Automatic Irrigation System

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( In Department of Mechanical Engineering )

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mr. Tarun Kumar Aseri Radheshyam Kumawat (15ME52)
Assistant Professor Praveen Kumar (15ME49)
( ME Dept.) Priyanshu Soni (15ME51)
Raghav Agnihotri (16ME92D)
Rajat Sharma (15ME53)
Prince Kumar (15ME50)

Department of Mechanical Engineering


1. Acknowledgement
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Basic Idea
5. Components
6. Circuit Analysis
7. Arduino Coding
8. Future Improvement

We sincerely thank our project guide Mr. Tarun Kumar Aseri ,

(Assistant Professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering )
for his valuable guidance , encouragement and co-operation
during the course of this seminar and its presentation.
A project owes its success from commencement to
completion , to people involved with project at various stages .
We avail this opportunity to convey our sincere thanks to all the
individuals who have helped and assisted us in developing this
Last but not the least, the co-operation and help received from
teachers and friends is gratefully acknowledged.

Now, a days almost every mechanical system is embedded with

electronics system components to increase its intelligence in
many ways.
In this article , you will have a chance to understand
such a system which is a combination of such mechanical and
electronics components named AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION
This is a minor project which will give you an basic
idea of supplying water in farms, crops, plants automatically
using a soil moisture sensor which is controlled by some
electronics components.

The project is designed to develop an automatic irrigation

system which switches the pump motor ON/OFF on sensing the
moisture content of the soil. In the field of agriculture, use of
proper method of irrigation is important. The advantages of
using this method is to reduce human intervention and still
ensure proper irrigation.
The project uses an arduino board( with
power supply ) , a relay ,a water motor (with power supply) and
a soil moisture sensor.
A program may be written to take input from
soil moisture sensor and switch on or switch off the water motor
based on the data received from soil moisture sensor.

An automated irrigation system refers to the operation of the

system with no or just a minimum intervention besides the
It makes the irrigation process more efficient and
workers can concentrate on other important farming tasks. The
automation eliminates the manual operation of opening or
closing valves.
By using automation in irrigation system, there may
ba an adoption of advanced crop systems and new technologies
, especially new crop systems that are complex and difficult to
operate manually.
This system can be operated at night , water loss
from evaporation is thus minimized.
The irrigation process starts and stops exactly when
required, thus optimizing energy requirements. By using this
system, there is use of water from different sources is possible
and increased efficiency in water and fertilizer use.

The automatic irrigation system is comprised of three main

components namely—
1. An Arduino Board
2. A Relay Board
3. A Pump
4. A Soil Moisture Sensor…

Arduino is a single-board microcontroller meant to make the
application more accessible which are interactive objects and its
surroundings. The hardware features with an open-source
hardware board designed around an 8-bit Atmel AVR
microcontroller or a 32- bit Atmel ARM. Current models consists
a USB interface, 6 analog input pins and 14 digital I/O pins that
allows the user to attach various extension boards.


A relay is an electromagnetic switch operated by a relatively

small electric current that can turn ON/OFF a much larger
electric current . The heart of a relay is an electromagnet ( a coil
of wire that becomes a temporary magnet when electricity flows
through it.) You can think of a relay as a kind of electric lever:
switch it on with a tiny current and switches on (“leaverages”)
another appliances using a much bigger current.
As the name suggests , many sensors are
incredibely sensitive pieces of electric currents. Relays bridge
the gap, making it possible for small currents to activate larger
ones. That means relays can work either as switches (turning
things on and off ) or as amplifiers ( converting small currents
into larger ones).

3. PUMP-

It is a mechanical component used to pump water from the

water reservoir to a place that needs water. It is driven by 220V
electricity supply. This is connected to the relay board. When
the soil condition is greater than the reference voitage , the soil
becomes dry . Then the timer sends the logic signals 0 to the
microcontroller , this turns off the pump and prompts motor to
pump water to the fields.


The soil moisture sensor is used to measure the volumetric

water content of soil. This makes it ideal for performing
experiments in courses such as soil science, agriculture science ,
environmental science, horticulture, botony and biology.
The Soil Moisture Sensor uses capacitance to
measure the water content of soil ( by measuring the dielectric
permittivity of the soil, which is a function of the water content).
Simply insert this rugged sensor into soil to be tested, and the
volumetric water content of the soil is reported in percent.
 Operating Voltage : 3.3V ~5V
 Sensing Probe Dimensions: 60X30mm
 Panel PCB Dimensions : 30X60mm
 On-board LM393 comparator
 On-board power indicator LED
 On-board digital switching indicator LED
int ACWATERPUMP = 13; //You can remove this line, it has no use
in the program.

int sensor = 8; //You can remove this line, it has no use in the

int val; //This variable stores the value received from Soil
moisture sensor.

void setup() {

pinMode(13,OUTPUT); //Set pin 13 as OUTPUT pin, to send signal

to relay

pinMode(8,INPUT); //Set pin 8 as input pin, to receive data

from Soil moisture sensor.

void loop() {

val = digitalRead(8); //Read data from soil moisture sensor

if(val == LOW)

digitalWrite(13,LOW); //if soil moisture sensor provides LOW

value send LOW value to relay


digitalWrite(13,HIGH); //if soil moisture sensor provides HIGH

value send HIGH value to relay

delay(400); //Wait for few second and then continue the loop.

 We can use this system in conjuction with a solar panel, so

that the entire system is eco-friendly.

 For future work on this project , we recommend that foa a

large scale implementation a more powerful water pump
can be used.

 A microcontroller should be used to accommodate more

than one sensor input and also control different irrigation
regimes independently.

 A wireless sensor and GPRS (General Packet Radio Service )

based automated irrigation system can also be employed
which helps to monitor the soil moisture and to control the
application of water to the agriculture products thereby
saving water.
Thank you

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