SOD Machinery FMEA
SOD Machinery FMEA
SOD Machinery FMEA
Hazardous Very high severity ranking: Affects operator, plant or maintenance personnel safety and/or affects 10
Without Warning noncompliance with government regulation.
Hazardous With High severity ranking: Affects operator, plant or maintenance personnel safety and/or affects 9
Warning noncompliance with government regulation.
Very High
Downtime or Downtime of more than 8 hours or defective parts loss more than 4 hours of production. 8
Defective Parts
High Downtime or Downtime of 4 to 7 hours or defective parts loss more than 2 to 4 hours of production. 7
Defective Parts
Downtime or Downtime of 1 to 3 hours or defective parts loss more than 1 to 2 hours of production. 6
Defective Parts
Low Downtime or Downtime of 30 minutes to 1 hour or defective parts loss upto 1 hour of production. 5
Defective Parts
Process parameter variability exceeds Upper / Lower Control limites. Adjustment or other process
Minor Effect 3
controls need to be taken. No Defective parts.
Very Minor Effect Process parameter variability within Upper / Lower Control limites. Adjustment or other process
controls need to be taken. No Defective parts. 2
Process parameter variability within Upper / Lower Control limites. Adjustment or other process
No effect controls not needed or can be taken between shifts or at normal maintenance visits. No defective 1
MFMEA Occurrence Evaluation Criteria
Probability of Failure Possible Failure Rates Ranking
Absolute Uncertainty Machinery Controls will not and/or cannot detect potential cause/mechanism and 10
subsequent failure failure mode; or there is no design or machinery control.