Design of Compact F-Shaped Slot Triple Band Antenna For Wlan/Wimax Applications

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Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications REPORTED ANTENNAS .

Ref. Size Operating Bands (GHz)

Lalit Kumar, Anil Kumar Gautam, Member, IEEE, (mm×mm) WLAN (2.4-2.5 GHz, 5.2-5.8 GHz)
Binod Kumar Kanaujia, Member, IEEE and Karumudi WiMAX (2.3-2.6 GHz, 3.3-3.8 GHz, 5.7-5.85 GHz)
Rambabu, Member, IEEE
[1] 28×32 2.34–2.8, 3.16–4.06, 4.69–5.37
[2] 35×30 2.4–3.0, 3.25–3.68, 4.9–6.2
Abstract—This article presents a small, low-profile planar [3] 120×40 2.39–2.90, 4.97–5.98
triple-band microstrip antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications. [4] 64×62 2.38–2.49, 3.49–3.63, 5.57–6.20
The goal of this paper is to combine WLAN and WiMAX
[5] 20×30 2.39-2.51, 3.15-3.91, 4.91-6.08
communication standards simultaneously into a single device by
designing a single antenna that can excite triple-band opera- [6] 18×37 2.35–2.53, 3.34—3.85, 5.05–6.28
tion. The designed antenna has a compact size of 19×25mm2 [7] 18×37 2.38–2.78, 3.28–3.76, 4.96–5.96
(0.152λ0 ×0.2λ0 ). The proposed antenna consists of F-shaped slot [8] 33×36 2.28–2.66, 3.35–3.65, 5–5.3, 5.73–5.85
radiators and a defected ground plane. Since only two F-shaped
[9] 50×90 2.4–2.484, 5.15–5.35, 5.7–5.82
slots are etched on the either sides of the radiator for triple
band operation, the radiator is very compact in size and simple [10] 21×29 2.39–2.51, 3.38–3.72, 4.79–6.24
in structure. The antenna shows three distinct bands I from [11] 23×36.5 2.33–2.76, 3.05–3.88, 5.57–5.88
2.0-2.76, II from 3.04-4.0 and III from 5.2-6.0 GHz that covers [12] 23×36.5 2.0–2.15, 2.75–3.52, 5.4–5.9
entire WLAN (2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz) and WiMAX (2.5/3.5/5.5) bands. [13] 11×33 2.3–2.7, 3.3–3.8, 4.9–5.85
To validate the proposed design, an experimental prototype has
been fabricated and tested. Thus the simulation results along [14] 40×45 2.3–4, 5–6.6
with the measurements show that the antenna can simultaneously Proposed 19×25 2.0-2.76, 3.04-4.0, 5.2-6.0
operate over WLAN (2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz) and WiMAX (2.5/3.5/5.5
GHz) frequency bands.
Index Terms—Multiband antenna, Triple band, WiMAX,
WLAN Application. band antenna, and vias on the longer arm of the patch are
used for the purpose of compactness [4]. Inverted L-slot patch
with a defected ground plane is used for triple band operation
I. I NTRODUCTION in [5], whereas three circular-arc-shaped strips whose whole
geometry looks like “ear” type antenna is reported to cover
Mobile devices such as handheld computers and smart
the desirable bands for WLAN/WiMAX wireless communi-
phones are widely using wireless local area network
cation terminal in [6]. An F-shaped microstrip slot antenna
(WLAN) and worldwide interoperability for microwave access
with both open ended and short-ended slots connected by a
(WiMAX) for Internet access. The WLAN/WiMAX module,
metal ”via” to a microstrip line is exploited for WLAN and
used to avail of these environments, is capable of operating
WiMAX multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems in
at multiple frequency bands. Due to the appealing features
[7]. A monopole antenna with two rectangular corners cut off
such as simple feeding, low profile, low manufacturing cost
and two inverted-L slots are etched to achieve three resonant
and easy-to-integrate, the microstrip patch antennas are most
modes for triband operation is presented in [8]. An asymmetric
popular candidates for these devices. The federal commu-
coplanar strip (ACS)-fed structure was introduced in [9],
nication commission (FCC) specified spectrum for WLAN
MTM-inspired reactive loading and metamaterial transmission
is centered at 2.4, 5.2 and 5.8 GHz and for WiMAX at
lines are used in [10] and [11] respectively for triple band
2.5, 3.5 and 5.5 GHz. However, a number of microstrip
operation. In [12], a frequency agile triple band microstrip
antennas with different geometries have been experimentally
antenna using defected ground structure is presented, and in
characterized to reduce the size and enhance the bandwidth
[13], a meandering split-ring slot is proposed to generate three
for WLAN/WiMAX applications [1]–[9]. A square slot, a
distinct bands. In [14], the antenna can cover the required
pair of L-strips, and a monopole radiator are used to excite
bands with an extremely small form factor with the aid of the
three different resonances in [1]. In [2] a microstrip feed
MTM-inspired reactive loading and L-shaped slot. Although,
line, a substrate, and a ground plane on which some simple
all the reported antennas exhibit triple band performance, but
slots are etched to achieve triband operation. A non uniform
in comparison the proposed antenna occupies the smallest area
meander-line and a fork-type ground is proposed for triple-
and has simpler geometry to realize the required operating
band wireless local-area network (WLAN) applications in [3].
bands compared to other designs shown in as shown in the
An asymmetric M-shaped patch is used to design a triple
Lalit Kumar and A K Gautam are with the Department of Electronics & In this paper, a compact F-shaped planar antenna is pro-
Communication Engineering, G. B. Pant Engineering college, Pauri Garhwal, posed and designed for wireless communication systems that
Uttarakhand-246 194, INDIA, e-mail:
B K Kanaujia is with department of Electronics & Communication En- can support the triple-band WLAN/WiMAX applications. The
gineering, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & proposed antenna consists of two F-shaped slots of the same
Research, Geeta Colony, Delhi-110031, INDIA. size are etched on a rectangular patch to achieve multi-
K Rambabu is with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2V4 e-mail: ram- band operation. The impedance matching in this design is achieved by printing a circular shape patch that is gap coupled

0018-926X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2015.2513099, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

L4 y
z Parameters Unit (mm) Parameters Unit (mm)
L 15.0 WR 2.8

Dielectric Substrate
L1 L1 9.0 W1 1.25

Ground Plane
R L2 8.8 W2 5.25

L3 0.6 W3 1.0
L4 1.0 W4 0.4
WR L5 1.0 W5 6.25
L6 1.2 R 7.9
Lg 3.9 Wg 19.0

Wg Lf 9.0 Wf 3.0
W3 W4 Wf W5

(a) Top View (b) Bottom View (c) Side View

that inclusion of an additional L-shaped slot on the radiating

Fig. 1. Schematic configuration of the proposed triple band antenna.
patch of the antenna provides another additional resonance.
Finally, ground plane is modified by printing circular-shaped
patch to improve the impedance matching (Fig. 3).
with rectangular ground plane on the other side of dielectric
substrate. The proposed antenna shows three distinct reso-
nances with impedance bandwidths of 2.0–2.76 GHz (760
MHz), 3.04–4.0 (964 MHz) and 5.2–6.0 GHz (800 MHz)
respectively. The antenna configuration has a compact size of
19mm×25mm. Since the F-shaped slots are etched on the left
and right sides of the radiator for triple band operation, the
antenna is very compact in size and simple in structure. To
validate the proposed design, an experimental prototype has Ant 1 Ant 2
been fabricated and tested. Details of antenna design and the
simulated and measured results are presented and discussed in
the following sections.


Fig.1 illustrates the geometry and dimensions of the pro-
posed triple-band antenna for WLAN and WiMAX triple-band
operation. The proposed antenna is fabricated on the FR4 Ant 4
Ant 3
dielectric substrate of thickness 1.6mm, relative permittivity
of 4.4, and dielectric loss tangent of 0.02. The overall size Fig. 2. Antenna geometry evolution for the proposed design.
of the proposed antenna is only 19mm×25mm or about
0.152λ0×0.2λ0 , where λ is the free-space wavelength at the To study the operating principle and the relationship be-
desired first resonant frequency 2.4 GHz. The antenna is tween resonant frequencies and important parameters of the
composed of a rectangular shaped radiator with two F-shaped antenna, the simulated surface current distributions are plotted
slots of equal size, formed by dimensions W1 , L1 , W2 , and L2 , at the sample frequencies of 2.55, 3.39, and 5.69 GHz, which
are etched on the left and right side of the radiator. A circular- are shown in Fig.4. From Fig. 4 (a), one can find that the
shaped patch is printed with a rectangular ground plane on strong surface current concentrates on the main radiating
the backside of the dielectric substrate. Computer Simulation patch and right side of the F-slot patch. Therefore, it can be
Technology (CST) Microwave Studio (MWS) and Ansoft’s understood that the 2.4/2.5 GHz WLAN resonance occurs due
HFSS commercial software are used to optimize parameters to the middle and right side of the patch. For the 3.5 GHz
for triple-band operation of the proposed compact antenna, and operation [see Fig. 4(b)] it is observed that the resonance
the dimensions are listed in the Table II. occurs due to F-shaped slot on the left hand side of the
The antenna design evolution process to achieve the triple- patch. The third (highest) resonant mode of the antenna, by
band operation for WLAN/WiMAX applications is shown in considering the current distribution of the antenna as shown
Fig. 2. The antenna design starts by a conventional rectangular in Fig. 4(c), arises from the currents on the upper and lower
patch and ground plane, and from the Fig. 3 it can be observed strip formed due to the F-shaped slots on the radiating patch
that in this case a single resonant mode seems to form at and feed line. This clearly indicates the importance of the
about 3.0 GHz [see Ant 1)]. The Ant 2 (Fig. 2) illustrates embedded slot on the proposed antenna resonance. Moreover,
that two modes are resonating at 2.8 and 4.2 GHz due to the at this frequency a strong current distribution is noticed on the
modification of the radiating patch by etching two L-shaped finite ground plane around the circular strip. Further analysis
slots each on either boundaries of the patch. Ant 3 indicates shows that the circular strip on the ground plane improves

0018-926X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2015.2513099, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

bands shift towards the lower frequency. According to this, the
10 optimal value of radius (R) of the circular patch beneath the
radiator is chosen as 7.9 mm.
Return Loss [dB] 20
The design strategy for the excitation of triple band and to
30 calculate the first-cut dimensions of the L-shaped patch and
the slots has been explained as follows.
Ant 1 A. First Resonance
50 Ant 2
Ant 3 The first resonance in the proposed antenna is excited due
60 Ant 4 (proposed) to the middle and right side of the patch. At the resonance, this
length would be half of the wavelength in the medium. The
2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 boundary condition for the first resonance can be seen from
Frequency [GHz]
the Fig. 4(a), in which the maxima of the current occurs at
Fig. 3. Simulated return loss against frequency for the various antenna the main radiating patch and right side F-slot patch, therefore,
configurations. the length of the radiating patch responsible for first resonance
can be calculated as
Lr1 = (L − L5 ) + (Wf + W5 ) + (L2 + L6 − L4 ) (1)
From the data presented in Table-II, Lr1 = 32.25 mm. Here
the effective dielectric constant of the antenna is calculated
based on the equation given in [15]. Therefore, the effective
dielectric constant (ǫref f ), due to the circular patch beneath
the radiating patch, is 3.86. At the resonance, Lr1 should be
λg /2. Therefore,
fr1 = √ ≈ 2.37GHz (2)
Fig. 4. Simulated surface current distributions at (a) 2.55 GHz, (b) 3.5 GHz 2Lr1 ǫref f
and (c) 5.69 GHz.
The effectiveness of the design method is further validated by
predicting the first resonance frequency for the data presented
the impedance matching and the bandwidth of the mode; and in Fig. 6. In the Table- III, the first resonant frequency as a
it does not contribute to the third resonance. Thus from the function of L2 is compared with the full-wave simulated data.
current distribution it can be concluded that the proposed
antenna can generate triple band covering the 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz
WLAN and 2.5/3.5/5.5 GHz WiMAX bands. L2 Lr1 Resonant frequency (GHz) % difference

0 (mm) (mm) Design equation Full-wave simulation

6.8 30.25 2.53 2.64 4.16
10 7.8 31.25 2.45 2.61 6.13
8.8 32.25 2.37 2.55 7.01
Return Loss [dB]

20 9.8 33.25 2.3 2.50 8.0

10.8 34.25 2.23 2.42 7.8

40 6.9mm
Fig. 6 clarifies the effect of L2 of the F-shaped slot on
7.9mm(proposed) the right hand side of the radiator on return loss of the
50 8.4mm antenna. As seen in Fig. 6 by varying the slot length L2 , there
is no significant change in the second and third resonance,
2 3 4 5 6 6.5 whereas the first resonance is very sensitive to this dimension.
As the length is increased from 6.8 mm to 10.8 mm, the
Fig. 5. Simulated return loss against frequency for the proposed antenna first resonance shifts towards lower frequency side. Further
with various R; other parameters are the same as listed in Table II. increase in length spoils the boundary condition necessary for
the first resonance. Hence, to cover the triple-band accurately,
Fig. 5 displays the effect of radius R of the circular patch the value of L2 is selected to be 8.8 mm. From Table-III, it
beneath the radiator and gap coupled with ground plane on can be seen that the resonant frequencies calculated from the
return loss of the antenna. Results depict that the radius R design method are agreeing well with the simulated data.
influences the antenna performance significantly. By increas-
ing the radius to 7.9 mm all modes are excited, bandwidth B. Second Resonance
and impedance matching are improved considerably. Further The second resonance is excited due to the F-slot on the
increasing the radius from 7.9 mm to 8.9 mm all the frequency left hand side of the radiating patch, which is evident from

0018-926X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2015.2513099, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation


10 L1 Lr2 Resonant frequency (GHz) % difference

(mm) (mm) Design equation Full-wave simulation
Return Loss [dB]
20 7 21.05 3.62 3.5 3.3
8 22.05 3.46 3.43 0.8
9 23.05 3.31 3.39 2.3

40 6.8mm 10 24.05 3.27 3.34 2.1

7.8mm 11 25.05 3.10 3.23 4.0
8.8mm (proposed)
2 3 4 5 6 6.5 this Fig. it is clearly illustrated that one of the current minima
Frequency [GHz]
occurs at the end of the edge and the other on the feed line.
Fig. 6. Simulated return loss against frequency for the proposed antenna At resonant frequency, the length of the current path would
with various L2 of F-slot on the right hand side of the radiating patch; other be half of the guided wavelength. Therefore,
parameters are same as listed in Table II.

Lr3 = L2 + W2 − W4 (4)
Here the effective dielectric constant of the medium is 3.86.
The effectiveness of the design method is further validated by
predicting the third resonance frequency for the data presented
Return Loss [dB]

in Fig. 8. In the Table- V, the third resonant frequency as a
30 function of W2 of the right side is compared with the full-wave
simulated data.
10mm TABLE V
50 8mm
7mm W2 Lr3 Resonant frequency (GHz) % difference
60 (mm) (mm) Design equation Full-wave simulation
2 3 4 5 6 6.5
Frequency [GHz] 5.25 13.65 5.59 5.69 1.75
4.75 13.15 5.8 5.85 0.8
Fig. 7. Simulated return loss against frequency for the triple band antenna 4.25 12.65 6.04 6.00 0.66
with various L1 of the F-slot on the left hand side of the radiating patch;
other parameters are same as listed in Table II. 3.75 12.15 6.28 6.15 2.1
3.25 11.65 6.55 6.26 4.42

the Fig. 7. However, for the boundary condition in this case,

From Fig. 8 and Table-V, it can be seen that the resonant
the electric field maxima occurs at the slot edges as shown in
frequencies calculated from the design method are agreeing
Fig. 4(b). From the data given in the Table-II, the length of
well with the simulated data.
the slot is 23.05 mm, as
Lr2 = L1 + L2 + W2 (3)
Therefore, fr2 = 3.31 GHz for ǫref f = 3.86. However, the
Return Loss [dB]

full-wave simulation shows that the resonance is occurred 20

at 3.43 GHz, which is much close to the predicted value.
The effectiveness of the design method is further validated
by predicting the second resonance frequency for the data 40
presented in Fig. 7. In the Table- IV, the second resonant 4.25mm
frequency as a function of L1 is compared with the full-wave 50 4.75mm
simulated data. 5.25mm

From Fig. 7 and Table-IV, it can be seen that the resonant 60

2 3 4 5 6
frequencies calculated from the design method are agreeing Frequency [GHz]
well with the simulated data.
Fig. 8. Simulated return loss against frequency for the triple band antenna
with various W2 of the F-slot on the right hand side of the radiating patch;
other parameters are same as listed in Table II.
C. Third Resonance
The third resonance occurs due to the narrow strips, formed
due to the F-shaped slot at the bottom and right hand side on III. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
the radiating patch, respectively. This can also be established After optimization, the proposed antenna was fabricated
by studying the current distribution as shown in Fig. 4(c). In with the MITS-Eleven Lab PCB machine. Then to validate

0018-926X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2015.2513099, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

the simulation results, the antenna parameters were measured

by an Agilent N5230A vector network analyser. The return
loss was measured and the obtained result together with the
simulated one are shown in Fig.9. It can be observed that
the simulated and measured results display a good agreement.
The differences between the measured and simulated results
are probably due to the fabrication tolerance, substrate losses
and measurement circumstances. According to the measured
results, it is found that the proposed compact antenna can
effectively cover three separate impedance bandwidths of 760
MHz (2.0-2.76 GHz), 996 MHz (3.04-4.0 GHz) and 800 MHz
(5.2-6.0 GHz), which can well satisfy both the 2.4/5.2/5.8-GHz
WLAN bands and 2.5/3.5/5.5-GHz WiMAX bands.

Return Loss [dB]



40 Simulated

60 Fig. 11. Measured and Simulated radiation patterns of the proposed antenna
2 3 4 5 6 (a) 2.5 GHz, (b) 3.5 GHz, and (c) 5.5 GHz resonance frequencies. H-Field
Frequency [GHz] (xy-plane) and E-Field (xz-plane).

Fig. 9. Measured and simulated results of return loss for the proposed
compact slot antenna.

Parameters 2.5 GHz 3.5 GHz 5.5 GHz

Gain and efficiency variation with the frequency is shown in Gain (dBi) 1.5 1.7 3.05
Fig. 10. It is found that the gain remains consistent throughout Efficiency (%) 87 92 95
all the three bands and it varies from 1.48 dB to 1.78 dB in I
band, from 1.438 dB to 1.84 dB in II band and from 1.6 dB to
3.1 dB in III band. It is also observed from the Fig. 10 that the central operating frequency in each band. Fig.11(a)-(c) shows
radiation efficiency of the antenna varies from 70 to 95%. Both the 2-D far-field radiation patterns in the H- and E-planes
the gain and efficiency drop drastically for frequencies other at sampling frequencies of 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz, and 5.5 GHz
than the resonant bands. Table VI lists the gain and efficiency respectively. In these figures, good omni-directional radiation
at centre frequencies of WLAN/WiMAX bands. characteristics are observed.
The radiation characteristics of the proposed design are also
studied, and for brevity the radiation patterns are given at the
4 100 An optimal microstrip-fed monopole antenna with two F-
shaped slot radiators is successfully proposed, simulated and
fabricated for WLAN/WiMAX operation. Experiments are
2 80
carried out to validate the design concept and method, showing

good agreement between simulations and measurements. The


0 60 proposed antenna features compact size, good triband operat-

ing bandwidth and stable radiation patterns indicating that it
Band Band Band can be a good candidate for WLAN/WiMAX applications.
−2 40
Radiation Efficiency
−4 20
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0018-926X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2015.2513099, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

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0018-926X (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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