Weighted Median Guided Filtering Method For Single Image Rain Removal

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Zhenghao et al.

EURASIP Journal on Image and Video

Processing (2018) 2018:35
EURASIP Journal on Image
https://doi.org/10.1186/s13640-018-0275-9 and Video Processing

R ES EA R CH Open Access

Weighted median guided filtering

method for single image rain removal
Zhenghao Shi1* , Yaowei Li1 , Changqing Zhang3 , Minghua Zhao1 , Yaning Feng1 and Bo Jiang2

Because there is no temporal information available, rain removal with a single image is more challenging than that
with a video. In this paper, we present a weighted median guided filtering method for rain removal with a single
image. It consists of two filtering operations. Firstly, a weighted median filter is convoluted with an input rainy image
to obtain a coarse rain-free image; then, guided filter is employed to obtain a refined rain-free image, where the
coarse rain-free image is used as a guided image and convoluted with the input rainy image via guided filter.
Experimental results show that the proposed method generated comparable results to the state-of-the-art algorithms
with low computation cost.
Keywords: Rain removal, Weighted median filter, Guided filter

1 Introduction layer by sparse coding, with a learned dictionary from

In rainy days, the performance of outdoor vision systems the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) features.
will significantly degrade due to visibility obstruction, However, the aforementioned dictionary partition-based
deformation, and blurring caused by raindrops. There- rain removal methods inevitably result in reconstructed
fore, it is highly desirable to remove raindrops from rainy images with either over smooth or incomplete rain
images to ensure the reliability of outdoor vision systems removal. This is caused by the inaccurate decomposi-
[1]. For this purpose, numerous efforts have been made in tion of the high-frequency portion into rain components
past years. One common strategy is using video sequences and non-rain components, which failed to recover the
[1, 2] for rain removal. The main idea of this kind of non-rain components and faulty incorporation of the
methods is to explore the redundant temporal informa- rain components into the low-frequency partition. Similar
tion from multiple images. Though such kind of method methods have also been proposed in [4, 5], Kang et al. [4]
works well, it heavily depends on the temporal contents proposed a method that employing bilateral filter to divide
in videos and cannot be applied for the case where only a the image with rain into low-frequency portions and high-
single image is available. Nevertheless, in this age of ubiq- frequency portions firstly. The rain component is then
uitous smart phone usage, there is an increasing need for extracted from the high-frequency portion by using a
techniques where only a single image available. Motivated sparse representation-based dictionary partition in which
by this need, in this paper, we instead focus on removing the dictionary is classified using HOG in each atom where
rain from a single image. the bilateral filter is used to separate the low-frequency
Compared with video-based rain removal, due to the part from its high-frequency part of an input image.
lack of temporal information, rain removal with a sin- Though the decomposition idea is elegant, the selection
gle image is more challenging. Some single-image-based of dictionaries and parameters are heavily empirical, and
rain removal methods regard the problem as a layer sep- the results are sensitive to the choice of dictionaries.
aration problem. For example, Huang et al. [3] attempted Moreover, all the three dictionary learning-based frame-
to separate the rain streaks from the high-frequency works [3, 5] suffer from heavy computation cost. In [6],
Manu uses the L0 gradient minimization approach for
*Correspondence: zhenghaoshimtap@163.com rain removal. The minimization technique can globally
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology,
No. 5 Jinhua South Road, 710048 Xi’an, China control how many non-zero gradients are resulted in the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article image. In [7], Kim et al. proposed a two-stage method for

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
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Zhenghao et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:35 Page 2 of 8

rain removal. In the first stage, rain streaks are detected state-of-the-art methods in rain removal with lesser
by using a kernel regression method under an assumption computation cost.
of the elliptical shape and the vertical orientation of rain Our main contributions in this paper are as follows:
steaks. Then, rain steaks are removed by using non-local (1) To our best knowledge, our work is the first one to
mean filtering in the second stage. Though the method is apply the weighted median filter for rain removal
effective for images with a simple structure, some desir- with a single image. Without any image priors (e.g.,
able details in images with complex structures are usually the relationship between the input and desirable
removed. In [8], Zheng et al. separated the low-frequency output images), our method just takes rain steaks as
part of input image using guided filter, and experiments image noise, which makes single-image-based
show that the results are better than those of using bilat- applications applicable in real-world scenarios.
eral filter. Apart from the abovementioned filters, the (2) The novelty of our method attributes to the use of
weighted median filter [9] is also a better alternation for weighted median filtering images to preserve
the median filter to effectively filter images while not geometrical details in rain-removed image via guided
strongly blurring edges. A recent work of [10] exploits filter.
the Gaussian mixture models to separate the rain streaks,
achieving the state-of-the-art performance, however, still The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
with slightly smooth background. Section 2 describes the proposed method in detail.
Based on what was mentioned above, in an attempt to Section 3 provides experimental results on both synthetic
preserve more complex structures in the rain-removed rain images and real rain images. Section 4 discusses some
images, in this paper, we present a weighted median issues about the proposed method. Finally, the paper is
guided filtering method for rain removal with a sin- concluded in Section 5.
gle image. It consists of two main operations. Firstly,
a weighted median filter is convoluted with an input 2 Proposed method
rainy image to obtain a coarse rain-free image. Then, 2.1 Overview of the proposed method
the coarse rain-free image is used as a guided image Figure 1 shows the framework of the proposed method. It
and convoluted with the input rainy image via guided consists of two main steps: firstly, the input rainy image
filter to obtain the final rain-free image. Unlike the is filtered using the weighted median filter [9], where the
aforementioned methods, the proposed method does rain steaks will be excluded and the most basic informa-
not rely on other image processing modules for pre- tion will be retained; then, the weighted median filtered
or post-processing, which avoids the possible vulnera- image is used as a guide image and convoluted with
bility of these techniques when processing images of the input rainy image to obtain a texture/edge preserved
complex structures. Experimental results show that the rain-free image via guided filter. Details of each step are
proposed method generates comparable outputs to the elaborated below.

Fig. 1 Framework of the proposed method. It consists of two computation stages: firstly, to filter the input rainy image using the weighted median
filter; then, the weighted median filtered image is used as a guide image and convoluted with the input rainy image to get the final rain-free image
Zhenghao et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:35 Page 3 of 8

2.2 Remove rain steaks via weighted median filtering image. Formally, given f (x, y) as the value of the centered
Median filter has been widely used in image denoising pixel (x, y) of a local window R(x, y), then all pixels in the
due to its well smoothing effect on noise with long tail window can be expressed as
probability distribution as well as better preserving func-
R(x, y) = |f (x + k, y + r)|k, r = −1, 0, 1| (1)
tion on image details. However, the filtering window size
has an important effect on the denoising performance of To compute the average value of all pixels in the window
the traditional median filter. A small size of the filtering R(x, y)
window, a better detail preserved with a lower denosing
1 1
performance; while a large size of the filtering window, a R(x, y)averaged = f (x + k, y + r) (2)
high denosing performance with a poor detail preserved. 9
k=−1 r=−1
To address this problem, the weighted median filter was
proposed [9]. The main idea of the weighted median Let Zmax , Zmin is the max and min pixel value in the
filter is to replace the current pixel with the weighted local window R(x, y), then for the pixel value f (x, y) of the
median of neighboring pixels within a local window, as centered pixel (x, y), if f (x, y) = Zmax , or f (x, y) = Zmin ,or
shown in Fig. 1, where the current pixel I5 is replaced |f (x, y) − R(x, y)averaged | > dx,y , then the pixel (x,y) will be
with the weighted median of its neighboring pixels within taken as a noise pixel. Here, d( x, y) is a threshold which is
a local window I5∗ . This filter has the following special determined by

characteristics:  1
1   1
d( x, y) =  [ f (x + k, y + r) − R(x, y)averaged ]2
(1) The filtering kernel is not separable. 3
k=−1 r=−1
(2) It cannot be approximated by interpolation or
(3) There is no iterative solution. (2) Determining the filtering window size. In order to
combine the advantage of both window size of a filter,
For the reasons mentioned above, the weighted median the size of the filtering window is determined accord-
filter can effectively remove noises from an noised images ing to the number of noise pixels in a local window
while not strongly blurring the edges of image structure. R(x, y). Given the number of noise pixels in a local window
This is why we employ the weighted median filter for rain R(x, y) as Num(R), then the size of the filtering window is
streaks removal in this work. The filter used here con- determined as
sists of the following three operation steps: (1) rain streaks ⎧
detection, (2) determining the filtering window size, and ⎨ 3 × 3, Num(R) ∈ {1, 2, 3}
Size(R) = 5 × 5, Num(R) ∈ {4, 5, 6} (4)
(3) noise filtering. Details of each operation are described ⎩
7 × 7, Num(R) ∈ {7, 8, 9}
as followings:
(1) Rain streaks detection. This operation will provided (3) Noise filtering. Formally, given a pixel p in an image
basis for rainy image pixel classification. To determine the I, and a local window R(p) of radius r centered at p, for
noised pixels, a 3 × 3 window is used to slide over the each pixel q ∈ R(p), we define weighted median filter as

Fig. 2 Results with different filtering method. a Input rainy images. b Filtering results using the weighted median filter. c Filtering results using
guided filter
Zhenghao et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:35 Page 4 of 8

all pixels in R(p) as{(I(q), wpq )}. Then, by sorting all pix-
els values in an ascending order, we can get a weighted
median filtered image I(p∗ ), where

p∗ = minks.t. wpq ≥ wpq (6)
q=1 q=1

In order to accelerate weighted median filtering pro-

cessing, ideas proposed in [9], including the joint-
histogram and median tracking strategy using balance
counting box for dynamically finding median, are used
in this work. Figure 2 shows part results using weighted
median filtering for rain removal. It can be seen that all
rain steaks in the input rainy image are well removed
after filtered with the weighted median filter, as shown in
Fig. 2b.

2.3 Recover texture details from weighted median

filtered image using guided filter
As can be seen from Fig. 2b, though rain steaks in input
rainy images are well removed, part regions in the input
image are also over smoothed, where some edge and tex-
ture details are removed, for example, the wave lines and
textures in the left image of the first row and edges and
textures of grass in the left image of the second row
are all removed, so those regions look very unnaturally.
Aiming at this problem, guided filter [11] is employed in
this section, where we used the weighted median filter-
ing image as the guide image, and used input image as the
input of guided filter.
The main idea of guided filter is to filter input images by
considering the content of the guidance image. Formally,
given a guidance image I, a guided filtering output image
Fig. 3 Comparison of different rain removal methods on synthetic guided
Iin of input image Iin can be defined as
rainy images. The top row is the input rainy images, follows in
sequence are the ground true, results with Li’s method [10], Manu’s guided
method [6], Luo’s method [5], Huang’s method [3], and our method Iin (x) = ak Ii (x) + bk , ∀i ∈ ωk (7)

where ωk is a window centered at the pixel x, ak and bk are

assumed to be constant in ωk , and determined as
wpq = G(f (p), f (q)) (5)
i p −μ p
i∈ωk Iin
where wpq is a weight based on the affinity of pixel p and q nω i
ak =
k k
in corresponding feature map f. f (p) and f (q) are features σk + ε

at pixels p and q in f, respectively. g is a typical influ-

ence function between neighboring pixels, which can be bk = pk − ak μk (9)
in Gaussian exp−||f (p) − f (q)|| or other forms.
Let I(q) denote the value of a pixel at the location q in where μk and σk2 are the average value and the vari-
image I, n = (2r + 1)2 denote the number of pixels in ance of the input image Iin in window ωk , respectively.
R(p), we can describe the values and weight elements for nω is the number of pixels in window ωk . pk is the

Table 1 Quantitative comparison of different methods on synthetic rainy images

Li’s method [10] Manu’s method [6] Luo’s method [5] Huang’s method [3] Our method
PSNR 31.93 ± 0.01 24.05 ± 0.01 33.34 ± 0.01 33.98 ± 0.01 35.46 ± 0.01
SSIM 0.81 ± 0.01 0.72 ± 0.01 0.80 ± 0.01 0.83 ± 0.01 0.90 ± 0.01
Zhenghao et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:35 Page 5 of 8

is why we employed guided filter as a tool for image

texture recover.
Figure 2c shows the recovered images with guided fil-
ter. As can be seen that the removed image texture and
edge details by the weighted median filter are well recov-
ered, for example, as shown in Fig. 2c, the wave lines and
textures in the left image of the first row and edges and
textures of the grass in the left image of the second row are
very clear to observe, and those regions look very naturally
compared with that in Fig. 2b.

3 Experimental results
3.1 Experiment setting
To evaluate the proposed method, extensive tests have
been done using MATLAB R2015 on a PC with a 2.60 GHz
Intel Dual Core Processor and 4G RAM. To the best of
our knowledge, there is no standard rainy image data set
available for bench marking currently. Hence, we collected
totally 100 natural/synthetic rainy images from the Inter-
net and also from the test image data set released from
[10]. We compare the proposed method with several state-
of-the-art methods, including Li’s method [10], Manu’s
method [6], Luo’s method [5], and Huang’s method [3], the
results of these methods are generated in MATLAB with
suggested parameter setting by the authors.
For quantitative evaluation of different methods on syn-
thetic rainy images, because the ground-truth images are
available, we employ the indexes of peak signal-to-noise
Fig. 4 Comparison of different rain removal methods on real rainy ratio (PSNR) [12] and Structure Similarity Index (SSIM)
images. The top row is the input rainy images, follows in sequence [13] on the luminance channel as evaluation measures.
are the results with Li’s method [10], Manu’s method [6], Luo’s For quantitative evaluation of different methods on nat-
method [5], Huang’s method [3], and our method ural rain images, because the ground-truth images are
usually unavailable, PSNR and SSIM are unable to be
used as evaluation measures; we employ an overall qual-
mean of the guided image in window ωk . ε is the regu- ity index proposed in [14] as evaluation measure. This
larization parameter which is used to control the struc- indicator estimates the average visibility enhancement
tural similarity. The larger ε is, the smoother the output obtained by the restoration method. The higher the value
will be. of the overall quality index is, the better the enhanced
Edges in an image after using guided filter will change visibility is.
differently. For step edges, it is still step edges after using
guided filter, but their ranges become smaller, which 3.2 Evaluation on synthetic rainy images
means that the step edges become smoother after guided Figure 3 shows part experiment results on synthetic rainy
filter. For ridge edges, if the ridge edges with small size are images [10]. It can be seen that though Li’s method [6]
unaffected by the other edges, their variances are close to works well on rain removal, the contrast of the output
0, then the ridge edges will disappear and tend to the back- images is obviously decreased, and details in the dark part
ground; for valley edges will become larger than the input. of the output images are difficult to observe, as shown in
From what was mentioned above, we can see that the the third row in Fig. 3, for example, the feet of the old man
guided filter has well preserving ability on image edges. in the third row in Fig. 3b are not clear to be seen. For
Therefore, it can be used for image texture recovery. This Manu’s method [10], as shown in the fourth row in Fig. 3,

Table 2 Quantitative comparison of different methods on real rainy images

Li’s method [10] Manu’s method [6] Luo’s method [5] Huang’s method [3] Our method
0.2854 ± 0.01 0.1665 ± 0.01 0.3287 ± 0.01 0.1823 ± 0.01 0.3925 ± 0.01
Zhenghao et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:35 Page 6 of 8

it works well on rain removal. However, the whole image 4 Discussion

is over smoothed, the output image looks unnatural, and In this paper, we present a weighted median guided fil-
part texture information is lost. For example, because of tering method for rain removal with a single image. To
the lost of the textures information in the output images,
several mountains become one in the first image in the
fourth row, and clouds in the third image in the fourth row
are also disappeared. For Luo’s method [5] and Huang’s
method [3], it can be seen that there are many rain streaks
remained in the output images, as shown in the fifth row
and sixth row in Fig. 3. Whereas, with respect to the afore-
mentioned methods, the proposed method performs well
on these synthetic images, as shown in the seventh row in
Fig. 3, and is able to successfully remove majority of the
rain streaks while maintaining most details of the original
images and achieved a good visual effect, which are very
close to the ground true (the second row in Fig. 3).
Table 1 shows quantitative evaluation results of differ-
ent methods on synthetic rainy images. It can be clearly
observed that the proposed method is able to achieve bet-
ter quantitative performance compared to all of other four
mentioned methods in terms of both of PSNR and SSIM,
and this is consistent with what we observed in Fig. 3.

3.3 Evaluation on real rainy images

Figure 4 shows part results of this experiment. It is obvi-
ously the result with the proposed method which out-
performs most of the other state-of-the-art methods in
terms of both the effectiveness of removing rain streaks
and the visual quality of recovered images. For example,
Manu’s method [6] removes many image details and tex-
tures from the input image and that makes the image
unnatural, as shown in the third row in Fig. 4. In con-
trast, Li’s method [10] (the second row in Fig. 4.) and our
method (the last row in Fig. 4.) are able to remove most
of the rain streaks and meanwhile produce lesser artifacts
on the recovered images. But the results with Li’s method
[10] look a little dark and some details are not clear to see,
as shown in the second row in Fig. 4, whereas that with
our method has the sharpest appearance of the trees and
leaves, as well as clear people faces, and there no afore-
mentioned issues appear, as shown in the last row in Fig. 4.
For Luo’s method [5] and Huang’s method [3], as shown
in the fourth row and fifth row in Fig. 4, there are not only
many rain streaks that remained in the output images, but
also the background is blur which lead difficult to observe
image details.
Table 2 shows the quantitative evaluation results of dif-
ferent methods on real rainy images in terms of the overall
quality index. It can be seen that the average overall qual-
ity index value of the proposed method are higher than
that of other methods, which indicates that the proposed Fig. 5 Comparison of different noising filters for removing raining.
method has better ability in recovering the visibility of The top row is the input rainy images, follows in sequence are the
rainy images compared to other methods. This confirms results with Gaussian filter, median filter, bilateral filter, guided filter,
the weighted median filter, and the ground true
our observations on Fig. 4.
Zhenghao et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:35 Page 7 of 8

Table 3 Running time (seconds) for different methods on a 321× 481 image
Li’s method [10] Manu’s method [6] Luo’s method [5] Huang’s method [3] Our method
12.74 ± 0.01 31.40 ± 0.01 61.35 ± 0.01 26.86 ± 0.01 1.22 ± 0.01

our best knowledge, our work is the first one to apply 5 Conclusions
the weighted median filter for rain removal with a single In this paper, we present a simple and effective weighted
image. Compared to most of the existing methods, our median guided filter for rain removal with a single image.
method does not rely on other image processing modules Different from most existing methods, the proposed
for pre- or post-processing, just takes rain steaks as image method does not rely on other image processing mod-
noise, which avoids the possible vulnerability of these ules for pre- or post-processing, which avoids the likely
techniques when processing images with complex struc- vulnerability of these techniques when processing images
tures and makes single-image-based applications applica- with complex structures. Experimental results show that
ble in real world. the proposed method produces comparable outputs to the
To verify whether the weighted median filter employed state-of-the-art algorithms with low computation cost.
in this method can be replaced by other de-noising filters,
such as Gaussian filter, median filter, bilateral filter, and HOG: Histogram of oriented gradients; PSNR: Peak signal-to-noise ratio; SSIM:
guided filter, we compare their abilities in rain removal Structure similarity index
with that of the weighted median filter in this section.
Part experimental results are shown in Fig. 5. From Fig. 5, The authors thank the editor and anonymous reviewers for their helpful
it can be seen although all de-noising filters can remove comments and valuable suggestions.
most rain streaks, Gaussian filter (shown in the second
row in Fig. 5) also smoothed some details and that make This work was supported in part by a grant from the National Natural Science
the image looks a little blur, the results both with median Foundation of China (nos. 61202198, 61401355, and 41601353), a grant from
filter (shown in the third row in Fig. 5) remained too the China Scholarship Council (no. 201608610048), the Key Laboratory
Foundation of Shaanxi Education Department (no. 14JS072), and the Nature
many rain steaks. Though the result with bilateral filter Science Foundation of Science Department of PeiLin count at Xi’an (no.
and that with the guide filter look better than that with GX1619).
Gaussian filter and that with median filter, the results look
Availability of data and materials
a little blur compared to that with the weighted median We can provide the data.
filter. It is obvious that the weighted median filter suc-
cessfully removes most rain streaks while preserving most Authors’ contributions
All authors take part in the discussion of the work described in this paper. The
non-rain image details in these test cases. The main rea- author ZS wrote the first version of the paper. The author LY did part
son is that these de-noising methods are mainly designed experiments of the paper. ZM, JB, FY, and CZ revised the paper in different
for removing Gaussian noise with known standard devi- versions, respectively. The contributions of the proposed work are mainly in
two aspects: (1) To our best knowledge, our work is the first one to apply the
ation. However, it is not easy to model the rain streaks weighted median filter for rain removal with a single image. Without any
to be removed as Gaussian noise because of the very image priors (e.g., the relationship between the input and desirable output
different characteristics between them. The main reason images), our method just takes rain steaks as image noise, which makes
single-image based applications applicable in real-world scenarios. (2) The
lead to this might be that the most de-noising filters are novelty of our method attributes to the use of weighted median filtering
mainly designed for removing Gaussian noise with known images to preserve geometrical details in rain-removed image via guided
standard deviation, and it is not easy to model the rain filter. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
streaks to be removed as Gaussian noise because of the Authors’ information
very different characteristics between them. For what was Zhenghao Shi received the BS degree in Material Science and Engineering
mentioned above, we select the weighted median filter as from Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, China, in 1995, the MS degree in
computer application technology from Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an,
our choice in this work for rain removing. China, in 2000, and the Ph.D degree in computer architecture from Xi’an
We also compare the running time of the proposed Institute of Microelectronics, Xi’an, China, in 2005. In 2000, he joined Xi’an
method with that of Manu’s method [6], Li’s method [10], University of Technology, Xi’an, China. From 2000 to 2005, he was an assistant
professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Xi’an
Luo’s method [5], and Huang’s methhod [3] on images University of Technology. From 2006 up to now, he is an associate professor of
with a size of 321× 481, as shown in Table 3. It can be the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the same University.
seen that it only take 1.22 s to obtain the final rain removal Since December 2016, he joined IDBE laboratory, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill as a visiting associate professor. During the period of 2006 to
image, whereas that with method [10] is 12.74 s, with 2007, of 2008 to 2009, he was on leave with the Department of Computer
method [6] is 31.40 s, with Luo’s method [5] is 61.35 s, Science and Engineering at Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan,
and that with Huang’s method [3] is 26.86 s. It is obvious for image research as a postdoctral researcher, respectively. From 2007 to
2008, he was a research associate in the Kurt Rossmann Laboratories for
that our method outperforms all of other state-of-the-art Radiologic Image Research, the Department of Radiology, the Division of
methods in terms of running time. Biological Sciences, the University of Chicago. His research interests include
Zhenghao et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2018) 2018:35 Page 8 of 8

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Author details
1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology,

No. 5 Jinhua South Road, 710048 Xi’an, China. 2 School of Information

Engineering, Northwestern University, No. 1, Xuefu Avenue, Guodu Education
and Technology Industrial District, Changan district, 710127 Xi’an, China.
3 School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjing University, No. 135

Yaguan Road, 300350 Tianjin, China.

Received: 25 February 2018 Accepted: 2 May 2018

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