Power Field Strength
Power Field Strength
Power Field Strength
Calculating Radiated Power and Field Strength
for Conducted Power Measurements
1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents............................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Index of Figures ..................................................................................................................... 2
2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Antennas and Power Density .......................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Isotropic Antennas ................................................................................................................. 3
4 Free Space Path Loss ..................................................................................................................... 5
5 Antenna Coefficients........................................................................................................................ 6
5.1 Antenna Correction Factor..................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Antenna Factor ...................................................................................................................... 7
6 Field Strength Conversions ............................................................................................................. 7
7 Effective Isotropic Radiated Power Conversion .............................................................................. 8
8 References....................................................................................................................................... 9
2 Introduction
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulations for Radio Frequency Devices defines
power and radiated limits in terms of electric field strength measured in volts/meter (typically at a
distance of 3 meters) from the source.
Unless the engineer has access to a RF anechoic chamber, GigaHertz transverse electromagnetic
(GTEM) cell, or open area test site (OATS), most measurements will be made as conducted power
measurements into the 50 Ω load presented by the test equipment.
This application note will explain the relationship between conducted power levels and radiated power
field strengths.
The isotropic antenna radiates energy equally in all directions; hence the radiation pattern in any
plane is circular, as illustrated below in Figure 1.
Pd = Watts/m
4πr 2
Poynting’s theorem defines the relationship between the power density to the E-field and H-field
vectors as defined below:
Pd = E × H Watts/m2
30 P
E= V/m (2)
The isotropic antenna is considered to have a power gain, Gi = 1. Referring to Figure 1, above, if an
antenna with gain GT were placed at point O, the power received at point Q would be increased by
GT. Hence, the field strength at point Q will be increased:
30 PT GT
E= V/m (3)
Where PT is the transmitter power, GT is the antenna gain.
Similarly, for an antenna with gain GT, we can rewrite equation (1) as:
Pd = Watts/m2 (4)
4πr 2
If GT = 1 (e.g. the gain of an Isotropic antenna with gain, Gi), the radiated power calculated in equation
(4) is referred to as the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) and is the power that would be
radiated from a transmitter of Power PT from an ideal omnidirectional source.
Re-arranging (3), and with GT = 1, we can determine the EIRP in terms of the field strength:
E 2r 2
PT = (5)
As an example, FCC Part 15.249(a) states that the maximum field strength for ISM band devices
operating in the 902 – 928 MHz band is 50 mV/m. Since field strength is typically measured at 3 m,
we can rewrite (5) to calculate the EIRP as follows:
PT = 0.3E 2
PT = 0.75mW = −1.25dBm
Assume that a transmitter at T with transmitter power PT and antenna gain GT. The power density, Pd,
at the receiver, Q is as previously defined in equation (4).
Pd = Watts/m
4πr 2
The radiated power received at the antenna port is a function of the effective aperture of the antenna:
Gant λ2
Ae = m
If the gain of the receiver antenna, Gant = GR, we can calculate the power received as:
PR = Pd Ae (7)
PR = (8)
(4πr ) 2
Whilst we can re-arrange (8) to determine the theoretical transmission range, it should be noticed that
in the real world situation, factors such as reflections, scattering, shadowing, terrain and environment
will impact upon the transmission range.
5 Antenna Coefficients
5.1 Antenna Correction Factor
Typically laboratory based power measurements are made with test equipment that has a
characteristic impedance of 50Ω. As has been defined above, the characteristic impedance of free
space is (120π)Ω or 377Ω.
PL = Pd Ae (9)
If PL is measured in a 50Ω load and Pd in a free space impedance of 377Ω, then the following
relationships apply:
PL = and Pd = (10)
50 377
Hence, we can re-write equation (9):
= Ae (11)
50 377
Note that VL2 is in units of volts, whilst E2 is in volts/meter. The effective aperture of the antenna, with
units of m , converts free space power density to circuit power.
The relationship between radiated and conducted power can be made clearer by defining an antenna
correction factor (ACF), which is introduced in equation (12):
E 2 -2
ACF = 2
m (12)
377 1
50 A e
By substituting equation (6) into the above, the antenna correction factor can be defined as:
377 4π -2
ACF = m (13)
50 Gant λ
377 10
( f , MHz )2 1
ACF = 4π
50 3 × 108 )
This coefficient is a called Antenna Factor (AF) and is generally quoted as a function of frequency (or
E E2
AF = = 2
λ2 Gant E 2
PL =
4π 377
(3 ×108 ) 2 Gant E 2
PL =
( f , MHz ) (10 ) 4π 377
2 6 2
For power in mW and field strength in µV/m, and calculating the constant terms:
1.90 × 10 −8 Gant ( E , µV / m) 2
PL (mW ) = (17)
( f , MHz ) 2
Since PL is related to power measured in a circuit (by using a spectrum analyzer) by the terms for any
path gains between the antenna and the analyzer, we can rewrite PL = Pmeas – Pgain. Equation (18)
Equation 19 is the key equation for converting power measured in a circuit (in dBm) into incident field
strength in dBµV/m.
PR = Pd Ae = Ae T T2 = Ae 2
4πr 4πr
From equation (6), the effective aperture of the antenna is the effective aperture of an isotropic
antenna multiplied by the gain of the antenna (Gant = GR):
GR λ2
Ae =
Taking log(10) of both sides of equation (20), and if the frequency, f, is in MHz, distance, r, is in
meters, and substituting for λ=c/f:
For the measurements required by FCC Part 15, equation (21) is a convenient method of calculating
the power in the receiver.
Since measurements are typically made at a distance of 3 meters, we can rewrite equation (21):
If the gain of the receiver antenna is known and the received power has been measured at a distance
of r meters from the source, we can rearrange equations (21) and (22) to calculate the EIRP:
And assuming that the distance r is 3 m as in the case defined for equation (22):
8 References
• F.R. Connor; “Antennas” Edward Arnold, 1972
• Softwright LLC; http://www.softwright.com/faq/faq_engineering.html)
• F. Sanders; “Conversion of Power Measured in a Circuit to Incident Field Strength and
Incident Power Density, and Corrections to Measured Emission Spectra for Non-Constant
Aperture Measurement Antennas” (Appendix C of NTIA Report 01-383, Jan 2001)