Hot Spot Issue #307
Hot Spot Issue #307
Hot Spot Issue #307
Dr. I.M. Smartt Lottery 11
HOT SPOT Maze 36
Restore Your Photos 04
HOT SPOT Online 25
SUDOKU Solution 39
DJ Dirty Redd 07
DJ Postman 18
Inferno Monday Night 09 AROUND TOWN
Trevon Stand 08 Around Town
Around Town
Around Town Extra
SERVICES Around Town Extra
More Around Town
Mind of Creations 33
More Around Town
Restore Your Photos 04
HOT SPOT Printing 38
J.J.’s Tire World 13
JJ & Y’s Auto Detailing 13
Thomas Lonon Lawn Care 10 FEATURES
2011 Calendars 19 HOT SPOT Reps 26
HOT SPOT Subscribe 11
One Man’s Opinion 02
HOT SPOT Stuff 08
St Paul Clothing 07
All About Egipt 04
All About Egipt 29
Veteran’s Day 28
“One Man’s Opinion” BIG BRIM
Looking Good
Part I
Well it appears that the nation didn’t listen to me the last time, so I
guess I have to tell everyone again about hats. I don’t know what
those metro-sexual European designers are smoking or drinking but
this latest reincarnation of hats with the little brim is ridiculous. I know
this is not the first time the “little brims” are in fashion. I remember
back in the mid 1950’s when all men’s hats where made that way.
Yes, even I wore them 50 years ago, because I was a child and that’s
what my parents bought me and I didn’t know any better. Back then we call them Stingy Brims. In the
1930’s and 40’s they wore the big brim hats. Just look at any old movie. EVERY self respecting man
wore a hat with a big brim. Luckily the world came back to it’s senses and put a larger brim back on the
hats. It just makes too much sense. The brim in the front is to protect your eyes from the sun. The brim
in the back is to prevent rain from running down your neck. These new (old) Stingy Brims do neither.
You might as well be wearing a yarmulke or a skull cap. To me they just look silly. It’s even worst if you
have a big head like I do. I’m tired of seeing fellows with big heads walking around with a bowl on their
head with the brim the size of a little girl’s hair ribbon hanging off the side. And NO, it does not make
you look cool to turn the brim up in the back. So fellows, immediately after reading this, go to your
closet, take out that little dainty hat that your wife or girlfriend bought you and set it on fire. Because
that’s all it’s good for. You can’t even wear it to do yard work, because….see above...they don’t protect
your eyes or neck. So just burn it.
Oh and have you noticed how many WOMEN are going out and buying these Sting Brims, that’s
because they think they’re cute. Now think about it, do you want to go to your closet looking for your
hat only to find out your wife or daughter has borrowed it. They’ll put it back with all the hair spritz,
driptz and drap they use, now you’ll have it on your bald head too. I’ve already written about women in
men’s hats, so I won’t repeat it all, only to say it’s just WRONG. There ought to be a constitutional
amendment forbidding it and I’m sure even though I haven’t checked, there must be a Bible verse
stating, “Thou shalt not wear your man’s hat in public”
So in closing, Remember, First, Don’t Buy those Stingy Brims, Second, if you have one already, BURN
IT, don’t even donate to the Salvation Army. Don’t subject the less fortunate with big heads to walk
around with those things on their heads. BURN THEM NOW! Lastly, go out and buy yourself a MAN”s
Hat with the BIG BRIM. A good one will last for 20 years or more. If you don’t want to buy one right
now, RENT one of mine, I have 18 BIG BRIMS in many colors…….Remember though you must have a
Big Head like me.
What is it about this man of sterling character that court records were sealed from
the public? Why is he the only person in the history of the United States to have
his trial held on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, a federal holiday
which is a violation of the law? What is it that others know about the great works
of this noble soul that you do not know? Why as Masons, Shriners and Eastern
Stars you have not investigated this case? Why have only his brothers in Africa
come to his Distress Symbol? All Hail Liberia, Hail is all he said and they knew
and came. Oh Lord! My God! Is there no help for the widow's son? Now is the
time to respond to this Grand Hailing Sign of Distress and show forth the power
of the brotherhood.
Dr. Malachi Z. York
" I am Innocent! "
“The cable tow is an outward or seeable pledge of submission and fidelity. It is the symbol of a vow to assist another, to
be pulled along, even at the risk of our lives. Its strength and length depend upon a man’s ability to fulfill his
obligations. It is a test of his character and his capacity to love and devotion to the Masonic family.
It is as long as you want it to be. It will reach as far as your moral principles go or your material conditions will allow.
You are holding onto the rope that makes you a part of a tug-of-war against evil. You are on the side of The Most Hig h,
pulling for right or truth and won’t ever let go. Each man must be his own judge of the length of his cable tow. But if
the chord of each Freemason were tied around the planet, 24,896 miles, no earthly power could break the bond of
brotherhood. It is truly the Mystic Tie that binds the Masonic Brotherhood Worldwide together. This tie keeps
Freemasonry a house undivided.
In my heart and in my mind from my experiences, the sectism and the separation will be eliminated by the efforts of
those amongst us whose concerns are Freemasonry and Shrinedom and not self-gains and ego.” This is taken from (in
part) The Universal Lessons of The Masonic Lodge, The Secret Degrees and Studies of E.A. Entered
Apprentice written by Ill. Dr. Malachi Zodoq York-El 33°/720°©™, The Sovereign Grand Commander of the
Nuwaupian Worldwide Masonic Lodges.
Please come to your brother’s aide. Don’t let anyone get away with this unless you are prepared to be set up yourself for
teaching facts. Do your own investigation of the facts. We are asking every Mason, Shriner and Eastern Star regardless
of your fraternal affiliation to send this email to everyone you know so that its spans the globe. The world needs to
know that we will not allow this to happen to any of us. The truth must be told, for the very soul of God is at risk. We
are our brother’s keeper and stand united in Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
John and Jake went into a diner that looked
as though it had seen better days. As they
slid in to a booth, John wiped some crumbs
from the seat. Then he took a napkin and
wiped some mustard from the table. The
waitress, in a dirty uniform, came over and
asked if they wanted some menus.
Times are Tight. Your Advertising Budget is Being Squeezed. You Know You
Must Advertise to Succeed. Make the Most of Your Advertising Dollars.
Attention all Post 500 Members
The William P. Jordan American Legion
Post 500 Charter has been re-instated and
returned to the post.
There will be a general membership
meeting on November 17, 2010 at 7:00
PM in the Con-Ed Building located at
714 MLK Jr. Blvd. - 1st floor, located on
the corner of MLK Jr. Blvd. and
West Gwinnett St.
All members are encouraged to attend
this very informative meeting. Please
pass the word about the meeting to other
Post 500 members. Thanks in advance
for your support.
The rules of Sudoku are simple. Enter
digits from 1 to 9 into the
blank spaces. Every row must contain
one of each digit. So must
every column, as must every 3x3
square. Each Sudoku has a
unique solution that can be reached
logically without guessing.
The Solution is at the end of the Book.
No Peeking.
A couple had two little boys, ages 8 and 10, who were exces-
sively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble
and their parents knew that, if any mischief occurred in their
town, their sons were probably involved.
Sudoku Solution
speak with her boys.The clergyman agreed, but asked to see
them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old in first
that morning,with the older boy to see the clergyman in the
The boy screamed and bolted from the room, ran directly
home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind
him.When his older brother found him in the closet,he asked,
"What happened?"