Biosaintifika: The Potential Fruit Crop of Cibodas Botanical Garden
Biosaintifika: The Potential Fruit Crop of Cibodas Botanical Garden
Biosaintifika: The Potential Fruit Crop of Cibodas Botanical Garden
Journal of Biology & Biology Education
DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v8i2.5235
How to Cite
Normasiwi, S., & Surya, M. I. (2016). The Potential Fruit Crop of Cibodas Botani-
cal Garden. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 8(2), 206-213.
Correspondence Author: p-ISSN 2085-191X
Kebun Raya Cibodas, Sindanglaya e-ISSN 2338-7610
PO. Box 19 Cipanas-Cianjur, West Java 43253, Indonesia
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213
Figure 2. Fruits of Rosaceae Family in CBG (a) wild raspberry (Rubus spp.) (b) loquat / papalaan
(Eriobotrya japonica)
are 6 potential genera as fruit crops, i.e Eriobotrya, Eriobotrya japonica was distributed from
Malus, Prunus, Pyracantha, Pyrus, Rubus. Rubus Himalaya region to Japan and throughout Sout-
and Eriobotrya were the genera that have a very heast Asia went southwords to Sumatera, Mala-
high potential to be developed as a fruit crops but ya, and Borneo (Kalkman, 1993). In Indonesia,
they have not been utilized yet. E. japonica has been used as ornamental plant in
On 2015, Surya et al. (2015) reported that highland (Verheij, 1992). E. japonica often called
CBG has 12 species of Rubus (R. acuminatissimus, loquat or papalaan (Sundanese) could be eaten as
R. alceifolius, R. alpestris, R. chrysophyllus, R. ellipti- fresh fruit, salads, and also commonly use as row
cus, R. elongatus, R. fraxinifolius, R. lineatus, R. mo- material for jam, jelly and chutney. The fruit was
luccanus, R. pyrifolius. R. rosifolius, Rubus sp) that similar to apples in many aspects, with high su-
were collected from Indonesian mountain forests. gar, acid and pectin content (Facciola, 1990). In
Rubus, also known as wild raspberries (Figure the other hand, the collections from genera Malus
2.a), is highly potential fresh fruits, beverage raw and Pyrus which is a family of apples and pears,
materials and medicinal plants. never bear any fruit since its planting in CBG.
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213
Figure 3. Fruit of Myrtaceae family in CBG (a) Syzygium sp (Jambu papua), (b) Rhodo-
myrtus tomentosa (Kemunting) (C) Plinia cauliflora (Jaboticaba)
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213
Figure 4. Fruit of Moraceae family in CBG (a) Ficus carica (buah Tin); (b) Artocarpus heterophyllus
(Jackfruit); (c) Ficus variegata (Kondang)
Nephelium spp. (Rambutan) from Sapindaceae. Uji (2007) reported that more than 75% of wild
Moreover, these groups belong to national prio- fruits in South East Asia were found in Indone-
rity fruits (Winarno, 2000; Uji, 2007) sia. Furthermore, based on his data there was 266
The other plant collections that have eco- species of Indonesian indigenous fruits (included
nomic potential to be cultivated are Antidesma 4 subspesies and 2 varieties) that grew wildly and
bunius (buah wuni) and Baccaurea racemosa (men- uncultivated yet.
teng) which derive from the family of Phyllan- A comparison of total fruit collections in
taceae; Aglaia eliptica and Aglaia edulis (langsat) CBG between exotic and local fruits show that
which derive from the family of Meliaceae; Elaeo- the collections of local fruits (76%) was higher
carpus angustifolius (ganitu) which derive from the than exotic fruits (24% (Figure 5). Moreover, re-
family of Elaeocarpaceae; and Salacca zalacca (sa- ferring to the data of Uji (2007), CBG has been
lak) which derive from the family of Arecaceae. able to collected 85 species out of 266 species
Antidesma bunius (buah wuni) fruits have of Indonesian indigenous fruits. It was quite far
been used as a raw material for making tasty jel- from total species target, due to CBG focus on
ly jam, drinking juice and juice concentrate, in high-mountain plant conservation. Although,
other hand A.bunius fruits traditionally used as CBG has some species from low land, but most
a medicinal plant for gastric intestinal problem of them were not able to produce a good fruits.
(Butkhup & Samappito, 2008). Baccaurea racemo- It might be due to the temperature and rainfall
sa (menteng) is under-storey, evergreen, perennial in CBG.
tree reaching 15-20 m tall, it has an edible fresh
stewed arillode, pickled, fermented or made into
drinks (Lim, 2012). Although Salacca is able to
be found in West Java and South Sumatera, its
origin is still unclear (Uji et al., 1998; Uji, 2007).
Several methods of fruit use have also been re-
corded. Ripe fruits are mostly eaten raw whereas
unripe fruits are used variedly and cooked as
vegetable, mixed with curry, eaten with salt and
cooked with dry fish (Jeeva, 2009).
Local fruits mean Indonesian indigenous
Figure 5. Comparison of exotic and local fruit
fruits and naturalized an exotic fruits that are
collections in CBG
found in Indonesia (Rifai, 1986). Verheij & Cor-
nell (1992) reported that there are 400 species of
Futhermore, comparison of wild fruits and
edible fruits in Southeast Asia. Futhermore, Uji
cultivated fruits in CBG show that 61% the poten-
(2004) also recorded that there are 226 species
tial fruits collections in CBG were not utilize yet
of Borneo indigenous fruits that were able to be
(Fig.6). Unfortunately, the majority of cultivated
used as fruit germplasm, In the other hand, Si-
fruits were exotic fruits. It means that a fruits col-
regar (2006) reported that there are 130 species
lection in CBG has high opportunity to be deve-
of local fruits (indigenous or exotic) that have
loped as an alternative fruit crops in Indonesia.
been consumed by the local people in Borneo.
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213
Suluh Normasiwi & Muhammad Imam Surya / Biosaintifika 8 (2) (2016) 206-213
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