Acknowledgement: Pathak (The Dean of Academic Affairs) For Providing Me A Platform Like KMT To Increase
Acknowledgement: Pathak (The Dean of Academic Affairs) For Providing Me A Platform Like KMT To Increase
Acknowledgement: Pathak (The Dean of Academic Affairs) For Providing Me A Platform Like KMT To Increase
And I also express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Nidhi Singhal (The Director) and Mr. A.K
Pathak (The Dean of Academic Affairs) for providing me a Platform like KMT to increase
my technical knowledge as well as gaining practical knowledge in CNC Machine Tools,
which will help me to achieve a better job opportunity in my field.
I also extend my sincere appreciation to Mr. R.K Saxena (Head of Department) & Faculty
of Electrical Dept. who provided his valuable suggestions and precious time in accomplishing
my training report.
Lastly, I would like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and my
friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and received lots of suggestions that
my quality of work.
Industrial Training is meant to expose the students of engineering of the actual industrial
processes about which they have been studying in detail from their semesters .They have
spent the last 3 years in gaining theoretical knowledge of various manufacturing and
assembly process.
The eight weeks of training has exposed us to the actual applications of various studies. The
training period has been very interesting wherein we got to know how the final product
comes to the market.
Each product undergoes a number of qualities control test to bring in uniformity and quality.
Each field requires skillfully handling and training given at each steps which will help us in
the long run.
1.1 Cnc work theory
1.2 Classification of Cnc machine
1.3 Coordinate system
Head Stoke
Tail Stoke
3-Point levelling
CNC Tooling
Turning Operation
Tapering Operation
Pattern Repeating
Treading Operation
Tan θ Values
Sin θ Values
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machining is the process through which computers
control machine-based processes in manufacturing. The kinds of machines controlled include
lathes, mills, routers and grinders – all used for manufacturing of metal and plastic products.
Since any particular component might require the use of a number of different tools – drills,
saws, etc. – modern machines often combine multiple tools into a single "cell". In other
installations, a number of different machines are used with an external controller and human
or robotic operators that move the component from machine to machine. In either case, the
series of steps needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part that
closely matches the original CAD.
The series of steps needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part that
closely matches the original CAD design. Modern CNC mills differ little in concept from the
original model built at MIT in 1952. Mills typically consist of a table that moves in the X and
Y axes, and a tool spindle that moves in the Z (depth).
The position of the tool is driven by motors through a series of step-down gears in order to
provide highly accurate movements, or in modern designs, direct-drive stepper motor or
servo motors. Open-loop control works as long as the forces are kept small enough and
speeds are not too great.
On commercial metalworking machines closed loop controls are standard and required in
order to provide the accuracy, speed, and repeatability demanded.
As the controller hardware evolved, the mills themselves also evolved. One change has been
to enclose the entire mechanism in a large box as a safety measure, often with additional
safety interlocks to ensure the operator is far enough from the working piece for safe
Most new CNC systems built today are completely electronically controlled. CNC-like
systems are now used for any process that can be described as a series of movements and
These include laser cutting, welding, friction stir welding, ultrasonic welding, flame and
plasma cutting, bending, spinning, hole-punching, pinning, gluing, fabric cutting, sewing,
tape and fibre placement, routing, picking and placing (PnP), and sawing most CNC
machines use Siemens or Fanuc made control systems.
For Fanuc generally the coding is done using G codes and M codes. G codes are used for
machining operations and movement of the tools whereas M codes are used for controlling
the spindle movement like on/off, rotation in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction and also
for tool change operation.
Figure 2: - Block Diagram of CNC Lathe
Centre of Origin
-X +X
Plane selection in CNC: -
Types of Coordinates: -
1. Absolute Coordinate: - The value of any point will be taken with respect to centre point.
2. Incremental Coordinate: - The value of any point will be taken with respect to previous
NC System
NC Machine
CNC Machine
Two Axis
More than Two Axis
(x & z) (x, y, z, a, b, c, ….)
(Vertical Machining Centre ) (Horizontal Machining Cene
3.1 Spindle
The spindle is directly coupled with the spindle motor refer Figure 4 and
avoids any errors in indirect drive mechanism.
Spindle is having BT-40 and 50Tool, HSK 100 interface taper for VMC
3.2 Saddle
Saddle is the part of CNC which is mounted on the Linea Motion guide ways (LM).
3.3 BASE
Base is the base structure of CNC on which the entire operation of CNC is
performed. It is made of rigid structure of Cast Iron because of good compressive
strength and vibrational damping capacity.
3.5 Pallet
Figure 4.5: - Pallet
The tool changer is an umbrella type Servo ATC having a 12 Tool magazine.
The tool change time is 3.5 seconds. Its main function is to change the tool
during the machining according to the requirement.
It works with 3 servo motors. One for vertical motion up-down, one for
rotary action about Z-axis and one for clamping and releasing the tool.
It supports chuck and its mechanism. It possesses system which clamps and
de-clamps of
It possesses the supporting elements. It is also used for supporting the long
job pieces and also used for centring and drilling purpose.
Figure 4.8: - Tail-Stock
It is that part of machine which has tools to work on job. Generally, it has ten to
twelve tools. It is used for holding the tools to carry out machining operations.
3.10 Controller
3.11 Pumps
There are generally two pumps in CNC. One is for hydraulic oil transmission
and another for coolant circulation. Thus pump keeps the cooling and the
lubrication system of the CNC alive.
3.12 Motors
There are many different motors used mainly for revolving of chuck, another
two for bolt screw, revolving of turret, and motion of work table i.e. pallet in
X and Y-axes.
Second step is to scrapping the paint from guide-ways for fitting L.M. Then worker
clean the surface by diesel and air cleaner. Then fit the L.M. and it is supported by
eccentric head bolts.
Then worker uses spray-cleaner to remove dust and mounts saddle on it. After that,
he does
“Auto-collimator Test” for measuring allowances for top and side of L.M. Same
process is carried out for L.M. of saddle and then bolt-screw is mounted on
saddle with two bearing and its run-out testing is carried out and then again top
and side of bolt-screw is maintained in tolerance limit with help of dial-gauge
Dial gauge indicator is most important testing device for which range is between
2 μm to 10 μm for different purposes.
After that saddle is mounted on CNC bed. Then bolt-screw is mounted on CNC
bed for z-axis. Than the same process is carried out as it is carried out for bolt-
screw of saddle. Then lock-nut is mounted on it.
If surface plate is not accurately machined, scrapping is carried out till it slides
thoroughly on
During this process another worker mounts head-stock and tail stock on its base.
After that chuck, pulley, motor and spindle is mounted on head-stock. Then
mandrel is mounted on chuck.
Centre line of head-stock and tail-stock must be co-lined, if not then it must
carried out with the help of height-gauge. Then the ATC is mounted and at the
same time all the wirings are connected with the motors and the pumps and then
the entire electrical system is mounted.
After that telescopic cover is mounted on saddle to cover sliding mechanism from
After that hydraulic oil system is fitted with its all mountings like oil sump with
nitrogen gas accumulator, solenoid valves, pipe.
Finally, the cold roll coil sheets are used for final guard (from metal chips and from
water-oil coolant). For preventing leakage of coolant, copper stripes are rigidly
fitted with silicone gel.
Then Siemens or Fanuc controller is attached to the machine. Finally, the doors are
fitted so that entire machine remains closed during operation for the safety of the
operators. Chip removal system and cooling fluid system was installed according to
the demand.
viii. Using the Siemens controller operation begins and can prepare most
complicated operation with high accuracy.
Model Dx-250 is also available which is bigger in size than Dx-200, main
difference in assembling method between them is, In Dx-200 saddle is assembled
at inclination keeping base horizontal while in Dx-250 the saddle is assembled
keeping the base inclined at 45degree for assembly ease.
CNC Programming is made of blocks & blocks are made by commands. Commands are provided for
different functions.
6.1 CNC Programming Elements: -
II. Block: - Group of commands known as block. One block has one or more
commands. Block is started from sequence Number & ended by end of block
command Where sequence no. is optional.
III.I G – Code: - These are Preparatory function codes & used for
different function.
A. Axis Movement: - G0/G01/G02/G03 codes are used for programming
of any axis.
Code G00 = This code is used for tool positioning & free movement in air.
Code G02 = This code is used for circular clock wise movement of any axis.
Code G03 = This code is used for circular anticlockwise movement of any axis.
C. Plane Selection: -
F. Reference Return: -
G. Skip Function: -
H. Thread Cutting: -
III.II M – Code: - These are miscellaneous function codes and it is used for
Start / Stop of any function.
MO – program stop
MO1 – program optional stop
MO2 – program optional end MO3 – spindle on clock wise
MO4 – spindle on anti-clock wise
MO5 – spindle stop
MO6 – tool changing in VMC
MO7 – coolant on
MO8 – coolant on/off
MO9 – cool off
M19 – spindle orientation M30 – program end reset
A – extra axis
B – extra axis
C – extra axis
D – cutter diameter in VMC
F – feed on axis
G – G code program
H – tool length offset in VMC
I – the value of X from start point of radius to center of radius.
J – the value of Y from start point of radius to center of radius.
K – the value of X from start point of radius to center of radius.
L – loop in VMC
M – m code groups N – sequence no.
O – program no.
P – peak depth in X
Q – peak depth in Z
R – radius S – spindle
T – tool no. & offset no. in CNC
U – X axis value in incremental program
V – Y axis value in incremental program
W – Z axis value in incremental program
X – X axis value in absolute program
Y – Y axis value in absolute program
Z – Z axis value in absolute program
IV. Program Scan: - CNC M/c Scan the program sequentially in Blocks from
Top block to bottom block.
V. Program Header: -
Program No.
Sequence No.
Cancellation command
M/c Home position
Tool & Offset selection
Spindle R.P.M with direction
Coolant On
Tool positioning
1. Manual mode – manual mode is used for individual start / stop of any function.
Different functions:
Chuck clamp/D clamp – chuck is used for holding the job.
Method –
Step 1 – select jog mode
Step 2 – chuck clamp / D clamp by foot switch
Turret index – turret is the tool holding device used for holding the tool &
supporting against cutting force.
Different stations are used for holding different tools 8 station turret is using in this
Conditions – all axis should be at home.
Method –
Step 1 – select auto
Step 2 – select single block
Step 3 – press cycle start button -> single block
Will work on pressing one time to the cycle start button for next block repeating
cycle start button.