Selbstkonfigurierende Automatisierte Materialflusssysteme
Selbstkonfigurierende Automatisierte Materialflusssysteme
Selbstkonfigurierende Automatisierte Materialflusssysteme
To convert electrical to kinetic energy in an electric drive magnetic fields must be generated. Therefore, the
magnetic properties of the main component of the electric drive, the so-called. Electric sheet, crucial for its
efficiency. It has been shown that the production process of the electric sheet has a negative effect on its magnetic
properties. This is mainly due to the residual stresses induced in the individual machining operations. In particular,
during the punching of the sheet, the production parameters have a significant influence on the magnetic
properties. Optimized parameters during the punching process can be used to reduce manufacturing losses as well
as the power consumption of electric drives.
This work is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - 218259799 and carried out by the research
unit of the project 'FOR 1897 - Low-loss soft magnetic steel for energy-efficient electric drives'.
SynErgie - Synchronized and energy-adaptive production technology for flexible alignment of industrial
processes to a fluctuating energy supply - project infrastructure for cluster production
The SynErgie project, with more than 50 partners, aims to formulate all technical and market-technical
requirements within the next ten years, in line with legal and social aspects, in order to effectively synchronize the
energy requirements of German industry with a fluctuating energy supply. SynEnergie thus contributes to the cost-
efficient use of renewable energies and creates the conditions for Germany's international leadership in the field
of flexible industrial processes and technologies.
The SynErgie project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). At this point, we would
like to thank the BMBF for their excellent support.
As part of the cooperation project aComA, the chairs AlS and fml have worked on the development of a model-
based approach for the same modular design of the mechanical parts as well as a layout-related editor to improve
the software engineering of material flow systems. To facilitate interchangeability of the mechanical components,
an approach for automatically backward compatible software has been developed based on the computer science
research field 'Clone Detection'.
KobotAERGO - Adaptive collaborative robots as age-matched companions for ergonomic and flexible material
Based on intelligent handling systems, the so-called Intelligent Assist Devices (IAD) or Kobots, an ergonomic
support system was developed in this research project, which takes into account the object size in interaction with
the perception of the users. The aim was to empower people with an adaptive assistance system to handle
complex handling processes more efficiently, effectively and satisfactorily.