Mackinder2014 PDF
Mackinder2014 PDF
Mackinder2014 PDF
Historically, many authors of regional accounts of the Leguminosae (Fabaceae) tribe Cercideae divided the
caesalpinioid genus Bauhinia sens. lat. into several segregate genera including the genus Phanera. However, during
the last fifty years, Bauhinia has more often been recognised as a broadly circumscribed taxon with Phanera reduced
to a subgenus of Bauhinia sens. lat. The reinstatement of Phanera at generic rank based on molecular and
morphological evidence has now been widely accepted, resulting in the need for new combinations in Phanera for
many taxa described in Bauhinia. Some of those names have been published recently by other authors so here we
make the necessary combinations for those taxa still lacking names in Phanera. In addition, we include all published
Phanera binomials and trinomials here and to each assign a status of accepted name, synonym or excluded name.
The recent reinstatement of the New World genus Schnella to which c. 40 Phanera species were moved transforms
Phanera into a strictly Asian and Australasian taxon. Phanera can be distinguished from Bauhinia sens. str. and from
Schnella by a combination of morphological characters, but the morphological boundary with another closely related
Asiatic genus, Lasiobema is unclear and warrants further investigation. We present a table comparing morphological
characters of Phanera, Schnella, Lasiobema and Bauhinia sens. str.
Leguminosae is the third largest of the angiosperm families, numbering c. 19,500 species (LPWG 2013). Three
subfamilies are traditionally recognised. The smallest is Caesalpinioideae comprising c. 2300 species in 171 genera
arranged in 4 tribes. One of those tribes, Cercideae, accommodates two subtribes, Cercidinae and Bauhiniinae as
recognised by Wunderlin (1979) and Wunderlin et al. (1981). Subtribe Cercidinae comprises three genera, namely
Cercis L., Adenolobus (Harv. ex Benth. & Hook.f.) Torre. & Hillc. and Griffonia Baill., whilst the number of genera
recognized in subtribe Bauhiniinae has varied from as many as 26 genera (Wunderlin 1976) to a single genus
Bauhinia sens. lat. (Wunderlin et al. 1981). Since 1981, the majority of authors of regional taxonomic accounts have
upheld the concept of a broadly circumscribed heterogeneous Bauhinia sens. lat. (Larsen et al. 1980, 1984, 1996, Li
et al. 2010). Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequence data have provided convincing evidence that Bauhinia
sens. lat. is not a natural taxon (Bruneau et al. 2001 & 2008, Hao et al. 2003, Sinou et al. 2009) and the proposal by
Lewis & Forest (2005) to recognise eight generic segregates, namely Bauhinia sens. str., Barkyla F.Muell.,
Brenierea Humbert, Gigasiphon Drake, Lasiobema (Korth.) Miq., Lysiphyllum (Benth.) de Wit, Phanera Lour.,
Piliostigma Hochst. and Tylosema (Schweinf.) Torre & Hillc. was largely supported by the findings of Sinou et al.
(2009) in the most broadly sampled published phylogenetic study of tribe Cercideae to date. Additional
molecular-based evidence comes from a study of the rp12 intron which is present in chloroplast DNA of most
angiosperms including Phanera but absent from Bauhinia sens. str. (Lai et al. 1997). Non-molecular characters that
distinguish Phanera from Bauhinia sens. str. include habit, morphology (de Wit 1956), pollen morphology (Larsen
1975), flavonoid data (Salatino et al.1999) and volatile oil data (Duarte-Almeida et al. 2004).
Accepted by Vidal Mansano: 16 Mar. 2014; published: 17 Apr. 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution License
Phytotaxa 166 (1): 049–068
Copyright © 2014 Magnolia Press
ISSN 1179-3155 (print edition) PHYTOTAXA ISSN 1179-3163 (online edition)
Phanera Lour.: taxonomic rank, generic limits and relationships
In 1790, Loureiro described Phanera to accommodate a single species, Phanera coccinea Lour. The most
detailed regional revision of the genus ever written was published by de Wit (1956) who enumerated 44 species in
Malaysia, the centre of species diversity for the genus. There has never been a monograph of Phanera, but Lewis and
Forest (2005) estimated the genus to comprise 120–130 species, since reduced to 80–90 species following the
transfer of c. 40 species to the New World genus Schnella (Wunderlin 2010). For much of the last thirty years the
botanical taxonomic community has commonly treated Phanera as one of four subgenera within a broadly
circumscribed Bauhinia sens. lat. (Bortoluzzi et al. 2006, Chen 1988, Larsen et al. 1980 & 1984, Wunderlin et al.
1981, Wunderlin & Eilers 2009) although other authors continued to maintain Phanera as a distinct genus
(Verdcourt 1979) and to provide new combinations for species previously placed in Bauhinia (de Queiroz 2006).
Wunderlin et al. (1976) recognised the heterogeneity within Bauhinia subgenus Phanera by proposing the subgenus
be divided into 11 sections, three of which, sects. Lasiobema, Lysiphyllum and Tylosema were treated as distinct
genera by Lewis and Forest (2005). They also suggested that Phanera sect. Schnella might need to be reinstated as a
distinct genus based on a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of Cercideae by Forest (unpublished data). That view
was supported by published phylogenetic analyses (Hao et al. 2003, Sinou et al. 2009). Subsequently, Wunderlin
(2010) reinstated Schnella at generic rank to which he added the species of Phanera sect. Caulotretus as a second
generic section of Schnella. This reclassification came only months after Vaz (2010) had transferred the majority of
the same species from Bauhinia sens. lat. to Phanera. However, the decision to combine these two former Phanera
sections in the single genus Schnella by Wunderlin (2010) may have been premature because a recent phylogenetic
analysis of subtribe Bauhiniinae based on chloroplast and nuclear regions did not resolve species sampled from the
two sections as a monophyletic group (Li et al., unpublished data). Nevertheless, as a consequence of the recent
reinstatement of Schnella into which c. 40 New World species have been transferred, Phanera is now a strictly Asian
and Australasian taxon.
Closely associated with Phanera is the Asiatic genus Lasiobema as indicated, albeit with weak support, by
Sinou et al. (2009). Their close relationship had previously been demonstrated by Hao et al. (2003) in a phylogenetic
investigation of Phanera based on Internal Transcribed Spacer data which included 23 species of Phanera and four of
Lasiobema. Those 27 species were resolved together in a strongly supported clade. Within that clade, neither genus
was resolved as monophyletic but support was very low so it would be premature to draw any firm conclusions other
than Lasiobema and Phanera are closely related. The relationship of Lasiobema with Phanera requires further
molecular and morphological studies and, in consequence, here we do not include Lasiobema within Phanera.
The phylogenetic study of Hao et al. (2003) included five (of the nine) species of Phanera section Corymbosae.
They were resolved together, strongly supported as a monophyletic group on a lineage placed also with strong
support, as sister to the remaining Phanera and Lasiobema species samples. Section Corymbosae species form a
morphologically homogenous group, with a distinct pollen type (Larsen 1975, Banks unpublished data), and have a
generally more northerly geographical distribution than the rest of Phanera. Section Corymbosae has a centre of
species diversity in S. China compared with Borneo for the remaining Phanera taxa. We consider this evidence
sufficient to justify recognising the species of Phanera section Corymbosae as a distinct segregate genus for we
propose a new name in a separate paper (Mackinder et al. unpublished data)
To summarise, we recognise Phanera here as a genus of 82 species as circumscribed by Lewis & Forest (2005)
but excluding the following three groups of species: (i) sect. Schnella recently reinstated at generic rank by
Wunderlin (2010); (ii) sect. Caulotretus, placed in synonymy under Schnella also by Wunderlin (2010) and (iii)
section Corymbosae de Wit 1956), to be described as a new genus (Mackinder et al. unpublished data). A table
comparing details of habit, morphology and geographical distribution of Phanera (as recognised here) with Schnella,
Lasiobema and Bauhinia sens. str. is presented (Table 1).
How the list of names was assembled
A list of Phanera binomials and trinomials was assembled from multiple sources, initially those in electronic
form including IPNI (International Plant Names Index:, Tropicos (,
TPL (The Plant List: and ILDIS (International Legume Database and Information
Service: Additionally, we consulted major regional
treatments such as “A revision of Malaysian Bauhinieae” (de Wit 1956) and the accounts of Bauhinia sens. lat. in
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Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam (Larsen et al. 1980); Flora of Thailand (Larsen et al. 1984); Flora
Malesiana (Larsen & Larsen 1996) and Flora of China (Li et al. 2010) as well as papers describing new taxa or
publishing new combinations (Thothathri 1965, Schmitz 1977, Vaz 2010, Wunderlin 2011, Bandyopadhyay et al.
2012). Consequently, the taxa presented here are based principally on the taxonomy of regional flora treatments. On
the few occasions that we encountered conflicting taxonomic views among the treatments, we opted to uphold the
most recent taxonomic placement and have noted this under the relevant accepted name in the synopsis of species
that follows.
TABLE 1. A comparison of morphology, distribution and species diversity between Bauhinia sens. str. and three
generic segregates including Phanera.
Bauhinia sens. str. Phanera Schnella Lasiobema
Habit trees or shrubs tendrilled climbers tendrilled climbers tendrilled climbers
Calyx spathaceous lobed lobed or truncate lobed or truncate
Fertile stamens 1-10 3 (2) 10 3
Distribution Pantropical Asia and Australasia Neotropical Asia
No. of species c. 150 82 c. 40 c. 15
We aim to account for all published Phanera names in this checklist. We have also identified nineteen taxa
which belong in Phanera but until now have lacked published names in that genus. We provide the new
combinations here. Previously published Phanera names that relate to taxa no longer referred to the genus are listed
under excluded names. Regrettably we have discovered very little about a handful of Phanera names which are listed
at the end of the account as doubtful or poorly known.
The majority of the checklist comprises Phanera accepted names listed alphabetically, with infraspecific taxa
also listed alphabetically, except for the typical taxon which is listed first. Basionyms are included where relevant
and types are cited for basionyms of new combinations as required by the International Code of Botanical
Country Distributions
Distributions by country were initially taken from ILDIS, subsequently confirmed using literature sources
(major Floras as listed above and from recently published new species papers). Additional previously unpublished
country records, based on herbarium specimens lodged at K were added to the distribution (voucher details are cited
directly after the relevant country). The native distributions for species which have infraspecific taxa are reported for
the lowest individual taxonomic rank and also collectively for the whole species.
Synopsis of Phanera Lour.
Phanera aherniana (Perkins) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 448. 1956. Bauhinia aherniana Perkins, Fragm. Fl. Phillip. 1:
8. 1904. DISTRIBUTION. Sabah and the Philippines.
a. Phanera aherniana var. aherniana DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines.
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
b. Phanera aherniana var. subglabra (Merr.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1):
55. 2012. Bauhinia subglabra Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., 3(1): 230. 1908. Phanera semibifidia (Roxb.) Benth. var.
subglabra (Merr.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 469. 1956. Bauhinia aherniana var. subglabra (Merr.) K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 661. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sabah.
Phanera andersonii (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon.
19(1): 55. 2012. Bauhinia andersonii K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 2(4): 330. 1982. DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia.
Phanera argentea de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 484. 1956. Bauhinia argentea (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6: 279.
1966. Bauhinia endertii K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Taxon 28(5–6): 592. 1979. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Sabah and
Phanera audax de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 441. 1956 Bauhinia audax (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6: 278. 1966.
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia
Phanera aurea (H. Lév.) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia aurea H. Lév., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 54: 368.
1907. Type: China, Kouy-Tchéou, near Lo-Fou, Cavalerie
2614 (holotype P). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China.
Phanera aureifolia (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon.
19(1): 55. 2012. Bauhinia aureifolia K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 11(6): 634. 1991. DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to Thailand.
Phanera bassacensis (Gagnep.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 472. 1956. Bauhinia bassacensis Gagnep., Notul. Syst.
(Paris) 2: 168. 1912. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Viêtnam, Sabah and Java.
a. Phanera bassacencis var. bassacensis DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,
Viêtnam. b. Phanera bassacencis var. backeri de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 478. 1956. Bauhinia bassacensis Gagnep.
var backeri (de Wit) S.S. Larsen, Grana 14(2–3): 122. 1975, as “bakeri”. DISTRIBUTION. Sabah and Java.
Phanera bidentata (Jack) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. Bauhinia bidentata Jack, Mal. Misc. 2: 76. 1822.
DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. a. Phanera bidentata var. bidentata DISTRIBUTION. Endemic
to Peninsular Malaysia. b. Phanera bidentata var. breviflora (Ridl.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak,
Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 55. 2012. Bauhinia breviflora Ridl., Fl. Malay Penins. 5: 306. 1925. Bauhinia
bidentata Jack var. breviflora (Ridl.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 663. 1993. DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia. c. Phanera bidentata var. cornifolia (Baker) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K.
Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 56. 2012.
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Bauhinia cornifolia Baker in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 2: 278. 1878. Phanera bidentata (Jack) Benth. subsp. bicornuta
(Miq.) de Wit var. cornifolia (Baker) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4):
499. 1956. Bauhinia bidentata Jack var. cornifolia (Baker) Bennet, Ind. J. For. 5: 326.1982.
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia. d. Phanera bidentata var. fraseri de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 497.
1956. Bauhinia bidentata Jack var. fraseri (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 663. 1993.
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia. e. Phanera bidentata var. gracilipes (Merr.) Bandyop., P.P.
Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 56. 2012. Bauhinia gracilipes Merr., Pap. Mich. Acad. Sc.
19: 157. 1934. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sumatra. f. Phanera bidentata var. monticola (Ridl.) Bandyop., P.P.
Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 55. 2012. Bauhinia monticola Ridley, J. As. Soc. Str. Br.
75: 28. 1917. Bauhinia bidentata Jack var. monticola (Ridl.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 663.
1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia. Phanera bracteata Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 264. 1852.
DISTRIBUTION. Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Viêtnam. a. Phanera bracteata subsp. bracteata
DISTRIBUTION. Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. b. Phanera bracteata subsp. astylosa (K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 55. 2012. Bauhinia bracteata
subsp. astylosa. K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du Cambodge, du Laos et
du Viêtnam 18: 178. 1980. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Viêtnam.
Phanera brevipedicellata (Jarvie) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia brevipedicellata Jarvie, Kew Bull.
53(2): 495. 1988. Type: Borneo, West Kalimantan, Samba, Jarvie &
Ruskandi 5012 (holotype A, isotypes CANB, K, L). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Kalimantan.
Phanera burbidgei (Stapf) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 56. 2012.
Bauhinia burbidgei Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. London (Bot.): 143. 1894. Phanera kockiana (Korth.) Benth. var.
burbidgei (Stapf) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 525. 1956. Notes: De Wit (1956) recognised this taxon as one of several
varieties of the polymorphous Phanera kockiana. Subsequently Larsen and Larsen (1996) reinstated the taxon (as
Bauhinia burbidgei) at specific rank before Bandyopadhyay et al. (2012) made the new combination in Phanera.
DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah.
Phanera calciphylla (D.X. Zhang & T.C. Chen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia calciphylla D.X. Zhang
& T.C. Chen, Nordic J. Bot. 18(2): 141. 1998. Type: China, Guangxi, Tianang County, Ind. 270 (holotype IBK).
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China.
Phanera campanulata (S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 56.
2012. Bauhinia campanulata S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 14(3): 289. 1994. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Brunei.
Phanera carcinophylla (Merr.) Mackinder & R. Clark. comb. nov.
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Bauhinia carcinophylla Merr., J. Arn. Arb. 23: 171. 1942. Type: Viêtnam, Tonkin, Quang Ninh, Taai Wong Mo
Shan, near Chuk-phai Ha-Coi, Tsang 29033 (holotype A, isotypes C, E, P). DISTRIBUTION. China and
Phanera chalcophylla (L. Chen) Mackinder & R. Clark. comb. nov. Bauhinia chalcophylla L. Chen, J. Arn. Arb. 19:
130. 1938. Type: China, Yunnan, Talang, Henry 13240 (holotype
NY, isotype K). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China.
Phanera coccinea Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 1: 37. 1790. Bauhinia coccinea (Lour.) DC., Prodr. Syst. Nat. Reg. Veg. 2:
516. 1825. DISTRIBUTION. China, Laos and Viêtnam. a. Phanera coccinea subsp. coccinea DISTRIBUTION.
Laos and Viêtnam. b. Phanera coccinea subsp. tonkinensis (Gagnep.) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia
ferruginea Roxb. var. tonkinensis Gagnep., Fl. Gén. Indoch. 2: 126. 1913. Type Viêtnam, Ha Son Binh,
Tu Phap, Balansa 2135 (holotype P, isotypes BR, K, P). Bauhinia coccinea subsp. tonkinensis (Gagnep.) K.
Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du Cambodge,
du Laos et du Viêtnam 18: 201. 1980. DISTRIBUTION. China and Viêtnam.
Phanera crudiantha de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 481. 1956. Bauhinia crudiantha (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6:
279. 1966. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sabah.
Phanera cuprea (Ridl.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 503. 1956. Bauhinia cuprea Ridl., J. Str. Br. Roy. As. Soc. 61: 2.
1912. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia.
Phanera decumbens (M.R. Hends) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 503. 1956. Bauhinia decumbens M.R. Hends, Gard.
Bull. Straits Settl. 7: 99. 1933. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia.
Phanera diphylla (Buch. - Ham.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 264. 1852. Bauhinia diphylla Buch. - Ham. in Symes,
Embassy, ed. 2 (3): 311. 1800. DISTRIBUTION. India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Phanera divergens (Baker) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 132. 1965. Bauhinia divergens Baker in Hook.f., Fl.
Brit. India 2: 282. 1878. DISTRIBUTION. India and Myanmar.
Phanera elmeri (Merr.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 520. 1956. Bauhinia elmeri Merr., Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 15: 102.
1929. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Sabah and Kalimantan.
Phanera erythropoda (Hayata) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia erythropoda Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan.
3: 83. 1913. Type: China, Hainan, Katsumada 1910 (holotype
TI). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China. a. Phanera erythropoda var. erythropoda DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to China. b. Phanera erythropoda var. guangxiensis (D.X. Zhang & T.C. Chen) Mackinder & R. Clark
comb. nov.
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Bauhinia erythropoda var. guangxiensis D.X. Zhang & T.C. Chen, Nordic J. Bot. 18(2): 145. 1998. Type: China,
Guangxi, Longjun County, Wulian, S.H. Chun 13442 (holotype IBSC). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to
Phanera excelsa Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 62. 1855. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah and Kalimantan. a.
Phanera excelsa var. excelsa Bauhinia excelsa (Miq.) Prain, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (2): 502. 1897. Phanera excelsa
Miq. var. megalantha (Merr.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 453. 1956. Bauhinia excelsa (Miq.) Prain var. megalantha
(de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 2(4): 332. 1982. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah and
Kalimantan. b. Phanera excelsa var. aurora de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 452. 1956. Bauhinia excelsa (Miq.) Prain var.
aurora (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 2(4): 332. 1982. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sabah.
Phanera excurrens (Stapf) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 56. 2012.
Bauhinia excurrens Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 2(4): 143. 1894. Phanera semibifida (Roxb.) Benth. var.
excurrens (Stapf) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 468. 1956. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sabah.
Phanera fabrilis (de Wit) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 56. 2012. Phanera
riedelii (Baker) de Wit var. fabrilis de Wit, Reinwardtia 3: 464. 1956. Bauhinia fabrilis (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 11(6): 634. 1991. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sabah.
Phanera ferruginea (Roxb.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. Bauhinia ferruginea Roxb., Fl. Indica 2: 131.
1832. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Sumatra.
a. Phanera ferruginea var. ferruginea Phanera hullettii (Prain) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 457. 1956.
DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand.
b. Phanera ferruginea var. griffithiana (Benth.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon.
19(1): 57. 2012. Phanera griffithiana Benth., in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular
Malaysia and Sumatra.
Phanera finlaysoniana Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. DISTRIBUTION. Sumatra, Sarawak, Sabah,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Philippines and Molucca Is. a. Phanera finlaysoniana var. finlaysoniana Bauhinia
finlaysoniana (Benth.) Baker, Hook. f., Fl. Br. Ind. 2: 278. 1878. Phanera finlaysoniana var. javanica de Wit,
Reinwardtia 3(4): 505. 1956. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia and Java. b. Phanera finlaysoniana var. amoena
de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 505. 1956. Bauhinia finlaysoniana var. amoena (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic
J. Bot. 13(6): 663. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Sabah. c. Phanera finlaysoniana var. leptopus (Perkins) de
Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 509. 1956. Bauhinia leptopus Perkins, Fragm., Fl. Phillip. 1: 10. 1904. Bauhinia
finlaysoniana var. leptopus (Perkins) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 663. 1993. DISTRIBUTION.
Sumatra, Sarawak, Sabah, Kalimantan, Philippines and the Molucca Is. d. Phanera finlaysoniana var. montana de
Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 510: 1956.
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Bauhinia finlaysoniana var. montana (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 663. 1993.
DISTRIBUTION. Sulawesi and Molucca Is.
Phanera foraminifera (Gagnep.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 491. 1956. Bauhinia foraminifera Gagnep., Notul. Syst.
(Paris) 2: 171. 1912. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Brunei. a. Phanera foraminifera var. foraminifera
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sarawak. b. Phanera foraminifera var. falcata (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop.,
P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 56. 2012. Bauhinia foraminifera var. falcata. K.
Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 661. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Brunei.
Phanera franckii (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1):
57. 2012. Bauhinia franckii K. Larsen & S.S.Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 11(6): 633. 1991. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to
Peninsular Malaysia. Phanera fulva (Korth.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. Bauhinia fulva Korth. Verh.
Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bezitt., Bot.: 91. 1841. DISTRIBUTION. Sumatra and Java.
Phanera glabrifolia Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. DISTRIBUTION. Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Peninsular
Malaysia, Thailand and Laos. a. Phanera glabrifolia var. glabrifolia Bauhinia glabrifolia (Benth.) Baker in Hook.f.,
Fl. Brit. India 2: 281. 1879. DISTRIBUTION. Bhutan and Myanmar. b. Phanera glabrifolia var. maritima (K. Larsen
& S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., Edin. J. Bot. 70(2): 364. 2013. Bauhinia glabrifolia (Benth.) Baker var. maritima K.
Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Thai For. Bull. 13: 39. 1980. DISTRIBUTION. Myanmar, Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand.
c. Phanera glabrifolia var. sericea (Lace) Bandyop., Edin. J. Bot., 70(2): 364. 2013. Bauhinia sericea Lace, Kew
Bull. 1915: 400. 1915. Bauhinia glabrifolia (Benth.) Baker subsp. sericea (Lace) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nat. Hist.
Bull. Siam. Soc. 10.
1973. Phanera glabrifolia Baker subsp. sericea (Lace) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2): 14.
1977. Bauhinia glabrifolia (Benth.) Baker var. sericea (Lace) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du
Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam 18: 187. 1980. DISTRIBUTION. Myanmar, Thailand and Laos.
Phanera glabristipes de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 442. 1956. Bauhinia glabristipes (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6:
278. 1966. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sarawak.
Phanera gracillima de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 474. 1956. Bauhinia gracillima (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6: 279.
1966. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sabah.
Phanera havilandii (Merr.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 57. 2012.
Bauhinia havilandii Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot. 11(part C2): 79. 1916. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah
and Kalimantan.
Phanera hendersonii de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 456. 1956. Bauhinia hendersonii (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6:
279. 1966.
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DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Anambas Is, Indonesia.
Phanera hypochrysa (T.C. Chen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia hypochrysa T.C. Chen, Guihaia 8(1):
47. 1988. Type: China, Guangxi, Longzhou, Zhangshan, Longmen,
Longjun Exped. 134 (holotype SCBI). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China.
Phanera integrifolia (Roxb.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia,
Thailand, Sabah, Sumatra and the Philippines. Bauhinia integrifolia Roxb., Hort. Beng.: 90. 1814. a. Phanera
integrifolia subsp. integrifolia Phanera junghuhniana Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 265. 1852. Phanera polyantha
Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 1(1): 1079. 1858. Phanera bicornuta Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. Sumatra: 265. 1860. Phanera
bidentata (Jack) Benth. subsp. bicornuta (Miq.) de Wit var. bicornuta, Reinwardtia 3(4): 499. 1956.
DISTRIBUTION. Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. b. Phanera integrifolia subsp. cumingiana (Benth.)
de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 480. 1956. DISTRIBUTION. Sabah and Philippines. Phanera cumingiana Benth. in Miq.
Plant. Jungh.: 263. 1852. b(i). Phanera integrifolia subsp. cumingiana var. cumingiana DISTRIBUTION. Sabah and
Philippines. b(ii). Phanera integrifolia subsp. cumingiana var. nymphaeifolia Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov.
Bauhinia nymphaeifolia Perkins, Fragm. Fl. Philipp.:11. 1908. Type: Philippines, Luzon, Cuming 1181 (lectotype
K, isolectotypes E, G, K, L, P, PRC, W). Bauhinia integrifolia subsp. cumingiana (Benth.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen
var. nymphaeifolia (Perkins) K. Larsen
& S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 658. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines.
Phanera involucellata (Kurz) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 471. 1956. Bauhinia involucellata Kurz, J. As. Soc. Bengal
42(2): 7. 1873. DISTRIBUTION. Myanmar and Thailand.
Phanera khasiana (Baker) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 131. 1965. Bauhinia khasiana Baker in Hook.f., Fl. Brit.
India 2: 281. 1878. Notes: Larsen et al. (1980) recognised two subspecies but in a treatment of the species for the
Flora of China, Li et al. (2010) placed the atypical taxon, Bauhinia khasiana Baker subsp. polystachya (Gagnep.) K.
Larsen & S.S. Larsen in synonymy under B. khasiana var. khasiana and we have followed that classification here.
However, Bandyopadhyay et al. (2012) followed Larsen et al. (1980) and made a combination in Phanera for subsp.
polystachya. DISTRIBUTION. China, India, Thailand, Laos and Viêtnam. a. Phanera khasiana var. khasiana
Bauhinia pierrei Gagnep., Notul. Syst. 2: 178. 1912. Phanera pierrei (Gagnep.) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot.
Belg. 110 (1–2): 14. 1977. Bauhinia polystachya Gagnep., Notul. Syst. 2: 178. 1912. Bauhinia khasiana Baker
subsp. polystachya (Gagnep.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du
Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam 18: 189. 1980. Phanera khasiana subsp. polystachya (Gagnep.)
Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon.
19(1): 57. 2012. DISTRIBUTION. China, India, Thailand, Laos and Viêtnam. b. Phanera khasiana var.
gigalobia (D.X. Zhang) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl.
Taxon. 19(1): 57. 2012. Bauhinia khasiana Baker var. gigalobia D.X. Zhang, Nordic J. Bot. 13(4): 401.
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China. c. Phanera khasiana var. tomentella (T.C. Chen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal &
M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 57. 2012. Bauhinia khasiana Baker var. tomentella T.C. Chen, Guihaia
8(1): 46. 1988. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China.
Phanera kingii (Prain) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 57. 2012. Bauhinia
kingii Prain, J. As. Soc. Bengal, 66(2): 189. 1897. Phanera bidentata Jack subsp. bidentata var. kingii de Wit,
Reinwardtia 3(4): 498. 1956. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia.
Phanera kockiana (Korth.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra,
Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah, Kalimantan and the Lesser Sunda Is. a. Phanera kockiana var. kockiana Bauhinia kockiana
Korth., Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bezitt., Bot (1841: 87). DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, Brunei,
Sabah, Kalimantan and the Lesser Sunda Is. b. Phanera kockiana var. angustifolia (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen)
Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 57. 2012. Bauhinia kockiana var.
angustifolia K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 664. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Sabah [Bario,
4.ix.1985, fl., Dayang Awa S.51084(K)]. c. Phanera kockiana var. bakoensis (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop.,
P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 57. 2012. Bauhinia kockiana var. bakoensis K. Larsen
& S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 664. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sarawak. d. Phanera kockiana var.
beccarii (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 57.
2012. Bauhinia kockiana var. beccarii K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 664. 1993. DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to Sabah. e. Phanera kockiana var. brevipedicellata (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal &
M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia kockiana var. brevipedicellata K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 664. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Kalimantan. f. Phanera kockiana var.
calcicola (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 58.
2012. Bauhinia kockiana var. calcicola K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 664. 1993. DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to Sarawak. g. Phanera kockiana var. scarlatina (Cammerl.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak,
Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia scarlatina Cammerl., Bul. Fac. Sti. Cernauti 3. 171. 1929.
Phanera scarlatina (Cammerl.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 526. 1956. Bauhinia kockiana Korth. var. scarlatina
(Cammerl.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 665. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Kalimantan and Sabah
[Nabawan Distr., Mile 41 Rashna rd.,, fl., Abas SAN85880(K); Lamag Distr., Sungai Lokan, 7.vii.1983,
fl., Amin SAN97497(K); Sandakan Distr., Kinabatangah, 12.v.1970, fl., Lassan SAN70656(K); Beaufort Distr.,
Mile 4 Weston Rail Line,, fl., Mikil SAN30233(K); Beaufort Distr., Mesapol FR, 24.vii.1964, fl. & fr.,
Rundi 43272(K)]. h. Phanera kockiana var. sericeinervia de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 524. 1956. Bauhinia kockiana
Korth. var. sericeinervia (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 665. 1993. DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to Sumatra. i. Phanera kockiana var. velutina de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 525. 1956. Bauhinia kockiana
Korth. var. velutina (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 665. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak
and Kalimantan.
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Phanera kurzii (Prain) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 133. 1965. Bauhinia kurzii Prain, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66(2):
499. 1897. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Myanmar.
Phanera kostermansii (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon.
19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia kostermansii K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen. Nordic J. Bot. 11(6): 629. 1991. DISTRIBUTION.
Sabah and Kalimantan.
Phanera lambiana (Baker f.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 525. 1956. Bauhinia lambiana Baker f., J. Bot.. Lond. 76: 19.
1938. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Brunei.
Phanera lingua (DC.) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 67. 1855. Bauhinia lingua DC., Prodr. 2: 516. 1825. a. Phanera lingua
var. lingua Phanera teysmanniana (Scheff.) Warb., Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 13: 332. 1891. DISTRIBUTION. Sulawesi,
Lesser Sunda Is, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. b. Phanera lingua var. antipolana (Perkins) Bandyop., P.P.
Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia antipolana Perkins, Fragm. Fl. Philipp.
1: 9. 1904. Bauhinia lingua var. antipolana (Perkins) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 660. 1993.
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines. c. Phanera lingua var. riedelii (Baker) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal &
M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia riedelii Baker, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 15: 98. 1876.
Phanera riedelii (Baker) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 463. 1956. Bauhinia lingua var. riedelii (Baker) K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 660. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Moluccas Is. and Sulawesi.
Phanera lucida Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. Bauhinia lucida (Miq.) Prain. J. As. Soc. Beng. 66 (2): 188.
1897. Phanera piperifolia Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia and
Phanera lyrata (Raizada) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 132. 1965. Bauhinia lyrata Raizada, Ind. For. Rec. n.s.
3(3): 123. 1941. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Myanmar.
Phanera meeboldii (Craib) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 133. 1965. Bauhinia meeboldii Craib, Fedde Repert. 12:
392. 1913. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Myanmar.
Phanera menispermacea (Gagnep.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 513. 1956. Bauhinia menispermacea Gagnep., Not.
Syst. 2: 176. 1912. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Kalimantan.
Phanera merrilliana (Perkins) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 461. 1956. Bauhinia merrilliana Perkins, Fragm. Fl. Philipp.
1: 10. 1904. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Sabah and the Philippines. a. Phanera merrilliana var. merrilliana
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines.
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
b. Phanera merrilliana var. borneensis (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak,
Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia merrilliana var. borneensis K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J.
Bot. 13(6): 658. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Sabah.
Phanera nakhonphanomensis (Chatan) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia nakhonphanomensis Chatan,
PhytoKeys 26: 1–5. 2013. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.26.6008. Type Thailand, Phulangka National Park, Ban Pheang
District, Nakhon Phanom Province, Chatan 1337 (holotype: BK; isotype: MSUT). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to
Phanera nervosa Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. Bauhinia nervosa (Benth.) Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India
2: 283. 1876. DISTRIBUTION. China, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand.
Phanera ornata (Kurz) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 134. 1965. Bauhinia ornata Kurz, J. As. Soc. Beng. 42: 72.
1873. Phanera ornata (Kurz) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2): 13. 1977. DISTRIBUTION. China,
India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Viêtnam. a. Phanera ornata subsp. ornata a(i). Phanera ornata var. ornata
Phanera ornata (Kurz) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2): 13. 1977. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to
Myanmar. a(ii). Phanera ornata var. balansae (Gagnep.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl.
Taxon. 19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia ornata var. balansae (Gagnep.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl.
du Cambodge, du
Laos et du Viêtnam 18: 209. 1980. Bauhinia balansae Gagnep., Notul. Syst. 2: 168. 1912.
DISTRIBUTION. China and Viêtnam. a(iii). Phanera ornata var. burmanica (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop.,
P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012. Bauhinia ornata var. burmanica K. Larsen &
S.S. Larsen, Thai Forest Bull., Bot. 13: 42. 1980. DISTRIBUTION. Myanmar and Thailand. a(iv). Phanera ornata
var. kerrii (Gagnep.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012. Bauhinia
kerrii Gagnep., Notul. Syst. 2: 173. 1912. Phanera rufa Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. Bauhinia bakeriana
S.S. Larsen, Grana 14: 126. 1975. Phanera bakeriana (S.S. Larsen) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2):
14. 1977. Bauhinia ornata var. kerrii. (Gagnep.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du Cambodge,
Laos et
du Viêtnam 18: 208. 1980. Bauhinia ornata var. subumbellata (Gagnep.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in
Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du Cambodge,
du Laos et du Viêtnam 18: 209. 1980. Bauhinia ornata var. contigua T.C. Chen, Guihaia 8(1): 48. 1988.
Phanera ornata var. subumbellata (Gagnep.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon.
19(1): 59. 2012. Notes. In Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam, two varieties (vars. contigua and
subumbellata) are recognised (Larsen et al. 1980). Both varieties were later placed in synonymy under var. kerrii by
Li et al. (2010) and we have followed the more recent classification here. DISTRIBUTION. China, India, Myanmar,
Thailand, Laos and Viêtnam.
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b. Phanera ornata subsp. mizoramensis (Bandyop., B.D. Sharma & Thoth.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak,
Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 58. 2012. Bauhinia ornata Kurz subsp. mizoramensis Bandyop., B.D. Sharma &
Thoth., Nordic J. Bot. 12: 223. 1992. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to India.
Phanera pachyphylla (Merr.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 461. 1956. Bauhinia pachyphylla Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. 27:
24. 1925. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines. a. Phanera pachyphylla var. pachyphylla DISTRIBUTION.
Endemic to the Philippines. b. Phanera pachyphylla var. wenzelii (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal
& M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012. Bauhinia pachyphylla Merr. var. wenzelii K. Larsen &
S.S. Larsen, Nord. J. Bot. 13 (6): 659. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines.
Phanera pauciflora (Merr.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 462. 1956. Bauhinia pauciflora Merr., Philipp. J. Sc. Bot. 10:
13. 1915. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines.
Phanera paucinervata (T.C. Chen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Phanera paucinervata T.C. Chen, Guihaia 8(1):
46. Type: China, Guangxi, Longzhou, Qingshan, S.H. Chun 11882
(holotype SCBI). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China.
Phanera phoenicea (Wight & Arn.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 264. 1852. Bauhinia phoenicea Wight & Arn.,
Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 1: 296. 1832. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to India.
Phanera posthumi de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 515. 1956. Bauhinia posthumi (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6: 279.
1966. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sumatra.
Phanera pottingeri (Prain) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 133. 1965. Bauhinia pottingeri Prain, J. As. Soc. Beng.
67 (2): 289. 1897. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Myanmar.
Phanera praesignis (Ridl.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 444. 1956. Bauhinia praesignis Ridley, Fl., Malay Penins.: 305.
1925. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia.
Phanera pyrrhoclada (Drake) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 450. 1956. Bauhinia pyrrhoclada Drake, J. Bot. (Morot) 5:
218. 1891. DISTRIBUTION. China and Viêtnam.
Phanera pyrrhoneura (Korth.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. Bauhinia pyrrhoneura Korth., Verh. Nat.
Gesch. Ned. Bezitt., Bot. 3: 88. 1841, as “pyrrhaneura” Phanera catalpaefolia Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 1(1): 1079. 1858.
Phanera acuminatissima Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat., Suppl.: 287. 1861. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sumatra.
Phanera rubro-villosa (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov.
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
Bauhinia rubro-villosa K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam
18: 204. 1980. Type: Laos, Louang Prabang, Pac Bac, Poilane 20526 (holotype P). DISTRIBUTION.
China, Laos and Viêtnam.
Phanera rahmatii (Merr.) Bandyop, P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012.
Bauhinia rahmatii Merr., Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 19: 158. 1934. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sumatra.
Phanera ridleyi (Prain) A. Schmitz., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2): 15. 1977. Bauhinia ridleyi Prain, J. As.
Soc. Beng. 66 (2): 185. 1897. Phanera dasycarpa Miq. var. ridleyi (Prain) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 450. 1956.
Phanera ridleyi (Prain) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012.
DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand.
Phanera saigonensis (Pierre ex Gagnep.) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia saigonenesis Pierre ex
Gagnep., Not. Syst. 2: 179. 1912. Type: Thailand, Thu-dau-mot, Pierre 1051
(holotype P, isotypes A, BM, K, US). DISTRIBUTION. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Viêtnam. a.
Phanera saigonensis var. saigonensis DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Viêtnam. b. Phanera saigonensis var.
gagnepainiana (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia saigonensis var.
gagnepainiana. K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam 18: 196.
1980. Type: Cambodia, Stung Treng, Changoeur-Ta Trâu, Poilane 14159 (holotype P). DISTRIBUTION. Thailand,
Laos and Cambodia. c. Phanera saigonensis var. poilanei (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb.
nov. Bauhinia saigonensis var. poilanei K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen in Aubréville & Leroy, Fl. du Cambodge, du Laos
du Viêtnam 18: 197. 1980. Type: Viêtnam, Nuoc Ngat, Eberhardt 3177 (holotype P, isotype P).
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Viêtnam.
Phanera semibifida (Roxb.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia,
Sumatra, Sarawak, Sabah, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and the Philippines. a. Phanera semibifida var. semibifida Phanera
sumatrana Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 1(1): 1078. 1858. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Sabah [Labuk
Sugut Distr., Beluran, 15.ix.1984. fl. Amin SAN67088(K); Labuk Sugut Distr., Telupid,, fl. Sundaling
SAN90335(K); Sandakan Distr., Mile 57 Labuk Rd. 15.ix.1972, fl., Kumin SAN75594(K)]; Kalimantan, Sulawesi
and the Philippines. b. Phanera semibifida var. acuminata (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal &
M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012. Bauhinia semibifida Roxb. var. acuminata K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 660. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sabah. c. Phanera semibifida var. bruneiana
(K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012.
Bauhinia semibifida Roxb. var. bruneiana K. Larsen & S. S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 660. 1993.
DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah. d. Phanera semibifida var. longebracteata (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen)
Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012. Bauhinia semibifida Roxb. var.
longebracteata, K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 660. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to
Kalimantan. e. Phanera semibifida var. perkinsiae (Merr.) Bandyop., P.P.Ghoshal & M.K.Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl.
Taxon. 19(1): 59. 2012. Bauhinia perkinsiae Merr., Publ. Bur. Sci. Gov. Lab. 17: 21. 1904.
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Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
Bauhinia semibifida Roxb. var. perkinsiae (Merr.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 661. 1993.
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to the Philippines. f. Phanera semibifida var. stenostachya (Baker) de Wit, Reinwardtia
3(4): 468. 1956. Bauhinia stenostachya Baker, Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew 1896: 22. 1896. Bauhinia semibifida Roxb. var.
stenostachya (Baker) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 661. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and
Phanera siamensis (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia siamensis K. Larsen &
S.S. Larsen, Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 50(1): 99. 2002. Type: Thailand, Phitsanulok Prov., Charttrakran Distr.,
north of Ban Dong forest Protection Station, Wongprasert 012-01 (holotype BKF, isotypes AAU, E, K, L, MO).
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Thailand. Only known from the type locality.
Phanera similis (Craib) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 471. 1956. Bauhinia similis Craib, Kew Bull. 1927: 391. 1927.
DISTRIBUTION. Myanmar, Thailand and Laos.
Phanera sirindhorniae (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia sirindhorniae K.
Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 17(2): 113. 1997. Type: Thailand, Nong Kai Province, Bung Kla Distr., Ban
Phu Sa Waad, Phu Tok Noi, C. Niyomdham 4471 (holotype BKF, isotypes AAU, K). DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to
Phanera stipularis (Korth.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. Bauhinia stipularis Korth., Verh. Nat. Gesch.
Ned. Bezitt., Bot.: 92. 1841. DISTRIBUTION. India, the Nicobar Islands and Sumatra. a. Phanera stipularis var.
stipularis Phanera albolutea Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 1(1): 1079. 1858. Phanera nicobarica Balakr. & Thoth., Bull. Bot.
Surv. India 17: 201. 1975. DISTRIBUTION. India, the Nicobar Islands and Sumatra. b. Phanera stipularis var.
brachystylus (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 60.
2012. Bauhinia stipularis Korth. var. brachystylus K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 659. 1993.
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sumatra.
Phanera steenisii (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1):
60. 2012. Bauhinia steenisii K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 11: 630. 1991. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to
Phanera sulphurea (C.E.C. Fischer) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 133. 1965. Bauhinia sulphurea C.E.C. Fischer,
Kew Bull. 1927: 85. 1927. Phanera sulphurea (C.E.C. Fischer) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2): 13.
1977. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Myanmar.
Phanera sylvani de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 438. 1956. Bauhinia sylvani (de Wit) Cusset, Adansonia n.s. 6: 278.
1966. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Sabah.
Phanera tianlinensis (T.C. Chen & D.X. Zhang) Mackinder & R. Clark comb. nov. Bauhinia tianlinensis T.C. Chen
& D.X. Zhang, Nord. J. Bot. 18(2): 141. 1998. Type China, Guangxi, Tianling
County, Laoshan & vicinity, Chang Chao-Chien 10969 (holotype IBSC, isotypes IBSC, IBK).
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China.
Phanera vahlii (Wight & Arn.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn., Cat. Ind. Pl.:
38. 1833. DISTRIBUTION. India and Bhutan.
Phanera wallichii (J.F. Macbr.) Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 131. 1965. Bauhinia wallichii, J.F.Macbr.,
Contribs, Gray Herb., n.s. 3(59): 23. 1919. Phanera macrostachya Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh.: 262. 1852
DISTRIBUTION. India, Myanmar and Viêtnam.
Phanera williamsii (F. Muell.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 528. 1956. Bauhinia williamsii F. Muell., Descr. Notes
Papuan: 4: 61. 1876. DISTRIBUTION. Papua New Guinea and Australia.
Phanera wrayi (Prain) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 517. 1956. Bauhinia wrayi Prain, J. As. Soc. Beng. 66(2): 191.
1897. DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah and Kalimantan. a. Phanera wrayi
var. wrayi DISTRIBUTION. Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. b. Phanera wrayi var. blumeana (K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 60. 2012. Bauhinia wrayi var.
blumeana K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 662. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sumatra. c.
Phanera wrayi var. borneensis (K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P.Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl.
Taxon. 19(1): 60. 2012. Bauhinia wrayi var. borneensis K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13: 662. 1993.
DISTRIBUTION. Sabah and Kalimantan. d. Phanera wrayi var. cancellata (Ridl.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 518.
1956. Bauhinia cancellata Ridl., Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew 1929: 256. 1829. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Peninsular
Malaysia. d. Phanera wrayi var. cardiophylla (Merr.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl.
Taxon. 19(1): 60. 2012. Bauhinia cardiophylla Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., 11(C2): 79. 1916. Phanera cardiophylla
(Merr.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 501. 1956. Bauhinia wrayi Prain var. cardiophylla (Merr.) K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen, Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 662. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak and Brunei. e. Phanera wrayi var. moultonii
(Merr.) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 60. 2012. Bauhinia moultonii
Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., 11 (part C2): 82. 1916. Bauhinia wrayi Prain var. moultonii (Merr.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen,
Nordic J. Bot. 13(6): 662. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Sarawak, Sabah and Kalimantan. f. Phanera wrayi var. rubella de
Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 515. 1956. Bauhinia wrayi var. rubella (de Wit) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Nordic J. Bot.
13(6): 662. 1993. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to Sumatra.
Phanera wuzhengyii (S.S. Larsen) Bandyop., P.P. Ghoshal & M.K. Pathak, Bangladesh J. Pl. Taxon. 19(1): 60.
2012. Bauhinia wuzhengyii S.S. Larsen, Novon 9: 526. 1999. DISTRIBUTION. Endemic to China. Phanera
yunnanensis (Franch.) Wunderlin, Phytoneuron 2011-19: 1. 2011. Bauhinia yunnanensis Franch., Pl. Delavay.: 190.
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Phanera collettii Thoth., Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 19: 133. 1965. DISTRIBUTION. China, Myanmar and Thailand.
Excluded Names
Phanera alata (Ducke) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 34. 2010. = Schnella alata (Ducke) Wunderlin, Phytoneuron 2010-49:
3. 2010. Phanera altiscandens (Ducke) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 34. 2010. = Schnella altiscandens (Ducke)
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera anamesa (J.F. Macbr.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 34. 2010. = Schnella
anamesa (J.F. Macbr.) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera angulosa (Vogel) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 36. 2010. = Schnella
angulosa (Vogel) Wunderlin, Phytoneuron
2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera bifoliata Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 69. 1855. = Lasiobema scandens (L.) de Wit,
Reinwardtia 3(4): 427.
1956. Phanera blancoi Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 264. 1852. = Lysiphyllum binatum (Blanco) de Wit,
3(4): 432. 1956. Phanera carvalhoi (Vaz) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 36. 2010. = Schnella carvalhoi (Vaz)
Wunderlin, Phytoneuron
2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera championii Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 78. 1852. = Lasiobema championii
(Benth.) de Wit,
Reinwardtia 3(4): 423. 1956. Phanera complicata Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 69. 1855. = Lysiphyllum
binatum (Blanco) de Wit, Reinwardtia
3(4): 432. 1956. Phanera confertiflora (Benth.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 36. 2010. = Schnella confertiflora
(Benth.) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera corymbosa (Roxb. ex DC.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 264. 1852.
= Gen. nov. ined. Phanera cunninghamii Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 264. 1852. = Lysiphyllum cunninghamii
(Benth.) de Wit,
Reinwardtia 3(4): 431. 1956. Phanera cupreonitens (Ducke) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 36. 2010. = Schnella
cupreonitens (Ducke) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera debilis (Hassk.) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 69. 1855. = Lasiobema
scandens (L.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4):
427. 1956. Phanera diptera (Blume ex Miq.) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 70. 1855. = Lysiphyllum
(combination not available). Phanera dubia (Vogel) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 36. 2010. = Schnella (combination not
available). Phanera burkeana Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 264. I852. nomen. nud. = Tylosema esculentum (Burch.)
A. Schreib. The type of Bauhinia esculenta Burch. (Burchell 4414(K)) is annotated (in Bentham’s handwriting) with
the name Phanera burkeana Benth, indicating it as a synonym of B. esculenta which in turn is the basionym of
Tylosema esculentum (Burch.) A. Schreib.). Phanera elongata Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. = Bauhinia
pottsii G. Don var. pottsii K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen in T. Smitinand & K. Larsen, Fl. Thailand 4(1): 8. 1984. Phanera erythrantha (Ducke) Vaz,
Rodriguésia 6: 36. 2010. = Schnella erythrantha (Ducke) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera flexuosa (Moric.) L.P. Queiroz, Neodiversity 1(1): 6. 2006. =
Schnella flexuosa (Moric.) Walp., Repert.
Bot. Syst. (Walpers) 5: 572. 1846. Phanera glabra (Jacq.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 36. 2010. = Schnella glabra
(Jacq.) Dugand., Revista Acad. Colomb.
Ci. Exact. 4: 137. 1941. Phanera glauca Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 265. 1852. = Gen. nov. ined. Phanera
glauca Benth. subsp. tenuiflora (C.B. Clarke) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2): 14. 1977 =
Gen. nov. ined. Phanera grazielae (Vaz) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella grazielae (Vaz)
Wunderlin, Phytoneuron 2010-
49: 3. 2010.
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
Phanera guianensis (Aubl.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella guianensis (Aubl.) Wunderlin, Phytoneuron
2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera klugii (Standl.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella klugii (Standl.)
Wunderlin, Phytoneuron 2010-
49: 3. 2010. Phanera kunthiana (Vogel) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella kunthiana (Vogel)
Wunderlin, Phytoneuron
2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera lakhonensis (Gagnep.) A. Schmitz, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 110(1–2): 14.
1977. = Gen. nov. ined Phanera longiseta (Fróes) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella longiseta (Fróes)
Wunderlin, Phytoneuron
2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera maximiliani (Benth.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella maximiliani
(Benth.) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 2. 2010. Phanera microstachya (Raddi) L.P. Queiroz, Neodiversity 1(1): 6. 2006. =
Schnella microstachya Raddi, Quar.
Pl. Nuov. Bras.: 33. 1820 Phanera outimouta (Aubl.) L.P. Queiroz, Neodiversity 1(1): 7. 2006. = Schnella
outimouta (Aubl.) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera platycalyx (Benth.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella
platycalyx (Benth.) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera poiteauana (Vogel) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella
poiteauana (Vogel) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 2. 2010. Phanera porphyrotricha (Harms) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 37. 2010. = Schnella
porphyrotricha (Harms) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera pterocalyx (Ducke) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 38. 2010. = Schnella
pterocalyx (Ducke) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera punctata (Bolle) Britton, Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Islands
540. 1930 = Bauhinia galpinii N.E.Br.,
Hooker's Icon. Pl. 20: t. 1994. 1891. Phanera purpurea Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. = Bauhinia
purpurea L., Sp. Pl.: 375. 1753. Phanera radiata (Vell.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 38. 2010. = Schnella (combination not
available). Phanera retusa Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 263. 1852. = Lasiobema retusa (Roxb.) de Wit, Reinwardtia
538. 1956. Phanera riedeliana (Bong.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 38. 2010. = Schnella riedeliana (Bong.)
Wunderlin, Phytoneuron
2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera rutilans (Spruce ex Benth.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 38. 2010. = Schnella rutilans
(Spruce ex Benth.) Pittier,
Cat. Fl. Venez. 1: 362. 1945. Phanera scandens (L.) Rafin., Sylva Tellur: 122. 1838. = Lasiobema scandens
(L.) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 427.
1956. Phanera siqueirae (Ducke) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 38. 2010. = Schnella siqueirae (Ducke) Wunderlin,
2010-49: 3. 2010. Phanera smilacina (Schott) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 38. 2010. = Schnella smilacina G.Don,
Gen. Hist. 2: 459. 1832. Phanera speciosa Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 61. 1855. = Bauhinia pottsii G. Don var. pottsii
K. Larsen & S.S.
Larsen, in T. Smitinand & K. Larsen, Fl. Thailand 4(1): 9. 1984. Phanera splendens (Kunth) Vaz,
Rodriguésia 6: 38. 2010. = Schnella splendens Benth., J. Bot. (Hooker) 2: 97.
1840. Phanera sprucei (Benth.) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 39. 2010. = Schnella sprucei (Benth.) Wunderlin,
2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera surinamensis (Amshoff) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 39. 2010. = Schnella surinamensis
(Amshoff) Wunderlin,
Phytoneuron 2010-49: 4. 2010. Phanera tenuiflora (C.B.Clarke) de Wit, Reinwardtia 3(4): 490. 1956. =
Gen. nov. ined. Phanera touranensis (Gagnep.) A. Schmitz, Bull. Jard. Bot. Belg. 43(3–4): 381. 1973. = Gen. nov.
ined. Phanera trichosepala L.P. Queiroz, Neodiversity 1(1): 7. 2006. = Schnella trichosepala (L.P. Queiroz)
Wunderlin, Phytoneuron 2010-49: 2. 2010. Phanera uleana (Harms) Vaz, Rodriguésia 6: 39. 2010. =
Schnella uleana (Harms) Wunderlin, Phytoneuron
2010-49: 5. 2010.
66 •
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
Phanera variegata (L.) Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. = Bauhinia variegata L. Sp. Pl.: 375. 1753. Phanera
velutina Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 2: 262. 1852. = Bauhinia pottsii G. Don var. velutina (Wall. ex
Benth.) K. Larsen & S.S. Larsen, Bot. Tidsskr. 74: 8. 1979.
Doubtful or poorly known names
Here we list Phanera names which are not validly published or whose application is uncertain. Phanera cordifolia
Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 66. 1855. = Bauhinia cordifolia Roxb. Fl. Ind., ed. 2: 332. 1824. Type unknown. According
to Hou et al. (1996), these names apply to a taxon described from the Molucca Is. and the specific epithet alludes to
leaf shape and venation. Phanera cordifolia Miq belongs to P. finlaysoniana but cannot be placed in one of the
varieties with any certainty. Phanera dasycarpa Miq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 1(1): 1078. 1858. The name refers to a single
fruiting collection made by Teijssmann in Sumatra which De Wit (1956) referred (in synonymy) to Bauhinia
(Phanera) rahmattii, a designation disputed by Hou et al. (1996), who were unable to place the collection
definitively. Phanera maculata A. Rich. ex Teijsm. & Binn., Cat. Hort. Bog.: 268. 1866 “Bourbon”. nomen. nud.
Phanera ochroleuca Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 69. 1855. Refers to a Blume s.n. collection (not seen), a possible
variant of Phanera glauca possessing leaves that are slightly hairier below and bearing more numerous secondary
veins than typical P. glauca. Phanera parvifolia Teijsm. & Binn., Cat. Hort. Bog.: 268. 1866. “China”. nomen. nud.
De Wit (1956) notes that this name is represented by sterile herbarium specimens (in BO) which probably belong
to Bauhinia corymbosa Roxb. Phanera rosea A. Rich. ex Teijsm. & Binn., Cat. Hort. Bog.: 268. 1866.
“Madagascar”. nomen. nud.
Bandyopadhyay, S., P.P. Ghoshal & Pathak, M.K. (2012) Fifty new combinations in Phanera Lour. (Leguminosae:
Caesalpinioideae) from Paleotropical Region. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 19(1): 55–61. Bortoluzzi, R.L.C.; Miotto, S.T.S. & Reis, A. (2006) Leguminosas-Cesalpinioídeas -
Tribos Cercideae, Detarieae: Bauhinia,
Copaifera e Tamarindus. In: Flora Ilustrada Catarinense. Herbário Barbosa Rodrigues, Itajaí. 96 pp. Bruneau, A., Forest, F.,
Herendeen, P.S., Klitgaard, B.B. & Lewis, G.P. (2008) Phylogenetic patterns and diversification in the
casalpinioid legumes. Botany 86: 697–718. Bruneau, A., Mercure, M., Lewis, G.P. & Herendeen, P.S. (2001) Phylogenetic
relationships in the Caesalpinioideae
(Leguminosae) as inferred from chloroplast trnL intron sequences. Systematic Botany 26: 487–514. Chen, T.C. (1988)
Bauhinia. Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae 39, Leguminosae 1:145–203. Science Press, Beijing. Duarte-Almeida, J.M., Negri,
G. & Salatino, J. (2004) Volatile oils in leaves of Bauhinia (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae).
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 32(8): 747–753. Hao, G., Zhang, D.X., Zhang,
M.Y., Guo, L.X. & Li, S.J. (2003) Phylogenetics of Bauhinia subgenus Phanera (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) based on ITS
sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 44: 223– 228. International Legume database
Service. Available at (accessed 12 June
2012). International Plant Names Index. Available at: (accessed 12 June 2012 & 19 Sept 2013). Lai, M.,
Sceppa, J., Ballenger, J.A. & Doyle, J.J. (1997) Polymorphism for the presence of the rpL2 Intron in Chloroplast
Genomes of Bauhinia (Leguminosae). Systematic Botany 22(3): 519–528. Larsen, S.S. (1975)
Pollen morphology of Thai speces of Bauhinia (Caesalpiniaceae). Grana 14: 114–131. Larsen, K. & Larsen, S.S. (1980) Notes on the genus Bauhinia in Thailand.
Thai Forest Bulletin 13: 37–46. Larsen, K. & Larsen, S.S. (1996) Caesalpiniaceae. In D. Hou, K. Larsen, S.S. Larsen, J.E.
Laferriere & Duyfjes, B.E.E. (eds.).
Flora Malesiana. Series 1, 12 (2): 409–784. Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus, Leiden University, Leiden. Larsen, K.,
Larsen, S.S. & Vidal, J. (1980) Légumineuses-Césalpinioïdées. In A. Aubréville & Leroy, J.-F. (eds.). Flore du
Cambodge du Laos et du Viêtnam 18: 1–227. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Larsen, K., Larsen, S.S. &
Vidal, J. (1984) In T. Smitinand & Larsen, K. (eds.). Flora of Thailand 4(1), Leguminosae-
Phytotaxa 166 (1) © 2014 Magnolia Press
Caesalpinioideae. The Forest Herbarium, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok. 129 pp. Lewis, G.P. & Forest, F. (2005) Cercideae.
In Lewis, G., Schrire, B., Mackinder, B. & Lock, M. (eds.). Legumes of the World.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 577 pp. Lewis, G., Schrire, B., Mackinder, B. & Lock, M. (2005) (eds.). Legumes of the
World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 577 pp. Li, Shugang, Langran Xu, Dezhao Chen, Xiangyun Zhu, Puhua Huang, Zhi Wei,
Ren Sa, Prof. Dianxiang Zhang, Bojian Bao, Delin Wu, Hang Sun, Gao Xinfen, Supee S. Larsen, Ivan Nielsen, Dieter Podlech,
Yingxin Liu, Hiroyoshi Ohashi, Chang Zhaoyang, Larsen,K. Jianqiang Li, Welsh, S.L., Vincent, M.A., Mingli Zhang, Gilbert,
M.G., Pedley, L., Schrire, B.D., Yakovlev, G.P., Thulin, M., Nielsen, I.C., Byoung-Hee Choi, Turland, N.J., Polhill, R.M.,
Larsen, S.S. Ding Hou, Yu Iokawa, Wilmot-Dear, C.M., Kenicer, G., Nemoto, T., Lock, J.M., Salinas, A.D., Kramina, T.E.,
Brach, A.R., Bartholomew, B. & Sokoloff, D.D. (2010) Fabacaeae. In: Wu Zhengyi, Raven, P.H. & Hong Deyuan (eds.). Flora of
China 10. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St Louis, pp 6–21. Loureiro, J. de. (1790.) Flora
Cochinchinensis. 1. 394 pp. LPWG [The Legume Phylogeny Working Group]. 2013. Legume phylogeny and classification in the
21st century: Progress,
prospects and lessons for other species-rich clades. Taxon. 62 (2) 217–248. Queiroz, de, L.P. (2006) New species and new combinations in Phanera Lour.
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