Types of Goals and Objectives
Types of Goals and Objectives
Types of Goals and Objectives
Goals should be closely tied to an organization's mission and vision statement. The
strategic goals, tactical goals and objectives, and operational goals and objectives support
the mission statement of the organization.
Strategic goals are set at the top of an organization and directly support the mission
statement. Strategic goals are related to the entire organization instead of any one
department. There are eight types of strategic goals found in organizations. The first type
of strategic goal affects market standing, for example "to control 45 percent of the market
share in the United States by the year 2011." Strategic goals regarding market standing
help position a company as a market leader in any given industry. An example of the
second strategic goal, innovation, is "to develop three new applications for use in
businesses in the United States over the next three years." Productivity, the third type of
strategic goal, involves reductions in manufacturing costs or increases in output. The fourth
type of strategic goal is the efficient use of physical assets and financial resources, such
as human resources. The fifth type of strategic goal involves the organization's profits and
is usually defined in terms of return on assets or market value of stocks. Management
development and performance is the sixth type of strategic goal, which concerns the
conduct of managers as well as their continuing development. An example of this type of
strategic goal is "to increase the number of hours offered in management training courses
by 15 percent over the next year." The seventh type of strategic goal addresses the conduct
of employees, as well as the concern for their attitudes and performance. An example of
this type of strategic goal is "to reduce turnover by 12 percent over the next two years."
Finally, the eighth type of strategic goal is concerned with the public and social
responsibility of the organization. These types of goals might be concerned with
reducing pollution or contributing to different charities.
Tactical goals and objectives are directly related to the strategic goals of the organization.
They indicate the levels of achievement necessary in the departments and divisions of the
organization. Tactical goals and objectives must support the strategic goals of the
organization. For example, if a strategic goal states that the organization is going to reduce
total costs by 15 percent next year, then the different departments of the company would
set tactical objectives to decrease their costs by a certain percentage so that the average of
all departments equals 15 percent.
Operational goals and objectives are determined at the lowest level of the organization and
apply to specific employees or subdivisions in the organization. They focus on the individual
responsibilities of employees. For example, if the department's tactical goal is related to an
increase in return on assets by 5 percent, then the sales manager may have an operational
objective of increasing sales by 10 percent.
Super-ordinate goals are those goals that are important to more than one party. They are
often used to resolve conflict between groups. Through cooperating to achieve the goal,
the tension and animosity between groups is often resolved. Feelings of camaraderie are
created along with trust and friendship. Super-ordinate goals can be powerful motivators
for groups to resolve their differences and cooperate with one another. In order for them
to be successful, the parties must first perceive that there is mutual dependency on one
another. The super-ordinate goal must be desired by everyone. Finally, all parties involved
must expect to receive rewards from the accomplishment of the goal.
1. Economic objectives
2. Social objectives
1] Profit Earning
In the long run, the survival of the business completely depends upon
the market share captured by the business. The creation of good and
satisfaction of the needs of the customer is a crucial purpose of the
business. So to generate profit and demand, the business must supply
premium quality and give value for money products.
4] Increasing Productivity
2] Employment Generation
The business does not run on its own but the people are responsible
for the success and failure of the business. The people on the inside
of the business are more valuable i.e. employees. They are an asset of
the business and make a ground-breaking contribution to the
business. They must be given reasonable pay for their work.
4] Community Service
For a company's employees, it gives workers a sense of purpose about the value of their work.
It is a broad statement that describes the cohesiveness of an organization, even if they do
multiple and varied types of work in their individual departments. Many times Mission statements
often start with statements such as, "We provide…" or "We offer…" or "We are a…" The
mission statements establish a framework for the behavior of those working in the company.
Performance standards can be based off a company's mission statement. This can guide
decision making for employees at various levels of the company.
Vision Statement
A vision statement is a clear, definitive statement of what you want to accomplish, and what the
world will look like once you've accomplished your mission. It's the perfect scenario that you're
working towards accomplishing. Also, knowing what is important in the community you are
working in is oftentimes extremely important in crafting a vision statement. Unlike the mission
statement, it is future oriented. It provides a sense of what the company values to those both
inside and outside the company. At times, some companies will use their vision statement for
public relations purposes.
Since a vision statement is used to direct overall strategic goals for a company, they tend not
to change very often. Each goal is another step on the path toward achieving the overall vision of
the company. Vision statements are written in the present tense but still serve the future of
the enterprise. When a vision statement can be read in the present tense and be accurate, an
organization will know that their vision is being achieved. For example, a vision statement for a
nonprofit who works to eliminate homelessness may read, "All children will live in safe, affordable
housing." Therefore, making sure children are in safe, appropriate housing is the overall strategic
goal of that non-profit.
Forms of Merger
1. Merger through Absorption: When two or more entities are combined, into
an existing company, it is known as merger through absorption. In this type of
merger, only one entity survive after the merger, while the rest of all
cease to exist as they lose their identity. E.g. Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL)
absorbed Tata Fertilizers Limited (TFL).
2. Merger through Consolidation: When two or more companies fuse to give
birth to a new company, it is known as merger through consolidation. This
implies that all the companies to the merger are dissolved, i.e. they lose
their identity and a new company is created. E.g. Consolidation of
Hindustan Computers Limited, Indian Reprographics Limited, Indian Software
Company Limited Hindustan Instruments Limited, to form a new company
HCL Limited.
The common feature of the two forms of the merger is that the resulting or
surviving company acquires the ownership of other entities and unite their
operations, with its own.
Types of Merger
The decision of merger is taken with great planning and analysis considering
all the positives and negatives. The sole aim is to accelerate growth and
build a good image in the market. It also enhances company’s profitability
through economies of scale, synergy, operating economies, entry to new
product lines, etc. Further, it removes financial constraints and also minimises
financial cost.
However, there are certain restrictions, like high employee turnover, culture
conflicts, etc. which might hit the efficiency and effectiveness.
Poison Pill
With this strategy, the target company aims at making its own stock less
attractive to the acquirer. There are two types of poison pills. The "flip-
in" poison pill allows existing shareholders (except the bidding company) to
buy more shares at a discount. This type of poison pill is usually written into
the company's shareholder-rights plan. The goal of the flip-in poison pill is
to dilute the shares held by the bidder and make the takeover bid more difficult
and expensive.
The "flip-over" poison pill allows stockholders to buy the acquirer's shares at a
discounted price in the event of a merger. If investors fail to take part in the
poison pill by purchasing stock at the discounted price, the outstanding
shareswill not be diluted enough to ward off a takeover.
An extreme version of the poison pill is the "suicide pill" whereby the takeover-
target company may take action that may lead to its ultimate destruction
White Knight
A white knight is a company (the "good guy") that gallops in to make a friendly
takeover offer to a target company that is facing a hostile takeover from
another party (a "black knight"). The white knight offers the target firm a way
out with a friendly takeover.
Backflip takeovers
This occurs when the acquiring company becomes a subsidiary of the company it
Imagine your company is called John Doe Inc. It has lots of money but very few
people globally know it exists. You hear that BaliBubu Plc is in financial trouble. It is
also a company with products that are famous all over the world.
A hostile takeover
In a hostile takeover situation, the target company does not want the bidder to
acquire it. This can only really happen in a publicly-listed company because the
directors are not typically majority shareholders.
The bidder does not back always off if the board of a publicly-listed company rejects
the offer. If the bidder still pursues the acquisition, it becomes a hostile takeover
Sometimes there may also be a hostile takeover situation if the bidder announces its
firm intention to make an offer, and then immediately makes the offer directly – thus,
not giving the board time to get organized.
If the bidder can divide board and or shareholder opinion, it has a better chance
of succeeding. There are five different ways that a hostile takeover situation can play
A reverse takeover
A reverse takeover occurs when a private company purchases a publicly-listed
In fact, it is an effective way for the private company to ‘float’ itself. In other words, it
can go public without all the IPO expense and time. IPO stands for Initial Public
A company opts for vertical integration to ensure full control over the
supply of the raw materials to manufacture its products. It may also employ
vertical integration to take over the reins of distribution of its products.
A classic example is that of the Carnegie Steel Company, which not only
bought iron mines to ensure the supply of the raw material but also took
over railroads to strengthen the distribution of the final product. The
strategy helped Carnegie produce cheaper steel, and empowered it in the
Credit: strategicmanagementinsight.com
Credit: aventalearning.com
A Range of Elasticity
Unit Elastic: The third category is unit elastic, in which the coefficient of elasticity
is E = 1. In this case, any change in price is matched by an equal relative change
in quantity. The percentage change in quantity is equal to the percentage change
in price. For example, a 10 percent change in price induces a equal 10 percent
change in quantity demanded. Unit elastic is essentially a dividing line or
boundary between the elastic and inelastic ranges.
Perfectly Inelastic: The final category presented in this chart is perfectly inelastic,
given by E = 0. Perfectly inelastic means that quantity demanded is unaffected by
any change in price. The quantity is essentially fixed. It does not matter how
much price changes, quantity does not budge.