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Final Name:

A One of the words is incorrect. Listen and circle the letter of the
incorrect word. 3·41 /4
1 a kangaroo b raisin c otter
2 a flute b katydid c violin
3 a astronaut b doctor c winner
4 a kick b multiply c bounce

B Complete the sentences. /4

1 There are sixty minutes in one .
2 There are five in the word “plain.”
3 The of the soccer game was 4–2.
4 I want to hang this picture on the wall. I have nails, but I don’t have a
. I need to buy one!

C Complete the sentences. Then match them with the pictures. /6

1 This woman is a on a bus.
2 The leads the orchestra and helps them to make
beautiful music.
3 The makes amazing things out of glass.
a b

1 Oxford Discover 3 Final Test © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Final Name:
D Circle the correct answer. /4
1 You can go ice skating outside in summer. T F

2 If you are sick, you might go to a clinic. T F

3 A humpback whale lives in the ocean. T F
4 A wire is part of a plant. T F

E Complete the sentences. /4

storm shopping fishing wedding

My aunt and uncle had a big last year. It was a big


celebration of their love. The best part of the celebration was all of the fun experiences

they planned for everyone. They are planning a trip to a


lake in a nearby suburb. We took the to a station near the


lake and walked the rest of the way. I had a great day. I caught three fish! We had to

leave early because it rained very hard. The lasted for one

hour. I was so happy to get back to the city and dry off. I love fishing, but not in the

F Look and complete the sentences. /4

1 2

A plant gets water through its Humans can eat the

. of some plants.

3 4

You don’t want to be outside if There is a beautiful

there is ! in this park.
G Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. /4
1 We / about / festival / excited / are / the
2 stairs / want / I / walk / to / the / up
3 his / George / happy / is / class / with
4 across / need / walk / You / to / street / the

H Circle the correct words. /4

1 2

The boy is excited / exciting. The girl is bored / boring.

3 4

He likes / doesn’t like She thinks skipping

studying. is fun / is not fun.

I Complete the sentences. /4

play aren’t going to eat won’t have ’m not going to swim

is she going to

1 I in the ocean tomorrow.

2 the panpipes for us?
3 The students class on Saturday.
4 We at the restaurant tonight.
Final Name:
J Listen. Then circle the correct answer. 3·42 /4
1 Petals are, too. / Petals aren’t, either.
2 Sweet potatoes are, too. / Sweet potatoes aren’t, either.
3 They make vases, too. / They don’t make vases, either.
4 The leafy sea dragon is, too. / The leafy sea dragon isn’t, either.

K Complete the sentences. /4

swimming were walking was walking was swimming


1 They along the road when they saw

the lightning.
2 The penguins in the ocean.
3 Jerry in the river when the storm came.
4 I near the garden yesterday.

L Look and compare what you see. Then complete the sentences. /4
1 2

This flower is The cricket is

the beetle.

3 4

The dolphin is This pencil is

the squid. .

/ 50

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