UTS: 590 Elon: 60% Proof: 280
320 SI7 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: 832T 0.15% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Avesta
BS 970; obsolete 832Y 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Avesta
320 S3I 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.6% Nb 2205 KS 0.03% C 10% Ni 24% Cr 3% Mo N steel: Electrode;
steel: BS 970 Metrode
321 NILSTAlN 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Driver 3632 0.12% C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: French Standard
321 SI2 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: designation
BS 970; obsolete 3636 0.12% C 37.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French Standard
321 S20 0.12% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: BS 970; designation
obsolete 3682 0.06% C 25.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% V 2.0%
325 S21 0.12% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: BS 970; Ti steel: French Standard designation
obsolete AI/57 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Babcock and
325 S31 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.7% Nb 0.2% S steel: Wilcox (USA)
BS970 A 10 Austenitic stainless steel sinter: Firth Cleveland;
326S36 0.12% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: specific gravity 6.~.8; as sintered
BS 970; obsolete DPN: 100 UTS: 360 Elon: 6%
330 NILSTAIN 15% Cr 34% Ni steel: Driver A 16X 0.03% C (max) 24.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 6.5% Mo stainless
347HC 0.1% C 10% Ni 19.5% CrO.8% Nb steel: Weld steel: Allegheny Ludlum
electrode; designation used by AWS UTS: 650 Elon: 45% Proof: 310
347 NILSTAIN 0.08% C (max) II % Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Driver A 100 0.05% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
347 SI7 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: YEW
BS 970; obsolete A 101 0.05% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.8% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.16% S
347 S31 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.9% Nb steel: steel: YEW; face machining
BS970 A 120 0.05% C (max) II % Ni 17% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: YEW
347 S96 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 20.5% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Rod A 200 0.03% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
for gas shielded arc welding; designation for BS 2901 YEW
384 0.08% C (max) 18% Ni 16% Cr steel: Designation used A 205 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.8% Mo steel:
in the UK and USA YEW
385 0.08% C (max) 15% Ni 12.5% Cr steel A 220 0.03% C (max) 14.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
430 NILSTAIN 0.12% C (max) 16% Cr steel: Driver YEW
453S 0.1% C 5.0% Ni 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Avesta A 300 0.06% C (max) 11 % Ni 17% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.3%
UTS: 650 Elon: 20% Proof: 500 Ti (min) steel: YEW
553 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Soderfors A400 0.04% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17% Cr 4.3% Mo 0.15% N
554 0.16% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Soderfors steel: YEW
556 0.16% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% S steel: Free machining; A 405 0.02% C (max) 22% Ni 25% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.12% N
Soderfors steel: YEW
559 0.16% C (max) 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Soderfors A410 0.03% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.18% N
564 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Soderfors steel: YEW
832C 0.16% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% S steel: Free machining; A 500 0.05% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: YEW
Avesta A 506 0.09% C (max) 8.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.23% S steel: YEW;
832K 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Avesta free machining
832M 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Avesta A 507 0.06% C 8.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: YEW
832MM 0.06% C 10.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Avesta A 520 0.1 % C 7.5% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: YEW
UTS: 600 Elon: 70% Proof: 270 A 604 0.03% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: YEW
832MP 0.07% C 8.5% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Avesta A 610 0.02% C (max) 15% Ni 17.5% Cr 4.0% Si steel: YEW
UTS: 660 Elon: 70% Proof: 300 A 700 0.06% C (max) 9.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.3% Ti (min) steel:
832MY 0.15% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Avesta YEW
832MYN 0.05% C 8.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.2% N steel: Avesta A 700 0.12% C (max) 9.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.5% Ti (min) steel:
832MYR 0.03% C 10.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Avesta YEW; heat resistant
UTS: 540 Elon: 60% Proof: 250 A 750 0.06% C (max) 9.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.6% Nb (min)
832MYRN 0.03% C 10.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.2% Nsteel: Avesta steel: YEW
832MVT 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Avesta A 900 0.1 % C (max) 5.3% Ni 26.8% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: YEW
UTS: 600 Elon: 50% Proof: 280 A 962 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.5% Cu
832P 0.16% C 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Avesta steel: YEW
832SF 0.05% C II % Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Avesta ACI HT·30 0.3% C 35% Ni 15% Cr Fe alloy: Origin unknown
UTS: 600 Elon: 55 % Proof: 290 ACI HT·50 0.5% C 35% Ni 17% Cr Fe alloy: Origin unknown
832SFR 0.03% C 11.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Avesta ACI HT·50C 0.5% C 35% Ni 15% Cr 1% Nb Fe alloy: Origin
UTS: 580 Elon: 55% Proof: 290 unknown
832SFT 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.4% Ti steel: ACNW 14% Ni 2.5% W0.5% C 14% Cr steel: Yalhuna
Avesta AFN0381·343 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
UTS: 600 Elon: 50% Proof: 290 EZ 19.9LB 110·20 French Standard
832SK 0.05% C 11.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Avesta AFNOR 81·343 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
UTS: 600 Elon: 55% Proof: 290 EZ 19.9LR23 French Standard
832SKR 0.03% C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Avesta AFNOR 81·343 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
UTS: 580 Elon: 55% Proof: 290 EZ 19.9LRI50·36 French Standard
832SKRN 0.03% C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.2% N steel: AFNOR 81·343 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
Avesta EZ 19.9LR 160·23XFrench Standard
832SN 0.05% C 14.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Avesta AFNOR 81·343 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.25% Nb steel: Welding
UTS: 600 Elon: 50% Proof: 300 EZ19.9 NbR23 electrode; French Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AFNOR 81-343 0.03% C 12% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Welding AISI310S 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel
EZI9.12.3 LB electrode; French Standard AISI314 0.29% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Annealed
110-20 DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
AFNOR 81-343 0.02% C 12% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding AISI316 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
EZ19.12.3 LR23 electrode; French Standard Annealed
AFNOR81-343 0.02% C 11.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Welding DPN: 200 UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
EZ19.12.3 electrode; French Standard AISI316L 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Annealed
LR150-36 DPN: 180 UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 180
AFNOR 81-343 0.03% C 12% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Welding AISI316N 0.08% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.13% N steel:
EZ19.12.3 electrode; French Standard Stainless
LR17023X AISI317 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
AFNOR 81-343 0.02% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.25% Nb steel: Annealed
EZI9.12.3 NbR23 Welding electrode; French Standard DPN: 200 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
AFNOR 81-343 0.04% C 13.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.3% Mo steel: Welding AISI317 L 0.03% C 14% Ni 20% Cr 3.5% Mo steel
EZ19.13.4 electrode; French Standard AISI318 0.08% C 14% Ni 20% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Annealed
R180-23X DPN: 200 UTS: 530 EIoD: 40% Proof: 180
AFNOR 81-343 0.03% C 25% Ni 22% Cr 5% Mo 2% Cu steel: AISI321 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel:
EZ20.25.2 Welding electrode; French Standard Annealed
LCnRB20 DPN: 200 UTS: 530 EIon: 40% P!loof: 180
AFNOR 81-343 0.02% C 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: AISI321H 0.06% C 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti (max) steel:
EZ20.25.5 LCnR23 Welding electrode; French Standard Stainless
AFNOR 81-343 0.02% C 13% Ni 24% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Welding AISI325 0.25% C (max) 21 % Ni 9% Cr 1.2% Cu steel
EZ23.12.2 R23 electrode; French Standard AISI327 0.1 % C 4.8% Ni 25.5% Cr steel
AFNOR 81-343 0.04% C 13% Ni 23% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Welding AISI329 0.09% C 5% Ni 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Obsolete
EZ23.12.2 electrode; French Standard AISI330 0.1 % C 35% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo steel
R186-33X AISI347 0.08% C (max) 11 % Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel:
AFNOR 81-343 0.02% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Annealed
EZ23.12 LR23 French Standard DPN: 200 UTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
AFNOR 81-343 0.02% C 12.5% Ni 23% Cr steel: Welding electrode; AISI 347 F 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.2% Se steel:
EZ23.12 LR150-36 French Standard Annealed
AFNOR 81-343 0.1 % C 21 % Ni 26% Cr steel: Welding electrode; DPN: 200 UTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
EZ25.20 R23 French Standard AISI347H 0.6% C 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.0% Nb (max) steel:
AFNOR 81-343 0.12% C 9% Ni 30% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Stainless
EZ29.9 R23 French Standard AISI348 0.08% C 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Nb + Ta (min)
AGT 0.16% C 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Ugine steel
AlP 0.08% C (max) 11.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Valhuna AISI348 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.1 % Ta steel
AIS 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Valhuna AISI348H 0.06% C 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Nb (min) steel
AISC 0.08% C (max) II % Ni 18% Cr steel: Valhuna AISL 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Valhuna
AISI302 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel AIST 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
DPN: 180 UTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 200 Valhuna
AISI302B 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel AL-6X 0.035% C (max) 24.5% Ni 21 % Cr 6.5% Mo Fe alloy:
DPN: 180 UTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 180 Allegheny Ludlum
AISI303 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr with S or Se steel AL-6XN 0.03% C (max) 24.5% Ni 21% Cr 6.5% Mo 0.2% N Fe
DPN: 160 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 alloy
AISI303 Se 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Free cutting ALLOY 20 0.05% C (max) 37% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.6% Nb
AISI304 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 19% Cr steel 3.5% Cu Fe alloy: YOM; Nicrofer 3620 Nb
DPN: 180 VTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 200 ALLOY 28 0.015% C (max) 31 % Ni 27% Cr 3.5% Mo 1.2% Cu Fe
AISI304L 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel alloy: VDM; Nicrofer 3127LC
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 150 ALLOY 306 0.015% C (max) 14.7% Ni 18% Cr 4.2% Si steel:
AISI305 0.12% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr steel Origin unknown
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 50% Proof: 150 ALLOY 310S 0.08% C (max) 20% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: VDM
AISI308 0.08% C 11 % Ni 20% Cr steel ALLOY316LN 0.03% C (max) 15% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.17% N
VTS: 530 Elon: 50% Proof: 200 steel: Origin unknown
AISI309 0.2% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel ALLOY317LN 0.03% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.7% Cr 4.2% Mo 0.2% N
DPN: 200 VTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 steel: Origin unknown
AISI309S 0.08% C 14% Ni 23% Cr steel ALLOY318LN 0.03% C (max) 5.7% Ni 22.5% Cr 3% MoO.15% N
DPN: 200 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Pr.oof: 200 steel: VDM
AISI310 0.25% C (max) 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Annealed ALLOY 330 0.15% C (max) 35.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 2% Si steel: VDM
DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 ALLOYSOO 0.1% C (max)31% Ni 20% Crsteel: VDM
ALLOYSOOH 0.08% C 31 % Ni 20.5% Cr 0.3% Ti steel: VDM
ALLOYSOOL 0.025% C (max) 33% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Ti Fe alloy:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: YOM; Nicrofer 3220LC
ALLOY904L 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 4.7% Mo 0.07% N
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number steel: Origin unknown
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 ALLOY904LN 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 4.7% Mo 0.18% N
EIoD Elongation, % steel: Origin unknown
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 ALLOY 904RMo 0.025% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 6.4% Mo steel:
Origin unknown
I N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibf1in. 2 =1 MPa ALLOY OS 0.15% C (max) 35.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 2% Si steel: VDM
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AMS 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 5341 0.16% C (max) 11.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.2% S steel: AMS 5527 0.3% C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.3% W0.2% Ti
Casting 0.4% Nb steel: Sheet
AMS 5358 18% Cr 9% Ni steel: Investment casting AMS 5531 0.15% C 20% Ni 21% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W20% Co 1%
AMS 5360 0.05% C 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Castings Nb steel: Sheet
AMS 5360B 0.08% C 13% Ni 17% Cr 2% Mo steel: Investment AMS 5533 0.43% C 20% Ni 21 % Cr 4% Mo 4% W20% Co 4%
casting; AMS for SAE 60316 Nb steel: Sheet
AMS 5361 0.05% C 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Castings AMS 5538 0.3% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.6% Mo 1.3% W0.5% Ti
AMS 5361 B 0.08% C 13% Ni 18% Cr 2% Mo steel: Sand casting; steel: Sheet
AMS for SAE 60316 AMS 5543 0.03% C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 3% Ti 0.1)% AI
AMS 5362 0.05% C 11% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.7% Nb steel: Castings steel: Sheet
AMS 5362 D 0.08% C 12% Ni 19% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Investment AMS 5552 0.04% C 32% Ni 20% Cr 1% Ti 0.15% Cu steel: Sheet
casting; AMS for SAE 60347 AMS5552 A 20% Cr 32% Ni 1% Ti Fe alloy: Sheet
AMS 5363 0.05% C 11% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.7% Nb steel: Castings AMS 5556 A 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Tube; AMS
AMS 5363 B 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr Nb +Ta steel: Sand for SAE 30347
casting; AMS for SAE 60347 AMS 5557 0.12% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Tubing
AMS 5364 0.1% C (max) 11 % Ni 18.5% Cr 1.2% Nb + Ta steel: AMS5557 A 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Tube; AMS for SAE
Castings 30321
AMS 5365 0.12% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Castings AMS 5558 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Welded tube;
AMS 5365 A 0.2% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Sand casting; AMS for AMS for SAE 30347
SAE 60310 AMS5559 A 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Welded tube; AMS
AMS 5366 0.12% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Castings for SAE 30321
AMS 5366 A 0.2% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Investment casting; AMS5560 0.04% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tubing
AMS for SAE 60310 AMS 5560 D 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Seamless tube; AMS
AMS 5368 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Castings for SAE 30304
AMS5369 A 20% Cr 9% Ni 1.4% Mo 1.4% Nb Ti steel: Sand AMS 5563 0.08% C (max) 9.7% Ni 19% Cr steel
casting AMS 5564 0.08% C (max) 9.7% Ni 19% Cr steel
AMS 5370 0.02% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Castings AMS 5565 0.04% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tubing
AMS5371 0.02% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Castings AMS5565 D 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welded tube; AMS for
AMS5501 0.08% C (max) 9.7% Ni 19% Cr steel SAE 30304
AMS 5507 0.08% C 13% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Sheet and AMS5566 D 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Seamless or welded
strip; AMS for SAE 30316 tube; AMS for SAE 30304
AMS 5510 0.04% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Sheet AMS 5567 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tube; AMS for SAE
AMS5510 H 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Sheet and strip; 30304
AMS for SAE 30321 AMS 5570 0.04% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel:
AMS5511 0.02% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Sheet Tubing
AMS5511 A Low C 18% Cr 8% Ni steel: Sheet and strip; AMS for AMS5570 G 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Seamless tube; AMS
SAE 30304 for SAE 30321
AMS 5512 B 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Sheet and AMS 5571 0.05% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% CrO.7% Nb steel:
strip; AMS for SAE 30347 Tubing
AMS 5513 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; AMS AMS 5571 B 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Seamless
for SAE 30304 tube; AMS for SAE 30347
AMS 5514 A 0.1 % C 11 % Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and strip for deep AMS5572 0.12% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Tubing
drawing; AMS for SAE 30305 AMS5572 B 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Seamless tube; AMS
AMS 5515 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet for SAE 30310
AMS 5515 D 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and strip for deep AMS 5573 C 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Seamless
drawing; AMS for SAE 30302 tube; AMS for SAE 30316
AMS 5516 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet AMS 5574 0.2% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Seamless tube; AMS for
AMS 5516 E 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; cold SAE 30309
rolled; AMS for SAE 30302 AMS 5575 0.05% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.7% Nb steel:
VTS: 530 Tubing
AMS 5517 D 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; cold AMS 5575 F 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Welded tube;
rolled; AMS for SAE 30301 AMS for SAE 30347
VTS: 920 AMS 5576 0.04% C (max) 11 % Ni 18.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel:
AMS 5518 C 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; cold Tubing
rolled; AMS for SAE 30301 AMS 5576 C 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Welded tube; AMS
VTS:1l20 for SAE 30321
AMS 5519 E 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; cold AMS 5577 A 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Welded tube; AMS for
rolled; AMS for SAE 30301 SAE 30310
VTS: 1380 AMS 5579 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W0.2% Ti 0.4%
AMS 5521 0.12% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Sheet Nb + Ta steel: Welded tube
AMS 5521 B 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Sheet and strip for deep AMS 5592 0.06% C 35% Ni 19% Cr steel: Sheet
drawing; AMS for SAE 30310 AMS 5600 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 1.8% Cr steel: Type 302
AMS 5522 0.12% C 20.5% Ni 24% Cr steel: Sheet AMS 5624 C 0.15% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Bar and
AMS 5522 B 20% Ni 25% Cr 2% Si steel: Sheet and strip forging; free machining; AMS for SAE 30303 F
AMS 5523 0.2% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Sheet and strip; AMS AMS 5635 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar and forging; free
for SAE 30309 machining; AMS for SAE 30303 F
AMS 5524 0.05% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: AMS 5636 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Forgings
Sheet AMS 5636 A 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar; cold drawn; AMS
AMS 5524 B 0.08% C 13% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Sheet and for SAE 30302
strip; AMS for SAE 30316 VTS: 740
AMS 5637 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Forgings
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS5637 A 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar; cold drawn; AMS AMS 5691 B 0.08% C 13% Ni 18% Cr 2% Mo steel: Coated
for SAE 30302 electrode; AMS for SAE 30316
UTS: 920 AMS5692 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Type
AMS 5639 0.04% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Forgings 316
AMS5639 A 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Bar, forgings, etc.; AMS AMS5693 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Type 302
for SAE 30304 AMS5694 0.12% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Wire
AMS 5640 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% S (min) steel: AMS 5694 B 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Welding wire; cold
Type 303 drawn; AMS for SAE 30310
AMS 5640 0.15% C (max) 8.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.25% S (min) steel: AMS5695 A 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Coated electrode; AMS
Type 303 for SAE 30310
AMS 5640 F 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar and forging; free AMS5696 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Type
machining; AMS for SAE 30303 F 316
AMS5641 A 0.15% C 10% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Bar and forging; free AMS5697 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Wire; AMS for SAE
machining; for swaging; AMS for SAE 30303 F 30304
AMS5642 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb 0.2% Se steel AMS5700 B 14% Ni 14% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.5% Wsteel: Bar and
AMS5645G 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Bar, forging, etc.; forging
AMS for SAE 30321 AMS5705 A 8% Ni 12.8% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Bar and forging
AMS5646 0.05% C 11 % Ni 18.5% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Forgings AMS 5716 0.08% C 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel
AMS5646 E 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Bar, forging; AMS5722 0.3% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.3% W0.25% Ti
AMS for SAE 30347 0.4% Nb steel: Forgings
AMS5647 0.02% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Forgings AMS 5723 0.3% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.6% Mo 1.3% W0.5% Ti
AMS5647 A 0.08% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS steel: Forgings
for SAE 30304 AMS 5725 A 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo Fe alloy: Bar; up to 40 mm in
AMS 5648 0.05% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: diameter
Forgings AMS 5727 0.5% C 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo steel: Forgings
AMS 5648 C 0.08% C 13% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Bar and AMS 5727 B 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo Fe alloy: Forging
forging; AMS for SAE 30316 AMS 5728B 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo Fe alloy: Forging; special
AMS5649 0.08% C 13% Ni 18% Cr 2% Mo steel: Bar and casting process
forging; free machining; AMS for SAE 30316 L AMS 5733 0.08% C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 2.75% Mo 1.7% Ti steel:
AMS5650 0.04% C (max) 13% Ni 23% Cr 0.25% Mo steel: Forgings
Forgings AMS 5733 C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 3% Mo 1.8% Ti Fe alloy: Bar and
AMS 5650 A 0.2% C 13.5% Ni 23% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS forging
for SAE 30309 AMS5738 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar; free machining;
AMS 5651 0.12% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Forgings AMS for SAE 30303 F
AMS5651 D 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Bar and forging; AMS AMS 5741 C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 3% Ti Fe alloy: Bar and
for SAE 30310 forging; vacuum melted
AMS 5652 B 25% Cr 20% Ni 2% Si steel: Bar and forging AMS5742 A 32% Ni 20% Cr 1% Ti Fe alloy: Bar and forging
AMS 5653 0.08% C 13% Ni 7% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Bar and AMS5764 0.06% C (max) 5% Mn 12.5% Ni 22% Cr 2.2% Mo
forging; AMS for SAE 30316 0.2% V 0.2% Nb 0.3% N steel
AMS5654 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel AMS5766 0.1% C (max) 32% Ni 21% CrO.3% AI Fe alloy
AMS 5674 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel AMS5784 9% Ni 29% Cr steel: Wire
AMS5680 0.05% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% CrO.7% Nbsteel: Wire AMS5785 B 9% Ni 29% Cr steel: Coated electrode
AMS 5680B 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Welding wire; AMS5871 0.1% C (max) 32.5% Ni 21% CrO.4% Al Fe alloy
AMS for SAE 30347 AMS 7210 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Type 302
AMS5681 A 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr Nb + Ta steel: Coated AMS 7211 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Type
electrode; AMS for SAE 30347 321
AMS 5685 C 0.12% C 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire; AMS for SAE AMS 7228 0.08% C 10.2% Ni 19% Cr steel: Type 304
30305 AMS7229 0.08% C (max) II % Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Type
AMS5686 A 0.12% C 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for rivetting; 347
AMS for SAE 30305 AMS7236 0.1 % C 10% Ni 20% Cr 15% Wsteel
AMS5688 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire AMS 7241 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Type 302
AMS 5688 D 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire; spring temper; AMS7245 0.08% C (max) 9.2% Ni 19% Cr steel: Type 304
AMS for SAE 30302 AMS 7472 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Type 302
AMS 5689 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Screen wire; AMS AMS 7490 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel
for SAE 30321 AMS 7490 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23% Cr steel: Type 309
AMS 5690 0.05% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Wire AMS 7490 0.08% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Type 310
AMS5690 E 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Screen wire; AMS 7490 0.25% C (max) 20.5% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: Type 314
AMS for SAE 30316 AMS 7490 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Type
AMS 5691 0.05% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Wire 316
AMS 7490 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Type
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AMSL 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AMST 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.4% Ti
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 steel: Valhuna
Elon Elongation, % AN QQ S 772IMCR 0.1 % C 10% Ni 17% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: US Service
Proof 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm 2 UTS: 7~ Elon: 40% Proof: 200
AN QQW423/1 0.2% C 14% Ni 12% Cr steel: US Service; annealed
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa UTS:7~
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. ANKA 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar, billets, etc.;
Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 58A
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ANKAE 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; ASTM A167/317 0.08% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Sheet and
Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 58E plate
ANKAM 0.16% C 12% Ni 12% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; Brown DPN: 217 urS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 200
Bayley for BS alloy En 58D ASTM AI671317L 0.03% C 14% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Sheet and
APFI 0.25% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Valhuna plate
APF1S 0.08% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Valhuna DPN: 217 UTS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 200
APFR 0.2% C (max) 13.25% Ni 23% Cr steel: Valhuna ASTM A167132 I 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Sheet and
APFRS 0.08% C (max) 13.25% Ni 23% Cr steel: Valhuna plate
APM 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.25% Mo steel: DPN: 202 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
Valhuna ASTM A1671347 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb steel: Sheet and plate
APMlSp 0.06% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: DPN: 202 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
Valhuna ASTM A 167/348 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb steel: Sheet and plate
APMC 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.25% Mo steel: DPN: 202 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
Valhuna ASTM A182 FlO 0.14% C 20.5% Ni 8% Cr steel: For pipe fittings
APML 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.25% Mo steel: ASTM A182 F304 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: For pipe fittings
Valhuna ASTM A182 F304H 0.07% C 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: For pipe fittings
APMUSp 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.75% Mo steel ASTM A182 F304L 0.035% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: For pipe
APMT 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Ti fittings
steel: Valhuna ASTM AI82 F310 0.15% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: For pipe
APMZ 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.25% Mo 0.15% S fittings
steel: Valhuna ASTM A182 F316 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For
ARC/098 14% Ni 25% Cr 1.25% Mo steel: Imphy pipe fittings
ARC 2233 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.4% Mo steel: Imphy ASTM A182 F316H 0.07% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For pipe
ARC 2266 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Imphy fittings
ARMARC See Philips Armarc ASTM A182 F316L 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For
ARMCO 18/8 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Armco pipe fittings
ARMCO 1818 Si 0.11 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Armco ASTM A182 F321 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni (min) 17% Cr (min) steel: For
ARMCO 18110 Cb 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.7% Nb + Ta steel: Armco pipe fittings
Ta ASTM AI82 F321H 0.07% C 9% Ni (min) 17% Cr (min) steel: For pipe
ARMCO 18110 Ti 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Armco fittings
ARMCO 18112 Mo 0.1 % C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Armco ASTM A182 F347 0.08% C (max) II % Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For pipe
ARMCO 20110 0.08% C II % Ni 20% Cr steel: Armco fittings
ARMCO 25112 0.2% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Armco ASTM A182 F347H 0.07% C 11 % Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For pipe fittings
ARMC025f20 0.25% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Annco ASTM A182 F348 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For pipe
ARMET 9% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode fittings
DPN:320 ASTM AI82 F348H 0.07% C 11% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For pipe fittings
ARMEX2 0.08% C 8.5% Ni 20% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Welding ASTM A193 B8 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Bar
electrode; Murex urS: 530 Elon: 35 % Proof: 200
UTS: 760 EIon: 35 % ASTM A193 B8C 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb steel: Bar
ARMEX3 0.08% C 8.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Welding UTS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 200
electrode; Murex ASTM A193 B8M 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Bar
urS: 680 Elon: 37% urS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 200
ARMEXGT 0.07% C 8% Ni 17% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Welding ASTM A193 BBT 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Bar
electrode; Murex urS: 530 Elon: 35% Proof: 200
UTS: 610 Elon: 35% ASTMA194/8 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: For bolts
ASTM A167/302 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and plate ASTM A194/8 C 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 18% V 0.08% Nb Cr steel: For
DPN: 202 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 bolts
ASTM A167/302 B 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Plate and sheet ASTM A194/8 M 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For
DPN: 217 urS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 bolts
ASTM AI67/304 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Sheet and plate ASTM A194/8 T 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: for bolts
DPN: 202 urS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 ASTM A240/302 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
ASTM A167/304 L 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Sheet and plate ASTM A240/304 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
DPN: 202 UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 170 ASTM A240/304 L 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
ASTM AI671305 0.12% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet and plate ASTM A240/305 0.12% C 12% Ni 18% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
DPN: 202 urS: 500 Elon: 40% Proof: 170 ASTM A240/309S 0.08% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
ASTM A1671308 0.08% C II % Ni 20% Cr steel: Sheet and plate ASTM A240131OS 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: For pressure vessels
DPN: 202 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 ASTM A2401316 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For pressure
ASTM A167/309 0.2% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Sheet and plate vessels
DPN: 217 urS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 ASTM A2401316 L 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: for pressure
ASTM AI671309 S 0.08% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Sheet and plate vessels
DPN: 217 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 ASTM A2401317 0.08% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: For pressure
ASTM A1671310 0.25% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Sheet and plate vessels
DPN: 217 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 ASTM A2401317 L 0.03% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: For pressure
ASTM AI671310 S 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Sheet and plate vessels
DPN: 217 urS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 ASTM A2401321 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: For pressure
ASTM A1671316 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Sheet and vessels
plate ASTM A2401347 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: For
DPN: 217 UTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 pressure vessels
ASTM A1671316 L 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Sheet and ASTM A2401348 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: For
plate pressure vessels
DPN: 217 urS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 170 ASTM A249 TP304 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: For boiler tube
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A249 TP304H 0.07% C 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: For boiler tube ASTM A295 FST 0.08% C 9% Ni 17% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Seamless drum
ASTM A249 TP304L 0.035% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: For boiler tube forging; annealed
ASTM A249 TP309 0.15% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23% Cr steel: For boiler tube VTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
ASTM A249 TP310 0.15% C (max) 21% Ni 25% Cr steel: For boiler tube ASTM A295 FlO 0.15% C 21 % Ni 8% Cr steel: Seamless drum forging;
ASTM A249 TP316 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For annealed
boiler tube VTS: S80 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
ASTM A249 TP316H 0.07% C 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For boiler ASTM A295 F25 0.15% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Seamless drum
tube forging; annealed
ASTM A249 TP316L 0.035% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
boiler tube ASTM A296 CE30 0.3% C 9% Ni 29% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
ASTM A249 TP317 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: For VTS: 540 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
boiler tube ASTM A296 CF3 0.03% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
ASTM A249 TP321 0.08% C (max) 11 % Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For boiler tube UTS: 440 Elon: 35% Proof: 180
ASTM A249 TP321H 0.07% C II % Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For boiler tube ASTM A296 CF3M 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Casting;
ASTM A249 TP347 0.08% C (max) II % Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For boiler tube annealed
ASTM A249 TP347H 0.07% C (max) 11 % Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For boiler tube VTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
ASTM A249 TP348 0.08% C (max) II % Ni 18.5% Cr 0.1 % Ta steel: For ASTM A296 CF8 0.08% C 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
boiler tube VTS: 450 Elon: 35% Proof: 180
ASTM A249 TP348H 0.07% C II % Ni 18.5% Cr 0.1 % Ta steel: For boiler ASTM A296 CF8C 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Casting;
tube annealed
ASTM A269 TP304 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tube UTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
ASTM A269 TP304L 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tube ASTM A296 CF8M 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr Mo steel: Casting; annealed
ASTM A269 TP316 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr steel: Tube VTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
ASTM A269 TP316L 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube ASTM A296 CFI6F 0.16% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% Se cast steel:
ASTM A269 TP317 0.08% C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Tube Annealed
ASTM A269 TP321 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Tube VTS: 460 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
ASTM A269 TP347 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Tube ASTM A296 CF20 0.2% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
ASTM A269 TP348 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Tube UTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
ASTM A271 Stainless steel: Still tubes; see AISI range for grades ASTM A296 CG8M 0.08% C II % Ni 19% Cr 4.0% Mo steel: Casting;
ASTM A276f302 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar annealed
ASTM A276f302B 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Bar UTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
ASTM A276f303 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Bar ASTM A296 CGl2 0.12% C 12% Ni 22% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
ASTM A276f303 Se 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Bar VTS: 460 Elon: 35% Proof: 180
ASTM A276/304 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Bar ASTM A296 CH20 0.2% C 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
ASTM A276/304 L 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Bar UTS: 460 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
ASTM A276/308 0.08% C 11 % Ni 20% Cr steel: Bar ASTM A296 CK20 0.2% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
ASTM A276/309 0.2% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Bar VTS: 440 Elon: 30% Proof: 180
ASTM A276/309 S 0.08% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Bar ASTM A296 CN7M 0.07% C (max) 29.5% Ni 20.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu
ASTM A2761310 0.25% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Bar steel: Casting
ASTM A27613I0 S 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Bar ASTMA297 HE 0.2% C 9% Ni 29% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
ASTM A276f314 0.25% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel; Bar UTS: 580 Elon: 9% Proof: 270
ASTM A276f316 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Bar ASTM A297 HF 0.20% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
ASTM A276f316 L 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Bar UTS: 460 Elon: 25% Proof: 240
ASTM A276f321 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Bar ASTMA297HH 11.2% C 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
ASTM A2761347 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Bar UTS: 500 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
ASTM A2761348 0.08%C II % Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Bar ASTMA297HI 0.2% C 15% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
ASTM A289 C 0.05% C 25% Ni 5% Cr steel: For non-magnetic UTS: 460 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
retaining rings ASTMA297 HK 0.2% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
UTS: 1140 Elon: 12% Proof: 840 VTS: 440 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
ASTM A295 F8 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Seamless drum ASTM A297 HL 0.2% C 20% Ni 29% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
forging; annealed VTS: 440 Elon: 10% Proof: 240
VTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 ASTM A297 HN 0.2% C 25% Ni 20% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
ASTM A295 F8C 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Seamless UTS: 420 Elon: 8%
drum forging; annealed ASTMA297 HT 0.35% C 35% Ni 15% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
UTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 UTS: 440 Elon: 4%
ASTM A295 F8M 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Seamless ASTM A297HU 0.55% C 40% Ni 18% Cr Fe alloy: Casting
drum forging; annealed ASTMA297HV 0.35% C 39% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; as cast
UTS: SIlO Elon: 30% Proof: 200 UTS: 440 Elon: 4%
ASTM A298 E308 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding rod; as welded
UTS: 540 Elon: 35%
ASTMA298 0.04% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding rod; as welded
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: E308ELC UTS: 500 Elon: 35%
ASTM A298 E309 0.15% C 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Welding rod; as welded
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number VTS: 540 Elon: 35%
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' ASTMA298 0.12% C 13% Ni 24% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Welding rod;
Elon Elongation, % E309 Cb as welded
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 UTS: 540 Elon: 30%
ASTMA298 0.12% C 13% Ni 24% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Welding rod;
I N/mm 2 =O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonfJin.'=145.04IbfJin. 2 =1 MPa E309Mo as welded
See Appendix" for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 540 Elon: 35%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A298 E310 0.2% C 21 % Ni 27% Cr steel: Welding rod; as welded ASTM A351 CF8M 0.08% C 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.0% Mo steel:
UTS: 540 Elon: 30% Annealed
ASTM A298 0.12% C 21 % Ni 27% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Welding rod; UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
E310 Cb as welded ASTMA351 0.1 % C 14.0% Ni 16.0% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Annealed
UTS: S40 EIon: 25% CFIOMC UTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
ASTMA298 0.12% C 21 % Ni 27% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Welding rod; ASTM A351 CH8 0.08% C 13.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Annealed
E310 Mo as welded UTS: 440 Elon: 30% Proof: 180
UTS: S40 Elon: 30% ASTM A351 CHIO 0.10% C 13.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Annealed
ASTM A298 E312 0.15% C 9% Ni 29% Cr steel: Welding rod; as welded UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
UTS: 580 Elon: 22% ASTM A351 CH20 0.20% C 13.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Annealed
ASTM A298 E316 0.08% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Welding rod; UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
as welded ASTM A351 CK45 0.35% C 20% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Annealed
UTS: 540 Elon: 30% UTS: 440 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
ASTMA298 0.04% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Welding rod; ASTM A351 CD5 0.35% C 34.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
E316ELC as welded Annealed
urs: 500 Elon: 30% UTS: 440 Elon: 15% Proof: 180
ASTM A298 E317 0.08% C 13% Ni 20% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Welding rod; ASTMA362 Heat resistant tubular castings; analysis as ASTM A296
as welded and A297
urs: S40 Elon: 30% ASTM A371 ER308 0.08% C 10% Ni 20.25% Cr steel: Corrosion resistant
ASTM A298 E318 0.08% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 2% Mo 1% Nb steel: for welding rods and electrodes
Welding rod; as welded ASTM A371 0.03% C 10% Ni 20.25% Cr steel: Corrosion resistant
urs: 540 Elon: 25 % ER308L for welding rods and electrodes
ASTM A298 E330 0.25% C 33% Ni 16% Cr Fe alloy: Welding rod; as ASTM A371 ER309 0.12% C 13.0% Ni 24% Cr steel: COrrosion resistant
welded for welding rods and electrodes
urs: 500 Elon: 30% ASTM A371 ER310 0.09% C 21.25% Ni 26.5% Cr steel: COrrosion resistant
ASTM A298 E347 0.08% C 10% Ni 20% Cr 1% Nb steel: Welding rod; as for welding rods and electrodes
welded ASTM A371 ER312 0.09% C 9.25% Ni 30.0% Cr steel: COrrosion resistant
UTS: 540 Elon: 30% for welding rods and electrodes
ASTM A312 Austenitic steel pipe; graded as ASTM A249 ASTM A371 ER316 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Corrosion
ASTMA313 0.15% C 8.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Spring wire; cold resistant for welding rods and electrodes
drawn ASTM A371-ER316L 0.03% C 12.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: COrrosion
UTS: 2280 resistant for welding rods and electrodes
ASTMA320B8 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Annealed ASTM A371-ER317 0.08% C 14.0% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: COrrosion
UTS: SIlO Elon: 35% Proof: 200 resistant for welding rods and electrodes
ASTM A320 B8C 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Annealed ASTM A371-ER318 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Ta + Nb
UTS: 500 Elon: 35 % Proof: 200 steel: COrrosion resistant for welding rods and
ASTM A320 B8D 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.1 % Ta steel: electrodes
Annealed ASTM A376 Stainless steel: Pipe for high temperature service; see
UTS: 500 Elon: 35% Proof: 200 AISI range for grades
ASTM A320 B8F 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Mo or 0.15% Se steel: ASTMA403 Stainless steel: For welders fillings; see AlSI range for
Annealed grades
UTS: 500 Elon: 35% Proof: 200 ASTMA409 Stainless steel: For pipes; see AISI for grades
ASTM A320 BST 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Annealed ASTMA430 Stainless steel: Forged or bored pipe; see AISI range
UTS: 500 Elon: 35% Proof: 200 for grades
ASTMA336FS 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Seamless drum forging ASTM A451 CPFS 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr cast steel: Pipe
UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 ASTM A451 CPFSM 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo cast steel:
ASTM A336 FSC 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Seamless drum Pipe
forging ASTM A451 0.1 % C (max) 14.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 2.0% Mo 1.0% Nb
UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 CPFIOMC cast steel: Pipe
ASTM A336 FSM 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Seamless ASTM A451 CPF87C 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.9% Nb cast steel:
drum forging Pipe
urs: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 ASTM A451 CPH8 0.08% C 13.5% Ni 24% Cr cast steel: Pipe
ASTM A336 FST 0.08% C (max) 9.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Seamless ASTM A451 CPHIO 0.2% C (max) 13.5% Ni 24% Cr cast steel: Pipe;
drum forging alternative name for CPH 20
UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 ASTM A451 CPHZO 0.2% C (max) 13.5% Ni 24% Cr cast steel: Pipe;
ASTM A336 FlO 0.15% C 20% Ni 8% Cr steel: Seamless drum forging alternative name for CPH 10
UTS: S40 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 ASTM A451 CPK20 0.2% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr cast steel: Pipe
ASTM A336 F25 0.15% C (max) 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Seamless drum ASTM A452 Austenitic steel: Cast pipe; subsequently cold worked
forging and annealed; three grades as AISI standards
UTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 ASTMA473 Stainless steel: For forgings; graded by AISI system;
ASTM A351 CFJ 0.03% C 10% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Annealed includes steel in Section 44Ml
UTS: 400 Elon: 35% Proof: 200 ASTMA478 Stainless steel: Wire for wearing; graded by AISI
ASTM A351 CFJM 0.03% C 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: system
Annealed ASTMA479 Stainless steel: Bar and shapes for boilers, etc.; graded
UTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 by AISI system
ASTM A351 CFS 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Annealed ASTMA492 Stainless steel: For wire rope; graded by AISI system
UTS: 400 Elon: 35% Proof: 200 ASTMA493 Stainless steel: Wire for cold heading; graded by AISI
ASTM A351 CF8C 0.08% C 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: system
Annealed ASTMA511 Austenitic seamless steel: Mechanical tubing graded
UTS: 400 Elon: 30 % Proof: 200 according to AISI system
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM A554 Stainless steel: Welded tubing; AISI symbols used for ASTM A632 TP347 0.08% C 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Tube
different grades ASTM A632 TP348 0.08% C 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Tube
ASTM A567/3 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn 20% Ni 21.2% Cr 3.0% Mo ASTM A651 TP304 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Tube for water
2.5% W 19.7% Co 1.0% Nb + Ta iron: Casting as ASTM A651 TP316 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube for
AISI661 water
ASTM A567 HK40 0.4% C 20% Ni 26% Cr 0.1 % Ni Fe alloy: Casting ASTM A6fJ6 Austenitic stainless steel: For structures; graded by
ASTM A567 HK50 0.5% C 20% Ni 26% Cr 0.1 % Ni Fe alloy: Casting AISI system
ASTMA580 Stainless steel: Wire classified by AISI system; see also ASTMA666 Stainless steel: Sheet, plate, bar. etc.; for structural
Sections 44MI and 44M2 purposes; graded by AISI system (see also Section 44P)
ASTM A5811303 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% S (min) steel: ASTM A688 TP304 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Welded tube
Wire, stainless; free machining ASTM A688 TP304L 0.035% C 10.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Welded tube
ASTM A5811303 Se 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% Se (min) steel: ASTM A688 TP316 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Welded
Wire; stainless; free machining tube
ASTM A581 XM2 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.13% S 0.8% ASTM A688 TP316L 0.Q35% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Welded
Al steel: Wire; free machining tube
ASTM A581 XM3 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Mo 0.2% S 0.2% ASTM A733 A312 Welded or seamless pipe nipples
Pb steel: Wire; free machining ASTM A744 General specification for stainless steel: Casting; see
ASTMA582 Stainless steel: Wire, graded in same manner as ASTM US designation
A581; see also Sections 44MI and 44P ASTM A757 B2N 0.25% C 2.5% Ni steel: Casting; for low temperature
ASTM A608 H135 0.35% C 16.0% Ni 28.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: B2Q use
Tube; centrifugally cast ASTM A757 B3N 0.15% C 3.5% Ni steel: Casting; for low temperature
ASTM A608 HC30 28.0% Cr 0.7% Mn 4% Ni 0.5% Mo (max) steel: B3Q use
Tube; centrifugally cast; properties at 760 'C ASTM A757 B4N 0.15% C 4.5% Ni steel: Casting; for low temperature
UTS: 36S Elon: 40% B4Q use
ASTM A608 HD50 0.5% C 5.5% Ni 28.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: ASTMA771 Type 316 stainless steel: Tube; for nuclear reactor tube
Tube; centrifugally cast; properties at 760 'C ASTMA774 Austenitic stainless steel fittings: Type 304, 316, 317,
UTS: 514 321 and 347
ASTM A608 HE35 0.3% C 11.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: ASTMA778 As welded austenitic stainless steel tube: Type 304, 316,
Tube; centrifugally cast 317,321 and 347
ASTM A608 HF30 0.3% C 10.5% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: ASTM A793 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: For floor plates:
Tube; centrifugally cast; properties at 760 'C Type 304 steel
UTS: 179 Elon: 7% ASTMA814 General specification for cold worked austenitic steel
ASTM A608 HH30 0.3% C 12.5% Ni 26.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: pipe: Steel type shown as suffix
Tube; centrifugally cast ASTMB639 0.1% C 20% Ni 21% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% W 20% Co 1%
ASTM A608 HH33 0.32% C 13% Ni 25% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: Tube; Nb + Ta Fe alloy
centrifugally cast ASTRANIT N/Z 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Krupp
ASTM A608 HK30 0.3% C 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: ASTRANIT SST/Z 0.08% C 18% Cr 10% steel: Krupp
Tube; centrifugally cast; properties at 760 'C ASV 6% Cr 42% Ni Fe alloy: Low expansion; Irnphy
UTS: 179 AU 1818 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Valhuna
ASTM A608 HK40 0.4% C 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: AU 1881Z 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% steel: Valhuna
Tube; centrifugally cast; properties at 760 'C AURIGA XXIVB 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Casting; D
UTS: 200 Elon: 7% Brown; annealed
ASTM A608 HL30 0.3% C 20.0% Ni 30.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
Tube; centrifugally cast AURIGA XXIVB 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.3% Mo 1% Nb steel:
ASTM A608 HlAO 0.4% C 20.0% Ni 30.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: FCG Casting; D Brown; annealed
Tube; centrifugally cast UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
ASTM A608 HN40 0.4% C 25.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: AURIGA XXIVC 0.12% C 10% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 1% Nb steel:
Tube; centrifugally cast Casting; D Brown; annealed
ASTM A608 HT50 0.5% C 35% Ni 17.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: Tube; UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
centrifugally cast AURIGA XXVII 0.3% C 13% Ni 24% Cr 3% Wsteel: Casting; D
ASTM A608 HU50 0.5% C 39% Ni 19.0% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) steel: Tube; Brown; annealed
centrifugally cast UTS: 530 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
ASTM A632 TP304 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Tube AURIGA XXVIIA 0.3% C 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; D Brown;
ASTM A632 TP304L 0.04% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Tube annealed
ASTM A632 TP310 0.15% C 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Tube UTS: 530 Elon: 10% Proof: 220
ASTM A632 TP316 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube AURIGA XXXIII 0.5% C 27% Ni 18% Cr Fe alloy: Casting; D Brown
ASTM A632 TP316L 0.04% C 15.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube UTS: 420
ASTM A632 TP317 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Tube AUSTINOX 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Pompey; annealed
ASTM A632 TP321 0.08% C 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Tube UTS: 540 Elon: 48 % Proof: 200
AUSTlNOX3 0.02% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Pompey
UTS: 460 Elon: 45 % Proof: 180
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AUSTINOXB 0.06% C 12% Ni 18% Cr steel: Pompey
UTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AUSTINOXBB 0.08% C 12% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Pompey
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 AUSTINOXS 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.3% Ti steel: Pompey
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 600 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 AUSTINOXSB 0.06% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.3% Ti steel:
2 2 2 2
I N/mm =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm =0.06475tonf/in. =145.04Ibflin. =1 MPa UTS: 570 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AUSTINOXSN 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Nb steel: Pompey
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AUTAAS 101 0.04% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.2% Cr steel: Origin BS 1449/317 SI6 0.06% C (max) 13.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
unknown Plate and sheet; annealed
AUTOROD 16.10 0.025% C 9.0% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Wire for welding; DPN: 1JY1 UTS: 5SO Elon: 35% Proof: 210
Esab; as welded BS 1449/320 SI7 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.5% Ti steel:
UTS: 580 EIon: 45% Proof: 390 Plate and sheet; annealed
AUTOROD 16.12 0.025% C 10.0% Ni 20% Cr steel: For welding wire; DPN: 1JY1 UTS: 5SO EIon: 40% Proof: 210
Esab; as welded BS 14491321 SI2 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Plate and
UTS: 600 EIon: 45 % Proof: 380 sheet; weldable; annealed
AUTOROD 16.30 0.025% C 12.0% Ni 20% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Welding DPN: 202 UTS: 520 EIon: 40% Proof: 210
wire; Esab; as welded BS 1449/347 SI7 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.9% Nb steel: Plate
UTS: 620 EIon: 35 % Proof: 340 and sheet; weldable; annealed
AUTOROD 16.32 0.025% C 12.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Welding DPN: 202 UTS: 520 EIon: 40% Proof: 210
wire; Esab; as welded BS 1453 A8 Nb 0.1 % C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb steel: Weld filler
UTS: 600 Elon: 40% Proof: 380 rod; for welding austenitic steel
AVW 0.45% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1% W2.5% Si steel: Valhuna BS 1453 AIO 0.15% C (max) 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Weld filler rod;
BandWAI 0.15% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Tube; Babcock and for welding heat resistant stainless steel
Wilcox (USA) BS 1453 AIO Nb 0.15% C (max) 12% Ni 25% Cr 1.2% Nb steel: Weld
Band W AI/57 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Babcock and filler rod; for welding heat resistant stainless steel
Wilcox (USA) BS 1453 All 0.15% C (max) 21 % Ni 25% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Weld
B 3312a 0.05% C 10% Ni 17% Cr 1.6% Mo steel: French filler rod; for welding heat resistant stainless steels
National Standard BS 1453 All Nb 0.15% C (max) 21% Ni 25% Cr 1.2% Nb 1.5% Si
DPN: 180 UTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 steel: Weld filler rod; for welding heat resistant
BBOK 0.12% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 2% Mo steel: Bar, billets, stainless steels
etc.; Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 58H BS 1453 A12 0.08% C (max) 11 % Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo steel: Weld
BB2K 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Bar, filler rod; for welding Mo bearing stainless steels
billets, etc.; Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 58H and En BS 1453 AI2 Nb 0.08% C (max) 11 % Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo 1.2% Nb steel:
581 Weld filler rod; for welding Mo bearing stainless steels
BB4K 0.08% C (max) 14% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Bar, BS 1501/801 B 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Plate and bar; annealed
billets, etc.; Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 581 UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 2'10
BBMK 18% Cr 18% Ni 2% Mo 2% Cu steel: Bar, billets, etc.; BS 1501/801 C 0.03% C 10.0% Ni 20% Cr steel: Plate and bar;
Brown Bayley annealed
BLAWKNOX 0.5% C (max) 30% Ni 22% Cr 1.3% W Fe alloy: UTS: 500 Elon: 25 % Proof: 200
Mo-REI Casting; for furnace fittings, etc.; Wellman BS 15011821 Nb 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 20% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Plate and
BRIGHTRAYF 0.15% C 37% Ni 18% Cr 2% Si Fe alloy: Wrought; H bar; annealed
Wiggin; annealed; for use up to lOOO·C when UTS: 530 EIon: 25% Proof: 200
carburizing BS 15011821 Ti 0.12% C 10% Ni 20% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Plate and bar;
DPN: 186 UTS: 720 annealed
BS 0.12% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Osborn UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
UTS: 700 Elon: SO% Proof: 270 BS 15011845 B 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Plate and
BS2 0.08% C 13% Ni 14% Cr steel: Osborn; for deep bar; annealed
drawing UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
UTS: 610 Elon: 60% Proof: 220 BS 1501/845 Ti 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.35% Ti steel:
BS970 See designation for details Plate and bar; annealed
BS 980 CDS 19 0.16% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Tube; cold drawn UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
and annealed BS 1501/846 0.08% C 12% Ni 20% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Plate and
UTS: 530 Proof: 220 bar; annealed
BS 980 CDS 20 0.16% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Tube; cold UTS: 530 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
drawn and annealed; weldable BS 1503/801 0.08% C 10.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Forging; annealed
UTS: 530 Proof: 220 UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
BS 1449/304 S12 0.03% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Plate and sheet; BS 1503/821 Nb 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Forging;
weldable annealed
DPN: 192 UTS: SOO Elon: 40% Proof: 200 UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
BS 1449/304 SI5 0.06% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Plate and sheet; BS 1503/821 Ti 0.12% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Forging;
annealed annealed
DPN: 192 UTS: 520 Elon: 40% Proof: 210 UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
BS 14491309 S24 0.15% C (max) 14.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Plate and BS 1503/845 B 0.08% C 10% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Forging;
sheet; annealed annealed
DPN: 1JY1 UTS: 5SO Elon: 40% Proof: 220 UTS: 530 EIon: 30% Proof: 200
BS 1449/310 S24 0.15% C (max) 20.5% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: Plate and BS 15031845 Ti 0.08% C 10% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.5% Ti steel:
sheet; annealed Annealed
DPN: 1JY1 UTS: 5SO EIon: 40% Proof: 220 UTS: 530 EIon: 30% Proof: 200
BS 14491312 S24 0.15% C (max) 17.5% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: Plate and BS 1503/846 0.08% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Forging;
sheet; annealed annealed
DPN: 1JY1 UTS: 5SO Elon: 40% Proof: 220 UTS: 530 EIon: 30% Proof: 200
BS 1449/316 SI2 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: BS 15041801 0.12% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Casting; annealed
Plate and sheet; annealed UTS: 4SO Elon: 20% Proof: 200
DPN: 197 UTS: 500 EIon: 40% Proof: 200 BS 15041821 Nb 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Casring;
BS 1449/316 SI6 0.07% C 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Annealed annealed
DPN: 207 UTS: 5SO Elon: 40% Proof: 210 UTS: 4SO EIon: 20% Proof: 200
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 1504/821 Ti 0.12% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Casting; BS 1554 En 58G 0.15% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire
annealed BS 1554 En 58H 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 200 BS 1554 En 581 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire
BS 1504/845 B 0.08% C (max) 11% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: BS 1631 A 0.12% C (max) 8% Ni 17% Cr steel: Casting;
Casting; annealed annealed; contained in BS 3100
UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
BS 1504/845 Nb 0.12% C (max) 11% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mosteel: BS 1631 B Nb 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel:
Casting; annealed Casting; annealed; contained in BS 3100
UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200 UTS: 4SO Elon: 20% Proof: 200
BS 1504/846 0.08% C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Casting; BS 1631 BTi 0.12% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Casting;
annealed annealed; contained in BS 3100
UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 200
BS 15061801 A 0.16% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar; annealed BS 1632 A 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 Casting; annealed; contained in BS 3100
BS 15061801 AM 0.16% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.3% S steel: Bar; free UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
machining; annealed BS 1632 B 0.08% C (max) 16% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 Casting; annealed; contained in BS 3100
BS 15061801 B 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar; annealed UTS: 4SO EIon: 15% Proof: 200
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 BS 1632 C Nb 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.0% Nb
BS 15061801 C 0.03% C 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar; annealed steel: Casting; annealed; contained in BS 3100
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
BS 1506/821 Nb 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Bar; BS 1632CTi 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.6% Ti
annealed steel: Casting; annealed; contained in BS 3100
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
BS 15061821 Ti 0.12% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Bar; annealed BS 1632 D ll08% C (max) 8% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting;
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 annealed; contained in BS 3100
BS 15061821 Ti M 0.12% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti 0.5% Zr steel: UTS: 4SO Elon: 15% Proof: 200
Bar; free machining; annealed BS 1648D 0.4% C (max) 6% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; as cast;
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 contained in BS 3100
BS 15061845 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Bar; BS 1648 E 0.5% C (max) 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; as cast;
annealed contained in BS 3100
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 BS 1648 F 0.5% C (max) 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: As cast; contained
BS 1507/821 0.15% C 2% Mn 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb stabilized in BS 3100
seamless steel: Pipe; annealed BS 1648 G 0.5% C (max) 25% Ni 17% Cr steel: Casting; as cast;
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% contained in BS 3100
BS 1507/825 0.15% C 21 % Ni 24% Cr 1% Ti seamless steel: Pipe; BS 2014/2 0.15% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Welded tube; annealed
annealed UTS: 530 Elon: 4S % Proof: ISO
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% BS 2056-301581 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% AI steel: For springs
BS 1507/845 0.08% C 10% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo seamless steel: Pipe; BS 2056-302826 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: For springs
annealed; weldable BS 2056-316542 0.07% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: For springs
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% BS 2901 A8 Nb 0.1 % C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Rod for
BS 15081801 0.16% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Tube; annealed all forms of welding
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% BS 2901 A8 Ti 0.1 % C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Rod for
BS 15081821 0.15% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Tube; all forms of welding
annealed BS 2901 AIO 0.12% C 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Rod for all forms of
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% welding
BS 15081825 0.15% C 22% Ni 24% Cr 1.0% Ti steel: Tube; BS 2901 AIO Nb 0.12% C 12% Ni 25% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Rod for gas
annealed and electric welding
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% BS 2901 AIO Ti 0.12% C 12% Ni 25% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Rod for all
BS 15081845 0.08% C 10% Ni 17% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Tube; forms of welding
annealed BS 2901 AU 0.12% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Rod for all forms of
UTS: 530 Elon: 30% welding
BS 1554 En 58A 0.16% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire BS 2901 All Ti 0.12% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: For all forms
BS 1554 En 58B 0.15% C 2% Mn 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire of welding
BS 1554 En 58C 0.15% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire BS 2901 A12 0.08% C 11% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo steel: For all forms of
BS 1554 En 58D 0.16% C 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Wire welding
BS 1554 En 58E 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire BS 2901 A12 Nb 0.08% C 11 % Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo 1% Nb steel: Rod for
BS 1554 En 58F 0.15% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire gas and electric welding
BS 2901 A12 Ti 0.08% C 11 % Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo 0.5% Ti steel: Rod
for all forms of welding
BS 2926115/35/H 0.4% C 36% Ni 17% Cr steel: Weld electrode
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: BS 2926117/812 0.08% C 9% Ni 17.5% Cr 2% Mo steel: For welding
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number BS 2926119/9 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: For welding
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 electrodes
Elon Elongation, % BS 29261191913 0.1 % C (max) 9% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo steel: For
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 welding electrodes
BS 2926119/9 Nb 0.1 % C 10% Ni 20% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: For welding
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonUin. 2=145.04IbUin. 2=1 MPa electrodes
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BS 2926119I9L 0.04% C (max) 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: For welding
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 2926119/1212L 0.04% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 2% Mo steel: For BS 3014/3 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Welded tube;
welding electrodes annealed
BS 2926119/1213 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: For UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
welding electrodes BS 3014/4 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Welded tube;
BS 2926119/1213 L 0.04% C (max) 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: For annealed
welding electrodes UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
BS 2926119/1213 Nb 0.1 % C (max) 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo 1.0% Nb BS 3014/5 0.08% C 11 % Ni 19% Cr 0.8% Nb: Welded tube;
steel: For welding electrodes annealed
BS 2926119/13/4 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: For UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
welding electrodes BS 3014/6 0.08% C 11% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Welded
BS 2926119/13/4 L 0.04% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: For welding tube; annealed
electrodes VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
BS 2926119/13/4 Nb 0.1 % C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.0% Nb BS 3076 NA 15 32% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Ti 0.4% AI Fe alloy: Rod
steel: For welding electrodes BS 3100/302 C25 0.12% C 8.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Casting
BS 2926120125/5 0.04% C (max) 26% Ni 21 % Cr 5% Mo 0.5% Nb 2% BS 3100/302 C35 0.3% C (max) 8.0% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Casting
LCuNb Cu steel: For welding electrodes BS 3100/304 C12 0.03% C 8.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Casting
BS 2926120/34/2 0.07% C (max) 34% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 1% Nb 3.5% BS 3100/304 C15 0.08% C 8.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Casting
CuNb Cu steel: For welding electrodes BS 3100/309 C30 0.5% C (max) 12.0% Ni 23.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
BS 2926/23/12 0.15% C (max) 12.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: For welding Casting
electrodes BS 3100/309 C40 0.5% C (max) 10.0% Ni 27.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
BS 2926123/1212 0.1 % C (max) 12.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For Casting
welding electrodes BS 3100/310 C45 0.5% C (max) 19.5% Ni 24.5% Cr 1.0% Mo steel:
BS 2926123/12L 0.04% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: For welding Casting
electrodes BS 3100/315 C16 0.08% C 8.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: Casting
BS 2926123/12 Nb 0.1 % C (max) 12.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: For BS 3100/316 C12 0.03% C 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting
welding electrodes BS 3100/316 C16 0.08% C 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting
BS 2926123/12 W 0.2% C (max) 12.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 3.0% W steel: For BS 3100/347 C17 0.08% C 8.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Casting
welding electrodes BS3127n 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube; lightly
BS 2926125/612 0.06% C (max) 6% Ni 26% Cr 3% Mo steel: For cold worked; for bourdon tubes
welding electrodes DPN: 220
BS 2926125/6/Cu 0.06% C (max) 6% Ni 26% Cr 3% Mo 2.5% Cu steel: BS 3146 ANC 3A 0.1 % C 8% Ni 17% Cr steel: Investment casting;
For welding electrodes annealed
BS 2926125120 0.2% C (max) 20% Ni 26% Cr steel: For welding UTS: 450 Elon: 25%
electrodes BS 3146 ANC 3BNb 0.1 % C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Investment
BS 2926125120/1 0.12% C (max) 20% Ni 27% Cr 1% Mo steel: For casting; annealed
welding electrodes VTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
BS 292612512012 0.12% C (max) 20% Ni 27% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For BS 3146 ANC 4A 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
welding electrodes Investment casting; annealed
BS 2926125120 H 0.4% C 20% Ni 26% Cr steel: For welding electrodes UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 210
BS 2926125120 Nb 0.12% C (max) 20% Ni 26% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: For BS 3146 ANC 4B 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
welding electrodes Investment casting; annealed
BS 2926125/35HNb 0.4% C 34% Ni 25% Cr steel: For welding electrodes UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 210
BS 2926125/35M 0.4% C 34% Ni 25% Cr steel: For welding electrodes BS 3146 ANC 4CNb 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.0% Nb
BS 292612919 0.15% C 10% Ni 30% Cr steel: For welding electrodes steel: Investment casting; annealed
BS 2926129/9/1 0.15% C 9% Ni 50% Cr 1% Mo steel: For welding UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 210
electrodes BS 3146 ANC 5A 0.5% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Investment casting; as
BS 29261291912 0.15% C 9% Ni 30% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For welding cast
electrodes BS 3146 ANC 5B 0.5% C 40% Ni 20% Cr steel: Investment casting; as
BS 2926 A 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding electrode; as cast
welded BS 3146 ANC 6A 0.2% C 12% Ni 22% Cr steel: Investment casting; as
UTS: S40 Elon: 35% cast
BS2926 B 0.1 % C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Welding DPN: 250 UTS: 450 Elon: 20%
electrode; as welded BS 3146 ANC 6B 0.22% C 12% Ni 22% Cr 3% Wsteel: Investment
UTS: S40 Elon: 30% casting; as cast
BS 2926 C 0.08% C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: DPN: 250 UTS: 450 Elon: 20%
Welding electrode; as welded BS3146ANC7 0.35% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 1.7% Mo 2.5% W 10% Co
UTS: S40 Elon: 30% 3% Nb steel: Casting; as cast
BS 2926 D 0.5% C 11% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: VTS: 530 Proof: 300
Welding electrode; as welded BS 353212 Austenitic stainless steel for implants and surgery tools
UTS: 540 Elon: 25% classified into types 316 S16, 316 S12, 317 SIO
BS 2926 E 0.6% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo steel: Welding BS 4534/1 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast steel:
electrode; as welded Tube; weldable; as cast
UTS: S40 Elon: 25% UTS: 450 Elon: 26%
BS 2926F 0.6% C 12% Ni 24% Cr steel: Welding electrode; as BS453411 F 0.06% C 8% Ni 18.5% Cr cast steel: Tube; weldable;
welded as cast
UTS: S40 Elon: 35% UTS: 480 Elon: 26%
BS 2926G 1% C 12% Ni 25% Cr 3% Wsteel: Welding electrode; BS 453412 0.06% C 12.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) 1.0% Nb
as welded cast steel: Tube; weldable; as cast
UTS: S40 Elon: 25 % UTS: 450 Elon: 22%
BS 3014/1 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Welded tube; annealed
UTS: 530 Elon: 45 % Proof: 180
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 4534/2 F 0.06% C 8% Ni 18.5% Cr 1.0% Nb cast steel: Tube; CAMLOY 30% Ni 15% Cr Fe alloy: For marine valves; Cameron
weldable; as cast and Son; obsolete
UTS: 480 Elon: 22% UTS: 840 Elon: 35%
BS4534/3 0.06% C 13.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo cast steel: Tube CARPENTER 20 0.05% C 28.5% Ni 20% Cr 2.25% Mo 3.25% Cu steel:
UTS: 4SO EIon: 26% Jessops
BS 453413 F 0.06% C 8% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo cast steel: Tube; CARPENTER 2OC63 0.07% C (max) 34% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu Fe
weldable; as cast alloy: Carpenter
UTS: 480 Elon: 26% CD4M Symbol for Durcornet 100; Duriron Co.
BS 4534/4 0.3% C lO% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast steel: CD4MCu 0.04% C (max) 5.2% Ni 25.5% Cr 2% Mo 3% Cu
Tube steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
UTS: 480 EIon: 22% CE30 0.3% C 9% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM
BS 453415 0.3% C 12% Ni 25% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast steel: designation; as cast
Tube weldable; as cast; can be aged DPN: 170 UTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 370
UTS: 510 Elon: 9% CF3 0.03% C lO% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM
BS 4534/6 0.4% C 20% Ni 25% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast steel: designation
Tube CF3M 0.03% C 11% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting;
UTS: 480 Elon: 9% ASTM designation
BS 4534n 0.15% C (max) 21 % Ni 25% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast CF3MN 0.03% C (max) 11% Ni 19% Cr 0.15% N steel:
steel: Weldable tube; as cast Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
UTS: 450 Elon: 22% CF8 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM
BS 4534/8 0.45% C 35% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast steel: designation; as cast
Tube UTS: S40 Elon: 55 % Proof: 230
UTS: 450 Elon: 7% CF8C 0.08% C 11% Ni 19% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Casting;
BS 4534/9 0.5% C 35% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast steel: ASTM designation; as cast
Weldable tube; as cast UTS: S40 Elon: 9% Proof: 220
UTS: 450 EIon: 7% CF8M 0.08% C 11% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting;
BS 4534/lO 0.15% C (max) 35% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast ASTM designation; as cast
steel: Weldable tube; as cast UTS: S30 Elon: 50% Proof: 240
UTS: 420 Elon: 22% CF12M 0.12% C 11% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting;
BS 4534/11 0.1 % C (max) 32% Ni 20.5% Cr 0.5% Mo (max) cast ASTM designation; as cast
steel: Weldable tube; as cast UTS: 530 EIon: 50% Proof: 270
UTS: 400 EIon: 26% CF16F 0.16% C 11% Ni 19% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% Se steel:
BS6lO5-AI 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For fasteners Casting; ASTM designation; as cast; free machining
BS 6lO5-A2 0.08% C lO.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For fasteners UTS: S40 Elon: 52% Proof: 240
BS 6lO5-A4 0.08% C 12% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: For CF20 0.2% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM
fasteners designation; as cast
BS 6323 LW20 0.03% C lO.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Tube UTS: S40 EIon: 50% Proof: 210
BS6323 LW21 0.06% C lO.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Tube CF-10MC 0.1 % C (max) 14.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 2% Mo steel:
BS6323 LW22 0.03% C 12% Ni 17.5% Cr 3% Mo steel: Tube Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
BS 6323 LW23 0.07% C 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 3% Mo steel: Tube CG8M 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo steel: Casting; ASTM
BS6323 LW24 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Tube designation
BSCb 0.08% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Osborn; weld stabilized CG6.MMN 0.06% C (max) 5% Mn 12.5% Ni 21.5% Cr 2.2% Mo
UTS: 700 EIon: 55% Proof: 270 0.3% V 0.2% Nb steel: Casting; designation used in the
BSM 0.06% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Osborn; weldable UK and USA
UTS: 700 Elon: 60% Proof: 270 CGl2 0.12% C (max) 11.5% Ni 21.5% Cr steel: Casting;
BST 0.08% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Osborn; weld stabilized designation used in the UK and USA
UTS: 700 EIon: 55% Proof: 270 CG-12 0.12% C (max) 11.5% Ni 21.5% Cr steel: Casting;
BSW10 0.2% C 13% Ni 12% Cr steel: Wire designation used in the UK and USA
BS W11 0.2% C (max) 14% Ni 12% Cr steel: Wire CH8 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 24% Cr steel: Casting;
CA6N 0.06% C (max) 7% Ni 11.5% Cr steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
designation used in the UK and USA CH lO 0.1% C (max) 13.5% Ni 24% Crsteel: Casting;
CALITE 40% Ni 5.5% Cr 4.5% AI Fe alloy: Heat resistant; designation used in the UK and USA
origin unknown CH20 0.2% C 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM
CALMET 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; Calorizing Corp; heat designation; as cast
resistant properties UTS: 620 EIon: 38% Proof: 300
DPN: 160 UTS: S40 Proof: 330 CHROMAX 37% Ni 18% Cr Fe alloy: British Driver-Harris; furnace
UTS: 700
CHRONlFER 2520 0.15% C (max) 20% Ni 24.5% Cr 1.7% Se steel: YOM
CHRONlFER 2520 0.05% C (max) 20% Ni 24.5% Cr 0.5% Se steel: YOM
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: CK20 0.2% C 21% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; Huntington; as
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number UTS: 520 EIon: 37% Proof: 220
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 CK20 0.2% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting;
Eion Elongation, % designation used in the UK and USA
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mrn2 CN3M 0.03% C (max) 25% Ni 21 % Cr 5% Mo 3.5% Cu steel:
Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
1 N/mm2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmrn2 =0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa CN7M 0.07% C 29% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu steel:
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Casting; Huntington; as cast
UTS: 4SO Elon: 48% Proof: 180
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CN 7 MS 0.07% C (max) 23.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.7% Mo 1.7% Cu CROLOY 0.7% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Tube; Babcock
steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA 1818 S Ti H and Wilcox (USA)
CNS 0.35% C 8% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For valves; CROLOY 1818 Ti 0.08% C 11% Ni 19% CrO.6% Ti steel: Tube; Babcock
origin unknown and Wilcox (USA)
COLMONOY C290 0.45% C 37.0% Ni 13.2% Cr 2.5% Si 1.5% Biron CROLOY 18/12 0.12% C 12% Ni 18% Cr steel: Tube; Babcock and
alloy: For brazing; Wall Colmonoy Wilcox (USA)
COLMONOY C395 0.5% C 37.0% Ni 13.2% Cr 2.5% Si 1.5% B Fe alloy CROLOY 18113/3 0.08% C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Tube;
bronze metal: Wall Colmonoy Babcock and Wilcox (USA)
COMET 307 0.09% C 5.5% Mn 8.5% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.9% Mo steel: CROLOY 25112 0.15% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Tube; Babcock and
welding electrode; Soudometal; for hard facing work; Wilcox (USA)
hardness to 500 DPN CROLOY 25/20 0.15% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Tube; Babcock and
DPN:200 Wilcox (USA)
COMET 307R 0.05% C 6.0% Mn 8.5% Ni 21.0% Cr steel: Welding CRONIFER 1925 LC 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 4.7% Mo 1.6% Cu
electrode; Soudometal; for hard facing work; hardness 0.18% N steel: YOM
to 500 DPN CRONIFER SI925 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 4.7% Mo Fe alloy:
DPN:200 Weld rod; VOM
COMET 308L 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; CRONIFER 0.03% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.7% Cr 4.2% Mo 0.15% N
Soudometal; for welding austenitic stainless steel 1m LCN steel: YOM
UTS: 600 Elon: 46% Proof: 450 CRONIFER 0.03% C (max) 15% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.17% N
COMET 309 0.04% C 13.0% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; 1812LCN steel: YOM
Soudometal; for buttering CRONIFER 0.015% C (max) 14.7% Ni 18% Cr 4% Si steel: VDM
UTS: 570 Elon: 40 % Proof: 460 1815 LC Si
COMET 309 Mo 0.04% C 13.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Welding CRONIFER 0.025% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 6.4% Mo 0.9% Cu
electrode; Soudometal; buttering of 316 type steel 1925 H Mo 0.19% N steel: YOM
UTS: 620 Elon: 30% Proof: 510 CRONIFER 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 4.7% Mo 1.6% Cu
COMET 316L 0.03% C 12.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding 1925 LCN 0.15% N steel: VDM
electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type steel CRONIFER 0.03% C (max) 5.7% Ni 22.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.15% N
UTS: 590 Elon: 42% Proof: 470 2205 LCN steel: VDM
COMET 317 0.07% C 1.2% Mn 13.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.3% Mo steel: CRONIFER 0.03% C (max) 27% Ni 23% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.5% Ti
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type 2328 2.7% Cu steel: VDM
steel CRONIFER 0.02% C (max) 20.5% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: VOM
UTS: 610 Elon: 30% Proof: 470 2521 LC
COMET SD 0.04% C 10.0% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; CRONIFER 0.02% C (max) 22.5% Ni 24.7% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.13% N
Soudometal 2522 LCN steel: VOM
UTS: 730 Elon: 30% Proof: 570 CRONIFER 0.03% C (max) 24.7% Ni 24.7% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.4% Ti
CONTRACID 10% Ni Cr Mo Fe alloy: Corrosion resistant alloy; no 2525 Ti steel: VDM
further information CRONITE 25/12 0.5% C (max) 1.0% Mn 12% Ni 25% Cr Fe alloy:
CORNES31O 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Philip Comes Casting; heat resistant
Cr Ni 25-20 0.2% C (max) 19.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Designation UTS: 5SO Elon: 10% Proof: 100
used by German Standards CRONITE 25/20 0.5% C 20% Ni 24% Cr 0.7% Wsteel: Casting;
CRM6D 1.0% C 5.0% Mn 5.0% Ni 20% Cr 1.0% Mo 1.0% W Cronite; as cast
Fe alloy: Information from SAE handbook DPN: 170 UTS: 530 Elon: 18% Proof: 300
CROLOY 15/15N 0.15% C 2% Mn 15% Ni 16% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.4% W CRONITE 37/18 0.3% C 36% Ni 19% Cr Fe alloy: Casting; heat
1% Nb steel: Babcock and Wilcox (USA) resistant
CROLOY 16/13/3 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube; UTS: 520 Elon: 8% Proof: 290
Babcock and Wilcox (USA) CRONITE 37/181Nb 0.3% C (max) 36% Ni 19% Cr 2.0% Nb Fe alloy:
CROLOY 16/13/3 0.035% C 14% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube; Casting; heat resistant
ELC Babcock and Wilcox (USA) UTS: 570 Elon: 8% Proof: 330
CROLOY 16113/3 H 0.07% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube; CRONITE 428 0.5% C 15% Ni 23% Cr 0.25% Mo 2.5% Wsteel:
Babcock and Wilcox (USA) Casting; Cronite; as cast
CROLOY 1818 Cb 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Tube; DPN: 165 UTS: 570 Elon: 20% Proof: 300
Babcock and Wilcox (USA) CROWN MAX 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 23% Cr 2.8% Wsteel: Firth Vickers
CROLOY 1818 Cb H 0.6% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Babcock and for BS alloy En 55
Wilcox (USA) CRUCIBLE 303 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Mo or Zr steel: Crucible
CROLOY 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Tube; Steel Co.; annealed
18/8Cb Ta Babcock and Wilcox (USA) UTS: 650 Elon: SO% Proof: 220
CROLOY 0.6% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Babcock CRUCIBLE 3040.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Crucible Steel Co.;
1818 Cb Ta H and Wilcox (USA) annealed
CROLOY 1818 ELC 0.035% C 12% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tube; Babcock and DPN: ISO UTS: 620 Elon: 55% Proof: 240
Wilcox (USA) CRUCIBLE 309 0.2% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Crucible Steel Co.;
CROLOY 1818 EM 0.15% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.1% Se steel: Tube; annealed
Babcock and Wilcox (USA); free machining DPN: 170 UTS: 700 Elon: SO% Proof: 270
CROLOY 1818 H 0.07% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tube; Babcock and CRUCIBLE 316 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Crucible
Wilcox (USA) Steel Co.; annealed
CROLOY 1818 HC 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Babcock and DPN: 160 UTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proof: 270
Wilcox (USA) CRUCIBLE 321 0.08% C II % Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Crucible Steel
CROLOYI8I8S 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tube; Babcock and Co.; annealed
Wilcox (USA) DPN: 160 UTS: 630 Elon: SO% Proof: 250
CROLOY 1818 Si 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Tube; Babcock CRUCIBLE 347 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb + Ta steel: Crucible
and Wilcox (USA) Steel Co.; annealed
DPN: 160 UTS: 690 Elon: SO% Proof: 170
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
CRUCIBLE 348 0.08% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb + Ta (Ta DIN 17440 0.07% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.25% Mo steel:
0.1% (max» steel: Crucible Steel Co.; annealed X5 Cr Ni Mo 18110 Plate; German Standard; solution treated
DPN: 160 UTS: 690 Elon: SO% Proor: 290 UTS: 600 Proof: 250
CUSTOM 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 3.5% Cu steel: DIN 17440 0.07% C (max) 12.75% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.75% Mo steel:
FL0302HQ Carpenter X5 Cr Ni Mo 18112 Plate; German Standard; solution treated
CUSTOM 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu UTS: 600 Proor: 250
FLO 316HQ steel: Carpenter DIN 17440 X 10 0.1% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.25% MoO.8% Nb
D2 Symbol for Durco CF 8; Duriron Co. Cr Ni Mo Nb 18/10 steel: Plate; German Standard; solution treated
D2L Symbol for Durco CF 3; Duriron Co. UTS: 610 Proor: 230
D4 Symbol for Durco CF 8M; Duriron Co. DIN 17440 X 10 0.1% C (max) 12.2% Ni 17.5% Cr2.25% MoO.5% Ti
D4L Symbol for Durco FC 3M; Duriron Co. Cr Ni Mo Ti 18110 steel: Plate; German Standard; solution treated
D20 Symbol for Durimet 20; Duriron Co. UTS: 610 Proor: 270
DARWINK 0.15% C 23% Ni 23% Cr 2% Mo 0.25% Cu Fe alloy: DIN 17440 0.1 % C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.8%
Casting; Darwin X 10 Cr Ni Nb 1819 Nb 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; German
DDQ 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Firth Vickers Standard; solution treated
DPN: 160 UTS: 570 Elon: SO% UTS: 640 Proor: 209
DIN 1736 E1-Ni 0.04% C 38% Ni 26% Cr 3.5% Mo 1.6% Cu steel: DIN 17440 0.1 % C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5%
Cr26Mo Welding electrode X 10 Cr Ni Ti 18/9 Ti (min) 0.03% S (max) 0.045% P (max) steel: Plate;
DIN 8556 EI9-9.2 0.03% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr 2% Mo steel: Welding German Standard; solution treated
MPR 23.180 electrode UTS: 640 Proor: 209
DIN 8556 E19-9 0.05% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr 0.4% Ta steel: DIN 17440 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Plate; German
NbR26 Welding electrode X 12 Cr Ni 5188 specification
DIN 8556 E19-9 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding UTS: 610 Proof: 219
NCR26 electrode DIN 17470 20% Ni 25% Cr Fe alloy
DIN 8556 EI9-12.3 0.05% C (max) 11.5% Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.3% Nb Cr Ni 25/20
NbR26 steel: Welding electrode DIN 17470 30% Ni 20% Cr Fe alloy
DIN 8556 E25-20 0.12% C (max) 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Welding NiCr 30/20
R26 electrode DISCALOY 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 1.8% Ti steel:
DIN 17440 0.03% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 11% Ni 18.5% Cr Westinghouse; for high temperature use
X 2 Cr Ni 18/9 steel: Plate; German Standard DID 189 A 0.15% C 8% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Wire; weldable
UTS: 586 Proor: 178 UTS: 530
DIN 17440 0.03% C 2.0% Mn (max) 10.3% Ni 18% Cr steel: DID 712 A 0.06% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Sheet
X2 Cr Ni 18/10 Plate; German Standard annealed; weldable
UTS: 660 Proor: 275 UTS: 450 Elon: 40% Proor: ISO
DIN 17440 0.03% C (max) 13.75% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: DTD734 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr: Obsolete
X2Cr Ni Mo 18/10 Plate; German Standard; solution treated DID 5006 0.15% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti or 1.0% Nb steel:
UTS: 590 Proor: 240 Cold drawn
DIN 17440 0.03% C (max) 13.75% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: UTS: 1550
X2 Cr Ni Mo 18112 Plate; German Standard; solution treated DID 5016 0.1 % C (max) 11 % Ni 18% Cr Nb steel: Tube;
UTS: 590 Proor: 240 annealed; weldable
DIN 17440 0.03% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 16% Ni 18% Cr 3.5% UTS: 620 Elon: 40% Proor: ISO
X2 Cr Ni Mo 18116 Mo 0.045% P (max) 0.03% N (ma.x) steel: Plate; DTD5036 Low C Ni Cr steel: For rivets and split pins; weldable
German Standard; solution treated DID 5056 Ni Cr steel: For bolts, etc.; suitable for cold forming
UTS: 612 Proof: 199 DID 5259 Ni/Cr steel: Casting; investment cast; not stabilized; for
DIN 17440 use up to 350°C
X2CrNiMoN 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.25% Mo 0.18% UTS:470
18/2 Nsteel: Plate; German Standard; solution treated DID 5269 Ni/Cr steel: Casting; investment cast; Nb stabilized
UTS: 700 Proor: 325 UTS:470
DIN 17440 DID 5279 Ni/Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting; investment cast
X2CrNiMoN 0.03% C (max) 13.25% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.75% Mo 0.18% UTS: 500
18/13 Nsteel: Plate; German Standard; solution treated DID 5289 Ni/Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Casting; investment cast
UTS: 700 Proof: 3SO UTS: 500
DIN 17440 0.07% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo (max) steel: DUNELT84 0.43% C 10% Ni 14% Cr 0.5% Mo 3% Wsteel:
X 5 Cr Ni 18/9 Plate; German Standard Dunford for BS alloy En 54
UTS: 201 Proof: 189 DUNELT88 0.2% C9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Dunford; annealed; can
DIN 17440 0.07% C (max) 11.2% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Plate; be stabilized for welding
X 5 Cr Ni 19/11 German Standard; solution treated UTS: 530 Elon: 30%
UTS: 230 Proof: 190 DURCOCF3 0.03% C (max) 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Casting;
Duriron Co.
UTS: 455 Elon: 35% Proor: 195
DURCOCF3M 0.03% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
Note. The rollowing abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Casting; Duriron Co.
UTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 210
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DURCOCF8 0.08% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Casting;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Duriron Co.
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 460 Elon: 35% Proof: 195
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' DURCOCF8M 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
Casting; Duriron Co.
1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475tonr/in.'=145.04Ibr/in.'=1 MPa UTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 211
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DURCOMET5 0.025% C (max) 16% Ni 21 % Cr 5% Si steel: Casting;
designation used in the UK and USA
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DURCORNETlOO 0.04% C (max) 5.2% Ni 25.5% Cr 3.0% Cu steel: E312T 0.15% C (max) 9.2% Ni 30% Cr steel: Weld electrode;
Casting; Duriron Co. designation used by AWS
UTS: 700 Elon: 20% Proof: 490 E316 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
DURIMET20 0.07% C (max) 29.0% Ni 20.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Casting; Duriron Co. E316 L 0.04% C (max) 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
UTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 323 Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
E 16-8.2 0.1 % C (max) 8.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Weld E 316 LT 0.04% C (max) 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
electrode; designation used by AWS Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
E028L 0.03% C (max) 31.5% Ni 28.2% Cr 3.8% Mo 1% Cu E316T 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
E71 T8 K2 0.15% C (max) 1.5% Ni 1.8% Al ~max) steel: Weld E317 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS; obsolete electrode; designation used by AWS
E209 0.06% C (max) 10% Ni 22.2% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.2% N E317L 0.04% C (max) 13% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Weld
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
E307 0.1 % C 9.6% Ni 19.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld E317LT 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
E 307 TI 0.13% C (max) 9.7% Ni 19% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld E318 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.5% Nb
electrode; designation used by AWS steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
E 307 TI 0.1 % C 9.2% Ni 20.2% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld E330 0.2% C 34% Ni 15.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
E308 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Weld E 330 H 0.4% C 35% Ni 15.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode;
electrode; designation used by AWS designation used by AWS
E308 HC 0.1 % C 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode; E347 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.5% Nb steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
E 308 LTI 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Weld E347T 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.5% Nb steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
E 308 LTI 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Weld E349 0.13% C (max) 9% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.45% Mo 1.5% W
electrode; designation used by AWS 1% Nb steel: Weld electrode; designation used by
E 308 Mo 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: AWS
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS E385 L 0.03% C (max) 20% Ni 25% Cr 4.7% Mo 1.8% Cu
E 308 Mo LTI 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS E2209 0.04% C (max) 9.5% Ni 22.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1% N
E 308 MoL 0.04% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS E 2209T 0.04% C (max) 8.5% Ni 22% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.1 % N
E 308 MoT-1 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Weld electrode; designation used by AWS E9015 0.1 % C (max) 1.6% Ni 0.3% Si steel: Weld electrode;
E 308 TI 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Weld designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS E9018M 0.1 % C (max) 1.6% Ni steel: Weld electrode;
E 308 T-3 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Weld designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC 16.8.2 0.1 % C (max) 8.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% Si
E308L 0.04% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Weld steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC218 0.1% C (max) 8.5% Ni 17% Cr 4% Si 0.12% N steel:
E309 0.15% C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Weld Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC308H 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 21 % Cr 0.5% Si steel: Weld
E 309 Cb 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC 308 L 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 21 % Cr 0.5% Si steel: Weld
E309CbLT 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC 308 LSi 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 21 % Cr 0.8% Si steel: Weld
E309L 0.04% C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC 308 Mo 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 20.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Si
E 309 LTX 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Weld steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC 308 Mo L 0.04% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Si
E 309 Mo 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Weld steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC 308 Si 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 21 % Cr 0.8% Si steel: Weld
E 309 MoL 0.04% C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC 309 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
E309T 0.1 % C (max) 13% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode; electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS EC 309 L 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
E310 0.14% C 21 % Ni 26.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode; electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS EC309 Si 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr 0.8% Si steel: Weld
E 310 Cb 0.12% C (max) 21 % Ni 26.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC310 0.12% C 21.7% Ni 26.5% CrO.4% Si steel: Weld
E 310H 0.4% C 21 % Ni 26.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode; electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS EC312 0.15% C (max) 9.2% Ni 30% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
E31OMo 0.12% C (max) 21 % Ni 26.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
electrode; designation used by AWS EC316 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Si
E310T 0.2% C (max) 21 % Ni 26.5% Cr steel: Weld electrode; steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS EC316 L 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Si
E312 0.15% C (max) 9.2% Ni 30% Cr steel: Weld electrode; steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
designation used by AWS EC316LSi 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Si
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
EC 316 Si 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Si En58M 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: Free
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS machining En 58; designation used in BS 970; replaced
EC317 0.08% C (max) 14% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.4% Si by 325 S21
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS ER209 0.05% C (max) 11% Ni 22% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Weld
EC317 L 0.03% C (max) 14% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.4% Si electrode; designation used by AWS
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS ER307 0.1 % C 4% Mn 9% Ni 20% Cr 1% Mo steel: Weld
EC318 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.5% Nb electrode; designation used by AWS
0.4% Si steel: Weld electrode; designation used by ER308 0.08% C 10.0% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: Designation used
EC321 0.08% C (max) 9.7% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.5% Ti 0.4% Si ER308 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 20.5% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EC347 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Weld ER308 L 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 20.5% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EC 347 Si 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Weld ER 308 LSi 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 20.5% Cr 0.8% Si steel: Weld
electrode; designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EC349 0.1 % C 8.7% Ni 20.5% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.2% Nb 0.4% Si ER308 MoL 0.04% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.4% Si
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
ECM1 0.1 % C (max) 1.7% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ER 308 Si 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 20.5% Cr 0.8% Si steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
ECM1N 0.1% C (max) 1.7% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ER309 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
ECNi4 0.14% C (max) 1.7% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ER309 L 0.03% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
ECNi4N 0.14% C (max) 1.7% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ER309 Si 0.12% C (max) 13% Ni 24% Cr 0.8% Si steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EM2N 0.1% C (max) 1.7% Ni steel: Weld electrode; ER310 0.12% C 21 % Ni 26.5% Cr 0.4% Si steel: Weld
designation used by AWS electrode; designation used by AWS
EMS 0.06% C 10% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Sheet; Firth Vickers; ER312 0.15% C (max) 9.7% Ni 30% CrO.4% Si steel: Weld
weldable electrode; designation used by AWS
DPN: 160 urS: 620 Elon: 60% ER316 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Weld
EMS 235 0.3% C 8% Ni 23% Cr steel: For valves; origin electrode; designation used by AWS
unknown ER 316 L 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Weld
EMS 253 0.9% C 15% Ni 28% Cr 5.5% Mo iron alloy: Origin electrode; designation used by AWS
unknown; for hard facing ER316 LSi 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Si
DPN:460 steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En 54 0.42% C 10% Ni 13% Cr 3% W steel: For valves; ER 316 Si 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Si
designation used in BS 970; replaced by 331 S40 steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En 55 0.3% C 9% Ni 17% Cr 3% W steel: For valves; ER317 0.08% C (max) 14% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Weld
designation used in BS 970; obsolete electrode; designation used by AWS
En58A 0.16% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Designation used ER317L 0.03% C (max) 14% Ni 19.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Weld
in BS 970; replaced by 302 S25 electrode; designation used by AWS
En58B 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: ER318 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.8% Nb
Designation used in BS 970; replaced by 321 SI2 steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En58C 0.15% C (max) 11% Ni 19% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: ER320 0.07% C (max) 3.4% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu
Designation used in BS 970; replaced by 321 S12 steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En58D 0.16% C (max) 13% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet for deep ER320 0.035% C (max) 34% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu Fe
drawing; designation used in BS 970; obsolete alloy: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En58E 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Designation used ER320 LR 0.025% C 34% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu steel:
in BS 970; replaced by 304 SI5 Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
En58F 0.15% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr Nb stabilized steel: ER321 0.08% C (max) 9.7% Ni 19.5% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Weld
Designation used in BS 970; replaced by 347 S17 electrode; designation used by AWS
En58G 0.15% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr Nb stabilized steel: ER 330 0.2% C 35.5% Ni 16% Cr Fe alloy: Weld electrode;
Designation used in BS 970; replaced by 347 S17 designation used by AWS
En58H 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 2% Mo steel: ERA 1414 0.4% C 10% Ni 14% Cr 3% W 0.2% Nb steel:
Designation used in BS 970; replaced by 315 S16 Hadfields for BS alloy En 54 and 54A
En58J 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: ERACR I 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Casting; Hadfields
Designation used in BS 970; replaced by 316 SI6 DPN: 170 VTS: 580 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
ERACR I 0.16% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wrought; Hadfields for
BS alloy En 58A
ERACR2 0.3% C 9% Ni 21% Cr 4% W2% Cu steel: Forging;
Hadfield; not stabilized for welding
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 235 VTS: 800 Elon: 31 % Proof: 450
ERA CR2 0.3% C 9% Ni 21% Cr 4% W 1.5% Si 2% Cu steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Casting; Hadfields
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' DPN: 229 VTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 370
Elon Elongation, % ERACR4 12% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: Casting; Hadfields for
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm' BS 1632 A
VTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200
1 N/mm':O.1 hbar:O.I02 kgf/mm':0.06475tonf/in.':145.04Ibf/in.':1 MPa ERACR4 0.1 % C 9% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo steel: Hadfields
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 187 UTS: 710 Elon: 50% Proof: 330
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ERACR4FC 10% Ni 18% Cr 2% Mo S steel: Hadfields for BS alloy EVERSHYNE Osborn trade name for austenitic steel; not weld
En 58M; free machining stabilized
ERACR4S 0.1% C9% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo 0.6% Ti steel: Forging; EW2 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Osborn;
Hadfields; stabilized for welding weldable; acid resistant
DPN: 187 UTS: 710 Elon: 50% Proof: 300 UTS: 740 Elon: 45% Proof: 300
ERA CR 4S 0.12% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo 0.6% Ti casting: EW3 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Osborn;
Hadfields weldable; acid resistant
DPN: 212 UTS: 690 Elon: 25% Proof: 300 UTS: 760 Elon: 45% Proof: 330
ERA CR 4S (Cb) 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Nb steel: Casting; Hadfields for EW4 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 4% Mo steel: Osborn;
BS 1632 C austenitic; weldable; acid resistant
UTS: 450 Elon: 15% Proof: 200 UTS: 760 Elon: 45% Proof: 370
ERACR4SFC 10% Ni 18% Cr 2% Mo steel: Hadfields for BS alloy EZEFORM35 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Atlas
En58M F-IO 0.15% C 21 % Ni 8% Cr steel: Origin unknown
ERACRlFC 9% Ni 18% Cr S steel: Hadfields for BS alloy En 58M; FAGERSTA R310 0.07% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: For deep drawing;
free machining Fagersta
ERACRI SFC 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti Ssteel: Hadfields for BS alloy FAGERSTA R320 0.06% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: For deep drawing;
En 58M; free machining Fagersta
ERACR1S 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Casting; FAGERSTA R350 0.04% C 9.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For deep drawing;
Hadfields Fagersta
DPN: 187 UTS:620 Elon: 18% Proof: 300 FAGERSTA R358 0.04% C 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr Nb: Stabilized steel;
ERACRlS 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Forging; Fagersta; for heat resistance
Hadfields; stabilized for welding FAGERSTA R359 0.04% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr Ti: Stabilized steel;
DPN: 170 UTS: 580 Elon: 60% Proof: 300 Fagersta; for heat resistance
ERA CRIS (Cb) 8% Ni 18% Cr Nb stabilized steel: Casting; Hadfields FAGERSTA R360 0.03% C 10.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: For tubes; Fagersta
for BS 1631B FAGERSTA R390 0.05% C 11.5% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: For deep drawing
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% Proof: 200 and spinning; Fagersta
ERA CR1S (Cb) 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Wrought; FAGERSTA R428 0.04% C 11.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.3% Mo with Nb steel:
Hadfields for BS alloy En 58F and 58G Fagersta
ERAHR 1 0.3% C 9% Ni 17% Cr 3% Wsteel: Wrought; FAGERSTA R440 0.05% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Acid
Hadfields for BS alloy En 55 resistant; Fagersta
ERAHR 1 7% Ni 21 % Cr 4% Wsteel: Casting; Hadfields for BS FAGERSTAR450 0.04% C 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: For acid
1648D resistance; Fagersta
UTS: 740 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 FAGERSTA R460 0.03% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: For acid
ERA HR IS 7% Ni 21 % Cr 3.5% Si steel: Casting; Hadfields for BS resistance; Fagersta
1648D FAGERSTA R590 0.06% C 12.0% Ni 13.5% Cr steel: For deep drawing:
ERAHR2 7% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Casting; Hadfields for BS 1648 D Fagersta
UTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 300 FAGERSTA R800 0.08% C 19.0% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: Tube for heat
ERAHR2W 7% Ni 21 % Cr 2% Wsteel: Casting; Hadfields for BS resistance; Fagersta
1648 D FAGERSTA R820 0.05% C 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Tube for heat
ERAHR3 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; Hadfields for BS 1648 F resistance; Fagersta
UTS: 600 Elon: 16% FCB 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.7% Nb steel: Firth Vickers
ERAHR6 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; Hadfields for BS 1648 E DPN: 175 UTS: 630 Elon: 58% Proof: 250
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% FCB(T) 0.08% C 12% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Firth
ERAHR6W 12% Ni 25% Cr 3.5% Wsteel: Casting; Hadfields for Vickers
BS 1648 E UTS: 580 Elon: 45%
UTS: 450 Elon: 20% FOP 0.05% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Firth Vickers
ERA HR 7 15% Ni 15% Cr steel: Casting; Hadfields for BS 1648 H DPN: 160 UTS: 620 Elon: 50% Proof: 240
ERA HR8 25% Ni 25% Cr Wsteel: Casting; Hadfields for BS FDP(L) 0.05% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Firth Vickers
1648 H FMB 0.06% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Firth Vickers
ESCALLOY20 0.7% C 28% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 1% Nb 3.2% Cu FMBTi 0.06% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.3% Ti steel: Firth
steel: Eastern Stainless Vickers; weldable
ESSHETE316 0.07% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Samuel DPN: 180 UTS: 620 Elon: 50% Proof: 270
Fox; solution treated FMB (L) 0.03% C 12% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Firth
UTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 210 Vickers
ESSHETE321 0.07% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti (max) steel: FML 0.07% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: Firth
Samuel Fox; solution treated Vickers; for acid resistance
UTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 210 DPN: 170 UTS: 620 Elon: 50% Proof: 250
ESSHETE 347 0.07% C 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Nb (min) steel: FNB 0.4% C 13.5% Ni 14% Cr 2.5% Wsteel: Darwins for
Samuel Fox; solution treated BS alloy En 54
UTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 220 FOREMOST 18/8 0.15% C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Swift Levick for BS
EV3 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 21 % Cr steel: For exhaust valves; alloy En 58A
designation used by SAE FOREMOST 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Swift Levick
UTS: 840 Elon: 26% Proof: 450 18/8Mo for BS alloy En 58J
EV 10 1% C 14% Ni 14% Crsteel: Casting for exhaust valves; FOREMOST 0.1% C9% Ni 18.5% Cr 1% Nb steel: Swift Levick for
designation used by SAE 18/8 Nb BS alloy En 58F
EV 15 0.32% C 7.5% Ni 23% Cr steel: For valves; SAE FOREMOST 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Swift Levick
designation 18/8Ti for BS alloy En 58B
EV 16 0.3% C 8% Ni 23% Cr steel: For valves; SAE FOREMOST HR 1 0.3% C 20% Ni 25% Cr 3% Wsteel: Casting; Swift
designation Levick
EV 17 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr 3.5% Cu steel: For valves; SAE DPN: 220 UTS: 760 Elon: 27% Proof: 420
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
FOREMOST HR 5 0.3% C 8% Ni 20% Cr 4% Wsteel: Casting; Swift FVS 0.4% C 14% Ni 13.6% Cr 2.6% Wsteel: Firth Vickers
Levick; annealed DPN: 230 VTS: 760 Elon: 35%
DPN: 220 VTS: 830 Elon: 49% Proof: 330 G2 0.42% C 14% Ni 14% Cr 2.6% Wsteel: Wrought;
FOREMOST HR 6 0.1 % C 18% Ni 18% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.6% Ti 2.5% Cu Jessop; for BS alloy En 54
steel: Casting; Swift Levick; annealed G4 0.12% C 13% Ni 16% Cr 3% W0.5% Ti steel: Jessop
DPN: 163 VTS: 390 Elon: 12% Proof: 180 G9 0.12% C 11% Ni 16% Cr 1% W0.4% Ti steel: Jessop
FOREMOST HR 7 0.2% C 12% Ni 25% Cr 3% Wsteel: Casting; Swift G19 0.4% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 1.8% Mo 2.6% W10% Co
Levick; annealed 3.1% Nb steel: Casting; Jessop; as cast; creep resisting
DPN: 220 VTS: 710 Elon: 32% Proof: 270 UTS: 580 Elon: 4% Proof: 300
FOREMOST HR 8 0.2% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; Swift Levick; G19 0.4% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 1.7% Mo 2.5% W10% Co 3%
annealed Nb steel: Jessop; wrought
DPN: 200 UTS: 630 Elon: 48% G21 0.4% C 13% Ni 13% Cr 2.5% W 1.0% Nb steel:
FORMWELL 0.11% C 9.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Atlas; annealed Jessop; creep resisting
DPN: 130 UTS: 620 Elon: 63% Proof: 220 VTS: 730 Elon: 47% Proof: 250
FS 16/2516 0.05% C 25% Ni 16% Cr 6.5% Mo steel: Firth Sterling G38 0.17% C 12% Ni 16% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.25% V 1.3% W
DPN: 201 UTS: 840 Elon: 35% Proof: 390 steel: Jessop
FSL 0.06% C 10% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Firth Vickers G40 0.23% C 25% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 1% W1% Ti steel:
FSL (L) 0.05% C 10% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Sheet; Firth Vickers Jessop
VTS: 610 Elon: 60% Proof: 220 VTS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 630
FSQ 0.1 % C 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: Firth Vickers G71 0.10% C 37.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Jessop; as cast;
FST 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Firth Vickers scale or creep resistant
DPN: 170 VTS: 610 Elon: 50% G72 0.10% C 32.0% Ni 21.0% Cr steel: Jessop; as cast;
FST(L) 0.6% C 10% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Firth Vickers scale or creep resistant
FV302 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Firth Vickers G 125 0.02% C 18.5% Ni 9.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 0.65% Ti 0.9%
DPN: 170 VTS: 610 Elon: 50% Al steel: Jessop
FV303 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.6% Ti 0.25% S G 3426 STC 52D 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Japanese
steel: Firth Vickers; free cutting; weldable Standard
UTS: 600 Elon: 53% Proof: 240 G4301 SEC 7 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Japanese
FV304 0.06% C 10% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Sheet; Firth Vickers; Standard
weldable G 4301 SEC 8 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Japanese
DPN: 160 UTS: 610 Elon: 60% Proof: 220 Standard
FV 304 (L) 0.03% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr steel: Firth Vickers; weldable G 4301 SEC9 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Japanese
DPN: 160 VTS: 580 Elon: 60% Proof: 220 Standard
FV305 0.1 % C 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: For deep drawing; Firth G 4301 SEC 10 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Japanese
Vickers; annealed Standard
VTS: 580 Elon: 60% Proof: 240 G 4301 SEC 13 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Japanese
FV309 0.20% C 11.5% Ni 23% Cr 2.8% Wsteel: Firth Vickers Standard
DPN: 220 VTS: 740 Elon: 28% G 4302 SEH 5 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Japanese Standard
FV310 0.1 % C 21 % Ni 23% Cr steel: Firth Vickers GAMMACb 0.4% C 24.5% Ni 15.2% Cr 4.1 % Mo 2.2% Nb Fe
DPN: 190 UTS: 700 Elon: 35% alloy: Origin unknown
FV316 0.06% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Firth Vickers; GOST 5632/0 0.08% C 19.0% Ni 11.0% Cr 2.0% Ti 1.0% Al (max)
for acid resistance; sulphuric, chlorides, etc. KHION20T2 steel: Russian Standard
DPN: 180 VTS: 610 Elon: 50% Proof: 270 GOST 563210 0.08% C (max) 27.5% Ni 14.0% Cr 3.2% W2.8% Ti
FV 316 (L) 0.03% C 12% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Firth KHI4N28V3T31URO.8% Al 0.02% B steel: Russian Standard
Vickers; weldable GOST 563210 0.08% C (max) 16.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.45% Ti
DPN: 160 VTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 240 KH17NI6M3T steel: Plate; Russian Standard
FV321 0.05% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Firth Vickers; GOST 5632/0 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Russian
weldable KH18N10 Standard
DPN: 160 VTS: 610 Elon: 50% Proof: 240 GOST 5632/00 0.04% C (max) 1.5% Mn 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Plate;
FV347 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.7% Nb steel: Firth Vickers; KH18NIO Russian Standard
weldable VTS: 450 Proof: 160
DPN: 175 VTS: 620 Elon: 58% Proof: 250 GOST5632/0 0.12% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.25% Se Te steel:
FV 555 0.05% C 10.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 2.4% Mo steel: Firth KH18NIOE Russian Standard; free machining
Vickers; this steel is developed for its weldability GOST 5632/0 0.08% C 1.5% Mn 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel:
VTS: 540 Elon: 67% Proof: 200 KH18N1OT Plate; Russian Standard; solution treated
VTS: 500 Proof: 200
GOST 563210 0.06% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Plate;
KHI8N11 Russian Standard; solution treated
UTS: 520
GOST 5632/0 0.08% C (max) 1.5% Mn 12% Ni 18% Cr 0.9% Nb
KH18N12B 0.02% S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Standard; solution treated
VTS: 550 Proof: 200
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number GOST 5632/0 0.08% C (max) 12.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.2% Nb steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 KH18N12B Russian Standard
EIoD Elongation, % GOST 5632/0 0.08% C (max) 1.5% Mn 12% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 KH18N12T steel: Plate; Russian Standard; solution treated
GOST 563210 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: Plate;
1 N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
KH20N14S2 Russian Standard
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. GOST 5632/0 0.08% C (max) 0.8% Mn 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.45% Ti
KH21N5T steel: Russian Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST 563210 0.08% C (max) 6.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 2.1% Mo 0.3% Ti GOST5632 0.09% C (max) 7.0% Ni 17% Cr 1.0% Al steel: Plate;
KH21N6M2T steel: Plate; Russian Standard KH17N71U Russian Standard
GOST 5632/0 0.1 % C (max) 18.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Russian GOST 5632 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn 8.5% Ni 19% Cr 0.7% Ti
KH23N18 Standard KH18N9T steel: Plate; Russian Standard; solution treated
GOST 563210 0.06% C (max) 26.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.6% Ti UTS: 550 Proof: 200
KH23N28M2T steel: Plate; Russian Standard GOST5632 0.12% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.25% Te or Se
GOST 563210 0.06% C (max) 27.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.6% Ti KH18NIOE steel: Plate; Russian Standard
KH23N28M3D3T steel: Plate; Russian Standard GOST 5632 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.7% Ti
GOST 563210 0.06% C (max) 27.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.55% Ti KHI8NIOT steel: Plate; Russian Standard; solution treated
KH23N28M3DeT 3.0% Cu steel; Russian Standard UTS: 520 Proof: 200
GOST 563211 0.12% C 22.5% Ni 13.5% Cr steel: Russian Standard GOST 5632 0.12% C (max) 1.5% Mn 12% Ni 18% Cr 0.7% Ti
KH 13N3 KH18NI2T steel: Plate; Russian Standard; solution treated
GOST 563211 0.1 % C 15.5% Ni 14.0% Cr 1.1 % Nb steel: Plate; VTS: 550 Proof: 200
KH14NI6B Russian Standard GOST5632 0.2% C (max) 1.5% Mn (max) 13.5% Ni 20.5% Cr
GOST 5632/1 0.1% C (max) 15.5% Ni 14.0% Cr 1.1% Nb 0.005% KH20N14S2 steel: Russian Standard
KHI4N16BR B (max) 0.02% Zr (max) steel: Plate; Russian GOST 5632 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: Russian
Standard KH20N14S2 Standard
GOST 5632/1 0.1 % C 19.0% Ni 14.5% Cr 2.2% W 1.0% Nb steel: GOST 5632 0.2% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Plate; Russian
KHI4N18V2B Plate; Russian Standard KH23N13 Standard; solution treated
GOST5632/1 0.1 % C 19.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 2.2% W 1.0% Nb 0.005% VTS: 500 Proof: 300
KH14N18V2BR B (max) 0.02% Zr (max) steel: Plate; Russian GOST 5632 0.2% C (max) 18.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Plate; Russian
Standard KH23N18 Standard
GOST5632/1 0.1 % C 19.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 2.2% W 1.0% Nb 0.025% GOST5632 0.2% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 13.5% Ni 23.5% Cr
KH14NI8V2BR1 B (max) 0.02% Zr (max) steel: Plate; Russian KH23NB steel: Russian Standard
Standard GOST5632 0.1% C 25.5% Ni 24.5% Cr 1.4% Ti 0.01% B (max)
GOST 563211 0.09% C 13.5% Ni 16.0% Cr 2.25% Mo 1.1% Nb steel: KH25H25TR steel: Plate; Russian Standard
KHI6N13M2B Plate; Russian Standard GOST5632 0.12% C (max) 6.0% Mn 17.5% Ni 24.5% Cr 0.02% B
GOST 563211 0.12% C 0.8% Mn (max) 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.8% Ti KH25NI6G7AR 0.37% N steel: Russian Standard
KH21N5T steel: Russian Standard GOST 5632 0.2% C (max) 19.5% Ni 25.5% Cr steel: Plate; Russian
GOST 563211 0.1 % C 25.5% Ni 24.5% Cr 1.3% Ti 0.01 % B steel: KH25N20S2 Standard; solution treated
KH25N25TR Russian Standard VTS: 600 Proof: 300
GOST 5632/2 0.17% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.6% Mn steel: Plate; Russian GOST9940/0 0.08% C (max) 16.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.45% Ti
KH18N9 Standard KH17NI6M3T steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
UTS: 675 Proof: 280 UTS: 500
GOST 5632/2 0.17% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Russian Standard GOST 9940/00 0.04% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
KH18N92 KH18NIO Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 5632/3 0.3% C 6.5% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian VTS: 450
KH13N7S2 Standard GOST9940/0 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
GOST 5632/3 0.31% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.2% W 0.35% KH18N10 Russian Standard; seamkss
KHI9N9MVBT Ti 0.35% Nb steel UTS: 520
GOST 563214 0.38% C 8.0% Ni 12.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 1.3% V 0.3% Ti GOST9940/0 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
KHI2N8G8MFB steel: Plate; Russian Standard KHI8NIOT Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 563214 0.45% C 14.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 0.32% Mo 2.2% Wsteel: VTS: 520
KH14NI4V2M Plate; Russian Standard GOST9940/0 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.2% Nb steel:
GOST 5632/4 0.36% C 24.5% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Plate; Russian KHI8N12B Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
KH18N2552 Standard VTS: 520
GOST 5632/4 0.36% C 24.5% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Russian Standard GOST9940/0 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
KH18N2582 KH18N12T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 5632/610 0.08% C (max) 1.5% Mn 10% Ni 18% CrO.02% VTS: 520
KH18NIO S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; Russian GOST9940/0 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: Pipe;
Standard KH20N1452 Russian Standard; seamless
VTS: 630 Proof: 220 GOST9940/0 0.08% C (max) 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.45% Ti steel:
GOST 5632 KH18N9 0.12% C 1.5% Mn 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Plate; KH21N5T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
Russian Standard GOST 9940/0 0.1 % C (max) 18.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST 5632 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Noi 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: KH23N18 Standard; seamless
OKHI8NIOT Russian Standard VTS: 500
GOST5632 0.1 % C (max) 18.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Plate; Russian GOST 9940/1 0.1 % C 19.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 2.3% W 1.1 % Nb steel:
OKH23NI8 Standard KH14N18V2BR Plate; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST 5632 0.1% C (max) 19.5% Ni 11.2% Cr2.9% Ti 0.8% Al VTS: 550
KHI2N20T3R 0.0014% B steel: Russian Standard GOST9940/1 0.12% C 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.45% Ti steel: Pipe;
GOST 5632 0.1% C (max) 22.5% Ni 11.2% Cr 1.3% Mo 2.9% Ti KH21N5T Russian Standard; seamless
KHI2N22T3MR 0.8% AI 0.02% B steel: Russian Standard GOST994012 0.12% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST5632 0.09% C (max) 8.1 % Ni 15.0% Cr 1.0% AI steel: KH18N9 Standard; seamless
KHI5N91U Plate; Russian Standard UTS: 540
GOST 5632 0.09% C (max) 15.0% Ni 16.0% Cr 2.75% Mo 0.7% GOST 9940 KH18N9 0.12% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
KH16NI5M3B Nb steel: Plate; Russian Standard Standard; seamless
GOST5632 0.1% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr2.2% Mo 0.45% Ti UTS: 540
KH17NI3M2T steel: Plate; Russian Standard GOST994O 0.1% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr2.1% Mo 0.45% Ti
GOST 5632 0.1 % C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.45% Ti KHI7NBM2T steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
KHI7N13M3T steel: Plate; Russian Standard VTS: 540
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
GOST994O 0.12% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: GOST 1049811 0.06% C 15.0% Ni 16.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.6% Nb steel:
KH18Nl0T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless KHI6N15M3B Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
VTS: 540 VTS: 550
GOST994O 0.12% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: GOST 1080211 0.09% C 19.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 2.4% W 1.1% Nb steel:
KH18N12T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless KHI4NI8V2BR Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
VTS: 540 VTS: 550 Proof: 240
GOST994110 0.08% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr2.1% Mo0.45% Ti GOST 10802 0.09% C 14.0% Ni 16.5% Cr 2.4% W 1.1 % Nb steel:
KH17N16M3T steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless KHI6N14V2BR Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
VTS: 540 VTS: 550 Proof: 220
GOST994110 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Pipe; GOST 10802 0.08% C 16.0% Ni 16.0% Cr 0.65% Mo 2.5% W0.8%
KH18N1O Russian Standard; seamless KH16NI6V2MBR Nb 0.3% Cu (max) steel: Pipe; Russian Standard;
VTS: 450 seamless
GOST 9941/00 0.04% C (max) 16.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.45% VTS: 550 Proof: 240
KH18NIO Ti: Russian Standard: seamless GOST 10802 0.12% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
VTS: 500 KH18NI2T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST994110 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: VTS: 540 Proof: 220
KH18NIOT Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless GOST 1106810 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
VTS: 520 KH18NIOT Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST994110 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: VTS: 540
KH18N12B Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless GOST 11068100 0.04% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.5% Ti steel:
VTS: 540 KH18NIOT Tube; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST994l10 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: VTS: 500
KHI8N12T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless GOST 11068/0 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
VTS: 540 KH18N12T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST994110 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: Pipe; VTS: 540
KH20NI452 Russian Standard; seamless GOST 11068/0 0.08% C (max) 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian
GOST994110 0.1 % C (max) 18.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian KH21N5T Standard; seamless
KH23NI8 Standard; seamless GOST II 068/0 0.06% C (max) 27.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.5% Ti
VTS: 500 KH23N28M3D3T steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST994111 0.1 % C 5.1% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Pipe; Russian GOST 1106811 0.11 % C 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Pipe;
KH14N18V2BR Standard; seamless KH21N5T Russian Standard; seamless
GOST994111 0.17% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Russian GOST 110680 0.06% C (max) 27.5% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.1 % Mo 0.5% Ti
KH18N9 Standard; seamless KH23N28M2T steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
VTS: 540 GOST 11068 0.1% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr2.1% Mo 0.45% Ti
GOST9941/1 0.12% C 5.2% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.45% Ti steel: Pipe; KH17N13M2T steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
KH21N5T Russian Standard; seamless GOST 11068 0.1 % C 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.45% Ti steel:
GOST9941 0.1 % C (max) 19.0% Ni 14.5% Cr 2.2% W1.0% Nb KHI7N13M3T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
KHI7N13M2T steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless GOST 11068 0.12% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
VTS: 550 KHI8N1OT Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST9941 0.12% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Pipe; VTS: 560
KH18N9 Russian Standard; seamless GOST 11068 0.12% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
VTS: 520 KH18NI2T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless
GOST9941 0.12% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: VTS: 560
KHI8N12T Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless GOST 1416210 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
VTS: 520 KHI8N1OT Capillary tube; Russian Standard
GOST9941 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 21.5% Cr steel: Pipe; VTS: 540
KH21N5T Russian Standard; seamless GOST 1416210 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
GOST 10498/0 0.03% C (max) 15.0% Ni 15.5% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: KHI8N12T Capillary tube; Russian Standard
KH16N15M3 Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless VTS: 520
VTS: 560 GOST 14162 0.12% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Capillary
GOST 10498100 0.04% C (max) 15.0% Ni 16.0% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.5% Nb KH18N9 tube; Russian Standard
KH16NI5M3B steel: Pipe; Russian Standard; seamless GOST 14162 0.12% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
VTS: 520 KHI8NIOT Capillary tube; Russian Standard
GOST 10498/0 0.05% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Pipe; VTS: 560
KHI8NIOT Russian Standard; seamless GOST 14162 0.12% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
VTS: 540 KH18N12T Capillary tube; Russian Standard
GOST 1049810 0.85% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: Pipe; VTS: 520
KHI8N1OT Russian Standard; seamless GT45 0.12% C 14% Ni 16% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.25% Ti 0.5% Nb
VTS: 560 3% Cu steel: Armco
H 500 0.07% C 32.0% Ni 20.8% Cr 0.3% Ti 0.3% AI steel:
YEW; heat resistant
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: H 508 0.4% C 32.5% Ni 20.5% Cr 0.6% Ti 0.5% Al steel:
VEW; heat resistant
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number H 520 0.12% C (max) 35% Ni 15.8% Cr steel: YEW; heat
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 resistant
Elon Elongation, % H 522 0.15% C (max) 19.8% Ni 24.8% Cr steel: YEW; heat
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 resistant
H 525 0.08% C 19.8% Ni 24.8% Cr steel: YEW; heal
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 = 145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa resistant
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. H 532 0.08% C (max) 20% Ni 25.3% Cr steel: YEW; heat
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
H550 0.09% C 11.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: YEW; heat HK-40 0.4% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; designation
resistant used in the UK and USA
H800 0.43% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% W2.3% Si steel: HL 0.4% C 20% Ni 30% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
YEW; for valves Huntington; as cast
HAl Ni Cr35 35% Ni 20% Cr Fe alloy: For resistance heating weld; UTS: 570 Elon: 19% Proof: 330
Harrison Alloy HL 0.4% C 19% Ni 30% Cr Fe alloy: Designation used by
HAl Ni Cr 35 Cb 35% Ni 20% Cr 1% Nb Fe alloy: Harrison Alloy ASTM
HAl NiCr40 37% Ni 20% Cr Fe alloy: For resistance heating weld; HL 30 0.3% C 20% Ni 30% Cr Fe alloy: Designation used by
Harrison Alloy ASTM
HAl Ni Cr 80 Cb 35% Ni 20% Cr 1% Nb Fe alloy: Harrison Alloy HL 40 0.4% C 20% Ni 30% Cr Fe alloy: Designation used by
HAYNES 20 MOD 0.05% C (max) 26% Ni 22% Cr 5% Mo 0.2% Ti Fe ASTM
alloy HN 0.35% C 25% Ni 21 % Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
HE 0.35% C 9% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; Huntington; as cast
Huntington; aged UTS: 450 Elon: 17% Proof: 220
UTS: 620 Elon: 10% Proof: 370 HN-40 0.4% C 25% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Casting; designation
HE-35 0.35% C 9.5% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
used in the UK and USA HNM 0.3% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.23% P steel: American
HEADWELL 0.07% C 18% Ni 16% Cr steel: Atlas; annealed proprietary alloy listed in SAE year book
DPN: 130 UTS: 530 Elon: 52% Proof: 200 HNV 5 0.35% C 8% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: For valves;
HEDEX 14 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for forging; SAE designation
Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 58E HOTSPUR A 0.4% C 10% Ni 14% Cr 3% Wsteel: Bar, billet, etc.;
HEDEX35 0.08% C (max) II % Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for forging; Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 54
Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 58E HOTSPUR C 0.2% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; Brown
HEDEX36 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo steel: Wire for Bayley
forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 58J HOTSPUR D 0.35% C 9% Ni 17% Cr 3% Wsteel: Bar, billet, etc.;
HEDEX37 0.05% C (max) 10% Ni (min) 19% Cr steel: Wire for Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 55
forging; Kiveton Park for BS alloy En 58E HOTSPUR F 0.2% C 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Bar, billet, etc.; Brown
HEDEX44 0.08% C (max) 14% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for forging; Bayley
Kiveton Park; annealed HP 0.55% C 36% Ni 26% Cr Fe alloy: Designation used by
HEDEX45 0.08% C (max) 16% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for forging; HR CROWN 1 0.2% C 12.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 0.5% Wsteel: Casting;
Kiveton Park; annealed Firth Vickers; annealed
UTS: 690 DPN: 220 UTS: 530 Elon: 32% Proof: 270
HEV7 0.08% C 26% Ni 14.75% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti HR CROWN MAX 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 23% Cr 2.8% Wsteel: Firth Vickers
steel: For valves; SAE designation for BS alloy En 55
HF 0.3% C II % Ni 20% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; DPN: 220 UTS: 740 Eion 28%
Huntington; aged HS 88 0.07% C 15% Ni 12.5% Cr 2% Mo 0.6% W0.6% Ti
UTS: 710 Elon: 25% Proof: 330 0.15% B steel: Haynes SteIlite
HF-30 0.3% C 10.5% Ni 21% Cr steel: Casting; designation HT 0.55% C 35% Ni 15% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
used in the UK and USA Huntington; aged
HH 0.3% C 12% Ni 26% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% N steel: UTS: 540 Elon: 5% Proof: 300
Casting; Huntington; aged HT 0.4% C 19% Ni 30% Cr Fe alloy: Designation used by
UTS: 630 Elon: 8% Proof: 300 ASTM
HH-30 0.3% C 13.5% Ni 26% Cr steel: Casting; designation HT 30 0.3% C 3.5% Ni 15% Cr Fe alloy: Designation used by
used in the UK and USA ASTM
HH-33 0.32% C 13% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; designation HU 0.55% C 39% Ni 19% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
used in the UK and USA Huntington; aged
HI 0.35% C 16% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; UTS: 530 Elon: 5% Proof: 290
Huntington; aged HYDRA XL 0.25% C 11% Ni 23% Cr 3% Wsteel: Hall and Pickles;
UTS: 630 Elon: 6% Proof: 450 cores; die pins for non-ferrous casting
HiNil 3.7% C 8% Ni 16% Cr 0.5% V Fe alloy: Casting; UTS: 700 Elon: 33% Proof: 390
Dewrance HYRESIST 94L 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: British Steel
DPN: 540 UTS: 580 Corporation
HI-35 0.35% C 16.5% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; designation HYRESIST 317LM 15% Ni 18% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: British Steel
used in the UK and USA Corporation
HI-PROOF 304 0.06% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: S Fox ICL 164 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
UTS: 580 Elon: 35% Proof: 300 Creusot-Loire
HI-PROOF 304L 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: S Fox ICL 164 BC 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
UTS: 610 Elon: 35% Proof: 350 Creusot-Loire
HI·PROOF 316 0.07% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: S Fox ICL 164 Nb 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Ti
UTS: 580 Elon: 35% Proof: 320 steel: Creusot-Loire
HI-PROOF 316L 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: S Fox ICL 164 T 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.9% Nb
UTS: 580 Elon: 35% Proof: 320 steel: Creusot-Loire
HI-PROOF 347 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: S Fox ICL 166 0.08% C 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: Creusot-
UTS: 610 Elon: 35% Proof: 350 Loire
HK 0.4% C 20% Ni 26% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; ICL 166 BC 0.03% C 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: Creusot-
Huntington; aged Loire
UTS: 610 Elon: 10% Proof: 330 ICL 167 CN 0.045% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.6% Cr 2.4% Mo steel:
HK-30 0.3% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; designation Creusot-Loire
used in the UK and USA ICL 168 0.08% C (max) 13.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ICL 168BC 0.03% C (max) 13.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: JIS G3446 SUS321 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Tube
Creusot-Loire for structural use; Japanese Standard
ICL 472 0.08% C (max) 9.2% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire UTS: 800 Proor: 530
ICL472 BC 0.03% C (max) 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Creusot- JIS G3446 SUS347 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Nb + Ta
Loire steel: Tube for structural use; Japanese Standard
ICL472Nb 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta UTS: 800 Proor: 530
steel: Creusot-Loire JIS G3447 0.3% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
ICL472T 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: SUS304LTBS Japanese Standard
Creusot-Loire UTS:49O
ICL473 BC 0.04% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.2% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire JIS G3447 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
ICL 473 Nb 0.05% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire SUS304TBS Japanese Standard
IMMACULATE 0.3% C 7.5% Ni 20% Cr 2.0% Wsteel: Wrought; Firth UTS: 530
Vickers JIS G3447 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
DPN: 220 UTS: 830 Elon: 50% Proor: 380 SUS316LTBS Pipe; Japanese Standard
IMMACULATE 2W 0.25% C 1.0% Mn 9.0% Ni 21.0% Cr steel: Casting; UTS: 490
Firth Vickers; annealed JIS G3447 6.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
DPN: 200 UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proor: 250 SUS316TBS Pipe; Japanese Standard
IMMACULATE 5 0.1% C 21% Ni 23% Cr steel: Firth Vickers UTS: 530
DPN: 180 UTS: 700 Elon: 35% JIS G3459 0.07% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Japanese
IMMACULATE 5T 0.1% C 17% Ni 22% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: Firth Vickers SUS304HTP Standard
DPN: 180 UTS: 610 Elon: 45% UTS: 530 Proor: 210
INC0020 0.07% C (max) 35% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.4% Nb JIS G3459 0.03% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Pipe;
3.5% Cu steel: 1nco; annealed SUS304LTP Japanese Standard
UTS: 620 Elon: 40% Proor: 300 UTS: 490 Proor: 180
INC0330 0.08% C (max) 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: 1nco JIS G3459 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
INCO ALLOY 032 0.01 % C 32% Ni 22% Cr 4.2% Mo Fe alloy SUS304TP Japanese Standard
INCOLOY 0.1 % C 32% Ni 20.5% Cr Fe alloy: Inco UTS: 530 Proor: 210
INCOLOY 20% Cr 32% Ni Fe alloy: Heat resistant; H Wiggin; JIS G3459 0.15% C 13.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Pipe; Japanese
furnace equipment SUS309TP Standard
INCOLOY800 0.1 % C 32% Ni 21 % Cr 0.5% Cu Fe alloy: Wrought; H UTS: 530 Proor: 210
Wiggin; annealed JIS G3459 0.15% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
DPN: 180 UTS: 580 SUS310TP Japanese Standard
INCOLOY 800H 32% Ni 20% Cr stainless steel: Wrought; H Wiggin UTS: 530 Proor: 210
INCOLOY 800HT 0.08% C 32% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Ti 0.4% AI Fe alloy: JIS G3459 0.7% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Pipe;
Inco SUS316HTP Japanese Standard
INCOLOY801 0.04% C 32% Ni 20.5% Cr 1% Ti Fe alloy: Bar, sheet, UTS: 530 Proor: 210
etc.; Huntington JIS G3459 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
INCOLOY802 0.3% C 32.5% Ni 21% Cr 1% Ti 0.7% Al Fe alloy SUS316LTP Pipe; Japanese Standard
INCOLOY81O 0.25% C 32% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.5% Cu Fe alloy: UTS: 490 Proor: 210
Information from SAE handbook JIS G3459 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
INCOLOY926 0.04% C (max) 28% Ni 16% Cr 3% Mo 2% Ti Fe alloy SUS316TP Pipe; Japanese Standard
INCOLOYDS 37% Ni 18% Cr 2% Se Fe alloy: Heat resistant; H UTS: 530 Proor: 210
Wiggin; furnace equipment; sulphur resistant JIS G3459 0.07% C 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Pipe;
INCOLOYT 0.1 % C 32% Ni 20.5% Cr 1.0% Ti Fe alloy: Inco SUS321HTP Japanese Standard
INOFO 10 0.16% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Forez UTS: 530 Proor: 2'10
INOFO lOB 0.07% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Forez JIS G3459 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.4% Ti steel:
INOFO lOTi 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Forez SUS321TP Pipe; Japanese Standard
INOFO 11 0.03% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Forez UTS: 530 Proor: 21.0
INOFO 12 0.07% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Forez JIS G3459 0.07% C 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.8% Nb + Ta steel:
INOFO 12B 0.04% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Forez SUS347HTP Pipe; Japanese Standard
INOFO 13S 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Forez UTS: 530 Proor: 210
IR4 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Sandvik JIS G3459 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Nb + Ta
IR41 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Sandvik SUS347TP steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard
JIS 3446 SU304 0.08% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Tube for UTS: 530 Proor: 210
structural use; Japanese Standard JIS G3463 0.07% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Pipe; Japanese
UTS: 600 Proor: 210 SUS304HTB Standard
JIS G3446 SUS316 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Tube UTS: 530 Proor: 210
for structural use; Japanese Standard JIS G3463 0.03% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
UTS: 600 Proor: 210 SUS304LTB Japanese Standard
UTS: 490 Proor: 180
JIS G3463 0.08% C (max) 19.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SUS304TB Japanese Standard
UTS: 530 Proor: 210
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number JIS G3463 0.15% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Pipe:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 SUS309STB Japanese Standard
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 530 Proor: 210
Proor O. I% proof strength, N/mm 2 JIS G3463 0.15% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Pipe;
SUS310STB Japanese Standard
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa UTS: 530 Proor: 210
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
JIS G3463 0.07% C 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Pipe; JIS G4312 SUH309 0.2% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Plate;
SUS316HTB Japanese Standard Japanese Standard; solution treated
VTS: 530 Proof: 210 UTS: 570 Proof: 210
JIS G3463 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: JIS G4312 SUH310 0.25% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Plate;
SUS 316LTB Pipe; Japanese Standard Japanese Standard; solution treated
VTS: 490 Proof: ISO VTS: 600 Proof: 210
JIS G3463 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: JIS G4312 SUH330 0.15% C (max) 35.0% Ni 15.5% Cr steel: Plate;
SUS316TB Pipe; Japanese Standard Japanese Standard; solution treated
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 UTS: 570 Proof: 210
JIS G3463 0.07% C 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Pipe; K 91800 0.08% C (max) 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Designation
SUS321HTB Japanese Standard used by UNS
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 KE965 0.4% C 13.5% Ni 13% Cr 0.55% Mo 2.75% Wsteel:
JIS G3463 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Kayser Ellison; for valves
SUS321TB Pipe; Japanese Standard KEA23 0.1 % C 9.0% Ni 18.5% Cr +Ti steel: Weldable;
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 Kayser Ellison
JIS G3463 0.08% C (max) 5.5% Ni 25.5% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: KEA23 0.07% C 9.0% Ni + Ti 18.0% Cr steel: Sanderson
SUS329JlTB Pipe; Japanese Standard Kayser
VTS: 600 Proof: 400 KEA 221 0.07% C 11.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.6% Mo steel:
JIS G3463 0.07% C 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Sanderson Kayser
SUS347HTB Pipe; Japanese Standard KEA 221 0.09% C 10.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Kayser
VTS: 530 Proof: 210 Ellison
JIS G3463 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Nb + Tb KEA 507 0.1 % C 8.0% Ni 18.5% Cr with Se steel: Free
SUS347TB steel: Pipe; Japanese Standard machining; Kayser Ellison
JIS G4303 SUS Suffix in agreement with AlS1 etc. steels KEA 507 0.09% C 8.5% Ni + Se 18.0% Cr steel: Sanderson
JIS G4304 SUS302 15% C (max) 2% Mn (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Kayser
Plate; Japanese specification KEA521 0.07% C 11.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.6% Mo steel:
VTS: 530 Proof: 210 Sanderson Kayser
JIS G4304 SUS304 0.3% C (max) 2% Mn (max) 10.5% Ni 19.0% Cr: KEA 521 0.09% C 10.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.7% Mo + Se steel: Free
Japanese specification machining; Kayser Ellison
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 KEH 221A507 0.1 % C 7.5% Ni 20% Cr + free cutting agent steel:
JIS G4304 SUS304L 0.08% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Kayser Ellison; annealed
Plate; Japanese Standard UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: ISO
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 KH 18N1OT 0.12% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
JIS G4304 SUS305 0.12% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 11.5% Ni 18% Cr Russian Standard designation
steel: Plate; Japanese specification; solution treated KH 18N12T 0.12% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
Proof: ISO Russian Standard designation
JIS G4304 SUS309S 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23% Cr steel: Plate; KH 25N16G7AR 0.12% C (max) 16.5% Ni 24.5% Cr 0.02% B (max)
Japanese Standard; solution treated 0.4% N steel: Russian Standard designation
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 KH35VT 0.12% C (max) 36.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 3.2% W1.3% Tj
JIS G4304 SUS310S 0.08% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Plate; Fe alloy: Russian Standard designation
Japanese Standard; solution treated KH35VTlU 0.08% C (max) 35.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 3.2% W2.8% Ti
VTS: 530 Proof: 210 1.0% AI Fe alloy: Russian Standard designation
JIS G4304 SUS316 0.08% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Plate; KH35VTR 0.1 % C (max) 36.5% Ni 15.0% Cr 4.5% W 1.3% Ti Fe
Japanese Standard; solution treated alloy: Russian Standard designation
VTS: 530 Proof: 210 KH38VT 0.09% C 37.0% Ni 21.5% Cr 3.2% V 1.0% Ti Fe alloy:
JIS G4304 SUS316JI 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 1.2% Cu Russian Standard designation
steel: Plate; Japanese Standard; solution treated KHN35VMT 0.12% C (max) 34.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 2.7% W
VTS: 530 Proof: 210 1.3% Ti Fe alloy: Russian Standard designation
JIS G4304 0.03% C (max) 14.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 1.75% KKWELDANKA 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Bar,
SUS316JIL Cu steel: Plate; Japanese Standard; solution treated billets, etc.; Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 58M
UTS: 490 Proof: ISO LANGALLOY1V 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Langley for BS
JIS G4304 SUS316L 0.03% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: alloy 821
Plate; Japanese Standard; solution treated LANGALLOY2V 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Langley for
UTS: 490 Proof: ISO BS alloy 845; free machining
JIS G4304 SUS317 0.08% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% LANGALLOY3V 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Langley for
Mo 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; BS alloy 845
Japanese Standard; solution treated LANGALLOY4V 12% Ni 25% Cr Wsteel: Langley
VTS: 530 Proof: 210 DPN: 170 UTS: 5SO Elon: 15% Proof: 270
JIS G4304 SUS317L 0.03% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% LANGALLOY 5V 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Langley for
Mo 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; BS alloy 845 with low magnetic permeability; free
Japanese Standard; solution treated machining
UTS: 490 Proof: ISO LANGALLOY IOV 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Langley; for low
JIS G4304 SUS321 0.08% C (max) 2.0% Mn 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.03% temperature use
S (max) 0.04% P (max) 0.4% Ti (min) steel: Plate; UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Japanese Standard; solution treated LANGALLOY 12V 0.08% C 12% Ni 20% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Langley for
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 BS alloy 846; free machining
JIS G4304 SUS347 0.08% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% LANGALLOY 13V 0.08% C 12% Ni 20% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Langley for
Nb 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) Ta steel: Plate; BS alloy 846
Japanese Standard; solution treated LANGALLOY 15V 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Langley
UTS: 530 Proof: 210 UTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and.remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
LO 0.07% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Mo steel: Osborn; MAN 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr Nb steel: Weldable;
weldable; acid resistant Schoeller-Bleckmann; annealed
UTS: 710 Elon: SO% Proof: 270 DPN: 185 UTS: 570 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
LS 12 0.1 % C 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Low Moor MANAURITE 8S 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN: 160 UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 220 UTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
LS 18 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Low Moor; not weldable MANAURITE 10 10% Ni 22% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN: ISO UTS: 570 Elon: SO% Proof: 240 UTS: 500 Elon: 18% Proof: 260
LS 1812 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Low Moor; MANAURITE 12 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Pompey
acid resisting; weldable UTS: 540 Elon: 18% Proof: 260
DPN: 160 UTS: 610 Elon: 48% Proof: 250 MANAURITE 20 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Pompey
LSI813 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: Low Moor; UTS: 560 Elon: 20% Proof: 260
acid resistant; weldable MANAURITE 35 35% Ni 15% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN: 165 UTS: 610 Elon: 48% Proof: 270 UTS: 500 Elon: 20% Proof: 240
LS 1814 0.07% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.75% Mo steel: Low Moor; MANGANESE P 0.1 % C 2.0% Mn 8% Ni 20% Cr steel: Welding
acid resistant; weldable electrode; Murex; used as a buffer layer when hard
DPN: 160 UTS: 610 Elon: 48% Proof: 270 facing
LS 18L 0.06% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Low Moor; corrosion DPN: 200
resistance reduced by welding MANIFLEX 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Carpenter
DPN: ISO UTS: 570 Elon: SO% Proof: 240 MANIFLEX 11 0.08% C 11.5% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Carpenter
LS20112 0.15% C 13% Ni 20% Cr steel: Low Moor; heat ALLOY UTS: 600 Elon: 60% Proof: 270
resistant MANIFLEXFM 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Carpenter
DPN: 160 UTS: 610 Elon: 48% Proof: 250 ALLOY DPN: 210 UTS: 710 Elon: 60% Proof: 400
LS 25112/3 0.2% C II % Ni 24% Cr 3% Wsteel: Low Moor; heat MAO 0.05% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Schoeller·
resistant Bleckmann; annealed
DPN: 230 UTS: 840 Elon: 35% Proof: 440 DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: 50% Proof: 200
LS 25120 0.15% C 18% Ni 25% Cr steel: Low Moor MAO SUPERIOR 0.03% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Schoeller·
DPN: 200 UTS: 630 Elon: 45% Proof: 300 Bleckmann; annealed
LSWF 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Low Moor DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: SO% Proof: 200
DPN: 160 UTS: 610 Elon: 50% Proof: 250 MAOY 0.06% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Schoeller-
LV 10 0.4% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Si steel: Low Moor; valve Bleckmann; annealed
steel DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: SO% Proof: 200
LV 21112 0.25% C 12% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Low Moor; valve steel MASBw 0.06% C 13% Ni 17% Cr4.2% Mo steel: Schoeller-
LV 21I12N 0.2% C 12% Ni 21 % Cr 0.2% Nb steel: Low Moor; Bleckmann; annealed
valve steel DPN: 185 UTS: 610 Elon: 45% Proof: 220
LV 54 0.4% C 11% Ni 13% Cr 3% Wsteel: Low Moor; valve MASD 0.06% C (max) 9% Ni 17% Cr 1.5% Mo steel:
steel Schoeller·Bleckmann; annealed
DPN:260 DPN: 180 UTS: 610 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
LV 55 0.45% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.1 % W 2.5% Si steel: Low MASN 0.08% C 11.5% Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo Nb steel:
Moor; valve steel Schoeller-Bleckmann; annealed
M5 0.03% C 16% Ni 18% Cr 5% Mo 0.2% Cu steel: DPN: 185 UTS: 570 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Japanese specification MASO 0.05% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Schoeller·
M7 0.06% C 17% Ni 10% Cr 7% Mo steel: Japanese Bleckmann; annealed
specification DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
MAl 0.12% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Schoeller-Bleckmann; MASO SUPERIOR 0.03% C (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
annealed Schoeller-Bleckmann; annealed
DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: 50% Proof: 210 DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
MA3 0.09% C (max) 13% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Schoeller- MASOY 0.05% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Schoeller-
Bleckmann; annealed Bleckmann; annealed
DPN: 170 UTS: 540 Elon: 55% Proof: 200 DPN: 175 UTS: 570 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
MA4 0.08% C (max) 8.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Schoeller- MASOY SUPERIOR 0.03% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Schoeller·
Bleckmarm; annealed Bleckmann; annealed
DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: 50% Proof: 210 DPN: 175 UTS: 570 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
MACDN 0.06% C 20% Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo Cu Nb steel: MASW 0.07% C 11.5% Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo Ti steel:
Schoeller-Bleckmann; annealed Schoeller·Bleckmann; annealed
DPN: 185 UTS: 610 Elon: 40% Proof: 220 DPN: 185 UTS: 570 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
MACM 0.07% C 22% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo Cu Nb steel: MASWY 0.07% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo Ti steel: Schoeller·
Schoeller·Bleckmann; annealed Bleckmann; annealed
DPN: 185 UTS: 610 Elon: 40% Proof: 220 DPN: 185 UTS: 610 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
MAT 0.07% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Weldable;
Schoeller·Bleckmann; annealed
DPN: 185 UTS: 570 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: MAUSTINOXA 0.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Pompey
UTS: 500 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number MAUSTINOX Abc 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Pompey
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, Nlmm 2 UTS: 500 Elon: 35% Proof: 240
Elon Elongation, % MAUSTINOX Atbc 0.05% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Pompey
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, Nlmm2 UTS: 470 Elon: 40% Proof: 220
MAUSTINOXB 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
I Nlmm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonf/in'>= 145.04lbf/in.2 = I MPa Pompey
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UTS: 540 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MAUSTINOX 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Pompey MET-MAX 307R 0.12% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 1% Mosteel: Electrode;
Bbc VIS: 500 Elon: 35% Proof: 240 Metrode
MAUSTINOXC 0.12% C 8% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Pompey DPN: 320
VIS: 550 Elon: 25% Proof: 310 MIL-S-16538 0.5% C 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo steel
MAUSTINOXF 0.1 % C 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Pompey MIL-S-16598 0.15% C (max) 36% Ni 0.2% Se steel: US military
VIS: 570 Elon: 30% Proof: 240 specification
MAUSTINOXH 0.1% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Pompey MIL·T·8506 0.04% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel
VIS: 520 Elon: 30% Proof: 240 MNC900 Covers stainless steel: Swedish Standard; includes
MAUSTINOX SA 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni + Nb + Ia 18% Cr steel: detailcd specification
Pompey N 08028 0.03% C (max) 32% Ni 27% Cr 3.5% Mo 1% Cu steel:
UTS: 500 Elon: 35% Proof: 240 UNS designation
MAUSTINOX SB 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo + Nb + Ta steel: N 08028 0.03% C 32% Ni 27% Cr 3.5% Mo 1% Cu steel: UNS
Pompey designation
MAUSTINOXX 0.1% C 30% Ni 15% Cr4.5% Mo steel: Pompey N 08330 0.08% C (max) 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: UNS
VTS: 470 Elon: 35% Proof: 230 designation
MAUSTINOX XD 0.1 % C 30% Ni 15% Cr 6% Mo steel: Pompey N 08332 0.07% C 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: UNS designation
UTS: 470 Elon: 35% Proof: 230 N08700 0.04% C (max) 25% Ni 21 % Cr 4.2% Mo 0.3% Nb
MAUSTINOX Y 0.1 % C 20% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: Pompey steel: UNS designation
MAUSTINOX YD 0.07% C 20% Ni 20% Cr 6% Mo steel: Pompey NAG 19.9L 0.015% C 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
VIS: 480 Elon: 32% Proof: 260 NAG 19.9LR 0.02% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
MAUSTINOX YN 0.07% C 30% Ni 20% Cr 5% Mo Cu ~eel: Pompey NB 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nbsteel: Avesta
VIS: 480 Elon: 32% Proof: 260 NCF2 0.1 % C (max) 32.5% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.35% Ti 0.35% AI
MAXHETE 1 0.35% C 8.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Wsteel: Edgar Allen Fe alloy: Japanese Standard designation; Incoloy 800
MAXHETE 1A 0.4% C 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Edgar Allen; internal NEUTROSORB 0.08% C 14% Ni 19% Cr 2% B (max) 0.1 % N (max)
combustion engine valves steel: For nuclear industry; Carpenter
MAXHETE2 0.25% C (max) 13.5% Ni 25% Cr steel: Edgar Allen; NEUTROSORB 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 19% Cr 2% B (max) 0.1% N
high temperature uses PLUS steel: For nuclear industry; Carpenter
MAXHETE4 0.25% C (max) 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Edgar Allen; NF25·20L 0.02% C 20% Ni 24% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
furnace equipment NF25-20LR 0.02% C 5.5% Mn 21 % Ni 25% Cr 0.2% Nb steel:
MAXILVRY 0.12% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Edgar Allen for Electrode; Metrode
BS alloy En 58A NF A35 572J 0.04% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French
MAXILVRY ADS 0.12% C (max) 12.5% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Edgar Allen Z2CNI8I1O Standard
for BS alloy En 58D NF A35 5721 0.07% C (max) 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.25% Mo steel:
MAXILVRY AWP 0.1% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Edgar Allen for BS Z2CND17111 French Standard
alloy En 58B NF A35 5721 0.07% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
MAXILVRYCB 0.1 % C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Edgar Allen for BS Z2CND17112 French Standard
alloy En 58F NF A35 5721 0.03% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
MAZ 0.14% C 8.5% Ni 18% Cr S steel: Free machining; Z2CND17/13 French Standard
Schoeller·Bleckmann; annealed NF A35 5721 0.03% C (max) 15.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
DPN: 175 UTS: 540 Elon: 45% Proof: 210 Z2CND 1911 5 French Standard
MCS6 0.05% C 13.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.2% Cu steel: NF A35 5721 0.06% C (max) 8.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
Japanese specification Z5CNDU2II08 French Standard
METC041C 0.1 % C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2% Mo 1.0% Si steel: Powder NF A35 5721 0.07% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French
for spraying; Metco Z6CNI8109 Standard
DPN: 189 NF A35 5721 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo Nb + Ta
METC04IF-NS Type 316 powder coating; Metco; for thin deposits Z6CNDNb17/12 0.8% steel: French Standard
DPN: 170 NF A35 5721 0.08% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.8% Nb
METCO 43F-NS Cr Ni alloy steel: Metco Z6CNDNbI7/13 + Ta steel: French Standard
DPN: 190 NF A35 5721 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.0% Nb + Ta
METC0402 Austenitic steel with AI and Ni composite wire: Metco; Z6CNNbl811l steel: French Standard
for wear and corrosion resistance NF A35 5721 0.08% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.06% Ti steel:
DPN:300 Z6CNTI8111 French Standard
METC0625 Austenitic stainless steel: Plastic composite powder NF A35 5721 0.1 % C (max) 13.0% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: French
coating; Metco ZSCNI3I13 Standard
METCOLOYI 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Wire for spraying; NF A35 5721 0.1 % C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.6% Ti
Metco; as sprayed ZSCNDT17/12 steel: French Standard
DPN: 146 VIS: 200 NF A35 5721 0.12% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French Standard
METCOLOY4 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Wire for ZIOCN18/09
spraying; Metco NF A35 5721 0.12% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French
MET·MAX 19.9L 0.02% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode ZIOCNFI8109 Standard
MET-MAX 19.12.3L 0.03% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Electrode; NF A35 5721 0.12% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Ti steel:
Metrode ZIOCNT18/11 French Standard
MET-MAX 20.9.3 0.1% C9% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo steel: Electrode; NF A35 5731 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo (max) 0.03%
Metrode Z2CNI811O S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; French Standard
DPN: 320 UTS: 185 Proof: 570
MET·MAX 23.12 0.06% C 12% Ni 24% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode NF A35 5731 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.25% Mo steel:
MET·MAX 23.12.2 0.05% C 12% Ni 24% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Z2CND17/12 Plate; French Standard
Metrode VIS: 600 Proof: 240
MET-MAX 29.9 0.12% C 9% Ni 30% Cr 1% Mo steel: Electrode; NF A35 5731 0.03% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.75% Mo steel:
Metrode Z2CNDI7/13 Plate; French Standard
DPN: 275 VIS: 600 Proof: 240
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NF A35 5731 0.03% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 15% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% NICRALC 0.08% C (max) 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Creusot·
Z2CND19/15 Mo 0.03% S0.04% P steel: Plate; French Standard Loire
VTS: 600 Proor: 210 NICRALD 0.08% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Creusot·
NF A35 5731 0.06% C (max) 8.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 2.6% Mo 1.5% Cu Loire
Z5CNUD21108 steel: Plate; French Standard NICRALD 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Imphy
VTS: 600 Proor: 350 DPN: 175 VTS: 650 Elon: 35% Proor: 350
NF A35 5731 0.07% C (max) 9% Ni 2.0% 18% Cr steel: Plate; NICRALDM 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Imphy
Z6CNI8I09 French Standard DPN: 175 UTS: 600 Elon: 15% Proor: 300
VTS: 620 Proor: 200 NICRALH 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Imphy
NF A35 5731 0.07% C (max) 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.25% Mo steel: DPN: 175 VTS: 650 Elon: 30% Proof: 300
Z6CND17/11 Plate; French Standard NICRALH 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Creusot·
VTS: 620 Proor: 250 Loire
NF A35 5731 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.25% Mo 1.0% NICRALHR2 0.15% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire
Z6CNDNb17/12 Nb + Ta steel: Plate; French Standard NICRALK 40% Ni 22% Cr Fe alloy: Imphy
VTS: 650 Proor: 260 NICRALT 0.12% C 13% Ni 16% Cr 3.0% W0.5% Ti steel:
NF A35 5731 0.08% C (max)2.0% Mn (max) 11% Ni 18% CrO.9% Imphy; annealed
Z6CNNbI8111 Nb 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) Ta steel: Plate; VTS: 840 Elon: 35% Proor: 220
French Standard NICREXI 0.1% C20% Ni 26% Cr 0.4% Mo steel: Welding
VTS: 600 Proor: 210 electrode; Murex
NF A35 5731 0.08% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% VTS: 630 Elon: 40%
Z6CNT18111 Ti 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; French NICREX I Cb 0.1% C20% Ni 26% Cr 0.4% Mo 1% Nb steel:
Standard Welding electrode; Murcx; Nb also called Cb
VTS: 600 Proor: 210 VTS: 740 Elon: 35%
NF A35 5731 0.1 % C (max) 13% Ni 13.0% Cr 2.0% Cu steel: Plate; NICREX2 0.1 % C 18% Ni 23% Cr 3.2% Mo 1% Nb steel:
Z8CN13/13 French Standard Welding electrode; Murex
UTS: 500 Proor: 240 VTS: 450 Elon: 27%
NF A35 5731 0.1% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr NICREXAC 0.08% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Welding
Z8CN18/12 steel; Plate; French Standard electrode; Murex
VTS: 600 Proor: 220 UTS: 670 Elon: 40%
NF A35 5731 0.1 % C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.6% Ti NICROFER 3127LC 0.015% C (max) 31 % Ni 27% Cr 3.5% Mo 1.2% Cu Fe
Z8CNDT17/12 steel: Plate; French Standard alloy: VDM
VTS: 650 Proor: 260 UTS: SOO Elon: 35% Proor: 210
NF A35 5731 0.1 % C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.6% Ti NICROFER 3220 0.1 % C (max) 31% Ni 20% Cr steel: VDM
Z8CNDT17112 steel: Plate; French Standard NICROFER 3220 H 0.08% C 31 % Ni 20.5% Cr 0.3% Ti steel: VDM
VTS: 650 Proor: 260 NICROFER 3220LC 0.025% C (max) 33% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Ti Fe alloy:
NF A35 5731 0.12% C (max) 2% Mn (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: VDM
ZIOCNI8/09 Plate; French Standard VTS: 450 Elon: 35% Proor: 180
VTS: 650 Proor: 225 NICROFER 3620 Nb 0.05% C (max) 37% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.6% Nb
NF A35 5731 0.12% C (max)2.0% Mn 11% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% Ti 3.5% Cu Fe alloy: VDM
ZIOCNTI8111 0.03% S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; French VTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 275
Standard NICROFER 3718 So 0.15% C (max) 35.15% Ni 16.5% Cr 2% Si steel:
VTS: 650 Proor: 225 VDM
NF A36 2091 0.03% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.03% NICROMAZB 40% Ni 15% Cr steel: Imphy; resistant to hot
Z2CNI8I1O S (max) 0.04% P (max) steel: Plate; French Standard concentrated sulphuric acid
VTS: 185 Proor: 570 NICROMAZC 25% Ni 20% Cr 5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: Imphy
NF A36 2091 0.01 % C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: NIKROTHAL20 20% Ni 25% Cr Fe alloy: For heating element; Kanthal
Z6CNI8/09 Plate; French Standard PLUS AB
UTS: 620 Proor: 200 NIKROTHAL 40 35% Ni 20% Cr Fe alloy: For heating element; Kanthal
NF A36 2091 0.08% C (max) 1.5% Mn 12% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti PLUS AB
Z6CNTI8I1I 0.02% S (max) 0.035% P (max) steel: Plate; French NJSIMAZ 21 % Ni 2.5% Cr 7.0% Si steel: Imphy; resistant to hot
Standard acids
VTS: 600 Proor: 210 NITRONIC20 0.3% C 7.5% Ni 23% Cr steel: For valves; origin
NF A35 572/ 0.10% C (max) 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French unknown
Z8CNI8I12 Standard NITRONIC50 0.04% C 12.5% Ni 22% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.2% V 0.2% Nb
Ni Cr 30/20 0.2% C (max) 30.0% Ni 21.0% Cr steel: Designation 0.3% Nsteel
used by German Standards NOVO 18/3 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Jonas; fully softened; not
NICRALC 36% Ni 18% Cr steel: Imphy weld stabilized
DPN: 190 VTS: 650 Elon: 30% Proor: 350 DPN: 183 UTS: 460 Elon: 65% Proor: 320
NOVOl8/8W 0.06% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Jonas; annealed;
stabilized with 0.35% Ti or 0.6% Nb
DPN: 183 UTS: 460 Elon: 65% Proor: 320
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: NS9S 0.15% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Ugine
NS20E 0.16% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Ugine
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number NS21A 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Ugine
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 NS21S 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 19% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Ugine
Elon Elongation, % NSCD 18% Cr 16% Ni 6% Mo 3% Cu steel: Ugine
Proor 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 NSM21 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Ugine
NSMC 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Ugine
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04lbflin 2 =1 MPa NSU 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Ugine; free machining
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NTKM7 0.06% C 17% Ni 10% Cr 7% Mo steel: For use with PANTEG316 0.05% C 11.8% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Sheet;
hydrochloric acid. Kawasaki; annealed Richard Thomas and Baldwin; air cooled
VTS: 840 Elon: 60% Proof: 370 VTS: 660 Elon: 40%
NV 251 0.05% C (max) 8.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Designation PANTEG321 0.05% C 9.6% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Sheet;
used by DNV Richard Thomas and Baldwin; air cooled
VTS: 500 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 VTS: 640 Elon: 50%
NV252 0.08% C (max) 8.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Designation PARALLOY 0 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: APV Paramount
used byDNV PARALLOY OKW 10% Ni 19% Cr Nb: Stabilized APV Paramount
VTS: 500 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 PARALLOYOL 12% Ni 17% Cr steel (low magnetic permeability):
NV 25 3 0.05% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: APV Paramount
Designation used by DNV PARALLOY OLC 0.03% C (max) 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: APV Paramount
VTS: 500 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 PARALLOY OLS 12% Ni 17% Cr steel: Free machining; low magnetic
NV254 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: permeability; APV Paramount
Designation used by DNV PARALLOYOS 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Free machining; APV Paramount
VTS: 500 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 PARALLOY OSW 8% Ni 18% Cr Nb steel: Free machining; stabilized;
NVR 251 0.06% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Designation APV Paramount
used by DNV PARALLOYOW 8% Ni 18% Cr Nb steel: Stabilized; APV Paramount
NVR252 0.03% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Designation PARALLOY3 8% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: APV Paramount
used byDNV PARALLOY3K 10% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo steel: APV Paramount
NVR253 0.06% C (max) 11.0% Ni 18.2% Cr 1.8% Mo steel: PARALLOY 3KLC 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo steel: APV
Designation used by DNV Paramount
NVR 25 4 0.06% C 12.0% Ni 18.2% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: PARALLOY 3L 14% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: Low magnetic
Designation used by DNV permeability; APV Paramount
NVR255 0.03% C 13.7% Ni 18.2% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: PARALLOY 3LS 14% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: Free machining; low
Designation used by DNV magnetic permeability; APV Paramount
OR2 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sandvik PARALLOY3S 8% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: Free machining; APV
OR 11 0.12% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Sandvik Paramount
OSBORN 303 0.07% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Osborn; previously PARALLOY3W 10% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo Nb steel: Stabilized; APV
BSMF grade Paramount
OSBORN 304 0.05% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Osborn; previously PARALLOY 3WS 10% Ni 17% Cr 3% Mo Nb steel: Stabilized; free
BSM grade machining: APV Paramount
OSBORN 309 0.08% C 14.5% Ni 22.5% Cr steel: Osborn; previously PARALLOY 4K 12% Ni 19% Cr 4% Mo steel: APV Paramount
IK grade PARALLOY4KLC 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 19% Cr 4% Mo steel: APV
OSBORN 310 0.1 % C 20.0% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: Osborn; previously Paramount
FD grade PEL 0.06% C 8.5% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Sheet; RTB for BS
OSBORN 316 0.05% C 11% Ni 18% Cr2.7% Mo steel: Osborn; alloy En 58A
previously EW grade PET 0.07% C 9% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Sheet; RTB
OSBORN 317 0.05% C 13.5% Ni 18% Cr 3.7% Mo steel: Osborn; for BS alloy En 58B
previously EWA grade PHILIPS ARMARC 0.07% C 9.3% Ni 18.1% Cr 3% Mo steel: Welding
OSBORN 321 0.06% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Osborn; previously electrode; Philips
BST grade VTS: 725 Elon: 35%
OSBORN 330 0.1 % C (max) 37.5% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Si steel: PHILIPS 0.1 % C 19.3% Ni 25.7% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
Osborn; previously FL grade STAINARC Philips
OSBORN 347 0.07% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Nb steel: Osborn; 25/25 R
previously BSC grade PHILIPS 0.07% C 11.8% Ni 18.3% Cr 3.75% Mo steel: Welding
P 1010 0.12% C 8.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy STAINARCM electrode; Philips
En58A PHILIPS 0.08% C 10.8% Ni 17.2% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.7% Nb steel:
P 1011 0.14% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Carrs for BS STAINARCMN Welding electrode; Philips
alloy En 58B PHILIPS 0.065% C 9.5% Ni 18.8% Cr 0.8% Mo steel: Welding
P 1012 0.14% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Carrs for BS STAINARCN electrode; Philips
alloy En 58C PMH 0.06% C 10.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Sheet;
P 1013 0.14% C 12% Ni 12% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy En RTB for BS alloy En 58J
58 PML 0.06% C 9.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Sheet;
P 1014 0.07% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Carrs for BS alloy En RTB for BS alloy En 58H
58E PROJECT 70-303 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.25% S steel: Free
P 1015 0.14% C 8% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Carrs for BS machining; Carpenter
alloy En 58F PROJECT 70-303 DOO.12% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Carpenter
P 1016 0.14% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Carrs for BS PROJECT 70-304 0.08% C 9.2% Ni 19% Cr steel: Carpenter
alloy En 58G PROJECT 70-316 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
P 1017 0.1 % C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Carrs for BS Carpenter
alloy En 58H PYROMET860 0.1% C42% Ni 14% Cr6% M04% Co 3% Ti 1.0% Al
P 1018 0.1 % C 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Cans for BS 0.01 % B Fe alloy: Carpenter
alloy En 58J PYROTOOLA 0.04% C 25% Ni 14.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 2.2% Ti steel:
PANTEG304 0.05% C 9.75% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet; Richard Carpenter
Thomas and Baldwin; air cooled PYROTOOLV 0.04% C 27% Ni 14.5% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.2% V 3% Ti
VTS: 600 Elon: 50% steel: Carpenter
PANTEG315 0.06% C 11.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Sheet; PZ 6072 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Wire for
Richard Thomas and Baldwin: air cooled welding; Philips
VTS: 650 Elon: 45% PZ6074 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Wire
for welding; Philips
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
QQ S 763/7 0.12% C 8% Ni 17% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.2% Se 0.7% Zr R350G 0.05% C 8.5% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Casting; Fagersta
steel: US Federal; annealed R 358 0.05% C 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr Nb steel: Wrought;
VTS: 630 Elon: 28% Proof: 200 stainless; type 347; Fagersta
QQS 766/1 0.08% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: US Federal; annealed R358G 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: Casting;
VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Fagersta
QQ W423a Corrosion resisting steel: Wire; US Federal R 359 0.05% C 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr Ti steel: Wrought;
specification stainless; type 321; Fagersta
QQ·S·766 0.12% C 20.5% Ni 25% Cr steel R 360 0.03% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed
R3 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy En DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 50% Proof: 200
58A R360G 0.03% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Casting;
R9 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.0% Mo 0.3% Ti steel: Fagersta
Jessop for BS alloy En 58H R 380 0.1% C 8.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% Se steel: Fagersta; free
RIO 0.08% C 12% Ni 12% Cr steel: Jessop for BS alloy En machining
580 VTS: 520 Elon: 40%
R11 0.25% C 14% Ni 23% Cr 1.2% Si steel: Jessop R390 0.05% C 11.5% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Wrought; stainless;
R 16 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.3% Ti steel: Jessop for BS type 304; Fagersta
970 En 58B R400 0.09% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Fagersta;
R 18 0.32% C 7.5% Ni 18% Cr 2.7% Wsteel: Jessop; for BS annealed
970 En 55 DPN: 200 VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
R20 0.1 % C 12% Ni 19% Cr 1.25% Nb steel: Jessop R420 0.05% C 11% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Fagersta;
VTS: 580 Elon: 52% Proof: 200 annealed
R22 0.2% C 11% Ni 22% Cr 2.7% Wsteel: Casting; Jessop; DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
as cast R428 0.05% C 11.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.3% Mo Nb steel:
VTS: 510 Elon: 28% Wrought; stainless; Fagersta
R22 0.17% C 11.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Wsteel: Jessop R429 0.05% C 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo Ti stainless
R23 0.1 % C 22% Ni 25% Cr steel: Jessop steel: Wrought; Fagersta
VTS: 720 Elon: 45% Proof: 270 R440 0.05% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Fagersta;
R24 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.22% S steel: Free annealed
machining; Jessop; for BS alloy En 58M DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
R25 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Jessop; for R440G 0.05% C 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Casting;
BS alloy En 581 Fagersta
R27 0.05% C 28.5% Ni 20% Cr 2.25% Mo 3.25% Cu steel: R450 0.05% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Fagersta;
Jessop annealed
R27 Nb 0.05% C 28.5% Ni 20% Cr 2.25% Mo 3.25% Cu Nb DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
steel: Jessop K460 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Fagersta;
R 35 0.03% C 25% Ni 20% Cr 0.3% Nb steel: Jessop annealed
R41 0.06% C 11% Ni 17% Cr 2.35% Mo steel: Jessop DPN: 180 UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 20
R42 0.06% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Jessop R460G 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel:
R43 0.1 % C 8% Ni 17% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Jessop Casting; Fagersta
R45 0.12% C 17.5% Ni 21.5% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Jessop R470 0.05% C 14.5% Ni 17% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: Fagersta;
R47 0.45% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.4% W2.2% Si steel: Jessop annealed
R48 0.09% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Nb 0.22% Ssteel: DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
Jessop; free machining; weld stabilized R470G 0.04% C 15.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.7% Mo steel: Casting;
R51 0.08% C 15.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 0.32% Ti steel: Jessop; Fagersta
corrosion resistant steel R 500 0.06% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 1% Nb steel: Fagersta;
R52 0.08% C 15.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 0.04% Nb steel: Jessop; annealed
corrosion resistant steel DPN: 200 VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 240
R53 0.08% C 17.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 0.32% Ti steel: Jessop; R 510 0.06% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Fagersta;
corrosion resistant steel annealed
R54 0.08% C 17.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 0.64% Nb steel: Jessop; DPN: 200 UTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 240
corrosion resistant steel R530 0.06% C 11 % Ni 17.5% Cr 2.3% Mo + Ti steel:
R300 0.1 % C 8.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed Fagersta; annealed
DPN: 200 VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 200 DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
R310 0.07% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed R590 0.06% C 12% Ni 13.5% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 DPN: 170 VTS: 480 Elon: 50% Proof: 180
R 320 0.07% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed R620G 0.1 % C 5.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Casting; scaling
DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 55% Proof: 200 temperature 1070 'C; Fagersta
R350 0.04% C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed R640G 0.1 % C 5.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Casting;
DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 50% Proof: 200 scaling temperature 1070 'C; Fagersta
RSOO 0.08% C 19% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed
DPN: 220 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: R800G 0.2% C 19.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Casting;
scaling temperature 1050 'C; Fagersta
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number R 820 0.07% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 230 UTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Elon Elongation, % R 830 0.1 % C 23.5% Ni 22.5% Cr steel: Fagersta; annealed
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 230 UTS: 580 Elon: 30% Proof: 240
R830G 0.2% C 22.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Casting;
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2 =1 MPa scaling temperature 1125 'C; Fagersta
See Appendix [) for other abbreviations and conversion tables. R850G 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 23.0% Cr 1.5% Si steel: Casting;
scaling temperature 1125 'C; Fagersta
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
R860G 0.2% C 40% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Casting; scaling SIll 0.42% C 14% Ni 14% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.8% Wsteel:
temperature 1050 'C; Fagersta Annealed
R 890Gr 0.05% C 24.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.5% Cu steel: DPN: 269
Casting S125 0.15% C (max) 15% Ni 23% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
RA310 0.05% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Origin unknown Annealed
RA 330 0.08% C 35% Ni 18% Cr steel: Simonds VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
RA330 0.08% C (max) 35.5% Ni 19% Cr Fe alloy: Origin S126 0.15% C (max) 14% Ni 23% Cr 1.1 % Nb steel:
unknown Annealed
RA 330TX 0.3% C 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr Fe alloy VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
RCK3 0.15% C 13% Ni 25% Cr 0.2% Nsteel: Bofors; SI27 0.15% C (max) 17% Ni 25% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
annealed Annealed
DPN: 170 VTS: 630 Elon: 54% Proof: 340 VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
RCK4 0.2% C 12% Ni 26% Cr 0.2% N steel: Bofors; obsolete S128 0.15% C (max) 17% Ni 25% Cr 1.1 % Nb steel:
RCT 0.45% C 12% Ni 15% Cr 3.0% W steel: Bofors; Annealed
obsolete UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
RCT3 0.2% C 13% Ni 21 % Cr 3.0% W steel: Bofors; S129 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 18% CrO.7% Ti steel:
obsolete Annealed
REB 210 0.18% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Bofors; obsolete VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
RIM21 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Bofors; S130 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Annealed
obsolete UTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
RIM 29 0.16% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bofors S 495 0.4% C 20% Ni 14% Cr 4% Mo 4% W 4% Nb steel:
RIM 210 0.05% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Bofors; Allegheny Ludlum
obsolete S520 0.16% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Sheet;
RIM 213 0.07% C 11% Ni 18% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.4% Ti steel: stabilized; cold rolled and tempered
Bofors; annealed VTS: 920 Elon: 15% Proof: 620
DPN: 165 VTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 200 S521 0.16% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Sheet;
RIM 215 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: Bofors stabilized; annealed
RIM 217 0.02% C 13% Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Bofors VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
DPN: 180 VTS: 500 Elon: 45% Proof: 200 S522 0.16% C (max) 14% Ni 23% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Sheet;
RIM 290 0.02% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bofors; annealed; stabilized; annealed
obsolete VTS: 530 Elon: 30%
DPN: 140 UTS: 510 Elon: 60% Proof: 200 S523 0.16% C (max) 18% Ni 23% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Sheet;
RIM 291 0.05% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bofors; annealed stabilized; annealed
DPN: 155 VTS: 570 Elon: 65% Proof: 200 UTS: 530 Elon: 30%
RIM 294 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Bofors S524 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: BS designation
RIM 295 0.15% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Bofors S 525 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: BS
RIO 214 0.09% C 5% Ni 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Bofors; designation
annealed S526 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: BS designation
DPN: 240 VTS: 710 Elon: 28% Proof: 530 S 527 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb steel: BS
RLH2 9% Ni 18% Cr Ssteel: Free machining; Bofors designation
RNCO 12% Ni 12% Cr Fe alloy: For electrical resistance; S528 0.12% C 14.5% Ni 23% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: BS
Imphy designation
RNCI 35% Ni 12% Cr Fe alloy: For electrical resistance; S 529 0.12% C 14.5% Ni 23% Cr 1% Nb steel: BS
Imphy designation
RRN J 30 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Fagersta S 530 0.12% C 17.5% Ni 24% CrO.6% Ti steel: BS
RRN J 31 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Fagersta designation
RRN J 38 O. I% C 9% Ni 18% Cr S steel: Free machining; S 531 0.12% C 17.5% Ni 24% Cr 1% Nb steel: BS
Fagersta designation
RRN J 42 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: S 536 0.03% C (max) 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: BS designation
Fagersta S537 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.75% Mo steel:
RRNJ 44 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: BS designation
Fagersta S588 0.4% C 20% Ni 18.5% Cr 4% Mo 4% W 4% Nb steel:
RRN J 50 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Fagersta Allegheny Ludlum
RRN J 51 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Fagersta S 21000 0.1 % C (max) 5.5% Mn 18% Ni 20% Cr 5% Mo steel:
RRN J 59 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: For deep drawing; Fagersta Designation used by UNS
S 18/8 Stainless steel: Sintered material; Sintered Products S 30115 0.1 % C 8% Ni 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Designation
Ltd; 15-20% porosity used by UNS
VTS: 400 Elon: 22% S 30210 0.3% C 3.5% Mn 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% P steel:
S 18/8 Sintered 18/8 stainless steel: Specific gravity 6.9; Designation used by UNS
Durasint S 30260 0.15% C (max) 11% Ni 17% Cr 0.3% P steel:
DPN: 130 VTS: 440 Elon: 10% Designation used by UNS
S85 Austenitic steel: Sheet; obsolete S 30415 0.05% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.16% N 0.05% Ce steel:
SI08 0.2% C (max) 14% Ni 23% Cr 1.5% Nb steel: Designation used by UNS
Annealed S 30431 0.06% C (max) 10% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.8% Cu steel:
VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 Designation used by UNS
SI09 0.2% C (max) 18% Ni 23% Cr 1.5% Nb steel: S 30815 0.1 % C (max) 11 % Ni 21 % Cr steel: UNS designation
Annealed S 34740 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.2% S
VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 steel: Obsolete; designation used by UNS
S110 0.16% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel: S 34741 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.2% Se
Annealed; stabilized steel: Obsolete; designation used by UNS
VTS: 530 Elon: 30% Proof: 200
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SAE 30301 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not SAE 60312 0.3% C 9% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM alloy CE
specified; AISltype 301 30
SAE 30302 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Mechanical properties not SAE 60316 D.08% C 11 % Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting;
specified; AlSI type 302 ASTM alloy CF 8 M
SAE 30302 B 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: As SAE 30302 with SAE 60316 L 0.03% C 11 % Ni 19% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Casting; as
different C range cast; weldable
SAE 30303 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Zr or Mo steel SAE 60317 0.08% C 11 % Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Casting; as
SAE 30303 F 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Free cast
machining; mechanical properties not specified; P or S SAE 60347 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 0.7% Nb steel: Casting
or Se 0.07%; AISI type 303F SAE 70308 0.3% C 10% Ni 20% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
SAE 30303 Se 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Se (min) steel: Free ASTMalloy HF
cutting; mechanical properties not specified SAE 70309 0.35% C 12% Ni 26% Cr 0.5% Mo 0.2% N steel:
SAE 30304 0.08% C (max) 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Mechanical Casting; ASTM alloy HH
properties not specified; AISI type 304 SAE 70310 0.5% C 20% Ni 26% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
SAE 30304 L 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Mechanical ASTMalloy HK
properties not specified SAE 70310 A 0.5% C 20% Ni 30% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
SAE 30305 0.12% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr steel: Mechanical ASTM alloy HL
properties not specified; AISI type 305 SAE 70311 0.45% C 25% Ni 21 % Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting
SAE 30308 0.08% C 11% Ni 20% Cr steel SAE 70312 0.35% C 10% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
SAE 30309 0.2% C (max) 14% Ni 23% Cr steel: Mechanical ASTMalloy HE
properties not specified; AISI type 309 SAE 70327 0.5% C (max) 6% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
SAE 30309 S 0.08% C 14% Ni 23% Cr steel: Mechanical properties ASTM alloy HD
not specified SAE 70330 0.5% C 35% Ni 15% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
SAE 30310 0.25% C (max) 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Mechanical ASTM alloyHT
properties not specified; AISI type 310 SAE 70331 0.5% C 39% Ni 19% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting;
SAE 30310 S 0.08% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: Mechanical properties ASTM alloy HU
not specified SAEEV3 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 21% Cr steel: For exhaust valves
SAE 30314 0.25% C 21 % Ni 24% Cr steel: Mechanical properties UTS: 840 Elon: 26% Proof: 450
not specified SAE EV 10 1% C 14% Ni 14% Cr steel: Casting for exhaust valves
SAE 30316 0.08% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: SAE HNV5 0.35% C 8% Ni 13% Cr 0.5% Mo 2.5% Si steel: For
Mechanical properties not specified; AISI type 316 inlet valves
SAE 30316 L 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Mechanical SAE 1230 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Cold drawn wire
properties not specified for springs
SAE 30317 0.08% C (max) 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: VTS: 2000
Mechanical properties not specified; AISI type 317 SAF2205 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.14% N
SAE 30321 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: steel: Sandrik
Mechanical properties not specified; AISI type 321 SANBRON AA 0.16% C 8% Ni 19% Cr steel: Sanderson for BS alloy
SAE 30325 0.25% C (max) 21 % Ni 8% Cr 1.2% Cu steel: En 58A
Mechanical properties not specified; AISltype 325 SANICR028 0.02% C (max) 31 % Ni 27% Cr 3.5% Mo 1% Cu steel:
SAE 30329 0.09% C 5% Ni 26% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Obsolete Sandvik
SAE 30330 0.25% C (max) 35% Ni 15% Cr steel: Mechanical SANICR030 0.03% C (max) 34% Ni 22% Cr steel: With Ti and Al
properties not specified additions; Sandvik
SAE 30330 A 0.45% C 35% Ni 15% Cr steel: Mechanical properties SANICRO 31 0.04% C 31 % Ni 21 % Cr Fe alloy: Tube; Sandvik
not specified DPN: 150 VTS: 490 Elon: 30% Proof: 170
SAE 30347 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Mechanical SANICR031H 0.07% C 31 % Ni 21 % Cr steel: With Ti and AI
properties not specified; AISI type 347 additions; Sandvik
SAE 30348 0.08% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb 0.1 % Ta steel: SCF19 0.03% C 18% Ni 20% Cr 5% Mo 0.3% N steel:
Mechanical properties not specified Carpenter
SAE 60303 0.16% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% Se steel: VTS: 830 Elon: 52% Proof: 430
Casting; ASTM alloy CF 16F SEC 7 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Designation used
SAE 60304 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM alloy CF by Japanese Standard
8 SEC8 0.08% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Designation used
SAE 60304 L 0.03% C 1.5% Mn 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; as by Japanese Standard
cast; weldable SEC 9 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Designation used
SAE 60309 0.2% C 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM alloy by Japanese Standard
CH20 SEC 10 0.08% C 10.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Designation
SAE 60310 0.2% C 21 % Ni 24% Cr steel: Casting; ASTM alloy used by Japanese Standard
CK20 SEC 13 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Designation
used by Japanese Standard
SEH5 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Designation used by
Japanese Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SF 24 0.08% C 13% Ni 13% Cr steel: Annealed; Samuel Fox
VTS: 540 Elon: 56%
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number SF 25 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo + Ti steel: Weldable;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' Samuel Fox
Elon Elongation, % VTS: 690 Elon: 46%
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' SF 50 0.12% C 10% Ni 17% Cr Mo Ti S steel: Weldable; free
machining; Samuel Fox
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibf1in.'=1 MPa
VTS: 630 Elon: 56%
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. SF 302 0.08% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Annealed; Samuel Fox
VTS: 620 Elon: 57%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SF 304 0.06% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Annealed; Samuel Fox SOUDINOXLF 0.03% C 22.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 0.15% N steel:
UTS: 600 Elon: 57% Welding electrode; Soudometal; for corrosion resistant
SF 304 L 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Annealed; weldable; welding
Samuel Fox VTS: 625 Elon: 35% Proof: 425
VTS: 600 Elon: 57 % SOUDINOX S65 0.03% C 19.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 0.25% Nb steel: Welding
SF 305 0.12% C 12% Ni 18% Cr steel: Annealed; Samuel Fox electrode; Soudometal; for corrosion resistant welding
VTS: 580 Elon: 54% VTS: 550 Elon: 35% Proof: 380
SF316 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Weldable; up SOUDOCROM 56 0.02% C 25.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel:
to 10 mm; Samuel Fox Welding electrode; Soudometal; for corrosion resistant
VTS: 610 Elon: 50% welding
SF316 ELC 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: VTS: 560 Elon: 36% Proof: 375
Annealed; weldable; Samuel Fox SOUDOCROMA 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 610 Elon: 50% Proof: 32 Soudometal; for welding austenitic steel
SF316 Ti 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo + Ti steel: VTS: 615 Elon: 48% Proof: 450
Weldable; Samuel Fox SOUDOCROM AD 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
UTS: 610 Elon: 50% Soudometal; for welding austenitic steels
SF317 0.08% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Weldable; UTS: 615 Elon: 48% Proof: 460
Samuel Fox SOUDOCROMB 0.02% C 11.5% Ni 18.0% Cr2.1% Mosteel: Welding
VTS: 630 Elon: 50% electrode; Soudometal; for welding type 316 steel
SF321 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Weldable; Samuel UTS: 590 Elon: 45% Proof: 475
Fox SOUDOCROM BD 0.02% C 11.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding
VTS: 610 Elon: 53% electrode; Soudometal; for welding type 316 type steel
SF 347 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Nb steel: Weldable; Samuel VTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 465
Fox SOUDOCROMD 0.12% C 9.0% Ni 30.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 620 Elon: 54% Soudometal
SF 835 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 3.5% Mo + Ti steel: VTS: 810 Elon: 22% Proof: 670
Weldable for use on check plates; annealed; Samuel SOUDOCROMG 0.02% C 10.5% Ni 21.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Welding
Fox electrode; Soudometal; for welding type 316 steel
UTS: 610 Elon: 50% VTS: 780 Elon: 30% Proof: 620
SIL 10 0.38% C 8% Ni 19% Cr 3% Si steel: For valves; origin SOUDOCROM HR 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
unknown 308L Soudometal; for welding austenitic steel
SIL 10 N 0.38% C 8% Ni 19% Cr 3% Si steel: For valves; origin VTS: 600 Elon: 45% Proof: 450
unknown SOUDOCROM HR 0.02% C 12.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
SIRIUS 3 0.08% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Creusot- 309L Soudometal; for buttering of 3082 type steel
Loire VTS: 550 Elon: 40% Proof: 450
SIRIUS 35 0.08% C (max) 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Creusot- SOUDOCROM HR 0.02% C 11.5% Ni 28.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding
Loire 316L electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type steel
SIRIUS 345 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Creusot- UTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 465
Loire SOUDOCROML 0.02% C 13.0% Ni 24.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
SIRIUS SI2 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Creusot-Loire 309L Soudometal; for buttering of 308 type steel
For SIS specifications see SS UTS: 570 Elon: 40% Proof: 470
SKF 304 As AISI 304 SKF SOUDOCROM 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
SKF 316 As AISI 316 SKF A308L Soudometal; for welding austenitic steels
SKF 321 As AISI 321 SKF UTS: 615 Elon: 48% Proof: 460
SOUDINOX 25-4 0.1 % C 5.0% Ni 26.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SOUDOCROM 0.02% C 12.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding
Soudometal; for welding 25 % Cr steels B316L electrode; Soudometal; for welding type 316 steel
VTS: 700 Elon: 16% Proof: 500 VTS: 590 Elon: 42% Proof: 480
SOUDINOX 25-20 0.1 % C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SOUDOCROM 0.1 % C 21.0% Ni 26.0% Cr steel: Welding rod:
Soudometal; for welding and building of high alloy C310 Soudometal; for welding high alloy austenitic steel
austenitic steel VTS: 590 Elon: 35% Proof: 420
VTS: 600 Elon: 30% Proof: 300 SOUDOCROM 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.25% Nb steel: Welding
SOUDINOX A8 0.11 % C 6.5% Mn 8.0% Ni 17.0% Cr steel: Welding F347 electrode; Soudometal; for welding 321 type steels
rod; Soudometal; for welding hardenable steels VTS: 610 Elon: 45% Proof: 470
UTS: 650 Elon: 40% Proof: 450 SOUDOCROM 0.02% C 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.6% Mo 0.25% Nb steel:
SOUDINOX A308H 0.05% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; K318 Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type
Soudometal; for welding austenitic steels steel
UTS: 590 Elon: 53% Proof: 415 UTS: 620 Elon: 42% Proof: 495
SOUDINOX A308L 0.03% C 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SOUDOCROM 0.02% C 13.0% Ni 24.0% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Welding
Soudometal; for welding austenitic steels L309Mo electrode; Soudometal; for buttering 316L type steel
VTS: 570 Elon: 47% Proof: 420 VTS: 700 Elon: 32% Proof: 560
SOUDINOX B316H 0.05% C 1.3% Mn 11.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: SOUDOCROM 0.02% C 0.8% Mn 13.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.3% Mo steel:
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type M317L Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type
steel steel
VTS: 550 Elon: 35% Proof: 345 VTS: 520 Elon: 30%
SOUDINOX B316L 0.03% C 1.7% Mn 12.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: SOUDOCROM 0.03% C 8.5% Ni 22.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.15% N steel:
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type S4462 Welding rod; Soudometal; for welding Duplex stainless
steel steel
UTS: 570 Elon: 40 % Proof: 450 VTS: 790 Elon: 28% Proof: 640
SOUDOKAY 308L-0 0.02% C 10% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 660 Elon: 40% Proof: 490
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SOUDOKAY 309L·0 0.02% C 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SOUDOTIG 318 0.03% C 12% Ni 18.7% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.5% Nb steel:
Soudometal Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding
VTS: 640 Elon: 40% Proof: 490 VTS: 620 Elon: 30% Proof: 350
SOUDOKAY 316LO 0.02% C 12% Ni 20% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Welding SOUDOTIG 347 0.04% C 9.7% Ni 19.3% Cr 0.6% Nb steel: Welding
electrode; Soudometal electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding
VTS: 625 Elon: 40% Proof: 480 VTS: 630 Elon: 30% Proof: 350
SOUDOKAY 402.0 0.12% C 6.5% Mn 8% Ni 20% Cr steel: Welding SOUDOTlG 0.15% C 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.6% Mo 1.5% Cu steel:
electrode; Soudometal 20.25.2LCu Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding
DPN: 155 VTS: 640 Elon: 30% Proof: 440 VTS: 540 Elon: 37% Proof: 320
SOUDOR GI8.8.6 0.07% C 8.6% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SOUDOTIG 0.02% C 8% Ni 22.8% Cr 3% Mo 0.15% N steel:
Soudometal 22.8.3L Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding
VTS: 610 Elon: 40% Proof: 350 VTS: 540 Elon: 37% Proof: 320
SOUDORG309 0.06% C 13% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SOUDOTIG 0.015% C 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
Soudometal; for inert gas welding 308L Si Soudometal; for inert gas welding
VTS: 640 Elon: 28% Proof: 360 VTS: 590 Elon: 34% Proof: 320
SOUDOR G309 Si 0.08% C 13.3% Ni 23.6% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SPW 0.28% C 10% Ni 20% Cr 0.2% Mo steel: Pompey
Soudometal; for inert gas welding S RALLOY 0.6% C 37% Ni 20% Cr 0.4% Mo 2.0% Wsteel:
VTS: 640 Elon: 35% Proof: 400 Casting; Cronite; as cast
SOUDORG310 0.1% C 20.5% Ni 25.7% Cr steel: Welding electrode; DPN: 170 UTS: 450 Elon: 9% Proof: 250
Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS3M 0.16% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Uddelholm
VTS: 590 Elon: 43% Proof: 390 SS3MM 0.08% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Uddelholm
SOUDOR G316L Si 0.01 % C 12.3% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding SS4 0.12% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Uddelholm
electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS 24 0.12% C (max) 10% Ni 19% Cr 3.0% Mo steel:
VTS: 590 Elon: 34% Proof: 320 Uddelholm
SOUDORG318 0.03% C 12% Ni 18.7% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.5% Nb steel: S S 33 0.16% C 12% Ni 12% Cr steel: For deep drawing;
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding Uddelholm
VTS: 610 Elon: 36% Proof: 400 SS 43 9.0% Ni 18% Cr S steel: Free machining; Uddelholm;
SOUDORG347 0.04% C 9.7% Ni 19.3% Cr 0.6% Nb steel: Welding C content to be agreed
electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS 53 0.15% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Uddelholm
VTS: 610 Elon: 42% Proof: 400 SS 2324 0.1 % C 5% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Swedish
SOUDOR 0.015% C 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.6% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: Standard; included in MNC 900
G20.25.5L Cu Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding DPN:260
VTS: 540 Elon: 37% Proof: 320 SS 2332 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar, forging, etc.;
SOUDOR 0.02% C 8% Ni 22.8% Cr 3% Mo 0.15% Nsteel: annealed; Swedish Standard
G22.8.3L Welding electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
VTS: 540 Elon: 37% Proof: 320 SS 2333 0.06% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar, forging,
SOUDOR 0.01 % C 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Welding electrode; etc.; annealed; Swedish Standard
G308L Si Soudometal; for inert gas welding DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
VTS: 590 Elon: 34% Proof: 320 SS 2334 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel:
SOUDOTIG 18.8.6 0.07% C 8.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Swedish Standard
Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS 2337 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Bar, forging,
VTS: 610 Elon: 40% Proof: 350 etc.; annealed; Swedish Standard
SOUDOTIG 308L 0.02% C 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Welding electrode; DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS 2338 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb + Ta steel; Bar,
VTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 320 forging, etc.; annealed; Swedish Standard
SOUDOTIG 309 Si 0.08% C 13.3% Ni 23.6% Cr 0.85% Si steel: Welding DPN: 190 VTS: 500 Elon: 40% PFoof: 200
electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS 2340 0.1% C (max) 2.0% Mn (max) 9% Ni 17% Cr 1.5%
VTS: 640 Elon: 35% Proof: 400 Mo steel; For reinforcing; Swedish Standard
SOUDOTIG 310 0.1% C 20.5% Ni 25.7% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Elon: 7% Proof: 780
Soudometal SS 2341 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.8% Mo steel: Bar, forging,
VTS: 590 Elon: 43% Proof: 390 etc.; annealed; Swedish Standard
SOUDOTIG 316L 0.015% C 12% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding DPN: 180 VTS: 500 Elon: 45% Proof: 200
electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS 2342 0.1% C 9% Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Bar, forging,
VTS: 600 Elon: 31 % Proof: 340 etc.; annealed; Swedish Standard
SOUDOTIG 316L Si 0.1% C 12.3% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo stcel: Welding DPN: 200 VTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
electrode; Soudometal; for inert gas welding SS 2343 0.06% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Bar, forging,
VTS: 590 Elon: 34% Proof:. 320 etc.; anncaled; Swedish Standard
DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
SS 2344 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr2.7% Mo 0.6% Ti steel: Bar,
forging, etc.; Swedish Standard
DPN: 190 VTS: 540 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: SS 2345 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.9% Nb + Ta
steel: Bar, forging, etc.; Swedish Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 190 VTS: 540 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 SS 2346 0.15% C 10% Ni 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: Plate and
Eion Elongation, % bar; annealed; Swedish Standard
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 200 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
SS 2346 0.15% C 10% Ni 17% CrO.7% Mo steel: Platc and
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2 =0.06475tonfJin. 2 =145.04lbfJin. 2 =1 MPa
bar; cold rolled; Swedish Standard
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN: 310 VTS: 680 Elon: 20% Proof: 480
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 2347 0.5% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: STRAINTRODE 0.03% C 0.6% Mn 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 0.8% Si steel:
Swedish Standard 64.30 For electrodes; Esab; 6% ferrite
DPN: 190 UTS: 600 Elon: 45% Proof: 210 UTS: 564 Elon: 46% Proof: 420
SS 2348 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: STRAINTRODE 0.03% C 0.7% Mn 13.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 4.0% Mo steel:
Swedish Standard 64.30 For electrodes; Esab; 11% ferrite
DPN: 190 UTS: 603 Elon: 45% Proof: 200 UTS: 602 Elon: 35 % Proof: 455
SS 2350 0.08% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Swedish STRAINTRODE 0.1 % C 1.7% Mn 20.0% Ni 26.0% Cr steel: For
Standard 67.15 electrodes; Esab Standard
DPN: 200 UTS:600 Elon:40% Proof: 210 UTS: 610 Elon: 35% Proof: 4SO
SS 2352 0.03% C 10.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Swedish Standard; STRAINTRODE 0.05% C 6.5% Mn 9.0% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: For
included in MNC 900 67.45 electrodes; Esab Standard
DPN: ISO UTS: 620 Elon: 42% Proof: 390
SS 2353 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Swedish STRAINTRODE 0.04% C 1.0% Mn 12.0% Ni 22.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
Standard; included in MNC 900 67.70 For electrodes; Esab Standard; 15% ferrite
DPN: 180 UTS: 730 Elon: 30% Proof: 640
SS 2360 0.12% C 18% Ni 19% Cr steel: Plate, bar, forging; STRAINTRODE 0.05% C 3.0% Mn 12.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel:
annealed; Swedish Standard 67.75 For electrodes; Esab; 17% ferrite
DPN: 220 UTS: 820 UTS: 630 Elon: 30% Proof: 510
SS 2361 0.2% C 19% Ni 22% Cr steel: Bar, forging, etc.; STRAINTRODE 0.1 % C 1.5% Mn 5.0% Ni 26.0% Cr 1.5% Mo steel:
annealed; Swedish Standard 68.60 For electrodes; Esab Standard
DPN:230 UTS: 770 UTS: 6SO Elon: 35%
SS 2366 0.05% C 14.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Swedish STUBS 63 Austenitic steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; for ductile
Standard CMnCrNi weld; impact resistance
DPN: 190 UTS: 600 Elon: 40% Proof: 220 DPN: 200 UTS: 68S Elon: 40% Proof: 390
SS 2367 0.03% C (max) 16.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: STUBS 65 XL Austenitic steel: Welding electrode; Stubs
Swedish Standard CSi Cr Ni Mo DPN: 220 UTS: 800 Elon: 20% Proof: 640
DPN: 190 UTS: 600 Elon:48% Proof: 210 STUBS 65 Austenitic steel: Welding electrode; Stubs
SS 2370 0.05% C (max) 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Swedish C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo DPN: 235 UTS: S05 Elon: 2S%
Standard STUBS 68 0.05% C (max) 10% Ni 20% Cr 0.4% Nb + Ta steel:
DPN: 195 UTS: 700 Elon: 40% Proof: 290 Stubs
SS 2371 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Swedish UTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 375
Standard STUBS 68 LC 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 20% Cr steel: Stubs
SS 2374 0.05% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: DPN: ISO UTS: 590 Elon: 35% Proof: 375
Swedish Standard STUBS 68 Mo 0.05% C (max) 11.5% Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.4%
DPN: 190 UTS: 700 Elon:40% Proof: 300 Nb + Ta steel; Stubs
SS 2375 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: DPN: 200 UTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 390
Swedish Standard STUBS 68 Mo LC 0.03% C (max) 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.8% Mo steel; Stubs
SS 2384 0.05% C (max) 13% Ni 18% Cr 2.7% Mo 1% Ti 0.2% DPN: ISO UTS: 590 Elon: 35% Proof: 390
S 2% Cu steel: Swedish Standard; free machining STUBS 68 Ti Mo 0.03% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Stubs
SS 2564 0.06% C (max) 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 3.2% Cu DPN: 190 UTS: 640 Elon: 23% Proof: 390
steel: Casting; Swedish Standard STUBS68H 0.12% C (max) 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Welding
SS 2570 0.08% C 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.2% V 2.1 % Ti electrode; Stubs; for heat resistance
steel: Swedish Standard; included in MNC 870 DPN: 200 UTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 345
DPN: 300 STUBS 653 Austenitic steel: Welding electrode; Stubs; can be work
STA 5 V26 0.42% C 10% Ni 13% Cr 3% Wsteel: Replaced by BS CCrNi Mo hardened
alloy En 56 DPN: 240 UTS: 785
STA 5 V27 0.16% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Replaced by BS STUBS 5820 LC 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
alloy En 58A Stubs; for welding type 304 stainless steel
STA 5 V27A 0.15% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Weld stabilized; DPN: 170 UTS: 590 Elon: 35% Proof: 400
replaced by BS alloy En 58; stabilized grade STUBS 5820 Mo LC 0.02% C 11.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Welding
STA 5 V27M 0.1 % C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Free machining; electrode; Stubs; for welding type 316 steel
replaced by BS alloy En 58M DPN: 170 UTS: 5SO Elon: 35% Proof: 410
STAYBRITE 18% Cr 8% Ni steel: Firth Vickers; general trade name STUBS 5820 Mo Nb 0.024% C 12% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.4% Mo 0.25% Nb steel:
covering stainless steels Welding electrode; Stubs; for welding type 318 steel
STC52D 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Designation DPN: 170 UTS: 550 Elon: 35% Proof: 410
used by Japanese Standard STUBS 5820 Nb 0.02% C 10% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.2% Nb steel: Welding
STRAINTRODE 0.06% C 1.5% Mn 9.5% Ni 20.0% Cr 0.7% Nb 0.8% electrode; Stubs; for welding type 321 and 347 steels
61.81 Si steel: For electrodes; Esab; 8% ferrite DPN: 170 UTS: 590 Eron: 35% Proof: 400
UTS: 700 Elon: 30% Proof: 570 STUBS 5824 LC 0.02% C 12.7% Ni 22.8% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
STRA1NTRODE 0.03% C 0.6% Mn 10.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.7% Stubs; for cladding mild and low alloy steel
62.30 Si steel: For electrodes; Esab; 8% ferrite DPN: 170 UTS: S40 Elon: 30% Proof: 390
UTS: 570 Elon:45% Proof: 460 STUBS 5824 Mo LC 0.02% C 14% Ni 22.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: Welding
STRAINTRODE 0.03% C 0.6% Mn 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: electrode; Stubs
63.30 For electrodes; Esab; 9% ferrite DPN: 170 UTS: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 400
UTS: 590 Elon: 35% Proof: 490 STUBS 6820 LC 0.025% C 10% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
STRAINTRODE 0.05% CO. 7% Mn 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.5% Stubs; for welding type 304 steel
63.35 Si steel: For electrodes; Esab; 15% ferrite DPN: 170 UTS: 590 Elon: 35% Proof: 400
UTS: 590 Elon: 35% Proof: 490 STUBS 6820 0.03% C 11.5% Ni 19% Cr 2.4% Mo steel: Welding
STRAINTRODE 0.03% C 1.5% Mn 12.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.6% MoLC electrode; Stubs; for welding type 316 stainless steel
63.80 Nb steel: For electrodes; Esab; 10% ferrite DPN: 170 UTS: 550 Elon: 35% Proof: 410
UTS: 664 Elon: 35% Proof: 455
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
STUBS 6820 0.028% C 12% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.3% Nb steel: SV 04KHI9NllM3 0.06% C (max) 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
MoNb Welding electrode; Stubs; for welding type 318 type For welding wire; Russian Standard designation
steel SV 04KH19N952 0.06% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: For welding
DPN: 170 vrs: 550 Elon: 35% Proof: 410 wire; Russian Standard designation
STUBS 6824 LC 0.025% C 12.4% Ni 22.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SV 05KH19N9F352 0.07% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% V steel: For
Stubs; for cladding mild and low alloy steel welding wire; Russian Standard
DPN: 170 vrs: 540 Elon: 30% Proof: 390 SV 06KH19N9T 0.08% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: For
STUBS 6824 0.03% C 12.5% Ni 22.5% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Welding welding wire; Russian Standard designation
MoLC electrode; Stubs SV 07KHI8N9T1 U 0.09% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.2% Ti 0.7% Al
DPN: 170 vrs: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 400 steel: For welding wire; Russian Standard designation
STUBS 6825 0.1 % C 21.5% Ni 25.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SV 07KH25N13 0.09% C (max) 13.0% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: For welding
Stubs; for heat resistance wire; Russian Standard designatian
DPN: 200 vrs: 590 Elon: 30% Proof: 345 SV 08KH19N9F252 0.1% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr2.1% V steel: For
SUH31 0.4% C 14.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 2.5% Wsteel: Heat welding wire; Russian Standard designation
resisting; Japanese Standard designation SV 08KH19NlOB 0.07% C 9.7% Ni 19.5% Cr 1.35% Nb steel: For
SUPERCROM 0.02% C 9.0% Ni 30.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; welding wire; Russian Standard designation
Soudometal SV 08KH19N12M3 0.08% C 12.2% Ni 19.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: For
UTS: 800 Elon: 22% Proof: 660 welding wire; Russian Standard designation
SUPERCROM 29.9 0.1% C9.0% Ni 29.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SV 08KH25N5TMF 0.1 % C(max) 5.2% Ni 25.0% Cr 0.09% Mo 0.11 % V
Soudometal 0.14% Ti 0.15% N steel: For welding wire; Russian
vrs: 750 Elon: 25% Proof: 590 Standard designation
SUPERCROM 308L 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; SV 10KH16N25M6 0.1 % C 25.5% Ni 16.2% Cr 6.2% Mo 0.15% N steel:
Soudometal; for welding austenitic steel For welding wire; Russian Standard designation
vrs: 600 Elon: 48% Proof: 450 SV lOKH20N15 0.12% C (max) 15.0% Ni 20.5% Cr steel: For welding
SUPERCROM 318 0.02% C 12.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.6% Mo 0.25% Nb steel: wire; Russian Standard designation
Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type SV 13KH25N18 0.15% C (max) 18.5% Ni 25.5% Cr steel: For welding
steel wire; Russian Standard designation
UTS: 600 Elon: 42 % Proof: 495 SV 25KH25N16G7 0.24% C 7.0% Mn 16.0% Ni 25.5% Cr steel: For
SUPERCROM 347 0.02% C 9.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 0.25% Nb steel: Welding welding wire; Russian Standard designation
electrode; Soudometal; for welding 321 type steel SV 30KH15N35V3B 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 2.7% W
UTS: 615 Elon: 45% Proof: 475 3T 0.7% Ti steel: For welding wire; Russian Standard
SUPERCROM SD 0.1 % C 9.0% Ni 29.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; designation
Soudometal SV 30KH15N35V3B 0.29% C 35.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 0.8% Ti 3.0% Nb steel:
vrs: 750 Elon: 25% Proof: 590 3T For welding wire; Russian Standard designation
SUPERCROM 0.02% C 13.0% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Welding electrode; T55 0.16% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb stabilized steel:
309L Soudometal; for buttering 308L type steel Tube; annealed
vrs: 550 Elon: 40% Proof: 420 VTS: 530 Proof: 230
SUPERCROM 0.02% C 0.6% Mn 12.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.6% Mo steel: T58 0.16% C (max) 10% Ni 18% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Tube;
316L Welding electrode; Soudometal; for welding 316 type stabilized; cold drawn and tempered
steel UTS: 760 Proof: 700
vrs: 590 Elon: 45 % Proof: 480 T61 0.16% C 17% Ni 23% Cr Ti or Nb steel: Tube;
SUPERMET 308L 0.02% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode stabilized; annealed
SUPERMET 309L 0.02% C 13% Ni 24% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode vrs: 530 Proof: 220
SUPERMET 316L 0.03% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Electrode; T200 0.05% C 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V2.1 % Nb
Metrode 0.2% AI 0.005% B steel: Creep resisting; YEW
SUPERMET 347 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr 0.5% Nb steel: Electrode; T240 0.13% C 13.5% Ni 16% Cr 2.8% W0.6% Ti 0.004% B
Metrode steel: Creep resisting; YEW
SUPERMET 0.02% C 12% Ni 24% Cr 0.5% Nb steel: Electrode; T275 0.06% C 12.5% Ni 16% Cr 0.6% Nb steel: Creep
309Cb Metrode resisting; YEW
SUPERMET 0.02% C 12% Ni 24% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Electrode; THERMALLOY 0.5% C 15% Ni 26% Cr 1% Nb 0.13% N steel:
309Mo Metrode 40 A2 Casting; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
SUPERMET 0.03% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo Nb steel: yearbook.
318 Electrode; Metrode THERMALLOY (L9% C 12% Ni 26% Cr steel: Casting; American
SUPERMET 0.03% C 10% Ni 24% Cr 3% Mo steel: Electrode; 40E proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
2205 Metrode THERMALLOY 47 0.4% C 20% Ni 26% Cr 0.1% Nsteel: Casting;
SV02KH19N9 0.04% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.5% Cr steel: For welding American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
wire; Russian Standard designation THERMALLOY 0.5% C 35% Ni 15% Cr 1% Nb steel: Casting;
SV 04KHI9N9 0.6% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: For welding 50CQ American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
wire; Russian Standard designation THERMALLOY 0.5% C 20% Ni 28% Cr 0.1 % Nsteel: Casting;
D47 American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
THERMINOX 0.12% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Pompey
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: THERMINOX 13 0.1 % C 13% Ni 25% Cr steel: Pompey
THERMINOX 20 0.07% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: Pompey
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number THERMINOX 821 0.2% C 5.0% Ni 25% Cr steel: Pompey
vrs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 TIMKEN 16/25/6 0.1 % C 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo 0.15% N steel:
Elon Elongation, % Timken
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 TOLOY9TYPE 0.35% C 9.5% Ni 28% Cr steel: Casting; resistant to
2 2 2 2 HE sulphur bearing atmosphere; Wellman
1 N/mm =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm =0.06475 tonflin =145.04Ibf/in =1 MPa TOLOY 10 TYPE 0.3% C 10.5% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Casting for use at
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. HF 600-850 'C; Wellman
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
TOLOY 12 0.3% C 12% Ni 25% Cr steel: Casting; Thompson UHB 0.07% C 20.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm;
L'Hospied; annealed STAINLESS 15 annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 630 Elon: 15% Proof: 340 DPN: 160 VTS: 580 Elon: 35% Proof: 250
TOLOY 12HH2 0.45% C 12% Ni 24.5% Cr steel: Casting for use UHB 0.06% C 12% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Uddelholm;
between 925 and 1050 ·C; Wellman STAINLESS 24 annealed
TOLOY 16 0.3% C 16% Ni 27% Cr steel: Casting; Thompson DPN: 160 UTS: 630 Elon: 45% Proof: 240
L'Hospied; annealed UHB 0.03% C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Uddelholm;
DPN: 175 VTS: 610 Elon: 8% Proof: 480 STAINLESS 24L annealed
TOLOY20 0.4% C 20% Ni 26% Cr steel: Casting; Thompson DPN: 160 UTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 220
L'Hospied; annealed UHB 0.07% C 21.5% Ni 23.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm;
DPN: 180 VTS: 530 Elon: 16% Proof: 340 STAINLESS 25 annealed
TOLOY 20 HK40 0.4% C 20% Ni 26% Cr steel: Casting; for use at DPN: 160 VTS: 580 Elon: 35% Proof: 240
temperatures above 1050 ·C; Wellman UHB 0.06% C 12.5% Ni 12.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm;
TOLOY25 HN 0.37% C 25% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Casting; good high STAINLESS 33MM annealed
temperature corrosion resistance; Wellman DPN: 130 VTS: 530 Elon: 55% Proof: 210
TOLOY37 0.55% C 37% Ni 19% Cr steel: Casting; Thompson UHB 0.05% C 14% Ni 17.5% Cr 4.3% Mo steel: Uddelholm;
L'Hospied; annealed STAINLESS 34 annealed
DPN: 165 VTS: 540 Elon: 12% Proof: 360 DPN: 170 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 270
TOLOY37 HU 0.45% C 37.5% Ni 18.5% Cr Fe casting: Resists UHB 0.03% C 14.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 4.2% Mo steel:
sulphur and carbon attack at high temperature; STAINLESS 34L Uddelholm
Wellman UHB 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Free
TOPHET 12.12 0.16% C (max) 13.0% Ni 12.0% Cr steel: Wire; STAINLESS 43 cutting; Uddelholm; annealed
Getly-Brunton for weaving close mesh DPN: 160 VTS: 630 Elon: 45% Proof: 220
TOPHET 18.8 0.16% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Getly- UHB 0.1 % C 5.3% Ni 25% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Uddelholm;
Brunton; can be hard drawn STAINLESS 44 annealed
TOPHET 18.8 0.08% C 9.5% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Getly-Brunton; hard DPN: 230 VTS: 680 Elon: 20% Proof: 500
LowC drawn UHB 0.1 % C 4.8% Ni 25.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed
DPN: 160 STAINLESS 45 DPN: 220 VTS: 630 Elon: 25% Proof: 450
TOPHET 25.20 0.1 % C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Wire; Getly- UHB 0.06% C 9.5% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Uddelholm;
Brunton; annealed STAINLESS 53 annealed
UTS: 725 Elon: 55% Proof: 360 DPN: 160 UTS: 630 Elon: 45% Proof: 220
TOPHETCb 0.08% C (max) 9.2% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Nb (min) UHB 0.15% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed
steel: Getly-Brunton; annealed STAINLESS 55 DPN: 160 UTS: 630 Elon: 40% Proof: 290
VTS: 700 Elon: 55% Proof: 300 UHB 0.06% C 10% Ni 18% Cr Nb steel: Uddelholm;
TOPHETMo 0.08% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 2.85% Mo steel: STAINLESS 63 annealed
Gelly-Brunton; annealed DPN: 160 UTS: 630 Elon: 40% Proof: 220
UTS: 720 Elon: 55% Proof: 360 UHB 0.08% C 13% Ni 16% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Tube;
TOPHETTi 0.08% C (max) 9.2% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.3% Ti (min) steel: STAINLESS 63H Uddelholm; annealed
Getly-Brunton; hard drawn DPN: 210 VTS: 610 Elon: 35% Proof: 210
DPN: 165 UHB 0.06% C 18% Ni 18% Cr 2.2% Mo 2.0% Cu + Nb
TPXM 15 See XM 15 STAINLESS 64 steel: Uddelholm; annealed
TPA 0.45% C 14% Ni 14% Cr 0.35% Mo 2.4% W steel: For DPN: 160 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
valves; origin unknown UHB 0.06% C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.8% Mo Ti steel:
TRUBRITE 8% Ni 18% Cr Ti stabilized steel: Arthur Lee STAINLESS 524 Uddelholm; annealed
TRUBRITEAl 12% Ni 12% Cr steel: For deep drawing; Arthur Lee DPN: 160 VTS: 620 Elon: 50% Proof: 250
TRUBRITEA3 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Arthur Lee UHB 0.06% C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.8% Mo Nb steel:
TRUBRITEA6 Low C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Weldable; Arthur Lee STAINLESS 624 Uddelholm; annealed
TURBALOY 13 0.13% C 23.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 1% W 1.5% Nb DPN: 160 VTS: 620 Elon: 40% Proof: 250
1.5% Al Fe alloy: General Electric UHB 0.09% C 10.5% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Uddelholm;
TXCR 0.4% C 3.8% Ni 24% Cr 1.4% Mo steel: For valves; STAINLESS 703 annealed
origin unknown DPN: 160 VTS: 620 Elon: 50% Proof: 220
UCAR 11 0.05% C 39.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 5.2% Mo 0.5% Co 2.5% UHB 0.06% C 13.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.75% Mo steel: Tube;
Ti Fe alloy: Casting; Union Carbide STAINLESS 724 Uddelholm; annealed
UCAR706 0.06% C (max) 41.5% Ni 16.0% Cr 1.0% Co 3.0% Mo DPN: 180 VTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
1.7% Nb Fe alloy: Union Carbide UHB 0.03% C 13.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.4% Mo steel:
UCAR800 0.05% C 32.5% Ni 21.0% Cr 0.4% Ti 0.4% AI Fe STAINLESS 734L Uddelholm
alloy: Union Carbide UHB
UHB STAINLESS 3 0.1 % C 8.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed STAINLESS 0.06% C 13.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.4% Mo steel:
DPN: 160 VTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proof: 220 734Nb Uddelholm
UHB 0.03% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed UHB 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.5% Ti steel: Tube;
STAINLESS 3L DPN: 160 VTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 200 STAINLESS 753 Uddelholm; annealed
UHB 0.08% C 8.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed DPN: 190 VTS: 630 Elon: 40% Proof: 200
STAINLESS 3M DPN: 160 VTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proof: 220 UN13992 0.45% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.0% W steel: For valves
UHB 0.06% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Uddelholm; annealed X45 CNW 1909
STAINLESS 3MM DPN: 160 VTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proof: 220 UNI3992 0.5% C 14% Ni 14% Cr 2.5% W steel: For valves
UHB STAINLESS 4 0.09% C 9.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: X50CNW 1414
Uddelholm; annealed UN14047 0.03% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19% Cr steel
DPN: 160 VTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proof: 240 X3CNI911
UHB 0.06% C 10.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: UNI4047 0.06% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19% Cr steel
STAINLESS 4MM Uddelholm; annealed X6CNl9l1
DPN: 160 VTS: 630 Elon: 50% Proof: 240
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
UNI4047 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 19% Cr steel VH650 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 3.0% Mo steel:
X8CN 1910 Wykmanshyttan
UNI4047 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr stecl VIKRO 10 0.35% C 25.0% Ni 15.0% Cr steel: Casting; Firth
X15 CN 1808 Vickers; annealed
UNI4047 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Mo steel VTS: 500 Elon: 8% Proor: 280
X15 CNF 1808 VITRESIST 0.06% C (max) 23% Ni 23% Cr 5.5% Mo 0.4% Nb 2%
URANUS 50 8% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: Holtzer-Loire Si 1.5% Cu steel: D Brown; for use with hot sulphuric
URANUS 65 0.03% C (max) 20.5% Ni 24.5% Cr with Nb steel: acid
Creusot-Loire VMS 585 2.2% C 11 % Ni 24% Cr 5% Mo steel: For valve facing;
URANUSA5 0.06% C (max) 17.5% Ni 2.25% Mo 2.0% Cu steel: origin unknown
Creusot-Loire VS 12112 0.08% C 12.5% Ni 13% Cr steel: Vulcan; annealed
URANUSB6 Low C 25% Ni 20% Cr 4.5% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: UTS: 920 Elon: 65%
Holtzer-Loire VS 18/8 0.09% C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Vulcan; annealed
URANUSSI 0.015% C (max) 1.5% Mn 14.2% Ni 17.5% Cr with Nb UTS: 1070 Elon: 60%
steel: Creusot-Loire VS 181812 0.08% C 8.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Vulcan;
V2A 0.16% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Krupps annealed
V2AEXTRA 0.15% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr 0.6% Ti steel: Krupps UTS: 1140 Elon: 51 %
V2AFH 0.15% C 7.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Krupps VS 18/8 Ti 0.06% C 8.5% Ni 18% Cr Ti steel: Vulcan; annealed
V2ANORMAL 0.12% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Krupps VTS: 1110 Elon: 56%
V2ASUPRA 0.07% C 10% Ni 18% Cr steel: Krupps W18/8 8% Ni 18% Cr Nb steel: Welding electrode; Cu coated;
V2ASUPRANK 0.03% C 11% Ni 18% Cr steel: Krupps Armco
V2AXEXTRA 0.1% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: Krupps W19/9 0.03% C 9% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Cu
V2AXET 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: coated; Armco
Krupps WELDANKAA 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: Castings; Brown
V4AEXTRA 0.1 % C 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.5% Ti steel: Bayley
Krupps WELDANKAB 0.08% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: Bar, billet,
V4ASUPRA 0.07% C 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr2.2% Mosteel: Krupps etc.; Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 58B and 58C
V4A X EXTRA 0.1% C 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: WELDANKACB 0.08% C 12% Ni 18% Cr 0.8% Nb + Ta steel: Bar,
Krupps billet, etc.; Brown Bayley for BS alloy En 58F and 58G
V8ASUPRA 0.12% C 10% Ni 18% Cr 2.0% Mo steel: Krupps X 2 CN18l1O 0.03% C 11.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: French Standard;
V 12ASUPRA 0.16% C 12% Ni 12% Cr steel: Krupps annealed
V 14ASUPRA 0.07% C 13.5% Ni 17% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: Krupps DPN: 180 UTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proor: 170
V 16AEXTRA 0.07% C 20% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.3% Ti 2.0% Cu X 2 Cr Ni 1819 0.03% C (max) 10% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: German
steel: Krupps Standard
V16AXEXTRA 0.07% C 20% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.5% Nb 2.0% X2 Cr Ni 1819 0.03% C (max) 11.2% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Designation
Cu steel: Krupps used by German Standards
V 18A SUPRA NK 0.03% C 16.5% Ni 18.5% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: Krupps X2 Cr Ni 18110 0.03% C (max) 10.2% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.17% N steel:
V24A EXTRA 0.06% C 25% Ni 25% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.3% Ti steel: German Standard
Krupps X 2 Cr Ni 18111 0.03% C (max) 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: German
V 25AF X EXTRA 0.06% C 7% Ni 25% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.4% Nb steel: Standard
Krupps X2 Cr Ni 18119 0.03% C (max) 11.2% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: German
V44AEXTRA 0.1% C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr2.7% MoO.5% Ti steel: Standard
Krupps X 2 Cr Ni Mo 17112 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
V44A SUPRA 0.07% C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Krupps German Standard
V 44A SUPRA NK 0.03% C 12% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Krupps X 2 Cr Ni Mo 17/12 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
V44A X EXTRA 0.1 % C 13% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: German Standard
Krupps X 2 Cr Ni Mo UlilO 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
V 57 0.05% C 27.2% Ni 14.7% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 3.0% German Standard
Ti 0.2% AI stainless stcel: Information from SAE X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18110 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Designation
handbook used by German Standards
VALVO 829 0.42% C 13.5% Ni 13.5% Cr 2.7% Wsteel: For valves; X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18110 0.03% C (max) 16.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 35% Mo steel:
Swift Levick for BS alloy En 54 German Standard
VERSALLOY 0.11% C 8% Ni 17% Cr steel: Atlas; annealed X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18110 0.03% C (max) 12.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
DPN: 150 UTS: 730 Elon: 55% Proof: 240 German Standard
VERTAMET 308L 0.02% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Electrode X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18112 0.03% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
VERTAMET 316L 0.02% C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3% Mo steel: Electrode German Standard
VF 11 2.25% C 11 % Ni 24% Cr 5.5% Mo stcel: For valve X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18112 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel:
facing; SAE designation German Standard
VH274 0.16% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wykmanshyuan X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18112 0.03% C (max) 13.7% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Designation
used by German Standards
X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18116 0.03% C (max) 13.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: German Standard
X 2 Cr Ni Mo 18116 0.03% C 16.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel:
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Designation used by German Standards
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 X2CrNiMoN 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.16% N
Elon Elongation, % 18112 steel: Designation used by German Standards
Proor 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 X2CrNiMoN 0.03% C (max) 13.2% Ni 17.5% Cr2.7% MoO.16% N
18113 steel: Designation used by German Standards
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonfJin 2 =145.04lbfJin 2 = I MPa X2CrNi Mo 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.18% N
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Ni 18112 steel: German Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
X2 Cr Ni N 18/10 0.03% C (max) 10.2% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.18% N steel: X8CrNi MoB 0.08% C 16.7% Ni 16.8% Cr 1.8% Mo 1.0% Nb 0.08%
Designation used by German Standards Nbl6116K B steel: Designation used by German Standards
X3CNI911 0.03% C II % Ni 19% Cr steel: Italian Standard; X8CrNiMoCu 0.08% C (max) 21.0% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.8% Nb
annealed Nb 20/18 2.0% Cu steel: Designation used by German Standards
DPN: 180 VTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proof: 170 X8CrNiMoV 0.1% C (max) 13% Ni 23% Cr 20% Mo 0.7% V 1.0%
X5 Cr Ni 18/9 0.07% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Designation Nb 16113 Nb steel: German Standard
used by German Standards X8CrNiMo 0.07% C (max) 13.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 4.7% Mo 1.0% Nb
X5 Cr Ni 18/10 0.08% C (max) 9.2% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: German Nb 17/13 steel: Designation used by German Standards
Standard X8CrNi Mo 0.1 % C (max) 10.5% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.3% Nb
X 5 Cr Ni 19/9 0.06% C (max) 9.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: Designation Nb 19/10 steel: Designation used by German Standards
used by German Standards X8CrNi Mo 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 19.0% Cr2.7% Mo 1.2% Nb
X5 Cr Ni 19/11 0.07% C (max) 11.2% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: Designation Nb 19/12 steel: Designation used by German Standards
used by German Standards X8CrNi Mo 0.1 % C (max) 25.0% Ni 26.0% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.3% Nb
X 5 Cr Ni Mo 17112 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Nb 25/25 steel: Designation used by German Standards
German Standard X 8 Cr Ni Nb 19/9 0.1 % C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 1.3% Nb steel:
X 5 Cr Ni Mo 17/13 0.07% C (max) 13.5% Ni 17.0% Cr 4.5% Mo steel: Designation used by German Standards
Designation used by German Standards X8Ni Cr MoCu 0.08% C 21 % Ni 18.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.0% Nb 2.0%
X 5 Cr Ni Mo 18/10 0.07% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Nb Cu steel: German Standard
Designation used by German Standards X IOCND 1808 0.05% C 10% Ni 17% Cr 1.6% Mo steel: Italian
X 5 Cr Ni Mo 18/12 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Standard; annealed
Designation used by German Standards DPN: 186 VTS: 486 Elon: 45% Proof: 186
X 5 Cr Ni Mo 18/13 0.06% C (max) 13.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 4.7% Mo steel: X 10 CNDT 1808 0.07% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.3% Ti steel:
Designation used by German Standards Italian Standard; annealed
X 5 Cr Ni Mo 19/10 0.06% C (max) 10.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: DPN: 120 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
Designation used by German Standards X 10 Cr Ni Mo 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr2.2% Mo 0.8% Nb
X5CrNiMoCu 0.07% C (max) 20.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.0% Nb Nb 18/10 steel: Designation used by German Standards
Nb 18118 2.0% Cu steel: Designation used by German Standards X IOCrNiMo 0.1% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% MoO.8% Nb
X5CrNiMoCu 0.06% C (max) 20.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.5% Nb Nb 18/12 steel: Designation used by German Standards
Nb 20/18 2.0% Cu steel: German Standard X 10 Cr Ni Mo 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.6% Ti
X5CrNiMo 0.06% C (max) 25% Ni 25% Cr 2.2% Mo 0.5% Ti Ti 18/10 steel: Designation used by German Standards
Ti 25/25 steel: Designation used by German Standards X 10 Cr Ni Mo 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Ni 17.5% Cr 1.4% MoO.5% Ti
X6CNI911 0.05% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard; Ti 18/10/1 steel: Designation used by German Standards
annealed X 10CrNiMo 0.1% C (max) 13.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.6% Ti
DPN: 186 VTS: 486 Elon: 45% Proof: 186 Ti 18/12 steel: Designation used by German Standards
X6 Cr Ni 24/18 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Italian X 10 Cr Ni Nb 1809 0.1 % C 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Nb steel: Italian Standard
Standard X 10 Cr Ni Nb 18/9 0.1 % C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Nb steel:
X6 Cr Ni 25/20 0.08% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Italian Designation used by German Standards
Standard X IOCr Ni Nb 0.1 % C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.8% Nb steel:
X6CrNiMo 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: 18/10 Designation used by German Standards
Nb 17/12 Italian Standard X 10 Cr Ni S 1809 0.15% C (max) 9% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% S steel: Free
X6CrNiMo 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: machining; Italian Standard
Ti 17/12 Italian Standard X 10 Cr Ni Ti 18/9 0.1 % C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
X6 Cr Ni Nb 18/11 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr Nb steel: Italian Designation used by German Standards
Standard X 10 Cr Ni Ti 18/10 0.1 % C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.6% Ti steel:
X 6 Cr Ni Ti 18/11 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni 18.0% Cr Ti steel: Italian Designation used by German Standards
Standard X 12 Cr Ni 18/8 0.12% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Designation
X 7 Cr Ni 23/14 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: German used by German Standards
Standard X 12 Cr Ni 18/9 0.12% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Designation
X8CN 1910 0.07% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard; used by German Standards
annealed X 12 Cr Ni 22112 0.15% C (max) 11.0% Ni 22.0% Cr steel: Designation
DPN: 186 UTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 186 used by German Standards
X 8CN 2520 0.07% C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard; X 12 Cr Ni 25/4 0.15% C (max) 4.5% Ni 26.0% Cr steel: Designation
annealed used by German Standards
DPN: 190 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240 X 12Cr Ni 25/20 0.15% C (max) 20% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Designation
X8 CN Nb 1811 0.07% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% (max) Nb steel: used by German Standards
Italian Standard; annealed X 12 Cr Ni 25/21 0.15% C (max) 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Designation
DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210 used by German Standards
X8CND 1712 0.05% C 11.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo steel: Italian X 12 Cr Ni S 18/8 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.15% Ssteel:
Standard; annealed Designation used by German Standards
DPN: 186 UTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 210 X 12 Cr Ni Si 36/16 0.08% C (max) 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: German
X8CND 1712 0.05% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo steel: Italian Standard
Standard; annealed X 12 Cr Ni Ti 18/9 0.15% C (max) 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.7% Ti steel:
DPN: 190 VTS:480 Elon: 45% Proof: 200 Designation used by German Standards
X 8CNT 1808 0.07% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.35% Ti (max) steel: X 12 Ni Cr 36/18 0.2% C 38% Ni 18% Cr steel: German Standard
Italian Standard; annealed X 12 Ni Cr Si 36/16 0.15% C 36% Ni 16% Cr steel: German Standard
DPN: 190 UTS: 480 Elon:40% Proof: 186 X 15 CN 1808 0.10% C 8.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard;
X 8CNT 1810 0.07% C 10.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.35% Ti (max) steel: annealed
Italian Standard; annealed DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 186
DPN: 190 UTS: 480 Elon:40% Proof: 186 X 15 CN 2412 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard;
X 8 Cr Ni 12/12 0.1 % C (max) 12.5% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Designation annealed
used by German Standards DPN: 190 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
X 15 CN 2420 0.07% C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard; Z 6 CNISI09 0.08% C (max) 9.2% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: French
annealed National Standard
DPN: 190 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240 Z6 CNI8/10 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: Philip Comes
X 15 Cr Ni 25/20 0.15% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: German Standard Z6 CNIS/IO 0.08% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: French National
X 15 Cr Ni Si 20112 0.2% C (max) 12.0% Ni 20.0% Cr steel: Designation Standard; annealed
used by German Standards DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
X 15 Cr Ni Si 20/12 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: German Z6 CND17/11 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel:
Standard French National Standard
X 15 Cr Ni Si 25120 0.2% C (max) 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: Designation Z6 CND17I12 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.4% Ti
used by German Standards steel: French National Standard
X20 CN 245 0.07% C 4.0% Ni 27.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard; Z 6 CNDI81l2 0.08% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: French
annealed National Standard; annealed
DPN: 260 VTS: 630 Elon: 20% Proof: 370 DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 210
X 20 CN 2412 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: Italian Standard; Z 6 CNDTl7/12 0.08% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.5% Mo steel:
annealed French National Standard
DPN: 190 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240 Z 6 CNTl8/1O 0.08% C (max) 10.5% Ni IS.0% Cr 0.9% Ti steel:
X20TI 12.0% Ni 23.0% Cr 4.0% W Fe alloy: Origin unknown French National Standard
X25 CN 2520 0.12% C 21.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel: Italian Z6CNTI5/15 0.06% C 25.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% V 2.0%
Standard; annealed Ti steel: French Standard designation
DPN: 200 VTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 290 Z 7 CNI8/1O 0.07% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French National
X 45 Cr Ni W 18/9 0.45% C 9.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.0% W steel: Designation Standard; annealed
used by German Standards DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
XCR 0.45% C 4.S% Ni 23.5% Cr 2.S% Mo steel: For valves; ZSCNDI7/12 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Philip Comes
origin unknown Z S CNDNbl8/12 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.7% Nb (max)
XG Ni Cr Ti 26.15 0.05% C 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 2% Ti steel: steel: French National Standard; annealed
German Standard DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 220
XM 15 O.OS% C (max) 18% Ni IS% Cr steel: Designation used Z 8 CNDTl8/12 0.07% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.35 Ti (max)
in the UK and USA steel: French National Standard; annealed
XMI9 0.06% C 12.5% Ni 21.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.2% V 0.2% DPN: 120 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
Nb steel: Designation used by ASTM Z 10 CNIl/12 0.16% C 12% Ni 12% Cr steel: For deep drawing;
Z I NCDU25/20 0.02% C (max) 25.5% Ni 20.5% Cr 4.4% Mo 1.5% Cu French National Standard
steel: French National Standard Z 10 CN12/12 0.05% C 13% Ni 12% Cr steel: French National
Z2CNDI7/12 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.2% Mo steel: Standard; annealed
French National Standard DPN: 160 UTS: 480 Elon: 55% Proof: 200
Z2 CNDI7/13 0.03% C (max) 12.0% Ni 17.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 1.0% Nb Z 10 CNDNb18110 0.07% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.7% Nb steel:
steel: French National Standard French National Standard; annealed
Z2 CNDI8/10 0.03% C 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 2.S% Mo steel: French DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 220
Standard; annealed Z 10 CNTlS/IO 10.5% Ni 18% Cr steel: French Standard
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 Z 10 CNDTl8I12 0.07% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.3% Mo 0.3% Ti steel:
Z2CNDI9/15 0.03% C (max) 13.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 3.5% Mo steel: French National Standard; annealed
French National Standard DPN: 120 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
Z 3 CNI8/08 0.03% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: French Z IOCNNblS/1O O.OS% C 12% Ni IS% Cr 1.0% Nb steel: French
Standard; annealed National Standard; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 450 Elon: 45% Proof: 170 DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 210
Z 3 CNI8I1O 0.03% C 10% Ni 19% Cr steel: French National Z 10 CNS25113 0.2% C 14% Ni 23% Cr steel: French National
Standard; annealed Standard; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 DPN: 190 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
Z3 CNDI8/12 0.03% C 12% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo steel: French Z 10 CNS25/20 0.25% C 21 % Ni 25% Cr steel: French National
National Standard; annealed Standard; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 DPN: 200 VTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 290
Z 5 CNI8I08 0.07% C 9% Ni IS% Cr steel: French National Z 10 CNTl8/08 0.07% C 10% Ni IS% Cr 0.35% Ti steel: French
Standard; annealed National Standard; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 180
Z5 CNOlSI10 0.12% C 10% Ni IS% Cr 3.0% Mo steel: French Z 10 CNTl8/10 O.OS% C 11 % Ni 18% Cr 0.4% Ti steel: French
National Standard; annealed National Standard; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 DPN: 190 VTS: 480 Elon: 40% Proof: 180
Z 5 CNDU2lI08 0.06% C (max) 7.5% Ni 21 % Cr 2.5% Mo steel: Z 10 NNbl8l1O 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Ni 18% Cr 1.2% Nb steel:
French National Standard French National Standard; annealed
ZI2CN 0.15% C 9% Ni 18% Cr steel: French National
Z 12 CN18/08 0.08% C 9.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: French National
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Standard; annealed
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number Z 12 CNI8/10 0.1 % C 8% Ni 18% Cr steel: French National
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Standard; annealed
Elon Elongation, % DPN: 180 UTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Z 12 CNS25/20 0.08% C (max) 20.5% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: French
2 2 2 2
National Standard
I N/mm =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm =0.06475 tonf/in. =145.04lbf/in. =1 MPa Z 12 CNS25/20 0.12% C 20.0% Ni 25.0% Cr steel: French National
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Z 12 NCS37/18 0.08% C (max) 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: French Z 20 CNS24/20 0.12% C 21.0% Ni 25.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel: French
National Standard National Standard; annealed
Z 12 NCS37/18 0.12% C 37.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: French National DPN: 200 VTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 290
Standard Z 25 CNWS20/09 0.25% C 9.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.0% Wsteel: French
Z 15 CN25/13 0.08% C (max) 13.5% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: French National Standard
National Standard Z 35 CNSI4/14 0.35% C 14.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 2.5% W steel: French
Z 15 CNS20/10 0.12% C 12% Ni 20% Cr 2.0% Si steel: French National Standard
National Standard; annealed
DPN: 190 VTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 290
Z 15 CNS20/12 0.15% C (max) 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr steel: French Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
National Standard
Z 15 CNS25/13 0.12% C 12.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.0% Si steel: French DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
National Standard; annealed UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
DPN: 190 VTS: 580 Elon: 40% Proof: 290 Elon Elongation, %
Z 15 CNS25/20 0.25% C 20% Ni 25% Cr steel: French National Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
Z 20 CNS24/13 0.07% C 13.0% Ni 23.0% Cr steel: French National I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa
Standard; annealed See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 190 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 240
420 1150 22
530 1130 21 These figures can
650 1000 20 be much lower
700 880 12
The above properties are typical of the following group, and by thermal treatment. In some cases the elements present
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible are such that the mechanical properties will have been
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be increased anyway by the alloying elements present in appre-
applicable. ciable amounts such as tungsten and cobalt.
These materials tend to be rather complex and were de-
veloped in order to improve the mechanical properties but
General metallurgical characteristics
retaining the excellent corrosion resistance of austenitic
The steels in this group are based on the 18/8 chromium steels.
nickel series discussed in Section 44Nl. All the alloys listed Many of the materials have constituents present which
are fully austenitic and do not contain any appreciable allow them to be solution treated and aged in an identical
amounts of ferrite or martensite except under peculiar manner to other non-ferrous alloys.
conditions. In the solution treated condition the steels are soft and
The alloys, however, have additional elements added ductile and in the aged condition they have improved tensile
which makes them basically different from Section 44Nl in properties with some reduction in ductility.
that their mechanical properties can be improved or altered In the annealed condition the materials in this group are
identical, or very similar, to those found in Section 44Nl. the mechanical properties immediately adjacent to the weld
There are many specifications appearing in this group which or braze.
could equally have been listed in Section 44Nl. There are In general the corrosion resistant properties of these ma-
possibly specifications in 44Nl which should technically terials in any condition where the mechanical properties
appear in Section 44N2. have been increased will have decreased. The same com-
All the materials in this group can be considerably har- ments apply here as given in Section 44Nl.
dened by cold work. There is some indication that those These materials were developed specifically for steam and
materials which can be aged can have their properties gas turbine high duty rotating parts where high strength was
improved by carrying out a cold working operation after the necessary in a corrosive atmosphere.
solution treatment. Ageing will then improve the mechanical Some chemical plant components and internal combustion
properties with a minimum reduction in corrosion resistance engine components may also be made of these materials.
and better ductility than without the cold work. In general, however, it must be stated that the materials
These materials can be welded and brazed without any found in Section 44N3, i.e. the ferritic austenitic type stain-
problems in the same manner as those in Section 44Nl. It less steels, have more or less replaced the need for the
must be appreciated, however, that where they have been materials in this section.
either cold worked or aged the welding operation will affect
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.4529 0.03% C (max) 25% Ni 20% Cr 6.2% Mo 0.02% W ACICN-7M 0.07% C (max) 28.7% Ni 20.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 3.5% Cu
1.5% Cu steel: German Standard Fe alloy: Origin unknown
1.4974 0.12% C 20% Ni 21 % Cr 3.0% Mo 2.5% W 20% Co AISI650 0.05% C 25% Ni 16% Cr 6% Mo 0.15% N steel: Warm
1.0% Nb + Ta steel; German Standard worked
IKHI4NI6B 0.1 % C 15.5% Ni 14.0% Cr 1.1 % Nb steel: Russian UTS: 630 Elon: 23% Proof: 500
Standard AISI651 0.32% C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr 1.4% Mo 1.4% W0.2% Ti
IKHI4NI8V2B 0.1% C 19.0% Ni 14.0% Cr2.3% W 1.1% Nbsteel: 0.4% Nb steel: Solution treated and aged
Russian Standard DPN: 189 UTS: 450 Elon: 36% Proof: 150
IKHI4NI8V2BR 0.1 % C 19.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 2.3% W 1.1% Nb 0.005% AISI652 0.3% C 9% Ni 18.5% Cr 1.6% Mo 1.35% W0.55% Ti
B (max) 0.02% Ce (max) steel: Russian Standard steel: Solution treated and aged
IKHI4NI8V2BRI 0.1% C 19.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 2.3% W 1.1 % Nb 0.005% DPN: 189 UTS: 4SO Elon: 36% Proof: ISO
B (max) 0.02% Ce (max) steel: Russian Standard AISI653 0.12% C 14.1% Ni 15.9% Cr2.5% MoO.25%Ti
4KHI4NI4V2M 0.45% C 14.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 0.32% Mo 2.3% Wsteel: 0.45% Nb steel: Solution treated and aged
Russian Standards designation UTS: 610 Elon: 45% Proof: 220
16/25/6 0.5% C 25% Ni 16% Cr 6.0% Mo 0.15% N steel: AISI660 0.05% C 25.2% Ni 14.7% Cr 1.3% Mo 2.15% Ti 0.2%
Information from SAE handbook Al steel: Solution treated and aged
19/9 DL 0.3% C 9% Ni 19% Cr 1.25% Mo 1.2% W0.4% Nb UTS: 1000 Elon: 25% Proof: 610
0.3% Al steel: Age hardening; American proprietary AISI662 0.04% C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 1.7% Ti 0.07%
alloy listed in SAE yearbook Al 0.005% B Fe alloy: Solution treated and aged
19/9W Mo 0.1 % C 9% Ni 19% Cr 0.4% Mo 1.3% W0.4% Nb UTS: 1040 Elon: 24% Proof: 6SO
0.4% Al steel: Age hardening; American proprietary AISI663 0.05% C 27.2% Ni 14.7% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 3% Ti
alloy listed in SAE yearbook 0.2% Al 0.01 % B Fe alloy: Solution treated and aged
254SMO 18% Ni 20% Cr 6% Mo 0.7% Cu steel: Origin DPN: 341
unknown AISI665 0.03% C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 3% Ti 0.15% Al
DPN: 220 UTS: 650 Elon: 35% Proof: 300 0.02% B Fe alloy: Solution treated and aged
A 286 0.06% C 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V2.0% Ti DPN: 350 UTS: 1210 Elon: 13% Proof: 970
steel: Bofors; solution treated and aged ALLOY5X 0.07% C (max) 20% Ni 18% Cr 1% Mo 5.2% Si 2%
DPN: 290 UTS: 1030 Elon: 24% Proof: 720 Cu steel: Origin unknown
A 286 0.08% C 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.25% Mo 2% Ti steel: AMS5221 A 42% Ni 5.2% Cr 2.3% Ti 0.5% AI Fe alloy: Strip;
Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and aged solution treated; AMS for SAE 902
UTS: 1000 Elon: 25% AMS 5525 B 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti steel: Sheet
A 950 0.04% C (max) 27.3% Ni 23.3% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.7% Nb and strip
3.0% Cu steel: YEW AMS 5526C 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W Nb Ti steel: Sheet
A 955 0.05% C (max) 22.3% Ni 17.5% Cr 3.2% Mo 0.4% Nb and strip
1.8% Cu steel: YEW AMS5527 A 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W0.2% Ti 0.4%
A 963 0.03% C (max) 16% Ni 17% Cr 6.3% Mo 1.6% Cu Nb + Ta steel: Sheet and strip; hot rolled and stress
0.16% N steel: YEW relieved
UTS: 92
AMS 5538 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.6% Mo 1.4% WTi steel: Sheet and
AMS5539 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.6% Mo 1.4% WTi steel: Sheet and
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: strip; hot rolled and stress relieved
UTS: 920
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AMS 5543 26% Ni 13.5% Cr I. 75% Mo 3% Ti steel: Sheet;
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 vacuum melted; solution treated
Elon Elongation, % AMS5721 B 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W Nb Ti Ta steel: Bar;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 up to 25 mm in diameter
AMS 5722 A 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W Nb Ti steel: Bar and
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 = I MPa
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AMS5723 A 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W0.6% Ti steel: Bar
and forging etc.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 5724 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W0.6% Ti steel: Bar; ATGB 0.4% C 13% Ni 13% Cr 2.0% Mo 2.5% W 10% Co
up to 25 mm in diameter 3.0% Nb steel: 1mphy; annealed
AMS5726 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 14.75% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% UTS: 760 Elon: 15% Proof: 500
V2.1% Ti steel ATVS7 0.1 % C 30% Ni 19% Cr 20% Co 2.0% Ti 1.0% AI Fe
AMS 5729 9% Ni 20% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.5% W0.6% Ti steel: Bar; alloy: Imphy
up to 40 mm in diameter DPN: 270 UTS: 890 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
AMS5731 A 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti steel: Bar, CARPENTER 0.03% C (max) 35% Ni 24% Cr 5.7% Mo 3% Cu Fe
forging, etc.; solution treated 20 Moo alloy: Carpenter
AMS 5731-32 0.05% C 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 2.1 % Ti CD4M Cu 0.04% C (max) 5.3% Ni 25.5% Cr 2% Mo 3% Cu
0.2% AI steel: Forgings steel: Casting; US designation
AMS5732 A 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti steel: Bar, CD4M Cu 0.04% C (max) 5.3% Ni 25.5% Cr 2% Mo 3% Cu
forging, etc.; solution treated and aged steel: Casting; US designation
AMS5734 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti steel: Bar, CG27 0.05% C 38% Ni 13% Cr 5.7% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.7% Nb
forging, etc.; annealed 1.6% Al steel: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated and
AMS 5735 E 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti steel: Bar, aged
forging, etc. urs: 1420 Elon: 20% Proof: 1000
AMS 5736 B 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti steel: Bar and CONIFER 1925 25% Ni 20% Cr 6% Mo 1.5% Cu steel: Origin
forging; solution treated HMO unknown
AMS 5737 B 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V 2% Ti steel: Bar, DPN: 210 UTS: 600 Elon: 35% Proof: 300
forging, etc.; annealed and aged CREUSOT UR SB 8 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 25% Cr 5.2% Mo 1.5% Cu
AMS 5741 0.03% C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.75% Mo 3% Ti 0.15% Al 0.2% N Fe alloy
0.02% B steel: Forgings CRUCIBLE 901 0.05% C 42% Ni 12.5% Cr 5.7% Mo 3% Ti 0.2% Al
AMS5782 A 9% Ni 19% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% W 0.2% Ti 1% steel: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated and aged
Nb + Ta steel: Wire for welding urs: 1210 Elon: 15% Proof: 920
AMS5783 B 9% Ni 19% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.5% W 1% Nb + Ta steel: CRUCIBLE A286 0.05% C 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% V 2.2% Ti
Coated electrode 0.2% Al steel: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated and
AMS 5804 A 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 2.2% Ti steel: aged
Welding wire urs: 1130 Elon: 75% Proof: 800
AMS5805 A 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V 2.2% Ti steel: CRUCIBLE CG27 0.05% C 38% Ni 13% Cr 5.7% Mo 2.5% Ti 0.7% Nb
Welding wire; vacuum melted 1.6% Al steel: Crucible Steel Co.; solution treated and
AMS 5853 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 14.75% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% aged
V 2.1% Ti steel UTS: 1420 Elon: 20% Proof: 1000
AMS 5858 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 14.75% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% CUSTOM 455 0.05% C 8% Ni 11.5% Cr 1.2% Ti 0.3% Nb + Ta 2%
V2.1% Ti steel Cu steel: Carpenter; aged
AMS 5895 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 14.75% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% DPN: 400 UTS: 1300 Elon: 14% Proof: 1200
V2.1% Ti steel DISCOLOY 24 0.04% C 26% Ni 13% Cr2.7% Mo 1.7% Ti 0.1% AI
AMS 7235 0.08% C 25.5% Ni 15.2% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.3% V 2.1 % steel; Westinghouse
Ti steel E2553 0.05% C (max) 7% Ni 25.5% Cr 3.5% Mo 2% Cu
AMS 7477 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 15.2% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.35% 0.2% N steel: Weld electrode; designation used by
W 2.1% Ti steel AWS
AMS7478 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 15.2% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.35% E2553T 0.04% C (max) 9% Ni 25.5% Cr 3.5% Mo 2% Cu
W2.1% Ti steel 0.15% N steel: Weld electrode; designation used by
AMS7479 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 15.2% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.35% AWS
W2.1% Ti steel EME 0.1 % C 12% Ni 19% Cr 3.2% W 1.2% Nb 0.15% N
AMS 7481 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 15.2% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.35% steel: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
W 2.1% Ti steel yearbook
ASTM A453/651 0.32% C 9.5% Ni 19.5% Cr 1.5% W 0.2% Ti 0.4% Nb ER 209 0.05% C (max) 5.5% Mn 11.2% Ni 22.2% Cr 2.2% Mo
steel: For high expansion bolts 0.2% N steel: Weld electrode; designation used by
ASTM A453/660 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 14.7% Cr 1.2% Mo 2.1% Ti AWS
0.005% B steel: For high expansion bolts ER 218 0.1 % C (max) 8% Mn 8.5% Ni 17% Cr 0.12% N steel:
ASTM A453/662 0.8% C (max) 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 2.0% Ti Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
0.3% Al 0.005% B steel: For high expansion bolts ER 219 0.05% C (max) 9% Mn 6.2% Ni 20% Cr 0.2% N steel:
ASTM A453/665 0.08% C (max) 26% Ni 14% Cr 1.8% Mo 3.0% Ti Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
0.2% Al 0.04% B steel: For high expansion bolts ER 240 0.05% C (max) 12% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% N steel:
ASTM A457/651 0.32% C 9.5% Ni 19% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.3% W0.2% Ti Weld electrode; designation used by AWS
0.45% Nb steel: Plate ER 349 0.1% C 8.7% Ni 20.2% CrO.45% Mo 1.5% WO.2% Ti
ASTM A457/652 0.32% C 9.5% Ni 19% Cr 1.6% Mo 1.3% W0.5% Ti 1% Nb + Ta steel: Weld electrode; designation used
steel: Plate byAWS
ASTMA458 Stainless steel: Bar; graded as ASTM A457 EV 4 0.2% C 11.5% Ni 21 % Cr 0.2% N steel: For exhaust
ASTM A46l1660 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 14.7% Cr 1.2% M02.1% Ti valves; designation used by SAE
0.005% B steel: Bar EV 5 0.38% C 8% Ni 19% Cr steel: For exhaust valves;
ASTM A4611661 0.12% C 20% Ni 21.5% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.5% W20% Co designation used by SAE
1.0% Nb + Ta Fe alloy: Bar EV 6 0.38% C 8% Ni 19% Cr 0.2% N steel: For exhaust
ASTM A4611662 0.08% C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 3.2% Mo 1.8% Ti 0.005% valves; designation used by SAE
B steel: Bar EV 8 0.53% C 9% Mn 3.7% Ni 21 % Cr 0.42% Nsteel: For
ASTM A6381660 0.08% C (max) 26.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.25% V exhaust valves; designation used by SAE
2.1 % Ti 0.005% B Fe alloy EV 9 0.45% C 14% Ni 14% Cr 0.3% Mo 2.4% Wsteel; For
ASTM A6381662 0.08% C (max) 26.0% Ni 13.5% Cr 3.0% Mo 1.8% Ti exhaust valves; designation used by SAE
0.005% B Fe alloy EV 11 0.7% C 6% Mn 2% Ni 21 % Cr 0.2% N steel: For
ASTM A639/661 0.12% C 20.0% Ni 21.2% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.5% W 19.7% exhaust valves
Co 1.0% Nb + Ta Fe alloy
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
EV 12 0.55% C 8.3% Mn 2.2% Ni 21 % Cr steel: For valves; LANGALLOY 20V 0.05% C 29% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 0.5% Nb 3.5% Cu Fe
SAE designation alloy: Langley
EV 13 0.53% C 11.5% Mn 21 % Cr 0.4% Nsteel: For valves; DPN: 140 UTS: 420 Elon: 25% Proof: 210
SAE designation LESCALLOY 901 0.1 % C 42% Ni 12% Cr 6.0% Mo 1.0% Co 3.0% Ti
EV 14 0.2% C 6.5% Mn 5.5% Ni 21 % Cr steel: For valves; VAC-ARC 0.3% Al 0.015% B steel: Latrobe Steel; solution
SAE designation treated and aged
FS A 286 0.05% C 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.25% Mo 2.1 % Ti 0.2% Al VIS: 1300 Elon: 18% Proof: 920
steel: Firth Sterling; solution treated and aged LESCALLOY V57 0.05% C 27% Ni 14.7% Cr 1.25% Mo 0.5% V 3% Ti
VIS: 1030 Elon 25% Proof: 760 0.25% AI steel: Latrobe; age hardening
FV 326 0.25% C 18.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo 7% Co 1.75% Nb LESCALLOY V57 0.08% C 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.5% V 3.0% Ti
steel: Firth Vickers; age hardened VAC-ARC 2% Al O.oJ % B steel: Latrobe Steel; solution treated
VIS: 730 Elon: 44% Proof: 300 and aged
GI8B 0.4% C 13% Ni 13% Cr 1.7% Mo 2.5% W 10% Co 3% VIS: 8SO Elon: 12% Proof: 700
Nb steel: Jessop; solution treated and aged LT21142 0.5% C 9.0% Mn 4.5% Ni 21 % Cr 2.0% Nb 0.4% N
DPN: 216 VIS: 710 Elon: 35% Proof: 270 steel: Low Moor
GI9 0.4% C 13% Ni 19% Cr 1.8% Mo 2.6% W 10% Co LV 21/69 0.08% C 9% Mn 6.0% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% N steel: Sheet
3.1 % Nb steel: Casting; Jessop; as cast; creep resistant and bar; Low Moor
VIS: 580 Elon: 4% Proof: 300 M30B 0.08% C 33% Ni 14% Cr 4% Mo 6.5% W 2% Ti 0.2%
G40 0.23% C 25% Ni 20% Cr 3% Mo 1% W 1% Ti steel: Al 0.2% Fe alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in
Jessop SAE yearbook
VIS: 840 Elon: 18% Proof: 630 M813 0.08% C 35% Ni 18% Cr 4% Mo 2.2% Ti 1.4% AI Fe
G68 0.08% C 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.25% Mo 2% Ti steel: alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
Jessop; solution treated and aged yearbook
VIS: 1000 Eron 25% N08366 0.035% C (max) 24.5% Ni 21 % Cr 6.5% Mo steel:
GOST 56321 0.08% C (max) 27.5% Ni 14.0% Cr 3.1% W 2.8% Ti UNS designation
OKHI4N28V 0.9% AI 0.02% B (max) steel: Plate; Russian Standard N 08367 0.03% C (max) 24.5% Ni 21 % Cr 6.5% Mo 0.2% N
3T3IUR steel
GOST 56321 0.32% C 9.0% Ni 19.0% Cr 1.25% Mo 1.25% W N 08904 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 21 % Cr 4.5% Mo 1.5% Cu
3KHI9N9MVBT 0.35% Ti 0.25% Nb steel: Plate; Russian Standard 1.5% Mo steel: UNS designation
GOST 5632 0.1 % C (max) 23.5% Ni 15% Cr 1.3% Mo 3.0% Ti N08925 0.02% C (max) 25% Ni 20.5% Cr 6.5% Mo 1.2% Cu
KHI2H22T3MP 0.8% Al (max) 0.02% B (max) steel: Plate; Russian 0.15% N steel: UNS designation
Standard NORIDUR 9.4460 0.04% C (max) 6% Ni 25.2% Cr 2.3% Mo 3.2% Cu
GOST 5632 0.1% C (max) 19.5% Ni 11.5% Cr 3.0% Ti 0.8% Al steel: KSB; solution treated and aged
KHI2N20T3R 0.012% B steel: Plate; Russian Standard DPN: 230 VIS: 690 Elon: 25% Proof: 480
GOST5632 0.12% C (max) 16.5% Ni 24.5% Cr 0.02% B (max) NTKMo 25% Ni 20% Cr 6% Mo 0.2% N steel: Origin unknown
KH25NI6G7AR 0.4% N steel: Plate; Russian Standard DPN: ISO VIS: 790 Elon: 50% Proof: 415
GX3 Cr Ni Mo Cu 0.04% C (max) 6% Ni 25.2% Cr 2.3% Mo 3.2% Cu PH 13.8Mo 0.05% C 8% Ni 13% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.1 % Al 0.1 % N
246 steel: German specification steel: Carpenter
HI 0.35% C 16% Ni 28% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Casting; PYROMET901 0.1 % C (max) 42% Ni 13% Cr 6% Mo 3% Ti 0.015%
Huntington; age hardened B steel: Carpenter
VIS: 410 Elon: 6% Proof: 300 VIS: 1200 Elon: 15% Proof: 860
HR5l 0.08% C (max) 25.5% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% V PYROMET 0.08% C 25% Ni 15% Cr 1.5% Mo 0.3% V2% Ii
2% Ti 0.008% B Fe alloy: BS Aerospace designation ALLOY A286 0.005% B steel: Carpenter
HR52 0.06% C (max) 25.5% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.3% V VIS: 1000 Elon: 24% Proof: 650
1.8% Ti 0.008% B Fe alloy: BS Aerospace designation PYROMET 0.08% C 26% Ni 15% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.5% V 3% Ti
HS556 0.1% C21% Ni 22% Cr 3.2% Mo 2.7% W1% Ta ALLOYV57 0.01 % B steel: Carpenter
0.3% Al 16% Co 0.08% La Fe alloy VIS: 1200 Elon: 21 % Proof: 860
J 1300 0.08% C 33% Ni 14% Cr 4% Mo 6.5% W2% Ti 0.2% REX 559 0.05% C 25.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 1.3% Mo 0.3% V2.1 %
Al 0.2% Fe alloy: American proprietary alloy listed in Ti 0.2% Al 0.006% B steel: Firth Vickers; solution
SAE yearbook treated
JIS G4312 SUH 661 0.12% C 20% Ni 21.5% Cr 3.0% Mo 2.7% W20% Co UTS: 1090 Elon: 33% Proof: 800
1.0% Nb + Ta steel: Plate; Japanese Standard; S 590 0.42% C 20.5% Ni 20.5% Cr 4% Mo 4% W20% Co
solution treated Fe alloy: Origin unknown
VIS: 700 Proof: 320 S 38600 0.4% C 15.5% Ni 13.5% Cr 2% Mo 0.2% Ti steel:
KH 12N20T3R 0.1 % C (max) 19.0% Ni 11.2% Cr 2.9% Ti 0.8% UNS designation
Al (max) 0.01 % B steel: Russian Standard SANICRO 28 0.03% C (max) 31% Ni 27% Cr 3.5% Mo 1% Cu Fe
KH 12N22T3MR 0.1 % C (max) 23.5% Ni 11.2% Cr 1.3% Mo 2.9% Ti alloy: Origin unknown
0.8% Al (max) 0.2% B (max) steel: Russian Standard For SIS specifications see SS
SOUDINOX S28 0.03% C 31.0% Ni 28.0% Cr 4.2% Mo 1.0% Cu
welding electrode: Soudometal; for corrosion resistant
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: VIS: 620 Elon: 36% Proof: 500
SOUDOCROM B6 0.03% C 25.0% Ni 22.0% Cr 5.0% Mo 2.0% Co
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number welding electrode: Soudometal; for corosion resistant
VIS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' welding
Elon Elongation, % UTS: 565 Elon: 30% Proof: 375
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm' SOUDOCROM SI7 0.02% C 25.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 4.0% Mo 0.35% Nb 4.0%
Cu welding electrode: Soudometal; for corrosion
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.102 kgflmm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa resistant welding
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. VIS: 520 Elon: 30% hoof: 420
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
SOUDOCROM S50 0.02% C 7.5% Ni 21.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.7% Cu welding Xl Cr Ni Mo N225 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.14% N
electrode: Soudometal; for corrosion resistant welding steel: German Standard
VTS: 745 Elon: 28% Proof: 570 XM 17 0.08% C 8.0% Mn 6.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.35%
SS 2570 0.08% C 25% Ni 14% Cr 1.2% Mo 0.4% V 2.1 % Ti Nsteel: Designation used by ASTM
steel: For springs; Swedish Standard; solution treated XM 18 0.03% C 6.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.35% Nsteel:
cold worked and aged Designation used by ASTM
DPN: 350 VTS: 1070 Elon: 8% Proof: 1000 XM 29 0.08% C 12.5% Mn 3.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.3% Nsteel:
UNITEMP 212 0.8% C 20% Ni 16% Cr 4% Ti 0.05% Al 0.07% B Designation used by ASTM
0.5% Cb 0.05% Zr steel: American proprietary alloy
listed in SAE yearbook
URANUS 50 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 1.5% Cu Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
steel: Creusot-Loire; impact 100 J; Duplex steel
VTS: 690 Elon: 25% Proof: 450 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
URANUS 50M 0.07% C (max) 7.2% Ni 21 % Cr 2.5% Mo 1.5% Cu VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
steel: Creusot-Loire; impact 80 J; Duplex steel Elon Elongation, %
W545 0.08% C 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 2.8% Ti 0.2% Al Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
0.08% B steel: American proprietary alloy listed in
SAE yearbook I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in. 2 =1 MPa
W545 0.08% C (max) 26% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 3% Ti See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
0.06% B steel: Origin unknown
44N3 Steel - chromium nickel - age hardening, ferritic - austenitic - (Duplex steels)
Specific gravity 7.8
Density 7800 kg/m 3
Solidus/liquidus 1430-1470°C
Thermal conductivity 16.5 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion 12 x 1O- 6/ oC
Electrical conductivity 20% lACS
Specific resistance 800 microhm mm 2
Young's modulus of elasticity 215 x 109 N/m 2
Impact 60J (can vary)
Fatigue strength ±5oo N/mm 2
Hot strength considerable variation
The above properties are typical of the following group and All the materials in this group are capable of being solu-
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible tion treated and aged.
that with some specifications some of the values may not be In the solution treated, solution annealed or fully
applicable. annealed condition these materials will accept a considerable
amount of cold work. If they have been solution treated this
cold work could enhance the mechanical properties once the
General metallurgical characteristics
materials are aged. The full anneal, solution treat, or solu-
The steels in this group vary in analysis but are based on a tion anneal temperatures are in the region of 1000-1150 °C.
chromium-nickel ratio which prevents the formation of the All the materials in this group, in theory at least, are
fully austenitic phase. The generic names for these were capable of being aged, or precipitation hardened. This must
1717, 17/4 chrome nickel. There are now many additions always follow the solution treat or solution quench process,
made to these to strengthen the ferrite phase. Included in and results in an increase in the tensile properties, and a
this section are the Duplex stainless steels. reduction in ductility and impact properties. This reduction
The metallurgical structure of these materials will be fer- in impact properties in particular, can be quite dramatic, and
ritic with austenite always being present. They have been many of the materials listed must not be aged, except under
developed quite recently and many of these steels are known very carefully controlled conditions.
under the heading of Duplex stainless steels. This is to dif- It must be appreciated that any welding operation could
ferentiate them from austenitic stainless steels and the 12% result in undesirable precipitation or age hardening. Thus,
chromium martensitic/ferritic steels. weld procedures must be prepared with this knowledge, and
They were developed to have corrosion resistance but also great care taken that the procedure is rigidly followed.
significant mechar.ical strength. It is essential that those producing the weld procedure are
The principal reason for the development was to find aware of the problems which can exist with Duplex steels.
materials which would have better stress corrosion resis- Precipitation hardening or ageing takes place relatively
tance. Austenitic steels have poor stress corrosion resis- slowly between 350-600 °C, and thus care must be taken to
tance, the 12% chromium steels, have good mechanical but pass rapidly through these temperatures at welding and cool-
less corrosion resistance although significant stress corrosion ing after welding. This is, therefore, quite different to the
resistance. control of alloy steel welding.
All these materials are complex, and specialist advice must Many of these materials are difficult to machine in the
be obtained before specifying these materials as they are solution treated or annealed condition as they tend to tear.
expensive and unless correctly treated there will be alterna- In the fully aged condition they are hard and abrasion-
tive material which could give the same result more resistant. It is generally found that it is most economical to
economically. machine these materials in the solution treated/part aged
The steels are readily weldable, but it must always be condition and then to age fully after machining. Duplex
appreciated that if they are welded in the solution treated, stainless alloys have the ferrite phase strengthened and are
annealed and fully aged condition, the welding will affect the thus machinable in the solution annealed condition.
properties at the weld itself and adjacent to the weld. It is Provided care is taken during machining there will be a
common that these materials are welded in the solution minimum of distortion at the final ageing operation.
treated or solution treated/part aged condition, and then These materials find considerable use in the petrochemical
aged. It is essential that specialist advice is obtained. industry, in particular in the oil industry where stress corro-
Where ageing is desirable, welding can result in over- sion cracking is a serious problem.
ageing and therefore a reduction in tensile strength, but in They should be the first choice where highly stressed com-
general an improvement in ductility. The results on impact ponents are required to have good corrosion resistance and,
strength cannot always be predicted. in particular, where stress corrosion problems have been
Where ageing is not desirable, then great care is required identified. This applies to pumps, turbines, etc., used in
to obviate any tendency to age as this can reduce impact atmospheres where hydrogen sulphide or moist carbon
properties dramatically. This means not holding at temper- dioxide gases or similar substances could be present.
atures of 35~(}() °C for any appreciable time.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
0.4310 0.15% C (max) 7.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: German 15.5 PH 0.3% C 4.5% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.3% Nb 3.5% Cu steel:
Standard Origin unknown
1.4462 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.14% N 17/4 PH 0.04% C 4% Ni 16.5% Cr 3.5% Cu 0.3% Cb steel: Age
steel: German Standard hardening; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
1.4504 0.1% C (max) 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% AI steel: German yearbook
Standard 17n 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Hyby; annealed
1.4514 0.1% C7% Ni 15% Cr2.5% Mo 1% AI steel: German DPN: ISO UTS: 480 Eion 45% Proof: ISO
Standard 17n 0.15% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless;
1.4568 0.1% C (max) 7.2% Ni 17% Cr 1.1% AJ steel: German annealed
Standard VTS: 700 Elon 50% Proof: 250
1.4574 0.1 % C (max) 7% Ni 15% Cr 2.5% Mo I % AI steel: 17n 0.15% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Eastern Stainless; aged
German Standard UTS: 1300 Elon: 8% Proof: 1000
3 RE 60 0.03% C (max) 4.7% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: ImPH 0.07% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 1.1 % AI steel: Age hardening;
Tube, etc. Sandvik; solution treated American proprietary alloy listed in SAE yearbook
DPN: 260 VTS: 800 Elon: 22% Proof: 500 17/14 Cu Mo 0.12% C 14% Ni 16% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.2% li 0.4% Nb
7 Mo Plus Stainless 0.03% C (max) 4.2% Ni 27.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.2% N 3% Cu steel: Age hardening; American proprietary
steel: Carpenter alloy listed in SAE yearbook
DPN: 230 UTS: 760 Elon: 38% Proof: 570 17.4 Cu R 0.06% C 4.0% Ni 16.0% Cr 2.0% Cu steel: Electrodes;
7 Mo Stainless 0.1 % C 4.5% Ni 27% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Carpenter; Metrode; precipitation hardening
Duplex stainless steel 17.4.CuR 0.06% C 4% Ni 15% Cr 2% Cu steel: Electrode;
DPN: 230 VTS: 725 Elon: 25% Proof: 550 Metrode
13.4.2 Cu R 0.06% C 4% Ni 13% Cr 2% Mo 2% Cu steel: For weld 17.4.lR 0.04% C 4% Ni 17% Cr 1.3% Mo steel: Electrode;
electrodes; Metrode; precipitation hardening Metrode
14/4 PH 0.03% C 4.2% Ni 14.1 % Cr 3.3% Mo 0.25% Nb 3.2% 301 0.1% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: US designation
Cu steel: Common name; age hardenable 630 0.4% C 4.25% Ni 16% Cr 0.27% Nb 3.3% Cu steel:
14.6.2B 0.07% C 6% Ni 14% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Electrode; Solution treated and aged (aged 1 hour at 430 'C); US
Metrode designation
14.6.2 R 0.05% C 5.8% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.7% Mo steel: Electrode; DPN: 420 UTS: 1420 Elon: 14% Proof: 1540
Metrode 631 0.07% C 7.1 % Ni 17% Cr 1.17% AI steel: Solution
15Cr5Ni 0.07% C (max) 4.2% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.25% Nb + Ta treated; deep fro2en and aged
3.2% Cu steel: Carpenter DPN: 430 UTS: 1420 Elon: 10% Proof: 1300
15.4 Mn Si R 0.05% C 3.0% Mn 4.0% Ni 15% Cr 3.5% Si steel: 632 0.07% C 7.1 % Ni 15.1 % Cr 2.25% Mo 1.17% AI steel:
Electrode; Metrode Solution treated; deep frozen and aged; US designation
UTS: 1750 Elon: 6% Proof: 1620
632 0.07% C 7.1 % Ni 15.1% Cr 2.25% Mo 1.17% AI steel:
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: Annealed
UTS: 920 Elon: 30% Proof: 370
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 635 0.06% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 0.8% Ti 0.2% AI steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 Solution treated and aged; US designation
Eion Elongation, % DPN:460
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 AFNOR 81·343·E2 0.06% C 4.5% Ni 12% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Welding
13.4 Mo B 120.26X electrode; French specification
1N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonf/in"= 145.041bf/in. 2=1 MPa
AISI633 0.1% C4.25% Ni 16.5% Cr 2.75% Mo 0.09% N steel:
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Solution treated; deep frozen and aged; US designation
VTS: 1550 Elon: 12% Proof: 1300
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AISI634 0.13% C 4.25% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.7% MoO.1% N steel: AMS 5629 0.05% C (max) 8% Ni 12.75% Cr2.25% Mo 1.1% AI
Solution treated; deep frozen and aged steel
UTS: 1580 Elon: 19% Proof: 1300 AMS5643F 4.0% Ni 17% Cr 4% Cu steel: Bar and forging
AL350 0.1% C 4.2% Ni 17% Cr 217% Mosteel: origin AMS5644B 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Al steel: Bar and forging
unknown AMS 5657 7% Ni 15% Cr 2.5% Mo 1% Al steel: Bar and forging
DPN: 400 VTS: 1550 Elon: 9% Proof: 1350 AMS 5658 0.07% C (max) 4.5% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.3% Nb 3.5% Cu
ALLOY 255 0.08% C (max) 5.5% Ni 25.5% Cr 3% Mo 1.7% Cu SI5500 steel
0.1 % N steel: Origin unknown; solution treated and AMS 5659 0.07% C (max) 4.5% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.3% Nb 3.5% Cu
aged steel
UTS: 880 Elon: 28% Proof: 650 AMS 5672 0.05% C (max) 8.2% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.1% Ti 0.35% Nb
ALLOY 288 0.08% C 7.5% Ni 27.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.2% Cu 0.1 % N steel
steel: Origin unknown; solution treated AMS5673A 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% AI steel: Wire; aged
VTS: 800 Elon: 25% Proof: 460 AMS5678 0.09% C (max) 7.2% Ni 17% Cr 1.2% AI steel
Almar362 0.1 % C (max) 6.5% Ni 14.5% Cr 0.7% Ti steel: AMS5718 0.12% C 2.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.32% V 0.03%
S36200 Allegheny Ludlum N steel
AM 350 0.08% C 4.3% Ni 16.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.1% N steel: AMS5727 0.03% C (max) 4.2% Ni 14.1% Cr 2.4% Mo 0.25% Nb
Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and double aged 3.2% Cu 0.02% N steel: Wire
DPN: 400 VTS: 1380 Elon: 14% Proof: 1100 AMS5739 0.05% C (max) 6.5% Ni 14.5% Cr 0.7% Ti steel
AM 355 0.13% C4.3% Ni 15.. 5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.1% N steel: AMS5740 0.05% C (max) 6.5% Ni 14.5% Cr 0.7% Ti steel
Allegheny Ludlum; solution treated and double aged AMS 5743B 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Bar and
VTS: 1380 Elnn: 13% Proof: 1070 forging
AMS 5340 0.03% C (max) 4.25% Ni 14% Cr 2.4% Mo 3.2% Cu AMS 5744 0.12% C 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.1 % N steel
0.02% N steel: Castings AMS 5745 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Bar and
AMS 5346 0.07% C (max) 4.8% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.25% Nb 2.8% Cu forging
J 92110 steel: Casting AMS 5762 0.08% C (max) 5.7% Mn 5.7% Ni 17% CrO.25% S
AMS 5347 0.07% C (max) 4.8% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.25% Nb 2.8% Cu steel
steel: Casting AMS 5763 0.05% C (max) 6% Ni 15% Cr 0.4% Nb 1.5% Cu steel
AMS 5348 0.07% C (max) 4.8% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.25% Nb 2.8% Cu AMS 5773 0.05% C (max) 6% Ni 15% Cr 0.4% Nb 1.5% Cu steel
steel: Casting AMS5774 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Wire for
AMS 5355 0.03% C (max) 4.25% Ni 14.1% Cr 2.4% Mo 0.2% Nb welding
3.2% Cu 0.02% Nsteel: Castings AMS5774 0.1% C 4.2% Ni 16.5% Cr2.7% Mo 0.1% N steel:
AMS 5356 0.07% C (max) 4.8% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.25% Nb 2.8% Cu Wire
steel: Casting AMS 5775 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Wire coated
AMS 5357 0.07% C (max) 4.8% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.25% Nb 2.8% Cu electrode
steel: Casting AMS5780 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Welding wire
AMS 5359 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.75% Mo 0.1% N steel: AMS5780 0.1 % C 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Weld
Castings electrode
AMS5400 0.04% C (max) 5% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.25% Nb 2.8% Cu AMS5781 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Coated
steel: Casting electrode
AMS5520A 7% Ni 15% Cr 2.5% Mo 1% Al steel: Sheet and strip AMS 5781 0.12% C 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.1 % N steel:
AMS5528 0.07% C (max) 7% Ni 17% Cr 1.2% AI steel: Sheet Weld electrode
AMS5528A 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Al steel: Sheet and strip AMS 5812 0.07% C (max) 7% Ni 15% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.2% Al
AMS5529A 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% AI steel: Sheet and strip; Age steel: Wire
hardened AMS5812B 7% Ni 15% Cr 2.5% Mo 1% AI steel: Welding wire;
AMS 5541A 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Sheet and vacuum melted
strip AMS5813A 7% Ni 15% Cr 2% Mo 1.0% Al steel: Welding wire
AMS 5546 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Sheet and AMS 5824 0.09% C (max) 7% Ni 16.7% Cr 1% Al steel
strip; cold rolled and tempered S17780
AMS5546 0.1% C 4.25% Ni 16.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.1% N steel: AMS5825A 5% Ni 17% Cr 0.2% Nb + Ta 3.5% Cu steel: Welding
Sheet wire
AMS 5547 0.15% C 4.25% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.1% N steel: AMS 5826 0.07% C (max) 4.5% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.3% Nb 3.5% Cu
Sheet steel
AMS5547 0.1 % C 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.1 % N steel AMS 5827 5% Ni 17% Cr 0.2% Nb + Ta 3.5% Cu steel: Welding
AMS5548A 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Sheet, high electrode
temperature annealed AMS5840 0.05% C (max) 8% Ni 12.75% Cr2.25% Mo 1.1% Al
AMS5549A 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1% N steel: Plate; steel
solution treated AMS5859 0.05% C (max) 6% Ni 15% Cr 0.4% Nb 1.5% Cu steel
AMS 5554 4.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % Nsteel: Seamless tube AMS5860 0.05% C (max) 8.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 0.3% Nb 2% Cu
AMS 5568 0.09% C (max) 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Al steel: steel
Precipitation hardening AMS 5862 0.07% C (max) 4.5% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.3% Nb 3.5% Cu
AMS 5594 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.1 % N steel: Plate 515500 steel
AMS5601 0.05% C (max) 8.2% Ni 14.5% Cr 25% Mo 1.2% Al AMS 5863 0.05% C (max) 6% Ni 15% Cr 0.4% Nb 1.5% Cu steel
steel AMS5864 0.05% C (max) 8% Ni 12.75% Cr2.25% Mo 1.1% AI
AMS5603 0.05% C (max) 8.2% Ni 14.5% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.2% Al steel
steel AMS 5870 0.15% C 4.2% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.1% N steel:
AMS 5604 0.07% C (max) 4% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.3% Nb steel Wire
AMS 5617 0.05% C (max) 8.2% Ni 11.7% Cr 1.1% Ti 0.35% Nb AMS 7474 0.07% C (max) 4% Ni 16.5% Cr 3.5% Cu steel
steel AN QQS 757/3 0.1% C 7% Ni 17% CrO.5% Ti 1% Nb steel: US
AMS 5622 0.07% C (max) 4% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.3% Nb steel military specification; annealed
VTS: 700 Elon: 40%
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AN QQ S 771/4 FM 0.12% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 0.7% Mo steel: US military ASTM A693/632 0.09% C 7.2% Ni 15% Cr 25% Mo 1.2% Al steel:
specification; annealed Precipitation hardened
VTS: 690 Elon: 35% VTS: 1480 Elon: 3% Proof: 1250
AN QQ S 771/4 MCR 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr 2% Mo 0.5% Cu steel: US ASTM A693/635 0.08% C 6.8% Ni 16.8% Cr 0.8% Ti 0.4% Al steel:
military specification; cold drawn Precipitation hardened
UTS: 840 Elon: 12% Proof: 700 VTS: 1280 Elon: 7% Proof: 1050
AN QQ S 77114G 0.12% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 0.5% Cu steel: US military ASTM A693 XM9 0.05% C 6.5% Ni 14.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.75% Ti 0.1%
specification; cold drawn Al steel: Precipitation hardened
VTS: 840 Elon: 12% Proof: 700 VTS: 1200 Elon: 8% Proof: 1050
AN QQ S 772 G 0.15% C 6.5% Ni 17% Cr 0.5% Cu Ti or Nb steel: US ASTM A693 XMI2 0.07% C 4.0% Ni 14.7% Cr 3.5% Cu steel:
military specification; annealed Precipitation hardened
VTS: 540 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 VTS: 1200 Elon: 8% Proof: 1050
ANT 14/1 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr 0.5% Cu Nb or Ti steel: US ASTM A693 XM13 0.05% C 8.0% Ni 12.7% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.1% Al steel:
military specification; flexible tube Precipitation hardened
ANT43 0.12% C 6.5% Ni 17% CrO.5% Cu steel tube: US VTS: 1400 Elon: 8% Proof: 1350
military specification; annealed ASTM A693 XMI6 0.06% C 8.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 0.5% Mo 1.1% Ti 1.0%
VTS: 740 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 Cu steel: Precipitation hardened
ANWWT855/1 0.12% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 0.5% Cu steel: US military VTS: 1520 Elon: 3% Proof: 1400
specification; annealed ASTM A693 XM25 0.05% C 6.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.5% Cu steel:
VTS: 700 Elon: 30% Proof: 200 Precipitation hardened
AN WWT858/1 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr + Ti or Nb seamless steel tube: VTS: llOO Eron: 6% Proof: 1000
US military specification ASTMA747 0.07% C 4% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.2% Nb 2.8% Cu steel:
AN WWT T 86112 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr 0.5% Cu Ti or Nb steel: CB7Cu I Casting; precipitation hardened
Welded tube; US military specification DPN: 375 VTS: 1170 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000
VTS: 740 ASTMA747 0.07% C 5% Ni 14.7% Cr 0.2% Nb 2.8% Cu steel:
ARMCO 17n 0.12% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Armco CB7Cu2 Casting; precipitation hardened
ASTM A 1671301 0.15% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Sheet and plate; DPN: 375 VTS: 1170 Elon: 5% Proof: 1000
annealed ASTM A789 S31200 0.03% C (max) 6% Ni 25% Cr 1.6% Mo 0.17% N
DPN: 202 VTS: 530 Elon: 40% Proof: 200 steel: Tube; solution treated and aged
ASTM A 693/630 0.07% C 4.0% Ni 16.5% Cr 4.0% Cu steel: DPN: 280 VTS: 690 Elon: 25% Proof: 450
Precipitation hardened ASTM A789 S31260 0.03% C (max) 6.5% Ni 25% Cr 3% Mo 0.2% N steel:
VTS: 1200 Elon: 5% Proof: 1050 Tube; solution treated and aged
ASTM A 693/634 0.2% C 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.9% Mo steel: DPN: 290 UTS: 630 Elon: 30% Proof: 440
Precipitation hardened ASTM A789 S31500 0.03% C (max) 4.75% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.7% Mo 0.07% N
VTS: 1250 Elon: 12% Proof: 1080 steel: Tube; solution treated and aged
ASTM A 747 CB 7 0.07% C (max) 4.2% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.2% Nb 3% Cu DPN: 290 UTS: 630 Elon: 30% Proof: 440
CUI 392180 steel: Casting ASTM A789 S31803 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.14% N
ASTM A 757 E3N 0.06% C (max) 4% Ni 12.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: steel: Tube; solution treated and aged
Casting DPN: 290 VTS: 620 Eron: 25% Proof: 450
ASTMAI77 0.12% C 7% Ni 17% Cr sheet and strip: Hard ASTM A789 S32304 0.03% C (max) 4.5% Ni 23% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.3% Cu
VTS: 1380 Elon: 4% Proof: 1030 0.1 % Nsteel: Tube; solution treated and aged
ASTM A4611630 0.07% C 4.0% Ni 16.5% Cr 0.3% Nb 4.0% Cu + Ta DPN: 290 UTS: 600 Elon: 25% Proof: 400
steel: Bar ASTM A789 S32550 0.04% C 5.5% Ni 25.5% Cr 3.4% Mo 2% Cu 0.2% N
ASTM A4611631 0.09% C (max) 7.2% Ni 17% Cr 1.2% Al steel: Bar steel: Tube; solution treated and aged
ASTM A4611632 0.09% C (max) 7.2% Ni 15% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.2% Al DPN: 300 VTS: 750 Elon: 15% Proof: 5SO
steel: Bar ASTM A789 S32950 0.03% C (max) 4.2% Ni 27.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.2% N
ASTM A4611634 0.12% C 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.1 % N steel: steel: Tube; solution treated and aged
Bar DPN: 290 UTS: 620 Elon: 20% Proof: 480
ASTM A579 0.12% C 4.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 2.8% Mo 0.1 % N steel: ASTM A815 S31803 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.12% N
Forging steel: Pipe fitting
ASTM A579 0.1 % C (max) 7% Ni 14.8% Cr 2.3% Mo 1% Al steel: BS 3146 ANC 20A 0.07% C 4.5% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.5% Nb 2% Cu
Forging steel: Casting
ASTMA669 0.03% C (max) 4.7% Ni 18% Cr 2.7% Mo steel: Tube BS 3146 ANC 20B 0.07% C 4.5% Ni 13.5% Cr 1.7% Mo 0.5% Nb 2% Cu
DPN: 290 VTS: 630 Elon: 30% Proof: 440 steel: Casting
ASTM A693/631 0.09% C 7.2% Ni 17% Cr 1.2% AI steel: Precipitation BS3146ANC21 0.05% C 5% Ni 26% Cr 2% Mo 3% Cu 0.1 % Nsteel:
hardened Casting
VTS: 1300 Elon: 5% Proof: 1200 BS 3146 ANC 0.06% C 4% Ni 16% Cr 3% Cu 0.05% N steel
22 A, Band C
CA6NM 0.06% C (max) 4.0% Ni 12.2% Cr 0.7% Mo steel:
Casting; information from Department of Mines,
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: CROLOY 16.6 PH 0.035% C 7.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 0.4% Ti 0.35% Al steel:
Babcock and Wilcox, USA
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number CRUCIBLE 301 0.15% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Crucible Steel Co.; hard
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 VTS: 1380 Elon: 8% Proof: 1000
Elon Elongation, % CUSTOM 450 0.05% C 6% Ni 15% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.4% Nb 1.5% Cu
Proor 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 steel: Carpenter
CUSTOM 455 0.03% C 9.0% Ni 11.75% Cr 1.2% Ti 0.3% Nb 2.2%
I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.l02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04lbf/in. 2 =1 MPa
Cu + Ta steel: Carpenter; age hardening
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. CUSTOM 630 0.07% C 4% Ni 16.2% Cr 0.3% Nb + Ta 4% Cu steel:
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
D 51 0.24% C 6.0% Ni 12% Cr 0.6% Mo 1.0% V steel: JlS G4304 0.08% C 4.5% Ni 25% Cr 2% Mo steel: Plate;
ESC; solution treated and aged SUS 329J1 Japanese Standard; solution treated
DPN: 550 VTS: 1500 Elon: 17% VTS: 600 Proof: 400
D 70 0.03% C 4.2% Ni 12% Cr 4.2% Mo 14.5% Co 0.06% JlS G4304 0.1 % C (max)7% Ni 17% Cr 1.5% Al steel: Plate;
Ti steel: ESC; solution treated and aged SUS631 Japanese Standard
VTS: 1600 KCR-DI83 0.03% C (max) 5% Ni 2.5% Cr 3% Mo 1% Co 0.2% N
DID 5086 7% Ni 17% Cr steel with additions: Age hardening for J93183 steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and USA
rod, wire and springs KCR-D283 0.03% C (max) 22.5% Cr 6.5% Mo 1% Co 0.2% N
DID 5299 NitCr with Cu and Mo steel: Casting; investment cast; J93550 steel: Casting
age hardenable LANGALLOY 40V 5% Ni 25% Cr transformable steel: Langley; solution
UTS: 950 treated and aged
DTD 5309 NitCr with Cu and Mo steel: Casting; investment cast; DPN: 320 VTS: 1020 Elon: 15% Proof: 760
age hardenable LANGALLOY 40V 5% Ni 25% Cr transformable steel: Langley; solution
E 630 0.05% C (max) 4.7% Ni 16.4% Cr 0.2% Nb 3.7% Cu treated
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS DPN: 260 UTS: 730 Elon: 20% Proor: 630
EC 219 0.05% C (max) 6.2% Ni 19.7% Cr 0.2% N steel: Weld N700 0.04% C 4.5% Ni 16.0% Cr 0.25% Nb 0.3% Cu steel:
electrode; designation used by AWS YEW
EC 240 0.06% C (max) 5% Ni 18% Cr 0.15% N steel: Weld NF A 35 572/ 0.1% C 7.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: French Standard
electrode ZI2CN 17/08
EC 630 0.05% C (max) 417% Ni 16.4% Cr 0.2% Nb 3.7% Cu NF A35 572/ 4.0% Ni 16.5% Cr steel: French Standard
steel: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS Z6CNU 17/04
ER 16.8.2 0.1 % C (max) 8.5% Ni 15.5% Cr 1.5% Mo steel: Weld NF A35 572/ 0.07% C (max) 4.0% Ni 1.3% Mo 14.5% Co steel:
electrode; designation used by AWS Z6CNUD 15/04 French Standard
ER 2553 0.04% C (max) 5.5% Ni 25.5% Cr 3% Mo 2% Cu PH 13.8Mo 0.05% C (max) 8% Ni 12.8% Cr 2.2% Mo 1% Al
0.2% N steel: Weld electrode; designation used by steel: Origin unknown
AWS PH 14.8Mo 0.05% C (max) 8% Ni 14% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.2% Al
ESSHETE 1250 0.15% C 10% Ni 15% Cr 1% Mo 0.4% V 1.0% Nb steel: Origin unknown
steel: Samuel Fox; solution treated; weldable PH 15.7 Mo 0.1% C (max) 7.2% Ni 14.7% Cr2.3% Mo 1% Al
VTS: 450 Elon: 67% Proor: 210 steel: Origin unknown
EV7 0.2% C 4.5% Ni 21 % Cr 0.3% N steel: For exhaust PH 15.7 Mo 0.07% C 7% Ni 15% Cr 2.2% Mo 1.1% Al steel: Age
valves; designation used by SAE hardening; American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
FERRALIUM 5% Ni 25% Cr Mo Cu steel: Transformable; Langley yearbook
Alloys; solution treated and aged QQ S763/8 0.1% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Nb or 0.5% Ti steel: US
DPN: 320 UTS: 650 Elon: 20% Proor: 550 Federal; annealed
FERRALIUM 255 Low C 5% Ni 26% Cr 3% Mo 2% Cu 0.15% N steel: VTS 450 Elon: 35% Proof: 150
Langley; Duplex steel R690G 0.05% C 6% Ni 13% Cr steel: Casting; Fagersta
DPN: 230 VTS: 830 Elon: 30% Proof: 660 S 143 0.07% C 5.4% Ni 14% Cr 1.8% Mo 1.8% Cu 0.8% N
FV 301 0.1 % C 7.5% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Firth Vickers; steel: BS Aerospace specification
annealed S 144 0.07% C 5.4% Ni 14% Cr 1.8% Mo 1.8% Cu 0.8% N
VTS: 740 Elon: 55% steel: BS Aerospace specification
FV 301 0.1 % C 7.5% Ni 17.5% Cr steel: Firth Vickers; hard S 145 0.07% C 5.4% Ni 14% Cr 1.8% Mo 1.8% Cu 0.8% N
VTS: 1210 Elon: 10% steel: BS Aerospace specification
FV 467 0.18% C 10% Ni 14% Cr 2% Mo 0.8% Ti 2.5% Cu S532 0.055% C 5.4% Ni 15.8% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.1 % Ti 2% Cu
steel: Firth Vickers; age hardened steel: BS Aerospace specification
VTS: 650 Elon: 44% Proor: 300 S 533 0.055% C 5.4% Ni 15.8% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.1 % Ti 2% Cu
FV 520(B) 0.07% C 5.4% Ni 14% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.7% Nb 1.9% Cu steel: BS Aerospace specification
steel: Sheet; Firth Vickers; aged S 31803 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.12% N
DPN: 410 VTS: 1250 Elon: 10% Proor: 1070 steel: UNS designation; solution treated and aged
FV 520(S) 0.06% C 5.4% Ni 15.8% Cr 1.8% Mo 0.2% Ti 1.9% DPN: 290 VTS: 620 Elon: 25% Proor: 450
Cu steel: Sheet; Firth Vickers; aged SAE J217 0.09% C (max) 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Al steel: Cold
DPN: 410 VTS: 1250 Elon: 10% Proof: 1070 drawn and aged; wire for springs
FV 548 0.08% C 11.5% Ni 16.5% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% Nb steel: VTS: 2000
Firth Vickers; age hardened SAF2205 0.03% C (max) 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.14% N
VTS: 630 Elon: 52% Proor: 250 steel: Sandvik; cold worked
G 38 0.17% C 12% Ni 16% Cr 2.5% Mo 1.2% V 1.3% W VTS: 96S Elon: 10% Proor: 895
steel: Jessop; solution treated and warm worked SAE 30301 0.1 % C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: AISI type301
VTS: 820 Elon: 34% Proof: 710 SF301 0.15% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Samuel Fox; annealed
G 41 0.17% C 12% Ni 16% Cr 1.3% V 1.3% W1.3% Nb VTS: 920 Elon: 55%
steel: Jessop; annealed and warm worked For SIS specifications see SS
VTS: 730 Elon: 26% Proof: 530 SS 2330 0.15% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Plate, bar, etc.; Swedish
GOST 5632/4 0.42% C 7% Ni 15% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.7% Vsteel: Plate; Standard
KH 14N7G7FMS Russian Standard DPN: 220 VTS: 770
GOST5632/4 0.42% C 7% Ni 15% Cr 0.8% Mo 1.7% V steel: Plate; SS 2331 0.15% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Sheet; Swedish
KH 15N17G7F2MS Russian Standard Standard; cold rolled
GOST 5632 0.1% C (max) 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Al steel: Plate; VTS: 920 Elon: 3% Proof: 770
KH 17N71U Russian Standard SS 2376 0.03% C (max) 4.8% Ni 18.5% Cr 2.7% Nb 0.07% N
HY RESIST 22/5 5.5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.15% N steel: British Steel steel: Swedish Standard
DUPLEX Stainless SS 2377 0.4% C (max) 5% Ni 22% Cr 3% Mo 0.07% N steel:
JlS G3459 0.08% C (max) 4.5% Ni 25% Cr 2% Mo steel: Plate; Swedish Standard
SUS 329 JlTP Japanese Standard SS 2385 0.1 % C (max) 5.5% Ni 13% Cr steel: Swedish
VTS: 600 Proor: 400 Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
SS 2385 0.05% C (max) 5% Ni 16% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Swedish XMI2 0.07% C (max) 4.5% Ni 14.2% Cr 3.5% Cu steel:
Standard Precipitation hardened
SS 2387 0.5% C (max) 4.5% Ni 16% Cr 1.2% Mo steel: VTS: 1070 Elon: 12% Proof: 1000
Swedish Standard XM13 0.05% C (max) 8.0% Ni 12.7% Cr2.2% Mo 1.1% Al
SS 2387 0.05% C (max) 5% Ni 16% Cr 1.1% Mo steel: Swedish steel: Precipitation hardened
Standard VTS: 1415 Elon: 10% Proof: 1310
STAINLESS W 0.12% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Ti 1% Al 0.2% N steel: XM16 0.05% C (max) 8.5% Ni 11.7% Cr 2.0% Cu 0.5%
Age hardening; American proprietary alloy listed in 1.1 % Ti steel: Precipitation hardened
SAE yearbook VTS: 1380 Elon: 10% Proof: 1275
STAINLESS W 0.12% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 1% Ti 1% Al 0.2% N steel: XM25 0.05% C (max) 6.0% Ni 15.0% Cr 0.7% Mo 1.5% Cu
Age hardening; American proprietary alloy listed in steel: Precipitation hardened
SAE yearbook UTS: 1100 Elon: 12% Prom: 1035
STAINLESS W 0.08% C (max) 6.7% Ni 16.2% Cr 0.8% Ti steel: ZERON 100 0.03% C (max) 7.2% Ni 25.5% Cr 3.5% Mo 0.7% W
Origin unknown 0.25% N steel: Casting; designation used in the UK and
UHB STAINLESS 0.1% C 7.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Uddelholm USA
V 174 0.07% C (max) 4% Ni 17% Cr 0.3% Nb + Ta 4% Cu
steel: Valbuna
VK 0.07% C 7% Ni 17% Cr 1.0% Al steel: Osborn; age
DPN: 380 VTS: 1210 Elon: 15% Proof: 760
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
X 7 Cr Ni AI17n 0.1% C (max) 7.2% Ni 17% Cr 1.1% Al steel: German
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
X 12 Cr Ni 1717 0.15% C (max) 7.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: German
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
Elon Elongation, %
XIS CN 1707 0.1% C 7% Ni 17% Cr steel: Italian Standard;
Prom 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
DPN: 180 VTS: 480 Elon: 45% Proof: 180 1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm'=0.06475tonflin.'=145.04lbflin.'=1 MPa
XM9 0.05% C (max) 6.7% Ni 14.2% Cr 0.3% Mo 0.7% Ti
0.1 % Al steel: Precipitation hardened See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
VTS: 1240 Elon: 10% Proof: 1205
The above properties are typical of the following group, and and are generally used as castings or sprayed coatings for
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible abrasion resistant purposes.
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be Chromium improves the corrosion resistant properties,
applicable. particularly the hot oxidation resistance, and, when nickel is
also present, the hot strength of the alloys.
There are certain specially formulated 4-6% manganese
General metallurgical characteristics
chromium nickel alloys which have a high coefficient of
Manganese alone has the effect of depressing the critical linear expansion which can be useful when steel is associated
points of steel, and with more than 18% manganese steel with aluminium.
becomes austenitic. These steels are all hardened by cold working and very
These high manganese steels are discussed in Section 44D. little cold work will result in a dramatic increase in the
The steels in the following list are all austenitic and contain hardness or tensile strength and reduction in ductility.
above approximately 5% manganese with varying amounts The steels are all fully austenitic and therefore their pro-
of chromium and nickel to ensure a stable austenitic struc- perties cannot be improved by any form of thermal treat-
ture. Manganese has a considerable influence on the cold ment. If the cold work has to be removed this requires a
working properties of steel and this increases in proportion temperature of 1050 °C. The materials, however, are very
to the manganese content which may be as high as 20%. often chosen because of their ability to accept cold work so
These high manganese steels are relatively unworkable that their mechanical properties are dramatically increased.
Where welding is required the inert gas welding technique and inserts which require a high coefficient of expansion in
should be used. It will be appreciated that if any cold work is order to be used with aluminium and its alloys.
present this will be removed by the welding operation. In Many of the materials used are castings where good
general expert advice should be obtained before attempting mechanical strength is required in the 'as cast' condition and
to weld these materials. It should be noted that these ma- this applies with the materials in this group.
terials have a high coefficient of linear expansion and this can They are commonly used in items such as buckets on
result in centre-line weld cracking if the correct procedure is dredgers, etc. where the teeth are subjected to abrasion.
not applied. These can be as-cast teeth or very often these materials are
These materials are almost invariably difficult to machine used as inserts or can be applied by welding or metal
either by normal conventional machining or by grinding. spraying.
The uses for the materials within this group include studs They are first choice where abrasion and corrosive condi-
tions exist.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
1.3817 0.4% C 18.0% Mn 4.0% Cr steel: German Standard 2214/9 0.5% C 8.5% Mn 3.5% Ni 20% Cr 0.4% Nsteel: Age
1.3960 0.45% C 13.0% Mn 6.5% Ni 5.5% Cr 0.9% Vsteel: hardening American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
German Standard yearbook
1.3%2 0.12% C 6.0% Mn 10.0% Ni 11.5% Cr steel: German 65 Mn 12 Cr 5 Ni 3 0.65% C 12.0% Mn 3.0% Ni 4.5% Cr steel: Electrode;
Standard Metrode; work hardening deposit
1.4370 0.15% C (max) 6.5% Mn 8.5% Ni 18.5% Cr steel: 203 E2 0.08% C (max) 5.7% Mn 5.7% Ni 17% Cr 0.2% S
German Standard steel: Designation used in the UK and USA
1.4371 0.1 % C (max) 8.5% Mn 5.5% Ni 18.0% Cr OJ5% N 214MN 0.5% C9% Mn 4% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Nsteel: Valhuna
steel: German Standard 284 S 16 0.07% C 8.5% Mn (max) 5.2% Ni 17.5% Cr 0.2% N
1.4451 0.15% C (max) 18.0% Mn 2.0% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: Sheet and plate; designation in BS 1449
steel: German Standard 284 S 16 0.07% C (max) 8.5% Mn 5.2% Ni 17% Cr 0.2% N
1.5151 0.4% C 18.0% Mn 0.1% Ni 4.0% Cr steel: German steel: Sheet and plate
Standard 664M 0.06% C 6.5% Mn 5.5% Ni 17% Cr 0.1 % Nsteel:
1.5152 0.4% C22.5% Mn 4.0% Cr steel: German Standard Avesta
1.5161 0.15% C (max) 18.0% Mn 2.0% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.5% Mo 664MV 0.05% C 8.0% Mn 5.5% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% N steel:
steel: German Standard Avesta Mn 0.15% C 9.0% Mn 17.0% Ni 10.0% Cr 5.0% Mo steel: 1031 ALLOY 0.3% C 6% Mn 13% Ni 2% Cu Fe alloy: Darwin
Electrode; Metrode 1250 0.1% C6% Mn 10% Ni 15% Cr 1% MoO.3% V 1%
14Cr 14 Mn R 0.35% C 14.0% Mn 2.0% Ni 14.0% Cr 0.7% Mo 0.3% Nb 0.006% Bsteel tube: Designation used by BS
Vsteel: Electrode; Metrode; for hard facing; work AF71 0.3% C 18% Mn 12.5% Cr 3% Mo 8% V0.2% B0.2%
hardens from 250 to 450 DPN Nsteel: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE Mn Nb 0.08% C 4.0% Mn 12.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 1.5% Mo 1.0% yearbook
Nb steel: Electrode; Metrode AF183 0.3% C 18% Mn 12.5% Cr 3% Mo 0.8% V0.2% N
18/5/9 0.08% C 18% Mn 9.0% Ni 5.0% Cr steel: Nyby, steel: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
annealed yearbook
DPN: 230 UTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 270 AFNOR 81.343 0.1% C 5.5% Mn 8.5% Ni 21% CrO.85% Mo steel:
18.6.9 Mn Si Nb 0.06% C9.0% Mn 6.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 1.0% Nb 2.0% EZ18.8 Mn B160 Welding electrode; French Standard
Si steel: Electrode; Metrode 23X
18.8.3 Mn Si Nb N 0.06% C7.0% Mn 8.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 3.0% Mo 0.5% AFNOR 81.343 0.04% C 13% Ni 23% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
Nb 2.0% Si 0.2% Nsteel: Electrode; Metrode EZ23.12R 180.33X French Standard
18.18 PLUS 0.15% C 18% Mn 18% Cr 1% Mo 1% Cu 0.5% N AFNOR 81-343 0.1 % C 6.5% Mn 8% Ni 17% Cr steel: Welding
steel: Carpenter EZ18.8 Mn B23 electrode; French Standard
UTS: 820 Elon: 50% Proof: 450 AFNOR 81-343 0.05% C 6% Mn 8.5% Ni 21% Cr steel: Welding
18 Cr2 Ni 12 Mn 0.15% C 12% Mn 1.8% Ni 17% Cr 0.3% Nsteel: EZ18.8 Mn R160 electrode; French Standard
Carpenter 21X
19.9.6Mn 0.1 % C 6% Mn 9% Ni 19% Cr 1% Mo steel: AlS1201 0.15% C 6% Mn 4.5% Ni 17% Cr 0.25% Nsteel
Electrode; Metrode A1S1202 0.15% C (max) 8.7% Mn 5.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel
DPN:32O AKMClZ 0.4% C 18% Mn 4.0% Cr 0.1 % Nsteel: Krupps
2114N 0.55% C 9% Mn 4% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Nsteel: Jessop AM 88 0.2% C 8.0% Mn 5.7% Ni 8.0% Cr 0.3% Si steel:
21 Cr6Ni 9Mn 0.03% C 9% Mn 6% Ni 20% Cr 0.25% Nsteel: Pompey
Carpenter AMS 5561 0.08% C (max) 9% Mn 6.5% Ni 20% Cr 0.25% Nsteel
21MN 0.7% C 6% Mn 1.6% Ni 21 % Cr 0.2% Nsteel: AMS 5562 0.04% C (max) 9% Mn 6.2% Ni 20% Cr 0.25% Nsteel
Valhuna AMS 5595 0.04% C (max) 9% Mn 6.5% Ni 20.2% Cr 0.3% N
AMS5623 0.6% C 5.5% Mn 9.5% Ni steel: Bar and forging; high
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
expansion steel; annealed
AMS 5624 A 0.55% C 4.5% Mn 14.5% Ni 4% Cr steel: Bar; high
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number expansion
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2 AMS5625 A 0.6% C 5.5% Mn 9.5% Ni steel: Bar; cold drawn; high
Eion Elongation, % expansion
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2 AMS 5656 0.04% C (max) 9% Mn 6.5% Ni 20% Cr 0.3% Nsteel
AMS5848 0.1 % C (max) 8.2% Mn 8.5% Ni 17% Cr 2.5% Mo
1 N/mm2 =0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
0.35% Nsteel
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMA289A 0.55% C 8% Mn 8% Ni 5% Cr steel: For non-magnetic CSA 0.25% C 4% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr 1.3% Mo 1.3% W 1%
retaining rings Nb steel: Crucible Steel Co.
VTS: 1070 Elon: 20% Proof: 920 DTD247 0.7% C (max) 4.5% Mn 13% Ni 3% Cr steel: Bar and
ASTM A289B 0.5% C 18% Mn 2% Ni 5% Cr steel: For non-magnetic forging; as rolled or softened; high expansion steel
retaining rings vrs: 620 Elon: 25%
UTS: 1070 Elon: 20% Proof: 920 DV2A 0.5% C 11.5% Mn 20% Cr 2% Wsteel: For valves;
ASTM A412/201 0.15% C (max) 6.5% Mn 4.5% Ni 27% Cr steel: Sheet, origin unknown
etc. DV2B 0.5% C 11.5% Mn 20% Cr 2% Wsteel: For valves;
ASTM A412/202 0.15% C (max) 8.7% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Sheet, origin unknown
etc. EFe MnE 0.8% C 17.5% Mn 4.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
ASTM A4291201 0.15% C (max) 6.5% Mn 4.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Bar designation used by AWS
ASTM A4291202 0.15% C (max) 8.7% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Bar EFeMnF 1% C 19% Mn 4.5% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
ASTM A581 XMI 0.08% C 5.7% Mn 5.7% Ni 17% Cr 0.2% Ssteel: designation used by AWS
Wire; free machining E219 0.06% C (max) 9% Mn 6.2% Ni 19.7% Cr steel:
ASTMA666 Stainless steel: Sheet, plate, bar, etc.; for structural Welding electrode; designation used by AWS
purposes; graded by AISI system (see also Section ESSHERE 1250 0.1% C6.2% Mn 10% Ni 15% Cr 1% Mo 0.25% V 1%
44NI) Nb steel
ASTMA688 0.06% C 13.0% Mn 3.0% Ni 18% Cr 0.3% Nsteel: EV8 0.53% C 9% Mn 3.7% Ni 21 % Cr 0.42% Nsteel: For
TPXM29 Tube; welded exhaust valves; designation used by SAE
VTS: 690 Elon: 35% Proof: 380 EV II 0.7% C 6% Mn 2% Ni 21 % Cr 0.2% Nsteel: For
ASTRANIT MlZ 0.12% C 18% Mn 2.0% Ni 12% Cr 0.5% Mo steel: exhaust valves
Krupps FFeMn A 0.8% C 16% Mn 3.2% Ni steel: Welding electrode;
AURIGA XXXI 0.27% C 8% Mn 8% Ni 8% Cr steel: Casting; D designation used by AWS
Brown; annealed FFeMnB 0.8% C 14% Mn 1.2% Mo steel: Welding electrode;
VTS: 540 Elon: 24% Proof: 240 designation used by AWS
AVI 0.5% C8.2% Mn 2.8% Ni 21 % Cr 1.7% Wsteel: For FFeMnC 0.8% C 14% Mn 4.2% Ni 4.2% Cr steel: Welding
rods; origin unknown electrode; designation used by AWS
BS 2926/18115/3 0.04% C (max) 5% Mn 15% Ni 18% Cr 3% Mo steel: FFeMn Cr 0.8% C 16% Mn 15% Cr steel: Welding electrode;
LMn For welding electrodes designation used by AWS
BS 2926/25/20/1 Nb 0.12% C (max) 4% Mn 20% Ni 26% Cr 1% Mo steel: FFeMn D 0.8% C 17.5% Mn 6.2% Cr 0.8% Vsteel: Welding
For welding electrodes electrode; designation used by AWS
BS 2926/25/2112 0.04% C (max) 5% Mn 21 % Ni 25% Cr 2.5% Mo G 192 0.6% C 8.5% Mn 22% Cr steel: American proprietary
LMn steel: For welding electrodes alloy listed in SAE yearbook
BS 2926 H 0.6% C 6% Mn 19% Ni 26% Cr 1% Mo 2% Nb steel: GAMANH 0.5% C 11 % Mn 21 % Cr steel: For valves; origin
Welding electrode; as welded unknown
vrs: 540 Elon: 25% GOST5632 12% C (max) 9% Mn 4% Ni 17% Cr 2% Nsteel:
BS 3059-1250 0.1 % C6% Mn 10% Ni 15% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V 1% ICHiTE9AN4 Russian specification
Nb 0.006% Bsteel: Tube vrs: 700 Proof: 350
CF lOS Mn N 0.1% C (max) 8% Mn 8.5% Ni 17% Cr steel: Casting; GOST 5632/2 0.22% C 9.0% Mn 4.2% Ni 13.0% Cr steel: Russian
designation used in the UK and USA KH13N4G9 Standard
CG6MMN 0.06% C (max) 5% Mn 12.5% Ni 22% Cr 2.2% Mo GOST 5632 0.12% C 9.2% Mn 4.0% Ni 17.0% Cr 0.2% Nsteel:
0.2% Nb steel: Casting; designation used in the UK KH17G9AN4 Russian Standard
and USA H 35 0.08% C 3.25% Mn 4.2% Ni 11.7% Cr 0.6% Nb steel:
COSSETMC 0.6% C 16.7% Mn 13.6% Cr steel: Welding electrode; Jessop
Soudometal; for hard facing; work hardens to 500 DPN H850 0.52% C 9.0% Mn 3.9% Ni 20.8% Cr 0.45% Nsteel:
DPN: 200 For valves; YEW
COSSET 624S 1.2% C 17.5% Mn 9.5% Cr 2.8% Nb steel: Welding HTX 0.04% C 8.5% Mn 8% Ni 21 % Cr 1.5% Mo 0.23% P
electrode; Soudometal; work hardens to 500 DPN 0.2% Nsteel: American proprietary alloy listed in SAE
DPN: 250 yearbook
CRM 15D 1.0% C5.0% Mn 5.0% Ni 20.0% Cr 2.0% Mo 2.0% JIS G4SUS202 0.15% C (max) 8.5% Mn (max) 5% Ni 18% Cr 0.75%
Nb 2.0% Cu 0.2% N Fe alloy: Information from SAE Nsteel: Plate; Japanese specification
handbook JIS G4303 SUS201 0.15% C (max) 6.5% Mn 4.5% Ni 17.0% Cr steel:
CRUCIBLE 201 0.15% C 6% Mn 4.5% Ni 17% Cr 0.25% Nsteel: Japanese Standard
Crucible Steel Co.; annealed JIS G4303 SUS202 0.15% C 8.2% Mn 5.0% Ni 18.0% Cr steel: Japanese
vrs: 800 Elon: 55% Proof: 370 Standard
CRUCIBLE 202 0.15% C 8.5% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr 0.25% N steel: LT 21142 0.5% C 9.0% Mn 4.5% Ni 21 % Cr 2.0% Nb 0.4% N
Crucible Steel Co.; annealed steel: Low Moor
UTS: 760 Elon: 55% Proof: 370 LV 2112 N 0.5% C 8.5% Mn 2.0% Ni 20% Cr steel: For valves; S
CRYOGENIC 0.12% C (max) 15% Mn 5.5% Ni 18% Crsteel: Origin Osborn
TENDON unknown LV 2114 N 0.5% C 9% Mn 4% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Nsteel: Low
Moor; for valves
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: LV 21142 0.5% C 9.0% Mn 4.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 2.0% Nb steel:
For valves; S Osborn
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number LV 21143 0.5% C 9.0% Mn 4.0% Ni 21.0% Cr 1.5% Nb steel:
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 For valves; S Osborn
Elon Elongation, % LV 21169 0.08% C 9.0% Mn 6.0% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% Nsteel:
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Sheet and bar; Low Moor
MANGANESE Ni 0.8% C 13% Mn 3.5% Ni steel: Welding electrode;
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04lbf1in. 2 =1 MPa
Murex; for hard facing; work hardens
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN:300
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
METMAX307R 19% Cr 5% Mn 9% Ni 1% Mo steel: Electrode, WALMANG3 0.7% C 14% Mn 3.5% Ni steel: Rod for facing; Wall
Metrode Colmonoy; for repairing high Mn alloys; melting point
METCOLOY5 0.15% C 8% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr steel: Wire for 1430'C
spraying; Metco DPN: 630
M1LAB259 1.3% C 13.5% Mn steel: US military specification WORK-HARD 0.3% C 10% Mn 11% Cr steel: Electrode; Metrode
MIL S.17249 1.2% C 13% Mn steel: Casting; US Federal 11 Cr9Mn DPN: 320
specification WORK·HARD 0.8% C 13% Mn 3% Ni 4% Cr steel: Electrode;
N1COLLOY4 0.52% C 9.0% Mn 4% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% N steel: Swift 12MnCrNi Metrode
Levick for hot dies DPN: 300
NITRON1C60 0.1 % C (max) 8% Mn 8.5% Ni 17% Cr 4% Si 0.1 % N WORK-HARD 0.8% C 13% Mn 1% Mo steel: Electrode; Metrode
steel: Origin unknown 13 Mn DPN: 300
NITRONIC 60W 0.1% C (max) 8% Mn 8.5% Ni 17% Cr4% Si 0.1% N WORK-HARD 0.4% C 14% Mn 2% Ni 14% Cr 1% Mo 0.3% V steel:
steel: Origin unknown 14 Cr 14Mn Electrode; Metrode
R32 0.55% C 4.5% Mn 12.5% Ni 3.7% Cr steel: Jessop DPN: 320
R46 0.55% C 9% Mn 4% Ni 21 % Cr 0.4% N steel: Jessop X 8 Cr Mn Ni 18/9 0.1 % C (max) 8.5% Mn 5.5% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.15% N
R 520 0.08% C 8% Mn 4.8% Ni 18% Cr steel: Fagersta; steel: Designation used by German Standards
annealed X 12 Mn Cr 18/10 0.15% C (max) 18.0% Mn 2.0% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.6% Mo
DPN: 240 UTS: 580 Elon: 50% Proof: 270 steel: Designation used by German Standards
RA330.04 0.22% C 5% Mn 35.5% Ni 18.5% Cr Fe alloy: Origin X 12 Mn Cr 18/11 0.15% C (max) 18.0% Mn 2.0% Ni 12.0% Cr 0.5% Mo
unknown steel: Designation used by German Standards
RED 1.1% C 12.5% Mn steel: For wear; Redheugh X 15 Cr Ni Mn 18/8 0.15% C (max) 6.5% Mn 8.5% Ni 19.0% Cr steel:
DIAMOND 14H DPN: 360 VTS: 520 Elon: 8% Designation used by German Standards
RED 1.1 % C 12.5% Mn steel: For wear; Redheugh X 20 Cr Ni Mn 12/9 0.12% C 6.0% Mn 10:0% Ni 11.5% Cr steel:
DIAMOND 14S DPN: 280 VTS: 630 Elon: 12% Designation used by German Standards
RNK29 0.09% C 8.5% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% N steel: Bofors X40MnCr 18 0.4% C 18.0% Mn 4.0% Cr steel: Designation used by
S21300 0.25% C 16.5% Mn 18.5% Cr 2% Mo 1.2% Cu 0.4% German Standards
Nsteel: Designation used by UNS X40MnCr22 0.4% C 23.0% Mn 4.0% Cr steel: Designation used by
S31254 0.08% C (max) 13% Mn 3% Ni 18% Cr steel: UNS German Standards
designation X40Mn CrN 18 0.4% C 18.0% Mn 4.0% Cr 0.1 % Nsteel: Designation
SAE 30201 0.15% C 6% Mn 4.5% Ni 17% Cr 0.25% N steel: used by German Standards
Mechanical properties not quoted X55 MnNi Cr 14 0.45% C 13.0% Mn 6.5% Ni 5.5% Cr 0.9% V steel:
SAE 30202 0.15% C 8% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr 0.25% N (max) steel: Designation used by German Standards
Mechanical properties not quoted XEV-A 0.5% C 11% Mn 20% Cr 0.4% V 2% W 1% Nb steel:
SOUDOKAY 1% C 20% Mn 5% Cr steel: Welding electrode; For valves; SAE
Soudometal; for high Mn steels XEV-B 0.5% C 11% Mn 20% Cr 0.4% V 2% W 1% Nb steel:
DPN: 210 UTS: 850 EIon: 30% Proof: 640 For valves; SAE
SOUDOKAY 218.0 0.95% C 14% Mn 0.4% Ni 3.5% Cr steel: Welding XEV-D 0.5% C 8% Mn 2.8% Ni 21 % Cr 0.3% V steel: For
electrode; Soudometal; for welding high Mn steel valves; SAE
DPN: 200 UTS: 840 Elon: 32% Proof: 560 XEV-E 0.4% C 6% Mn 8% Ni 19% Cr 0.75% V steel: For
SOUDOKAY 624.0 1.2% C 16.5% Mn 9% Cr 3% Nb steel: Welding valves; SAE
electrode; Soudometal XEV-F 0.6% C 9% Mn 0.3% Ni 21% Cr 1% Mo 0.7% V 1%
DPN: 250 Nb steel: For valves; SAE
SOUDOKAY AP.O 0.5% C 16.5% Mn 13% Cr steel: Welding electrode; XEV-G 0.1 % C 8.5% Mn 0.4% Ni 27.8% Cr 2% Ti steel: For
Soudometal; for welding high Mn steels valves; SAE
DPN: 210 VTS: 860 Elon: 37% Proof: 580 XMlI 0.04% C (max) 9% Mn 6.5% Ni 18.2% Cr steel:
SOUDO- 0.95% C 13.8% Mn 3.6% Ni 3.7% Cr 0.6% Mo steel: Designation used in the UK and USA
MANGANESE CN Welding electrode; SoudometaJ; for hard facing; work XM17 0.08% C 8.0% Mn 6% Ni 20% Cr 2.5% Mo 0.35% N
hardened to 520 0 PN steel: Designation used by ASTM
DPN: 200 XM29 0.08% C 12.5% Mn 3.0% Ni 18.0% Cr 0.3% N steel:
SOUDO- 1.2% C 12.6% Mn 0.75% Mo steel: Welding electrode; Designation used by ASTM
MANGANESE Soudometal; for hard facing; work hardened to 500 XM10 0.08% C (max) 9% Mn 6.5% Ni 18.2% Cr steel:
DPN Designation used in the UK and USA
DPN: 220 Z 10CMN 1817 0.08% C 9.0% Mn 5.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: French
SS 2357 0.12% C 8% Mn 5% Ni 18% Cr 0.2% N steel: Bar, National Standard; annealed
forging etc.; Swedish Standard; annealed DPN: 230 VTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 270
DPN: 220 UTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 270 Z 10CMN 19/9 0.08% C 9.0% Mn 5.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: French
STUBS 7200 Mn Ni Cr steel: Electrode; Stubs; austenitic high National Standard; annealed
manganese steel; can be work hardened DPN: 230 UTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 270
DPN: 250 Z 12CMN 1817 0.08% C 9.0% Mn 5.0% Ni 18% Cr steel: French
STUBSA63 0.14% C 7.0% Mn 8.5% Ni 19% Cr steel: Welding National Standard; annealed
electrode; Stubs; for joining; also surfacing for impact DPN: 230 VTS: 580 Elon: 45% Proof: 270
resistance Z52CMN2II09 0.5% C 9% Mn 3.7% Ni 21% Cr 0.45% Nsteel:
UTS: 610 Elon: 45% Proof: 370 French Standard
SV08KH20N9G7T 0.1% C (max) 7% Mn 9% Ni 19.5% CrO.75% Ti:
Weld work; Russian Standards designation Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SVOSKH20NIOG6 0.1 % C (max) 6% Mn 10% Ni 21 % Cr steel: Weld
work; Russian Standards designation DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
TPXMIO See XMIO UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
TPXMII See XMII Elon Elongation, %
VALMAG984 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
High Mn Ni Cr austenitic steel: For valves; Swift
Levick; solution treated and aged
1N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in. '= 145.04Ibflin.'= 1 MPa
DPN: 350 UTS: 1II0 Elon: 7%
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
45. Strontium Sr
Physical properties
Atomic number 38
Atomic weight 87.63
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Colour Yellowish white
Specific gravity 2.6
Density 2600 kglm 3
Melting point 770°C
Boiling point 1366°C
Specific heat 0.3077 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity
Coefficient of liner expansion (20-100 0c) 100 x 1O-6/°C
Latent heat of fusion 105 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization 1717 Jig
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 1.16 barnslatom
Electrical conductivity 7.5% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 250 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0038/°C
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential -2.89 V
Magnetic susceptibility -0.2 x 10-6
Young's modulus of elasticity
Tensile strength
46. Tantalum Ta
Physical properties
Atomic number 73
Atomic weight 181.0
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Iron grey
Specific gravity 16.65
Density 16650 kg/m 3
Melting point 2950°C
Boiling point 5300°C
Specific heat 0.153 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity 54.4 Wlm °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100°C) 6.5 x 1O- 6/°C
Latent heat of fusion 159 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 21.3 barnslatom
Electrical conductivity 13.9% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 125 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0031°C
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential 4.1 V
Magnetic susceptibility 0.90 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity cold worked 186 x 109 N/m 2
Tensile strength annealed 450 N/mm 2
cold worked 900 N/mm 2
Hardness annealed 100 DPN
cold worked 200 DPN
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 7846 0.01% C max 10% WTa alloy R05400 High purity Ta: UNS designation
AMS 7847 O.ol % C max 10% WTa alloy T222 O.ol % C 9.6% W2.2% Ha Ta alloy: Westinghouse
AMS 7848 10% WTa alloy: Bar Electrical Corporation
AMS 7849 Ta: Sheet, strip or foil TANTALUM 99.6% Ta: powder; Kennametal
ASTMB364 High purity Ta: Ingot and sheet; cold worked TANTALUM Ta metal: Blackwells; pure metal
UTS: S30 Elon: 2% TANTALUM Ta: Ingot, rod, sheet and wire; Murex
ASTMB364 High purity Ta: Ingot and sheet; annealed TANTALUM Ta: Rod, sheet and wire; Tungsten Manufacturing
UTS: 220 Elon: 27%
ASTMB364 High purity Ta: Ingot and sheet; stress relieved
UTS: 370 Elon: 8%
ASTMB365 High purity Ta: Rod and wire; cold worked
UTS: SOO Elon: 1% Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
ASTMB365 High purity Ta: Rod and wire; annealed
VTS: 270 Elon: 10% DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
99.98% Ta: Ingot; Light Ltd; high purity metal VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
hTa 16
99.95% Ta: Single crystal 3 mm diameter; Light Ltd Elon Elongation, %
h Ta 73
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm 2
METC062 Pure Ta: spray deposit; Metco
R05200 High purity Ta: UNS designation
1N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2 =0.06475 tonfJin 2 =145.04 Ibf/in.2=l MPa
RO 5240 40% Nb Ta alloy: UNS designation
RO 5252 2.7% WTa alloy: UNS designation See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
RO 5255 10% WTa alloy: UNS designation
47. Tellurium Te
Physical properties
Atomic number 52
Atomic weight 127.61
Crystal structure
Colour Shining white
Specific gravity 6.24
Density 6240 kg/m 3
Melting point 452°C
Boiling point 1007 °C
Specific heat 0.201 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity 1.3 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20--100 0c) 16.8 x 1O- 6/°C
Latent heat of fusion 30.6 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization 666 Jig
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 4.7 barnslatom
Electrical conductivity 1.0% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 1500 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance
Electrochemical equivalent 0.99 g/A/h
Electrode potential
Magnetic susceptibility -0.31 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity
Tensile strength
48. Thallium TI
Physical properties
Atomic number 81
Atomic weight 204.39
Crystal structure Close-packed hexagonal to 262°C
Body-centred cubic above 262 °C
Colour White
Specific gravity 11.85
Density 11850 kg/m 3
Melting point 304 °C
Boiling point 1450°C
Specific heat 0.136 JIg °C
Thermal conductivity 39.4 Wlm °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 28 x to- 61°C
Latent heat of fusion 20.9 JIg
Latent heat of vaporization 1231 JIg
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 3.4 bamslatom
Electrical conductivity 10% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 150 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0051/ °C
Electrochemical equivalent 2.5 g/Nh
Electrode potential -0.336 V
Magnetic susceptibility -0.24 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity
Tensile strength 7.5 N/mm 2
Hardness 2DPN
49. Thorium Th
Physical properties
Atomic number 90
Atomic weight 232.12
Crystal structure Face-centred cubic
Specific gravity 11.3
Density 11300 kg/m 3
Melting point 1800°C
Boiling point 3500°C
Specific heat 0.116 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity 37.7 W/m °C
Coefficient of linar expansion (20-100 0c) 11.1 x 1O- 6/°C
Latent heat of fusion 82.9 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization 2617 Jig
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section
Electrical conductivity 14% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 130 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0038/°C
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential -2.1 V
Magnetic susceptibility 0:11 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity 73.1 X 109 N/m 2
Tensile strength 200N/mm 2
Hardness 35DPN
50. Tin Sn
Physical properties
Atomic number 50
Atomic weight 118.7
Crystal structure alpha Tetrahedral cubic - 18°C
beta Body-centred tetragonal-I8-161 °C
gamma Close-packed hexagonal- 161°C
Colour Bright white
Specific gravity alpha 5.81
beta 7.29
gamma 6.56
Density alpha 5810 kg/m 3
beta 7290 kglm 3
gamma 6560 kglm 3
Melting point 231.84°C
Boiling point 2270°C
Specific heat 0.234 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity 63.2 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 23.8 x 10- 61 °C
Latent heat of fusion 59.5 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization 2399 Jig
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 0.65 barnslatom
Electrical conductivity 14% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 1150 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0044/°C
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential -0.14 V
Magnetic susceptibility -0.25 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity 41.4 X 109 N/m2
Tensile strength 220N/mm 2
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTMB339 W--99.8% Sn: Pig; primary metal; covers 5 grades MELLANEAR 0.065% Pb 0.022% Cu 0.025% As 99.827% Sn: Brand
BANKA 0.03% Pb 0.006% Cu 0.014% As 99.935% Sn: Brand REFINED name; further information from Tin Research Institute
name; further information from Tin Research Institute METCOTIN Sn spray deposit: Metco; suitable for food use
BS 3252 T1 99.9% Sn: Ingot; high purity tin PASS No I 0.001 % Pb 0.0002% Cu 0.003% As 99.975% Sn: Brand
BS 3252 T2 99.75% Sn: Ingot; refined tin name; further information from Tin Research Institute
BS 3252 T3 99.0% Sn: Ingot; common tin PYRMANT 0.048% Pb 0.022% Cu 0.043% As 99.85% Sn: Brand
CORNISH 0.065% Pb 0.34% Cu 0.03% As 99.82% Sn: Brand name; further information from Tin Research Institute
REFINED name; further information from Tin Research Institute QQT371 99.9% Sn: US Federal specification
ESCOYLtd 0.03% Pb 0.012% Cu 0.031 % As 99.899% Sn: Brand REGIS 0.011% Pb 0.001% Cu 0.004% As 99.972% Sn: Brand
name; further information from Tin Research Institute name; further information from Tin Research Institute
HAWfHORNE 0.028% Pb 0.028% Cu 0.029% As 99.891% Sn: Brand ROSE 0.002% Pb 0.012% Cu 99.955% Sn: Brand name;
name; further information from Tin Research Institute further information from Tin Research Institute
HERBERTON 0.18% Pb 0.03% Cu 0.037% As 99.715% Sn: Brand TIN Sn: Ingot, sheet, sponge, etc.; Blackwells; primary
name; further information from Tin Research Institute metal
LI3002 99.9% Sn: UNS designation TOYO 0.04% Pb 0.03% Cu 0.03% As 99.8% Sn: Brand name;
L 13004 99.8% Sn: UNS designation further information from Tin Research Institute
L 13006 99.8% Sn: UNS designation TULIP 0.086% Pb om % Cu 0.008% As 99.87% Sn: Brand
L 13007 99.8% Sn: UNS designation name; further information from Tin Research Institute
L 13008 99.8% Sn: UNS designation UMHK 0.12% Pb 0.013% Cu 0.006% As 99.966% Sn: Brand
L 13010 99.65% Sn: UNS designation name; further information from Tin Research Institute
L 13012 99.5% Sn: UNS designation ZTM 0.09% Pb 0.04% Cu 0.063% As 99.78% Sn: Brand
L 13014 99% Sn: UNS designation name; further information from Tin Research Institute
LAMB & FLAG 0.38% Pb 0.025% Cu 0.02% As 99.56% Sn: Brand
name; further information from Tin Research Institute
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
LAMB & FLAG 0.763% Pb 0.03% Cu 0.029% As 99.128% Sn: Brand
COMMER name; further information from Tin Research Institute
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
LONGHORN 3 0.04% Pb 0.03% Cu 0.024% As 99.86% Sn: Brand
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
STAR name; further information from Tin Research Institute
Elon Elongation, %
M&T 0.008% Pb 0.001 % Cu 99.98% Sn: Brand name;
ELECTROLYTIC further information from Tin Research Association
Proof 0.1% proof strength, N/mm'
M & TNo I 0.01% PbO.OOI% Cu 0.016% As 99.96% Sn: Brand
I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonflin.'=145.04Ibflin.'=1 MPa
name; further information from Tin Research Institute
MELLANEAR 0.037% Pb 0.009% Cu 0.008% As 99.915% Sn: Brand See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
GUAR99.9 name; further information from Tin Research Institute
590 . 50A TIN ALLOYS
50A Tin alloys
Specific gravity 7.35-7.95
Density 7350-7950 kglm 3
Solidus/liquidus 185-370°C
Thermal conductivity
Coefficient of linear expansion
Electrical conductivity
Specific resistance
Young's modulus of elasticity
Hot strength
20 31
100 16
150 9
2.3820 11% Zn Sn alloy: Working temperature 210 °C; ASTMBI02 13% Sb 5% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal
German Standard YCl35A
2.3830 40% Zn Sn alloy: Working temperature 260 °C; ASTM B774-281/338
40% Bi Sn alloy: Melting range 13&-170 °C
German Standard ASTM B774-291/325
14% Bi 42% Pb Sn alloy: Melting range 144-163 °C
2.3852 45% Pb 10% Zn + Cd Sn alloy: Working temperature ASTM B774-293 30% Pb 18% Cd Sn alloy: Melting point 145 °C
220°C; German Standard ASTM B774-307/323
18% Pb 12% In Sn alloy: Melting range 153-162 °C
A85 Tin base white metal: For diesel engine bearings; ASTMF67 Ti-wrought pure metal for surgical implants: Graded by
Anti-Attrition Ltd purity
A89 Tin base white metal: For marine petrol engine ATLAS Zn Sn base bearing alloy: For stem tube bearings; Eyre
bearings; Anti-Attrition Ltd ADMIRALTY 'A' Smelting Co.; melting range 20Q-425 °C; compressive
A 127 Tin base white metal: For electric motor bearings; strength 60 N/mm 2
Anti-Attrition Ltd DPN: 30 UTS: 7S
A 129 Tin base white metal: For electric motor bearings; ATLAS Sn base Pb free bearing metal: For steam turbines;
Anti-Attrition Ltd ADMIRALTY 'B' Eyre Smelting Co.; melting range 240-325 °C;
A 139 Tin base white metal: For railway carriage bearings; compressive strength 70 N/mm 2
Anti-Attrition Ltd DPN: 31 UTS: 90
ADASTRAL 'A' 3% Cu 4.5% Sb Sn alloy: Bearing metal; Stone ATLAS AMACOL Pb Sn base bearing alloy: For reciprocating engines;
Manganese for BS 333211 Eyre Smelting Co.; melting range 190-370 °C;
AERONo2 Sn base Pb free bearing metal: High load; high speed; compressive strength 70 N/mm 2
Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co. DPN: 33 UTS: 90
ALGIERS METAL 10% Sb 0.3% Cu Sn alloy: Source unknown ATLASD8 Sn base bearing metal: For diesels; Eyre Smelting Co.;
ALICIA Sn base bearing metal: Medium duty; Magnolia melting range 240-405 °C; compressive strength
Anti-Friction Metal Co. 70N/mm 2
AMS4751 37% Pb Sn solder DPN: 3S UTS: 90
AMS4800A 4.5% Cu 4.5% Sb Sn alloy: Bearing metal; 'Babbit' ATLASDD Cu Sn base Pb free bearing metal: For diesels; Eyre
ARGENTINE 14.5% Sb Sn alloy: For toys; source unknown Smelting Co.; melting range 240-370 °C; compressive
METAL strength 70 N/mm 2
ARGENTINE 15% Sb Sn alloy DPN: 32 UTS: 80
METAL ATLASDG Sn base bearing metal: For diesels; Eyre Smelting Co.;
ARMA Sb Cu Sn base bearing metal: For high duty loads; melting range 23(l..376 °C; compressive strength
Phosphor Bronze Co. 70N/mm 2
ARSENIC-TIN 5% As Sn alloy: Blackwells; primary metal DPN: 33 UTS: 90
ASHBERRY 16% Sb 3% Cb 2% Zn Sn alloy: White metal; ATLASFDS Sn base Pb free bearing metal: For steam turbines;
information from Tin Research Institute Eyre Smelting Co.; melting range 240-330 °C;
ASTM B23/1 4.5% Sb 4.5% Cu 0.3% Pb Sn alloy: Bearing metal; compressive strength 70 N/mm 2
melting point 223 'C; compressive strength 90 N/mm 2 DPN: 32 UTS: 90
DPN: 17 ATLAS INFRANGA Sn base Pb free bearing metal: For high speed diesels,
ASTMB23/2 7.5% Sb 0.3% Pb 3.5% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal; Eyre Smelting Co.; melting range 240-330 °C;
melting point 241°C; compressive strength 100 N/mm 2 compressive strength 70 N/mm 2
DPN: 24 DPN: 32 UTS: 90
ASTMB23/3 8% Sb 0.3% Pb 8% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal; ATLAS TENAXAS Pb Sn base bearing alloy: For reciprocating engines;
melting point 240°C; compressive strength 120 N/mm 2 Eyre Smelting Co.; melting range 186-340 °C;
DPN:27 compressive strength 70 N/mm 2
ASTM B32150 A 50% Pb Sn: Solder; melting range 183-216 °C DPN: 30 UTS: 80
ASTM B32150 B 50% Pb 0.3% Sb Sn: Solder; melting range 183-216 °C AUTO'C' 4% Pb 11 % Sb 4% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal; Stone
ASTM B32160 A 40% Pb Sn: Solder; melting range 183-190 °C Manganese for BS 333213
ASTM B32160 B 40% Pb 0.3% Sb Sn: Solder; melting range 183-190 'c BABBm Sb Cu Pb Sn white metal bearing alloys: Information
ASTM B32163 A 37% Pb Sn: Solder (eutectic solder); melting point from Tin Research Institute
183°C BABBITT No I Sn base bearing metal: For high speed use; Eyre
ASTM B32163 B 37% Pb 0.3% Sb Sn: Solder (eutectic solder); melting Smelting Co.; melting point 376°C
point 183°C DPN: 33 UTS: 90 Elon: 5%
ASTM B32170 A 30% Pb Sn: Solder; melting range 183-192 'c BRITTANIA 7% Sb 2% Cu Sn alloy: White metal; information from
ASTM B32170 B 30% Pb 0.3% Sb Sn: SOlder; melting range 183-192 'c Tin Research Institute
ASTM B32195TA 5% Sb Sn: Solder; melting range 234-240 °C BS 2B 21 4% Cu 9% Sb Sn alloy: White metal; bearing metal
ASTM BI02 CY44A 4.5% Sb 4.5% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal BS 2B 22 4% Cu 4% Sb 0.3% Ni Sn alloy: White metal; bearing
ASTM BI02 15% Sb 18% Pb 2% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal metal
PY1815A BS 219195 A 5% Sb 0.07% Pb Sn alloy: Solder; melting range
236-243 'c
BS219A 35% Pb 0.6% Sb Sn alloy: Solder; melting range
BS 219B 47% Pb 2.7% Sb Sn alloy: Solder; melting range
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: 185-204 'c
BS 219F 50% Pb 0.5% Sb (max) Sn alloy: Solder; melting range
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number 183-212 °C
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 BS219K 40% Pb 0.5% Sb (max) Sn alloy: Solder; melting range
Elon Elongation, % 183-188°C
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BS 333211 7% Sb 3% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal
BS 333212 9% Sb 4% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa BS 333213 10% Sb 5% Cu 4% Pb Sn alloy: Bearing metal
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BS 333214 12% Sb 3% Cu 10% Pb Sn alloy: Bearing metal
BS 333215 7% Sb 3% Cu 15% Pb Sn alloy: Bearing metal
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BS 3332/6 10% Sb 3% Cu 27% Pb Sn aHoy: Bearing metal HOYT FIFTY 50% Pb Sn: Solder; may contain Sb; melting range
BS 3332/9 1.5% Cu 30% Zn Sn aHoy: Bearing metal 183-212 'C; Hoyt
CERROBEND Bi Cd Pb Sn aHoy: Casting filler metal for tube HOYT MARINE A Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd
bending: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting HOYT SIXTY 40% Pb Sn: Solder; melting range 183-188 'C; Hoyt
point 70 'C; expands on solidification HOYTICE Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd
CERROMATRIX Bi Sb Pb Sn aHoy: Casting for short run dies; Mining & DPN: 27 UTS: 65 Elon: 6%
Chemical Products Ltd; melting range 102-227 'C; L 13600 40% Pb Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
expands on solidification L 13601 40% Pb 0.35% Sb Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
CERROSEAL·35 50% Tn Sn aHoy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; L 13630 37% Pb Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
melting range 117-127 'C; for fusible links L 13631 37% Pb 0.3% Sb Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
CERROTRU Bi Sn aHoy: Casting for pattern metal; Mining & L 13650 18% Pb 15% Sb 2% Cu Sn diecast aHoy: UNS
Chemical Products Ltd; melting point 137.5 'C; no designation
volume changes on solidification L 13700 30% Pb 70% Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
CONDENSER FOIL 15% Pb 2% Sb Sn aHoy: Used as the dielectric in L 13701 30% Pb 0.3% Sb Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
electronic industry; origin unknown L 13820 5% Cu 13% Sb Sn aHoy: Die casting; UNS designat,ion
CY44A 4.5% Sb 4.5% Cu Sn aHoy: Designation used by ASTM L 13840 8% Cu 8% Sb Sn aHoy: Babbitt metal; UNS
DE Sn base Pb free bearing metal: High load; high speed; designation
Magnolia Anti·Friction Metal Co. L 13870 5.7% Cu 6.7% Sb Sn aHoy: Babbitt metal; UNS
DIN 1704 99.0% Sn: Supplied in four grades designation
DIN 1707 L Sn 50 46% Pb 3.3% Sb Sn aHoy L 13890 3.5% Cu 7.5% Sb Sn aHoy: Babbitt metal; UNS
DIN 1707 L Sn 60 35% Pb 3.5% Sb Sn aHoy designation
DIN 1707 L Sn 90 8% Pb 1.3% Sb Sn aHoy L 13910 4.5% Cu 4.5% Sb Sn aHoy: Babbitt metal; UNS
DIN 1742 Sg Sn 50 4% Cli 33% Pb 13% Sb Sn aHoy designation
DPN: 26 VTS: 45 Elon: 2% L 13911 1.5% Cu 7% Sb Sn aHoy: Pewter; UNS designation
DIN 1742 Sg Sn 60 4% Cu 23% Pb 13% Sb Sn aHoy L 13912 2.2% Cu 6% Sb Sn aHoy: Pewter; UNS designation
DPN: 28 UTS: 45 Elon: 1.5% L 13913 4.5% Cu 4.5% Sb Sn aHoy: Die casting; UNS
DIN 1742 Sg Sn 70 5% Cu 10% Pb 15% Sb Sn aHoy designation
DPN: 30 VTS: 100 Elon: 1% L 13940 5% Sb Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
DIN 1742 Sg Sn 75 5% Cu 3% Pb 17% Sb Sn aHoy L 13950 5% Sb Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
DPN: 30 VTS: 100 Elon: 2% L 13960 0.3% Sb 4% Ag Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
DIN 1742 Sg Sn 78 4% Cu 1% Pb 17% Sb Sn aHoy L 13961 4% Ag Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
DPN: 30 UTS: ISO Elon: 3% L 13963 2% Sb 1.5% Cu Sn aHoy: Pewter; UNS designation
DIN 8512 45% Pb 10% Zn + Cd Sn aHoy: Working temperature L 13965 0.3% Sb 3.5% Ag Sn aHoy: Solder; UNS designation
L Sn PbZn 220'C LSn 50 46% Pb 3.3% Sb Sn aHoy: Designation used by
DIN 8512 II % Zn Sn aHoy: Working temperature 210 'C German Standards
LSn Zn 10 LSn60 45% Pb 3.2% Sb Sn alloy: Designation used by
DIN 8512 40% Zn Sn aHoy: Working temperature 260 'c German Standards
LSn Zn 40 LSn 90 8% Pb 1.3% Sb Sn aHoy: Designation used by German
DIN LSnAg5 Ag Sn welders and brazers electrode Standards
DSYL 7% Cu 9% Sb 0.3% Pb Sn aHoy: Bearing metal; Stone LSnPbZn 45% Pb 10% Zn + Cd Sn aHoy: Designation used by
Manganese for BS 3332/2 German Standards
DTD214 3.5% Cu 7% Sb 5% Cb Sn aHoy: White metal; suitable LSn Zn 10 11% Zn Sn aHoy: Designation used by German
for bearings Standards
DTD244 6% Cu 6.5% So 0.5% Ni Sn aHoy: White metal; LSnZn40 40% Zn Sn alloy: Designation used by German
suitable for bearings Standards
h Sn I 99.9999% Sn: Bar; Light Ltd; high purity metal LION BRAND 7% Cu 5% Sb Sn alloy: White metal; BlackweHs;
hSn 73 99.99% Sn: Single crystal; 25 mm x 25 mm; Light Ltd marine; main bearings
HOYT liD Sb Cu Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd LM10A Ag Cu Sn alloy: Soft Solder; Johnson Matthey;
HOYTIIR Sn base Pb free bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd electrical conductivity 13% lACS; melting range
HOYTIIZ3 Sn base Pb free bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd 214-275 'C
HOYT 38 Sb Cu Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd VTS: 70 Elon: 16%
HOYT 71 Sb Cu Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd MCP20 Ga Sn aHoy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting
HOYT133C Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd point 20 'c
HOYTI56B Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd MCP 117 In Sn alloy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting
HOYT 175 Sn base bearing metal: Hoyt Ltd point 117 'c
DPN: 37 VTS: 80 Elon: 1.5% MCPI45 Pb Cd Sn alloy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd;
HOYT BLOWPIPE 35.5% Pb Sn: Solder; quick setting; melting range melting point 145 'c
SOLDER 183-185 'C; Hoyt MCP 176 Cd Sn aHoy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting
point 176 'c
MCPI83 Pb Sn alloy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting
point 183 'c
Note. The foHowing abbreviations and units are used in the tables: MCP200 Zn Sn alloy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting
point 200 'c
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 22 UTS: 6 Elon: 30% Proof: 4.5
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm' MCP221 Ag Sn aHoy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting
Elon Elongation. % point 221 'C
Proof 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm' MCP227 Cu Sn alloy: Mining & Chemical Products Ltd; melting
point 227 'c
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.102 kgf/mm'=0.06475tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa NAVY 4% Cu 5% Sb 15% Pb Sn aHoy: Bearing metal; Stone
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. Manganese for BS 3332/5
50A TIN ALLOYS " .593
Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nomioal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
No 75 Sn base bearing metal: High sPeed; medium load; SPRABABBITT A 3.5% Cu 0.25% Pb 7.5% Sb Sn alloy: Wire for
Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co. spraying; Metco
DPN: 28 urS: 80 SPRABABBITT Sn base Pb free spray deposit: For high speed high duty
OE I METAL Sn base bearing metal: High speed; medium load; bearings; Metco
Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co. STA 7TBIB 8% Sb 8% Cu 0.3% Pb Sn alloy: Bearing metal;
OE 2 METAL Sn base bearing metal: Medium duty; Magnolia obsolete
Anti-Friction Metal Co. STA 7TB2 Sn base bearing metal: Obsolete
PEWTER Some modem alloys are lead free Sn alloy: White STERN TUBE 30% Zn 1.5% Cu Sn alloy: White metal; information
metal; information from Tin Research Institute METAL from Tin Research Institute
PLUMBSOL Ag Sn base soft solder: Johnson Matthey; electrical SX4 4% Ag Sn alloy: For soldering; Sheffield Smelting Co.;
conductivity 13.3% lACS; melting range 221-225 °C melting range 221-224 °C
UfS: 2.5 EIon: 60% DPN: 14 urS: SO Elon: 48% Proof: 45
PY 1815A 15% Sb 18% Pb 2% Cu Sn alloy: Designation used by TANDEM DE Sn base bearing metal: For reciprocating engines; Eyre
ASTMrange Smelting Co.; melts at 315°C
QQ M 161/1 4.0% Sb 4.0% Cu Sn alloy: For bearings; US Federal DPN: 27 urS: 80 EIon: 24%
specification TANDEMHP Sn base bearing metal: For reciprocating engines; Eyre
QQM 161/2 7.5% Sb 4.0% Cu Sn alloy: For bearings; US Federal Smelting Co.; melts at 330°C
specification DPN: 32 UTS: 80 Elon: 6%
QQ M 161/3 8.0% Sb 8.0% Cu 0.3% ,Pb Sn alloy: For bearings; US TANDEM ME Sn base bearing metal: For high speed use; Eyre
Federal specification Smelting Co.; melts at 370°C
QQ M 161/4 13% Sb 5.5% Cu 0.2% Pb Sn alloy: For bearings; US DPN: 32 UTS: 90 Eloo: 4%
Federal specification TANDEMML Sn base bearing metal: For high speed use; Eyre
QQ M 161/5 10% Sb 3.0% Cu 25% Pb Sn alloy: For bearings; US Smelting Co.; melts at 340 °C
Federal specification DPN: 30 urS: 80 Elon: 3%
QQ S571 40% Pb Sn alloy: Solder; US Federal specification TANDEM PLUS Sn base bearing metal: For reciprocating engines; Eyre
QQS571 A 50% Pb Sn alloy: Solder; US Federal specification Smelting Co.; melts at 330 ° C
QQ S571 Sb 5 5% Sb Sn alloy: Solder; US Federal specification DPN: 33 UfS: 90 Eloo: 16%
QQ S571 Sn 63 37% Pb Sn alloy: US Federal specification TC Ag Cd Ni Sn base bearing metal: Highest duty;
QQ S 571 Sn 70 30% Pb Sn alloy: US Federal specification Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co.
QQ S571 Sn 96 4% Ag Sn alloy: Solder; US Federal specification urS: 95
QQ S571b Sn 60 0.45% Sb 40% Pb Sn: Solder; US Federal specification; TCS Ag Cd Ni Sn base bearing metal: Highest duty;
melting range 182-189 °C Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co.; silver 'Babbitt'
QQ S571d Sb 5 5.0% Sb Sn: Solder; US Federal specification; melting DPN: 33.6
range 232-240 °C TENAXASAI Pb Sn base bearing metal; For reciprocating engines;
QQ S571d Sn 50 0.45% Sb 50% Pb Sn: Solder; US Federal specification; Eyre Smelting Co.; melting range 186-340 °C
melting range 182-216 °C DPN: 30 UTS: 80 Elon: 3.5%
QQ S 571d Sn 62 0.45% Sb 38% Pb Sn: Solder; US Federal specification; TlNMANS 33.3% Pb Sn alloy: White metal: Information from Tin
melting range 177-189 °C SOLDER Research Institute
QQ S 571d Sn 63 0.45% Sb 37% Pb Sn: Solder; US Federal specification; TURBEX Sn base Pb free bearing metal: High speed; high load;
melting point 182°C Magnolia Anti·Friction Metal Co.
QQ S 571d Sn 70 0.45% Sb 29% Pb Sn: Solder; US Federal specification; DPN: 25.5 UfS: 80
melting range 182-193 °C UNDER-WATER 30% Zn 1.5% Cu 0.5% Pb 0.5% Sb Sn alloy: Bearing
QQ S 571d Sn 96 0.1% Pb (max) 4.0% Ag Sn: Solder; US Federal metal; Stone Manganese for BS 3332/9
specification; melting point 221 °C VULCAN Sn base bearing metal: For high duty loads; Phosphor
QQT390 8% Cu 8% Sb Sn alloy: Babbitt; US Federal Bronze Ltd
specification WAGNER'S 10% Sb 1% Cu 3% Zn 0.8% Bi Sn alloy: Origin
RAILWAYC 5% Pb 11 % Sb 4% Cu Sn alloy: Bearing metal; Stone ALLOY unknown
Manganese for BS 3332/3 WAMATO METAL 4.5% Cu 4.5% Sb 1% Pb 1% Ni 1% Co (max) Sn
SAE 10 4.5% Cu 4.5% Sb Sn alloy: For bearings alloy: Used for main bearings in internal combustion
SAE 11 5.7% Cu 6.7% Sb Sn alloy: For bearings engines; origin unknown
SAEI2 3.5% Cu 7.5% Sb Sn alloy: For bearings WARNE'S METAL 26% Ni 26% Bi II % Co Sn alloy: Used for jewellery;
SAE 783 1% Cu 19% Sb Sn alloy: For bearings origin unknown
SgSn 50 4% Cu 33% Pb 13% Sb Sn alloy: Designation used by WELCH'S ALLOY 48% Ag Sn alloy: Used for dental purposes; origin
German Standards unknown .
SgSn 60 4% Cu 23% Pb 13% Sb Sn alloy: Designation used by YC 135A 13% Sb 5% Cb Sn alloy: Designation used by ASTM
German Standards ZINN 0.7% Pb 0.3% Cu Sn alloy: Used for hard service
Sg Sn 70 5% Cu 10% Pb 15% Sb Sn alloy: Designation used by bearings; origin unknown
German Standards
SgSn 75 5% Cu 3% Pb 17% Sb Sn alloy: Designation used by
German Standards
SgSn 78 4% Cu 1% Pb 17% Sb Sn alloy: Designation used by
German Standards Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
SILVER BABBITT Ag Cd Ni Sn base bearing metal: Highest duty;
Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Co. DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 33.6 urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
SOVEREIGN 8TS 3.0% Cu 8.9% Sb 1.1 % Cd Sn alloy: Bearing metal; Elon Elongation, %
Glacier Metals Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
DPN: 30 UTS: 98 Elon: 15% Proof: 84
SOVEREIGN 8TS 8.8% Sb 3.0% Cu I% Cd Sn: Bearing metal; Glacier I N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04lbf/in.'=1 MPa
Metals See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 30 UfS: 100 Elon: 16% Proof: 80
51. Titanium Ti
Physical properties
Atomic number 22
Atomic weight 47.9
Crystal structure alpha Close-packed hexagonal up to 880°C
beta Body-centred cubic above 880 °C
Colour Dark grey
Specific gravity 4.5
Density 4500 kglm3
Melting point 1680°C
Boiling point 2800°C
Specific heat 0.528 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity 17 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 8.9 x 1O- 6o C
Latent heat of fusion 435.4 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 5.6 bamslatom
Electrical conductivity 3% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 554 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0026/°C
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential +0.2V
Magnetic susceptibility 1.25 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity 116 X 109 N/m 2
Tensile strength 220N/mm2
Hardness 60DPN
51 A Titanium - commercially pure
Specific gravity 4.51
Density 4500 kglm3
Solidus/liquidus 1725°C
Thermal conductivity 15 W/m °c
Coefficient of linear expansion 9.1 x 10-6
Electrical conductivity 3.0% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 550 microhm mm
Young's modulus of elasticity (10:>-124) x 109 N/m 2
Fatigue strength - endurance limit ±22Q-300 N/mm 2
Hot strength
100 450 25
200 340 28
300 270 28
400 220 28
500 180 28
600 140 150
The above properties are typical of the following group, and The problem is that above temperatures in the 400-600 °C
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible range titanium has an affinity for oxygen, nitrogen, hydro-
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be gen, carbon and almost any other element and will form a
applicable. brittle compound at the surface.
By the use of inert gases such as argon and helium, this
effect will be reduced. It has been shown that it is quite
General metallurgical characteristics
difficult and expensive to eliminate air by replacing this with
The specifications listed do not contain any alloying metallic an inert gas without producing an initial vacuum. It is there-
elements. Controlled amounts of oxygen however, up to fore very often more economical to anneal under vacuum
0.2%, affect the mechanical properties. It is important that than under inert gas.
carbon, iron and hydrogen are held to low limits, otherwise Welding of pure titanium presents considerable problems
there will be a considerable drop in ductility. The materials in that it is essential that this is carried out either under
listed have excellent corrosion resistance, can be formed and vacuum or under inert gas.
welded, and have reasonable mechanical strength. Provided the correct controls are available, then excellent
Titanium is approximately two-thirds the weight of steel welds in titanium can be produced but expert advice is obvi-
and twice the weight of aluminium, and depending on the ously necessary.
purity and cold work can be the same strength as medium Machining of titanium can be difficult as it cold works
alloy steel. The higher the strength, the more difficult the readily. It must also be appreciated that titanium in fine form
material is to weld in general. There is some evidence that is readily oxidizable and thus will ignite and be explosive
titanium is more notch sensitive than other materials of when it is produced in fine ribbon form or as dust. There are
comparative strength; thus stress raisers must be absent. regulations which must be complied with when polishing,
grinding or machining titanium.
The materials in this group find increasing uses in the
Thermal treatment
chemical and food industry where acids are involved. Only
None of the materials in this section can have their mechan- fuming nitric, hot concentrated sulphuric and phosphoric
ical properties improved by any form of thermal treatment. acids attack commercially pure titanium.
They can be cold worked to improve their mechanical While the materials have low mechanical strength, they
strength, however, but this will reduce their ductility at the have good ductility and reasonable impact properties pro-
same time. Where this cold work must be removed then an vided they are not contaminated with oxide, nitride,
annealing operation is necessary at approximately 500 °C. hydrides, etc. They find some use in the aircraft industry as
The time at temperature must be held to the minimum and fire-retardant barriers: very thin sheets of titanium are used
the temperature must not be exceeded as compounds will where flames could be produced during failures.
form and diffuse into the material to cause considerable
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
3.7024 Commercially pure Ti: German Standard ASTM B299 ML160 0.05% C 0.05% H 99.1 % Ti: Sponge; primary metal
3.7025 Commercially pure Ti: German Standard DPN: 160
3.7034 Commercially pure Ti: German Standard ASTM B299 SL120 0.025% C 0.0125% H 99.1 % Ti: Sponge; primary metal
3.7064 Commercially pure Ti: German Standard DPN: 120
12 Commercially pure Ti: Krupp ASTM B299 SL140 0.06% C 0.015% H 99.1 % Ti: Sponge; primary metal
15 Commercially pure Ti: Krupp DPN: 140
18S Commercially pure Ti: Krupp ASTM B299 SL160 0.03% C 0.015% H 99.1 % Ti: Sponge; primary metal
30 Commercially pure Ti: Atlas DPN: 160
35 Commercially pure Ti: Ugine ASTM B337/1 0.1 % C 0.015% H 0.05% N Ti: Tube; commercially
40 Commercially pure Ti: Ugine pure titanium
50 Commercially pure Ti: Ugine UTS: 270 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
A40 Commercially pure Ti: Crucible Steel Co. ASTM B33712 0.1 % C 0.015% H 0.05% NTi; Tube; commercially
Proof: 270 pure titanium
A 55 Commercially pure Ti: Crucible Steel Co. VTS: 340 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
Proof: 370 ASTM B33713 0.1 % C 0.015% H 0.07% NTi; Tube; commercially
A 70 Commercially pure Ti: Crucible Steel Co. pure titanium
Proof: 480 UTS: 420 Elon: 18% Proof: 340
AIR 91182 T35 0.1 % C (max) 0.2% Fe Ti: Commercially pure; origin ASTM B337/4 0.15% C 0.015% H 0.07% NTi; Tube; commercially
unknown pure titanium
AMS4900 0.4% C (max) 0.007% H 0.2% Fe Ti: Sheet UTS: 580 Elon: 15% Proof: 500
AMS4900B Commercially pure Ti: Sheet and strip; annealed; AMS ASTM B338/1 0.1 % C 0.25% 0 0.015% H Ti: Tube; commercially
for alloy A 55 pure; annealed
Proof: 370 UTS: 270 Elon: 22%
AMS4901 C Commercially pure Ti: Sheet and strip; annealed; AMS ASTM B33812 0.1 % C 0.25% 00.015% H Ti: Tube; commercially
for commercial alloy A 70 pure; annealed
Proof: 500 VTS: 340 Elon: 20%
AMS4902 A Commercially pure Ti: Sheet and strip; annealed; AMS ASTM B338/3 0.1 % C 0.35% 0 0.015% H Ti: Tube; commercially
for commercial alloy A 40 pure; annealed
AMS4921 A Commercially pure Ti: Bar and forging; annealed; VTS: 420 Elon: 18%
AMS for commercial alloy A 70 ASTM B33814 0.15% C 0.45% 0 0.015% H Ti: Tube; commercially
Proof: 500 pure; annealed
AMS4941 Commercially pure Ti: Welded tube; annealed; AMS UTS: 580 Elon: 15%
for commercial alloy A 40 ASTM B34811 0.1 % C 0.2% a 0.012% H Ti: Bar; commercially pure;
Proof: 270 annealed
AMS4942 Commercially pure Ti: Seamless tube; annealed UTS: 270 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
Proof: 270 ASTM B34812 0.1 % C 0.2% 00.001 % H Ti: Bar; commercially pure;
AMS 4951 0.05% C (max) 0.12% 0 Ti: Weld metal annealed
AMS4951 A Commercially pure Ti: Wire; annealed UTS: 270 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
ASTMB265/1 0.1 % C 0.01 % H 0.2% Fe Ti: Sheet; commercially ASTM B34813 0.1 % C 0.3% a 0.012% H Ti: Bar; commercially pure;
pure titanium annealed
VTS: 270 Elon: 22% Proof: 200 VTS: 420 Elon: 18% Proof: 340
ASTM B26512 0.1% C 0.01% H 0.2% Fe Ti: Sheet; commercially ASTM B34814 0.15% C 0.4% 0 0.012% H Ti: Bar; commercially
pure titanium pure; annealed
UTS: 340 Elon: 20% Proof: 270 VTS: 580 Elon: 15% Proof: 500
ASTM B265/3 0.1 % com % H 0.2% Fe Ti: Sheet; commercially ASTM B367 CI 0.1 % C 0.04% 00.01 % H Ti: Casting; annealed;
pure titanium commercially pure
VTS: 420 Elon: 18% Proof: 340 VTS: 450 Elon: 12% Proof: 370
ASTM B265/4 0.1 % C 0.01 % H 0.2% Fe Ti: Sheet; commercially ASTMB381 FI 0.1 % C 0.2% 0 0.01 % H Ti: Forging; annealed;
pure titanium commercially pure
VTS: 580 Elon: 15% Proof: 500 VTS: 270 Elon: 22% Proof: 200
ASTM B299 MDI20 0.02% C 0.005% H 99.3% Ti: Sponge; primary metal ASTM B381 F2 0.1% CO.2% 00.01% H Ti: Forging; annealed;
DPN: 120 commercially pure
ASTM B299 MD160 0.05% C 0.005% H 99.1 % Ti: Sponge; primary metal VTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 270
DPN: 160 ASTM B381 F3 0.1 % C 0.3% a 0.012% H Ti: Forging; annealed;
ASTM B299 ML120 0.025% C 0.03% H 99.1 % Ti: Sponge; primary metal commercially pure
DPN: 120 VTS: 420 Elon: 18% Proof: 330
ASTM B299 ML140 0.06% C 0.05% H 99.1 % Ti: Sponge; primary metal ASTM B381 F4 0.15% C 0.4% a 0.012% H Ti: Forging; annealed;
DPN: 140 commercially pure
VTS: 580 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
ASTM B382 ER Ti Commercially pure Ti: Welding rod
ATi24 Ti commercially pure: For deep drawing; Avesta
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
VTS: 350 Elon: 25 % Proof: 220
ATi30 Ti commercially pure: For lining vessels etc.; Avesta
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
VTS: 480 Elon: 16% Proof: 270
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
A Ti35 Ti commercially pure: Avesta
Elon Elongation, %
UTS: 530 Elon: 13% Proof: 330
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
ATi Pd 0.2% Pd Ti alloy: Avesta; for use with dilute acids
I N/mm 2;0.1 hbar;O.I02 kgf/mm 2;0.06475tonf/in. 2;145.04Ibf1in.2;1 MPa
VTS: 360 Elon: 25% Proof: 220
BS 3531/1.5 99.0% Ti: Wrought; for implants and surgery tools
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BSTA I 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Sheet and strip
BSTA2 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Sheet and strip
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and .remarks.
BSTA6 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Sheet and strip HYLITE 15 0.013% H (max) commercially pure Ti: Sheet; Jessop;
BSTA 7 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Bar cold rolled and annealed; obsolete
BSTA8 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Forging VTS: 520 Elon: 18% Proof: 370
BSTA 9 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Forging HYLITE 15H Commercially pure Ti: Jessop; obsolete
BSTA21 om % H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Sheet and strip IClll5 Commercially pure Ti: ICI; now IMI see Ti II5
BSTA22 0.01% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Bar ICI125 Commercially pure Ti: ICI; now IMI see Ti 125
BSTA 23 om % H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Forging ICI130 Commercially pure Ti: ICI; now IMI see Ti 130
BSTA 24 0.01 % H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Forging IMI260 0.2% Pd Ti alloy: IMI
BSTA 52 0.01 % H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Sheet L512 Commercially pure Ti: YEW annealed
BSTA 53 0.01% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Bar VTS: 350 Elon: 25% Proof: 175
BSTA 54 om % H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Forging L515 Commercially pure Ti: YEW annealed
BSTA 55 0.01 % H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Forging VTS: 400 Elon: 20% Proof: 250
BSTA58 om % H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Plate L518 Commercially pure Ti: YEW annealed
CRUCIBLE A 40 Commercially pure Ti: Crucible Steel Co. VTS: 650 Elon: 15% Proof: 390
Proof: 270 METCO 102 Ti oxide: Spray deposit; Metco
CRUCIBLE A 55 Commercially pure Ti: Crucible Steel Co. DPN: 600
Proof: 370 METCO IIO AI and Ti oxides: Spray deposit; Metco
CRUCIBLE A 70 Commercially pure Ti: Crucible Steel Co. DPN: 550
Proof: 480 MIL-T-9046 0.04% C 0.007% H (max) 0.2% Fe Ti
DTD 5003 B 99.7% Ti: Commercially pure bar; annealed MSTO.2Pd 0.1 % C om % H 0.2% Fe Ti: Wrought; Reactive
VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 300 Metal Products Ltd
DTD 5013 B 0.013% H Ti: Commercially pure bar; annealed MST30 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
VTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 annealed
DTD 5023 B 99.7% Ti: Commercially pure sheet; annealed; suitable UTS: 250 Elon: 22 % Proof: 200
for welding MST40 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 330 annealed
DTD 5033 B 99.7% Ti: Commercially pure sheet; annealcd VTS: 330 Elon: 20% Proof: 250
VTS: 450 Elon: 25% Proof: 200 MST55 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
DTD 5063 A 99.7% Ti: Commercially pure sheet; annealed annealed
VTS: 700 Elon: 15% Proof: 450 VTS: 450 Elon: 18% Proof: 370
DTD 5073 0.1 % C 0.2% Fe Ti: Commercially pure Ti tube; MST70 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
annealcd annealed
VTS: 370 Proof: 270 UTS: 580 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
DTD 5183 Commercially pure Ti: Sheet and strip RM 10.2% Pd Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
VTS: 450 Elon: 22% Proof: 270 annealed
DTD 5193 Commercially pure Ti: Sheet and strip VTS: 340 Elon: 22% Proof: 250
VTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 370 RMI30 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
DTD 5273 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Bar annealed
DTD 5283 0.012% H (max) 0.2 Fe (max) Ti: Forging UTS: 250 Elon: 25% Proof: 200
DTD 5293 0.012% H (max) 0.2% Fe (max) Ti: Forging RMI40 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
ER Ti 0.2 Pd 0.05% C (max) 0.2% Pd Ti: Weld electrode; annealed
designation used by AWS VTS: 340 Elon: 22% Proof: 250
ERTi I 0.03% C (max) Ti: Weld electrode; designation used by RMI55 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
AWS annealed
ERTi2 0.05% C (max) Ti: Weld electrode; designation used by VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 370
AWS RMI70 Commercially pure Ti: Reactive Metal Products Ltd;
ERTi3 0.05% C (max) 0.1 % 0 Ti: Weld electrode; annealed
designation used by AWS VTS: 570 Elon: 15% Proof: 480
ERTi4 0.05% C (max) 0.2% 0 Ti: Weld electrode; RT 12 Pd 0.08% C (max) 0.2% Fe (max) 0.2% Pb Ti: Krupp-
designation used by AWS Lockner-Titrutan
h Ti 24 99.6% Ti: Sheet; Koch-Light Ltd VTS: 350 Elon: 25% Proof: ISO
HYLITEI High purity Ti: Chemical grade; Jessops; obsolete RT 15 Pd 0.08% C (max) 0.25% Fe (max) 0.2% Pd Ti: Krupp-
HYLITE 10 0.013% H (max) commercially pure Ti: Bar, forgings, Lockner-Titrutan
sheet, etc.; lessops; annealed; obsolete VTS: 450 Elon: 21 % Proof: 250
VTS: 400 Elon: 30% Proof: 240 RT 18 Pd 0.1 % C (max) 0.3% Fe (max) 0.2% Pd Ti: Krupp-
HYLITE 15 0.013% H (max) commercially pure Ti: Bar and Loekner-Titrutan
forging; Jessop; annealed; obsolete UTS: 520 Elon: 17% Proof: 320
VTS: 500 Elon: 25% Proof: 300 RT20 0.1 % C (max) 0.35% Fe (max) Ti: Krupp·Lockner-
VTS: 640 Elon: 15 % Proof: 390
SB 265 See ASMT B265/1
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: T35 Commercially pure Ti: French National Standard
T40 Commercially pure Ti: French National Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number T 50 Commercially pure Ti: French National Standard
VTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 T60 Commercially pure Ti: French National Standard
Elon Elongation, % Ti 0.15 Pd 0.08% C 0.015% H 0.25% Fe 0.05% N 0.15% Pd Ti:
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 Sheet, bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed for
chemical industry
I N/mm 2 =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04Ibf/in 2 =1 MPa DPN: 200 VTS: 370 Elon: 22% Proof: 300
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tablcs.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Ti35A 0.08% C 0.015% H 0.25% Fe 0.05% NTi: Sheet, bar, TiPol Commercially pure Ti: AICMA
etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed TiP02 Commercially pure Ti: AICMA
DPN: 120 UTS: 240 Elon: 25% Proof: 170 Ti P02 Commercially pure Ti: AICMA
Ti55 A 0.08% C 0.015% H 0.25% Fe 0.05% N Ti: Sheet, bar, TITANIUM Ti 99-100% purity: Blackwells
etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed TITRUTAN Trade name for titanium and its alloys: Krupp·Lockner
DPN: 200 UTS: 360 Eron: 22% Proof: 300 U 991100 0.03% Ag 99.95% Ti: Commercially pure Ti; origin
Ti65 A 0.08% C 0.015% H 0.25% Fe 0.05% N Ti: Sheet, bar, unknown
etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed VDM TITAN 993 0.1% C (max) 0.013% H (max) 0.05% N (max) Ti:
DPN: 220 UTS: 440 Elon: 20% Proof: 360 VDM
Ti75A 0.08% C 0.015% H 0.25% Fe 0.05% N Ti: Sheet, bar, VDM TITAN 994 0.08% C (max) 0.013% H (max) 0.03% N (max) Ti:
etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed VDM
DPN: US UTS: 530 Eloo: 15% Proof: 480 VDM TITAN 994 Pd 0.08% C (max) 0.013% H (max) 0.03% N (max)
Ti 100 A 0.08% C 0.01 % H 0.25% Fe 0.05% NTi: Bar and 0.13% Pd Ti: VDM
wire; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed VDM TITAN 995 0.08% C (max) 0.013% H (max) 0.03% N (max) Ti:
DPN: 295 UTS: S40 Eloo: 15% Proof: 460 VDM
Ti 115 Commercially pure Ti: IMI; annealed VDM TITAN 995 Pd 0.08% C (max) 0.013% H (max) 0.03% N (max) 0.013
UTS: 390 Eloo: 30% Proof: 200 PdTi: VDM
Ti 120 Commercially pure Ti: Rod, sheet and tube; IMI;
Ti 125 Commercially pure Ti: IMI; annealed
VTS: 459 Elon: 22% Proof: 270
Ti 130 Commercially pure Ti: IMI; annealed
VTS: 530 Elon: 20% Proof: 330 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Ti 150 Commercially pure Ti: IMI; annealed
VTS: 610 Elon: 18% Proof: 370 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Ti 155 Commercially pure Ti: IMI; annealed UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 659 Elon: 24% Proof: 550 Elon Elongation, %
Ti 160 Commercially pure Ti: IMI; annealed Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 700 Eloo: 15% Proof: 450
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa
Ti260 Commercially pure Ti with addition of Pd: IMI; for use
with non-oxidizing acids See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
UTS: 360 Elon: 25 % Proof: 200
100 840 20
200 760 20
300 720 20
400 700 18
500 580 18
600 270 150
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2Cr2Fe2Mo 0.05% C 2.2% Fe 2.2% Mo 2.2% Cr Ti alloy: Alpha- AMS4908A 8% Mn Ti alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed
beta grade; information from SAE handbook Proof: 760
3.7124 25% Cu Ti alloy: German Standard AMS4909 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy
4AI4Mn 0.05% C 4.0% AI 4.0% Mn Ti alloy: Alpha-beta alloy; AMS4910 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed;
information from SAE handbook AMS for commercial alloy A 110AT
5 AI 1.25 Fe 2.75 Cr 0.08% C 1.2% Fe 5.0% Al 2.7% Cr Ti alloy: Alpha- Proof: 760
beta grade; information from SAE handbook AMS4912 0.04% C 0.15% Fe 4.25% AI 3% Mo 1% V Ti alloy:
5 A12.5 Sn 0.15% C 5.0% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Alpha grade; Sheet
information from SAE handbook AMS4915 0.04% C (max) 8%AII% Mo 1% VTialloy: Sheet
5AI5Sn5Zr 0.02% C 5.0% AI 4.8% Sn 5.2% Zr Ti alloy: Alpha AMS4916 8% AII% Mo 1% VTi alloy
grade; information from SAE handbook AMS4918 5.5% AI 2% Sn 5.5% VTi alloy
7 Al2Cb 1Ta 0.04% C 7.0% AI 1.0% W2.0% Nb Ti alloy: Alpha AMS4919 6% A12% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy
grade; information from SAE handbook AMS4920 6.2% AI 4% VTi alloy
7 A14Mo 0.05% C 6.9% AI 4.0% Mo Ti alloy: Alpha-beta AMS4923 2% Fe 2% Mo 2% Cr Ti alloy: Bar and forging;
grade; information from SAE handbook annealed
7 Al 12 Zr 0.02% C 7.0% Al 12.0% Zr Ti alloy: Alpha grade; Proof: 880
information from SAE handbook AMS4924 5% Al 2.5% Sn Ti alloy
8AlIMoIV 0.04% C 8.0% AI 1.0% Mo 1.0% V Ti alloy: Alpha AMS4925 A 4% Al 4% Mn Ti alloy: Bar and forging; annealed;
grade; information from SAE handbook AMS for commercial alloy C130 AM
8Mn 0.1 % C 8.0% Mn Ti alloy: Alpha-beta grade; Proof: 930
information from SAE handbook AMS4926 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Bar; annealed; AMS for
A 110 AT 5% Al 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; annealed commercial alloy A 11OAT
UTS: 920 Elon: 15% Proof: 440 Proof: 810
AMS4905 6.2% AI 4% V Ti alloy AMS4927 3% A15% Cr Ti alloy: Bar and forging
AMS4906 6.2% Al 4% V Ti alloy AMS4928 0.02% C (max) 6% AI 3.8% V Ti alloy: Forgings
AMS4907 6% A14% V Ti alloy AMS4929 0.04% C (max) 1.4% Fe 5.5% AI 1.2% Mo 1.4% Cr Ti
AMS4908 0.1 % C (max) 8% Mn Ti alloy: Sheet alloy: Forgings
AMS4930 6.2% A14% V Ti alloy
AMS4931 6.2% AI 4% VTi alloy
AMS4933 8% All% Mo 1% VTi alloy
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: AMS4934 6.2% AI 4% VTi alloy
AMS4936 5.5% AI 2% Sn 5.5% V Ti alloy
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number AMS4943 3% AI 2.5% VTi alloy
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 AMS4944 3% AI 2.5% VTi alloy
Elon Elongation, % AMS4952 6% A12% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 AMS4953 5% Al 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Welding wire; annealed; AMS
for commercial alloy A 110AT
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475tonflin. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2 =1 MPa AMS4955 0.04% C 8% AI 1% Mo 1% VTi alloy: Wire
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. AMS4959 3% AI 13% V 11% CrTi alloy
AMS4%5 6.2% AI 4% VTi alloy
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS4966 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Forging; annealed; AMS for BSTA 40 0.012% H (max) 4% Al 4% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar
commercial alloy A IIOAT BSTA41 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy:
Proof: 800 Forging
AMS4%7 A 2.25% All % Mo II % Sn 5% Zr 0.2% Si Ti alloy BSTA 42 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy:
AMS4968 0.02% C (max) 5% Al 4.8% Sn 5.2% Zr: Forgings Forging
AMS4970 0.05% C (max) 0.1 % Fe 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: BSTA 43 0.006% H (max) 6% AI 0.5% Mo 0.3% Si Ti alloy:
Forgings Forging
AMS4972 0.04% C (max) 8% All % Mo 1% VTi alloy: Forgings BSTA 44 0.006% H (max) 6% Al 0.5% Mo 0.3% Si Ti alloy:
AMS4974 2.2% A14% Mo II % Sn 40.2% Si Ti alloy Forging
AMS4982 45% Nb Ti alloy BSTA45 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar
AMS4984 2% Fe 3% Al 10% VTi alloy BSTA46 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar
AMS4985 6% A14% V Ti alloy BSTA47 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy:
AMS4986 2% Fe 3% AI 10% V Ti alloy Forging
AMS4987 3% AI 10% V 2% Ti alloy BSTA48 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy:
AMS4991 6% A14% VTi alloy Forging
AMS4993 6.2% AI 4% VTi alloy BSTA49 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar
AMS49% 6% A14% VTi alloy BSTA 50 0.01 % H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy:
AMS4998 6% A14% VTi alloy Forging
AMS 7460 6% A14% VTi alloy BSTA51 0.01 % H (max) 4% AI 4% Mo 0.5% Si Ii alloy:
AMS 7461 6% A14% VTi alloy Forging
AMS74% 0.27% C 0.5% Mo 0.85% V 1.2% Cr Ti: Sheet BSTA56 0.01% H (max) 6.1% A14% VIi: Plate
ASTM B26516 0.1% CO.OI% H 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Sheet BSTA 57 0.01% H (max) 6.1% A14% VTi: Plate
VTS: 840 Elon: 10% Proof: 800 BSTA59 0.012% H (max) 6.1 % A14% VTi alloy: Sheet
ASTMB265n 0.15% C 0.01 % H 7% Mn Ti alloy: Sheet C130AM 4% A14% Mn Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; annealed
VTS: 880 Elon: 10% Proof: 780 DPN: 1070 Elon: 12% Proof: 1000
ASTM B348/6 0.1 % C 0.02% H 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Bar; CRUCIBLE 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; annealed
annealed AIIOAT UTS: 920 Elon: 15% Proof: 760
VTS: 840 Elon: 10% Proof: 780 CRUCIBLE 4% A14% Mn Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; annealed
ASTMB348n 0.1 % C 0.01 % H 4% AI 4% Mn Ti alloy: Bar; C130AM UTS: 1070 Elon: 12% Proof: 1000
annealed DID 5043 B 1.5% AI 1.5% Mn Ti alloy: Bar; annealed
UTS: 1050 Elon: 10% Proof: 980 UTS: 730 Elon: 20% Proof: 450
ASTM B367 C3 0.1 % C 0.01 % H 5% Al 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Casting; DID 5053 4% A14% Mn Ti alloy: Bar; stress relieved
annealed UTS: 950 Elon: 12% Proof: 870
VTS: 840 Elon: 8% Proof: 760 DID 5083 5% AI 22.5% Sn Ii alloy: Bar; annealed
ASTMB381 F6 0.1 % C 0.02% H 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: forging; UTS: 760 Elon: 12% Proof: 700
annealed DID 5093 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Sheet; annealed
VTS: 820 Elon: 10% Proof: 760 UTS: 760 Elon: 12% Proof: 700
ASTMB381 F7 0.1 % C 0.012% H 4% A14% Mn Ti alloy: Forging; DID 5123 2.5% Cu Ti alloy: Bar; annealed
annealed UTS: 530 EIon: 20% Proof: 370
UTS: 1030 Elon: 10% Proof: 920 DID 5133 2.5% Cu Ti alloy: Sheet; annealed
ASTMB382 2.5% Al 16% VTi alloy: Welding rod UTS: 580 EIon: 20% Proof: 440
ERTl2.5 AI 16 V DID 5143 4.0% AI 4.0% Mn Ti alloy: Forging; annealed
ASTMB382 3% Al Ti alloy: Welding rod UTS: 930 Elon: 12% Proof: 870
ERTI3AI DID 5203 AI Mo Sn Si Ti alloy: Bar and billet
ASTM B382 5% AI 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Welding rod UTS: 1150
ERTI 5 A12.5 Sn DID 5213 II % AI Mo Sn Si Ii alloy: Bar and billet; annealed
ASTMB382 8% Al 2% Nb 1%Ta Ti alloy: Welding rod VTS: 1210 Elon: 10% Proof: 1080
ERTI 8 AI2 Cb I DID 5223 AI Mo Sn Si Ti alloy: Forging
ASTMF 136 6% A14% V Ti alloy: For surgical implants DID 5233 2.5% Cu Ti alloy
UTS: 870 Elon: 10% Proof: 800 UTS: 800
BSTA 10 0.0125% H (max) 6.1 % A14% VTi alloy: Sheet DID 5243 2.5% Cu Ti alloy
BSTA 11 0.0125% H (max) 6.1% A14% VTi alloy: Bar UTS: 800
BSTA 12 0.01% H (max) 6.1% A14% VTi alloy: Forging DID 5253 2.5% Cu Ti alloy
BSTA 13 0.015% H (max) 6.1 % AI 4% V Ti alloy: Forging UTS: 770
BSTA28 0.012% H (max) 6.1 % AI 4% V Ti alloy: Forging DID 5263 2.5% Cu Ti alloy
BSTA38 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar UTS: 770
BSTA39 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 0.5% Si Ti alloy: DID 5303 0.012% H (max) 6.1 % AI 4% VTi alloy: Bar
Forging DID 5313 0.012% H (max) 6.1 % A14% V Ti alloy: Forging
DID 5323 0.012% H (max) 6.1 % AI 4% V Ti alloy: Forging
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DID 5333 0.012% H (max) 4% Al 4% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti
alloy: Bar
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DID 5343 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 alloy: Forging
Elon Elongation, % DID 5353 0.012% H (max) 4% A14% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 alloy: Forging
DID 5363 0.1 % C (max) 0.15% H (max) 6.1% Al 4% VTi alloy:
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin 2 =145.04IbfJin. 2=1 MPa Casting
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DIDMI59 11% AI Mo Sn Si Ti alloy: Draft specification
UTS: 1210 Elon: 10% Proof: 1050
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Ti 5 AI6 Sn 5 Zr 0.04% C 5% A15% Sn 5% Zr Ti alloy: Sheet, bar, Ti680 11% Al Mo Sn Ti alloy: IMI
etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed; high creep UTS: 1210 EIon: 10% Proor: 1050
strength Ti684 6% AI 5% Zr 1% W 0.3% Si Ti alloy: Bar; IMI; for
UTS: 800 EIon: 10% Proor: 758 creep use up to 520 'c
Ti 7 Al 12 Zr 0.04% C 7% Al 12% Zr Ti alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; UTS: 1000 Elon: 6% Proor: 880
Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed; high creep strength Ti685 AI Mo Zr Ti: Bar; IMI; for creep use up to 550 'c
UTS: 900 EIon: 10% Proor: 820 UTS: 1000 EIon: 6% Proor: 880
Ti8Mn 0.2% C 8% Mn low Nand H Ti alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; TiCu2 2.5% Cu Ti alloy: German specification
Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed Ti P62 4.0% Al 4.0% Mn Ti alloy: AICMA
UTS: 820 Elon: 10% Proof: 758 UTS: 930 EIon: 15% Proor: 870
Ti314A 4% A14% Mn Ti alloy: Plate; IMI VR65 Mo Ni Ti: Sinter material; VRlWesson specific gravity
UTS: 930 Elon: 15% Proor: 870 5.9; hardness 1870 DPN
Ti314C 2% Al 2% Mn Ti alloy: Plate; IMI XEV·J 5.8% A14% VTi alloy: For cables; SAE
UTS: 740 Elon: 20% Proor: 4SO
Ti315 2.0% AI 2.0% Mn Ti alloy: IMI Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
UTS: 730 Elon: 20% Proof: 458
Ti317 5% Al 2.5% Sn Ti alloy: Bar and plate; IMI DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS: 760 Elon: 12% Proof: 700 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Ti550 4% A14% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar for creep Elon Elongation, %
use up to 400 'C; IMI Proof O. I% proof strength, N/mm 2
UTS: 1140 Elnn: 9% Proof: 1000
Ti551 4% A14% Mo 4% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar; IMI I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.041bflin. 2=1 MPa
UTS: 1240 Elon: 8% Proof: 1100
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Temperature Tensile strength to give a similar response with titanium but for all the alloys
°C N/mm 2
listed their mechanical properties can be improved by some
form of thermal treatment.
100 910 The alloys form two groups, the more common being
200 780 hardened by a complex metallurgical process relying on the
300 760 instability of the beta phase.
400 690 The second series of alloys is much more recent and not yet
500 610 fully developed. With these the beta phase has been stabil-
ized at room temperature instead of the 880°C for pure
titanium; this is achieved by alloying and is analogous to the
The above properties are typical of the following group, and 18/8 chromium/nickel stainless steels. Hardening is then
may not apply exactly to anyone specification. It is possible achieved by precipitating intermetallic compounds from
that with certain specifications some of the values may not be solution in a manner similar to the complex stainless steel
applicable. alloys discussed in Section 44N2.
All the alloys have good workability in the annealed or
solution treated condition. The corrosion resistance of tita-
General metallurgical characteristics
nium is seldom markedly decreased by the addition of alloy-
With these alloys use is made of the phase change which ing elements but little benefit is achieved from these
occurs in pure titanium at about 880°C, from alpha to beta elements, particularly regarding hot oxidation and hydrogen
structure. This is caused by changing from a hexagonal close- contamination; thus use is limited to below 500 °C for most
packed crystal structure to a body-centred cubic crystal purposes.
structure. This change is analogous to that which occurs in Unlike other non-ferrous metals, titanium alloys have an
iron and is the basis for all thermal treatments of steel where endurance limit below which failure does not occur by
one phase dissolves iron carbide while the other does not. To fatigue. They have rather poor notch sensitivity characteris-
date no element analogous to carbon in steel has been found tics, however, and thus considerable care must be taken to
remove potential stress raisers from areas of stress concen- then be aged and any cold work which is applied to the
tration. These include joints, rapid changes in section, dam- materials between solution treating and ageing will improve
age marks or corrosion pits. the tensile properties with a minimum effect on the ductility.
The mechanical properties of all the materials in this group These materials, correctly treated, have good impact pro-
can be enhanced by thermal treating. The thermal treatment perties and tensile strengths comparable with medium
consists of a solution treatment where the inter-metallic -s!I:ength steels and are much lighter, thus giving one of the
compounds are taken into solution and the material is in its besl'Strength to weight ratios of any series of alloys, along
softest, most ductile condition. This is carried out at temper- with excellent corrosion resistance.
atures in the region of 800 °C and at this temperature all these If any welding is required specialist advice must be
materials will have a very high tendency to form brittle obtained; welding is carried out either under vacuum or in
compounds at the surface. These compounds then diffuse conditions where inert gas has been correctly applied.
into the body giving a very brittle material. The compounds Welding should be carried out before heat treatment
are formed in the atmosphere (oxides, nitrides, carbides, where necessary, or very carefully controlled so that the
hydrides, etc.) and, therefore, the materials must be held at reduction in mechanical strength is minimized.
high temperature for as short a time as possible in highly The use of these materials is confined to high duty compo-
controlled atmospheres, which must be either inert gas or nents in the aircraft industry and some petro-chemical and
vacuum. other chemical industries where high strength, low weight
There are techniques whereby the surface of the compo- and excellent corrosion resistance are required, e.g. in rotat-
nent is protected by other means such as molten glass, but ing components such as compressor blades in gas turbines,
these require very specialist techniques. shafts and other such components.
Following the solution treatment the materials are soft and It should be noted that they cannot be used at temper-
are in their most readily cold worked condition. They can atures above about 300 °C unless in controlled atmospheres.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
IAI8V5Fe 0.05% C 5.0% Fe 1.0% AI 8.0% V Ti alloy: Beta AMS4917 3% AI 13.5% V II % Cr Ti alloy: Sheet and strip;
grade; information from SAE handbook solution treated; AMS for commercial alloy B 120 VCA
2.5 AI 16 V 0.04% C 2.5% AI 16% V Ti alloy: Alpha-beta grade; AMS4928 A 6% A14% VTi alloy: Bar and forgings; annealed;
information from SAE handbook AMS for commercial alloy C 120 AV
3 Al 12.5 V 0.02% C 3.0% AI 2.5% VTi alloy: Alpha-beta grade; Proof: 880
information fr@m SAE handbook AMS4929 1.3% Fe 5.4% AI 1.25% Mo 1.5% Cr Ti alloy: Bar;
3Al13VIICr 0.02% C 3.0% AI 13.5% V 11.0% Cr Ti alloy: Beta annealed; AMS for commercial alloy Ti 155A
grade; information from SAE handbook Proof: 1000
3.7144 6% A12% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy: German AMS4935 6% A14% VTi alloy: Bar; multiple vacuum melted;
Standard annealed; AMS for commercial alloy C 120 V
3.7164 6.0% Al 4.0% V Ti alloy: German Standard AMS4954 0.05% C 4% A14% Mn Ti alloy: Wire
urS: 95 Elon: 10% !'roof: 700 AMS4954 A 6% AI 4% V Ti alloy: Welding wire; AMS for
3.7174 0.7% Fe 5.5% AI 2% Sn 0.7% Cu 5.5% VTi alloy: commercial alloy C 120 AV
German Standard AMS4955 8% AII% Mo 1% VTi alloy
3.7184 4% AI 4% Mo 2% Sn Ti alloy: German Standard AMS4956 6.2% Al 4% VTi alloy
4Al3MoIV 0.04% C 4.25% AI 3.0% Mo 1.0% VTi alloy: Alpha- AMS4957 3% A14% Mo 4% Zr 8% V 6% Cr Ti alloy
beta alloy: information from SAE handbook AMS4958 3% A14% Mo 4% Zr 8% V6% Cr Ti alloy
6AI4V 0.02% C 6.1 % AI 3.8% V Ti alloy: Alpha-beta grade; AMS4969 1.3% Fe 5.5% AI 1.25% Mo 1.5% Cr Ti alloy:
information from SAE handbook Forging; annealed; AMS for commercial alloy Ti 155 A
6AI6V2Sn 0.02% C 5.5% AI 2.0% Sn 5.5% V Ti alloy: Alpha- AMS4971 5.5% Al 2% Sn 5.5% VTi alloy
beta grade; information from SAE handbook AMS4972 8% AII% Mo 1% VTi alloy
AMS4911 A 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Sheet and strip; annealed; AMS AMS4973 8% AII% Mo 1% VTialloy
for commercial alloy C 120 AV AMS4975 6% Al 2% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy
Proof: 880 AMS4976 6% A12% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy
AMS4912 4% A13% Mo 1% V Ti alloy: Sheet and strip; solution AMS49n 0.1% C (max) 11.5% Mo4.2% Sn 5.2% ZrTi alloy
treated AMS4978 5.5% AI 2% Sn 5.5% VTi alloy
AMS4913 4% Al 3% Mo 1% V Ti alloy: Sheet and strip; solution AMS4979 5.5% A12% Sn 5.5% VTi alloy
treated and aged AMS4980 0.1 % C (max) 11.5% Mo 4.2% Sn 5.2% Zr Ti alloy
AMS4981 6% Al 6% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy
AMS4995 5% Al 4% Mo 2% Sn 2% Zr 4% Cr Ti alloy
AMS4997 5% A14% Mo 2% Sn 2% Zr4% CrTi alloy
ASTM B265/5 0.1% C 0.01 % H 6.2% A14% V Ti alloy: Sheet
urS: 950 EIon: 10% Proof: 88
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
ASTM B348/5 0.1 % C 0.012% H 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Bar; annealed
urS: 960 Elon: 10% Proof: 880
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
ASTMB367C2 0.1% CO.OI% H 6% AI 4% VTi alloy: Casting;
urs Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
Elon Elongation, %
lITS: 950 Elon: 6% Proof: 870
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
ASTM B381 F5 0.1 % C 0.012% H 6% AI 4% V Ti alloy: Forging;
2 2 2 2 annealed
I N/mm =0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm =0.06475 tonfJin. =145.04IbfJin. =1 MPa
urS: 920 Elon: 10% Proof: 840
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B381 F8 0.1 % C 0.012% H 6% A12% Sn 0.7% Cu 5.5% V Ti HYLITE50 4% AI 4% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Jessop; solution
alloy: Forging; annealed treated and aged; obsolete
UTS: 1070 Elon: 12% Proof: 1000 DPN: 350 UTS: 1210 Elon: 15% Proof: 1080
ASTM B381 F9 0.1 % C 0.012% H 6.5% Al 4% Mo Ti alloy: Forging; HYLITE 51 4% A14% Mo 4% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Jessop; solution
annealed treated and aged; obsolete
UTS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 1000 VTS: 1300 Elon: 14% Proof: 1160
ASTM B382 4% A13% Mo I% V Ti alloy: Welding rod HYLITE60 3% AI 2% Mo 6% Sn 5% Zr 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Jessop;
ER Ti4AI3Mo solution treated and aged; obsolete
IV UTS: 1070 Elon: 14% Proof: 1050
ASTM B382 4% A14% V Ti alloy: Welding rod HYLITE65 Al Mo Sn Zr Si alloy: Forging; Jessop; obsolete
ER Ti4AI4 V UTS: 1070
ASTM B382 I% Fe 5% AI 2.8% Cr Ti alloy: Welding rod ICI31BA 6% A14% V Ti alloy: ICI; now IMI; see Ti 318 A
ER Ti 5 AI4 Fe Cr ICI230 2% Cu Ti alloy: ICI; now IMI; see Ti 230
ASTM B382 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Welding rod L531 0.08% C (max) 6% AI 4% V Ti alloy: YEW;
ER Ti6AI4 V specification hardened
ASTMB382 3% Al 13% V II% Cr Ti alloy: Welding rod UTS: 1230 Elon: 15% Proof: 1070
ER Ti 13 V 11 Cr L532 0.08% C (max) 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: YEW;
3 AI specification hardened
B 120VCA 3% Al 13% V II % Cr Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; VTS:1320
solution treated and aged L535 4% AI 4% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: YEW;
VTS: 1520 Elon: 6% Proof: 1250 specification hardened
C 120AV 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution VTS: 1200 Elon: 14% Proof: 1070
treated and aged LT24 0.05% C (max) 5% AI 2% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy:
VTS: 1110 Elon: 7% Proof: 1050 Krupp-Lockner; Titrutan
C 135 AMO 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution UTS: 900 Elon: 8% Proof: 830
treated and aged LT25 0.1 % C (max) 0.2% Fe (max) 2.5% Cu Ti alloy:
Elon: 6% Proof: 1140 Krupp-Lockner; aged condition; Titrutan
CRUCIBLE 3% Al 13% V II % Cr Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; VTS: 650 Elon: 10% Proof: 540
BI20VCA solution treated and aged LT31 0.08% C (max) 0.25% Fe (max) 6% AI 4% V Ti alloy:
VTS: 1410 Elon: 6% Proof: 1250 Krupp-Lockner; aged; Titrutan
CRUCIBLE 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution UTS: 1140 Elon: 8% Proof: 1070
C I20AV treated and aged LT33 0.05% C 0.6% Fe 5.5% AI 2.0% Sn 0.6% Cu 5.5% V
UTS: 1110 Elon: 7% Proof: 1050 Ti alloy: Krupp-Lockner; aged; Titrutan
CRUCIBLE 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: Crucible Steel Co.; solution UTS: 1240 Elon: 6% Proof: 1170
C 135 AMo treated and aged LT34 0.08% C (max) 0.2% Fe (max) 4% A14% Mo 2% Sn
UTS: 1410 Elon: 6% Proof: 1140 Ti alloy: Krupp-Lockner; aged; Titrutan
OTD 5103 4% A14% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Bar; solution UTS: 1100 Elon: 9% Proof: 870
treated and aged LT35 0.08% C (max) 2.5% Fe 4% AI Ti alloy: Krupp-
VTS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 880 Lockner; aged; Titrutan
OTD 5113 2.2% AI 1% Mo II % Sn 5% Zr 0.4% Si Ti alloy: Bar; UTS: 860 Elon: 8% Proof: 780
solution treated and aged MST8A1IMoIV 0.08% C 0.01% H 8% All % Mo I% V Ti alloy:
VTS: 1030 Elon: 10% Proof: 850 Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd
OTD5153 4.0% Al 4.0% Mo 2.0% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Forging; RMI I AI8 V 5 Fe 0.05% C 0.012% H 5% Fe 1.2% AI 8% VTi alloy:
solution treated and aged Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd; solution treated and
UTS: 1070 Elon: 10% Proof: 880 aged
OTD 5163 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Sheet; solution treated and aged UTS: 1550 Elon: 8% Proof: 1410
VTS: 950 Elon: 8% Proof: 870 RMI3AI2.5V 0.05% C 0.015% H 0.3% Fe 3% AI 2.5% V Ti alloy:
OTD5173 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Bar; annealed Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd; annealed
VTS: 950 Elon: 10% Proof: 870 UTS: 610 Elon: 16% Proof: 530
OTD 5203 4% A14% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy RMI4AI3 Mo I V 0.08% C 0.015% H 0.2% Fe 4% Al 3% Mo 1% V Ti
OTD5223 4% A14% Mo 4% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy alloy: Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd; annealed
OTDM200 6% AI 5.0% Zr 1.0% W0.3% Si Ti alloy UTS: 880 Elon: 10% Proof: 820
OTDM201 6% AI 4.0% Mo 1.0% Cu 5.0% Zr 0.2% Si Ti alloy RMI4AI3MoI V 0.08% C 0.015% H 0.2% Fe 4% AI 3% Mo 1% V Ti
EX 684 AI Zr Si Ti alloy: Bar and forging; IMI; weldable; beta alloy: Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd; solution treated
stabilized and aged
UTS: 1030 UTS: 1300 Elon: 4% Proof: 1120
HA 7146 0.08% C 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: Harvey Aluminium; RMI6 6% AI 2% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy: Wrought;
solution treated and aged Al2Sn4Zr2Mo Reactive Metals Ltd; alpha-beta alloy
VTS: 920 Elon: 6% Proof: 750 UTS: 580 Elon: 10% Proof: 540
HA8116 0.08% C 8.0% Al 1.0% Mo 1.0% V Ti alloy: Harvey RM16A14 V 0.08% C 0.012% H 6.2% Al 4% V Ti alloy: Wrought;
Aluminium; annealed Reactive Metals Ltd; solution treated and aged
DPN: 350 VTS: 580 Elon: 10% Proof: 530 UTS: 1070 EIon: 7% Proof: 1000
HYLITE30 1.5% AI 1.5% Mn Ti alloy: Jessop; solution treated; RMI 6 AI4 V ELI 0.09% C 0.012% H 6% AI 4% V Ti alloy: Reactive
obsolete Metals Ltd; solution treated and aged; low impurities
DPN: 230 VTS: 690 Elon: 20% Proof: 530 UTS: 1070 EIon: 7% Proof: ]000
HYLlTE40 4% A14% Mn Ti alloy: Jessop; solution treated; RMI 6AI6 V2Sn 0.05% C 5.5% AI 2% Sn 0.6% Cu 5.5% V Ti alloy:
obsolete Reactive Metals Ltd; solution treated and aged
DPN: 310 UTS: 950 Elon: 18% Proof: 880 UTS: ]250 Elon: 8% Proof: 1170
HYLITE45 6% A14% V Ti alloy: Jessop; solution treated and RMI7 AI4Mo 0.08% C 0.012% H 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: Reactive
aged; obsolete Metals Ltd; solution treated and aged
VTS: 940 Elon: 22% Proof: 880 UTS: 1160 EIon: 8% Proof: 1070
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
RMI13 0.05% C 0.02% H 3% Al 13% V 10.5% Cr Ti alloy: Ti 13 V II Cr 3 AI 0.05% C 3% AI 13% V 10.5% Cr low Nand H Ti
V II Cr3AI Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd; annealed alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed
UTS: 920 Elon: 10% Proof: 780 DPN: 340 UTS: 860 Elon: 10% Proof: 810
RMI13 0.05% C 0.02% H 3% Al 13% V 10.5% Cr Ti alloy: Ti13VIICr3AI 0.05% C 3% AI 13% V 10.5% Cr low Nand H Ti
VIICr3Al Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd; solution treated and alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; solution
aged treated and aged
UTS: 1280 Elon: 3% Proof: 1180 UTS: 1160 Elon: 4% Proof: 1080
RMI 16 V2.5 Al 0.06% C 0.15% H 0.3% Fe 2.5% Al 17% V Ti alloy: Ti 140 A 2.0% Fe 2.0% Mo 2.0% Cr Ti alloy: Titanium Metals
Wrought; Reactive Metals Ltd; solution treated and Ltd
aged Ti 155 A 0.08% C 1.5% Fe 5.5% AI 1.2% Mo 1.5% Cr low N
UTS: 1180 Elon: 4% Proof: 1070 and H Ti alloy: Bar; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed
RS Il5 0.08% C 4% A13% Mo 1% V low N and H Ti alloy: DPN: 38S UTS: 1000 Elon: 9% Proof: 920
Republic Steel Co.; aged Ti 155A 0.08% C 1.5% Fe 5.5% Al 1.2% Mo 1.5% Cr low N
RSI35 0.08% C 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: Republic Steel Co.; and H Ti alloy: Bar; Titanium Metals Ltd; solution
aged treated and aged
UTS: 920 Elon: 6% Proof: 750 UTS: 1180 Elon: 9% Proof: 1080
RS 811 X 0.08% C 8.0% Al 1.0% Mo 1.0% VTi alloy: Republic Ti205 15% Mo Ti alloy: IMI; solution treated and aged
Steel Co.; annealed UTS: 1060 Elon: 4% Proof: 900
DPN: 350 UTS: 580 Elon: 10% Proof: 530 Ti230 2% Cu Ti alloy: IMI; solution treated and aged
T443 3% Al 13% V II% Cr Ti alloy: Jessop; obsolete UTS: 760 Elon: 23 % Proof: 580
T713 2.2% Al 4% Mo II % Sn 0.3% Si Ti alloy: Jessop; Ti318A 6% A14% V Ti alloy: IMI
obsolete UTS: 950 Elon: 10% Proof: 700
TA6V 6.0% AI 4.0% VTi alloy: French National Standard Ti550 4% A14% Mo 2% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Rod; IMI;
UTS: 950 Elon: 10% Proof: 1000 solution treated and aged
Ti4AI3Mo I V 0.08% C 4% A13% Mo I% V low Nand H Ti alloy: UTS: 1230 Elon: 12% Proof: 1120
Sheet; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed Ti551 4% A14% Mo 4% Sn 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Rod; IMI; air
DPN: 340 UTS: 840 Elon: 10% Proof: 770 cooled and aged
Ti4Al3MoIV 0.08% C 4% A13% Mo I% V low Nand H Ti alloy: UTS: 1350 Elon: 10% Proof: 1250
Sheet; Titanium Metals Ltd; solution treated and aged Ti679 AI Mo II % Sn 5% Zr Si Ti alloy: 1M!; solution treated
DPN: 426 UTS: 1210 Elon: 5% Proof: 1050 and aged
Ti 5 Al4 Fe Cr 0.1% C 1.5% Fe 5.25% Al 2.7% Cr low N and H Ti UTS: 800 Elon: 10% Proof: 580
alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed Ti684 6% A15% Zr 1% W0.3% Si Ti alloy: Rod; 1M!;
DPN: 340 UTS: 1050 Elon: 10% Proof: 970 solution treated and aged
Ti5A14FeCr 1.5% Fe 5.25% Al 0.1 % Cr 2.7% Cr low Nand H Ti UTS: 1030 Elon: 10% Proof: 930
alloy: Sheet, bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; solution Ti685 6% Al 0.5% Mo 5% Zr 0.5% Si Ti alloy: Rod; IMI;
treated and aged solution treated and aged
DPN: 390 UTS: 1210 EIon: 4% Proof: 1050 UTS: 1030 Elon: 10% Proof: 930
Ti6AI4V 0.8% C 6% AI 4% V low Nand H Ti alloy: Sheet, bar, Ti700 6% AI 4% Mo 1% Cu 5% Zr Ti: Bar; IMI; for creep
etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed use up to 400 ·C; solution treated and aged
DPN: 352 UTS: 880 Elon: 10% Proof: 830 UTS: 1350 EIon: 6% Proof: 1240
Ti6A14V 0.08% C 6% A14% V low N and H Ti alloy: Sheet, Ti700 6.0% AI 4.0% Mo 1.0% Cu 5.0% Zr 0.2% Si Ti alloy:
bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; solution treated and Rod; IMI; oil quenched and aged
aged UTS: 1400 Elon: 10% Proof: 1300
UTS: 1080 Elon: 10% Proof: 1050 Ti Al4 M04 Sn 2 Si 3.5% AI 3.5% Mo 2% Sn Ti alloy: German
Ti6AI4VELI 0.08% C 6% A14% V low N and H Ti alloy: Sheet, specification
bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed; for low Ti Al5 Fe 2.5 2.5% Fe 4% Al Ti alloy: German specification
temperature use TiAl6Sn2 6% Al 2% Mo 2% Sn 4% Zr Ti alloy: German
DPN: 340 UTS: 880 Elon: 10% Proof: 820 Zr4M02 specification
Ti6AI6V2Sn 0.05% C 0.7% Fe 5.5% Al 2% Sn 0.7% Cu 5.5% VTi TiAl6V4 6% AI 4% VTi alloy: German specification
alloy: Bar; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed TiAI6V6Sn2 0.7% Fe 5.5% AI 2% Sn 0.7% Cu 5.5% V Ti alloy:
UTS: 1050 Elon: 9% Proof: 950 German specification
Ti 6 Al6 V 2 Sn 0.05% C 0.7% Fe 5.5% Al 2% Sn 0.7% Cu 5.5% V Ti UTA8DV 0.08% C 8% Al 1.0% Mo 1.0% VTi alloy: French
alloy: Bar; Titanium Metals Ltd; solution treated and National Standard; annealed
aged DPN: 350 UTS: 880 Elon: 10% Proof: 810
UTS: 1210 Elon: 7% Proof: 1080
Ti7 AI4Mo 0.08% C 7% AI 4% Mo Ti alloy: Bar and wire;
Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed
DPN: 380 UTS: 990 Elon: 10% Proof: 920
Ti7Al4Mo 0.08% C 7% A14% Mo Ti alloy: Bar and wire; Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Titanium Metals Ltd; solution treated and aged
UTS: 1160 Elon: 7% Proof: 1080 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Ti8A11 Mo I V 0.08% C 8% All% Mo 1% V low N and H Ti alloy: UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Sheet, bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; annealed Elon Elongation, %
DPN: 350 UTS: 880 Elon: 10% Proof: 820 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Ti8A1IMoIV 0.08% C 8% AII% Mo 1% V low N and H Ti alloy:
Sheet, bar, etc.; Titanium Metals Ltd; solution treated I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.102 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04lbflin. 2=1 MPa
and aged See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
UTS: 920 Elon: 10% Proof: 840
52. Tungsten W
Physical properties
Atomic number 74
Atomic weight 184.0
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Steel grey
Specific gravity 19.3
Density 19300 kg/m 3
Melting point 3370°C
Boiling point 5930°C
Specific heat 0.134 Jig °C
Thermal conductivity 163.3 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 4.4 x 10- 61 °C
Latent heat of fusion 184.2 Jig
Latent heat of vaporization
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 19.2 barnslatom
Electrical conductivity 31% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 56.5 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0048/°C
Electrochemical equivalent 3.430 g/A/h
Electrode potential 4.5V
Magnetic susceptibility 0.33 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity 345 X 109 N/m 2
Tensile strength sintered 15
drawn wire 450
Hardness sintered 255 DPN
drawn and annealed 480 DPN
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2A3 11.0% Co WC: Sinter material; VRIWesson; specific 999 3.0% Co WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co.
gravity 14.2; hardness 1470 DPN UTS: 4500 Elon: 0.5% Proof: 2400
2A 5 6.0% Co We: Sinter material; VRIWesson as G1; 3047 WC: Tungsten carbide; Kennametal; high strength;
specific gravity 14.85; hardness 1860 DPN high impact resistance
2A6 8.0% Co WC: Sinter material; VRlWesson; specific 3109 WC: With Co binder; Kennametal; extrusion punches
gravity 147; hardness 1480 DPN 3411 We: Tungsten carbide; Kennametal; high hardness and
2A 7 4.0% Co WC: Sinter material; VRIWesson; specific impact value
gravity 15.1; hardness 1875 DPN AGATE 10% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet
2A68 6.0% Co WC: Sinter material; VRlWesson; specific DPN:2400
gravity 14.85; hardness 1700 DPN AMD78 BU W: Sintered forgings; Interim AMS
26 7.0% Co 10.0% TaC WC: Sinter material; VRIWesson; AMETHYST 10% Co 3% TiC 8% TaC We: Sinter; Dymet
specific gravity 12.4; hardness 1790 DPN DPN: 2000
44A 6.0% WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co. AMS7725 W base high density sintered alloy shapes
UTS: 4500 Elon: 1.0% Proof: 1420 AMS 7897 99.95% W
55A 13% Co WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co. AMS 7898 W: Sintered sheet, strip and foil
UTS: 3700 Elon: 1.9% Proof: 530 AMS 7899 W: Sheet, strip and foil
55B 16% Co WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co. AQUAMARINE 6% Ni We: Sinter; Dymet
UTS: 2700 Elon: 2.7% Proof: 700 DPN: 1700
78 8.0% Co 4.0% TaC 12% TiC WC: For tool tips; ASTM B297 EW P 99.5% W: Electrode for arc welding
General Electric Co. ASTMB297EW 1.0% Th W: Electrode for arc welding
UTS: 4600 Elon: 1.0% Proof: 1700 Thl
78B 9.0% Co 8.0% TiC WC: For tool tips; General Electric ASTMB297EW 2.0% Th W: Electrode for arc welding
Co. Th2
UTS: 3'lOO Elon: 2.0% Proof: 610 ASTM B297 EW Zr 0.4% Zr W: Electrode for arc welding
90 10% Co WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co. ASTMB346 6% Ni 3% Cu W alloy: Powder compact; physical
UTS: 4200 Elon: 1.9% Proof: 920 properties vary with weight of part
120 12% Co WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co. UTS: 58 Elon: 1% Proof: 450
UTS: 3700 Elon: 3.5% Proof: 840 ASTMB760 0.01 % C (max) W: Plate, sheet and foil
190 25% Co WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co. ASTM B772/3 95% W: Density 18 glee
UTS: 3300 Elon: 3.5% Proof: 370 DPN:340
330 12% Ni 2.0% Mo 9.5% TaC 30% TiC WC: For tool ASTMB772/4 97% W: Density 18.5 glcc
tips; General Electric Co. DPN: 350
UTS: 3700 Elon: 0.5% Proof: 1750 ASTMB777/1 90% W: Density 17 glcc
350 4.5% Co 12.2% TaC 12.5% TiC WC: For tool tips; DPN: 320
General Electric Co. ASTM B777/2 92.5% W: Density 17.5 glcc
UTS: 4600 Elon: 0.9% Proof: 1200 DPN: 330
370 8.5% Co 11.5% TaC 8.0% TiC we: For tool tips; BERYL 0.3% Cr 15% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet
General Electric Co. DPN:2400
UTS: 4600 Elon: 1.0% Proof: 1700 BS 4276 BSI 5.0% Co W: Hard metal; grain size O.5-Ip.m
779 9.0% Co WC: For tool tips; General Electric Co. DPN: 1750 UTS: 1700
UTS: 4200 Elon: 1.5% Proof: 920 BS 4276 BS2 5.5% Co W: Hard metal; grain size 0.5-1.5 p.m
860 5.0% Co 4.0% TaC WC: For tool tips; General Electric DPN: 1720 UTS: 1700
Co. BS 4276 BS3 5.5% Co W: Hard metal; grain size 0.5-2p.m
UTS: 4800 Elon: 1.1 % Proof: 2000 DPN: 1650 UTS: 1700
883 6.0% Co We: For tool tips; General Electric Co. BS 4276 BS4 6.0% Co W: Hard metal; grain size 1-3p.m
UTS: 4500 Elon: 0.8% Proof: 2000 DPN: 1550 UTS: 2000
900 3.0% Co 4.0% TaC We: For tool tips; General Electric BS 4276 BS5 8% Co W: Hard metal; grain size 1-5p.m
Co. DPN: 1450 UTS: 2000
UTS: 4500 Elon: 0.7% Proof: 2500 BS 4276 BS6 10.5% Co W: Hard metal; grain size 1-5p.m
907 6.0% Co 20% TaC WC: For tool tips; General Electric DPN: 1350 UTS: 2200
Co. BS 4276 BS7 12% Co W: Hard metal; grain size 1-5 p.m
UTS: 4800 Elon: 1.7% Proof: 1700 DPN: 1240 UTS: 2300
BS 4276 BS8 15% Co W: Hard metal; grain size 1-5 p.m
DPN: 1150 UTS: 2500
CARBALOY General Electric name for tungsten carbide grades
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
covered by designation numbers
COLMONOY 705 2.4% C 2.0% Si 6.8% Cr 2.2% Fe 1.5% B 2.0% Co
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
39% Ni Walloy: Powder for metal spraying; melting
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
point 1040 'C; Colmonoy
Elon Elongation, %
COPELMET Cu + Wor WC sintered material: Metro-Cutanit;
Proof 0.1 % proof strength. N/mm'
range of materials
I N/mm'=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04 Ibf/in.'=1 MPa CORAL 0.3% CrC 6% Co 1% TaC We: Sinter; Dymet
DPN: 1800
See Appendix 11 for other abbreviations and conversion tables. CUTANIT Co + Ti + Ta carbides with WC sintered materials:
Metro·Cutanit; range of materials
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
DlADUR 1C WC welding electrode: Steel filler rod; Soudometal; K7H WC with high percentage WTi~: Kennametal; high
tungsten carbide deposit; 0.7 mm grain size speed low load machining
DlADUR2C WC welding electrode: Steel filler rod; Soudometal; K8 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; best wear resistance
tungsten carbide deposit; 0.7 mm grain size K9 WC: Tungsten carbide; Kennametal; high wear
DlADUR 2000 DE WC welding electrode: Wire coated; Soudometal; resistance
5.5 tungsten carbide deposit; by oxy-acetylene K11 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; hardest grade
DlADUR 2000 DE 8 WC welding electrode: Wire coated; Soudometal; K21 WC with WTi~: Kennametal; medium loads with
tungsten carbide deposit; by oxy-acetylene interrupted cuts
DlADURAT WC welding electrode: Steel tube filler; Soudometal; K81 WC with WTi~ and Co binder: Kennarnetal; for cold
tungsten carbide deposit punches
DlADURHR WC welding electrode: Steel tube filler; Soudometal; K82 WC with WTi~ and Co binder: Kennametal; impact
tungsten carbide deposit extrusion dies
DlADUROC WC welding electrode: Steel filler rod; Soudometal; K84 WC with WTi~ and Co binder: Kennametal; tube
tungsten carbide deposit; 0.5 mm grain size sizing mandrels
EMERALD 6% Co 1% TaC WC: Sinter; Dymet K86 WC with WTi~ and Co binder: Kennametal; draw
DPN: 1900 dies, ball valves, etc.
EWP 99.5% W: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS K90 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; blanking dies, thrust
EWTRI 1% Th W: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS bearings
EWTR2 2% Th W: Weld electrode; designation used by AWS K90A WC with Co binder: Kennametal; heavy leading dies
EWTR3 0.45% Th W: Weld electrode; designation used by K91 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; medium blanking
AWS dies, crushing hammers
EWZr 0.32% Zr W: Weld electrode; designation used by K92 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; medium blanking
AWS dies, etc.
F26 WC: Tungsten carbide; Kennametal; high har<lness and K 94 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; light blanking dies,
impact value etc.
GARNET 20% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet K 95 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; light blanking dies,
DPN: 2700 valve parts, etc.
GE 125 25% Rb W alloy: Sintered and wrought; billet and K96 WC with Co binder: Kennarnetal; compacting dies, seal
tube; General Electric Co. rings, etc.
GEHEVIMET 6.0% Ni 4.0% Cu W alloy: General Electric Co.; K601 WC and TaC: Binder free; tantalum and tungsten
specific gravity 17.0 carbide; Kennametal; corrosion and wear resistant
UTS:2000 K701 WC with Cr and Co binder: Kennametal; corrosion and
GI 6.0% Co WC: Sinter material; VRlWesson now 2A5 wear resistant
HEA VY METAL Cu Ni W alloy: Specific gravity 16-18; Tungsten Mfg K 801 WC with Ni binder: Kennametal; corrosion resistant
Co.; sintered and high hardness
DPN:250 KENNAMETAL Tungsten carbide: Available in various grades;
HEVIMET 6.0% Ni 4.0% Cu W alloy: General Electric Co.; Kennametal
specific gravity 17.0 KENNERTIUM W2 W alloy: For powder metallurgy; Kennarnetal; high
UTS: 2000 density; specific gravity 18.5
HR 9.0% Co 8.0% T C 10% Ta + Nb WC: Sinter material; UTS: 720 Elon: 3% Proof: 580
VRlWesson now VR R77 KENNERTIUM Walloy: For powder metallurgy; Kennametal; high
HV 3.0% Co 13.0% Ti C 1.0% Mo WC: Sinter material; WIO density; specific gravity 17.0
VRlWesson; specific gravity 11.9; hardness 1890 DPN UTS: 920 Elon: 15% Proof: 640
hW 11 99.99% W: Rod; Koch-Light Ltd KM WC with high percentage WTi~: Kennametal; for
hWn 99.999% W: Single crystal 3 mm diameter; Koch-Light interrupted rough cuts
Ltd MATTHEY IW3 40% Cu W alloy: Sinter for contacts; conductivity 41 %
JADE 17% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet lACS; Johnson Matthey
DPN: 2600 DPN: 140
K1 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; highest impact value MATTHEY3W3 32% Cu Walloy: Sinter for contacts; conductivity 33%
K2S WC with WTi~: Kennametal; heavy to medium loads lACS; Johnson Matthey
and interrupted cuts DPN: 160
K3H WC with high percentage WTi~: Kennametal; MATTHEY 20K3 33% Cu WC: For resisting weld electrode; Johnson
medium heavy cuts on low C steel Matthey; conductivity 20% lACS
K4H WC with WTi~: Kennametal; light load form tools DPN: 300 VTS: 680
K5H WC with high percentage WTi~: Kennametal; for MATTHEY JOW3 22% Cu W: Sinter alloy for contacts; conductivity 28%
semi-finishing cuts lACS; Johnson Matthey
K6 WC with Co binder: Kennametal; highest compressive DPN:240
strength MATTHEY35S 35% Ag W alloy: Sinter for contacts; conductivity 52%
lACS; Johnson Matthey
DPN: 140
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: MATTHEY 205 27% Ag W: Sintered alloy for contacts; conductivity
43% lACS; Johnson Matthey
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 220
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 MATTHEY 2265 35% Ag W: Sinter alloy for contacts; conductivity 50%
Elon Elongation, % lACS; Johnson Matthey
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 DPN: 135
MATTHEY 2355 45% Ag Walloy: Sinter for contacts; conductivity 60%
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04lbflin. 2 =1 MPa lACS; Johnson Matthey
See Appendix II for other abbrc,jations and conversion tables. DPN: 125
52 TUNGSTEN . 609
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
MATIHEY2373 27% Ag W: Sinter alloy for contacts; conductivity 45% VR54 8.0% Co WC: Sinter material; VRlWesson; specific
lACS; Johnson Matthey gravity 14.6
DPN: 180 DPN: 1860
MATIHEYG14 40% Ag WC: Sinter alloy for contacts; conductivity VR71 6.0% Co 18.0% TiC 10.0% TaC + NbC WC: Sinter
36% lACS; Johnson Matthey material; VRlWesson; specific gravity 10.7
DPN:200 DPN: 1875
METC032C Cr Ni 12% C We: Spray deposit; Metco VR 73 6.5% Co 12.0% TiC 10.0% TaC + NbC WC: Sinter
DPN: 1500 material; VRlWesson; specific gravity 11.9
METC061 Pure W: Spray deposit; Metco DPN: 1860
METC071 NS 12% Co WC: Composite spray deposit; Metco VR 75 7.5% Co 8.0% TiC 10.0% TaC + NbC We: Sinter
DPN:400 material; VRlWesson; specific gravity 12.65
METCO 71 VF NS 12% Co WC: Spray deposit; Metco; hard dense deposit DPN: 1790
DPN: 580 VR 77 9.0% Co 8.0% TiC 10.0% TaC + NbC: Sinter
METCO72 FNS Co WC: Spray deposit; Metco material; VRlWesson as HR; specific gravity 12.55
DPN: 600 DPN: 1710
METCO 73 NS1 17% Co We: Spray deposit; Metco VR87 17.0% Co 28.0% TaC WC: Sinter material; VRJ
DPN: 720 Wesson; specific gravity 13.5
METCO 74 SF 12% Co WC: Spray deposit; Metco DPN: 894
DPN:520 VR89 11.0% Co 18.0% TaC WC: Sinter material; VRJ
METC075F 18% Co WC: Composite deposit; Metco Wesson; specific gravity 14.05
DPN: 670 DPN: 1480
METC01123 25% Ni Co WC: Spray deposit; Metco W18 99.9% W: Powder; Koch-Light Ltd; high purity metal
DPN: 1500 W367 99.9% WFe + Mo 0.04% (max): Sintered and swaged;
MUTC032C 0.1 % C 0.8% Si 3.5% Cr 14% Ni 0.8% B WC alloy: Tungsten Mfg Co.; suitable for brazing; for electrical
Powder for spraying; Metco; tungsten carbide in contacts
stainless steel matrix W408 99.9% W0.02% Fe + Mo (max): Sintered and swaged;
DPN: 865 Tungsten Mfg Co.; suitable for brazing; for electrical
ONYX 25% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet contacts
DPN:2800 W410L 99.9% W: Sintered and swaged; Tungsten Mfg Co.;
OPAL 13% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet suitable for brazing; for electrical contacts
DPN: 2500 W410M 99.9% W0.02% Fe + Mo (max): Sintered and swaged;
PEARL 0.7% CrC 5% Co 4% TiC 5% TaC WC: Sinter; Dymet Tungsten Mfg Co.; suitable for brazing; for electrical
DPN: 1900 contacts
PROLITE Tungsten carbide: Murex Ltd WALLEX55 3.5% C 1.4% Si 12.5% Cr 0.5% Fe 1.5% B5.5% Ni
R07004 0.01% C (max) 99.95% W: Obsolete; designation used 28% Co Walloy: Powder for metal spraying; melting
byUNS point 1120 'C; Colmonoy
R07030 96.99% W: Obsolete; designation used by UNS WALLEX505 2.4% C 1.4% Si 12.5% Cr 0.5% Fe 1.5% B 5.6% Ni
R07031 3% Re Walloy: Electrode grade; designation used by 24.0% Co Walloy: Powder for metal spraying; melting
UNS point 1120 'C; Colmonoy
R07050 94.%% W: Designation used by UNS WH 7.0% Co 13.0% TiC 2.0% TaC We: Sinter material;
R07080 91.94% W: Designation used by UNS VRlWesson; specific gravity 11.75; hardness 1860 DPN
R07100 89.9% W: Designation used by UNS WM 10.0% Co 13.0% TiC 2.0% TaC + NbC WC: Sinter
RUBY 0.5% cre 10% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet material; VRlWesson; specific gravity 11.5
DPN: 2000 DPN: 1710
SAPPHIRE 9% Co 9% TiC 4% TaC WC: Sinter; Dymet WOLFRAM WOo Tungsten oxide; Blackwells; primary material
DPN: 1700 WS 13.0% Co 4.0% TiC 2.0% TaC + NbC WC: Sinter
SILVELMET Ag + Wor WC sintered material: Metro-Cutanit; material; VRlWesson; specific gravity 13.2
range of materials DPN: 1400
TOPAZ 7% Co WC: Sinter; Dymet ZIRCON 7.5% Co 17% TiC 4% TaC WC: Sinter; Dymet
DPN: 2200 DPN: 1400
TUNGSTEN W: Powder, sheet, wire and amorphous powder;
VOLOMIT 4.5% C 2% Fe Walloy: Origin unknown
VR 13 10.0% Co We: Sinter material; VRlWesson; specific
gravity 14.4
DPN: 1350 Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
VR14 11.5% Co We: Sinter material; VRlWesson; specific
gravity 14.35 DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
DPN: 1250 UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm'
VR 15 13.0% Co We: Sinter material; VRlWesson; specific Eion Elongation, %
gravity 14.2 Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm'
DPN: 1180
1 N/mm'=O.1 hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm'=0.06475 tonf/in.'=145.04Ibf/in.'=1 MPa
VR52 4.0% Co WC: Sinter material for abrasion resistance;
VRlWesson; specific gravity 15.15 See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
DPN: 1870
53. Uranium U
Physical properties
Atomic number 92
Atomic weight 238.07
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Lustrous silvery white
Specific gravity 19.07
Density 19070 kg/m 3
Melting point 1689°C
Boiling point 3818°C
Specific heat 0.1156 J/g °C
Thermal conductivity 26.8 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100°C) 19 x 1O- 6/ oc
Latent heat of fusion
Latent heat of vaporization
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 694 barns/atom
Electrical conductivity 6.0% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 300 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0034/ oC
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential -1.4 V
Magnetic susceptibility
Young's modulus of elasticity 190 X 109 N/m2
Tensile strength cast and annealed 340 N/mm2
Hardness 190DPN
53 URANIUM 611
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
AMS 7730 0.07% C (max) 99.00% V (min): Depleted uranium VRANIVMV Commercial and high purity fOlms; Blackwells
COMMERCIAL VI V with total impurities 1000 p.p.m.: British Nuclear
COMMERCIAL V2 V with total impurities 500 p.p.m.: British Nuclear Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
COMMERCIAL V3 V with total impurities 200 p.p.m.: British Nuclear DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Fuels UTS Vltimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
COMMERCIAL V4 High purity V: British Nuclear Fuels Elon Elongation, %
h V22 99.7% V: Chips; Koch-Light Ltd Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
VRANIVMI Commercial metal: British Nuclear Fuels
VRANIVM2 Commercial as hexafluoride: British Nuclear Fuels I N/mm 2=O.l hbar=O.I02 kgflmm 2=0.06475 tonf/in. 2=145.04lbfJin. 2=1 MPa
VRANIVM3 Commercial as dioxide: British Nuclear Fuels See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
VRANIVM4 Commercial as tetrafluoride: British Nuclear Fuels
54. Vanadium V
Physical properties
Atomic number 23
Atomic weight 50.95
Crystal structure Body-centred cubic
Colour Brilliant white
Specific gravity 6.11
Density 6110 kg/m3
Melting point 1735°C
Boiling point 3000°C
Specific heat 0.502 J/g °C
Thermal conductivity 31.0W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 8.33 x 1O- 6/ oc
Latent heat of fusion
Latent heat of vaporization
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 4.7 barns/atom
Electrical conductivity 7.0% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 248 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.0028/ oC
Electrochemical equivalent
Electrode potential -1.5 V
Magnetic susceptibility 1.4 x 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity 125.5 X 109 N/m 2
Tensile strength cold rolled 800 N/mm2
Hardness 170 DPN
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
h V22 99.8% V: Granules; Koch-Light Ltd
h V74 99.9% V: Single crystals 3 mm diameter; Koch-Light DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Ltd UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
VANADIUM Vmetal: Blackwells; pure metal Elon Elongation, %
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
General metallurgical characteristics perties improved to any great extent by cold working or by
thermal treatment. Cold working gives some surface harden-
The elements added to zinc all strengthen the alloys without ing and this property is occasionally used in the manufacture
in any way detracting from the excellent casting characteris- of dies whereby as the die is used the surface hardens.
tics; in fact, by increasing the range of temperatures over Excessive cold work, however, results in cracking. There are
which solidification occurs, the castability is improved for some alloys listed which have age hardening characteristics
some purposes. but this is over a long term and is of little significance as they
Some of the alloys have slightly improved tensile proper- do not improve the mechanical properties to any great
ties at higher temperatures while others have been develop- extent.
ed to give specific casting shrinkage or growth. Zinc alloys Most of the alloys in the group can be welded using skill
are used for their economy when competing with brass, and normal gas welding. Very often, however, modern ad-
aluminium and other casting materials, but also in their own hesives give satisfactory results.
right for the ability to reproduce intricate shapes accurately. These alloys, along with zinc itself, form 'white rust' as
They can also compete with iron and steel in that they are they corrode. They do have good corrosion resistance in
much more readily melted; thus although not as cheap ini- their own right and in contact with iron or steel will sacrifice
tially, they are more economical for short run production themselves to protect the steel.
purposes, where they can be readily remelted and used The alloys are used for die casting materials where light-
again. This cannot be so easily carried out with cast iron or weight low duty components are involved such as door hand-
steel where more specialized foundry equipment is les, covers and casings for all sorts of household and
necessary. transport articles. Intricate toys such as model cars are
A 20% AI zinc alloy, heated to 250°C, can have ductility manufactured from these alloys. Press tool bolsters and dies
up to 1000% measured as ductility. for short production runs are also made from some of these
None of the alloys noted can have their mechanical pro- alloys.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
2Z4 97.75% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French AG40B 4.2% AI 0.01 % Ni Zn alloy: Castings; designation used
Standards in the UK and USA
2Z5 98.5% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French Standards ALBALOY Electrodeposited bright Cu Sn Zn alloy: Origin
2Z6 98.75% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French unknown
Standards ALMEN305 30% AI 5% Cu Zn alloy: Casting as cast; for bearings;
2.2360 40% Cd 2.0% AI Zn alloy: Working temperature 300 Hill Alzen
·C; German Standard DPN: 100 UTS: 200 Elon: 2% Proof: 120
AC41A 1.0% Cu 4% AI Zn alloy: Die casting; designation used ALZEN305K 30% AI 5% Cu Zn alloy: Extrusion for bearings; Hill
byASTM Alzen
AC41A 4.2% AI 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Castings; designation DPN: 110 UTS: 2SO Elon: 12% Proof: 158
used in the UK and USA AMS4803A 4% AI 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Casting; as cast
AC43A 4.2% AI 2.7% Cu 0.035% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot; ARSENIC·ZINC 40% As Zn alloy: Blackwells; primary metal
designation used in the UK and USA ASTMB6 98.5-99.99% Zn: Slab; spelter; primary metal; covers 5
AG40A 0.2% Cu 4% AI Zn alloy: Die casting; designation used grades
byASTM ASTMB69 Rolled zinc: Sheet and plate; gives information on
AG40A 4% AI Zn alloy: Castings; designation used in the UK commercially pure Zn
and USA ASTM B86 AC41A 1.0% Cu 4% AI Zn alloy: Die casting
DPN: 91 UTS: 33 Elon: 7%
ASTM B86 AG40A 0.2% Cu (max) 4% AI Zn alloy: Die casting
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: DPN: 82 UTS: 29 Elon: 10%
ASTM B240 AC41A 4.0% AI 0.04% Mg Zn: Ingot for die casting; as cast
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number ASTM B240 AG40A 4.0% AI 0.04% Mg Zn: Ingot for die casting; as cast
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 AVONMOUTH 98.5% Zn ingot: Imperial Smelting Co. Ltd; brand
Elon Elongation, % name for BS 3436/4
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2 BAlT/Z High purity Zn sheet for battery cases: London Zinc;
Zincon H
1 N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=0.102 kgflmm2=0.06475 tonflin. 2 =145.04Ibflin. 2=1 MPa
BBS/Z Zn alloy: London Zinc; Zincon/G
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. BIOENY METAL 88.5% Zn balance Pb and Cu: Used for domestic
utensils; Indian origin
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
BINDING METAL 3.7% Sb 28% Sn Zn alloy: Used for wire ropes; origin EZDA Cu free Zn alloy: Die casting; Electrolytic Zinc Co.;
unknown further information from Zinc Development
BIRMINGHAM 25% Cu Zn alloy: Origin unknown Corporation
PLATINA FENTON 6% Cu 14% Sn Zn alloy: Used for bearings; origin
BISMUTH·ZINC 40% Bi Zn alloy: Blackwells; primary metal unknown
BS220 Fine zinc: Replaced by BS 3436 FONTAIN 6% Cu 1% Pb 1% Fe Zn alloy: Used for ornamental
BS 221 Special zinc: Replaced by BS 3436 MOREAU work; origin unknown
BS222 Foundry zinc: Replaced by BS 3436 h Zn I 99.9999% Zn: Rod; Koch·Light Ltd; high purity metal
BS849 1.2% Pb Zn metal: Sheet; for roofing purposes h Zn 73a 99.99% Zn: Single crystals 6.3 mm x 25 mm; Koch·
BS 1003 Zn: High purity; replaced by BS 3436 Light Ltd
BS 1004 A 4. I% Al 0.05% Mg Zn: Ingot and die casting; as cast ILZROl2 12% AI 1% Cu 0.02% Mg Zn alloy: For casting;
DPN: 83 UTS: 270 Elon: 15% International Lead Zinc Research Organization; further
BS 1004 B 4.0% Al 1.0% Cu 0.05% Mg Zn alloy: For die casting; information from Zinc Development Corporation
after I year age DPN: ll5 UTS: 230 Elon: 6% Proof: 140
DPN: 74 UTS: 200 Elon: II % ILZROl4 0.02% AI 1.2% Cu 0.27% Ti Zn alloy: For casting;
BS 1141 Secondary zinc alloy: Die castings; withdrawn International Lead Zinc Research Organization; further
BS 2656 0.003% Pb 0.003% Cd 0.004% Hg Zn anodes information from Zinc Development Corporation
BS 3436 Zn I 99.99% Zn: Ingot; primary metal ILZRO 16. 1.25% Cu 0.2% Ti 0.15% Cr Zn alloy: Origin unknown
BS 3436 Zn 2 99.95% Zn: Ingot; primary metal KAYEM Zinc: Rolled sheet; Imperial Smelting Co.; blanking
BS 3436 Zn 3 99.5% Zn: Ingot; primary metal dies; melting point 390 °C
BS 3436 Zn 4 98.5% Zn: Ingot; primary metal DPN: 96 UTS: 320 Elon: 12%
DEFI7A 4.1 % Al 0.05% Mg Zn: Die castings; defence KAYEM Zinc: Casting; Imperial Smelting Co.; melting point 390
specification covering BS lOO4/A material °C; for press tools
DICO Zinc: Casting for press tools; melting point 390 °C; DPN: 109 UTS: 220 Elon: 1.6%
Platt Metal Co. KAYEM2 Zinc: Casting; Imperial Smelting Co.: melting point 358
DI-METAL 4% A13% Cu Zn alloy: Used for die castings; origin °C; press tools
unknown DPN: 140 UTS: 140
DIN 1706 97.5-99.995% Zn (min) pure metal KB90 Iron copper zinc: Sintered material; Sintered Products
DIN 1743GZn 4.0% Al 0.8% Cu 0.03% Mg Zn alloy: German Ltd; 3.8% porosity
AI4Cu I Standard; for sand castings UTS: 340 Elon: 12%
DPN: 70 UTS: ISO Elon: 0.5% KIRKSlRE I OR A 4% A13% Cu 0.07% Mg Zn alloy: Designation used by
DIN 1743GZn 5.8% Al 1.4% Cu Zn alloy: Casting; German Standard; German Standards
AI6Cu I for sand castings KIRKSlRE II OR B 4.1% Al 2.7% Cu 0.03% Mg Zn alloy: Designation
DPN: 80 UTS: ISO Elon: 1.0% used by German Standards
DIN 1743 GD Zn 4.0% Al 0.3% Cu 0.03% Mg Zn alloy: Casting; KIRKSlTEA Zn base alloy: For press tools; Hoyt Ltd
Al4 German Standard LMI5 Ag Cd Zn base: Soft solder; Johnson Matthey;
DIN 1743 GD Zn 4.0% Al 0.8% Cu 0.03% Mg Zn alloy: German electrical conductivity 15% lACS; melting range
AI4Cul National Standard; for pressure castings 28(}-320°C
DPN: SO UTS: 270 Elon: 2% UTS: ISO Elon: 5%
DIN 1743 GK Zn 4.0% AI 0.8% Cu 0.03% Mg Zn alloy: German LZnCd40 40% Cd 2.0% Al Zn alloy: Designation used by
AI4Cul Standard; for die castings German Standards
DPN: 70 UTS: 200 Elon: 1.0% MAIN METAL Al Zn alloy: Casting for bearings; Main Metal
DIN 1743 GK Zn 5.8% AI 1.4% Cu Zn alloy: German Standard; for die DPN: llO UTS: 220 Elon: 2% Proof: ISO
AI6Cu I castings MAIN METAL AI Zn alloy: Extrusion for bearings; Main Metal
DIN 1743 Z400 4.0% Al 0.3% Cu 0.03% Mg Zn alloy: Casting: DPN: 140 UTS: 310 Elon: 16% Proof: 260
German Standard MAZAK3 4.0% AI 0.05% Mg Zn alloy: For die casting; Imperial
DPN: 70 UTS: 250 Elon: 1.5% Smelting Co.; results after I year natural ageing
DIN 1743 Z4lO 4.0% AI 0.8% Cu 0.03% Mg Zn alloy: Casting; DPN: 70 UTS: 2SO Elon: 25%
German Standard MAZAK5 4.0% Al 1% Cu 0.05% Mg Zn alloy: For die casting;
DIN 1743 Z6lO 5.8% AI 1.4% Cu Zn alloy: Casting; German Standard Imperial Smelting Co.; results after I year natural
DIN 8512 LZn 40% Cd 2.0% Al Zn alloy: Working temperature 300 ageing
Cd 40 °C DPN: 74 UTS: 300 Elon: II %
DOLER 4% A13% Cu Zn alloy: Used for die castings; origin MAZAK7 4% Allow Mg Cu Ni Zn alloy: For die casting;
unknown Imperial Smelting Co.
EHRHARDT 3% Cu 6% Sn 2% Pb Zn alloy: Origin unknown METCOZINC Zn: Metal spray deposit; Metco
ELEOZ Zn alloy: London Zinc; now Zincon I METCO ZINC Al 15% Al Zn alloy: Spray deposit; Metco
ERAYDE 0.1 % Ag 2% Cu Zn alloy: Used for radio shields; MNC71 General standard for SS range of zinc die casting alloys:
origin unknown Swedish Standard
NF A55 lO1I2Z4 99.75% Zn: Ingot; French National Standard
NF A55 10112Z5 98.5% Zn: Ingot; French National Standard
NF A55 lO1I2Z6 98.75% Zn: Ingot; French National Standard
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: NF A55 lOlIZS 98.0% Zn: Ingot; French National Standard
NF A55 lOlIZ6 98.5% Zn: Ingot; French National Standard
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
NF A55 lOIIZ7 99.5% Zn: Ingot; intermediate; French National
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm2
Elon Elongation, %
NF A55 lOlIZS 99.95% Zn: Ingot; fine; French National Standa~d
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm2
NF A55 101 Z9 99.993% Zn: Ingot; extra fine; French National
I N/mm 2=0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmm2 =0.06475 tonflin. 2=145.04Ibflin. 2 =1 MPa
NF A55 102 ZA4 4.0% AI 1.0% Cu 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot; French
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. UIG National Standard
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
NF ASS 102 ZA4 4.0% Al 3.0% Cu 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot; French ZA4 Designation used by Italian Standards for UNI 3718 Gp
U3G National Standard ZnAl4
NF ASS 102 ZA4G 4.0% AI 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot; French National ZA4CI Designation used by Italian Standards for UNI 3718 Gp
Standard ZnAI4Cui
OCiZ Zn alloy: London Zinc; now Zincon F ZA4C3 Designation used by Italian Standards for UNI 3718 Gp
QQ Z35/a Zinc: Slab or spelter; US Federal specification ZnAI4Cu3
QQZloo/a Zinc: Alloy, sheet and strip; US Federal specification ZA4G 4.0% AI 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot; designation used
QQ Z285 Zinc: For anodes; US Federal specification by French Standards
QQ Z30Ilc Zinc: Sheet and strip; US Federal specification ZA4UIG 4.0% Al 1.0% Co 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot;
QQZ35I1a Zinc: Slab or spelter; US Federal specification designation used by French Standards
QQZ363/a Zinc base alloys: For die castings; US Federal ZA4U3G 4.0% AI 3.0% Cu 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot;
specification designation used by French Standards
SAE903 4% AI Zn alloy: Casting; as cast ZA8 8.4% All % Cu 0.02% ~lg Zn alloy: Ingot; designation
DPN: 82 UTS: 270 Elon: 10% used in the UK and USA
SAE 925 4% All % Cu Zn alloy: Casting; as cast ZA 12 10.7% AI 0.8% Cu 0.02% Mg Zn alloy: Castings;
DPN: 91 UTS: 300 Elon: 7% designation used in the UK and USA
SALGE 4% Cu 10% Sn 1% Sb 1% Pb Zn alloy: Used for ZA27 26.5% AI 2.2% Cu 0.015% Mg Zn alloy: Ingot;
novelties; origin unknown designation used in the UK and USA
SCHULZ 3% A16% Co Zn alloy: Type metal; origin unknown ZA27 27% Al 2% Cu 0.02% Mg Zn alloy: Origin unknown
SEVERN 99.5% Zn: Ingot; Imperial Smelting Co.; brand name DPN: 115 UTS: 450 Elon: 1% Proof: 390
for BS 3436/3 ZAMMETAL Zinc base alloy containing Al and Hg: Used for Zn
For SIS specifications see SS plating anodes; origin unknown
SOREL 10% Cu 10% Fe Zn alloy: Ornamental use; origin ZAMA 4% Al Zn alloy: Die casting; Italian alloy; further
unknown information from Zinc Development Corporation
SS 7020 4% AI Zn: Die casting; Swedish Standard ZAMAC 4% AI Zn alloy: For die castings; French alloy; further
SS 7020 4.0% AI 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Die casting; Swedish information from Zinc Development Corporation
Standard ZAMAK 4% Al Zn alloy: Die casting; American alloy: further
SS 7030 4.0% AI 1.0% Cu 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Die casting; information from Zinc Development Corporation
Swedish Standard ZELCO 15% AI 2% Co Zn: Solder; origin unknown
SS 7030 4% All % Co Zn: Die casting; Swedish Standard ZILLAY I% Co 0.8% Co 0.1 % Mg Zn alloy: Used for roofing;
STUBS 56 Cd Zn alloy: Brazing rod; Stubs; melting point 300 'C; origin unknown
for Zn Co etc. joints ZIMAL 4.15% Al 3.0% Cu Zn alloy: Origin unknown
UTS: 139 ZINC Zn: Ingot, sticks, powder, dust, etc.; Blackwells
STZ20 Co Ti Zn alloy: Made by Stolberger Zinc AG; ZINC TlNSEL 40% Pb Zn alloy: Origin unknown
information from Zinc Development Corporation ZINCONF 0.7% Pb Zn alloy: Sheet and strip for roofing; London
STZ30 Cu Ti Zn alloy: Made by Stolberger Zinc AG; Zinc Mills; OCiZ
information from Zinc Development Corporation ZINCONG 0.7% Pb Zn alloy: Sheet; London Zinc Mills; higb
SWANSEA VALE 98.5% Zn: Ingot; Imperial Smelting Co.; brand name quality; BBS/Z
for BS 3436/4 ZINCONH 0.6% Pb Zn alloy: Strip and calots; London Zinc Mills;
TMETAL 0.8% Co 0.1% Ti 0.003% Mn 0.002% Cr Zn alloy: for dry battery cases Batt/Z
Wrought; London Zinc Mills; heat treated ZINCONI 99.99% Zn: Sheet; higb purity; London Zinc Mills;
UTS: 220 Elon: 45% Proof: 120 elec/Z
TANDEM PTA Zinc: Casting for press tools; melting point 390 'C; Fry ZlNCONJ 0.7% Cu 0.08% Ti Zn alloy: Sheet and strip; London
Metal Zinc Mills; heat treatable; T metal
UNI3718 4.0% AI 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Italian Standard UTS: 150 Elon: 45% Proof: 80
GpZnAI4 ZISKON 29% AI Zn alloy: Origin unknown
UNI3718 4.1 % AI 1.0% Cu 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Italian Standard ZnAI4 4.0% AI 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: For die casting; Swedish
GpZnAI4Cui Standard designation
UNI3718 4.1 % AI 3.1% Cu 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Italian Standard Zn Al Cu 1 4.0% AI 1.0% Co 0.04% Mg Zn alloy: Die casting;
Gp Zn AI4Cu 3 Swedish Standard designation
VAUCHERS 18% Sn 4.5% Pb 2.5% Sb Zn alloy: For bearings;
ALLOY origin unknown
WZn 3 99.9999% Zn: Powder; Koch·Ligbt Ltd
Z5 98.0% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French Standards
Z6 99.5% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French Standards
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
Z7 99.5% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French Standards
Z 8 FIN 99.95% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mrn2
Elon Elongation, %
Z 9 EXTRA-FIN 99.993% Zn: Ingot; designation used by French
Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
Z35630 II % Al 0.7% Cu 0.02% Mg Zn alloy: UNS designation
1 N/mrn2 =0.1 hbar=O.I02 kgflmrn2 =0.06475tonf/in. 2 =145.04Ibf/in.2=1 MPa
Z35635 8.4% AI 1% Cu 0.02% Mg Zn alloy: UNS designation
Z35840 26% Al 2.2% Cu 0.015% Mg Zn alloy: UNS See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
56. Zirconium Zr
Physical properties
Atomic number 40
Atomic weight 91.22
Crystal structure alpha Close-packed hexagonal up to 860°C
beta Body-centred cubic - 860 °C to melting point
Colour Silvery white
Specific gravity 6.53
Density 6530 kg/m 3
Melting point 1850°C
Boiling point 3580°C
Specific heat 0.285 J/g °C
Thermal conductivity 16.7 W/m °C
Coefficient of linear expansion (20-100 0c) 5.8 x 1O- 6/ o C
Latent heat of fusion 251 J/g
Latent heat of vaporization
Thermal neutron absorption cross-section 0.18 barns/atom
Electrical conductivity 4% lACS (copper 100%)
Specific resistance 390 microhm mm
Temperature coefficient of electrical resistance 0.004/ oC
Electrochemical equivalent 0.844 g/A/h
Electrode potential
Magnetic susceptibility 1.32 X 10- 6
Young's modulus of elasticity 94.5 X 109 N/m 2
Tensile strength annealed 330 N/mm2
Hardness annealed 150 DPN
Although it resists the attack of most acids zirconium is quality steels. Some sulphides and nitrides are removed at
actually very chemically reactive and this becomes apparent the same time, resulting in better cold working properties
when it is in a finely divided form. This has been put to use as and increased ductility.
a means of producing a smokeless white flash for photo- It is also used as an alloying element in certain stainless
graphic and other purposes and is also used as a primer for and tool steels when it is reputed to improve the wear resis-
ammunition. It replaces the normal mercury fulminate or tance. It is added to heat resistant cast irons when there is an
lead azide primers when smokeless ammunition is required. improvement in the machinability with no appreciable
Zirconium metal is also a popular 'getter' in vacuum appa- reduction in other properties. Higher zirconium contents
ratus as it can be made into anodes or grids which combine with silicon cast iron improve the resistance to hot sulphuric
the last traces of gas in the vacuum and then has sufficient acid. Zirconium added to copper acts as a de-oxidizer and
strength at high temperatures to prevent distortion and residual amounts are sometimes found in the brasses and
sagging. bronzes.
This same activity becomes a serious disadvantage when A new alloy of copper and zirconium has been developed
zirconium dust or fine turnings are involved as they are prone which has certain age hardening characteristics and is similar
to spontaneous combustion under certain conditions. Zirco- in many respects to copper-ehromium alloys.
nium fires become explosive if water is added and continue Higher zirconium contents in copper give alloys which
fuming under carbon dioxide and many chlorinated com- have mechanical properties after thermal treatment compar-
pounds. Dry powder or inert material such as lime, fluorspar able to copper-beryllium.
or graphite should be used first to confine the blaze and then Added to magnesium, zirconium acts as a grain refiner and
to reduce the ignited material. Provided good housekeeping gives improved response to age hardening, particularly in the
is practised and fine zirconium dust or turnings are not stored magnesium-zinc range of alloys.
in quantity, machining and fabrication of zirconium should An alloy of zirconium and lead is used in the manufacture
present no greater hazard than for magnesium. It is neces- of flints for lighters.
sary, however, to comply with certain Factory Act require- The oxide, and purified silicate, is used as a refractory
ments before handling zirconium. material-particularly the silicate, zircon, which is a popular
There are very few alloys with zirconium as the base metal; lining material for electric furnaces.
additions are made in amounts of under 0.5% to about 40% Other uses for the oxide include abrasive polishing dust,
zirconium. refractory cement, ceramic and porcelain glaze, and as filler
Zirconium is now a popular metal for de-oxidizing high material for plastics and rubber.
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks.
ASTM B349 Rl Zr: Sponge; high purity; for nuClear applications; ASTM B353 RAI 1.5% Sn 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni Zr: Tube; for nuclear
primary metal applications; annealed
DPN: 156 UTS: 420 Elon: 14% Proof: 220
ASTM B350 Rl Zr: Ingot; high purity; for nuclear applications ASTM B353 RAI 1.5% Sn 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni Zr: Tube; for nuclear
DPN: 160 applications; Hard
ASTM B350 RAI 1.5% Sn 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni Zr: Ingot; for nuclear UTS: 530 Elon: 8% Proof: 456
applications ASTM B353 RAI 1.5% Sn 0.1% Cr 0.5% Ni Zr: Tube; for nuclear
DPN: 200 applications; i·hard
ASTM B35l Rl Zr: Bar; high purity for nuclear applications; annealed UTS: 700 Elon: 3% Proof: 610
DPN: 290 Elon: 18% Proof: 120 ASTM B356 Rl Zr: Forging; high purity; for nuclear applications;
ASTM B351 RAI 1.5% Sn 0.1% Cr 0.05% Ni Zr: Bars; for nuclear annealed
applications; annealed UTS: 300 Elon: 18% Proof: 170
UTS: 420 Elon: 14% Proof: 220 ASTM B356 RAI 1.5% Sn 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni Zr: Forging for nuclear
ASTM B352 RI Zr: Sheet and plate; high purity; for nuclear application; annealed
applications; annealed UTS: 420 Elon: 14% Proof: 270
UTS: 300 Elon: 18% Proof: 170 ATR 0.58% Mo 0.56% Cn Zr alloy: Jessop
ASTM B352 RAl 1.5% Sn 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni Zr: Sheet and plate; for ERZr2 0.05% C (max) 99.2% Zr (min): Weld electrodes;
nuclear applications; annealed designation used by AWS
UTS: 440 Elon: 14% Proof: 300 ERZr3 0.05% C (max) 1.5% Sn Zr alloy: Weld electrodes;
ASTM B353 RI Zr: Tube; high purity; for nuclear applications; designation used by AWS
annealed ERZr4 0.05% C (max) 2.5% Nb Zr alloy: Weld electrodes;
UTS: 320 Elon: 18% Proof: 129 designation used by AWS
ASTM B353 RI Zr: Tube; high purity; for nuclear applications; !-hard h Zr25 99.5% Zr: Wire 1 mm diameter; Koch-Light Ltd
UTS: 420 Elon: 8% Proof: 300 h Zr74 99.5% Zr: Single crystals 3 mm x 6 mm; Koch·Light
ASTM B35.3 Rl Zr: Tube; high purity; for nuclear applications; i-hard Ltd
UTS: 580 Elon: 5% Proof: 456 METCO 7.5% Y Zr oxide: Spray deposit; Metco
DPN: 300
Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables: METCO 143 Y, Ti and Zr oxides: Spray deposit; Metco; ceramic
DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number DPN: 910
UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2 METC0201 Ca Zr oxide: Spray coating; Metco
Elon Elongation, % DPN:260
Proof ·G.l% proof strength, N/mm 2 METCO 202 NS Y and Zr oxides: Spray deposit; Metco
2 2 2 2
DPN: 395
1 N/mm =0.1 hbar=O.l02 kgflmm =0.06475 tonf/in. =145.04lbflin. =1 MPa METCO210 NS Mg Zr oxide: Spray deposit; Metco
See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables. DPN:310
Rl High purity Zr: Designation used by ASTM
620 . 56 ZIRCONIUM
Symbol Nominal analysis, supplier, condition and remarks. Symbol Nominal analysis, supptier, condition and remarks.
R 60702 4.5% Hf Zr alloy: UNS designation ZIRCONIUM 10 Pure Zr: For reactors; IMI
R60704 4.5% Hf 1.5% Sn 0.3% Fe + Cr Zr alloy: UNS UTS: 250 Elon: 2S % Proof: 160
designation ZIRCONIUM 20 1.5% Sn 0.12% Fe 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni Zr alloy: IMI
R 60705 4.5% Hf 2.5% Nb Zr alloy: UNS designation UTS: 300 Elon: 21 % Proof: 220
R 60902 0.03% C (max) 2.6% Nb 0.45% Cu 0.1 % 0 Zr: reactor ZIRCONIUM 30 0.5% Cu 0.55% Mo Zr alloy: IMI
grade; designation used by UNS DPN: 150 UTS: 320 Elon: 21 % Proof: 200
RAI 1.5% Sn 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni Zr: Designation used by ZIRCONIUM 40 1.5% Sn 0.2% Fe 0.1 % Cr Zr alloy: IMI
VDM ZIRKONIUM 4.5% Hf 0.16% 0 0.2% Fe + Cr (max) Zr alloy; VDM
VDM ZIRKONIUM 4.5% Hf 1.5% Sn 0.3% Fe + Cr Zr alloy; VDM Note. The following abbreviations and units are used in the tables:
ZI Commercially pure Zr: Reactor grade; Jessop DPN Hardness, diamond pyramid number
Z2 0.12% Fe 0.1 % Cr 0.05% Ni 1.4% Sn Zr alloy: Jessop UTS Ultimate tensile strength, N/mm 2
Z3 0.58% Mo 0.56% Cr Zr alloy: Jessop Elon Elongation, %
Z5 Commercially pure Zr: Non-reactor grade; Jessop Proof 0.1 % proof strength, N/mm 2
ZIRCALLOY II 0.12% Fe 0.1% Cr 0.05% Ni 1.4% SN Zr alloy: Jessop;
I N/mm2 =O.l hbar=O.I02 kgf/mm 2 =0.06475 tonf/in 2 =145.04lbf/in. 2 =1 MPa
UTS: 500 Elon: 28% Proof: 290 See Appendix II for other abbreviations and conversion tables.
ZIRCONIUM Zr 99-100% purity: Blackwells
Appendix I
Names and addresses of firms and organizations
The following is a list of names and addresses of the firms and organizations whose materials
are mentioned in this book.
It must be emphasized that although permission to use the information has been given by
the relevant firms and organizations, they are in no way responsible for the accuracy of the
extracts. It must also be emphasized that much of the information contained within this
book will be covered by patents or trademarks, and that none of the information can be
construed as giving permission to make use of subsequent materials such that these trade-
mark rights are infringed upon.
AA see Aluminium Association of America Anglo-Swiss Aluminium Co. Mandor House, Mandor
AALCO 31 Davies Street, London WI Centre, Wolverhampton WVl 3ND
ABS see American Bureau of Shipping Anor (Acieries & Forges d') information from Climax
AEI Limited Trafford Park, Manchester 17 Molybdenum Company
Aerospace Material Specification issued by SAE Anti-Attrition Co. Ltd no record
AFNOR see Association Fran<;ais de Normalisation API see American Petroleum Institute
AICMA see Association des Constructeurs de Appleby-Frodingham Steel Company no record
Material Aerospatial ARMCO Ltd P.O. Box 11, Jubilee Road,
AISI see American Iron and Steel Institute Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 INQ
ALCAN (Germany) GMBH Postfach 85, Nurnberg, Armstrong Whitworth (Metal Industries) Ltd no
Germany record
ALCAN Industries Ltd Bush House, Aldwych, N.C. Ashton no record
London WC2 Association des Constructeurs de Material
ALCOA see Aluminium Company of America Aerospatiale Paris, France
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Company Brackenbridge, Association Fran<;ais de Normalisation (AFNOR) 23
Pennsylvania, USA rue Notre Dame des Victoires, Paris 2, France
All-State Welding Alloys Co. Inc. White Plains, New ASTM see American Society for Testing and Materials
York, USA Atlas Steel Co. Inc. 2085 Lasalle Street, Chicago, IL
Aluminium Association of America 420 Lexington 60604, USA
Avenue, New York Atlas Steels Ltd Weiland, Ontario, Canada
Aluminium Co. Ltd Norfolk House, St. James Square, Austrian Specification Borsegasse 18, 1010 Vienna,
London SWI Austria
(now known as British Aluminium Co. Ltd) (copy held by British Standards Institution)
Aluminium Company of America 1501 Alcoa Avesta Jernwerks Aktiebolas, Avesta, Sweden
Building, Pittsburgh PA 15219, USA
Aluminium Federation Broadway House, Calthorpe Babcock & Wilcox (USA) 1010 Common Street, New
Road, Birmingham B15 ITN Orleans LA 70112
Aluminium Fran<;ais 23 rue Balzac, Paris 8, France Baird & Scottish Steel Co. Ltd no longer exists
Aluminium Wire & Cable Co. Ltd Port Tenant, Baldwins Ltd see Baldwins PLC, Windsford, Cheshire
Swansea, Glamorgan CW73QJ
Aluminium Zentral EV 4 Dusseldorf 10, Postfach Balfour & Darwins Ltd no record
10008, Germany Barker & Allen Ltd Nickel Silver Works, Springhill,
American Bureau of Shipping 45 Eisenhower Drive, Birmingham
P.O. Box 910, Peramis, New Jersey 70653-0910, Batterium Metal Ltd no record
USA Belgian Specification (Institute Beige Normalisation
American Iron & Steel Institute 1133 15th Street, NBN) 29 avenue de la Brabanconne, Brussels 4,
Suite 3000, Washington DC 20005, USA Belgium
American Petroleum Institute 1220 L ST NW, Beryllium Corporation Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
Washington DC 20005 Bethlehem Steel Company Martin Tower, Bethlehem,
American Society for Testing & Materials PA 18016
(ASTM) 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, T.M. Birkett, Billington & Newton Ltd no record
Pennsylvania, USA Birmetals Ltd no record
AMPCO Metal Incorporated 1745 South 38th Street, Birmingham Aluminium Co. no record
P.O. Box 2004, Milwaukee W153201, USA Birmingham Battery & Metal Co. Ltd Selly Oak,
AMS see Aerospace Material Specification Birmingham 29
BKL Alloys Ltd no record Columbia Tool Steel Company 500 Lincoln Highway,
Blackwells Metallurgical Ltd no record Chicago Heights, Illinois, USA
Blaw-Knox Ltd Rochester, Kent Colvilles Ltd 195 West George Street, Glasgow G2,
BNFL see British Nuclear Fuels Scotland
Bochumer Verein information from Climax COMALCO (Europe) Ltd no record
Molybdenum Company Consett Iron Co. Ltd no record
Bofors Aktiebolaget, Bofors, Sweden Consolidated Beryllium P.O. Box 5, Marblehall Road,
Bofors Steel Ltd no record Milford Haven, Dyfed, SA73 2PP
Bofors Steels Incorporated 2 Henderson Drive, West Constrictor Ltd no longer exists
Caldwell, New Jersey, USA Copper Development Association (CDA) Orchard
Gebruder Bohler & Co. AG information from Climax House, Mutton Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire
Molybdenum Company Copper Development Association of America
G. Bohler & Company Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, (CDAA) P.O. Box 1840, Greenwich, CT06836
Austria Copperweld Steel Company 4000 Mahoning Avenue,
Bohler Bros. & Company no record NW Warren, OH 44482
Thomas Bolton & Johnston Ltd Froghall, Stoke-on- Phillip Cornes & Co. Ltd Claybrook Drive, Washford,
Trent, Staffs. Redditch, Worcestershire
Bonperithis (Forge & Acieries de) information from Creusot-Loire Steel Co. Ltd no record
Climax Molybdenum Cronite Group PLC Monaco House, Bristol St,
James Booth Aluminium Ltd no record Birmingham B5 7AS
Bradley & Foster Ltd P.O. Box 4, Heath Road, Crucible Steel Company (now Crucible) The Materials
Wednesbury WSlO 8JL Research Centre, P.O. Box 88, Parle Way West,
Braeburn Steel Co. Braeburn, Pennsylvania, USA Route 80, Pittsburg PA 15230
Brandhurst Co. Ltd no record Cutokumfu Helsinki, Finland
Brimabright Ltd no record
Dacral 164 rue Ambroise Croizat, 93204 St Denis,
Britannia Iron & Steel Works no record
British Aluminium Co. Ltd Norfolk House, St James
Danish Specification see Danish Standards Association
Square, London SWI
Danish Standards Association (Dansk
British Driver-Harris Co. Ltd Pepper Road, Hazel
Standardiseringsrad) Aurehojvej 12, 2900
Grove, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 5BP
Hellerup, Denmark
British Metal Corporation Ltd no record
(copies held by British Standards Institution)
British Nuclear Fuels Ltd Risley, Warrington
Darwins Ltd Tinsley, Sheffield, U.K.
British Rollery Mills Ltd Brymill Steel Works, P.O.
DEF Ministry of Aviation, St Giles Court, 1-13 St
Box 10, Tipton, Staffs.
Giles High Street, London WC2
British Rolling Mills Ltd Bloomfield Road, P.O. Box
Deloro Stellite Ltd Stratton St Margaret, Swindon,
lO, Tipton, Staffs.
British Standards Institute (BS) 2 Park Street, London
Delta Metal Company Dartmouth, Birmingham
C. Denton Steel & Tool Company no record
British Steel Corporation 9 Albert Embankment,
Det Norske Veritas Grenseveien 92, Oslo, Norway
London SEI 7SN
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke AG information from
Brown Bayley Steels Ltd no record
Dewramet Ltd, York House, Mossland Road,
David Brown Industries Ltd Foundries Division,
Glasgow G52 44D, Scotland
Penistone, Nr. Sheffield
Dewrance & Co. Ltd Special Alloy Division, Great
Brush Beryllium Company 17876 St Clair Avenue,
Dover Street, London SEI
Cleveland, Ohio 44110, USA
DIN see German Standards
Director of Materials Research & Development
(DTD) Ministry of Aviation, St Giles Court, 1-13
Cameron & Sons no longer exists
St Giles High Street, London WC2
Canadian Standards Association 235 Montreal Road,
DNV see Det Norske Veritas
Ottawa 7, Canada
DOMAL see Dominion Magnesium Ltd
Carobronze no record
Dominion Magnesium Ltd Haley, Ontario, Canada
Carpenter Steel Company 135 West Barn Street,
Dorman Long Steel Company no record
Reading, Pennsylvania, USA
Driver-Harris 201 Middlesex Street, Harrison, New
R. Carr & Co. Ltd Pluto Works, Wadsley Bridge,
Jersey, USA
Sheffield 6
DTD see Director of Materials Research &
CDA see Copper Development Association
CDAA see Copper Development Association of
Dunford & Elliott no record
Dunford & Hadfield Ltd no record
C. Clifford Ltd Dog Pool Mills, Birmingham 30
Durasint Products Ltd no record
Climax Molybdenum 29 Gresham Street, London
Duriron Company no record
Duriron Company Inc. (DURCO) 425 North Findlay
Climax Molybdenum Corporation 1270 Avenue of
Street, Dayton, OH 45401, USA
Americas, New York 20, USA
Cobalt Information Centre Chichester House, 278/282 Eastern Stainless Steel Company Baltimore, P.O. Box
High Holborn, London WCl 1975 MD, USA
Edgar & Allen & Co. Ltd P.O. Box 93, Imperial Steel Glacier Metal Co. Ltd Argyle House, Joel Street,
Works, Sheffield 9 Northwood Hills, HA6 lCN
Electrolytic Zinc Company no record Gloucester Foundry no record
Elm Engineering Ltd no record T.R. Goldschmidt AG, Abteilung Metalle Essen,
Enfield Rolling Mills Ltd no record Germany
Engelhard Industries no record Gorham Tool Company Detroit, Michigan, USA
English Steel Corporation (ESC) no record GOST-Russian Specification
ESAB no record (copies held by British Standards Institution)
ESC see English Steel Corporation Gottingen Aluminiumwerke GMBH Gottingen,
Esperance Longder 60 rue d'Harscamp, Liege, Germany
Belgium Granite City Steel Company Granite City, Illinois,
Eyre Smelting Company no record USA
Grant & West Ltd no record
Graylom Steel Company New York, USA
Fagersta Bruk AB Fagersta, Sweden
Great Lakes Steel Company Detroit, Michigan, USA
Fagersta Steels Ltd no record
Great Western Steel Division Hayland Steel
Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation No. 1 Tantallen
Company, Los Angeles, California, USA
Place, North Chicago, USA
Gruss Stahlwerk Witten AG, Germany
Fiat Spa Milan, Italy
Guronitwerke Vervoot GMBH Dusseldorf, Germany
Firminy (Forge de) information from Climax
Gusstahl-Hondels GMBH Van Dohlen-Stahl, Wetter,
Molybdenum Company
Ruhr, Germany
Firth Brown no record
Firth Cleveland Sintered Products Ltd Treforest,
Hadfields Ltd no record
Pontypridd, Glamorgan, Wales
Hagener Gusstahlwerke Remy, Germany
Firth Sterling Incorporated Industrial Park,
Hall & Pickles Port Street, Manchester 1
Interchange, City Lavertne, TN 37086
(now part of Osborne Steels)
Firth Vickers Foundry Ltd P.O. Box 160, Garter
Hallamshire Hardmetal Products 315-17 Coleford
Street, Sheffield S4 7QY
Road, Sheffield, S95NF
Forez (Acieres du) Saint Etienne, France
Hallamskie Steel Company
Samuel Fox & Co. Ltd no record
(now part of Sheffield Rolling Mills)
French Afnor Association Franc;:ais de Normalisation,
Hanricot information from Climax Molybdenum
23 rue Notre Dame des Victoires, Paris 2, France
French National Standard Association Franc;:ais de
Harrison Fischer no record
Normalisation, 23 rue Notre Dame des Victoires,
Harvey Aluminium Ltd Torrance, California, USA
Paris 2, France
Haynes Stellite Samuel Osborn & Co. Ltd, P.O. Box
Friedr Lohmann information from Climax
1, Clyde Steel Works, Sheffield 3
Molybdenum Company
HDA see High Duty Alloys
S. Fry & Co. Ltd no record
A. Heckford Ltd Birmingham Metal Works, Frederick
Furnival Steel Co. Ltd Furnival Steel Works, Sheffield
Street, Birmingham
High Duty Alloys Ltd (HDA) no record
Hill Alzen (Sales) Ltd no record
William Gallimore & Sons Ltd no record Hoffmann information from Climax Molybdenum
A.B. Galnol & Company no record Company
Gebruder Bohler Kapfenberg, Steiermark, Austria I. Holroyd & Co. Ltd P.O. Box 24, Holfus Works,
Gebruder Bohler & Company AG information from Rochdale
Climax Molybdenum Company Holtzer-Loire no record
General Alloys Company Boston, Massachusetts, Hopkinsons P.O. Box 27, Brittania Works,
USA Huddersfield, Yorks.
General Electric Company Detroit 32, Michigan, USA Hoyt Metal Co. (Great Britain) Ltd no record
General Electric Company Metallurgical Products Huntingdon Alloy Products The International Nickel
Dept, Detroit, USA Company, 67 Wall Street, New York 5, USA
General Steel Industries Incorporated Eddystone, PA, B. Huntsman no record
General Tool & Die Company East Orange, New ICI Ltd see Imperial Metal Industries
Jersey, USA IMI see Imperial Metal Industries
Georgsmarienwerke Selesiastahl Imperial Aluminium Co. Ltd no record
GMBH Georgsmarienhutte, Germany Imperial Metal Industries Ltd no record
Gerhardi & Company Ladenscheid, Germany Imperial Smelting Processes Ltd P.O. Box 50,
German Standards 175 Uhlandstrasse, 1 Berlin 15, Castlemead Lower, Castle Street, Bristol BS99
Germany 7YR
Gilby Brunton Ltd no record Imphy Siege Social, 84 rue de LilIe, Paris, France
Gilby-Foder Trefileries et Lamenoirsde Precision, Incanite Foundries Ltd no record
Rueil-Malmaison, France INCO no record
Gimo-Osterby Bruks AB Gimo, Sweden I. Inman & Co. Ltd no record
Giulini Werke AG Rohrsbach, Germany INTAL see International Alloys Ltd
International Alloys Ltd (INTAL) no record Mel-Magnesium Elektron Ltd no record
International Lead Zinc Research Organisation Metal Alloys Ltd Treforest Estate, Pontypridd, Wales
Incorporated 2525 Meridian Parkway, P.O. Box Metco Ltd Chobham, Woking, Surrey
12036, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Metro-Cutanit Ltd no record
International Meehanite Co. Ltd Meerion House, Metrode Products Ltd Hanworth Lane., Chertsey,
Albert Road North, Reigate, Surrey Surrey
International Nickel Co. (INCO) no record William Mills & Co. Ltd no record
Italian Standards Ente Nazionale Italiano de Mining & Chemical Products Ltd Alperton, Wembley,
Unificazione Milano, Italy Middlesex
Miralite Co. Ltd no longer exists
Japan Metal Industry, Kawasaki, Japan Murex Ltd Rainham, Essex
Jessop-Saville Ltd no record
Johnson Matthey Orchard Road, Royston, Nazionale Cogne information from Climax
Hertfordshire, SG8 3ME Molybdenum Company
Jones & Colver Ltd no record NBN see Belgian Specification
Jones & Rourke no record NELCO Metal Corporation Canaan, Connecticut,
Kawasaki Plant Japan Metal Industries Co. Ltd, Netherlands Standardization Institute (Nederlands
Kawasaki, Japan Normalisatie Institut: Dutch
Kawecki Berylco Incorporated no record Specification) Polaweg 5, Ruswuk, Netherlands
E. & E. Kaye Ltd no record Northern Aluminium Co. Ltd no record
Kayser-Ellison & Co. Ltd no record NYBY Stainless Steels no record
Kennametal (GB) Ltd P.O. Box 29, Pensett Trading
Estate, Brierley Hill, DY67NP Officine Metallurgiche de Pont, St Martin, France
Kind & Company Edelstahlwerk information from Samuel Osborne & Co. Ltd no record
Climax Molybdenum Company
Kirkstall Forge Engineering Ltd no record Park Gate Iron & Steel Co. Ltd no record
Kiveton Park Steel Company Kiveton Park, Sheffield F. Parkin, Wallsend Road North, Sheffield S6 ILL
S318NQ Patent Shaft Steel no record
Klockner-Werge AG information from Climax Permanent Magnet Association (PMA) no record
Molybdenum Company Phosphor Bronze Co. Ltd Temple Manor Works,
Krupps Steel Works Fried, Essen, Germany Rochester, Kent
C. Kuhbler & Son information from Climax Platt Metal Ltd no record
Molybdenum Company PMA no record
Pompey Society of Acieres 61 rue de Monceau, Paris
L'Aluminium Fran«ais 23 rue Balzac, Paris 8, France 8, France
Langley Alloys Ltd Langley, Slough, Bucks. Posse-Marre information from Climax Molybdenum
Latrobe Steel Company Suby of Timken Co., 2626 Company
Ligonier Street, Latrobe, PA 15650, USA Kabel C. Pouplier Stahlwerk information from Climax
Lead Development Association 34 Berkeley Square, Molybdenum Company
London, WI Preformations Ltd no record
Arthur Lee & Sons Ltd P.O. Box 54, Sheffield
Light Alloys Ltd Dales Road, Ipswich IPI 4JR Quebec Metallurgical Corporation, Quebec, Canada
Light Laboratories Ltd no record
London Zinc Mills Ltd no record Reactive Metals Incorporated Niles, Ohio, USA
Low Moor Alloy Steelworks Ltd no record Redheugh Iron & Steel Co. Ltd no record
Republic Steel Company Republic Building,
McKechnie Metals Ltd Middlemore Lane, Aldridge, Cleveland 1, Ohio, USA
Near Walsall, Staffordshire Resistalloy Ltd Riverside Works, Weedon Street,
Magnesium Elektron Ltd Regal House, London Sheffield S9 2FT
Road, Twickenham, London TWI 3QA Reynolds Tubes Company no record
Magnolia Anti-Friction Metal Company no record Richards, Thomas & Baldwins Ltd no record
Main Metal (Great Britain) Ltd no record Rochling-Budenis information from Climax
Mallory Metallurgical Products Ltd no record Molybdenum Company
Manganese Bronze Ltd Elton Park Works, P.O. Box Round Oak Steel no record
19, Hadleigh Road, Ipswich Russian Specifications (GOST)
W.L. Marrison Ltd no record (copies held by British Standards Institution)
Marsh Bros & Co. Ltd no record
Martin Marietta Company no record SAE see Society of Automotive Engineers
Martin Metals Company Division Martin Marietta Salford Electric no record
Corporation, Wheeling, Illinois, USA Sambre & Meusse (Acieries de) information from
Meehanite (International Meehanite Co. Ltd) Murion Climax Molybdenum Company
House, Albert Road North, Reigate, Surrey Sanderson Brothers & Newbould Ltd
Meigh Casting Co. Ltd Werkinton Foundry, Nr. (now Sanderson Kayser Ltd)
Swindon, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire Sanderson Kayser Ltd no record
Sandvik Ltd Manor Way, Halesowen, BG2 8QZ Timken Roller Bearing Company Canton, Ohio, USA
Schmidt & Clemens Edelstahlwerk information from Tin Research Institute no record
Climax Molybdenum Company Titanium Metal Company of America 233 Broadway,
Schoeller-Bleckmann Steels (Great Britain) Ltd no New York, USA
record Tokushu Seiko Co. Ltd information from Isfan Iron &
Sheffield Hollow Drill Steel Co. Ltd (SHD) no record Steel Federation, Tekko Building, Tokyo
Sheffield Smelting Company no record Toledo Steel Works no record
Simonds 110 Safety First Bank Buildings, Fitchburgh, Toshiba Tokyo Shibaura Electric Company, Tokyo,
Massachusetts, USA Japan
Sintered Products Ltd no record The Tungum Company Ltd The White House, Arle,
SIS see Swedish Standardizing Commission Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Fred Smith & Company AEI Cables Ltd, Cretehall T. Turton & Sons Ltd no longer exists
Road, Gravesend DA11 9AF Turton Bros & Matthews Ltd Burton Road, Sheffield
Society Metallurgique d'lmphy, Siege Social, 84 rue de S38DA
Lille, Paris, France
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 485 Uddelholm Aktiebolag Uddelholm, Sweden
Lexington Avenue, New York 17, USA Uddelholm Swedish Steels Ltd Kinwarton Farm Road,
Soderfors Steel Works Soderfors, Sweden Alcester B49 6ET
Walter Somers Haywood Forge, P.O. Box 7, Ugine (Acieries d') Paris, France
Halesowen, Worcestershire The Under Secretary of State (STA) War Office (DS),
Southern Forge Ltd First Avenue House, High Holborn, London WCl
(now Imperial Aluminium Co. Ltd, P.O. Box 216, Union Carbide Ltd Shepley Street, Glossop,
Witton, Birmingham) Derbyshire
Spanish National Standardization Institute (Instituto United Steel Company no record
Nationale de Racionalizacion del Universal Cyclops Steel Corporation Bridgeville, USA
Trabajo) Sarrano 150, Madrid, Spain US Federal Specifications
Spear & Jackson Industrial Tool Steel Aetna Works, (copies held by British Standards Institution)
Saville Street, Sheffield 4 US Service Specifications US Government Printing
Walter Spenser & Co. Ltd no record Office, Washington, DC, USA
STA The Under Secretary of State, War Office (DS),
First Avenue House, High Holborn, London WCl Valhuna no record
Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd no record Vanadium Alloy Steel Company Latrobe,
Standards Association of Australia Standards House, Pennsylvania, USA
8~86 Arthur Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060, John Vessey & Sons Ltd no record
Australia Vickers Armstrong Ltd no record
Stavanger Elektre Salverk Stavanger, Norway The Vulcan Steel & Tool Co. Ltd no record
STD Services Ltd no record
Steel Company of Wales no record Wai-Met Alloys Company Division of Howe Sound
Steel Peech & Tozer Ltd P.O. Box 50, The Ickles, Company, Dearborn, Michigan, USA
Rotherham, UK Wall Colmonoy (Canada) Ltd Pontardawe, Swansea
(now British Steel Corporation) SA84HL
J. Stone Ltd no record Wellman pic Devon House, 12-15 Dartmouth Street,
Stone Manganese, J. Stone & Company no record London SWIH 9BJ
Peter Stubbs Scotland Road, Warrington, Cheshire V.R. Wesson Company 800 Market Street,
Sudwestfalen-Stahlwerk AG information from Climax Waukegan, Illinois, USA
Molybdenum Company Westinghouse Electric Corporation East Pittsburgh,
Suffolk Iron Co. Ltd no record PA,USA
Svenskt Stal no record Henry Wiggin Holmer Road, Hertford, UK
Swedish Standardisering Kommission Metals Wolsingham Steel Co. Ltd no record
Department, Box 3295, Stockholm, Sweden
Swift Levick & Sons Ltd Clarence Steel Works, Yorkshire Imperial Alloys Ltd P.O. Box 166, Leeds
Leveson Street, Sheffield 4 LSIIRD, Yorks.
Telcon Metals Ltd P.O. Box 12, Manor Royal, Zapp-Robt information from Climax Molybdenum
Crawley, Sussex Company
Thomson L'Hospied & Co. Ltd no record Zinc Development Association 34 Berkeley Square,
Thyssen Glesserei AG Mulheim, West Germany London WI
Appendix II • Conversion tables
Appendix itA
Temperature conversion table
To convert any temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees to the other, take the figure in the centre column, and if
converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit, read off to the right-hand column; if converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius, read off to
the left-hand column.
Example 720°C = 1328 of
1200 of = 649°C
Formula for conversion
Celsius to Fahrenheit = °C x 1.8 + 32 = of
Fahrenheit to Celsius = of - 32 -;- 1.8 = °C
°C of °C of °C of °C of °C of °C of
-128.9 -200 -328 -46.1 -51 -59.8 -13.3 8 46.4 19.4 67 152.6 177 350 662 504 940 1724
-123.3 -190 -310 -45.5 -50 -58 -12.8 9 48.2 20.0 68 154.4 182 360 680 510 950 1742
-117.8 -180 -292 -45 -49 -56.2 -12.2 10 50.0 20.6 69 156.2 188 370 698 516 960 1760
-1l2.2 -170 -274 -44.4 -48 -54.4 -11.7 Il 51.8 21.1 70 158.0 193 380 716 521 970 1778
-106.7 -160 -256 -43.9 -47 -52.6 -11.1 12 53.6 21.7 71 159.8 199 390 734 527 980 1796
-101.1 -150 -238 -43.3 -46 -50.8 -10.6 13 55.4 22.2 72 161.6 204 400 752 532 990 1814
-95.6 -140 -220 -42.8 -45 -49 -10.0 14 57.2 22.8 73 163.4 210 410 770 538 1000 1832
-90.0 -130 -202 -42.2 -44 -47.2 -9.44 15 59.0 23.3 74 165.2 216 420 788 543 1010 1850
-84.4 -120 -184 -41.7 -43 -45.4 -8.89 16 60.8 23.9 75 167.0 221 430 806 549 1020 1868
-78.9 -110 -166 -41.1 -42 -43.6 -8.33 17 62.6 24.4 76 168.8 227 440 824 554 1030 1886
-73.3 -100 -148 -40.6 -41 -41.8 -7.78 18 64.4 25.0 77 170.6 232 450 842 560 1040 1904
-72.8 -99 -146.2 -40 -40 -40 -7.22 19 66.2 25.6 78 172.4 238 460 860 566 1050 1922
-72.2 -98 -144.4 -39.4 -39 -38.2 -6.67 20 68.0 26.1 79 174.2 243 470 878 571 1060 1940
-71.7 -97 -142.6 -38.9 -38 -36.4 -6.1l 21 69.8 26.7 80 176.0 249 480 896 577 1070 1958
-71.1 -96 -140.8 -38.3 -37 -34.6 -5.56 22 71.6 27.2 81 177.8 254 490 914 582 1080 1976
-70.6 -95 -139 -37.8 -36 -32.8 -5.00 23 73.4 27.8 82 179.6 260 500 932 588 1090 1994
-70.0 -94 -137.2 -37.2 -35 -31 -4.44 24 75.2 28.3 83 181.4 266 510 9SO 593 Iloo 2012
-69.4 -93 -135.4 -36.7 -34 -29.2 -3.89 25 77.0 28.9 84 183.2 271 520 968 599 1lI0 2030
-68.9 -92 -133.6 -36.1 -33 -27.4 -3.33 26 78.8 29.4 85 185.0 m 530 986 604 1120 2048
-68.3 -91 -131.8 -35.6 -32 -25.6 -2.78 27 80.6 30.0 86 186.8 282 540 1004 610 1l3O 2066
-67.8 -90 -130 -35 -31 -23.8 -2.22 28 82.4 30.6 87 188.6 288 5SO 1022 616 1l4O 2084
-67.2 -89 -128.2 -34.4 -30 -22 -1.67 29 84.2 31.1 88 190.4 293 560 1040 621 IlSO 2102
-66.7 -88 -126.4 -33.9 -29 -20.2 ..,1.11 30 86.0 31.7 89 192.2 299 570 1058 627 1160 2120
-66.1 -87 -124.6 -33.3 -28 -18.4 -0.56 31 87.8 32.2 90 194.0 304 580 1076 632 1170 2138
-65.6 -86 -122.8 -32.8 -27 -16.6 0 32 89.6 32.8 91 195.8 310 590 1094 638 1180 2156
-65.0 -85 -121 -32.2 -26 -14.8 0.56 33 91.4 33.3 92 197.6 316 600 1112 643 1190 2174
-64.4 -84 -119.2 -31.7 -25 -13 1.11 34 93.2 33.9 93 199.4 321 610 1130 649 1200 2192
-63.9 -83 -117.4 -31.1 -24 -11.2 1.67 35 95.0 34.4 94 201.2 327 620 1148 654 1210 2210
-63.3 -82 -1l5.6 -306 -23 -9.4 2.22 36 96.8 35.0 95 203.0 332 630 1166 660 1220 2228
-62.8 -81 -113.8 -30 -22 -7.6 2.78 37 98.6 35.6 96 204.8 338 640 1184 666 1230 2246
-62.2 -80 -112 -29.4 -21 -5.8 3.33 38 100.4 36.1 97 206.6 343 650 1202 671 1240 2264
-61.7 -79 -110.2 -28.9 -20 -4 3.89 39 102.2 36.7 98 208.4 349 660 1220 677 1250 2282
-61.1 -78 -108.4 -28.3 -19 -2.2 4.44 40 104.0 37.2 99 210.2 354 670 1238 682 1260 2300
-60.6 -77 -106.6 -27.8 -18 -0.4 5.00 41 105.8 38 100 212 360 680 1256 688 1270 2318
-60.0 -76 -104.8 -27.2 -17 1.4 5.56 42 107.6 43 110 230 366 690 1274 693 1280 2336
-59.4 -75 -103 -26.7 -16 3.2 6.1l 43 109.4 49 120 248 371 700 1292 699 1290 2354
-58.9 -74 -101.2 -26.1 -15 5 6.67 44 111.2 54 130 266 377 710 1310 704 1300 2372
-58.3 -73 -99.4 -25.6 -14 68 7.22 45 113.0 60 140 284 382 720 1328 710 1310 2390
-57.8 -72 -97.6 -25 -13 8.6 7.78 46 1l4.8 66 150 302 388 730 1346 716 1320 2408
-57.2 -71 -95.8 -24.4 -12 10.4 8.33 47 116.6 71 160 320 393 740 1364 721 1330 2426
-56.7 -70 -94 -23.9 -Il 12.2 8.89 48 118.4 77 170 338 399 750 1382 727 1340 2444
-56.1 -69 -92.2 -23.3 -10 14 9.44 49 120.2 82 180 356 404 760 1400 732 1350 2462
-55.6 -68 -90.4 -22.8 -9 15.8 10.0 SO 122.0 88 190 374 410 770 1418 738 1360 2480
-55 -67 -88.6 -22.2 -8 17.6 10.6 51 123.8 93 200 392 416 780 1436 743 1370 2498
-54.4 -66 -86.8 -21.7 -7 19.4 11.1 52 125.6 99 210 410 421 790 1454 749 1380 2516
-53.9 -65 -85 -21.1 -6 21.2 11.7 53 127.4 100 212 414 427 800 1472 754 1390 2534
-53.3 -64 -83.2 -20.6 -5 23 12.2 54 129.2 104 220 428 432 810 1490 760 1400 2552
-52.8 -63 -81.4 -20 -4 24.8 12.8 55 131.0 110 230 446 438 820 1508 766 1410 2570
-52.2 -62 -79.6 -19.4 -3 26.6 13.3 56 132.8 116 240 464 443 830 1526 771 1420 2588
-51.7 -61 -77.8 -18.9 -2 28.4 13.9 57 134.6 121 250 482 449 840 1544 777 1430 2606
-51.1 -60 -76 -18.3 -1 30.2 14.4 58 136.4 127 260 500 454 8SO 1562 782 1440 2624
-50.6 -59 -74.2 -17.8 0 32 15.0 59 138.2 132 270 518 460 860 1580 788 14SO 2642
-SO -58 -72.4 -17.2 I 33.8 15.6 60 140.0 138 280 536 466 870 1598 793 1460 2660
-49.4 -57 -70.6 -16.7 2 35.6 16.1 61 141.8 143 290 554 471 880 1616 799 1470 2678
-48.9 -56 -68.8 -16.1 3 37.4 16.7 62 143.6 149 300 572 477 890 1634 804 1480 2696
-48.3 -55 -67 -15.6 4 39.2 17.2 63 145.4 154 310 590 482 900 1652 810 1490 2714
-47.8 -54 -65.2 -15.0 5 41.0 17.8 64 147.2 160 320 608 488 910 1670 816 1500 2732
-47.2 -53 -63.4 -14.4 6 42.8 18.3 65 149.0 166 330 626 493 920 1688 821 1510 27SO
-46.7 -52 -61.6 -13.9 7 44.6 18.9 66 150.8 171 340 644 499 930 1706 827 1520 2768
Appendix IIA-cont.
°C OF °C of °C of °C of °C of °C of
832 1530 2786 'fI7 1790 3254 1121 2050 3722 1266 2310 4190 1410 2570 4658 1554 2830 5126
838 1540 2804 982 1800 3272 1127 2060 3740 1271 2320 4208 1416 2580 4676 1560 2840 5144
843 1550 2822 988 1810 3290 1132 2070 3758 1277 2330 4226 1421 2590 4694 1566 2850 5162
849 1560 2840 993 1820 3308 1138 2080 3776 1282 2340 4244 1427 2600 4712 1571 2860 5180
854 1570 2858 999 1830 3326 1143 2090 3794 1288 2350 4262 1432 2610 4730 1577 2870 5198
860 1580 2876 1004 1840 3344 1149 2100 3812 1293 2360 4280 1438 2620 4748 1582 2880 5216
866 1590 2894 1010 1850 3362 2254 2110 3830 1299 2370 4298 1443 2630 4766 1588 2890 5234
871 1600 2912 1016 1860 3380 1160 2120 3848 1304 2380 4316 1449 2640 4784 1593 2900 5252
877 1610 2930 1021 1870 3398 1166 2130 3866 1310 2390 4334 1454 2650 4802 1599 2910 5270
882 1620 2948 1027 1880 3416 1171 2140 3884 1316 2400 4352 1460 2660 4820 1604 2920 5288
888 1630 2966 1032 1890 3434 1177 2150 3902 1321 2410 4370 1466 2670 4838 1610 2930 5306
893 1640 2984 1038 1900 3452 1182 2160 3920 1327 2420 4388 1471 2680 4856 1616 2940 5324
899 1650 3002 1043 1910 3470 1188 2170 3938 1332 2430 4406 1477 2690 4874 1621 2950 5342
904 1660 3020 1049 1920 3488 1193 2180 3956 1338 2440 4424 1482 2700 4892 1627 2960 5360
910 1670 3038 1054 1930 3506 1199 2190 3974 1343 2450 4442 1488 2710 4910 1632 2970 5378
916 1680 3056 1060 1940 3524 1204 2200 3992 1349 2460 4460 1493 2720 4928 1638 2980 5396
921 1690 3074 1066 1950 3542 1210 2210 4010 1354 2470 4478 1499 2730 4946 1643 2990 5414
927 1700 3092 1071 1960 3560 1216 2220 4028 1360 2480 4496 1504 2740 4964 1649 3000 5432
932 1710 3110 1077 1970 3578 1221 2230 4046 1366 2490 4514 1510 2750 4982 1705 3100 5612
938 1720 3128 1082 1980 3596 1227 2240 4064 1371 2500 4532 1516 2760 5000 1760 3200 5792
943 1730 3146 1088 1990 3614 1232 2250 m 1377 2510 4550 1521 mo 5018 1816 3300 5972
949 1740 3164 1093 2000 3632 1238 2260 4100 1382 2520 4568 1527 2780 5036 1871 3400 6152
954 1750 3182 1099 2010 3650 1243 2270 4118 1388 2530 4586 1532 2790 5054
960 1760 3200 1104 2020 3668 1249 2280 4136 1393 2540 4604 1538 2800 5072
966 1770 3218 1110 2030 3686 1254 2290 4154 1399 2550 4622 1543 2810 5090
971 1780 3236 1116 2040 3704 1260 2300 4172 1404 2560 4640 1549 2820 5108
Appendix liB
Strength conversion table
hbar N/mm 2 tonflin2 Ibflin2 kgflmm2 hbar N/mm2 tonflin2 Ibflin2 kgflmm2 hbar N/mm 2 tonflin2 Ibflin2 kgflmm2
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
1 10 0.647 1450 1.02 81 810 52.45 117 500 82.60 161 1610 104.2 233 500 164.2
2 20 1.295 2900 2.04 82 820 53.09 118900 83.62 162 1620 104.9 235000 165.2
3 30 1.942 4350 3.06 83 830 53.74 120400 84.64 163 1630 105.5 236400 166.2
4 40 2.590 5800 4.08 84 840 54.39 121800 85.65 164 1640 106.2 237900 167.2
5 50 3.237 7250 5.10 85 850 55.04 123300 86.67 165 1650 106.8 239300 168.3
6 60 3.885 8700 6.12 86 860 55.68 124700 87.69 166 1660 107.5 240 800 169.3
7 70 4.532 10150 7.14 87 870 56.33 126 200 88.71 167 1670 108.1 242200 170.3
8 80 5.180 11600 8.16 88 880 56.98 127600 89.73 168 1680 108.8 243700 171.3
9 90 5.827 13 050 9.18 89 890 57.63 129100 90.75 169 1690 109.4 245100 172.3
10 100 6.475 14500 10.20 90 900 58.27 130500 91.77 170 1700 110.1 246 600 173.3
II 110 7.122 15950 11.22 91 910 58.92 132000 92.79 171 1710 110.7 248 000 174.4
12 120 7.770 17400 12.24 92 920 59.57 133400 93.81 172 1720 111.4 249500 175.4
13 130 8.417 18850 13.26 93 930 60.22 134900 94.83 173 1730 112.0 250900 176.4
14 140 9.065 20300 14.28 94 940 60.86 136300 95.85 174 1740 112.7 252400 177.4
15 150 9.712 21750 15.30 95 950 61.51 137800 %.87 175 1750 113.3 253800 178.4
16 160 10.36 23200 16.32 % 960 62.16 139200 97.89 176 1760 114.0 255300 179.5
17 170 11.01 24650 17.33 97 970 62.80 140 700 98.91 177 1770 114.6 256700 180.5
18 180 11.65 26100 18.35 98 980 63.45 142100 99.93 178 1780 115.3 258200 181.5
19 190 12.30 27550 19.37 99 990 64.10 143600 101.0 179 1790 115.9 259600 1~2.5
20 200 12.95 29000 20.39 100 1000 64.75 145000 102.0 180 1800 116.5 261100 183.5
21 210 13.60 30450 21.41 101 1010 65.37 146 500 103.0 181 1810 117.2 262500 184.6
22 220 14.24 31900 22.43 102 1020 66.04 147900 104.0 182 1820 117.8 264 000 185.6
23 230 14.89 33350 23.45 103 1030 66.69 149400 105.0 183 1830 118.5 265400 186.6
24 240 15.54 34800 24.47 104 1040 67.34 150800 106.0 184 1840 119.1 266 900 187.6
25 250 16.19 36250 25.49 105 1050 67.99 152300 107.1 185 1850 119.8 268 300 188.6
26 260 16.83 37700 26.51 106 1060 68.63 153700 108.1 186 1860 120.4 269800 189.7
27 270 17.48 39150 27.53 107 1070 69.28 155200 109.1 187 1870 121.1 271200 190.7
28 280 18.13 40600 28.55 108 1080 69.93 156600 110.1 188 1880 121.7 272700 191.7
29 290 18.78 42050 29.57 109 1090 70.58 158100 111.1 189 1890 122.4 274100 192.7
30 300 19.42 43500 30.59 110 1100 71.22 159500 112.2 190 1900 123.0 275600 193.7
31 310 20.07 44 950 31.61 111 1110 71.87 161000 113.2 191 1910 123.7 277 000 194.8
32 320 20.72 46400 32.63 112 1120 72.52 162400 114.2 192 1920 124.3 278500 195.8
33 330 21.37 47850 33.65 113 1130 73.17 163900 115.2 193 1930 125.0 279900 1%.8
34 340 22.01 49300 34.67 114 1140 73.81 165300 116.2 194 1940 125.6 281400 197.8
35 350 22.66 50750 36.69 115 1150 74.46 166 800 117.3 195 1950 126.3 282800 198.8
36 360 23.31 52200 36.71 116 1160 75.11 168 200 118.3 196 1960 126.9 184 300 199.9
37 370 23.96 53650 37.73 117 1170 75.76 169700 119.3 197 1970 127.6 285700 200.9
38 380 24.60 55100 38.75 118 1180 76.40 171100 120.3 198 1980 128.2 287 200 201.9
39 390 25.25 56550 39.77 119 1190 77.05 172600 121.3 199 1990 128.9 288600 202.9
40 400 25.90 58000 40.79 120 1200 77.70 174000 122.4 200 2000 129.5 290 100 203.9
41 410 26.55 59450 41.81 121 1210 78.35 175500 123.4 201 2010 130.1 291 500 205.0
42 420 27.19 60900 42.83 122 1220 78.99 176900 124.4 202 2020 130.8 293000 206.0
43 430 27.84 62350 43.85 123 1230 79.64 178400 125.4 203 2030 131.4 294 400 207.0
44 440 28.49 63800 44.87 124 1240 80.29 179800 126.4 204 2040 132.1 295900 208.0
45 450 29.14 65250 45.89 125 1250 80.93 181300 127.5 205 2050 132.7 297 300 209.0
46 460 29.78 66700 46.91 126 1260 81.58 182800 128.5 206 2060 133.4 298800 210.1
47 470 30.43 68150 47.93 127 1270 82.23 184 200 129.5 207 2070 134.0 300 200 211.1
48 480 31.08 69600 48.95 128 1280 82.88 185700 130.5 208 2080 134.7 301700 212.1
49 490 31.73 71 050 49.97 129 1290 83.53 187100 131.5 209 2090 135.3 303 100 213.1
50 500 32.37 72500 50.99 130 1300 84.17 186 600 132.6 210 2100 136.0 304600 214.1
51 510 33.02 73950 52.00 131 1310 84.82 190 000 133.6 211 2110 136.6 306000 215.2
52 520 33.67 75400 53.02 132 1320 85.47 191500 134.6 212 2120 137.3 307 500 216.2
53 530 34.32 76850 54.04 133 1330 86.12 192 900 135.6 213 2130 137.9 308 900 217.2
54 540 34.96 78300 55.06 134 1340 86.76 194400 136.6 214 2140 138.6 310 400 218.2
55 550 35.61 79750 56.08 135 1350 87.41 195800 137.7 215 2150 139.2 311800 219.2
56 560 36.26 81200 57.10 136 1360 88.06 197300 138.7 216 2160 139.9 313 300 220.3
57 570 36.91 82650 58.12 137 1370 88.71 198700 139.7 217 2170 140.5 314700 221.3
58 580 37.55 84100 59.14 138 1380 89.35 200 200 140.7 218 2180 141.2 316200 222.3
59 590 38.20 85550 60.16 139 1390 90.00 201600 141.7 219 2190 141.8 317600 223.3
60 600 38.85 87000 61.18 140 1400 90.65 203 100 142.8 220 2200 142.4 319100 224.3
61 610 39.50 88450 62.20 141 1410 91.30 204 500 143.8 221 2210 143.1 320500 225.4
62 620 40.14 89900 63.22 142 1420 91.94 206 000 144.8 222 2220 143.7 322000 226.4
63 630 40.79 91350 64.24 143 1430 92.59 207 400 145.8 223 2230 144.4 323 400 227.4
64 640 41.44 92800 65.26 144 1440 93.24 208 900 146.8 224 2240 145.0 324900 228.4
65 650 42.09 94250 66.28 145 1450 93.89 210 300 147.9 225 2250 145.7 326 300 229.4
66 660 42.74 95700 67.30 146 1460 94.53 211 800 148.9 226 2260 146.3 327800 230.5
67 670 43.38 97 150 68.32 147 1470 95.18 213200 149.9 227 2270 147.0 329200 231.5
68 680 44.02 98600 69.34 148 1480 95.83 214700 150.9 228 2280 147.6 330 700 232.5
69 690 44.68 100 050 70.36 149 1490 %.48 216100 151.9 229 2290 148.3 332100 233.5
70 700 45.32 101 500 71.38 150 1500 97.12 217600 153.0 230 2300 148.9 333600 234.5
71 710 45.97 103000 72.40 151 1510 97.77 219000 154.0 231 2310 149.6 335000 235.6
72 720 46.62 104 400 73.42 152 1520 98.42 220500 155.0 232 2320 150.2 336500 236.6
73 730 47.27 105900 74.44 153 1530 99.07 221900 156.0 233 2330 150.9 337900 237.6
74 740 47.91 107 300 75.46 154 1540 99.71 223 400 157.0 234 2340 151.5 339400 238.6
75 750 48.56 108800 76.48 155 1550 100.4 224800 158.1 235 2350 152.2 340 800 239.6
Appendix IIB-cont.
hbar N/mm' tonf/in' Ibf/in' kgf/mm' hbar N/mm' tonf/in' Ibf/in' kgf/mm' hbar N/mm' tonflin' Ibflin' kgflmm'
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
76 760 49.21 110200 77.50 156 1560 101.0 226300 159.1 236 2360 152.8 342300 24M
77 770 49.86 111 700 78.52 157 1570 101.7 227700 160.1 237 2370 153.5 343700 241.7
78 780 50.50 113 100 79.54 158 1580 102.3 229200 161.1 238 2380 154.1 345200 242.7
79 790 5I.l5 114600 80.56 159 1590 103.0 230600 162.1 239 2390 154.8 346 600 243.7
80 800 51.80 116000 81.58 160 1600 103.6 232 100 163.2 240 2400 155.4 348100 244.7
Appendix IIC
Impact data conversion table
joules ft/lb kglm joules ftJIb kglm joules ftJIb kglm joules ft/lb kglm
1 1 0.14 35 26 3.60 69 51 7.05 103 76 10.51
3 2 0.28 37 27 3.73 71 52 7.19 104 77 10.65
4 3 0.42 38 28 3.97 72 53 7.33 106 78 10.78
5 4 0.55 39 29 4.01 73 54 7.47 107 79 10.92
7 5 0.69 41 30 4.15 75 55 7.60 108 80 11.06
8 6 0.83 42 31 4.29 76 56 7.74 110 81 11.20
9 7 0.97 43 32 4.42 77 57 7.88 111 82 11.34
11 8 1.11 45 33 4.56 78 58 8.02 113 83 11.48
12 9 1.24 46 34 4.70 80 59 8.16 114 84 11.61
14 10 1.38 47 35 4.84 81 60 8.30 115 85 11.75
15 11 1.52 49 36 4.98 83 61 8.43 117 86 11.89
16 12 1.66 50 37 5.12 84 62 8.57 118 87 12.03
18 13 1.80 52 38 5.25 85 63 8.71 119 88 12.17
19 14 1.94 53 39 5.39 87 64 8.85 121 89 12.31
20 15 2.07 54 40 5.53 88 65 8.99 122 90 12.44
22 16 2.21 56 41 5.67 89 66 9.13 123 91 12.58
23 17 2.35 57 42 5.81 91 67 9.26 124 92 12.72
24 18 2.49 58 43 5.95 92 68 9.40 126 93 12.86
26 19 2.63 60 44 6.08 94 69 9.54 127 94 13.00
27 20 2.77 61 45 6.22 95 70 9.68 129 95 13.13
28 21 2.90 62 46 6.36 96 71 9.82 130 96 13.27
30 22 3.04 64 47 6.50 98 72 9.95 132 97 13.41
31 23 3.18 65 48 6.64 99 73 10.09 133 98 13.55
33 24 3.32 66 49 6.78 100 74 10.23 134 99 13.69
34 25 3.46 68 50 6.91 102 75 10.37 136 100 13.83
Appendix 110
Hardness and tensile values approximate conversion table for steel
Brinell Diamond Rockwell
10 mm ball, 3000 kg load Approximate (HY, 120" cone 1/16 in. Sclero·
equivalent DPN ball scope
tensile or C D A B
strength for VPN) scale scale scale scale
Diameter HB steel (150 kg) (100 kg) (60 kg) (100 kg)
(mm) HBN (tonfJin2) N/mm 2 (HRC) (HRD) (HRA) (HRB)
2.00 945 1250 71 80 ffI
2.05 898 1150 70 79 ffI
2.10 856 1050 69 79 86
2.15 816 1000 68 78 86
2.20 781 975 67 78 85 106
2.25 745 163 2517 950 66 77 85 100
2.30 712 155 2394 910 65 76 84 95
2.35 683 150 2317 850 64 75 84 91
2.40 653 143 2209 790 62 73 83 ffI
2.45 627 137 2116 750 61 72 82 84
2.50 601 132 2039 715 59 71 81 81
2.55 578 127 1961 671 57 69 80 78
2.60 555 122 1884 633 56 68 79 75
2.65 534 117 1807 599 54 67 78 72
2.70 514 112 1730 572 52 65 77 70
2.75 495 108 1668 547 50 64 76 67
2.80 477 105 1622 523 49 63 75 65
2.85 461 101 1560 501 48 62 75 63
2.90 444 98 1514 479 47 61 74 61
2.95 429 95 1467 459 45 60 73 59
3.00 415 92 1421 441 44 59 73 57
3.05 401 88 1359 424 42 58 72 55
3.10 388 85 1313 409 41 57 71 54
3.15 375 82 1266 395 40 56 71 52
3.20 363 80 1236 382 39 55 70 51
3.25 352 77 1189 369 37 53 69 49
3.30 341 75 1158 358 36 52 68 48
3.35 331 73 1127 344 34 51 67 46
3.40 321 71 1097 332 33 50 67 45
3.45 311 68 1050 321 32 50 67 44
3.50 302 66 1019 310 31 49 66 43
3.55 293 64 988 299 30 49 66 42
3.60 285 63 973 290 29 48 65 41
3.65 277 61 942 282 27 46 64 40
3.70 269 59 911 274 26 45 64 39
3.75 262 58 896 267 25 45 63 38
3.80 255 56 865 260 24 44 63 37
3.85 248 55 849 253 23 43 62 36
3.90 241 53 819 246 22 42 62 35
3.95 235 51 788 240 21 41 61 100 34
4.00 229 50 772 234 20 41 61 99 33
4.05 223 49 757 228 19 40 60 98 32
4.10 217 48 741 222 18 60 97 31
·4.15 212 46 710 217 17 59 % 31
4.20 207 45 695 212 16 58 95 30
4.25 201 44 680 206 15 57 94 30
4.30 197 43 664 202 13 57 93 29
4.35 192 42 649 197 12 56 92 28
4.40 187 41 633 192 10 56 91 28
4.45 183 40 618 188 9 55 90 27
4.50 179 39 602 184 8 55 89 27
4.55 174 38 5ff1 179 7 54 88 26
4.60 170 38 587 175 6 54 ffI 26
4.65 167 38 5ff1 172 4 53 86 25
4.70 163 37 571 168 3 52 84 24
4.75 159 36 556 164 2 51 83 24
4.80 156 36 556 161 1 51 82 23
4.85 152 35 541 157 50 81 23
4.90 149 34 525 154 50 80 22
4.95 146 33 510 151 49 79 22
5.00 143 33 510 148 49 78 21
5.05 140 32 494 145 48 76 21
5.10 137 31 479 142 47 75 21
5.15 134 31 479 139 47 74 20
5.20 131 30 463 136 46 73 20
5.25 128 30 463 133 45 72 20
5.30 126 29 448 131 45 71
5.35 123 28 432 128 44 69
5.40 121 28 432 126 44 68
5.45 118 27 417 123 43 67
Appendix liD-con!.
Appendix liE
Thickness conversion table - approximate
25 25,000 1.0
20 20,000 0.8
15 15,000 0.6
12.5 12,500 0.5
10 10,000 0.4
5 5,000 0.2
4 4.000 0.16
3 3,000 0.12
2 2,000 0.08
1 1,000 0.04
0.5 500 0.02
0.4 400 0.015
0.3 300 0.012
0.2 200 0.008
0.1 100 0.004
0.09 90 0.0035
0.08 80 0.0032
0.07 70 0.0028
0.06 60 0.0025
0.05 50 0.002
0.04 40 0.0015
0.03 30 0.0012
0.02 20 0.0008
om 10 0.0004
0.005 5 0.0002
0.004 4 0.00015
0.003 3 0.00012
0.002 2 0.00008
0.001 1 0.00004
0.0008 0.8 0.00003
0.0005 0.5 0.00002
0.0001 0.1 0.000004
In verbal discussion there can be some confusion in that millimetres (mm) are often referred to as 'mils', meaning one
thousandth of a metre while thousandths of an inch are also on occasion referred to as 'mils', meaning one thousandth of an
With inches 0.001 inch will be called 'one thou', and 0.0001 inch will be called 'one tenth'.
It is thus clear that considerable confusion can be caused unless the basic unit being discussed is defined.
In writing, the term 'mil' will almost always refer to one thousandth of an inch; this applies in particular to US literature.
Appendix III
List of elements with their symbols
The section of the book under which each metal is discussed is shown alongside the element
Element Symbol Element Symbol
Actinium Ac 35 Mendelevium Md
1 Aluminium Al 25 Mercury Hg
35 Americium Am 26 Molybdenum Mo
2 Antimony Sb 35 Neodymium Nd
Argon Ar Neon Ne
3 Arsenic As 35 Neptunium Np
Astatine At 27 Nickel Ni
4 Barium Ba 28 Niobium Nb
35 Berkelium Bk (also called
5 Beryllium Be Columbium, Cb)
6 Bismuth Bi Nitrogen N
7 Boron B Nobelium No
Bromine Br 29 Osmium Os
8 Cadmium Cd Oxygen 0
9 Caesium Cs 30 Palladium Pd
10 Calcium Ca Phosphorus P
35 Californium Cf 31 Platinum Pt
Carbon C 32 Plutonium Pu
11 Cerium Ce Polonium Po
Chlorine Cl 33 Potassium K
12 Chromium Cr 35 Praseodymium Pr
13 Cobalt Co 35 Promethium Pm
28 Columbium Cb 35 Protectinium Pa
(also called 34 Radium Ra
Niobium, Nb) Radon Rn
14 Copper Cu 36 Rhenium Re
35 Curium Cm 35 Rhodium Rh
35 Dysprosium Dy 38 Rubidium Rb
35 Einsteinium Es 39 Ruthenium Ru
35 Erbium Er 35 Samarium Sm
35 Europium Eu 35 Scandium Sc
35 Fermium Fm 40 Selenium Se
Fluorine F 41 Silicon Si
Francium Fr 42 Silver Ag
35 Gadolinium Gd 43 Sodium Na
15 Gallium Ga 45 Strontium Sr
16 Germanium Ge Sulphur S
17 Gold Au 46 Tantalum Ta
17A Hafnium Hf Technetium Tc
Helium He 47 Tellurium Te
35 Holmium Ho 35 Terbium Tb
Hydrogen H 48 Thallium Tl
18 Indium In 49 Thorium Th
Iodine I 38 Thulium Tm
19 Iridium Ir 50 Tin Sn
20 Iron Fe 51 Titanium Ti
Krypton Kr 52 Tungsten W
35 Lanthanum La 53 Uranium U
Lawrencium Lw 54 Vanadium V
21 Lead Pb Xenon Xe
22 Lithium Li 35 Ytterbium Yb
35 Lutetium Lu 35 Yttrium Y
23 Magnesium Mg 53 Zinc Zn
24 Manganese Mn 56 Zirconium Zr
00 44K2 01 1.0580 44A1
00 Iron 20A see SAE 01 1.0581 44A1
0.000 44M1 01 44K3 1.0601 44A3
0.0040 44A1 1 1.0603 44A3
0.0041 44Al see BS range 1A 1.0605 44A3
0.0042 44Al 1.0 W VAR 44Nl 1.0611 44Al
0.0043 44Al 1.0022 44A1 1.0632 44A3
0.0044 44A1 1.0061 44A1 1.0651 44A2
0.0073 44A3 1.0100 44Al 1.0711 44Al
0.0105 44Al 1.0102 44Al 1.0713 44Al
0.0115 44Al 1.0103 44Al 1.0716 44Al
0.0133 44Al 1.0104 44Al 1.0719 44A1
0.0402 44Al 1.0106 44Al 1.0721 44A1
0.0403 44A1 1.0110 44Al 1.0723 44Al
0.0404 44Al 1.0112 44Al 1.0724 44Al
0.0415 44A1 1.0116 44Al 1.0726 44A2
0.0433 44A1 1.0122 44Al 1.0727 44A2
0.0510 44Al 1.0123 44Al 1.0728 44A3
0.0511 44Al 1.0130 44A2 1.0736 44A1
0.0515 44Al 1.0132 44A2 1.0737 44A1
0.0516 44A1 1.0136 44A2 1.0751 44A3
0.0517 44A1 1.0142 44A2 1.0831 44A1
0.0518 44A1 1.0143 44A2 1.0832 44Al
0.0524 44A1 1.0301 44Al 1.0833 44Al
0.0525 44Al 1.0305 44Al 1.0841 44Al
0.0572 44A1 1.0308 44A1 1.0844 44El
0.0612 44A1 1.0309 44A1 1.0845 44E1
0.0652 44A2 1.0318 44Al 1.0902 44A3
0.0722 44A3 1.0322 44A1 1.0903 44A2
0.0740 44A3 1.0323 44Al 1.0904 44A3
0.0761 44A3 1.0325 44Al 1.0906 44A3
0.0763 44A3 1.0328 44A1 1.0909 44A3
0.0783 44A4 1.0329 44A1 1.0913 44A3
0.0931 44A3 1.0330 44Al 1.0916 44El
0.0967 44A2 1.0331 44Al 1.0935 44E1
0.0968 44A2 1.0333 44Al 1.0958 44E2
0.0969 44A3 1.0334 44Al 1.0960 44E2
0.0970 44A3 1.0336 44Al 1.0961 44E2
0.0971 44A3 1.0337 44A1 1.0970 44A2
0.1210 44A3 1.0338 44A1 1.1% FO 44Kl
0.1221 44A3 1.0345 44El 1.1121 44Al
0.1231 44A3 1.0356 44A1 1.1141 44A1
0.1248 44A3 1.0401 44A1 1.1144 44A1
0.1274 44A4 1.0402 44Al 1.1151 44Al
0.4021 44Ml 1.0405 44Al 1.1165 44A2
0.4310 44N3 1.0408 44E1 1.1174 44A2
0.4401 44Nl 1.0418 44A1 1.1181 44A2
0.5% FO 44K1 1.0425 44E1 1.1183 44A2
0.5028 44A3 1.0435 44El 1.1191 44A2
0.5029 44A3 1.0437 44A1 1.1193 44A2
0.5467 44Kl 1.0439 44A1 1.1194 44A2
0.70 Li Pja 44A3 1.0445 44El 1.1210 44A3
0.7033 44E1 1.0448 44Al 1.1213 44A3
0.7035 44E2 1.0456 44A1 1.1221 44A3
0.7103 44E2 1.0501 44E1 1.1231 44A3
0.7225 44K2 1.0503 44E2 1.1232 44K2
0.7561 44K2 1.0505 44A3 1.1248 44A3
0.7727 44K2 1.0507 44A2 1.1249 44A3
0.8159 44K2 1.0509 44A2 1.1264 44A4
0.8161 44K2 1.0530 44A2 1.1274 44A4
0.8239 44K2 1.0532 44A2 1.1525 44A4
OKX 44K3 1.0540 44A2 1.1545 44A4
o STEEL 44A1 1.0542 44A2 1.1730 44A2