Applied Non-Linear Dynamical Systems PDF
Applied Non-Linear Dynamical Systems PDF
Applied Non-Linear Dynamical Systems PDF
Jan Awrejcewicz Editor
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
Volume 93
This book series features volumes composed of select contributions from workshops
and conferences in all areas of current research in mathematics and statistics,
including OR and optimization. In addition to an overall evaluation of the interest,
scientific quality, and timeliness of each proposal at the hands of the publisher,
individual contributions are all refereed to the high quality standards of leading
journals in the field. Thus, this series provides the research community with
well-edited, authoritative reports on developments in the most exciting areas of
mathematical and statistical research today.
Jan Awrejcewicz
Applied Non-Linear
Dynamical Systems
Jan Awrejcewicz
Department of Automation, Biomechanics
and Mechatronics
Łódź University of Technology
Łódź, Poland
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 34-xx, 34A12, 34A26, 34A34, 34A35, 34A36, 34B15,
34C15, 34C23, 34C25, 34C29, 34Dxx, 34D06, 34D08, 34D10, 34D20, 24D23, 34E13, 34F10, 34F15,
34H10,37-xx, 37Bxx, 37B55, 37C27, 37C70, 37C75, 37D45, 37Gxx, 37G15, 37H20, 37Jxx, 37J20,
37J25, 37J55,70-xx, 70Exx, 70Hxx, 70Jxx, 70Kxx, 74-xx, 74Gxx, 74Jxx
vi Preface
is the possibility of the passive control of the main system by means of the time-
dependent nonlinear energy sink.
In Chap. 33 Szklarz and Jarz˛ebowska discuss a systematic coordinate-free
approach for the formulation of the no-slip condition for wheeled robot models that
can be used for derivation of the nonholonomic constraint equations. This approach
yields models that are unified, verifiable, comparable, and repeatable.
Original unitary theory of the optical choppers with rotating wheels working
with top-hat laser beams is discussed in Chap. 34 by Circa and Duma. They present
program developed for designing of the optical choppers with rotating wheels and
verified it by application to classical and eclipse choppers.
In Chap. 35 modification of the mathematical model of the HIV dynamics in
HIV-specific helper cells is presented by Pinto and Carvalho. Considered are two
types of the delay—a latent period for the interval for cells, first one with contact
with the virus, to be infected by the virons and released by them and the second one
is a viron production period for the virons to be infected by virons and released to
the blood stream from the infected cells.
Gallacher et al. discuss in Chap. 36 application of parametric excitation and
amplification for MEMS ring gyroscope. Theoretically proved is that the parametric
excitation offers suitable excitation method for the rate integrating gyroscope.
In Chap. 37 Piccirillo et al. present analysis of the influence of external
parameters on the oscillator dynamics. They investigate two smart materials, i.e.,
shape memory alloy and magneto rheological damper as well as effect of system
dissipation energy related to their hysteretic behavior.
Generalized method of studying plane topographical Poincarè systems to higher
dimensions is presented by Shamolin in Chap. 38. He shows also elaborated meth-
ods for qualitative study of dissipative systems and systems with anti-dissipation
yielding a possibility of obtaining conditions for bifurcation of birth of stable and
unstable auto-oscillations.
As can be noticed by the variability of topics of the chapters, dynamical systems
analysis can be found in very wide range of scientific disciplines and their constant
development is unavoidable and necessary from both theoretical and practical point
of view.
I do hope that the readers of this book will be attracted by the chosen topics. I
greatly appreciate help of Springer Editor Dr. Eve Mayer in publishing the presented
chapters recommended by the Scientific Committee of the DSTA 2013 after the
standard review procedure. Finally, I would like to thank all referees for their help
in reviewing the manuscripts.
xii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Duffing-Type Oscillators
with Amplitude-Independent Period
1 Introduction
xR C x ˙ x 3 D 0: (1)
Table 1 Solutions for motion of the HDO and SDO ( in case of the SDO one requires jAj < 1
for the closed orbits around the stable origin)
Solution for motion Frequency Elliptic modulus
2 A2
HDO: xHDO D Acn .!HDO t; kHDO / 2
!HDO D 1 C A2 2
kHDO D 2!A2 D 2.1CA2 /
A2 A2 2
SDO : xSDO D Asn .!SDO t; kSDO / 2
!SDO D1 2
kSDO D 2
2 1 A2
2 1 0 1 2
Fig. 1 Period of the HDO (blue solid line) and SDO (red dashed line) as a function of amplitude A
are given in Table 1 together with their frequencies ! and elliptic moduli k (see, for
example, [4, 6] for more detail).
Given the fact that the period of cn and sn is T D 4K .k/ =!, where K .k/
stands for the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, the following expressions
are obtained for the period of the HDO and SDO:
r r
A2 4K A
4K 2.1CA2 / 2 1 A2
As seen from these expressions and Fig. 1, the period of the HDO and SDO
depends on the amplitude A. This leads us to the question of designing an oscillator
having the Duffing-type restoring force F D x ˙ x 3 , but a constant, amplitude-
independent period, corresponding to the so-called isochronous oscillators [1, 2].
In what follows we present such Duffing-type oscillators, both hardening and
softening, modelled by
xR C G .x; x/
P C x ˙ x 3 D 0; (4)
2 Derivation
1 P2 1 2
EkSHO D X ; EpSHO D X ; (5)
2 2
which is known to have a constant, amplitude-independent period (note that its
generalized coordinate is labelled here by X ).
2.1 Case I
To find the first mathematical model of the form (4), we assume that Ep D Ep .x/
and let Ep EpSHO D X 2 =2, obtaining
XD 2Ep : (6)
Then, we also make the kinetic energy Ek of nonlinear oscillators equal to the one
of the SHO and use Eq. (6) to derive
XP 2 Ep0
Ek D D xP 2 ; (7)
2 4Ep
where Ep0 D dEp =dx. The differential equation of motion stemming from the
Lagrangian L D Ek Ep has a general form
Ep00 Ep0 2Ep
xR C xP 2 C D 0: (8)
Ep0 2Ep Ep0
The last term on the left-hand side 2Ep =Ep0 is required to correspond to the Duffing
restoring force F =x ˙ x 3 , which gives the potential energy
Ep D : (9)
2 .1 ˙ x 2 /
Ek D xP 2 ; (10)
2 .1 ˙ x 2 /3
4 I.N. Kovacic and R.H. Rand
xR xP 2 C x ˙ x 3 D 0: (11)
1 ˙ x2
1 x2 A2
xP 2 C D : (12)
.1 ˙ x 2 / 3 1 ˙ x2 1 ˙ A2
Taking the solution for motion of the SHO in the form X D a cos .t C ˛/, where
a and ˛ are constants, and using Eqs. (6), (9) and (2), the solution for motion of
Eq. (11) is obtained
A x
p cos t D p : (13)
1˙A2 1 ˙ x2
Numerical verifications of the analytical results for the motion (13) and phase
trajectories (12) are shown in Figs. 2 and 3 for the HDO and SDO, respectively.
These figures confirm that the analytical results coincide with the solutions obtained
by solving the equation of motion (11) numerically. In addition, they illustrate the
fact that the period stays constant despite the fact that the amplitude A changes, i.e.,
that the systems perform isochronous oscillations.
a b .
1.0 x
x 0.0
-1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0
-1.0 2p 4p 6p
0 5 10 15 -1.0
Fig. 2 Isochronous oscillations of the HDO, Eq. (11) for A D 0:25; 0.5; 0.75: (a) time histories
obtained numerically from Eq. (11) (black dots) and from Eq. (13) (blue solid line); (b) phase
trajectories obtained numerically from Eq. (11) (black dots) and from Eq. (12) (blue solid line)
(upper signs are used in all these equations)
Duffing-Type Oscillators with Amplitude-Independent Period 5
a b
1.0 1.0
x 0.0 x
-1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 2p 4p 6p
0 5 10 15
Fig. 3 Isochronous oscillations of the SDO, Eq. (11) for A D 0:25; 0.5; 0.75: (a) time histories
obtained numerically from Eq. (11) (black dots) and from Eq. (13) (red dashed line); (b) phase
trajectories obtained numerically from Eq. (11) (black dots) and from Eq. (12) (red dashed line)
(lower signs are used in all these equations)
2.2 Case II
In this case we consider the system whose potential and kinetic energies are
1 2 1 1 1 2
X D .x f /2 ; Ek D XP 2 D
Ep D xP f C x 2 f 0 ; (14)
2 2 2 2
where f f .I /, I D 0 x .t / dt , and f 0 D df =dI .
The corresponding Lagrange’s equation is
f 0 f 00 3
xR C 3x xP CxC x D 0: (15)
f f
This system has two independent first integrals. The first one is the energy
conservation law stemming from XP 2 =2 C X 2 =2 D const:
xP f C x 2 f 0 C .x f /2 D h1 ; h1 D const: (16)
In addition, as the solution for motion for the SHO can be written down as X D
a sin .t C ˛/, the following should be satisfied:
For the hardening-type nonlinearity in Eq. (15), one requires f =f D 1, which
leads to
Z t
fHDO D exp x .t / dt ; (19)
xR C 3x xP C x C x 3 D 0: (20)
exp .x1 / x3 C x22 C 1 D h2 ; (22)
Z t
x1 D x .t / dt; x2 D xP 1 D x; x3 D xP 2 D x;
P (23)
This expression agrees with the first integral obtained and studied in [3] and is
plotted in Fig. 4b, where periodic solutions correspond to the case B > 1. Note
that for the initial conditions (24), one has B D 1 C 1=A2 , which implies that B is
always higher than unity.
Duffing-Type Oscillators with Amplitude-Independent Period 7
5 B=1.5
x3 0
-5 B=1
-4 -2 0 2 4
Fig. 4 (a) 3D plot of Eq. (21); (b) phase trajectories obtained from Eq. (25) for different
values of B
x 0.0
-1.0 2p 4p 6p
5 10 15
Fig. 5 Time response of the HDO, Eq. (20) for A D 0:25; 0.5; 0.75: numerically obtained solution
from Eq. (28) (black dots) and from Eq. (27) (blue solid line)
To compare the analytical solution for motion (27) with a numerically obtained
solution of the equation of motion (20), the latter is written down in the form
«1 C 3xP 1 xR 1 C xP 1 C xP 13 D 0;
x (28)
and numerically integrated by using the initial conditions (24). This comparison,
plotted in Fig. 5, shows that these two types of solution are in full agreement as well
as that the period is amplitude-independent.
The equation of motion (15) corresponds to the SDO if f 00 =f D 1, which is
satisfied for
Z t
fSDO D cos x .t / dt : (29)
By using the notation given in Eq. (23), the equation of motion (30) transforms to
«1 3xP 1 xR 1 tan x1 C xP 1 xP 13 D 0;
x (31)
with the initial conditions given in Eq. (24). Two first integrals (16) and (17) become
x3 cos x1 x22 sin x1 C x22 cos2 x1 D h1 ; (32)
Duffing-Type Oscillators with Amplitude-Independent Period 9
For the initial conditions (24) one has h1 D A2 and h2 D 0. Introducing these
values into Eq. (34) and solving it with respect to x3 , the following explicit solution
for phase trajectories is obtained:
A2 x22
x3 D ˙.x22 1/ : (35)
1 A2
x 0.0
2p 4p 6p
5 10 15
Fig. 6 Time response of the SDO, Eq. (30) with A D 0:25; 0.5; 0.75: numerically obtained
solution from Eq. (31) (black dots) and from Eq. (37) (red dashed line)
10 I.N. Kovacic and R.H. Rand
3 Conclusions
In this work we have considered nonlinear oscillators with a hardening and softening
Duffing restoring force. Unlike classical conservative Duffing oscillators, which
have an amplitude-dependent period, the designed Duffing-type oscillators have the
period that does not change with their amplitude and are, thus, isochronous. Two
separate cases are considered with respect to the form of their potential and kinetic
energy, which are made equal to the corresponding energies of the SHO, which is
known to be isochronous. Corresponding equations of motions are derived, as well
as their solutions for motion. Numerical verifications of these isochronous solutions
are provided. In addition, two independent first integrals are presented: the energy-
conservation law and the principle of conservation of momentum.
Acknowledgements Ivana Kovacic acknowledges support received from the Provincial Secre-
tariat for Science and Technological Development, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Project
No. 114-451-2094).
Valery Pilipchuk
Abstract The purpose of the present work is to show that an adequate basis
for understanding the essentially nonlinear phenomena must also be essentially
nonlinear but still simple enough to play the role of a basis. It is shown that such
types of “elementary” nonlinear models can be revealed by tracking the hidden links
between analytical tools of analyses and subgroups of the rigid-body motions or,
in other terms, rigid Euclidean transformation. While the subgroup of rotations is
linked with linear and weakly nonlinear vibrations, the translations with reflections
can be viewed as a geometrical core of the strongly nonlinear dynamics associated
with the so-called vibro-impact behaviors. It is shown that the corresponding
analytical approach develops through non-smooth temporal substitutions generated
by the impact models.
1 Introduction
This work is motivated by the intent to introduce a unified physical basis for analyz-
ing vibrations of essentially unharmonic, non-smooth, or maybe discontinuous time
shapes. Transitions to non-smooth limits can make investigations especially difficult
due to the fact that the dynamic methods were originally developed within the
paradigm of smooth motions based on the classical theory of differential equations.
From the physical standpoint, such way is natural for modeling the low-energy
motions. Although the impact dynamics has also quite a long prehistory, non-
smooth behaviors are often viewed as an exemption rather than a rule. Notice that
the classical theory of differential equations usually avoids non-differentiable and
discontinuous functions. Presently, however, many theoretical and applied areas
are dealing with the high-energy phenomena accompanied by strongly nonlinear
spatiotemporal behaviors making the classical smooth methods difficult to apply.
For instance, such phenomena are considered in engineering analyses of dynamical
systems under constraint conditions, friction-induced vibrations, structural damages
V. Pilipchuk ()
Wayne State, Detroit, MI, USA
due to cracks, liquid sloshing impacts, etc. Similarly to the well-known analogy
between mechanical and electrical harmonic oscillators, the so-called Schmitt
trigger circuits generate non-smooth signals whose temporal shapes resemble the
mechanical vibro-impact processes. In many such cases, it is still possible to adapt
different smooth methods of the dynamic analyses through strongly nonlinear
algebraic manipulations with state vectors or by splitting the phase space into
multiple “smooth domains.” As a result, formulations are often reduced to the
discrete mappings in a wide range of the dynamics from periodic to stochastic.
It will be shown that a complementary analytical tool can be built on generating
models developing essentially unharmonic behaviors as their inherent properties.
For instance, the methodology presented in this work employs elementary impact
systems as a physical basis for describing different types of unharmonic processes.
This is implemented through the non-smooth time substitutions introduced origi-
nally for strongly nonlinear but smooth models [5]. Besides, as was shown in [4],
such methodology reveals explicit links between the impact dynamics and the
algebra of hyperbolic numbers analogously to the link between harmonic vibrations
and conventional (elliptic) complex analyses.
where Ak are constant complex vectors and ! k and ®k (k D 1, 2) are the modal
frequencies and initial phases.
This definition was suggested by V. Zhuravlev (private communication, Moscow, 1989).
Asymptotic of “Rigid-Body” Motions for Nonlinear Dynamics: Physical. . . 13
a b
q = {u1,u2} w2
u1 u2 A1 A2
c d
reflection translation
t=a t
Fig. 1 Vibration of the linearly elastic system (a) is represented by the rigid-body rotations (b);
the impact oscillator; (c) is associated with the rigid-body translation and reflection (d)
The fragment (b) in Fig. 1 shows another mechanical system whose dynamics is
described by the same expression (1), if the system’s position is identified by the
two points fixed at the edges of the discs. Therefore, the one-dimensional dynamics
generated by linearly elastic restoring forces can be represented by the rigid-body
rotations. In other words, the linearly elastic forces are effectively eliminated by
increasing the dimension of space. To some extent, such simple observation provides
an explanation why the sine and cosine waves possess so convenient mathematical
properties. Namely these harmonic functions represent the subgroup of elementary
rigid-body motions, such as rotation. Furthermore, the link between the two models,
(a) and (b), in Fig. 1, enables one to associate the linearity with the subgroup of
Apparently, the rotations do not cover all the rigid-body motions – rigid
Euclidean transformations. These include also translations and reflections. The
translation itself seems to have a little physical content. However, combinations
of translation and reflection appear to be more interesting as shown in Fig. 1c, d
through the corresponding mechanical representations. In particular, the fragment
(c) shows a typical impact oscillator, whereas the fragment (d) illustrates a single
reflection case, which can be viewed as the most elementary nonlinear phenomenon.
s =| t - a | t = a + s s
s = 1
2 1 1
v =1 2 æ pt ö t = 1 + (t - 1)t
t = arcsin sin ç ÷
τ(t) p è 2 ø t 2 = 1
3 v =1 s ( t; d ) ¥
t= å (t i
+ s i ) si
= ( d + | t | - | t - d |) i=0
x =0 s(t;d ) x =1 2 si2 = 1
Fig. 2 Different versions of non-smooth temporal substitutions generated by the impact models
well developed and widely used. In contrast, using the models associated with
the translation-reflection, as those shown in Fig. 1c, d, is less common. Despite
of being geometrically simple, such models are not described within the classical
theory of differential equations due to the presence of discontinuities in the dynamic
states. This fact essentially complicates any direct use of the impact models as
a basis for building asymptotic or iterative procedures. It is shown, however, that
appropriate preliminary adaptations of the differential equations of motion can be
conducted through the non-smooth time substitutions listed in the third column
of Fig. 2. In particular, the first row explains how such type of substitutions
is introduced. Namely, the basic function s D jt aj is the model’s coordinate,
which can be interpreted as an eigentime of the system provided that nothing
else happens except the translation and reflection under consideration. The goal
is to introduce a new temporal argument, say s, in order to obtain the differential
equation of motion for the model, which is shown on the left of first row in Fig. 2.
Apparently, the substitution t ! s cannot work directly since no inversion t D t(s)
does exist on the entire time domain. Nevertheless, the following generalization
holds t D t .s; sP /; see the first row on its right in Fig. 2 for details. In particular, this
inversion appears to have the specific algebraic structure of hyperbolic numbers
with the basis f1; sP g. In contrast to the conventional elliptic complex numbers,
the unipotent sP , if squared, gives the positive sign, namely, sP 2 D 1. Interestingly
enough, the hyperbolic numbers have been known for about one and a half century
as abstract algebraic elements with no relation to the nonlinear dynamics or non-
Asymptotic of “Rigid-Body” Motions for Nonlinear Dynamics: Physical. . . 15
-a a t
a t t
Figure 4 provides further illustration for logical links between two alternative
approaches to the vibration problems. Interestingly enough, the illustration is possi-
ble within the same one-degree-of-freedom model, which is shown at the first row
of Fig. 4. Note that the oscillators with power-form characteristics were considered
for quite a long time. For instance, Lyapunov obtained such oscillators while
investigating degenerated cases of the dynamic stability problems [2]. Besides,
he introduced a couple of special functions, cs and sn, in order to invert the
16 V. Pilipchuk
x + x 2 n−1 = 0, n= 1 2 n−1
x + x = 0, n→∞
Harmonic oscillator Impact oscillator
| z |= 1 | x |H = 0
| z |2 = x 2 + y 2 | x | 2H = X 2 − Y 2
Fig. 4 Two alternative approaches to the vibration theory based on the harmonic and impact limits
using this couple of functions can be explained by their links to the elementary
rigid-body motions, namely the subgroup of rotations. The algebra of conventional
(elliptic) complex numbers with the corresponding complex plane representation
can be viewed as a next hierarchic step here due to the well-known Euler formula.
Finally, taking the linear combination of harmonic waves with different frequencies
and keeping in mind the idea of parameter variations lead the area of harmonic and
quasi-harmonic analyses of vibrating systems. Such tools therefore represent the
dynamic processes as a combination of the elementary rigid-body rotations with
different angular speeds.
Let us consider now the limit n ! 1, when the restoring force vanishes inside
the interval 1 < x < 1 but becomes infinitely large as the system reaches the
potential barriers at x D ˙ 1. The physical meaning of this limit is introduced at
the top of the right column in Fig. 4. Despite of the strong (impact) nonlinearity, the
limiting oscillator is also described by quite simple elementary functions such as the
P These two non-smooth functions
triangular sine and rectangular cosine, say and .
are associated with another subgroup of the rigid-body motions, namely translation
and reflection. Therefore, analogously to the case n D 1, the upper limit n D 1 can
play the same fundamental role by generating a hierarchy of tools as listed in the
right column of Fig. 4.
This section describes the basic mathematical properties of the non-smooth temporal
substitutions introduced in Fig. 2. These properties are used then for derivations in
different illustrating examples.
Consider first the single reflection case; see the first row of Fig. 2. Algebraic,
differential, and integral properties are as follows:
• Isomorphism with 2 2 symmetric matrixes:
t 2 D .a C s sP /2 D a2 C s 2 C 2as sP
2 2
2 a s a C s2 2as
t D D
sa 2as a2 C s 2
.a s sP / a s sP a s
t 1 D D 2 D 2 sP
.a C s sP / .a s sP / a s2 a s 2 a2 s 2
.s ¤ jaj/
ŒX.s/ C Y . s /Ps D Y 0 .s/ C X 0 .s/Ps
dt (3)
if Y.0/ D 0
ŒX.s/ C Y . s /Ps D X 00 .s/ C Y 00 .s/Ps
dt 2
if Y.0/ D 0; X 0 .0/ D 0
ŒX .s.t // C Y .s.t // sP .t /dt
2s 3 2s 3
D 4 Y.z/d z C C 5 C 4 X.z/d z5sP
0 0
xP C x D 2pı .t a/ p sR
x.0/ D 0 (4)
s D jt aj
Asymptotic of “Rigid-Body” Motions for Nonlinear Dynamics: Physical. . . 19
Equating separately the terms of different levels of singularity in (5) to zero leads
to the following boundary value problem with no singular terms:
8 0
< Y C X D 0
X 0 C Y D 0 (6)
p Y.0/ D 0
The boundary value problem (6) and (7) is easy to solve in few steps. Then the
corresponding solution of the original initial value problem (4) is obtained in the
closed-form x.t / D p exp .s/ .1 C sP /; see Fig. 5 for illustration.
Algebraic and differential properties of the periodic -version, which is shown in the
second row of Fig. 2, are similar to those listed in Sect. 3.1. Note that, although the
analytical definitions for the basic functions and P look more complicated in this
case, there is no need for memorizing them. What is necessary for solving problems
is the following properties:
Fig. 5 Solution of problem
(4) under the following 1
parameters: P D 1.0; a D 1.0; 0 1 2 3 4 5
D 1.0 t
20 V. Pilipchuk
P D e; e 2 D 1; eP ¤ 0 () D ˙1 (8)
The third relationship in (8) means that whenever £ reaches its amplitude values,
a ı-spike occurs from the following series:
P /D2
e.t Œı .t C 1 4k/ ı .t 1 4k/
xP C x D pe.t / (9)
Substituting (10) in (9) and taking into account properties (8) gives
Y C X C X C Y p e C Y eP D 0 (11)
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … „ƒ‚…
regular stepwise discont: singular
Equating separately to zero the terms of different levels of singularity gives the
autonomous boundary value problem with no discontinuities:
8 0
< X C Y D p
Y 0 C X D 0 (12)
Y .˙1/ D 0
Substituting solution of the boundary value problem (12) in (10) gives finally the
periodic closed-form solution of the original equation (9); see Fig. 6 for illustration:
p sinh. / cosh ./
xD C 1 e (13)
cosh cosh
Obviously, (9) can be also solved by means of either Fourier series or Laplace
transforms or directly by matching different pieces of solution under periodicity
conditions. However, using the Fourier series, for instance, requires a very large
number of terms near the non-smoothness points as shown in Fig. 6.
Asymptotic of “Rigid-Body” Motions for Nonlinear Dynamics: Physical. . . 21
0 2 4 6 8
4 Conclusions
This paper outlines the basic principles of non-smooth temporal substitutions and
gives exactly solvable illustrating examples. Note that the transition to non-smooth
temporal argument should be viewed as a preliminary stage of analyses. Such stage
of transformation incorporates the specifics of external loading or/and inherent
properties of a physical system into the new equations. As a result, a much wider
range of analytical and numerical methods becomes possible to apply. This is due
to the fact that the new temporal arguments vary within narrower domains and
automatically capture the major temporal symmetries of the dynamics, such as
periodicity and reflections. The corresponding analytical algorithms and solutions
for different strongly nonlinear oscillators can be found in the reference [4]. The
typical form of such solutions is power series with respect to the triangular sine
; see row 5 in Fig. 4 for explanation. Note that direct power series expansions
with respect to the original time t usually make little sense for vibration problems
due to the loss of periodicity. The amplitude and frequency modulated motions can
be analyzed by adding a slow time argument to representation (10) and then using
the idea of two variables or multiple-scale expansions. Let us mention also a new
area of applications, which is being developed due to an interesting observation
that the temporal mode shapes of the phase variable, describing the 1:1 resonance
energy exchange between weakly nonlinear oscillators, resemble the dynamic states
of impact oscillator [3]. In particular, it was found that such “impacts” take place
when the entire energy is involved into the exchange process.
Finally, let us summarize the revealed links between specific cases of the
Euclidean rigid transformations, the induced algebraic structures, and linear and
nonlinear dynamics. The class of rigid transformations T of an arbitrary vector r is
described by the expression T(r) D Ar C b, where A and b are the orthogonal matrix
and a constant translation vector, respectively. Then the abovementioned logical
links are illustrated by the table, which can be viewed as an extension of Fig. 4:
22 V. Pilipchuk
< C1 () Rotation () i 2 D 1 Elliptic numbers () Linear dynamics
det .A/ D 0 () Singular case () i 2 D 0 Parabolic numbers () ‹
1 () Reflection () i 2 D C1 Hyperbolic numbers () Nonlinear dynamics
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2. Lyapunov, A.M.: Investigation of a singular case of the problem of stability of motion. Math.
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3. Manevitch, L.I.: New approach to beating phenomenon in coupled nonlinear oscillatory chains.
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4. Pilipchuk, V.N.: Nonlinear Dynamics: Between Linear and Impact Limits. Springer, Berlin
5. Pilipchuk, V.N.: Transformation of oscillating systems by means of a pair of nonsmooth periodic
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Non-linear Phenomena Exhibited by Flexible
Cylindrical and Sector Shells
V.A. Krysko, J. Awrejcewicz, I.V. Papkova, V.B. Baiburin, and T.V. Yakovleva
1 Introduction
The variety of loading applied plays a crucial role while estimating the strength of
materials in numerous constructions working in high-temperature fields. Proper
estimation of the construction strength requires the detailed analysis of the
elastic-plasticmaterial behavior, initial deflections, interaction of the construction
elements, or interaction of those elements with the surrounding medium. The
proper estimation of the construction stability requires development of suitable
computational algorithms [12].
In references [7, 16] different criteria are proposed. Namely, the system transits
into a new dynamic state with the corresponding zero velocity. It can be explained
in the following manner. In the beginning the inertial forces act against the external
load, and after transition through zero they change sign and support the action of
the external load. It means that in a certain time instant the beam center velocity
achieves zero and then a sudden change of deflection occurs. In reference [8] the
time instant is taken as the stability loss criterion, where the displacement of an
elastic body changes without a change of the associated accelerations and velocities.
In some works the problem of dynamical stability loss is reduced to a quasi-
dynamical problem. Owing to this approach, the precritical stress of the middle shell
process is analyzed via static approaches. There are also works where a dynamic
criterion of the stability loss is matched with the occurrence of plastic deformations
of shell structures.
In reference [17], arcs were investigated and their buckling process was charac-
terized by two different mechanisms. In the case of the direct buckling mechanism
an unstable construction state was realized via symmetric forms. In the case of
indirect buckling, the system lost its stability via nonsymmetric forms. Since
the system stability loss via symmetric and nonsymmetric forms is qualitatively
different, one may expect two different dynamic criteria of the stability loss.
In this work by a critical load we mean limiting load values or the point of
inflexion of the relation wmax .q/. Further on, we will investigate critical loads acting
on axially symmetric spherical and conical shells, on a closed cylindrical shell as
well as on a spherical sector shell.
We study shallow shells, i.e., objects in R3 with the associated curvilinear coor-
dinates x; y; z, introduced in the following manner. In the shell body the middle
surface z D 0 is fixed; axes ox and oy overlap the main shell curvatures, whereas
axis oz shows curvature surface
n origin (Fig. 1). In the given coordinates
h the
io shell is
defined as follows: ˝ D x; y; z=.x; y; z/ 2 Œ0; a Œ0; b h=2; h=2 , where
dimensional quantities are denoted by bars.
The governing nonlinear dynamics of the shell shown in Fig. 1 is obtained
assuming that the shell material is isotropic, homogeneous, and elastic and it
satisfies the Kirchhoff–Love hypotheses. Furthermore, we assume that the length
of the shell fiber along shell thickness remains unchanged [19].
Therefore, in the nondimensional form, the equation of motion of the shell
element as well as the deformation compatibility equations have the following
nondimensional forms:
26 V.A. Krysko et al.
2 2
1 @2 w @2 ./ 2 2
2 @ w @ ./ @2 w @2 ./ @ w @ ./
2 2 2
C 2 2
C 2.1 / C C
@x @x @y @y @x@y @x@y @x 2 @y 2
@2 w @2 ./ @2 w @w
C rk2 F L.w; F / C M q.t / C" D 0;
@y 2 @x 2 @t 2 @t
@2 F @2 F @2 ./ 1 @2 F @2 F @2 ./
2 2
2 C 2 C (1)
@y @x @y 2 2
@x 2 @y @x 2
@2 F @2 ./ 1
C2.1 C / C rk2 w C L.w; w/ D 0:
@x@y @x@y 2
h Eh4 LR
ky D k y .kx D 0/; qDq ; D ; (2)
R2 L2 R 2 h Eg
M D ky2 ; D ;
Non-linear Phenomena Exhibited by Flexible Cylindrical and Sector Shells 27
@w @F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D0 for x D 0I 1; (3)
@x @x
@w @F
w D g.x; y; t /I D p.x; y; t /I F D u.x; y; t /I D v.x; y; t / for y D 0I :
@y @y
2. Pinned support
@w @2 F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D 0 for x D 0I 1; (4)
@x @x 2
@w @F
w D g.x; y; t /I D p.x; y; t /I F D u.x; y; t /I D v.x; y; t / for y D 0I :
@y @y
@2 w @F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D 0 for x D 0I 1; (5)
@x 2 @x
@w @F
w D g.x; y; t /I D p.x; y; t /I F D u.x; y; t /I D v.x; y; t / for y D 0I :
@y @y
@2 w @2 F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D0 for x D 0I 1; (6)
@x 2 @x 2
@2 w @2 F
w D g.x; y; t /I D r.x; y; t /I F D u.x; y; t /I D z.x; y; t / for y D 0I :
@y 2 @y 2
wjtD0 D w0 ; P tD0 D w0 :
wj (7)
28 V.A. Krysko et al.
It is solved via the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method, and the computational step
in time is chosen using the Runge rule. We apply the method of relaxation for the
closed cylindrical shells with D 2 and we compare our results with the solution
obtained by Andreev et al. [1] for the corresponding static problem. We consider the
case of transversal external load whose location is defined by the central angle '0 .
In order to get qcr .'0 / we need to construct a set fqi ; wi g for 8'0 2 Œ0I 2, which
yields the critical load qcr . As it has been shown in [15], an increase in the number
of approximations yields a remarkable improvement of the obtained results.
The following conclusion can be formulated: in the case of nonhomogeneous
load, the use of a small number of the series terms yields large computational
errors and the obtained results depend essentially on the number of introduced
approximations. However, the situation changes qualitatively beginning from N D
13. Namely, the dynamical properties of the cylindrical shell are stabilized and a
further increase of N does not improve the obtained results either qualitatively
or quantitatively. Therefore, beginning from N D 13, a convergent series is
obtained and all further computations are carried out for N D 13. Consequently,
we constructed the relation of the critical loads versus width of the pressure zone
q cr .'0 / for N D 13 reported in [15].
Dependencies q cr .'0 / reported by Andreev et al. [1] for the closed cylindrical
shell for D 2 are in agreement with the results obtained by our method. Hence,
the obtained results indicate high efficiency of the proposed method for solving
static problems.
Non-linear Phenomena Exhibited by Flexible Cylindrical and Sector Shells 29
@ 1 @w @ 1 @F
2 ;
@r r @
@r r @
@2 w 1 @w 1 @2 w @ 1 @w
N.w; w/ D 2 C 2 2 2 :
@r 2 r @r r @
@r r @
@2 w v @w @F
w D 0; C D 0; F D 0; D 0: (13)
@r 2 r @r @r
2. Pinned support of radial slices
@2 w @2 F
w D 0; D 0; F D 0; D 0: (14)
2 @
30 V.A. Krysko et al.
@w @F
w D 0; D 0; F D 0; D 0: (15)
@r @r
4. Sliding clamping of radial slices
@w @2 F
w D 0; D 0; F D 0; D 0: (16)
Initial conditions are as follows:
w D f1 .r;
/ D 0; w0 D f2 .r;
/ D 0 for t D 0: (17)
.w/ C rr w.F C rr F / C rr F .w C rr w/
2 r
F C F C 4qi D .wt t C "wt /i;j ; (18)
.F / D rr w.w C rr w/ C .r
w/2 w;
Non-linear Phenomena Exhibited by Flexible Cylindrical and Sector Shells 31
1 1 1
./ D rr ./Cr ./; r ./ D ./r ; rr ./ D ./rr ; r
./ D 2 ./
C ./r
ri2 ri ri
1 1
rr ./ D Œ./iC1 2./i C ./i1 ; r ./ D Œ./iC1 ./i1 :
2 2 ri2
Boundary conditions:
1. Pinned support of arc slices
wN;j D 0; rr w r w D 0; FN;j D 0; r w D 0; j D 1; : : : ; M 1:
2. Pinned support of radial slices
wi;j D 0;
w D 0; Fi;j D 0;
F D 0; j D 0; M; i D 0; : : : ; N:
3. Sliding clamping of arc slices
wi;j D 0;
w D 0; Fi;j D 0;
F D 0; j D 0; M; i D 0; : : : ; N:
The system of (18)–(22) should be supplemented by conditions to be satisfied in
the shell cusp and the matching conditions. In the majority of cases it is assumed
that a shell has a circular hole of small dimension in its cusp, and this assumption
does not influence computational results essentially. In this work, while solving
nonsymmetric problems for
D 2 , the approximating functions in the point
r D 0 are interpolated by the Lagrange formula of the second order. We have
a b
q0 q0 b = 5
b=5 b=6 b=6
1.2 1.2
1 1
b=7 b=8
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
b=8 b = 10
0.4 0.4
b = 10
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 Wmax 0 5 10 15 20 Wmax
b=8 b = 10
b=7 b=9
b = 11
b = 12
0 5 10 15 20 Wmax
The Cauchy problem (18)–(25) is solved via the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method,
where the computational step has been chosen due to the Runge rule [2, 4–6].
Figure 3 shows the dependencies q.w/ for sector angles
k D 32 (a), for
a b
0.8 0.8
0 0
10 0
0.6 0.6
3 5
0.4 1 0.4 5 10
4 10 0
2 10
5 15
0.2 3 4 3 0.2 5 10
2 5
1 2
0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
c d
1 0 1 0 0
0 0 0
0 2 0
1 0 0
1 43 10
0.5 0.5
−1 35 65 2 0 0 10 15 0
0 5
2 6 7 34 1 5
0 2 0 0 10
12 4 6 1 5 15 5
3 5
−1 0 1 4 −0.5
0 10
−0.5 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
−1 0 0 0 −1 0
is not changed qualitatively. In Fig. 3a the same sector angle and the first-order
discontinuity imply qualitative changes in the location of isoclines for both critical
and post-critical load (see Fig. 4). For
D 2 , b D 12 a fast shell deflection is
observed but without a change of the shell form. For
D 3 2
, b D 10 for the
critical load, the maximum shell deflection occurs in the middle of the bisectrix,
whereas in the case of post-critical load two zones of maximum deflection appear,
being symmetric with respect to the angle bisectrix.
4 Concluding Remarks
In this work the relaxation method has been applied to study flexible cylindrical and
sector shells. The Bubnov–Galerkin and the finite difference approaches allowed
us to reduce the problems to the algebraic-ordinary differential equations. A few
interesting nonlinear phenomena exhibited by the analyzed continuous systems have
been reported.
34 V.A. Krysko et al.
Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the grant RFBR No. 12-01-31204 and the
National Science Centre of Poland under the grant MAESTRO 2, No. 2012/04/A/ST8/00738, for
the years 2013–2016.
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Gear Shift Patterns in Uncertain Terrestrial
Locomotion Systems
For that, the existing theory for gait generation as described in [9] is used. Since
all system parameters are assumed to be unknown or, more precisely, uncertain,
an adaptive controller is used to achieve the tracking of certain gaits. After finding
optimal gaits, a procedure for automatic gait shift based on the measurement of
certain restricted system variables is implemented.
1.1 Modeling
The starting point is the chain of mass points in a common straight line as shown
in Fig. 1. The variables xi .t / (i D 0; : : : ; n) are the current coordinates of the
segments. The distance between mi and mi1 are labeled as lj .t / WD xi1 .t /xi .t /.
Each mass point is equipped with spikes, which are assumed to be ideal, i.e., they
restrict velocities from being negative [10].
To achieve the desired movement due to the paradigm earthworm, the distances
lj .t / have to be changed in an appropriate way. In this model, viscoelastic actuators
are used to apply forces between mass points. The acting forces on mass points are
(j D 1; : : : ; n) (see Fig. 2):
• spring forces Fc;j D cj .xj 1 xj l0;j /, where l0;j is the initial length of the
• damping forces Fd;j D dj .xP j 1 xP j /;
FZ;i D 1 sign.xP i / 1 sign.Fi / Fi ; (2)
with i D 0; : : : ; n, where Fi is the sum of all other forces acting upon mi ;
• the weight of a mass point is considered in the x direction only and thus depends
on the ground inclination ˛: FGx;i .˛/ D mi g sin.˛/.
The equations of motion are (using Newton’s second law):
1.2 Control
e.t / WD l.t / lref .t / >
u.t / D k.t / e.t / C k.t /
eP .t / >
D k.t / .e.t / C
eP .t // >
8 (4)
ˆ .ke.t /k /2 ; ke.t /k C 1 >
ˆ >
< .ke.t /k /0:5 ; >
P /D ke.t /k 2 ŒI C1/ >
k.t >
ˆ >
.ke.t /k < / ^ .t tE < td / >
ˆ0; >
:̂ ;
k.t /; .ke.t /k < / ^ .t tE td /
The construction of reference trajectories lref;j .t / (i.e., gaits) that enable the desired
global movement of the WLLS consists of two steps, as described in [9]:
First, it is chosen which mass points should have active spikes (i.e., are resting)
at which periods of time. The number of active spikes shall be identical for every
time and is denoted by a 2 f1; : : : ; ng. All sequences A.t / (e.g., A.t / D f0g !
f1g ! f2g ! f3g), which describe the set of active spikes as a function of time,
shall be periodic: mode-functions. Once the active spikes for specific time intervals,
i.e., equal parts of one period, are determined, it can be deduced which lj .t / have to
contract, which have to elongate, and which have to keep their length in each time
A short notation of the gait shall consist of the set of active spikes at t D 0,
A0 , and the direction in which the traveling wave of active spikes moves, d i r. The
direction from head to rear through the WLLS is called ` (left).
In addition to the previous definitions, the detailed lref;j .t / functions are yet to
be chosen. They should be of class C 2 (continuous up to the second derivative)
to ensure there are no discontinuous steps in the acceleration terms, as this is
undesirable in applications.
The reference functions are built as described in [9] on time intervals
t 2 p ; .p C 1/ ; p 2 N0 :
Gear Shift Patterns in Uncertain Terrestrial Locomotion Systems 41
3 Shift of Gaits
The change of gaits can adjust the whole system to a changing environment, e.g., a
varying slope. It is desired to implement an automatic, internal gait shifting relying
solely on measured system variables. The options for varying the movement pattern
are twofold:
42 C. Behn and S. Schwebke
1. changing the number of active spikes (value a) by switching the A.t / sequence;
2. changing the gait frequency (value f ) while keeping the general A.t / pattern.
This is possible at any time.
Isolated implementations of either of these principles limit the gait adjustment—
especially the mere change of the number of active spikes while keeping a constant
frequency, which only allows for n different reference speeds. The reference speed
can be obtained from kinematical considerations of the reference functions; it is
This reference speed can be altered by changing a and f . To be able to adjust the
speed of the WLLS in an optimal way, a combined switching of the two variables is
Possible criteria for gait shift can include certain limits of actuator or spike
forces, to avoid reaching prohibited values; actuator power, as a maximum or
(moving) average value; and gain, which is influenced by external conditions such
as friction or slope of the terrain.
In simulations with a number of slopes, gaits, and speeds, shown in [6], it was
found that—if the maximum allowed spike forces or actuator forces are chosen as
criteria—the choice of the optimal gait depends on the current slope and speed,
i.e., there is a certain gait that allows for the largest speed for given force limits.
The implementation of an automatic gait shift requires the determination of n 1
speed thresholds, at which the number of active spikes should be switched. Between
the thresholds, the gait frequency should be adjusted. The exact values of these
thresholds can vary during locomotion, as they are not only dependent on internal
system parameters but also on external variables such as the slope.
Investigating the spike forces will enable the choice of speed thresholds. In case
of xP i D 0, the spike force FZ;i equals the sum of all other forces acting upon mass
point mi , with opposite sign:
FZ;i .0/ D uiC1 ui FGx;i C Fc;iC1 Fc;i C Fd;i1 Fd;i FR;i (7)
For the following estimation, all spring, damping, and friction forces are neglected.
As shown in parameter studies in [6] (p. 29 ff.), larger damping has little effect on
the spike forces, since it is compensated by higher actuator forces. The estimation
of the expected maximum value of uiC1 ui DW umax can be found with knowledge
of the reference functions lref ./ and the masses. For equal masses mi D m, the
actuator force maximum according to the reference functions (5) is
umax D m.N a/ 2N 2 f 2 "l0 C g sin.˛/ (8)
Gear Shift Patterns in Uncertain Terrestrial Locomotion Systems 43
60 a=3
max(FZ) estimate
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Fig. 3 System with N D 4; estimate of the maximum spike force according to (9) vs. vN ref
according to (6), shown for different numbers of active spikes; slope ˛ D 25ı
The spike force estimate is completed by adding the x-component of the weight of
mass mi :
which makes FZ;i;max a function of frequency (or reference speed) and number of
active spikes a. The estimated spike force maxima are shown in Fig. 3. For the
WLLS with N D 4 and given parameters, the estimates for different numbers of
active spikes a, a D 1; 2; 3, are plotted. As observed in previous simulations, the
actual speed resulting from a certain gait frequency can slightly vary, due to the
allowed error of .
The combination of the plotted functions exhibits certain speed intervals:
• for speeds of up to 0:18 ms1 , the gait with a D 3 requires the lowest spike force
• between 0.18 and 0:31 ms1 , the gait with a D 2 is advantageous;
• for speeds higher than 0:31 ms1 , the gait with a D 1 is superior.
Remark 1. Consider driving a car as an analogy. A large value of a is equivalent
to a low gear of the car. To perform a gear shift in order to increase the speed, the
driver has to accelerate (open the throttle) first, i.e., increase f of the gait for the
worm system.
This corresponds qualitatively to the results of the simulations of the worm with
N D 4. The exact values of the speed thresholds differ slightly, possibly due to
neglecting spring and damping forces.
44 C. Behn and S. Schwebke
The relevant parts of Fig. 3 are the intersections of the curves. They represent the
speed thresholds at which the number of active spikes should be changed to achieve
the lowest possible spike forces. The speed thresholds are noted as vN ref;q$qC1 (with
q D 1; : : : ; n 1), meaning the gait reference speed at which the number of active
spikes should be switched from q to q C 1 or q C 1 to q.
The switching rule is the following:
• for speeds smaller than vN ref;q$qC1 , switch to a D q C 1 (larger number of active
• for speeds larger than vN ref;q$qC1 , switch to a D q (smaller number of active
Using (9) and (6), the general form of these speed thresholds is, for arbitrary N
(number of mass points),
q 1 1
vN ref;q!qC1 D 1 1 "l0 g sin.˛/; (10)
N 2 N q
performed continuously over given time intervals, in order to find the maximum
value, i.e.,
Xerr;k D Xref Xmeas;k ; with Xmeas;k D max jX0 . /j; : : : ; jXn . /j :
2Œ T4 .k1/; T4 k
This error shall contribute proportionally to the factor of frequency adjustment. For
the frequency adjustment, a factor is used instead of absolute values, because a
feasible range of frequencies might not be known in advance and a relative factor
should enable proper adjustment for any range. The new frequency is calculated
according to
4 Simulation
In the following simulation of an automatic gait shift for the WLLS with N D 4,
the parameter set shown in Table 2 is used.
The slope is defined as a function of time:
ˆ15ı ; t 10 s
˛.t / D 60ı ; 10 s < t < 20 s (13)
:̂25ı ; t 20 s:
• A0 D f2; 3; 0g; d i r D `.
As an initial value, the gait with a D 1 and a frequency of f jtD0 D 0:5 Hz are
selected. The frequency is adjusted by the frequency P-feedback (12) presented
The frequency thresholds for the shift of the number of active spikes are derived
according to (10); they are
g sin .˛/ p
f1 .˛/ D 2
0:4032 sin .˛/ Hz and
3N "l0
g sin .˛/ p
f2 .˛/ D 2
0:3492 sin .˛/ Hz:
4N "l0
With these thresholds, the rule for switching the number of active spikes is
8 9
ˆ ifa D 2 ^ f 32 f1 W switch to a D 1 >
< =
if.a D 1 ^ f < f1 / _ .a D 3 ^ f > 2f2 / W switch to a D 2
ˆ ifa D 2 ^ f < f2 W switch to a D 3 >
:̂ ;
else W no switch
(measured) larger slope influences vN 1!2;N D4 , as seen in (10), so that the gait with
a D 2 is considered optimal. The speed is then reduced to a value that requires the
gait with a D 3 to be used. Later, when the slope is smaller, the gait is shifted back
to a D 2.
Within t D Œ0; 10 s the maxima of the spike forces [see Fig. 5(left)] adhere to
the reference value very closely. Later, when different gaits are used, the maxima of
some of the spike forces clearly exceed the reference value once per period by up
to 30%. The gait and slope switches require different gain levels [Fig. 5(right)]. The
necessary adjustments are performed quickly, within fractions of a period.
5 Conclusion
Overall, the adaptive controller is capable of quickly adjusting the gain when
frequency and gait pattern are changed, so that the control goal can be accomplished.
The combined switching of frequency and number of active spikes enables quick
speed adjustments in order to adhere to given limits of a system variable such as
spike or actuator force. The gait shift, i.e., the change of the number of active spikes,
helps to choose the gait that is optimal for a certain speed and slope. With this,
predefined restrictions of forces or powers of the system are utilized in such a way
that the maximum speed is reached.
Future work shall be directed to improvements of the concepts for automatic
gait shift (in order to achieve a faster and more robust shifting), analysis of shifting
concepts for WLLS with N > 4, and experimental verification.
48 C. Behn and S. Schwebke
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9. Steigenberger, J., Behn, C.: Robotics Auton. Syst. 5, 555–562 (2011)
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Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates
and Shells
Abstract The aim of this chapter is to present a study of periodic and chaotic
dynamics of plates and shells and weak turbulent behavior exhibited by these solid
structural members modeled as 2D infinite objects. Besides the new results obtained
with respect to the transition from a regular to weak turbulent and weak hyper
turbulent behavior, we also present novel methods and approaches to get reliable and
validated results of numerical analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations.
In particular, besides the standard numerical techniques for chaos monitoring, new
effective approaches are presented and applied including the wavelet-based analysis,
charts of vibration regimes, computation of the spectra of Lyapunov exponents via
generalization of the classical Benettin’s approach, and application of the neural
network technique. This common strategy aimed at numerical computations through
various types of robust discretization allowed us to obtain novel scenarios of
transition from regular/laminar (periodic, quasiperiodic) to spatiotemporal chaotic
(weak turbulent) dynamics of flexible shells either parametrically excited (Sect. 2)
or through the periodic shear load action in the shell volume unit (Sect. 3), flexible
multilayer rectangular (Sect. 4) and cylindrical shells with gaps (Sect. 5), as well as
a flexible plate of infinite length (Sect. 6).
J. Awrejcewicz ()
Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics,
Lodz University of Technology, 1/15 Stefanowski Str., 90-924 Lodz, Poland
Department of Vehicles, Warsaw University of Technology, 84 Narbutta Str.,
02-524 Warsaw, Poland
A.V. Krysko • V.A. Krysko • E.Yu. Krylova • S.A. Mitskievich • I.V. Papkova
T.V. Yakovleva • V.M. Zakharov • V. Dobriyan
Saratov State Technical University, Applied Mathematics and Systems Analysis,
Politekhnicheskaya 77, 410054 Saratov, Russian Federation
1 Introduction
earlier works devoted to a study of the Föppl–von Kármán model [8, 9, 23].
Despite qualitative good agreement with the kinetic weak turbulence theory, the
obtained energy spectrum has not been confirmed by a theoretical prediction. It has
been shown that the wave turbulence can also be exhibited by vibrating structural
members including beams, plates, and shells, where in spite of the standard Fourier
components various wavelet-type methods have been applied allowing for a deeper
insight into the wave turbulence in a solid [3–6]. Recently, the transition scenario
from periodic to wave turbulence regime in the forced vibrations of thin free-edge
circular and simply supported rectangular plates has been reported in [26, 27]. It
has been shown that only two bifurcations are required to achieve a spatiotemporal
chaotic dynamics. The first bifurcation is associated with a stability loss of the
directly excited plate mode in favor of the quasiperiodic dynamics. The second
bifurcation implies the stability loss and the wave turbulence appearance. It has
been confirmed numerically that the obtained power spectra are in good agreement
with the theoretical prediction given by the wave turbulence theory with respect to
the von Kármán equations for perfect undamped plates.
The paper is organized in the following manner. Section 2 is dedicated to the
analysis of chaotic/turbulent dynamics of rectangular periodically forced flexible
shells. Section 3 illustrates and discusses the application of various types of wavelets
to study nonlinear dynamics of flexible rectangular isotropic shells subjected to
the periodic shear load action. Section 4 presents turbulent dynamics of multilayer
flexible spherical panels putting emphasis on the simultaneous occurrence of both
temporal and spatial chaos. In Sect. 5 a turbulent behavior of two-layer cylindrical
shells coupled via boundary conditions and subjected to local periodic transversal
load action is reported. In Sect. 6 a weak hyper turbulent plate behavior is observed
while monitoring numerically the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents.
1 4 @2 w @w
r w rk2 F L.w; F / 2 " q.x1 ; x2 ; t / D 0;
12.1 /
2 @t @t (1)
r4 F C rk2 w C L.w; w/ D 0;
where r4 , L.w; F / and rk2 are the known nonlinear operators, whereas w and F are
the functions of deflection and stress, respectively.
The following non-dimensional parameters are introduced: D a=b, x1 D ax 1 ,
x2 D bx 2 , kx1 D a2 =Rx1 .2h/, kx2 D b 2 =Rx2 .2h/ are the non-dimensional shell
curvature parameters regarding x1 and x2 , respectively; w D 2hw is the deflection;
F D E.2h/3 F is the stress function; t D t0 t is the time; q D E.2h/
a2 b 2
q is the external
load; " D .2h/" is the damping coefficient; and P D E.2h/ P is the external
@2 w @2 F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D px 2 for x1 D 0I 1;
@x12 @x12
@2 w @2 F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D px 1 for x2 D 0I 1; (2)
@x22 @x22
w.x1 ; x2 /jtD0 D 0; D 0: (3)
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 53
Fig. 2 Charts of the shell vibration regimes versus geometric (shell curvature) parameters
parameters should be made in a way to keep the system within a safe (periodic)
zone. Otherwise, transition into the chaotic zone implies the loss of system stability
and its catastrophe.
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 55
−6 2
ω1 ω2 ω1
−2 ω3
−4 −5
ω ω
−8 −10
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Fig. 3 Fourier and wavelet spectra kx1 D 12, kx2 D 0, !p D 8:4, p0 D 8:5
It is well known that the data provided by numerical experiments are presented in
the time domain. In other words, we take time as an independent coordinate and
amplitude as a dependent coordinate, and the studied signal is analyzed through
its amplitude–time representation. However, in order to understand profoundly
nonlinear continuous systems subjected to various types of load actions and in order
to fully understand the occurring dynamics, we have to apply the information hidden
in the spectral signal characteristics. Predominantly, the Fourier transformation has
been applied for a long time. However, it has been demonstrated that the Fourier
analysis (FFT) is reliable only for the study of frequency components of stationary
processes, i.e., the processes which through the whole period of investigation keep
constant frequency components in time. It happens that, in particular, the dynamics
of continuous mechanical systems may exhibit quite complicated output and their
frequency characteristics may change strongly in time. This is why in spite of the
56 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
standard Fourier approach the wavelet analysis is applied, allowing us to detect and
understand many interesting nonlinear phenomena of the mentioned mechanical
One of the first important tasks to be solved is associated with the choice of
a suitable wavelet, which fits well with the stated problem. In order to solve this
query we have studied the non-stationary signal (Fig. 4) obtained via the numerical
experiment as an output of the mathematical model of the rectangular flexible
isotropic shell subjected to the periodic shear load acting in the shell volume unit.
The mathematical model is as follows [29]:
1 4 @2 w @w @2 w
r w L.w; F /C 2 C" q.x1 ; x2 ; t /C2S D0;
12.1 / @t @t @x1 @x2 (4)
r4 F C L.w; w/ D 0;
4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2
where r4 D 12 @x
4 C
2 @
C 2 @x@2 @x 2 , L.w; F / D @@xw2 @@xF2 C @@xw2 @@xF2 2 @x@1 @x
w @ F
2 @x1 @x2
1 1 2 1 2 2 1
are the known nonlinear operators, whereas w and F stand for the plate deflection
and Airy’s function, respectively.
System (4) is reduced to the non-dimensional form using the following non-
dimensional parameters: D a=b; x1 D ax 1 , x2 D bx 2 are the non-dimensional
parameters regarding x1 and x2 , respectively; w D 2hw is the deflection; F D
E.2h/3 F is Airy’s function; t D t0 t is the time; q D E.2h/ a2 b 2
q is the external load;
" D .2h/" is the damping coefficient of the surrounding medium; and S D E.2h/ ab
is the external shear load. In the equations bars over the non-dimensional quantities
have already been omitted. The following notation is introduced: a; b are the shell
dimensions regarding x1 and x2 , respectively; is Poisson’s coefficient. Zero-
value initial conditions and the following boundary value conditions are attached
to system (4):
@2 w @2 F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D 0 for x1 D 0I 1;
@x12 @x12
@2 w @2 F
w D 0I D 0I F D 0I D 0 for x2 D 0I 1:
@x22 @x22
The external harmonic shear load has the form S D s0 sin !p t . PDEs governing
dynamics of our investigated shell are reduced to the ODEs via the FDM with
the approximation O.h2 / regarding spatial coordinates. Next, ODEs are solved via
the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method, and additionally on each of the iterations
a large system of linear algebraic equations should be solved with respect to the
stress (Airy’s) function. Time integration step has been chosen using the Runge
rule. The partition number of spatial coordinates is n D 14 while applying FDM.
Validity and reliability of the obtained results regarding the number of partitions
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 57
have been discussed by Awrejcewicz et al. [6]. The term 2S @x@1 @x w
introduced in
the governing equations exhibits the action of shear stresses located in shell middle
plane and it influences essentially nonlinear dynamics of the investigated shell. The
numerical simulation indicates that the output signal (shell vibrations) may change
in time rapidly. We apply this signal to choose a methodology suitable for the
investigation of non-stationary processes, and in addition we illustrate advantages
and disadvantages of the standard Fourier approach versus the wavelet transform
procedure. The studied signal has been obtained, analyzing the system with the
following fixed parameters: s0 D 8:4 and !p D 26. We show that frequency
characteristics taken in different time intervals essentially differ from each other.
It should be emphasized that the system stability loss is due not only to the change
of chosen control parameters but is caused even by keeping all of them fixed.
The system time evolution may lead to shell instability. In the first time interval
t 2 Œ50I 56 the shell exhibits two quasiperiodic frequency vibrations. Instead of
the vanished excitation frequency, two independent frequencies appear. A further
long-time evolution of chaotic vibrations with the exhibition of a few dependent
frequencies is observed. In the Fourier spectrum the excitation frequency is not
visible. The last studied time interval corresponds to periodic vibrations, which is
also in agreement with the Fourier power spectrum (Fig. 4).
−5 −5 −5
ωp ω ω
−10 −10 −10
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
1 w
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
25 25 25
20 20 20
ω15 ω 15 ω 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300
25 25 25
20 20 20
ω 15 ω 15 ω 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300
This section has shown that the complex Morlet and Gauss wavelets have better
localization with respect to frequency than their real analogues, but time localization
is better exhibited for the real wavelets. Therefore, one may apply either real or
complex Morlet and Gauss wavelets of the order bigger than 16 while studying
plates/shells dynamics.
Significant results have been achieved recently during the analysis of chaotic
dynamics of simple dynamic systems yielded by truncated original ODEs or the
recurrence equations (maps). It should be emphasized, however, that in these
simple systems we may observe only temporal chaos. This may be helpful while
analyzing the beginning of turbulence, when velocity field starts with the evolution
of chaotic velocities, but keeping all the time the well self-organized space. In this
work we illustrate that both chaotic phenomena, i.e., temporal and spatial chaos,
exist simultaneously. Spatiotemporal chaos (weak turbulence) has been detected
while analyzing the Ginzburg–Landau equation [11], but as far as we know this
phenomenon has not been detected so far with respect to the shell structural
members. In this section nonlinear multilayer shells are studied, where in spite of
the geometric nonlinearitywe also take into account a design-type nonlinearity. It
means that on each time step we need to solve a contact problem yielded by the
interaction of shell members.
We apply a classical nonlinear theory to study the two-layer spherical flexible
isotropic elastic rectangular shell with constant stiffness and density and subjected
to the action of longitudinal time periodic load. The load is applied only to the upper
shell layer. The layers exhibit hybrid dynamics: they are either contacting between
each other without friction or they vibrate without a contact. The occurrence of stick
zones is rather unlikely because the contact pressure is small. Contact conditions
between the layers may depend on the coordinates and may include all kinds of the
one-sided contact. Welding conditions regarding normal and tangential directions
are not considered in this work. The behavior of layers agrees with the Kármán-
Vlasov theory and is the same for all layers. The function describing the contact
pressure is removed from the number of unknowns. Since the order of the governing
differential equations is a product of the number of layers and the system equations
order, we deal with the Bolotin–Novikov model (Fig. 6). In this work we analyze
two-layer panels:
We study the following equations of the theory of shallow shells presented in the
non-dimensional form [15, 29]:
@2 wm @2 wm
r 4 wm C L.wm ; Fm / C r 2 Fm C q1 C pxm 2
C p y m 2
@ym @xm
2 (6)
@ wm @wm
˙K.w1 hk w2 / D 2
C "1 ;
@t @t
r Fm D 2 L.wm ; wm / r wm ;
4 1 2
@2 wm @2 Fm @2 wm @2 Fm @2 wm @2 Fm
L.wm ; Fm / D 2 @y 2
C 2 @y 2
2 ;
@xm m @xm m @xm @ym @xm @ym
1 @4 @4 @4
r 4 D 2 4 C 2 4 C 2 2 2 ; (7)
@xm @ym @xm @ym
2 2 2 2
@ wm @ wm @ wm
L.wm ; wm / D 2 @y 2
; i D 1; 2:
@xm m @xm @ym
@2 wm @2 Fm
wm D 0; 2
D 0; Fm D 0; 2
D 0 for xm D 0I 1;
@xm @xm
@2 wm @2 Fm
wm D 0; 2
D 0; Fm D 0; 2
D 0 for ym D 0I 1;
@ym @ym
wm .xm ; ym /jtD0 D '1 .xm ; ym /; D '2 .xm ; ym /: (10)
In order to reduce PDEs (6) to a system with lumped parameters, the FDM is applied
with the approximation O.h2 / with respect to spatial variables xm and ym .
The Cauchy problem is solved by the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. On
each of the time steps we need to solve a large system of linear algebraic equations
(yielded by the second equation of the governing ones with respect to the stress
function) using the inverse matrix method. Time step follows from the Runge
bifurcation), the contact pressure (Fig. 7i, k) and isoclines regarding deflections
(Fig. 7j, l) are symmetric with respect to the axes. Next, the system jumps into a
turbulent regime.
Stiff stability loss is exhibited by the system, and the deflection amplitude
suddenly increases (Fig. 7e); both contact pressure (Fig. 7m) and deflection isoclines
(Fig. 7n) (spatial characteristics) become nonsymmetric. Power spectrum (Fig. 7h),
which exhibits time properties of vibrations, is a broad band implying the occurrence
of chaos for t 2 .250I 500/.
The so far described scenario from regularity to chaos for our investigated
structural member has been reported for the first time. It allows us to conclude that
both temporal and spatial chaos appears simultaneously, yielding the shell turbulent
a b c
9 3
5 wm (0.5, 0.5, t)
5 0
0 3
1 −3
−3 t
30 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 50 51 52 53
d e f
3 3 0
0 0
−3 −3 w
200 201 202 203 350 351 352 353 0 5 10
g h i
0 0
S,db S,db wp
wp x1
−5 2
w w y1
0 5 10 0 5 10
j k l
m n
Fig. 7 System characteristics. (a) Signal spectrum. (b) Wavelet. (c) Periodic vibrations
wm .0:5I 0:5I t /. (d) Hopf bifurcation wm .0:5I 0:5I t /. (e) Chaotic vibrations wm .0:5I 0:5I t /. (f)
Power spectrum t 2 .30I 60/. (g) Power spectrum t 2 .100I 250/. (h) Power spectrum
t 2 .250I 500/. (i) Contact pressure. (j) Deflection isoclines w1 .x1 I y1 I 35/. (k) Contact
pressure. (l) Deflection isoclines w1 .x1 I y1 I 150/. (m) Contact pressure. (n) Deflection isoclines
w1 .x1 I y1 I 500/
64 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
( " #)
h1 h1
˝1 D x 1 ; y 1 ; z1 =.x 1 ; y 1 ; z1 / 2 Œ0I a Œ0I b ; ;
2 2
( " #)
h2 h2
˝2 D x 2 ; y 2 ; z2 =.x 2 ; y 2 ; z2 / 2 Œ0I a Œ0I b ; ;
2 2
1 @2 F1 @2 w1 @w1
w1 L.F 1 ; w1 / k y C C "1
12.1 /
2 1
@x1 2 @t 2 @t
q1 .t / C K.w1 hk w2 / D 0;
@2 w1
2 F1 C L.w1 ; w1 / C ky1 D 0;
2 (11)
1 @ F2 @2 w2 @w2
w2 L.F 2 ; w2 / k y C C "2
12.1 /
2 2
@x2 2 @t 2 @t
q2 .t / C K.w1 hk w2 / D 0;
@2 w2
2 F2 C L.w2 ; w2 / C ky2 D 0;
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 65
1 @4 2 @
2 D C C 2 ;
2 @xi4 @yi4 @xi2 @yi2
@2 wi @2 Fi @2 wi @2 Fi @2 wi @2 Fi
L.wi ; Fi / D 2 2
C 2 2
2 ;
@xi @yi @yi @xi @xi @yi @xi @yi
@2 wi @2 wi @2 wi
L.wi ; wi / D ; i D 1; 2:
@xi2 @yi2 @xi @yi
ar i i a
D ; D ;
hi E i gi ri
where wi stands for deflection; Fi is the stress function; t is the time; "i is the
damping coefficient; a and ri D ryi are the length and radius of the closed
cylindrical shell regarding xi and yi , respectively; hi is the shell thickness; gi is
the Earth acceleration; i denotes the specific material density; and ryi is the radius
of the middle surface. In addition, is Poisson’s coefficient of the isotropic material;
Ei is the Young modulus; and q.xi ; yi ; t / is the external transversal load.
The following boundary and initial conditions are attached to (11)
@2 wi @2 Fi
wi D 0; D 0; F i D 0; D 0 for x D 0I 1;
@xi2 @xi2
@2 wi
wi D gi .xi ; yi ; t /; D ri .xi ; yi ; t /; Fi D ui .xi ; yi ; t /; (13)
@2 Fi
D zi .xi ; yi ; t / for yi D 0I 2;
wi .xi ; yi /jtD0 D 0; D 0; i D 1; 2: (14)
We apply the Bubnov–Galerkin method to reduce PDEs to ODEs, and the latter ones
are solved via the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. The numerical computation
step is given by the Runge rule.
66 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
Reliability and validity of the obtained results are illustrated and discussed else-
where (Fig. 12); we consider vibrations of one-layer cylindrical shell under the
action of the local transversal load regarding x1 and y1 (Fig. 9).
The maximum shell deflection amplitude versus load amplitude wmax .q0 / is
shown in Fig. 8, where the so-called vibration scales are also included. Fourier
spectra for each of the control parameters have been computed in order to construct
the scales. Below, we analyze the influence of both the loading surface and
coordinates of the load action on the vibration regimes of the studied cylindrical
In Fig. 10 functions wmax .q0 / and scales of dynamic regimes for various cases
of loading are applied. We apply the square loading surface, excluding the case
reported in Fig. 10e, where the load along y1 is distributed around a disc. Analysis
of the obtained results implies that an increase of the loading surface yields an
increase of the chaotic vibrations. In addition, location of the load has also an
essential influence on the properties of chaotic vibrations. Longitudinal shift of the
concentrated load into the shell center is accompanied by an increase of chaotic
vibration zones. However, if the external load is applied to the shell edges (Fig. 10a),
there are chaotic vibrations, since the so-called boundary layer effect plays a crucial
role here.
We study the spatiotemporal (turbulence) characteristics of the shell behavior
in two-frequency quasiperiodic and chaotic regimes in the case of the action of
transversal local load x1 2 .0:2I 0:4/. Figures 11 and 12 show wave forms versus
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 67
12.5 12.5
q0 q0 q0
0 0
0 0.23 0.45
0.05 0.15 0.25 f 0 0.35 0.7
d e
Independent frequencies
Periodic vibrations
and their linear combinations
Hopf bifurcations Chaotic vibrations
Fig. 10 Functions wmax .q0 /, scales of dynamic regimes and load action schemes. (a) x1 2
.0:0I 0:2/. (b) x1 2 .0:2I 0:4/. (c) x1 2 .0:4I 0:6/. (d) x1 2 .0:3I 0:7/. (e) x1 2 .0:1I 0:5/. (f)
x1 2 .0:4I 0:6/, y1 2 .0I 2/
a w1 b w1
2 2
1 5
0 0
3 4
−2 t −2 w1
16 17 18 −50 0 50
c w1t+T d
1.272 0
1.269 −5
w1t w
1.266 −10
1.266 1.269 1.272 0 10 20 30
t=4 t=5
Fig. 11 Spatiotemporal characteristics of the shell quasiperiodic dynamics. (a) w1 .0:3I 0:0I t /.
P 1 /. .c/ w1t .w1t CT /. .d/ S.!/. .e/ w1 .x1 I y1 I t /; 0 x1 1; 0 y1 2
.b/ w1 .w
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 69
w1 b w1
3 7 8
5 10
5 5
2 4 6
−10 t −10
16 17 18 −500 0 500
c w1t+T d S
20 2
5 −2
w1t −6 w
−10 5 20 0 10 20 30
t=1 t=2 t=3
Fig. 12 Spatiotemporal characteristics of the shell turbulent dynamics. (a) w1 .0:3I 0:0I t /. (b)
P 1 /. (c) w1t .w1t CT /. (d) S.!/. (e) w1 .x1 I y1 I t /; 0 x1 1; 0 y1 2
w 1 .w
70 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
This section aims at a description of a novel method for the estimation of Lyapunov
exponents using neural networks. In the attempts described earlier, many approaches
and algorithms have been proposed to compute the Lyapunov exponents, but in
general almost all of them apply the algorithm proposed already by Benettin [7].
However, while studying nonlinear dynamics of structural members (beams, plates,
and shells) it is of great importance to estimate the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents.
We also illustrate and demonstrate the efficiency of the neural network approach
to study a flexible plate with an infinite length. The governing equations are within
the Kirchhoff hypothesis and they have the following non-dimensional form [29]:
@2 u @2 u
C L 3 .w; w/ D0
@x 2 @t
1 1 @w @2 w @w
C L 1 .u; w/ C L 2 .w; w/ C q " D 0;
2 12 @x 4 @t 2 @t
@2 u @w @u @2 w
L1 .u; w/ D C ;
@x 2 @x @x @x 2
3 @w @2 w
L2 .w; w/ D ;
2 @x @x 2
@w @2 w
L3 .w; w/ D ;
@x @x 2
where L1 .u; w/, L2 .w; w/, L3 .w; w/ are the nonlinear operators; w.x; t / is the
plate element bending in normal direction; u.x; t / is the plate element longitudinal
displacement; "is the dissipation coefficient; E is the Young modulus; h is the height
of the transversal panel cross section; is the specific plate material gravity; g is the
acceleration due to gravity; t is the time; and q D q0 sin.!p t / is the external load.
The non-dimensional parameters are as follows:
a w ua t
D ; w D ; u D 2 ; x D xa ; t D ;
h hs h
a Eg a qa4 (16)
D ; pD ; "D ; qD 4 ;
p p hE
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 71
and bars over the non-dimensional quantities have already been omitted in (15).
We demonstrate how to determine four first Lyapunov exponents applying pinned
boundary conditions:
w.x; 0/ D w.x;
P 0/ D u.x; 0/ D uP .x; 0/: (18)
The boundary value problem (15), (17), (18) is reduced to the Cauchy problem via
FDM of the second-order accuracy. The obtained ODEs are solved by the Runge–
Kutta method of the fourth and sixth orders. Validity and reliability of the obtained
numerical results are confirmed by the FEM results. The initial problem of infinite
dimension is substituted by that of finite dimension via partition of the interval x 2
Œ0; 1 into 120 parts.
One of the ways to compute the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents is the neural
network approach based on the generalized Benettin algorithm. It includes the
following steps: (i) choice of the appropriate time delay via tests; (ii) computation
of an embedding space dimension; (iii) reconstruction of pseudo-phase trajectories
using the method of time delays; (iv) neural network approximation; (v) teaching
of neural networks to compute successive iteration vectors; (vi) computation of the
spectrum through the generalized Benettin algorithm with the help of the neural
networks approach.
We apply the neural network with the following properties: it is an analogue
network regarding the input data (information is delivered through real numbers);
it is self-organized with respect to its teaching aspects (output space of solutions is
defined only through the input data); it belongs to the neural networks of straight
signal distributions (all neural network couplings come from the input neurons and
go to the output neurons); the neural network has dynamic couplings (control and
improvement of synaptic couplings is carried out during the neural network learning
process .d W =dt ¤ 0/, where W stands for the net weight coefficients).
points obtained after that time interval are denoted as x1 and xQ 1 , respectively. Vector
x1 D xQ 1 x1 is called the perturbation vector. We are ready to estimate
1 kx1 k
Q 1 D ln : (19)
T "
Time interval T is chosen in a way to keep the perturbation amplitude lesser than
the linear dimensions of the space nonhomogeneity as well as lesser than the
attractor dimension. We consider the unit normalized perturbation vector x10 D
"x1 =kx1 k and the corresponding new perturbation point xQ0 1 D x1 C x10 . We
extend the so far described approach by using points x1 and xQ 1 instead of x0 and xQ 0 ,
respectively. We repeat the described procedure M times, and we may estimate as
an average arithmetic quantity Q i of those obtained on each computation step. The
proposed approach has been tested using the standard classical examples including
that of the Henon map [14], the Lorenz system [22], and the logistic map [28].
We consider vibrations of our mechanical object with the following fixed
parameters: D 50, " D 1, !p D 7, q D q0 sin.!p t /, and for the following
amplitudes of the harmonic excitation: q0 D 0:125 103 ; 5 103 ; 7 103 . In order
to study chaotic dynamics of flexible plates, we need to monitor and analyze the
following output characteristics: time histories (a), phase (c), and modal portraits;
phase portraits yielded by the neural networks approach (d); Fourier power spectra
(b); wavelet spectra, Poincaré sections (e); spectra of Lyapunov exponents, where d
stands for the fractional part of dimension and h is the Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy
(f); and autocorrelation functions (some of them are reported in Fig. 13). Analysis
of the obtained results implies that for q0 D 0:125 103 periodic vibrations appear,
whereas for 5 103 a spatiotemporal chaos is exhibited, and for 7 103 the hyper-
spatio-temporal chaos occurs, since two of the Lyapunov exponents spectrum are
The obtained validated spectra of the Lyapunov exponents allow for the estima-
tion of Kaplan–Yorke dimension, Sinai–Kolmogorov entropy, and velocity of the
phase-space compression.
7 Concluding Remarks
Its 2D model was constructed using the Kirchhoff–Love hypotheses and taking into
account nonlinear relations between deformations and displacements in the form
proposed by von Kármán. The governing PDEs were reduced to ODEs and AEs via
application of the FDM with approximation O.h2 / regarding spatial coordinates.
Among others a sudden transition from periodic (laminar) into chaotic (turbulent)
shell dynamics was reported without any other transitional zones. It was also shown
how low values of the applied frequencies .! 2/ of subharmonic zones were
interlaced with the zones of periodic vibrations. The excitation frequency increase
implies extension of these zones into higher frequency spectrum and finally they
started mixing with large chaotic zones strengthening the shell spatiotemporal
chaotic dynamics. We reported also another transition when chaotic dynamics
occurred already after the second or even first Hopf bifurcation.
Section 3 deals with the irregular dynamics of the rectangular flexible isotropic
shell subjected to the periodic shear load. The governing PDEs were reduced
to ODEs via the FDM with approximation O.h2 / regarding spatial coordinates
and then they were solved using the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method. The
reported result had two important aspects. First, the standard Fourier approach
(being often used) might lead even to erroneous results. The reason was that the
independent variable (time) might play a role as a parameter. Namely, it was
shown that in the first time interval the shell exhibited two-frequency quasiperiodic
dynamics, then a few linearly dependent frequencies appeared, making the signal
more complicated, then chaotic dynamics was exhibited, where finally .230 <
t < 286/ periodic/laminar shell dynamics appeared. It is clear that the different
Fourier frequency spectra were obtained depending on the applied time intervals.
Furthermore, assuming that one takes the FFT regarding the whole studied time
interval .0 < t < 286/, the obtained results will have no physical interpretation.
This is why another supplemented technique should be applied, namely the wavelet-
based approach. Another important point yielded by our numerical simulation is a
question if the so far reported scenario violates the theoretical prediction of the so-
called wave (or weak) turbulence relying on the relaxation of strong assumptions
exhibited by the fully developed turbulence and, in particular, where the presence
of the intermittency is removed [31]. Second, different wavelets (Meyer, Morlet,
complex Morlet, real and complex Gauss, Daubechies) were analyzed with respect
to their application to study nonlinear dynamics of shells.
In Sect. 4 we apply the Bolotin–Novikov model to study two-layer panels with
a gap. A sudden jump into a turbulent regime is reported accompanied by a stiff
stability loss. The previous symmetry of a contact pressure and deflection isoclines
is also suddenly broken. It means that this sudden scenario of transition into a
spatiotemporal chaos is associated with a catastrophe and symmetry breaking.
Furthermore, we observed that spatial and temporal chaos appeared simultaneously,
yielding shell turbulent dynamics.
Next, Sect. 5 focuses on a study of contact interaction of two-layer cylindrical
shells coupled via boundary conditions and subjected to local periodic transversal
load action. The governing PDEs are solved via the Bubnov–Galerkin higher-
order approximation method, whereas the obtained ODEs are solved through
Turbulent Phenomena in Flexible Plates and Shells 75
Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the grant RFBR No 12-01-31204 and the
National Science Centre of Poland under the grant MAESTRO 2, No. 2012/04/A/ST8/00738, for
years 2012–2015.
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Using Bifurcation Diagrams for Controlling
1 Introduction
Power converters are widely used in industrial and household appliances. Many
researchers have focused their attention to the study of control techniques for
switching power supplies, specially the buck converter which is one of the most
common converters used in a variety of applications [10]. Due to the presence
of the PWM, the power converters exhibit a plethora of complex behaviors.
These behaviors strongly affect the performance of the converter. Nevertheless,
many techniques have been developed to counteract chaotic regimes and another
undesired behaviors [1, 4, 9]. In order to eliminate high-period orbits and chaos two
techniques have been mainly proposed: OGY [7] and TDAS [8]. Both methods
work properly when they are used in the buck converter and an example can be found
in [3]. However, these techniques require complex schemes to be implemented as
well as they need digital devices such as FPGAs, DSPs, microcontrollers, and so on.
Fig. 1 (a) Simplified circuit of DC–DC buck converter. (b) Bifurcation diagram. Vi n is used as
bifurcation parameter
Using Bifurcation Diagrams for Controlling Chaos 79
VC and IL are the state variables and correspond to capacitor voltage and inductor
current. Switches S1 and S2 are operating in a complementary way. R, L, and C are
the load resistance, the inductor, and the capacitor, respectively. Ri n is the equivalent
resistance of the current sensor and inductor internal resistance. Vi n is the value of
the power source. u takes values into the discrete set f0, 1g and its value is given
according to the controller.
The buck converter controlled by ramp consists in a control signal Vco.t / which is
compared with a T -periodic sawtooth waveform V r.t / which is given by Eq. (2):
V r.t / D VL C .Vu VL / (2)
where VL and Vu are constant voltages (lower and upper voltage values) and T is
the switching period. The control signal Vco.t / is proportional to the output error,
which is the difference between the reference voltage V ref and the output voltage
VC . The amplifier A1 with gain a is used to obtain Vco.t /, and A2 is as comparator
which has infinite gain, and it is used to obtain the control action u. Vco.t / and u
are computed according to the following equations:
1 if Vco.t / < V r.t /
uD (4)
0 if Vco.t / > V r.t /
Analysis of the signal Vco.t / shows that as Vi n increases Vco.t / also increases
and Vco.t / is unable to interact with the voltage of ramp V r.t /, inducing the
bifurcation scenario presented in Fig. 1b. Then, the main idea is to change V r.t /
value depending on Vco.t / value without changing the slope of the ramp which
makes easy to implement the controller. Remaining fixed the slope of the ramp and
avoiding undesired behaviors it is possible to obtain fixed frequency switching and a
simple circuit design. However, in order to find a suitable constant slope, the design
of the controller is based on the bifurcation diagram when the slope changes. In this
way, the basic “adaptive ramp (Var.t /)” in which k and Vi n vary is defined as
Vco.t / Vi n t
Var.t / D C (5)
k k T
where Var.t / corresponds to the signal that will replace V r.t /, k is a constant to be
computed, and Vi n will be fixed to a constant value. Values of Vi n and k are to be
calculated in such a way that undesired behaviors are avoided. From Eq. (5) can be
observed that a change in Vco.t / immediately updates Var.t /. Notice that the term
Vco.t / makes the adaptive-ramp waveform (Var.t /) change its voltage offset. Now,
the control signal is described by
1 if Vco.t / < Var.t /
uD (6)
0 if Vco.t / > Var.t /
In what follows the methodology to compute k and to fix the sawtooth slope value
is explained.
The objective now is to find the values for expression Vi n of Eq. (5) and
constant k which guarantee 1T -periodic solution with good regulation performance.
Bifurcation diagrams have been used to find suitable values for Vi n and k. Initially,
Using Bifurcation Diagrams for Controlling Chaos 81
Fig. 2 (a) Two-dimensional bifurcation diagram. Bifurcation parameters are Vi n and k. (b) Three-
dimensional diagram. Bifurcation parameters are Vi n and k, showing the percentage of regulation
error (%e)
Fig. 3 (a) Function that provides suitable values of k according to Vi n . (b) One-dimensional
bifurcation diagram of the buck converter controlled by adaptive ramp taking k D 5:7 for all
Vi n values. VC .t / versus Vi n
Vco.t / 40 t
Var.t / D C (7)
5:7 5:7 T
4 Numerical Results
In the following, the designed controller will be proven when the input voltage,
reference voltage, and load resistance change. The control design was successful
and bifurcations and chaotic attractor were suppressed. Figures 3b and 4a, b
are bifurcation diagrams numerically computed, using the voltage source, load
resistance, and reference voltage as bifurcation parameters, respectively. In these
bifurcation diagrams it is observed that 1T -periodic orbit is preserved when: (i)
Vi n 2 Œ13; 40 V and R D 22 and V ref D 11:3 V, (ii) R 2 Œ2; 500 and
Vi n D 40 V and V ref D 11:3 V, and (iii) V ref 2 Œ8; 26 V and Vi n D 40 V and
R D 22 .
Finally, three-dimensional bifurcation diagrams (taking V i n, V ref , and R
as bifurcation parameters) have been computed in order to observe the broader
range of 1T -periodic orbits achieved applying the “adaptive-ramp control” to the
buck converter. In Fig. 5a, b are shown the bifurcation diagrams computed from
the system controlled by ramp and for the system controlled by adaptive ramp,
Fig. 5 Three-dimensional bifurcation diagram of the buck converter (a) controlled by ramp, (b)
controlled by adaptive ramp
5 Conclusions
1. Bouzahir, H., El Guezar, F., El Aroudi, A., Ueta, T.: Partial time delayed feedback control
of chaos in a hybrid model of a DC–DC converter. In: Proceedings of 3rd International
Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, 2008. doi:10.1109/ISCCSP.
2. Deane, J.H.B., Hamill, D.C.: Analysis, simulation and experimental study of chaos in the buck
converter. In: Proceedings of 21st Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference,
PESC’90, 1990. doi:10.1109/PESC.1990.131228
3. El Aroudi, A., Debbat, M., Giral, R., Olivar, G., Benadero, L., Toribio, E.: Bifurcations in
DC-DC switching converters: review of methods and applications. Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos Appl.
Sci. Eng. 15, 1549–1578 (2005). doi:10.1142/S0218127405012946
4. Giaouris, D., Banerjee, S., Zahawi, B., Pickert, V.: Stability analysis of the continuous-
conduction-mode buck converter Via Filippov’s method. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. I Regular
Papers 55(4), 1084–1096 (2008). doi:10.1109/TCSI.2008.916443
84 D. Morcillo et al.
1 Introduction
Animal and human bones are heterogeneous materials with a complicated hierar-
chical structure. Bone tissues occur in the two main forms: as a dense solid (cortical
or compact bone) and as a porous medium filled by a viscous marrow (trabecular
or cancellous bone) [17]. The basic mechanical discrepancy between these two
types consists in their relative densities measured by a volume fraction of solids.
Both types can be found in the most bones of the body. A classical example of the
macroscopic bone structure can be given by the long bones (e.g., humerus, femur,
and tibia). They include an outer shell of a dense cortical tissue surrounding an inner
core of a porous cancellous tissue.
The microstructure of cancellous bones is often described by two- or three-
dimensional mesh of interconnected rods and plates [12, 17, 21]. Despite the
obvious simplicity, such idealized models can provide a satisfactory agreement
between theoretical predictions and experimental results for the mechanical prop-
erties of real bones [10, 11, 15, 19, 25]. In the present paper, we shall deal with a
two-dimensional model of cylindrically structured cancellous bones.
Williams and Lewis [27] considered a real 2D section of a trabecular bone and
evaluated its elastic constants using the plane-strain finite elements method. The
developed approach enables one to predict mechanical properties of cylindrically
structured cancellous bones basing on the morphological measurements in the
transverse plane.
A challenging problem consists in the detection of the bone structure using non-
invasive measurements. The inverse homogenization approach (“dehomogenization
procedure”) [7] can help to derive information about the microgeometry of the bone
tissue from the magnitudes of static effective moduli. However, the static moduli
supply only limited morphological data. Much more information can be obtained
studying dynamic response of the bones. Measuring velocities and attenuation
of acoustic waves at different frequencies provide us with additional information
about the microstructure. Generally, frequency-dependent dynamic properties of the
bone may be considered as a kind of “identification portrait”, which is unique for
every sample. The larger is the explored frequency range, the more accurate is the
“portrait” that can be compiled. This should give a possibility to detect even very
small variations of the internal bone texture.
Acoustic waves propagating through cancellous bones undergo dispersion and
damping. There are two different physical effects influencing on the dynamic
properties of the bone: (i) transmission of mechanical energy to heat due to the
viscosity of the marrow (viscoelastic damping and dispersion) [16] and (ii) succes-
sive reflections and refractions of local waves at the trabecula-marrow interfaces
(Bloch dispersion) [2, 20]. From the theoretical standpoint, both effects are realized
simultaneously. However, their intensities are very frequency dependent. For many
real materials the effects of viscoelastic damping and Bloch dispersion are observed
in rather distant frequency ranges. In such a case they can be analyzed separately.
We study propagation of anti-plane shear waves through a 2D cylindrically
structured cancellous bones. In our work, we have shown what kind of dispersion
mechanism is dominant in the propagation of viscoelastic waves in the bone. This
is an important theoretical result, because it allows choosing an adequate simulation
Shear Waves Dispersion in Cylindrically Structured Cancellous Viscoelastic Bones 87
model for the solution of this class of problems. Namely, it is necessary to consider
Bloch dispersion and at the same time viscoelastic effects can be neglected, i.e. use
an elastic model of the media.
The input dynamic problem is formulated in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, the long-
wave limit is considered. The solution is evaluated by means of the asymptotic
homogenization procedure, and the effect of viscoelastic damping is predicted. In
Sect. 4, the short-wave case is studied and the effect of Bloch dispersion is analyzed
by means of the plane-wave expansion method. Conclusive remarks are presented
in Sect. 5.
@2 u
rx .Grx u/ D ; (1)
@t 2
where G is the complex shear modulus, is the mass density, u is the longitudinal
displacement (in the x3 direction), and r x D e1 @/@x1 C e2 @/@x2 , e1 , e2 are the unit
Cartesian vectors.
Due to the heterogeneity of the medium, the physical properties G and are
represented by piecewise continuous functions of co-ordinates:
Here and in the sequel the superscript (a) denotes different components of
the structure a D 1, 2. In Eq. (2), G(1) is the real shear modulus of the elastic
matrix and G(2) is the frequency-dependent imaginary shear modulus of the marrow.
Following the linear theory of viscoelasticity, we can set G(2) D i!(2) , where ! is
the frequency of a harmonic wave and (2) is the viscosity of the marrow.
Equation (1) can be written in the equivalent form:
@2 u.a/
G .a/ rxx u D .a/
2 .a/
; (3)
@t 2
.2/ ˇ
˚ .1/ ˇ .1/ @u
.2/ @u
u D u.2/ ˇ@˝ ; G DG ˇ
ˇ ; (4)
@n @n @˝
where r 2xx D @2 /@x21 C @/@x22 , @/@n is the normal derivative to the contour @. From
the physical standpoint, Eqs. (4) means the perfect bonding conditions at the
trabecula-marrow interface @.
We start with the case when the wavelength L is essentially larger than the internal
size l of the cancellous structure l < < L. The original heterogeneous bone can
be approximately substituted by a homogeneous one with a certain homogenized
(effective) complex shear modulus G0 . Such an approach neglects local reflections
and refractions of the waves on microlevel. The effect of dispersion is caused by
the transmission of the mechanical energy of the acoustic wave to heat due to the
viscosity of the marrow.
Let us study the input boundary value problem (3), (4) by the asymptotic
homogenization method [4]. In order to separate macro- and microscale components
of the solution we introduce so-called slow x and fast y co-ordinate variables
x D x; y D "1 x; (5)
where y D y1 e1 C y2 e2 , " D l/L is a natural small parameter, and search the displace-
ment as an asymptotic expansion
.a/ .a/
u.a/ D u0 .x/ C "u1 .x; y/ C "2 u2 .x; y/ C : : : : (6)
The first term u0 of expansion (6) represents the homogenized part of the
solution; it changes slowly within the whole sample of the bone and does not
depend on the fast co-ordinates (@u0 /@y1 D @u0 /@y2 D 0). The next terms, u(a) i ,
i D 1, 2, 3, : : : , provide corrections of the orders "i and describe local variations of
the displacements on microlevel.
Shear Waves Dispersion in Cylindrically Structured Cancellous Viscoelastic Bones 89
rx D rx C "1 ry ; rxx
D rxx
C 2"1 rxy
C "2 ryy
; (7)
where r y D e1 @/@y1 C e2 @/@y2 , r 2xy D @2 /(@x1 @y1 ) C @2 /(@x2 @y2 ), r 2yy D @2 /@y21
C @/@y22 .
Splitting the input problems (3), (4) with respect to " leads to a recurrent sequence
of cell boundary value problems:
@2 ui2
2 .a/ 2 .a/ 2 .a/
G .a/ rxx ui2 C 2rxy ui1 C ryy ui D .a/ ; (8)
@t 2
n oˇ
.1/ .2/ ˇ
ui D ui ˇ ;
( ! !) ˇ
.1/ .1/ .2/ .2/ ˇ
@ui1 @u @ui1 @u ˇ
G .1/
C i DG .2/
C i ˇ ; (9)
@n @m @n @m ˇ
where i D 1, 2, 3, : : : , u(a)
1 D 0, @/@m is the normal derivative to the interface @
written in fast variables.
For a spatially periodic medium, the terms u(a) i have to satisfy the conditions of
.a/ .a/
ui .x; y/ D ui x; y C Lp ; (10)
and normalization
ui D 0; (11)
is the homogenizing operator over the unit cell domain 0 D (1) (2)
0 C 0 (Fig. 2),
and S0 D L is the area of the unit cell in the fast co-ordinates.
n oˇ n oˇ
.2/ ˇ .1/ ˇ
ui D 0 ˇ ; ui D 0 ˇ : (13)
x;yD0 @˝0
For 1D problems, Eq. (13) appears entirely equivalent to Eqs. (10) and (11).
For 2D problems, replacing the periodicity conditions by zero boundary conditions
increases stiffness of the system and, thus, provides an upper bound for the effective
properties. Analysis of numerical examples has shown that discrepancy between the
final solutions in both cases is not essential [1, 3], whereas utilizing approximation
(13) leads to a sufficient simplification of the cell problems.
Due to the periodicity of u(a)i (10), Eqs. (8) and (9) can be considered within
only one distinguished unit cell. Solution of the cell problems (8), (9), (13) at i D 1
determines the term u(a)
1 . In order to find the effective modulus G0 , the homogenizing
operator (12) is applied to Eq. (8) at i D 2. The terms u(a)2 are eliminated by means
of Green’s theorem, which together with the boundary conditions (9) and the
periodicity relation (10) implies
2 .a/ 2 .a/
G .a/ rxy ui C ryy uiC1 D 0:
@2 u0
G0 rxx
u0 D 0 ; (15)
@t 2
where 0 D (1 c(2) )(1) C c(2) (2) is the effective mass density, c(2) is the volume
fraction of the inclusions, c(2) D A/S0 , A is the size of the inclusion (Fig. 2). The
effective modulus G0 can be derived after evaluation of the integrals in Eq. (14).
Below we find approximate solutions of the cell problem (8), (9), (13) and
determine the effective shear modulus G0 using a boundary shape perturbation and
lubrication theory approaches.
If the volume fraction c(2) of the marrow inclusions is relatively small, the
square shapes of the domains (1) , (2) can be approximately substituted by the
equal circles of radii R1 , R2 so that c(2) D R22 /R21 (Fig. 3). This simplification can
be considered as the first approximation of the method of the boundary shape
perturbation [1, 14].
Let us introduce in the unit cell the polar co-ordinates r2 D y21 C y22 , tan
D y2 /y1 .
Equations (8), (9), and (13) at i D 1 read
n oˇ
.1/ .2/ ˇ
u1 D u1 ˇ ;
ˇ (17)
.1/ .2/ ˇ
G .1/ @u0 @u1
C @r D G .2/ @u0
@u1 ˇ ;
@n @n @r ˇ
n oˇ n oˇ
.2/ ˇ .1/ ˇ
u1 D 0 ˇ ; u1 D 0 ˇ ; (18)
rD0 rDR1
.2/ .2/
.1/ 1 c .2/ .1/ 1 R22
C1 D .2/ ; C2 D .2/ ;
C 1 c .2/ .2/ 1 C 1 c .2/ .2/ 1
.2/ 1 1 c .2/ .2/
C1 D .2/ ; C2 D 0;
C 1 c .2/ .2/ 1
where 0 D G0 /G(1) .
It should be noted that solution (20) is precisely the same as can be obtained
by the composite cylinder assemblage model and by the generalized self-consistent
scheme [8].
In the case of densely packed marrow inclusions, when the volume fraction c(2) is
close to unit, c(2) ! 1, an asymptotic solution of the cell problem can be obtained
using as a natural small parameter the non-dimensional width ı D H/L of the trabec-
ula (Fig. 4). Let us suppose ı < < 1. Being restricted by the O(ı 0 ) approximation,
Shear Waves Dispersion in Cylindrically Structured Cancellous Viscoelastic Bones 93
for the matrix strips d˝ 1 , d˝ 2 , which separate neighbouring inclusions, one can
.1/ .1/ .1/ .1/
@2 u1 @2 u1 @2 u1 @2 u1
>> for y 2 d ˝1 ; << for y 2 d ˝2 : (21)
@y1 @y22 @y12
The physical meaning of estimations (21) is that in the narrow strip d1 the
variation of local stresses in the direction y1 is dominant and, hence, the term
@2 u(1) 2 2 (1) 2
1 /@y2 can be neglected in comparison with @ u1 /@y1 . Vice versa, in the strip
d2 , the dominant variation of the local stress field takes place in the direction
y2 , so the term @2 u(1) 2 2 (1) 2
1 /@y1 can be neglected in comparison with @ u1 /@y2 . Such
a simplification is similar to the basic idea of the well-known lubrication theory,
which was used in the theory of composites for many years [8, 9].
Following estimations (21), in the O(ı 0 ) approximation, Eq. (8) reads
@2 ui2
2 .2/ 2 .2/ 2 .2/
G .2/ rxx ui2 C 2rxy ui1 C ryy ui D .2/
@t 2
Solution of the simplified cell problems (9), (13), (22) at i D 1 is
c .2/ .2/ 1 @u0
u1 D p ys ; (23)
.2/ .2/ 1
.2/ @x s
94 I.V. Andrianov et al.
a λ0 1.0
λ0 5 0.9
2 0.4
1 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
c(2) c(2)
Fig. 5 Effective modulus in the elastic case. Solids—formula (20), dashes—formula (24). (a)
(2) D 5. (b) (2) D 0.2
.1/ c .2/ .2/ 1 L @u0
u1 D p ys at ys > 0;
.2/ c .2/ .2/ 1 2 @xs
.1/ c .2/ .2/ 1 L @u0
u1 D p C ys at ys < 0;
.2/ .2/ 1
.2/ 2 @x s
where s D 1, 2.
For the effective shear modulus we obtain
p p
.2/ c .2/ 1 c .2/ .2/ 1
0 D p : (24)
.2/ c .2/ .2/ 1
Numerical results, calculated by formulas (20) and (24), are very close (except
the case (2) < 1, c(2) ! 0). This is illustrated at Fig. 5 for real values of (2) , which
correspond to elastic materials. Moreover, in the limit c(2) ! 1, the approximate
solutions (20) and (24) exhibit the same asymptotic behaviour and give identical
expansions for 0 until the order O[(1 c)2 ]:
1 .2/ h 2 i
0 D .2/ 1 .2/ C 1 1 c .2/ C O 1 c .2/ at c .2/ ! 1:
This fact reveals that for the cancellous structure under consideration, expression
(20), originally obtained for the case c(2) < < 1, provides a reasonable approxima-
tion in the whole region of the inclusions volume fraction 0 c(2) 1.
Shear Waves Dispersion in Cylindrically Structured Cancellous Viscoelastic Bones 95
Here I D jI j is the attenuation factor and R D jR j D 2/L is the wave
For the viscoelastic composite medium, the effective complex modulus G0 , the
attenuation coefficient I and the phase velocity vp D !/R depend on the frequency
of the travelling signal. Substituting expression (26) into the macroscopic wave
equation (15), we obtain
where G0,R , G0,I are, respectively, the real and the imaginary part of G0 ,
G0 D G0,R C iG0,I . Collecting in Eq. (27) the terms at 1 and i, after routine
transformations we derive
I D R tan .'0 =2/ ; v2p D ; (28)
cos .'0 =2/2
where tan(®0 ) D G0,I /G0,R is the effective loss tangent and v0 D jG0 j =0 is the
effective velocity in the elastic case.
Adopting for G0 the solution (20), we obtain
m/mR 0.7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1g ω, Hz
m/mR 0.9
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1g ω, Hz
[2, 20]. Thus, a heterogeneous bone can act as a discrete wave filter. If the
frequency of the signal falls within a stop band, a stationary wave is excited and the
neighbouring trabeculae vibrate in alternate directions. On macrolevel the amplitude
of the global wave attenuates exponentially, so no propagation is possible.
In order to explore such a case, let us assume the threshold of the first stop band
to be essentially lower than the viscoelastic damping frequencies. The marrow is not
involved into the shear deformation, so we can set G(2) D 0, (2) D 0.
Following the Floquet-Bloch theorem [5], a harmonic wave propagating through
a periodic cancellous structure is represented in the form
F .x/ D Ak1 k2 exp i .k1 x1 C k2 x2 / ;
k1 D1 k2 D1
X1 X1
G .x/ D Bk1 k2 exp i .k1 x1 C k2 x2 / ; (31)
k1 D1 k2 D1
X1 X1
.x/ D Ck1 k2 exp i .k1 x1 C k2 x2 / ;
k1 D1 k2 D1
98 I.V. Andrianov et al.
Bk1 k2 D 1
G .x/ exp i .k1 x1 C k2 x2 / dx1 dx2 ;
Ck1 k2 D l2
.x/ exp i .k1 x1 C k2 x2 / dx1 dx2 ;
the operator ./dx1 dx2 denotes integration over a distinguished unit cell 0 .
Substituting Ansatz (30) and expansions (31) into the wave equation (1) and
collecting the terms exp[i2l 1 (j1 x1 C j2 x2 )], j1 , j2 D 0, ˙ 1, ˙ 2, : : : , we come to
an infinite system of linear algebraic equations for the unknown coefficients Ak1 k2 :
X 1
X < 2
Ak1 k2 B k C 1 2 j C 1 C
ˆ j 1 k1 ; l 1 l 1
k1 D1 k2 D1 :̂
j2 k2 9 (32)
2 2
C l k2 C 2 l j2 C 2 C ! 2
D 0:
j 1 k1 ; > >
j2 k2
System (32) has a nontrivial solution if and only if the determinant of the matrix
of the coefficients is zero. Equating the determinant to zero, we derive a dispersion
relation for ! and . It should be noted that the plane-wave expansion method
does not use explicitly the bonding conditions (4), whereas they are “embedded”
implicitly into Eq. (1) and expansions (31).
To illustrate the appearance of phononic band gaps, let us rewrite Ansatz (30)
separating real R and imaginary I parts of the wave vector D R iI :
The imaginary part I jI j represents the attenuation factor. Frequency regions
where I ¤ 0 correspond to stop bands (signal (30) attenuates exponentially), while
regions where I D 0 correspond to pass bands.
In numerical examples the dispersion relations are calculated approximately by
the truncation of the infinite system (32) supposing jmax js jmax . The number of
the kept equations is (2jmax C 1)2 . We expect that increase in jmax shall improve the
accuracy of the solution. From the physical point of view, such a truncation means
cutting off the higher frequencies.
Figure 8 displays dispersion curves for a normal bone with the following prop-
erties of the trabecular tissue: G(1) D 3.85 109 Pa, (1) D 1900 kg/m3 , c(1) D 0.3.
Calculations are performed at jmax D 3. The diagram consists of two (left and
Shear Waves Dispersion in Cylindrically Structured Cancellous Viscoelastic Bones 99
right) parts separated by a vertical dash line. The right part displays a solution
for the orthogonal direction (˛ D 0) and the left part for the diagonal direction
(˛ D /4) of the wave propagation. The results for the frequency ! are normalized
to ! 0 D v0 R D 2v0 /L. We can observe that in the long-wave case (! ! 0, l/L ! 0)
the solution is isotropic. However, with the increase in ! and decrease in L, the
cancellous structure exhibits an anisotropic behaviour.
Shaded areas at Fig. 8 indicate the threshold of the first stop bands. Let us
estimate the corresponding values ! s of the frequency. We obtain ! s l/(! 0 L) 0.29
at ˛ D 0 and ! s l/(! 0 L) 0.41 at ˛ D /4. The typical lengthp of trabeculae is
about l 10 3 m. Taking into account ! 0 D 2v0 /L, v0 D G0 =0 , we derive
! s 2.0 MHz at ˛ D 0 and ! s 2.8 MHz at ˛ D /4.
5 Conclusions
For anti-plane shear waves the effect of Bloch dispersion, caused by the hetero-
geneity of cancellous bones, appears at essentially lower frequencies than the effect
of viscoelastic damping, caused by the viscosity of the marrow. Bloch dispersion
is expected to play the primary role in the processes of ultrasonic diagnostic,
which usually deals with acoustic waves in the regions 1–10 MHz. The viscoelastic
damping can be neglected until the frequency of about 100 MHz. Obtained results
may be used for the development of new methods of non-invasive testing and
In the present paper, a perfectly regular arrangement of marrow inclusions is
investigated. It is clear that the microstructure of real bones is not regular. At the
same time, it has been shown in a number of studies [18, 22, 24] that regular
100 I.V. Andrianov et al.
Acknowledgments This work is supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Insti-
tutional academic co-operation programme, grant no. 3.4-Fokoop-UKR/1070297), the German
Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant no. WE 736/30-1).
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Quasi-regular and Chaotic Dynamics of Postural
Sway in Human
Abstract Parameters of different vertical two-leg stances are studied by the force
platform measurements on a control group of young healthy individuals and two
groups of patients with spine and joint pathologies. Body sway patterns are classi-
fied and analyzed and some new indexes are proposed for clinical diagnostics of the
spine and joint pathologies. The dependencies between the body accelerations in the
frontal and sagittal planes are proposed for the estimation of the resulting feedback
force that provides stable vertical stance. The spectral and wavelet analyses are
used for the detection of the quasi-regular and chaotic behavior in the dynamics
of postural sway. It is shown that the amplitudes and power spectral densities of the
center of the pressure coordinates are subjected to periodic oscillations, which are
not in phase for different frequencies. The quasi-regular behavior is proper to the
young healthy volunteers, while most of the patients with combined spine and joint
impairments demonstrate the chaotic dynamics of the body sway.
1 Introduction
Body sway parameters are important for medical diagnostics of the musculoskeletal,
neurological, visual, and balance system impairments. Steady stance of a human
is provided by vestibular, visual, auditory, and tactile information relevant for the
balance control. Degradation in the sensory integration is determined by age-related
variations or specific diseases gradually leading to balance disorders, sudden fall,
and trauma.
N. Kizilova ()
Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kharkov National University,
Svobody sq., 4, 61022 Kharkov, Ukraine
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling, Warsaw University, ul.
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa, Polska
E. Karpinska • M. Karpinsky
Department of Biomechanics, M.I. Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology, Pushkinska st.,
80, 61024 Kharkov, Ukraine
equilibrium is maintained. When the horizontal ground reaction force equals zero,
the so-called instant equilibrium point is reached. Then the reference position at
each time interval may be estimated by calculation of the coordinates (xp , yp ) of
COP [11]. The rambling trajectory may be obtained by spline approximation of
the consecutive instant equilibrium points. The trembling component represents the
oscillations of the COP relatively to the rambling trajectory. Analyses of the two
sway components give new insight to understanding the balance control in normalcy
and pathology. In the paper the results of the computer-assisted posturographic
measurements on a control group of young healthy individuals and two groups of
patients with spine and joint problems are analyzed and both chaotic and quasi-
regular behaviors are detected and studied on the developed mathematical model.
(Fig. 2a). The reaction forces R i (Fig. 1b) have been measured for each
foot and oscillations of COP (xp (t), yp (t)) have been automatically computed. The
second set of tests (test II/III) was 40-s two-leg stance with body weight transferred
onto the right/left leg (Fig. 2b, c correspondingly). The last set of tests was a step
forward off the force platform on the plate of the same thickness (Fig. 2d). The
healthy individuals were also asked to keep the balance standing on one (left/right,
test IV) foot with 30-s rest between the tests.
A group of patients with spine and joint impairments such as osteochondrosis,
arthritis, arthrosis, and trauma (weight 69.6 ˙ 27.5 kg, height 1.69 ˙ 0.11 m, and
age 52–69 years) has been tested on the same series of experiments as the control
The calculated time series (xp (t), yp (t)) have been amplified and the
low (f < 0.01 Hz) and high (f > 10 Hz) frequency components have been
subtracted using the second-order Butterworth filter. Trend of the basic line
has been eliminated by shifting the curves x(t) and y(t) relatively to the mean
values < x(t) > and < y(t)>. The first and the last 5-s portions of the data series have
been deleted to eliminate the experimental errors [8].
The computed COP trajectories data have been classified in several types depending
on the direction of the COP transfer. Different types of COP trajectories (xp (t), yp (t))
are presented in Fig. 3. The trajectories in the central box correspond to test I, while
the trajectories in the left/right boxes correspond to the body mass shift onto the
left/right leg (tests II/III). Very few individuals exhibited symmetric stance with
0, yp
0. In most cases a shift backward (Fig. 2b) has been observed, though
Quasi-regular and Chaotic Dynamics of Postural Sway in Human 107
Fig. 3 Dynamic COP trajectories for the two-leg stances of healthy patients (a,b), a patient with
coxartrosis (c) and osteochondrosis (d). The central box in each image allocates the normal stance,
while the left and right boxes correspond to the stance with the body weight shift onto the left and
right leg accordingly
some individuals demonstrated a shift forward (Fig. 3a) which is more proper to the
Young healthy individuals exhibited zero or small shift forward/backward while
their body weight was transferred to one of the legs (Fig. 3a, b). It implies that
body shift was not accompanied by body rotation or bending. The sway amplitudes
were always lower during the first test; it means any two-leg stance with shifted
body weight corresponds to a one-leg stance with additional support which is more
unstable than the stance with full support of both feet, in spite of the total contact
area remaining the same in test I and tests II and III (see Fig. 2a–c), though some
exceptions have been observed (Fig. 3). In tests II and III the sway amplitudes could
increase in comparison with test I in the sagittal only (Ax ), frontal only (Ay ), or
in both (Ax and Ay ) planes, either symmetrically or asymmetrically. Here Ax and
Ay are the width and the height of the rectangular circumscribed around the sway
trajectory (the boxes in Fig. 3). The corresponding asymmetry indexes
108 N. Kizilova et al.
JIIx;y D ; x;y D
AIx;y AIx;y
give valuable information on the postural balance of the individual during the
change of the type of support. The ratio Jl/r D JIIx,y : JIII x,y describes the left/right
asymmetry of the body balance, which might be normal or pathological depending
on the value of Jl/r . For instance, patients with spastic hemiparesis exhibit noticeable
shift of COP toward the unaffected limb and keep this asymmetry while walking [7].
The directions of the shift differ in right- and left-sided hemispheric patients, and
the changes correlate with the degree of the stance asymmetry Jl/r . More detailed
diagnostic information can be obtained by gradual elimination of the visual (closed
eyes [4]), auditory (soundless or high noise conditions [3]), and other kinds of
control with consequent comparison of the trajectories and sway indexes.
The groups of patients with spine and joint pathology exhibited more complex
behavior during the body weight transfer onto one of the legs (Fig. 3c, d). During
the simple shift their bodies noticeably moved forward or backward in the same
(Fig. 3c) or opposite (Fig. 3d) directions experiencing certain rotation and/or bend. It
might be connected with asymmetric insufficiencies in the ligamentous apparatus or
defense reaction of the body aimed at preventing the discomfort/pain in the injured
joint or spine. As a measure of the disease the angles
r ,
l between the straight
lines connecting the centers of the corresponding rectangular and vertical axis 0y
can be used [12]. Since the spine and joint pathologies are frequently combined, the
differential diagnostics can be done using the indexes JII,IIIx,y , values, and signs of the
r and
l .
The trajectories (xp (t), yp (t)) are helpful for the estimation of the sway amplitudes
and body shift in the frontal and sagittal planes, but more detailed information
on the body balance can be obtained from the phase curves xR p xP p ; yR p yP p and
acceleration curves yR p xR p . Since the acceleration being multiplied by the body
mass gives the resulting force R † produced by the musculoskeletal system to turn
the body back to the equilibrium position, the curves yR p xR p correspond to the
feedback forces that provide a stable posture. Young healthy volunteers exhibited
smooth circles around the center that is oscillating along the xP p axes (Fig. 4a).
The moving centers and the cycles correspond to the gambling and trembling
components of the body sway accordingly. The group of patients with spine and
joint disorders
mostly exhibited irregular dynamics when the cycles in the xR p xP p
and yR p yP p planes become incomplete and non-smooth with rapid variations in the
sway velocity and acceleration (Fig. 4b).
The curves yR p xR p illustrate the respond R † of the body to an arbitrary
displacement ! u of COP. The simplest balance control function !
R D k! u used
P † P
in theoretical models has not been detected either in the control or in the two groups
of patients. Instead of the restoring forces R † .t/ D R † ! u P .t & / ; !
v .t & /
where − is the time delay, the COP acceleration, which differs from the force by the
body mass multiplier, can be computed and analyzed. The young healthy volunteers
Quasi-regular and Chaotic Dynamics of Postural Sway in Human 109
Fig. 4 Dependencies xR p xP p for a young healthy volunteer (a) and an elderly patient with
coxarthrosis (b)
Fig. 5 Dependencies yR p xR p for a patient with coxarthrosis of two (a) and one (b) hip joints
Fig. 6 Dependencies xR p xP p for a healthy subject standing on two legs with body mass transferred
onto his left leg (a) and standing on his left leg (b)
G .m; f/ D gn Wnm exp .i!n/;
where m corresponds to the time shift and W[n m] is the discrete windows
function, allows simultaneous analysis of the amplitudes G or power spectral density
(PSD) in the frequency and time domains. The Gaussian function was chosen as
W[n m]. Some results of DSTFT of the xp (t) and yp (t) time series are presented in
Fig. 7.
The discrete wavelet transform (DWT)
1 X
.; s/ D p gn k
jsj 1
Fig. 7 Power spectral density of a healthy individual body sway in the frontal (a) and sagittal (b)
Fig. 8 Discrete wavelet transform (, s) of the postural sway of healthy (a, b) and sick (c, d)
individuals in the frontal (a, c) and sagittal (b, d) planes
three main frequencies of the body sway [4] and DSTFT revealed the quasi-periodic
behavior of the body sway, at least in the young healthy volunteers (see Fig. 7).
DWT confirms the slow variations of the amplitudes at upper scales. Two and
four cycles at the basic scale (Fig. 8a, b correspondingly) are presented and the
oscillations are slower in the coronary plane than in the sagittal plane. The patients
with spine and joint problems demonstrate more complex chaotic dynamics with
112 N. Kizilova et al.
Fig. 9 COP trajectories of the step off forward from the force platform measured on the healthy
individual (a) and patients with osteochondrosis (b) and coxarthrosis of the left (c) and right (d)
spike-type changes in the amplitudes (Fig. 8c, d) even at the basic scale. The spikes
are not computational errors, and they did not disappear after iterative filtering of
the signals.
The chaotic dynamics have also been detected in the trajectories of COP
produced during the step off forward from the force platform. The test is very
important because it includes a transition from the control strategy over the steady
posture to the control over gait. In healthy individuals the trajectory starts with
almost straight line connecting the COP positions for the two-leg stance and stance
on the support foot followed by the body transfer forward onto another foot (Fig. 9a).
The trajectories are reproducible during either short-term or long-term studies
exhibiting steady personal body dynamics.
Patients with spine problems demonstrate different dynamics of the COP dis-
placement during the step forward. First of all, they move their COP backward
releasing the corresponding leg, then start to move along the straight direction to
the final destination and on the almost half-way change the direction of motion
toward the support foot transferring their body mass on it (Fig. 9b). The patterns
of the COP trajectories are also patient-specific. The heights of the “harps” on the
COP trajectories (h in Fig. 9b; the same sign on the other curve is not depicted for
simplicity) and the ratio hr : hl measured on the yp (xp ) curves for the steps forward
with right and left legs can be recommended for diagnostics of the spine pathologies.
Quasi-regular and Chaotic Dynamics of Postural Sway in Human 113
When patients with trauma or joint impairments who suffer of acute pain make
a step with support on the affected leg, the COP demonstrates irregular trajectories
with unpredictable acceleration and deceleration of the body in both frontal and
sagittal planes (left foot in Fig. 9c and right foot in Fig. 9d). In this case the COP
trajectories are irreproducible even being repeatedly measured during consequent
steps in a short-term study. It implies that the control strategy is based on sudden
changes in the locomotor programs depending on occasional combination of the
space positions of the body segments resulting in either normal or painful reactions.
4 Conclusions
Human postural sway can exhibit quasi-regular and chaotic dynamics depending
on the age, locomotor impairments, and balance system state. COP trajectories
during the two-leg stances with different body weight shifts are characterized by
variations of the body sway in the frontal and sagittal planes and/or variations in
the sway asymmetry. The corresponding indexes together with the displacement of
the COP forward or backward are helpful for the diagnostics of spine, joints, and
combined pathology. Analysis of the phase curves is useful for understanding the
quasi-regular and chaotic body sway dynamics and body control strategy. The quasi-
regular behavior is more proper to the young healthy volunteers, while most of the
patients with combined spine and joint impairments exhibited the chaotic dynamics
with certain asymmetry of the body acceleration and the returning force produced
by the muscle synergy. Some new indexes on the COP trajectories during the step
forward off from the force platform are proposed for differential diagnostics spine
and joint pathology.
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Modelling of Ropes with Consideration of Large
Deformations and Friction by Means
of the Rigid Finite Element Method
1 Introduction
Slender systems such as lines, ropes and pipes are very often used in offshore
engineering applications. The analysis of these systems requires the use of methods
enabling large deformations to be considered. Methods of discretising such systems
have been developed over many years, yet the most popular is the finite element
method [4, 10, 19]. Application of the finite segment method to modelling of planar
systems is discussed in [18], while [9] presents the lumped mass method used for
modelling spatial risers. A method containing features of both the lumped mass and
finite segment methods is the rigid finite element method (RFEM) [15]. This enables
slender links to be discretised by dividing them into rigid finite elements which
assume the mass (inertial) characteristics of the link and massless, dimensionless
spring-damping elements which reflect the flexible characteristics. The method is
also used to analyse various systems in offshore engineering [16]. In the classical
formulation of RFEM each rigid finite element (rfe) has six DOFs for a spatial
model and three DOFs for a planar model. A modified formulation [1, 12, 17] limits
considerations to the analysis of bending and torsional vibrations for the spatial
systems and bending in one direction for the planar systems.
In modelling of cranes it is often assumed that the rope is nondeformable [5, 14]
or that the rope is replaced by a substitute longitudinal stiffness [6–8]. In the analysis
of planar vibrations of a rope fixed at one end the authors of [3] consider bending
flexibility. However, wave phenomena in the rope can have an essential influence on
the displacements of the load when considering ropes with large lengths. A complex
model of the rope is necessary in order to enable us to consider such phenomena.
This paper presents a planar model of the rope for the analysis of both bending and
longitudinal vibrations.
This section presents the formulation of the modified rigid finite element method
(MRFEM) for planar slender systems in which both bending and longitudinal
flexibilities are considered, without the need to connect rfes by means of constraint
equations. Such an approach eliminates constraint reactions and reduces the size of
the final system to 2(n C 2) equations.
Figure 1 shows a flexible link divided into n C 1 elements.
It is assumed that the motion is described by x0 , y0 , coordinates of point A0 ; and
i , ' i , generalised coordinates of rfe i(i D 0, 1, : : : , n).
The number of elements of the vector of generalised coordinates is defined by
the formula
m D 2 C 2 .n C 1/ D 2n C 4: (1)
xi D x0 C lj C j cos 'j ; yi D y0 C lj C j sin 'j ; (2)
j D0 j D0
where lj are lengths of rfes preceding rfe i and j , ' j are defined in Fig. 1.
Coordinates of the centre of mass of rfe i can be defined by means of the formulae
.2/ .2/ .2/ .2/
xc;i D xi C ai C i cos 'j ; yc;i D yi C ai C i sin 'i : (5)
h i2 h i2 h i2
.1/ .1/ .1/
vc;i D xP c;i C yPc;i D
h i2
.1/ .1/
D xP i2 C yPi2 C ai 'Pi2 2ai 'Pi ŒxP i s'i yPi c'i ;
h i2 h i2 h i2
.2/ .2/ .2/
vc;i D xP c;i C yPc;i D (6)
D xP i2 C yPi2 C P 2 C a.2/ C i 'P 2 C 2 P i .xP i c'i C yPi s'i /
i i
2 ai C i 'Pi .xP i s'i yPi c'i / ;
.2/ P 2 1 .2/ .2/
Ei D 12 mi xP i2 C 12 mi yPi2 C 12 mi i C 2 mi ai C i 'Pi2 C 12 Ji 'Pi2
h i (7)
.2/ .2/ P
C ŒxP i s'i C yPi c'i 'Pi ˛i C mi i C mi P i c'i C yPi s'i ;
i Œx
where mi D m(1) (2) (1) (1) 2 (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) (2)
i C mi , Ji D mi [ai ] C J i C J i , ˛ i D mi ai C mi ai .
Having differentiated (2), the following is calculated:
i1 X
xP i D xP 0 C P j c'j
lj C j 'Pj s'j ;
j D0 j D0
i1 Xi1
yPi D yP0 C P j s'j C
lj C j 'Pj c'j
j D0 j D0
Modelling of Ropes with Consideration of Large Deformations and Friction. . . 119
i1 X
xR i D xR 0 C R j c'j
lj C j 'Rj s'j
j D0 j D0
i1 X
2 P j 'Pj s'j
lj C j 'Pj2 c'j ;
j D0 j D0
i1 X
yRi D yR0 C R j s'j C
lj C j 'Rj c'j C
j D0 j D0
i1 X
C2 P j 'Pj c'j
lj C j 'Pj2 s'j :
j D0 j D0
In view of (8) the kinetic energy of rfe i depends on x0 , y0 , 0 , ' 0 , : : : , i , ' i and
their derivatives.
The Lagrange operators for kinetic energy Ei of the rfe can be written in the
following form:
d @Ei @Ei X i
"x0 .Ei / D D mi xR 0 C R j c'j
dt @xP 0 @x0 j D0
i X
i X
nij 'Rj s'j 2 P j 'Pj s'j
mij nij 'Pj2 c'j ;
j D0 j D0 j D0
d @Ei @Ei X i
"y0 .Ei / D D mi yR0 C R j s'j C
dt @yP0 @y0 j D0
i X
i X
C nij 'Rj c'j C 2 P j 'Pj c'j
mij nij 'Pj2 s'j
j D0 j D0 j D0
for j D 1, : : : , i–1:
d @Ei @Ei
"j .Ei / D D mi xR 0 c'j C mi yR0 s'j C
dt @j @j
X i
C R k cos 'j 'k C
mik nik 'Rk sin 'j 'k C
kD0 kD0
C2 P k 'Pk sin 'j 'k
mik nik 'Pk2 cos 'j 'k ;
kD0 "
d @Ei @Ei
"'j .Ei / D D lj C j mi xR 0 s'j C mi yR0 c'j
dt @'Pj @'j
R k sin 'j 'k C
mik nik 'Rk cos 'j 'k C
kD0 kD0 #
X i
C2 P
mik k 'Pk cos 'j 'k C nik 'Pk sin 'j 'k ;
kD0 kD0
120 I. Adamiec–Wójcik et al.
( (
mi for k < i mi .lk C k
/ for k < i
mik D .2/ ; nik D .2/ ;
mi for k D i ˛i C mi k for k D i
d @Ei @Ei .2/
"i .Ei / D D mi xR 0 c'i C yR0 s'i C
dt @ Pi @i
X i X i
C R k cos .'i 'k / C .lk C k / 'Rk sin .'i 'k /C
kD0 kD0 #
X i X i
C2 P
k 'Pk sin .'i 'k / .lik C i / 'Pk cos .'i 'k / ;
kD0 kD0
d @Ei @Ei
"'i .Ei / D D ˛i C mi i .xR 0 s'i yR0 c'i /
dt @'Pi @'i
i X
R k sin .'i 'k / C
˛ik ˇik 'Rk cos .'i 'k /C
kD0 kD0
Xi Xi
C2 P k 'Pk cos .'i 'k / C
˛ik ˇik 'Pk2 sin .'i 'k /;
( kD0 (kD0
lk C k for k < i ˛i C m i i for k < i
lik D .2/ ; ˛ik D .2/ ;
ai for k D i m2i ai C j for k D i
< ˛i C m.2/ i i .lk C k / for k < i
ˇik D 2 :
:m a C
.2/ .2/
C J for k D i
i k i i
Formulae (11) can be recast to the following compact form for j D 1, : : : , i–1, i:
"j .Ei / D mij xR 0 c'j C mij yR0 s'j C R k cos 'j 'k C
mij k
C nij k 'Rk sin 'j 'k C 2 P k 'Pk sin 'j 'k
mij k
kD0 kD0
nij k 'Pk2 cos 'j 'k ;
"'j .Ei / D nij xR 0 s'j C nij yR0 c'j R k sin 'j 'k C
˛ij k
C ˇij k 'Rk cos 'j 'k C2 P k 'Pk cos 'j 'k C
˛j ik
kD0 kD0
C ˇij k 'Pk2 sin 'j 'k ;
Modelling of Ropes with Consideration of Large Deformations and Friction. . . 121
( (
mik for j < i nik for j < i
mij k D .2/ ; nij k D .2/ ;
mi for j D i mi .lik C i / for j D i
lj C j mik for j < i lj C j nik for j < i
˛ij k D ; ˇij k D :
˛ik for j D i ˇik for j D i
Since the kinetic energy of the link is a sum of the kinetic energies of rfes 0, : : : ,n,
ED Ei ; (13)
n X
"x0 .E/ D "x0 .Ei /; "y0 .E/ D "y0 .Ei / (14)
iD0 iD0
and for j D 0, 1, : : : , n:
n X
"j .E/ D "j .Ei /; "'j .E/ D "'j .Ei /: (15)
iDj iDj
n X
i X
n X
Aik ak D ak Aik ;
iD0 kD0 kD0 iDk
Xn X i X
n X
Aij k ak bj k D ak bj k Aij k ;
iDj kD0 kD0 iDmaxfj;kg
n X
"x0 .E/ D mxR 0 C R k Ak c'k
'Rk Bk s'k
kD0 kD0
Xn X
2 P k 'Pk Ak s'k
'Pk2 Bk c'k ;
kD0 kD0
n X
n (17)
"y0 .E/ D myR0 C R k Ak s'k C
'Rk Bk c'k C
kD0 kD0
Xn Xn
C2 P k 'Pk Ak c'k
'Pk2 Bk s'k ;
kD0 kD0
122 I. Adamiec–Wójcik et al.
n X
n X
where Ak D mik ; Bk D nik ; mD mi and for j D 0, 1, : : : , n:
iDk iDk iD0
"j .E/ D xR 0 Aj c'j C yR0 Aj s'j C R k ajk cos 'j 'k C
C 'Rk bj k sin 'j 'k C 2
P k 'Pk ajk sin 'j 'k
kD0 kD0
'Pk2 bjk cos 'j 'k ;
n (18)
"'j .E/ D xR 0 Bj s'j C yR0 Bj c'j R k a' sin 'j 'k C
'Rk bj k cos 'j 'k C 2 P k 'Pk a' cos 'j 'k
kD0 kD0
'Pk2 bj k sin 'j 'k ;
n X
where ajk D mij k ; bjk D nij k ;aj k D ˛ij k ; bj k D
iDmaxfj;kg iDmaxfj;kg iDmaxfj;kg
ˇij k :
Let us introduce the following notations:
2 3
6 7
6 q0 7
6 7
6 7
6 q1 7 " # " #
6 7 x0 j
6 7
q D 6 7; rD ; qj D ; (19)
6 7 y0 'j
6q 7
6 i7
6 7
6 7
4 5
2 3
©r .E/
6 © .E/ 7
6 0 7
6 7
6 ©1 .E/ 7
6 :: 7
6 7 "x0 .E/ "j .E/
©q .E/ D 6 : 7; ©r .E/ D ; ©j .E/ D : (20)
6 7 "y0 .E/ "'j .E/
6 ©i .E/ 7
6 7
6 :: 7
4 : 5
©n .E/
2 3 2 3
Mrr Mr0 : : : Mrj : : : Mrn hr
6M M00 : : : M0j : : : M0n 7 6h 7
6 0r 7 6 07
6 : :: :: 7 6 :7
6 : 7 6 :7
6 : : : 7 6 :7
MD6 7; h D 6 7;
6 Mj r Mj 0 : : : Mjj : : : Mj n 7 6 hj 7
6 7 6 7
6 :: :: :: :: 7 6 :: 7
4 : : : : 5 4 :5
Mnr Mn0 : : : Mnj : : : Mnn hn
2 3
Xn Xn
6 2 P
k 'Pk Ak s'k 'Pk Bk c'k 7
6 kD0 7
hr D 6 X kD0 7;
n Xn 7
4 2 P k 'Pk Ak c'k
'Pk Bk s'k 5
kD0 kD0
2 3
X n
62 P k 'Pk aj k sin 'j 'k
'Pk bj k cos 'j 'k 7
6 kD0 7
hj D 6 X kD0 7:
42 P k 'Pk a cos 'j 'k
'Pk2 bj k sin 'j 'k 5
kD0 kD0
124 I. Adamiec–Wójcik et al.
The potential energy of gravity forces of rfe i can be presented in the form
@Vi 0
D Gir D ;
8 i
ˆ mi gs'j
< mi g lj C j c'j for j < i (23)
" #
D Gij D .2/
@qj ˆ
ˆ h mi gs'i i
:̂ .1/ .1/ .2/ .2/ for j D i:
g mi ai C mi ai C i c'i
Since the potential energy of the link is a sum of the energies of all rfes
Vg D Vi ; (24)
@V g X @V
n g
@V g X @V n g
D i
; D i
; (25)
@r iD0
@r @qj iDj
one obtains
3 2
6G 7
6 07
6 :7
g 6 :7
@V 6 :7
DGD6 7; (26)
@q 6 Gj 7
6 7
6 :: 7
4 :5
Modelling of Ropes with Consideration of Large Deformations and Friction. . . 125
where Gr D ; Gj D Gij for j D 0, 1 , : : : , n.
mg iDj
The energy of spring deformation of the link in the case of linear characteristics
of sdes can be written in the following form:
1X b 1X l 2
n n
Vs D ci .'i 'i1 /2 C c : (27)
2 iD1 2 iD0 i i
@V s @V s
D 0; D Sj ; (28)
@r @qj
" #
c0l 0 cjl j
where S0 D ; Sj D ;
c0b .'1 '0 / cjb 'j 'j 1 cjb C1 'j C1 'j
cnl n
for j D 0, 1, : : : , n–1, Sn D b .
cn .'n 'n1 /
The above relations can be written in the equivalent compact form as follows:
6S 7
6 07
6 :7
s 6 :7
@V 6 :7
D S D 6 7: (29)
@q 6 Sj 7
6 7
6 :: 7
4 :5
The motion of the link discretised in the way described above can be caused
by either external forces (force input) or by definition of the motion of point A0
(kinematic input). In the next section, both approaches are presented.
MqR D f; (30)
@V g @V s
f D h C Q:
@q @q
Here Q denotes the vector of generalised forces resulting from the external
On the other hand, in the case of kinematic input, the following relations hold:
x0 D x0 .t /; xP 0 D xP 0 .t /; xR 0 D xR 0 .t /;
y0 D y0 .t /; yP0 D yP0 .t /; yR0 D yR0 .t /;
r D r.t / (32)
and its derivatives with respect to time are known. Then equations (30) can be cast
to the following form:
@V g
Mrr rR C Mrk qR k D fr D hr @r
C R0 ;
Xn (33)
@V g @V s
Mj r rR C Mj k qR k D fj D hj @Rqj
; j D 0; 1; : : : ; n;
where R0 D y are the components of an unknown force acting at point A0
ensuring the realisation of (31) and (32).
Since vector rR is known in the case of kinematic input, the second part of (33)
can be written in the form
Mj k qR k D fk Mj r rR D Pk (34)
or equivalently
MqR D P; (35)
2 3 3
2 3 2
M00 : : : M0j : : : M0n q0 P0
6 :: :: :: 7 6 :: 7 6 :: 7
6 : : : 7 6 :7 6 :7
6 7 6 7 6 7
where M D 6 Mj 0 : : : Mjj : : : Mj n 7
7; qD6 7
6 qj 7 ; PD6 7
6 Pj 7.
6 : : : 7 6 :7 6 :7
4 : : :
: : 5
: 4 :: 5 4 :: 5
Mn0 : : : Mnj : : : Mnn qn Pn
Modelling of Ropes with Consideration of Large Deformations and Friction. . . 127
@V g
R0 D Mrr rR C Mrk qR k C hr C : (36)
Thus, in the case of kinematic input, the calculation of the acceleration vector
requires the solution of the system of 2(n C 1) linear algebraic equations. In the
case of force input the number of unknowns in system (30) is larger by 2 and is
equal to 2(n C 1) C 2.
y.s/ D EAs
FyE wL C 12 ws C
8" 9 (37)
< 2 # 12 " 2 # 12 =
F E F wLCws
E F wL
C wx 1 C y FE 1 C yF E ;
: x x ;
where F Ex , and F Ey are vertical and horizontal components of the force acting on the
line at point E, E is the Young modulus of the line, w D A g is the weight of
the length unit of the line, L is the length of the line and A is the area of the cross
In order to calculate the shape of the catenary line shown in Fig. 3, we
use discretisation by means of the MRFEM presented above. Forces F Ex and F Ey
are introduced into the equations of motion (30) as the generalised forces. The
coordinates of point E are as follows:
X n
xE D x0 C li C i c'i ; yE D y0 C li C i s'i : (39)
iD0 iD0
Therefore, we get
Qx0 FxE ; FyE D FxE ; Qy0 FxE ; FyE D FyE (40)
Qi FxE ; FyE D FxE c'i C FyE s'i ;
Q'i FxE ; FyE D FxE .li C i / s'i C FyE .li C i / c'i :
In order to define the accuracy of the method, calculations have been carried
out for a varying number n of elements into which the line with the parame-
ters L D 100 m, A D 0.25D2 , D D 0.035 m, E D 1011 N/m2 , D 2,000 kg/m3 ,
F Ex D 1,000 N, F Ey D 2,000 N has been divided.
Table 1 presents the comparison of results obtained according to formulae (37)
and the MRFEM when it has been assumed that
The analysis of results from Table 1 allows to conclude that for the MRFEM an
exactness of 0.1 % is obtained even for the division of the line into n D 40 elements.
It is characteristic, however, that the smaller the parameter s, the larger the error.
Figure 4 presents the shape of the catenary according to the analytical solution
with the points representing values obtained by the MRFEM for n D 20. Very good
compatibility of the results can be observed.
Numerical simulations have also been carried out in the case when the stiffness
coefficient of bending is defined according to the following formula:
Cib D ; for i D 1; 2; : : : ; nI (44)
where I is inertial moment of the cross-sectional area of the rope and d D L/n.
The calculations have been carried out for n D 400, which means that the line has
been divided into segments of 0.25 m in the primary division.
Table 2 presents the results obtained when formula (42) has been used so that the
bending flexibility of the line has been omitted (line W), with the consideration of
the bending stiffness using formulae (44) (line P). For the second case it has been
additionally assumed that ' 0 0 by introduction of the generalised force:
130 I. Adamiec–Wójcik et al.
Fig. 5 The shape of slender line W (Cbi D 0) and flexible line P (Cib D EI
where wP 2 fxP , yP , Tg is calculated for the rope with the assumption Cib D EI
wW 2 fxP , yP , Tg is calculated for the rope with the assumption Cbi D 0.
Results presented in Table 2 show that models W and P give considerably
different results for coordinate yP when coordinate s is small, while for s > 1/2 L,
those differences decrease to 1 %. Part of the graph for s 16 m showing the shapes
of lines W and P is presented in Fig. 5.
From the results presented above, it can be concluded that the consideration of
bending flexibility for long ropes is not necessary. It may be of importance in the
case of detailed analysis.
4 Numerical Example
One of the potential applications of the models presented is the analysis of failures,
which may occur during the work of cranes mounted on drilling platforms (Fig. 6).
The motion of the vessel due to the sea waves or floating away despite
disconnecting the load from the crane can cause slippage of the load from the deck.
As a result this can cause large loading of the rope system considerably larger than
nominal loading. A simplified model of such a system is presented in Fig. 7. The
system consists of:
(i) A rope with length Lr mounted to a fixed point A0 , where the origin of the
inertial coordinate system A0 xy is placed
132 I. Adamiec–Wójcik et al.
Fig. 7 Phases of motion of the load: (a) static problem; (b) movement of the load with the vessel;
(c) free vibrations of the rope with the load
(ii) A sling with length Ln connecting end E of the rope with load L, treated as a
massless spring-damping element (sde)
(iii) A load with mass mL treated as a lumped mass
For numerical analysis three essential phases are distinguished.
Phase 1 In the situation presented in Fig. 7a the initially vertical rope is displaced
under the influence of horizontal force F Ex , so that coordinate xE of the end of the
rope achieves given value x0L . In this phase mass mL is motionless, and the load is
not connected with end E of the rope. As a result, the value y0L is obtained, assuming
Fig. 8 Force transferred by the sling: (a) inertial force; (b) force F Ly
In the first case (P1) the load and the rope are subjected to free vibrations as a
result of the friction slip. In the second case (P2) the phase of free vibrations starts,
when the vertical contact of the load to the vessel is lost. Forces N and T can be
calculated from the relations (Fig. 8):
where vP L D ddtv is the acceleration of the vessel and F Lx and F Ly are components of
the force in the sling.
Phase 3 At this stage (Fig. 7c) the load and rope connected by the sling are
subjected to free vibrations caused by the initial tension of the system due to the
forces of gravity.
Force FL and its components F Lx , and F Ly can be calculated in the following way:
P EL ; xE xL yE yL
F L D cL EL C bL FxL D F L ; FyL D F L ; (50)
jELj jELj
h i 12
where EL D jELj Ln , jELj D .xE xL /2 C .yE yL /2 I xE , yE are defined
in (39); xL , yL are coordinates of the load; cL , bL are stiffness and damping
P EL D d jELj :
coefficients of the sling; dt
During the second phase, coordinates xL , yL and xP L ; yPL can be calculated from
the motion of the vessel, while during the third phase these are the generalised
coordinates of the load. Hence, the equations of motion take the form
134 I. Adamiec–Wójcik et al.
.b/ D ; (52)
ŒmL C w .L s/ g
where FL is the force in the rope, w is the unit mass and s is the coordinate of the
position of the point.
Modelling of Ropes with Consideration of Large Deformations and Friction. . . 135
Fig. 10 Time history of function (L): (a) case P1, (b) case P2
Fig. 11 Position of the system at different time instants: (a) P1, (b) P2
This coefficient relates the actual value of the force in the rope to the nominal
static load. Table 4 gives maximal values of coefficient for s D 0 (for point A0 )
and for s D L (point E). For both cases simulation time is T D 50 s.
The values of coefficient are larger for case P1. The reason is that when the
friction force exceeds N, the vertical component of force FL is still small, and
thus, when the load loses contact to the deck of the vessel, a significant decrease in
mass mL occurs. In case P2 the force F Ey is balanced by the gravity force of the load.
Figure 10 presents fragments of time histories of function for both cases.
Figure 11 shows the system at the end of phases 1 and 2, and at time instant
t D 20 s in phase 3.
136 I. Adamiec–Wójcik et al.
5 Concluding Remarks
Acknowledgments This work has been supported by National Centre of Science under the grant
MAESTRO 2, No. 2012/04/A/ST8/00738 for the years 2012–2015.
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Dynamical Response of a Van der Pol–Duffing
System with an External Harmonic Excitation
and Fractional Derivative
Abstract We examine the Van der Pol–Duffing system with external forcing and a
memory possessing a fractional damping term. The system exhibits broad spectrum
of nonlinear behavior including transitions from the periodic to nonperiodic motion.
Replacing a first-order derivative damping term by a fractional damping one, we
include to the system memory effect which increases the dimension of the dynam-
ical system. As a consequence of such assumptions, the quantitative nonlinear
analysis meets some limitations in this case. Instead of the well-known Lyapunov
exponent treatment, we advocate to use the 0–1 test that combines both statistical
and frequency properties of the attractor but does not depend on the dimension of
the state space. The results have been confirmed by quantitative nonlinear analysis:
bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits, Poincare sections, and the maximal Lyapunov
exponent estimated in the limited two-dimensional phase space.
1 Introduction
Recently, dynamical systems with fractional damping have brought the attention of
scientists from different research fields with the expectation to describe complex
system behavior and/or complex material dynamical responses [2, 6, 13–15, 18–20].
This approach differs from the linear and nonlinear damping given by a function
of velocity [3, 18]. Introducing fractional damping to a dynamical system is made
by replacing an integer order derivative with a fractional operator. There are many
definitions of fractional operator but the most common are Grünwald–Letnikov
and Riemman–Liouville. Both of them are derived from general fractional q order
operator; more precisely, the first one represents the q order derivative, while
A. Syta ()
Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Technological Systems of Information,
Nadbystrzycka 36, PL-20-618 Lublin, Poland
G. Litak
Department of Applied Mechanics, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36,
PL-20-618 Lublin, Poland
the second represents the q fold integral. It is worth to note that the Grünwald–
Letnikov definition requires the function to be m C 1 continuously differentiable
while the Riemman–Liouville definition, only to be integrable which may play the
role in scope of application. However, for function defined by Grünwald–Letnikov
class both definitions are equivalent. Below, we show briefly how to construct
the fractional derivative in the meaning of Grünwald–Letnikov definition which is
fairly straightforward from a numerical point of view. Let us consider the Leibniz
definition of the first and second derivative:
f .t / f .t h/
f 0 .t / D lim (1)
h!0 h
f 0 .t / f 0 .t h/
f 00 .t / D lim
h!0 h
f .t / 2f .t h/ C f .t 2h/
D lim
h!0 h2
Now, basing on Eq. (1) one can write a general form of the nth order derivative:
1 X n
f n .t / D lim n .1/j f .t j h/ n 2 N: (2)
h!0 h j
j D0
By generalizing the integer order in the derivative in Eq. (2) one can obtain the
Grünwald–Letnikov definition of fractional operator a Dt f .t / [17]:
Œ ta !
d qf 1 X q q
D lim q .1/j f .t j h/ Da Dt f .t /; (3)
dt q h!0 h
j D0
where q > 0, and binomial coefficients can be extended to complex numbers by use
of the Euler Gamma function:
q qŠ .q C 1/
D D I (4)
j j Š.q j /Š .j C 1/ .q j C 1/
a pair of square brackets Œ: appearing in the upper limit of the sum denotes the
integer part, while a is the length of the memory. Generally, dynamical systems
with memory effects pose long transients, but in this case it is possible to shorten the
length of the memory (a) in Eq. (3) using the short memory principle [16, 17]. Such
a length, introduced to the system, reduces the computational effort of simulations
while generally preserving the system dynamics. Thus, Eq. (3) becomes
1 X
q j q
L Dt f .t / D lim q .1/ f .t j h/; (5)
h!0 h j
j D0
2 The Model
We start from the standard Van der Pol–Duffing equation decomposed into the set
of two differential equations of first degree:
D y.t /;
dt (6)
D ˛x.t / ˇx.t /3 C .1 x.t /2 /y.t / C A cos .!t /;
The set of equations can be written in the discretized form by the following
fractional order Newton–Leipnik algorithm [16]:
N 1
.q/ / D y.tk1 /hq cj x.tkj / (8)
j D1
where h is an integration step and coefficients cj satisfy the following recursive
.q/ .q/ 1Cq .q/
c0 D 1; cj D 1 cj 1 : (10)
142 A. Syta and G. Litak
Fig. 1 Phase portraits and Poincare sections (as introduced in [1]) of system (6) solutions for
(a) ! D 0:45, (b) ! D 0:52, (c) ! D 0:58
Dynamical Response of a Van der Pol–Duffing System with an External. . . 143
Figure 2 presents bifurcation diagrams obtained for various fractional order damping
q D f0:9; 0:95; 1:0; 1:05; 1:1g and initial conditions .x.0/; y.0// D .0:0; 0:0/.
Comparing the bifurcation diagrams one can see a change of system response
even in a short interval of !: for ! 2 .0:35 W 0:7/ (Fig. 2a, b) there dominate
periodic solutions with narrow nonperiodic regimes. When q increases (Fig. 2c) it is
changing to quasiperiodic (! 2 .0:35; 0:48/) and chaotic motion (! 2 .0:48; 0:55/).
Finally, for q D f1:05; 1:1g (Fig. 2d, e) it becomes quasiperiodic or chaotic.
To quantify obtained results we use the 0–1 test [4, 7, 8, 10–12] with single
time series and the maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE) with projection into two
dimension [9, 21]. The 0–1 test for chaos detection uses spectral and statistical
properties of the single time series, while MLE uses geometrical properties of
phase space. Both methods can distinguish between periodic and chaotic motion,
but because of the memory effect introduced by fractional damping the phase space
of the system has infinite dimension (a D 5; 000) and in computing MLE only
projection to finite and low dimension can be used. As a consequence we don’t
possess information about system dynamics in higher dimension. In this case the
0–1 test might be considered and we will show a brief description of it in a few
steps. The first one is conversion of the coordinates from .x; y/ to the new set .p; q/
defined as follows:
n X
p.n/ D xQ j cos .jc/; q.n/ D xQ j sin .jc/; (11)
j D1 j D1
1 X˚
MSD.c; j / D Œp.i C j / p.i /2 C Œq.i C j / q.i /2 (12)
n j iD1
CovŒj; MSD.c; j /
K.c/ D p ; (13)
CovŒj; j CovŒMSD.c; j /; MSD.c; j /
Fig. 2 Bifurcation diagrams with the sampling ! D 0:00025 for different order of the damping:
(a) q D 0:9, (b) q D 0:95, (c) q D 1:0, (d) q D 1:05, (e) q D 1:1. Note that Fig. 2d, e shows
quasiperiodic system response in the whole investigated frequency interval
Dynamical Response of a Van der Pol–Duffing System with an External. . . 145
1 X
MLE D ln .d=d0 / : (15)
t iD1
3 Conclusions
Our results show that in the case of Van der Pol–Duffing potential with a fractional
damping, various bifurcations can occur. However, the most common solutions are
quasiperiodic with short intervals of chaotic solutions. These effects agree with
146 A. Syta and G. Litak
Fig. 3 K versus ! with the sampling ! D 0:00025 for (a) q D 0:9, (b) q D 0:95, (c) q D 1:0,
(d) q D 1:05, (e) q D 1:1. K 0 indicates regular while K 1 chaotic behavior
Dynamical Response of a Van der Pol–Duffing System with an External. . . 147
Fig. 4 MLE versus ! with the sampling ! D 0:00025 for (a) q D 0:9, (b) q D 0:95, (c) q D
1:0, (d) q D 1:05, (e) q D 1:1. Note that MLE > 0 implies chaos. In many cases, it is not
consistent with bifurcation diagrams (Fig. 2) and K values (Fig. 3)
148 A. Syta and G. Litak
Fig. 5 Phase portraits and Poincare sections of Eq. (7) solutions for (a) ! D 0:45, (b) ! D 0:52,
(c) ! D 0:58 and q D 1:05
Dynamical Response of a Van der Pol–Duffing System with an External. . . 149
expectations in fairly large dimension of the dynamical system with delays [5]. It is
not surprising that the simply defined MLE detects chaos wrongly in particular cases
(see Fig. 4e). This must be an effect of higher dimension. Note that for the same
quasiperiodic solution, the 0–1 test gives the correct state identification (see Fig. 3e).
The results have been also confirmed by phase portraits and Poincare series. On the
other hand, in the system with memory the role of transient solutions increases. In
the specific situations transient chaotic motion can be also stabilized. However, to
tell more about such a tendency, more systematic studies should be done to explain
the evolution of the corresponding basins of attractions.
Acknowledgements This paper was supported by the Polish National Science Center under the
grant agreement No. 2012/05/B/ST8/00080.
18. Rossikhin, Y.A., Shitikova, M.V.: Application of fractional calculus for dynamic problems of
solid mechanics: novel trends and recent results. Appl. Mech. Rev. 63, 010801 (2010)
19. Seredynska, M., Hanyga, A.: Nonlinear differential equations with fractional damping with
application to the 1dof and 2dof pendulum. Acta Mech. 1760, 169 (2005)
20. Sheu, L.J., Chen, H.K, Tam, L.M.: Chaotic dynamics of the fractionally damped duffing
equation. Chaos Solitons Fractals 32, 1459 (2007)
21. Wolf, A., Swift, J.B., Swinney, H.L.: Determining Lyapunov exponents from a time series.
Physica D 16, 285 (1985)
Vortex Structure Around the Cylinder at a Flow
of Viscous Fluid
1 Introduction
In case of two-dimensional motion equation of the fluid flow is set down in the
variables “stream function-a vortex.’ The equation of incompressibility is carried
out as the result of introduction of stream function . So for a stationary problem in
the dimensionless variables we have the equations (see, e.g., [14], Chap. XI, p. 471,
Eq. (135), (136))
1 @˝ @˝
˝ D u Cv ; (1)
Re @x @y
D ˝; (2)
where is the Laplace operator, Re is the Reynolds number, and ˝ is the scalar
@v @u @ @ @ @ @ @
˝ D ˝z D D D ; u D ; vD :
@x @y @x @x @y @y @y @x
One of the ways of equations researching (1), (2) is the transition to polar
coordinates r; '. For stream function we specify conditions
D D 0 for r D 1 (3)
and on infinity we specify conditions
1@ @
! cos '; ! sin ' for r ! 1: (4)
r @' @r
˝ ! 0 for r ! 1 (5)
In view of this work the method of the research consists in the following. In the
capacity of the first approximation of stream function outside the wake behind the
cylinder (in area r sin2 ' > const ) we will consider
1 3 ln r ln r
1 .r; '/ D r C 2 sin '; where (6)
r r r
Thus, Re D U1 d=, where d is the diameter of the cylinder and is the viscosity
Then, we are to consider that Re 2 Œ10; A. Further, calculations show that
A D O.104 /. We investigate a vortex asymptotics ˝ applying a method of matched
asymptotic expansions [15] near the cylinder.
(1) and (2) are considered in
[3], when stream function is .r; '/ D r r 1 sin ' (in area r sin2 ' > const ).
The small parameter 3 D 1=Re is introduced for convenience, and (1) is
rewritten as
Vortex Structure Around the Cylinder at a Flow of Viscous Fluid 153
@2 1 @ 1 @2 1 @ @ 1 @ @
C C C D 0; (7)
@r 2 r @r r 2 @' 2 r @' @r r @r @'
! 0; r ! 1; (8)
where .r; '/ D ˝.x; y/. The function 1 (see (6)) at r D 1 has the asymptotic
expansion in a series
1 D .r 1/2 C O .r 1/3 sin ': (9)
Then from (7) in variables ; ' we receive the equation for the main member
@2 0 @0 @0
2 cos ' C 2 sin ' D 0: (10)
@2 @ @'
p R p
In (10) we should substitute variables x D sin ', D 1
2 ' sin ydy (see [8],
Chap. 3, p. 110, 111). Then the equation
@2 0 @0
x D0 (11)
@x @
is obtained.
The solution of (11) satisfying condition (8) has the form
1 1 x3
0 D c 1 ; ; where (12)
3 3 9
Z 1
.˛; x/ D e y y ˛1 dy
and the constant c is determined from the boundary conditions for the 0 where
r D 1. To find the approximate condition at the border, where r ! 1 for 0 , we
should use (2) in the vicinity of the boundary. Then, taking into account formulas
(9), (12), we have
@2 1 .1; '/
D 2 sin ' 0 .0; / D c at r ! 1:
@r 2
154 R.G. Akhmetov and R.R. Kutluev
Behind the cylinder there is an additional boundary layer. The asymptotics of the
solution is regarded in terms of the variables , s D r 1. And for the main
member we receive the equation
D 0: (14)
D . /: (15)
Equation (15) and formula (17) in the interior boundary layer for the flow function
are written out in work [2].
The equation similar to (15) is usually written out during the study of vortex
motions of ideal fluid D f . / (see, e.g., [13], Chap. 7, Sect. 165). Besides
f . / is an arbitrary function. Our consideration is different as the (15) is written out
in an internal around the cylinder by a streamlined flow of a viscous incompressible
fluid boundary layer, using the method of matched asymptotic expansions [15],
system (1), (2), and matching condition (16) with solution (13).
Vortex Structure Around the Cylinder at a Flow of Viscous Fluid 155
4 Numerical Solution
For the solution of (15) where the right part looks like (17), taking into account (3),
(4), it is necessary to set additional boundary conditions @ =@' D 0; for ' D 0,
and matching condition with solution (13) at r 1 D O.Re 1=3 /, ' D O.Re 1=3 /.
Let us consider a special case, when D .r/. In this case from (15) we receive
the equation
00 1 0
.r/ C .r/ D . .r//: (18)
Taking into account expression (16) and setting initial conditions in a point r0
.r0 / D 01 ; .r0 / D 02 : (19)
Equations (1) and (2) are written in dimensionless variables (see [14], Chap. XI,
p. 472, formulas (137), (138)). It follows that function (13) is also dimensionless for
.r/ D O. 2 /.
In the work [5], the stationary problem flow of the circular cylinder for Reynolds
numbers in an interval from 1/8 to 100 is investigated. The results of numerical
calculations are presented. Formula (13) gives a quite satisfactory approximation
compared with the results of numerical calculation [5] outside the wake of a cylinder
Re 2 Œ10I 100 (see, e.g., [5], p. 195, Fig. 8 and Re D 100).
Vortex Structure Around the Cylinder at a Flow of Viscous Fluid 157
In this work [6, 7] a two-dimensional problem near the cylinder for Reynolds
numbers in an interval from 2 104 to 106 was considered. The phenomenon of the
pressure crisis in the boundary layer and the separation of the boundary layer were
analyzed. The formation of the boundary layer (and the separation of the boundary
layer) starts near the midship section of the cylinder (see [7], Fig. 2a). It is noted
that because of the rise of Reynolds number, the boundary layer becomes thinner in
case first vortex ([7], Fig. 2). This article demonstrates that the increase of Re leads
to a reduction of the size of the boundary layer (see Figs. 3, 4, and 5, component ).
158 R.G. Akhmetov and R.R. Kutluev
Outside the wake of a cylinder the flow function is known and it corresponds to the
flow around the cylinder by the viscous fluid; the equation for the vortex component
near the cylinder is investigated. It is illustrated that there is an interior boundary
layer where the vortex component part depends only on the flow function. The
structure of the vortex component is found by means of the method of matched
asymptotic expansions. The interior boundary layer equation for the flow function
is investigated by means of numerical methods at great values of Reynolds number.
The properties of the flow function are studied in this boundary layer. The solution
in this boundary layer has a special point of focus type.
12. Ladyzhenskaya, O.A.: Sixth Problem of the Millennium: Navier–Stokes Equations, Existence
and Smoothness, vol. 58(2), pp. 45–78. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, Moscow (2003)
[Translate from Russian to English in Russian Math. Surv. 58(2), 251–286 (2003)]
13. Lamb, G.: Hydrodynamics. Gostekhizdat, Moskow (1947) [English original text in Cambridge
University Press, New York (1932)]
14. Loytsyansky, L.G.: Mechanics of liquids and gases (Russia). Bustard, Moskow (2003)
15. Van Dyke, M.: Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics. World, Moskow (1967) [English
original text in Academic Press, New York (1964)]
Asymptotic Analysis and Limiting Phase
Trajectories in the Dynamics of Spring
1 Introduction
J. Awrejcewicz
Department of Automatics and Biomechanics, Technical Universityof of Łódź,
ul. Stefanowskiego, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
R. Starosta • G. Sypniewska-Kamińska ()
Poznań University of Technology, Institute of Applied Mechanics,
ul. Piotrowo 3, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
idea for an effective study of non-linear dynamical systems is linked with a concept
of the so-called limiting phase trajectories (LPT) (see [3]).
The analysis of the non-linear spring pendulum is carried out in the paper.
The unsteady-state oscillations near resonance are discussed. The pendulum-type
mechanical systems with non-linear and parametric interactions exhibit a rich
behaviour, and hence their understanding and prediction are important both from
a point of view of the theory and application. Pendulums are relatively simple
systems; neverthelessthey can be used to simulate the dynamics of a wide variety of
engineering devices and machine parts. The coupling of the equations of motion
causes possibility of autoparametric excitation and is connected to the energy
exchange between modes of vibrations [8]. The energy transfer is well known in
dynamics of multi-degree-of-freedom systems and is widely discussed by many
authors [5, 7]. A key role either for theoretical- or application-oriented analysis is
played by prediction and determination of thresholds (critical set of parameters),
where transitions of system dynamics take place from a periodic quasi-linear
to strongly non-linear behaviour. It can be observed in the neighbourhood of a
resonance. Such critical value of non-linear parameter of the spring pendulum is
determined in the paper.
Let us consider the planar motion of a mass attached to the massless non-linear
spring. The examined system is shown in Fig. 1.
The Lagrangian of the system is given by
1 1 1
L D mg cos .L0 C Z/ k1 Z 2 k2 Z 4 C m ZP 2 C .L0 C Z/2 P 2 (1)
2 4 2
where m is the mass of the pendulum, L0 is the length of the nonstretched spring, k1
and k2 are the stiffness coefficients, g is the Earth’s acceleration and Z(t) and (t) are
generalized coordinates (see Fig. 1). The magnitudes of the forces F1 and F2 acting
on the mass along and transversally to the pendulum are F1 (t) D F1 cos(1 t) and
F2 (t) D F2 cos(2 t). Forces of linear viscous damping are considered to be present
in both longitudinal and swing motions of the pendulum (C1 and C2 are viscous
The equations of motion have been obtained using Lagrange equations of the
second type. Their non-dimensional form follows
zRCc1 zPCzC˛ z3 C 3˛ z2r z C 3˛zr z2 C w2 .1 cos '/ .z C 1/ 'P 2 Df1 cos .p1 /
Asymptotic Analysis and Limiting Phase Trajectories in the Dynamics. . . 163
.z C 1/ .z C 1/ 'R C w2 sin ' C 'P .c2 C 2Pz/ D .z C 1/ f2 cos .p2 / (3)
˛ z3r C zr D w2 (4)
The second equation of motion (3) gives, among others, a trivial solution z D 1
which has no physical meaning and should be rejected.
Vibrations of the system are investigated in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium
position; hence, the trigonometric functions can be substituted by their power series
which limit the angle about to /6 with precision of four significant digits.
The above remarks lead to a new form of the equations of motion
164 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
zR C c1 zP C z C ˛ z3 C 3˛ z2r z C 3˛ zr z2 C w2 ' 2 .z C 1/ 'P 2 D f1 cos .p1 /
.z C 1/ 'R C w
' C 'P .c2 C 2Pz/ D f2 cos .p2 / (7)
The above initial problem described by the coupled and non-linear equations is
Let us introduce the phase space coordinates zP ./ D v ./ and 'P ./ D ˇ ./ into
(6)–(8) and then rewrite the problem in the form
vP C c1 v C z C ˛ z3 C 3˛ z2r z C 3˛zr z2 C w2 ' 2 .z C 1/ ˇ 2 D f1 cos .p1 / ;
P '3
.z C 1/ ˇ C w '
C ˇ .c2 C 2$/ D f2 cos .p2 / ; (10)
Then, the approach proposed in the paper [3] is applied. Introduction of the
complex-valued functions
P C 1 ‰ C ‰ c C ‰ C ‰
1 12 i ‰z ‰ z ‰P' C‰ ' ' ' 2 z z
2 3
i .‰' ‰ ' / i .‰' ‰ ' /
C w2 48w 3 2w
D f2 cos .p2 / ;
The complex conjugate equations similar to (13) and (14) are also derived. They
and all the consequent formulas are not written for greater clarity.
Afterwards the exponential form of the functions z ( ) D z ()ei and
® ( ) D w ® ( )eiw is postulated which leads to the new form of the governing
P z C 1 i e 4i ˛ e 2i z z 3 C 1 c1 z C z e 2i 3 i ˛ z2r z z e 2i
2 2 2
34 ˛ zr e 3i z e 2i z 38 w2 e i.1C2w/ ' C 'e
2 4i w
C 14 i e 2i w2 ' ' e 2i z z C e i
C 18 i e 2i.1Cw/ w2 e 2i z z e 4iw '2 C ' D f1 e i cos .p1 / ;
w P ' C 12 i e i w P ' z e 2i z 12 c2 w ' e 2iw ' C 14 e i w .w C 2/ ' z
14 e i .12w/ w .w 2/ ' z 14 e i w .w 2/ ' z C 14 e i .1C2w/ w .wC2/ '
3 z
48 1
i w2 e 4iw ' e 2i w ' Df2 e iw cos .p2 / ;
3 Asymptotic Solution
The problems (16)–(18) can be efficiently solved by the asymptotic multiple scale
method. The assumptions of smallness of the parameters are proposed in the form
c1 D cQ1 "2 ; c2 D cQ2 "2 ; zr D zQr "; f1 D fQ1 "3 f2 D fQ2 "3 ; (19)
z . I "/ D "k z k .0 ; 1 ; 2 / C O "4 ;
' . I "/ D " 'k .0 ; 1 ; 2 / C O "4 ;
d @ @ @
D C" C "2 C :::: (21)
d @0 @1 @2
p1 D 1 C 1 and p2 D w C 2 ; (22)
D 0; (23)
D 0; (24)
C @z2
C 32 i ˛Q z2r z1 z1 e 2i0 34 ˛Q zr e 3i0 z1 z1 e 2i0
Q 4i0 z2r z1 e 2i0 z1 C cQ21 z1 e 2i0 C z1 12 fQ1 e i Q1 2
C 18 i ˛e
ˇ ˇ2
14 w2 e i0 '2 '1 C '2 '1 14 w2 ˇ'1 ˇ z1 z1 e 2i0
34 w2 '1 '2 e i0 .2w1/ C '2 '1 e i0 .2wC1/ 12 fQ1 e i Q1 0 i Q1 2
2 2
C 18 i w2 '12
z1 e 2i0 w C '1 z1 e C2i0 w C '12
z1 e 2i0 .w1/ C '1 z1 e 2i0 .wC1/ D 0;
h i
@'3 @'2 @ @
12 i we i0 z1 e 2i0 z1 @0
@'11 z2 e 2i0 z2 @'10
C w @'21 C w @'12 C cQ22 w '1 C '1 e 2iw0 12 fQ2 e i Q2 2 12 fQ2 e i.2w0 CQ2 2 /
@ @
C 14 e i0 w .2 C w/ z2 '1 C z1 '2 14 e i0 w .w 2/ z2 '1 C z1 '2
48 1
i w2 e 4iw0 '1 e 2iw0 '1 14 w .w 2/ e i0 .12w/ z2 '1
C 14 w .w C 2/ e i0 .1C2w/ z2 '1 C 12 we i0 .12w/ z1 '2 1 w2
C 12 we i0 .1C2w/ z1 '2 1 C w2 D 0:
3i w2 i0 .2w1/ 2 2
z2 D G1 .1 ; 2 / C e '1 C e i0 .2wC1/ '1 C i w2 e i0 '1 '1 ;
8 .1 2w/ 4
are then introduced into equations of the third order (27) and (28). According to the
initial conditions (18), G1 D 0 and G2 D 0.
Assuming that the system vibrates far from the internal resonance 2w 1 D 0,
the requirement that the solutions should be limited in time leads to the equations
@z1 cQ1 3 3 3i w2 w2 1 ˇ ˇ
C z1 i ˛Q zQr z1 p i ˛Q jz1 j z1 C
2 ˇ'1 ˇ z1 D 1 fQ1 e i2 Q1 ;
@2 2 2 8 4 16w2 2
168 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
Now real representation of the functions z1 and '1 of the following form
z1 .2 / D aQ 1 .2 / e iı1 .2 / ; '1 .2 / D aQ 2 .2 / e iı2 .2 / ; aQ i D ai " for i D 1; 2
da1 1 1
D c1 a1 C f1 cos
1 ; (34)
d 2 2
1 3 2 3 3w2 w2 1 1
a1 D zr ˛ a1 C 1 a1 ˛ a1 C
a1 a22 f1 sin
1 ; (35)
d 2 8 4 16w2 2
da2 1 1
D c2 a2 C f2 cos
2 ; (36)
d 2 2w
2 3w w2 1 w 8w4 7w2 1 3 1
a2 D 2 a2 C a2 a1 C
a2 f2 sin
2 ; (37)
d 4 16w2 64w2 16 2w
ı1 .2 / D 2 1
1 .2 / ; ı2 .2 / D 2 2
2 .2 / : (38)
The above definitions cause the systems (34)–(37) to become an autonomous one.
It describes the dynamics of the non-linear spring pendulum near simultaneously
occurring main resonances.
4 Examples
The LPT concept allows to describe the intensive energy exchange between the
degrees of freedom and external sources. The system examined in the paper is
especially sensitive to changes of the value of the parameter ˛ responsible for non-
linear characteristics of the spring. One can observe a critical value ˛ D ˛ LPT for
which the character of the vibrations dramatically changes. The value of ˛ LPT
Asymptotic Analysis and Limiting Phase Trajectories in the Dynamics. . . 169
Fig. 2 Limiting phase trajectories for longitudinal and swing vibrations; ˛ D 0.3 < ˛ LPT
depends on all the parameters of the system. In the case of certain one degree-of-
freedom (DOF) systems ˛ LPT can be obtained analytically [2, 3]. When the number
of DOF is higher than one and couplings appear in the equations of modulation,
˛ LPT can be obtained approximately.
The results of calculations for the chosen values of parameters 1 D 0.01,
2 D 0.01, f1 D 0.0008, f2 D 0.00008 , c1 D 0, c2 D 0, w D 0.21 are presented below.
For these parameters ˛ LPT 0.654. Figures 2, 3 and 4 show some graphs concerning
the case when ˛ D 0.3 < ˛ LPT .
170 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
Fig. 5 Limiting phase trajectories for spring and swing vibrations; ˛ D 0.7 > ˛ LPT
In Figs. 2, 3 and 4 the intensive energy exchange between the system and its
surrounding can be observed. The amplitudes are relatively small and the vibrations
are quasi-linear. The time histories presented in Fig. 4 have been received by
numerical solution to the problem (6)–(8). The amplitude modulations and time
histories (compare Figs. 3 and 4) are highly compatible.
For ˛ > ˛ LPT some non-linear effects occur. In Figs. 5, 6 and 7 amplitudes are
much larger than in the case when ˛ < ˛ LPT and the vibrations become strongly
Asymptotic Analysis and Limiting Phase Trajectories in the Dynamics. . . 171
Fig. 8 Limiting phase trajectories for spring and swing vibrations; ˛ D 2.0 > > ˛ LPT
In the case ˛ > > ˛ LPT modulations of amplitudes of both coordinates become
again more regular, as is shown in Figs. 9 and 10. However, their shape indicates
the non-linear effects. The longitudinal vibration tends to sawtooth form with
the increase of non-linearity parameter. A synchronization between the amplitude
modulations of both general coordinates in the slow timescale is observable (Fig. 9).
The oscillations of the system tend to steady state what is seen not only in the time
history but also in the phase – amplitude plane (Fig. 8).
172 J. Awrejcewicz et al.
5 Conclusions
Analytical study of the non-linear spring pendulum in planar motion has been
carried out. After transformation of the governing equations of motion to the
complex representation, the asymptotic analysis with the help of multiple timescale
(MTS) method has been applied. That approach leads to obtain a set of differential
equations of simpler form than the original ones. It is worth to note that, thanks to the
application of the MTS variant with three timescales, the non-linear terms as well
as the most important coupled terms between the generalized coordinates have been
preserved in the equations of the simplified mathematical model. The performed
investigations have been focused on the nonsteady vibrations of the forced system
near the simultaneously occurring external resonances. The modulation equations
concerning this case have been derived from the equations of first order as well as
from the requirement of vanishing the secular terms of the equations of higher order.
The solutions obtained analytically from the equations of modulation of amplitudes
and phases have been verified by comparing them with the solutions which are
received numerically from the original equations of motion. Their high accuracy
has been confirmed in all performed numerical simulations.
The main advantage of the asymptotic solutions consists in achieving qualitative
information about the dynamics of the considered system.
Analysis of the curves which represent the dynamical behaviour of the system in
the plane phase-amplitude gives evidence of very interesting features of dynamics of
the system. The shape of these curves depends strongly on the values of parameter ˛,
which is connected with the spring non-linearity. The most intensive energy
transfer between the system and its surroundings is governed by the so-called LPT.
Important non-linear dynamical transition-type phenomena are detected, monitored
and discussed, amongst others. For ˛ > ˛ LPT amplitudes are much greater than for
˛ < ˛ LPT . Moreover, it has been shown that the shape of the amplitude modulation
curves changes with the value of ˛.
Acknowledgments This paper was financially supported by the National Science Centre of
Poland under the grant MAESTRO 2, No. 2012/04/A/ST8/00738, for years 2013–2016.
1. Awrejcewicz, J., Krysko, V.A.: Introduction to Asymptotic Methods. Chapman and Hall, Boca
Raton (2006)
2. Manevitch, E.L., Manevitch, L.I.: Limiting phase trajectories (LPT) in 1 dof asymmetric system
with damping and 1:1 resonance. In: DSTA 10th Conference, Łódź, pp. 559–568, 2009
3. Manevitch, L.I., Musienko, A.I.: Limiting phase trajectories and energy exchange between
anharmonic oscillator and external force. Nonlinear Dyn. 58, 633–642 (2009)
4. Sado, D.: Energy Transfer in the Nonlinear Coupled Systems of Two-Degree of Freedom (in
Polish). OWPW, Warszawa (1997)
Asymptotic Analysis and Limiting Phase Trajectories in the Dynamics. . . 173
5. Sado, D., Gajos, K.: Analysis of vibrations of three-degree-of-freedom dynamical system with
double pendulum. J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 46(1), 141–156 (2008)
6. Shivamoggi, B.K.: Perturbation Methods for Differential Equations. Birkhauser, Boston (2002)
7. Starosta, R., Sypniewska-Kamińska, G., Awrejcewicz, J.: Resonances in kinematically driven
nonlinear spring pendulum. In: DSTA 11th Conference, pp. 103–108, 2011
8. Starosvetsky, Y., Gendelman, O.V.: Dynamics of a strongly nonlinear vibration absorber coupled
to a harmonically excited two-degree-of-freedom system. J. Sound Vib. 312, 234–256 (2008)
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable
Stiffness Holder for Milling Flexible Details
Abstract Efficient milling of the flexible details (i.e. rotor blades, thin-walled
elements) using slender ball-end tools is a difficult task due to possibility of
vibration occurrence. Because of the existence of certain conditions (small depths
of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may lose stability and self-
excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close
to dominant natural frequency of the workpiece or the tool. One of the methods
of chatter vibration avoidance is matching the spindle speed to the optimal phase
shift between subsequent cutting edge passes (i.e. the Liao–Young condition). In
previous works the authors successfully implemented the idea of optimal speeds
map where optimal speed was calculated for every point of the machined surface
based on the dominant natural frequencies for local areas. During milling, spindle
speed was set according to the map. However, changing spindle speed during tool
pass may reduce surface quality in speed change point and is difficult to perform it in
some milling centres. The article presents the idea of a new workpiece holder with
adjustable stiffness. Milling process will be performed with constant spindle and
feed speed. In order to avoid vibration, stiffness of the specially designed workpiece
holder will be modified off-line. Stiffness changes modify natural frequencies of the
workpiece and thus, it is possible to modify dynamic properties of the workpiece
in such a way that arbitrary chosen, constant spindle speed will be optimal, due to
the Liao–Young condition performance. This will need calculation of the optimal
stiffness map (referred to different spindle speeds), which will be performed before
milling based on the workpiece’s modal identification results and Finite Element
Model simulations.
1 Introduction
Milling flexible details (i.e. rotor blades, thin-walled elements) using slender ball-
end tools is a frequent task for contemporary machining centres. It is also usually
demanded that the milling treatment should be “final” which means that no
additional finishing operations are required for the surface quality being sufficiently
high. On the other hand, milling flexible details is also a challenging problem
because such objects can be prone to vibration especially when the workpiece is
difficult to support or cannot be supported during milling processes. In such a
case, tool–workpiece relative vibration plays a principal role because, in certain
conditions, it may lead to a loss of stability and cause a generation of self-excited
chatter vibration [8]. One of the methods of the chatter reduction depends on
the selection of the spindle speed matched to the optimal phase shift between
subsequent passes of the tool cutting edges [7]. This optimal spindle speed can be
calculated using the generalised Liao–Young condition [1]:
zn˛ f˛
D ; m D 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (1)
60 0:25 C m
f˛ is the natural frequency no. ˛ of the workpiece (Hz),
n˛ is the requested spindle speed (rev/min),
z is the number of cutting edges of the milling tool.
This means that the only unknown in Eq. 1 is the dominant natural frequency f˛ .
It may be identified, for example, by the modal test performance. As the result, a
set of optimal spindle speeds is obtained. From this set, one speed is selected for
performing milling operation. The problem is that the speed, which is optimal from
the point of view of Liao–Young condition, may not be optimal from the point of
view of the other requirements, i.e. cutting process efficiency. As an example, for
f˛ D 83.3 Hz and z D 2, the set of optimal spindle speeds is n˛ 2 <10,000, 2,000,
1,111, 769, : : : > (rev/min). One can see that there is a huge gap between the first
and the second speed. For example, in case when milling centre can achieve speeds
only up to 8,000 rev/min, the highest optimal (in terms of vibration reduction) speed,
which can be selected, is 2,000 rev/min. This means that in this situation it is not
possible to make the most of milling centre potential.
Additionally, in case of complex-shaped workpieces, there may be different
dominant natural frequencies for different workpiece zones. This problem can be
solved by creating a map of optimal spindle speeds. In order to create such a
map, a Finite Element Model of a workpiece is created and tuned according to
the experimental modal tests. Then, the model is used for calculation of dominant
natural frequencies for the selected workpiece points. For these points optimal
spindle speeds are calculated. The whole procedure is described in details in [5, 6]
and successfully implemented for milling complex-shaped flexible workpieces.
However, changing spindle speed during tool pass may reduce surface quality in
speed change point and is difficult to perform in some milling centres. This happens
especially when milling centre controller does not allow speed changes without
stopping the tool or workpiece feed. The problem can be avoided by milling a whole
tool pass with only one spindle speed. However, this also means that in some zones
this speed will not be optimal.
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling. . . 177
According to Eq. (1), optimal spindle speed depends on dominant natural frequency
of the workpiece. In turn, this frequency depends on the workpiece’s dynamic
properties, which may be considered as time-invariant. However, the workpiece is
mounted in a holder. Usually the holder is considered as of a stiff support. In the
presented case, a holder is one degree of freedom (DOF) structure with adjustable
stiffness (Fig. 1). Thanks to this, it is possible to modify dynamic properties of the
whole system (consisting of the holder and the workpiece) and to adjust its natural
frequency. This foresees a possibility of tuning the natural frequency in such a way
that any arbitrary spindle speed will be optimal, in accordance with Eq. (1). For
example, choosing n˛ D 10,000 rev/min implies that natural frequency should be
one of set f˛ – <83, 416, 750, : : : > (Hz). This means that the stiffness of the holder
must be suitably adjusted.
Dynamics of cutting process can be described using a proportional model [2, 4].
In this model cutting force components depend proportionally on cutting layer
thickness and also depend on variable in time depth of cutting. Resultant cutting
force lies in orthogonal plane. Depending on the direction of action three force
components can be separated, i.e. the one acting along nominal cutting velocity
178 K.J. Kaliński et al.
(Eq. 2), thrust force acting along change in cutting layer thickness (Eq. 3) and the
force acting along tool axis which is equal to 0 (Eq. 4):
kd l ap .t / ŒhDl .t / hl .t / C hl .t l / ; hDl .t / hl .t / C hl .t l / > 0;
Fyl1 .t / D
0 ; hDl .t / hl .t / C hl .t l / 0;
l kd l ap .t/ ŒhDl .t/ hl .t/ C hl .t l / ; hDl .t/ hl .t/ C hl .t l / > 0;
Fyl2 .t/ D
0 ; hDl .t/ hl .t/ C hl .t l / 0;
Fyl3 .t / D 0 (4)
kdl is the average dynamic specific cutting pressure,
ap (t) is the depth of cutting,
hDl (t) is the desired cutting layer thickness,
4hl (.) is the dynamic change in cutting layer thickness,
l is the cutting force ratio,
l is the time-delay.
In order to idealise dynamics of non-stationary milling process of a flexibly
supported rectangular plate, a hybrid approach is adopted [2, 3]. As a result of the
milling process modelling, the hybrid system is obtained which assembles three
subsystems (Fig. 2):
– Modal subsystem, i.e. a stationary model of one-side-supported flexible plate,
which displaces itself with feed speed vf
– Structural subsystem, i.e. non-stationary discrete model of ball-end mill and
cutting process
– Connective subsystem, i.e. conventional contact point S between the tool and the
Matrix dynamic equation of non-stationary model of the milling process in
hybrid co-ordinates has a form [2] (Eq. 5)
2 3
X il Xil
" # " # 6KC TTl .t /DP l .t /Tl .t / TTl .t /DP l .t /Wml .t / 7
M0 L 0 6 7
lD1 lD1 7Ÿ D
0 I 0 2Z˝ 4 X
i l X i l
Wml .t /DP l .t /Tl .t / ˝ C
Wml .t /DP l .t /Wml .t /
lD1 lD1
2 3 2 3
il X
6 TTl .t /F0l .t / 7 6 TTl .t /DOl .t /w .t l / 7
6 7 6 7
lD1 7C6
7 6
lD1 7 ;
4 X
5 4 Xil
WTml .t /F0l .t / T
Wml .t /DOl .t /w .t l /
lD1 lD1
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling. . . 179
ŸD is the vector of hybrid co-ordinates of the hybrid system,
M, L, K are the matrices of inertia, damping and stiffness of the decoupled structural
a is the vector of modal co-ordinates of the modal subsystem,
q is the vector of generalised co-ordinates of the structural subsystem,
Tl (t) is the matrix of transformation of displacements from co-ordinate system of
the cutting tool, to co-ordinate system yl1 , yl2 , yl3 of CE no. l,
Wml (t) is the matrix of constraints between displacements in modal co-ordinates a
of the modal subsystem and displacements in co-ordinate system yl1 , yl2 , yl3 of
CE no. l,
DPl (t), DOl (t) are the matrices of proportional and delayed feedback of CE no. l,
Z is the matrix of dimensionless damping coefficients of the modal subsystem,
is the matrix of angular natural frequencies of the modal subsystem,
F0l (t) is the vector of the desired forces of CE no. l,
wl (t l ) is the vector of deflections of CE no. l for time-instant t l ,
180 K.J. Kaliński et al.
Fig. 3 Scheme of the simplified workpiece model, the considered DOF are denoted with grey
2 3
12Ie 12Ie 6Ie
2 3
6 l2 le2 le 7 ks 0 0
E6 e 7
Ke D 6 12Ie 6Ie 7 C 4 0 0 0 5 (7)
le 6
4 le2 le 5
0 00
sy m: 4Ie
e is the density of the workpiece material,
E is the Young modulus of the workpiece material,
le is the length of the plate workpiece,
Ae is the cross-section area of the plate workpiece,
Ie is the cross-section area moment of inertia of the plate workpiece,
ks is the adjustable stiffness of the holder’s support,
ml is the lumped mass of the holder’s moving part.
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling. . . 181
4 Simulations
Table 1 Holder stiffness influence on first normal mode of the workpiece and corresponding
optimal spindle speed
screw Holder Natural Optimal Result of
position stiffness frequency Normal mode (mass spindle speed surveil-
(mm) ks (N/m) f˛ (Hz) normalised) ‰ 1 n (rev/min) lance
Stiff support 161:4 0:0000 6:1439 52:8957 – –
20 2.3100 106 151:0 0:4002 4:8077 37:7958 18,120 Negative
21 1.9955 106 145:4 0:5070 3:9404 29:3819 17,450 Negative
22 1.7355 106 138:5 0:5787 3:1180 21:6776 16,623 Successful
23 1.5189 106 131:2 0:6189 2:5081 16:0883 15,743 Successful
24 1.3368 106 124:0 0:6412 2:0884 12:2956 14,880 Successful
25 1.1827 106 117:2 0:6544 1:7975 9:6923 14,064 Successful
26 1.0514 106 110:9 0:6627 1:5896 7:8452 13,305 Successful
27 9.3888 105 105:0 0:6682 1:4361 6:4888 12,603 Successful
28 8.4184 105 99:6 0:6722 1:3194 5:4617 11,956 Successful
29 7.5772 105 94:7 0:6750 1:2284 4:6637 11,358 Successful
30 6.8444 105 90:1 0:6772 1:1559 4:0299 10,812 Successful
31 6.2032 105 85:8 0:6789 1:0970 3:5173 10,298 Successful
32 5.6396 105 81:9 0:6802 1:0486 3:0962 9,826 Negative
35 4.3102 105 72:0 0:6829 0:9451 2:1995 8,604 Negative
40 2.8875 105 59:0 0:6853 0:8488 1:3685 7,056 Negative
182 K.J. Kaliński et al.
Fig. 4 The selected path of the tool along the workpiece length
Fig. 5 (a) Vibration displacements, (b) corresponding amplitude spectrum for n D 10,000 rev/min
and ks D 5.845 105 N/m, optimal case, f˛ D 83 Hz
The purpose of the next step of simulations is to show that for a chosen
stiffness value the calculated spindle speed is really optimal and, on the other
hand, for a given spindle speed, this stiffness is optimal as well. Also for this
couple, i.e. optimal stiffness—optimal spindle speed, the workpiece vibration level
should be the lowest. For every simulation the root mean square (RMS) of the free
(unsupported) workpiece end displacement is observed as well as the maximum
value of vibration spectrum. The process of milling 60 mm long groove on the
workpiece surface (Fig. 4) is simulated using the hybrid model of the milling process
(Eq. 5). Some selected cases of simulation (Figs. 5, 6 and 7) as well as the summary
of the results for various cases are presented (Fig. 8).
The results of simulation (Fig. 8) confirm expectations of the holder stiffness
influence on first normal mode of the workpiece and corresponding optimal spindle
speed for a wide range of spindle speeds, i.e. between 10,000 and 14,064 rev/min.
The only one stiffness setting is optimal and gives both the lowest value of RMS
of displacement as well as the lowest maximum amplitude in spectrum. In such
cases the generalised Liao–Young condition is really fulfilled (Eq. 1). Additionally,
for some nonoptimal stiffness-spindle speed pairs, vibrations may be very high. For
Vibration Surveillance System with Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling. . . 183
Fig. 6 (a) Vibration displacements, (b) corresponding amplitude spectrum for n D 10,000 rev/min
and ks D 6.844 105 N/m, nonoptimal case, higher stiffness, f˛ D 72 Hz
Fig. 7 (a) Vibration displacements, (b) corresponding amplitude spectrum for n D 10,000 rev/min
and ks D 4.310 105 N/m, nonoptimal case, lower stiffness, f˛ D 90 Hz
a b
Max. spectrum aplitude [mm]
1,00E-04 10807
5,00E-05 8603
7052 Spindle speed
0,00E+00 [rev/min]
Fig. 8 (a) Summary of vibration displacements, (b) maximum value of corresponding amplitude
spectrum, for chosen simulated pairs of n and ks settings
184 K.J. Kaliński et al.
example, ks D 1.02 106 N/m and n D 7,052 rev/min, which results in resonance
because workpiece’s natural frequency is 117 Hz, and frequency of excitation from
tool rotations is also 117 Hz.
5 Conclusions
1. Kalinski, K.J.: Modelling and investigation of vibration surveillance during ball end milling of
curved flexible details. In: Uhl, T. (ed.) Chosen Problems of the Modal Analysis of Mechanical
Structures, pp. 91–99. The Publication of AGH, Cracow (2006)
2. Kaliński, K.J.: A Surveillance of Dynamic Processes in Mechanical Systems (in Polish). Gdańsk
University of Technology Publishers, Gdańsk (2012)
3. Kaliński, K.J., Chodnicki, M.: Vibration surveillance during ball end milling of curved flexible
details on a basis of assessment of assurance of the model of real object. In: Cieśliński, J.T.,
Barylski, A. (eds.) Developments in mechanical engineering, vol. 3, pp. 117–124. Gdańsk
University of Technology Publishers, Gdańsk (2009)
4. Kaliński, K.J., Galewski, M.A.: Chatter vibration surveillance by the optimal-linear spindle
speed control. Mech. Syst Signal Process. 25(1), 383–399 (2011)
5. Kalinski, K.J., Mazur, M., Galewski, M.A.: The optimal spindle speed map for reduction of
chatter vibration during milling of bow thruster blade. Solid State Phenom. 198, 686–691 (2013)
6. Kalinski, K.J., Mazur, M., Galewski, M.: High speed milling vibration surveillance with the use
of the map of optimal spindle speeds. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
High Speed Machining, Metz, France, 2010
7. Liao, Y.S., Young, Y.C.: A new on-line spindle speed regulation strategy for chatter control. Int.
J. Mach. Tools Manuf. 36, 651–660 (1996)
8. Tomkow, J.: Vibrostability of Machine Tools (in Polish). The Scientific and Technical Publica-
tions, Warsaw (1997)
Diversities in the Inverse Dynamics Problem
for Underactuated Mechanical Systems Subject
to Servo-constraints
Wojciech Blajer
Abstract Underactuated mechanical systems are featured with less control inputs
than degrees of freedom. Their performance goal may then be realization of
specified in time outputs whose number coincides the number of inputs. A solution
to the inverse simulation problem (servo-constraint problem), that is, determination
of an input control strategy that forces the underactuated system to complete the
partly specified motion, is a challenging task. Since systems may be “underactuated”
in several ways and the servo-constraint realization may range from orthogonal to
tangential, diverse formulations and analysis methods of the servo-constraint prob-
lem arise. The diversity is discussed with reference to some simple case studies. The
governing equations are handled in two ways. A direct formulation in configuration
coordinates is first motivated and is then compared to a setting in which the actuated
coordinates are replaced with the outputs. The governing equations arise either as
ODEs (ordinary differential equations) or DAEs (differential-algebraic equations).
Some computational issues related to the ODE and DAE formulations are discussed,
and simulation results for the sample case studies are reported.
1 Introduction
Underactuated mechanical systems are featured with less control inputs than degrees
of freedom, represented, e.g., by cranes [1, 16], aircrafts [8, 25], manipulators
with passive and/or elastic joints [12, 22], and flexible robots [3]; see also [13,
24] for other representatives. A possible performance goal of such systems is
realization of specified in time outputs whose number is equal to the number of
inputs. The motion specifications are treated as servo-constraints on the system
[6, 11, 15], with the control forces referred to as reactions of the constraints.
An inverse dynamics problem (servo-constraint problem), that is, determination
of an input control strategy that forces an underactuated system to complete the
W. Blajer ()
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, ul.
Krasickiego 54, 26-600 Radom, Poland
M .q/ qR C k .q; q/
P D g .q; q/
P C B .q/ u (1)
P q; t / D H .q/ qP yPQ .t / D 0
” .q; (3)
Diversities in the Inverse Dynamics Problem for Underactuated Mechanical. . . 187
R q;
˜ .q; P yRQ .t / D 0
P q; t / D H .q/ qR C h .q; q/ (4)
The orthogonal realization (p D m) denotes that all of the system outputs y can
directly be regulated by the inputs u. This is usually a nonideal orthogonal (skew-
orthogonal) realization in which the control reactions, being explicitly represented
in H, project also in the tangent subspace G with respect to the servo-constraint
manifold, H [ G D Q and H \ G D 0; see Fig. 1a for an illustration. The
mixed orthogonal–tangential realization (0 < p < m) and pure tangential realization
(p D 0) show that at most p (none) outputs can be actuated directly (in the orthogonal
way), whereas the realization of the remaining m p (all) outputs is performed
without direct influence of the actuating forces. The geometry of the tangential
realization of servo-constraints is illustrated in Fig. 1b.
188 W. Blajer
a b
orthogonal orthogonal
subspace subspace
gu gu
servo-constraint servo-constraint
manifold manifold
tangent tangent
subspace subspace
y~ .
. .. .. . . .. y, y
y~ ystab= y~ + α( y~ y ) + β ( y~ y )
u = Y ( ystab f y) SYSTEM
y~ .
y, y q ,q
inner loop
outer loop
where ’ and “ are the diagonal matrices of gain values, and y and yP are the actual
outputs and their time derivatives. The structure of control with feedback is seen in
Fig. 2, which is the feedforward controller structure after setting ’ D 0 and “ D 0.
The governing equations are then 2f ODEs in q and v D qP
Diversities in the Inverse Dynamics Problem for Underactuated Mechanical. . . 189
qP D v (9)
vP D M1 .g k/ C M1 B Y1 yR stab fy
h i
The controller u D Y1 yRQ C ’ yPQ yP C “ .Qy y/ fy is equivalent in
structure to the computed torque control scheme [17] for fully actuated systems
executing a fully specified motion. Its application to underactuated systems in
partly specified motion is not straightforward, however. Firstly, it is limited to the
orthogonal realization of servo-constraints. Then, assumed det(Y) ¤ 0, in addition to
the output–input inverse dynamic model represented (in the orthogonal subspace H)
by the algebraic formula of Eq. (7), an internal dynamics (in the tangent subspace
G) exists since the system motion is only partly specified by the outputs. For the
prevailing skew-orthogonal realization of servo-constraints, the evolution in time of
the internal dynamics and the inverse dynamics control are mutually dependent. Of
critical importance for the control strategy is therefore that the internal dynamics
remains bounded, which may require a proper design of the mechanical system [5]
and/or careful definition of the imposed motion specifications.
Case study 1: Internal dynamics stability problem. Let us consider a rotational arm
(Fig. 3a) consisting of two links, q D [
2 ]T , connected at the passive joint A with
a spring–damper combination and supported at the active joint O with the actuating
torque, u D [ ]. The lengths, masses, and central mass moment of inertia of the
links are li , mi and JCi , i D 1, 2, and the locations of the mass centers are s1 (OC1 )
and s2 (OC2 ). The spring and damper constants are c and d, respectively, and the
vanishing torque of the torsion spring is achieved for
1 D
2 . The arm moves in the
horizontal plane perpendicular to the direction of gravity. The dynamic equations of
the system, related to Eq. (1), are defined by
b y
a E
sP P c ~
C2 yE
c O
2 y~P E x
C1 d
d c
O 1 R R
x T = Rs2
A C2 E A C2 E
Fig. 3 Illustration of (a) the rotational arm with one active and one passive joints, (b) the arm
initial configuration, and (c) the action of torque on link 2 at the initial rest position
190 W. Blajer
" # " #
JC1 C m1 s12 C m2 l12 m2 s2 l1 cos .
1 / m2 s2 l1
P22 sin .
1 /
m2 s2 l1 cos .
1 / JC 2 C m2 s22 m2 s2 l1
P12 sin .
1 /
2 3 " #
c .
1 / C d
P1 1
gD4 5I BD
c .
1 / d
P1 0
where, by assumption, det(M) > 0. As seen, depending on the inertial and geo-
metrical properties of the system, its current configuration (coordinates
1 and
from which one can deduce that Y < 0 for all the configurations where
1 and
2 are
not too far from each other and especially for
2 . Looking at the output–input
inverse dynamics relationship of Eq. (7), for the case at hand, a negative value of Y
denotes that an assumed positive (upward) yRQ E might require a negative (clockwise)
direction of , which is against intuition and, actually, leads to instability of the
internal dynamics (inapplicability of the inverse dynamics control).
To be more specific about the physical reasons for the aforementioned instability,
let us consider that the arm is in rest position as seen in Fig. 3b,
1 D
2 D 0 and
P1 D
P2 D 0, and the task is to move the end point E in the upward direction, which
yields yRQ E .t0 / > 0 at the beginning of the maneuver. Since k, g, and h are equal
to zero at the initial state and are negligible just after the maneuver begins, which
results in fy D 0 and fy 0, respectively, the inverse control formula of Eq. (7), for
the case at hand, simplifies to D yRQ E =Y . Intuitively one can expect a positive sense
of required to initiate the upward motion of the end point E. This is not the case,
however. More strictly, the effect of a positive on link 2 is an upward reaction R in
Diversities in the Inverse Dynamics Problem for Underactuated Mechanical. . . 191
joint A (Fig. 3c), which moved to the link mass center C2 isassociated with a couple
of clockwise (negative) torque T D R/s2 . For the geometrical and inertial settings
stated above, the acceleration of point E is then
R R s2 R R l 12 l 2R
yRE D .l2 s2 / D 2
D (14)
m2 JC 2 m 2 ml 2 m
The action of a positive has thus the “opposite” effect from what is expected—
a negative yRE is produced. The feature is related to the negative value of Y in the
output–input inverse dynamics model D yRQ E =Y , and a positive yRQ E will result in
the negative (clockwise) sense of . This “reverse” control is improper and, when
continued, leads to the collapse of the servo-constraint problem execution. A proper
solution to the problem requires therefore Y > 0.
The desired effect Y > 0 can be achieved in two ways. Firstly, as seen from
Eq. (12), one can redesign the system to modify appropriately its geometrical and
inertial characteristics; see also [21–23] where a similar approach was used. In
particular, for the case at hand, one may play with the values of m2 , JC2 and s2 ,
and Y > 0 can most effectively be achieved by decreasing s2 and increasing JC2 .
A redesign of an existing system may not always be possible, however. The other
possibility is therefore a reformulation of the imposed task yQ .t / and, in particular, a
reduction of sP value; see Eq. (12). The reference point should thus not be the end
point E (sP D l2 ) but an inner point P on link 2, and a reasonable choice is P ! C2
(sP D l2 /2). Using this setting, a rest-to-rest maneuver was modeled as
" 5 6 7 8 9 #
t t t t t
yQP .t /DyP 0 C 126 420 C540 315 C70 yPf yP 0
where yP0 D 0 m and yPf D 0.75 m are the initial (t0 D 0 s) and final (tf D 3 s) y
coordinates of P, and D tf t0 D 3 s. The system geometrical and inertial data
used in calculations were l1 D l2 D 1 m, m1 D m2 D 2 kg, si D li /2, and JCi D mi l2i /12,
and the spring and damper coefficients were c D 5 Nm/rad and d D 0.1 Nms/rad.
Selected simulation results obtained using the scheme illustrated in Fig. 2 (without
the outer loop), with the integration time step t D 0.001 s, are reported in Fig. 4.
As seen from the graphs, the internal dynamics is bounded, and the system
asymptotically approaches the final rest position after the maneuver is finished.
The output–input dynamics model of Eq. (7) applies to the orthogonal realization
of servo-constraints, conditioned upon det(Y) ¤ 0. A general formulation of the
servo-constraint problem should relate to all the realization types, including the
mixed orthogonal–tangent and pure tangent ones, for which det(Y) D 0. This aim
192 W. Blajer
1.0 40
y [m] θ [deg] θ2
yP 20
0.5 θ1
maneuver 0
0 2 4 t [s] 6 0 2 4 t [s] 6
3.0 0.8
τ [Nm] ω [1/s]
0.0 ω1
0 2 4 t [s] 6 0 2 4 t [s] 6
Fig. 4 Simulation results of the rotational arm executing a rest-to-rest y-motion of point P, with
sP D l2 /2 (P ! C2 ), and the links modeled as identical homogeneous bars
qP Dv qP Dv
GT M vP D GT .g k/ C GT B u A .q/ vP D a .q; v; u/
0 D H M1 .g k/ C H M1 B u C h yQR .t / 0 D ˜ .q; v; u; t /
0 D ˆ .q/ yQ .t / 0 D ® .q; t /
yR H qR h Ha Hu qR a h
qR 0 D D C D C D H0 .q/ qR C h0 .q; q/
qR u qR u 0 0 I qR u 0
where Ha and Hu are of dimensions m m and m (f m), H D [Ha :: Hu ], and H0
is the f f matrix of transformation, whose inverse is conditioned upon det(Ha ) ¤ 0.
By applying qR D M1 .g k C B u/ obtained from Eq. (1), the underactuated
system dynamics in the new coordinates can then be formulated in the following
resolved form:
yR D H 1 .g k/ C h C H M1 B u
" M # " # yR D fy .q; qP / C Y .q/ u
: : ()
qR u D 0 : I: M .g k/ C 0 ::
1 I M1 B u qR u D fq .q; qP / C Q .q/ u
qP u D vu qP u D vu
vP u P C Q .q/ u
D fq .q; q/ vP u P u/
D b .q; q;
0 P C Y .q/ u yRQ .t /
D fy .q; q/ () 0 P u; t /
D ˜ .q; q; (19)
0 D H .q/ qP yPQ .t / 0 P t/
D ” .q; q;
0 D ˆ .q/ yQ .t / 0 D ® .q; t /
The two DAE formulations, introduced in Eqs. (16) and (19), are equivalent
and lead to same solutions of the servo-constraint problem. They have the same
dimension 2f C m and are expressed in q, v, and u and are applicable irrespective
of the servo-constraint realization type: orthogonal (p D m), orthogonal–tangent
(0 < p < m), or tangent (p D 0); see Eq. (6). They have also the same index (equal
to one for the orthogonal realization of servo-constraints) and exceeding one for the
non-orthogonal realizations [5, 6, 9, 21, 23]. Finally, the third and fourth algebraic
equations of DAEs (16) are identical to the third and fifth ones in DAEs (19).
A difference is that the f kinematic relationships qP D v in DAEs (16) are replaced
in DAEs (19) with f m kinematic relationships qP u D vu and m servo-constraint
P t / D 0 at the velocity level. The f m differential equations
equations ” .q; q;
A .q/ vP D a .q; v; u/ describing the system dynamics in G subspace are also
replaced with f m differential equations vP u D b .q; q;
P u/ that govern the system
dynamics in the unactuated coordinate directions.
194 W. Blajer
A simple numerical code was proposed in [5] to solve DAEs (16), based on
Euler backward differentiation scheme in which the variable time derivatives are
approximated with their backward differences with respect to the integration time
step t. The same can be applied to DAEs (19), resulting in
[see [5, 6] for a similar numerical code related to DAEs (16)]. Given qn and vn at
time tn (un are not required), the values qn C 1 , vn C 1 and un C 1 at time tn C 1 can then
be obtained as a solution of the above nonlinear equations, and in this way the solu-
tion is advanced from tn to tn C 1 . The rough computational scheme is of acceptable
accuracy for appropriately small values of t. The accuracy can be improved by
applying more precise higher-order backward difference approximation methods or
other specialized DAE solvers [2]. The controller structure based on the solution to
DAEs (16)/(19) is seen in Fig. 5.
Case study 2: From orthogonal to tangential realization of servo-constraints. Let us
consider another two-degree-of-freedom system (Fig. 6a) that consists of a carriage
of mass m1 , moving horizontally, and a slider of mass m2 , moving along a stick
mounted on the carriage and inclined horizontally at angle ˛. The actuating force F
is applied to the carriage, u D [F ], and the specified output is a desired horizontal
position of the slider with respect to the ground, yQ .t / D ŒxQ 2 .t /. The spring and
damper coefficients are, respectively, c and d, and b is the value of s2 in the rest state
of the system. Friction in the system is neglected. Choosing q D [x1 s2 ]T , where x1
is the carriage position with respect to the inertial frame and s2 is the slider position
with respect to the carriage, the components of the dynamic equations of the system,
corresponding to Eq. (1), are
q ,q
y .
. .. .. . . y, y
y~ ystab= y + α( y~ y ) + β ( y~ y ) DAEs (16)/(19) SYSTEM
y~ . . u
y, y q ,q
inner loop
outer loop
a s2 b
c m2 c m2
m1 d m1
x1 x1
x2(t) ~
Fig. 6 The spring–mass system mounted on a movable carriage, the cases of (a) skew-orthogonal
and (b) tangential realization of the servo-constraint imposed
m1 C m2 m2 cos ˛ 0 1
MD I k D 0I g D IB D
m2 cos ˛ m2 c .s2 b/ d sP2 0
and the matrices Y D H M 1 B and Q D [0 :: I ] M 1 B, introduced in Eq. (18), are
" #
m2 sin2 ˛
Y D ŒY D I Q D ŒQ D Œm2 cos ˛ (23)
m1 m2 C m22 sin2 ˛
Assuming ˛ 2 < 0, /2 >, it is evident from Eq. (23) that for ˛ D /2 one has
Y D 1/(m1 C m2 ), and an ideal orthogonal realization of the servo-constraint is
observed in which the output-inverse dynamics (motion of the two masses along
x1 ) and the internal dynamics (relative vertical motion of the slider) are decoupled,
Q D 0. For 0 < ˛ < /2 a skew-orthogonal realization arises, Y > 0 and Q ¤ 0, in
which the inverse dynamics control and the internal dynamics are mutually related.
Finally, for ˛ D 0 (Fig. 6b), there is no direct input–output relationship, Y D 0, and
the tangential realization of the servo-constraint occurs.
Test simulations were carried out for m1 D 1 kg, m2 D 2 kg, c D 5 N/m, and
b D 1 m, and different values of the inclination angle ˛ and damping coefficient d
were used. The specified output xQ 2 .t / was a rest-to-rest maneuver according to Eq.
(15) with x20 D 0.5 m and x2f D 2.5 m instead of yP0 and yPf , respectively, and the
maneuver duration was D 6 s. The integration time step for the DAE formulation
(19) was t D 0.001 s.
The results shown in Fig. 7 are for ˛ D 40ı (skew-orthogonal realization of
the servo-constraint). As seen, realization of the specified slider motion induces
196 W. Blajer
1.5 1.5
d=0 Ns/m d=2 Ns/m
F [N] F [N]
0 0
-0.75 -0.75
-1.5 -1.5
0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10 0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10
3 ~
x2 3 ~
x 2
[m] [m]
2 x1 2 x1
s2 s2
1 1
0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10 0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10
. ~x.
1 1
[m/s] ~x d=0 Ns/m [m/s] 2
d=2 Ns/m
0.5 .
0 0 .
-0.5 -0.5
0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10 0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10
Fig. 7 Simulation results for ˛ D 40ı (orthogonal realization) and for d D 0 Ns/m (left column)
and d D 2 Ns/m (right column)
substantial internal motion. When not damped, for t > , after the maneuver is
finished and the slider horizontal position is kept constant, the interaction from the
internal motion (the carriage moves to and fro, together with the slider raising up
and down) must be compensated by appropriate variations in F(t). Nonetheless, the
internal motion is bounded (stable). For d D 2 Ns/m the residual motion is damped
and the required F(t) goes to zero.
In Fig. 8, the results obtained for ˛ D 0ı (tangential realization of the servo-
constraint) are shown. As seen, the case with damping (right columns) is similar
to those obtained for ˛ D 40ı —in the present case, for t > , the residual motion
is slightly quicker damped to the final state. The case without damping is now
qualitatively different from that obtained for ˛ D 40ı in Fig. 7. The motion is
completely finished at t D . This is because the problem is differentially flat, and
no internal dynamics is left, which is explained shortly below.
Diversities in the Inverse Dynamics Problem for Underactuated Mechanical. . . 197
1.5 1.5
d=0 Ns/m d=2 Ns/m
F [N] F [N]
0 0
-0.75 -0.75
-1.5 -1.5
0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10 0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10
3 3
[m] ~ [m] ~
2 x2 2 x2
1 1
s2 s2
x1 x1
0 d=0 Ns/m 0 d=2 Ns/m
0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10 0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10
1 1
[m/s] ~x. d=0 Ns/m [m/s] ~x. d=2 Ns/m
2 2
0.5 .
s .
0 2 0 s
-0.5 -0.5
0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10 0 2 4 6 8 t [s] 10
Fig. 8 Simulation results for ˛ D 0ı (tangential realization) and for d D 0 Ns/m (left column) and
d D 2 Ns/m (right column)
The servo-constraint problems can be differentially flat [14, 18, 20] or non-flat. In
case of flatness of the inverse dynamics problems described in Eqs. (1) and (2), all
m control inputs u and 2f state that q and v D qP can be algebraically expressed in
terms of the desired m outputs yQ .t / and their time derivatives up to a certain order
r, which is by one smaller than the index of the initial DAEs. The inverse dynamics
solution is then explicit in time and unique, denoted
Q / D q yQ ; yPQ ; : : : ; yQ r2
vQ .t / D v yQ ; yPQ ; : : : ; yQ r1 (24)
Q / D u yQ ; yPQ ; : : : ; yQ r ;
and there is no internal dynamics in the system [5, 7, 9, 20–23]. The flatness-
based analytical solution of Eq. (24) is often featured by substantial complexity,
198 W. Blajer
which may render its obtainment difficult/impractical for more complex problems
of technical relevance. By contrast, the non-flat servo-constraint problems involve
some (unspecified) internal dynamics, which needs to be bounded.
For fully actuated systems in fully prescribed motion, m D f, the inverse dynamics
problem is always flat with the order r D 2. For underactuated systems in partly
specified motion, m < f, in the case of orthogonal realization of the servo-constraints
imposed, the servo-constraint problem is always non-flat (is a dynamic problem),
and of critical importance is to assure stability of the remained internal dynamics;
see Sect. 3. The servo-constraint problems for the cases of mixed orthogonal–
tangential and pure tangential realizations of servo-constraints can then be either flat
or non-flat. Examples of the differentially flat inverse dynamics problems are cranes
executing a load prescribed motion [5–7] and aircrafts in prescribed trajectory
flight [8], both characterized by mixed orthogonal–tangential realization of servo-
constraints, and the trajectory tracking problem for flexible joint manipulators [3,
12, 24] (pure tangential realization of servo-constraints). A simple illustration of the
differentially flat servo-constraint problem is given below.
Case study 3: Differential flatness. Let us reconsider the servo-constraint problem
for the variant ˛ D 0 (Fig. 6b) of the cart–mass system. As already stated, the
case results in the tangential realization of the servo-constraint defined in Eq. (22),
Y D 0, and the output yQ .t / D ŒxQ 2 .t / tracking is achieved through the spring and
damper forces (the actuating force F is not directly involved). One can then become
convinced that the problem is differentially flat for d D 0 (no damping) and is non-
flat for d > 0 (with damping). The conclusion can be deduced from the simulation
results shown in Fig. 8. For d D 0 (left column graphs), both the states and actuation
of the system, determined from the inverse dynamics, achieve the final steady state
values exactly at the instant the maneuver is finished (at t D 6 s) and must thus be
consequent only upon the specified output xQ 2 .t / and its time derivatives (no internal
dynamics remains). For d > 0 there is some internal dynamics, exemplified in the
fact that the system achieves the final steady state values at t > 6 s (after the specified
maneuver is finished). For the flat case, the inverse dynamics solution as in Eq. (24)
is the following:
m2 R m2 R
xQ 1 .t / D xQ 2 C xQ 2 bI sQ2 .t / D b xQ 2 I
c c
PQx1 .t / D PQx 2 C m2«Qx2 I PQs2 .t / D m2«Qx2 I (25)
c c
Q m1 m2 RR R
F .t / D xQ 2 C .m1 C m2 / xQ 2
with the order parameter r D 4. There is no such a solution for the non-flat case.
Diversities in the Inverse Dynamics Problem for Underactuated Mechanical. . . 199
during the simulated tracking of the reference trajectories. Due to the high index
of the governing DAEs (16) used there, equal to three, “higher-order” controllers,
discussed in [12], might be more appropriate. These issues are not addressed in this
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Rare Phenomena and Chaos in Switching
Power Converters
Dmitry Pikulin
1 Introduction
D. Pikulin ()
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
plots used for the analysis of the dynamics of nonlinear systems with variable
parameters is the bifurcation diagram [3]. The majority of methodologies utilize
the so-called “brute-force” bifurcation diagrams, depicting only stable operating
regimes and discarding the information about existing unstable modes of operation
as unnecessary. However it has been shown that the disregard of the branches of
bifurcation diagram corresponding to the unstable orbits may lead to the loss of
very important information about the global dynamics of the system [5, 6, 9, 10].
Taking into consideration the mentioned disadvantages of commonly used
techniques, this research utilizes the relatively new approach—method of complete
bifurcation groups (MCBG)—developed in the Institute of Mechanics of Riga
Technical University [6, 9, 10], for the investigation of the global dynamics of
one of the most widely used electronic devices, boost SPC. During the analysis
of the constructed complete bifurcation diagrams, the significance of the topology
of unstable branches for the exploration of complex smooth and non-smooth
bifurcation patterns is explored.
An elementary boost power converter consists of a basic RLC circuit, diode, and
switching element (see Fig. 1). The aim of this circuit is to preserve preferred output
voltage vc higher than that provided by the input source E. This can be achieved by
appropriately turning on and off the switch S, so that the circuit is repeatedly forced
by the external voltage source [7].
The position of the switching element is defined by parameters of the imple-
mented voltage feedback loop that compares the output voltage to the reference
value, amplifies the difference (see gain k in the Fig. 1), and generates the
corresponding pulse-width modulated signal.
Although SPC, being inherently hybrid systems, are modeled using switched
state-space models, discrete-time models are also found to be useful in analytical
Fig. 1 Simplified model of the boost SPC and its general parameters [7]
Rare Phenomena and Chaos in Switching Power Converters 205
and especially numerical investigation of nonlinear dynamics [4]. The most widely
used discrete-time model for switching converters is called iterative map, where the
state variables are periodically sampled at time instants t D nT (T is the switching
period of SPC). The map F is then the relationship that links the previous and
the current state variable samples: x(n C 1) D F(x(n)). This kind of mappings is
used as an effective tool for locating bifurcation points and constructing bifurcation
Tse in his book [7] proves that the operation of the boost converter, operating
in discontinuous current mode (DCM) under voltage-mode control (shown in the
Fig. 1), could be described by simple one-dimensional map in closed form for the
capacitor voltage:
vC .n C 1/ D ˛vC .n/ C ˇE 2 H D k vC .n/ Vref = .vC .n/ E/ (1)
D D VC .1 ˛/ .VC E/ =ˇE 2 I ˛ D 1 T =RC C T 2 =2R2 C 2 I ˇ D T 2 =2LC;
D, steady-state duty cycle; VC , steady-state output voltage; H(.), limits the range
of duty cycle between 0 and 1; Vref , reference voltage; k, small signal gain; and T,
switching period. Other notations and parameter values of the boost SPC under test
are depicted in Fig. 1.
The discrete model defined in (1) and (2) will be used during the complete
bifurcation analysis of the boost converter, as it has been shown in [7]—even
this simple one-dimensional map is capable of predicting a variety of nonlinear
phenomena in the operation of SPC with high level of accuracy.
At the beginning of the investigation the primary and secondary bifurcation param-
eters (input voltage E and small signal feedback gain k), defining the qualitative
changes in the dynamics of SPC, as well as dimensions and location of regions
with different types of periodic (or chaotic) regimes in the parameter plane, are
selected. Then the bifurcation map in the plane f(k, E):0.05 < k < 0.4; 11 < E < 19g
is obtained, providing the information about the division of the parameter plane into
regions with different periodic and chaotic operating regimes. Figure 2 depicts the
bifurcation map obtained for the parameters of the system defined in Fig. 1. Each
hatching style in the diagram represents different periodic (or chaotic) operating
regimes, specified in the legend (up to P10).
The obtained bifurcation map allows concluding that in the certain range of
parameter space the boost converter operates in the stable P1 (the only desirable
206 D. Pikulin
P4/P8 P6 P5 P5
17 P7
P10 P9
16 P10
14 P1 P2
12 P7
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Feedback gain k
Fig. 2 The bifurcation map of the boost switching power converter in the kE parameter plane
operating mode for SPC) that undergoes period-doubling bifurcation cascade with
subsequent transition to chaotic mode of operation. The chaotic region is not
homogenous, as there exists a great variety of periodic windows that are formed
by certain types of rare attractors (RA, periodic or chaotic regimes, being stable
in narrow range of parameter values [9]). The existence of RA is proved and the
appropriate identification is provided, during the construction of complete one-
parameter bifurcation diagrams.
The closer look on the topology of different periodic regions of the bifurcation
map allows ascertaining the fact that for the small values of the feedback gain k,
only smooth bifurcations and transitions to chaos could be observed. However, for
E < 14 V and k > 0.3 some kind of non-smooth phenomena and sudden changes in
the bifurcation structures could be expected.
The next section represents the complete bifurcation diagrams, constructed as the
cross sections of the bifurcation map in Fig. 2, selecting the small signal feedback
gain k as the primary bifurcation parameter. These diagrams provide the in-depth
information about the structure of bifurcation paths, types of RA, and chaotization
Rare Phenomena and Chaos in Switching Power Converters 207
Prior to the construction of the first bifurcation diagram, the topology and approx-
imate structure of the diagram could be estimated, obtaining the periodic skeleton
[9] for E D 16 V and k D 0.4 (other parameter values are defined in Fig. 1). The
data obtained in the process of construction of periodic skeleton are summarized in
Table 1.
Each regime in the periodic skeleton is described by the coordinates of its fixed
point and multiplier, defining the stability of the regime. As it could be seen, all
found periodic regimes (up to P6) are unstable, so in this case the converter operates
either in stable periodic regime nP with n > 6 or in chaotic mode of operation. As it
is shown in Table 1, several periodic regimes form different bifurcation groups (BG,
stable and unstable branches of bifurcation diagram, having common bifurcation
points [9])—one of the cornerstones of the MCBG. For example, P1–P2–P4 regimes
define the origin of period-doubling cascade of 1 T BG.
The information obtained in the periodic skeleton is used in the process of
numerical continuation (path-following) for the construction of complete bifurca-
tion diagrams, depicting the most significant nonlinear phenomena, observed in
boost converter and showing main paths to chaos.
Table 1 Periodic skeleton (up to P6) of the boost converter under study for E D 16 V and k D 0.4
Bifurcation group (BG) Period Fixed point position (vC,n *) Multiplier œ Stability
1T P1 25 7.2880 Unstable
P2 27.8377 10.1033 Unstable
P4 24.6659 515.7154 Unstable
3T P3 27.5612 11.8149 Unstable
25.0486 70.3031 Unstable
P6 24.6573 792.7106 Unstable
4T P4 27.3159 12.9183 Unstable
24.3970 76.7561 Unstable
5 T1 P5 24.66123 714.3610 Unstable
24.4269 118.0974 Unstable
5 T2 P5 25.1289 77.8386 Unstable
27.0880 13.6282 Unstable
6 T1 P6 24.6978 5233.2455 Unstable
25.0391 820.4291 Unstable
6 T2 P6 24.1754 581.3176 Unstable
24.7462 126.6094 Unstable
6 T3 P6 23.9490 75.5339 Unstable
26.8706 14.0650 Unstable
208 D. Pikulin
Fig. 3 The complete bifurcation diagram of the boost converter for E D 16 (V)
As it has been already mentioned for small values of input voltage E, the non-smooth
bifurcations, manifesting as sudden jumps of characteristic multipliers, determine
the dynamics of the converter. Thus, changing the value of secondary bifurcation
Rare Phenomena and Chaos in Switching Power Converters 209
6 Conclusions
In the present paper it has been demonstrated that the method of complete
bifurcation groups could be successfully applied to the investigation of complex
nonlinear dynamics of widely used electronic systems—SPC.
210 D. Pikulin
It has been shown that the use of MCBG allows carrying out global bifurcation
analysis of mentioned piecewise-smooth hybrid systems, exploring new nonlinear
effects, periodic and chaotic regimes, rare attractors, protuberances, and submerged
isles. The results include the construction of bifurcation map, obtaining periodic
skeleton, and the subsequent construction of bifurcation diagrams depicting stable
and unstable periodic regimes, as well as regions of unstable periodic infinitium.
The obtained results establish that in SPC within the definite parameter range
rather specific types of non-smooth bifurcations define the global topology of
bifurcation patterns, leading to unexpected and abrupt changes in the system
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Constrained Motion of Mechanical Systems
and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems
Abstract This paper aims to expose the interrelations and connections between
constrained motion of mechanical systems and tracking control of nonlinear
mechanical systems. The interrelations between the imposition of constraints on a
mechanical system and the trajectory requirements for tracking control are exposed
through the use of a simple example. It is shown that given a set of constraints,
d’Alembert’s principle corresponds to the problem of finding the optimal tracking
control of a mechanical system for a specific control cost function that Nature
seems to choose. Furthermore, the general equations for constrained motion of
mechanical systems that do not obey d’Alembert’s principle yield, through this
duality, the entire set of continuous controllers that permit exact tracking of the
trajectory requirements. The way Nature seems to handle the tracking control
problem of highly nonlinear systems suggests ways in which we can develop new
control methods that do not make any approximations and/or linearizations related
to the nonlinear system dynamics or its controllers. More general control costs
are used and Nature’s approach is thereby extended to general control problems.
A simple, unified methodology for modeling and control of mechanical systems
emerges. Examples drawn from diverse areas of control are provided dealing with
synchronization of multiple nonlinear gyroscopes, design of optimal Lyapunov
stable controllers for nonautonomous nonlinear systems, and energy control of
nonhomogeneous Toda chains.
1 Introduction
Sir Isaac Newton described the field of mechanics in his preface to the Principia in
the following words [12]:
In this sense rational mechanics will be the science of motions resulting from any forces
whatsoever, and the forces required to produce any motions, accurately proposed and
Today, while the first part of Newton’s definition of mechanics has become our
usual understanding of this field, the second part is usually relegated primarily to
the field of control theory. Indeed, the problem that Newton famously solved was a
control problem: the determination of the forces required to be acting on the planets
so that their motions obey the observed motions described by Kepler’s first two laws.
[The third law that relates the periods of the planets to their mean radial distances,
which took Kepler a long time to ferret out, is not essential to obtain the inverse
square law of gravitation, though it is consistent with it.] To make certain that he
considered the control of mechanical systems within the purview of what he thought
of as mechanics, Newton went on in his preface to say that:
. . . I offer this work as the mathematical principles of philosophy, for the whole burden of
philosophy seems to consist in this–from the phenomena of motions to investigate the forces
of nature, and then from these forces to demonstrate the other phenomena [of motions] and
to this end the first and second books are directed.
In the above, the bracketed words have been added to the original quotation.
To illustrate the viewpoint of Newton, let us consider an elementary example, the
problem of finding the equations of motion of a spherical pendulum like the one
shown in Fig. 1.
The problem of finding the equation of motion of this simple system, which
consists of a particle of mass m constrained to move so that it is always at a fixed
distance, L, from its fixed point of support, O, in a nonuniform gravitational field,
can alternatively be looked at from the dual (the word “dual” in this paper is used
as in ordinary parlance and not in the restricted sense used in optimization theory)
standpoint of tracking control in the following way.
'.x; y; z; t / WD x 2 .t / C y 2 .t / C z2 .t / L2 D 0: (1)
We will show that this control problem can be handily approached using the
theory of constrained motion of mechanical systems. Let us denote the 3 by 1 vector
(the 3-vector) q :D [x y z]T . Clearly, the equation of motion of the particle as it freely
moves in the nonuniform gravitational field in which the acceleration due to gravity
at any point is g(x, y, z, t) (see Fig. 1) is simply given by
2 3 2 3 2 3
m0 0 xR 0
R / WD 4 0 m 0 5 4 yR 5 D 4 mg.x; y; z; t / 5 WD Q ;
M q.t (2)
0 0 m zR 0
so that the acceleration of the particle at any time t can be written as the
3-vector a(q, t) D [0 g 0]T . [From here on, we shall drop the arguments of the various
quantities, unless needed for clarity.] We shall refer to Eq. (2) as the unconstrained
(or uncontrolled) equation of motion for the mechanical system. A control theorist
may prefer to call the equation a description of the “plant” whose trajectories need
to be controlled so that they satisfy the control requirement stated in (1). We observe
that from a physical viewpoint, the initial conditions, q(0) and q.0/,P can have any
arbitrary numbers for their respective components, depending, of course, on the
location and the initial velocity of the particle.
However, this particle’s motion described by Eq. (2) will not, in general, satisfy
the constraint—or alternatively put, our trajectory requirement—namely, that its
motion lies on the surface of the sphere described by Eq. (1). In order to achieve
this, an additional force will need to be applied to the particle so that its acceleration
is altered from a(q, t), and its equation of motion now becomes
M qR D Q C QC : (3)
P / C y.t /y.t
x.t /x.t P / C z.t /Pz.t / D 0; (4)
which is obtained by differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to time. One may want to
further differentiate Eq. (4) to obtain the relation
A qR D b; (6)
where A :D [x y z]T , and b D xP 2 .t / yP 2 .t / zP2 .t /. We note that for a given set
of initial conditions that satisfy Eqs. (1) and (4) at t D 0, Eq. (6) is equivalent to
Eq. (1).
This simple example thus illustrates the connections between the problem of
constrained motion and the problem of tracking control. Specifically, we find the
following analogous concepts given in Table 1 above.
As we go along, we will extend and refine this preliminary table. In what follows,
we will move back and forth between these dual concepts allowing ourselves to
be aided in our understanding of constrained motion to expose new insights into
trajectory control and vice versa.
Our spherical pendulum problem was an illustrative “toy problem” created simply
to provide some insights into the connections that we are trying to establish.
The problem could, of course, have been made considerably more challenging by
P t / D 0,
requiring that the point of support, O, moves over a surface, say .q; q;
Constrained Motion of Mechanical Systems and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems 217
and/or requiring that the pendulum’s length varies in a prescribed manner so that
L.t / D f .q; q;
P t /. Though we will continue to use our toy problem to gain further
insights, we can now frame the general problem of constrained motion in analytical
dynamics as follows:
1. Consider an unconstrained (uncontrolled) nonlinear nonautonomous mechanical
system described by the equation
M .q; t / qR D Q.q; q;
P t / ; q.0/ D q0 and q.0/
P D qP 0 ; (7)
P t/
i .q; q; D 0; i D h C 1; h C 2; : : : ; m: (9)
M .q; t / qR D Q.q; q; P t/ ;
P t / C QC .q; q; q.0/ D q0 ; and q.0/
P D qP 0 ; (10)
P t / D M 1 .q; t / Q.q; q;
a.q; q; P t/ : (11)
P t / qR D b.q; q;
A.q; q; P t/ ; (12)
Having now laid out some of the underlying concepts relevant to the connections
between the problem of constrained motion and the problem of tracking control, let
us concentrate in this section on how one might determine the control force QC .
Before we embark on this, it might be worthwhile going back to our toy problem
and investigating if such a force QC indeed exists, so that the trajectory requirement
(1) is always satisfied, and if so, whether it can be uniquely found. That such a force
QC exists is obvious, because we know the equation of motion of a pendulum, and so
we know that a right-hand side for Eq. (3) exists so that the constraint (1) is exactly
satisfied for all time, given that the initial conditions satisfy this constraint. So there
most likely exists a control that is Lipschitz continuous, as we require in mechanics
so that the solution of (3) is unique and it concurs with practical observations of the
motions of a pendulum. Our next question is then, can QC be uniquely found?
Unfortunately, not! For the spherical pendulum, at each instant of time, we have
the following six unknowns: the three components of the 3-vector qR and the three
components of the 3-vector QC (see Eq. (3)). At each instant of time, starting with
a given state .q; q/P of the system, we have the three equations given by the set (3)
and an additional equation of constraint (1) (or alternately Eq. (6))—a total of 4
equations. The number of unknowns exceeds the number of equations by two, and
hence, at each instant of time, the problem of finding the unknowns (accelerations
and control forces) in the system is underdetermined! To get them uniquely we
would need to have two more independent equations. Moving to our dual vision of
the problem as one of trajectory control, there must then be an infinity of control
forces (controllers) QC that can exactly track the trajectory expressed by Eq. (1)!
However, the equation of motion of a spherical pendulum, which satisfies the
constraint (trajectory requirement), is unique—hence QC is unique—and its motion
pretty well agrees with what is in fact physically observed. So clearly, Nature must
then be picking the constraint force (control force) QC in such a manner so as to
satisfy some additional criterion—one which somehow yields the (additional) two
missing equations in our toy problem and yields a unique answer for the control
force! The next subsection discusses this.
Flipping back to our understanding of constrained motion, we may then ask, how
does Nature pick the constraint force QC so that the motion of our spherical
pendulum matches our physical observations? This is a problem that was first
attacked by d’Alembert and later on, more generally, by Lagrange [10]. Lagrange
came up with the precise statement of what is today called d’Alembert’s principle
or prescription. D’Alembert’s prescription is as follows.
Constrained Motion of Mechanical Systems and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems 219
The constraint force QC is such that for all vectors v(t) ¤ 0 that satisfy the
relation A v D 0, Nature seems to require that vT QC D 0.
The nonzero vectors v that satisfy the relation Av D 0 are called virtual displace-
ments, and the quantity WC D vT QC is referred to as the total work done by the
forces of constraint under virtual displacements. And this prescription, somewhat
miraculously—for any general mechanical system—generates the correct number
of additional equations so that the constraint force QC in Eq. (10) can be uniquely
found at each instant of time!
To see how this works for our spherical pendulum, observe that the rank of our
matrix A in Eq. (6) is 1, and so the null space of this 1 by 3 matrix is 2. Thus at each
time there are two linearly independent 3-vectors v1 and v2 that satisfy the relation
Av D 0 which we can find. D’Alembert’s prescription then requires that v1 T QC D 0
and v2 T QC D 0. These two additional equations used with the four equations (the
three equations in set (3) and Eq. (6)) that we had previously yield the six equations
needed for finding the six unknowns—qR and QC —at each instant of time.
What is more astonishing—and indeed a tribute to the genius of Lagrange—is
that d’Alembert’s prescription yields the constraint force QC which when used in
Eq. (10) yields the motion, q(t), of the mechanical system that is fairly close, in
numerous situations, to what is actually observed in the physical world, hence its
enormous value in modeling physical systems.
To summarize, the equations of motion of the unconstrained system and the con-
straints cannot in general determine the constraint force QC uniquely. D’Alembert’s
principle generates additional equations (exactly the right number) to give us a
unique QC at each instant of time, which causes the constrained system to move
in a manner that is in concert with physical observations. Now it turns out that this
prescription of d’Alembert regarding the constraint force QC is exactly the same as
the following condition on the constraint (control) force QC from the dual viewpoint
[24]. This condition, called Gauss’s principle [5], is the following:
From all those control (constraint) forces QC that can exactly satisfy the
trajectory requirements (8) and (9), Nature chooses that control force QC that
minimizes the control cost
T 2
J.t / D QC .q; q; P t / D QC M 1
P t / M 1 .q; t / QC .q; q; (13)
at each instant of time. As seen from (13), J(t) is simply the square of the
weighted L2 norm of the control force, QC . So we see that d’Alembert’s prescription
in mechanics—a prescription that causes mathematical models of constrained
mechanical system to suitably predict the physically observed motions of these
systems—has a dual that says that Nature appears to be constantly solving an
optimal control problem, minimizing the cost function J(t) givenRin (13). But unlike
most control engineers today, who would prefer to minimize T0 J(t)dt, where T
is some final time over which the control is executed, Nature seems to do this
minimization at each instant of time. Also, the so-called weighting matrix that
she uses in the cost function is M 1 . This is indeed clever! For example, imagine
a multi-body system, with several masses, that is described by Eq. (7). Say we
220 F.E. Udwadia and H. Mylapilli
want to control this system so that it satisfies some given trajectory requirements
given by relations (8) and (9). Realizing that the larger masses require larger forces
to be exerted on them to cause them to move, Nature attempts to satisfy these
requirements (constraints) on this multi-body system, by being in favor of applying
forces to the smaller masses—hence, the weighting by the matrix M 1 . It is only
recently that control engineers in robotics have realized, mainly by trial and error,
that this weighting matrix works well in most robotic applications and leads to
robust control designs [15].
Having underscored the duality between the problem of constrained motion and
the problem of trajectory tracking, we find then that insights from mechanics do
shed some light on control theory. But while so far we have only been talking about
the properties of the constraint force QC , we have not yet answered the question:
what is it? Can one find it explicitly, in closed form, for a general unconstrained
mechanical system?
The problem of finding the constraint force QC that Nature uses has a long and
varied history. The problem was first formulated by Lagrange [10] and has been
attempted by numerous scientists and engineers [1, 4–6, 8, 16]. A simple expression
for the explicit form of the control force was obtained in 1992, and it is given by [23]
QC D M 1=2 AM 1=2 .Aa b/ : (14)
Here, XC denotes the Moore-Penrose inverse of the matrix X [11, 14]. The
equation of motion of the constrained system, which may be thought of as the
fundamental equation of mechanics, can thus be explicitly written in extensio, using
relation (10), as
M .q; t / qR D Q.q; q; P t / M 1=2 .q; t /
P t / M 1=2 .q; t / A.q; q;
P t / a.q; q;
ŒA.q; q; P t / b.q; q;
P t / : (15)
What now might be gleaned from a controls point of view from relation (15)?
P t / (see Eq. (11)) is the acceleration of the uncontrolled
First, we observe that a.q; q;
(unconstrained) system. However, to track the given trajectory described by the set
of Eqs. (8) and (9), the acceleration of the system needs to satisfy the trajectory
requirement (12). Hence the extent to which the acceleration, a, of the uncontrolled
system does not satisfy this trajectory requirement is simply
P t / WD ŒA.q; q;
e.q; q; P t / a.q; q;
P t / b.q; q;
P t / : (16)
Constrained Motion of Mechanical Systems and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems 221
This is in fact the error in the satisfaction of the trajectory constraint at time
t by the acceleration (at that time) of the uncontrolled system. And so Eq. (15)
says that this error signal is fed back to the system (7), just the way a modern-day
control engineer might want to do negative feedback control! Second, we observe
that Nature seems to choose a control gain matrix whose elements are, in general,
highly nonlinear functions of q; q;P and t. It is given explicitly by
K.q; q; P t / M 1=2 .q; t / :
P t / WD M 1=2 .q; t / A.q; q; (17)
Thus the control methodology used by Nature, so that the uncontrolled system
(7) exactly tracks the trajectory requirements stated in sets (8) and (9), can be
encapsulated by the relation
M .q; t / qR D Q.q; q;
P t / K.q; q;
P t / e.q; q;
P t/ ; (18)
where K is the gain matrix and e is the error signal. Lastly, we point out that
Nature appears to use an error signal for its feedback control law that is related
to accelerations and not to displacements, nor to velocities, or to integrals of the
displacement, as is commonly done in control theory; recall PID control! She
appears to be doing acceleration feedback. The tracking controller represented by
Eq. (18) is not only optimal in that it minimizes the control cost J(t) given in
Eq. (13), but it yields exact tracking; for the set of equations (8) and (9) are the
integrals of motion of the nonlinear system described by Eq. (15) (or (18)). The
minimal control cost at each instant of time is explicitly given by
T C 2
J.t / D QC M 1 QC D AM 1=2 .Aa b/ : (19)
As mentioned before, the closed-form expression for the control force QC that
Nature uses when satisfying trajectory requirements is given by relation (14).
She gets this unique control force by minimizing the control cost J(t) given in
(13), which is simply the square of the weighted L2 norm of control force, QC .
Nature picks the weighting matrix to be the positive definite matrix M 1 (q, t). This
choice produces control forces (forces of constraint) that are in conformity with the
physically observed motions of constrained systems.
What if the control engineer wants to use a different weighting matrix in the cost
function? Namely, suppose he/she wants to minimize at each instant of time the
control cost
T 2
J.t / D QC .q; q; P t / D QC N ;
P t / N .q; t / QC .q; q; (20)
where N(q, t) is a positive definite matrix. Using our dual perspective, this may also
be thought of as a generalization of Gauss’s principle (in mechanics), wherein we
use a weighting matrix in our control cost minimization that may be different from
M 1 . It turns out that the unique control that minimizes this control cost is given
(instead of Eq. (14)) by [21]
222 F.E. Udwadia and H. Mylapilli
h iC
QC DN .q; t /1=2 AC
N .Aab/ DN
M 1 AT A.MNM /1 AT .Aab/ ;
1 1=2
where AN D A.q; q; P t / M .q; t / N .q; t / . The last equality above follows from
the identity XC D XT (XXT )C . When N D M 1 , we get back Eq. (14), as expected.
There is one last remaining point that is worth mentioning. Recall that we had
assumed that the initial conditions of the controlled system satisfy the trajectory
requirements (8) and (9). What if the initial conditions do not lie on the so-called
manifold described by the trajectory requirements? If one is close to the trajectory
manifold, then instead of thinking of the trajectory requirements (8) and (9) as
P t / D 0, one could consider the trajectory requirement
i (q, t) D 0 and i .q; q;
as [20]
R C ˙ P C K D 0; and P D ƒ ; (22)
where and are h- and (m h)-vectors that contain the i ’s and j ’s,
respectively. The matrices ˙, K, and can be chosen so that the solutions,
and , to the equations (22) tend to zero asymptotically as t ! 1, so that
the constraints i D 0 and i D 0 are ultimately satisfied. Equations (22) lead to
trajectory requirements which can again be stated in the form of Eq. (12), and the
control force is again given explicitly by Eq. (21)! The parameters that are used
in the matrices ˙ , K, and will control the rate and nature of convergence of
the trajectories of the dynamical system towards the manifold prescribed by the
trajectory requirements, i (q, t) D 0 and i .q; q;P t / D 0.
To illustrate the nature of this control force, let us go back to our toy problem,
which we introduced in Sect. 1, of controlling a mass m in a time-varying gravity
field so that it lies on the surface ®(x, y, z, t) :D x2 (t) C y2 (t) C z2 (t) L2 D 0. The
explicit control force that causes the mass to lie on this manifold asymptotically is
given in the Appendix. We note that the control is nonlinear and no approximations
related to the nonlinear nature of the “plant” are made. No a priori assumptions
(such as a linear PD controller) are made about the controller either. Note that the
control minimizes the control cost given in Eq. (20) at each instant of time for a
user-specified weighting matrix N.
Flipping back to analytical dynamics, our closed-form equation given by (15)
for the constrained motion of the system (10) presupposes that d’Alembert’s
prescription is valid for every mechanical system. What if it isn’t? Before we take
such a contrary stance, we need to inquire whether systems for which d’Alembert’s
principle doesn’t hold do exist. Fortunately for us, it turns out that there are
many such systems, the ones most commonly exemplified are those that may have
sliding friction in them (for example, think of a mass sliding along a horizontal
surface), because now the constraint force QC does perform work under virtual
displacements [2]. Until recently, such systems have been a kind of eyesore for
analytical dynamicists, because it has been difficult to include them within the
general framework of Lagrangian mechanics. Constraint forces that do not obey
Constrained Motion of Mechanical Systems and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems 223
d’Alembert’s prescription are called nonideal, and often such systems are referred
to as systems with nonideal constraints. Let us now turn to such systems and find
out what insights they may provide, in our dual view, for the tracking control of
nonlinear, nonautonomous systems.
The difficulty of incorporating systems with nonideal constraints into the framework
of Lagrangian mechanics—though such systems are fairly commonplace in the
physical world—arises because of the following three main reasons:
1. We need to have the specification of constraints to be general enough so as to
encompass problems of practical utility.
2. The specification must, in order to comply with physical observations, yield the
accelerations of the constrained systems uniquely when using the math-ware of
analytical dynamics that has been developed over the last 250 years.
3. When the constraint forces do no work, we must obtain the formalisms/equations
that have thus far been obtained (e.g., Lagrange’s equations, Gibbs-Appell
equations, Poincare equations, Generalized Inverse equations, etc.).
It is for this reason that most texts and treatises on mechanics summarily dispatch
these systems beyond their boundaries, early on in their treatments of analytical
dynamics. For example, we find in Goldstein, at the beginning of his book, on page
17, the line [7]:
This [D’Alembert’s Principle] is no longer true for sliding friction and we must exclude
such systems from our Lagrangian formulation.
In Pars’s treatise on mechanics we again find on page 14, and we quote [13]:
There are in fact systems for which this [D’Alembert’s] Principle does not hold. But such
systems will not be considered in this treatise.
Put differently, the main problem is how to modify and extend d’Alembert’s
principle so that the three difficulties mentioned above can be overcome. One way of
doing this would be to extend d’Alembert’s prescription to say that at each instant
of time, the work done by the force of constraint is prescribed for the specific system
at hand. Such a principle would then state that [25]:
For any virtual displacement v.t / at time t; the work done by the force
of constraint W C WD vT QC is prescribed to be equal to vT C .q; q;
P t/ ;
instant of time t, WC can be positive, negative, or zero; this allows the possibility
that energy can be fed into the system at the constraint, or it can be removed at
the constraint. We note that when C 0 (WC D 0) for all time t, this extension of
d’Alembert’s principle reverts to d’Alembert’s prescription.
For any sufficiently smooth C, one can find the explicit equation of motion for
such a constrained system that has nonideal constraints and satisfies exactly the
constraint requirements (8) and (9) (or alternately (12)). Dropping the arguments of
the various quantities, the equation is [25]
M qR D Q M 1=2 B C .Aa b/ C M 1=2 I B C B M 1=2 C WD Q C QC ;
The addition of the second term on the right-hand side increases the cost from
its optimal value of kBC (Aa b)k2 (see Eq. (19)) to that now provided by (25). We
note that at those instants of time when C D 0, the control force becomes optimal
and minimizes J(t) D [QC ]T M 1 QC .
As before, more generally, when using the weighting matrix N instead of
M 1 , the explicit control that causes system (10) to exactly satisfy the trajectory
requirements (8) and (9) is given in closed form by [21]
QC D N .q; t /1=2 AC
N .Aa b/ C N
N AN M C; (26)
M qR D Q N 1=2 AC
N .Aa b/ C N
The second and third members in the first equality on the right-hand side are
N-orthogonal, and in the presence of the third member the control cost increases
and is given by
T 2 1=2 2
.Aa b/ C I AC
N AN M C : (28)
We can now expand Table 1 to expose the various analogous concepts that we
have developed (see Table 2).
4 Examples
We provide three examples in this section that utilize the connections that we have
developed between constrained motion and control of nonlinear systems. The first
deals with motion synchronization of three different highly nonlinear dynamical
systems, the second deals with the optimal design of Lyapunov stable controllers for
nonlinear systems, and the third deals with the energy control of nonlinear chain-
type systems.
226 F.E. Udwadia and H. Mylapilli
c.m. +
mg r
d(t) = d0 sin w t Y
Moment of inertia, Iox = I
X j
(Precession) Ox' is parallel to Ox"
along the polar axis of the center of mass of the gyro from its point of support, and
d(t) D d0 sin !t is the time-varying amplitude of the vertical support motion that has
frequency ! [22].
Using the Euler angles
(nutation), (precession), and (spin) (see Fig. 2), the
Lagrangian for the system is given by
1 P2 1 2
C P 2 sin2
C I3 P C P cos
mr dP
P sin
mgr cos
: (29)
2 2
The dots in Eq. (29) refer to differentiation with respect to time, t. Since
are cyclic coordinates, the corresponding angular momenta p D I3 P C P cos
P 2
C p cos
are conserved. The angular velocities P and P can
and p D I sin
be eliminated by using the Routhian [7]
P ; t D L p P p ; p ;
p P p ; p ;
: (30)
The equation of motion, which is given by d @R
D Fd , then reduces to
dt @
P @
p p cos
p p cos
R C mgr sin
mr sin
dR .t / D Fd ; (31)
I sin3
.1 cos
R D sin
sin !t ˛ 2 c P e
P 3 C ˇ sin
WD f
P ; t I P :
Under this assumption, Eq. (32) then is the differential equation that describes
the motion of the symmetric gyro, where we have denoted ˛ D p=I; c D b c=I ,
e Db e=I , ˇ D mgr/I, and D ! 2 mrd0 /I. The parameter set P D f˛, ˇ, c, e, , !g in
Eq. (32) specifies the physical characteristics of the gyro and the harmonic vertical
motion of the base on which it is supported. It may be pointed out that no assumption
on the magnitude of the vertical displacement d0 of the base has been made in
arriving at this equation. We note in passing that no singularity arises in Eq. (32)
due to the sin
term in the denominator. For various values of the parameters in the
set P, a gyro, such as the one described above, can have motions that span the entire
spectrum from regular periodic motion to period doubling and chaotic motion.
Consider three such gyros, each described by Eq. (32), that need to be synchro-
nized so that two of them follow the motion of, say, the first (master) gyro. We
shall take these three gyro systems to be different from each other, described by
228 F.E. Udwadia and H. Mylapilli
n o
P2 D f10; 1; 0:5; 0:05; 35:5; 2g I IC2 D
20 D 0:5;
P20 D 1 I and (34)
n o
P3 D f10:5; 1; 0:5; 0:04; 38:5; 2:1g I IC3 D
30 D 1;
P30 D 0:5 : (35)
The Lyapunov exponents for each of the three uncontrolled gyros that have
parameters described by the sets (33–35) are computed over a time span of 1,000 s
by using the method described in Udwadia and von Bremen [26]. The integration for
determining these exponents is performed using MATLAB’s ode45 using a relative
error tolerance of 10 9 and an absolute error tolerance of 10 13 . The Lyapunov
exponent sets, li , of the three different gyro systems are computed to be l1 f0.211,
0.896, 0g, l2 f0.216, 1.001, 0g, and l3 f0.208, 0.936, 0g, respectively.
The positive value of the largest Lyapunov exponent in each set indicates that the
motions are chaotic for each of these gyros. Furthermore, the chaotic attractors for
each system are different.
Figure 3 shows plots of (
i ;
Pi /, i D 1, 2, 3, for 50 t 100 for the three
uncontrolled gyros along with a figure (lower right corner) in which all three plots
are superposed. The integration of the equations of motion throughout the following
study is carried out using MATLAB’s ode45 with a relative error tolerance of 10 9
and an absolute error tolerance of 10 12 . The differences in the responses between
the three uncontrolled gyros,
hij .t / D
i .t /
j .t /; i ¤ j; (36)
are shown in Fig. 4. The three gyros can now be thought of as comprising one single,
uncontrolled dynamical system. The uncontrolled equation of motion of this system
is given by
2R 3 2 3
1 f1 .
1 ;
P1 ; t I P1 /
a WD 4
R2 5 D 4 f2 .
2 ;
P2 ; t I P2 / 5 ; (37)
R3 f3 .
3 ;
P3 ; t I P3 /
4 4
2 2
0 0
−2 −2
−4 −4
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
θ1 for First Gyro θ2 for Second Gyro
4 4
θdot3 for Third Gyro
0 0
−2 −2
−4 −4
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
θ3 for Third Gyro θ1,θ2,θ3 for all Three Gyros
Fig. 3
i ;
Pi plots showing the dynamics of the three uncontrolled gyros for 50 t 100. The
lower right corner shows these plots superposed on one another; the first gyro is shown with a solid
line, the second with a dashed line, and the third with a dash-dot line
2 3
2R 3 f1
1 ;
P1 ; t I P1 2 C3
1 6 7 Q1
6 7
qR WD 4
R2 5 D 6 f2
2 ;
P2 ; t I P2 7 C 4 Q2C 5 : (38)
4 5
R3 f3
3 ;
P3 ; t I P3 Q3C
1: 1 .t / WD
1 .t /
2 .t / D 0:
2: 2 .t / WD
1 .t /
3 .t / D 0: (39)
3: The control force; Q1C ; on the first gyro is zero for all time:
The last requirement above causes the motions of the master gyro to remain
undisturbed, while the first two requirements call for the motions of the two “slave”
gyros to track those of the master (first) gyro. Notice that the gyros do not have the
230 F.E. Udwadia and H. Mylapilli
(θ1-θ2), (θ1-θ3), (θ2-θ3)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 4 The differences in the responses between the three uncontrolled gyros shown for a duration
of 60 s. h12 (t) D
1 (t)
2 (t) is shown by the solid line, h13 (t) D
1 (t)
3 (t) is shown by the
dashed line, and h23 (t) D
2 (t)
3 (t) is shown by the dash-dot line
same initial conditions. So we shall use the first of the two equations of (22) with
− D −i D 1,
i D 2, i D 1, 2. The abovementioned constraint set (39) can then be
expressed as
R2 D &
2 / ; (40)
R3 D &
3 / ; and (41)
R1 D f1
1 ;
P1 ; t I P1 : (42)
θ1, θ2, θ3 for Individual Gyros 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
θ1, θ2, θ3 for Synchronized Gyros
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fig. 5 (a) First 20 s of the response of the uncontrolled gyros with the master gyro shown with
a solid line, the second gyro shown with a dashed line, and the third gyro shown with a dash-dot
line; (b) Synchronization of the gyros by the application of control forces showing the slave gyros
following the master (solid line) as required by the constraint Eqs. (40) and (41) with − D 1 and
D 2. The motion of the master gyro remains unchanged, as required by (42)
h iT
bD &
2 / &
3 / f1
1 ;
P1 ; t I P1
The tracking control forces to be applied on this dynamical system are explicitly
obtained, at each instant of time t, by simply using relation (14). This tracking
control force minimizes the cost given in (13) at each instant of time. Figure 5a
shows the time responses for the first 20 s of the three uncontrolled gyros, and
Fig. 5b shows their controlled (synchronized) response, where the latter two gyros
(i D 2, 3) are now slaved to the master (i D 1) gyro. We observe that the error
between the responses gradually
reduces to zero as required by Eqs. (40) and (41).
The plots in the
i ;
i -plane, i D 1, 2, 3, superposed on one another for all
three gyros are shown in Fig. 6, indicating synchronization of the two slave gyros
with the chaotic motion of the master gyro. The plots are made using the response
of each of the gyros over a 50 s interval of time, starting at 50 s. We note that in this
figure there are three separate plots that are superimposed on top of one another. As
seen, the plots fall exactly on top of each other. The differences in the responses,
232 F.E. Udwadia and H. Mylapilli
θdot1, θdot2, θdot3, for Three Synchronized Gyros
−1.2 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
θ1,θ2,θ3 for all Three Gyros
Fig. 6 Superimposed plots of
i ;
Pi , i D 1, 2, 3, of the three synchronized gyros for
50 t 100. The master gyro is a chaotic system and its Lyapunov exponents [26] are l1 f0.211,
0.896, 0g. Each of the gyros executes the entire motion shown in the plot
hij (t) D
i (t)
j (t), 50 t 100, between the motions of the three synchronized
gyros are shown in Fig. 7. We notice that this error soon becomes of the same
order of magnitude as the error tolerance (10 12 ) used to numerically integrate
the equations. The exponential convergence of hij (t) towards zero as demanded by
relations (40) and (41) is obvious.
When trying to find a controller for a nonlinear nonautonomous system, one often
postulates a controller based on experience, and/or intuition, and/or heuristics, and
then analyzes its stability. Usually, Lyapunov’s second method is used, and stability
is checked by searching for a suitable Lyapunov function V and ensuring that its
time derivative is nonpositive along the dynamical trajectory [9]. Though there are
some standard methods that one can get guidance from in the search for a suitable
Lyapunov function, when handling complex, nonlinear, and high-dimensional
dynamical systems, this can become a difficult and time-consuming process, which
may at times not be fruitful. When one is unable to find such a function, the stability
of the postulated control is left uncertain.
Constrained Motion of Mechanical Systems and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems 233
x 10−11
hi j
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
3 (t) (dash-dot line) for 50 t 100. Note the vertical scale, which indicates that the error in
synchronization is of the order of the numerical integration error tolerance, 10 12
Using our knowledge of the connection between constrained motion and control,
we could, so to speak, turn this problem on its head by first choosing a candidate
Lyapunov function, V—namely, a positive definite function—and placing the
constraint on the dynamical system that its derivative, VP , is nonpositive, thereby
making the candidate function a Lyapunov function for the controlled system, thus
ensuring stability. In fact, we can do this while simultaneously minimizing the
control cost.
Consider the nonlinear, nonautonomous system (plant)
" #
m1 .tC2/ 0 k1 k1
M.t / D .tC3/ ; KD ;
0 m2 .tC2/ k1 k 1 C k2
l1 0 c1 qP 1
LD ; H D q1 q2 ;
0 l2 c2 qP 2
234 F.E. Udwadia and H. Mylapilli
and the 2-vector q(3) D [q31 q32 ]T . Our aim is to find a stable controller for this
dynamical system that brings it to the fixed point qi D qP i D 0. We choose the
Lyapunov candidate (positive definite) function
1 1
V .q; q/ a1 q T q C a2 qP T qP C a12 qP T q; (47)
2 2
with the constants a1 ; a2 > 0; a1 a2 > a12 : In order to make this function a Lyapunov
function for the controlled dynamical system, we place the constraint that
d V .q; q/ @V @V
VP D WD qR C qP D ˛V; (48)
dt @qP @q
1 1
P D ˛
b.q; q/ a1 q T q C a2 qP T qP C a12 qP T q a1 q T qP a12 qP T q:
P (50)
2 2
will cause the controlled system to not only exactly satisfy relation (48) but also
simultaneously minimize the control cost J(t) D [QC ]T M 1 QC at each instant of
time. The equation of motion of the controlled system is then
We consider a 3-DOF fixed-fixed Toda chain [19] as shown in Fig. 10. The mass,
displacement, and velocity of the ith mass (i D 1, 2, 3) in the chain are described by
mi , qi , and qP i , respectively. Given any nonzero initial energy state, H0 of the chain,
our aim is to stabilize the chain at a different nonzero desired energy level, H* . And
to achieve this, control can be applied to one or more of these three masses. In the
present example, we control the energy of the chain by actuating the first mass, m1 ,
alone (see Fig. 10). We shall impose the requirement that the energy of the system
be increased to the desired value H* as a constraint on the mechanical system, and
the constraint force that will cause this constraint to be satisfied will then be the
requisite control force that would need to be applied to mass m1 . We begin with a
description of the Toda potential.
(i) Toda Potential and Spring Force: The expression for the nonlinear potential of
the Toda spring [19] is given by
a bq a
u.q/ D e aq ; a > 0; b > 0 (53)
b b
whereas its exponential spring force Fs (q) can be derived from its potential as
Fs .q/ D Frestori ng .q/ D D a eb q 1 : (54)
A plot of the Toda spring potential and the Toda spring force is shown in
Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. For sufficiently small displacement, the spring
force is approximately linear. However, the nonlinearity of the force gains
prominence as the displacement increases. As can be inferred from Fig. 12,
a larger force is required to stretch the spring by a unit distance than is required
to compress it. Hence, the Toda chain considered possesses spring elements
that are stronger in tension than in compression. Such systems arise frequently
in structural subsystems such as the stringers in suspension bridges.
(ii) Unconstrained System: Consider the 3-DOF fixed-fixed Toda chain as shown
in Fig. 10. The total energy of the chain can be written down as
Constrained Motion of Mechanical Systems and Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems 237
X 3
1 ai bi .qi C1 qi / ai
H .q; q/ mi qP i C
e ai .qiC1 qi / ;
2 iD0
bi bi
Fig. 13 Time history of displacements for the unconstrained system (top) and constrained system
2 32 3 2 3
m1 0 0 qR 1 a1 e b1 .q2 q1 / 1 a0 e b0 .q1 / 1
4 0 m2 0 5 4 qR 2 5 D 4 a2 e b2 .q3 q2 / 1 a1 e b1 .q2 q1 / 1 5 :
0 0 m3 qR 3 a3 e b3 .q3 / 1 a2 e b2 .q3 q2 / 1
simulation as can be inferred from Fig. 14. For the parameter values chosen,
the energy level of the chain is H0 D14.22 units. Our aim is to increase the
energy of the chain to a new value.
(iii) Constraints: We shall assume that we want the nonlinear Toda chain described
by Eq. (56) (with the parameter values as shown in Fig. 10) to have an energy
level H* D 100 units by controlling only mass m1 . In order to achieve this
control objective, we impose the following two different types of constraints
on the unconstrained system. The first deals with our objective to change the
energy of the system to its desired value, H* ; the second deals with the fact that
we want to achieve this by actuating just a single mass from amongst the three
masses in the chain, namely, only mass m1 (see Fig. 10).
1. Energy Control Constraint: The energy control constraint is given by
P H C ˇ H .q; q/
H .q; q/ P H D 0; (58)
the unconstrained system (Eq. 56) is also subjected to the following two
b .q q /
m2 0 qR 2 a2 e 2 3 2 1 a1 e b1 .q2 q1 / 1
D (59)
0 m3 qR 3 a3 e b3 .q3 / 1 a2 e b2 .q3 q2 / 1
When this set of constraints (Eqs. (58) and (59)) are expressed in the
general form of Eq. (12), we obtain AqR D b or more explicitly
2 32 3 2 /
m1 qP1 m2 qP2 m3 qP3 qR1 qP T Q ˇ .H H
6 7 6 7 6 a e b2 .q3 q2 / 1 a e b1 .q2 q1 / 1 7
4 0 m2 0 5 4 qR2 5 D 6
4 2
0 0 m3 qR3 a3 e b3 .q3 / 1 a2 e b2 .q3 q2 / 1
(iv) Explicit Control Force: With the matrices M, Q, A, and b at our disposal, the
control force QC can be calculated using Eq. (14) and is given by
2 3
o .H H / m1 qP 1
P D4
QC .q; q/ 0 5; (61)
Fig. 15 Time history of control forces acting on the 3-DOF Toda chain
system can be “moved” from any arbitrary energy state H0 ¤ 0 to any other energy
state H* ¤ 0 using the control described in Eq. (61). We don’t prove that here, since
it will take us too far afield from the central theme of this paper.
This duality between the constrained motion problem and the tracking control
problem of nonlinear nonautonomous systems appears to be just the beginning of
our explorations into the Janus-faced field of mechanics as stated in the prescient
definition that Newton gave on the subject—the study of the motions of systems
subjected to known forces and the study of the forces required to be applied to
systems to generate known motions.
Examples provided in this paper deal with (i) the motion synchronization of
dissimilar chaotic gyroscopes, (ii) the design of optimal Lyapunov stable controllers
for nonlinear, nonautonomous systems, and (iii) the energy control of a nonho-
mogeneous Toda chain. These diverse examples exploit the connection between
control theory and constrained motion theory; the closed-form control forces that
are obtained are optimal and minimize the control cost at each instant of time;
they provide exact trajectory tracking. The examples show the ease, simplicity,
and efficacy with which control can be achieved. The full nonlinear “plant” is
considered, without the need for any linearizations/approximations.
As mentioned earlier, the developments outlined herein form just the beginnings
of a new path to our understanding of the synthesis of analytical dynamics
and control. There are numerous open questions that remain unanswered, such
as robustness of control, extensions to multi-body dynamics and the dynamics
of continua, and applications to robotics, space systems, and fluid mechanical
We shall call the column 3-vector q D [x, y, z]T . The plant we want to control
corresponds to the unconstrained system (see Table 2) whose equation of motion
is given in Eq. (2) as
2 3 2 3 2 3
m 0 0 xR 0
R / WD 4 0 m 0 5 4 yR 5 D 4 mg.x; y; z; t / 5 WD Q
M q.t (62)
0 0 m zR 0
and since we may not start on this manifold initially, we consider instead the
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The General Conception of the Intellectual
Investigation of the Regular and Chaotic
Behavior of the Dynamical System
Hamiltonian Structure
Constantin Ruchkin
1 Introduction
At the present time, the investigations of the nonlinear dynamical systems and
the dynamical systems with special Hamiltonian structure are closely related to
the classical methods of analytical dynamics such as KAM theory, Lyapunov’s
stability theory, and more [1, 9, 12, 16]. Currently, for the analysis of the nonlinear
dynamical systems, new computer-based theories are increasingly used: ergodic
theory, statistical forecasting methods, numerical methods of research of high
accuracy and performance, computer cognitive research methods, and methods of
computational and artificial intelligence [3, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19]. A new approach
gives better results if they combine analytical, numerical, and algorithmic idea
simultaneously. Recent investigations show that the new hybrid methods can be
C. Ruchkin ()
Donetsk National Technical University, FCSaT, str. Artema., 58., 83001 Donetsk, Ukraine
used to produce not only approximate solutions but also analytically exact solutions,
which remain as the prerogative of analytical dynamics.
In this article, in addition to previous work [17], the general conception of the
intellectual investigation of the nonlinear dynamical systems with the Hamiltonian
structure will be presented. This concept is based on the methods and algorithms for
the investigation of the regular and the chaotic behavior of nonlinear dynamical
systems and obtains analytically exact solutions. Principles of the KAM theory
about reorganizations (creation and destruction) of trajectory toruses in phase
space at the perturbation of the regular behavior of Hamiltonian systems are the
mathematical basis of the conception of the computer research by methods artificial
and computational intellect.
The main important feature of the dynamic behavior of the system is the chain-
recurrent set—the set of pseudo-periodic trajectories. It brings a lot of periodic
orbits, and its location is the initial step of many methods of investigation of
dynamical systems. The localization of these sets (except for the simplest-fixed
points) is difficult when using classical methods of numerical analysis, as they
provide some information on the asymptotic behavior of the system. To solve this
problem, it uses the idea of partitioning the phase space into a finite set of cells
and modeling the behavior of the system in accordance with the transformation of
these cells by the action of the system. Refinement of the phase portrait occurs
in sequential subdivision of cells covering. The practical implementation of such
methods faced with a rapid increase in the number of cells, which increases the
complexity of the design and implementation of workable methods. To study
and simulate the dynamical systems in [15], a method of symbolic image is
investigated. This method allows you to receive important characteristics of the
original dynamical system using the algorithms on a directed graph whose vertices
are the elements of the phase space, and the edges are defined by the behavior of the
system on the elements.
The localization of the chain-recurrent sets is achieved by allocating a symbolic
image of the graph of strongly connected component. This method depends strongly
on the method of the construction and of the recognition of the symbolic images.
The literature describes the most simple method of constructing the image of the
cell (we will call it point method), which examines the behavior of the system
through the system’s behavior on a fixed set of points [4, 15].
In the article [11], the methods of state recognitions of the dynamical systems
are considered. It is supposed that the characteristics of the dynamical systems, in
a random way, change in time and are described by some nonstationary time series.
Spectral expansion of nonstationary random process in Fourier series is applied. In
the procedure of the recognition of states of system as initial attributes, the set of the
random variables received from the description of features of spectrograms is used.
The computer solution of the prediction problem of the regular and chaotic behavior
of the nonlinear dynamical systems can be obtained by several stages. At the first
stage, the process of the discretization of the system’s solutions by means of the
numerical integration is used. At the second stage, the process of graphics and
geometric modeling of the results is applicable. If the dimension of the system is
less than three, the result of this integration is conveniently represented in graphical
form on an image as a series of points forming a curve in a space and characterizing
the state of the system at any time At the third stage, the system’s behavior by the
kind of a phase trajectory is analyzed. In the case of the systems of the third and
higher orders, the result of numerical simulation of the system can be represented in
graphical form in three-dimensional space only by special images (projections and
248 C. Ruchkin
sections of Poincare). However, the computer simulation results in the fact that some
information on the nature of the system is lost and the results are incorrect. For more
information about the qualitative behavior of the trajectory space of the system we
construct sections of space curves. The general algorithm can be represented as:
1. Submission of the dynamical system in the Hamiltonian form
2. The initial conditions and parameters of integration
3. Finding numerical solutions for a limited time period
4. Construction of the phase portrait of the dynamical system
5. Calculation and visualization of the Poincare section of the phase space
6. Intelligent analysis of graphic images and finding critical points, periodic,
quasiperiodic solutions, and other regular or chaotic solutions
7. The perturbation solutions of the system and reanalysis
The numerical researches of phase space, which consist of a set of phase trajectories,
will be conducted by means of Poincare’s sections. Poincare’s sections have
dimensionality on unit is less than dimensionality of researched dynamical system.
The exceptional interest of the dynamical systems of the third and fourth order
is represented. The result of these researches can be displayed graphically on the
computer monitor. Poincare’s sections (local or global sections) for such systems
will represent certain graphic images on a plane or in space accordingly. If points
of a phase flow form a curve, it is possible to speak about the regular behavior
(periodic or multiperiodic) of Hamiltonian systems. The cloud of points appearing
in the section of Poincare of a phase flow will testify to the approach of a “chaotic”
behavior of the system.
The particular interest is represented by dynamical systems for which there
is a possibility of reconstruction and investigation of global Poincare’s section,
and for them there is a possibility of the creation of all possible motion. Though
the creation of the section of Poincare of phase space happens approximately by
means of numerical integration methods on the fixed interval of time, it appears
enough what to understand in the overall picture of the behavior of Hamiltonian
The received phase portraits of two-dimensional and three-dimensional sections
of Poincare of Hamiltonian systems can be researched by means of statistical
or determined pattern recognition techniques. The complexity of the application
of classical methods of recognition consist that main graphic images of two-
dimensional and three-dimensional Poincare’s sections are consisted concept “a
closed curve” and “a two-dimensional area”.
In the work [18] the global spherical Poincare sections are investigated with help
the computer program “Modeler”. This section builds a three-dimensional sphere
and shows a set of points (point cloud). In regular cases, these sets of points form
a three-dimensional “closed curve” with self-crossing or without self-crossing. A
particular case of this curve is a circle, which lies on the surface of a sphere. The
center of this circle can coincides with the center of the sphere. If the center of
the circle pass through the center of the sphere, then the radius of the sphere and the
circle are the same, otherwise the radius of the circle is smaller than the radius of the
sphere. Therefore, the problem of the detection and recognition of three-dimensional
convex closed analytic curves constructed on the Poisson sphere, is an important and
actual problem which can be solved by means of the generalized spherical Hough
transform. In the work [18] it is shown how to solve the problem of the detection
and recognition of the circles formed by the points lying on the surface of arbitrary
250 C. Ruchkin
So, the chaotic behavior of the system can be detect in the case when a phase
portrait of a dynamical system is include closed areas. In this paper, to solve
this problem, we use the methods of deformable active contours and deformable
parametric models [7].
The method of active contour means to building variable circuit which is
composed of n points in two-dimensional spaces. Each point of this contour
is the approximated border of the object. For each point is the energy Ei :
Ei D aEint (vi ) C bEext (vi ), where Eint (vi ) is the energy component, which depends
on the shape of the contour; Eext (vi ) is the energy component, which depends on
image properties, such as gradient; a, b are the weighting coefficients to ensure
each energy contribution to the overall equation criterion; and Ei , Eint , Eext is the
square matrix. The value at the center of each matrix corresponds to the energy in
the energy point vi (i—the vertex contour). The remaining values in the matrices
correspond to the energy in each point in the environment vi . Each vertex vi has the
potential to move to any point vi , corresponding to the minimum value of the energy
Ei , where pjk (vi ) is the point (x, y), which corresponds to points on the image in the
energy matrix. If the energy function is chosen optimally, the top loop V consistently
moves in and stays close to the borders of the object. In the cases of symmetric
dynamical systems for solving the problem of random selection of areas on the
bitmap is used the method of parametric deformable model. Deformable models are
called parametric when the shape of the detected object is determined only by the
parameters of the system. Conformity assessment model configuration shown in the
image data is also produced by the energy of the model. This model depends on the
material parameters; the sum of the internal energy, which expresses the value of
the configuration of the model limits set by the developer; and the external energy,
which measures the goodness of fit model and the data in the image. The adaptation
process of the model is similar of process of searching parameter vector and of
reaching the global maximum (minimum) of the energy model. The specific model
is characterized by the method of defining the form of the simulated object and
function that calculates the energy model. The kind of the models is defined by a
set of algebraic curves of the second, third, or higher order with certain restrictions
imposed on their possible configurations. Internal energy models set additional
The General Conception of the Intellectual Investigation of the Regular. . . 251
limits on the desired configuration, bringing the weight penalty function to the total
energy model for unwanted deformations. The calculation of the external energy is
the basis of image features that are found in the allocated object. The external energy
model increases when the model tends to take the position of the image where the
pixels form a structure similar to a recognizable object. Energy optimization models
were made using a gradient search method local minimum.
The proposed by the author the model and the algorithm for detection chaotic
regions or algebraic curve uses the methods of deformable active contours and
deformable parametric models.
The problem of the motion of a rigid body with a fixed point is considered in the
classical setting. This problem refers to the direct problems of mechanics. For a
given static, kinematic, and dynamic (structural) parameters of a rigid body with a
fixed point and the initial traffic conditions necessary to determine its trajectory in
space at any given time, to determine the type of trajectories, and to establish the
nature of the movement of the body [6, 17].
A mathematical model of the motion of a free rigid body in a mobile basis is a
system of six ordinary differential Euler equations:
J ! D J ! ! C r ; D !; (1)
where J D Diag (A, B, C) is the inertia tensor, ! D (p, q, r) is the angular velocity of
the body in the projection on the movable axle, D ( 1, 2, 3 ) is the vertical unit
vector, and r D (r1, r2, r3 ) is the vector from a fixed point to the center of the mass
of the body.
Equation (1) to determine in the phase space R12 (!, , J, r) D R 6 (!, ) R 6
(J, r) family of possible (regular and chaotic) trajectories of the dynamical system.
The initial conditions are ! 0 D !(0), 0 D (0).
The regular case is characterized by “a good behavior” of a dynamical system,
sustainable trajectory with respect to certain perturbations of the initial conditions,
and the ability to determine the position of the system at a sufficient period of time.
Chaotic motion has shown substantial dependence of solutions on the initial data,
and the trajectories are exponentially unstable. In the chaotic case, even a small
perturbation to predict the behavior of the system is possible only in a finite interval
of time, called the time horizon.
Thus, the aim of the work [17] is to develop, design, and create an interactive
computer system which can be used to find the solution of system (1), determine its
character, and visualize the motion of a rigid body with a fixed point. If system (1)
252 C. Ruchkin
can be integrated and obtains the explicit dependence of the phase variables of time,
it could be easily distinguished from the regular case of a chaotic event.
It is known [6] that the solution of (1) can be reduced to quadrature if four
integrals are found. However, for arbitrary values of the design parameters, there
are only three of the first algebraic integrals: H (!, ), the energy; G (!, ), the
kinetic; and I (), the geometric:
H .!; / D J ! ! r D h; G .!; / D J ! D g; I .; / D D 1:
The fourth integral exists only in the three most common cases, Euler–Poinsot,
the Lagrange–Poisson, and Kowalewski, and some special cases. All of these
cases are characterized by a specific set of design parameters, and the existence
of four integrals, which allow reducing the system of differential equations (1)
to a system of algebraic equations. The features of the integrable cases are the
deterministic phase space trajectories and the increasingly stable trajectory of the
In the other integrable cases, the solution of a system of differential equations
(1) can be received by the Runge-Kutta method of fifth order. Determine the nature
of the family of movements and the opportunity to build the structure by analyzing
the trajectory of the phase space of the dynamical system under study. For a fixed
point of R6 (J, r), the first integrals (2) are isolated in the phase space R6 (!, ), a
compact three-dimensional manifold Q3 h,g invariant with respect to the flow. The
arrangement and relationship Q3 h,g in R3 (!) and R3 () give a fairly general idea of
changing the physical quantities of the (1).
The basis for further qualitative analysis of the orbital structure of the phase
space is the method of phase Poincaré sections and the theory of invariant curves.
The onset of the chaotic regime occurs when the Poincaré section of the phase flow
to form a cloud of points - as a two-dimensional region. If the phase flow lies on the
curve, then we can talk about the regular behavior of the system. To investigation the
topology of Q3 h,g by constructing an integrable case for local and global sections P2
Q3 h,g for the non-integrable case on the Poisson sphere S2 () D 1. Global section
of P2 is in Q3 h,g compact two-dimensional manifold. The trajectory, is filled of Q3 h,g ,
or cross the face of P2 . P2 are defined curves along which the phase flow is not
transversal to the selected section, and the track points back at the material section
for the final time interval.
On the basis of the given concept, the computer program of intellectual research
of the regular and chaotic behavior of several mechanical systems, showing
serviceability and efficiency of the given approach, was developed. An example of
solving the problem of recognition of regular and chaotic cases on 3d Poincare’s
section is shown in Fig. 2. This Poincaré section is calculated by Runge-Kutta
method for (1) and is reconstructed on the Poisson sphere using equations (2).
The General Conception of the Intellectual Investigation of the Regular. . . 253
Fig. 2 Recognition of the regular (a) and chaotic (b) cases on 3d Poincare’s section
In this article the general concept of the intellectual investigation of the nonlinear
dynamical systems with a special Hamiltonian structure will be presented. The
concept is based on the methods and algorithms for the study of the regular and
chaotic behavior of the nonlinear dynamical system. The new approaches generaliz-
ing existing classical methods of recognition for badly formalized concept “a closed
curve” and “a two-dimensional area” for recognition are considered. We propose
to use the generalized Hough transform to identification of regular cases, and also
methods of deformable active contours and deformable parametric models for the
recognition of chaotic cases. With its help we can solve the problem of detecting the
regular or chaotic behavior of dynamical systems of special Hamiltonian structure.
The result of the computer program of the intellectual research of the regular and
chaotic behavior of a mechanical system is shown.
Future investigations will address the following problems: the choice of method
of integration, the choice of the kind and form of the Poincare section, the specific
analysis of graphical images and pattern recognition methods in space, and full
automation of the research of the dynamical system.
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2. Ballard, D.H.: Generalizing the Hough Transform to Detect Arbitrary Shapes, p. 122.
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4. Fundinger, D.: Investigating dynamics by multilevel phase space discretization. Ph.D. thesis,
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6. Gashenenko, I.N., Richter, P.H.: Enveloping surfaces and admissible velocities of heavy rigid
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7. Kass, M., Witkin, A., Terzopoulos, D.: Snakes: active contour models. Int. J. Comput. Vis.
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Dynamic Properties of Two-Axle Freight
Wagon with UIC Double-Link Suspension
as a Non-smooth System with Dry Friction
1 Introduction
Many of freight wagons in Europe are equipped with the UIC link suspension in
which damping is provided only by dry friction in pivoted joints of linkages. The
structure of this suspension is quite simple, but its elements have strongly nonlinear
characteristics. Such a type of suspension was examined by many researchers [1, 2].
Nonlinear simulation model for freight wagons with UIC double-link suspension
in two-axle freight wagon was developed, for instance, by Hoffmann in [1], but
without the lateral bump-stop limiting lateral displacements of the lower link. The
purpose of the presented article is to compare the dynamic properties of the two-axle
freight wagon equipped with standard UIC double-link suspension with and without
lateral bump-stop. The mathematical model of the UIC double-link suspension,
prepared according to non-smooth mechanics assumptions, was implemented into
the MBS program [6]. The numerical examinations were conducted on the straight
track. They included different values of coefficient of friction in joints of the UIC
double-link suspension without and with lateral bump-stop, as well as the state of
loading the car body (empty/fully loaded). In the case of the leaf spring, a piecewise
linear and progressive characteristic in vertical direction was taken into account.
The utilized MBS program enabled to use pre-calculated and tabulated wheel–rail
contact parameters generated for different lateral positions for S1002 and UIC60
real, nonlinear profiles of the wheel and rail. We recognize the wagon movement
as stable, if dynamic reply of the vehicle to the railway track excitation has the
form of decaying lateral oscillations of wheel sets, returning to the center line of the
track. At sufficiently high speed of the vehicle, the oscillations following an external
disturbance grow and lead to a limit cycle. In general, freight wagons have low
critical speeds. Fully developed limit cycle oscillation is usually termed “hunting.”
The lowest vehicle speed at which sustained oscillations appear is named the critical
The considered two-axle freight wagon with UIC double-link suspension consists
of the body and two wheel sets are shown in Fig. 1. In the structure of the wagon
the leaf spring 2 is located between the axle box 4 and the car body 1 (Fig. 2).
Wheel sets are guided in lateral and longitudinal direction, utilizing the links 3.
Longitudinal displacements of wheel set are blocked by guiding fork 6. Brackets 5
enable the transfer of vertical load from the car body to the axle boxes and wheels.
Each of the wheel sets can move relatively to the car body in the range of lateral and
longitudinal clearances, equal to 20 and 22,5 mm accordingly.
Upper and lower links 3, tumbling blocks 7, pins 8, C-washers 9, and links
10, shown in Fig. 3 and in Fig. 4, are the main elements of the UIC double-link
suspension. Each tumbling block rests on the pin and is secured in the lateral
direction by the C-washer. When the wheel set moves relative to the car body, the
upper and lower links roll or slide over the tumbling blocks. Rolling in the joint is
possible, because the radii of the links’ cross sections are smaller than the radii of
the half hole in the tumbling blocks.
Dynamic Properties of Two-Axle Freight Wagon with UIC Double-Link. . . 257
Fig. 1 Side view of the two-axle freight wagon adapted to transport of cars [4]
Fig. 2 Sketch of wheel set guiding with the UIC double-link suspension
Authors of this article used the mathematical models of standard UIC double-
link suspension proposed by Piotrowski [5]. The main assumptions, according to
these models, were the following: contacting elements of joints are cylindrical;
the Coulomb law of dry friction is applied for the description of friction in the
258 J. Matej et al.
Fig. 5 Rheological model of the UIC double-link suspension for longitudinal direction in the case
without and with the lateral bump-stop [5]
joints; the elements of the joints are assumed to be rigid; the lateral and longitudinal
displacements of the suspension are not coupled. Rheological models, used to
describe the properties of the UIC double-link suspension, have the form of elastic
elements with dry friction, composed of springs and dry friction sliders. For
longitudinal direction the model is presented in Fig. 5. For lateral direction the
model of suspension with the lateral bump-stop has the form shown in Fig. 6 [4].
When there is a lack of the bump-stop, the spring k2 and slider u0 are removed.
In case of the UIC suspension with the lateral bump-stop, the two links are active,
if the lateral displacement of the leaf spring pivots Y < u0 . When Y > u0 , only the
upper link is active and the stiffness of the suspension is equal to k C k2 .
The break force T0y and spring with stiffness of k1 , describing the elastic element
with dry friction, may be replaced by the differential equation for the force T
(Fig. 7). Then the continuity condition for the slider and spring has a form
Fig. 6 Rheological models of the UIC double-link suspension with lateral bump-stop for lateral
direction [4]
Fig. 7 The slider and the spring replaced by friction force T [5]
where vs is the velocity of sliding and T0 is the break force (friction force). The
non-smooth relations, basing on the Coulomb law of dry friction and describing the
characteristics of friction slider, are as follows [5]:
Fig. 8 Relation between the velocity of sliding and the force of friction
< f0 g if jT j < T0
vs 2 RC if T D CT0 ;
R if T D T0
< kxi XP
if jTxi j < T0xi
TPxi D kxi XP if Txi D CT0xi ; .i D 1; 4/ : (6)
kxi XP if Txi D T0xi
In formulas (5) and (6), the lateral deflection is described by Y, while X indicates
the longitudinal deflection of the suspension. The restoring forces Py , Px of the
suspension in lateral and longitudinal directions are defined as
Dynamic Properties of Two-Axle Freight Wagon with UIC Double-Link. . . 261
Table 3 Parameters of the UIC double-link suspension model for the longitudinal direction
f T0x1 /Q T0x2 /Q T0x3 /Q T0x4 /Q kx /Q kx1 /Q kx2 /Q kx3 /Q kx4 /Q
0,2 0,750E2 0,536E2 0,69E3 0,32E2 0,712EC1 0,428EC1 0,245EC1 0,308EC0 0,107EC1
0,183E 0,117E 0,21E 0,89E 0,661E 0,448E 0,229E 0,415E 0,126E
0,5 1 1 2 2 C1 C1 C1 C0 C1
P y D ky Y C T y ; P x D kx X C Txi : (7)
The parameters of the model of the UIC double-link suspension without and with
lateral bump-stop have been prepared for dimensions located in the middle of the
tolerance field, given by the technical specification of DIN 5545 Standards [4]. Four
values of the coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding elements of joints have
been assumed: f D 0,2; 0,3; 0;4, 0,5. Values of stiffness and dry friction force for
lateral/longitudinal directions were scaled with the vertical load Q of the suspension
in the following manner: k/Q, k1 /Q, k2 /Q, kxi /Q, T0y /Q, T0xi /Q, (i D 1, 4). Chosen
unit parameters are presented for f D 0,2 and f D 0,5 in Tables 1–3.
A multi-body simulation model of the two-axle freight wagon (18ı of freedom) was
prepared in the MBS program [6]. The UIC double-link suspension was modeled as
nonlinear, massless element. Mathematical models of this suspension were involved
into multi-body model in the form of the differential equations (5) and (6), for
each of wheel set. These differential equations have been integrated with the wheel
set template in the MBS program. For the nominal UIC60 profile for rails and
nominal S1002 profile for wheels with nominal radii equal to 0,42 m, the one-
point contact model (based on Kalker’s rolling contact theory [3]) was assumed. The
nonlinear wheel–rail geometry and pre-tabulated contact functions according to the
262 J. Matej et al.
Table 4 Mass and inertial parameters for two-axle freight wagon with
UIC double-link suspension
Moments of inertia (kg m2 )
Part Mass (kg) Ix Iy Iz
Empty car body 13,450 282,000 318 321,000
Fully loaded car body 27,450 595,140 618,140 596,970
Wheel set 990 535 74 535
FASTSIM algorithm of Kalker [6] were used. The coefficient of friction between
wheel and rail, accepted equal to 0,4. The track model was treated as a uniform
structure with the mechanical properties described by the parameters given in [6].
The inertial parameters used in simulations for the empty and loaded freight wagon
are presented in Table 4. The other parameters are as follows: the base of the wagon
equal to 10 m, track gauge equal to 1,435 m, rail inclination equal to 1:40, and the
border displacement of the leaf spring pivoting in lateral direction u0 D 10 mm. The
distance of the wagon center of gravity from the rail level was accepted as 1,527 and
2,162 m for empty and fully loaded car body appropriately.
The simulations have been performed for two cases: without and with the lateral
bump-stop in UIC double-link suspension. Lateral vibrations were caused by the
initial condition introduced in the form of lateral displacement of leading wheel set,
equal to 0,005 m, relative to the track center line. As a response we can observe the
hunting motion of wheel sets. We stated that critical speed of empty and fully loaded
wagon is very small and close to 10 m/s. Freight wagons are operated usually with
the maximum velocity smaller or equal to 120 km/h. In order to judge the properties
of the suspension, further investigations were done for velocity bigger than critical
speed of the wagon. As a criterion of evaluation, the lateral displacements of leading
wheel set were accepted. In the range of velocity from 10 to 20 m/s, an advantage
of UIC double-link suspension without lateral bump-stop, with the coefficient of
friction between rolling/sliding elements equal to 0,2 was stated. But for velocity
close to 35 m/s, lateral displacements of leading wheel set of empty wagon violently
grow and undesirable wheel flange contact between wheels and rails is observed
(Fig. 9). Simultaneously, the lateral amplitudes of leading wheel set of empty wagon
with the UIC double-link suspension equipped with the lateral bump-stop achieve
the values close to 5 mm for velocity equal to 15 m/s (Fig. 10). The limit cycle
of this wheel set is presented in Fig. 11. For velocity from 20 to 40 m/s, lateral
amplitudes of leading wheel set for this case are smaller than for the compared type
of suspension without the bump-stop. In addition they are smaller than 1 mm. It
means that there is no flange contact between wheels and rails.
Dynamic Properties of Two-Axle Freight Wagon with UIC Double-Link. . . 263
Fig. 9 Amplitudes of lateral displacements of leading wheel set for wagon with the suspension
without the lateral bump-stop and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding elements of joints
equal to 0,2, in the function of wagon velocity
Fig. 10 Amplitudes of lateral displacements of leading wheel set for wagon with the suspension
with the lateral bump-stop and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding elements of joints
equal to 0,2, in the function of wagon velocity
Fig. 11 Limit cycle of leading wheel set of empty wagon with the UIC double-link suspension
equipped with the lateral bump-stop, for f D 0,2 and v D 15 m/s
fw D v=2 p =b0 r0 ;
fyaw D 1=2 q4a2 ky =Iz ; (8)
frol l D 1=2 4 L21 kz C L22 ky =Ix ;
where a is the half wheelbase, ky and kz denote appropriately the lateral stiffness
of suspension and the vertical stiffness of the leaf spring, Iz and Ix are the yaw and
the roll moments of inertia of the car body, v is the speed of vehicle, denotes the
wheel conicity, 2b0 and r0 are the distance between the nominal rolling circles and
the nominal rolling radius of wheel, and L1 and L2 indicate the lateral and vertical
distances between the center of car body mass and the UIC suspension, respectively.
Values of parameters in formulas (8) were assumed to be known. The value of
wheel conicity parameter was accepted as D 0,13, which corresponds to lateral
displacements of wheel set in the scope up to 6 mm. Using Klingel’s formula, we
got from the equations (8) the value of lateral excitation frequency of the wheel
set fw equal to 1,53 Hz. Applying the spectrum analysis (fast Fourier transform)
of lateral oscillations of wheel sets we obtained more probable value of fw equal
to 1,5 Hz. In the next step the hysteresis loop presented in Fig. 12 and according
to lateral direction of the UIC double-link suspension with the bump-stop was
analyzed. The following values of ky stiffness were estimated: ky1 D 113470 N/m,
ky2 D 225860 N/m, and ky3 D 560760 N/m. Next, the yaw and roll eigenfrequen-
cies of the empty car body were calculated: fyaw1 D 1,05 Hz, fyaw2 D 1,49 Hz,
fyaw3 D 2,35 Hz, froll1 D 0,93 Hz, froll 2 D 1,16 Hz, and froll 3 D 1,68 Hz. We noticed
that the values of the lateral excitation frequency of the wheel set fw D 1,5 and yaw
Dynamic Properties of Two-Axle Freight Wagon with UIC Double-Link. . . 265
Fig. 12 Hysteresis loops for empty wagon equipped with the UIC double-link suspension with the
bump-stop, for velocity equal to 15 m/s and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding elements
equal to 0,2
eigenfrequency fyaw2 D 1,49 Hz are almost identical. It means that lateral oscillations
of wheel set and car body yaw motion are in the resonance. That is the direct cause
of the high leading wheel set amplitude of examined freight wagon, equipped with
UIC double-link suspension with the lateral bump-stop. Similar analysis for empty
wagon running with velocity greater than 20 m/s and for fully loaded wagon in
the range of velocities from 10 m/s to 40 m/s showed that instability is caused
by small damping of the lateral displacements of wheel set. Hysteresis loop for
fully loaded wagon equipped with the UIC double-link suspension with the bump-
stop, for velocity equal to 15 m/s and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding
elements equal to 0,2, is shown in Fig. 13. Similarly, but more worse situation
according to hunting motion of leading wheel sets we can observe for coefficients
of friction between rolling/sliding elements of joints greater than 0,2, especially
for f D 0,5 (Figs. 14 and 15). Also in these cases the high lateral displacements of
leading wheel sets are caused first through a resonance between the lateral excitation
frequency of the wheel sets fw and the yaw eigenfrequency fyaw of the empty and
fully loaded car body.
When the speed of wagon increases, we still can observe the limit cycles of
wheel sets caused by small damping properties of the suspension. According to
earlier assumptions, the lateral and longitudinal directions of the UIC double-link
suspension should not be coupled. In practice, wheel sets have the possibilities to
yaw and in that way the longitudinal displacement of the leaf spring occurs. In the
end, suspension works in two directions; however the longitudinal restoring forces
Px are almost four times smaller than lateral restoring forces Py (Fig. 16).
266 J. Matej et al.
Fig. 13 Hysteresis loop for fully loaded wagon equipped with the UIC double-link suspension
with the bump-stop, for velocity equal to 15 m/s and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding
elements equal to 0,2
Fig. 14 Amplitudes of lateral displacements of leading wheel set for wagon with the suspension
without the lateral bump-stop and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding elements of joints
equal to 0,5, in the function of wagon velocity
6 Conclusions
In the presented article the influence of chosen parameters on the lateral dynamic
behavior of the two-axle freight wagon with the UIC double-link suspension was
showed. Mathematical models of this suspension with and without lateral bump-stop
were derived owing to non-smooth mechanics assumptions being based on the
Coulomb law regarding friction.
Very small and close to 10 m/s, critical speed of empty and fully loaded freight
wagon with the UIC double-link suspension was stated.
Dynamic Properties of Two-Axle Freight Wagon with UIC Double-Link. . . 267
Fig. 15 Amplitudes of lateral displacements of leading wheel set for wagon with the suspension
with the lateral bump-stop and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding elements of joints
equal to 0,2, in the function of wagon velocity
Fig. 16 Restoring forces in the function of lateral displacement of leading wheel set for empty
wagon equipped with the UIC double-link suspension with the bump-stop, for velocity equal to
15 m/s and coefficient of friction between rolling/sliding elements equal to 0,2
1. Hoffmann, M., True, H.: The dynamics of European two-axle railway freight wagons with UIC
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Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
with Mecanum Wheels
1 Introduction
recovery of upright walking through exoskeletons. For service robots and equipment
for physically disabled persons, mobile systems with a high maneuverability play
an important role. The conventional wheel moves back into the focus of interest.
Seemingly, its basic mechanical function “rolling” is easy to understand and all
mechanics are adequately described. But, there exist some new developments, which
connect the advantages of wheels and legs in a whole system (e.g., “whegs”).
Furthermore, the so-called omnidirectional wheels (e.g., “mecanum wheels”),
generating constraints different from the conventional wheel, lead to investigations,
based on the mechanics and control of non-holonomic systems. At the present
time, vehicles with mecanum wheels (Fig. 1, left) are gaining ground for different
applications. The wheels of such vehicles have rollers that are arranged along the
rim at an angle to the wheel plane [5]. As a rule, this angle is equal to 45ı . Such
wheels have additional kinematical possibilities in comparison with conventional
wheels. Due to these possibilities, a vehicle with mecanum wheels can move
forward-backward and leftward-rightward and rotate in an arbitrary way. Usually
a mecanum-wheeled vehicle has four wheels. By varying the rate and the direction
of rotation of each wheel, one can implement, for example, a translational motion of
the vehicle in any direction, as well as arbitrary turns and rotations on the spot. The
kinematics of wheeled systems, including those with mecanum wheels, are reviewed
in [2]. The issues of kinematics, dynamics, and control of systems with mecanum
wheels in a non-holonomic treatment are considered in [6, 10, 11] for a number
of particular cases. There are a great number of studies on robotics, in which the
kinematics and dynamics of robots with four mecanum wheels is approximately
treated in terms of holonomic mechanics (see, e.g., [3, 4, 7–9]). In these studies,
pseudo-inverse matrices are used to resolve the kinematic constraint relations.
In the present study, the kinematics of a vehicle with four mecanum wheels are
considered in terms of non-holonomic mechanics for an arbitrary orientation of
the rollers of the mecanum wheels. The equations obtained are compared with the
equations implied by an approximate holonomic treatment, and the types of motion
for which both treatments coincide are found.
Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Mecanum Wheels 271
For a conventional wheel, the contact between the wheel and the supporting plane
is characterized by the condition that the wheel is rolling without slip. This means
that the velocity of the point by which the wheel contacts the plane at each current
instant is equal to zero. Then the projections of the velocity of the contact point onto
the direction lying in the wheel plane, as well as onto the direction perpendicular to
this plane, are equal to zero. For a mecanum wheel, there is only one direction the
projection onto which of the velocity of the point of contact of the wheel with the
supporting plane vanishes. This direction can be arbitrary, but it is fixed relative to
the wheel.
As a model of a mecanum wheel we will consider the rolling of a disk of radius
R centered at the point C on a horizontal plane. The plane of the disk is always
vertical. Let l denote the unit vector along the axis of attachment of the rollers, !
the unit vector lying in the wheel plane tangent to the rim at the point of contact,
and ı the angle between the plane of the wheel and the roller axis (between the
and !
vectors !
l ). The angle ı is constant. The kinematic constraint relation for a
mecanum wheel implies that the vector of velocity v M of the point M of contact of
the wheel with the plane points along the line perpendicular to the axis of the roller,
i.e., the projection of the velocity of the point M onto the roller axis is equal to zero
(see Fig. 1, right).
The kinematic constraint relation has the form
v !
l D 0: (1)
The velocity !
v is defined by the equation
v D !
v C * !
M C ! CM (2)
lying in the disk plane and the vector E y being perpendicular to this plane. Let
' be the angle of rotation of the disk about the axis passing through the point C
perpendicular to the plane of the disk, and the angle formed by the disk plane
with a line parallel to the vector E x (the angle between the vector !
and the vector
e , see Fig. 1, right). The vectors * !
x ! and CM are defined by
! !
! D 'P E y C P E z ; CM D R E z : (3)
The vector l is expressed by
l D cos ı E x C sin ı E y : (5)
On the basis of the analysis of the kinematic constraints of type (6) it is shown
[1] that if a mechanical system is based on n mecanum wheels in such a way that
(a) n 3; (b) not all vectors l i are parallel to each other; and (c) the points of
contact of the wheels with the plane do not lie on one line, then it is always possible
to find control functions ' i (i D 1, : : : , n) that implement any prescribed motion of
the system’s center of mass.
3 Ey ρ2
Ex δ2
l ψ
ey l
ez ex 4
The corresponding kinematic relations are obtained on the basis of Eq. (6), in
which ı should be replaced by ı 1 and ı 4 for wheels 1 and 4 and by ı 2 and ı 3
for wheels 2 and 3, respectively. These relations have the form
where ' i is the angle of rotation of the disk about the rotation axis and ı i is the
angle between the wheel plane and the roller axis (i D 1, : : : , 4).
Equations (7)–(10) define four non-holonomic constraints. Note that if only
translational motions ( P D 0) or only rotations about the center of mass (xP C D
yPC D 0) are allowed, then the constraints become holonomic.
d @T @T
1 cos . ı1 / 2 cos . C ı2 / 3 cos . C ı3 /
dt @xP C @xC
4 cos . ı4 / D 0; (11)
d @T @T
1 sin . ı1 / 2 sin . C ı2 / 3 sin . C ı3 /
d t @yPC @yC
4 sin . ı4 / D 0; (12)
d @T @T
C 1 .l cos ı1 C 2 sin ı1 / 2 .l cos ı2 C 2 sin ı2 /
d t@P @
C 3 .l cos ı3 C 1 sin ı2 / 4 .l cos ı4 C 1 sin ı4 / D 0; (13)
d @T @T
C i R cos ıi D Mi ; i D 1; : : : ; 4: (14)
dt @'Pi @'i
Here, T is the kinetic energy of the system, Mi are the torques applied to the
respective wheels, and i are Lagrange’s undetermined multipliers (i D 1, : : : , 4).
The kinetic energy T is defined as the sum of the kinetic energies of the body
and the wheels and is expressed as follows:
1 1 1
T D m 0 xP C2 C yPC2 C J0 P 2 C m1 4 xP C2 C yPC2
2 2 2
C 4xP C yPC .1 2 / sin 4yPC P .1 2 / cos
C 4yPC P .1 2 / cos C 2 P 2 12 C 22 C 2l 2
C 2J2 P 2
C J1 'P12 C 'P22 C 'P32 C 'P42 : (15)
Here m 0 is the mass of the body, m1 is the mass of each of the wheels, J0 is the
mass moment of inertia of the body about the vertical axis passing through the center
of mass, J1 is the mass moment of inertia of each wheel about its axis of rotation,
and J2 is the moment of inertia of each wheel about the vertical axis passing through
the center of the wheel.
Consider a practically important case, for which ı i D ı (i D 1, : : : , 4). Then,
eliminating the multipliers i in Eqs. (11)–(14), we obtain
J0 C 4J2 C 2m1 .12 C 22 C 2l 2 / R
C 2m1 xR c .1 2 / sin 2m1 yRc .1 2 / cos
C R .l 2 C 0:5.12 C 22 / C .l 2 0:5.12 C 22 // cos 2ı
R2 2
cos ı
Cl.1 C 2 / sin 2ı/
C xR c .1 2 / sin sin2 ı yRc .1 2 / cos sin2 ı
CxP C P .1 2 / cos sin 2 ı C yPC P .1 2 / sin sin2 ı
D Œl .M2 M1 C M4 M3 / cos ı C .1 .M4 M3 /
R cos ı
C2 .M2 M1 // sin ı : (18)
4J1 4J1 1
m C 2 yRC 2 xP C P D Œ.M1 C M2 C M3 C M4 / sin
.M1 M2 M3 C M4 / cos ; (20)
4J1 l C
JC C 2 .l C /2 R D .M1 M2 C M3 M4 / ; (21)
276 K. Zimmermann et al.
3 Approximate Model
v D !
J ! v D v ; v ; P T ; !
v ; ! v D .R'P ; R'P ; R'P ; R'P /T ; (27)
C W C x y W 1 2 3 4
0 1
cos ı1 sin ı1 .l cos ı1 C 2 sin ı1 /
B cos ı2 sin ı2 l cos ı2 C 2 sin ı2 C
@ cos ı3
C: (28)
sin ı3 .l cos ı3 C 1 sin ı3 / A
cos ı4 sin ı4 l cos ı4 C 1 sin ı4
Following [9], we solve the matrix equation (27) for the vector !
v using the
pseudo-inverse matrix J to obtain
! v ; J C D J T J 1 J T :
v D J C ! (29)
vx D .'P1 C 'P2 C 'P3 C 'P4 / ; (30)
Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Mecanum Wheels 277
vy D .'P1 'P2 'P3 C 'P4 / (31)
.'P1 'P2 C 'P3 'P4 / : (32)
4 .l C /
1 1 1
T D m v2x C v2y C JC P 2 C J1 'P12 C 'P22 C 'P32 C 'P42 : (33)
2 2 2
Substituting relations (30)–(32) into expression (33) yields
1 R2 R2 2
T D m C 2
J C C J 1 'P1 C 'P22 C 'P32 C 'P42
2 8 16. C l/
R2 R2
C m JC .'P1 'P4 C 'P2 'P3 /
8 16. C l/2
JC .'P1 'P2 'P1 'P3 'P2 'P4 C 'P3 'P4 / : (34)
16. C l/2
For this kinetic energy, write out Lagrange’s equations of the second kind for 4
variables qi D ' i
d @T @T
D Mi ; i D 1; : : : ; 4: (35)
d t @'Pi @'i
Notice that this procedure is valid only for systems subject to holonomic
constraints. By differentiating Eqs. (30)–(32) with respect to time and substituting
into the resulting relations the expressions for 'Ri found from Eq. (35) we obtain the
equations for the coordinates xC and yC of the center of mass and the angle of
rotation of the vehicle:
4J1 1
mC 2 xR C C yPC P D Œ.M1 C M2 C M3 C M4 / cos
C .M1 M2 M3 C M4 / sin ; (36)
4J1 1
mC 2 yRC xP C P D Œ.M1 C M2 C M3 C M4 / sin
.M1 M2 M3 C M4 / cos ; (37)
JC C 2 .l C /2 R D l C .M1 M2 C M3 M4 / : (38)
278 K. Zimmermann et al.
Fig. 3 Simulation of the vehicle motion using Mathematica® (realized by B. Adamov) (left) and
the prototype of a vehicle with four mecanum wheels (right)
4 Conclusions
Equations of motion for a vehicle with four mecanum wheels were derived
proceeding from a non-holonomic model for mecanum wheels. By comparing the
non-holonomic model with an approximate model used in robotics we established
that both models lead to the same result in the particular cases for which the vehicle
either moves translationally or rotates about its center of mass. In both these cases,
the constraints become holonomic. Based on the model considered in this study,
an experimental verification of simulation results (Fig. 3 left) was realized, using a
prototype of a mobile robot with four mecanum wheels (Fig. 3, right).
Acknowledgments The authors thank Boris Adamov from Moscow State Lomonosov University
for the permission to publish the simulation results. The authors would also like to thank Siegfried
Oberthür and Tobias Kästner for the practical realization of the prototype. This study was supported
by the Development Bank of Thuringia and the Thuringian Ministry of Economic Affairs with
funds of the European Social Fund (ESF) under grant 2011 FGR 0127.
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Reliability Analysis of the Dynamics
of a Horizontal Drill-String
1 Introduction
A drill-string is a slender structure used to drill rocks in search of oil and gas.
Basically, it is composed of thin tubes (drill-pipes) and thicker tubes (drill-collars)
with a bit fixed at the drilling end. In the beginning of oil exploration there were
mainly vertical wells, but nowadays directional (horizontal in special) drilling is
very common [1, 22]. Concerning the bit-rock interaction, Perneder et al. [12]
proposed bit-rock interface laws in directional drilling, and, concerning a curved
analysis, which takes into account the efficiency of the system, is discussed in
Sect. 5, and the numerical results are shown in Sect. 6. Finally, the concluding
remarks are made in Sect. 7.
2 Deterministic System
The present model [17] considers a bar with axial vibration only. A sketch of the
system analyzed is shown in Fig. 2. Weight, friction force, and bit-rock interaction
force are some of the forces taken into account in the modeling.
Only a part of the horizontal drill-string, called Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA),
is considered, and the equation of motion is given by
@2 u.x; t / @2 u.x; t /
A 2
EA Dfsta .x; t /Cfhar .x; t /Cfbit .Pu.x; t //Cffric .Pu.x; t // ,
@t @x 2
where u is the axial displacement, is the mass density of the material of the
column, A is the cross-sectional area, and E is the elasticity modulus. The space and
time variables are x 2 Œ0; L, t 2 Œ0; T , where L is the length of the structure and T
is the duration of the time analysis. The right-hand side of the equation presents the
forces per unit length acting on the system. fsta is related to the static force imposed
at x D 0, and fhar is the harmonic force imposed by the mud motor at x D L.
The force related to the friction field (Coulomb friction model) is given by
where is the friction coefficient and sgn is the sign function. And the force related
to the bit-rock interaction fbit is given by
fbit .Pu.x; t // D Œc1 exp .c2 uP .x; t // c1 ı.x L/
fbit .Pu.x; t // D 0 for uP .L; t / 0 ,
where the first expression is used if uP .L; t / > 0, c1 and c2 are the two constants of
the bit-rock interaction, and this force is applied at x D L. The discretized equations
of the deterministic system, using linear shape functions, are written as
284 T.G. Ritto and R. Sampaio
R / C Cu.t
Mu.t P / C Ku.t / D fsta C fhar .t / C fbit .u.t
P // C ffric .u.t
P // , (4)
with the appropriate boundary and initial conditions. In the above equation, u
is the displacement vector, M is the mass matrix, and K is the stiffness matrix.
The proportional damping matrix C D ˛ M (˛ is a positive constant) is added
a posteriori to the computational model. The force vectors fsta , fhar , fbit , and
ffric are related to the static, harmonic, bit-rock interaction, and frictional forces,
respectively. The force related to the bit mass is included in the matrix M, since it
depends linearly on the acceleration. More details of the model can be found in [17].
3 Stochastic Systems
where b is the correlation length, which measures the decay of the autocorrelation
function. The stochastic field is truncated such that 0 .x/ 1.
Finally, it is assumed that the truncated Gaussian field is expanded with
Karhunen-Loève expansion [8] using standard Gaussian random variables. As long
as the probability of having .x/ … Œ0; 1 is very low, this approximation will be
good (which is the case of the present analysis):
N p
.x; / D .x/ C k Zk ./k .x/ ; (6)
where is the mean value of the frictional coefficient, k and k are the
kth eigenvalue and kth eigenvector of the autocorrelation function R, Zk are
independent standard Gaussian random variables, and N defines the precision of this
representation (as N increases the representation gets better). The random frictional
force (per unit length) is written as
R / C CU.t;
MU.t; P / C KU.t; / D fsta C fhar .t / C fbit .U.t;
P // C Ffric .U.t;
P /; /
Reliability Analysis of the Dynamics of a Horizontal Drill-String 285
where U is the random response and Ffric is the random vector related to the
frictional random field. This is a nonlinear system of equations because the bit-rock
interaction is nonlinear and because the frictional force is discontinuous (if the speed
at a point changes sign, the friction force of this point also changes sign).
4 Efficiency Measure
The efficiency of the horizontal drilling is analyzed in the following way. We estab-
lish a measure that is given by the ratio between output and input power; if this
parameter increases, the efficiency of the process also increases. The input and
output power are given by
Let us define the ratio between the output and input power in the time interval
.t0 ; t1 / by y D p out =p in . When the stochastic system is considered, this ratio
becomes a random variable Y .
5 Reliability Analysis
The reliability analysis aims to evaluate the probability of failure, i.e., the probability
that the system response does not satisfy a performance criterion. The functional
relationship between the performance criterion and the random variables can be
expressed as a performance function as follows:
Z D g.X/ ; (12)
The failure surface or the limit state is defined when Z D 0, and the failure occurs
when Z < 0. The probability of failure is given by (Schueller et al., 2004)
PF D fX .x/d x ; (13)
b 1 X
PF D 1g.X/<0 ; (14)
N iD1
where P F is an unbiased estimator of PF , Eq. 13, and 1g.X/<0 is an indicator that
is equal to 1 when g.X/ < 0 and 0 otherwise. Eq. 14 means that the probability of
failure can be estimated as a ratio of the number of runs that lead to failure and the
number of the total runs performed, P F D nf =ns . By the Central Limit Theorem,
P F has approximately a normal distribution Normal.PF; N 1 Var.PF // for
large N , where Var.PF / can be estimated via the sample variance unbiased
estimator, S 2 D .1=.N 1// N iD1 .PFi P F /, with which we can estimate a
confidence interval. When PF is small, a large number of Monte Carlo simulations
is necessary for convergence. For instance, if PF D 103 an average of 1000
simulations is necessary for a failure to happen.
An alternative to Monte Carlo is a technique called importance sampling,
known as the fundamental variance reduction techniques. It involves choosing a
sampling distribution fX that favors important samples, improving the Monte Carlo
convergence. Equation 14 is modified as follows:
PF D fX .x/d x D
Z (15)
fX .x/
D f .x/d x D Ef fWX g ,
g.X/<0 fX .x/ X
where WX D fX =fX is called the likelihood ratio. The optimal sampling distribution
can be calculated, but it is necessary to know a priori what we want to estimate. The
probability of failure defined in Eq. 15 can be estimated using the standard Monte
Carlo sampling, but weighting each failure run with WX , as follows:
b 1 X
PF D WX : 1g.X/<0 : (16)
N iD1
Reliability Analysis of the Dynamics of a Horizontal Drill-String 287
6 Numerical Results
The values of the parameters used in the simulations are the following: E D 210
GPa, D 7850 km/m3 , g D 9:81 m/s2 , Di D 0:10 m (inner diameter), Do D 0:15
m (outer diameter), L=Do =400, mbit D 20 kg, ˛ D 0:2, c1 D 1:4103 N, c2 D 400,
D 0:1, D 0:1 , b D 10 and !f D 100 2=60 rad/s, t 2 Œ0; 10s,
t D 0:0001s, N D 100, fsta D 5500N, and Fo D 550N where mbit is the mass
attached at x D L to model the bit. Free-free boundary conditions are considered,
such that the column can rigidly move to the right. The system is discretized with
40 finite elements and the system of differential equations is integrated applying the
Newmark integration scheme assuming zero initial condition.
First, the deterministic responses are analyzed, to give an idea of the system
dynamics. Figure 3 shows the bit speed evolving in time. The mean speed is around
20 meters per hour, but it oscillates from 4 to 34 meters per hour. Figure 4 shows
the input power divided by the output power; this ratio also oscillates in time. For
the present case, the efficiency is about 15%. Since there are losses not considered
in the model, such as lateral and torsional vibrations, this value can be thought of as
an upper bound for the efficiency.
Now, the stochastic analysis. Figure 5 shows an approximation of the probability
density of the output/input power ratio, called Y . It presents a bimodal distribution,
where the higher peek is related to situations where the rock is so easy to drill that
the bit speed increases with time.
Figure 6 shows 1,000 Monte Carlo (MC) realizations of Y and a target efficiency
of 10%. It can be observed that few realizations are under the target value, which
means that a lot of Monte Carlo simulations will be needed to estimate the
probability that Y is under 10%. This probability is the failure probability, or the risk
of the operation.
bit speed (m/h)
5 6 7 8 9 10
4 6 8 10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Since the present application has only one random field with constant mean
taken into account, a simple way to perform importance sampling is to use as
sampling probability density function fX the original distribution with the mean
shifted, such that failures occur more often, say around 50%. A quick test with
few Monte Carlo simulations can be done to define the size of the shift. Figure 7
shows 1,000 importance sampling (IS) realizations, where the proposed probability
density function of the random field has a mean value multiplied by 1.1 and
same covariance function. It is noted that many more points are under 10% now,
improving the convergence of the estimate. Figure 7 shows the convergence of
the failure probability for different target values, using Monte Carlo simulations.
Reliability Analysis of the Dynamics of a Horizontal Drill-String 289
target efficience
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000
For target values of 15% or 20%, the convergence is reasonable (using 1000
simulations), but for target value of 5%, the convergence is unacceptable.
To avoid too many simulations, the failure probability is estimated using con-
veniently MC or IS, such that the convergence is reasonable for 1000 realizations.
For lower target values, the proposed IS probability density function of the random
field has mean value multiplied by 1.2, to guarantee a reasonable convergence of the
Finally, we want to propose the construction of a map that takes into account
efficiency and probability of failure thresholds to define a safe region to operate.
Figure 8 shows this map for two different cases. An upper bound of 5 % is assumed
for the value of failure probability, and a lower bound of 5 % is assumed for the value
290 T.G. Ritto and R. Sampaio
0.5 target=0.10
0 200 400 600 800 1000
b ns
x 10−3
Fig. 7 Convergence of POf for different target values (a) and zoom of the lower curve (b)
of the efficiency. These limits are in dashed line in Fig. 8. It should be noticed that
when the target value increases, the failure probability also increases, meaning that
if we impose a higher target efficiency value, the risk of not performed as desired
Figure 8a shows a comparison of the system with 50RPM and 100RPM
excitation frequency at the bit. It is noted that the response is almost the same.
This is due to the fact that these excitation frequencies are far away from the natural
frequencies of the structure and, also, the computational model does not consider
the rotation of the bit. If torsional vibrations are included in the model, we would
expect, in a regular operation, an increase in the efficiency of the system.
Reliability Analysis of the Dynamics of a Horizontal Drill-String 291
0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
target efficiency
0.01 c1=1400
0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
target efficiency
Fig. 8 Map with the safe region, taking into account efficiency and probability of failure
thresholds. (a) Different frequency of excitation, (b) different value of c1 (related to the bit-rock
Figure 8b shows the a comparison of the system with two different values of the
bit-rock interaction constant c1 D 1:4 103 N and c1 D 2:8 103 N. It is noted
that the system performs better when c1 increases. This is explained by the fact that
the bit force is significantly bigger for the same bit speed, when c1 is increased, as
shown in Fig. 9.
292 T.G. Ritto and R. Sampaio
−500 c1=2800
0 10 20 30 40
speed (m/h)
7 Concluding Remarks
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the financial support from the Brazilian agencies:
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Transition in Oscillatory Behavior in Mouse
Oocyte and Mouse Embryo Through Oscillatory
Spherical Net Model of Mouse Zona Pellucida
Andjelka N. Hedrih
1 Introduction
Zona pellucida (ZP), the outermost surface of the oocyte, dynamically changes its
elasticity during the maturation and fertilization process [1,6,7]. The purpose of this
structure is to protect the oocyte, to work as high selective structure for high-quality
spermatozoa, to select the “right one,” to ensure polyspermy block, and to guide the
embryo through the oviduct. The final fertilization process occurs at ZP. Considering
fertilization process as a biomechanical phenomenon we hypothesized that mature
oocyte [3,5] and embryo are in different oscillatory states. If they are in different
oscillatory states, what are oscillatory properties of mouse embryo that do not allow
penetration of other sperm cells through ZP in fertilized oocyte?
If there is only an initial perturbation by kinetic and potential energy given
to oscillatory structures, only free vibrations of ZP appear. In this case material
particles at the initial moment obtain the initial displacement measured from their
equilibrium positions and initial velocities. In order for free oscillations to appear,
it is enough that only one mass particle position is perturbed from its equilibrium
position or that only one mass particle at its equilibrium position obtains initial
velocity. If we apply one or multifrequency external excitation forces to a ZP
discrete net, it oscillates in multifrequency forced regime oscillations.
The aim of our study was to compare eigen circular frequencies of mouse oocyte
and mouse embryo ZP as a property of the systems and to determine the conditions
for dynamical absorption under impact of sperm cells on ZP of mouse oocyte and
embryo through spherical surface net model of mZP [4].
Using spherical surface net model of mZP [4] and a method of discrete continuum
[2] we considered that the system of ZP oscillatory net oscillates in a free regime
after ovulation without the presence of spermatozoa. In a spherical surface net model
of mZP [4] ZP is modeled as a one-layer network that envelops the oocyte/embryo
that we supposed that is solid, elastic, and rigid. The network consists of orthogonal
chains of material particles interconnect with elastic massless springs on a specific
manner. Material particles represent the ZP glycoproteins. See Fig. 1a. To do a
frequency analysis of a part of spherical net model and to determine a particular
set of the eigen circular frequencies of mZP, we use the smallest part of the mZP
oscillatory spherical surface model (see Fig. 1b) that still preserves the molar ratio
of the mZP glycoproteins (ZP1:ZP2–ZP3 is 1:5).
We applied one or multifrequency external excitation forces to a one knot
molecule ZP discrete net (third in the chain or ninth in this chain using symmetry
Fig. 1 (a) Model of ZP spherical surface that shows a radial direction of axis of constructive
elements of the model—ZP proteins. Axis shows directions of movements of ZP proteins. Each ZP
protein is connected to the sphere with elastic springs that can oscillate in radial direction. (b) Part
of the ZP network on a part of the sphere (oocyte). Orange (ZP1), blue (ZP2), and green (ZP3)
represent ZP proteins. The network is identical in both circular and meridian direction
Transition in Oscillatory Behavior in Mouse Oocyte and Mouse Embryo. . . 297
Fig. 2 Presentation of two characteristic branches of the eleven degree polynomial function graphs
along square of circular frequencies ! 2 : (a) before and (b) after fertilization of ZP for different
material parameters (module of elasticity and masses particles)
in order of eleven mass particles in chain). Frequency equation that describes the
oscillations of the mZP glycoproteins is in the form of chain with eleven material
particles. The frequency equation is an eleven degree polynomial function along
square of possible circular frequencies ! 2 and is in the form
ˇ ˇ
f ! 2 D ˇC ! 2 Aˇ D 0: (1)
For obtaining eigen circular frequencies we used graphical method and Mathcad
software tool and correction factor 106 .
Using Matcad software tool and graphical method (See Fig. 2a) the obtained
eigen circular frequencies of mouse oocyte ! os , s D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 for
corresponding material parameters (module of elasticity and masses particles) are:
! 2s , s D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 before fertilization for corresponding material
parameters (module of elasticity and masses particles) are: ¨o1 D_ 9.318 109 rad/s,
¨o2 D_ 1.72 1010 _ rad/s, _ ¨o3 D_ 2.707 1010 _ rad/s, ¨o4 D_ 3.856 1010 _ rad/s,
¨o5 D_ 4.379 1010 rad/s, ¨o6 D_ 5.011 1010 rad/s, ¨o7 D_ 5.522 1010 rad/s,
¨o8 D_ 6.887 10 _ rad/s, ¨o9 D_ 6.952 10 rad/s,_ ¨o10 D_ 7.024 1010 rad/s,
10 10
¨e8 D_ 1.096 1011 _ rad/s, ¨e9 D_ 1.193 1011 rad/s,_ ¨e10 D_ 1.127 1011 rad/s,
and ¨e11 D_ 1.221x 1011 rad/s.
These two obtained sets of square of eigen circular frequencies of mZP ! 2s ,
s D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 before and after fertilization for corresponding mate-
rial parameters (module of elasticity and masses particles) are also sets of resonant
frequency squares of corresponding one frequency external excitation square of
frequencies ˝ 2rez,s D ! 2s , s D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
3 Forced Oscillations
Particular solution for kth mass particle in the chains, when one frequency
external excitation is applied to the third mass particle in chain, is in the form
xk t; ˝32 D C.3/k ˝32 cos ˝ 3 t (4)
Amplitude C(3)k (23 ) of particular solution for kth mass particle in chain forced
vibration displacement under the one frequency external excitation applied to the
third mass particle in chain is in the form
2 .3/k ˝32
C.3/k ˝3 D (5)
Transition in Oscillatory Behavior in Mouse Oocyte and Mouse Embryo. . . 299
Dynamical absorption is present in the systems with multiple degrees of freedom (in
our case chain is system with 11 degrees of freedom) when external periodical force
is applied to the system. Depending on the material properties and parameters of
the oscillatory system structure (coefficient of elasticity, mass of material particles,
external excitation frequencies, amplitudes) it is possible that under the influence
of periodical external force one or more material particles don’t oscillate in forced
mode with external excitation frequency and that other mass particles are in this
forced oscillatory mode. In the theory of oscillation [8] this phenomenon is known
as dynamical absorption.
External excitation frequencies at which dynamical absorption occurs of mass
particles on certain positions were read out from amplitude-frequency graphs for
each mass particle in chain. For determine the amplitude of forced vibrations
Ck (23 ), k D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 for each mass particle, when third mass
particle are loaded by external one frequency excitation with frequency 3 and
external periodical force F3 D F03 cos 3 t, the required condition is:
Ck ˝32 D 0; for some of k D 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11 when ˝32 ¤ 0
Fig. 3 Amplitude-frequency stationary forced regimes for forced oscillations of C3 (23 ) third
material particle in chain excited by external excitation F3 D F03 cos 3 t force with amplitude
F03 and frequency 3 applied to third mass particle in chain; x D 2 . for (a) oocyte, (b) embryo
Fig. 4 Amplitude-frequency stationary forced regimes for forced oscillations of C3 (23 ) sixth
material particle in chain excited by external excitation F3 D F03 cos 3 t force with amplitude
F03 and frequency 3 applied to third mass particle in chain; x D 2 .for (a) oocyte, (b) embryo
Fig. 5 Amplitude-frequency stationary forced regimes for forced oscillations of C3 (23 ) ninth
material particle in chain excited by external excitation F3 D F03 cos 3 t force with amplitude
F03 and frequency 3 applied to third mass particle in chain; x D 2 . for (a) oocyte, (b) embryo.
It is visible that there is no dynamical absorption
Transition in Oscillatory Behavior in Mouse Oocyte and Mouse Embryo. . . 301
And for the embryo: 2.145 1010 rad/s, 3.95 1010 rad/s, 7.335 1010 rad/s,
8.602 1010 rad/s, 1.22 1011 rad/s, and 1.118 1011 rad/s.
We can see that in the forced regime one mode of forced oscillatory displacement
of this third mass particle does not exist at a number of external excitation
frequencies—frequencies of dynamical absorptions upon that mass particle are
loaded. Other mass particles are not directly loaded and are in forced oscillatory
regimes at these frequencies of dynamical absorption of third loaded mass particle.
This is a dynamical paradox that this mass particle is loaded by external single
frequency force and that loaded mass particle is not in the forced oscillatory
regime and that other mass particles in chain oscillate in forced regimes at these
frequencies. Amplitude of external excitation has no influence on the appearance
of dynamical absorption. Only external excitation frequency in relation with chain
material properties (system structure properties like eigen circular frequencies,
coefficients of elasticity/rigidity, and masses of material particles) influenced the
appearance of dynamical absorption.
When external excitation F3 D F03 cos 3 t force with amplitude F03 and fre-
quency 3 is applied to third mass particle in chain, frequencies under which
dynamical absorption occurs for the sixth material particle in the chain are:
For mouse oocyte: 1.672 1010 rad/s and 1.596 1010 rad/s
For the embryo: 2.683 1010 rad/s and 8.655 1010 rad/s
Under these conditions there is no dynamical absorption on the ninth material
particle in the chain either in oocyte or in embryo.
5 Conclusions
Due to limited length of the paper we did not analyze the forced oscillations of knot
molecules in ZP net; we analyzed only the phenomenon of dynamical absorption for
certain molecules in the model. We did the analysis on a part of spherical surface net
of mZP in the system with finite number of degree of freedom. In the real system of
ZP there are a lot of molecules and almost indefinite eigen circular frequencies.
Young module of elasticity of mouse ZP in mature oocyte (before fertilization)
has 2.5 times higher value compared to ZP of mouse embryo (after fertilization) [9].
Sperm cells could not penetrate the ZP of embryo. From a biological point of view,
after fertilization occurs polyspermy block, a phenomenon where new sperm cells
could not attach to the ZP and the already attached have been rejected. This process
is receptor and enzymatic mediated and includes repulsive electric charge between
ZP and sperm cells.
302 A.N. Hedrih
Acknowledgments The author would like to thank Prof. Katica (Stevanović) Hedrih from
the Mathematical Institute of SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, for the help with useful consultations.
Parts of this research were supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development of the Republic of Serbia through Grant ON174001 and State University of Novi
1. Familiari, G., Heyn, R., Relucenti, M., Sathananthan, H.: Structural changes of the zona
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2. Hedrih (Stevanović), K.: Discrete continuum method, symposium, recent advances in analytical
dynamics control, stability and differential geometry. In: Proceedings of the Mathematical
institute SANU Edited by Vladan Djordjević, p. 151, pp. 30–57, 2002. ISBN 86-80593-32-X.
3. Hedrih, A.: Frequency analysis of knot mass particles in oscillatory spherical net model of
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China, SM01-049, p. 209, 19–24 Aug 2012. ISBN 978-988-16022-3-7
4. Hedrih, A.: Modeling oscillations of zona pellucida before and after fertilization. ENOC Young
Scientist Prize Paper. EUROMECH Newsletter 40. Europian Mech. Soc. 40, 6–14. 2011
Transition in Oscillatory Behavior in Mouse Oocyte and Mouse Embryo. . . 303
1 Introduction
1 2 1
H D p C p22 C p32 p ; (1)
2 1 x C .y 2 C z2 /
1 2 1
H D p1 C p22 p : (2)
2 x C y 2
p12 p2 Gm1 m2
H1 D C 2 p : (3)
2m1 2m2 x2 C y2
So, by a simple rescaling we obtain Hamiltonian (2). Similarly, let one mass moves
along a line, and the other moves in a plane perpendicular to this line; see Fig. 1(b).
The Hamiltonian has the form
p12 1 Gm1 m2
H2 D C .p 3 C p32 / p (4)
2m1 2m2 2 x 2 C y 2 C z2
thus it is super-integrable.
The spatial anisotropic Kepler problem defined by (1) has an invariant subspace
defined by z D p3 D 0. In this subspace it coincides with the previous system.
Thus, the necessary conditions of the integrability are the same as for the previous
Theorem 2. Hamiltonian system defined by (1) is integrable in the Liouville sense
p first integrals which are meromorphic in .x; y; z; p1 ; p2 ; p3 ; r/, where r D
x 2 C .y 2 C z2 /, if and only if 2 f0; 1g.
In the case when D 1 it coincides with the three-dimensional standard Kepler
problem, and it has the following first integrals:
c D r p; e Dpc ;
where r D .x; y; z/, p D .p1 ; p2 ; p3 /, and r D x 2 C y 2 C z2 . Among them one
can find three functionally independent and pairwise commuting.
Hamiltonian (2) (and also (1)) because of the presence of square root r is not
single-valued and meromorphic in coordinates and momenta. Thus, formally, in
order to apply the differential Galois theory approach to such a Hamiltonian system,
we have to extend it to the corresponding Poisson system introducing r as additional
variable. However, in calculations one can work with the original Hamiltonian
system, and the only trace of this extension is the fact that we study the integrability
in the class of meromorphic functions of not only coordinates and momenta but
308 W. Szumiński and M. Przybylska
The direct generalisation of model 1 from Fig.1a is the following. Assume that
mass m1 moves along horizontal line q2 D 0 and it has coordinates .q1 ; 0/ and
mass m2 with coordinates q2 .cos ; sin / moves along a straight line inclined to
the horizontal line: see Fig. 2. The Hamiltonian function is given by
p12 p2 Gm1 m2
H D C 2 q : (5)
2m1 2m2 q1 C q22 2q1 q2 cos
In Fig. 5 the geometry of the system is shown. Now we assume that the mass m1
moves on the ellipse with coordinates .cos ; sin /, where D c=.1 C e cos /;
and mass m2 moves along a straight line parallel to the main axis of ellipse with
coordinates .x; a/. The Hamiltonian function is given by
0 1
1B 2 p2 .1 C e cos / 4 C
H D B px C r
2Gm1 m2 C
2 m2 c 2 m1 1 C e 2 C 2e cos 2 2 A :
c cos c sin
1Ce cos x C 1Ce cos a
Figure 6 shows the Poincaré cross sections. They present that for certain fixed
values of parameters, the system is not integrable. In fact we can prove the following
Theorem 4. If a D 0 and .m1 m2 /m1 m2 ¤ 0 then the system governed
by Hamiltonian (7) is not completely integrable with first integrals which are
Constrained n-Body Problems 311
a b
Fig. 7 Motion of two masses on: (a) two confocal ellipses (geometry of the model 6), and (b) two
concentric ellipses with parallel main axes (geometry of the model 7)
c1 c2
1 D ; 2 D ;
1 C e1 cos 1 1 C e2 cos 2
312 W. Szumiński and M. Przybylska
The geometry of the system is shown in Fig. 7b. In this case, masses m1 and m2
move in two ellipses which have common centres and parallel main axes. Using the
standard trigonometric parametrisations of points on ellipses .ai cos i ; bi sin i /
for i D 1; 2, we can derive the Hamiltonian:
1 p12 p22
2 a12 m1 cos 12 C a22 m1 sin 12 b12 m2 cos 22 C b22 m2 sin 22
! (9)
2Gm1 m2
p ;
.a2 cos 1 b2 cos 2 / 2 C .a1 sin 1 b1 sin 2 / 2
where a1 ; a2 and b1 ; b2 are major and minor semi-axes of both ellipses. The Poincaré
cross sections are shown in Fig. 10.
Let us consider the motion of n-masses moving on the concentric circles which
interact gravitationally. As a generalised coordinate we use the relative angles
i ;
see Fig. 11. Similarly to the fourth model the Hamiltonian function has one cyclic
1 and its corresponding momentum p1 D c is a first integral of the system.
Thus, we get the reduced system with n 1 degrees of freedom. Case of two masses
is of course integrable, but the model of n D 3 has much more complex dynamics.
314 W. Szumiński and M. Przybylska
To present this complexity we make several Poincaré sections; see Fig. 12. The
Hamiltonian of this reduced system has the form
1 B .c p2 / 2 .p2 p3 / 2 p2 2Gm1 m2
H D @ 2
C 2
C 23 q
2 1 m1 2 m2 3 m3 1 C 22 21 2 cos
1 (10)
2Gm2 m3 2Gm1 m3 C
q q A:
22 C 32 22 3 cos
3 12 C 32 21 3 cos .
2 C
3 /
Acknowledgements The authors are very grateful to Andrzej J. Maciejewski for many
helpful comments and suggestions. This research has been supported by grant No. DEC-
2011/02/A/ST1/00208 of the National Science Centre of Poland.
Constrained n-Body Problems 315
p2 4 2 ˇ 2 2
2 2 ˇ 2 . C / 5
1 2 y2
0 0 0 1
1 D m1 C m2 ; 2 D m2 m1 ; ˇ D .m1 m2 /2 C 4m1 m2 ˛ 2 :
System (11) after this transformation takes the form
It has invariant manifold N D .x1 ; x2 ; y1 ; y2 / 2 C4 j x1 D y1 D 0 and its restric-
tion to N is
2 3
0 0 1 0
6 0 0 0 2 7
6 1 C2 7
6 G. ˇ/.1 2 /3=2 .2 ˇ/3
p 1 0 0 0
4 4 2ˇ 3=2 x23 .ˇC1 /3=2 .ˇ
p 2/ p
G.ˇC31 /.ˇ2 /.1 2 /2 ˇC2 1 C2 G.ˇ2 /3=2 .1 2 /3=2 .1 C2 /
5=2 3 .ˇC /3=2
p p 0 0
16 2ˇ x2 1 4 2ˇ 3=2 x23 ˇC1
Equations for X1 and Y1 form a subsystem of normal variational equations and can
be rewritten as a one second-order differential equation for variable X X1
G .1 2 / 3=2 .ˇ 1 / .ˇ 2 / 3=2
XR C p X D 0: (15)
4 2ˇ 3=2 x23 .ˇ C 1 / 3=2
1 1 ˇ C 1 ˇ 1
X 00 C pX 0 C qX D 0; pD C ; qD C ;
2z 2.z 1/ 2.ˇ C 1 /z2 2.ˇ C 1 /.z 1/z
where 0 d
. We recognise that this equation is a Riemann P equation (see, e.g.,
[6, 8])
d2 X 1 a a0 1 c c0 dX aa0 cc 0 bb 0 aa0 cc 0
C C C C C X D 0;
dz2 z z1 dz z 2 .z 1/ 2 z.z 1/
with exponents
q q
aD 1
4 3C 1C 16ˇ
ˇC1 ; a0 D 1
4 3 1C 16ˇ
ˇC1 ; b D c 0 D 0; b 0 D 1; c D 12 :
where D ˇ=1 . The Riemann P equation is solvable iff one of the four numbers
C C , C C , C , and C is an odd integer or or
Constrained n-Body Problems 317
p 2p 2 1 C 3p 2p 2
D ; D ;
2 p C 2p 2 1 3p C 2p 2
p C p2
D ;
4 C p C p 2
and this expression takes only two non-negative values 0 and 1. Value D 1 gives
˛ D cos D ˙1, and that implies 2 f0; g. Parameter vanishes only when
ˇ D 0 that gives m2 D m1 and simultaneously ˛ D cos D 0. These are the
only cases when the identity component of differential Galois group of Riemann P
equation (18) with exponents (19) is solvable that is necessary for its Abelianity and
the integrability of the system.
Ferdinand Verhulst
1 Introduction
F. Verhulst ()
Mathematisch Instituut, University of Utrecht, PO Box 80.010,
3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
The canard behaviour will depend on the dimension of the problem and the nature
of the singularity. An example of canard behaviour was found by the Strassbourg
group working in non-standard analysis for a perturbed van der Pol equation; see [2]
for details and references. In this example, the singularity crossed is a fold point. The
analysis of this problem is quite technical.
Canards arising at transcritical bifurcations have been described in [6] and [9].
The purpose of the present note is to study such phenomena in growth equations that
can be handled explicitly, both analytically and numerically; this may increase our
understanding. In Sects. 2.4 and 4, we consider simple illustrations of exchange of
stability between slow manifolds. The equations in Sect. 5 model growth phenom-
ena with daily or seasonal fluctuations as appear in models of mathematical biology
and economics. They are a natural extension of the logistic model introduced in [19].
We shall also meet permanent canards, solutions that are attracted to a slow
manifold, travel across a singularity resulting in instability of the slow manifold, but
are remaining near the slow manifold without leaving the unstable part.
The numerics which we used to obtain illustrations is based on the package
CONTENT; see [8].
2 Fenichel Theory
In the period 1950–1960, many results were obtained for the asymptotic analysis
of singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations; see for instance [15].
Later, these results were supplemented by essential qualitative insight based on
developments of invariant manifold theory. This slow manifold analysis, as it is
usually called, is often named after one of its main inventors, N. Fenichel. The
canard aspects are an extension of the theory. We will summarise some important
Approximation theorems like Tikhonov’s theorem ([15]) are concerned with the
attraction, at least for some time, to the regular expansion that corresponds with a
stable critical point of a boundary layer equation. The theory is quite general and
deals with non-autonomous equations.
In many problems, it is possible to associate with the regular expansion a
manifold in phase or solution space and to consider the attraction properties of
the flow near this manifold. This raises the question of whether these manifolds
really exist or whether they are just a phantom phenomenon. Such questions were
addressed and answered in a number of papers by Fenichel (1971–1979) and other
authors; for references and extensive introductions the reader is referred to the
survey papers [3, 9] and [5]; see also [16].
Hunting French Ducks in Population Dynamics 321
xP D f .x; y; t / C " ; x 2 D Rn ;
"yP D g.x; y; t / C " ; y 2 G Rm :
That is, all the eigenvalues of the linearised flow near M0 , derived from the equation
for y, have nonzero real parts.
A manifold is called hyperbolic if the local linearisation is structurally stable
(real parts of eigenvalues all nonzero), and it is normally hyperbolic if in addition
the expansion or contraction near the manifold in the transversal direction is larger
than in the tangential direction (the slow drift along the slow manifold).
Note that this perspective on dynamics allows for interesting phenomena. One
might approach M" for instance by a stable branch, stay for some time near M" , and
then leave again a neighbourhood of the slow manifold by an unstable branch. This
produces solutions indicated as ‘pulse-like’, ‘multibump solutions’, etc. This type
of exchanges of the flow near M" is what one often looks for in geometric singular
perturbation theory.
Note that the assumption of compactness of D and G is essential for the uniqueness
of the slow manifold. In many examples and applications, M0 , the approximation
of the slow manifold obtained from the fast equation, is not bounded. This can
be remedied, admittedly in an artificial way, by applying a suitable cutoff of the
vector field far away from the domain of interest. In this way, compact domains arise
that coincide locally with D and G. However, this may cause some problems with
the uniqueness of the slow manifold. Consider for instance the following example
from [16]:
Example. Consider the system
xP D 1; x.0/ D x0 > 0;
"yP D xy2 ; y.0/ D y0 0:
so the solutions are, after an initial fast transition, all exponentially close to y D 0.
However, there are an infinite number of slow manifolds dependent on x0 and L, all
tunnelling into an exponentially small neighbourhood of M0 given by y D 0; see
Fig. 1.
It is easy to modify the example to keep the variables on a compact domain; the
slow manifold will then be unique. Consider for instance:
xP D cos t; x.0/ D x0 > 1;
"yP D xy2 ; y.0/ D y0 0:
We have x.t / D x0 C sin t and .x0 1/2 x 2 .t / .x0 C 1/2 . It is easy to see that
we have the estimate:
Hunting French Ducks in Population Dynamics 323
Fig. 1 Slow manifold behaviour of system (1) with initial conditions x0 D 1; 2; 3, y0 D 0:5; " D
0:1. The limiting behaviour depends on the initial condition and the time interval
1" t
1" t
y0 e .x0 1/2 y.t / y0 e .x0 C1/2 :
The continuous function x.t / may be explicitly given or can be derived from a
coupled oscillator equation; " is a small positive parameter. The slow manifolds are
y D 0 and y D 1; one expects that if x.t / changes sign periodically, the solutions
324 F. Verhulst
will move very fast and periodically from one slow manifold to the other. This turns
out not to be the case.
Solving the initial value problem we find
y0 e " 0 x.s/ds
y.t / D 1
Rt :
1 y0 C y0 e " 0 x.s/ds
The solutions y D 0 and y D 1 are the (exact) slow manifolds of the dynamical
system. If x.t / > 0; y D 0 is stable, y D 1 unstable; if x.t / < 0; y D 1 is stable,
y D 0 unstable.
Assume that x.t / is T -periodic with alternating positive and negative values. We
can express x.t / as
x.t / D a C f .t /; a D x.t /dt; f .t /dt D 0:
T 0 0
Fig. 2 Permanent canards resulting from the dynamics of "yP D .a C sin nt /y.1 y/,
y0 D 0:6; " D 0:01. Left a D 0:5; n D 1, right a D 0:5; n D 1. Although the stability of
the slow manifolds changes periodically, the solutions tend after transient behaviour to y D 0 and
y D 1, respectively, to remain in their neighbourhood
Hunting French Ducks in Population Dynamics 325
Fig. 3 Spike solutions from the equation "yP D sin.2t /y.1 y/; y0 D 0:6
Thepspikes arise whenever cos 2t 1 D O."/; the spike width in this case is
O. "/.
Increasing n for x.t / D sin nt , the spikes diminish in height; this can also be
directly concluded from eq. (3).
In [16] it is indicated that if x.t / is derived from a chaotic oscillator, we may have
chaotic jumping between the slow manifolds.
326 F. Verhulst
3 Periodic Solutions
with a normally hyperbolic slow manifold (so without critical points), periodic
solutions can be found by localising to the slow manifold and applying standard
theory for periodic solutions. The idea is based on the rigorous theory of slow
manifolds. This is not the main subject of this note but see for instance [17].
Transcritical bifurcations play a part in [6] and [12]. In the last reference a prey-
predator system is analysed with a Holling II interaction term. This produces the
intersection of two slow manifolds with a periodic solution involving a canard when
the intersection is crossed. In the case of a constant carrying capacity, this model
is also considered in [18]. As we shall see, a modified logistic equation can be
considered as a standard form for this behaviour; an additional advantage of the
one-dimensional equations is that often they can be analysed in more analytic detail.
Although we can solve a number of equations explicitly, it is convenient to have
general theorems. From [11] we have the one-dimensional equation:
xP D f .x; t /; (4)
with f .x; t / defined for x 2 R and t 2 Œ0; 1/, continuous and satisfying the
uniqueness condition; f .x; t / is T -periodic in t .
• The solutions x.t / of the eq. (4) are either periodic or monotonic in the sense that
x.0/ < x.T / < x.2T / < : : : < x.nT / < : : : (or x.0/ > x.T / > : : : etc.); see
Theorem 9.1 in [11].
• If an isolated periodic solution of eq. (4) is Lyapunov-stable, then it is asymptot-
ically stable; see Theorem 9.2 in [11].
in which the growth rate x.t / is sufficiently smooth and can take positive and
negative values. Values of t for which x.t / vanishes correspond with a transcritical
bifurcation. The equation can model daily or seasonal changes of the growth rate.
We solve the equation for general continuous x.t / and y.0/ D y0 > 0. Putting
Hunting French Ducks in Population Dynamics 327
Z t
˚.t / D x.s/ds;
x.t / D a C f .t /
Z t
˚.t / D at C F .t /; F .t / D f .s/ds; (7)
Fig. 4 Solutions from eq. (5) with almost-periodic growth rate "yP D .0:5 C sin 2t C sin t /y
y 2 ; y0 D 0:4; " D 0:01; see Sect. 4
328 F. Verhulst
From now on, we assume that x.t / is continuous and T -periodic and ı is a small
positive constant, but independent of "; we have the following cases:
1. If the growth rate is negative, a C f .t / ı < 0 for 0 t T , we state
that limt!1 y.t / D 0. This can be deduced from the equation with a simple
estimate from "yP ı < 0 for all time, but also from the explicit solution (6).
Clearly a < 0 and the proof is simple: multiplying with ="/ produces
a bounded numerator and a monotonically increasing denominator. There is no
periodic solution with y0 > 0.
2. Less trivial is the case a D 0. In this case ˚.t / is bounded. The solution y.t /,
given by expression (6), decreases to zero as t ! 1 as the integral takes over
a positive function. Again, there is no periodic solution with y0 > 0. In Fig. 5
we choose x.t / D sin t for an illustration; y D 0 is associated with a permanent
3. a > 0 with a C min0tT f .t / < ı < 0. In this case a periodic solution exists.
Several proofs are possible, but a simple one runs as follows:
Assuming the periodicity condition y.0/ D y.T / D y0 .> 0/, we obtain from
the solution (6) the expression
e " 1
y0 D RT 1
1 " ˚.s/
" 0 e ds
Fig. 5 Solution approaching the periodic solution in y D 0 of the modified logistic equation (5)
with x.t / D sin t; x.0/ D 0; y.0/ D 1; " D 0:01. To the right of the y-axis, y D 0 corresponds
with an unstable slow manifold
Hunting French Ducks in Population Dynamics 329
Fig. 6 Canard-like periodic solution of the modified logistic equation (5) with x.t / D 0:5 C
sin t; " D 0:01. To the right of the y-axis, y D 0 is an unstable slow manifold; x D 0 corresponds
with a transcritical bifurcation
With the right-hand side being positive, we have constructed a positive solution
for y0 and so a positive periodic solution.
For more explicit choices of x.t / we can show that y0 can both be expo-
nentially small and can be O.1/. See Fig. 6. The periodic solution follows
closely the slow manifold y D 0, produces a canard and increases quickly at
a positive value of x.t /; this value depends on a (in this case 0:5) and the shape
of x.t / as it depends on the time interval of exponential attraction during the
stable slow manifold phase. For instance, taking for simplicity the non-periodic
transition x.t / D a C bt , a; b > 0, we have ˚.t / D at C 12 bt 2 . It is
easy to show that at the time of transition of the y-axis, t D a=b, we have
y.a=b/ D O.exp:.a2 =.2b"/. For t > a=b the solution remains exponentially
close to y D 0 (canard) until the solution in an O."/-neighbourhood of t D 2a=b
jumps off to the slow manifold y D x.t /. In the case of the example displayed
in Fig. 6, this jump off (end of the canard) is delayed somewhat by the shape of
˚.t / D 0:5t C 1 cos t in this example.
The transcritical bifurcation takes place also periodically by the descent of
x.t / following the slow manifold y D x.t /. Starting in an O."/-neighbourhood
of the periodic solution on the slow manifold at x D y D 1 and choosing for the
transition the simple example x.t / D 1 bt; b > 0, we find
1 e "2b p
y. / D R 1
D O. "/:
b 1 1 2
1 C 1" 0b e " .t 2 bt / ds
330 F. Verhulst
Assuming that we can non-trivially linearise the slow manifold and the solutions
on it near the transcritical bifurcation, this estimate is typical.
Solutions near the slow manifold y D 0 correspond with near-extinction,
followed by a sudden explosive increase of the y-variable. The stability question
is more delicate in this case; we will consider this in Sect. 5.
4. If a < 0, we find a negative expression for y0 and no periodic solution, but a
permanent canard associated with y D 0.
5. If the growth rate is periodic but always positive, a C f .t / ı > 0, we find a
periodic solution in an "-neighbourhood of the slow manifold y D x.t /. This is
an example of the theory mentioned earlier; see [17].
Consider the classical logistic equation of [19], but now with periodically varying
growth rate r.t / and carrying capacity K.t /, period T . In standard notation for the
population size N.t / with positive growth rate r.t /, the equation is
"NP D r.t /N 1 ; N.0/ D N0 > 0: (8)
K.t /
We have K.t / > m > 0. Without the fast growth perspective, the equation was
studied in [1, 14] and [13].
It is a natural assumption, at least for limited intervals of time, that r.t / can take
negative values. For such cases we modify the logistic equation to
"NP D r.t /N ; N.0/ D N0 > 0 (9)
R.t /
with R.t / > 0 and T -periodic. Without this modification, a negative growth rate
would be accompanied by a positive nonlinear term; there is no rationale for this.
Equations (8) and (9) describe the dynamics if interaction with other populations
is negligible.
The slow manifolds that exist for eq. (8) are approximated by the limit cases
N.t / D 0 and N.t / D K.t /. Consider the stability of the slow manifolds. The
‘eigenvalues’ are respectively r.t / and r.t / so that the slow manifold N.t / D K.t /
is stable if r.t / > ı > 0. Replacing x.t / by r.t / we can repeat the calculation of
Sect. 4 to obtain
Hunting French Ducks in Population Dynamics 331
e " ˚.t/
N.t / D R 1
: (10)
1 t r.s/
C " 0 K.s/ e
" ˚.s/ ds
As a > 0, a periodic solution exists. We conclude: Assume that the growth rate
is T -periodic with r.t / ı with ı > 0, 0 t T , so we have stability of the slow
manifold N.t / D K.t /; N0 from eq. (11) is positive. For the periodic solution, we
have N.t / D K.t / C O."/ for all time. This is not immediately clear from the exact
solution (10).
For intervals of time when r.t / ı > 0, a slow manifold is given by N.t / D
r.t /R.t /. On such intervals, this slow manifold is stable. When r.t / ¤ 0, N.t / D 0
is a slow manifold.
For a periodic solution to exist we apply the periodicity condition N.T / D N0 .
This produces
e " 1
N0 D R 1
: (13)
1 T 1
" 0 R.s/
e " ˚.s/ ds
As r.t / changes sign during a period, we have the possibility of periodic transitions
between the approximate slow manifold N.t / D r.t /R.t / for r.t / > 0 and a
neighbourhood of the slow manifold N.t / D 0 if r.t / < 0 We draw a number
of conclusions:
1. Assume stability of the trivial solution (r.t / ı < 0 for 0 t T ).
As expected, it follows from solution (12) that N.t / ! 0 for t ! 1, so the
population will become extinct. No periodic solution exists.
332 F. Verhulst
Fig. 7 The case of eq. (9) with sign changing r.t / D 0:5 C sin t , R.t / D 2 C cos t , N0 D 0:4.
The first interval where r.t / > 0 is =6 < t < 5=6.=6 D 0:52 : : : ; 5=6 D 2:62 : : :/.
At t D 5=6, the trivial solution becomes stable; at t D 13=6 D 6:80 : : :, the trivial solution
becomes unstable again. If " D 0:1, a canard develops after r.t / becomes negative (at t D 2:62 : : :)
that puts the stable slow manifold N D r.t /R.t / that exists for positive values of r.t / outside of
reach. If " D 0:01, a canard develops earlier, at t D 0:52 : : :, the transient maximum is larger, a
permanent canard develops near t D 2:62 : : :
2. Assume that r.t / changes sign with a < 0 (or 0 r.t /dt < 0). In the periodicity
condition (13), the numerator is negative and the denominator is positive, so no
periodic solution exists. All solutions of eq. (9) are monotonic. This can also be
seen as follows. The integral in the denominator of solution (12) is positive, so
we have the estimate:
N.t / N0 e " .atCF .t/ :
In the case a < 0, this is a strong estimate of exponential decay, but how do we
conciliate this with the stability of the slow manifold N D r.t /R.t / for intervals
of time when r.t / > 0? In Fig. 7 we have r.t / D 0:5 C sin t so we start with
negative values of r.t / for 0 t < =6 D 0:52 : : :; r.t / is positive for =6 <
t < 5=6 D 2:62 : : :. After t D 13=6 D 6:80 : : :, a canard develops that keeps
the solution close to the trivial solution N.t / D 0. The solution cannot make the
jump transition back to the slow manifold N D r.t /R.t /. Taking " D 0:01, a
Hunting French Ducks in Population Dynamics 333
Fig. 8 Three solutions of eq. (9) approaching periodic solutions in the cases r.t / D a C sin t ,
R.t / D 2 C cos t with a D 0:5 (largest amplitude), a D 0:3; 0:1; N.0/ D 0:4; " D 0:1. Canards
develop at the transitions from positive to negative values of r.t /
canard develops earlier, between t D =6 D 0:52 and 1; but near t D 1, the
solution grows again after which a permanent canard emerges near t D 2:62.
3. Assume that r.t / changes sign with a > 0 (or 0 r.t /dt > 0). In the periodicity
condition (13), the numerator is positive, so a unique periodic solution exists.
In Fig. 8 we present three solutions approaching periodic solutions if r.t / D
a C sin t with a D 0:5; 0:3; 0:1; R.t / D 2 C cos t . Canards develop at the sign
transitions of r.t /. For instance, if a D 0:5, the first transition is at t D 7=6 D
3:67 : : :, but the canard delays the transition until a little above t D 4. If a > 0 is
diminished, the corresponding canard increases in size, as expected. In all cases,
each cycle faces the possibility of near-extinction.
4. Assume that we have the boundary case when r.t / changes sign with a D
0 or 0 r.t /dt D 0. In this case the periodicity condition (13) cannot be
satisfied. In solution (12), the numerator varies periodically; the integral in
the denominator produces a positive, constant contribution at each cycle. The
maximum population density will decrease algebraically with time; see Fig. 9.
334 F. Verhulst
Fig. 9 Solution of eq. (9) in the case r.t / D sin t , R.t / D 2 C cos t , N.0/ D 0:4; " D 0:1. The
solution decreases as predicted; for smaller values of " the decrease is faster
6 Conclusion
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Model of Nonlinear Fractal Oscillator
in Nanosystem
Valeriy S. Abramov
Abstract Based on the theory of fractional calculus and the concept of fractal
the model of nonlinear fractal oscillator is proposed. Hamilton operators in the
representation of occupation numbers for different structural states are obtained.
The features of the behavior of energy spectrum, deformation, and stress fields
for different structural states of the fractal dislocation in a model nanosystem are
1 Introduction
Serge Haroche and David Wineland, 2012 Nobel Laureates in Physics, proposed
experimental methods that made it real to measure individual quantum systems
and govern them [8, 10]. The experimental studies of the features of the statistical
properties of individual quantum systems in neutron spin measurements [9], with
the observation of Bose-Einstein condensation [13], showed the presence of corre-
lations in the measured values. Near singular points (Dirac points) Dirac fermions
in molecular graphene show quantum and statistical features of behavior [11].
Actuality of fundamental research of individual quantum systems is related to the
possible use of them in quantum information technology. Using the principles of
quantum optics [15], the recording and subsequent reading of quantum information
(the coded in the polarization states of photons) is carried out on the quantum states
of single atoms or collective quantum states of atomic ensemble. It is noted the main
difficulty in the processing of quantum information: the results of photodetection are
random and reveal the presence of quantum chaos [17], and there is the phenomenon
of entanglement states of photons [7]. Physical properties of these quantum systems
(nanosystems) are essentially nonlinear. The methods of nonlinear dynamics have
been applied to the theoretical description of the chaos in structural mechanics [6],
the analysis of nonlinear chaotic models [16], and rare attractors and nonlinear
oscillators [18]. Fractal dislocation is one of the nonclassical structural objects in
At the construction of model of fractal dislocation in the [1–5] was used the
b 2 from [4] for the energy spectrum of fractal dislocation
Hamilton operator H
b 2 D"1b
H n1 C"2b n03 ;
n2 C"3b b aC
n1 Db1ba1 ; b aC
n2 Db2ba2 ; n03 Db
b aC 3 ;
a3b b aC 3b
n3 Db a3 :
Here b
n1 ;b
n2 ;b
n3 are the operators of occupation numbers states of the disloca-
tion with nondimensional own energies "1 D "2 , "3 . Relations between the new
b aC
1 ;b a3 and old b1 ;b
2 ;b c C ;b
c operators are defined by expressions
b b c C C t31b
1 Dt11 1 Ct21b c; baC b
2 Dt12 1 Ct22b c C Ct32b
c; b c; b1 DDz˛ :
c C Ct33b
a3 Dt23b
b are defined by the relations
In expressions (2) the elements tij of the matrix T
Here k and u˛ D F(®˛ , k) are the module and the argument of the Jacobi elliptic
functions sn(u˛ , k), cn(u˛ , k); (k0 )2 D 1 k2 ; F is an incomplete elliptic integral of
the first kind; ®˛ is the polar angle. Using (2), we find the commutation relations for
the new operators
h i
a1 ;b aC Dbn0 bn1 D 2kk 0 s21b
b ˛2 C k 2 b0b
b ˛3 ;
h 1i
b ˛2 D b1 ;bz D ˛Iz1˛ ; bn01 D b aC
a1b1 ;
h i
b 0
n2 D b a2b C
a2 ; b C
a2 D b
a2 ;b 0
n2 b n2 D 2kk 0 s21b b ˛2 .k 0 / 2 b0b
b ˛3 ; b2 D Dz1˛ ;
Model of Nonlinear Fractal Oscillator in Nanosystem 339
p h i
s21 D .cn .u˛ ; k/ Csn. u˛ ; k // = 2; b aC
a3 ;b Db n3 Db0b
n03 b b ˛3 ; b0 D12n30 ;
h i3 h i
n30 Dsn2 .u˛ ; k/ ; b
b ˛3 D b2 ;bz D .1˛/ Iz˛ D b c;bcC ;
Here n˛c , ˆ˛c are the eigenvalues (generally fractional values may depend on
z, ˛) and eigenfunctions of the fractal oscillator. Acting by the operator b
b ˛3 to the
function ˆ˛c , we obtain the equation
h i
b ˛3 ˆ˛c D b c C ˆ˛c D .1 ˛/ Iz˛ ˆ˛c D %˛c ˆ˛c :
c;b (8)
Function %˛c in the general case may depend on ˛ and z. Acting by the operator
D˛z on the left of (8), we obtain the nonlinear equation
h i
Dz˛ .%˛c ˆ˛c / DDz˛ .1˛/ Iz˛ ˆ˛c D .1˛/ ˆ˛c DDz˛ b c C ˆ˛c DDz˛b
c;b b ˛3 ˆ˛c :
To find the eigenvalues n˛c and eigenfunctions ˆ˛c , equations (7) and (9) must
be solved together. These equations are fundamental to describe the nonlinear
fractional oscillator. Note that if ˛ D 0 from (7) and (8) follow the equation
for the well-known linear quantum oscillator with positive integer eigenvalues
340 V.S. Abramov
b 1 D "2 .b
H n2 / C "3b
n1 C b n3 ; Hb 2 D "2 .bn1 C b n2 / C "3b n03 D Hb 1 C "3 b0b b ˛3 ;
b 3 D "1b
H n1 C "2b 0
n2 C "3bn3 D Hb 1 "2 b
A˛2 ; b A˛2 D 2kk s21b 0
b ˛2 C .k 0 /2 b0bb ˛3 ;
H 4 D "1b 0
n1 C "2bn2 C "3b b b b 0
n3 D H 1 C "2 A˛1 ; A˛1 D 2kk s21 b ˛2 C b 2 b
k b0 b ˛3 ;
b 5 D "1b
H n1 C "2bn02 C "3b b 1 C 2"2 kk 0 s21b
n03 D H b ˛2 C "3 C .k 0 /2 "2 b0b b ˛3 ;
b 6 D "1b
H 0
n1 C "2bn2 C "3b 0
n3 D Hb 1 2"2 kk 0 s21b
b ˛2 C "3 k 2 "2 b0b b ˛3 ;
H 7 D "1b 0
n1 C "2b 0
n2 C "3b b b
n3 D H 1 C "2 b0 b ˛3 ;
b 8 D "1b
H n01 C "2b
n02 C "3b b 1 C ."2 C "3 / b0b
n03 D H b ˛3 :
In this two-point model [3] based on the Hamiltonian H b 2 (1) the deformation field
of the fractal linear dislocation [1, 2] in a model sample of finite nanosize with vol-
umetric discrete lattice N1 N2 N3 is investigated. Deviations of the lattice nodes
from the state of equilibrium in a separate plane N1 N2 for two different points of
z1 (j0 ) and z2 (j0 ) are described by non-Hermitian displacement operators b u .z1 / and
u .z2 /, corresponding to the rectangular matrix with dimensions N1 N2 , j 2 [1, N3 ].
The original rectangular matrix displacements b u .z1 / and bu .z2 / with elements
unm (z1 ) D u"1 (z1 ), unm (z2 ) D u"1 (z2 ) in bulk lattice N1 N2 N3 D 30 40 67 were
obtained by the method of iterations on an index m for the first and second branches
of the dimensionless complex displacement functions u(z) D u"1 (z) and u(z) D u"2 (z)
by the formulas in [3], respectively,
Model of Nonlinear Fractal Oscillator in Nanosystem 341
u.z/ D u"1 .z/ D .g1 g2 C g4 / =2; u.z/ D u"2 .z/ D .g1 g2 g4 / =2: (13)
Fig. 1 Dependencies of jz1 zc j (curve 1), jz2 zc j (curve 2) on index j0 at zc D 2.813 for
the forward and backward waves (a); behavior Reu"1 (z1 ) (d), its projections (e, f); projections
Reu"2 (z1 ) (b, c) on the lattice index n, m for the forward wave at z1 D 0.053
342 V.S. Abramov
u1 D b uC .z1 / ;
12b b
u3 D b uC .z2 / ;
12b b
u5 D b T12 ;
u .z1 /b b
u7 D b T12 ; (15)
u .z2 /b
u2 D b
b 21b
u .z1 / ; b
u4 D b
u .z2 / ; b uC .z1 /b
u6 D b T21 ; b uC .z2 /b
u8 D b T21 : (16)
For the states p D 1, 2,...8, respectively. Here the symbols “ C ” and “T” mean
the operation of Hermitian conjugation and transposition. The square matrices
with sizes N1 N1 for p D 1, 3, 5, 7 (squeezed states) and N2 N2 for p D 2, 4, 6, 8
(stretched states) correspond to the introduced operators b up , so that bu5 D b uC1 ,
u7 D b u3 , b
u6 D b u2 , b
u8 D b u4 . The density state operators b
12 ; b
12 ; b
21 ; b
21 are
represented by
12 D b
b N1b
N 2 =N 1 N2 ; T12 D b
b N 2b
N1 =N 1 N2 ; b T12 ;
21 D b T21 D b
b 12 ; (17)
where b N1 , b
N 2 are row vectors of dimensions 1 N1 , 1 N2 , with elements equal
to one. The rectangular matrices b 12 , b
21 have dimensions N1 N2 , N2 N1 . For
the operators in (17) the normalization conditions are fulfilled b b b D 1;
N1 12 N 2
b 21b
N 2b N1 D 1. Having performed an averaging over the index nodes n, m by
calculating trace Sp of square matrices (15), (16), the averaged functions up , jup j,
tg' p for p D 1, 2,...8 are obtained:
ˇ ˇ
up D u0p C i u00p D ˇup ˇ exp i'p ;
up D Spb uC
up D Spbp; tg'p D u00p =u0p ;
Model of Nonlinear Fractal Oscillator in Nanosystem 343
where up D Reup , u00p D Imup , the symbol “ ” means the operation of complex con-
jugation, and jup j, ®p are a module, a phase of the complex averaged functions up .
Here the averaging across indexes j, j0 is not made. Then we find the correlation
function of the first order Kpq for p, q 2 [1, 8]
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
Kpq D Spq Hpq D Kpq 0 00
C iKpq D ˇKpq ˇ exp i
pq ; ˇHpq ˇ D ˇup ˇ ˇuq ˇ ;
ˇ ˇ C
Spq D Spb 0
D Spq
S pq C iS 00
D ˇSpq ˇ exp i pq ; bS pq Db uC
upb b
S pq ¤ b
pq q ; S pq ;
ˇ ˇ
Hpq D Spbup Spb C 0 00 ˇ ˇ
uq Dup uq DHpq CiHpq D Hpq exp i ıpq ; ıpq D'p 'q :
Having done the normalization of the above functions, we obtain the distribution
function of mixed states of Bose-Einstein type fpp (ground state) and f pp (excited
state), Fermi-Dirac type Fpp (ground state) and F pp (excited state), and inversion
parameters dpp in the form
0 0
fpp fpp D 1; fpp D Spp =Hpp ; fpp D Kpp =Hpp ; (20)
0 0
Fpp C Fpp D 1; Fpp D Hpp =Spp ; Fpp D Kpp =Spp ; dpp D 1 2Fpp :
Distribution functions of the Fermi-Dirac type carry information about the defor-
mation field. The distribution functions of Bose-Einstein type carry information
about the stress field. The behavior of the distribution functions of the Fermi-Dirac
type, Bose-Einstein type, and inversion parameters on the dimensionless time j0
for squeezed and stretched states is shown in Figs. 2 and 3. From these figuresa
significant difference in the behavior of these functions of the dimensionless time j0
for the first u"1 and second u"2 branches of the complex displacement function u is
Note that the behavior of these functions for the first branch u"1 , as a function
of the dimensionless coordinates z, discussed in detail in [3]. For the second branch
u"2 is characterized by the presence of peaks up to the dependencies f11 , f22 on j0 at
j0 D 17. For a squeezed state (Fig. 2b, d), this peak is formed from the ground state
with F11 D 0.228 (d11 D 0.544), and for a stretched state (Fig. 3b, d), this peak is
formed from an inverted state with d22 D 0.402 at F22 D 0.701.
The appearance of such peaks indicates the presence of nonlinear fractal
oscillators with special properties. These results can be interpreted by analogy in
terms of transient effects such as induction, avalanche, self-induced transparency,
and echo, known from quantum optics [15]. At p ¤ q from (19) it follows that the
function Kpq is complex. For some values p, q this function has a sense of cross-
correlated function (for a pair of different points z1 , z2 ).
344 V.S. Abramov
Fig. 2 Dependencies of the distribution functions of the Fermi-Dirac type (a, b) and Bose-Einstein
type (c, d) on j0 for squeezed states (p, p) D (1, 1) of branches u"1 (a, c), u"2 (b, d)
Gpq DVpq Wpq DSp bpq ; Vb pq DbS pq b bC b
pq DV pq ;
; Vpq
ˇ ˇ
S pq ; V
Wpq D Spb S pq Spb S pq DSpq Spq
D ˇSpq ˇ 2 ; h0pq Chpq D1; h0pq DWpq =Vpq ;
hpq DGpq =Vpq ; Dpq D 1 2h0pq ; 0
Cpq D 1= h0pq ; 0
Cpq Cpq D 1:
Dependencies from (23) of the inversion parameters D57 (Fig. 4a, b) and D68
0 0
(Fig. 5a, b), the distribution functions of Bose-Einstein type C57 (Fig. 4c, d) and C68
(Fig. 5c, d) on the dimensionless time j0 for the squeezed and stretched states (p, q)
show significant differences in the behavior deformation and stress fields for the two
branches of the complex displacement functions u"1 , u"2 .
Model of Nonlinear Fractal Oscillator in Nanosystem 345
Fig. 3 Dependencies of the inversion parameters (a, b) and the distribution functions of Bose-
Einstein type (c, d) on j0 for stretched states (p, p) D (2, 2) of branches u"1 (a, c), u"2 (b, d)
Thus functions h57 , h68 are positive and can be interpreted as the distribution
functions of Fermi-Dirac type for effective pair operators of displacements. Using
(19) we find a representation for
ˇ ˇ 2 ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
ˇSpq ˇ D ˇKpq jj up jj uq ˇ 2 C 2 ˇup ˇ ˇuq ˇ ˇKpq ˇ 1 C cos ˆpq ; (23)
where ˆpq D ı pq
pq . The analysis of the influence of correlation effects for the
phase ˆpq is conveniently carried out in terms of characteristic functions Rpq , rpq ,
2pq , which are given by
0 0
Rpq C Rpq D 1; Rpq D 1 C cos ˆpq ; Rpq D cos ˆpq ; (24)
0 0
rpq rpq D 1; rpq D 2= 1 Rpq ; rpq D 1 C Rpq = 1 Rpq ; (25)
2 2
0pq C 2pq D 1; 0pq 0
D cos2 ˆpq =2 D 1=rpq ; 2pq D sin2 ˆpq =2 :
346 V.S. Abramov
Fig. 4 Dependencies of the inversion parameters (a, b) and the distribution functions of Bose-
Einstein type (c, d) on j0 for squeezed states (p, q) D (5, 7) of branches u"1 (a, c), u"2 (b, d)
Functions Rpq from (24) have a sense of the normalized parameter describing
the population inversion between the states p and q taking into account correlations
(Figs. 6a, b, 7a, b).
Functions rpq , rpq from (25) make sense of the characteristic distribution func-
tions of Bose-Einstein type in ground, excited states, respectively (Figs. 6c, d, 7c,
d). Functions 2pq , (pq )2 from (26) make sense of the characteristic distribution
functions of Fermi-Dirac type in ground, excited states, respectively. Functions
2pq , (pq )2 also can be interpreted as the parameters of the polarization degree,
the entanglement degree of states [7]. Dependencies of the characteristic phase
functions R13 (Fig. 6a, b) and R57 for squeezed states (30 30) coincide.
By analogy dependencies of the characteristic phase functions R24 (Fig. 7 a, b)
and R68 for stretched states (40 40) coincide. Detailed behavior of the functions
h13 , h24 is shown in Fig. 8: observed shapingpulsesof complex form. Thus on the
whole interval j0 2 [33; 33] functions h13 , h24 are of variable sign and oscillate
around zero, but the behavior of these functions is different. Changing the sign of
the functions h13 , h24 is related to the change of sign of the second-order correlation
functions, which indicates a change of the nature of relations between the pair
operators of displacement b S pq .
Model of Nonlinear Fractal Oscillator in Nanosystem 347
Fig. 5 Dependencies of the inversion parameters (a, b) and the distribution functions of Bose-
Einstein type (c, d) on j0 for stretched states (p, q) D (6, 8) of branches u"1 (a, c), u"2 (b, d)
On the other hand, the interpretation to change the statistics for the pair
operators of displacement is allowed b S pq : from the statistic of Fermi-Dirac type
(positive values of the distribution functions h13 , h24 ) to the statistic of Bose-Einstein
type (negative values h13 , h24 ). However, dependencies of distribution functions
h13 , h57 for squeezed states (30x30) differ sharply. By analogy the dependencies of
distribution functions h24 , h68 for stretched states (40x40) also differ sharply. In this
case, the function h13 , h24 changes sign near zero, and there is a change in the type
of the interaction: repulsion or attraction for pair operators of displacement (similar
change in the type of interaction between biphonons).
5 Conclusions
Within the model of the fractal dislocation it is proposed to describe the fractal
nonlinear oscillator. We obtain a system of coupled nonlinear equations, which
is based on the theory of fractional calculus and the concepts of fractal. For a
description of other possible structural states of fractal dislocation corresponding
348 V.S. Abramov
Fig. 6 Dependencies of the inversion parameters (a, b) and the distribution functions of Bose-
Einstein type (c, d) on j0 for squeezed states (p, q) D (1, 3) of branches u"1 (a, c), u"2 (b, d)
Fig. 7 Dependencies of the inversion parameters (a, b) and the distribution functions of
Bose-Einstein type (c, d) on j0 for stretched states (p, q) D (2, 4) of branches u"1 (a, c), u"2 (b, d)
Model of Nonlinear Fractal Oscillator in Nanosystem 349
Fig. 8 Dependencies of the distribution functions on j0 for squeezed (p, q) D (1, 3) (a, b) and
stretched (c, d) states of branches u"1 (a, c), u"2 (b, d)
Hamilton operators are obtained. Within the two-point model for mixed states
(squeezed and stretched) the features of correlation and statistical properties of
deformations and stress fields of fractal dislocation are investigated. By the method
of numerical simulation it is shown that the fractal dislocation can be represented
as a set of coupled fractal oscillators. The appearance of the individual peaks in the
core of fractal dislocation (for the first and second branches of the displacement
functions) indicates the presence of separate fractal nonlinear oscillators with
special properties. It is shown that for the pair displacement operators there is the
change in the type of correlation connection and statistics and there is the effect of
the presence of entanglement states.
1. Abramov, V.S.: Fractal dislocation as one of non-classical structural objects in the nano-
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Dynamical Statement Networks
Wojciech Cholewa
1 Introduction
W. Cholewa ()
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology,
Konarskiego 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
One finds a great variety of the currently available expert systems and their
detailed overview would go beyond the purpose of the presented paper. Neverthe-
less, it is essential to note that before research into new classes of such systems
can proceed, the corresponding needs must be meticulously analysed. Such an
analysis should indicate those features of the available systems that require further
The majority of expert systems that enable inference in conditions of inaccurate
and incomplete data require a considering of the complete knowledge base during
their development. Devising such systems by combination of independently devel-
oped and independently verified component subsystems constitutes a challenging,
or impossible, task.
Practical applications of expert systems in diagnostics involve an assumption
that we frequently do not have the complete data which are required to enable the
inference process. Some types of expert systems such as bayesian network-based
systems allow for substitution of incomplete data with default ones. A number
of methods were developed that enable arbitrary acknowledgment or acquisition
of such default data, e.g. on the basis of available historical data. The results of
inference related to application of default data are communicated to the system user
who is to take a decision concerning further operation of the object upon analysis of
received information.
While taking a decision, the user should know whether the result of the inference
process is conditioned by direct results of both observation and measurements or
whether it originates from the default data whose occurrence is expected for an
average object, however, not necessarily for the analysed object in question. The
decisions should base on a belief that there are indications of their validity, i.e.
plausibility, advisability, and legality. Systems basing on intuitionistic logic are
considered to be an interesting example of inference systems that enable collection
of judgments. In this logic, propositional calculus allows for a syntax transformation
that ensures its justification. This differentiates intuitionistic logic from classical
logic whose propositional calculus maintains the truthfulness of transformed syntax.
The following section of the paper presents essential operation activities of expert
systems in which knowledge base is saved as intuitionistic statement networks. Such
systems were introduced in order to limit any inconveniences occurring during
development and applications of discussed systems. This, in particular, applies to
difficulties with such systems resulting from:
• A need of investigation into a complete knowledge base during system develop-
• No possibility of differentiation between conclusions formulated on the basis
of default data that substitute missing (unknown) data as well as conclusions
conditioned on a complete set of data
• No possibility of integration with a knowledge base of detailed explanations
and sets of source information that justify proper operation of the system and
facilitate interpretation
Dynamical Statement Networks 353
2 Statements
Diagnostic systems recognize the object state basing on the available diagnostic
knowledge directly pertaining to the object family to which the examined object
belongs as well as on available data determined as values of features (attributes)
of the given object. These features may directly concern the impact of the object
onto the surrounding, the impact of the surrounding onto the object, and may define
the structure of the object, its features, etc. The features may manifest ratio and
interval quantitative values as well as ordinal and nominal qualitative values. Strings
of signs come as a particular kind of feature values. Recording of such data in the
form of OA matrix (object-attribute matrix) whose elements are values of features
is a commonly applied representation method. The OA matrix is also referred to as
Aristotelian table [8] or an informational system [7]. The columns of the OA matrix
correspond to features (attributes), whereas rows reflect different instances of the
object, instances being various objects belonging to the studied object class, or an
object of the selected class at different time intervals.
A hypothesis stating that for the object class in question the OA matrix
contains unfailing regularities allowing for inference process, constitutes the basic
assumption related to diagnostic applications of the OA matrix.
Knowledge acquisition for the needs of diagnostic systems may be realized as a
result of applied processes of machine learning [9] as well as a result of cooperation
with domain experts. In each case, a need to define a degree of generality of
considered data arises. Not only a considerably high but also significantly low
degree of generality of data may hinder or even block entirely a possible definition
of a sustainable solution. An optimization should result in assuming appropriate
granularity of information represented by the data. One expects that the optimal
granularity should allow for identification and generalization of dependencies
occurring between the data. Furthermore, it is expected that the correct interpretation
of obtained information granules will be maintained.
A number of formalisms relating to possible methods of information granulation
is currently well known [2]. Statements, most suitable for practical uses, constitute
a kind of informational granules that facilitate development and construction of
knowledge models in a form of statement networks [4].
The noun statement has several meanings. Here, the statement is information on
recognition of proposition resulting from observed facts or representing an opinion.
The statement s consists of a content c.s/ and value b.s/
Considering (2), the value b.s/ of an unrecognized statement s, i.e. a value of the
statement not recognized as true or false, takes the following form:
b.s/ D h 0; 0 i (5)
Values p.s/ and n.s/ allow for defining a hesitation margin h.s/ for statement s
which is also known as a degree of nondetermination
h.s/ 2 Œ 0 ; 1 (7)
The literature on IFS uses notation .s/; .s/; .s/ instead of p.s/; n.s/; h.s/.
The statement values (2) may be determined directly with respect to the
assumption (3). They may also result from inference on the basis of other statements
in accordance with an assumed knowledge model. A potential imperfection of the
applied knowledge model and inconsistency of the studied set of statement values
may lead to unexpected results of the inference process manifested as disagreements
and contradictions in the set of selected statement values which may not satisfy
restrictions (3). Such possibility leads to an extension of the definition (6) of
hesitation margin
1 p.s/ n.s/ if p.s/ C n.s/ 1
h.s/ D (8)
0 if p.s/ C n.s/ > 1
In addition a disagreement level d.s/ for values p.s/ and n.s/ of statement s not
satisfying restriction (3) is also introduced:
0 if p.s/ C n.s/ 1
d.s/ D (9)
p.s/ C n.s/ 1 if p.s/ C n.s/ > 1
d.s/ 2 Œ 0 ; 1 : (10)
4 Statement Network
G D h C; V; E; A i where E D Ep [ En ; (12)
Dynamical Statement Networks 357
H D h C; V; E i ; (13)
D D h V; A i ; (14)
C is a set of vertices representing statement contents,
V is a set of vertices representing values of degrees of validity,
E is a set of edges connecting vertices c 2 C which represent statement contents
with vertices v 2 V which represent degrees of validity or invalidity,
Ep is a set of p-edges ep .s/ D hc.s/; p.s/i connecting contents c.s/ of
statements s with values of degrees of their validity p.s/,
En is a set of n-edges en .s/ D hc.s/; n.s/i connecting contents c.s/ of
statements s with values of validity degrees of their contradictions, i.e. with
values of degrees of their invalidity n.s/,
A is a set of directed edges (arcs) defining relations between values of degrees of
validity (or invalidity).
The vertex v 2 V representing the value of degree of validity or invalidity may
be connected by means of edges e 2 E with numerous vertices c 2 C representing
statement contents, which allows for, inter alia, concurrent considering of equivalent
statement contents. Each vertex c 2 C may be connected with no more than one
p-edge and one n-edge.
Each edge a D hs1 ; s2 i 2 A of the graph G defines a true implicational
relationship s1 ! s2 between statements s1 and s2
. a D h s 1 ; s2 i 2 A / ) . s 1 ! s 2 / (15)
Furthermore, for the given value b.s2 /, the following necessity condition is
Vor is a set of vertices whose values are defined according to (18), when they
appear as consequents of sufficient conditions,
Vand is a set of vertices whose values are defined according to (19), when they
appear as consequents of sufficient conditions,
Vf ix is a set of vertices whose values are arbitrarily acknowledged or are defined
by means of measurement sets or other systems.
The introduced concept of a statement network is illustrated in Fig.1 which
depicts a very simple network, dealing with a pocket flashlight. Statements s3 and
s4 present the manner in which different statement contents may be allocated to the
same vertices representing the degrees of validity.
Fig. 1 An example of a statement network, where v1 2 Vand ; v2 v6 2 Vor (see text for details)
vi .t /; vi .t C 1/; : (21)
vi .t C 1/ WD qi vi .t / I 0 < qi 1 ; (22)
as elements that are conditionally contradicting, i.e. contradicting for a specific case.
6 Conclusions
Acknowledgements Described herein are selected results of study, supported partly from the bud-
get of Research Task No. 4 implemented under The National Centre for Research and Development
in Poland and ENERGA SA Strategic Program of Scientific Research and Development entitled
Advanced Technologies of Generating Energy.
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edn. Morgan Kaufman, San Francisco (2005)
The Shooting Method for Non-standard
Boundary Value Problem
Rafał Palej
Abstract The paper deals with a method for solving the non-standard two-point
boundary value problem in which the number of boundary conditions is greater
than the number of first-order ODEs containing a certain number of unknown
parameters. The total number of the unknown parameters depends on the number
of boundary conditions and the way they are distributed at both ends of the domain.
The presented method consists in the replacement of the boundary value problem
by the initial value problem formulated with the use of sensitivity functions. The
general discussion has been illustrated by numerical example consisting of two first-
order differential equations and four boundary conditions. The difference between
the standard and non-standard boundary value problems consists in the size of the
initial value problem that needs to be solved.
1 Introduction
R. Palej ()
Department of Applied Computer Science, Cracow University of Technology,
Al. Jana Pawła II 37, 31-864 Cracow, Poland
replacement of the boundary value problem by the initial value problem formulated
with the use of sensitivity functions [6, 7]. The general approach to solving the non-
standard boundary value problem has been illustrated by the problem of plane curve
which should go through two given points and be inclined at given angles at these
points [4].
We shall seek the solution to the non-standard two-point boundary value problem
consisting of a set of n coupled first-order ODEs containing r unknown parameters
(1 r n). The desired solution to this problem is supposed to satisfy q boundary
conditions at the starting point and n C r q boundary conditions at the final point.
We assume that the unique solution to such problem exists. The set of n first-order
ODEs may be written in the following form:
D fi .x; y1 ; : : : ; yn ; p1 ; : : : pr / ; i D 1; : : : ; n; a x b (1)
At the starting point x D a the solution is supposed to satisfy
where yia and yib denote some constants. Adjusting appropriately the values of the
guessed parameters we should find the solution to the set of Eqs. (1), satisfying n C r
boundary conditions (2) and (3).
3 General Procedure
The method is based on the concept of the shooting method which consists in
the replacement of the boundary value problem by the initial value problem. In
order to do that we need to complete values of the desired functions yi at one
end of the domain. If, for example, q > (n C r)/2, then n q new parameters
pi , i D r C 1, : : : , n C r q should be added to complete the boundary conditions
(2) at the starting point
2 3 2 3
.1/ .1/ .2/
y1 b; p1 ; : : : ; pnCrq p1
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 .2/ 7
6 .1/ .1/
y2 b; p1 ; : : : ; pnCrq 7 6 p 7
6 7
7 ; p.2/ D 6 7
y b; p.1/ D 6
6 7 6 7;
7 6 :
: 7
6 : 7 6 : 7
4 5 4 5
.1/ .1/ .2/
ynCrq b; p1 ; : : : ; pnCrq p nCrq
2 .1/
6 7
6 .1/ 7
6 p2 7
6 7
p.1/ D6 : 7
6 : 7
6 : 7
4 5
366 R. Palej
From Eq. (8) we can derive the iteration formula for the subsequent approxima-
tions of the parameter values in the form
p.kC1/ D p.k/ A1 b; p.k/ : y b; p.k/ yb ; k D 1; 2; : : : (9)
The Jacobian matrix A(b, p(1) ) is composed of derivatives which must be deter-
mined. To this end, we differentiate Eqs. (1) with respect to individual parameters
@ dyi @fi @yk @fi
D C ; i D 1; ::; n; j D 1; : : : ; n C r q (10)
@pj dx @yk @pj @pj
gkj D ; k D 1; ::; n; j D 1; : : : ; n C r q; (11)
dgij X @fi n
D gkj C ; i D 1; ::; n; j D 1; : : : ; n C r q (12)
dx @yk @pj
The initial conditions for sensitivity functions (found from Eqs. (2), (4) and (11))
shall have the form
@yk .a/ 0; k D 1; : : : ; q; j D 1; : : : ; n C r q
gkj .a/ D D (13)
@pj ık;j Cqr ; k D q C 1; : : : ; n; j D 1; : : : ; n C r q
where ı k,j C q r is the Kronecker delta. Finally, in each iteration we have to solve the
initial value problem consisting of the system of n (n C r q C 1) first-order ODEs,
(1) and (12), and the same number of initial conditions, (2), (4) and (13). After
determining the values of all parameters from Eq. (9) with the assumed accuracy,
we shall obtain the solution to the non-standard boundary value problem, defined by
Eqs. (1)–(3), by solving the initial value problem consisting of Eqs. (1) and initial
conditions (2) and (4). The solution to this initial problem shall at the same time
constitute the solution to the boundary value problem formulated by Eqs. (1)–(3).
The Shooting Method for Non-standard Boundary Value Problem 367
The presented method of determining the values of the unknown parameters, which
is in fact the Newton-Raphson method, is characterized by quadratic convergence
on condition that the first approximation is sufficiently close to the desired solution.
4 Numerical Example
1 .p1 p2 x/ 1 C y22 2 y22 1
h1 .x/ D
2 .h C h0 y1 /2
1 3 .p1 p2 x/ 1 C y22 2 y2 2y2
h2 .x/ D
2 h C h0 y1
1 1 C y22 2
h3 .x/ D
2 h C h0 y1
Fig. 1 The plot of the solution of the initial value problem given by (14)(15)
The Shooting Method for Non-standard Boundary Value Problem 369
5 Conclusions
1. Asher, U.M., Mattheij, R., Russel, R.: Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for
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2. Cuomo, S., Marasco, A.: A numerical approach to nonlinear two-point boundary value problems
for ODEs. Comput. Math. Appl. 55, 2476–2489 (2008)
3. Keller, H.B.: Numerical Solutions of Two Point Boundary Value Problems, SIAM, Philadelphia,
4th edn. University City Science Center, Philadelphia (1990)
4. Palej, R., Filipowska, R.: Mathematical modeling of the Inrun profile of a ski jumping hill with
the controlled track reaction force. J Theor. Appl. Mech. 47(1), 229–242 (2009)
370 R. Palej
5. Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, B.F.: Numerical Recipes. The Art of Scientific
Computing, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, New York (2007)
6. Rao, S.S.: Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists. Prentice Hall, New Jersey
7. Sung, N.H.: A nonlinear shooting method for two-point boundary value problems. Comput.
Math. Appl. 42, 1411–1420 (2000)
Automatic Sleep Scoring from a Single Electrode
Using Delay Differential Equations
1 Introduction
rapid eyes movement sleep (REM), and sleep stages S1, S2, S3, and S4. RK rules
were recently modified to overcome the inter-rater variability ([11]). The most
important change was that stages 3 and 4 merged into a single stage, named slow-
wave sleep or N3. In spite of that, recent studies only showed slight improvements
with the new rules ([6]) with an inter-rater agreement slightly greater than 72% ([3]).
Automatic sleep scoring techniques are thus welcome. Most of the computer-
assisted scoring techniques stages were based on RK rules ([10, 12, 18]). In fact,
most of them try to reproduce what is done by neurologists and which can lead
to an overall epoch-by-epoch agreement of 80%, and require a quite complex
decisional tree (see Fig. 2 in [2]). With the emergence of “chaos theory,” recurrence
plots quantifiers, Lyapunov exponents, or correlation dimension were used to
obtain hypnograms with an overall agreement which was rarely greater than 60 or
70% ([23]).
Neural networks were also used to distinguish different features exhibited in
the spectral domain but were not able to distinguish more than the REM sleep
from non-REM sleep ([9]). Another technique was correctly scoring sleep stages
but required two EEG channels, one horizontal electrooculogram channel and one
chin electromyogram channel ([20]). An automatic sleep classification was able to
distinguish wake, slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movements sleep stages ([22]),
but a specific sensor, a head accelerometer, was required and must be added to
conventional sensors.
Our aim is to develop a reliable automatic technique using a single EEG signal for
scoring hypnograms. The subsequent part of this paper is organized as follows. In
Sect. 2 the pool of patients which were recorded is described. Section 3 is devoted to
our automatic sleep scoring technique and to a new global sleep quality index used
to rank a set of hypnograms. In Sect. 4 the results are presented and Sect. 5 gives a
2 Patients
3 Method
squared error is used for this process. By structure selection, we mean retaining
only monomials in the DDE that have the most significant contribution to classify
the data. An equally important task is to select the right time-delays, since linear
terms are directly related to the fundamental timescales and nonlinear terms to the
nonlinear couplings between them ([16]). This can be performed by using a genetic
algorithm ([15]) or by an exhaustive search for the best model among the general
form with n D 2 and m D 3 resulting in l D 9 monomials as performed in [16].
Here only models with up to three terms were considered (see Table 2 in [16]).
The variable x corresponds to the signal provided by the electrode located in the
C3 /A2 area of the scalp. We ran a genetic algorithm to minimize the least square
error of 30 s data windows to select the best models and delays for each 30 s window
([8, 15]). For 95% of the data windows (corresponding to the 35 patients), the four
Since patients with chronic respiratory failures are ventilated during their sleep,
it is important to assess whether the ventilation improves the sleep quality or,
Automatic Sleep Scoring Using Delay Differential Equations 375
Fig. 1 Histograms of the number of time each of the four selective DDEs (left) and each delays
(right) were selected with minimum error for each sleep stage
a 0,4 b
0,3 Awake
Coefficient a2
Fig. 2 Time series of coefficient a2 of the delay differential equation (5) and the corresponding
hypnogram. Case of patient 15 (male, 76 years, BMID50 kg.m2 ). The manually scored hypno-
gram (green) is also reported for comparison. (a) Raw a2 time series (b) Sequence of integers
to rank hypnograms according to sleep quality (see [17] for details). In order to
avoid this last subjective step, we introduced a new index which combines the
most important sleep characteristics. Thus, our global sleep quality index takes into
account the number of sleep cycles (each cycle, between 90 and 120 min, contains
some slow-wave sleep restoring physical functions and some rapid eye movements
restoring cognitive functions), the fraction of WASO, the fraction of stable sleep,
the number of micro-arousals, and the number of stage transitions. The global sleep
quality index GSQ is defined as
with i being the time duration spent in the i th sleep stage (i D S1, S2, S3, S4, and
R) and saturates to 1 when the restorative sleep (S3, S4, and R) exceeds 25 of the
effective sleep; the sleep stability is evaluated according to
0 0 0 0
S1 C S2 C S3 C S4 C R0
stability D (8)
effective sleep
with i0 being the time spent in the i th sleep stage without any micro-arousal and
not corresponding to an epoch connexe to a stage transition, and effective sleep being
the time duration of sleep stages (S1 C S2 C S3 C S4 C R ); the sleep macro-
fragmentation is evaluated according to
M frag D I (9)
waso C effective sleep
4 Results
The time series of coefficient a2 were found quite well correlated to the correspond-
ing hypnograms (r D 0:86 ˙ 0:1). To assess the quality of our sleep scorings using
the coefficient a2 we computed the confusion matrix ([13]) which is a specific table
layout used to assess performance of classifier. Each column of the matrix represents
the instances in a predicted class, while each row represents the instances in an
actual class. The confusion matrix for all epochs of all patients is reported in Fig. 3.
To get a graphical representation the numbers were also converted to a percentage.
A dark diagonal from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner with all other
squares in white would indicate perfect scoring of each data window into the correct
sleep stage.
As additional measure of performance we used Cohen’s kappa
[5, 7, 21] which
a pe
can be computed directly from the confusion matrix as [13].
D p1p e
, where
Pq Pq
pa D pkk , and pe D pkC pCk where q D 6 for the 6 classes, pa is the
kD1 kD1
observed percentage of agreement, pe is the expected percentage of agreement, pkC
is the percentage of actual classification, and pCk is the percentage of predicted
classification. We got
D 0:51 ˙ 0:1 when comparing automatically scored
hypnograms with the manually scored ones. Detailed results are reported in Table 2.
The global sleep quality index GSQ was first computed from the hypnograms
scored by the neurologist. Patients were then ranked according to a decreasing GSQ
(Fig. 4). The hypnogram of the patient with the largest GSQ (35.4 %) is shown
in Fig. 5a: it presents 3 sleep cycles quite well structured. Contrary to this, the
hypnogram of patient 22 with the smallest GSQ (0.1 %) is shown in Fig. 5b: it does
not present a single well-structured sleep cycle and the effective sleep time duration
is small (effective sleep D 146 min).
The rates of each sleep stage was computed for each hypnograms which were
ranked according to decreasing GSQ (Fig. 6). The best hypnogram (patient 34,
GSQ D 35:4) presents a good proportion of restorative sleep. Contrary to this,
W R 1 2 3 4 62 34 3 1 0 0 90
R 225 1288 762 62 5 11 60
1 9 49 31 8 2
1 61 733 3841 2388 607 164 50
0 1 10 36 27 27 40
0 1 2 5 10 82
4 27 54 166 557 1050 8615 0
Fig. 3 Confusion matrix for all subjects: the table on the left side shows the numbers of predicted
and actual sleep stage windows. The plot on the right side visualizes the percentage of predicted
and actual sleep stage windows
378 C. Lainscsek et al.
Table 2 Correlation coefficient r and Cohen’s
between the manually scored hypnograms and
the time series of coefficient a2 of model (5) for each subject
# r
# r
# r
# r
# r
1 0.82 0.36 9 0.91 0.53 17 0.70 0.28 24 0.95 0.65 32 0.91 0.55
2 0.95 0.61 11 0.80 0.36 18 0.81 0.44 25 0.78 0.41 33 0.84 0.41
3 0.89 0.59 12 0.90 0.64 19 0.87 0.53 26 0.82 0.50 34 0.93 0.66
5 0.91 0.63 13 0.91 0.57 20 0.78 0.59 27 0.92 0.64 35 0.82 0.37
6 0.92 0.51 14 0.76 0.36 21 0.79 0.39 29 0.94 0.61 36 0.89 0.55
7 0.92 0.68 15 0.95 0.67 22 0.80 0.40 30 0.87 0.51 37 0.91 0.59
8 0.79 0.43 16 0.90 0.54 23 0.80 0.41 31 0.79 0.43 38 0.91 0.51
Global Quality Sleep Inde (in %)
34 35 24 15 7 17 21 23 13 3 29 33 31 9 30 18 5 6 8 38 26 37 1 14 11 16 36 12 19 25 27 32 2 20 22
Patient Number
Fig. 4 Global sleep quality index computed from the manually scored hypnograms for the 35
patients of our protocol
the worst hypnogram (patient 22, GSQ D 0:1) associated with a very small fraction
of restorative sleep and a large one of WASO. Hypnograms are rather well ranked
since the rate of WASO and sleep micro-fragmentation are anticorrelated to GSQ
(r D 0:65, p < 0:0001 and r D 0:75, p < 0:0001, respectively). The rate
of slow-wave sleep (S3 and S4) and the rate of REM sleep are correlated to GSQ
(r D 0:83, D< 0:0001 and r D 0:59, p < 0:0001, respectively). These features
and others that are outside the scope of this paper correspond to an increase of the
sleep quality with GSQ .
We now computed the global sleep quality index from the automatically scored
hypnograms with our technique (Fig. 7). They were ordered in a slightly different
order than the manual hypnograms. In order to quantify this disagreement between
these two orders, let us designate by n the rank (n0 ) the rank obtained by computing
GSQ from the manual (automatic) hypnograms. Thus n D jn n0 j corresponds
to the rank shift observed between these two orders. We thus have n D 4:6 ˙ 5:4,
meaning that, in average, the good (bad) hypnograms remain the good (bad) ones.
There are four notable exceptions with the hypnograms for patients 11, 15, 24, and
35 for which n equals to 23, C15, C20, and +11, respectively.
Automatic Sleep Scoring Using Delay Differential Equations 379
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Awake Awake
REM Sleep REM Sleep
S1 S1
S2 S2
S3 S3
S4 S4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 5 Hypnograms for two of the 35 patients corresponding to the largest and the smallest global
sleep quality index. The gender, age, body mass index, and the rate of synchronous breathing cycles
are also reported. (a) Patient 34 : male, 82 years, BMID44.1, 2.1% of asynchronous cycles, and
GSQ D 35:4%. (b) Patient 22 : male, 83 years, BMID36.3, 8.0% of asynchronous cycles, and
GSQ D 0:1%
Rate of sleep stage (%)
% S3+S4
% S2
% S1
34 35 24 15 7 17 21 23 13 3 29 33 31 9 30 18 5 6 8 38 26 37 1 14 1116 36 12 19 25 27 32 2 20 22
Patient number
Fig. 6 Fraction of time duration of each sleep stage. Patients are ranked according to the global
sleep quality index GSQ
The manually scored hypnogram of patient 11 (Fig. 8a) presents many fluctua-
tions between wake and stage S1 and a very few epochs in stages S3 or S4 and
REM sleep, thus associated with a small global quality sleep index (GSQ D 3:7%).
The evolution of the coefficient of the DDE fluctuates a lot between the values
corresponding to wake and S1 stages. Consequently, since REM sleep is between
these two stages from EEG, our technique returns too often REM sleep (and not
WASO). This is significantly increasing the global sleep quality index to 24.9.
380 C. Lainscsek et al.
23 11 34 7 33 13 17 21 18 31 8 9 35 5 30 3 29 15 26 38 36 6 24 14 37 12 16 1 22 19 25 27 32 2 20
Patient Number
Fig. 7 Global sleep quality index computed from the automatically scored hypnograms for the 35
patients of our protocol
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (h) Time (h)
Awake Awake
REM Sleep REM Sleep
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (h) Time (h)
Patient 24 : Male, 62 years, BMI=50.2, 1.7% of asynchronous cycles, ηGSQ = 0.1%
Fig. 8 Hypnograms for two badly scored using our automatic technique
It is important to note that a neurologist uses a lot the electrooculogram and the
electromyogram to distinguish REM sleep from awake and S1, two signals which
are not considered by our technique.
Contrary to this, the automatically scored hypnograms for patient 24 is char-
acterized by a global sleep quality index GSQ D 7:0% is significantly smaller
than the value (16.2%) obtained from the manual hypnograms (Fig. 8b). There are
few reasons explaining such a large departure between these two GSQ -values. The
global sleep duration (between the first and the last sleep epoch) is larger than the
one obtained from the automatic scoring (221.5 min and 198 min, respectively),
but the number of sleep cycles is 2 in both cases. The rate of WASO in the
automatic hypnogram is about three times the rate obtained from the manually
scored hypnogram (19.9 and 6.6, respectively). The rate of micro-fragmentation
obtained with our technique is about three times the rate returned by the neurologist
Automatic Sleep Scoring Using Delay Differential Equations 381
(31.8 and 11.1, respectively). The stability is smaller in the hypnogram provided by
our technique than in the one scored by the neurologist (38.2 and 58.3, respectively).
All these modifications tend to increase the global sleep quality index.
5 Conclusions
In 88% of subjects the overall sleep quality index computed from the DDE
hypnograms are in agreement with the sleep quality index computed from the
visually scored hypnograms. The difference in 12% of all patients results from
converting the real number outputs of the DDE to the integers used for indexing
sleep stages (S1, S2, S3, S4, R, and wake). This is the weakest part of the
present version of our technique. In spite of this, our hypnograms are already
sufficiently close to the manual hypnograms that are used to assess the sleep quality.
Importantly, this first study has led to the identification of possible improvements
that are currently being developed.
Our automatic scoring technique using DDEs is well correlated to the corre-
sponding visually scored hypnograms (r D 0:86 ˙ 0:1). This excellent agreement
becomes even more impressive when considering the use of only one scalp electrode
for the DDE method. Indeed, the most promising aspect of our technique is that only
one scalp electrode is sufficient to accurately score sleep stages.
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Methods for the Quick Analysis of Micro-chaos
1 Introduction
Chaotic vibrations arising due to the digital effects in control are well known for
the last 20 years [3, 5]. Sampling and delay are commonly taken into account in
control problems; however, rounding is usually neglected. It has been shown [4, 5]
that rounding leads to small amplitude chaotic oscillations—referred to as micro-
chaos because of the small amplitude—where several disconnected attractors may
coexist. In a couple of cases (inverted pendulum stabilized with D control without
delay [5], D control with delay [1] and PD control without delay [2]), it has been
rigorously proven that the vibrations are indeed chaotic. In [2], the coexistence of
G. Gyebrószki ()
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Mechanics,
H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp 5., Hungary
G. Csernák
HAS-BUTE Research Group on Dynamics of Machines and Vehicles, H-1111 Budapest,
Műegyetem rkp 5., Hungary
chaotic attractors was already shown. Since chaotic behaviour is generally found
in theoretical models of digitally controlled systems, in this paper we are focusing
on numerical methods to characterize and examine chaotic behaviour. Section 2
introduces the digitally controlled inverted pendulum—as the subject of chaos
investigation—while in Section 3 we give a short overview of methods used for
characterizing chaotic behaviour. Section 4 shows different scenarios to select the
region of interest for numerical methods. Section 5 is devoted to describe the
simple cell mapping (SCM) method and other supporting methods (such as fractal
dimension calculation) for investigating chaotic behaviour and shows the SCM
results for various parameters.
φi , φi
g φ
ti–1 ti ti+1 ti+2
Fig. 1 The digitally controlled inverted pendulum and the control torque with respect to time
Methods for the Quick Analysis of Micro-chaos 385
where m is the mass of the pendulum, J is the mass moment of inertia about
the axis of rotation, h is the distance between the centre of mass and the axis of
rotation, p and d are control parameters, k is the linear damping coefficient, g
is the gravitational acceleration and is the sampling time, while 'i D '.i /
and 'Pi D '.i
P / are sampled values of the angular position and angular velocity,
respectively (at the beginning of the i th time interval). Rearranging, linearizing and
dividing (1) by J yields
R / C 2ˇ '.t
'.t P / ˛ 2 '.t / D P 'i D 'Pi ; (2)
where ˛ 2 D mgh
; 2ˇ D Jk ; P D Jp ; D D Jd .
One can rewrite (2) as a system of first-order differential equations:
P / D ˛ 2 '.t / 2ˇ '.t
!.t P / P 'i D !i ; t 2 Œi ; .i C 1// ; (3)
P / D !.t /;
yO iC1 D .A O yO i ; (8)
386 G. Gyebrószki and G. Csernák
" #
O D e
O cosh.O / C ˇO sinh./ O O
A ; (9)
˛O 2 sinh./ O ˇO sinh./
O cosh./ O
" O
e ˇ ˇ sinh.O /CO cosh.O /e
BO D ˛2 ; (10)
O sinh./O
h i
KO D pO dO : (11)
Here O D ˛O 2 C ˇO 2 .
Consider the case when rounding is applied to the calculated control effort (which
is the output of the control system). Introducing the rounding to Equation (8), the
so-called micro-chaos map (or -chaos map) is obtained:
O yO i C BO Int.K
yO iC1 D A O yO i /: (12)
Here the reference angle in yO
is 'ref D rout 2 , and the reference angular velocity
is !ref D rout , while rout rad
is the resolution of the actuated control effort and
Int.n/ denotes rounding towards zero (or truncating or taking the integer part of n).
When rounding is applied to the measured position and velocity the corresponding
form of the micro-chaos map is
O yO i C BO K
yO iC1 D A O Int.Oyi /; (13)
where the reference angle is 'ref D rin (i.e. the resolution of the position
measurement), while the reference angular velocity is !ref D rin = since we assume
that the velocity is calculated from the measured position. Function Int./ calculates
the integer part of every element in the vector, returning a vector of the same
Methods for the Quick Analysis of Micro-chaos 387
In this section the general overview of numerical methods which are useful for the
quick characterization of control-related chaotic phenomena is presented. Methods
are divided into two groups according to the size of the region in which the
chaotic behaviour is examined. The first group shows methods which are useful
to characterize a single attractor, while the second group enumerates methods for
examining an arbitrarily large region in the state space.
One can start repeatedly applying (12)—the micro-chaos map for the case when
rounding is at the output—to a chosen initial state and will eventually find that the
iteration will not converge to a specific stable equilibrium but after N iterations it
will arrive at one of the several coexisting chaotic attractors instead (Fig. 2). The
following figures are obtained for a set of realistic parameters (˛O D 6:85 103 ,
ˇO D 0, pO D 5:5 105 , dO D 2:5 103 ) [4]. Since the number of necessary
iterations N (i.e. duration of transients) is unknown, a criterion is needed to
determine whether the solution has reached an attractor. Having the exact Lyapunov
exponents in hand, an appropriate condition could be derived based on the time
necessary for the synchronization of coupled maps used in the Lyapunov exponent
estimation method [7].
v v
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 x 0.0 x
54 547 54 549 72 722 72 724
−0.2 −0.2
−0.4 −0.4
One can search for periodic points of the map as shown in [2]. A point yO 0 is
p-periodic if yO p D yO 0 . Groups of periodic points (periodic orbits) with high period
usually correspond to the skeleton of a chaotic attractor. Consider the case when
rounding is applied to the output. Since
O yO 0 C BO Int.K
yO 1 A O yO /; (14)
„ ƒ‚ 0…
O yO 1 C BO Int.K
yO 2 A O yO / D A.
O AO yO 0 C BO m1 / C BO m2 ; (15)
„ ƒ‚ 1…
O p yO 0 C B
yO p A O O pi mi D yO 0 ;
A (16)
O p /1 BO
yO 0 D .I A O pi mi ;
A (17)
Starting a set of iterations (repeatedly applying the micro-chaos map) from different
initial states—selected either randomly or systematically in a region within the state
space—one can explore the questioned region and find all attractors within it. Doing
so however requires knowledge about the duration of transients or criteria for testing
whether the solution has reached an attractor. Moreover executing a large number of
simulations requires a large computational capacity and no information on unstable
equilibria can be found.
Methods for the Quick Analysis of Micro-chaos 389
Cell mapping (CM) methods are tools for the global investigation of the long-term
behaviour of nonlinear dynamical systems [6]. Using CM methods, periodic and
chaotic solutions of the equations of motion can be found; moreover, the basin of
attraction can also be determined.
To obtain a global image of the state space, one needs to estimate the region of
chaotic behaviour. This can be done using the formula for the maximal possible
norm (y1 ) presented in [2] or the location of the attractors can be calculated based
on topological assumptions.
Consider the case when the rounding is applied to the output. A vector plot of (12)
in case of parameters ˛O D 6:53 103 , ˇO D 0, pO D 5:5 105 , dO D 2:5 103
can be seen in Fig. 3. The location of unstable fixed points can be derived from the
following equation:
1 1 2 2 3
0 p 2 p 2 p
a a
Fig. 3 Vector plot with switching lines (black lines), unstable fixed points (intersection of dashed
lines) and some example trajectories leading to different attractors (curves)
390 G. Gyebrószki and G. Csernák
xu O xu O O xu
DA C B Int K ; (18)
0 0 0
e ˇ sinh.O / Int.pO xu / ˛O 2 xu
0D : (19)
Since e ˇ sinh./
O O 1 ¤ 0,
Int.pO xu / D ˛O 2 xu ! xu D ; k 2 Z: (20)
˛O 2
The equation of switching lines
l pO x
Int.pO x C dO v/ ! v D ; l 2 Znf0g: (21)
Since the dynamics of the system between two switching lines is unstable, the stable
equilibria (i.e. attractors) are expected to be on the switching lines. The intersections
between the switching lines and the x-axis are
xs D ; l 2 Znf0g: (22)
Based on topological assumptions, the unstable fixed points and attractors should
occur alternately. Since we restrict control parameters to the stable domain, pO > ˛O 2 ,
therefore the alternating pattern of unstable fixed points and attractors will end with
a virtual unstable fixed point (at lmax =˛O 2 ); thus
Here the first term corresponds to the location of the last attractor. See Fig. 4. The
index of the last attractor is therefore
! !
1 1
lmax D Int pO C 1 D Floor pO (24)
˛O 2
1 ˛O 2
So the region of interest along the x-axis is x 2 Œlmax =p; O Clmax =p.
O The region
of interest along the y-axis was chosen to include the intersection of the stable
manifold of the unstable fixed point in the origin and the neighbouring switching
lines. One can also observe the location of unstable fixed points and stable attractors
by plotting the left- and right-hand side of Int.pO xu /=˛O 2 D x (see Fig. 4).
Methods for the Quick Analysis of Micro-chaos 391
2 1 2 2 3 34 5 4
p 2 p 2 p 2 pa2
a a a p
Fig. 4 Solutions of Int.pO xu /=˛O 2 D x (in case of parameters ˛O D 6:53 103 , pO D 5:5
105 ) yielding the locations of unstable fixed points (dashed lines) and attractors (thin lines). Here
lmax D 4, the last attractor is at lmax =pO and the virtual unstable fixed point is at lmax =˛O 2
In simple cell mapping (SCM) [6], the Euclidean state space RN of a dynamical
system is restricted to a bounded region denoted by ˝, which is divided into M
(generally rectangular) cells, indexed by j 2 f1; ::; M g. The region RN n˝ is called
sink-cell (indexed with j D 0). The general idea behind SCM is that the state of
the examined system is no longer described by its state vector but with the index
of the cell corresponding to that state. For each cell one or more image cells can be
determined where the dynamics of the system leads to. In SCM only one image cell
is determined for each cell using the centre point of the cell (i.e. for flows the set of
ODEs describing the system are integrated for a fixed time period, or for maps the
map is applied to the state corresponding to the centre of the cell). The image cell
corresponding to cell z is denoted by C.z/. The mapping z.n C 1/ D C.z.n// C W
N ! N is called an SCM and generally means that the next state of the system is
completely described by its current state (and explicitly independent of the mapping
step n). In SCM, two kinds of cells are distinguished:
• Periodic cells: for which z D C m .z/ is true, for m 2 N. In this case z is an
m-periodic cell. If a cell z is m-periodic, cells C.z/; C 2 .z/; : : : ; C m1 .z/ are also
m-periodic cells, and such a group of periodic cells is called an m-periodic group.
By definition the sink cell is a 1-periodic cell (once the system enters into it, it
stays there forever).
392 G. Gyebrószki and G. Csernák
• Transient cells: which are not periodic cells. Transient cells are mapped to a
periodic cell (or the sink-cell) in finite number of steps, thus representing the
basin of attraction of periodic groups.
The main procedure of the SCM method is determining the type and properties of
every cell. This is done by generating the sequence C.z/; C 2 .z/; : : : (while marking
cells as visited) for every cell z until the sequence returns to a previously visited cell.
If that cell is the part of the current sequence, a new periodic group and possibly
some transient cells leading to that group are found. If the cell is a previously
found transient cell, the current sequence contains only transient cells leading to
the same periodic group. Similarly in case the sequence leads to a previously found
periodic group, all cells in the sequence are marked as transient cells leading to that
group. (See the SCM algorithm in [6].) It is clear that in the context of SCM only
periodic motions occur, yet cell mapping methods are applicable for chaotic systems
by taking the following assumptions stated in [6]:
• Chaotic behaviour is represented by periodic groups with relatively high period.
• A chaotic attractor is represented by a set of periodic cells covering a part of the
attractor in the state space.
Some modifications were made to the SCM algorithm [6] to suit the micro-chaos
map. Adjacent periodic groups are considered to be the part of the same attractor;
therefore after the main procedure of SCM periodic groups close to each other were
joined. Moreover in order to increase the precision of the method around unstable
fixed points, the image cells were determined using multiple steps of the micro-
chaos map (i.e. if the image cell of a cell was itself, the map was applied once
again—until a fixed number of repetitions—to find the image cells of cells where
the dynamics of the system is slow). This way false 1-periodic cells were eliminated.
When rounding is applied at the output (Section 2.2), the SCM method shows
the expected topological pattern. The chaotic attractors are indeed found on the
switching lines and all unstable fixed points are discovered as a set of 1-periodic
cells. The area of the basin of attraction of an attractor is larger, the larger the
distance of the closest neighbouring unstable fixed point is (i.e. the attractor
featuring the largest basin of attraction is the one equally far away from the two
neighbouring unstable fixed points). See Fig. 5. One can observe gateways on
switching lines, which are leading to a specific chaotic attractor (See also Fig. 4.)
Methods for the Quick Analysis of Micro-chaos 393
Fig. 5 SCM results with switching lines (white), stable and unstable manifolds of unstable fixed
points (white, dashed) and chaotic attractors (black dots) for parameters ˛O D 6:8 103 , ˇO D 0,
pO D 5:5 105 , dO D 2:5 103 . Here lmax D 6, and the 3rd attractor has the largest basin of
Fig. 6 SCM results for ˛O D 6:8 103 , ˇO D 4:0 103 , pO D 5:5 105 , dO D 2:5 103
If the damping ratio is non-zero, the eigenvectors of (9) are rotating in clockwise
direction; therefore the previously mentioned gateways are moving and stretching
in the direction of the y-axis (Fig. 6).
In case of realistic parameters rounding at the input leads to a solution where small
amplitude chaotic motion is superposed on a periodic orbit (Fig. 7).
394 G. Gyebrószki and G. Csernák
Fig. 7 SCM results for ˛O D 5:0 103 , ˇO D 0, pO D 5:5 105 , dO D 2:5 103
Fig. 8 SCM images of the same chaotic attractor using different cell sizes (from left to right 940,
1100 and 1220 cells along each axis): ˛O D 6:85 103 , ˇO D 0, pO D 5:5 105 , dO D 2:5 103
Since SCM utilizes rectangular cells, it could be suitable to determine the fractal
dimension (box counting or Minkowski dimension) of chaotic attractors. SCMs
with different cell sizes (") were applied to the close bounding region of chaotic
attractors, while the total number of periodic cells N."/ was stored. Then, the box-
counting dimension by definition is
log N."/
Dbox D lim : (25)
"!0 log 1="
The box-counting dimension was calculated by using least squares linear regression
to fit a line on .log 1="; log N."// points. The slope of the fitted line is Dbox .
However, SCM provides greatly different images even when the cell size varies a
little (Fig. 8). Because of this phenomenon, the calculated box-counting dimension
will be inaccurate.
Methods for the Quick Analysis of Micro-chaos 395
6 Conclusion
It has been shown that simple cell mapping (SCM) is a suitable tool to examine
systems with complex chaotic behaviour, while it is inaccurate for box-counting
dimension calculation. For the case when rounding is applied to the output
(Sect. 2.2), the expected topological pattern was obtained by SCM and further
examination of gateways on switching lines (defined by the stable and unstable
manifolds of unstable fixed points) could help reveal unknown properties of the
2D micro-chaos map. On the other hand, rounding at the input (Sect. 2.3) shows a
completely different behaviour where chaotic motion is superposed on a periodic
orbit. In both cases, further investigation with more advanced CM methods is
Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Hungarian National Science Foundation
under grant no. OTKA K 83890.
1. Csernák, G., Stépán, G.: Digital control as source of chaotic behavior. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos 20(5),
1365–1378 (2010)
2. Csernák, G., Stépán, G.: Sampling and round-off, as sources of chaos in PD-controlled systems.
Proceedings of the 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (2011)
3. Delchamps, F.D.: Stabilizing a linear system with quantized state feedback. IEEE Trans.
Automat. Contr. 35, 916–924 (1990)
4. Enikov, E., Stépán, G.: Micro-chaotic motion of digitally controlled machines. J. Vib. Contr. 4,
427–443 (1998)
5. Haller, G., Stépán, G.: Micro-chaos in digital control. J. Nonlinear Sci. 6, 415–448 (1996)
6. van der Spek, J.A.W.: Cell Mapping Methods: Modifications and Extensions. Eindhoven
University of Technology, Eindhoven (1994)
7. Stefański, A., Kapitaniak, T.: Estimation of the dominant Lyapunov exponent of non-smooth
systems on the basis of maps synchronization. Chaos Sol. Fract. 15, 233–244 (2003)
Bouncing Ball Dynamics: Simple Motion of the
Table Approximating the Sinusoidal Motion
1 Introduction
A. Okniński ()
Kielce University of Technology, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
B. Radziszewski
Collegium Mazovia Innovative University, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
We assume that a ball moves vertically in a constant gravitational field and collides
with a periodically moving table. The ball is treated as a material point and it
is assumed that the limiter’s mass is so large that its motion is not affected at impacts.
Dynamics of the ball is studied via a Poincaré map which takes a state of the ball
at an impact to a new state at the next impact. The corresponding Poincaré map
in nondimensional form reads (cf. [7], see also Ref. [4] where analogous map was
derived earlier):
where Ti denotes time of the i -th impact and Vi is the corresponding postimpact
velocity while iC1 TiC1 Ti . The parameters , R are a nondimensional
acceleration and the coefficient of restitution, 0 R < 1 [11], respectively, and
the function Y .T / represents the limiter’s motion. The limiter’s motion has been
usually assumed in sinusoidal form, YS .T / D sin.2T /. Equations (1) and Y D YS
lead to the model MS . This model of limiter’s motion leads to serious difficulties in
solving the first of Eqns.(1) for TiC1 , making analytical investigations of dynamics
virtually impossible. We have thus decided to simplify the limiter’s periodic motion
to make (1a) solvable. The function YC .T / defined below:
ˆ f1 .T / ; 0 TO < 14
f2 .T / ; 14 TO < 12
YC .T / D (2)
ˆ f3 .T / ; 12 TO < 34
f4 .T / ; 34 TO 1
Bouncing Ball Dynamics 399
.k=1/ .k=1/
VnC1 D Vn V ; TnC1 D Tn C k T Ck .k D 1; 2; : : :/ ; (4)
> YPc1 T
.k=1/ .k=1/ .k=1/
T 2 0; 1
; V : (5)
Fig. 1 Bifurcation diagram for the model MC , R D 0:85: velocities after impacts (top figure) and
times after impacts (bottom figure) versus control parameter
Bouncing Ball Dynamics 401
Fig. 2 Bifurcation diagram for the model MS , R D 0:85: velocities after impacts (top figure) and
times after impacts (bottom figure) versus control parameter
Since T 2 Œ0; 1 we demand that T > 0 and it follows from (6a) that physical
solution appears for lower critical value > cr1 where
cr1 ;C D k 1R
2 1CR
: (7)
402 A. Okniński and B. Radziszewski
We have checked by stability analysis that the solution (6a), (6b) is stable for
> cr1 ;C , i.e. when it is physically acceptable. To determine upper critical value
of when dynamics loses stability we put into (1):
.k=1/ .k=1/
Ti D T.s/ C "i ; TiC1 D T.s/ C k C "iC1 ; (8)
Vi D V C i D k C i ; ViC1 D V C iC1 D k C iC1 ; (9)
with Y .T / given by (3), and keep only terms linear in perturbations "i , "iC1 , i ,
iC1 of the fixed point to get
0 1
1 k
"iC1 f1 .T /Ck "i
D@ A (10)
iC1 .1 C R/ g1 .T / k 2RC.1CR/g 1 .T /
R i
f1 .T /Ck
where T T.s/ , f1 .T / is given by (3a), and g1 .T / D d
f1 .T /.
Since the characteristic polynomial is
8 2
<X Cq
ˆ ˛X C ˇ D 0
˛ D 4 4 . 6/2 C 6k . 4/ .1CR/
.1 C R/2 R2 1 (11)
ˇ D R2
.k=1/ .k=1/
leads finally to the following localization of the fixed points (6): cr1 ;C < < cr2 ;C ,
where cr1 ;C is given by (7) and
2 2
.k=1/ 6k.4/.R2 1/C 36k 2 .4/2 .1R2 / C4.6/2 .1CR2 /
cr2 ;C D ; R < 1: (13)
8.6/2 .1CR/2
In Fig. 3 stability regions in .R; / plane for the MC model are shown.
In the case of the model MS we have
.k=1/ .k=1/
cr1 ;S D cr1 ;C ; (14)
.k=1/ k 2 2 .1R2 /2 C4.1CR2 /2
cr2 ;S D 2 2 .1CR/2
; R < 1; (15)
see [7] (note that in [7] we used Y.T / D sin.T / rather than YS .T / D sin.2T / and
it follows that all values of the control parameter must be rescaled, D .2/
2 ),
and stability regions are very similar to those of model MC , cf. Fig. 3.
Bouncing Ball Dynamics 403
0.3 k=3
0.2 k=2
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0.3 k=3
0.2 k=2
0.1 k=1
0 R
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fig. 3 Stability regions for the model MC (top figure) and the model MS (bottom figure)
404 A. Okniński and B. Radziszewski
In this section we shall study birth of low-velocity k-cycles which can be seen in
the bifurcation diagram, Figs. 1 for > 0:03 and V < 1. In the case of such cycles
T1 ; T2 ; : : : ; Tk 2 .0; 1/ and TkC1 1 D T1 . Numerical tests show that 2-cycle
fulfilling conditions T1 2 0; 14 ; T2 2 12 ; 34 and T3 D T1 C 1 are stable. This
2-cycle can be seen in the bifurcation diagram in Fig. 1 for & 0:0366 and V1 Š
0:51, V2 Š 0:55 (R D 0:85). Equations to determine T1 ; T2 , and V1 ; V2 are shown
ˆ f3 .T2 / D f1 .T1 / .T2 T1 /2 C .T2 T1 / V1
ˆ V2 D RV1 C 2R .T2 T1 / C .1 C R/ g3 .T2 /
f1 .T3 1/ D f3 .T2 / .T3 T2 /2 C .T3 T2 / V2
ˆ V3 D RV2 C 2R .T3 T2 / C .1 C R/ g1 .T3 1/
ˆ T3 D T1 C 1
V3 D V1
where fi .T /’s and gi .T /’s are defined in Eqn. (3) and the text below.
We were able to simplify Eqns. (16) significantly obtaining equation for
T2 T1 only:
F ./ D dj j D 0; (17)
j D0
where di ’s are given in the Appendix in [9]. Numerical computations suggest that
.2/ .2/
the 2-cycle appears for D cr;C and fixed R, where cr;C is a critical value,
as a double (and stable) solution of Eqns. (16). For > cr;C there are two real
solutions, one stable (seen in the bifurcation diagram) and another unstable. On the
other hand, for < cr;C , the solutions are complex conjugated and thus unphysical.
Moreover, at D cr;C , the stability matrix has unit eigenvalue. Therefore this is a
tangent (saddle-node) bifurcation; see [10] for elementary discussion of the tangent
bifurcation in the logistic map when the 3-cycle is born.
To determine critical value of the parameter let us note that double solution
of the polynomial equation (17) is also the solution of G ./ D 0 where G ./ D
F ./. For example, solving for R D 0:85 the system of equations:
F ./ D dj j D 0; (18)
j D0
G ./ D jdj j 1 D 0; (19)
j D1
Bouncing Ball Dynamics 405
we get cr;C D 0:036 617 052 682 892 250 62, cr D 0:634 279 960 677 747 355 95
(and many other, unphysical solutions) in perfect agreement with numerical compu-
tations, see also Fig. 1.
5 Summary
1. Awrejcewicz, J., Lamarque, C.-H.: Bifurcation and Chaos in Nonsmooth Mechanical Systems.
World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2003)
2. di Bernardo, M., Budd, C.J., Champneys, A.R., Kowalczyk P.: Piecewise-Smooth Dynamical
Systems. Theory and Applications. Springer, Berlin (2008)
3. Jury, E.I.: Inners and Stability of Dynamic Systems. Krieger, New York (1982)
4. Luo, A.C.J., Han, R.P.S.: The dynamics of a bouncing ball with a sinusoidally vibrating table
revisited. Nonlinear Dynam. 10, 1–18 (1996)
5. Mehta, A. (ed.): Granular Matter: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Springer, Berlin (1994)
6. Okniński, A., Radziszewski, B.: Dynamics of impacts with a table moving with piecewise
constant velocity. Differ. Equ. Dyn. Syst. 21(1&2) 165–171 (2013)
7. Okniński, A., Radziszewski, B.: Grazing dynamics and dependence on initial conditions in
certain systems with impacts, arXiv: 0706.0257v2, 17 pages (2007)
8. Okniński, A., Radziszewski, B.: Int. J. Nonlinear Mech. 65, 226–235 (2014)
9. Okniński, A., Radziszewski, B.: Bouncing ball dynamics: simple model of motion of the table
and sinusoidal motion, arXiv: 1302.0369v1, 2013, 23 pages.
10. Peitgen, H.O., Jürgens, H., Saupe D.: Fractals for the Classroom. Part Two: Complex Systems
and Mandelbrot Set. Springer, New York (1992)
11. Stronge, W.J.: Impact Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2000)
Periodic Motions of Coupled Oscillators Excited
by Dry Friction and Harmonic Force
1 Introduction
M. Pascal ()
Universite d’Evry, IBISC, 40 rue du Pelvoux, 91020, Evry, France
S. Stepanov
Department of Mechanics, Computing Center of the RAS,
40 Vavilova street, 119991, Moscow, Russia
the corresponding dynamical model is a piecewise linear system, and even for
multi-degree-of-freedom cases, some analytical results about the existence and the
stability of periodic orbits including stick-slip phases have been obtained [5–7]. One
interesting phenomenon is the existence, inside periodic orbits with stick and slip
parts, of an “overshooting” slip phase. During this part of the orbit, the mass in
contact with the belt moves in the same direction at a higher speed than the belt
itself. In this work, we consider the same model of dry friction oscillator subjected
to a harmonic external force. Several periodic orbits including stick phases and slip
phases are obtained in closed form. In particular, the existence of periodic orbits
including an overshooting part is proved. In the case of a nonmoving belt, a set
of nonsticking periodic solutions is obtained, and we prove that these orbits are
symmetrical in space and in time.
2 Problem Formulation
m1 k2 FQ pQ
D ; %D ; uD ; pD ;
m2 k 1 C k2 k 1 C k2 k 1 C k2
k 1 C k2 d .O/
t D˝t; ˝D ; .O/0 D ;
m1 dt
The dynamical behavior of this oscillator includes several phases of slip and stick
motion of m2 . For each kind of motion, the closed form solution is available.
Several periodic orbits including stick phases and slip phases have been obtained [7].
Among these orbits, a set of periodic orbits including an overshooting part is found.
For each period .0 < t < 2=!/, the motion is composed of three parts. The first
one .0 < t < / is a slip motion of m2 with x20 < V , the next part (0 < t < 1 ) is
an overshooting slip motion of the mass (x20 > V ), and the last part (0 < t 1 <
T; T D 2=! 1 ) is a stick motion of m2 . At the beginning of the motion
for t D 0, we assume that
An example of a periodic orbit with an overshooting part is obtained for the set of
D 4:775; 1 D 2:65; T D 3:047; z1 .0/ D 1:1471; z2 .0/ D 3:6572; z01 .0/ D 0:7281:
The phase portraits of the system are shown in Fig. 2. The solid lines show slip
motion (thick black lines correspond to the overshooting motion); the dotted lines
are related to the stick motion.
The nonsticking periodic orbit is composed of two parts: for 0 < t < the system
undergoes a slip motion (x20 < V ); the second part for < t < 2=! is an
overshooting motion (x20 > V ). At t D the conditions (3) are fulfilled. We prove
[7] that this kind of periodic orbits exists only if
The corresponding values of the initial conditions and of the time lag ' are obtained:
x10 D 1:5608; x20 D 3:3295; x10 D 0:1523; ' D 0:3925 :
The phase portraits xi ; xi0 ; i D .1; 2/ of the two masses are shown in Fig. 3 (the
thick black parts of the curves are related to the overshooting motion). These curves
are symmetrical with respect to the origin.
The nonsticking orbit investigated in the last paragraph involves for each period two
normal stops
These stops occur when the displacement of the second mass reaches a local
extremum and the mass reverses its direction of motion at the turning point. In [9],
for a one-degree-of-freedom oscillator, with dry friction and harmonic load, a set of
periodic orbits including abnormal stops have been obtained. Abnormal stops occur
when at the turning point the mass moves in the same direction as its motion prior
to the stop. The same phenomenon can be observed for the two-degree-of-freedom
oscillator investigated in this paper. At t D 0 the initial conditions (4) are assumed
and for 0 < t < , the system undergoes a slip motion (x20 < 0). Let us assume that
at t D
A new phase of slip motion occurs. This motion ends at t D C 1 if at this time
For t > C1 the system undergoes an overshooting motion (x20 > 0). A periodic
orbit of period 2=! is obtained, but due to the symmetry in space and in time of
this nonsticking orbit, the overshooting motion ( C 1 < t < 2=!) involves
another abnormal stop for t D C 1 C T , with the conditions
x20 . C 1 C T / D 0;
The phase portrait of the system is shown in Fig. 4 (the thick black parts of the
curves are related to the overshooting motion).
1. Andreaus, U., Casini, P.: Dynamics of friction oscillators excited by a moving base and/or
driving force. J. Sound Vib. 245, 685–699 (2001)
2. Awrejcewicz, J., Olejnik, P.: Stick-slip dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom system. Int.
J. Bifur. Chaos. 13(4), 843–861 (2003)
3. Csernak, G., Stepan, G.: On the periodic response of a harmonically excited dry friction
oscillator. J. Sound Vib. 295, 649–658 (2006)
4. Olejnik, P., Awrejcewicz, J.: Application of Henon method in numerical estimation of the stick-
slip transitions existing in Filippov-type discontinuous dynamical systems with dry friction.
Nonlinear Dyn. 73(1–2), 723–736 (2013)
5. Pascal, M.: Dynamics of coupled oscillators excited by dry friction. ASME J. Comput.
Nonlinear Dyn. 3, 20–26 (2008)
6. Pascal M.: New events in stick slip oscillators behavior. J. Appl. Math. Mech. (PMM). 75,
10–17 (2011)
7. Pascal, M.: New limit cycles of dry friction oscillators under harmonic load. Nonlinear Dyn.
70, 1435–1443 (2012)
8. Hong, H.K., Liu, C.S.: Non-sticking oscillation formulae for Coulomb friction under harmonic
loading. J. Sound Vibr. 244(5), 883–898 (2001)
9. Hong, H.K., Liu, C.S.: Coulomb friction oscillator: Modeling and responses to harmonic loads
and base excitations. J. Sound Vib. 229(5), 1171–1192 (2000)
10. Stepanov, S.: Limit cycles of a double oscillator excited by dry friction. Int. J. Bifur. Chaos.
21(10), 3043–3046 (2011)
11. Van de Vrande, B.L., Van Campen, D.H., De Kraker, A.: An approximate analysis of dry-
friction-induced stick-slip vibrations by a smoothing procedure. Nonlinear Dyn. 19, 157–169
Limit Cycle Oscillations of an Aerodynamic
Yury D. Selyutskiy
1 Introduction
Aerodynamic pendulum, that is, a wing mounted a flow so that it can rotate around
a fixed axis (like a weathercock), belongs to the waste family of aeroelastic systems.
Study of different systems of this class began as early as in 30th of the last century
in different countries and was driven by problems of quickly developing aviation,
and since then, an extensive literature appeared dedicated to research of various
issues related with such objects. It is well known that the “trivial” equilibrium of
such objects (namely, situation when the wing is stretched along the flow) becomes
unstable in a certain range of parameters, and a limit cycle appears. Prediction
and control of such cycles is important, as for some technical objects, they are
undesired or even dangerous, while for others they can represent working regimes
(for instance, for systems for converting flow energy into electric power).
This effect is described for systems with two degrees of freedom (e.g., [6,14,15])
allowing both pitching and plunging motion of the wing. The work [10] shows
existence of this phenomenon also for systems with one degree of freedom (only
rotational). Papers [8, 9] show experimentally and numerically that such cycles
with small amplitude appear in a certain range of wind speeds for the aerodynamic
pendulum with one degree of freedom.
It should be noted that these results pertain to the case of elastically mounted
pendulum with elastic axes located within the chord of the wing, and hence, the
characteristics of limit cycles are influenced by combined action of aerodynamic
load and elastic forces (as a rule, assumed nonlinear). However, from the point
of view of both theory and applications, it is interesting to examine the pure effect
of aerodynamic forces and to study the evolution of limit cycles when the position
of elastic axis changes in wide enough range. Works [5, 11] considered behavior of
one- and two-degree-of-freedom aerodynamic pendulum without spring mounting
under the assumption of quasi-steady aerodynamics, which did not allow describing
limit cycles in the domain of small angles of attack.
Another important issue concerning aeroelastic (and not only) systems is devel-
oping a plausible and simple enough (that is, containing small number of additional
degrees of freedom and relatively few parameters) phenomenological mathematical
model of unsteady interaction between the wing and the flow. The actuality of
this task is related to the fact that engineering practice requires in many cases
to determine values of parameters that are in a certain sense optimal for the
given problem. In order to fulfill this requirement, it is necessary either to set up
multiple experiments or perform numerous numerical simulation runs. However,
making real experiments for studying the dynamical behavior of bodies in flow is
very cumbersome, which makes mass testing impracticable. Performing numerical
simulation using different CFD-type packages (or vortical methods like those
described in [2]) in such kind of problems requires considerable computational
resources. This makes it troublesome (if ever possible) to perform quick and efficient
parametric analysis in a wide enough range of parameter values.
Therefore, different types of such phenomenological approaches are developed
by various groups of researchers (e.g., [3, 4, 7]). All these methods are based
on introducing additional empirical variables, so that original dynamic system is
supplemented with additional ODEs for aerodynamic forces and/or moments.
The present work develops another approach proposed in [12] where the internal
dynamics of the flow is simulated with an additional (“dummy”) degree of freedom
(“attached oscillator”). Stability of the “along the flow” equilibrium of this object is
studied, and stability domains are determined for different combinations of system
parameters. Evolution of limit cycle is studied in wide range of wind speeds and
positions of rotation axis. Results of mathematical simulation are verified against
experiments made in the wind tunnel of the Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov
Moscow State University.
Limit Cycle Oscillations of an Aerodynamic Pendulum 417
S 2 S 2
Fn D V Cn .˛G /; F D V C .˛G / (1)
2 G 2 G
Here is the air density, S is the wing area, VG is the effective flow speed, that
is, the speed of point G with respect to the flow at infinity, ˛G is effective angle of
attack, and Cn , C are nondimensional coefficients of normal and tangential force,
correspondingly. Their dependence on the effective angle of attack is the same as in
steady case and can be determined from static experiments.
Evidently, the effective angle of attack should contain information about orien-
tation and the angular speed of the airfoil, as well as about the attached oscillator
speed. Taking this into account, we use the following formula for ˛G :
.l C L/
˛G D
Here we suppose that L > 0.
418 Y.D. Selyutskiy
From steady experiments it is known that for thin enough airfoils and small
angles of attack the tangential force coefficient is much smaller than the normal
force coefficient. So, we neglect this component of the aerodynamic force. Then the
motion equations of the aerodynamic pendulum with the attached oscillator look as
R C 2m
P P C m2
R C lm
P 2 D D
P lFe (3)
mR C ml
R m
D Fn C Fe
P2 (4)
Here J is the moment of inertia of the pendulum with respect to the point O, D
is the structural damping coefficient, Fe is elastic force, and m is the mass of the
In order to describe nonlinear effects arising during the unsteady interaction
between the pendulum and the flow, we introduce nonlinearity into the elastic
force Fe :
Fe D k hP H
P 2 (5)
Equations (3)–(4) along with relations (1), (2), and (5) make a closed system of
As for symmetric airfoil we have Cn .0/ D 0, it is evident that the “along the
flow” position (
D 0, D 0) is equilibrium. We restrict our subsequent analysis
with the domain of small angles of attack. For such values of ˛G , the following
relation holds:
V l 2D 2J N D L;
uD ; lN D ; DN D ; JN D ; L
V0 b S V0 b 2 S b 3 b
2m 2kb 2h 2H b 2
N D ; N D
m ; kN D ; hN D ; HN D
b S b S V 2 S V S V
In order to simplify the notation, denote the derivative with respect to with dot and
omit bars over nondimensional values. Then, taking into account (6), the motion
equations look as follows:
Limit Cycle Oscillations of an Aerodynamic Pendulum 419
R C 2m
P P C m2
R C lm
P 2 D D
P C l ku2 C huP C H u
P 2 (7)
mR C ml
R m
P 2 D ku2 huP H u
P 2 Cn˛ u2
C u.l C L/
P C uP (8)
The Hurwitz criterion yields a necessary and sufficient condition of the asymp-
totic stability of the “along the flow” equilibrium that can be written in the following
structural form:
Q D A2 k 2 C A1 k C A0 > 0 (11)
QD Bi l i > 0 (12)
uk Cn˛ C h
3 D C o.k/; 4 D u C o.1/
h m
420 Y.D. Selyutskiy
Under the assumption that m < L.Cn˛ C h/ real parts of these roots are negative,
hence, the equilibrium is asymptotically stable.
For larger values of k the following relations hold:
D Cn˛ ul..l C L/k Cn˛ / Cn˛ l
1;2 D ˙ iu C O.J 3=2 /
2J 2kJ J
q 2
.h C Cn˛ / C h C Cn˛ 4km
3;4 D u C o.1/
From the previous formulae for 1;2 one can readily show that the studied equilib-
rium is unstable, if parameter l satisfies the following inequalities:
s 2 s 2
Cn˛ kL Cn˛ kL D Cn˛ kL Cn˛ kL D
< l < C
2k 2k uCn˛ 2k 2k uCn˛
Note, in particular, that if Cn˛ < kL, then for all l > 0 the equilibrium is
asymptotically stable. However, if Cn˛ > kL, then there exists a range of positive l
where the stability is lost, at least, for large enough J .
For h 1 roots of the characteristic polynomial look as follows:
D Cn˛ ul.l C L/ Cn˛ l
1;2 D ˙ iu C O.J 3=2 /
2J 2J J
hu uk
3 D C O.1/; 4 D C o.h1 /
m h
Apparently, in this case the “along the flow” equilibrium is asymptotically stable.
Note that from Hurwitz criterion one can readily obtain that for h D 0 the
equilibrium is asymptotically stable, if
uCn˛ 2 l
k> C O.J 1 / (14)
uCn˛ l.l C L/ C D
Note also that from (13) it follows that for l 1=J 1 and for l 1 the
equilibrium in question is asymptotically stable.
Basing on the above results, as well as on representations (11–12) and for-
mula (14), the evolution of the asymptotic stability domain in the plane of
parameters .k; h/ with the change of l is qualitatively shown in Fig. 2. Here solid
lines mean boundaries of stability domains at different l (areas located below each
of these lines are domains of instability for the corresponding value of l).
Consider now the situation when the equilibrium position “along the flow” is
unstable in more detail.
Limit Cycle Oscillations of an Aerodynamic Pendulum 421
Fig. 2 Evolution of stability domains when the holder length changes (l1 < l2 < l3 )
4 Limit Cycles
Let’s search for limit cycles arising in the system in case of unstable position “along
the flow” in the following form:
.t / D
c sin.!c t /; .t / D c sin.!c t C ˚/ (15)
c !c2 C Cn˛ l
c u2 Cn˛ luc !c sin ˚ D 0
Cn˛ u2
c C c ku2 cos ˚ uhc !c sin ˚
uCn˛ c !c sin ˚ u3c !c H sin ˚ D 0 (16)
Cn˛ .L C l/u
c !c C c ku2 sin ˚ C uc !c h cos ˚C
Cn˛ uc !c cos ˚ C uc H !c cos ˚ D 0
Note that from the second equation of (16) it follows that cos ˚ < 0.
One can readily show that amplitudes of
.t / and .t / and the phase difference
can be expressed in terms of !c with the following relations:
422 Y.D. Selyutskiy
Solving the system (16) yields the following formula for the frequency of the limit
u q 2
u 2kJ 2 !02 kX12 C DulCn˛ 2 4X1 X2 kJ 2 !02 C kX12 DulCn˛ 2
!c D t
2J kJ Cn˛ 2 .L C l/l
Cn˛ l
!0 D u ; X1 D D C uCn˛ l.l C L/; X2 D ulCn˛ 2 kX1
In order to verify the accuracy of the obtained approximation, numerical
calculations were performed using the following values of parameters:
In order to verify the model, experiments were performed in the subsonic wind
tunnel of the Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Characteristics of the wind tunnel are summarized in the following Table 1:
Limit Cycle Oscillations of an Aerodynamic Pendulum 423
a b
Fig. 3 Cycle frequency (a) and cycle amplitude (b) as functions of l: comparison between exact
solution and approximation formulae
Fig. 4 Normal force coefficient from steady experiments vs steady angle of attack (rad.)
a b
Fig. 5 Cycle frequency (a) and cycle amplitude (b): comparison between experimental data and
numerical simulation
Simulation and test data (limit cycle amplitudes and frequencies) are shown in
Fig. 5 a,b. Experimental values are represented with boxes (for the case 2) and
crosses (for the case 3), and the corresponding calculated curves are shown with
solid (case 2) and dashed (case 3) lines. In case 1, the studied equilibrium is asymp-
totically stable both in simulation and in wind tunnel experiments (as mentioned
before) in the whole range of test wind speeds.
Evidently, calculation results qualitatively agree with experimental data. How-
ever, the difference between measured and calculated amplitudes becomes larger
near the ends of the range of u where the limit cycle exists. This is quite natural, as
the cycle amplitude depends rather strongly on u in these areas, and even small error
in the determination of the mentioned end points causes relatively large errors in
the amplitude. Besides, calculated frequencies in the second case are slightly lower
than measured ones. These discrepancies can be due to the presence of additional
dissipation factors in the system and to neglection of aerodynamic load upon the
frame of the pendulum.
426 Y.D. Selyutskiy
6 Conclusion
Acknowledgements The work is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No.
14. Shao, S., Zhu, Q., Zhang, C., Ni, X.: Airfoil aeroelastic flutter analysis based on modified
Leishman-Beddoes model at low mach number. Chinese J. Aeronaut. 24, 550–557 (2011)
15. Strganac, T.W., Ko, J., Thompson, D.E., Kurdila, A.J.: Identification and control of limit cycle
oscillations in aeroelastic systems. J. Guid. Contr. Dynam. 23(6), 1127–1133 (2000)
Vibratory Energy Localization by Non-smooth
Energy Sink with Time-Varying Mass
1 Introduction
domain, and averaging are explained in Sect. 2. Behavior of the system at fast and
slow time scales is described in Sect. 3. A numerical example is given in Sect. 4 and
results are compared with analytical predictions. The application of the proposed
system in the passive control of main structures is demonstrated in Sect. 5. Finally
summary of the work is collected in Sect. 6.
Q xP 1 xP 2 / D sin.˝t /
M xR 1 C C xP 1 C k1 x1 C FQ .x1 x2 / C .
Q xP 2 xP 1 / C m.t
Q /xR 2 C FQ .x2 x1 / C .
m.t PQ /xP 2 D 0
Q / reads
and the rule of the time dependency of the mass m.t
Q / D m0 .1 C m.t //
m.t (3)
is a small parameter which corresponds to the ratio of the initial mass of NES and
the mass of the main system, i.e., 0 < D << 1. We assume that .1C m.t //
0 for a time long enough. We would r like to rescale the system with respect to the
new time domain T where T D t D t #. Equation (1) reads (xi .t / ! yi .T /):
C 1 Q 1 k2 Q 1
where p D , F D FO , k D , p D , D f0 , and
M k1 k1 k1 M k1 k1
D !. We assume that k D o. 0 / and scaled potential of the NES is
<0 ı z ı
FO .z/ D k.z ı/ zı (5)
k.z C ı/ z ı
Taking into account that .1 C m.T //1 ' .1 m.T // C o. 2 /, we will have
1 1
vR C .Pv C w/
P C P C 2 m.T /FO .w/
.v C w/ C 2 m.T /w
1C 1C
C 2 .1 m.T //m.T
P / .Pv w/
P D f0 sin.!T /
1 1
wR C .Pv C w/
P C .v C w/ C .1 C m.T //wP
1C 1C
C.1 C m.T //FO .w/ .1 m.T //m.T
P / .Pv w/
P D f0 sin.!T /
p complex variables of [8] ('1 e
We introduce i!T
D vP C i !v and '2 e i!T D wP C i !w
with i D 1) to the system. We can present the functions FO .w/ and m.T / in the
form of Fourier series:
i C1
FO .w/ D FO .'2 e i!T '2 e i!T / D fj .'2 ; '2 /e i!j T (8)
2! j D1
m.T / D mj e i!j T (9)
j D1
P /D
m.T i !j mj e i!j T (10)
j D1
432 A. Ture Savadkoohi and C.-H. Lamarque
where the : represents the complex conjugate of the function under consideration.
X C1
We assume that jmj j < C1 and j!j mj j < C1. We would like
j D1 j D1
to analyze the averaged form of equations (7) around the 1 W 1 resonance, i.e.,
! D 1 C , by studying its detailed components at different scales of the . After
ignoring some obvious higher-order terms of in system (7) we will have
i i
'P1 C !'1 C .'1 C '2 / .'1 C '2 / D
2 2.1 C / 2.1 C /!
i f0
i i (11)
'P2 C !'2 C .'1 C '2 / .'1 C '2 /
2 2.1 C / 2.1 C /!
i 1C
.1 C /'2 G1 .j'2 j2 / C m1 G2 .j'2 j2 / C '2
2 2
! i f0
.m0 '2 C m2 '2 / C i m2 .'1 '2 / D
2 1C 2
8 p
ˆ %
<0 if <ı
G2 %/ D p p! (13)
:̂ 2k % .ı!/2 if %
! !
We introduce fast (T D 0 ) and slow (1 D 0 , : : :) time scales to the system and
then we will consider its behavior at different orders of [9].
D 0 ) '1 D '1 .1 ; 2 ; : : :/
@0 (14)
@'2 i 1 G1 j'2 j2 C i
C '2 D '1
@0 2 2
Vibratory Energy Localization by Non-smooth Energy Sink with Time-Varying Mass 433
Fixed points of the system, i.e., ˚.1 / (0 ! 1, D 0), can be defined as
i 1 G1 j˚j2 C i
˚D '1 (15)
2 2
Stable areas of the linearized system at the 0 time scale can be defined by the
following criterion: (H.N22 / D 2N2 G 0 .N22 /) [14]:
2 C 1 G1 .N22 / 1 H.N22 /N2 G1 .N22 / > 0 (17)
@'2 i
C 2G2 j'2 j2 m1 C C i.1 C / '1 C 2i m2 '2 (18)
@1 2
C iG1 j'2 j C m0 C i.1 C / '2 m2 .2i C /'2 D f0
We would like to analyze the behavior of the structure at the slow time scale 1
around obtained invariant manifold at 0 time scale. By imposing equation (15) in
the second equation of the system (18), assuming '1 D N1 e iı1 , '2 D N2 e iı2 and
taking into account general forms for m0 , m1 and m2 as
mj D mjr C i mj i j D 0; 1; 2 (19)
D ±1 .ı2 ; N2 /
D ±2 .ı2 ; N2 /
434 A. Ture Savadkoohi and C.-H. Lamarque
1 1 1
N2 ±1 .ı2 ; N2 / D G1 .N22 /N2 C N2 m0i N2 N2 C G1 .N22 /N2
2 2 2
f0 cos.ı2 / G2 .N2 /m1i cos.ı2 / C G2 .N2 /m2r N2 cos.2ı2 / C N2 m2i cos.2ı2 /
2 2
CG2 .N2 /m1r sin.ı2 / C G2 .N2 /N2 m2i sin.2ı2 / N2 m2r sin.2ı2 /
2 2
1 1 1 1
±2 .ı2 ; N2 / D N2 C G1 .N22 /N2 C N2 m0r C N2
2 2 2 2
G2 .N22 /m1r cos.ı2 / G2 .N22 /N2 m2i cos.2ı2 / C N2 m2r cos.2ı2 / f0 sin.ı2 /
G2 .N2 /m1i sin.ı2 / C G2 .N2 /N2 m2r sin.2ı2 / C N2 m2i sin.2ı2 /
2 2
Equilibrium points of the system can be obtained by setting ±1 D ±2 D 0.
Stable areas of the invariant manifold of the system at 0 time scale which are given
in Eq. (17) are characterized by two border lines, namely fold lines, which can be
obtained by the following equation:
D D 2 C 1 G1 .N22 / 1 H.N22 /N2 G1 .N22 / D 0 (23)
4 A Numerical Example
We choose a smooth and periodic profile of mass for the NES which reads
m.T / D m0r C2 m1r cos.!T /m1i sin.!T / C2 m2r cos.2!T /m2i sin.2!T /
For our numerical example we assume that m0r D 1:57, m0i D 0, m1r D 0, m1i D
0:5, m2r D 0, and m2i D 0:25. Assumed profile of the mass of the NES is depicted
in Fig. 1. Let us consider the following system parameters: D 103 , k D 1:5,
ı D 1, D 0:2, D 0:1, D 1. Moreover, we suppose that the system is under
external forcing term f0 D 1:176. Dynamics of the system until infinity of the 1
time scale is depicted in Fig. 2.
We can see that the system possesses one fold singular point (no: 1) and an
equilibrium point (no: 2). A zoomed area which covers these points is depicted at
the same figure. Phase portraits of the system around mentioned points are depicted
in Figs. 3 and 4. The singular point no: 1 is saddle and unstable and the equilibrium
point no: 2 is unstable as well.
Vibratory Energy Localization by Non-smooth Energy Sink with Time-Varying Mass 435
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
T (Sec)
Fig. 1 The profile of periodically varying mass of the NES: m0r D 1:57, m1i D 0:5, m1r D 0,
m2i D 0:25, and m2r D 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2
2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85 2.9
Fig. 2 Positions of equilibrium and fold singularities of the system under f0 D 1:176: ±1 D 0
( ), ±2 D 0 (—), D D 0 or fold lines ( )
436 A. Ture Savadkoohi and C.-H. Lamarque
2.71 2.715 2.72 2.725 2.73 2.735 2.74
Fig. 3 Phase portraits of the system around fold singular point no: 1: f0 D 1:176, D 1
Fig. 4 Phase portraits of the system around fixed point no: 2: f0 D 1:176, D 1
In order to have better envision about the behavior of the system, we present
numerical results which are obtained by direct integration of the system (4) by Mat-
lab package. Assumed initial conditions are y10 D 1:5 and y20 D yP10 D yP20 D 0.
The invariant manifold of the system and its stability borders which are obtained
from equations (16) and (17), respectively, are illustrated in Fig. 5. It can be seen
that although the analytical invariant manifold is obtained based on keeping first
harmonic and truncating higher ones, the averaged form of the real behavior of
the system, which contains all harmonics, follows this invariant. When the system
reaches to stability border of the invariant, it faces bifurcation to jump to other stable
branch. Histories of the change of system amplitudes are depicted in Figs. 6 and 7.
Vibratory Energy Localization by Non-smooth Energy Sink with Time-Varying Mass 437
Fig. 5 Invariant manifold (), stability borders ( ), and numerical results (—). Starting
values are .N2 ; N1 / D .1:5; 1:5/: f0 D 1:176, D 1
k=1.5, δ=1, λ=0.2, ξ=0.1, σ=1
m2r=0, f0=1.176
0 2 4 6 8 10
x 104
These figures show that the system experiences one reverse bifurcation and finally is
attracted by the equilibrium point no:2. The reason for this behavior is the existence
of fold singular point no: 1 which is saddle (see Figs. 2 and 3) that makes the system
aims to the first fold line to be ready to present a reverse bifurcation (see Figs. 5, 6,
and 7). After one complete cycle of bifurcations that forces the system to present
beating response, it finally aims to the fixed point no: 2 that is unstable during the
very long time for 1 time scale, i.e., 1 D 12 D 106 Sec. Although this equilibrium
438 A. Ture Savadkoohi and C.-H. Lamarque
k=1.5, δ=1, λ=0.2, ξ=0.1, σ=1
1.8 m0r=1.57, m1i=0.5, m1r=0, m2i=0.25
0 2 4 6 8 10
x 104
4 m2r=0, f0=1.176
0 2 4 6 8 10
T x 104
point is unstable after a very long time span, but makes the system oscillates around
it for quite long time. This oscillation corresponds to low energy levels for the main
system that is interesting from passive control view point.
The displacement histories of two oscillators which are illustrated in Figs. 8 and 9
show that the main structure during the time scale 1 behaves in a controlled manner
with very low displacement levels. Other behaviors can be observed for the system
at other time scales, but we are not going to discuss about them and they are out of
the scope of the current work.
Vibratory Energy Localization by Non-smooth Energy Sink with Time-Varying Mass 439
k=1.5, δ=1, λ=0.2, ξ=0.1, σ=1
m2r=0, f0=1.176
y1 0.5
0 2 4 6 8 10
T x 104
In order to show the capability of the NES with varying mass in controlling main
structures, we present a numerical example by showing the displacement histories
of a main structure without and with coupled NES. We consider a worst case for
the main system when it is in an exact 1 W 1 resonance with the external forcing
terms. This means that we set D 0 so ! D 1. The system in both cases is under
external forcing term f0 D 1:176 and assumed initial conditions and also mass
profile for the NES are the same as the described example in Sec. 4. The results
of the direct integration of system equations for two cases are depicted in Fig. 10.
This figure shows that while the single dof main structure (without coupled NES) is
presenting a kind of diverging behavior at the exact 1 W 1 resonance, by coupling a
NES with varying mass we are able to control the same structure. Its displacement
is reduced in a considerable amount and it presents permeant strongly modulated
response (SMR) (at least until the maximum time of integration) [5, 12]. This SMR
is more distinct by looking at the histories of amplitudes of the main system and
the NES which are illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12 showing a beating response of two
oscillators due to the SMR.
6 Conclusions
We studied the energy exchange problem between a linear system and a non-smooth
energy sink whose mass is time-dependent. Detected invariant manifold of the
system at slow scale and its stable zones let us predict the overall surfaces of all
440 A. Ture Savadkoohi and C.-H. Lamarque
single dof main system
2 dof system (main dof+NES)
y1 5
0 2 4 6 8 10
x 104
Fig. 10 Histories of y1 for two cases: the bare structure without coupled NES and 2-dof system.
Parameters of the main system are D 0:1, D 0, f0 D 1:176. Parameters of the coupled NES
are k D 1:5, ı D 1 and D 0:2, m0r D 1:57, m0i D 0, m1r D 0, m1i D 0:5, m2r D 0, and
m2i D 0:25
k=1.5, δ=1, λ=0.2, ξ=0.1, σ=0
m2r=0, f0=1.176
0 2 4 6 8 10
x 104
Fig. 11 History of N2 and beating response of the NES due to the SMR: f0 D 1:176, D 0
k=1.5, δ=1, λ=0.2, ξ=0.1, σ=0
m2r=0, f0=1.176
0 2 4 6 8 10
x 104
Fig. 12 History of N1 and beating response of the main oscillator due to the SMR: f0 D 1:176,
structure during a worst case, i.e., exact 1 W 1 resonance. Further studies should be
carried out for designing “optimized” nonlinear energy sink devices with varying
mass for the aim of passive control of civil/mechanical structures.
Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following organization for supporting
this research work: LABEX CELYA (ANR-10-LABX-0060) of the “Université de Lyon” within
the program “Investissement d’Avenir” (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National
Research Agency (ANR).
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Coordinate-Free Formulation of Nonholonomic
Constraints for Wheeled Robots
1 Introduction
The novelty of the approach relies in the use of the symmetric properties of
the wheel geometry. The final nonholonomic equations which are obtained are
equivalent to the classical well-known equations [1, 2, 4–8]. However, they provide
a considerable improvement in symbolical and numerical calculations for complex
system models.
Nonholonomic constraint equations are the basis for the derivation of kinematic
control models for wheeled robots and car-like vehicles. Most of these constraints
are related to the no-slip condition of the contact point between wheels and the
ground. The constraint equations are formulated using selected reference frames
and coordinate systems. For multi-wheeled robots or wheeled vehicles of complex
designs, the formulation and validation of the resulting constraint equations are not
automated and it leads to many mistakes, and it is difficult to verify and debug
the final model formulation; additionally the transformations between a global and
a wheel reference frames are not shown explicitly; see, e.g., [1, 2, 4–8]. In the
case of linearization of the nonholonomic constraints, they require transformations
[10]. Also, there are vehicle models derived automatically by computer codes; see,
e.g., [11] and references therein. In [11] the code AutoSim was used to generate a
variety of linear and nonlinear bicycle models in symbolic forms. Yet, they are not
standard in the kinematic model derivations. The validation of models like in [11]
requires the verification of the mapping between handmade formulas and computer
model descriptions. In the absence of systematic tools for developing the constraint
equations, there exist many models derived under special assumptions that make the
constraint formulation viable. This approach, in turn, leads to models of the same
mechanical systems that are difficult to compare and adopt for other applications.
A coordinate-free formulation of nonholonomic constraints presented in the
paper does not require any special assumptions about a mechanical system model
and the resulting constraint equations are easily verifiable and repeatable by other
2 Notation
It is assumed that the center of the wheel coincides with the origin of the wheel
reference frame. The constant r is the wheel radius. Let k be the global reference
frame and K the wheel reference frame. The wheel reference frame motion is
defined in terms of a translation:
T W k ! k; T .a/ WD a C % % 2 R3 (1)
B W K ! k: (2)
Coordinate-Free Formulation of Nonholonomic Constraints for Wheeled Robots 445
a D B.A/:
Displacement D D T ı B is defined as
For a mechanical system equipped with a wheel, let a state manifold be defined
by ˚ and a state variable q 2 ˚. The wheel reference frame location will be
specified with respect to the system state, i.e.,
B W ˚ ! SO.3/; T W ˚ ! R3 : (4)
qP WD q;
P q/ d @ d
B.q; P WD B.q/ D B.q/ q;
dt @q dt
d @ d
P q/
%.q; P WD %.q/ D %.q/ q:
dt @q dt
The no-slip condition states that a contact point between a wheel and a ground
has zero velocity. In this section a detailed formulation of the no-slip condition is
presented. It is based upon the geometric transformation between the ground and
the wheel reference frames.
446 S.S.P. Cesar and E. Jarzȩbowska
x y= N
x y= N
Fig. 1 The ground normal vector P and the wheel normal vector N in wheel reference frame
Define a contact point between the wheel and the ground as the lowest located point
with respect to the ground normal direction.
The contact point definition uniquely identifies a point on the wheel, and it
is independent from the fact that the wheel center location must match specific
conditions to ensure that the contact point in global coordinates is located in the
ground plane. Thanks to this property, the contact point for any system state q is
well defined and depends only on the rotation B.q/.
Following the upper/lower case letter convention described in Sect. 2, define
vectors (see Fig. 1):
• c; C is the vector pointing to the contact point position from the wheel center.
• p; P is the normal vector to the ground plane.
• n; N is the normal vector to the wheel plane.
Figure 1 shows the wheel normal vector N and the ground normal vector P in
the wheel reference frame. The following properties uniquely identify the contact
point vector C :
• It is located in the wheel plane: C N D 0.
• It is aligned with N; P : C 2 spanfP; N g.
• It is directed to the ground: C P < 0.
• It is located on the wheel circumference: kC k D r.
Coordinate-Free Formulation of Nonholonomic Constraints for Wheeled Robots 447
There is a singular case when the wheel lies on the floor, P D N . The presented
equations are not well defined in this case. In practice, such positions are strongly
unfortunate and should be avoided. This is why we do not discuss them.
The first approach to find C may be to project P on the place fN g? and
normalize it using the wheel radius r
P .P N /N
C D r :
kP .P N /N k
This solution is correct, but the term kP .P N /N k does not behave well
during the equation simplification.
The best approach seems to be the use of the following equation:
C D rN . /: (5)
kN P k
uy B 1 uz
C D ruy . /: (6)
kuy B 1 uz k
uy v D .vz ; 0; vx /T
is just a simple permutation and a sign change. This makes equation (6) easy to use.
Note that equation (6) is independent of any state manifold coordinate selection.
It is then the general formulation of the vector C pointing to the contact point
In a given position of a mechanical system, the contact point is a fixed point in the
wheel reference frame. It means that the contact point position depends only on the
wheel position and not on velocity.
448 S.S.P. Cesar and E. Jarzȩbowska
P q/
p.q; P D %.q;
P q/ P q/C.q/;
P C B.q; P (8)
where the term B.q/CP .q; q/ P is not present as the vector C points to the instanta-
neous contact point between the wheel and the ground.
Expressing the contact point position in terms of the global reference frame C D
B 1 .c/, the contact point velocity vector can be written as
P q/
p.q; P D %.q;
P q/ P q/B
P C B.q; P 1 .c.q//: (9)
P q/
p.q; P C !.q; q/
P D vo .q; q/ P c.q/; (10)
where vo D %P is the linear velocity of the wheel reference frame, operator !.q; q/
P q/B
./ WD B.q; P 1 ./ is the angular velocity of the wheel reference frame, and
c.q/ D B.q/C.q/ is the position of the contact point with respect to the global
reference frame orientation.
Then, the formula (10) and the no-slip condition lead to the nonholonomic
constraint formulation as
0 D vo .q; q/
P C !.q; q/
P c.q/: (11)
Equation (11) is the desired nonholonomic constraint equation. Note that it is not
related to any coordinate selection for the manifold ˚.
Using the constraint equation (11) and the contact point location equation (6), we
can obtain a general formula for nonholonomic constraint equations for wheeled
vehicle models. It is of the form
P 1 uy B 1 .q/uz
0 D vo .q; q/
P C B.q; q/BP .q/ rB.q/.uy . // : (12)
kuy B 1 .q/uz k
Coordinate-Free Formulation of Nonholonomic Constraints for Wheeled Robots 449
It can be simplified to
P q/.u uy B 1 .q/uz
P C r B.q;
0 D vo .q; q/ P y . //: (13)
kuy B 1 .q/uz k
Following [3], the configuration space for the vertical rolling disk is Q D R2
S 1 S 1 and it is parametrized by the coordinates q D .x; y;
; /, where:
• x; y is the projection of the center of the wheel in the xy-plane,
is the roll angle of the disk, and
• is the heading angle of the disk.
The ground to the wheel transformation of reference frames is given by
Bv .q/ D ˝z .'/ ˝y .
/ :
0 1
Bv .q/1 uz D @ 0 A
0 1
uy Bv1 .q/uz D @ 0 A :
kuy Bv .q/uz k D 1:
Then, we obtain
0 1
uy Bv .q/uz
Cv D ruy . / D r @ 0 A: (14)
kuy Bv .q/uz k
This is correct because in the global coordinates the contact point is always below
the center of the wheel and
0 1 0 1
cv D Bv Cv D Bv @ 0 A D @ 0 A :
Following [3], the configuration space for the falling rolling disk is Q D R3 S 1
S 1 S 1 , and it is parametrized by the coordinates q D .x; y; z;
; '; / where:
• x; y; z are the position coordinates of the center of the disk in the global reference
is the angle between the plane of the disk and the vertical axis,
• ' is the heading angle, and
• is the roll angle.
In [3], the coordinates are that of the contact point. Later we will change the
coordinate system to check that the constraints calculated in this paper match the
previous result.
Coordinate-Free Formulation of Nonholonomic Constraints for Wheeled Robots 451
Bf .q/ D ˝z .'/ ˝x .
/ ˝y . / :
0 1
sin cos
Bf .q/1 uz D @ sin
cos cos
0 1
cos cos
uy Bf1 .q/uz D @ 0 A:
sin cos
Note that
2 . 2 ; 2 /
Equation (17) is not as simple as expected. This is because the constraints are
calculated assuming that .x; y; z/ are the coordinates of the center of the wheel.
Assume now that the coordinates of the contact point are used as provided by (16).
They yield
0 01 0 1 0 1
x x sin ' sin
0 01 0 1 0 1
xP xP sin ' cos
P cos ' 'P sin
A tricycle robot is presented in Fig. 2. The geometry of the tricycle is used to define
the state manifold and to illustrate the use of generalized coordinates. Note that
calculations of the nonholonomic constraints are realized based on equation (13),
i.e., using T .q/ and B.q/ only. Any change of a coordinate system will only
affect the translation T .q/ and rotation B.q/ mappings. The final calculation of
the nonholonomic constraints is automatic so that it can be performed symbolically
by any computer algebra system; in this paper Maxima [9] has been used.
The configuration space is parametrized by the coordinates q D Œx; y;
; ˇ; l ;
r ; f T :
• x; y—position of the rare axis center,
—heading angle of the tricycle body,
• ˇ—heading angle of the front wheel,
• l —left wheel roll angle,
• r —right wheel roll angle, and
• f —front wheel roll angle.
The ground to wheel transformations are denoted by
• Tl ; Bl —left wheel translation and rotation,
• Tr ; Br —right wheel translation and rotation, and
• Tf ; Bf —front wheel translation and rotation.
Coordinate-Free Formulation of Nonholonomic Constraints for Wheeled Robots 453
y ff
d l
Bl .q/ D ˝z .
/ ˝y .l / ;
Br .q/ D ˝z .
/ ˝y .r / ;
Bf .q/ D ˝z .
C ˇ/ ˝y f ;
The final result for the nonholonomic constraints is presented. These formulas
are calculated symbolically in Maxima, and the LATEX equations are generated
automatically. The z component is omitted, as it is just 0 D 0.
Nonholonomic constraints (13) for the front wheel are
xP l sin
P C P f cos .
C ˇ/ 0
D : (21)
yP C l cos
P C P f sin .
C ˇ/ 0
5 Conclusions
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Polish National Science Center (NCN)
under the Grant No.: 2011/01/N/ST8/01894.
10. Meijaard, J.P., Papadopoulos, J.M., Ruina, A., Schwab, A.L.: Linearized dynamics equations
for the balance and steer of a bicycle: a benchmark and review. In: proc. Roy. Soc. A: Math.
Phy. E. Sci. 463(2084), 1955–1982 (2007)
11. Schwab, A.L., Meijaard, J.P., Papadopoulos, J.M.: Benchmark results on the linearized
equations of motion of an uncontrolled bicycle. In: J. Mech. Sci. Techno. 19 292–304 (2005)
12. Tsai, C., Meng-Bi C., Lin, S.: Dynamic modeling and tracking control of a nonholonomic
wheeled mobile manipulator with dual arms. In: J. Intell. Robot. Syst. 47(4) 317–340 (2006)
Optomechatronic Choppers with Rotating
Elements: Design Programs
Abstract Choppers are most used devices for the modulation of light. We have
developed a unitary theory of the optical choppers with rotating wheels working
with top-hat laser beams (with constant intensity distribution). A novel type of
chopper has been introduced, with windows with non-linear edges. The different
modulation functions (of the transmitted light flux) were obtained. From this
analysis, design programs are developed and presented in this study to tackle with
the diverse cases represented by the chopper configurations and by their constructive
and functional parameters. Numerical simulations and modeling are carried out
based on the mathematical theory we have previously developed. Rules of thumb
result to choose the most appropriate type of device and its characteristic parameters
with regard to the particular requirements of a specific application. Top-hat (with
constant intensity), Gaussian, and Bessel laser beams are considered in this study.
1 Introduction
Optical choppers [1] are devices utilized for a variety of purposes in optical
systems, including for the generation of light impulses, the elimination or selection
of spectral domains (or of certain wavelengths), or the controlled attenuation
of light. The optical setups in which they are used include thermometers and
pyrometers [10], photometers and colorimeters [1], lasers [3], telescopes or lidars
[11], manufacturing [16], as well as spectral [9, 12] or biomedical systems [13, 14].
Numerous studies, including early ones, were dedicated to the development of
both macroscopic and micro-choppers—the latter built as MEMS (micro-electrical-
mechanical systems) [15]. Nowadays they are considered an established type of
optical modulator, almost as used in laser setups as optical components like lenses,
prisms, filters, and mirrors. However, there is not yet a systematic theory for them,
which has led us to develop an analysis of “classical” chopper wheels [5]—with
rotating wheels with windows with linear edges. We have also introduced [6],
to the best of our knowledge, a novel type of device, with rotating wheels with
windows with semicircular edges. Due to the way their semicircular edges obscure
progressively the section of the laser beam in the plane of the wheel—which
resembles a planetary eclipse—we have proposed for these devices the name of
“eclipse” choppers [6].
We have presented in previous studies [7, 4] the different types of modulation
functions we had developed for these different choppers [5, 6]. Experimental
modules were also designed and manufactured, as well as prototype wheels [7] with
the different profiles presented above. The next step of this work is to achieve design
programs for the two main types of choppers. A first presentation of this program
for the classical devices was done in [4], for top-hat (with constant intensity over the
entire section) and Gaussian laser beams. In the present chapter this work is further
expanded, but for both types of scanners—classical and eclipse—and for three types
of the most used laser beams: top-hat, Gaussian, and Bessel.
Macroscopic optical choppers (Fig. 1) consist of a rotating wheel with “n” windows
and blades. They obscure the laser beam and generate controlled light impulses of
frequency f D n!/2 , where ! D cst. is the rotational speed of the wheel.
The three types of choppers pointed out in the Introduction are presented in
Fig. 1. The classical chopper (Fig. 1a) is thus compared with the two types of
eclipse choppers: with outward edges (Fig. 1b) and with inward edges (Fig. 1c).
Fig. 1 Optical choppers: (a) classical configuration with windows with linear edges, analyzed
in [5]; eclipse choppers with windows with outward (b) and inward (c) semicircular edges,
introduced and studied in [6]
Optomechatronic Choppers with Rotating Elements: Design Programs 459
One may remark that the classical choppers can be obtained as a particular case
of the eclipse ones for the radius of the edges ¡ ! 1. The modulation functions
we have deduced for the classical devices [5] are therefore a particular case of the
modulation functions we have developed [6] for the eclipse choppers.
The other characteristic parameters of the devices are (Fig. 1) ˛, the window
angle; , the blade angle; r, the radius of the section of the beam in the plane of the
wheel; R, the position of the center of the beam with regard to the pivot O of the
wheel; and 2ı, the angle the beam section is seen from the pivot O.
With regard to the relationships between the angle 2ı and the angles ˛ and ,
different types of modulation/transmission functions (radiometric flux of the output
beams) were obtained analytically and studied in [5, 6]:
(i) Laser impulses with approximate rectangular profiles are obtained for any type
of chopper if the beam is focused in the plane of the wheel.
(ii) Approximate trapezoidal laser impulses were obtained for choppers with
blades larger than the beam section ( 2ı) [5]. This case has also been
approached experimentally and our theory was confirmed by another group [2].
(iii) Approximate sinusoidal profiles of the output signals can also be obtained
for the previous case—if ˛ D 2ı D . In this case both the full transmission
and the full obscuration periods are reduced to zero, and the function of the
transmitted flux only consists of transition periods.
(iv) A non-null modulation function results for a single blade in front of the section
of the beam (for < 2ı and ˛ > 2ı).
(v) Non-null sinusoidal-type profiles are obtained for ˛, < 2ı, i.e., when there
are always multiple blades placed in front of the beam section.
(vi) Approximate trapezoidal or triangular profiles of the output laser beams
can be obtained, as demonstrated in [6], with the eclipse choppers. Thus,
while approximate trapezoidal impulses may also be obtained with classical
choppers—as pointed out above, at (ii)—for classical devices the transition
portions of the graphs of the flux are tangent to the time-axis; this does not
happen for the eclipse choppers (except for particular cases). Therefore, if
the ˛ D 2ı D condition is valid, with eclipse choppers not approximate
sinusoidal but approximate triangular impulses will be obtained—as the
general case of ¡ ¤ 1.
The analysis achieved for the classical choppers (with windows with linear edges)
[5] has led to the above rules of thumb to choose the appropriate wheels in order to
obtain a desired profile of the laser impulses.
The next steps in our work have thus been (i) to design and manufacture prototype
wheels and modules [7] to carry on experimental validations of the theory developed
and (ii) to develop a design program to obtain the modulation functions for a given
460 O. Cira and V.-F. Duma
a 0.3
1 0 1 2
d 1
Φ(ω.t) 0.5
Φ(θ) 0.5
0 1 2
0 0.1 0.2 θ[rad/s]
Fig. 2 Results of the design program for the classical chopper for a wheel with n D 6 wings, for
r D 5 mm, R D 30 mm, for Gaussian beams, with m D 1: (a) the chopper wheel with the section of
the beam in its plane; (b) graph of the area covered by the wing with regard to the rotation angle
D !t, where ! D cst.; (c, d) graphs of the transmitted flux (normalized, unitless) with regard to
time (c) and to the angle
set of parameters of the chopper. This program also allows the user to adjust the
constructive and functional parameters of the setup in order to obtain certain profiles
of the laser impulses generated through the chopper wheel.
A brief overview of these possibilities will be done in the following for the types
of chopper wheels presented in Fig. 1 and for different types of laser beams.
To characterize the overlapping of the blades and of the beam section, a
parameter m was defined [4] as the angular width of the beam section (as seen from
the pivot O) and the ratio between the angular width of the window; thus m D 2ı/˛.
In Fig. 2 an example of the information provided by the program is shown, for a
chopper with n D 6 wings, with r D 5 mm and R D 30 mm, working with Gaussian
laser beams. We have considered m D 1 (as an input parameter for the program);
thus it generated (Fig. 2a) a wheel with the margins of the window tangent to the
circular section of the beam. The program gives the A(
) function, which represents
the area of the beam section that is covered by the blades—as a function of time
or, equivalent, as a function of the rotation angle of the wheel,
D !t (the latter in
Fig. 2b). The final result of the program is the function of the transmitted flux, ˆ(t),
Fig. 2c (obtained in this example for ! D 200 rad/s), and ˆ(
), Fig. 2d.
Another example, this time with fractional values of the parameter m (and with
a different number n of blades), is considered in Fig. 3. Only two values of m were
considered, from the row of possible values [4], to make a comparison between
the modulation functions ˆ(
) obtained with a smaller and a larger value of the
parameter m.
Optomechatronic Choppers with Rotating Elements: Design Programs 461
A(θ) 0.4
0 0.5 1 1.5
Φ(θ) 0.5
(a1) 0
0 0.5 1 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
Φ(θ) 0.5
0 0.5 1 1.5
Fig. 3 Classical chopper: applications of the design program developed, for a wheel with
(a) n D 11 and (b) n D 12, for r D 5 mm, R D 30 mm, for Gaussian beams, with (1) m D 11/10,
(2) m D 15/10. For each case considered, the program provides: (a) the chopper wheel with the
section of the beam in its plane; (b) graph of the area covered by the wing; (c) graph of the
transmitted unitless flux—both with regard to the rotation angle
D !t, where ! D cst
In the examples considered in Fig. 3, these graphs are given in (c1) for m D 11/10
and in (c2) for m D 15/10. In both cases m > 1, which means that the beam section
is larger than the window of the wheel. One may remark the irregular shape of the
transmitted flux with regard to the regular shape obtained in Fig. 2, in the case of
m D 1. The irregularities increase, as it can also be seen comparing Fig. 2b1 with
Fig. 2b2 with the increase of the difference of m from m D 1. Also, comparing
the functions in Fig. 3c1, 3c2, the obvious decrease in the overall transmission
coefficient of the device with the increase of m can be concluded.
Another comparison is made in Fig. 4, where we have considered other values
of the chopper parameters, with three different values of m (one on each column)
and three different types of chopper beams (one on each row). The study thus
462 O. Cira and V.-F. Duma
1 1
(b1) (b2) (b3)
Φ(θ)0.5 Φ(θ) 0.5 Φ(θ)0.5
0 0
0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
θ[rad/s] θ[rad/s] θ[rad/s]
1 1 1
(c1) (c2) (c3)
Φ(θ)0.5 Φ(θ) 0.5 Φ(θ)0.5
0 0 0
1 1 1
(d1) (d2) (d3)
Φ(θ) 0.5 Φ(θ)0.5 Φ(θ)0.5
0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
0 0.5 1
θ[rad/s] θ[rad/s] θ[rad/s]
Fig. 4 (a) Designs of the wheel generated by the program. Comparison between the output light
flux for classical choppers used with different types of laser beams: (b) top-hat; (c) Gaussian;
(d) Bessel. The parameters of the setup are: wheels with n D 12 wings, for r D 5 mm, R D 30 mm,
with (1) m D 15/12, (2) m D 21/12; (3) m D 24/12
reveals several aspects: (i) regardless of the type of laser beam (top-hat, Gaussian,
or Bessel), the transmitted flux decreases with the increase of m—as it has been also
concluded from the study in Fig. 3; (ii) the shapes of the laser impulses generated
using the same chopper are different for each type of laser beam (for the same m,
therefore for the same wheel)—although for Gaussian (c) and Bessel (d) beams
there is a certain similarity of these shapes; (iii) the decrease in the transmission
with the increase of m is different for each type of laser beam—it is more severe for
Gaussian (c) with regard to top-hat (b) beams, and again more severe for Bessel (c)
with regard to Gaussian (c) beams.
Optomechatronic Choppers with Rotating Elements: Design Programs 463
The new type of wheels that we have proposed [6] has an interesting property that is
also demonstrated in Fig. 5, where an example of applying the program developed
for the different types of wheels is shown: more exact trapezoidal profiles can be
obtained with these eclipse choppers. While in our previous study [6, 7] we have
considered only semicircular edges, outward (Fig. 1b) or inward (Fig. 1c), in order to
obtain analytical expressions of the transmitted flux, using the developed program,
other types of edges, by example elliptical, can also be tested. Thus, in Fig. 5 the
way the program provides for elliptical edges is shown: (a) the shape of a window of
the wheel and (b) the graph of the transmitted flux for top-hat and Gaussian beams
with regard to the input constant flux † D ˆS r2 .
(a1) (b1)
−20 −10 0 10 20
0 10 20 τ,τ,τ
20 Φg-A(τ)
(a2) (b2)
0 10 20 −10 0 10
Fig. 5 (a) Window with inward edges and section of the laser beam in the section of the beam—
for eclipse choppers; (b) output flux of the device. Parameters of the chopper: n D 11 windows,
r D 5 mm, R D 30 mm, Gaussian laser beams, with the following semi-axis: (1) a D 4 mm,
b D 3 mm (window with outward edges); (2) a D 4 mm, b D 3 mm (window with inward edges)
464 O. Cira and V.-F. Duma
5 Conclusions
We presented the program we have developed for the design of optical choppers
with rotating wheels. We approached classical choppers (with linear edges) and
eclipse choppers (i.e., with elliptical edges). The program allows for the design of
the chopper wheel for certain parameters of the setup. It also provides the function
of the transmitted flux for different types of input laser beams: top-hat, Gaussian,
and Bessel. Future work includes other types of choppers and micro-choppers we
are currently developing, as well as applications as attenuators [8] or modulators.
Acknowledgments The work reported here was made possible by a Grant of the Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI–UEFISCDI project PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-
1682 (
Abstract In this paper we study a delay mathematical model for the dynamics
of HIV in HIV-specific CD4C T helper cells. We modify the model presented
by Roy and Wodarz in 2012, where the HIV dynamics is studied, considering a
single CD4C T cell population. Non-specific helper cells are included as alternative
target cell population, to account for macrophages and dendritic cells. In this paper,
we include two types of delay: (1) a latent period for the interval of time for
cells, with contact with the virus, to be infected by the virions, released by them;
(2) a virion production period for the virions to be produced and released to the
bloodstream from the infected cells. We compute the reproduction number of the
model, R0 , and the stability of the disease-free equilibrium. We find that for values
of R0 < 1, the model approaches asymptotically the disease-free equilibrium. We
present numerical simulations of this fact. These results suggest that the model is
mathematically and epidemiologically well posed.
1 Introduction
HIV/AIDS has been a major global health problem of our time. There have been
some breakthroughs, some small conquests, but millions of dollars are spent every
year in the treatment of the disease and no cure is available yet. Approximately, 25
million HIV-infected individuals live in sub-Saharan Africa [1, 12].
HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus that acts in the human body by
destroying the immunological system. The disease has three stages: the acute
stage, characterized by extensive initial virus growth, the chronic or asymptomatic
phase, where virus loads are low and the patient appears healthy, and the AIDS
phase where there is a sharp increase of virus load and the destruction of the CD4C
T helper cells, leading to the failure of the body. The fact that the HIV debilitates
not only the immune system but the HIV-specific responses [8], and its ability to
rapidly evolve in vivo, escaping the immune responses of the patient [3], makes the
HIV one of the most complex viruses to fight.
Many mathematical models have been proposed for the dynamics of HIV
infection [4, 7, 9–11]. Many models include delays. The most common delays in
the literature are constant delays and continuously distributed delays. Some authors
say that constant delays are not biologically realistic, the continuous delays being
the most adequate. Gamma distributions are frequently used to model continuous
delays [5, 6].
In this paper we study a delay mathematical model for the dynamics of HIV
in HIV-specific CD4C T helper cells. We modify the model presented by Roy
and Wodarz in 2012 [9], where the HIV dynamics is studied, considering a single
CD4C T cell population. Non-specific helper cells are included as alternative target
cell population, to account for macrophages and dendritic cells. In this paper, we
include two types of delay: (1) a latent period for the interval of time for cells, with
contact with the virus, to be infected by the virions, released by them; (2) a virion
production period for the virions to be produced and released to the bloodstream
from the infected cells. We consider that the delays can be approximated by a
gamma distribution [4].
The paper is organized as follows. The model is described in Sect. 2. In Sect. 2.2,
we compute the reproduction numbers and the stability of equilibria. Simulation
results of the full model are presented in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, we state the main
conclusions of this work and discuss future research directions.
We denote by x the uninfected specific helper cells and by y the infected specific
helper cells. Variable S models the uninfected non-specific helper cells and I the
infected non-specific helper cells. Variable v is the free virus population.
Disease progression is achieved by cells moving from one class to the other.
The HIV-specific helper cells, x, are produced at a constant rate r after being in
contact with the virus v. The T cell proliferation is proportional to the total virus
population, at low virus load, and saturates for higher values. Saturation of the
production of T cells may also occur for greater values of .x C y/. This regulates
the immune response against the virus. The degree of saturation is given by the
parameters and . Non-infected specific helper cells, x, become infected, after
A Delay Mathematical Model for HIV Dynamics in HIV-Specific Helper Cells 467
contact with the virus, at a rate ˇ and die at a rate d . The infected specific helper
cells, y, die at a rate a, are produced at a rate ˇ and produce virus at a rate k. The
non-specific non-infected target cells, S , are produced at a rate ˛, become infected,
after contact with the virus, at a rate ˇns , and die at a rate dns . Infected non-specific
target cells, I , die at a rate ans , are produced at a rate ˇns , and produce virus at a
rate kns . Finally, the free virus population, v, dies at a rate u.
The system of delay ordinary differential equations for the proposed model is
given by
x.t rx.t/v.t/.C/.C/
dx.t / ˇx.t /v.t /
y.t x.t /v.t /gn1 ;b1 . /e m1 d ay.t /
P / D ˛ dns S.t / ˇns S.t /v.t /
P / D ˇns S.t /v.t /gn ;b . /e m2 d ans I.t /
I.t 2 2
R1 R1
v.tP / D
y.t /gn3 ;b3 . /e m3 d C
ns I.t /gn4 ;b4 . /e m4 d uv.t /
0 0
The term e .i D 1; 2; 3; 4/ accounts for the cells that are infected at time
but die before becoming productively infected time units later. The distribution
function gni ;bi . / .i D 1; 2; 3; 4/ is defined in [5] as
ni 1
gni ;bi . / D e =bi (2)
.ni 1/Šbini
where the parameters ni and bi define the mean delay, Ni D ni bi , the variance, ni bi2 ,
and the peak, .ni 1/bi .i D 1; 2; 3; 4/, of the distribution. We consider ni 1,
i D 1; 2; 3; 4. If we substitute bi D Ni =ni , i D 1; 2; 3; 4 in equation (2), then we
where Ni 2 =ni is the variance of the distribution, i D 1; 2; 3; 4. The width of the
distribution is set by parameter ni , and the mean delay gives a way to set the location
of the delay.
The inclusion of a continuous delay implies the normalization of the delay kernel
so that fi . /e mi d D 1, i D 1; 2; 3; 4, in order for the equilibria of the
non-delay model to remain equilibria of the delay one. In the case of a gamma
distribution fi . / D gni ;bi . /, we rescale the equations of the model to obtain [4]
468 C.M.A. Pinto and A.R.M. Carvalho
x.t rx.t/v.t/.C/.C/
dx.t / ˇx.t /v.t /
P / D ˇN
y.t x.t /v.t /gn1 ;bO1 . /d ay.t /
P / D ˛ dns S.t / ˇns S.t /v.t /
S.t (4)
P / D ˇNns S.t /v.t /g O . /d ans I.t /
I.t n 2 ;b 2
R1 R1
v.tP / D
N y.t /gn3 ;bO3 . /d C
N ns I.t /gn4 ;bO4 . /d uv.t /
0 0
ˇN D ˇ
.1Cm1 b1 /n1
ˇNns D .1Cmˇns n
2 b2 / 2
N D .1Cm
3 b3 /n3
R1 (5)
N ns D
.1Cm4 b4 /n4
bOi D 1Cm
i bi 0 gni ;bOi . /d D 1
Using the notation in [2] on system (4), matrices for the new infection terms, F , and
the other terms, V , are given by
2 3 2 3
00 0 a 0 0
F D 40 0 ˇNns S0 5 I V D 4 0 ans 05 (7)
00 0
N ns u
N ns ˇNns ˛
R0 D .F V 1 / D (8)
dns ans u
Z 1
Fi ./ D gni ;bOi . /e d (10)
In order for the characteristic equation (13) to have a purely imaginary root,
the eigenvalues must cross the imaginary axis, to become positive. By way of
contradiction, we assume that there is some ! > 0 such that D i ! is an eigenvalue
of (13), that is,
! 2 C G1 i ! C G2 D G2 R0 F2 .i !/F4 .i !/ (16)
470 C.M.A. Pinto and A.R.M. Carvalho
! 4 C G12 ! 2 C G22 D G22 R02 jF2 .i !/F4 .i !/j2 G22 R02 (17)
3 Numerical Results
In this section, we present the numerical simulations of model (1). The parameter
values used in the simulations are ˇ D 0:01, d D 0:5, a D 1, r D 2, D 10,
D 10, D 1,
D 1, u D 1, ˇns D 0:2, ˛ D 0:12, dns D 0:1, ans D 0:2,
ns D 1,
m1 D 0:01, m2 D 0:01, b1 D 0:0625, b2 D 0:0625, n1 D 4, n2 D 4, m3 D 0:048,
m4 D 0:13, b3 D 0:25, b4 D 0:25, n3 D 5, and n4 D 6.
In Fig. 1, we plot the numbers of uninfected and infected non-specific target cells,
the numbers of uninfected and infected specific helper cells, and the population of
free virus. We observe that, for the given parameter values and initial conditions, the
model approaches the stable disease-free equilibrium asymptotically. Biologically,
this is explained as follows. The low initial virus load and the low initial number of
specific helper cells lead to the extinction of the specific helper cell response.
4 Conclusions
The model presented in this paper is a delay mathematical model for the dynamics
of HIV in HIV-specific CD4C T helper cells. It is a modification of the model
proposed in [9], where the HIV dynamics is studied, considering a single CD4C
T cell population. Non-specific helper cells are included as alternative target cell
population, to account for macrophages and dendritic cells. Two types of delay are
considered: (1) a latent period for the interval of time for cells, with contact with
the virus, to be infected by the virions, released by them; (2) a virion production
period for the virions to be produced and released to the bloodstream from the
infected cells. We compute the reproduction number of the model, R0 , and the
stability of the disease-free equilibrium. We find that for values of R0 < 1, the model
approaches asymptotically the disease-free equilibrium. We present some numerical
simulations. Future work is needed in order to compute the global stability of the
disease-free and of the endemic equilibrium.
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Fundação Gulbenkian, through Prémio Gul-
benkian de Apoio à Investigação 2003, and the Polytechnic of Porto, through the PAPRE Programa
de Apoio à Publicação em Revistas Científicas de Elevada Qualidade, for financial support. CP was
partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the program COMPETE
A Delay Mathematical Model for HIV Dynamics in HIV-Specific Helper Cells 471
1.4 2.5
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time Time
x 10−3
7 1
Infected specific helper cells
5 0.7
2 0.3
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Time Time
Fig. 1 Uninfected (solid line, top left) and infected non-specific target cells (dashed, top left),
uninfected specific target cells (top right), infected specific helper cells (bottom left), and free virus
population (bottom right). Parameter values used in the simulations are as above (see text), and
initial conditions are x.0/ D 1, y.0/ D 0, S.0/ D 1:2, I.0/ D 0, and v.0/ D 1
and by the Portuguese Government through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
under the project PEst-C/MAT/UI0144/2013. The research of A.C. was supported by a FCT grant
with reference SFRH/BD/96816/2013.
7. Perelson, A.S., Kirschner, D.E., Boer, R.: Dynamics of HIV infection of CD4C T cells. Math.
Biosci. 114, 81–125 (1993).
8. Rosenberg, E.S., Altfeld, M., Poon, S.H., Phillips, M.N., Wilkes, B.M., Eldridge, R.L.,
Robbins, G.K., D Aquila, R.T., Goulder, P.J., Walker, B.D.: Immunecontrol of HIV-1 after
early treatment acute infect. Nature 407, 523–526 (2000).
9. Roy, S.M., Wodarz, D.: Infection of HIVspecific CD4 T helper cells and the clonal composition
of the response. J. Theor. Biol. 304, 143–151 (2012).
10. Wodarz, D., Hamer, D.H.: Infection dynamics in HIV-specific CD4 T cells: Does a CD4 T cell
boost benefit the host or the virus? Math. Biosci. 209, 14–29 (2007).
11. Wodarz, D., Thomsen, A.R.: Effect of the CTL proliferation program on virus dynamics. Int.
Immunol. 17(9), 1269–1276 (2005).
12. WHO: Malaria and HIV Interaction and Their Implications for Public Health Police. The World
Health Organization (WHO) (2004).
The Application of Parametric Excitation
in Resonant MEMS Gyroscopes
1 Introduction
The MEMS gyroscope has received significant attention from MEMS researchers
both in industry and academia [1, 14]. Applications in stability, guidance and
navigation have driven the technological development of state-of-the-art MEMS
gyroscopes to a high level; however, their performance in some key areas does not
approach that of other gyroscope technologies. All MEMS vibratory gyroscopes
operate by exploiting Coriolis coupling between two modes of vibration of a
suspended proof mass [1, 14]. However, due to the small mass of micromachined
gyroscopes, this Coriolis coupling is small. Parametric excitation offers several
approaches to mitigate against the small Coriolis coupling between the two modes
and thus improve performance. The modes of vibration are often referred to as the
primary and secondary modes. By far the most common mode of operation for
MEMS gyroscopes is where the angular rate is measured. This type of gyro, known
as a “rate” gyro, has applications in the automotive, aerospace and consumer sectors.
The measurement of angle from a rate gyro requires integration of the angular rate
with respect to time. This process has several drawbacks. Noise and bias in the
measured angular rate, when integrated, will lead to a diverging error in the angle
measurement. In the rate gyro, one of the modes of vibration, known as the primary
mode and represented by the generalized coordinate q1 , is forced into resonance and
its amplitude is maintained constant. The measurement of the angular rate can be
shown to be proportional to the amplitude of a second mode, known as the secondary
mode and represented by the generalized coordinate q2 , excited via the Coriolis
force. If the vibration is plotted in mode space [q1, q2 ], then the line of oscillation
of the total vibration will have its gradient determined by the Coriolis force. The
line of oscillation is fixed in the mode space [q1, q2 ] for a given angular velocity
applied about the input axis of the gyroscope. Figure 1 shows the fixed elliptical
trajectory for the rate gyroscope. Note that the minor axis of the ellipse is related to
the structural imperfections and in the ideal case the trajectory becomes a straight
A second way of utilizing the inertia of the modes of vibration provides a direct
measure of angle and hence avoids the issues associated with numerical integration.
This mode of operation known as “rate integrating” has been used successfully
since the mid-1980s in macroscopic hemispherical shell gyroscopes [8, 9]. The
hemispherical resonator gyroscope (HRG) has been developed to a high degree
and is capable of tactical and inertial grade performance. Micromachined “rate-
integrating” gyroscope designs are also discussed in the literature; however, these
have tended to be suitable for angular rates in the order of deg/s. In the “rate-
integrating” gyroscope Coriolis acceleration in a freely vibrating elastic structure
couples two modes of vibration such that energy is continuously transferred between
the two modes of vibration. The resulting beating modal vibrations have a beat
frequency related to the angular rate. If the displacements are plotted in the mode
space [q1, q2 ], as shown in Fig. 2, then the line of oscillation of the total vibration
will precess with an angular velocity related to the angular velocity applied about
The Application of Parametric Excitation in Resonant MEMS Gyroscopes 475
gyro’s input axis. The input axis of a gyroscope is the axis about which maximum
Coriolis coupling occurs between the two modes of vibration represented by the
generalized coordinates q1 and q2 . The precession angle will also be related to the
applied angle of rotation. This is in contrast to the rate gyro where the orientation of
the line of oscillation would remain fixed. For the special case where the two modes
share exactly the same natural frequency, the beat frequency and thus the precession
will be proportional to the angular rate and the angle of rotation.
The property of wave inertia in elastic axisymmetric structures is well known. For
axisymmetric elastic structures modes of the same circumferential order share the
same natural frequency. This is known as degeneracy. The primary and secondary
modes therefore have the same natural frequency; thus excitation of the secondary
mode due to Coriolis acceleration will be at its natural frequency. Thus the response
is resonant and maximizes the effect of the Coriolis coupling. The theory of
structures exhibiting modal degeneracy is also well established [12].
476 B.J. Gallacher et al.
Due to the small mass of MEMS devices the Coriolis force is very small and
currently the performance of most micro-gyroscopes falls short of “tactical grade”
[14]. This is compounded by the relatively low level of structural precision
compared to their macroscopic counterparts and also “electrical feedthrough” of
the drive. The principal performance measurands for gyroscopes are bias drift,
angle random walk, scale factor and scale-factor stability. Scale factor defines the
ratio of the output response to the applied angular rate. In the case of the rate
gyroscope parametric excitation offers a way of improving the scale factor and
this is linked to the signal-to-noise performance of the gyroscope. This may be
achieved by amplifying either the primary or secondary modes of the gyroscope as
reported in [7, 16]. When applied to the primary mode of the gyroscope, parametric
amplification enables reduced forcing amplitudes and hence reduces electrical
feedthrough due to parasitic capacitances. However, the most beneficial method
employs parametric amplification of the secondary mode. Recall that the secondary
is the response to the Coriolis force. This approach is far more demanding on the
control system but it offers the greatest performance enhancements. Importantly,
parametric amplification of the Coriolis response occurs before any electrical
transduction or amplification. This is particularly advantageous for a range of
sensors, not just MEMS gyroscopes, where electronic noise is the major noise
contributor. In this case the signal-to-noise ratio and scale factor of the gyro will
be amplified. Parametric effects are also reported for other microsystems in [2, 11].
Other resonant devices that could benefit from parametric excitation include the
resonant magnetometer.
For the case of the rate-integrating gyro parametric excitation offers a way of
negating the effect of damping. By using the appropriate cyclic arrangement of
pumping electrodes it is possible to control the vibration energy associated with
each mode as well as controlling the total vibrational energy. This is important since
differences in the modal damping factors manifest themselves as angle or rate errors.
For gyroscopic applications, it is essential that parametric excitation must leave
the orientation of the normal modes unchanged. This imposes a particular cyclic
symmetric condition on the electrode configuration used to parametrically pump
the vibration. A single annular electrode provides a practical way of providing the
parametric excitation. However, use of a single annular electrode does not mitigate
against differences in the direct or cross damping terms.
Due to its planar structure and relatively simple MEMS fabrication process, the
ring structure is an ideal candidate for championing high-performance gyroscopic
attributes. Figure 3 shows the ring gyro with its lid removed and also a schematic
The Application of Parametric Excitation in Resonant MEMS Gyroscopes 477
Fig. 3 The MEMS silicon ring gyro [Goodrich and silicon sensing]
a b
θ θ
45° X 45° X
Fig. 4 Radial displacement of the flexural modes of order n D 2. (a) Primary mode, (b) secondary
highlighting the electrode arrangement for electrostatic actuation and sensing. The
mode shapes and natural frequencies of a perfect axisymmetric ring are well known
and available in the literature [5]. In the single axis ring gyroscope the flexural
modes of vibration in the plane of the ring are sensitive to angular rates applied
about the polar axis of the ring. The input axis of the ring gyroscope is therefore
its polar axis. Of practical interest are the flexural modes of circumferential order
n D 2, as shown in Fig. 4. The dynamics of the ring will be expressed relative to an
axis X passing through the centre of the ring and in its plane, as shown in Fig. 2.
With respect to this axis the modes of interest in the rate gyroscope are referred to
as the primary and secondary modes. The primary mode is characterized by radial
and tangential displacements having spatial variations proportional to cos(n
) and
) and its contribution to the motion is described by the generalized coordinate
q1 . The secondary mode is characterized by radial and tangential displacements
478 B.J. Gallacher et al.
Fig. 5 (a) Silicon ring and electrostatic actuation/sensing electrode. (b) Experimental setup
incorporating the packaged gyro, rate table and DSP control electronics
5 Basic Gyrodynamics
The homogenous equation of motion of the ring gyroscope in the absence of any
parametric excitation is described by Eq. (1) [3]:
q1 .t / 0 1 2n
q .t / D ; G D 2mo ŒJ ; ŒJ D ; D ':
N q2 .t / 1 0 n2 C 1
ŒM D mo M ; ŒK D ko K; ŒC D 2o !o mo C
1 Eo Izz 2 2"o ad
mo D 0 abd 1 C 2 ; ko D 1 n2 ; ˇ E D
n a 3
2ho 3
M D I C ı; K D I C ; C D I C :
It may be easily shown that only harmonics with m D h D 4, 8, 12, 16, etc.
contribute to the kinetic and strain energies. Single crystal silicon of orientation
<111> is used to form the ring structure. This crystal orientation possesses a
threefold rotational symmetry which does not perturb the degeneracy of the n D 2
in-plane flexural modes.
It has been assumed that the damping imperfections have the same structure as
the mass and stiffness imperfections; thus
ı1 ı2 1 2 1 2
ıD ; D ; D ;
ı 2 ı 1 2 1 2 1
2 2
n 1 4c n 1 4s
ı1 D ; ı2 D ;
2 .n C 1/ o
2 2 .n C 1/ o
E4c E4s
1 D ; D :
2Eo 2 4Eo
A brief overview of the linear model of parametric excitation will be presented since
a detailed description is available in [4, 6, 16].
Excitation of the primary mode is achieved by applying the drive voltage Vd (t) to the
pair of primary drive electrodes (PD). The voltage VPD (t) across the PD electrodes is
VPD .t / D Vd .t / Vdc :
Vd .t / D VF .t / C VP .t /;
VP .t / D Vp sin 2!f t C 'p ;
VF .t / D Vf sin !f t;
and ®p represents the phase advance of the parametric excitation applied to the PD
electrodes with respect to the forcing.
In normal operation jVdc j > Vf , Vp . An approximate expression for the equation
of motion of the primary mode can be obtained by including only the excitation
terms which make a first-order contribution to the response at frequency ! f . The
linearized equation of motion of the primary mode under combined harmonic
forcing and parametric excitation is derived in detail in [4, 6, 7, 16] and has the
qR 1 C qP C !1 2 p C 1p sin 2!f t C 'p q1 D 0p sin !f t D D1 .t /
b̌ D "o bd
2ho 2
b̌ D "o bd :
2ho 3
The steady-state solution of Eq. (2) may be written in the form
q1 .t / D A1 sin !f t C 1 :
By applying the harmonic balance method to Eq. (2), the magnitude of the
steady-state amplitude A1 and phase angle 1 of the primary mode with parametric
excitation are described by
&1 2 C 1p &1 cos 'p C b ! 1 4 C 1p b! 1 2 sin 'p C 14 1p 2
A1 Vp ; b! 1 ; 'p D 0p
! 1 4 C &1 2 14 1p 2
& C 12 1p cos 'p
! 1 ; 'p D tan
1 Vp ; b 2 1
! 1 C 2 1p sin 'p
! 1 2 D ! 1 2 !f 2
! 1 2 D !1 2 p
!1 !f
&1 D : (4)
It is clear from Eq. (3) that the linear model predicts that
!0 (5)
Gai n Vp ; b
! 1 ; 'p
! 1 4 C &1 2 1p 2 ! 0:
Here Gain Vp ; b ! 1 ; 'p denotes the parametric gain, which is defined as the
ratio of the mobility magnitude with parametric excitation “on” to the mobility
magnitude with parametric excitation “off” [3]. The DC components p present
in the electrostatic drive lowers the natural frequency of the primary mode to ! 1 .
From Eq. (5) describing the stability boundary of the primary mode it is clear that
the minimum value of 1p causing instability occurs when b ! 1 D 0: This means that
when the primary mode is excited at the softened resonant frequency, the parametric
amplitude needed to cause maximum amplification is a minimum. The excitation
parameters correspond to the nose or apex of the stability boundary.
482 B.J. Gallacher et al.
VSD .t / D VP .t / Vdc
VP .t / D Vp sin 2!f t C 's
and ®s represents the phase advance of the parametric excitation applied to the SD
electrodes with respect to the Coriolis force.
The linearized equation of motion of the secondary mode under an applied
angular rate and parametric excitation has the form
qR 2 C qP C !2 2 s C 2s sin 2!f t C 's q2 D F2 qP 1 C F12 q1 (6)
with ! 2 as the natural frequency of the secondary mode, and
1 1
s D b̌1 Vp 2 C Vdc 2
2 m2
2s D 2b̌1 Vp Vdc :
Note that the phase advance ®s is measured with respect to the Coriolis force
F2 qP 1 .
The equation of motion of the secondary mode has two orthogonal forcing
terms: F2 qP 1 and F12 q1 corresponding to the Coriolis force and quadrature force,
respectively. With the primary mode excited at its softened natural frequency ! 1 ,
the steady-state solution of Eq. (6) may be written in the form
By applying the harmonic balance method to Eq. (6), the magnitude of the
steady-state amplitudes A2 and A12 and phase angle 2 of the secondary mode with
parametric excitation are described by
! 2 4 C 2s b
&2 2 C 2s &2 cos .'s / C b ! 2 2 sin .'s / C 14 1 2
A2 Vp ; b! 2 ; 's D F2
! 2 4 C &2 2 14 2s 2
&2 C 12 2s cos .'s /
! 2 ; 's D arctan 2 1
2 Vp ; b
! 2 C 2 2s sin .'s /
The Application of Parametric Excitation in Resonant MEMS Gyroscopes 483
! 2 4 2s b
&2 2 2s &2 cos .'s / C b ! 2 2 sin .'s / C 14 2s 2
! 2 ; 's D F12
A12 Vp ; b
! 2 4 C &2 2 14 2s 2
! 1 D !f
The /2 phase shift of the quadrature force relative to the Coriolis force means
that the quadrature force is shifted by relative to VP (t). Also, the DC components
s present in the electrostatic drive lower the natural frequency of the secondary
mode to ! 2 . From Eq. (7) the linear model predicts that
Gain Vp ; b
! 2 ; 's
! 2 4 C &2 2 2s 2 ! 0:
The minimum value of 2s causing instability in the secondary mode occurs for
! 2 D 0: The phase advance ®s may be used to adjust the response amplitudes A2
and A12 . Maximum amplification of the response A2 and maximum deamplification
A2 2 A12 2
of the response A12 occur when dd's
D dd's
D 0 which gives the expression
's D arctan : (9)
For the ideal case where the mistuning b! 2 D 0, Eq. (9) shows that setting ®s D 0
will result in maximum amplification of the response to the Coriolis force. The phase
advance ®s for this ideal case of zero mistuning is therefore described by ®so with
®so D 0. The response to the quadrature forcing will be deamplified maximally. The
phase angle for the ideal case is described by 2 D 2o D 2 : Equation (9) shows
that when b ! 2 ¤ 0, corresponding to mistuning between the primary and secondary
modes, the phase advance resulting in maximum amplification (deamplification)
484 B.J. Gallacher et al.
33020 33030 33040 33050 33060 33070
Fig. 6 Forward and reverse frequency sweeps for parametric excitation only
of the response A2 (A12 ) will be shifted from that corresponding to the tuned case
®so D 0. The phase advance will be described by
's D 'so C arctan : (10)
The stability boundary can be determined experimentally either from the paramet-
rically amplified forced response or the response to parametric excitation only.
To determine the shape of the instability boundary the excitation frequency ¨
was swept, forwards and backwards, over values centred on 2!. A typical swept
response curve is shown in Fig. 6. For increasing values of frequency, starting from
point A, the response is, at first, indistinguishable from the measurement noise.
The interpretation of this is that the response corresponds to the trivial solution
of the equation of motion. At point B the response suddenly grows and becomes
easily seen above the noise. The interpretation now is that the trivial response has
become unstable and has developed into a limit cycle, with maximum amplitude
occurring at point C. The characteristics of this limit cycle are determined by the
The Application of Parametric Excitation in Resonant MEMS Gyroscopes 485
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 7 Measured stability boundary from frequency sweeps with parametric excitation only.
Parametric excitation frequency versus parametric excitation voltage
The objective for the amplitude control tests was to ramp down the harmonic
forcing voltage whilst sustaining the response amplitude at its set point through
using parametric excitation. Figure 9 shows the experimental test results with
the parametric gain set to 12. Ramping down of the harmonic forcing voltage
commenced at 30 s. At this time the parametric controller was switched on. The
response of the parametric controller to step changes in the desired response
amplitude was investigated. Figure 9 illustrates that with the gain set to 12, the
parametric controller can accommodate for 10 % step changes introduced at the
reference amplitude.
0 50 100 150 200
Parametric voltage & Gain
Parametric voltage Transient process
12 Response gain
Parametric excitation start
0 50 100 150 200
Fig. 9 Parametric gain set to 12. Response to step changes in desired amplitude
of the primary mode was under closed loop control using the PLL. The parametric
gain control circuit was not employed on the secondary mode. Figure 10 shows
the experimental results for the parametrically amplified Coriolis response and
demonstrates a gain by a factor of 11.
For high Q-factor MEMS electronic noise dominates over mechanical noise. As a
result parametric amplification of the Coriolis response (the secondary mode of the
gyro) will also amplify the signal-to-noise ratio of the gyro, as described by
S S Nmech
D ; Nmech << Nelect and 0
N Nmech C Nelect S
Gain S
GainSN :
488 B.J. Gallacher et al.
8 Parametric
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Rate table input(degree/second)
Parametric voltage: 5.5v
Parametric gain
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Rate table input (degree/second)
Fig. 10 Open loop rate table tests. (a) Amplitude of rate output for sinusoidal rate input.
(b) Parametric gain
In order to confirm that mechanical noise contributions are small even when
parametrically amplified, measurements of the noise floor at the resonant frequency
of the gyro were made with parametric excitation and also without parametric
excitation for zero rate input.
Figure 11 shows the noise floor of the rate output with and without parametric
excitation for zero rate input. The parametric excitation was set to 5.5 V, which
corresponds to an amplification of 11 in the Coriolis response. The standard
deviation in the noise response increased from 6.35 to 7.35 V corresponding to
an amplification of 1.16. The improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio is therefore
given by GainSN D Gain/1.16. Since Gain D 11, the signal-to-noise ratio of the gyro
has increased by a factor GainSN D 9.48.
The Application of Parametric Excitation in Resonant MEMS Gyroscopes 489
x 10-4
Without parametric
With 5.5v Parametric
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 11 Measured noise floor with and without parametric amplification applied
q .t / D ŒX x .t /
ŒX D X .1/ X .2/
& 0
Œ& D ; Œ D 1 2
0 & 2 1
490 B.J. Gallacher et al.
!1 2 D !o 2 .1 C "& / D !o 2 .1 C /
!2 2 D !o 2 .1 "& / D !o 2 .1 /
where t and b
t are the slow and fast timescales described by
t D "t and b
t D t C O "2 :
Assuming the voltage waveform is periodic and represented by the Fourier series
X 1
U.t / D uo C ur e ir!t C ur e ir!t with r! D 2b
! o C "ı:
rD1 rD1
8 9
@Ao ˆ
< .' ŒJ C +o !o ŒŒI C Œ / Ao >
D N ;
@t :̂ i !2o Œ& Ao C i !2o ˆ uo Ao C ur Bo e i"ıb
t >
8 9
@Bo ˆ
< .' ŒJ C +o !o ŒŒI C Œ / Bo >
D N :
@t :̂ Ci !2o Œ& Bo i !2o ˆ uo Bo C ur Ao e i"ıb
t >
0 5 ew Φu0 10 15 20 25 30
−20 A B
Stability boundary
ed (rad/s)
a0 s 4 C a1 s 3 C a2 s 2 C a3 s C a4 D 0:
3 D a3 .a1 a2 a0 a3 / a1 2 a4 D 0:
The stability can therefore be plotted and is shown in Fig. 12. The parametric
excitation parameters (ı,˚) resulting in purely imaginary values of s may then be
found by solving the equation 3 D 0. This means that the amplitude and frequency
of the harmonic voltage necessary to make the net energy dissipation of both
normal modes zero are known. The normal mode amplitude envelope can therefore
be sustained parametrically without interfering with the precession caused by the
Coriolis acceleration. Recall that ı/2 is the detuning of the excitation frequency
from the average of the two normal mode frequencies and ˚ is the scaling factor for
the voltage amplitude. Initialization of the vibration can be achieved by choosing
excitation parameters (ı,˚) that reside within the unstable region. Point (B) in
Fig. 12 shows such an arbitrary point with the unstable region. Parametric excitation
will cause both modes to be excited. To avoid unbounded growth a control system
must adjust the excitation parameters such that (ı,˚) converge on the stability
boundary. Converging on point (A) of Fig. 12 is advantageous since it allows the
lowest value of ˚ to be used to stabilize the vibration.
p The square-wave voltage
amplitude corresponding to point (A) has the value 6:5 V.
492 B.J. Gallacher et al.
8 Conclusions
Parametric excitation and amplification has been applied to the MEMS ring
gyroscope. The parametric stability boundary has been mapped; experimental,
parametric amplification approaches of two orders of magnitude have been demon-
strated in open loop. When applied to the Coriolis response of the rate gyro, an
amplification in the signal-to-noise ratio by a factor of 10 has been demonstrated.
Parametric excitation has been shown theoretically to offer a suitable excitation
method for the rate-integrating gyroscope.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Goodrich Sensors and Integrated Systems
(Plymouth UK), the Scottish Microelectronics Centre and the EPSRC for their support in all
the projects that contributed to this work. The authors thank Jim Burdess for many useful and
interesting discussions in relation to this body of work.
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Influence of Smart Material on the Dynamical
Response of Mechanical Oscillator
Abstract The dynamical response of systems with shape memory alloy (SMA)
or magnetorheological damper (MRD) presents a different behavior due to their
nonlinear characteristics. Both systems have a nonlinear behavior due to adaptive
dissipation related to their hysteretic behavior. This property is very attractive
in engineering field. This paper investigates the nonlinear dynamical behavior of
an SMA or MRD oscillator system. The LuGre mathematical model is used to
represent the MRD behavior. On the other hand, the SMA model is based on a
thermomechanical consistent model with four state variables.
Numerical simulations show different aspects about these two systems.
1 Introduction
exchange [5]. At each time t the state of the SMO is described by displacement x(t),
velocity v(t), an internal variable (t) [0, 1] that models the internal state of the
SMD and by temperature ª(t). To model the complex hysteretic behavior of SMM
the state depends not only on the actual value (t) but also on the value 0 (t) of
at the beginning of the last process of change of that occurred before time t. As
discussed in [5] the time evolution of the state takes place according to a system of
five-dimensional differential equations
xP D v (1)
vP D x C .sgn.x// v C F (2)
#P D ZL C # Œsgn.x/v JQ C Q (4)
in which Z and are constitutive functions that can take different expressions
depending on suitable state-dependent criteria [5]. The system response depends on
seven model parameters, J, , q1 , q2 , q3 , L, h, whose physical meaning is discussed
later (see also [5]) as well as on the damping coefficient of the viscous damper
(Fig. 1).
f D a z C 0 zV C 1 zP C 2 xP C b xV
P (5)
zP D xP 0 a0 jxj
P z (6)
where f is the damping force, V is the input voltage, and the parameters are defined
as follows: z(t) is the internal state variable (m); xP is the velocity of the oscillator
where MRD is attached (m/s); 0 is the stiffness of z(t) influenced by V (N/(m. V));
1 is the damping coefficient of z(t) (Ns/m); 2 is the viscous damping coefficient
(Ns/m); a is the stiffness of z(t) (N/m); b is the viscous damping coefficient
influenced by V (Ns/(m. V)); and a0 is a constant value (V/N).
We now consider a one-degree-of-freedom oscillator where the nonlinear restor-
ing damping force is provided by an MRD. We assume that stiffness is linear.
Balance of linear momentum is expressed by
mx 00 C cx 0 C f C kx D F (7)
c f A !
D !0t , D , FMRD D 2
, D 2
m!0 fV 0 mxst !0 mxst !0 !0
and xst means a static displacement of the system, is the dimensionless time,
and fV0 is the dimensional MRD damping force when the input voltage V D 0
(Fig. 2).
1.2 36.4288
32.3811 50
Maximum Amplitude
Frequency excitation (α)
28.3335 40
24.2858 30
20.2382 20
0.6 10
8.09528 1.5
4.04764 1.5
0.2 1
0 Frequency excitation (α)
0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 Amplitude excitation (γ)
Amplitude excitation (γ)
Fig. 3 Parameter space plots of the amplitude versus frequency excitation for the MRD oscillator
for V D 0
1.2 11.6348 14
10.3421 12
Maximum Amplitude
Frequency excitation (α)
9.0493 10
7.75655 8
6.46379 6
5.17103 4
0.4 2.58552 1.5
1.29276 1 2
0.5 1.5
0.2 0 1
Frequency excitation (α) 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 Amplitude excitation (γ)
Amplitude excitation (γ)
Fig. 4 Parameter space plots of the amplitude versus frequency excitation for the MRD oscillator
for V D 1
value V D 0. It should be noted here that the worst response is for high-frequency
excitation ˛ 1 and high-amplitude excitation 2 [1.3, 2]. Also, in this MRD case,
the space parameter region has several small amplitude vibrations, because the
damping force is significant to vibration reduction under these parameter conditions
(˛ vs ”). In order to show the influence of the voltage applied in MRD for vibration
attenuation of the system, other parameter space plots have been done and shown in
Figs. 4 and 5. It should be noted that the damping effect of the MR damper is very
significant in oscillator system. Figure 4 shows the response of the MRD oscillator
considered V D 1. Note that the amplitude of the response is significantly smaller
than that for the previous one. However, the critical situation occurs for the same
amplitude and frequency. Figure 5 shows that again the maximum amplitude occurs
at high-amplitude and high-frequency excitation, but this peak is smaller than the
previous cases, thus bettering the damping efficiency.
Influence of Smart Material on the Dynamical Response of Mechanical Oscillator 499
1.2 6.81017
Frequency excitation (α)
Maximum Amplitude
3.78343 4
0.6 2
0.4 1.51337 1.5
0.756686 1.5
0.2 0 1
0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency excitation (α) 0 0.5 Amplitude excitation (γ)
Amplitude excitation (γ)
Fig. 5 Parameter space plots of the amplitude versus frequency excitation for the MRD oscillator
for V D 2
1.2 31.4278
Frequency excitation (α)
24.4439 40
Maximum Amplitude
20.9519 30
0.6 10
1.5 2
0.4 6.98396
1 1.5
0.5 1
0.2 0 Frequency excitation (α)
0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 Amplitude excitation (γ)
Amplitude excitation (γ)
Fig. 6 Parameter space plots of the amplitude versus frequency excitation for the SMO
The parameter space plotted for SMA case is shown in Fig. 6. It is interest-
ing to note that the behavior of the SMA and MRD oscillators is different. It
should be observed here that the worst response is for low-frequency excitation
˛ 0.6 and high amplitude 2 [1.5, 2]. Figure 7 shows the parameter space
from Fig. 6 consideringotherperspectives. Note that qualitatively the SMA tends
to present better performance for high amplitude and frequency, but the MRD
presents smaller amplitude responses for high level of amplitude and low fre-
quency, and for small amplitude and frequency excitation the same response is
Initially, numerical simulations were run to investigate the effects of varying two
parameters: amplitude and frequency excitation. The maximum force developed
during each combination of these parameters is shown in Table 3. The force was
evaluated at the amplitude/frequency range and the maximum force was collected
considering some amplitude response (see first column in Table 3). All of the results
500 V. Piccirillo et al.
Maximum Amplitude
Maximum Amplitude
0 10
1 0.5
0.4 0.2 1 1.5
0.8 0.6 1.5 1
0.5 1.2 1 0.5
1.4 2 0
listed are for the MR damper case in which 0, 1, and 2 V was applied in device
and SMO. As can be seen, a large variety of nondimensional force responses are
observed in both cases.
4 Conclusions
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of external parameters
on the oscillator dynamics, taking into account two different smart materials:
SMA and MRD. It is found that significantly different behaviors can be achieved
depending on amplitude and frequency external parameters applied in mechanical
oscillator. A nonparametric analysis is carried out considering the effects of system
dissipation. It is possible to conclude that the high dissipation capacity of both
materials due to the hysteresis loop is capable to improve the dynamical response
of the oscillator. However, depending on the external parameter combinations, one
material is better than the other. Independent of the voltage applied in MRD, the
comparison between MRD and SMA oscillators has been made from a qualitative
point of view. In cases of low levels of amplitude and frequency or low amplitude
and high frequency the response is similar. In MRD case, the passive damping
produces a damping force and therefore is suited for higher level of amplitude and
low level of frequency. On the other hand, the SMA dissipation is suited to improve
the response when the combination of high levels of amplitude and frequency
Table 3 Nondimensional force developed during variation of the parameters ˛ and ˇ—MRD and SMA cases
amplitude Maximum force for V D 0 (MRD) Maximum force for V D 1 (MRD) Maximum force for V D 2 (MRD) Maximum force—SMA
4 0.13 1.50 0.90 1.16
8 0.26 1.01 1.72 1.30
12 0.27 1.51 – 3.61
16 0.33 – – 8.13
20 0.44 – – 11.83
24 0.49 – – 15.85
28 0.55 – – 19.79
32 0.63 – – 23.95
36 0.69 – – –
40 0.73 – – –
Influence of Smart Material on the Dynamical Response of Mechanical Oscillator
502 V. Piccirillo et al.
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Dynamical Pendulum-Like Nonconservative
Maxim V. Shamolin
Abstract We have elaborated the methods for the qualitative study of dissipative
systems and systems with anti-dissipation that allow us, for example, to obtain
conditions for bifurcation of birth of stable and unstable auto-oscillations. We
succeeded in generalizing the method for studying plane topographical Poincaré
systems to higher dimensions. In three-dimensional rigid body dynamics, we have
discovered complete lists of first integrals of dissipative systems and systems
with anti-dissipation that are transcendental (in the sense of classification of their
singularities) functions that are expressed through elementary functions in a number
of cases. We have discovered new qualitative analogs between the properties of
motion of free bodies in a resisting medium that is fixed at infinity and bodies in an
overrun medium flow.
1 Introduction
We study the nonconservative systems for which the methods for studying, for
example, Hamiltonian systems, is not applicable in general. Therefore, for such
systems, it is necessary, in some sense, to “directly” integrate the main equation of
dynamics. Herewith, we offer more universal interpretation of both obtained cases
and new ones of complete integrability in transcendental functions in two-, three-,
and four-dimensional rigid body dynamics in a nonconservative force field.
The results of the proposed work are a development of the previous studies,
including a certain applied problem from rigid body dynamics [4, 9, 11], where
complete lists of transcendental first integrals expressed through a finite combina-
tion of elementary functions were obtained. Later on, this circumstance allows us to
perform a complete analysis of all phase trajectories and show those their properties
which have a roughness and are preserved for systems of a more general form. The
complete integrability of such systems is related to symmetries of latent type.
In this section, we consider the possibilities of extending the results of the plane
dynamics of a rigid body interacting with a medium to the spatial case. We analyze
the problems of a spherical pendulum placed in the overrunning medium flow and a
spatial body motion under the existence of a certain non-integrable constraint and
also show the mechanical and topological analogies of the latter two problems.
The conjectures presented in [4], which concern the medium properties, are reflected
in constructing the spatial dynamical model of interaction of a medium with a body.
In this connection, there arises the possibility of formalizing the model assumptions
and obtaining the complete system of equations.
The whole interaction of the medium with the axe-symmetric body is concen-
trated on the part of the body surface, which has the form of a circular disk (Fig. 1).
Since the interaction is subjected to the streamline flow around laws, the force S
of this interaction is directed along the normal to the disk, and, moreover, the point
N of application of this force is determined by at least one parameter, the angle of
attack ˛, which is made by the velocity vector v D vD of the disk point D and the
exterior normal at this point (the line CD). The point D is the intersection point of
the middle perpendicular dropped from the center of masses C to the plane of disk.
Therefore, DN D R.˛; : : :/.
Dynamical Pendulum-Like Nonconservative Systems 505
Fig. 1 Spatial model of the dynamical action of the medium on the axe-symmetric body
Assume that the value of the resistance force S has the form S D s1 v2 ; where v
is the module of the velocity vector of the point D and the resistance coefficient s1
(as in the plane case; see [9]) is a function of only the angle of attack ˛: s1 D s1 .˛/.
Therefore, as previously, we consider such an “extension” of the problem, which
was mentioned in [1–4].
As in the plane case, along the line CD, an additional force T can act on the
body; as before, it is called the “following force.” The introduction of this force is
used for ensuring some given classes of motion (in this case, T is the reaction of
possible imposed constraints). In the case where there is no external force T, the
body executes a spatial free drag in the resisting medium.
Denote by Dxyz the coordinate system related to the body (Fig. 1). This
coordinate system related to the point D is chosen such that the tensor of inertia
in this system has the diagonal form: diagfI1 ; I2 ; I3 g. Assume that the mass
distribution is such that the longitudinal principal axis of inertia coincides with the
axis CD (this is the axis Dx), whereas the axes Dy and Dz lie in the plane of disk
and compose the right coordinate system. Moreover, as it was noted, we consider
the case of the dynamically symmetric rigid body, i.e., I2 D I3 .
In this case, to describe the body position in the space, we choose the Cartesian
coordinates .x0 ; y0 ; z0 / of the point D and three angles .
; ; /, which are defined
similar to the navigational angles as follows (compare with [5]).
Let us represent the turn from the inertial system Dx0 y0 z0 to the system Dxyz
as a composition of three turns T3 ./ ı T2 . / ı T1 .
/ under which, first, the frame
.ex0 ; ey0 ; ez0 / is turned around the vector ex0 by the angle
(T1 .
/ is executed):
.ex0 ; ey0 ; ez0 / !.T1 .
// ex0 ; e.1/ .1/
y0 ; ez0 ;
506 M.V. Shamolin
In this case, the vectors having the components in the frame .ex ; ey ; ez / obtain new
coordinates in the basis .ex0 ; ey0 ; ez0 /. In the basis .ex ; ey ; ez /, such a transformation
is given by certain matrix, and then the phase state of the system is characterized by
twelve quantities .xP0 ; yP0 ; zP0 ;
I P x0 ; y0 ; z0 ;
; ; /.
Let us consider the spherical coordinates .v; ˛; ˇ/ of the velocity vector v D vD
endpoint of the point D in which the angle ˇ is measured from the axis Dy in the
disk plane up to the line .DN / which is the intersection of two planes, one of which
contains the vector v and the axis Dx and the other is the disk plane.
The latter spherical coordinates and also the components of the angular velocity
are expressed through the phase variables .xP0 ; yP0 ; zP0 ;
P x0 ; y0 ; z0 ;
; ; / via
non-integrable relations. Therefore, the phase state of the system is determined
by the functions .v; ˛; ˇ; ˝x ; ˝y ; ˝z ; x0 ; y0 ; z0 ;
; ; /, and the first six functions
are considered as quasi-velocities of the system. Here, the tuple .˝x ; ˝y ; ˝z / is
defined as
˝ D ˝x ex C ˝y ey C ˝z ez ;
I1 ˝Px D 0;
where Fx D T s.˛/v2 .
The coordinates of the point N in the system .ex ; ey ; ez / take the form
0; yN .˛; ˇ; ˝=v/; zN .˛; ˇ; ˝=v/ ;
yN .˛; ˇ; ˝=v/ D R.˛/ cos ˇ h˝z =v, zN .˛; ˇ; ˝=v/ D R.˛/ sin ˇ C h˝y =v.
We can complement the system (1) by the kinematic relations. As before, we use
the following notation: is the distance DC and m is the mass of the body.
The dynamical system (1) contains the functions R.˛/ and s.˛/. To qualitatively
describe them, we use the existing experimental information about the properties of
the streamline flow around (see [3, 5]).
As in the plane case, we consider the class of motions under which identity
In the case of the dynamically symmetric rigid body, system (1) has the analytic first
i.e., the generalized forces admit a body self-rotation around the longitudinal
dynamical symmetry axis.
508 M.V. Shamolin
Let us use the methodological tool of reducing the system order, i.e., from the
first equation of (1), let us express the function T so that the total derivative of v
by the system (1) vanishes. As a result of this order reduction, system (1) has an
independent subsystem of the form
˝x0 ˝y ˝P z D 0;
C ˝x0 ˝z C ˝Py D 0;
Let us consider the trajectories of motion of system (4) on the level of integral (3)
˝x0 D 0: (5)
C ˝Py D 0;
C ˝P z cos ˇ C ˝Py sin ˇ D 0; (8)
P sin ˛ v cos ˛ ˝y cos ˇ C ˝z sin ˇ C
C ˝Py cos ˇ C ˝P z sin ˇ D 0; (9)
n20 D ; b D n0 ; H 1 D ; Œb D ŒH1 D 1;
I2 I2 n0
The system (11)–(14) is closed. Note that system (11), (12) is equivalent
to (8), (9) only outside the manifold
Let us project the angular velocity to the movable coordinate system Dz1 z2
(turning the system Dyz by the angle ˇ) such that
s.˛/ s.˛/
zP1 D 1 C b I2hn0 cos ˛
z1 z2 cos ˛
sin ˛
hv z cos ˛;
I2 cos ˛ 1
ˇP D 1 C b I2hn0 cos s.˛/
z1 cos ˛
sin ˛
; (20)
ˇP D .1 C bH1 / z1 cos ˛
sin ˛
; (25)
Outside the manifold O 0 , from the dynamical system (17)–(20), the independent
third-order system (17)–(19) is separated. The system (17)–(20) is considered on
the tangle bundle to the two-dimensional sphere (see [13]). Since we have the
“separation” of the third-order system, the phase space of our system has a number
of bundles.
The vector field of system (17)–(19) has the following three types of symmetries:
1. The central symmetry. Near .k; 0; 0/, k 2 Z, such a symmetry arises owing to
that the field in the coordinates .˛; z2 ; z1 / alternates its sign under the change
0 1 0 1
k ˛ k C ˛
@ z2 A ! @ z2 A
z1 z1
such a symmetry arises owing to that the ˛-component of the system vector fields
in the coordinates .˛; z2 ; z1 / is preserved under the change
0 1 0 1
=2 C i ˛ =2 C i C ˛
@ z2 A ! @ z2 A
z1 z1
f.˛; z2 ; z1 / W z1 D 0gI
precisely, the z2 - and ˛-components of the system vector field are preserved
under the change
0 1 0 1
˛ ˛
@ z2 A ! @ z2 A
z1 z1
Let us rewrite the system (26), (26) on algebraic form using the substitution
D sin ˛
512 M.V. Shamolin
Let us compare the second-order system (29), (30) to the nonautonomous first-
Later on, let us find the evident form of the additional first integral of the third-
order system (22)–(24). At the beginning for this we shall transform the invariant
relation (33) for u1 ¤ 0 as follows:
2 2
b C H1 C1 .b H1 /2 C C12 4
u2 C u1 D : (35)
2.1 C bH1 / 2.1 C bH1 / 4.1 C bH1 /2
As is seen, the parameters of the given invariant relation should satisfy the
.b H1 /2 C C12 4 0; (36)
Dynamical Pendulum-Like Nonconservative Systems 513
and the phase space of the system (22)–(24) is stratified on the family of the surfaces
which is assigned by the equality (35).
Thus, by virtue of the relation (33), equation (29) has the form
U1 .C1 ; u2 / D fC1 ˙ U2 .C1 ; u2 /g; (38)
2.1 C bH1 /
U2 .C1 ; u2 / D C12 4.1 C bH1 /.1 .b C H1 /u2 C .1 C bH1 /u22 /;
herewith, the constant of the integration C1 is chosen from the condition (36).
Therefore, the quadrature for the search of the additional first integral of the
system (22)–(24) has the form
.b .1 C bH1 /u2 /d u2
D :
2.1 .b C H1 /u2 C .1 C bH1 /u22 / C1 fC1 ˙ U2 .C1 ; u2 /g=.2.1 C bH1 //
b C H1
u2 D w1 ; b12 D .b H1 /2 C C12 4; (40)
2.1 C bH1 /
then the right-hand side of the equality (39) has the form
1 d.b12 4.1 C bH1 /w21 /
4 .b12 4.1 C bH1 /w21 / ˙ C1 b12 4.1 C bH1 /w21
d w1
.b H1 /.1 C bH1 / q D
.b12 4.1 C bH1 /w21 / ˙ C1 b12 4.1 C bH1 /w21
ˇq ˇ
ˇ ˇ
1 ˇ b1 4.1 C bH1 /w1
2 2 ˇ bH
ˇ 1
D ln ˇ ˙ 1ˇ ˙ I1 ; (41)
2 ˇ C1 ˇ 2
ˇ ˇ
514 M.V. Shamolin
Z q
d w3
I1 D q ; w3 D b12 4.1 C bH1 /w21 : (42)
b12 w23 .w3 ˙ C1 /
Three cases are possible for the calculation of the integral (42):
I. jb H1 j > 2:
ˇp q ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ .b H / 2 4 C b 2 w2 ˇ
1 ˇ 1 1 3 C1 ˇ
I1 D p ln ˇ ˙p ˇC
2 .b H1 /2 4 ˇˇ w3 ˙ C1 .b H1 /2 4 ˇˇ
ˇp q ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ .b H1 /2 4 b 2 w2 ˇ
1 ˇ 1 3 C 1 ˇ
C p ln ˇ p ˇ C const:
2 .b H1 /2 4 ˇˇ w3 ˙ C1 .b H1 /2 4 ˇˇ
II. jb H1 j < 2:
1 ˙C1 w3 C b12
I1 D p arcsin C const: (44)
4 .b H1 /2 b1 .w3 ˙ C1 /
III. jb H1 j D 2:
b12 w23
I1 D C const: (45)
C1 .w3 ˙ C1 /
z2 b C H1
w1 D ; (46)
sin ˛ 2.1 C bH1 /
ˇ ˇ
ˇp ˇ
ˇ ˇ
1 ˇ .b H1 / 42.1 C bH1 /w1
2 C1 ˇ
C p ln ˇ q p ˇ Cconst:
2 .b H1 /2 4 ˇˇ b1 4.1 C bH1 / w1 ˙C1
2 2 2 .b H 1 / 2 4ˇ
II. jb H1 j < 2:
1 ˙C 1 b1 4.1 C bH1 / w1 C b1
2 2 2 2
I1 D p arcsin q C const: (48)
4 .b H1 /2 b1 . b12 4.1 C bH1 /2 w21 ˙ C1 /
III. jb H1 j D 2:
So, the additional first integral was found right before for the third-order
system (22)–(24), i.e., it was presented the complete tuple of the first integrals which
are the transcendental functions of its own phase variables.
It is necessary to substitute formally the left-hand side of the first integral (33)
instead of C1 in the expression of the found first integral.
Then the obtained additional first integral has the following structural form
(which is similar to the transcendental first integral from the plane-parallel dynam-
ics; see [4]):
z2 z1
ln j sin ˛j C G2 sin ˛; ; D C2 D const: (50)
sin ˛ sin ˛
Thus, there are already found two the independent first integrals for the inte-
gration of the fourth-order system (22)–(25). And to complete its integrability it is
sufficient to find one more (additional) first integral which “joins” equation (25).
d u1 b C H1
D 2u2 : (52)
dˇ1 1 C bH1
b12 D .b H1 /2 C C12 4;
tg2 Œ2.ˇ1 C C3 / D
Returning to the old coordinates, we shall obtain the additional invariant relation
as the form
tg2 Œ2.ˇ1 C C3 / D
or finally
ˇ1 ˙
The system (17)–(20) is also a pendulum zero mean variable dissipation system.
The motion is executed under the action of the following two forces: the potential
F .˛/
v 0 d F .˛/
b ˛
I2 n0 d˛ cos ˛
with variable coefficient. In a certain subspace, this coefficient has the strictly
positive sign, and, therefore, the energy pumping from the is occurred here. In the
other subspace, this coefficient has the strictly negative sign. Therefore the force
scatters the energy forcing the body to damp its motion.
The latter remarks show that we deal with dissipative zero mean variable
dissipation system. The phase space is decomposed into a union of alternating
domain, in each of which there is a dissipation of only one sign.
518 M.V. Shamolin
Remark. In the case of the system (17)–(20) the search for integrals reduces to
integrating the Riccati equations whose solutions are not expressed in elementary
functions in the most general case.
Analogously to the plane case [4], let us consider the problem of the spatial
pendulum placed in the overrunning medium flow.
Let a convex plane domain (circular disk, for simplicity) be clamped perpendicu-
larly to the holder OD by a spherical hinge, and let it be in the overrunning medium
flow, which moves with a constant velocity v1 ¤ 0. Assume that the holder does
not create any resistance (Fig. 2).
The total force S of the medium flow action on the body is directed parallel to
the holder, and the point N of application of this force is determined by only one
parameter, the angle of attack ˛ measured between the velocity vector vD of the
point D with respect to the flow and the holder. Therefore, the force S is directed
along the normal to the side opposite to the direction of the velocity vD and passes
through a certain point N of the plane domain displaced from the point D forward
with respect to the direction of vD . Such conditions arise in using the model of
streamline flow around spatial bodies [4].
y0 S
O θ
The vector e determines the orientation of the holder. Then S D s1 .˛/v2D e; where
the resistance coefficient has the form s1 D s1 .˛/ D s.˛/sign cos ˛: Let Ox0 y0 z0 be
the immovable coordinate system. The direction of the overrunning flow coincides
with the direction of the axis x0 . Let us relate the coordinate system Dxyz with
the body, where the axis Dx is directed along the holder and axes Dy and Dz are
rigidly related to the plane domain.
The coordinates of the point N in the system Dxyz have the form .0; yN ; zN /.
Analogously to the problem of the free body motion, we introduce the function
R.˛/ and also the angle ˇ measured in the plane Dyz. In thus case for simplicity,
let S. A. Chaplygin properties (10) hold. For any admissible function R.˛/, the
analysis is performed analogously.
If the body is dynamically symmetric (I1 and I2 D I3 are principal moments of
inertia in the system Dxyz) and .˝x ; ˝y , and ˝z / are projections of the angular
velocity in the system Dxyz, then the equations of motion take the following form,
which is analogous to (13), (14) (H1 D 0, for simplicity):
˝y0 D n20 v2D sin ˛ cos ˛ sin ˇ; ˝z0 D n20 v2D sin ˛ cos ˛ cos ˇ: (61)
The resistance force admits the existence of the first integral (3), and, in this case,
the condition ˝x0 D 0 is taken into account in equations (61).
Let us introduce the angles .
; / determining the orientation of the pendulum
(Fig. 2). The angle
is measured from the axis x0 to the holder, whereas is
measured from the projection of the holder on the plane Oy0 z0 to the axis y0 . Then
D cos cos ; sin
cos D cos sin ; sin
sin D sin : (62)
P D ˝y cos
P D ˝z C ˝y sin cos
; (64)
P D ˝y cos ;
520 M.V. Shamolin
P sin sin
˝y D ; ˝z D P P : (65)
cos cos cos
˝y D
P sin C P cos ; ˝z D
P cos P sin : (66)
Equations from (61), (63), and (66) compose a complete system for determining
the pendulum motion on the level of the integral ˝x0 D 0.
Starting from three groups of equations two of which are differential and the third
is algebraic, it is easy to prove the following proposition.
Theorem 2. The complete system of the pendulum motion on the tangent bundle to
the two-dimensional sphere has the following form:
R C ln20 v1
P cos
C n20 v21 sin
P 2 cos
D 0; (67)
P P 1Ccos2
C ln2 v1 P cos
D 0: (68)
As in the case of a free body, system (67), (68) has symmetries. It also has a
complete tuple of first integrals, and the angle is a cyclic coordinate.
Theorem 3. System (67), (68) is topologically equivalent to the system (17)–(20).
Therefore, as in the plane case, there is a mechanical analogy between the pendulum
in the medium flow and the free body under the presence of a certain non-integrable
Remark. The angle ˛ for a free body is equivalent to the angle
, whereas the angle
ˇ is equivalent to the angle . Moreover, for systems (22)–(25) and (67), (68) to be
identical, it is necessary to set l D and v1 D v. The constant velocity of the
characteristic point of the circular disk for a free body corresponds to the constant
velocity of the overrunning flow on the pendulum. The relation l D tells us that
for a free body, the stationary motion ˛ 0 is exponentially unstable, and for the
pendulum, the stationary motion
0 is exponentially stable.
Dynamical Pendulum-Like Nonconservative Systems 521
Let us consider the case of the absence of an additional dependence of the functions
yN ; zN on angular velocity (i.e., for simplicity, H1 D 0). For convenience of
drawing the three-dimensional phase portrait and preserving the right-oriented
coordinate system f˛; z12 ; z1 g, let us make the formal change ˛ ! ˛. Moreover,
because of the existence of symmetries, we study the domain
˛P D z2 C b I2vn0 F .˛/
cos ˛
zP2 D Iv2 F .˛/ C z21 cos ˛
sin ˛
; (70)
zP1 D z1 z2 cos ˛
sin ˛
and under S. A. Chaplygin condition (10), the analytic system has the form
˛P D z2 C b sin ˛;
zP2 D sin ˛ cos ˛ C z21 cos ˛
sin ˛
; (71)
zP1 D z1 z2 cos ˛
sin ˛
For simplicity, let us study the system (71), and let us “rectify” the field along the
cylinders f.˛; z2 ; z1 / W z2 C b sin ˛ D 0gI precisely, making the change of the phase
variables u D z2 C b sin ˛; we pass from system (71) to the system
˛P D u;
uP D sin ˛ cos ˛ C z21 cos ˛
sin ˛
C bu cos ˛; (72)
zP1 D z1 Œu b sin ˛ cos ˛
sin ˛
522 M.V. Shamolin
For b D 0, system (72) (denoted by (720 )) has two analytical integrals. The
following but important proposition is obvious.
Theorem 4. The plane
f.˛; u; z1 / W z1 D 0g (73)
the latter fiber the phase space at each point of which we can draw two surfaces
given by relations (75) that intersect along the phase characteristic of system (720 ).
For each point of the phase space of system (72), let us define two pairs of subspaces
in each of which the characteristic of system (72) enters or emanates from. The first
integrals (75) “help us” to study the behavior of phase trajectories of system (72)
(compare with [14, 15]).
If g1 D fsin ˛ cos ˛; u; z1 g, g2 D fz1 cos ˛; 0; sin ˛g are the gradients of
surfaces ˆ1 ; ˆ2 , then the inner products
%k D .gk ; vN /; k D 1; 2
(Nv is the vector field of system (72)) have all the properties of the characteristic
functions (see also [12]).
Theorem 6. The characteristic functions %k have the form
The system (72) under study has the following equilibrium states:
1. The repelling point .0; 0; 0/
2. The attracting point .; 0; 0/
3. The saddles .=2; 0; Q1 / and Q1 2 Œ0; n0 / in each small area parallel to the
plane O˛z2
4. The centers .=2; 0; Q2 / and Q2 2 .n0 ; C1/ in each small area parallel to the
plane O˛z2
In cases 3 and 4, the singular points are not isolated.
Through the whole section, we have performed the qualitative analysis in
sufficient detail. The next subsection is a consequence of the previous material.
In accordance with the properties of the phase space partition into trajectories, the
typical trajectories of the point D of the plane domain fall into classes:
1. The trajectories corresponding to the oscillatory domain. Such trajectories are
curves on the sphere that unboundedly approach the poles of the sphere (along
the flow) as t ! ˙1.
2. The trajectories corresponding to the rotational domain. Such trajectories are
curves on the sphere that almost always fill annulus-like domains on the sphere
symmetric with respect to the equator.
We immediately present the equations of the pendulum motion under the condition
˝x0 ¤ 0. These equations have the following form:
R C ln20 v1
P cos
C n20 v21 sin
P 2 cos
D 0; (76)
P P 1Ccos2
C ln2 v1 P cos
C I1 ˝x0
P cos
D 0: (77)
0 I2 sin
Acknowledgements This work was supported by Russian Fund of Basic Research, project 12-
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ordinary differential (ODE), 24, 28, 33, 50, Fluid, 151, 154, 242, 494
56, 59, 65, 71, 72, 74, 75, 123, 186, viscous, 151–158
188, 199, 251, 298, 320, 363, 364, Flux, 459–464
366, 369, 391, 416, 467 light, 462
partial difference (PDE), 24, 50, 51, 56, 61, Force
64, 65, 72, 74, 75 actuator, 37–39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 384,
Poincare, 223 485
Riccati, 518 Coriolis, 186, 473, 474, 476, 482, 483,
second order differential, 316 486
secular, 490 cutting, 177, 178
unconstrained, 238, 239 damping, 38, 43, 496, 497, 501
uncontrolled, 215, 228 Duffing type, 2, 3, 10
variational, 308, 315, 316 elastic, 13, 416, 418
Equilibria, 388, 390, 466–470 excitation, 296, 299, 302
unstable, 388 external, 125, 126, 299, 302, 408, 411,
Equilibrium, 24, 105, 108, 109, 163, 295, 434, 439, 505
296, 340, 387, 415, 416, 418–421, friction, 42, 135, 259, 261, 283, 285, 408,
424–426, 434, 435, 437, 440, 409, 411
468–470, 523 generalized, 126, 128, 129, 506,
asymptotically stable, 326, 420, 424, 425, 507
468 gravity, 124, 133, 135
Excitation harmonic, 283, 407–414
frequency, 53, 57, 74, 141, 145, 263, 264, external, 125, 126
268, 290, 299, 301, 484, 485, 491 horizontal, 132
parametric, 473–492 interaction, 283
Expansion, 21, 87, 88, 94, 96–99, 152–154, quadrature, 482, 483, 513
247, 284, 320, 321 reaction, 104–106, 187, 367
multiple scale, 21 restoring, 1–3, 10, 13, 17, 108, 260, 265,
Exponent 267, 494
Lyapunov, 51, 53, 70, 72, 143, 228, 232, spike, 39, 41–45, 47
372, 387 spring, 38, 236, 237
maximal, 15, 51, 53, 70–72, 75, 143, static, 283
225, 228, 232–234, 242, 246, 326, tangential, 417, 418
372, 387 Forcing
harmonic, 283, 407–414, 480,
F 494
Feedback orthogonal, 482
acceleration, 221 quadrature, 482, 483
control, 199, 221 dimensionless, 385
negative, 221, 224 Formula
signal, 205, 206, 208 iteration, 366
Field Klingel’s, 264
deformation, 338, 340, 343 Lagrange, 31
gravitational, 215, 397, 398 Frame, 194, 217, 271–273, 276, 423, 425,
stress, 93, 340, 343, 344, 349 443–451, 505, 506
temperature, 23 reference, 271–273, 276, 443–449,
vector, 322, 510–511, 523 451
Flexibility Frequency
bending, 116, 127–129, 131 bands, 96
longitudinal, 116, 124, 136 beat, 474, 475
Flow natural, 176, 177, 179–181, 184, 290, 475,
linearized, 321 477, 480–483, 485
streamline, 154, 504–507, 518 dominant, 176, 177
532 Index
Friction I
dry, 255–268, 407–414 Impact, 11–17, 21, 199, 296, 302, 353,
slider, 259 397–401
Function Imperfection, 356, 479
Airy’s, 56 structural, 474, 479, 489
autocorrelation, 53, 72, 143, 282, 284 Impulse, 24, 457–462
correlation, 343, 344, 346 Index
deflection, 52, 56, 60 arousal, 375
dimensionless complex, 340 sleep quality, 372, 376–381
distribution, 343–349, 467 Inertia, 179, 180, 189, 226, 251, 264, 274,
exponential, 165 276, 297, 385, 418, 419, 474, 475,
Hamiltonian, 308–310, 312, 313 505, 519
linear, 367 Instability, 57, 190, 265, 320, 420, 481,
meromorphic, 307 483
periodic, 97, 327, 331 boundary, 484
spatially, 97 Integral
scalar, 151 elliptic, 2, 338
sensitivity, 364, 366, 369 first, 4–6, 8, 10, 252, 307, 310, 313, 332,
stream, 151, 152 484, 503, 504, 507, 511–513,
stress, 52, 53, 56, 60, 61, 65 515–517, 519, 520, 523
transcendental, 503, 504, 515, 517 Integration
trigonometric, 20, 163, 504 Newmark, 287
vortex, 151 numerical, 233, 234, 247, 249, 474
Interaction, 23, 59, 62, 74, 162, 196, 209,
281–285, 291, 292, 305, 326, 330,
347, 416, 418, 424, 426, 504
frequency, 42, 43
analytical, 398, 436, 507, 522
optimal, 38, 41, 42, 45
numerical, 205, 398
shift, 38, 41–47
Isomorphism, 17, 443
Gradient, 187, 250, 251, 423, 474, 523
Graph, 32, 131, 169, 191, 198, 247, 297, 299,
302, 356–358, 459–461, 463
Growth, 143, 320, 326–328, 330–334, 465,
Jump, 32, 62, 74, 208, 302, 319, 329,
332, 436
unbounded, 491
hemispherical resonator (HRG), 474
MEMS, 473–492
Lagrangian, 2, 3, 162, 223, 227
synchronization, 226–233, 242
conservation, 2
H energy-conservation, 5, 10
Hamiltonian, 245–253, 305–310, 312–316, friction, 407
340, 503 Limit
Heterogeneity, 87, 99 long-wave, 96
Holder, 175–184, 417, 421, 518, 519 stability, 81
weightless, 417 stress, 282
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Limiter, 397–399, 405
465–471 Linearization, 241, 242, 363, 444
Hypnogram, 372, 374–381 Load
Hypothesis, 104, 353 critical, 24, 25, 28, 32, 33
Kirchhoff–Love, 64, 70 longitudinal, 52, 53, 59, 61
Hysteresis, 264–266, 494, 497, 501 non-homogeneous, 28
nonlinear, 494 resistance, 79, 82
Index 533
Moment, 58, 295, 307, 342, 416, 506, 519 Lagrange, 119
inertial, 129 Laplace, 151
central, 117 non-Hermitian displacements, 340
Momentum, 10, 309, 313, 496 Reimman–Liouville, 139
conservation, 5, 10 Optics, 337, 343
Motion quantum, 337, 343
chaotic, 143, 145, 149, 227, 231, 251, 393, Optimization, 214, 251, 282, 353
395 Optomechatronics, 457–464
doubling, 227 Orbit
overshooting, 410–414 doubling, 79
periodic, 145, 227, 397, 398, 407–414 periodic, 79
sinusoidal, 397–405 Oscillation
slip, 409–413 chaotic, 203, 383
stick, 409–411 periodic, 110
subharmonic, 78, 203
N chaotic, 325
Nanosystem, 337–349 conservative, 10
Network coupled, 323, 349, 407–414
Bayesian, 352, 354 Duffing, 1–10
dynamic, 459 isochronous, 2
statement, 351–360 nonlinear, 1, 3, 10, 17, 20, 337, 429, 494
neural, 70–72, 75, 372 fractal, 337–349
static, 357 phenomenon, 299
Neuron spin, 71 biomechanical, 295
Nodes, 31, 338, 340, 342, 354 self-excited, 240
deviations, 342 spring-mass, 194
Noise state, 15, 21
electronic, 476, 487 stick-slip, 407, 409
floor, 488, 489 with hardening, 10
signal, 476, 478, 487–489, 492 with softening, 1, 2, 10
Nondetermination, 355 Output, 39, 44, 55–57, 71, 72, 79, 185–190,
Nonlinearity, 6, 17, 24, 59, 62, 136, 236, 302, 192, 194, 195, 197–199, 204, 205,
373, 418, 485, 494, 497 282, 285, 287, 288, 381, 386–389,
Number 392–393, 395, 462, 463, 476, 488
complex error, 39, 79
elliptic, 14, 17
hyperbolic, 16
hyperbolic, 12, 14, 15, 18, 22 P
real, 71 Parameter
Reynolds, 151, 156–158, 423, 424 initial, 341
Numerator, 190, 328, 332, 333 lumped, 61
unknown, 250, 363–365, 367
O Pattern, 37–47, 104, 112, 203, 204, 210, 246,
Object, 24, 25, 53, 62, 72, 80, 176, 246, 250, 249, 253, 390
251, 337, 351–354, 415–417, 426 topological, 389–392, 395
dynamic, 358, 360 Pendulum
Operator aerodynamic, 415–426
differential, 89, 166 inverted, 383–386
fractional, 139, 140 spatial, 518–520
Grünwald–Letnikov, 139, 140 spherical, 214, 216, 218, 219, 504, 518, 524
Hamilton, 338, 349 spring, 161–172
Index 535
Period, 1–10, 15, 40, 47, 55, 77–80, 141, 143, Power, 15, 21, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 51, 53, 57,
204–209, 227, 248, 251, 320, 330, 62, 63, 67, 72, 77–79, 111, 163, 166,
331, 388, 391, 392, 397–399, 410, 203–210, 234, 282, 285, 287, 288
411, 413, 466 electric, 415
latent, 466, 470 Precession, 227, 475, 491
Periodicity, 20, 21, 89, 90, 104, 324, 328, Precision, 163, 282, 284, 392, 478
331–333 structural, 476
Permutation, 447 Principle
Perturbation d’Alembert, 218–220, 222–224, 241
boundary shape, 91–92 Gauss, 218–221, 225
damping, 145 Probability, 282, 284–292, 354
initial, 145, 251, 295 Problem
Phase anisotropic Kepler, 305–307
slip, 408, 410 Cauchy, 24, 28, 32, 61, 62, 71
stick, 408, 410, 411 inverse simulation, 199
Phenomenon, 13, 59, 157, 295, 299, 301, 319, stability, 15, 24, 189
320, 323, 337, 394, 408, 413, 416, static, 24, 28, 127, 132, 133
424, 429, 495 Procedure, 14, 18–19, 38, 50, 57, 72, 82,
energy pumping, 429 86–91, 136, 176, 247, 278, 308,
Photons, 337 363–367, 392, 478
Plane wavelet-based Galerkin, 50
complex Process
elliptic, 16 fertilization, 295
hyperbolic, 16 unharmonic, 12
frontal, 104, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113 Property, 269, 296, 413, 446, 463, 475
sagittal, 104, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113 monotonic, 359
Plate, 24, 32, 49–75, 86, 106, 178, 180,
Platform, 104–106, 112, 113 Q
drilling, 131 Quantifiers, 372
Point recurrence plots, 372
attracting, 523 Quasilinearization, 363
contact, 178, 271, 443–448, 450, 452
critical, 32, 246, 248, 320, 326
equilibrium, 105, 109, 434, 437–438, 523 R
fold, 320 Ramp
inflexion, 320 simple, 78
mass, 37–40, 42, 44, 311–313 waveform, 80
material, 398 Realization
periodic, 388 orthogonal, 187–191, 193, 196, 198, 199
Poincare, 141 orthogonal-tangential, 187, 191, 193, 194,
repelling, 523 198, 199
Polarization, 337, 346 pure tangential, 187, 191, 198, 199
Polynomial skew-orthogonal, 188, 189, 195
characteristic, 402, 419, 420 Reasoning, 351
cubic, 398 diagnostic, 351
Portrait, 53, 72, 86, 246, 422 Recording, 337, 353, 372
phase, 67, 72, 142, 148, 149, 247–250, 411, polysomnographic, 371
412, 414, 434, 436, 521, 524 Regime
Posturography, 104 chaotic, 66, 77, 205, 206, 208, 210, 252
Potential non-periodic, 143
algebraic, 308 Regression, 394
non-smooth, 430 linear, 394
536 Index
Relation, 14, 24–26, 28, 51, 60, 71, 74, 90, 98, Shape, 11, 12, 16, 37, 91–92, 127–129, 131,
121, 124–126, 133, 141, 215–217, 171, 172, 176, 250, 283, 329, 368,
219–221, 231, 232, 234, 259, 260, 462, 463, 477, 484, 497
270–273, 277, 301, 338–340, 346, irregular, 461
354, 357, 359, 418–421, 445, 506, Shell
507, 513, 517, 519, 520, 523 isotropic, 51, 56, 74
invariant, 511–517 rectangular, 29, 51, 56, 59
Resonance, 21, 161, 162, 166–168, 172, Signal
184, 263, 265, 268, 432, 439, periodic, 78
441, 474 PWM, 77–79, 83
Response ramp, 78
beating, 437, 439–441 sawtooth, 79, 80
dynamic, 86, 139–149, 493–501 Simulation, 41–43, 45–47, 57, 74, 80, 83, 86,
strongly modulated (SMR), 439–441 129, 135, 140, 172, 181–184, 191,
Reynolds number, 151, 156–158, 423, 424 195–199, 234, 238, 247, 248, 256,
Rigid-body, 11–22, 181, 251–253, 503–524 260–266, 278, 279, 282, 286, 287,
Robot 289, 292, 349, 388, 416, 424, 425,
multi-wheeled, 444 466, 470, 471, 497–501
tricycle, 452–454 Monet Carlo, 282, 286–288, 292
Rod, 86, 423 Singularity
Root, 297, 307, 419, 420, 469 explicit, 187, 240, 320
imaginary, 469, 470 fold, 434, 435, 440
Rotation, 13, 17, 107, 108, 184, 270, 272–275, Sink, 391, 392
278, 290, 385, 416, 417, 423, 424, energy, 429–441
443–446, 449, 452, 453, 460, 461, Sleep
475, 507 rapid eyes movement (REM), 372, 374,
Rounding, 383, 385–389, 392–395 378–380
Rule, 11, 44, 46, 270, 371, 372, 416, 430, 459 slow wave, 372, 376, 378
Runge, 28, 32, 56, 65 Slippage, 131
Solid, 50, 51, 72, 86, 94, 96, 97, 233, 397, 424,
S mechanics, 305
Saddle, 208, 209, 404, 434, 437, 523 Solution
Sampling, 144, 146, 147, 250, 282, 286, 288, canard, 319
292, 383–385, 478 chaotic, 141, 145, 248, 389
strategy, 292 periodic, 6, 20, 80, 81, 143, 149, 326,
Scoring, 371, 372, 377, 381380 328–333, 399, 408, 411–412
sleep, 371–381 quasi-periodic, 141, 149, 248
Sensitivity, 364, 366, 369 steady state, 481, 482
Sensor, 79, 103, 104, 372, 476 Space
pressure, 104 mode, 474, 477
Series of translation, 445
covariance, 143 state, 204, 246, 387–389, 391, 392
Fourier, 20, 247, 431, 490 Speed, 17, 42–44, 46, 47, 176–178, 181, 182,
infinite, 97 184, 256, 262, 264–266, 268, 285,
power, 17, 21, 163 287, 291, 408, 416, 417, 423–425
Taylor’s, 365 flow, 417, 418, 423, 424, 458, 478
saw-tooth, 16 Spike, 37–47, 112, 325
Set Spring, 38, 42, 43, 115, 125, 161–172, 189,
edges connecting vertices, 357 191, 194, 195, 198, 236, 237, 256,
fuzzy, 357 258, 259, 262, 264, 265, 416
of vertices, 357, 358 massless, 132
Index 537