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Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and

End at Hardevganj Village near Indergarh (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled
Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report


(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways)

(Government of India)

Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the end approach of
interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and end at Hardevganj Village
near Indergarh(Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara
Access Controlled Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC
Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan

Project Report

May 2019

National Highways Authority of India

G-5&6, Sector10, Dwarka,
New Delhi -110075
Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and
End at Hardevganj Village near Indergarh (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled
Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

0.1 Project Background .............................................................................................. 1
0.2 Project Corridor.................................................................................................... 1
0.3 Features of Proposed Project Highway ................................................................... 1
1.0 INDICATIVE DESIGN STANDARDS and SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................... 3
1.0.1 General ............................................................................................................. 3
1.0.2 Classification of Design Standards for Geometrics of Highway.................................. 3
1.0.3 Coordination of Horizontal and Vertical alignment ................................................. 6
1.0.4 Lateral and Vertical Clearance for Interchange/ FO/RoB/VUP/SVUP/LVUP ................ 7
Interchanges.................................................................................................................. 7
1.0.5 Interchange Design ............................................................................................. 8
1.0.6 Median Openings ............................................................................................... 9
1.0.7 Boundary Wall at ROW ........................................................................................ 9
1.0.8 Typical Cross Sections ......................................................................................... 9
1.0.9 Drainage .......................................................................................................... 10
1.0.10 Capacity of Project Highway ............................................................................... 10
1.0.11 Service Road .................................................................................................... 11
1.0.12 Embankment and Cut Sections ........................................................................... 11
1.0.13 Highway Amenities: .......................................................................................... 11
1.0.14 Traffic Control Devices, Road Safety Devices and Road Side Furniture..................... 11
1.0.15 Traffic Management Systems ............................................................................. 12
1.0.16 Toll booth ........................................................................................................ 12
1.1 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR STRUCTURES .............................................................................. 12
1.1.1 Design Standards Structures.......................................................................... 13
1.1.2 Special Design Requirements ........................................................................ 14
1.1.3 Design Basis .................................................................................................. 14
1.1.4 Design Load and Stresses ............................................................................. 18
1.2 Hydrology, Training works and Road Drainage ............................................................... 25
1.2.1 Hydrological study ............................................................................................ 25
1.2.2 Road drainage .................................................................................................. 25
1.2.3 Side Slopes....................................................................................................... 26
1.2.4 Slope Protection Measure ................................................................................. 26
1.2.5 River Training & Flood Protection Works ............................................................. 26
1.3 Traffic Surveys ............................................................................................................. 26
1.4 Material Investigations ................................................................................................ 29
1.5 Geometric improvement .............................................................................................. 30
1.6 Way side Amenities / Service Area ................................................................................ 42
1.7 Toll Booths .................................................................................................................. 42
1.8 Intersection Proposals.................................................................................................. 42
1.9 Proposal for Structures ................................................................................................ 43
1.10 PAVEMENT DESIGN...................................................................................................... 49
1.10.1 Type of Pavement ............................................................................................. 49
1.10.2 Design Methodology ......................................................................................... 49
1.10.3 Design Parameters ............................................................................................ 49
1.10.4 Recommended Pavement Design ....................................................................... 49
1.10.5 Materials ........................................................................................................ 50

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and
End at Hardevganj Village near Indergarh (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled
Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report


Table 1.1 List of Districts and Talukas along the Project Highway ................................................ 2
Table 1.2 Affected Protected Forest, Reserved Forest & Wild Life Sanctuary Land ........................ 2
Table 1.3 Design Speed ............................................................................................................ 3
Table 1.4 Recommended Minimum Right of Way ...................................................................... 4
Table 1.5 Summary of Code of Standards & Technical Specifications ........................................... 5
Table 1.6 Minimum Radii of horizontal Curves ........................................................................... 5
Table 1.7 Safe sight Distance .................................................................................................... 6
Table 1.8 Gradients ................................................................................................................. 6
Table 1.9 Minimum Length of Vertical curve ............................................................................. 6
Table 1.10 Cross fall on different Surfaces ................................................................................. 7
Table 1.11 Lateral Clearance and Vertical Clearance ................................................................... 8
Table 1.12 Minimum Acceleration Lengths for Entry (Grades of 2% or Less) ................................. 8
Table 1.13 Minimum Deceleration Lengths for Exit (Grades of 2% or Less) ................................... 9
Table 1.14 Recommended Design Speeds for Ramps .................................................................. 9
Table 1.15 Design service volume standards for LOS-B ............................................................. 10
Table 1.16 Design Parameters for Structures ........................................................................... 15
Table 1.17 Lane Reduction Factor for Live Load ....................................................................... 19
Table 1.18 Relevant Codes & References ................................................................................. 25
Table 1.19 Traffic Survey Locations ......................................................................................... 27
Table 1.20 AADT Traffic Count Locations ................................................................................. 27
Table 1.21 Summary of CBR Test Results of Borrow Area Soil Samples....................................... 29
Table 1.22 TCS Schedule ........................................................................................................ 30
Table 1.23 Typical Cross Section .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.24 Tentative locations................................................................................................ 42
Table 1.25 Slip road for wayside amenity ................................................................................ 42
Table 1.26 List of Interchanges ............................................................................................... 43
Table 1.27 Details for interchange .......................................................................................... 43
Table 1.28 Summary of Proposed Structures ........................................................................... 43
Table 1.29 Connecting Road / Service Roads / Slip Roads ......................................................... 47
Table 1.30 Connecting/Service/Slip Road ................................................................................ 50
Table 1.31 Interchange Coordinates .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 1.32 Highway amenity coordinates ................................................................................ 64

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report


The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRT&H), Government of India has entrusted National
Highways Authority of India (NHAI) with the assignment of “DPR For Development of Economic
Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder Routes to Improve the Efficiency of Freight Movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Lot-4/ Package-4) (Development of Delhi Vadodara Highway
NH-148N From Ch. 292.950 To Ch.319.) In Rajasthan State”

NHAI, as employer, has appointed M/s. Feedback Infra Pvt. Ltd. (FIPL) for providing the required
consultancy services for Preparation of DPR For Development of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors
and Feeder Routes to Improve the Efficiency of Freight Movement in India Under Bharatmala
Pariyojana (Lot-4/ Package-4) (Development of Delhi Vadodara Highway NH-148N From Ch.
292.950 To Ch.319.400 In Rajasthan State) through competitive bidding and issued letter to FIPL for
Commencement of Services vide their letter No.:
NHAI/Bharatmala/DPR/Lot-4/Package-4/2017/113341 dated 22.02.2018.


The start at the end approach of interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and end at Hardevganj Village
near Indergarh(Ch. 292.950- 319.400) along the approved alignments by the NHAI/ MoRT&H. Key
plan of the project highway is shown in figure below:

Figure 0.1 Key Plan of the Project Highway


The proposed highway is to be developed as Greenfield Highway with 8 lane divided carriageway.
The project highway is traversing through agricultural land, barren land, and scattered settlements.
The below table provides the information for the complete reach from Ch 78+000 to 451+079. This

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

report pertains to construction package from Ch. 292.950 To Ch.319.400

Table 1.1 List of Districts and Talukas along the Project Highway
Sl. No Name of District Name of Taluka Approx. Length in Km
1 Alwar Lachhmangarh 63.54
2 Bharatpur Nagar 7.39
3 Dausa 87.70
Nangal Rajawatan
Ramgarh Pachwara
4 Sawai Madhopur Chauth Ka Barwara 59.36
Sawai Madhopur
5 Tonk Uniara 9.70
6 Bundi Indragarh 40.21
7 Kota 104.18
Ramganj Mandi
Total Length, Km 372.27

Major rivers such as Ruparail, Banganga, Morel, Chambal etc. cross the highway alignment at
various locations of complete stretch. Affected Protected Forest, Reserved Forest & Wild Life
Sanctuary Land in Delhi-Vadodara highway Lot-04 within 100 m PROW is listed below:

Table 1.2 Affected Protected Forest, Reserved Forest & Wild Life Sanctuary Land
Chainage Length In
Dist. Name Forest Block Name
From To (Km)
157+366 158+376 1.01 Dausa Bandikui Protected Forest
266+800 268+071 1.271 Sawaimadhopur Bhagwatgarh Reserved Forest
292+720 293+423 0.703 Sawaimadhopur Open Jungle
330+100 331+285 1.185 Bundi Protected Forest
345+700 347+147 1.447 Bundi Chambal Sanctuary
347+147 348+270 1.123 Kota Chambal Sanctuary
404+281 414+840 10.559 Kota Barkalaji Reserved Forest
422+304 425+752 3.448 Kota Darrah Wild Life Sanctuary

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report


1.0.1 General

The postulates and considerations for designing the Greenfield eight lane Highway are as follows:

 The Highway will be designed as a fully access-controlled high-speed tolled facility.

 The Highway will be designed for eight-lane divided configuration.
 The Highway will be provided with modern road furniture and traffic information systems for
the safe, convenient and fast movement of vehicles.
 The road sides will be made aesthetically pleasing through suitable planting of trees, shrubs,
etc. Wayside amenities to provide rest, food, fuel, repair facilities etc. at periodic intervals for
the convenience of the traveling public and truck drivers will also be a part of the project.
 Traffic safety will be in-built in the design process itself, and all the accident prevention
measures will be taken.

The formulation of the design standards is required in order to avoid any inconsistency in design
from one section to the other and provide desired level of service and safety. For this project it is
proposed to follow Design Standards given in IRC codes, guidelines and special publications, and
MORTH circulars as applicable to National Highways. The project corridor is eight lane Greenfield
Highway and is to be designed as per standards and specifications of IRC SP 99-2013. Where the said
standards are silent the following standards shall be referenced and the one considered the best and
most relevant adopted:

 American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials (AASHTO) standards

 British Standards
 Any other National or International Standard as considered suitable

1.0.2 Classification of Design Standards for Geometrics of Highway

The project highway shall follow the design standards mentioned below;

Design Speed

The design speeds given in table below are adopted for various terrain classifications.

Table 1.3 Design Speed

Design Speed (KMPH)
Nature of Terrain Cross Slope of Ground

Plain, Rolling & Hilly Terrain Up to 25% 120

The project corridor passes through plain, rolling and hilly terrain. The adopted design speed is 120
KMPH throughout the stretch.

Right of Way

The recommended minimum Right of Way is given in table below;

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Table 1.4 Recommended Minimum Right of Way

Section Right of Way (ROW)
Rural Section 100m
Rural sections passing through semi urban areas 100m
Forest Area 100m

At interchanges, toll booth, highway amenities, connecting roads additional land shall be required as
mentioned in drawings volume. The co-ordinates for the LA shall be provided separately as
Annexure 5.1.

Lane Width of Carriageway

The standard lane width of the Project Corridor is 3.750 m. Project Corridor shall have four lane in
each direction of traffic and total 8 lane in stage-1. In stage 2, future widening of another two lane in
each direction of traffic is to be done on the median side and accordingly the median width has been
kept as 22m to cater for the future expansion.


The median shall be depressed and recommended width of median including shyness is 22m. Other
specifications for the median are mentioned below:

 The depressed median has suitably designed and provision of rainwater harvesting system at
suitable intervals for effective drainage of surface runoff from the median.
 An edge strip of 0.75m width of depressed median adjacent to carriageway in either
direction shall be paved with same specifications as of the adjacent carriageway.
 As far as possible, the median shall be of uniform width for the Project road. However,
where changes are unavoidable, a transition of 1 in 50 is to be provided.
 Median is to be well planted to cutoff the glare coming from the vehicle traveling in opposite
 In Median longitudinal gradient is designed in such a way that the water flow away from
SVUP, LVUP VUP median. Median drains shall be terminated well before these structures
with effective drainage arrangement.
 At VUP, SVUP, LVUP and Bridge location, median wall is eliminated and slope of 1:1.5 is
provided; in place of median wall pitching and toe wall is to be provided.


The shoulders on the outer side (left side of carriageway) shall be 3 m wide paved plus 2 m wide
earthen as per Section 2, Clause 2.6 of SP 99. The shoulder composition shall be as below;

 The composition and specification of the paved shoulder shall be same as that of the main
 The earthen shoulder shall be provided with 200 mm thick layer of non-erodible/granular
material for protection against erosion.


Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Thrie -beam crash barrier has been provided throughout the project corridor except at structure
locations. At culverts parapet wall has been provided and at SVUP/LVUP /VUP/FO/ RoB concrete
crash barrier has been provided.
Design of Horizontal/Vertical Alignment

The general principles and design criteria laid down in relevant IRC & MORTH guidelines have been
followed in conjunction with the relevant circulars. The following latest code of standards &
technical specifications has been used for the alignment design;

Table 1.5 Summary of Code of Standards & Technical Specifications

Publication Issued by
IRC:38- – Guidelines for Design of Horizontal Curves Indian Road Congress (IRC)
IRC:SP:23- Vertical Curves for Highway Indian Road Congress (IRC)
IRC: 92- Guidelines for Design of Interchanges in Urban Areas Indian Road Congress (IRC)
IRC:SP:99 - Manual of specifications and standards for
Indian Road Congress (IRC)

The Project corridor is designed as per IRC SP 99 Guidelines. Few parameters have been considered
based on MOM such as width of ROW, median width, rain water harvesting in medians and
boundary wall on RoW edge.

Horizontal Alignment

Alignment is fluent and is blended with the topography. The horizontal curves have been designed as
per IRC 38 requirement.

Radii of horizontal Curves

The desirable minimum radii of horizontal curves are given below;

Table 1.6 Minimum Radii of horizontal Curves

Design Parameters Radii (m)
Design Speed (Km/h) 120
Absolute Minimum Radius (m) 670
Desirable Minimum Radius (m) 1000

Transition Curves

Properly designed transition curves are provided at both ends of the circular curve. The minimum
length of transition curves is designed for 120 Kmph as per IRC: 38 (latest).

Sight Distance

The desirable minimum sight distance for 8 lane divided carriageway for 120 Kmph design speed is
given in below table. An Intermediate sight distance has been provided throughout as per Section 2
clause 2.9.3 of IRC SP 99.

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Table 1.7 Safe sight Distance

Safe Stopping Desirable Minimum Sight Distance (m)
Design Speed (Kmph)
Sight Distance (m) (Intermediate Sight distance)
120 250 500
Vertical Alignment

The vertical alignment should provide for a smooth longitudinal profile. Grade changes are not too
frequent to cause kinks and visual discontinuities in the profile.

The vertical design, especially at grade change location, such as VUP/LVUP, ROB, bridge locations
Intermediate sight distance (ISD) is adopted as per IRC SP 23. Length of approaches is also designed
with ISD only.


The ruling gradients for plain terrain has been adopted everywhere in the project highway as per
section 2, clause of IRC SP 99 latest revision.

Table 1.8 Gradients

Terrain Ruling Gradient
Plain 2.50%

In cut sections, minimum gradient for drainage considerations is 0.5 percent (1 in 200) if the side
drains are lined; and 1.0 percent (1 in 100) if this are unlined. Ruling gradient is adopted to design
vertical alignment.

Vertical Curves

The vertical alignment should provide for a smooth longitudinal profile; kinks and visual
discontinuities in the profile should be avoided as far as possible.

The vertical design at grade change location, such as VUP/LVUP, ROB, bridge locations Intermediate
sight distance (ISD) is adopted. The minimum grade change requiring vertical curve and minimum
length of vertical curve as per IRC SP 23 is as follows:

Table 1.9 Minimum Length of Vertical curve

Design K value for K value for
Minimum Grade change Minimum Length of
speed Hog Curve Sag Curve
Requiring Vertical curve Vertical Curve (m)
(Km/h) (ISD)
120 0.5% 100 260 62

1.0.3 Coordination of Horizontal and Vertical alignment

The overall appearance of project road is enhanced considerably by judicious combination of the
horizontal and vertical alignments. Plan and profile of the road shall not be designed independently
but in unison, so as to produce an appropriate three-dimensional effect. Proper co-ordination in this
respect will ensure safety, avoid visual discontinuities and contribute to overall aesthetics.
Vertical curvature superimposed upon horizontal curvature gives a pleasing effect. As such the
vertical and horizontal curves shall coincide as far as possible and their length shall be somewhat
longer than the vertical curve. Short vertical curve superimposed on long horizontal curves have

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

been avoided at or near the apex.

Cross fall and Super Elevation

The cross fall on straight sections of project road carriageway shall be as given in table below. Each
carriageway shall have unidirectional cross fall.

Table 1.10 Cross fall on different Surfaces

Annual Rainfall
Cross-sectional Element
1000 mm or more Less than 1000 mm
Carriageway, Paved Shoulders, Edge Strip 2.5 Percent 2.0 Percent

The cross fall for earthen/granular shoulders on straight portions is at least 1.0 percent steeper than
the values given in above table. On super elevated sections, the earthen portion of the shoulder on
the outer side of the curve is provided with reverse cross fall so that the earth does not drain on the
carriageway and the storm water drains out with minimum travel path.

Super Elevation

The super elevation is limited to 5%. Super elevation shall not be less than the minimum specified
cross fall.

1.0.4 Lateral and Vertical Clearance for Interchange/ FO/RoB/VUP/SVUP/LVUP

The lateral and vertical clearance is as per table 1.11


The details are given in Para 1.3.6 of this chapter.


Flyovers are provided at crossing between the project road and the NH/SH depending upon the
importance of road. All existing four lane road are considered for FO.

Vehicular Under Pass (VUP)

VUP’s are provided at crossing between the project road and MDR’s. The lane width of the cross
road varies from 7.0m to 10.0m. The provision of future widening from 2 lane to 4 lanes is taken into
consideration for these roads. These are provided perpendicular to the Project road.

Light Vehicular under pass (LVUP)

The location of LVUP has been provided for metal Roads/ODR’s. These are low configuration road
compared to VUP’s. These are provided perpendicular to the Project road.

Small Vehicular Underpass (SVUP)

To ensure complete access control and make cost effective grade separation, a smaller dimension
VUP (SVUP) has been provided for Village Road/Mud roads with width lesser than 5.50m. All cross
roads are not provided with SVUP’s. At s few cross road Box of size 4mx3m Box is provided.

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Few, mud roads/ tracks which are at close interval and for which direct underpasses are not
provided shall be connected by connecting roads with cross roads were Underpass is provided.

Lateral and Vertical Clearance at Underpasses

Lateral and Vertical clearance at underpasses shall not be less than the values given below;

Table 1.11 Lateral Clearance and Vertical Clearance

Type of Underpass Minimum Lateral Clearance (m) Minimum Vertical Clearance (m)
Flyover 30 m for SH and 2x30 for NH 5.5
VUP 20 5.5
LVUP 12 4
SVUP 7 4
RoB Depending upon Railway ROW 6.525

1.0.5 Interchange Design

Being fully access controlled, there will be no at grade junctions with Expressway. Entry/Exit will be
only from interchanges. At grade intersections adversely influence the quality of highways in terms
of speed, capacity and safety because of interruptions to the flow of traffic. Thus the basic
requirement for the design of intersections is not only to cater for safe movements for the drivers,
but also to provide them full traffic information by way of signs, pavement markings and traffic
signals. Further, simplicity and uniformity should be the guiding principles for interchange design to
ensure the safe passage of maneuvers and reduce conflict points, either by elimination of certain
maneuvers or separated in space, horizontally or vertically. The interchanges are proposed on
National highway/ State Highways.

The interchanges are designed with proper ramps and loops as per IRC: 92 latest versions.
Interchanges are designed considering following components;

 Acceleration lane
 Deceleration lane
 Loops
 Ramps

Acceleration/Deceleration Lane

Acceleration/Deceleration lane shall be provided as per IRC 92. Each entry and exit ramp shall have
acceleration/deceleration lane for the Project Highway. The length of the acceleration/deceleration
lanes shall be decided on the basis of speed differentials of the Project road traffic and the speed
permitted on the ramps.

Table 1.12 Minimum Acceleration Lengths for Entry (Grades of 2% or Less)

Design Sped V (Km/h) Acceleration Length L (m)

V’ Speed on Entry Curve at A (Km/h)

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

120 410

Table 1.13 Minimum Deceleration Lengths for Exit (Grades of 2% or Less)

Deceleration Length L (m)
Design Sped V (Km/h)
V’ Speed on Exit Curve at A (Km/h)
100 120

Table 1.14 Recommended Design Speeds for Ramps

Range of Design Speed (Km/h)
Configuration Type of Ramp 100-120
Range of Ramp Design Speeds
Semi-Direct 40-60
Service Interchange Loop 60-80
Direct 60-90

Access Control

Access shall be provided through interchanges only.

Connecting Roads

Connecting roads are provided to maintain proper circulation of local traffic, continuity of travel and
to facilitate crossing over to the other side of the Project road through an under/overpass. These
shall be provided outside the RoW. The width of connecting road shall be of the same standard as
that of the crossing road. The construction and maintenance of connecting roads shall be part of the
Project Corridor.

Connecting roads are also provided to connect highway amenities across the project highway. These
roads are of service road standard and has been decided during the meeting held at NHAI HQ on 10th
August 2018.

1.0.6 Median Openings

Median openings with detachable barrier have been provided at about 12 to 15km (between two
interchanges) for traffic management for maintenance works and vehicles involved in accidents.

1.0.7 Boundary Wall at ROW

Road boundary wall to be constructed as specified in Ministry Circular no.rw/nh-24036/27/2010-ppp
dated 25.04.2018.

1.0.8 Typical Cross Sections

The proposed TCS developed for the project corridor are for 2 x 4 lane divided carriageway. The
details are provided in Chapter-6 of this report.

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

1.0.9 Drainage

The IRC: SP 42 will generally be followed for design of highway drainage. The planning of highway
and drainage is intricately linked with the terrain, alignment of the highway and the proposed cross
drainage works. The planning and designing of adequate drainage system is a primary requirement
for maintaining a structural soundness and functional efficiency of a road. Pavement structure
including sub-grade must be protected from any ingress of water; otherwise over a period of time it
may weaken the sub-grade by saturating it and cause distress in the pavement structure. Hence
disposal of water from the pavement and sub-grade is a basic consideration in road design. Over and
above quick drainage takes away the water from pavement surface and reduces chances of skidding
of vehicles. In order to guard the pavement from the poorly drained conditions, planning, designing,
construction and maintenance of longitudinal drains on either side of the roads is very much
essential. The surface water from the pavement and shoulders will be made to flow in to the drains
by providing suitable cross Slopes / Camber.

Earthen drains are provided through-out the project corridor to ensure the efficient drainage from
carriageway to drain. All drains are connected to cross drainage structure. Median drains are
provided with rain water harvesting structure. Proper drainage arrangements are provided for grade
separated structures. If requires, CD work is also provided for loops and ramps.

1.0.10 Capacity of Project Highway

Based on the guidelines decided by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) office
memorandum no. NHAI/Planning/EC/DPR/2016 dated 3rd May 2018, the end-lane configuration and
the stage development to be considered based on present day traffic should be as per table given

Table 1.15 Design service volume standards for LOS-B

Present traffic
Sl. including
Lane End Lane Status Stage Development ROW
No. induced traffic
Up to 20,000 Up to 4 Lane highway with 4 lane
(i) 8 Lane 70m
PCUs 2L+PS structures
20,000 - Up to 6 Lane highway with 8 lane
(ii) 8 Lane 70m
30,000 PCUs 2L+PS structures
30,000 -
Up to 8 Lane highway with 8 lane
(iii) 40,000 PCUs 8 Lane 70m
2L+PS structures
8 Lane highway with 8 lane
40,000 PCUs Up to
(iv) 12 Lane structures + Service Roads in 100m
onwards 2L+PS
urban areas
* Option of a Green-filed
alignment or 8 lane with 8 lane
40,000 PCUs structures (where lifecycle cost is
(v) 4-Lane 6/8-Lane 70m
onwards lower)
* 6 Lane with 6 lane structures, in
cases, where portion of the

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Present traffic
Sl. including
Lane End Lane Status Stage Development ROW
No. induced traffic
corridor has been 6 laned or 6
lane structures have already been
developed on 4 lane highway or
Cost of land acquisition for
brown-field expansion is

1.0.11 Service Road

No service road to be provided in this project. However space has been kept on either sides for any
future requirement of service road.

1.0.12 Embankment and Cut Sections

The design and construction of the road in embankment and in cutting shall be carried out in
accordance with Section 300 of MORTH Specifications IRC: SP-99 latest version.

1.0.13 Highway Amenities:

Two types of amenities provided in the project highway are of size 300m X 600m and 100m X 80m to
be provided at alternately. Bigger size amenities are connected with SVUP which enable the
passengers to use other side amenity also. Wayside amenities have to be provided at every 25Km.

In the bigger wayside amenity having size of 300m x 600m, all facilities such as drinking water kiosk,
toilet facilities, truck parking, bus parking, car parking, separate restaurants for truck driver,
restaurants for other road users, children park, petrol station, garage, generator set/ solar system
area, ATM’s, Ambulance area, medical room etc. to be provided.

In the smaller wayside amenity having size of 100m x 80m, facilities such as drinking water kiosk,
toilet facilities, truck parking, bus parking, car parking, restaurants, petrol station, garage, generator
set/ solar system area, ATM’s etc. to be provided.

Sl. No. Location (Km) Side Area (Hec)

298+000 0.8
1 Both Side

1.0.14 Traffic Control Devices, Road Safety Devices and Road Side Furniture

Traffic Control Devices, Road Safety Devices and Road Side Furniture shall comprise of road signs,
road markings, object markers, hazard markers, studs, delineators, attenuators, safety barriers,
boundary fences, boundary stones, kilometer stones, etc. Relevant IRC Guidelines (IRC 2, IRC:8,
IRC:35, IRC:67, IRC SP 99,etc), MORTH Guidelines, IRC:SP - 99 and Section 800 of MORTH
Specifications shall be followed.

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

1.0.15 Traffic Management Systems

Advance Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) shall be provided as per Clause-816 of MORTH
Specifications for road and bridge works.

1.0.16 Toll booth

Toll booths shall be provided as per IRC: SP-99.

Toll booth shall be designed for peak hour traffic projected for minimum 25 years. The total number
of toll booths and lanes shall be designed to ensure the service time of not more than 10 seconds
per vehicle at peak flow and shall not be less than 2+1 (ETC lane)+ 1( 4.5m over sized vehicle). The
width of each ETC toll lane shall be 3.5m, for manual/smart card lanes shall be 3.20m and for the
lane for over dimensional vehicles, it shall be 4.50m. Between each toll lane, traffic islands will be
provided so as to accommodate toll booth. These islands shall be of minimum 25 m length and
1.8/1.9 m width. Protective barriers of reinforced concrete shall be placed at the front of each island
to prevent out of control approaching vehicles crashing into the toll booth. They would be painted
with reflective chevron markings.

The area of toll booth covering the flared portion shall be same as that of main carriageway. The fee
collection system shall be electronic toll collection (ETC) system. The design of the Toll Booth(s) shall
be aesthetically pleasing. The fee collection staff should be efficient, courteous and adequately
trained before deployment.


Definition of Structures

Interchanges: Interchange is a system of interconnecting roads (ramps and

loops) in conjunction with one or more grade separations that
provide for the uninterrupted movement of traffic between
two or more roads.

Culverts: Cross drainage structures having length ≤ 6 m shall be

classified as culverts.

Major and minor bridges: Bridges having length upto 60m shall be classified as minor
bridges and bridges having length greater than 60m shall be
classified as major bridges

Rail over Bridge (ROB): Structure provided over the railway lines to carry the Project

Rail under Bridge (RUB): Structure provided below the railway lines to carry the Project

Vehicular Underpass (VUP): Grade separated structure which is provided for crossing of
vehicles under the Project Highway

Vehicular Overpass (VOP): Grade separated structure which is provided for crossing of
vehicles over the Project Highway

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Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Viaducts: Structures carrying the project road over land and spanning
across the valleys are termed as viaducts


The design shall cover all aspects of preliminary design pertaining to various parts of Bridges / Grade
separators / ROBs etc. The design shall generally be based on relevant IRC codes of practice, MoRTH
circulars. However, where the IRC codes are not applicable or silent, appropriate BIS or other
international Codes of Practice, such as, British / American / Australian Codes based on sound
engineering practice shall be used.

The section below outlines the standards to be adopted for the design of the structures which
include Flyovers and Interchanges, Major Bridges, Minor Bridges, VUP, LVUP SVUPs and Culverts.

The IRC codes/Standards/Act, MoRTH Publications, IS & BIS codes shall be followed in the project.
Design of all proposed structures shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the following
Latest IRC Codes:


IRC: 5 - Section I- General Features of Design (Eighth Revision)
IRC: 6 - Section II- Loads and Stresses
IRC: 22 Section IV-Composite construction for Road Bridges (Second
IRC: 24 - Section V-Steel Road Bridges (Second Revision)
IRC: 78 - Section VII- Foundations and Substructure (Second Revision)
IRC:83(Part-II) - Section IX- Bearings, Part II: Elastomeric Bearings
IRC: 83(Part-III) Section IX-Bearings, Part III: POT, POT- CUM-PTFE,
Pin and Metallic Guide Bearings
IRC: 87 Guidelines for the Design and Erection of False work for Road
IRC: 89 Guidelines for Design and Construction of River Training and
Control Works for Road Bridges (First Revision)
IRC:112 - Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges
IRC: SP13 - Guidelines for Design of Small Bridges and Culverts
IRC: SP:40 - Techniques for strengthening & rehabilitation of bridges.
IRC: SP:64 Guidelines for the Analysis and Design of
Cast-in-Place Voided Slab Superstructure
IRC: SP:66 - Guidelines for Design of Continuous Bridges
IRC: SP:69 - Guidelines & Specifications for Expansion Joints
IRC: SP:70 - Guidelines for the Use of High Performance Concrete in Bridges.

IS:14593 Design and Construction of Bored cast in situ Piles founded on

IS: 2062 - Hot rolled medium and high tensile structural steel specifications.
IS:14268 Uncoated stress relieved low relaxation seven Ply strand for pre
stressed concrete specifications
IS-2911 - For Pile foundations
IRC:SP:114 Seismic design for Road Bridges

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The complete structure shall be designed to be safe against collapse and to maintain at all times an
acceptable serviceability level. These shall be also designed to be durable to withstand the
deteriorating effects of climate and environment.

All new bridges shall have independent superstructures for each direction of travel. Choice of single
or independent structure for culverts shall be decided based site condition. Width of median in
structural portion will be maintained same as that in the approaches.

In cases where median is kept open to sky, suitable provision will be made for retaining the earth
likely to spill from median portion of immediate embankment.

All new bridges will be provided for carriageway width as per Manual IRC: SP:-99.

Bridge superstructure may be reinforced concrete, pre-stressed concrete or steel-concrete

composite construction. Similarly, the substructure and foundations may also be concrete, steel or
steel-concrete composite construction.

Bearing of new bridges shall be easily accessible for inspection and maintenance.

Reinforced Earth/R.C.C Retaining wall type can be provided for high fill/embankment with
aesthetically pleasing appearance. Design life of reinforcing elements for earth retaining structures
shall be 100 years minimum. Structure with viaduct shall be provided for ensuring unhindered local
cross movement of pedestrians and local vehicular traffic


The design would be carried out using the limit state design philosophy satisfying the requirements of IRC-112
2011. The structure would be designed to meet both the ultimate and serviceability requirements of the code.

Ultimate limit state: This cover static equilibrium and failure of structural element or structure as a
whole when acted upon by ultimate design load.

Serviceability limit state: This deals with the condition of structure subjected to serviceability design
loads. These conditions include level of internal stress, fatigue failure, deflection, cracking and
discomfort by vibrations.

Load Combination shall be adopted as per table B.1 to B.4 of Annex-B of IRC: 6-2017 as given below:

 Table B.1 for Verification of Equilibrium.

 Table B.2 for Verification of Structural Strength
 Table B.3 for Verification of Serviceability
 Table B.4 for Base Pressure and Design of Foundation

At present the combination of loads shown in Table B.4 shall be used for structural design of
foundation only. For checking the base pressure under foundation, load combination given in IRC:
78-2014 shall be used. Table B.4 shall be used for checking of base pressure under foundation only
when relevant material safety factor and resistance factor are introduced in IRC: 78-2014.

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(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Table 1.16 Design Parameters for Structures

S. No. Design Figure Standard
Service life (Years)
Foundations 100
Piers 100
Deck 100
Bearings 50
i. for MJBR, VUPs and Rail road structures
1 25
ii. for other structures
Expansion Joints 10
Parapets(Concrete) 100
Parapets(Metals) 20
Exposure Condition:
As the general environment condition is Moderate

Minimum clear cover to reinforcement is given below. According to Exposure condition clear
cover is provided for structural components as per IRC: 112-2011.

i Superstructures 40mm
ii Crash Barrier 50mm
iii Substructures 50mm
iv Pre-stressing cable duct 75/90mm
v Pre-cast elements 45mm
vi Foundations 75mm

Earth Face of Abutment, return wall, retaining

vii 75mm
wall, box side wall

viii Non Earth Face 50mm

3 Grade of Steel

Fe500D (Section 1600 of

Specifications: High
i HYSD bars yield strength deformed
bars Fe500 conforming
to IS: 1786)

ii Structural Steel Fe490(IS 2062)

4 Grade of Concrete
Pre stressed Concrete
i M45/M50
Girder and RCC Deck and Box Girder
ii Precast RCC Girder with RCC Deck M35
iii RCC Box type structure-MNB M35
iv Pier and Pier Cap M35
v Bearing Pedestal M40

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S. No. Design Figure Standard

RCC Abutment, Abutment cap, Return Wall, Dirt
vi M35

vii Open foundation, Pile and Pile cap M35

viii Crash Barrier M40

ix Approach slab M30
x Box Culverts M30
xi Leveling course M15
xii Head Wall M20
xiii Parapet wall M30
5 Dead load-(unit wt.)
i Pre-stressed Concrete 2.5 T/m³
ii Reinforced Concrete (RCC) 2.5 T/m³
iii Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) 2.5 T/m³
iv Steel 7.854 T/m³
v Wearing Coat 2.2 T/m³
6 Live Load
400 Kg/m² (Rural area)
i Footpath
500 Kg/m²(Urban area)
ii c/w 5.3m to 9.6m One lane of class 70R or Two lane of Class A
One lane of class 70R for every two lanes with one
iii c/w 9.6m to 13.1 m lane of class A on the remaining lane or 3 lanes of
class A
iv c/w 13.1m to 16.6 m One lane of class 70R for every two lanes with one
v c/w 16.6m to 20.1 m lane of class A on the remaining lane if any or 1
vi c/w 20.1m to 23.6 m lanes of class A for each Lane.
** Live Load shall be considered at inner edge of the carriageway for stage 2 constructions
and Girder shall be capable to take care the same.
7 Impact factor
Concrete Bridges
i for Class A 4.5/(6+L)
For Tracked-25% for span up to 5m and linear
reducing to 10% for span up to 9m.
For Wheeled-25% for span up to 9m
ii for Class 70 RT and 70RW More than 9 m-
For Tracked-10% for span between 9m to 40m.As
per curve for span more than 40m.
For wheeled-25% for span up to 12m and as per
curve for span more than 12m
Steel Bridges
i for Class A 9/(13.5+L)
ii for Class 70 RT & Class 70 R W Up to -9m

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
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S. No. Design Figure Standard

For Tracked-25% for span up to 5m and linear
reducing to 10% for span up to 9m.
For wheeled-25% for span up to 9m
More than 9m-
For Tracked-10% for all spans. For wheeled-25%
for span up to 23m and as per curve for span more
than 23m.
8 Wind Load
i As per basic wind speed 47m/s as per IRC:6-2017,clause 209.
9 Horizontal Forces due to water current
i Case-I Parallel to pier
ii Case-II At inclination of (20±θ) to the pier
10 Longitudinal forces
In case of single lane and two lane 20% of first
i Case-I train load plus 10% of load of succeeding train or
part thereof
In case of bridges with more than two lane braking
ii Case-II force for two lane plus 5 % of the loads on the
lanes in excess of two
11 Buoyancy
i 100 % buoyancy for stability check
ii 15 % buoyancy for design
12 Temperature (as per IRC:6-2017 clause 215)
For bridge having difference between max and min air shade temperature-
Mean of Maximum and Minimum air shade temperature +,- 10˚C whichever is
>200 C
Mean of Maximum and Minimum air shade temperature +,- 5˚C whichever is
<200 C
The nonlinear temperature gradient for design of superstructure shall be considered as per
clause 215.3 of IRC: 6-2017.
13 Seismic force (as per IRC:6-2017, clause 219)
Bridges in Seismic Zone- II and III need not to be
designed for seismic forces if span in less than 15.0m
i Zone II and Zone-III and total length of bridge is less than 60.0m. For all
other cases seismic forces shall be considered as per
Clause 219 of IRC 6-2017
14 Expansion Joints
i Filler type For span up to 10m(Section 2600 of the specification)
For Span >10m and movement up to ±80 (Section 2600
ii Strip Seal Type
of specification)
iii Modular Type movement more than ±80 (Section 2600 of specification)
15 Bearing
i Elastomeric As per design requirements
ii Pot cum PTFE As per design requirements
iii Pin and Guided Bearing As per design requirements

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S. No. Design Figure Standard

iv Spherical Bearing As per design requirements
16 Wearing Coat 50 mm thick
Pre stressing (IS: 14268, section 1800 of Specifications):
 Uncoated stress relieved low relaxation steel
 Type of Strand-Stress relieved multiply strands of low relaxation Ultimate
Stress in Cable -1861 Mpa
 Maximum pre stress jacking force-0.783(90% of 0.1% of proof load)
1) The maximum force applied to a tendon at active end during tensioning, shall not exceed
17 90% of 0.1% proof stress
2) The analysis of pre stressed section would be as per the stress strain properties given in
clause 6.3.5 of IRC-112.
3) Maximum pre stressing force applied to structure immediately after transfer shall not be
greater than 75% of characteristic tensile strength of pre stressing steel or 0.85 of 0.1% of
proof load whichever less is.
4)For serviceability limit state the section would be checked for 10% lower (Inferior) and 10%
higher (Superior) values of pre stressing force as per IRC -112
18 Sheathing HDPE
Time Dependent material properties
19 Shrinkage: Total shrinkage is auto-generous shrinkage and drying shrinkage
20 Creep: Creep to be calculated with time and stress as per IRC112
21 Coefficient of thermal Expansion-12x10-6/degree C
Modulus of Elasticity-Modulus of Elasticity to be calculated as per short term and long term
creep and shrinkage
23 Minimum Bar Diameter 10 mm (refer Table 5.1,IRC112)
Diameter if any reinforcing bar including transverse ties, stirrups etc. shall not be less
than 10 mm. Diameter of any longitudinal reinforcement bars in columns/ vertical member
shall not be less than 12 mm. However diameter of the reinforcing bars shall not exceed 25
mm in slabs and 32 mm in other member.
24 Margin in Material (FOS)
All critical sections shall be checked for stresses under various load combinations. A
suitable margin (preferably 5%) shall be there between maximum stress
and allowable stress in concrete as well as reinforcement in the final design.


Design loads shall be as per IRC: 6-2017, appropriate for the proposed carriageway width, type and
properties of stream, location, altitude, etc.

Dead Load (DL)

The dead load i.e. the self-weight of the superstructure, substructure and foundations, backfill will
be considered as per the Cl. 203 of IRC: 6 -2017 and are summarized as below;

Wet concrete including reinforcement - 2.6 t/m3 (IRC: 87 – 2011)

Concrete (Cement Reinforced) - 2.5 t/m3
Concrete (Cement Prestressed) - 2.5 t/m3
Concrete (Asphalt) - 2.2 t/m3

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
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Earth (Compacted) - 2.0 t/m3

Concrete (Cement - plain with plum) - 2.5 t/m3

Superimposed Dead Load (SIDL)

SIDL comprises of the following items

Crash barrier without Hand Rail – 0.8 t/m

Crash barrier with Hand Rail – 1.0 t/m
Wearing Course – 0.246 t/m2
Railing – 0.6 t/m
Footpath Load
Crash barrier is adopted as per IRC: 5-2015.

Live Load Combinations

Live load combinations mentioned in IRC: 6-2017 Table-6 shall be followed as per relevant
carriageway width.

In general for Bridges and Flyovers following combinations shall be used:

i. Class A 6-Lane Loading

ii. 1 Lane of 70R + 4 Lane of Class A Loading
iii. Class A 2-Lane + Class 70R 2-Lane
iv. Class 70R + 2 Lane Class A + Class 70R
v. IRC Class SV Loading special Multi Axle Hydraulic Trailer Vehicle
(Prime Mover with 20 Axle Trailer – GVW =385Ton shall be considered to ply for single
carriageway or Dual Carriageway Bridge with a maximum eccentricity of 300mm)

Minimum clear distance between the two vehicles shall be 1.2m.

The loads which are not mentioned in this clause shall be as per IRC: 6-2017.

Where ever footpath is provided in the bridge Footpath live load is taken and bridge is also designed
for without footpath case.

Live Load shall be considered at inner edge of the carriageway for stage 2 construction and Girder
shall be capable to take care the same.

Reduction in the longitudinal effect on bridges having more than two traffic lanes due to the low
probability that all lanes will be subjected to the characteristic loads simultaneously shall be in
accordance with the Table shown below:

Table 1.17 Lane Reduction Factor for Live Load

Number of lanes Reduction in longitudinal effect

For two lanes No reduction

For three lanes 10% reduction

For four lanes 20% reduction

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

For five or more lanes 20% reduction

For SV Loading, during passage on bridge, no other vehicle shall be considered to ply on the bridge.
No wind, seismic, braking forces and impact on the live load need to be considered as SV shall
moves at a speed not exceeding 5kmph over the bridge.


a) However, it should be ensured that the reduced longitudinal effects are not less severe than the
longitudinal effect, resulting from simultaneous loads on two adjacent lanes. Longitudinal effects
mentioned above are bending moment, shear force and torsion in longitudinal direction.

b) The above Table is applicable for individually supported superstructure of multi-laned

carriageway. In the case of separate sub-structure and foundations, the number of lanes
supported by each of them is to be considered while working out the reduction percentage. In
the case of combined sub-structure and foundations, the total number of lanes for both

Special vehicle loading

Structure need to be checked for special vehicle also. The total load 385T of special vehicle is the
load considered to act at 300mm from center of carriageway. No other load is considered to moving
on structure when special vehicle is moving.

Congestion Factor

For bridges, flyovers/grade separators close to areas such as ports, heavy industries and mines and
any other areas where frequent congestion of heavy vehicles may occur, additional check for
congestion of vehicular live load on the carriageway shall be considered. In the absence of any
stipulated value, the congestion factor, as mentioned in Table 7 of IRC 6-2017 shall be considered.
This factor shall be used as a multiplying factor on the global effect of vehicular live load only.

Under this condition, horizontal force due to braking/acceleration, centrifugal action and
temperature gradient effect need not be included, but the effect of live load impact shall be

Longitudinal forces

In all road bridges, provision shall be made for longitudinal forces arising from anyone or more of the
following causes:

a) Tractive effort caused through acceleration of the driving wheels;

b) Braking effect resulting from the application of the brakes to braked wheels.
c) Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearings due to change of
temperature or any other cause. The braking effect on a simply supported span or a
continuous unit of spans or on any other type of bridge unit shall be assumed to have the
following value:

i. In the case of a single lane or a two lane bridge: twenty percent of the first train load plus
ten percent of the load of the succeeding trains or part thereof, the train loads in one lane
only being considered. Where the entire first train is not on the full span, the braking force
shall be taken as equal to twenty percent of the loads actually on the span or continuous

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

unit of spans.
ii. In the case of bridges having more than two-lanes: as in (a) above for the first two lanes
plus five per cent of the loads on the lanes in excess of two.

Construction Live Load

Construction load wherever applicable may be considered as 0.36 t/m2 of the form area to be
considered as per IRC 87-2011.This load include load due to mobile construction plant or equipment
and temporary loads.

A minimum dynamic amplification of 50% of the loads during normal lifting operations is to be
assumed. When Pre cast segmental construction is done consequence to stability to the structure to
be determine due to sudden loss of segment. Dynamic amplification of 100% is to be considered.

Differential Settlement

If the riding quality permits, clause 706.3.2.1 of IRC: 78-2014 specify that the calculated differential
settlement between the foundations of simply supported span shall not exceed L / 400 of the
distance between the foundations, where L is distance between two foundations. In case of
structure sensitive to differential settlement such as continuous structures the
value of differential settlement shall be taken as 10mm.

Temperature Gradient

Effective bridge temperature shall be estimated from the isotherms of shade air temperature given
in fig 15 and fig 16 of IRC: 6-2017. Difference in temperature between the top surface and
other levels through the depth of the structure, where ever applicable shall be
taken in accordance with clause :215.3 of IRC:6-2017.

Centrifugal Forces

Centrifugal forces are considered for spans in curved portion as per IRC 6-2017 Centrifugal forces
shall be determined from following formula:

C= WV2/127R

C =Centrifugal force acting normal to the traffic. W = Live load (tons/m)
V= Design speed of vehicles (Km/ hour)
R = Radius of curvature (m)
It is considered to be acting at 1.2m above deck level.

Earth Pressure
1. All earth retaining structures like Abutment and Other Earth Retaining Structures
designed to retain earth fills shall be proportioned to withstand pressure calculated in
accordance with any rational theory. Coulomb's theory, subject to the modification that
the center of pressure exerted by the backfill, when considered dry, is located at an
elevation of 0.42 of the height of the wall above the base instead of 0.33 of that height.

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2. For RCC Box Structure-Active Earth pressure / Earth pressure at rest will be considered
to be acting on the vertical walls of the RCC Box. The Co-efficient of such Earth pressure
will be taken as 0.5.

3. Surcharge Pressure-All Earth retaining wall is designed for a live load surcharge pressure
equivalent to 1.2 m earth fill as per IRC 6-2017.

Wind forces
1. The superstructure shall be designed for wind induced horizontal forces (acting in the
transverse and longitudinal direction) and vertical loads acting simultaneously. The
assumed wind direction shall be perpendicular to longitudinal axis for a straight
structure or to an axis chosen to maximize the wind induced effects for a structure
curved/skewed in plan.

2. The substructure shall be designed for wind induced loads transmitted to it from the
Super structure and wind loads acting directly on the substructure. Loads for wind with
Live Load and without Live load shall be envisaged.

3. The longitudinal force on bridge superstructure (in N) shall be taken as 25% and 50% of
the transverse wind load as calculated as per Clause 209 for beam/box/ plate girder
bridges and truss girder bridges respectively.

Water Current Forces

Any part of a road bridge which may be submerged in running water shall be designed to sustain
safely the horizontal pressure due to the force of the current.

On piers parallel to the direction of the water current, the intensity of pressure shall be calculated
from the following equation:

P = 52KV^2
P = intensity of pressure due to water current, in kg/m^2
V = the velocity of the current at the point where the pressure intensity is being
calculated, in meter per second, and
K = a constant having the following values for different shapes of piers illustrated in

i. Square ended piers (and for the superstructure)1.50

ii. Circular piers or piers with semi-circular ends 0.66
iii. Piers with triangular cut and ease waters, the angle included between the faces being 30°
or less 0.50
iv. Piers with triangular cut and ease waters, the angle included between the faces being more
than 30° but less than 60° 0.50 to 0.70
v. do- 60 to 90° 0.70 to 0.90
vi. Piers with cut and ease waters of equilateral 0.45 arcs of circles
vii. Piers with arcs of the cut and ease waters 0.50 intersecting at 90°


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1. In the design of abutments, especially those of submersible bridges, the effects of

buoyancy shall also be considered assuming that the fill behind the abutments has been
removed by scour.

2. To allow for full buoyancy, a reduction shall be made in the gross weight of the member
affected by reducing its density by the density of the displaced water.
The density of water may be taken as 1 .0 t/m2.
For artesian condition, HFL or actual water head, whichever is higher, shall be
considered for calculating the uplift.

3. In the design of submerged masonry or concrete structures, the buoyancy effect

through pore pressure may be limited to 15% of full buoyancy. 213.4 In case of
submersible bridges, the full buoyancy effect on the superstructure shall be taken into

Seismic Forces

The project corridor falls under seismic zone-II (from Ch. 160km to Ch.448km) and Seismic zone III
(from Ch. 79km to Ch.160km) which is Moderate seismic zone. Seismic design is carried out as per
zone and as per codal provisions along with provision of ductile detailing and seismic arrestor Block.

All bridges supported on piers, pier bents and arches, directly or through bearings, and not
exempted below in the category (a) and (b), are to be designed for horizontal and Vertical forces
as given in the following clauses.

The following types of bridges need not be checked for seismic effects:

a) Culverts and minor bridges up to 10 m span in all seismic zones.

b) Bridges in seismic zones II and Ill satisfying both limits of total length not exceeding 60 m
and spans not exceeding 15 m

The effect of Vertical component may be omitted for all elements in Zone-II and zone-III for
following cases as applicable for said project.

a) Bearing and Linkage

b) Horizontal cantilever structural element
c) For stability

Combination of component motion

The seismic force assumed to be coming from any horizontal direction. For this purpose two
separate analyses shall be performed for design seismic forces along two orthogonal directions. The
design seismic forces resultants at any cross-section of a bridge component resulting from the
analysis in two orthogonal horizontal directions shall be combined as below:

a) ±r1 ± 0.3r2
b) ±0.3r1 ± r2

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

r1 = Force resultant due to full design seismic force along x-direction
r2 = Force resultant due to full design seismic force along z-direction

To improve the performance of the Bridge during earth quake, the bridges in seismic zone III may be
specifically detailed for ductility for which IRC: 112 shall be referred.

Seismic Analysis

The Seismic Analysis of the bridges shall be carried out using following method as per applicability
defined in Table 5.3, of IRC :SP:114 – 2018,depending upon the complexity of the structure and the
input ground motion.

a) Elastic seismic acceleration method (Static load)

b) Elastic Response Spectrum Method
c) Time history Method

Accidental Load

Bridge piers of wall type, columns or the Frames built in median or in the vicinity of the carriageway
supporting the superstructure shall be design to withstand Vehicle collision loads as per clause 222.1
of IRC: 6- 2017 .
The effect of collision load shall not be considered on abutments or on the structures separated
from the edge of the carriageway by a minimum distance of 4.5m and also not be combined with
principal live loads on the carriageway supported by the structural members subjected to such
collision loads as well as wind or seismic load as per cl 222.1.2 of IRC: 6 – 2017.

Where pedestrian/cycle track bridge ramps and stairs are structurally independent of the main
highway spanning structure, their support need not be design for vehicle collision loads.

Material factor of safety under collision load, reference shall be made to the provision in IRC: 112 for
concrete and IRC: 24 for steel. For permissible overstressing in foundation, refer provision of IRC: 78.

Collision Load

The normal loads given in Table 22 of IRC: 6 2017 shall be considered to act horizontally as Vehicle
Collision loads. Supports shall be capable of resisting the main and residual components acting
simultaneously. Load normal to the carriage way below and loads parallel to the carriageway below
shall be considered to act separately and shall not be combined.

The loads in Table 22 indicated in clause 222.3.1 are assumed for vehicles plying at velocity of about
60km/hours. In case of vehicles travelling in lesser velocity, the load may be reduced in proportion
to the square of the velocity but not less than 50 percent.

The bridge supports shall be designed for residual load component only, if protected with suitably
designed fencing system taking in to account its flexibility, having a minimum height of 1.5m above
the carriageway level.


As per Manual the culverts with vertical clearance 3 m can be used by cattle and pedestrians during

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

dry season.

1.2 Hydrology, Training works and Road Drainage

1.2.1 Hydrological study

For performing the hydrological and hydraulic analysis which essentially need the design flood of a
specific return period for fixing the waterway vis-à-vis the design HFL of bridges depending upon
their size and importance to ensure safety as well as economy. As per IRC 5-2015-Section I General
Features of Design specify that the waterway of a bridge is to be designed for a maximum flood of
100 years return period and SP 13: 2004. The catchment area shall be marked on the topo-sheets of
Survey of India for their assessment.

The following methods can be used to estimate the peak discharge for bridge sites on major and
minor streams up to the catchment area of 5000 m2;

 Empirical Formulae
 Rational Method
 Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method

In case of catchment area is more than 5000 sq km, the discharge calculations shall be based on the
area velocity method at local enquiry highest flood level/ water marks on nearest bridge or the basis
of dam outflow data with reference to the catchment area at proposed bridge location.

Highest of above shall be considered at design discharge. With the design discharge, calculations for
the 100-year flood level shall be obtained using manning’s equation based on the 100-year flood
discharge. Afflux calculation, span arrangement and scour levels for piers and abutment shall be

Embankment crossing the submergence of dam shall be encroaching the minimum area. Height of
structure shall be based on the dam top level & its maximum water level.

1.2.2 Road drainage

Road drainage shall be designed to cater the rainwater into the side drain quickly in order to avoid
stagnation of rainwater over road surface. The section of the drain shall be designed on the basis of
IRC 42: 2014 and IRC 50: 2013.

The relevant latest publications and Indian Standards are given below;

Table 1.18 Relevant Codes & References

Designation Issued by Date of issue
IRC:5 Standard specifications and code of practice
IRC 2015
for road bridges section-I
SP13 : Guidelines for the design of small bridges
IRC 2004
and culverts
IRC: SP-84-Manual of specifications and standards
for four laning of highways through public private IRC 2014

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Designation Issued by Date of issue

IRC-78 -Standard specifications and code of
IRC 2014
practice for road bridges Section – VII
IRC:89 - Guidelines for design and construction of
IRC 1997
River Training and control works for road bridges
SP42 : Guidelines on road drainage IRC 2004
Central Water Commission : flood estimation
report Chambal subzone 1(b) & upper indo ganga CWC 1988 & 1984
plains 1(e)

1.2.3 Side Slopes

IRC: 36-2010 recommends the following side slopes for highway embankments, purely from the safety
point of view.

 1V: 1.5 H up to 12m heights with slope protection

 1V: 1.5 H with partial retaining wall above 12m embankment height.

1.2.4 Slope Protection Measure

Side Slope of embankments affected by flood shall be protected with pitching or geo-fibre on over
granular filter. The Pitching shall be extended up to 0.5m above the HFL. All other locations side
slopes shall be protecting by seeding & mulching as per specification clause 308 of specification of
road & bridge works (MoRT&H) in consultation with the NHAI/ Independent Engineer.

1.2.5 River Training & Flood Protection Works

The proposed protective measures are to be designed in accordance with the requirement of IRC:
It is proposed to provide stone pitching of suitable thickness all around the abutments and in the
front portion of abutment with suitable thickness, which will be extended up to 1.5m above HFL.

In order to prevent embankment erosion during high flood, bank protection works shall be provided
as required.

For River Training works, if required, for protection of Embankment, detailed hydrological
investigation will be carried out and necessary protection works if required will be provided, based
on study report.

Flood protection measures shall be provided as follows:

a) Construction of guide bunds up to HFL, along both the banks of streams/rivers joining to
contain back flow during Flood
b) Raising the invert of the vehicular and pedestrian underpasses above design HFL or
providing an auxiliary bund downstream

1.3 Traffic Surveys

The Classified volume count survey was conducted at five locations, each location representing
mid-block count station for different homogeneous sections of project stretch. The count was

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

conducted continuously for 7 consecutive days and for 24 hours on all locations.

The following traffic studies have been carried out for the project.

1. Classified traffic volume counts for 7 days and 24 hours duration

2. Origin Destination survey for 1 day

Table 1.19 Traffic Survey Locations

Location Start Date End Date
Classified Traffic Volume Count
Bhiwadi – Alwar section (SH-25 near Chikani) 17/04/2018 24/04/2018 7
Firozpur Jhirka – Alwar (NH-248 near Naugaon) 17/04/2018 24/04/2018 7
Gangapur - Sawai Madhopur section (SH-1 near Karmoda) 22/04/2018 29/04/2018 7
Jaipur – Kishangarh section (NH-48 near Tikariya) 15/04/2018 22/04/2018 7
Bundi – Kota section (NH-52 near Ramganj) 23/04/2018 30/04/2018 7
Delhi – Jaipur section (NH-48 near Shahjahanpur)* -
Gwalior – Shivpuri section (NH-46 near Mudkheda)* -
Delhi – Jaipur section (NH-48 near Shahjahanpur) 23-04-2018 24-04-2018 1
Gwalior – Shivpuri section (NH-46 near Mudkheda) 20-04-2018 21-04-2018 1
Bhiwadi – Alwar section (SH-25 near Chikani) 17-04-2018 18-04-2018 1
Firozpur Jhirka – Alwar (NH-248 near Naugaon) 19-04-2018 20-04-2018 1
Gangapur - Sawai Madhopur section (SH-1 near Karmoda) 25-04-2018 26-04-2018 1
Jaipur – Kishangarh section (NH-48 near Tikariya) 17-04-2018 18-04-2018 1
Bundi – Kota section (NH-52 near Ramganj) 27-04-2018 28-04-2018 1
*CVC surveys at two locations along NH-48 and NH-46 (Shahjahanpur and Mudkheda) were not
carried out as IHMCL data was availed. For the purpose of OD analysis, the CVC data from the
surveys carried out earlier has been used to determine the volume count according to the vehicular
classification used for the present study.

Table 1.20 AADT Traffic Count Locations

Delhi – Jaipur section

Bundi – Kota section

Jaipur – Kishangarh
Madhopur section
Gwalior – Shivpuri

Gangapur - Sawai
Alwar (NH-248A)
Firozpur Jhirka –
Bhiwadi – Alwar
section (NH-46)

section (NH-48)
section (SH-25)


Vehicle Type

Tollable Traffic (nos.)

Car / Jeep / Van
4262 1541 2642 10117 5577
17348 1570
Car / Jeep (Taxi) 552 182 572 1892 1047
Shared Jeep 42 54 92 20 27
Mini Bus 0 0 83 32 136 162 47
School. Bus 0 0 35 2 5 83 3

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Delhi – Jaipur section

Bundi – Kota section

Jaipur – Kishangarh
Madhopur section
Gwalior – Shivpuri

Gangapur - Sawai
Alwar (NH-248A)
Firozpur Jhirka –
Bhiwadi – Alwar
section (NH-46)

section (NH-48)
section (SH-25)

Vehicle Type

Tollable Traffic (nos.)

Govt. Bus 0 0 315 104 87 455 338
Pvt. Bus 0 0 65 11 135 711 231
Maxx/Pick-Up 1501 253 1043 466 515 1219 976
LCV (4 tyre) 86 34 44 105 60
3704 610
LCV (6 tyre) 445 243 161 1485 487
2 Axle 2846 907 280 147 204 1613 620
3 Axle 4296 1337 241 391 250 2864 1022
MAV (4 to 6
9725 939 441 466 240 9060 1269
MAV (> 6 Axles) 4 0 0 0 0 2 1
Others 7 0 6 4 5 6 8
Total vehicles 39431 5616 7896 3677 5088 29794 11713
Total PCUs 89643 13696 11640 6787 7478 73860 20911
Non – Tollable Traffic (nos)
3 Wheeler 222 14 81 141 34 324 145
2 Wheeler 5221 643 5792 5484 8764 10148 11372
25 14 39 58 20 17 21
Tractor with 543 61 415 355 208 142 463
Cycle 9 18 17 53 44 21 19
Cycle Rickshaw 1 0 4 16 3 10 1
Animal Drawn
0 0 2 14 13 2 2
Toll Exempted Car 0 0 3 3 4 6 2
Toll Exempted
0 0 7 1 12 12 0
Toll Exempted
0 0 2 0 1 6 7
Toll Exempted
0 0 2 0 0 14 1
Non-Tollable 6021 750 6364 6125 9103 10702 12033
5320 640 4965 4716 5530 6198 7985

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Delhi – Jaipur section

Bundi – Kota section

Jaipur – Kishangarh
Madhopur section
Gwalior – Shivpuri

Gangapur - Sawai
Alwar (NH-248A)
Firozpur Jhirka –
Bhiwadi – Alwar
section (NH-46)

section (NH-48)
section (SH-25)

Vehicle Type

Tollable Traffic (nos.)


Grand Total
45452 6366 14260 9802 14191 40496 23746
Grand Total
94963 14336 16604 11503 13008 80058 28896

1.4 Material Investigations

Borrow Area Soil

Borrow area soil locations have been identified for the sub-grade and embankment and
representative samples have been collected from potential locations for laboratory testing.
Summary of observed CBR test results of borrow area soil samples are given in table below;

Table 1.21 Summary of CBR Test Results of Borrow Area Soil Samples
Soaked CBR (%)

Un Soaked CBR
MDD gm/cc (%)
Design Chiange

Maximum Dry

Index FSI (%)

Free Swell





1 89+000 LHS 1.92 8.90 14.20 - Sub-grade/Embankment

2 100+000 RHS 1.87 9.80 16.80 - Sub-grade/Embankment
3 115+000 RHS 1.89 8.60 13.50 - Sub-grade/Embankment
4 130+000 LHS 1.89 11.00 18.20 - Sub-grade/Embankment
5 143+000 LHS 1.86 9.20 16.90 - Sub-grade/Embankment
6 155+000 LHS 1.85 9.60 16.40 - Sub-grade/Embankment
7 166+000 LHS 1.90 11.00 16.60 - Sub-grade/Embankment
8 178+000 RHS 1.90 14.10 20.20 - Sub-grade/Embankment
9 189+000 RHS 1.89 10.20 16.60 - Sub-grade/Embankment
10 199+000 LHS 1.87 9.80 16.80 - Sub-grade/Embankment
11 209+000 LHS 1.91 11.80 16.70 - Sub-grade/Embankment
12 220+000 LHS 1.86 10.00 15.90 - Sub-grade/Embankment
13 231+000 LHS 1.87 10.20 18.20 10.0 Sub-grade/Embankment
14 240+000 RHS 1.86 10.80 15.80 - Sub-grade/Embankment
15 252+000 RHS 1.80 7.20 11.70 - Embankment
16 269+000 LHS 1.78 6.20 11.70 20.0 Embankment

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

Soaked CBR (%)

Un Soaked CBR
MDD gm/cc (%)
Design Chiange

Maximum Dry

Index FSI (%)

Free Swell

S. (Ch.)


17 280+000 LHS 1.79 6.90 11.20 10.0 Embankment

18 290+000 RHS 1.88 8.60 15.60 10.0 Sub-grade/Embankment
19 306+000 LHS 1.91 8.80 13.70 - Sub-grade/Embankment
20 315+000 LHS 1.84 7.70 13.80 10.0 Embankment
21 330+000 RHS 1.84 9.60 15.90 - Sub-grade/Embankment
22 340+000 LHS 1.88 9.40 15.00 10.0 Sub-grade/Embankment
23 356+000 RHS 1.91 12.20 17.80 10.0 Sub-grade/Embankment
24 367+000 RHS 1.82 6.00 11.90 20.0 Embankment
25 383+000 RHS 1.82 9.50 16.40 10.0 Sub-grade/Embankment
26 392+000 LHS 1.84 8.20 13.60 10.0 Sub-grade/Embankment
27 411+731 LHS 1.78 5.20 10.90 10.0 Embankment

1.5 Geometric improvement

Project highway is a green-field alignment proposed to be developed with a design speed of

120kmph. All design parameters are as per IRC SP 99: 2013 are to be followed; the median width
adopted is 22m.

The geometric design of the Project Highway shall conform to the standards set out in the Manual
for Expressway (IRC: SP: 99-2013). The project highway is to be developed as eight lane divided
carriageway with a provision of future widening towards the median; hence the width of median
adopted is 22m which could accommodate additional four lane and still have 5.5m plus 0.75m edge
strip/shy distance available. The various typical cross sections used for the project road sections are
given in table below:

Table 1.22 TCS Schedule

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
292+950 293+100 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
150 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
293+100 293+331
231 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
293+331 293+381 Lane(2X4) For structure with
50 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
293+381 293+760
379 With Depressed Median TCS-2

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
293+760 294+690 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
930 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
294+690 295+210
520 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
295+210 295+380 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
170 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
295+380 295+703
323 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
295+703 295+715 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
295+715 296+080
365 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
296+080 296+140 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
60 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
296+140 296+794
653.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
296+794 296+829 Lane(2X4) For structure with
35 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
296+829 296+866
37.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
296+866 296+876 Lane(2X4) For structure with
10 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
296+876 297+147
271 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
297+147 297+159 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
297+159 297+300
141 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
297+300 297+380 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
80 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
297+380 297+530
150 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
297+530 297+590 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
60 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
297+590 297+710
120 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
297+710 298+824
1113.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
298+824 298+839 Lane(2X4) For structure with
15 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
298+839 298+963
124.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
298+963 298+975 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
298+975 299+170
195 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
299+170 299+460 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
290 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
299+460 299+490
30 With Depressed Median TCS-2

299+490 300+170 Typical Cross Section For 8

680 Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling TCS-1

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
Height up to 2.5m
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
300+170 300+630
460 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
300+630 300+740 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
110 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
300+740 301+160
420 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
301+160 301+480 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
320 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
301+480 301+607
127 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
301+607 301+619 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
301+619 301+876
257 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
301+876 301+906 Lane(2X4) For structure with
30 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
301+906 302+040
134 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
302+040 302+070 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
30 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
302+070 302+100
30 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
302+100 302+290 Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
190 Terrain With Depressed TCS-1

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

Median With Embankment
Height up to 2.5m
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
302+290 302+860
570 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
302+860 303+040 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
180 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
303+040 303+380
340 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For ROB
303+380 303+443 Approach/Other Locations
With High Embankment With
63 Depressed Median TCS-3
Typical Cross Section For 8
303+443 303+503 Lane(2X4) For structure with
60 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For ROB
303+503 303+820 Approach/Other Locations
With High Embankment With
317 Depressed Median TCS-3
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
303+820 303+924
103.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
303+924 303+939 Lane(2X4) For structure with
15 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
303+939 304+180
241.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
304+180 304+520 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
340 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
304+520 304+886
366 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
304+886 304+906 Lane(2X4) For structure with
20 Depressed Median TCS-4

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
304+906 305+530
624 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
305+530 306+190 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
660 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
306+190 306+303
112.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
306+303 306+356 Lane(2X4) For structure with
53 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
306+356 307+492
1136.5 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
307+492 307+502 Lane(2X4) For structure with
10 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
307+502 307+590
88 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) in Plain & Rolling
307+590 308+070 Terrain With Depressed
Median With Embankment
480 Height up to 2.5m TCS-1
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
308+070 308+393
323 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
308+393 308+405 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
308+405 309+001
596 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
309+001 311+701 Lane(2X4) For structure with
2700 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For ROB
311+701 311+840 Approach/Other Locations
With High Embankment
139 With Depressed Median TCS-3

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
311+840 312+398
558 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
312+398 312+405 Lane(2X4) For structure with
7 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
312+405 312+883
478 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
312+883 312+895 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
312+895 313+450
555 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For ROB
313+450 313+958 Approach/Other Locations
With High Embankment
508 With Depressed Median TCS-3
Typical Cross Section For 8
313+958 314+089 Lane(2X4) For structure with
131 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For ROB
314+089 314+374 Approach/Other Locations
With High Embankment
285 With Depressed Median TCS-3
Typical Cross Section For 8
314+374 314+381 Lane(2X4) For structure with
7 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For ROB
314+381 314+891 Approach/Other Locations
With High Embankment
510 With Depressed Median TCS-3
Typical Cross Section For 8
314+891 314+911 Lane(2X4) For structure with
20 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
314+911 315+428
517 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
315+428 315+468 Lane(2X4) For structure with
40 Depressed Median TCS-4

315+468 315+854 Typical Cross Section For 8

386 Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP, TCS-2

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

With Depressed Median
Typical Cross Section For 8
315+854 315+866 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
315+866 316+279
413 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
316+279 316+299 Lane(2X4) For structure with
20 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
316+299 316+921
622 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
316+921 316+981 Lane(2X4) For structure with
60 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
316+981 317+050
69 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
317+050 318+124
1074 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
318+124 318+144 Lane(2X4) For structure with
20 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
318+144 318+160
16 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For ROB
318+160 318+570 Approach/Other Locations
With High Embankment
410 With Depressed Median TCS-3
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
318+570 318+674
104 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
318+674 318+786 Lane(2X4) For structure with
112 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
318+786 318+998
212 With Depressed Median TCS-2
318+998 319+005 7 Typical Cross Section For 8 TCS-4

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway starting after the interchange on NH-116 near village of Mui and the End of
Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment
(NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan Project Report

From To Length (m) Descriptions TCS No.

Lane(2X4) For structure with
Depressed Median
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
319+005 319+196
191 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
319+196 319+206 Lane(2X4) For structure with
10 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
319+206 319+259
53 With Depressed Median TCS-2
Typical Cross Section For 8
319+259 319+271 Lane(2X4) For structure with
12 Depressed Median TCS-4
Typical Cross Section For 8
Lane(2X4) For VUP, SVUP,
319+271 319+400
129 With Depressed Median TCS-2

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of
Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of
Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of
Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

1.6 Way side Amenities / Service Area

There are two types of amenities provided in the project highway which are as below. The Service
areas of sizes (300m X 600m and 100m X 80m) to be provided at alternate locations. Bigger size
amenities are connected with SVUP which enable the passengers to use other side amenity also.

In the bigger wayside amenity having size of 300m x 600m, all facilities such as drinking water kiosk,
toilet facilities, truck parking, bus parking, car parking, separate restaurants for truck driver,
restaurants for other road users, children park, petrol station, garage, generator set/ solar system
area, ATM’s, Ambulance area, medical room etc. to be provided.

In the smaller wayside amenity having size of 100m x 80m, facilities such as drinking water kiosk,
toilet facilities, truck parking, bus parking, car parking, restaurants, petrol station, garage, generator
set/ solar system area, ATM’s etc. to be provided.

Table 1.23 Tentative locations

S Chainage of Additional LHS RHS
No. Structure Structure Chainage LHS Area Chainage RHS Area
RA1 298+000 80x100 298+000 80x100

Table 1.24 Slip road for wayside amenity

From To Width Sides Total Length (m)
297+950 298+050 7.5 Both sides 200

1.7 Toll Booths

The project highway will have a closed tolling system. All along the project highway toll booths are
only provided at entry and exit ramps/loop in order to have closed tolling and to implement full
access control highway. General arrangement of interchange has been shown in drawing.

1.8 Intersection Proposals

Being fully access controlled, there will be no at grade junctions with the project Highway. Entry/Exit
will be only from interchanges. At grade intersections adversely influence the quality of highways in
terms of speed, capacity and safety because of interruptions to the flow of traffic. Thus the basic
requirement for the design of intersections is not only to cater for safe movements for the drivers,
but also to provide them full traffic information by way of signs, pavement markings and traffic
signals. Further, simplicity and uniformity should be the guiding principles for interchange design to
ensure the safe passage of manoeuvres and reduce conflict points, either by elimination of certain
manoeuvres or separated in space, horizontally or vertically.

Moreover, for a project highway carrying a high volume of traffic on the proposed eight lane
carriageway and where the design speed is 120 Kmph proposing an at grade intersection would be
fatal and would also not pass the safety audit requirements. Keeping in view the safety hazard at
high speed & volume of traffic on the project highway no at-grade intersection has been provided.

Grade separation shall be provided at all intersection with National Highway and State Highway. In
addition to this Grade Separators will be provided across other categories of roads. It has been
decided to give safe crossing to all roads. In case two crossings are at close interval then access will

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

be given to one and other will be joined by service road. Grade separated interchange is proposed at
the following location:

Table 1.25 List of Interchanges

S. No Design Chainage Type of Interchange Road crossing

Table 1.26 Details for interchange

S. No. Lane Length, m Nos.
1 Deceleration Lane
2 Acceleration Lane
3 Ramp
4 Slip Road cum Toll booth

The length of loops and ramps are minimum and likely to get changed as per site requirement.

1.9 Proposal for Structures

The summary of structures along the project highway is given in table below:

Table 1.27 Summary of Proposed Structures

Sr. No. Name of the structure Total Numbers

1 ROB 1
2 Major Bridge 1
3 Major Bridge cum AUP 1
4 Major Bridge cum LVUP 1
5 Minor Bridge 9
6 Minor Bridge cum LVUP 1
7 Minor Bridge on Pipe Line 1
8 SVUP 11
9 Flyover 1
10 VUP 3
11 VOP -
12 LVUP 8
13 Interchange 0
14 Culverts 61
15 Viaduct -
16 Subway 0

Structure proposals:

MJB and Viaduct

Design Span Deck

Chainage Type of crossing Arrangement Skew width
(In Km) (m) (m)
1 306+329 Local stream, Big Catchment 3x25 45o 2X21.25

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Major Bridge cum AUP

S. Design Chainage Span Arrangement Total width

No. (In Km) (m) (m)
Crosiing Submergance
1 310+350 45x60.0 2X21.25 of Baneswar Dam on
Chakan River

Major Bridge cum LVUP

S. Design Chainage Span Arrangement Total width

No. (In Km) (m) (m)
1 318+730 4x25+1x12 2X21.25 Pond/water body


Design Span Deck

Chainage Type of crossing Arrangement Skew width
(In Km) (m) (m)
1 293+356 Local stream 2x25 2x21.25
2 296+811 Pond/water body 1x35 2x21.25
3 296+871 Local stream 1X10 2x21.25
4 298+831 Local stream 1X15 2x21.25
5 301+891 Local stream, Nalla Alignment reqd.LHS 1X30 2x21.25
6 307+497 Local stream 1X10 2x21.25
7 314+901 Local stream 1X20 2x21.25
8 316+951 Mui River. 2X30 2x21.25
9 319+201 Local stream 1X10 2x21.25


Design Span Total

Chainage Type of crossing Arrangement width
(In Km) (m) (m)
1 303+931 Canal from Galwania Dam,Canal Realignemnt reqd 1X15 2x21.25

Minor Bridges on Pipe Lines

S. Design Chainage Span Arrangement Total width

No. (In Km) (m) (m)
1 315+443 1X40 2x21.25 Pipe Line Structures


Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Design Span Deck

S. No. Chainage (In Type of Crossing Arrangement width
Km) (m) (m)
1 293+669 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
2 294+895 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
3 296+451 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
4 300+401 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
5 301+021 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
6 302+701 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
7 306+529 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
8 307+148 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
9 312+401 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
10 314+377 - 1X7X4 2X21.25
11 319+001 - 1X7X4 2X21.25


Design Span Deck

Chainage in Type of crossing Arrangement width
(Km) (m) (m)
1 295+709 - 1X12X4 2X21.25
2 297+153 - 1X12X4 2X21.25
3 298+969 - 1X12X4 2X21.25
4 301+613 - 1X12X4 2X21.25
5 308+399 SKEW 48 Degree 1X12X4 2X21.25
6 312+889 - 1X12X4 2X21.25
7 315+860 - 1X12X4 2X21.25
8 319+265 - 1X12X4 2X21.25


Design Span Deck

S. No. Chainage in Type of crossing Arrangement width
(Km) (m) (m)
1 304+896 - 1X20 2X21.25
2 316+289 - 1X20 2X21.25
3 318+134 - 1X20 2X21.25


S. No. Type of crossing Proposed Span (m)
Chainage (km)

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

S. No. Type of crossing Proposed Span (m)
Chainage (km)

1 293+211 1X3X3
2 293+891 1X3X3
3 294+151 1X3X3
4 295+226 1X3X3
5 296+111 1X3X3
6 296+641 1X3X3
7 297+421 1X4X3
8 298+576 1X4X3
9 299+541 1X4X3
10 300+771 1X3X3
11 301+731 1X4X3
12 302+314 1X4X3
13 304+541 1X3X3
14 304+751 1X3X3
15 305+341 1X3X3
16 306+001 1X4X3
17 307+051 1X3X3
18 308+101 1X3X3
19 308+901 1X3X3
20 311+841 1X3X3
21 312+501 1X5X3
22 312+741 1X5X3
23 313+483 1X4X3
24 313+801 1X4X3
25 315+301 1X4X3
26 316+141 1X3X3
27 316+561 1X3X3
28 317+121 1X4X3
29 317+401 1X3X3
30 311+841 1X3X3

Note- 26+6 additional culverts to be given*


S. No. Design Type of crossing Span Deck

Chainage in Arrangement width
(km) (m) Skew (m)

1 303+473 Kota Lalsot Mega way 2x30(clear) 58o 2X21.25

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report


S. Design Type of crossing Span Deck

No. Chainage Arrangement Skew width
(In Km) (m) (m)



Design Type of Skew Width
S. No. Chainage crossing Span Arrangement (m) (m)
1 314+023 - 2x20+1x51+2x20 45 2x21.25


Retaining wall / Toe Wall shall be provided as per TCS and site requirement.


Safety barriers shall be provided at the hazardous location.

Connecting Roads/Service Roads/Slip Roads

Connecting Road / Service Roads / Slip Roads shall be constructed at the locations and for the
lengths indicated below:

Table 1.28 Connecting Road / Service Roads / Slip Roads

Location of Service Road/Slip Roads (Design

Chainage in Km) RHS/LHS or Both
Sr. No. Length (m) Remarks
From To

1 297+950 298+050 Both Side 200 7.5m wide

Stretches of Connecting Roads

Sl. No. Structure Type Length on LHS (m) Length on RHS (m)
From To

1 283+200 283+420 LVUP 100 120

2 288+300 288+620 SVUP 120 100

3 290+180 290+330 SVUP 80 70

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Stretches of Connecting Roads

Sl. No. Structure Type Length on LHS (m) Length on RHS (m)
From To

4 295+620 295+800 LVUP 90 90

5 304+900 305+000 VUP 100 -

6 305+200 305+880 BOX CULVERT - 680

7 306+300 306+750 SVUP - 450

8 308+300 308+480 LVUP 160 100

Total 650 1610

The service/slip/connecting roads is indicated above are minimum specified. The realignment of
existing track to the SVUP outside the PROW and connecting roads between consecutive
underpasses wherever required as per plan & profile. Length of service roads given in above table
excludes length across the project Expressway. For proper connectivity of cross roads on either side
of project expressway which shall be deemed to be included in the scope of work.

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report


The pavement design has been carried out as per IRC: 37-2012, IRC: SP-99 and MoRTH specifications,
Vth Revision.

1.10.1 Type of Pavement

Perpetual pavement type is recommended for main carriageway of the project highway; except
connecting roads & way side amenities where Flexible pavement shall be provided.

1.10.2 Design Methodology

The proposed project highway is a Greenfield Highway and hence, the design methodology for new
pavement is as given below:

 Identification of traffic homogeneous sections

 Assessment of vehicle damaging factors (VDFs) for commercial vehicles
 Assessment of number of cumulative commercial vehicles as per the traffic (ADT/AADT)
 Assessment of Traffic Growth Rates for the future projections
 Traffic Loading on the proposed pavement (MSA)
 Strength of the sub-grade soil (borrow material)

1.10.3 Design Parameters

Perpetual flexible pavement shall be constructed for the entire length of Project Highway including
paved shoulders. Perpetual flexible pavement shall be designed for a minimum design period of 50
years and minimum sub grade CBR of 8%. Flexible pavement shall also be provided for wayside
amenities (bus bays, truck lay byes) and connecting road/service road/slip road. Flexible pavement
shall be designed for a minimum design period of 20 years and minimum sub grade CBR of 8%.
Stage construction shall not be permitted.

1.10.4 Recommended Pavement Design

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement or the IRC:SP:99-2013, the
Contractor shall design the pavement for main carriageway and connecting roads/service
roads/slip roads. However, in no case the pavement thickness shall not be less than as given

Main carriageway including Loops, Ramps of Interchanges

Minimum Crust layer thickness
Pavement layer Pavement Type
Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) as Wearing
Bituminous base course Perpetual 250
Non-bituminous base course 150
Sub-base course 200

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Note: de-bonding interlayer of polythene sheet having a minimum thickness of 125 micron is
recommended separation layer between DLC and PQC
Toll Plaza

Pavement Composition Pavement Type Minimum Crust Thickness (mm)

Pavement Quantity Concrete (PQC) Rigid 300
Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) 150
Granular Sub Base (GSB) 150

Table 1.29 Connecting/Service/Slip Road

Minimum Crust layer
Pavement layer Pavement Type
thickness (mm)
Bituminous Concrete (BC) as wearing
Dense Bituminous Concrete 50
Wet Mix Macadam 250

Granular Sub-base 200

1.10.5 Materials

All materials to be used in works shall be in conformity with the requirements laid down for relevant
item in MORTH Specifications, Vth Revision. If any material, which is not covered in MORTH
Specifications, is used, shall conform to IRC or relevant Indian or International Standards, provisions.
Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line
Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
1 292950 624594.944 2871236.013 624643.565 2871224.350 624546.323 2871247.675
2 293000 624583.282 2871187.392 624631.903 2871175.730 624534.661 2871199.054
3 293050 624571.619 2871138.771 624620.240 2871127.109 624522.999 2871150.433
4 293100 624559.957 2871090.150 624608.578 2871078.488 624511.336 2871101.812
5 293150 624548.295 2871041.529 624596.916 2871029.867 624499.674 2871053.191
6 293200 624536.633 2870992.908 624585.254 2870981.246 624488.012 2871004.571
7 293250 624524.970 2870944.287 624573.591 2870932.625 624476.349 2870955.950
8 293300 624513.308 2870895.666 624561.929 2870884.004 624464.687 2870907.329
9 293350 624501.646 2870847.046 624550.267 2870835.383 624453.025 2870858.708
10 293400 624489.983 2870798.425 624538.604 2870786.762 624441.363 2870810.087
11 293450 624478.321 2870749.804 624526.942 2870738.142 624429.700 2870761.466
12 293500 624466.659 2870701.183 624515.280 2870689.521 624418.038 2870712.845
13 293550 624454.997 2870652.562 624503.618 2870640.900 624406.376 2870664.224
14 293600 624443.334 2870603.941 624491.955 2870592.279 624394.713 2870615.603
15 293650 624431.672 2870555.320 624480.293 2870543.658 624383.051 2870566.983
16 293700 624420.010 2870506.699 624468.631 2870495.037 624371.389 2870518.362
17 293750 624408.347 2870458.078 624456.968 2870446.416 624359.727 2870469.741
18 293800 624396.685 2870409.458 624445.306 2870397.795 624348.064 2870421.120

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
19 293850 624385.023 2870360.837 624433.644 2870349.174 624336.402 2870372.499
20 293900 624373.361 2870312.216 624421.981 2870300.554 624324.740 2870323.878
21 293950 624361.698 2870263.595 624410.319 2870251.933 624313.077 2870275.257
22 294000 624350.036 2870214.974 624398.657 2870203.312 624301.415 2870226.636
23 294050 624338.374 2870166.353 624386.995 2870154.691 624289.753 2870178.015
24 294100 624326.711 2870117.732 624375.332 2870106.070 624278.091 2870129.395
25 294150 624315.049 2870069.111 624363.670 2870057.449 624266.428 2870080.774
26 294200 624303.387 2870020.490 624352.008 2870008.828 624254.766 2870032.153
27 294250 624291.725 2869971.870 624340.345 2869960.207 624243.104 2869983.532
28 294300 624280.062 2869923.249 624328.683 2869911.586 624231.441 2869934.911
29 294350 624268.400 2869874.628 624317.021 2869862.965 624219.779 2869886.290
30 294400 624256.738 2869826.007 624305.359 2869814.345 624208.117 2869837.669
31 294450 624245.075 2869777.386 624293.696 2869765.724 624196.455 2869789.048
32 294500 624233.413 2869728.765 624282.034 2869717.103 624184.792 2869740.427
33 294550 624221.751 2869680.144 624270.372 2869668.482 624173.130 2869691.806
34 294600 624210.089 2869631.523 624258.709 2869619.861 624161.468 2869643.186
18 294650 624198.426 2869582.902 624247.047 2869571.240 624149.805 2869594.565
19 294700 624186.764 2869534.282 624235.385 2869522.619 624138.143 2869545.944
20 294750 624175.102 2869485.661 624223.723 2869473.998 624126.481 2869497.323
21 294800 624163.439 2869437.040 624212.060 2869425.377 624114.819 2869448.702
22 294850 624151.777 2869388.419 624200.398 2869376.757 624103.156 2869400.081
23 294900 624140.115 2869339.798 624188.736 2869328.136 624091.494 2869351.460
24 294950 624128.453 2869291.177 624177.073 2869279.515 624079.832 2869302.839
25 295000 624116.790 2869242.556 624165.411 2869230.894 624068.169 2869254.218
26 295050 624105.128 2869193.935 624153.749 2869182.273 624056.507 2869205.598
27 295100 624093.466 2869145.314 624142.087 2869133.652 624044.845 2869156.977
28 295150 624081.803 2869096.694 624130.424 2869085.031 624033.183 2869108.356
29 295200 624070.141 2869048.073 624118.762 2869036.410 624021.520 2869059.735
30 295250 624058.479 2868999.452 624107.100 2868987.789 624009.858 2869011.114
31 295300 624046.817 2868950.831 624095.437 2868939.169 623998.196 2868962.493
32 295350 624035.154 2868902.210 624083.775 2868890.548 623986.533 2868913.872
33 295400 624023.492 2868853.589 624072.113 2868841.927 623974.871 2868865.251
34 295450 624011.830 2868804.968 624060.451 2868793.306 623963.209 2868816.630
35 295500 624000.167 2868756.347 624048.788 2868744.685 623951.547 2868768.010
36 295550 623988.505 2868707.726 624037.126 2868696.064 623939.884 2868719.389
37 295600 623976.843 2868659.105 624025.464 2868647.443 623928.222 2868670.768
38 295650 623965.181 2868610.485 624013.801 2868598.822 623916.560 2868622.147
39 295700 623953.518 2868561.864 624002.139 2868550.201 623904.897 2868573.526
40 295750 623941.856 2868513.243 623990.477 2868501.581 623893.235 2868524.905
41 295800 623930.194 2868464.622 623978.815 2868452.960 623881.573 2868476.284
42 295850 623918.531 2868416.001 623967.152 2868404.339 623869.911 2868427.663

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
43 295900 623906.869 2868367.380 623955.490 2868355.718 623858.248 2868379.042
44 295950 623895.207 2868318.759 623943.828 2868307.097 623846.586 2868330.422
45 296000 623883.545 2868270.138 623932.165 2868258.476 623834.924 2868281.801
46 296050 623871.882 2868221.517 623920.503 2868209.855 623823.261 2868233.180
47 296100 623860.220 2868172.897 623908.841 2868161.234 623811.599 2868184.559
48 296150 623848.558 2868124.276 623897.179 2868112.613 623799.937 2868135.938
49 296200 623836.895 2868075.655 623885.516 2868063.993 623788.275 2868087.317
50 296250 623825.233 2868027.034 623873.854 2868015.372 623776.612 2868038.696
51 296300 623813.571 2867978.413 623862.192 2867966.751 623764.950 2867990.075
52 296350 623801.909 2867929.792 623850.529 2867918.130 623753.288 2867941.454
53 296400 623790.246 2867881.171 623838.867 2867869.509 623741.625 2867892.834
54 296450 623778.584 2867832.550 623827.205 2867820.888 623729.963 2867844.213
55 296500 623766.922 2867783.929 623815.543 2867772.267 623718.301 2867795.592
56 296550 623755.259 2867735.309 623803.880 2867723.646 623706.639 2867746.971
57 296600 623743.597 2867686.688 623792.218 2867675.025 623694.976 2867698.350
58 296650 623731.935 2867638.067 623780.556 2867626.404 623683.314 2867649.729
59 296700 623720.273 2867589.446 623768.893 2867577.784 623671.652 2867601.108
60 296750 623708.610 2867540.825 623757.231 2867529.163 623659.989 2867552.487
61 296800 623696.948 2867492.204 623745.569 2867480.542 623648.327 2867503.866
62 296850 623685.286 2867443.583 623733.907 2867431.921 623636.665 2867455.245
63 296900 623673.623 2867394.962 623722.244 2867383.300 623625.003 2867406.625
64 296950 623661.961 2867346.341 623710.582 2867334.679 623613.340 2867358.004
65 297000 623650.299 2867297.721 623698.920 2867286.058 623601.678 2867309.383
66 297050 623638.637 2867249.100 623687.257 2867237.437 623590.016 2867260.762
67 297100 623626.974 2867200.479 623675.595 2867188.816 623578.353 2867212.141
68 297150 623615.312 2867151.858 623663.933 2867140.196 623566.691 2867163.520
69 297200 623603.650 2867103.237 623652.271 2867091.575 623555.029 2867114.899
70 297250 623591.987 2867054.616 623640.608 2867042.954 623543.367 2867066.278
71 297300 623580.325 2867005.995 623628.946 2866994.333 623531.704 2867017.657
72 297350 623568.663 2866957.374 623617.284 2866945.712 623520.042 2866969.037
73 297400 623557.001 2866908.753 623605.621 2866897.091 623508.380 2866920.416
74 297450 623545.338 2866860.133 623593.959 2866848.470 623496.717 2866871.795
75 297500 623533.676 2866811.512 623582.297 2866799.849 623485.055 2866823.174
76 297550 623522.014 2866762.891 623570.635 2866751.228 623473.393 2866774.553
77 297600 623510.351 2866714.270 623558.972 2866702.608 623461.731 2866725.932
78 297650 623498.689 2866665.649 623547.310 2866653.987 623450.068 2866677.311
79 297700 623487.027 2866617.028 623535.648 2866605.366 623438.406 2866628.690
80 297750 623475.365 2866568.407 623523.985 2866556.745 623426.744 2866580.069
81 297800 623463.702 2866519.786 623512.323 2866508.124 623415.081 2866531.449
82 297850 623452.040 2866471.165 623500.661 2866459.503 623403.419 2866482.828
83 297900 623440.378 2866422.544 623488.999 2866410.882 623391.757 2866434.207

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
84 297950 623428.715 2866373.924 623477.336 2866362.261 623380.094 2866385.586
85 298000 623417.053 2866325.303 623465.674 2866313.640 623368.432 2866336.965
86 298050 623405.391 2866276.682 623454.012 2866265.020 623356.770 2866288.344
87 298100 623393.729 2866228.061 623442.349 2866216.399 623345.108 2866239.723
88 298150 623382.066 2866179.440 623430.687 2866167.778 623333.445 2866191.102
89 298200 623370.404 2866130.819 623419.025 2866119.157 623321.783 2866142.481
90 298250 623358.742 2866082.198 623407.363 2866070.536 623310.121 2866093.861
91 298300 623347.079 2866033.577 623395.700 2866021.915 623298.458 2866045.240
92 298350 623335.417 2865984.956 623384.038 2865973.294 623286.796 2865996.619
93 298400 623323.755 2865936.336 623372.376 2865924.673 623275.134 2865947.998
94 298450 623312.093 2865887.715 623360.713 2865876.052 623263.472 2865899.377
95 298500 623300.430 2865839.094 623349.051 2865827.432 623251.809 2865850.756
96 298550 623288.768 2865790.473 623337.389 2865778.811 623240.147 2865802.135
97 298600 623277.106 2865741.852 623325.727 2865730.190 623228.485 2865753.514
98 298650 623265.443 2865693.231 623314.064 2865681.569 623216.822 2865704.893
99 298700 623253.781 2865644.610 623302.402 2865632.948 623205.160 2865656.273
100 298750 623242.119 2865595.989 623290.740 2865584.327 623193.498 2865607.652
101 298800 623230.457 2865547.368 623279.077 2865535.706 623181.836 2865559.031
102 298850 623218.794 2865498.748 623267.415 2865487.085 623170.173 2865510.410
103 298900 623207.132 2865450.127 623255.753 2865438.464 623158.511 2865461.789
104 298950 623195.470 2865401.506 623244.091 2865389.843 623146.849 2865413.168
105 299000 623183.807 2865352.885 623232.428 2865341.223 623135.186 2865364.547
106 299050 623172.145 2865304.264 623220.766 2865292.602 623123.524 2865315.926
107 299100 623160.483 2865255.643 623209.104 2865243.981 623111.862 2865267.305
108 299150 623148.821 2865207.022 623197.441 2865195.360 623100.200 2865218.684
109 299200 623137.158 2865158.401 623185.779 2865146.739 623088.537 2865170.064
110 299250 623125.496 2865109.780 623174.117 2865098.118 623076.875 2865121.443
111 299300 623113.834 2865061.160 623162.455 2865049.497 623065.213 2865072.822
112 299350 623102.171 2865012.539 623150.792 2865000.876 623053.550 2865024.201
113 299400 623090.509 2864963.918 623139.130 2864952.255 623041.888 2864975.580
114 299450 623078.847 2864915.297 623127.468 2864903.635 623030.226 2864926.959
115 299500 623067.185 2864866.676 623115.805 2864855.014 623018.564 2864878.338
116 299550 623055.522 2864818.055 623104.143 2864806.393 623006.901 2864829.717
117 299600 623043.860 2864769.434 623092.481 2864757.772 622995.239 2864781.096
118 299650 623032.198 2864720.813 623080.819 2864709.151 622983.577 2864732.476
119 299700 623020.535 2864672.192 623069.156 2864660.530 622971.914 2864683.855
120 299750 623008.873 2864623.572 623057.494 2864611.909 622960.252 2864635.234
121 299800 622997.211 2864574.951 623045.832 2864563.288 622948.590 2864586.613
122 299850 622985.549 2864526.330 623034.169 2864514.667 622936.928 2864537.992
123 299900 622973.886 2864477.709 623022.507 2864466.047 622925.265 2864489.371
124 299950 622962.224 2864429.088 623010.845 2864417.426 622913.603 2864440.750

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
125 300000 622950.562 2864380.467 622999.183 2864368.805 622901.941 2864392.129
126 300050 622938.899 2864331.846 622987.520 2864320.184 622890.278 2864343.508
127 300100 622927.237 2864283.225 622975.858 2864271.563 622878.616 2864294.888
128 300150 622915.575 2864234.604 622964.196 2864222.942 622866.954 2864246.267
129 300200 622903.912 2864185.983 622952.533 2864174.321 622855.292 2864197.646
130 300250 622892.250 2864137.363 622940.871 2864125.700 622843.629 2864149.025
131 300300 622880.588 2864088.742 622929.209 2864077.079 622831.967 2864100.404
132 300350 622868.926 2864040.121 622917.547 2864028.459 622820.305 2864051.783
133 300400 622857.263 2863991.500 622905.884 2863979.838 622808.642 2864003.162
134 300450 622845.601 2863942.879 622894.222 2863931.217 622796.980 2863954.541
135 300500 622833.939 2863894.258 622882.560 2863882.596 622785.318 2863905.920
136 300550 622822.276 2863845.637 622870.897 2863833.975 622773.656 2863857.300
137 300600 622810.614 2863797.016 622859.235 2863785.354 622761.993 2863808.679
138 300650 622798.952 2863748.395 622847.573 2863736.733 622750.331 2863760.058
139 300700 622787.290 2863699.775 622835.911 2863688.112 622738.669 2863711.437
140 300750 622775.627 2863651.154 622824.248 2863639.491 622727.006 2863662.816
141 300800 622763.965 2863602.533 622812.586 2863590.871 622715.344 2863614.195
142 300850 622752.303 2863553.912 622800.924 2863542.250 622703.682 2863565.574
143 300900 622740.640 2863505.291 622789.261 2863493.629 622692.020 2863516.953
144 300950 622728.978 2863456.670 622777.599 2863445.008 622680.357 2863468.332
145 301000 622717.316 2863408.049 622765.937 2863396.387 622668.695 2863419.712
146 301050 622705.654 2863359.428 622754.275 2863347.766 622657.033 2863371.091
147 301100 622693.991 2863310.807 622742.612 2863299.145 622645.370 2863322.470
148 301150 622682.329 2863262.187 622730.950 2863250.524 622633.708 2863273.849
149 301200 622670.667 2863213.566 622719.288 2863201.903 622622.046 2863225.228
150 301250 622659.004 2863164.945 622707.625 2863153.282 622610.384 2863176.607
151 301300 622647.342 2863116.324 622695.963 2863104.662 622598.721 2863127.986
152 301350 622635.680 2863067.703 622684.301 2863056.041 622587.059 2863079.365
153 301400 622624.018 2863019.082 622672.639 2863007.420 622575.397 2863030.744
154 301450 622612.355 2862970.461 622660.976 2862958.799 622563.734 2862982.123
155 301500 622600.693 2862921.840 622649.314 2862910.178 622552.072 2862933.503
156 301550 622589.031 2862873.219 622637.652 2862861.557 622540.410 2862884.882
157 301600 622577.368 2862824.599 622625.989 2862812.936 622528.748 2862836.261
158 301650 622565.712 2862775.976 622614.345 2862764.364 622517.080 2862787.588
159 301700 622554.202 2862727.319 622602.883 2862715.910 622505.521 2862738.728
160 301750 622542.895 2862678.615 622591.623 2862667.408 622494.166 2862689.821
161 301800 622531.790 2862629.863 622580.564 2862618.860 622483.016 2862640.866
162 301850 622520.889 2862581.066 622569.708 2862570.267 622472.069 2862591.866
163 301900 622510.191 2862532.224 622559.055 2862521.628 622461.326 2862542.820
164 301950 622499.697 2862483.338 622548.605 2862472.945 622450.788 2862493.730
165 302000 622489.406 2862434.408 622538.357 2862424.220 622440.455 2862444.597

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
166 302050 622479.319 2862385.436 622528.312 2862375.452 622430.327 2862395.421
167 302100 622469.437 2862336.423 622518.471 2862326.642 622420.403 2862346.203
168 302150 622459.759 2862287.368 622508.833 2862277.792 622410.684 2862296.944
169 302200 622450.285 2862238.274 622499.399 2862228.903 622401.171 2862247.645
170 302250 622441.016 2862189.141 622490.169 2862179.974 622391.864 2862198.307
171 302300 622431.952 2862139.969 622481.142 2862131.007 622382.762 2862148.931
172 302350 622423.093 2862090.760 622472.320 2862082.004 622373.866 2862099.517
173 302400 622414.439 2862041.515 622463.702 2862032.963 622365.176 2862050.066
174 302450 622405.990 2861992.234 622455.288 2861983.888 622356.692 2862000.580
175 302500 622397.747 2861942.918 622447.079 2861934.778 622348.414 2861951.059
176 302550 622389.709 2861893.569 622439.075 2861885.634 622340.342 2861901.504
177 302600 622381.877 2861844.186 622431.275 2861836.457 622332.478 2861851.915
178 302650 622374.250 2861794.771 622423.681 2861787.248 622324.819 2861802.294
179 302700 622366.830 2861745.325 622416.291 2861738.007 622317.368 2861752.642
180 302750 622359.615 2861695.848 622409.107 2861688.737 622310.124 2861702.959
181 302800 622352.607 2861646.342 622402.128 2861639.437 622303.086 2861653.246
182 302850 622345.806 2861596.806 622395.355 2861590.108 622296.256 2861603.505
183 302900 622339.210 2861547.243 622388.787 2861540.751 622289.634 2861553.735
184 302950 622332.822 2861497.653 622382.425 2861491.368 622283.218 2861503.939
185 303000 622326.640 2861448.037 622376.269 2861441.958 622277.010 2861454.116
186 303050 622320.664 2861398.395 622370.318 2861392.523 622271.010 2861404.267
187 303100 622314.896 2861348.729 622364.574 2861343.064 622265.218 2861354.394
188 303150 622309.335 2861299.039 622359.036 2861293.582 622259.633 2861304.497
189 303200 622303.980 2861249.327 622353.704 2861244.076 622254.257 2861254.578
190 303250 622298.833 2861199.593 622348.578 2861194.549 622249.088 2861204.636
191 303300 622293.893 2861149.837 622343.659 2861145.001 622244.128 2861154.673
192 303350 622289.161 2861100.062 622338.946 2861095.433 622239.376 2861104.691
193 303400 622284.636 2861050.267 622334.440 2861045.846 622234.832 2861054.688
194 303450 622280.318 2861000.454 622330.140 2860996.240 622230.496 2861004.668
195 303500 622276.208 2860950.623 622326.048 2860946.617 622226.369 2860954.629
196 303550 622272.279 2860900.778 622322.126 2860896.873 622222.432 2860904.682
197 303600 622268.374 2860850.930 622318.222 2860847.026 622218.527 2860854.835
198 303650 622264.470 2860801.083 622314.317 2860797.179 622214.623 2860804.987
199 303700 622260.566 2860751.236 622310.413 2860747.331 622210.718 2860755.140
200 303750 622256.661 2860701.388 622306.508 2860697.484 622206.814 2860705.293
201 303800 622252.757 2860651.541 622302.604 2860647.637 622202.909 2860655.446
202 303850 622248.852 2860601.694 622298.699 2860597.789 622199.005 2860605.598
203 303900 622244.948 2860551.846 622294.795 2860547.942 622195.100 2860555.751
204 303950 622241.043 2860501.999 622290.891 2860498.095 622191.196 2860505.904
205 304000 622237.139 2860452.152 622286.986 2860448.247 622187.291 2860456.056
206 304050 622233.234 2860402.304 622283.082 2860398.400 622183.387 2860406.209

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
207 304100 622229.330 2860352.457 622279.177 2860348.553 622179.482 2860356.362
208 304150 622225.425 2860302.610 622275.273 2860298.705 622175.578 2860306.514
209 304200 622221.521 2860252.763 622271.368 2860248.858 622171.674 2860256.667
210 304250 622217.616 2860202.915 622267.464 2860199.011 622167.769 2860206.820
211 304300 622213.712 2860153.068 622263.559 2860149.163 622163.865 2860156.972
212 304350 622209.807 2860103.221 622259.655 2860099.316 622159.960 2860107.125
213 304400 622205.903 2860053.373 622255.750 2860049.469 622156.056 2860057.278
214 304450 622201.998 2860003.526 622251.846 2859999.621 622152.151 2860007.430
215 304500 622198.094 2859953.679 622247.941 2859949.774 622148.247 2859957.583
216 304550 622194.190 2859903.831 622244.037 2859899.927 622144.342 2859907.736
217 304600 622190.285 2859853.984 622240.132 2859850.080 622140.438 2859857.888
218 304650 622186.381 2859804.137 622236.228 2859800.232 622136.533 2859808.041
219 304700 622182.476 2859754.289 622232.323 2859750.385 622132.629 2859758.194
220 304750 622178.572 2859704.442 622228.419 2859700.538 622128.724 2859708.346
221 304800 622174.667 2859654.595 622224.515 2859650.690 622124.820 2859658.499
222 304850 622170.763 2859604.747 622220.610 2859600.843 622120.915 2859608.652
223 304900 622166.858 2859554.900 622216.706 2859550.996 622117.011 2859558.805
224 304950 622162.954 2859505.053 622212.801 2859501.148 622113.106 2859508.957
225 305000 622159.049 2859455.205 622208.897 2859451.301 622109.202 2859459.110
226 305050 622155.145 2859405.358 622204.992 2859401.454 622105.298 2859409.263
227 305100 622151.240 2859355.511 622201.088 2859351.606 622101.393 2859359.415
228 305150 622147.336 2859305.663 622197.183 2859301.759 622097.489 2859309.568
229 305200 622143.431 2859255.816 622193.279 2859251.912 622093.584 2859259.721
230 305250 622139.527 2859205.969 622189.374 2859202.064 622089.680 2859209.873
231 305300 622135.623 2859156.122 622185.470 2859152.217 622085.775 2859160.026
232 305350 622131.718 2859106.274 622181.565 2859102.370 622081.871 2859110.179
233 305400 622127.814 2859056.427 622177.661 2859052.522 622077.966 2859060.331
234 305450 622123.909 2859006.580 622173.756 2859002.675 622074.062 2859010.484
235 305500 622120.005 2858956.732 622169.852 2858952.828 622070.157 2858960.637
236 305550 622116.100 2858906.885 622165.947 2858902.980 622066.253 2858910.789
237 305600 622112.196 2858857.038 622162.043 2858853.133 622062.348 2858860.942
238 305650 622108.291 2858807.190 622158.139 2858803.286 622058.444 2858811.095
239 305700 622104.387 2858757.343 622154.234 2858753.439 622054.539 2858761.247
240 305750 622100.482 2858707.496 622150.330 2858703.591 622050.635 2858711.400
241 305800 622096.578 2858657.648 622146.425 2858653.744 622046.731 2858661.553
242 305850 622092.673 2858607.801 622142.521 2858603.897 622042.826 2858611.705
243 305900 622088.769 2858557.954 622138.616 2858554.049 622038.922 2858561.858
244 305950 622084.864 2858508.106 622134.712 2858504.202 622035.017 2858512.011
245 306000 622080.960 2858458.259 622130.807 2858454.355 622031.113 2858462.164
246 306050 622077.055 2858408.412 622126.903 2858404.507 622027.208 2858412.316
247 306100 622073.151 2858358.564 622122.998 2858354.660 622023.304 2858362.469

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
248 306150 622069.247 2858308.717 622119.094 2858304.813 622019.399 2858312.622
249 306200 622065.342 2858258.870 622115.189 2858254.965 622015.495 2858262.774
250 306250 622061.438 2858209.022 622111.285 2858205.118 622011.590 2858212.927
251 306300 622057.533 2858159.175 622107.380 2858155.271 622007.686 2858163.080
252 306350 622053.629 2858109.328 622103.476 2858105.423 622003.781 2858113.232
253 306400 622049.724 2858059.481 622099.572 2858055.576 621999.877 2858063.385
254 306450 622045.820 2858009.633 622095.667 2858005.729 621995.972 2858013.538
255 306500 622041.915 2857959.786 622091.763 2857955.881 621992.068 2857963.690
256 306550 622038.011 2857909.939 622087.858 2857906.034 621988.163 2857913.843
257 306600 622034.106 2857860.091 622083.954 2857856.187 621984.259 2857863.996
258 306650 622030.202 2857810.244 622080.049 2857806.339 621980.355 2857814.148
259 306700 622026.297 2857760.397 622076.145 2857756.492 621976.450 2857764.301
260 306750 622022.393 2857710.549 622072.240 2857706.645 621972.546 2857714.454
261 306800 622018.488 2857660.702 622068.336 2857656.798 621968.641 2857664.606
262 306850 622014.584 2857610.855 622064.431 2857606.950 621964.737 2857614.759
263 306900 622010.680 2857561.007 622060.527 2857557.103 621960.832 2857564.912
264 306950 622006.775 2857511.160 622056.622 2857507.256 621956.928 2857515.064
265 307000 622002.871 2857461.313 622052.718 2857457.408 621953.023 2857465.217
266 307050 621998.966 2857411.465 622048.813 2857407.561 621949.119 2857415.370
267 307100 621995.062 2857361.618 622044.909 2857357.714 621945.214 2857365.523
268 307150 621991.157 2857311.771 622041.004 2857307.866 621941.310 2857315.675
269 307200 621987.253 2857261.923 622037.100 2857258.019 621937.405 2857265.828
270 307250 621983.348 2857212.076 622033.196 2857208.172 621933.501 2857215.981
271 307300 621979.444 2857162.229 622029.291 2857158.324 621929.596 2857166.133
272 307350 621975.636 2857112.374 622025.504 2857108.748 621925.768 2857116.000
273 307400 621972.211 2857062.492 622022.107 2857059.268 621922.315 2857065.715
274 307450 621969.189 2857012.583 622019.110 2857009.762 621919.269 2857015.404
275 307500 621966.570 2856962.652 622016.511 2856960.234 621916.628 2856965.070
276 307550 621964.353 2856912.701 622014.312 2856910.686 621914.394 2856914.717
277 307600 621962.539 2856862.734 622012.513 2856861.122 621912.565 2856864.347
278 307650 621961.128 2856812.754 622011.113 2856811.545 621911.143 2856813.964
279 307700 621960.120 2856762.765 622010.114 2856761.958 621910.127 2856763.571
280 307750 621959.516 2856712.768 622009.514 2856712.365 621909.517 2856713.172
281 307800 621959.314 2856662.769 622009.314 2856662.769 621909.314 2856662.769
282 307850 621959.516 2856612.770 622009.514 2856613.173 621909.518 2856612.366
283 307900 621960.121 2856562.773 622010.114 2856563.580 621910.127 2856561.967
284 307950 621961.129 2856512.784 622011.115 2856513.993 621911.144 2856511.574
285 308000 621962.540 2856462.804 622012.514 2856464.417 621912.566 2856461.191
286 308050 621964.355 2856412.837 622014.314 2856414.853 621914.395 2856410.821
287 308100 621966.572 2856362.886 622016.513 2856365.305 621916.630 2856360.467
288 308150 621969.192 2856312.955 622019.112 2856315.776 621919.272 2856310.134

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
289 308200 621972.214 2856263.046 622022.110 2856266.270 621922.318 2856259.823
290 308250 621975.639 2856213.164 622025.508 2856216.790 621925.771 2856209.538
291 308300 621979.466 2856163.311 622029.304 2856167.339 621929.629 2856159.283
292 308350 621983.695 2856113.490 622033.499 2856117.920 621933.892 2856109.060
293 308400 621988.326 2856063.705 622038.092 2856068.537 621938.560 2856058.874
294 308450 621993.358 2856013.959 622043.083 2856019.192 621943.633 2856008.727
295 308500 621998.791 2855964.255 622048.473 2855969.889 621949.109 2855958.622
296 308550 622004.625 2855914.597 622054.259 2855920.631 621954.990 2855908.563
297 308600 622010.859 2855864.987 622060.443 2855871.421 621961.274 2855858.553
298 308650 622017.492 2855815.429 622067.023 2855822.263 621967.961 2855808.596
299 308700 622024.526 2855765.927 622074.000 2855773.159 621975.051 2855758.694
300 308750 622031.958 2855716.482 622081.372 2855724.114 621982.544 2855708.851
301 308800 622039.788 2855667.099 622089.139 2855675.129 621990.437 2855659.070
302 308850 622048.017 2855617.781 622097.302 2855626.209 621998.732 2855609.354
303 308900 622056.643 2855568.531 622105.858 2855577.356 622007.428 2855559.707
304 308950 622065.666 2855519.352 622114.809 2855528.574 622016.524 2855510.131
305 309000 622075.086 2855470.248 622124.152 2855479.865 622026.019 2855460.630
306 309001 622075.366 2855468.820 622124.430 2855478.779 622026.302 2855459.191
307 309050 622084.901 2855421.221 622133.888 2855431.233 622035.913 2855411.208
308 309050 622084.901 2855421.221 622133.888 2855431.233 622035.913 2855411.208
309 309100 622095.111 2855372.274 622144.016 2855382.682 622046.206 2855361.867
310 309150 622105.715 2855323.412 622154.535 2855334.213 622056.896 2855312.610
311 309200 622116.713 2855274.637 622165.444 2855285.831 622067.983 2855263.442
312 309250 622128.105 2855225.952 622176.743 2855237.539 622079.466 2855214.364
313 309300 622139.888 2855177.360 622188.432 2855189.339 622091.344 2855165.381
314 309350 622152.063 2855128.865 622200.509 2855141.236 622103.617 2855116.495
315 309400 622164.629 2855080.470 622212.973 2855093.231 622116.284 2855067.709
316 309450 622177.584 2855032.178 622225.824 2855045.328 622129.344 2855019.028
317 309500 622190.928 2854983.992 622239.061 2854997.530 622142.796 2854970.453
318 309550 622204.661 2854935.915 622252.683 2854949.841 622156.640 2854921.988
319 309600 622218.781 2854887.950 622266.689 2854902.263 622170.874 2854873.637
320 309650 622233.287 2854840.101 622281.078 2854854.800 622185.497 2854825.401
321 309700 622248.179 2854792.370 622295.849 2854807.454 622200.509 2854777.286
322 309750 622263.455 2854744.761 622311.002 2854760.229 622215.908 2854729.293
323 309800 622279.115 2854697.276 622326.536 2854713.127 622231.694 2854681.425
324 309850 622295.157 2854649.920 622342.448 2854666.153 622247.865 2854633.687
325 309900 622311.580 2854602.694 622358.739 2854619.308 622264.421 2854586.080
326 309050 622084.901 2855421.221 622133.888 2855431.233 622035.913 2855411.208
327 309100 622095.111 2855372.274 622144.016 2855382.682 622046.206 2855361.867
328 309150 622105.715 2855323.412 622154.535 2855334.213 622056.896 2855312.610
329 309200 622116.713 2855274.637 622165.444 2855285.831 622067.983 2855263.442

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
330 309250 622128.105 2855225.952 622176.743 2855237.539 622079.466 2855214.364
331 309300 622139.888 2855177.360 622188.432 2855189.339 622091.344 2855165.381
332 309350 622152.063 2855128.865 622200.509 2855141.236 622103.617 2855116.495
333 309400 622164.629 2855080.470 622212.973 2855093.231 622116.284 2855067.709
334 309450 622177.584 2855032.178 622225.824 2855045.328 622129.344 2855019.028
335 309500 622190.928 2854983.992 622239.061 2854997.530 622142.796 2854970.453
336 309550 622204.661 2854935.915 622252.683 2854949.841 622156.640 2854921.988
337 309600 622218.781 2854887.950 622266.689 2854902.263 622170.874 2854873.637
338 309650 622233.287 2854840.101 622281.078 2854854.800 622185.497 2854825.401
339 309700 622248.179 2854792.370 622295.849 2854807.454 622200.509 2854777.286
340 309750 622263.455 2854744.761 622311.002 2854760.229 622215.908 2854729.293
341 309800 622279.115 2854697.276 622326.536 2854713.127 622231.694 2854681.425
342 309850 622295.157 2854649.920 622342.448 2854666.153 622247.865 2854633.687
343 309900 622311.580 2854602.694 622358.739 2854619.308 622264.421 2854586.080
344 309950 622328.384 2854555.602 622375.407 2854572.596 622281.360 2854538.609
345 310000 622345.567 2854508.648 622392.452 2854526.020 622298.682 2854491.276
346 310050 622363.128 2854461.833 622409.871 2854479.583 622316.384 2854444.084
347 310100 622381.066 2854415.162 622427.664 2854433.288 622334.467 2854397.036
348 310150 622399.379 2854368.637 622445.830 2854387.138 622352.928 2854350.136
349 310200 622418.068 2854322.261 622464.368 2854341.136 622371.767 2854303.386
350 310250 622437.129 2854276.037 622483.276 2854295.285 622390.983 2854256.789
351 310300 622456.563 2854229.969 622502.553 2854249.588 622410.573 2854210.349
352 310350 622476.368 2854184.058 622522.198 2854204.048 622430.538 2854164.068
353 310400 622496.542 2854138.309 622542.210 2854158.668 622450.875 2854117.950
354 310450 622517.085 2854092.724 622562.587 2854113.451 622471.583 2854071.998
355 310500 622537.995 2854047.306 622583.328 2854068.399 622492.661 2854026.214
356 310550 622559.270 2854002.059 622604.432 2854023.516 622514.108 2853980.601
357 310600 622580.909 2853956.984 622625.896 2853978.805 622535.922 2853935.163
358 310650 622602.911 2853912.085 622647.721 2853934.269 622558.102 2853889.902
359 310700 622625.275 2853867.366 622669.904 2853889.909 622580.646 2853844.822
360 310750 622647.861 2853822.757 622692.467 2853845.346 622603.254 2853800.169
361 310800 622670.449 2853778.151 622715.056 2853800.739 622625.842 2853755.562
362 310850 622693.037 2853733.544 622737.644 2853756.132 622648.431 2853710.956
363 310900 622715.626 2853688.937 622760.232 2853711.525 622671.019 2853666.349
364 310950 622738.214 2853644.330 622782.821 2853666.919 622693.607 2853621.742
365 311000 622760.802 2853599.723 622805.409 2853622.312 622716.196 2853577.135
366 311050 622783.391 2853555.117 622827.998 2853577.705 622738.784 2853532.528
367 311100 622805.979 2853510.510 622850.586 2853533.098 622761.372 2853487.922
368 311150 622828.567 2853465.903 622873.174 2853488.491 622783.961 2853443.315
369 311200 622851.156 2853421.296 622895.763 2853443.885 622806.549 2853398.708
370 311250 622873.744 2853376.690 622918.351 2853399.278 622829.137 2853354.101

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
371 311300 622896.333 2853332.083 622940.939 2853354.671 622851.726 2853309.494
372 311350 622918.921 2853287.476 622963.528 2853310.064 622874.314 2853264.888
373 311400 622941.509 2853242.869 622986.116 2853265.457 622896.902 2853220.281
374 311450 622964.098 2853198.262 623008.704 2853220.851 622919.491 2853175.674
375 311500 622986.686 2853153.656 623031.293 2853176.244 622942.079 2853131.067
376 311550 623009.274 2853109.049 623053.881 2853131.637 622964.668 2853086.460
377 311600 623031.863 2853064.442 623076.469 2853087.030 622987.256 2853041.854
378 311650 623054.451 2853019.835 623099.058 2853042.424 623009.844 2852997.247
379 311700 623077.039 2852975.228 623121.646 2852997.817 623032.433 2852952.640
380 311750 623099.628 2852930.622 623144.235 2852953.210 623055.021 2852908.033
381 311800 623122.216 2852886.015 623166.823 2852908.603 623077.609 2852863.426
382 311850 623144.804 2852841.408 623189.411 2852863.996 623100.198 2852818.820
383 311900 623167.393 2852796.801 623212.000 2852819.390 623122.786 2852774.213
384 311950 623189.981 2852752.194 623234.588 2852774.783 623145.374 2852729.606
385 312000 623212.570 2852707.588 623257.176 2852730.176 623167.963 2852684.999
386 312050 623235.158 2852662.981 623279.765 2852685.569 623190.551 2852640.392
387 312100 623257.746 2852618.374 623302.353 2852640.962 623213.139 2852595.786
388 312150 623280.335 2852573.767 623324.941 2852596.356 623235.728 2852551.179
389 312200 623302.923 2852529.160 623347.530 2852551.749 623258.316 2852506.572
390 312250 623325.511 2852484.554 623370.118 2852507.142 623280.904 2852461.965
391 312300 623348.100 2852439.947 623392.706 2852462.535 623303.493 2852417.358
392 312350 623370.688 2852395.340 623415.295 2852417.928 623326.081 2852372.752
393 312400 623393.276 2852350.733 623437.883 2852373.322 623348.670 2852328.145
394 312450 623415.865 2852306.126 623460.472 2852328.715 623371.258 2852283.538
395 312500 623438.453 2852261.520 623483.060 2852284.108 623393.846 2852238.931
396 312550 623461.041 2852216.913 623505.648 2852239.501 623416.435 2852194.324
397 312600 623483.630 2852172.306 623528.237 2852194.894 623439.023 2852149.718
398 312650 623506.218 2852127.699 623550.825 2852150.288 623461.611 2852105.111
399 312700 623528.806 2852083.092 623573.413 2852105.681 623484.200 2852060.504
400 312750 623551.395 2852038.486 623596.002 2852061.074 623506.788 2852015.897
401 312800 623573.983 2851993.879 623618.590 2852016.467 623529.376 2851971.291
402 312850 623596.572 2851949.272 623641.178 2851971.860 623551.965 2851926.684
403 312900 623619.160 2851904.665 623663.767 2851927.254 623574.553 2851882.077
404 312950 623641.748 2851860.058 623686.355 2851882.647 623597.141 2851837.470
405 313000 623664.337 2851815.452 623708.943 2851838.040 623619.730 2851792.863
406 313050 623686.925 2851770.845 623731.532 2851793.433 623642.318 2851748.257
407 313100 623709.513 2851726.238 623754.120 2851748.826 623664.907 2851703.650
408 313150 623732.102 2851681.631 623776.708 2851704.220 623687.495 2851659.043
409 313200 623754.690 2851637.024 623799.297 2851659.613 623710.083 2851614.436
410 313250 623777.278 2851592.418 623821.885 2851615.006 623732.672 2851569.829
411 313300 623799.867 2851547.811 623844.474 2851570.399 623755.260 2851525.223

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
412 313350 623822.455 2851503.204 623867.062 2851525.792 623777.848 2851480.616
413 313400 623845.043 2851458.597 623889.650 2851481.186 623800.437 2851436.009
414 313450 623867.632 2851413.991 623912.239 2851436.579 623823.025 2851391.402
415 313500 623890.220 2851369.384 623934.827 2851391.972 623845.613 2851346.795
416 313550 623912.809 2851324.777 623957.415 2851347.365 623868.202 2851302.189
417 313600 623935.397 2851280.170 623980.004 2851302.758 623890.790 2851257.582
418 313650 623957.985 2851235.563 624002.592 2851258.152 623913.378 2851212.975
419 313700 623980.574 2851190.957 624025.180 2851213.545 623935.967 2851168.368
420 313750 624003.162 2851146.350 624047.769 2851168.938 623958.555 2851123.761
421 313800 624025.750 2851101.743 624070.357 2851124.331 623981.144 2851079.155
422 313850 624048.339 2851057.136 624092.945 2851079.725 624003.732 2851034.548
423 313900 624070.927 2851012.529 624115.534 2851035.118 624026.320 2850989.941
424 313950 624093.515 2850967.923 624138.122 2850990.511 624048.909 2850945.334
425 314000 624116.104 2850923.316 624160.711 2850945.904 624071.497 2850900.727
426 314050 624138.692 2850878.709 624183.299 2850901.297 624094.085 2850856.121
427 314100 624161.280 2850834.102 624205.887 2850856.691 624116.674 2850811.514
428 314150 624183.869 2850789.495 624228.476 2850812.084 624139.262 2850766.907
429 314200 624206.457 2850744.889 624251.064 2850767.477 624161.850 2850722.300
430 314250 624229.045 2850700.282 624273.652 2850722.870 624184.439 2850677.693
431 314300 624251.634 2850655.675 624296.241 2850678.263 624207.027 2850633.087
432 314350 624274.222 2850611.068 624318.829 2850633.657 624229.615 2850588.480
433 314400 624296.811 2850566.461 624341.417 2850589.050 624252.204 2850543.873
434 314450 624319.399 2850521.855 624364.006 2850544.443 624274.792 2850499.266
435 314500 624341.987 2850477.248 624386.594 2850499.836 624297.380 2850454.659
436 314550 624364.576 2850432.641 624409.182 2850455.229 624319.969 2850410.053
437 314600 624387.164 2850388.034 624431.771 2850410.623 624342.557 2850365.446
438 314650 624409.752 2850343.427 624454.359 2850366.016 624365.146 2850320.839
439 314700 624432.341 2850298.821 624476.947 2850321.409 624387.734 2850276.232
440 314750 624454.929 2850254.214 624499.536 2850276.802 624410.322 2850231.625
441 314800 624477.517 2850209.607 624522.124 2850232.195 624432.911 2850187.019
442 314850 624500.106 2850165.000 624544.713 2850187.589 624455.499 2850142.412
443 314900 624522.694 2850120.393 624567.301 2850142.982 624478.087 2850097.805
444 314950 624545.282 2850075.787 624589.889 2850098.375 624500.676 2850053.198
445 315000 624567.871 2850031.180 624612.478 2850053.768 624523.264 2850008.591
446 315050 624590.459 2849986.573 624635.066 2850009.161 624545.852 2849963.985
447 315100 624613.048 2849941.966 624657.654 2849964.555 624568.441 2849919.378
448 315150 624635.636 2849897.359 624680.243 2849919.948 624591.029 2849874.771
449 315200 624658.224 2849852.753 624702.831 2849875.341 624613.617 2849830.164
450 315250 624680.813 2849808.146 624725.419 2849830.734 624636.206 2849785.558
451 315300 624703.401 2849763.539 624748.008 2849786.127 624658.794 2849740.951
452 315350 624725.989 2849718.932 624770.596 2849741.521 624681.383 2849696.344

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
453 315400 624748.578 2849674.325 624793.184 2849696.914 624703.971 2849651.737
454 315450 624771.166 2849629.719 624815.773 2849652.307 624726.559 2849607.130
455 315500 624793.754 2849585.112 624838.361 2849607.700 624749.148 2849562.524
456 315550 624816.312 2849540.489 624861.012 2849562.891 624771.611 2849518.087
457 315600 624838.434 2849495.650 624883.411 2849517.491 624793.456 2849473.808
458 315650 624859.993 2849450.537 624905.240 2849471.815 624814.747 2849429.260
459 315700 624880.988 2849405.159 624926.497 2849425.869 624835.478 2849384.448
460 315750 624901.413 2849359.521 624947.177 2849379.661 624855.649 2849339.382
461 315800 624921.266 2849313.632 624967.279 2849333.198 624875.254 2849294.066
462 315850 624940.544 2849267.499 624986.798 2849286.488 624894.291 2849248.509
463 315900 624959.244 2849221.127 625005.732 2849239.537 624912.757 2849202.717
464 315950 624977.363 2849174.526 625024.077 2849192.354 624930.649 2849156.699
465 316000 624994.898 2849127.702 625041.831 2849144.944 624947.965 2849110.460
466 316050 625011.847 2849080.663 625058.992 2849097.317 624964.702 2849064.008
467 316100 625028.206 2849033.415 625075.555 2849049.478 624980.856 2849017.351
468 316150 625043.973 2848985.966 625091.519 2849001.437 624996.426 2848970.496
469 316200 625059.146 2848938.324 625106.882 2848953.199 625011.410 2848923.450
470 316250 625073.722 2848890.497 625121.640 2848904.774 625025.804 2848876.220
471 316300 625087.699 2848842.490 625135.792 2848856.167 625039.606 2848828.813
472 316350 625101.075 2848794.313 625149.335 2848807.388 625052.815 2848781.238
473 316400 625113.848 2848745.972 625162.268 2848758.443 625065.428 2848733.502
474 316450 625126.015 2848697.476 625174.587 2848709.340 625077.443 2848685.611
475 316500 625137.576 2848648.831 625186.292 2848660.087 625088.859 2848637.575
476 316550 625148.527 2848600.045 625197.381 2848610.692 625099.674 2848589.399
477 316600 625158.868 2848551.127 625207.851 2848561.161 625109.885 2848541.092
478 316650 625168.597 2848502.082 625217.701 2848511.504 625119.492 2848492.661
479 316700 625177.711 2848452.921 625226.930 2848461.728 625128.493 2848444.113
480 316750 625186.211 2848403.649 625235.535 2848411.840 625136.886 2848395.457
481 316800 625194.094 2848354.274 625243.517 2848361.849 625144.671 2848346.700
482 316850 625201.359 2848304.805 625250.873 2848311.761 625151.845 2848297.849
483 316900 625208.005 2848255.249 625257.602 2848261.586 625158.408 2848248.913
484 316950 625214.032 2848205.614 625263.704 2848211.330 625164.359 2848199.898
485 317000 625219.437 2848155.907 625269.177 2848161.002 625169.697 2848150.813
486 317050 625224.221 2848106.137 625274.020 2848110.610 625174.421 2848101.665
487 317100 625228.382 2848056.311 625278.233 2848060.161 625178.530 2848052.461
488 317150 625231.920 2848006.437 625281.816 2848009.663 625182.024 2848003.210
489 317200 625234.834 2847956.522 625284.767 2847959.124 625184.902 2847953.920
490 317250 625237.125 2847906.575 625287.085 2847908.553 625187.164 2847904.597
491 317300 625238.790 2847856.603 625288.772 2847857.956 625188.809 2847855.249
492 317350 625239.831 2847806.614 625289.826 2847807.343 625189.836 2847805.885
493 317400 625240.247 2847756.616 625290.247 2847756.720 625190.247 2847756.513

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Centre Line Left ROW Line Right ROW Line

Sr. No. Chainage
Easting Northing Easting Northing Easting Northing
494 317450 625240.038 2847706.617 625290.036 2847706.095 625190.041 2847707.138
495 317500 625239.204 2847656.624 625289.191 2847655.478 625189.217 2847657.770
496 317550 625237.746 2847606.646 625287.714 2847604.875 625187.777 2847608.417
497 317600 625235.662 2847556.689 625285.605 2847554.294 625185.720 2847559.085
498 317650 625232.955 2847506.763 625282.863 2847503.744 625183.046 2847509.783
499 317700 625229.623 2847456.875 625279.490 2847453.231 625179.756 2847460.518
500 317750 625225.796 2847407.021 625275.647 2847403.155 625175.946 2847410.888
501 317800 625221.930 2847357.171 625271.780 2847353.304 625172.079 2847361.038
502 317850 625218.063 2847307.321 625267.913 2847303.454 625168.213 2847311.188
503 317900 625214.196 2847257.471 625264.046 2847253.604 625164.346 2847261.337
504 317950 625210.329 2847207.620 625260.180 2847203.753 625160.479 2847211.487
505 318000 625206.463 2847157.770 625256.313 2847153.903 625156.612 2847161.637
506 318050 625202.596 2847107.920 625252.446 2847104.053 625152.746 2847111.786
507 318100 625198.729 2847058.069 625248.579 2847054.203 625148.879 2847061.936
508 318150 625194.862 2847008.219 625244.713 2847004.352 625145.012 2847012.086
509 318200 625190.996 2846958.369 625240.846 2846954.502 625141.145 2846962.236
510 318250 625187.129 2846908.519 625236.979 2846904.652 625137.279 2846912.385
511 318300 625183.133 2846858.679 625232.957 2846854.485 625133.310 2846862.872
512 318350 625178.732 2846808.873 625228.519 2846804.264 625128.945 2846813.482
513 318400 625173.916 2846759.106 625223.663 2846754.082 625124.169 2846764.129
514 318450 625168.685 2846709.380 625218.388 2846703.942 625118.982 2846714.818
515 318500 625163.040 2846659.700 625212.696 2846653.848 625113.384 2846665.552
516 318550 625156.981 2846610.069 625206.587 2846603.803 625107.375 2846616.334
517 318600 625150.509 2846560.489 625200.061 2846553.811 625100.957 2846567.168
518 318650 625143.624 2846510.966 625193.119 2846503.874 625094.130 2846518.057
519 318700 625136.327 2846461.501 625185.760 2846453.998 625086.893 2846469.005
520 318750 625128.617 2846412.099 625177.987 2846404.184 625079.248 2846420.015
521 318800 625120.496 2846362.763 625169.798 2846354.437 625071.194 2846371.090
522 318850 625111.965 2846313.497 625161.195 2846304.760 625062.734 2846322.234
523 318900 625103.023 2846264.303 625152.179 2846255.156 625053.866 2846273.450
524 318950 625093.671 2846215.186 625142.749 2846205.629 625044.593 2846224.742
525 319000 625083.910 2846166.148 625132.907 2846156.183 625034.913 2846176.113
526 319050 625073.741 2846117.193 625122.654 2846106.820 625024.829 2846127.566
527 319100 625063.165 2846068.324 625111.989 2846057.544 625014.341 2846079.104
528 319150 625052.182 2846019.546 625100.914 2846008.359 625003.449 2846030.732
529 319200 625040.792 2845970.860 625089.430 2845959.268 624992.154 2845982.453
530 319250 625028.997 2845922.272 625077.537 2845910.274 624980.458 2845934.269
531 319300 625016.798 2845873.783 625065.236 2845861.382 624968.360 2845886.184
532 319350 625004.195 2845825.397 625052.528 2845812.593 624955.862 2845838.202
533 319400 624991.189 2845777.119 625039.414 2845763.912 624942.965 2845790.325

Construction of Eight Lane Carriageway start at the End approach of interchange on NH-116 at village
Mui and End at Hardevganj Village (Ch. 292.950- 319.400) section of Delhi - Vadodara Access Controlled Green
field Alignment (NH-148N) on EPC Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojana in the State of Rajasthan
Project Report

Annexure 5.1

Table 1.30 Highway amenity coordinates

Easting Northing Easting Northing
623463.3966 2866261.272 623346.7067 2866289.262
623473.1208 2866258.94 623336.9825 2866291.594
623482.845 2866256.607 623327.2583 2866293.927
623492.5691 2866254.275 623317.5341 2866296.259
623502.2933 2866251.942 623307.81 2866298.591
623512.0175 2866249.61 623298.0858 2866300.924
623521.7417 2866247.278 623288.3616 2866303.256
623531.4659 2866244.945 623278.6374 2866305.589
623533.7984 2866254.669 623280.9699 2866315.313
623536.1308 2866264.393 623283.3023 2866325.037
623538.4632 2866274.117 623285.6347 2866334.761
623540.7957 2866283.842 623287.9672 2866344.485
623543.1281 2866293.566 623290.2996 2866354.21
623545.4605 2866303.29 623292.6321 2866363.934
623547.7929 2866313.014 623294.9645 2866373.658
623550.1253 2866322.738 623297.2969 2866383.382
623552.4577 2866332.463 623299.6294 2866393.106
623554.7901 2866342.187 623301.9618 2866402.831
623545.0665 2866344.519 623311.686 2866400.498
623535.3423 2866346.852 623321.4102 2866398.166
623525.6181 2866349.184 623331.1344 2866395.833
623515.8939 2866351.517 623340.8585 2866393.501
623506.1698 2866353.849 623350.5827 2866391.168
623496.4456 2866356.182 623360.3069 2866388.836
623486.7214 2866358.514 623370.0311 2866386.503
623379.7553 2866384.171


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