Exercise For Back Pain
Exercise For Back Pain
Exercise For Back Pain
Injury Profile: Jhon for Jhon Double Last Updated: Mon Sep 23 2019 07:31:25 GMT+0100 (BST)
The following are rehabilitation exercises to help you recover faster and prevent re-injury. Please contact your Health Professional if you have
any questions
Low back pain results from damage to structures in the back (i.e. muscle,
ligament, disc, and nerve).
Injury commonly occurs following a relatively simple movement such as bending
forward or twisting through the spine. However it can also occur through more
complex and forceful movements.
Pain may be central across the back, or to one side of the spine. It may also
radiate down into the buttocks, back of the thigh or lower leg.
Movement may be restricted, it may difficult to “straighten up” to a normal
standing posture.
Management involves joint and soft tissue mobilisation, strengthening of the
lumbar spine musculature and mobilisation of the neural structures.
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Lumbar Rotation Stretch
Lying with 1 knee and hip bent to 90 degrees and the other leg straight
Keep arms out at sides to stop upper trunk rotating
Slowly lower leg across body to the floor
Stop at the point you feel your shoulders beginning to lift if that comes before
your knee reaches the floor.
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Cat - Camel
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The exercises and advice in this rehabilitation program have been prescribed specifically to you by your healthcare provider/therapist. Any
questions about this program should be directed to that provider. MyPhysioRehab does not accept any liability for damage or injury suffered
whilst performing these exercises. Please seek advice and guidance from your provider if you experience any discomfort during this exercise