1 Geometrical Properties of Circles
1 Geometrical Properties of Circles
1 Geometrical Properties of Circles
Geometrical Properties of
Name: ( ) Class: Year 3 - ___ Date:
Did you know that the circle is the shape that has the largest possible ratio of area to perimeter?
This fact is one of the main reasons why bottles have a circular horizontal cross-section; any other
shape would require more material to contain the same amount of space.
Circles are special ellipses that have a constant length around a centre. Circles and their various
properties such as the radius, diameter, circumference and area, have applications in real life. If
the radius of a circle is known, all the other parameters can be calculated. Important information
can be determined for real life applications based on these parameters. For example, knowing the
circumference of the planets helps us to compare their relative sizes; artificial satellites that are
launched travel in orbits of a certain circumference; the radius of curvature of a camera lens can be
used to determine its focal length, which will then determine the sharpness of an image; pizza and
cake sizes are determined by the diameter of the pan in which they are baked.
In this topic, we will be learning about circles and their properties.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
relate the properties of a circle,
find the circumference and area of circles, semi-circles and quadrants,
apply trigonometric ratios for right-angled triangles to find unknown lengths or angles.
Adapted from Lim CH & Lai RW 2017, modified by Lim NY 2019
You are required to do self-directed learning (SDL) for this topic.
You will also need to take notes and summarise the topic for yourself.
1. Login to Student Learning Space (https://vle.learning.moe.edu.sg/)
Summary Maps
Adapted from Lim CH & Lai RW 2017, modified by Lim NY 2019
Angle Properties of Circles
Tangent Properties
Adapted from Lim CH & Lai RW 2017, modified by Lim NY 2019
3. The last section will show you worked examples. Take note of the presentations in
working, writing of reasons and the pointers given in the boxes.
Worked Example 1 C
In the diagram, AB is a diameter of the circle with D
centre O . C and D are two points on the circle and
CD is parallel to AB . Given that angle AOD 58 , B
calculate 58
(a) angle ACD ,
(b) angle ABC ,
(c) angle CAD .
[Solution] [Shinglee Mathematics 3 (modified)]
Adapted from Lim CH & Lai RW 2017, modified by Lim NY 2019
Worked Example 2
In the diagram below, P , Q , R and S are points on a circle. PQT and SRT are straight lines.
Given that angle PSR 62 and angle QRS 85 , find
(a) angle SPQ , (b) angle RQT , (c) angle QTR .
[Shinglee Mathematics 3 (modified)]
(a) ˆ 180 85 (s in opposite segments)
= 95
Worked Example 3
A circle, with centre O , passes through A , B ,
C and D . The tangents to the circle at A and A
B meet at P and BD is a diameter of the circle.
Given that angle APB 52 , find angle ACD . O
Join A to B by a dotted line.
PA PB (tangents from external point) 52
ˆ 180 52 ( sum of isosceles )
= 64
ˆ 90 (tangent radius)
ˆ 90 64
ˆ 26 (s in same segment)
Adapted from Lim CH & Lai RW 2017, modified by Lim NY 2019
From the document file 4 Geometrical Properties of Circles (Discovering Math)
Chord Properties of Circles Ex 10.1 (Pg 117 – 118) Q1 – 7
Angle Properties of Circles Ex 10.2 (Pg 128 – 130) Q1 – 9
Angle Properties of Circles Ex 10.3 (Pg 134 – 135) Q1 – 9
Tangent Properties of Circles Ex 10.4 (Pg 142 – 144) Q1 – 12
All Properties of Circles Revision Ex 10 (Pg 147 – 148) Q1 – 15
Adapted from Lim CH & Lai RW 2017, modified by Lim NY 2019