Urea/ZA + Herbicide
Urea/ZA + Herbicide
Urea/ZA + Herbicide
Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted during two successive seasons of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 at the
Agricultural Experiments Station of the National Research Centre at Nobariya, Behaira Governorate, Egypt, to study
the effect of adding urea or ammonium sulphate at 2% to herbicide solution on weed control efficiency in onion
fields. Weed control treatments were as follows: Metosulam at 20 ml/fed or Clodinafop-propargyl at 70g/fed with or
without addition of urea or ammonium sulphate (AMS) at 2% of herbicide solution in comparison to Metosulam at
40 ml/fed, Clodinafop- propargyl at 140g/ fed, Metosulam at 20 ml + Clodinafop- propargyl at 70 g / fed, two hand
hoeing and unweeded check. All weed control treatments significantly depressed weed growth when compared to
the unweeded one. Two hand hoeing showed the best control of broadleaved weeds in both seasons, followed by
that of Metosulam at 40 ml, Metosulam + urea and Metosulam + AMS treatments, respectively. Clodinafop –
propargyl at 140 g, Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g, Clodinafop – propargyl + urea, Clodinafop – propargyl + AMS
and Metosulam + Clodinafop – propargyl were very effective in controlling most grass weeds. Meanwhile, hand
hoeing, Metosulam + Clodinafop – propargyl, Metosulam at 40 ml and Clodinafop – propargyl at 140 g /fed were
the most effective in controlling onion weeds. All herbicidal treatments as well as hand hoeing markedly increased
onion yield in both seasons. Maximum values of bulb length, diameter, weight and bulb yield (t/fed) were recorded
from Metosulam + Clodinafop – propargyl, Metosulam at 20 ml and hand hoeing twice.
[El-Metwally, I. M.; Kowthar G. El-Rokiek; Salah A. Ahmed; Ebrahim R. El–Desoki and Emad E. H. Abd-
Elsamad. Effect of Adding Urea or Ammonium Sulphate on some Herbicides Efficiency in Controlling Weeds in
Onion Plants. Journal of American Science 2010; 6(11):536-543]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
Therefore, the objective of this work was to 4- Metosulam at 20 ml +ammonium sulphate (AMS)
study the effect of adding urea or ammonium at 2%.
sulphate to herbicide solutions on weed control 5- Clodinafop – propargyl (Prop – 2 – ynyl – (R) – 2
efficiency in onion crop. – (4-(5–chloro– 3- fluoro pyridine – 2- yloxy)
phenoxy) = propionate , known commercially as
2. Materials and methods Topik 15 WP sprayed after 50 days from
Two field experiments were carried out transplanting at the rate of 140g/fed.
during the two successive seasons of 2008/2009 and 6 - Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g / fed.
2009/2010 at the Experimental Station of the 7- Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g + urea at 2%.
National Research Centre at Nobariya, Behaira 8- Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g + AMS at 2%.
Governorate, Egypt, to study the influence of adding 9- Metosulam at 20 ml + Clodinafop – propargyl at
urea or ammonium sulphate at 2% (equall 4kg/fed) of 70 g / fed.
herbicide solutions on weed control efficiency in 10- Hand hoeing after 30 and 50 days from
onion crops. The soil of the experiments was sandy, transplanting (DFT).
the mechanical analysis (Piper, 1950) and chemical 11- Unweeded check (control) without hoeing or
analysis (Jackson, 1960) of the soil were carried out herbicide.
before sowing and presented in Table (1). The herbicides were applied with knapsack
sprayer equipped with one nozzle boom and water
Table (1): Mechanical and chemical analysis of volume was 200 L/ fed (fed=4200m2). The drip
Nobariya soil before executing experiment. irrigated was the irrigation system. Each treatment
Components Value plot consisted of 3 lateral lines, each was 10 m long,
70 cm distances between drip lateral lines. The
Sand % 75.6 treatments plot area was 21 m2. Onion plants were
Ca +2
2.5 meq / 100 g soil classified to broadleaved, grasses and total weeds.
Number and dry weight of each category was
Mg+2 1.0 meq / 100 g soil estimated.
Na 1.3 meq / 100 g soil
B- Bulb characters and onion yield:
K+ 0.05 At harvest time, ten bulbs were chosen at
random from each plot and the following data were
m. equivalent / 100 g soil recorded:
1- Bulb length 2 – Bulb diameter
A complete randomized blocks design with 3- Bulb weight 4- Bulb yield (t/fed)
three replications was used in the two seasons. Weed
control treatments were as follows: C- Some chemical constituents of onion bulbs:
1- Metosulam (N- 2,6 – dichloro – 3 –methyl phenyl) a- Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents
– 5.7 – dimethoxy – (1,2,4) Triazolo (1,5a)
pyrimidine – 2- sulphona mide), known (NPK)
commercially as Sinal 10 Sc sprayed after 30 days Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents were
from transplanting at the rate of 40 ml/ fed. determined in dried tissues of onion bulbs according
2- Metosulam at 20 ml/fed. to the official and modified methods of analysis
3- Metosulam at 20 ml + urea at 2%. (A.O.A.C., 1984).
sulphate on broad leaved weeds were obtained with recorded by many investigators, who showed that
Abouziena et al. (2009-a). In this connection, it is effective control of weeds could be obtained with
worthy to mention that Suwnnamek and Parker Metosulam(Sharara et al.,2006; Ghalwash et al.,
(1975) found that the synergistic mechanism of urea 2008 and El-Metwally and Saudy, 2009 ), Clodinafop
or ammonium sulphate when mixed with Glyphosate – propargyl (Saini and Angiras, 2005; El-Metwally
could be attributed to some degree of activation and El- Rokiek,2007 and Ghalwash et al., 2008 ) as
inside the weed plants. Abouziena et al. (2009-b) well as hand hoeing twice (Ishwar et al., 2000; Ved–
reported that adding AMS to the glyphosate solution Prakash et al.,2000; Kolhe, 2001 and Ghalwash et al.,
increased absorption and translocation of glyphosate 2008).
to 90 and 67%, respectively.Similar results were
Table (2): Effect of herbicide treatments alone or mixed with urea or ammonium sulphate (AMS) on number
and dry weight of broadleaved weeds after 75 and 110 days from transplanting (Combined analysis
for 2008 / 2009 and 2009/2 010 seasons).
At 75days from transplanting At 110 days from transplanting
Treatments Dry Dry
% of % of % of % of
Number weight Number weight (g/
reduction 2 reduction reduction reduction
(g/ m ) m2)
Metosulam at 40 ml / fed 39.0 62.9 102.0 60.9 50.4 64.9 150.6 66.7
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed 46.5 55.7 125.2 52.0 58.6 59.2 174.5 61.4
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
42.0 60.0 105.4 59.6 53.4 62.8 161.8 64.2
urea at 2%.
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
44.3 57.8 106.7 59.1 53.8 62.6 163.8 63.8
AMS at 2%.
Clodinafop – propargyl at 140
71.2 32.2 173.1 33.6 92.7 35.5 266.2 41.2
g / fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
73.8 29.7 176.8 32.2 102.2 28.9 311.2 31.2
/ fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
75.3 28.3 182.6 30.0 106.4 26.0 322.2 28.8
/ fed + urea at 2%
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
76.4 27.2 189.7 27.3 112.5 21.7 330.1 27.1
/ fed + AMS at 2%
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g 45.4 56.8 122.0 53.2 56.8 60.5 171.8 62.0
/ fed
Two hand hoeing 18.3 82.6 41.2 84.2 22.9 84.1 62.0 86.3
Unweeded check 105.0 ــــــ 260.8 ــــــ 143.7 ــــــ 452.5 ــــــ
LSD at 0.05 3.97 ــــــ 5.5 ــــــ 3.04 ــــــ 4.39 ــــــ
Table (3): Effect of herbicide treatments alone or mixed with urea or ammonium sulphate (AMS) on number
and dry weight of grass after 75 and 110 days from transplanting. (Combined analysis for 2008 /
2009 and 2009 / 2010 seasons).
At 75days from transplanting At 110 days from transplanting
Treatments Dry Dry
% of % of % of % of
Number weight Number weight (g/
reduction 2 reduction reduction reduction
(g/ m ) m2)
Metosulam at 40 ml / fed 27.4 52.1 115.2 40.9 37.1 53.5 149.5 48.5
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed 33.1 42.1 130.2 33.2 44.7 43.9 166.5 42.7
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
38.6 32.5 148.4 23.9 49.5 37.9 185.6 36.1
urea at 2%
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
39.0 31.8 151.7 22.2 56.5 29.1 198.5 31.6
AMS at 2%
Clodinafop – propargyl at 140
3.7 93.5 13.0 93.3 6.6 91.7 16.4 94.4
g / fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
4.9 91.4 17.4 91.1 7.4 90.7 23.7 91.8
/ fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
5.5 90.4 20.7 89.4 8.2 89.7 27.3 90.6
/ fed + urea at 2%
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
5.9 89.7 21.1 89.2 10.3 87.1 30.0 89.7
/ fed + AMS at 2%
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g 6.3 89.0 26.2 86.6 11.0 86.2 30.2 89.6
/ fed
Two hand hoeing 7.1 87.6 27.3 86.0 14.4 81.9 55.4 80.96
Unweeded (Control) 57.2 ــــــ 195.0 ــــــ 79.7 ــــــ 290.3 ــــــ
LSD at 0.05 1.90 ــــــ 4.47 ــــــ 3.66 ــــــ 2.12 ــــــ
Table (4): Effect of herbicide treatments alone or mixed with urea or ammonium sulphate on number and dry weight of
total weeds after 75 and 110 days from transplanting. (Combined analysis for 2008 / 2009 and 2009 / 2010 seasons).
At 75days from transplanting At 110 days from transplanting
Treatments Dry Dry
% of % of % of % of
Number weight Number weight (g/
reduction 2 reduction reduction reduction
(g/ m ) m2)
Metosulam at 40 ml / fed 66.4 59.1 217.2 52.4 87.5 60.8 300.1 59.6
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed 79.6 50.9 255.4 44.0 103.3 53.8 341.0 54.1
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
80.6 50.3 253.8 44.3 102.9 53.9 347.4 53.2
urea at 2%
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
83.3 48.6 258.4 43.3 110.3 50.6 362.3 51.2
AMS at 2%
Clodinafop – propargyl at 140
74.9 53.8 186.1 59.2 99.3 55.6 282.6 62.0
g / fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
78.7 51.5 194.2 57.4 109.6 50.9 334.9 54.9
/ fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
80.8 50.2 203.3 55.4 114.6 48.7 349.5 53.0
/ fed + urea at 2%
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
82.3 49.3 210.8 53.8 122.8 45.0 360.1 51.5
/ fed + AMS at 2%
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g 51.7 68.1 148.2 67.5 67.8 69.7 202.0 72.8
/ fed
Two hand hoeing 25.4 84.3 68.5 85.0 37.3 83.3 117.4 84.2
Unweeded (Control) 162.2 ــــــ 455.8 ــــــ 223.4 ــــــ 742.8 ــــــ
LSD at 0.05 3.87 ــــــ 3.34 ــــــ 3.29 ــــــ 4.09 ــــــ
Maximum level of N content in bulbs was recorded Sharara, et al., 2006), or hand hoeing (Radwan and
with Metosulam + Clodinafop – propargyl followed Hussein, 2001 and El-Sayed et al., 2002).
by combined treatment of Clodinafop – propargyl
with ammonium sulfate and its single treatment at Total carbohydrate contents
70g / fed. Phosphorus content in onion bulb was Using the herbicides alone as well as their
significantly less in all treatments relative to combinations with urea or ammonium sulfate caused
unweeded check, except in Metosulam + Clodinafop– significant increase in total carbohydrate contents in
propargyl treatments. Moreover, the content of K in onion bulbs (Table 6). Hand hoeing was the most
onion bulbs (Table 6) exhibited the highest value effective in increasing total carbohydrate as
with the combined treatment of Clodinafop – compared to control followed by Metosulam + urea
propargyl and ammonium sulfate followed by (Table 6). On the other hand, the least carbohydrate
Metosulam at 40 ml/fed. Significant increment of content was recorded in onion bulbs of that unweeded
nutrient contents in bulb onion (Table 6) may be plots. The results of increasing carbohydrate contents
attributed to the reduction of weed competition with in bulbs of onion due to hand hoeing or herbicide
onion plant due to the herbicide treatments alone, treatments alone or their combination with urea or
their combinations with urea or ammonium sulfate ammonium sulfate were previously mentioned by
(Metwally and Hassan, 2001, El-Metwally, 2002 and Rizk, et al. (1995); Metwally and Hassan, 2001 and
El- Sayed et al. (2002).
Table (5): Effect of herbicide treatments alone or mixed with urea or ammonium sulphate on bulb criteria and onion yield at harvest
(Combined analysis for 2008 / 2009 and 2009 /2010 seasons).
Treatments Bulb Bulb
% of % of Bulb weight % of Bulb yield % of
length diameter
increasing increasing (g) increasing (t / fed) increasing
(cm) (cm)
Metosulam at 40 ml / fed 7.5 27.1 6.4 15.04 179.8 40.43 7.19 40.4
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed 9.4 59.3 7.5 36.23 256.0 100.00 10.24 100.0
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
9.2 55.9 6.9 24.09 218.0 70.31 8.72 70.3
urea at 2%
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
8.6 45.8 7.0 26.09 226.5 76.95 9.06 76.95
AMS at 2%
Clodinafop – propargyl at 140
8.9 50.9 6.7 22.10 214.8 67.77 8.59 67.77
g / fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
8.2 39.0 6.5 18.30 198.8 55.27 7.95 55.27
/ fed
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
7.9 33.9 6.5 17.93 195.0 52.34 7.80 52.34
/ fed + urea at 2%
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g
7.3 23.7 6.0 8.51 168.0 31.25 6.72 31.25
/ fed + AMS at 2%
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed +
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g 9.7 64.4 7.9 43.30 288.8 125.59 11.55 125.59
/ fed
Two hand hoeing 9.2 55.9 7.2 31.16 238.3 86.13 9.53 86.13
Unweeded (Control) 5.9 ــــــ 5.5 ــــــ 128.0 ــــــ 5.12 ــــــ
LSD at 0.05 0.97 ــــــ 0.9 ــــــ 6.3 ــــــ 1.04 ــــــ
Table (6): Effect of herbicide treatments alone or mixed with urea or ammonium sulphate on chemical composition of onion bulbs.
(Combined analysis of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons).
Treatments Total carbohydrates (mg /
N % P % K %
100 g dry weight)
Metosulam at 40 ml / fed 2.15 0.82 2.80 80.29
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed 2.05 0.69 2.05 72.64
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed + urea at 2% 1.80 0.76 1.62 90.52
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed + AMS at 2% 2.50 1.37 2.43 75.83
Clodinafop – propargyl at 140 g / fed 1.85 0.71 2.07 70.89
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g / fed 2.90 0.83 2.44 55.95
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g / fed + urea at
1.75 1.11 78.71
2% 2.01
Clodinafop – propargyl at 70 g / fed + AMS at
3.95 0.96 62.26
2% 4.15
Metosulam at 20 ml / fed + Clodinafop –
4.05 1.38 53.15
propargyl at 70 g / fed 2.42
Two hand hoeing 2.05 0.69 2.71 91.47
Unweeded (Control) 1.90 1.21 2.00 52.56
LSD at 0.05 0.095 0.054 0.41 2.54