Group Discussion

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1] Mobocracy is led by fake news resulting in lynching:

● Fake news social media, WhatsApp group.
● Intolerance growing, mob without getting to truth jumping to conclusion
which leads to mob lynching.
● Mob – gang of criminals, India due to fake news turning to mob rule
known as mobocracy.
● A mob has just to follow mentality and does not think about right and
wrong. The Mob has no mind, no premeditation. They act in frenzy.
● Mainly spread by India’s biggest messaging platform WhatsApp having
more than 200mil users.
● Happening in every part of country.
● Politicians from all the communities are more concerned about their vote
banks and continue instigating the Mob to resort to uncivilized acts.
● Many deaths happening all over country.
● Criminals use this to carry out crimes and blame on fake news.
● EG. Man killed in Delhi based on suspicion of having beef.
● July 2018 anti-lynching law recommend to parliament to investigate
spread of ‘irresponsible and explosive’ messages.
● Democracy started in India first, but now it’s taking reverse gear and
assuming a mob mentality.
● It is necessary to make democratic system of governance firm, healthy,
disciplined and responsible and the democracy should be saved from
becoming a mobocracy.
● Mobocracy is more dangerous than a dictatorship.

2] Modernization is not westernization:

● We cannot become modern by just wearing modern outfits.

● People usually misinterpret ‘Modernization’ with ‘Westernization’,
which in reality are different
● Westernization is a process of imitation of western countries by non-
western countries, whereby societies come under or adopt the western
culture. In short, Westernization is about the adoption of “Western”
● In fact, Westernization is a sub-process of Modernization.
● Accepting or adopting the modern style or modern ways and ideas of
thinking, living, etc is ‘Modernization’. In other words, Modernization is
a change or modification which offers the promise of the preservation of
the past.
● Westernization is not important but we need to modernize so that we are
able to compete and can keep pace with the fast moving world of the
present 21st century.
● Modernity lies in peoples thinking.
● Westernization is nothing but the modern form of Imperialism and the
outcome of Globalization
● The West manipulates us in such a way that we tend to forget our own
culture, our tradition and blindly follow theirs’.
● One must understand that we cannot pose ourselves to be modern just by
wearing modern outfits but we should be in a position to appreciate the
lifestyles of people belonging to different regions instead of making fun
of them.
● It should be remembered that one cannot modernize oneself without a
degree of educational reform.
● EG. Sati system was practised, but after introduction of education system
people were enlightened and raised voices against this inhuman practice.
● But, in the modern times, men and women are considered equal. This
transition from the India where women were treated like animals to the
contemporary India where they walk shoulder to shoulder with men is
the outcome of Modernization.
● Modernization involves changes not only at the institutional level but
also a fundamental change at the personal level. It involves a change in
modes of thinking, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, actions and also a change
in the social structure from a closed conservative society to a classless,
casteless society in which the individual’s status depends not on his birth
but on his personal achievements.
● In a nutshell, Westernization is living by analogy, doing something that a
set of people do. Being modern by definition is thinking primarily by
principles rather than by analogy. However, this is the time we all
understand that we do not have to compromise on our values/attitudes
and adopt the lifestyle of the West in order to modernize and develop.
Thus Modernization is not Westernization.
3] The menace of trolling:
● Online trolling and cyber bullying are increasing at a rapid pace, which is a
worrying thing. Sometimes it is too severe that victims of trolling and cyber
bullying are deciding to stay away from digital space.

Causes for Trolling :-

● People that troll may not abuse others on their face. As they can hide behind a
screen, they get courage to abuse others.
● Anyone can go anonymous in the online world and hence they think that they are
not noticeable. People can maintain a good behaviour in real life and can be a
abuser in digital space.
● Impatience in people, and lack of will to appreciate the differences of opinions.
● Some people will think that they are doing good to society by trolling and making
some people quiet. They feel like social justice warriors.
● Some people troll others for fun. However some of them realize that it is a sadistic
fun and some others do not.
● People who troll are very confident that they can get away with it. Lack of
punishments for trolling is one of the main causes.
● A good part of trolls in online are on women the defy patriarchal restrictions.
Some people are so caught up with the false notions of gender based behaviour,
and they go to extreme behaviour to impose their opinions on others.
● Some people are inherently bad people and exhibit anti-social behaviour in the
real life too. So online trolling is just an extension of their real life.
● Some people, who were abused in real life tend to abuse others. They can be
● These days, politically motivated trolls are a common thing. Political parties are
recruiting people to troll opposition parties.
● Trolls encourage other people to troll. They think there are a lot of people that
troll and they are among a group of people and hence no individual threat.
● There is no reward for good behaviour in online world.

Effects of Trolling :-

● Victims that face trolling may undergo trauma. They may feel unsafe in the
digital space and sometimes in the real life too because some people threaten the
victims to an extreme level.
● Some victims, especially teenagers may take extreme decisions like committing
● Trolling encourages anti-social elements (rape threats etc.).
● Aggression and violent behaviour will increase in the people that resort to trolling
and cyber bullying. They do not realize that it harms themselves.
What needs to be done :-

● These days, people are reporting to police about trolls, which is a progressive
thing. But there is no proper punishments for those who troll. There is a need to
implement appropriate punishments for the people that troll. And these
punishments should be there for those who troll common people too.
● And the most important thing is we should aim at the root-cause, that is lack of
empathy in the people. There is a need to sensitise people about the consequences
of their actions. There is a need to conduct awareness programs in schools,
colleges etc as a part of Digital India program.

Conclusion :-

These days some people are facing trolling for a few days to a few weeks.
Anyone can be victim. Mere expression of opinion can make you a victim of
harsh trolls. There is a need to check this behaviour to make everyone feel safe
in the digital space and in real life as well. There should be counselling for people
that troll about how the people at other end feel and go through trauma because
of their actions.

4] Should there be a reservation in private sector jobs:

● Reservation should not allow on the basis of caste but it should depend on
a person's financial status. Nowadays Education is very important and
very expensive and everyone wants to give the best education to their
children. Poor class peoples also want to give their children to the best
education. So, according to my point of view, Reservation should be
allowed only in education system whether its private or government
schools through some tests according to class level wise
● But I am not the favour of to allow reservation in employment, especially
in private sector. Because our entire nation is based on that. People
should get a job according to their talent and skills.
● The job should never be based on reservation criteria because it will
affect our economy, our nation and especially people's mind. According
to the time magazine, we are very good in the private service sector.
● Out of the total industry size, structured private sector amounts to only
3% of working population.
● We already have the issue of unemployment in the country. This would
further increase unemployment by giving open casts
● nothing to do
● The private sector will lose its competitiveness and efficiency to function
if people with less talent are hired only
● on the basis of the caste to which they belong.
● It’s not like bcs cannot go into private sector jobs. If they have the caliber
to do so, the private sector will accept
● them with open arms
● The amount of reservations is also very high. go from 50% in k'taka, to
68% in Maharashtra.
● Private sector always wants quality. The bitter truth is the fact that a
student with 190/200 sits in the same class
● of that of a student with 80. There's an incomprehensible difference in
ability and brainpower. Yet they're treated like equals which they are, at
least academically not.

5] Role of Ethic’s in business:

● Ethics is what make things or processes more people friendly.
● Business is basically a way of treating your customer to get the most
money out of them, now if that customer doesnt see ethics from the
company, why would he be interested in doing business with that
● Considering the present scenario of the market, a customer has endless
options when it comes to doing transaction with a company.So apart from
being the, most feasible transaction. Ethics are the 2nd most important
aspects that a person looks for.
● Ethics are the values and moral which are individualistic in nature. On
one hand, if a person holds onto the ethic until the very end he is likely to
get success slowly but for a longer period of time.
● Ethics means principle. Ethics is very important in life and also in
business. It makes the value of a person in themselves and in front of
others also. According to me, every person should have some ethics in
life and also in business.
● It plays a very important role in business to create a branding of a person
and also for creating a brand for business which is responsible for
business growth and also in expansion. If a person has ethics in business
it increases trust and respect in the customer's mind and others also.
● The very known example of this is JIO launched by Reliance Industries
Limited, they have provided the utmost benefit to their consumers, and
we can see that Reliance revenue is very much high.
● Ethics is back bone of any business, why because we can build trust in
customer if we have good ethical skills, good ethical skills will give you
good money and good relationship with which lead to get more business.
● It is not good to earn the profit at the cost of other people as there are
more chances to loose respect in the society. On the other hand in today's
wold's people are recognized through their money and power and not
whether or not they follow ethics.
● But not following the ethics might not assure the success of the person for
a longer time. I am in support of the statement that ethics play an
important role in the business.

6] Problems unite us, Religion divides us:

● It is true that when human beings face problems, they come together
despite their differences. As the phrase goes, “the enemy of my enemy is
my friend”, if two parties have a common enemy, they can work with
each other to resolve their problems.
● In October 2013, Cyclone Phailin hit Andhra Pradesh and Odisha and
caused immense damage. When such a calamity befell India, people of
India came forward to help their fellow citizens. Funds started pouring in
from all parts of India.
● It is sad to note that only when problems arise do people show care and
concern to their fellow citizens; under normal circumstances, one only
witnesses apathy. In this day and age, some people are so money-minded
that “unity” does not exist in their dictionaries.
● Throughout history, we have seen instances of religion dividing people
and uniting people too. However, more often than not, we hear the
negative side of the story where people face discrimination on the basis of
● It is sad to note that despite such progress that the nation has made in
other sectors, there are some people who are narrow-minded and continue
to discriminate people along the lines of religion.
● This is just one side of the story. The fact that India is home to a number
of religions – Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism, to
name a few – speaks volume about how Indians respect people of various
faiths. India, a secular society, has made amendments to the Constitution
of India, to ensure that people of all faiths are given their due rights.
● Political parties also use religion (communal issues) to gain votes, further
fuelling to the discrimination based on religion.
● Shivaji Maharaj united 18 different casts to form Swarajya
He also urged India to join hands and rise against the Mughals, french
and the british. Due to constant infighting ,
we were conquered by the Mughals first, then the british. Our great
freedom fighters came together shedding these false
barriers created by the british themselves and the rest is history.
● In todays days, half the problems of our countries can be solved by
eliminating these religious barriers.

7] Future of sports in India:

● According to me, sports in India has pros and cons due to of system there
so many children in rural area who want to due sports as career but due to
infrastructure and lack of money and not giving proper guidance so they
diverted to other things, they had quality but due to properly environment
like ground not available if ground available there should not proper
guidance, I think changing system will have India’s bright future in
● Apart from this awareness among people for sports as a career option is
also needed, for this sport should get a place in mainstream subjects
during 10+2 classes also
● Government need to modify their policy of sports so the future of a
sportsperson is not ruined and he /she gets a job for sustaining his/her life
with passion. Because many bright players leave their sport due to the
lake of finance after a time.
● Indian sports association does not provide enough money or resources to
the players (except cricket) to meet their daily needs and live a decent
life. This is more of a reason for many talented sports person to not go
into this field.
● Many people return to daily life EG selling tea even after winning lorels
for India and making it proud.
● Now getting attention to other sports too like kabaddi and hockey.
● Importance of sports and fitness.
● Youngsters being motivated and empowered from schools parents is
going to bring us more glory in future.
● Those who came from a poor family background is not able to think
about sports. If the government offers them a scholarship and
motivational programme's there is a possibility to participate and bring
out lots of people who had the power to win the lots of medal for India.

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