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Demonology Series: Leviathan Spirit 2 (The Lying Spirit)

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Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa

Sunday Youth Service

Demonology Series: Leviathan Spirit 2 (The Lying Spirit)
City Sports Centre

I’m going to help you identify the Leviathan spirit when it comes to you in the form of
a lie. There is always a spirit behind every lie, no matter how ‘good’ the lie is or if it’s
coming from a man of God. Even when Abraham was lying that Sarah was her sister
it was a spirit, the same as the spirit of fear that led him to lie. This spirit requires
high levels of discernment depending on who is lying to you.

[Isaiah 27:1] and [Gen 37:31-35]

According to Jacob, his son Joseph had died. I want you to appreciate how difficult it
is to discern a lie. All of us are deceivable, liers come from different angles and it is
impossible to detect lies all the time. There was an issue between Joseph and his
people, many wanted to kill him but one suggested that he be sold. Jacob identified
his son’s jacket and believed his son had been killed and from that day he believed a
lie, his life changed. Not only the truth can change your lifestyle, but a lie too. A lie
from one preacher or one politician can turn your life upside down. He never
investigated beyond the evidence given. When a lie is repeated continuously, you
tend to stop any further investigations. It’s high you sit down and make a list of all
lies you’ve believed regardless of who said them.

What led Joseph to cry wasn’t the death if his son but believing in a lie. People aren’t
lying only when they are saying something, the jacket alone in the hands of the
father was a lie. When a lie is presantion as a tangible person eg the person that sits
next to you in your life or a person in your life who represents a lie. Everything you
then see on that person is not real. If you talk to her you won’t be talking to a lier but
a lie. Doctors can detect a tumour in your body which isn’t there. It may show up on
the scan but not regarded as the truth. You’re poor not because you do. The have
but because someone made you believe you don’t have and you never investigated
but believed. Leviathan spirit is so deadly.

There is a certain layer in the atmosphere that contaminates words spoken between
us and God under the influence of Leviathan the twisting serpent. When someone is
about to lie to you is when you normally pay attention yet when you have a lie in the
form of a person you won’t investigate the lies. Whatever is said by a person who is
a lie automatically becomes a lie and there are guys like that. If you don’t look
beyond the jacket you’ll think he’s the right guy. Some guys lie by the lifestyle they
let you believe they have and you’ll now think they gave better faith and connections
than you have. Yes this is blood but not Joseph’s blood, investigate the blood.
Anything outside of a guy can be a lie, in terms of structure.

Anything you desire on a woman in terms of physical features can be bought. She
can get a quotation of breasts and can get surgery to get exactly what you desire.
Are you sure that that boy is really educated. Don’t just look at the certificate (the
jacket) but look at his reasoning. Does he sound like he is schooled. Don’t work with
what he has given you, go beyond that. What is the lie that you have believed?
When I’m dealing with me, you have to give me peace, don’t lie to me. Why is it that
when people are into real estate there is what is called due diligence? Whether
buying the property from the member of your church, you need to do investigations
about the owner of the place, the prices, and so forth. I’ve been in this business.
Personally I’ve been deceived many times so hear it from me.

Everything you see could not be what it is, you should see beyond. You can sign a
business agreement and still find a lie somewhere in the contract. Let a trustworthy
lawyer go through the document before you sign because your life can change in a
second. When God was talking about a woman, was He talking about this girl you
now have? When God say a husband, what does He mean by that? When He says a
man, what is He talking about? We are concerned with definitions because
Leviathan is into twisting facts. Love isn't just blind but deaf and all other things.
When you fall in love there is a measure of alertness that you lose. When someone
comes and tells you he loves you, don't respond until you understand the person's
definition of love. You don't want at any time to respond to anything that you do not

Most of our definitions are influenced by our circumstances and the people we grew
under. His definition of love may be influenced by how his father used to love his
mother. Liers get so angry when they are caught and most of them may not even
know they are liers and you have to help them realise that. There is a man in the
Bible who listed after his sister and thought that was love but 30 seconds after
sexual intercourse, he hated her. Some of these guys look so innocent because they
cannot distinguish between list and love. Love has been twisted by the Leviathan
spirit. You'll never know what love is until you know what it is not.

When someone wants to marry you, what is their definition of marriage? If the
person's definition is having children, it is flawed because it ceases to be a marriage
if there aren't children in the marriage. To some, marriage is food because all they
want is someone to cook for them. Definitions of marriage depend on the context. In
the village you cannot marry a girl who can't cook sadza or wash your clothes.
Someone may not be comfortable with his wife mopping the floor because he
regards himself as a king and her as a queen who is too precious to mop. The world
is changing and people are being replaced with technology yet a guy would still want
a wife to wash his wife to do all the washing yet he could just buy a washing
machine. Are you up to date?

There are things being sold which cannot do even half of what they are said to do
and you only realise after buying.

When you call any man a of God, what is your definition man of God? Most people
cannot discern between a lie and the truth. Some of you are doing some studies,
whether it is accounts, economics, politics or science. Whatever you read from any
of the books, master whatever the books are talking about but never compare those
books to this book (The Bible). This is what is the truth and it contains God's opinion
about you. Most of what you find in the other books was taken from the Bible and
existed it.

[Romans 1:24-25]
According to the scripture, homosexuals changed the truth of God into a lie. What if
the book that is not the truth tells you that you've failed? If you cannot reproduce the
lie contained in the text book, your life can change. In 1 Kings 22:20, God wanted
someone to persuade Ahab to die. According to His own nature God couldn't do that
so He sought for a person. But a spirit came forth and volunteered to do so. This
spirit stood in the presence of God and never manifested yet you believe that that
guy of yours is too anointed to lie to you. There is no spirit that can lie until it is able
to go into the people you trust most, they will get possessed for your sake. The lying
spirit can come to you via a guy within your church.

This demon was present, ready to give God comfort by doing His work which is
something some of you cannot do. For is telling you to go and spread the truth yet
you are not confident. I want you to go home and find the number of prophets who
gave the king 'I've seen in a vision' yet it was a result of this spirit. They were made
to see what was never going to happen. The spirit manufactures a vision about an
event that was never going to happen and hands it over to the prophet, what can
stop it from giving you a false vision towards your wedding day? After hundreds of
prophets had prophecied, Jehoshaphat asked for a true prophet of God. Even after
everyone is satisfied with your boyfriend and even if the dates for lobola have been
sent, you need to discern if there is something wrong with the relationship.
Most of the message in your phones are lies. Before you act, investigate. Before you
make a move, verify. Our prisons are filled with innocent people because they didn't
go deeper than the evidence they got.

When there is a lying spirit in your marriage it doesn't matter how faithful you are
because there's no trust in the relationship. The other person will think the other is
going to cheat even when there is no evidence. She'll just feel you're coming from
somewhere because of the Leviathan spirit twists information. God never told Jacob
his son was alive because He never interferes with a lie you receive. The devil will
raise people to support the lie you have been told in your life. When Jesus
descended from mountain people followed Him because they knew he had
something. But a leper came and said if Jesus desired to make him whole, He
should heal him and immediately the man was made whole. But Jesus then referred
him to the man of God for verification of the blessing and pay a seed as well for the
testimony. Jesus couldn't even take the offering but referred it to the church. But this
fact fact has been twisted by the Leviathan spirit to make people against paying if
offerings in church.

There are certain conditions that require seeds for the demonstration to be
permanently away. If a problem has been solved the New Testament way a seed
has to be paid for it the New Testament manner. When you're running away from
God's principles and finally meet Him, He will refer you back to His principles. When
you give a man of God a twisted gift you receive a twisted blessing. Jacob's
blessingbwas a twisted blessing because his seed was a twisted seed. If the devil
realises he cannot stop you from giving he makes you give the wrong gift. When he
realises he cannot stop you from fasting, praying and serving God, he will make you
fast, pray and serve in a twisted way. In Isaiah 58:3 the people were fasting but
fasting incorrectly and God had to correct them. Twisted serpent.

[John 12:28-30]
The voice is coming from heaven. When the first one came some thought it was
thunder but another group nearby thought there was an angel which had spoken and
they both were wrong. Jesus then said this voice was not for his sake but theirs.
Imagine after sharing the grace and people going home with different messages.

[Mark 15:34-35]
Jesus cried loudly but what He said was twisted. He was talking to God and some
said he was calling out to Elijah. The Leviathan spirit had twisted the message. If
God's word can be twisted like this, how about what we say to God? This is why
Jesus asked His disciples what His name was. There are a people who were
promoted at your workplace for a job you did. Jesus did so much nut what He did got
into Jeremiah's account. You want to become someone big in the society but
understand how the Leviathan spirit twists what you did to make it seem as if it's
other people's work. It won't hurt Jeremiah that people mistake Jesus for him but it
hurts Jesus.

Your level of discernment has to go up from today. Someone out there wants you to
believe a lie. There shall be divine alertness that will hit your spirit

(Notes compiled by JH Chinyere)

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