LightnessNRW Final Report
LightnessNRW Final Report
LightnessNRW Final Report
As part of the Lightness.NRW project, a hot die forming (HDF) process was developed
that allows high-strength and maximum-strength aluminum alloys – as sheet metal or
tubular semi-finished products – to be formed into ultra-lightweight structural
components with highly complex geometries. The potential of HDF technology for
lightweight structures in large-scale vehicle production was demonstrated by means of
laboratory and demonstrator components and component studies. In order to utilize
the full technological potential with regard to ultra-lightweight structures, a process
simulation and a component simulation for static and dynamic applications that is
based on experimental results were also developed.
Components created during the project from a combination of FEM simulation and experiment. The plate and tube-based
components were successfully formed from high-strength alloys using the HDF technology.
Only the comprehensive project consortium, set up to cover all aspects of the value
chain, was able to answer the complex questions that arise along the whole process
chain. The capabilities and competencies of the consortium partners range from the
development of alloys, processes and equipment, through the establishment of an
accompanying simulation methodology for describing the forming process and
component behavior, right up to the development and production of real demonstrators
and their final experimental characterization. Based on the development and selection
of a high-strength aluminum alloy that is suitable for HDF technology, the performance
of the innovative forming technology for producing complex aluminum structural
components was demonstrated and experimentally validated by the successful
manufacture of two technology demonstrators – crossmatch and tube node. This
process was backed up by FE-based process and component simulations in order to
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achieve a gradual optimization of the tool and component geometry. Based on the
calculated mechanical characteristics (static and dynamic), a material card was
developed that enables the targeted design and dimensioning of aluminum lightweight
The design of a plant concept for the integration of HDF technology into a large-scale
production environment constitutes the successful completion of an important step
within the project from laboratory scale to series production. For this purpose, a
process facility, including all equipment, preparation and supply units, and associated
handling systems, was virtually realized using the example of the manufactured tube
node, taking into account cycle times in the large-scale series production of vehicles.
Based on this virtual representation of the overall facility, it was possible to evaluate
the manufacturing costs and the environmental balance, and to determine general
suitability for large-scale series production with the assistance of the end user from the
automotive industry.
In this way, the foundation has been laid for the establishment of HDF technology in
large-scale production applications. This is supported by the final evaluation of the
component characteristics achieved, which show that HDF technology represents a
great opportunity for energy- and resource-efficient lightweight construction. In the
years to come, this technology can make a major contribution to ensuring that complex
(structural) components, made of high-strength aluminum alloys, that cannot be
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manufactured cost-effectively, if indeed at all, can be widely used in series production
and thus enable ultra-lightweight metal construction.
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