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Agitator Aug03

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Brandt Agitators

Brandt mechanical mud agitators;

the industry standard just got better.

MA-RG Series MA Series

VMA Series
Flat Impeller Canted Impeller Contour Impeller

Radial Flow Axial Flow

Brandt agitators serve the drilling industry with quality, time-proven for installations with limited footprint availability. These double-
mechanical agitation. The Brandt horizontally mounted MA series reduction, in-line, helical gear agitators provide smooth, vibration-
agitator has been the industry standard for many years. Its rugged free operation and efficient mixing, just like Brandt’s right-angle drive
design, simplicity and dependability have made it the preferred agitators.
choice of a majority of operators and contractors. The low profile of VMA series agitators align the motor shaft with the gear
Brandt horizontal agitators reduces headroom requirements. These reducer output shaft. The explosion-proof, C-face motor bolts on
quiet, vibration-free agitators come in vertical or horizontal styles. and couples to the double reduction helical gearbox. The entire
Brandt’s MA series with 30:1 single reduction worm-gear assembly bolts to a fabricated steel base plate, which is then
drive uses a sliding action worm and gear and are available from 3 mounted on the tank.
to 30 horsepower. Vertically mounted agitators are lighter than right-angle-
Brandt’s newer MA-RG (Right Angle Gear) series is a drive horizontal units, but produce the same mixing results. In some
double-reduction helical gear designed primarily for applications instances, horsepower requirements are reduced due to the 95%
requiring more than 15 horsepower. Up to 95% mechanical efficiency of the helical gearing.
efficiency helps reduce horsepower requirements. Impellers
The 1:1 ratio of height-to-width of both horizontally Brandt agitators are available with three types of impellers
mounted drive designs (MA and MA-RG) results in a low center of and are sized according to tank volume and expected duty. Active
gravity and requires less overhead space. mud system compartments (such as solids removal sections, mud
Brandt’s Vertical Mechanical Agitator (VMA) series is ideal mixing sections and slug pits) need a higher shear force to produce
Model HP Length Height Width Min. Impeller Shaft Shaft Agitator Length Height Width Min. Impeller Shaft Shaft Agitator
(in) (in) (in) Dia. (in) Diameter Wt. Les s Shaft (mm) (mm) (mm) Dia. (mm) Diameter Wt. Les s Shaft
Canted - Contour (in) (lbs /ft) & Impeller Canted - Contour (mm) (kg/m) & Impeller
Wt. (lbs) Wt. (kg)
MA3 3 35 1/4 15 11/16 19 9/16 24 28 1 3/4 8 1/4 406 895 398 497 610 711 44 12 184
MA5 5 40 1/4 16 3/4 21 9/16 28 34 2 3/8 15 580 1022 425 548 711 864 60 22 263
MA7.5 7.5 52 1/8 24 1/4 27 5/8 32 38 2 3/8 15 1200 1324 616 702 813 965 60 22 544
MA10 10 52 1/8 24 1/4 27 5/8 32 42 3 24 1224 1324 616 702 813 1067 76 36 555
MA15 15 52 1/8 24 1/4 27 5/8 36 48 3 24 1320 1324 616 702 914 1219 76 36 599
MA20 20 61 1/4 27 1/8 34 1/4 40 52 3 1/4 28 1/4 1898 1556 689 870 1016 1321 83 42 861
MA25 25 68 5/8 30 7/8 39 1/2 40 60 3 1/2 32 3/4 3130 1743 784 1003 1016 1524 89 49 1420
MA30 30 68 5/8 30 7/8 39 1/2 40 64 3 1/2 32 3/4 3180 1743 784 1003 1016 1626 89 49 1442

MA20RG 20 58 7/8 24 1/2 26 40 52 3 1/4 28 1/4 1267 1495 622 660 1016 1321 83 42 575
MA25RG 25 66 7/8 26 7/8 33 13/16 40 60 3 1/2 32 3/4 2025 1699 683 859 1016 1524 89 49 918
MA30RG 30 66 7/8 26 7/8 33 13/16 40 64 3 1/2 32 3/4 2027 1699 683 859 1016 1626 89 49 919

VMA3 3 20 34 7/8 20 24 28 1 3/4 8 1/4 410 508 886 508 610 711 44 12 186
VMA5 5 20 36 1/2 20 28 34 2 3/8 15 535 508 927 508 711 864 60 22 243
VMA7.5 7.5 20 40 7/16 20 32 38 2 3/8 15 632 508 1027 508 813 965 60 22 287
VMA10 10 22 42 22 32 42 3 24 967 559 1067 559 813 1067 76 36 439
VMA15 15 22 48 5/8 22 36 48 3 24 1009 559 1235 559 914 1219 76 36 458
VMA20 20 26 50 5/8 26 40 52 3 1/4 28 1/4 1257 660 1286 660 1016 1321 83 42 570
VMA25 25 26 55 1/2 26 40 60 3 1/2 32 3/4 1587 660 1410 660 1016 1524 89 49 720
VMA30 30 26 56 7/8 26 40 64 3 1/2 32 3/4 1900 660 1445 660 1016 1626 89 49 862

immediate mixing. Therefore, Brandt For bulk storage tanks, high-

recommends either a flat blade or canted efficiency, contour impellers are best.

blade, depending on tank depth. Low This variable pitch impeller reduces

shear contour blades are ideal for bulk horsepower requirements and induces

storage and suction compartments. less shearing force to the fluid.

For active mud system compart- Shafts

ments less than 5 feet high (1.52 meters), a Two types of shafts are

flat blade impeller can be used to induce available. Solid shafts of mild steel are

radial flow patterns in the mud. Properly cut to length and joined to the gearbox

placed, the impeller will impart some axial output shaft with a rigid coupling. Solid

flow to the system and suspension will be shafts are keyed at the bottom for

adequate for most applications. adjustment of impeller height. A bottom

When compartment height is end stabilizer is supplied when tank

greater than 5 feet, a 60-degree canted depths exceed 6 feet. The stabilizer

impeller will promote an axial flow pattern reduces side loading and protects the

as well as radial flow. For tanks deeper agitator when auxiliary equipment is

than 12 feet (3.66 meters), two or more carried inside the mud tanks during rig

impeller blades may be used in combina- moves.

VMA Series MA Series
60 Hz 50 Hz
Diameter Canted Flat Contour Canted Flat Contour
20 508 909 3441 1051 3978 N/A N/A 760 2877 877 3319 N/A N/A
24 610 1645 6226 1941 7347 N/A N/A 1373 5197 1620 6132 N/A N/A
28 711 2468 9341 2839 10746 5861 22185 2060 7797 2370 8970 4884 18487
32 813 3764 14247 4635 17543 N/A N/A 3142 11892 3644 13793 N/A N/A
34 864 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8790 33270 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7325 27725
36 914 5402 20447 6273 23743 9180 34746 4510 17070 5237 19822 7650 28955
38 965 6343 24008 7342 27789 10604 40136 5295 20042 6130 23202 8837 33447
40 1016 7284 27570 8411 31836 N/A N/A 6081 23017 7023 26582 N/A N/A
42 1067 N/A N/A N/A N/A 13940 52762 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11617 43968
44 1118 9928 37577 11300 42771 N/A N/A 8288 31370 9435 35711 N/A N/A
45 1143 N/A N/A N/A N/A 16812 63633 N/A N/A N/A N/A 14010 53027
48 1219 12512 47358 14401 54508 20020 75776 10445 39534 12024 45511 16684 63147
52 1321 16100 60939 18630 70515 24852 94063 13440 50870 15552 58864 20710 78386
54 1372 N/A N/A N/A N/A 27602 104475 N/A N/A N/A N/A 23002 87063
56 1422 N/A N/A N/A N/A 30353 114887 N/A N/A N/A N/A 25294 95739
60 1524 N/A N/A N/A N/A 36567 138404 N/A N/A N/A N/A 30472 115337
64 1626 N/A N/A N/A N/A 43533 164771 N/A N/A N/A N/A 36277 137309

Hollow steel shafts are available for deep tanks. They are engineering staff and displayed in the chart)
supplied in flanged sections and bolted together, making them ideal For 60-degree canted impeller applications, TOR should
when lifting height is limited. Most hollow shafts use Contour impellers be between 40 and 85 seconds. As the TOR approaches 40
that are bolted in place, further simplifying on-site assembly. seconds, the chance for air entrainment increases. At TOR greater
Sizing Recommendations than 85 seconds, proper suspension may be jeopardized and solids
Regardless of what style agitator or impeller is used, will begin to settle.
proper sizing is critical. Impeller sizes are determined by calculating For contour impeller applications, TOR must be signifi-
the Turn Over Rate (TOR) for each agitated compartment. TOR is cantly faster to achieve the same results, but because of the
the time required in seconds to completely move the fluid in a dominant axial flow, air entrainment is not a problem.
compartment and can be calculated by knowing the tank volume and
impeller displacement.
TOR = × 60 Canted/Flat
50-75 50-75 65-85 50-80 40-65
D Impeller

• Vt = Tank volume gallons Contour Blade 25-38 25-38 32-42 25-40 20-32

• D = Impeller displacement in gpm (as calculated by Brandt

engineering staff and displayed in the chart) When defining the area to stir, it is best to work with
For tanks sized to metric specifications symmetrically consistent shapes like squares or circles. Many tanks
• Vt = Tank volume liters are rectangular shaped and should be converted to nearly square
• D = Impeller displacement in lpm (as calculated by Brandt compartments if possible.
Brandt Agitators

Canted Impeller at 57.5 rpm Flat Impeller at 57.5 rpm

8.3 ppg 12 ppg 16 ppg 20 ppg 8.3 ppg 12 ppg 16 ppg 20 ppg

52 52

48 48

44 44

Impeller Diameter (in)

Impeller Diameter (in)

40 40

36 36

32 32

28 28

24 24

20 20
3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30
Horsepower Horsepower

Always contact Brandt to confirm proper agitator sizing

MA Series VMA Series


1 Calculate the volume. Vt = L x W x H (in feet) x 7.481 x 10 feet square. Determine the volume (Vt). Note: Brandt recommends
2 If H < 5 feet, a flat blade impeller should be considered subtracting one foot from the overall tank height to determine the working
3 Choose the appropriate impeller from the table so that TOR is fluid volume, in this example use 9 feet for H.
within the recommended range. As a rule, choose an initial value of “D” Vt = 10 x 10 x 9 x 7.48
close to Vt to increase the accuracy of the selection. Vt = 6732 gallons
4 Locate the chosen impeller diameter on the appropriate TOR = [Vt / D (from chart on facing page)] x 60
power chart. Follow the impeller diameter line until it intersects the TOR = (6732 / 6343) x 60
maximum anticipated weight on the curve and trace it to the power TOR = 1.06 x 60 or about 64
required. Compare this TOR to the chart and determine suitability for compartment
Example purpose. If higher TOR is desired, then choose a larger impeller, if less
Consider a compartment 30 feet long, 10 feet wide and 10 feet high that TOR is desired, choose a smaller impeller and recalculate.
will use a maximum mud weight of 16 pounds per gallon (ppg). Convert Looking at the canted impeller power chart, follow the 38-inch
the compartment to square shapes. In this case 3 compartments 10 feet impeller line (between 36 and 40) horizontally until it intersects the 16
ppg power curve. From that point, drop vertically to determine the
horsepower. In this example, the curve falls within the 10 HP band.
Therefore, three 10 HP agitators with canted impellers are suitable.
From Flowline To Disposal, Brandt has the solution to your
separation and waste management problems. We are one of the Varco
Companies; technology leaders to the drilling industry.
Western Hemisphere Louisiana - New Orleans Texas - Corpus Christi Texas - Odessa
USA 1515 Poydras St. Ste. 1850 426 Flato Rd. 4710 Andrews Highway
Brandt / A Varco Co. New Orleans, LA 70112 Corpus Christi, TX 78405 Odessa, TX 79762
2800 North Frazier Tel: (504) 636-3660 Tel: (361) 289-7794 Tel: (915) 550-6802
Conroe, TX 77303 Fax: (504) 636-3670 Fax: (361) 289-9058 Fax: (915) 550-3190
Main Tel: (936) 441-0006
Screen Tel: (936) 756-4800 North Dakota - Dickinson Texas - Houston Advanced Wire Cloth
4965 2nd St. S.W. 12950 West Little York 618 Hangar Drive
California - Bakersfield Dickinson, ND 58601 Houston, TX 77041 New Iberia, LA 70560
7300 Downing Ave. Tel: (701) 227-8608 Tel: (713) 856-4100 Tel: (337) 365-7700
Bakersfield, CA 93308 Fax: (701) 227-8612 Fax: (713) 856-4133 Fax: (337) 365-0375
Tel: (661) 588-8503
Fax: (661) 588-8506 Oklahoma - Yukon Texas - Houston
919 17th St. 4506B Brittmoore
Louisiana - Lafayette Yukon, OK 73099 Houston, TX 77041
1327 Eraste Landry Tel: (405) 350-7077 Tel: (713) 980-8200
Lafayette, LA 70506 Fax: (405) 354-6749 Fax: (713) 466-1496
Tel: (337) 235-5935
Fax: (337) 235-3739

Alberta - Calgary Alberta - Leduc Newfoundland - St. John’s Nova Scotia - Halifax
#1600, 540-5th Avenue S.W. 6616-45 Street 26 Glencoe Dr. 1959 Upper Water St.
Calgary, Alberta T2P 0M2 Leduc, Alberta T9E 7C9 Mt. Pearl, St. John’s A1N 458 Purdy’s Tower 1, Ste. 407
Tel: (403) 264-9646 Tel: (780) 986-6063 Tel: (709) 748-7889 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3N2
Fax: (780) 980-8300 Fax: (709) 748-7891 Tel: (902)425-4245
Fax: (902)422-2388

Latin America
Argentina - Buenos Aires Colombia - Bogota Mexico - Villahermosa, Venezuela - Estado Zulia
San Martin 345, 4to Piso Carrera 9A No. 97A-53 Tabasco Av. 58 No. 140-315 Zona
Tel: 54 114-394-3939 Tel: 57 644-4510 Ave. Periferico No. 506, Col. Industrial
Fax: 54 114-394-3939 Fax: 57 635-5758 Plutarco Elias Calles, A 200 Mts. Tel: 58 2617-379619
De Sandino Fax: 58 2617-379624
Bolivia - Santa Cruz de la Ecuador - Quito Tel: 52 993 352-2522
Sierra Luxemburgo 143 y Holanda Fax: 52 993-352-2726
KM 6.5 Carretera Antigua Tel: 593 2-224-3212
Acochabamba (Al lado Casa Fax: 593 2-224-3212 Trinidad - La Romain
Cotas) Bldg. 5A., Edoo's Dr, Edoo's
Tel: 591 33 553500 Peru - San Isidro Industrial Complex, South
Fax: 591 33-553-501 Paseo De la Republica 3195 Trunk Road
#403 Tel: 868 652-3707
Brazil - Rio De Janeiro Tel: 51 1 221-1813 Fax: 868 657-9771
Padre Guilherme Lago Castro Fax: 51 1-222-2474
Tel: 55 222 773-5437
Fax: 55 222-763-9346

Eastern Hemisphere
Egypt - Cairo Norway - Stavenger The Netherlands UK - Aberdeen, Scotland
11 Road 265 GamleSpecifications
Forusvn De Hulteweg 3B Badentoy Way, Badentoy Park
Tel: 202 7544050 Stavenger N-4033 Tel: 31 524-582718 Tel: 44 1224-787700
Fax: 202 7544051 Tel: 47 51951470 Fax: 31 524-534814 Fax: 44 1224-784555
Fax: 47 5195146070
Indonesia - Jakarta U.A.E - Dubai
JL Ampera Raya, 9-10 Cilandak Nigeria Al Quoz Industrial Area
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12550 Tel: 234 84-573119 Tel: 971 4-3472468
Tel: 62-21-789 1621 Fax: 971 4-3472340
Fax: 62-21-782-7384 Singapore
39 Gul Avenue 629679 ©Copyright 2003, Varco L.P. All rights reserved.
Tel: 65 6 862-1169 Brandt is a Division of Varco, L.P.
Brandt is a trademark of Varco I/P.
Fax: 65 6 862 0183 VS.028.04.03

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