mankind, the experience within the surface of using media and information helped me to utilize
it on a daily basis and its convenience. It shows how it is easier to maintain better access to
gather knowledge in this current era. As a student, it helps a lot, especially that is related to
academics since we can study and explore the various ways of using Media and Information on
its own process. As well as being part of a society it is an instrument to communicate with
everyone, so as to build a strong foundation on how we influence every individuality with the
mechanism of using the Media and Information.
1.learning strategies
2.academic motivation
•time management
•psychological factor
The time management can be connected to learning strategies since it is all about paying
attention and focusing to everything that is related to academics, improving their productivity
and so as to apply the various ways of coping mechanisms to differentiate the learning strategies
of the students, to put education into easier way and enlightenment that causes academic
motivation into illumination. Having a betterment of academic motivation is a psychological
factor that can cause a great impact to the students capacity, to ensure that they possess good
qualities in their characteristics as a consistent learner.
The quantity of respondents in each gender that are needed in quantitative research?
● 45 Male
● 45 Female
Learning Styles that are presented in the option, what are the Learning Styles that the respondent
prefers? (Respondents can choose more than one response.)
A. Visual
B. Aural
C. Social
D. Verbal
E. Logical
F. Kinaesthetic
G. Solitary
Urban Public Transportations here in the Philippines that the respondent often rides to go to
school or whereabouts that are not a walking distance?
● Jeepneys
● Tricycles
● Taxis
● Pedicab
What is the Communication Media that the respondent uses that can be related to help in
● Social Media
● Internet
● Television
● Radio
● Magazine
● Broadcast Media
● Books
● Film
● Newspapers
● Multimedia Gizmos
In Public Order and Safety, Do you agree that the Quantitative research can provide more
information, with this method police records, arrest rates, and other numerical measurement for
data information?
A. Yes
B. Disagree
C. None of these
The entire mankind in our country. In view of the fact that we are ones who are affected by the
difficulties that we are naturally facing, in most situations we are the root of the country's
problem judging by our actions. We have authority and so do intelligence, despite individuality I
think even solving minor matters is the exchange of massive betterment impact in our country.
We are the problem solvers, therefore, we have the responsibility, privilege and countless
experience on how to deal and apply our capability to build a strong foundation in our sovereign
In brief explanation, the contrast in each era is how it was developed into its own systematic
ways and how it was evolutionized and applied as a comparative in the current generation. The
Pre-Industrial Age discovered how they make writing materials, paintings and forged weapons
and tools. The use of machine tools and manufacturing of various products in the Industrial Age.
Show how people make use of electricity in the Electronic Age to create long distance
communication. And lastly, the New Media Age is the creation of social networks, other
Microelectronic and Multimedia Gizmos.
How likely will the Grade 12 students describe Virtual Learning as a strategy to their
Socialization Experiences?
What is the level of the learners Socialization Capability in terms of contrast between Traditional
and Virtual Learning?
•Knowing one's identity can help me to identify the different characteristics of the individuality
that I am interacting with, to know how to adjust and carefully not be insensitive with anyone. To
have great development within oneself through experiences involving us to society. Having great
knowledge can be an advantage to me in how to exchange information and expand my good
relationship within the society, in particular, we are part of social science and use different types
of its branches and apply it to where we desire and it can be a path for us to our aspirations. To
sum up, as a part of social science, it can support us to build a strong foundation for anyone.
•It helped me in a sense that I can study anything about human societies, culture, the
developments of every contrast. I can identify the social problems that we are facing, as time
progresses it helps me to solve my difficulties as well. In view of the fact that I am still learning
and observing what is happening within our society. And to be aware about our sovereign states'
political matters, about the laws and our government structure. I may apply these concepts in my
daily life as an eye opener to our societal and myself, since I am just starting to explore
everything that I need to and absorbing the new knowledge that piqued me to share that
information with others. Thus, there is a significant effect on understanding the perspective of
social science to our daily lives.
•Our Barangay implemented the protocols of wearing facemasks and shields to protect us from
the virus that surrounds us, and to stay in our bubble as much as possible. Luckily, our
community cooperated and followed our Barangay, they stayed input into their safe zone and
made sure everyone was sanitized and safe before and after interacting with anyone. In
conclusion, they respected the protocols of the Barangay for the sake of the safety of everyone in
the community.
Hey, simply call me Trina, a 17 year-old grade 12 student. I am an introvert and not typically a
social media person. Still, what I do for fun occasionally is to enjoy watching anime, listening to
music, especially to classical music, and watching cooking shows like MasterChef and Hell's
Kitchen. But what I do frequently is doing household chores, just being myself minding my own
business. And I desire to have a sturdy simple life in the future.
Moving on, my role as a student is to be a consistent learner, to learn everything that I need to
and also to excel my productivity. I can utilize the knowledge that I have absorbed and use this
as an advantage through my actions as well as making decisions. My experience as a student is a
life lesson since it enhanced my perspective and to prioritize, it changed me because it guided me
to clarity. It progressively unfolds everything before my senses about how extensive and
remarkable the education is.
As a daughter my role is to be responsible, to help my family and to be a good role model for my
younger brother. Even the simplest matter I can assure that I am their reliable eldest daughter and
sibling. Responsibility comes first within what is happening in my humble abode, it is the
reflection on how my parents taught me great things to do that will never be forgotten.
And my role as a citizen in this community is to be respectful, I respect how our community is
built, grasping morality that surrounds within. I obey our law and am cooperative to support my
community. Even small upright actions in every individual matters. Because what makes our
society is how to have good citizenship.
So, as a student, daughter, neighbor and a citizen in today's generation. My role in the
community is to have a role in our society because it is a privilege and validation that I am really
a part of our community.
Media can be classified broadly into four historical ages: the ages of newspapers and place,
magazines and class, broadcasting and mass, and Internet and space. During the rise of each of
these new media, diverse groups strive to gain access to it so they can voice and further their
particular agendas. The evolution of media, from old media to new media, has transformed the
way we understand the world around us.
not having developed or adopted industry : not industrialized pre industrial agrarian societies pre
industrial civilization.
Dibao was a type of publication issued by central and local governments in imperial China. They
have been called "palace reports" or "imperial bulletins". Dibao were important because they
were used as media for regulation and circulation of government's official reports and
announcements to the masses.
A Maya book is referred to as a codex (plural: codices). The codices were painted onto a paper
made of bark from the fig tree and folded out like an accordion.
The Acta diurna (also called Acta populi, or Acta publica), said to date from before 59 bce,
recorded official business and matters of public interest. Under the empire (after 27 bce), the
Acta diurna constituted a type of daily gazette, and thus it was, in a sense, the prototype of the
modern newspaper.
The origin of the Acta is attributed to Julius Caesar, who first ordered the keeping and publishing
of the acts of the people by public officers (59 B.C.; Suetonius, Caesar, 20).
In the Ancient Near East, clay tablets (Akkadian ṭuppu(m) 𒁾) were used as a writing medium,
especially for writing in cuneiform, throughout the Bronze Age and well into the Iron Age.
Cuneiform characters were imprinted on a wet clay tablet with a stylus often made of reed (reed
As Sumerian towns grew into cities, the people needed a way to keep track of business
transactions, ownership rights, and government records. Around 3300 BC the Sumerians began
to use picture symbols marked into clay tablets to keep their records. Writing was inscribed on
clay tablets.
The earliest known roll of papyrus comes from the Dynasty 1 tomb of the high official Hemaka
(ca. 2900 B.C.), but this is blank; the first examples on which text is preserved are administrative
documents found at the Red Sea port of Wadi el-Jarf that date to Dynasty 4 (ca. 2500 B.C.).
Cave paintings (35,000 BC)
papyrus, writing material of ancient times and also the plant from which it was derived, Cyperus
papyrus (family Cyperaceae), also called paper plant.
The papyrus produced in Egypt was used for many purposes, but none more important than its
function as a writing material. Occasionally, individual sheets were sold for the purpose of record
keeping and lists, but the majority of these sheets were fashioned and sold as scrolls.
Woodblock printing (or block printing) is a technique for printing text, images or patterns used
widely throughout East Asia and originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on
textiles and later paper.
● Cave Painting (35,000 BC)
Cave paintings are a type of parietal art, found on the wall or ceilings of caves. The term usually
implies prehistoric origin, and the oldest known are more than 40,000 years old, found in the
caves in the district of Maros. The oldest are often constructed from hand stencils and simple
geometric shapes.
Cave art is generally considered to have a symbolic or religious function, sometimes both. The
exact meanings of the images remain unknown, but some experts think they may have been
created within the framework of shamanic beliefs and practices.
Industrial Age- People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron
production and manufacturing of various products (including books through the printing press).
The steam-powered rotary printing press, invented in 1843 in the United States by Richard M.
Hoe, ultimately allowed millions of copies of a page in a single day. Mass production of printed
works flourished after the transition to rolled paper, as continuous feed allowed the presses to run
at a much faster pace.
The printing press is a device that allows for the mass production of uniform printed matter,
mainly text in the form of books, pamphlets and newspapers.
The London Gazette is one of the official journals of record of the British government, and the
most important among such official journals in the United Kingdom, in which certain statutory
notices are required to be published.
The London Gazette claims to be the oldest surviving English newspaper and the oldest
continuously published newspaper in the UK, having been first published on 7 November 1665
as The Oxford Gazette.
As the first official journal of record and the newspaper of the Crown, The Gazette became an
authoritative and reliable source of news, and this served the purposes of both the Crown and the
Executive well.
● Typewriter (1800)
The first practical typewriter was completed in September, 1867, although the patent was not
issued until June, 1868. The man who was responsible for this invention was Christopher Latham
Sholes of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The first commercial model was manufactured in 1873 and
was mounted on a sewing machine stand.
● Telephone (1876)
Telephones made it easier for businesses to communicate with each other. It cut down on the
amount of time it took to send messages to each other. As the telephone network grew, it also
expanded the area that a business could reach.
telephone, an instrument designed for the simultaneous transmission and reception of the human
voice. The telephone is inexpensive, is simple to operate, and offers its users an immediate,
personal type of communication that cannot be obtained through any other medium.
In 1890 Dickson unveiled the Kinetograph, a primitive motion picture camera. In 1892 he
announced the invention of the Kinetoscope, a machine that could project the moving images
onto a screen. In 1894, Edison initiated public film screenings in recently-opened "Kinetograph
A film, also called a movie or a motion picture, is a series of still photographs on film projected
onto a screen using light in rapid succession. The optical phenomenon known as persistence of
vision gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous movement.
Commercial filming is the use of motion picture, videotaping, sound-recording, or any other type
of moving image or audio recording equipment on National Forest lands that involves the
advertisement of a product or service or the use of actors, models, sets, or props.
the first major motion picture to premiere with a full-length synchronized soundtrack. Audio
recording engineer George Groves, the first in Hollywood to hold the job, would supervise sound
on Woodstock, 44 years later.
The first known movie made as a test of the Kinetophone was shot at Edison's New Jersey studio
in late 1894 or early 1895; now referred to as the Dickson Experimental Sound Film, it is the
only surviving movie with live-recorded sound made for the Kinetophone.
A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or sound technologically coupled to
image, as opposed to a silent film. The first known public exhibition of projected sound films
took place in Paris in 1900, but decades passed before sound motion pictures became
commercially practical.
● Telegraph
What Does Telegraph Mean? Telegraphy is the long-distance transmission of written messages.
The word comes from the Greek words tele (far off, or at a distance) and graphein (to write).
Telegraphy is used for remote communication between distant points involving coded signals.
● Punch cards
A punched card (also punch card or punched-card) is a piece of stiff paper that holds digital data
represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions. Punched cards were
once common in data processing applications or to directly control automated machinery.
Punch cards are known to be used as early as 1725 for controlling textile looms. For example,
Joseph Marie Jacquard used punch cards to create a self-portrait woven in silk. The cards were
later used to store and search for information in 1832 by Semen Korsakov.
Cell phones, pagers, voice mail and e-mail are among the most lauded inventions of the 20th
century, godsends that allow on-the-go individuals to communicate with business associates,
friends and family members at any time, at any place in the world.
● Transistor Radio
A Transistor radio is a radio receiver which uses transistors to amplify the sound. Transistor
radios can be cheap and small and some use very little electric power. Some can amplify the
weak radio waves that are usually not picked up by weaker vacuum tube radios.
With the transistor radio, music and information suddenly became portable. No matter how
isolated you were, you could hear news of the world. And for teenagers who could suddenly
listen to music anywhere they wanted -- far away from an adult's ears -- it sparked a musical
revolution: rock n' roll
● Television (1941)
In 1941, the United States implemented 525-line television. Electrical engineer Benjamin Adler
played a prominent role in the development of television. The world's first 625-line television
standard was designed in the Soviet Union in 1944 and became a national standard in 1946.
The 1940s TVs didn't look like today's televisions. Most had picture screens between 10 and 15
inches wide diagonally, inside large, heavy cabinets. And, of course, color broadcasts and sets
didn't arrive until much later, in 1954.
The invention of the television created an industry that forever changed the world. By 1953,
RCA devised the first complete electronic color TV system.Nov 16, 2021
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the world's first general-purpose
computer. ENIAC was designed and built for the United States Army to calculate artillery firing
tables. However, it was ENIAC's power and general-purpose programmability that excited the
public's imagination.
At their core, mainframes are high-performance computers with large amounts of memory and
processors that process billions of simple calculations and transactions in real time. The
mainframe is critical to commercial databases, transaction servers, and applications that require
high resiliency, security and agility.
A personal computer (PC) is a multi-purpose microcomputer whose size, capabilities, and price
make it feasible for individual use. Personal computers are intended to be operated directly by an
end user, rather than by a computer expert or technician.
The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, Silicon Age, or New
Media Age) is a historical period that began in the mid-20th century, characterized by a rapid
epochal shift from traditional industry established by the Industrial Revolution to an economy
primarily based upon information technology.
This period of history has been called the Information Age because it makes available instant
access to knowledge that would have been difficult or impossible to find previously.
The features of the Information Age include everything concerning the electronic storage and
transmission of information. This includes—but is not limited to—the internet, computers,
smartphones, online shopping, and social media platforms.
Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and the
smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever
before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and
more fun.
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet. It retrieves information from other parts of
the web and displays it on your desktop or mobile device. The information is transferred using
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which defines how text, images and video are transmitted on the
a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that
is written in an informal or conversational style.
A blog is a website or page that is a part of a larger website. Typically, it features articles written
in a conversational style with accompanying pictures or videos. Blogging is a fun and flexible
way for self-expression and social connection, so it is no wonder blogs have become very
The term social networking refers to the use of internet-based social media sites to stay
connected with friends, family, colleagues, or customers. Social networking can have a social
purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
Microblogging is a short blog post designed for quick and typically direct audience interactions.
These concise blogs are shared using social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram, and can
include different content formats such as audio, text, images or video.
A microblog is an excellent way to interact with your audience. Shorter, more frequent posts give
your business more opportunities for engagement and help widen your reach. So, give your
readers bite-sized insights into your brand and your industry. People check their phones an
average of every 12 minutes.
Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved
through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli and delivered via
VR requires a headset device, while AR does not. VR users move in a completely fictional
world, while AR users are in contact with the real world.
Search engines essentially act as filters for the wealth of information available on the internet.
They allow users to quickly and easily find information that is of genuine interest or value,
without the need to wade through numerous irrelevant web pages.
The students also use search engines to meet daily information needs, solve problems, increase
knowledge, reduce doubts, clarify things, entertain, fulfill curiosity about others,etc.
A search engine is a software program that helps people find the information they are looking for
online using keywords or phrases. Search engines are able to return results quickly—even with
millions of websites online—by scanning the Internet continuously and indexing every page they
Portable Computers means computers used in your “operations” easily transported by one per-
son such as laptops, notebooks and personal digital assistants. This includes portable electronic
accessories used with the computer such as multimedia projectors.
Laptops are built for mobile computing. They are much smaller in size and weight than desktop
computers, and they are portable, which means that they can easily be carried from one place to
another. Due to their smaller size, the components that make up a laptop have to be compact.
A smartphone is a cell phone that lets you do more than make phone calls and send text
messages. Smartphones can browse the Internet and run software programs like a computer.
Smartphones use a touch screen to allow users to interact with them.
It has paved the way for SMS, text messages, calls, video chat, and applications that allow
individuals to connect with others around the world instantly. They fit easily into your pocket or
bag. Moreover, they don't weigh much. There are inexpensive models available for those with a
limited budget.
Wearable technology
Wearable technology is any kind of electronic device designed to be worn on the user's body.
Such devices can take many different forms, including jewelry, accessories, medical devices, and
clothing or elements of clothing.
The public cloud has emerged as an ideal platform for big data. A cloud has the resources and
services that a business can use on demand, and the business doesn't have to build, own or
maintain the infrastructure. Thus, the cloud makes big data technologies accessible and
affordable to almost any size of enterprise
Let's Dig In
1. Descriptive
2. Comparative
3. Quantitative
4. Experimental
5. Quasi-experimental
Let's Apply
1. Quasi-Experimental
2. Quasi-Experimental
3. Correlational
4. Descriptive
5. Descriptive
6. Correlational
7. Quasi-Experimental
8. Experimental
9. Quasi-Experimental
10. Correlational
Let's Evaluate
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. D
trace- the TEDET was connected to another device and to another TEDET device on near user's
location. The PNTJ company can also track the device.
sound button- to alert everyone that is connected to your device and can create an intensity
Esteves, A. (2020, March 25). 5 famous INFJs who make the world a better place. Truity's
Personality and Career Blogs.
Goodman, P. (2022, July 30). 10 Reasons Why I Love and Hate Chef Gordon Ramsay.
Davidson, Ivan. (2017). The biography of Albert Einstein. CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Monaghan, Becca (2022, September 28). Who is MrBeast and why does he have so many
youtube subscribers? Indy100.
National Association of Broadcasters. (1995, June 12). Moment 99: Marilyn Monroe gives rare
radio interview.
Manzoori-Stamford, J. (2022, July 10). Alvin Leung – my life in hospitality. The Caterer.
Let's Dig In
1. IV- Color of Light DV- Number of Leaves
2. IV- New Antibiotic DV- Cattle's Fever
3. IV- Floor Wax DV- numbers of scratches
Let's Apply
1. What is the effect of watering plants on their growth height?
IV- watering plants DV- growth height
2. What is the effect of giving chocolate to teachers for their amount of homework?
IV- giving chocolate DV- amount of homework
3. What is the effect of a tree having leaves to the amount of bird nests?
IV- having leaves DV- amount of bird nests
4. What is the effect of water containing acid rain to the amount of fish population?
IV- acid rain DV- amount of fish population
5. What is the effect of giving calcium to the amount of bone strength?
IV- giving calcium DV- amount of bone strength
In an economic and political system, Communism is controlled by the government of the state
that completely operates and owns the businesses, property and the economic resources, the
excess income will be directed to the government. Socialism has an equal control and share in
economic resources between the government and the community, individuals own small
businesses as the government encourages them to. Capitalism, whereby people completely
control its business and have the right to have private property, individuals in the community can
freely use their profits without intervention from the government.
I attain a better life in a sense that I would try the things that I haven't in my past and be the best
version of my life during the chance that is given through my reincarnation. Whether to
remember or not, a piece of deja vu, I would know better myself that there is a certain goal that i
want to commit.
going beyond yourself, or so surpassing it meant to know itself more than what it used to be.
•Does the promotion of positive socialization be an efficient solution concerning the students'
socialization experiences?
- Given the promotion of positive socialization, does this approach be an efficient solution
concerning the socialization of the students'?
Trademarks represent a company or product for the purchasers or customer to identify the goods
and services of a certain enterprise. It was created to stamp originality in any possible way, on
how it is well known.
Scatter and gather your information through communication, make use of media through
The purpose of the study is to know the level of English Literacy of grade 10 pilot students.
Possessing the ability to read, write, speak and listen, English Literacy helps us to communicate,
express thoughts, think about various ideas and learn new things. Differentiating and testing the
level in terms of studying between public and private secondary school. The research study is the
basis for the modifications or changes when it comes to the form of the teacher's teaching
approach to the learners. The researchers came up with the process of making an English
Literacy test, administering to the learners between schools. Gathering data tabulation, start the
process of analyzing, the researchers, then, have data interpretation and conclusion. Through a
brief process, the possible solution that indicates in the output is the English Teacher Training
Program for better Literacy of Learners.
This research generally aims to determine the English Literacy Skills of the Grade 10 Pilot
Students between Private and Public Secondary Schools.
Is there a significant difference between studying in public and private secondary school in the
level of English Literacy Skills of the learners?
price place product people packaging promotion positioning
market mix contains 4 p's originally which are; product, place, price and promotion
Based on Childhope Philippines (2022), the education is hampered by a student's inability to
access mobile devices for online classes, managing time effectively can be challenging for the
learners. Both students and teachers struggle psychologically and physically as they try to get
used to this mobile learning and teaching. It affects students who live in rural areas that lack
internet connection. When students handle their studies at home, the costs for electricity and
internet connection quadruple. Additionally, this excludes street kids who are unable to provide
for their families' essential needs.
Train of Thoughts Along Railways of Midnight: The Half-Awake
psychological effects
the resolution of possible dying sooner
psychological effects
realization sin
Online Learning was found to be efficient in some areas. However, in this research study it
creates an impact on the socialization experiences of the students. Both of these were different
in terms of Online Learning efficiency as an alternative for the traditional classes, meanwhile, it
affects the communication and mental being of the student.
The study presents the research paradigm containing the input, process, and output to
determine the Impact of Online Learning on Grade 12 Senior High School Students'
Socialization Experiences at Learn and Explore Montessori School.
"Does everything we do to achieve come from little actions and massive hardships?" We do not
need to answer nor to agree in between, but the results are visible throughout our eventful life.
"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." The famous quote that I do agree with
the most, from Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher and Polymath.
Mostly, those we dreamt of, are being swept away but some may think that things are that easy to
get and living the unrealistic way in their existence. Unless we are lucky, some situations are
unthinkable and unexplained, we cannot just pray and get the answers right away. Although,
everything seems to be guided with the illumination of thoughts and questions that is encircled
around everyones curious minds.
The purpose of living is to thrive and learn in any possible way in life, but not only the basics
but also the hardest knowledge to absorb, without this it would be just a plain existence full of
boredom, there are no self challenges and involvements. But those philosophers whom I looked
up to, opened my senses as if it was meant for me. Indeed, I realized that there is more to
conquer than those literal geographical teachings. Thus, every quest in the map needs some
determination in every obstacle and target goals, until it has reached the highest peak of prize.
It was completely like this for years but I have not still searched yet, for everything seems to
be unknowable and continuously unthinkable. I have been submerged from uncountable
questions, but I am not the search engine nor those artificial intelligence. I do not give everyone
the permission to pressure me but everything was fitting perfectly in like the shoes, for where I
am standing there is no need for clues but full of blues.
I know that this is full of confusion with bittersweet hopes that someday, someone would
understand what those words are trying to convey and try to interpret the word that has been said.
That someone would not think that this is not the emotional matter but rather a mindful context
throughout living. But without this happening it cannot be spoken, a possible draft in someone's
We are not someone else's expectation, we are our own unexpected expectations.