Karl McBurnett - 5305 - Literature Review
Karl McBurnett - 5305 - Literature Review
Karl McBurnett - 5305 - Literature Review
Karl McBurnett
Lamar University
The history of education can be traced back some 4000 years to the first formal schools
set up in Egypt’s Middle Kingdom and the Xia Dynasty in China. Since then, significant
technological advancements vastly changed the living conditions of humanity. Many of these
technologies eventually made their way into classrooms as well, but not always in a form that
would inherently change the way instruction was delivered or consumed. An early 20th-century
apprenticeship program might teach about breakthroughs in electricity, but the model of learning
would seem similar to a 17th-century blacksmith’s apprentice. More recent advancements allow
students to readily interact with their subject in ways that promote more in-depth understanding.
active learning environment in the classroom. The literature shows several models in which
blended learning facilitates this goal, and the review summarizes these. Search terms for research
included, flipped classroom, blended learning, inquiry-based learning, and peer tutoring. The
review emphasizes research dealing with the impact of these modes in student learning in science
classes. It also prioritizes research within the last ten years. Conclusions find these models are
effective in increasing both quantitative and qualitative measures of learning while at the same
Historical Context
easier is relatively new, the pedagogical basis for it is quite ancient. At the heart of blended
learning is the idea that learning is doing. Socrates’ dialogues with his students involved the
setting of a situation, response from pupils, and then a careful questioning of those responses to
elicit a deeper understanding of the situation. “The teacher here is not the ‘sage on the stage’ with
In the modern era, Dewey emphasized experiential learning in which students actively
participated in authentic exercises in order to make meaning of it. (Roth, Jornet, 2014). Along
with Piaget, Bruner, and others, constructivist learning theories developed in which “generating
based Learning,” 2019). Models of inquiry-based learning exist solidly within these historical
understanding through active engagement with these situations. Blended learning as defined by
Michael Horn is “any formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through
online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace.” (Horn,
engagement and ownership in their learning. Quantitively, student test scores have been seen to
improve as well. Beyond the subject matter, inquiry helps develop 21st-century skills in students
approach that gives the learner choice (C), ownership (O), and voice (V) through authentic (A)
learning opportunities” (Harapnuik, Thibodeaux, & Cummings, 2018, p. 68). Each is an essential
students choice and control over their education is vital. “Learners are given the freedom to
choose how they wish to organize, structure and present their learning experiences” (Harapnuik,
Thibodeaux, & Cummings, 2018, p. 17). Student-centered learning provides students the ability
to have input in the direction of their education (Richmond, 2014). In a study of non-selective
California high schools with higher than average at-risk populations, personalization, and choice
resulted in increased course completion rates and persistence in college enrollment after
graduation(Friedlander, 2014).
engagement to students. Teachers own the work assigned in class, and students are only
recipients of it. Jeremy Finn (1989, 1993) found that engagement by at-risk students in
Washington, D.C. schools lead to higher achievement. Inquiry-based strategies give ownership to
students by actively engaging them in a problem and its solution. Taking part in data gathering
students. Assessments rely mainly on students regurgitating this information back, requiring
lower levels of understanding. One way for students to better internalize learning is by teaching
others. Peer instruction and review forces the student to go through a level of metacognition that
increases academic achievement — even the act of preparing to teach results in improvements
(Muis, 2016).
Authentic Learning. Dewey’s belief that real learning results from actual participation in
a subject is most is evident in authentic learning environments. Students work through real-world
problems or situations in order to derive solutions. When made relevant to students, engagement
increases, as does achievement. The Modeling Instruction Program at Arizona University has
demonstrated statistically higher scores on their Forces Concept Inventory when students derive
physical laws through authentic data collection and analysis (Dao, Gorton, Preston, 2016).
significant portion of content is transferred out of the classroom and delivered to the student
online. The delivery can take on varying forms, such as podcasts or readings, and can be
“Classroom time is no longer spent taking in raw content, a largely passive process. The
classroom becomes an interactive environment that engages students more directly in their
education” (Horn, 2016). The importance of flipping comes in the utilization of in-class time.
Literature shows that flipped classroom implementations positively affect areas of student
attitudes (Bolliger, Supanakorn, & Boggs, 2010), student behavior (Chester, Buntine, Hammond,
& Atkinson, 2011), and student performance (Alpay & Gulati, 2010). Muller (2018) found that
flipped content stimulates cognition and improves performance from pre-tests to post-tests by
Learning methods that emphasized the active processing and application of information
produced significant results in student achievement. These include case studies, group projects,
design and build projects, fieldwork, and other similar activities. These types of inquiry-based
A large meta-analysis of active learning research in college and university STEM courses
found an increase in scores on a concept inventory with an effect size of 0.88 (Weiman, 2014 p.
8329). The average effect size for an educational intervention is .57 (Dweck, 2016), so the results
are significant. Freeman found that failure rates in classes utilizing active learning were 30% less
than lecture classes. The same analysis found that performance between these two methods was
independent of the instructors. “Comparative results between lecture and active learning were the
same for one instructor using the two different methods or independent instructors using different
methods. Thus, there was no indication that the relative effectiveness of the different teaching
Deslauriers, McCarty, Miller, Callaghan, & Kestin (2018) found similar results in their
comparison of active learning and passive lectures, with one point of concern. The study
compared both the measurable learning of students and a student’s feeling about their
performance on a standard Force Concept Inventory in a university physics course. While the
performance (test of feelings) showed that students believed they had underperformed. These
beliefs may be a result of students needing to apply more effort on their part to participate in
active learning situations versus traditional lecture. Communicating this to students early in a
educators to ensure that students are involved in a productive cycle of learning. The 5E
instructional framework has proven to be a practical framework from which instructors can
readily develop curriculum. This framework emphasizes the significant components required of
unique problem of general interest. Exploration – students are encouraged to apply the primary
teacher-centered component in which students are posed questions to help work through
The process of teaching others offers a powerful capstone to new learning. It fully utilizes all
facets of COVA. Students decide the best way to present information using their unique vision
and voice. They are involved in an authentic task that requires ownership in its production. In a
flipped classroom, the unique opportunity arises to allow these student-produced products to
become part of the resources for future classes. One aspect of the proposed innovation plan is the
creation of a maker space for students to produce podcast videos on course topics. Hoban,
Nielsen, Shepherd (2013, p.34), said, “Students therefore not only learn from creating their own
digital representation to explain a science concept, but they can also learn from the other digital
Throughout the entire process of inquiry-based learning, students not only come to
understand new concepts and ideas, but also develop skills that will serve them throughout all
aspects of their lives. These 21st-century skills encompass areas of critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration, communication, and technological literacy. In the same way that the factory-
modeled classroom of the 20th-century prepared students for factories, today’s schools must
Seth Godin (2017) reports that 69% of managers in the workplace are uncomfortable
communicating with their employees. Such a valuable skill, he suggests, cannot merely be called
a “soft skill” because it implies that it is optional in today’s world. Instead, 21-century skills will
be powering much of the innovation of the future, making these essential vocational skills.
The schools that students attend today are no longer merely preparing them for a job that
existed a hundred years ago, one that is repetitive and unchanging for years. Even an auto
mechanic must have strong reading skills to interpret the manuals and schematics of ever-
facilitated by a flipped classroom, this review has shown that students will benefit from an
increase in engagement and agency. By taking part in active learning lessons and communicating
out the results of these lessons, students develop transferrable, real-world skills. The greatest
lesson educators can teach their students is how to learn, and an inquiry-based learning
Alpay, E., & Gulati, S. (2010). Student- led podcasting for engineering education. European
Bolliger, D. U., Supanakorn, S. & Boggs, C. (2010). Impact of podcasting on student motivation
in the online learning environment. Computers & Education, 55, 714– 722.
Chester, A., Buntine, A., Hammond, K., & Atkinson, L. (2011). Podcasting in education: Student
attitudes, behaviour and self-efficacy. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 14,
Deslauriers, L., McCarty, L. S., Miller, K., Callaghan, K., & Kestin, G. (2019). Measuring actual
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Dweck, C. (2018, July 23). Carol Dweck responds to recent criticisms of growth mindset
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Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., & Cummings, C. (2018). Choice, Ownership, and Voice through
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Horn, M. B., Staker, H., & Christensen, C. M. (2015). Blended: using disruptive innovation to
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Kathy Dao, Sandra Gorton, Karen Preston (2016). Combining Qualitative Physics Ranking Tasks
Muller, D.A. (2008). Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education, PhD dissertation,
Muis, K. R., Psaradellis, C., Chevrier, M., Di Leo, I., & Lajoie, S. P. (2016). Learning by
Richmond, E. (2014, October 24). What Happens When Students Control Their Own Education.
Roth, Wolff-Michael; Jornet, Alfredo (2014). Toward a theory of experience. Science Education.
98 (1), 106–26.