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J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ.

, 33 (12): 8919 - 8930, 2008


Meloidogyne incognita INFECTING TOMATO PLANTS
( Lycopresicon esculentum ) GROWN IN DIFFERENT SOIL
Mostafa, M. A.* and R. M. Abd El- Kholy**
* Agric. Zoology and Nematology Dept. Fac. Agric.Al Azhar Univ., Cairo.
** Plant Protection Dept. (Pesticides ) Fac. Agric.Al Azhar Univ., Cairo.

The efficacy of three nematicides i.e. carbofuran,fenamiphos and oxmayl and
three soil types i.e.clay, clay loam and sandy for controlling , Meloidogyne incognita
infected tomato plants cv.super strain B was evaluated under greenhouse
conditions30±5oC. Results revealded that regardless of the tested soil types , all
tested nematicides at any dose added greatly reduced the nematode penetration,
number of galls per root system number of eggs per eggmass, nematode final
population and nematode reproduction. Significant differences in such nematode
criteria were recorded between all tested treatments and the untreated one. However,
such nematode values greatly decreased by increasing the dose of nematicides
application in the three soil types . Oxamyl ranked first in reducing such nematode
criteria followed by fenamiphos and carbofuran in the sandy soil, whereas, in the
clayloam soil, fenamiphos gave better result in reducing nematode criteria values
followed by oxamyl and carbofuran at three doses of application .Moreover, in clay
soil, oxamyl at all doses gave the highst effect in nematode parametes followed by
fenamiphos and carbofuran at the dose 300 mg/kg soil. Results also, clearly indicated
that the nematicidal efficiency of the tested compounds greatly varied according to the
tested nematicide compounds and soil types. Carbofuran showed the lowest effect on
such nematode values in clay, clay loam and sandy soils, respectively .
Moreover an obvious improvement in tomato growth parameters was observed
in all tested nematicides as compared with untreated soil. The highest percentage
increase was obtained in plant grown in clay soil as compared with other tested soil
Keywords: Chemical control, nematicides (carbofuran, fenamiphos, oxamyl),
Meloidogyne spp. Lycopersicon esculentum Soil types .

Nematodes are most abundant soil inhabiting animals . Plant parasitic
nematodes cause great economic losses to agriculture cropworld wide
(Sasser and Freckman, 1987) . Root-knot nematode Meloidogyne spp. are
economically important pthogens of a wide range of crops ( Sasser and
Carter), 1985 ; Riegel and Noe, 2000 and Walker, 2000).Plant parasitic
nematodes are controlled by several methods such as crop resistant
(Roberts, 1992), plant extract (Oka 2000), biological control by micro-
organisms (Hallmann, 2001, Jafee and Zasoski, 2001 and Sharon,
2001) , organic amendments (Riegel and Noe, 2001).
Chemical control , all nematicides considerably reduced the root- knot
nematode populations, (Darkar, 1990). They also said that all the tested
granular nematicides i.e. 10 % aldicarb ; 3 % carbofuran , 5 % qunialphos, 10
Mostafa, M. A and R. M. Abd El- Kholy

% phorate and 10 % disulfoton at 2 Kg ai/ha were effective in reducing the

M. incognita population in tomato cv. Pusa Ruby nersery beds . Moreover
aldicarb gave the lowest root-knot index, while carbufuran recorded the
maximum seedling weight. El Morshedy (1988) used fenamiphos and oxamyl
to control M.incognita by dipping tomato roots in these compounds. He found
that both compounds at 150, 300 and 600 ppm reduced nematodes in soil,
gall formation and number of egg masses on root system, whereas,
finamiphos was superior to oxamyl in decreasing the nematode population in
soil as well as the number of galls and egg masses on roots .Meanwhile,
carbofuran, oxamyl, fenamiphos and aldicarb were high effective in reducing
root-knot index and eggmasses of M.incognita and M. javanica infecting
tomato plants and improving plant growth as compared with untreated(Jain
1990; Stephan, 1990; El Shoura, 1992; Grico, 1992; Rathore
1995 and Sharma, 1996) . Zaki and Maqbool (1995) found that rugby ,
tenekil and furadan significantly reduced Meloidogyne infection on tomato
plants. Deabes (1996) stated that aldicarb, oxamyl and fenamiphos markedly
reduced the number of second stage larvae and galls of M. incognita infected
tomato plants in comparison with untreated control and he added that
aldicarb was the most effective nematicide followed by fenamiphos and
oxamyl. D'Errico, (2000) studied the effect of ethoprophos and
fenamiphos in controlling the root-knot nematode M.incognita in tomato. They
repoted that all treatments increased yield, stimulated plant growth and
lowered the nematode number in soil . Meher, (2001 and 2003) proved
that cadusafos at (0.25 or 0.50 Kg a-i./Ka) and (2.0Kg a.i. /ha,1.0 Kg a.i / ha
and 0.5 kg a.i. / ha) at different application methods against M.incognita
infested tomato plants and recorded that all application of cadusafos reduced
population of the root-knot nematode in the soil .
The objective of this study is to study the effect of three nematicides i.e.
corbofuran , fenamiphos and oxamyl at three rates of application in
controlling the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita infecting tomato
plants grown in three soil types under greenhouse conditions30±5oC .
Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill ) seeds, c.v. Super Strain B
were supplied by the Ministry of Agriculture of Egypt . Three types of soil with
different characteristic were used , these were clay , clay loam and sandy
soils .They were obtained from Itay EL Baroud , Kafr EL Zayat and Nubaria
districts. Physical and chemical characteristics of these soils are presented
in Table (1) .
Three commercial formulations of nematicides were used , the trade ,
common and chemical names of these nematicides are shown in Table (2).
Clay pots (15.0 cm diam.) were surface sterilized by 5% formalin solution.
The used soils were air dried and sieved through a ( 2mm screen ) . Soil were
packed in bags and steamed in an autoclave until a temperature of 100- 110
oC (1.3 to 1.4 Lb pressure ) was reach and then holding the temperature at

90 – 110 oC ( 1.1 to 1.4 Lb pressure ) for one hour according to a method

described by Knudsen and Bin ( 1990 ) .

J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33 (12), December, 2008


Mostafa, M. A and R. M. Abd El- Kholy

Table (2): List of The Tested Nematicides.

Trade Concentration Common
Chemical name (IUPAC) Rate / Kg soil
name and Formulation name
2.3 – dihydro – 2.2 1- 100mg
Furadan 10% Granules Carbofuran dimethylbenzofuran -7- yl 2- 200mg
methyl Carbamate 3- 300mg
Ethyl 4- methlthion – m – 4- 100mg
Nemacur 10% Granules Fenamiphos tolyl 5- 200mg
is opropylphosphoramidate 6- 300mg
NN- dimethyl -2- methyl 7- 100mg
Vydate 10% Granules Oxamyl carba – moyloxyimino -2- 8- 200mg
( methylthio ) acetomide 9- 300mg
According to International union of Pure and Applied chemistry.

The seeds of tomato were sown in nursery and after three week , the
seedlings were transplanting to pots contains 1.0 Kg of sterilized soil of each
soil type under study. Each pot was planted with tow seedlings and one week
later thinned to one . Each treatment was replicated four times. Each,
seedling pot was inoculated with 1000 fresh newly hatched of secondstage
juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita . Three days later , the dose of each
tested nematicide added and incorporated in the upper 5.0 cm of pot soil .The
plants were then irrigated immediately and allowed to grow at 30±5oC . Five
weeks after inoculation , all plants were harvested and root system of each
plant was carefully removed gently, washed in water and stained in
Lactophenol acid fuchsin Byd ea al., (1983). Stained roots were examined
and numbers of developmental stages and females were recorded.
Nematodes were then extracted form soil by sieving and modified Baermann-
techique (Goodey 1957), then final nematode population was determined and
recorded. The number of galls per root system and number of eggs per egg
mass were also counted. The percentage reduction of these values was also
calculated . Nematode final population , nematode reproduction, percentage
of nematode penetration and percentage of nematicidal efficey was also
calculated according to Norton (1978) as follow:
Reproduction factor (RF) = Final population(Pf)
Intial population(Pi)

Nematicide efficieny (NE) = control(Rf) – treatment(Rf ) × 100

control(Rf )
Length and fresh weights of both shoots and roots were estimated and
recorded. The percentage of increase in plant growth parameters of each
treatment were estimated . Data were then analyzed according to Duncan's
multiple range test (1955).


The effect of the tested nematicides i.e. carbofuran, fenamiphos
and oxamyl i.e. 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg soil/pot at three rates of application
on penetration, development and reproduction of the root knot nematode M.
incognita infecting tomato plants grown within three soil types under green
house conditions at 30±5oC are presented in Table (3) and Fig. (1).

J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33 (12), December, 2008

Table (3): Effect of the tested nematicides on development and

reproduction of the root knot nematode Meloidogyne
incognita infecting tomato plants grown in different soil
typs under greenhouse conditions 30±5 oC.
Dose of % rate of No. of No. of eggs Nematode
repro- Nematicidal
Treatments application nematode galls/ /egg Final
duction efficacy
mg/kg soil penetration root * mass* population
Clay Soil
Furadan 10%G 100 6.3 48 b 262 b 6327 6.32 69.18
(carbofuran) 200 4.2 36 c 256 b 4122 4.12 79.91
300 3. 3 26 d 260 b 3659 3.66 82.15
100 2.9 25 d 172 c 1910 1.91 90.69
Nemacur 10%G 2.4 17 e 154 d 1860 1.86 90.93
(Fenamiphos) 1. 7 17 e 105 g 953 0.95 95.37
100 2.5 20 e 142 e 1294 1.29 93.71
Vydate 10%G 1.7 17 e 131 e 1057 1.06 94.83
(oxamyl) 1. 3 12 f 118 f 1066 1.06 94.83
13.6 83 a 284 a 20512 20.51 ‫ــــــــ‬
Check ------
Clay Loam
Furadan 10%G 100 4.8 42 c Soil 7062 7.06 69.02
(carbofuran) 200 4. 2 33 d 335 a 5946 5.95 73.89
300 2.8 23 e 329 a 4176 4.18 81.66
100 3.2 30 d 320 a 2608 2.61 88.55
Nemacur 10%G 2.2 17 f 185 c 1282 1.28 94.38
(Fenamiphos) 1.8 16 f 141 e 781 0.78 96.58
100 5. 5 50 b 110 f 3403 3.40 58.08
Vydate 10%G 4.7 40 c 187 c 2627 2.63 88.46
(oxamyl) 1.6 15 f 173 cd 958 0.96 95.79
14.2 77 a 158 d 22972 22.79 ‫ـــــــــ‬
Check ------ 303 b
Sandy Soil
Furadan 10%G 100 9.2 72 b 355 ab 23456 23.46 58.96
(carbofuran) 200 8.7 64 c 342 b 21911 21.91 61.67
300 7. 4 55 d 343 b 20594 20.59 63.98
100 7. 0 39 f 193 c 9670 9.67 83.08
Nemacur 10%G 5.3 34 f 172 cde6551 6.55 88.54
(Fenamiphos) 3.5 24 g 147 e 3247 3.25 94.31
100 5.3 47 e 189 de 6257 6.26 89.05
Vydate 10%G 4.5 38 f 168 cde4714 4.71 91.76
(oxamyl) 3.4 24 g 162 cd 4042 4.04 92.93
23.1 133 a 378 a 57158 57.16 ‫ــــــــ‬
Check ------
* Means followed by the same letters within a column are not significantly different
(p ≤ 0.05) according to Duncan's multiple range test.

Results revealed that regardless of the tested soil types all tested
nematiciedes at any dose of application greatly reduced penetration of
nematodes , number of galls per root , number of eggs per egg mass ,
nematode final population and nematode reproduction as compared with that
of the untreated plant .

Mostafa, M. A and R. M. Abd El- Kholy


J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33 (12), December, 2008

Significant differences (P ≤ 0.05) in number of galls per root and number of

eggs per egg mass were found between all tested treatments and the
untreated once of each soil type. However, such nematode values decreased
gradually with increasing the dose of nematicides in the three soil types.
Oxamyl gave the best results in reducing the rate of nematode penetration
and such nematode criteria at any dose of nematicide added, followed by
those of fenamiphos and carbofuran in sandy soil . In clay loam soil,
fenamiphos at 200 and 300 mg/kg soil showed the highest percentage of
reduction in nematode penetration, galls / root system, eggs / egg mass and
nematode reproduction followed by oxamyl at 300mg / kg soil with values of
2.2 % , 77.9 % , 53.5 % and 1.28; and 1.8% , 79.2% , 63.7 % and 0.78; and
1.6 % , 80.5 % 47.9 % and 0.96, respectively . In clay soil , Oxamyl at all
doses of application gave the highest effect on rate of nematode penetration
percent, reduction of galls per root , eggs per egg mass and nematode
reproduction, followed by fenamiphos at all doses and carbofuran at dose of
300 mg / kg soil, respectively .
Concerning the nematicidal efficacy data presented in Table(3)
clearly indicated that the nematicidal efficiency of the tested compounds
varied between nematicides and between soil types. Cabofuran gave the
lowest effect in all tested soil types, whereas, fenamiphos and oxamyl gave
the highest effects in clay, clay loam and sandy soils, respectively. In clay
loam and sandy soils, oxamyl showed the in best results controlling
nematode parameters at 100 and 200 mg/kg soil, followed by fenamiphos
whereas the lowest values were recorded by carbofuran. At the dose of 300
mg / kg soil of carbofuran nematicide gave relatively good results in clay and
clay loam soil with values of 82.15 and 81.66, respectively ( Table 3).
Data presented in Fig.(2) indicated that all tested nematicides
improved plant growth parameters as compared with untreated one.
Likewise, the same trend was observed in all soil types. The highest
percentage increase in lengths and fresh weight of both shoots and roots of
tomato plants was obtained in plant grown in clay soil as compared with other
tested soil types. In sandy soil, fenamiphos at the higher doses gave the
highest increase percentages in plant growth parameters, followed by those
of oxamyl. Meanwhile, fenamiphos showed the same trend in plant growth of
clay loam soil.
Generally, the rate of nematode penetration of the root-knot
nematode M. incognita on tomato plants was higher in sandy soil and varied
between other tested soil types. M. incognita was sensitive to some
nematicide than others. The efficiency of the tested nematicides varied
between tested soil types with the same compound. The higher effectiveness
of the tested nematicides in increasing lengths and fresh weight of both
shoots and roots of tomato plants was evident in clay or clay loam than sandy
soil. These maybe attributed to the present of organic matter or plant nutrient
in clay or clay loam soils with great amount than sandly soil (Table 1).

Mostafa, M. A and R. M. Abd El- Kholy


J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33 (12), December, 2008

These present findings are in agreement with those obtained by Wallace

(1964) who stated that the influence of soil type on nematode is a highly
complex problem because the physical and chemical factors of soil vary so
much between localties even where the textural composition of the soil is
more less similar. Schuman (1976) found that carbofuran and methomyle
gave better control of M. javancia infecting tomato plants and reduced the
number of galls and larvae in loamy sand more than sandy loam and clay
loam. Ramdu (1979) also indicated that the activity of pesticides in soils is
largely controlled by the adsorption of the same by soil component . He
further added that clay is considered to be the most reactive part of the soil
and said that quantity, nature of clay, surface area, soil structure, organic
matter, water content, quality of pesticides, temperature and pH of the
pesticides and soil largely influence the efficiency of the pesticides applied to
the soil . In addition to mineral fraction of soil, soil organic matter also
influences considerably the adsorption of the pesticides in soils. Moreover,
results of the present investigation on the efficiency of such tested
nematicides in controlling M. incognita infecting tomato are in accordance
with those reported by Abuoul – Eid and Youssef (1993) in respect to
fenamiphos on number of eggs/eggmass and number of 2nd stage juveniles
of M. incognita infecting tomato plants ; and Murthy and Rao (1994) in
respect to the efficiency of aldicarb, carbofuran and phorate on M. incognita
in betelvine. Deabes (2005) reported that rate of reproduction of M. incognita
was high in sandy loam than loam soil.

Aboul Eid, H.Z. and Youssef, M.M.A. (1993). Effect of certain
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Abu-El Amayem,M.M., El Shoura, M.Y. , El Khishem, S.A. and El Sebae,
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Mostafa, M. A and R. M. Abd El- Kholy

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‫‪Mostafa, M. A and R. M. Abd El- Kholy‬‬

‫لل لل‬
‫بل‬ ‫للل ةةي‬
‫ةالكتكق للل‬
‫ميلقدقل لليتةلللللل ل‬
‫للل" للل لل‬
‫للللل ةلل لق ل‬
‫ةاللتيمةللل لللللل‬
‫ةالالكيمياةيةل للللل‬
‫المكافحةل لللللل لللل‬
‫لل لللل‬
‫لل ل‬
‫للللل للبا‪.‬‬
‫تاميالل ل لللل لل لل ل لللل لل ل‬
‫تباعاتلالطماطملللاللل لل لل‬
‫للللل لللل ل لل لل‬
‫**ل ل‬
‫طفتلعبدهلالخقلتل ل ل‬
‫مضانلمل ل لل لل للللللل ل لل‬
‫*لقل ل ل لل لل‬
‫طفتل لل لل‬
‫طفتلعبدلاللطيفلمل ل لل‬
‫مل ل لل لل للللللل لل لل‬
‫لللل ل‬
‫ذاه ةل‪.‬‬
‫امجالاألزه ل‪-‬لللال لل ل‬
‫لل–ل لل لل للل ل ل ل‬‫اعال‬
‫كليالالزل لل ل‬
‫لللل–ل للل لللل‬
‫قسملالحيقانلالزل لل ل لل لللللل للل‬
‫ل*للل ل للللل لل لل لللل‬
‫لللل ل‬
‫الذاه ةل‪.‬‬‫امجالاألزه ل‪-‬للللل ل‬
‫لل– لل لل للل ل ل ل‬‫اعال‬
‫**لقسملققايالالتباتل(مبيداتلاآلفات)لكليالالزل لل ل‬
‫ل للل للل لللل للللللل للل للللل للل للل لللللل لللل‬

‫تمت هذه الدراسة بإستخدام ثالث أنواع من المبيدات النيماتودية و هي مبييد ال ييورادان –‬
‫مبييد النميييا ور – مبيييد الياييديت م لم ا بيية بيميياتودا ت ييد الجييدور مويودوجينييا ان وجنييا التي تصييي‬
‫نباتات الطماطم الت زرعيت ي ثالثية أنيواع مختو ية مين التربية وهي تربية طينيية – تربية طينيية‬
‫طميية – تربة رموية م ‪ .‬وليد أوضبت لنتائج ما يو ‪:‬‬
‫إن ل المبيدات النيماتودية المختبرة قد أدت إل انخ اض بيير ي م يدل اختيران النيمياتودا‬
‫لجذور نباتات الطماطم و ذلك عدد ال يد النيماتودية المت ونة عوى الجذور وعيدد البييض داخيل يي‬
‫البيض و ذلك الت داد النهائ أل راد النيماتودا وم دل ت اثرها عوى جذور نباتات الطماطم ‪(Super‬‬
‫)‪ Strain B‬وذلك عند ميارنتها بالنباتات غير الم اموية ‪ .‬وقيد وجيد أن هيذا ا نخ ياض ييزداد بزييادة‬
‫ل المبيدات النيماتودية المختبرة ‪.‬‬ ‫م د ت اإلضا ة‬
‫ما اوضبت النتائج أيضا أن مبيد ال ايديت قد أعطى أعويى نتيائج نخ ياض ت يداد النيمياتودا‬
‫يويه مبيد النيما ور ثم مبيد ال اربو يورام و ذلك التربة الرمويية‪ -‬بينميا أعطي مبييد النيميا ور عنيد‬
‫التربة الطينية الطمييية – و قيد أعطي‬ ‫م دل أضا ه ‪ 211 -011‬موجم ‪ /‬جم تربة أ ضل النتائج‬
‫مبيد ال ايديت ب ل م د ت اإلضا ة أ ضل النتائج يويه مبيد النيما ور ب ل م د ت اإلضا ة يويه مبييد‬
‫ال يورادان عند م دل إضا ة ‪ 011‬موجم ‪ /‬جم تربة التربة الطينية ‪.‬‬
‫عيالوة عوييى ذلييك ييد أدت ييل م ييامالت المبييدات النيماتودييية المختبييرة إليى تبسيين ي نميو‬
‫الطماطم وذلك عند ميارنتها بالنباتات غير الم اموة – وقد انت أعوى نسبة مئوية لوزيادة‬
‫نمو النباتات التربة الطينية وذلك عند ميارنتها بالم امالت األخير المختبيرة مين التربية ‪ .‬و بنيا‬
‫عوية ينصح عند الم ا بة ال يماويية لنباتيات الطمياطم المصيابة بنيمياتودا ت ييد الجيذور ي األراضي‬
‫الرموية المستصوبة استخدام مبيد ال ايدت يوية مبيد النيما ور‪.‬‬

J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33 (12), December, 2008

J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33 (12): 8919 - 8930, 2008

Table (1) : Some Physical and chemical properties of the tested soils.
Chemical analysis Physical analysis
Source of Org-nic Total
T.S.S E.C.m. Solube cations meq/L Soluble anions meq/L Particle size distribution
Soil PH mat-er Caco3
% mohs cm Total Total Total Textural
Samples % % Ca++ Mg++ Na++ K+ Co3 Hco3 Ci So4
clay% Sand% Silt% class
7.35 0.55 0.41 1.33 0.95 3.16 2.45 5.10 0.81 0.00 1.30 6.81 3.64 62.31 23.82 13.87 Clay
7.41 0.91 0.22 1.19 0.55 0.49 0.78 3.20 0.16 0.00 1.23 2.75 0.72 36.92 27.98 35.10 Clay Loam
6.81 0.03 0.08 1.75 0.22 0.19 0.14 1.20 0.04 0.00 0.63 0.65 0.28 5.97 88.30 5.73 Sandy
T.S.S. = Total soluble salts
E.C. = Electric conductivity
J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 33 (12), December, 2008


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