SOD Machinery FMEA

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MFMEA Severity Evaluation Criteria

Effect Criteria: Severity of Effect Ranking

Hazardous Very high severity ranking: Affects operator, plant or maintenance personnel safety and/or affects 10
Without Warning noncompliance with government regulation.

Hazardous With High severity ranking: Affects operator, plant or maintenance personnel safety and/or affects 9
Warning noncompliance with government regulation.

Very High
Downtime or Downtime of more than 8 hours or defective parts loss more than 4 hours of production. 8
Defective Parts

High Downtime or Downtime of 4 to 7 hours or defective parts loss more than 2 to 4 hours of production. 7
Defective Parts

Downtime or Downtime of 1 to 3 hours or defective parts loss more than 1 to 2 hours of production. 6
Defective Parts

Low Downtime or Downtime of 30 minutes to 1 hour or defective parts loss upto 1 hour of production. 5
Defective Parts

Very Low Downtime of upto 30 minutes and no defective parts. 4

Process parameter variability exceeds Upper / Lower Control limites. Adjustment or other process
Minor Effect 3
controls need to be taken. No Defective parts.

Very Minor Effect Process parameter variability within Upper / Lower Control limites. Adjustment or other process
controls need to be taken. No Defective parts. 2

Process parameter variability within Upper / Lower Control limites. Adjustment or other process
No effect controls not needed or can be taken between shifts or at normal maintenance visits. No defective 1
MFMEA Occurrence Evaluation Criteria
Probability of Failure Possible Failure Rates Ranking

Intermittent operation resultin in 1 failures in 10 production pieces or 10

MTBF of less than 1 hour.
Very High: Failure is almost
Intermittent operation resultin in 1 failures in 100 production pieces or 9
MTBF of 2 to 10 hours.

Intermittent operation resultin in 1 failures in 1000 production pieces or 8

MTBF of 11 to 100 hours.
High: Repeated Failures
Intermittent operation resultin in 1 failures in 10,000 production pieces or 7
MTBF of 101 to 400 hours.

MTBF of 401 to 1000 hours 6

Moderate: Occasional MTBF of 1001 to 2000 hours 5


MTBF of 2001 to 3000 hours 4

MTBF of 3001 to 6000 hours 3

Low: Relatively Few Failures
MTBF of 6001 to 10,000 hours 2

Remote: Failure Unlikely MTBF greater than 10,000 hours 1

MFMEA Detection Evaluation Criteria

Detection Criteria: Likelihood of Detection by Design Control Ranking

Absolute Uncertainty Machinery Controls will not and/or cannot detect potential cause/mechanism and 10
subsequent failure failure mode; or there is no design or machinery control.

Very remote chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential

Very Remote 9
cause/meachism and subsequent failure mode.

Remote chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential

Remote cause/meachism and subsequent failure mode. Machinery control will provide 8
indicator of imminent failure.

Very low chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential

Very Low cause/meachism and subsequent failure mode. Machinery control will prevent an 7
imminent failure (e.g. stop machine).

Low chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential cause/meachism

Low and subsequent failure mode. Machinery control will prevent an imminent failure 6
(e.g. stop machine).

Moderate chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential

Moderate cause/meachism and subsequent failure mode. Machinery control will prevent an 5
imminent failure (e.g. stop machine) and will isolate the cause.

Moderately high chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential

cause/meachism and subsequent failure mode. Machinery control will prevent an
Moderately High 4
imminent failure (e.g. stop machine) and will isolate the cause. Machinery Control
may be required.

High chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential cause/meachism

High and subsequent failure mode. Machinery control will prevent an imminent failure 3
(e.g. stop machine) and will isolate the cause. Machinery Control may be required.

Very high chance a machiney / design control will detect a potential

Very High cause/meachism and subsequent failure mode. Machinery Controls NOT 2

Design control will almost certainly detect a potential cause/meachism and

Almost Certain 1
subsequent failure mode. Machinery Controls NOT necessary.

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