Effect Criteria Rank: Typical Rankings of Severity Indices (Ford Motor Company, 2001)

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Typical Rankings of Severity Indices (Ford Motor Company, 2001)

Effect Criteria Rank

Hazardous Very high severity ranking when a Or may endanger operator (machine 10
– without potential failure mode affects safe or assembly) without warning.
warning vehicle operation and/or involves
noncompliance with government
regulation without warning
Hazardous Very high severity ranking when a Or may endanger operator (machine 9
with potential failure mode affects safe or assembly) with warning.
warning vehicle operation and/or involves
noncompliance with government
regulation with warning
Very high Vehicle/item inoperable (loss of Or 100% of product may have to be 8
primary function) scrapped, or vehicle/item repaired in
repair department with a repair time
greater than one hour.
High Vehicle/item operable but at Or product may have to be sorted and 7
reduced level of performance. a portion (less than 100%) scrapped,
Customer very dissatisfied. or vehicle/item repaired in repair
department with a repair time
between a half- hour and an hour.
Moderate Vehicle/item operable, but Or a portion (less than 100%) of the 6
Comfort/Convenience item (s) product may have to be scrapped
operable at a reduced level of with no sorting, or vehicle/item
performance. Customer somewhat repaired in repair department with a
dissatisfied. repair time less than a half – hour.
Low Vehicle/item operable, but Or 100% of the product may have to 5
Comfort/Convenience items(s) reworked, or vehicle/item repaired
operable at a reduced level of off-line but does not go to repair
performance. Customer somewhat department.
Very Low Fit& Finish/Squeak & Rattle item Or the product may have to be sorted, 4
does not conform. Defect noticed with no scrap, and a portion (less
by most customers (greater than than 100%) reworked.
Minor Fit & Finish/Squeak & Rattle item Or a portion (less than 100%) of the 3
does not conform. Defect noticed product may have to be reworked,
by 50% of customers. with no scrap, on-line but out-of
Very Fit & Finish/Squeak & Rattle item Or a portion (less than 100%) of the 2
minor does not conform. Defect noticed product may have to be reworked,
by discriminating customer (less with no scrap, on-line but out-of
than 25%). station.
None No discernible effect. Or slight inconvenience to operation 1
or operator, or no effect.


Typical Rankings of Occurrence Indices (Ford Motor Company, 2001)

Probability Likely Failure Rates Rank

Very high : Persistent Failures  100 per thousand pieces 10
50 per thousand pieces 9
High : Frequent failures 20 per thousand pieces 8
10 per thousand pieces 7
Moderate : Occasional failures 5 per thousand pieces 6
2 per thousand pieces 5
1 per thousand pieces 4
Low : Relatively few failures 0.5 per thousand pieces 3
0.1 per thousand pieces 2
Remote : Failure is unlikely ≤0.01 per thousand pieces 1

Typical Rankings of Detection Indices (Ford Motor Company, 2001)

Effect Criteria : likelihood of Detection by Rank

Design Control
Absolute Uncertainty Design Control will not and/or cannot detect a 10
potential cause/mechanism and subsequent failure
mode; or there is no Design Control.
Very Remote Very remote chance the Design Control will 9
detect a potential cause of failure or subsequent
failure mode.
Remote Remote chance the Design Control will detect a 8
potential cause of failure or subsequent failure
Very low Very low chance the Design Control will detect a 7
potential cause of failure or subsequent mode
Low Low chance the Design Control will detect a 6
potential cause of failure or subsequent failure
Moderate Moderate chance the design control will defect a 5
potential cause of failure or subsequent failure
Moderately High Moderately high chance the Design Control will 4
detect a potential cause of failure or subsequent
failure mode.
High High chance the design control will detect a 3
potential cause of failure or subsequent failure
Very high Very high chance the design control will detect a 2
potential cause of failure or subsequent failure
Almost Certain Design control will almost certainly detect a 1
potential cause of failure or subsequent failure


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