Biosaintifika: The Potential Fruit Crop of Cibodas Botanical Garden

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Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213

Journal of Biology & Biology Education

The Potential Fruit Crop of Cibodas Botanical Garden

Suluh Normasiwi, Muhammad Imam Surya

DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v8i2.5235

Cibodas Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia

History Article Abstract

Received 2 March 2016 As an institute for ex situ plant conservation of high mountains, Cibodas Botanical
Approved 18 July 2016 Garden (CBG), has more than 1652 species and 8140 specimens of plant collec-
Published 18 September 2016 tions. An inventory of potential fruit crop in CBG which will support the conserva-
tion program had never been done before. The aim of this activity is to determine
Keywords: its potential collections as fruit crop. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze all the
Cibodas Botanical Gar-
data achieved from registration unit and catalogue of (CBG). The results showed
den; fruit collections;
potential fruit crop
that 422 numbers of collections from 31 family, 56 genus and 114 species have high
potential as a fruit crop. Moreover, Cibodas Botanical Garden has 74% collection
of indigenous fruit (included 85 species) and 61% collection of underutilize fruit
(included 68 species) from the total number of fruit plant collections. Most of po-
tential plant collections are able to be developed as an edible fruit crop in Indonesia
in order to enhance local food security through diversification of fruit crop.

How to Cite
Normasiwi, S., & Surya, M. I. (2016). The Potential Fruit Crop of Cibodas Botani-
cal Garden. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 8(2), 206-213.

© 2016 Semarang State University

Correspondence Author: p-ISSN 2085-191X
Kebun Raya Cibodas, Sindanglaya e-ISSN 2338-7610
PO. Box 19 Cipanas-Cianjur, West Java 43253, Indonesia
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213

INTRODUCTION line data that can be helpful in ensuring sustai-

nable potential fruit crop of CBG collection. This
Indonesia is one country with having a study aimed to invent and determine potential
very high biodiversity; BAPPENAS (2003) re- collections as fruits crops in the domestication
ported that there are at least 38.000 species of program.
plants with 55% of them are endemic from (of)
Indonesia. It makes Indonesia as a unique natu- METHODS
ral laboratory of tropical plants (Purnomo et al.,
2014). The natural of tropical rainforest which The research has been done on potential
have high humidity, rainfall, and sunlight inten- plant collections which are potential for beco-
sity makes it favorable for many plants to get op- ming fruit crops. The activities were started by
timum growth (Murdjoko et al., 2016). Biodiver- field observation in the garden to determine some
sity of Indonesia was also includes a diversity of potential plants located in the CBG collection
tropical fruits. Waluyo (2011) reported that there and continue by verifying the potential plant col-
are at least 592 accessions of fruits crops genetic lection with the data on the catalogue book “List
resources were collected in Indonesian Agency of Living Plant Collection Cultivated in Cibodas
for Research and Development, Ministry of Ag- Botanic Garden” and website http://siregist.krci-
riculture. However, there is only 95 out of 592 from registration unit. This study
numbers of accessions that have been studied. used CBG living collections data up to the end of
Genetic diversity of indigenous fruits of 2014, since there is no recent comprehensive up
Indonesia is very high, and it is important to de- date to the data. Data included name of species,
veloped as and fruits crops. In spite of this, the family, habitus, origin, distribution, and the num-
research activity of Indonesian native fruits is ber of living the collections were summarized.
very rare. In the other hand, the utilization and The information related to potential fruit was ob-
cultivation of indigenous fruits were very limited. tained by literacy studied.
Indigenous knowledge of wild edible plant is im- The plant collections in CBG, which had
portant for sustaining utilization of those plant major (primary used as fruit crop) and minor
species (Jasmine et al., 2007). Fruit breeding is (have other benefits besides fruits) functions as
an important program to improve the quality and edible fruit, were used in the analysis (Verheij &
productivity of indigenous fruits, in order to di- Coronel, 1992). In other hand, the species with
versify the edible fruits of Indonesia (Uji, 2007a). hard-skinned fruits or fruit with a hard dry peri-
Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) is a carp or shell (nut) had not been put into potential
worldwide nature reserve area which is included species for fruit crops on this study (Uji, 2007b).
in the Cibodas Biosphere Reserve. It is located at Moreover, a descriptive analysis by Walpole
the lower side of Mount Gede Pangrango, Cian- (1995) was conducted to provide information and
jur, West Java, with an altitude of 1300-1450 me- summarize the data.
ters above the sea level, air temperature of 18 – 20
C, and the humidity of 90%. The spesification of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
environment make CBG as the wettest regions in
West Java. CBG has duties and functions such as Based on the observations and analysis of
conservation, research, environmental education, CBG collections, CBG has high potential fruit
tourism, and environmental services. Currently, collections that can be developed as fruit crops.
CBG has collected 1652 species and 8140 speci- Up to the end of 2014, there were 422 fruit crop
mens of plants as garden collections (CBG data collections which consist of 31 family, 56 genera
registration unit December 2014). CBG collec- and 114 species. Fig 1 shows the families distri-
tions consist of indigenous plant, exotic plants, bution of fruit crop collections in CBG. The re-
and it came from exchange seed (such as Europe, sults show that this collection mostly came from
Australia and Asia) and exploration of mountain the families of Rosaceae (16 species) and Myrta-
forest in Indonesia. Among these collections con- ceae (16 species), followed by families of Mora-
sist of edible fruit plants or potential fruit crop ceae (12 species), Phyllanthaceae (10 species) and
plants, especially plants of highland region. Meliaceae (7 species).
CBG as an ex situ plant conservation insti-
tution have to promote a potential collection. An Rosaceae
inventory of potential fruit crop in CBG which Rosaceae is one of the largest fruit family
will support the conservation program had never that high potential to be develop into fruit crops
been done before. It give an effort to provide base in CBG. Moreover, the results showed that there

Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213

Figure 1. Family distribution of Fruit Crop Collections in CBG

Figure 2. Fruits of Rosaceae Family in CBG (a) wild raspberry (Rubus spp.) (b) loquat / papalaan
(Eriobotrya japonica)

are 6 potential genera as fruit crops, i.e Eriobotrya, Eriobotrya japonica was distributed from
Malus, Prunus, Pyracantha, Pyrus, Rubus. Rubus Himalaya region to Japan and throughout Sout-
and Eriobotrya were the genera that have a very heast Asia went southwords to Sumatera, Mala-
high potential to be developed as a fruit crops but ya, and Borneo (Kalkman, 1993). In Indonesia,
they have not been utilized yet. E. japonica has been used as ornamental plant in
On 2015, Surya et al. (2015) reported that highland (Verheij, 1992). E. japonica often called
CBG has 12 species of Rubus (R. acuminatissimus, loquat or papalaan (Sundanese) could be eaten as
R. alceifolius, R. alpestris, R. chrysophyllus, R. ellipti- fresh fruit, salads, and also commonly use as row
cus, R. elongatus, R. fraxinifolius, R. lineatus, R. mo- material for jam, jelly and chutney. The fruit was
luccanus, R. pyrifolius. R. rosifolius, Rubus sp) that similar to apples in many aspects, with high su-
were collected from Indonesian mountain forests. gar, acid and pectin content (Facciola, 1990). In
Rubus, also known as wild raspberries (Figure the other hand, the collections from genera Malus
2.a), is highly potential fresh fruits, beverage raw and Pyrus which is a family of apples and pears,
materials and medicinal plants. never bear any fruit since its planting in CBG.

Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213

Figure 3. Fruit of Myrtaceae family in CBG (a) Syzygium sp (Jambu papua), (b) Rhodo-
myrtus tomentosa (Kemunting) (C) Plinia cauliflora (Jaboticaba)

Myrtaceae ve sea level, have purple-black fruit, juicy, and

In CBG, Myrtaceae is a family with high sweet taste while mature (Aman, 2002). One spe-
number of fruit collections other than Rosaceae. cies of Myrtaceae collection fruit plant which has
Syzygium spp., Psidium spp. and Eugenia sp., be- economic value is Plinia cauliflora (Jabuticaba)
long to Myrtaceae, are a genus with high num- (Figure 3.c). This fruit is known as “Jaboticaba
ber of species in CBG. Family of Myrtaceae was / Brazilian grape” with shapes and black color
divided into two subspecies, i.e. Leptospermoi- like wine. In Brazil, jabuticaba’s are largely eaten
dieae and Myrtoideae. Reynertson et al. (2005) fresh; their popularity has been likened to that of
reported that subfamily Myrtoideae such as Syzy- grapes in the United States. Fresh fruit may begin
gium, Psidium, Eugenia, Myrciaria, Plinia, Catinga to ferment 3 to 4 days after harvest, so they are
and Calycorectes has a high potential to be develo- often used to make jams, tarts, strong wines, and
ped as commercial fruit. There are about 500 spe- liqueurs.
cies of Syzygium that were distribute in tropical
and subtropical regions. In Indonesia, Syzygium Moraceae
has been spread and naturalized in almost all Moraceae, third majority fruit plant collec-
areas, from lowland up to 1200 meters above sea tions in the CBG, has the potential to be develo-
level (Verheij & Coronel, 1992). ped as fruit crops. There were genus Ficus and Ar-
Syzygium malaccense, Syzygium polyanthum, tocarpus. In Indonesia, Ficus reached 252 species
and Syzygium jambos are several collections in or about 68.66% from total number of species in
CBG that are originating from Indonesian moun- Malesia region. Ficus were spread in almost all
tain forests. S. malaccense is one of Indonesia ori- of Indonesian islands from the lowland to lower
ginal species. S. malaccense known as “jambu bol” mountain (<1500 meters above sea level), and
is native to Southeast Asia, restricted to Java, some species were found in the mountainous
Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia, and naturali- area between 1500-2500 meters above sea level
zed in the United States and South America. The (Yusuf, 2011). CBG has 6 species of Ficus i.e. F.
fruits of “jambu bol” are red with streaks of pink fistulosa, F. hirta, F. lepicarpa, F. sinuata, F. variegata
or white; thick flesh, rather dry and fragrant, but and F. Carica, that potentially able to be develo-
often savorless (Panggabean, 1992). In addition, ped as fruits crop. Artocarpus is a native plant of
CBG has Syzygium sp. which is refer to “Jambu Southeast Asia and commonly grown in Malay-
Papua”. The collection of Syzygium sp. was ob- sia and Indonesia. Artocarpus has aggregate fruits
tained during exploration program to Papua on that can be eaten, either as fresh or processed
1992. Syzygium sp. or Jambu Papua is potential fruits. CBG has Artocarpus (A.altilis, A.champeden,
to be developed as fruit crops. It has good sha- and A.heterophyllus) that have already been used
pe and size as fresh fruit but sour taste (Fig. 3.a). as fruit crops. Moreover, Figure 4 showing some
Although it has sour taste, CBG proceed it as fruits from family of Moraceae in CBG.
sweet meat. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Figure 3.b) Referring to Figure 1, there were three
or “kemunting” belongs to Myrtaceae that also genera which had high economic value such as
has potential as fruit crops. These plants with Garcinia spp. (Mangosteen) from Clusiaceae,
a wide range of agro-climatic which is ranging Mangifera spp. (Mango) from Anacardiaceae, and
from the coast to an altitude of 2400 meters abo-

Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213

Figure 4. Fruit of Moraceae family in CBG (a) Ficus carica (buah Tin); (b) Artocarpus heterophyllus
(Jackfruit); (c) Ficus variegata (Kondang)

Nephelium spp. (Rambutan) from Sapindaceae. Uji (2007) reported that more than 75% of wild
Moreover, these groups belong to national prio- fruits in South East Asia were found in Indone-
rity fruits (Winarno, 2000; Uji, 2007) sia. Furthermore, based on his data there was 266
The other plant collections that have eco- species of Indonesian indigenous fruits (included
nomic potential to be cultivated are Antidesma 4 subspesies and 2 varieties) that grew wildly and
bunius (buah wuni) and Baccaurea racemosa (men- uncultivated yet.
teng) which derive from the family of Phyllan- A comparison of total fruit collections in
taceae; Aglaia eliptica and Aglaia edulis (langsat) CBG between exotic and local fruits show that
which derive from the family of Meliaceae; Elaeo- the collections of local fruits (76%) was higher
carpus angustifolius (ganitu) which derive from the than exotic fruits (24% (Figure 5). Moreover, re-
family of Elaeocarpaceae; and Salacca zalacca (sa- ferring to the data of Uji (2007), CBG has been
lak) which derive from the family of Arecaceae. able to collected 85 species out of 266 species
Antidesma bunius (buah wuni) fruits have of Indonesian indigenous fruits. It was quite far
been used as a raw material for making tasty jel- from total species target, due to CBG focus on
ly jam, drinking juice and juice concentrate, in high-mountain plant conservation. Although,
other hand A.bunius fruits traditionally used as CBG has some species from low land, but most
a medicinal plant for gastric intestinal problem of them were not able to produce a good fruits.
(Butkhup & Samappito, 2008). Baccaurea racemo- It might be due to the temperature and rainfall
sa (menteng) is under-storey, evergreen, perennial in CBG.
tree reaching 15-20 m tall, it has an edible fresh
stewed arillode, pickled, fermented or made into
drinks (Lim, 2012). Although Salacca is able to
be found in West Java and South Sumatera, its
origin is still unclear (Uji et al., 1998; Uji, 2007).
Several methods of fruit use have also been re-
corded. Ripe fruits are mostly eaten raw whereas
unripe fruits are used variedly and cooked as
vegetable, mixed with curry, eaten with salt and
cooked with dry fish (Jeeva, 2009).
Local fruits mean Indonesian indigenous
Figure 5. Comparison of exotic and local fruit
fruits and naturalized an exotic fruits that are
collections in CBG
found in Indonesia (Rifai, 1986). Verheij & Cor-
nell (1992) reported that there are 400 species of
Futhermore, comparison of wild fruits and
edible fruits in Southeast Asia. Futhermore, Uji
cultivated fruits in CBG show that 61% the poten-
(2004) also recorded that there are 226 species
tial fruits collections in CBG were not utilize yet
of Borneo indigenous fruits that were able to be
(Fig.6). Unfortunately, the majority of cultivated
used as fruit germplasm, In the other hand, Si-
fruits were exotic fruits. It means that a fruits col-
regar (2006) reported that there are 130 species
lection in CBG has high opportunity to be deve-
of local fruits (indigenous or exotic) that have
loped as an alternative fruit crops in Indonesia.
been consumed by the local people in Borneo.

Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213

Table 1. The collection of local fruits in Cibodas Botanic Garden

Family Species Indonesian Local Name Origin
Anacardiaceae Mangifera laurina Blume Mangga pari ; Pelem kecik Aceh
Mangifera odorata Griff. Mangga kweni Java, Jambi
Mangifera similis Blume. Asem rawa Aceh
Arecaceae Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss Salak Jambi
Clusiaceae Garcinia beccari Pierre Burita Aceh
Garcinia dulcis Pierre Mundu Aceh
Garcinia mangostana L. Manggis Aceh
Garcinia parviflora Benth. Kemenjing, Kandis Aceh
Vaccinium varingiaefolium Kicak-kicak, Cantigi
Ericaceae W. Java
(Blume) Miq. ungu, Manis rejo
Malvaceae Durio kutejensis (Hassk.) Becc. Lai Borneo
Durio zibethinus Rumph. ex Mur-
Durian Bengkulu
Melastoma malabathricum L. Senduduk W. Java
Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson)
Moraceae Sukun Papua
Artocarpus champeden Stokes Cempedak
Musaceae Musa acuminata L. Pisang W. Java
Myrtaceae Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Jamblang, Duwet Java
Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston Jambu mawar
Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr &
Jambu bol Jambi
Syzygium polyanthum (Wight)
Daun salam W. Java : Cibodas
Pandanaceae Pandanus conoideus Lam. Buah merah Papua : Wamena
Pandanus dubius Spreng. Pandan seran Papua
Phyllanthaceae Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng. Buni, Wuni Indonesia
Baccaurea motleyana (Müll.Arg.)
Rambai Indonesia
Baccaurea racemosa (Reinw. ex
Kepundung, Menteng Indonesia
Blume) Müll.Arg.
Rosaceae Rubus fraxinifolius Poir. Arben W. Java : Cibodas
Rubus rosifolius Sm. Bereretean, Sabit
Salicaceae Flacourtia rukam Zoll. & Moritzi Ganda rukem Java
Mischocarpus pentapetalus (Roxb.)
Sapindaceae Rambutan pucat W. Java , C. Java
Pometia pinnata J.R.Forst. &
Matoa Papua
Sapotaceae Mimusops elengi L. Tanjung Jambi
Zingiberaceae Etlingera elatior (Jack.) R.M.Sm. Honje, Kecombrang Aceh
  Etlingera solaris (Blume) R.M.Sm. Honje Warak, Tepus Aceh

Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213


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